Re: Paquete gphoto disponible

1999-07-01 Thread Barbwired
Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a escribió:
   Alguien en la lista sugirió hace tiempo que sería interesante tener
 el programa 'gphoto' [...deletia...] he hecho el paquete de este programa.

Enhorabuena por la iniciativa. Acabas de hacerme absolutamente feliz.

A ver si me animo yo y hago el .deb de Fujiplay. De momento me he puesto en
contacto con el autor para que cambie la licencia de simple freeware a GPL y 
dice que no quiere. Sus palabras literales son:
I am now thinking of making a Debian GNU/Linux package out of it, and I 
  was wondering if you ever thought of releasing your program under the GPL
  license (or BDS or Artisctic, wich are also considerd to be free licenses).
  I think it would equally benefit you, as the author, and the users. 
  If you need more information on the GPL or other liceses I will gladly 
  provide you with links or any information you may need.

These licences also hamper the inclusion of the code into bigger
programs (like gphoto) which may be under a conflicting licence. I don't
want this.

  Am I allowed to pack your program into a *.deb file?

Of course! I hope the Debian team doesn't reject free software simply
because it's not GPL :-)

Como veis la abogacía no se me da muy bien y me sentiría incómoda insistiendo.
Creo que no ha entendido que la GPL no interfiere con la inclusión de su
código en otros paquetes, o esa es mi modesta impresión. En cualquier caso,
respetaré la opinión de este señor e intentaré que mi primer paquete Debian
sea lo más maravilloso posible (with a little help from the experts...).
Aunque si a alguien se le ocurre una maravillosa y respetuosa froma de
convencerle... yo encantada! 

Por descontado probaré GPhoto para que tengas feedback de una usuaria y esas
cosas... por supuesto desde el punto de vista del empaquetamiento.

Un saludo

P.D: Estas cosas me llegan al alma. Gracias a todos los que hacéis posible
   Una vez me obligué a tragar sin pensar si mi alma se iba a olvidar -Sôber-
   Barbwired (The TranslatriX) - Filología Inglesa - U. Complutense de Madrid 
   Proudly using Debian GNU/Linux (2.3.6) - PGP ID-0x03C87C81
   Web personal (aenima y linux):

Leafnode 1.4 y Slink

1999-07-01 Thread Barbwired
Al actualizar a Slink leafnode pasa de la versión 1.4 a la 1.6
No me gusta el comportamiento de la 1.6 ni de la 1.9 y decido rebajar la 
versión a la 1.4 (que es más estable y trabaja como a mí me gusta, sin dar la 
lata con /var/lock/news/fetch.lck ¡Menudos tejemanejes se traen las versiones
actuales con la existencia o no de este 'mardito' fichero!

Pues, señores, no hay forma de rebajarme a la 1.4:

~-root dpkg -i leafnode_1.4-10.deb
(Reading database ... 39103 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace leafnode 1.6.2-2 (using leafnode_1.4-10.deb)
Unpacking replacement leafnode ...
Violación de segmento

Pero bueno!!!

~-root dpkg -s leafnode
Package: leafnode
Status: install reinstreq half-installed
Version: 1.6.2-2
 ~~~ Pero:
~-root leafnode
200 Leafnode NNTP Daemon, version 1.4 running at
   Pero bueno 

Intento averiguar los motivos de la violación del pobre segmento:

~-root strace dpkg -i leafnode_1.4-10.deb
[Muchos mensajes tipo España va bien] y luego:
open(/usr/share/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
open(/usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
open(/usr/share/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
open(/usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = 6
fstat(6, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=61291, ...}) = 0
mmap(0, 61291, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 6, 0) = 0x400d7000
close(6)= 0
--- SIGSEGV (Violación de segmento) ---
+++ killed by SIGSEGV +++

¿Alguien sabe leer entre estas líneas y es capaz de sugerirme una solución?
Yo no entiendo ni papa...
Gracias por todo.

   Una vez me obligué a tragar sin pensar si mi alma se iba a olvidar -Sôber-
   Barbwired (The TranslatriX) - Filología Inglesa - U. Complutense de Madrid 
   Proudly using Debian GNU/Linux (2.3.6) - PGP ID-0x03C87C81
   Web personal (aenima y linux):

Re: Error raro

1999-07-01 Thread Vicen
Jose Luis Trivino wrote:
 Vicen wrote:
  hda: write_intr: status=0x71 { DriveReady DeviceFault SeekComplete Error
  hda: write_intr: error=0x10 { SectorIdNotFound }, LBAsect=8278502,
  ide0: reset: success
 No quisiera alarmarte, pero esto suena mas a HD cascado que
 a error de correo. Un HD que tenia empezo asi y la unica
 solucion fue cambiarlo por otro.
 Prueba a pasarle el fsck a ver que pasa. No te olvides que
 para hacer esto tienes que tener la particion de solo
 lectura o no tenerla montada.
 Hasta mas bits,

Bien, quizas debí dar algo más de información.

El disco es nuevo (recién):

hda: FUJITSU MPD3108AT, ATA DISK drive
hda: FUJITSU MPD3108AT, 10300MB w/512kB Cache, CHS=1313/255/63

...particionado tal que...

   Device Boot   Start  End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda1   *1  255  2048256b  Win95 FAT32
/dev/hda2  256  294   313267+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda3  295  549  2048287+  83  Linux native
/dev/hda4  550 1313  6136830f  Win95 Extended (LBA)
/dev/hda5  550  804  20482566  DOS 16-bit =32M
/dev/hda6  805 1059  20482566  DOS 16-bit =32M
/dev/hda7 1060 1313  2040223+   6  DOS 16-bit =32M

Un chequeo es lo primero que hice y me vino a dar lo siguiente:

 57446 inodes used (11%)
  1170 non-contiguous inodes (2.0%)
   #of inodes with ind/dind/tind blocks: 6910/258/0
712369 block used (34%)
 0 bad block

 48780 regular files
  4979 directories
   507 character device files
   722 block device files
 2 fifos
  1979 links
  2447 symbolic links (2445 fast symbolic links)
 0 sockets
 59416 files

...y eso es todo. Y yo no veo nada raro.

¿Alguna idea?

Gracias a todos y un Saludo

Debian 2.1 - LINUX User Reg: 90136
Albacete - ES

Sobre POP3

1999-07-01 Thread Antonio Beamud
 Ayer instale el paquete qpopper para probar una aplicacion que estamos
desarrollando con el API de JavaMail, Pero no me funcionaba. El qpopper no
coge los mensajes que cada usuario tiene almacenados en su
var/spool/mail/... ? Acaso hay que crear los mailbox para cada usuario
dentro de /var/spool/pop? Me he mirado desde el rfc del pop3 ha toda la
documentacion pero no logro que funcione.
 Alguien me puede ayudar?.

Nuevo Debian 2.1.

1999-07-01 Thread Emilio

Hola, me llamo Emilio Hernandez y soy un nuevo usuario de Debian
2.1 que compre ayer con la revista Linux Actual.

Estuve intentando instalarlo anoche pero al llegar a la parte de
los perfiles, no tengo muy claro cual me conviene (creo que el Home
Machine) porque no soy capaz de ver que tareas tiene seleccionadas sin
tener que entrar en el programa 'dselect'. Ademas ocupa 470 MB (aprox) y
mi particion para Linux es solo de 500 MB (y aun asi cuando selecciono
ese perfil parece como si no se me hubiese instalado casi nada). ?Es
suficiente con 500 MB para una configuracion mas o menos valida para un
usuario normal (casero) de Linux? ?Donde puedo seguir mas detalladamente
como se instala?


Re: Nuevo Debian 2.1.

1999-07-01 Thread Antonio Fernández Fernández
Creo que necesitas más de 1 GB para estar medio cómodo...
¿ Existe algún CD para pasar de la 2.0 a la 2.1, sin tener que
instalarlo todo de nuevo ? 
Gracias de: Fernández.

Emilio escribió:
 Hola, me llamo Emilio Hernandez y soy un nuevo usuario de Debian
 2.1 que compre ayer con la revista Linux Actual.
 Estuve intentando instalarlo anoche pero al llegar a la parte de
 los perfiles, no tengo muy claro cual me conviene (creo que el Home
 Machine) porque no soy capaz de ver que tareas tiene seleccionadas sin
 tener que entrar en el programa 'dselect'. Ademas ocupa 470 MB (aprox) y
 mi particion para Linux es solo de 500 MB (y aun asi cuando selecciono
 ese perfil parece como si no se me hubiese instalado casi nada). ?Es
 suficiente con 500 MB para una configuracion mas o menos valida para un
 usuario normal (casero) de Linux? ?Donde puedo seguir mas detalladamente
 como se instala?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Squid 2.1.2 y usuarios (II parte)

1999-07-01 Thread Eladio A. Maqueda
Me gustaría usar un control de usuarios con squid 2.1.2 (el que 
viene con debian 2.1). Cuando estaba en debian 2.0 (los squid 1.x) 
funcionaba. Según las FAQ y los manuales dice que funciona casi 
igual. Bien, creo que algo no veo. La pregunta: ¿puede que el 
squid 2.1.2 de debian 2.1 esté compilado sin la opción de soporte 
de password (-DUSE_PROXY_AUTH=1). Parece ser que la opción 
por defecto para compilar es sin este soporte. 
No me gustaría tener que compilar el squid. Me gustaría poder 
usar debian si sustituirle nada. 
Gracias por todo. 
Un saludo
Eladio A. Maqueda Gil  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Informática Municipal  Tlfno: +34 924246611
Diputación de Badajoz  Fax: +34 924255843
Avda. Tomás Romero de Castilla 4
06011 Badajoz  Registered user linux  52335

Re: Nuevo Debian 2.1.

1999-07-01 Thread daniel

que exageración con 600 o 700 MB's debería valer para alguien que no
quiere instalarse de todo... yo por ejemplo tengo 800 megas y tengo mucho
más instalado para pruebas de lo que realmente necesito. En definitiva, si
te vas a instalar de todo un poco sin saber realmente que vas a usar,
mínimo 600megas, si sabes realmente lo que quieres y lo que te vas a
instalar probablemente incluso con 500 MB tendrías de sobra, yo tengo una
partición de Redhat llena de mierda y no llega a los 500 megas...(como

Bueno, más saludotes...


 image moved   
 to file:  01/07/99 11:37 

Destinatarios: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Re: Nuevo Debian 2.1.

Creo que necesitas más de 1 GB para estar medio cómodo...
 ¿ Existe algún CD para pasar de la 2.0 a la 2.1, sin tener que
instalarlo todo de nuevo ?
 Gracias de: Fernández.

Emilio escribió:

 Hola, me llamo Emilio Hernandez y soy un nuevo usuario de Debian
 2.1 que compre ayer con la revista Linux Actual.

 Estuve intentando instalarlo anoche pero al llegar a la parte de
 los perfiles, no tengo muy claro cual me conviene (creo que el Home
 Machine) porque no soy capaz de ver que tareas tiene seleccionadas sin
 tener que entrar en el programa 'dselect'. Ademas ocupa 470 MB (aprox) y
 mi particion para Linux es solo de 500 MB (y aun asi cuando selecciono
 ese perfil parece como si no se me hubiese instalado casi nada). ?Es
 suficiente con 500 MB para una configuracion mas o menos valida para un
 usuario normal (casero) de Linux? ?Donde puedo seguir mas detalladamente
 como se instala?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Description: Binary data

Re: Leafnode 1.4 y Slink

1999-07-01 Thread daniel

Holas Barb

En esto todavía soy algo torpe y no he visto realmente si has intentado
borrar el paquete que tienes actualizado con dselect.. si no lo has hecho,
hazlo, y después intenta instalarte la versión que quieres, no directamente
sustituir una con la otra, sino borrar la que no quieres y después instalar
la versión antigua.. a ver si chutas... es una solución un tanto de help
desk hotline, pero a lo mejor te xuta...



 image moved   
 to file:  01/07/99 04:41 

CC:  (CCI: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Leafnode 1.4 y Slink

Al actualizar a Slink leafnode pasa de la versión 1.4 a la 1.6
No me gusta el comportamiento de la 1.6 ni de la 1.9 y decido rebajar la
versión a la 1.4 (que es más estable y trabaja como a mí me gusta, sin dar
la lata con /var/lock/news/fetch.lck ¡Menudos tejemanejes se traen las
versiones actuales con la existencia o no de este 'mardito' fichero!

Pues, señores, no hay forma de rebajarme a la 1.4:

~-root dpkg -i leafnode_1.4-10.deb
(Reading database ... 39103 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace leafnode 1.6.2-2 (using leafnode_1.4-10.deb)
Unpacking replacement leafnode ...
Violación de segmento

Pero bueno!!!

~-root dpkg -s leafnode
Package: leafnode
Status: install reinstreq half-installed
Version: 1.6.2-2
 ~~~ Pero:
~-root leafnode
200 Leafnode NNTP Daemon, version 1.4 running at
   Pero bueno

Intento averiguar los motivos de la violación del pobre segmento:

~-root strace dpkg -i leafnode_1.4-10.deb
[Muchos mensajes tipo España va bien] y luego:
open(/usr/share/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
open(/usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
open(/usr/share/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
open(/usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = 6
fstat(6, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=61291, ...}) = 0
mmap(0, 61291, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 6, 0) = 0x400d7000
close(6)= 0
--- SIGSEGV (Violación de segmento) ---
+++ killed by SIGSEGV +++

¿Alguien sabe leer entre estas líneas y es capaz de sugerirme una solución?
Yo no entiendo ni papa...
Gracias por todo.

