Off-topic: (Humor) EL PAJARO DE LA SUERTE....

1998-11-29 Thread disaster
¡ Hola a todos !

Recibi esto y pense que a nadie le vendria mal algo de humor.


*   __*
*__  __   _/  |_  *
*   (_  _  \|__|/\_  /\_   _\___/\_   Debian 2.0 hamm   *
* \ \\  \  /  ___/\__  \/  ___/|  /  __ \_  __ \  2.0.34 i586 *
*_/ /_)  ) \ \ / __ \ \|  \  ___/|  | \/  Mutt 0.91.2 *
*   / __/__/ _(  )_)__|\ \__| *
*   \/ \/  \/   \/[EMAIL PROTECTED]  *

Arranque desde disco duro

1998-11-29 Thread Oscar González
Hola :-)

Hace más o menos un mes instalé la Hamm. Apenas la uso para aprender, no
para trabajar con ella. Está muy bonita, pero... siempre tengo que
arrancar desde diskette y resulta un poco lento. Mentira, resulta
DESESPERANTE. El Linux lo tengo instalado en la segunda partición del
segundo disco duro (el esclavo). Recuerdo que hace uno o dos años
instalá una Slackware y me dejaba instalar no sé que historia en el
master boot record del primer disco, y de ahí pasaba al Lilo... creo. Me
gustaría hacer esto mismo ahora, pero con la Hamm. Ya sé que podría
buscar algún Boot Manager, pero ya que tengo el Linux, ¿para qué ir a
buscar cosas fuera?. Otra cosa más. Igual que me gustaría saber como se
instala esa historia, me gustaría saber como se desinstala, porque tarde
o temprano tendré que quitar el linux para hacer espacio, guardar cosas
y luego reinstalarlo en algún disco nuevo.
Ya sé que el linux es Bueno-Bonito-Barato, pero en la universidad
estamos con el NT, así que trabajo con eso. Y ciertamente doy fé de que
NT... bueno, creo que todos ya saben como es ;-)

Un saludo.

Oscar González.

Problema con CDROM PIONEER

1998-11-29 Thread Angel Barrio


Soy un novato en esto de Linux tengo un problema para instalar la versión
2.0 de Debian (la HAMM) que han regalado en Linux Actual. Es el eterno
problema que tengo con todas las distribuciones de linux. Resulta que mi
unidad de CDROM es un PIONEER DR A-24x 104 y al parecer no es exactamente
ATAPI. En teoría sí lo es, pero linux tiene problemas con él. No me ha
sucedido nada parecido con ningún otro sistema operativo (y he probado WNT
4.0 workstation,W98, W95 y dos). Sólo me da problemas con cualquier
distribución de linux (he conseguido hacer funcionar la Red Hat 5.0, por
supuesto no funcionaba el cdrom). El fallo siempre es el mismo, al intentar
montar el CD.

Por ejemplo en la instalación de Debian 2.0 todo va bien hasta que en
DSELECT escojo el medio desde el que voy a instalar, el cdrom. Me pide el
BLOCK DEVICE, le doy /dev/hdc (tengo dos discos duros y el cdrom está solo
y de maestro en el segundo canal IDE) y me empieza a dar mensajes de error.
Los mismos que si intento montarlo antes de ejecutar dselect. Por ejemplo
con este comando:

mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /cdrom (me aseguré de que el directorio /cdrom
existe, al menos un ls / devuelve cdrom entre los directorios)

Los mensajes que devuelve son:
mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only 
hdc: irq timeout: status=0x51 
hdc: irq timeout: error=0x60 
hdc: irq timeout: status=0x50 
hdc: irq timeout: status=0x50 
hdc: irq timeout: status=0x50 
hdc: ATAPI reset complete 
hdc: irq timeout: status=0x50 
hdc: irq timeout: status=0x50 
hdc: irq timeout: status=0x50 hdc: irq timeout: status=0x50 hdc: ATAPI
reset complete 
hdc: irq timeout: status=0x50 
end_request: I/O error, dev 16:00, sector 0 
hdc: irq timeout: status=0x50 

Y sigue así, sacando poco a poco lineas como estas.
Yo me imaginé que en la nueva versión del núcleo habrían arreglado este
problema, pero no parecen haberlo hecho. (supongo que Debian 2.0 trae el
último núcleo ¿no?). De todos modos he mirado en la página de Debian por si
encontraba alguna solución a esto y no lo logré. No dice nada. y el CDROM
no se encuentra entre los problemáticos. 
Mi pregunta es: 
¡Socorro! ¿Puede alguien ayudarme? ¿sabeis quién podría hacerlo? ¿La última
versión del Kernel arregla esto? ¿A quién debería avisar para que el
problema se conociese y alguien lo arreglara? ¿sabeis si compilando el
núcleo, rezando o de alguna manera aunque sea complicada y rebuscada puedo
leer mis cds en linux? 
¿O es que solo me queda comprarme otra unidad de CD y tirar esta? ;(

Muchas gracias (anticipadas) por vuestra ayuda.

PD: Linux me reconoce perfectamente el CDROM al arrancar. pone ATAPI cdrom
Pioneer DR-A24x 0104. Además mi ordenador es un pentium 133, con 64 MB de
RAM, placa VX, Con arranque desde CD (eso sí funciona), Tengo dos discos
duros en el canal IDE primario, el CD en el canal secundario, Y no tengo ni
tuve nuca conflictos de hardware en ningún SO excepto este problema. Tengo
una tarjeta de red realtek 8029 (ethernet, claro). Y creo que no se me
olvida nada. Bueno, tengo instalados W NT workstation 4.0, w98 y Debian (a


1998-11-29 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a la lista.

Estoy tratando de hacer una imagen del kernel, usando la caracteristica FLAVOUR
y en un momento determinado del proceso, termina con error, diciendo que hay un
conflicto entre kernel-image-version-flavour y kernel-source-version.

He probado con el parche que se incluye en kernel-package y con la opcion
--flavour, con identicos resultados.

Alguien sabe porque pasa esto.



1998-11-29 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a la lista.

Pues yo tenia el gnome instalado, y ahora tengo el gnome funciona, por algun
paquete que cambie y resulta en alguna incompatibilidad, debio ser gtk+,
porque decia algo de ligtk*.so no encontrada.

Supongo que el gnome y paquetes necesario, que viene en hamm, seran correctos.

Lo que me gustaria saber es que paquetes y versiones, se pueden usar con
seguridad, por ejemplo, gimp no compila con gtk1.0, y no lo he averiguado hasta
que no he intentado hacerlo.

¿Donde podria encontrar documentación de esto?


Re: S.O.S. Carpathia: abuso de root

1998-11-29 Thread JuanjoC \(PianoTuner\)
Gabriel B. wrote:
 Cuando entro en cualquiera de las cuentas que he creado me sale el mensaje:
 bash: mesg: command not found.
 Y si intento startx:
 bash: startx: command not found.
 en el bash_profile está el path bien.
 Como me he estado instalando todo, he hecho un uso abusivo de root y debo de
 haber hecho algo que no debía.

¿Te pasa también como root? Si no es así es que el .bash_profile
tienes en /etc/skel (es el que se copia en el home de cada usuario al
crearlo) no tiene PATH a los direcotios de binarios.

Si la variable PATH está bien (lo verás con echo $PATH),
comprueba los permisos de los directorios de binarios. Deben ser rx para
grupo y
otros, y rwx para el propietario, que en este caso debe ser root. Si no
te salen al hacer echo $PATH ya sabes dónde mirar.


Un saludrl...

This message has been written in 100% recycled paper

Powered by Linux Debian 2.0 with kernel 2.0.35
Running on CASIO fx-6300G Scientific calculator.

Registered User/Machine: 92691/34454

RE: Arranque desde disco duro

1998-11-29 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Oscar González wrote:

  Hola :-)

  Hace más o menos un mes instalé la Hamm. Apenas la uso para aprender, no
  para trabajar con ella. Está muy bonita, pero... siempre tengo que
  arrancar desde diskette y resulta un poco lento. Mentira, resulta
  DESESPERANTE. El Linux lo tengo instalado en la segunda partición del
  segundo disco duro (el esclavo). Recuerdo que hace uno o dos años
  instalá una Slackware y me dejaba instalar no sé que historia en el
  master boot record del primer disco, y de ahí pasaba al Lilo... creo. Me
  gustaría hacer esto mismo ahora, pero con la Hamm. Ya sé que podría
  buscar algún Boot Manager, pero ya que tengo el Linux, ¿para qué ir a
  buscar cosas fuera?. Otra cosa más. Igual que me gustaría saber como se
  instala esa historia, me gustaría saber como se desinstala, porque tarde
  o temprano tendré que quitar el linux para hacer espacio, guardar cosas
  y luego reinstalarlo en algún disco nuevo.
  Ya sé que el linux es Bueno-Bonito-Barato, pero en la universidad
  estamos con el NT, así que trabajo con eso. Y ciertamente doy fé de que
  NT... bueno, creo que todos ya saben todos como es ;-) 

Si te sirve de algo, yo en vez de lilo, tengo chos (un gestor de arranque 
muy fácil de configurar que te presenta un menú de arranque) y me va muy

De vez en cuando he de reestablecer la MBR antigua creada por Windows 95.
Para hacer esto, antes de instalar chos, hice una copia de seguridad de la
MBR del disco de Windows 95 a un fichero seguro del disco duro de Linux

dd if=/dev/hda of=/usr/local/hd/MBRWin95  bs=512 count=1

Cuando ejecuto chos, este me modifica la MBR del disco duro de arranque.
Para restablecer la MBR que tenía de Win95 cuando me hace falta hago:

dd if=/usr/local/hd/MBRWin95 of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1

¡Y ya está!. A mi me va bien así, y además siempre mantengo una copia de
seguridad del MBR de Win95, cosa buena de hacer pues con Win95 ya se sabe

El paquete deb correspondiente al chos está en:

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez

Problemas con rpm

1998-11-29 Thread Roberto Ruisanchez Mazo

Este es mi primer mensaje a la lista, aunque llevo ya un tiempo
siguiendola atentamente. Soy un novato en esto de linux, asi que os pido
un poco de paciencia, porque seguramente mis preguntas os pareceran muy
ingenuas :-)
El asunto es que tengo varios Cd's de la PC Actual, y en uno de
ellos viene la versión 1.0 del KDE. El problema es que viene en formato
rpm. Pues bien, para poder instalarlo con cualquier distribución tambien
te traen rpm [nosequeversión] en formato tar.gz.
Bueno, yo instale ese fichero tar.gz como root. Y ahi empezarón los
1.- Al intentar ejecutar man me sale el siguiente mensaje:
man: error in loading shared libraries open shared object.
fil:Permission denied
 El fichero es un link a otro libdb. El primero
tiene todo los permisos puestos, pero el segundo solo tiene permiso de
lectura y escritura, y no de ejecución. Puede estar por ahi el
2.- Al ejecutar rpm -i kdebase.rpm no se instala porque me dice
que le faltan varios ficheros, ficheros que he comprobado que si estan
(p.e. sh) y en la localización en que me indica. ¿que puedo hacer?

Mas cosas. He intentado instalar tambien para probarlo el gnome que
trae el 28 de CDActual, y que esta vez si viene en formato rpm y en deb
(Bien!!). Pero no puedo instalarlo porque me falta la librería gtk1.1
(Todas los problemas de dependencias acaban apuntando ahi). El asunto es
que en mi distribución de Debian, la 2.0, solo he encontrado un gtk1.0.x
y ahi en los paquetes dev uno que es qtk1.1, que debe ser source... ese
vale?? (ademas, pone que es inestable)
He instalado The Gimp para verlo, y por si incluia esa librería,
pero no me ha servido. El caso es que probandolo me he dado cuenta que
no es capaz de abrir archivos .gif. Los jpg, por ejemplo, los abre
perfectamente, pero los gif me da error. Es normal??

