Re: Ayuda disco SCSI

1999-11-27 Thread Antonio Castro
On Fri, 26 Nov 1999, Hernan Mauricio Velasquez Nino wrote:

 Tengo un pequeño problema.  Tengo un disco duro SCSI de 2GB el cual esta
 en /dev/sda1 junto con otro disco ide en /dev/hda1.
 Cuando instale debian con el kernel 2.0.36 las cosas funcionan bien.
 El asunto es que recompile el kernel a 2.2.13 y no me reconoce el disco
 scsi.  Si lo trato de montar me sale:
 mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/sda1 as a block device
(maybe `insmod driver'?)
 Si le doy e2fsck /dev/sda1 me sale:
 e2fsck 1.12, 9-Jul-98 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
 e2fsck: Operation not supported by device while trying to open /dev/sda1
 The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2
 filesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2
 filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock
 is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:
 e2fsck -b 8193 device
 y si ejecuto e2fsck -b 8193 tampoco funciona.
 Recompile el kernel con soporte para discos SCSI y este disco esta
 formateado con ext2.  Sera que me falto alguna opcion en el kernel por
 incluir ?

Si tu particion raiz va a estar en el disco SCSI necesitaras que el kernel
contenga todo el soporte necesario para ello compilado estaticamente en
el nucleo. Es decir que si usaste la opción de módulo para alguna parte
esencial como sistema de ficheros, soporte SCSI, soporte de la tarjeta SCSI,
etc.. el sistema no podrá arrancar porque los módulos solo pueden cargarse
después de montar la partición raiz. Supongo que será eso.

 Gracias por su ayuda.  
 Hernan Mauricio Velasquez
 Ingenieria de Sistemas y Computacion
 DTI - Programa Hermes
 Universidad de los Andes
 Santafe de Bogota, Colombia
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))

Ahora Descargar era: cargar modulos automaticamente

1999-11-27 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
¿Alguien sabe cuanto tiempo tarda en descagarse un módulo? Es que por
lo menos en mi sistema tarda un rato de narices en descargarse le
módulo, aunque lleve minutos sin ser utilizado.

Como ejemplo si hago un:

   # cat /dev/sndstat

Luego espero a que se me descarge el módulo de sonido y han pasado 10
minutos y no se han descargado. No hay nada accediendo a los
dispositivos de audio. Ya digo, sólo accedí al '/dev/sndstat'.

A ver si alguien me explica lo que estoy haciendo mal. (En el 'lsmod'
aparece claramente que está activado el 'autoclean').

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

11/26   Cream performs their farewell concert at Royal Albert Hall, 1968
11/26   (11/26/1865) Alice in Wonderland published. 
11/26   (11/26/1938) Richard Caruthers Little, impressionist. 

Re: Procmail en el ISP

1999-11-27 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Thu, Nov 25, 1999 at 09:49:25AM +0100, Barbwired contaba:

Bueno, yo nunca lo he hecho en mi ISP, pero imagino que será parecido a
hacerlo en la máquina local. En el mío, aquí en mi máquina, pone:
|IFS=' '  exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #barbwired

Cuidadín, porque esto es sólo aplicable a un 'sendmail' que utilize
una shell normal (sh, bash, ksh). Muchísimos MTA utilizan una shell
restringida y especial que no soporta comandos como el IFS=' ' o el
 o el ||. Otros ni siquiera utilizan la shell. Ejecutan este
programa directamente, por tanto nada de meterle comandos. Juguetar
con el .forward puede ser peligroso y perderse mensajes.

Yo aconsejaría enterarse bien antes de intentar hacer este tipo de
cosas. Se que normalmente los administradores de los ISP suelen ser
bastante imbéciles, aparte de que cada vez que hablas del
'.procmailrc' o el '.forward' te ven como un hacker en potencia, pero
mejor enterarse que cagarla. 

Si tu ISP está trabajando en Windows NT, casi seguro que te puedes
olvidar de este tipo de cosas.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

11/26   Cream performs their farewell concert at Royal Albert Hall, 1968
11/26   (11/26/1865) Alice in Wonderland published. 
11/26   (11/26/1938) Richard Caruthers Little, impressionist. 

Re: Bash Fuera

1999-11-27 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Thu, Nov 25, 1999 at 10:22:13AM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] contaba:

¿Como llegaste a esa conclusion? Tenes la pagina web del ash o algun site
donde haya comparaciones entre shells?
Vi la unix-faq/shell/shell-differences pero el ash no

¡Me lo inventé! ;-)
¿Acaso no tengo ninguna credibilidad?

Tengo instalado en mi sistema las dos. Y tengo usadas las dos.

   - La memoria: sólo hace falta hacer un 'ps' para ver que 'ash'
   ocupa la mitad de memoria (y como además trae la décima parte de
   documentación, ahorras espacio en el disco duro cosa buena).

   - La velocidad: hago un script y lo ejecuto con 'bash' y con
   'ash'. 'ash' tarda como 2 segundos menos y usa menos CPU. La
   diferencia es muy pequeña, pero si es un script que se repite
   bastantes veces puedes ahorrar bastante. (Mediciones con GNU

   - Es POSIX porque sí, lo pone la documentación y aparte yo no veo
   que incumpla ninguna norma POSIX.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

11/26   Cream performs their farewell concert at Royal Albert Hall, 1968
11/26   (11/26/1865) Alice in Wonderland published. 
11/26   (11/26/1938) Richard Caruthers Little, impressionist. 

Re: inetd.conf apache

1999-11-27 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
Apache en el 'inetd.conf':

En el fichero 'inetd.conf' no se utilizan los scripts de
'/etc/inet.d'. Sólo hace falta ver los ejemplos de otros paquetes
instalados. Por ejemplo el EXIM:

smtpstream  tcp nowait  mail/usr/sbin/exim exim -bs

Como puedes ver se llama directamente al script. Por tanto, para el
apache sería:

www stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/apache


 No se si apache está en '/usr/sbin/apache', tampoco se si tienes que
 pasarle opciones al comando. En ese caso la línea sería 

www stream  tcp nowait  root/usr/sbin/apache  apache 
--debug -lk

 Donde yo pongo 'root' deberías poner 'nobody'. Pero es que en mi
 sistema el demonio de HTTP sólo puede ser ejecutado por el 'root'.
 No me preguntes porqué.

Nota bis:

 Si lo que quieres es ahorrar un poco de memoria no cargando el
 Apache, piensalo dos veces. Al tener que cargarlo cada vez que
 quieras usar, tendrá que realizar la inicialización. En demonios
 pequeños como el 'pop3d' o el 'figerd' esto no se nota apenas, así
 que todo el mundo los tiene en el 'inetd'. Pero el Apache es grande
 y 'rasca' al cargarse. Si cada vez que vas a solicitar una página se
 va a tener que cargar, lo que ahorras en memoria lo puedes gastar en

 Por otro lado, no hay que tener miedo a tener demonios cargados en
 memoria aunque no los estés usando. El 'swap' del Linux es muy
 inteligente y eficiente. Por ejemplo en mi sistema tengo el demonio
 'dictd'. Lo uso escasamente y como puedes ver:

40 65534   134 1   0   0  12368 0 wait_for_co SW  ?   0:00 (dictd)

 Está metido en el swap (los parentesos quieren decir que está metido
 en el SWAP, como el 'SW' quiere decir).

 Por tanto aunque lo tengo en memoria, en realidad no me está
 ocupando memoria alguna. Cuando me haga falta (o lo ejecute), el
 Linux lo sacará del SWAP y se ejecutará casi instantaneamente.

 (Sacar del Swap un programa es mucho más rápido que rejecutarlo, porque
 el Swap es un volcado de memoria puro y duro).

Truco del almendruco:

 Yo muchas veces hago uso del Swap a proposito. Si se que voy a
 trabajar con el GIMP, lo tengo cargado y se que a los 2 minutos de
 no usarlo me lo mete en el Swap y me deja toda la memoria libre.
 Pero cuando lo use me ahorro todo el preiodo de carga de los plugins
 y todo esto.

 Lo mismo se puede aplicar a ladrillos atómicos como el Emacs o el
 WordPerfect. Puede ser una buena idea tenerlos en memoria y dejar
 que el Linux los swapee.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

11/26   Cream performs their farewell concert at Royal Albert Hall, 1968
11/26   (11/26/1865) Alice in Wonderland published. 
11/26   (11/26/1938) Richard Caruthers Little, impressionist. 

RE: Borrador de apt-get_miniCOMO: corregidlo, ampliadlo, etc

1999-11-27 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   viernes 26 de noviembre de 1999 0:15
 Para: Usuarios Debian Español
 Asunto:   Re: Borrador de apt-get_miniCOMO: corregidlo, ampliadlo, etc
 On jue, nov 25, 1999 at 11:55:48 -0500, Ugo Enrico Albarello wrote:
  apt, hasta donde sé, _no_ es el reemplazo de dpkg. Más bien es el
 reemplazo de
  dselect. En la actualidad se está desarrollando el sucesor de dpkg, que
 por el
  momento se llama dpkg_v2
 Oido y apuntado, pero indagaré más sobre el tema, muchas gracias.
No tienes más que ir a la página de apt de Debian:
Donde dice, y copiopasteo textualmente ;), Advanced front-end for

 Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Webs: ViguLinux
 PGP public key:
Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

Re: Ayuda disco SCSI

1999-11-27 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Sat, 27 Nov 1999, Antonio Castro wrote:
 Si tu particion raiz va a estar en el disco SCSI necesitaras que el kernel
 contenga todo el soporte necesario para ello compilado estaticamente en
 el nucleo. Es decir que si usaste la opción de módulo para alguna parte
 esencial como sistema de ficheros, soporte SCSI, soporte de la tarjeta SCSI,
 etc.. el sistema no podrá arrancar porque los módulos solo pueden cargarse
 después de montar la partición raiz. Supongo que será eso.