   Una vez me obligué a tragar sin pensar si mi alma se iba a olvidar
   -Sôber- Barbwired (The TranslatriX) - Filología Inglesa - U. Complutense
   de Madrid
   Proudly using Debian GNU/Linux (2.3.6) - PGP
   Web personal (aenima y linux):

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Description: Binary data

necesito fwtk

1999-07-01 Thread pepus

¿podría alguien enviar la última versión del canuto FWTK del TIS?
Creo que es la 2.1

|  _ \ ___ _ __  _   _ ___
| |_) / _ \ '_ \| | | / __|
|  __/  __/ |_) | |_| \__ \ AOL Screen.: yoburtu
|_|   \___| .__/ \__,_|___/ E-Mail.: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problemas con un Compaq

1999-07-01 Thread Antonio Iglesias
Hola chavales.

Hace bastante que uso Debian. En casa tengo la HAMM funcionando desde que
salió y sin problemas peeero...

Estoy intentando instalarla en el Curro en un Compaq recien salido de la caja y
tengo algunos problemas
y algunas dudas que espero me podais resolver (es que sino me lo pisan con un
red hat :(   )
Por partes:

Parece ser solo obtengo la entrada del teclado si arranco en frio. Si se rebota
la he  porque tecleo y no obtengo nada. ¿Esto es así? ¿o estoy haciendo algo
mal? ¿tengo que botar de alguna forma especial?

La tarjeta de red que lleva es una Compaq Netelligent 10/100 tx PCI Intel UTP
Controller pero cuando sale el menu de los módulos de red no encuentro nada
parecido y no he podido ponerla a funcionar.
de los que hay ¿cual tendría que poner para que funcione? ¿ alguien sabe algo?

La tarjeta de video es una Matrox Millenium G 200 AGP. ¿tienen las X de la
HAMM soporte para esto?
Sino, a ver si me dais alguna Pista para ponerla a funcionar.

Gracias por todo.

Re: Nuevo Debian 2.1.

1999-07-01 Thread Antonio Fernández Fernández
Bueno. Es cierto, si no quieres instalar muchas cosas, puedes tener
suficiente... Sin embargo, con 4.3 GB, puedes dejar la mitad para Linux,
o más, si sólo usas Linux. Yo hice la partición del disco 2 ( 6.5 GB )
con el fdisk de Win'95, partición swap de 300 MG y ext para el resto; y
ya Linux se encargó del formateo y todo lo demás.
Muchas gracias por la respuesta. Si puedo, haré la actualización. 
Saludos de: Fernández.

Emilio escribió:
 Hola, me llamo Emilio Hernandez y soy un nuevo usuario de Debian
 2.1 que compre ayer con la revista Linux Actual.
 Estuve intentando instalarlo anoche pero al llegar a la parte de
 los perfiles, no tengo muy claro cual me conviene (creo que el Home
 Machine) porque no soy capaz de ver que tareas tiene seleccionadas sin
 tener que entrar en el programa 'dselect'. Ademas ocupa 470 MB (aprox) y
 mi particion para Linux es solo de 500 MB (y aun asi cuando selecciono
 ese perfil parece como si no se me hubiese instalado casi nada). ?Es
 suficiente con 500 MB para una configuracion mas o menos valida para un
 usuario normal (casero) de Linux? ?Donde puedo seguir mas detalladamente
 como se instala?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Squid 2.1.2 y usuarios (II parte)

1999-07-01 Thread Eladio A. Maqueda
 Me gustaría usar un control de usuarios con squid 2.1.2 (el que 
 viene con debian 2.1). Cuando estaba en debian 2.0 (los squid 
 funcionaba. Según las FAQ y los manuales dice que funciona 
casi igual.
 Bien, creo que algo no veo. La pregunta: ¿puede que el squid 
2.1.2 de
 debian 2.1 esté compilado sin la opción de soporte de password
 (-DUSE_PROXY_AUTH=1). Parece ser que la opción por defecto 
para compilar
 es sin este soporte. 

Me contesto a mi mismo, por si alguien está con cosas similares. 
Compilé el squid y no vi por ningún sitio lo del -

Compilé el NCSA de los auth_modules. en el squid de debian puse 
authenticate_program /usr/local/squid/bin/ncsa_auth fichero  
donde fichero es el path del fichero de la forma usuario:password 
donde password es la clave cifrada.

Y funcionó el problema es el programa de autentificación, hay que 
recurrir a uno externo.

No llegué a probar el squid compilado. Si alguien tiene el problema 
le puedo pasar el binario necesario (ncsa_auth) o las fuentes para 

 No me gustaría tener que compilar el squid. Me gustaría poder 
 usar debian si sustituirle nada. 

Afortunadamente sólo tengo que cambiar el squid.conf (siempre lo 
hago) y añadir un binario. No es muy grave.

Un saludo y gracias

Eladio A. Maqueda Gil  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Informática Municipal  Tlfno: +34 924246611
Diputación de Badajoz  Fax: +34 924255843
Avda. Tomás Romero de Castilla 4
06011 Badajoz  Registered user linux  52335

RE: Problemas con un Compaq

1999-07-01 Thread Manuel Trujillo
 Parece ser solo obtengo la entrada del teclado si arranco en
 frio. Si se rebota
 la he  porque tecleo y no obtengo nada. ¿Esto es así? ¿o
 estoy haciendo algo
 mal? ¿tengo que botar de alguna forma especial?

Veamos... En el curro todo son Compaq, de la serie Deskpro EP. Este problema
lo vas a tener tanto con Red Jarl como con nuestra Debian, y te lo digo por

 La tarjeta de red que lleva es una Compaq Netelligent 10/100 tx
 PCI Intel UTP
 Controller pero cuando sale el menu de los módulos de red no
 encuentro nada
 parecido y no he podido ponerla a funcionar.
 de los que hay ¿cual tendría que poner para que funcione? ¿
 alguien sabe algo?

Tengo montado un server-fax con el Hylafax bajo un Compaq Deskpro de los
viejos (con un 166 Mhz creo), y lleva una tarjeta de red integrada en placa
llamada NetFlex 3/P, para la cual no existen controladores en Linux (por lo
que yo he visto), y creo que en tu caso te pasará exactamente lo mismo...

 La tarjeta de video es una Matrox Millenium G 200 AGP. ¿tienen
 las X de la
 HAMM soporte para esto?
 Sino, a ver si me dais alguna Pista para ponerla a funcionar.

Nop. Tienes que pillarte las X's 3.3.3.x (creo que eran éstas), te instalas
el server SVGA y a volar.

Venga, si tienes algún problemilla con los Compaq a lo mejor te puedo hechar
una mano... al cuello ;-)
Coñas a parte, ya sabes...

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: Portatil para debian

1999-07-01 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Mon, Jun 28, 1999 at 10:01:41AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yo también he pensado en adquirir una portatil, y me gustaria saber si
 alguien ha podido lograr que le descuenten el importe que pagaría por
 Windows 95/98 preinstalado.

Yo al final me he decantado por un clónico. No lo he comprado aún pero
ya he estado palpándolo en la tienda y está muy bien. Además de
no venir con el Windoze de las narices instalado. Lo malo es que tiene
una tarj de sonido ESS Maestro2 que aun no está soportada. También hay
problemas con la ATI Rage LT Pro AGP que lleva instalada. Pero
son problemas 'sorteables' por el momento y seguramente lo acabaré

Best regards,

Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)   Tel: +34 93 317 2757
Serra, 18, Pral. 2  Fax: +34 93 317 3386
E-08002 Barcelona   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Info on Euroart'99 and Index·Art at:


1999-07-01 Thread Manuel Trujillo

Perdonadme el trainspoting-mail, pero creo que la noticia vale la pena:



Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: Leafnode 1.4 y Slink

1999-07-01 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

El problema real es que tienes, creo, el LANG, LC_MESSAGES o similar
puesto a un valor distinto a 'C' (posiblemente lo tengas en 'es' por eso de
violación de segmento :)
Ya comentó Enrique Zanardi en la lista que no se debe tener a root
con LC_ALL y similares a un valor distinto de C, porque podría causar este
tipo de cosas.
Aparte de sugerirte que mandes un bug-report a dpkg, sobre el tema
(porque aún así no debería cascar), te sugiero que compruebes que esas
variables de entorno no están puestas así.
~root LC_ALL=C dpkg -i leafnode...

El caso es que a dpkg le pasa esto con *algunos* paquetes, no con
todos, y fue un bug que tuvo parado un tiempo la salida de Debian 2.0. Aún
no se habrá podido arreglar del todo porque dpkg es un programa complejo,
como quiera que lo están reescribiendo es posible que no vuelva a pasar
nunca más.

En resumen: no tener al usuario root con LC's en español, sino,
*siempre*, con valor 'C' (POSIX). Para más info:' man locale'



On Thu, Jul 01, 1999 at 03:45:47AM +0200, Barbwired wrote:
 Al actualizar a Slink leafnode pasa de la versión 1.4 a la 1.6
 No me gusta el comportamiento de la 1.6 ni de la 1.9 y decido rebajar la 
 versión a la 1.4 (que es más estable y trabaja como a mí me gusta, sin dar la 
 lata con /var/lock/news/fetch.lck ¡Menudos tejemanejes se traen las versiones
 actuales con la existencia o no de este 'mardito' fichero!
 Pues, señores, no hay forma de rebajarme a la 1.4:
 ~-root dpkg -i leafnode_1.4-10.deb
 (Reading database ... 39103 files and directories currently installed.)
 Preparing to replace leafnode 1.6.2-2 (using leafnode_1.4-10.deb)
 Unpacking replacement leafnode ...
 Violación de segmento
 Pero bueno!!!

Re: Nuevo Debian 2.1.

1999-07-01 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

No es necesario en un Cd, puedes ecnontrar en los Cds de 2.1 y en la
web de Debian información de cómo pasar a la nueva versión (con apt, con un
script en CD...).
Más info en



On Thu, Jul 01, 1999 at 11:39:29AM +0200, Antonio Fernández Fernández wrote:
 Creo que necesitas más de 1 GB para estar medio cómodo...
   ¿ Existe algún CD para pasar de la 2.0 a la 2.1, sin tener que
 instalarlo todo de nuevo ? 
   Gracias de: Fernández.

Re: Nuevo Debian 2.1.

1999-07-01 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a
On Thu, Jul 01, 1999 at 10:54:08AM +0200, Emilio wrote:
   Hola, me llamo Emilio Hernandez y soy un nuevo usuario de Debian
 2.1 que compre ayer con la revista Linux Actual.
   Estuve intentando instalarlo anoche pero al llegar a la parte de
 los perfiles, no tengo muy claro cual me conviene (creo que el Home
 Machine) porque no soy capaz de ver que tareas tiene seleccionadas sin

Deberías ser capaz de ver los paquetes que vienen instalados en cada
perfil, de todas formas pasar por dselect no es tan traumático ya que puedes
ordenar (mira la documentación) la lista de paquetes para que te muestre
primero sólo los paquetes selecciones para instalar o instalados.

 tener que entrar en el programa 'dselect'. Ademas ocupa 470 MB (aprox) y
 mi particion para Linux es solo de 500 MB (y aun asi cuando selecciono
 ese perfil parece como si no se me hubiese instalado casi nada). ?Es

ES que no sólo hay que seleccionar el perfil, la parte de la
instalación se lleva a cabo a través de dselect, quizás en el artículo no
era lo suficientemente claro.

 suficiente con 500 MB para una configuracion mas o menos valida para un
 usuario normal (casero) de Linux? ?Donde puedo seguir mas detalladamente
 como se instala?

¿A qué te refieres seguir cómo se instalar? ¿Quieres documentación
sobre cómo instalar un Linux? (respuesta: mira la info que venía en el
artículo de instalación) ¿Quieres seguir paso a paso la instalación?
(Respuesta: dselect debería indicarte qué paquetes va instalando y que cosas
va haciendo a medida que avanza).

