Re: Lista parada ?

1999-02-07 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
On Sun, 7 Feb 1999, Jose Carlos Benfati wrote:
 On Tue, 2 Feb 1999, Vinicius De Mario wrote:
 manual de instalação (install.sgml)
 disquetes de instalação

Eu ja tenho estes parcialmente traduzidos,  uma falha de hardware
me impediu de enviara as traducos pafra o pessoal que mantem os boot
disks. Assim que eu comprar um computador novo as coisas vao voltar ao

 configuração de teclado para us-international e abnt2 (como o Guarani)
 scripts de instalação (preinst, postinst, etc) dos pacotes base
 dpkg / dselect

Estes sao um problema a parte, nao existe suporte a
internacionalizacao no dpkg. Debian esta discutindo modificacoes no dpkg e
dselect (e na politica de empacotamento) que permita descricoes
multilinguais de pacotes, talvez saia algo pro potato.

 apt (e apt-gnome)
 inclusão dos patches do Quinot na libX11 (libc5-compat e libc6) para as
 dead keys funcionarem com todos os programas (isto deve ser opcional)

Essa estava na minha lista, eu perdi minha mensagem para o
debian-devel, vou encontra-la e posta-la aqui onde eu falava nisso.

 Com relação a alterar a libX11, mandei um mail pro responsável pelo pacote
 mas não obtive resposta. Talvez seja difícil conseguir que isso entre no
 pacote X11 padrão, mesmo que seja como uma opção.

Eu tambem nao na ocasiao, essa era a parte mais simples, eu iria
pegar o pacote dele (sources) aplicar o path e gerar o libx11i, e manter
como um pacote separado, sempre seguindo o pacote dele.
  Deve existir uma coordenação e uma avaliação dos trabalhos. Outra coisa,
  estamos falando de Portugues Brasileiro. Em Portugal os termos
  tecnicos diferem. Deve ficar claro que estaremos desenvolvendo uma
  versão de Português Brasileiro. Como identificar oficialmente esta
  versão ? (a Debian tem alguma regra para isto ? Como ficam os pacotes,
  teriam uma nova versão ou um sufixo identificador ?)
 Até agora imaginei que os textos em portugues seriam simplesmente
 incluídos nos mesmos arquivos .deb já existentes. Mais ou menos como se
 faz com os programas GNU e outros, com gettext, no Debian e em outras

No, imagine 100 idiomas em um .deb ... na verdade existem pacotes
de localizacao, entao haveria um locales-pt-br.deb como bem mencionou o
Lalo (a outra metade dos debian developers brazucas ;) 
Ja a descricao dos pacotes sim, estaria toda nos .debs , atraves
de multiplos arquivos de descricao, ou um arquivo (minha sugestao) com as
multiplas traducoes. Mas isto depende de muita discussao e alteracoes mais
profundas, nao sendo pratico.

Eduardo Marcel MacanCore Technologies Informatica LTDA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Suporte e Desenvolvimento Unix/Linux. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Debian GNU/Linux Developer
Visite-nos em

Re: Informacion: Acentos en emacs

1999-02-07 Thread Jesus Rodrigo
Jaime E. Villate [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Cuando uno trabaja en emacs, si la fecha del ratón se sale
 de la ventana del texto, los acentos dejan de funcionar.
 Si por ejemplo intento escribir á y el cursor está
 por fuera, oigo un pito al oprimir ' y la a queda sin tilde.
 Lo mismo me ha pasado en hamm y slink, usando emacs20
 Será un bug de emacs? y será que lo mismo pasa con otras

Coño! Pues es cierto... Me pasa con el GNU Emacs 19.34.1 de bo.


Jesús Rodrigo   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: iNet: conecto, obtengo una IP y ahora?

1999-02-07 Thread Hue-Bond
On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, Jon Noble wrote:

Si, en mi fichero de options tengo incluido el defaultroute. Cuando
estando conectado hago route obtengo:
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface* UH0  00 ppp0
localnet*   U 0  04 lo
default UG0  03 ppp0
¿Alguna idea?

 'traceroute'  (o la que sea)  tiene que funcionar.
 Luego prueba otros traceroutes a ver qué tal.

 ¿Tienes alguna especie de firewall configurado?

Yes. It really happened.

   --==[  Linux 2.2.1  ]==--Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

Re: Qué tal slink?

1999-02-07 Thread Juanmi Mora
On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, Tomás Bautista wrote:

 Pues esa es la pregunta. ¿Ya se puede uno cambiar a ella sin riesgos?

Yo estoy usando algunos paquetes, sobre todo para actualizar al kernel 2.2.0.
De momento no tengo ningún problema, pero sí tengo una duda. Cuando Slink
sea la versión estable, y la compre en CD, los paquetes que ahora tengo
de Slink serán actualizados también? Supongo que los paquetes que ya
he instalado irán cambiado hasta el día del lanzamiento de la versión


 Juanmi Mora 
  Barcelona - España

 - Powered by Linux -
Debian 2.0 Hamm

Instalacion imposible

1999-02-07 Thread Juanjo Martinez

Hola a todos/as:

A ver si me podeis hechar una mano ya que quiero instalar Debian 2 en un
segundo equipo y no me es posible. Debo advertir que mis conocimientos
sobre Debian y Linux en general son muy pa'lla.

El ordenador es un P100, 32Mb, Quantum 2Gb IDE, S3Trio64 2Mb, Pioneer
DR-A24X (24x, en hdb). Debian debe compartir el dd con el innombrable
(fat16), para lo que lo he hecho 3 particiones primarias con fips.
Inicio la instalacion, y la primera vez que empieza a determinar el
estado actual del sistema se tira unos 10 minutos... ¿es normal? Bueno,
sigo con el teclado, particiones swap y linux, me pide el cd y al cabo
de unos minutos me dice que no puede montar el cd. Sale un mensage en
pantalla, pero la ventana del 'mount fail' tapa parte del mismo y solo
logro leer esto:

'... or too many mounted file systems'  :-???

Una vez tb pude leer esto a continuacion de lo anterior:

'(aren't you trying to mount an extended partition,
  instead of some logical partition inside?)'

He re-hecho varias veces los discos rescue y drivers por si acaso, pero
nada. Los cd's de Debian son los de Linux Actual y funcionan bien porque
ya los he instalado en otro equipo sin problemas, y, ademas, usando el
mismo procedimiento que el que describo aqui para el segundo ordenador.

Hasta hace unos meses tenia una Slack 3.0, y lei en la lista de UdG que
el lector Pioneer DR-A24X le dio problemas a algunos listeros, pero yo
los tuve en absoluto y usaba este lector perfectamente. ¿Sabe alguien
algo sobre esto?

Gracias por todo y espero no haberme extendido demasiado.


Juanjo Martinez  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[Por favor quita NOSPAM para responder]
[Please remove NOSPAM to reply]

Re: Soundcard under LInux ?

1999-02-07 Thread claydona
On Sun, 7 Feb 1999, ente wrote:
mail to germany from  angus claydon

I'm replying  to this as I am online now too,   and have spent many hours
trying to configure my soundcard , awe  soundblaster 16.

There is a soundblaster HOWTO in /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini  which you should
probably read  as wellas info on isapnp package. this doesn't answer
your question specifically.

good luck
 after installing all the packages and the Window-Managers I want to install 
 Soundcard now.
 It is a PnP (but this doesn't make anything under Linux I think) 
 Compatiable-Card and it runs very well under DOS and Windows. Their it uses 
 default values (IRQ:5 or 7; Port 220 etc.).
 How can I configure it under Linux ? Must I make a device with MAKEDEV? How 
 I use it under KDE 1.0 or FVWM95 ? What is the BPLAY - Program ? Is there any 
 other program which I can use for sound under Linux ?
 Thank you for your answer
 mail from Germany
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: KDE cannot execute the games and the screensaver...

1999-02-07 Thread claydona
On Sun, 7 Feb 1999, ente wrote:

KDE ? why?

don't you think the games in the games section are pretty nifty? 
xasteroids? pacman?



 yes I wanna play with Linux. After installing the KDE I tried the games which 
 are especially in the KDE packages. But when I start some games I get the 
 message Cannot execute programname. What is it ? Must I install one more 
 package ? Where can I see what I must install too? 
  Apropos no executing ... my sreensaver doesn't seem to work. I elected (Yes, 
 must write the past-tense of choose but it doesn't comes into my mind now) 
 screensaver Laser (wooahh) after 1 minute but when I came into my room 
 the dinner their wasn't any sreensaver?
 Thank you for help
 mail from germany
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Modem freezeup again

1999-02-07 Thread Joey Hess
Branden Robinson wrote:
 I used to have exactly that problem.  When the modem got hung up it wedged
 and I couldn't get back to it.
 It's probably been a year since I had to deal with it, though.  IIRC it was
 a U.S. Robotics internal giving me this problem, and it has to do with
 one of the RS-232 lines being held high when it should go low.
 This kind of thing is apparently remembered in the modem's hardware, and
 you have to power cycle it to make it let go.  This is one reason I wound
 up going with an external modem -- at least you can cycle that SOB without
 taking your whole damn machine down.

Yeah, I've got this problem too. Highly annoying. Here the kernel also
outputs an error message when the modem locks - sent that to Alan Cox ages
ago and he acknowledged the problem but I haven't seen a fix yet.

