Re: Mensaje de error con postgres

2000-10-24 Thread antonioangel . sanzarrospide

Cuando sale el error de conexión a mi me ha pasado por uno de los dos
Que no tienes arrancado el demonio de postgresql o porque aunque lo tengas
arrancado no lo tienes abierto en el puerto 5432. Para abrirlo tienes que
descomentar una línea que hace referencia a este puerto en el
/etc/postgresql/postmaster.init. La descomentas, y paras y arrancas
nuevamentes postgresql desde /etc/init.d.


¿vmware 2.0.2. en potato?

2000-10-24 Thread pfragosom

¿Alguien tiene funcionado el vmware 2.0.2. en potato?
Me lo he bajado y no soy capaz de instalarlo. ¿alguna pista de alguien que lo tenga funcionando?

Re: Quedada debianera en la Universitat de València

2000-10-24 Thread Conrado Badenas
Ignacio Garcia Fernandez wrote:
  Sábado 28, 21h en La Granja? (podemos cenar en Ademuz, es ultrabarato).
 Me parece buena idea. Si os viene bien, id confirmando y lo damos por

Confirmo asistencia. Intentaré traer a dos compañeros de piso que
también son debianeros.

Conrado Badenas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PhD student  | Assistant Lecturer
Department of Thermodynamics | Department of Exp. Sciences
Faculty of Physics   | Univ. School of Tech. and Exp. Sciences
University of Valencia   | University Jaume I
c/. Dr. Moliner, 50  | Campus del Riu Sec
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | 12071 Castellón

¿como se actualiza el kernel?

2000-10-24 Thread pfragosom

¿como se actualiza el kernel en debian?, ¿instalando un paquete .deb?, ¿compilando algún fuente?.
como veis no tengo ni idea de como se hace esto. me podéis comentar una serie de pasos más o menos detallados, desde donde conseguir un kernel nuevo, hasta como hacerlo funcionar.
Gracias y perdón si la pregunta es de muy novato. ¡Lo soy!

impresora linux desde solaris

2000-10-24 Thread Miguel Rodriguez Penabad
Hola a todos.
Tengo un problemilla con la impresora. Acabo de instalarla en mi 
Debian Potato y localmente me imprime bien, pero intento acceder
a ella remotamente desde un solaris, y no me deja (dice system
not responding). ¿Alguien tiene idea de como configurar esto?
Miguel Rodriguez Penabad[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laboratorio de Bases de Datos
Facultade de InformáticaUniversidade da Coruña (Spain)

Re: impresora linux desde solaris

2000-10-24 Thread Carlos López
Vamos a ver que se puede hacer.

Primero: si haces ping desde la máquina con solaris
hacia la Debian ¿funciona? ¿y viceversa?

Si esto va (que creo que no) asegúrate que en el
archivo /etc/hosts.lpd de Debian está la máquina
solaris (bien con nombre bien con IP, si es con nombre
asegúrate que debian puede resolver ese nombre).

Con esto todo debería funcionar.

--- Miguel Rodriguez Penabad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
escribió:  Hola a todos.
 Tengo un problemilla con la impresora. Acabo de
 instalarla en mi 
 Debian Potato y localmente me imprime bien, pero
 intento acceder
 a ella remotamente desde un solaris, y no me deja
 (dice system
 not responding). ¿Alguien tiene idea de como
 configurar esto?

 Miguel Rodriguez Penabad  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Laboratorio de Bases de Datos
 Facultade de Informática  Universidade da Coruña

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe

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Emacs / XEmacs

2000-10-24 Thread Daniel Costas
Tengo algunas dudas acerca de estos editores de texto y agradeceria que
me pudierais orientar ya que no se por cual de ellos decidirme.

He visto alguna vez alguno de ellos que colorea el texto cuando editas
un modulo en perl ¿Es posible con emacs? ¿O solo es una posibilidad en

He visto por ahi que se puede configurar añadiendole cosas para que
trabaje en modos diferentes, ¿esto es factible para los dos? ¿como se
hace? ¿donde podria encontrar informacion al respecto?

Os agradezco la informacion que me podais dar al respecto.

Daniel Costas
Burgos - España

Re: impresora linux desde solaris (ya funciona!)

2000-10-24 Thread Miguel Rodriguez Penabad
Ya funciona :)
Me faltaba el fichero /etc/hosts.lpd, lo añadí y ya

Carlos López wrote:
 Vamos a ver que se puede hacer.
 Primero: si haces ping desde la máquina con solaris
 hacia la Debian ¿funciona? ¿y viceversa?
 Si esto va (que creo que no) asegúrate que en el
 archivo /etc/hosts.lpd de Debian está la máquina
 solaris (bien con nombre bien con IP, si es con nombre
 asegúrate que debian puede resolver ese nombre).
 Con esto todo debería funcionar.

Miguel Rodriguez Penabad[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laboratorio de Bases de Datos
Facultade de InformáticaUniversidade da Coruña (Spain)

Re: ¿como se actualiza el kernel?

2000-10-24 Thread Jaume Teixi


 ¿como se actualiza el kernel en debian?, ¿instalando un paquete .deb?,
 ¿compilando algún fuente?.

supongamos que tienes instalado el kernel 2.2.14 y vamos a actualizar a

nos aseguramos que en  /etc/lilo.conf revisa que esté la linea
hacemos  ls -la /
vmlinuz - /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.14
vemos que vmlinuz apunta al kernel actual
hacemos lsmod
y nos fijamos que modulos tenemos instalados en el kernel
vamos a instalar el nuevo kernel:
apt-get install kernel-image-2.2.17
# si usas sonido:
apt-get install alsa-modules-2.2.17
# si usas pcmcia:
apt-get install pcmcia-modules-2.2.17

cuando te pregunte si mantener el lilo actual dí siempre Si.

hacemos un   ls -la /
vmlinuz - /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.17
vmlinuz.old - /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.14

el vmlinuz apunta al kernel nuevo, entonces corremos:
si mas tarde quisieramos volver al 2.2.14 entonces deberíamos desaher
los links y que vmlinuz apuntara al /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.14  de nuevo y
volver a correr /sbin/lilo

hacemos reboot y ya botamos con el nuevo kernel
hacemos lsmod y comprovamos que tenemos instalados los mismos módulos y
sino los volvemos a instalar con modconf
una vez nos aseguremos que todo funciona ok  podemos borrar los ficheros
del kernel 2.2.14 que aún están en /boot


podemos tambien borrar los modulos del kernel viejo
rm -rf  /lib/modules/2.2.14
y dejar los nuevos !!!

espero que te sirva, suerte !

ps: si ademas quisieras recompilarlo desde el fuente, léete

Re: Debconf en Woody (Problemilla)

2000-10-24 Thread Amaya
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez decía:
 Si es tan amable señorita, ¿puede indicarnos qué diferencias hay entre el
 paquete y el tar.gz?

Caballero ;-), el tgz lo que contiene es:
- /var/lib/debconf/debconf.db
- /var/lib/debconf/templates.db

Que reeplazan a los que me daban problemas.



   Amaya M. Rodrigo Sastre Webmistress @

The barrel waits, trigger shakes, aimed right at my head... 
Won't you help me, help me from myself...  Pearl Jam - State of Love and Trust

Re: ¿vmware 2.0.2. en potato?

2000-10-24 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mar, oct 24, 2000 at 09:16:58 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ¿Alguien tiene funcionado el vmware 2.0.2. en potato?


 Me lo he bajado y no soy capaz de instalarlo. ¿alguna pista de alguien que 
 lo tenga funcionando?

Probablemente te está dando un problema al generar los módulos adecuados al
núcleo en uso en el momento de instalación. Es porque hay un error EMHO en
los paquetes deb que traen la imágen dado que no generan partes del árbol de
directorios /usr/src/linux que varían al compilar el núcleo, lo que busca
concrétamente VMWare el fichero /usr/src/linux/include/linux/modversions.h
que contiene una sóla línea:

#include linux/modsetver.h

Créalo tu mismo como root y ya está. Si me equivoco de problema dime que
más te pasa.

El problema de la falta de este archivo en el paquete deb de la imágen del
núcleo es algo que he discutido con el equipo de VMWare e investigado por mi
cuenta, si bien VMWare podía tomar la información del nñucleo en uso de otra
forma, también hay que decir que dicho fichero se cre después de compilar
luego si uno instala el paquete deb de la imágen y el de las fuentes uno
tiende a pensar que tiene un núcleo compilado, luego este fichero existe,
pero no. Cierta incoherencia hay, así como que no venga el .config en la
imágen compilada con lo que no puedas regenerar mediantes las fuentes la
misma imágen con lo que te viene en el paquete. No se por qué el mantenedor
de estos paquetes lo hace de esta manera, EMHO regular dada la inconexión
entre imágen y fuentes.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Re: Re: Off Topic: MS se burla del pingüino

2000-10-24 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 01:34:50PM +0200, Ignacio Garcia Fernandez wrote:
 On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, Jose Mª Gálvez Aguiló wrote:
  Estoy de acuerdo contigo. Hablando del tema con gente que trabaja en
  empresas grandes, he visto que el planteamiento en contra suele ser
  no me la voy a jugar con un sistema que no me ofrece ningunas
  garantías de soporte.
  Lo cierto es que muchas no se plantean que el soporte de MS no siempre es 
  efectivo. A veces no pueden resolver una cuestion en principio sencilla . 
  Y ademas nunca es barato
 Es cierto... y probablemente, mientras no se les ofrezca una alternativa
 (por parte de quien puede ofrecerla, el proveedor) seguirán pensando que
 la única forma de tener asistencia consiste en pagarle a Billy.
Pues no habeis visto nada, tanto SUN como HP, tiene un soporte digno de
mención, el GOLD, osea el bueno, solo te responde a tonterias, y si
descubres un fallo propio del sistema operativo ... pues te dan largas, y
tienes soporte solo para la versión que tienes, ahora, en un par de meses
dejarán de dar soporte a la vetusta versión que tenemos nosotros, ¿ Qué
hacemos ?, ¿ nos quedamos sin soporte o compramos la nueva versión ?, esto
en GPL no ocurriria, ya que las versiones serian gratis, incluso el
mantenimiento incluiria una puesta al día de las verisones, pues esto
facilitaria el propio mantenimiento.

Saludos a tos tos

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un Pentiun 166   | pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 32 Mb kernel 2.2.17 | propios planes ...
Con Linux Debian Potato (2.2) stable| -- JFA --

Re: ¿como se actualiza el kernel?

2000-10-24 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mar, oct 24, 2000 at 09:43:51 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ¿como se actualiza el kernel en debian?, ¿instalando un paquete .deb?, 
 ¿compilando algún fuente?.