Es correcto lo que dices. Si arrancas linux de un disco duro SCSI, tienes
que tener compilado estáticamente el soporte genérico SCSI y el soporte de
discos duros SCSI. Sin embargo, el de cdrom se puede menter perfectamente
como módulo ya que no interviene en el proceso de inicialización, y para
cuando quieres usar el cdrom, ya se pueden montar los módulos. Esto pasa
tanto con SCSI como IDE.

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

 Microsoft broke Volkswagen's world record:
  Volkswagen only made 22 million bugs!


1999-11-27 Thread silfredo godoy

Hola, mi nombre es Silfredo Godoy, vivo en Cartagena-Colombia, soy estudiante 
de sistemas.

Les agradecería mucho si me contestaran estas preguntas:

instalé PVM 3.4 para una sola máquina y al ejecutar pvm no sucede nada, ejecuto 
el pvmd y salen mensajes como 

Libpvm  : mksocs()read addr file:wrong length read

Libpvm  : pvm_mytid():can't contact local daemon

a qué se debe esto?

Será que PVM necesita de una red para trabajar?

Le agradezco mucho su atención.

att: Silfredo Godoy Ch.


Encuéntralo en Tu buscador latino

Encuéntralo en Tu buscador latino

Re: Borrador de apt-get_miniCOMO: corregidlo, ampliadlo, etc

1999-11-27 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On sáb, nov 27, 1999 at 10:18:53 +0100, Tejada Lacaci, Antonio wrote:
   No tienes más que ir a la página de apt de Debian:
   Donde dice, y copiopasteo textualmente ;), Advanced front-end for

Entendido, todo los días se aprende algo 0:-)  ... y más con gente como
vostros al otro lado :)

Muchas gracias por vuestras correcciones, estoy intentando hacer algo
digno... espero que sea de utilidad a alguien.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: inetd.conf apache

1999-11-27 Thread Paco Brufal
On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, Alfredo Casademunt wrote:

 ¿ que lineas debo incluir en el inetd.conf para que
 me arranque el apache cuando sea necesario ?

Una recomendación: poner el Apache para que lo gestione el inetd es
una locura. Mientras no haya peticiones, no tendrás el servidor en memoria,
pero cuando empiecen a llegar, el Apache tendrá que releer TODA la
configuración cada vez que llegue una petición, con el consiguiente consumo
de CPU y memoria. Mi consejo es que lo pongas en modo STANDALONE y le bajes
los servicios activos a 2 o 3, si tu máquina no tiene mucho tráfico.

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Paco Brufal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fidonet, la red de correo con más
Fidonet 2:346/3.68  CALIDAD del Mundo y SIN SPAM,
preguntame como.

...Bring That Shit Back (Dj Buzz Fuzz Remix). Wasting Program. 1996
--- Pine 4.20 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Re: Borrador de apt-get_miniCOMO: corregidlo, ampliadlo, etc

1999-11-27 Thread Jordi
On Sat, Nov 27, 1999 at 05:36:46PM +0100, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 On sáb, nov 27, 1999 at 10:18:53 +0100, Tejada Lacaci, Antonio wrote:
  No tienes más que ir a la página de apt de Debian:
  Donde dice, y copiopasteo textualmente ;), Advanced front-end for

Hmm. Y esta info no es más cómodo sacarla del mismo dpkg? (dpkg -s apt)?
Más que nada porque la web se construye a partir de la info del paquete.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Procmail en el ISP

1999-11-27 Thread Agustin MuNoz
El vie, 26 de nov de 1999, a las 01:52:58 +0100,  Xose Manoel Ramos  va y 

 |IFS=' '  exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #barbwired
 Cuidadín, porque esto es sólo aplicable a un 'sendmail' que utilize
 una shell normal (sh, bash, ksh). Muchísimos MTA utilizan una shell
 restringida y especial que no soporta comandos como el IFS=' ' o el
  o el ||. Otros ni siquiera utilizan la shell. Ejecutan este
 programa directamente, por tanto nada de meterle comandos. Juguetar
 con el .forward puede ser peligroso y perderse mensajes.

Sip, de hecho ese .forward con el exim (mta por defecto en slink) casca
cosa buena (comprobado)
 Yo aconsejaría enterarse bien antes de intentar hacer este tipo de
 cosas. Se que normalmente los administradores de los ISP suelen ser

El problema es que ése .forward es el que viene como ejemplo en un CóMO
de insflug, y por lo tanto es muy habitual que los novatos lo pongamos O:)
Por ejemplo con smail va de lujo :)

Un Saludo.. ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |  Fido: 2:346/201.9

... Como diría Jack El destripador...Vamos por partes...

Re: inetd.conf apache

1999-11-27 Thread Andres Herrera

On Thu, Nov 25, 1999 at 01:40:10AM +0100, Alfredo Casademunt wrote:
¿ que lineas debo incluir en el inetd.conf para que
me arranque el apache cuando sea necesario ?

Asi de memoria no lo se, pero creo recordar que 'apacheconfig' te permitia
ponerlo en el inetd, asi que con echarle un ojillo a dicho script o
utilizandolo ...

   QQ   | N.66054
  Q  Q  | POWERED BY Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.2.13| Andres Herrera
  QQ Q!! Yo EXIJO drivers para Linux !!| Miembro del Grupo LIMA
 QQ   Q|

Description: PGP signature

Seleção de teclado Português no sistema de Instalação da Debian Potato

1999-11-27 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Ola para todos (especialmente os usuários Portugueses de Portugal).

Hoje terminei a inclusão do suporte aos 2 teclado Brasileiros no
sistema de instalação (dbootstrap): US acentos, e ABNT2. A descrição
na matriz ficou mais ou menos assim:

Brazilian Keyboard (US layout)
Brazilian Keyboard (ABNT2 layout)

Daqui para baixo falo sobre o teclado de Portugal:
Algum tempo atrás uma pessoa da lista enviou uma mensagem falando 
sobre os mapas de teclados de Portugal disponíveis no pacote 
kbd-data. Eu infelizmente não possuo mais a mensagem.

Algum usuário de Portugal pode me passar os tipos de teclados utilizados
em seu país, os arquivos que utiliza e uma descrição, por exemplo:

pt.kmap.gz  - Teclado padrão Português
pt2.kmap.gz - Teclado padrão Português 2...

Como eu não sou de Portugal, também não sou a pessoa mais indicada 
para decidir qual é o mapa correto para o teclado de vocês, mas se 
alguém me passar as instruções sobre os tipos existentes, eu posso 
adicionar imediatamente o suporte na instalação da Debian ;-). 

Desta forma os usuários Portugueses (Portugal) também poderão selecionar 
o teclado correto durante a instalação.

Aguardo resposta

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil -- 
Estamos concorrendo ao IBEST - Serviços On-Line 
Acesse e Vote!

Re: Mouse problem

1999-11-27 Thread Jianbo Wang

You can try the following:
1. go to prompt mode (test mode) by xdm stop
2. use XF86Setup to set the port and protocol for your mouse.
3. start xwin, the mouse should work. If not, you can check two files, 
   /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config, and /etc/gpm.conf, make sure the port
and protocol are set correctly.

Before any check, make sure your kernel support the mouse type.



1999-11-27 Thread Bart Szyszka

I'm having trouble finding the apt-get package name for
egcs. Are there any packages that have that?

Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
Join and get paid to surf the Web!

Screen vibrates while using mouse or keyboard

1999-11-27 Thread Bart Szyszka

I'm having a problem here that's giving me a headache (very literally;
the Blair Witch Project effect). While I type something in X11 or move
my mouse, the screen vibrates as if someone is taping on my screen.
I've run XF86Setup and xf86config several times with the same results.

Here are my specs:
- Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 video card (2MB RAM)
- MAG Innovision DJ700 monitor (the manual has the vertical and
  horizontal sync rates so I used those during the setup)
- I had been at 16-bit color and 1024x768 resolution
- The computer has 128MB RAM, a P233 w/ MMX processor

I installed the packages for X11 from the potato tree.

Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
Join and get paid to surf the Web!

Re: IP address change

1999-11-27 Thread aphro
On Fri, 26 Nov 1999, luis wrote:

luis i need to change the IP and name of one machine

usually, /etc/init.d/network for the ip/network info
and /etc/hostname for the name of the machine

(this can be changed without a reboot ..)


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Re: File permissions

1999-11-27 Thread aphro
setting the sgid bit (that +s you see) makes sure all files in that
directory are created with ownership of that group.  debian uses that in a
lot of places. 