Bueno, espero que disfrutes con tu nuevo Debian GNU/Linux



Re: Sobre POP3

1999-07-01 Thread mpadilla
He reemplazado un pop3 con un qpopper sin problemas, pero es cierto que los 
buzones de mi
sistema están en /var/spool/mail

No se si eso te será de ayuda,

Antonio Beamud escribió:

  Ayer instale el paquete qpopper para probar una aplicacion que estamos
 desarrollando con el API de JavaMail, Pero no me funcionaba. El qpopper no
 coge los mensajes que cada usuario tiene almacenados en su
 var/spool/mail/... ? Acaso hay que crear los mailbox para cada usuario
 dentro de /var/spool/pop? Me he mirado desde el rfc del pop3 ha toda la
 documentacion pero no logro que funcione.
  Alguien me puede ayudar?.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Leafnode 1.4 y Slink

1999-07-01 Thread carlos saldaña
El Thu, Jul 01, 1999 at 03:45:47AM +0200, Barbwired decías:
 Al actualizar a Slink leafnode pasa de la versión 1.4 a la 1.6
 Unpacking replacement leafnode ...
 Violación de segmento ...
 ~-root strace dpkg -i leafnode_1.4-10.deb
 [Muchos mensajes tipo España va bien] y luego:
 open(/usr/share/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT
 (No such file or directory)
 open(/usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT 

Yo, estos problemas durante la actualización, los solventé, tal y como
indicaron por esta lista, desempaquetando el paquete conflictivo tal como:

LANG=C dpkg --unpack paquetito_anglosajón

desde otra consola y continuando con la instalación. Creo que sólo uno de
los instalados me dió violación de segmento. No sé si será el caso pues no
utilizo leafnode, pero me suena a conflicto con la variable LANG.

carlos saldaña


1999-07-01 Thread jon
pues cuando va salir?
yo lo he visto anunciada en la linux actual,pero no en la has visto

-Mensaje original-
De: Manuel Trujillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: jueves, 01 de julio de 1999 17:28


Perdonadme el trainspoting-mail, pero creo que la noticia vale la pena:



Have a nice day  ;-)

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Hay alguna fecha para la 2.2 ?

1999-07-01 Thread Juanmi Mora
On Wed, Jun 30, 1999 at 01:27:09AM +0100, Enrique Zanardi wrote:

 Además, si alguien pide mi voto, me gustaría que se incluyesen las Xfree
 3.4 en potato, así que por mi, nada de congelación hasta mediados/finales
 de Agosto.

Para actualizar... hay que pasar por la slink?... es que tengo Hamm...


 Juanmi Mora 
  Barcelona - España

 - Powered by Linux -
Debian 2.0 Hamm

Winmodem (Era: Linux en portatil)

1999-07-01 Thread Ignacio J. Alonso
Bien pensado mi pregunta sobre los win-modem con linux además de un
off-topic O:-) , es una tonteria, si la CPU se tiene que dedicar a emular el
modem y no puedo retirar la CPU salvo que corte la conexión, se pierde toda
la gracia de un SO multitarea apropiativa como Linux ¿no?

 _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/  Desde: 40º25'N 3º39'O
_/ _/ _/  _/ _/   
   _/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  _/ _/  _/ _/  _/ _/   
 _/ _/_/_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/  

Configuração Automática

1999-07-01 Thread Paulo J Matos aka PDestroy
Existe algum linux com configuração automática do hardware?
Se sim, qual?

Melhores cumprimentos,

Paulo Jorge Matos aka PDestroy
Minister of FortuneCity - Marina District
Personal Page :
Fed. Portuguesa de JuJutsu e D.A. Webmaster :
World Kobudo Federation - Portugal Webmaster :
Page me at :
Site Builders Network Level 2 Member
HTML Writers Guild Member

Re: Debian-br?

1999-07-01 Thread Nuno Nunes
 Eu acho q seria o ideal traduzir padrao... e quando nao houver jeito ou
 soar esquisito traduzir como por omissao

Desculpem a repetição, mas penso que não transmiti claramente a ideia que
me parece importante neste caso.  Quanto a mim, é inútil discutir qual é A
MELHOR tradução para default, ou qualquer outro termo, porque
simplesmente NÃO EXISTE!  O que há é várias traduções possíveis, e compete
ao tradutor escolher aquela que melhor exprime o sentido original; e
claro, discutir essa escolha com eventuais revisores da tradução.  

Perder tempo tentando encontrar a melhor, única e universal tradução de
uma palavra para depois a usar cegamente em todos os casos revela,
perdoem-me a franqueza, falta de conhecimentos ou de sensibilidade das
línguas em causa.  Sem dúvida, uma tradução unívoca deste tipo seria bem
mais fácil (até mesmo automática), mas essa não é a realidade.

Tradutores, façam bom uso desta liberdade!


Re: Default (Re: Debian-br?)

1999-07-01 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
On Thu, Jul 01, 1999 at 02:01:15PM -0300, Lalo Martins wrote:
 Gente, olha que chato :-)
 Eu fui conferir no dicionário, e default significa
 inadimplência, negligência. Ou seja, é um termo
 tecnicalizado - usado fora do sentido normal quando no
 contexto técnico. Literalmente, acho que a mais exata seria
 mesmo a por defeito ;-)

Negligencia me remete a por omissao , omitir, quando nao 
intencionalmente e o mesmo que negligenciar, nao?

 O que mostra que até que a discussão foi útil, porque estávamos
 Será que seria muito contra-intuitivo se a gente criasse um
 termo técnico ou tecnicalizado NOVO e tentasse ver se os
 usuários aprovam?

Nao, eu acho melhor usar dentro do contexto:
Configuracao inicial.
Configuracao padrao.
Configuracao por omissao.

Nao acho que se passassemos a usar bulova para significar default
as pessoas se empolgariam em seguir, no entanto seria divertido encontrar
um bom etmologista para nos ajudar a criar um neologismo e depois tentar
disseminar seu uso... Eu me lembro do Fernando Sabino, creio que foi no livro
O grande mentecapto em algum lugar ele avisa que fara' uma contribuicao
aa lingua portuguesa ao introduzir uma nova palavra para a traducao de
flashback e cita a palavra retrogressao. Se se encontrar algo tao
apropriado quanto para default ate que seria divertido incentivar
seu uso :)

Ou entao poderiamos criar algo sonoramente parecido, como por exemplo:
Configuracao defato (isso era para ser engracado). :)



P.S.Revirem-se em seus tumulos, Pessoa e Drummond! :)

Default (Re: Debian-br?)

1999-07-01 Thread Leandro Dutra
 Eu fui conferir no dicionário, e default significa
 inadimplência, negligência. Ou seja, é um termo

Exatamente!  É o termo inglês pra calote!  Só que mais chique...

 tecnicalizado - usado fora do sentido normal quando no
 contexto técnico. Literalmente, acho que a mais exata seria
 mesmo a por defeito ;-)

Na verdade por omissão.  A idéia é, se você deixa de pagar, você vai
ser cobrado, seu fiador vai ser chamado... passando pra informática,
a idéia é, se você omite o parâmetro, o que acontece?

A idéia de por defeito é secundária: o que acontece quando o
valor do parâmetro é inválido.  Mas o uso comum não é um valor inválido,
mas um valor omitido.

 Nós não temos uma tradução unívoca para o conceito simplesmente
 pq em inglês tb não existe uma palavra para isso.

Ou seja, não seria nenhum absurdo usar a própria palavra default,
que aliás parece mais francesa que inglesa, assim como cache.  Aí você vê
o carinha dizendo quéchi, mas a pronúncia correta é a do Francês, cásh.

 Será que seria muito contra-intuitivo se a gente criasse um
 termo técnico ou tecnicalizado NOVO e tentasse ver se os
 usuários aprovam?

Na minha opinião só há duas alternativas viáveis: usar a palavra
default mesmo, ou seguir os portugueses e usar alternativamente por
omissão ou padrão, conforme o contexto.  Por defeito somente quando
se estiver falado do caso específico em que o valor do parâmetro não foi
omitido, mas especificado erroneamente.

Claro que em se tratando de língua, sempre haverá casos em que
ninguém pensou ainda, exigindo um pouco mais de criatividade...

Como disse um colega, se não fosse assim era só passar por um
programa de tradução e fim de papo...

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

O discucao besta!!

1999-07-01 Thread Clovis Sena - Servicos Recife
Srs venho lembrar q Ingles tecnico eh diferente do Ingles convencional.
Do geito q vai vcs daqui a pouco vao estar discutindo como traduzir a
palavra mouse... Isto ate eu queria ver...

Eu acho q perde-se tempo com estes detalhes. Eu acho q estes debates
cabem a quem for fazer a revisao. Quem ta traduzindo traduz do geito q
sabe e pronto, depois manda p revisao; quem tiver revisando ve os erros
e manda p correcao, vc corrige e pronto. Sem neuras, sem cabelos
brancos, sem stress.

Tem muitas oputras palavras confusas: display por exemplo, display eh o
que mesmo?? um display, um monitor de video, um ecran, uma saida num
terminal, um dispositivo de caracteres onde se le alguma coisa, enfim o
q eh display???


Leandro Dutra wrote:
  Eu fui conferir no dicionário, e default significa
  inadimplência, negligência. Ou seja, é um termo
 Exatamente!  É o termo inglês pra calote!  Só que mais chique...

Clovis Sena
Itautec Servicos/Filial Recife
Fone: 081 - 421 1126.

Re: O discucao besta!!

1999-07-01 Thread Christiano Anderson
Ola Clovis,

A discucao pode ate parecer besta, mas para quem esta traduzindo, a
mesma eh muito util! Eu estou com um trabalho de traducao e certamente
tenho inumeras duvidas, por mais banais que sejam, sao duvidas! A
traducao para alguns termos fica complicado, e temos que definir formas
para que uma frase tenha seu verdadeiro significado ou o mais proximo do

A lista esta ai para isto!

Um abraco,

C. Anderson

ps.: geito eh com j

Clovis Sena - Servicos Recife wrote:
 Srs venho lembrar q Ingles tecnico eh diferente do Ingles convencional.
 Do geito q vai vcs daqui a pouco vao estar discutindo como traduzir a
 palavra mouse... Isto ate eu queria ver...
 Eu acho q perde-se tempo com estes detalhes. Eu acho q estes debates
 cabem a quem for fazer a revisao. Quem ta traduzindo traduz do geito q
 sabe e pronto, depois manda p revisao; quem tiver revisando ve os erros
 e manda p correcao, vc corrige e pronto. Sem neuras, sem cabelos
 brancos, sem stress.
 Tem muitas oputras palavras confusas: display por exemplo, display eh o
 que mesmo?? um display, um monitor de video, um ecran, uma saida num
 terminal, um dispositivo de caracteres onde se le alguma coisa, enfim o
 q eh display???
 Leandro Dutra wrote:
   Eu fui conferir no dicionário, e default significa
   inadimplência, negligência. Ou seja, é um termo
  Exatamente!  É o termo inglês pra calote!  Só que mais chique...
 Clovis Sena
 Itautec Servicos/Filial Recife
 Fone: 081 - 421 1126.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian-br?

1999-07-01 Thread kov
Eu acho q seria o ideal traduzir padrao... e quando nao houver jeito ou
soar esquisito traduzir como por omissao

On Tue, Jun 29, 1999 at 09:37:52PM +0100, Nuno Ferreira wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 29, 1999 at 05:03:15PM +0100, Nuno Nunes wrote:
  Lá por eu ser português, nao acreditem cegamente nisto, mas tenho a
  impressão que é mais comum, em Portugal, traduzir default por por
  defeito.  Assim, default configuration seria configuração por
  defeito, com o sentido de que falta qualquer coisa (que é compensada
  pelo sistema).  Padrão e por omissão também me parecem boas traduções,
  consoante os casos: por exemplo, default configuration traduz-se
  lindamente como configuração inicial.  É bem melhor usar criteriosamente
  as várias traduções possíveis do que optar por uma única e usá-la em todas
  as situações; se houvesse correspondência unívoca entre o inglês e o
  português, máquinas seriam usadas para traduzir, e não pessoas!
 Quando nesta lista dizem que em Portugal se traduz default por por omissão
 penso que estão a pensar nas traduções do Gnome. Como o responsável por essas
 traduções deixem-me explicar.
 Uso por omissão porque penso que é a melhor tradução mas estou aberto a
 sugestões ou contribuições para a tradução do Gnome, para o qual não tenho 
 muito tempo ultimamente.
 No entanto, do por defeito não me convencem, apesar de amplamente
 utilizado. Defeito tem uma conotação de imperfeição o que não tem nada a ver 
 default, muito menos quando existe o por omissão que é muito mais 
 do original.
 E não se esqueçam, continua à espera de contribuições para as traduções do 
 Gnome :)
 Nuno Ferreira
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: redirecting ports

1999-07-01 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Wed, Jun 30, 1999 at 06:47:59PM -0700, Nate wrote:

 I don't want to have to run any services on my firewall. I have on IP
 address and I receive dns from the tzo services (like dhis except you
 get your own domain and it's $$).

 I want to be able to run all my servers on an internal private IP.

 Thus, I want to redirect ports 25, 443, and 6667 to my internal
 private IP of 192.168.1.x.

 I have experimented with redir and it keeps getting access failures.

 What am I doing wrong, or what is the best solution for this?

After some problems with redir I installed rinetd and it's been very

What's All the Buzz About Linux?L I N U X   .~.
The Choice  /V\ of a GNU  /( )\
Generation ^^-^^

Re: Boot Floppy

1999-07-01 Thread ktb
The FreeStuff Web Ring wrote:
 A friend of mine is trying to install Debian 2.1 from the 4 CD Set onto
 a computer that doesn't enable booting from a CD Rom.  Can you tell me
 how to make a boot floppy please?
 Much appreciated!