I'm not sure if this is a hardware or a software problem.

 As far as pppd itself goes, try fooling with the local option.

Hm, interesting, will do.

see shy jo

Re: SYM 53C416 SCSI and HP PhotoSmart

1999-02-07 Thread Paolo Pedaletti
Ciao Jiri Baum,

 I have another question: I have a SCSI card that came with HP PhotoSmart
 scanner. It's a PnP card, and pnpdump identifies it as SYS 53C416 (this
 is also the number on a likely-looking chip on the card).
 Which kernel module(s) do I need to install / compile for this to work?
 (I've tried a few, but they either didn't do anything, or did do something
 and then complained of a timeout and crashed.)

go to

SYM53c416 patch x SCANNER
It works!


Linux SCSI driver for sym53c416 (p1 of 6)

   Linux SCSI driver for sym53c416

(c) 1998, 1999 Lieven Willems


   On this page you'll find a linux driver for SCSI boards based on the
Symbios Logic sym53c416 chip. This is the card
   included with some of HP's ScanJet flatbed scanners (e.g. ScanJet 5P and
ScanJet 6100C). The driver is written for the
   2.0.xx and 2.1.xx series of linux kernels and currently tested on the
2.0.30, 2.0.35, 2.0.36 and 2.1.131 kernels only.



Paolo Pedaletti, Como, ITALYa

general protection !!! (kernel 2.0.36, updatedb)

1999-02-07 Thread Paolo Pedaletti
this is what happen when I run updatedb (always! after some time) (kernel 

general protection: 
EFLAGS: 00010202
eax:    ebx: 0004000d   ecx: 0001   edx: 0308
esi: 00200305   edi: 0400   ebp: 0004000d   esp: 00f70e80
ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs: 002b   ss: 0018
Process find (pid: 239, process nr: 40, stackpage=00f7)
Stack: 0305 0004000d 0400 0004000d 0020da34 00e71a00 0c00 0001
   001269dc 0305 0004000d 0400 0001 00160271 0305 0004000d
   0400 00e71a00 001fa0d0 00e71a00 0020da34 01e55998  001fa0d0
Call Trace: [001269dc] [00160271] [00124cae] [00160e07] [0012bdd6]
[0012bfea] [0012c0a4]
   [0012a231] [0010a8c9]
Code: 28 8b 04 85 30 49 1e 00 8b 40 3c 89 48 18 8b 41 28 8b 04 85

Anyone with the same problem?

Should I worry? ;-)


Paolo Pedaletti, Como, ITALYa

Re: Tracking installs

1999-02-07 Thread Joey Hess
 That's not realistic.  Of course, we'd all prefer to use .deb packages, but I
 don't have the time, nore the inclination to change all of the packages I'd
 like to try out to debian format first.

Yes you do.

alien -i file.tgz

It's that simple.

see shy jo

Re: Soundcard under LInux ?

1999-02-07 Thread Stef Hoesli Wiederwald
 How can I configure it under Linux ? Must I make a device with MAKEDEV? How 

You have to compile your own kernel. Check the Sound-HOWTO


apt for hamm

1999-02-07 Thread Chris Hoover
Can someone tell me where I can find the version of apt that works for


Re: perl script

1999-02-07 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Thu, Jul 17, 1997 at 11:43:58AM -0700, Mike Schmitz wrote:
 mike:~$ invoice -n
 Illegal character \015 (carriage return) at /home/mschmitz/bin/invoice line 3.
 (Maybe you didn't strip carriage returns after a network transfer?)   
 -- Snip --
 The only transfers this script has gotten have been accomplished by cp. If
 I put a # at the end of line 3, the error just moves up one.  Has anyone 
 seen/solved this error?

You can strip them out with:

dos2unix filename


mv filename filename.orig; tr -d '\015'  filename.orig  filename

or a bunch of other methods.

vim has always hidden these characters, AFAIK. nvi doesn't.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Anarchy! Yes, Anarchy!

1999-02-07 Thread Hamish Moffatt
 On Aug 21, Paul Wade wrote
  Does Microsoft contribute to my personal autonomy? If so, I prefer
  anarchy. Linux is revolutionary in nature. What if Linus had decided
  instead to develop something that required Windows or SCO Unix? I notice
  that the people behind Debian like to avoid dependencies on commercial
  products. It is a reality that many users could not create their first
  rescue floppy without MS-DOS, but we have to live with it because we don't
  want to be such 'purists' that we have to ship floppies to get people

There's not really a solution to that, ever, for an OS distributed on the
Internet. MS distributes boot floppies with their non-upgrade OS products
for the same reason.

Well, there is one solution.. just convince the BIOS manufacturers to include
PPP code in the BIOS which can dialup and download the boot code. :-)

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: LILO Problems, Groan

1999-02-07 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Thu, Aug 21, 1997 at 10:44:08PM -0700, Mike Schmitz wrote:
 make the boot line in /etc/lilo.conf read
   boot=/dev/hda   - or sda for SCSI
 and run lilo

Urgh. That's the wrong solution. It is unnecessary in 95% of cases to put
LILO in the MBR, and it just makes things more confusing later if you want
to remove it.

 alternatively, toggle the bootable flag on the partition that the boot
 line points at.

That's the correct one.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: off topic - Assembler using GCC

1999-02-07 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Feb 05, 1999 at 11:52:01PM +1100, Jiri Baum wrote:
 I'm thinking, if you need to do non-standard things with the control lines
 (say for a dongle).

No problem getting IO port access (eg for the parallel port). See outb(2),
and the IO port programming mini-HOWTO.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

X11 upgrade---error using xdm, Xsession?

1999-02-07 Thread Alan Eugene Davis

After upgrading to potato X11, as root I can startx.  But when I run
xdm, and log in as a user, I get this: 

  electra:/etc/X11# less /home/lex/.xsession-errors
 :16: invalid preprocessing directive name
 :33: invalid preprocessing directive name
 /etc/X11/Xsession: [: sh: binary operator expected

And when I try startx as a user, also I get the same message:

 :16: invalid preprocessing directive name
 :33: invalid preprocessing directive name
 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc: [: sh: binary operator expected

I already fixed an error in the Xsession file, having to add ;; on a

Now what is this?

Windowmaker is broken.  Afterstep has been broken for a couple of
weeks: a difference in config files?  (I'd done some tweaks).  

Alan Davis

Alan E. Davis   Marianas High School (Science Department)
Saipan, MP  9695015.16oN 145.7oEGMT+10   Northern Mariana Islands

Re: mgetty: AutoPPP Failure

1999-02-07 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Feb 05, 1999 at 10:38:35AM -0600, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
 Frank Barknecht wrote:
  In /etc/mgetty/login.config of the PPP-Server maschine I have tested
  the following lines by uncommenting each in turn:
  #/AutoPPP/ -  a_ppp  /usr/sbin/pppd auth -chap +pap login
  #/AutoPPP/ -  @  /usr/sbin/pppd auth -chap -pap login
  /AutoPPP/ -   @  /usr/sbin/pppd auth login +pap -chap modem crtscts 
  rp lock
 I have /AutoPPP/ - - etc.  I don't remember what the '@' does for you. 
 Shouldn't you have '-detach' in there?

I have just the first line above.

  /etc/ppp/pap-secrets is set up to include:
  # Every regular user can use PPP and has to use passwords from /etc/passwd
  # Tested both:
  #*  fliwatut
  *   *
 * *

Or just

*   * *

which is all I use here (hamm).

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

stuff someone should package (Re: Audio CD MP3)

1999-02-07 Thread Joey Hess
Eric wrote:
 BladeEnc ( is a wonderful encoder if
 you're interested in producing high-quality MP3's.

Heikki Vatiainen wrote:
 My current favourite is L.A.M.E., which stands for
 L.A.M.E Ain't an Mp3 Encoder.

 It is fast and the quality is good enough, at least for me. LAME
 needs the ISO example source code to work so you have to do some
 patching and compiling to get it working. All you need is at

I think bladenc is binary-only, but LAME is free though it has some assembly

What's the copright/patent status of mp3 encoders? Could this be packaged up
for non-us?

see shy jo

Re: Dual Boot Woes

1999-02-07 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Feb 05, 1999 at 08:24:03PM -0500, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
 boot=/dev/hda1== boot=/dev/hda
 That will install the lilo boot loader in the MBR of the master drive,
 and give you a choice of the two OS's. You are currently trying to
 install it in the boot record of the Windows partition, which is

This isn't the best solution. You should set boot to your linux partition,
then set your linux partition active in fdisk. This is much more flexible
if you need to reinstall Windows later, because to get LILO back you just
change your active partition (even Windows' fdisk will let you do that).

