
1999-07-26 Thread Benet
 Hola a todos

  Haber  me  dar un  ayuda

  Tengo   el  Citius  2.1y   tengo  RSDITeles 16.3c
PNP   lo cualya  hecho esto

 modprobe  hisax   type = 14  protocol=2  io=0.0580   irq=10

 me  pone  que ya esta  instada   como tengo que hacer  para

Un Saludo de Benet

Re: Netscape hambriento de memoria.

1999-07-26 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
 : El día Thu, 22 Jul 1999 07:31:55 -0500, Ugo Enrico Albarello
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] se animó a decir:
 :: Mi unica esperanza es que salga una nueva version con estos
 :: fallos corregidos.
 Ugo:: Esa es mi esperanza, tambien... :o)
 La mía es la de que se corrija el famoso error de bus (o lo que sea)
 que hace que a veces, cuando cierras una ventana de Netscape, se
 cierren todas las abiertas.  Pero lo de la memoria no sé...  Ahora
 tengo abierto el Communicator con cinco ventanas y `sólo' me ocupa
Que version usas? Yo utilizo la 4.61 para glibc y me ha pasado tambien
con la 4.6 y la 4.5 (o algo asi). Es glib o libc5?

Hasta mas bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

LAB. 2.3.4  Tlf.: (95) 2132863

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

RE: TrueType Super-mini-howto

1999-07-26 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 Enviado el:   sábado 24 de julio de 1999 15:19
 Para: Ricardo Villalba
 Asunto:   Re: TrueType Super-mini-howto
[sobre el xfstt]
 Sólo me ha quedado una cuestión que no entiendo, a ver si me la aclaras:
 $ xset +fp unix/:7101
 está claro que el comando xset +fp xxx es para añadir un path de
 fuentes. Pero ¿qué significa lo de unix/:7101?
Es para decirle en qué tipo de puerto y número está escuchando el
servidor de fuentes truetype. Puedes insalarlo en un socket UNIX o puedes
instalarlo en un socket TCP/IP.
Si arrancas el xfstt y luego haces
$netstat -a
Verás que una de las entradas de los sockets unix se corresponde con
el puerto 7101, que es el que ha pillado el servidor de fuentes truetype
para escuchar peticiones de fuentes por parte de las X.

Podéis usar también para las X las fuentes que vienen con el
ghostscript y las que vienen con el TeX. Id a (el
site de nuestro LUG en Palma de Mallorca) para ver un artículo de cómo
hacerlo (supongo que sobre las 11:00am de hoy ya estará posteado).
Para usar las de ghostscript es fácil, ya que vienen con el fichero
fonts.dir ya hecho, basta con añadir el path /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1
(o donde sea que están las fuentes gscript en Debian (archivos *.pfb)) al
path de fuentes que hay en XF86Config (en la RedHat es algo más
complicado,porque tiene los ficheros de configuración distribuídos por medio
disco duro).
Para usar las de TeX, es necesario un programa llamado type1inst.
Más info en el artículo en cuestión.

 Un saludo,
Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.


1999-07-26 Thread Ángel Carrasco
Hola a todos,

Para instalar el microstation utilicé la libc5, pero cuando estoy en las X y
ejecuto /usr/ustation/ustation. Siempre de todas, todas me dice.

Can´t load

¿Alguien lo ha instalado?

Un saludo.

Re: isdn

1999-07-26 Thread Antonio Castro
On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Benet wrote:

  Hola a todos
   Haber  me  dar un  ayuda
   Tengo   el  Citius  2.1y   tengo  RSDITeles 16.3c
 PNP   lo cualya  hecho esto
  modprobe  hisax   type = 14  protocol=2  io=0.0580   irq=10
  me  pone  que ya esta  instada   como tengo que hacer  para
 Un Saludo de Benet

La tarjeta Teles 16.3c aun debe considerarse experimental.

Comprueba las etiquetas exactas que figuran en los chips de tu tarjeta.

El driver actual solo funcionará si tu tarjeta tiene una (HFC-S)

Si tienes una (HFC-SP) o una (HFC-S+) significa que todavía no está
soportada aunque podría estarlo en el próximo kernel ya que cuando
yo pregunté parecía que era cuestion de poco tiempo.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Comoooll ?Que No TasEnterao? Pues suscribete al tablón de 
anuncios de Linux.   Solo tienes que hacer lo siguiente:
/\ /\ 
  \\W//  mail -s subscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] /dev/null
 _|0 0|_ ^^ 
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Re: TrueType Super-mini-howto

1999-07-26 Thread Javier López

Ricardo Villalba wrote:
 Usar fuentes TrueType es sencillísimo en la debian slink, pero como
 la documentación del xfstt no lo explica muy claro me he decidido a
 escribir el pequeño howto que incluyo.


Tras aplicar las instrucciones que adjuntabas me encuentro con el
siguiente problema:

Cuando cargo el daemon no parece haber ningún problema:
Reloading X True Type Font Server configuration...Stopping X TrueType
Font Server: xfstt.
xfstt: sync in directory /usr/share/fonts/truetype/.
Found 86 fonts.
Starting X TrueType Font Server: xfstt.

Sin embargo, cuando intento cargar las fuentes me encuentro con el
siguiente mensaje:
xset:  bad font path element (#3), possible causes are:
Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
Directory missing fonts.dir
Incorrect font server address or syntax

¿Alguien me puede echar una mano?



1999-07-26 Thread Movi-Eluver
este mensaje se envia solo el dia de la fecha.

Ahora el mejor celular del mundo puede ser suyo !

CELULAR MOTOROLA V3620 A SOLO $ 495 (final)

Adquieralo ahora enviando un e-mail a: [EMAIL PROTECTED] o [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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auto, VibraCall(TM), Discreet alert, VoiceNote(TM), contestadora y grabadora 
digital, Doble display y mas ...

*Oferta de importacion directa valida por tiempo limitado.

This Message sent with Aureate Group Mail Free Edition

Error smail

1999-07-26 Thread Juanjo Martinez
Hola a todos/as:

Tengo un grave problema que no me permite enviar el correo, el log de
smail me dice esto:

07/25/1999 11:15:13 [m117643DV-000124] Deferred To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ROUTER smart_host TRANSPORT=smtp ERROR:(ERR164) transport smtp: BIND
server failure: Connection timed out

Puedo conectar y navegar perfectamente, no he tocado nada de la
configuración de smail, y puedo recoger el correo y las news, pero la
cola no se procesa. La única modificación que he hecho en mi equipo fue
recompilar el kernel para instalar un controladora scsi (Advansys
ABP3925 PCI) para una grabadora de cd's y reasignar la IRQ de la tarjeta
de red por conflicto con la controladora scsi, pero creo que esto no
tenga nada que ver, pues la red funciona bien y la grabadora tb. He
provado con un kernel 'de reserva' que tengo, sin la scsi, como lo tenia
antes, y nada.
He estado mirando la documentacion, pero mi deficiente ingles no me
permite encontrar alguna pista para solucionarlo, y tampoco soy ningún
experto. Como veis envio esto desde güin.

¿Qué puedo hacer?

Gracias por todo.

Juanjo Martinez  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
-- --
[Por favor quita NOSPAM para responder]

Portatil para Debian

1999-07-26 Thread Saioa Perurena
Hola listeros:

Voy a comprarme un portátil en el que, como no, instalaré Debian, pero
tengo una duda sobre cual elegir. Los que más interesantes me parecen
son estos:

- HYUNDAI HN-6000:
AMD K6-2 400 MHz (Mobile), 64 Mb, HD 6,4 Gb,  pantalla LCD XGA 13,3
TFT, tarj. gráfica 4 Mb, tarj. sonido 3D (altavoces), CD-ROM 24x,
disquetera, batería Ion-Litio, puestos serie, paralelo USB...
Intel Celeron 400 Mhz, 128 Mb, HD de 4,2Gb, pantalla LCD 14,1 TFT,
tarj. grafica ATI LT Pro AGP 2x 8 Mb, tarj.sonido 3d Vbx, bateria
Ion-Litio, ranuras PCMCIA, puertos serie, paralelo, USB, ps/2, ...

Os estaría muy agradecida si me echarais una mano, sobre cual de ellos
correría mejor con Debian Linux, o si me haceis alguna otra sugerencia.



Re: Netscape, cucu... ¡tas!

1999-07-26 Thread Alberto Valverde
Jaime E. Villate escribió:
 Alberto Valverde:
  Tengo slink con Netscape 4.5. Cuando estoy usandolo (gnome+icewm-gnome),
  especialmente cuando lo estoy usando mucho, se vá. Me abandona.
  Desaparece. ¡Puf!. Bien, como supongo que no es culpa de Debian,
 Pues a mi me pasa exactamente lo mismo desde que instalé gnome
 hace un par de dias. No uso icewm como tu, sino wmaker y enlightenment.
 Creo que el problema es con alguna de las librerias que tuve que
 actualizar cuando instalé gnome.
 Hace un año me paso algo semejante y como tu, me puse a buscar
 substitutos de netscape; después de algún tiempo volví a usar
 netscape y el problema desapareció con nuevas versiónes de xlib
 (o era libc? ya no me acuerdo). Te sugiero que intentes descubrir
 que fué lo que instalaste cuando comenzó a fallar netscape (yo haré
 lo mismo y el que descubra algo le cuenta al otro); otra alternativa
 seria instalar netscape 4.6.


Siento que haya tardado tanto la respuesta, pero he estado fuera.

Gnome no me da mucha confianza -aún-, pero el caso es que aún no he
conseguido tener un Netscape configurado en condiciones. Con la hamm se
me colgaba 8-!, y ahora se me esfuma. Yo personalmente no he tenido que
reinstalar ninguna librería, porque instalé la slink de la Linux Actual
(cuasi-Citius) y luego el Netscape sin problemas. Pero se vá. Por eso
dudo que sea problema de librerías (se supone a la slink estable, y por
tanto a las librerías tb). Seguramente el Netscape esté buggy.

He podido descubir una manera de hacerlo petar siempre: seleccionando
los iconos tipo 'mailto' de las páginas web. El resto es un enigma para

¿De dónde se puede bajar la última versión rapidito?. - a ver si esa no

--Un saludo,

- Alberto Valverde  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Telefónica es barata, por el monte la sardina TraLaRaaa!!

Re: Busco programas para Internet en modo texto

1999-07-26 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero

 : El d=EDa Sat, 24 Jul 1999 16:30:33 +0200, Grzegorz Adam
 Hankiewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED] contaba:
 attachments en un fichero y verlos despu=E9s con el programa adecuado.
 Puedes utilizar nmh, por ejemplo, o pine, o Gnus (en Emacs/XEmacs),
 etc.  Si utilizas Gnus, podr=E1s ver directamente los mensajes en html
 (utiliza w3).

  ¿Como...? bueno yo hace poco que uso Gnus, y todavia no me ha dado
  tiempo a configurarlo bien y leerme todo el manual, pero si que me
  interesa la parte de visualizar los mime. 

 Er... Gnus en Emacs/XEmacs es probablemente el mejor lector de
 noticias (y programa de correo) que existe, aunque dicen por ah=ED que
 pine va muy bien, y slrn, y tienes tin, trn...
  Para mi si, es una verdadera maravilla la potencia que te da, para
  el manejo de listas etc... 



