donde esta un tal mysql-base ???

1999-06-18 Thread Antonio Ballesteros
Pues resulta que llevo un par de horas buscando el ficherito ese y no lo
encuentro por ningun sitio, que ha cambiado de nombre ??
Ya he usado los buscadores via web y llego a una ventana que dice que el
servidor no tiene ese fichero.
Alguna idea ??

Antonio Ballesteros[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Proyecto Aguila - Linux - Terrassa

Xlib6g y perdida de configuracion teclado (XKB).

1999-06-18 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas

tengo instalada la Debian 2.0. He actualizado algunos paquetes
de  Slink,  parte  son   de  Xwindow. El  problema  viene  por
`xlib6g_3.3.2.3a-11.deb',  que  al  instalarse decide  que  se
carga Xlib6, una  oldlib que necesito para el  notescapes y el
acroread (¿no?).

Pues reinstalo  la Xlib6g de Hamm  y Xlib6, pero ahora  me doy
cuenta  que la  tecla  borrar hacia  atr´as  no funciona  en
Xwindow, y veo que los acentos tampoco, ;-)

Eto eh mu grave.

¿Alguien sabe como arreglo este problemilla? ¿Que otro paquete
tiene que sufrir una involucio´n?

El `/home/cosme/.xsession-errors' dice

Warning: locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged
Warning: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C
Warning: X locale modifiers not supported, using default
Failed to open input method

En c´onsola tambi´en se ve este error:

The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
 Error:Can't find file xfree86 for keycodes include
   Abandoning keycodes file default
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap

Bueno, a ver si alguno de vosotros sabe como se soluciona esto.


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]  Free Software Foundation   Documentación en Castellano   Revista Open Resources   LinuxFocus

Description: PGP signature

Re: Sonido_y_política_Debian_sobre_módulos

1999-06-18 Thread J. Carlos

 Utilizo el soporte del kernel para carga y descarga automática de
 módulos (nada de demonio kelneld).
 Algún motivo en especial?

El único motivo es que con los kernels 2.2.x no es necesario usar
dicho demonio, porque el propio kernel puede encargarse de la tarea de
cargar de forma automática los módulos. Supongo que en un futuro el
demonio kerneld desaparecerá.


J. Carlos

Re: proxy en la red

1999-06-18 Thread Fernando

 On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Fernando wrote:
  he probado con
  $ ftp
   open 8080
  y tampoco funciona.
  ¿ que tengo que hacer para poder salir ?
 $ ftp
 ftp passive
 ftp open

Hola de nuevo:

He probado esta opción y tampoco me funciona.
He mirado el man del ftp y no viene documentada.
¿ Que se supone que hace ?



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Retardo en la conexiones de red

1999-06-18 Thread Jose M. Pérez Villadeamigo
Hola a todos.

Tengo un problema con las conexiones de red que se hacen contran el
debian que tenemos en la LAN. Ayer recompilé el kernel para activar
IP_MASQUERADE. Parece que ha sido desde entonces.

Lo que ocurre es que un intento de telnet , o de conexión para recoger
correo o al servidor de noticias tarda mas de dos minutos. También
cuando ejecuto netstat tarda el mismo tiempo en completar el comando.

Al ejecutar route salen inmediatamente las rutas localnet y
pero la ruta por defecto que esta a uno de los gateways de la LAN tarda
en salir esos dos minutos aproximadamente. No tengo servidor dns.

¿Sabe alguien que está pasando?

RE: Retardo en la conexiones de red

1999-06-18 Thread Manuel Trujillo
 Tengo un problema con las conexiones de red que se hacen contran el
 debian que tenemos en la LAN. Ayer recompilé el kernel para activar
 IP_MASQUERADE. Parece que ha sido desde entonces.

 Lo que ocurre es que un intento de telnet , o de conexión para recoger
 correo o al servidor de noticias tarda mas de dos minutos. También
 cuando ejecuto netstat tarda el mismo tiempo en completar el comando.

 Al ejecutar route salen inmediatamente las rutas localnet y
 pero la ruta por defecto que esta a uno de los gateways de la LAN tarda
 en salir esos dos minutos aproximadamente. No tengo servidor dns.

Es posible que te esté ocurriendo lo mismo que me ha pasado a mi. Prueba a
poner la ip del ordenador que intenta acceder en el archivo hosts del
Debian, a ver qué pasa. A mi me ha ido bien...

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: proxy en la red

1999-06-18 Thread Fernando
Valentin Ruano wrote:
 De que tipo de proxy se trata?

Pues no lo se, es una maquina unix con Sun.

 Si es uno de web como Microsoft Proxy Server o Squid para linux, unicamente
 sirven para http, y ftp encapsulado en http (lo que consigues al introducir
 una URL ftp:// en el navegador, el directorio visto como una pagina web) Los
 protocolos ftp, smtp, ... no te funcionaran directamente a traves de un
 proxy de este tipo.
 Con esta clase de servidores, son las aplicaciones clientes los que
 explicitamente deben ser configurados para utilizar el proxy. si
 /usr/bin/ftp o /bin/ftp no te permite configurarlas para que utilice un
 proxy, seguramente no te funcionara nunca.
 Solucion para acceder a un servidor ftp:
 Utiliza un navegador como netscape o lynx para acceder al servidor ftp.
 En el caso de netscape se le indica que debe utilizar un proxy en
 preferencias avanzadas. El lynx, si eres root puede modificar su fichero de
 opciones primario (en mi caso /etc/lynx.conf), pero si no eres root, supongo
 que puedes usar variables  de entorno o tu propio fichero de configuraciones
 individuales (mirate la documentación de lynx). Existen otros programas que
 pueden utilizar el proxy para acceder a ftp, p.e: wget es capaz
 Un Saludo,
 PD: Si es un Microsoft Proxy Server, se pueden utilizar otros protocolos
 ftp, smtp de una forma natural desde un Windows con WSP (WinSocks Protocol,
 Microsoft Proxy Client), pero supongo que quieres hacerlo desde linux, no?

He buscado otros programas de ftp y he encontrado el lftp que soporta
el uso de proxy, pero no consigue establecer la conexión.
( ¿Será que el proxy sólo permite ftp sobre http? )



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Tarjeta de red 3c905 a 100Mb?

1999-06-18 Thread Jose M. Pérez Villadeamigo
Hola, tengo en mi ordenador una placa de red 3c905b.
¿Cómo puedo saber si funcina a 100Mb?
Si funiona a 10Mb como puedo ponerla a 100Mb?. Mi red lo soporta. (hub,
switch, etc)


Re: Retardo en la conexiones de red

1999-06-18 Thread Jose M. Pérez Villadeamigo

Manuel Trujillo escribió:

  Tengo un problema con las conexiones de red que se hacen contran el
  debian que tenemos en la LAN. Ayer recompilé el kernel para activar
  IP_MASQUERADE. Parece que ha sido desde entonces.
  Lo que ocurre es que un intento de telnet , o de conexión para recoger
  correo o al servidor de noticias tarda mas de dos minutos. También
  cuando ejecuto netstat tarda el mismo tiempo en completar el comando.
  Al ejecutar route salen inmediatamente las rutas localnet y
  pero la ruta por defecto que esta a uno de los gateways de la LAN tarda
  en salir esos dos minutos aproximadamente. No tengo servidor dns.

 Es posible que te esté ocurriendo lo mismo que me ha pasado a mi. Prueba a
 poner la ip del ordenador que intenta acceder en el archivo hosts del
 Debian, a ver qué pasa. A mi me ha ido bien...

 Have a nice day  ;-)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Lo he probado y sigue con el retardo. ¿Puede ser de IP_MASQUERADE?
Tambien he vaciado el fichero resolv.conf y nada.
En hosts.allow y hosts.deny doy acceso de conexión sólo a la LAN pero esto no 
creo que sea
porque el problema ha aparecido de repente.
¿Se os ocurre algo mas?

Re: Xlib6g y perdida de configuracion teclado (XKB).

1999-06-18 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Cosme Perea Cuevas wrote:
 tengo instalada la Debian 2.0. He actualizado algunos paquetes
 de  Slink,  parte  son   de  Xwindow. El  problema  viene  por
 `xlib6g_3.3.2.3a-11.deb',  que  al  instalarse decide  que  se
 carga Xlib6, una  oldlib que necesito para el  notescapes y el
 acroread (¿no?).
 Pues reinstalo  la Xlib6g de Hamm  y Xlib6, pero ahora  me doy
 cuenta  que la  tecla  borrar hacia  atr´as  no funciona  en
 Xwindow, y veo que los acentos tampoco, ;-)

La libX11 vieja, ¿era la parcheada de Thomas Quinot y el netscape un
libc5? Si es así, puedes hacer lo siguiente.

- Copia la librería parcheada en /usr/local/lib con el nombre que

- Llama al netscape como

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/tu_libreria_X11 netscape

o utiliza un alias o un script que lo haga. 

- También puedes utilizar dpkg-divert, pero así estarías siempre
utilizando la versión vieja de la librería

Si no es la librería parcheada, ya no sé cómo ayudarte, pero los
síntomas se parecen mucho a los que yo tuve con un problema similar


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: Sonido y política Debian sobre módulos

1999-06-18 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
J. Carlos wrote:
 Agustín Martín [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  # Configuración para el sonido con una soundblaster 16 pnp
  # -
  alias char-major-14 sb
  post-install sb /sbin/modprobe -k adlib_card
  pre-remove sb /sbin/modprobe -r adlib_card
  options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
  options adlib_card io=0x388 # FM synthesizer
  # --- Fin configuración soundblaster 16 --
 Gracias por el script, me funciona perfectamente sin modificar ninguno
 de los valores. También hay que ejecutar update-modules como root,
 para que tenga validez la nueva configuración ...

Se me olvidó comentarte lo del update-modules. Por cierto, si no tuviste
que cambiar nada a lo mejor ni siquiera necesitas las isapnptools

 Además he incluido en /etc/rc.boot/aumix el script que apunta el amigo
 Xose Manoel (con ligeras modificaciones), para resolver el problema
 que se comenta en el thread xmcd no despierta el módulo de sonido
 #! /bin/bash
 aumix -q  /dev/null
 modprobe -r sb

Si no tienes el aumix y tu modprobe admite la opción k, también te
bastaría un script con

modprobe -k sb  modprobe -r sb

 Por cierto, lo que sí he notado es que se ha de ejecutar dos veces la
 orden rmmod -a para que se desinstalen todos los módulos de
 memoria. ¿ Le ocurre a alguien más lo mismo ?

Después de lo que te dicho antes (modprobe -k sb  modprobe -r sb) a mí
se me queda limpito, sin problemas. 

Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

RE: Retardo en la conexiones de red

1999-06-18 Thread Manuel Trujillo
 Lo he probado y sigue con el retardo. ¿Puede ser de IP_MASQUERADE?
 Tambien he vaciado el fichero resolv.conf y nada.
 En hosts.allow y hosts.deny doy acceso de conexión sólo a la LAN
 pero esto no creo que sea
 porque el problema ha aparecido de repente.
 ¿Se os ocurre algo mas?

