Re: [TR] Traduccions

2001-06-29 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 07:08:31PM +0200, Antoni Bella Perez wrote:
   Donat que la llista la usarem per a diverses finalitats jo sugereixo que 
 usem una etiqueta tal com faig en aquest mail [TR] -entre claudàtors- per 
 tal d'aclarir a primeres  la intenció del mateix per al tema de traduccions 
 de manera que poguem gestionar el  correu amb més eficàcia.

Açò es temporal. Una vegada començem a traduir i tal, la llista de
localització estarà justificada i demanaré la seua creació. En un parell
de setmanes, supose.

   Bé i també no estaria malament informar-nos dels responsables -no sé si 
 serà la paraula més adequada- amb accés al cvs a qui adreçar-nos per a 
 demanar i entregar les pàgines finalitzades o a punt de correcció.

De moment em pareix que soc el únic amb accés CVS, però el equip de
Castellà te gent amb accés al CVS que no son desenvolupadors, així que
amb el temps es podrán obrir comptes, espere, encara que no depén de mi
i no se com va realment.

   A més de si la mida de l'arbre cvs no fos gaire grossa poder-lo abaixar en 
 mode de només lectura per als qui volen col·laborar també seria una bona 
 iniciativa, doncs ens estalviaria temps.

El arbre de cvs és public, accessible en
:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/webwml, mòdul webwml.
Agarreu english/ només, o vos baixareu totes les traduccions. Potser
spanish/ també està be, per si hi ha algún dubte.

En un parell de dies es podrà començar a traduir coses.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Normes lingüístiques i una mica de repartiment

2001-06-29 Thread Ignasi Tura
De cara a començar les traduccions, crec que s'hauria de disposar d'una
base unitària que ens permetés anar sincronitzats en les traduccions.

El Recull del TERMCAT


la Guia d'Estil de SoftCatalà

són els documents que crec que podrien servir-nos de referència.

Respecte el Recull del TERMCAT, l'he fet servir anteriorment, i està força
bé. Hi ha algunes incorreccions, com ara la traducció que fa de
freeware, que és traduït com a programari lliure. Igualment, crec que
aquests termes GNUnians es corregiran, (em vaig posar en contacte amb ells
respecte aquest assumpte) i aquesta guia es pot emprar amb força confiança.

Acabo de llegir amb una certa profunditat la Guia d'Estil i m'ha semblat
molt complerta. 

[Repartiment de feines]

Jo voldria apuntar-me a la traducció del manual, que es troba en les
pàgines de Debian a

Es veu que això és el manual oficial. N'hi ha un altre de no oficial, però
també a Debian.

De fet em queda trobar l'oficial al CVS, no l'he vist (faig recordar que sóc
molt pedestre en CVS, espero millorar depressa).


Debian GNU/Linux-   Un sistema operatiu per a un
món millor.   
An OS for a better world.

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Re: Normes lingüístique s i una mica de repartiment

2001-06-29 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Sat, Jun 30, 2001 at 01:49:24AM +0200, Antoni Bella Perez wrote:
   Pel que fa a aquestes guies creus que respectaran la diversitat 
 llingüística de les terres de parla catalana?

Als grups de localització al Castellà participen sudamericans de tots
els païssos i espanyols, i normalment sempre s'intenta utilitzar
paraules que siguen bensonants o correctes a qualsevol lloc.

Si hi ha un dubte, es comenta, i si algú veu alguna cosa traduida que
considera inacceptable, també.


Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature


2001-06-29 Thread Michal Pokryfka
skrypty (post*,pre*) nie dzialaja (zalaczam probe aktualizacji crona)
co z tym zrobic?

ponadto na jednej maszynie jesli wybiera sie pakiety poprzezdselecta to on (apt)
przebiega cala liste pakietow  sprawdzajac czy go zainstalowac, upgrade'owac 
czy nic z nim nie robic (dselect wersja 1.6.15)
mozna to jakos usunac?

(Odczytywanie bazy danych ...
dpkg: powa?ne ostrze?enie: brak listy pliksw pakietu `apache', przyjjcie ?e pak
27577 pliksw i katalogsw obecnie zainstalowanych.)
Przygotowanie do zast1pienia cron 3.0pl1-57.2 (wykorzystuj1c cron_3.0pl1-57.3_i
dpkg (podproces): nie mo?na wykonaf poprzedni skrypt pre-removal: Brak dostjpu
dpkg: ostrze?enie - poprzedni skrypt pre-removal zwrsci3 kod b3jdu 2
dpkg - prsba wywo3ania skryptu z nowego pakietu ...
dpkg (podproces): nie mo?na wykonaf new pre-removal script: Brak dostjpu
dpkg: b31d przetwarzania cron_3.0pl1-57.3_i386.deb (--install):
 podproces new pre-removal script zwrsci3 kod b3jdu 2
 dpkg (podproces): nie mo?na wykonaf post-installation script: Brak dostjpu
 dpkg: b31d podczas czyszczenia 6rodowiska:
  podproces post-installation script zwrsci3 kod b3jdu 2
  Wyst1pi3y b3jdy podczas przetwarzania:

michal adamczak - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'Statystycznie rzecz biorac to co widzimy jest bardziej prawdopodobne
od tego czego nie widzimy'

Renombrar temp - tmp

2001-06-29 Thread josep . roca
Hola a todos:

Problema tonto. Al instalar potato cree una particion (hdb7) y como 
punto de montaje le asigne temp en lugar de tmp. Ahora tengo 
temp y tmp. Al alguna forma de renombrar sin volver a reinstalarlo 
todo? Cuando hago mv temp tmp me dice que no es un directorio.

Gracias por vuestro tiempo y disculpas por este problema tan 
tonto. Saludos. Pep.

Josep Roca
Hospital U Germans Trias i Pujol
Ctra Canyet s/n
08916 Badalona, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93-497-88-82
FAX: +34 93-497-88-43


Re: Renombrar temp - tmp

2001-06-29 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
 Hola a todos:
 Problema tonto. Al instalar potato cree una particion (hdb7) y como
 punto de montaje le asigne temp en lugar de tmp. Ahora tengo
 temp y tmp. Al alguna forma de renombrar sin volver a reinstalarlo
 todo? Cuando hago mv temp tmp me dice que no es un directorio.
 Gracias por vuestro tiempo y disculpas por este problema tan
 tonto. Saludos. Pep.

Yo pensaría que como de cualquier manera ningún archivo en tmp debería
interesarte, podrías reiniciar en modo single (por si acaso) y
simplemente desmontar la partición, borrar temp y modificar el punto de
montaje en tu fstab, no?

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ICQ 94335020  _\_v   | vendado?  
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2001-06-29 Thread Einar Matveinen
Bueno, pos ya tengo el kde2, muchas gracias a [EMAIL PROTECTED] por la ayuda 
(no me 
acuerdo de los nombres)...


Einar Matveinen

Hörkkutröllin hraeða geð
rimþursarnir fornir
dvergar álvar draugar með
dísir völvur nornir

Sent through GMX FreeMail -

Description: Binary data

Re: Renombrar temp - tmp

2001-06-29 Thread josep . roca
Gracias Aldo por la respuesta tan rapida.
 Yo pensaría que como de cualquier manera ningún archivo en tmp debería
 interesarte, podrías reiniciar en modo single (por si acaso) y
 simplemente desmontar la partición, borrar temp y modificar el punto de
 montaje en tu fstab, no?

He hecho esto (no sabia que fuera tan facil), pero ahora tengo un
problema de permisos. Si me conecto como usuario no root, y
ejecuto mail, dice:
/tmp/Rxzxnw2C: Permision denied
Alguien sabe que problema tengo? Como lo puedo solucionar?

Gracias y saludos. Pep.

Josep Roca
Departament de Ped, Obste, Gine i Medicina Preventiva
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Hospital U Germans Trias i Pujol
Ctra Canyet s/n
08916 Badalona, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93-497-88-82
FAX: +34 93-497-88-43


Instalacion de woody desde CDs

2001-06-29 Thread Eduardo Rodriguez Barrera
Hola a todos:

Me he bajado las imagenes ISO de woody (, 26-06-
01) y al instalarlo (cuando va a instalar el sistema base) me dice que no
encuentra el fichero Release y ahí se queda. He probado diversas
opciones y no logro pasar de ahí.

1) ¿Le ha pasado a alguien más y sabe cómo solucionarlo?

2) ¿Habría forma de actualizar de potato a woody con los CDs que he

Gracias por adelantado

Eduardo Rodriguez Barrera   Departamento de Matematicas
tfn: +34 928 458 808fax: +34 928 458 811

Re: Renombrar temp - tmp

2001-06-29 Thread Imobach González Sosa
Supongo que deberás habilitar acceso de escritura/lectura para
todos los usuarios en /tmp... ¿o me equivoco? Es que no estoy
en mi máquina y no recuerdo los permisos que tenía en el directorio,
pero creo que es rwxrwxrwx... ¿he dicho una burrada?


29/06/2001 11:02:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gracias Aldo por la respuesta tan rapida.
 Yo pensaría que como de cualquier manera ningún archivo en tmp debería
 interesarte, podrías reiniciar en modo single (por si acaso) y
 simplemente desmontar la partición, borrar temp y modificar el punto de
 montaje en tu fstab, no?

He hecho esto (no sabia que fuera tan facil), pero ahora tengo un
problema de permisos. Si me conecto como usuario no root, y
ejecuto mail, dice:
   /tmp/Rxzxnw2C: Permision denied
Alguien sabe que problema tengo? Como lo puedo solucionar?

Gracias y saludos. Pep.

Josep Roca
Departament de Ped, Obste, Gine i Medicina Preventiva
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Hospital U Germans Trias i Pujol
Ctra Canyet s/n
08916 Badalona, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93-497-88-82
FAX: +34 93-497-88-43


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V__)_   pingüino bebiendo... cerveza
Imobach González Sosa
osoh en irc-hispano

Linux user #201634

Re: Renombrar temp - tmp

2001-06-29 Thread josep . roca

 Supongo que deberás habilitar acceso de escritura/lectura para
 todos los usuarios en /tmp... ¿o me equivoco? Es que no estoy
 en mi máquina y no recuerdo los permisos que tenía en el directorio,
 pero creo que es rwxrwxrwx... ¿he dicho una burrada?

He hecho chmod 777 /tmp, pero cuando salgo del mail me da el
 Unable to lock mailbox: Persision denied.
Que puedo estar haciendo mal? Gracias por la ayuda y saludos.

Josep Roca
Departament de Ped, Obste, Gine i Medicina Preventiva
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Hospital U Germans Trias i Pujol
Ctra Canyet s/n
08916 Badalona, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93-497-88-82
FAX: +34 93-497-88-43


Re: Renombrar temp - tmp

2001-06-29 Thread josep . roca
Hola Javier:

Gracias por el cable.

   Eso se soluciona con `chmod 777 /tmp (Echale una ojeada a los
 permisos que tienes ahora mismo)

Lo he hecho, pero al salir del mail me sael el error:
Unable to lock mailbox: Permission denied.
Alguna sugerencia? Gracias y saludos. Pep.

Josep Roca
Departament de Ped, Obste, Gine i Medicina Preventiva
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Hospital U Germans Trias i Pujol
Ctra Canyet s/n
08916 Badalona, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93-497-88-82
FAX: +34 93-497-88-43


Reenvío:[ [fidolinux] Problemilla con la tarjeta de red de mi portátil]

2001-06-29 Thread Daniel Payno
A ver si alguno sabe lo que me puede haber pasado... ahora que me acuerdo,
creo que fue a raíz del último upgrade... Pero claro, sin red no pued
dongradearme (jrrl, que palabro!) o arreglarlo ...
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Administrador del FTP del GUL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Que tu SO sepa siempre cuando necesitas un abrazo
Hola a todos...

tengo un pequeño problema que me toca mucho los * ... Ayer, de repente, usando
la tarjeta de red, me dejó de enviar y recibir paquetes de red vamos que
no iba.

Me tiene mazo mosqueado. Ayer, con la ayuda de jsedano, estuvimos intentando
localizar el posible error HW... Probamos con otra tarjeta, en ambos slots, y
lo mismo, y probamos la tarjeta en otro portátil y funcionaba

Pero lo más cachondo es que luego, ya deseperanzado, volví a conectar mi
tarjeta, y de repente, funcionó todo perfectamente.. :?