Ambas cosas o sólo una :)  me explico (siguiendo receta de Jaime E. Villate):

receta modo=purodebian
   apt-get install pcmcia-source kernel-source-2.2.12 kernel-package
   cd /usr/src
   tar xvzf pcmcia-cs.tar.gz
   tar xvzf kernel-source-2.2.12.tar.gz
   ln -s kernel-source-2.2.12 linux
   cd linux
   make xconfig (o config, mconfig como prefieras)   
   make-kpkg clean
   make-kpkg --revision mi-maquina.1 kernel_image
   make-kpkg --revision mi-maquina.1 modules_image

receta modo=semidebian
   cd /usr/src
   user: anonymous
   password: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   cd /pub/linux/kernel/v2.2
   get linux-2.2.17.tar.gz
   tar xvzf pcmcia-cs.tar.gz
   tar xvzf kernel-source-2.2.12.tar.gz
   cd linux
   make xconfig (o config, mconfig como prefieras)   
   make-kpkg clean
   make-kpkg --revision mi-maquina.1 kernel_image
   make-kpkg --revision mi-maquina.1 modules_image

receta modo=estandar
   cd /usr/src
   user: anonymous
   password: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   cd /pub/linux/kernel/v2.2
   get linux-2.2.17.tar.gz
   tar xvzf pcmcia-cs.tar.gz
   tar xvzf kernel-source-2.2.12.tar.gz
   cd linux
   make xconfig (o config, mconfig como prefieras)   
   make dep
   make clean
   make bzImage
   make modules
   make modules_install
   editar /etc/lilo.conf (léase 'man lilo.conf')

variante modo=parches
En todos los casos puede sustituirse la descarga del paquete debian o tar.gz
(también existen los tar.bz2 que ocupan menos, comprimidos con bzip2 en cuyo
caso la línea de tar varía pero es todo análogo) por la descarga de los
parches (paquetes patch_X.X.X.deb o ficheros patch-X.X.X.tar.gz) que se
usan de la siguiente manera:

* Pasar del kernel 2.2.15 al 2.2.17: se han de descargar los parches
  X.X.X={2.2.16, 2.2.17}, es decir la revisión superior a la actual y
  siguientes hasta la que se quiere llegar incluida esta última.

* Modo debian: Sustituir en el 'apt-get install' las fuentes del núcleo por
  los paquetes correspondientes a los parches necesarios y seguir todo igual
  que en la receta modo=purodebian.

* Modo semidebian y estandar: Sustiruir la descarga y desempaquetado de las
  fuentes del núcleo (fichero tar.gz) por los ficheros correspondientes a los
  parches necesarios y hacer en orden creciente de X.X.X:
  patch -p0  patch-X.X.X

  Seguir el resto de los pasos tal como se indican en la receta
  modo=semidebian o estandar.

Espero que te aclare algo, saludos y suerte.
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Re: Debconf en Woody (Problemilla)

2000-10-24 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mar, oct 24, 2000 at 11:24:40 +0200, Amaya wrote:
 Caballero ;-), el tgz lo que contiene es:
 - /var/lib/debconf/debconf.db
 - /var/lib/debconf/templates.db

Muy estimada señorita, es pues un caso claro este de error o bicho en el 
paquete de
Woody, gracias por su adevertencias.

Aténtamente un coleguita
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Re: Vim y gvim

2000-10-24 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola VerdeOliva...

decías, el 20 de oct de 2000, a las 08:33 +0200:
 ¿Por qué no se ejecuta el entorno gráfico, es decir, gvim?
 No aparece ni el ejecutable en todo el sistema!!!
El gvim va en un paquete aparte. Prueba vim-gtk que está muy bien.
 ¿Cómo haceis para que vim cargue la sintaxis apropiada cuando es llamado desde
 el mutt?, es decir, cuando queremos componer un nuevo mensaje.
en la configuracion del mutt pones
set editor=/sub/bin/vim

y en la de vim, ~/.vimrc, pones
set syntax=on

y ya está,

Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

I believe the use of noise to make music will increase until we reach a
music produced through the aid of electrical instruments which will make
available for musical purposes any and all sounds that can be heard.
-- composer John Cage, 1937

Mezclar árboles de directorios

2000-10-24 Thread Hue-Bond
 Como  se me  acababa el  espacio en  la partición  de los  mp3,
 habilité otra partición pero claro, ahora tengo la mitad en un lado
 y la mitad en otro.

$ ls -l emepetreses*  # recortado para que no pase de 80 columnas
lrwxrwxrwx1 hue   cc2k  emepetreses - /mnt/particion/emepetreses/
lrwxrwxrwx1 hue   cc2k  emepetreses2 - /mnt/particion2/emepetreses/

$ ls -l emepetreses/
drwxrwxr-x4 nobody   nogroup  1024 ago  6 01:14 acdc/
drwxrwxr-x2 nobody   nogroup  1024 oct 22 16:58 aerosmith/
drwxrwxr-x2 nobody   nogroup  1024 sep 13 22:17 alanis-morissette/
drwxrwxr-x3 nobody   nogroup  1024 ene 25  2000 blur/
drwxrwxr-x2 nobody   nogroup  1024 jun 22 22:12 metallica/
drwxrwxr-x4 nobody   nogroup  1024 jun 22 22:23 mike-oldfield/

$ ls -l emepetreses2/
drwxr-xr--4 hue  cc2k 1024 oct 22 16:48 aerosmith/
drwxr-xr--3 hue  cc2k 1024 sep  4 11:33 mana/
drwxr-xr--2 hue  cc2k 1024 sep 13 22:25 nirvana/
drwxr-xr--2 hue  cc2k 1024 sep  3 21:49 police/

 Hay Aerosmith  y más cosas  en ambos sitios,  pero al fin  y al
 cabo nada se repite. O sea:
$ ls emepetreses/prodigy/
music-for-the-jilted-generation/  the-prodigy-experience/

$ ls emepetreses2/prodigy/
committing-arson/  daft-punk/

  ¿Hay algún  artilugio para que  parezca que todos  cuelgan del
 mismo sitio? ¿Es RAID 0 mi solución? Tengamos en cuenta que en esas
 dos particiones no hay nada más  que el directorio emepetreses y el
 obligado lost+found.

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Re: Off Topic: MS se burla del pingüino

2000-10-24 Thread Roberto Ripio
El Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 12:33:13AM +0100, Ricardo Villalba escribió:

 Para casos como estos puede venir bien el diccionario alemán-inglés que
 hay en la potato (trans-de-en) y los dos programas que hay para buscar
 en él (translate y ding).

Acabo de instalarlo y va genial. ¡Gracias por la sugerencia!

Roberto Ripio

OFFTOPIC: Necesito ayuda para montar un aula informatica

2000-10-24 Thread ignaciogc
Saludos a la lista :)

Siento este offtopic, pero no sabia donde recurrir, el caso es que en la
academia donde trabajo (doy clases de mates) vamos a montar un aula de
informatica, y tengo un monton de dudas.

Creo que alguien de la lista trabaja o dirige una academia, si se
pusiera en contacto conmigo y me despejara unas dudas se lo agradeceria

Espero impacientemente vuestros mails :))

PD: si me respondeis hacerlo a mi mail, para no  cargar la lista con

Gracias mil ;)

Ignacio García  Red Hat Linux Release 6.0 (Hedwig)
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Kernel 2.2.9 en un i586
Web:   User Reg: 90215

00.10.24 - HP Deskjet 690C

2000-10-24 Thread J.J.López Galdona

Me han cambiado el sistema operativo. Antes tenía 
Windows 95 y ahora Windows NT 4.0 WorksStations. Y los Drivers que tengo de la 
impresora Deskjet 690C no me sirven para NT. ¿Cómo me puedo conseguir los 
drivers necesarios?

López Galdona

Re: 00.10.24 - HP Deskjet 690C

2000-10-24 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mar, oct 24, 2000 at 02:40:25 +0200, J.J.López Galdona wrote:
 Me han cambiado el sistema operativo. Antes tenía Windows 95 y ahora Windows 
 NT 4.0 WorksStations. Y los Drivers que tengo de la impresora Deskjet 690C no 
 me sirven para NT. ¿Cómo me puedo conseguir los drivers necesarios?

¿Perdón?, esto es una lista de correos de usuarios de Debian de habla hispana.
Cualquiera duda o sugerencia en relación al Proyecto Debian, Debian GNU/Linux o
Debian GNU/HURD en cualquiera de las arquitecturas soportadas está dentro de la
temática de este foro.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Re: 00.10.24 - HP Deskjet 690C

2000-10-24 Thread Jaume Sabater
Cambiate de nuevo el sistema operativo: de NT a Debian GNU/Linux. En Debian vienen suficientes utilidades para que puedas imprimir sin necesidad de drivers externos.

At 14:40 24/10/00 +0200, you wrote: 

Me han cambiado el sistema operativo. Antes tenía Windows 95 y ahora Windows NT 4.0 WorksStations. Y los Drivers que tengo de la impresora Deskjet 690C no me sirven para NT. ¿Cómo me puedo conseguir los drivers necesarios?
López Galdona

Jaume Sabater i Lleal

Re: Mezclar_árboles_de_directorios

2000-10-24 Thread Carlos López
Mas que raid 0 yo utilizaría lvm (Logical Volume
Manager). Va realmente bien ...

--- Hue-Bond [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:   
   Como  se me  acababa el  espacio en  la
 partición  de los  mp3,
  habilité otra partición pero claro, ahora tengo
 la mitad en un lado
  y la mitad en otro.
 $ ls -l emepetreses*  # recortado para que no
 pase de 80 columnas
 lrwxrwxrwx1 hue   cc2k  emepetreses -
 lrwxrwxrwx1 hue   cc2k  emepetreses2 -
 $ ls -l emepetreses/
 drwxrwxr-x4 nobody   nogroup  1024 ago  6
 01:14 acdc/
 drwxrwxr-x2 nobody   nogroup  1024 oct 22
 16:58 aerosmith/
 drwxrwxr-x2 nobody   nogroup  1024 sep 13
 22:17 alanis-morissette/
 drwxrwxr-x3 nobody   nogroup  1024 ene 25 
 2000 blur/
 drwxrwxr-x2 nobody   nogroup  1024 jun 22
 22:12 metallica/
 drwxrwxr-x4 nobody   nogroup  1024 jun 22
 22:23 mike-oldfield/
 $ ls -l emepetreses2/
 drwxr-xr--4 hue  cc2k 1024 oct 22
 16:48 aerosmith/
 drwxr-xr--3 hue  cc2k 1024 sep  4
 11:33 mana/
 drwxr-xr--2 hue  cc2k 1024 sep 13
 22:25 nirvana/
 drwxr-xr--2 hue  cc2k 1024 sep  3
 21:49 police/
  Hay Aerosmith  y más cosas  en ambos
 sitios,  pero al fin  y al
  cabo nada se repite. O sea:
 $ ls emepetreses/prodigy/
 $ ls emepetreses2/prodigy/
 committing-arson/  daft-punk/
   ¿Hay algún  artilugio para que  parezca
 que todos  cuelgan del
  mismo sitio? ¿Es RAID 0 mi solución? Tengamos
 en cuenta que en esas
  dos particiones no hay nada más  que el
 directorio emepetreses y el
  obligado lost+found.
  David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux
 Registered User #87069

 ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pgp-signature 

Do You Yahoo!?
Obtenga su dirección de correo-e gratis

estadísticas con php

2000-10-24 Thread Diego Martínez Castañeda
hola a todos:

Necesito hacer una página de estadísticas con php. ¿Sabeís de alguna función 
que muestre la ip de la máquina cliente?



Re: estadísticas con php

2000-10-24 Thread Hernan Mauricio Velasquez Nino
El siguiente programa imprime la ip del cliente que invoca el script:

 echo Direccion IP: $GLOBALS[REMOTE_ADDR] BR;



Re: [off-topic] Buscadores

2000-10-24 Thread Virgilio Gómez Rubio
 Hmm... ¿Para eso no era el fichero robots.txt?



