La declaració de la renda... altre cop

2011-04-24 Thread Eloi Notario
L'any passat vaig preguntar per l'enviament del famós fitxer .100 amb la 
declaració signada, enguany no he pogut passar ni de la primera 
pantalla de dades amb el PARE: els desplegables em surten buits. No puc 
triar la comunitat autònoma de residència, i sense això no puc ni 
començar a fer-la. Tampoc puc importar el fitxer amb les dades 
preomplertes, diu el programa que no l'entén.

A algú més li està passant? He provat el mateix des d'una màquina amb 
Windows i allà sí puc triar la comunitat autònoma (i l'horrible fons 
groc allà és blanc, sigui dit de pas). L'altra possibilitat que no 
descarto és que sigui cosa de la JavaVM, encara no he fet el pas de 
Lenny a Squeeze: em fa por la transició de KDE3 a KDE4, laboralment no 
em puc permetre tenir l'ordinador KO si alguna cosa surt malament i 
aquests dies no tinc una connexió estable a Internet.

Per això, abans de saltar a la jugular del fisc vull assegurar-me, AH! 
ALERTA!, que la mossegada la puc fer.


Eloi Notario.

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Re: La declaració de la renda... altre cop

2011-04-24 Thread Pere Nubiola Radigales
No se si te res a veure, peró un dels problemes del java es que
intenta fer les comunicacions amb internet  a través de ipv6, protocol
que desgraciadament no está gaira implementat a la xarxa.

prova de fer amb el usuari root
echo 0  /proc/sys/net/ipv6/bindv6only

Aixo permete integrar la ipv4. A mi em va funcionar amb uns plugins java.

Pere Nubiola Radigales
Telf: +34 656316974

El 24 d’abril de 2011 9:56, Eloi Notario ha escrit:
 L'any passat vaig preguntar per l'enviament del famós fitxer .100 amb la
 declaració signada, enguany no he pogut passar ni de la primera
 pantalla de dades amb el PARE: els desplegables em surten buits. No puc
 triar la comunitat autònoma de residència, i sense això no puc ni
 començar a fer-la. Tampoc puc importar el fitxer amb les dades
 preomplertes, diu el programa que no l'entén.

 A algú més li està passant? He provat el mateix des d'una màquina amb
 Windows i allà sí puc triar la comunitat autònoma (i l'horrible fons
 groc allà és blanc, sigui dit de pas). L'altra possibilitat que no
 descarto és que sigui cosa de la JavaVM, encara no he fet el pas de
 Lenny a Squeeze: em fa por la transició de KDE3 a KDE4, laboralment no
 em puc permetre tenir l'ordinador KO si alguna cosa surt malament i
 aquests dies no tinc una connexió estable a Internet.

 Per això, abans de saltar a la jugular del fisc vull assegurar-me, AH!
 ALERTA!, que la mossegada la puc fer.


 Eloi Notario.

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Re: La declaració de la renda... altre cop

2011-04-24 Thread marcel
El dg 24 de 04 de 2011 a les 09:56 +0200, en/na Eloi Notario va
 L'any passat vaig preguntar per l'enviament del famós fitxer .100 amb la 
 declaració signada, enguany no he pogut passar ni de la primera 
 pantalla de dades amb el PARE: els desplegables em surten buits. No puc 
 triar la comunitat autònoma de residència, i sense això no puc ni 
 començar a fer-la. Tampoc puc importar el fitxer amb les dades 
 preomplertes, diu el programa que no l'entén.
 A algú més li està passant? He provat el mateix des d'una màquina amb 
 Windows i allà sí puc triar la comunitat autònoma (i l'horrible fons 
 groc allà és blanc, sigui dit de pas). L'altra possibilitat que no 
 descarto és que sigui cosa de la JavaVM, encara no he fet el pas de 
 Lenny a Squeeze: em fa por la transició de KDE3 a KDE4, laboralment no 
 em puc permetre tenir l'ordinador KO si alguna cosa surt malament i 
 aquests dies no tinc una connexió estable a Internet.
 Per això, abans de saltar a la jugular del fisc vull assegurar-me, AH! 
 ALERTA!, que la mossegada la puc fer.
 Eloi Notario.
Em passava el mateix que a tu amb el programa per calcular els moduls 2011 i ho 
vaig solucionar substituint openjdk-6-jre per sun-java6-jre.


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Re: solution et mea culpa Re: problème avec CUPS.

2011-04-24 Thread moi-meme
Le Sun, 24 Apr 2011 00:00:01 +0200, a écrit :

 Ok, juste pour info tu n'as pas de spool cups-pdf car le paquet cups-pdf
 n'est pas installé. Ce backend pdf pour cups donne parfois des résultats
 différents de imprimer en pdf, à tester.

OK vu : j'ai installé et j'ai le spool maintenant.

Comme je l'ai dit c'est un problème LaTeX et pas cups à priori.
Donc je me suis redirigé vers fr.comp.text.tex


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Re: [HS] Pertes importantes de mail depuis gmail.

2011-04-24 Thread Antoine Vagabonddurail

je viens de faire un tesst peut-être intéressant.
A un ami situé également en Turquie et utilisant également gmail j'ai
envoyé 2 mails.
Le premier directement depuis ma liste de contact ;
le second en répondant à un de ses mails précédent.
Le premier n'est pas arrivé ;
le second oui.
Reprenons les 2 hypothèses :
je serai surpris d'être concidéré comme spameur par
le fait que j'utilise gmail avec une ip turque par
une boîte disposant des mêmes caractéristiques, d'un autre côté c'est
une option séduisante, une réponse à un mail passe forcément le filtre
puisque sollicité par une demande précédente alors qu'un mail direct
peut bien être bloqué, dans ce cas pourquoi mon ip turuqe
poserait-elle problème ;
pour la censure, serait-ce logique de censurer l'envoi direct mais pas
la réponse, cela me paraît pas évident, bien qu'une réponse puisse
peut-être passer plus librement car réponse à une demande.


P.S. : je crois bien que j'aurais fait comme toi Romain en accusant les serveurs
de microsoft, appliquant l'adage :
windows, c'est caca !

Le 23/04/11, romain a écrit :


 Perso, j'ai eu le même problème pour des emails envoyés depuis hotmail
 lorsque j'étais en Chine. Les emails sont bien arrivés à leurs
 destinataires, mais n'ont pas été stockés sur le serveur (envoi par
 webmail). J'ai incrimé les serveurs microsoft en pensant qu'il y avait eu
 des virus.

 En cas de censure, les emails n'arrivent pas, mais le serveur webmail
 devient inaccessible au moment de l'envoi de l'email, ou les emails ne
 sont pas reçus (pas dans le cas d'un webmail : dans ce cas, c'est ce dernier
 qui reste inaccessible temporairement).

 Ayant rencontré le même problème, sans réponse technique hormis celle d'un
 éventuel virus ayant infecté le serveur webmail : je sèche.

 Bon courage.


 Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 08:44:03 -0700
 Subject: [HS] Pertes importantes de mail depuis gmail.


 j'ai un problème qui ne concerne pas debian à priori.
 Je vie en Turquie en ce moment et depuis mon retour
 le 11 février je perds très régulièrement des mails sans aucune
 raison apparente ni message d'erreur quelconque.
 J'envoie mes mails depuis la page webmail de gmail.
 J'utilise ce webmail depuis longtemps et n'ai jamais eu ce problème
 J'ai ce problème depuis que je suis de retour en Turquie et ceux
 depuis n'importe quel lieu de connexion en
 Turquie, chez moi, cybercaffé oou chez des amis. J'utilise toujours la
 maême machine mais mon portable est connecté
 régulièrement à différentes connexions net.
 Je décris le problème plus avant dans le fichier texte joint.
 Si quelqu'un à une idée, moi, j'en perds mon latin.


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Re: Atención con actualización de firmware-b43-lpphy-installer

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 24 Apr 2011 00:23:47 -0500, Marcos Delgado escribió:

 El día 23 de abril de 2011 13:58, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 23 Apr 2011 13:49:28 -0500, Marcos Delgado escribió:

 Ayer me quede sin internet en una compu. Es feo, no se lo deseo a
 nadie más.

 Pero estabas usando Sid ¿no? ya sabes que esas cosas pueden pasar ;-)

 De todas formas, si tenías acceso a otro equipo con Internet sólo
 tenías que descargar el archivo y pasarlo a una llave USB para copiarlo
 al equipo.

 Es uno de esos errores de despiste con fácil solución.

 Me parece raro que elimine los archivos para conectarse, antes de
 descargar los archivos de instalación de la actualización. Y lo que no
 he visto es como pasarle el archivo tar.gz al paquete de Debian.

¿Qué es lo que dices que elimina? :-?

Si no he entendido mal el bug, el problema se da porque en la 
actualización se intenta descargar un paquete del driver+firmware de un 
adaptador inalámbrico con la ruta equivocada (aunque el archivo existe) 
por lo que el adaptador deja de funcionar.

Lo único que tendrás que hacer es descargar el paquete correcto e 
instalarlo en el equipo afectado para que el adaptador wifi pueda volver 
a funcionar.



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Re: Cortafuegos para servidor linux

2011-04-24 Thread Edgar Vargas
El 19/04/11, Antonio escribió:
 El 18/04/2011 17:15, Camaleón escribió:
 El Mon, 18 Apr 2011 10:26:57 +0200, Antonio escribió:

 Tengo un servidor con debian  5.0, lo tengo con dos tarjetas de red y me
 hace de enrutador y cortafuegos de una red domestica. Para configurar el
 cortafuegos utilice firestarter, en su día lo configure con entorno
 gráfico y después lo configure como un servicio y esta máquina comenzó a
 trabajar como servidor. Firestarter se arrancaba automáticamente como
 cualquier otro servicio.
 Al migrar a la 6.0 firestarter a dejado de funcionar automáticamente,
 además desde linea de comandos no me funciona.
 ¿No funciona? ¿Hiciste una actualización (lenny → squeeze) o instalaste
 desde cero? ¿Te aparece algún error al arrancarlo o al iniciar el
 sistema? :-?

 Esto ha hecho que me plantee buscar una alternativa, se que todo esto lo
 podría hacer con iptables pero es complicado para mi, ¿Hay alguna
 alternativa para configurar un cortafuegos en un servidor sin entorno
 gráfico y de forma amigable?  Ya sea mediante web (tengo apache
 instalado) o una herramienta de linea de comandos que sea amigable.

 Se que podría instalar una distro de las que se usan como cortafuegos,
 pero yo quiero una debian para instalar más cosas que también uso en
 este servidor.
 En la wiki apuntan varias opciones:


 Muchas gracias a todos, lleváis razón en que lo que necesito es
 iptables, pero no se si dispongo del tiempo para aprender lo necesario,
 no me gusta hacer un copiar y pegar sin entender lo que hace.
 Probaré las alternativas que me comentáis para quedarme con la que mejor
 se me adapte.

Hola no es complicado yo también decia eso, pero es necesario copiar
porque los comandos ya estan dados para algunos requerimientos, es
cuestion de cambiar cosas, no lo veo cosa del otro mundo, y si te
aseguro que aprenderás mucho con iptables puedes hacer muchas cosas y
entederás el funcionamiento de bastantes cosas (valga la redundancia),
yo aprendo poco a poco no todo de golpe, paso paso, segun tus
necesidades, no son necesarios todos los comandos, saludos...

 He probado a purgar firestarter y reinstalar desde 0 pero el error se
 reproduce supongo que debería de cargar el entorno gráfico y probar a
 configurarlo, pero teniendo en cuenta que esta es la tercera migración
 (en su día instale la versión 4) que realizo sobre la máquina y que
 además he jugado mucho con ella, voy a instalar la versión 6 desde 0 y
 a dejar solo las cosas que necesito aprovechando para intentar aprender

 Un saludo.

