Fw: unison

2007-12-01 Thread hubble


Intento fer servir l'unison (gtk) per aconseguir un backup (d'aquest que saben 
quins son els canvis produïts) del contingut d'un directori a un servidor remot 
per internet amb protocol ssh.

El problema el tinc amb que el port del servidor no es un port ssh normal, es a 
dir enlloc del 22 fa servir el 2203

Arrenco l'unison, configuro els directoris origen:

i remot:
insti.xtec.cat:2203//home/hubble (segons surt al fitxer de configuracio 

Li dic que es conecti, va cap a l'ordinador remot, contacta, em demana la 
contrasenya (això vol dir que les rutes estan ben posades) pero una vegada 
posada la contrasenya (que es correcta) em surt un missatge que diu:
Fatal error
Los conection with the server

Jo crec que es perque no es memoritza el port de l'ordinador remot.

A algu se l'hi acut com solucionar això o sap algun truquillo per fer-lo 

també s'acepten sugeriments d'altres programes que si puguin fer aquest backup.


/ gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 2E402485 \
\_ /
  \  (__)  _   _ _ _ 
 (\/) | |__  _   _| |__ | |__ | | ___ 
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 / | 666 ||   | | | | |_| | |_) | |_) | |  __/
*  ||||   |_| |_|\__,_|_.__/|_.__/|_|\___| 
   Registered user num. 368051 
   and did not take anything above.
1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 |41d

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[OT] [Humour] Évacuation massive en eaux glacées

2007-12-01 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer

C'est le nom du navire coulé qui est hilarant. Avec un nom pareil, pas
étonnant qu'il crashe :-)

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Re: [OT] [Humour] Évacuation massive en eaux glacées

2007-12-01 Thread François TOURDE
Le 13848ième jour après Epoch,
Stephane Bortzmeyer écrivait:


C'est pas mieux ce lien?


Le propriétaire étant GAP Adventures (litt. amélioré: Aventures
trouées?) on va finir par croire que c'est fait exprès :p

Re: [OT] [Humour] Évacuation massive en eaux glacées

2007-12-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

François TOURDE a écrit :

Le 13848ième jour après Epoch,
Stephane Bortzmeyer écrivait:



C'est pas mieux ce lien?


Le propriétaire étant GAP Adventures (litt. amélioré: Aventures
trouées?) on va finir par croire que c'est fait exprès :p


C'est facile mais ça fait bien rire!!

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Partage d'imprimante

2007-12-01 Thread Vincent H.

Je possède une imprimante USB EPSON DX4400. Je viens de l'installer
sur mon serveur debian etch. Ce dernier la detecte et je peux
l'ajouter via cups en utilisant l'interface avec http://localhost:631

J'aimerais partager cette imprimante sur mon réseau local. J'ai essayé
mais sans succès. Lorsque je veux ajouter une imprimante sur une
kubuntu du réseau avec l'option Serveur CUPS distant (IPP/HTTP)
(hote : port 631) j'obtiens le message suivant :

impossible de se connecter à sur le port 631

j'ai tenté de rajouter 192.168.0.* dans mon cupsd.conf et de faire un
restart sur cupsys mais cela ne change rien.

Voici mon fichier cupsd.conf:


Aussi je me demandais si il était possible d'accéder à
http://localhost:631 depuis une machine de mon réseau local car lynx
en ssh c'est bien mais bon. J'ai essayé mais
pareil je n'ai pas accès.

J'ai regardé du côté de mes iptables et normalement tout mon réseau
local a accès à tous les ports de mon serveur. Dans le doute j'ai

$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port ipp -j ACCEPT
$IPTABLES -A INPUT -p udp --destination-port ipp -j ACCEPT

Mais là j'autorise tout le monde à venir sur le port 631.

Enfin voilà ll y a apparement un malaise quelque part mais là je séche.
Si quelqu'un a une idée je suis preneur :)
Merci et bon week end à tous!

Vincent H
Early Optimization is the root of all evil - Donald Knuth

Re: [OT] [Humour] Évacuation massive en eaux glacées

2007-12-01 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier

et Mme Hayes a fait une commande AT pour l'évacuation du bateau? :)


François TOURDE a écrit :

Le 13848ième jour après Epoch,
Stephane Bortzmeyer écrivait:



C'est pas mieux ce lien?


Le propriétaire étant GAP Adventures (litt. amélioré: Aventures
trouées?) on va finir par croire que c'est fait exprès :p


C'est facile mais ça fait bien rire!!

The brotherhood of man is not a mere poet's dream; it is a most depressing
and humiliating reality.
-- Oscar Wilde

Re: Partage d'imprimante

2007-12-01 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le samedi 01 décembre 2007, Vincent H. a écrit...

 impossible de se connecter à sur le port 631

 j'ai tenté de rajouter 192.168.0.* dans mon cupsd.conf et de faire un
 restart sur cupsys mais cela ne change rien.

 Voici mon fichier cupsd.conf:


Dans ton cupsd.conf, au lieu du « Listen localhost:631 » ??


A.E.L. Sarl (R.C.S CASTRES 490843240)

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Re: Pb lecture CDs et fichiers musicaux avec Etch4.0r1

2007-12-01 Thread Christophe MUSSEAU

Toujours mon problème de lecture de CDs musicaux...

Le 29/11/07, Hugues LARRIVE [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 Christophe MUSSEAU a écrit :
  Bonjour à tous,
  Il y a quelques jours j'avais écrit:
  Il y a quelques temps encore j'utilisais ETCH 4.0, puis je suis passé
  à ETCH 4.0r1 .
 Etch c'est etch, le résultat est le même... juste avec l'installeur 4.0
 tu as un peu plus de mises à jour à faire juste après l'installation.
  Pour cela j'ai réalisé une réinstallation de ETCH car je souhaitais
  repartir sur quelque chose de propre (si je peux parler ainsi).
  Bref me voilà donc avec un nouveau noyau ( 2.6.18-5-486) et à refaire
  toute ma configuration. J'en arrive à la question du son. Et là je ne
  peux lire les CDs musicaux (alors que je pouvais avec ETCH 4.0). Je
  cherche pourquoi. Je ne trouve pas. Je finis par refaire une
  installation... Je vous laisse donc ici la procédure que j'ai suivi
  quand je me suis attaqué au chapitre Musique. Peut-être quelqu'un
  pourra-t-il m'éclairer sur ce que j'ai pu oublier ou mal faire. Merci
  par avance.
  Autre précision, ma carte son = VIA AC'97 Enhanced Audio Controller
  1 - # aptitude install alsa-base
  ==) Installation des paquets alsa-utils, linux-sound-base  alsa-base
  ==) Lors de la configuration de linux-sound-base je demande que le
  système de gestion du son soit assuré par ALSA.
  2 - # alsaconf
  ==) - Following card(s) are found on your system = VIA Technologies,
  Inc. VT8233/A/8
  ==) - Do you want to modify /etc/modprobe.d/sound ? = Oui
  3 - # alsamixer
  Je m'assure qu'il y ait du volume pour le CD
  4 - # alsactl store
  Pour conserver cette configuration.
  5 - # aptitude install w32codecsvia le dépôt de
  debian-multimedia.org http://debian-multimedia.org/ .
  ==) Installation des paquets gcc-3.3-base, libstdc++5  w32codecs
  6 - # aptitude install rhythmbox sound-juicer
  ==) Sur les forums on me dit d'installer xmms, mais moi j'aime bien
  ces deux applications et en plus je les maîtrise assez bien. Alors
  pourquoi changer. En plus elles s'intègrent bien avec Gnome que
  ==) Installation des paquets avahi-daemon, gnome-volume-manager,
  gstreamer0.10-gnomevfs, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, gthumb, hal,
  liba52-0.7.4, libavahi-core4, libavcodec0d, libdvdread3, libgphoto2-2,
  libgphoto2-post0, libgpod-common, libgpod0, libgpod1, libgsm1,
  libid3tag0, liblircclient0, libmad0, libmng1, libmodplug0c2,
  libpmpeg2-4, libmusicbrainz4c2a, libnss-mdns, libpostmoc0d,
  libsidplay1, libsysfs2, libxine1, libxvmc1, pmount, rhythmbox,
  sound-juicer, totem, totem-mozilla  totem-xine.
  7 - Ensuite je m'assure que mon login d'utilisateur soit bien dans les
  groupes audio  cdrom
 Je ne suis pas sûr mais pour les cd audio il faut peut-être plugdev en

C'est quoi plugdev ? un paquet ? je n'ai aucune info à ce sujet

As-tu récupéré ton home de l'ancienne installation ?


si oui as-tu essayé
 avec un autre utilisateur ?
  8 - # chmod 666 /dev/hdc
 Ça ça n'est pas conservé après le redémarrage (udev).
  Voilà je n'ai plus qu'à poursuivre en m'écoutant un de mes CDs
  préférés. Et bien non. Quand je lance le CD, sound-juicer se lance à
  son tour. Les pistes sont reconnues (titres, etc...). Tout semble se
  lancer et puis ça bloque. Aucun message d'erreur.
  Plusieurs recherches sur le net ne m'ont rien donné de plus.
  Donc je me tourne vers cette liste de diffusion en espérant que l'un
  d'entre vous puisse éclairer ma lanterne.
  PS: Si quelqu'un connait une application pour lire des CDs musicaux en
  console, merci de bien vouloir m'en faire part par la même occasion. 
  Depuis j'ai pris le temps de traiter les suggestions qui m'ont été
  faites pour résoudre ce problème. Je dois avouer que tout ceci n'a pas
  été concluant:
  1 - On me demande si je n'ai pas un butineur ouvert avec une page
  contenant du flash et
  donc, s'accaparant le son ? .
  La réponse est non. Je n'ai d'ailleurs aucune application qui cherche
  à s'accaparer le son en parallèle.
 Tu peux aussi faire lsof | grep snd pour voir si une application se
 l'accapare, normalement tu ne dois voir que mixer_app

J'ai un nombre de lignes assez conséquent débutant par mixer-app Que
dois-je réellement chercher ?

A propos tu peux régler le son avec gnome-volume-control ?


 2 - On me suggère de regarder dans gstreamer-properties si c'est bien
  alsa qui est
  utiliser par defaut...
  Je me suis aussi assuré de cela.
 Et en cliquant sur test ça donne quoi ?

1 - Default Output Plugin
- Output = ALSA
- Pipeline  = alsask
==) Test = j'ai du son (Bip Bip Bip...)

2 - Default Input Plugin
- Input = ALSA
- Pipeline = alsasrc
==) Test = Aucun son. Message d'erreur = Error - Failed to construct test
pipeline for 'ALSA'.

  3 - Ai-je d'autres sons ? Et bien là c'est un peu compliqué: j'ai des
  sons pour des applications du genre planet-penguin-racer (le pingouin
  fou qui 

Re: iptables et openvpn

2007-12-01 Thread Tekpi

Pour info, voici les travaux effectués (avec une très grande aide de P.

1/ Changement du sous réseau entre le routeur et l'interface du linux
2/ Modification du script de firewall en ajoutant ceci :

$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i [Interface Wan du linux] -p udp --dport [Port du vpn]
$IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o [Interface Wan du linux] -p udp --sport [Port du vpn]
iptables -A FORWARD -i tap0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -o tap0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i br0 -j ACCEPT

Maintenant tout fonctionne.

Merci à P. Hambour et ceux qui m'ont répondu.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the debian-user-french mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

probleme bind

2007-12-01 Thread M S Slimani

J'ai tout essayer et presque tout lu sur les forum, mais rien !
mon serveur dns ne fonctionne pas. voila les retour de commande ainsi
que mes fichiers de conf donc si quelqu'un peut me renseigner :(

merci d'avance.