First go to the Debian site and look at the documentation,

You can find the install instructions for Intel x86 architecture here,

I have the Cheap*Bytes Slink CD set.  The files you are looking for can
be found in disk #1 here,



Secure Phone?

1999-07-01 Thread jacko
Anyone know of something like PGPfone but for Linux?


Unidentified subject!

1999-07-01 Thread Christian Dysthe


running Exim from inetd- question

1999-07-01 Thread Pollywog
I am running Exim from inetd now.

I have a question.  When I change exim.conf now, I don't need to restart
inetd, correct?



Re: Kernel-2.2.1 and Routing

1999-07-01 Thread Steffen Evers
If you get the error message 'SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument' at boot time:
That comes from the command 'route add -net' or something
similar normally placed in /etc/init.d/network.
You can just remove this line as routing to interfaces are done
automatically by the 2.2.x kernels. For more details see the networking
section in CHANGES ( )).

It took me a while to find this out. :-)


Updating the system - Debian newbie needs help

1999-07-01 Thread Carley, Jason \(Australia\)
Hi guys,

I am considering switching over from SuSE 6.1 to Debian. I guess I am an
average linux user but I am not really familiar with Debian's way of doing
things. I am concerned to understand the process that I will need to go
through to update things like my XFree installation to 3.3.3 as I have a
RivaTNT card. As well as general packages before I make the jump across.

I have been reading up on all of the packages and install tools but I don't
really get it yet. Could someone please send me a brief run through on how
to get the system up-to-date and how to keep it there.



Re: StarOffice help

1999-07-01 Thread Carl Fink
[This message has also been posted.]
On Wed, 30 Jun 1999 14:03:53 GMT Karl-Heinz Zimmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Am 29.06.1999, 20:04:28, schrieb Brian Schramm:

 I have tried the real host name and localhost name both
 connected to the internet and not.  It just cannot log into
 the server.

Please try '' instead of 'localhost'=20
and tell us if it works...  :-)

On my box, SO5.1 wouldn't recognize my local caching proxy as
localhost until I installed bind as a caching-only nameserver. 
Apparently StarOffice doesn't read the hosts file.
This fool wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy. 
-Martin Luther on Copernicus' theory that the Earth orbits the sun

redirecting ports

1999-07-01 Thread Nate
Hi folks

I don't want to have to run any services on my firewall.  I have on IP address 
and I receive dns from the tzo services (like dhis except you get your
own domain and it's $$).  

I want to be able to run all my servers on an internal private IP.

Thus, I want to redirect ports 25, 443, and 6667 to my internal private
IP of 192.168.1.x.

I have experimented with redir and it keeps getting access failures.

What am I doing wrong, or what is the best solution for this?



Re: Boot Floppy

1999-07-01 Thread G. Crimp
On Wed, Jun 30, 1999 at 07:07:32PM -0300, The FreeStuff Web Ring wrote:
 A friend of mine is trying to install Debian 2.1 from the 4 CD Set onto
 a computer that doesn't enable booting from a CD Rom.  Can you tell me
 how to make a boot floppy please?
 Much appreciated!

Hello Nova Scotia !

The following assumes that your friend is running DOS or Windows of
some flavour and can access his CD drive.  I've outlined the procedure for
making rescue floppy below.  The Debian rescue floppy is what boots the
computer into the install routine.  Its also nice to have around if you hose
your system so badly that you can't reboot.

However, if your friend already has an OS on the computer and can
access the CD, there may be am easier way to boot.  There is a DOS batch
script on the CD that you can run from a DOS prompt that reboots the
computer with Linux.  The batch script is called boot.bat and it in the
install directory of CD.  Let's say that his CD is D: under DOS/Win:

C\: d:
D\: cd \install
D\install\: boot.bat

and you should be off to the races.

To make a rescue floppy from DOS, you use the rawrite2.exe
programme.  Simply copying the images won't work -- you must use rawrite. 
Also, you may have to be in true DOS mode rather than just a DOS prompt in a
window.  I gather some people have trouble doing this from a window prompt. 

Before you use rawrite2.exe, you have to choose which image file you
are going to use.  If you are installing to a desktop computer with a 3.5
high density floppy, you probably want to use resc1440.bin.  rawrite2.exe
and the floppy images are in
CD-drive-letter\dists\stable\main\disks-i386\current.  See section 5.3 of
the document install.txt (or install.html with a web browser) to decide if
resc1440.bin is appropriate for you.

To use rawrite:
C\: d:
D\: cd \dists\stable\main\disks-i386\current
D\dists\stable\main\disks-i386\current: rawrite2 -f image_u_want -d a:
or b: -- drive your blank floppy is

This information is free and without warranty.  Your friend really
should read the README.* files in the root directory of the CD as well as
the install.txt file noted above.

Good luck.

-xrm option to X apps

1999-07-01 Thread G. Crimp
Just wondering if anyone knows what the -xrm option does for apps
that run in X.  man X gives a little blurb, but it is not very clear.  I've
tried a couple of experiments like:

xterm -xrm title=foobar

but it doesn't seem to work.  The is no discussion in man X about the syntax
of expression in -xrm expression so I don't know if the above is correct. 

Anyone have knowledge of this curious little command attribute ?

Re: -xrm option to X apps

1999-07-01 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 30 Jun, G. Crimp wrote about -xrm option to X apps
   Just wondering if anyone knows what the -xrm option does for apps
 that run in X.  man X gives a little blurb, but it is not very clear.  I've
 tried a couple of experiments like:
   xterm -xrm title=foobar
 but it doesn't seem to work.  The is no discussion in man X about the syntax
 of expression in -xrm expression so I don't know if the above is correct. 
   Anyone have knowledge of this curious little command attribute ?

It is used to set resources on the commandline.  An example, xterm can
have a resource of 

XTerm*cursorColor:  green

in your Xresources file.  You can use the -xrm to override this on the
command line like,

xterm -xrm *cursorColor:red

Now xterm can use the -cr command line switch for the cursorcolor but
there are resources that do not have a command line equivalent, I
didn't feel like digging through the man page.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Need help installing Pine

1999-07-01 Thread Larry Huffman
After two years of using Red Hat, I've turned my attention to Debian
(Slink), and am learning my way around the packaging system, apt, and

I'm now trying to install Pine. (This message, BTW, is coming from my
shell account at my ISP, hence it being from Pine.) I've tried to install
both of the following sets of source packages, using the same steps
(listed below), receiving the same error message (also provided below):




steps taken:

dpkg-source -x pine_v.dsc
cd pine
debian/rules binary (as root)

error message received:

test -f pine/pine.c -a -f debian/rules
debian/rules binaryPine
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/pine/pine-v'
test -f pine/pine.c -a -f debian/rules
test root = `whoami`
rm -rf debian/tmp
install -d debian/tmp/DEBIAN debian/tmp/usr/lib/menu
cd debian/tmp  install -d usr/bin usr/man/man1 usr/doc/pine
cd debian  install -m 755 postinst postrm tmp/DEBIAN
cd debian  install -m 644 menu.pine tmp/usr/lib/menu/pine
install bin/pine debian/tmp/usr/bin
install: bin/pine: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [binaryPine] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/pine/pine-3.96M'
make: *** [binary-arch] Error 2

I searched the archives for this list but couldn't find anything; I
thought I saw something posted about this earlier this month.

Thanks in advance for any help. Debian's great thus far.



Re: [LINUX] How to change the boot logo

1999-07-01 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: [LINUX] How to change the boot logo
Date: Wed, Jun 30, 1999 at 08:24:17PM +0200

In reply to:Sami Dalouche

Quoting Sami Dalouche([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Wed, Jun 30, 1999 at 09:12:49AM +0200, Nico De Ranter wrote:
  I just recompiled my kernel so that I now get a nice penguin logo
  when I boot :-).  Is there any way I can change this logo? (I'd like
  to add some details about my system next to it, kind of like a SUN
  when it boots)
 I tried to get a penguin logo but it doesn't work on my 2.2.X kernel :
 I have an ATI Xpert Play and I've said yes to mach64 support and when
 booting, a few seconds after Lilo, I get a black screen with some 
  weird stars and Linux don't want to boot.
 Which card have you ?

Did you read *all* the Docs.

I have this in my lilo.conf
Image= /boot/Slink-2.2.10
  label  = Slink2.2.10
  Root   = /dev/hdb2
  VGA= 0x317   This does it, for me anyway.
  append  = hdd=cdrom lp=parport0 parport=0x378,none


Unquestionably, there is progress.  The average American now pays out
twice as much in taxes as he formerly got in wages.
-- H. L. Mencken

Re: Updating the system - Debian newbie needs help

1999-07-01 Thread Peter Ross
On 01-Jul-1999, Carley, Jason Australia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi guys,
 I am considering switching over from SuSE 6.1 to Debian. I guess I am an
 average linux user but I am not really familiar with Debian's way of doing
 things. I am concerned to understand the process that I will need to go
 through to update things like my XFree installation to 3.3.3 as I have a
 RivaTNT card. As well as general packages before I make the jump across.
 I have been reading up on all of the packages and install tools but I don't
 really get it yet. Could someone please send me a brief run through on how
 to get the system up-to-date and how to keep it there.

To install debian I can only recommend that you read the release notes.

The most convenient way to upgrade packages using debian is to use the
utility apt.  Once you have dselect installed choose apt as your access

I have attached my /etc/apt/sources.list file.

It attempts to install it packages from the cdrom distribution first.
However if a newer version of the package is available at (my local mirror) it will get the package from there
and so on.

The final two lines are for Xfree86 and gnome 1.0
These are not officially supported Debian packages, but show the power
of apt to select the most recent version of a package available.

# Use for a local mirror - remove the ftp1 http lines for the bits
# your mirror contains.
# deb file:/your/mirror/here/debian stable main contrib non-free
# See sources.list(5) for more information, especial
# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs

# The slink CD's
#deb file://cdwriter/debian stable main contrib non-free non-US
#deb file://mnt/princess/root/cdrom/debian stable main contrib non-free non-US
#deb file://mnt/dogbert/root/cdrom/debian stable main contrib non-free non-US
deb cdrom:'Debian 2.1r2 Disk 1'/ debian/dists/frozen/contrib/binary-i386/
deb cdrom:'Debian 2.1r2 Disk 1'/ debian/dists/frozen/main/binary-i386/
deb cdrom:'Debian 2.1r2 Disk 1'/ debian/dists/frozen/non-US/binary-i386/
deb cdrom:'Debian 2.1r2 Disk 1'/ debian/dists/frozen/non-free/binary-i386/
deb cdrom:'Debian 2.1r2 Disk 2'/ debian/dists/frozen/contrib/binary-i386/
deb cdrom:'Debian 2.1r2 Disk 2'/ debian/dists/frozen/main/binary-i386/
deb cdrom:'Debian 2.1r2 Disk 2'/ debian/dists/frozen/non-US/binary-i386/
deb cdrom:'Debian 2.1r2 Disk 2'/ debian/dists/frozen/non-free/binary-i386/
deb cdrom:Debian 2.1r2 Disk 5/ debian/dists/frozen/contrib/binary-i386/
deb cdrom:Debian 2.1r2 Disk 5/ debian/dists/frozen/main/binary-i386/
deb cdrom:Debian 2.1r2 Disk 5/ debian/dists/frozen/non-US/binary-i386/
deb cdrom:Debian 2.1r2 Disk 5/ debian/dists/frozen/non-free/binary-i386/

# The stable dist at monash
deb stable main
deb stable contrib
deb stable non-free
deb stable non-US

# upgraded X and apt
deb x/

# gnome 1.0
deb slink main

Re: New drive

1999-07-01 Thread Didi Damian
Ghost is a drive imaging software. What it does, it copies your disk or 
byte for byte, formatting it on-the-fly. It works with ext2 filesystem, the 
limitation is that, compared to the other filesystems, it won't resize the 
image, meaning 
that you can't take a partition created on a ,let's say, 1G and drop it to a 2G 
It works very well, I use it at work almost every day but I never tried it with 

In theory it should work fine, but you would most likely need to boot from a 
to reinstall LILO.

YMMV and be prepared for an alternate method, like the fine one one suggested 
in the
previous post in case this doesn't work.

Nils Rennebarth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Jun 30, 1999 at 12:51:50PM +0200, Rudy Broersma wrote:
  At the moment I have a 810 MB harddisk in my Linux box. I'm going to replace
  it with a 12 GB Bigfoot. Can I just 'copy' the partitions? (Using ghost). Or
  do I need to reinstall Linux (hate that. When I reinstall something I always
  think of Windows)
 You should not 'copy the partitions'. Don't know what ghost is, but I doubt
 it supports the ext2 filesystem.
 Instead put the new disk together with the old one in your computer, say on
 the secondary controller, boot from the old one, partition the new, make a
 few filesystems, mount them and use tar to transfer the system. Now take out
 the old one, move the new one to the primary controller, boot from a floppy,
 using the root= option pointing to the root partition on the new disk.
 Now run lilo again and that's it. May sound complicated, but it isn't
 Plug-and-Play is really nice, unfortunately it only works 50% of the time.
 To be specific the Plug almost always works.--unknown source


Re: /usr/include/linux and /usr/include/asm?