Installing lilo in the boot record of your Windows partition is probably
fatal. Windows uses that to store partition meta-information it can't
do without.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Debian Meeting tomorrow: Ian Jackson, Dale Sheetz, LinuxWorld

1999-02-07 Thread Mike Carter
Date sent:  Sat, 6 Feb 1999 10:29:11 -0800
From:   Rick Moen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: Debian Meeting tomorrow: Ian Jackson, Dale Sheetz, 

 Quoting Joey Hess ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Bay Area Debian, the only known Debian user's group, will hold its first
  meeting tomorrow at 9:30pm in the CoffeeNet internet cafe in San
 FYI, I'm the guy who lives upstairs, and as such can have you at 
 The CoffeeNet as my guest for some time after its 11 PM Saturday 
 closing time, if need be.  (I am not part of CoffeeNet management, 
 just a neighbour and co-tenant at the same building.)
 The meeting is now listed on Bay Area Linux Events aka BALE
 (, with a street map at
 Parking at _9:30 PM_, Saturday night, probably won't be bad, but 
 starts becoming scarce starting around 10-11 PM because of two nearby
 dance clubs.  You are advised to not leave valuables visible in your car
 if you park near the dance clubs:  Thieves often do smash-and-grab jobs on
 club nights, because they know that club-goers tend to leave purses et al.
 in their cars.
 Please also be aware that the CoffeeNet parking lot is reserved parking on
 club nights, costing $7.  (It fills up after about 11 PM, when the nearby
 street parking starts becoming scarce.)
 Here are my own directions, taken from the BALE listing for CABAL:
 By Muni: Routes 15 Third Street, 30 Stockton, and 45 Union go past on
 3rd Street, northbound. Routes 30 Stockton and 45 Union go past on 4th
 Street, southbound (but it's only a four-block stroll from 3rd and
 Market, or from the Transbay Terminal). 
 By BART: Exit at Montgomery, walk four blocks south along 3rd Street
 to a right (west) turn onto Harrison. It's the purple building in
 By CalTrain: The San Francisco terminus is at 4th Street and Townsend.
 Either take the 15 Third Street, 30 Stockton, or 45 Union Muni buses
 up 3rd to Harrison, or walk north along 4th, three blocks north to a
 right (east) turn on Harrison, and go 1/2 block. Return to CalTrain on
 routes 30 Stockton or 45 Union from 4th St. (or walk the three
 By car: From I-80 west, exit at 5th Street northbound bearing 
 half-right onto 5th, go one block to a right (east) turn onto
 Folsom, three blocks to right (south) on 2nd Street, one block to
 right (west) on Harrison, proceed 1 1/2 blocks. From I-80 east, take
 4th Street exit, bearing half-left (east) onto Bryant, one block to
 left (north) onto 3rd Street, one block to left (west) on Harrison,
 and proceed 1/2 block. On-street parking is 2-hour (1-hour in the
 alleys) during the day; there's a pay lot on the right (east) side of
 3rd Street, just past Harrison.
 If Bay Area Debian needs Web space, I'll offer it on this (Debian-based)
 bitty box, aka  
 See you there.
 Rick Moen This space for rant.
 rick (at)

Can we  pass the hat so I can afford to fly over and come to the meet? 

Some progress! More help needed

1999-02-07 Thread Daniel Kahraman
Hello All:

I have downloaded all the files and made a bootable (rescue) disk.

The current snag in making a partition.
I have 2 hard disk drives, the second one is the one that i want to
partition (set a swap
file). The information is as follows:

 cfdisk 0.8j
   disk drive:/dev/hda
 Heads 255  sector per track:63   cylinders:623
   Name   Flags Part typeFS type   [Label]  Size
 /dev/hda1 boot primary win95fat
 Pri/Log  free
space   7.85

I have lot of space on this hard drive, most of the space is back-up
copies of my c drive
What I don't want to do is to accidentally erase all the files i
downloaded from the sites given and start the process all over again.

Any suggestions?

I'm really impressed

1999-02-07 Thread Daniel Kahraman
Hello All:

I am really impressed with Debian Linux. Even though at present I am
afraid of partitioning my 2nd hard disk, the detection capabilities of
this OS is super.

I'd like to thank Pann McCuaig and Shaleh for helping me get this far!


Re: Installing kde 1.1 pre2

1999-02-07 Thread Andreas Kremer

all you have to do is

1. Update to slink (I have done so and it worked well - it may also work with
some updated hamm-packages but I don't know)
2. get qt1.42 from slink/potato
3. get the *.deb files from
4. install them with dpkg -i [names].deb (include your downloaded qt1.42)
On my system everything worked fine.
Good luck,

Re: how do I use UID setting?

1999-02-07 Thread Gerard MacNeil
On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, Chris Evans wrote:

 1 -rwsr-xr-x 1 chris root 59 359 Feb 6 22:47 cp

This line means any user can execute the program 'cp'   

 The whoami reports nobody not chris (is that what you'd expect 
 gurus?), the cp, which is what I want, reports insufficient 
 permissions to create the files in the copy.  

OK. So the Apache process is running as user 'nobody' (mine runs as
www-data as per the Debian distribution).

You want 'nobody' to 'cp' a file to a directory.  Does 'nobody' have
permissions to write a file in the directory in question?  The
observations about 'chris' are not relevant. Set the permissions of the
directory so 'nobody' can write to it. 

Do a 'su nobody -c cp SOURCE_FILE THE_DIR' as root to test. You may have
to use the full PATH to the 'cp' command.

If you check the documentation on Security, you will see that it is
recommended that Apache process run as an abstract psudeo-user like
'www-data' (Debian install default).  You spec the user in
/etc/apache/httpd.conf and you only have to make sure that the user
exists.  It helps keep things straight.

It also defines precisely how the files have been written to the
directory.  'www-data' should be denied all logins.  All files written
with owner 'www-data' are therefore written by the Web Server (except for
a security breach). You know where they came from. You can check your Web
Stats to verify the URL was in fact hit. Besides, 'nobody' gets used for a
bunch of other things.

Gerard MacNeil, P. Eng  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator
Supercity Internet Services

Re: Old afterstep

1999-02-07 Thread Joey Hess
Robert Rati wrote:
 Does anyone know where I can get the old 1.0-1 .deb files for Afterstep?
 All the sites seem to have 1.4.5.* and I can't find a site with the bo
 dists, which is where it was located.

Try the asclassic package.

see shy jo

Re: apt for hamm

1999-02-07 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Chris,

you wrote on: 06 Feb 99 at 19:13 (received 07.02.99)
about   : _apt for hamm_

Can someone tell me where I can find the version of apt that works for

On the first CD in directory /tools

You'll need to install it with dpkg -i

Afterwards dselect will have the additional option (Access method) of apt.

Kind regards   Frederick

Re: X11 upgrade---error using xdm, Xsession?

1999-02-07 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon

On Sun, Feb 07, 1999 at 10:40:58AM +1000, Alan Eugene Davis wrote:

 Now what is this?
 Windowmaker is broken.  Afterstep has been broken for a couple of
 weeks: a difference in config files?  (I'd done some tweaks).  

I'll be glad to help if you can tell me how's wmaker broken.



1999-02-07 Thread ivan
I have now decided to use svgalib but already have run into trouble !

/* programme svgatest.c */

#include stdio.h
#include vga.h


/* code */


#: gcc svgatest.c -O2 -lvga

Programme won't compile because
a) Can't find vga.h
b) Can't find vga library

Yet dselect claims svgalib is installed.  Do I need to install svgalib-bin ?

I have vga.h in the usr/src tree - is this where it should be ?

Where is the vga library that needs to be linked ?

Thanks for your help.


eterm and .bash_profile

1999-02-07 Thread Chris Frost
Is there any way to tell eterm not to execute my ~/.bash_profile? I have
several things ran by this script that only need to be ran when I login,
not everytime I open up a term window.

- Visit Me At -

   Public PGP Key:
 Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject retrieve pgpkey or

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Re: Wrong HD size in BIOS, Recovery?

1999-02-07 Thread wb2oyc

I would suggest you tell the bios to auto-detect your disk, and then
cfdisk it, and make the free space into another partition. This should
avoid eating your data.

If you've installed Lilo, the system will not boot, I don't believe.
Any change to the geometry will render it unable to access the disk.
You probably will see the dreaded LI when you try.


Re: svgalib

1999-02-07 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 I have now decided to use svgalib but already have run into trouble !
 /* programme svgatest.c */
 #include stdio.h
 #include vga.h
 /* code */
 #: gcc svgatest.c -O2 -lvga
 Programme won't compile because
   a) Can't find vga.h
   b) Can't find vga library
 Yet dselect claims svgalib is installed.  Do I need to install svgalib-bin ?
 I have vga.h in the usr/src tree - is this where it should be ?
 Where is the vga library that needs to be linked ?
 Thanks for your help.

Install svgalibg1-dev

please help! recovery from e2fsck

1999-02-07 Thread claydona
If computers get viruses, this seems to be leprosy.
typing  mc for midnight commander in x windows brought the system 
crashing down to an automatic reboot;
Lilo did reboot this time but in the last 24hrs has given:

error loading linux
error 0x01

#and also later:

crc error

Is this a hard drive cable error?



State Panic in State.c:159: in_state_fsck
 Bad Magic Number

now from tty1 I'm unable to M-f2 change to tty2:

Unable to change tty /dev/tty2: Read-only file system

I'm contemplating a complete reinstall. 
I'll be leaving the machine on and look forward to seeing what can be 

how can I get a list of files damaged on bad blocks after they
have been cleared with e2fsck?

many thanks
angus claydon

Re: Wrong HD size in BIOS, Recovery?