- ping srv-simpson : repond

- host srv-simpson : Host srv-simpson not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

- host : Host not found:

- nslookup srv-simpson.simpson.lan :

** server can't find srv-simpson.simpson.lan: NXDOMAIN

- nslookup :

** server can't find NXDOMAIN

donc voila le retour des commande. Maintenant les fichiers de
configuration :

- named.conf
include /etc/bind/named.conf.options;

include /etc/bind/ns-simpson-lan_rndc-key;
zone . {
type hint;
file /etc/bind/db.root;

zone localhost {
type master;
file /etc/bind/db.local;

zone 127.in-addr.arpa {
type master;
file /etc/bind/db.127;

zone 0.in-addr.arpa {
type master;
file /etc/bind/db.0;

zone 255.in-addr.arpa {
type master;
file /etc/bind/db.255;

zone simspon.lan {
type master;
file /etc/bind/db.simpson.lan;

zone 0.10.IN-ADDR.arpa {
type master;
file /etc/bind/db.simpson.lan.inv;

include /etc/bind/named.conf.local;

- db.simpson.lan

$TTL   3600
@ IN SOA srv-simpson.simpson.lan. root.simpson.lan.  (
20071201   ; Serial  - N° de série à incrémenter à chaque modif
   ;de ce fichier. Ce N° est utilisé par les
   ;serveurs esclaves pour lui indiquer
   ;doit mettre à jour sa base. Par
   ;ce n° est une date à l'envers.
3600 ;Refresh -  A l'expiration du délai Refresh exprimé en
   ;secondes, le serveur excalve va entrer
   ;communication avec le maitre et si il ne
   ;le trouve pas, il fera une nouvelle
   ;tentative au bout du délai Retry et si
   ;bout du délai Expire il considerera que
   ;serveur n'est plus disponible.
86400  ; Retry
2419200; Expire
604800 )   ; Minimum - Durée de vie minimum du cache en

;** Les 3 lignes suivantes permettent au serveur de se retrouver lui
@   IN  NS  srv-simpson.simpson.lan.;Nom du
@   IN  MX  10 srv-simpson.simpson.lan.
srv-simpson A   ;Adresse
IP du
de noms

;** Les lignes suivantes définissent la table entre les noms et les IP
;pglinux A
;pg-cao  A
;plgmao  A
;cpi A
;pgcie   A

;** Les lignes suivantes sont des alias entre des noms et des autres
;pop CNAME   pglinux
;smtpCNAME   pglinux
;www CNAME   pglinux
;ldapCNAME   pgdebian

- db.simpson.lan.inv
@   IN  SOA srv-simpson.simpson.lan. root.simpson.lan.  (
   604800 )
@   IN  NS  srv-simpson.simpson.lan.
252.31.213  PTR srv-simpson.simpson.lan.
;1   PTR pglinux.mondomaine.com.
;2   PTR pg-cao.mondomaine.com.
;3   PTR pgdebian.mondomaine.com.
;9   PTR plgmao.mondomaine.com.
;10  PTR cpi.mondomaine.com.
;100 PTR prod.mondomaine.com

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Kilka pytanek

2007-12-01 Thread anakin_wolf
Witam grupowiczow.
Mam nastêpuj±ce dwa pytanka do Panstwa:
Korzystam z kilkuletniego laptopa acera. W koncu
postanowilem zainwestowac w mobilny internet. I tutaj
klaniaja siê moje pytania:
1) oferta ktorego operatora (era, plus, orange) jest
2) karta pcmia kazdego z tych operatorow najlepiej
wspolpracuje z linnuksem (debian etch)?



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Re: Warning en Consola

2007-12-01 Thread Gabriel Parrondo
El vie, 30-11-2007 a las 13:04 -0600, Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz
  Que debiera usar UTF-8 o ISO-8859-15, para una correcta configuración
  de español?
 En principio cualquiera de los dos sirve bien. ISO-8859-15 es un poco
 más compatible con sistemas viejos mal configurados, UTF-8 es
 compatible con el resto del mundo (¡Puedes ver los caracteres de tu
 spam ruso, árabe y coreano, yupi!)
 Creo que tienes razón, hice unas pruebas y me dí cuenta qu22e, contrario
 a lo que creía hasta hace 2 minutos, es_** no es un alias para
 es_**.ISO8859-15 así que tienes que elegir y poner explícitamente en tu
 entorno ya sea 
  LANG=es_CL.ISO8859-15 o 

Lo mas recomendable es utf8, salvo en casos especiales.

Gabriel Parrondo
GNU/Linux User #404138
GnuPG Public Key ID: BED7BF43

The only difference between theory and practice is that, in theory, there's no 
difference between theory and practice.

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente

Ayuda con configuración de Apache

2007-12-01 Thread Reynier Perez Mira
Hola listeros:
Soy un poco nuevo en esto de administración de servidores y me han ido 
surgiendo problemas que incluso con ayuda del gran Google no he podido 
solucionar. Estoy tratando de configurar Apache en una PC para servir 
aplicaciones webs como es lógico. En está misma PC donde tengo el Apache tengo 
un Trac montado con Svn. A los proyectos creados tanto en Trac como Svn accedo 
de la siguiente forma: http://localhost/trac/nombreproyecto. Hasta aquí todo 
bien. Ahora tengo otra PC que es un DNS en el cual he dicho que cuando se llame 
al proyecto nombreproyecto.dominio.com me busque en la PC y me sirva la página 
que esta en http://localhost/trac/nombreproyecto. Pero nada en lugar de salirme 
el Trac con el proyecto me sale siempre el VirtualHost por defecto de Apache o 
sea /var/www. Me temo que esto es algo de configuración de VirtualHost como es 
lógico pero no se como configurarlo. Agradecería cualquier ayuda.
Desde ya muchas gracias
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira

Re: Ayuda con configuraci ón de Apache

2007-12-01 Thread Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz
On Sat, Dec 01, 2007 at 09:53:32AM -0500, Reynier Perez Mira wrote:
 Hola listeros:

 ... Ahora
 tengo otra PC que es un DNS en el cual he dicho que cuando se llame
 al proyecto nombreproyecto.dominio.com me busque en la PC y me sirva
 la página que esta en http://localhost/trac/nombreproyecto. Pero
 nada en lugar de salirme el Trac con el proyecto me sale siempre el
 VirtualHost por defecto de Apache o sea /var/www.

Si le estás pidiendo 
y tu VirtualHost está configurado para 
pues no es *muy* raro que no te esté regresando lo esperado :)

Description: Digital signature

Fw: Ayuda con configuración de Apache

2007-12-01 Thread Rigierte Ricardo [Debian - List]
- Original Message - 
From: Reynier Perez Mira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2007 11:53 AM
Subject: Ayuda con configuración de Apache

Hola listeros:
Soy un poco nuevo en esto de administración de servidores y me han ido
surgiendo problemas que incluso con ayuda del gran Google no he podido
solucionar. Estoy tratando de configurar Apache en una PC para servir
aplicaciones webs como es lógico. En está misma PC donde tengo el Apache
tengo un Trac montado con Svn. A los proyectos creados tanto en Trac como
Svn accedo de la siguiente forma: http://localhost/trac/nombreproyecto.
Hasta aquí todo bien. Ahora tengo otra PC que es un DNS en el cual he dicho
que cuando se llame al proyecto nombreproyecto.dominio.com me busque en la
PC y me sirva la página que esta en http://localhost/trac/nombreproyecto.
Pero nada en lugar de salirme el Trac con el proyecto me sale siempre el
VirtualHost por defecto de Apache o sea /var/www. Me temo que esto es algo
de configuración de VirtualHost como es lógico pero no se como configurarlo.
Agradecería cualquier ayuda.
Desde ya muchas gracias
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira

vi /usr/local/apache/conf/vh/localhost

VirtualHost xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:80
  php_admin_value open_basedir /home/httpd/dominio.com.ar
  php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir /home/httpd/dominio.com.ar/tmp
  php_admin_value session.save_path /home/httpd/dominio.com.ar/tmp
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .html .htm .phtml
  DocumentRoot /home/httpd/dominio.com.ar
  ServerName dominio.com.ar
  ServerAlias *.dominio.com.ar -- creo que aca es donde tenes que tocar..
para que  nombre.dominio apunte a donde queres que valla
  ErrorLog logs/dominio.com.ar-error.log
  CustomLog logs/dominio.com.ar-access.log combined

por ej:

DocumentRoot /home/httpd/project.dominio.com.ar
  ServerName project.dominio.com.ar
  ServerAlias *.project.dominio.com.ar


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This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.

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Re: Ayuda con configuración de Apache

2007-12-01 Thread K|Ke
Hola Rodrigo y gracias por responder. Al parecer no me he expresado
bien. Mira yo tengo una PC con Apache2 en la cual tengo instalado
Trac y Svn ambos dos integrados al Apache. Ahora en otra PC tengo un
servidor DNS. En ese DNS he puesto que cuando se llame a la
dirección: http://proyecto.dominio.com me responda el sitio en cambio me responde el
VirtualHost de Apache que apunta a /var/www. Luego de eso tengo que
entrar a la carpeta Trac y luego de eso entrar al Proyecto.
¿Entiendes ahora? ¿Qué es lo que estoy haciendo mal?

 Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira

Creo que lo que debes verificar es la configuración que le diste a tu
virtualhost, debe estar creada correctamente la ruta de tu sitio en

por ejemplo:

DocumentRoot /var/www/la_carpeta_de_tus_paginas/

Linux Registered User # 417515

ALBEDO: El poder reflectante de un planeta u otro cuerpo no luminoso.
Un reflector perfecto tendría una Albedo de 100%. El Albedo de la
Tierra es 39% ó 0.39.

RE: Ayuda con configuración de Apache

2007-12-01 Thread Reynier Perez Mira
 Si le estás pidiendo
 y tu VirtualHost está configurado para
 pues no es *muy* raro que no te esté regresando lo esperado :)

Hola Rodrigo y gracias por responder. Al parecer no me he expresado bien. Mira 
yo tengo una PC con Apache2 en la cual tengo instalado Trac y Svn ambos dos 
integrados al Apache. Ahora en otra PC tengo un servidor DNS. En ese DNS he 
puesto que cuando se llame a la dirección: http://proyecto.dominio.com me 
responda el sitio en cambio me responde el 
VirtualHost de Apache que apunta a /var/www. Luego de eso tengo que entrar a la 
carpeta Trac y luego de eso entrar al Proyecto. ¿Entiendes ahora? ¿Qué es lo 
que estoy haciendo mal?

Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira

RE: Ayuda con configuración de Apache

2007-12-01 Thread Reynier Perez Mira
 Creo que lo que debes verificar es la configuración que le diste a tu
 virtualhost, debe estar creada correctamente la ruta de tu sitio en
 por ejemplo:
 DocumentRoot /var/www/la_carpeta_de_tus_paginas/

Vamos por parte porque me parece que ustedes me hablan de cosas que no tengo 
configuradas o hechas. Cuando me hablan del VirtualHost a que PC se refieren, 
¿a donde está instalado el Apache + Trac + Svn o a la que tiene el DNS? Porque 
en la de la triada Apache + Svn + Trac lo que tengo en el fichero 
/etc/apache2/sites-available/proyecto es lo siguiente:

Location /trac/proyecto/login
 AuthType Basic
 AuthName TRAC
 AuthUserFile /var/www/.trac
 Require valid-user

Y nada más. Entonces en el fichero default tengo lo siguiente:

VirtualHost *
 DocumentRoot /var/www/trac
 ScriptAlias /trac /usr/share/trac/cgi-bin/trac
 Location /trac
  SetEnv TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR /var/trac

¿Qué me falta o que me sobra?
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira
 Linux Registered User # 417515
 ALBEDO: El poder reflectante de un planeta u otro cuerpo no luminoso.
 Un reflector perfecto tendría una Albedo de 100%. El Albedo de la
 Tierra es 39% ó 0.39.

RE: Ayuda con configuración de Apache

2007-12-01 Thread Iñigo Tejedor Arrondo
El sáb, 01-12-2007 a las 11:52 -0500, Reynier Perez Mira escribió:

 ¿Qué me falta o que me sobra?

Un virtualhost por cada: proyecto.dominio.com

Mira las directivas ServerName, ServerAlias y DocumentRoot de apache y
la documentación y ejemplos de virtualhosts

Y después de cada cambio, recuerda hacer /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

En mi trabajo solemos automatizar la creación de proyectos con un
script, que te crea su svn, su usuario, base de datos, virtualhost y
tareas de backup. Y otro script para borrar proyectos ;)


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Re: Ayuda con configuraci ón de Apache

2007-12-01 Thread Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz
On Sat, Dec 01, 2007 at 11:52:32AM -0500, Reynier Perez Mira wrote:
  Creo que lo que debes verificar es la configuración que le diste a tu
  virtualhost, debe estar creada correctamente la ruta de tu sitio en
  por ejemplo:
  DocumentRoot /var/www/la_carpeta_de_tus_paginas/
 Vamos por parte porque me parece que ustedes me hablan de cosas que
 no tengo configuradas o hechas. Cuando me hablan del VirtualHost a
 que PC se refieren, ¿a donde está instalado el Apache + Trac + Svn o
 a la que tiene el DNS?

Dada la cantidad de confusiones generadas en tan pocos mensajes, creo
que te toca regresar un pasito y contemplar todo de nuevo. Dale una
leida a la sección de Virtual Hosting del manual de Apache. 

En cuanto a tu máquina con el DNS, si ésta ya resuelve los nombres de
dominio a las IPs correctas, ya hiciste con ella todo lo que necesitas
y puedes sacarla del problema.

