Re: Nombre para las chuletas de Manel (era Re: ¿Decis chuletas en sudamerica?)

2000-11-01 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Antes de nada, indicaros que La Espiral ( ha tomado como
nuevo hilo de desarrollo de documentación la idea de Manel de documentos muy
cortos y concisos, rápidos de acceder y leer que versen sobre cualquier tema
relacionado con configuración o uso de Debian GNU/Linux, Debian GNU/HURD (y 
lo que pueda ir apareciendo) para la arquitectura que sea (i386, sparc, ppc, 

Manel ha sido propuesto por La Espiral como coordinador de este hilo de
documentación nuevo, papel que aceptó desarrollar.

Con esto quiero indicar que el hilo sobre este tema, para no cargar esta
lista más, se traspasa a [EMAIL PROTECTED], lista a la cual os invito a
que os unáis (mandando subscribe en el campo del asunto o subject a
[EMAIL PROTECTED]). ***Cualquiera*** que desee participar en este
hilo de documentación de La Espiral puede hacerlo. Todo lo que se desarrolle
se pondrá a disposición de todos bajo licencia libre (tanto el interfaz web, 
programación de base de datos para tal fin, documentos, etc) y nuestro fin
último es que sea incluido en Debian, no trabajar como república

Hay mucho por hacer en La Espiral.

1 Respecto a los ducmentos rápidos referidos arriba
* Buscar mensajes en las listas con información potencialmente interesante
  para ser incluida en la base de datos.
* Colaborar en la contrucción de la interfaz web, base de datos, etc.
* Darle formato XML a los documentos.

2 Respecto a otros documentos
* Coordinar la actualización de los manuales y guías inconclusas o viejas
  del DDP (Debian Documentation Project, y las que
  están en el Proyecto de Internacionalización de Debian al Español en
* Escribir documentación, no te cortes, tu puedes ;-)

3 Traducir y desarrollar software (se incluye aquí el empaquetado)
* Específico de Debian: apt, debconf, grub, etc.
* No específico: cualquier cosa :)

4 Expandir el espíritu del software y documentación libre del Proyecto Debian 
  hasta el infinito y más allá ;-)

Ya no hay escusa, cualquiera puede colaborar en Debian y por otra parte hacerla 
más adecuada a nuestra lengua.
¡Unete!... esto parece un eslogan político :-P~~~, mejor ¡colabora!... no me
convence, bueno pillais la idea ¿no? :)

Ahora paso a contestar el mensaje de Manel.

On mié, nov 01, 2000 at 12:59:46 +0100, Manel Marin wrote:
 Bueno tenemos chuletas, trencitos, trenes, forros, acordeones, torpedos,
 copialinas, comprimidos, chivas, machetes, ayudamemorias y sopletes
 Definitivamente hay que buscar algo más estandar...


 Javier propone recetas, a mi me suena a Hospital y enfermos, de lo que 
 propuesto creo que me gusta más (pero aún dudo):
 rapiCOMOs (si alguna vez hay que traducirlos fastHOWTOs o quickHOWTOs) 
 Los rapiCOMOs explican COMO hacer algo de forma RÁPIda, ya sea
 configurar un demonio, un paso concreto de seguridad, etc...

Bueno, pues resumiendo creo que hay dos opciones más o menos claras ¿no?:

* recetas.
* rapiCOMOs (o rapidCOMOs).

 ¿Que os parece?, ¿receta?, ¿rapiCOMOs?, ¿rapidCOMOs?, ¿COMOrapido?, ¿otro?

Yo me quedo con recetas pues a mi me suena a cocina más que a hospital y
eso de Cocinando con Debian... que alguien propuso me suena realmente
bien, divertido (espíritu genuinamente UNIX) y claro dado que es una palabra
del castellano que define exáctamente lo que es y su uso.

 Con lo fácil que es la idea... Y lo que cuesta encontrarle un nombre bien

¡JE!, dímelo a mi que he creado recientemente dos empresas y lo peor fué la
búsqueda de nombre, peor aún que el papeleo.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP public key:

Re: Queries a postgres

2000-11-01 Thread Gabriel Tabares Barreiro
 tenes mayusculas en el nombre del campo? o caracteres raros?

   Tengo alguna mayuscula, pero crei que SQL era case insensitive
?Me equivoco? Probare con solo minusculas (aunque creo que ya lo
hice y hacia lo mismo).


FREE! The World's Best Email Address
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Re: Nombre para las chuletas de Manel (era Re: ¿Decis chuletas en sudamerica?)

2000-11-01 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Andres Seco Hernandez 
  Cuando:   martes, 31 de octubre del 2000, a las 04:31, 
  Qué:  Re: Nombre para las chuletas de Manel (era Re: ¿Decis chuletas 
en sudamerica?) 


 Coña, os podiais unir al LDP (Linux Documentation Project) y añadir
 documentos (o crear las fichas estas si no existe un tipo de documento
 como este).

¿Fichas ...?

Tampoco me suena mal ese nombre ... ¿Que opinan ...?

  Hala! A discutir que esto no creo que sea un [AL MARGEN] = [OFF TOPIC]

Saludos a todas ...


Mi frase del dia:

Los militares cuentan demasiado con la fuerza, y los politicos cuentan 
demasiado con la habilidad.
-- Tournier. 

___   _
  / ___|_   _| (_) ___  Grupo de Usuarios de LInux de Canarias
 | |  _| | | | | |/ __| Pasate por nuestro web
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  \|\__,_|_|_|\___| Clave GPG en las paginas de Gulic
Clave GPG en
  Key fingerprint = F734 17F5 3AB6 E1F6 11C4  B498 5B3E  FEDF 90DF

Description: PGP signature

pregunta sobre correo

2000-11-01 Thread Faraox
hola, he configurado el e-mail con fetchmail pero al intentar bajarme el correo 
me aparecen estos mensajes de error:

fetchmail: Fallo en la conección SMTP a localhost
fechmail:error Transacción SMTP durante recepción
fetchmail:Query status=10 (SMTP)

Si alguien puede ayudarme...

Muchas gracias


2000-11-01 Thread Juantomas Garcia

Juantomás García
http://www.disoft.esComite Organizador Expo-Linux 2001

Lista de correo sobre C

2000-11-01 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
¿Conoce alguien una lista de correo sobre programación en C?

Preferiblemente en español.

Gracias por adelantado.
Luis Arocha Hernandez Data [EMAIL PROTECTED], Islas Canarias - Spain
 _/_/_/_/_/_/_/  _/_/_/_/  _/_/_/_/
_/_/  _/_/ _/ _/_/
   _/_/  _/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/_/_/
  _/_/  _/_/ _/ _/_/
 _/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/
GPG Key? mail -s send key [EMAIL PROTECTED] /dev/null

Description: PGP signature

Re: pregunta sobre correo

2000-11-01 Thread Ricardo
Carlos Mestre wrote:

 Hola quisiera preguntar una duda:Cuando ejecuto fetchmail para bajarme
 el correo me lo baja pero despues si ejecuto algun programa como el
 mutt no tengo ningun mensaje ni tampoco se me crea el archivo inbox en
 la carpeta mail de mi usuario, ¿a que puede ser
 Muchas gracias

El correo lo tendrás seguramente almacenado en el buzón del sistema que
cada usuario tiene en Linux: /var/spool/mail/tu_nombre_de_usuario
(si usas sendmail). Cambia en Mutt a este buzón para leer el correo.

Un saludo,

Re: ¿Programa de bolsa?

2000-11-01 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 12:22:50PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] contaba:

Permita bajarse de internet las cotizaciones de bolsa (IBEX) 
automáticamente cada día.
Permita realizar gráficos con estas cotizaciones (medias móviles, etc)
¿Tenemos algo parecido a esto en debian?.

¿Porque hay algo que haga eso para Windows de gratis? Si tal me lo
dices ;-)

Aquí  en   Linux  tenemos  el   GStalker,  que  muestra   graficas  de
cotizaciones con  diversas alertas  e indicadores  (medias y  cosas de
estas). La verdad es que funciona y tiene una pinta bestial (aunque yo
no le he sacado demasiado beneficio).

El programa incluye la posibilidad  de bajarse cotizaciones, pero creo
que sólo de Yahoo  USA (no tengo muy claro pero a  lo mejor tambien te
permiten bajarte cotizaciones españolas desde ahí).

Yo lo que  utilizo es el GStalker  1.1 (que venía en  Slink) porque no
quiero instalarme  Gnome, y  me bajo las  cotizaciones automáticamente
con un pequeño script Perl.


Y si te interesa el GStalker te puedo pasar mis históricos de al
menos hace un año.
ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

10/30   (10/30/1888) Ball point pen patented (John J. Loud). 
10/30   (10/30/1821) Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoevski, Russian novelist and 

Description: PGP signature

libmng para potato

2000-11-01 Thread Roberto Ripio
Hola a todos,

Si alguien necesita el paquete libmng para potato, lo he puesto en

¿Por qué podríais necesitarlo? Para poder instalar la última versión de las
libqt2.2 para potato que hay en los mirrors de KDE.

¿Por qué querríais instalar tal cosa? Para poder instalar qcad 1.44, que ya
admite bibliotecas de bloques, o para instalar KDE 2, por fín en versión

¿Por qué lo he compilado desde las fuentes de woody? Porque el paquete
binario no está en los mirror de KDE para potato (bug al canto), y las
fuentes de dicha distribución (KDE 2 potato) están rotas (rebug).

Y ahora, una preguntilla:

¿Debería cambiar el nombre del paquete para que sea legal?
¿Debería avisar al mantenedor?

Gracias de antemano, y un saludo,
Roberto Ripio

Re: pregunta sobre correo

2000-11-01 Thread Roberto Ripio
El Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 11:26:58AM +, Faraox escribió:
 fetchmail: Fallo en la conección SMTP a localhost

Parece calcado de un fallo que tuve yo... 

prueba en línea de órdenes:

 ifconfig lo

Si se soluciona así es que debes configurar la red en

iface lo inet loopback 

iface eth0 inet static


Roberto Ripio

Re: ¿Programa de bolsa?