1999-02-07 Thread claydona
On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, wb2oyc wrote:

 I would suggest you tell the bios to auto-detect your disk, and then
 cfdisk it, and make the free space into another partition. This should
 avoid eating your data.
 If you've installed Lilo, the system will not boot, I don't believe.
 Any change to the geometry will render it unable to access the disk.

 You probably will see the dreaded LI when you try.

is this worse than the dreaded LIL ?

angus claydon

Re: Wrong HD size in BIOS, Recovery?

1999-02-07 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, wb2oyc wrote:

 I would suggest you tell the bios to auto-detect your disk, and then
 cfdisk it, and make the free space into another partition. This should
 avoid eating your data.
 If you've installed Lilo, the system will not boot, I don't believe.
 Any change to the geometry will render it unable to access the disk.
 You probably will see the dreaded LI when you try.

In that case, re-running LILO should make it work with the new geometry.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

How to Add User to Group?

1999-02-07 Thread Art Lemasters
Would some of you please tell me how to add user oracle
to group dba?  ...don't know why I'm having so much trouble with

I already tried addgroup to create dba, then creating oracle
adduser --ingroup dba oracle

...didn't work.  I noticed that the oracle root directory has the
same UID as oracle, but it has a GID that is different from dba and


where exactly is qt1.42. I cant seem to find it. NFM

1999-02-07 Thread rod peters

Re: stuff someone should package (Re: Audio CD MP3)

1999-02-07 Thread Joseph Carter
On Sat, Feb 06, 1999 at 04:45:12PM -0800, Joey Hess wrote:
  BladeEnc ( is a wonderful encoder if
  you're interested in producing high-quality MP3's.

 I think bladenc is binary-only, but LAME is free though it has some assembly

I believe source was released due to popular demand.

 What's the copright/patent status of mp3 encoders? Could this be packaged up
 for non-us?

Probably not.

Anticipation is the sweetest form of torture...

Re: How to Add User to Group?

1999-02-07 Thread Rob Mahurin
Ummm ... I've just been creating the users and then doing adduser user
group.  Occam's Razor may apply here.


On Sat, Feb 06, 1999 at 07:47:11PM +, Art Lemasters wrote:
 Would some of you please tell me how to add user oracle
 to group dba?  ...don't know why I'm having so much trouble with
 I already tried addgroup to create dba, then creating oracle
 adduser --ingroup dba oracle
 ...didn't work.  I noticed that the oracle root directory has the
 same UID as oracle, but it has a GID that is different from dba and
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Love your neighbour, yet don't pull down your hedge.
-- Benjamin Franklin

Re: How to Add User to Group?

1999-02-07 Thread Art Lemasters
 No.  It still didn't work for me.  Oracle is still reporting that
it hasn't been done.  Thanks, anyway.  Maybe it's something wrong with
the Oracle script?


On Sat, Feb 06, 1999 at 10:14:56PM -0500, Rob Mahurin wrote:
 Ummm ... I've just been creating the users and then doing adduser user
 group.  Occam's Razor may apply here.
 On Sat, Feb 06, 1999 at 07:47:11PM +, Art Lemasters wrote:
  Would some of you please tell me how to add user oracle
  to group dba?  ...don't know why I'm having so much trouble with
  I already tried addgroup to create dba, then creating oracle
  adduser --ingroup dba oracle
  ...didn't work.  I noticed that the oracle root directory has the
  same UID as oracle, but it has a GID that is different from dba and
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Love your neighbour, yet don't pull down your hedge.
   -- Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Netscape woes...

1999-02-07 Thread Doug Thistlethwaite
Ok, I removed the .netscape directory and now the script in 
/usr/bin/X11/netscape works
fine. (This seems to start v4.05)  This is when I get the Aborted. error 

Now if I type /usr/local/netscape/netscape I still get the bus error.  I wonder 
anyone else is having problems with v4.5.  Something is screwy here, because 
the script
in the X11 directory (the debian thing) appears to call the exec in the
/usr/local/netscape directory...  I am confused... :O

Thanks for you help!


Rob Mahurin wrote:

 I got the bus error message repeatedly some time ago for absolutely no
 apparent reason.  I moved my ~/.netscape/ directory to .netscape.screwed/
 and ran it again, and it gave the you haven't run netscape before dialog
 and set itself up again and worked fine.  I never figured out what was
 changed, but you might try that.  Hope it helps.


 On Sat, Feb 06, 1999 at 10:14:17AM -0800, Doug Thistlethwaite wrote:
  I hope someone can help with this.
  I have been using netscape 4.05 for some time without a hitch.  Recently, my
  disk ran out of space and sense then, my netscape will not run (I fixed the 
  space problem BTW).  I get the message Aborted. when I try to start it 
  from a
  command line.
  Today, I figured my netscape files were probably screwed up so I downloaded 
  v4.5 files from netscape and installed them using the ns-install (like I did
  before).  I still get the Aborted. if I type netscape in a $ prompt (This 
  the script in /usr/bin/X11) and I get the error bus error if I type
  Any ideas on what is wrong with this?
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 Welcome to Lake Wobegon, where all the men are strong, the women are pretty,
 and the children are above-average.
 -- Garrison Keillor

x11amp, lsof kernels

1999-02-07 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
I recently made the upgrade (a few hours ago) to kernel 2.2.1 from 2.0.34
and really like it!  I have only two questions that I would be grateful if
someone more knowledgable could answer.

1.  x11amp (v 0.9) used to take about 13% CPU according to top... now it's
sitting steadfast at 35.3%  Is it really taking more processor, or is this
due to some kernel option I might have chosen?  Should I recompile x11amp
under kernel 2.2.1?

2.  lsof won't do anything anymore (not that I expected it to).  Are there
any new binaries for kernel 2.2.1 in .deb form, or should I compile my
own, if so, where can I get either .debs or source?

Thanks in advance.

... Any resemblance between the above views and those of my employer,
my terminal, or the view out my window are purely coincidental.  Any
resemblance between the above and my own views is non-deterministic.  The
question of the existence of views in the absence of anyone to hold them
is left as an exercise for the reader.  The question of the existence of
the reader is left as an exercise for the second god coefficient.  (A
discussion of non-orthogonal, non-integral polytheism is beyond the scope
of this message.)

[ Re: X woes (potato)]

1999-02-07 Thread Alan Eugene Davis
This is the same message I got.  I fixed this by using a former version of

- Forwarded message from Björn Elwhagen [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

 /etc/X11/Xsession: [: sh: binary operator expected

 What is wrong?

That's what I want to know.


Alan E. Davis   Marianas High School (Science Department)
Saipan, MP  9695015.16oN 145.7oEGMT+10   Northern Mariana Islands

gtk problems

1999-02-07 Thread Darknight
I downloaded 2 IRC Clients off the web to see if they were any better
than the others i've tried.  The first one required gtk 1.1.8 i believe,
so I blindly downloaded it from  This just caused more
problems, so I uninstalled and reinstalled the GTK packages that came
with hamm.  This did not fix the problem, so I downloaded the frozen GTK
packages, which installed just fine, however I still get the following
error.  This error is from the second IRC Client I downloaded, which
requires only GTK 1.03.  Anyone with any idea how to eliminate this
error who could help me I would be very greatful to.

checking for GTK - version = 1.03... no
could not run GTK test program, checking why...
The test program failed to compile or link.  See the config.log for
the exact error that occured.  This usually means GTK was incorrectly
installed or that you have moved GTK since it was installed.  In the
latter case, you may want to edit the gtk-config script:
configure: error: Cannot find GTK: Is gtk-config in path?

gtk-config IS located in /usr/bin, and I'm not sure what it wants me to
edit in the file.  Thank you,


Re: Netscape woes...

1999-02-07 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Sat, Feb 06, 1999 at 07:16:24PM -0800, Doug Thistlethwaite wrote:
 Ok, I removed the .netscape directory and now the script in 
 /usr/bin/X11/netscape works
 fine. (This seems to start v4.05)  This is when I get the Aborted. error 
 Now if I type /usr/local/netscape/netscape I still get the bus error.  I 
 wonder if
 anyone else is having problems with v4.5.  Something is screwy here, because 
 the script
 in the X11 directory (the debian thing) appears to call the exec in the
 /usr/local/netscape directory...  I am confused... :O
 Thanks for you help!

Glad it worked.  Clarification:  The error message I eliminated by moving my
.netscape/ directory was also aborted, like yours; I remembered wrong.  I
had seen bus error because that's what it says if I start netscape from
the console and then kill it from there instead of using an exit command
(either with kill or with Ctrl-C).  This sounds like it should be helpful
information but I have no idea what you could do with it, unless you were
accidentally typing netscape  kill %netscape and not noticing.  I think
that's unlikely; but something like that could be happening down the line.

Also, I appear to be running 4.07 instead of 4.05; that may also make a

Good luck,


What you don't know won't help you much either.
-- D. Bennett

Re: Tracking changes made by installation of software

1999-02-07 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 2/6/99 1:52:00 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 What problem are you trying to solve here?  You do realize that dpkg saves
  a md5sum of every conffile it installs, don't you?  And that when you
  upgrade the package that dpkg will check the md5sum and, if it has changed,
  ask your permission before overwriting the file?

We've already been over that a few days ago.  :)  dpkg works fine, except in
two cases.

