Re: [OFF TOPIC] me cuelgan el modem desde afuera

1999-12-16 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Mon, Dec 13, 1999,
Jose Luis Trivino...

  hizo  fue mandarle  un  ctcp  a mi  cliente  con el  strig
  \+\+\+ATH0. Mi...

 ...  afecta, pero  estoy seguro  de  que muchos  de los  que
 leen  esta lista  se conectan  a internet  por modem  y esta
 'cadenita' puede ser tan destructiva en un comando chat como
 en un mensaje de correo electronico.

¿ Cómo ?

No  entiendo  como   esa  cadena  en  un   mensaje  de  correo
electrónico pueda afectar mi  conexión. Para tener efecto, ¿no
se la tendría que enviar yo al módem?

¿Quieres  decir que,  al entrar  el mensaje,  el módem  podría
haber reaccionado a esa secuencia?

No me aclaro nada.

Un saludo.

Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OFF TOPIC] me cuelgan el modem desde afuera

1999-12-16 Thread Blu
Cosme P. Cuevas wrote:
   hizo  fue mandarle  un  ctcp  a mi  cliente  con el  strig
   \+\+\+ATH0. Mi...
 No  entiendo  como   esa  cadena  en  un   mensaje  de  correo
 electrónico pueda afectar mi  conexión. Para tener efecto, ¿no
 se la tendría que enviar yo al módem?
 ¿Quieres  decir que,  al entrar  el mensaje,  el módem  podría
 haber reaccionado a esa secuencia?

Hola Cosme,

Lo que pasa es que el modem puede estar en dos estados, recibiendo
comandos o recibiendo datos para transmitir. Cuando esta transmitiendo,
existe una cadena, por defecto son tres signos de adicion consecutivos,
que le dice al modem que no transmita lo que sigue, sino que lo
interprete como un comando. Asi, si tienes la famosa cadena en un
mensaje, cuando pase por el modem este se va a parar ahi y va a esperar
un comando. En este caso era ATH0, que le dice al modem que cuelgue.

Felipe Sanchez

Los Manuales de la RH 6.0 en Castellano ...

1999-12-16 Thread Antonio

Quizás os interese saber que los manuales de la Red Hat 6.0 en castellano están 
en linea en y en

Un saludo.


Re: Kernel 2.2.10

1999-12-16 Thread TooMany
On Wed, Dec 15, 1999 at 12:06:48PM -0500, Ugo Enrico Albarello wrote:
 2- Teoricamente, según Linus, la serie 2.4 tendría que salir éstas navidades
 ¿?, así que a lo mejor puedes esperar un poquito más.
 Falso. Linus acaba de anunciar, junto con el 2.3.33, que el 2.4
 no va a estar este milenio (querrá decir, antes del 2000), pero que espera
 el pre-2.4 en este año, y tener listo el 2.4.0 en el primer cuatrimestre
 del 2000.

Hombreee... Tampoco te pongas así 8-D
Ya indicaba con los signos ¿? que lo veía muy en el aire... ;-)

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Lotus Domino

1999-12-16 Thread TooMany

Para quien le pueda interesar, en la revista Sólo Linux (la de Prensa
Técnica) viene un cd con el Lotus Domino para Linux. Los interesados ya
sabeis, no hace falta bajarse el pegotemegas de la webopeich de Lotus... ;-)

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Using Samba

1999-12-16 Thread TooMany

Para el que le interese:
O'Reilly acaba de publicar, como Open Source, el libro Using Samba. Lo
encontrareis en formato .pdf en:

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Re: Los Manuales de la RH 6.0 en Castellano ...

1999-12-16 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Antonio wrote:

 Quizás os interese saber que los manuales de la Red Hat 6.0 en castellano
 están en linea en

Oye, interesantísimo... :-)) Tengo yo unas direcciones de páginas de cocina
fácil con setas, voy a copiároslas... ay, no, que esto es una lista de
- *Debian* -  :-m ;)

Re: ¿Qué hay que hacer para meter paquetes en potato?

1999-12-16 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Wed, 15 Dec 1999, Gorka Olaizola wrote:

 Uso SDL ,una librería muy buena para hacer juegos, para programar un cutre 
 y como Potato todavía no se ha congelado quiero saber si se puede meter el
 paquete en Potato.

Yo si quieres puedo hacer el paquete; si tienes intención de hacerte
desarrollador, te echo una mano y lo subo en tu nombre (te esponsorizo,
vamos). Si sólo quieres que esté ese paquete en la distribución, dime una
dirección para bajarme lo que tengas tú hecho y ya me encargo de mantenerlo
yo. Tú dirás.

Re: Los Manuales de la RH 6.0 en Castellano ...

1999-12-16 Thread Antonio Castro
On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Fernando Sanchez wrote:

 On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Antonio wrote:
  Quizás os interese saber que los manuales de la Red Hat 6.0 en castellano
  están en linea en
 Oye, interesantísimo... :-)) Tengo yo unas direcciones de páginas de cocina
 fácil con setas, voy a copiároslas... ay, no, que esto es una lista de
 - *Debian* -  :-m ;)

Sabe alguien si hay ya en alguna parte un manual de instalación para 
la potato traducido al español ? 

Bueno más que nada por facilitar la entrada de nuevos usuarios que quizas
más adelante se conviertan en los desarrolladores que tanto necesitamos.

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/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
(((Donde Linux)))

Re: Linux no se fragmenta

1999-12-16 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Tue, Dec 14, 1999 at 07:36:10PM +0100, Ricardo Villalba contaba:

Un ¡8% de fragmentación, mi record! mientras que la unidad D: de windows
sólo está un 5% fragmentada.

Si hay poco espacio libre es normal que la fragmentación suba. Puedes
pasarle el 'e2defrag' o puedes hacer un poco de sitio libre (borrando
alguna cosa). 

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

12/15   Thomas Edison receives patent on the phonograph, 1877
12/15   (12/15/1854) 1st street cleaning machine used. 
12/15   (12/15/1933) Tim Conway, actor-comedian. 

Debian y el año 2000 (era Es Debian Hamm Y2K?)

1999-12-16 Thread Santiago Vila
On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Ximo Nadal wrote:

 Igual mi pregunta es una burrada pero ¿alguien ha leido en algún 
 sitio, o sabe si Hamm es Y2K?.
 Yo creo que si debe serlo, pero para pasar la auditoria del año 2000 
 en mi empresa se necesita algo mas que mi creencia y las cuatro 
 pruebas que yo pueda hacer.

Yo creo que hamm no está preparado para el año 2000, por tres razones:

* Porque al ser slink estable, hamm ya no se actualiza.
* Porque en Debian 2.1r3 (slink) todavía había paquetes con problemas
con el año 2000.
* Porque para solucionar lo anterior acaba de salir Debian 2.1r4 que
corrige (casi) todos los problemas conocidos sobre el año 2000.

De todas formas, si vas a trabajar con software libre, no vayas por ahí
pidiendo certificados de compatibilidad con el año 2000. Lee por ejemplo
el párrafo de la GPL que habla acerca de la ausencia total de garantía y
verás a lo que me refiero. Naturalmente, no por no garantizarte algo va a
funcionar peor, pero bueno, eso ya lo sabemos todos y contamos con ello.

 2a3c0dc36dc3d44e54c88af7e1fd8fce (a truly random sig)

Re: Debian y el a?o 2000 (era Es Debian Hamm Y2K?)

1999-12-16 Thread dfm

De todas formas, si vas a trabajar con software libre, no vayas por ahí
pidiendo certificados de compatibilidad con el año 2000. Lee por ejemplo
el párrafo de la GPL que habla acerca de la ausencia total de garantía y
verás a lo que me refiero. Naturalmente, no por no garantizarte algo va a
funcionar peor, pero bueno, eso ya lo sabemos todos y contamos con ello.


Faltaría más que incluso siendo gratis y  hecha por gente sin ningún ánimo
 de lucro encima se les pudiera exigir
responsabilidades, ¿no? :)

Un saludo


Re: Using Samba

1999-12-16 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, TooMany wrote:
 Para el que le interese:
 O'Reilly acaba de publicar, como Open Source, el libro Using Samba. Lo
 encontrareis en formato .pdf en:

URL not found, 404. El directorio tampoco existe.

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

 It said 'Win95 or better'... so I installed it under LiNUX :-)

RE: Using Samba

1999-12-16 Thread Manuel Trujillo
Perdón, pero en lugar de Documento es Documents. La URL queda como sigue:

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

 -Mensaje original-
 De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] nombre de Grzegorz Adam 
 Enviado el: jueves 16 de diciembre de 1999 14:03
 Para: Debian Users Spanish
 Asunto: Re: Using Samba

 On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, TooMany wrote:
  Para el que le interese:
  O'Reilly acaba de publicar, como Open Source, el libro Using Samba. Lo
  encontrareis en formato .pdf en:

 URL not found, 404. El directorio tampoco existe.

 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gogosoftware -

  It said 'Win95 or better'... so I installed it under LiNUX :-)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: Using Samba

1999-12-16 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   jueves 16 de diciembre de 1999 14:03
 Para: Debian Users Spanish
 Asunto:   Re: Using Samba
 On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, TooMany wrote:
  Para el que le interese:
  O'Reilly acaba de publicar, como Open Source, el libro Using Samba. Lo
  encontrareis en formato .pdf en:
 URL not found, 404. El directorio tampoco existe. ¡un falo lo
tiene cualquiera! ;)
Y el documento original está en html en O'Reilly. Tenéis la
referencia en bulma (, buscad samba.

