OT: Directiva europea sobre FRAND

2012-02-29 Thread Eduard Selma
Segurament és un Off-Topic (accepteu les meves excuses) però he vist 
aquesta notícia a Slashdot:

The European Parliament is on the verge of adopting a directive 
reforming standards, reform which would introduce FRAND patent licensing 
terms, an undefined term which has been seen as a direct attack on the 
fundamental principles of Free and Open Source software. The Business 
Software Alliance has been very active trying to get FRAND terms into 
the directive.


Quina és la vostra opinió? cal posar-se a tremolar? No n'hi ha per tant?

La meva formació jurídica és gairebé nul·la, però si hi ha la BSA al 
darrera no em dona cap garantia.

Ja en direu. Si és una ximpleria, doncs quedem-nos tranquils.

Eduard Selma i Bargalló.
Usuari Linux núm. 154786

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consulta epub i pdf

2012-02-29 Thread xavier llistes

no tinc clar que sigui la llista correcta on preguntar-ho però... 
necessitaria localitzar alguna aplicació lliure que em funcionés amb 
debian testing per poder marcar fragments de text amb epub i amb pdf. És 
a dir, mentre realitzes una lectura poder  subratllar (tipus rotulador 
fosforito) i que pogués guardar aquests subratllaments en el propi 
document per poder-ho veure en alguna altra màquina. He provat els 
següents excel·lents lectors d'epub i no ho he aconseguit:

1- calibre
2- fbreader
3- coolreader
4- azardi
i per pdf

moltes gràcies


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Re: consulta epub i pdf

2012-02-29 Thread Lluís Gras
Pera pdf tens xournal, suposo que després podràs exportar-ho a epub.

El 29 de febrer de 2012 23:43, xavier llistes xavier.llis...@gmail.com ha

 no tinc clar que sigui la llista correcta on preguntar-ho però...
 necessitaria localitzar alguna aplicació lliure que em funcionés amb debian
 testing per poder marcar fragments de text amb epub i amb pdf. És a dir,
 mentre realitzes una lectura poder  subratllar (tipus rotulador fosforito)
 i que pogués guardar aquests subratllaments en el propi document per
 poder-ho veure en alguna altra màquina. He provat els següents excel·lents
 lectors d'epub i no ho he aconseguit:
 1- calibre
 2- fbreader
 3- coolreader
 4- azardi
 i per pdf

 moltes gràcies


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Re: consulta epub i pdf

2012-02-29 Thread Griera
Hola Xavi:

Per marcar amb rotulador groc les frases dels pdf que m'interessa recordar, 
faig servir okular. A Eines | revisió, hi han els eines per fer-ho.

Pels epub, ni idea.

Espero que et serveixi.


On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 23:43:02 +0100
xavier llistes xavier.llis...@gmail.com wrote:

 no tinc clar que sigui la llista correcta on preguntar-ho però... 
 necessitaria localitzar alguna aplicació lliure que em funcionés amb 
 debian testing per poder marcar fragments de text amb epub i amb pdf. És 
 a dir, mentre realitzes una lectura poder  subratllar (tipus rotulador 
 fosforito) i que pogués guardar aquests subratllaments en el propi 
 document per poder-ho veure en alguna altra màquina. He provat els 
 següents excel·lents lectors d'epub i no ho he aconseguit:
 1- calibre
 2- fbreader
 3- coolreader
 4- azardi
 i per pdf
 moltes gràcies
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Re: Debian, Latex et fontspec

2012-02-29 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Wed, 29 Feb 2012 14:27:42 +0100,
Thierry Leurent thierry.leur...@asgardian.be a écrit :

 Dans le cadre d'un nouveau projet, je dois réaliser des documents PDF
 à partir de sorties 100% texte issuent d'un émulateur mainframe. Un
 des buts est de donner à ces documents un look digne de ce nom.
 J'ai décidé d'utiliser Latex afin de m'aider dans cette tache.
 La première étape conciste à réalser une template reproduisant nos
 feuilles à entête. Cette feuille contient un texte écrit en payage
 où les caractères sont séparé par un blanc de 5mm.
 J'ai essayé plusieurs solutions comme letterspace, mais je n'arrive
 jamais à obtenir le bon résutat en fonction de la taille du caractère
 que je désire.
 J'ai vu fontspec, mais le document ne compile pas, il y a une erreur
 avec la police roman. Ce bug semble connu mais je n'ai pas trouvé de
 Quelqu'un aurait-il déjà rencontré ce problème ?
 J'utilise texmaker et PDFLatex.
 Bien à vous.


serait il possible de poser la question sur la liste GuTemberg


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Re: Debian, Latex et fontspec

2012-02-29 Thread Bzzz
On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 14:27:42 +0100
Thierry Leurent thierry.leur...@asgardian.be wrote:

 feuilles à entête. Cette feuille contient un texte écrit en payage où
 les caractères sont séparé par un blanc de 5mm.

Peut-être devrais-tu essayer TCPDF (lib PHP: http://tcpdf.org)

Ca contient pômal de bonnes choses et ça ne fait que ~2MB (à
comparer avec les 700MB de Latex)

De plus, on peut voir la sortie tout de suite puisque PHP a un CLI.

Nuke the gay, unborn, baby whales for Jesus.

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Re: Debian, Latex et fontspec

2012-02-29 Thread jacques

Le 29/02/2012 14:27, Thierry Leurent a écrit :


J'ai vu fontspec, mais le document ne compile pas, il y a une erreur avec
la police roman.

Quel est le message exact ?


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changer taille des polices dans console non graphique

2012-02-29 Thread a . lb
Je voudrais changer la taille des polices dans les consoles non graphiques 
(Ctrl+Alt+F2 ...3 etc) car quand je 
fait par exemple ps aux je ne  vois qu'une toute petite partie du résultat.
Avant avec Grub-legacy j'ajoutai dans la ligne kernel (hd0,0 etc vga=792.
Mais maintenant avec Grub-pc je ne sais pas comment ni où ajouter cela.
Merci pour toutes explications ou mise sur la voie.
Distribution Debian-Squeeze.