1) if you don't use dpkg (some things still come in gzipped packages)
2) If installation scripts run after dpkg completes do more changes.


Re: Tracking installs

1999-02-07 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 2/6/99 7:41:50 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Yes you do.
  alien -i file.tgz

Now THERE'S a new concept - using alien on a tar/gzipped file?  Interesting...
always thought alien just converted rpms to debs...


Re: Installing kde 1.1 pre2

1999-02-07 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 2/6/99 8:15:28 PM Central Standard Time,

 I need some help.  I have tried with absolutely no luck to install kde 1.1 
 with dpkg but I do not understand all the syntax.(do we still use that
 I think I have all the files except for qt1.42 as I am unsure of exactly 
 where to find it.  Can someone please give me instructions for installing it
 under debian 2 . If I need to upgrade to slink, thats no problem.  Some of 
 the files end in .lsm and 3 are .deb.  I have been able to extract the debs 
 but don't have a clue what to do with the lsm's or the binaries.  If someone
 has just installed kde 1.1 and all the commands are still fairly fresh in 
 your mind would you please spell it out for me.

* qt1.2 can be found in the Debian ftp site in the potato directories (it
might also be in slink, I can't remember now.

* To install the packages, just type
dpkg -i full package name including the .deb extension

* The .lsm files are basically descriptions of the packages, you don't need to
(download or) install them

* You can run under hamm, but you might need the latest version of libc6 - I'm
still working that issue out myself.


Which text editor is compatible with crxvt?

1999-02-07 Thread Yi-ping Chang
Hello, guys:

I would like to know which text editor is compatible with big-5 Chinese
text.  I have xcin and crxvt installed in my linux box.  Because my
favorite editor is vi, I tried to open a Chinese document with that in
crxvt terminal, but what I found is some thing like \056\378\053.
It didn't turn these special characters into Chinese but just print
their code.  So if somebody can help me out on this, I will really
appreciate it.  Thanks in advance.

Yi-ping Chang

Re: off topic - Assembler using GCC

1999-02-07 Thread Oleg Krivosheev
On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, ivan wrote:

 INT 10h is the video BIOS - I want to set the video mode directly.
 By using INT 10h I don't have to learn and programme the card registers -
 the BIOS takes care of this.
 Why is the video bios not available from protected mode ?

that's how the thigs are in the Intel world. All PM apps has
troubles talking to the real mode code.

 Does this mean that making superfast graphics (as in DOS demo's) is out
 of the question ?

BIOS and superfast ? Are you kidding?



broken apt-get: can't open lockfile

1999-02-07 Thread Will Lowe
I've done two things in the last few days,  and one of them has broken
apt-get.  First,  I've moved to kernel 2.2.0-pre8 (I know 2.2.0 is out,
but I've not had time to download that huge bugger,  and I already had a
copy of -pre8).  I've also moved /usr off of one of my machines,  and it's
being shared (nfs) from another.

now running apt-get install gnome-terminal returns:
E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/lock - open (37 No locks available)
E: Couldn't lock the cache dir, /var/cache/apt/ another process is using it

if I remove /var/cache/apt/lock and try again,  I get the same message,  
with a new (empty) /var/cache/apt/lock file.


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

Re: SB32 PnP Midi with Kernel 2.2.1

1999-02-07 Thread Christopher R. Barry
Shao Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 *** my /etc/isapnp.conf :

Don't use isapnp with the 2.2.x kernels. I read through all the kernel
sound docs and thought I had configured everything perfectly for my
system but souhd still refused to work correctly.

It turned out that I had forgotten to remove isapnp from /etc so it
was causing an IRQ conflict during boot time. Now all is well.


Re: broken apt-get: can't open lockfile

1999-02-07 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Sun, 7 Feb 1999, Will Lowe wrote:

 I've done two things in the last few days,  and one of them has broken
 apt-get.  First,  I've moved to kernel 2.2.0-pre8 (I know 2.2.0 is out,
 but I've not had time to download that huge bugger,  and I already had a
 copy of -pre8).  I've also moved /usr off of one of my machines,  and it's
 being shared (nfs) from another.

There is something you have to do to setup working NFS file locking under
slink, or 2.2 or something but I don't know what it is :


Re: x11amp, lsof kernels

1999-02-07 Thread Christopher R. Barry
Daniel J. Brosemer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 1.  x11amp (v 0.9) used to take about 13% CPU according to top... now it's
 sitting steadfast at 35.3%  Is it really taking more processor, or is this
 due to some kernel option I might have chosen?

I'm also noticing that things seem slightly more sluggish when sound
is playing than before. Some applications launch faster though and
memory and swap are freed much better now. All in all I guess the
2.2.1 kernel is worth it


Re: Which text editor is compatible with crxvt?

1999-02-07 Thread Christopher R. Barry
Yi-ping Chang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hello, guys:
 I would like to know which text editor is compatible with big-5 Chinese
 text.  I have xcin and crxvt installed in my linux box.  Because my
 favorite editor is vi, I tried to open a Chinese document with that in
 crxvt terminal, but what I found is some thing like \056\378\053.
 It didn't turn these special characters into Chinese but just print
 their code.  So if somebody can help me out on this, I will really
 appreciate it.  Thanks in advance.

Try XEmacs (or GNU Emacs). There is a vi emulation mode.


Re: Mozilla Help!!! Wrap up

1999-02-07 Thread Rod Person
Just to let you guys know.
Never got Mozilla working, but qweb and gzilla did work, but both are 
slow on my machine. 486dx with 12 MB and 33.8 3com ext modem.
So know I'm looking for something with some speed to it -- if possible. 
I know netscape 4.0 ran under win95 with go results and speed so I may 
try that, but I fear it's will bloat the system.
I'm thinking of trying mosaic too. Hopefully all will go well in these 
thanks to all that helped and especially Syrus and Dave peace.

roddie rod
Humanity is the biggest cancer ever to be seen!
Entombed - 'Contempt'

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: New User - Debian?

1999-02-07 Thread Mike Carter
Date sent:  Sat, 06 Feb 1999 17:35:39 +
From:   Allens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian-User list 
Subject:Re: New User - Debian?

 Allens wrote:
  Ed Cogburn wrote:
   Leonardo Bermudez wrote:
I'm still not a full new user because i still havn't stall any Linux
I got a Debian CD version 1.3.1, i know that is old and current
version is 2.0.
Before I download the 2.0 version and install it on my P350 PC, I
would like to know what other options with pros/cons do I have
beside Debian and RedHat?
I'm just installing to learn and for curiosity, i had some
experience with sun workstations and solaris so i'm not afraid of
the unix enviroment, just to wipe my HD  (AGAIN )  :-) Regards
   A significent number of people would say that RedHat is
   to install then Debian, but after the install, Debian is better.
   Debian has what I believe to be a better package management system
   (dselect/apt/dpkg) than RedHat, but the bottom line is it comes down
   to your preference.
   Why not get RedHat and Debian 2.0 on CD and try *both* of them
   and use the one you like better.  You can get very inexpensive
   CD's of both from places like
  Whose real address is
  Peter Allen
I am a newbie but chose debian as it looks like being better in the 
future.  After installing debian I had a go at Redhat and came back to 
debian as each distribution is different ie., Redhat, slack, caldera, 
etcetra and I didn't want to learn another set of rules as I would have 
needed to do with Redhat.

NFS file locking (was: broken apt-get)

1999-02-07 Thread Will Lowe
 There is something you have to do to setup working NFS file locking under
 slink, or 2.2 or something but I don't know what it is :

Any idea where I'd start to look?  Debian doesn't seem to have a lockd...


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

How to use 2.2.x kernel's nfsd ?

1999-02-07 Thread Steve Hsieh

Is there a deb package which will replace the user-space rpc.nfsd and use
a 2.2.x kernel's nfsd support instead?

Re: Quicktime player for Linux?

1999-02-07 Thread Ryan Finnesey
Did you find any info yet ?


To: Daniel Elenius [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: Re: Quicktime player for Linux?
Date: Sun, Jan 31, 1999, 5:49 PM

 On Sun, Jan 31, 1999 at 06:36:01PM +0100, Daniel Elenius wrote:
 Does anyone know of a Quicktime .MOV player for Linux?


 -~* Daniel Elenius *~-

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 ACORN techie
   AOL/IM   jim_foltz

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Re: where exactly is qt1.42. I cant seem to find it. NFM

1999-02-07 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser
Your email was formatted such that pine doesn't like it. However, I did
read the subject. qt1.42 is in potato (a.k.a. unstable).

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.


1999-02-07 Thread rod peters

I can't find qt1.42 anywhere. What directory under 
potato is it in? Is that only a partial file name? Is it in an 
archive file? If I wasn't wearin' my good socks I'd smack my computer up 
side the head with my wiffle bat. I'm gettin kinda desperate. 
Please, help me out. Just give me the last known url for this file. 
In the meantime, I will continue my endless search.


1999-02-07 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser
On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, rod peters wrote:

 I can't find qt1.42 anywhere.  What directory under potato is it in?  Is that 
 only a partial file name?  Is it in an archive file?  If I wasn't wearin' my 
 good socks I'd smack my computer up side the head with my wiffle bat.  I'm 
 gettin kinda desperate.  Please, help me out.  Just give me the last known 
 url for this file.  In the meantime, I will continue my endless search.