 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gogosoftware -
  It said 'Win95 or better'... so I installed it under LiNUX :-)
Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

RE: Using Samba

1999-12-16 Thread Saxa Egea
la direccion exacta es:


-Mensaje original-
De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] nombre de Grzegorz Adam 
Enviado el: jueves, 16 de diciembre de 1999 14:03
Para: Debian Users Spanish
Asunto: Re: Using Samba

On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, TooMany wrote:
 Para el que le interese:
 O'Reilly acaba de publicar, como Open Source, el libro Using Samba. Lo
 encontrareis en formato .pdf en:

URL not found, 404. El directorio tampoco existe.

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gogosoftware -

 It said 'Win95 or better'... so I installed it under LiNUX :-)

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Using Samba

1999-12-16 Thread Tomas Bautista
On Thu, Dec 16, 1999 at 02:03:09PM +0100, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:

 On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, TooMany wrote:
  Para el que le interese:
  O'Reilly acaba de publicar, como Open Source, el libro Using Samba. Lo
  encontrareis en formato .pdf en:
 URL not found, 404. El directorio tampoco existe.

Es `Documents' en vez de `Documento'. Es decir, que el URL es


  | |  Tomas Bautista. Phone: +34 928 451275 -- Fax: +34 928 451243
  | |  E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |#|  Home page URL:
   -   Applied Microelectronics Research Institute,  EPIC Division.
   #   University of Las Palmas de G.C.
I.U.M.A  Campus de Tafira, pab. A. E-35017 Las Palmas, Canary Is.

Crane's Rule:
There are three ways to get something done: do it yourself, hire someone,
 or forbid your kids to do it.

Re: [offtopic] La publicidad _cuesta_ en las listas Debian

1999-12-16 Thread Alvaro Alea
Y entonces, va Saxa Egea y dice ¿RE: [offtopic] La publicidad _cuesta_ en las 
listas Debian? 

 Quizas el unico problema sea llevar eso a situacion legal... Me refiero a
 ejecutar esa orden, no creeis??
 Que fuerza puede llegar a tener un aviso asi en un archivo colocado en el
 interior de la documentacion de una distribucion (o varias) de linux si
 quizas debiera estar en un cartel bien grande cada vez que enviaras un mail
 a una lista ;)

Eso esta muy bien, pero no solo vale para los que esten subscritos a la
lista, que son los que han leido las reglas.

No creo que sea legal demandar a esa personas por eso.

Recordar ademas, que la direcion de la lista esta en un CD para hacer spam.

_Yo_ solo veo dos soluciones:
A) Cerrar la lista a los que no esten subscritos
B) Cambiar la direccion de correo de la lista

Por otro lado, ¿esta lista tiene moderador?, yo nunca le he visto decir

Somebody, somewhere, is offended by what I am saying.

Grettings of  _   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  REGISTER   Lic. Piloto 
Saludos  __ _| |___ __ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LiNUX  ISPA #963210
de  / _` | / -_) _` |  USER   EC-ALE
\__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#40922797  #66734

RE: Red Ethernet - IP Masquerading

1999-12-16 Thread jcarlos
WOW Qué explicación!. Muchas Gracias...

Pero ahora... ¿Conocen algun buen tutorial acerca de redes Ethernet?
¿Cómo se conectan? ¿Qué se necesita? etc... Estoy leyendo el GARL pero
apenas voy por el capítulo 2 así que...

Hardware el que tienes y soft, el kernel de linux ;D. Por ejemplo,
si lo hicieses con win, necesitarías el wingate para hacer de gateway
y de
enmascaramiento de direcciones IP (software comercial y de pago),
pero como lo haces con linux, te basta con el kernel :)

Configurando el sonido

1999-12-16 Thread Roberto Ruisánchez Mazo
Hola debianeros,
 Pues aquí estoy intentando configurar la tarjeta de sonido de mi
 Debian, y me he encontrado con unos problemas que os cuento:

 En primer lugar he seguido al pie de la letra las instrucciones
 que incluyen los fuentes del nucleo, pero no he podido encontrar
 para mi Debian el paquete AweSfx que se menciona en ellos y que,
 entre otras cosas, sirve para cargar el banco de instrumentos
 Tampoco he podido importarlo con Alien desde un RPM y al intentar
 compilarlo desde los sources ha fallado... El programa exacto que
 necesito es el fxload. La pregunta es: Existe otro programa en
 mi Debian para hacerlo lo mismo que este? Si no es así, de donde
 puedo sacar el fxload para mi Debian? Y si tampoco está por ahí,
 como puedo compilarlo (Lo he intentado siguiendo las
 instrucciones del tar.gz, pero no funciono)??

 A pesar de estos problemas he obviado la parte MIDI y he
 recompilado el kernel. Ahora, gracias a esto, puedo escuchar CD's
 de audio. Sin embargo he intentado probar a copiar un fich. a
 /dev/audio para probar la tarjeta y  no existe!!! Esto es
 normal?? Como puedo probar sino si la tarjeta ya esta
 Porque tambien he intentado probar los sonidos del KDE (no
 funciono) y un par de programas de mp3 (tampoco funcionaron,
 decian que les faltaba /dev/noseque).
 Alguna ayudita, por favor??? A ver si consigo configurar mi
 Debian completamente :)
 Gracias por anticipado

See you..

Roberto Ruisanchez Mazo  - Linux Registered User # 114034 -
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ...vive las Leyendas...
...Soy tan viejo que recuerdo a Doris Day antes de que fuera virgen.  - 
Groucho Marx...

Re: Debian y el a?o 2000 (era Es Debian Hamm Y2K?)

1999-12-16 Thread Jose Luis Trivino

 Faltaría más que incluso siendo gratis y  hecha por gente sin ningún ánimo
  de lucro encima se les pudiera exigir
 responsabilidades, ¿no? :)
Totalmente de acuerdo contigo. Ya es mucha la generosidad
que muestran los desarroladores de linux como para que
encima vengamos a exigirles. Sin embargo, yo pienso que
podría existir un certificado Y2K para linux. En este caso
no se trataría de asumir una responsabilidad sino de, al
igual que sacan revisiones períodicas con bugs solucionados,
indicar que el desarrollador ha comprobado que su paquete
funciona en el 2000 (independientemente de la minuciosidad
con la que lo compruebe). Sería algo así como incluir una
nota en el 'lastchanges' del paquete que diga 'Y2K tested'.
Creo que esto sería útil sobre todo como una propaganda
para linux. Aunque, desde luego, repito que nunca se me
ocurriría exigirle esto a un desarrollador de software
libre. Lo digo solo a título de sugerencia.

Hasta más bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez
Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

Re: Actualizacion a kernel 2.2.X

1999-12-16 Thread dfm

¿Qué es eso del novj?

Yo no lo tengo, uso el kernel 2.2.10 y  sin embargo no tengo ningún
problema de conexión ni he visto eso en ninguna parte... :P

Un saludo

Daniel con fecha 15/12/99 20:57:15

Destinatarios: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: (cci: Daniel Ferradal
Asunto: Re: Actualizacion a kernel 2.2.X

El Wed, Dec 15, 1999 at 11:31:59AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 Hola, mi tema de consulta acerca de los kernels 2.2.X es que cuando
 cambie, deje de poder conectar a inet. Con la familia 2.0.X no he tenido
 nunca ningun problema,

Hola Carlos:

Yo he sufrido lo mismo que tú. Solución: Pon novj en tu /etc/ppp/options.

Creo que se trata de un bug que estará solucionado en el kernel 2.2.14, no
recuerdo dónde lo leí, pero quizá puedas confirmarlo en

Un saludote, y suerte.
Roberto Ripio

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Los Manuales de la RH 6.0 en Castellano ...

1999-12-16 Thread Agustin MuNoz
El jue, 16 de dic de 1999, a las 11:45:27 +0100,  Antonio Castro  va y dice:

 Sabe alguien si hay ya en alguna parte un manual de instalaci?n para 
 la potato traducido al espa?ol ?

Es el de la stable

 Bueno m?s que nada por facilitar la entrada de nuevos usuarios que quizas
 m?s adelante se conviertan en los desarrolladores que tanto necesitamos.

el manual de instalación va en el paquete boot-floppies y según lo que se
lee en el web de debian, lo que necesitan para versiones Non-english son

Un Saludo.. ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |  Fido: 2:346/207.127

... :-| :-| :-| :-| :-| X-D :-| :-| :-|, y ese...¿de que se rie?

Re: Debian y el a?o 2000 (era Es Debian Hamm Y2K?)

1999-12-16 Thread Agustin MuNoz
El jue, 16 de dic de 1999, a las 04:02:39 +0100,  Jose Luis Trivino  va y 

 funciona en el 2000 (independientemente de la minuciosidad
 con la que lo compruebe). Sería algo así como incluir una
 nota en el 'lastchanges' del paquete que diga 'Y2K tested'.

Se puede consultar si el paquete se ha testeado en:

Un Saludo.. ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |  Fido: 2:346/207.127

... Mam, donde has dejado el manual de la vela?

Re: Using Samba

1999-12-16 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On jue, dic 16, 1999 at 02:14:16 +0100, Tejada Lacaci, Antonio wrote: ¡un falo lo
 tiene cualquiera! ;)

No se yo qué opina de esto Barbwired X'D

... perdón por la ordinariez offtopiquera pero si no lo digo reviento :-P

Un saludo.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webs: ViguLinux
PGP public key:

Re: Actualizacion a kernel 2.2.X

1999-12-16 Thread Roberto Ripio
El Thu, Dec 16, 1999 at 04:40:04PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 ¿Qué es eso del novj?