1999-07-01 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, Evan Van Dyke wrote:

  However, I expect I'm the only one who thinks that's the proper
  approach so, how's this for a solution: Give the /usr/include/asm and
  /usr/include/linux directories up as lost causes.  Instead, define new
  directories. Say /usr/include/kernel-asm and /usr/include/kernel-linux.
  Make THEM symlinks to the appropriate directories in the kernel source
  tree.  I would do this on my own computer, but I don't really get any
  benefit from it unless everyone else, particularly those who develop
  modules and whatnot, decides to use the same convention.

  Therefore, we then attempt to convince people to actually use those
  directories instead of /usr/include/asm and /usr/include/linux for the
  good reasons that we've discussed.

 If you havn't read the letter by Linux Torvalds that was referred to under
 this thread within the last few days, I suggest that you do so.

I read it.  In fact, the message that you quote was primarily in response
to that message.  I UNDERSTAND the problem.  I solved similar problems
back 15 years ago when I first started debugging clibs.  It's the solution
that I find lacking. Too bad you didn't quote the part of my message that
was really important: Making my life tougher because it's easier for me to
deal with it than Joe Random Luser is NOT AN ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION!  Yes, I
can deal with it Joe Random Luser, but I shouldn't have to.

 The obvious choice seems to be /usr/src/linux/include/linux  and
 /usr/src/linux/include/asmas that is where most people store their
 kernel source.  Why clutter up /usr/include more with kernel-specific
 headers?  The entire point is that the /usr/include/* headers should be
 kernel-independant after all.

Why is that the point?  If that's the point, it's a damn stupid one.
Look, header files go under /usr/include and /usr/local/include.  Since
the header files that are kernel specific aren't local to the system, they
should be accessible under /usr/include.  I should be able to refer to
them like that.  THAT is what is obvious to me.

Why clutter up /usr/include with directories containing kernel-specific
headers?  Well, why clutter it up with omniORB and ggi and php3?  Because
/usr/include and the directories underneath are where header files GO,
aren't they?  Having two sets of files with identical names and nearly
identical contents just galls me.  What do I care what kernel the glibc
maintainer built on?  Why should I keep those files around?

The real issue is one that I talked about in my original message:
idempotence. While I agree that libc has to know about the kernel calls so
that it can wrap them in C-standard functions, it is apparent that glibc,
at least, knows far more about the internals of the kernel than is good
for it.  It is essential that a given version of glibc be able to run on
newer kernel versions and on patched kernels.  That requires careful
design and some foresight, which appears to be lacking in this case.

Let's take an example or two from the message from Linus Torvalds:

The use of the NR_OPEN constant.  The kernel (apparently---I just skimmed
over it) uses NR_OPEN to set how many file handles any given task must
have.  That is, it allocates an array of NR_OPEN struct file * for each
task that is forked.  (The code is in kernel/fork.c, if you have a mind.)

Why does glibc refer to this constant anywhere?  The number of files that
the kernel allows to be opened doesn't necessarily have anything to do
with the number of files glibc allows you to open.  I suppose that glibc
might put an array of size NR_OPEN in order to hold the file handles, but
that's dumb.  The ISO C standard says that the constant that defines the
maximum number of open files is FOPEN_MAX, and it is far smarter to put
your file handle in the FILE struct and declare your FILE array to be of

#define FOPEN_MAX to be the same as NR_OPEN?  Use the same sigset_t for
both glibc and the Linux kernel?  Yes, you COULD do that, but those things
don't necessarily have anything to do with each other, and it is poor
practice to use the same abstraction to refer to unrelated things even if
they happen to be the same at some point.  libc abstractions, what most
programs use, are NEVER required to be the same as the kernel

While I agree that you can work around the problem by requiring that
/usr/include/asm and /usr/include/linux be the contents of the directories
/usr/src/linux/include/asm and /usr/src/linux/include/linux on the system
used by the builder of the glibc and by requiring that the kernel source
must ALWAYS be in /usr/src/linux, but that is not the correct solution.

That is a massive kluge needed because people can't seem to be bothered to
do things correctly.  The correct solution is to eliminate those instances
where constants are used for purposes that they have no business being
used for.  It's like defining the FOPEN_MAX to be sizeof(double) 

Re: HELP: /dev/mixer and SB PCI64V

1999-07-01 Thread Didi Damian
I have a 1371 with potato/kernel 2.2.10  and it worked fine from the beginning. 
i have a 
/dev/mixer and a /dev/mixer1. Unfortunately, about the only thing I can help 
you with
is my dmesg which shows the codec to be present. I don't know much about sound 
in linux
but I know that in Windoze no codec=no sound. Maybe somebody can pick up from 
here and
help you.

es1371: version v0.11 time 17:57:34 Jun 18 1999
es1371: found adapter at io 0x1400 irq 11
es1371: features: joystick 0x0
es1371: codec vendor CRY revision 3
es1371: codec features Headphone out 18bit DAC 18bit ADC
es1371: stereo enhancement: no 3D stereo enhancement

Steffen Evers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello !
 I've tried to get my SB PCI64V (es1371) running under Debian 2.1 and
 Kernel 2.2.10 and it won't work !
 It looks like that the kernel finds the card and everything seems to be
 ok, but it doesn't make any sound.
 At boot time I get the following:
 es1371: version v0.11 time 23:03:47 Jun 30 1999
 es1371: found adapter at io 0xb800 irq 12
 es1371: features: joystick 0x200
 es1371: codec vendor TRA revision 3
 es1371: codec features none
 es1371: stereo enhancement: no 3D stereo enhancement
 I was wondering if I need to use a mixer, but I don't have a /dev/mixer
 or something similiar and /dev/MAKEDEV doesn't know how to make such a
 And sox 12.15 doesn't work either:
 'sox bla.wav  -t ossdsp -w -s /dev/dsp' gives me the error message:
 sox: Invalid audio buffer size 0
 Is there anyone who could help me ?
 CU Steffen
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


postgresql errors after upgrade

1999-07-01 Thread Pollywog
Every time Postgresql gets upgraded, I get these errors:

On 01-Jul-99 Cron Daemon wrote:
 Connection to database 'template1' failed.
 connectDB() -- connect() failed: Connection refused
 Is the postmaster running at 'localhost' and accepting connections on Unix
 socket '5432'?

Ouch!!  What can I do to fix this, other than uninstalling postgresql?



Re: postgresql errors after upgrade

1999-07-01 Thread Oliver Elphick
Pollywog wrote:
  Every time Postgresql gets upgraded, I get these errors:
  On 01-Jul-99 Cron Daemon wrote:
   Connection to database 'template1' failed.
   connectDB() -- connect() failed: Connection refused
   Is the postmaster running at 'localhost' and accepting connections on Unix
   socket '5432'?
  Ouch!!  What can I do to fix this, other than uninstalling postgresql?
You may have to start up the postmaster yourself (there are problems with
su from pam-apps):

  /etc/init.d/postgresql start

If that doesn't work, you will need to give more information.

  Vote against SPAM:
Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 Seeing then that we have a great high priest who has
  gone into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us
  hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not
  have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with
  our weaknesses, but we have one who was tempted in
  every way, just as we are-yet was without sin.   
 Hebrews 4:14,15 

Re: I/O error on /dev/dsp and /dev/audio

1999-07-01 Thread Jens Ritter

Does cat /dev/sndstat work?

Check if sound is compiled in or loaded when a sound request happens
(check logs). 


G. Crimp [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   I can't write to either /dev/audio or /dev/dsp, even as root.  The
 permissions on both are crw-rw.  I discovered when trying to set up
 RealAudio for a Linux broadcast.  When I tried to cat a file to either of
 these devices I get cat: write error: Input/output error.

P.S.: Please vote against Spam! At
(Sorry Europeans only)
Key ID: 2048/E451C639 Jens Ritter
Key fingerprint: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37 

Re: postgresql errors after upgrade

1999-07-01 Thread Pollywog

On 01-Jul-99 Oliver Elphick wrote:
 You may have to start up the postmaster yourself (there are problems with
 su from pam-apps):
   /etc/init.d/postgresql start
 If that doesn't work, you will need to give more information.

I forgot to mention:

/etc#/etc/init.d/postgresql start
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postgresql-startup: line 64: unexpected EOF while
looking for matching ``'

I will purge postgresql and then reinstall it.  That is what I have done in
the past to fix the problem.



X modeline conversions

1999-07-01 Thread Matthew Gregan
Hi everyone.

I'm trying to work out a good modeline for X for 1152x864. The reason I'm doing 
this is because I was installing some new drivers for my video card under 
Windows and discovered that my monitor can do 1152x864 at an acceptable refresh 

I've got the figures from Windows, but I only vaguely understand how they 
relate to the X modelines, and I can't figure out how to convert them over. 
Hopefully someone with more experience can point me in the right direction...

Under Windows, this is the info I have about the mode:
Pixel clock: 112320kHz

Frequency: 70kHz
Front porch: 64 pixels
Sync: 128 pixels
Back porch: 256 pixels
Negative sync polarity

Frequency: 78Hz
Front porch: 1 line
Sync: 3 lines
Back porch: 2 lines
Negative sync polarity

I've tried reading through ESR's XF86 video timings howto, but it wasn't really 
helpful to my problem. From what I understand, the front/back porch is the time 
of the rise and fall of the signal, but I don't know how to relate the numbers 
I have back to anything useful for X.

I've found a modeline already existing in the XF86 config which is very close 
to what I want (1152x864 at 78Hz, but it's 70.8kHz horizontal frequency is just 
too much for my monitor to handle).

If anybody can help, or point me in the right direction, I would be very happy. 
Thanks. :-)

Oh, those Windows figures are from the Matrox monitor customization utility, if 
that matters...
Matthew Gregan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Solaris binaries

1999-07-01 Thread Hamish Moffatt
Is there any support for running Solaris/x86 binaries on linux i386?
I haven't had any luck searching the web.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB (ex-VK3TYD). 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: port redirection

1999-07-01 Thread Nate
On Thu, Jul 01, 1999 at 09:30:11AM +0200, Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:
 On Thu, 01 Jul 1999 04:23:15 +0200 (CEST), Tamas TEVESZ wrote:
 On Wed, 30 Jun 1999, Nate wrote:
   I would like to redirect some ports to an internal machine on 
   a private IP.  What is the best way to do this?
 ipportfw ?
 Just to confirm: What you are suggesting is correct.
 I use statements like
   ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $EXT_IP pop-3 -R $INT_IP pop-3

ipmasqadm is a potato thingy.  I'm still doing slink.  Do you know how 
I can accomplish this with slink and kernel 2.0.36?  I'm still
trying stuff out with ipfwadm.  Does this sound feasible?

 to redirect ports to internal machines.
 Sign the EU petition against SPAM:  L I N U X   .~.  Choice  /V\
 of a  GNU  /( )\
Generation  ^^-^^
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problems changing colour depth.

1999-07-01 Thread Revenant
I dlded and installed the newer version of the i740 drivers, and I've
now got the screen running in 1024 x 768 mode okay (yay!) but it won't
use a colour depth of greater than 8.  I've tried running startx with
the -bpp option and it still came up in 8-bit mode.  

Any thoughts?


-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: X11: Zoom not working since upgrade to slink

1999-07-01 Thread John Pearson
On Wed, Jun 30, 1999 at 12:29:28PM +0200, Johann Spies wrote
 On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, John Pearson wrote:
  It may be worth checking in /var/log/xdm.log to verify that you *really do*
  have more than one video mode available.  I have a NEC Multisync 2A upstairs
  that claims to do 31.5  35.15KHz; on some versions of XFree I've had to
  specify the horizontal ranges as 31.5,35.1-35.2 to get 800x600, on others
  31.5,35.15 works.
 Thank you John.  At the back of my monitor I have 31.5/35.2/35.5 indicated
 as the horizontal ranges.  /var/log/xdm-errors indeed reported that there
 is only one mode - the others rejected because the frequency is not
 After changing my /etc/XF86Config to 31.5-35.2, 35.5 (it was 31.5, 35.2,
 35.5) I have more than one mode again.  But I do not know whether that may
 damage my monitor, so I put the original back again for the time being.
 Can I safely change 31.5, 35.2, 35.5 to 31.5-35.2, 35.5?

I would, instead, change it to 31.5,35.1-35.2,35.5.  Your monitor should
be OK with that, but it won't like anything very far from the fixed
frequencies it supports.

Something like that works for me.  My understanding is that the actual
scan frequency is 35.15625 (36MHz dot clock / 1024 dots per row), which is
35.2 to 3 sig. figs.  I believe that all that's happening is that some
xserver versions check a result calculated to 3 sig. figs. (which matches
35.2), and some use 4 or more (which doesn't).  If you look in xdm.log it
will tell you why it doesn't like it, which should include the actual
horizontal scan frequency required.  Any range that includes that rate
should work; it's up to you to be happy that it will work for you.