He probado con el kernel que tenía hasta hace dos días, y con una nueva
versión que me compilé hace tres (y que estuve usando sin problemas, ambas,
hasta ayer... versiones 2.4.2, y 2.4.5)

Uso Debian Sid

Y la tarjeta es una Xircom 10/100 PCMCIA (Cardbus)

El portátil un IBM Thinkpad 560X

Con ethereal, los únicos paquetes que se ven son los de ARP, pidiendo info de
encaminamiento hacia los servidores DNS (que obviamente no encuentra, ya que
no hay paquetes ARP de respuesta) y al gateway...

Lo único que se me ocurre (y espero que no sea así, pues me tocará abrir el
portátil, ya que es de segunda mano y paso de que me cobren el oro y el moro)
es que pueda haber un mal contacto en el slot PCMCIA la tarjeta... Lo que pasa
es que la que tengo ocupa dos slots, físicamente, y sólo se puede conectar a
uno porque lleva el conector RJ45 integrado.

Otra posibilidad que he barajado es que sean los efectos del calor, ya que
cuando ayer me funcionó, la tarjeta llevaba sus buenos 20 minutos encima de la
mesa mientras yo hacía pruebas con la que me había dejado Javi.

¿A alguno de vosotros se os ocurre algo?
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Administrador del FTP del GUL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

$ drink bottle: cannot open
opener: not found

Para darte de baja, envía un mensaje a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Crea y administra tus propias listas de correo gratuitas, en español.

Description: PGP signature
---End Message---

Description: PGP signature

Reenvío:[ Re: Instalacion de woody desde CDs]

2001-06-29 Thread Daniel Payno
 Hola Eduardo...
 decías, el 10:07-29/jun/2001:
  Hola a todos:
   Me he bajado las imagenes ISO de woody (, 26-06-
  01) y al instalarlo (cuando va a instalar el sistema base) me dice que no 
  encuentra el fichero Release y ahí se queda. He probado diversas 
  opciones y no logro pasar de ahí.
 es normal, woody aun no se ha liberado, y no tiene ni release, ni disquettes
 de instalación. Si quieres woody, sin hacerlo vía red, la única opción ahora
 mismo es tener potato (o instalarla) y luego actualizarte a woody con los cds
 mediante apt-add cdrom (4 veces) y apt-get update, y apt-get -u dist-upgrade
 PD:¿qué tal te fué la descarga? ;))
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Administrador del FTP del GUL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
 Remember, Information is not knowledge; Knowledge is not Wisdom;
 Wisdom is not truth; Truth is not beauty; Beauty is not love;
 Love is not music; Music is the best. -- Frank Zappa

Description: PGP signature

Re: Renombrar temp - tmp

2001-06-29 Thread Jose C. García Sogo
On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 11:39:38AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hola Javier:
 Gracias por el cable. 
  Eso se soluciona con `chmod 777 /tmp (Echale una ojeada a los 
  permisos que tienes ahora mismo)
  Los permisos del directorio /tmp tienen que ser 1777 no 777 sólo
  Un saludo
José Carlos García Sogo Seahorse(-bonobo) developer
jose jaimedelamo eu org

Key-Id: 0x90788E11 
Fingerprint = B06B 023F EAA6 37DC 1E62  B079 4BE0 5825 9078 8E11  

Re: Renombrar temp - tmp

2001-06-29 Thread Rodrigo Moya
On 29 Jun 2001 08:51:22 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hola a todos:
 Problema tonto. Al instalar potato cree una particion (hdb7) y como 
 punto de montaje le asigne temp en lugar de tmp. Ahora tengo 
 temp y tmp. Al alguna forma de renombrar sin volver a reinstalarlo 
 todo? Cuando hago mv temp tmp me dice que no es un directorio.
si, simplemente cambia la entrada de esa partición en /etc/fstab de /temp a



Re: Convertir mp3 a wav

2001-06-29 Thread Javi Polo
On 28/Jun/2001, Christoph Simon wrote:

 Te puedes instalar lame (no hay paquete debian) y usar lame --decode.

# lame y flash
deb debian/

Javi Polo - DrSlump - Registered Linux User #97502
Proud member of the Panda Gey Community (powered by linux) - Fidonet 2:347/1.1

Re: Convertir mp3 a wav

2001-06-29 Thread Javi Polo
On 28/Jun/2001, Santiago Pastorino wrote:

 Ya que estamos hablando de compresores y decompresores, es lame mejor
 que bladeenc, o más bien, mi pregunta sería cual es el mejor compresor a
 mp3 que anda en la vuelta?

No he hecho pruebas exaustivas (bueno, si, las hice pero hace varios años y
no tienen vigencia) pero segun dicen por ahi lame es el mejor  que hay .. :)
antes usaba el gogo (creo que se llamaba asi) que era el lame hacked para
que fuera mas rapido, pero aquello creo que paró el desarrollo y el lame se
lo ha comio con patatas o algo asin ... O:)

Yo uso lame

Javi Polo - DrSlump - Registered Linux User #97502
Proud member of the Panda Gey Community (powered by linux) - Fidonet 2:347/1.1

Re: BIND en chroot (mensaje largo)

2001-06-29 Thread Hue-Bond
Jaume Sabater, miércoles 27 de junio de 2001 a la(s) 11:30:19 +0200:

Entonces, ¿donde está el problemo? Deberia estar fonando correctamente, ¿no?

 Pues claro que debería!  Por eso pregunto! :^DD.


 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Re: Renombrar temp - tmp

2001-06-29 Thread Antonio Castro
On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, Jose C. García Sogo wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 11:39:38AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hola Javier:
  Gracias por el cable. 
 Eso se soluciona con `chmod 777 /tmp (Echale una ojeada a los 
   permisos que tienes ahora mismo)
   Los permisos del directorio /tmp tienen que ser 1777 no 777 sólo
   Un saludo

Es creo que era el bit de  Save Text Image  pero como tal concepto
creo que ya no se usa. Lo que si se es que ...

   Hoy día, cuando se aplica a un directorio,  significa  que
   solamente  el  propietario del fichero y el propietario de
   ese directorio pueden borrar el fichero de dicho  directo-
   rio.   (Esto se emplea comúnmente en directorios como /tmp
   que tienen permiso de escritura general.)

Sacado de chmod(1).

Para los mas verdes el permiso de borrado de un fichero no depende de 
los permisos del fichero sino de los permisos del directorio donde se

Un saludo

Antonio Castro

/\ /\  Ciberdroide Informática (Tienda de Linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  
|  . . . . . . . . . . | 
| *** 1.700 sitios clasificados por temas sobre Linux en ***Donde_Linux*** |
| |

Re: Reenvío:[ [fidolinux] Problemilla con la tarjeta de red de mi portátil]

2001-06-29 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola Lista...

decías, el 12:14-29/jun/2001:

 A ver si alguno sabe lo que me puede haber pasado... ahora que me acuerdo,
 creo que fue a raíz del último upgrade... Pero claro, sin red no pued
 dongradearme (jrrl, que palabro!) o arreglarlo ...
Olvidarse... era el segmento de red en el que estaba, que se ve que los de
redes estan jugueteando!! :GGG dos días rallado con esto...

Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Administrador del FTP del GUL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

COBOL is for morons (E. W. Dijkstra)

Description: PGP signature

Control de flujo XON/XOFF

2001-06-29 Thread Pablo Fanjul Gómez
Necesito saber como activar el control de flujo XON/XOFF para una impresora
serie para imprimir por LPR

Un saludo.
Pablo Fanjul Gomez

[no subject]

2001-06-29 Thread omar


/var/log/exim/rejectlog.0: refused relay (host)

2001-06-29 Thread josep . roca
Hola a todos:

En en fichero log /var/log/exim/rejectlog.0 veo:

2001-06-29 04:44:33 refused relay (host) to 
Alguien podria explicarme que significa? Gracias y saludos. Pep.

Josep Roca
Hospital U Germans Trias i Pujol
Ctra Canyet s/n
08916 Badalona, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93-497-88-82
FAX: +34 93-497-88-43


Re: Seguridad

2001-06-29 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a
Supongo que tendras un IDS (snort?) corriendo en tu máquina, y que
ha pillado un intento de acceso a un troyano (SubSeven lo es).



On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 09:18:37PM -0500, Lemus Moreno Jose A wrote:
 Que tal, reciente mente estaba viendo en mis logs y me aparece lo
  Possible SubSeven acces


2001-06-29 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 12:25:49AM +0200, Carlos Martinez wrote:
 Yo las grabé con CDRWin (versión de prueba) y funcionaron sin problemas. Si
 tienes algún linux por ahí, puedes comprobar los CDs con md5sum.

O montarlos directamente:

mount -o loop imagen.iso /mnt/cdrom

(si tienes soporte de dispositivo físico loopback en el núcleo)


Re: Problemas con smbmount (era problemas con la red)

2001-06-29 Thread Hue-Bond
Santiago Pastorino, viernes 29 de junio de 2001 a la(s) 00:53:51 -0300:

nada sigue transfiriendo a muy poca velocidad, pero solamente cuando
hago smbmount y no cuando desde windows me copio archivos de la máquina
Alguien tiene alguna pista de por donde puede venir este problema?.

 Léete los Speed* de la doc de samba (espero que mi otro mail te
 haya llegado ;^)).

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Re: /var/log/exim/rejectlog.0: refused relay (host)

2001-06-29 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a
Alguien ha intentado utilizar tu servidor de correo para enviar
mensajes a otro servidor. Es decir

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ha intentado enviar un correo a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] utilizando tu servidor de correo.

Esto es habitual en spammers, buscar servidores de correo mal
configurados para ocultar la dirección de correo de origen y hacerse pasar
por un usuario de otro sistema.

Evidentemente, tu exim, como debería ser, está correctamente
configurado y le ha rechazado.


On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 04:01:45PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hola a todos:
 En en fichero log /var/log/exim/rejectlog.0 veo:
 2001-06-29 04:44:33 refused relay (host) to 
 Alguien podria explicarme que significa? Gracias y saludos. Pep.

Re: Renombrar temp - tmp

2001-06-29 Thread Hue-Bond
[EMAIL PROTECTED], viernes 29 de junio de 2001 a la(s) 11:02:58 +0200:

He hecho esto (no sabia que fuera tan facil), pero ahora tengo un 
problema de permisos. Si me conecto como usuario no root, y 
ejecuto mail, dice:
   /tmp/Rxzxnw2C: Permision denied

 Copia y pega esto en una shell, tal y como está:

mkdir ~/tmp
chmod 700 ~/tmp
cat  .bash_profile  __EOF__
export TMP=~/tmp
export TMPDIR=~/tmp

 Si mail sigue  dando error debería notificarse  como bug (mail
 hace caso omiso de $TMP y $TMPDIR).  /tmp es uno de los errores de
 la humanidad.


 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Re: Samba: usuario invitado

2001-06-29 Thread Hue-Bond
Imobach González Sosa, jueves 28 de junio de 2001 a la(s) 07:38:57 +0200:

De todas formas, si quieres puedes crear solamente un usuario
a nivel de /etc/passwd (ej., `invitado', y mapear el resto de usuarios de la 
a ese usuario `invitado'.

 Ya existe: nobody.


 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature


2001-06-29 Thread eric gomez
Dear Friends  Future Millionaire:


Making over half million dollars every 4 to 5 months from your home for an
investment of only $25 U.S. Dollars expense one time THANK'S TO THE COMPUTER



Before you say ''Bull'', please read the following. This is the letter you
have been hearing abouton the news lately. Due to the popularity of this
letter on the Internet, a national weekly news program recently devoted an
entire show to the investigation of this program described below, to see if
it really can make people money. The show also investigated whether or not
the program was legal. Their findings proved once and for all that there are
''absolutely NO Laws prohibiting the participation in the program and if
people can -follow the simple instructions, they are bound to make some mega
bucks with only $25 out of pocket cost''.DUE TO THE RECENT INCREASE OF

This is what one had to say: ''Thanks to this profitable opportunity. I was
approached many times before but each time I passed on it. I am so glad I
finally joined just to see what one could expect in return for the minimal
effort and money required. To my astonishment, I received total $ 610,470.00
in 21 weeks, with money still coming in. Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New Jersey.