1999-07-26 Thread rawson

 Verifique su fecha de vencimiento en las facturas que utiliza.
 Si ud. tiene que renovar sus facturas en FORMULARIOS CONTINUOS,  
 para maquinas LASER O INK JET , no deje de consultarnos, somos  
 una imprenta con mas de 2 decadas en plaza.
 Todas nuestras FACTURAS son impresas con el mejor papel, con 
 una alta calidad de impresión y el mejor precio.
Para cualquier consulta comuniquese a los tel. 
4862-9491 o
4861-4179 Dto. de Ventas.
  I M P R E S O R A  
 R A W S O NS. A.

This Message sent with Aureate Group Mail Free Edition

Re: Netscape hambriento de memoria.

1999-07-26 Thread npardo
: En el artículo [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jose Luis Trivino

Jose:: Que version usas? Yo utilizo la 4.61 para glibc y me
Jose:: ha pasado tambien con la 4.6 y la 4.5 (o algo asi). Es glib
Jose:: o libc5?

Según netscape -v:

Netscape 4.07/Export, 29-Sep-98; (c) 1995-1998 Netscape Communications

En los paquetes de Debian es netscape-base-407 (base y todo lo demás), 
que están numerados como 4.07-1.

Un saludo.



Las X no inician con una tarjeta STB LightSpeed 3300

1999-07-26 Thread Lucky

Recientemente he canviado mi tarjeta S3 por una 
aceleradora 3D, una STB LightSpeed 3300 con 16MB conectado en un Slot AGP y las 
X no inician. Solo consigo iniciar con un servidor VGA a 16 colores. Que puedo 
hacer para a lo peor conseguir q funcione como una SVGA (he intentado poner un 
servidor SVGA y no va).

Muchas gracias.

Re: Portatil para Debian

1999-07-26 Thread Miquel
El lun, jul 26, 1999 at 04:13:50 +0100 Saioa Perurena va dir:

 Hola listeros:

hola, qué tal

 Voy a comprarme un portátil en el que, como no, instalaré Debian, pero
 tengo una duda sobre cual elegir. Los que más interesantes me parecen
 son estos:
 - HYUNDAI HN-6000:
 AMD K6-2 400 MHz (Mobile), 64 Mb, HD 6,4 Gb,  pantalla LCD XGA 13,3
 TFT, tarj. gráfica 4 Mb, tarj. sonido 3D (altavoces), CD-ROM 24x,
 disquetera, batería Ion-Litio, puestos serie, paralelo USB...
 Intel Celeron 400 Mhz, 128 Mb, HD de 4,2Gb, pantalla LCD 14,1 TFT,
 tarj. grafica ATI LT Pro AGP 2x 8 Mb, tarj.sonido 3d Vbx, bateria
 Ion-Litio, ranuras PCMCIA, puertos serie, paralelo, USB, ps/2, ...

ten cuidado con los modelos clónicos de portátil demasiado baratos o con
los últimos modelos con excesivas features (no suelen estar soportadas por 
linux: ojo con los winmodem, con las tarjetas de sonido o tarjetas gráficas no 
soportadas por linux): asegúrate también de que el micro sea mobile, o sea 
diseñado específicamente para portátiles (el Ahead, por ejemplo, ¿que micro 

te será muy útil darte una vuelta por:

es una página específica de portátiles con linux y se describen un montón de
modelos, lo que te ayudará a saber si el hardware del modelo que escojas está 
ya soportado o no en linux.



 Os estaría muy agradecida si me echarais una mano, sobre cual de ellos
 correría mejor con Debian Linux, o si me haceis alguna otra sugerencia.

   __   __ __  __ __  __ __  __
  / /  / //  |/ // / / / \ \/ /  cooperación contra mando
 / /_ / // /|  // /_/ /   \  /
/___//_//_/ |_/ \//  \  Powered by Debian GNU/LiNuX
 /_/\_\   Linux Reg. User #128019




Re: Free Software en España [Era: Re: Perdonar pero no me aclaro]

1999-07-26 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
El 24 Jul 1999 a las 04:15PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribio:
 : En el artículo [EMAIL PROTECTED], Miquel
 La GPL no es aplicable a Europa tal como está debido a las diferencias 
 que existen entre la normativa europea (habría que tomar cada Estado
 en consideración, pero debido las distintas leyes se han uniformado
 mucho en los últimos años con la actuación de las instituciones de la
 Unión) y la estadounidense.
 La GPL tiene una cláusula muy parecida, al decir que el software se
 entrega `AS IS' y que el distribuidor, redistribuidor, etc. no se hace
 responsable de los daños.  En el sistema estadounidense la legislación
 de protección del consumidor (hasta donde yo sé) no es demasiado
 exigente, pero en Europa no se puede ni soñar con que una cláusula
 semejante tenga efecto sin más.  Todo el mundo sabe (gente de Derecho,
 quiero decir) que se sobreentiende la coletilla: `en la extensión
 permitida por la ley'. Otra cosa es que el programa se entrega
 gratuitamente, se advierte al posible usuario, etc., pero aún así,
 habría que ver si un tribunal lo deja pasar.  Por supuesto, esto sería
 la muerte del software libre.
 Y suma y sigue...
 Voy a terminar ya, aunque estoy dispuesto a seguir
 ampliando/comentando/aclarando si lo consideráis de interés.

Yo de leyes, lo justito. Pero se me ocurre que con este tremendo thread
que se ha montado con las licencias, el tema es suficientemente grade e
importante como para que hubiera que replantearse, revisar, etc. este tema
de la GPL en España y en toda Europa.

No parece correcto usar licencias que en nuestro pais no suponen legalmente
lo mismo que en EEUU sin saber exactamente lo que suponen.

Habría que hacer una traducción interpretada de las licencias al menos
para saber a qué atenernos en nuestro entorno, y quizá, una globaliza-
ción de la GPL para abarcar los mayores ambitos juriídicos posible, o
al menos los más comunes.


Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
07/26   Bilbo rescued from Wargs by Eagles (LOTR)

Description: PGP signature

Acentuação na Debian 2.X

1999-07-26 Thread Fernando Cesar Carreira
 Paulo Henrique B de Oliveira wrote:
  estou usando agora o libX11 do Quinot. Está funcionando perfeito 
  aqui em
  casa com a slink.
  Alguém, tem outras idéias?
  Precisamos disso para a Debian em português.
 Estou usando um roteiro que alguem me passou, mas eu não lembro quem
 foi... Me parece o mais simples para ser usado no Debian. Aí vai:
  Pequeno roteiro de como acentuar no Debian 2.0
  Essa é uma pequena descrição de como fazer para
  e foi feita baseada em
  um sistema usando Linux 2.0.35 Debian 2.0. Para outros
  sistemas a forma
  varia de acordo com os arquivos de configuração, mas o
  básico não muda muito.
  Essa solucao foi sugerida a tempos atras na linux-br por Fernando Cesar 
  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  e apenas adaptada para a distribuicao Debian.(jclaudio)

Olá Pessoal

Estou inscrito na lista há alguns meses mas por enquanto somente
escutei as mensagens, porém o assunto de acentuação é muito importante
para nós que falamos o Português e nesse assunto efetuei alguns
progressos e quero compartilhar com todos, ainda mais que meu nome foi
citado acima (o endereço de e-mail foi mudado ok?).

Em primeiro lugar, obtenha o documento Linux Portuguese-HOWTO, de Carlos
A.M. dos Santos (atualmente na versão 3.2, de 24/05/99), endereço  O documento está muito bem produzido e
praticamente resolve muitos problemas relacionados com acentuação, seja
na console ou no ambiente X11. Possui links com os arquivos de
configuração e mapas de teclado mencionados no documento além de outras
coisas. Realmente, leitura obrigatória para se resolver a questão. Na
questão das configurações, aborda a diferença da localização dos vários
arquivos entre as distribuições (sim, nossa Debian está incluída).

Creio que o maior problema está baseado na acentuação no X. Recomendo a
solução da biblioteca Xlib modificada conforme mencionado acima pelo
Paulo. Porém, existe uma pequena coisinha: a página original da solução
adotada ( traz o arquivo da
biblioteca Xlib do sistema XFree86 da versão 3.3.1 e nosso Debian
utiliza a versão . Para contornar, eu recompilei os pacotes do
sistema XFree86 da distribuição Slink aplicando o patch do Quinot e
posso dizer que foi a melhor solução. Consegui acentuação normal no
Netscape Communicator versões 4.07, 4.08, 4.5, 4.6 e 4.61 ; StarOffice
5.1 ; diversos programas do X (ex.: xedit) e acredito que não haverá
problemas com o Corel WordPerfect 8 (não instalei no meu sistema).

Informo que utilizo o teclado US Internacional mas fiz testes com o
teclado ABNT, apurando o mesmo resultado. Por tudo isso, recomento essa

Os pacotes foram recompilados e possuo-os guardados no meu computador.
Basicamente, você precisará instalar
o pacote xlib6g_3.3.2.3a-11_i386.deb e acredito que seja também
necessário o pacote xlib6_3.3.2.3a-11_i386.deb (esse pacote possui as
biliotecas do X compiladas com a libc5 e a libc5 deve estar instalada
para que o Wordperfect funcione). 

Se alguém quiser colocá-los em alguma homepage, me peçam que mando, mas
por favor, não peçam para eu enviar para o endereço particular de cada
um (haja conexão, pois os arquivos têm mais de 700 kb de tamanho).

Ah, se alguém está usando a distribuição Potato, também recompilei os
pacotes do XFree86 (construção 10 do fonte).

Bem, se alguém tiver alguma dúvida a respeito disso, podem contar
comigo, mas não se esqueçam de seguir as instruções do Linux
Portuguese-HOWTO, ok ?

Um abraço a todos

RES: Alguém de Portugal na Lista

1999-07-26 Thread Leandro Dutra
 De: Gleydson Mazioli da Silva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Leandro Dutra escreveu:
  pt  = Será utilizada a tradução de Nuno (Portugal)
  Como filho de professores de Português, até simpatizo com a 
  decisão porque provavelmente o texto do Português europeu será mais 
  castiço que o do Português brasileiro; mas em termos de quantidade de 
  usuários, será que pt não deveria mapear-se para pt_BR?
 Esse pt= que dizer o seguinte: Se não for definido o código 
 do País e 
 somente o código da Linguagem, o idioma selecionado será o 
 Português de 
 Mas isto não traz nenhum problema porque o DebianDoc usa a variável 
 LANG (pt_BR por exemplo, que é a utilizada  nos nossos 
 computadores do 
 Brasil) para selecionar o idioma na compilação dos documentos. ;)

Tudo bem, mas pensado em usuários menos espertos ou expertos, talvez
alguns usem export LANG=pt e achem estranho quando vierem instruções para
abrir ficheiros em vez de arquivos...

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

Re: RES: Alguém de Portugal na Lista

1999-07-26 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 08:57:39AM -0300, Leandro Dutra wrote:
   Tudo bem, mas pensado em usuários menos espertos ou expertos, talvez
 alguns usem export LANG=pt e achem estranho quando vierem instruções para
 abrir ficheiros em vez de arquivos...