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Re: changer taille des polices dans console non graphique

2012-02-29 Thread Klaus Becker
Le mercredi 29 février 2012 17:04:29, a.lb a écrit :
 Je voudrais changer la taille des polices dans les consoles non graphiques 
 (Ctrl+Alt+F2 ...3 etc) car quand je 
 fait par exemple ps aux je ne  vois qu'une toute petite partie du résultat.
 Avant avec Grub-legacy j'ajoutai dans la ligne kernel (hd0,0 etc vga=792.
 Mais maintenant avec Grub-pc je ne sais pas comment ni où ajouter cela.
 Merci pour toutes explications ou mise sur la voie.
 Distribution Debian-Squeeze.


# dpkg-reconfigure console-setup


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Re: changer taille des polices dans console non graphique

2012-02-29 Thread Samy Mezani

le 29/02/2012 17:04, a.lb a écrit:

Avant avec Grub-legacy j'ajoutai dans la ligne kernel (hd0,0 etc vga=792.

J'avais eu un souci de cette nature. Pour avoir par exemple une 
résolution de 1280x800 dans grub2 et en console :
- ajouter cette ligne dans /etc/grub.d/00_header sous set 
gfxmode=${GRUB_GFXMODE} :

  set gfxpayload=keep
- modifier la ligne ainsi dans /etc/default/grub
- puis sudo update-grub

En espérant que ça serve.


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Re: Debian, Latex et fontspec

2012-02-29 Thread Thierry Leurent
On Wednesday 29 February 2012 15:21:28 jacques wrote:
 Le 29/02/2012 14:27, Thierry Leurent a écrit :
  J'ai vu fontspec, mais le document ne compile pas, il y a une erreur avec
  la police roman.
 Quel est le message exact ?
Le message exact est ! Font EU1/lmr/m/n/10=[lmroman10-regular]:mapping=tex-
text at 10.0pt not loadab
Il arrive dès que je mets \usepackage{fontspec} dans mon code.

Bzzz le but est d'utiliser toutes les facilités de mises en page de Latex. 
J'ai déjà regardé Python et son module pdf mais je trouve ça trop compliqué et 
pas assez polyvalent. 
Dans les documents à envoyer, j'ai déjà identifé une lettre avec un tableau 
mais d'autres types de document suivrons.

Re: Debian, Latex et fontspec

2012-02-29 Thread Bzzz
On Thu, 1 Mar 2012 00:06:30 +0100
Thierry Leurent thierry.leur...@asgardian.be wrote:

 Bzzz le but est d'utiliser toutes les facilités de mises en page de Latex. 
 J'ai déjà regardé Python et son module pdf mais je trouve ça trop compliqué 
 pas assez polyvalent. 
 Dans les documents à envoyer, j'ai déjà identifé une lettre avec un tableau 
 mais d'autres types de document suivrons.

Cétoikivoi mais il ne m'a fallu que 10j pour réussir à sortir un
template de docs (pro forma, invoice, etc) exactement comme je le
voulais; sachant que je ne connaissais pas php avant.
Par ex. tu crées une table html ligne/ligne, tu remplis le header
puis les lignes et tu ne t'occupes de rien pour le page break.

Maintenant j'ai préféré php à Latex pour 2 raisons: la taille des
installations et le fait que je ne connaissais ni l'un ni l'autre.

Pour ce qui est des PDFs s/s python, j'ai passé un mois complet
avec reportlab (qui est une merde finie par rapport à tcpdf) et je
m'y suis cassé les dents: il faut tout y gérer à la mano.

Little Boy Blew... he needed the money.

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Re: Debian, Latex et fontspec

2012-02-29 Thread David Prévot

Le 29/02/2012 19:06, Thierry Leurent a écrit :

 Le message exact est ! Font EU1/lmr/m/n/10=[lmroman10-regular]:mapping=tex-
 text at 10.0pt not loadab

Est-ce que le paquet lmodern est installé ?



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

hd-media et testing

2012-02-29 Thread Antoine Vagabonddurail

j'ai un souci avec l'installation de debian testing par la méthode hd-media.
Tout d'abord, le iso netinst de testing est trop gros pour rentrer sur
le système de fichier
de boot.img.gz. Mais ce n'est rien, un disque dure usb permet de le déposer
et le programme d'installation le trouve sans difficultés.
Ensuite, et c'est bien plus gênant, le programme d'installation
ne peut charger les modules du noyau. En effet, sur netinst ce sont
les modules d'un
3.2.0 qui sont présents, pas ceux de 2.6.32 du boot-img.
J'aurais bien voulu remplacer ce noyau sur boot.img mais même dans les
répertoire du netinst je ne trouve
pas l'image correspondante au 3.2.0.
Je me demande même comment cette netinst seul retrouve ses petits
quand il est mis sur un cd et lancé directement
sans passer par la solution hd-media.
Est-ce que quelqu'un a une idée ?

Très cordialement,

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Re: hd-media et testing

2012-02-29 Thread David Prévot

Le 29/02/2012 23:35, Antoine Vagabonddurail a écrit :

 j'ai un souci avec l'installation de debian testing par la méthode hd-media.
 Tout d'abord, le iso netinst de testing est trop gros pour rentrer sur
 le système de fichier de boot.img.gz.

Prends donc l'image au format carte de visite à la place, elle est au
moins trois fois plus petite. Plutôt que de s'embêter avec la méthode du
boot.img.gz, je conseillerais plutôt de recopier l'image ISO sur une
clef USB.


 Ensuite, et c'est bien plus gênant, le programme d'installation
 ne peut charger les modules du noyau. En effet, sur netinst ce sont
 les modules d'un 3.2.0 qui sont présents, pas ceux de 2.6.32 du boot-img.

Il semblerait que les fichiers ne soient pas relatifs à la même version
(genre un boot-img de stable, et une ISO de testing).

Pourquoi ne pas installer un système stable minimal, puis le mettre à
jour ensuite vers testing ?



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Re: hd-media et testing

2012-02-29 Thread Antoine
Salut !