== Here is another testimonial: This program has been around for a long
time but I never believed in it. But one day when I received this again in
the mail I decided to gamble my $25 on it. I followed the simple instructions
and walaa . 3 weeks later the money started to come in. First month I
only made $240.00 but the next 2 months after that I made a total of
$290,000.00. So far, in the past 8 months by re-entering the program, I have
made over $710,000.00 and I am doing it again. The key to success in this
program is to follow the simple steps and NOT change anything.'' More
testimonials later but first, PRINT THIS NOW FOR YOUR FUTURE REFERENCE

If you would like to make at least $500,000 every 4 to 5 months easily and
comfortably, please read the following...THEN READ IT AGAIN and AGAIN!!!
whose name appears ON THAT LIST next to the report. MAKE SURE YOUR RETURN
ADDRESS IS ON YOUR ENVELOPE TOP LEFT CORNER in case of any mail problems. ===
When you place your order, make sure you order each of the 5 reports. You
will need all 5 reports so that you can save them on your computer and resell
them. YOUR TOTAL COST $5 X 5=$25.00. Within a few days you will receive, vie
e-mail, each of the 5 reports from these 5 different individuals. Save them
on your computer so they will be accessible for you to send to the 1,000's of
people who will order them from you. Also make a floppy of these reports and
keep it on your desk in case something happen to your computer.


 DO NOT alter the names of the people who are listed next to each report, or
their sequence on the list, in any way other than what is instructed below in
step '' 1 through 6 '' or you will loose out on majority of your profits.
Once you understand the way this works, you will also see how it does not
work if you change it. Remember, this method has been tested, and if you
alter, it will NOT work !!! People have tried to put their friends/relatives
names on all five thinking they could get all the money. But it does not work
this way. Believe us, we all have tried to be greedy and then nothing
happened. So Do Not try to change anything other than what is instructed.
Because if you do, it will not work for you. Remember, honesty reaps the
reward!!! 1 After you have ordered all 5 reports, take this advertisement
and REMOVE the name  address of the person in REPORT # 5. This person has
made it through the cycle and is no doubt counting their fortune. 2 Move
the name  address in REPORT # 4 down TO REPORT # 5. 3 Move the name 
address in REPORT # 3 down TO REPORT # 4. 4 Move the name  address in
REPORT # 2 down TO REPORT # 3. 5 Move the name  address in REPORT # 1
down TO REPORT # 2 6 Insert YOUR name  address in the REPORT # 1
Position. PLEASE MAKE SURE you copy every name  address ACCURATELY!

Take this entire letter, with the modified list of names, and save it on your
computer. DO NOT MAKE ANY OTHER CHANGES. Save this on a disk as well just in
case if you loose any data. To assist you with marketing your business on the

Re: /var/log/exim/rejectlog.0: refused relay (host)

2001-06-29 Thread josep . roca
Gracias Javier:

   Alguien ha intentado utilizar tu servidor de correo para enviar
 mensajes a otro servidor. Es decir

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha intentado enviar un correo a
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] utilizando tu servidor de correo.

   Esto es habitual en spammers, buscar servidores de correo mal
 configurados para ocultar la dirección de correo de origen y hacerse pasar
 por un usuario de otro sistema.

   Evidentemente, tu exim, como debería ser, está correctamente
 configurado y le ha rechazado.
Bueno, yo no he hecho nada, simplemente esta tal como se
instalo inicialmente.  Me alegro que este bien configurado de
entrada. Saludos. Pep.

Josep Roca
Hospital U Germans Trias i Pujol
Ctra Canyet s/n
08916 Badalona, Barcelona
Tel: +34 93-497-88-82
FAX: +34 93-497-88-43


Re: escaner Primax Colorado Direct 9600

2001-06-29 Thread Gunnar Wolf
 Si, gracias, ya habia visto esa pagina

 The current driver is not yet a driver. It is a
   standalone program. If you have a Colorado Direct
   300 or 600/30bit you should try this code. A
   SANE-Backend and the support for the newer
   models is on the way, but we have very limited
   leasure time.

 Y ese es el programa del que hablaba, solo que yo quiero una aplicacion en
 modo grafico, con esos drivers-programa es muy hard no funciona muy bien y
 no veo la forma de integrar esos drivers en el gimp para que me funcione
 sane, eso sin hablar de un programa OCR para escanear textos, en fin, parece
 que Primax lo pone dificil. No se programar pero no creo que sea muy dificil
 hacerlo, otros escaner puerto paralelo tienen sus drivers para Sane
 Gracias de todas formas
 Un saludo :-)

Bueno... Hay ya un gran avance, que es esa aplicación. Yo tengo también un
scanner Primax recolectando polvo - Funciona en Windows. Yo no tengo
Windows. Cuando lo compré, Primax estaba oficialmente en contra de que
hubiera soporte para Linux. Ahora lo impulsan, pero sólo un poquito.

Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52)5623-1119
Desarrollo y Admon. de Sistemas en Red - FES Iztacala - UNAM
Departamento de Seguridad en Computo   -   DGSCA-   UNAM

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

Re: Sobre vim en Mutt

2001-06-29 Thread Imobach González Sosa
Si te refieres a ponerlo en el menú del sistema,
prueba a ejecutar ``update-menus''.


 Y aprovecho para hacer otra regunta. Instale Vim-gtk y funciona
perfectamente ero no em aprece la barra de herramientas... ¿cómo se

 Gracias de antemano

De nada.

Imobach González Sosa
osoh en irc-hispano

Re: /var/log/exim/rejectlog.0: refused relay (host)

2001-06-29 Thread Fernando G. Ricchi
Como para seguir el hilo, alguien sabe como puedo configurar exim
para permitir relay sin conocer a priori las IP's de los clientes ya que
entraran via dialup con sus respectivos ISP's?
Supongo que los usuarios deberan autenticarse previamente, pero: 
que, como, cuando y donde...por donde puedo empezar?

Saludos desde Rosario Argentina


Re: Denuncia: Venta de gatos VIVOS embotellados!

2001-06-29 Thread Raul Pingarron
 --- Ramon Pons Vivanco [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Me parece bien, pero esto es una lista de LINUX...

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger: Comunicación instantánea gratis con tu gente -

Re: ¿Bug en scp?

2001-06-29 Thread Sergio Talens-Oliag
El Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 10:35:27AM -0500, Gunnar Wolf escribió:
  No salgo de mi asombro!
  Y cómo puedo decirle a mi .bash_profile que sólo me muetres los fortunes si 
  entro por scp?
 Con una versión un poco más elaborada que esta:
 if (test $TERM = 'xterm')
 # Estas desde una terminal

  Yo uso un test muy simple que vale para saber si la sesión es interactiva o
  no (mejor que comprobar el terminal, no), simplemente se trata de comprobar
  si el 'Prompt' está definido o no:
if [ $PS1 ]; then
  # Comandos para sesión interactiva

Sergio Talens-Oliag [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key fingerprint = 29DF 544F 1BD9 548C 8F15  86EF 6770 052B B8C1 FA69

Re: apt-cdrom con nfs!

2001-06-29 Thread Julio Herrero

yo no lo estoy haciendo con el fstab, lo hago manualmente tanto en el cliente 
como en el servidor, y no tengo problema en el servidor para montar y 
desmontar, aunque a veces le tengo que dar un ratito (poco) desde que desmonto 
el cliente hasta que desmonto en el servidor. Las dos máquinas son potato.

Un saludo

El Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 02:17:01AM +0200, Lluis Vilanova escribió:
 A ver.. con esas estoy yo (despues de probar con multi-nfs). Defino en el
 cliente la linea en fstab siguiente:
 valhalla:/mnt/nfs /cdrom nfs defaults,ro,user,noauto 0 0
 y en el servidor tengo que montar y desmontar /dev/hdd en /mnt/nfs cada vez 
 quiero cambiar de cdrom, pero resulta qu eno me deja desmontar el cdrom hasta
 que no paro el demonio de nfs (nfs-kernel-server), supongo que eso no es nada
 normal, verdad?
 Como lo has hecho tu?

Linux user 63663
Debian 2.2 in a SPARCstation 5
Linux - The choice of a GNU generation


2001-06-29 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


estoy configurando postfix y me vuelve loco

de salida parece que funciona bien, al menos si estoy conectado

pero de entrada, junto con fetchmail, no entra nada

En el /var/log/mail.log pone algo como que transport deferred (ahora lo
he borrado :-(   )

aquí lo tengo:

Jun 30 20:46:25 pinux postfix/qmgr[2252]: BA03F9A0E:
to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=none, delay=10, status=deferred (deferred

no sé qué puede fallar, si alguien lo tiene montado me puede pasar su

cualquier idea es bienvenida :-)


Carles Pina i Estany - #Linux User: 87347 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Pinux
   Debian Woody Kernel 2.4.5 @ PentiumII 450MHz 128MB ReiserFS Multihead
   Debian Woody Kernel 2.4.4 @ Laptop Pentium 166MHz 48MB
   Debian Potato Kernel 2.4.5 @ Pentium 233MHz 96MB ReiserFS
   ¿75.000 de tfno.? ...­­­No, papá, por la ventana, no!!!

Re: postfix

2001-06-29 Thread Oscar Renalias
A Divendres 29 Juny 2001 22:41, Carles Pina i Estany va escriure:


 estoy configurando postfix y me vuelve loco

Postfix? Buena elección! :-)

 de salida parece que funciona bien, al menos si estoy conectado

 pero de entrada, junto con fetchmail, no entra nada

 En el /var/log/mail.log pone algo como que transport deferred (ahora lo
 he borrado :-(   )

 aquí lo tengo:

 Jun 30 20:46:25 pinux postfix/qmgr[2252]: BA03F9A0E:
 to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=none, delay=10, status=deferred (deferred

 no sé qué puede fallar, si alguien lo tiene montado me puede pasar su

No acabo de pillar la relación entre Postfix y fetchmail. Con fetchmail te 
conectas a un servidor de POP3 y te bajas los mensajes, mientras que postfix 
es un mta que recibe mensajes por el puerto 25 y los va repartiendo entre los 

Tal vez no entiendo mucho qué es lo que pretendes hacer. Puedes darnos más 


Re: postfix

2001-06-29 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


  estoy configurando postfix y me vuelve loco

 Postfix? Buena elección! :-)

gracias, gracias :-)

  to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], relay=none, delay=10, status=deferred (deferred
  no sé qué puede fallar, si alguien lo tiene montado me puede pasar su

 No acabo de pillar la relación entre Postfix y fetchmail. Con fetchmail te
 conectas a un servidor de POP3 y te bajas los mensajes, mientras que postfix
 es un mta que recibe mensajes por el puerto 25 y los va repartiendo entre los

 Tal vez no entiendo mucho qué es lo que pretendes hacer. Puedes darnos más

sí, como no

yo tengo mi cuenta pop3/imap en la uni, y fetchmail los baja de allí y los
entrega a localhost puerto 25, donde está postfix (en mi caso) que lo
tiene que poner donde toca

(a nos er que est'yo muy equivocado)

de hecho, si hago un telnet localhost 25 y hago lo que un smtp hace(helo,
mail from, rcpt to, data, etc.) no me llega al usuario cuando debería
llegar :-(

se queda en el estado que comenté de transport deferred o algo así

no sé si me explico

Carles Pina i Estany - #Linux User: 87347 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Pinux
   Debian Woody Kernel 2.4.5 @ PentiumII 450MHz 128MB ReiserFS Multihead
   Debian Woody Kernel 2.4.4 @ Laptop Pentium 166MHz 48MB
   Debian Potato Kernel 2.4.5 @ Pentium 233MHz 96MB ReiserFS
   ¿75.000 de tfno.? ...­­­No, papá, por la ventana, no!!!

Nuevo usuario

2001-06-29 Thread Luis Manuel Gonzlez Garca

Hola amigos!

Acabo de adquirir una copia de Debian. Apenas lo 
voy conociendo. Para empesar, puedo utilizarlo como servidor y conectarle 
algunas PC's que tengan Sistemas Operativos de Microsoft (Win 95  Win NT)? Si 
es as, como lo configuro. Muchas gracias de antemano.