On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Jaume Sabater wrote:

 A ver... resulta que me han pedido algun programa (o módulo del apache, o
 lo que sea) que identifique quién pide una web, y si ése quien es algun
 buscador, darle una web específica, mientras que si no lo es se le da la
 web normal. Alguna idea?
 Jaume Sabater i Lleal
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

certificado para apache-ssl

2000-10-24 Thread Diego Martínez Castañeda
hola de nuevo... vuelvo a la carga ;)

esta vez quería saber si para conseguir un certificado de seguridad para el 
apache-ssl no sólo hay que hacer lo que pone la página (generar unos ficheros 
.cert), sino también pagar a una de las empresas para que lo expidan ellos.


Apache y porqueridas bajo demanda

2000-10-24 Thread TooMany

Que vergüenza me da decirlo... pero bueno...
Me han pedido (mi jefe, of course) que ponga/configure el Apache para que
pueda rular el tema de las extensiones frontpage... brrr... Yo he visto que
puedo servir lo de las páginas asp, pero lo del frontpage... ¿?
¿Puede alguien decirme, por favor (estoy deseando escucharlo), que eso NO
puede hacerlo? Si es que sip puede, ¿podeis decirme dónde puedo encontrar
documentaçao al respecto?

Gracias por todo.

Manuel Trujillo Albarral - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Administrador de Sistemas

Re: ¿vmware 2.0.2. en potato?

2000-10-24 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 11:27 a.m. 2000-10-24 +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
On mar, oct 24, 2000 at 09:16:58 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ¿Alguien tiene funcionado el vmware 2.0.2. en potato?


 Me lo he bajado y no soy capaz de instalarlo. ¿alguna pista de alguien que 
 lo tenga funcionando?

Probablemente te está dando un problema al generar los módulos adecuados al
núcleo en uso en el momento de instalación. Es porque hay un error EMHO en
los paquetes deb que traen la imágen dado que no generan partes del árbol de
directorios /usr/src/linux que varían al compilar el núcleo, lo que busca
concrétamente VMWare el fichero /usr/src/linux/include/linux/modversions.h

La culpa no es de los paquetes. La culpa es de VMWare al tener la absurda
idea de que /usr/include/linux (asm, y otros que no recuerdo) están los .h 
del núcleo que se está corriendo (Linus ha comentado que lo que hace Debian
con /usr/include/linux  parientes, es 'The Right Thing (TM)' :o)

que contiene una sóla línea:

#include linux/modsetver.h

Créalo tu mismo como root y ya está. Si me equivoco de problema dime que
más te pasa.

Hmmm... esto lo guardo pa'cuando instale el VMWare =) recuerdo que tuve
que hacer ciertos artilugios para lograr echarlo a andar.

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 User   Linux Registered User #52657 

Re: certificado para apache-ssl

2000-10-24 Thread Jaume Teixi

 esta vez quería saber si para conseguir un certificado de seguridad para el 
 apache-ssl no sólo hay que hacer lo que pone la página (generar unos ficheros 
 .cert), sino también pagar a una de las empresas para que lo expidan ellos.

puedes generarte tu mismo los certificados aunque luego hay dos pequeños 
-no pertenecerás a ninguna jerarquía de autoridad (tu mismo serás tu CA que 
firma tu certificado)
-los navegadores no llevan tu certificado de CA integrado y por tanto siempre 
mostrarán un warning como el de cuando conectas a

te recomiendo usar apache con el modulo  mucho más 
funcional que el apache-ssl y con mejor documentacion


Re: Apache y porqueridas bajo demanda

2000-10-24 Thread Antonio Moragues

Existir existen, y además hechas por microsoft, las puedes conseguir en   

también hay otra implementación llamada mod_frontpage en:


On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, TooMany wrote:

 Que vergüenza me da decirlo... pero bueno...
 Me han pedido (mi jefe, of course) que ponga/configure el Apache para que
 pueda rular el tema de las extensiones frontpage... brrr... Yo he visto que
 puedo servir lo de las páginas asp, pero lo del frontpage... ¿?
 ¿Puede alguien decirme, por favor (estoy deseando escucharlo), que eso NO
 puede hacerlo? Si es que sip puede, ¿podeis decirme dónde puedo encontrar
 documentaçao al respecto?
 Gracias por todo.
 Manuel Trujillo Albarral - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Administrador de Sistemas
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Messenger para Linux

2000-10-24 Thread Sergio Valdivielso Gomez
Ezequiel Reyes wrote:

 *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
 Saludos a todos.
 Mi problema es que estoy intentando instalar la version de Yahoo messenger
 para Linux, tengo un amigo que utiliza RedHat e intento hacerlo pero el
 programa no se logeaba con su cuenta. Yo utilizo Debian Potato y quisiera
 saber antes de intentarlo yo, si alguien en la lista a logrado utilizar el
 messenger a traves de un proxy o que te tipo de configuracion se requiere,
 de existir alguna para conseguirlo. tambien quisiera saber si el XChat que
 viene con el Gnome de la Debian puede utilizarse a traves de proxy pues
 tampoco hemos logrado que se conecte.
 Muchas gracias.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

yo utilizo mensenger de netscape a traves de un proxy, no se si esto te 
servira, pero al
configurar el POP Y SMPT tienes que poner la direccion IP del proxy, y en 
usurario pues tu
nombre de usuario, es decir solo poner pepe no [EMAIL PROTECTED]
En cuanto al XChat, yo no puedo ya que los servicios de mi proxy no lo 
permiten, supongo que
habra que habilitar la salida a XChat por el puerto que utilize.
Un saludo

Sugerencias para portatiles...

2000-10-24 Thread Santiago Romero
 Pos eso, tengo un pequeño P120 con 24Mb de RAM y 1Gb de disco (700Mb
 para Linux, 300 para Windows) y le he metido Debian potato via floppy
 y luego 7 horas de apt-get . Ahora mismo tengo 350Mb libres, tras
 instalar AbiWord, Icewm, IRDA, Netscape 3.04gold, etc.

 He procurado instalar siempre la cosa más pequeña y funcional para
 cada tarea: mutt (correo), slrn (news), vim-fte-joe (editores), 
 bitchx (irc), gentoo-dfm-mc (gestores de ficheros), lynx-w3m-links-
 netscape3 (http), lftp-ftp (ftp), telnet, icewm-blackbox (X WM),
 AbiWord-SiagOffice (proc de textos), xsiag (hoja de calculo), mpg123
 (mp3), etc.

 Mi pregunta no es una pregunta, si no más bien significa que busco
 sugerencias para mantener el poco espacio libre que me queda (325Mb)

 ¿Deberia desactivar el syslogd para que no genere nada en el messages?
 ¿puedo cargarme los ficheros de ayuda de /usr/doc ?
 ¿todos los ejecutables debian vienen stripeados? ¿vale la pena
 pasarles el UXP (Ultimate eXecutable Packer) a los ejecutables?

 ¿Que me recomendais que haga para mantener espacio libre?

 Y por ultimo, 2 cosas:
 - apmd e irda: como se usan :???
 - ¿que otros paquetes me recomendais para un portatil? (pequeños, etc).
Windows 2000 no se cuelg·
AMIBIOS v2.8. 65535Kb OK. Iniciando Windows 2000...
|  NoP / Compiler--[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
|  POWERED BY - Linux Debian 2.2  -  Reg. User #74.821  |
|  |

offtopic :(

2000-10-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bueno.. espero no se burlen si mi pregunta es muy sencilla.. ejem

Quiero hacer lo siguiente (en c):

Cualquier número que me entreguen por grande que sea, quiero descomponerlo y 
meterlo en un vector.


int numero, vector[10];
numero = 16728

/* Qué mi vector quede asi :*/

vector[0] = 1;
vector[1] = 6;
vector[2] = 7;
vector[3] = 2;
vector[4] = 8;
vector[5] = 0;
vector[6] = 0;

Muchas gracias... perdonen el offtopic.

Ricardo Rodríguez

Nettaxi MP3 Player, Burner, Ripper - NEW Version 2.0!!! DOWNLOAD IT FREE! (5MBs)

Re: estadísticas con php

2000-10-24 Thread Daniel H. Perez
* [20001024 16:20] Hernan Mauricio Velasquez Nino ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) decia:
 El siguiente programa imprime la ip del cliente que invoca el script:
  echo Direccion IP: $GLOBALS[REMOTE_ADDR] BR;
con eso vas a tener problemas cuando el cliente pase por un proxy, en el
caso del squid te crea un header X-Forwarder-For que podes usar para saber
la direccion ip del cliente, no se como sera con otro proxy.
Lease que podrias hacer algo asi como: si existe X-Forwarder-For la ip es
igual al valor de ese header, sino REMOTE_ADDR

Daniel H. Perez
a veces Tango 
Fui lo que crei, soy lo que esta pasando (Charly Garcia)
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (2.2.16) Usuario Reg. N. 85920
GnuPG Public Key 0x98ECB388

Re: Sugerencias para portatiles...

2000-10-24 Thread Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz
On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Santiago Romero wrote:

  He procurado instalar siempre la cosa más pequeña y funcional para
  cada tarea: mutt (correo), slrn (news), vim-fte-joe (editores), 
  bitchx (irc), gentoo-dfm-mc (gestores de ficheros), lynx-w3m-links-
  netscape3 (http), lftp-ftp (ftp), telnet, icewm-blackbox (X WM),
  AbiWord-SiagOffice (proc de textos), xsiag (hoja de calculo), mpg123
  (mp3), etc.

Pues si las X son pequeñas... :-)

  ¿puedo cargarme los ficheros de ayuda de /usr/doc ?

Si no los necesitas... Aun así eso engaña, creo que hay bastantes enlaces
duros por todas partes, así que quizás no liberes mucho. Yo al menos me
puse un día a limpiar, y no conseguí nada significativo.

  ¿todos los ejecutables debian vienen stripeados? ¿vale la pena
  pasarles el UXP (Ultimate eXecutable Packer) a los ejecutables?

Sólamente si son grandes (mayor que 100Kb), no se usan de forma simultánea
(por ejemplo el mpg123, o el setiathome), son programas monolíticos y
bueno, recuerda las limitaciones del README del UPX. Un buen candidato
para empezar es el lynx, a pesar de que lo puedas usar en varias ventanas.

 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz   [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Other web pages:  -


2000-10-24 Thread Mari
Hola, un saludo a todo el mundo :-)
Amaya, estas viva no? jejejeje
Bueno, aver, tengo una mezcla entre potato y woody . Mi pregunta es:
Tengo una impresora HP695C , en win me escribe por las dos caras. Hay
alguna utilidad en linux para hacer lo mismo?
Se que existe mpage, pero creo que lo que hace es esperar para que
cambies la hoja, y claro, si tienes que imprimir 100 folios se pierde
mucho tiempo jejejejeje
Bueno, pues si alguien sabe algo, pues que lo diga
Enga, saludos pá tos :-)
Por cierto no tengo .signature, un dia de estos lo voy a hacer jajaja


2000-10-24 Thread Oscar Ramos Moreno

Buenas, tengo instalada potato pero no me permite 
maximizar las ventanas (puedo hacerlas mas altas pero no mas anchas). Realmente 
no tengo ni idea d q puede pasar alguien me Puede dar un 

PSPICE para Debian

2000-10-24 Thread Oscar Ramos Moreno

Alguien sabe donde puedo conseguir las versiones de 
evaluacion para Linux con el schematics, probe, Parts, etc,...