Description: Digital signature

Re: Ayuda con configuración de Apache

2007-12-01 Thread Rigierte Ricardo [Debian - List]
vi /usr/local/apache/conf/vh/localhost

VirtualHost xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:80
  php_admin_value open_basedir /home/httpd/dominio.com.ar
  php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir /home/httpd/dominio.com.ar/tmp
  php_admin_value session.save_path /home/httpd/dominio.com.ar/tmp
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .html .htm .phtml
  DocumentRoot /home/httpd/dominio.com.ar
  ServerName dominio.com.ar
  ServerAlias *.dominio.com.ar -- creo que aca es donde tenes que tocar..
para que  nombre.dominio apunte a donde queres que valla
  ErrorLog logs/dominio.com.ar-error.log
  CustomLog logs/dominio.com.ar-access.log combined

por ej:

DocumentRoot /home/httpd/project.dominio.com.ar
  ServerName project.dominio.com.ar
  ServerAlias *.project.dominio.com.ar


- Original Message - 
From: Reynier Perez Mira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2007 11:53 AM
Subject: Ayuda con configuración de Apache

Hola listeros:
Soy un poco nuevo en esto de administración de servidores y me han ido
surgiendo problemas que incluso con ayuda del gran Google no he podido
solucionar. Estoy tratando de configurar Apache en una PC para servir
aplicaciones webs como es lógico. En está misma PC donde tengo el Apache
tengo un Trac montado con Svn. A los proyectos creados tanto en Trac como
Svn accedo de la siguiente forma: http://localhost/trac/nombreproyecto.
Hasta aquí todo bien. Ahora tengo otra PC que es un DNS en el cual he dicho
que cuando se llame al proyecto nombreproyecto.dominio.com me busque en la
PC y me sirva la página que esta en http://localhost/trac/nombreproyecto.
Pero nada en lugar de salirme el Trac con el proyecto me sale siempre el
VirtualHost por defecto de Apache o sea /var/www. Me temo que esto es algo
de configuración de VirtualHost como es lógico pero no se como configurarlo.
Agradecería cualquier ayuda.
Desde ya muchas gracias
Ing. Reynier Pérez Mira

__ NOD32 2696 (20071130) Information __

This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.

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Re: Ayuda con configuración de Apache

2007-12-01 Thread Mägo de Oz
Reinier... espero seas el Reinier que conoci en la UCI y que estabamos en el
mismo proyecto de BioInformatica con Yosef:

Y de tu conf de apache pues chequea que no tengas nada de Redirect por ahi o

Problemas al instalar Debian etch

2007-12-01 Thread Edson Mauricio Gonzales Rodriguez
Holas a todos, queria consultarles como puedo realizar la instalacion de
Debian Ecth en un equipo con las siguientes caracteristicas:
Tarjeta madre: Intel DP965LT
Procesador: Intel Core 2 duo E6400 2.3 GHz
Disco duro: Hitachi SATA II 160 GB
El problema que tenia al principio es que no reconocia el lector que tenia
pero lo solucione despues de googlear un poco poniendo lo siguiente al
bootear el cd de instalacion de debian:
install generic.all_generic_ide=1
pero tambien en el BIOS tuve que modificar el Drive Configuration a AHCI, si
no tampoco reconoce el lector. Bueno despues de eso tambien tuve problemas
con el disco duro, ya que no detectaba mi disco duro, pero despues verifique
el disco y estaba conectado en el SATA-3 y lo puse al SATA-0 y ya lo
reconocio el disco, es mas lo particione, formatee e instale todo lo que
necesitaba, pero cada vez que reinicio despues de instalar el GRUB, el
equipo no bootea me dice que ingrese un algun dispositivo booteable, despues
de ese problema me quede sin ideas, no se si alguien tuvo este problema y lo
pudo solucionar, agradeceria cualquier ayuda que me puedan brindar, saludos,

Re: Samba extraño

2007-12-01 Thread Diego Gil (PSM Renovacion)
- Original Message - 
From: Gabriel Bueno [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Lista Debian debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 11:03 PM
Subject: RE: Samba extraño

 -Mensaje original-
 De: Antonio Galicia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: Viernes, 30 de Noviembre de 2007 18:37
 Para: marcos negrini
 CC: debian -user-spanish
 Asunto: Re: Samba extraño

 On 11/30/07, marcos negrini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  No sera que el usuario con el que accedes no tiene
  permisos en esas carpetas?

  Pero prodría listar el contenido aun cuando no pueda examinar su
 contenido. Más bien creo que es un problema con el mapeo de
 permisos-propiedades. Lo primero es entrar a la configuración de
 windows (opciones de carpetas o algo así) y que prender ver los
 archivos del sistema (otra vez, o algo así, no tengo un windows para
 ver los nombre exactos). Probablemente para el explorados son
 directorios peligrosos para el usuario y no se los deja ver.


No me siento con demasiada autoridad para opinar pero me suena tambien a mi
a permisos de directorios y archivos.

Podrias enviar esos datos ??


Actualiza Samba. A mi me ocurrió lo mismo y pensé que algún disco duro 
estaba fallando, pero el jueves 29/11 o el viernes 30/11 apareció una nueva 
versión de Samba que corregía el problema. Me empezó a ocurrir a partir de 
una actualización de samba que sacaron a principios de semana.

Un saludo,

Diego Gil

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Re: Problemas al instalar Debian etch

2007-12-01 Thread Felipe Tornvall N.
On Saturday 01 December 2007 22:00, Edson Mauricio Gonzales Rodriguez wrote:
 Holas a todos, queria consultarles como puedo realizar la instalacion de
 Debian Ecth en un equipo con las siguientes caracteristicas:
 Tarjeta madre: Intel DP965LT
 Procesador: Intel Core 2 duo E6400 2.3 GHz
 Disco duro: Hitachi SATA II 160 GB
 El problema que tenia al principio es que no reconocia el lector que tenia
 pero lo solucione despues de googlear un poco poniendo lo siguiente al
 bootear el cd de instalacion de debian:
 install generic.all_generic_ide=1
 pero tambien en el BIOS tuve que modificar el Drive Configuration a AHCI,
 si no tampoco reconoce el lector. Bueno despues de eso tambien tuve
 problemas con el disco duro, ya que no detectaba mi disco duro, pero
 despues verifique el disco y estaba conectado en el SATA-3 y lo puse al
 SATA-0 y ya lo reconocio el disco, es mas lo particione, formatee e instale
 todo lo que necesitaba, pero cada vez que reinicio despues de instalar el
 GRUB, el equipo no bootea me dice que ingrese un algun dispositivo
 booteable, despues de ese problema me quede sin ideas, no se si alguien
 tuvo este problema y lo pudo solucionar, agradeceria cualquier ayuda que me
 puedan brindar, saludos, cya

Tienes que hacer que bootee desde el sata en la bios... y verificar que tu 
grub lo hayas instalado en /dev/sda1 en mi caso que es el SATA 0 

Felipe Tornvall N.

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2007-12-01 Thread Erik Zeke Svensson

Har problem med ljudet på en nyistallation av lenny. Ljudet funkar men
så fort jag rör volymkontrollen försvinner ljudet och får ej tillbaks
det med mindre än att jag kör alsaconf.
Ljudet är ett innbyggt intel ICH7 chip, och alsa-base är 1.0.15-02.

Cattle die, kinsmen die, thyself too soon must die,
 but one thing never, I ween, will die,
fair fame of one who has earned.   Havamal
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://zekevarg.homeip.net

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Re: Mailman and postfix

2007-12-01 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

A d-u-p é uma lista em português. :-)   A debian-user é em inglês.

On 30-11-2007 16:03, Márcio Luciano Donada wrote:
 I am using debian etch 4.0 with the postfix and mailman for some lists
 that we have. In certain time send a simple e-mail to a list reaches
 take up to an hour to make the delivery. There is some kind of
 configuration so that it can be resolved in the mailman? And so it was
 monitoring the problem is with the same mailman

Não deu pra entender o que você quis dizer com a última
sentença. Seja como for, há sites como o Yahoo! que limitam
múltiplas conexões. No FAQ do Mailman você encontra várias dicas:


- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Montando NFS em estações com wireless no etch!

2007-12-01 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

On 30-11-2007 15:23, Dennis wrote:
 Estou com um problema na montagem de homes via NFS utilizando Wireless
 em estações-clientes no Debian testing/lenny. Este processo, depois de
 configurado todos os parâmetros no servidor, exportado, etc, não permite
 que em tempo de boot que se monte via fstab o home remoto.

Por que? Qual o erro?

Dependendo de como você deixou a organização da sua
inicialização, a rede wireless só será configurada _depois_
que os pontos de montagem forem montados, aí você não tem
rede para montar via NFS.

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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Re: Fw: Re: Grub + Kernel Panic

2007-12-01 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

On 30-11-2007 11:27, Edluise Costa wrote:
 Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) wrote:
 Como assim?  O novo HD lacrado não veio com Debian. Como ele
 pode ter carregado o GRUB e o seu antigo sistema?
 O hd não carregou o grub e meu antigo sistema, eu estou tentando
 instalar o Debian etch do zero com o cd de instalacão no novo hd, só a
 máquina que é a mesma. A propósito, creio que não tenha nada a ver, mas
 será algum problema em algum componente de hardware?Já que a máquina é a

Sim, pode ser o equipamento ou, como já sugerido a BIOS.

 Qual CD de boot você se refere?
 De qual URL você baixou esse CD?
 O que você quer dizer com íntegro?
 CD de instalacão

O md5sum deste CD bate com os valores nos espelhos oficias
do Debian?

 cheguei a pensar que o CD estava corrompido em alguma parte, por isso
 que disse que ele está íntegro.

Como você verificou a integridade?

 Ok, você consegue iniciar a máquina com o SystemRescueCD?
 Sim, com a opcão reschd32 root=/dev/sda1
 Não, sem reschd32, apenas com o LiveCD, usando o SystemRescueCD
 via CD mesmo, só em memória, sem usar nada do seu disco, poderia ser
 qualquer outro LiveCD (Knoppix, DebianLive, Ubuntu, Kurumin), algo que
 leve sua máquina até um prompt para você obter informações do HD.
 Usando o SystemRescueCD como LiveCD, opcão rescuecd no boot:
 VFS: Cannot open root device NULL or unknow-block(8,9)
 Please append a correct root= boot option; here are the available
 0800 78184008 sda driver: sd
 0801 75529566 sda1
 0802 1 sda2
 0805  2650693  sda5
 0b00 1048575 sr0 driver: sr
 Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on
 unknown-block (8,9)

Por isso que eu disse para inicializar sem opção reschd32,
porque a idéia era ter o sistema live sem acessar os discos
rígidos para poder fazer teste e obter mais informações.

 Coisas *bem* diferentes. Não estou falando do SystemRescueCD
 neste ponto, estou falando de um CD/DVD de instalação normal do Etch,
 há uma imagem chamada rescue, ela se chama rescue e pergunta vários
 itens até inicializar e oferecer um shell de recuperação.
 Coloquei o cd de instalação do etch, dessa vez consegui chegar até o
 menu de instalação, particionamento que ele encontrou:
 IDE1 principal (hda) - 80.1 GB SAMSUNG SP0802N
 #1 primária 77.3 GB B F ext3 /
 #5 lógica 2.7 GB F swap swap

*EXATO*. Então o etch (se for uma mídia oficial) reconhece
seu HD, normalmente, daí é possível concluir que há algum problema
em algum outro ponto, ou na antiga instalação, ou nos CDs que você
está usando para tentar restaurar.

Diga-se de passagem, mais de 2GB para área de troca (swap)
pode ser um desperdício de espaço, especialmente se você tiver 1GB
ou mais de memória RAM e não for usar nada absurdamente pesado nesta

 Num terminal, qualquer, desde que ele esteja na sua máquina,
 via Live CD (como o SystemRescueCD).
 Abri um shell pelo cd de instalação:

Ótimo! :)

 ~ # fdisk -l
 Disk /dev/hda: 80.o GB, 80060424192 bytes
 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9733 cylinders
 Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
 DeviceBoot Start   End   BlocksId   System
 /dev/hda1 * 1  9403 75529566   83Linux
 /dev/hda2   9404   9733 2650725 5Extended
 /dev/hda5   9404   9733 2650693+   82Linux swap / Solaris

Confere. Então, se você usar o mesmo CD de instalação e
inicializar com a opção rescue, deve conseguir um shell no seu
antigo sistema e isso deve permitir que você restaure MBR e
GRUB e volte a inicializar o seu sistema.

 O SystemRescueCD não tenta montar nada durante o boot, não
 faz sentido que ele dê esse erro, de onde você baixou a imagem?

Ok, esse é o local para downloads do SystemRescueCD, então
se o md5 estiver correto, estamos falando do mesmo sistema. Você
pode inicializar ele sem a opção de fazer o reschd32, ele carrega
um Gentoo live que permite que você dê manutenção no sistema.