It's not in main due to the licence. It's in non-free. Try the libs
directory. You may also be interested in the doc and dev packages which
are both in non-free/devel for some reason.

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

Wooooooo Hooooooooooo!!!!!!!

1999-02-07 Thread rod peters

Yes! Thank you. That's probably the last directory I 
would have looked in. Now I'm off to discover my next 


Re: Which text editor is compatible with crxvt?

1999-02-07 Thread claydona
On Sun, 7 Feb 1999, Yi-ping Chang wrote:

There is nothing wrong with vi for big-5 compatibility.  I have found
you have to be clever how  you place your mouse to get the input ok.

The other thing was to open crxvt first but not to open xcin with the 
crxvt window but to do a 
ctrl-z bg 
and then 
in the original xterm

Judging by the HOWTO there are many woes for input. I got it going with

xcin -in1 

for chu yin and roman input 

crxvt works well with lynx , lynx will need no special configuration;
point it straight at your favorite page with big-5

best regards from 
angus claydon
Hello, guys:  
 I would like to know which text editor is compatible with big-5 Chinese
 text.  I have xcin and crxvt installed in my linux box.  Because my
 favorite editor is vi, I tried to open a Chinese document with that in
 crxvt terminal, but what I found is some thing like \056\378\053.
 It didn't turn these special characters into Chinese but just print
 their code.  So if somebody can help me out on this, I will really
 appreciate it.  Thanks in advance.
 Yi-ping Chang
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Re: svgalib

1999-02-07 Thread Richard Harran
ivan wrote:
 I have now decided to use svgalib but already have run into trouble !
I think you may need the svgalibg1-dev package.  The *-dev packages seem
to contain the header files and the static libraries required to
complile your own programs.  Note this packages depends on libc6-dev,
which you probably also don't have.  (also if your using Debian 1.3, Bo,
the package name is probably just svgalib-dev)

Hope that helps

 /* programme svgatest.c */
 #include stdio.h
 #include vga.h
 /* code */
 #: gcc svgatest.c -O2 -lvga
 Programme won't compile because
 a) Can't find vga.h
 b) Can't find vga library
 Yet dselect claims svgalib is installed.  Do I need to install svgalib-bin ?
 I have vga.h in the usr/src tree - is this where it should be ?
 Where is the vga library that needs to be linked ?
 Thanks for your help.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Wooooooo Hooooooooooo!!!!!!!

1999-02-07 Thread Mitch Blevins
In debian-user, you wrote:
 [snip poorly formatted message]

Please do not post messages in html format.  And also please
do not post lines over 76 columns wide.  It makes it difficult
for most folks on this list to read/respond to your messages.

Hope your next problem/solution goes as well for you as the last. :)


Where is emacs and vi command line editing set?

1999-02-07 Thread Christopher R. Barry
A long long time ago my root account mysteriously switched to using vi
command-line editing instead of the default emacs, and I've been too
lazy to get around to fixing it until now I guess. Where is this
behavior configured?


Re: Where is emacs and vi command line editing set?

1999-02-07 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 A long long time ago my root account mysteriously switched to using vi
 command-line editing instead of the default emacs, and I've been too
 lazy to get around to fixing it until now I guess. Where is this
 behavior configured?

Mine is set in ~/.inputrc with a line like...

set editing-mode vi

RE: apt-get update failing

1999-02-07 Thread Adam Heath
On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

 On Fri, 5 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yup.  I've removed the Packages.gz files and had mirror reget them several
  times.  I also tried right from the ftp site ...
 Are you -sure- you have the right version?

Hehe.  I logged in to irc, and noticed that talon was having this exact same
prob.  He said he got this error after upgrading to libc6 2.1-1.  Downgrading
to fixed it.


Re: gtk problems

1999-02-07 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
| I downloaded 2 IRC Clients off the web to see if they were any better
| than the others i've tried.  The first one required gtk 1.1.8 i believe,
| so I blindly downloaded it from  This just caused more
| problems, so I uninstalled and reinstalled the GTK packages that came
| with hamm.  This did not fix the problem, so I downloaded the frozen GTK
| packages, which installed just fine, however I still get the following
| error.  This error is from the second IRC Client I downloaded, which
| requires only GTK 1.03.  Anyone with any idea how to eliminate this
| error who could help me I would be very greatful to.
| checking for GTK - version = 1.03... no
| could not run GTK test program, checking why...
| The test program failed to compile or link.  See the config.log for
| the exact error that occured.  This usually means GTK was incorrectly
| installed or that you have moved GTK since it was installed.  In the
| latter case, you may want to edit the gtk-config script:
| /usr/bin/gtk-config
| configure: error: Cannot find GTK: Is gtk-config in path?
| gtk-config IS located in /usr/bin, and I'm not sure what it wants me to
| edit in the file.  Thank you,

You can only have one development version of libgtk installed.
This means that you'll have to chose between the stable 1.0.x
and the unstable 1.1.x. If you want to compile programs that
require 1.0 and others that require 1.1 you'll have to switch
by installing new -dev packages all the time.

You should also try to remove everything that the previous
installation may have put in /usr/local.

It will be easier to help if you post the result of executing:

dpkg -l 'libgtk*-dev' | grep ^.i

and also the last part of config.log (in the source directory where
you tried to compile).

The only way tcsh rocks is when the rocks are attached to its feet
in the deepest part of a very deep lake. (Linus Torvalds)

Re: windowmanager does not start

1999-02-07 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
*-Stef Hoesli Wiederwald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Since I updated my system using dftp, no windowmanager ist started
| when I startx.
| Does anybody have an idea what the problem could be?

Some things to check:

Does /etc/X11/window-managers seem good? Incidentally, the first
line in mine is broken.

What happens if you try to run the first line in /etc/X11/window-managers

If you have a ~/.xinitrc; what happens if you try to run it manually?

A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee to theorems
(Erd\H{o}s Paacute;l)

Re: How to Add User to Group?

1999-02-07 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
*-Art Lemasters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  No.  It still didn't work for me.  Oracle is still reporting that
| it hasn't been done.  Thanks, anyway.  Maybe it's something wrong with
| the Oracle script?

What does 'groups oracle' say?

A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee to theorems
(Erd\H{o}s Paacute;l)

Re: Tracking installs

1999-02-07 Thread Joey Hess
 In a message dated 2/6/99 7:41:50 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Yes you do.
   alien -i file.tgz
 Now THERE'S a new concept - using alien on a tar/gzipped file?  Interesting...
 always thought alien just converted rpms to debs...

No, it can convert deb, rpms, slps, and tgzs into any of the other formats. 

Just make sure the tgz has a directory structure in it.

see shy jo

possible apt-get problem?

1999-02-07 Thread kaynjay
Having installed Debian successfully on a school computer, I decided to use
apt-get to upgrade the system.  Ran an update, then dist-upgrade (after
initial use of -s).  All went smoothly until the unpacking/setting up of
package strace where an E: error returned by subprocess message
appeared.  Things stopped. 

I knew that not all packages had been installed.  Ran apt-get check and
was told to run dpkg --configure -a  which I did.  A number of packages
were then set up.  I retried apt-get dist-upgrade after first using -s
(confirming that fewer packages would be installed).  All pretty much
proceded normally.

Only issue noted was ldconfig warning me that certain libs (libomniORB, and
others) were not symlinks.  

Does anyone know if I am reasonably safe?  What can I do to check things?

Kenward Vaughan

ps.  apt is wonderful!


Re: Networking Debian and Win 95

1999-02-07 Thread Jiri Baum
Peter Ludwig:
 I am trying to setup IPX networking on my main system at home, and I have
 run into a few major problems.

I'm running a TCP/IP network over Ethernet between Debian and a Win95 box.

 1) While my network card is detected and setup by ifconfig, it's address
 is not being used as the address for network traffic (i.e. squake seems
 to like and I can't force it to use another IP address). is a magic address which means `localhost'. This is used by
programs which want to contact the machine they're running on.

If you run ifconfig without parameters, you should find you have two
network adapters: one `Local Loopback' with the address and one
`Ethernet' with whatever address you gave it.

If I run route without parameters, it tells me that packets destined for go to the `lo' interface, while packets for `localnet' go to the
eth0 interface. I assume yours should be similar.

 2) The secondary machine (a compaq running win95A) is unable to find my
 computer on the network even though SAMBA is setup (and apparantly
 running, i.e. it reports no error messages), I am also unable to even get
 a glimpse (over the network that is) of the Win 95 Machine. 

Can you ping it?

I assume you are using TCP/IP on the network. Is it installed on the Win95
machine? Is it set up as one of the protocols for file sharing?

 I have recompiled the kernal so many times (enabling different options
 which appear to be the correct ones), that I'm worried about the Hard
 disk surface in for the usr/src/linux tree :)

Fortunately, hard disk heads fly, so there shouldn't be any wear :-)

I've set up everything without recompiling the kernel, but it seems I will
have to do it after all to enable a Win95 bug workaround...

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: Tracking changes made by installation of software

1999-02-07 Thread Jiri Baum
   allows admins to prevent users from making incorrect modifications
   where they shouldn't be.