On Fri, 26 Nov 1999, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:

arodri While checking some files with ls -l, I have found some permission
arodri settings such as:
arodri drwx--S---
arodri drwxr-sr-x
arodri I have not seen anywhere documentation on settings other than r,w,x. Can
arodri you tell where I can find their meaning? Would be great if in the little
arodri docs we could see everything possible at once. For a non-UNIX former
arodri user this is hard.
arodri Thanks,
arodri Antonio.
arodri -- 
arodri Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Re: egcs?

1999-11-27 Thread aphro
well this may not answer your question the newest GCC releases are the
work of the egcs group and i believe the egcs group totally took over gcc
development, so you may try looking for something along the lines of gcc
2.9 gcc2.95 2.95.1(?) etc ..


On Fri, 26 Nov 1999, Bart Szyszka wrote:

bart Hi,
bart I'm having trouble finding the apt-get package name for
bart egcs. Are there any packages that have that?
bart -- 
bart Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
bart B Grafyx
bart Join and get paid to surf the Web!
bart -- 
bart Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
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Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
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4:28pm up 99 days, 4:06, 1 user, load average: 2.01, 1.85, 1.70

Re: Debian up, now what about Corel's sndconfig?

1999-11-27 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Fri, 26 Nov 1999, Bart Szyszka wrote:

 I'm really exited because I finally got Debian working after
 doing an slink to potato upgrade.

Hooray! :-)

 What I'm wondering about is that there were some features I
 would have liked in Corel Linux (I was considering installing it,
 but didn't get very far with its installation program), with one of
 them being sndconfig. I remember that program being included
 in Red Hat and it had automatically detected and configured my 
 sound card. Is it possible to somehow get sndconfig from Corel
 and have it working in Debian? On the CD I made from the ISO
 I found a file called 'SNDCONFIG' in the LIVE - SBIN folder
 (F:\LIVE\SBIN in Windows) of the CD, but what do I do with it? It
 doesn't have a file extension so I can't tell what format it's in.

I debianized Red Hat's sndconfig but gave the package away to Michael-John
Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] because I'm a little overextended with
packages right now.  I don't think he's uploaded it to Debian yet but you
could ask him and if he isn't ready, I could put my copies up somewhere.


Packages for compiling programs?

1999-11-27 Thread Bart Szyszka

I'm looking for a straight answer about a general set of packages
that I should get if I want to compile programs myself. Aren't there
several packages I should get that would take care of just about
most of my compiling needs?

Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
Join and get paid to surf the Web!

Re: egcs?

1999-11-27 Thread Ben Collins
On Fri, Nov 26, 1999 at 07:12:57PM -0500, Bart Szyszka wrote:
 I'm having trouble finding the apt-get package name for
 egcs. Are there any packages that have that?

In slink, the gcc package is egcs 1.1.2. Currently egcs has been
maintained as the mainline gcc, so gcc 2.95.2 in potato is from the egcs

Basically to answere you question, the default compilers _are_ egcs.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: Packages for compiling programs?

1999-11-27 Thread Ben Collins
On Fri, Nov 26, 1999 at 07:47:43PM -0500, Bart Szyszka wrote:
 I'm looking for a straight answer about a general set of packages
 that I should get if I want to compile programs myself. Aren't there
 several packages I should get that would take care of just about
 most of my compiling needs?

libg++... (different versions in slink potato)
libstdc++... (same as above)

These are what is needed to compile simple programs. However, most
programs require some other libraries in order to work. For these you also
have to install the proper libfoo-dev package.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Kernel upgrade screws with serial port?

1999-11-27 Thread Carl Fink
This is weird.

I recently upgraded to potato.  Some potato packages require kernel
2.2.x, so I downloaded the kernel-source package.  I successfully
compiled the kernel, and it boots fine (after fixing my embarassing
mistake of forgetting to make modules_install).

But:  trying any communications application gets the bizarre message
that /dev/ttyS1 *does not exist*.  The same xterm I started pppd or
minicom from, can ls that very device, but no application can see it.

What the?

If this is more appropriate on, e.g., debian-devel, please tell me.
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

Re: Screen vibrates while using mouse or keyboard

1999-11-27 Thread Bart Szyszka
 Try adding the following to your lilo.conf:

Thanks. Actually, I just reinstalled Debian and reset everything up (I
wanted to try again with the installation and try to get it as clean as
possible) which had actually gotten rid of the vibrating problem. I'll
be sure to look into your suggestion (and everyone else's) if I ever
run into this problem again.

Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
Join and get paid to surf the Web!

a.out system ???

1999-11-27 Thread csager
I'm trying to install Xfree86 on top of Debian Linux 2.1 on
an old 386 DX intel chip system.
I'm using a Windows 95, pentium based machine, with Netscape

to dowload the files, then a 3 1/2 inch floppy drive to
transfer the files from the pentium to the DOS partition on
the 386, then into the Linux partition via  mounting hda1.

Following the instructions in,
when I download all of the *.tgz files and copy them to
/var/tmp, and then type these 2 commands:
cd /usr/X11R6
sh /var/tmp/

I receive the following message:
You appear to have an a.out system, a.out binaries are not
available for this release.

Also, if I just skip this step, and go on to
cd /usr/X11R6
/var/tmp/extract  /var/tmp/X*.tgz

I receive the following message:
can't load library ''

I've tried using the files in both of the following
libraries to no success:

My question doesn't seem to be addressed in

Is there something I missed when I setup Linux?  I followed
the instructions at:

There doesn't seem to be any mention of a.out
How do I get around these error messsages so that I can
install Xfree86?  Someone at  said
Lot's of good information on the web about ELF binaries

From reading :
I assumed that the debian system that I just installed was
ELF.  That document says Debian became a full ELF compliant
system with the release of 1.1 and it has not changed the
library infrastructure since then.

The only other info I could find on the net says that a.out
is an old system and ELF replaced it.  Does anybody know
what I need to do to Debian linux to be able to install
Xfree86?  Do I need to install a package that was not
included in the initial 7 bin files  i.e., base14-1.bin,
base14-2.bin, etc ???

Re: a.out system ???

1999-11-27 Thread Ben Collins
On Fri, Nov 26, 1999 at 08:24:37PM -0700, csager wrote:
 Is there something I missed when I setup Linux?  I followed

Yeah, you missed the packages for X that are already compiled for Debian
and are much simpler to install :)

Check the x11 packages.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: egcs?

1999-11-27 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I'm having trouble finding the apt-get package name for egcs. Are
 there any packages that have that?

Try installing the package egcc.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: IP address change

1999-11-27 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 On Fri, 26 Nov 1999, luis wrote:
 luis i need to change the IP and name of one machine
 usually, /etc/init.d/network for the ip/network info
 and /etc/hostname for the name of the machine
 (this can be changed without a reboot ..)

Don't forget to update /etc/hosts, otherwise strange things will happen
when you do reboot.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: Packages for compiling programs?

1999-11-27 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I'm looking for a straight answer about a general set of packages
 that I should get if I want to compile programs myself. Aren't there
 several packages I should get that would take care of just about
 most of my compiling needs?

At a minimum, you need:

 * libc6-dev
 * gcc (or egcc)

For anything more complex than something printing 'Hello, World!', you
need to install quite a few others.  It simply depends on the program
you're trying to compile.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

slink and wine

1999-11-27 Thread tf
Hey guys,

I just installed wine 991114.  I get an error saying to get xpm and
recompile, however, I have xpm.  from the wine man page:

  If you're using Debian,  the  packages
   you  need  are xpm4g and xpm4g-dev.

got 'em. had them already, in fact. are they not the right version, do
you suppose,or not where they are being looked for?


Re: a.out system ???

1999-11-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
Why don't you try with the Slink debs and dpkg? You can download the
required packages from Make sure to Shift-Click
to download to file if your using Netscape. You'll need: xserver-common,
xserver-vga and xterm. Probably you'll want a window manager too.

The debian packages are set-up to work with the distribution for sure.
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Cant' find stdio.h????? Huh?

1999-11-27 Thread Brian Neal

I've been compiling kernels a lot lately without problems.

Then tonight I type make xconfig and get a bunch of errors
about not being able to find some pretty standard include
files like stdio.h, stdlib.h, string.h etc.

Confused, I do a cd / and then execute a find command
looking for the files. They are nowhere to be found. I then
do a tar tvfz on my kernel sources tar.gz file and grep
for stdio.h. Its not there either!

I am really confused. Where should all of the standard
C headers go and how can I get them back?



floppy tape driver problems

1999-11-27 Thread Brian Neal
I have the floppy tape driver compiled into my kernel.

I just tried to play with it for the first time tonight. When I
use the ftformat command to try and format a tape, I get:

Unknown format API version. Giving up.

I am trying to format a TR-3 tape using the example at the
bottom of the ftformat man page




color in xterm

1999-11-27 Thread jack

Just want to feel better when coding; no critical issue this time.

1. the xterm scrollbar displays differently in debian from in redhat.  I
like it in redhat more.  Is it a thing about terminfo? ( Running redhat
binary in debian got same result. )

2. what are all xterm.color* about?  I observe some relationship between
them with some application's color appearance, but not able to understand

3. syntax color( VI ) shows differently in different term 
emulators. Basically, I like the color in rxvt.