 Un saludos y otra vez muchas gracias.

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Sonido en Debian 6

2011-04-24 Thread José Villa Ruiz
He instalado Debian 6 Squeeze y el sonido no me funciona la mayoría de los
días. Quiero escuchar música o ver cualquier video de internet y son pocos
los días que los puedo escuchar, pues va el video y no el sonido. Es raro
pues hay días que sí tengo sonido (son muy pocos).
Tengo otros sistemas operativos como, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora y en todos
va bien el sonido, pero con Debian 6  no consigo que funcione siempre, no se
a que es debido.
Quisiera que me pudieran ayudar ustedes, pues entro en foros y aplico las
soluciones que me dicen y nunca consigo que funcione, ya no se que
 Gracias de

Re: Sonido en Debian 6

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 24 Apr 2011 12:20:09 +0200, José Villa Ruiz escribió:

 He instalado Debian 6 Squeeze y el sonido no me funciona la mayoría de
 los días. Quiero escuchar música o ver cualquier video de internet y son
 pocos los días que los puedo escuchar, pues va el video y no el sonido.
 Es raro pues hay días que sí tengo sonido (son muy pocos). Tengo otros
 sistemas operativos como, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora y en todos va bien
 el sonido, pero con Debian 6  no consigo que funcione siempre, no se a
 que es debido.

Parece un problema común en Squeeze:

Debian 6 intermittently loses sound

Mira a ver si los síntomas que tienes son similares a los que comentan en 
ese hilo del foro.

Otra cosa que puede comprobar es si hay algún servicio/aplicación en 
segundo plano que esté ocupando el sonido (lsof | grep snd).



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Re: Cambiar el parámetro dpi del servidor X.

2011-04-24 Thread consul tores
El día 23 de abril de 2011 13:22, AngelD escribió:
 Sat, 23 Apr 2011, consul tores:

 El día 22 de abril de 2011 01:34, AngelD escribió:

        Antes, para todas las configuraciones del servidor X se utilizaba
 '/etc/X11/xorg.conf', como por ejemplo las configuraciones del teclado,
 ahora parece que se usa dbus pare estos menesteres.

        Ahora quiero cambiar el valor del parámetro dpi de Xorg, ¿hay
 alguna manera de realizarlo sin tocar el /etc/X11/xorg.conf?.

 Quizas randr

        Parece que no, pero no se por qué. Si utilizo:

  xrandr  --dpi 120 --output LVDS1

        parece como si todo se recargara, pero el tamaño de letra sigue
 siendo el mismo.
        Saludos --- Angel

xrandr --dpi ?
?=dpi deseado., ej: 75

           Consultores Agropecuarios.
Administracion, Produccion, Capacitacion.

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Re: Sonido en Debian 6

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
El 2011-04-24 a las 10:48 -0600, Carlos Alvarez escribió:


 Yo hace poco tenia un problema similar. Instale con KDE, luego de esto entre
 en modo recovery y desinstale el KDE, par volver a instalarlo. Luego de esta
 instalacion, ingrese y todo funcionaba bien, pero cuando veía abría vídeos
 de youtube podía escuchar el sonido de dichos vídeos, pero si quería
 escuchar musica con Yuk, estas no se escuchaban. Esto me resultaba igual si
 primero utilizaba Yuk y después ingresaba a youtube, podía escuchar Yuk pero
 no youtube. Yo no pude arreglar nada, así que lo que hice fue reinstalar el
 sistema con KDE y ya no me dio ese problema



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Re: Sonido en Debian 6

2011-04-24 Thread Usuario Debian
El dom, 24-04-2011 a las 12:20 +0200, José Villa Ruiz escribió:
 He instalado Debian 6 Squeeze y el sonido no me funciona la mayoría de
 los días. Quiero escuchar música o ver cualquier video de internet y
 son pocos los días que los puedo escuchar, pues va el video y no el
 sonido. Es raro pues hay días que sí tengo sonido (son muy pocos).
 Tengo otros sistemas operativos como, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora y en
 todos va bien el sonido, pero con Debian 6  no consigo que funcione
 siempre, no se a que es debido.
 Quisiera que me pudieran ayudar ustedes, pues entro en foros y aplico
 las soluciones que me dicen y nunca consigo que funcione, ya no se que
  Gracias de

No se si tu problema se trata de que al ver un video con flash en el
navegador cosa habitual bloque el acceso al dispositivo de sonido, y
hasta que no cierras la pestaña o navegador si hace falta y lo libera
otra aplicacion no podrá acceder a la vez!!!

Fijate que el famoso mezclador de audio pulseaudio ni siquiera es
instalado por defecto en Debian, cosa que sí otras distros,,, es un
proyecto que no ha tenido muy buena acogida bajo Debian por cuestiones
de calidad de codigo. Se supone que si Flash tuviera buena integración
en Linux podría hacer bien la mezcla pulseaudio y asunto resulto pero es
lo que hay. La buena noticia es que Google esta dando pasas para olvidar
Flash y usar estandares abiertos en relacion a video en internet, ya
queda menos!

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Re: Sonido en Debian 6

2011-04-24 Thread AngelD

Sun, 24 Apr 2011, Usuario Debian:

Fijate que el famoso mezclador de audio pulseaudio ni siquiera es 
instalado por defecto en Debian, cosa que sí otras distros,,, es un 
proyecto que no ha tenido muy buena acogida bajo Debian por cuestiones 
de calidad de codigo. Se supone que si Flash tuviera buena integración 
en Linux podría hacer bien la mezcla pulseaudio y asunto resulto pero es 
lo que hay.

	¿Alguna referencia a ésta afirmación?. ¿No estarás confundiendo 
calidad con madurez?.

La buena noticia es que Google esta dando pasas para olvidar Flash y 
usar estandares abiertos en relacion a video en internet, ya queda 

	Bueno, si crees que a flash le queda poca vida, ..., mira como 
funcionan las alternativas (HTL5, gnash, ...) y verás que aparte de no 
cubrir todo el espectro del mismo, no son todavía alternativas. Siento

decirlo pero nos queda flash para mucho rato.

Saludos --- Angel


2011-04-24 Thread mattias
Xen i centos använder ju nat pär default
Tydligen inte debians xen
Om man lämnar vif inställningen blank vägrar ju den att äns starta
Den virtuella servern dvs

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Re: Placa Atheros como AP

2011-04-24 Thread Moksha Tux
Prezado TUX! Muito obrigado por toda essa acessoria, já comecei a por em
prática. Abraços,

Moksha tux

Em 23 de abril de 2011 16:21, tux escreveu:

 Em Sexta-feira 22 Abril 2011, às 16:44:47,  Moksha Tux escreveu:
  Querido Tux!
  Muito obrigado pela sua ajuda e resposta ,vou prosseguir com as suas
  sugestões pra ver se dá certo. quanto ao hostapd eu tentei inúmeros
  tutoriais da rede e não fui bem sucedido em nenhum, me parece ser um
  conjunto de coisas que terei que obedecer cada passo. Vc teria algum
  tutorial em que vc mesmo tenha usado no seu ambiente e que esteja em
  produção agora? Agradeceria muito essa ajuda. Abraços,

 Bem, eu não conheço nenhum tutorial para isto.  Eu pelo menos nunca usei

 O arquivo de configuração do hostapd é autoexplicativo, até por demais. É
 ler mais uma vez, ler de novo, até entender. Enquanto não entender, não
 de ler. Dias, semanas, meses. Até entender.

 Tutoriais na net? bem, eu não costumo confiar e muito menos recomendar. A
 maioria é sobre uma versão especifica de software em um ambiente especifico
 sistema operacional, e com um cenário especifico de necessidades. Se você
 seguir e funcionar, sem você entender, e sem ser no mesm
 você teve sorte.

 Tutos não costumam explorar nem 1/10 de todas as opções de nenhum
 Que, no caso do hostapd, todas estão devidamente explicadas no arquivo de

 A documentação oficial do software que acompanha o seu sistema deve ser a
 biblia/corão na hora de configurar o software. Especialmente os

 Mas olhando para o seu script, sei lá, vi que você usou bridge. Eu nunca
 bridge, nunca precisei, apesar do hostapd ter suporte para isso.

 No meu caso, que não possuo uma rede cabeada aqui em casa, acredito que não
 preciso de uma bridge. Eu simplesmente adiciono a placa wifi no
 /etc/network/interfaces, com um ip, mascara de rede, network, menos o
 Modifico o dhcpd para atribuir ips a partir desta interface wifi, com o ip
 placa wifi sendo o roteador, dns, netbios, wpad, etc, passado para as
 Como se fosse um roteador externo mesmo, sem bridge.

 Caso tenha uma rede cabeada junto do seu roteador e precise uni-la com a
 wireles, acredito que  seja necessário uma bridge e uma configuração mais
 sofisticada do arquivo interfaces.

 Algumas maneiras  de se lidar com isso:

 Para um inicio rápido, uma configuração bem capada que você pode testar por
 você mesmo no hostapd.conf é a seguinte:

 ===/etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf ===
 wpa_pairwise=TKIP CCMP

 Adicionar as regras pertinentes no iptables para dar forward,   e bloquear
 que não for para passar, proxy transparente, masquerade, configurar o seu

 Ah, se for testar isso, use um linux com kernel no minimo 2.6.32 (debian 6)
 porque? problemas de firmware em kerneis antigos. Se for a fundo, instale a
 testing, e use o 2.6.38.

 É estável? Bem, sexta a noite transferi 5 isos de 4.5gb cada através de um
 hostapd, com uma plaquinha sem-vergonha usando drive atheros ath5k, em um
 sistema i386 com debian unstable 2.6.38. Em um hardware amd64 optheron ela
 funcionou de maneira alguma, aliás, o micro nem dava boot. Então a coloquei
 uma máquina x86_32 e fui feliz para sempre.

 Configuração default, com apenas algumas coisas mexidas, como senha, ssid e
 protocolo de autenticação. Mas não se iluda com este arquivinho mixuruca de
 configuração que eu passei acima, hostapd é muito poderoso, e vem com
 opções habilitadas no arquivo original, que não estão ai em cima, e que
 fazer falta. Este dai é so para você fazer o minimo do minimo.


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Re: Atualização de versão

2011-04-24 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA1

On 14-04-2011 23:03, Cleber Ianes wrote:
 Sinceramente, eu nunca fiz atualizações e acho inviável na maioria das
 vezes. Muitas vezes uma atualização acaba dando mais trabalho que uma
 reinstalação, como diriam por aí: a galinha sai mais caro que a
 galinhada! rsrsr
 Mas, claro, eu disse que nunca fiz. Então devemos ouvir as respostas dos
 demais colegas.
 Um servidor em produção isso pode ser um tanto traumático.
 Minha opnião é mais um palpite de que experiência.

E um palpite ruim.

Atualizações de Debian entre versões estáveis geralmente são tranquilas.
Há grandes mudanças em algumas peças (como slapd do lenny pro squeeze) e
que precisam de mais carinho e atenção, tirando isso e lendo o Release
Notes (as Notas de Lançamento) costuma ser bastante tranquilo.

Muitas vezes a oportunidade de instalar em outro hardware surge e
facilita a migração/atualização por conta de possibilidade de deixar o
serviço em produção enquanto prepara o novo ambiente, já que há paradas
de serviço durante a atualização, mas isso deve ser avaliado caso a caso.