Bueno, siento haberme extendido tanto, pero es que como veis me han
surgido muchas preguntas y bastante problemas con el uso de linux, pero
he de decir una cosa: A pesar de todos estos problemas y dudas, desde
que he instalado linux, todas mis horas muertas (y algunas otras) son
para el. ;-D


P.D.: Solo quería dar mi opinión sobre dselect. A mi me parece un buen
programa, y solo le hecho en falta dos cosas:
Estructura arborescente: Poder tratarlo como un arbol de
directorios, extendiendo el grupo de paquete que me interese, y el resto
no, con lo que sería más comodo.
Instalación selectiva: Quiero decir, que no se recorra toda la lista
de paquetes cada vez que quiero instalar algo y que vaya directamente a
lo que he seleccionado.
Roberto Ruisanchez Mazo

NOVATO perdido

1998-11-29 Thread Zuzen de la Cueva
Hola a todos:

Pido disculpas porque voy a preguntar cosas que no son especificas de la
distribución (o eso creo). Pero como estoy en casa... me he iniciado en
este mundo de linux con Debian, espero vuestra indulgencia.

Mi problema fundamental es que no se como acceder a la información que
hace falta para seguir avanzando. He instalado Debian 2.0 LA seleccionando
la opcion Home y en dselect he elegido todo lo que oliera a material de
documentación en castellano.

He conseguido hacer funcionar LILO, os escribo desde pmail win :-)

Se que toda la documentación que me hace falta debe estar instalada. Pero
no se qué programa usar para leerla. Se que os puede parecer tonto pero es


¿Qué proceso le recomendariais un amigo si no tiene ni idea de Linux para
que comience aprender utilizando Debian? Me parece lógica la necesidad de
invertir mucho tiempo leyendo y consultando documentación y estoy decidido
a ello. Pero necesito una muleta. para poder leer y estudiar la

Me podeis decir... que empiece con una distribución más amigable. Pero
he elegido Debian por su filosofia de trabajo cooperativo y por que creo
en el soft libre con copyleft. Y estoy dispuesto a pagar el peaje que en
esfuerzo personal me va a suponer.

?En algún sitio hay una especie de guía de lectura? Supongo que en
/usr/doc esta todo lo que me hace falta.

He usado vi para editar lilo.conf pero necesito algún programa más
flexible. Uno que me sirva para empezar, algo sencillo pero más versatil
que vi.

?Que programa uso.. joe (digo joe porque he leido alguna referencia a él
en la lista)? Abruma esto de tener tantas opciones... y ninguna
experiencia :-/

¿Qué método de consulta de información utilizais? Estoy empezando, osea
nada de web, ni x (que no he conseguido configurar :-), todavía) en modo

?me puede alguien describir como lo hace?

Sé que existen infinitas posibilidades y ahí está el problema ?CUAL uso
para empezar?

?Las consultas de man se pueden hacer de otra forma que permita navegar
y hacer busquedas en el texto? (creo que esta pregunta es una burrada,
pero refleja lo perdido que ando)

¿Cual es la documentación especifica de Debian y donde esta?

Se que mis preguntas son demasiado generales y por ello difíciles de
responder. Puede que exista algún texto que responda a mis necesidades. No
sé algo como manual para aprender a aprender Debian GNU/Linux.

?conoceis alguno? ?donde lo consigo? ?en mi disco duro :)?

Un saludo

Un aprendiz NOVATO de Debian GNU/Linux 2.0

Re: NOVATO perdido

1998-11-29 Thread Ubaldo Fernández Covelo
El Sun, Nov 29, 1998 at 02:20:50PM +0100, Zuzen de la Cueva dijo:
 Hola a todos:
 Mi problema fundamental es que no se como acceder a la información que 
 hace falta para seguir avanzando. He instalado Debian 2.0 LA seleccionando 
 la opcion Home y en dselect he elegido todo lo que oliera a material de 
 documentación en castellano.

Instala el mc (Midnight Commander) si no lo tienes instalado. Ademas de un
muy buen gestor de ficheros, incluye lector de ficheros (F3) que te permite
leer la documentación en varios formatos, los comprimidos incluso. En F4
tienes un ¡editor! mucho más amigable, al menos para los que empiezan, que
te permitirá editar tus ficheros de configuración etc...

Espero que esto te simplifique las cosas

Re: Arranque desde disco duro

1998-11-29 Thread TooManySecrets
Oscar González el día Sat, Nov 28, 1998 at 09:26:14PM + expuso lo siguiente:
 Hola :-)
 Hace más o menos un mes instalé la Hamm. Apenas la uso para aprender, no
 para trabajar con ella. Está muy bonita, pero... siempre tengo que
 arrancar desde diskette y resulta un poco lento. Mentira, resulta
 DESESPERANTE. El Linux lo tengo instalado en la segunda partición del
 segundo disco duro (el esclavo). Recuerdo que hace uno o dos años
 instalá una Slackware y me dejaba instalar no sé que historia en el
 master boot record del primer disco, y de ahí pasaba al Lilo... creo. Me
 gustaría hacer esto mismo ahora, pero con la Hamm. Ya sé que podría
 buscar algún Boot Manager, pero ya que tengo el Linux, ¿para qué ir a
 buscar cosas fuera?. Otra cosa más. Igual que me gustaría saber como se
 instala esa historia, me gustaría saber como se desinstala, porque tarde
 o temprano tendré que quitar el linux para hacer espacio, guardar cosas
 y luego reinstalarlo en algún disco nuevo.
 Ya sé que el linux es Bueno-Bonito-Barato, pero en la universidad
 estamos con el NT, así que trabajo con eso. Y ciertamente doy fé de que
 NT... bueno, creo que todos ya saben como es ;-)

Puedes hacer esto:
- O instalas el lilo en un disquete, con lo que para entrar en Linux, no
tendrás más que introducirlo, y cuando haya cargado, lo podrás sacar (va
bastante rapidito).
- O instalas el lilo en el MBR del primer disco duro. Te irá igual de bien
que el anterior, pero si pierdes, por la razón que sea, el MBR (se corrompa,
el windows te lo sobreescriba, o lo que sea), tendrás que utilizar el disco
rescue de tu distribución.

Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
   y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te 
   apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
   el fin de todos los caminos
  Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)

Re: NOVATO perdido

1998-11-29 Thread Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodriguez
Hola  :
 Hola a todos:
 Pido disculpas porque voy a preguntar cosas que no son especificas de la 
 distribución (o eso creo). Pero como estoy en casa... me he iniciado en 
 este mundo de linux con Debian, espero vuestra indulgencia.
 Mi problema fundamental es que no se como acceder a la información que 
 hace falta para seguir avanzando. He instalado Debian 2.0 LA seleccionando 
 la opcion Home y en dselect he elegido todo lo que oliera a material de 
 documentación en castellano.
Supongo que te refieres a conocer los comandos, saber que y como se 
hacen las cosas en linux?  Si fuese hace entonces continua leendo este mail.

 He conseguido hacer funcionar LILO, os escribo desde pmail win :-) 
 Se que toda la documentación que me hace falta debe estar instalada. Pero 
 no se qué programa usar para leerla. Se que os puede parecer tonto pero es 
 ¿Qué proceso le recomendariais un amigo si no tiene ni idea de Linux para 
 que comience aprender utilizando Debian? Me parece lógica la necesidad de 
 invertir mucho tiempo leyendo y consultando documentación y estoy decidido 
 a ello. Pero necesito una muleta. para poder leer y estudiar la 
Lo que recomiendo a todos es tener un poco de paciencia, como 
por muchos la curva de aprendizaje inicial del linux es mas dificil, despues 
cosas se hacen mas fáciles. 

Realmente hay que leer bastante. En este punto te recomiendo leer los 
HOWTO (/usr/doc/HOWTO), si instalaste la documencion en español, ella se 
en el directorio /usr/doc/HOWTO/spanish. Estos archivos cubren aspectos 
especificos y si eres principiante en Unix/Linux puede servirte para solucionar 

Si eres principiante en Unix y/o Linux te recomiendo leer el libro :

Guía del Usuario de Linux (GLUP).

Que puedes obtenerlo en :

 Me podeis decir... que empiece con una distribución más amigable. Pero 
 he elegido Debian por su filosofia de trabajo cooperativo y por que creo 
 en el soft libre con copyleft. Y estoy dispuesto a pagar el peaje que en 
 esfuerzo personal me va a suponer.
 ?En algún sitio hay una especie de guía de lectura? Supongo que en  
 /usr/doc esta todo lo que me hace falta.
consulta mejor en :

 He usado vi para editar lilo.conf pero necesito algún programa más  
 flexible. Uno que me sirva para empezar, algo sencillo pero más versatil 
 que vi.
Use el XEmacs (Emacs) es lo mejor para edicion de textos (cualquier 
texto).  vi es poderoso posr ser pequeño (carga rápido) y relativamente potente.

 ?Que programa uso.. joe (digo joe porque he leido alguna referencia a él 
 en la lista)? Abruma esto de tener tantas opciones... y ninguna 
 experiencia :-/
 ¿Qué método de consulta de información utilizais? Estoy empezando, osea 
 nada de web, ni x (que no he conseguido configurar :-), todavía) en modo 
¿Para leer los archivos?

less nombre_del_archivo

y, si fuese comprimido con el gzip (extención .gz)

zless nombre_del_archivo.gz

 ?me puede alguien describir como lo hace? 
 Sé que existen infinitas posibilidades y ahí está el problema ?CUAL uso 
 para empezar?
 ?Las consultas de man se pueden hacer de otra forma que permita navegar 
 y hacer busquedas en el texto? (creo que esta pregunta es una burrada,  
 pero refleja lo perdido que ando)

Para buscar una palabra en los manuales usa :
man -k palabra

Cuando estes viendo la página de ayuda digita /, digita la palabra 
buscas y luego ENTER. Recuerda que la busca es sensible a las mayusculas y 
minusculas, osea palabra y Palabra no son iguales. Si quieres buscar ambas 
después del / digita [Pp]alabra.
 ¿Cual es la documentación especifica de Debian y donde esta? 
En mucho lugares arriba menciono solamente parte de ellos.

 Se que mis preguntas son demasiado generales y por ello difíciles de 
 responder. Puede que exista algún texto que responda a mis necesidades. No 
 sé algo como manual para aprender a aprender Debian GNU/Linux. 
el GLUP y similares es bueno.

 ?conoceis alguno? ?donde lo consigo? ?en mi disco duro :)?

Tambien existen en sunsite el directorio, creo, es :


 Un saludo
 Un aprendiz NOVATO de Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 

Espero haberte servido de algo.


   Hernán J Cervantes Rodríguez
   Instituto de Física da 

Re: NOVATO perdido

1998-11-29 Thread Correcaminos
Zuzen de la Cueva wrote:

 Hola a todos:

 Pido disculpas porque voy a preguntar cosas que no son especificas de la
 distribución (o eso creo). Pero como estoy en casa... me he iniciado en
 este mundo de linux con Debian, espero vuestra indulgencia.

La tienes de antemano :')

 Mi problema fundamental es que no se como acceder a la información que
 hace falta para seguir avanzando. He instalado Debian 2.0 LA seleccionando
 la opcion Home y en dselect he elegido todo lo que oliera a material de
 documentación en castellano.

Hay mucha documentacion, muchisima...