 Já estou quase usando o SystemRescueCD como opcão de boot.
 Valeu fera.

Seu sistema que está instalado deveria inicializar com
root=/dev/hda1, se não inicializar há algo errado com a
configuração e/ou uso do sistema, e daí pra frente, eu não
saberia mais o que fazer sem ter acesso à máquina, muito
provavelmente, acesso físico. :)

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org



Re: Problema Squid + FTP autenticado

2007-12-01 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

On 30-11-2007 13:01, Rodrigo Augusto Fagundes Pacheco wrote:
 tenho um problema com o squid aqui na empresa, ao tentar acessar FTP
 autenticados o mesmo nao exibe  o campo login e senha. a Maquina nao tem
 Iptables configurado pois nosso firewall é um Nokia Checkpoint. minha=
 máquina estao na mesma regra que a do Servidor Squid  que minha =
 funciona normalmente. Ja procurei no google e nao achei nada.
 obrigado pela ajuda
 Rodrigo Pacheco

Logs?  Um cliente de FTP como gFTP ajuda? Dá alguma informação
extra?  Não ficou claro em qual regra sua máquina e a do servidor
squid estão, então essa é a hora de adicionar detalhes, arquivos de
configuração e afins.

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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Re: Res: Res: SGML

2007-12-01 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

[ Por favor, verifique seu webmail, você parece estar usando o ]
[ Yahoo! para estar em conformidade com as RFCs e não quebrar  ]
[ threads, toda vez que você responde sua mensagem fica fora   ]
[ do conjunto de mensagens ao qual ela se refere.  ]

On 30-11-2007 11:23, Claudio Rocha de Jesus wrote:
 Bem, até agora tentei gerar somente como pdf. Como estou estudando 
 me centrei em um padrao para direcionar.
 Vou tentar gerar colocando o -lpt_BR ou o latin1 como indicado.
 E ja vasculhei todo o guia foca e o unico arquivo que tem alguma 
 informacao sobre lingua e o index.toc dentro de compil.

Crie um diretório e:
apt-get source focalinux-html

Veja o debian/rules, há várias linhas para compilar os
documentos usando o debiandoc.

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Criar repositório a partir das ISOs

2007-12-01 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

On 30-11-2007 13:57, Renato S. Yamane wrote:
 Andre Roslindo Vasko escreveu:
 Meu objetivo inicial era criar um servidor FAI (Fully Automatic
 Installation - http://www.informatik.uni-koeln.de/fai/) e para isso um
 dos passos iniciais é criar um mirror local.

 Executei os seguintes comandos para copiar os arquivos do DVD:
 # cp -rp /media/cdrom/dists/ /home/debmirror/
 # cp -rp /media/cdrom/pool/ /home/debmirror/

 Obviamente tive que gerar novamente os arquivos Release, Packages e
 Packages.tgz do diretório dists.
 Você já tentou deixar as imagens ISO intactas (sem gravar no CD/DVD) e
 apenas monta-las no diretório que será utilizado para o FAI?

Isso não faz o pool completo, porque os pacotes ficariam
distribuídos em vários pools, há menos que ele faça 3 URLs para
download (imaginando que ele está usando 3 DVDs), isso seria como
usar 3 espelhos com conjuntos de pacotes diferentes, mas não é
exatamente a melhor solução.

Copiar o pool de forma a reconstruir o espelho único e
depois usar o rsync pode ser uma das melhores alternativas, mas
isso vai incluir pacotes fonte e outros itens ligados ao D-I.

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

varios dominios samba

2007-12-01 Thread Carlos Augusto Beltrame
ola pessoal, tenho um servidor apenas mas keria usar para 3 redes diferentes, 
ou seja, 3 dominios diferentes, como conifugro isso no samba, cadastrar um 
usuario para cada domino diferente, eh possivel?
 .''`.   Yours Trully
: :'  :  Carlos Beltrame
`. `'`   Eletrical Engineer
  `- IEEE #80472763
Student Branch UNESP Ilha SOlteira
Linux User #442225
UNESP - Câmpus de Ilha Solteira

  Abra sua conta no Yahoo! Mail, o único sem limite de espaço para 

Re: Internet só funciona após a troca de dns....

2007-12-01 Thread Saul Lima
Eu não respondi pq o local onde fica o pc problemático fechou logo após eu
mandar os segundos dados só reabre na segunda... vou lá cedinho pra ver
se consigo resolver este problema. Após o testes confirmando-se a teoria
vou inserir o comando para retirar esta linha no rc.local até conseguir
descobrir o que está causando isso Espero poder continuar contando com a
ajuda de todos vocês da lista... muito obrigado e até a segunda quando
retorno para resolver o problema

P.S.- Francisco, quando abro o network-admin o dns não está vazio, o valor
que lá se encontra é o inserido antes de desligar o pc

Em 30/11/07, Francisco Antônio da Silva Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Quando você abre o network-admin antes de configurar na parte de DNS está
 sempre vazio?

 2007/11/30, Saul Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Deu isso no ifconfig -a:
  eth0   Encapsulamento do Link: Ethernet  Endereço de HW
inet end.:  Bcast:   Masc:
endereço inet6: fe80::2c0:dfff:fe09:1e18/64 Escopo:Link
RX packets:6729 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:2889 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
colisões:187 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:2111064 (2.0 MiB)  TX bytes:836260 (816.6 KiB)
IRQ:169 Endereço de E/S:0x4c00
  eth1   Encapsulamento do Link: Ethernet  Endereço de HW
inet end.:   Bcast:  Masc:
endereço inet6: fe80::21b:b9ff:fe67:4e16/64 Escopo:Link
RX packets:916 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1641 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
colisões:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:76280 (74.4 KiB)  TX bytes:2057620 (1.9 MiB)
IRQ:193 Endereço de E/S:0xc400
  lo Encapsulamento do Link: Loopback Local
inet end.:  Masc:
endereço inet6: ::1/128 Escopo:Máquina
RX packets:7355 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:7355 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
colisões:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:9592016 (9.1 MiB)  TX bytes:9592016 (9.1 MiB)
  sit0   Encapsulamento do Link: IPv6 sobre IPv4
NOARP  MTU:1480  Métrica:1
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
colisões:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:0 ( 0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
  E no route -n:
  Tabela de Roteamento IP do Kernel
  Destino RoteadorMáscaraGen.Opções Métrica Ref   Uso
  Iface  U  0
  00 eth1 U 0  0
  0 eth0 UG0
  00 eth0
  Ambos com a internet funcionando após a troca de dns no network-admin
  Em 30/11/07, Anderson Silva  [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:
   Agora repita os comandos, ifconfig -a e route -n, com o computador
   funcionando, ou seja, depois de você ter executado a troca do dns no
   On Nov 30, 2007 6:28 PM, Saul Lima  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Reiniciei e sem alterar o dns pelo network-admin pinguei sem perdas
pacotes os computadores da rede. Tentei pingar os servidores dns que
citei e deram  Destination Host Unreachable.
O ifconfig -a deu isso:
eth0   Encapsulamento do Link: Ethernet  Endereço de HW
  inet end.:  Bcast:  Masc:
  endereço inet6: fe80::2c0:dfff:fe09:1e18/64 Escopo:Link
  RX packets:288 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:32 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  colisões:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:28945 (28.2 KiB)  TX bytes:2318 (2.2 KiB)
  IRQ:169 Endereço de E/S:0x4c00
eth1   Encapsulamento do Link: Ethernet  Endereço de HW
  inet end.:  Bcast:  Masc:
  endereço inet6: fe80::21b:b9ff:fe67:4e16/64 Escopo:Link
  RX packets:819 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:1495 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  colisões:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:68546 (66.9 KiB)  TX bytes:1984852 ( 1.8 MiB)
  IRQ:193 Endereço de E/S:0xc400
lo Encapsulamento do Link: Loopback Local

Formatar Pen Drive no debian etch........

2007-12-01 Thread Saul Lima
Como não tenho pen drive nunca tive esta dúvida, mas agora meu irmão pediu
que eu formatasse seu pen drive aqui na minha máquina... Como posso
formatá-lo em meu debian etch r1? tenho que dar um mkfs em qual dispositivo
em dev?

Estou googleando, mas nenhuma resposta até agora

Re: Formatar Pen Drive no debian etch........

2007-12-01 Thread Gunther Furtado

Saul Lima escreveu:
Como não tenho pen drive nunca tive esta dúvida, mas agora meu irmão 
pediu que eu formatasse seu pen drive aqui na minha máquina... Como 
posso formatá-lo em meu debian etch r1? tenho que dar um mkfs em qual 
dispositivo em dev?

Estou googleando, mas nenhuma resposta até agora

Se você ler a saída do dmesg logo após espetar o pendrive, descobrirá 
qual /dev corresponde ao seu dispositivo.

Outra idéia é instalar o gparted ou similar.


Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - PR - Brasil

Re: Formatar Pen Drive no debian etch........

2007-12-01 Thread marcellobm
Olá Saul,
normalmente eu vejo ser reconhecido como /dev/sdX. Você pode conferir 
no /var/log/messages:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/log# tail -n 20 messages
Dec  1 21:57:25 marcellobm kernel: [43903.926784] usb 1-5: new high speed USB 
device using ehci_hcd and address 3
Dec  1 21:57:25 marcellobm kernel: [43904.043325] usb 1-5: configuration #1 
chosen from 1 choice
Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43904.892732] usbcore: registered new 
interface driver libusual
Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43904.955343] Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE 
driver Revision: 7.00alpha2
Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43904.955352] ide: Assuming 33MHz system 
bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43905.017857] Initializing USB Mass Storage 
Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43905.019635] scsi2 : SCSI emulation for 
USB Mass Storage devices
Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43905.021500] usbcore: registered new 
interface driver usb-storage
Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43905.021507] USB Mass Storage support 
Dec  1 21:57:31 marcellobm kernel: [43910.019553] scsi 2:0:0:0: Direct-Access   
  Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 PMAP PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS
Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.261446] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] 4030464 
512-byte hardware sectors (2064 MB)
Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.262318] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Write 
Protect is off
Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.264814] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] 4030464 
512-byte hardware sectors (2064 MB)
Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.265563] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Write 
Protect is off
Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.265577]  sdb: sdb1
Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.266768] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached 
SCSI removable disk
Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.266813] sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi 
generic sg2 type 0

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/log# mount
/dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type vfat 

Depois disso, eh só: mkfs.vfat /dev/qualquer_coisa

On Sat, 1 Dec 2007 20:51:45 -0300
Saul Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Como não tenho pen drive nunca tive esta dúvida, mas agora meu irmão pediu
 que eu formatasse seu pen drive aqui na minha máquina... Como posso
 formatá-lo em meu debian etch r1? tenho que dar um mkfs em qual dispositivo
 em dev?
 Estou googleando, mas nenhuma resposta até agora

Marcello Barreto de Medeiros
  Network Admin/Programmer
  +55 84 3231 4617 [Office]
  +55 84 9914 3254 [Mobile]
  Linconet Brasil

Re: Formatar Pen Drive no debian etch........

2007-12-01 Thread Saul Lima
Desculpe marcelo... o velho problema de clicar em responder o gmail mandar
para o último que escreveu a mensagem

2007/12/1, marcellobm [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Olá Saul,
 normalmente eu vejo ser reconhecido como /dev/sdX. Você pode
 conferir no /var/log/messages:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/log# tail -n 20 messages
 Dec  1 21:57:25 marcellobm kernel: [43903.926784] usb 1-5: new high speed
 USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3
 Dec  1 21:57:25 marcellobm kernel: [43904.043325] usb 1-5: configuration
 #1 chosen from 1 choice
 Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43904.892732] usbcore: registered new
 interface driver libusual
 Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43904.955343] Uniform Multi-Platform
 E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2
 Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43904.955352] ide: Assuming 33MHz
 system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
 Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43905.017857] Initializing USB Mass
 Storage driver...
 Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43905.019635] scsi2 : SCSI emulation
 for USB Mass Storage devices
 Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43905.021500] usbcore: registered new
 interface driver usb-storage
 Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43905.021507] USB Mass Storage support
 Dec  1 21:57:31 marcellobm kernel: [43910.019553] scsi 2:0:0:0:
 Direct-Access Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 PMAP PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS
 Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.261446] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb]
 4030464 512-byte hardware sectors (2064 MB)
 Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.262318] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Write
 Protect is off
 Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.264814] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb]
 4030464 512-byte hardware sectors (2064 MB)
 Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.265563] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb] Write
 Protect is off
 Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.265577]  sdb: sdb1
 Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.266768] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb]
 Attached SCSI removable disk
 Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.266813] sd 2:0:0:0: Attached
 scsi generic sg2 type 0

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/log# mount
 /dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type vfat

 Depois disso, eh só: mkfs.vfat /dev/qualquer_coisa

 On Sat, 1 Dec 2007 20:51:45 -0300
 Saul Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Como não tenho pen drive nunca tive esta dúvida, mas agora meu irmão
  que eu formatasse seu pen drive aqui na minha máquina... Como posso
  formatá-lo em meu debian etch r1? tenho que dar um mkfs em qual
  em dev?
  Estou googleando, mas nenhuma resposta até agora

 Marcello Barreto de Medeiros
   Network Admin/Programmer
   +55 84 3231 4617 [Office]
   +55 84 9914 3254 [Mobile]
   Linconet Brasil

Re: Formatar Pen Drive no debian etch........