On Thu, Mar 01, 2012 at 12:23:49AM -0400, David Prévot wrote:
 Le 29/02/2012 23:35, Antoine Vagabonddurail a écrit :
  j'ai un souci avec l'installation de debian testing par la méthode hd-media.
  Tout d'abord, le iso netinst de testing est trop gros pour rentrer sur
  le système de fichier de boot.img.gz.
 Prends donc l'image au format carte de visite à la place, elle est au
 moins trois fois plus petite. Plutôt que de s'embêter avec la méthode du
 boot.img.gz, je conseillerais plutôt de recopier l'image ISO sur une
 clef USB.

J'y ai pensé, mais j'ai besoin de petit bout pour des périph spécifiquent qui 
ne sont pas sur cette dernière.
  Ensuite, et c'est bien plus gênant, le programme d'installation
  ne peut charger les modules du noyau. En effet, sur netinst ce sont
  les modules d'un 3.2.0 qui sont présents, pas ceux de 2.6.32 du boot-img.
 Il semblerait que les fichiers ne soient pas relatifs à la même version
 (genre un boot-img de stable, et une ISO de testing).

Ça a été ma première idée, mais le boot.img est bien celui fournit sur le dépôt 
de testing.
Par ailleurs, sur l'iso de testing, devrait se trouver des noyau et initrd de 
boot adéquats mais ce sont les mêmes que sur le boot.img.

 Pourquoi ne pas installer un système stable minimal, puis le mettre à
 jour ensuite vers testing ?

Pour gagner du temps au regard de ma connexion net très mauvaise et pour être 
le plus propre possible sur la configuration de départ.


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compréhenion log mail

2012-02-29 Thread Carmelo Ingrao
Bonjour à tous,

Ce matin l'envie m'a pris de regarder les logs de mon serveur mail … (pour 
essayer de comprendre un problème que je vous soumettrai sûrement si après 
investigation je ne trouve pas de solution).

Dans /var/log, j'ai plusieurs fichiers mail :

root@serveur:/var/log# cat mail.
mail.errmail.info.2.gz  mail.logmail.log.3.gz   mail.warn.1 
mail.info   mail.info.3.gz  mail.log.1  mail.log.4.gz   mail.warn.2.gz  
mail.info.1 mail.info.4.gz  mail.log.2.gz   mail.warn   mail.warn.3.gz  

Le contenu de mail.warn m'a interpellé :

root@serveur:/var/log# cat mail.warn
Mar  1 01:19:37 ingrao postfix/smtpd[16342]: warning: address 
not listed for hostname 24h240.xjtu.edu.cn

ça ne serait pas un chinois qui essaierait d'utiliser mon smtp pour son usage ?

(à noter que denyhost bloque environ 20 fois par jour des tentatives de 
connexion via SSH)

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Probelma con motion, captura de imagenes.

2012-02-29 Thread rantis cares

Buenas noches tengan todos ustedes.

Hoy vengo con una pregunta nueva sobre motion. He instalado este soft
sin embargo tengo un problema.

ejecuto motion y me aparece esto

[0] Processing thread 0 - config file /etc/motion/motion.conf
[0] Motion 3.2.9 Started
[0] Motion going to daemon mode

Sin embargo no comienza ninguna captura de imagenes, reinicio varias
veces el sistema y una que otra vez comienza a funcionar. Solo que
cuando reinicio el sistema no arranca motion como demonio (esa tambien
es otra duda).

Alguna idea de porque sucede esto?.


Al juntarme dia tras dia con los Listeros, mi capacidad intelectual
crece en proporcion inversa a la ignorancia generada. Gracias

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Re: Duda con lspci y lshw [resuelto]

2012-02-29 Thread jmramirez (mas_ke_na)
Hash: SHA1

Javier Barroso escribió:
 On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 1:57 PM, jmramirez (mas_ke_na)
 mas_ke...@hotmail.com wrote:
 # Tengo dos tarjetas de red en el equipo, la wifi no la detecta

 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
 RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 01)
 04:01.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
 RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)
 Yo probaría a cambiar el orden de las tarjetas, por ejemplo la wifi en
 la RTL-8139 y la RTL-8139 en el slot donde está ahora la wifi
 una vez cambiada lspci debería sacarte la info de la wifi en el
 04:01.0, si no tiene toda la pinta que la tarjeta no está bien, aunque
 no sé como es que windows sí te la detecta
 Un saludo

Gracias por el tip, eso fue algo que ya hice y no hubo suerte. no se
detecto. (abrí dos hilos, porque uno se me fue con html)

Hoy me he traído otra tarjeta un modelo superior y esta es detectada
por el lspci. Así que entiendo que esta rota la otra tarjeta (aunque aun
le haré algunas pruebas mas).

Muchas gracias a todos

Un saludo
- -- 
Si los tontos volaran, el cielo se oscurecería

No me envié correos en formatos propietarios
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Re: Duda con lspci [Solucionado]

2012-02-29 Thread jmramirez (mas_ke_na)
Hash: SHA1

Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 28 Feb 2012 16:03:10 +0100, jmramirez (mas_ke_na) escribió:
 Camaleón escribió:
 Las tarjetas de red también pueden hacer cosas raras en sistemas duales
 cuando se habilita el ahorro de energía desde windows y luego se inicia
 linux. Recuerdo un problema con determinado chipset de Realtek (para
 tarjetas de cable) donde sucedía esto, el adaptador quedaba como
 fantasma en linux, estaba pero no era usable.

 No tengo un sistema dual en mi maquina. Es pura debian aunque con
 software privativo. Por lo que descarto ese problema (ahorro de energía
 o botón de encendido de la wifi)
 En tu caso es una tarjeta PCI pero si fuera integrada las BIOS también 
 pueden dar guerra con esto del ahorro energético. Quiero decir que no 
 siempre el malo de la peli es windows :-P
 Creo que la tarjeta esta rota, pero me gustaría poder confirmarlo.

 Hombre, que windows tenga problemas para instalarla ya es un poco

 Bastante, me gustaría confirmarlo en linux, pero me parece que voy a ir
 a maquina en pruebas (con windows :s) y a bajar sus drivers. A ver si me
 da algún error del que poder tirar.
 Al menos windows sí la reconoce. Por lo que comentas más abajo entiendo 
 que el equipo que lleva windows es distinto del equipo con debian ¿no?