   Why aren't you setting permissions appropriately?
 This doesn't have anything to with my system, I'm just repoting on what
 tripwire does.  I don't have permission problems, but a sysadmin might -
 considering he might have several users with root priveledges - or users
 with enough access to change certain important files. 


I think that if you don't trust your fellow sysadmins you've got bigger
problems than config files, though. You shouldn't give ordinary users root
access (I can see how it might happen, but it shouldn't).

   Actually, a simple version shouldn't be difficult at all - if you
   start with the `find and diff' idea, but put a checksum next to each
   of the files, then you'll have a list of files added, files removed
   and files changed. For the changed files, you compare them with an
   archive version using diff again.
 You're right, this isn't a major undertaking - just trying to prevent
 dupication of code that might already be in existence.  The find and diff
 idea is the exact approach I plan on using.

You can use md5 for checksums - I think I meant to say that, but obviously
didn't. While it's probably a bit of an overkill, it already exists.

Hmm, first pass at getting the list would be
find /etc -exec md5sum {} \;
because md5sum outputs the name of the file. You might want to make use of
xargs to avoid invoking md5sum all the time, but I've never tried that.

However, you *will* want to do something to keep track of softlinks. So I
guess write a perl script to take each argument, if it's an ordinary file
pass it to md5sum, if it's a softlink print it out.

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: off topic - Assembler using GCC

1999-02-07 Thread Jiri Baum
 INT 10h is the video BIOS - I want to set the video mode directly.
 By using INT 10h I don't have to learn and programme the card registers -
 the BIOS takes care of this.
 Why is the video bios not available from protected mode ?

It's trying to protect one program from another; and if you mess with the
BIOS, you'll completely bypass the protection.

For example, how would the kernel know what to do with the screen when you
want to switch to another VT?

(Actually, I'm under the impression that the BIOS is not used at all after
bootup if finished; at least the GNU projects file claims so.)

 Does this mean that making superfast graphics (as in DOS demo's) is out
 of the question ?

Well, vgagl claims to be fast, but I've no idea how fast is fast. (package

If it isn't fast enough for you, you'll have to write a kernel device
driver. (Actually, is BIOS accessible even from the kernel? I don't see why
it would be... so you might need to write a routine to access it, too.)

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

using dpkg

1999-02-07 Thread Rod Peters

When I try to use dpkg -i (filename.deb)  
I always get something like this:
cannot open /var/lib/dpkg/status

what am I doing wrong?
I have read the --help and the man
pages but it doesn't give me any clues.



Get your free address at

Re: using dpkg

1999-02-07 Thread M.C. Vernon

 When I try to use dpkg -i (filename.deb)  
 I always get something like this:
 cannot open /var/lib/dpkg/status

You need to run dpkg -i as root.

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

source-debs of qmail 1.03?

1999-02-07 Thread Mike Gerber
hi folks!

i was searching for source-debs (debian packages) of qmail 1.03 
but i only found the 1.01 and 1.02 ones. is there a 1.03 package?

thanx in advance!

Re: how do I use UID setting?

1999-02-07 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Chris Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
However, when I execute this program after su nobody the copy 
reports it doesn't have the permissions to do the create side of the 
copy built in.  Here's the listing:

1 -rwsr-xr-x 1 chris root 59 359 Feb 6 22:47 cp

Here's the program:


Simple - setuid shell scripts are not supported under Linux because
we have learned from history that it is impossible to create a
secure shell script.

Rewrite your script in perl (and make sure you have suidperl on
your system). Perl has a special safe mechanism for setuid scripts.

Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

Re: Install to disk w/school's NT present??

1999-02-07 Thread kaynjay
I want to thank Kent and David for their help and suggestions about putting
Debian on a lab computer at school.  

Ghost is used at the school.  Wipes out everything, as noted in the above
posts to me.  However, I worked hard to establish a relationship with the
tech doing the work, and he said he'd be glad to create an image of the hd
after I got things set up.  Pretty nice guy.  Don't know if Ghost will
handle Linux, of course, but hey ... he was willing.  (I think I even piqued
his interest in Linux, FWIW!)

I still have a question about the setup.

Odd thing in the setup.  WinNT was placed in as hda1, with a small DOS
logical following (hda4? IIRC).  I partitioned the rest of the disk into 5
logicals inc. swap.  (Where are hda2 and 3?)

I wanted to control the boot with LILO instead of a boot floppy.

On installation was told LILO won't work on a logical, and should it be
placed on hda2?   I said yes.  Also yes to Linux being default.

On reboot, set up LILO with WinNT as first in the lilo.conf list.  Works

Where is hda2???  is this the MBR?  Is this an iffy proposition w.r.t.


Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.

Re: using dpkg

1999-02-07 Thread rod peters
I have been logged in as root.

Now what?

-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, February 07, 1999 2:24 AM
Subject: Re: using dpkg

 When I try to use dpkg -i (filename.deb)
 I always get something like this:
 cannot open /var/lib/dpkg/status

You need to run dpkg -i as root.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: perl script

1999-02-07 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Hamish Moffatt  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[about CRLF at the end of a line]
vim has always hidden these characters, AFAIK. nvi doesn't.

vim -b file

:%!col -b

Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

Re: possible apt-get problem?

1999-02-07 Thread kaynjay
Sorry, forgot to mention that the upgrade was from hamm to frozen.


Windows isn't crippleware: it's Fuctionally Challenged

Re: How to Add User to Group?

1999-02-07 Thread Art Lemasters
It says, oracle: oracle dba

We learn something every day.  Thanks, Ole!  It did not fix
my problem here, but it indicates that the problem might well be
revealed in the oracle script,  I'll have a look at that
and find out.  ...did also notice that the group column in the first
oracle directory (mounted on another drive) is 500 all the way down.
I'll check that out, too.

And by the way, I'm addressing this to the list, because I'm sure
the Oracle install is focused toward the Red Hat distro., and Debian
might be just a bit different in some part of the install.  We'll know
soon enough whether or not Oracle leans too much toward Red Hat ease.


On Sun, Feb 07, 1999 at 10:28:39AM +0100, Ole J. Tetlie wrote:
 *-Art Lemasters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  No.  It still didn't work for me.  Oracle is still reporting that
 | it hasn't been done.  Thanks, anyway.  Maybe it's something wrong with
 | the Oracle script?
 What does 'groups oracle' say?
 A mathematician is a machine for converting coffee to theorems
 (Erd\H{o}s Paacute;l)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: NFS file locking (was: broken apt-get)

1999-02-07 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Will Lowe  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is something you have to do to setup working NFS file locking under
 slink, or 2.2 or something but I don't know what it is :

Any idea where I'd start to look?  Debian doesn't seem to have a lockd...

You don't need a seperate lockd, It's part of the 2.2.x kernels. You
do need special kernel nfs and mount daemons, and for those there
is no debian package yet (though there might be one in the experimental

You can get those at

This is all in the kernel Documentation/Changes file.

Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

RE: apt-get update failing

1999-02-07 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Sun, 7 Feb 1999, Adam Heath wrote:

  On Fri, 5 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Yup.  I've removed the Packages.gz files and had mirror reget them several
   times.  I also tried right from the ftp site ...
  Are you -sure- you have the right version?
 Hehe.  I logged in to irc, and noticed that talon was having this exact same
 prob.  He said he got this error after upgrading to libc6 2.1-1.  Downgrading
 to fixed it.

Oh really? That means the C++ iostreams don't work right with 2.1!!!


Re: how do I use UID setting?

1999-02-07 Thread Chris Evans
On 6 Feb 99, at 21:40, Gerard MacNeil wrote:

 On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, Chris Evans wrote:
  1 -rwsr-xr-x 1 chris root 59 359 Feb 6 22:47 cp
 This line means any user can execute the program 'cp'   

Yes, I didn't mean to leave it that way.

  The whoami reports nobody not chris (is that what you'd expect 
  gurus?), the cp, which is what I want, reports insufficient 
  permissions to create the files in the copy.  
 OK. So the Apache process is running as user 'nobody' (mine runs as
 www-data as per the Debian distribution).

 You want 'nobody' to 'cp' a file to a directory.  Does 'nobody' have
 permissions to write a file in the directory in question?  The
 observations about 'chris' are not relevant. Set the permissions of the
 directory so 'nobody' can write to it. 

I _knew_ I shouldn't have called that program cp!  Sorry, it made 
things very unclear.

The crucial things I want are:

1) for the default user of apache-ssl, currently nobody to be able to 
execute this program, /var/www/secure-cgi-bin/cp, (I've achieved 
this much!)

2) for the execution of that program to use its owner's (chris's) UID 
and hence its owner's (chris's) permissions

3) which should give it write permission in the /var/www/root/ 
directory tree (something I don't want any old apache execution to 
have as a sort of basic protection of that tree in case I foul up and 
leave other holes)

I have _NOT_ achieved 2) and/or 3) as far as I can see.

 Do a 'su nobody -c cp SOURCE_FILE THE_DIR' as root to test. You may have
 to use the full PATH to the 'cp' command.
 If you check the documentation on Security, you will see that it is
 recommended that Apache process run as an abstract psudeo-user like
 'www-data' (Debian install default).  You spec the user in
 /etc/apache/httpd.conf and you only have to make sure that the user
 exists.  It helps keep things straight.