2007-12-01 Thread Saul Lima
prontinho... instalei o dosfstools e tudo certo... o gparted deu conta do

2007/12/1, Saul Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Desculpe marcelo... o velho problema de clicar em responder o gmail mandar
 para o último que escreveu a mensagem

 2007/12/1, marcellobm [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
  Olá Saul,
  normalmente eu vejo ser reconhecido como /dev/sdX. Você pode
  conferir no /var/log/messages:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/log# tail -n 20 messages
  Dec  1 21:57:25 marcellobm kernel: [43903.926784] usb 1-5: new high
  speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3
  Dec  1 21:57:25 marcellobm kernel: [43904.043325 ] usb 1-5:
  configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
  Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43904.892732] usbcore: registered
  new interface driver libusual
  Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43904.955343] Uniform Multi-Platform
  E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2
  Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43904.955352] ide: Assuming 33MHz
  system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
  Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43905.017857] Initializing USB Mass
  Storage driver...
  Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43905.019635] scsi2 : SCSI emulation
  for USB Mass Storage devices
  Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [43905.021500] usbcore: registered
  new interface driver usb-storage
  Dec  1 21:57:26 marcellobm kernel: [ 43905.021507] USB Mass Storage
  support registered.
  Dec  1 21:57:31 marcellobm kernel: [43910.019553] scsi 2:0:0:0:
  Direct-Access Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 PMAP PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS
  Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [ 43910.261446] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb]
  4030464 512-byte hardware sectors (2064 MB)
  Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.262318] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb]
  Write Protect is off
  Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.264814] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb]
  4030464 512-byte hardware sectors (2064 MB)
  Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.265563] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb]
  Write Protect is off
  Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.265577]  sdb: sdb1
  Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.266768] sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb]
  Attached SCSI removable disk
  Dec  1 21:57:32 marcellobm kernel: [43910.266813] sd 2:0:0:0: Attached
  scsi generic sg2 type 0
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/log# mount
  /dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type vfat
  Depois disso, eh só: mkfs.vfat /dev/qualquer_coisa
  On Sat, 1 Dec 2007 20:51:45 -0300
  Saul Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   Como não tenho pen drive nunca tive esta dúvida, mas agora meu irmão
   que eu formatasse seu pen drive aqui na minha máquina... Como posso
   formatá-lo em meu debian etch r1? tenho que dar um mkfs em qual
   em dev?
   Estou googleando, mas nenhuma resposta até agora
  Marcello Barreto de Medeiros
Network Admin/Programmer
+55 84 3231 4617 [Office]
+55 84 9914 3254 [Mobile]
Linconet Brasil

Como definir uma placa de rede como rota padrão na inicialização?

2007-12-01 Thread Saul Lima
Gostaria de saber como definir uma placa de rede como padrão na
inicialização do sistema Eu sempre coloco um route add default eth0 no
/etc/resolv.conf, ma sei que esta não é a melhor forma de fazer isso...

Re: random keystrokes ignored on console

2007-12-01 Thread Gabriel Parrondo
El vie, 30-11-2007 a las 17:16 -0600, Owen Heisler escribió:
 On Thu, 2007.11.29 22:39, Owen Heisler wrote:
  On Thu, 2007.11.29 21:32, Owen Heisler wrote:
   Sometimes, when I type in the console, about 40% of the keystrokes are 
   If I type (for example) startx and hit enter, I'll see sart or 
   somesuch and 
   the command fails.  In that same case, typing sttartxx and enter 
   would have worked, with startx being run.  The enter key is also 
   affected, so 
   maybe I'd have had to hit it twice.  This is frustrating, obviously.  This
- does not seem to be related to system temperature,
- does not happen in X,
- doesn't seem to be happening consistently,
- and affects logging in (username  password) too.
  I fixed this by upgrading dbus from 1.0.2-1 to 1.1.1-3.
 Actually, this didn't fix the problem.  After the system is booted, there are 
 three dbus processes running: two 'dbus-daemon' and one 'dbus-launch'.  
 the 'dbus-launch' process fixes the problem (until the next reboot, of 

dbus-launch is used to launch a program within a session bus instance.
Try checking the init scripts to see what program is being run, that
program may be the cause of the problem and not dbus itself.

Gabriel Parrondo
GNU/Linux User #404138
GnuPG Public Key ID: BED7BF43

The only difference between theory and practice is that, in theory, there's no 
difference between theory and practice.

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente

Gnome desktop and digital camera: How?

2007-12-01 Thread Dan H

whenever I plug in my digital camera (Canon S50), a window pops up on the Gnome 
desktop asking me if I wanted to download the photos to my personal album. Once 
I clicked yes, something seemed to happen, but I've got no idea what or where 
my personal album might be (a find on JPG images in my $HOME dir didn't 
turn up anything).

I also couldn't access the camera via gtkam; I got the message that the device 
was in use, presumably by the saving-into-nirvana feature of the personal 
album thingy.

So the next time (after rebooting, even) I clicked Ignore on the album-saving 
window, but gtkam still claims that it can't get hold of the camera (although 
the camera is correctly identified).

I can't get my head around all this graphical desktop stuff. I'm actually 
trying to fix this for my wife. Myself I just yank the photos off the camera 
with a command-line utility as root.

Hints, anyone?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: what's wrong with real.com? I can't download reaplayer for Linux

2007-12-01 Thread Serena Cantor
You can go to:


and click download link there to see if there's problem.

--- Ron Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 On 11/30/07 22:55, Serena Cantor wrote:
  I follow links at real.com,
  No matter how hard I try, I can't download it.
 You're probably frustrated and aggrivated.  I would be too.
 But we can't assist you without more details.
 - --
 Ron Johnson, Jr.
 Jefferson LA  USA
 %SYSTEM-F-FISH, my hovercraft is full of eels
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


Get easy, one-click access to your favorites. 
Make Yahoo! your homepage.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Gnome desktop and digital camera: How?

2007-12-01 Thread Gabriel Parrondo
El sáb, 01-12-2007 a las 10:40 +0100, Dan H escribió:
 whenever I plug in my digital camera (Canon S50), a window pops up on the 
 Gnome desktop asking me if I wanted to download the photos to my personal 
 album. Once I clicked yes, something seemed to happen, but I've got no idea 
 what or where my personal album might be (a find on JPG images in my 
 $HOME dir didn't turn up anything).
 I also couldn't access the camera via gtkam; I got the message that the 
 device was in use, presumably by the saving-into-nirvana feature of the 
 personal album thingy.
 So the next time (after rebooting, even) I clicked Ignore on the 
 album-saving window, but gtkam still claims that it can't get hold of the 
 camera (although the camera is correctly identified).
 I can't get my head around all this graphical desktop stuff. I'm actually 
 trying to fix this for my wife. Myself I just yank the photos off the camera 
 with a command-line utility as root.

I think the popup is managed by gnome-volume-manager. Try disabling its
digital camera functions, or disabling it completely and see if you
still have problems with gtkam.

On the other hand, the program executed by gnome-volume-manager is
gnome-volume-manager-gthumb which in fact asks for a destination for the
pictures (in lenny).

Gabriel Parrondo
GNU/Linux User #404138
GnuPG Public Key ID: BED7BF43

The only difference between theory and practice is that, in theory, there's no 
difference between theory and practice.

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente

Re: Firestarter

2007-12-01 Thread Darko

Patter wrote:

On Fri, 30 Nov 2007 15:50:11 +0100, Michael Pobega wrote:

On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 08:30:46AM +, Darko wrote:

I deinstaled gnome and now I can't start firestarter is exsist a way to
run it under KDE


apt-get install --reinstall firestarter

You normally don't need --reinstall, that causes the package to be fully
removed before reinstallation.


I did and i cant start it  from default user and after su it says:
(firestarter:) gtk warning canot open display

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Firestarter

2007-12-01 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Sat December 1 2007, Darko wrote:
  You normally don't need --reinstall, that causes the package to be fully
  removed before reinstallation.

 I did and i cant start it  from default user and after su it says:
 (firestarter:) gtk warning canot open display

try going to the start menu-Debian-applications-network-monitoring-firestarter

I got your same error when I try it from a konsole, but it works from the menu

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

Installing xfce on existing Etch gnome install

2007-12-01 Thread Andrew Henry
Is this easy to do?  Is it as simple as installing an xfce meta package
and then selecting xfce as the desktop when logging in?  I've never
tried using multiple desktop environments before and wonder if there any
caveats I need to be aware of.


Fingerprint:  FDF3 91FC F5BC 1164 E217  315E 337E 219B ECB1 8ABA

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: dmcrypt on an existing partition (firewire external disk)

2007-12-01 Thread Andrew Henry
Andrew Sackville-West wrote:

 nice guide. it was definitely part of my list of open tabs when I was
 setting up my encrypted laptop. He's got some other good ones there as

Somethings broken :(

I followed the guide to the letter, and it all seemed to work
wonderfully.  Then the pain began when I started to move my files back
to the encrypted volume.  What a performance killer!  It's eating 90%
CPU and it takes *forever*, because it keeps 'hanging'.  If I switch
focus to another window, then kcryptd/0 and kjournald stop working (they
are the processes taking 90%).  If I shut laptop lid (set to blank
screen) then they stop working.  If the screensaver activates, then they
stop working.  When they stop (zero percent CPU) then the disk activity
stops as well.

When I run scp from a ethernet attached laptop then scp says:

ubuntu-7.10-alternate-amd64.iso   86%  684MB   2.9MB/s  

and as you can see by the transfer rate, it is nowhere near the 11MB/s I
was getting consistently before encrypting.

Is this normal write performance?  Can the terminal loses focus: copy
suspends behaviour be fixed?  I have not tested read performance yet,
but I expect and hope that it will be more normal.


Fingerprint:  FDF3 91FC F5BC 1164 E217  315E 337E 219B ECB1 8ABA

Fingerprint:  FDF3 91FC F5BC 1164 E217  315E 337E 219B ECB1 8ABA

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Firestarter

2007-12-01 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sat, Dec 01, 2007 at 10:37:15 +, Darko wrote:
 Patter wrote:

 On Fri, 30 Nov 2007 15:50:11 +0100, Michael Pobega wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 08:30:46AM +, Darko wrote:
 I deinstaled gnome and now I can't start firestarter is exsist a way to
 run it under KDE

 apt-get install --reinstall firestarter

 You normally don't need --reinstall, that causes the package to be fully
 removed before reinstallation.

 I did and i cant start it  from default user and after su it says:
 (firestarter:) gtk warning canot open display

apt-cache show sux

(You need to transfer your default user's X credentials to root; sux
 does that automatically for you.) 

Regards,| http://users.icfo.es/Florian.Kulzer
  Florian   |

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Firestarter

2007-12-01 Thread Darko

Paul Cartwright wrote:

On Sat December 1 2007, Darko wrote:

You normally don't need --reinstall, that causes the package to be fully
removed before reinstallation.


I did and i cant start it  from default user and after su it says:
(firestarter:) gtk warning canot open display

try going to the start menu-Debian-applications-network-monitoring-firestarter

I got your same error when I try it from a konsole, but it works from the menu
But where from the menu i can't find it on my kde if i try from 
/usr/sbin/  then it tells me that I have mut be a root

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Installing xfce on existing Etch gnome install

2007-12-01 Thread andy

Andrew Henry wrote:

Is this easy to do?  Is it as simple as installing an xfce meta package
and then selecting xfce as the desktop when logging in?  I've never
tried using multiple desktop environments before and wonder if there any
caveats I need to be aware of.



Yep, that was my experience. Just apt-get install xfce* (do a search for 
the components first) and apt will do the rest. Logout and log back in 
selecting Xfce. Viola!




If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the 
answers. - Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Firestarter

2007-12-01 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Sat December 1 2007, Darko wrote:
  try going to the start
  I got your same error when I try it from a konsole, but it works from the

 But where from the menu i can't find it on my kde if i try from
 /usr/sbin/  then it tells me that I have mut be a root

I just showed you the menu:
Kmenu - Debian - Applications - Network - Monitoring - FIRESTARTER

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

emacs22 black text on white bg from menu but white text on black bg from console

2007-12-01 Thread Micha Feigin
I have a strange setup issue.