Si no es as podeis recomendarme algo 


rdsi y terra

2000-10-24 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Solo por curiosidad y volviendo a retomar un antiguo hilo:
 ¿Alguien ha podido hacer rular rdsi con terra? (Esto es lamentable)

Saludos. Antonio.

Re: Netscape vs Mozilla [era Re: navegador nescape para debian]

2000-10-24 Thread Amaya

Ignacio Garcia Fernandez dijo:
 Quieres decir que 'Mochila' mejor que 'Notescapes'. A mi me habían dicho
 lo contrario (a lo mejor es por eso que dices de que hay que bajarse la

He probado tanto Mozilla M18 como el Netscape 4.7* y te diré que Mozilla es un
placer de usar, pero va lnt, y me carga mucho la máquina. :-(
Cuando voy al grano, sigo tirando de Netscape 

  The easiest way to get the root password is to become system admin.

 Barbwired (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
 Web personal
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.3 Woody (Kernel 2.2.16) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: Vim y gvim

2000-10-24 Thread Amaya
VerdeOliva dijo:
 Hola, he visto que muchos de vosotros utilzais Vim para escribir los emails,

Te adjunto un .vimrc de lujo. El que usa Wichert ;-)

 yo ando buscando un editor al que acostumbrarme, no sólo para escribir
 correos sino para escribir código html (mi hobby).

Para el html usa Bluefish. La versión de Woody va ligeramente mejor que la de
Potato y no pide mucha actualización de otros paquetes.

 ¿Cómo haceis para que vim cargue la sintaxis apropiada cuando es llamado
 desde el mutt?, es decir, cuando queremos componer un nuevo mensaje.

Yo no hago nada especial, él solito colorea.

  The easiest way to get the root password is to become system admin.

 Barbwired (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
 Web personal
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.3 Woody (Kernel 2.2.16) on a Dell Laptop 
 Configuration file for gvim
 Written for Debian GNU/Linux by W.Akkerman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Some modifications by J.H.M. Dassen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Normally we use vim-extensions. If you want true vi-compatibility
 remove change the following statements
set nocompatible Use Vim defaults (much better!)
set backspace=2  allow backspacing over everything in insert mode
 Now we set some defaults for the editor 
set autoindent   always set autoindenting on
set textwidth=0  Don't wrap words by default
set nobackup Don't keep a backup file
set viminfo='20,\50 read/write a .viminfo file, don't store more than
 50 lines of registers
set history=50   keep 50 lines of command line history
set rulershow the cursor position all the time

 Suffixes that get lower priority when doing tab completion for filenames.
 These are files we are not likely to want to edit or read.

 We know xterm-debian is a color terminal
if term =~ xterm-debian || term =~ xterm-xfree86
  set t_Co=16
  set t_Sf=[3%dm
  set t_Sb=[4%dm

 Vim5 comes with syntaxhighlighting. If you want to enable syntaxhightlighting
 by default uncomment the next three lines. 
if has(syntax)
  syntax on  Default to no syntax highlightning 

 Debian uses compressed helpfiles. We must inform vim that the main
 helpfiles is compressed. Other helpfiles are stated in the tags-file.
set helpfile=$VIMRUNTIME/doc/help.txt.gz

if has(autocmd)

 Set some sensible defaults for editing C-files
augroup cprog
   Remove all cprog autocommands

   When starting to edit a file:
 For *.c and *.h files set formatting of comments and set C-indenting on.
 For other files switch it off.
 Don't change the order, it's important that the line with * comes first.
  autocmd BufRead *   set formatoptions=tcql nocindent comments
  autocmd BufRead *.c,*.h set formatoptions=croql cindent 
augroup END

 Also, support editing of gzip-compressed files. DO NOT REMOVE THIS!
 This is also used when loading the compressed helpfiles.
augroup gzip
   Remove all gzip autocommands

   Enable editing of gzipped files
 read: set binary mode before reading the file
   uncompress text in buffer after reading
write: compress file after writing
   append: uncompress file, append, compress file
  autocmd BufReadPre,FileReadPre*.gz set bin
  autocmd BufReadPre,FileReadPre*.gz let ch_save = ch|set ch=2
  autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost  *.gz '[,']!gunzip
  autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost  *.gz set nobin
  autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost  *.gz let ch = ch_save|unlet ch_save
  autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost  *.gz execute :doautocmd BufReadPost  
. expand(%:r)

  autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost*.gz !mv afile afile:r
  autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost*.gz !gzip afile:r

  autocmd FileAppendPre *.gz !gunzip afile
  autocmd FileAppendPre *.gz !mv afile:r afile
  autocmd FileAppendPost*.gz !mv afile afile:r
  autocmd FileAppendPost*.gz !gzip afile:r
augroup END

augroup bzip2
   Remove all bzip2 autocommands

   Enable editing of bzipped files
 read: set binary mode before reading the file
   uncompress text in buffer after reading
write: compress file after writing
   append: uncompress file, append, compress file
  autocmd BufReadPre,FileReadPre*.bz2 set bin
  autocmd BufReadPre,FileReadPre*.bz2 let ch_save = ch|set ch=2
  autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost  *.bz2 |'[,']!bunzip2
  autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost  *.bz2 let ch = ch_save|unlet ch_save
  autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost  *.bz2 execute :doautocmd BufReadPost  
. expand(%:r)

  autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost*.bz2 !mv afile afile:r
  autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost

Bug en doc-linux-es

2000-10-24 Thread Ricardo Villalba
El paquete doc-linux-es de potato no se puede desinstalar (creo que le
falta un fi en el script prerm).

¿Está solucionado en Woody o hay que reportar el bug?

Ricardo Villalba

Re: [OT] vector en C

2000-10-24 Thread Kynes


 vector[0] = 1;
 vector[1] = 6;


  Bueno, aqui tienes un código (probablemente se pueda optimizar, pero es 
demasiado tarde para ponerme):

#include stdio.h

void main ( void )
int n, numero, backup, vector[10];

numero = backup = 16728;
n = 0;

while ( numero ) {
numero = numero / 10;

numero = backup;

for (n = 10 - n; n--; n != 0 ) {
numero = numero * 10;

for ( n = 10; n--; n = 0 ) {
vector[n] = numero % 10;
numero = numero / 10;

/* Insertar codigo para mostrar el vector */

  Hasta otra.
_  _
|/ \/ |\ | |_ |_  Eduardo Borja Ramírez Ronco
|\ /  | \| |_  _| Debian  2.3 y Kernel 2.2.16
Usuario de Linux #156307  Maquina #68965
Un hombre, cualquier hombre, vale mas que una bandera, cualquier bandera - 
Eduardo Chillida

Description: PGP signature

Discos de instalación

2000-10-24 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Una persona en el chat me pregunto sobre la instalación de debian Potato, y
al explicarle los pasos (era sobre un 486), dice que le daba un error
tal que (textual del irc):

me dice que: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for swapper...
eso, repetidas veces
y ya no puedo hacer nada
Este error se producia al insertar el disquete root.bin.
Me dijo que tenia de ram 39 megas (¿?).

El problema es que no tengo la potato a mano para probar la
instalación (me la baje con apt). 

¿Alguien puede ayudarle? Responderme a mi.

Saludos. Antonio.

Re: Postgres

2000-10-24 Thread Han Solo
Hash: SHA1

Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:



 He creado el usuario-administrador postgres y con este el usuario nobody
 al cual he autorizado a crear bases de datos.

¿Creado? a mí me lo hizo automáticamente durante la instalación del


 creado el segundo registro. Despues desde el usuario postgres entro en la
 base de datos cine y hago grant select on pruebas to public, para que la

Hum. Yo creo (no recuerdo ahora los privilegios del usuario postgres),
que si la tabla la creaste con el usuario nobody, los permisos debe
cambiarlos ese usuario.

 tabla pruebas pueda ser consultada por todes los usuarios. Finalmente hago
 select * from pruebas y deberia salirme los registros creado en mi tabla
 pruebas, pues bien no sale nada, lo que si he observado es que ahora me
 encuentro precedido con una flecha --- de esta manera cuando antes
 aparecia  la flecha con doble trazo. He creado un escript de

Pues lo mismo te digo una bobada: para esa consulta la orden debería
ser select * from pruebas; con ; al final de la orden, de lo
contrario se queda esperando a que metas más condiciones (where
loquesea) S no fuera por lo que dices de la flecha, pensaría que
te has equivocado al teclear el mensaje, pero ese es el comportamiento
del prompt de postgres cuando metes más de una línea y espera al ;.

 desde web con php3 llamado probando.php3 he intentado acceder y este es el
 sigyuiente mensaje de error que aparece. Os atacheo dicho mensaje.
¿Seguro que al final lo has enviado? A mí no me ha llegado. De todas
formas, al hilo de todo esto, las consultas que mandes a través de un
script, también tienen que ir terminada por un punto y coma.

 Podeis darme la direccion de algun documento en español donde explique la
 administracion de Postgresql, creacion de bases de datos, creacion de
 tablas insercion de registros operaciones con todos estos items etc.

En Lucas estaban traduciendo los manuales
de postgres. A estas alturas, ya deben haber terminado.
- -- 
Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Emacs is not on every system

So what? [...] Do you tell your administrative people to stick with
notepad.exe? Do you tell your fat kids they can only have the crummy
games that come with their video games or plain dress that comes with
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.5 and Gnu Privacy Guard


Re: Emacs / XEmacs

2000-10-24 Thread Han Solo
Hash: SHA1

Daniel Costas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 He visto alguna vez alguno de ellos que colorea el texto cuando editas
 un modulo en perl ¿Es posible con emacs? ¿O solo es una posibilidad en

Emacs colorea la sintaxis también. De hecho, a mí me gustan más los
colores de emacs que los de Xemacs (manía personal)

 He visto por ahi que se puede configurar añadiendole cosas para que
 trabaje en modos diferentes, ¿esto es factible para los dos? ¿como se
 hace? ¿donde podria encontrar informacion al respecto?

No se a qué te refieres exactamente, pero todo lo que es configurable
en uno, lo es en el otro. Yo sólo he encontrado alguna cosilla que
funcionara en Xemacs (por ejeplo) y no funcionara en emacs, pero ha
sido más bien incompetencia por mi parte que imposibilidad de hacerlo.

- -- 
Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Emacs is not on every system

So what? [...] Do you tell your administrative people to stick with
notepad.exe? Do you tell your fat kids they can only have the crummy
games that come with their video games or plain dress that comes with
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.5 and Gnu Privacy Guard


Re: framebuffer start

2000-10-24 Thread Andreas Schuldei
* Rustan Rosen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [001024 11:07]:
 Var ställer man in vilket framebufferläge ur /etc/fb.modes som skall
 användas vid uppstart? Skall man lägga in det i lilo.conf?

I had the same problem and wrote the author of fbset about that just
yesterday. This is what I learnd:

/etc/fb.modes is only for fbset. It does not work at boottime. the filesystem
is not even mounted when the framebuffer is activated.

There is a good howto:

you can set all your fbmodes on the vga= line in lilo.conf. For the desired
value you might consult the /usr/share/doc/fbset/kernel-doc/vesa*.txt.gz
I added some chipset specific stuff via append=video=vesa:ywarp,mtrr


2000-10-24 Thread Edmar Rodrigues Martins
Claro mano, porque não?

