Empaquetado de los fuentes del kernel.

1998-10-28 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a la lista.

He estado visitando la lista de bugs, y se menciona alli que en lo sucesivo, 
que el kernel-source se entregara en tar ball, esto parece ser que es 
politica de Debian, vienen referencias a documentos, pero todavia no los he 

Segun esto, despues de instalar kernel-source, habria que desempaquetar a mano, 
y crear tambien el link de /usr/src/linux a mano.

Sin embargo, yo creo que la forma de instalar anterior era correcta, puesto que 
hay algunos paquetes que en su compilacion, dependen de algunos ficheros del 
arbol de kernel-source (linux/version.h...), creo que alguno de estos paquetes 
son el procps y el modutils y alguno mas.


Angel Vicente Perez
Dpto. Informatica
Tfno. +34-1-6070-311
Fax  +34-1-6070-331

Re: Empaquetado de los fuentes del kernel.

1998-10-28 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, Angel Vicente Perez wrote:

 He estado visitando la lista de bugs, y se menciona alli que en lo sucesivo, 
 que el kernel-source se entregara en tar ball, esto parece ser que es 
 politica de Debian, vienen referencias a documentos, pero todavia no los he 
 Segun esto, despues de instalar kernel-source, habria que desempaquetar a 
 y crear tambien el link de /usr/src/linux a mano.
 Sin embargo, yo creo que la forma de instalar anterior era correcta, puesto 
 hay algunos paquetes que en su compilacion, dependen de algunos ficheros del 
 arbol de kernel-source (linux/version.h...), creo que alguno de estos 
 son el procps y el modutils y alguno mas.

* Si al desempaquetar el .deb obtienes las fuentes desempaquetadas, cuando
quieres borrar el paquete es un lío, pues en cada directorio habrá
ficheros objeto (*.o). Ahora que el .deb contiene el código fuente
empaquetado, desinstalar el paquete es mucho más fácil.

* Antes había razones para tener el código fuente del núcleo
desempaquetado, y es que (en los viejos tiempos), podían ser objetivo de
enlaces simbólicos desde /usr/include/asm o /usr/include/linux. Como ahora
lo que se lleva es que el paquete libc6-dev contenga directorios de verdad
y no enlaces, eso ya no hace falta.

* La mayoría de los paquetes que necesitan acceder a una versión en
concreto del código fuente son módulos del núcleo de algún tipo, y ahora
hay un mecanismo para que los módulos del núcleo se puedan compilar cada
vez que se compila un nuevo núcleo, utilizando kernel-package y make-kpkg.

Bueno, que conste que esto no me lo he inventado yo, he estado traduciendo
casi literalmente un mensaje de Manoj de ayer en debian-devel :-). Si de
verdad te interesan estas cosas, harías bien en suscribirte a debian-devel
(diversión garantizada).

 2aa6a5ea997f324724e53d1bc2673f31 (a truly random sig)

Diccionario de Ingles

1998-10-28 Thread Ramiro Alba Queipo
Hola a todos:

Hace bastante tiempo que busco un diccionario de inglés para Linux (en
windows hace tiempo que
lo tengo pero no lo utilizo porque mi plataforma de trabajo es casi
siempre Linux) Freeware y no visto
nada (hay uno pero  comercial, aunque por problemas con librerias aun no
he podido ejecutar la
demo). ¿Alguien ha visto o sabe de alguno?


Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


Filesystem Hierarchy Standard - 2.0 con SLINK?

1998-10-28 Thread Ramiro Alba Queipo
Hola a todos:

¿Alguien me puede confirmar/desmentir si en la version 2.1 de debian
(slink) está implementado
FHS - 2.0 ?


Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


Re: Diccionario de Ingles

1998-10-28 Thread Sergio Talens-Oliag
El Wed, Oct 28, 1998 at 02:27:34PM +0100, Ramiro Alba Queipo escribió:
 Hola a todos:
 Hace bastante tiempo que busco un diccionario de inglés para Linux (en
 windows hace tiempo que
 lo tengo pero no lo utilizo porque mi plataforma de trabajo es casi
 siempre Linux) Freeware y no visto
 nada (hay uno pero  comercial, aunque por problemas con librerias aun no
 he podido ejecutar la
 demo). ¿Alguien ha visto o sabe de alguno?

  En slink tienes el dict y el wordnet. 

  El dict es un programa para buscar en diccionarios, tienes un
cliente y un servidor. Si quieres el servidor en tu máquina y un
diccionario completo de inglés tendrás que bajarte el webster de 1913
directamente, ya que de momento no está como paquete debian por
problemas de copiright.

  El wordnet es un diccionario de sinónimos bastante potente.

  Yo tengo los dos instalados en casa y van de cine, incluso me he
hecho un pequeño script en php3 y los consulto a través del servidor

|  Sergio Talens-Oliag, Systems  Network Administrator.|
|   |
|  Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA)  |
|  Carretera Moncada - Naquera, Km. 4,5 Telf:   +34 6 139 10 00 |
|  Apartado Oficial, 46113 Moncada (Valencia)   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  SPAINhttp://www.ivia.es/~sto |

RE: Empaquetado de los fuentes del kernel.

1998-10-28 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
 * Si al desempaquetar el .deb obtienes las fuentes desempaquetadas, cuando
 quieres borrar el paquete es un lío, pues en cada directorio habrá
 ficheros objeto (*.o). Ahora que el .deb contiene el código fuente
 empaquetado, desinstalar el paquete es mucho más fácil.

Pero si antes se hace make mrproper ¿no quedaria limpio?

 * La mayoría de los paquetes que necesitan acceder a una versión en
 concreto del código fuente son módulos del núcleo de algún tipo, y ahora
 hay un mecanismo para que los módulos del núcleo se puedan compilar cada
 vez que se compila un nuevo núcleo, utilizando kernel-package y make-kpkg.

Esto no lo entiendo, y es que no he usado nunca el make-kpkg: si quiero hacer 
una compilacion del nucleo, ¿no es necesario desempaquetar el tar ball?, ¿se 
encargaria el make-kpkg?


Angel Vicente Perez
Dpto. Informatica
Tfno. +34-1-6070-311
Fax  +34-1-6070-331

Re: Scripts...

1998-10-28 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Bueno, de nada, pero ahora te cuento...

 On Mon, Oct 26, 1998 at 12:09:24AM -0300, Phillip Neumann wrote:
 Primero que nada gracias por la ayuda
 La verdad es que no entiendo nada de perl, asique no se que hace el
 script que me diste:
 (1) while () {
 (3)if (/Hoy\, \d* me he conectado/) { $conectado=$1 }
 (4)if (/Hoy\, \d* me he desconectado) { $desconectado=$1 ;
 $x=$desconectado-$conectado if $
 desconectado  $conectado;
 print \n Tiempo total=$tiempo;
 (1) while () significa que haga los pasos 2,3,4 hasta que pase que?

El  es equivalente a STDIN y la construcción es una
simplificación de 
que quiere decir mientras haya algo que leer de la entrada

 (2) chomp: supongo que esto hace que lea algo...

No, recorta la línea para que no tenga Ctrl-N al final. Sin
parámetros actua por la variable por defecto ($@ si no recuerdo mal)

 (3) if (/Hoy\, \d* me he conectado/) { $conectado=$1 }
 Esta parte me interesa...
   si se cumple la condicion entre () se le asigna que valor a
 $conectado? (que es $1??)

Si te fijas se trata de una expresión regular, por eso ciertos
caracteres (la coma, por ejemplo) va con una barra para quitarle el sentido
que tiene en estas. El \d* significa cualquier número decimal.

De hecho me he equivocado, debería ser (\d*) para que luego
$1 tome el valor de la primera coincidencia de este valor, es decir, $1
valdrá lo que todos los números que haya dentro de la frase...

   mi archivo /var/log/internet.log se ve asi:
 Hoy, 21 de Oct a las 08:09:19 PM, = connecion
 Hoy, 21 de Oct a las 08:09:30 PM, = desconeccion
 Entoces como quedaria el script?? if (Hoy\, \d*  =
 connecion) {$conectado=$1} ???

Umm... primero pon (\d*) en lugar de eso. Segundo, los - creo que
tienes que ponerlos con \-, aunque mira mejor la página de manula 'perlre'. 
Tercero, yo he supuesto que ponías la fecha en formato númerico (contando
los segundos desde el 1 de enero de 1970) que se obtiene al hacer
'date +%s'. Si pones la fecha de 'date' entonces tienes luego que utilizar
las funciones que te da PERL para fechas (man perlfunc) para convertirla a
números y así poder restar diréctamente, que es lo que hago yo en el script.

Si te fijas lo que hago es muy simple, es sólo coger los pares
conexión/desconexión y acumular su diferencia en una variable que
será la que, al final, dirá cuanto tiempo has estado conectado.

 Estoy ancioso por acer funcional todo esto... todavia no puedo...
 hacer ¿no?
 PS: ahh y lo mas importante.. como hago funcional el script ? perl
 scritp ??

Dos opciones, lo haces ejecutable y pones directamente 
'nombre_de_script' (la
primera línea que deberá ser #!/usr/bin/perl indica el interprete), o
lo haces con 'perl nombre_de_script'

Saludete y suerte


Re: Grabador HP 7200 puerto paralelo

1998-10-28 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, Ramiro Alba Queipo wrote:

 Estoy intentado instalar los drivers de paride para tener acceso a un
 grabador de puerto paralelo HP 7200 compilando el kernel 2.0.35 [...]
 Si por el contrario lo incluyo en el kernel, al mirar la salida de
 dmesg veo las linas:
 pcd: pcd version 1.03s, major 46, nice 0
 pcd0: Autoprobe failed
 pcd: No CDrom drive found
 pg: pg version 1.01s, major 97
 pg0: Autoprobe failed
 pg: No ATAPI device detected

Prueba a quitar el CONFIG_PARIDE_PCD y deja solamente el


en el .config.

[ Al menos eso es lo que tuve que hacer yo, pero no sé si será la única
solución, lo que yo quería era que me funcionara como fuera... ]

 26ddd1e218b567f9f42a97e764c31270 (a truly random sig)

Re: Filesystem Hierarchy Standard - 2.0 con SLINK?

1998-10-28 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, Ramiro Alba Queipo wrote:

 ¿Alguien me puede confirmar/desmentir si en la version 2.1 de debian
 (slink) está implementado FHS - 2.0 ?

Te puedo confirmar que no, todavía seguimos con el FSSTND, pero vamos
siendo cada vez más permisivos. Hay muchas cosas ya en /usr/share, que
según el antiguo estándar FSSTND no deberían estar ahí, pero puesto que
tarde o temprano pasaremos al FHS no es cuestión de cambiarlas a estas
alturas. Algunos cambios se están haciendo ya, pero todavía no nos hemos
puesto de acuerdo en la forma de cambiar lo gordo (páginas man, info,
/usr/doc, etc.).

La solución que tiene ahora mismo más aceptación es modificar algunos
programas como man e info para que miren simultáneamente en directorios
FSSTND y FHS (por ejemplo, en /usr/man y en /usr/share/man), para poder
luego cambiar cada paquete individualmente cada uno a su aire, ya sin

 a6962c2e2b4a0af764f8b8a5e832f358 (a truly random sig)

Re: Diccionario de Ingles

1998-10-28 Thread villate
En el número 33 de Linux Gazette salió recientemente un artículo sobre
dict y word inspector. Puedes consultarlo por ejemplo en:


Jaime Villate

Re: Diccionario de Ingles

1998-10-28 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Oct 28, 1998 at 05:38:40PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 En el número 33 de Linux Gazette salió recientemente un artículo sobre
 dict y word inspector. Puedes consultarlo por ejemplo en:

Y naturalmente puedes bajar ambos de Slink.