De man pppd:

  novj   Disable  Van  Jacobson style TCP/IP header compres­
 sion in both the transmit and  the  receive  direction. 

 Yo no lo tengo, uso el kernel 2.2.10 y  sin embargo no tengo ningún
 problema de conexión ni he visto eso en ninguna parte... :P

Afortunado tú, yo me volví loco en cuanto instalé el 2.2.10. En realidad mi
problema no era exactamente el de braineater. Yo podía conectar, pero al
cabo de unos minutos la conexión se quedaba inactiva, sin ningún tráfico,
aunque sin que muriera el pppd. Si hacía hacía un tail -f del ppp.log podía
ver cómo periódicamente me soltaba una parrafada de basurilla en la consola.

He estado buscando la referencia (leñes... me has hecho currar :-). Es un
artículo de Jon Niehof titulado Moving to kernel 2.2 en repasa los
programas que es necesario revisar y las versiones mínimas. 

Te copio:

PPP 2.3.5 (pppd -v)

If you run PPP, get this. Otherwise don't. Some people
have reported problems with connections hanging over PPP. If this is the
case, try disabling header compression with the novj option in your PPP
option file (/etc/ppp/options usually). See the linux-kernel thread for

Al parecer, como ves, no le pasa a todo el mundo, y no tengo ni idea de qué
depende eso.

Sólo he visto otra referencia a este problema, en un comentario al kernel
pre.14, creo, pero no recuerdo dónde.

Como puedes imaginar, cuando encontré esta información dí saltos de

Un saludo,
Roberto Ripio


1999-12-16 Thread Saxa Egea
Lo siento. Lo reconozco. Soy un inutil :(

Y necesito un manual de como configurar el acceso por RDSI desde mi Debian
Segun el syslog tengo el el adaptador configurado. Pero me veo incapaz de
configurar un acceso. O q le tengo q decir... o q tengo q hacer... ya me he
Los HOWTO's ninguno contempla las isdntools para debian. :(

Podeis pasarme un manual (seria la repanocha si fuera en castellano ;),
howto (idem!) o decirme como tengo q hacerlo, q archivos tocar, q archivos
ejecutar, etc.


Quizas sea mas facil de lo q me parece, pero no consigo entenderlo.


Matrox G200 y X-Window

1999-12-16 Thread Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren

Busco a algún listero que tenga las X configuradas para la Matrox
G200 AGP y que pueda mandarme una copia de su XF86Config.
Ya me he leído todo lo que he encontrado sobre la configuración de
las X y no logro más que un raquítico 320x204 (¡!) tanto con el
XF86Setup como con el xf86config, incluso con los drivers actualizados.
Ya sólo me queda editar a mano el /etc/X11/XF86Config.


Re: Los Manuales de la RH 6.0 en Castellano ...

1999-12-16 Thread Agustin MuNoz
El jue, 16 de dic de 1999, a las 11:45:27 +0100,  Antonio Castro  va y dice:

 Sabe alguien si hay ya en alguna parte un manual de instalaci?n para 
 la potato traducido al espa?ol ? 

Me has picao la curiosidad y me he bajado el boot-floppies de potato
y SI que hay una versión de manual de instalación en Español :-)

~$ ls /usr/src/boot-floppies/documentation/*


PD: por cierto tus mails llegan con el charset=us-ascii y a 8bits y los
acentos se leen mal ;)

Un Saludo.. ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |  Fido: 2:346/207.127

... Los ordenadores son inútiles, solo dan respuestas. Picasso.

Nueva web del FAQ de R34.LINUX!

1999-12-16 Thread Paco Brufal

Solo queria comunicaros que ya está activa la nueva página web del
FAQ de R34.LINUX, con un montón de novedades: nuevos programas, noticias
(, y packetstorm), paquetes Debian.

Para el que no lo sepa, el FAQ de R34.LINUX es una lista de
preguntas y respuestas que se elabora dia a dia en las areas de Linux de
Fidonet España, si quieres saber más, lo mejor es que te pases por la nueva
página y lo descubras por ti mismo :)

Os agradecería a todos que si veis algún fallo no dudeis en
comunicarmelo :) Gracias y perdón por el tostón :)

Si quieres saber cómo pertenecer a
Paco Brufal [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fidonet, la red de correo con más
Fidonet 2:346/3.68  CALIDAD del Mundo y SIN SPAM,
preguntame como.

...Funky Twisted. Lenny Dee  The Hardcore Warriors. 1996
--- Pine 4.20 + Sendmail 8.9.3
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Re: Red Ethernet

1999-12-16 Thread leumas
El Mon, Nov 22, 1999 at 12:54:46PM -0500, jcarlos dijo:
 ¿Necesito un router(apropos: ¿es un aparato especial o solo un
 ordenador configurado de otra forma?) para conectarlos o con solo las
 tarjetas de red y el cable
 me basta?

pues un router es un ordenador configurado para ese proposito, aunque  por 
 supuesto existe  la  version  hardware  (especializada,  vamos)  para  este 

| Miembro de LIMA (Linux Malaga) |
 /  rebeldin es un i486 con   \
| Debian Linux 2.0,Kernel 2.2.13 |


1999-12-16 Thread Javier Cantero
El jueves 16 diciembre de 1999 a las 19:12:28, Saxa Egea escribió:

 Y necesito un manual de como configurar el acceso por RDSI desde mi Debian

Saludos de Javier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

P.D.: A ver cuando consigo que Iñaki se suscriba...

Tux les desea Felices Navidades
Felices Fiestas con Linux

Re: df and du disagree

1999-12-16 Thread David Wright
Quoting Patrick Kirk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 df shows my main partiton to have 1.1 Gigs of data
 and du -x shows it to have about 650 MB.
 I think du is correct.

I don't. You could try out filling it up as long as you do it as a user,
so that you leave the 5% to prevent the system crashing.

 df reads
 FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 /dev/hda1 1.9G  1.1G  750M  60% /
 /dev/hda3  15M  1.2M   13M   8% /boot
 /dev/hda5 1.7G  1.2G  471M  72% /home
 /dev/hda10387M  281M   86M  77% /var
 /dev/hda6 3.2G  2.6G  479M  85% /samba

Far from being a duplicate of the previous posting, quite a lot
seems to have changed. You seem to have added 400MB to /,
mounted different partitions and changed your mount points.

I run slink and have just checked that du (as root) and df agree on
Used precisely where expected (i.e. on static partitions like /usr)
and extremely closely where expected (i.e. on /, and my combined /home
/var /tmp partition).

I agree with Eric - that with the confused layout, you've covered
over a bunch of files which will be revealed if you unmount the
partitions in the correct order.

Bear in mind that du can also seriously underreport usage when run
as a user because of permissions (whereas df is always right).

But can I make a couple of suggestions:

1) Would it be simpler to mount all your partitions onto their
own mount points at top level with fixed neutral names. Then
create the directory tree you want with symlinks.

As well as making it simpler to understand what's going on, it means
you can mount partitions in any order as the mount points always
exist. You just have broken symlinks for a few moments during the
mounting process if you mount them in the wrong order.
The broken symlinks make it much harder to write files which get
covered up when you mount the next partition.

For example, if I unmount my shared partition called foo on host foo,
then /home becomes a broken link to foo/home and I can't accidently
write files to the empty mount point. I'd have to write to /foo
(the mount point), and the neutral name is a protection.

2) Repost after your partitions have settled in. It's frustrating
for us to sit here contemplating your first query (which was to do
with hda4) and then suddenly have the query re-posed with a new
set of partitions (a root partition even fuller (it was already
quote overstuffed) and no hda4).


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.
Contents may settle during transportation.  No artificial sweeteners added.

Re: Birth announcement

1999-12-16 Thread David Wright
Quoting Graham Woodruff ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 (486/66 8Mb 320Mb HDD and 486/50 8Mb 260Mb HDD) I expect them both to grow
 up into useful adults...
 Could I just ask if anyone out there has any 'post install cleanup' advice,
 particularly to remove some of the spurious pci warnings, I am not in front
 of the screen now, but the boot gave several warnings about 'ea-???' stuff,
 along with warnings about stuff missing from the bios, when I get back
 tonight, I will check it out more thoroughly.

Presumably things like this:

qlogicisp : PCI bios not present
eata_dma: No BIOS32 extensions present. 
 This driver release still depends on it.
  Skipping scan for PCI HBAs.
eata_pio: No BIOS32 extensions present.
 This driver release still depends on it.
  Skipping scan for PCI HBAs.
Failed initialization of WD-7000 SCSI card!
megaraid: PCI bios not present.
scsi : 0 hosts.

which means you've got no PCI bus or SCSI, and 

lspci not found, so PCI resource conflict not checked

which I think you can only get rid of by changing the bootup script
or running 2.2.x kernels which have the necessary /proc files.
(I presume somebody thought 2.2 kernels would make it into slink.)

 P.S. I did take the option to remove the PCMCIA module(s) but there still
 seems to be some residue ?

Starting PCMCIA services: modules/lib/modules/2.0.36/pcmcia/i82365.o:
 init_module: Device or resource busy

I think that just goes away when you boot the next time (if you answer
yes to remove).

But if you're running slink, I don't think you'll have all the potato
problems that Ethan mentioned. I usually check /etc/modules (and again
after compiling a kernel, because you'll have different modules and
built-ins) and customise such files as /etc/fstab.

slink also forgets to cd /dev ; mknod gpmdata p if you're going
to use the -R option to repeat your mouse in X.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.
Contents may settle during transportation.  No artificial sweeteners added.

promiscuous mode for Eth0

1999-12-16 Thread Pollywog
Is it a bad thing for my machine's interfaces to be in promiscuous mode?


GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681
*we all live downstream*

Re: promiscuous mode for Eth0

1999-12-16 Thread Matthew Dalton
It means that that interface is receiving all packets on the network
segment. Useful for packet sniffers. It's a bad thing if a cracker has
initiated it.

Pollywog wrote:
 Is it a bad thing for my machine's interfaces to be in promiscuous mode?
 GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681
 *we all live downstream*
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: promiscuous mode for Eth0

1999-12-16 Thread Pollywog

On 16-Dec-1999 Matthew Dalton wrote:
 It means that that interface is receiving all packets on the network
 segment. Useful for packet sniffers. It's a bad thing if a cracker has
 initiated it.
That is what I thought.  Is there a way to keep a cracker from doing this?



 Pollywog wrote:
 Is it a bad thing for my machine's interfaces to be in promiscuous mode?

Re: X Server won start

1999-12-16 Thread Steve George
Hi Rick,

On Wed, Dec 15, 1999 at 01:15:23PM -0800, Rick Dunnivan wrote:
 screenmodes, from 800x640 - 1600-1200.  When I do
 startx, I get the following...
 SocketCreateListener() failed
 _XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: server already
 Fatal server error:
 Cannot establish any listening sockets - Make sure an
 X server isn't already running

It seems that your system already has an X server running so it cannot start a 
new one that terminal(not sure the correct words for this).  You can check if 
an X server is running by switching to the other terminals with CTRL-function 
key X normally starts on F8.  You can start more than one X server at a time 
by using startx -- :number where the number is for the terminal to connect on 
starting at 0, so for you if one server is running it would be startx -- :1

Hope this helps,


Re: promiscuous mode for Eth0

1999-12-16 Thread William T Wilson
On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Pollywog wrote:

 That is what I thought.  Is there a way to keep a cracker from doing this?

You need to keep them out in the first place.  My personal favorite is to
just keep tabs on security of standalone daemons (apache, sendmail) and
then put ALL: ALL in hosts.deny.  Works very well for me.  Of course
then you can't log in from arbitrary places then...

unstability due to large scsi disk

1999-12-16 Thread zdrysdal

I have just setup a redhat 6.1 duel pentium file server with a 36Gig scsi
disk and up till now everytime it reboots it comes up with errors on the
filesystem mounted on the scsi.   I was wondering whether anyone else has
found that large scsi disks are unstable to use as a mainstream image

There may be a problem with the duel pentium server itself .  ie. i
manually fsck the scsi and fixed the filesytem problems then rebooted...
when i went to log on the entire system crashed... the screen went blank,
keyboard died, front panel power switch couldn't be used to reboot.  i had
to reboot from the power switches at the back of the server.  Luckilly it
came back up smoothly after that.

So basically i am concerned as to the reliability and integrity of large
filesystems mounted on scsi disks and of duel pentium servers with linux

any thoughts would be appreciated

dictd is not restarted after upgrading from unstable?

1999-12-16 Thread Shaul Karl
It seems to me that dictd is not restarted after upgrading, although it might 
be that installing dict-web1913 for the first time is the cause. In any case, 
I am quite sure there is a problem after using some dict relating package from 
Did anybody has encountered this or has more info?
I have restarted dictd myself. If someone will tell me what to look for I will 
look for more info.

Re: promiscuous mode for Eth0

1999-12-16 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli
hi there,

  It means that that interface is receiving all packets on the network
  segment. Useful for packet sniffers. It's a bad thing if a cracker has
  initiated it.
 That is what I thought.  Is there a way to keep a cracker from doing this?

The only person who can put the ethernet device into promisc. mode is root,
if root is not comprised, people will not be able to switch the ethernet
card over to this mode.

Also remember that promisc. mode is only for ethernet cards. If you don't
let anyone put a machine onto the network that could be doing naughty
promisc. listening, then you should be fine. (ie. physically protect your


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

Re: promiscuous mode for Eth0

1999-12-16 Thread Matthew Dalton
William T Wilson wrote:
 Of course
 then you can't log in from arbitrary places then...

You can Use ssh and don't run sshd from inetd.


1999-12-16 Thread Marcin Kurc
Anyone have any experience with diskless debian?
What would be the best way to create root directories for the diskless machines?

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

latest nethack packaged yet?

1999-12-16 Thread Peter Ross
Does anyone know if nethack 3.3.0 has been packaged yet.


Re: promiscuous mode for Eth0

1999-12-16 Thread Ethan Benson

On 16/12/99 Matthew Dalton wrote:

You can Use ssh and don't run sshd from inetd.

ssh uses tcp wrappers regardless of whether you run it from inetd or 
not (unless you specifically recompile without them)  so you need to 

sshd: ALL

to /etc/hosts.allow

in order to allow ssh connection from anywhere.


Re: running two webservers on the same machine

1999-12-16 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli
Hi there,

  I have multiple web servers on the same machine...
  - same ip# for various servers...
  - different ip# for various web servers

 To be clear, the previous author was not talking about virtual hosts or
 virtual servers, he was talking about running two separate web server
 programs on the same port.  One was Apache and the other Zeus, if I
 recall.  This is different than setting up multiple domains in Apache.

Yep, that's correct.

I work with Shao here and we've been asked to basically get zeus and apache
running on the same machine, both on port 80 but both binded to different ip

(That way we could have the functionality of both).

1. I'm not sure how to bind Zeus/Apache to certain IP's and

2. I thought that a port was physical for a computer.. ie. port 80 on a
machine is port 80 for all the IP's on that machine.

Our boss thinks differently... so we're not sure. :)

Any help would be most appreciated!


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

Re: latest nethack packaged yet?

1999-12-16 Thread Kerne Fahey
Still, questions about Peter Ross' hands, which might one day hold *my* Myst
book, are unsettling to me:

 Does anyone know if nethack 3.3.0 has been packaged yet.

Apt-getting it start downloading unstable/main
nethack 3.3.0-3 , so, yes, it has.

Served with a smile, 

capt request on

1999-12-16 Thread Laurent Martelli
I made a request to improve capt on I want the
ability to search package descriptions :

The exact request can be seen at this URL :

Laurent Martelli

Re: apt-get with proxy ftp access

1999-12-16 Thread Shaul Karl
I believe the problem is with your sources.list. As the report says, there is 
no You can try with your browser and see for yourself.
Maybe you can verify if this is indeed the problem by using 
/usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list as a test case?

 I can't figure out how to setup apt for upgrading to slink stable using a
 http (ftp) Proxy combination. I've got the following:
 // Options for the downloading routines
   // HTTP method configuration
 Timeout 120;
   // FTP method configuration
 Timeout 120;
 /* Passive mode control, proxy, non-proxy and per-host. Pasv mode
is prefered if possible */
 Passive true;
 # Let's make debian y2k compliant:
 deb stable main
 deb stable main
 apt-get update:
 # apt-get update
 Err stable/main Packages
   404 Not Found
 Ign stable/main Release
 3% [Logging in]
 Err stable/main Packages
   Protocol corruption
 Err stable/main Release
   Protocol corruption
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 W: Couldn't stat source package list ' stable/main 
  - stat (2 No such file or directory)
 W: Couldn't stat source package list ' stable/main 
  - stat (2 No such file or directory)
 W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these missing files
 Any ideas?   Peter
 Peter Weiss, Baldestraße 14, 80469 München, Tel. 089/ 20232434
 ---The foolish ones taught more to me than the wise ones ever could---
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: running two webservers on the same machine

1999-12-16 Thread William Burrow
On Thu, Dec 16, 1999 at 01:50:06PM +1100, Marc-Adrian Napoli wrote:
 I work with Shao here and we've been asked to basically get zeus and apache
 running on the same machine, both on port 80 but both binded to different ip
 (That way we could have the functionality of both).
 1. I'm not sure how to bind Zeus/Apache to certain IP's and

The webserver is told which IP to listen to.  Read the Apache docs, they
spell it out more or less.

 2. I thought that a port was physical for a computer.. ie. port 80 on a
 machine is port 80 for all the IP's on that machine.
 Our boss thinks differently... so we're not sure. :)

The Apache docs suggest running multiple servers on port 80, one for
each IP, if necessary.  So it can be done, but the servers must be told
to bind to a particular IP address, otherwise they will monitor for all


(Apache docs on:

or installed on your machine if you are lucky.)

William Burrow -- New Brunswick, Canada
How the Internet explodes myths...
- the GOOD TIMES email virus hoax, brought to life courtesy Microsoft
- MAKE MONEY FAST brought to reality on Wall Street by dot-coms and Linux

Re: unstable distribution on CD

1999-12-16 Thread Matt Garman
On Wed, Dec 15, 1999 at 11:48:18PM +0100, Michelle Konzack wrote:
 MKIs there any way to obtain a snapshot of the unstable Debian
 MKdistribution (potato at this time, I believe) on CD-ROM?
 Yes, at from Monday 12/20/1999   ;-))
 MKI'd also like all the source packages on CD so that I can recompile
 MKpackages with pgcc (pentium optimization).  Again, same problem, I can't
 MKafford to download all the source packages I want over a slow modem.
 I think, they will be 5 or 6 CD's incl. source codes

Is there an English translation to that site?  I'm not entirely sure
what some of those packages actually contain!


And through the window in the wall
 Come streaming in on sunlight wings
 A million bright ambassadors of morning. 
--Pink Floyd, Echoes

What good is a 486?