4. I like ctrl-up and ctrl-down equals to up and down resp.(VI insert
mode) However, I only get it in redhat's xterm.

5. I used to have home end key work in Pine. Unfortunately, not any

Happy turkey holidays,


class 1 modem

1999-11-27 Thread luis

which package i muss use to send faxes with a class 1 modem

i already can use minicom with it

thanks a lot

Re: Cant' find stdio.h????? Huh?

1999-11-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
Mostly they should live under /usr/include. Did you accidentally remove
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

~/.Xdefaults and ~/.Xresources.

1999-11-27 Thread Shaul Karl
[07:50:59 /tmp]$ zgrep -A7 Chris Gray /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt/Emacs-Begin
ner-HOWTO.txt.gz | head -8
  Chris Gray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) also notes:

   In Debian, the ~/.Xdefaults doesn't seem to be used.  How­
   ever, Debian people can put what you have given in
   /etc/X11/Xresources/emacs and they can have the pretty col­
   ors that they had when they were using RedHat.

[07:51:02 /tmp]$ 

Is it correct? What is the reasoning this is done? Is it documented somewhere 
under /usr/share/doc?


1999-11-27 Thread luis

please froget my mail concerning my class 1 modem
all i need was to download tthe last version of the efax package

thanks a lot

fetchmail doing strange things...

1999-11-27 Thread Uurcus the Swale
I'm currently using fetchmail to download mail from a POP server. However, I
notice that it's been acting up once in a while... sometimes there will be a
message addressed to myself with a malformed From: field which is a mix of my
local login name (which is different from my username on the POP server) with
the POP server's domain, with garbage in the message body. Sometimes there
will be a totally garbled message with no legible content. Worse yet, (and it
happened today with an important message) some messages would get truncated
halfway through and get padded with nulls (shows up as reams of [EMAIL 

Is this a configuration problem? I was explicitly using POP3 as the protocol
in my fetchmailrc (since that's the protocol POP server claims to be using),
and I've just switched to AUTO but I'm not sure if this is the problem.

Or could it be the POP server that is acting up? Or is this a bug in
fetchmail??? (though I don't think this is the case as the problem shows up
noticeably often and somebody else would have reported the bug before,
assuming that fetchmail with POP3 is a pretty common configuration).

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!


Don't modify spaghetti code unless you can eat the consequences.
Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one place.
Yahoo! Shopping:

Kernel upgrade -- lost scanner

1999-11-27 Thread Paul Tanner
I recently tried to upgrade to kernel 2.2.1 from 2.0.34 .  The
scanner had been working great.  After upgrade (kernel only),
find-scanner found the scanner, attempting to scan caused some
action in the scanner, then I lost keyboard and mouse control. 
While rebooting (with reset button) the scanner sounded like it
was completing the scan.  Reinstalling 2.0.34 kernel brought
everything back as it was.  It'll stay that way for a while:-) 

A search on dejanews showed me that others have had similar
problems, but I found no solution.

Kernels were compiled by make-kpkg kernel_image.  I did reset the 
SG_BIG_BUFF as recommended in man sane-scsi

My system:
Debian slink
ncr53c810 scsi
umax 1200S scanner

I'll be searching the debian-user archive for replies, but I
would appreciate a copy to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ~/.Xdefaults and ~/.Xresources.

1999-11-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Nov 27, 1999 at 07:52:52AM +0200, Shaul Karl wrote:
 [07:50:59 /tmp]$ zgrep -A7 Chris Gray 
 ner-HOWTO.txt.gz | head -8
   Chris Gray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) also notes:
In Debian, the ~/.Xdefaults doesn't seem to be used.  How­
ever, Debian people can put what you have given in
/etc/X11/Xresources/emacs and they can have the pretty col­
ors that they had when they were using RedHat.
 [07:51:02 /tmp]$ 
 Is it correct? What is the reasoning this is done? Is it documented somewhere 
 under /usr/share/doc?

You should be able to put your customizations in ~/.Xresources and have
them read automatically at the beginning of an X session. See
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

suggestions for inter-OS file sharing?

1999-11-27 Thread Hamish Moffatt

I've just bought a new hard disk and I'm unsure how to partition it.
I need to share quite a bit of data between NT, 95, and Linux. The only
file system these three have in common is FAT, and 2Gb partitions
don't excite me much on a 17Gb disk!

There are tools to let NT read and write FAT32, but they cost money.
That's one possible solution.

There are tools to let Windows read ext2fs, but they're read-only it seems.
There are tools to let 95 read/write NTFS, but they cost more money
than the other way around, and Linux doesn't have (non-experimental)
write support yet.

Any other suggestions?

My current feeling is to ditch NT, something I wanted to do within
a few months anyway. Linux and Win95 can share FAT32 just fine.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB. CCs of replies on mailing lists are welcome.

Re: suggestions for inter-OS file sharing?

1999-11-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
NT can live on a VFAT(FAT32) partition just fine. I had stock NT4.0
running on that a while back, until I deleted it cause it was just
taking up space. Linux could read/write to it. NT loses some of it's
security qualities on VFAT, but if it's a home sys...
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: suggestions for inter-OS file sharing?

1999-11-27 Thread aphro
On Sat, 27 Nov 1999, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

hamish There are tools to let NT read and write FAT32, but they cost money.
hamish That's one possible solution.

fat32 readonly support for NT is free i believe..and readonly support for
NTFS in win9x is free too i think(but unstable)

hamish There are tools to let Windows read ext2fs, but they're read-only it 
hamish There are tools to let 95 read/write NTFS, but they cost more money
hamish than the other way around, and Linux doesn't have (non-experimental)
hamish write support yet.
hamish Any other suggestions?

what i used to do was have 1 partition that was fat16 that was used mainly
for transferring stuff between incompadible OSs.  there is 1 or 2
read/write utils for win9x for EXT2 but they are experimental, and i would
stick to the read only stuff. i think for NT at least you may be better
off deleting it and installing it in a VMware virtual machine, win9x on
the other hand is more for games..and if your much of a gamer it may be
harder to get rid of. but of coruse vmware isnt free..its well worth it
though it runs fast and is stable and easy to use.

you could always build a second linux box and run a SAMBA/NFS server on it


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
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12:17am up 99 days, 11:55, 1 user, load average: 1.98, 1.63, 1.57

Re: suggestions for inter-OS file sharing?

1999-11-27 Thread aphro
you sure it can live on a fat32 drive?  even the fat32 drivers for NT
clearly say to NOT run NT on a fat32 drive as it does not support booting
off of fat32. fat16 and hpfs and ntfs i thought were the only supported
file systems in NT4 (hpfs is undocumented i think)

all VFAT is is the ability to support long file names and the like
right? we had vfat long before fat32..(correct me if im wrong ..)


On Fri, 26 Nov 1999, Eric G . Miller wrote:

egm2 NT can live on a VFAT(FAT32) partition just fine. I had stock NT4.0
egm2 running on that a while back, until I deleted it cause it was just
egm2 taking up space. Linux could read/write to it. NT loses some of it's
egm2 security qualities on VFAT, but if it's a home sys...
egm2 -- 
egm2 ++
egm2 | Eric G. |
egm2 | GnuPG public key:  |
egm2 ++
egm2 -- 
egm2 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
12:17am up 99 days, 11:55, 1 user, load average: 1.98, 1.63, 1.57

samba for a kids network-server

1999-11-27 Thread debian
Hi all,

I just want to share one folder on a Linux box with NO SECURITY on a small
LAN with Win9x and NT4 boxes.  I am truly amazed at just how hard this
is...the smb.conf seems designed to scare off anyone with less than 1000

Does anyone have a sample smb.conf that shares one folder with ANYONE on a
private LAN?  I want my kids to be able to access this but I don't want them
to even have to think about passwords.  For security, can I just rely on
hosts allow = 10.10.10.

Thanks in advance!


Re: suggestions for inter-OS file sharing?

1999-11-27 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Nov 26, 1999 at 10:35:09PM -0800, Eric G . Miller wrote:
 NT can live on a VFAT(FAT32) partition just fine. I had stock NT4.0
 running on that a while back, until I deleted it cause it was just
 taking up space. Linux could read/write to it. NT loses some of it's
 security qualities on VFAT, but if it's a home sys...

VFAT is not FAT32.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB. CCs of replies on mailing lists are welcome.

Re: suggestions for inter-OS file sharing?

1999-11-27 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sat, Nov 27, 1999 at 12:30:42AM -0800, aphro wrote:
 all VFAT is is the ability to support long file names and the like
 right? we had vfat long before fat32..(correct me if im wrong ..)
 On Fri, 26 Nov 1999, Eric G . Miller wrote:
 egm2 NT can live on a VFAT(FAT32) partition just fine. I had stock NT4.0

Eric has assumed these are the same. Quite obviously they're not.
NT works fine with VFAT (which is a linux term for it and not an MS term
anyway) but not with FAT32.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB. CCs of replies on mailing lists are welcome.

Re: suggestions for inter-OS file sharing?