 He conseguido hacer funcionar LILO, os escribo desde pmail win :-)

 Se que toda la documentación que me hace falta debe estar instalada. Pero
 no se qué programa usar para leerla. Se que os puede parecer tonto pero es


 ¿Qué proceso le recomendariais un amigo si no tiene ni idea de Linux para
 que comience aprender utilizando Debian? Me parece lógica la necesidad de
 invertir mucho tiempo leyendo y consultando documentación y estoy decidido
 a ello. Pero necesito una muleta. para poder leer y estudiar la

Antes que nada, recomendaria los manuales que tienes traducidos en LUCAS. 
Son super
'didacticos' y casi, casi, indispensables para empezar. La direccion de LUCAS es

Esto es por hablar de documentacion en cristiano. En ingles tienes 
documentacion por

 Me podeis decir... que empiece con una distribución más amigable. Pero
 he elegido Debian por su filosofia de trabajo cooperativo y por que creo
 en el soft libre con copyleft. Y estoy dispuesto a pagar el peaje que en
 esfuerzo personal me va a suponer.

Aprender es invertir tu tiempo y creo que es la mejor inversion que 

 ?En algún sitio hay una especie de guía de lectura? Supongo que en
 /usr/doc esta todo lo que me hace falta.

Cierto.  Especialmente en los directorios:

* /usr/doc/FAQ
* /usr/doc/HOWTO
* /usr/doc/HTML
* /usr/doc/LANG
* /usr/doc/X

Si entras por '/usr/doc/LANG' llegaras directamente a la documentacion en 
Español, pero
te recomiendo que empieces por la FAQ...

 He usado vi para editar lilo.conf pero necesito algún programa más
 flexible. Uno que me sirva para empezar, algo sencillo pero más versatil
 que vi.

Cuando lleves mas tiempo te daras cuenta de lo simpatica que resulta tu 
pregunta. ;)

Personalmente suelo utilizar el 'joe', en modo terminal y el gxedit en modo 
grafico, pero
es una cuestion de gustos personales. Si eres veterano, te dire que el 'joe' es 
un clonico
del 'WordStar', un procesador de textos de la era MsDos...

 ?Que programa uso.. joe (digo joe porque he leido alguna referencia a él
 en la lista)? Abruma esto de tener tantas opciones... y ninguna
 experiencia :-/

... por esto mismo lo decia, por la cantidad de opciones disponibles. Si me 
permites el
consejo, vete probando hasta que te sientas comodo con alguno de ellos. Cuando 
lo encuentres,
entonces estudialo a fondo para sacarle todo el jugo. Veras la eficacia de 
estos procesadores

 ¿Qué método de consulta de información utilizais? Estoy empezando, osea
 nada de web, ni x (que no he conseguido configurar :-), todavía) en modo

Las X's son bonitas, agradables, etc, pero NUNCA imprescindibles. Desde 'la 
podras hacer todo eso y mas. Te enumero algunas opciones:

Gestor de ficheros: 'mc' (Clonico del Comandante Norton) (casi 
imprescindible para
Navegador Web: 'lynx'  Rapido. Podras ver toda la documentacion en html con 
navegador.  Para que funcione adecuadamente, te hace falta instalarte el 
'apache', que es un
servidor Web.
Correo Electronico:  Uno agradable es el Mutt. Otros, elm, mail, pine, 
Noticias: tienes varios, entre ellos el 'trn' o el 'tin'.
Editores: joe, jed, vi, vim, emacs, etc, etc... (pregunta si quieres mas o 
mirate la

distribucion con el dselect.

 ?me puede alguien describir como lo hace?

Tiempo al tiempo. Cuando tengas dudas puntuales, pregunta en las listas.

 Sé que existen infinitas posibilidades y ahí está el problema ?CUAL uso
 para empezar?


 ?Las consultas de man se pueden hacer de otra forma que permita navegar
 y hacer busquedas en el texto? (creo que esta pregunta es una burrada,
 pero refleja lo perdido que ando)

En absoluto. Busca un programa que se llama 'man2html' con el dselect e 
instalalo. Luego,
utilizando el 'lynx' podras tener todos los man en formato html. Podras leerlos 
con toda

 ¿Cual es la documentación especifica de Debian y donde esta?

Podias empezar por '/usr/doc/doc-base', por ejemplo...

 Se que mis preguntas son demasiado generales y por ello difíciles de
 responder. Puede que exista algún texto que responda a mis necesidades. No
 sé algo como manual para aprender a aprender Debian GNU/Linux.

 ?conoceis alguno? ?donde lo consigo? ?en mi disco duro 

Re: ¡A limpiar el disco duro!

1998-11-29 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Yo me hice un programita para esto vamos a ver...
 aqui va...

Siento no incluirlo como attachment pero es que me es más facil ahora mismo
cortar y pegar (estoy leyendo el correo de otra máquina desde casa).

Básicamente lo que hace es coger la base de datos de paquetes y sacar cada
uno con lo que ocupa, el comentario del final indica  como se puede ordenar.
Se puede hacer también usando 'dpkg' pero en mis pruebas resultó demasiado
lento (primero hay que sacar una lista de todos los paquetes, como indica el
comentario en la tercera línea y luego ir preguntando a dpkg paquete por

Este script demuestra una de las ventajas de que la base de datos
sea legible.



#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# 'calcula-size', publicado bajo la licencia GNU
# Autor: Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Peña [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Se puede crear la lista de paquetes se con:
# pkg -l \*\ |grep ^ii | cut -f 3 --delimiter=   paquetes;
# Pero lo que vamos a hacer sera coger DPKG_AVAILABLE y leerlo
# entero para ver los paquetes que hay y su tamaño, luego


while (DPKG)
#   print ;
if ( /^Package:(.*)$/ )
{ $pack_name=$1;  }
if ( /^Installed-Size:(.*)$/ )
{ $pack_size=$1;

foreach $pack_name (keys %packs)
{ print $packs{$pack_name}\t$pack_name\n;}
close DPKG;
# La salida del programa se puede ver ordenada con:
# ort -nr -k 1 |less;
exit 0;


On Sat, Nov 28, 1998 at 10:51:00AM +, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 Hola a todos, me dispongo a limpiar un poco el disco duro de paquetes
 instalados que no use. Al igual que dpkg -l me permite ver la lista de
 lo que tengo instalado, ¿existe alguna opción para ver lo que me ocupa en 
 disco cada uno?.
 Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Manual SGML

1998-11-29 Thread Raul Hernandez

perdón por el tema fuera de contexto (si hay un foro más adecuado,
agradecezco la indicación), pero estoy interesado en aprender SGML y
me gustaría saber si hay algún manual disponible en la Red además de
A GENTLE INTRODUCTION TO SGML de TEI y a ser posible algo más

Me he instalado las sgml-tools y psgml de emacs, ¿es suficiente para
empezar? ¿Hay mejores opciones para un novato?

Gracias y...
Un saludo
Raúl Hernández  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

VGA16 con una DIAMMOND, porque ???

1998-11-29 Thread Lord Of Linux
Tengo una pentium 133 con una tarjeta diammond Stealth 3d
2000 4 Mb !!! :_)
Me ha trabajado bien en otra distribuciones sin problemas
pero tengo problemas con esa tarjeta en  el debian 2.0 hamm
en el XF86Setup seleciono la Diammond y la S3v como serve 
termino la instalacion
al escribir xinit --bpp 16
veo que al matar el xinit me dice VGA16  como server usado
alguien sabe que esta pasando ??

Get your free address at

Re: new SLINK build question

1998-11-29 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 BC == Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BC So I'm assuming that most drives support this, but the 1.743
BC format requires 83 tracks, AFAICS. Question then is, does rawrite2
BC support beyond track 80?

There are 1.44 images, but the maintainers netlink is very crappy at
the moment, so he can't upload them. Expect them to appear soon.

In the meantime, just use the hamm floppies or dd if you have a linux


Re: Recommandation for LTT

1998-11-29 Thread Carey Evans

 But I'm worrying about robots collecting emails.
 I really don't want that.


 Does anyone have other suggestions ?

A simple idea I saw is to munge characters in the address as HTML- and
URL-encoded text.  I don't actually know how effective this would be,
but hopefully not many email-collecting robots will decode the
following properly:


(Note especially that there are no @ characters for them to spot.)

 Carey Evans

Is there anyone who actually believes that USAicans are so modest or
intellectually honest as to be unable to find someone to sue? - Cameron Laird

Re: sendmail check_mail ruleset

1998-11-29 Thread Carey Evans
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ole J. Tetlie) writes:

 ...or even better; can someone help me fix my headers? I'm using
 exim and gnus. Since I'm not sure which details are pertinent, I'll
 wait with config files and such until requested. Please help, I don't
 want to wreak havoc on the net! :-)

Do you get the same if you send the message with the `mail' command?

What does /var/log/exim/mainlog say about a single message sent from
Gnus?  Have you made any changes to the file generated by eximconfig?

There are two places I think Sender: header could be coming from.
Gnus might add one, and I can't see how it would ever not have an @
symbol.  What do you get if you put your cursor after the following
line and type `C-x C-e'?

(concat (user-login-name) @ (system-name))

What does the Sender: header in any archived mail look like, if you're 
using the Gnus message archiving function?

Gnus, by default, uses the -f flag on its call to
/usr/sbin/sendmail, and exim might include a Sender: header because of
this.  You can disable this from Customize, or with the second line
below, and often get better results.

(customize-variable-other-window 'message-sendmail-f-is-evil)
(setq message-sendmail-f-is-evil t)

If all else fails, you could add the line below to your remote_smtp
transport in /etc/exim.conf and see what happens.

headers_remove = sender

 Carey Evans

Is there anyone who actually believes that USAicans are so modest or
intellectually honest as to be unable to find someone to sue? - Cameron Laird

Re: sendmail check_mail ruleset

1998-11-29 Thread Carey Evans
Oliver Elphick writes:

 Messages from a Debian developer are messing up my combination of
 sendmail and fetchmail.


 I would like to get fetchmail to bounce rejected messages properly and
 continue, or else stop sendmail rejecting them.  I cannot see how to do

It looks like fetchmail is trying to use the Sender: header as the
MAIL FROM: address, but is rewriting it.  Try putting norewrite in
your .fetchmailrc.

 Can anyone tell me how, please?
  fetchmail   4.3.9-1 

That's an old version of fetchmail.  Make sure you have your current
version as a .deb somewhere, and download the latest version from
unstable.  *Don't* install the libc6 it wants if dpkg -i won't
install it - it should be safe (with 4.6.6-2) to install it with dpkg 
-i --force-depends fetchmail_4.6.6-2.deb, since it's not an essential 
part of the system, and you can reinstall the older version if it
breaks.  ;-)

(Anyone else reading: bash and libc6 are essential parts of the
system.  Don't use --force-depends unless you really know you won't
ruin your week by doing so.)

In any case, run fetchmail --verbose to get a better idea about
what's happening.

(I'm not having any problems with Ole's messages because my ISP
inserts the Return-Path: header, which fetchmail uses first, and which 
is the *real* MAIL FROM address.)

 Carey Evans

Is there anyone who actually believes that USAicans are so modest or
intellectually honest as to be unable to find someone to sue? - Cameron Laird

Re: PPP options for diferent nodes (was: ... different providers)

1998-11-29 Thread john

 The problem is that I had to change the old line: connect /usr/sbin/chat
 -v -f /etc/chatscripts/infovia for the new: connect /usr/sbin/chat -v
 -f /etc/chatscripts/retenet and the initial comment on the above file
 says not to delete line or change the comments...

You didn't delete a line or change the comments.  You edited a line, which
the initial comment says is ok.

 I have had no success in connecting thus far, what's the right way of
 doing this?

Does your ISP really have a nine digit phone number?  What exact problem
are you having?  No success is a bit vague.

 how do I do in order to connect through the new node?