Correcto, son dos maquinas y en la otra si que lo reconoce. raro raro,
pero seguiré investigando.

 Si el kernel no ve la tarjeta no va a poder trabajar con ella.

 ¿Como puedo confirmar eso? Según lo que he leído esta dentro del kernel
 desde la versión 2.6.24
 Ya, pero antes tienes que comprobar si ese chipset que integra tu tarjeta 
 está soportado por la versión del kernel que tienes.

Y como hago eso? se que desde el kernel 2.6.24 pa arriba esta integrado
en el kernel. Al bajarme el paquete ( ya compilado) para el firmware
puedo cargar el modulo ath5k (modprobe ath5k)

No es eso señal de que esta integrado? o si estuviera integrado, me
dejaria cargar el modulo sin haberme descargado el paquete

Me parece que estoy algo perdido en esto XD, una mano que no sea al
cuello please XD

 ¿Qué te dice el dmesg? ¿Ha estado funcionando la tarjeta con
 anterioridad? ¿Cuándo ha dejado de funcionar? ¿Has probado con la
 LiveCD de SystemRescue? ¿Con un kernel distinto? ¿Has probado a
 conectar la tarjeta en otra ranura PCI o en otro equipo?

 [que te dice el dmesg]

 No veo nada en dmesg
 (usa grep -i para que no distinga mayúsculas/minúsculas, así obtendrás 
 más resultados)

Ok, en consola lo hice en minúsculas y mayúsculas, por si hubiera algo
mas, al saber que no había nada mas, te puse la salida que interesaba (
aun así me apunto el -i que nunca lo uso)

 No ve ni coscorro.
 [Ha estado funcionando la tarjeta con anterioridad]

 Por lo que me han contado si, pero la tenían de pisapapeles y creo que
 se pudo estropear.
 Me refería en linux, si ha estado funcionando antes en el mismo equipo 
 donde la tienes conectada a ahora o si por el contrario la has cogido de 
 alguna estantería perdida donde ha estado haciendo acopia de polvo, la 
 has pinchado y has visto que no te la detectaba :-)

Escojo la opción B) estantería llena de polvo de un luser cualquiera.

 [Cuando ha dejado de funcionar]

 Si lo ha hecho ( es lo que estoy comprobando), cuando estaba de

 [Has probado con la livecd de systemrescue]

 Tengo la livecd, pero para ejecutar el systemrescue, no debo tener una
 imagen ya guardada? De todas formas a ultima hora lo probare con esa
 distro. Probé con la livecd de kororaa aiglx 0.3 que esta basada en
 gentoo. Los resultados fueron los mismos.
 SystemRescue es una mini distribución LiveCD que se ejecuta desde el CD, 
 no necesitas tener nada instalado. Suele llevar herramientas de detección 
 de hardware por eso te lo decía.

Ahhh!! ok, sabia que estaba pensada para recuperar sitemas ( uno que
tiene agudeza, lee systemRescue y piensa, rescate de sistema XD)

 [ Con un kernel distinto]

 Los que tengo son mas viejos, probare con alguno de los que tengo, sino
 puedo intentar instarla el 3.0 que tenia ganas de probarlo..
 O desde una LiveCD que son de probar y tirar :-)
 [Has probado a conectar la tarjeta en otra ranura PCI o en otro equipo]

 En otro equipo con windows xp salio como hardware desconocido. 
 Caray... ¿Has limpiado los contactos? ¿Está bien pinchada en el slot PCI? 
 No vaya a ser un problema de exceso de polvo, gérmenes de dudosa 
 procedencia o que haya quedado a medio engastar :-P

No lo hice, pero están aceptables, aun así a ver si pillo algo de
alcohol y los limpio ( por si las moscas).

Ha estado en varios slot's y en todos bien pinchada ( me asegure).

 Al ver que ahí salia y que en mi pc con el lspci no. Pensé que era
 problema del operador (yo) y volví a intentarlo en mi pc con squeeze.
 Hombre, windows xp casi seguro que no lleva los drivers para esa tarjeta 
 y tendrás que 

Re: Probelma con motion, captura de imagenes.

2012-02-29 Thread JulHer
El mié, 29-02-2012 a las 02:37 -0600, rantis cares escribió:
 Buenas noches tengan todos ustedes.
 Hoy vengo con una pregunta nueva sobre motion. He instalado este soft
 sin embargo tengo un problema.
 ejecuto motion y me aparece esto
 [0] Processing thread 0 - config file /etc/motion/motion.conf
 [0] Motion 3.2.9 Started
 [0] Motion going to daemon mode
 Sin embargo no comienza ninguna captura de imagenes, reinicio varias
 veces el sistema y una que otra vez comienza a funcionar. Solo que
 cuando reinicio el sistema no arranca motion como demonio (esa tambien
 es otra duda).
 Alguna idea de porque sucede esto?.

En la configuración seguro que le puedes indicar que arranque al inicio.

Y respecto a las capturas, imagino que también la configuración tiene
algo que ver.

Un saludo


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Duda con lspci [Solucionado]

2012-02-29 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 29 Feb 2012 11:18:40 +0100, jmramirez (mas_ke_na) escribió:

 Camaleón escribió:

 Si el kernel no ve la tarjeta no va a poder trabajar con ella.

 ¿Como puedo confirmar eso? Según lo que he leído esta dentro del
 kernel desde la versión 2.6.24
 Ya, pero antes tienes que comprobar si ese chipset que integra tu
 tarjeta está soportado por la versión del kernel que tienes.
 Y como hago eso? se que desde el kernel 2.6.24 pa arriba esta integrado
 en el kernel. Al bajarme el paquete ( ya compilado) para el firmware
 puedo cargar el modulo ath5k (modprobe ath5k)
 No es eso señal de que esta integrado? o si estuviera integrado, me
 dejaria cargar el modulo sin haberme descargado el paquete
 Me parece que estoy algo perdido en esto XD, una mano que no sea al
 cuello please XD


Al cuello, al cuello, a lo Homer Simpson cuando le agarra del pescuezo a 
Bart :-)

(es broma)

Para saber si el adaptador que tienes está soportado por una versión 
determinada del kernel lo primero es saber el chipset de la tarjeta lo 
que en tu caso no es posible porque el sistema no la detecta.