1999-11-27 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sat, Nov 27, 1999 at 12:28:27AM -0800, aphro wrote:
 fat32 readonly support for NT is free i believe..and readonly support for
 NTFS in win9x is free too i think(but unstable)

Read only is not really acceptable. I survive with read-only NTFS
on linux, but all my other file systems are read-write.

 what i used to do was have 1 partition that was fat16 that was used mainly
 for transferring stuff between incompadible OSs.  there is 1 or 2

That's a possibility, but I don't like it much either.

 read/write utils for win9x for EXT2 but they are experimental, and i would
 stick to the read only stuff. i think for NT at least you may be better
 off deleting it and installing it in a VMware virtual machine, win9x on
 the other hand is more for games..and if your much of a gamer it may be
 harder to get rid of. but of coruse vmware isnt free..its well worth it
 though it runs fast and is stable and easy to use.

Fast would not have been the adjective I'd use for VMWARE. It took over
80 minutes to install Windows 98 from CD-ROM in a virtual machine.
Hardly speedy when it could be installed in under 30 natively.

I'll just have to convince myself I don't need NT.

Using a separate server is a possibility, but some of the stuff I am
doing is video-related and I don't think disk access will be fast enough.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB. CCs of replies on mailing lists are welcome.

Re: GNULinux [Comdex]

1999-11-27 Thread Brian May
 James == James D Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

James I have installed Debian Linux 3 times and am still
James stuck. Not every one has a degree in computer science!

You have sent this to me, the maintainer of the diskless boot
package for Debian.

As I don't think this message is directly aimed at me, I have CCed
this to the mailing list dedicated to solve user problem with Debian
(debian-user). I think somebody else will be able to respond better
then I can.

(note to debian-user: please ensure you reply to James.)

James Have found the Partitioning info lacking [every where] it
James appears Debian does its own sub-partitioning i.e.-tmp,
James home, var. Yes?  Is good but why not say so? I used
James Partition Magic to set up Ext2 and Swp.

Debian is Unix. While you could have /tmp, /home, and /var in
different partitions, it is probably not a good idea unless
you have an advanced understanding of how everything works.

Just install everything in the one partition.

Then again, perhaps I misunderstood what you meant by
sub-partitioning.  Somebody else might be able to explain better.

James Time/Clock set up is unclear, Las Vegas, NV is not listed.

Possibly a bug, I don't know. Don't live anywhere near there ;-)

James Key touch is VERY sensitive, caused one new installation.

James What is a block device? ide0?

That would refer to your hard disk.

James Does not seem to read my CD Rom when installing Basic.

I am afraid that doesn't tell me much about the problem. What do you
mean Does not seem? Does it come up with any errors?

James Need HELP on this oneHow do I get back in to the root
James as the administrator so I can finish installing packages?
James I have the password but don't know the name it wants. One
James was never established when installing.  My User acct.  PW
James works fine but can NOT finish or install anything! such as
James X-comp.

Perhaps somebody could recommend a good book and/or other source of
information on Unix.

PS: you don't mention what version of Debian you are trying to install.
That might be important...


1999-11-27 Thread Moe Thu Kyaw

I'm one of the debian fans.I've setup the email gateway system with UUCP
and Smail.But sometimes I've got UUCP Execution failed with exit on
error Sendmail -t (error code 1).I have no idea what's happening.Could
anybody please give me a better idea?Am i sending this mail to the wrong
list?Thanks in advance.


Moe Thu Kyaw

Re: Why did 'man dpkg' quit working on me?

1999-11-27 Thread John Pearson
On Fri, Nov 26, 1999 at 07:58:35AM -0600, Jor-el wrote
   I am working on a box which has a standard Slink install. I used
 to be able to pull up the man page of dpkg by doing 'man dpkg'. Yesterday,
 all of a sudden, this command quit working on me, and I cant figure out
 why. The man page was still around - located in /usr/share/man/man8, but
 man wasnt picking it up unless I used the '-M' flag to tell it where it
   I tried rebuilding the man database by doing a 'mandb -c', but
 this didnt solve it either. In the end, I had to end up editing
 /etc/manpath.config and added /usr/share/man to the MANDATORY_MANPATH and
 then rebuilding mandb, before my problem could get solved.
   I have two questions : (1) did I solve this the right way? and (2)
 Why did this fail in the first place? Any ideas?

Let me answer your questions in reverse:

You don't *really* have a standard Slink install.  My guess is that
somewhere along the line, you must have installed a new dpkg.  The slink
dpkg has its man pages under /usr/man, which is the convention adopted for
slink; this has chaged for Potato to /usr/share/main, and I'm guessing that
you either installed a 'potato' version of dpkg, or rebuilt a potato release
from source.  I could be wrong, it may also be that upgrading to the potato
version of man-db moves your man pages (but then, they all would have

The way you fixed it is fine if you anticipate running a 'mixed'
installation (some slink, some potato) and won't hurt in any event.
Alternatives would be to downgrade to the Slink version of dpkg (but
some potato packages, e.g. enlightenment, may require a later version),
or to build a 'slinkified' version of the dpkg package, modified to
reflect slink conventions: i.e., use /usr/info, /usr/doc and /usr/man
in place of /usr/share/info, /usr/share/doc and /usr/share/man (not
necessarily a complete list, but they are the changes that spring to

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: Upgrade to Perl 5.005 for slink. HOWTO ???

1999-11-27 Thread John Pearson
On Fri, Nov 26, 1999 at 04:06:04PM +0100, Robert J. Alexander wrote
 Is there a place with hints on the right packages to upgrade to install
 perl 5.005 on a slink platform ??

It isn't clear whether you intend to *replace* the perl packages with
perl-5.005, or install the new version alongside of the old.

Many packages add files to /usr/lib/perl5 and its subdirectories, and in
general these packages install files in directories that are specific to the
perl minor version (e.g., 5.004/ or 5.005/); this means that they will not
be available under perl 5.005 unless you muck about with @INC (not
guaranteed to work) or rebuild the packages from source (not difficult for
most, but some involve rebuilding large packages (e.g., libpgperl)).  If you
rebuild them for perl-5.005, you have to also allow for the fact that the
directories under /usr/lib/perl5 have been reorganised between slink and
potato (what is /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.004/ in slink has become
/usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux/ on potato).

Because perl is such an important package and many things rely on it working
as expected, you should proceed with caution in any event. Make sure you
have local copies of the regular slink perl packages (at least perl-base and
perl) so you have some chance of sorting things out if things go
pear-shaped, and when you do install perl-5.005 make sure you examine and
understand what perl binaries are installed, and what version is being
invoked as /usr/bin/perl.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Mgetty configuration...

1999-11-27 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi all,

I've installed the mgetty, mgetty-voice i mgetty-fax packages.
Everything works fine, but I receive messages:
cannot open logfile /var/log/mgetty/mg_unknown.log: Permission denied
cannot open logfile /var/log/mgetty/vm.log: Permission denied
I've checked the /var/log/permissions/ and they are:
wzab:~$ ls -lr /var/log/mgetty
total 2
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  551 lis 27 13:57 vm.log
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  154 lis 27 13:57 mg_unknown.log
wzab:~$ ls -lrd /var/log/mget*
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 lis 27 13:57 /var/log/mgetty

Shouldn't the group be set for voice, and the write permission for group be

Wojciech Zabolotny  Free DOS for free people!

[OT] Thesis Topic for Linux

1999-11-27 Thread Shao Zhang
Please forgive me for this Super Off Topic question. I just
want to contribute something to the linux community.

I and my fellow friends are going to start our thesis next year.
Could anyone give us some ideas on this? Any interesting topics
on linux out there?

We are thinking about a free open-source version of napster.

But, please give us more ideas. Any network, security, gtk, os
whatever related will be fine, as long as they are something run on




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Problems with Pioneer cd-rom

1999-11-27 Thread Agner-Nichols

I am looking for a distribution (Linux or BSD) 
that will install on a Pioneer CD-ROM ATAPI Model DR-A24X 0104 without hanging 
(or a suggestion how to get the cd-rom to work; yes, I have tried 
autoboot). RedHat 5.1 and 5.2 both hang. The system is an old Cyrix 
486-DX with a 1 Gb drive. It is currently running RedHat 5.1, but the 
installation was from the hard disk and there was plenty I did not 
include. The CD-ROM is recognized during boot and I insmod isofs, but all 
I get are timeouts when I try to mount the drive. It would be great to 
start over with a clean system and I would prefer not to use a gazillion 

Soundblaster installation problem.

1999-11-27 Thread Neil Booth

I've been trying to set up a Soundblaster ISA card under Debian.  The
card (AWE64 I think) works fine under Redhat with sndconfig, albeit
with slightly different hardware.  I have 4 IDE devices installed, 2
PCI NICs and a PCI ATI graphics card.

I'm using a modular 2.2.13 kernel.  If I do the following:-

modprobe sound
insmod uart401
insmod sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330

the kernel logs give

Nov 27 23:04:39 monkey kernel: Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by Hannu 
Savolainen 1993-1996
Nov 27 23:04:39 monkey kernel: SB 170.170 detected OK (220)
Nov 27 23:04:39 monkey kernel: sb: Interrupt test on IRQ5 failed - Probable IRQ 

so, as it says, there may be an IRQ conflict.  However, I don't think so.