Why don't you just run pppconfig and create a new connection?
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: sendmail check_mail ruleset

1998-11-29 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 OJT == Ole J Tetlie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

OJT ...or even better; can someone help me fix my headers? I'm using
OJT exim and gnus. Since I'm not sure which details are pertinent,
OJT I'll wait with config files and such until requested. Please
OJT help, I don't want to wreak havoc on the net! :-)

gnus doesn't alter the sender header (except you did some nasty black
magic in the config), so it must be exim.

Unfortunately, I can't help you with this one, as I use smail.

I hope you find this info useful at least.


Re: debian X

1998-11-29 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Nov 27, 1998 at 09:49:03PM +, richard wrote:
   My problem is with the way the X server starts. I can happily use 
 to give me a nice looking server at 1182x864x8, but after that whenever I run 
 startx I get
 a message saying something about the X server not being able to run at the 
 resolution (sorry I don't have the exact message at hand). BUT IT WORKED FOR 

You need to list your X server on the first line of /etc/X11/Xserver,
then it will work fine. I have seen this behaviour with XF86Setup too,
it is a bit confusing. Probably either the wrong server or no server
(XF86_NONE) is listed in that config file.

 I know that 'X' is a wrapper around the chosen server but what exactly does 
 it do?

Some security stuff mostly.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Recommandation for LTT

1998-11-29 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sun, Nov 29, 1998 at 12:48:30PM +1300, Carey Evans wrote:
 (Note especially that there are no @ characters for them to spot.)

Confuses the hell out of mutt/urlview too.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

upgrading slink cripples dselect/apt (and X) !!!

1998-11-29 Thread Zack Brown

I upgraded some packages this morning, and now running dselect gives the
following error:

dselect: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

Also, X gives graphics screen and mouse cursor, then craps out, giving the
same error in ~/.xsession-errors

I tried using dpkg to install the old packages, but it either refuses to
uninstall libstdc++ because so many packages depend upon it, or to install
the old version because a version is already installed. Catch 22.


Re: How to customize fvwm entries ?

1998-11-29 Thread Carey Evans
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (shaul) writes:

 It seems to me that you are wrong, since when new packages are installed, 
 update-menus considers the users who run update-menus as well.
 I am saying that on the basis of the following lines (from 


 Am I right ?

One of us should just try it and see.

But the reason I don't think it will update individual users' menus is 
that when I run it, all the menus get put in ~/.fvwm2/whatever.
When root runs it, the menus go into /etc/X11/fvwm2/whatever.  If
something changes because a new package is installed, the files in
/etc/X11/fvwm2/ will be changed, but the old files in ~/.fvwm2/ will
still contain the old data, and will override the new data, until that 
user runs update-menus again.

 Carey Evans

Is there anyone who actually believes that USAicans are so modest or
intellectually honest as to be unable to find someone to sue? - Cameron Laird

Points to Ponder

1998-11-29 Thread BOHICA
If the author of the utility loadlin.exe (Hans Lerman) has stated on his web
page ( that all versions greater than
2.1.22 should be installed with the updated version of loadlin (v1.6a) due
to memory detection problems, why is Debian still distributing v1.6?

Why doesn't Debian also distribute the loadlin manual and parameters
documents (total 32Kb and 13Kb respectively) when the loadlin.exe file
refers to them for help with settings, switches, etc.?  Or at least post the
link to Hans Lermen's homepage on the main website?

When the SLINK distribution was frozen, why weren't the installation
documents upgraded as well?  They should address the fact that the 1.73Mb
floppy will not work for some machines and that a separate ROOT floppy is
also needed in addition to the usual disks if a floppy install is done.

Why hasn't a LINUX kernel file been included with the SLINK distribution to
allow for installation with the loadlin.exe program without the file system
errors the floppy version of the LINUX kernel file causes?

Has anyone noticed that the frozen SLINK distribution is _exactly_ the same
as the proposed new potato distribution?


Re: Points to Ponder

1998-11-29 Thread Joey Hess
BOHICA wrote:
 Has anyone noticed that the frozen SLINK distribution is _exactly_ the same
 as the proposed new potato distribution?

New distributions start the same as the old and diverge - I'm not sure what
you're getting at.

see shy jo

Re: Points to Ponder

1998-11-29 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sat, 28 Nov 1998, BOHICA wrote:

 : If the author of the utility loadlin.exe (Hans Lerman) has stated on his web
 : page ( that all versions greater than
 : 2.1.22 should be installed with the updated version of loadlin (v1.6a) due
 : to memory detection problems, why is Debian still distributing v1.6?
 : Why doesn't Debian also distribute the loadlin manual and parameters
 : documents (total 32Kb and 13Kb respectively) when the loadlin.exe file
 : refers to them for help with settings, switches, etc.?  Or at least post the
 : link to Hans Lermen's homepage on the main website?

Good questions - why not ask the loadlin maintainer, or at least bring
it up on -devel?

 : When the SLINK distribution was frozen, why weren't the installation
 : documents upgraded as well?  They should address the fact that the 1.73Mb
 : floppy will not work for some machines and that a separate ROOT floppy is
 : also needed in addition to the usual disks if a floppy install is done.

It won't work at all, so Enrique is making 1.44 images instead.  His net
connection blows so they've been a bit slow to appear.  If you can do
better, please do so.

 : Why hasn't a LINUX kernel file been included with the SLINK distribution to
 : allow for installation with the loadlin.exe program without the file system
 : errors the floppy version of the LINUX kernel file causes?

Uh, what errors?

 : Has anyone noticed that the frozen SLINK distribution is _exactly_ the same
 : as the proposed new potato distribution?

Duh; any future release will begin life as the current release.  Since
most of the work is going towards frozen rather than unstable right now
I fail to see why this is such a shocker.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: Points to Ponder

1998-11-29 Thread Mitch Blevins
BOHICA wrote:
 If the author of the utility loadlin.exe (Hans Lerman) has stated on his web
 page ( that all versions greater than
 2.1.22 should be installed with the updated version of loadlin (v1.6a) due
 to memory detection problems, why is Debian still distributing v1.6?
 Why doesn't Debian also distribute the loadlin manual and parameters
 documents (total 32Kb and 13Kb respectively) when the loadlin.exe file
 refers to them for help with settings, switches, etc.?  Or at least post the
 link to Hans Lermen's homepage on the main website?

 If you find a problem with a particular package (e.g. - loadlin) please
 post a bug to the BTS linked from the debian home page.  You can also
 email the maintainer of that package.

 If you need help on how to find the maintainer responsible for a particular
 package, feel free to email me and I'll explain it.

 Has anyone noticed that the frozen SLINK distribution is _exactly_ the same
 as the proposed new potato distribution?

 Frozen (slink) is a fork from the continuously updated unstable (now potato)
 distribution.  At the moment they were forked, they were _exactly_ the same.
 However, from the moment they were forked, potato continues to get new
 packages and updated versions of upstream packages, where slink (frozen) will
 only get bug fixes, security updates, and other important stuff up until
 it is officially released.

 If you have problems believing that the two actually _are_ different, let
 me know and I'll send you a list of a few of the new packages added to potato
 that are not in slink, and also some example cases where potato has newer
 versions of packages than slink.

 Hope this clears up some confusion,

Re: upgrading slink cripples dselect/apt (and X) !!!

1998-11-29 Thread Brandon Mitchell
On Sat, 28 Nov 1998, Zack Brown wrote:

 dselect: error in loading shared libraries
 /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

Give this one a try:

Good luck,

+---  ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
|  Sometimes you have to release software with bugs. - MS Recruiter  |


1998-11-29 Thread Andrew Ivanov
Evening all.
Small problem here: seems that Lilo screwed up my MBR for one of the hard
drives, specifically one with Win95 on it.
Here is lilo.conf:
boot = /dev/hda
root = /dev/hdb2
install = /boot/boot.b
map = /boot/map
vga = normal
delay = 50
ramdisk = 0

default = linux

image = /vmlinuz
label = Debian
alias = linux

image = /boot/vmlinbackup
label = backup

other = /dev/hda1
label = MS
table = /dev/hda

Now..when at lilo prompt I type 'MS'
I get Invalid System disk error message, even though there is no disk in
BIOS still detects the disk.
I can mount my windows partition and look at the files.

But I can not boot into Windows. 

When I insert my Win boot disk, this is what it does:
Gives me 'Starting Windows 95'
Then throws me in dos on A: drive.
When I do c:
It takes me to the C drive, which is what used to be D drive in windows,
and is a /dev/hdb in linux.
C drive as a C drive where my windows is located, /dev/hda, is not

Cfdisk did not recognise the type of partition that I had on /dev/hda

Any ideas on how to get my C drive back?
I do need Windows, until I get cyrillics to work in linux.

Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

Re: Points to Ponder

1998-11-29 Thread Brandon Mitchell
On Sat, 28 Nov 1998, Nathan E Norman wrote:

 On Sat, 28 Nov 1998, BOHICA wrote:
  : If the author of the utility loadlin.exe (Hans Lerman) has stated on his 
  : When the SLINK distribution was frozen, why weren't the installation
  : documents upgraded as well?  They should address the fact that the 1.73Mb
  : floppy will not work for some machines and that a separate ROOT floppy is
  : also needed in addition to the usual disks if a floppy install is done.
 It won't work at all, so Enrique is making 1.44 images instead.  His net
 connection blows so they've been a bit slow to appear.  If you can do
 better, please do so.

The disks work on a few systems (or so I've heard).  But, Enrique finally
got the 1440 images in incoming (thanks Enrique).  Check out if you don't have an account on master. 


+---  ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
|  Sometimes you have to release software with bugs. - MS Recruiter  |


1998-11-29 Thread Rino Mardo
Boot from any DOS 6.X/Win95 bootable diskette and once in the DOS prompt
type fdisk /mbr.  This will reinstate your clubbered MBR.

BTW, is there anyway in this list to reply to the list instead of the
author?  My problem is I have filtering of incoming emails and it doesn't
work 'coz my filter looks in the To: field only (of course I can change this
to look in the Cc: field).  Second, it an added burden having to make sure
that the list address is in the Cc: field when I reply to a query.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Ivanov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian user list
Date: Sunday, November 29, 1998 7:54 AM
Subject: MBR

Evening all.
Small problem here: seems that Lilo screwed up my MBR for one of the hard
drives, specifically one with Win95 on it.
Here is lilo.conf:
boot = /dev/hda
root = /dev/hdb2
install = /boot/boot.b
map = /boot/map
vga = normal
delay = 50
ramdisk = 0

default = linux

image = /vmlinuz
label = Debian
alias = linux

image = /boot/vmlinbackup
label = backup

other = /dev/hda1
label = MS
table = /dev/hda

Now..when at lilo prompt I type 'MS'
I get Invalid System disk error message, even though there is no disk in
BIOS still detects the disk.
I can mount my windows partition and look at the files.

But I can not boot into Windows.

When I insert my Win boot disk, this is what it does:
Gives me 'Starting Windows 95'
Then throws me in dos on A: drive.
When I do c:
It takes me to the C drive, which is what used to be D drive in windows,
and is a /dev/hdb in linux.
C drive as a C drive where my windows is located, /dev/hda, is not

Cfdisk did not recognise the type of partition that I had on /dev/hda

Any ideas on how to get my C drive back?
I do need Windows, until I get cyrillics to work in linux.

Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Getting Rid of Debian/Linux

1998-11-29 Thread Rino Mardo
Try GDISK.  It's more flexible than DoS fdisk.  I use in on my laptop to
create/delete Linux partitions many times.

-Original Message-
From: Rainer Clasen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, November 28, 1998 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: Getting Rid of Debian/Linux


David McDonald ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Fri, 27 Nov 1998, Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd wrote:

  I have a requirement to remove Debian from one of our workstations and
  re-install DOS/Windows (Horror!)

 Just boot from your DOS installation disks, run the FDISK program (I can't
 recall if it will do this automatically or not - you may have to exit to
 the DOS prompt with the F3 key (again, that's the way I remember it, not
 necessarily the way it is).