É só dar um IP para o Linux e outro IP para o produto do tio Bill Gate$.
Se você tiver configurado o serviço de DNS dá até pra fazer um negócio
bacana. Se não configurou o DNS
é só informar o IP do servidor no Browser que ele acha sem problemas.


- Original Message -
To: linux-conectiva
Cc: linux-usp [EMAIL PROTECTED]; linux-unicamp
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 8:29 PM
Subject: (linux-br) SERVIDOR WEB LINUX E NT


 Estou com um pequeno problema.

 Meu irmao desenvolve paginas para a net, entao arrumei um micro e
configurei para ser o
 servidor de pagina web, debian 2.2 + apache 1.3.12. Esta funcionando sem
nenhum problema. O
 problema eh que apareceu um cliente pedindo que ele desenvolvesse uma
pagina com ASP+NT. A
 primeira ideia que me vei a cabeca foi a de pegar um micro que esta
encostado e instalar o
 NT+ASP e problema resolvido. Mas ai surgiu a duvida, eh possivel em uma
rede ter ao mesmo tempo
 dois servidores de pagina web, um no linux e outro no NT !?!?!?

 Por acaso alguem teria alguma outra solucao ?!?!?

 Leiam o codigo fonte ! -
Kevir repreende os
 colegas a quem deve dar
assistencia tecnica 

Kevin Poulsen
 [ ]'s

 Hack Hour Inc.

 Assinantes em 23/10/2000: 2334
 Mensagens recebidas desde 07/01/1999: 83461
 Historico e [des]cadastramento:
 Assuntos administrativos e problemas com a lista:

Re: [linusp-gen] SERVIDOR WEB LINUX E NT

2000-10-24 Thread Laercio Souza dos Santos
Sim. Voce pode criar dois registroc CNAME diferentes para cada maquina

Outra solucao seria colocar o mesmo registro CNAME com as maquinas
escutando em portas diferentes.


| Laercio Souza dos Santos   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| Graduacao em Ciencia da Computacao |
| Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA   |
| Salvador - Bahia - Brasil  |
|   Suporte em Redes - CPD - UFBA|
|  url:   |

On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, cosmo wrote:

 Estou com um pequeno problema.
 Meu irmao desenvolve paginas para a net, entao arrumei um micro e 
 configurei para ser o
 servidor de pagina web, debian 2.2 + apache 1.3.12. Esta funcionando sem 
 nenhum problema. O
 problema eh que apareceu um cliente pedindo que ele desenvolvesse uma pagina 
 com ASP+NT. A
 primeira ideia que me vei a cabeca foi a de pegar um micro que esta encostado 
 e instalar o
 NT+ASP e problema resolvido. Mas ai surgiu a duvida, eh possivel em uma rede 
 ter ao mesmo tempo
 dois servidores de pagina web, um no linux e outro no NT !?!?!?
 Por acaso alguem teria alguma outra solucao ?!?!?
 Leiam o codigo fonte ! - Kevir 
 repreende os
 colegas a quem deve dar 
 assistencia tecnica 
 Kevin Poulsen
 [ ]'s
 Hack Hour Inc.
 Linux Documentation Project - Sao paulo 
 Lista geral do projeto LinUSP
 Para sair da lista

Entrevista com a equipe do Deian-br Publicada!

2000-10-24 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Acabou de ser publicada a entrevista com os participantes iniciais do 
Debian-br, leiam a entrevista, os comentários dos usuários e postem 
os seus!

PS: Lembrando que todo mundo que deseja colaborar está convidado a
no projeto! :)
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#debian-br da rede

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

Re: Bug no kernel???

2000-10-24 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
 On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:
  Oi pessoal,
 você poderia mandar alguns exemplos para eu testar por aqui?

Sim, ele pode ser reproduzido facilmente da seguinte maneira: 

* Pegue um arquivo texto com uns 80Kb ou maior:
* Se possível pegue outro com 300 Kb ou maior 
* Digite o comando 'grep -v -f arquivo.menor arquivo.maior
* Acompanhe as mensagens no console do sistema: xconsole -file
/dev/xconsole  -daemon

Note que este problema pode não ocorrer de primeira, de cada 5 vezes que
o problema aparece de 2 a 3 vezes. 

Eu já fiz vários avaliações técnicas na minha máquina, inclusive na 
voltagem da rede local com multitester, etc para constatar que 
não há nenhum problema de hardware. 

Inclusive as compilações do kernel ocorrem sem problemas (eliminando 
problemas com RAM), o próprio crash-me rodando com privilégios root 
não consegue tal façanha...

Desejo sorte nos testes, porque aqui nos 3 computadores que testei, o 
erro aconteceu (ambos com o kernel 2.2.17).

 estou utilizando a glibc do woody em uma máquina potato (para poder
 rodar o kde2).
  Dai eu pergunto: Como eu faço para relatar o acontecido a equipe do
  junto com os logs do meu sistema? Eu costumo fazer testes de
  estabilidade e
  segurança no sistema mas o que está acontecendo com as operações
  em expressões regulares é realmente assombroso...
  Eu tenho a Potato com as atualizações em proposed-updates, rodando o
  kernel 2.2.17 (ultimo patch) e rodando a versão mais nova da glibc6 (que
  propos a correção de um hack que explora expressões regulares).
 eu estou rodando o 2.2.14 aqui no serviço e o 2.4.0-pre5 em casa, ambos
 com a glibc do woody (2.1.95)
 Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
 IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

[no subject]

2000-10-24 Thread Wendell Martins Borges

Re: Ajuda com o squid

2000-10-24 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
acl bigbtvi url_pattern ^*
  Experimente colocar assim:
  acl bigbtvi url_pattern ^http:\/\/www.\tvi\.iol\.pt\/bigbrother\/*
 acho que é \. certo?

As vezes o teclado não acompanha a velocidade do pensamento ;)
  , , 
,(   ).
[]'s| \,--_ / |
/_  _  `  /
Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro /-.,-.`\
Unix system engineer (___)`--'_/   
  `.__/`  /

Re: deb package documentation

2000-10-24 Thread will trillich
On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 11:42:05AM -0700, Stephen nyc wrote:
 I'm actually looking for the installation and
 configuration documentation in the package ipmasq.deb.
 I want to have it read and noted before I even try to
 install debian and set it up.

i've had occasion to wish i could've read the package documents
BEFORE downloading and installing, as well. afaict,
doesn't accomodate that.

to see the package documents, check out
where you'll find the stuff that goes into /usr/share/doc/ipmasq/*.

to scratch the surface, try

using man2html anyone can provide a browseable version of their
manpage library, and some have already done so -- including - click 'linux man pages' near
the bottom on the left.

or check out for more on the concept
and its implementation.

self-reference, n: see self-reference.


Re: adding ftp user

2000-10-24 Thread Mario Zuppini
Does anyone know on the topic of ftp security, how we can limit the ftp user
that log's in to stay in the home dir you assign them, and not be able to
move up the directory tree ?

- Original Message -
From: Nate Amsden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: adding ftp user

 William Jensen wrote:
  I've just installed ftpd from the stable potato packages.  Anonymous ftp
  cannot log in because ftp user does not exist.  I've setup a chroot jail
  in /home/ftp.  What's the best way to add user ftp in a security
  way.  I tried useradd ftp, then in /etc/passwd I changed it's shell to
  /bin/false.  Anything else I should be aware of?
  I'd use scp but work's firewall has the port blocked and I'm not
  excited about sending my username and password for my normal account
login so
  I decided to go the anonymous way.

 you can change the port for ssh/scp see the manpage .. as for ftp
 ..thats probably fine be more concerned about the ftpd your using
 if your using 'ftpd' thats good i wouldn't use proftpd or wu-ftpd
 though(if your security councious(sp))


 ICQ: 75132336

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

RE: Sendmail and Virtual Domains

2000-10-24 Thread Tom Warfield
Alright finaly i figured it out...

I had in the from field in my rules so even though it was
suppost to overide that, for some reason it did not.


-Original Message-
From: Tom Warfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 10:36 PM
To: Debian Users Group (E-mail)
Subject: Sendmail and Virtual Domains

Okay i thought at first, hey this looks easyso hrmmm why the heck aint
it working :)

Here is what is going on. I have a virtual domain that i want my
server to host the email for. So with that in mind I have it working
properly, well at least somewhat properly. If you send a email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] the email server forwards the email to my
hotmail account, so that part is working properly. Only thing is that the to
field when i receive the email will say [EMAIL PROTECTED] With that in mind,
is there anyone out there who has a idea how to fix this?

Basicaly what my goal is to have this virtual domain be forwarded to other
email accounts at another ISP. So any ideas would be appreciated.


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

root's PATH

2000-10-24 Thread Jeff Hornsberger
Hi, I'm having some weirdness happening with root on my system. In
root's .bashrc file I set his PATH with:
export PATH
This works fine when he is just working in a gnome-terminal or
something, but when he works in the console, $HOME/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
don't get added to his PATH. Could someone tell me why this is? Doesn't
.bashrc get read in console mode for some reason? Thanks. -Jeff

Re: root's PATH

2000-10-24 Thread CaT
On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 09:22:08PM -0700, Jeff Hornsberger wrote:
 Hi, I'm having some weirdness happening with root on my system. In
 root's .bashrc file I set his PATH with:
 export PATH
 This works fine when he is just working in a gnome-terminal or
 something, but when he works in the console, $HOME/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
 don't get added to his PATH. Could someone tell me why this is? Doesn't
 .bashrc get read in console mode for some reason? Thanks. -Jeff

.bashrc doesn't get read by a login shell. If you wish for this to happen

. ~/.bashrc

into your .bash_profile file.


'We do more then just sing and dance. We've got a brain too.'
-- The Backstreet Boys

Re: Debian and Red Hat togheter

2000-10-24 Thread Scott V. McGuire
Sharing /home isn't so hard if there are only a few users.  I do it at
home where there is just me and (occasionally) my wife.

I have thought of sharing /opt and perhaps /usr/local, but have been
worried that in addition to the stuff that I install by hand some rpms
or debs will put stuff there.  I don't want to mix that stuff.  

On Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 12:19:18AM +0518, USM Bish wrote:
 Yes, I have Slackware and Debian on the same system.
 The only things I share are the swap partition, /opt 
 and an unusual partition I use called /archive which 
 holds my software archives, downloads, html,  music,
 graphics, and shared data files.
 I tried to share /home, but  gave up  because of the
 userid problems between systems. Doing  with  system
 dirs like /usr, /var, /etc, /tmp etc. should NOT  be 
 tried because of userid, permissions, ownerships and
 numerous other mismatches.
 I keep several commonly used programs in /opt  which
 includes mainly third party software which I install
 manually to be used by both systems.  The  following
 programs run  perfectly well  from /opt  across both
 systems: netscape, xv, maxwell, abiword, WordPerfect
 Ted, jdk1.2, nasm, BlueFish and numerous scripts and
 programs. All these programs are statically linked 
 would run independently. Note : /opt/bin is  on my 
 default path set in /etc/profile of both systems.
 USM Bish
 On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 12:34:07PM -0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Another question (It's half off-topic, I know):
  I'm installing Red Hat. Is there anyone that has 2 different linux OS's in
  the same machine, and was able to optimize disk space? Say, symlink a few
  directories (/home, for example) from one installation to another? It would
  not only optimize disk space, but it would keep the same user files under
  both installations.
  Thanks again,
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I lost my GnuPG Key.  Nobody ever sent me the secret plans anyway.
GnuPG is at

Re: new machine: what's wrong?