 It also defines precisely how the files have been written to the
 directory.  'www-data' should be denied all logins.  All files
 written with owner 'www-data' are therefore written by the Web
 Server (except for a security breach). You know where they came
 from. You can check your Web Stats to verify the URL was in fact
 hit. Besides, 'nobody' gets used for a bunch of other things. 

I really don't think I have changed the default user for apache-ssl, 
maybe I have.  I take the logic of this and approve and will make 
the change but I still wouldn't want to give www-data write 
permission in its own root (or cgi-bin) directory structures.  That 
sounds to me like creating an unnecessary layer of openness. 

The situation is that I host some pages someone else designs.  He 
has ftp and I've arranged that he can ftp his pages into a small 
partition.  Since ftp is essentially insecure to snooping and replay I 
accept that partition is insecure and can live with that.  What I want 
is to get him then to validate himself in with name  password in 
an https (apache-ssl) session (i.e. essentially non-snoopable, non-
replayable) so he can then initiate a copy into the httpd root 
structure (otherwise I'll keep having to do it for him which is going 
to frustrate both of us).

I thought that the setuid byte was the way to do this, to get a 
program to use its owner's UID and permissions rather than those 
of the (lower permissions) apache user.  Clearly I'm wrong or doing 
something wrong.  

Does that make things any clearer?  Can anyone help? 



PSYCTC: Psychotherapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Counselling
   and Therapeutic Communities; practice, research, 
   teaching and consultancy.
Chris Evans  Jo-anne Carlyle  Tel/fax.:(+44|0)181-671 0868 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Adding foreign keys

1999-02-07 Thread Heikki Vatiainen
Dave Swegen wrote:
 I will have to start writing the occasional document in swedish in the near
 future (with a bit of luck), but since I have a UK keyboard I don't really
 want to switch to a swedish layout. I would prefer to use Alt Gr or
 somesuch to assign the extra 6 chars needed to the current layout. Does
 anyone know how to do this for both X and VCs? Any info would be much

I have changed my keyboard mapping a bit so maybe I can help. 
What I did was I remapped keys asdferspace bar so that when
I press Atl-Gr with them I get {}[]()\ respectively. As a
result, when I write code I can keep my left hand at its normal
position and hit Alt-Gr with my righ thumb to get all the
different parentheses plus backslash.

This is what my .Xmodmap looks like:

keysym a = a A braceleft
keysym s = s S braceright

keysym d = d D bracketleft
keysym f = f F bracketright

keysym e = e E parenleft
keysym r = r R parenright

keysym aring = slash
keysym space = space space backslash

The Finnish/Swedish keyboard also has aring (å) which I mapped 
to slash (/).

For VCs, here's a snippet from my /etc/kbd/
keycode  30 = a   
altgr   keycode  30 = braceleft

The names for characters with diacritics in X seem to correspond
to HTML entities, so you might want to check out to find out the 
keysym names to put in .Xmodmap.

Another way to remap your keyboard is using the xkeycaps program 
which is available as a Debian package.

I hope this helps.


// Heikki
Heikki Vatiainen  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

Re: Help with smbfs?

1999-02-07 Thread Jiri Baum
 Eliezer Figueroa hat gesagt: // Eliezer Figueroa wrote:
  I want to use a debian box to open a share in a win95 machine. Someone
  told me that in order to open shares I do not need samba, that I only
  need smbfs.

Frank Barknecht:
 I think you need at least the SMB client software called smbclient.  It
 is included in the debian package for samba.

I don't think you *need* smbclient, smbmount ought to be sufficient (and
comes in the smbfs package), but it's probably a good idea to install samba
at least for testing.

smb-nat may also be useful; while it claims to be a tool for checking out
security, in fact what it does is find out all it can about things, some of
which is very useful info that'll come in handy.

You need to have the the smbfs filesystem in the kernel (module or
compiled-in). You can check that by looking at /proc/filesystems

When everything is ready, you issue the smbmount command. Remember that its
options go at the *end*, not the beginning like in everything else.

You may find that directory listings are incomplete. I haven't solved the
problem yet, but I'm told that recompiling the linux kernel with the W95
bug workaround enabled will do the trick, or else I'll need to get service
packs from MS.


We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: Mailman not doing his work: smail won't deliver anything

1999-02-07 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 06 Feb 1999q, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 I have smail set up on my laptop. Neither internal nor external mail is
 sent. In /var/log/smail/logfile I find the reason for Xdefer is:
   router inet_hosts: BIND server failure: Connection refused
   Xfail:  reaspm: transport local: failed to open output file: 
   Permission denied
 The internal messages are sitting there in /var/spool/smail/input but runq,
 etc. doesn't make them go.
 I seem to remember something of the sort when I set up my desktop about a
 year ago but I can't remember the solution!
 I've checked hostname, hosts, resolv.conf, and the permissions and
 ownership on /var/spool/mail, /var/spool/smail, and everything else I can
 think of. As far as I can see they are identical on both machines.  Can
 anyone suggest where the problem may lie?

Well, as no one offered any solution to this, I thought I'd post it myself,
having found where the problem lay: I had an incorrect hostname in
/etc/smail/config.  (Well, surely I can't be the only one???)


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: X-windows not working anymore...

1999-02-07 Thread Pete Harlan
 Question.  I recently upgraded my kernel from 2.0.36(I think) to 2.2.1. 
 I am running slink(frozen) and now, my x-windows doesn't work.  If I

This happened to me, and .xsession-errors now says

/etc/X11/Xsession: line 47: syntax error near unexpected token `default)'

The bit of /etc/X11/Xsessions that reads

  case $1 in
if grep -q ^allow-failsafe $optionfile; then
  if [ -x /usr/bin/X11/xterm ]; then
exec xterm -geometry +1+1
echo Xsession: unable to launch failsafe X session: xterm not

perhaps should have a ;; on the line before the default) line.
(Haven't tried this myself yet.)

Good luck,

Pete Harlan

Re: how do I use UID setting?

1999-02-07 Thread Jiri Baum
Chris Evans:
 1 -rwsr-xr-x 1 chris root 59 359 Feb 6 22:47 cp
 Here's the program:

Shell scripts can't be suid.

Use sudo, or arrange it some other way.

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: Which text editor is compatible with crxvt?

1999-02-07 Thread Shao Zhang

On Sun, 7 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 7 Feb 1999, Yi-ping Chang wrote:
 There is nothing wrong with vi for big-5 compatibility.  I have found
 you have to be clever how  you place your mouse to get the input ok.
 The other thing was to open crxvt first but not to open xcin with the 
 crxvt window but to do a 
 ctrl-z bg 
 and then 
 in the original xterm

Sorry, I tried your method, but it doesn't work. It is still
displaying the hexcal code. Probably, I misunderstood the line: ctrl-z bg.
Do you mean to stop the job, and re-fork it to the background??

Anyway, I remembered that there is a setting we can set in vi to
enable the 8-bit mode. But I cannot find the exact name after going thru
the man page. Just like the difference between more  less, with more we
can view the chinese, and with less we cannot.

I am now using xa+xcin with emacs-mule. It works very well. But I
would like to get the most efficient vi working as well.



 Judging by the HOWTO there are many woes for input. I got it going with
 xcin -in1 
 for chu yin and roman input 
 crxvt works well with lynx , lynx will need no special configuration;
 point it straight at your favorite page with big-5
 best regards from 
 angus claydon
 Hello, guys:  
  I would like to know which text editor is compatible with big-5 Chinese
  text.  I have xcin and crxvt installed in my linux box.  Because my
  favorite editor is vi, I tried to open a Chinese document with that in
  crxvt terminal, but what I found is some thing like \056\378\053.
  It didn't turn these special characters into Chinese but just print
  their code.  So if somebody can help me out on this, I will really
  appreciate it.  Thanks in advance.
  Yi-ping Chang
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Newbie problem: can't reach an ftp site

1999-02-07 Thread Tom Perkins

I recently loaded Linux onto my PC (Pentium II) and configured PPP
correctly.  I am able to connect to my ISP successfully, but I cannot reach
any ftp site (e.g.  The error message I receive is
'Unable to locate host'.  I know the site exists because I can reach it via
ftp from another UNIX machine.  Is there some setting I must tweak?

Any help greatly appreciated.

Re: Dual Boot Woes

1999-02-07 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 This isn't the best solution. You should set boot to your linux partition,
 then set your linux partition active in fdisk. This is much more flexible
 if you need to reinstall Windows later, because to get LILO back you just
 change your active partition (even Windows' fdisk will let you do that).

I agree in principle, but in this case he has Linux on his second disk
(hdb1), and the Win9X MBR doesn't allow active partitions on a slave
disk - he would have no way to get to Linux (other than a boot floppy or
loadlin). If he wants to use Lilo, it has to be in the MBR to provide
access to Linux on the 2nd disk.


Newbie problem - can't reach an ftp site

1999-02-07 Thread Tom Perkins

I recently loaded Linux onto my PC (Pentium II) and configured PPP
correctly.  I am able to connect to my ISP successfully, but I cannot reach
any ftp site (e.g.  The error message I receive is
'Unable to locate host'.  I know the site exists because I can reach it via
ftp from another UNIX machine.  Is there some setting I must tweak?

Any help greatly appreciated.

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