Perl en linux

1998-10-28 Thread Antonio Luque

Tengo un interprete de Perl y puedo ejecutarlo sin problemas 
dentro de
/usr/bin, pero si lo hago desde otro directorio, incluso añadiendo #!
/usr/bin/perl, no me funciona. ¿Que pasa?. 
Como podeis ver no tengo mucha idea.

Un saludo.

wishlist Item ( autodial / bandwidth on demand)

1998-10-28 Thread Dimitri
Here is the thought. 

A linux box can be set to autodial a ppp connection.
How about a linux box being able to dialup a primary ppp connection (
analog modem) and if another connection is initiated and the utilization of
the primary ppp link is greater than some throughput it fires up a
secondary ppp connection ( ISDN in my case)

I am not sure if this can be accomplished with existing linux
tools/utilities... and I am not sure if ISP cooperation is needed for
something like this to work.
It probably sounds like another flavor of multilink PPP which DOES need ISP
cooperation , so it probably won't happen :)

Any ideas/thoughts on the subject are welcome :)

Dimitri P.

Re: installation problem

1998-10-28 Thread Michael B. Taylor

I have seen circumstances where cfdisk (used by the install program)
would fail, but fdisk would succeed.  Try going to the console and typing


On Tue, Oct 27, 1998 at 12:19:52PM -0800, Artin Nebel Rebekale wrote:
 while installing hamm to my thinkpad laptop i had this odd problem.
 I've already checked the linux/laptop resource pages and they had no 
 solution for this.  Basically i get to the screen to partition the 
 drive, /dev/hda is the only drive i have (and therefore the only one 
 available) but when i choose ok, it just takes me back to the menu. 
 i've tried all the different rescue disks and this same thing 
 happens.  i switched to console 2 and was able to successfully mount 
 the drive and look through it, so the drive does work.  anyone have 
 any ideas?


1998-10-28 Thread A. M. Varon
On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, Mike Holliday wrote:

 I'm having a slight problem installing Satan..when I go to the reconfig
 script..I'm not sure of the command I've used  sh
 /my/satan/directory/reconfig.sh But it's not moving or showing that it
 is working.

Forget satan.  I managed to compile it... but a PITA. Use nessus
(www.nessus.org) instead, much better.


== == Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
== == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
== = ==
==== ==   E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ==   WebPage : http://andre.lasaltech.com

Re: lynx colours

1998-10-28 Thread Mike Schmitz
On Tue, Oct 27, 1998 at 05:06:03PM +, Dave Swegen wrote:
 Is there anyone out there who could enlighten me on the topic of colours
 in lynx? IMHO the default colours are dreadful (dark-blue on black,
 anyone?). I have rtfm, but to little avail. This is something that has
 been bugging me for ages, and I would like to sort it out once and for

In lynx.cfg I changed blue to brightblue and red to brightred.  That made
it readable for me anyway.

  Mike Schmitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.bend-or.com/~mschmitz   
  Don't blame me - I voted libertarian!http://www.lp.org/ 
  Use Debian Linux - the free Gnu/Linuxhttp://www.debian.org/
 If encryption is outlawed, only outlaws will have encryption 

Re: how do I extract a 2.6 gigabyte .tar.gz file ?

1998-10-28 Thread Darxus
On 27 Oct 1998, Gary L. Hennigan wrote:


Yup :)

 I missed your original post. That's what I get for replying to you via
 someone else's reply and not reading the subject closely enough. Duh?
 Where on earth did you store this file? I could've sworn the ext2fs
 had a 2GB/file limit on it? Certainly all the file utilities do. It

fat32 filesystem.

 has to do with the file pointers being 32-bit signed integers. Nothing
 that uses a libc call is going to be able to read beyond 2^31 bits
 (which is exactly 2GB) on a 80x86 based system, e.g.
 Pentium/PentiumII/386/486 based systems.

I figured it would be something very much like that.  Any chance of, say,
changing a variable definition from 32 bit signed to 64 bit signed, and
recompiling libc ?

 | You might think that it would sit there chewing on the file for a bit
 | before it got to some point beyond what it could deal with.  Nope.  Didn't
 | even start -- failed to even open the file up.
 No, compressed files have to be read entirely before being
 uncompressed. Or at least that's a requirement of most compression
 schemes. Don't recall the exact reason though. Something about storing 
 the keys at the end of the file?

Well, I think more than that, the assignment of the pointer to the file
probably failed, before it even got to *try* to find the end of the file.

 | Any more ideas ?  :)
 Only thing I can think of is getting access to a 64-bit machine,
 decompressing the file there, tarring the contents off to tape and
 then restoring them on your machine. Or at least putting them into
 sub-2GB chunks before taking them back.

Hmm, not very likely, unfortunately.  And even if I could get access to
one, it would be quite a bear to transfer the files back  forth

 You might have some luck under Windows, though I have a deep suspicion
 that you'll get the same results?

That's what I'm guessing, but I still haven't gotten to try it.  Made a
brief attempt, but my hardware was not as cooperative as I'd hoped, so
I'll be trying again later.

Any chance I can split this thing into like, 2 pieces, and be able to
access half of it ?

***PGP fingerprint = D5 EB F8 E7 64 55 CF 91  C2 4F E0 4D 18 B6 7C 27***
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] / http://www.op.net/~darxus 
  Chaos reigns.

Re: xf86setup_3.3.2.3a-6

1998-10-28 Thread Ionutz Borcoman
Jeff Noxon wrote:
 I managed to get things running, but not with x86setup.  I had to tweak
 a lot of stuff by hand and I had to keep going back to find yet another
 X package...

Where can I find this warning message ? 

Also related: how do I know if a ftp site is good for upgrading from ?
It happened for many times that the site I was trying to upgrade from to
have a broken distribution (differences between the real files and the
contents from Packages files).



Re: /etc/host.deny and co

1998-10-28 Thread Daniel Martin
Linh Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Thank you very much!
 Another question if you don't mind?
 Someone mentionned ipfwadm. What do you think about it, how does it
 to tcpwrapper? Does one has to recompile the kernel to use ipfwadm ?

Yes, your kernel has to be compiled to support ipfwadm; no, I don't
know whether or not the default Debian kernel is.

The basic difference is where they operate.  tcpwrappers operates at
the socket level; it gets invoked after a network connection has been
made but before that connection is passed off to the actual program
that does telnet logins, or accepts mail, or ...

ipfwadm puts its blocks in at the kernel level, so that packets trying 
to establish network connections you don't want never make it
through to the kernel logic that would establish a connection.
ipfwadm is most useful when your box is acting as a router, and you
wish to protect machines on one side of the network from machines on
the other side.  But it can also be useful in your case.

As for which is more secure - ipfwadm is certainly the one to use
for the ultra-paranoid.  It is possible that a SYN-flood type DOS
attack (an attack where some malicious person tries to initiate as
many connections as possible in rapid succession - the idea isn't to
break in, but just to bog down your machine and so make your life
miserable) could get through on a tcpwrapper-protected machine and be
blocked on an ipfwadm-secured machine.  However, since you are leaving
port 80 (http connections) open anyway, the attacker would just have
to target that port in their SYN flood.  Also, in my case my machine
is just connected through a phone line, and so packets of any kind can 
only reach my machine comparatively slowly.

tcpwrappers provides for more extensive logging of what's going on in
my experience; I have this silly idea that some day I'm going to get
to file a CERT report because some hacker who'd hacked their way
across many systems wound up in my logs.  Hasn't happened yet, but you
never know...

By the way, that hosts.deny line I use is now:
ALL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] : rfc931 : spawn ((echo %c %a contacting %d; 
/bin/netstat --inet -n; traceroute -p 31434 %a) 21 | mail root)

The echo and dumping to a file in /tmp were earlier debugging
features I meant to change but had never gotten around to.


1998-10-28 Thread David S. Zelinsky
Since I dual boot with Win95, I have my hardware clock set to local time.
I don't use Win95 much any more (read: my wife now uses Linux :), so I figure
I might as well change over to UTC, so Linux will handle daylight/standard
time correctly (I hope).

How do I make that change?  I can't find any documentation on this.

David Zelinsky

Australia: Debian CD Retail Re-sellers wanted.

1998-10-28 Thread Tyson Dowd

I'm looking for Debian-friendly people in Australia who would be
interested in re-selling Debian CDs in a retail outlet.
I usually do mail/internet-order Debian CDs (at http://tyse.net),
but people often find it easier to pick them up from a store (they are
often in a rush).

I'm looking for people in cities or large regional centres other
than Melbourne (I already have an outlet in Melbourne).
You need to have a retail front and useful opening hours, and be in a
reasonably central location.  Internet Cafes or software stores would
be excellent choices, but almost any kind of retail store should
be able to do the trick.

Debian CDs will be provided on consignment, you will be listed as
an outlet on the web page.  People who are in a rush to pick
up a CD will be referred to your location.  I'm not asking for
any money up front -- and you will be able to make a percentage on
the CDs, and pay me for those you sell -- if they don't sell you
just have to send them back.

This is nothing fancy -- the CDs are simply burned Debian CDs
with the latest stable distribution on them, or occasionally snapshots
or beta-releases.  If interest continues to rise, I may do some
pressed CDs and printed materials at some point as well.
You aren't expected to provide installation or technical support
(though you can if you like).

I'm doing this because it seems to sell more Debian CDs, which is good
for me, you, and Debian.  If you are interested, let me know where you
are and what kind of store you are running.

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

Tyson Dowd   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://tyse.net

[Fwd: [Fwd: irq timeouts and ide resets]]

1998-10-28 Thread marvin stodolsky
The following is  liable to be relevant to newer motherboards newer
powersave BIOSs---BeginMessage---
Thanks Marvin,

I went into the Power Management settings and disabled them all and
sure enough problems have disappeared.  Now if I could just get it to make
coffee in the morning...

Thanks again!


  Good Morning,
  Has anyone ever encountered an error like this?
  hda: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
  ide0: reset: success
 On a Compaq 486 laptop, that type of message appeared under Linux
 until I went into the Setup (at power on) and disabled the Option like:
   the drive go to sleep after n minutes without use 
 Perhaps there is an energy spacer option enabled in your setup BIOS?
 There are kernel build options affecting this, but I have no experience
 with them yet.  Let us know when you work this out.
---End Message---

Re: how do I extract a 2.6 gigabyte .tar.gz file ?

1998-10-28 Thread Michael Stone
Quoting Darxus ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Any chance I can split this thing into like, 2 pieces, and be able to
 access half of it ?

First half--no problem; second half--no go. Did you try
  filname tar zxf -

Mike Stone

Fwd: irq timeouts and ide resets

1998-10-28 Thread iodine
I am having this problem on a IDE MODE4 1gb disk running on a 486 PCI
motherboard.. WIll investigate tonight.. if changing some settings to OFF
will fix it.. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.. Been bugging me..

-Original Message-
From: George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: marvin stodolsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: debian_user debian-user@lists.debian.org
Date: Wednesday, 28 October 1998 14:42
Subject: Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: irq timeouts and ide resets]]

On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, marvin stodolsky wrote:

 The following is  liable to be relevant to newer motherboards newer
 powersave BIOSs

Note: These errors are common on UDMA disks even without any powersaver
features enabled.

George Bonser

The Linux We're never going out of business sale at an FTP site near you!

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Fw: [Fwd: [Fwd: irq timeouts and ide resets]]

1998-10-28 Thread iodine
Thanks to all.. this may fix what I have problems with..

