Configurar Debian.

2001-07-22 Thread Juan_ortiz
Saludos listeros¡¡
Despues de instalar el metapaquete helix gnome(con el dselect)y que no diera
ningun error se me presentaron las siguientes dudas:
¿cual es el programa de correo de helix gnome?,pregunto porque no he podido
encontrarlo,no obstante de una instalacion anterior tenia el balsa pero no
esta integrado a la barra de menus :( viendome obligado a ejecutarlo desde
run...balsa,para luego comprobar que me manda un  mensaje de error y por
lo tanto no funciona...
Luego intento instalar el metepaquete del kde y despues de ir limpiando
errores me quedan los siguientes:
el dselect me dice: kpackage depends on librpm1 =3.0.4-3
siendo la version que yo tengo en el dselect  menor a  la
que necesito instalar tambien dice
ksirc depends on libmime1...
libmime1 does not appear to be available...
supongo que el problema de instalacion puede estar en estos dos
problemas,¿cual seria la solucion?
saludos a todos..

Redirección con iptables

2001-07-22 Thread Imobach González Sosa

Ando peleándome con el iptables y quería plantearles una
duda acerca de un problema que estoy teniendo con él.

Estoy tratando de desviar todo el tráfico que llega al
puerto 80 de la máquina a la máquina, es decir, intento hacer que las
peticiones www vayan a esta segunda máquina.

La red funciona perfectamente, pero si uso nat no consigo
el resultado esperado.


Con el objetivo de desviar este tráfico, ejecuto
la siguiente orden:

iptables -v -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to

Ojo: uso OUTPUT porque lo estoy probando desde la, aunque
de todas fromas, ya lo he intentado también con PREROUTING -i eth0.

Intentaré arrojar algunos resultados: si no me equivoco, para establecer
la conexión, el cliente envía un syn. Luego el servidor contesta con
un ack y el cliente envía otro ack.

Pues bien, según veo con el tcpdump, el ack del cliente nunca llega a enviarse.

Si hago un ``netstat -at'' en el servidor me pone en State: SYN_RECV.

Y un último apunte: no sé a santo de qué veo con el tcpdump
envíos de paquetes desde diferentes puertos, es decir, la conexión la
intenta establecer, por ejemplo, sobre el puerto 80 desde el 1079,
pero veo envío de paquetes desde el 1080, el 1081... :P

En fin, que estoy más perdido que un pulpo en un garaje y no sé por
dónde seguir. Incluso activé los LOGS de iptables, pero parece que
hace el cambio correctamente.

¿Alguna idea?
Gracias de antemano.

(o_.'   Imobach González Sosa
osoh en irc-hispano
Usuario Linux #201634
Debian GNU/Linux `Woody' con núcleo 2.4.5 sobre AMD K7 Athlon

Estos que agora nos mandan reinan para sí y por la misma causa no se
disponen para nuestro provecho, sino buscan su descanso en nuestro daño.
-- Fray Luis de León --

Sobre Evolution

2001-07-22 Thread Aurelio Diaz-Ufano
Hola a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Des pues de leer que estaba la versión 0.11 de 
Evolution he decidido probarlo... Todo ha ido bien hasta que he intentado 
enviar un mensaje... Me sale una ventana que me dice: No pude crear una 
ventana para escribir el mensaje y luego otra NO pude obtener los emnsajes 
del editor... Parece que no encuentra el editor o algo ai... ¿Qué puede ser?
Un saludo

Re: Sobre Evolution

2001-07-22 Thread Carlos Perelló Marín
El d_ 22 Jul 2001 17:59:44 +0200, Aurelio Diaz-Ufano escribi_
 Hola a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Des pues de leer que estaba la versión 0.11 de 
 Evolution he decidido probarlo... Todo ha ido bien hasta que he intentado 
 enviar un mensaje... Me sale una ventana que me dice: No pude crear una 
 ventana para escribir el mensaje y luego otra NO pude obtener los emnsajes 
 del editor... Parece que no encuentra el editor o algo ai... ¿Qué puede ser?
 Un saludo

Eso suele ocurrir por actualizar algunos de los componentes (oaf,
bonobo, etc) y no reiniciarlos
lo mejor es que ejecutes el comando oaf-slay o simplemente reinicies el
ordenador (CUIDADO CON EL COMANDO oafslay
te reiniciará el Nautilus o te matará cualquier otro programa que emplee

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Carlos Perelló Marín
Valencia - Spain

Bajarme el correo en funcion de la carga de red

2001-07-22 Thread Baltasar Perez
Hola amigos,

Tengo una dudita. Tengo en mi casa ADSL con un modem externo 3Com 812.
Tenemos enchufado al router el ordenador de mi hermano y el mio. Quisiera
hacer un script que me baje el correo por ejemplo cada 15 minutos (esta
chupao) pero la dificultad estriba en que quiero que lo haga si la
carga del router es poca. Esto sucede porque mi hermano juega a Quake3
por Internet y yo quiero que mientras juega no baje el correo para que
no tenga lag (bueno :) el menor posible).

Se puede hacer?

Baltasar Perez | ETSIT - ULPGC
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Woody (2.2.19)
Linux user: #198228; ICQ: #71875480 - Nro. 84615
GnuPG:  pub  1024D/3C9FACE7
fingerprint = 22E9 8141 658F A9C1 7782  A667 B694 28AC 3C9F ACE7

Para que el fichero que coloca exim en cron.d?

2001-07-22 Thread Baltasar Perez
Hola de nuevo,

alguno de ustedes tiene exim configurado como parte de inetd en vez
de solo como daemon?
Resulta que durante la instalacion de exim, este mete el script exim
en cron.d para que se ejecute cada 15 min. Este script lo que hace
basicamente es ejecutar el comando 'exim -q' que realiza un vaciado
de la cola.
Mi pregunta es: Si cada vez que escribo un correo exim lo envia, para
que tiene que hacer un exim -q cada 15 min? sobra este script?


Baltasar Perez | ETSIT - ULPGC
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Woody (2.2.19)
Linux user: #198228; ICQ: #71875480 - Nro. 84615
GnuPG:  pub  1024D/3C9FACE7
fingerprint = 22E9 8141 658F A9C1 7782  A667 B694 28AC 3C9F ACE7

Re: Cuestión de seguridad

2001-07-22 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 07:28:04AM +0100, Imobach González Sosa wrote:
 Supongamos un servidor web de una intranet y
 supongamos que queremos hacer esa máquina accesible
 desde la internet.
 ¿Es seguro poner simplemente un cortafuegos que,
 por ejemplo mediante iptables, desvíe las peticiones
 web desde el exterior a esa máquina interna? ¿Hay alguna
 forma más segura/eficiente de llevar esto a cabo?
 Muchísimas gracias de antemano por su ayuda.

No es la forma más segura, dado que si se expone al servidor
de web se expone la intranet. La forma habitual de hace esto es 
tener una red separada (DMZ, o zona desmilitarizada) donde se ponen
los servidores con exposición externa que puedan ser comprometidos.

De forma que tenemos:

Red publica ---  Fw - Red Interna

Así, si un programa mal hecho permite ejecutar, por ejemplo, código
arbitrario en el servidor de web, no se expone a los equipos en la red
interna sino sólo a los de la DMZ. Evidentemente, se ponen reglas estrictas
de cortafuegos entre las tres redes (desde la red pública a la DMZ, desde la
DMZ a la red interna)...
Un saludo


Re: Sobre Evolution

2001-07-22 Thread Aurelio Diaz-Ufano
 Eso suele ocurrir por actualizar algunos de los componentes (oaf,
 bonobo, etc) y no reiniciarlos
 lo mejor es que ejecutes el comando oaf-slay o simplemente reinicies el
 ordenador (CUIDADO CON EL COMANDO oafslay
 te reiniciará el Nautilus o te matará cualquier otro programa que emplee

He hecho oaf-slay por si acaso... pero suecede lo mismo incluso reancando el 
sistema... ¿alguna otra opción?... :-)) Y de entrada gracias

Re: Sobre Evolution

2001-07-22 Thread Carlos Perelló Marín
El d_ 22 Jul 2001 18:30:28 +0200, Aurelio Diaz-Ufano escribi_
  Eso suele ocurrir por actualizar algunos de los componentes (oaf,
  bonobo, etc) y no reiniciarlos
  lo mejor es que ejecutes el comando oaf-slay o simplemente reinicies el
  ordenador (CUIDADO CON EL COMANDO oafslay
  te reiniciará el Nautilus o te matará cualquier otro programa que emplee
 He hecho oaf-slay por si acaso... pero suecede lo mismo incluso reancando el 
 sistema... ¿alguna otra opción?... :-)) Y de entrada gracias

¿Que versión de gtkhtml tienes? el editor es ese. lanza Evolution desde
una terminal
y mandame la salida a ver si puedo ver donde está el problema...

Carlos Perelló Marín
Valencia - Spain

Re: Bajarme el correo en funcion de la carga de red

2001-07-22 Thread Carlos Perelló Marín
El d_ 22 Jul 2001 16:19:28 +, Baltasar Perez escribi_
 Hola amigos,
 Tengo una dudita. Tengo en mi casa ADSL con un modem externo 3Com 812.
 Tenemos enchufado al router el ordenador de mi hermano y el mio. Quisiera
 hacer un script que me baje el correo por ejemplo cada 15 minutos (esta
 chupao) pero la dificultad estriba en que quiero que lo haga si la
 carga del router es poca. Esto sucede porque mi hermano juega a Quake3
 por Internet y yo quiero que mientras juega no baje el correo para que
 no tenga lag (bueno :) el menor posible).

Puedes probar a montarte un servicio de QoS, de esta forma le das
prioridad al protocolo del Quake y te da igual que te bajes el correo o
no, el Quake siempre tendrá un ancho de banda determinado. (Para esto
todo el tráfico debe de pasar por un Linux y no directamente por el
router 3COM

 Se puede hacer?
 Baltasar Perez | ETSIT - ULPGC
 Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Woody (2.2.19)
 Linux user: #198228; ICQ: #71875480 - Nro. 84615
 GnuPG:pub  1024D/3C9FACE7
 fingerprint = 22E9 8141 658F A9C1 7782  A667 B694 28AC 3C9F ACE7
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Carlos Perelló Marín
Valencia - Spain

Re: Para que el fichero que coloca exim en cron.d?

2001-07-22 Thread Carlos Perelló Marín
El d_ 22 Jul 2001 16:24:33 +, Baltasar Perez escribi_
 Hola de nuevo,
 alguno de ustedes tiene exim configurado como parte de inetd en vez
 de solo como daemon?
 Resulta que durante la instalacion de exim, este mete el script exim
 en cron.d para que se ejecute cada 15 min. Este script lo que hace
 basicamente es ejecutar el comando 'exim -q' que realiza un vaciado
 de la cola.
 Mi pregunta es: Si cada vez que escribo un correo exim lo envia, para
 que tiene que hacer un exim -q cada 15 min? sobra este script?

No, si el correo no lo puede enviar directamente (por ejemplo que el
servidor de destino esté temporalmente fuera de servicio) lo almacena en
la cola y si quitas eso no se decirte
si llegará a salir alguna vez.

 Baltasar Perez | ETSIT - ULPGC
 Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Woody (2.2.19)
 Linux user: #198228; ICQ: #71875480 - Nro. 84615
 GnuPG:pub  1024D/3C9FACE7
 fingerprint = 22E9 8141 658F A9C1 7782  A667 B694 28AC 3C9F ACE7
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Carlos Perelló Marín
Valencia - Spain

Re: Para que el fichero que coloca exim en cron.d?

2001-07-22 Thread Andres Herrera
El Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 04:24:33PM +, Baltasar Perez disidio iscribir:


 Mi pregunta es: Si cada vez que escribo un correo exim lo envia, para
 que tiene que hacer un exim -q cada 15 min? sobra este script?

Hay correos que no se pueden enviar en su momento (línea muy muy cargada,
servidor de destino caido, no estás conectado...) Si cada x minutos re-procesas
la cola, estás forzando reintentos para el envío de esos mensajes (aunque ahora
que lo pienso, con exim -q muchos mensajes no se van a reenviar inmediatamente,
en concreto precisamente los que ya han fallado alguna vez).

También tiene utilidad si has configurado exim para que sólo encole pero no
envíe directamente. El exim -q haría que se enviasen esos mensajes encolados.

101 Things you do NOT want your System Administrator to say.
 96. We prefer not to change the root password, it's an nice easy one
Andres Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Reg. User #66054

Description: PGP signature

Re: Bajarme el correo en funcion de la carga de red

2001-07-22 Thread Christoph Simon
On Sun, 22 Jul 2001 16:19:28 +
Baltasar Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hola amigos,
 Tengo una dudita. Tengo en mi casa ADSL con un modem externo 3Com 812.
 Tenemos enchufado al router el ordenador de mi hermano y el mio. Quisiera
 hacer un script que me baje el correo por ejemplo cada 15 minutos (esta
 chupao) pero la dificultad estriba en que quiero que lo haga si la
 carga del router es poca. Esto sucede porque mi hermano juega a Quake3
 por Internet y yo quiero que mientras juega no baje el correo para que
 no tenga lag (bueno :) el menor posible).
 Se puede hacer?

Tal como lo dices, la respuesta rápida es, que no se puede. Bajar el
correo tarda mas que 0 segundos, y una vez empezado no hace sentido
pararlo por ejemplo porque el quake comienza poco después. Si empieza
fetchmail, y medio segundo mas tarde sube la carga en la red, ¿qué
pretendes que aconteza?