/proc/interrupts gives

  0:  60622  XT-PIC  timer
  1:   3295  XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  5:  0  XT-PIC  soundblaster
 10: 20  XT-PIC  eth1
 11:104  XT-PIC  eth0
 12:   6070  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
 13:  1  XT-PIC  fpu
 14:   5341  XT-PIC  ide0
 15: 34  XT-PIC  ide1

so all seems fine.

What am I missing?  Thanks in advance for any hints.


Mail front end

1999-11-27 Thread Timothy Bedding
Hi. Does anyone know of a good front end for email?

I do not like elm, mutt or XEmacs.

I am looking for something like MS Exchange with folder
and such.

Please email me off-list if you have any ideas. Thanks.

ap-get source.list for kernel 2.2.13

1999-11-27 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
What line should I add to my sources.list in order to be able to find
and intelligently download and install all sources and dependencies for
kernel 2.2.13? I've done it through the search tool in the web site, but
I suspect that I have already some of the recommended dependencies. I am
running slink.

Re: color in xterm

1999-11-27 Thread Christian Hammers
 1. the xterm scrollbar displays differently in debian from in redhat.  I
 like it in redhat more.  Is it a thing about terminfo? ( Running redhat
 binary in debian got same result. )
This is configurable by the ~/.Xresources:
XTerm*rightScrollBar:   true
XTerm*multiScroll:  true
IIRC there's some for the color, too. do a man xterm !

 2. what are all xterm.color* about?  I observe some relationship between
 them with some application's color appearance, but not able to understand
you have 16 colors that you can set with the ANSI sequences. 
(try a /bin/ls --color | less -n to see it)
I you say vim: use color 'red' then its color #4. xterm.color4 then
actually maps this color to a RGV value for your monitor.

 3. syntax color( VI ) shows differently in different term 
 emulators. Basically, I like the color in rxvt.
strange - xterm offers you *three* degrees of each color, rxvt only
two (bold, underline and normal, I think are choosable, in rxvt two
are shown the same) You should be able to set this with xterm.color*

 4. I like ctrl-up and ctrl-down equals to up and down resp.(VI insert
 mode) However, I only get it in redhat's xterm.
you mean moving the cursor while beeing in input mode ? That's a 
vim thing and has nothing to do with xterm (i thing:-))
Here it's working wonderfull btw.
I think it's standard with vi so maybe clean all your vim files,
and install the most recent version.

 5. I used to have home end key work in Pine. Unfortunately, not any
I had similar problems, too. I did:
1. only use xterm (more memory but it's simply better)
2. use export TERM=xterm-debian
3. in my ~/.Xresources inserted:
! Debians xterm
*VT100.Translations: #override ~Meta \
KeyBackSpace: string(\177)\n\
KeyDelete: string(\033[3~)\n\
KeyHome: string(\033OH)\n\
KeyEnd: string(\033OF)
4. Then you have to configure pine to use the following codes for home,end:
   Be carefull, if you press (in vim) ctrl-v and then home you will get
   ^[OH and then you have to modify it to ^[[H. (^[ is ESC). I don't know
   why it is, but my .lesskey file only works that way.

 Happy turkey holidays,
BTW: Why do you americans call thanksgiving like that european country ?



Linux - the choice of the GNU generation.  Join the Debian Project 
Christian Hammers * Oberer Heidweg 35 * D-52477 Alsdorf * Tel: 02404-25624
50 3C 52 26 3E 52 E7 20  D2 A1 F5 16 C4 C9 D4 D3  1024/925BCB55 1997/11/01

Re: Why did 'man dpkg' quit working on me?

1999-11-27 Thread Jor-el
On Sat, 27 Nov 1999, John Pearson wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 26, 1999 at 07:58:35AM -0600, Jor-el wrote
 Let me answer your questions in reverse:
 You don't *really* have a standard Slink install.  My guess is that
 somewhere along the line, you must have installed a new dpkg.  The slink
 dpkg has its man pages under /usr/man, which is the convention adopted for
 slink; this has chaged for Potato to /usr/share/main, and I'm guessing that
 you either installed a 'potato' version of dpkg, or rebuilt a potato release
 from source.  I could be wrong, it may also be that upgrading to the potato
 version of man-db moves your man pages (but then, they all would have
 The way you fixed it is fine if you anticipate running a 'mixed'
 installation (some slink, some potato) and won't hurt in any event.
 Alternatives would be to downgrade to the Slink version of dpkg (but
 some potato packages, e.g. enlightenment, may require a later version),
 or to build a 'slinkified' version of the dpkg package, modified to
 reflect slink conventions: i.e., use /usr/info, /usr/doc and /usr/man
 in place of /usr/share/info, /usr/share/doc and /usr/share/man (not
 necessarily a complete list, but they are the changes that spring to
 John P.
 Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Thanks for the replies - John and Lindsay.

I think your theories are on target. I recently began exploring
the world of apt-get, and when I did an 'apt-get dist-upgrade' on stable,
I think one of the packages that got upgraded was dpkg. This was probably
a version that has the new changes. I wish though, that there is a way I
could tell what date and time a current package was installed, so that I
could be sure that this is indeed the cause.


Interestingly enough, since subroutine declarations can come anywhere,
you wouldn't have to put BEGIN {} at the beginning, nor END {} at the
end.  Interesting, no?  I wonder if Henry would like it. :-) --lwall

Re: samba for a kids network-server

1999-11-27 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 Hi all,
 I just want to share one folder on a Linux box with NO SECURITY on a small
 LAN with Win9x and NT4 boxes.  I am truly amazed at just how hard this
 is...the smb.conf seems designed to scare off anyone with less than 1000
 Does anyone have a sample smb.conf that shares one folder with ANYONE on a
 private LAN?  I want my kids to be able to access this but I don't want them
 to even have to think about passwords.  For security, can I just rely on
 hosts allow = 10.10.10.

This is how you'll setup the share:

comment = Patrick's File Share
path = /some-path
guest only = Yes
guest ok = Yes

If you want someone to be able to write to the share, set the parameter
'writeable' to yes.  No passwords needed.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: Mail front end

1999-11-27 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 Hi. Does anyone know of a good front end for email?
 I do not like elm, mutt or XEmacs.
 I am looking for something like MS Exchange with folder and such.

You mean something like Outlook?  I'm afraid that no such program exists
under Linux.  Yet.

In the meantime, there are a couple of fairly easy-to-use programs
available under X11:

 * KMail, which is part of KDE
 * Netscape Communicator

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: 2 computers away 1 Km and one PL

1999-11-27 Thread Christofer Algotsson

  WaveLAN (radio Ethernet over unrestricted frequencies) can apparently get
  1Mb/s over distances greater than 1Km.  No need to pay the telco either...
 What is radio Ethernet over unrestricted frequencies? Can you give a URLs for 
 more info? Who manufacture this kind of radio equipment?
 Isn't any kind of radio equipment over distances longer then 1-2 meters 
 requires a license?


Re: Mail front end

1999-11-27 Thread Remco van de Meent
In lists.linux.debian.user, you wrote: 

 I am looking for something like MS Exchange with folder
 and such.

You could try xfmail, for example -- IIRC it supports folders.


Re: samba for a kids network-server

1999-11-27 Thread Patrick Kirk
Many thanks...a second useful tip comes from the smb newsgroup which is to
map bad user = ftp.

Re: Mail front end

1999-11-27 Thread claw
On Sat, 27 Nov 1999 17:07:28 +0100 
Remco van de Meent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In lists.linux.debian.user, you wrote:
 I am looking for something like MS Exchange with folder and such.

 You could try xfmail, for example -- IIRC it supports folders.

Most if not all MUA (Mail User Agens) support folders.  Examples
enclude: exmh (wot I use), balsa, tkrat, mutt, elm, mutt, arrow,
NetscapeMail and many others.

J C Lawrence Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--(*)  Other: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--=| A man is as sane as he is dangerous to his environment |=--

re: diald failing with no messages

1999-11-27 Thread Pollywog
I have had similar problems with diald though not in the past few days.  BTW
your e-mail to the list (just this one) keeps crashing my XFMail for some odd
reason.  Very odd.


GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681
*we all live downstream*

Re: offline apt-get update?

1999-11-27 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Vincent Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  the closest thing to what i want requires that you have apt-get on the
 connected machine.   i don't (it's a windows machine with wget).
  to repeat: i need to manually download the Packages.gz files from the
 archives listed in sources.list, which isn't a problem.  but what i don't
 know how to do is make apt-get `read' those files an update itself so `apt-get
 upgrade' uses the newer Packages.gz files.