- -- 
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Montar hd's externos diferentes no fstab

2011-04-24 Thread Cleber Ianes

Saudações a todos.
Tenho uma case para hd que conecto via usb e 2 hds que utilizo 
intercalando-os nessa case, sempre um de cada vez (claro rsrs).
Os hd's tem tamanhos e particionamentos diferentes (pra complicar um 

Quero montar eles automaticamente quando ligá-los no computador.
Mas quero que o sistema reconheça o hd e então faça a montagem adequada 
a cada hd.
Existe alguma forma de fazer isso, seja por script ou por sistema de 
As partições possuem algum número ou código que as identifique 
unicamente, tipo um número de série

Coisinha complicada heim!!! rsrsrs


Cleber Ianes
Ger. de Tecnologias Livre
Freenet tecnologias - Dracena/SP -- Linux User #507338

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Re: Montar hd's externos diferentes no fstab

2011-04-24 Thread Vinicius De Mario
O que eu faço é dar um rótulo a cada partição dos hds, assim quando 
monta vai aparecer o nome do rótulo, p.ex., backup1, backup2, etc.

Acredito que com o Gparted seja possível renomear o rótulo sem ter que 
reformatar, basta que o hd esteja desmontado, mas conectado.


Em 24-04-2011 18:53, Cleber Ianes escreveu:

Saudações a todos.
Tenho uma case para hd que conecto via usb e 2 hds que utilizo 
intercalando-os nessa case, sempre um de cada vez (claro rsrs).
Os hd's tem tamanhos e particionamentos diferentes (pra complicar um 

Quero montar eles automaticamente quando ligá-los no computador.
Mas quero que o sistema reconheça o hd e então faça a montagem 
adequada a cada hd.
Existe alguma forma de fazer isso, seja por script ou por sistema de 
As partições possuem algum número ou código que as identifique 
unicamente, tipo um número de série

Coisinha complicada heim!!! rsrsrs



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Re: Montar hd's externos diferentes no fstab

2011-04-24 Thread Flávio Alberto Lopes Soares
UUID não pode ajudar também ?
Mas em princípio definir o volume (rótulo) das partições dos seus discos e o
sistema de automount do seu desktop manager (Gnome, KDE, etc) já deve
resolver seu problema.
em especial

Só lembrando que você é responsável por qualquer coisa que pode dar errado
com seus discos e ninguém mais tem nada com isso (faça backups)...

Boa sorte

Flávio Alberto Lopes Soares

Em 24 de abril de 2011 22:09, Vinicius De Mario deb...@git.eti.brescreveu:

 O que eu faço é dar um rótulo a cada partição dos hds, assim quando monta
 vai aparecer o nome do rótulo, p.ex., backup1, backup2, etc.

 Acredito que com o Gparted seja possível renomear o rótulo sem ter que
 reformatar, basta que o hd esteja desmontado, mas conectado.


 Em 24-04-2011 18:53, Cleber Ianes escreveu:

  Saudações a todos.
 Tenho uma case para hd que conecto via usb e 2 hds que utilizo
 intercalando-os nessa case, sempre um de cada vez (claro rsrs).
 Os hd's tem tamanhos e particionamentos diferentes (pra complicar um
 Quero montar eles automaticamente quando ligá-los no computador.
 Mas quero que o sistema reconheça o hd e então faça a montagem adequada a
 cada hd.
 Existe alguma forma de fazer isso, seja por script ou por sistema de
 As partições possuem algum número ou código que as identifique unicamente,
 tipo um número de série

 Coisinha complicada heim!!! rsrsrs



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Re: Where do I get a list of all the fonts in my system?

2011-04-24 Thread John Jason Jordan
Just in case you are not averse to using a GUI, Fontmatrix is an
excellent tool. It should be in your repos.

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Re: Monitors requiring interlaced video modes with older Nvidia video cards are out of options in wheezy

2011-04-24 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2011-04-24 00:14 +0200, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

 There may have been DSFG-freeness concerns about the code as well, but they 
 were not the primary motivator for removing the package from testing.  

They were.  Bug #383465¹ had been ignored for three releases already
which is really too long.

 (Obfuscated code may have driven the developers away from the nv driver 
 to the Nouveau driver, though.)

This is probably not the case since nv is still the default driver
upstream, although every major Linux distribution has switched to
nouveau, even Slackware.  I don't expect this to change unless nouveau
sees a real release which, with the current attitude of the nouveau
developers, is unlikely to ever happen.



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Re: SSD drive use [was Re: file systems]

2011-04-24 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 23 apr 11, 11:21:21, Brian Flaherty wrote:
 I assume this read many, write few idea applies to all SSD drives.
 There seems to be differing recommendations about the extent to
 worry about configuring SSD drives and I'm wondering what people
 here think and do.
 Some links I've found with differing opinions:
 The first is from 2008, whereas the second is 2010. Are the 2008
 thoughts out-of-date, and therefore go with the latter?
 I'm running ext3 with an SSD drive in a laptop (Debian Squeeze) with
 LVM and disk-encryption. Already added noatime to fstab, but haven't
 made other changes because I'm not sure how to balance the risks vs.
 Thanks for any thoughts and your time.

There is an article by Theodore Ts'o (ext4 developer) regarding the 
impact of the journal in the total writes. As far as I recall it's 
minimal. You should be able to find the article on his blog.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Tripwire can't send report by email‏‏

2011-04-24 Thread Cedric DC


I repost my question because I don't have posted it in the right way. I'm 
sorry, it's my first post in the Debian mailing list.

I have setup tripwire on a Debian 6. I have tripwire integrity reports (pwr 
files) in the directory /var/lib/tripwire/report/
With the following command I can read the report.
twprint --print-report --twrfile proxytest-20110421-135326.twr  test-log

I would like send the report by email.

In the file /etc/cron.daily/tripwire
there is the command tripwire --check --quiet --email-report

If I try to launch this in command line I have this message :
root@proxytest:/etc/cron.daily# /usr/sbin/tripwire --test --email
Sending a test message to:
### Error: The SMTP server returned an error.
### Error Number:504 5.5.2 tripwire@proxytest: Sender address rejected: need
### fully-qualified address
### Exiting...
Email test failed.

proxytest is the hostname of my server

Do you have an idea to solve this issue ?
 tried to change in the twcfg the variable SMTPHOST by (my ISP SMTP relay) instead of localhost. But it
 doesn't work...

Thank you in advance for your help.


How to debug microphone?

2011-04-24 Thread Felix Natter

I'd like to use my microphone, but when I use gnome-sound-recorder, and
- select Record from input: Front Mic it doesn't record anything.
- select Record from input: Line In and attach a headset to the 3.5mm
  mic input (Laptop) it doesn't record anything.

Audio play works fine in all applications.

I am running Debian Lenny. How can I debug this?

Felix Natter

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RE: Tripwire can't send report by email‏‏

2011-04-24 Thread Cedric DC

I don't find how to change this tripwire@proxytest by a FQDN the
If I try to launch hostname -v, I have the FQDN of my server.
root@proxytest:/etc/tripwire# hostname -f

Can I specify the From address in twcfg.txt ?
root@proxytest:/etc/tripwire# hostname -f

Here my twcfg.txt file

root@proxytest:/etc/tripwire# more twcfg.txt
ROOT  =/usr/sbin
POLFILE   =/etc/tripwire/tw.pol
SITEKEYFILE   =/etc/tripwire/site.key
LOCALKEYFILE  =/etc/tripwire/$(HOSTNAME)-local.key
SMTPHOST  =localhost

Thank you

Subject: Tripwire can't send report by email‏‏
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 07:28:42 +


I repost my question because I don't have posted it in the right way. I'm 
sorry, it's my first post in the Debian mailing list.

I have setup tripwire on a Debian 6. I have tripwire integrity reports (pwr 
files) in the directory /var/lib/tripwire/report/
With the following command I can read the report.
twprint --print-report --twrfile proxytest-20110421-135326.twr  test-log

I would like send the report by email.

In the file /etc/cron.daily/tripwire
there is the command tripwire --check --quiet --email-report

If I try to launch this in command line I have this message :
root@proxytest:/etc/cron.daily# /usr/sbin/tripwire --test --email
Sending a test message to:
### Error: The SMTP server returned an error.
### Error Number:504 5.5.2 tripwire@proxytest: Sender address rejected: need
### fully-qualified address
### Exiting...
Email test failed.

  is the hostname of my server

Do you have an idea to solve this issue ?
 tried to change in the twcfg the variable SMTPHOST by (my ISP SMTP relay) instead of localhost. But it
 doesn't work...

Thank you in advance for your help.


Re: How to debug microphone?

2011-04-24 Thread Volkan YAZICI
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 09:40:49 +0200, Felix Natter writes:
 I'd like to use my microphone, but when I use gnome-sound-recorder, and
 - select Record from input: Front Mic it doesn't record anything.
 - select Record from input: Line In and attach a headset to the 3.5mm
   mic input (Laptop) it doesn't record anything.

 Audio play works fine in all applications.

 I am running Debian Lenny. How can I debug this?

The steps I would recommend are as follows.

1) Make sure with alsamixer that mics are not muted.

2) Start arecord with vumeter enabled, that is,

 arecord -V /tmp/foo.wav

   and see if vumeter changes.

3) On failure, go to (1).


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Fwd: Where do I get a list of all the fonts in my system?

2011-04-24 Thread Heddle Weaver
Did it again.
Getting rid of gmail soon anyway.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Heddle Weaver
Date: 24 April 2011 18:12
Subject: Re: Where do I get a list of all the fonts in my system?
To: John Jason Jordan

On 24 April 2011 16:09, John Jason Jordan wrote:

 Just in case you are not averse to using a GUI, Fontmatrix is an
 excellent tool. It should be in your repos.

So should 'defoma'.


Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false,
and by the rulers as useful.

— Lucius Annæus Seneca.

Terrorism, the new religion.


Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false,
and by the rulers as useful.

— Lucius Annæus Seneca.

Terrorism, the new religion.

Re: Monitors requiring interlaced video modes with older Nvidia video cards are out of options in wheezy

2011-04-24 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 23 apr 11, 17:57:07, Stephen Powell wrote:
 I can't use the nouveau driver because the nouveau driver doesn't work
 with interlaced video modes.  I filed a bug report a good while ago.  See
 No response.

You could try to report the bug upstream (and then tag the Debian bug 
accordingly), since this is clearly an upstream issue.

Of course, ideally would be for you to write the support for interlaced 
video modes, maybe with help from other people, but I'm not sure how 
many people are interested in this.

You might even face disinterest in merging in a possible patch as CRTs 
are disappearing and the code would eventually bitrot as well.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: Please recommend an external HDD enclosure

2011-04-24 Thread Panayiotis Karabassis
On 04/24/2011 01:13 AM, Ron Johnson wrote:
 BACKUPS are a must-do for anyone who values their data.

Very true. But RAID is a useful first measure. One of my disks (a
Western Digital!) failed, and thanks to md I was up and running as soon
as I bought the replacement (well, before that, but I didn't want to
risk running a degraded array).

What about RAID + LVM snapshots? Is that almost as good a real backup?
It covers:
a) Hardware failures,
b) Accidental file deletions, corruptions,
c) Hosted filesystem (e.g. ext3) failures.
But doesn't cover:
a) LVM filesystem failures,
b) LVM and RAID driver problems.
But how likely are these if you are running Stable and don't go messing
with the partition table?

BTW, what type of backups do you use? It takes 5 DVDs just for my photo

Panayiotis Karabassis

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Re: Please recommend an external HDD enclosure

2011-04-24 Thread Panayiotis Karabassis
On 04/24/2011 03:21 AM, Heddle Weaver wrote:
 I sympathise with your problem.
 What do you do in this regard? Keep on buying enclosures/drives till you
 find one that works? Perhaps an update to compatible hardware lists and
 manufacturer notifications in this aspect also?

I found the compatibility lists lacking with respect to hdd enclosures.

Really, the hardware manufacturers should start paying more attention to
non-Windows users and be more faithful to hardware specifications.

Panayiotis Karabassis

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Re: firefox gimp buttons missing - gtk issue?