2000-11-01 Thread IJAS
De puedes bajarte un programa llamado life (para
windows) que te permite visualizar las cotizaciones fin de dia (la misma
empresa te las suministra gratis), tirar lineas, hacer medias moviles,
así como un monton de osciladores. Si pagas (unas 8000 pts/mes) te dan
datos intradia en tiempo real (autentico) pudiendo ver las gráficas con
el intervalo que quieras desde 1 minuto (típicamente 5, 15 o 30

Toda información que tengas sobre este tema en linux será bien recibida

Xose Manoel Ramos escribió:
 El Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 12:22:50PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] contaba:
 Permita bajarse de internet las cotizaciones de bolsa (IBEX)
 automáticamente cada día.
 Permita realizar gráficos con estas cotizaciones (medias móviles, etc)
 ¿Tenemos algo parecido a esto en debian?.
 ¿Porque hay algo que haga eso para Windows de gratis? Si tal me lo
 dices ;-)
 Aquí  en   Linux  tenemos  el   GStalker,  que  muestra   graficas  de

_/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/  Desde: 40º25'N 3º39'O  
   _/ _/ _/  _/ _/  
  _/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 _/ _/  _/ _/  _/ _/
_/ _/_/_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ 

RE: pregunta sobre correo

2000-11-01 Thread Joaquin Mestre

- Original Message -
From: Roberto Ripio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: pregunta sobre correo

 El Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 11:26:58AM +, Faraox escribió:
  fetchmail: Fallo en la conección SMTP a localhost

 Parece calcado de un fallo que tuve yo...

 prueba en línea de órdenes:

  ifconfig lo

No me sigue dando el mismo error, aunque ¿el comando tiene ke hacerse antes
o despues de conectar a internet?

 Si se soluciona así es que debes configurar la red en

 iface lo inet loopback

 iface eth0 inet static


 Roberto Ripio

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Paquetes Netscape 4.75

2000-11-01 Thread Ubaldo Fernandez
En  hay una
serie de paquetes para instalar la versión 4.75 de netscape en Debian
pero hay tantos paquetes que no se cuales necesito.

Como me los bajo desde casa no quiero darle a telefónica más de lo que
se merece.

¿Alguien me puede decir cuales son los paquetes necesarios?

Gracias por vuestra atención

Re: pregunta sobre correo

2000-11-01 Thread Roberto Ripio
El Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 07:13:08PM -, Joaquin Mestre escribió:
  prueba en línea de órdenes:
   ifconfig lo
 No me sigue dando el mismo error, aunque ¿el comando tiene ke hacerse antes
 o despues de conectar a internet?

Antes. Se trata de dar de alta tu máquina como localhost en la red. Para
comprobarlo, haz ping localhost.

 Pero es sólo como prueba. Para que se configure en el arranque tienes que
/tocar el etc/network/interfaces.

Roberto Ripio

Re: Lista de correo sobre C

2000-11-01 Thread Luis Cabrera Sauco

  Quien:Luis Arocha -data- 
  Cuando:   miércoles, 01 de noviembre del 2000, a las 12:04, 
  Qué:  Lista de correo sobre C 

 ¿Conoce alguien una lista de correo sobre programación en C?
 Preferiblemente en español.
 Gracias por adelantado.

Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Mi frase del dia:

Seis, ocho millones de espectadores. Estas son cifras con las que nunca pudo 
soñar ningún director teatral o novelista y menos aún Esquilo, Sófocles o 
-- Fernando Fernán Gomez. (1921-) Actor, director y escritor 

Description: PGP signature

Re: Nombre para las chuletas de Manel (era Re: ¿Decis chuletas en sudamerica?)

2000-11-01 Thread Manel Marin
Hola a todos,

On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 12:59:46AM +0100, Manel Marin wrote:
 ¿Que os parece?, ¿receta?, ¿rapiCOMOs?, ¿rapidCOMOs?, ¿COMOrapido?, ¿otro?
 Con lo fácil que es la idea... Y lo que cuesta encontrarle un nombre bien

Adjetivos calificativos adecuados: resumen, rápido, concentrado, breve, mínimo,
instantáneo, fácil

¿Que os parece instantCOMOs? ¿Y facilCOMOs? (me gusta más el primero)

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.2 potato)  kernel 2.2.17

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por ;-)

Re: rättigheter

2000-11-01 Thread Mikael Hedin
Lägg till dig själv i gruppen dip.  (/etc/groups)

Mikael Hedin, MSc   +46 (0)980 79176
Swedish Institute of Space Physics  +46 (0)980 73547 (home)
S-Box 812, 981 28 KIRUNA, Sweden+46 (0)980 79050 (fax)


2000-11-01 Thread Carl Winbäck
När jag kör fetchmail får jag detta meddelande:
21 messages for carlw at (55892 octets).
reading message 1 of 21 (1020 octets) fetchmail: SMTP connect
to localhost failed: Förbindelse vägras
fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
fetchmail: Query status=10

Någon som vet hur man fixar det?

mvh /Carl

-- Det var bättre förr.

Do You Yahoo!?
From homework help to love advice, Yahoo! Experts has your answer.

Configurando o fonte no X

2000-11-01 Thread Joao Jose Rodrigues de Oliveira
Ola possoal...

Eu uso o Debian GNU/Linux versao potato.
Gostaria de saber como posso configurar os fontes da interface
X windows e do Netscape. No meu caso, acho os fontes do menu
do Netscape muito grande.
Alguem sabe esta dica?


João J. R. Oliveira, M.Sc. - (ACET)
CEPEL - P.O.Box: 68007, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
CEP: 21944-970 - Brasil
Phone: 55+21+598-6184
FAX:   55+21+270-4189

Re: Nome revista on-line

2000-11-01 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, José Manuel Nunes wrote:

  Se o formato for ser esse mesmo (todo mundo escreve, todo mundo
  vota, e viva o peer review), eu vou criar a pasta no
  hackandroll. Idéias quanto ao nome? Só eu gosto de gnuts? :-)
 Que acham de lignux?


Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Problema com o Debian 2.2

2000-11-01 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
  # This files tells the `kbd' package:
  # - whether to load a specific font and boot and/or to setup a default 
  # mapping. This may be useful, if not using SVGATextMode, to load a font 
  # an another encoding than default.
  # Example:
 Aqui está o problema !
 Consegui resolvê-lo  usando o lat1u-16.psf.
 O que continuo sem perceber é como raio foi desaparecer ?!

O Debian, quando atualiza um pacote, faz perguntas sobre o mesmo,
principalmente quanto a configuração.  Ele pergunta se vc deseja atualizar
a configuração (Y) ou manter a antiga (N).  Vc provavelmente mandou
atualizar.  Quando o Debian faz isto, ele mantém uma cópia de segurança do
arquivo de configuração antigo, com o mesmo nome mas acrescido do sufixo

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Re: MailMatic

2000-11-01 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Esta mensagem foi enviada com a complacência da nova legislação sobre
 correio eletrônico, Seção 301, Parágrafo (a) (2) (c) Decreto S. 1618,
 Título Terceiro aprovado pelo 105 Congresso Base das Normativas
 Internacionais sobre o SPAM. Este E-mail não poderá ser considerado
 SPAM quando inclua uma forma de ser removido.

Malditos SPAMMERS.  E ainda por cima conseguiram fechar o

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

Re: Configurando o fonte no X

2000-11-01 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Caro Joao e outros,
esse erro esta sendo reportado com frequencia.
No arquivo /etc/X11/XF86Config, as linhas das fontes estao trocadas.
As linhas que fazem referencia a 75dpi devem estar acima da de 100dpi.
Grande abraço,  PH
Quoting Joao Jose Rodrigues de Oliveira ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Ola possoal...
 Eu uso o Debian GNU/Linux versao potato.
 Gostaria de saber como posso configurar os fontes da interface
 X windows e do Netscape. No meu caso, acho os fontes do menu
 do Netscape muito grande.
 Alguem sabe esta dica?
 João J. R. Oliveira, M.Sc. - (ACET)
 CEPEL - P.O.Box: 68007, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
 CEP: 21944-970 - Brasil
 Phone: 55+21+598-6184
 FAX:   55+21+270-4189
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Como instalar Pacotes

2000-11-01 Thread Ademar Sousa
Olá Pessoal,

Instalei o Debian 2.2 e deu um erro no finalzinho da instalação dos pacotes.
Percebi então que ele não instalou o servidor X para SVGA, só o VGA16,
como faço para instalar o servidor q falta?

Isso está impossibilitando que eu consiga usar o ambiente gráfico. Dá um
erro, quando inicializo o startx, dizendo que existe um erro ao tentar
executar o servidor de SVGA.

Não sei usar nada no Debian :-)


Ademar Sousa Gomes
 Analista de Sistemas
   Telefônica S/A

Re: [debian-br] Como instalar Pacotes

2000-11-01 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Caro Ademar,
Quoting Ademar Sousa ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Olá Pessoal,
 Instalei o Debian 2.2 e deu um erro no finalzinho da instalação dos pacotes.
 Percebi então que ele não instalou o servidor X para SVGA, só o VGA16,
 como faço para instalar o servidor q falta?
Se sua placa é Sis, Trident ou semelhante, digite.
apt-get install xserver-svga e responda que quer que seu novo server
seja SVGA.
 Isso está impossibilitando que eu consiga usar o ambiente gráfico. Dá um
 erro, quando inicializo o startx, dizendo que existe um erro ao tentar
 executar o servidor de SVGA.
Instale as fontes logo tambem.
apt-get install xfonts-75dpi xfonts-100dpi xfonts-base
 Não sei usar nada no Debian :-)
Eu nao sabia quando comecei tambem. :)
Grande abraço,  PH
 Ademar Sousa Gomes
  Analista de Sistemas
Telefônica S/A

Unidentified subject!

2000-11-01 Thread Gilson Bozolan

Re: (linux-br) Como instalar Pacotes

2000-11-01 Thread Rafael A . Schmitt
* Ademar Sousa ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Olá Pessoal,
 Instalei o Debian 2.2 e deu um erro no finalzinho da instalação dos pacotes.
 Percebi então que ele não instalou o servidor X para SVGA, só o VGA16,
 como faço para instalar o servidor q falta?
 Isso está impossibilitando que eu consiga usar o ambiente gráfico. Dá um
 erro, quando inicializo o startx, dizendo que existe um erro ao tentar
 executar o servidor de SVGA.
 Não sei usar nada no Debian :-)

monta o cd-rom
vai no diretório onde estão os pacotes
dpkg -i nomepacote.deb

|  Rafael Alexandre Schmitt |
|  Blumenau - Santa Catarina - Brasil   |
|   Powered by Vim! |

Instalar sshd.

2000-11-01 Thread Diorgenes B. de Mello
Qual o pacote do Debian 2.2 que prove um servidor de ssh, eu lembro
que instalei uma vez mas não estou comseguindo encontra-lo.
Desde já fico grato por qq ajuda.

Diorgenes B. de Mello
ICQ: 45102991

Re: Instalar sshd.

2000-11-01 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
apt-get install ssh
Quoting Diorgenes B. de Mello ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Qual o pacote do Debian 2.2 que prove um servidor de ssh, eu lembro
 que instalei uma vez mas não estou comseguindo encontra-lo.
 Desde já fico grato por qq ajuda.
 Diorgenes B. de Mello
 ICQ: 45102991
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Instalar sshd.