Así que en este caso habrá que hacer algo más cutrillo, que es indagar 
por ahí a ver qué nos encontramos:


Bueno, ahí aparece una D-link PCI (DWA-520) así que nos quedamos igual 
(la tuya es DWL-G510). Sigamos...

En la página de Debian:


Anda... ¿ves? Mira, ahí aparece como NO soportadas un modelo muy similar 
al tuyo D-Link DWL-G520M (PCI) con chipset AR5005VL (AR5513) chipset 
(PCI ID 168c:0020) para la que tienes que usar ndiswarapper.

¿Ves lo importante que es el chipset? En tu caso -aunque la tarjeta 
seguramente esté más muerta que viva- es posible que el driver ath5k no 
sea el que le conviene, digo, si la tarjeta funcionara correctamente y 
fuera detectada. 

Vayamos a la página del producto:


No sé... no me gusta lo que leo. El driver para windows (de la última 
revisión del adaptador parece ser el RT por lo que la tarjeta podría 
montar un chipset RALink. En fin, que con la cantidad de fabricantes y 
chipsets que hay lo mejor sería asegurarse de qué driver le va.

Por otra parte, tú puedes cargar el módulo del kernel que quieras (fíjate 
que lo has hecho sin que te haya reconocido si quiera la tarjeta) y el 
firmware que prefieras pero eso no significa nada, el dispositivo tiene 
que estar detectado y el driver soportado por el kernel para que funcione 
y se pueda configurar correctamente :-)



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Re: Probelma con motion, captura de imagenes.

2012-02-29 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 29 Feb 2012 02:37:21 -0600, rantis cares escribió:

 Hoy vengo con una pregunta nueva sobre motion. He instalado este soft
 sin embargo tengo un problema.
 ejecuto motion y me aparece esto
 [0] Processing thread 0 - config file /etc/motion/motion.conf 
 [0] Motion 3.2.9 Started
 [0] Motion going to daemon mode
 Sin embargo no comienza ninguna captura de imagenes, reinicio varias
 veces el sistema y una que otra vez comienza a funcionar. 

¿Y qué te dicen los registros? ¿Ya has configurado el programa?

 Solo que cuando reinicio el sistema no arranca motion como demonio (esa
 tambien es otra duda).
 Alguna idea de porque sucede esto?.

Seguramente porque te falta por configurarlo para que se ejecute como 
daemon, pero eso es mejor que lo veas en su web donde tienes bastante 
documentación para su puesta en marcha:




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Re: Duda con lspci [Solucionado]

2012-02-29 Thread jmramirez (mas_ke_na)
Hash: SHA1

Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 29 Feb 2012 11:18:40 +0100, jmramirez (mas_ke_na) escribió:
 Camaleón escribió:
 Si el kernel no ve la tarjeta no va a poder trabajar con ella.

 ¿Como puedo confirmar eso? Según lo que he leído esta dentro del
 kernel desde la versión 2.6.24

 Ya, pero antes tienes que comprobar si ese chipset que integra tu
 tarjeta está soportado por la versión del kernel que tienes.

 Y como hago eso? se que desde el kernel 2.6.24 pa arriba esta integrado
 en el kernel. Al bajarme el paquete ( ya compilado) para el firmware
 puedo cargar el modulo ath5k (modprobe ath5k)

 No es eso señal de que esta integrado? o si estuviera integrado, me
 dejaria cargar el modulo sin haberme descargado el paquete

 Me parece que estoy algo perdido en esto XD, una mano que no sea al
 cuello please XD
 Al cuello, al cuello, a lo Homer Simpson cuando le agarra del pescuezo a 
 Bart :-)
 (es broma)
 Para saber si el adaptador que tienes está soportado por una versión 
 determinada del kernel lo primero es saber el chipset de la tarjeta lo 
 que en tu caso no es posible porque el sistema no la detecta.

Busque por la red y vi que el chipset era el athk5. Por eso usaba ese.
Pero me apunto tus búsquedas.

 Así que en este caso habrá que hacer algo más cutrillo, que es indagar 
 por ahí a ver qué nos encontramos:
 Bueno, ahí aparece una D-link PCI (DWA-520) así que nos quedamos igual 
 (la tuya es DWL-G510). Sigamos...
 En la página de Debian:
 Anda... ¿ves? Mira, ahí aparece como NO soportadas un modelo muy similar 
 al tuyo D-Link DWL-G520M (PCI) con chipset AR5005VL (AR5513) chipset 
 (PCI ID 168c:0020) para la que tienes que usar ndiswarapper.

Ok, pero esa no es mi caso, aunque como explicación lo has bordado XD

 ¿Ves lo importante que es el chipset? En tu caso -aunque la tarjeta 
 seguramente esté más muerta que viva- es posible que el driver ath5k no 
 sea el que le conviene, digo, si la tarjeta funcionara correctamente y 
 fuera detectada. 
 Vayamos a la página del producto:
 No sé... no me gusta lo que leo. El driver para windows (de la última 
 revisión del adaptador parece ser el RT por lo que la tarjeta podría 
 montar un chipset RALink. En fin, que con la cantidad de fabricantes y 
 chipsets que hay lo mejor sería asegurarse de qué driver le va.

Ok, hoy traje una con chipset AR5212/AR5213 la cual va perfectamente
con el ath5k y el sistema la reconoce (con el ifconfig) después de
cargar el modulo (modprobe ath5k).