2011-04-24 Thread i'll teach you to turn away.
Camaleón wrote:
Cn On Wed, 13 Apr 2011 16:12:03 +, i'll teach you to turn away. wrote:
   yes, i found those bug reports... but there's no mention of gimp
 being affected. i'm REALLY loathe to install more gnome stuff if it's
 not going to solve all of the issues.
Cn Installing the suggested package will not have any bad consequences (it 
Cn will take about ~10 MiB of disk space but nothing more).

but the point is still being missed. will it fix gimp? i can 
live without firefox buttons, but the gimp problem is impactful. i've 
found nothing in bug reports regarding this.


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Re: Please recommend an external HDD enclosure

2011-04-24 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Du, 24 apr 11, 11:51:06, Panayiotis Karabassis wrote:
 Really, the hardware manufacturers should start paying more attention to
 non-Windows users and be more faithful to hardware specifications.

I think, especially in this particular case, sticking to the standards 
would have guaranteed a good enclosure.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Backlight mystery - anyone shed light? some progress

2011-04-24 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 23 Apr 2011, Camaleón wrote:
  This is a laptop (6735s) and is over a year old so not very new. I don't
  think it has that feature.
   It uses the radeon driver.
 You will find out in the BIOS screen. If the feature is there, there 
 should be an option to toggle it on/off under system configuration menu/
 buit-in options
 Also, check for a BIOS update, most of these ACPI things are usually 
 fixed after updating to the latest BIOS.

Thanks, Camaleon. I found a lot of people using the same laptop with
Windows who have the same problem. In some cases a bios upgrade fixed
it, in others not. I tried to do this but it requires using an .exe
file, and though I could do this with both wine and dosemu I couldn't
obtain a suitable iso file to do the upgrade. (Also, I was a little
afraid of ending up with an unbootable machine, which a few people
report as happening.)

BUT I have found that by unloading and reloading the video module
(and/or the radeon module) I can sometimes obtain the requisite
backlight file in /sys/devices/virtual .., after which the screen either
becomes bright automatically or I can do it manually. So it seems to be
something to do with the order in which the modules are loaded, though I
can't figure out what. The effect is unpredictable - sometimes it works,
sometimes not.


Anthony Campbell - 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux - sample my ebooks at

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Re: Where do I get a list of all the fonts in my system?

2011-04-24 Thread Liam O'Toole
On 2011-04-24, Disc Magnet wrote:

  xlsfonts | grep -i vera

 as well as

 fc-list | grep -i vera

 returned no output.

 So, how is URxvt.font:xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=13
 working for my rxvt-unicode?

Xft uses font substitution when a font is not found. To see which font
is substituted, run the following:

fc-match Bitstream Vera Sans Mono

Liam O'Toole
Cork, Ireland

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Re: Using Files Without Mounting A Share From Another System

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 00:13:17 -0400, Hal Vaughan wrote:

 On Apr 23, 2011, at 12:00 PM, Camaleón wrote:

 I still don't know if it's a security measure or just a technical
 barrier that needs the use of another applications to be bypassed. In
 fact, I can run a .jar file over smb:// using Nautilus but this is
 what I get:
 Do you mean you could run the jar or that you tried to?

It can be run, but the result is not what I expected (I don't want to 
treat the file as an archiver that can be unzipped it but as runeable 
program that laucnh the main java class file).
 1/ Jar file is executed but it opens with file roller (archiver
 utility) 2/ When I try to change file permisson to make it executable I
 get an error (cannot change permissions to file.jar)
 Did you try to change permissions from the server itself or from the
 client?  It sounds like you tried to change permissions from the client.

Yes, from the client. 

Server holding the share is a Windows XP and the perms for the volume are 
the standard (they are inherited, but group users -to which belong the 
debian user- are able to [x] modify, [x] read and execute, [x] read and 
lastly [x] write.

Over Nautilus I can see the jar file is set to 744 (rwxr--r-) and owned 
by my debian user/group but when I double click on it java is not 
launched, just the unarchiver utility.

 All this done over a NTFS volume managed by a Windows host. Maybe a
 samba share over a linux filesystem (ext3/4/reiser/xfs...) gives
 different results... dunno :-?
 I think Linux might give better control over things like permissions. 
 In my case, the server will be running Debian 6.x.

Now you mention... I've got a samba share on a Debian server (this is in 
another network), and windows clients accessing to it. I can make some 
tests here, will report back as soon as I can give any news on this :-)
 Thanks for trying that -- I'm still searching and testing, but I haven't
 gotten anything to work and I need to create a test jar file I can work

I'm also interested on this. 

I have a jar file (the application is a fax client for HylaFAX) that 
needs to be accessed/launched over the network because by doing so I only 
have to update one file and then all the clients are automatically 

In windows machines there was no problem in doing so but as you, I didn't 
want to mount a samba share on the linux clients and looked for a 
solution -this was a setup I've done years ago- and finally had to copy 
the jar file in every linux client... but now you raised the issue again 
I thought this could have been solved but it seems it isn't :-)



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Re: firefox gimp buttons missing - gtk issue?

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 08:54:12 +, i'll teach you to turn away. wrote:

 Camaleón wrote: Cn On Wed, 13 Apr 2011 16:12:03
 +, i'll teach you to turn away. wrote:
   yes, i found those bug reports... but there's no mention of gimp
 being affected. i'm REALLY loathe to install more gnome stuff if it's
 not going to solve all of the issues.
 Cn Installing the suggested package will not have any bad consequences
 (it Cn will take about ~10 MiB of disk space but nothing more).
   but the point is still being missed. will it fix gimp? i can
 live without firefox buttons, but the gimp problem is impactful. i've
 found nothing in bug reports regarding this.

This is not a bulletproof science :-), you try and see how it goes.

(IIRC, both GIMP and Iceweasel use tango icons by default)



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Re: test usb drive read / write speed

2011-04-24 Thread Huang, Tao
On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 1:14 PM, Ron Johnson wrote:
 On 04/23/2011 11:09 PM, Huang, Tao wrote:
 is there a utility that:
 1. benchmarks random access,
 2. can do random writing on unused spaces for major filesystems,
 3. deals with the buffer properly.


that's a convenient tool.

however, it keeps producing:

$ bonnie -d /media/tmp/
Writing a byte at a time...done
Writing intelligently...Can't write block.: No such file or directory
Can't write block 478518.
$ bonnie -d /media/tmp/
Writing a byte at a time...done
Writing intelligently...Can't write block.: No space left on device
Can't write block 474393.

i checked the default parameters. nothing seems wrong.
i was benchmarking a kingston 4GB microSD card, connected with a usb adapter.

any help will be appreciated.


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Re: How to debug microphone?

2011-04-24 Thread Felix Natter
Volkan YAZICI writes:

 On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 09:40:49 +0200, Felix Natter writes:
 I'd like to use my microphone, but when I use gnome-sound-recorder, and
 - select Record from input: Front Mic it doesn't record anything.
 - select Record from input: Line In and attach a headset to the 3.5mm
   mic input (Laptop) it doesn't record anything.

 Audio play works fine in all applications.

 I am running Debian Lenny. How can I debug this?

 The steps I would recommend are as follows.

 1) Make sure with alsamixer that mics are not muted.

I don't see the mics in alsamixer, but they aren't muted in
gnome-volume-control, see this screenshot:

 2) Start arecord with vumeter enabled, that is,

  arecord -V /tmp/foo.wav

and see if vumeter changes.

The -V option is not recognized on Lenny (and -v doesn't produce a

 3) On failure, go to (1).

Felix Natter

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Re: Tripwire can't send report by email‏‏

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 07:28:42 +, Cedric DC wrote:

 I repost my question because I don't have posted it in the right way.
 I'm sorry, it's my first post in the Debian mailing list.

Good, but next time avoid using html in messages ;-)


 ### Error Number:504 5.5.2 tripwire@proxytest: Sender address rejected: 
 ### fully-qualified address
 ### Exiting...
 Email test failed.

That usually means that remote server (located at it has 
rejected the From: address from your host, which is normal provided 
that you have not masqueraded (and you need to) your fancy e-mail 
address when you are going throught Internet.

So basically you have to go with one of these options:

1/ Instruct tripwire to use a real e-mail sender (whether possible)
2/ Configure your MTA/MDA to go out with a real/routeable e-mail address



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Re: Backlight mystery - anyone shed light? some progress

2011-04-24 Thread shawn wilson
On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 5:49 AM, Anthony Campbell wrote:

 Thanks, Camaleon. I found a lot of people using the same laptop with
 Windows who have the same problem. In some cases a bios upgrade fixed
 it, in others not. I tried to do this but it requires using an .exe
 file, and though I could do this with both wine and dosemu I couldn't
 obtain a suitable iso file to do the upgrade. (Also, I was a little
 afraid of ending up with an unbootable machine, which a few people
 report as happening.)

don't run an exe bios upgrade inside of wine, dosemu, or any other vm.
you might be able to extract the exe and find some binary file and
then there might be some sort of linux utility to write that. however,
when you upgrade a bios, don't do anything weird because the only way
(that i know of) to test it is to reboot. well, if something isn't
written correctly and you try to reboot, you'll know because the
machine won't post.

at that point there are three choices: replace the machine, replace
the bios (might require soldering / desoldering), or rewriting the
firmware onto the bios (might not be possible depending on whether you
can find schematics for a writer for that type of chip and software).
most people (including me) shed a tear and go shopping for a new
computer at this point.

though, if your laptop is under warranty, you could call them and make
sure they'll replace the board if it doesn't post, once you confirm
they will, go and have fun :)

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Re: How to debug microphone?

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 13:18:21 +0200, Felix Natter wrote:

 Volkan YAZICI writes:
 2) Start arecord with vumeter enabled, that is,

  arecord -V /tmp/foo.wav

and see if vumeter changes.
 The -V option is not recognized on Lenny (and -v doesn't produce a

Try with a more simple approach:

# will start recording from the default input source
arecord -d 10 /tmp/foo.wav

And when it finishes, play it with:

aplay /tmp/foo.wav



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Sending from newsreader

2011-04-24 Thread Siard

I'm following this list through the newsgroup using Sylpheed.
But if I send a message or reply to one, my message does not arrive.
I know I can send a message by e-mail, even if I'm not subscribed.
But how to reply to a message then? Sending by e-mail breaks the thread.
Nonetheless, I see other posts that appear to be sent correctly from a
newsreader. Is it those newsreaders that can handle this better?

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Re: Sending from newsreader

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 13:18:25 +0200, Siard wrote:

 I'm following this list through the newsgroup using Sylpheed. But if I
 send a message or reply to one, my message does not arrive. I know I can
 send a message by e-mail, even if I'm not subscribed. But how to reply
 to a message then? Sending by e-mail breaks the thread. Nonetheless, I
 see other posts that appear to be sent correctly from a newsreader. Is
 it those newsreaders that can handle this better?

I also use a newsreader to post/read to/from this mailing list.

You can use Gmane (a mail to news gateway) to send/reply messages to the 



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Re: Backlight mystery - anyone shed light? some progress

2011-04-24 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 24 Apr 2011, shawn wilson wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 5:49 AM, Anthony Campbell 
  Thanks, Camaleon. I found a lot of people using the same laptop with
  Windows who have the same problem. In some cases a bios upgrade fixed
  it, in others not. I tried to do this but it requires using an .exe
  file, and though I could do this with both wine and dosemu I couldn't
  obtain a suitable iso file to do the upgrade. (Also, I was a little
  afraid of ending up with an unbootable machine, which a few people
  report as happening.)
 don't run an exe bios upgrade inside of wine, dosemu, or any other vm.
 you might be able to extract the exe and find some binary file and
 then there might be some sort of linux utility to write that. however,
 when you upgrade a bios, don't do anything weird because the only way
 (that i know of) to test it is to reboot. well, if something isn't
 written correctly and you try to reboot, you'll know because the
 machine won't post.
 at that point there are three choices: replace the machine, replace
 the bios (might require soldering / desoldering), or rewriting the
 firmware onto the bios (might not be possible depending on whether you
 can find schematics for a writer for that type of chip and software).
 most people (including me) shed a tear and go shopping for a new
 computer at this point.
 though, if your laptop is under warranty, you could call them and make
 sure they'll replace the board if it doesn't post, once you confirm
 they will, go and have fun :)

Thanks - this is pretty much what I thought myself. The laptop is out of
warranty so I think I shall soldier on trying to figure out how to make
it work by some combination of module loading, since sometimes that
succeeds. Failing that, I shall have to junk it.