2000-10-24 Thread Jack
Thanks for the reply!  However,  I've already tried that with no luck.
The installation (boot from cd) of Debian and Redhat 7.0 failed with
same kind of error message.  BTW,  my old machine is not so old indeed,
PII 400.  

On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 10:39:21PM -0500, Andrei Ivanov wrote:
 Thats most likely because you are booting a system that was build on
 your old box...different hardware, totally. I've had something like that
 happen to me when I booted a kernel from old system into new one
 (different architectures, 486-Pentium). System booted, but behaved very
 Same story with Windows.
 I'd try to do a clean install somewhere on a partition you dont need.
 First there was Explorer...
 Then came Expedition.
 This summer
   Coming to a street near you..
   Ford Exterminator.
 Andrei Ivanov

Re: duplicating setup machine

2000-10-24 Thread Dennis
On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, John Chambers wrote:

 What are the easy ways to duplicate an existing
 setup debian machine to other machines?  

There are (as usual with Linux) a number of different ways to do this. One
quick and dirty way that I like is to boot off of something like Tomsrtbt
floppy or Linuxcare's Bootable Business Card. You can download the ISO for
the BBC at:

The bootable business card (which can be burned into one of those business
card sized CDRs) is a pretty decent rescue disk. It isn't perfect, but it
has many of the commands that you'd want on such a beast.

You can burn a copy of the BBC, boot off of it, start up networking
(trivial-network-setup I think - just type trivial and hit tab - ahh, a
real shell!) - which will ask you if you want to obtain an IP address via
DHCP. It also prompts you whether you want to install ssh (which it gets
remotely via wget).

You are in a perfect situation to partition the local hard drive (take
your pick: cfdisk, fdisk or sfdisk). sfdisk is great for automating
partitioning (you pass start cylinder, number of cylinders, type (L -
linux, S - swap, etc). Definitely do a man sfdisk on a real system first
(BBC does not have man pages AFAIK).

Then, once your partitioning is as you like it, you can use something like
rsync to replicate from another machine. Or in a much simplier fashion you
can use something like tar or cpio via ssh.

Although the dpkg --get/set-selections is awesome, you don't get all the
other things you need to set up in order to have a working system. FYI, if
you do transfer the entire machine using tar or cpio make sure you do an
apt-get clean to clean out the local copy of the retrieved .deb files -
otherwise you'll be copying quite a bit more than you may expect.

If you want/need more details, feel free to contact me.


OpNIX - Simply geek tested, mother approved bandwidth

Re: Debian and Red Hat togheter

2000-10-24 Thread Willy Lee
Scott == Scott V McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Sharing /home isn't so hard if there are only a few users.  I do it
 at home where there is just me and (occasionally) my wife.

 I have thought of sharing /opt and perhaps /usr/local, but have been
 worried that in addition to the stuff that I install by hand some
 rpms or debs will put stuff there.  I don't want to mix that stuff.

IIRC, both rpm and dpkg are specifically supposed to keep their hands
off of /opt and /usr/local; they are supposed to be user only.


Albert ``Willy'' Lee, Emacs user, game programmer
They call me CRAZY - just because I DARE to DREAM of a RACE of 

Re: How do I do an ftp install?

2000-10-24 Thread jeff
If you have not yet been to the Debian site, here's a good place to get
installation help:

Basically, you download the Debian base system.  Then configure your
Internet connection and connect to the big package source in the sky.  Then
you can easily download and install anything you want.


On Sat, Oct 21, 2000 at 08:04:03PM +0100, Phillip Deackes wrote:
 I would be very grateful for any pointers to doing an ftp install of
 Debian - I have a PCI ISDN card (AVM) BTW so this would probably
 complicate matters.
 I can't find any documentaion detailing what I would have to do so a
 reference to a web page or other source of info would be gratefully
 Many thanks.
 Phillip Deackes
 Using Storm Linux
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: installing MATLAB

2000-10-24 Thread Mark Phillips
Prof. Le Baron O. Ferguson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Trying to do an install from the CDROM for v. 5.3 of MATLAB I can
 get started. I get an error message:
   can't load library ''
 I find this library at /usr/X11R6/lib/ I put a link to it
 in /usr/X11R6 but that did not help.
 I would appreciate any suggestions as to what to try next.

I don't know if this is the problem, but there are two packages which
provide libXt --- I think!!!

There is xlib6g which is the usual one that is installed --- it is for
libc6.  Then there is xlib6 (without the g) which is found in section
oldlibs and is for libc5.  Now I could be wrong, but I think Matlab
might be libc5 based, in which case you will need to install xlib6.
(You can have both xlib6g and xlib6 installed I believe.)

I'm no expert, so no guarentees this will work, but it's the best I
can think of.



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: Console new mail notification

2000-10-24 Thread Moritz Schulte
Aaron Brashears [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm running debian stable, and I've set up procmail to filter
 messages into appropriate mailboxes.  However, now that almost all
 mail is filtered into /home/gila/Mail, none of it winds up in
 /var/... so console mail notification doesn't work correctly.  Is
 there any way to configure bash to check in different directories
 for mail?

Yes, see the bash manual. You set $MAILPATH to a colon seperated list
of filenames, which should be checked for new mail. Furthermore,
you've to set 'mailwarn'  with 'shopt', if it's unset.

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

wine (woody) can't find KERNEL32.dll

2000-10-24 Thread Mark Phillips
I just upgraded wine to the woody version.  A program that used to run
on the potato version now crashes at the start, complaining:

err:module:fixup_imports Module (file) KERNEL32.dll needed by C:\etax2000_1.exe 
not found

Now I thought kernel32 was a builtin thing.  That's what is in the
wine.conf.  Any ideas on what is wrong?



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Cron root@adanidas test -e /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily]

2000-10-24 Thread Remco Rijnders
Hello all,

I was hoping if any of you know the solution to the following problem
reported to me by email:

- Forwarded message from Cron Daemon root -

Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 06:27:35 +0200 (CEST)
From: root (Cron Daemon)
To: root
Subject: Cron [EMAIL PROTECTED] test -e /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts 
--report /etc/cron.daily
X-Cron-Env: SHELL=/bin/sh
X-Cron-Env: PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
X-Cron-Env: HOME=/root
X-Cron-Env: LOGNAME=root

error: mysql-server:15 duplicate log entry for /var/log/mysql.log
run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate exited with return code 1

- End forwarded message -

I get this mail daily. The error started to occur when I did an
upgrade from potato to woody. Any help is much appreciated :)

Remco Rijnders, ICQ: 760542 | Linux adanidas 2.2.16 is up 17 days, 21:18   | Reporter: Mr Gandhi, what do you think of
Phone:(+31) 70 3467809  |   Western Civilization?
Cellular: (+31) 6 22091723  | Gandhi:   I think it would be a good idea.

Re: Console new mail notification

2000-10-24 Thread Rino Mardo
Sure you can.  Here's mine:

MAILPATH='/home/rino/Mail/IN.debian-user?Mail has arrived for
debian-user':'/var/mail/rino?Mail has arrived'

Be vewy careful about the tick marks as it is very confusing.  By default,
your mails are checked when you login and then every sixty seconds.

who watches the watchmen?

- Original Message -
From: Aaron Brashears [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 4:39 AM
Subject: Console new mail notification

 I'm running debian stable, and I've set up procmail to filter messages
into appropriate mailboxes.
 However, now that almost all mail is filtered into /home/gila/Mail, none
of it winds up in /var/... so console mail notification doesn't work
 Is there any way to configure bash to check in different directories for

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: new machine: what's wrong?

2000-10-24 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 11:41:10PM -0400, Jack wrote: 

 Frustrated with my new machine.  It's a self-assembled machine and it's
 the first one I've made.  (PIII, PC133, 128M mem)
 Tried to boot from the my old hard-disk,  which has Win98, Win2k,
 Debian installed on it.
 Win98 could be booted into DOS mode just fine.  Win98 itself (even safe
 mode) and Win2k crashed when boot.  Debian failed either.  Here's error
 message I got from linux:
 Calibrating delay loop ... 1468.01 BogoMIPS
 Memory 127064K/131008K available (1016k Kernel code, 416K reserved,
 1680k data, 60k init, OK bigmem)
 Dentry hash table entries: 262144(order 9, 2048k)
 Buffer cache hash table entries: 131072(order 7, 512k)
 Page cache hash table entries: 32768(order 5, 128k)
 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 87fe15a8
 current-tss.cr3 = 00101000, %cr3 = 00101000
 *pde = 
 CPU: 0
 EIP: 0010[c011edb0]
 EFLAGS: 00010283
 eax: ebx:87fe1560 ecxc024cc84 edx c01d57c0
 esi:c01d20d7 edi:c01d57c1 ebpc7f317a0 esp: c0229f90
 ds 0018 es 0018 ss:0018
 Process swapper(pid:0, processs nr:0, stackpage: c0229000)
 stack: ..
.. (numbers)
 Call Trace: [6106000] [c01d57c0]
 [c0106000] [c0100175]
 Code: 8b 73 48 8b 7c 24 38 fc ac
   ae 75 08 84 c0 75 88 31 c0 eb 04
 Kernel panic: Attempted to kill the idle task!
 In swapper task - not syncing


 ps.  the memory works fine on my old machine,  although the old
 motherboard only supports pc100.

But your memory does support PC133? Maybe it just claims to support
it. Don't laugh - the german Computer magazine c't tested a bunch of
RAMs to check if the SPD was programmed correctly. On they got a nice tool to check
your's. Of course it's in german but if you want to I would be able to
translate the important stuff. This is not a commom memory test, but a
test to see if the SPD is programmed according to the Specs.

You could try to borrow some other memory (PC133!) and see if it does
make any change. 
You could also try to boot a Floppy-Linuy like

and see if they boot with your hardware.

If all that doesn't help then I guess you have to check every single
piece of hardware and replace it for testing.

Re: a whole bunch of questions

2000-10-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski
CHEONG, Shu Yang [Patrick] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What I normally do is cp the .Xauthority from /home/username to
 /root and starting X as root would then be okHowever, I am
 unsure whether this would compromise certain security features,

This is also OK, but I would just set the equivalent
environmentvariable. export XAUTHORITY=/home/foo/.Xauthority as root

[Please learn how to quote in useful way. Don't just smack the mail
you replay to at the end as a full quote]


Re: problems with ippp0

2000-10-24 Thread Hanno Böttcher
Stephan Kiesel wrote:


 i configured my isdn card as /dev/ippp0 and every 10 minutes without any
 activity, ippp0 connect to my isp-nameserver.
 I plan to configure this host as internet gateway.
 I don´t want to start or stop the device everytime i´m going  online.