04:02.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5212/AR5213
Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)

root@jmramirez:/home/jmramirez# lspci -n -s 04:02.0
04:02.0 0200: 168c:0013 (rev 01)

La tarjeta es D-Link DWL-G520
 Por otra parte, tú puedes cargar el módulo del kernel que quieras (fíjate 
 que lo has hecho sin que te haya reconocido si quiera la tarjeta) y el 
 firmware que prefieras pero eso no significa nada, el dispositivo tiene 
 que estar detectado y el driver soportado por el kernel para que funcione 
 y se pueda configurar correctamente :-)

Como siempre, perfecta en tus explicaciones. Muchas gracias por todo.
Tas invitada a una rosa virtual

Solo es para Camaleon XD. Las manos fuera:

Un saludo y gracias de nuevo

- -- 
Si los tontos volaran, el cielo se oscurecería

No me envié correos en formatos propietarios
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Re: Duda con lspci [Solucionado]

2012-02-29 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 29 Feb 2012 13:39:46 +0100, jmramirez (mas_ke_na) escribió:

 Camaleón escribió:

 Para saber si el adaptador que tienes está soportado por una versión
 determinada del kernel lo primero es saber el chipset de la tarjeta lo
 que en tu caso no es posible porque el sistema no la detecta.
 Busque por la red y vi que el chipset era el athk5. Por eso usaba ese.
 Pero me apunto tus búsquedas.

Pero eso no sirve :-)

Repito, hay varios chipsets para un mismo modelo de tarjeta, así que 
hasta que no sepas:

a) Chipset de TU tarjeta
b) Revisión/modelo de TU tarjeta

No vas a saber que módulo del kernel o qué driver la soporta.

 Anda... ¿ves? Mira, ahí aparece como NO soportadas un modelo muy
 similar al tuyo D-Link DWL-G520M (PCI) con chipset AR5005VL (AR5513)
 chipset (PCI ID 168c:0020) para la que tienes que usar ndiswarapper.
 Ok, pero esa no es mi caso, aunque como explicación lo has bordado XD

¿No es tu caso? Preguntemos al oráculo de Google:

D-Link DWL-G510

Vaya, mira por donde, hay varios adaptadores *del mismo modelo* con 
diferentes chipsets y los posibles drivers son tres (juvar):

- ndiswrapper
- ath5k
- ralink

Luego tienes un 33,3% de posibilidades de acertar con el ath5k ;-)

 No sé... no me gusta lo que leo. El driver para windows (de la última
 revisión del adaptador parece ser el RT por lo que la tarjeta podría
 montar un chipset RALink. En fin, que con la cantidad de fabricantes y
 chipsets que hay lo mejor sería asegurarse de qué driver le va.
 Ok, hoy traje una con chipset AR5212/AR5213 la cual va perfectamente
 con el ath5k y el sistema la reconoce (con el ifconfig) después de
 cargar el modulo (modprobe ath5k).
 04:02.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5212/AR5213
 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)
 root@jmramirez:/home/jmramirez# lspci -n -s 
 04:02.0 04:02.0 0200: 168c:0013 (rev 01)
 La tarjeta es D-Link DWL-G520

Hombre... claro, ese chipset sí está soportado por el driver ath5k, 
aparece en la página de la wiki de Debian y en la del linuxwireless, así 
que ahí no tienes pérdida.

 Como siempre, perfecta en tus explicaciones. Muchas gracias por todo.
 Tas invitada a una rosa virtual
 Solo es para Camaleon XD. Las manos fuera:

Gracias, pero las flores donde mejor están en el campo, me da una penica 
verlas asín...



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Re: servidor debian

2012-02-29 Thread Rodolfo Vargas

 De: Lietzan Mota Rosabales liet...@uic.camaguey.cu
Para: Debian user spanish debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org 
Enviado: Martes 28 de febrero de 2012 8:31
Asunto: servidor debian
hola lista, soy relativamente nuevo en este mundo del soft libre, ya logre

Bienvenida, si eres nueva hay que leer bastante antes de preguntar :)

montar un servidor de correo y navegacion,pero ahora el problema es para
crear un servidor de dominio, se que para esto se emplea Samba y bind para
dns,mi problema no radica tanto en esto sino a la hora de poner políticas
de seguridad,como manejar este concepto, en el caso del Windows server que
es el que utilizaba es relativamente sencillo, como seria en debian
teniendo en cuenta que tendré estaciones de trabajo tanto en windows como
en debian,ya que son dos muy diferentes y ambos manejan la seguridad de
forma también muy diferente.

Tambien les agradeceria que me dieran una lista de todo lo que debe ser

todo? no te parece que antes de pedir alguna cosa debes de investigar un poco?, 
si quieres usar gnu/linux y software libre el primer paso es investigar tu, 
luego cuando ya estés un poco más clara preguntar por aquí.

implementado en un server de dominio en debian el cual cumpla con todos los
requerimientos de seguridad y funcionabilidad.

Samba con controlador de dominio, busca e intenta, es mi consejo..., saludos.

Gracias de de antemano por sus respuestas


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RES: Onde_Pacote_Está_instalado

2012-02-29 Thread Bruno Ambrosio

Voce pode usar o comando whereis nome ele vai mostrar os 
caminhos que você precisa.

Bruno Ambrosio
TI Operacional

De: Christian Rosa [mailto:christiant.i...@gmail.com]
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012 00:13
Para: d-u-p
Assunto: Onde_Pacote_Está_instalado

Pessoal como faço para descobrir onde o pacote está instalado ?
O por que da pergunta, estou prestando consultoria a um firewall com Debian, e 
tem o sniffer IMSNIFF instalado, agora quero startar ele pois o mesmo está 
parado e não estou achando uma forma, alguém pode me ajudar ?


   _Christian Rosa -
  °v°   Porto Alegre - RS - BRAZIL
 /(_)\  (51) 92670189
  ^ ^   MSN - rosa_christ...@hotmail.commailto:rosa_christ...@hotmail.com

Seja Livre, use GNU/LINUX !

Re: Onde_Pacote_Está_instalado

2012-02-29 Thread Dane
Vc pode usar o whereis pacote ou locate pacote ou ainda dpkg -L 
pacote (caso tenha sido instalado o pacote .deb).

Em 29-02-2012 00:13, Christian Rosa escreveu:

Pessoal como faço para descobrir onde o pacote está instalado ?
O por que da pergunta, estou prestando consultoria a um firewall com 
Debian, e tem o sniffer IMSNIFF instalado, agora quero startar ele 
pois o mesmo está parado e não estou achando uma forma, alguém pode me 
ajudar ?