O mesmo pode ocorrer com usuarios portugueses se o Default for o 


RES: RES: Alguém de Portugal na Lista

1999-07-26 Thread Leandro Dutra
  Tudo bem, mas pensado em usuários menos espertos ou 
 expertos, talvez
  alguns usem export LANG=pt e achem estranho quando vierem 
 instruções para
  abrir ficheiros em vez de arquivos...
   O mesmo pode ocorrer com usuarios portugueses se o 
 Default for o 

Por isso mesmo que eu disse que talvez o fator devesse ser
estatístico.  Talvez fizesse mais sentido ter como padrão o que atenderia a
maioria dos usuários.

Com o perdão aos amigos lusitanos pelo nosso Português impuro...

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

Re: Acentuação na Debian 2.X

1999-07-26 Thread Adriano Freitas
Fernando Cesar Carreira wrote:
  Estou usando um roteiro que alguem me passou, mas eu não lembro quem
  foi... Me parece o mais simples para ser usado no Debian. Aí vai:
 Creio que o maior problema está baseado na acentuação no X. Recomendo a
 solução da biblioteca Xlib modificada conforme mencionado acima pelo
 Paulo. Porém, existe uma pequena coisinha: a página original da solução
 adotada ( traz o arquivo da
 biblioteca Xlib do sistema XFree86 da versão 3.3.1 e nosso Debian
 utiliza a versão . Para contornar, eu recompilei os pacotes do
 sistema XFree86 da distribuição Slink aplicando o patch do Quinot e
 posso dizer que foi a melhor solução. Consegui acentuação normal no
 Netscape Communicator versões 4.07, 4.08, 4.5, 4.6 e 4.61 ; StarOffice
 5.1 ; diversos programas do X (ex.: xedit) e acredito que não haverá
 problemas com o Corel WordPerfect 8 (não instalei no meu sistema).

Eu acho essa solução ruim. Não vejo solução mais simples que o roteiro
que eu sugeri acima
( ) , sem
precisar compilar qualquer biblioteca. Basicamente você só precisa
adicionar XkbDisable no XF86Config e os acentos já passam a funcionar,
com exceção do ç e outros detalhes, que precisam ser alterado no
Eu consigo acentuar em qualquer programa do X se compilar nada para
isso, somente com aquelas alterações de configuração.


áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚàèìòùÀÈÌÒÙâêîôûÂÊÎÔÛäëïöüÄËÏÖÜãõñÃÕÑçÇ - Tá faltando
algum?!?! :)

Netscape - Fontsizes

1999-07-26 Thread Bernhard Rieder
Hi folks,

Does anybod know how to set the default fontsize in netscape?
If I use Edit/Preferences/Fonts it works for the current session
but it is not saved even Netscape doesn't crash and I exit as
intended by the Netscape-programmers  :-C

Is it possible to use a minimum fontsize that FONT SIZE=-3
will be radable while a H1 letter will not fill the whole screen?


  __ ___
 // )___---.
\ |,( /`--  `. Bernhard Rieder
 \/ o\
 (   _.-.  ,';   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |\   /`. \  ,  /   |
  | \  ' .'`.; |  |   \.___
_-'.'| |--..,,,\_\-~
   '''   _-'.'   ___-   )

Re: Haunting still... (need PPP help)

1999-07-26 Thread John Hasler
 The problem was that I ran my own nameserver locally, and that was listed
 first in resolv.conf.  Even with the ppp link up, I'd prefer all DNS
 lookups to hit the local server first

You can edit the resolv.conf for each provider in /etc/ppp/resolv .

 have the new dns numbers appended to the list, rather than replacing it.

The problem with this is that the resolver will only look at the first
three nameserver lines.  I'd have to do some fancy parsing to decide just
where to insert the new nameservers so that they will be useful but not in
the way.

 You might want to take a look at the source for the pcmcia modules.
 IIRC, they insert and remove dns numbers from resolv.conf when the
 network card is plugged in.  They use markers to delineate what they
 added (something like '## inserted by cardmgr ##')

I try to avoid schemes like this.  They place restrictions on the file
layout beyond those imposed by the package owner.

It seems to me that you would want your named updated to use the current
ISP's nameservers as forwarders, but I'm not sure how to handle it.  There
is a similar problem with nscd.  Do you have any ideas?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Out of memory when upgrading package

1999-07-26 Thread Bob Nielsen
I upgraded several potato packages today and when apt-get was trying to
install xcontrib it gave an out of memory error.  The load was quite
high, sometimes over 2.0 and most of my 64 MB of RAM and all my 130 MB
of swap was in use.  Needless to say, the system was extremely sluggish
and several attempts to do anything resulted in segfaults.

I was able to kill the processes with ctrl-c (it appears to have been in
the post-removal script for the previous version at this point).

apt-get clean doesn't report any problems and dpkg still reports the
previous version is installed.  Is there anything I should do at this


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Boot Up Problem

1999-07-26 Thread Jon Keating

I switched from RH5.2 to Debian 2.1 the other night and I did a 
Kernelupgradge (2.2.10) and I noticed my sound wasn't working. I 
looked in/var/log/messages and found that the problem wasn't the kernel or 
modules.After LILO boots up, i saw an error message unable to load map 
file Andit was still looking for the old modules with the older 
kernel... and itwasn't finding the map file w/ the older kernel, but 
it was loading themodules. At first I thought it was my setup (I have 
2 h/d's... one w/Windows (master) and Debian (slave) ) but then i remembered 
it did the samething on my other computer. It was an older machine... 
800MB h/d and itcouldn't find the map file with the kernel, so i tried 
upgrading to 2.2.6and it still did it. It was installed off the same 
Debian multi cd set.. (idownloaded the isos from a mirrored site). Any 
suggestions? Everyone I askhas never heard of this...And 
Yes... the map file exists as /boot/map and in /etc/lilo.conf i 
havemap=/boot/map as the 3rd line.Thanks in 

Incredibly basic dopey question

1999-07-26 Thread Revenant
Does Slink use glibc?  Or libc5 (or is it lib6)?  *Is* lib6 glibc?



-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

Re: Networking ~ peer to peer

1999-07-26 Thread John Hasler
Martin writes:
 [ ${GATEWAY} ]  route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1

 So no, not unless you set a gateway.

While it is true that the 2.1 install does ask about the gateway, the
frequency with which people with small private LANs find themselves unable
to get ppp working because they have default routes they don't need
indicates that this part of the install is still confusing.  It still leads
the new user to believe that she must choose between a LAN connection and
ppp, for example.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Incredibly basic dopey question

1999-07-26 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 26 Jul, Revenant wrote about Incredibly basic dopey question
 Does Slink use glibc?  Or libc5 (or is it lib6)?  *Is* lib6 glibc?

Yes(v2.0). It's libc6 not lib6. Yes libc6 is a.k.a. glibc.
Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Incredibly basic dopey question

1999-07-26 Thread Mark Brown
On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 11:06:13AM +1000, Revenant wrote:

 Does Slink use glibc?  Or libc5 (or is it lib6)?  *Is* lib6 glibc?

Slink uses glibc, which is libc6.  It also provides compatibility
libraries for libc5 and a development environment, although this doesn't
include all libraries.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Incredibly basic dopey question

1999-07-26 Thread Revenant
Thanx all for the prompt response.  You've been very helpful.

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
The whole principle is wrong; it's like demanding that grown men live
on skim milk because the baby can't eat steak.
- author Robert A. Heinlein on censorship.

dtd for presentations (and tools)

1999-07-26 Thread Felipe Alvarez Harnecker


I'm looking for a dtd an related tools for formating ( PostScript and
HTML. RTF is a plus ) for presententions a la PowerPoint.



Felipe Alvarez Harnecker.  QlSoftware.

Tel. 09.874.60.17  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Potenciado por Ql/Linux

file extensions

1999-07-26 Thread Aaron Solochek
I am using slink and gnome, and I have a two questions.  First of all,
How can I add a mime using the gnome control center.  Some of my mp3's
are .MP3 and therefor not recognized as a music file.  Question two,
related to that, is this:  is there an easy way ( a quick command or
script) to covert all the .MP3's to .mp3.  Strangly enough mv doesn't
differentiate between .mp3 and .MP3, so I need to change the name to a
temporary file first, which makes the task all the more annoying.

-Aaron Solochek

idiot's question on hooking up ISP

1999-07-26 Thread a
i follow instructions in ISP-Hookup-HOWTO and edit various files. Then I use 
seyon to dial a number. I manually login, then garbage
appears on the terminal. What should i do next? How do I start PPP?

Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] because I will leave the list in a minute.

no subject

1999-07-26 Thread Stefan Keel

Re: idiot's question on hooking up ISP

1999-07-26 Thread egm2
On 26 Jul, a wrote:
  |  i follow instructions in ISP-Hookup-HOWTO and edit various files.
  |  Then I use seyon to dial a number. I manually login, then garbage 
  |  appears on the terminal. What should i do next? How do I start PPP?

 Ignore what you just read (well, not completely), run pppconfig,
then type pon.  Some of those HOWTOs are a little dated.  Although,
it sounds like you got halfway there.

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the POTATO (!

Re: file extensions

1999-07-26 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 30 Jul, Aaron Solochek wrote about file extensions
 are .MP3 and therefor not recognized as a music file.  Question two,
 related to that, is this:  is there an easy way ( a quick command or
 script) to covert all the .MP3's to .mp3.  Strangly enough mv doesn't
 differentiate between .mp3 and .MP3, so I need to change the name to a
 temporary file first, which makes the task all the more annoying.

I'll answer question 2.  Install the package mmv.  Read the mmv man
page. Then the following will move all *.MP3 to *.mp3 in the current

mmv '*.MP3' '#1.mp3'

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Help with mounting a Xenix drive

1999-07-26 Thread Brian Schramm
I am upgrading a Xenix computer with Linux.  I have seen in the mount that I
can mount this drive and I would like to do that so I can copy the data off the
drive.  But it does not work.  I am just typing:

insmod sysv
mount -t sysv /dev/hdd4 /mnt

This should work to my knowledge but it errors saying that it cannot read the

I am using debian slink and redhat 5.2.  I have access to a SCO machine but I
would have to re-write a drive table on it and that might overwrite the data
(according to their WEB site.).

Please help.

Brian Schramm

sgmltools and non-english stylesheets

1999-07-26 Thread Felipe Alvarez Harnecker


I want to produce a Spanish html document from a sgml (docbook) one.

I've seen many international stylesheets under
/usr/lib/sgml/stylesheet/dsssl/docbook/nwalsh/html/ but nor sgmtools
nor jade have an option to set the language.

Please Help.


Felipe Alvarez Harnecker.  QlSoftware.

Tel. 09.874.60.17  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Potenciado por Ql/Linux

Re: Help with mounting a Xenix drive

1999-07-26 Thread egm2
On 25 Jul, Brian Schramm wrote:
  |  I am upgrading a Xenix computer with Linux.  I have seen in the mount that 
  |  can mount this drive and I would like to do that so I can copy the data 
off the
  |  drive.  But it does not work.  I am just typing:
  |  insmod sysv
  |  mount -t sysv /dev/hdd4 /mnt

Are you sure you have support for sysv/xenix/coherent compiled as a
module? It wouldn't be the default to have support for xenix, AFAIK.

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the POTATO (!

Re: Help with mounting a Xenix drive

1999-07-26 Thread Matthew Dalton
Perhaps the kernel does not have Xenix drive fs support compiled in. Try
recompiling the kernel with Xenix fs support.