-Original Message-
From: George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: marvin stodolsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: debian_user debian-user@lists.debian.org
Date: Wednesday, 28 October 1998 14:42
Subject: Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: irq timeouts and ide resets]]

On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, marvin stodolsky wrote:

 The following is  liable to be relevant to newer motherboards newer
 powersave BIOSs

Note: These errors are common on UDMA disks even without any powersaver
features enabled.

George Bonser

The Linux We're never going out of business sale at an FTP site near you!

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Voodoo 2

1998-10-28 Thread Michael Beattie
On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, Alvaro Reguly wrote:

 Hello ..
 I've set up q2 and installed libglide2_2.4-3.deb but i can't get my 
 monster II to work .. q2 works only in 320xsomething in 
 +vid_ref soft not vid_ref gl.
 I've read  somewhere that i need to run q2 with a script called 
 quake2.3dfxgl or something like that, but i can't find this script.
 any hint ?

If I have a good memory, glide does not yet support voodoo2. Although I
may not.. You'd have to check the glide homepage. I dont know the URL

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   Windows: the world's first commercially successful virus!
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!


1998-10-28 Thread zhongming
i want bulte some independent www and email server on one
windowsNT4.0 machine.
anyone can tell me how?
thank you 


Re: lynx colours

1998-10-28 Thread mwb
On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, Dave Swegen wrote:

 Is there anyone out there who could enlighten me on the topic of colours
 in lynx? IMHO the default colours are dreadful (dark-blue on black,
 anyone?). I have rtfm, but to little avail. This is something that has
 been bugging me for ages, and I would like to sort it out once and for
Here's how I've changed my /etc/lynx.conf to contain.  I haven't figured
out what color 3 does.

#0 - Normal text
#1 - Link
#2 - The Info bar at bottom of page
#4 - Bold text
#5 - Bold link
#6 - Current Link
#7 - Searched item
# white seems to be a bit gray


Alt keycodes..

1998-10-28 Thread Michael Beattie

Is there an equivalent way to use the alt keycodes to enter
highascii?? I remember in windows, Alt- would display lovely
characters... It's more a matter of intertest than anything else. 

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
Does The Little Mermaid wear an algebra?
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Linux on 4Mb

1998-10-28 Thread G. Crimp
On Tue, Oct 27, 1998 at 11:49:08AM +0100, Bostjan JERKO wrote:
 Is it possible to install Linux on machine with 4 Mb and of course it should 

Don't know about Debian 2.0, but I installed Debian 1.3 on a 486sx
25MHz with 5 MB of RAM and a ~110MB harddrive.  I had about 16MB of memory
after using about 12MB of the harddrive for a swap partition.  And swap it
did, especially when running X.  With a fairly minimal install that included
X-Window I used about 60MB of the harddrive.  When I added the kernel
sources and a graphical card game, about another 15 MB of disk space were
eaten up.

It worked, but couldn't do much with it except play cards :)



Getting cmucl hemlock to work.

1998-10-28 Thread Christopher Barry
I grabbed all of the cmucl packages, and the Lisp is working okay but I
can't invoke the hemlock editor no matter how many times I do (ed) or
run cmuclconfig to set up the loading. After running a generic Debian
installation of the packages, what am I supposed to do to get hemlock or
any of the X stuff working?

Also, is this hemlock really the best way, or is XEmacs better?


Re: My mail doesn't work at all :((((((((((((((( (fwd)

1998-10-28 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, George Bonser wrote:

 On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, M.C. Vernon wrote:
   I just installed Exim on a new system. The fix is this:
  This still doesn't work :((
 Ok, then you are getting a new error in the rejectlog, what is this one?

err, no actually. /var/log/exim contains only one rejectlog - and that is
.9.gz and contains three lines:

1998-10-20 02:55:17 refuesed relay (host reject) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] H=localhost cus.cam.ac.uk [] mcv21}



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: My mail doesn't work at all :((((((((((((((( (fwd)

1998-10-28 Thread Steve Lamb
On Wed, 28 Oct 1998 00:08:18 -0800 (PST), George Bonser wrote:

On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, M.C. Vernon wrote:


Ok then use this:


If one is using IPs don't you want to use:


 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: how do I extract a 2.6 gigabyte .tar.gz file ?

1998-10-28 Thread Andreas Neukoetter


They are both lovely suggestions, unfortunately the problem is a bit more
substantial.  The 1st thing I tried was tar -zxvf home.tgz, and a couple
of the things I tried soon after that were cat and less.  Neither of which
read any of it -- less is the only thing that did anything useful, which
was saying Cannot seek to that file position which made me think hmm,
did I hear something about stuff not being able to seek past 2gb??

You might think that it would sit there chewing on the file for a bit
before it got to some point beyond what it could deal with.  Nope.  Didn't
even start -- failed to even open the file up.

Any more ideas ?  :)

Try to patch your gzip/cat/less (for whatever you have the source).
The kernel definitly can handle files up to 4gig.
i think some old tools use long int for the filepos ... which gets you into
when trying to use the high/sign-bit (2 gig = 2^31, 4 gig = 2^32).

i would be more specific ... but i'm at work and only got this f...ing
N(o)T(hanx) Machine :(

i think you should watch out for seek and lseek (or something similar).

btw: please don't mind my bad english ... ;)


Re: quake 2 on debian

1998-10-28 Thread Frank Barknecht
Vincent Murphy hat gesagt: // Vincent Murphy wrote:

 exactly what packages will i need?
 i got all the quake2 packages from slink/non-free/binary-i386/quake*
 and hamm/non-free/binary-i386/libglide*.
 what else will i need which is not on the hamm cd?
 i'm getting all the extra stuff i need in college and bringing it home on
 sneakernet :)

quake2_3.19a-1.deb depends on: 
ldso, libc6, svgalibg1 | xlib6g, perl
   BTW: You could get this info yourself with 
   $ dpkg --info quake2_3.19a-1.deb

Other than that you will only need the game Quake2 from id software wich 
is not available as a debian package ;)

You only need libglide if you have a Voodoo card. If you get no mouse
support in quake, stop gpm before playing:
   $ gpm -k 
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: Voodoo 2

1998-10-28 Thread Frank Barknecht
Alvaro Reguly hat gesagt: // Alvaro Reguly wrote:

 I've set up q2 and installed libglide2_2.4-3.deb but i can't get my 
 monster II to work .. q2 works only in 320xsomething in 
 +vid_ref soft not vid_ref gl.
 I've read  somewhere that i need to run q2 with a script called 
 quake2.3dfxgl or something like that, but i can't find this script.

Maybe someone in 3dfx's linux newsgroup could help you. It's at
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: how do I extract a 2.6 gigabyte .tar.gz file ?

1998-10-28 Thread Keith Beattie
Darxus wrote:
  Where on earth did you store this file? I could've sworn the ext2fs
  had a 2GB/file limit on it? Certainly all the file utilities do. It
 fat32 filesystem.
 Well, I think more than that, the assignment of the pointer to the file
 probably failed, before it even got to *try* to find the end of the file.

Hang on a second here, if the file exceeds the size limit of the file
system, how did it get there in the first place?  If nothing in libc
can grok it, what created it?

Something is amiss here.  What I understand you to be saying is
something like this: I built a desk in my garage that I want to give
it to a friend but I can't get it out of my garage because it is
bigger than my garage!

Are you sure the size is truly over 2 Gigs?

How about od or writing your own C or perl cat program to see
where they fail?


md driver problem

1998-10-28 Thread Rodrigo Moya
Hi all!

I've been trying to install Linux (Suse, Debian, RedHat...) in a Pentium MMX
200 with 3 hard disks and a cdrom, but with either distribution, the boot-up
process hangs up in the same place (never mind whether started from DOS boot
disk, Linux boot disk, cdrom...). This is the output I get:

hda: Maxtor 90432D3, 4121MB w/256 cache, CHS=8374/16/63
hdb: SAMSUNG WINNER-3 WN32543A(2.5GB), 2423MB w/109kB cache,
hdc: ST3290A, 249MB w/64kB cache, CHS=1001/15/34
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1ft,0x3f6 on irq14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irq 15
no cont in shutdown
floppy0: FDC access conflict
Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
trying to lock fdc while usage count = 0
floppy0: no floppy controllers found
md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8

Of course I've got a floppy disk controller. I've tried disabling it but the
results are the same. I would appreciate any help because now I've been
trying to install linux in this computer for almost six months and in the
meanwhile I have to use linux on a 386.

Please help me


Re: md driver problem

1998-10-28 Thread Peter Iannarelli
hello Rodrigo:

I've never seen problems with a floppy before. Thats a good one.

Try booting a DOS floppy if you can to see what happens.

Try resetting the CMOS to the manufacturers defaults. You may also
try removing the two hard drives on your second IDE chain for the install.
You can reconnect and initialize them once your up and running.

First - check your physical connections. You never know, something may
have shaken loose.

Assuming the FD controller is on the motherboard, you may want to
go to the manufacturer web site as see if there is a firmware update


Rodrigo Moya wrote:

 Hi all!

 I've been trying to install Linux (Suse, Debian, RedHat...) in a Pentium MMX
 200 with 3 hard disks and a cdrom, but with either distribution, the boot-up
 process hangs up in the same place (never mind whether started from DOS boot
 disk, Linux boot disk, cdrom...). This is the output I get:

 hda: Maxtor 90432D3, 4121MB w/256 cache, CHS=8374/16/63
 hdb: SAMSUNG WINNER-3 WN32543A(2.5GB), 2423MB w/109kB cache,
 hdc: ST3290A, 249MB w/64kB cache, CHS=1001/15/34
 hdd: MATSHITA CR-585, ATAPI CDROM drive
 ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1ft,0x3f6 on irq14
 ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irq 15
 no cont in shutdown
 floppy0: FDC access conflict
 Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
 trying to lock fdc while usage count = 0
 floppy0: no floppy controllers found
 md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8

 Of course I've got a floppy disk controller. I've tried disabling it but the
 results are the same. I would appreciate any help because now I've been
 trying to install linux in this computer for almost six months and in the
 meanwhile I have to use linux on a 386.

 Please help me


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
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adr:;;20 Madison Ave.;Toronto;ON;M5R 2S1;CA
fn:Peter Iannarelli

FW: md driver problem

1998-10-28 Thread Andreas Loosen
Hi, Peter,

It doesn't seen to be a floppy problem but the md-driver seems to hang.

Andreas Loosen

 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Iannarelli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 1998 11:28 AM
 To: Rodrigo Moya
 Cc: Debian User List
 Subject: Re: md driver problem

 hello Rodrigo:

 I've never seen problems with a floppy before. Thats a good one.

 Try booting a DOS floppy if you can to see what happens.

 Try resetting the CMOS to the manufacturers defaults. You may also
 try removing the two hard drives on your second IDE chain for the install.
 You can reconnect and initialize them once your up and running.

 First - check your physical connections. You never know, something may
 have shaken loose.