   _Christian Rosa -
  °v°   Porto Alegre - RS - BRAZIL
 /(_)\  (51) 92670189
  ^ ^   MSN - rosa_christ...@hotmail.com 

Seja Livre, use GNU/LINUX !

Att. Dane Everson
Atua Sistemas de Informação
Skype: dane.atua
Msn: d...@atua.com.br
Fone: (54) 3045-4044
Celular: (54) 9905-5712
Linux User #548369

Re: Dúvidas LVM + KVM

2012-02-29 Thread André Ribas
Em 28 de fevereiro de 2012 18:49, Moksha Tux gova...@gmail.com escreveu:
 Poxa meu querido peço mil perdões mas ainda não consegui entender, consegui
 criar o LVM durante a instalação o que ficou assim, dm-0 onde seria o raiz,
 dm-1 onde seria o swap e dm-2 o /var. feito isso instalei o KVM e suas
 dependências e pronto... pois bem vamos criar uma VM, vejo artigos na
 internet que explicam a criação de VMs .img e VM baseado em LVM e é
 exatamente aí que encontro dúvida pois não sei que contexto é esse e eu
 costumo criar as VMs através do virt-manager e não encontro opção de criar a
 VM em uma LVM, peço perdão se não estou conseguindo externar melhor a minha
 dúvida mas será que estou no caminho certo? mais uma vez obrigado pela

Olá novamente, acho que entendi a sua dúvida agora.
* Você tem que ir no menu Editar - Detalhes do Hospedeiro.
* Na tela que se abrirá, vá na aba Armazenamento e no canto inferior
esquerdo clique em adicionar um pool.
* Na nova tela selecione um nome (eu optei pelo nome do VG mesmo) e o
tipo logical(LVM).
* Depois selecione o caminho de destino e clique em concluir.

Pronto, agora o seu pool está criado. Quando for criar uma VM, na
etapa em que você cria o disco virtual faça o seguinte.
* Marque a opção Selecionar armazenamento gerenciado ou outro
existente e clique em procurar.
* Na tela que se abrirá, selecione o pool que você criou para a LVM no
lado esquerdo e no lado direito você cria um novo LV e seleciona ele
para uso com essa VM.

Voilá =)


Espero que isso te ajude.

André Ribas

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Re: Onde_Pacote_Está_instalado

2012-02-29 Thread Rodolfo

alguns pacotes tem uma lista bem grande, voce pode por apos o comando
acima   | more   (o conteudo dentro das aspas mas sem as aspas).

Em 28 de fevereiro de 2012 23:13, Christian Rosa

 Pessoal como faço para descobrir onde o pacote está instalado ?
 O por que da pergunta, estou prestando consultoria a um firewall com
 Debian, e tem o sniffer IMSNIFF instalado, agora quero startar ele pois o
 mesmo está parado e não estou achando uma forma, alguém pode me ajudar ?


_Christian Rosa -
   °v°   Porto Alegre - RS - BRAZIL
  /(_)\  (51) 92670189
   ^ ^   MSN - rosa_christ...@hotmail.com

 Seja Livre, use GNU/LINUX !

Kde Touchpad programı çöküyor.

2012-02-29 Thread Serkan KURT
Bu gün sistemi güncelledim. Daha önceden açtığım taoucpad tapping özelliği 
pasif oldu. Sistem ayarlarında Kayıp Bulunan kısmında bulunan Toucpad simgesi 
güncellemeden sonra Girdi Aygıtları kısmında görünüyor. Tapping'i tekrar 
aktif etmek için Toucpad simgesine tıkladığımda KDE çöküş bilgi sistemi 
ekranı geliyor. Sorunu nasıl çözebilirim?

Not: Tapping olayını 50-synaptics.conf dosyasına aşağıda ki satırları 
ekleyerek çözdüm. 

Section InputClass
    Identifier touchpad catchall
    Driver synaptics
    MatchIsTouchpad on
    Option TapButton1 1
    Option VertEdgeScroll 1

Çökme bilgileri aşağıda ki gibi;