Brian Schramm wrote:
 I am upgrading a Xenix computer with Linux.  I have seen in the mount that I
 can mount this drive and I would like to do that so I can copy the data off 
 drive.  But it does not work.  I am just typing:
 insmod sysv
 mount -t sysv /dev/hdd4 /mnt
 This should work to my knowledge but it errors saying that it cannot read the
 I am using debian slink and redhat 5.2.  I have access to a SCO machine but I
 would have to re-write a drive table on it and that might overwrite the data
 (according to their WEB site.).
 Please help.
 Brian Schramm
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: file extensions

1999-07-26 Thread Aaron Solochek
This worked in my test directory, but once I became root and tried it, it 
seemed to
only mess with my locate command I say this because before running it 
*.MP3 would result in a quick list of these files.  But after running that 
in a directory with .MP3's, typing locate *.MP3  slowly scrolls out the list 
.MP3's in that directory.  locate .MP3 works fine, but mmv did alter the 
locate.  Also updatedb gave me this when it finished.

 updatedb  (wd: /mp3/U2/U2 Greatest Hits)
(wd now: /mp3/Pearl Jam)

Where these paths are the ones I tried the mmv command in.

What happened?

-Aaron Solochek

Brian Servis wrote:

 *- On 30 Jul, Aaron Solochek wrote about file extensions
  are .MP3 and therefor not recognized as a music file.  Question two,
  related to that, is this:  is there an easy way ( a quick command or
  script) to covert all the .MP3's to .mp3.  Strangly enough mv doesn't
  differentiate between .mp3 and .MP3, so I need to change the name to a
  temporary file first, which makes the task all the more annoying.

 I'll answer question 2.  Install the package mmv.  Read the mmv man
 page. Then the following will move all *.MP3 to *.mp3 in the current

 mmv '*.MP3' '#1.mp3'

 Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Purdue University

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: newbie debian questions

1999-07-26 Thread Decklin Foster
 Anybody can help me out? ps top xmkmf  or tell me how can I find

ps and top are in procps, and xmkmf is in xlib6g-dev. You can find
this out quicker by going to #debian on and
typing !find ps !find xmkmf, etc.

Debian GNU/Linux -
The Web is to graphic design as the fax machine is to literature.

HP LaserJet 2100TN question

1999-07-26 Thread Dan Hugo

I have this printer hooked up to my ethernet network, and everything
works great (I was actually amazed at how easy it was to configure
everything... from box to printing in about 20 minutes... great

My question, though, is how to make use of the features of the 2100. 
That is, I have a third paper tray... how to I tell it which to use? 
How can I change the resolutions (max is 1200dpi), or whatever other
features are available to change?

I have searched all over, and I can't seem to find anything on HPs site,
HOWTOs, newsgroups, etc, regarding this.  I did see a mention of WebJet
from HP (I have a built-in JetDirect ethernet device for the printer),
but that sounded more like printer administration (accounting,
passwords, trouble reports, etc).  I am looking for some command line
option or filter setting or whatever that allows me to change these
things (by the way, it supports postscript, so I have been printing to
the raw device with no troubles... should I have a filter in there?) 

Thanks for any thoughts.
Dan Hugo

Large disk question-partition larger than disk

1999-07-26 Thread Dan Hugo
I have read the Large Disk Mini-HOWTO.  I have an IBM 14GXP 14.6G EIDE
drive, and when I partitioned it with cfdisk 0.81 (from slink) I had no
problems creating a 10G /usr (hda1=root, hda2=swap, hda5=usr) partition.

Now, though, if ever I run fdisk/cfdisk/sfdisk, they complain that
partition 3 is larger than the disk itself. In reading that Mini-HOWTO,
I gathered that cfdisk is supposed to be aware of the way EIDE disks
larger than 8G reported sizes, but it appears that my cfdisk is using
the reported size and exiting with a fatal error when hda5 is larger
than the reported disk size of 1024 cylinders (the disk is about 1750,

Do I need a later version of cfdisk?  sfdisk just gives me a warning,
and fdisk will perform operations on other parts of the disk (eg
hda8=tmp got totally trashed on a system hang, mke2fs crashed trying to
reformat that partition, so I deleted it and started that partition from
scratch, with good results).

I am running slink kernel 2.0.36 with SMP enabled.

Thanks for any input
Dan Hugo

Re: Haunting still... (need PPP help)

1999-07-26 Thread Michael Merten
On Sun, Jul 25, 1999 at 04:21:46PM -0500, John Hasler wrote:
  The problem was that I ran my own nameserver locally, and that was listed
  first in resolv.conf.  Even with the ppp link up, I'd prefer all DNS
  lookups to hit the local server first
 You can edit the resolv.conf for each provider in /etc/ppp/resolv .

Ok, I didn't realize this.  That would be easy enough to do,
provided you didn't have dozens of peers ;)

  have the new dns numbers appended to the list, rather than replacing it.
 The problem with this is that the resolver will only look at the first
 three nameserver lines.  I'd have to do some fancy parsing to decide just
 where to insert the new nameservers so that they will be useful but not in
 the way.

Yes, I realize this.  I'd probably assume that the first nameserver
listed in the file would be the main local network DNS, and insert
the ISP IP's right after that.  However, when you stop to consider
all possible variations, even that could cause problems (you
know what they say about assume).  Perhaps its best to leave it as
is.  Since most (I'm assuming again) people won't have more than
one or two peers set up, its not too much to ask for them to modify
the /etc/ppp/resolv files, if needed.  Perhaps some documentation
to that effect would be helpful...  I notice that the README.gz and
README.linux.gz files in /usr/doc/ppp make note of the usepeerdns
option, but it doesn't seem to have made it to the manpage yet.

  You might want to take a look at the source for the pcmcia modules.
  IIRC, they insert and remove dns numbers from resolv.conf when the
  network card is plugged in.  They use markers to delineate what they
  added (something like '## inserted by cardmgr ##')
 I try to avoid schemes like this.  They place restrictions on the file
 layout beyond those imposed by the package owner.
 It seems to me that you would want your named updated to use the current
 ISP's nameservers as forwarders, but I'm not sure how to handle it.  There
 is a similar problem with nscd.  Do you have any ideas?

Not really.  I set up bind originally just because I'd never done
it before, and was curious (heh.. it took 2 days even with the
supplied examples to get it working right).  It was overkill for a
4 machine network, and I've since removed it in favor of editing
/etc/hosts on each of the machines.  Over all, I'd have to say I'm
NOT a bind expert :/


[Private mail welcome, but no need to CC: me on list replies.]

Michael Merten -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  --- NRA Life Member --
  --- Debian GNU/Linux Fan --
  --- CenLA-LUG Founder --
.. [Concerning the celebration of the 4th of July, 1811,]
scarcely a word was said of the solicitude and labors and fears and
sorrows and sleepless nights of the men who projected, proposed,
defended, and subscribed the Declaration of Independence. Do you
recollect your memorable speech upon the day on which the vote was
taken? Do you recollect the pensive and awful silence which pervaded
the house when we were called up, one after another, to the table of
the President of Congress to subscribe what was believed by many at
that time to be our own death warrants?...
 -- A letter from Benjamin Rush to John Adams

Re: HP LaserJet 2100TN question

1999-07-26 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Sun, 25 Jul 1999, Dan Hugo wrote:

 My question, though, is how to make use of the features of the 2100. 
 That is, I have a third paper tray... how to I tell it which to use? 
 How can I change the resolutions (max is 1200dpi), or whatever other
 features are available to change?

In postscript mode the magical features will be accessed through special
device specific postscript commands. I think there is a general standard
for paper trays and the like - but it will ultimately be up to the
generating application... You can poke around HP's site for either
information on HP Job Control or on any HP Postscript extensions.

If you are priting postscript then there is an excellent chance you are
already using the maximum resolution :


Re: HP LaserJet 2100TN question

1999-07-26 Thread Shao Zhang

don't know anything about the third tray. With the resolution, you set can setup
2 entries points to the same printer but with different filters.

Eg. You can add an additional entry final to your printcap file and set the 
resolution in the filter to 1200.(-r 1200)

restart the lpd daemon, then you can print a normal copy using lpr -Php2100 or 
a 1200dpi copy using lpr -Pfinal

Hope this helps.


On Sun, Jul 25, 1999 at 09:02:41PM -0700, Dan Hugo wrote:
 I have this printer hooked up to my ethernet network, and everything
 works great (I was actually amazed at how easy it was to configure
 everything... from box to printing in about 20 minutes... great
 My question, though, is how to make use of the features of the 2100. 
 That is, I have a third paper tray... how to I tell it which to use? 
 How can I change the resolutions (max is 1200dpi), or whatever other
 features are available to change?
 I have searched all over, and I can't seem to find anything on HPs site,
 HOWTOs, newsgroups, etc, regarding this.  I did see a mention of WebJet
 from HP (I have a built-in JetDirect ethernet device for the printer),
 but that sounded more like printer administration (accounting,
 passwords, trouble reports, etc).  I am looking for some command line
 option or filter setting or whatever that allows me to change these
 things (by the way, it supports postscript, so I have been printing to
 the raw device with no troubles... should I have a filter in there?) 
 Thanks for any thoughts.
 Dan Hugo
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

LILO problems with new HD

1999-07-26 Thread Lev Lvovsky


I've recently discovered problems with the drive that had the /boot and 
/home partitions of my Debian box, so I decided to go out and get a new HD
in transferring the files, I simply copied /boot/* and /home/* to the new 
drive, and ran lilo on it.  It gave me the message that lilo was installed, 
and I tried rebooting.  Lilo being's to load, but only goes so far as 
LIL- until it the lilo docs, this says that there is some 
sort of corruption of the map files, or a problem with the map 
installer.  Seeing as these copied files were from a corrupted (suspected 
at least) disk, I figure that's the problem.

Can anyone help me in getting fresh copies of the files that LILO requires 
for installation?  I don't know if they are custom to my setup (untouched 
slink kernel), or if they are generic files thatI could simply pick up 
somewhere off of the CD's.

thanks in advance!!

sound config with 2.2.10 in slink environment

1999-07-26 Thread Damir J. Naden
Hi, all
I have upgraded my 2.0.36 kernel (home compiled) to a home compiled 2.2.10
(all sources are debianized packages), and all is well (actually, remarkably
faster, it seems) except for sound.
I have enosniq soundscape elite ISA card, which worked under 2.0.36, after I
have made a script at boot-up which initialized the card. Now that same script
gives me error (both manually and at boot-up):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/bin# ./ssinit
/dev/dsp: Operation not supported by device

My /dev/sndstat is completely empty, since the card is not initializing. i can
supply both /etc/soundconf (which worked under 2.0.36) and my .config options
for sound module (sound is compiled as a module in both old and new kernel) in
2.2.10 sources; if anyone can help. I have read HOWTOs and docs for soundscape
cards at 4front technologies, but I'm afraid I can't decipher the info there
to translate into my config.
Also, once I have it figured out, how do I ( the Good way) insert module
options into /etc/conf.modules (it says not to edit the file...)?