Note: DoS won't delete logical non-DoS partitions. You need to use something
else to delete them. For example you could use dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda
count=1 to nuke ALL partitions on /dev/hda or simply use Linux's fdisk to
delete those parts (or change their type to a DoS one)


KeyID=58341901 fingerprint=A5 57 04 B3 69 88 A1 FB  78 1D B5 64 E0 BF 72 EB

How to config XF98_MGA

1998-11-29 Thread cj
   My computer's card is Matrox AGP G100,Now I downloaded a server 
XF98_MGA.It's only one file 
after uncompress and i put it to /usr/bin/X11,change the config in 
/etc/XF86Config and Xserver.
But it doesn't work.After startx,it report can't find the server.I have add 
some line of G100
in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Cards,but in XF86Setup,there's only the card ,no the new 
server.How can i
  Thank you.

Netscape - Newbie Linux User

1998-11-29 Thread John Woodill
Wuz up all?

Alright here is my problem.  I have Debian 2.0 installed.  I downloaded
[navigator-v45-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar] from  I
installed it and everything.  Now when ever I go to the installed dir
[/usr/local/netscape] and i type ./netscape it gets an error message
[unable to load library].  I then did a search with dselect to
find the package [xpm4.7] which contains the [] lib.  Then i did
dpkg -i xpm4.7 and it wouldn't install it.  I don't wanna go through with
dselect because that takes forever!  And apt doesn't work with my cd-rom :(
  Any suggestions?



Debian on Toshiba laptop

1998-11-29 Thread Rino Mardo

I'm using a Toshiba 320CDT laptop, P233 MMX, 4 GB 
hard disk, one D-Link DE-660 and one Xircom 10/100+56 PCMCIA. I am new to 

Before I was trying out the slackzip version of 
Slackware Linux and when I boot it automatically finds my Xircom card, 
loads it as eth0 and assigns the ip address I want. Now I have 
Debian Linux and when I boot it finds not the Xircom card but the D-Link 
card. I know I can setup a script to add the Xircom settings later on but 
why is this happening? How can I or where can I put my script for the 
second card? Is it in /etc/pcmcia/network.opts the right 


Re: Dialout within X

1998-11-29 Thread Richard Lyon
I think you need to be a little more specific. See further comments below:

 So I see that I am not the only person to get those problems 
 with Netscape.  And yes, I did install both libc5 and libc6.

What version did you install?
How did you install it (ie. As a debian package, what components, etc ..)?
 I have just installed hamm distribution (kernel 2.0.34) onto my system, 
 and X won't let me dial out.  Even worse, to dial in, I have to reboot 
 the system!  There are no error messages, just that the modem won't 
 respond (tested it myself).

Errr yes, but this is such a general statement. Your problems will relate to 
your setup and how you are trying to initiate a connection. Are you seeing any 
nasty messages when dialling out? Have you check the ppp log?

When you say X won't let you dial out, does this mean you can dial out when X 
is not running?

Has your modem ever worked with your current installation?

Does ppp work when x windows is not running?

Why do you have to reboot the system, does everything lockup?

I am sure if you can supply more detail some of the people who read this list 
can help out. It may be a good idea to tackle you problems one by one. Like, 
why not concentrate on getting the ppp sorted first before worrying about 

Regards ... 

Re: Netscape - Newbie Linux User

1998-11-29 Thread Will Lowe
 Wuz up all?
Not me.  It's 1 am local time ...

 Alright here is my problem.  I have Debian 2.0 installed.  I downloaded
 [navigator-v45-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar] from  I
 installed it and everything.  Now when ever I go to the installed dir
That was your first mistake :) ... there's a netscape installer package
which will do this for you.  Search at  -- follow the Dists
link and search the main stable archive for netscape4.  If you put the
tarball from in /tmp and dpkg -i the netscape4 .deb file,
it'll install it and take care of setting up library paths,  etc...

 find the package [xpm4.7] which contains the [] lib.  Then i did
 dpkg -i xpm4.7 and it wouldn't install it.  I don't wanna go through with
What were the errors?


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|And if you on tight to what you think is your thing |
|you may find you're missing all the rest ...|
|- Dave Matthews,  Best of What's Around   |


1998-11-29 Thread Richard . Dansereau
Hello all!

I just attempted upgrading from 2.0 to slink and have run across
some problems.  I simply redirected dselect to look in slink instead
of stable and installed the suggested packages.  Unfortunately,
some programs are no longer working now.  This includes dselect,
groff, and telnet.  I get the following messages for these
three examples:

bash-2.01$ telnet
telnet: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
bash-2.01$ dselect
dselect: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
bash-2.01$ groff
groff: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

What is this __register_frame_info and which file/package should
it be located in that I might be missing?


Richard DansereauICQ:  1604133
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Home page:
Electrical and Computer Engineering - The University of Manitoba - Canada

unavailable dependencies: libgtop1 and libguile4

1998-11-29 Thread Zack Brown
These packages are needed by some gnome packages, but they don't seem to be


__register_frame_info - Re: frozen i386 killed dselect etc

1998-11-29 Thread Michael Beattie

For all those afflicted, libc6-2.0.7u-6 (thats right? ITs off the top of
my head. u-6 is right.) is causing havoc with slink/potato upgrades. If
you have this problem, get the following:

which can temporarily help you out... (I hope there is a README with it, I
got the URL from debian-devel - check the archives there for instructions 
if you need them) it provides the missing symbol, which you can use until
all packages are compiled against -6 or 2.1.


For all others, put libc6 on hold :)

On Sun, 29 Nov 1998, John Leget wrote:

 Just updated with debian i386 frozen today andi ran into trouble as
 /usr/lib/ symbol : _register_fram_info
 which effectively killed dselect,xfstt (which caused x to bomb :)), and
 probably more.
 now i traced the symlink to
 and replaced it with one from another partition which has only the base
 install ( linux safe mode grin) same problem i eventually fixed that
 by replacing a file 
 ( which i found using 
 ldd libstdc++-2-libc6... = /lib/ (0x40047000) = /lib/ (0x4006)
   /lib/ = /lib/ (0x)  )
 with from my other partition and it seems to fix part of
 the problem dselect and xfstt are running again for now, just wondering
 what i havent yet fixed ;0)
 I dont know what package caused the problem, but ive no doubt someone
 does :)
 I cant say linux doesnt bomb as much as M$ windows, but some differences
 ive found
 1) i have generally been able to fix it WITHOUT a  reinstall
 2) it runs like it did when i installed it( well not entirely true its
 running better as i understand it a bit more now grin) unlike windows
 which decays with time, i ussually needed to reinstall every +-3 months
 3) it doesnt promise to be something it aint 
 4) i enjoy using it :)
 Thanx all
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
 WinErr: 001 Windows loaded - System in danger
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Netscape - Newbie Linux User

1998-11-29 Thread Michael Beattie
On Sun, 29 Nov 1998, Will Lowe wrote:

  find the package [xpm4.7] which contains the [] lib.  Then i did
  dpkg -i xpm4.7 and it wouldn't install it.  I don't wanna go through with
 What were the errors?

Hmmm... I can imagine the errors... try giving dpkg the absolute path to
the file on your CD.  `dpkg -i` is for installing .deb files, and the way
you put it, the .deb file xpm4.7 in the current directory.


   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  God's last name is not damn.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Kernel 2.0.34 problems

1998-11-29 Thread Steve Lamb
Anyone else get this when doing a make zlilo with 2.0.34?

ld -m elf_i386 -Ttext 0x1000 -e startup_32  -o vmlinux head.o misc.o piggy.o
make[2]: Leaving directory
gcc -I/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.34/include -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
-D__BFD__ -
o tools/build tools/build.c -I/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.34/include
tools/build.c:25: stdio.h: No such file or directory
tools/build.c:26: string.h: No such file or directory
tools/build.c:27: stdlib.h: No such file or directory
tools/build.c:28: sys/types.h: No such file or directory
tools/build.c:29: sys/stat.h: No such file or directory
tools/build.c:30: sys/sysmacros.h: No such file or directory
tools/build.c:31: unistd.h: No such file or directory
tools/build.c:32: fcntl.h: No such file or directory
tools/build.c:35: errno.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [tools/build] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory /usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.34/arch/i386/boot'
make: *** [zlilo] Error 2

 Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my| employer's.  They hired me for my
 ICQ: 5107343  | skills and labor, not my opinions!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Kernel 2.0.34 problems

1998-11-29 Thread Egon Schmid
Install the kernel header files.


On Sun, 29 Nov 1998, Steve Lamb wrote:

 Anyone else get this when doing a make zlilo with 2.0.34?
 ld -m elf_i386 -Ttext 0x1000 -e startup_32  -o vmlinux head.o misc.o piggy.o
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 gcc -I/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.34/include -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
 -D__BFD__ -
 o tools/build tools/build.c -I/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.34/include
 tools/build.c:25: stdio.h: No such file or directory
 tools/build.c:26: string.h: No such file or directory
 tools/build.c:27: stdlib.h: No such file or directory
 tools/build.c:28: sys/types.h: No such file or directory
 tools/build.c:29: sys/stat.h: No such file or directory
 tools/build.c:30: sys/sysmacros.h: No such file or directory
 tools/build.c:31: unistd.h: No such file or directory
 tools/build.c:32: fcntl.h: No such file or directory
 tools/build.c:35: errno.h: No such file or directory
 make[1]: *** [tools/build] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory /usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.34/arch/i386/boot'
 make: *** [zlilo] Error 2

Re: How to config XF98_MGA

1998-11-29 Thread Cesare Tagliaferri
On dom, 29 nov 1998, cj wrote:
   My computer's card is Matrox AGP G100,Now I downloaded a server 
 XF98_MGA.It's only one file 
after uncompress and i put it to /usr/bin/X11,change the config in 
/etc/XF86Config and Xserver.
But it doesn't work.After startx,it report can't find the server.

Did you update the symbolic links /usr/bin/X11/X and /etc/X11/X ? They must
point to your server.


Cesare Tagliaferri

Re: Kernel 2.0.34 problems

1998-11-29 Thread Steve Lamb
On Sun, Nov 29, 1998 at 10:02:00AM +0100, Egon Schmid wrote:
 Install the kernel header files.

I hate to say it, but I am not that stupid.  Neither is dselect.

 *** Opt develkernel-heade 2.0.34-42.0.34-4Header files related
 *** Opt develkernel-sourc 2.0.34-42.0.34-4Linux kernel source.

 On Sun, 29 Nov 1998, Steve Lamb wrote:
  Anyone else get this when doing a make zlilo with 2.0.34?
  ld -m elf_i386 -Ttext 0x1000 -e startup_32  -o vmlinux head.o misc.o piggy.o
  make[2]: Leaving directory
  gcc -I/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.34/include -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
  -D__BFD__ -
  o tools/build tools/build.c -I/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.34/include
  tools/build.c:25: stdio.h: No such file or directory
  tools/build.c:26: string.h: No such file or directory
  tools/build.c:27: stdlib.h: No such file or directory
  tools/build.c:28: sys/types.h: No such file or directory
  tools/build.c:29: sys/stat.h: No such file or directory
  tools/build.c:30: sys/sysmacros.h: No such file or directory
  tools/build.c:31: unistd.h: No such file or directory
  tools/build.c:32: fcntl.h: No such file or directory
  tools/build.c:35: errno.h: No such file or directory
  make[1]: *** [tools/build] Error 1
  make[1]: Leaving directory /usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.34/arch/i386/boot'
  make: *** [zlilo] Error 2
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my| employer's.  They hired me for my
 ICQ: 5107343  | skills and labor, not my opinions!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Kernel 2.0.34 problems

1998-11-29 Thread Egon Schmid
Oh sorry, I have never tried to build a kernel the Debian way. So I have
to symlink the header files according the README. Could it be that there
is something wrong?