I removed my emacs settings to redo them so now there are no theme commands
(clean .emacs). Now, when I open emacs from the menus or file manager (thunar)
it comes up in a dark text on light background theme (not very readable with
the match of fonts and colors), and when I open it from rxvt (or any other
console) it comes up in light text on dark background (much better for my

What is the difference, and how do I make one of them my default instead of
getting different behaviour?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Installing xfce on existing Etch gnome install

2007-12-01 Thread Micha Feigin
No issues, they have no problem existing in parallel, I've seem machines with
xfce, gnome, kde, fvwm and a few others in parallel. I personally switch window
managers occasionally just for the fun of the change and have several existing
in parallel.

The only thing that may take some work is making the choice of which one to
load easy enough (I setup things in .Xsession but I think gdm can do it from
the startup menu). The only thing is that xfwm4 doesn't have a replace option
so it's a bit more difficult to change window managers without restarting
unless your session manager has a menu option (fusion-icon allows me to change
betwin compiz and xfwm4 but if I start compiz --replace I have a problem going
back without restart)

I believe that xfce can also use the gnome backend for settings and you can mix
and match the panel and window manager. The xfce panel can even use gnome
applets (with a plugin to do it)

 On Sat, 01 Dec 2007 12:49:19 +0100
Andrew Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is this easy to do?  Is it as simple as installing an xfce meta package
 and then selecting xfce as the desktop when logging in?  I've never
 tried using multiple desktop environments before and wonder if there any
 caveats I need to be aware of.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: vi issue in etch

2007-12-01 Thread Thomas Dickey
Joseph L. Casale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While you are at it, consider using vim instead of vi unless you have a good 
 reason not to do so.

this statement leads naturally into the next:

 Well, therein lies my lack of experience! I didn't even know there was a 
 difference, vim is what I meant to use but didn't know I wasn't, hence the 
 apt-get install vim made it all good! :)

(people lacking experience tend to make blanket judgements/recommendations).


Thomas E. Dickey

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: apache2 freezes @sarge

2007-12-01 Thread Shams Fantar

Miro Dietiker wrote:

Hi list

I trapped into an apache2 freeze thing (debian sarge, apache2 

After certain time (from few minutes to many hours) apache simply 
Freeze meaning here: Processes still present but no processing time on 
them. Each request is not responded but queued (showing status bar 
till timeout).

When i restart apache2 anything is fine again - at least for some 

Trying to trace it down to some buggy script execution i checked logs 
and found nothing similar between those events.
This is a live installation and we're suffering... System load at ~1.0 
.. 2.0
The issue started at one specific day, where we didn't change anything 
by intention. Replacing the whole hardware also didn't help.

Is there someone to show me ways to debug this issue or any idea?! 
(Personal contacts also apreciated.)

I'm happy to hear any input about this one.

Did you look on the BTS[1] ? Maybe, it's a bug, even if I'm not convinced.

[1] : http://bugs.debian.org


Shams Fantar (Website : http://snurf.info)

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Re: Gnome desktop and digital camera: How?

2007-12-01 Thread Dan H
On Sat, 01 Dec 2007 07:27:40 -0300
Gabriel Parrondo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On the other hand, the program executed by gnome-volume-manager is
 gnome-volume-manager-gthumb which in fact asks for a destination
 for the pictures (in lenny).

In etch it doesn't. It just goes away after a while but thankfully doesn't 
delete stuff from the camera.


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server login with SSH

2007-12-01 Thread phillinux
I set-up a plain vanilla, samba (intranet) server for a computer lab 
in my school. I've done this before with SuSE and have switched to 
Debian Net install.

I have the kids SSH into their accounts to change their samba 
passwords but the connection is now being refused by the server. 
there is no problem accessing home folders.  I checked the 
/etc/services file and port 22 seems to be open (not commented 
out).  What should I check next?

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Re: emacs22 black text on white bg from menu but white text on black bg from console

2007-12-01 Thread Gabriel Parrondo
El sáb, 01-12-2007 a las 14:55 +0200, Micha Feigin escribió:
 I have a strange setup issue.
 I removed my emacs settings to redo them so now there are no theme commands
 (clean .emacs). Now, when I open emacs from the menus or file manager (thunar)
 it comes up in a dark text on light background theme (not very readable with
 the match of fonts and colors), and when I open it from rxvt (or any other
 console) it comes up in light text on dark background (much better for my
 What is the difference, and how do I make one of them my default instead of
 getting different behaviour?

By default, the X version of emacs uses black text in a white background
and the console version uses white text in a black background (I don't
what does it do if the console background is white).

When you run it from a menu or from the file manager, you're probably
running the X version. You can either install emacs22-nox to get rid of
the X version or you can read through 'info emacs' and find out what X
resources you need to touch in order to get the color combination you
want (I remember Emacs.background being for background, but don't know
about text).

Gabriel Parrondo
GNU/Linux User #404138
GnuPG Public Key ID: BED7BF43

The only difference between theory and practice is that, in theory, there's no 
difference between theory and practice.

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente

Re: emacs22 black text on white bg from menu but white text on black bg from console

2007-12-01 Thread Tom Rauchenwald
Micha Feigin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have a strange setup issue.

 I removed my emacs settings to redo them so now there are no theme commands
 (clean .emacs). Now, when I open emacs from the menus or file manager (thunar)
 it comes up in a dark text on light background theme (not very readable with
 the match of fonts and colors), and when I open it from rxvt (or any other
 console) it comes up in light text on dark background (much better for my

 What is the difference, and how do I make one of them my default instead of
 getting different behaviour?

I'm not sure why it is different, but i think I can tell you how to
change the default behaviour.

I have the following in my ~/.Xresources:

Emacs.foreground: white
Emacs.background: black

You need to restart X or do a xrdb .Xresources in a Terminal for changes
to take effect, but then you should be set.


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Re: server login with SSH

2007-12-01 Thread Jose Luis Rivas Contreras
phillinux wrote:
 I set-up a plain vanilla, samba (intranet) server for a computer lab in
 my school. I've done this before with SuSE and have switched to Debian
 Net install.
 I have the kids SSH into their accounts to change their samba passwords
 but the connection is now being refused by the server. there is no
 problem accessing home folders.  I checked the /etc/services file and
 port 22 seems to be open (not commented out).  What should I check next?
Check if is up sshd, you could test restarting it as well, normally when
a connection get refused is because there's no service to take the request.


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Re: server login with SSH

2007-12-01 Thread Kent West

phillinux wrote:
I set-up a plain vanilla, samba (intranet) server for a computer lab 
in my school. I've done this before with SuSE and have switched to 
Debian Net install.

I have the kids SSH into their accounts to change their samba 
passwords but the connection is now being refused by the server. there 
is no problem accessing home folders.  I checked the /etc/services 
file and port 22 seems to be open (not commented out).  What should I 
check next?

I'm unclear what the problem is. Are they having trouble ssh'ing in? If 
so, what do you mean by them not having problem accessing home folders? 
If not, what do you mean by the connection being refused?


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Re: Gnome desktop and digital camera: How?

2007-12-01 Thread Nyizsnyik Ferenc
On Sat, 01 Dec 2007 07:27:40 -0300
Gabriel Parrondo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 El sáb, 01-12-2007 a las 10:40 +0100, Dan H escribió:
  whenever I plug in my digital camera (Canon S50), a window pops up
  on the Gnome desktop asking me if I wanted to download the photos
  to my personal album. Once I clicked yes, something seemed to
  happen, but I've got no idea what or where my personal album
  might be (a find on JPG images in my $HOME dir didn't turn up
  I also couldn't access the camera via gtkam; I got the message that
  the device was in use, presumably by the saving-into-nirvana
  feature of the personal album thingy.
  So the next time (after rebooting, even) I clicked Ignore on the
  album-saving window, but gtkam still claims that it can't get hold
  of the camera (although the camera is correctly identified).
  I can't get my head around all this graphical desktop stuff. I'm
  actually trying to fix this for my wife. Myself I just yank the
  photos off the camera with a command-line utility as root.
 I think the popup is managed by gnome-volume-manager. Try disabling
 its digital camera functions, or disabling it completely and see if
 you still have problems with gtkam.
 On the other hand, the program executed by gnome-volume-manager is
 gnome-volume-manager-gthumb which in fact asks for a destination for
 the pictures (in lenny).

What if the program executed is changed to gtkam?


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Mounting a USB Mass Storage Device

2007-12-01 Thread Samuel Bächler

Hi Everyone

Does anyone know what is going wrong on my system or
what I am doing wrong or else?

To mount a memory stick I do:

# mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb
# ls /mnt/usb
System Volume Information

So, I can't see what's on the stick but some other stuff.

Thank's for your inputs.


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Re: dmcrypt on an existing partition (firewire external disk)

2007-12-01 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
this belongs on the list...

On Sat, Dec 01, 2007 at 12:47:05PM +0100, Andrew Henry wrote:
 Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
  nice guide. it was definitely part of my list of open tabs when I was
  setting up my encrypted laptop. He's got some other good ones there as

 Somethings broken :(


 I followed the guide to the letter, and it all seemed to work
 wonderfully.  Then the pain began when I started to move my files back
 to the encrypted volume.  What a performance killer!  It's eating 90%
 CPU and it takes *forever*, because it keeps 'hanging'.  If I switch
 focus to another window, then kcryptd/0 and kjournald stop working (they
 are the processes taking 90%).  If I shut laptop lid (set to blank
 screen) then they stop working.  If the screensaver activates, then they
 stop working.  When they stop (zero percent CPU) then the disk activity
 stops as well.

I've not seen this and my whole laptop is encrypted. 

 When I run scp from a ethernet attached laptop then scp says:
 ubuntu-7.10-alternate-amd64.iso   86%  684MB   2.9MB/s  
 and as you can see by the transfer rate, it is nowhere near the 11MB/s I
 was getting consistently before encrypting.
 Is this normal write performance? 

I honestly don't know. There *has* to be some performance hit because
the data gets mangled before hitting the disk. I don't *notice* any
performance hit on my laptop. I'm not in a position at the moment to
compare in the same way as you, but I did capture some speeds during
my setup. When I was wiping the encrypted partition during setup, I
got between 26 and 36 MB/s writing depending on where on the disk I
was. So I'd say what you're seeing is not typical. Note that I'm on a
pretty new laptop with halfway decent specs.

 Can the terminal loses focus: copy
 suspends behaviour be fixed?  I have not tested read performance yet,
 but I expect and hope that it will be more normal.

I would say you've got something messed up there. Just a quick
run-down of what I've done:

1. modprobe dm_crypt sha256 aes_i586. confirmed it worked by ls -l
2. create the encrypted partition: cryptsetup -c aes-cbc-essiv:sha256
   -y luksFormat /dev/encrypted-part
3. map it to a /dev/mapper/volume: cryptsetup luksOpen
   /dev/encrypted-part crypt-part
4. create a filesystem on /dev/mapper/crypt-part and away you go.

this is all on sid, BTW.



Description: Digital signature

Can't to install postgresql-7.4 server on Etch

2007-12-01 Thread Paul Csanyi

On my Debian Etch server I can't to install postgresql-7.4 server.

I get the error message:
Setting up postgresql-7.4 (7.4.17-0etch1) ...
Starting PostgreSQL 7.4 database server: main* pg_controldata: could
not open file /var/lib/postgresql/7.4/main/global/pg_control for
reading: No such file or directory
Error: Could not parse locale out of pg_controldata output
invoke-rc.d: initscript postgresql-7.4, action start failed.
dpkg: error processing postgresql-7.4 (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:
Setting up postgresql-7.4 (7.4.17-0etch1) ...
Starting PostgreSQL 7.4 database server: main* pg_controldata: could
not open file /var/lib/postgresql/7.4/main/global/pg_control for
reading: No such file or directory
Error: Could not parse locale out of pg_controldata output
invoke-rc.d: initscript postgresql-7.4, action start failed.
dpkg: error processing postgresql-7.4 (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

I try to search the solution with Google but find not any hint.

Any advices will be appreciated!

Regards, Paul Csanyi

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Re: Recommend good notes/calendar plugin/client/suites ?

2007-12-01 Thread Ralph Katz
On 12/01/2007 10:38 AM, Michael Yang wrote:
 Thanks for info!
 After a round of search in the package list, I got gdeskcal and
 xfce4-notes-plugin to manage my schedules.
 gdeskcal is configurable and the event can be shown when mouse is
 moved over the specified date.
 orage is good, but seems it has to double click the date entry to view
 the event.

I use xpad for nifty, yellow sticky notes.  No need for xfce, gnome, nor
kde overhead items.


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Fwd: Re: server login with SSH

2007-12-01 Thread phillinux

Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2007 11:00:57 -0500
From: phillinux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: server login with SSH

At 10:14 AM 12/1/2007, you wrote:

phillinux wrote:
I set-up a plain vanilla, samba (intranet) server for a computer 
lab in my school. I've done this before with SuSE and have 
switched to Debian Net install.