Una chapucita fácil sería hacer un wrapper script al quake que deje
por ejemplo un fichero en tu máquina (usando ssh con las claves
registradas para no necesitar password) y que lo borre quando
termine. Entonces puedes hacer un simple [ -e antes de ejecutar
fetchmail. Claro, esto falla si el quake no termina limpiamente
(porque no tiene posibilidad de eliminar el fichero), ni resuelve el
problema de arriba. Pero es fácil y posiblemente se ajusta bastante a
lo que quieres.

La solución `correcta' será probablemente no pretender que el fechmail
no sea iniciado, sino que tenga una prioridad muy baja en el uso de la
red (o el quake una muy alta). Usar el kernel 2.4.x plus iptables(8)
plus el tc(8) para la prioridad de las colas, te permite hacer
esto. Al menos que ya hayas hecho una cosa así, creo que no es un
projecto para 5 minutos.

Christoph Simon

CD-writer 7200 Hewlett Packard externo....

2001-07-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

¿El kernel que viene con la Potato R0 tienen las opciones necesarias para 
configurar correctamente este quemador???, o que opciones debo activar se 
conecta por el puerto paralelo, algun documento o enlace donde haya información 
al respecto...??

Chas gracias

Ricardo Rodríguez
Cartago - Colombia

Shop Smart Compare Prices on Name-Brand Products from Name-Brand Stores!!

Re: CD-writer 7200 Hewlett Packard externo....

2001-07-22 Thread José Luis Fernández Barros
El Dom 22 Jul 2001 21:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 ¿El kernel que viene con la Potato R0 tienen las opciones necesarias para
 configurar correctamente este quemador???, o que opciones debo activar
 se conecta por el puerto paralelo, algun documento o enlace donde haya
 información al respecto...??
 Chas gracias

Empieza por


y en la docuentación del kernel Documentation/paride.txt

Re: Instalacion de DEBIAN

2001-07-22 Thread José Luis Fernández Barros
El Vie 20 Jul 2001 16:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 Estimados amigos de la lista:
 Estoy recien iniciandome en debian (antes usaba redhat) y he tenido
 problemas con la instalacion, mas especificamente con el mouse y la
 tarjeta de video, he intentado en un PC con una tarjeta SIS730S y no me
 entra a las X windows y he intentado en un PC con una Tarjeta Gforce 2MX y
 tampoco entra, actualize el Xfree a la ultima version y me sigue saliendo
 lo mismo, ni el mouse me funciona, alguna idea?
 gracias por la ayuda, en realidad redhat da todo super facil de hacer y yo
 prefiero aprender mas con otrao distro.

 Gracias de nuevo

Ojea /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-html/XFree86-HOWTO.html
Instala los paquetes task-x-window-system-core xserver-vga16 xf86setup y lee 
los manuales de XF86Config y xf86setup.

Re: Bind

2001-07-22 Thread Gerardo
Perdonad, pero acabo de ver esto en el DNS-como:

El caché se almacena en memoria completamente. No se escribe en disco en
ningún momento. Cada vez que mata a named se pierde el caché...

No, named no salva el caché cuando muere. Esto significa que el caché se debe
reconstruir de nuevo cada vez que mate y reinicie named. No hay forma de
hacer que named salve el caché en un archivo. Si quiere, puede cambiar esto
tocando los fuentes de named, lo cual no es recomendable.

¿O lo estoy interpretando mal?. De todas formas mi /etc/bind/named.conf es el 
que viene por defecto:

options {
directory /var/cache/bind;
forwarders {;;
logging {
category lame-servers { null; };
category cname { null; };
zone . {
type hint;
file /etc/bind/db.root;
zone localhost {
type master;
file /etc/bind/db.local;
zone {
type master;
file /etc/bind/db.127;
zone {
type master;
file /etc/bind/db.0;
zone {
type master;
file /etc/bind/db.255;

Gracias por vuestra ayuda.

Re: kdebase-crypto

2001-07-22 Thread José Luis Fernández Barros
El Jue 12 Jul 2001 04:33, Esteban Martín Aguilera escribió:
 hola no puedo descargar esto porque me hace falta el libssl096 pero en

 solo esta libssl09 y libssl09-dev

 con estos dos podre tener ssl en el konqueror ?

Prueba a buscarlos en :

Nuevos LIBROS para descargar ...

2001-07-22 Thread TallerLinux

Esto les puede interesar. He subido 4 nuevos libros completos para
descargar. Estos son:

1. Linux Device Drivers (LDD)
2. Using Samba
3. Guía del Núcleo (completo en formato PDF)
4. Seguridad en Unix y Redes, versión 1.2 (en formato PDF)

Espero que sean de su agrado y de mucha utilidad como lo son para mi.


Víctor A. Valenzuela - Tu sitio para aprender Linux.  - Todo para el diseño de sitios web. - Material y Apuntes de clases
Copiapó - Chile
Linux Registered User # 195467

No consigo hacer masquerading

2001-07-22 Thread Lluis Vilanova
Hola, tengo dos ordenadores conectados con plip, y querria hacer masquerading,
aunque no lo consigo. Siguiendo el IP-Masquerading Howto (version para kernels
2.4.x -- iptables), lo maximo que he podido hacer es un ping del cliente a la
direccion IP de ppp0 (a la IP local), pero de ahi no salgo. La verdad es que no
acabo de enterarme con todo el tinglado este del iptables...

Estos son los scripts para iniciar la conexion por plip:
valhalla:~# cat /usr/local/bin/plip_on
# Script para activar la conexion por plip con el ordenador 'dante'
/etc/init.d/lprng stop
rmmod lp
modprobe plip
ifconfig plip0 valhalla pointopoint dante

dante:~# cat /usr/local/bin/plip_on
# Script para activar la conexion por plip con el ordenador 'valhalla'
/etc/init.d/lprng stop
rmmod lp
modprobe plip
ifconfig plip0 dante pointopoint valhalla
route add default gw valhalla

La configuracion de iptables que he usado es la que aparece en el mismo howto
(la pongo attacheada).

No se en lo que me estoy equivocando, pero creo que es algo de iptables
(quizas), pues al hacer un iptables -L -n no me sale nada

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination 

Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)
target prot opt source   destination 

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source   destination  

Gracias por adelantado
# rc.firewall - v0.50
#   Initial SIMPLE IP Masquerade test for 2.4.x kernels
#   using IPTABLES
# Load all required IP MASQ modules
#   NOTE:  Only load the IP MASQ modules you need.  All current IP MASQ 
#  modules are shown below but are commented out from loading.

echo -e \n\nIPMASQ *TEST* masq-firewall ruleset - v0.50\n

# The location of the 'iptables' program
#   If your Linux distribution came with a copy of iptables, most
#   likely it is located in /sbin.  If you manually compiled 
#   iptables, the default location is in /usr/local/sbin
# ** Please use the whereis iptables command to figure out 
# ** where your copy is and change the path below to reflect 
# ** your setup

#== No editing beyond this line is required for initial MASQ testing ==

# Need to verify that all modules have all required dependencies
echo   - Verifying that all kernel modules are ok
/sbin/depmod -a

# With the new IPTABLES code, the core MASQ functionality is now either
# modular or compiled into the kernel.  This HOWTO compiles ALL IPTABLES
# options as modules.  If your kernel is compiled correctly, there is
# NO need to manually load the kernel modules.  
#  NOTE: The following items are listed ONLY for informational reasons.
#There is no reason to manual load these modules unless your
#kernel is either mis-configured or you intentionally disabled
#the kernel module autoloader.

# Upon the commands of starting up IP Masq on the server, the
# following kernel modules will be automatically loaded:
# ===

#Load the main body of the IPTABLES module - iptable
#  - Loaded automatically when the iptables command is invoked

#Load the IPTABLES filtering module - iptable_filter 
#  - Loaded automatically when filter policies are activated

#Load the geneal IPTABLES NAT code - iptable_nat
#  - Loaded automatically when MASQ functionality is turned on

#Load the SNAT IPTABLES Masq code - ipt_MASQUERADE
#  - Loaded automatically when MASQ functionality is turned on

#Load the stateful connection tracking framework - ip_conntrack
# This module in itself does nothing without other specific 
# conntrack modules being loaded as well 
#  - Loaded automatically when MASQ functionality is enabled
#to properly MASQ protocols such as IRC, FTP, etc.

#Loads the OUTGOING FTP NAT functionality into the core IPTABLES code
# Disabled by default -- remove the # on the next line to activate
#/sbin/insmod ip_nat_ftp

#Load the INCOMING FTP tracking mechanism for the connection tracking
# Disabled by default -- remove the # on the next line to activate
#/sbin/insmod ip_conntrack_ftp

#CRITICAL:  Enable IP forwarding since it is disabled by default since
#   Redhat Users:  you may try changing the options in
#  /etc/sysconfig/network from:
#   FORWARD_IPV4=false
# to
#   FORWARD_IPV4=true
echo   - Enabling packet forwarding in the kernel
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# Dynamic IP users:
#   If you get your IP address dynamically from SLIP, PPP, or DHCP, 
#   enable this following option.  This enables dynamic-address hacking
#   which makes the life with Diald and similar programs much easier.
echo   - Enabling dynamic addressing 

Vad betyder .ida?

2001-07-22 Thread Kaddik

Jag såg i min apache access.log begäran om default.ida, vad står ida för?

Re: Vad betyder .ida?

2001-07-22 Thread Emil Styrke
Hash: SHA1

söndagen den 22 juli 2001 11:50 skrev Kaddik:
 Jag såg i min apache access.log begäran om default.ida, vad står ida för?

Har ingen aning om vad .ida betyder, men det där är en exploit för IIS iaf.. 
Red Worm eller nåt

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Vad betyder .ida?

2001-07-22 Thread Henrik Holmboe

  kolla på eEye's[1] advisory för mer information.


[1] =

++ 22/07/01 15:16 +0200 - Emil Styrke:
söndagen den 22 juli 2001 11:50 skrev Kaddik:
 Jag såg i min apache access.log begäran om default.ida, vad står ida för?

Har ingen aning om vad .ida betyder, men det där är en exploit för IIS iaf.. 
Red Worm eller nåt


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[ Planet X Systems, Key print: 0x723D4FFF]
[ Network Engineer   Carpe Noxem -- H. Holmboe, 1995  ]

Description: PGP signature

Re: Dúvidas!

2001-07-22 Thread Vitor Silva Souza

At 21:28 21/7/2001 -0300, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

 E também qual a melhor maneira de conectar ao ISP, já li vários
 documentos, cada um ensina de uma maneira diferente (aquele que é
 ensinado no ISP-Hookup-Howto me parece pouco seguro, pois minha senha
 fica num arquivo texto).

O manual do debian (Debian User's Guide) indica o uso do software wvdial. 
Instale o pacote ppp e o wvdial a partir da distribuição potato que ele 
procurará seu modem automaticamente, pedirá seu login, sua senha e o 
telefone de acesso discado. Depois disso é só torcer para que funcione, 
digitando wvdial no shell.

Mais detalhes:

- Vítor

P.S.: Se você tem um winmodem, procure ler o máximo que puder sobre os 
linmodems (

Vítor Estêvão Silva Souza

Re: Como configurar uma Zip Paralela

2001-07-22 Thread hzi
Em dom, 22 jul 2001 05:27:23Lucianno A.Ramalho escrito:
 On Sun, 22 Jul 2001 14:44:18 GMT
 hzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Mensagem anterior 
  No dia 22/07/01, 02:29:39, Rodrigo Morais Araujo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  o seguinte sobre o tema Re: Como configurar uma Zip Paralela:
   On Sun, 22 Jul 2001, Dany wrote:
Oi Lista,
Como sou iniciado ainda estou naquela parte de configurar todo o 
meu computador.
Uma das minhas dificuldades está em configurar a minha drive iomega 
   O modulo do kernel que controla esse zip é o ppa, só é vc digitar 
   ppa, vai aparecer umas mensagens dizendo onde está o seu zip drive e ai 
   só vc montar o dispositivo, normalmente ele vai para o /dev/sda
  Eu tentei o modprobe ppa, e olhe o que eu ganhei de resposta:
  siddhi:~# modprobe ppa
  /lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/scsi/ppa.o: init_module: Dispositivo ou recurso 
  está ocupado
  Hint: this error can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including 
  invalid IO or IRQ parameters
  /lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/scsi/ppa.o: insmod 
  /lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/scsi/ppa.o failed
  /lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/scsi/ppa.o: insmod ppa failed
  O que isto significa?
  Eu tenho o Zip funcionando naquele esquema #clássico# de 
  A impressora funciona bem...
  [ ]s
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 
 verifica aí, se de repente no BIOS está setado a porta paralele pra epp.
 |* Lucianno Albuquerque Ramalho
 Mesmo se estiver tudo funcionando OK no Ruíndous?
 [ ]s

Re: Dúvidas!

2001-07-22 Thread Vinicius De Mario

Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

On Sat, 21 Jul 2001, João Alberto wrote:

   Vocês recomendam configurar todo o sistema e depois recompilar o
kernel ou ao contrário?

Dá no mesmo, mas só pra avisar enquanto é tempo: o Debian tem um
kernel-package que é capaz de compilar e gerar .debs com seu novo kernel,
evitando um monte de baboseiras que certos Howto pregam (como mexer em
/usr/include/linux por exemplo...)

Instala ele, e leia /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README* para mais

   Além disso, gostaria que me recomendassem algum browser e cliente de
mail(pop3/smtp) que eu possa utilizar.