Tienes el retardo... pero al final entran ¿no?
Es posible, aunque no tengo experiencia con el masquerade, que se realice un
filtrado demasiado exhaustivo. Prueba ha hacer un netstat -rn a ver qué te

Have a nice day  ;-)

RE: proxy en la red

1999-06-18 Thread Valentin Ruano
Ni idea, tendria que estar allí para saberlo.

Un saludo, Valentin

-Mensaje original-
Fecha: 18 juin, 1999 10:55
Asunto: Re: proxy en la red

Valentin Ruano wrote:

 De que tipo de proxy se trata?

Pues no lo se, es una maquina unix con Sun.

 Si es uno de web como Microsoft Proxy Server o Squid para linux,
 sirven para http, y ftp encapsulado en http (lo que consigues al
 una URL ftp:// en el navegador, el directorio visto como una pagina web)
 protocolos ftp, smtp, ... no te funcionaran directamente a traves de un
 proxy de este tipo.

 Con esta clase de servidores, son las aplicaciones clientes los que
 explicitamente deben ser configurados para utilizar el proxy. si
 /usr/bin/ftp o /bin/ftp no te permite configurarlas para que utilice un
 proxy, seguramente no te funcionara nunca.

 Solucion para acceder a un servidor ftp:
 Utiliza un navegador como netscape o lynx para acceder al servidor
 En el caso de netscape se le indica que debe utilizar un proxy en
 preferencias avanzadas. El lynx, si eres root puede modificar su fichero
 opciones primario (en mi caso /etc/lynx.conf), pero si no eres root,
 que puedes usar variables  de entorno o tu propio fichero de
 individuales (mirate la documentación de lynx). Existen otros programas
 pueden utilizar el proxy para acceder a ftp, p.e: wget es capaz

 Un Saludo,

 PD: Si es un Microsoft Proxy Server, se pueden utilizar otros protocolos
 ftp, smtp de una forma natural desde un Windows con WSP (WinSocks
 Microsoft Proxy Client), pero supongo que quieres hacerlo desde linux, no?

He buscado otros programas de ftp y he encontrado el lftp que soporta
el uso de proxy, pero no consigue establecer la conexión.
( ¿Será que el proxy sólo permite ftp sobre http? )



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

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RE: Retardo en la conexiones de red

1999-06-18 Thread Valentin Ruano
prueba con route -n o netstat -n (creo)

Yo tenia los mismos problemas con TODOS los programas que intentan mostrarte
los NOMBRES de las maquinas y no sus IPs, me explico: Si tienes mal
configurada la resolucion de nombres, el programa se queda colgando, por
ejemplo resolviendolo a traves de un servidor dns que esta mal configurado y
no da una respuesta immediata.

La opcion -n (creo) indica a estos programas que no te den los nombres, sino
sus IP. Me di cuenta utilizando el programa strace que te muestra por
pantalla las llamadas a sistema que realiza un comando. Con esta opcion
(la -n creo) los programas se quedaban colgados abriendo un soquet con una
ip X y el puerto 53 (el de dns). Asi lo descubri.

La solucion depende mucho de como tengais montada vuestra red. Os puedo
dar unos consejos a ciegas

- No ejecuteis DNS que no useis.

- Poned las ips bien conocidas, (p.e. las maquinas locales) en el fichero de
hosts /etc/hosts

- El orden de resolucion, haced que utilizen el fichero de hosts primero en

order hosts bind
nospoof off

- Si tienes problemas con la resolucion de nombres, no los utilices hasta
que no lo hayas solucionado p.e.tcpd (el programa que se mira hosts.allow 
hosts.deny) utiliza la RESOLUCION INVERSA (sabeis lo que es?) para averiguar
el nombre de la maquina a traves de la IP, que es lo unico que conoce del
origen al recivir la conexion, para saber si ha de permitirla. Si usas las
IPs y no los nombres en el fichero, no hace falta.

De todas formas, con -n (creo) siempre os ira mas rapido.

 Espero haber sido
de ayuda. Un Saludo, Valentín.

PD: miraros los manuales de estos ficheros, es posible que la sintaxis sea
incorrecta (CREO :-).

-Mensaje original-
De: Manuel Trujillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Jose M. Pérez Villadeamigo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: 18 juin, 1999 12:38
Asunto: RE: Retardo en la conexiones de red

 Lo he probado y sigue con el retardo. ¿Puede ser de IP_MASQUERADE?
 Tambien he vaciado el fichero resolv.conf y nada.
 En hosts.allow y hosts.deny doy acceso de conexión sólo a la LAN
 pero esto no creo que sea
 porque el problema ha aparecido de repente.
 ¿Se os ocurre algo mas?

Tienes el retardo... pero al final entran ¿no?
Es posible, aunque no tengo experiencia con el masquerade, que se realice un
filtrado demasiado exhaustivo. Prueba ha hacer un netstat -rn a ver qué te

Have a nice day  ;-)

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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Redireccionamiento, Bases de Datos de Respuestas, Libreta de direcciones
Hospedaje Gratuito De Páginas en

Socorro en envio de mails

1999-06-18 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola lista!

Tengo un problema desde hace dos días que no se a qué viene. No puedo
mandar mensajes puesto que me dice esto el sendmail:

Jun 18 21:29:05 akela sendmail[626]: VAA00608: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
ctladdr=vigu (1000/1000), delay=00:00:39, xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=smtp,, stat=Deferred: Name server: host name
lookup failure

Yo no he tocado nada en la conf de sendmail desde el año enero así que
no por qué ahora no me deja mandar.
El mensaje que os llega os lo he tenido que mandar desde Netscape de
forma directa sin pasar por sendmail
**porfavor** ¿alguien me puede ayudar?, si quereis mas datos os los paso
pero no se qué más indicar... estoy un poco perdido... y desesperado :_(

Saludos y gracias.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: donde esta un tal mysql-base ???

1999-06-18 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 03:05:33AM +0200, Antonio Ballesteros wrote:
 Pues resulta que llevo un par de horas buscando el ficherito ese y no lo
 encuentro por ningun sitio, que ha cambiado de nombre ??
 Ya he usado los buscadores via web y llego a una ventana que dice que el
 servidor no tiene ese fichero.
 Alguna idea ??

Best regards,

Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

   Info on Euroart'99 and Index·Art at:

Configurações IDE

1999-06-18 Thread Leandro Dutra
Isso não é exatamente uma questão de Debian, mas afeta a minha
instalação.  se alguém puder ajudar...

A situação é a seguinte:  tenho uma Compaq Deskpro EP 300A/4.3 BRZ,
trocando em miúdos um Celeron.  Nas opções da BIOS, tem IDE translation.
O NT (instalado pela empresa onde trabalho) só inicializa com isso
habilitado; o Debian se recusa a gravar a MBR com o lilo a menos que você
desabilite a tal tradução.


O que exatamente é essa tradução IDE?

Em que ela ajuda ou atrapalha a máquina?

Porque o Debian precisa dela desabilitada (ou o NT habilitada)?

Como faço pra conseguir usar os dois sistemas?

A minha idéia seria tentar desabilitar a tradução e usar o disco de
recuperação do NT para tentar fazê-lo inicializar de novo, e então entrar no
Debian com o disquete de inicialização e instalar a MBR do lilo.

O que vocês acham?


Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

RES: Configurações IDE

1999-06-18 Thread Leandro Dutra
José Manuel Nunes:
 Em princípio não é preciso mudar nada.

Em princípio era para funcionar... a questão é que o NT só
inicializa com a tal tradução IDE, e o lilo nem se instala com ela

 Está tudo bem explicado no HOWTO NT/Linux (se bem que o passo da
 disquete seja desnecessário).

Se você estiver se referindo ao disquete de inicialização do Debian,
foi o único jeito que encontrei até agora sem desabilitar a tradução IDE (e
portanto a inicialização do NT).

Leonardo Ruoso:
 Faca o seguinte, não inicie o Debian pelo Lilo mas pelo NT 
 Loader! Não ha
 muita diferença pratica entre iniciar com um ou com outro!

Hmm, é uma boa sugestão... mas deve haver uma solução no lilo, seria
uma boa para aprender um pouco mais.  E não confio em nada da M$, nem no
carregador do NT (Não me Tranqüiliza)...
^  ^
Uma coisa mais é que a tal tradução IDE, embora eu não saiba
exatamente o que significa, me faz lembrar daquelas particularidades do DOS
com discos grandes IDE, o que me faz suspeitar de que possa afetar
negativamente o desempenho e (ou) a confiabilidade do sistema.

Se ninguém tiver mais informações, fico com tua sugestão.

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

Re: Configurações IDE

1999-06-18 Thread Clovis Sena - Servicos Recife
Nao teria algo a ver com aquilo de LBA , CHS , e etc??? Geralmente no
manual da maquina tem conferiu se no manual nao tem
nada explicando este termo?? eu dei uma olhada em alguns manuais q tenha
aqui e nao achei este termo; tb, todo dia aparece uma novidade.

Leandro Dutra wrote:
 Isso não é exatamente uma questão de Debian, mas afeta a minha
 instalação.  se alguém puder ajudar...
 A situação é a seguinte:  tenho uma Compaq Deskpro EP 300A/4.3 BRZ,
 trocando em miúdos um Celeron.  Nas opções da BIOS, tem IDE translation.
 O NT (instalado pela empresa onde trabalho) só inicializa com isso
 habilitado; o Debian se recusa a gravar a MBR com o lilo a menos que você
 desabilite a tal tradução.
 O que exatamente é essa tradução IDE?
 Em que ela ajuda ou atrapalha a máquina?
 Porque o Debian precisa dela desabilitada (ou o NT habilitada)?
 Como faço pra conseguir usar os dois sistemas?
 A minha idéia seria tentar desabilitar a tradução e usar o disco de
 recuperação do NT para tentar fazê-lo inicializar de novo, e então entrar no
 Debian com o disquete de inicialização e instalar a MBR do lilo.
 O que vocês acham?
 Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
 Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Clovis Sena
Itautec Servicos/Filial Recife
Fone: 081 - 421 1126.

Re: RES: Configurações IDE

1999-06-18 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos
Leandro Dutra writes:

   Uma coisa mais é que a tal tradução IDE, embora eu não saiba
 exatamente o que significa, me faz lembrar daquelas particularidades do DOS
 com discos grandes IDE, o que me faz suspeitar de que possa afetar
 negativamente o desempenho e (ou) a confiabilidade do sistema.

Sim, deve ser tradução de endereços. Que eu saiba não afeta o desempenho.
O problema é que o Linux não usa a BIOS para acessar o HD.
Talvez ajudasse se você dissesse qual o tamanho e a geometria do HD.

Provavelmente, você precisa usar a opção LINEAR do Lilo, ou passar os
parâmetros de geometria (cilindros, cabeças, etc). Para detalhes, RTFM.

Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Coordenacao de Traducoes + Eu estou de volta + Parabens!

1999-06-18 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
Pessoal, eu estava correndo atras do backlog de umas 3-4 semanas que

minha mudanca para SP deixou, fiquei muito contente em ver que o
interesse cresceu muito na traducao do Debian para o Portugues!

Finalmente o James Treacy corrigiu o problema que impedia a pagina
web do Debian traduzida para o portugues de Ser atualizada e os malditos

problemas com acentos foram embora, ele ficou de fazer os graficos, mas
ao que parece ainda nao fez, vou dar uma cutucada nele quanto a isso.