I have the kids SSH into their accounts to change their samba 
passwords but the connection is now being refused by the server. 
there is no problem accessing home folders.  I checked the 
/etc/services file and port 22 seems to be open (not commented 
out).  What should I check next?

I'm unclear what the problem is. Are they having trouble ssh'ing 
in? If so, what do you mean by them not having problem accessing 
home folders? If not, what do you mean by the connection being refused?


When students are on the windows client they can find the samba 
server in My Network Places and log into the sambe server,  putting 
them in a window showing their home folder (I set up accounts for 
them on the server) and the samba shared resources.  This works fine.

I have put putty (an open source telnet/ssh program) in a shared 
folder on the server.  when they open putty and enter the IP of the 
server, putty comes back with a message Connection refused by 
server.  This system worked on my SuSE servers without any problems, 
right after an install.  I will check if I have sshd running on the 
server as another posting suggests


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Re: Recommend good notes/calendar plugin/client/suites ?

2007-12-01 Thread Michael Yang

Thanks for info!

After a round of search in the package list, I got gdeskcal and 
xfce4-notes-plugin to manage my schedules.
gdeskcal is configurable and the event can be shown when mouse is 
moved over the specified date.
orage is good, but seems it has to double click the date entry to view 
the event.

One more questions, I found one package named 
opensync-plugin-google-calendar, as the name says, how to take use of 
this plugin to work with Google Calendar?


David wrote:

David wrote:

Michael Yang wrote:

Hi All:

I'm on the lenny/sid, with xfce4 desktop.
I'd like have some useful plugins for my desktop, to write sticky 
notes, to schedule calendar events and TODO tasks. It could be 
always displayed on the screen and better to have option of auto-hide.

What are you recommendations?

If you look through the xfce listings in the aptitude interface, I 
seem to remember a sticky notes app.

It's not specifically under xfce, but it's called 'rhinotes'.
Do a search through the Debian package facility.

For the rest, Sunbird does all that.

And 'orage' is an xfce specific calender app.

How hard to you try to search for these?
I almost fell over them.



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Re: Mounting a USB Mass Storage Device

2007-12-01 Thread Robert Jerrard

On Sat, 2007-12-01 at 16:26 +0100, Samuel Bächler wrote:
 Hi Everyone
 Does anyone know what is going wrong on my system or
 what I am doing wrong or else?
 To mount a memory stick I do:
 # mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb
 # ls /mnt/usb
 System Volume Information
 So, I can't see what's on the stick but some other stuff.

Hi Sam, what other stuff do you expect to see? 

Is the listing given actually on the stick or do you know it is not?

With the stick unmounted what does ls /mnt/usb give you?

More information is needed.

Regards, Bob

Dr. Robert J. Jerrard, Professor of Mathematics,
Concordia University College of Alberta,
7128 Ada Blvd., Edmonton, Alberta, T5B 4E4, Canada.
Phone: (780) 479-9291, Fax: (780) 474-1933.

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Re: what's wrong with real.com? I can't download reaplayer for Linux

2007-12-01 Thread Ron Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On 12/01/07 04:03, Serena Cantor wrote:
 You can go to:
 and click download link there to see if there's problem.

It works on Saturday at 10:30AM CST.

I was having problems last night for a few hourse accessing
oracle.com.  Maybe the two are related?

 --- Ron Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 11/30/07 22:55, Serena Cantor wrote:
 I follow links at real.com,
 No matter how hard I try, I can't download it.
 You're probably frustrated and aggrivated.  I would be too.
 But we can't assist you without more details.

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

%SYSTEM-F-FISH, my hovercraft is full of eels
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Mounting a USB Mass Storage Device

2007-12-01 Thread Ron Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On 12/01/07 09:26, Samuel Bächler wrote:
 Hi Everyone
 Does anyone know what is going wrong on my system or
 what I am doing wrong or else?
 To mount a memory stick I do:
 # mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb
 # ls /mnt/usb
 System Volume Information
 So, I can't see what's on the stick but some other stuff.
 Thank's for your inputs.

Is kernel module usb_storage loaded (or built into the kernel)?

What version of Debian are you running?

The real console, or a GUI?

What happens to syslog when you insert the memory stick?

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

%SYSTEM-F-FISH, my hovercraft is full of eels
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: server login with SSH

2007-12-01 Thread Shams Fantar

phillinux wrote:
I set-up a plain vanilla, samba (intranet) server for a computer lab 
in my school. I've done this before with SuSE and have switched to 
Debian Net install.

I have the kids SSH into their accounts to change their samba 
passwords but the connection is now being refused by the server. there 
is no problem accessing home folders.  I checked the /etc/services 
file and port 22 seems to be open (not commented out).  What should I 
check next?

What's the ssh error message ?


Shams Fantar (Website : http://snurf.info)

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Re: Recommend good notes/calendar plugin/client/suites ?

2007-12-01 Thread Micha Feigin
On Sat, 01 Dec 2007 23:38:34 +0800
Michael Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for info!
 After a round of search in the package list, I got gdeskcal and 
 xfce4-notes-plugin to manage my schedules.
 gdeskcal is configurable and the event can be shown when mouse is 
 moved over the specified date.
 orage is good, but seems it has to double click the date entry to view 
 the event.
 One more questions, I found one package named 
 opensync-plugin-google-calendar, as the name says, how to take use of 
 this plugin to work with Google Calendar?

you need opensync and then you can setup opensync to sync against it. It is a
framework to sync a bunch of calendar/todo/contact programs (mostly useful to
sync against palms/phones)

 David wrote:
  David wrote:
  Michael Yang wrote:
  Hi All:
  I'm on the lenny/sid, with xfce4 desktop.
  I'd like have some useful plugins for my desktop, to write sticky 
  notes, to schedule calendar events and TODO tasks. It could be 
  always displayed on the screen and better to have option of auto-hide.
  What are you recommendations?
  If you look through the xfce listings in the aptitude interface, I 
  seem to remember a sticky notes app.
  It's not specifically under xfce, but it's called 'rhinotes'.
  Do a search through the Debian package facility.
  For the rest, Sunbird does all that.
  And 'orage' is an xfce specific calender app.
  How hard to you try to search for these?
  I almost fell over them.

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Re: Mounting a USB Mass Storage Device

2007-12-01 Thread Raj Kiran Grandhi

Samuel Bächler wrote:

Hi Everyone

Does anyone know what is going wrong on my system or
what I am doing wrong or else?

To mount a memory stick I do:

# mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb

Are you sure /dev/sda1 is your usb stick and not your primary hard disk? 
 Do a tail -f /var/log/syslog and then plugin your memory stick. That 
will give you some info as to what the actual device is.


Raj Kiran

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Re: perl Time::HiRes debian package?

2007-12-01 Thread Shams Fantar

Patter wrote:

On Fri, 30 Nov 2007 10:00:12 +0100, Mark Quitoriano wrote:

is there a deb package for perl Time::HiRes?

Its in the core perl package.


It doesn't exist a debian package for that module because perl modules 
are generally in the perl package. To use Time::HiRes, read the 
perldoc documentation[1].

[1] : http://perldoc.perl.org/Time/HiRes.html


Shams Fantar (Website : http://snurf.info)

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Re: server login with SSH

2007-12-01 Thread Jochen Schulz

 I set-up a plain vanilla, samba (intranet) server for a computer lab in my 
 school. I've done this before with SuSE and have switched to Debian Net 

If you have started with a minimal installation, you probably don't have
openssh-server installed.

 I have the kids SSH into their accounts to change their samba passwords but 
 the connection is now being refused by the server. there is no problem 
 accessing home folders.  I checked the /etc/services file and port 22 seems 
 to be open (not commented out).  What should I check next?

/etc/services is just a mapping from ports to service names. It isn't
used for packet filtering, it's just there for your convenience.

Driving behind lorries carrying hazardous chemicals makes me wish for a
simpler life.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Recommend good notes/calendar plugin/client/suites ?

2007-12-01 Thread Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
Michael Yang wrote:

 Hi All:
 I'm on the lenny/sid, with xfce4 desktop.
 I'd like have some useful plugins for my desktop, to write sticky notes,
 to schedule calendar events and TODO tasks. It could be always displayed
 on the screen and better to have option of auto-hide.
 What are you recommendations?

I use knotes (for sticky notes), korganizer (for scheduling calendar events
and TODO tasks). knotes comes with all the features you requested.

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

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mplayer vlc don't work, totem does

2007-12-01 Thread Paul Cartwright
I have a feeling that this issue is related to my not being able to install 
the NVIDIA driver. When I try to start either vlc or mplayer via the konsole 
I get this:
~$ vlc
VLC media player 0.8.6a Janus
Segmentation fault

and it crashes.
I think I have tried reinstalling both, with no success.. any clues or logs to 
look for?
Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800 

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Resolved [sort of]: wireless gets dhcp/gw, but route complains about gw

2007-12-01 Thread Kent West

Kent West wrote:

... using a D-Link DI-514 wireless router I
just bought.

The Debian laptop gets a DHCP address, but I can't ping anything
outside the laptop, not even the router.

After additional testing, I've decided the problem is that the router is 


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Re: Mounting a USB Mass Storage Device

2007-12-01 Thread Ron Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On 12/01/07 10:53, Raj Kiran Grandhi wrote:
 Samuel Bächler wrote:
 Hi Everyone

 Does anyone know what is going wrong on my system or
 what I am doing wrong or else?

 To mount a memory stick I do:

 # mount -t auto /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb
 Are you sure /dev/sda1 is your usb stick and not your primary hard disk?
  Do a tail -f /var/log/syslog and then plugin your memory stick. That
 will give you some info as to what the actual device is.

Since the drive letter of removable devices is subject to change,
I now use UUID values in /etc/fstab instead of /dev/sd??.  (Except
for /boot and /.)

# blkid /dev/sdXY
# vi /etc/fstab (Replace /dev/sdXY with UUID=long string)

Also, if you have hal installed, GNOME  KDE should automagically
handle removable devices for you.

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

%SYSTEM-F-FISH, my hovercraft is full of eels
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: increase space in /tmp

2007-12-01 Thread Daniel Burrows
On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 06:19:41AM -0800, Daniel Burrows [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
was heard to say:
   If k9copy reads an environment variable (usually TEMP or TMP) to find

  Sorry, my brain was in Windows-land.  Of course here we use TMPDIR.


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Re: increase space in /tmp [SOLVED]

2007-12-01 Thread Mark Neidorff
On Friday 30 November 2007 01:29 pm, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 05:45:35AM -0500, Mark Neidorff wrote:
  Is it possible to increase the space available in /tmp without doing the
  backup/repartition/reinstall/restore dance?
  I'm trying to backup a dvd using k9copy.  It wants to have about 8 gig
  free in the /tmp partition, but when I set the system up, I gave /tmp
  much less than that.

 It's been a while since I used k-9 copy (a few months at least) but
 I never needed that much space in /tmp. Poke around in the config
 dialogs looking for references to /tmp and change that.

 hm... it occurs to me that maybe you're trying to backup from one dvd
 to another? And that's causing k-9 copy to want to store the file
 temporarily, thus it uses /tmp. Why not just copy it directly to your
 harddrive and then perform the burn as a separate step. just a


Thanks.  I found the config option to change the directory used.  No more 

Also thanks to everyone else who answered.  I got a lot of useful tips from 
your replies.  Its great to have so many smart and well versed folks on this 


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ntfs-3g and latest Etch (stable)

2007-12-01 Thread Donald R. Sutter


Thanks!  Backports worked perfectly.  I have full access to my NTFS 
drives now.


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weird empty dir

2007-12-01 Thread user local
$ du -sh dir
$ cd dir
$ ls -altr
total 5236
drwxr-xr-x 6 user user 4096 2007-01-19 14:41 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 5345280 2007-12-01 11:12 .
$ cd
$ mkdir foo
$ ls -altr foo
drwxr-xr-x 72 user user 3800 2007-12-01 20:42 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 48 2007-12-01 20:42 .
$ du -sh foo

Weird or not?

Stan Păpușă

Re: weird empty dir

2007-12-01 Thread strawks
 $ du -sh dir
 $ cd dir
 $ ls -altr
 total 5236
 drwxr-xr-x 6 user user 4096 2007-01-19 14:41 ..
 drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 5345280 2007-12-01 11:12 .
 Weird or not?

This directory has probably contained a lot of files (more than 40),
making it that big (space for file list is allocated when needed but not
freed when files are deleted).


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Why ext3 doesn't need defragmentation ?