 Assuming the FD controller is on the motherboard, you may want to
 go to the manufacturer web site as see if there is a firmware update


 Rodrigo Moya wrote:

  Hi all!
  I've been trying to install Linux (Suse, Debian, RedHat...) in
 a Pentium MMX
  200 with 3 hard disks and a cdrom, but with either
 distribution, the boot-up
  process hangs up in the same place (never mind whether started
 from DOS boot
  disk, Linux boot disk, cdrom...). This is the output I get:
  hda: Maxtor 90432D3, 4121MB w/256 cache, CHS=8374/16/63
  hdb: SAMSUNG WINNER-3 WN32543A(2.5GB), 2423MB w/109kB cache,
  hdc: ST3290A, 249MB w/64kB cache, CHS=1001/15/34
  hdd: MATSHITA CR-585, ATAPI CDROM drive
  ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1ft,0x3f6 on irq14
  ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irq 15
  no cont in shutdown
  floppy0: FDC access conflict
  Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
  trying to lock fdc while usage count = 0
  floppy0: no floppy controllers found
  md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8
  Of course I've got a floppy disk controller. I've tried
 disabling it but the
  results are the same. I would appreciate any help because now I've been
  trying to install linux in this computer for almost six months
 and in the
  meanwhile I have to use linux on a 386.
  Please help me
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

org:GenX Internte Labs;Operations
adr:;;20 Madison Ave.;Toronto;ON;M5R 2S1;CA
fn:Peter Iannarelli

Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: irq timeouts and ide resets]]

1998-10-28 Thread schulte
According to George Bonser:
 On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, marvin stodolsky wrote:
  The following is  liable to be relevant to newer motherboards newer
  powersave BIOSs
 Note: These errors are common on UDMA disks even without any powersaver
 features enabled.

I had these errors with two Seagate disks (850 MB, 2.3 GB) when they shared
the _same_ IDE channel (/dev/hda, /dev/hdb). When the 2.3 GB disk was moved
to the other channel (/dev/hdc) as _master_, the problem disappeared 
completely. The second disk tolerates an IDE CD-ROM as slave. 
(Kernel 2.0.36pre15, AMD K6-233, Soyo 5TF (?) Triton board).


Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Schulte
Bergische Universitaet-GH/HRZ (Computing Center)
Gaussstr. 20
D-42097 Wuppertal (Germany)
Tel. +49-202-4392807, Fax +49-202-4392910

Re: FW: md driver problem

1998-10-28 Thread Peter Iannarelli
Hay all:

I think md is for the ramdisk.
how much memory is available ?


Andreas Loosen wrote:

 Hi, Peter,

 It doesn't seen to be a floppy problem but the md-driver seems to hang.

 Andreas Loosen

  -Original Message-
  From: Peter Iannarelli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 1998 11:28 AM
  To: Rodrigo Moya
  Cc: Debian User List
  Subject: Re: md driver problem
  hello Rodrigo:
  I've never seen problems with a floppy before. Thats a good one.
  Try booting a DOS floppy if you can to see what happens.
  Try resetting the CMOS to the manufacturers defaults. You may also
  try removing the two hard drives on your second IDE chain for the install.
  You can reconnect and initialize them once your up and running.
  First - check your physical connections. You never know, something may
  have shaken loose.
  Assuming the FD controller is on the motherboard, you may want to
  go to the manufacturer web site as see if there is a firmware update
  Rodrigo Moya wrote:
   Hi all!
   I've been trying to install Linux (Suse, Debian, RedHat...) in
  a Pentium MMX
   200 with 3 hard disks and a cdrom, but with either
  distribution, the boot-up
   process hangs up in the same place (never mind whether started
  from DOS boot
   disk, Linux boot disk, cdrom...). This is the output I get:
   hda: Maxtor 90432D3, 4121MB w/256 cache, CHS=8374/16/63
   hdb: SAMSUNG WINNER-3 WN32543A(2.5GB), 2423MB w/109kB cache,
   hdc: ST3290A, 249MB w/64kB cache, CHS=1001/15/34
   hdd: MATSHITA CR-585, ATAPI CDROM drive
   ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1ft,0x3f6 on irq14
   ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irq 15
   no cont in shutdown
   floppy0: FDC access conflict
   Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
   trying to lock fdc while usage count = 0
   floppy0: no floppy controllers found
   md driver 0.35 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8
   Of course I've got a floppy disk controller. I've tried
  disabling it but the
   results are the same. I would appreciate any help because now I've been
   trying to install linux in this computer for almost six months
  and in the
   meanwhile I have to use linux on a 386.
   Please help me
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
org:GenX Internte Labs;Operations
adr:;;20 Madison Ave.;Toronto;ON;M5R 2S1;CA
fn:Peter Iannarelli

Re: md driver problem

1998-10-28 Thread Rodrigo Moya
Try booting a DOS floppy if you can to see what happens.
I've been using all this time Windows on this computer, and the floppy works
perfectly well. Usually, I start the installation process by booting with a
DOS disk, and then executing boot.bat from the cd.

Try resetting the CMOS to the manufacturers defaults. You may also
try removing the two hard drives on your second IDE chain for the install.
You can reconnect and initialize them once your up and running.
Well, now I've got four disks, but before I had only one and the CD and the
results were worst, since the installation process used to stop after
detecting the disks.

Assuming the FD controller is on the motherboard, you may want to
go to the manufacturer web site as see if there is a firmware update
What do you mean by firmware update?

Thanks very much

Re: md driver problem

1998-10-28 Thread Rodrigo Moya
It doesn't seen to be a floppy problem but the md-driver seems to hang.
Sorry for me being stupid, but what exactly is the MD-driver?

Thanks very much

Re: FW: md driver problem

1998-10-28 Thread Rodrigo Moya
I think md is for the ramdisk.
how much memory is available ?
I've got 64MB of memory


mutt won't send mail?

1998-10-28 Thread Victor Torrico

I recently installed mutt_0.94.14-2.deb.

Everything works OK except sending Mail.

I get the following error message when I send mail:

Error sending message, child exited 127 ().

All help appreciated.

Best regards,


Re: FW: md driver problem

1998-10-28 Thread Peter Iannarelli

You certainly have lots of RAM.
Disconnect  the two HDs on the 2nd IDE chain and try again.

Check the manufacturers WEB site for firmware updates.


Rodrigo Moya wrote:

 I think md is for the ramdisk.
 how much memory is available ?
 I've got 64MB of memory

org:GenX Internte Labs;Operations
adr:;;20 Madison Ave.;Toronto;ON;M5R 2S1;CA
fn:Peter Iannarelli

Re: md driver problem

1998-10-28 Thread Rodrigo Moya
The Multiple-Device-Driver for HD-Mirroring and Striping
So, what does this mean? What should I change in the BIOS or wherever?

Re: mutt won't send mail?

1998-10-28 Thread James Dietrich
On Wed, Oct 28, 1998 at 05:57:53AM -0500, Victor Torrico wrote:
 I recently installed mutt_0.94.14-2.deb.
 Everything works OK except sending Mail.
 I get the following error message when I send mail:
 Error sending message, child exited 127 ().
 All help appreciated.
 Best regards,
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I really don't like adding a me too, but it does this for me, as well.

I might add that sending mail with the 'mail' command (at the command line)
works just fine, so it's not a problem with the MTA.



RE: [SuSE Linux] bitmap to outline postscript

1998-10-28 Thread Ted Harding
On 19-Oct-98 I wrote:
 Does anyone know of a package that can take a bitmapped
 black-and-white image and produce PostScript outline code which would
 draw the equivalent?

I am most obliged to everyone who responded to the above request.

Several people suggested Corel Draw or other commercial software (which
does not as yet, it seems, run under LInux). However, I donot propose to
go down such roads as yet.

Special thanks to Karl Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED], joint creator of
GNU fontutils, for drawing my attention to this (which seems made for the

In its original (1992) form, however, this does not compile easily
(i.e. for me not at all) under Linux. I am therefore also grateful
to Oliver Corff, [EMAIL PROTECTED], for his work in changing
it so that it does compile more easily. However, this is for RedHat-5.1,
and it still did not compile on my SuSE-5.1. This may have been a glibc
problem. Anyway, with a few changes I was able to get Oliver's version to
compile. Details are as follows:

Get Oliver's version (gnu fontutils-0.6 for Linux) from

Untar. If necessary, change GNUmakefile.in to reflect your basic X
directories (you will probably find that the default /usr/X11R6/lib/X11,
/usr/X11R6/include and /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults need no change).

Also (and you probably will need to make this change) in two places
in GNUmakefile.in replace /usr/local/tex.local by wherever your TeX texmf
tree is. Namely, at line 30 I changed
  texmf_prefix = /usr/local/tex.local
  texmf_prefix = /usr/lib/teTeX/texmf
and at line 59 I changed
  default_tfm_path = /usr/local/tex.local/fonts//:.
  default_tfm_path = /usr/lib/teTeX/texmf/fonts//:.

Finally (and this is where the possible glibc issue arises), in the file
lib/fmod.c at and around line 53, I removed everything to do with the line
  extern int isnan(),finite();
The reason is that math.h, already included, defines these as macros and
the compiler treats the above occurrences as cpp macro calls, with
unwanted results.

After these changes were made, I got a clean compilation. Now I only need
to find out how to really use the fontutils!

Best wishes to all,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 28-Oct-98   Time: 12:37:22

PostScript - Acrobat

1998-10-28 Thread Nuno Carvalho

 Is there any package which convert postscript format for acrobat !?


 Best regards,
   Nuno Carvalho

   Nuno Emanuel F. Carvalho
 Dep. Informatics Engineering
University of Coimbra

  PGP key available at finger

Re: PostScript - Acrobat

1998-10-28 Thread Michael Stone
Quoting Nuno Carvalho ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Is there any package which convert postscript format for acrobat !?

gs-alladin will do it, and contains a ps2pdf script to automate the

Mike Stone

Re: conflicts in Debian Distributions

1998-10-28 Thread Kenneth Scharf


Antti-Juhani wrote on debian-user:
 On Mon, Oct 26, 1998 at 11:05:42AM -0800, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
  I would agree however, that a good description of each package would
  help you decide what to install.
 Please tell me, what you would consider a good description!  Feel free
 to pick some packages and rewrite their descriptions; you can post the
 results here (or to debian-devel, if you prefer) for public scrutiny.

I can't speak for Kenneth, but one thing I find is that there are
very little comparative descriptions (or else I haven't found them).

This makes it a bit hard to decide, say, which news transport I want.
Each of them says basically this is a better news transport program,
replaces c-news. But which one should I get for my system? (Home
computer, regularly dials into two ISPs, doesn't feed anyone.)

Is that roughly what you were complaining about?
Exactly.  The descriptions are not really that bad, but not good
enough for a new user to pick what he needs.  I thought that the
debian website had a better package list with a searchable database,
which is the tool that the new user could really use.  Also when I try
to install some package obtained by ftp (using dpkg -i) and it
complains of a missing lib or other file I need to know what package
provides the missing file(s).

Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Printing to a Novell network printer

1998-10-28 Thread Clovis Sena
Hi all,

so is that possible? How can I print to Novell network printer, where i
put the queues?

NOTE: I work in a environment that includes Win95+dos6.22 as clients,
Win NT and Novell 3.12 as servers ( running a mix of database+ intranet
nad internet access + mail(most uses outlooks/messenger) )   ; so I
would like to introduce Linux as a option as server ( files + web
services) as workstation ( that needs access all of these resources. Its
driving me crasy! So I need helP :).begin:  vcard
fn: Clovis Sena/Servicos Recife Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil
n:  Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil;Clovis Sena/Servicos Recife
org:Grupo Itautec Philco
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:  Assistencia Tecnica/Technical Support
note:   We use and see Linux as a new begining!!!
 Com a graca de Deus chegaremos la 
Thank you for making a bether world!!!
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE

Re: how do I extract a 2.6 gigabyte .tar.gz file ?

1998-10-28 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Wed, Oct 28, 1998 at 12:53:53AM -0800, Keith Beattie wrote:
 Darxus wrote:
   Where on earth did you store this file? I could've sworn the ext2fs
   had a 2GB/file limit on it? Certainly all the file utilities do. It
  fat32 filesystem.