2000-11-01 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Qual o pacote do Debian 2.2 que prove um servidor de ssh, eu lembro
 que instalei uma vez mas não estou comseguindo encontra-lo.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ dpkg -S sshd
ssh: /usr/share/man/man8/sshd.8.gz
ssh: /usr/sbin/sshd
ssh: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Ou seja, tendo uma entrada assim em /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb stable/non-US main contrib

Vc só precisa passar o comando apt-get install ssh.

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux


2000-11-01 Thread Thiago Volpi Ramos
Estou iniciando-me no Linux e estou interessado em fazer algum curso sobre
Quase todos que encontrei se baseiam em Conectiva ou em similares RedHat
(pacotes RPM etc). Alguém conhece um que de ênfase ao Debian?

Re: Curso

2000-11-01 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
 Estou iniciando-me no Linux e estou interessado em fazer algum curso sobre
 Quase todos que encontrei se baseiam em Conectiva ou em similares RedHat
 (pacotes RPM etc). Alguém conhece um que de ênfase ao Debian?
Os cursos que ministro aqui em Floripa são baseados em Conectiva
mas eu apresento um  material genérico que serve tanto para Debian quanto
para outros *nix (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX).  Claro que isto
depende do instrutor.  Já ouvi alunos comentando que determinados cursos
são baseados somente em Linuxconf.  

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

2000-11-01 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
Unix System Engineer 
FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Debian GNU/Linux

-- Forwarded message --
From: Luciano Rottava da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Rafael Rodrigues Obelheiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Helio Alexandre L. Loureiro [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Eduardo Souza Machado da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Augusto Cesar Pinto Loureiro da Costa [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Eder Mateus Nunes Goncalves [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Carlos Alberto Brandao Barbosa Leite [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Luciano Rottava da Silva   Dept. Automacao e Sistemas 
  HTTP://   Univ. Federal Santa Catarina  

Nome revista on-line

2000-11-01 Thread José Manuel Nunes
 Se o formato for ser esse mesmo (todo mundo escreve, todo mundo
 vota, e viva o peer review), eu vou criar a pasta no
 hackandroll. Idéias quanto ao nome? Só eu gosto de gnuts? :-)

Que acham de lignux?

Automatically changing address in mutt

2000-11-01 Thread Damon Muller
Hi folks,

Got a bit of a mutt question that I thought maybe the mutt-fu experts
might be able to help me with.

I have a number of different email addresses that I send mail from,
depending on the capactity in which I'm sending it. I'm not worried
about the envelope sender, just the From: line (that's the most that the
relatively email-unsophisticated people I email will see generally).

What I would like to do is be able to reply with the same email address
to which the email was sent. So if I recieved an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and [EMAIL PROTECTED], I'd like to be able to reply and have [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], respectively, automagically placed into the From: line (I
hope that makes sense).

The closest I can see in the Fine Manual is send-hook, but it looks like
it wouldn't do the trick. What I really need is a `receive-hook'. There
is nothing else predictable about the emails other than the address it's
sent to, so I can't see how a send-hook would work.

I could just have mail to different addresses go to different mailboxes,
I suppose, and use a folder-hook, but that's hardly very efficient.

Anyone do anything similar, or have any ideas?



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket, | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829 |  - TBMG, Dead

Description: PGP signature

Re: where to put shell scripts?

2000-11-01 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 08:58:19PM -0500, Brenda J. Butler wrote:
 Also, if you have split out your filesystem such that /usr/anything
 is mounted, then in the event of a system crash your /usr/lib dynamic
 libraries may not be available if those filesystems refuse to mount.
 This is a compelling reason to make sure that all the system utilities
 in /sbin (and all the regular utilities in /bin) are statically linked.

either staticly linked or keeping any libraries they depend on in /lib
instead of /usr/lib.  this is what debian does:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ file /bin/ls
/bin/ls: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, PowerPC or cisco 4500, version 1,
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ ldd /bin/ls = /lib/ (0x0feea000)
/lib/ = /lib/ (0x3000)

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Automatic Debian 'slushy'

2000-11-01 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 07:47:58PM -0800, Brian wrote:
 I don't know enough about apt or how Debian distribution sites
 are maintained to know if this is feasible.
 Would it be possible to approximate a 'slushy' release by only
 upgrading to newer packages when the version numbers of said
 package and its dependencies hasn't changed in (n) days?
 I'm trying to imagine whether this could be accomplished locally
 by fetching package lists daily and creating lists based on a
 comparison of current and (n)-day-aged lists.

Anthony Towns was working on creating a new `testing' distribution to
be inbetween unstable and frozen.  its similar to what your
proprosing, im not sure what happened with it, i think mirror space is
a problem.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

xwpe bug

2000-11-01 Thread a
i use xwpe to open /debian/main/binary-i386/Packages on my Debian 2.0 CD
and locate the following line:

Package: dotfile-doc

xwpe shows that it's on 4876th line. However of Win95 says it is
on 4875th line. xwpe version is 1.4.2-2.1
i know M$ is right because i write an editor for Linux and it agree with

If you are interested in my editor, pls send me an email. Tell me your
favorite editor and what your dream editor should be. the size of my editor
is small (less than 100K). it will implement most functions of of
Win95. it's based on Athena widget. i'll send you a copy ASAP.


InterMezzo and Debian

2000-11-01 Thread Mark Phillips
Is anyone using InterMezzo with Debian?  It looks like quite a good
system --- especially for connecting laptops with desktops.

Are there plans to provide a Debian package for InterMezzo?



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: KDE2 installation

2000-11-01 Thread Joshua Kruck

Along These same lines what can i use for a entry in the sources.list file to 
get kde2? I have
been trying to get it to work and i have had no luck.

 Subject: KDE2 installation
 Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 04:15:57 + (WET)

 Hi... I'm planning on installing KDE2 in my potato system. I have the entry
 in the sources.list file, and I've made apt-get update. Now, I have two

 i)  The KDE packages can be seen with apt-cache, but don't show up
 in dselect. Is this normal?

 ii) What packages do I need to have KDE working?

 Thanks, sena...


Re: Installation X problems

2000-11-01 Thread Jonathan Gift

Not much help, but I got that issue as well and loaded it up. It worked
without a hitch. If I can help any, let me know.

In the new Task Selector I picked the Complete X Window system and the C/C++
options. I did run XF86SEtup after and tweaked my video card installation.

 Also, has anyone managed to get X working with NVidia's GeForce2 dri
 vers ? I got GeForce 2 and with previous versions of Linux was unable
 to get it to work, and i'm hoping it'll work with Debian.

From my understanding, Debian is always behind in software, but that's due
to quality control.


best backup solution for linux+windows

2000-11-01 Thread kumar suresh

I am planning to build a backup system for our network
consisting of linux and nt machines. If you are
familiar with different backup solutions, could you
suggest one for me. What I mean is, which type of
backup device to use, which software to use etc. I
prefer to do backup from my linux server. NT also uses
the linux machine as the fileserver thru samba.

Thanking you



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Re: KDE2 installation

2000-11-01 Thread guran remberg
Joshua Kruck wrote:


 Along These same lines what can i use for a entry in the sources.list file to 
 get kde2? I have
 been trying to get it to work and i have had no luck.

  Subject: KDE2 installation

I am a newbie, so I can not tell you why, only what I did.

I added deb potato kde2  to the /etc/apt/sources.list

Then I did a apt-get update  apt-get install  and in dselect I did an 
(U)pdate and then I
said yes to all dependencies when in select. That's about it.


Printer advice EPSON 740

2000-11-01 Thread Joakim Svensson

Hello list,

I am running woody and am about to get my EPSON 740 printer
up and running.

What are the prefered way to do this ?  I am thinking

gimp-print stp driver
what else ? magicfilter
what are PDQ,CUPS,LPD ? can it help me ?

Has anyone done this ?
Do I have to get gs source and compile myself or are there a
working solution in woody ?

I have done this once before (not with stp) but from what I can
remember there are no drivers (stp740...) included in the gs
debian provides.

Any help and advice in how to do this is most welcomed.

Best regards

PPP problem

2000-11-01 Thread Petteri Heinonen
Hi there.
I've two linux boxes connected with null modem serial cable, lets call them
A and B. I can establish connection with Seyon from A to B (running getty),
so hardware is working. But, when I start pppd in B with this seyon-getty
connection, pppd doesn't start giving me this garbage including
{-characters. It just starts, and gives nothing, it seems to hang (even
prompt doesn't come back). To get serial (Seyon) connection back in live, I
have to kill pppd directly from B's console. After that prompt appers back
in Seyon. If I run pppd in for example B's tty1 (i.e. from console), it
gives me these ppp-frames. What could be wrong? My kernel is 2.2.15, and I
_do_ have ppp enabled in it.

thanks in advance,

Petteri Heinonen
tel.:  +358 (0)50 3363 286
addr.: Pehkusuonkatu 21 B 38
33820 Tampere, FIN

I can't compile anything!

2000-11-01 Thread Gyulai Mihaly
I used the 'slink' version and tried to upgrade glibc manually 
from 2.0.7 to 2.1.2 . It failed, there was a 'libc-dev' conflict with

Now I installed 'potato' from CD, I selected the 'libc' packages
and 'gcc' 2.95 .

If I try to compile a C source (with ./configure) it says:

  gcc cannot create executable

How can it be, if I newly installed gcc and glibc?

What can I do to correct this miserable situation??

GYULAI Mihály  Rejtő Jenő művei, Linux
Élj minden nap teljes életet. Lehet, hogy ez az utolsó napod.

Re: best backup solution for linux+windows

2000-11-01 Thread Danie Roux
I know they use AMANDA around here. Sounds like a real great solution.

Danie Roux *shuffle* Adore Unix


2000-11-01 Thread Damien
  x4 = xfree86 4.0.1
 OK, I've upgraded from 3.3.6 to 4.0.1. 
 The only really  noticeable difference is that full-screen  mode is no
 longer really full-screen -- there is a black root window with 
 the movie in its original resolution in the centre of it. 

1 - you need the correct modelines for it to swith down to the correct
resolution, if you decide you still want software mode.

2 - you need to recompile sdl (preferably 1.1.6) for the xvideo extentions.

but of course, if you'd done your homework, you'd know that :o)



Description: PGP signature

Re: Re: rolling a kernel for a different machine

2000-11-01 Thread edo79

** Original Message **

Andrew Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: wrote:

  Your boot disk has to point to the root partition of

the system it's

  booting on.  What failure or error messages are you

getting from the

  laptop when you try to boot?

everything is smooth through the partition check and

then I get:

Invalid session number or type of track

Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on


seems like your on the right track.  Any idea how to

fix it?