P.S. since this may or may not be debian specific, could you reply to my
private address instead of the list if you feel that is more appropriate

man-db mentions a number of bad Symlinks

1999-07-26 Thread Matthew Cordes
Hello all.  This is my third week to debian and 6th month to Linux, but I'm
having a little problem.  When I run man some file I periodically see
warnings smiliar to these.

man: can't open /usr/man/man8/upgrade-windowmaker-defaults.8: No such file
or di rectory
 man: warning: /usr/man/man8/upgrade-windowmaker-defaults.8.gz: bad symlink
or ROFF `.so' request

About 50 or so of these warnings flash by each with a different symlink.  I
know what you're going to say.  The file (above)
upgrade-windowmaker-defaults.8.gz is obviously a dangling symlink and should
be removed.  I did this just a fw days ago.  In fact I removed every bad
symlink in each man directory, yet now they are back.  It is as if man-db is
doing this to me.  can anyone explain what exactly man-db does.  Obviously
it compacts my man files.  DOes it keep the originals anywhere?  Anyone else
have this problem?


1999-07-26 Thread Matthew Cordes
ps and top are in procps, and xmkmf is in xlib6g-dev. You can find
 this out quicker by going to #debian on and
 typing !find ps !find xmkmf, etc.
i tried this but did not seem to respond. The website
at  has an image of two people and the title
Service discontinued.
Does anyone know of any other service that has this cool file to package
lookup capability?


Re: Fw:

1999-07-26 Thread egm2
On 26 Jul, Matthew Cordes wrote:
  |  ps and top are in procps, and xmkmf is in xlib6g-dev. You can find
  |   this out quicker by going to #debian on and
  |   typing !find ps !find xmkmf, etc.
  |  i tried this but did not seem to respond. The website
  |  at  has an image of two people and the title
  |  Service discontinued.
  |  Does anyone know of any other service that has this cool file to package
  |  lookup capability?
  |  -matt
You can search packages on debian's website.

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the POTATO (!

Re: Fw:

1999-07-26 Thread Jeff Bachtel
I just got on the server, are you sure you are getting on irc correctly?


$ irc mcordes

it worked for me (well, different nick of course)


On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 01:12:08AM -0400, Matthew Cordes wrote:
 ps and top are in procps, and xmkmf is in xlib6g-dev. You can find
  this out quicker by going to #debian on and
  typing !find ps !find xmkmf, etc.
 i tried this but did not seem to respond. The website
 at  has an image of two people and the title
 Service discontinued.
 Does anyone know of any other service that has this cool file to package
 lookup capability?

Re: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Gerhard Kroder
 Is there a way to put a 30 second pause in your bash script?

ever RTFM for bash? it says:

   wait [n]
  Wait  for the specified process and return its ter­
  mination status.  n may be a process ID  or  a  job
  specification;  if  a  job  spec is given, all pro­
  cesses in that job's pipeline are waited for.  If n
  is  not given, all currently active child processes
  are waited for, and the return status is zero.   If
  n  specifies  a  non-existent  process  or job, the
  return status is 127.  Otherwise, the return status
  is  the  exit  status  of  the  last process or job
  waited for.



Re: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Gerhard Kroder wrote:
  Is there a way to put a 30 second pause in your bash script?
 ever RTFM for bash? it says:
wait [n]

huups, guess it's me to RTFM...

of course you do not need (nor is it applicable) bash's builtin wait but
the commmand sleep (man sleep).


Re: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Matthew Gregan
On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 08:18:48AM +0200, Gerhard Kroder wrote:
  Is there a way to put a 30 second pause in your bash script?
 ever RTFM for bash? it says:
wait [n]

Erm, how exactly can you use this to wait for 30 seconds? I think he
wants something along the lines of sleep.

Matthew Gregan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Carley, Jason \(Australia\)
ever RTFM for bash? it says:

   wait [n]
  Wait  for the specified process and return its ter­
  mination status.  n may be a process ID  or  a  job
  specification;  if  a  job  spec is given, all pro­
  cesses in that job's pipeline are waited for.  If n
  is  not given, all currently active child processes
  are waited for, and the return status is zero.   If
  n  specifies  a  non-existent  process  or job, the
  return status is 127.  Otherwise, the return status
  is  the  exit  status  of  the  last process or job
  waited for.

I think sleep is the appropriate command.

Methinks one should beware of using the evil RTFM term lest it turns and
hits one in the face! :-)

Re: HP LaserJet 2100TN question

1999-07-26 Thread Dan Hugo
Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
 On Sun, 25 Jul 1999, Dan Hugo wrote:
  My question, though, is how to make use of the features of the 2100.
  That is, I have a third paper tray... how to I tell it which to use?
  How can I change the resolutions (max is 1200dpi), or whatever other
  features are available to change?
 In postscript mode the magical features will be accessed through special
 device specific postscript commands. I think there is a general standard
 for paper trays and the like - but it will ultimately be up to the
 generating application... You can poke around HP's site for either
 information on HP Job Control or on any HP Postscript extensions.
 If you are priting postscript then there is an excellent chance you are
 already using the maximum resolution :

Interesting.  I poked around a bit more on the HP site, but I think the
easiest way to check this would be to print a document to various paper
trays, etc, from Windows to a file and see if the .ps has anything
interesting in it. 

As for the document resolution, I was assuming it was full, but I could
tell if I could switch it and see the difference.  I would imagine there
are other things that are changable too, but I wasn't sure if they were
embedded into the postscript or not.

Thanks for the info
Dan Hugo

Re: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Ben Lutgens
On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 08:18:48AM +0200, Gerhard Kroder wrote:

 ever RTFM for bash? it says:

I love how people insist on firing off this remark. It is sooo much more
explanatory than pasting in a piece of the manpage then breaking it
down to a newbies' terms. Then _calmly_ telling them (OFF THE LIST) that they
should RTFM without using the RTFM flame. I just think we spend way too much
time falming, and not enough time correcting these people who neglect to read
the docs. Just my 2 cents. 


Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. 
Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.

Ben Lutgens (pgp public key is blutgens available @ hkp://

Description: PGP signature

Re: Netscape crashing -- a lot.

1999-07-26 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Marek Habersack wrote:
 * Philip Lehman said:
   I had that problem, the fix (for me at least) was deleteing my 
   Dunno why, but somthing get corupted.
  Hmmm... this is the first suggestion that has worked for me! i still get
  bus errors trying to login to, but i haven't gotten it to crash on
  closing a window yet.
  I just tried that from a new user account and had no problems crashing
 I tried it as well but, alas, it helped only partially. The problem I have
 is as follows:
 1. Open Netscape Navigator (not Communicator) 4.x and load any page which
requires authentication.
 2. Type your login and password and tap OK
 3. Netscape closes the window and dissappears without ANY error message

i can confirm this. especially when starting communicator (smotif-4.61, on
recent potato with 2.2.10), opening messenger, getting connectet to
mailserver (imap), downloading headers, just before mailfilter will apply
to those new mails communicator just quits.

and of course ther are all the other features like bus-errors, shutting
all by closing one of it's windows, any problems about communicator we hear
and write since some time .


Re: Netscape crashing -- a lot.

1999-07-26 Thread egm2
Netscape-smotif-4.08 is the only reliable version I've found.  I too
can confirm the $ rm ~/.netscape method of temporarily fixing
netscape-4.61 hangs (or whatever).  But the most successful fix at the
moment is $ dpkg --remove nestcape-smotif-4.6.1. ;-)


Eric G. Miller
Powered by the POTATO (!

Apologising for Re: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Gerhard Kroder wrote:
 Gerhard Kroder wrote:
   Is there a way to put a 30 second pause in your bash script?
  ever RTFM for bash? it says:
 wait [n]

hey, shame on me, i know,... sorry, 

my working day just starts and i'm not quite awaken. and i was too fast
with replying, and usually i don't use _this_ term, and anything 

and thanks for your hints :-)

anyway, how come your responses came in as fast as my first dementi?  ;-)


ISDN: dialmode not in kernel???

1999-07-26 Thread Rene Hogendoorn
Each time isdn is started, I get a 'dialmode not in kernel' message (kernel 

I checked the kernel configuration, but could not find an obvious setting for 
Anyone got a clue?


R. A. Hogendoorn   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Informatics Division   Tel. +31-527-24-8367 
National Aerospace Laboratory, The Netherlands Fax. +31-527-24-8210 

Re: new logo on

1999-07-26 Thread John C. Ellingboe
John Foster wrote:
 andreas pålsson wrote:
  I saw the new logo on and I'm curious..
  Exactly what is it supposed to symbolize?
  I don't have much of an artistic mind, but to me it looks like a pigs
 I do not care for it either. maybe there is more to the logo (as a
 symbol) than we realize. For now I will stay with the Penguin, more
 John Foster
 AdVance-Computing Systems
 ICQ# 19460173
I'm with you also.  The chick connected us with Linux but the new logo
doesnt do anything for me at all.

John C. Ellingboebegin:vcard 
n:Ellingboe   -   KE4BPW;John C. 
org:The Guntersville Computer Center
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:John C.  Ellingboe   -   KE4BPW

Uncomplete installs

1999-07-26 Thread Anders . ohrt

When I install a package that gets run at boot and then remove it, the files
in /etc/init.d and /etc/rc?.d stays behind. Is this a 'feature' for not
accidently removing config stuff, or just some strange behavior?

Re: new logo on

1999-07-26 Thread Khalid EZZARAOUI
John C. Ellingboe wrote:

 I'm with you also.  The chick connected us with Linux but the new logo
 doesnt do anything for me at all.

 John C. Ellingboe

don't you never see a Genius going out from it's lantern ?
like Aladin's story

Re: Uncomplete installs

1999-07-26 Thread Shao Zhang
This is a feature :).

I guess the command you have used to remove the package is dpkg -r.

To remove the config file as well, use dpkg --purge 

Hope this helps...

On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 09:32:07AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When I install a package that gets run at boot and then remove it, the files
 in /etc/init.d and /etc/rc?.d stays behind. Is this a 'feature' for not
 accidently removing config stuff, or just some strange behavior?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
 On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 08:18:48AM +0200, Gerhard Kroder wrote:
  ever RTFM for bash? it says:
   I love how people insist on firing off this remark. It is sooo much more
 explanatory than pasting in a piece of the manpage then breaking it
 down to a newbies' terms. Then _calmly_ telling them (OFF THE LIST) that th=
 should RTFM without using the RTFM flame. I just think we spend way too much
 time falming, and not enough time correcting these people who neglect to re=
 the docs. Just my 2 cents.

People start to say it after they have politely answered the same 
question approximately 500 times.

There are about 10,000 new newbies coming onto the Internet every day, 
all with the same cluelessness and the same questions.  Every day, every 
week, every month, every year.  

The manual should only need to be written once, not thousands of times.  
The person who did write it is usually best qualified to do so.  You seem 
to think anyone else in the world can express the matter better than the 
original author.  If you were to read the bash manual page yourself you 
would see that it is a brilliant piece of writing that no-one is going to 

The kindest thing you can do for anyone in difficulty is to persuade him 
that he really does need to study the manual.

He shouldn't even be posting questions until he has looked into the matter
himself and drawn a blank on all fronts.  So any question answered in the
manual deserves either to be totally ignored or to be flamed.  It does NOT
deserve an answer.