Eu gostaria de parabenizar a todos voces e aos projetos que tem
agora que estou morando em SP e tenho uma conectividade melhor vai
ser mais facil ajudar nas traducoes. Vou abrir contas de CVS para todos
que quiserem colaborar na traducao do Web site, para finalmente podermos
ter o site em portugues.

Agora acho que vai!

Um grande abraco e Parabens.


RES: Configurações IDE

1999-06-18 Thread Leandro Dutra
 você ja' tentou contatar o suporte ao usuario da Compaq?  Sei que 

Pra falar a verdade não.  Porque esta é uma instalação não
autorizada, entende?  Não fui eu quem comprei a máquina, foi a empresa, e a
empresa nem sabe que estou fazendo isso.

 me lembro que o hw deles era muito diferente dos outros PCs.

Era verdade, mas agora eles estão mais dentro do padrão.  Quem anda
sozinho não tem com quem dividir os custos da viagem...

 Mas nao me lembro de nenhuma IDE translation.

Imagino que seja geometria.  Mas acho que você não teria traduzido
mesmo, porque não achei nada a respeito nem no servidor de documentação de
suporte em Inglês da Compaq.

Um trocadilho:  Inglês da Compaq.  Já ouvi falar em Inglês da IBM,
que não tinha futuro porque o futuro era secreto nem passado porque o
passado era obsoleto...

 De qualquer modo, o endereco para contato com eles e'

Só aceita perguntas sobre Presario...

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

Re: Coordenacao de Traducoes + Eu estou de volta + Parabens!

1999-06-18 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Quoting Eduardo Marcel Macan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Pessoal, eu estava correndo atras do backlog de umas 3-4 semanas que
 minha mudanca para SP deixou, fiquei muito contente em ver que o
 interesse cresceu muito na traducao do Debian para o Portugues!
Legal. Bom mesmo se voce se mudasse para o Rio. :)
 Finalmente o James Treacy corrigiu o problema que impedia a pagina
 web do Debian traduzida para o portugues de Ser atualizada e os malditos
Quer dizer que as paginas da Debian já podem ser vista em portugues?
Sao muitas as paginas que estao traduzidas? Eu queria um sumario seu do que ja
esta feito para colocar na pagina debian-[pt|br]
([pt|br]). Queria que voce convocasse as
pessoas da lista para a traducao da pagina da Debian, falando o que voce tem
feito e o que pode ser feito... 
 problemas com acentos foram embora, ele ficou de fazer os graficos, mas
 ao que parece ainda nao fez, vou dar uma cutucada nele quanto a isso.
Que negocio de acentos?
 Eu gostaria de parabenizar a todos voces e aos projetos que tem
 agora que estou morando em SP e tenho uma conectividade melhor vai
 ser mais facil ajudar nas traducoes. Vou abrir contas de CVS para todos
 que quiserem colaborar na traducao do Web site, para finalmente podermos
 ter o site em portugues.
Sim. Se voce fizer a propaganda, fica mais facil.
 Agora acho que vai!
 Um grande abraco e Parabens.

Re: Coordenacao de Traducoes + Eu estou de volta + Parabens!

1999-06-18 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
yOn Fri, 18 Jun 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:

 Quoting Eduardo Marcel Macan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Pessoal, eu estava correndo atras do backlog de umas 3-4 semanas que
  minha mudanca para SP deixou, fiquei muito contente em ver que o
  interesse cresceu muito na traducao do Debian para o Portugues!
   Legal. Bom mesmo se voce se mudasse para o Rio. :)

Eu sei, fui palestrar no ExpoSalt e me apaixonei pelo Rio e por
Niteroi, mas ainda nao e desta vez que eu vou poder me mudar, mas eu
pretendo. Um dai.

  Finalmente o James Treacy corrigiu o problema que impedia a pagina
  web do Debian traduzida para o portugues de Ser atualizada e os malditos
   Quer dizer que as paginas da Debian já podem ser vista em portugues?
 Sao muitas as paginas que estao traduzidas? Eu queria um sumario seu do que ja
 esta feito para colocar na pagina debian-[pt|br]

Nao muito, a pagina principal, e mais alguma coisa que me mandaram
e eu pus no ar, nao tenho o controle ainda, preciso conferir. Basta olhar
no rodape das paginas, se estiver dizendo esta pagina disponivel em... ...
... portuguese ... ... ...
e porque a pagina esta traduzida, se voce usar um netscape em portugues no
windows ou o Conectiva ou ainda configurar o seu netscape para pedir
documentos em portugues por default, o site do debian ira entregar
preferencialmente as paginas em portugues, e as em ingles se nao houver

 ([pt|br]). Queria que voce convocasse as
 pessoas da lista para a traducao da pagina da Debian, falando o que voce tem
 feito e o que pode ser feito... 
  problemas com acentos foram embora, ele ficou de fazer os graficos, mas

Eu tenho sido um coordenador meu ausente e isso tem atrapalhado
muito,  estou tentando conciliar tudo, familia, trabalho, palestras (aogra
no comeco de Julho estarei em Maceio, em agosto na Comdex , tive outros
convites para outros eventos em julho, mas nao vou poder...) e a
coordenacao da traducao alem do meu trabalho como developer regular do
debian, mas ja estou conseguindo definir um metodo para conciliar tudo.

  ao que parece ainda nao fez, vou dar uma cutucada nele quanto a isso.
   Que negocio de acentos?
  Eu gostaria de parabenizar a todos voces e aos projetos que tem

Os acentos nao apareciam como deveriam, eu corrigi isso e a pagina
demorou quase um mes (ou mais) para ser atualizada. visite
e preste atencao no rodape da pagina para acessar a versao em portugues

  agora que estou morando em SP e tenho uma conectividade melhor vai
  ser mais facil ajudar nas traducoes. Vou abrir contas de CVS para todos
  que quiserem colaborar na traducao do Web site, para finalmente podermos
  ter o site em portugues.
   Sim. Se voce fizer a propaganda, fica mais facil.
  Agora acho que vai!
  Um grande abraco e Parabens.

A proposito, acabo de configurar o meu gnome-icu quem quiser meu
numero do ICQ para falar sobre debian e/ou traducoes pode mandar por
e-mail o pedido.

Eduardo Marcel MacanCore Technologies Informatica LTDA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Suporte e Desenvolvimento Unix/Linux. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Debian GNU/Linux Developer
Visite-nos em

magicfilter for Epson FX-80

1999-06-18 Thread David B. Karlin
I have a Panasonic (dot-matrix) printer which emulates an Epson FX-80,
and is working fine as an FX-80 under Win95.

I'd like to install it on the Linux machine instead, but I've been unable to
locate a magicfilter for Epson FX-80.

Does anyone know if such a filter exists, or know of some location where
I can find it?



David Karlin
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.1

[OFF-TOPIC] Realplayer G2

1999-06-18 Thread Peter Ludwig
I've been looking for Realplayer G2 all over the place (including at
Real-Audio's website), and I cannot seem to find it for any unix-like
operating systems...

Is there a particular place where it's at, or am I missing soemthing here?

I'd like to be able to run it on the linux box, so then I'd only have to
figure out a way to get linux to run a windows 95 plugin for netscape and
I'd be able to almost remove windows...

Peter Ludwig

Re: 2.2.10 and SMP

1999-06-18 Thread Stephen A. Witt
On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Gareth wrote:

 G'day all,
   I have 2 LINUX systems (one redhat one DEBIAN )that I recently
 upgraded to kernel 2.2.10  the DEBIAN one will not compile unless I have
 SMP enabled. if I don't have it enabled I get an error and make exits with
 an error 1.
 They are similar machines 
 Has any one else seen this or have any ideas as to what might be causing

Well, this isn't what you want to hear, but it is a datapoint :).
Coincidently, I've been fooling around with the 2.2.10 kernel (I got the
.deb from the 'Incoming' directory). I've gotten it to compile fine on a
i386 architecture machine with SMP disabled. I've compiled it a bunch of
times without any problems. I really can't imagine why you would have this
problem unless there is another option you're setting that causes a
compilation problem that is somehow corrected when SMP is defined. This
would definitely be a bug, but I'm only speculating. Are you sure your
source distribution is not messed up somehow?

Re: xfree 3.3.3 for slink

1999-06-18 Thread Stephen A. Witt
On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Joerg Friedrich wrote:

 On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Alec Smith wrote:
  For Slink XFree86, use
  deb x/
  in your /etc/apt/sources.list file. You'll get X in addition to
  other updates for Slink.
  Note: I don't believe the debs are official. The only official stuff for
  XFree86 is in Potato.
 IMHO you can consider them as semi-offical.
 Accouding to netgods info they are slink-rebuilds from the potato-modified

I just bought a Diamond Viper 550 video board and needed the xfree86 SVGA xserver so I installed the slink xfree86 from and its been working fine: for at least two days. There's
even a Package.gz file so you can point dselect (apt) right at it.

Thanks netgod!!

Re: [OFF-TOPIC] Realplayer G2

1999-06-18 Thread Hartmut Figge
Peter Ludwig wrote:
 I've been looking for Realplayer G2 all over the place (including at
 Real-Audio's website), and I cannot seem to find it for any unix-like
 operating systems...

fast ftp search shows

there _seems_ to be the linux version, but i haven´t checked - and
cannot understand the README. spanish?


just searched for ´g2player´, which is contained in the above directory
and found also

Re: [Q] Virtual hosts and routing...

1999-06-18 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Well, I wouldn't worry about this. I also use an IP alias and I can't ping it 
from the
machine it's on either but I can ping it from any other machine. I won't even 
venture to
guess why this is. BTW, you shouldn't assign as an address 
since this is
the broadcast address.

The Doctor What wrote:

 I have a network,, which my box is part of.  My box,
 bunny, has a main ethernet (eth0) ip as  It's gateway is, This is all class C of course.

 In addition, I have the whole block of IPs from to all assigned as virtual ethernet devices: eth0:0 thru

 However, if I log into the system (usually at, eth0:0) and
 try to ping any of my other virtual ips, I get no response.  I hav
 included the route -n and ifconfig output as an attachment.

 uname -a prints:
 Linux gerf 2.0.36 #2 Sun Feb 21 15:55:27 EST 1999 i686 unknown

 This is a Debian 2.1 system with updates from the master site.

 If I am missing any info, I can provide it.  Hopefully you can help as the
 documentiation is rather short, and doesn't mention any problems like


 If there's anything more important than my ego around, I want it caught and 
 shot now.
  --Zaphod (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)

 The Doctor What: fill in the blank


outName: out
   Type: Plain Text (text/plain)

Jens B. Jorgensen

source packages (was Re: communicator 4.6 - ftp bug)

1999-06-18 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 18 Jun, Colin Marquardt wrote about Re: communicator 4.6 - ftp bug
 * Rick Macdonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Now it downloads the sane diff file as 17KB compressed, but I have to add
 the .gz suffix to the filename in the netscape dialog or rename after.
 Netscape seems to insist on stripping the extension.
 I have seen this behaviour without adding any MIME stuff. If anyone
 knows, it should be the folks at (the Netscape
 Unofficial FAQ). I haven´t checked, as wget or pavuk are much nicer.