Bear in mind that the accuracy of unstabilised, untrimmed quartz crystal
oscillators is only between about 0.1% and 1% anyway (waves hands), so in
practice the monitor has to have a little leeway built in.

In summary, my understanding is that it's programming the exact same scan
rate (it is derived from one of the 'standard' clocks (36MHz / 1024 dpl for
'standard' 800x600 mode), so it won't change unless you also change the
number of dots per line in the mode definition), but that the new server is
applying a more stringent test to your monitor, whose specs simply don't
have enough significant figures to pass.  Nonetheless, if it worked before
it should work now.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: Quick boot from floppy?

1999-07-01 Thread John Pearson
On Wed, Jun 30, 1999 at 10:42:29AM -0500, John Foster wrote
 Rick Macdonald wrote:
  I've always used lilo, but I installed slink on a friends PC and for now
  he's using a boot floppy (to not interfere with his NT).
  It boots the whole kernel from the floppy.
  I thought there was a way to set up a boot floppy that somehow knows to
  switch to the harddrive partition and boot the kernel found there. Like,
  installing lilo on a floppy instead of the kernel itself.
  Am I dreaming, or how is this done? I couldn't find this in the various
  docs that I checked.

If you mean, can you use the MBR from a floppy to boot a kernel that lives
on the hard disk, yes.  Just edit lilo.conf to change the line that probably
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: postgresql errors after upgrade

1999-07-01 Thread Jim Foltz
Check line 64 of /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postgresql-startup.

echo link it to /bin/true and run '/etc/init.d/postgresql start'

There is a mis-matched quote mark. Change the first ` to a ' and the
postmaster should start.

On Thu, Jul 01, 1999 at 04:26:07AM -, Pollywog wrote:
 Every time Postgresql gets upgraded, I get these errors:
 On 01-Jul-99 Cron Daemon wrote:
  Connection to database 'template1' failed.
  connectDB() -- connect() failed: Connection refused
  Is the postmaster running at 'localhost' and accepting connections on Unix
  socket '5432'?
 Ouch!!  What can I do to fix this, other than uninstalling postgresql?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

ACORN techie
  AOL/IM Jim Foltz

Re: Problems with new hardware

1999-07-01 Thread Ray
On Fri, Jun 25, 1999 at 10:02:28PM -0700, Karen Hanson wrote:
 Anyhow, what happens is that Netscape crashes a lot, and Mozilla crashes 
 too.  Sometimes the crash is severe enough to kill the X server, and 
 sometimes the system hangs completely.
 Of every 10 crashes, 7 are just Netscape or Mozilla, 2 are the X server, and 
 1 is a complete system hang.
 I am running the Debian kernal that was on the CDs.  When I try to make a 
 new kernal, I can't get X to start at all.
 I am looking for pointers as to log files that might indicate the problem.  
 It is possible that I have not set everything up exactly right for the 
 motherboard and CPU  chip.  I am using an IWILL XA100P motherboard with an 
 AMD K6-3 400 CPU, with 256MB RAM.

Nice setup!  What video card are you using?  What Xserver?  Did you install
the netscape that came on the Debian cds or did you download it from
somewhere else?

In the mean time, you might want to make sure your video card isn't sharing
it's irq with any other devices.  


Re: Problems with new hardware

1999-07-01 Thread Ray
On Sat, Jun 26, 1999 at 11:09:51AM -0500, Andrei Ivanov wrote:
 When you replace something like motherboard in the system, you have to
 recompile th ekernel for it. 

Why would you have to do that?  I could see if maybe you already had a
customized kernel with, for example, pentium optimization set, and then you
downgraded to a 386 but the kernel that comes on the Debian CDs is pretty

FWIW I use the same machine to compile kernels for 10-12 different debian
boxes and about the only thing I change is the sound related stuff.


Unable to load interpreter

1999-07-01 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe

What does the message in the subject mean ? Well i know what it means
but what interpreter is the system trying to load and in wich situations
does this happens.

Mario Filipe 

Re: Unable to load interpreter

1999-07-01 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Thu, Jul 01, 1999 at 12:08:34PM +0100, Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe wrote:
 What does the message in the subject mean ? Well i know what it means
 but what interpreter is the system trying to load and in wich situations
 does this happens.
Isn't that the message you get when trying to execute an a.out binary on a
system where only ELF works?


Plug-and-Play is really nice, unfortunately it only works 50% of the time.
To be specific the Plug almost always works.--unknown source

Description: PGP signature

Samba and mount

1999-07-01 Thread Sebastian Canagaratna
 I am using slink and kernel 2.2.1. When trying to smbmount
 a drive from an NT maching, I get the error message:
 SMBFS: need mount version 6
 mount error: Invalid argument.

 I am using the same command in another linux box with slink
 and kernel 2.0.34 and there is no problem.

 mount -V for both machines gives 2-9g. I find it difficult to
 believe that slink would have version 2-9.g if version 6 is
 available. Am I misinterpreting the error message? Where
 do I get the latest version of mount? Will it create other problems?


 Sebastian Canagaratna
 Department of Chemistry
 Ohio Northern University
 Ada, OH 45810

Re: X modeline conversions

1999-07-01 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  1 Jul, Matthew Gregan wrote about X modeline conversions
 Hi everyone.
 I'm trying to work out a good modeline for X for 1152x864. The reason I'm 
 doing this is because I was installing some new drivers for my video card 
 under Windows and discovered that my monitor can do 1152x864 at an acceptable 
 refresh rate...
 I've got the figures from Windows, but I only vaguely understand how they 
 relate to the X modelines, and I can't figure out how to convert them over. 
 Hopefully someone with more experience can point me in the right direction...
 Under Windows, this is the info I have about the mode:
 Pixel clock: 112320kHz
 Frequency: 70kHz
 Front porch: 64 pixels
 Sync: 128 pixels
 Back porch: 256 pixels
 Negative sync polarity
 Frequency: 78Hz
 Front porch: 1 line
 Sync: 3 lines
 Back porch: 2 lines
 Negative sync polarity
 I've tried reading through ESR's XF86 video timings howto, but it wasn't 
 really helpful to my problem. From what I understand, the front/back porch is 
 the time of the rise and fall of the signal, but I don't know how to relate 
 the numbers I have back to anything useful for X.
 I've found a modeline already existing in the XF86 config which is very close 
 to what I want (1152x864 at 78Hz, but it's 70.8kHz horizontal frequency is 
 just too much for my monitor to handle).
 If anybody can help, or point me in the right direction, I would be very 
 happy. Thanks. :-)
 Oh, those Windows figures are from the Matrox monitor customization utility, 
 if that matters...

You can give Colas' XFree Modeline Generator at a try.  It will give you
a whole range of modelines.  You could also us xvidtune to fine tune a
mode that is close to what you want.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Samba and mount

1999-07-01 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Thu, Jul 01, 1999 at 04:53:25AM -0400, Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:
  I am using slink and kernel 2.2.1. When trying to smbmount
  a drive from an NT maching, I get the error message:
  SMBFS: need mount version 6
  mount error: Invalid argument.
  I am using the same command in another linux box with slink
  and kernel 2.0.34 and there is no problem.
  mount -V for both machines gives 2-9g. I find it difficult to
  believe that slink would have version 2-9.g if version 6 is
  available. Am I misinterpreting the error message? Where
  do I get the latest version of mount? Will it create other problems?

For kernel 2.2.x you need smbmount-2.1.x:

  smbmount-2.1.x '\\host\service' [password] -c 'mount mount-dir' 


Re: Samba and mount

1999-07-01 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  1 Jul, Sebastian Canagaratna wrote about Samba and mount
  I am using slink and kernel 2.2.1. When trying to smbmount
  a drive from an NT maching, I get the error message:
  SMBFS: need mount version 6
  mount error: Invalid argument.
  I am using the same command in another linux box with slink
  and kernel 2.0.34 and there is no problem.
  mount -V for both machines gives 2-9g. I find it difficult to
  believe that slink would have version 2-9.g if version 6 is
  available. Am I misinterpreting the error message? Where
  do I get the latest version of mount? Will it create other problems?

You need to install the smbfx package for use with the 2.2.x kernels. 
Then the syntax has(for now) changed for the worse with the smbmount
that is used with the 2.2.x kernels. Then see the man page for 
smbmount-2.1.x after you have installed smbfsx.  If you are dual
booting between 2.0.x and 2.2.x kernels then you might want to look at which is mentioned in the
Changes file in the 2.2.x kernel docs.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Samba and mount

1999-07-01 Thread Lawrence Walton
On Thu, Jul 01, 1999 at 04:53:25AM -0400, Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:
  I am using slink and kernel 2.2.1. When trying to smbmount
  a drive from an NT maching, I get the error message:
  SMBFS: need mount version 6
  mount error: Invalid argument.
  I am using the same command in another linux box with slink
  and kernel 2.0.34 and there is no problem.
  mount -V for both machines gives 2-9g. I find it difficult to
  believe that slink would have version 2-9.g if version 6 is
  available. Am I misinterpreting the error message? Where
  do I get the latest version of mount? Will it create other problems?
  Sebastian Canagaratna
  Department of Chemistry
  Ohio Northern University
  Ada, OH 45810
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
You have the new 2.x.x SAMBA installed, look for the new smbmount 
The comandline has changed also try smbmount-2.2.x //yourmachine/yourmount -c 
'mount /winnt' -U username
This is not a documented as well as I would like. : 
*--* Voice: 425.739.4247
*--* Fax: 425.827.9577
*--* HTTP://
- - - - - - O t a k  i n c . - - - - - 

Cron spawns...

1999-07-01 Thread Ares
When I got to work this morning, unlocking my X screen took an enormous
amount of time, and the rest of the system was incredibly sluggish. Top
revealed several copies of cron and a couple of copies of smbd running,
and they pretty much had 100% of the CPU time split between them. Has
anyone seen this before, and if so, how did you cure it?

Incidentally, I'm running a pure slink system.



Jason D. Michaelson | Debian GNU/  o
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |/ /_   _ _  _ __  __
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
|  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\  |
~mich0101   |   ...because lockups are for convicts...

Getting a SCSI chain working is perfectly simple if you remember that
there must be exactly three terminations: one on one end of the cable, one
on the other end, and the goat, terminated over the SCSI chain with
a silver-handled knife whilst burning *black* candles. --- Anthony

Re: port redirection

1999-07-01 Thread Ralf G. R. Bergs
On Thu, 01 Jul 1999 01:46:56 -0700, Nate wrote:

 I use statements like
   ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $EXT_IP pop-3 -R $INT_IP pop-3

ipmasqadm is a potato thingy.  I'm still doing slink.  Do you know how 

Ooops. Sorry. Can't you just upgrade the necessary packages Debian 2.1 level?

I can accomplish this with slink and kernel 2.0.36?  I'm still
trying stuff out with ipfwadm.  Does this sound feasible?

To the best of my knowledge port forwarding wasn't available in stock 2.0.x 
kernels. There MIGHT however be a patch to provide port forwarding, but I 
don't know whether it really exists.

Sign the EU petition against SPAM:  L I N U X   .~.  Choice  /V\
of a  GNU  /( )\
   Generation  ^^-^^

Re: port redirection

1999-07-01 Thread thomas lakofski
i'm missing the original message, but 'rinetd' might help in what you're
looking for.  works for me.

On Thu, 1 Jul 1999, Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:

  I use statements like
ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $EXT_IP pop-3 -R $INT_IP pop-3
 ipmasqadm is a potato thingy.  I'm still doing slink.  Do you know how 
 Ooops. Sorry. Can't you just upgrade the necessary packages Debian 2.1 level?
 I can accomplish this with slink and kernel 2.0.36?  I'm still
 trying stuff out with ipfwadm.  Does this sound feasible?
 To the best of my knowledge port forwarding wasn't available in stock 2.0.x 
 kernels. There MIGHT however be a patch to provide port forwarding, but I 
 don't know whether it really exists.
[obligatory-useless-waste-of-bits-bit-goes-here] ultra-umbra-magic-crypto
EF D8 33 68 B3 E3 E9 D2  C1 3E 51 22 8A AA 7B 98 supercomputer-AES-xspook

Re: port redirection

1999-07-01 Thread Dan Everton
On Thu, 1 Jul 1999, Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:
 On Thu, 01 Jul 1999 01:46:56 -0700, Nate wrote:
  I use statements like
ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $EXT_IP pop-3 -R $INT_IP pop-3
 ipmasqadm is a potato thingy.  I'm still doing slink.  Do you know how 
 Ooops. Sorry. Can't you just upgrade the necessary packages Debian 2.1 level?
 I can accomplish this with slink and kernel 2.0.36?  I'm still
 trying stuff out with ipfwadm.  Does this sound feasible?
 To the best of my knowledge port forwarding wasn't available in stock 2.0.x 
 kernels. There MIGHT however be a patch to provide port forwarding, but I 
 don't know whether it really exists.

There is a patch available. You can find it here

I think it's packaged somewhere in the Debian distribution... *checks
package listing* yes it is. You can find it here:

Hope that helps


Re: StarOffice help

1999-07-01 Thread Brian Schramm
OK, how do I make sure that my bind is installed as caching-only name server?  