Luis Manuel
FN:Luis Manuel González
ORG:Sowelu Automation, SA de CV;Ingeniería
TITLE:Gerente de Ingeniería
TEL;WORK;VOICE:+52 (9) 352-3158
TEL;CELL;VOICE:+52 (93) 40-09-67
TEL;WORK;FAX:+52 (9) 352-31-58
ADR;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;;Piscis 109=0D=0AFracc. Loma Linda=0D=0A;Villahermosa;Tabasco;86050;M=E9xic=
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Piscis 109=0D=0AFracc. Loma Linda=0D=0A=0D=0AVillahermosa, Tabasco 86050=0D=

Boot-Floppies de Woody

2001-06-29 Thread Jorge González
Hash: SHA1


¿Alguien sabe si estan disponibles los boot-floppies de Woody y donde 

Muchas gracias.

- -- 
¡¡NO!! a la Ley de Servicios(o_.'   Miembro de AUGCyL:
de la Sociedad de la Información//\c{}
Informaté: V__)_   Reg. Linux User Nº 207107
Más drivers for Linux. Participa:
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Nuevo usuario

2001-06-29 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
Y el viernes 29 de junio, Luis Manuel González García escribió:
 Acabo de adquirir una copia de Debian. Apenas lo voy conociendo. Para empesar,
 ¿puedo utilizarlo como servidor y conectarle algunas PC's que tengan Sistemas
 Operativos de Microsoft (Win 95 ó Win NT)? Si es así, como lo configuro. 
 gracias de antemano.

Hola Tocayo, yo también me llamo Luis Manuel.   :-))

Te respondo para darte la bienvenida y confirmarte que SI lo puedes usar
como servidor y conectarle máquinas con Windows (u otros sistemas

El cómo lo configuras depende de qué es lo que quiere hacer con ese
   - Servidor de ficheros,
   - Servidor de comunicaciones (proxy, gateway)
   - Servidor de impresión
   - Servidor web
   - Servidor ftp
   - Etc, etc, etc.

Cómo verás el tema es amplísimo. Yo te recomendaría los siguientes
   - Averiguar que tipo de servicios debe dar ese servidor.
   - Preguntar en la lista los programas más conocidos/usados para ese
   - Instalar uno y configurarlo con la ayuda del maravilloso manual.
   - Preguntar en la lista las dudas que te vayan surgiendo.
   - Si te funciona... pues no lo cambies. Si no te funciona, te va
 lento, es dificil de configurar, o te apetece probar otro pues
 lo desinstalas y volver a empezar.

Pues eso,


   O /  O O O O O / O / O / O /  O  Luis Arocha, Data
\__|/|__|__|__|/ \__|/__|/__|/__|/|/ larocha at
\\   \   \   \   Islas Canarias
  \\   \   \   \ Spain

Description: PGP signature

Montar servidor,que maquina necesito?

2001-06-29 Thread Josep M.

Me interesaria montarme un Linux un servidor pop,un smtp,un servidor web 
(Apache),un servidor webmail y un servidor ftp 
y de paso que me haga de cortafuegos para mi otro ordenador con windows en mi 
ADSL ,no tienen que soportar 
multiples conexiones simultaneas,solo mi correo ,navegar cuando estoy en casa y 
que pueda acceder a mis ficheros 
cuando no estoy en casa,cuento con un PII-400 128 RAM ,es suficiente maquina 
para todo esto?



   E-mail: [EMAIL 

Re: Montar servidor,que maquina necesito?

2001-06-29 Thread Gunnar Wolf
 Me interesaria montarme un Linux un servidor pop,un smtp,un servidor web 
 (Apache),un servidor webmail y un servidor ftp
 y de paso que me haga de cortafuegos para mi otro ordenador con windows en mi 
 ADSL ,no tienen que soportar
 multiples conexiones simultaneas,solo mi correo ,navegar cuando estoy en casa 
 y que pueda acceder a mis ficheros
 cuando no estoy en casa,cuento con un PII-400 128 RAM ,es suficiente maquina 
 para todo esto?

Te sobra, y con mucho.

El Webmail es lo único que le agrega algo de peso - si quitas el webmail,
una 486 con 16MB RAM es más que suficiente. El webmail puede ser bastante
pesado - En mi caso, que lo tengo sobre conexión SSL, el IMP/Horde (una
maravilla) aguanta unos 40 usuarios simultáneos en una máquina del calibre
de la tuya - Pero de nuevo, lo que más chupa los recursos es que va sobre
conexión SSL (cifrada0.

Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52)5623-1119
Desarrollo y Admon. de Sistemas en Red - FES Iztacala - UNAM
Departamento de Seguridad en Computo   -   DGSCA-   UNAM

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

telia-adsl och nätverks installation

2001-06-29 Thread Pontus Ullgren

Funderar på att skaffa telia-adsl efter som bonet inte kunde koppla in mig
(ligger visst på en understation vilket dom inte tycker är värt pengarna och
uppgradera :-/ ).

Funderar nu på möjligheten att installera debian (och andra distar) via nätverk.
Om jag förstått det hela rätt så har telia en router eller FW som kräver att
du loggar in innan den släpper igenom packet från din IP.

Detta betyder alltså att jag måste installera från skiva så långt att jag
får igång en browser (lynx?) för att sedan använda apt-get för att avsluta
installationen ?

Övriga kommentarar om hur telia-adsl och debian (andra riktiga os) fungerar
är vällkommna !!
Små egenheter ?
Hur fungerar det har man ett publikt ip redan innan inloggning fast man är
spärrad i routern/FWn ?
Kan man innnan man loggar in komma åt andra på samma subnät ?
(låta grannen logga in och lägga upp en redirect till 

Virtually Yours
Pontus Ullgren
   Linux Zealot  Software Designer
   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Say NO to HTML in mail and news

Re: flera nätverkskort...

2001-06-29 Thread oivvio polite

Systemet kommer alltid att identifiera korten i samma ordning. eth0 kommer 
att tilldelas det förs identifierade kortet, eth1  nästa kort osv. Alias 
krånglar bara till saker. Allt du behöver se till är att ladda rätt moduler 
(eller ha dem kompilerade i kärnan). modconf är ett bekvämt verktyg för att 
att meka med moduler. Pröva alla nätverksmoduler tills du hittar en som 
identifierar ditt kort. Ipnummer mm för korten sätter du i 
/etc/network/interfaces. Kör /etc/init.d/networking restart, för att få 
ändringarna att ta effekt.

On Thursday 28 June 2001 12:43, Kaddik wrote:
 Jag försöker få in ett nätverkskort till i burken.
 jag har sedan förut ett 3c509, och försöker nu få in ett Dlink DFE-530TX
 kort. Enligt tidigare uppgifter skall det vara via-rhine, men var skall jag
 tala om för burken vad som är vad? I ethernet-howton sägs att jag skall
 skriva 'alias eth0 3c509' osv i /etc/conf.module. Heter den något annat i

 Hjälp av alla slag uppskattas!

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Re: telia-adsl och nätverks installation

2001-06-29 Thread Johan Dahlin
Här har du ett litet inloggningskript för telia adsl.
Det kräver netcat (apt-get install netcat)

Glöm inte att fylla i användarnamn och lösenord.

-- KLIPP --

CMD_INIT=GET /sd/init HTTP/1.0
/sd/login?username=$USERNAMEpassword=$PASSWORDsubmitForm=Logga in
NC=nc $HOST 80

echo $CMD_INIT | $NC  /dev/null
echo $CMD_LOGIN | $NC  /dev/null
-- KLIPP --

Den 29 Jun 2001 04:25:33 -0400 skrev Pontus Ullgren:
 Funderar på att skaffa telia-adsl efter som bonet inte kunde koppla in mig
 (ligger visst på en understation vilket dom inte tycker är värt pengarna och
 uppgradera :-/ ).
 Funderar nu på möjligheten att installera debian (och andra distar) via 
 Om jag förstått det hela rätt så har telia en router eller FW som kräver att
 du loggar in innan den släpper igenom packet från din IP.
 Detta betyder alltså att jag måste installera från skiva så långt att jag
 får igång en browser (lynx?) för att sedan använda apt-get för att avsluta
 installationen ?
 Övriga kommentarar om hur telia-adsl och debian (andra riktiga os) fungerar
 är vällkommna !!
 Små egenheter ?
 Hur fungerar det har man ett publikt ip redan innan inloggning fast man är
 spärrad i routern/FWn ?
 Kan man innnan man loggar in komma åt andra på samma subnät ?
 (låta grannen logga in och lägga upp en redirect till 
 Virtually Yours
 Pontus Ullgren
Linux Zealot  Software Designer
 Say NO to HTML in mail and news
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Johan Dahlin  Address:-
- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Nygatan 17, nb  -
- UIN:   1704687523 30 Ulricehamn   -
- PHONE: +46 (0)321-17559   SWEDEN  -
- IRC:   zilch on [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -

Re: telia-adsl och nätverks installation

2001-06-29 Thread Emil Pedersen

 Jag har comhem kabelTV-anslutning. De har samma inloggningsförfarande.
 Lynx funkar INTE där. Måste vara IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Konqueror eller
 så, dessvärre. Eftersom comhem är Telia (ägs av) så finns det risk att
 det är samma problem för ADSL. (Vilket gjorde mig rätt ilsken eftersom
 jag då var tvungen att installera X på min gatewayburk.)
 Tyvärr har jag inte tid just nu att kolla exakt vilket felmeddelande
 det ger när man försöker med Lynx. Dessutom säger jag allt detta med
 reservation för att jag är en klant som inte fattade att det gick att
 ställa in lynx så att det funkar.


Jag hade liknande problem med min studentrums-anslutning tills jag insåg
att det fanns lynx och lynx-ssl.  Vi (anslutningarna i studentrummen)
måste logga in med https, vilket inte vanliga lynx stödde.  Att
installera lynx-ssl fixade detta.

_KANSKE_ det kan vara samma problem ni har, men det är en ren gissning.


Re: ÅÄÖ i konsollen

2001-06-29 Thread Karl Hammar

Med detta fungerar det för mig:

  $ cat /etc/inputrc 
  # /etc/inputrc - global inputrc for libreadline
  # See readline(3readline) and `info readline' for more information.

  # Be 8 bit clean.
  set input-meta on
  set output-meta on

  # To allow the use of 8bit-characters like the german umlauts, comment out
  # the line below. However this makes the meta key not work as a meta key,
  # which is annoying to those which don't need to type in 8-bit characters.

  set convert-meta off

utan att behöva ha .inputrc filer i $HOME.


Karl HammarAspö Data   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lilla Aspö 2340   0173 140 57   Nätverk
S-742 94 Östhammar   010 270 26 67   PC/Sun datorer
SwedenLinux/Unix konsulting

From: Fredrik Forsberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ÅÄÖ i konsollen
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 17:55:22 +0200

 Jag har stött på ett litet problem, det är så att jag kör en default install 
 av Debian 2.2(Potato) på en av mina burkar, och allt är nästan frid och 
 fröjd. Det är så att de svenska tecknen ÅÄÖ funkar finfint i X, men inte alls 
 i konsollen. jag mekade lite med .inputrc, och fick till det såpass att om 
 jag t.ex skriver ett mail så ser mottagaren de tecken jag skriver korrekt, 
 men när jag själv skriver mailet i mutt så ser Å Ä Ö ut som någon slags 
 konstiga krumelurer. 
 Hur kan man få det hela att funka, så att man även ser den korrekta bokstaven 
 som man skriver :-)  Eller en länk som beskriver hela proceduren från början.

Re: Installationsfrågor2

2001-06-29 Thread Mathias
DHCP, och sen köra nått typ qAdsl (

Det hela e enkelt, fast jag föredrar LRP versioner som
och sådant, bygger föresten på Debian 2.1 ;-)


Tor Kjemo wrote:

 Nu har jag lyckats få Debian 2.2.r3 installerad, men kan
 inte ansluta till internet med telia adsl. Skulle behöva några tips
 om vilka filer jag kan arbeta med för att fixa anslutningen, och
 hur jag konfigurerar.