 Hang on a second here, if the file exceeds the size limit of the file
 system, how did it get there in the first place?  If nothing in libc
 can grok it, what created it?

Perhaps it's still ON the fat32 file system.

Mind you, it's a bit of a worry we are being outdone by Windows.
A 2Gb limit is almost unreasonable these days; I have some 400-500Mb
MPEG video files here, so a 2Gb one isn't out of the question,
especially with DVD.

Latest Debian packages at ftp://ftp.rising.com.au/pub/hamish. PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.   http://hamish.home.ml.org

Re: FW: md driver problem

1998-10-28 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, Peter Iannarelli wrote:

 : Hay all:
 : I think md is for the ramdisk.

No, md is Multiple Device Driver.  Usually it's the NEXT driver that's
hanging, and that's almost always a SCSI driver.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.midco.net
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Using debian as a file server

1998-10-28 Thread Clovis Sena
Hi all, 

what do I need to make a win95 to see and uses my Debian as a file
server A print server is also available?? how can I configure all of

Any help is wellcome!!!Thanks.Clovis Sena.

NOTE: I work in a environment that includes Win95+dos6.22 as clients,
Win NT and Novell 3.12 as servers ( running a mix of database+ intranet
and internet access + mail(most uses outlooks/messenger) )   ; so I
would like to introduce Linux as a option as server ( files + web
services) as workstation ( that needs access to all of these resources.)
Its driving me crasy! So that's why I need helP :).begin:  vcard
fn: Clovis Sena/Servicos Recife Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil
n:  Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil;Clovis Sena/Servicos Recife
org:Grupo Itautec Philco
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:  Assistencia Tecnica/Technical Support
note:   We use and see Linux as a new begining!!!
 Com a graca de Deus chegaremos la 
Thank you for making a bether world!!!
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE

mutt won't send mail

1998-10-28 Thread Tad R. Thurston

I had the same problem with mutt (child exiting, error 127()) and found
that it was trying to call /usr/bin/sendmail instead of /usr/sbin/sendmail.
I believe this has now been patched, but a logical link from 
/usr/bin/sendmail to the one in /usr/sbin works for me for the present
Tad R. Thurston 

Re: exim filters and/or procmail

1998-10-28 Thread Lee Bradshaw
On Mon, Oct 26, 1998 at 08:33:19PM -0800, George Bonser wrote:
 BTW your mail is probably in smail's input queue. Try running smail -v -q

Thanks, that worked. I switched to smail temporarily and then back to exim.

I use fetchmail to get some of my mail. exim got the first few messages,
but now it refuses the next message in the queue. Is there a way to
get exim to accept this message? I didn't see this mentioned in the
fetchmail section of the FAQ. I'll switch back to smail again so I can
get clean out my POP queue.

Message with strange address that exim is rejecting:

  fetchmail: POP3 RETR 1
  fetchmail: POP3 +OK 2249 octets
  reading message 1 of 72 (2249 bytes)
  fetchmail: SMTP 220 freefall ESMTP Exim 1.92 #1 Wed, 28 Oct 1998 08:19:38 
  fetchmail: SMTP EHLO freefall
  fetchmail: SMTP 250-freefall Hello freefall []
  fetchmail: SMTP 250-SIZE
  fetchmail: SMTP 250-PIPELINING
  fetchmail: SMTP 250 HELP
  fetchmail: forwarding to freefall
  fetchmail: SMTP MAIL FROM:@pop.mindspring.com SIZE=2249
  fetchmail: SMTP 501 @pop.mindspring.com : colon expected after route
  fetchmail: SMTP error: 501 @pop.mindspring.com : colon expected after route
  fetchmail: SMTP MAIL FROM:lee SIZE=2249
  fetchmail: SMTP 501 lee : sender address must contain a domain
  fetchmail: SMTP error: 501 lee : sender address must contain a domain
  fetchmail: POP3 QUIT
  fetchmail: POP3 This message was created automatically by mail delivery 
  fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from pop.mindspring.com
  fetchmail: SMTP QUIT
  fetchmail: SMTP 221 freefall closing connection
  fetchmail: normal termination, status 10

After switching to smail and retreiving the message, I noticed that
was generated by exim at work. (I fixed the .forward file that was
causing this message.) Here is the message in the smail input queue
after retreiving it with smail:

!8 8

Status: R
Received: from pop.mindspring.com
by freefall (fetchmail-4.3.9 POP3)
for lee/freefall (single-drop); Wed, 28 Oct 1998 08:51:46 EST
Received: from tetsuo.mspring.net (tetsuo.mspring.net [])
by camel9.mindspring.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id VAA11636
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 27 Oct 1998 21:16:23 -0500 (EST)
Received: from marine.sonic.net (marine.sonic.net [])
by tetsuo.mspring.net (8.8.8/8.8.6) with SMTP id VAA01545
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 27 Oct 1998 21:16:20 -0500 (EST)
Received: (qmail 11289 invoked from network); 28 Oct 1998 02:16:21 -
Received: from unknown (HELO sub.sonic.net) (
  by marine.sonic.net with SMTP; 28 Oct 1998 02:16:21 -
Received: from gemini ([EMAIL PROTECTED] [])
by sub.sonic.net (8.8.8/8.8.5) with ESMTP id SAA30871
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 27 Oct 1998 18:16:21 -0800
Received: from mail by gemini with local (Exim 1.92 #1 (Debian))
id 0zYL9o-0005ou-00; Tue, 27 Oct 1998 18:16:20 -0800
X-Failed-Recipients: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Mail Delivery System [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 18:16:20 -0800

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to all of its recipients. The
following address(es) failed:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - bad mode (100666) for /users/heegard/.forward
(userforward director):
retry timeout exceeded

-- This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. --

Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received: from camel7.mindspring.com [] 
by gemini with esmtp (Exim 1.92 #1 (Debian))
id 0zYL9n-0005os-00; Tue, 27 Oct 1998 18:16:19 -0800
Received: from freefall (user-38lcpvd.dialup.mindspring.com [])
by camel7.mindspring.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id VAA05137
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 27 Oct 1998 21:16:12 -0500 (EST)
Received: from lee by freefall with local (Exim 1.92 #1 (Debian))
id 0zYLAc-kq-00; Tue, 27 Oct 1998 21:17:10 -0500

On Tue, Oct 27, 1998 at 07:53:08AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 # Exim filter
 if error_message then finish endif
 if $h_X-Mailing-List: contains debian-user or
$h_X-Mailing-List: contains debian-changes 
save /home/servis/Mail/debian 
 if $h_X-Mailing-List: contains debian-devel 
save /home/servis/Mail/debian-devel 

Thanks, that's a good starting point. I'll try it when I get exim working

Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
Alantro Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

wmaker icons

1998-10-28 Thread Tim \(the Unslept\) Sailer
I somehow/somewhere/sometime lost my wmaker-* xpm, png and tif files... I guess
across an upgrade somehow. Can someone tarball them up from their system
and send them to me? I'll put them in a private dir. I really liked some of
then... besides, now my wmaker has blank tiles instead of nice color pics


 (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] / (home) [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.buoy.com/~tps
 Great successes are built on taking your negatives and turning them around.
-- Sumner Redstone
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

Unidentified subject!

1998-10-28 Thread Darxus

From: Michael Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Quoting Darxus ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Any chance I can split this thing into like, 2 pieces, and be able to
  access half of it ?
 First half--no problem; second half--no go. Did you try
  filname tar zxf -

Just tried it, and it didn't work.
BTW: I found the command split, and tried breaking a .tar.gz in half to
see if I could still extract some of it, and, as you said, with the test
file, I was able to extract the first half.  Unfortunately, split isn't
able to deal with a 2.6gb file either.


From: Andreas Neukoetter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Try to patch your gzip/cat/less (for whatever you have the source).

hey, I'm running Debian, I can get all source :)

But would I need to patch gzip/tar/cat/less, or would it be libc I'd be
patching ?  I'm guessing libc... and how much of a bear is that to
recompile ?  

 The kernel definitly can handle files up to 4gig.
 i think some old tools use long int for the filepos ... which gets
 you into trouble
 when trying to use the high/sign-bit (2 gig = 2^31, 4 gig = 2^32).

Is it safe to just use an unsigned long (is the +/- bit being used ?) ?

Wait... is there a signed integer type larger than a signed long ?


From: Keith Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hang on a second here, if the file exceeds the size limit of the file
 system, how did it get there in the first place?  If nothing in libc
 can grok it, what created it?

I created it on a fat32 filesystem with a command similar to:
tar -zcvf /mnt/c/home.tgz /home

with a fat32 filesystem mounted at /mnt/c

 Something is amiss here.  What I understand you to be saying is
 something like this: I built a desk in my garage that I want to give
 it to a friend but I can't get it out of my garage because it is
 bigger than my garage!

Yeah, something like that.  Aparently tar/gz don't have a problem
continuing to append to files as they go over 2gb, as long as they were
less when the file was originally opened (in this case, 0).

 Are you sure the size is truly over 2 Gigs?

ls -l
total 2699568
-rwxrwxr-x   1 root root   735435 Oct 10 19:14 etc.tgz
-rwxrwxr-x   1 root root 293212 Oct 10 21:10 home.tgz
-rwxrwxr-x   1 root root 96898501 Oct 10 19:43 old.tgz
-rwxrwxr-x   1 root root20829 Oct 10 19:14 root.tgz

 How about od or writing your own C or perl cat program to see
 where they fail?

od home.tgz

I'm not familiar w/ od, but I'm guessing that output means it wasn't all
that successful...

I'm pretty confident I know where it's failing -- I have recollections of
code segments, it's just been a while since I've seen them.  I'm guessing
it's where it originally tries to open the file.

From: Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Perhaps it's still ON the fat32 file system.

Yup, I had tried copying it back to my ext2 filesystem, and it ended up
iwth a file size of 0.

***PGP fingerprint = D5 EB F8 E7 64 55 CF 91  C2 4F E0 4D 18 B6 7C 27***
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] / http://www.op.net/~darxus 
  Chaos reigns.

Re: dselect can't download Packages.gz

1998-10-28 Thread Paul Quinn
Thanks for the offer Peter, but this isn't a newbie issue for me. I've been 
using debian for 2 years and never encountered this problem before. For a 
temporary workaround I downloaded the entire stable debian distro and am using 
dselect via the 'mounted' method. But this is impracticle and static, which is 
why I need to get dselect going via 'ftp'. 
Is there any settings or script I can edit for dselect? Any way to force it to 
download the Packages which dselect itself knows is there? Any fix for dselect 
(or is it dpkg-ftp's fault)?

Paul Quinn

 Peter Iannarelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/27 3:22 PM 
Hi Paul:

Try ftp.debian.org.

Assuming your the Corel in Ottawa.
I'm going to be in Ottawa on Sunday. If all else fails
I can burn a CD for you. Let me know.


Paul Quinn wrote:

 Here's what I get from dselect using the ftp method:

 Enter ftp site [ftp.us.debian.org]:

 Use passive mode [y]:

 Enter username [anonymous]:

 If you are using anonymous ftp to retrieve files, enter your email
 address for use as a password.  Otherwise enter your password,
 or ? if you want dpkg-ftp to prompt you each time.

 Enter password [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 

 Enter debian directory [/debian]:
 Go through an authenticated FTP proxy [n]:

 Note: order here is important.  Package files are scanned in order so
 later distributions will override earlier ones.

 So put stable before unstable.