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Re: Horrifying suggestion

2000-11-01 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Ethan Benson wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 06:17:17PM +0100, Peter Hugosson-Miller 

  sounds interesting to any other newbies, just do the following:
  lynx -source | sh

 this is the most horrifying thing i have ever seen suggested.  this
 is even worse then Microsoft's famous mail client.

Whoa, Ethan! This part was clearly marked as of interest for newbies 
only. Yes, all your points are valid, but the key question here is Do 
you trust helixcode? The above was copied directly from their Debian
installation instructions, which you can read for yourself here:

What the script does is to add a line to /etc/apt/sources.list, and 
then run apt-get update followed by one of these (which you choose 
from a list of three options):

apt-get upgrade
apt-get install task-helix-core
apt-get install task-helix-gnome

and that's it! I assume anyone actually running this script would 
first look at it in a normal web browser at least!

The reason this is a _good_ thing for newbies, is that, unlike the 
corresponding debian package, you get a working desktop at the end 
of it _without_ having to edit any files on the way. Useful if you 
want to look at Debian but are new to Linux (like me). 

Now you have a desktop, a GUI file manager, access to readme files, 
man pages, help documentation and everything you need to learn about 
Linux, and find out just why the above install method breaks all 
security rules. It's a kind of Debian-newbie bootstrap, if you like.

One day, the Debian install will work so well, that raw newbies won't 
have to resort to such desperate methods as go-gnome. Till then, it's 
the only way to go that actually works. That black and white console 
gets old pretty quickly, and if I wasn't so stubborn I would have 
given up on Linux a long time ago.

 if your still interested in using such methods i recommend you set
 your root password null and add this line to your /etc/inetd.conf 
 and run /etc/init.d/inetd reload:

 telnetstream  tcp nowait  root/bin/sh   sh -i

 note to anyone who actually installs that inetd line, please stop
 using computers immediatly!!!

Sarcasm noted. What you really mean is Debian is not for newbies. 
Well we all know that. I happen to have discovered that this might no 
longer be the case...

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
Press any key to continue or any other key to quit

How get installer to get 1st pkgs from local HD?

2000-11-01 Thread total
How can I get the debian installer to acquire the first set of packages
(which it wants) from my local HD (not the inet)?

(I'm just learning debian, and I've done this install several times (and
expect to do it several more).  Each time it takes about a half hour to
get these packages from the net.  I saved the deb files it dl'd.  I just
don't know how to place them  what else needs to be done (ie, B2 from

I'm new to debian  haven't been able to find any doc on this yet. (Is
this answered in some doc?  If you know such a doc's name, I can read
the instructions there.)

I'm doing a debian install onto my HD starting from the files on the
hard disk (on a w95 c:\linux directory (install.bat loadlin.exe
rescue.bin root.bin linux base2_2.tgz drivers.tgz)).

1) I run install.bat from c:\linux
2) I tell the installer to get the base  drivers in c:\linux  it works
with those.
3) I tell the installer to get the rest of the files from the inet with
ppp. (I seem to recall that this occurs after the installer has rebooted
from the system it just installed to the HD, but my memory isn't
4) Some part of the installer program downloads about 5MB from inet.
5) it installs the 5MB.

I'd like to do it differently, starting at step 3 - 

A) How do I tell it to get the files from a local drive?
B) What do I have to have set up on the local drive? :
B1) The 5MB of deb files? (Of course. But: where? And, how do I point
the installer to them?)
B2) Some configuration information (Ex: this needs to be something like
(I can't recall the words it used) a debian archive or package
repository or ?.  Possibly something to do with getting the files
which contain the latest data on what the current deb packages are?)?

(Note that: I've found out how to get dselect to get deb packages
locally later on in the process - by putting the debs I saved after
earlier installations into the /var/cache/apt directory.  That won't
seem to work for this problem, because /var/cache/apt doesn't even exist
at the time it's asking me where I want to get the files from, and also
it needs those latest config files, correct?)


Re: InterMezzo and Debian

2000-11-01 Thread edo79

** Original Message **

Mark Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is anyone using InterMezzo with Debian?  It looks like quite a good

system --- especially for connecting laptops with desktops.

Are there plans to provide a Debian package for InterMezzo?










They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 



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Re: How get installer to get 1st pkgs from local HD?

2000-11-01 Thread guran remberg
total wrote:

 How can I get the debian installer to acquire the first set of packages
 (which it wants) from my local HD (not the inet)?

I don't understand your 'algoritm' of the installation.

From memory:
After having installed the the rescue disk and the drivers, then the network is
configured. After that the installation program asks for where to find the 
and one of the options is a prevously mounted partition.  If this partition 
have been
named by you to have the name /mnt/alfa, and if the directory has the name 
beta, then
you should give the following information to the installation program
Then the 15 or so MB will be installed from your hard drive.


Re: Horrifying suggestion

2000-11-01 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 10:25:17AM +0100, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:
 Whoa, Ethan! This part was clearly marked as of interest for newbies 
 only. Yes, all your points are valid, but the key question here is Do 

teaching newbies how to run arbitrary code as root on there machine
without having the slightest idea what it is going to do is a bad
idea.  the fact that this is targeted at newbies makes it WORSE.   

its just like MS who has tought there users `just double click the
icon in your Outlook window'  or `just click the message and that
silly attachment will be opened for you!' 

if these methods MS has proven lead to disaster are carried over to
GNU/Linux we will soon see the same kind of crap as ILUVYOU and such
happening to GNU users.  educate them *correctly*  telling them tricks
like that sh pipe and soon there will be evildoers telling them to run
the same command to get something else c00l.  it was safe for helix
gnome should be safe for this too right?  wrong!

 you trust helixcode? The above was copied directly from their Debian
 installation instructions, which you can read for yourself here:

what if someone hijacks the connection? i didn't see an https in that
url.  what if someone puts up a similar site offering some other nifty
gadget and offers an equally `easy' way to get it.  arguably someone
could pull a similer stunt asking users to install a new apt line
themselves creating a aptable trojan archive, but then again that is
more work then writing a nice shell script to add something cute to

skript kiddies i would venture to say might be too dumb to create an
aptable archive with real debianized trojans but i bet they know how
to write a shell script to install a simple rootkit.
 What the script does is to add a line to /etc/apt/sources.list, and 

im sure the legitimate helix script is all well and good, thats not my
point, my point is teaching newbies how to run arbitrary code from a
web server as root is not a good idea. 

 and that's it! I assume anyone actually running this script would 
 first look at it in a normal web browser at least!

i haven't seen anyone say how to look at it, just how to pipe into
/bin/sh and run god knows what as root!

 One day, the Debian install will work so well, that raw newbies won't 
 have to resort to such desperate methods as go-gnome. Till then, it's 
 the only way to go that actually works. That black and white console 
 gets old pretty quickly, and if I wasn't so stubborn I would have 
 given up on Linux a long time ago.

 at what cost?  what good is a better quality more secure OS if we
dumb down the users (or allow them to remain dumb) to the point where
they will suffer just as many security problems as they would under
the redmond OS?  there is a point where things are made TOO easy, the
problems with MS Outlook demonstrate this quite nicely, its TOO easy
to execute that cute attachment Mr. Kiddie sent you, and since MS has
made their users SOO feebleminded and dumbed down they simply don't
know any better for A LOT of no-duh practices to protect themselves.  

another example:  root vs user.  a ordinary user is really not very
user friendly after all i can't touch a damn thing as a normal user!
it would be SOO much *easier* to just run as root all the time, after
all i trust myself don't i? i don't go and delete stuff and break
things!  until some dumb bug in netscape lets someone run arbitrary
code.  (s/netscape/whatever other network enabled software/)

do we just tell users to just use the root account and be done with
it?  NO!  do we chmod -R g+w / chgrp -R admin / and put the normal
users accounts in group admin to make these silly permissions things
go away? NO! (well apple/MS does but)  instead we teach users
about the root account and how to use it responsibly.  the same needs
to be done for executing other's code with privilege.  piping a random
web page into /bin/sh as root is TOO easy, and too hidden.  a few
extra steps helps reduce the chances for social engineering to
suceed.  just like you have to 1) save your email attachments, and 2)
run chmod +x on them and 3) actually execute them instead of `just click!'

 Sarcasm noted. What you really mean is Debian is not for newbies. 
 Well we all know that. I happen to have discovered that this might no 
 longer be the case...

thats not what i am trying to say at all, i am trying to say that
making things easier on newbies is a good goal but we should not make
it TOO easy, it keeps them dumb and ready to be attacked sucessfully
and it keeps them from learning this new system.  

MS has demonstrated that making the system TOO easy and the users too
dumb leads to disaster, we should learn from their mistakes instead of
making them again.  

those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it 

anyway /soapbox

Ethan Benson

Re: /usr/bin before /usr/local/bin?

2000-11-01 Thread Colin Watson
Krzys Majewski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Any opinions on which should go first in the path: 
/usr/bin or /usr/local/bin? 

Definitely /usr/local/bin - you normally want local tools to override
distributed tools.

/usr/bin: this  is where  Debian stuff goes.  If you want  to override
Debian   stuff   with  your   own   stuff,   'apt   remove'  is   pretty

For what it's worth, I sometimes find dpkg-divert a useful tool for
installing slightly modified versions of Debian tools.


potato - woody == php error

2000-11-01 Thread Martin Schulze
Does this ring a bell for somebody?

   Warning: Unable to connect to PostgresSQL server: ERROR: MultiByte strings 
(MB) must be enabled to use this function in
   /var/lib/webspace/ on line 96
   Unable to connect to SQL server

Line 96 is:

  $dbh = pg_pconnect (dbhost, 5432, mydb)



Life is too short to run proprietary software.  -- Bdale Garbee

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Re: xkb settings, BS not working

2000-11-01 Thread Ian Stuart
Olivier Dragon wrote:
 I'm using the latest version of XF86 (not quite sure of the exact
 version) that is available in woody.
If you had to say I Obey., then it's X4.01, else it's X3.3.6 - and they
are different!

 I've got problems in X with the xkb configuration. In X, my backspace
 [--] button does the same as the [Delete] button. I've tried modifying
 my XF86Config file but it doesn't work. Whatever I put in the keyboard
 section, nothing changes. I tried changing the language but I always
 have the qwerty/us configuration. When I use XF86Setup everything works
 fine, even when I click Done and X is loaded using the settings. But
 whevener I startx after that my keyboard doesn't follow XF86Config
 keyboard rules anymore.
Here's the section from my XFree 4 config file, which gives me a UK

-- include 
Section ServerLayout
Identifier XFree86 Configured
Screen  0  Screen0 0 0
InputDeviceMouse0 CorePointer
InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard
Section InputDevice
Identifier  Keyboard0
Driver  keyboard
Option  XkbModel pc101
Option  XkbLayout gb
-- end include -

Ian Stuart - University computing services.
Truth is what you believe it to be.
  I cannot force my facts on you, only make you believe my beliefs.