1999-12-16 Thread Anthony 'Evil Twin'
I have a Compaq Prolinea 466.  I haven't figured out the processor speed
yet.  But there's 16MB of memory, a 400-odd MB hard drive.  And a 3-1/2

My 5-year old nephew has some educational games that can run on Windows

Would it be worth it for me to install Linux on the machine to run his
games?  I'd have to get a CDRom, sound card and speakers.  What would I
need installed on the machine?  Could I make it easy enough for a 5-year
old to start it up and shut it down?


Tony -

Evil Twin - one_spike
the Man, the Myth, the Legend in His Own Mind -   //~/  ~\\
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \\~\  ~//

disclaimer - 'Evil Twin' is a nickname, the big ugly graphic on the right 
   is a volleyball.  The 'spike' and 'kill' are volleyball-related.

Re: [Fwd: running two webservers on the same machine]

1999-12-16 Thread delonix
You wrote:

 From: T.V.Gnanasekaran [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 18:30:25 +0530
 Subject: [Fwd: running two webservers on the same machine]
 Let me see if you have the memory about whatever you learnt about
 and networking. 
I haven't forgotten but have to refresh :)-
Hope you haven't forgot all in your sick days. :-)

 Write to me after reading this mail.

   I would like to know if it is possible:
   to run two different web servers on the same physical
   machine binded to two different ip addresses, both of
   them using port 80
I am sure you can do it But on different port 
Correct ?? !!

I will write back after refreshing !!! 


   We have a specially situation where we need to run both zeus and
   Thanks very much.

RE: What good is a 486?

1999-12-16 Thread westk
= Original Message From Anthony 'Evil Twin' [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I have a Compaq Prolinea 466.  I haven't figured out the processor speed
yet.  But there's 16MB of memory, a 400-odd MB hard drive.  And a 3-1/2

My 5-year old nephew has some educational games that can run on Windows

Would it be worth it for me to install Linux on the machine to run his
games?  I'd have to get a CDRom, sound card and speakers.  What would I
need installed on the machine?  Could I make it easy enough for a 5-year
old to start it up and shut it down?


Tony -

Evil Twin - one_spike

I had a similar box that I gave to my 9-year old nephew. I tried to install 
Linux on it, but with the lousy display it had and the lack of drive space 
tc, I just gave up and returned it back to Win95. However, it did have a 
larger hard drive than what the BIOS or Windows would recognize (by about 
125MB or so), so I went ahead and partitioned that last bit and installed a 
minimal Debian system on the extra drive space, Just In Case

the Man, the Myth, the Legend in His Own Mind -   //~/  ~\\
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  \\~\  ~//

disclaimer - 'Evil Twin' is a nickname, the big ugly graphic on the right
   is a volleyball.  The 'spike' and 'kill' are volleyball-related.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

RE: X Server won start

1999-12-16 Thread westk
X normally starts on F8.

I thought it was F7.

Re: What good is a 486?

1999-12-16 Thread Aaron Solochek
A friend of mine on dorm floor had a prolinea 466... We installed linux on it.  
was our floor print spooler, a handy email station.  We even had X running on 
although we think the memory we aded was bad, cause it started crashing a lot 
we added it.  But it can do somethings.

-Aaron Solochek

Anthony 'Evil Twin' wrote:

 I have a Compaq Prolinea 466.  I haven't figured out the processor speed
 yet.  But there's 16MB of memory, a 400-odd MB hard drive.  And a 3-1/2

 My 5-year old nephew has some educational games that can run on Windows

 Would it be worth it for me to install Linux on the machine to run his
 games?  I'd have to get a CDRom, sound card and speakers.  What would I
 need installed on the machine?  Could I make it easy enough for a 5-year
 old to start it up and shut it down?


 Tony -

 Evil Twin - one_spike
 the Man, the Myth, the Legend in His Own Mind -   //~/  ~\\
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \\~\  ~//

 disclaimer - 'Evil Twin' is a nickname, the big ugly graphic on the right
is a volleyball.  The 'spike' and 'kill' are volleyball-related.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Netscape mail timezones

1999-12-16 Thread Chris Schleifer

There was a thread a week or so ago trying to figure out why Netscape
was always stamping GMT times on emails sent from it. I can't find an
answer for the problem in the archives yet, and I don't remember there
being one on the list. Anyway I found the answer today when this started
to bother me (I wanted my boss to see the how late I work! ;-). It
wasn't that hard to find, go to, type timezone
in the search box, the answer is the first result returned.

The answer is here:

Basically you need to set the shell variable TZ to your current timezone
entry before you start Netscape. The Netscape solution on the link above
doesn't apply to Debian though. What I did is add the line export
TZ=`cat /etc/timezone` to my ~/.bash_profile, so it gets set whenever I
log in. Hope that helps.

Chris Schleifer

Re: Serial port doubt

1999-12-16 Thread Patrick Kirk
Try installing xntp3 to get your dates sorted permanently.


Re: df and du disagree

1999-12-16 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
David Wright said:
 Bear in mind that du can also seriously underreport usage when run
 as a user because of permissions (whereas df is always right).

Besides files hiding `under' mount points, there is another type of file
that is invisble to du.  If a file which is opened by a process is
removed, it is not really removed from the disk.  As long as the process
keeps the file open, it is a valid file (to that process).  As soon as
the file is closed, the disk space is freed again.  Some programs use
this fact to make sure that temporary files are cleaned up even if the
program crashes: they open a scratch file, and immediately remove the
link from the disk.  Then the process has an open file that not even
root can read (unless with a disk editor), which disappears from the
disk as soon as it is closed.

Sometimes this technique causes hard-to-understand filled up /tmp
partitions if daemons have a leak towards a tmp file.  It then helps to
stop/start long running daemons to identify the problem.


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Re: Modem does not work

1999-12-16 Thread Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999 15:30:16 GMT
From: Pedro Quaresma de Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 11:33:23 -0800 (PST)

On Sat, 11 Dec 1999, dyer wrote:

   I have bought (two day ago) a  modem, it says (in the windows software)
   that it is a Motorols SM56 PCI, Speakerphone Modem and it is on
  That says it all. Speakerphone Modem = Winmodem. Take it back and get a
  real modem.
  Now I have an Supra 2260 PCI Modem Enumerator/Supra Max 56i Voice
  PCI (dual personality!?), but no luck ... :(
  It is an internal PCI modem, Windows says that it is on COM3, IRQ10,
  so it should be in /dev/ttyS3, but I only have two serial connections
 I think you bought another winmodem. To expand on the last response, I 
 would go by
 the _general_ rule:
 PCI Modem = Winmodem
PCI modem with the string `HCF' in the description under Windows =
PCI modem listed as `comm controller' in any BIOS verbosity might be a
real modem. Currently, AFAIK, PCI serial support is in the unstable 2.3.x
kernels, but there is a backport for a couple devices in 2.0.38

I have compiled the 2.3.31 Kernel and now I have

$ cat /proc/pci

Communication controller: Rockwell International HCF 56k V90 FaxModem (rev 
  IRQ 10.
  Master Capable.  Latency=64.  
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe900 [0xe900].
  I/O at 0xe800 [0xe807].

This means (Rockwell International HCF) that I have bought another
Winmodem ??? :(

At\'e breve

Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
Departamento de Matem\'atica, Faculdade de Ci\^encias e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra
phone: 351 39 791170

(forw) Linux + SMP

1999-12-16 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi all Debian users,
I posted a message to linux-kernel to help me in a small paper that I
have to do for tomorrow and dont see an answer. It is a few related questions
about Linux + SMP. If there is a Linux kernel guru in this list that can
answer my questions I will thanks a lot.
Paulo Henrique

- Forwarded message from Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [EMAIL 

Date:   Mon, 21 Jan 1980 01:10:56 -0800
From: Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
Subject: Linux + SMP
X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.3i

Hi Linux kernel hackers.

  I have a small paper to do for friday about Linux and SMP and I have
only a few questions that I found few information in the Web (even searching the
linux kernel mailing list archives).

  If anyone can answer some questions about Linux and SMP I will be very

  1) When Linux kernel begins to support SMP (what version)? and How many
processors and types of machines it supported in the beggining?

  2) What support Linux 2.2.* (stable versions) provides about SMP?

  3) What are the main routines and functions in Linux 2.2.* that provide
support for SMP?

  4) What support Linux 2.3.* (unstable versions) provides about SMP?

  5) What are the main modifications (routines and implementations) in
2.3.* that provide new levels of support for SMP against 2.2.*

  6) How SMP implementation of Linux 2.2.* compares againts NT or FreeBSD?

  7) How SMP implementation of Linux 2.3.* compares againts NT or FreeBSD?

  Thanks for so great kernel that I use everyday to power my home machines
and about (20) work machines ranging from 386 until Pentium and Sparcs.

  Thanks for any help,  Paulo Henrique

Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Consultant
Linux Solutions --
Av. Presidente Vargas, 509/4o andar - 852-4564 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil

To unsubscribe from this list: send the line unsubscribe linux-kernel in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please read the FAQ at

- End forwarded message -

Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Consultant
Linux Solutions --
Av. Presidente Vargas, 509/4o andar - 852-4564 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil

packages for new distributed net clients

1999-12-16 Thread Peter Ross
Has anyone packaged up the new distributed-net clients for slink?

Re: X Server won start

1999-12-16 Thread DAVID BALAZIC

X normally starts on F8.

I thought it was F7.

It starts at the first unused virtual console.

And the display numbers ( :0 , :1 etc. ) are independent of the 
virtual console number.

Try just starting X , instead of startx.

David Balazic , student
E-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED] | living in  sLOVEnija
home page:
Computer: Amiga 1200 + Quantum LPS-340AT

ps to html? how to do?