 Enter space seperated list of distributions to get
 [dists/stable/main dists/stable/non-free dists/stable/contrib]:

 Enter directory to download binary package files to
 (relative to /var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/)

 Using FTP to check directories...(stop with ^C)

 Connecting to ftp.us.debian.org...
 Login as anonymous...
 Setting transfer mode to binary...
 Cd to `/debian'...
 Checking dists/stable/main/binary-i386...
 Checking dists/stable/non-free/binary-i386...
 Checking dists/stable/contrib/binary-i386...
 Closing ftp connection...

 Now when I Update...:

 Getting Packages files...(stop with ^C)

 Connecting to ftp.us.debian.org...
 Login as anonymous...
 Setting transfer mode to binary...
 Cd to `/debian'...

 Checking for Packages file... Couldn't find Packages.gz in
 dists/stable/main/binary-i386 or dists/stable/main; ignoring.

 Checking for Packages file... Couldn't find Packages.gz in
 dists/stable/non-free/binary-i386 or dists/stable/non-free; ignoring.

 Checking for Packages file... Couldn't find Packages.gz in
 dists/stable/contrib/binary-i386 or dists/stable/contrib; ignoring.

 Any Ideas?

 Hay Paul:
 We maintain a debian mirror over here. I just checked everything and all 
 looks fine.
 When your specifying your distribution root, you should use /pub/debian.
 Everything is relative from that point forward. ie dists/stable/main ...
 Paul Quinn wrote:
  Hello Peter,
  I've tried several debian sites: ftp.debian.org   ftp.us.debian.org   
  They all produce the same results... This has to be a dselect or dpkg-ftp 
  problem, but I don't know where to go from there.
   Peter Iannarelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/27 11:07 AM 
  Hi Paul:
  That not very good. From what are you installing ?
  Paul Quinn wrote:
   I'm trying to use dselect with the ftp method for accessing debian 
   packages. I use a correct site and dist names (the Access step complete 
   successfully), but the Update step fails to retrieve the Packages.gz 
   files. It complains that it can't find Packages or Packages.gz in any 
   of the main/non-free/contrib trees, which I and the Access step both 
   verified are there.
   Any help to this?
   Paul Quinn
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


 Subject: Re: dselect can't download Packages.gz
 Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 12:14:49 -0500
 From: Peter Iannarelli [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: GenX Internet Laboratories Inc.
 References: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hay Paul:

 We maintain a debian mirror over here. I just checked everything and all 
 looks fine.
 When your specifying your distribution root, you should use /pub/debian.
 Everything is relative from that point forward. ie dists/stable/main ...


 Paul Quinn wrote:

  Hello Peter,
  I've tried several debian sites: ftp.debian.org   ftp.us.debian.org   
  They all produce the same results... This has to be a dselect or dpkg-ftp 
  problem, but I don't know where to go from there.
   Peter Iannarelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/27 11:07 AM 
  Hi Paul:
  That not very good. From what are you installing ?
  Paul Quinn wrote:
   I'm trying to use dselect with the ftp method for accessing debian 
   packages. I use a correct site and dist names (the Access step complete 
   successfully), but the Update step fails to retrieve the Packages.gz 
   files. It complains that it can't 

Re: Using debian as a file server

1998-10-28 Thread Kent West
Clovis Sena wrote:
 Hi all,
 what do I need to make a win95 to see and uses my Debian as a file
 server A print server is also available?? how can I configure all of
 Any help is wellcome!!!Thanks.Clovis Sena.
 NOTE: I work in a environment that includes Win95+dos6.22 as clients,
 Win NT and Novell 3.12 as servers ( running a mix of database+ intranet
 and internet access + mail(most uses outlooks/messenger) )   ; so I
 would like to introduce Linux as a option as server ( files + web
 services) as workstation ( that needs access to all of these resources.)
 Its driving me crasy! So that's why I need helP :).

I'm sure others will give you better answers. Basically you need Samba
running on your Linux box. This will allow it to look like an NT server
to Win95/98/NT boxes. I'm too new at Linux to be of much help, but
here's what I know.

Install Samba (run dselect and search [the / key] for Samba). After it's
installed, the configuration is done in /etc/smb.conf. Here's an
excellent snippit from a posting by Fredrik Ax a month or two ago:

 If you use security = share no user/password information at all is
 needed to access the public shares on the machine. But if you like to
 restrict the access you will have to do it for each and every share in
 shares example:
   comment = Public read only
   browseable = yes
   read only = yes
   public = yes
   path = /public_readable_path
   comment = Read/write for all
   browseable = yes
   writable = yes
   public = yes
   path = /public_writable_path
   comment = Read/write for user student
   browseable = yes
   writable = yes
   public = no
   path = /student_path
   valid users = student

In addition to these configurations, there's something about creating a
password file for Samba. Some of the documentation is wrong in Samba's
docs. AFAIK, the only way to generate the password file is to use the
smbpasswd command. It works something like smbpasswd john_doe_user;
this asks you for a password for John Doe User. Note this password is a
different password than his login password, although you can set it to
the same thing. In other words, you can specify the same password for
both login and samba, but when he changes one, he doesn't change the
other automatically.

Assuming your Linux box is named dangermouse, and using the snippet
above, you can then go to a Win95 box and map a drive to

Hope this at least gets you going in the right direction.

Re: clearing screen after logout login screen

1998-10-28 Thread stick
jim r said
 How do I clear the screen after logout? so...instead of walking up on 
 the remnants of the X server terminating and a login prompt, all that 
 shows on the screen is the login prompt... what script is it? 
Personally, I don't like the shell-specific solutions.  As system 
administer I like having this sort of configuration as simple as possible.
I equate this as meaning one or fewer places - if you implement the
bash_logout solutions then you'll have to implement the equivalent
solution for [t]csh, and what about zsh and rsh and ...

 For that matter, how can I change the login prompt itself?both lines 
 (Debian GNU/Linux (name) ttyX and login: )?
Do it all in /etc/issue*.  (There are version's of getty that automatically
clear teh screen, but that doesn't address the changing the text, so you
still end-up editing/maintaining these files.)

I setup /etc/issue* like such:

lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root9 Oct 27 22:45 issue - issue.pnd
-rw-rw-r--   1 root root   25 Apr 26  1998 issue.dpkg-orig
-rw-rw-r--   1 root root 1403 Sep 15 00:02 issue.linux
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   11 Sep 28 23:19 issue.net - issue.linux
-rw-rw-r--   1 root root 2290 Oct 28 01:14 issue.pnd

Any editing can be done off-line and to change the file all I have to
do remove and recreate the appropriate sym-link.

I've played around a bit with various files, here's one that uses several
ANSI features including Characterset change, color, bold and blink attributes,
and most of the variables supported by getty: System Name(\s), OS Release
Number(\r), Machine Architecture(\m), OS vesion and Build Date(\v),
Nodename(\n), TTY Line Name(\l), Domainname(\o), Line's Baud Rate(\b),
Date(\d), Time(\t), Number of Users(\u).  (I ommitted \U...)

The ESCapes have been changed to '^['...

Copyright 1998 Charles A. Stickelman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This file is covered by version 2 (or any later version) of the GPL.
^[[H ^[[J ^[(U ^[[31;40;1m
^[[2;1H? ^[[2;80H?
^[[4;1H? ^[[4;80H?
^[[6;1H? ^[[6;40H? ^[[6;80H?
^[[7;1H? ^[[7;40H? ^[[7;80H?
^[[8;1H? ^[[8;40H? ^[[8;80H?
^[[9;1H? ^[[9;40H? ^[[9;80H?
^[[11;1H? ^[[11;40H? ^[[11;80H?
^[[12;1H? ^[[12;40H? ^[[12;80H?
^[[13;1H? ^[[13;40H? ^[[13;80H?
^[[14;1H? ^[[14;40H? ^[[14;80H?
^[[16;1H? ^[[16;80H?
^[[17;1H? ^[[17;80H?
^[[18;1H? ^[[18;80H?
^[[20;1H? ^[[20;40H? ^[[20;80H?
^[[21;1H? ^[[21;40H? ^[[21;80H?
^[[23;1H? ^[[23;40H? ^[[23;80H?
^[[2;30Hto ^[[36mDebian GNU/\s Release^[[37m: ^[[33m2.0^[[37m
^[[4;3HBrought to you by:
^[[6;3H^[[36mSoftware In The Public Interest^[[37m
^[[7;3HP.O. Box 70152
^[[8;3HPt. Richmond, CA 94807-0152 USA
^[[6;42H^[[36mFree Software Foundation^[[37m
^[[7;42H59 Temple Place - Suite 330
^[[8;42HBoston, MA 02111-1307 USA
^[[11;3H^[[36mOpen Software Developers Worldwide^[[37m
^[[12;3HThe world owes a giant Thank You!
^[[13;3Hto Linus Torvalds et. al. for their
^[[14;3HHUGE investment of time and energy!
^[[11;42H^[[36mPractical Network Design^[[37m
^[[12;42H9 Chambers Road
^[[13;42HMansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA
^[[16;3HSystem Information:
^[[17;3H^[[36m\s Kernel Version^[[37m:^[[33m \r^[[37m-^[[33m\m
^[[18;3H^[[36mBuild Info^[[37m:^[[33m \v
^[[20;3H^[[36mSystem Name^[[37m:^[[33m \n
^[[20;42H^[[36mTerminal^[[37m:^[[33m \l
^[[21;3H^[[36mDomain Name^[[37m:^[[33m \o
^[[21;42H^[[36mLine Speed^[[37m:^[[33m \b
^[[23;3H^[[36mDate/Time^[[37m:^[[33m \d \t
^[[23;42H^[[37m^[[36mCurrent Users^[[37m:^[[33m \u

It's been said that this is a bit over the top...too much late-night time
on my hands...maybe I should try sleep...na...


Chuck Stickelman, Owner E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Practical Network DesignVoice:  +1-419-529-3841
9 Chambers Road FAX:+1-419-529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA

How do you make the X Icons, Fonts, Everything bigger

1998-10-28 Thread Joe Smith
Whenever I run Windows in 1024x768 mode, I get decent 
quality fonts and icons in terms of size.

how can i run x in the same mode with much larger fonts
and icons?

Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

How to check for new packages at debian.org ??

1998-10-28 Thread Andreas Neukoetter


is there it tool which allows me to check for new packages at debian.org ??

i simply want to get a list of _all_ packages that are newer than the ones on
the last (official) cd.

i've got a very fast connection at work so it would be very easy to update my
mirror (at home).
(it's not a real mirror ... it's just an archive of _all_ packages ...)

since i've got to use N(o)T(hanx) at work i can't use a simple script :8

any ideas ???

kind regards / mit freundlichen gruessen
Andreas Neukoetter

Re: How to check for new packages at debian.org ??

1998-10-28 Thread Nikolai Andreyevich Luzan
On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, Andreas Neukoetter wrote:

 is there it tool which allows me to check for new packages at debian.org ??
 i simply want to get a list of _all_ packages that are newer than the ones on
 the last (official) cd.
 i've got a very fast connection at work so it would be very easy to update my
 mirror (at home).
 (it's not a real mirror ... it's just an archive of _all_ packages ...)
 since i've got to use N(o)T(hanx) at work i can't use a simple script :8
 any ideas ???
apt-get update :) if you point it at the right place apt will get the
list of current packages for you, my /etc/apt/sources.list file looks
like this:

deb http://ftp.questnet.net.au/debian unstable main contrib non-free
deb http://ftp.questnet.net.au/debian stable main contrib non-free
deb http://ftp.questnet.net.au/debian-non-US stable/binary-i386/
deb http://ftp.questnet.net.au/debian-non-US unstable/binary-i386/

but it cam be just as easily pointed at any mirror you want :) 


lost mail

1998-10-28 Thread chadi
Hi !
  due to a power failure i lost some email from this list.  id very much like 
it if someone can send in all messages regarding that question on sample 
/etc/hosts.deny  co. config ... denying all telnet  ftp access.

guilemots () from a US AT keyboard

1998-10-28 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.