I just discovered that apt has support for downloading the source
packages, extracting them and building a binary in one simple command.
All you need to do is add an appropiate line to your sources.list.
Basically it is the same as a binary URI line except that it starts
with deb-src. If you are running slink and want to compile a potato
package the just change the distribution to potato and it will grab the
potato source.(of course rtfm on apt, apt-get and sources.list)

deb slink main contrib non-free
deb-src potato main contrib non-free

Then run apt-get update and call apt-get like

% apt-get source hello
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Need to get 92.9kB of source archives.
Get:1 potato/main hello 1.3-14.3 (dsc) [619B]
Get:2 potato/main hello 1.3-14.3 (tar) [87.7kB]
Get:3 potato/main hello 1.3-14.3 (diff) [4619B]
Fetched 92.9kB in 18s (4908B/s)
dpkg-source: extracting hello in hello-1.3

If you add the --compile option you get a package built from the source

% apt-get --compile source hello
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Need to get 92.9kB of source archives.
Get:1 potato/main hello 1.3-14.3 (dsc) [619B]
Get:2 potato/main hello 1.3-14.3 (tar) [87.7kB]
Get:3 potato/main hello 1.3-14.3 (diff) [4619B]
Fetched 92.9kB in 19s (4757B/s)
dpkg-source: extracting hello in hello-1.3
[output from hello-1.3/debian/build  binary]
dpkg-deb: building package `hello' in `../hello_1.3-14.3_i386.deb'.

Very cool!!!

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: [OFF-TOPIC] Realplayer G2

1999-06-18 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 18 Jun, Peter Ludwig wrote about [OFF-TOPIC] Realplayer G2
 I've been looking for Realplayer G2 all over the place (including at
 Real-Audio's website), and I cannot seem to find it for any unix-like
 operating systems...
 Is there a particular place where it's at, or am I missing soemthing here?

Grab the Debian installer from the contrib/net directory of the unstable
archive. Install the Debian package and it will tell you what file to
get from where and where to put it, etc.(I think you are supposed to get
the Redhat version from
and put it in /tmp).

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: 2.2.10 and SMP

1999-06-18 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Thu, Jun 17, 1999 at 04:18:59PM +1000, Gareth wrote:
 G'day all,
   I have 2 LINUX systems (one redhat one DEBIAN )that I recently
 upgraded to kernel 2.2.10  the DEBIAN one will not compile unless I have
 SMP enabled. if I don't have it enabled I get an error and make exits with
 an error 1.
 They are similar machines 
 Has any one else seen this or have any ideas as to what might be causing
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Do make distclean to clean the source tree; that fixed up some problems
that I had with kmod in early 2.2 kernels.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: Window Maker

1999-06-18 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Thu, Jun 17, 1999 at 10:14:02PM +, Christian Lavoie wrote:
  I get that when I type wmaker at my prompt.  I've just configured my
  display, so I don't know how to save that as my WindowMaker default
  display.  Any suggestions?
 If I recall correctly, you'll be in the OpenLook windowmanager by 
 default. Find an empty space on the desktop and click one of the 
 buttons of the mouse (i don't remember which one, try all of 'em =). 
 There should be an option to switch to windowmaker. (That change also 
 should be permanent, if nothing goes wrong)

You don't remember correctly. The default window manager for X is the
twm window manager, not ol(v)wm. The correct way to setup what programs
run when you start X is to make an .xsession file, like this:

echo exec /usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker  ~/.xsession
chmod +x ~/.xsession

From then on, use a text editor like joe (good choice for newbies) in
order to edit the ,xsession file.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Potato Gnome upgrade non-happening?

1999-06-18 Thread Neilen Marais

I have set my apt sources file to get gnome from the following
destination,which it seemed to me is the right place to
get the most up to date GNOME from:

deb unstable main

Anyhow, recently, when I did an apt-get upgrade, I got the following:

Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following packages have been kept back
  gnome-card-games netscape4 gnome-bin gnome-games-locale gnome-games
  libgtkxmhtml-dev cdgrab gnome-mahjongg libgnome32 smail libart-dev
  gnome-control-center libcapplet-dev libart2 gnome-same-gnome
  gnome-gnomine libgtkxmhtml1 gnome-gturing gnome-terminal libgnome-dev
  libgnomeui32 gnome-metatris libzvt-dev gnome-gnometris gnome-gnobots2
  libcapplet0 rpm libgnorba-dev gnome-hello gnomeicu gnome-core
  libpanel-applet-dev qpopper gnome-gnibbles gnumeric mikmod
  libgnomesupport0 icewm-gnome gnome-panel libzvt2 gnome-gyahtzee
  gnome-session libpanel-applet0 gnome-gnothello libgnorba27

Which basically seems to tell me that it does not want to upgrade GNOME
stuff... Why would this be?  Am I using the wrong source for my GNOME?

Help would be appreciated.

E-Mail: Neilen Marais [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 18-Jun-99
Time: 03:22:56

This message was sent by XFMail

Re: Potato Gnome upgrade non-happening?

1999-06-18 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 03:27:22AM +0200, Neilen Marais wrote:
 deb unstable main
 Am I using the wrong source for my GNOME?

yes. just use your local debian mirror (of the 
GNOME packages there are older than the ones on the ftp site.
alisdair mcdiarmid
`nothing i say is absolute. i just make it sound that way :)'

can anyone access this site?

1999-06-18 Thread Damir J. Naden
apologies for bugging all of you, but I have troubles accessing this site:
from my debian/slink. I can see the site from WindowsNT 4.0 (same box), but it
generates awfull lot of javascript errors. Otherwise it works.
is it my setup, or is it linux ver. of Netscpe?
slink 2.0.36/ xfree86 netscape (navigator stand-alone)4.60 and
now 4.61

P.S reply to my PM welcome to eliminate the noise on the list.

vim config question

1999-06-18 Thread Shao Zhang
Is there anyway to configure vim to have a status bar just like in 

I don't feel quite confortable by pressing ctrl-g all the time




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: 2.2.10 and SMP

1999-06-18 Thread Brad
On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Gareth wrote:

   I have 2 LINUX systems (one redhat one DEBIAN )that I recently
 upgraded to kernel 2.2.10  the DEBIAN one will not compile unless I have
 SMP enabled. if I don't have it enabled I get an error and make exits with
 an error 1.

What's the specific error? At worst, quote the last few screenfulls of
information it prints before it dies.

 Has any one else seen this or have any ideas as to what might be causing

i downloaded the 2.2.10 source form, and it compiled fine for
me without smp... Never tried with, since i only have one processor in my

Re: Window Maker

1999-06-18 Thread Brad
On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Stephen Pitts wrote:

 The correct way to setup what programs
 run when you start X is to make an .xsession file, like this:
 echo exec /usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker  ~/.xsession
 chmod +x ~/.xsession

If you only want to change the default window manager (and you have root
access ;), you could also edit the /etc/X11/window-managers file. All
users will use the first wm listed in that file, unless they have a
.xsession to change it.

IIRC, when you install some of the various window managers the postinst
script offers to make this window manager the default by placing it
first in that file. i don't recall if WindowMaker is one of them or not.
When updating an already installed wm the postinst scripts (usually)
don't make the offer again, only when installing new.

Re: Using more than one ISP

1999-06-18 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 17 Jun 1999, Sergey V Kovalyov wrote:
  Is there any easy way of maintaining access to more than one ISP without
  re-writing the config files for smail and ppp?  At present I use a spare
  computer for this but it's not very convenient.
 Try just using pppconfig and choose two different provider names
 (e.g. isp1, isp2). Then to connect you'll use pon isp1. Works for me.

Many thanks to all who replied.

Both ISPs now working properly.


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Frontpage extensions?

1999-06-18 Thread Corey Ralph
I am looking into the possibility of transfering an NT/IIS based webserver
over to apache on debian 2.1, the only thing I need to confirm is that the
frontpage extenstions will be available and equal to the NT versions.

A couple things:

Is it available as a deb package?  Is it in the distribution and I'm just not
looking in the right place?

I have read about exploits in them, supposedly worse in the unix versions than
in NT.  Is there anything to worry about there?

With apache, will it be a drop-in replacement for an NT server?  Does it provide
all the 'webbots' and scripts e.g the hit counter etc?


Anyone had any success compiling Voodoo Tracker, Funk Tracker Gold, soundtracker, xsoundtrack?

1999-06-18 Thread Frankie
cos I haven't. I have got debian's latest gtk libraries etc, but each of
these trackers refusers to compile for some reason or another. I just
want to know if anyone has got any of these to work with debian (or for
that matter any other linux)...


PS has anyone got round to packaging up an mp3 encoder? cos last time I looked 
there wasn't one, and cdgrab needs one, and obviously it would be nice to have 
a virtual package of mp3-encoder so you can choose your favourite on 
sound/speed. - Drum'n'Bass music, samples and links.


email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:Trainee Linux Guru

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Hoping for some help with this kernel error

1999-06-18 Thread Frankie
Incidentally, on the subject of kernel 2.2.10 and make-kpkg, has anyone had a 
problem just after patching to 2.2.10?
Normally when I install a patch, I use a modified version of the patch-kernel 
and then I run make-kpkg kernel_image.
However, when I upgraded from 2.2.9 to 2.2.10, the compile stopped near the end 
with an
error which I can't remember, and to get it to compile I discovered I had to 
clean, before runnning make-kpkg kernel-image.

Is this just some freak error on my system? or has the makefile failed to 
notice that
its a later version of the kernel? or does make-kpkg not handle running make 
clean etc
if necessary?


Stephen Pitts wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 15, 1999 at 07:13:08PM -0600, Craig McPherson wrote:
  Well, my little foray into kernel compiling didn't meet with much
  success... any ideas on this?
  kmod failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k binfmt-464c, errno=8
  request_module[binfmt-464c]: fork failed, errno 11
  repeat endlessly
  Craig McPherson
  The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville AR
  Linux Registered User #128364
  ICQ 10262746
  This man walks into a bar... and it hurts!
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Exact thing happened to me.  FWIW, I just booted into 2.2.10
 and had some scary problems where bash wouldn't run any
 programs and my mail file had a whole lot of garbage in it.
 Back to 2.2.6 for me.
 Stephen Pitts
 webmaster -

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Confession is good for the soul only in the sense that a tweed coat is good
for dandruff.

--Peter de Vries - Drum'n'Bass music, samples and links.


email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:Trainee Linux Guru

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Kernel 2.2.9 and soundblaster module

1999-06-18 Thread Frankie
Brad wrote:

 On Tue, 15 Jun 1999, Ingo Hohmann wrote:

  is there something about soundblaster support that I should
  have known by now? Seems that my irq, ... settings get lost
  when I compile soundblaster support as a module. (Sound works
  when compiled in, but I get device is busy error, when I
  use modules and try to insmod sb.o)
  Is there a possibilty to set irq, ... when using modules? Or
  is it another problem?

 When you insert the sb module, you have to specify the io, irq, etc on the
 command line, something like this:
   insmod sb io=0x220 irq=9 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x300 type=6

 Same thing when you insmod the adlib_card for midi support:
   insmod adlib_card io=0x388

 On my system, i put a script in /etc/init.d to automatically insert the
 proper sound modules on boot (after isapnp runs and configures the card)

Brad, man modconf - does that for you.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Confession is good for the soul only in the sense that a tweed coat is good
for dandruff.