Re: Installationsfrågor2

2001-06-29 Thread Tor Kjemo
fredagen den 29 juni 2001 21:24 skrev Mathias:
 DHCP, och sen köra nått typ qAdsl (

 Det hela e enkelt, fast jag föredrar LRP versioner som
 och sådant, bygger föresten på Debian 2.1 ;-)


Tor fortsätter:

Tackar för hjälpen. 
Nu har jag insallerat dhcp och
tagit hem qAdsl. Skulle man kunna få
några hint om vad filen /etc/dhcpd.conf
ska innehålla? Kanske ett utdrag av din fil?

Tor Kjemo

Re: [OFF-OFF-OFF-TOPIC] Padronização de linguagem humana - lojban

2001-06-29 Thread Hilton Fernandes
É tarde da noite, e isso é tremendamente off-topic, mas ainda dá para
dizer que existem duas formas de interpretar a expressão uma linguagem
lógica.  Uma delas é essa que todo mundo entendeu: tem lógica, é
capaz de expressar pensamentos de bom senso.

Outra forma é a seguinte: desde o começo do século, muitos filósofos e
lógicos têm notado que as línguas que as pessoas falam -- as chamadas
linguagens naturais -- têm muitas inconsistências e imprecisões,
insuficientes para expressar a matemática.

Por isso é que os filósofos e lógicos do começo do século partiram numa
cruzada para identificar esses problemas e criar uma linguagem que
pudesse ser mais precisa que a linguagem natural.  E saiu uma notação
que as pessoas chamavam de lógica matemática -- por oposição à lógica

Era algo semelhante àquele A de ponta cabeça (ou qualquer), ou àquele E
que foi virado para a direita (ou existe) que usamos em matemática. 
Sem falar no implica e em outros menos votados.

Essa festa durou pouco, pois logo surgiu um tal de Gödel que acabou com
a brincadeira.  Mas aí já é outra história, off topic demais.  Até para
este thread. :-D

Basta dizer que muito do que a gente programa se deve a esses radicais,
que queriam mudar a linguagem natural para esse negócio matemático. 
Muito da própria noção de computador se deve a esses caras.

Talvez o que o pessoal do Lojban esteja querendo fazer é evitar as
imprecisões e inconsistências da linguagem natural.  Isso o Lalo pode
responder para a lista.

Mas rápido, antes que o pessoal da moderação peça para esse thread ir
para outra lista. :-)

[]s, Hilton

--- Usuario Universo Online [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Mensagem anterior 
 No dia 6/27/01, 7:37:24 PM, Lalo Martins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 escreveu o 
 seguinte sobre o tema [OFF-OFF-TOPIC] Padronização de linguagem
 humana - 
  On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 02:15:15AM -0300, Lalo Martins wrote:
  Tá, é (até certo ponto) off-topic... mas agora eu tou pensando
  que pode ser um off-topic interessante.
  Mais alguém aqui além de mim já deu uma olhada nisso? Eu tou
  tentando aprendê-la pela primeira vez, se alguém quiser se
  aventurar junto...
 Eu dei uma olhada, mas confesso o seguinte: em cinco minutos de
 numa página de esperanto, já fui capaz de entender de que se tratava,
 rudimentos de como se fazia. A página da lojban, entretanto, me
 exigir a mesma dedicção do que para uma outra língua qualquer. Não
 fácil, não achei intuitivo, achei cheio de regras. São 600 regras 
 gramaticais, não?
  A lojban é uma linguagem lógica, onde a maior parte das
  frases tem a mesma estrutura de uma chamada de função - você
  faz uma afirmação de uma ligação (selbri) entre alguns
  argumentos (sumti). Por exemplo:
 Concordo com a afirmação de oura pessoa aqui na lista: toda linguagem
 lógica, tem lógica. Do contrário não seria um sistema estruturado
 possibilitasse a comunicação. Seria ruído.
 A questão é: parece que esperanto demora menos tempo para aprender do
 lojban. Portanto, a questão da facilidade...Esperanto, até certo
 pegou: tem dois milhões de falantes no mundo. É pouco, mas lota um 
 [ ]s
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Re: Reiserfs pra windows

2001-06-29 Thread Carlos Laviola
On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 04:30:04PM -0300, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
 Em Thu, 28 Jun 2001 11:25:31 -0300
 Carlos Laviola [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
   de mp3 num partição FAT32, mas pelo menos assim eu posso acessar dos 2
   sistemas...  :\
  Também odeio ver um monte de mp3 marcada como executável no Linux, mas é
  a vida... (Ou o Windows suporta algum outro FS nativamente?)
 eu tenho uma sugestão muito boa, coloquem seus mp3 numa ext2 e apaguem
 o windows do hd... fiz isso aqui em casa e tá muito bom =) aliás...

Que fica bom eu não tenho dúvida, eu só quero saber se eu vou poder
mexer na máquina denovo alguma vez na vida depois que o meu pai ver que
eu apaguei o Windows dele... Ai de mim.

PS. Não que isso importe a qualquer um, mas eu só uso a partição VFAT do
meu HD pra armazenamento de dados mesmo.

 _ _  _| _  _  | _   . _ | _   Debian-BR Project
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Linux: the choice of a GNU generation - Registered Linux User #103594

Re: RES: Problemas a instalar pacotes rpm

2001-06-29 Thread Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra

De: Antonio Alberto Lobato [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Tentei fazer isso com o netscape-navigator + netscape-common , mas
 depois de rodado dpkg -i para os dois, e tentar dar nescape, recebo a
 messagem: package not installed

	Eu acho que tem netscape na Debian.  Basta seguir as instruções que 
aparecem na descrição do pacote, que consistem em copiar um determinado 
arquivo para um determinado diretório e rodar o instalador... mais 
seguro que converter o RPM.

O nome do pacote é netscape-smotif-476 4.76-1
, e fica no non-free.

/ \ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra +49 (211) 533 43 51
\ / Amdocs Deutschland, Düsseldorf  +49 (211) 59 59 59 0 r 202
/ \ Campanha fita ASCII contra correio HTML mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pacote do postgresql 7.1.2

2001-06-29 Thread Luis Sousa
Sabem onde é que posso encontrar, se é que já existe, o pacote da debian
para o postgresql, versão 7.1.2 ??


Luis Sousa

Instalação de Themes no KDE e Enlightment.

2001-06-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Eu tirei da net uns themes para o KDE e para o
Enlightment, mas na hora da verdade não os soube

Alguem me pode ajudar ???


Crie o seu Email Grátis no Clix em


2001-06-29 Thread Rogerio Neves Batata

 \ /  Campanha da fita ASCII - contra mail html
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 / \

On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Rodrigo Gruppelli wrote:

 eu considero o Mandrake a melhor distribuicao de linux baseada em redhat..

Ah bom... ai, ateh tem razao de ser! :)

Re: Hurd

2001-06-29 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Thu, 28 Jun 2001 20:02:42 -0300
Raphael D Pereira [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Ele não usar apt???
sim... ele tem apt? mas no que isso influi na instalação?
além do mais, da última vez que vi, hurd não tinha ppp, 
então você tem de por ele em rede com um GNU/Linux e fazer
masq pra baixar com apt...


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: Instalação de Themes no KDE e Enlightment.

2001-06-29 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Fri, 29 Jun 2001 09:20:35 GMT

 Eu tirei da net uns themes para o KDE e para o
 Enlightment, mas na hora da verdade não os soube
 Alguem me pode ajudar ???
não sei nada sobre temas no KDE, no enlightenment você
joga o arquivo no /usr/share/enlightenment e pronto =)

isso se for .etheme, se for tar.gz você descompacta lá...


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: Ambiente de desenvolvimento.

2001-06-29 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Fri, 29 Jun 2001 00:12:41 -0300
Raphael D Pereira [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Onde encontrou o emacs21?


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: Reiserfs pra windows

2001-06-29 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Fri, 29 Jun 2001 00:39:26 -0300
Raphael D Pereira [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Com root pode SIM Com root vc pode TUDO!!
 Inclusive se você montar a partição com a opção ro
oops... isso não... eu uso a minha /boot montada, sempre que
vou instalar um deb com um kernel novo (que eu fiz com make-kpkg)
eu tenho de remontar a /boot pra rw, senão ele dá erro dizendo
que não consegue escrever...

 Conselho: Antes de afirmar algo numa lista, experimente


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Hardware novo - Motherboard

2001-06-29 Thread Xamã
Sires, Ladies,

Há algum tempo atrás foi lançado aqui um questionamento sobre
qual motherboard teria o maior grau de compatibilidade para uma
de trabalho linux.

Bem... depois de muito fuçar no net por relatos de compatibilidade 
e sites que fazem entrega dos 'Esteites' pra cá, etc e tal, cheguei a
conclusão que a melhor Mobo que pode ser comprada hoje para este fim
são as:


socket 370, baseadas no chipset Intel 815.

que podem ser equipadas com 1 chip Celerom 800Mhz/ bus-100Mhz
ou com outros Pentium III / bus- 133Mhz.

Merece atenção (dos maníacos por hardware) também a 
socket A, baseadas no chipset AMD-761. Contudo não existe
indicação mais fundamentada sobre problemas de instalação
e uso do linux nesta board.


Luis Cleber.

This is your life... and Y're spending it one minute at a time... Tyler 

Yahoo! GeoCities
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fácil e grátis!

Re: Ambiente de desenvolvimento.

2001-06-29 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
On Fri, 29 Jun 2001 13:23:44 -0300
Gustavo Noronha Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Em Fri, 29 Jun 2001 00:12:41 -0300
 Raphael D Pereira [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  Onde encontrou o emacs21?

  O pacote que tem lá é para potato ou para woody?
 Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
 |  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
 | : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
 | `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
 |   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Universidade Federal do Paraná
  Departamento de Física
Fabiano Manoel de Andrade   

Re: Instalação de Themes no KDE e Enlightment.

2001-06-29 Thread Luciano Lopes
no KDE voce entra no Control Center - Look  Feel - Theme Maneger
ai vc pede pra ele adicionar o thema,...
clicando em ADD e mostrando pra ele onde ta o Thema que vc baixou,...

§   Luciano Lopes§
§Linux User Nº 125718§
§  ICQ UIN 9183461   §
§ Porto Alegre - RS  §


2001-06-29 Thread Odair G Martins
Alguns novatos não são novatos apenas no Linux. Eles são
novatos no uso de listas.

Alguns novatos não são  novatos apenas  no Linux. Eles
são novatos no desenvolvimento cooperativo. Eles se comportam como 
se a lista tivesse um dono e reclamam como se estivessem 
diante de um  serviço de atendimento ao cliente, ou... diante do pai.
Demora um tempo até o sujeito se perceber  responsável pelas coisas e de que 
é um igual.

Os novatos no desenvolvimento cooperativo  imaginam pedestais, tão usuais 
em ambiente como familia, escola, política, empresa, etc ,  e tranferem para 
o ambiente cooperativo suas angústias de oprimido.  Colocam suas armaduras
e saem atacando moinhos de vento. 


Re: Hurd

2001-06-29 Thread Raphael D Pereira
On Fri 29 Jun 2001 13:22, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
 Em Thu, 28 Jun 2001 20:02:42 -0300

 Raphael D Pereira [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  Ele não usar apt???

 sim... ele tem apt? mas no que isso influi na instalação?
 além do mais, da última vez que vi, hurd não tinha ppp,
 então você tem de por ele em rede com um GNU/Linux e fazer
 masq pra baixar com apt...

Ops, outra mancada...

Eu pensei que ele não tinha apt, por isso que não dava pra instalar pela 
rede. Mas de Hurd eu não conheço... uma pena, pq gostaria muito...

  Raphael DephiNit Pereira

Debian GNU/Linux Addicted User
Use it, Abuse it. It's Free!!!

Re: Reiserfs pra windows

2001-06-29 Thread Raphael D Pereira
On Fri 29 Jun 2001 13:24, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
 Em Fri, 29 Jun 2001 00:39:26 -0300

 Raphael D Pereira [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
  Com root pode SIM Com root vc pode TUDO!!
  Inclusive se você montar a partição com a opção ro

 oops... isso não... eu uso a minha /boot montada, sempre que
 vou instalar um deb com um kernel novo (que eu fiz com make-kpkg)
 eu tenho de remontar a /boot pra rw, senão ele dá erro dizendo
 que não consegue escrever...

Bem, então tem algum pau com a FAT, porque eu remontei a FAT com ro e ele 
deixou eu detonar tudo!!! (Sempre é bom detonar um pouco do rWinblows!)