On Sun, 29 Nov 1998, Steve Lamb wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 29, 1998 at 10:02:00AM +0100, Egon Schmid wrote:
  Install the kernel header files.
 I hate to say it, but I am not that stupid.  Neither is dselect.
  *** Opt develkernel-heade 2.0.34-42.0.34-4Header files related
  *** Opt develkernel-sourc 2.0.34-42.0.34-4Linux kernel source.

Re: About cdrom

1998-11-29 Thread Martin Schulze
 Is debian supposed to have a /dev/cdrom

Well, yes.  Unfortunately the mechanism that creates it from
the boot floppies was broken.

 Because when I install debian I do
 mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom and I get
 /dev/cdrom file or Dir not found

Issue the command 

ln -s hdb /dev/cdrom

if your cdrom is an atapi cdrom as slave on the first adapter.



VFS: no free i-nodes, contact Linus  -- finlandia, Feb '94 

Re: Kernel 2.0.34 problems

1998-11-29 Thread Steve Lamb
On Sun, Nov 29, 1998 at 10:22:24AM +0100, Egon Schmid wrote:
 Oh sorry, I have never tried to build a kernel the Debian way. So I have
 to symlink the header files according the README. Could it be that there
 is something wrong?

We'll find out shortly.  I'm FTPing the sources from sunsite.  Never did
like the Debian way of doing the Kernel.

 Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my| employer's.  They hired me for my
 ICQ: 5107343  | skills and labor, not my opinions!

Description: PGP signature

finding a package name given a filename

1998-11-29 Thread Eric Jacoboni

Is it possible, given a filename -- say: 'as86' -- to find the package 
from which it has been extracted ?

This fonctionnality is available with rpm : 'rpm -qf as86' 

I've read dpkg manpages but found nothing...

Éric Jacoboni « J'ai épuisé le tout-venant, je vais me risquer dans
le bizarre » (M. Audiard)

Re: finding a package name given a filename

1998-11-29 Thread Nuno Carvalho
On 29 Nov 1998, Eric Jacoboni wrote:

 Is it possible, given a filename -- say: 'as86' -- to find the package 
 from which it has been extracted ?

 dpkg --search as86

 Best regards,
   Nuno Carvalho

Printer cuts bottom off...

1998-11-29 Thread John Travers
Hi, I have got magic-filter set up, and everything prints ok, i.e can print
graphics, text etc. but it always cuts the bottom off. Well it goes like this,
the whole document prints fine untill the last page at which the printer stops
and displays the I've got data, press this button to continue led. So I
press the button on the printer and out comes the last page all fine exept the
last few centimeters. Any help ?

regards travs. 

Get free e-mail and a permanent address at

RE: OFFTOPIC: ssh in userspace?

1998-11-29 Thread Leandro Dutra
 access). Compile ssh (should do without root privileges), do not try
 to install it (this requires root) and run sshd with a port argument. 

If you install it giving your home (or ~/local/) as root, won't it
install nicely under ~/local/ ?

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda

RE: netscape woes

1998-11-29 Thread Leandro Dutra
  Not so!  Mozilla may not be the wonderful GPL'd program I would like
  to be, but it's still free.
  Unless you consider that Mozilla isn't quite from Netscape...
 So what happens when AOL decides not to support Mozilla any further?

The joke about Mozilla not being quite from
Netscape^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HAOL is that Mozilla is the name of the strictly
free version of Netscape, which, if still copyrighted by Netscape, is
worked on by everyone.  And as the license is free, even if it's
copyrighted by Netscape it is available for everyone.

If AOL stops supporting Mozilla, it was already released under
a free software license.  So we (the free software community) take
over the development, and that's it.

Once something has been released, everyone who obtained that
thing legally still abide by the original license.  No one can
impose on you modifications on the license terms you have already
obtained. So the software is free forever.

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda

RE: More dselect wishes

1998-11-29 Thread Leandro Dutra
Please, people!  dselect is free software, under GPL.

Instead of daydreaming about a thousand features, implement them
and submit the patches to the current maintainer!

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda

Re: finding a package name given a filename

1998-11-29 Thread Eric Jacoboni
Nuno Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Is it possible, given a filename -- say: 'as86' -- to find the package 
  from which it has been extracted ?
  dpkg --search as86

Thanks for your answer but your suggestion doesn't match my question :

[titine]:~/$ dpkg --search as86
bin86: /usr/doc/bin86/examples/as86_encap
bin86: /usr/man/man1/as86.1.gz
bin86: /usr/bin/as86

What i want to get is something like :

[titine]:~/$ dpkg --fromwhich '/usr/bin/xemacs'

would give :

/usr/bin/xemacs: xemacs20-bin

So, given a file, obtain the _package_ (the opposite of --contents, in 
Éric Jacoboni « J'ai épuisé le tout-venant, je vais me risquer dans
le bizarre » (M. Audiard)

Re: finding a package name given a filename

1998-11-29 Thread Nuno Carvalho
On 29 Nov 1998, Eric Jacoboni wrote:

 Nuno Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Is it possible, given a filename -- say: 'as86' -- to find the package 
   from which it has been extracted ?
   dpkg --search as86
 Thanks for your answer but your suggestion doesn't match my question :
 [titine]:~/$ dpkg --search as86
 bin86: /usr/doc/bin86/examples/as86_encap
 bin86: /usr/man/man1/as86.1.gz
 bin86: /usr/bin/as86

 Didn't you want to know on what package was as86 extracted!? 
 as86 belongs to the bin86 package !!

 I think that's what you want!

 Best regards,
  Nuno Carvalho

Re: finding a package name given a filename

1998-11-29 Thread Eric Jacoboni
Nuno Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Didn't you want to know on what package was as86 extracted!? 
  as86 belongs to the bin86 package !!
  I think that's what you want!

Yep, you're right ;-)

_But_ try to do a :

$ dpkg -S xemacs

And you will see all an unnecessary garbage instead of just the
package name from which the xemacs executable has been extracted...

Nevermind, i've resolved the problem :

$ dpkg -S xemacs|grep '/usr/bin/xemacs'
xemacs20-nomule: /usr/bin/xemacs-20.4-nomule


$ dpkg -S as86 |grep `which as86`
bin86: /usr/bin/as86

That's ok for me... Thanks again.
Éric Jacoboni « J'ai épuisé le tout-venant, je vais me risquer dans
le bizarre » (M. Audiard)

RE: ascd

1998-11-29 Thread Leandro Dutra
 I use Afterstep as my window manager and I have asmixer installed,
 but I can't find it anywhere on my system.


If you still can't find asmixer, try typing
in any xterm (or similar windowed shell).

If asmixer isn't in your path, try
locate asmixer
That requires that you've installed dbupdate, which I think is part
of the GNU fileutils.

If you do not have locate, try:
find / -name asmixer

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda

RE: Question

1998-11-29 Thread Leandro Dutra
  When I try to install my packages it says
  dpkg-perl file not found or renamed
  then it tells me where to put it
  when I search for it though its not there
  how do I fix this?
   Never seen this... but if it says not found or renamed, it would
 be strange if it could be found!
Please give the exact messages you get, and what exactly you
were trying to do, and how.

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda

RE: how get a pci plug and pray soundcard installation

1998-11-29 Thread Leandro Dutra
 I run a TerraTec XLerate Soundcard
 -PCI and Plug  Play
 But, unfortuanellety, I can't get the soundcard `swingin'.

Isn't it Windows-only?  If it says it needs Windows, better to
believe it.

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda


1998-11-29 Thread Pere Camps

Has anyone succesfully installed linuxconf on debian? If yes, is
it worth it?

Salutacions, Pere     __oUltima Ratio Regum
  2:343/108.91   -  _`\;_mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP key available ---  (_)/ (_)

RE: Low memory performance question

1998-11-29 Thread Leandro Dutra
 The question is - Is Debian going to run worth a d**n on this thing?  The
 primary use will be for learning C and mucking about with shell
 programming. I won't be loading much more then the base system, gcc, g++,
 and vi.

It should be fine *if* you won't do anything heavy in C.  gcc is
about one of the most demanding apps if you start to compile big things
like gcc itself.

If you are going to learn C only there's no need to install g++.

Did you got past that 20-minutes message?

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda

Re: linuxconf

1998-11-29 Thread Joerg Friedrich
On Sun, 29 Nov 1998, Pere Camps wrote:

   Has anyone succesfully installed linuxconf on debian? If yes, is
 it worth it?

At the moment, linuxconf-version 1.10r34 is available in

Recent linuxconf-release is 1.13r7, but the debian-maintainer is obviously
to busy to build a new release. I did a deb by my self. But there are
serious problems:

First of all, linuxconf breaks! Debian sysvinit, this means you can't
boot, if you let do linuxconf the booting. it is possible to edit the 
/etc/init.d/rc-script provided with linuxconf that you can boot. But this
means you can't use the benefits of linuxconf while booting.

Otherwise linuxconf is IMHO a very easy to use config-utility.
If some more people can help me testing linuxconf we can make it usable
for debian.

I try to get more info from the author how linuxconf can be set up for

You can download my recent package if you want to test it.

my homepage will be available within 2 or 3 days.

Heute ist nicht alle Tage, ich komme wieder, keine Frage!!!


RE: Debian 2.0 (Cheapbyets CD) EZSTART does not recognize CD-ROM IRQ

1998-11-29 Thread Leandro Dutra
 hdd: IRQ probe failed (0)
 hdd: IRQ probe failed (0)
 hdd: Toshiba CD ROM  XM-6102D ATAPI CDROM DRIVE
 hdd: IRQ probe failed (0)
 ide0 at 0x160-0x1fg, 0x36 on irq 14
 ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irq 15
 If I then try to mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom my
 system hangs in the Left-Alt F2 virtual terminal, and I have to

No use trying to do that if the CD couldn't be found by the

 I would like to be able to find out what IRQ and i/o address my
 Toshiba CD-ROM is working under.  MSD will not provide this
 information (at least I don't recognize it).  Can I do it from
 the Left-Alt F2 virtual console in EZSTART?
 If I can find out what the irq and i/o address should be (using
 some GNU utility that is available on the Left-Alt F2 virtual
 console), how would I then get the system to accept these values
 for the CD-ROM?

You could check the files under /proc.

And when you find the addresses, use modconf to reinstall the
driver.  It will give you a chance to type any parameter after you
select the driver.

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda

RE: Dselect hard crash; now dselect won't run

1998-11-29 Thread Leandro Dutra
   (Debian 1.1 - slink)

You mean 2.1?

 11:06pm ~$ dselect
 dselect: error in loading shared libraries
 /usr/lib/ undefined symbol:
 I attempted reinstalling both libc6 and libstdc++2.9, but it didn't
 help.  The file mentioned above does exist.  Any clues?  Or is my root
 system hosed beyond repair?

Did you removed first, then reinstalled, or simply tried to install

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda

custom-kernel 2.0.34 / vfat modules

1998-11-29 Thread Ingo Hohmann

I have compiled the a custom 2.0.34 Kernel from the
hamm sources, on a hamm system. I installed with 
make zlilo. On startup I get errors about unresolved
symbols in the vfat modules.

Any ideas, whats going wrong ???

(by the way, there were some typos in the sources, 
one in af_inet, the other I don't remember now ...)



Ingo Hohmann, Otto-Speckter-Str.17b, D-22307 Hamburg, Germany
Tel/Fax: + 49 40 / 69 79 24 80eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SVGAlib, ZGV and ET6000 - hi res modes?

1998-11-29 Thread Felix K.K. Chang
Hello all,

I want to use zgv with svgalib, which works, but the hi-res modes
do not (I get 640x480, I think). 