Anthony Campbell - 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux - sample my ebooks at

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Re: Backlight mystery - anyone shed light? some progress

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 10:49:26 +0100, Anthony Campbell wrote:

 On 23 Apr 2011, Camaleón wrote:
 Also, check for a BIOS update, most of these ACPI things are usually
 fixed after updating to the latest BIOS.
 Thanks, Camaleon. I found a lot of people using the same laptop with
 Windows who have the same problem. In some cases a bios upgrade fixed
 it, in others not. I tried to do this but it requires using an .exe
 file, and though I could do this with both wine and dosemu I couldn't
 obtain a suitable iso file to do the upgrade. (Also, I was a little
 afraid of ending up with an unbootable machine, which a few people
 report as happening.)

Don't be afraid of a BIOS update. Laptops need this piece of code to be 
updated more often than desktops machines due to buggy firmware and 
notebook's embedded nature.

What happens here is that manufacturers do not always provide a utility 
to extract the update file in order you can put it into a USB/CD-ROM to 
run the update and sadly the complete procedure needs to be done in a 
windows environment.

(That's one of the reasons why it is a good idea to do not remove the 
windows partition although you don't use it on your day work :-/)

 BUT I have found that by unloading and reloading the video module
 (and/or the radeon module) I can sometimes obtain the requisite
 backlight file in /sys/devices/virtual .., after which the screen either
 becomes bright automatically or I can do it manually. So it seems to be
 something to do with the order in which the modules are loaded, though I
 can't figure out what. The effect is unpredictable - sometimes it works,
 sometimes not.

If you can wait with that bypass, msot sure is that any kernel update 
will solve the problem as you seemed to experience with 2.6.37 and 2.6.38 



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Re: Backlight mystery - anyone shed light? some progress

2011-04-24 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 24 Apr 2011, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 10:49:26 +0100, Anthony Campbell wrote:
  On 23 Apr 2011, Camaleón wrote:
  Also, check for a BIOS update, most of these ACPI things are usually
  fixed after updating to the latest BIOS.
  Thanks, Camaleon. I found a lot of people using the same laptop with
  Windows who have the same problem. In some cases a bios upgrade fixed
  it, in others not. I tried to do this but it requires using an .exe
  file, and though I could do this with both wine and dosemu I couldn't
  obtain a suitable iso file to do the upgrade. (Also, I was a little
  afraid of ending up with an unbootable machine, which a few people
  report as happening.)
 Don't be afraid of a BIOS update. Laptops need this piece of code to be 
 updated more often than desktops machines due to buggy firmware and 
 notebook's embedded nature.
 What happens here is that manufacturers do not always provide a utility 
 to extract the update file in order you can put it into a USB/CD-ROM to 
 run the update and sadly the complete procedure needs to be done in a 
 windows environment.
 (That's one of the reasons why it is a good idea to do not remove the 
 windows partition although you don't use it on your day work :-/)

Yes, I was keeping it for that reason, but unfortunately it has ceased
to work for some reason.

  BUT I have found that by unloading and reloading the video module
  (and/or the radeon module) I can sometimes obtain the requisite
  backlight file in /sys/devices/virtual .., after which the screen either
  becomes bright automatically or I can do it manually. So it seems to be
  something to do with the order in which the modules are loaded, though I
  can't figure out what. The effect is unpredictable - sometimes it works,
  sometimes not.
 If you can wait with that bypass, msot sure is that any kernel update 
 will solve the problem as you seemed to experience with 2.6.37 and 2.6.38 

There was an upgrade of 2.6.38 in unstable today and also an upgrade of
udev. Unfortunately I now can't even get 2.6.37 to work reliably, though
it did after a bit of fiddling. It's just hit and miss. I've come to the
conclusion I hate all laptops!

Anthony Campbell - 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux - sample my ebooks at

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Re: test usb drive read / write speed

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 12:09:00 +0800, Huang, Tao wrote:

 i was trying to find out among several microSD cards which one has the
 fastest speed.
 i searched the web and didn't see any efficient solutions. are there
 conventional ways to test usb drive read / write speed? or any block


You may find useful this link:

It seems to be using palimtest, a nice GUI tool included within the 
GNOME desktop. Just a careful note here, write speed test needs the 
device to be completely empty (with no data nor partitions).



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Re: test usb drive read / write speed

2011-04-24 Thread Huang, Tao
On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 1:14 PM, Ron Johnson wrote:
 On 04/23/2011 11:09 PM, Huang, Tao wrote:
 is there a utility that:
 1. benchmarks random access,
 2. can do random writing on unused spaces for major filesystems,
 3. deals with the buffer properly.


bonnie++ doesn't seem small-device-friendly.

$ bonnie -d /path/to/test/ -s 1024
File size should be double RAM for good results, RAM is 3012M

so effectively i cant run it on any device whose size is smaller than
6G on my box.
is it what it means?



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Re: Issue writing image to disk via dd

2011-04-24 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 01:15:31AM +1200, Richard Hector wrote:
 On Sat, 2011-04-23 at 21:49 +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:
  You know 1M stands for 1*1000*1000*1000 not 1*1024*1024*1024.
 I'm half asleep, so I may not be thinking straight, but isn't that one
 too many multiplications, in both cases?

Yep.  I was sleeper than you.

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Re: test usb drive read / write speed

2011-04-24 Thread Huang, Tao
On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 9:44 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 You may find useful this link:

 It seems to be using palimtest, a nice GUI tool included within the
 GNOME desktop. Just a careful note here, write speed test needs the
 device to be completely empty (with no data nor partitions).


it's totally accecptable to wipe a SD card.

the palimpsest in this article is in the debian gnome-disk-utility package.
search it with google, i also find this article useful:

i don't think echo 3  /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches is a good idea.
mounting a fs with the flag sync disables it's buffers, doesn't it?

if dealing with raw device is the case. one can always use

$ dd if=infile of=/dev/raw_block_device seek=offset

to write to any part of that device.

i'll run palimpsest on my cards tomorrow to see if it's results cover
everything i want.


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Re: Please recommend an external HDD enclosure

2011-04-24 Thread Zoran Kolic
 Not quite. With this set-up, I wanted the home partition on the external

Yep, freebsd is a bit different. It assumes operator is not a
newbee at all.

 That is a potential candidate, because allthe installs mentione were on a
 laptop - HP nx6120 - which is now almost six years old.

Ah, I have nx9020, and freebsd on it. Works like a charm, so far.

 This was the problem. It showed up nowhere. If it had, I would have been
 able to mount it somehow, but I couldn't because as far as the O.S. was
 concerned, it didn't exist. With Debian, no problem! I'm writing to it now.
 But no chance with BSD.

You have to tell it where the partition is in fstab. I would try
with this:
  /dev/da0  /home   ufs rw,auto 0   0
Be carefull not to have more usb devices, since than the proper
device name could be different.
What is wrong with /home on hdd? You might have it on hdd and one
soft link to nonadmin user on usb drive. Like, root on hdd and
the directory for yourself as a simlink to usb drive, which has
to be mounted during boot process (fstab). Simply, make new user,
then remove his directory, make simlink, connect usb drive, par-
tition it and make file system, then add a line to fstab and do
reboot. Correct device should be /usr/home/name.
I'n not aware if debian could read and write to ffs2.
Best regards


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Re: Please recommend an external HDD enclosure

2011-04-24 Thread Ron Johnson

On 04/24/2011 03:42 AM, Panayiotis Karabassis wrote:

BTW, what type of backups do you use? It takes 5 DVDs just for my photo

An external esata enclosure stuffed full off drives.

Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure
the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally
Samuel Adams, essay in The Public Advertiser, 1749

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Re: Issue writing image to disk via dd

2011-04-24 Thread Huang, Tao
what about a binary diff on those two written images.

i guess the difference should be at the beginning / end of the device.
just diff their hex value instead of a real binary diff.

$ dd if=/dev/sda bs=1024 count=1 | hexdump -x  outfile


$ dd if=/dev/sda bs=1024 skip=30719 count=1 | hexdump -x  outfile

diff those outfiles and hopefully we can see what's happenning with
different dd builds.



School of Mathematical Sciences
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Re: network-manager and resolv.conf

2011-04-24 Thread tony mollica

On 04/22/2011 11:58 AM, Camaleón wrote:

On Thu, 21 Apr 2011 08:25:36 -0700, tony mollica wrote:

Using deb6-amd64 and I've searched for an acceptable solution but I find
none that I like.

The problem is that I would like to have this 'option single-request'
lline in
/etc/resolv.conf but network-manager continuously removes the line (and
anything else it doesn't care for).  There must be a way to identify
this line
as a permanent line or add it to the network manager config somewhere so
it is always added back in when resolv.conf is changed.

Question is:  Where is that setting located?

If you can't beat them, join them :-)

Look at man networkmanager, it seems that you can tell NM to pass some
values by scripting the desired commands by means of /etc/NetworkManager/
dispatcher.d/ folder.

Maybe you can create a simple script -carefully look for the script
requirements- that adds the option single-request value to /etc/
resolv.conf every time NM is in use.


Been through the docs several times, and maybe I missed it, but I find no
documentation on file names or formats for inserting persistent settings
into the /etc/resolv.conf rewrites done by nm.

Realistically, nm should be able to recognize
ANY 'options' lines in resolv.conf and leave it there.


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Re: Using Files Without Mounting A Share From Another System

2011-04-24 Thread Liam O'Toole
On 2011-04-24, Camaleón wrote:
 I have a jar file (the application is a fax client for HylaFAX) that 
 needs to be accessed/launched over the network because by doing so I only 
 have to update one file and then all the clients are automatically 

Java technology offers a standard way of doing that: Java Web Start. It
is possible to deploy a third-party application using a JNLP file[1].


(I have come very late to this thread, so forgive me if the above has
already been mentioned.)

Liam O'Toole
Cork, Ireland

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docx; was Re^2: OTF conversion without OpenOffice

2011-04-24 Thread peasthope
MS invented docx.  Now when John Doe wants to say Summer 
Vacation Planning Meeting.  Bring your coffee mug to the boardroom 
at 3:00. he can send an archive containing a hierarchy of a 
dozen or so files. Several kB in total.  

*   From: brownh
*   Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2010 07:11:47 -0400
 3. Abiword can be used to convert the document format 
 from .docx to, say, .pdf. 

In Squeeze, AbiWord 2.4.6 reports Error importing file 
According to release notes, docx capability appears in 2.8.0.

*   From: Camale#xF3;n
*   Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010 14:39:22 + (UTC)
 ... document.xml is the main file, the one that contains 
 the text of the document.

When iceweasel attempts to open document.xml it reports 
This XML file does not appear to have any style information 
associated with it.  ...  styles.xml is there but iceweasel misses it.

Anyone have a clever way of opening the document with Iceweasel.

Thanks,  ... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 450 2132.  bcc: peasthope at
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Re: Using Files Without Mounting A Share From Another System

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 15:02:19 +, Liam O'Toole wrote:

 On 2011-04-24, Camaleón wrote:
 I have a jar file (the application is a fax client for HylaFAX) that
 needs to be accessed/launched over the network because by doing so I
 only have to update one file and then all the clients are automatically
 Java technology offers a standard way of doing that: Java Web Start. It
 is possible to deploy a third-party application using a JNLP file[1].