On the one hand, if anyone needs mail-merge, I now  have a working 
patch to lyx that does it.

On the other, I need to use european quotes (guillemots (sp)), those  
and , as delimiters.  How in the world do i enter them from a US 

To make it more fun, it's an AT keyboard--one alt on the left, control 
where it belongs, and capslock in the lower right.  No extra compose 
key or windows key.

Can I use xmodmap to make shift-alt- and  do this?



Re: lost mail

1998-10-28 Thread Stephen A. Witt
On Thu, 29 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi !
   due to a power failure i lost some email from this list.  id very much like 
 it if someone can send in all messages regarding that question on sample 
 /etc/hosts.deny  co. config ... denying all telnet  ftp access.

Are you aware that all messages from this list are archived at the Debian
web sites, such as http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/ ?  Might I
suggest that you go there and pickup any messages that you may have missed
or that are of interest to you.  There is a pretty good search facility at
the bottom of the page.  This list is busy enough without repeating mail.

RE: conflicts in Debian Distributions

1998-10-28 Thread Person, Rod
This morning I was rebuilding my system and I selected perl and
perl-base. And a got a strange conflict dependency error. It said:

perl (version numbers from hamm stable) depends on perl-base.
perl-base conflicts with perl

I don't understand that one. But it would not install them.

Rod Person

Humanity is the biggest cancer ever to be seen!
-Alx Hellid 

 Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 1998 2:17 PM
 To:   Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 Subject:  Re: conflicts in Debian Distributions
 Antti-Juhani wrote on debian-user:
  On Mon, Oct 26, 1998 at 11:05:42AM -0800, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
   I would agree however, that a good description of each package
   help you decide what to install.
  Please tell me, what you would consider a good description!  Feel
  to pick some packages and rewrite their descriptions; you can post
  results here (or to debian-devel, if you prefer) for public
 I can't speak for Kenneth, but one thing I find is that there are
 very little comparative descriptions (or else I haven't found them).
 This makes it a bit hard to decide, say, which news transport I want.
 Each of them says basically this is a better news transport program,
 replaces c-news. But which one should I get for my system? (Home
 computer, regularly dials into two ISPs, doesn't feed anyone.)
 Is that roughly what you were complaining about?

wmaker 0.20.2

1998-10-28 Thread Mike Wood

Is this package broken?  This morning I did a apt-get upgrade and
now wdm and wmaker no longer work.  Is anybody else seeing this problem?
I can provide more info upon request.


Re: how do I extract a 2.6 gigabyte .tar.gz file ?

1998-10-28 Thread Rainer Clasen

  | Any more ideas ?  :)
  Only thing I can think of is getting access to a 64-bit machine,
  decompressing the file there, tarring the contents off to tape and
  then restoring them on your machine. Or at least putting them into
  sub-2GB chunks before taking them back.

I don't know how to get it there, but you might be able to read it from a
raw device (/dev/hdd /dev/nst0 ...)

Maybe this works: Since you have it on fat32: defragment this file, find
where it is located and use dd if=/dev/hd?? skip=XX count=YY | zcat | tar...


KeyID=58341901 fingerprint=A5 57 04 B3 69 88 A1 FB  78 1D B5 64 E0 BF 72 EB

Re: conflicts in Debian Distributions

1998-10-28 Thread Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
Please, if you are cc:-ing me, only cc my reply-to address.

On Wed, Oct 28, 1998 at 11:46:32AM -0500, Person, Rod wrote:
 This morning I was rebuilding my system and I selected perl and
 perl-base. And a got a strange conflict dependency error. It said:
 perl (version numbers from hamm stable) depends on perl-base.
 perl-base conflicts with perl
 I don't understand that one. But it would not install them.

Perl-base has a versioned conflict to perl, ie it conflicts only with
sufficiently old perl.  So, your perl is too old for perl-base.

Can you tell me which versions of perl and perl-base you have selected
and which versions you have installed?  How were you trying to install
the new ones, with dselect or by hand, or with apt?

Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho A7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** URL:http://www.iki.fi/gaia/ 

   The FAQ is your friend.
Trust the FAQ.

Re: wmaker 0.20.2

1998-10-28 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Oct 28, 1998 at 08:50:02AM -0800, Mike Wood wrote:

   Is this package broken?  This morning I did a apt-get upgrade and
 now wdm and wmaker no longer work.  Is anybody else seeing this problem?
 I can provide more info upon request.

Yes. I totally screwed up this time. I can reupload libwraster1 or recompile
wdm. I have done the later. The new package is available from 


That should solve the problem.


Re: wmaker icons

1998-10-28 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Oct 28, 1998 at 11:02:33AM -0500, Tim the Unslept Sailer wrote:

 I somehow/somewhere/sometime lost my wmaker-* xpm, png and tif files... I 
 across an upgrade somehow. Can someone tarball them up from their system
 and send them to me? I'll put them in a private dir. I really liked some of
 then... besides, now my wmaker has blank tiles instead of nice color pics

Another one of my screw ups this week. wmaker-data moved the icons from
/usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps/ to /usr/share/icons; I thought about that,
but I did only half the thinking :-( Update your IconPath in
~/GNUstep/Defaults/WindowMaker to include this path.

Moral: don't package things half asleep. Do it either completely awake or
completely asleep. :-)

I'm really sorry, 


smail statistics

1998-10-28 Thread Pere Camps

Anybody know of a log file parser for smail that shows some nice
statistics that can be put on the web?

Something like analog for apache, but for smail.


Salutacions, Pere     __oUltima Ratio Regum
  2:343/108.91   -  _`\;_mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP key available ---  (_)/ (_)  http://casal.upc.es/~pere/

Re: how do I extract a 2.6 gigabyte .tar.gz file ?

1998-10-28 Thread Kenneth Scharf

Perhaps it's still ON the fat32 file system.

Mind you, it's a bit of a worry we are being outdone by Windows.
A 2Gb limit is almost unreasonable these days; I have some 400-500Mb
MPEG video files here, so a 2Gb one isn't out of the question,
especially with DVD.

Pehaps it's time for the ex3fs?  Hmmm, might look at the source for
ex2fs (and all utilities) for file pointers and change the type to
long int (64 bit int anyway).  Probably not as simple as that, but it
sure needs to be done.  

I wonder what happens now if I try to create a tar image over 2gb (on
my tape drive, that is).  Probably will work since the image is never
really a file as long as it stays on the tape.

Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

web mail

1998-10-28 Thread Pere Camps

Does anybody know of a program I can install on my system that
will give my users web mail capabilites? 

Something like hotmail but without slowness and ads.


Salutacions, Pere     __oUltima Ratio Regum
  2:343/108.91   -  _`\;_mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP key available ---  (_)/ (_)  http://casal.upc.es/~pere/

Re: My mail doesn't work at all :((((((((((((((( (fwd)

1998-10-28 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, George Bonser wrote:

 On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, M.C. Vernon wrote:
  A message that you sent could not be delivered to all of its recipients.
  The following address(es) failed:
  SMTP error from remote mailer after end of data:
  host taurus.cus.cam.ac.uk []:
  550 rejected:
  cannot route to sender [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sorry to keep on, but this is begginning to really bug me :(
 Oh, it looks like you configured the system for local mail only. This
 means that it can not send mail to any sites except localhost. Rerun
 eximconfig with the --force option and tell it you are an internet site or
 a site with a smarthost and give it your ISP's or campus' mailhost as the

Nope - I've just run eximconf again, and said I'm an internet site. No joy
(BTW - this was how it was set up originally) - exactly the same errors :(


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Corrupted links in rcXXX.d in Debian2.0

1998-10-28 Thread MarioGiammarco
Hello to everyone,

I have corrupted by mistake links in /etc/rcXXX.d.

How can I reconstruct the right links to reflect my actual setup?

Thank You in advance for your replies

Mario Giammarco 
Via Calamandrei, 5 -48022 Lugo (RA) 0545/22965-ITALY

Re: colors in text-mode

1998-10-28 Thread Adrian Bridgett
On Tue, Oct 27, 1998 at 12:30:56PM -0800, jim r wrote:
 Once more the newbie asks a question:
 I was wonderinghow might I get the login prompt to use some colors? 
 nothing fancy...just the text in a color other than white.

Use something gross like this in /etc/issue (but leave issue.net without the

This is \n running Debian \s. Linux kernel is 
It is \t on \d and you are logging in on \l.

I think man 5 termcap lists those funky numbers.

NB: The whole prompt is in bold (aka bright colours).


email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.poboxes.com/adrian.bridgett
Windows NT - Unix in beta-testing.   PGP key available on public key servers
Avoid tiresome goat sacrifices  -=-  use Debian Linux http://www.debian.org

Re: web mail

1998-10-28 Thread m*
On Wed, Oct 28, 1998 at 05:31:30PM +, Pere Camps wrote:
.   Does anybody know of a program I can install on my system that
.will give my users web mail capabilites? 

you hit the nail on the head when you said Webmail!

see http://www.woanders.de/~wastl/webmail/

i haven't installed this yet but it looks nice, is written in perl,
has MIME support, and has language options for English, German, Italian 
and Swedish.

pretty cool.

freshmeat.net probably has other solutions as well.




Horseman of the Digital Apocolypse


1998-10-28 Thread Stephen A. Witt
I'm mirroring the binary-i386 portion of the Debian distribution on a
machine at work because my company (actually huge corporate entity) has a
firewall, naturally.  Moreover, this firewall has some very non-standard
proxies that I have not been able to get to work with the apt method of
dselect.  My mirror machine has a modem and that gives me normal access to
the Internet (though very slow), but at least I have a machine within the
company intranet that has a Debian distribution that I can use to support
my other machines.

My question has to do with the naming of directories in the Debian
distribution.  I've been mirroring 'stable' now for a while --
main/binary-all, main/binary-i386, contrib/binary-all,
contrib/binary-i386, and non-free/binary-all, non-free/binary-i386.  Now I
decided to start mirroring 'unstable', with the same portions of the
distribution as above.  But I'm running into problems because 'stable' and
'unstable' are soft links to 'hamm' and 'slink' I guess and in
unstable/main/binary-all/something there are links to
hamm/main/binary-all/something instead of to
stable/main/binary-all/something.  When mirror tries to link the files
it fails on my system because I don't have a hamm directory, only stable.  
So this seems to mean that I must not use 'stable' and 'unstable', but
'hamm' and 'slink'.

So I guess if I want to mirror only part of the distribution (binary-all
and binary-i386) I need to manually add the soft links between the code
name of the distribution (e.g. slink) and the canonical name of the
distribution (e.g. unstable).  I was trying to stay away from the code
names and use only the canonical names.  Is this right?

Re: web mail

1998-10-28 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 PC == Pere Camps [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

PC Does anybody know of a program I can install on my system that
PC will give my users web mail capabilites? 


I wanted to try it myself, but didn't find the time to do it.


Problems with Networks

1998-10-28 Thread Paul \Baloo\ Johnson
Ok, Ive tried and tried looking through all the support stuff on the
Debian site, but I just can't figure out how to get my Intel EtherExpress
PRO/10+ Adapter to work.  Intels site wasn't informative, either...
Please help!