As far as I know, my video card (et6000, 4Mb) is downward compatible
et4000 which has good (?) support in svgalib. I however cannot gather
from the docs how to change modes. the F-keys as stated in the zgv
do not work. 
Under X, i can get 1280x1024x256.

Could someone explain to me how I set up svgalib / zgv ?

Thanks in advance,


ir F.K.K. ChangHaarlemmerstraat 303  2312 DV Leiden 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel/Fax 071 5147683
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Overdag 0251 492927

slink upgrade

1998-11-29 Thread Yosef B
Still trying to install slink.

Somebody on the list suggested that I install hamm and then upgrade to
slink as the 1743 resue disk won't work on my system.

I cannot seem to find any instructions or FAQ to show how to upgrade
to slink from hamm.  Maybe I am just looking in the wrong place.  Can
someone point me to the right place?


Lawrence Baker

RE: Automatizing installation on several machines

1998-11-29 Thread Leandro Dutra
 But since I'm not very experienced with networking my problem is: how
 to install the /home directories on the server (any user should be
 able to work on every machine which is available, so I think it
 would be the best way to export the user directories with NFS).

Besides exporting the user directories with NFS, you need to define
your users in NIS, NIS+ or something similar.  The same service (NIS,
etc.) will have to define also the mounts that contain the user

Never done that (there weren't many users nor machines enough to
justify taking the time from more urgent things), so for the details
ask someone more experient than me.

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda DOOM

1998-11-29 Thread jim r
I just downloaded the linux doom binary and .WAD. Running the linuxxdoom 
results in can't find library ''. I tried making a symlink 
to (ln -s, and it still didn't work, 
although '' is listed in the /usr/X11R6/lib directory (cuz of 
the symlink). So,

Where can I find the appropriate library? or
How do I CORRECTLY do the sym-link (if I did it wrong)?


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Window Maker

1998-11-29 Thread John Woodill
Alright.  Here is my question.  I am running Window Maker on Debian 2.0.  I
just got Netscape navigator working but whenever i want to load it i have
to type [cd /usr/local/netscape] then [./netscape].  I dont feel like doing
this every time i want to work on netscape.  How would i add Netscape to
the Window Maker menu (the menu that pops up when you right click
:Apps|Games|System etc...).  Thanx guys


RE: More dselect wishes

1998-11-29 Thread Zack Brown

   Please, people!  dselect is free software, under GPL.
   Instead of daydreaming about a thousand features, implement them
 and submit the patches to the current maintainer!

Are you suggesting that anyone who does not have the skill to implement
features should not participate at all?

No one has to implement the features that I or anyone else ask for. But we
are not asking for bizarre, useless things. The ideas in this thread have
all been heartfelt, useful indicators of things that actual developers might

If you don't want to implement the suggestions people make, then don't
implement them. But don't get on people's back for trying to make the
software better in whatever way they know how. Sheesh.

A nice way to look at it is that suggestions are sort of like idea-patches.
People submit their idea-patches to the maintainers, and the maintainers
decide whether to apply them with patch-brain or not.

Bottom line: suggestions can do no harm, and they may help.



1998-11-29 Thread Richard L. Alhama
On Sun, 29 Nov 1998, jim r wrote:

 I just downloaded the linux doom binary and .WAD. Running the linuxxdoom 
 results in can't find library ''. I tried making a symlink 
 to (ln -s, and it still didn't work, 
 although '' is listed in the /usr/X11R6/lib directory (cuz of 
 the symlink). So,
 Where can I find the appropriate library? or
 How do I CORRECTLY do the sym-link (if I did it wrong)?

You symlinked the wrong file, get the libc5-compat (or something like
that) package from the oldlibs directory.  Doom I  II, Quake I  II are
libc5 binaries AFAIC.

Remove the symlinkn first you might never know what'll happen.


Admiral Charah
Technical Support Group 
Cyberspace Laoag, ISP

RE: Is this really the right thing to do?

1998-11-29 Thread Leandro Dutra
   The developers of dpkg could do something like add a 'package
 feature that lets newcomers (especially newbies to X11) understand the
 relationship between packages.

Do anyone knows what the dpkg developers think about the issue?

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda

RE: Please help with Networking

1998-11-29 Thread Leandro Dutra
 Alan thanks for advice but i'm a linux/unix newbie
 you lost me after the network card
 1. make sure that your network card is supported--yes
 2. make sure kernel has support enabled (compiled in or module)--how to

It will only have kernel if you recompiled your kernel.  If it is
module, check running modconf and looking in the net section.

 3. setup ip  host in /etc/hosts-how to set up??

Add a line:

ip-address  hostname

in the /etc/hosts file.

 4. setup dns in /etc/resolv.conf--how to set up?

Add a line here also.  For the format, do:

man resolv.conf

 5. reboot - check that route is not setup for you--how to check??

Do not know also.  Anyone?

 5a. setup route, like (on debian, it's etc/init.d/network), find the file
 by grepping on ifconfig lo--grepping??
  ifconfig eth0 netmask up
  route add -net netmask eth0

to grep means getting the output of a command into the command
grep, which will give only the lines containing the specified string.


ifconfig lo | grep string-to-look-for

You can always do a:

man command-name

to find about the command-name use and sintax.  If you need only
remembering something you already knew, you can use:

command-name -h

Which will give you a command summary.

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda

RE: An alternative to glint (reading rpm's)

1998-11-29 Thread Leandro Dutra
 what.  Is there a way to see what these applications
 are, without re-installing redhat???

There is a package to enable the use of .rpm's in Debian, it is
called... I forget the name!  I'm without access to the web or to a
Debian machine now, please look for it in dselect or on the search
machine in

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda

Installing Debian 2.0 (Intel) for first time

1998-11-29 Thread Chris Chapman
(My System:QDI 430TX motherboard,CyriX 200MMX CPU and 96MG Edo Ram)
I am new to Linux  Debian, Also I am not a programmer. I have
tried to install Debian 2.0 (Intel)from CD. I have Win98 on my 4.3GB
hard drive so I cleared 2.4G and managed to create a 200Mg root
partition dev/hda3, a 96MG ((is this much necessary? )swap partition
dev/hda7 an a 2.1+GB linux partition dev/hda8 and have reached the
Configure Device Drivers step; but I am unsure what settings to use.
Here is a list of the additional hardware I have: 

HP 7100i CD Writer ( uses Direct CD for writing data and Easy Cd for
writing audio )

Philips DRD 5200 DVD ROM
Matrox Millennium II ( 4MG )
Real Magic Hollywood 2 Mpeg2 Card
US Robotic Sportster 56.6K Fax\Voice Modem
Flyvideo II ( TV Tuner Card )
Standard serial mouse

Can you please let me know what I must do to get them to run in
Linux?. Also at one attempted to install I left Configure Device
Drivers blank, then when I reached the list of access methods in
Dselect, when I chose cdrom it requested the Block I do not know
what this is. I read the Dselect documentation for beginners but it
has no mention of this. It does talk about mounting your CD could you
explain what mounting is and how I can mount the CD drives mentioned

   Finally can you recommend the best learning materials for learning
how to use and get the most out of Linux ( remembering I am a beginner )



Get your free address at

I need help Installing Debian 2.0 (Intel) for first time

1998-11-29 Thread Chris Chapman

(My System:QDI 430TX motherboard,CyriX 200MMX CPU and 96MG Edo Ram)
I am new to Linux  Debian, Also I am not a programmer. I have
tried to install Debian 2.0 (Intel)from CD. I have Win98 on my 4.3GB
hard drive so I cleared 2.4G and managed to create a 200Mg root
partition dev/hda3, a 96MG ((is this much necessary? )swap partition
dev/hda7 an a 2.1+GB linux partition dev/hda8 and have reached the
Configure Device Drivers step; but I am unsure what settings to use.
Here is a list of the additional hardware I have: 

HP 7100i CD Writer ( uses Direct CD for writing data and Easy Cd for
writing audio )

Philips DRD 5200 DVD ROM
Matrox Millennium II ( 4MG )
Real Magic Hollywood 2 Mpeg2 Card
US Robotic Sportster 56.6K Fax\Voice Modem
Flyvideo II ( TV Tuner Card )
Standard serial mouse

Can you please let me know what I must do to get them to run in
Linux?. Also at one attempted to install I left Configure Device
Drivers blank, then when I reached the list of access methods in
Dselect, when I chose cdrom it requested the Block I do not know
what this is. I read the Dselect documentation for beginners but it
has no mention of this. It does talk about mounting your CD could you
explain what mounting is and how I can mount the CD drives mentioned

   Finally can you recommend the best learning materials for learning
how to use and get the most out of Linux ( remembering I am a beginner )



Get your free address at

Re: I need help Installing Debian 2.0 (Intel) for first time

1998-11-29 Thread Andrew Ivanov
It is very likely that you will have a problem with your modem. US
Robotics makes good Winmodems, that are not working for Linux.

Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

Re: An alternative to glint (reading rpm's)

1998-11-29 Thread Mitch Blevins
Leandro Dutra wrote:
  what.  Is there a way to see what these applications
  are, without re-installing redhat???
   There is a package to enable the use of .rpm's in Debian, it is
 called... I forget the name!  I'm without access to the web or to a
 Debian machine now, please look for it in dselect or on the search
 machine in

There is a debian package that will read and install RPMs.
It is called rpm. (surprise)

However, it is disadvised to use it because it will bypass the dpkg system
and build up cruft on your system, and won't be able to read dependancies
between the two systems.

It is better to use the package called alien to first convert the rpm
to a deb, then install it with dpkg.


Re: Netscape - Newbie Linux User

1998-11-29 Thread wtopa

Subject: Netscape - Newbie Linux User
Date: Sun, Nov 29, 1998 at 12:27:53AM -0500


 Wuz up all?
 Alright here is my problem.  I have Debian 2.0 installed.  I downloaded
 [navigator-v45-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar] from  I
 installed it and everything.  Now when ever I go to the installed dir
 [/usr/local/netscape] and i type ./netscape it gets an error message
 [unable to load library].  I then did a search with dselect to
 find the package [xpm4.7] which contains the [] lib.  Then i did
 dpkg -i xpm4.7 and it wouldn't install it.  I don't wanna go through with
 dselect because that takes forever!  And apt doesn't work with my cd-rom :(
   Any suggestions?
Use lynx, take a look in the debian-user archives.  There have been a
_bunch_ of people with the same problem.  I recall that you have to
download 4-5 packages to get it working 'the debian' way. Look for
mail from Ed Cogburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] as he found most of the
answers to the problem.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Real programmers don't comment their code.  It was hard to write, it
should be hard to understand.

expect script with ppp and stty forces reboot

1998-11-29 Thread Colin Telmer
I recently began using an expect script to connect to my office via ppp
and have a problem with how I initialize the modem. I talk with the modem
in the expect script as follows:

system stty 38400 -echoe -echo raw  /dev/ttyS1  /dev/ttyS1
spawn -noecho -open [open /dev/ttyS1 r+]

and at the end of the script I start up pppd as 

overlay -0 $spawn_id -1 $spawn_id /usr/sbin/pppd /dev/ttyS1 38400

This works fine (as far as I can tell), but after disconnecting using
poff, I can't reissue the stty command to make a subsequent connection. In
other words, 

stty 38400 -echoe -echo raw  /dev/ttyS1  /dev/ttyS1

just hangs. I can't figure out how to reset this, so I have to reboot
(cheap excuse). Does anyone know how I can solve this? Thanks, Colin.

Colin Telmer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Kernel compile problem

1998-11-29 Thread Roger Franz
I got a sound card (my wife insisted on having a sound card), and am now
trying to recompile the kernel to include support for it.

I've got the configuration set up, and everything appears to be correct.