Yes but no, that's a completely different approach (AFAIK, the 
application has to be prepared/packaged to use it and most of the java 
apps out there are not intended for that purpose, meaning they are not 
going to be launched/run online).
 (I have come very late to this thread, so forgive me if the above has
 already been mentioned.)

I already knew that tool but I'm afraid it does not work the way I want 
(or the way Windows clients do) ;-(



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Re^2: Cannot mount floppy drive in Squeeze

2011-04-24 Thread peasthope
*   From: Jude DaShiell
*   Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 17:59:35 -0400 (EDT)
 Why not download mtools and then try mdir a:/ and then try man mtools?  
 Even if floppy disks were inserted after booting I've been able to 
 access them using mtools in the past.

Thanks I'll try it, ... Peter E. 

P.S. Made the bios updater diskette in ETHNO but 
updating the BIOS on the Foxconn board didn't help.
Setting the kernel parameter reboot=bios did.

Telephone 1 360 450 2132.  bcc: peasthope at
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Re: docx; was Re^2: OTF conversion without OpenOffice

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 08:27:33 -0800, peasthope wrote:

(Uf... a very old thread, I've completely forgotten the full context :-P)

 MS invented docx.  Now when John Doe wants to say Summer Vacation
 Planning Meeting.  Bring your coffee mug to the boardroom at 3:00. he
 can send an archive containing a hierarchy of a dozen or so files.
 Several kB in total.

No, indeed. To avoid that tell (instruct) Mr. Doe to deliver a PDF 
document instead and problem solved ;-)

 * From: Camale#xF3;n *   Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010
 14:39:22 + (UTC)
 ... document.xml is the main file, the one that contains the text of
 the document.
 When iceweasel attempts to open document.xml it reports This XML file
 does not appear to have any style information associated with it.  ... 
 styles.xml is there but iceweasel misses it.
 Anyone have a clever way of opening the document with Iceweasel.

XML is a plain text format so you can open it with any text editor (gedit/
mcedit/vim/pico/emacs...). But docx's XML is raw format, meaning that you 
barely can get access to some pieces of the doc text but it will be 
completely unstructured and meaningless.

You better try to open the file with an updated verion of Libre Office or 
ask someone to open it for you and then he/she can return it to you in a 
more open and standard format.



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spelling; was Re: Cannot mount floppy drive in Squeeze

2011-04-24 Thread peasthope
*   From:
*   Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 11:56:47 -0800
 ... UTF8 ...

Correct spelling is UTF-8, ... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 450 2132.  bcc: peasthope at
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Re: Using Files Without Mounting A Share From Another System

2011-04-24 Thread Rob Owens
On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 12:28:01AM -0400, Hal Vaughan wrote:
 On Apr 23, 2011, at 3:51 PM, Rob Owens wrote:
  On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 01:03:00PM -0400, Hal Vaughan wrote:
  I now know I can use smbclient to read files on an SMB share without 
  having to mount it, but I need to do more than that.
  I want to be able to access either Java classes or an executable on a 
  shared volume on a server without having to mount the volume on the local 
  system. (There are a couple reasons for not wanting to mount.)  I know on 
  Windows I can list the files on an SMB share on another system and access 
  them using SMB/CIFS by just specifying the volume properly on the command 
  line.  I want to do something like that on Linux, but do more than just 
  listing the files or copying them to the local computer.
  I need a way, on Linux, to access files on a network share, which could be 
  SMB or NFS (or something else) without mounting the volume.  For example, 
  if I'm on System A and I have an executable on System B, and it's on a 
  network share on System B, is there any way to run that executable without 
  mounting that share as a volume on System A?
  Here's a possible workaround.  It involves mounting, but as a regular
  I'd use sshfs.  The remote server needs to have an ssh server running.
  Then you can run this:
  sshfs remoteserver:/some/path localdir
  Then you can ls localdir, or operate on any of the files there.
  If you use public key authentication and ssh-add, you can do this
  without needing to enter a password.
  I've never used this to access a non-linux machine, but in theory it
  should work on anything that is running an ssh server.
 That is mounting, but, as I mentioned in another email, clients that use 
 Linux on a desktop are a lot easier to deal with on these things than Windows 
 I still have to test on Windows to be sure that I can actually run a jar from 
 an unmounted SMB share.  I can operate on files like that, so I would think I 
 can run a jar that way.
 sshfs sounds like a good idea and I'll look into it.  That would work on both 
 the Mac and Linux.
I'm not sure if cygwin has sshfs available, but if it does then you
could use sshfs from a Windows box.


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Re (2): docx; was Re^2: OTF conversion without OpenOffice

2011-04-24 Thread peasthope
From:   Camaleon
Subject:Re: docx; was Re^2: OTF conversion without OpenOffice
 No, indeed. To avoid that tell (instruct) Mr. Doe to deliver a PDF 
 document instead and problem solved ;-)

Or send an email containing a message of about 82 ASCII characters.  
For most of the population, the computer has become a sorcerer's 

 But docx's XML is raw format, meaning that you 
 barely can get access to some pieces of the doc text but it will be 
 completely unstructured and meaningless.

I get that.  But the function of a browser is to interpret 
a text in an XML language, into a form for input to a human.
I just don't see how to make Iceweasel recognize the structure 
of this document.  The style is there but Iceweasel doesn't 
get it.

Regards,... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 450 2132.  bcc: peasthope at
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Re: Re (2): docx; was Re^2: OTF conversion without OpenOffice

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 09:05:34 -0800, peasthope wrote:

 From: Camaleon
 Subject:  Re: docx; was Re^2: OTF conversion without OpenOffice
 No, indeed. To avoid that tell (instruct) Mr. Doe to deliver a PDF
 document instead and problem solved ;-)
 Or send an email containing a message of about 82 ASCII characters. For
 most of the population, the computer has become a sorcerer's apprentice.

Sure, but our task is to tell the users how to mix the components to make 
white magic and don't let them to fall into the dark side O:-)

 But docx's XML is raw format, meaning that you barely can get access to
 some pieces of the doc text but it will be completely unstructured and
 I get that.  But the function of a browser is to interpret a text in an
 XML language, into a form for input to a human. I just don't see how to
 make Iceweasel recognize the structure of this document.  The style is
 there but Iceweasel doesn't get it.

What you are getting is a common/documented error, don't worry. To solve 
it you have to edit the XML file and remove the line at the top that 
links the XML with a stylesheet (XSL).

For example:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
?xml-stylesheet type=text/xsl href=file.xsl?

Just remove the second line.



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Re: Using Files Without Mounting A Share From Another System

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 10:16:15 +, Camaleón wrote:

 I think Linux might give better control over things like permissions.
 In my case, the server will be running Debian 6.x.
 Now you mention... I've got a samba share on a Debian server (this is in
 another network), and windows clients accessing to it. I can make some
 tests here, will report back as soon as I can give any news on this :-)

Tested and I cannot get it to work ;-(

What I've found out by searching the web is a possible workaround that 
makes use of GVFS and Fuse (this is under GNOME). 

By using these two daemons one can run gvfs-mount //server/share and it 
will recreate the full structure of the network share under ~/.gvfs/
share at server so java -jar pointing to this path does not complain 
and runs the file fine. 

This is something like doing mount -t cifs ... with the advantadge that 
this can be done by the user itself (no root password needed) so the 
virtual mount point can be mounted only when required -on the fly-, no 
need no edit /etc/fstab and define the static samba share on every boot.



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list all the devices connected to the router

2011-04-24 Thread Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
I connect my PCs to internet via Verizon DSL router. When I go to in a browser (say firefox), I am able to see all the computers 
connected to this router.

However, from command line is there any way to probe for the list of IP 
addresses of all the machines connected to the router?

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

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Re: list all the devices connected to the router

2011-04-24 Thread Chris Brennan
On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 12:52 PM, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:

I connect my PCs to internet via Verizon DSL router. When I go to in a browser (say firefox), I am able to see all the computers
 connected to this router.

 However, from command line is there any way to probe for the list of IP
 addresses of all the machines connected to the router?


You could just portmap your LAN's range (i.e. for active
IP's. Remember that your router will show up w/ an IP in use as well as each
computer you know about on your LAN, so if you have more IP's in use then
computers, start hunting *and secure your wireless*!!!

 A: Yes.
 Q: Are you sure?
 A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.

 Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

Re: list all the devices connected to the router

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 12:52:22 -0400, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:

 I connect my PCs to internet via Verizon DSL router. When I go to in a browser (say firefox), I am able to see all the
 computers connected to this router.
 However, from command line is there any way to probe for the list of IP
 addresses of all the machines connected to the router?

There are some tools that can help you with that, like netdiscover.



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Re: list all the devices connected to the router

2011-04-24 Thread Huang, Tao
On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 12:52 AM, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:
 I connect my PCs to internet via Verizon DSL router. When I go to in a browser (say firefox), I am able to see all the computers
 connected to this router.

 However, from command line is there any way to probe for the list of IP
 addresses of all the machines connected to the router?

can u ssh / telnet to the router.
there might be native utilities that u can run from the router's shell.

for example, with dd-wrt firmware on supported routers, just run ifconfig.



School of Mathematical Science
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Re: docx; was Re^2: OTF conversion without OpenOffice

2011-04-24 Thread Lisi
On Sunday 24 April 2011 16:38:23 Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 08:27:33 -0800, peasthope wrote:
  MS invented docx.  Now when John Doe wants to say Summer Vacation
  Planning Meeting.  Bring your coffee mug to the boardroom at 3:00. he
  can send an archive containing a hierarchy of a dozen or so files.
  Several kB in total.

 No, indeed. To avoid that tell (instruct) Mr. Doe to deliver a PDF
 document instead and problem solved ;-)

Why not .txt?  Even simpler, will retain all the information and be readable 
with almost anything.  I suppose at a pinch .rtf, but I don't see that any 
formatting is necessary for that information.


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Re: Sending from newsreader

2011-04-24 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Du, 24 apr 11, 13:18:25, Siard wrote:
 I'm following this list through the newsgroup using Sylpheed.

Which newsgroup? Make sure it's using a bi-directional gateway (like 
gmane does).

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RE: list all the devices connected to the router

2011-04-24 Thread shawn wilson
On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 1:13 PM, Huang, Tao wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 12:52 AM, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:
 I connect my PCs to internet via Verizon DSL router. When I go to in a browser (say firefox), I am able to see all the computers
 connected to this router.

 However, from command line is there any way to probe for the list of IP
 addresses of all the machines connected to the router?

 can u ssh / telnet to the router.
 there might be native utilities that u can run from the router's shell.

 for example, with dd-wrt firmware on supported routers, just run ifconfig.

sense no one has mentioned it yet - nmap -sP 192.168.1.*
will get you what you want. now, a nice little trick i used to do on
semi embedded systems that i didn't want to install anything on (emc
darp, and vmware esx):
seq 0 254 | while read f; do ping -c 1 $f; done; arp
you might want to clear your arp cache first though:
ip neigh flush all

... though, something tells me you're not going to be doing any of
this because nmap is the right tool for the job :)

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Re: list all the devices connected to the router

2011-04-24 Thread shawn wilson
 seq 0 254 | while read f; do ping -c 1 $f; done; arp

g, that should be:
seq 0 254 | while read f; do ping -c 1 192.168.1.$f; done; arp

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Re: docx; was Re^2: OTF conversion without OpenOffice

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 18:28:29 +0100, Lisi wrote:

 On Sunday 24 April 2011 16:38:23 Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 08:27:33 -0800, peasthope wrote:
  MS invented docx.  Now when John Doe wants to say Summer Vacation
  Planning Meeting.  Bring your coffee mug to the boardroom at 3:00.
  he can send an archive containing a hierarchy of a dozen or so files.
  Several kB in total.