Re: rolling a kernel for a different machine

2000-11-01 Thread edo79

** Original Message **

Andrew Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,

I'm trying to roll a kernel for my laptop using my

desktop machine.  I tried the usual:


#make config

#make dep

#make clean

#make bzdisk

and as I expected the boot disk does not work.  Can

anyone give me any pointers on rolling a kernel on one

machine for an other?




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Kernel modules

2000-11-01 Thread Eduardo Gargiulo
Hi list.

How can I compile just one kernel module instead to do make modules and make 
modules_install for all modules?


Re: Printer advice EPSON 740

2000-11-01 Thread Christopher W. Aiken
I have set up my Epson 740 on Debian 2.2.
Works perfectly.  I set up three print queues
(360x360, 720x720, 1440x720 resolutions).

If you want I will email you instructions
and GS drivers this evening when I get home
from the office.  Pretty simple.  Probably
about 15-20 minutes of work.

email me if you want this info.


On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Joakim Svensson wrote:

-|Hello list,
-|I am running woody and am about to get my EPSON 740 printer
-|up and running.
-|What are the prefered way to do this ?  I am thinking
-|gimp-print stp driver
-|what else ? magicfilter
-|what are PDQ,CUPS,LPD ? can it help me ?
-|Has anyone done this ?
-|Do I have to get gs source and compile myself or are there a
-|working solution in woody ?
-|I have done this once before (not with stp) but from what I can
-|remember there are no drivers (stp740...) included in the gs
-|debian provides.
-|Any help and advice in how to do this is most welcomed.
-|Best regards
-|Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Christopher W. Aiken
Programmer Analyst
UNIX System Engineering and CASE Tools
Ansys, Inc. 
275 Technology Drive
Canonsburg,  Pa  15317

Re: Horrifying suggestion

2000-11-01 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Ethan Benson wrote:

 teaching newbies how to run arbitrary code as root on there machine
 without having the slightest idea what it is going to do is a bad
 idea.  the fact that this is targeted at newbies makes it WORSE.

Well I'm certainly not advocating the above. All my suggestion did 
was to provide a way _in_ to Debian, for someone who might be 
interested in trying it out, but who isn't familiar with Linux. 
There's almost nothing you've said in your mails that I don't agree 
with - we're singing from the same hymn sheet, so to speak.

Here's the scenario when my suggestion would be a good idea:

Take a user who is familiar with 'doze, who happens to get hold of
the potato CD's, and wants to compare Debian and 'doze. These are the
steps after he/she gets through the Debian install, chooses X and the 
Gnome desktop, then gets to the Have fun message at the end, and 

1) LILOlots of text flying past... mycomputer#Login:

Newbie logs in:


What's this black console screen? Where's the GUI?

3) Newbie goes away and buys a copy of O'Reilly's Running Debian, 
learns about the startx command.


Now twm starts up. Newbie sees a grey screen with an X in the middle,
one that maybe even responds to the mouse. Newbie clicks some buttons,
gets some menus, opens a shell. Having read all about Gnome, he/she
knows that the panel is the thing to run.


Now we're getting somewhere... maybe this can be automated? Newbie
goes back to the books, finds out which files to edit. 

6) Newbie has not used vi or emacs before, so has to choose one, and 
learn that first. 

7) Newbie edits Xsession (that's what O'Reilly says), adds in calls 
to icewm, panel and gmc.

That wasn't too hard, you might say. Newbie is now at almost the same
state as after using go-gnome (my suggestion). Elapsed time? Depends
on whether the bookstore has the book in stock, and how many evenings
the newbie is willing to invest in what is for him/her still only an

Using go-gnome? Elapsed time 25 minutes. OK, newbie is still dumb, but
now has an opportunity to click around the system and find out stuff,
maybe even discover that Debian is better that 'doze! Newbie even gets
sawfish installed, so the GUI looks nicer still!

 im sure the legitimate helix script is all well and good, thats not 
 my point, my point is teaching newbies how to run arbitrary code from 
 a web server as root is not a good idea.

Hear, hear! Never run arbitrary code from a web server as root!! Now
if the helix-gnome packages could just be incorporated into Debian, we
wouldn't even be having this discussion.

 i haven't seen anyone say how to look at it, just how to pipe into
 /bin/sh and run god knows what as root!

To look at the script, just enter this url in your favourite web

  Sarcasm noted. What you really mean is Debian is not for 
  newbies. Well we all know that. I happen to have discovered 
  that this might no longer be the case...

 thats not what i am trying to say at all, i am trying to say that
 making things easier on newbies is a good goal but we should not 
 make it TOO easy, it keeps them dumb and ready to be attacked 
 sucessfully and it keeps them from learning this new system.

And if the newbie can't get it installed at all, then he/she is also 
kept from learning this new system. More money goes into B*ll G***s 
pockets as newbie gives up and buys 'doze2K.

 MS has demonstrated that making the system TOO easy and the users 
 too dumb leads to disaster, we should learn from their mistakes 
 instead of making them again.

I couldn't agree more! Long Live Linux!

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
Asking for quality software from Microsoft is like asking for the wine
list at McDonalds.

Something wrong with serial ports?

2000-11-01 Thread Petteri Heinonen
Hi there.
I've had problems with ppp, so I've tried following:
I launched pppd on /dev/pts/2, which was one of my terminal emulator
windows. PPP-carbage appears in this window and syslog gives:

Nov  1 17:37:03 kapula pppd[412]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0
Nov  1 17:37:03 kapula pppd[412]: Using interface ppp0
Nov  1 17:37:03 kapula pppd[412]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/pts/2
Nov  1 17:37:33 kapula pppd[412]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Nov  1 17:37:33 kapula pppd[412]: Connection terminated.
Nov  1 17:37:34 kapula pppd[412]: Exit.

If I try to ttyS1 with pppd /dev/ttyS1, syslog only gives:

Nov  1 17:43:06 kapula pppd[440]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0

pppd doesn't even stop unless I kill it.

So my questions: Shouldn't I get same things in syslog when trying with
ttyS1 too as with pts/2? And shouldn't I get these messages even if there is
nothing connected in /dev/ttyS1?

I'll also give you dmesg output (only part concerningn PPP or serial ports):

ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
PPP: version 2.3.7 (demand dialling)
TCP compression code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
PPP line discipline registered.

thanks in advance,

Petteri Heinonen
tel.:  +358 (0)50 3363 286
addr.: Pehkusuonkatu 21 B 38
33820 Tampere, FIN

forwarding messages in netscape

2000-11-01 Thread Richard Black
Hi y'all

I am having a (recent) problem with netscape 451.  When I try to forward
messages (via an exchange server) the forwarded message either doesn't
make it or arrives encoded (somehow).  Has anyone else had this problem?


org:Algorithmics Inc
adr:;;185 Spadina Avenue;Toronto;Ontario;M5T 2C6;Canada
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Financial Engineer
fn:Richard Black

Proposal - simple textual wrapper for packages

2000-11-01 Thread guran remberg

Yesterday I sent the following proposal to the [EMAIL PROTECTED], the
copy you are seeing has been spelling checked, mine was not. I am
sending this from Mandrake as I have got a bug or something in Kicker in
my Potato.

Is it hot enough to get you coughing?


From - Wed Nov  1 01:15:00 2000
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2000 01:14:54 +0100
From: guran remberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.17-idepci i686)
X-Accept-Language: en, sv
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Proposal - simple textual wrapper for packages
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hello secretary,

I want the simple mode of selecting packages, at the installation, to be
stationary, and to be the starting point for a newbie, when he chooses
to change his initial selection.


Certain repeated questions in the user area can be managed through a
'simple wrapper (=sapper)' with increased choices for the newbie.

If one makes one part of the 'sapper' to X11, then an introduction to
that could be: How do you want to start your X-server, c xdm gdm ?
This means that if the user later wants to change his choice, and don't
know how to, this place ought to be the right place to return to and
look for an answer. I personally try to do my admin duties without a
X-server running.

Certain programs that are today put into the 'base' area, ought to be
made a choice for the newbie. Emacs is an excellent example, by history
it is known as a 'pseudo-OS' by itself - but I refuse to learn it. I use
mc when I am fiddling around in the console mode with mcedit as the
editor, where the pull down menu's helps me.

Certain aspects of the 'modern use' of the internet and the computer
ought to be added to this 'sapper' area like browser, irc, chat.
Personally I could have reached for a shotgun, if I had had that one
responsible for the division of Netscape in so many small packages. I
still have not fixed that spelling checker, but now I know how to. Zero
killed - but for a newbie it is an almost overwhelming experience to
look at page after page of packages in fucking 1970:th REVERSE VIDEO.

SuSe has one implementation in yast where it is more easy to read how
packages is working from a newbie perspective.

Personally I would through out all old terminals with their historic
colours, I can't get the fine background all white only dirty gray or
yellow. And mind you I started with fine headache on a tty back in the
late sixties.


Re: En snabb fr?ga...

2000-11-01 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
Tue, 31 Oct skrev Engelen:
 |  There are those who would have you believe that V.Micic wrote:
 |   Var kan jag ladda hem den senaste versionen av Debian i ISO format,jag 
 |   letat men inte hittat...
 |   Tack i Förhand
 |  I am the only one who tried to rot13 this?
 | Well, if that doesn't work, you can always try double-rot13 encoding ;-)
 | I believe that's Dutch, though I won't swear to it.
 Looks more like Finnish or Norwegian to me. It surely isn't Dutch (I am 

Var det noen som svarte han på det han spurte etter tro? Du kan ihvertfall
finne siste stabile debian versjon (potato) på

hmm. hvor mange tror jeg snakker hollandsk, eller forsøker rot13 på dette mon

Åsmund Ødegård
Scientific Programmer, TPV/ISU, Ifi, UiO
j: 22 84 00 63 - m: 90 06 99 15
-- auto sig --
2KR 34 1 Josias var åtte år gammel da han blev konge, og han regjerte
  en og tretti år i Jerusalem.

Re: En snabb fr?ga...