I run make-kpkg, and it runs until I get this:

gcc:  Internal compiler error: Program cc1 got fatal signal 11.

This apparently occurs at random points during the run of the compile;
this particular one occurred while compiling init.o.  Previous errors
have occurred at floppy.o, keyboard.o, pty.o.  I get the same error
trying to compile the kernel manually (make clean, make config, make
dep, make zImage).

Sometimes I get a message saying that cpp has experienced a broken
output pipe.  Sometimes I don't.

What am I missing?  I tried turning off the CPU cache, and it didn't
change this behavior.

I can run this inside of X and outside of X, and I get the same problem.

The headers and the source are both present.

If it matters, I'm running a Cyrix 6x86L P200+.  Disk space available is
75MB or so; memory is 80MB.


Roger Franz

Re: Kernel compile problem

1998-11-29 Thread Ben Collins
On Sun, Nov 29, 1998 at 07:06:29PM +, Roger Franz wrote:
   gcc:  Internal compiler error: Program cc1 got fatal signal 11.

Ohh, nasty. AFAIR this means you have some bad mem or cpu (more likely
memory). I could be wrong.

--- -  -   ---  -  - - ---   
Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Debian GNU/Linux
UnixGroup Admin - Jordan Systems Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- -- - - - ---   --- -- The Choice of the GNU Generation

Re: Window Maker

1998-11-29 Thread Will Lowe
 this every time i want to work on netscape.  How would i add Netscape to
 the Window Maker menu (the menu that pops up when you right click
 :Apps|Games|System etc...).  Thanx guys

edit your ~/GNUStep/Defaults/WMRootMenu file.  This defines the menus that
WindowMaker shows. 

|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|And if you on tight to what you think is your thing |
|you may find you're missing all the rest ...|
|- Dave Matthews,  Best of What's Around   |

Re: undefined symbol: __register_frame_info

1998-11-29 Thread Daniel Martin
Eric Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I recently installed Slink on a laptop.  I have the latest versions of all
 the signifigant packages.  When I try to run dselect, groff, or many many
 other things, I get this:
 error in loading shared libraries
 /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __register_frame_info
 How do I fix this???

You complain to upstream maintainers to fix their packages.  Until
they do, you can use an older version of libc6.

I've put the last one I had at:

Why did this happen?  Well, there were a few versions of libc6 which
got out which were broken.  The way they were broken meant that
programs compiled with them (not C, just C++, pascal, and anything
else using certain egcs compilers, as opposed to gcc stuff) couldn't
be run anywhere else - they all had this weird dependency on this odd

Now, once libc6 is fixed, we have this scenario.

In any case, downgrade libc6 until all of your other packages have
been upgraded and this stupid libc6 inconsistency is fixed.

Sony CDU33A

1998-11-29 Thread Kenneth Scharf
// from :Anders a.k.a Caine

I just installed Debian on an old 486, which has a old sony cdu33a cdrom
connected to a soundblaster 16. The problem is that the soundcard only
jumper settings for the cdroms irq, not for the base adress, and stupid
as I am, I
didn't have those written down somewhere since I haven't used this comp
for some
2-3 years. After having tried all possible irq and base adresses
with the sony cdu31a module (which I have a vauge memory of working
when I
first installed linux on this computer), I was wondering if there is any
nice way to determine irq  base adress and therefore being able to use
Or if there is any other nice method to get it to work I don't know of

go to the soundblaster (creative labs) web site and you will find the
jumper settings for your soundblaster 16 card.  I got a similar card
(without cd interface) from a used computer store with no
documentation and was able to find what I needed from their web site.

Get your free address at

An alternative to glint (reading rpm's)

1998-11-29 Thread Kenneth Scharf

I made an interesting purchase just recently of Red Hat
5.1, thinking I would try it out and see if it was any
better.  It had some advantages and disadvantages, but
in the end I decided to come back to debian.

The situation I am in now however, is that I have an
applications CD (the third Cd in the set) from redhat
5.1, but I have no idea what these applications are.  I
would like to try these out but want to know what is
what.  Is there a way to see what these applications
are, without re-installing redhat???

I believe that redhat uses a program called glide to
read this application CD, is there an equivalent for
debian ??  or should I try installing glide (which I
doubt would work as I would need to include other parts
of redhat)  ??

Install the alien package which includes RPM.  You can now use the
query command of rpm to get the descriptions of the packages on that
redhat cd.  You could also convert all the packages to .deb's and put
them in their own directory on your hd, and then examine them with

Any one have comments on this...

Get your free address at

Re: An alternative to glint (reading rpm's)

1998-11-29 Thread wtopa

Subject: RE: An alternative to glint (reading rpm's)
Date: Sun, Nov 29, 1998 at 07:00:42PM +0200

In reply to:Leandro Dutra

Quoting Leandro Dutra([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  what.  Is there a way to see what these applications
  are, without re-installing redhat???
   There is a package to enable the use of .rpm's in Debian, it is
 called... I forget the name!  I'm without access to the web or to a
 Debian machine now, please look for it in dselect or on the search
 machine in

Let me see, oh ya, its's called rpm. 

One version is in:


 Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
 Amdocs Brasil Ltda
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Micro Credo:
 Never trust a computer bigger than you can lift.

Virtual Console Messed Up When Switching From X

1998-11-29 Thread Ruchira Datta
I'm sorry if a similar message has appeared before.  It seemed not to have
gone through.

I recently installed Debian 2.0 on my Pentium 233 MMX with 64 MB SDRAM, with
an S3d ViRGE/DX 375 VGA card with 4 MB DRAM and a Samsung SyncMaster 4Ne
monitor (though I don't think the monitor has anything to do with it).
I installed XFree86, running the SVGA server in S3 ViRGE mode, with no options,
at 1024x768 resolution, 24 bpp.  Sometimes when I switch from X to a virtual
console with Ctrl-Alt-Fn, the virtual console starts substituting some
characters for others.  This happens on all the virtual consoles, not just
the one I first switched to.  I have tried tset and reset, to no effect.
The only solution is to reboot.  For example, the sentence the quick brown
fox jumps over the lazy dog looks like $he !%ick bo'n fo( j%m # oe $he 
la*) dog.  They are all printable ASCII characters from the same font.  It
seems that the text-mode display of the video card is messed up.  Can
anyone help me?


Ruchira Datta

Re: expect script with ppp and stty forces reboot

1998-11-29 Thread john
 I talk with the modem in the expect script as follows:

 system stty 38400 -echoe -echo raw  /dev/ttyS1  /dev/ttyS1
 spawn -noecho -open [open /dev/ttyS1 r+]

Why do you need to do this?  Pppd will just reconfigure the serial port to
its satisfaction when it comes up. 

If you are just using the expect script to dial and negotiate a connection,
it would be much easier to use pppd's 'connect' option.  One way to do this
is to create a file in /etc/ppp/peers/ just like the ones pppconfig makes
(naming it 'my_office', for example), but replace 

connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider


connect /usr/bin/expect /etc/chatscripts/my_office

Then you will be able to connect to your office with 'pon my_office'
and disconnect with 'poff'.

 overlay -0 $spawn_id -1 $spawn_id /usr/sbin/pppd /dev/ttyS1 38400

Do you really need to run as slow as 38400?

 This works fine (as far as I can tell), but after disconnecting using

Which kills pppd, causing it to put the serial port back the way it found
it, i.e., as your stty command set it up.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: finding a package name given a filename

1998-11-29 Thread servis
*- Eric Jacoboni wrote about Re: finding a package name given a filename
 Nuno Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Didn't you want to know on what package was as86 extracted!? 
  as86 belongs to the bin86 package !!
  I think that's what you want!
 Yep, you're right ;-)
 _But_ try to do a :
 $ dpkg -S xemacs
 And you will see all an unnecessary garbage instead of just the
 package name from which the xemacs executable has been extracted...

The problem with a lot of packages is that the executable is linked
from a shorter name, and the links are not part of the package but are
created in the postinst scripts.  The xemacs example is a really good

/usr/bin/xemacs - /etc/alternatives/xemacs
/etc/alternatives/xemacs - /usr/bin/xemacs20
/usr/bin/xemacs20 - /etc/alternatives/xemacs20
/etc/alternatives/xemacs20 - /usr/bin/xemacs-20.4-nomule  (finally!!!)

So doing a 'dpkg -S /usr/bin/xemacs' would not work because
/usr/bin/xemacs is actually not in the xemacs20-nomule package but is
created after the package is extracted.

 Nevermind, i've resolved the problem :
 $ dpkg -S xemacs|grep '/usr/bin/xemacs'
 xemacs20-nomule: /usr/bin/xemacs-20.4-nomule
 $ dpkg -S as86 |grep `which as86`
 bin86: /usr/bin/as86
 That's ok for me... Thanks again.

You can skip the grep

% dpkg -S `which as86`
bin86: /usr/bin/as86

which means you can just enter the full path.

% dpkg -S /usr/bin/as86
bin86: /usr/bin/as86

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: linuxconf

1998-11-29 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Pere Camps [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Has anyone succesfully installed linuxconf on debian? If yes, is
 it worth it?
I would be more interested in webmin
which looks very interesting. There is only a Debian 1.3 version
available; *not* a deb package -- seems no one was interested to
package it ...

Has someone tried out webmin on a Debian 2 system? (I am for much a
newbie in system administration to try it out more than installing it
and looking at it's great looking web interface.)



1998-11-29 Thread Andrew Ivanov
Anyone know where I can get 'compress' program?

Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

problems with read()

1998-11-29 Thread Pere Camps

I'm in the need of tracing a read(). After creating a socket
(socket+bind+listen) I make a telnet call the machine+port and after the
first read(), the program fails at it.

More exactly I get a errno that says:
Invalid argument

And the exact call is:
cont=read(sd, line, max-longitud-1);

I've tripled checked the arguments with gdb and all of them are
what read expects. sd is the value given by bind(), line is a char * with
allocated memory and max-longitud-1 is long. I've casted all to their man
specifications to no avail.

Does anybody know what's going here?


Salutacions, Pere     __oUltima Ratio Regum
  2:343/108.91   -  _`\;_mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP key available ---  (_)/ (_)

LinkSys EtherFast 10/100 and Hamm

1998-11-29 Thread Dan Hugo
I am putting together a PPro machine to do some IPMasquerading on a DSL
line, using Hamm from some CDs that I have.

I have two LinkSys EtherFast 10/100 cards with LC82C169 chips on them. I
installed one to start off with, selected the Tulip module, and
continued along with the install.

For some reason, once the machine rebooted and the tulip module was up,
the card seems to be broadcasting (?) or something, and continues to do
so every few seconds.  I have a little 5 port 10Base hub (also from
LinkSys) that I've been using for a while, and the port that it is
plugged in to lights up furiously for a few seconds and the collision
light comes on, then it stops doing that and waits, and repeats.

I tried setting a module option to force a 10BaseT connection (I was
reading the tulip page at and set options=0
and options=4, with no effect on 0 and continuous failures, without a
pause between them, with options=4) with no positive effect.

Has anyone used this type of card successfully?  Suggestions?

I chose this card since it was cheap... $30 each, and eventually that
10Bast hub will become a 100BaseT hub...

Thanks for any input

Dan Hugo

Re: problems with read()

1998-11-29 Thread aqy6633
   I'm in the need of tracing a read(). After creating a socket
 (socket+bind+listen) I make a telnet call the machine+port and after the
 first read(), the program fails at it.
   More exactly I get a errno that says:
   Invalid argument
   And the exact call is:
 cont=read(sd, line, max-longitud-1);
   I've tripled checked the arguments with gdb and all of them are
 what read expects. sd is the value given by bind(), line is a char * with

Since you have a server socket, sd should be a value returned by accept().

Alex Y.
 _( )_
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