  Conselho: Antes de afirmar algo numa lista, experimente

Faça o que digo, mas não faça o que eu faço
Autor Desconhecido

  Raphael DephiNit Pereira

Debian GNU/Linux Addicted User
Use it, Abuse it. It's Free!!!

Re: Ambiente de desenvolvimento.

2001-06-29 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Fri, 29 Jun 2001 13:50:48 -0300
Fabiano Manoel de Andrade [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

   O pacote que tem lá é para potato ou para woody?
unstable... deve funcionar no woody


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: Reiserfs pra windows

2001-06-29 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Fri, 29 Jun 2001 16:09:46 -0300
Raphael D Pereira [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Bem, então tem algum pau com a FAT, porque eu remontei a FAT com ro e ele 
 deixou eu detonar tudo!!! (Sempre é bom detonar um pouco do rWinblows!)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/] # cd /tmp
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/tmp] # dd if=/dev/zero of=teste.vfat count=12000
12000+0 registros de entrada
12000+0 registros de saída
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/tmp] # mkdir teste
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/] # cd /tmp
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/tmp] # mount -t vfat -o loop,ro teste.vfat teste 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/tmp] # echo teste de escrita na ro  teste/teste.txt
bash: teste/teste.txt: Sistema de arquivos somente para leitura
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/tmp] # df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2 5.7G  3.6G  2.0G  64% /
/dev/hda1  15M  5.1M  9.3M  35% /boot
/dev/hda3 3.5G  1.3G  2.0G  39% /hda3
/tmp/teste.vfat   5.8M 0  5.8M   0% /tmp/teste

bom... não aqui =) vai ver em algum kernel mais antigo... ou
com uma partição maior...


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: Gráfico

2001-06-29 Thread Wagner Klein da Silva
On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Nitrogen wrote:

 Não sei se esta é uma pergunta para uma lista de sistema
 operacional, ou para um compilador em específico. O fato é que eu
 gostaria de inicializar gráficos (320x240x16) no terminal do linux
 (assim como o DOS é capaz de fazer), mas não sei se é
 possível. Alguém teria uma sugestão?

Acho que você tem três opções: SVGAlib, X Server e frame buffer.

Não conheço bem o frame buffer (aka fb), é um modo gráfico suportado
dentro do kernel e com emulação de console para uso como se fosse uma
console alfanumérica.

O X server pode ser o XF86_SVGA com um XF86Config corretamente

Tem X server para operar sobre o fb.

SVGAlib é uma biblioteca gráfica de uso geral.  Também funciona com

Não respondí exatamente sua pergunta, mas acho que as dicas acima
ajudam para você procurar o que precisa.


Re: Ambiente de desenvolvimento.

2001-06-29 Thread Marcus Brito
Em 29 Jun 2001 00:12:41 -0300, Raphael D Pereira escreveu:
 On Thu 28 Jun 2001 16:42, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
  heh... meu emacs21, rodando em cima do gnome tá lindo =), não acho que
  o Gtk Emacs vá melhorar muito... ele deve ser feito em cima do xemacs
  que é horrível...

Não é horrível não, que é isso... Quer dizer, a interface Motif de
XEmacs realmente não é a coisa mais linda do mundo. Mas com inteface GTK
ficou outra coisa.

Uso o GTK/XEmacs aqui, a bom contento. Só preciso me familiarizar mais
com o editor. Ainda sou do time de VIM :)

Ja ne,
   Marcus Brito
   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anime Gaiden - De fãs para fãs, sempre.

Unidentified subject!

2001-06-29 Thread fabao85

RE: broken dist-upgrade

2001-06-29 Thread Marc Wilson
Nonsense.  *apt* will only install what it has to in order to upgrade you,
while dselect can and does gift you with a whole new set of software you may
not want, since it obeys things like 'Recommends:' that apt has no reason to
pay any attention to.  The *dependency* resolution between them is

apt-get upgrade will only replace already installed packages.

apt-get dist-upgrade will only replace already installed packages, with the
caveat that if it is necessary to replace an already installed package, it
will allow the installation of a new package.

Example:  package_a-1 is installed.  There is a new one, package_a-2,
however it has a dependency on package_b that the -1 package did not.
'upgrade' will not install the new package_a, since it is not allowed to use
package_b in its dependency solution.  'dist-upgrade', however, WILL install
the new package_a, and package_b as well.

dselect, on the other hand, will install the new package_a, install
package_b, and a raft of other stuff as well.

Friends Don't Let Friends Use DSELECT.  (should be a bumper sticker)

Marc Wilson

 -Original Message-
From:   Joost Kooij [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Thursday, June 28, 2001 4:33 PM
To: Phil Reardon
Subject:Re: broken dist-upgrade

On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 05:03:49PM -0600, Phil Reardon wrote:
 I attempted to apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade, from potato to
 but a few of the larger packages timed out.  Almost all of them however
 it to /var/cache/apt.  What is the best thing to do next?

Redo apt-get dist-upgrade, it will attempt to restart the unfinished
downloads at the point where they broke off.  Repeat until all are

But really, upgrading your dist should be done with dselect.  You can
still do that.  Just use install from its main menu to perform the
above, after you've checked the select screen.



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: broken dist-upgrade

2001-06-29 Thread Paul Wright
On Fri, 29 Jun 2001 01:32:55 +0200, Joost wrote:
 But really, upgrading your dist should be done with dselect.



   And, strange to tell, among the Earthen Lot
   Some could articulate, while others not:
  And suddenly one more impatient cried --
   Who is the Potter, pray, and who the Pot?
-- The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam --

Re: How do you logout of a screen session?

2001-06-29 Thread ktb
On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 08:21:04PM -0700, Ron Bettle wrote:
 Hey im using screen to ease the remote administration of my tribes2 server.
 I figured out how to connect and all. But how do i disconnect? ctrl-c kills
 screen and the tribes2 server. i read man screen. It said C-a is the logout.
 I must be doing something wrong because i couldnt figure that out.

Just to make sure you understand this. C-a in this case means Ctrl-a
which means to hold the control key down and hit a; sometimes you will 
see it written like ^a. 

At any rate one way to logout from screen is to hit ^d.  The man page
says to use C-a C-d (hold down the Ctrl key and hit a and then d) to
detach screen.  To close out screen and logout C-a DD.

If you use different terminal emulators you may get different results
from these commands.  For example in a gnome-terminal C-a C-d doesn't
work for me but ^d does.  In and xterm C-a C-d works fine.  You will
find out what works for you.

You should take another swing though the manpage.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

kernel version of woody 2.3.6

2001-06-29 Thread Alex Kwan

Does anybody know which kernel version is on 
disks-i386 of woody 2.3.6?
Is 2.2 or 2.4?


setting up mouse under dosemu with gpm ?

2001-06-29 Thread Balbir Thomas
I am unable to run the program  under dosemu . It reports an error 

 Error: Mouse is not responding.

 S:313440 E:313440 D:2147450880

I have setup my mouse_dev=/dev/gpmctl and mouse=ps2. This program runs
under xdosem though, and the mouse works. Moreover gpm seems to work ok while I 
am in dosemu. I don't see where I have gone  wrong with my config . Any 
suggestions ?


 \  /,  /  .   Balbir Thomas 
  \  /,   _/  /.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   \_  /_/   /. Dept. of Mathematics, MW250
\__/_  Ohio State University,
/ \_\_   Columbus, Ohio 43210
   /,)^_._ \  Tel-614-424-6817
   (/   \\ /\\\
# This file is /etc/dosemu.conf, included by DOSEMU_LIB_DIR/global.conf
# Linux DOSEMU configuration  for parser versions = 3 (dosemu-
# ./doc/README.txt (chapter 2.) contains a description of the syntax
# and the usage of dosemu.conf.
# Access rights are defined in
#  /etc/dosemu.users

# Notes for editing this section:
#   In$_xxx = (n)n is a numerical or boolean value
#  = =
#   In$_zzz = ss is a string
# Please edit only beteen the brakets and quotes and keep the rest intact.

$_debug = -a  # same format as -D commandline option
# (but without the -D in front)
$_features=   # list of temporary hacks, see release notes in
# the file ChangeLog. e.g 0:1 2:0, which means
# to set feature_0 to 1 and feature_2 to 0.
$_mapping=# prefered mapping driver, one of:
# auto, mapself, mapfile, mapshm
$_timint = (on) # emulate INT08 type timer interrupts
$_mathco = (on) # or off
$_cpu = 80386 # CPU showing to DOS, valid values:  80[345]86
# or emulated for non-native CPU (386 in this case)

$_rdtsc = (on)  # if possible use Pentium cycle counter
$_cpuspeed = (0)# 0 = calibrated by dosemu, else given (e.g.166.666)
$_pci = (off)

$_xms = (1024)  # in Kbyte
$_ems = (2048)  # in Kbyte
$_ems_frame = (0xe000)
$_dpmi = (off)  # in Kbyte
$_dosmem = (640)# in Kbyte,  640
$_hardware_ram =  # list of segment values/ranges such as
# 0xc8000 range 0xcc000,0xc

$_secure =ngd # secure for: n (normal users), g (guest), d (dexe)
# empty string: depending on 'restricted'
# 0: always insecure (not recommended)
$_odd_hosts = # black list such as
$_diskless_hosts= # black list such as hacker1 newbee gateway1

$_emusys =# empty or 3 char., config.sys   - config.XXX
$_emubat =# empty or 3 char., autoexec.bat - autoexec.XXX 
$_emuini =# empty or 3 char., system.ini   - system.XXX

$_hogthreshold = (1)# 0 == all CPU power to DOSEMU
$_irqpassing =# list of IRQ number (2-15) to pass to DOS such as
# 3 8 10
$_speaker =   # or native or emulated

$_term_char_set = # Global code page and character set selection.
#  == automatic, else: ibm, latin, latin1, latin2

$_term_color = (on) # terminal with color support
$_term_updfreq = (4)# time between refreshs (units: 20 == 1 second)
$_escchar = (30)# 30 == Ctrl-^, special-sequence prefix

$_rawkeyboard = (0) # bypass normal keyboard input, maybe dangerous
$_layout = auto   # one of: finnish(-latin1), de(-latin1), be, it, us
# uk, dk(-latin1), keyb-no, no-latin1, dvorak, po
# sg(-latin1), fr(-latin1), sf(-latin1), es(-latin1)
# sw, hu(-latin2), hu-cwi, keyb-user
# hr-cp852, hr-latin2, cz-qwerty, cz-qwertz.
# Or 'auto' (which tries to generate the table from
# the current Linux console settings)
$_keybint = (on)# emulate PCish keyboard interrupt

$_X_updfreq = (5)   # time between refreshs (units: 20 == 1 second)
$_X_title = DOS in a BOX  # Title in the top bar of the window
$_X_icon_name = xdos  # Text for icon, when minimized
$_X_keycode = (auto)# on == translate keybord via dosemu keytables
# or 'off' or 'auto'
$_X_blinkrate = (8) # blink rate for the cursor
$_X_font =# basename 

Re: (OT) Perl books

2001-06-29 Thread Nick Jennings
  I highly recommend, for a first perl book, Sams Teach yourself
  Perl in 21 Days. Despite it's false title, it's a very well
  written book, the author Laura Lemay, is a very good technical

  Once you've tackled that book. I do recommend picking up 
  Programming Perl (3rd Edition). It's the perfect reference
  book and I often go to it.

On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 12:22:12PM -0500, Jay Latham wrote:
 I hope I don't get flamed for asking this on this
 list but here goes.
 I've decided that it's time I learned a little about
 programming and I've decided that, for various reasons,
 Perl would be a good place to start. But I'm confused on
 which book would be best for a total newbie. I've been
 leaning towards the oreilly books Learning Perl 3rd edition,
 and/or Programming Perl but thought I'd ask for opinons 
 before making the purchase. Any suggestions?
 Jay Latham
 Beer is proof God loves us and
 wants us to be happy!
   Benjamin Franklin
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Nick Jennings

isa-pnp, modem the 2.4.5 kernel

2001-06-29 Thread Parrish M Myers
Can anyone help?