2000-11-01 Thread Jan Erik Moström
On onsdag 1 november 2000 14:27, Åsmund Ødegård [EMAIL PROTECTED] chirped

 hmm. hvor mange tror jeg snakker hollandsk, eller forsøker rot13 på dette mon


Jan Erik Moström mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Free Elektron

Modem problem

2000-11-01 Thread RAKOTONIAINA Solofoarisoa


I have installed the Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 potato official i386 
on my computer. When using the PPP, it couldn't view my modem which is an 
internal modem installed on the port COM4. Under MS-Windows98, the connection 
works perfectly. The type of my modem is as follows : HSP56 Audiomodem 
riser from PCtel Inc.
I really appreciate any help 
from you. Thanks in advance

Dr. RAKOTONIAINA SolofoarisoaLaboratoire de 
gophysique de l'environnement et de 
tldtectionInstitut et observatoire de 
gophysique d'Antananarivo (IOGA)Universit 
d'AntananarivoB.P 3843101 AntananarivoMADAGASCARTl/Fax : 
(261)(20)2225353[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: /usr/bin before /usr/local/bin?

2000-11-01 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 10:31:08PM -0600, Damian Menscher wrote: 

 You should behave in this manner anyway.  A compromised user account is
 destined to become a compromised root account.  There are too many local
 root exploits to ignore the danger.

Could you give some examples for local root exploits on an uptodate
Potato system with 2.2.17 kernel?

Re: Proposal - simple textual wrapper for packages

2000-11-01 Thread guran remberg
A Debian dilemma.

Myself and other newbies, which come to Debian to learn how to run a
small and properly confined Linux, may be called 'iconographs'. That is
to say we don't know the underlying commando structure of what printing
implies in Linux - but give us an icon of a printer and we stop asking
questions and even get our job done.

I have found that Debian, in contrast to Mandrake, RedHat and SuSe
automatically starts or lets the user be met by a graphic user
interface. To me that means that you have said welcome to us newbies,
and accepted an easier approach.

The question is then, what is the next step. Surely you can't mean that
all newbies shall start with emacs or as you call it emacs20. Which I
learned when I tried apt-get remove emacs.

I understand that a server without an X-server, needs vi and/or emacs,
but you ought to be capable of collecting a nice little newbie starting
Debian. Based on mc and nedit, when we are talking editors.

This newbie base, or 'sapper' as I called it, could be the 'bus stop'
for the daunting experience of dselect (death select, for me many



2000-11-01 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 07:27:03PM -0600, dude wrote: 

 Well, i would be interested i replying to mail that i have fetched.

That makes sense :)

 On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Philipp Schulte wrote:
  On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 05:44:06PM -0600, dude wrote: 

   what configuration would be best when setting up exim?
  If you also want to deliever mail, then you should specify a so called
  smarthost in your exim.conf - which is your ISP's SMTP-Server.
 so when exim asks for the host site, i should specify
 and have fetchmail configured so i can get mail

Yes, that's the whole idea.
Depending on your local setup it may be neccessary to rewrite your
email-adresses. This can be done using /etc/email-adresses and tell
exim to use this file. See /etc/exim.conf at the bottom of the file.
 thanks for your time.

You are very welcome.


2000-11-01 Thread Giulio Ferrero


i've bought my first Linux distibution - 
Debian distribution.
I'm not able to install it.
The system tries to start a network 
installation,even ifmy PC is a home stand-alone systemm, by 
receiving the following message : ' NO HARD DRIVES COULD BE FOUND'.
On my PC i have two hard disks. One of them is a 
4GB hard drive. The DOS/WIN partition on it has been erased by using the DOS 
Fdisk utility so the disk is completely free for a Linux partition.
The hard-disk is defined on the IDE primary channel 
as a master drive.
What can i do to remove this problem and to 
have finally my personal Linux installation.

Many Thanks to any contribution.

Giulio Ferrero 

Re: Printer advice EPSON 740

2000-11-01 Thread Joakim Svensson
I'd love that!


Re: Kernel modules

2000-11-01 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 09:33:56AM -0300, Eduardo Gargiulo wrote: 

 How can I compile just one kernel module instead to do make modules
 and make modules_install for all modules?

Just look at the source of the module you wish to compile i.e
There is always a compile command at the botttom of the file. Paste
it and compile it. Then mv the module to a proper location
(/lib/modules/*) and there you go.

Re: X config problem causes me to have reinstall entire OS--!!newbie warning!!

2000-11-01 Thread USM Bish
On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 11:55:57AM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 11:28:11PM +0518, USM Bish wrote:
  Try Ctrl-Alt-F10. Works with some keyboards.
 Try Ctrl-Alt-F1 instead.  Ctrl-Alt-F10 works with some _installations_,
 specifically those which have a getty running on tty10.  The default,
 however, is to have gettys running on tty1-tty6, so Ctrl-Alt-F1 should work
 on any fresh installation.

Thanks for this correction. I have getty running on tty10.
Ctrl-Alt-F1 thru F6 should otherwise work on all systems. 

USM Bish

Re: Proposal - simple textual wrapper for packages

2000-11-01 Thread Colin Watson
guran remberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Yesterday I sent the following proposal to the [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Wrong person, and I imagine it won't get you anywhere; read the Debian
Constitution to find out what the secretary does. This sort of thing
should be sent to debian-devel or submitted as a bug against the
'general' pseudo-package (not both, as bugs against general go to
debian-devel anyway).

I want the simple mode of selecting packages, at the installation, to be
stationary, and to be the starting point for a newbie, when he chooses
to change his initial selection.


Certain repeated questions in the user area can be managed through a
'simple wrapper (=sapper)' with increased choices for the newbie.

Look through the archives of debian-devel for discussion of easy
administration tools like webmin.

Certain programs that are today put into the 'base' area, ought to be
made a choice for the newbie. Emacs is an excellent example,

Since when was emacs in base?



Re: Modem problem

2000-11-01 Thread Klaus Stylianos Ade Johnstad

On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, RAKOTONIAINA Solofoarisoa wrote:

 I have installed the Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 potato official i386 on my 
 computer. When using the PPP,  it couldn't view my modem which is an internal 
 modem installed on the port COM4. Under MS-Windows98, the connection works 
 perfectly. The type of my modem is as follows :  HSP56 Audiomodem riser from 
 PCtel Inc.
 I really appreciate any help from you. Thanks in advance
 RAKOTONIAINA Solofoarisoa
 Dr. RAKOTONIAINA Solofoarisoa
 Laboratoire de géophysique de l'environnement et de télédétection
 Institut et observatoire de géophysique d'Antananarivo (IOGA)
 Université d'Antananarivo
 B.P 3843
 101 Antananarivo
 Tél/Fax : (261)(20)2225353

Look at this place
I think your modem only works with win.

Re: Automatically changing address in mutt

2000-11-01 Thread Colin Watson
Damon Muller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What I would like to do is be able to reply with the same email address
to which the email was sent. So if I recieved an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and [EMAIL PROTECTED], I'd like to be able to reply and have [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], respectively, automagically placed into the From: line (I
hope that makes sense).

You want this line in your .muttrc:

  set reverse_name=yes



Re: Printer advice EPSON 740

2000-11-01 Thread Pollywog
I set mine up using Magicfilter.
Would you e-mail instructions to me also, if it's not too much trouble?
I don't think my Epson 740 is set up correctly although it seems to work fine.



On 01-Nov-2000 Christopher W. Aiken wrote:
 I have set up my Epson 740 on Debian 2.2.
 Works perfectly.  I set up three print queues
 (360x360, 720x720, 1440x720 resolutions).
 If you want I will email you instructions
 and GS drivers this evening when I get home
 from the office.  Pretty simple.  Probably
 about 15-20 minutes of work.


2000-11-01 Thread Eileen Orbell


I am new to Roxen.  My setup is Debian which a mysql database and php 
installed.  I want to be able to config php with Roxen.  I have Roxen 
installed.  My question is really how to add php as a module to Roxen?


Eileen Orbell
Software  Internet Applications
Capitol College
Don't Fear the Penguin.

mutt's pager and 8 bit chars

2000-11-01 Thread Mirko Parthey
I can't figure out how to make mutt's builtin pager
display characters = chr(128), e.g. German Umlauts (ÄÖÜßäöü),
they are shown as question marks.

Mutt's charset option is set to iso-8859-1. For the headers,
you can take this message as reference.

After setting the pager option to less, these characters are being
displayed just fine, but I don't really want to use an external pager.
Pine also has no problems displaying the message.

Am I missing something obvious?

Thanks for any help,

Re: Kernel modules

2000-11-01 Thread Moritz Schulte
Philipp Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  How can I compile just one kernel module instead to do make modules
  and make modules_install for all modules?
 Just look at the source of the module you wish to compile i.e
 There is always a compile command at the botttom of the file.

Not always. It seems that many, if not all, of the network card
drivers have such a note.

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

RE: [OT] is graphics acceleration/GL dependent on X11?

2000-11-01 Thread Ingles, Raymond
 From: Sean 'Shaleh' Perry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On 31-Oct-2000 Krzys Majewski wrote:
  Another graphics adapter question.  Under linux, are the 
 drivers which exploit hardware acceleration dependent on X11?
 the drivers tend to be for X, however you could theoretically 
 implement them otherwise.  GGI has done this before for instance.

 The Voodoo cards by 3dfx use the Glide library, and they (or at
least some of them) can be used with SGVALIB.

 There may be some hacks with the SDL library to get SVGA output,
I haven't really looked at that. But as Sean says, most of the newer
cards are focusing on X...


 Ray Ingles  (248)377-7735[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Modern inductive method: 1) Devise hypothesis. 2) Apply for grant.
 3) Perform experiments. 4) Revise data to fit hypothesis. 5) Publish.

Re: mutt's pager and 8 bit chars

2000-11-01 Thread Chris Gray
On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 03:33:01PM +0100, Mirko Parthey wrote:
 I can't figure out how to make mutt's builtin pager
 display characters = chr(128), e.g. German Umlauts (ÄÖÜßäöü),
 they are shown as question marks.
 Mutt's charset option is set to iso-8859-1. For the headers,
 you can take this message as reference.
 After setting the pager option to less, these characters are being
 displayed just fine, but I don't really want to use an external pager.
 Pine also has no problems displaying the message.
 Am I missing something obvious?

I have my LANG environment variable set to en_US and umlauts show up
just fine.  You might try setting yours to whatever is appropriate for
you.  I guess it would be something like de_DE.  Also, I had to choose
an iso-8859-1 font to use in my terminal, but since you say yours works
with less, you should be fine.

Good luck,

IF I HAD A MINE SHAFT, I don't think I would just abandon it.  There's
got to be a better way.
-- Jack Handley, The New Mexican, 1988.

Re: Php-Roxen-Mysql

2000-11-01 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Eileen == Eileen Orbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Eileen My question is really how to add php as a module to Roxen?

The php4 module doesn't really work for anything more than trivial
things yet.