Try apt-zip or apt-move (both in potato):

$ apt-cache show apt-zip 
Package: apt-zip
Version: 0.7
Priority: extra
Section: admin
Maintainer: Yann Dirson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: all
Filename: dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/admin/apt-zip_0.7.deb
Size: 9204
MD5sum: aaae44048b9c8d6a5189cfb4ec6d6891
Description: Update a non-networked computer using apt and a removable media
 These scripts simplify the process of using dselect and apt on your Debian box.
 One generates a `fetch' script (supporting backends such as wget and
 lftp, in a modular extensible way) to be run on a host with better
 connectivity, check space constraints of you removable media, and
 then install the package on your Debian box.
installed-size: 32

$ apt-cache show apt-move
Package: apt-move
Version: 3.0-8
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Maintainer: Gregory T. Norris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depends: awk, bc (= 1.05a-6), dpkg-dev (=
Suggests: rsync (= 2.3.2-1)
Architecture: i386
Filename: dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/admin/apt-move_3.0-8.deb
Size: 28450
MD5sum: 37202cc18f7c5d4183b23a49c16247cd
Description: Move cache of Debian packages into a mirror hierarchy
 apt-move is used to move a collection of Debian package files into a
 proper archive hierarchy of the form debian/dists/...  It is intended
 as a tool to help manage the apt-get(8) file cache, but could be
 configured to work with any collection of Debian packages.
 Running apt-move periodically will assist in managing the resulting
 partial mirror by optionally removing obsolete packages, and creating
 valid local Packages.gz files.  It can also optionally employ rsync(1)
 to build a partial or complete local mirror of a Debian binary
 distribution (including an ``installed-packages only'' mirror).
installed-size: 77


Re: Mail front end

1999-11-27 Thread claw
On 27 Nov 1999 18:16:47 +0100 
Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has this already been ported to a better (and freer) toolkit than
 xforms, like GTK+ (or at least Qt)?  

XFMail is tightly married to XForms.  I would not expect this to

J C Lawrence Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--(*)  Other: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--=| A man is as sane as he is dangerous to his environment |=--

Aztech 3D sound card ??????

1999-11-27 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
Does any body know of any support for Aztech 3D sound card? I haven't
been able to hear any sound in my Linux-slink box yet. Except for beeps.


eth0+ppp0 ?

1999-11-27 Thread luis

how can i switch as the default route, between eth0 y ppp0?

is for a machine that need to get access to the net in both ways,
either using the ethernet card or with the modem

the ethernet card is ok, the modem can fax and minicom, i also have
access to the ppp conexion, and i get an IPm but i cannot go any
place, or can not make a ping to any other machine (using ppp)

i have read that i need to switch the default path of route, but m how
can i make it?

i get the following results with ifconfig and route -e

thanks a lot

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:7D:76:AA:C2  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:14177 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:4
  TX packets:2672 errors:333 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:666
  collisions:5687 txqueuelen:100 
  Interrupt:11 Base address:0xe400 

loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:219 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:219 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:34 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:44 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:10 

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface * UH0 0  0 ppp0
localnet*   U 0 0  0 eth0
default gate-12-62.zrz. UG0 0  0 eth0

RE: diald failing with no messages

1999-11-27 Thread Doug Larrick

 But diald isn't working, and no log messages are being produced.

If you type 'diald' at a prompt, does it segfault?  If so, try making
lines in /etc/services that look like:

#***[lots of stars]**


# [lots of stars]*

(i.e. insert a space before the stars).

I submitted a bugfix for this (it's a buffer overrun), but it hasn't
made it through channels yet.


Re: Kernel 2.2 on Slink == possible safe?

1999-11-27 Thread Holger Nassenstein

It works.
You should update a few packages, especially the user-space nfsd.
Have a look on Documentation/Changes. Up to date is 2.2.13



I'd love to go out with you, but I'm staying home to work on my
cottage cheese sculpture.

Re: Compiling Mesa for Voodoo2

1999-11-27 Thread Jonathan Heaney
Cyrus Patel wrote:

 Hey all,

 I'm trying to compile Mesa3.0 under potato. The readme file says:

 - You'll need the Glide library and headers.  Mesa expects:
  /usr/local/glide/include/*.h// all the Glide headers

 I downloaded the driver - Device3Dfx-2.3-1.src.rpm and the glide stuff -

 I used alien to convert the files and I could find the file
 but I couldn't find any *.h files. When I try to compile Mesa it complains
 about not finding glide.h.

 Does anyone know where I can get the glide header files?


 Cyrus Patel - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dept. of Computer Engineering   Debian GNU/Linux
 University of New South Wales   (Potato)
 Sydney, Australia.  ICQ: 50738541

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Check out

It's aimed at the voodoo 3 but all you need to change for V2 is the files 

It got my V2 going.


Re: Mail front end

1999-11-27 Thread Phillip Deackes
 On 27 Nov 1999 18:16:47 +0100 
 Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Has this already been ported to a better (and freer) toolkit than
  xforms, like GTK+ (or at least Qt)?  
 XFMail is tightly married to XForms.  I would not expect this to

Darned ugly too. Enough to make you yearn for Windows!!

The mail client I use is the excellent (IMHO) Ishmail. Ishmail
( was a commercial email app and is now free. The source
code is available too. I had hoped someone would compile it with glibc
2.1 and debianise it a bit, but my pleas on the net and on this list
have remained unanswered.

Iahmail is highly polished and is more like what you might expect from a
commercial Windows app. I have tried other clients, but keep on using

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux (Potato) 

fetchmail, exim and pine

1999-11-27 Thread John
I still have difficulty with email configurations. Although I can
send and receive mail, things are very basic. Would someone
kindly help me a little further along by explaining/answering:-

a. My .fetchmailrc contains 'warning 3600' at the end the basic
config. (i.e. poll with proto POP3user 
there with password  is  here warning 3600)

b. I understand a .forward file (in my home directory) will enable 
me to sort incoming mail. Can I create it in a text editor (say
pico or ee - my favourites) and are there any special rules
and examples.

c. What are RFC 821 and RFC 822.

d. As a very inexperienced novice, I still find it best to study
the printed word. I don't have a printer attached to this 
installation, so I use mtools and take text onto a floppy
for printing by another machine. Is there any easy way to
make man pages (e.g. 'exim.8.gz' after unzipping) capable
of being reproduced without the 'weird bits' which I don't
at present understand.

Grateful for any assistance.

Re: Mail front end

1999-11-27 Thread claw
On Sat, 27 Nov 1999 20:12:34 + (GMT) 
Phillip Deackes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 XFMail is tightly married to XForms.  I would not expect this to

 Darned ugly too. Enough to make you yearn for Windows!!

shrug This is a common disagreement for me.  I just don't care
what the thing looks like as long as it does what I need and
consumes minimal screen real estate.  Consuming minimal screen real
estate is critical and is what flunks out most tools -- espcially
those things which insist on having toolbars or putting bloody icons
about the place (I never ever want to see an icon on my desktop.
Period.).  XFMail fails both those criteria by handling MIME
obtusely (eg it doesn't display message/rfc822 inline, or handle
multipart/mixed digests worth a damn), and consumes great gobs of
screen real estate.

 The mail client I use is the excellent (IMHO) Ishmail. 

exmh here.  Its not cute, or is at least no more cute than Tk in
general (and of course there are several widget hacks for Tk), but
is endlessly extensible -- which is another primary requirement for

J C Lawrence Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--(*)  Other: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--=| A man is as sane as he is dangerous to his environment |=--

Netscape configuration; Fortify

1999-11-27 Thread Matthias Hertel

I can't get Fortify (fortify 1.4.5-1, fortify-linux-x86 1.4.5-1) to
patch my Netscape Navigator (navigator-smotif-47 4.7-14). Is it
possible that this particular Navigator binary
(/usr/lib/netscape/47/navigator/navigator.smotif.real, 7220976 bytes,
timestamp Sep 16 07:58) is not supported by Fortify? Or am I doing
something wrong?

And one other problem: What is the simplest way to get Netscape to
display .dvi.gz and .ps.gz files (the TeTeX documentation has lots of


PPP not working after reinstall

1999-11-27 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi all,
I'm sending this e-mail using Windowze because my Linux box was
reinstalled (the primary HD was broken) and PPP isnt working. I used pppconfig
to configure. I estabilish the connection with pon but the connection's
velocity doesnt pass above 0 bytes, even pinging or ftping.
What can be wrong?
Thanks for any help. Using Windows is getting me nervous. :)

Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Consultant
Linux Solutions --
Av. Presidente Vargas, 509/4o andar - 852-4564 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Re: suggestions for inter-OS file sharing?

1999-11-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
Perhaps I was mistaken. It's been some time now since I've used NT at
home. Maybe it was fat16/vfat. Either way, I recall not having it loaded
on NTFS and booting the NTLoader from LILO. If I had a spare partition,
I'd double check... I vaguely recall it warning me about not using NTFS,
but I never had a problem booting.  Can't Win95 read/write fat16?
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Help after upgrade to potato!

1999-11-27 Thread Svante Signell
Hi all,

1. After upgrade to potato from slink the ethernet card is not working any
 longer. How do I reenable it?
2. The old kernel is still there, how do I upgrade to 2.2.x?