 No, indeed. To avoid that tell (instruct) Mr. Doe to deliver a PDF
 document instead and problem solved ;-)
 Why not .txt?  Even simpler, will retain all the information and be
 readable with almost anything.  

How about images and text formatting? With plain text files you miss them 
(html should be a nice alternative but again, images have to be enclosed 
apart) ;-)

PDF being an ISO standard is a very good alternative for handling 
documents that do not need to be edited but viewed and it features very 
good compression methods for images.

 I suppose at a pinch .rtf, but I don't
 see that any formatting is necessary for that information.

RTF has a big drawback: it generates very big documents not suitable for 
sending them attached to an e-mail ;-(



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Re: list all the devices connected to the router

2011-04-24 Thread John Hasler
Kamaraju S Kusumanchi writes:
 However, from command line is there any way to probe for the list of
 IP addresses of all the machines connected to the router?

man arp
John Hasler

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Re: test usb drive read / write speed

2011-04-24 Thread Doug

On 04/24/2011 09:44 AM, Camaleón wrote:

On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 12:09:00 +0800, Huang, Tao wrote:

i was trying to find out among several microSD cards which one has the
fastest speed.
i searched the web and didn't see any efficient solutions. are there
conventional ways to test usb drive read / write speed? or any block


You may find useful this link:

It seems to be using palimtest, a nice GUI tool included within the
GNOME desktop. Just a careful note here, write speed test needs the
device to be completely empty (with no data nor partitions).


Do you mean palimpsest or is that something else?


Blessed are the peacekeepers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. --A. 
M. Greeley

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Re: list all the devices connected to the router

2011-04-24 Thread shawn wilson
On Apr 24, 2011 1:39 PM, John Hasler wrote:

 Kamaraju S Kusumanchi writes:
  However, from command line is there any way to probe for the list of
  IP addresses of all the machines connected to the router?

 man arp

Ya know, there is a reason I winged all addresses on a /24 net before
running arp and why I mentioned clearing the arp cache before doing this.

Again, nmap is the right tool for the job.

Re: list all the devices connected to the router

2011-04-24 Thread shawn wilson
I have got to stop doing this:

Ya know, there is a reason I pinged all addresses on a /24 net before
running arp and why I mentioned clearing the arp cache before doing this.


 Again, nmap is the right tool for the job.

Re: Using Files Without Mounting A Share From Another System

2011-04-24 Thread Liam O'Toole
On 2011-04-24, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 15:02:19 +, Liam O'Toole wrote:

 On 2011-04-24, Camaleón wrote:
 I have a jar file (the application is a fax client for HylaFAX) that
 needs to be accessed/launched over the network because by doing so I
 only have to update one file and then all the clients are automatically
 Java technology offers a standard way of doing that: Java Web Start. It
 is possible to deploy a third-party application using a JNLP file[1].

 Yes but no, that's a completely different approach (AFAIK, the 
 application has to be prepared/packaged to use it and most of the java 
 apps out there are not intended for that purpose, meaning they are not 
 going to be launched/run online).

It is simply a means of lauching an application over the network.
Whether the application was intended to be launched in that way is
irrelevant. Once the user trusts the application, the local JVM will
load and run the JAR file exactly as if it had originally resided on the
local hard drive.

 (I have come very late to this thread, so forgive me if the above has
 already been mentioned.)

 I already knew that tool but I'm afraid it does not work the way I want 
 (or the way Windows clients do) ;-(

The application launch should have the same behaviour on all supported
platforms. In what way is it unsatisfactory?

Liam O'Toole
Cork, Ireland

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Re: Re (2): docx; was Re^2: OTF conversion without OpenOffice

2011-04-24 Thread Greg Madden

On Sunday 24 April 2011 09:05:34 am wrote:

 I get that.  But the function of a browser is to interpret
 a text in an XML language, into a form for input to a human.
 I just don't see how to make Iceweasel recognize the structure
 of this document.  The style is there but Iceweasel doesn't
 get it.

Maybe something like this.

Firefox has addons that can view XML files ie: 'OpenXMLviewer'
Google 'xml viewer'  firefox . 

Not sure what works with the Iceweasel version in Squeeze.


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Re: test usb drive read / write speed

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 13:58:59 -0400, Doug wrote:

 On 04/24/2011 09:44 AM, Camaleón wrote:


 It seems to be using palimtest, a nice GUI tool included within the
 GNOME desktop. Just a careful note here, write speed test needs the
 device to be completely empty (with no data nor partitions).

 Do you mean palimpsest or is that something else?

Yep, that's it, I misspelled the name of the tool :-)



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Re: Using Files Without Mounting A Share From Another System

2011-04-24 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 18:08:47 +, Liam O'Toole wrote:

 On 2011-04-24, Camaleón wrote:
 Java technology offers a standard way of doing that: Java Web Start.
 It is possible to deploy a third-party application using a JNLP

 Yes but no, that's a completely different approach (AFAIK, the
 application has to be prepared/packaged to use it and most of the java
 apps out there are not intended for that purpose, meaning they are not
 going to be launched/run online).
 It is simply a means of lauching an application over the network.

Most specifically over http protocol, I'd say.

 Whether the application was intended to be launched in that way is

Nope, it isn't :-)

You need some sort of xml file defining the app to launch and while java  
does not (want to) understand the smb:// protocol we are stuck.

I can indeed play JNLP based java applications that are hosted online but 
I cannot run the java application I want to run while is on samba share. 
At least not directly ;-(

 Once the user trusts the application, the local JVM will
 load and run the JAR file exactly as if it had originally resided on the
 local hard drive.

Yes, but not all java applications are ready to be used with that method. 
If you can tell me a sample case, I will test :-)

 (I have come very late to this thread, so forgive me if the above has
 already been mentioned.)

 I already knew that tool but I'm afraid it does not work the way I want
 (or the way Windows clients do) ;-(
 The application launch should have the same behaviour on all supported
 platforms. In what way is it unsatisfactory?

JNLP based java apps yes, but again, at least that does not fit with my 
app :-(



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Re: Tripwire can't send report by email‏‏

2011-04-24 Thread Freeman
On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 07:45:37AM +, Cedric DC wrote:
 I don't find how to change this tripwire@proxytest by a FQDN the
 If I try to launch hostname -v, I have the FQDN of my server.
 root@proxytest:/etc/tripwire# hostname -f
 Can I specify the From address in twcfg.txt ?
 root@proxytest:/etc/tripwire# hostname -f
 Here my twcfg.txt file
 root@proxytest:/etc/tripwire# more twcfg.txt
 ROOT  =/usr/sbin
 POLFILE   =/etc/tripwire/tw.pol
 SITEKEYFILE   =/etc/tripwire/site.key
 LOCALKEYFILE  =/etc/tripwire/$(HOSTNAME)-local.key
 SMTPHOST  =localhost

Can you send other mail successfully from this machine through using your MTA (maybe exim4?)?


Microsoft is not the answer. Microsoft is the question. NO (or Linux) is the
answer. --Somebody

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Procmail question/puzzle

2011-04-24 Thread Paul E Condon
The following procmail recipe was copied form a blog about how to set
up Debian/Exim/Procmail/Mutt to use Bogofilter. It is intended to do a
first cut at getting rid of junk that confuses Bogofilter, and appears
just before the recipe that pipes incoming mail through Bogofilter.
But I can't figure out how it works (or even if it does work). It may
just be garbled in copying somewhere along the trail from an original
good idea to a hadly formed helpful hint on the internet. (Procmail
does have its own special tweeks to reg. expressions.) In its original
form it had a particularly infelicitous name for the action file,
which I have changed, but otherwise what you see is GUI window cut and
paste form the internet. Does this make sense? Explain, please.

## 'unreadable' mail
* 1^0 
* 1^0 

## bogofilter spam filtering:
| /usr/bin/bogofilter -eplu

Also, this is a regexp. Regexp.s can be garbled in email because of
line folding.  If the above is garbled on the list, I'll welcome
suggestions as to how to format it in a reposting.


Paul E Condon

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Re: Sending from newsreader

2011-04-24 Thread Siard
Op Sun, 24 Apr 2011 Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Du, 24 apr 11, 13:18:25, Siard wrote:
  I'm following this list through the newsgroup using Sylpheed.
 Which newsgroup? Make sure it's using a bi-directional gateway (like 
 gmane does).


I replied to Camaleón's post using Gmane, but as I understand, posting
for the first time may take some days before being accepted.

I have tried to reply to your post using Pan, but then I got the
message below.

BUT I found that if I move your post from the newsgroup in Sylpheed to
a mail folder, I can reply from there, while the 'In-Reply-To' and the
'References' in the headers seem OK, so the thread is not even broken.
It looks like I've found another way to take part in this mailing list
without being subscribed, and without using Gmane.

Subject: Re: Re: Sending from newsreader
From: Moderation Robot

linux.debian.user is a moderated newsgroup in gateway
with a mailing list.

Your article has been examined by the automatic moderation program
and has been refused because:

this hierarchy accepts posts only from registered users.
You can register for posting by subscribing to the mailing list. You can do so by sending a
message with subscribe in the body at the address or by visiting .

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Re: Monitors requiring interlaced video modes with older Nvidia video cards are out of options in wheezy

2011-04-24 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 04:34:13 -0400 (EDT), Andrei Popescu wrote:
 On Sat, 23 Apr 2011 17:57:07 -0400 (EDT), Stephen Powell wrote:
 I can't use the nouveau driver because the nouveau driver doesn't work
 with interlaced video modes.  I filed a bug report a good while ago.  See
 No response.
 You could try to report the bug upstream (and then tag the Debian bug 
 accordingly), since this is clearly an upstream issue.
 Of course, ideally would be for you to write the support for interlaced 
 video modes, maybe with help from other people, but I'm not sure how 
 many people are interested in this.

The problem isn't that there is no support for interlaced video modes.
There IS support for interlaced video modes.  The problem is that it
DOESN'T WORK.  That's actually a good thing, because it means that the
fix is likely to be a fairly simple adjustment to existing code, rather
than writing new code to add new function.  I don't get any error messages
stating unsupported video mode, or any such thing.  There is no indication
from looking at the logs that there is anything wrong.  I just get a black

Actually, now that I think about it, this bug report has probably been
sitting on the wrong queue all this time.  I reported the bug against
package xserver-xorg-video-nouveau, which is a user-space X driver.  But
the driver uses kernel mode setting (KMS) to set the actual video mode.
The same bug can be reproduced by using the following kernel boot parameter:


Except that in this case the blank screen is produced on the frame-buffer
text consoles (vt1-vt6) instead of the X server console (vt7).  This tells
me that the bug is on the kernel-space side rather than the user-space
side.  If I were the maintainer, that would probably have been the first
thing I would have tried to determine.  The bug could be in the nouveau
kernel module, or perhaps in more-generic KMS code.  To determine if the
problem is nouveau-specific, I would need a non-Nvidia video card whose
driver also uses KMS.

But that brings up another issue, which is reporting bugs upstream.
The official Debian policy is Don't report bugs upstream.  I quote from

   Don't file bugs upstream

   If you file a bug in Debian, don't send a copy to the upstream software
   maintainers yourself, as it is possible that the bug exists only in Debian.
   If necessary, the maintainer of the package will forward the bug upstream.

But if the bug is clearly in upstream code, and the maintainer is ignoring
the bug report, what else can one do?

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Using Files Without Mounting A Share From Another System

2011-04-24 Thread Liam O'Toole
On 2011-04-24, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 18:08:47 +, Liam O'Toole wrote:

 On 2011-04-24, Camaleón wrote:
 Java technology offers a standard way of doing that: Java Web Start.
 It is possible to deploy a third-party application using a JNLP

 Yes but no, that's a completely different approach (AFAIK, the
 application has to be prepared/packaged to use it and most of the java
 apps out there are not intended for that purpose, meaning they are not
 going to be launched/run online).
 It is simply a means of lauching an application over the network.