However, the cgi version of php works nicely. Install it, then

1.) Add the following modules: 

- CGI executable support 
- PATH_INFO support 
- Redirect Module v2.0 

2.) Put the php3.cgi binary in your /cgi-bin/ directory. 

3.) Add the following redirect pattern in the Redirect Module: 

/(.*)\.php3(.*)$  /cgi-bin/php3.cgi/$1.php3$2


Re: Printer advice EPSON 740

2000-11-01 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Joakim Svensson wrote:
 Hello list,
 I am running woody and am about to get my EPSON 740 printer
 up and running.
 What are the prefered way to do this ?  I am thinking
 gimp-print stp driver
 what else ? magicfilter
 what are PDQ,CUPS,LPD ? can it help me ?
 Has anyone done this ?
 Do I have to get gs source and compile myself or are there a
 working solution in woody ? says the gimp-print driver is the best.  I
compiled a copy of gs-aladdin with that one included to create a deb.  I
have some filters for magicfilter too.  Look at:

I'm going to try to put that stuff there sometime tonight.

Did I mention that they work?  :-)
 I have done this once before (not with stp) but from what I can
 remember there are no drivers (stp740...) included in the gs
 debian provides.
You are correct, last time I looked.

GPL and software I have written

2000-11-01 Thread Brooks R. Robinson
I have a dilemma, and I expect this to end in a flame war, but here 
I am a computer science student, and I also work as a system administrator.
For one of my classes, I have written an e-commerce package.  It is written
in C using GCC, it uses Mini-SQL, and runs on Apache as a CGI program.  My
employer has expressed interest it this particular piece of software (my
e-commerce package).
I have issues with my employer that cause me to not want to merely hand
over my work.  I have never released/published any software that I have
written, so I am treading into new territory.  Therefore, I have read
through the GPL, and I think I understand, but I would like confirmation.
Since I am not modifying any existing software, I am creating new software,
I can charge for the new software.  This could be a license fee or
I, of course, cannot and would not charge them for GCC, Apache, or for 
matter Linux in general, except to the extent that I provide them a
distribution (I burn a CD for them and/or install it on a computer).
Mini-SQL has it's own license (NON GPL) that they would have to purchase
separately (I developed this as a student, so I am not require to pay money
for a license, but they would as a commercial site/use).
In essence, I am providing them C code, which they can compile and 
Am I in the ballpark or have I gone off the deep end?



Re: mutt's pager and 8 bit chars (solved)

2000-11-01 Thread Mirko Parthey
On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 10:07:54AM -0500, Chris Gray wrote:
  I can't figure out how to make mutt's builtin pager
  display characters = chr(128), e.g. German Umlauts (ÄÖÜßäöü),
  they are shown as question marks.
 I have my LANG environment variable set to en_US and umlauts show up
 just fine.  You might try setting yours to whatever is appropriate for
 you.  I guess it would be something like de_DE.

Yes, that works. (both en_US and de_DE)

Thanks a lot!

RE: apt-get source problems

2000-11-01 Thread Mario Vukelic
 On 31-Oct-2000 Mario Vukelic wrote:
  deb stable non-US/main
  Thanks. Unfortunately, I still get the same errors (both for update and
 how odd, that is directly from my own sources.list 

My sources.list (again, just to be sure, just the beginning)
# See sources.list(5) for more information, especialy
# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs
# CDROMs are managed through the apt-cdrom tool.

deb stable main contrib non-free
deb stable non-US/main non-US/contrib 
# deb stable/non-US main contrib non-free
deb stable/updates main contrib non-free

# Uncomment if you want the apt-get source function to work
deb-src stable main contrib non-free
deb-src stable non-US


This is the output from apt-get update:

sonic:/home/mario# apt-get update
Hit stable/main Packages
Hit stable/main Release
Hit stable/contrib Packages
Hit stable/contrib Release
Hit stable/non-free Packages
Hit stable/non-free Release
Hit stable/updates/main Packages
Hit stable/updates/main Release 
Hit stable/updates/contrib Packages 
Hit stable/updates/contrib Release  
Hit stable/updates/non-free Packages
Hit stable/updates/non-free Release 
Hit stable/non-US/main Packages   
Hit stable/non-US/main Release
Hit stable/non-US/contrib Packages
Hit stable/non-US/contrib Release 
Hit stable/non-US/non-free Packages   
Hit stable/non-US/non-free Release
Err stable/non-US Sources 
  404 Not Found
Ign stable/non-US Release 
Hit woody/main Packages  
Hit woody/main Release
Hit ./ Packages
Hit ./ Release
Hit stable/main Sources
Ign stable/main Release
Hit stable/contrib Sources
Ign stable/contrib Release
Hit stable/non-free Sources
Ign stable/non-free Release
Failed to fetch
  404 Not Found
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones 

apt-get tries to fetch
This does not exist under stable/non-US there are just these dirs: contrib, 
main, non-free.
Each has these subdirs: binary-(arch), source
There is no stable/non-US/sources
I don't see why it /should/ work (and why it works for you).

Thanks for your time

I did not vote for the Austrian government

Linux: The choice of a GNU generation. Visit

Re: sawfish heads-up

2000-11-01 Thread Andy Bastien
There are those who would have you believe that Colin Watson wrote:
 If you upgrade sawfish to the one in unstable at the moment, don't
 follow the instruction that says:
   execute 'kill -9 `pidof sawfish`;sawfish' in a terminal
 I did so without thinking, and of course lost all my state. I don't see
 any reason not to use the old 'sawfish-client -f restart', apart from
 the cosmetic problem of the spurious error message, but no doubt I'll
 find out as a result of the bug report I've just filed. 'kill -1' might
 work, but I've no intention of blowing up my X session again just to
 find out ...

What do you mean when you say you lost all of your state?  FWIW, I did
this on my laptop and didn't have any problems.

Re: GPL and software I have written

2000-11-01 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 09:17:13AM -0600, Brooks R. Robinson wrote:
   I have a dilemma, and I expect this to end in a flame war, but here 
 I am a computer science student, and I also work as a system administrator.
 For one of my classes, I have written an e-commerce package.  It is written
 in C using GCC, it uses Mini-SQL, and runs on Apache as a CGI program.  My
 employer has expressed interest it this particular piece of software (my
 e-commerce package).
   I have issues with my employer that cause me to not want to merely hand
 over my work.  I have never released/published any software that I have
 written, so I am treading into new territory.  Therefore, I have read
 through the GPL, and I think I understand, but I would like confirmation.
 Since I am not modifying any existing software, I am creating new software,
 I can charge for the new software.  This could be a license fee or

You can't GPL it and charge for the *GPL* version.  However, as you're
the sole author, you could LICENSE the code for a fee and release old
versions under GPL for free (which others could do whatever they want
with except sell or re-license). Always put your Copyright on every code

   I, of course, cannot and would not charge them for GCC, Apache, or for 
 matter Linux in general, except to the extent that I provide them a
 distribution (I burn a CD for them and/or install it on a computer).
 Mini-SQL has it's own license (NON GPL) that they would have to purchase
 separately (I developed this as a student, so I am not require to pay money
 for a license, but they would as a commercial site/use).
   In essence, I am providing them C code, which they can compile and 
 Am I in the ballpark or have I gone off the deep end?

#! /bin/sh
# ppp-address: What's my Internet Address for ppp0 ?
/sbin/ifconfig ppp0 2 /dev/null | grep 'inet addr:' | sed \

Kernel-Module for Intel 82595-Based Ethernet Card

2000-11-01 Thread Walther, Christoph

do you know, how I can compile a kernel with 

make menuconfig

for modularized support of  the Intel 82595-Based Ethernet Card?

In the directory /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.17/drivers/net you'll find
as C program textfiles, but I don't see there an relation between
the menupoint  Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit) - EtherExpressPro/100 support !
Is this -single- choice able to support all types of Intel-Ethernet Cards ?? 
After compilation of an adapted -successfully 2 processors (Intel Pebtium I, 
supporting- kernel, my ether-card will not be recognized during booting up.
By the way, this ether-card works with the generic kernel, which was installed
at the initial Debian 2.2 installation.

Has somebody an idea, how to do correctly?
Many thanks,

Christoph Walther

Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: sawfish heads-up

2000-11-01 Thread Colin Watson
Andy Bastien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There are those who would have you believe that Colin Watson wrote:
 If you upgrade sawfish to the one in unstable at the moment, don't
 follow the instruction that says:
   execute 'kill -9 `pidof sawfish`;sawfish' in a terminal
 I did so without thinking, and of course lost all my state. I don't see
 any reason not to use the old 'sawfish-client -f restart', apart from
 the cosmetic problem of the spurious error message, but no doubt I'll
 find out as a result of the bug report I've just filed. 'kill -1' might
 work, but I've no intention of blowing up my X session again just to
 find out ...

What do you mean when you say you lost all of your state?  FWIW, I did
this on my laptop and didn't have any problems.

Maybe you're running something like gnome-session as your session
manager (the last thing in your .xsession). If you're like me and don't
use full-blown GNOME, the last thing your .xsession does is often to run
your window manager, and thus being advised to kill it is bad news.

Looking before I leaped would have helped, I admit :)


postgresql will not configure

2000-11-01 Thread John Covici
Hi.  I am trying to install and use postgresql, but it will not
configure itself.

Here is what I get from the script.

Setting up postgresql (7.0.2-6) ...
PostgreSQL databases can be created with any one of a number of different
character encodings.  Please choose the default encoding, which will be used
for all newly-created databases in the absence of a specific encoding
specification.  The choices are:

EUC_JP  Japanese EUC
EUC_CN  Chinese EUC
EUC_KR  Korean EUC
EUC_TW  Taiwan EUC
UNICODE Unicode(UTF-8)
MULE_INTERNAL   Mule internal
LATIN1  ISO 8859-1 English and some European languages
LATIN2  ISO 8859-2 English and some European languages
LATIN3  ISO 8859-3 English and some European languages
LATIN4  ISO 8859-4 English and some European languages
LATIN5  ISO 8859-5 English and some European languages
WIN Windows CP1251
ALT Windows CP866

Enter default encoding (UNICODE): Now installing the PostgreSQL database files 
in /var/lib/postgres/data
su postgres -c cd /var/lib/postgres; . ./.profile; initdb --encoding UNICODE 
--pglib /usr/lib/postgresql/lib --pgdata /var/lib/postgres/data --sysid 31
Could not determine current user name. You are really hosed.
dpkg: error processing postgresql (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

Any assistance would be appreciated.