Isso varia muito de pessoa para pessoa. Tenta o sylpheed ou o mutt para
cliente de email. Browser... bom, eu gosto do mozilla-cvs da unstable, mas
até aí, não se recomenda usar unstable se você é novato.

Tenho usado o mozilla 0.9.1, sem grandes problemas, esta' bastante 
estavel agora ... (v. pode fazer o download no e funciona 
muito bem como cliente de email, permite configurar varias contas pop's 
num u'nico perfil.

   E também qual a melhor maneira de conectar ao ISP, já li vários
documentos, cada um ensina de uma maneira diferente (aquele que é
ensinado no ISP-Hookup-Howto me parece pouco seguro, pois minha senha
fica num arquivo texto).

Bom, tua senha fica num arquivo texto que só root pode ler. Melhor que isso,
não dá para fazer em 99% dos provedores.

Cuidado com howtos para RedHat, 60% de chance de eles te ensinarem alguma
coisa errada (pro Debian). É melhor procurar nos FAQs do Debian e sempre
leia /usr/share/doc/nome-do-pacote antes...

Eu sempre usei o pon/poff e nunca deu errado.
Rode como root o pppconfig, eh tao facil de configurar como no windows, 
ele ateh localiza o modem pra voce.


Re: Creative Modem Pci (supostamente winmodem)

2001-07-22 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
On Sun, 22 Jul 2001 01:45:36 +0100

 Oi Lista,
 Eu tenho um modem creative modem bleaster pci 56kbs.
 Eu tenho quase a certesa de que se trata de mais um winmodem que não
 funciona com o Linux, mas por um descargo de consciência resolvi perguntar:
 Sera possivel por este modem a trabalhar em Debian 2.2 r3? Se sim, ou se
 alguem conseguiu, mande-me um mail p.f. que já estou farto de ter de
 reiniciar em windows para aceder a net.
  Para mais infomações vá ao site
 |   |
 |  |
 |  |\~~/| Daniel Costa |
 |  \ õõ /   [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
 | '-v-'   |
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

||  /\ ||  Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3||  _  || 
|| /@@\||  Linux lottar 2.2.18pre21  || () ||
||/(__)\   ||Pentium 200 MMX 40Mb||/(_)\||
|| ^  ^||  Fabiano Manoel de Andrade ||_/ \_||
|| || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || ||

Re: Como configurar uma Zip Paralela

2001-07-22 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
On Sun, 22 Jul 2001 01:58:51 +0100

 Oi Lista,
 Como sou iniciado ainda estou naquela parte de configurar todo o hardware do
 meu computador.
 Uma das minhas dificuldades está em configurar a minha drive iomega zip 100
 Na instalação do Debian 2.2 r3, ele não me aceitou as drives para a zip.
 Alguem me pode explicar como é que a configuro, ou onde está documentação
 para ---INICIADOS--- pois já encontrei documentação que ainda me pos mais

  Dê uma olhada na inicialização é procure por linhas do tipo
  hda: FUJITSU MPA3035ATU, ATA DISK drive
  hdc: LTN242, ATAPI CDROM drive
  ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
  ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
  hda: FUJITSU MPA3035ATU, 3337MB w/0kB Cache, CHS=847/128/63
  hdc: ATAPI 24X CD-ROM drive, 120kB Cache
  Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.11
  Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
  FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
  Para isso faça o comando
  dmesg | grep hd 
  e veja se tem alguma coisa sobre seu zip, se sim  anote o nome do 
  dispositivo (provavemente hdb) e insira esta entrada no fstab
  /dev/hdb /zip autodefaults,user,noauto 0   0
  ou torque o hdb pelo dispositivo do seu zip. Crie um diretório 
  chamado zip no diretório raiz (mkdir /zip)
  da próxima vez que você reinicializar o linux seu zip pode ser acessado
  através do diretório /zip (mount /zip)
  Na próxima vez que for
 |   |
 |  |
 |  |\~~/| Daniel Costa |
 |  \ õõ /   [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
 | '-v-'   |
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

||  /\ ||  Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3||  _  || 
|| /@@\||  Linux lottar 2.2.18pre21  || () ||
||/(__)\   ||Pentium 200 MMX 40Mb||/(_)\||
|| ^  ^||  Fabiano Manoel de Andrade ||_/ \_||
|| || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || ||

Re: Starting Up

2001-07-22 Thread Michelle Ribeiro
 o problema nao está em achar a placa, pois ja encontrei
 a semelhante no XF86Setup (a que funfa com ela é a
 Trident CyberBlade). o pro esta que quando saio do
 XF86Setup ele diz que nao achou o XF86_SVGA pra ativar.
 e ai!? o que devo fazer?!

apt-get install xserver-svga?

Michelle Ribeiro
 .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux 
: :'  : UIN: 89497281
`. `'`   

Re: Repack de alguns pacotes

2001-07-22 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sun, 22 Jul 2001 10:45:28 +
Fabiano Manoel de Andrade [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

Olá Pessoal.
A coisa é simples, mas eu não sei. Eu quero reempacotar os pacotes 
  do ximian gnome porque quero intalar em putra máquina que não tem
  conexão na internet. Sei que os pacotes do ximain tem no seu nome 
  a palavra ximian e eu poderia começar por ai. Tenho certeza que
  isso é feito através de um script, mas no exato momento estou sem
  tempo ;-( para dar uma estudada em script. Ficarei agradecido por
  alguma ajuda.


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: Criada a WikiPage para a tradução de documentos]

2001-07-22 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sun, 22 Jul 2001 14:33:16 GMT
hzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

   Eu realmente gostaria de saber com os responsáveis pela 
 debian-L10N-portuguese se houve algum problema de adotar essse nome...
não existem responsáveis pela lista.. não há problema nenhum

   Eu talvez tenha que explicar melhor o que é uma WikiWeb, mas eu acho 
 o melhor é as pessoas irem lá testar em
   Uma WikiWeb possibilita a edição de uma página. Isso é tudo. Por 
 qualquer um. De qualquer jeito.
ok... eu poderia colar um sgml lá e deixar quem quiser mexer... é isso?

   A minha proposta é que se traduzam os documentos via WikiWeb. Quem 
 quiser. Vou iniciar as traduções de uns templates em breve, mas preciso 
 me achar antes. Será uma tradução em público, portanto. Alguém disse 
 que ia redigir uma lista, mas ficou só na promessa...
lista? tem isso na page do Debian-BR... é só pegar

   Estive olhando algumas traduções do LDP-BR...Algumas coisas estão 
 realmente. Não estou generalizando, mas peguei algo para revisar, e eu vi 
 que se tratava de retraduzir tudo. Tipo comentar páragrafo por páragrafo. 
 E ter que justificar erros crassos é algo que é muito ruim, muito ruim 
 mesmo. Envolve puxar livros, gramáticas e dicionários...e ficar citando: 
 olha, o Oxford disse isso, o Webster diz aquilo... Algumas coisas eu 
 não queria no meu computador nem a pau! Coisas que # torcem # o que o 
 autor original disse, de A pra B.
ldp-br??? bom... eu também achei alguma coisa ruim... mas tem muita coisa
útil... mas aqui não estamos tratando diretamente do ldp-br... e sim do
ddp-br, ou chame debian-br, como quiser =)

   Recordo me de uma vez, numa aula de italiano, que o professor - 
 - explicava um trecho de uma reportagem, e palavra problemática era 
 grua. Alguns alunos insistiam que grua mecânica era algo que não 
 existia na língua portuguesa. Obviamente, nunca foram a um sítio de 
 construção civil.
eu não entendi nada mesmo ... hehehe

   Aliás, alguém se queixou que o site estava down. Parece que sim, 
 tentei acessá-lo hoje...Que pena...Espero que não seja nenhum problema 
 com crackers...É retomar o assunto logo que voltarem on-line. Azar :)
nah... o wikki seria passado pra depois de um tempo...
temos de ver isso...


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: Criada a WikiPage para a tradução de documentos]

2001-07-22 Thread Ricardo Sandrin
On Sun, 22 Jul 2001 14:33:16 GMT
hzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Mensagem anterior 
 No dia 21/07/01, 20:45:47, Ricardo Sandrin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 escreveu o seguinte sobre o tema Re: Criada a WikiPage para a tradução de 
  Bem, agora sim eu entendi depois de uma boa explicação... acho que você 
 deveria explicar tudo oqueê você tem em mente melhor para que as pessoas 
 (como eu) não se confundam. =)
  Desculpe qualquer mal entendido.
Ricardo Sandrin - strange
   Ok, beleza, estamos legal, desculpa aí qualquer coisa eu também.
   Eu realmente gostaria de saber com os responsáveis pela 
 debian-L10N-portuguese se houve algum problema de adotar essse nome...
   Eu talvez tenha que explicar melhor o que é uma WikiWeb, mas eu acho 
 o melhor é as pessoas irem lá testar em
   Uma WikiWeb possibilita a edição de uma página. Isso é tudo. Por 
 qualquer um. De qualquer jeito.
   A minha proposta é que se traduzam os documentos via WikiWeb. Quem 
 quiser. Vou iniciar as traduções de uns templates em breve, mas preciso 
 me achar antes. Será uma tradução em público, portanto. Alguém disse 
 que ia redigir uma lista, mas ficou só na promessa...
   Estive olhando algumas traduções do LDP-BR...Algumas coisas estão 
 realmente. Não estou generalizando, mas peguei algo para revisar, e eu vi 
 que se tratava de retraduzir tudo. Tipo comentar páragrafo por páragrafo. 
 E ter que justificar erros crassos é algo que é muito ruim, muito ruim 
 mesmo. Envolve puxar livros, gramáticas e dicionários...e ficar citando: 
 olha, o Oxford disse isso, o Webster diz aquilo... Algumas coisas eu 
 não queria no meu computador nem a pau! Coisas que # torcem # o que o 
 autor original disse, de A pra B.
   Recordo me de uma vez, numa aula de italiano, que o professor - 
 - explicava um trecho de uma reportagem, e palavra problemática era 
 grua. Alguns alunos insistiam que grua mecânica era algo que não 
 existia na língua portuguesa. Obviamente, nunca foram a um sítio de 
 construção civil.
   Aliás, alguém se queixou que o site estava down. Parece que sim, 
 tentei acessá-lo hoje...Que pena...Espero que não seja nenhum problema 
 com crackers...É retomar o assunto logo que voltarem on-line. Azar :)
   [ ]s
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
É, a idéia parece ser boa, seria mais fácil se você começasse a usá-la e depois 
nos contasse oquê achou um relato =)

Ricardo Sandrin - strange
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|  (___)  |
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |  o o  |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |  \ ^ /  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |   ()   |

Re: Dúvidas!

2001-07-22 Thread João Alberto

- Original Message -
From: Henrique de Moraes Holschuh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: João Alberto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: debian-user-portuguese
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 9:28 PM
Subject: Re: Dúvidas!

Agora em texto simples!

 On Sat, 21 Jul 2001, João Alberto wrote:
  Vocês recomendam configurar todo o sistema e depois recompilar o
  kernel ou ao contrário?

 Dá no mesmo, mas só pra avisar enquanto é tempo: o Debian tem um
 kernel-package que é capaz de compilar e gerar .debs com seu novo
 evitando um monte de baboseiras que certos Howto pregam (como mexer em
 /usr/include/linux por exemplo...)

 Instala ele, e leia /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README* para mais

Tive que compilar o kernel primeiro, pois quando instalei, não adicionei
o suporte a ppp.

  Além disso, gostaria que me recomendassem algum browser e cliente de
  mail(pop3/smtp) que eu possa utilizar.

 Isso varia muito de pessoa para pessoa. Tenta o sylpheed ou o mutt para
 cliente de email. Browser... bom, eu gosto do mozilla-cvs da unstable, mas
 até aí, não se recomenda usar unstable se você é novato.

  E também qual a melhor maneira de conectar ao ISP, já li vários
  documentos, cada um ensina de uma maneira diferente (aquele que é
  ensinado no ISP-Hookup-Howto me parece pouco seguro, pois minha senha
  fica num arquivo texto).

 Bom, tua senha fica num arquivo texto que só root pode ler. Melhor que
 não dá para fazer em 99% dos provedores.

 Cuidado com howtos para RedHat, 60% de chance de eles te ensinarem alguma
 coisa errada (pro Debian). É melhor procurar nos FAQs do Debian e sempre
 leia /usr/share/doc/nome-do-pacote antes...
Depois de quebrar a cabeça durante um dia inteiro, descobri que, como
root, não consigo rodar programas que se utilizam da internet.
Contudo, como usuário comum, não consigo usar o wvdial, que eu consigo
estando logado como root.
Como faço então, para discar como usuário comum?

Descobri também um pequeno erro no LILO, ele está configurado assim:

Linux (alias 1)
LinuxOLD (alias 2)
Windows98 (alias 3)

funciona conforme essa configuração, mas no prompt do LILO, apareco o


Como devo proceder para relatar esse erro, devo avisar ao resposável
pelo LILO ou utilizar um programa tipo bug track?

   One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
   them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
   where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
   Henrique Holschuh

Obrigado a todos pela ajuda!


João Alberto Ferreira.