 Most specifically over http protocol, I'd say.

It is most commonly used over HTTP, but other protocols are available
(see below).

 Whether the application was intended to be launched in that way is

 Nope, it isn't :-)

Oh yes it is. Try it.

 You need some sort of xml file defining the app to launch and while java  
 does not (want to) understand the smb:// protocol we are stuck.

 I can indeed play JNLP based java applications that are hosted online but 
 I cannot run the java application I want to run while is on samba share. 
 At least not directly ;-(

Try using a UNC path in the JNLP descriptor, e.g.,
file:server/share/app.jar. Windows clients will understand that.

 Once the user trusts the application, the local JVM will
 load and run the JAR file exactly as if it had originally resided on the
 local hard drive.

 Yes, but not all java applications are ready to be used with that method. 
 If you can tell me a sample case, I will test :-)

--- SNIP ---

I cannot provide you with a sample case to prove a negative! Instead I
invite you to download the sample .jnlp file in the link I provided
earlier and modify it to suit your LAN.

Good luck.

Liam O'Toole
Cork, Ireland

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Re: Sending from newsreader

2011-04-24 Thread Siard
I wrote:
 BUT I found that if I move your post from the newsgroup in Sylpheed to
 a mail folder, I can reply from there, while the 'In-Reply-To' and the
 'References' in the headers seem OK, so the thread is not even broken.

Alas, the thread _does_ appear to be broken

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Re: Backlight mystery - anyone shed light? some progress

2011-04-24 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 24 Apr 2011, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 24 Apr 2011, Camaleón wrote:

Well, it's beginning to look as if it was a hardware problem all along.
The Windows partition disappeared and the backlight began to work
perfectly. I decided to do a reinstall in the former Windows partition.
Everything seemed to go off correctly but when I came to reboot into
Debian I got Nonsystem Disk or disk failure: Replace and strike any key
when ready.

I think there must have been some hardware failure.


Anthony Campbell - 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux - sample my ebooks at

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Libtrash: Have any of you successfully activated it?

2011-04-24 Thread Jason Hsu
Installing Libtrash from Synaptic is easy enough.  However, I can't for the 
life of me figure out how to activate it.

 , I'm supposed to add the following code (had to use a different file for the 
LD_PRELOAD command) to /etc/profile: 

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libtrash/
alias trashon=”export TRASH_OFF=NO”
alias trashoff=”export TRASH_OFF=YES”

But entering trashon in the command line didn't work.

Adding that code to /home/(username)/.bashrc didn't work either.

Has ANYONE successfully implemented libtrash?

If libtrash is inherently ineffective, what are some lightweight alternatives I 
should use?

Jason Hsu

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Re: Sending from newsreader

2011-04-24 Thread Florian Rehnisch
o Siard
 I'm following this list through the newsgroup using Sylpheed.
 But if I send a message or reply to one, my message does not arrive.
 I know I can send a message by e-mail, even if I'm not subscribed.
 But how to reply to a message then? Sending by e-mail breaks the thread.
 Nonetheless, I see other posts that appear to be sent correctly from a
 newsreader. Is it those newsreaders that can handle this better?

Used to work w/o issues with tin and the linux.* gateway, let's see if
this message make it through.  Sending with tin.

Maybe the linux.* groups are not flagged as moderated on your news site,
or the forwarding of the news arts via email doesn't work.


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Laptop won't boot after installation - disk error

2011-04-24 Thread Anthony Campbell
I just did a fresh installation of Debian. Everything seemed to go off
correctly but when I came to reboot I got:

Non-system disk or disk error: replace and strike any key when ready.

I reinstalled twice and also reinstalled grub twice. No errors reported.
I suspect a hard disk failure or cmos problem. Any other ideas? Is it
possible to boot via a cdrom? All the files are there on the hard disk
when I look at it via rescue.


Anthony Campbell - 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux - sample my ebooks at

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Re: Sending from newsreader

2011-04-24 Thread Florian Rehnisch
[header fullquote]

o Siard
 From: Siard
 Newsgroups: linux.debian.user
 Subject: Re: Sending from newsreader
 Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 22:50:02 +0200
 X-Amavis-Spam-Status: No, score=-6.9 tagged_above=-1 required=5.3
   tests=[BAYES_00=-2, FOURLA=0.1, LDO_WHITELIST=-5] autolearn=ham
 X-Policyd-Weight: using cached result; rate: -5
 X-Mailer: Sylpheed 3.0.2 (GTK+ 2.24.4; i486-pc-linux-gnu)
 X-Operating-System: Debian GNU/Linux Wheezy
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 X-Originalarrivaltime: 24 Apr 2011 20:24:31.0276 (UTC) 
 X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/601668
 Lines: 12
 Organization: linux.* mail to news gateway
 X-Original-Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 22:24:38 +0200
 Xref: linux.debian.user:412671

 I wrote:
 BUT I found that if I move your post from the newsgroup in Sylpheed to
 a mail folder, I can reply from there, while the 'In-Reply-To' and the
 'References' in the headers seem OK, so the thread is not even broken.

 Alas, the thread _does_ appear to be broken

unmangle the References?

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Re: Sending from newsreader

2011-04-24 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2011-04-24 22:24 +0200, Siard wrote:

 I wrote:
 BUT I found that if I move your post from the newsgroup in Sylpheed to
 a mail folder, I can reply from there, while the 'In-Reply-To' and the
 'References' in the headers seem OK, so the thread is not even broken.

 Alas, the thread _does_ appear to be broken

Never reply by mail if you use a mail-to-news gateway that mangles
Message-IDs, like  Reply by news via the same gateway or
(preferably) use some other gateway that does not rewrite Message-IDs,
e.g. Gmane.


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Re: docx; was Re^2: OTF conversion without OpenOffice

2011-04-24 Thread Lisi
On Sunday 24 April 2011 18:34:55 Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 18:28:29 +0100, Lisi wrote:
  On Sunday 24 April 2011 16:38:23 Camaleón wrote:
  On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 08:27:33 -0800, peasthope wrote:
   MS invented docx.  Now when John Doe wants to say Summer Vacation
   Planning Meeting.  Bring your coffee mug to the boardroom at 3:00.
   he can send an archive containing a hierarchy of a dozen or so files.
   Several kB in total.
  Why not .txt?  Even simpler, will retain all the information and be
  readable with almost anything.

 How about images and text formatting? With plain text files you miss them
 (html should be a nice alternative but again, images have to be enclosed
 apart) ;-)

There are no images in the text above.  it is just that - simple text. Summer 
Vacation Planning Meeting.  Bring your coffee mug to the boardroom at 3:00.

I was not referring to a putative complicated document, but to this specific 
example, and others like it.  For this specific example .pdf is overkill.


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Re: Backlight mystery - anyone shed light? some progress

2011-04-24 Thread shawn wilson
On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 24 Apr 2011, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 24 Apr 2011, Camaleón wrote:

 Well, it's beginning to look as if it was a hardware problem all along.
 The Windows partition disappeared and the backlight began to work
 perfectly. I decided to do a reinstall in the former Windows partition.
 Everything seemed to go off correctly but when I came to reboot into
 Debian I got Nonsystem Disk or disk failure: Replace and strike any key
 when ready.

 I think there must have been some hardware failure.

that's your mbr talking to you. don't think that's hardware 'failure'.

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Re: Libtrash: Have any of you successfully activated it?

2011-04-24 Thread Ron Johnson

On 04/24/2011 03:45 PM, Jason Hsu wrote:

Installing Libtrash from Synaptic is easy enough.  However, I can't for the 
life of me figure out how to activate it.

 , I'm supposed to add the following code (had to use a different file for the 
LD_PRELOAD command) to /etc/profile:

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libtrash/
alias trashon=”export TRASH_OFF=NO”
alias trashoff=”export TRASH_OFF=YES”

But entering trashon in the command line didn't work.

Define didn't work.  Returned an error message?

Adding that code to /home/(username)/.bashrc didn't work either.

Has ANYONE successfully implemented libtrash?

Did you configure it properly?

If libtrash is inherently ineffective, what are some lightweight alternatives I 
should use?

Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure
the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally
Samuel Adams, essay in The Public Advertiser, 1749

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Re: Libtrash: Have any of you successfully activated it?

2011-04-24 Thread Jason Hsu
The files that I deleted or removed with rm didn't show up in the Trash 
folder.  I tried adding those commands to the /etc/profile file and the 
/home/(username)/.bashrc files, but that didn't work.

What's the proper way to configure libtrash?  Is it working on your computer?  
When you delete a file in the GUI or remove it with the rm command, does it 
show up in your Trash folder?

On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 17:41:52 -0500
Ron Johnson wrote:
 Define didn't work.  Returned an error message?
  Adding that code to /home/(username)/.bashrc didn't work either.
  Has ANYONE successfully implemented libtrash?
 Did you configure it properly?

Jason Hsu

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Re: Laptop won't boot after installation - disk error

2011-04-24 Thread Allan Wind
On 2011-04-24 22:18:02, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 I just did a fresh installation of Debian. Everything seemed to go off
 correctly but when I came to reboot I got:
 Non-system disk or disk error: replace and strike any key when ready.
 I reinstalled twice and also reinstalled grub twice. No errors reported.
 I suspect a hard disk failure or cmos problem. Any other ideas? Is it
 possible to boot via a cdrom? All the files are there on the hard disk
 when I look at it via rescue.

I recently upgraded my laptop and the new laptop required the 
boot flag set.  You can do that via fdisk (or friends) when 
booting into rescue or go through the install and set it there 
but accept the option of keeping the data.  Then just restart 
after the new partition table is written out.

Allan Wind
Life Integrity, LLC

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RE: list all the devices connected to the router

2011-04-24 Thread Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
shawn wilson wrote:

 sense no one has mentioned it yet - nmap -sP 192.168.1.*

Thanks for the nmap command. This lists some of the machines but not all. 
For example, when I look at in a web browser I see that the 
router is connected to . However, it does not show up in the 
nmap output.

$nmap -sP 192.168.1.*

Starting Nmap 5.00 ( ) at 2011-04-24 19:44 EDT
Host ( is up (0.0011s latency).
Host ( is up (0.00049s latency).
Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (2 hosts up) scanned in 2.45 seconds

The is my vonage phone connection. I am unable to ping it 
either. However, my phone works so the connection must be alive.

Any other ideas?
Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

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Re: Issue writing image to disk via dd

2011-04-24 Thread Mark Kane
On Sun, Apr 24, 2011, at 22:54:48 +0800, Huang, Tao wrote:
 what about a binary diff on those two written images.
 i guess the difference should be at the beginning / end of the device.
 just diff their hex value instead of a real binary diff.
 $ dd if=/dev/sda bs=1024 count=1 | hexdump -x  outfile
 $ dd if=/dev/sda bs=1024 skip=30719 count=1 | hexdump -x  outfile
 diff those outfiles and hopefully we can see what's happenning with
 different dd builds.

When using either of the above commands, there is no difference
outputted from diff between the data written by Lenny (where it works)
and Squeeze (where it doesn't).

That got me to think that maybe it's not at the very beginning/end, so
I tried this:

# dd if=/dev/sda bs=1024 count=30720 | hexdump -x  outfile

In that case, there is a difference between Lenny and Squeeze and I
have attached the diff.

As another test, I tried writing the image to sdb which is a blank
disk. If I do this:

# dd if=/dev/sdb bs=1024 count=30720 | hexdump -x  outfile

...there is no difference between the data written from Lenny and
Squeeze as there was above when it was written to sda (which contains
the live running file system).

So I guess that narrows it down a bit. The problem in Etch and
Squeeze only happens when overwriting the device with the live
file system. When writing to a separate disk everything works as



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