It is bad netiquette to paste part of the man page, because it creates 
traffic delivering something that the recipient already has.  And no-one 
owes the newbie that kind of favor.  He can cut from the man page 
himself.  He has it, and he can do it.  The rest of us are busy people 
and life is running out.  Help where it is needed is one thing.  A crutch 
for the lazy, or foolishly trying to do for someone else what he must 
surely do for himself, merely because he sent a message out into the wide 
world, is quite another.

RE: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Carley, Jason \(Australia\)

The kindest thing you can do for anyone in difficulty is to persuade him 
that he really does need to study the manual.

He shouldn't even be posting questions until he has looked into the matter
himself and drawn a blank on all fronts.  So any question answered in the
manual deserves either to be totally ignored or to be flamed.  It does NOT
deserve an answer.

This is a bit strong isn't it? Sometimes newbies don't know how to find the
answer themselves. Unfortunately UNIX skills are not inherently obvious to
all and the information that you find so easy to obtain can sometimes be
tricky for newbies. Hence all the recent discussions on a newbies
information guide.

Of course people should be encouraged to read the manual pages. But a polite
answer that helps the new user AND points them to where they could have
found it themselves is likely to result in more people taking the time to
learn Linux. To be totally ignored or ... flamed is hardly the appropriate
response I am afraid.

Netscape and Slashdot!

1999-07-26 Thread Tim Nicholas
Just wondering if anyone else has had problems viewing in linux? I 
know that i used to be able to see it (before i reinstalled).
The problem seems to be when netscape (4.6) trys to render the html. it just 
doesn't. It will download all of the files but then leaves the page blank. 
this is the only page that i have found which does this.
Another friend of mine had the same problem untill he setup a proxiserver on 
his gateway box. i am on a single computer dial-up connection so i really dont 
want to bother doing that unless i have no other option. I want to get slashdot 

netscape v 4.6 
debian 2.1 


Tim Nicholas

Let the frantic Goddess and delerious drunk cry together in shadow for the 
puppys sad stare, the forest and the death of the moon.

gv with neXtaw anyone?

1999-07-26 Thread Patrick Colbeck
I seem to remember that in the docs that come with either gv or neXtaw 
it says that it is not possible to link gv with neXtaw and gives the
reason why. Sorry I can't remeber exactly why though.


Philip Lehman writes:
  I'm trying to build gv using neXtaw, but it segfaults. Linking to
  neXtaw works fine with Xaw based apps for me, but I'm not sure about
  replacing Xaw3d with neXtaw. 
  Is this at all possible or am I getting somthing wrong here?
  Philip Lehman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: (newbie) Need help on Static IP

1999-07-26 Thread Ray
On Sun, Jul 25, 1999 at 01:09:06AM +1000, Bill wrote:
 Can someone please tell me how to setup up a static IP for a dialup account
 on Debian 2.0.36 not using GUI??

I use pppconfig to set up ppp connections.  In most cases you can treat a
static IP just like you would a dynamic IP.  


Re: Haunting still... (need PPP help)

1999-07-26 Thread Ray
On Sun, Jul 25, 1999 at 12:06:15AM +0200, Algernon NG wrote:
 Jul 14 14:59:13 paradise pppd[205]: local  IP address
 Jul 14 14:59:13 paradise pppd[205]: remote IP address

Snipped ppp.log

I think at this point we really need the output of netstat -rn since you
most likely have a routing problem.

I guess if you really want to try something blind you could type route add
default gw 194.143.332.116 from the command line once you are connected.


Re: Netscape and Slashdot!

1999-07-26 Thread Mark Brown
On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 08:11:21PM +1200, Tim Nicholas wrote:

 The problem seems to be when netscape (4.6) trys to render the html. it just 
 doesn't. It will download all of the files but then leaves the page blank. 
 this is the only page that i have found which does this.

It should render it.  The main problem appears to be that Slashdot is a
huge table, and if Netscape doesn't manage to download the *entire*
front page, nothing except the top gets displayed.  Most other pages
aren't quite so big and complex.  Normally when this happens, I find
that reloading fixes it.

 Another friend of mine had the same problem untill he setup a proxiserver

It may be that the proxy is improving the downloads.  It might pay to
investigate the quality of your network connection, or to try viewing
at different times of the day.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Uncomplete installs

1999-07-26 Thread Mark Brown
On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 09:32:07AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I install a package that gets run at boot and then remove it, the files
 in /etc/init.d and /etc/rc?.d stays behind. Is this a 'feature' for not
 accidently removing config stuff, or just some strange behavior?

It's a feature.  The file in /etc/init.d is normally a conffile, which
doesn't get removed unless you do dpkg --purge on the package.  As you
say, this is all about preserving configuration information.  The links
should be removed when the conffile is, for similar reasons.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Michael Talbot-Wilson
 The kindest thing you can do for anyone in difficulty is to persuade him 
 that he really does need to study the manual.
 He shouldn't even be posting questions until he has looked into the matter
 himself and drawn a blank on all fronts.  So any question answered in the
 manual deserves either to be totally ignored or to be flamed.  It does NOT
 deserve an answer.
 This is a bit strong isn't it? Sometimes newbies don't know how to find the

A bit, but only a bit.  And the first quoted para not at all.

Re: Problems installing with Promise Uttra33 (hde hdg)

1999-07-26 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Tue, Jul 20, 1999 at 11:49:03PM -0400, Adam Di Carlo wrote:
 John Beimler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I switched over to the 2nd virtual console and noticed there are no
  devices for hde or hdg, so I am guessing this is the problem.  I am
  hoping someone has a quick fix for me.  I would like to leave the
  setup the way it is, the HD controller that is on the motherboard is
  really flaky.
 Can't you just bring up the shell in tty2 and mknod these devices?
 Sorry, I know this is just a workaround ... this is a bug in the
 boot-floppies that we fixed in mid-April, however, we never made a
 post-2.1.9 release... Enrique?  Feel like burning a boot-floppies
 2.1.11 for slink?

Sure. Once I have the patched kernel we talked about last week (the one
that fixes the Adaptec mess) I'll upload them to incoming.

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: (newbie) Need help on Static IP

1999-07-26 Thread Marc Mongeon
You're talking about giving an IP address to somebody dialing in,
right?  If you want to make sure that a person always gets the same
IP address, do this:

1.  Set up a normal system account for the person (adduser name).
2.  If you're authenticating with PAP, add this to /etc/ppp/pap-secrets:
 name servername  *
 (see 'man pppd' for details on the format)
3.  Make sure you call pppd with the login option (are you using mgetty?)
4.  Put this line in $HOME/.ppprc for the user:

If I understood you correctly, then that should do it.  Where I used the
... notation, you should of course substitute real parameters.


Unix Specialist
Ban-Koe Systems
9100 W Bloomington Fwy
Bloomington, MN 55431-2200
(612)888-0123, x417 | FAX: (612)888-3344
It's such a fine line between clever and stupid.
   -- David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap

 Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/26 3:58 AM 
On Sun, Jul 25, 1999 at 01:09:06AM +1000, Bill wrote:
 Can someone please tell me how to setup up a static IP for a dialup account
 on Debian 2.0.36 not using GUI??

I use pppconfig to set up ppp connections.  In most cases you can treat a
static IP just like you would a dynamic IP.  


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: new logo on

1999-07-26 Thread andreas pålsson
Khalid EZZARAOUI wrote:
  I'm with you also.  The chick connected us with Linux but the new logo
  doesnt do anything for me at all.
  John C. Ellingboe
 don't you never see a Genius going out from it's lantern ?
 like Aladin's story

It's a nice idea, but it's too hard to get a grip on when only the swirl
is visible.
I am sure that people who who never seen the logo before will at some
point ask what it supposed to look like.

I've seen the swirl and the bottle together and my first reaction was a
bottle with smoke or a bottle with something hot in it..
On the other hand maybe it's just me who is less intelligent than the
rest of the world and doesn't get it :)

I'm not complaining on the author or his artwork, in a artistic level
I'm sure it's a fine piece of art. But for the normal guy/girl it's too
hard to relate to something than a bottle with a puff of smoke.

Just my opinion.


Re: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: RE: bash scripting
Date: Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 06:03:35PM +1000

In reply to:Carley, Jason Australia

Quoting Carley, Jason Australia([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 The kindest thing you can do for anyone in difficulty is to persuade him 
 that he really does need to study the manual.
 He shouldn't even be posting questions until he has looked into the matter
 himself and drawn a blank on all fronts.  So any question answered in the
 manual deserves either to be totally ignored or to be flamed.  It does NOT
 deserve an answer.

[ snip ]

 learn Linux. To be totally ignored or ... flamed is hardly the appropriate
 response I am afraid.

Just another example why we _need_ a weekly posting of The newbie
Guide-lines for asking questions  It would seem!

Who's General Failure and why's he reading my disk?

Re: sound config with 2.2.10 in slink environment

1999-07-26 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: sound config with 2.2.10 in slink environment
Date: Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 12:57:26AM -0400

In reply to:Damir J. Naden

Quoting Damir J. Naden([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I have enosniq soundscape elite ISA card, which worked under 2.0.36, after I
 have made a script at boot-up which initialized the card. Now that same script
 gives me error (both manually and at boot-up):
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/bin# ./ssinit
 /dev/dsp: Operation not supported by device

IIRC I have read similar problems and answers reported in the past.
May I suggest that you check the archives for possible solutions to
your problem and come back here if you can't find any solutions that

There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one

Re: LILO problems with new HD

1999-07-26 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: LILO problems with new HD
Date: Sun, Jul 25, 1999 at 09:48:08PM -0700

In reply to:Lev Lvovsky

Quoting Lev Lvovsky([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I've recently discovered problems with the drive that had the /boot and 
 /home partitions of my Debian box, so I decided to go out and get a new HD
 in transferring the files, I simply copied /boot/* and /home/* to the new 
 drive, and ran lilo on it.  It gave me the message that lilo was installed, 

Is that all you did?  What drive partition did you put /boot on?

The info you supplied is insufficent for me to help you with.
My crystal ball is cracked, sorry.


Re: new logo on

1999-07-26 Thread Matthew Cordes
I miss the debian bird image.


On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 02:58:44PM +0200, andreas pålsson wrote:
 Khalid EZZARAOUI wrote:
   I'm with you also.  The chick connected us with Linux but the new logo
   doesnt do anything for me at all.
   John C. Ellingboe
  don't you never see a Genius going out from it's lantern ?
  like Aladin's story
 It's a nice idea, but it's too hard to get a grip on when only the swirl
 is visible.
 I am sure that people who who never seen the logo before will at some
 point ask what it supposed to look like.
 I've seen the swirl and the bottle together and my first reaction was a
 bottle with smoke or a bottle with something hot in it..
 On the other hand maybe it's just me who is less intelligent than the
 rest of the world and doesn't get it :)
 I'm not complaining on the author or his artwork, in a artistic level
 I'm sure it's a fine piece of art. But for the normal guy/girl it's too
 hard to relate to something than a bottle with a puff of smoke.
 Just my opinion.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/nu

Re: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Michael Stenner
On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 05:24:11PM +0930, Michael Talbot-Wilson wrote:

  I love how people insist on firing off this remark. It is sooo
  much more explanatory than pasting in a piece of the manpage then
  breaking it down to a newbies' terms. Then _calmly_ telling them
  (OFF THE LIST) that they should RTFM without using the RTFM
  flame. I just think we spend way too much time falming, and not
  enough time correcting these people who neglect to read

 People start to say it after they have politely answered the same 
 question approximately 500 times.