Re: Como configurar uma Zip Paralela

2001-07-22 Thread Rodrigo Souza de Castro
On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 02:44:18PM +, hzi wrote:
   Eu tentei o modprobe ppa, e olhe o que eu ganhei de resposta:
 siddhi:~# modprobe ppa
 /lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/scsi/ppa.o: init_module: Dispositivo ou recurso 
 está ocupado
 Hint: this error can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including 
 invalid IO or IRQ parameters
 /lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/scsi/ppa.o: insmod 
 /lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/scsi/ppa.o failed
 /lib/modules/2.2.18pre21/scsi/ppa.o: insmod ppa failed
   O que isto significa?
   Eu tenho o Zip funcionando naquele esquema #clássico# de 
 A impressora funciona bem...

Os Zip drives mais novos, sejam de 100 ou 250 Mb, funcionam
com o módulo IMM. Tente com o IMM e veja se funciona.

Rodrigo S. de Castro   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-07-22 Thread Jeandre Uchoa
Olá Pessoal,

   Estou com uma placa de vídeo VOODOO4 com 32 MB e não consigo
rodar o X com ela, alguém já instalou essa placa aqui na lista? Qual o
procedimento pra instalar ela e deixar em funcionamento?


Jeandre Uchoa.

Re: Starting Up

2001-07-22 Thread Carlos Henrique
Ola Thiago Alex
faça o seguinte
apt-get install xserver-svga
e configura pra ele ser o default e não o vga como deve estar ai


Carlos Henrique

On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 10:23:53AM -0300, Thiago Alex Medeiros wrote:
 sou iniciante no linux, passei alguns meses no RH e
 estou migrando pro Debian, so encotrei uma grande
 dificuldade até agora, fazer o X funcionar com minha
 placa de video, que nao ficou funcioando depois da
 instalacao do 2.2r3.
 a placa é uma Trident 8400/PCI (onboard com ChipSet da VIA)
 o problema nao está em achar a placa, pois ja encontrei
 a semelhante no XF86Setup (a que funfa com ela é a
 Trident CyberBlade). o pro esta que quando saio do
 XF86Setup ele diz que nao achou o XF86_SVGA pra ativar.
 e ai!? o que devo fazer?!
 ¦ ¦
 ¦ ¦ Thiago Alex
 ¦ ¦ No, don`t! Don`t!!!
 ¦ ¦ Oh My...
 ¦ ¦
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


|  .''`.  | Carlos Henrique.: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  | ViRTu0ZiT...:  UIN: 58837812 |
|   `-| Think smart = P, use Linux |


2001-07-22 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade

- Original Message -
From: Jeandre Uchoa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian-User-Portuguese
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2001 4:49 PM
Subject: VOODOO 4

 Olá Pessoal,

Estou com uma placa de vídeo VOODOO4 com 32 MB e não consigo
 rodar o X com ela, alguém já instalou essa placa aqui na lista? Qual o
 procedimento pra instalar ela e deixar em funcionamento?
Você vai precisar da versão 4.0 do Xfree para usar esta placa. Dê uma olhada
 em e .



 Jeandre Uchoa.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

novo driver do Lucent LT...Modem

2001-07-22 Thread Daniel Longhi


ltmodem-6.00a.tar.gz (

latest version K56Flex support has been dropped
o é 10


Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: Criada a WikiPage para a tradução de documentos]

2001-07-22 Thread hzi

 Mensagem anterior 

No dia 22/07/01, 17:35:41, Gustavo Noronha Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu 
o seguinte sobre o tema Re: Criada a WikiPage para a tradução de 

[comentários no texto]

 Em Sun, 22 Jul 2001 14:33:16 GMT
 hzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

  Eu realmente gostaria de saber com os responsáveis pela
  debian-L10N-portuguese se houve algum problema de adotar essse nome...
 não existem responsáveis pela lista.. não há problema nenhum

  Eu talvez tenha que explicar melhor o que é uma WikiWeb, mas eu acho 
  o melhor é as pessoas irem lá testar em
  Uma WikiWeb possibilita a edição de uma página. Isso é tudo. Por
  qualquer um. De qualquer jeito.
 ok... eu poderia colar um sgml lá e deixar quem quiser mexer... é isso?

Sim, sim. Exatamente! Não é ótimo? E podemos quebrar o pau sobre qual 
seria a tradução que melhor interpretaria o original!
Até chegarmos a um consenso.

  Aliás, alguém se queixou que o site estava down. Parece que sim,
  tentei acessá-lo hoje...Que pena...Espero que não seja nenhum problema
  com crackers...É retomar o assunto logo que voltarem on-line. Azar :)
 nah... o wikki seria passado pra depois de um tempo...
 temos de ver isso...


 Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov

Ok, beleza! Quer dizer que é  # o f i c i a l #.

[ ]s
Henry, mais tranqüilo agora.

Re: question

2001-07-22 Thread John
On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 10:36:20AM -0700, John Matters wrote:
 i am having a problem.  my mouse is not responding at all.  When my brother 
 left (he installed and configured everything) it was working, and then it 
 just stopped suddenly.  its not that the mouse is not plugged in or anything 
 like that.  I did get it to respond once, but the second that i moved the 
 mouse, it would automaticly move to the upper-lefthand corner of the screen.
for the heck of it, try as root:

/etc/init.d/gpm stop

If that gets your mouse working in X, then search archives for how to
get gpm to play nicely with X.

(another) John

 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Using [Debian] Linux

killing dead cdrecord processes

2001-07-22 Thread Drew Parsons
I've been trying to burn a CD using gcombust.  

For some reason the burn got stuck halfway through (the output of
cdrecord, which gcombust calls, said that all of a sudden one of the
SCSI commands couldn't be understood.  It's a HP USB CDWriter using
the usb-storage module, which uses a series of scsi modules.)

I closed gcombust and tried running it again to blank the CD and start
again.  But it turns out that the old cdrecord processes are still
$ ps aux | grep cdrecord
root  1978  0.0  0.2  1412  232 pts/0D13:39   0:00
  /usr/bin/cdrecord -reset dev=1,0,0
root  1983  0.0  5.8  5512 5512 pts/0DL   13:42   0:00
  /usr/bin/cdrecord dev=1,0,0 -load
root  2018  0.0  5.8  5512 5512 pts/0DL   13:53   0:00
  /usr/bin/cdrecord -v -dummy -pad speed=4 dev=0,6,0 blank= all

The state is D, which means uninterruptible: the processes do not
respond to kill -9.

Is there any way short of rebooting that I can clear these processes


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Re: kde2 is running 1600x1200

2001-07-22 Thread Christoph Schaefer

On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 01:46:48AM +0200, Markus Hansen wrote:
 hi my debian gnu/linux 2.2 potato
 uses kde2 only with 1600x1200 display.
 everything is small and bad to read,
 so i would like to change solution to 1024x768, but how can i do that?
Not kde2 runs only with 1600x1200 resolution, but your Xserver.
So (assuming you use XFree4.x), change the modes in your XF86Config 
file in /etc/X11, e.g.

--- znip
Section Screen
Identifier Screen0
Device Card0
Default Depth 24
SubSection Display
Depth 24
Modes 1024x768
--- znap

Anything that is good and usefule is made of chocolate.

Re: running out of room on root system

2001-07-22 Thread Guy Geens
 Paul == Paul Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

[mv of directory across file systems]
Paul Sorry GuyMike's way worked fine first time

Turns out it does work, and looking at the changelog, it has been
working for a long time.

Must be some other system I worked on where it was not supported.

G. ``Iggy'' Geens - ICQ: #64109250
`I want quality, not quantity. But I want lots of it!'

ipchains for the firewall challenged

2001-07-22 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I'm playing around with ipchains, but I'm just not getting the
example given in the IPCHAINS-HOWTO. It's based on a system that's
forwarding packets, but I'm not doing that. All I have is a single box
connected to the world with a cable modem connected to eth0.

It doesn't seem to be that difficult, and I'm feeling really stupid
for not being able to figure it out. I think what has me confused is
the HOWTO author's use of user-defined chains and then compounding the
difficulty is that he has set up most (all?) jumps from the forward

Are there any docs for the simple minded? I've searched on Google and
have found a lot of examples pertaining to forwarding.

Thanks in advance for any direction on this.

Re: No such file or directory - huh?!

2001-07-22 Thread Guy Geens
 Gary == Gary Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Gary What's going on? The script file is definitely there, I can
Gary 'more' it, 'jed' it, whatever I like except run it. I'm sure I'm
Gary missing something real simple here...

Either /bin/sh doesn't exist, or your root filesystem is mounted with
the noexec flag (unlikely).

G. ``Iggy'' Geens - ICQ: #64109250
`I want quality, not quantity. But I want lots of it!'

Re: ipchains for the firewall challenged

2001-07-22 Thread Phil Brutsche
Hash: SHA1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 Hi all,

 I'm playing around with ipchains, but I'm just not getting the
 example given in the IPCHAINS-HOWTO. It's based on a system that's
 forwarding packets, but I'm not doing that. All I have is a single box
 connected to the world with a cable modem connected to eth0.

 It doesn't seem to be that difficult, and I'm feeling really stupid
 for not being able to figure it out. I think what has me confused is
 the HOWTO author's use of user-defined chains and then compounding the
 difficulty is that he has set up most (all?) jumps from the forward

 Are there any docs for the simple minded? I've searched on Google and
 have found a lot of examples pertaining to forwarding.

 Thanks in advance for any direction on this.

I'm not a big fan of it but pmfirewall is a popular starting point for
people new to setting up firewalls.  It can be found at

- -- 
- --
Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GPG fingerprint: 9BF9 D84C 37D0 4FA7 1F2D  7E5E FD94 D264 50DE 1CFC
GPG key id: 50DE1CFC
GPG public key:
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Made with pgp4pine


Re: ipchains for the firewall challenged

2001-07-22 Thread Sam Varghese
On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 11:50:07PM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote:
 I'm playing around with ipchains, but I'm just not getting the
 example given in the IPCHAINS-HOWTO. It's based on a system that's
 forwarding packets, but I'm not doing that. All I have is a single box
 connected to the world with a cable modem connected to eth0.
 Are there any docs for the simple minded? I've searched on Google and
 have found a lot of examples pertaining to forwarding.

Have a look at

(Sam Varghese)

Re: [OT] NFS question

2001-07-22 Thread Guy Geens
 Hall == Hall Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hall How are the permissions of an NFS mount determined ?? I've got
Hall two directories I'm mounting via NFS and they're acting the
Hall same.

Hall When they're not mounted, they're both owned by hall.users. When
Hall they're mounted, they're owned by amy.hall.

Are you talking about the mount points?

I think what you see is this:

Linux requires a directory to exist before anything can be mounted
there. When the mount command is executed, the mount point is
`replaced' by the remote directory, including the permissions of the

The permissions of the local mount point only matter when the
directory is not mounted. Normally, you would set permissions that
will prevent a user from accidently writing to it.

G. ``Iggy'' Geens - ICQ: #64109250
`I want quality, not quantity. But I want lots of it!'

Re: [OT] Perl: exec and $variables

2001-07-22 Thread Sven Burgener
On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 04:53:35PM +0200, Joost Kooij wrote:
 What is the need for the seperate variable $BEGINREGEX?  It
 complicates things enormously when you want a variable $no to be
 evaluated whenever $BEGINREGEX is evaluated.  The only sane way out is
 to completely reevaluate $BEGINREGEX after each change to $no.  To do
 that successfully, you have to escape '$', '', and '\' and then
 escape some of the escapes, but others not, depending on wheter they
 should never be expanded, expanded in the eval or expanded when
 applying the regexp.  I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole if I
 were you.  If you succeed at it, you have great job security, and a
 maintenance nightmare.

Right, I agree.

 Easier is to not use a $BEGINREGEX at all:
   $line =~ m(^!-- // begin of news$no // !--$);
 should always work, for the current value of $no.

Which is what I ended up doing.

I made a function getBeginRegex() and getEndRegex() which return the
string I then use as a regex for searching.
This way I don't have to write the regex string many times over in the
program, which is what I was trying to avoid when I did the $BEGINREGEX

Thanks a lot for your help!


Re: [OT] Perl: exec and $variables

2001-07-22 Thread Sven Burgener
On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 10:36:55AM -0500, Andrew Perrin wrote:
 my $template = '^!-- // begin of news%no% // !--$';
 my $no = 99;
 my $bla = $template;
 $bla =~ s/%no%/$no/g;
 $replace{no} = 99;
 $bla =~ s/%(.+?)%/$replace{$1}/g;
 Disclaimer: these are trivial and not terribly robust solutions; take them
 as a starting point, not a complete solution.

I didn't do things your way, but I can always re-use your ideas sometime
later. :-)

Thanks for your help!


reinstall exim as daemon from inetd configuration

2001-07-22 Thread hanasaki
is there a command that will reconfigure exim to run as a daemon instead
of from inetd?


lilo problem

2001-07-22 Thread Fallen Lord

i'm a fourth-yr comp. sci. student from the university
of the phils. manila. i've just installed debian
gnu/linux a month ago, and i'm very satisfied not to
see another BSOD from windows again. After tinkering
the pc, here are some of the stumbling blocks i

1.)i just upgraded (force-overwrite) libc6-2.1.3 and
libdb2 that comes with the debian 2.2r3 with the
testing packages of libc6-2.2.3 and libdb2-2.7.
after that i recompiled kernel 2.4.7pre3. when i ran
lilo, it flashed out a message open /vmlinuz - no
such file or directory when i used whereis open -
open was still there. I couldn't use lilo because of
this. Then i made the mistake of uninstalling lilo, so
when i rebooted the pc, LI instead of LILO: appeared
(meaning LILO is damaged?). i'm triple-booting QNX4,
Win98 and Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3 on my system. i went
to the point of ridding lilo from the mbr just to use
an OS (Win98 then loadlin-ing the kernel). How do I
fix this? 