1999-12-16 Thread virtanen

A question:

There is a program to convert ps-files into html-files.
Is there any program available for debian, which would convert ps-files
directly into html-files?


installing replacement binary of a runnging program?

1999-12-16 Thread rogalsky
What happens if I try to update a package, which contains a command,
which is currently in use and running?
Under normal circumstances the file which holds the command is kept open
and locked during the time the command is running and hence couldn't be
changed or overwritten. So if I try to install an update for - let's
say - the bash, which of course is running, I expect that the /bin/bash 
file wouldn't be updated, because it is locked.
Am I wrong, what is the truth?

Olaf Rogalsky

  (. .)
I Dipl. Phys. Olaf Rogalsky Institut f. Theo. Physik I I
I Tel.: 09131 8528440   Univ. Erlangen-Nuernberg   I
I Fax.: 09131 8528444   Staudtstrasse 7 B3 I
I [EMAIL PROTECTED]  D-91058 Erlangen   I

Re: installing replacement binary of a runnging program?

1999-12-16 Thread Ralph Winslow
rogalsky wrote:

The truth is, that the core image of the running program would be
by each process using it until the process exits.  Meanwhile, the disk
would be replaced by the new program, which would be run by any program
calling it.  Things get hairy when a shareable dynamically loaded
is replaced, though.
 What happens if I try to update a package, which contains a command,
 which is currently in use and running?
 Under normal circumstances the file which holds the command is kept open
 and locked during the time the command is running and hence couldn't be
 changed or overwritten. So if I try to install an update for - let's
 say - the bash, which of course is running, I expect that the /bin/bash
 file wouldn't be updated, because it is locked.
 Am I wrong, what is the truth?
 Olaf Rogalsky
   (. .)
 I Dipl. Phys. Olaf Rogalsky Institut f. Theo. Physik I I
 I Tel.: 09131 8528440   Univ. Erlangen-Nuernberg   I
 I Fax.: 09131 8528444   Staudtstrasse 7 B3 I
 I [EMAIL PROTECTED]  D-91058 Erlangen   I
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

The IQ of the group is that of the member
whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
of members.

fsck errors

1999-12-16 Thread Ethan Benson


can anyone tell me why it is that every time my filesystems are 
checked i get these errors:

(this is my /var filesystem)

/dev/hda7: Setting filetype for entry 'showq' in 
/spool/postfix/public (45244) to 6.
/dev/hda7: Setting filetype for entry 'cleanup' in 
/spool/postfix/private (100745) to 6.
/dev/hda7: Setting filetype for entry 'rewrite' in 
/spool/postfix/private (100745) to 6.
/dev/hda7: Setting filetype for entry 'bounce' in 
/spool/postfix/private (100745) to 6.
/dev/hda7: Setting filetype for entry 'defer' in 
/spool/postfix/private (100745) to 6.
/dev/hda7: Setting filetype for entry 'smtp' in 
/spool/postfix/private (100745) to 6.
/dev/hda7: Setting filetype for entry 'error' in 
/spool/postfix/private (100745) to 6.
/dev/hda7: Setting filetype for entry 'local' in 
/spool/postfix/private (100745) to 6.
/dev/hda7: Setting filetype for entry 'cyrus' in 
/spool/postfix/private (100745) to 6.
/dev/hda7: Setting filetype for entry 'uucp' in 
/spool/postfix/private (100745) to 6.
/dev/hda7: Setting filetype for entry 'ifmail' in 
/spool/postfix/private (100745) to 6.
/dev/hda7: Setting filetype for entry 'bsmtp' in 
/spool/postfix/private (100745) to 6.

/dev/hda7: 3665/102800 files (1.6% non-contiguous), 69820/409601 blocks

I get this on two separate potato machines, one of which was just 
installed it happens both with the debian base 2.2.12 kernel and my 
own custom compiled 2.2.13.  all with latest ext2fs progs/libs 

I have found however, that if i go to single user mode, umount the 
/var filesystem check it i get the above errors and if i immediately 
check it again then the errors are not there fsck gives a full clean 
bill of health, but as soon as i go multiuser again then go right 
back down and recheck they are back.

i am sure this is not some obscure bug with postfix since i get the 
same errors on my /tmp filesystem for the .font-unix/7100 socket 
files made by xfs[tt] (the above postfix files are all sockets)

this is exceedingly annoying :|

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key:

Re: installing replacement binary of a runnging program?

1999-12-16 Thread rogalsky
Sorry, I have to reply to my own email.

 Under normal circumstances the file which holds the command is kept open
 and locked during the time the command is running and hence couldn't be
 changed or overwritten. 
 ^---^ This is not true!
I should have tried it before posting my question. The whole question is

Thanx, Olaf Rogalsky

P.S.: But what about shared libraries?

  (. .)
I Dipl. Phys. Olaf Rogalsky Institut f. Theo. Physik I I
I Tel.: 09131 8528440   Univ. Erlangen-Nuernberg   I
I Fax.: 09131 8528444   Staudtstrasse 7 B3 I
I [EMAIL PROTECTED]  D-91058 Erlangen   I

Re: df and du disagree

1999-12-16 Thread Patrick Kirk
I do not need to know what is using the missing space but I am intrigued as
I believe du is correct.  There is only the stuff I expected on /dev/hda1
and it puzzles me to see an extra 500 MB or so missing.

It has been suggested I try adding stuff until the disk is full for df but
not for du.  This strikes me as risky.

Is there a tool that will allow me to see what is actually using the space?


Re: running two webservers on the same machine

1999-12-16 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Thu, Dec 16, 1999 at 01:50:06PM +1100, Marc-Adrian Napoli wrote:
 I work with Shao here and we've been asked to basically get zeus and apache
 running on the same machine, both on port 80 but both binded to different ip
 (That way we could have the functionality of both).
 1. I'm not sure how to bind Zeus/Apache to certain IP's and
 2. I thought that a port was physical for a computer.. ie. port 80 on a
 machine is port 80 for all the IP's on that machine.
 Our boss thinks differently... so we're not sure. :)

Your boss thinks better.
I general for sockets programming you can use bind_any and bind_some_ip

I don't know about Zeus (when it binds only any(==all) IP then use some tcpd
port redirector). For Apache read /usr/share/doc/apache/manual/bind.html.


Re: packages for new distributed net clients

1999-12-16 Thread Darxus
On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Peter Ross wrote:

 Has anyone packaged up the new distributed-net clients for slink?

Has anyone ever packaged any of the clients ?  or the GIMPS clients ?

PGP fingerprint = 03 5B 9B A0 16 33 91 2F  A5 77 BC EE 43 71 98 D4
 Find the next largest prime, be famous:
  There is no spoon.

Re: df and du disagree

1999-12-16 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 I do not need to know what is using the missing space but I am intrigued as
 I believe du is correct.  There is only the stuff I expected on /dev/hda1
 and it puzzles me to see an extra 500 MB or so missing.
 It has been suggested I try adding stuff until the disk is full for df but
 not for du.  This strikes me as risky.
 Is there a tool that will allow me to see what is actually using the space?

The extra space isn't actually being used.  mkfs.ext2 reserves a portion
of the file system (5% by defualt iirc but tunable with tune2fs) for use
by root.

500MB however seems a bit much, though, unless you're like me and put
everything in one or two partitions :)

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: sharing mailbox with win98

1999-12-16 Thread Nancy this-address-is-valid McGough
On 99-12-09 Michelle Konzack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Better is to use PINE which is availlable for 
 win16/32, Dos and Linux.

Yes, both Unix Pine and PC-Pine understand unix (aka mbox), mbx,
mtx, and tenex mailbox formats so as long as you're using one of
these mailbox formats you shouldn't have any problem using both
Unix Pine and PC-Pine on the folders. I've got lots of info about
Setting Up PC-Pine for Power Users at:

A lot of the info in there is relevant to Unix pine too.

Good luck,

Pine info  links @
©Nancy McGough Infinite Ink
-== Sent via Pine 4.21 running on Debian GNU/Linux ==-

In trouble

1999-12-16 Thread Robert Thrall
I have the deluxe Mandrake OS of Linux installed this week on my
computer.  But, none of the command references from the readme files
work in the root or user modes.  I can type in all the commands I want,
but I keep getting no access to such files.  For instance, I would lie
to install the Star Office from the CD-ROM.  I follow the instructions
given in the manual, but the Mandrake edition will not recognize the
instructrions.  What is going on.  How can I get these applications into
the system?  Is there something wrong with the space I have still left
(about 550MB).  I am missing something for sure.  I did note that I
could not get into some files because the answer given was that I need
5M for the temporary files.  What does that mean?  Your help would be


Re: (forw) Linux + SMP

1999-12-16 Thread Sean Johnson
Read the SMP-HOWTO


Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
 Hi all Debian users,
 I posted a message to linux-kernel to help me in a small paper that I
 have to do for tomorrow and dont see an answer. It is a few related questions
 about Linux + SMP. If there is a Linux kernel guru in this list that can
 answer my questions I will thanks a lot.
 Paulo Henrique
 - Forwarded message from Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [EMAIL 
 Date:   Mon, 21 Jan 1980 01:10:56 -0800
 From: Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
 Subject: Linux + SMP
 X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.3i
 Hi Linux kernel hackers.
   I have a small paper to do for friday about Linux and SMP and I have
 only a few questions that I found few information in the Web (even searching 
 linux kernel mailing list archives).
   If anyone can answer some questions about Linux and SMP I will be very
   1) When Linux kernel begins to support SMP (what version)? and How many
 processors and types of machines it supported in the beggining?
   2) What support Linux 2.2.* (stable versions) provides about SMP?
   3) What are the main routines and functions in Linux 2.2.* that provide
 support for SMP?
   4) What support Linux 2.3.* (unstable versions) provides about SMP?
   5) What are the main modifications (routines and implementations) in
 2.3.* that provide new levels of support for SMP against 2.2.*
   6) How SMP implementation of Linux 2.2.* compares againts NT or FreeBSD?
   7) How SMP implementation of Linux 2.3.* compares againts NT or FreeBSD?
   Thanks for so great kernel that I use everyday to power my home machines
 and about (20) work machines ranging from 386 until Pentium and Sparcs.
   Thanks for any help,  Paulo Henrique
 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Information Technology Consultant
 Linux Solutions --
 Av. Presidente Vargas, 509/4o andar - 852-4564 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
 To unsubscribe from this list: send the line unsubscribe linux-kernel in
 the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Please read the FAQ at
 - End forwarded message -
 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Information Technology Consultant
 Linux Solutions --
 Av. Presidente Vargas, 509/4o andar - 852-4564 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: (forw) Linux + SMP