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Sounds like sth. trys to make a DNS-Lookup. E.g. Netscape or Sendmail or sth. 
this. You can try to find this out with iptraf, it logs your ip traffic, maybe 
you see
who is trying to make this lookup causes the dialout. Another way, search at or (yeah, I know, not Debian, but it helps also 
for a help to a topic like Why is my pc making internet connects although I 
want him to or similar. There you get other programs that causes DNS Lookups


Re: adding ftp user

2000-10-24 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 02:27:46PM +1000, Mario Zuppini wrote:
 Does anyone know on the topic of ftp security, how we can limit the ftp user
 that log's in to stay in the home dir you assign them, and not be able to
 move up the directory tree ?

echo lusername  /etc/ftpchroot

that is all thats required for OpenBSD ftpd 0.3.2 which has a built in

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: a whole bunch of questions

2000-10-24 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 09:36:25AM +0800, CHEONG, Shu Yang [Patrick] wrote:
 If you have got the correct modules'd need to chmod your
 /dev/dsp and /dev/audio to allow your username write access to the
 devices.try chmod 666 on the above devices!

no don't run chmod 666.  run 'adduser yourusername audio'

making the audio devices world readable/writable allows all users to
listen to your attached microphone (if any) thus being able to
eavesdrop on anyone in the room.  only trusted users should have
access to the audio devices.  

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: wine (woody) can't find KERNEL32.dll

2000-10-24 Thread Phillip Deackes
Mark Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just upgraded wine to the woody version.  A program that used to run
 on the potato version now crashes at the start, complaining:
 err:module:fixup_imports Module (file) KERNEL32.dll needed by
 C:\etax2000_1.exe not found
 Now I thought kernel32 was a builtin thing.  That's what is in the
 wine.conf.  Any ideas on what is wrong?

I went through the same thing at the weekend. Just open up
/etc/ and add this line:


Do the usual ldconfig afterwards. /etc/wine.conf has changed a fair bit
recently so it would be a good idea to install the maintainer's version
and edit it to your requirements instead of using your version which, if
it is anything like mine, was probably created many, many versions ago.

I am amazed at how close Wine is getting to running stuff like MS
Publisher - it runs it very well but can't yet do OLE services. 

Hope this helps.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux

Re: Debian and Red Hat togheter

2000-10-24 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 10:23:51PM -0700, Willy Lee wrote:
 Scott == Scott V McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Sharing /home isn't so hard if there are only a few users.  I do it
  at home where there is just me and (occasionally) my wife.
  I have thought of sharing /opt and perhaps /usr/local, but have been
  worried that in addition to the stuff that I install by hand some
  rpms or debs will put stuff there.  I don't want to mix that stuff.
 IIRC, both rpm and dpkg are specifically supposed to keep their hands
 off of /opt and /usr/local; they are supposed to be user only.

debian packages never put anything in /usr/local other then empty
directories.  rpms very frequently toss junk in /usr/local though.
(at least they did way back when i used redhat 5.x - 6.0)

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: wine (woody) can't find KERNEL32.dll

2000-10-24 Thread Frank Copeland
On 24 Oct 00 06:23:38 GMT, Mark Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just upgraded wine to the woody version.  A program that used to run
on the potato version now crashes at the start, complaining:

err:module:fixup_imports Module (file) KERNEL32.dll needed by 
C:\etax2000_1.exe not found

Now I thought kernel32 was a builtin thing.  That's what is in the
wine.conf.  Any ideas on what is wrong?

Builtin modules are implemented as shared libraries which are stored in
/usr/lib/wine. Wine needs to be told where to find them, which is done
in wine.conf. This is a fairly recent change, and requires changes to
wine.conf. Did you update your wine.conf when you updated the package?
If there is a wine.conf.dpkg-dist try renaming it to wine.conf and
editing it to reflect your setup. If that doesn't do it try adding
/usr/lib/wine to your and running ldconfig.


Re: firewall masquerade script availability - 'potato'

2000-10-24 Thread Rene Hogendoorn
 Aaron == Aaron Brashears [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Aaron By default, this package configures the system as a basic
Aaron forwarding firewall, with IP spoofing and stuffed routing
Aaron protection. The firewall will allow hosts behind the
Aaron firewall to get to the Internet, but not allow connections
Aaron from the Internet to reach the hosts behind the

This is, unfortunately, NOT the case; look at the open bug reports
for ipmasq. Any (almost any) host can connect to your machine.
In one of the bug reports, there is a rules configuration that
sets up a tight firewall. Note also that you have to adapt the
/etc/ip-down.d/50ipmasq script to contain

  ipmasq --rules /etc/ipmasq/masq-down

to get back to the default state when the connection is down.

Aaron firewall. However, ipmasq now features a very flexible
Aaron framework where you can override any of the predefined
Aaron rules if you so choose. It also allows you to control if
Aaron the rules are reinterpreted when pppd brings a link up or
Aaron down.


R. A. Hogendoorn   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Information and Communication Technology Division  Tel. +31-527-24-8367 
National Aerospace Laboratory, The Netherlands Fax. +31-527-24-8210 

Re: sources.list, installing via nfs.

2000-10-24 Thread hypo crite
Hi Will, hi all!

 i can't believe that nobody saw the flaw, tho...

The flaw? Unfortunately my printout of your
apt-get-guide is 20 miles away...
All right, I have to emulate an mirror. I thought it
would be easier, cause it´s a usual thing to put your
CDs on a harddisk.
Somewhere I saw a HOWTO about building a
debian-mirror, but I´ve lost the URL. Does somebody
know it?
 which will probably be
 about seven
 minutes after i send this missive.)

Probably version 5.3.2 of this doc will be somewhere
after my reply.
However, I´ll try to copy my CDs together and see what
will happen.
Thx for your patience with a newbie :)

 most of your clan don't advertise. (my sister-in-law
 sure doesn't!)

Clan? Quake? I´m a pretty lousy frag-collector.
hypocrite, clanless advertiser.

Do You Yahoo!?
Gesendet von Yahoo! Mail -
Yahoo! Mail auf Ihrem Handy? -

Re: wine (woody) can't find KERNEL32.dll

2000-10-24 Thread Mark Phillips
Phillip Deackes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I went through the same thing at the weekend. Just open up
 /etc/ and add this line:
 Do the usual ldconfig afterwards. /etc/wine.conf has changed a fair bit
 recently so it would be a good idea to install the maintainer's version
 and edit it to your requirements instead of using your version which, if
 it is anything like mine, was probably created many, many versions ago.

Thanks for the help!  I am guessing that the debian wine package
should have added the line to /etc/, but for some reason
didn't --- is that right?  I'm not familiar with how ldconfig etc
works.  I presume I just run ldconfig with no options (after changing
the file), is that right?

 I am amazed at how close Wine is getting to running stuff like MS
 Publisher - it runs it very well but can't yet do OLE services. 

Wine certainly has come a long way.  I last had a serious go at using
it a couple of years ago, with limited success.  But from all reports
it is much better now!

 Using Storm Linux

What is the advantage of Storm over normal debian?



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: fullscreen video playback

2000-10-24 Thread Henrique M Holschuh
On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, matt garman wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 10:42:03PM -0200, Henrique M Holschuh wrote:
  On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   without proper video acceleration in X this is not
   possible/reccomended. try using the double option in mpegtv and you'll see
  Well, if you define a videomode closer to the resolution of the video you're
  playing, SDL fullscreen mode should switch the Xserver to that mode, I 
  This is obviously not even close to a good hardware-based scale-and-dirther
  solution, but at least the movies will not be played in a small rectangle
  with huge black borders anymore :-)
 On a local newsgroup, someone said I need the dbe module loaded in order
 to let SDL to video mode switching.  What package provides the dbe module?
 I'm running Debian 2.2, with the xfree 3.3.6 package.  I can't find any
 relevant dbe files on my system.  In fact, I don't even have the directory
 /usr/X11R6/lib/modules on my computer.

Well, SC3000 did that for me, under xf 3.3.6 and SDL in its default (debian)
configuration. The only thing I did was to provide the proper videomodes (as
in I can select them using Ctrl+Alt++ and Ctrl+Alt+-).  I don't even know
what a dbe module is :-)

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

broken libc6/nss-modules in woody

2000-10-24 Thread debian

after an apt-get dist-upgrade my system (woody) seems quite broken.
Apache and lprng among other daemons/progs are no longer working:

#/etc/init.d/apache start
Starting web server: apache.
/usr/sbin/apachectl: line 171:  1603 Aborted $HTTPD
/usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

#tail -f /var/log/apache/error.log
apache: options.c:326: ldap_set_option: Assertion
`( ( ld )-ld_options.ldo_valid == 0x2 )' failed.

Also my system load average is shown (with top) as being around 1.2
although I can't see any obvious culprit-processes, and the system
doesn't feel loaded.

Apparently there are problems with libc6/nss-modules.

Does anyone know when/if this libc6/nss-modules issue will be fixed?

Is there any easy way to downgrade the libc6 stuff I broke with
apt-get dist-upgrade?

If I compile new software on my system in its present state,
will the newly compiled software be inherently broken, or will
its brokeness be fixed when the general issue with the
libc6-stuff gets fixed?

thanks for any help,


Re: backup/restore partitions

2000-10-24 Thread Timo Benk

On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, Dr. Michael Koltai wrote:
 I'd like to backup a partition (and restore). How to do that? 
 I think using the 'cp' or the 'dd' programs. I'd like to create (if possible 
 compressed file) from a partition ( like /dev/hda1 ) and if I need
 restore from this big file. If it possible I'd like to store this on a floppy 
 disk( or if  it not possible on cd ).
 I'd like to store this big file on an other device(like a bigger drive).

There is a tool named Partition Image. I actually don't use it but it
sounds good, they say it's like Norton Ghost.


   .'o oOOOo`.  | Timo Benk 
  ;~~~-.oOo   o`.   | Germany
   `. \ ~-.  oOOo.  | 
 `.; / ~.  OO:  | Fax/Voicemail:+49891488214215
 .'  ;-- `.o.'  | 
,' ; ~~--'~ |
;  ;| [ASCII stolen from Mescalito Ted] 

Symlink compress -- gzip

2000-10-24 Thread Craig Law
Can anyone tell me how I do this? I need to create a symbolic link between the 
gzip in Debian and Redhats compress. I've been told that if I do this I will be 
able to install a particular piece of software correctly.



Re: Help: gv not reading *.gz files?

2000-10-24 Thread kmself
Please keep list mail on list.

on Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 09:32:11AM +0200, Jonathan Gift ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Hi again,
 Thanks for getting back to me. Once I loaded the gsfonts, gv itself worked
 fine on the *.ps.gz files. Ghostview doesn't. I just wanted to know if this
 was normal? ie Is there a wrapper involved, as you suggested for gv and it's
 default state is it doesn't read *.gz unlike gv which does?

Not sure.  I run gv fairly much exclusively, not Ghostview.

 PS The gv loads xaw3dg and don't know how to remove it's effects, so I'm
 back to
 Ghostview for the moment...

What do you mean by don't know how to remove its effects?  Does xaw3dg
interfere with other clients?

Karsten M. Self
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Symlink compress -- gzip

2000-10-24 Thread Rino Mardo
Odd.  Any distro can use or unzip gzipped files.  What exactly you want

who watches the watchmen?

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 12:38 PM
Subject: Symlink compress -- gzip

Can anyone tell me how I do this? I need to create a symbolic link between
the gzip in Debian and Redhats compress. I've been told that if I do this I
will be able to install a particular piece of software correctly.



Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Symlink compress -- gzip

2000-10-24 Thread Craig Law
Long story but trying to load NDS Corporate Edition (best installed on Redhat 
6.1 or 6.2) onto my Debian server. I've been given instructions by someone who 
has done it before. The shell script which installs the product makes some 
reference to compress which apparently Debian doesn't have and I guess that's 
why this person has suggested I use a symlink to gzip. I just have no idea how 
to do it.