2007-12-01 Thread Rob Sims
On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 02:53:32PM -0800, Alvin Oga wrote:
  David Brodbeck wrote:
  On Nov 30, 2007, at 9:45 AM, Stefan Monnier wrote:
   No.  The NTFS file system does not need defragmentation.
 all file systems can use a defragmentor

...description of interleaving deleted...

 the defragmentor can be used to move sectors around to optimize
 reading the whole file w/o waiting for the next revolution

This is called interleaving, and has nothing to do with fragmentation.
Defragmentors do nothing about interleave.  If one were to interleave at
the filesystem level, performance would quickly get poor because of the
huge number of pointers to chunks of the file.

Interleaving is done at the hardware format level, and because the
controller is integrated with the media, is completely hidden from the
host.  Note that in a sequential read case, performance would be half or
worse for interleaved sectors, as you'd suffer through at least two
rotations to read each track.

   - how the defragmentor displays used and unused sectors
   can make a big difference in the pretty pic you see vs the
   actual performance

 what you see the defragmentor showing would be a continuously
 allocated file instead of scattered across various sectors
 within a track or having to move the heads to a different tract
 to get to the next 512byte

 there's only 512bytes per sector
 63 sectors per track
 and any number of cylinders depending on your disk size

I'll bet you can't find a hard drive made in the past decade with 63
sectors per track.  Hard drives have a number that varies with the
circumference of the track.  The 63 spt is an artificial construct for
backwards compatibility.

 lba ... 
 maps all the cylinder/heads/sector into other whacky numbers ( lba blocks )

A continuous range from 0 to (# sectors - 1) is whacky?  Compared to
using physical c/h/s numbers that bear no relation to reality?  


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NVIDIA and mplayer now working

2007-12-01 Thread Paul Cartwright
well, I started over again, blew away my xorg.conf and reran the 
when I rebooted I realized that it looks like they snuck another kernel update 
in on me:
~$ uname -a
Linux paulandcilla 2.6.22-3-686 #1 SMP Mon Nov 12 08:32:57 UTC 2007 i686 

running Debian testing.
NOW my NVIDIA driver is working again, and so is mplayer.
so it looks like the fact that the nvidia driver wasn't working also affected 
mplayer. When I was running on the nv driver, mplayer would give me a 
anyway, all is right with the world now, time to do a backup!!!

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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2007-12-01 Thread Tom Allison

how do you use apt-file?

I'm trying to use 'apt-file find pg_resetxlog' and it returns nothing

but this fails to:
which psql -- /usr/bin/psql

apt-file find psql  -- nothing

Well, I know something put that file there because I installed it using 

I *really* need to find that file, pg_resetxlog.

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Re: apt-file

2007-12-01 Thread Wu-Kung Sun
On Dec 1, 2007 2:21 PM, Tom Allison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 how do you use apt-file?

 I'm trying to use 'apt-file find pg_resetxlog' and it returns nothing

 but this fails to:
 which psql -- /usr/bin/psql

 apt-file find psql  -- nothing

 Well, I know something put that file there because I installed it using 

 I *really* need to find that file, pg_resetxlog.

apt-file update
apt-file search (filename)

If you're just trying to find a file on your system, use locate.

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Re: server login with SSH

2007-12-01 Thread Ken Irving
On Sat, Dec 01, 2007 at 09:49:55AM -0500, phillinux wrote:
 I set-up a plain vanilla, samba (intranet) server for a computer lab in my 
 school. I've done this before with SuSE and have switched to Debian Net 

 I have the kids SSH into their accounts to change their samba passwords but 
 the connection is now being refused by the server. there is no problem 
 accessing home folders.  I checked the /etc/services file and port 22 seems 
 to be open (not commented out).  What should I check next?

On some debian versions, not sure which, the default sshd needs an entry
for each user in /etc/ssh/sshd_config in the AllowUsers setting. 

Ken Irving, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://sourceforge.net/projects/thinobject/
Hi=~/lib/thinob/Try/Hi; mkdir -p $Hi; ln -s /usr/local/lib/thinob $Hi/^
hi=$(tob Try/Hi.tob hi); echo -e '#!/bin/sh\nshift\necho Hello $*!'$hi
chmod +x $hi; mkdir say; ln -s $Hi say/^; tob say.hi world

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Re: NVIDIA and mplayer now working

2007-12-01 Thread David Fox
On 12/1/07, Paul Cartwright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ~$ uname -a
 Linux paulandcilla 2.6.22-3-686 #1 SMP Mon Nov 12 08:32:57 UTC 2007 i686

Yeah, every time you update the kernel you have to redo the nvidia
driver for that kernel, it's a hassle, but not too terribly difficult
(I finally got it working with the nvidia in the 'sid' repository) but
I am still using the same kernel (2.6.22-2) that I was using before -
but I do dist-upgrades once a week or so. It should be that
dist-upgrade doesn't automatically upgrade the kernel, but that
depends on whether you install the numbered version explicitly vs. the
'generic' 2.6 package (linux-image-k7 or whatever), AIUI.

 running Debian testing.
 NOW my NVIDIA driver is working again, and so is mplayer.
 so it looks like the fact that the nvidia driver wasn't working also

Yeah, it's good to have the nvidia driver, but things should still
work even with the 'nv' driver. Other than being slower, I hadn't had
problems running vlc or mplayer. Sometimes -vo options help, such as
-vo X11 or other choices. One thing I never got to work right was the
-vo mga/xmga output driver when I had a Matrox G450 card (I gave it
away). That seems to have worked with Mandrake but I never got the mga
driver to work with Debian's mplayer.

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Re: server login with SSH

2007-12-01 Thread Bill Smith

Jochen Schulz wrote:

I set-up a plain vanilla, samba (intranet) server for a computer lab in my 
school. I've done this before with SuSE and have switched to Debian Net 

If you have started with a minimal installation, you probably don't have
openssh-server installed.
This is the case with a vanilla install as I have discovered myself 
recently, just install

the openssh-server and you will up and running

I have the kids SSH into their accounts to change their samba passwords but 
the connection is now being refused by the server. there is no problem 
accessing home folders.  I checked the /etc/services file and port 22 seems 
to be open (not commented out).  What should I check next?

/etc/services is just a mapping from ports to service names. It isn't
used for packet filtering, it's just there for your convenience.



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Re: what's wrong with real.com? I can't download reaplayer for Linux

2007-12-01 Thread Mark Grieveson
On Sat,  1 Dec 2007 13:18:32 + (UTC)

 I follow links at real.com,
 No matter how hard I try, I can't download it.

I would forget about the links at real.com, and instead, (assuming
you're using Etch), add deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org etch
main to your /etc/apt/sources.list file (either using synaptic to edit
your repositories, or, as root, use an editor such as gedit or nano).
Having done this, update, and then install realplayer.


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Re: NVIDIA and mplayer now working

2007-12-01 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Sat December 1 2007, David Fox wrote:
 Yeah, every time you update the kernel you have to redo the nvidia
 driver for that kernel, it's a hassle, but not too terribly difficult
 (I finally got it working with the nvidia in the 'sid' repository) but
 I am still using the same kernel (2.6.22-2) that I was using before -
 but I do dist-upgrades once a week or so. It should be that
 dist-upgrade doesn't automatically upgrade the kernel, but that
 depends on whether you install the numbered version explicitly vs. the
 'generic' 2.6 package (linux-image-k7 or whatever), AIUI.

it wasn't that it just did a kernel update, it was also broken on my box 
before that.  or maybe it was the kernel update ( again...)

  running Debian testing.
  NOW my NVIDIA driver is working again, and so is mplayer.
  so it looks like the fact that the nvidia driver wasn't working also

 Yeah, it's good to have the nvidia driver, but things should still
 work even with the 'nv' driver. Other than being slower, I hadn't had
 problems running vlc or mplayer. Sometimes -vo options help, such as
 -vo X11 or other choices. One thing I never got to work right was the
 -vo mga/xmga output driver when I had a Matrox G450 card (I gave it
 away). That seems to have worked with Mandrake but I never got the mga
 driver to work with Debian's mplayer.

yeah, I know I can change it to nv every time, but it IS much slower!!! 

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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Re: 3-D graphing software for Linux?

2007-12-01 Thread Oscar Blanco
Have a look on this website

This is scilab, designed in France. It is a numerical tool (and seldom
symbolic), so it means that was done for high computing capabilities.

After installing, you will have a command line as in any console;
there you can type the corresponding instruction (like MatLab, don't
know if you have seen it).

e.g.  2+3

In scilab, almost all is a matrix, or vector, so if you type
it mean that t is a 3 rows, 1 column vector, but if you type
with commas means t is a 1 row, 3 columns vector.
You can apply math equations to matrices. So
returns a vector F with values corresponding to sin for each element.

If you need to plot one against each other, just do
if you have 3 vectors (all same length), just do

Scilab is plenty of options, let us know if you need more help.

Kind regards,

Oscar Blanco

2007/11/25, Marcelo Chiapparini [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Thu, 2007-11-22 at 19:28 +0200, Micha Feigin wrote:
  On Thu, 22 Nov 2007 16:12:41 +0200
  Dotan Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On 22/11/2007, Hugo Vanwoerkom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dotan Cohen wrote:
 0In an advanced Calculus course, we are dealing with functions with
 (and more) variables. Is there any 3-D graphing software for Linux
 available? Something like Kalgebra, but with a bit more functions
 as multiple functions graphed at the same time, asymptote min max
 other significant points, zoom into 3-D graph, graph of derivative
 integral, etc.

 I have been directed to look at some math programming languages such
 as root, octave, and R, but I really need an application, not a
 language. This app will be used by others in my calculus course,
 people with no computer background, so these language solutions
 will not work for us. Thanks in advance for any advice.

You mean like this:
   Yes, programs such as Kalgebra produce graphs like that.
   Dotan Cohen
  Have a look at octave and scilab, there is also maxima for linear algebra
 but I
  don't know if it does graphs

 Axiom does 3d plottings of parametrized curves-surfaces. You can export
 the result to ps or xmap.


 Marcelo Chiapparini

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Oscar Blanco García
Ingeniero Electrónico - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Teléfono: Casa: +57 1 687 0019
  Celular: +57 3133890451
Carrera 123B # 131-66 Bloque 55 Apartamento 402
Bogotá, Colombia

cdrom not working after kernel update

2007-12-01 Thread tharanga Wijethilake
Hi all,
I am sort of new to deabian was using kernel 2.6.18 and recently compiled the 
kernel to get the mac80211 system for the wireless support. but after 
that when I boot from the new kernel (I have both kernels running) but the 
cdrom can not mounted for some reason. Then I reinstalled all the modules 
available in the menuconfig still no luck with it. I loaded the cdrom module by 
modprob it loads the module without any error yet the problem remains the same. 
I tried mount -a but it does not load it and gives an error.

I also chcked the /dev/ for cdrom it is not there when I boot the system with 
new kernel. but it is present when I compiled with the old kernels.

What can I do to get the cdrom working.

I am using a HP NW 8440 laptop.

Thank you in advance.


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Re: Firestarter

2007-12-01 Thread David

Darko wrote:

But where from the menu i can't find it on my kde

Install the package 'menu', then after any apt update/upgrade, type 
'update-menus' while still at the command line and firestarter is one of 
the many packages that conform to that requirement.

 if i try from

/usr/sbin/  then it tells me that I have mut be a root

Of course it does.
It will from the menu also.
What's the point in having a firewall that any user can configure?


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Re: what's wrong with real.com? I can't download reaplayer for Linux

2007-12-01 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Nov 30, 2007 8:55 PM, Serena Cantor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I follow links at real.com,
 No matter how hard I try, I can't download it.

In my opinion, even better than using the RealPlayer at
debian-multimedia, would be to get a recent mplayer,
ffmpeg and w32codecs from the same place. I have had
mplayer perform better than realplayer on problematic
realvideo files. I am not sure if mplayer was using an
ffmpeg version of the codecs or if it was using the
Windows DDLs and the player itself is simply better.
But it was definitely better.

Kelly Clowers

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volume mgmt w/o gnome

2007-12-01 Thread Mark Grieveson
Hello.  I use fluxbox most of the time.  But, when I plug in my hp315
photosmart camera, I rely upon gnome to find it, and automagically
mount it for me.  Is it possible to completely remove gnome, and just
mount this camera (or other USB storage devices) myself?  Or, and even
better, find a utility that, sans gnome, can automagically mount the
camera itself?

Also, I use kmix for a volume control, because this seems the only
application that provides a small speaker applet on the fluxbox panel
to control sounds.  I'd like to get rid of it, and the kde libs that
accompany it.  So, is there a fluxbox-specific volume control that sits
nicely on the panel? (Preferably one that actually looks like a volume
control, and not something gawd-awful looking?)  If not, fine, I'll
just use xmixer, or alsamixer, or something.  Still, there really should
be a something other than kmix, for a volume control, that can sit
nicely on the fluxbox panel.


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