That's understandable, but I still discourage it.

 There are about 10,000 new newbies coming onto the Internet every day

This is precisely the point.  While it may be your 500th time to hear
an easy, well-documented problem, it's not fair that when a frustrated
newbie finally musters the courage to send email to several thousand
people, he gets slapped in the face with RTFM.

If it's a cronic offender, then fine, nail 'em, but it's a pretty
rough welcome for those who may not know any better.  Hell, early in
my linux career, I was getting slapped with RTFM and didn't even
know what it stood for -- that was useful!

 all with the same cluelessness and the same questions.  Every day, every 
 week, every month, every year.  

(I say this politely, really) Those who cannot tolerate this should
probably not respond.  There are others (perhaps those, like me, fresh
out of newbie-school themselves) who will be happy to gently steer
newbies rather than slam them in the right direction.

 The manual should only need to be written once, not thousands of times.  
 The person who did write it is usually best qualified to do so.  You seem 
 to think anyone else in the world can express the matter better than the 
 original author.  If you were to read the bash manual page yourself you 
 would see that it is a brilliant piece of writing that no-one is going to 

I agree, but it can be overwhelming.  I was a solid linux user for
a long time before I made it through that man page.  (forgive the
physics anology)  You shouldn't hand a high school kid Jackson
(graduate electricity and magnetism) when he asks how electromagnets
work.  It's just too much.

 The kindest thing you can do for anyone in difficulty is to persuade him 
 that he really does need to study the manual.

Agreed, the only way he'll ever make it though the manual is by trying
_many_ times.

 He shouldn't even be posting questions until he has looked into the matter
 himself and drawn a blank on all fronts.  

I typically say you should ask for help after scratching your head
(i.e. NO ideas) for 1/2 hour.

 So any question answered in the manual deserves either to be totally
 ignored or to be flamed.  It does NOT deserve an answer.

Now that's productive.  I would think that even the most cynical
oldbie would at least point them to the manual in case they don't know
where it is.

 It is bad netiquette to paste part of the man page, because it creates 
 traffic delivering something that the recipient already has.  And no-one 
 owes the newbie that kind of favor.  He can cut from the man page 
 himself.  He has it, and he can do it.  The rest of us are busy people 
 and life is running out.  Help where it is needed is one thing.  A crutch 
 for the lazy, or foolishly trying to do for someone else what he must 
 surely do for himself, merely because he sent a message out into the wide 
 world, is quite another.

I agree with this entire statement.  I just think that there is some
middle ground between help for the desperate and a crutch for the
lazy.  The origin of this thread is the perfect example.  The word
sleep doesn't even appear in the bash man page.  man sleep will
work, but you first need to know you're looking for sleep.  catch 22.
Appropriate action?  Ask.


  Michael Stenner   Office Phone: 919-660-2513
  Duke University, Dept. of Physics   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305

Re: file extensions -- batch mv'ing, mp3s

1999-07-26 Thread Samuel R. Scarano
 related to that, is this:  is there an easy way ( a quick command or
 script) to covert all the .MP3's to .mp3.  Strangly enough mv doesn't
 differentiate between .mp3 and .MP3, so I need to change the name to a
 temporary file first, which makes the task all the more annoying.

That's because the files are on your windows partition; it's vfat, not
mv, that fails to differentiate. Remember, EVERYTHING in UNIX is
case-sensitive. If it's not case-sensitive, then you know it ain't UNIX.

To change .MP3 to .mp3 in a given directory, I do this (anyone know an
easier/more efficient way?):

$ for x in *;do mv -iv $x `echo $x|sed -e 's/MP3$/mp3/'`;done

But for renaming mp3's specifically, have I got the script for you! I
wrote a perl script that changes something like this:

Artist -- The Song Title.mp3

or even:

(Artist) The Song Title.mp3



It slices, it dices, it removes spaces, it replaces multiple hyphens
with single hyphens, it converts to lower case, it even handles those
stupid parentheses correctly! The script is attached.

To rename all the files in a directory, use the following shell script:

for x in *.mp3; do mv $x ` $x`;done

Having uniformly named mp3s is nice -- especially when you've got a
zillion of 'em. :-D
Description: Perl program

Re: new logo on

1999-07-26 Thread Michael Stenner
On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 02:58:44PM +0200, andreas pålsson wrote:
 It's a nice idea, but it's too hard to get a grip on when only the swirl
 is visible.
 I am sure that people who who never seen the logo before will at some
 point ask what it supposed to look like.
 I've seen the swirl and the bottle together and my first reaction was a
 bottle with smoke or a bottle with something hot in it..
 On the other hand maybe it's just me who is less intelligent than the
 rest of the world and doesn't get it :)
 I'm not complaining on the author or his artwork, in a artistic level
 I'm sure it's a fine piece of art. But for the normal guy/girl it's too
 hard to relate to something than a bottle with a puff of smoke.

I'm not sure it's really necessary, though.  If there's any meaning
behind that hat, I don't know what it is.


  Michael Stenner   Office Phone: 919-660-2513
  Duke University, Dept. of Physics   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305

Re: file extensions

1999-07-26 Thread Samuel R. Scarano
 This worked in my test directory, but once I became root and tried
it, it seemed to

Why did you have to become root? It sounds like you need to use the uid
and gid options in the fstab entry for your windows partition.

 only mess with my locate command I say this because before
running it locate
 *.MP3 would result in a quick list of these files.  But after
running that command
 in a directory with .MP3's, typing locate *.MP3  slowly scrolls out
the list of
 .MP3's in that directory.  locate .MP3 works fine, but mmv did
alter the behaviour
 locate.  Also updatedb gave me this when it finished.

Interesting experiment. Here's what's happened:

locate(1)'s database has the filenames that the kernel's vfat driver
reported, which is what you get in a directory listing, what you see in
Windows, and, not coincidentally, the exact strings used to identify
file in the filesystem (except that the fs uses 2-byte chararcter
but that's not important to us English-speaking Americans :-). I think
that explains the behavior you got the first time you ran locate.
Because vfat doesn't differentiate case, the mmv command had absolutely
*no effect*. The reason `locate *.MP3' behaved differently is that you
ran it in the directory of the mp3's, so the shell expanded your
fileglob to a listing of the `*.MP3' files in that directory, and
did a *separate* search for each one (and found them).

First of all, always protect locate's args from the shell, e.g.:
locate '*.MP3'
locate \*.MP3

'man bash' for more.

To *fix* this, just say this to bash in the directory of your mp3s:

for x in *.MP3;do mv -iv $x foo;mv -iv foo `echo $x|sed -e

(It's all one line -- that linebreak was rudely inserted by Netscrape
I'm and work and must use Windows.)

Note the use of the temporary file 'foo'.

If you don't see how that command works, I recommend you read up on
-- it's a nice shell, and those for loops at the command line are a
blast! If you really want to get high, start nesting them! :-D

Re: my SB16 can't play midi files

1999-07-26 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Sat, 24 Jul 1999, a wrote:

 I have Debian 1.2 and compile the kernel for SB16.

 Your config looks right. In fact, it looks identical to the config I used
to use with my SB16. Is yours a PNP card?

 Now I can play wav files and CD but can't play midi files using
 playmidi. Only a copyright notice appears. 

 Check your mixer settings; you may have the midi volume set low.
Alternatively, you could try using timidity; it does midi in software and
plays like a wav file. It sounds a lot better than the SB16.


 Ray Ingles   (248) 377-7735[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Monkeys would be harder on equipment than college students,
  but only because they're stronger. - Jim Ingles

Re: bash scripting

1999-07-26 Thread Kent West
Carley, Jason (Australia) wrote:

 The kindest thing you can do for anyone in difficulty is to persuade him
 that he really does need to study the manual.

 He shouldn't even be posting questions until he has looked into the matter
 himself and drawn a blank on all fronts.  So any question answered in the
 manual deserves either to be totally ignored or to be flamed.  It does NOT
 deserve an answer.

 This is a bit strong isn't it? Sometimes newbies don't know how to find the
 answer themselves. Unfortunately UNIX skills are not inherently obvious to
 all and the information that you find so easy to obtain can sometimes be
 tricky for newbies. Hence all the recent discussions on a newbies
 information guide.

 Of course people should be encouraged to read the manual pages. But a polite
 answer that helps the new user AND points them to where they could have
 found it themselves is likely to result in more people taking the time to
 learn Linux. To be totally ignored or ... flamed is hardly the appropriate
 response I am afraid.

I agree, Jason. I'm not the original poster, but I just now pretended to want 
same question answered (how to put a 30-second delay in a script). I thought to
myself, I'll look in man bash. I did a search on delay, and on wait, and 
sleep. sleep, which was the answer to the original problem, was not even 
found in
the bash manual. delay and wait had no relevance to the problem. So I tried 
script. The script man page had nothing to do with scripting (and didn't have 
any of
the three above-mentioned search words). So as a person looking for the answer, 
knowing that I'm going to be told to RTFM, I wonder, Which manual am I 
supposed to
read for this? After the fact, I know the correct command is sleep; but I 
don't know where to find that info; the only place I've seen it mentioned is in 

Oh, I just thought to use the apropos delay command; it did turn up the 
command, but again, that's not an intuitive step for the non-initiated.

I guess what I'm saying is that the uninitiated (newbie or not; he's new to this
particular thing) doesn't always know what manual to read, so just yelling RTFM 
a good solution. Generally when I have a question, my first source of help is 
Debian userlist archives, but even that took me a few months to realize the 
search engine to use was at the bottom of the archive page, not the (site-) 
button at the top.

I understand Michael's frustration at having to answer the same questions 500 
Maybe a big bold link on the Debian home page that says Have a question? Look 
first which takes the user directly to the search input box on the mail archive
search engine?

Network addressing

1999-07-26 Thread \[ Kaa \]
I have two machines plugged into a cable modem. Both have IP addresses 
provided by the ISP. One is, and the other is 
Theoretically that's all fine 'cause 24. is an A class network. However the 
ISP says that the netmask for these addresses should be, that 
is, they are subnetting their class A net. And herein lies the problem: 
looking at their netmask the machines believe they are on separate networks 
and so to talk to each other they need the upstream machines -- the gateways 
for each of them -- to be up. That doesn't happen all the time and anyway, I 
want these two machines to be able to talk to each other without involving 
the upstream machines at all.

So, my question is: can I simply set the netmask to on both of 
them and put appropriate entries into the /etc/hosts file? Is this likely to 
break anything? Alternatively, can I use arp to specify the Ethernet address 
- IP address correspondence, or something will get confused?

And a semi-related question: on a pure Win98 machine, how do you find out 
the Ethernet address of the NIC card? I tried looking through the registry, 
but didn't find anything that looked right.


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Re: Backup software/Aiwa8000?