--Peter de Vries - Drum'n'Bass music, samples and links.


email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:Trainee Linux Guru

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: xfree 3.3.3 for slink

1999-06-18 Thread Marcus Johansson
 For Slink XFree86, use
 deb x/
 in your /etc/apt/sources.list file. You'll get X in addition to
 other updates for Slink.
 Note: I don't believe the debs are official. The only official stuff for
 XFree86 is in Potato.

They seems to work just fine. Anyone know how to test the glx-g200 driver? The 
mesa-gl screensavers dont seem to be any faster etc...

Yes, I do have a Matrox G200 installed :)


kernel problems (NFS and lockd)

1999-06-18 Thread Daniel Faller
Hi !

We have the following 2 problems with NFS: ( Clients and Server running
Debian Linux 2.1 with kernel 2.2.6 )

1)   When a user edits a file on one client and then changes to another
client to edit the file again , it takes
about 10-15 seconds until the second client recognizes that the
file has changed.

In such situations syslog reports:

kernel: __nfs_fhget: inode 557269042 busy, i_count=2, i_nlink=1
kernel: nfs_free_dentries: found p5/spektrum.o, d_count=0, hashed=1
kernel: nfs_dentry_delete: p5/spektrum.o: ino=557269042, count=2,

2)  Sometimes we get in syslog:

kernel: nsm_mon_unmon: rpc failed, status=-13
kernel: lockd: failed to monitor    Ip adress of NFS server

Has anyone similar problems, and what solutions do you suggest.
Would an upgrade to 2.2.10 help ?

Thanks in advance .
Daniel Faller
Fakultaet fur Physik
Abt. Honerkamp
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg

Tel.: 0761-203-5875

Re: communicator 4.6 - ftp bug

1999-06-18 Thread Ed Cogburn
Hartmut Figge wrote:
 Rick Macdonald wrote:
  On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
 my communicator 4.6 insists of unpacking certain types of files before
 saving to hd. this behaviour is not acceptable, therefore i have to 
 another version, which will download a file _unchanged_ if demanded.
  I have this problem with gz file when it's not tar.gz. Just now I did some
  tests and added a mime type to netscape
  Description: Gzip archive file
  MIMIEType:   application/x-gzip-compressed
  Handled By:  Unknown:PromptUser
  Now it downloads the sane diff file as 17KB compressed, but I have to add
  the .gz suffix to the filename in the netscape dialog or rename after.
  Netscape seems to insist on stripping the extension.
  This is closer. Can anyone improve this?
 but first: nice, no that´s not sufficient: _very_ nice.
 in comment out the following lines to
 *encodingFilters: \
 x-compress :  : .Z : uncompress -c  \n\
 compress   :  : .Z : uncompress -c  \n
 !   x-gzip :  : .z,.gz : gzip -cdq  \n\
 !   gzip   :  : .z,.gz : gzip -cdq  \n
 with that netscape finally behaves as it should. don´t forget, netscape
 needs the link /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/Netscape pointing to perhaps it is sufficient to copy these lines to
 as you can see above, your line ´Suffixes´ should be completed to
 there should also be another entry to handle the .Z-files properly. but
 what about the appropriate MIMIEtTpe? i haven´t found the possible
 values. could you please point me to a location, where this types are

This is damned frustrating.

A)  I made up the MIMEtypes when I added those
Preferences-Navigator-Applications entries, Hartmut.  The
important things are the suffix and which option you selected in
the 'handled by' section.

B)  I'm glad you got it working for you Hartmut, but guess what, I
don't need to comment out those lines in, nor do I
need the link to app-defaults/Netscape.  In fact, I don't even
*have* a .../app-defaults/netscape file!  Nor does NS strip the
suffix on me, as reported by someone else.

C) For everyone elses benifit:  I'm using NS Communicator 4.6.  My
first version was 4.05.  I had these reported problems then.  In
the process of trying to fix things, I added the
Preferences-Navigator-Applications entries for files with *.gz
and many other suffixes.  At one point I was manually editing
.mime.types because the entries I made were becoming corrupted for
some reason.  I never did get things working as I wanted, but now
I can't remember the specifics, besides the corrupted .mime.types
entries.  When I upgraded to 4.5 the problems disappeared, and I
never gave it any more thought.  The upgrades preserved these
entries I had made so they are still with me.  One of them is
type=application/x-gzip-compressed  \
desc=GZipped Files  \
This works for me, and the suffix is not stripped by NS.  I just
wish I could remember what else I did.  Sorry.

Ed C.

RCS documentation

1999-06-18 Thread Urban Gabor

I'm writing an RCS tutorial in Hungarian and I would like to read a
somewhat official RCS documentiation. Any texinfo, latex or similar link
should be wellcome.

Gabor Urban --- Lufthansa Systems Hungaria KfT 
mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel : (36)-1-431-2949 Fax :(36)-1-431-2977
I am not a cat to play with the mouse.

Re: Auto Shut-off

1999-06-18 Thread Damon Muller

On Fri, 11 Jun 1999 13:33:40 +0100 (WET DST)
Pedro Quaresma de Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now, whenever I want to shut-off the computer, I do a shutdown at Linux,
 them I must!!! (the switch-off button does not work, it is only a
 switch-on button) go to ms-windows to do a shutdown there (with the
 corresponding shut-off action).

Even without kernel APM support, you shouldn't have to reboot into
windoze just to shut down. I know with my ATX board/case, I actually
have to hold down the stop/start button on the case for about 5 seconds
before it shuts down. That is the case with a lot of ATX systems, I



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | As my head fell in the basket,
Network Administrator | And was everyone dancing on the casket...
EmpireNET |  - TBMG, Dead

Re: Need help with Sound Modules

1999-06-18 Thread Frankie
Andrew C. Gronosky wrote:


 My new PC has a Creative AWE64 card and I've been pulling my hair out
 trying to configure it. :)  I am running the 2.2.1 kernel with all the
 correct modules according to the kernel documentation.  The card is PnP
 and I believe I have it configured properly with isapnp.

 /lib/modules/2.2.1/misc/soundcore.o: invalid parameter io
 soundlow: No such file or directory

 Installation failed.

 Now I've looked around a bit and my /etc/conf.modules looks very odd.

I dont know what your problem is with the modules(1), but can't you look at the 

1. OK I have just had a look through your files. isapnp.conf looks OK, but [and 
I could
well be wrong]  conf.modules seems to have a few rogue options.

options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
options sound io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
options uart401 io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5
options soundcore io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
options sb sb io=0x220 irq=7 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
options sound io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
options uart401 io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5
options sound io=220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=330
options sound io=0x220
options sound io=0220
options sound io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io-0x330
options soundcore io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
options sound options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
options soundlow io=0x220

Are you using modconf to install the modules? If so, then hopefully what I have 
pasted in
should be the contents of /etc/modutils/modconf.
this is mine, for comparison:
options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=0 dma16=5

I have an SB16 Value PNP (cos I'm poor) and I think that our options for the sb 
should be similar.

If you use modconf, then move the old /etc/modutils/modconf file elsewhere [to 
a different
directory, dont just rename it modconf.old or sthg cos update-modules puts the 
contents of
all the files into /etc/conf.modules] and either run modconf again, or put into 
/etc/modutils/modconf options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
If you are using modconf, then also consider filing a bug against it.

If OTOH you do not use modconf, then find out where those dodgy options are 
coming from [a
file in /etc/modutils almost certainly] and put in that file what I told you 
above to put
in /etc/modutils/modconf


 It seems to have redundant entries (see attached).  Can anyone tell me
 how conf.modules went bad and how I could fix it?  Running
 update-modules does not help.

 I've also attached my isapnp.conf file for completeness.


 -Andrew Gronosky

 Frankie |Drum'n'Bass tunes, samples and links.  

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: vim config question

1999-06-18 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 01:57:03PM +1000, Shao Zhang wrote:
 Is there anyway to configure vim to have a status bar just like in emacs??

:set laststatus=2
:set showmode
alisdair mcdiarmid
`nothing i say is absolute. i just make it sound that way :)'

Disabling the power button

1999-06-18 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
I've got an ATX system with APM enabled and working fine. I'd like to
disable the power button in software so that the machine effectively
cannot be switched off without root access - `shutdown -h now' would
still halt and power-down.

Is this possible? I can't find an option similar to this in the
kernel options.
alisdair mcdiarmid
`nothing i say is absolute. i just make it sound that way :)'

Re: [Q] Virtual hosts and routing...

1999-06-18 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Thu, Jun 17, 1999 at 04:57:30PM -0500, The Doctor What wrote:
 I have a network,, which my box is part of.  My box,
 bunny, has a main ethernet (eth0) ip as  It's gateway is, This is all class C of course.
 In addition, I have the whole block of IPs from to all assigned as virtual ethernet devices: eth0:0 thru

You can't use last (and first) adress in your newtork

 However, if I log into the system (usually at, eth0:0) and
 try to ping any of my other virtual ips, I get no response.  I hav
 included the route -n and ifconfig output as an attachment.  

Try add routes for your ip-aliases:

route add -host eth0:0
route add -host eth0:14


Re: Can't boot linux anymore from HD

1999-06-18 Thread Thomas Ruedas
thanks for your replies. Yesterday night I finally had time to try your
suggestions. I really still don't know what I did to mess up the kernel,
because it wasn't deleted, all the necessary files in /boot where
present and lilo -t -v didn't show something suspicious (well, to me)
either. Finally, I reinstalled the kernel and reran lilo, and then I
could boot from the HD.
Best regards,
Thomas Ruedas

Thomas Ruedas
Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, 
J.W. Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
Feldbergstrasse 47  D-60323 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Phone:+49-(0)69-798-24949   Fax:+49-(0)69-798-23280

Re: can anyone access this site?

1999-06-18 Thread Norbert Bous
I got access to with Communicator 4.6 running on
potato 2.0.36 without any errors.
Norbert  / | ||  Bous 
*  ||||

Re: [PHP3] IMP and folders

1999-06-18 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe
Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
 Quoting Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I'm installing IMP on our mail server. Most users read mail using some
  POP3 client but some still use pine (don't ask, it's a long story). My
  problem is that i can't configure imp to read the folders that already
  exist in the mail directory. Does anyone have a clue on how to fix this!
 Well, you missed the one list you should have mailed: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You're right!

 Now, as to your problem, first see the imp faq:

Haven't checked on this one yet (next step)... 

 mail the list with many more details than you gave above - what imap server,
 what your current settings are, etc - and we should be able to fix it quickly.

First of all, we're talking about a 2.1 debian machine. It's running
imap server version 4.4(-4). PHP version is 3.0.7 amd imp version is

My defaults.php3 says the following in the folders section:

/* Folder configuration */
$default-folders   = 'mail/';
$default-use_imap_subscribe= true;
$default-show_dotfiles = false;
$default-sent_mail = 'sent-mail';
$default-save_sent_mail= true;
$default-postponed = 'postponed-msgs';

Any other info you need, please tell me and I will provide it ...

Thanks (off to check the faq)

Mario Filipe 

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Refusing to deliver mail

1999-06-18 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe

Is there a way to configure the email server (sendmail 8.9.3) so that it
refuses mail coming from a specified address to a specific email. Let me

My user A doesn't wan't to receive mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is it
possible (with sendmail or something else) to make b's message bouce
back complaining about the unavailability of a ?