2.)Also, how do i install a kernel 2.4.x in potato? i
hear that one needs to make kpkg the kernel source.
can't i just copy the kernel image and install the
sources (make bzImage; make modules; make
modules_install) or do I really need to make kpkg the
source just to make the system detect the modules? if
so, how do i do it and what do i need? 

3.)Do i need to upgrade pppd if i use kernel 2.4.x?
wvdial won't connect - something like invalid
argument reflects in the /var/logs/message file. what
do i need to do? is there a better way to connect via
dial-up than wvdial? if so, how?

thank you, and god bless!

Paolo Alexis D. Falcone
University of the Philippines Manila

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

Re: Real Player for potato

2001-07-22 Thread mdevin
On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 11:21:53AM +0200, Joost Kooij wrote:
 This is what I hoped would not be the case.  The new debconf in turn
 depends on perl 5.6.1, you don't want to dpkg -i with all that.
  What gives?
 A dead end, unless you can switch to four wheel mode and upgrade to
 testing or unstable.  Beware that there is sometimes an unexpected bump
 in that road, like weird artifacts in libc related packages.

Thanks for the info.  I guess the best option seems to be to run the
installer binary from the site.

Thanks all,


Re: reinstall exim as daemon from inetd configuration

2001-07-22 Thread Eric G. Miller
On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 03:13:26AM -0500, hanasaki wrote:
 is there a command that will reconfigure exim to run as a daemon instead
 of from inetd?

1. Comment out the entry in /etc/inetd.conf for exim.
2. $ /etc/init.d/inetd reload
3. $ /etc/init.d/exim start

The exim start-up script checks if inetd is handling smtp.  If true, the
start-up script exits, otherwise it starts exim as a daemon.  Simple ;)

Eric G. Miller

Re: reinstall exim as daemon from inetd configuration

2001-07-22 Thread Christoph Schaefer

On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 03:13:26AM -0500, hanasaki wrote:
 is there a command that will reconfigure exim to run as a daemon instead
 of from inetd?

Take a look at /usr/share/doc/exim/README.Debian.gz:
-- README.Debian.gz --
exim for DEBIAN

Exim will install by default to run from inetd.conf. To instead run exim
as a daemon:

1. Disable the entry in /etc/inetd.conf. The startup script
   (/etc/init.d/exim) will notice this and start a daemon
2. You might want to change the contents of /etc/cron.d/exim since
   the queue will be run from the daemon instead


Anything that is good and usefule is made of chocolate.

ipchains: cannot open file `/proc/net/ip_fwnames' (was: Re: No such file or directory - huh?!)

2001-07-22 Thread Gary Jones
Joost Kooij wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 08:34:48PM +0200, Gary Jones wrote:
  ash-ock:/etc/init.d# ./firewall
  bash: ./firewall: No such file or directory
  What's going on? The script file is definitely there

 In the script, you are using a command with a tpyo in it or that is
 located in a place not in your current $PATH.

Nope. See later for how I know why not...

 Perhaps the command is ipchains (/sbin/ipchains) and you are used
 to doing su to become root?  In that case, next time do su -, so
 you get a propor root login, with all the sbins in $PATH.

No, I ran that scripting session as root so that I wouldn't get anything silly 
like ownership issues.

and Tim Moss wrote:

 The No such file could be referring to the shebang line. Does /bin/sh 


I still don't know what caused the problem. What I ended up doing was something 
cp ../init.d/firewall ../init.d/firewall.old
cp ../init.d/network ../init.d/firewall
jed ../init.d/firewall ../init.d/firewall.old
and then copying the contents of 'firewall.old' into 'firewall'. After that I 
didn't get No such file or directory any more, though the original reason is 
still a mystery to me. Thanks for your help, though.

Now I get:
ash-ock:~# ipchains -F
ipchains: cannot open file `/proc/net/ip_fwnames'
[which is not surprising, since...]
ash-ock:~# ls -la /proc/net/ip*
-rw-r--r--   1 root root0 Jul 22 10:29 /proc/net/ip_forward
-rw-r--r--   1 root root0 Jul 22 10:29 /proc/net/ip_input
-rw-r--r--   1 root root0 Jul 22 10:29 /proc/net/ip_output


I thought creating all the stuff required was the job of the install routine?

I also get setsockopt : protocol not available when trying to set the policy. 
FWIW this is ipchains --version 1.3.4 (as per standard 'slink' distro, I 

Debian 2.1r4 (kernel v2.0.39); XFree86 3.3.6
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. (Einstein)

Compatibilità hardware

2001-07-22 Thread Antonio68

Spett. DEBIAN Sarei interessato all'acquisto del 
vostro pacchetto, solo che correi essere sicuro che sia pienamente compatibile 
con il mio sistema, inquanto altre distribuzioni provate sul mio sistema non 
funzionano correttamente, riconoscimento scheda grafica e monitor del mio 
sistema che ora passo a descrivere:

scheda madre abit k7a 
processore duron 700
ram 256Mb
scheda video ATI radeon 
monitor LG flatron 795 
scheda audio sound blaster 
controller scsi 
cd rom plextor 40x
mouse usb infrared 

Con le altre distribuzioni oltre a non riconoscere 
la scheda video,ma ne riconosce un'altra,  non riesco a settare una 
frequenza di refresh superiore ai 70Hz.
In attesa di un Vostro cortese riscontro golgo 
l'occasione per porgerVI 



 Ing. Antonio MURRU

Newbie Question

2001-07-22 Thread Chuan Guo

moin moin, 
a silly question:Are there some simple method, 
not "dselect", to uninstall sth. in a group,i.e. Gnome, i'd like use only 
Blackbox in my small Notebook.but i have already installed gnome with 
"tasksel", and use tasksel i cannotuninstall, or Problem is my test version 
"Woody"?Thanks in advance!


Re: [OT] NFS question

2001-07-22 Thread Steve Kowalik
On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 12:04:02AM -0500, Hall Stevenson uttered:
 When they're not mounted, they're both owned by hall.users. When they're
 mounted, they're owned by amy.hall.
 amy and hall are both users on the system. The group users exists also
 and hall is a member of it.
What is happening here is, when mount points are exported over NFS, NFS
doesn't munge the UID/GID flags on the file. So, when you ls the files, ls
happily performs a UID lookup on it, which corresponds to a different user on
the system that the filesystem is being exported to.

Synthetic Transforming Entity Viable for Exploration and Nocturnal Killing

Description: PGP signature

Re: (FIXED) modem troubles

2001-07-22 Thread Martin F. Krafft
also sprach Martin F. Krafft (on Sat, 21 Jul 2001 10:52:41PM +0200):
 so i know that the modem works, but i can't get it to work on this
 specific machine...

i recall: the machine is an old 486, and back when i upgrade the box
in which this processor was doing its job to an AMD K6, i could not
get the serial stuff to work. only when i physically replaced the
actual serial port did it work. and now, i was trying to use this new
port on the old 486 - i guess the cabling must be different somehow.
weird. anyway, it's working now, so thanks for any pondering you may
have done...

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
perl -le '$_=6110374086;2064208213:90307;55; \
  tr[0-][ LEOR\!AUBGNSTY];print'

Description: PGP signature

Re: killing dead cdrecord processes

2001-07-22 Thread Joost Kooij
On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 02:46:55PM +1000, Drew Parsons wrote:
 I've been trying to burn a CD using gcombust.  
 For some reason the burn got stuck halfway through (the output of
 cdrecord, which gcombust calls, said that all of a sudden one of the
 SCSI commands couldn't be understood.  It's a HP USB CDWriter using
 the usb-storage module, which uses a series of scsi modules.)

Well, so much for the stability of scsi over usb.

 I closed gcombust and tried running it again to blank the CD and start
 again.  But it turns out that the old cdrecord processes are still
 $ ps aux | grep cdrecord
 root  1978  0.0  0.2  1412  232 pts/0D13:39   0:00
 /usr/bin/cdrecord -reset dev=1,0,0
 root  1983  0.0  5.8  5512 5512 pts/0DL   13:42   0:00
 /usr/bin/cdrecord dev=1,0,0 -load
 root  2018  0.0  5.8  5512 5512 pts/0DL   13:53   0:00
 /usr/bin/cdrecord -v -dummy -pad speed=4 dev=0,6,0 blank= all
 The state is D, which means uninterruptible: the processes do not
 respond to kill -9.

They will, once they can be interrupted again.

 Is there any way short of rebooting that I can clear these processes

Other than removing the cdr medium, resetting the peripheral, removing
and reinserting the driver modules (if at all possible) or some sort of
futzing with the usb interfaces, rebooting may be the only thing.



Optimizing fron source

2001-07-22 Thread Victor
I've installed debian potato 2.2r3 and compiled my own 2.2.19 kernel
to take into account my real hardware.

I see that deb packages are built for a generic i386 processor.

If I want to optimize for my i686 processor can I compile debian
sources packages or are they packaged to be i386 compatible only?


Re: Optimizing fron source

2001-07-22 Thread dude

There was recently a thread on this aobut
optimizing for newer chips
but i thought i read that
the speed increase was not worth
the compile time.

What do others think?


On Sun, 22 Jul 2001, Victor wrote:

 Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 13:08:18 +
 To: debian-user
 Subject: Optimizing fron source

 I've installed debian potato 2.2r3 and compiled my own 2.2.19 kernel
 to take into account my real hardware.

 I see that deb packages are built for a generic i386 processor.

 If I want to optimize for my i686 processor can I compile debian
 sources packages or are they packaged to be i386 compatible only?


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: lilo problem

2001-07-22 Thread harshu

 1.)i just upgraded (force-overwrite) libc6-2.1.3 and
 libdb2 that comes with the debian 2.2r3 with the
 testing packages of libc6-2.2.3 and libdb2-2.7.
 after that i recompiled kernel 2.4.7pre3. when i ran
 lilo, it flashed out a message open /vmlinuz - no
 such file or directory when i used whereis open -
 open was still there. I couldn't use lilo because of
 this. Then i made the mistake of uninstalling lilo, so
 when i rebooted the pc, LI instead of LILO: appeared
 (meaning LILO is damaged?). i'm triple-booting QNX4,
 Win98 and Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3 on my system. i went
 to the point of ridding lilo from the mbr just to use
 an OS (Win98 then loadlin-ing the kernel). How do I
 fix this? 

check the enteries of lilo.conf if there are pointing to the correct enteries 
and then reinstall lilo by running lilo at command line.

 2.)Also, how do i install a kernel 2.4.x in potato? i
 hear that one needs to make kpkg the kernel source.
 can't i just copy the kernel image and install the
 sources (make bzImage; make modules; make
 modules_install) or do I really need to make kpkg the
 source just to make the system detect the modules? if
 so, how do i do it and what do i need? 

kernel-package provides a good way of compiling the kernel and building a deb 
file. of course you can go thru the make bzImage way. it is just that using 
make-kpkg is an easier way. it does the whole job for you.

 3.)Do i need to upgrade pppd if i use kernel 2.4.x?
 wvdial won't connect - something like invalid
 argument reflects in the /var/logs/message file. what
 do i need to do? is there a better way to connect via
 dial-up than wvdial? if so, how?

check the version requirement of pppd. the minimum requirement is 2.4.0 for a 
2.4.x kernel. 

Re: Newbie Question

2001-07-22 Thread dude

What yopu can do is use debfoster

ie it will see what o have removd and see what other packaged go along
with it and ask you if you want them removed too.

I find it cleans out packaged that i dont really need
to remove gnome, apt-get remove one gnome pacakge
run debfoster
and select what you still want and dont want to keep


On Sun, 22 Jul 2001, Chuan Guo wrote:

 Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 11:30:13 +0200
 From: Chuan Guo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Newbie Question

 moin moin,
 a silly question:
 Are there some simple method, not dselect, to uninstall sth. in a group,
 i.e. Gnome, i'd like use only Blackbox in my small Notebook.
 but i have already installed gnome with tasksel, and use tasksel i cannot
 uninstall, or Problem is my test version Woody?

 Thanks in advance!


Re: lilo problem

2001-07-22 Thread Joost Kooij
On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 01:31:20AM -0700, Fallen Lord wrote:
 1.)i just upgraded (force-overwrite) libc6-2.1.3 and
 libdb2 that comes with the debian 2.2r3 with the
 testing packages of libc6-2.2.3 and libdb2-2.7.

Be very careful with any of the --force options to dpkg, they're not
supposed to be needed, so if you use them, something is likely wrong
somewhere and you might be making it even worse only.

Use dselect for package management.  Learn to understand the concepts
behind the debian package management system and you'll find that dselect
is a fine tool.  Don't be scared by people who say that it is too hard
to use, they just don't understand the packaging system.  If you don't
understand the packaging system, you're likely to nuke your system
somehow some day anyway.

 after that i recompiled kernel 2.4.7pre3. when i ran
 lilo, it flashed out a message open /vmlinuz - no
 such file or directory when i used whereis open -
 open was still there. I couldn't use lilo because of

Perhaps this was only an error message by lilo that the call to open
/vmlinuz failed (i.e. open returned with a failure).  The open 
that it complains about is probably not the open that you find when
you use which.  Check out the differences between the open(1), the
open(2) and the fopen(3) manual pages.

If your /etc/lilo.conf lists an image with the name /vmlinuz, and
that file does not actually exist in your filesystem, lilo cannot
setup the boot block to point to a place on your disk where that file
is supposed to be (but isn't).  If /vmlinuz is a symbolic link, eg.
to /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.19, then the file, that the link is pointing to,
must also exist.