On Wed, 30 Jun 1999, Carl Fink wrote:
 [This message has also been posted.]
 On Wed, 30 Jun 1999 14:03:53 GMT Karl-Heinz Zimmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Am 29.06.1999, 20:04:28, schrieb Brian Schramm:
  I have tried the real host name and localhost name both
  connected to the internet and not.  It just cannot log into
  the server.
 Please try '' instead of 'localhost'=20
 and tell us if it works...  :-)
 On my box, SO5.1 wouldn't recognize my local caching proxy as
 localhost until I installed bind as a caching-only nameserver. 
 Apparently StarOffice doesn't read the hosts file.
 This fool wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy. 
   -Martin Luther on Copernicus' theory that the Earth orbits the sun
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Brian Schramm

Unmapped keystrokes?

1999-07-01 Thread Chris
I've just noticed this problem recently...  It seems that a number of
keystrokes fail to do anything.  In emacs or Jed, ^W, ^K, ^F, and probably a
number of others do nothing, or at least don't do what they're supposed to
do.  ^X, ^S and ^C all seem to work, though.  Does anyone have any idea what
might be wrong?  I have a tough time interpreting keymap files, so I don't
know if something is missing or not.  These keystrokes have worked for three
months, and I can't recall upgrading for at least three weeks, so I haven't
a clue what might have caused this.  Any help would be much obliged.



Re: new hard drive install

1999-07-01 Thread David Wright
Quoting charles kaufman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, Brad wrote:
   Yes it really says FAT 12

... which you presumably don't have. (Actually I just saw my
very first FAT12 partition yesterday when I was mending someone's
disk geometry settings. It was 9MB in size, which I'd guess might
be too small for FAT16.) So it's picking up garbage.

  What does Linux fdisk -l show?
 Here it is. The segmentation fault at the end is 
 part of the output.(not encouraging)
 The disk is not all partitioned.
 fdisk -l
 The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 1027. This is 
 larger than 1024 and may cause problems with
 1)software that runs at boot time (e.g. LILO)
 2)booting and partitioning software from other OS's (e.g. 
 Disk /dev/hda: 255 Heads 63 Sectors 1027 Cylinders
 Units =Cylinders of 16065*512 bytes
 Device   Boot Begin Start End  Blocks  Id   System
 /dev/hda1  *11 64   51408+  6  DOS 16 bit=32M
 /dev/hda2  *   65   65192 1028160  83  Linux native
 /dev/hda3 193  193205  104422+ 82  Linux swap
 Segmentation fault.

Doesn't that raise the question as to how you partitioned the disk
in the first place? Presumably that didn't segfault or you wouldn't
have been able to write the partition table at all.

Did you use a different program, in which case what does it say
and does it agree with the above? Or did you use the same program
in which case it's a bit worrying that a program can write a
partition table which it itself can't then read.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Help identify motherboard (486)

1999-07-01 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all:

I've inherited a i486 DX4 from a friend, that's supposed to run at
100MHz. However the computer seems very slow. There's no documentation 
to the motherboard, and I'm afraid I'm running it with Turbo turned
off, and I don't know which pins are responsible for Turbo (they are 
only marked numerically). Neither can I connect internal speaker.

The motherboard has a Socket 3, ALI M1429 A1 chipset, American
Megatrends AMIBIOS with inscription 486DX ISA BIOS, 7 ISA slots, 8
slots for 39-pin RAM. The only marking on the board itself is PAT 48
AV - 1.10. It came with an IDE controller card with no identification 
on it; it supports up to 2 IDE devices + floppy, and has chips with
markings UMC UM82C865F on it.

It looks like it was bouhg in 1994 or around that time. I'd appreciate 
any pointers as to where to look for its specs. I'm also interested to 
know whether there have been any BIOS updates, and BIOS manual too,
because I've never had a 486 before... I intend to use it as a

Arcady Genkin
... without money one gets nothing in this world, not even a certificate
of eternal blessedness in the other world... (S. Kierkegaard)

firewalls for dummies?

1999-07-01 Thread Stuart Marshall

I am planning to setup a firewall for a public network containing 
two class C subnets.  The machine is a potato box running 2.1.10
compiled with the appropriate firewall stuff turned on.  I have 
studied the various HOWTO's (ipchains, firewall, ...) but I think
I am missing something.  My preliminary tests have failed.  I would
really like to get an example of a similar setup from someone that
knows better.

The current network looks like:
  X.Y.(116 or 12).xxx
 upstream router -- switched_hub  local_machine_a
 X.Y.116.254   ||\___ local_machine_b
 X.Y.12.254 (alias) switched_hub  

I would like it to look like:

 upstream router -- firewall -- switched_hub  local_machine_a
 X.Y.116.254   ||\___ local_machine_b
 X.Y.12.254 (alias) switched_hub  

The local machines have addresses in the ranges X.Y.116.3-252 and
X.Y.12.3-252 most of which are unused.  There are ~100 used between
the two subnets.  These are suns, macs, win98/nt pc's, and a few
linux machines.  The local net machines are set up like:


The one test so far was set up as:

 upstream router -- firewall -- switched_hub  local_machine_a
 X.Y.116.254^  ^
 X.Y.12.254 (alias) |  |
|  |
eth0 = X.Y.12.2 |  |_ eth1 = X.Y.12.242

Here local_machine_a was configured as:


I put a 1 into /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward and set the chain
policies all to ACCEPT hoping to create a simple pass-through system.
No bytes would go from the inside to the outside or the other way round.
It seems like I don't understand the routing system.  Do I need to turn
on arp for the interfaces (like ifconfig eth0 arp).  Also, how is
the upstream router supposed to know about the addresses behind the wall?

Can anyone point me at a source of examples of this sort.  Almost every
example I have seen to date is for a private network using the 192.168.x.x
series addresses.  It seems problematic that my upstream router has
addresses on my subnet (I think it is one interface with an extra aliased

It seems like this is a common situation.  I want to insert a firewall
in a public network where there is currently a single wire (fiber really). 
It should be very similar at most university departments.

Thanks for listening, any advice is appreciated and naturally I can
provide more info,


Re: new hard drive install

1999-07-01 Thread David Wright
Quoting Brad ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, David Wright wrote:
  Yes. When you copy a kernel (e.g. I copy /boot/vmlinuz to
  c:\loadlin\zimage for loadlin to boot from dos) you need to rdev it.


  Typerdev kernel-imageto see what it's set to and
  rdev kernel-image /dev/hda2to set it. This saves having to tell it
  where root is every time you boot it.
 Not necessary. Recently i repartitioned my HD, moved Linux from hda2 to
 hda1. Never had any trouble after i restored my filesystem from backups
 and reran lilo (after editing lilo.conf and fstab)

Loadlin is not lilo.

The Yes was answering the question as put, which was IIRC Does the
kernel have a place in which it remembers its root device. (But this was
before it was revealed that there were far more serious error messages
than a kernel panic.)


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Help identify motherboard (486)

1999-07-01 Thread Matthias Murra
It looks like it was bouhg in 1994 or around that time. I'd appreciate 
any pointers as to where to look for its specs. I'm also interested to 
know whether there have been any BIOS updates, and BIOS manual too,
because I've never had a 486 before...

You might want to try this site

for finding information, and the c't-BIOS utility could also help you in
determining exactly what type of motherboard you have, so that you
can have a look at the manufacturer's web site, although there may not
be any BIOS updates, manuals etc. available for a motherboard this old.


Re: Problems with new hardware

1999-07-01 Thread Andy Spiegl
  I am looking for pointers as to log files that might indicate the problem.  
  It is possible that I have not set everything up exactly right for the 
  motherboard and CPU  chip.  I am using an IWILL XA100P motherboard with an 
  AMD K6-3 400 CPU, with 256MB RAM.
I've got a similar machine.  (Epox MB instead of IWILL)
And I can't keep my box alove longer than 2-3 days.
It just stops completely.  Not even the magic SysRQ keys work. :-(
I tried to analyze the hardware parts that might be causing this,
but so far I had no luck.  This morning I took out the TV-card (Hauppauge)
to see whether that's the bad guy, but who knows...

 Nice setup!  What video card are you using?
I've got a Diamond Viper 550 AGP.

 What Xserver?

 In the mean time, you might want to make sure your video card isn't sharing
 it's irq with any other devices.
Hm, why is that?!?  I've got all my PCI/ISA slots filled up, so that
some PCI cards have to share IRQs.  And my AGP card is always sharing
it's interrupt with the first PCI slot, which holds the network card.

I would be very surprised to hear that Linux doesn't like shared IRQs?!?

Thanks a lot,

 Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for my PGP key
o  _ _ _
  - __o   __o  /\_   _ \\o  (_)\__/o  (_)
  --- _`\,__`\,__(_) (_)/_\_| \   _|/' \/
  -- (_)/ (_)  (_)/ (_)  (_)(_)   (_)(_)'  _\o_
 No man in the world has more courage than the man who can stop
 after eating one peanut.   -- Channing Pollock

Re: Help identify motherboard (486)

1999-07-01 Thread David Wright
Quoting Arcady Genkin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Hi all:
 I've inherited a i486 DX4 from a friend, that's supposed to run at
 100MHz. However the computer seems very slow. There's no documentation 
 to the motherboard, and I'm afraid I'm running it with Turbo turned
 off, and I don't know which pins are responsible for Turbo (they are 
 only marked numerically). Neither can I connect internal speaker.

Well I can't help with IDing the mobo, but to check if the turbo
is turned off, here are a couple of typical Bogomips:

486DX  33MHz 16 bogomips
486DX2 66MHz 26 bogomips

so you ought to get more than that if it's on, and a lot less if off.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

XF86Setup problem

1999-07-01 Thread IN


I've recently totally reinstalled potato, installing first slink
development environment and then upgrading to potato,
Since then I can't use XF86Setup to change the settings, if I try to
change keyboard layout or apply changes, the screen goes black with green
stripes for a second and then just goes back to background x gray colour,
i can move mouse but I get no windows again and have to kill it.

I've tried changing to older version of XF86Setup and also tried doing a
completely clean installation in exactly same way but same problem occurs.
Has anyone had similar problem and if so what could cause it. I had potato
installed before and this didn't occur, just not sure why does it happen
now :o(



Re: port redirection

1999-07-01 Thread ferret

There is a patch I've used to 2.0.36, and you want to use the ipportfw
package in slink. The patch is included with the documentation, and I
think the 2.0.35 patch worked for me.

I'm completely running 2.2.10/2.3.x now, and haven't had a chance (or a
need anymore) to run port forwarding.

On Thu, 1 Jul 1999, Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:

 On Thu, 01 Jul 1999 01:46:56 -0700, Nate wrote:
  I use statements like
ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $EXT_IP pop-3 -R $INT_IP pop-3
 ipmasqadm is a potato thingy.  I'm still doing slink.  Do you know how 
 Ooops. Sorry. Can't you just upgrade the necessary packages Debian 2.1 level?
 I can accomplish this with slink and kernel 2.0.36?  I'm still
 trying stuff out with ipfwadm.  Does this sound feasible?
 To the best of my knowledge port forwarding wasn't available in stock 2.0.x 
 kernels. There MIGHT however be a patch to provide port forwarding, but I 
 don't know whether it really exists.
 Sign the EU petition against SPAM:  L I N U X   .~.  Choice  /V\
 of a  GNU  /( )\
Generation  ^^-^^
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Help with Knews and EX/VI Terminal

1999-07-01 Thread Ray Schultz
Hello all,

I'm running 2.1 and KNews in ICEWM

When I go to post a new article or post a follow-up I get:

Ex/VI: Vi's stand input and output must be a terminal.

How do I set knews to use VI as a terminal?

=- Fortune of the Day -=
There is no security on this earth.  There is only opportunity.
-- General Douglas MacArthur

Re: new hard drive install

1999-07-01 Thread charles kaufman

On Thu, 1 Jul 1999, David Wright wrote:

   Yes it really says FAT 12
 ... which you presumably don't have. (Actually I just saw my

Certainly not due to anything I did (on purpose, that is).

 very first FAT12 partition yesterday when I was mending someone's
 disk geometry settings. It was 9MB in size, which I'd guess might
 be too small for FAT16.) So it's picking up garbage.
  fdisk -l

  Disk /dev/hda: 255 Heads 63 Sectors 1027 Cylinders
  Units =Cylinders of 16065*512 bytes
  Device   Boot Begin Start End  Blocks  Id   System
  /dev/hda1  *11 64   51408+  6  DOS 16 bit=32M
  /dev/hda2  *   65   65192 1028160  83  Linux native
  /dev/hda3 193  193205  104422+ 82  Linux swap
  Segmentation fault.
 Doesn't that raise the question as to how you partitioned the disk
 in the first place? Presumably that didn't segfault or you wouldn't
 have been able to write the partition table at all.

It was the same program-linux fdisk.

 Did you use a different program, in which case what does it say
 and does it agree with the above? Or did you use the same program
 in which case it's a bit worrying that a program can write a
 partition table which it itself can't then read.