1999-12-16 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
I already did it.
I only want to know something more in depth.
Thanks anyway.
Quoting Sean Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Read the SMP-HOWTO
 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
  Hi all Debian users,
  I posted a message to linux-kernel to help me in a small paper that 
  have to do for tomorrow and dont see an answer. It is a few related 
  about Linux + SMP. If there is a Linux kernel guru in this list that can
  answer my questions I will thanks a lot.
  Paulo Henrique
  - Forwarded message from Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [EMAIL 
  Date:   Mon, 21 Jan 1980 01:10:56 -0800
  From: Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
  Subject: Linux + SMP
  X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.3i
  Hi Linux kernel hackers.
I have a small paper to do for friday about Linux and SMP and I have
  only a few questions that I found few information in the Web (even 
  searching the
  linux kernel mailing list archives).
If anyone can answer some questions about Linux and SMP I will be very
1) When Linux kernel begins to support SMP (what version)? and How 
  processors and types of machines it supported in the beggining?
2) What support Linux 2.2.* (stable versions) provides about SMP?
3) What are the main routines and functions in Linux 2.2.* that 
  support for SMP?
4) What support Linux 2.3.* (unstable versions) provides about SMP?
5) What are the main modifications (routines and implementations) in
  2.3.* that provide new levels of support for SMP against 2.2.*
6) How SMP implementation of Linux 2.2.* compares againts NT or 
7) How SMP implementation of Linux 2.3.* compares againts NT or 
Thanks for so great kernel that I use everyday to power my home 
  and about (20) work machines ranging from 386 until Pentium and Sparcs.
Thanks for any help,  Paulo Henrique
  Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Information Technology Consultant
  Linux Solutions --
  Av. Presidente Vargas, 509/4o andar - 852-4564 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 
  To unsubscribe from this list: send the line unsubscribe linux-kernel in
  the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Please read the FAQ at
  - End forwarded message -
  Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Information Technology Consultant
  Linux Solutions --
  Av. Presidente Vargas, 509/4o andar - 852-4564 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information Technology Consultant
Linux Solutions --
Av. Presidente Vargas, 509/4o andar - 852-4564 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil

cvs behind a firewall?

1999-12-16 Thread e . denny
Hi All,

I'm trying to access a cvs server from behind a firewall. I don't think
I'm making it through our firewall. Can anyone give me any tips or pointers
to how I can do this. I can't seem to track down the ports/protocols
that cvs uses, so I don't know how to change our ipchains script.



Re: packages for new distributed net clients

1999-12-16 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Dec 16, 1999 at 09:59:11AM -0500, Darxus wrote:
 On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Peter Ross wrote:

  Has anyone packaged up the new distributed-net clients for slink?

 Has anyone ever packaged any of the clients ?  or the GIMPS clients ?

The clients are packaged.  People have talked about
packaging the GIMPS clients, but AFAIK nobody has done this yet.  With
GIMPS it may even be possible to get a client in main.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Re: What good is a 486?

1999-12-16 Thread Mark Brown
On Wed, Dec 15, 1999 at 10:44:09PM -0600, Anthony 'Evil Twin' wrote:

 I have a Compaq Prolinea 466.  I haven't figured out the processor speed
 yet.  But there's 16MB of memory, a 400-odd MB hard drive.  And a 3-1/2

My firewall/router/network server at home is a similarly specced 486.

 Would it be worth it for me to install Linux on the machine to run his
 games?  I'd have to get a CDRom, sound card and speakers.  What would I
 need installed on the machine?  Could I make it easy enough for a 5-year
 old to start it up and shut it down?

I'm not sure how well it would work for running graphical games, but it
would do perfectly well as a Linux machine.  With the magic of X you
could possibly set it up as an X terminal and let him run the games on a
more powerful machine.  If the games are Windows only you're probably
kind of stuck.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Re: gnome .deb ?

1999-12-16 Thread Mark Brown
On Wed, Dec 15, 1999 at 11:08:47AM -0500, Darxus wrote:

 Why isn't there a gnome package, that's just empty, and has dependancy's
 set for the stuff you need to use gnome ?  This would be especially useful

GNOME is pretty big and redundant (there's more than one GNOME
application for a lot of things) - the number of people who really want
to install *all* of GNOME is probably very small.  

There are various task-gnome-* packages for various jobs you might want to 
do with GNOME, but no overall package.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

HELP: Instructions for Netscape install in Deb2.0

1999-12-16 Thread Albert Hurd

Can anyone direct me to instructions for a Netscape 4.5 install in Debian
Albert Hurd

Re: installing replacement binary of a runnging program?

1999-12-16 Thread John Hasler
Olaf Rogalsky writes:
 What happens if I try to update a package, which contains a command,
 which is currently in use and running?

The file on disk gets updated, but the running command does not.

 So if I try to install an update for - let's say - the bash, which of
 course is running, I expect that the /bin/bash file wouldn't be updated,
 because it is locked.  Am I wrong, what is the truth?

The binary gets updated by a procedure similar to this:

cp /bin/bash.dpkg$$
rm /bin/bash
mv /bin/bash.dpkg$$ /usr/bin/bash

rm unlinks the file from the name '/bin/bash' but the file will not be
deleted as long as any process has it open.  mv links the name /bin/bash to
the file that was /bin/bash.dpkg$$ and unlinks the name /bin/bash.dpkg$$.
Now any process that opens /bin/bash will get the new version.  When all
processes that had /bin/bash open at the time of the upgrade have closed it
the now unreferenced file will be deleted (assuming no hard links).
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Warning about getting 2.1r4 with http

1999-12-16 Thread Michael Procario

It looks like http is not yet available for 2.1r4 but ftp works fine.

I saw that 2.1r4 was released with y2k and security fixes. I fired up dselect 
which was using apt and tried to get the fixes. My sources.list was

deb stable main contrib non-free
deb i386/ 
deb slink-update main

I did an update and then install and no packages were updated. I looked at the
package list and it still showed cvs-1.9.29 as the available package. I know 
that cvs-1.10 is one of the y2k fixes.

I looked at the ftp site and it looked like 2.1r4 was linked to stable 
correctly. I changed the first line of sources.lsit to ftp from http and it 
worked fine.


Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  Another casualty of applied metaphysics

Re: (forw) Linux + SMP

1999-12-16 Thread William T Wilson
On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:

   I posted a message to linux-kernel to help me in a small paper
 that I have to do for tomorrow and dont see an answer. It is a few
 related questions about Linux + SMP. If there is a Linux kernel guru
 in this list that can answer my questions I will thanks a lot.

They're busy - I'm not surprised they didn't answer.

   1) When Linux kernel begins to support SMP (what version)? and
 How many processors and types of machines it supported in the

SMP support started sometime in the 1.3 series (1.3.3x?).  Of course it
didn't work very well until late in 1.3 (I think 1.3.8x?).  At first, it
only supported x86 processors.  Although it's always supported many
processors (I think never fewer than 16) until 2.2 there wasn't very much
benefit to more than about 4 since the lock system wasn't very good.

   2) What support Linux 2.2.* (stable versions) provides about SMP?

SMP is much faster now and scales better.  It supports Alpha now too -
more or less, and Sparc too.

   3) What are the main routines and functions in Linux 2.2.* that provide
 support for SMP?

Can't help you there.

But Linus makes lots of documentation on the changes.  Go to and
for lots of fun information.  You'll have to do some wading through
documentation because it includes *all* the changes - not just SMP.

Potato upgrade problem

1999-12-16 Thread Nic Ferrier
When using:
  apt-get upgrade

on the unstable distribution I get an error running the upgrade.

The error is this:

  Syntax error at sometmpfile line 263:
  E: sub-process dpkg-preconfig --apt returned an error code (2)
  E: failure running script dpkg-preconfig --apt

I don't seem to be able to do anything about this...

I realise that the potato distrib is unstable and that I have to
accept the thing being a bit wobbly but this seems to be more than
just wobbly packages... it seems to be the apt system itself.

Can anyone help please?

Nic Ferrier

Re: Using 3com modem Independent Mode (without Windows)

1999-12-16 Thread Alberto Bigazzi

Thanks everybody for your answers. 

The end of it is that now I know that there exist at least two programs,
KMsgModem and mepl (see also,
and some hack to get my 3Com modem use Independent mode under Linux. 

Being the 'technical' issue now solved, I've been left with some 
doubts about their (3Com) policy, and about their view of customer

What follow are just some comments that might be inappropriate
to post in this 'technical' mailing list. I apologise to you if 
that would be the case. Or just skip them.