1999-07-26 Thread Keith G. Murphy
tjm wrote:
 Hi.  Looking for a recommendation for tape
 backup software using an Aiwa TD-A8000 atapi
 tape drive.  Nothing too fancy needed but
 I would like to backup selected directories
 from win95/nt machines also on the network.
 Using slink and 2.0.36.
If you use something simple like afio or tar, you don't really care what
kind of tape drive you have, as long as the driver is working.  I'm
backing up scads of Win95 machines on the network using a Perl script
running afio against smbfs shares.  The drive is an Aiwa TD-8000 (that's
the SCSI one, not ATAPI).But that's a roll-your-own type of
solution, of course.  I do like afio, though: it can compress, but is
more error-tolerant than tar because it does it on a file-by-file

I have chosen to hardcode the drive capacity, though, because I haven't
cared to test the drive's end-of-tape detection and recovery
capabilities, having read that that's dodgy on a lot of drives.  I'd be
interested in knowing whether your drive handles this properly.  And
don't you love the low prices on these Aiwas?  Mine was a no-frills OEM
version and cost me (no lie) about $100 for a 4 gig capacity drive.  :-)
... if the problem persists ... get  a  3.5  ft ... length of sucker rod
and have a chat with the user in question.
-- Linux System Administration,
   SYSLOGD (8), page 7
   (Dealing with DOS attacks exploiting SYSLOGD)

3Com 509B Ethernet card problem part 2

1999-07-26 Thread Fredrik Jonsson

Thanks to all who responded to my first (very incomplete) question!

I have now disabled PnP on the card and set IRQ to 10 and io to 300. IRQ
10 is set to ISA (not Pnp) in Bios. Donald Beckers el3-diag report the
card to be OK, se below.

What I was trying to do was to compile the 3c509 driver hard into the
kernel with modconf and was geting only errors. Many suggested to load
the driver as a module insteed so I have put the line alias eth0 3c509
in to the file conf.modules via update-modules command. But I still get:

On Boot
 eth0 unknown interface

When I check modprobe

# This file was generated by: modprobe -c (2.1.121)
 # Aliases
 alias eth0 3c509
 alias eth0 off

The first line about 3c509 looks like mine but where does the off
command come from?

After running el3-diag, insmod and modprobe I am for some reason able to
run modconf and put the driver in to the kernel but on reboot the
process stops at 3c509, only a CTRL+C makes it continue.

After running insmod 3c509, modprobe 3c509, ifconfig ... and route
... everything looks fine, se below, but I can't get a connection/ping
other computers on my local network. The settings in ifconfig and route
disappears after a reboot, I presume this is not right.


Fredrik Jonsson

* Some (necessary?) info:

el3diag.c:v0.11 3/16/97 Donald Becker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Looking for card 1.
 Generating the activation sequence on port 0x100 for card 1.
 Activating the card at I/O address 300.
 EEPROM contents:
  0060 9724 7cb9 9050 c183 0036 5a46 6d50 0010 a000 0060 9724 7cb9
1320  9583
 An ISA EtherLink III board was activated at I/O 0x300, IRQ 10.
 eth0: 3c509 found at 0x300.

# This file was generated by: ifconfig -a
loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:97:24:7C:B9
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0x300

Kernel IP routing table (via netstat -nr)
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window
irtt Iface   U  1500 0
  0 eth0   U  3584 0
  0 lo

PING ( 56 data bytes
ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1
not permitted
ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1
not permitted
ping: wrote 64 chars, ret=-1
not permitted
--- ping statistics ---
7 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it's not open.
Phone: (Int. +46) 063-12 54 61/070-628 71 20
Address: Box 31, S-831 21 Östersund, Sweden
Web site:

Re: re-worded(newbie) Need help on Static IP

1999-07-26 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Bill wrote:
 Thanks for all your info.
  I don't think I worded my request correctly,
 I need to setup the server to allocate an IP for a user whom is dialing in,
 so each time they dial in they get the same IP number.
Depending on your setup, you probably want to read:

   pppd man page (8) under OPTIONS:


When mgetty, for instance, runs pppd, it needs to have this on the
command line (or, probably better, in a file pointed to by the pppd file

Mutt dependency on an MTA

1999-07-26 Thread \[ Kaa \]
I have qmail running as an MTA on my potato system. I think I didn't get it 
as a .deb (probably because there isn't one? I am not sure), and just 
downloaded it and installed in /usr/local. Well, yesterday I tried 'apt-get 
install mutt' and guess what? apt refused to download mutt because it 
depends on a mail-transfer-agent and such a beast was not to be found in 
dpkg's database. I've tried persuading apt in a variety of ways, but it 
didn't budge: When I say no, I mean no!. So out of pure frustration I 
installed postfix, which of course, placated apt and I was able to get mutt. 
Now I am quite sure that running qmail and postfix simultaneously isn't the 
greatest of ideas and I'd rather stick with qmail (unless the esteemed 
Debian public thinks that postfix is much better). However I suspect that 
apt will throw a fit if I uninstall postfix and try to leave mutt installed 
(and getting upgrades will probably hurt, too). So, can somebody tell me how 
to persuade apt to let me use mutt with a non-deb qmail?


Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit

System woes..unkillable processes and more!

1999-07-26 Thread Stephen Pitts
I've had intermittant problems with one of my
Debian systems. It's running potato and
the 2.2.10 kernel-image in potato.

In the middle of June, I went on vacation and
left the box up so I could dial-in and check
faxes/emails. About a day after I came back,
it crashed (yes..Linux crashed!) with
kmod running in circles Can't locate
module binfmt-. Any attempts to 
run any programs gave me Can't execute
binary file.

I rebooted, and was forced to run
e2fsck on all of my filesystems manually.
It took quite a while and fixed lots
of problems, and also performed
a bad-sector scan. I rebooted again, and
found that my lost+found directories were
full of files, and I began to discover
that I was missing lots of files. I lost
a 10MB mail folder, the /var/lib/dpkg/*
databases, etc. Cursing myself for not
having backed up recently, I reinstalled
and mounted /home over NFS from my other
system (thank god..its had no problems).
Also, I formatted the drive under windows
and discovered that it had 1 MB of bad
sectors out of 6 GB. 

I've been running along happily until now.
My system had been up about 7 days, until
I discovered an unkillable process
(gzip -9f /var/log/kern.log.0). Reading
up on deja news, I tried killing it
with various signals, attaching to it
with gdb and strace. None worked. I couldn't
log in anymore, either (hung the kernel
in a blocking IO call?). So, I
rebooted with Ctrl-Alt-Del. Init,
said it was rebooting, but didn't do anything.
I manually rebooted, and upon the 
your filesystems have errors fsck check,
I got the binfmt- message again.

My filesystems have lots of errors now,
and I don't want this reinstallation to
be a regular procedure. What should I do?
Has anyone had problems like these before?
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: LILO problems with new HD

1999-07-26 Thread Lev Lvovsky
  I've recently discovered problems with the drive that had the /boot and 
  /home partitions of my Debian box, so I decided to go out and get a new 
  in transferring the files, I simply copied /boot/* and /home/* to the new 
  drive, and ran lilo on it.  It gave me the message that lilo was installed, 
 Is that all you did?  What drive partition did you put /boot on?
 The info you supplied is insufficent for me to help you with.
 My crystal ball is cracked, sorry.

hehe, sorry, I post under the assumption that ppl's balls are in working
order ;-D.

/boot is hda1...there are three partitions on the drive, none of them
extended.  this is what I do @ the console:

silver168:~# lilo -v
LILO version 21, Copyright 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger

Reading boot sector from /dev/hda
Merging with /boot/boot.b
Boot image: /boot/linux
Added Linux *
/boot/boot.0300 exists - no backup copy made.
Writing boot sector.

I'm a little bit confused as to the difference between this command, and
'lilo -v -b /dev/hda1', which gives me the following:

silver168:~# lilo -v -b /dev/hda1
LILO version 21, Copyright 1992-1998 Werner Almesberger

Ignoring entry 'boot'
Reading boot sector from /dev/hda1
Merging with /boot/boot.b
Boot image: /boot/linux
Added Linux *
/boot/boot.0301 exists - no backup copy made.
Writing boot sector.

again, when I reboot, and take out the floppy (the way I've been booting
for a long time now seeing as my other HD gave me this same problem), I
get a LIL-, which the docs say is a problem with the map file.

any help would be appreciated :)


newbie guidelines suggestion

1999-07-26 Thread David Karlin
Since there has been so much discussion about how to impart info
to newbies, I thought I'd throw this idea out to the list

How about a .signature line or the equivalent at the bottom of
mail from the list which is a link to an FAQ or a page which
contains guidelines for posting to the list, and/or suggestions
on how to figure things out for yourself.

This is would be somewhat akin to the Unsubscribe... line which
appeared on mail from the list for some time. (Posting instructions
on how to unsubscribe on such a page might decrease the number of
unsubscribe msgs which appear on the list.)

The sig could say something like Please read insert link before
posting to this list --Thank you.


David Karlin
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.1

Re: Network addressing

1999-07-26 Thread Mark Buda
 Kaa == \[ Kaa \] Kaa writes:

Kaa I have two machines plugged into a cable modem. Both have IP
Kaa addresses provided by the ISP. One is, and the
Kaa other is [...] However the ISP says that the
Kaa netmask for these addresses should be [...]

Kaa So, my question is: can I simply set the netmask to
Kaa on both of them and put appropriate entries into the
Kaa /etc/hosts file? Is this likely to break anything?

Yes, they should then be able to talk to each other, but it will
probably break talking to any other hosts in 24.x.x.x that are not on
your physical network (unless there is a gateway doing proxy arp for

A better solution would probably be to leave the netmask as it is, but
set up a route on each machine telling it how to reach the other
machine, something like

route add -host other_machines_name gw this_machines_name

on each machine should work. Add this to /etc/init.d/network, or
wherever you keep that stuff.

Kaa And a semi-related question: on a pure Win98 machine, how do
Kaa you find out the Ethernet address of the NIC card? [...]

Personally, I ping it from a linux box and look at the arp cache with
arp -an. But that's just me. :-)
I get my monkeys for nothing and my chimps for free.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mutt dependency on an MTA

1999-07-26 Thread Mark Buda
 Kaa == \[ Kaa \] Kaa writes:

Kaa [...] apt refused to download mutt because it depends on a
Kaa mail-transfer-agent and such a beast was not to be found in
Kaa dpkg's database. I've tried persuading apt [...] So, can
Kaa somebody tell me how to persuade apt to let me use mutt with
Kaa a non-deb qmail?

The equivs package might do what you want. I've never used it,
though, and I'm not sure whether there might be complications if it's
used to fake out virtual packages like mail-transfer-agent.
I get my monkeys for nothing and my chimps for free.

Description: PGP signature

Re: file extensions -- batch mv'ing, mp3s

1999-07-26 Thread Buddha Buck
 To change .MP3 to .mp3 in a given directory, I do this (anyone know an
 easier/more efficient way?):
 $ for x in *;do mv -iv $x `echo $x|sed -e 's/MP3$/mp3/'`;done

I usually do something like this:

bash$ for i in *.MP3; do mv $i ${i%.MP3}.mp3; done

I don't know if ${var%pattern} is a bashism or not.

The ${var%pattern} returns the value of $var, with the shortest suffix 
matching the pattern (a filename glob) deleted.  Using %% instead of % 
removes the longest suffix, and # and ## remove the shortest and 
longest prefixes.

I think it's shorter, clearer, and more efficient.

Any better ways?

Just as the strength of the Internet is chaos, so the strength of our
liberty depends upon the chaos and cacaphony of the unfettered speech
the First Amendment protects.  -- A.L.A. v. U.S. Dept. of Justice

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