Read the lilo.conf manual page to find how to setup the right boot image
for your system.

 this. Then i made the mistake of uninstalling lilo, so

No need to remove lilo from your system, I would think?  Unless you want
to switch to grub as your bootloader, but I don't expect so and it would
only create more confusion.

 when i rebooted the pc, LI instead of LILO: appeared
 (meaning LILO is damaged?). i'm triple-booting QNX4,

You rebooted the machine whilst it did not have a valid lilo bootloader.
H...  One way of getting back in is to boot from a installation
floppy with the boot parameters:

  rescue root=/dev/your debian root partition
Then login as root and reinstall lilo, fix the /etc/lilo.conf and this
time, run lilo -v -v (I always do that) so you can see more exactly what
is going on.  After all, the results of little mistakes are relatively
large, so a little more attention is appropriate.

You also need to understand the difference between /sbin/lilo, which
is also called the boot block installer, and the little piece of code
called the boot block, which is installed by /sbin/lilo onto special
places on your harddisk.  The boot block is what actually gets executed
by the bios when your pc boots and it in turn loads the linux kernel.
When /sbin/lilo is run, it updates the boot block's notion of where to
find the kernels listed in /etc/lilo.conf.

 Win98 and Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3 on my system. i went
 to the point of ridding lilo from the mbr just to use
 an OS (Win98 then loadlin-ing the kernel). How do I
 fix this? 

If you do a lot of rebooting and os switching, then loadlin.exe might not
be such a bad idea after all, as long as you are diligent in making sure
that a bootable kernel is always available as a file in the windows98

Use the debian rescue floppy to boot into your system and read the lilo
documentation (there's an awful lot of good details in /usr/doc/lilo if
you care) and fix the boot loader.

Alternatively, create a simple bootfloppy:

  cat /vmlinuz  /dev/fd0
  rdev /dev/fd0 $( rdev | awk '{ print $1 }' )

Voila, you have a bootdisk that always works, if the disk is any good,
that is, and if you make it read-only.  Make two if you want to be sure.
And make sure that /vmlinuz is indeed the kernel that you want to boot.
Use another filename if you like, there is nothing that says that your
kernel must always be named vmlinuz or be in places like / or /boot.
After all, if you cat it to a raw floppy, it doesn't have a name or a
place either, since there is no filesystem.

BTW, the rescue disk does have a FAT filesystem, so it can be read
by windows as well, and the linux kernel is named linux.  Be careful
when you replace it, because it needs to be a kernel that can do special
tricks, called initrd, so the installer can read the basic programs it
needs from another file on the floppy.  You do not need those for your
own simple bootfloppy created by cat'ting your current kernel to /dev/fd0.

 2.)Also, how do i install a kernel 2.4.x in potato? i
 hear that one needs to make kpkg the kernel source.
 can't i just copy the kernel image and install the
 sources (make bzImage; make modules; make
 modules_install) or do I really need to make kpkg the
 source just to make the system detect the modules? if
 so, how do i do it and what do i 

Re: killing dead cdrecord processes

2001-07-22 Thread Ari Pollak
Blech. What kernel version are you using? My USB CompactFlash reader
(also usb-storage) would constantly stop responding and screw up the
processes that were using it - forcing me to reboot my machine. I think
it finally got fixed either around kernel version 2.4.6, or because I
got a new motherboard. Which brings me to another question - what
motherboard/chipset are you using?

   ___   ___ 
  / _ | / _ \   Ari Pollak - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 / __ |/ ___/  
/_/ |_/_/ I'm sure it's in the manual somewhere...

Good (Sun)day Members !

2001-07-22 Thread shyamk
Good (Sun)day to all ,

Where (in which directory) do Linux users get their mail (So that if you place 
 upon him in this directory , he will have to clear all his mails regularly) : 
Is it
/var/spool/mail/ ?


Quality can Never be Quantified . It exists by itself and Quantity might hand 
it an
untimely demise if blown out of the very fragile proportions that constitute it 

Re: Good (Sun)day Members !

2001-07-22 Thread Ari Pollak
As stated in the debian policy, it should be /var/mail, and
/var/spool/mail should be a symlink to that directory.

On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 05:44:27PM +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Good (Sun)day to all ,
 Where (in which directory) do Linux users get their mail (So that if you 
 place size
  upon him in this directory , he will have to clear all his mails regularly) 
 : Is it
 /var/spool/mail/ ?
 Quality can Never be Quantified . It exists by itself and Quantity might 
 hand it an
 untimely demise if blown out of the very fragile proportions that constitute 
 it .
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   ___   ___ 
  / _ | / _ \   Ari Pollak - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 / __ |/ ___/  
/_/ |_/_/ I'm sure it's in the manual somewhere...

efax/lpd permission troubles

2001-07-22 Thread Martin F. Krafft
hi, i am setting up a fax print server using efax/lpd, following the
instructions at\

however, i am having troubles with the permissions of the following
files or directories:
should be   is, if it works
/dev/modem  crw-rw root dialout crw-rw-rw- root dialout
/var/spool/fax/ drwxrwx--- root dialout drwxrwxrwx root dialout

i understand that on debian, usage of the modem is dependent on
dialout group membership, and i therefore added the user 'lp' to that
group. i restarted lpd, heck, i even rebooted to make sure that this
group membership was assigned correctly, but the printing to the fax
still doesn't work unless i set the permissions to the third column
above, which i don't want. all the printing, calling of the efax
binary, and whatever not is done as user 'lp', and all the temporary
and log files generated are owned by lp.lp. if lp is now also a member
if dialout, why does it not work???

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
a life? where can i download that?

Description: PGP signature

Probelms resolving

2001-07-22 Thread Stan Brown
I am trying to install STABLE on a machine this weekend, and I am having
trouble resolving, and

I have checked on 2 different ISP's networks in addation to my local one,
so I don't think it's a problem on my end.

Is Debian having FNS problems?

Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]843-745-3154
Charleston SC.
Windows 98: n.
useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
(c) 2000 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

Re: Motherboards

2001-07-22 Thread Wayne
Infoltel is offering a Soyo motherboard with a Athlon 900 MHz processor and
and a PCI sound card for $169. plus shipping.

D-Man wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 04:34:23PM +0100, Keith O'Connell wrote:
 | Hi,
 | I want a new machine, and for fun and education I am going to build it
 | from scratch. I have pretty much decided on an Athlon 1.2GHz. I will run
 | a small partition with Windows Me on it, but it will predominantly be up
 | in Debian.
 | I thought I would consult here as to the motherboard that will give the
 | least compatibility problems with the various chip sets available and
 | for on-board sound.

 I have a Gigabyte motherboard for my Duron 750 processor (it should be
 able to handle Athlons as well).  It is based on the AMD 750 chipset
 and I have had no problems with it (yet anyways ;-)).  The Tyan
 Thunder K7 board looks cool (its a SMP board for the AthlonMP
 processors and has a lot of stuff on-board) but has a price tag to
 match its feature list (~$600).

 On this list I have heard a lot of issues with the VIA KT133 chipset,
 but I have no experience or documents to back that up.


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Immediate logouts in IMP

2001-07-22 Thread Brian Nelson
I've been trying to set up IMP on a Woody box, and everything appears
to be almost working correctly.  I can log in get and get a listing of
my inbox.  But as soon as I try to read a message, or do anything
else, I get logged out and bumped back to the login screen.

From doing some google searches, I understand this is a common
problem, but I can't find any answers to it.

Apparently the problem has to do with the session variables not being
saved and restored.  Using the /horde/test.php3?mode=phplib-horde
page, I get:

Per Session Data: 1
Session ID: 7ec6e5b639714807c996491258198c12

If this page works correctly, then you have a correctly configured
HordeSession class. You should be done with PHPLIB setup.

Apparently, the Per Session Data counter should increment each time
I reload the page, but it doesn't.  I assume that's where my problem

Anyone have a clue how to fix it?



Unable to upgrade libc6, cannot find why

2001-07-22 Thread J.F.Gratton

Hi, I just tried to install Deb on a new PC, but I can't complete the
install, somehow. Here's what happens.

- I started the install with Deb 2.2r3's boot floppy (well actually the
first cd) and then changed my /etc/apt/sources.list to point to an ftp
server with unstable instead of stable.

- It downloads the packages OK. Now the fun starts...

One the first packages it tries to install is libc6_2.2.3-7_i386.deb, to
replace the one from the CD (which is 2.1.3-18).

Here's what I get:

Preparing to replace libc6 2.1.3-18 (using .../libc6_2.2.3-7_i386.deb) ...
cp: invalid option -- L
Try 'cp --help' for more information.
dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.2.3-7_i386.deb
 subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1

Sorry if this seems long, I thought that putting the whole message might
help people.

I went throught the /var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.* to find any mentions of
cp -L without finding anything.

My system is now stuck half-installed as I cannot continue (libc6 being
important as it is for other packages).

Anyone knows where to go from there ? Thanks


Re: Exim fetchmail procmail ...

2001-07-22 Thread Cam Ellison
* Mark Wagnon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On 07/20/01 20:51:35 -0700, Cam Ellison wrote:
  I looked at what I sent, and half the message is missing.  Sorry about that 
  -- I'm still trying to get used to using emacs with mutt.
 Are you having problems filtering your mail? For me procmail was a
 pain. I discovered (through this most excellent list) that exim has
 filtering capability via a .forward file in your home directory. You
 might want to take a look at the filter.txt.gz file in the exim docs
 directory. Using that as a guideline, I was able to configure exim,
 fectmail, and mutt to do what I need for email.
 If you're having problems with retrieving mail, then maybe you could
 run fectmail with the -v option and then inpspect the output.
 I can't reælly tell what you're requesting help with. Did you make
 an earlier post with more details?

I attempted to make an earlier post,and screwed up the address, so it bounced 

Here's the setup:

Cable modem connection, but I don't have my own domain.  Fetchmail seems to be 
running fine, but exim shuts down, so the mail goes to /var/spool/mail/root.  
Since exim is shut down, procmail doesn't get called (but can't do anything, 
since the mail is in the wrong file).  I can get my mail by changing 
permissions on /var/spool/mail/root and running a script, which does OK, but I 
still need to tune .procmailrc up, since it's all getting dumped into Inbox, 
but that's another problem.

I have exim and fetchmail set up as daemons.  Fetchmail continues to do its 
thing, but after trying to bind to port 25, exim fails and shuts down.  It 
claims the address is in use by another process, thus:

2001-07-21 10:20:21 socket bind() to port 25 for address (any) failed: Address 
already in use: daemon abandoned

I re-started exim, and got the following in the exim mainlog:

2001-07-21 11:42:49 15O1iD-gI-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=cam P=local S=1353 
2001-07-21 11:42:49 15O1iD-gI-00 = 
R=smarthost T=remote_smtp []
2001-07-21 11:42:49 15O1iD-gI-00 Completed

In theory, it ought to be running, but it seems to have failed silently (ps -A 
does not show it, and there are no further log entries).

It seems exim is the culprit, though it may be more accurate to say it's the 
victim.  I have tested its ability to do transport, and it works fine on that 
score, so I must assume that it is configured correctly.

Does anyone have more ideas?



Cam Ellison Ph.D. R.Psych.
From Roberts Creek on B.C.'s incomparable Sunshine Coast

Re: Helvetica disappeared from KDE!

2001-07-22 Thread Thomas J. Hamman
On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 08:49:09PM -0700, Geoffrey Romer wrote:
 Where does KDE get its' font listing from? How can I determine if Helvetica
 is actually gone, or just missing from the list? Whether the former or the
 latter, how do I get it back? What package is it part of?

Did you enable anti-aliasing in KDE?  Is helvetica not the only font
you're missing?

I noticed that with anti-aliasing turned on, I lose a lot of fonts in
KDE, including helvetica and misc-fixed, which are the two I use in
KDE's config.

I haven't had time to solve that issue yet, so for now I'm just using
KDE without anti-aliasing.  Try turning anti-aliasing off and restart
KDE, and see if you get the normal list of fonts back.  (Or maybe
someone else has an actual solution?  That would be nice.)

Thomas J. Hamman
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord,
make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

Re: Can run testing with slow net connect?

2001-07-22 Thread David J. Roundy
On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 02:54:11PM -0500, David A. Rogers wrote:
 I've got a 56k modem on my home machine.  Is it feasible/reasonable for me
 to run testing on this machine?  I've got 2.2r2 CDs.  Any guesstimates as to
 how long it will take for the initial upgrade to testing?

I would say it depends on how often you can leave your modem on.  I
upgraded to unstable from stable (back before there was testing) using a
33.6k connection.  It took me something like a week or maybe a few weeks,
but I lived by myself and just left the modem on.

You just apt-get dist-upgrade every day and leave your modem on all night
(and possibly all day).
David Roundy

Re: it keeps crashing

2001-07-22 Thread Brian Nelson
On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 11:30:31AM +0200, Martin F. Krafft wrote:
 also sprach Joost Kooij (on Sat, 21 Jul 2001 11:00:52AM +0200):
  As to why Martin is having crashes, I don't know.  Try it with a 
  smaller kernel image size, as Guy suggests, by leaving out options
  that you do not strictly need.  Also be sure to use the latest
  available 2.2.x or 2.4.x kernel and if the crashes persist, read
  the ksymoops documentation and the linux-kernel mailing list faq,
  and post a decoded oops on that list.
 that's a good idea. other than that, the kernel is 2.4.6 and already
 only 300kb -- and i load 7 modules. it's cut down as far as possible.
 i am thinking that the swap implementation in linux is buggy. wouldn't
 surprise me, after all, it wasn't chuck cranor's work :)
 martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
   \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Linux kernel's swap implementation is notoriously buggy, and I
think 2.4.x is especially bad.  I think you may have way too much swap
space.  Try a small value, like 12 megs or so.  You might run out of
memory when running userland apps, but it may keep the kernel from


Re: Optimizing fron source

2001-07-22 Thread Noah Meyerhans
On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 07:41:56AM -0400, dude wrote:
 There was recently a thread on this aobut
 optimizing for newer chips
 but i thought i read that
 the speed increase was not worth
 the compile time.
 What do others think?