Mario Filipe 

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature


1999-06-18 Thread Marco Maggesi

I am looking for the appropriate place where to put some
basic environmental definition like:


so that they take effect to every user (unless explicitly
overwritten) WHATEVER LOGIN SHELL they use.  is that

I saw a file /etc/environment
who reads it ?


Re: /etc/environment

1999-06-18 Thread Peter Iannarelli

Assuming all your users are using bash,
put your global environmental setting in


Marco Maggesi wrote:

 I am looking for the appropriate place where to put some
 basic environmental definition like:


 so that they take effect to every user (unless explicitly
 overwritten) WHATEVER LOGIN SHELL they use.  is that

 I saw a file /etc/environment
 who reads it ?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
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Re: /etc/environment

1999-06-18 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
Peter Iannarelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Assuming all your users are using bash,
 put your global environmental setting in
 Marco Maggesi wrote:
  I am looking for the appropriate place where to put some
  basic environmental definition like:
  so that they take effect to every user (unless explicitly
  overwritten) WHATEVER LOGIN SHELL they use.  is that
  I saw a file /etc/environment
  who reads it ?

And if they're not using bash, but a CSH, or variant, then also put it 
in /etc/cshrc, e.g., 

setenv PAGER less

Adding it in both /etc/profile and /etc/cshrc should set it for any
user on your system.


PAM (pluggable auth. modules)

1999-06-18 Thread Varga Robert

What do I need to do to enable PAM on slink?

Is it enough, to install the pam libraries and other related packages, or
do I have to recompile/reinstall/replace some files/packages?

Robert Varga

Re: Auto Shut-off

1999-06-18 Thread Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 20:48:58 +1000
From: Damon Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Fri, 11 Jun 1999 13:33:40 +0100 (WET DST)
Pedro Quaresma de Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now, whenever I want to shut-off the computer, I do a shutdown at Linux,
 them I must!!! (the switch-off button does not work, it is only a
 switch-on button) go to ms-windows to do a shutdown there (with the
 corresponding shut-off action).

Even without kernel APM support, you shouldn't have to reboot into

But with the  APM support it works nicely, I have recompiled the
kernel and now when I do shutdown -h now, the computer shut-offs,
thanks to all.

windoze just to shut down. I know with my ATX board/case, I actually
have to hold down the stop/start button on the case for about 5 seconds
before it shuts down. That is the case with a lot of ATX systems, I

Ok I believe :)

I will try it later :)

At\'e breve

Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
Departamento de Matem\'atica, Faculdade de Ci\^encias e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra
phone: 351 39 791170

Re: RCS documentation

1999-06-18 Thread Jean-Philippe Guérard
On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 10:25:17AM +0200, Urban Gabor wrote:
 I'm writing an RCS tutorial in Hungarian and I would like to read a
 somewhat official RCS documentiation. Any texinfo, latex or similar link
 should be wellcome.

I believe the first place to look at is :

man rcsintro

Hope it helps.

Jean-Philippe Guérard 

-- Jean-Philippe Guérard -
|  « Et avec la nuit, vint la lumière. » -- Légendes de Yarth|

Re: Auto Shut-off

1999-06-18 Thread Ted Harding
On 18-Jun-99 Damon Muller wrote:
 On Fri, 11 Jun 1999 13:33:40 +0100 (WET DST)
 Pedro Quaresma de Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now, whenever I want to shut-off the computer, I do a shutdown at
 them I must!!! (the switch-off button does not work, it is only a
 switch-on button) go to ms-windows to do a shutdown there (with the
 corresponding shut-off action).
 Even without kernel APM support, you shouldn't have to reboot into
 windoze just to shut down. I know with my ATX board/case, I actually
 have to hold down the stop/start button on the case for about 5 seconds
 before it shuts down. That is the case with a lot of ATX systems, I

This seems to be the case with many new kits. The power supply button
is no longer a mechanical link to a mechanical switch which disconnects
the mains from the power-supply box, but connects to pins on the
motherboard which in turn connect to some circuitry which causes a signal
to be sent to some circuitry in the power-suppy. Furthermore, the way in
which this works is in many cases configurable by setting jumpers on the
motherboard (have a look at the M/B manual).

All a damn nuisance: why the hell can't they leave well alone?

If all else fails, once you have run shutdown -h now to take the
system down to halt state, you could then simply unplug the power
cable (or switch off at the wall socket). That should stop it dead ...

Hope this helps,

(Fondly remembering my first car and its trusty crank-handle)

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 18-Jun-99   Time: 11:38:42
-- XFMail --

Re: xfree 3.3.3 for slink

1999-06-18 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Stephen A. Witt wrote:

  On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Alec Smith wrote:
   For Slink XFree86, use
   deb x/
 I just bought a Diamond Viper 550 video board and needed the xfree86 SVGA xserver so I installed the slink xfree86 from and its been working fine: for at least two days. There's
 even a Package.gz file so you can point dselect (apt) right at it.
 Thanks netgod!!

Same here.  I bought a Diamond Viper 550 after it was recommended
to me on this list last week.  Both it and my older Matrox
Millenium use the SVGA server, so I didn't have to touch
_anything_ to get the new card to work under Linux (my monitor is
the limiting factor anyway, using [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Interesting bit... After 3 hours of trying, I still can't get
Win95 to use the Diamond Viper 550 correctly!  After rebooting it
stays stuck on the `Windows' loading display.  There is justice
after all :-)

Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - 

Re: Need help with Sound Modules

1999-06-18 Thread Jean-Philippe Guérard
On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 11:08:45AM +0100, Frankie wrote:
 Andrew C. Gronosky wrote:
  My new PC has a Creative AWE64 card and I've been pulling my hair out
  trying to configure it. :)  I am running the 2.2.1 kernel with all the
  correct modules according to the kernel documentation.  The card is PnP
  and I believe I have it configured properly with isapnp.

You should start by reading the following files, in the sound folder of the 
Documentation :


This will give you step-by-step guidelines of how to set up your soundcard.

  /lib/modules/2.2.1/misc/soundcore.o: invalid parameter io
  soundlow: No such file or directory
  Installation failed.
  Now I've looked around a bit and my /etc/conf.modules looks very odd.
 I dont know what your problem is with the modules(1), but can't you look at 
 the time/date
 1. OK I have just had a look through your files. isapnp.conf looks OK, but 
 [and I could
 well be wrong]  conf.modules seems to have a few rogue options.
 options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
 options sound io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
 options uart401 io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5
 options soundcore io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
 options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
 options sb sb io=0x220 irq=7 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
 options sound io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
 options uart401 io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5
 options sound io=220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=330
 options sound io=0x220
 options sound io=0220
 options sound io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io-0x330
 options soundcore io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
 options sound options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
 options soundlow io=0x220

modconf seems to keep every previous configuration.

The best thing to do would be to delete all lines and run modconf again.

My (working) configuration says :

options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
options adlib_card io=0x388

Hope it helps.

Best Regards.


-- Jean-Philippe Guérard -
|  « Et avec la nuit, vint la lumière. » -- Légendes de Yarth|

Re: /etc/environment

1999-06-18 Thread Jean-Philippe Guérard
On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 01:31:39PM +0200, Marco Maggesi wrote:
 I saw a file /etc/environment
 who reads it ?

It is automatically read by X11 on startup.

You can also add something like :

[ -f /etc/environment ]  . /etc/environment

in /etc/profile to have bash read it automatically for login shells.

Hope it helps.


-- Jean-Philippe Guérard -
|  « Les elfes naissent là où meurent les Baleines. » -- Yarth   |

Re: Refusing to deliver mail

1999-06-18 Thread Dpk
On Fri, 18 Jun 1999, Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe wrote:

   Is there a way to configure the email server (sendmail 8.9.3) so
   that it refuses mail coming from a specified address to a specific
   email. Let me clarify:
   My user A doesn't wan't to receive mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is it
   possible (with sendmail or something else) to make b's message
   bouce back complaining about the unavailability of a ?

You can use the access database feature:

With this feature enabled, you can use the file /etc/mail/access:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 550 We do not accept spam.  550 We do not accept spam from your domain.

I'm not sure if you are familiar with M4, but I'm sure the Debian
package includes a default M4 file that you can modify (adding the
access_db feature) and regenerated your  I'm not sure
since the default MTA, exim, has sufficed on all my Debian machines.
(sendmail experience is on Slowlaris)

Network Adminstrator
College of Engineering, MSU

I want to verify that binaries have not been changed

1999-06-18 Thread Jesse G Warford
How do I ask dpkg to display the file sizes of files in a package ?

Re: [Q] Virtual hosts and routing...

1999-06-18 Thread David H. Silber
On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 12:28:37PM +0200, Mirek Kwasniak wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 17, 1999 at 04:57:30PM -0500, The Doctor What wrote:
  However, if I log into the system (usually at, eth0:0) and
  try to ping any of my other virtual ips, I get no response.  I hav
  included the route -n and ifconfig output as an attachment.  
 Try add routes for your ip-aliases:
 route add -host eth0:0
 route add -host eth0:14

This is something that has been bothering me for a while.  I want to
thank Doctor What for mentioning the problem and Mirek Kwasniak for the

Since I have a large number of virtual addresses, I wrote a little
function to perform the ifconfig  route operations together.  As a
bonus side benefit, I no longer have to manually number the virtual
interfaces.  I'm posting the function so that other people can make
use of this refinement.

# IFCOUNTER counts the virtual interfaces.

#  Set up a virtual interface.
#  Usage:
#virtualif Interface IP number netmask broadcast [reset]
#  Example:
#virtualif eth0
#virtualif eth0
#virtualif eth0
#virtualif eth1 reset
#virtualif eth1
#  The use of the reset flag starts the virtual interface counter from zero.
virtualif() {
  #  When specified, reset the counter so that a second interface can
  #  have its own series of virtual interfaces.
  if [ ${RESET} ]
  #  Build the virtual interface name string.
  #  The point of all of this is to:
  /sbin/ifconfig ${VIRTUAL} ${IP} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
  /sbin/route add -host ${IP} ${VIRTUAL}
  #  Increment the virtual interface counter.
  IFCOUNTER=`/usr/bin/expr ${IFCOUNTER} + 1`

Despite the examples mentioned, I set shell variables for the netmask(s)
and broadcast address(es) to enhance readability and to avoid mistakes
in typing.  I also use shell variables to give names to the IP addresses,
so the calls tend to look like:


I hope this helps someone,
David H. Silber

David H. Silber  --   --   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  For custom software, see:
  Palm OS / Linux Documentation:  

Re: [Q] Virtual hosts and routing...

1999-06-18 Thread David H. Silber
On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 09:17:56AM -0400, David H. Silber wrote:
 Since I have a large number of virtual addresses, I wrote a little
 function to perform the ifconfig  route operations together.  As a
 bonus side benefit, I no longer have to manually number the virtual
 interfaces.  I'm posting the function so that other people can make
 use of this refinement.

Oops.  I forgot to mention that the virtualif function is placed at the
beginning of the /etc/init.d/network file.

David H. Silber  --   --   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  For custom software, see:
  Palm OS / Linux Documentation:  

Re: PAM (pluggable auth. modules)

1999-06-18 Thread Ben Collins
On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 02:45:55PM +0200, Varga Robert wrote:
 What do I need to do to enable PAM on slink?
 Is it enough, to install the pam libraries and other related packages, or
 do I have to recompile/reinstall/replace some files/packages?