Hoping for help,
Svante Signell

Re: samba for a kids network-server

1999-11-27 Thread aphro

set samba to allow GUEST access and it will allow everyone including me to
connect to your server and delete all your files.  see the man page or use


On Sat, 27 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

debian Hi all,
debian I just want to share one folder on a Linux box with NO SECURITY on a 
debian LAN with Win9x and NT4 boxes.  I am truly amazed at just how hard this
debian is...the smb.conf seems designed to scare off anyone with less than 1000
debian users!
debian Does anyone have a sample smb.conf that shares one folder with ANYONE 
on a
debian private LAN?  I want my kids to be able to access this but I don't want 
debian to even have to think about passwords.  For security, can I just rely on
debian hosts allow = 10.10.10.
debian Thanks in advance!
debian Patrick
debian -- 
debian Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
1:32pm up 100 days, 1:11, 1 user, load average: 2.06, 1.75, 1.66

Newbie: slink-to-potato upgrade

1999-11-27 Thread Svante Signell

I recently installed slink on a new SCSI disk for my dual oc 450 MHz
Celeron machine. (suse 6.2 is already on an IDE disk).

Since I'm new to .deb-based systems I would like to ask a few questions:

(I have been running RedHat since 5.0 up to 6.1 and rawhide, mandrake
6.1 and suse 6.2 on different machines, but all of them are rpm-based)

I need to upgrade to a kernel supporting dual CPUs and also to
XFree86-3.3.5 to get support for my TNT2-based graphics card.

1. What is the name of the kernel package: dpkg --list only gives
   kernel-headers and kernel-source.
2. Which command to use for kernel upgrade?
3. Which tools to use, apt, dselect and/or dpkg?
4. Which tool correspond to rpm and yast?
5. I installed the scientific workstation, thereby missing the install
   of eg. gnome. I want to run Windowmaker/Enlightenment and
   gnome. What to do?
6. How can I get a comprehensive listing of the packages installed
   on my computer?
7. How can I easily get rid of the unwanted ones?
8. apt-get upgrade + apt-get dist-upgrade ends with some files not
   found. The suggested fix was to add --fix-missing. How can I
   update the missing parts or remove the no longer supported packages.
9. dselect interface and beginners guide are not informative enough to
   guide you to an upgrade easily.
10. dselect is confusing with its immediate help screen if something
   is not OK.

(The reason for all this effort is the delay of the 2.2 release. I
will gladly purchase potato when it arrives, but I feel a need to start
learning debian-based distributions as well. I have the corel distribution
newly burnt but not installed it yet.)

Hoping to be as fluent in .deb as in .rpm
Svante Signell

Re: eth0+ppp0 ?

1999-11-27 Thread aphro
did you configure your PPP connection with the a new default route and
give it the defaultroute flag (run pppconfig) it should add the new
defeault route once the ppp link is up.


On Sat, 27 Nov 1999, luis wrote:

luis hello
luis how can i switch as the default route, between eth0 y ppp0?
luis is for a machine that need to get access to the net in both ways,
luis either using the ethernet card or with the modem
luis the ethernet card is ok, the modem can fax and minicom, i also have
luis access to the ppp conexion, and i get an IPm but i cannot go any
luis place, or can not make a ping to any other machine (using ppp)
luis i have read that i need to switch the default path of route, but m how
luis can i make it?
luis i get the following results with ifconfig and route -e
luis thanks a lot
luis eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:7D:76:AA:C2  
luis   inet addr:  Bcast:  
luis   RX packets:14177 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:4
luis   TX packets:2672 errors:333 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:666
luis   collisions:5687 txqueuelen:100 
luis   Interrupt:11 Base address:0xe400 
luis loLink encap:Local Loopback  
luis   inet addr:  Mask:
luis   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
luis   RX packets:219 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
luis   TX packets:219 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
luis   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
luis ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
luis   inet addr:  P-t-P:  
luis   RX packets:34 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
luis   TX packets:44 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
luis   collisions:0 txqueuelen:10 
luis Kernel IP routing table
luis Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt 
luis * UH0 0  0 
luis localnet*   U 0 0  0 
luis default gate-12-62.zrz. UG0 0  0 
luis -- 
luis Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336
Powered By:
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
1:32pm up 100 days, 1:11, 1 user, load average: 2.06, 1.75, 1.66

Re: Netscape configuration; Fortify

1999-11-27 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Nov 27, 1999 at 09:50:02PM +0100, Matthias Hertel wrote:
 I can't get Fortify (fortify 1.4.5-1, fortify-linux-x86 1.4.5-1) to
 patch my Netscape Navigator (navigator-smotif-47 4.7-14). Is it
 possible that this particular Navigator binary
 (/usr/lib/netscape/47/navigator/navigator.smotif.real, 7220976 bytes,
 timestamp Sep 16 07:58) is not supported by Fortify? Or am I doing
 something wrong?

Hmm, non-US still doesn't have the updated fortify? I'm using 4.61
Navigator so it's supported. You can also get fortify from their
website. The latest version there should support 4.71.

 And one other problem: What is the simplest way to get Netscape to
 display .dvi.gz and .ps.gz files (the TeTeX documentation has lots of

I have netscape launch gv for files ending in ps,eps,ai and xdvi for
files ending in dvi. I'm under the impression that it gunzips them
before handing them off. Although gv handles the gzipped files no
problem, I've found xdvi is so good about it (despite what the man pages
| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Good UK spell checker?

1999-11-27 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
Does anyone know of a spell-checker that only accepts U.K. (Canadian)
English?  I need to be able to have a spell checking tool for school that
will reject words like color, favorite, etc, and only accept colour,
favourite, etc.

Please don't start a flame war about linguistic evolution.

I already have all the latest software.
 -- Laura Winslow, Family Matters

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Advertising Policy:
GnuPG Public Key:
 Fingerprint:   0535 F7CF FF5F 8547 E5A5 695E 4456 FB6C BC39 A4B0

Description: PGP signature

exim configuration

1999-11-27 Thread Alisdair McDiarmid
I'm running current potato and recently tried to reconfigure exim
to work with a mail server on our LAN, and it broke localhost

On the LAN there's a host (mail.wasters) which is running exim and
is configured to route all LAN mail properly; this is the same
machine we use to run IPmasq. Anyway, I'd obviously like to use
this as a smarthost so that mail to other users on their machines
goes straight to them instead of out onto the Internet.

I run eximconfig, choose option 2, and take defaults for all
options except local domains, for which I add Any
mail to external addresses appears to be sent okay (empty mailq),
but mail received by fetchmail, or sent with mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED], is stuck in the queue indefinitely.

Trying to do exim -qf gives this error in the log:

1999-11-27 21:50:55 Start queue run: pid=14508 -qf
1999-11-27 21:50:55 11rpjY-0003lF-00 == [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D=procmail defer (-1): file existence defer in procmail director:
Permission denied

I'm not (intentionally) using procmail - I've no idea why this is
happening. Is this a bug?
alisdair mcdiarmid[EMAIL PROTECTED]
[funny how everything i swore i wouldn't change, is different now]

[Jetmail System ] Mail Error

1999-11-27 Thread Brian May

Anyone knows what this error means?

This message *was* posted to debian-user, despite the error. I
got replies...

Also, note that the address the bounced message was posted to
an illegal address.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]doesn't exist, nor have I ever used it.


Your mail cannot be delivered to the following address(es):, 553 From [EMAIL PROTECTED], message blocked.

Please check the above address(es) and then try again.

 Header of the source mail attached 

Received: from[]) by
with SMTP id /aimcque/jmail.rcv/5/jm0383de3cf; Thu, 25 Nov 1999 
22:18:17 -
Received: (qmail 21585 invoked by uid 38); 25 Nov 1999 22:12:51 -
Resent-Date: 25 Nov 1999 22:12:50 -
Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: NIS+ on debian and red-hat
Date: 26 Nov 1999 09:02:55 +1100
In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s message of 25 Nov 99 21:02:06 GMT
Lines: 14
User-Agent: Gnus/5.070098 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.98) XEmacs/20.4 (Emerald)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Resent-Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/73255
Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
---End Message---


Re: eth0+ppp0 ?

1999-11-27 Thread John Hasler
aphro writes:
 did you configure your PPP connection with the a new default route and
 give it the defaultroute flag (run pppconfig) it should add the new
 defeault route once the ppp link is up.

pppd won't replace an existing defaultroute.  The solution is a script in
/etc/ppp/ip-up.d to delete the eth0 route and add one to ppp0, and a
script in /etc/ppp/ip-down.d to reverse the process.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

LPD Problem _SOLVED_

1999-11-27 Thread Sven Gaerner

I made a bad mistake... ;-)

There was an error in the bind configuration.
The reverse-entry for the name server was wrong, forget the address type IN.

The entry to allow only local users printing from remote computers was correct.



Re: Aztech 3D sound card ??????

1999-11-27 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On Sat, Nov 27, 1999 at 02:11:34PM -0500, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
 Does any body know of any support for Aztech 3D sound card? I haven't
 been able to hear any sound in my Linux-slink box yet. Except for beeps.
What kind of Aztech 3D have you got? If it is the WaveRider 3D PnP, then 
it is the card I'm uisng for at least two years. It works for me in slink
with 2.0.36 karnel (however there are some problems - the mixer devices
mapping is not correct).
I had to make some chnges in the kernel, and use an additional utility
written by Artur Skawina. There was a message about setting up the WaveRider
in linux, posted by me one, or ona and half year ago to the debian-users.
Please check the mailing list archive. If you can't find it, however, I can
find this posting in my archive, and send it to you.
Wojciech Zabolotny  Free DOS for free people!