Re: Mirrors

1998-10-28 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
Stephen A. Witt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| I'm mirroring the binary-i386 portion of the Debian distribution on a
| machine at work because my company (actually huge corporate entity) has a
| firewall, naturally.  Moreover, this firewall has some very non-standard
| proxies that I have not been able to get to work with the apt method of
| dselect.  My mirror machine has a modem and that gives me normal access to
| the Internet (though very slow), but at least I have a machine within the
| company intranet that has a Debian distribution that I can use to support
| my other machines.
| My question has to do with the naming of directories in the Debian
| distribution.  I've been mirroring 'stable' now for a while --
| main/binary-all, main/binary-i386, contrib/binary-all,
| contrib/binary-i386, and non-free/binary-all, non-free/binary-i386.  Now I
| decided to start mirroring 'unstable', with the same portions of the
| distribution as above.  But I'm running into problems because 'stable' and
| 'unstable' are soft links to 'hamm' and 'slink' I guess and in
| unstable/main/binary-all/something there are links to
| hamm/main/binary-all/something instead of to
| stable/main/binary-all/something.  When mirror tries to link the files
| it fails on my system because I don't have a hamm directory, only stable.
| So this seems to mean that I must not use 'stable' and 'unstable', but
| 'hamm' and 'slink'.
| So I guess if I want to mirror only part of the distribution (binary-all
| and binary-i386) I need to manually add the soft links between the code
| name of the distribution (e.g. slink) and the canonical name of the
| distribution (e.g. unstable).  I was trying to stay away from the code
| names and use only the canonical names.  Is this right?

I'm only mirroring hamm, but I think the best way to do it is to copy
the structure on the Debian ftp site. They have stable and unstable as
soft links to hamm and slink, respectively. So what I do is:

% ls -l local mirror directory/debian/dists
drwxr-xr-x   6 glhenni  user   512 Oct 22 01:52 hamm/
drwxr-xr-x   2 glhenni  user   512 Oct 22 13:35 slink/
lrwxr-xr-x   1 glhenni  user 4 Sep 24 13:31 stable - hamm/
lrwxr-xr-x   1 glhenni  user 5 Sep 21 14:49 unstable - slink/

and I actually mirror the named directory, in this case hamm. I
manually created the stable and unstable soft links so that
dselect and apt would work properly. Note, again, that even though I
have a slink/unstable pair I'm not really mirroring them, yet. So
the relevant part of my mirror config file looks like:

  local_dir=local mirror directory/debian/dists/hamm

Of course having to manually create the soft links isn't exactly
elegant but that's the price I pay for not mirroring the entire Debian 


FW: mail failed, returning to sender

1998-10-28 Thread Mario Bertrand
I debian users,

Can anybody give me a explanation for that returned email? If you get my email,
of course :-), I will try direct smtp instead of smail.



Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 13:07:58 -0500 (EST)
To: mbert
Subject: mail failed, returning to sender

|- Failed addresses follow: -|
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... transport smtp: 550
[EMAIL PROTECTED]... we do not relay
|- Message text follows: |
Received: by localhost
via smail from stdin
id [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Debian Smail3.2.0.101)
for unknown; Wed, 28 Oct 1998 13:07:51 -0500 (EST) 
Content-Length: 17
X-Mailer: XFMail 1.2 [p0] on Linux
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 13:07:51 -0500 (EST)
From: Mario Bertrand [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[body not included]

--End of forwarded message-

Message de: Mario Bertrand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé par Xfmail, le 28-Oct-98 à 13:47:19

apropos in man corrupted ! - howto fix ?

1998-10-28 Thread Geoffrey L. Brimhall
At some point, my apropos has gotten corrupted so that it never returns

I've tried un-installing man-db, and re-installing it, but it apropos still
does not work.

Though I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, when I issue 'catman' as
super-user, I get the following error:

catman: cannot read database /var/catman/index.bt: No such file or directory
catman: unable to update /usr/man
catman: cannot read database /var/catman/local/index.bt: No such file or
catman: unable to update /usr/local/man
catman: cannot read database /var/catman/X11R6/index.bt: No such file or
catman: unable to update /usr/X11R6/man

At one point I had suspected that maybe a slink upgrade which I did caused the
corruption, so I have downgraded to installing the man-db that came with hamm.

Re: Problems with Networks

1998-10-28 Thread Lee Bradshaw
On Wed, Oct 28, 1998 at 12:24:23PM -0600, Paul Baloo Johnson wrote:
 Ok, Ive tried and tried looking through all the support stuff on the
 Debian site, but I just can't figure out how to get my Intel EtherExpress
 PRO/10+ Adapter to work.  Intels site wasn't informative, either...
 Please help!

Did you compile the driver as a module or into the kernel? You might
need to turn on experimental support for this card.

Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
Alantro Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: **IMPORTANT** Slink sendmail and libdb2

1998-10-28 Thread John Goerzen
Remco van de Meent [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, Oct 27, 1998 at 08:35:35AM -0600, John Goerzen wrote:
  : Would it be possible for the sendmailconfig to update these databases? 
  : It wouldn't be that hard, I think.  Also, how about updating the defailts
  : so that they are stored in /etc/mail instead of /etc?
 They default to /etc/mail, except for aliases.db, which should be in /etc
 (Debian Policy, 4.5).

I know what policy says, but this is not how it works.  mailertable,
etc. are in /etc and not /etc/mail.

 Because of the different db-structures you can use (hash, btree, etc.), I'd
 say don't let an automatic install program update those databases. It should
 even be able to process customized sendmail.cf's in order to work without
 failure. I personally wouldn't want any program changing those databases

It's a pain to manually have to run a long makemap command each time
something is updated.  There has GOT to be a better way...

John Goerzen   Linux, Unix consulting  programming   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Developer, Debian GNU/Linux (Free powerful OS upgrade)   www.debian.org |
Visit the Air Capital Linux Users Group on the web at http://www.aclug.org

Re: lprng and disabling network printer

1998-10-28 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Pere Camps wrote:
   How do you disable the 'printer' port for remote connections if
 you're using lprng?

Edit /etc/lpd.perms so it has a couple of lines saying sth. like this

# reject all connections from remote machines

and make sure that you have no other `SERVICE=X' lines in that file.
Also, these lines should appear before the `DEFAULT' line.  Now you can do
a `/etc/init.d/lprng reload', and remote connections will be blocked.
   /'`\  zzzZ  | My PGP Public Key is available at:
  ( - - )   | http://home1.inet.tele.dk/renehl/
 Don't ya just hate it when there's not enough room to fin 

Re: FW: mail failed, returning to sender

1998-10-28 Thread Samuel Tardieu
 Mario == Mario Bertrand [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mario I debian users, Can anybody give me a explanation for that
Mario returned email? If you get my email, of course :-), I will try
Mario direct smtp instead of smail.

There's a good chance that the problem doesn't come from you, but from 
the targeted email address.


PS/ no need to copy debian-french when you write in english :)
Samuel Tardieu -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Netscape and gunzip

1998-10-28 Thread Armin Joellenbeck

I'm missing in Netscape the feature to gunzip downloaded files on the fly.
I'm sure to have seen this in non-Debian installations. How it could be setup.

Armin Joellenbeck 


1998-10-28 Thread Knutte Bergstrom
Need help.

I am not get my printer to print
lpr.log says cannot execv /etc/magicfilter/dj550c-filter

if i remove from /etc/printcap the line
the printer works, but with a blank printout

there is no communication problem !!
so far i now the dj550c-filter is the right filter to use

anyone who has an idea ?

using kernel 2.1.125

Knutte BergstromLinux :-)

Re: Printing to a Novell network printer

1998-10-28 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov
One option is to install Novell-nfs on the Netware server. It includes
lpd. At least that what we do at NYU to enable Windows, Mac and Unix to


On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, Clovis Sena wrote:

 Hi all,
 so is that possible? How can I print to Novell network printer, where i
 put the queues?
 NOTE: I work in a environment that includes Win95+dos6.22 as clients,
 Win NT and Novell 3.12 as servers ( running a mix of database+ intranet
 nad internet access + mail(most uses outlooks/messenger) )   ; so I
 would like to introduce Linux as a option as server ( files + web
 services) as workstation ( that needs access all of these resources. Its
 driving me crasy! So I need helP :).

Re: mutt won't send mail?

1998-10-28 Thread wtopa

I had the same problem as well. I thought I had done something wrong
with my qmail setup ( I had. forgot to install maildirsmtp) but that
didn't fix it.  I them compiled up mutt-0.93.2.tar.gz and installed
it.  That fixed the problem for me.  Might the -94xxx.deb possibly be 

Subject: Re: mutt won't send mail?
Date: Wed, Oct 28, 1998 at 06:43:24AM -0500


 On Wed, Oct 28, 1998 at 05:57:53AM -0500, Victor Torrico wrote:
  I recently installed mutt_0.94.14-2.deb.
  Everything works OK except sending Mail.
  I get the following error message when I send mail:
  Error sending message, child exited 127 ().
  All help appreciated.
  Best regards,
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 I really don't like adding a me too, but it does this for me, as well.
 I might add that sending mail with the 'mail' command (at the command line)
 works just fine, so it's not a problem with the MTA.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

It's not just a computer -- it's your ass.
-- Cal Keegan

Re: **IMPORTANT** Slink sendmail and libdb2

1998-10-28 Thread Richard A Nelson
Sendmail slowly is moving everything to /etc/mail - but they haven't hit
all the databases yet.

I can update the features for Debian, and move the default files from
/etc/ to /etc/mail/

Without parsing /etc/mail/sendmail.mc, I can't tell what type of
encoding is used for the databases, so I don't think I can do the
makemaps automagically ;-{

Rick Nelson

On 28 Oct 1998, John Goerzen wrote:

 Date: 28 Oct 1998 13:02:19 -0600
 From: John Goerzen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Remco van de Meent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject: Re: **IMPORTANT** Slink sendmail and libdb2
 Resent-Date: 28 Oct 1998 19:02:26 -
 Resent-From: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
 Remco van de Meent [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Tue, Oct 27, 1998 at 08:35:35AM -0600, John Goerzen wrote:
   : Would it be possible for the sendmailconfig to update these databases? 
   : It wouldn't be that hard, I think.  Also, how about updating the defailts
   : so that they are stored in /etc/mail instead of /etc?
  They default to /etc/mail, except for aliases.db, which should be in /etc
  (Debian Policy, 4.5).
 I know what policy says, but this is not how it works.  mailertable,
 etc. are in /etc and not /etc/mail.
  Because of the different db-structures you can use (hash, btree, etc.), I'd
  say don't let an automatic install program update those databases. It should
  even be able to process customized sendmail.cf's in order to work without
  failure. I personally wouldn't want any program changing those databases
 It's a pain to manually have to run a long makemap command each time
 something is updated.  There has GOT to be a better way...

Re: Debian Questions

1998-10-28 Thread Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho
On Wed, Oct 28, 1998 at 03:30:28PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 because it needs an MTA and doesn't know about qmail.

Use the qmail-src package available at a mirror of the non-free
section near you.

Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho A7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** URL:http://www.iki.fi/gaia/ 

   The FAQ is your friend.
Trust the FAQ.

Re: **IMPORTANT** Slink sendmail and libdb2

1998-10-28 Thread Remco van de Meent
On Wed, Oct 28, 1998 at 03:39:51PM -0500, Richard A Nelson wrote:

 : Without parsing /etc/mail/sendmail.mc, I can't tell what type of encoding
 : is used for the databases, so I don't think I can do the makemaps
 : automagically ;-{

People can't be obligated not to edit sendmail.cf, instead of using
sendmail.m4 to generate sendmail.cf, imho. So you also need to do parsing in
sendmail.cf, I guess.

I don't think you want to do that. A possibility is maybe to include a
sample script that people can alter, which updates the databases in
/etc/mail ?


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