The thing is, very very few packages are CPU bound enough for
optimizations to make any difference.  Most of them are slowed down by
stuff like RAM or harddrive speed.  The CPU is by far the fastest
component of a computer.  Worrying about optimizing for minor CPU
differences is simply not worth it in most cases.

There definitely are some exceptions.  I wonder if it would be worth it
to build optimized versions of stuff like image libraries (libjpeg,
libimlib, etc).  Stuff that does a lot of data manipulation is a good
candidate for optimization.


| Web:
| PGP Public Key: 

Description: PGP signature

ALSA compile problems

2001-07-22 Thread Rob Weir
After upgrading to kernel 2.4.7 (in the hope that it will finally fix
the memory insanity), I went to recompile all my kernel modules (using
make-kpkg).  The NVIDIA modules compiled fine, so did the i2c and
sensor modules, but when it got to compiling the ALSA drivers, I got
the following error:
dh_gencontrol -- -vcat debian/MODVERS
dpkg-gencontrol: warning:
unknown substitution variable ${kvers}
dpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${kversdeb}
dpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${kvers}
dh_builddeb --destdir=/usr/src/linux-2.4.7/..
dpkg-deb: parse error, in file debian/tmp/DEBIAN/control' near line 7
package alsa-modules-0.5-2.4.7':
 Recommends' field, reference to kernel-image-': error in version:
version string is empty
dh_builddeb: command returned error code
make[2]: *** [binary-modules] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver-0.5-0.5.10b-8'
make[1]: *** [kdist_image] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver-0.5-0.5.10b-8'
Module /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver-0.5-0.5.10b-8 failed.
Hit return to Continue
Looking at the Recommends' field shows that indeed the version string
is empty.  Thinking that it might just be stale files lying around or
something, I tried both make-kpkg modules_clean and deleting and
recreating the the alsa-source directory from the tarball.  The
command line I used was 'ALSA_NOPNP=n ALSA_DEBUG=n ALSA_CARDS=emu10k1
make-kpkg modules_image' in the directory /usr/src/linux-2.4.7/.

Does anybody have any idea about what to do?  If it's a bug in
make-kpkg, is it known or fixed anywhere?

Description: PGP signature

OT: Scanning Pictures

2001-07-22 Thread Sunny Dubey
hey everyone,

I'm not much of an graphical artist, or anything ...

But I do need to create an online album of some sort.  My question is, which 
are the best settings for me to upload my images in?  Like what size should 
they be, at what dpi and depth, etc ? ( I just need to scan in a lot of 
normal pictures you'd get from a  advantix camera)


Sunny Dubey

Re: it keeps crashing

2001-07-22 Thread Brian Nelson
On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 10:12:15AM -0400, Brian Nelson wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 11:30:31AM +0200, Martin F. Krafft wrote:
  also sprach Joost Kooij (on Sat, 21 Jul 2001 11:00:52AM +0200):
   As to why Martin is having crashes, I don't know.  Try it with a 
   smaller kernel image size, as Guy suggests, by leaving out options
   that you do not strictly need.  Also be sure to use the latest
   available 2.2.x or 2.4.x kernel and if the crashes persist, read
   the ksymoops documentation and the linux-kernel mailing list faq,
   and post a decoded oops on that list.
  that's a good idea. other than that, the kernel is 2.4.6 and already
  only 300kb -- and i load 7 modules. it's cut down as far as possible.
  i am thinking that the swap implementation in linux is buggy. wouldn't
  surprise me, after all, it wasn't chuck cranor's work :)
  martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
\ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The Linux kernel's swap implementation is notoriously buggy, and I
 think 2.4.x is especially bad.  I think you may have way too much swap
 space.  Try a small value, like 12 megs or so.  You might run out of
 memory when running userland apps, but it may keep the kernel from

Check that.  From the June 7, 2001 LWN:

About that swapping problem. Problems with the use of swap space in
2.4.x were also mentioned last week. The amount of complaining has
gone up recently, as more people try out the 2.4.5 kernel, which
appears to be worse.

The response from the kernel hackers so far has been make sure your
swap area is at least twice as large as the amount of RAM in the
system. That allows the kernel, essentially, to waste half of the
swap space as a copy of what is currently in RAM, and actually swap to
the other half. That technique helps, but a number of people are, not
surprisingly, unimpressed with that requirement. 2.2 systems seemed to
work better, after all. In fact, 2.2 had the same problem with
swapping, but the more aggressive approach to caching in 2.4 has made
the problem bite a lot more people.

And from the LWN a week earlier:

Stabilizing memory performance in 2.4. One of the remaining problem
areas in the 2.4 kernel is its virtual memory subsystem. Not only are
there simple performance problems, but there are also still situations
that can cause the kernel to deadlock. Not quite what one wants to see
in a stable series. The kernel hackers are working on dealing with
these problems, however; with luck, VM difficulties will not be with
us for much longer.

One problem that users of recent 2.4 kernels are likely to have
noticed is heavy use of swap space. It is not unusual for a kernel to
be running heavily in swap even when there is not that much going on
with the system. This problem seems to have only gotten worse with
recent kernels. It is, of course, the same old bug where the kernel
fails to recover swap space for pages which have been brought back
into memory (covered in the May 3 kernel page). This problem will get
fixed, but not quite yet. Alan Cox phrased it well:

That is a giant size special edition stupid design flaw that is on the
VM hackers list. But there are only a finite number of patches you can
do in a day, and things like sucking completely came first I believe.

Alan didn't spell out what sucking completely meant, but most would
probably agree that system deadlocks could be fairly described with
that term. Rik van Riel this week managed to stir things up a bit with
this patch which attempted to fix a couple of deadlock problems.


Re: Good (Sun)day Members !

2001-07-22 Thread Martin F. Krafft
also sprach [EMAIL PROTECTED] (on Sun, 22 Jul 2001 05:44:27PM +0530):
 Where (in which directory) do Linux users get their mail (So that if you 
 place size
  upon him in this directory , he will have to clear all his mails regularly) 
 : Is it
 /var/spool/mail/ ?

/var/mail actually, but /var/spool/mail works too.
and you'd have to either move the mail spools to home directories, or
assign quota to the /var partition.

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
there's an old proverb that says just about whatever you want it to.

Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: Scanning Pictures

2001-07-22 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 10:28:58AM -0400, Sunny Dubey wrote:
 But I do need to create an online album of some sort.  My question is, which 
 are the best settings for me to upload my images in?  Like what size should 
 they be, at what dpi and depth, etc ? ( I just need to scan in a lot of 
 normal pictures you'd get from a  advantix camera)

Most recent monitor are 0.25mm pitch = 100 dpi these days.  So it can be
100 dpi if it should apear in same size as originals.  Traditionally,
screens are 72 dpi, so I tends to scan at 72 dpi for web.

Make sure to convert them into jpeg files to make image files small.
50KB means 10 second modem download.  jpeg compression is lossy
complession and can reduce file size drastically when larger loss are
allowed.  GIMP gives easy GUI manupuration of images. imagemagik is CLI
image manupilator.

Good luck ;-)

PS: Just do not scan at 300dpi !

~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ 
+  Osamu Aoki [EMAIL PROTECTED], GnuPG-key: 1024D/D5DE453D  +
+  My debian quick-reference,

Re: lilo problem

2001-07-22 Thread Frank Zimmermann

Fallen Lord wrote:

3.)Do i need to upgrade pppd if i use kernel 2.4.x?
wvdial won't connect - something like invalid
argument reflects in the /var/logs/message file. what
do i need to do? is there a better way to connect via
dial-up than wvdial? if so, how?

Check out the Debian Website. There is a link to Bunk's site. He has 
made packages for poato to run Kernel 2.4.x (it's not just pppd that 
should be upgradet). Follow the instruction and you can install 
Kernel 2.4.5 via apt-get.


Re: it keeps crashing

2001-07-22 Thread Martin F. Krafft
cc'd: adrian, just so he doesn't miss it...

also sprach Brian Nelson (on Sun, 22 Jul 2001 10:25:51AM -0400):
 The response from the kernel hackers so far has been make sure your
 swap area is at least twice as large as the amount of RAM in the

mine is 16 times the size :)

i'll try with a smaller swap size and with a 2.2 kernel... however,
after updating some .deb's from adrian bunk's 2.4 site, how can i go
back to the old ones, or will the 2.4.x compiled binaries work with
2.2? adrian?

martin;  (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \ echo mailto: !#^.*|tr * mailto:; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
echo Prpv a\'rfg cnf har cvcr | tr Pacfghnrvp Cnpstuaeic

Description: PGP signature

Re: Helvetica disappeared from KDE!

2001-07-22 Thread Philipp Lehman
On Sun, 22 Jul 2001, Thomas J. Hamman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 08:49:09PM -0700, Geoffrey Romer wrote:
 Where does KDE get its' font listing from? How can I determine if Helvetica
 is actually gone, or just missing from the list? Whether the former or the
 latter, how do I get it back? What package is it part of?

Did you enable anti-aliasing in KDE?  Is helvetica not the only font
you're missing?

I noticed that with anti-aliasing turned on, I lose a lot of fonts in
KDE, including helvetica and misc-fixed, which are the two I use in
KDE's config.

I haven't had time to solve that issue yet, so for now I'm just using
KDE without anti-aliasing.  Try turning anti-aliasing off and restart
KDE, and see if you get the normal list of fonts back.  (Or maybe
someone else has an actual solution?  That would be nice.)

With AA turned on, KDE will ignore all bitmap fonts as they can't be

Philipp Lehman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Helvetica disappeared from KDE!

2001-07-22 Thread Philipp Lehman
On Sat, 21 Jul 2001, Geoffrey Romer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was in the process of trying out some new desktop environments. I had been
playing with KDE for a while with no ill effects, and then logged out to
try Gnome. Due to the awful performance of nautilus, which started by default,
I uninstalled nautilus (apt-get uninstall nautilus). This took 
task-gnome-desktop and task-gnome-games with it. On restarting KDE, I 
discovered to my horror that the fornt had switched to something really ugly
and illegible. Further investigation revealed that it was alphabetically the
first font which KDE was aware of, and when I tried to switch it back, I
discovered that Helvetica was totally absent, and could not be re-enabled.
An attempt to 'restore defaults' switched me to an equally ugly non-helvetica

Just in case, I tried reinstalling the uninstalled packages (though Gnome
*really* shouldn't be affecting KDE). the task-* packages wouldn't install,
but nautilus came back fine. However, KDE still doesn't see Helvetica. The
really odd part is that a few parts of KDE (particularly the opening KDE 
splash screen and the really log out? confirmation widnow) still seem to
use Helvetica, even though it doesn't seem to exist, which makes me wonder
if perhaps Helvetica is still there, but somehow invisible to KDE's font

Where does KDE get its' font listing from? How can I determine if Helvetica
is actually gone, or just missing from the list? Whether the former or the
latter, how do I get it back? What package is it part of?

Try this: xlsfonts | grep helvetica. If you get a list of XLFDs,
Helvetica is installed and seen by the X server, but not used by
KDE. Could it be that you have anti-aliasing turned on? This will make
KDE ignore bitmap fonts as they can't be AA'd. If you don't see any
list, Helvetica is either not installed or the is not in you fontpath.

A bitmapped Helvetica font is in the xfonts-75dpi and xfonts-100dpi
packages, font files go into /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi and
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi. These directories should be given as
FontPath in /etc/X11/XF86Config (for XF86 3.x) or
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 (for XF86 4.x)


Philipp Lehman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ipchains: cannot open file `/proc/net/ip_fwnames' (was: Re: No such file or directory - huh?!)

2001-07-22 Thread Joost Kooij
On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 10:59:15AM +0200, Gary Jones wrote:
 Joost Kooij wrote:
  On Sat, Jul 21, 2001 at 08:34:48PM +0200, Gary Jones wrote:
   ash-ock:/etc/init.d# ./firewall
   bash: ./firewall: No such file or directory
   What's going on? The script file is definitely there
  In the script, you are using a command with a tpyo in it or that is
  located in a place not in your current $PATH.
 Nope. See later for how I know why not...
  Perhaps the command is ipchains (/sbin/ipchains) and you are used
  to doing su to become root?  In that case, next time do su -, so
  you get a propor root login, with all the sbins in $PATH.
 No, I ran that scripting session as root so that I wouldn't get anything 
 like ownership issues.
 and Tim Moss wrote:
  The No such file could be referring to the shebang line. Does /bin/sh 

If it wouldn't, all sorts of other things would also break, pretty

 I still don't know what caused the problem. What I ended up doing was 
 cp ../init.d/firewall ../init.d/firewall.old
 cp ../init.d/network ../init.d/firewall
 jed ../init.d/firewall ../init.d/firewall.old
 and then copying the contents of 'firewall.old' into 'firewall'. After that I 
 didn't get No such file or directory any more, though the original reason 
 still a mystery to me. Thanks for your help, though.