 John Covici

Re: sawfish heads-up

2000-11-01 Thread Andy Bastien
There are those who would have you believe that Colin Watson wrote:
 Andy Bastien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There are those who would have you believe that Colin Watson wrote:
  If you upgrade sawfish to the one in unstable at the moment, don't
  follow the instruction that says:
execute 'kill -9 `pidof sawfish`;sawfish' in a terminal
  I did so without thinking, and of course lost all my state. I don't see
  any reason not to use the old 'sawfish-client -f restart', apart from
  the cosmetic problem of the spurious error message, but no doubt I'll
  find out as a result of the bug report I've just filed. 'kill -1' might
  work, but I've no intention of blowing up my X session again just to
  find out ...
 What do you mean when you say you lost all of your state?  FWIW, I did
 this on my laptop and didn't have any problems.
 Maybe you're running something like gnome-session as your session
 manager (the last thing in your .xsession). If you're like me and don't
 use full-blown GNOME, the last thing your .xsession does is often to run
 your window manager, and thus being advised to kill it is bad news.
 Looking before I leaped would have helped, I admit :)

You're right, that's exactly what I do.  I just wanted to be sure I
understood what you were saying before I do this on any other machines
;-).  How about this instead:

pidof gnome-session  kill -9 `pidof sawfish`;sawfish

Re: Horrifying suggestion

2000-11-01 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 01:33:45PM +0100, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:
 Ethan Benson wrote:
  teaching newbies how to run arbitrary code as root on there machine
  without having the slightest idea what it is going to do is a bad
  idea.  the fact that this is targeted at newbies makes it WORSE.
 Well I'm certainly not advocating the above. All my suggestion did 
 was to provide a way _in_ to Debian, for someone who might be 
 interested in trying it out, but who isn't familiar with Linux. 
 There's almost nothing you've said in your mails that I don't agree 
 with - we're singing from the same hymn sheet, so to speak.

well your advocating users run lynx --source | /bin/sh which is
running arbitrary code from a web site as root.  

now going to the site looking at the shell script, downloading to a
file running chmod +x and then running it is a bit less evil.  

 5) [EMAIL PROTECTED] panel 
 Now we're getting somewhere... maybe this can be automated? Newbie
 goes back to the books, finds out which files to edit. 

since when has debian been this bad?  if you select the gnome stuff in
tasksel or dselect you get a a working gnome desktop.

 Using go-gnome? Elapsed time 25 minutes. OK, newbie is still dumb, but
 now has an opportunity to click around the system and find out stuff,
 maybe even discover that Debian is better that 'doze! Newbie even gets
 sawfish installed, so the GUI looks nicer still!

now newbie goes wondering around on the web and finds a page saying
c00l things will occur if they run lynx --source | /bin/sh and they figure
why not it worked for gnome!

they might do it anyway even if htey never heard of that before but
hopefully the fact of such a command being totally unknown they might
hesitate long enough for that common sense thing to kick in.  

or lets say they accidently type lynx --source | sh

 Hear, hear! Never run arbitrary code from a web server as root!! Now
 if the helix-gnome packages could just be incorporated into Debian, we
 wouldn't even be having this discussion.

it was recently challenged on -devel to point out exactly what is so
unusable and broken about debian gnome, and you know what?  nobody
could answer that, other then a couple vague comments about a couple
bugs being fixed and a purely subjective opinion that the lighter
color tone selected by default in helix compared to debian was easier
o the eyes.  what is so special about helix?  

the truth is debian gnome is just fine and most certainly is good
enough for said newbie to get along until they learn enough to install
helix properly if so still want to.  (maybe using debian gnome text
editors to add apt lists) 

 To look at the script, just enter this url in your favourite web

so tell newbies to go look at it, save it, make it executable and then
run it.  don't make things too easy.  

otherwise they will soon become complacent and i can tell them `sure i
can fix that problem, just run lynx --source | /bin/sh 

that happily adds that inetd line i sarcasticlly mentioned earlier.  

(no such file exists don't worry)

 And if the newbie can't get it installed at all, then he/she is also 
 kept from learning this new system. More money goes into B*ll G***s 
 pockets as newbie gives up and buys 'doze2K.

bzzzt, debian gnome is right there in the tasksel window and despite
popular belief its just fine.  

 I couldn't agree more! Long Live Linux!

GNU/Linux ;-)

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Inconsistent Emacs behavior in X

2000-11-01 Thread Chris Gray
Thanks, Mark.

Now I see the problem was caused by my video card!  At home XF86Setup
crashes my system so I used xf86config instead.  So the XF86Config file on
the two machines were written by different programs.


On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Mark Phillips wrote:

 Chris Gray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have two machines set up with Woody.  When I run X Windows on one I can
  use Alt as the Meta key in Emacs, on the other machine I just get a beep and
  have to use ESC.  I'd like to use Alt as Meta on both.  Alt works as Meta on
  the console on both.  Any idea what I might have done differently to cause
  the difference in behavior?
 You probably have different XF86Config files.  To get alt as meta, you
 can put it in your Keyboard section.  Mine is the following:
 Section Keyboard
AutoRepeat  500 4# was 500 30
LeftAlt Meta
ScrollLock  Compose
XkbKeycodes xfree86
 #   XkbKeymap   xfree86(us)
XkbCompat   default
XkbSymbols  us(pc101)
XkbGeometry pc
XkbLayout   us
 #   XkbOptions  ctrl:swapcaps
 Hope this helps.

Re: GPL and software I have written

2000-11-01 Thread brian moore
On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 09:17:13AM -0600, Brooks R. Robinson wrote:
   I have a dilemma, and I expect this to end in a flame war, but here 
 I am a computer science student, and I also work as a system administrator.
 For one of my classes, I have written an e-commerce package.  It is written
 in C using GCC, it uses Mini-SQL, and runs on Apache as a CGI program.  My
 employer has expressed interest it this particular piece of software (my
 e-commerce package).
   I have issues with my employer that cause me to not want to merely hand
 over my work.  I have never released/published any software that I have
 written, so I am treading into new territory.  Therefore, I have read
 through the GPL, and I think I understand, but I would like confirmation.
 Since I am not modifying any existing software, I am creating new software,
 I can charge for the new software.  This could be a license fee or
   I, of course, cannot and would not charge them for GCC, Apache, or for 
 matter Linux in general, except to the extent that I provide them a
 distribution (I burn a CD for them and/or install it on a computer).

You can charge them whatever you want for all that.  You can say that it
costs a thousand dollars for a copy of gcc or Apache.  (Of course, they
may very well go download it for free, but that's their right, too.)

The only requirement (for the GPL'd stuff, anyway -- Apache isn't GPL'd)
is that you give them the source or at least 'make it available'.  May
as well burn it on the CD to get it out of the way.

The 'Free' in DFSG or Free Software is about freedom, and that includes
the freedom to charge whatever you feel like for software, as long as
you don't forbid others from doing the same.

 Mini-SQL has it's own license (NON GPL) that they would have to purchase
 separately (I developed this as a student, so I am not require to pay money
 for a license, but they would as a commercial site/use).

 In essence, I am providing them C code, which they can compile and
 execute.  Am I in the ballpark or have I gone off the deep end?

Well, on your own work, you don't have to give them source (unless, of
course, it's not all yours -- if you decide you liked a GPLd 'foo'
program so you used some functions from it, your program would have to
be GPL'd as well).  Merely compiling with gcc isn't enough to make your
program fall under any specific license requirement.

That said, you -should- give them source.   It will make them a lot
happier (what happens if you get hit by a truck two days before a
critical security problem is found in your program?) and give them a
guarantee that future support, even past your demise, is conceivable.
If all they had was a binary, the cost of supporting it would be far too
high and they will at some point find themselves abandoned.

If you're not Microsoft, this can be a selling point.  (Heck, it could
be a selling point if you -were- Microsoft.)  Customers don't like being
stuck in an upgrade path.  They don't like hearing the product they use
is no longer maintainable.  With source, they can always retake the
reins of control even if the vendor disappears or abandons the program.

CueCat decoder .signature by Larry Wall:
#!/usr/bin/perl -n
printf Serial: %s Type: %s Code: %s\n, map { tr/a-zA-Z0-9+-/ -_/; $_ = unpack
'u', chr(32 + length()*3/4) . $_; s/\0+$//; $_ ^= C x length; } /\.([^.]+)/g; 

Re: GPL and software I have written

2000-11-01 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Eric G . Miller wrote:

 You can't GPL it and charge for the *GPL* version.

This is wrong.
Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - 

procmail and VM under emacs

2000-11-01 Thread Frodo Baggins
  I use xemacs VM to read my email. I tried to install a .procmailrc
file into my homedir, but that give me some big problems. More
specifically, I told procmail to put my mail into ~/Mail/INBOX, which
is my vm-primary-inbox. But vm complains that INBOX has changed, which
is normal I think How should be procmail and vm be configured to
work together? 



Leo TheHobbit 
IRCnet #leiene
ICQ 56656060

Version: 3.1
GED/CS d? s-:+-: a C+++ U+++ L++(+++) P E+(++) 
W++ N+ K? o? !w O? M V--- PS+++ PE-- Y+ GPG+ t++ 5? X- R+ tv+ 
b D? DI? G e()* h(+) r--(---) y(+)--+++*

Re: xkb settings, BackSpace not working in X

2000-11-01 Thread Olivier Dragon
Ok... let's start with the beginning. Here are the packages I use(some 
might be irrelevant to my problems... included them just in case):

-xfree86-comm v3.3.6-11
-xlib6g v3.3.6-11
-xserver-mach64 v3.3.6-11
-enlightenment v0.16.5-1
-gnome-core v1.2.3-helix

Section Keyboard
 Protocol Standard
 XkbRules xfree86
 XkbModel pc102

PC keyboard
keycode 22 = BackSpace
keycode 107 = Delete

if more is required please ask. I really want to get rid of this problem 
as it is very annoying to only be able to delete in one direction!!

Ian Stuart wrote:

Olivier Dragon wrote:

I'm using the latest version of XF86 (not quite sure of the exact
version) that is available in woody.

If you had to say I Obey., then it's X4.01, else it's X3.3.6 - and they
are different!

I've got problems in X with the xkb configuration. In X, my backspace
[--] button does the same as the [Delete] button. I've tried modifying
my XF86Config file but it doesn't work. Whatever I put in the keyboard
section, nothing changes. I tried changing the language but I always
have the qwerty/us configuration. When I use XF86Setup everything works
fine, even when I click Done and X is loaded using the settings. But
whevener I startx after that my keyboard doesn't follow XF86Config
keyboard rules anymore.

Here's the section from my XFree 4 config file, which gives me a UK

-- include 
Section ServerLayout
Identifier XFree86 Configured
Screen  0  Screen0 0 0
InputDeviceMouse0 CorePointer
InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard
Section InputDevice
Identifier  Keyboard0
Driver  keyboard
Option  XkbModel pc101
Option  XkbLayout gb
-- end include -

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