I have a 3Com US Robotics 56K Voice Fax Internal modem...  It worked
great with isapnp and the 2.2.18 kernel.  As soon as I upgraded my
system to unstable and the 2.4.5 kernel, it won't work anymore.  The
isa-pnp.o kernel module detects the modem but upon 'cat /proc/isapnp'
it tells me that the device is not active and spews out severial
configuration options...  It apparently doesn't set up the card

Does anyone know how to use isa-pnp to get the modem configured

one side point, '/dev/ttyS4' echos back and ATDT so I think the card
may be bound to that serial port... but if that is the case, why is it
that every time I try to use that port I get the error message that the
ioctl is invalid?  Invalid ioctl... what is that!

Parrish Myers

Academia is a little like child   | Parrish M. Myers
rearing, it provides a chance at  | The Wacked Jester
immortality without the stretch   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
marks  -- (unknown source)|

Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

Re: isa-pnp, modem the 2.4.5 kernel

2001-06-29 Thread ktb
On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 09:51:24PM -0700, Parrish M Myers wrote:
 Can anyone help?
 I have a 3Com US Robotics 56K Voice Fax Internal modem...  It worked
 great with isapnp and the 2.2.18 kernel.  As soon as I upgraded my
 system to unstable and the 2.4.5 kernel, it won't work anymore.  The
 isa-pnp.o kernel module detects the modem but upon 'cat /proc/isapnp'
 it tells me that the device is not active and spews out severial
 configuration options...  It apparently doesn't set up the card
 Does anyone know how to use isa-pnp to get the modem configured
 one side point, '/dev/ttyS4' echos back and ATDT so I think the card
 may be bound to that serial port... but if that is the case, why is it
 that every time I try to use that port I get the error message that the
 ioctl is invalid?  Invalid ioctl... what is that!

A guess but did you upgrade PPP along with the kernel as specified in -
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/Changes ?

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Which web server for multiple domains?

2001-06-29 Thread Craig Dickson
I've been using the web server Boa, and generally it has done a good job
without using up too much memory or CPU time. The one thing it doesn't
do that I now need is to host multiple domains as logically-distinct
sites. E.g. if someone requests (not my real domain
name, btw), I want a different page to come up than if they request, even though the DNS addresses for those sites are
identical. From the docs, I think Boa could do it if the two sites were
served through separate network interfaces, but that's not the case
here. There's one network interface, and the only difference between and is the domain in the URL (which I
believe HTTP does provide to the server, so the server should be able
to differentiate based on it).

Does anyone know if Boa can do this, or if any of the other servers
could? (I daresay AOLServer or Apache could, but I'd rather go with a
smaller, simpler server if it will do what I need).



Re: New TrueType fonts doc version 1.1

2001-06-29 Thread Paul D. Smith
%% Walt Mankowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  wm I haven't read your document -- you didn't provide a link :-) --


  wm but you might want to point people to
  wm if you're
  wm not already doing so.

  wm That webpage allows you to download what Microsoft calls their
  wm TrueType core fonts for the Web.  The downloads are free, and while
  wm IANAL the EULA seems to me to allow personal use on Linux.

That font set is already packaged for Linux (testing/unstable), so you
can install it with apt or whatever... and I do mention it in my doc.
In fact, my doc deals quite explicitly with how to install it.


 Paul D. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]HASMAT--HA Software Methods  Tools
 Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional. --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

OT? konqueror infinite-launch loop

2001-06-29 Thread will trillich
okay. using potato with kde* as my desktop environ, i browse
using konqueror to site xyz which has a file of unknown mime
type; if i click to visit the file, i'm given the option of
saving the file or opening it. (same situation for a file local
to my file system, of course...)

if i try to open/view the file, konqueror launches another
window (apparently the algorithm being
if understood (mime-type) then {
display in this window
} else {
launch new knoqueror window to display it

which makes the new window launch another window because it
doesn't know how to display it, and then the another-new window
launches yet-another-new window because...

while they spawn like minxes, i can alt-f4 to close them, but i
don't have much time to enter anything into an rxvt window
between window-spawns. the only fix i've found is to kill the
kdeinit super process -- and then i can't launch ANYTHING new
until i log out of the kde session and back in again...

14839 ?S  0:00 kdeinit: Running...  == must die
14843 ?S  0:00  \_ kdeinit: kwin
14844 ?S  0:00  |   \_ rxvt
14847 pts/0S  0:00  |   |   \_ bash
14883 pts/0R  0:00  |   |   \_ ps afx
14845 ?S  0:00  |   \_ rxvt
14848 pts/1S  0:00  |   |   \_ bash
14846 ?S  0:00  |   \_ rxvt -rv 
14849 pts/2S  0:01  |   \_ ssh
14864 ?S  0:11  \_ kdeinit: konqueror

who's the real culprit, and how can i repair this situation?

SLINK was the code name for Debian release 2.1; POTATO is
Debian 2.2 (currently a synonym for stable) and WOODY is
the upcoming release (currently a synonym for testing).
And SID is unstable.
The names are all characters from the movie Toy Story.

Also see ...

Re: (OT) Perl books

2001-06-29 Thread Lamer
Hi, i'm new to this list and i'm a newbie... anyway, i would suggest
the o'reilly perl cd bookshelf for this. (n.b. there is a mirror of it
on the internet, if you would like to have a look on that, email me
(that is obviously illegal, of course.)

Calvin Lamer
Uncertified Linux Player
- Original Message -
From: Nick Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: (OT) Perl books

   I highly recommend, for a first perl book, Sams Teach yourself
   Perl in 21 Days. Despite it's false title, it's a very well
   written book, the author Laura Lemay, is a very good technical

   Once you've tackled that book. I do recommend picking up
   Programming Perl (3rd Edition). It's the perfect reference
   book and I often go to it.

 On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 12:22:12PM -0500, Jay Latham wrote:
  I hope I don't get flamed for asking this on this
  list but here goes.
  I've decided that it's time I learned a little about
  programming and I've decided that, for various reasons,
  Perl would be a good place to start. But I'm confused on
  which book would be best for a total newbie. I've been
  leaning towards the oreilly books Learning Perl 3rd edition,
  and/or Programming Perl but thought I'd ask for opinons
  before making the purchase. Any suggestions?
  Jay Latham
  Beer is proof God loves us and
  wants us to be happy!
  Benjamin Franklin
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

   Nick Jennings

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Which web server for multiple domains?

2001-06-29 Thread Lamer
If you don't mind, would you like to try a even more bloated one, roxen?

Calvin Lamer
Uncertified Linux Player

test of mail from this list ignore?

2001-06-29 Thread Rich Rudnick
if you're reading this, I'm testing getting mail from this list.  My ISP had
mail problems, and I've not received mail for a couple of days.  Some lists are
now coming in, and I'm testing the others.  I've tried mail to
debian-user-request with subject and body of 'help' (supposed to get me a help
message, right?) but received no reply.  If you're feeling kind, reply to me
personally (if it's still less than 2 hours after this mail hits the list) so
at least I know it's getting through.



Re: Which web server for multiple domains?

2001-06-29 Thread monolith
AFAIK (and I didn't see documentaion on BOA's site) BOA does not support
Virtual Hosting (what you are talking about). I'm sure some other
httpd's support it, but I _know_ apache does (as I run it).

I'm quite happy with Apache, and there is a lot of functionality you
actually might find useful. It really isn't that hard to setup/maintain
either. The documentation is a blessing :)


On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 10:03:24PM -0700, Craig Dickson wrote:
 I've been using the web server Boa, and generally it has done a good job
 without using up too much memory or CPU time. The one thing it doesn't
 do that I now need is to host multiple domains as logically-distinct
 sites. E.g. if someone requests (not my real domain
 name, btw), I want a different page to come up than if they request, even though the DNS addresses for those sites are
 identical. From the docs, I think Boa could do it if the two sites were
 served through separate network interfaces, but that's not the case
 here. There's one network interface, and the only difference between and is the domain in the URL (which I
 believe HTTP does provide to the server, so the server should be able
 to differentiate based on it).
 Does anyone know if Boa can do this, or if any of the other servers
 could? (I daresay AOLServer or Apache could, but I'd rather go with a
 smaller, simpler server if it will do what I need).
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mutt + smail

2001-06-29 Thread monolith

I'm using smail as my mda on this debian machine, fetchmail to grab the
mail off my mailserver (running postfix). I use mutt as my mailreader.
No matter how I edit my .muttrc (using realname/from variables or even
using my_hdr) I cannot get it to display the from line properly. In the
send window, just before I confirm sending, at the top where it lists
From:, it is blank. I'm using the stock smail config file that is
generated by the debian installation of the package. Does anybody have
any insight as to why? It seems to be using the email address i manually
specified in the smail config and the realname from /etc/password on all
outgoing mail. I specified the email in the smail config because
regardless of what I set in mutt, all outgoing mail looked like it was
coming from instead of just (quasar
being this workstation). Am I doing something wrong here? My muttrc is
coming from instead of just (quasar
being this workstation). Am I doing something wrong here? My muttrc is
as follows:

#reset all

source ~/.mail_aliases

# User description

set realname = 'David Orman'
set reply_to = ask-yes
#set reverse_name = no
#set reverse_realname = yes
set from = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
#set gecos_mask = ^[^,]*
#set hidden_host = no
set hostname = ''
#set alternates = 

# General mutt options

#set wait_key = yes
#set weed = yes
#set status_on_top = no
#set suspend = yes
#set timeout = 600
#set beep = yes
#set user_agent = yes
#set delete_untag = yes
#set prompt_after = yes
#set quit = yes
#set read_inc = 10
#set mail_check = 5
#set menu_scroll = no
#set meta_key = no
#set help = yes
#set history = 10
#set read_only = no
#set date_format = !%a, %b %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S%p %Z
set delete = yes
#set dotlock_program = /usr/local/bin//mutt_dotlock
#set beep_new = no
#set charset = iso-8859-1
#set check_new = yes

# OS Specifiques options
#set tmpdir = 
#set print = ask-no
#set print_command = lpr
#set print_decode = yes
#set ispell = ispell
#set locale = C 
#set shell = 
#set spoolfile = 

# Menu index
#set wrap_search = yes
#set sort_re = yes
#set status_chars = -*%A
#set status_format = -%r-Mutt: %f [Msgs:%?M?%M/?%m%?n? New:%n?%?o?
Old:%o?%?d?$#set strict_threads = no
#set thorough_search = no
#set to_chars =  +TCF
#set simple_search = ~f %s | ~s %s
set sort = threads 
set sort_aux = date-sent  
#set resolve = yes
#set index_format = %4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s
#set mark_old = yes
#set allow_8bit = yes
#set arrow_cursor = no
#set ascii_chars = no
#set auto_tag = no
#set collapse_unread = yes
#set uncollapse_jump = no

# Internal Pager
#set visual = 
#set sig_dashes = yes
#set smart_wrap = yes  
#set smileys = (From )|(:[-^]?[][)(}{|/DP])
#set quote_regexp = ^([ \t]*[|:}#])+
#set pager = builtin
#set pager_context = 0
#set pager_format = -%Z- %C/%m: %-20.20n   %s
#set pager_index_lines = 0
#set pager_stop = no 
#set markers = yes
#set escape = ~
#set tilde = no

# Composing
#set use_domain = yes
#set signature = ~/.signature
#set postpone = ask-yes
#set postponed = ~/postponed
#set query_command = 
#set recall = ask-yes
set editor = nano
#set fast_reply = no  
#set abort_nosubject = ask-yes
#set abort_unmodified = yes
#set askbcc = no
#set askcc = no 

# Replying

#set post_indent_string = 
#set reply_regexp = ^(re([\\[0-9\\]+])*|aw):[ \t]*
#set reply_self = no
#set indent_string =  
#set in_reply_to = %i; from %a on %{!%a, %b %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S%p %Z}
#set honor_followup_to = yes
#set ignore_list_reply_to = no
#set include = ask-yes 
#set attribution = On %d, %n wrote:
#set bounce_delivered = yes

# Forwarding
#set forward_decrypt = yes
#set forward_decode = yes
#set forward_format = [%a: %s]
#set forward_quote = no

# Folder and Mailbox
#set write_inc = 10
#set sort_browser = alpha
set record = ~/mail/sent-mail
#set pipe_split = no
#set pipe_decode = no
#set pipe_sep = \n
#set move = ask-no
#set mask = !^\\.[^.]
#set mbox = ~/mbox
#set mbox_type = mbox
#set mh_purge = no
#set confirmappend = yes
#set confirmcreate = yes
#set copy = yes
#set default_hook = ~f %s !~P | (~P ~C %s)
#set fcc_attach = yes
#set fcc_clear = no
set folder = ~/mail
#set folder_format = %2C %t %N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %d %f
#set force_name = no

# Headers
#set hdrs = yes
#set header = no
#set edit_headers = no 
#set autoedit = no  

# Sending

Re: Postgresql 7.1 died

2001-06-29 Thread Johann Spies
Eric G. Miller writes:

   And have you checked your postgres.log?