It looks like I should repartition the disc and try again.
It just seemed so close to working.
And the error message is so clear.
Oh well.
Thanks again for the help.

Chuck Kaufman

RE: Help with Knews and EX/VI Terminal

1999-07-01 Thread Ray Schultz
Never Mind,

I found the answer on

You have to edit the Knews file in

thanks anyway,

On 01-Jul-99 Ray Schultz wrote:
 Hello all,
 I'm running 2.1 and KNews in ICEWM
 When I go to post a new article or post a follow-up I get:
 Ex/VI: Vi's stand input and output must be a terminal.
 How do I set knews to use VI as a terminal?

ARP difficulties with 2.2.x kernels and slink

1999-07-01 Thread David Wright
I've done what I suspect many have, which is to build a 2.2.x kernel
on top of slink, making the minimal changes outlined below. I have no
problems except with the one machine at work that is connected to the
ethernet and has a modem. If this machine runs 2.0.36 (all my others
run 2.2.10), PPP between home and work works; if it runs 2.2.10,
there's some sort of ARP failure (and the mask is wrong, lines marked ^).

At work 2.0.36 (I've removed the packet/collision/memory lines)

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:24:B8:63:B5
  inet addr:888.888.92.23  Bcast:888.888.93.255  Mask:
loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  inet addr:888.888.92.23  P-t-P:888.888.92.28  Mask:
888.888.92.28 UH0  01 ppp0
888.888.   U 0  0   70 eth0   U 0  01 lo 888.888. UG1  0  143 eth0
? (888.888.92.1) at 08:00:02:07:04:66 [ether] on eth0
? (888.888.92.21) at 00:60:97:51:31:05 [ether] on eth0
? (888.888.92.26) at 00:A0:24:93:4D:8E [ether] on eth0
? (888.888.92.29) at 00:10:4B:46:4B:C2 [ether] on eth0
? (888.888.92.28) at 00:A0:24:B8:63:B5 [ether] PERM PUP on eth0

At work 2.2.10

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:24:B8:63:B5
  inet addr:888.888.92.23  Bcast:888.888.93.255  Mask:
loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  inet addr:888.888.92.23  P-t-P:888.888.92.28  Mask:
888.888.92.28 UH0  00 ppp0
888.888.   U 0  00 eth0 888.888. UG1  00 eth0
? (888.888.92.1) at 08:00:02:07:04:66 [ether] on eth0
? (888.888.92.26) at 00:A0:24:93:4D:8E [ether] on eth0
? (888.888.92.28) at * PERM PUP on eth0

The machine at home has a similarly strange ifconfig for ppp0, but
that doesn't stop it working on the internet. But I haven't tested
whether the laptop can work through its ethernet link.

At home 2.2.10

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:4B:45:46:E2
  inet addr:888.888.92.28  Bcast:888.888.93.255  Mask:
eth0:1Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:4B:45:46:E2
  inet addr:777.777.197.254  Bcast:777.777.197.255  Mask:
loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  inet addr:888.888.92.28  P-t-P:888.888.92.23  Mask:
888.888.92.23 UH0  00 ppp0
777.777.197.0   U 0  00 eth0 888.888.92.23 UG0  00 ppp0
? (888.888.92.23) at * PERM PUP on eth0

I've read
and installed
but am not using the other things like dhcp, pcmcia, isdn, bootpc,

I've removed the redundant route commands from /etc/init.d/network.
At home, I delete the redundant route to the .92 network that
2.2.x makes, and resolv.conf is filled/emptied by ip-up/down.

I've noticed that /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward is set to 1 in 2.0.36
and 0 in 2.2.10 by default so I changed it to 1 but with no effect.

What have I missed?


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.


1999-07-01 Thread Patrick Billings

Linux slakware 

When I used this in the httpd.conf it worked fine for but when I change the directory from /www to /home/www/ and 
the domain from .com to .net the reright stopped working, I changed com to net 
and /www/ to /home/www/ but still did not work. 

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.[^.]+\.host\.com$
RewriteRule ^(.+) %{HTTP_HOST}$1 [C]
RewriteRule ^www\.([^.]+)\.host\.com(.*) /www/$1$2
However for works fine with this 
RewriteRule /~([^/]+)/?(.*) /$1/$2 [R]
can anyone figure this out?


RE: Problems changing colour depth.

1999-07-01 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 01-Jul-99 Revenant wrote:
 I dlded and installed the newer version of the i740 drivers, and I've
 now got the screen running in 1024 x 768 mode okay (yay!) but it won't
 use a colour depth of greater than 8.  I've tried running startx with
 the -bpp option and it still came up in 8-bit mode.  

in the Screens section, where ity talks about the vid card and resolutions add:

DefaultColorDepth 16

or 24 or what ever.

Section Screen
   Driver  Accel
   Device  G200
   Monitor Mine
   DefaultColorDepth 32
   BlankTime   0
   SuspendTime 0
   OffTime 0
   SubSection Display
  ViewPort 0 0
   SubSection Display
   SubSection Display
  ViewPort 0 0
   SubSection Display
  ViewPort 0 0
   SubSection Display
  ViewPort 0 0

Re: Help identify motherboard (486)

1999-07-01 Thread Arcady Genkin
Matthias Murra [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It looks like it was bouhg in 1994 or around that time. I'd appreciate 
 any pointers as to where to look for its specs. I'm also interested to 
 know whether there have been any BIOS updates, and BIOS manual too,
 because I've never had a 486 before...
 You might want to try this site

Thanks a lot, I determined the motherboard manufacturer -- TMC (Taiwan 
MYCOMP), and apparently the m/b model is PAT 48AV. Unfortunately, none 
of the 486 m/b's are listed on the company's website...

 for finding information, and the c't-BIOS utility could also help you in
 determining exactly what type of motherboard you have, so that you
 can have a look at the manufacturer's web site, although there may not
 be any BIOS updates, manuals etc. available for a motherboard this old.

Well, at least I know what I'm looking for... Thanks again.

Arcady Genkin
... without money one gets nothing in this world, not even a certificate
of eternal blessedness in the other world... (S. Kierkegaard)

Wine x slink

1999-07-01 Thread Valdemir Melechco Carvalho
Is there a more recent (981018) wine slink package? If so, where I could
find it?
Thanks in advance.

Re: HELP: /dev/mixer and SB PCI64V

1999-07-01 Thread Steffen Evers
Steffen Evers wrote:
 Hello !
 I've tried to get my SB PCI64V (es1371) running under Debian 2.1 and
 Kernel 2.2.10 and it won't work !
 It looks like that the kernel finds the card and everything seems to be
 ok, but it doesn't make any sound.
 At boot time I get the following:
 I was wondering if I need to use a mixer, but I don't have a /dev/mixer
 or something similiar and /dev/MAKEDEV doesn't know how to make such a
 And sox 12.15 doesn't work either:
 'sox bla.wav  -t ossdsp -w -s /dev/dsp' gives me the error message:
 sox: Invalid audio buffer size 0
Solved it by myself. 
I had to use /dev/MAKEDEV audio not mixer.
The next time I keep in mind: RTFMP.

Everything is running ! Even the joystick !!!

Bye, Steffen

screen saver control

1999-07-01 Thread Jianming YOU
Hi, experts,

I was trying to find the configuration file which control the screen
saver under X. For example, I'd like to change the timeout from ~8sec to 
5 sec, remove certain screen saver pattern. I understand that xset s ...
gives some control on the timeout. However I want to know where the 
system wide control is.

Help is very much appreciated.

Jianming YOU
Carnegie Mellon University
MS 221, E781, Fermilab, x4128

security leak in ppp.log file

1999-07-01 Thread Carel Fellinger

Sorry for reposting this question, but somehow my posts to the newsgroup
never make it to the list and many posting of others seam to miss too:(,
so please reply by email too. thanks


for starters: the longer I have Debian GNU/Linux the happier I get,
  and the more often I find what I need in the docs,
  but not this one:(

Recently my IPS changed from chat to PAP, and now I find my password
in the ppp.log file. I know that file has restricted access rights,
but I prefer to have no passwords lying around, besides Debian ships
with an X configuration where the console messages are routed to an
xterm on the XDM login screen, so there they are for everyone to read!
Previously I used chat scripts only (no PAP authentication once logged
into my IPS), and in there you have flags (\q) to suppress listing of
the password in the ppp.log files. How to achief this with PAP or CHAP?


I got this one reply of Eric G. Miller suggesting to use pppconfig and
have the password and userid in the pap-secrets file. Unfortunately that
was no cure, as that was exactly what I already had done:(.

the ppp.log file reads something like:

Jun 27 13:30:21 vvs pppd[16672]: Using interface ppp0
Jun 27 13:30:21 vvs pppd[16672]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Jun 27 13:30:43 vvs chat[16672]: send (\d)
Jun 27 13:30:44 vvs pppd[16671]: Serial connection established.
Jun 27 13:30:45 vvs pppd[16671]: Using interface ppp0
Jun 27 13:30:45 vvs pppd[16671]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Jun 27 13:30:45 vvs pppd[16671]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 asyncmap 0x0 magic 
Jun 27 13:30:46 vvs pppd[16671]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 asyncmap 0x0 magic 
Jun 27 13:30:46 vvs pppd[16671]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x28 mru 1600 magic 
0x682cc4e0 asyncmap 0x0 auth pap]
Jun 27 13:30:46 vvs pppd[16671]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x28 mru 1600 magic 
0x682cc4e0 asyncmap 0x0 auth pap]
Jun 27 13:30:46 vvs pppd[16671]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x1b9a3fac]
Jun 27 13:30:46 vvs pppd[16671]: sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user=my-user-id 
Jun 27 13:30:49 vvs pppd[16671]: sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x2 user=my-user-id 

and there they are, so what did I do wrong? how to prevent this?
just ran pppconfig, selected PAP protocol and kept all the default awnsers.
by the way, I'm still running (mainly) ham (Debian 2.0)

groetjes, carel

groetjes, carel

FW: Cron root@h0rus run-parts --report /etc/cron.monthly

1999-07-01 Thread J Horacio MG
Cron sent me this error, what does it mean? ... all I can think of is
that the machine has spent a few days being switched off before cron
started running, so that may have caused havoc since in
/etc/cron.monthly/acct there's the line:

echo Login accounting for the month ended `date`: 

And today is 1st of month, not End of month.


- Forwarded message from Cron Daemon [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] run-parts --report /etc/cron.monthly
X-Cron-Env: SHELL=/bin/sh
X-Cron-Env: PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
X-Cron-Env: HOME=/root
X-Cron-Env: LOGNAME=root
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 14:52:05 +0200

ac: Possible overflow of time_t!  Can't continue.

- End forwarded message -

Valencia - ESPAÑA

Connection to localhost:25 refused

1999-07-01 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
I've just upgraded to potato fully, with exim 3.02, and now I
can't connect to port 25 on localhost:

[root:~] # telnet localhost 25
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

Obviously, fetchmail now doesn't work, and I can't receive mail
via SMTP either. I've checked /etc/exim.conf for anything obvious
but I can't see anything blocking connections.

Can anyone help me please?
alisdair mcdiarmid   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[your home may be at risk if you do not keep up repayments on
 your loan. any and all advice given is strictly confidential]

Tcp Wrappers

1999-07-01 Thread TEJAL V DESAI
I'm trying to install Tcp Wrappers on Sun Netra 1125 running on Solaris
2.6. I downloaded the file tcp_wrappers_7.6.tar.gz file from the web. I
gzipped and untared this file. I want to use ftp services. So, I tried
to edit Makefile.
  I uncommented the following 2 lines

SysV.4 Solaris 2.x OSF AIX

Then I saved this file and ran following command

make System-Name (ie sunos5)

This gave an error message as under

make: Fatal error in reader: Makefil, line 47 : Unexpected end of line

Can you please tell me what causes this error message? Once I compile
this makefile, I can edit inetd.conf file.

Thanks in advance
Tejal Desai
Sprint IPDSS - Planning and Engineering


Re: Help identify motherboard (486)

1999-07-01 Thread Arcady Genkin
Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I know it's obvious, but I have to ask: Does the BIOS tell you on

It says 486DX-AC-WBu-25/33/40/50-L3-ZZ in the top line of the screen,
it also prints:

32MHz CPU Clock just below the BIOS box where it lists all the
system info. If my CPU is DX4, does it mean that it multiplies 32Mhz
by 4?

  Thanks a lot, I determined the motherboard manufacturer -- TMC (Taiwan
  MYCOMP), and apparently the m/b model is PAT 48AV. Unfortunately, none
  of the 486 m/b's are listed on the company's website...

Arcady Genkin
... without money one gets nothing in this world, not even a certificate
of eternal blessedness in the other world... (S. Kierkegaard)

isdnutils: vboxgetty to mail?

1999-07-01 Thread Stephan A Suerken

 obviously, isdnutil's vboxgetty isn't supporting direct mailing of
the incoming messages to user(s). However, that is what I'd like to
have (skipping vbox) -- is there any nice solution for this around?


s-Stephan Suerken [EMAIL PROTECTED]
s-Voice (+49) (6241) 92566-2 -- WWW
s-Debian-related mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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