PAM is only enabled for sudo, netatalk, and samba on slink. For a more
complete PAM setup, you will need to upgrade almost entirely to potato
where things like pam-apps, ssh, and lot's of others have PAM enabled.


Re: Disabling the power button

1999-06-18 Thread shaleh
 I've got an ATX system with APM enabled and working fine. I'd like to
 disable the power button in software so that the machine effectively
 cannot be switched off without root access - `shutdown -h now' would
 still halt and power-down.
 Is this possible? I can't find an option similar to this in the
 kernel options.

Not sure this is possible.  However, just open the case and make another switch
be power.  Or something.

Re: I want to verify that binaries have not been changed

1999-06-18 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 18 Jun, Jesse G Warford wrote about I want to verify that binaries have 
not been changed
 How do I ask dpkg to display the file sizes of files in a package ?

Once the package has been installed and the actual .deb has been
removed there is no way.  The only way to see the size of the binaries
is do download the .deb package again and do a 'dpkg -c package.deb'.

% dpkg -c hello_1.3-14.3_i386.deb 
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 1999-06-17 19:35 ./
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 1999-06-17 19:35 usr/
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 1999-06-17 19:35 usr/doc/
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 1999-06-17 19:35 usr/doc/hello/
-rw-r--r-- root/root  2427 1999-06-17 19:35 usr/doc/hello/copyright
-rw-r--r-- root/root  2295 1999-06-17 19:35 usr/doc/hello/changelog.gz
-rw-r--r-- root/root  1827 1999-06-17 19:35 
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 1999-06-17 19:35 usr/man/
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 1999-06-17 19:35 usr/man/man1/
-rw-r--r-- root/root   596 1999-06-17 19:35 usr/man/man1/hello.1.gz
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 1999-06-17 19:35 usr/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x root/root  5000 1999-06-17 19:35 usr/bin/hello
drwxr-xr-x root/root 0 1999-06-17 19:35 usr/info/
-rw-r--r-- root/root  8779 1999-06-17 19:35 usr/info/

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Installing Linux 1.3.1

1999-06-18 Thread Hector Garcia
Hi  friends

I'm a beginner in the Linux World and as my first step I have installed
Debian GNU/Linux 1.3.1 in a PC 486
/ 100 MHz  through the floppy drive. My PC lacks of CD-ROM or network

Now , I'm trying to install some aplications such as graphical user
interface (XFree86) , etc.

I've some questions about this topic :

$  I don't know how to use the dselect command , because when I execute
it , it asks me for a package file ,
which should be in the hard disk. How can I find those package files in
the Linux CD ?

$ How do  I use the mount command ? I want to mount the floppy drive
as a directory .

$ The man command doesn't work . Is that an installation problem ?
What did I do wrong?

I hope somebody can help me


Hector Garcia (hg)

Re: Frontpage extensions?

1999-06-18 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 04:30:04PM +1000, Corey Ralph wrote:
 I am looking into the possibility of transfering an NT/IIS based webserver
 over to apache on debian 2.1, the only thing I need to confirm is that the
 frontpage extenstions will be available and equal to the NT versions.
 A couple things:
 Is it available as a deb package?  Is it in the distribution and I'm just not
 looking in the right place?
No, I'd think that the license would be way too restrictive. After a bit
of searching (wonderful navigable Microsoft site), I found them at
They have instructions for patching the apache source tree.

For future reference, try 'less /var/lib/dpkg/available'. Its a text
version of the DPKG database of available packages. Use '/stringEnter'
to search for a particular string, and 'n' to cycle through matches.
 I have read about exploits in them, supposedly worse in the unix versions than
 in NT.  Is there anything to worry about there?
I don't think so. The FreeBSD-based ISP that I host web pages on,,
has Frontpage extensions on all 100+ servers; therefore, it is possible
to make them secure. There's a page on the frontpage web site on security.

 With apache, will it be a drop-in replacement for an NT server?  Does it 
 all the 'webbots' and scripts e.g the hit counter etc?

I'm not sure, but I'd guess no. You might want to investigate PHP3; Its
everything that ASP is and a lot more. There are a lot of public domain
hit counter scripts out therel just grab one.

One thing you might look into, at least for future reference, is Basically, WebDAV is Frontpage-equivilant
and has been run through the IETF standards group. Right now,
Microsoft is embracing it (support is in IIS 5, IE 5, and Office 2000),
and an Open Source apache module is available. Eventually, it 
will probably replace Frontpage. 
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: vim config question

1999-06-18 Thread Andreas Persenius
Quoting Alisdair McDiarmid ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 01:57:03PM +1000, Shao Zhang wrote:
  Is there anyway to configure vim to have a status bar just like in emacs??
 :set laststatus=2
 :set showmode

Ever nicer with this setting:
:set ruler

Andreas Persenius

Re: Refusing to deliver mail

1999-06-18 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe
 You can use the access database feature:
 With this feature enabled, you can use the file /etc/mail/access:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 550 We do not accept spam.  550 We do not accept spam from your domain.
 I'm not sure if you are familiar with M4, but I'm sure the Debian
 package includes a default M4 file that you can modify (adding the
 access_db feature) and regenerated your  I'm not sure
 since the default MTA, exim, has sufficed on all my Debian machines.
 (sendmail experience is on Slowlaris)

I don't want to block b's mail i just want to block b's mail to a ...
So it's kind of a personal spam-filter


Mario Filipe 

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Use MD5 to check packages

1999-06-18 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 09:20:41AM -0400, Jesse G Warford wrote:
 How do I ask dpkg to display the file sizes of files in a package ?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

As others have mentioned, dpkg doesn't keep track of file sizes.
Another method of verifying the integrity of a binary is to use md5. For
the uninitiated, md5 generates a checksum unique to a specific file. It
is possible to modify the binary without changing the file size :-). 

The only caveat is that about half of the packages I have installed 
actually contain md5 information. For those that do, you can check very
easily, by doing cd /; md5sum -cv /var/lib/dpkg/info/package-name.md5sums

Anyone know why more packages don't have MD5 sums?
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: Anyone had any success compiling Voodoo Tracker, Funk Tracker Gold, soundtracker, xsoundtrack?

1999-06-18 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 02:16:35AM +0100, Frankie wrote:
 cos I haven't. I have got debian's latest gtk libraries etc, but each of
 these trackers refusers to compile for some reason or another. I just
 want to know if anyone has got any of these to work with debian (or for
 that matter any other linux)...

Be more specific. What error messages? Do you have the libgtk1.2-dev 
stuff installed as well?
 PS has anyone got round to packaging up an mp3 encoder? cos last time I 
 looked there wasn't one, and cdgrab needs one, and obviously it would be nice 
 to have a virtual package of mp3-encoder so you can choose your favourite on 

AFAIK, some. like BladeEnc, don't provide source code, so they can't go 
in the main distribution.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: Use MD5 to check packages

1999-06-18 Thread Ben Collins
On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 09:43:18AM -0500, Stephen Pitts wrote:
 The only caveat is that about half of the packages I have installed 
 actually contain md5 information. For those that do, you can check very
 easily, by doing cd /; md5sum -cv /var/lib/dpkg/info/package-name.md5sums

Or you could install the debsums package which will also let you create
.md5sum files for packages that don't have them. Only problem with debsums
is it does not follow diversion right now.

Re: I want to verify that binaries have not been changed

1999-06-18 Thread Matt Folwell
On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 08:31:56AM -0500, Brian Servis wrote:
 *- On 18 Jun, Jesse G Warford wrote about I want to verify that binaries 
 have not been changed
  How do I ask dpkg to display the file sizes of files in a package ?
 Once the package has been installed and the actual .deb has been
 removed there is no way.

What about
dpkg -L package|xargs ls -ld

Matt Folwell, Trinity College, Cambridge.  CB2 1TQ
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: I want to verify that binaries have not been changed

1999-06-18 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 18 Jun, Matt Folwell wrote about Re: I want to verify that binaries have 
not been changed
 On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 08:31:56AM -0500, Brian Servis wrote:
 *- On 18 Jun, Jesse G Warford wrote about I want to verify that binaries 
 have not been changed
  How do I ask dpkg to display the file sizes of files in a package ?
 Once the package has been installed and the actual .deb has been
 removed there is no way.
 What about
 dpkg -L package|xargs ls -ld

That will list what is on the current system but he was concerned about
looking at the orginal file size to see if it has changed locally.  So
that could be used as a comparison to the sizes listed in the .deb.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Installing Potato

1999-06-18 Thread Andrew White
I just downloaded the whole of the Potato main, contrib and non-free
dirs..and went through the install...

When running dselect I get an error...

../base/libc6_2.1.1-12.deb containing libc6:
libc conflicts with apt 0.3.0
conflicting packages  -  not installing libc6

and then I get and Error installation aborting or somthing like that

I checked and I seem to have the latest files..

Any Ideas..

Re: Installing Potato

1999-06-18 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 19 Jun, Andrew White wrote about Installing Potato
 I just downloaded the whole of the Potato main, contrib and non-free
 dirs..and went through the install...
 When running dselect I get an error...
 ../base/libc6_2.1.1-12.deb containing libc6:
 libc conflicts with apt 0.3.0
 conflicting packages  -  not installing libc6

The latest apt is 0.3.6.  Just a guess, try installing apt 0.3.6 first
by hand with dpkg then start over.

note: I have note moved to potato so I am just taking an educated guess.
Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Window Maker

1999-06-18 Thread David Teague
On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:

 Checkout XWindow-User-HOWTO.

Hi Jon
I can't find any XWindow-User-HOWTO on my system. X is
installed and works fine. Where do I look for this HOWTO?

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 (Thanks guys!)

Re: magicfilter for Epson FX-80

1999-06-18 Thread David Wright
Quoting David B. Karlin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I have a Panasonic (dot-matrix) printer which emulates an Epson FX-80,
 and is working fine as an FX-80 under Win95.
 I'd like to install it on the Linux machine instead, but I've been unable to
 locate a magicfilter for Epson FX-80.
 Does anyone know if such a filter exists, or know of some location where
 I can find it?

Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:50:37 +0100

Quoting Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Hi Debian users,
 I have an Epson LX-300 under Linux and cant it to work. Already tried
 Magicfilter and Apsfilter. I dont know the right driver...
 Thanks for any help,Paulo Henrique

This is just a 9pin epson, I think. You might try magicfilter/gs-aladdin
with epson9 and if that works, try the eps9mid and eps9high variants.
From my hacked epson9-filter files, respectively:

# PostScript
0 %! filter /usr/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r240x216 -sDEVICE=eps9mid 
-sOutputFile=\|cat 13 - 31 12 
0 \004%! filter /usr/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r240x216 -sDEVICE=eps9mid 
-sOutputFile=\|cat 13 - 31 12 

0 %PDF fpipe /usr/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r240x216 -sDEVICE=eps9mid 
-sOutputFile=\|cat 13 $FILE 31 12 


# PostScript
0 %! filter /usr/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r240x216 -sDEVICE=eps9high 
-sOutputFile=\|cat 13 - 31 12 
0 \004%! filter /usr/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r240x216 -sDEVICE=eps9high 
-sOutputFile=\|cat 13 - 31 12 

If you try to get much better quality than that, it gets far too slow
(on an LX850).