I forgot about the log.  Anyhow, I can not see from it how to correct
the situation:
pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection
Smart Shutdown request at Thu Jun 28 08:34:56 2001
Server process (pid 12898) exited with status 512 at Thu Jun 28 17:14:09 2001
Terminating any active server processes...
Server processes were terminated at Thu Jun 28 17:14:09 2001
Reinitializing shared memory and semaphores
The Data Base System is starting up
The Data Base System is starting up
The Data Base System is starting up
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster: Startup proc 12953 exited with status 512 - 
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster: Startup proc 13036 exited with status 512 - 
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster: Startup proc 13098 exited with status 512 - 
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster: Startup proc 13138 exited with status 512 - 
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster: Startup proc 13671 exited with status 512 - 
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster: Startup proc 13859 exited with status 512 - 
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster: Startup proc 13892 exited with status 512 - 
/usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster: Startup proc 14034 exited with status 512 - 

Fortunately the data is not that critical.  There were about 43
records in a table inserted from ftplogs by a script.  I could have
tried removing postgresql and reinstall it, but that would be avoiding
the real problem - and it feels too much like the windows way of

Johann Spies
Universiteit van Stellenbosch

 One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek
  after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all
  the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD,
  and to inquire in his temple.
   Psalms 27:4   

xaw3g Segfault

2001-06-29 Thread Jimmy Richards
Hello Fellow Debianites,

I have tried to use the xaw3gd widget set and followed the
instructions in the README.Debian, but it bombs out with a Segfault.
I'm lost as to what I might be doing wrong and am hoping that someone
might be able to help. I think it may be a little trickier to set up
xaw3dg than the instructions contained in the README. Or maybe it's
because I'm using 'sid'(unstable). Maybe I need to file a bug report?
Like I said I'm lost on this one. In case you'r curious, I'd like to use
it for the vice and freeciv-xaw3d packages. Any help appreciated!

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/X11R6/lib/ xedit
Segmentation fault

ii  libxaw64.0.3-4
ii  libxaw74.0.3-4
ii  libxaw7-dev4.0.3-4
ii  xaw-wrappers   1.11
ii  xaw3dg 1.5-7
ii  xaw3dg-dev 1.5-7


Jim Richards

Description: PGP Key 0x0062D7A7.

Description: PGP signature

Re: kernel version of woody 2.3.6

2001-06-29 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 01:04:10PM +0800, Alex Kwan wrote:
 Does anybody know which kernel version is on 
 disks-i386 of woody 2.3.6?
 Is 2.2 or 2.4?


Looking at config file in there, CONFIG_IP_NF_... does not exist.  
fgrep finds 2.2 in kernel.

There are kernel image package in woody with kernel version 2.4.  You
can always upgrade to 2.4 after initial install.

I have not installed woody lately but it was 2.2 kernel few month ago.
~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ 
+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+  My debian quick-reference,

Re: Which web server for multiple domains?

2001-06-29 Thread nestor diaz
El Vie 29 Jun 2001 01:03, Craig Dickson escribió:
 I've been using the web server Boa, and generally it has done a good job
 without using up too much memory or CPU time. The one thing it doesn't
 do that I now need is to host multiple domains as logically-distinct
 sites. E.g. if someone requests (not my real domain
 name, btw), I want a different page to come up than if they request, even though the DNS addresses for those sites are
 identical. From the docs, I think Boa could do it if the two sites were
 served through separate network interfaces, but that's not the case
 here. There's one network interface, and the only difference between and is the domain in the URL (which I
 believe HTTP does provide to the server, so the server should be able
 to differentiate based on it).

 Does anyone know if Boa can do this, or if any of the other servers
 could? (I daresay AOLServer or Apache could, but I'd rather go with a
 smaller, simpler server if it will do what I need).



Check Roxen2,
I am quite happy with it, though is not usually supported by php+mysql 
applications, so you have to make your own installing instructions.
But for simple sites is quite ok
Nestor Di

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: Mutt + smail

2001-06-29 Thread Matthias Richter
monolith wrote on Fri Jun 29, 2001 at 01:02:17AM:
 No matter how I edit my .muttrc (using realname/from variables or even
 using my_hdr) I cannot get it to display the from line properly. 
 set from = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'

what about setting:
my_hdr From: David Orman [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Description: PGP signature

Re: Mutt + smail

2001-06-29 Thread monolith
I've tried it, thought I had written that in my previous mail. Any other


On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 08:55:02AM +0200, Matthias Richter wrote:
 monolith wrote on Fri Jun 29, 2001 at 01:02:17AM:
  No matter how I edit my .muttrc (using realname/from variables or even
  using my_hdr) I cannot get it to display the from line properly. 
  set from = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 what about setting:
 my_hdr From: David Orman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

which NIC driver to use?

2001-06-29 Thread John Griffiths
Hello all,

I've got an IBM xseries 200 i'm trying to get deb running on

the onvoard NIC is confounding me

does anyone know which driver module should i be using?



[OT] xumod - undefined symbol error

2001-06-29 Thread Jimmy Richards
Greetings and Salutations All,

I have an unreolved symbol when I try to run 'xumod'(an Unreal
Tournament umod file unpack utility). I was using it just fine until I
reinstalled Debian a few weeks ago. I reinstalled because I wanted to
use the xfs journaling filesystem, in case you were wondering. I am not
sure, but there may have been an update to perl right about the same
time. BTW, is there a way to tell the date when a package was
installed/upgraded? Anyway, when I try to run it I get the following

Can't load '/usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.1/auto/Tk/' for module Tk:
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: __ti8iostream at
/usr/lib/perl/5.6.1/ line 202.
at /usr/local/bin/xumod line 19
Compilation failed in require at /usr/local/bin/xumod line 19.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/bin/xumod line 19.

It's no big deal as the command line utility that's included, 'umod',
works just fine. And, as usual with command line programs, it is more
powerful and flexible than it's gui counterpart(you can use the *
wildcard, and it can be used in a script). But it would nice to have
xumod working. People checking out my Linux box like to see the X-Windows
eye-candy and stuff. Any insight appreciated.

umodpack-0.5b16 is available at...

Thank You,

Jim Richards

I herby decree anyone who does not respond to this e-mail shall be
removed from this world by pain of death j/k!!

Description: PGP Key 0x0062D7A7.

Description: PGP signature

which NIC driver to use?

2001-06-29 Thread John Griffiths
for the record its the eepro100

thanks for the replies!

Hello all,

I've got an IBM xseries 200 i'm trying to get deb running on

the onvoard NIC is confounding me

does anyone know which driver module should i be using?



: Offer On (Mobile) Cellular Phones

2001-06-29 Thread Edouard Ehouman
American  Distribution  Company
9707 Braeburn Glen blvd. Suite 243. Houston, Texas 77074. USA.
Phone: 1 (713) 587-9445  Fax: 1 (713) 587-9443  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

TO: Purchasing Dept.
  June 26th, 2001
  Attn:  Manager / Director 
Purchasing Dept./ Management 

Ref:  Offer On (Mobile) Cellular Phones 

Dear Sir or Madam,
We would like to thank you for the opportunity of this letter/offer to you and 
your company.
As a cellular phones wholesale Company, located in Houston, Texas.USA. 
We are always on the look to extend our customer array as well as foster new 
With our unlimited volume of transaction per year in cellular phones and other 
merchandise, it is our goal to serve the needs of the wireless market worldwide.
For the period of June 1st to July 31st, we would like to offer you the 
following phones:

   GSM900/GSM1800/GSM1900 Phones Offer:

 2,000 pcs of  Nokia 3310  at  US$129.00/pc  FOB  Location
   Original, Sim free, Euro Spec's, Never locked, 
   Made  by Nokia, include Arabic software 
 4,000 pcs of  Nokia 5110  at  US$89.00/pc   FOB  Location
   New, full set in OEM retail box.
 2,000 pcs of  Nokia 6150  at  US$179.00/pc  FOB  Location
   New, Original, Euro Specifications, Sim Free..
   Full set in retail box.

 3,000 pcs of  Nokia 6210  at  US$229.00/pc  FOB  Location
   Original, Sim free, Euro Spec's, Never locked, 
   Mixed color 500 each, Made by Nokia with Arabic software 
   with EXTRA Arabic key pad   
 2,500 pcs of  Nokia 8210  at  US$232.00/pc  FOB  Location
   Original, Euro Spec's, Sim free, Never locked, Mixed Color,
   Made  by Finland, include Arabic software
 5,000 pcs of  Nokia 8850  at  US$412.00/pc  FOB  Location
   Made in Finland, Euro specs, Never Sim Locked,
   Software: European, Multilanguage software  manual,
   original box, 1 year warranty, T2 status
 1,700 pcs of  Nokia 8890  at  US$419.00/pc  FOB Location
   New, Complete set, with Warranty
   Euro Specs, Worldwide Charger/adapter, Sim Free
   Original/Carrier/white box
   5,000 pcs of  Motorola V2288  at US$67.00/pc FOB Location
   Original box, Sim unlocked, T1,
   Must take all !!!
  10,000 pcs of Motorola M3588   at US$55.00/pc FOB Location
   New, full set in retail Box 

 900 pcs of Motorola L7089   at US$109.00/pc FOB Location 
   New, Full set in Original box.
   Sim free in retail box. 

   1,000 pcs of  Motorola P7389  at US$199.00/pc  FOB Location
   GSM900-1800-1900 (Worldphone-WAP), New, Sim Free,
   Never locked,International Warranty 
   Must take all 
   1,000 pcs of  Motorola Accompli A6188  at US$307.00/pc  FOB Location
   New, Sim Free,never locked, 
   International Warranty 
   Must take all
   5,000 pcs Motorola V3690  at  US$226.00/pc  FOB Location
   GSM 900-1800, New, Complete set, 
   Sim free, Warranty..
 700 pcs Motorola V3688  at  US$277.00/pc  FOB Location
   GSM 900-1800, New, Complete set
   Sim unlocked, Warranty, Original/white box
   2,000 pcs Motorola Startac 130 GSM at US$99.00/pc FOB Location
   GSM 900Mhz,New, complete set, original/white box,
   Sim unlocked, Warranty,   
   5,000 pcs Motorola T180at US$55.00/pc FOB Location
   New, full set in original packaging

   3,000 pcs of  Siemens A35 at  US$67.00/pcFOB Location
   Li-Ion battery, charger, sim free, E-plus box
 500 pcs of  Siemens A36 at  US$69.00/pcFOB location
   Li-Ion battery, charger, sim free, original box
  10,000 pcs of Siemens C28  at  US$87.00/pcFOB Location
   New, Sim free, white box, dark colours 
   No Carrier logo. min order 1,000 pcs min.
   7,500 pcs of  Ericsson I888   at  US$99.00/pcFOB Location
   GSM900-1800-1900Mhz worldphone
   New, complete OEM set with worlwide charger(110v-220v..)
   Original Box.
   1,500 pcs of Ericsson A1018   at  US$54.00/pcFOB Location
   GSM900-1800, New, Complete set in original/white box
1,000 pcs of Ericsson T28 World at US$183.00/pc
   New, full(complete) set in box

   6,000 pcs of Ericsson T28   at US$137.00/pc  FOB Location
   New, Full set in OEM box

   1,000 pcs of Ericsson T10s  at US$92.00/pc   FOB Location
   New, Full set in retail box

   4,000 pcs of Alcatel Easy DB at  US$56.00/pc  FOB Location
   GSM900-1800, New,  Original box, sim locked,
   All dark colours except 350pcs Attoll Green (bright green)

   2,000 pcs of Mitsubishi 

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