About my complaint that their 3Com 56K Message Modem  was NOT a
windows-specific modem, and I expected some software under Linux to be
around,  here is how they answered to me:

On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Alberto, 
 Please read the minimum requirements in the box of the modem. It 
 speak about linux or any Unix on there, only windows. I'm afraid that
 there  are no scripts available for Linux that use the
 Independant mode  capabilities. 

Which was not true, indeed. 

About the minimum requirements then, isn't it a bit  like a computer
manufacturer said: look, this Pentium computer  is good for Windows 
I'm not an expert, but isn't a modem in the end just a piece of 
hardware that should be made to be programmed? 
Linux and Unix aren't this odd  OSs that it's so 
difficult for a big company, as they are, to provide proper 
software for other OSs in the package or at least 
point you to some existing software.
Why don't they do that?  
Shouldn't they  be just happy if  more people could  happily 
purchase their products?

I found interesting what some of you wrote:

On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's probably something they want to keep hidden to boost use of that
 other OS, I'm guessing. 
 I recently had a run-through with them regarding
 a firmware update for my USR Sportster over a non-intel machine. 

On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, Emile Schwarz wrote:

 I too have a 3Com USR 56K Message Plus Modem WITHOUT Windows.
 I too am still waiting for answers...
 But the specific software communication (voice/fax) sold in what 
 call a MacPak (350 Francs vat included) was out of date at the 
 time I  
 buy it (but I don't know that when I buy it).

Should the conclusion be like Emile's:
 So, I have to make my consumer work: the next Modem I have to buy 
 not be a 3Com, I check the software versions given in the box 
 before I 
 buy anything, etc...
 It's a shame...

or maybe like ferret's: 
Perhaps if enough people request support from 3com they'll start 
support. :

What do you think?


Alberto Bigazzi, PhD. 
Dept. of Mathematics,   
Politecnico di Milano,   

Re: what good is 486

1999-12-16 Thread Pavel V. Epifanov
Hi !

I have Digital HiNote Ultra 475C (486-75/16MB/500MB)

I should not say that Debian installation including sound and CD-ROM was a
piece of cake. It takes me about 2-3 months to use all Debian things from

And I am only running it in text console mode. With RAM 16 MB you should have
quite large swap partition (more than 30 MB) to run X Windows normally.

My primary use for this machine as my primary post one.

So keep it for writting mail and study of Debian features.
For good graphics and games you need good Pentium II/AMD K6 or like.

Do You Yahoo!?
Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one place.
Yahoo! Shopping:

R/W cdroms

1999-12-16 Thread Robert Kerr
Hi all,
I'm shopping for a computer for my work, and I need to know what support
is available for re-writable CD-ROMs is.  Can someone clue me in on that?


Particle physicists are always trying to hold a meeting, but
whenever they decide on a place, the time changes.
* Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *MS 0847 Sandia National Labs  *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *Albuquerque NM 87185-0441 *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  Phone: (505) 844-8606   *
**  Fax: (505) 844-9297 *

Re: The clock has gone crazy...

1999-12-16 Thread Manuel Arenaz Silva
The file /etc/adjtime has the following two lines:

cambados:~# cat /etc/adjtime
-115.758041 945099084 0.00

Is it important the fact that it has two lines?

Another question: What command do I have to use in order to set the clock up?

Thanks in advance and apologies for having replied to your mail so late.

Manuel Arenaz

Bryan Scaringe wrote:

 Try modifying /etc/adjtime so that it has one line:

 0.0 0 0.0

 Those are zeros, not the letter O.

 Then set the time.

 then reboot.

 /etc/adjtime is ment to keep track of the drift on your HW clock
 (since no clock is perfect).  However, the drift isn't always the same.
 If /etc/adjtime was made during a time when your clock had an extrodinary
 amount of drift in a short period of time, the hwclock program may have
 assumed your clock was always that screwed up.  Then it would
 try to correct that on every bootup.  In effect, it would always 
 This happened to me.

 Changeing /etc/adjtime to the line above should tell the system that your 
 is perfect.   Eventually your system will write a new /etc/adjtime, and fill 
 with more realistic values.

 Bryan Scaringe

 On 13-Dec-1999 Manuel Arenaz Silva wrote:
  The clock of my machine has gone crazy. When I set it up to the correct
  time in the BIOS everything works fine for a while. But after some time,
  the clock begins to accumulate more and more delay. When I reboot the
  machine and enter in the BIOS setup, the hardware clock has been
  changed. What is happening? May it be related to the timezone?
  I detected this strange behaviour two weeks ago, and the Linux Debian
  was installed in my PC in june.
  Thanks in advance,
Manuel Arenaz
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: R/W cdroms

1999-12-16 Thread Christopher Judd
 Hi all,
 I'm shopping for a computer for my work, and I need to know what support
 is available for re-writable CD-ROMs is.  Can someone clue me in on that?

Hi, Bob,

 Check out the CD Writing and CD-ROM HOWTOs.  Re-writable CD-ROMS
should work OK.  I use a Phillips CDD 3610 here, but so far I haven't 
written any re-writable CD-RW's with it with it, only CD-R's.  I use 
cdrecord and xcdroast for writing CD's.



|   Christopher Judd, Ph. D.   |
|   Research Scientist |
|   NYS Dept. of Health   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | 
|   Wadsworth Center - ESP |
|   P. O. Box 509518 486-7829  |
|   Albany, NY 12201-0509  |

Re: apt-get with proxy ftp access

1999-12-16 Thread John Pearson
On Wed, Dec 15, 1999 at 10:51:20AM +0100, Peter Weiss wrote
 I can't figure out how to setup apt for upgrading to slink stable using a
 http (ftp) Proxy combination. I've got the following:
 // Options for the downloading routines
   // HTTP method configuration
 Timeout 120;
   // FTP method configuration
 Timeout 120;
 /* Passive mode control, proxy, non-proxy and per-host. Pasv mode
is prefered if possible */
 Passive true;

I don't know if this is yourb problem, but if apt-get uses the same
conventions as (say) Lynx for specifying proxys then there should be a
trailing slash, like so:

Also, I'm not sure that the ftp proxy you have specified will work;
I believe that this setting is for an ftp proxy server, not a squid-style
cache.  If you're behind a firewall that lets you make outgoing ftp
connections, just having `Passive true' may be enough.


John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark


1999-12-16 Thread Evan Moore
If a person has a box connected to a network, but there are no daemons
such as telnetd, ftpd etc etc is it still possible for that box to be
hacked into?


Re: cooledit can't find library

1999-12-16 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Tue, Dec 14, 1999 at 22:51:55 -0600, ktb wrote:
 The thing of it is, the library came with the program and is in,

Add this dir to /etc/ and rerun ldconfig, or set the environment
variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to this directory, then try again.

UNFAIR  Term applied to advantages enjoyed by other people which we tried 
to cheat them out of and didn't manage. See also DISHONESTY, SNEAKY, 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

[no subject]

1999-12-16 Thread Jason Winters

what is the best way to install 

Re: Security

1999-12-16 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
Evan Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If a person has a box connected to a network, but there are no daemons
such as telnetd, ftpd etc etc is it still possible for that box to be
hacked into?

There is no way to have perfect security on any system connected to a
network. It's just about impossible. With something like Linux, which
is changing all the time, I would hazard a guess and say that it IS
impossible. The best you can do is minimize your risks, which is what
turning everything off, as you suggest, does.

The only perfect computer security is to isolate your machine (no
wires anywhere from your machine to the outside world), lock it in a
vault, and have armed guards around it 24/7. Even then...

So, the short answer to your question is, yes, it is possible that
someone could crack your system, even with all the daemons turned
off. Is it likely? Depends on what you have on that system and how bad
somebody wants to get at it and how many people know about it. I doubt
any cracker's going to spend hours breaking in to the average users


Unidentified subject!

1999-12-16 Thread Marshal Wong
I find that installing the slink base from CD (i.e. going through the
whole install process.  not picking any task-packages, and going
through deselect choosing the defaults.) and then changeing the
source.list for apt to unstable, and then using dselect to update and
install the packages works well.


From: Jason Winters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 12:44:49 -0800

 what is the best way to install potato?

moving filesystems

1999-12-16 Thread koyote

Scuse the newbie q:

   I've got some filesystems I'd like to move:

   /on/dev/hda2 -- /dev/hdb2
  swap   on   /dev/hda1 -- /dev/hdb1
  /usr on   /dev/hdb2 -- /dev/sda1
And I'm trying to figure out, in detail, exactly what to do.

Any suggestions?


That which does not kill us,
makes us quote Nietzsche.
   Don Webb

Re: moving filesystems

1999-12-16 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, koyote wrote:

 : Scuse the newbie q:
 :I've got some filesystems I'd like to move:
 :/on/dev/hda2 -- /dev/hdb2

mke2fs /dev/hdb2
mount /dev/hdb2 /mnt
find / -xdev | cpio -padm /mnt
umount /mnt

 :   swap   on   /dev/hda1 -- /dev/hdb1

mkswap /dev/hdb1

 :   /usr on   /dev/hdb2 -- /dev/sda1

mke2fs /dev/sda1
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
find /usr -xdev | cpio -padm /mnt
umount /mnt

Edit your fstab.  Sorry there's not more detail, but you can read the
manpages for mke2fs, mkswap, mount, find, and cpio :)

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: cvs behind a firewall?

1999-12-16 Thread dyer

 Hi All,

 I'm trying to access a cvs server from behind a firewall. I don't think
 I'm making it through our firewall. Can anyone give me any tips or pointers
 to how I can do this. I can't seem to track down the ports/protocols
 that cvs uses, so I don't know how to change our ipchains script.



from /etc/services I get that it uses tcp port 2401.


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