 Rino Mardo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 24.10.2000 8:15:32 PM 
Odd.  Any distro can use or unzip gzipped files.  What exactly you want

who watches the watchmen?

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 12:38 PM
Subject: Symlink compress -- gzip

Can anyone tell me how I do this? I need to create a symbolic link between
the gzip in Debian and Redhats compress. I've been told that if I do this I
will be able to install a particular piece of software correctly.



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Re: Symlink compress -- gzip

2000-10-24 Thread Rino Mardo
I see.  Well as root just do a ln -s /usr/sbin/gzip /usr/sbin/compress

assuming gzip is in that directory.  Just edit where appropriate.

- who watches the watchmen?

Key fingerprint - E619 726E 3815 7A48 EAC7  E49F DF93 4E33 B069 0883
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: Symlink compress -- gzip

Long story but trying to load NDS Corporate Edition (best installed on
Redhat 6.1 or 6.2) onto my Debian server. I've been given instructions by
someone who has done it before. The shell script which installs the product
makes some reference to compress which apparently Debian doesn't have and I
guess that's why this person has suggested I use a symlink to gzip. I just
have no idea how to do it.

 Rino Mardo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 24.10.2000 8:15:32 PM 
Odd.  Any distro can use or unzip gzipped files.  What exactly you want

who watches the watchmen?

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 12:38 PM
Subject: Symlink compress -- gzip

Can anyone tell me how I do this? I need to create a symbolic link between
the gzip in Debian and Redhats compress. I've been told that if I do this I
will be able to install a particular piece of software correctly.



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[no subject]

2000-10-24 Thread

I try to work whit sendmail who use LDAP ROUTING method. I include the LDAPMAP 
with the file site.config.m4 into the directory 
/sendmail-8.11.1/devtools/Site/. I use the Build command in the directory 
/sendmail-8.11.1/sendmail/, it include the file described above, but after the 
include operation of NEWDB and LDAPMAP the job print the following lines:

err.o: In function `errstring':
err.o(.text+0x1490): undefined reference to `ldap_err2string'
map.o: In function `ldapmap_start':
map.o(.text+0x1d36): undefined reference to `ldap_open'
map.o(.text+0x1dfc): undefined reference to `ldap_bind_s'
map.o: In function `ldapmap_close':
map.o(.text+0x1ed5): undefined reference to `ldap_unbind'
map.o: In function `ldapmap_lookup':
map.o(.text+0x226d): undefined reference to `ldap_search'
map.o(.text+0x2389): undefined reference to `ldap_result'
map.o(.text+0x2b9e): undefined reference to `ldap_msgfree'
map.o(.text+0x2bee): undefined reference to `ldap_count_entries'
map.o(.text+0x2c26): undefined reference to `ldap_msgfree'
make: *** [sendmail] Error 1

I have already been included the OpenLdap and OpenLdap-dev libraries, the Umich 
Libraries but the error remains.
I work with a Debian 2.1 release, sendmail v 8.11-1 and Openldap server 1.2.11.



Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail Supereva. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


Re: Symlink compress -- gzip

2000-10-24 Thread Craig Law
That did the trick - thank you

 Rino Mardo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 24.10.2000 8:44:14 PM 
I see.  Well as root just do a ln -s /usr/sbin/gzip /usr/sbin/compress

assuming gzip is in that directory.  Just edit where appropriate.

- who watches the watchmen?

Key fingerprint - E619 726E 3815 7A48 EAC7  E49F DF93 4E33 B069 0883
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: Symlink compress -- gzip

Long story but trying to load NDS Corporate Edition (best installed on
Redhat 6.1 or 6.2) onto my Debian server. I've been given instructions by
someone who has done it before. The shell script which installs the product
makes some reference to compress which apparently Debian doesn't have and I
guess that's why this person has suggested I use a symlink to gzip. I just
have no idea how to do it.

 Rino Mardo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 24.10.2000 8:15:32 PM 
Odd.  Any distro can use or unzip gzipped files.  What exactly you want

who watches the watchmen?

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 12:38 PM
Subject: Symlink compress -- gzip

Can anyone tell me how I do this? I need to create a symbolic link between
the gzip in Debian and Redhats compress. I've been told that if I do this I
will be able to install a particular piece of software correctly.



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Using old libstdc library

2000-10-24 Thread Craig Law
I'm using Debian 2.2 distribution and have a piece of commercial software from 
Novell that won't install unless it has the following file ...

I've had a look at this distribution and Debian 2.2 uses

Is it possible to go backwards and am I likely to break anything? If I cannot 
go backwards should I start with the 2.1 distribution and work my way up?



LDAP + Sendamail

2000-10-24 Thread

Excusme but in the first mail I forgot the subject

I try to work whit sendmail who use LDAP ROUTING method. I include the LDAPMAP 
with the file site.config.m4 into the directory 
/sendmail-8.11.1/devtools/Site/. I use the Build command in the directory 
/sendmail-8.11.1/sendmail/, it include the file described above, but after the 
include operation of NEWDB and LDAPMAP the job print the following lines:

err.o: In function `errstring':
err.o(.text+0x1490): undefined reference to `ldap_err2string'
map.o: In function `ldapmap_start':
map.o(.text+0x1d36): undefined reference to `ldap_open'
map.o(.text+0x1dfc): undefined reference to `ldap_bind_s'
map.o: In function `ldapmap_close':
map.o(.text+0x1ed5): undefined reference to `ldap_unbind'
map.o: In function `ldapmap_lookup':
map.o(.text+0x226d): undefined reference to `ldap_search'
map.o(.text+0x2389): undefined reference to `ldap_result'
map.o(.text+0x2b9e): undefined reference to `ldap_msgfree'
map.o(.text+0x2bee): undefined reference to `ldap_count_entries'
map.o(.text+0x2c26): undefined reference to `ldap_msgfree'
make: *** [sendmail] Error 1

I have already been included the OpenLdap and OpenLdap-dev libraries, the Umich 
Libraries but the error remains.
I work with a Debian 2.1 release, sendmail v 8.11-1 and Openldap server 1.2.11.



Salve, il messaggio che hai ricevuto
è stato inviato per mezzo del sistema
di web mail Supereva. Se anche tu vuoi 
una casella di posta free visita il
Ti aspettiamo!


Re: Using old libstdc library

2000-10-24 Thread Rino Mardo
You are liable to break things if you do that.  I'm not particularly sure
which version has that software but if your software from Novell is not
picky on the distro version then yes use slink or even hamm.

- who watches the watchmen?

Key fingerprint - E619 726E 3815 7A48 EAC7  E49F DF93 4E33 B069 0883

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 2:24 PM
Subject: Using old libstdc library

I'm using Debian 2.2 distribution and have a piece of commercial software
from Novell that won't install unless it has the following file ...

I've had a look at this distribution and Debian 2.2 uses

Is it possible to go backwards and am I likely to break anything? If I
cannot go backwards should I start with the 2.1 distribution and work my way



Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

dialup problem

2000-10-24 Thread Peter Fedichev

I have to access my internet service provider, send and recieve faxes from 
behind a mini-telephon
station. If I pick up my phone, there is now long tone (dialing tone), so I 
have to press 0, then
the long tone appears and then I can dial out. The problem is that the programs 
I am using
(kppp,sendfax) seem to require the dialing tone before they make any action. 
How can I configure the
progs so that they dial 0 first, detect the dial tone and only then actually 

thanks in advance, Peter

First post to list: Make .deb archive available to dselect?

2000-10-24 Thread Robin Collins

I've recently started using Debian after some time with SuSE and am finding
lots about Debian I like better, not the least is dpkg/dselect/apt.

One thing I've done is to accumulate a number of updated packages off the
Web which replace those on the potato CD.  I now want to re-install on a
second machine from scratch and wonder how I can have dselect recognise the
accumulated .debs.  As far as I can see I need to create a Package.gz for
dselect's benefit but don't really know where to look for information on how
to do this.

Is it possible?

Robin Collins

pop-authenticate before SMTP?

2000-10-24 Thread Jonathan Markevich
My ISP is going down the toilet (again) and can't/won't manage a SMTP
server.  I'm forced to look at another option... Yahoo has a SMTP
server I can use, since I do have an account with them, but I have to
pop-authenticate before I can use it.

Does anyone know the best MTA to use that allows this?  I've tried
running fetchpop just before manually flushing the queue but it
doesn't seem to like it...  Right now I'm using Potato's exim.


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

Re: pop-authenticate before SMTP?

2000-10-24 Thread Markus Fischer
On Tue, Oct 24, 2000 at 04:46:34AM -0700, Jonathan Markevich wrote : 
 Does anyone know the best MTA to use that allows this?  I've tried
 running fetchpop just before manually flushing the queue but it
 doesn't seem to like it...  Right now I'm using Potato's exim.

This smtp-after-pop or smtp roaming is well supported
with qmail and vpopmail. Check the vpopmail documentation how to
set it up; its really straigtforward. If you need further
assistance, dont hessitate to contact me private.

kind regards,

Markus Fischer,
PGP Public  Key:
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0
   -Today's methinks: Combine easy of vb and strength of perl-

Re: pop-authenticate before SMTP?

2000-10-24 Thread Moritz Schulte
Jonathan Markevich [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 My ISP is going down the toilet (again) and can't/won't manage a
 SMTP server.  I'm forced to look at another option... [...]  Right
 now I'm using Potato's exim.

Then, why don't your let your local MTA deliver the mails directly,
without a smarthost?

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

gs eats all memory

2000-10-24 Thread Brian Almeida
[ I'm not on debian-user, so please Cc me on replies ].

Has anyone else experienced this behavior?

When printing any file (using lpr -Plp somefile), such as this one:
-rw---1 bma  bma  1278 Aug 21 01:01 klingon-programmer.txt
and using redhat's printtool, gs consumes every drop of available memory,
leaking approximately 4MB every 5 seconds.  Even on my 256MB machine, it
hoses the box in a short amount of time, and the machine finally begins
croaking with messages like this in syslog:
Oct 24 08:11:07 trantor kernel: VM: do_try_to_free_pages failed for kswapd...

This problem has begun happening recently (within the past month or so), so
I don't think it's gs' fault (last upload was in march or so).

Versions of relevant software:
ii  gs 5.10-10Postscript interpreter with X11 and svgalib 
ii  printtool  3.53-2 Printer administration tool.
ii  smbclient  2.0.7-3A LanManager like simple client for Unix.

Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.



Brian M. Almeida
Linux Systems Engineer | | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian Developer   |  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

aside: killfiles mailing software

2000-10-24 Thread Damien
  He's earned his way into my killfile.  Fool me twice, shame on me
 And now mine.

as an aside, does mutt have any capabilities like this? what mailer are you
two using? i'm a vi person myself, but i've been told nothing beats gnus



Description: PGP signature

Re: fullscreen video playback

2000-10-24 Thread Damien
 without proper video acceleration in X this is not
 possible/reccomended. try using the double option in mpegtv and you'll see

it's in X4. it's called the xvideo extention, and it's supported by a number
of cards already, including my g400. the oss dvd player supports it, and it
scales a video to 1280x1024 seemlessly. however, this only works for dvds. i'm
still waiting for someone to support it with mpeg1 :)


Description: PGP signature

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