Too bad that you do not have both files anymore, or you would have been
able to at least make a diff of the working and the non-working version.

 Now I get:
 ash-ock:~# ipchains -F
 ipchains: cannot open file `/proc/net/ip_fwnames'
 [which is not surprising, since...]
 ash-ock:~# ls -la /proc/net/ip*
 -rw-r--r--   1 root root0 Jul 22 10:29 /proc/net/ip_forward
 -rw-r--r--   1 root root0 Jul 22 10:29 /proc/net/ip_input
 -rw-r--r--   1 root root0 Jul 22 10:29 /proc/net/ip_output
 I thought creating all the stuff required was the job of the install routine?

Are you sure that you enabled firewalling support in your kernel

 I also get setsockopt : protocol not available when trying to set the 
 FWIW this is ipchains --version 1.3.4 (as per standard 'slink' distro, I 
 Debian 2.1r4 (kernel v2.0.39); XFree86 3.3.6
That may also explain these other problems.  Consider upgrading
the machine to a newer debian release and a newer linux kernel.
The facilities you are trying to use may not be supported very well or
at all in the kernel and tools that you are using.  Also, older debian
releases do not get any official security updates.  You need to run the
stable release for those.



Re: Unable to upgrade libc6, cannot find why

2001-07-22 Thread Jimmy Richards
On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 10:00:39AM -0400, J.F.Gratton wrote:
 Hi, I just tried to install Deb on a new PC, but I can't complete the
 install, somehow. Here's what happens.
 - I started the install with Deb 2.2r3's boot floppy (well actually the
 first cd) and then changed my /etc/apt/sources.list to point to an ftp
 server with unstable instead of stable.
 - It downloads the packages OK. Now the fun starts...
 One the first packages it tries to install is libc6_2.2.3-7_i386.deb, to
 replace the one from the CD (which is 2.1.3-18).
 Here's what I get:
 Preparing to replace libc6 2.1.3-18 (using .../libc6_2.2.3-7_i386.deb) ...
 cp: invalid option -- L
 Try 'cp --help' for more information.
 dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.2.3-7_i386.deb
  subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1
 Sorry if this seems long, I thought that putting the whole message might
 help people.
 I went throught the /var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.* to find any mentions of
 cp -L without finding anything.
 My system is now stuck half-installed as I cannot continue (libc6 being
 important as it is for other packages).
 Anyone knows where to go from there ? Thanks

Hi Jeff,

I took a look at my /var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.preinst file and it has
'cp -L /lib/ /lib/' on line #21. Not sure
exactly what's happening with your's. It seems like you're system just
doesn't like the '-L' option for cp. Look at the man page for cp and
see if that option is in the there. Even though I have never used the
-L option myself, it seems like I have seen it in the manpage for cp
for a long time and therefore think that it's a valid option even in
older versions a cp, but not sure. For me it shows as '-L, --dereference
always follow symbolic links'. My version of the fileutils package is
4.1-2. Hope that helps you get started looking in the right direction
to find something out.

Jimmy Richards

Computer dating is fine, if you're a computer.   --Rita May Brown

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newbie Question

2001-07-22 Thread Joost Kooij
On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 11:30:13AM +0200, Chuan Guo wrote:
 a silly question:
 Are there some simple method, not dselect, to uninstall sth. in a group,
 i.e. Gnome, i'd like use only Blackbox in my small Notebook.

Package dependency sets are a complicated beast.  Dselect in fact makes
it easier to manage packages, if you accept the dificulties that are at
the conceptual level.

 but i have already installed gnome with tasksel, and use tasksel i cannot
 uninstall, or Problem is my test version Woody?

You can, if you use dselect correctly.

Read the dselect documentation.  Use dselect.  If you do not understand
something particular about it, feel free to ask on debian-user.  If you
have an idea to make it better, feel free to send a patch to the bug 
tracking system.

IMHO dselect is difficult is not very sensible to say, vi is
more difficult.  If vi is too difficult, then unix is not for you.
Maybe computers, even.



Re: [OT} Linux and reiserfs

2001-07-22 Thread Frank Zimmermann

MaX in the FaX wrote:

Frank Zimmermann wrote:

MaX in the FaX wrote:

Or you can find them here, worked very smooth
 for me:

yes, but the number of drivers is very poor (1 disk vs 4 disks).


Did I get it right? With your link you can do it with 1 driver disk? 
That's cool, because I had a litte hiccup with one of my disks 
during installation.

Any it works fine now.


BTW: I think you should have a look in your Prefenrces. As far as I 
can see you're sending your mail as text and html.

Oracle on Debian?

2001-07-22 Thread Stan Brown
I'm building a new Debian machine to use as an Amanada backup machine for a
failry large number of machines. I also need to be able to run certain
Oracle _client_ side apps (export for instance, and conneting to DB
instnaces using Perl DBI).

A few months ago I had built a machine for this using the STABLE
distribution, and a version of Oracle (8i) From the CD that acompanies the
book Oracle 8i for Linix Starter Kit.

I would really like to use something a bit more current for the Linux side
of things (Testing? Progeney? Xanim?) but it's muy understanding that this
version of Oracle won't work with the new libraries provided by some

Can anyone educate me on this? Is it posible to download a newer version of
Oracle? If so from where, and what versions of Debian, or Debian derived
distributions will it work with?

Thanks for the help.

Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]843-745-3154
Charleston SC.
Windows 98: n.
useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
(c) 2000 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

Re: Unable to upgrade libc6, cannot find why

2001-07-22 Thread Christian Jaeger

At 9:29 Uhr -0600 22.7.2001, Jimmy Richards wrote:

On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 10:00:39AM -0400, J.F.Gratton wrote:
  cp: invalid option -- L

cp from potato doesn't have the -L option.

Maybe you should upgrade fileutils manually first (maybe recompiling 
if it doesnt install: cd; apt-get source -b fileutils; dpkg -i 


Re: Unable to upgrade libc6, cannot find why

2001-07-22 Thread J.F.Gratton

Hi Jeff,

I took a look at my /var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.preinst file and it has
'cp -L /lib/ /lib/' on line #21. Not sure
exactly what's happening with your's. It seems like you're system just
doesn't like the '-L' option for cp. Look at the man page for cp and
see if that option is in the there. Even though I have never used the
-L option myself, it seems like I have seen it in the manpage for cp
for a long time and therefore think that it's a valid option even in
older versions a cp, but not sure. For me it shows as '-L, --dereference
always follow symbolic links'. My version of the fileutils package is
4.1-2. Hope that helps you get started looking in the right direction
to find something out.

Jimmy Richards

Computer dating is fine, if you're a computer.   --Rita May Brown


First of all, thanks for answering me :)

I'll tell you something REL strange ...  The line you mentionned above 
doesn't even appear in my libc6.preinst file.

Actually, I checked that file before mailing the this list. Now before 
replying to your post I did  clear ; grep 'cp' * | more and didn't find 
anything remotely ressembling my problem 

How can an error message appears in dpkg when it references something that 
doesn't seem to be there, that one I can't figure out :)

Would you be kind enough to send me you libc6.preinst please ? I figure 
that my system is already quite f*cked up (sorry, I don't mean to offend 
anyone) that it can't damage it more if I just slap your copy in 
/var/lib/dpkg/info :)

If THAT doesn't work, I'll just reinstall the whole thing with 'stable', 
change my sources.list to 'sid' and update fileutils, and then try again. 
If it's only a question of fileutils, that means there might be something 
wrong with the predependencies while dist-upgrading from 'stable', no ?

Anyway thanks, I look forward to your answer :)

Re: Unable to upgrade libc6, cannot find why

2001-07-22 Thread J.F.Gratton

At 17:42 2001-07-22 +0100, you wrote:

At 9:29 Uhr -0600 22.7.2001, Jimmy Richards wrote:

On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 10:00:39AM -0400, J.F.Gratton wrote:
  cp: invalid option -- L

cp from potato doesn't have the -L option.

Maybe you should upgrade fileutils manually first (maybe recompiling if it 
doesnt install: cd; apt-get source -b fileutils; dpkg -i fileutils-.deb).


There it goes !! I just figured that myself, but it's nice to have a 
confirmation. Thanks to everyone !

Still, it doesn't explain why dpkg tried to use that option and I couldn't 
find that anywhere in /var/lib/dpkg/bla-bla-bla ... oh well :)

Thanks to everyone, this list rocks ! ( does Deb... when you get it to 
work lol :) )


Template Parse Error

2001-07-22 Thread David Goodenough
I am tying to install Woody on a laptop so that I can
install XFree 4.0.3 and then upgrade it to 4.1 with an
extra fix as currently the SIS driver does not handle
my laptop's LCD properly.  I also need to be running
a 2.4 kernel as otherwise the Ethernet NIC does not

I installed 2.2r3 from CD, and then copied down the
2.4 upgrade DEBs and cut a CD.  From this I installed
what is now a running, but text only, system.

I tried to download 4.1 source but for some odd reason it
will not build (make World works but make install
complains about missing files even though they are
actually present on the system).  However in discussion
with the Xpert list at I found that others
were having success with Woody as a base rather than
stable 2.2r3.

So having had an /etc/apt/sources.list which was entirely
CDROM based, I updated it to point at
to download woody.  The entry looks like:-

deb testing main contrib non-free

and I ran dselect which said that all manner of things
needed to be updated.

It says that 233 packages need to be upgraded, 89 newly
installed, 1 to remove and 3 not upgraded.  It then starts
scanning packages, gets to 90% and complains about
a Template parse error near  at
line 102, TEMPLATES chunk 2.

So I did a search on the archive for this list and found
advice (from the 17th July) to updrage DebConf on its
own using apt-get install DebConf which duely went
through (after one problem which a rerun seemed to

Unfortunately the problem still persists, and I can not
get any further.  Now it might be that I am missing
something sources.list file which I need, it might be
that the 2.4 upgrade package has mucked things up,
more likely I have mucked something up.

Anyone got any ideas as to how to proceed?

Thanks in advance


BTW, it would be useful if the various Debian
mirrors included sample apt/sources.list entries
on there websites.  If they already do then I have
failed to find them and it would be useful to have
a pointer.begin:vcard 
org:D.G.A. ltd
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:David Goodenough

Re: Oracle on Debian?

2001-07-22 Thread J.F.Gratton

Awhile back (last november) I tried to install Oracle on Debian
'potato' and it's true, it just won't work. Worst of it, you won't get any
error messages. Oracle will link its binaries without a hitch, but
whenever you'll try startup nomount it will just hang there. I don't
know about the client-side of this, as I needed the server-side before
being able to use the clients :)

Sorry if this doesn't help much. I didn't investigate much as I was rushed
and then built a RH 6.1 system to get the db up and running fast.


On Sun, 22 Jul 2001, Stan Brown wrote:

 Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 11:43:31 -0400 (EDT)
 From: Stan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Debian User List
 Subject: Oracle on Debian?
 Resent-Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 11:45:50 -0400

 I'm building a new Debian machine to use as an Amanada backup machine for a
 failry large number of machines. I also need to be able to run certain
 Oracle _client_ side apps (export for instance, and conneting to DB
 instnaces using Perl DBI).

 A few months ago I had built a machine for this using the STABLE
 distribution, and a version of Oracle (8i) From the CD that acompanies the
 book Oracle 8i for Linix Starter Kit.

 I would really like to use something a bit more current for the Linux side
 of things (Testing? Progeney? Xanim?) but it's muy understanding that this
 version of Oracle won't work with the new libraries provided by some

 Can anyone educate me on this? Is it posible to download a newer version of
 Oracle? If so from where, and what versions of Debian, or Debian derived
 distributions will it work with?

 Thanks for the help.

 Charleston SC.
 Windows 98: n.
   useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
   a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
   originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit
   company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
 (c) 2000 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-- Thanks to you I've found religion : you made me live PURE HELL

Re: Debian books

2001-07-22 Thread Faheem Mitha

On Sat, 21 Jul 2001, alex wrote:

 Can someone tell me what they consider to be a good up to date Debian
 book for a beginner, one that doesn't assume that the reader has a
 background in Unix or DOS?  Is there such a book?
 Where are the books about Debian?  I found dozens of up to date books
 for RedHat and just one out of date book for Debian (O'Reilly) in the 4
 large bookstores that I visited.  It's not that the Debian books were
 sold out, there just don't to be many published.

There is stuff on the web. Download it and print it out. That is what I

Specifically, there is Dwarf's Guide to Debian GNU/LInux (2001) by Dale
Scheetz. This is quite nice, but spends a lot of time with installation
stuff. It is available as a Debian package, dwarfs-debian-guide in

Also, there is the Debian GNU/Linux Guide by John Goerzen and Ossama
Othman. This is available as the Debian package debian-guide.

As far as not specifically Debian oriented books go there is the Linux
Rute Users Tutorial and Exposition by Paul Sheer. This one even has its
own website, htp:// It is a pretty detailed piece of

For bonafide printed books, there is of course the famous Running Linux,
but I also like Mark Sobell's A Practical Guide to Linux (1997, but has
been carefully written so as not to date easily), and Linux: Installation
Configuration and Use by Michael Kofler (nice book, but published in 1999
so getting a little long in the tooth. Still useful, though).


instalar linux

2001-07-22 Thread okito

Sres. por favor necesito contactarme con uds. pues 
quiero instalar linux, en este momento tengo windows millenium
ahí pueden enviarme como instalarlo y de donde 
conseguirlo. gracias ivonne lepoivre soy de bahia blanca(8000) Pcia. 

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