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: UPS anyone?

1999-06-18 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Here's what I have so far concerning this confusing UPS issue
(prices in Canadian dollars).  Thanks to all who contributed.
Please email again if you have more info to add.



 `Best Power' general comments (

  - manufacturer has `free' Linux software which may be packaged
for Debian soon (All I have found in the source are lines
like: CheckUPS II BASIC V3.23Copyright (c)1985-99 by Best
Power, All Rights Reserved.  They'll need to clarify this).
Both the dumb and smart models listed below use the same
software download, which supports both `basic' and `advanced'
programs for dumb and smart UPS.

  - bpowerd Debian pacakge does not currently support the INT-0051 cable
The info listed in the bpowerd package concerning the INT-0027 cable
appears to be obsolete; I infer that Best Power now use the single
INT-0051 cable for all OSes; I sent email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to confirm this cabling issue and have
not had a reply.  However the source code to the
manufacturer's checkUPS program says:
  Enhancements V2.0:
  * Complete rewrite to support INT-0051  INT-0027 cable!!!
So I guess either cable is fine.

 Best Power Patriot   $219 + $52 for INT-0051 cable
  285 W dumb mode   
  Only model that looks like a big power bar instead of a UPS!

 Best Power Patriot Pro   $363 (includes cable)
  250 W smart mode

 See web site for other models.


 APC general comments (

  - No manufacturer Linux software, but announced for Q3-99.  

  - They have a Back-UPS line which appear to be dumb-mode only, and a more
expensive Back-UPS Pro line (smart mode).  

  - Kenneth Scharf [EMAIL PROTECTED] says the debian upsd package
works quite well with their ups's in dumb mode.  However he uses an
older Back-ups 400 (not sold anymore) and I think he made his own 
cable (?).  Do we have to make a cable to use upsd?

  - Brian White [EMAIL PROTECTED] has a Back-UPS Pro and it works with
the genpower Debian package and the apc-pnp cable.  He doesn't think
the Back-UPS works with apcd (no smart signalling) or with standard
genpower (different cable signals) but he says he could be wrong.

 APC Back-UPS BK500M  $219  (Don't know if cable is included)
  330 W dumb mode

 APC Back-UPS BK650M  $335  (Don't know if cable is included)
  400 W dumb mode

  - [EMAIL PROTECTED] can't get his Back-UPS 650 running under
Debian apcd package (confirms what Brian White says).

 APC Back-UPS Pro 420 $397
  260 W smart mode

 APC Smart-UPS 420$417
  260 W smart mode

 See web site for other models.


Unresolved issues:

  - Do APC Back-UPS 500 and 600 work with upsd?
  - Do APC Back-UPS 500 and 600 include a cable?
  - Do we have to make our own cable, or can we get one that works with
upsd from APC?
  - Do we really want `smart' for $100 more with `Best Power'?

Re: Window Maker

1999-06-18 Thread Kirk Hogenson
David Teague wrote:
 On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
  Checkout XWindow-User-HOWTO.
 I can't find any XWindow-User-HOWTO on my system. X is
 installed and works fine. Where do I look for this HOWTO?

It wouldn't be installed with X, it would be in the doc-linux-html
and doc-linux-text packages.

But, I have those packages and this particular HOWTO doesn't seem
to be in it.  Maybe it is a recent addition, perhaps the Potato
versions of these packages would have it?

You can read it on the web at:


Re: Refusing to deliver mail

1999-06-18 Thread Immanuel Yap
On Fri Jun 18, 1999, Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe wrote:
 Is there a way to configure the email server (sendmail 8.9.3) so that it
 refuses mail coming from a specified address to a specific email. Let me
 My user A doesn't wan't to receive mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is it
 possible (with sendmail or something else) to make b's message bouce
 back complaining about the unavailability of a ?

This is really a user-level filtering issue rather than a system-level
one.  Procmail should do the trick.  I wish I could be more specific,
but I use exim's builtin filtering mechanism.


Re: UPS anyone?

1999-06-18 Thread Brian White
  APC general comments (
   - Brian White [EMAIL PROTECTED] has a Back-UPS Pro and it works with
 the genpower Debian package and the apc-pnp cable.  He doesn't think
 the Back-UPS works with apcd (no smart signalling) or with standard
 genpower (different cable signals) but he says he could be wrong.

All models of APC from the Back-UPS Pro to the Matrix-UPS have the same
interface and will work with the custom apc-advanced (which I designed)
or the apc-pnp (standard cable from APC) cables.  Both cables have the
same dumb-signalling abilities but obviously the apc-pnp cable also
supports the smart-signalling modes.

One further note: The APC UPSs default to dumb-signalling on power-up
but retain whatever state they were last put in until they are next
power cycled.  Thus, if you have a dual-boot system with windows and
use the standard APC software, when you boot back to linux, genpower
won't be able to talk dumb-signal to the UPS.  If you write an R
to the serial port it will go back to dumb-signalling, but my quick
attempts to write a program to do such failed.

I believe apcd require the older black smart-signalling cable to work,
but could be wrong.  APC units used to come with both cables, but newer
ones may only come with the Plug'n'Play cable.


  Sticks and stones may break bones, but words will shatter the soul.

Install query: Selecting Computer Role?

1999-06-18 Thread Revenant
I'm new to the world of Linux and am currently installing Debian 2.1
off CD.  I was forced to reboot during install at the point where it
asks what tasks/profile the computer is (Server machine, dialup, etc.).

Does anyone know how to get this menu up again?  I'm finding the
option lists in dselect a bit overwhelming and that would be much
simpler to start with.

Thank you.

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
Why use a keyboard layout deliberately designed to be slow and
awkward?  For a faster, more comfortable and free layout try Dvorak. for more information. for lotsa links.

Re: Disabling the power button

1999-06-18 Thread David Wright
Quoting Alisdair McDiarmid ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I've got an ATX system with APM enabled and working fine. I'd like to
 disable the power button in software so that the machine effectively
 cannot be switched off without root access - `shutdown -h now' would
 still halt and power-down.
 Is this possible? I can't find an option similar to this in the
 kernel options.

Is it in your CMOS?

But can't they just pull the plug?


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Refusing to deliver mail

1999-06-18 Thread Carl Mummert
Is there a way to configure the email server (sendmail 8.9.3) so that it
refuses mail coming from a specified address to a specific email. Let me

My user A doesn't wan't to receive mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is it
possible (with sendmail or something else) to make b's message bouce
back complaining about the unavailability of a ?

You can do this easily with procmail.

Into the file bounce.message, put some text describng why you are
bouncing this mail.  Then, set up the user's .forward or .qmail to 
use procmail.  Then, add this rule to the .procmailrc :

   | (formail -r ; cat bounce.message) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t


Re: UPS anyone?

1999-06-18 Thread Kenneth Scharf

   - Kenneth Scharf [EMAIL PROTECTED] says the
 debian upsd package
 works quite well with their ups's in dumb mode. 
 However he uses an
 older Back-ups 400 (not sold anymore) and I
 think he made his own 
 cable (?).  Do we have to make a cable to use
I made my own cable as per the doc's in upsd because I bought the UPS
used and it did not come with the cable.  Making a cable is no big
deal, two connectors and two resistors (from any radio shack), and 4
wires.  (Not hard if you know how to solder without burning yourself). 
I havn't looked at any of the other packages you mentioned (maybe I
should) but upsd does get the job done with my castoff ups's.
Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

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Re: Window Maker

1999-06-18 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov

On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Brad wrote:

 On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Stephen Pitts wrote:
  The correct way to setup what programs
  run when you start X is to make an .xsession file, like this:
  echo exec /usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker  ~/.xsession
  chmod +x ~/.xsession
 If you only want to change the default window manager (and you have root
 access ;), you could also edit the /etc/X11/window-managers file. All
 users will use the first wm listed in that file, unless they have a
 .xsession to change it.
 IIRC, when you install some of the various window managers the postinst
 script offers to make this window manager the default by placing it
 first in that file. i don't recall if WindowMaker is one of them or not.
 When updating an already installed wm the postinst scripts (usually)
 don't make the offer again, only when installing new.

Actually, the simplest method to start a particular window manager is to
name it in a command line, like
startx wmaker
the default debian /etc/X11/Xsession script checks this argument and, if
the file exists and executable, will launch it.


Getting there

1999-06-18 Thread Christian Dysthe

I am sitting here now on my Debian box listening to NetRadio having X11Amp
ready, all in all, I have a new envoironemt to work in that in many ways is
just as appealing as my Windows environment was, except for the fact that this
one is much more stable and looks s much better than MS Windows does
(thanks to WindowMaker!).

And then I have to miss two essential tools:

1. A stable www browser.
2. A multi account email program.

1. Netscape doesn't even need many comments. It us unstable and full of bugs
under Linux. It works, but it does crash, alot! Always has under Linux. And I
do not want lynx! :)

2. Linux people tell me to use mutt or pine or elm or whatever, but I do
not want that. I want something like Outlook Express, The Bat! or even Eudora.
But there is no such thing! A combo consisting of XFmail, exim and 
fetchmail is the only solution that comes close to those Win MUA's in my
opinion. Then there is email software connected to Gnome and KDE. I do not want
that either. Is Linux going to become worse than Windows, because you will
have to choose a desktop environment you do not really like because it comes
with must have apps? I hope not Help me out here! :)

I just find it strange that I am sitting here now with this wonderful
multimedia capable, efficient and good looking desktop environment running a
great Linux distro feeling I lack BASIC Internet software.

I am ready for you guys being sarcastic and telling me how wonderful command
line and ncurses are, how Windows sucks and how I should see the light I do
not have time to start all over and do it the good 'ol way I rely on
Debian/Linux for work. I just need those tools and hope to see them around
soon! :)

I also know I should contribute myself, but I can't, I am not a programmer. I
want to pay for software I like to use. I decent browser and email program
would be something I would gladly pay for...right now if available! 

Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

   Clones are people two

Re: Getting there

1999-06-18 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 And then I have to miss two essential tools:
 1. A stable www browser.
 2. A multi account email program.
 1. Netscape doesn't even need many comments. It us unstable and full of bugs
 under Linux. It works, but it does crash, alot! Always has under Linux. And I
 do not want lynx! :)

Whats wrong with lynx? :)
Anyway. I've experimented with www browsers a little (Netscape is bloated,
and that is not very nice on 32M physical ram). 
I found chimera be nice (chimera1, not chimera2. Chimera2 looks nasty).
Mosaic is also pretty good.
Arena I did not find particularly interesting,
and Mozilla refused to run on my machine (It said something about
detecting resources for NC4.5 and quit there. At the time sounded to me
like it was complaining about presence of another browser in teh system :)
Rings a bell.)
So...try those out. NC4.5 does not seem to crash often on my machine
(2.2.10), but it is bloated.


 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.  --Computer languages of the world
   My work in progress.

how can one upgrade from slink to potato?

1999-06-18 Thread Varga Robert

See subject...

as far as I have seen, potato is glibc 2.1 based, glibc 2.1 needs apt0.3+
and vice versa... so far it seems to be impossible to me...

where can I find an apt 0.3+ for slink?

and then, how can I upgrade to potato?

Robert Varga

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