p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }

Application: Sistem Ayarları (systemsettings), signal: Segmentation fault
[KCrash Handler]
#6  0x7fb2ada4aedc in KAboutData::~KAboutData() () from 
#7  0x7fb2983c0626 in ?? () from 
#8  0x7fb297c06534 in ?? () from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sip.so
#9  0x7fb297c06d39 in ?? () from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sip.so
#10 0x7fb298f18076 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libpython2.7.so.1.0
#11 0x7fb298ef5d5f in ?? () from /usr/lib/libpython2.7.so.1.0
#12 0x7fb297c062d7 in ?? () from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sip.so
#13 0x7fb297c06ca2 in ?? () from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sip.so
#14 0x7fb297c06d41 in ?? () from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sip.so
#15 0x7fb298f18076 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libpython2.7.so.1.0
#16 0x7fb298ee2ad2 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libpython2.7.so.1.0
#17 0x7fb298f8bc1b in ?? () from /usr/lib/libpython2.7.so.1.0
#18 0x7fb298f8bc2b in ?? () from /usr/lib/libpython2.7.so.1.0
#19 0x7fb298ef73b7 in PyDict_DelItem () from /usr/lib/libpython2.7.so.1.0
#20 0x7fb298ef884c in PyDict_DelItemString () from 
#21 0x7fb298f5a71c in PyEval_EvalFrameEx () from 
#22 0x7fb298f61025 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx () from /usr/lib/libpython2.7.so.1.0
#23 0x7fb298f5f450 in PyEval_EvalFrameEx () from 
#24 0x7fb298f61025 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx () from /usr/lib/libpython2.7.so.1.0
#25 0x7fb298f5f450 in PyEval_EvalFrameEx () from 
#26 0x7fb298f61025 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx () from /usr/lib/libpython2.7.so.1.0
#27 0x7fb298ee3e7c in ?? () from /usr/lib/libpython2.7.so.1.0
#28 0x7fb298ebb833 in PyObject_Call () from /usr/lib/libpython2.7.so.1.0
#29 0x7fb298f59a47 in PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords () from 
#30 0x7fb29937d5dc in ?? () from /usr/lib/kde4/kpythonpluginfactory.so
#31 0x7fb29937e47b in ?? () from /usr/lib/kde4/kpythonpluginfactory.so
#32 0x7fb2af32ba2e in KCModuleLoader::loadModule(KCModuleInfo const, 
KCModuleLoader::ErrorReporting, QWidget*, QStringList const) () from 
#33 0x7fb2af330ab8 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libkcmutils.so.4
#34 0x7fb2af331765 in KCModuleProxy::realModule() const () from 
#35 0x7fb2af3317a2 in KCModuleProxy::showEvent(QShowEvent*) () from 
#36 0x7fb2ae0005f5 in QWidget::event(QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4
#37 0x7fb2adfafc64 in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) 
() from /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4
#38 0x7fb2adfb4af1 in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () from 
#39 0x7fb2aecd4b96 in KApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () from 
#40 0x7fb2ad35528c in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject*, QEvent*) 
() from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#41 0x7fb2ae003e20 in QWidgetPrivate::show_helper() () from 
#42 0x7fb2ae003c17 in QWidgetPrivate::showChildren(bool) () from 
#43 0x7fb2ae003d0d in QWidgetPrivate::show_helper() () from 
#44 0x7fb2ae004112 in QWidget::setVisible(bool) () from 
#45 0x7fb2ae003c86 in QWidgetPrivate::showChildren(bool) () from 
#46 0x7fb2ae003d0d in QWidgetPrivate::show_helper() () from 
#47 0x7fb2ae004112 in QWidget::setVisible(bool) () from 
#48 0x7fb2adfe50f9 in QStackedLayout::setCurrentIndex(int) () from 
#49 0x7fb2aed04417 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libkdeui.so.5
#50 0x7fb2aed045e2 in KPageView::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, 
void**) () from /usr/lib/libkdeui.so.5
#51 0x7fb2aed078d0 in KPageWidget::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, 
void**) () from /usr/lib/libkdeui.so.5
#52 0x7fb2ad367eba in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, 
int, void**) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#53 0x7fb2ae509317 in QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged(QItemSelection 
const, QItemSelection const) () from /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4
#54 0x7fb2ae50ecf1 in 

Re: Debian and OSS vs vSphere

2012-02-29 Thread Davide Mirtillo
Il 28/02/2012 20:08, Peter Teunissen ha scritto:
 On 28 feb. 2012, at 16:15, Robert Brockway wrote:
 On Tue, 28 Feb 2012, Davide Mirtillo wrote:

 I was also wondering if any of you had opinions regarding Proxmox.


 It seems like a solid solution and it also looks it's gonna be something
 that works out of the box by just installing it, which is kinda what i
 was hoping for - yes, i know, i'm lazy :)

 Hi Davide.  I was just about to send a reply to your other email suggesting 
 you try Proxmox :)

 It offers OpenVZ and KVM so allows you to enjoy using Linux containers or 
 fully virtualised systems.

 I've used OpenVZ a lot over the years and trialed Proxmox a while back and 
 was quite impressed.
 I'd like to add my own positive experience with proxmox in a small 
 Having experience with openvz on my private servers, I quickly gravitated 
 towards promox when looking for something supporting containers, virtual 
 machines and sporting a GUI even my windows minded fellow team members could 
 understand ;-). I use it to run a server that supports our development team. 
 It uses containers for java web apps (confluence and Jira) and network 
 services like DNS and dhcp and virtual machines running windows to do 
 software upgrade tests, evaluate software and supply remote users or team 
 members running linux on their laptops with RDP sessions to the unavoidable 
 set of windows dev apps. 
 I can happily run ±5 containers and ±5 window VM's on a quad core server with 
 16GB. The GUI is quite intuitive and provides enough functionality. Deploying 
 a new VM or container is a breeze. It should also support live migration 
 between hardware nodes, although i didn't test this. Backups are easy to 
 setup either to directly connected storage of something like NFS. Best of 
 all, it's debian beneath the GUI, so on the cli, if needed, you'll feel right 
 at home.

Hello Peter,
that is some good information right there - i installed proxmox 2.0 rc1
yesterday afternoon on a workstation computer, for testing, and i am
currently looking at the performance.
Would you please be more specific about the configuration of the machine
you are using? ie cpu model, disk / controller configuration, installed
nics, etc.. A private reply would be enough!

The solution i am looking for will determine the hardware i will be
ordering, so i am concerned about it right now.

How should i consider technologies like KVM and openVZ regarding
stability? I'm talking about downtimes and maintenance time. I heard
multiple opinions on xen being a bad thing to work with, both
performance wise and stability wise. I wouldn't want to set this
private cloud up only to discover it's not production ready!

I am also wondering how i will be able to deal with storage and multiple
nodes: how does proxmox behave on the matter? In case the main machine
goes down i would be pretty screwed, wouldn't i?

I guess that since proxmox is debian derivate i could eventually have a
separate machine for storage and just mount a remote share through fuse
and use that, but i'm open for suggestions.
Davide Mirtillo

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Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2012 #342

2012-02-29 Thread pastor alexander
On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 13:21:54 +1100,  
debian-user-digest-requ...@lists.debian.org wrote:

Content-Type: text/plain

debian-user-digest Digest   Volume 2012 : Issue 342

Today's Topics:
  Contest logging project   [ Nate Bargmann n...@n0nb.us ]
  Re: Contest logging project   [ Nate Bargmann n...@n0nb.us ]
  Audiobooks[ Sian Mountbatten  
poenikatu@fastmai ]
  Re: Debian and OSS vs vSphere [ Gilles Mocellin  
gilles.mocellin@nu ]
  Re: Audiobooks[ Julien Claassen  
jul...@mail.upb.de ]

  Re: Audiobooks[ Lisi lisi.re...@gmail.com ]
  Re: [Ubuntu-hams] Contest logging pr  [ Martin Ewing  
martin.s.ewing@gmail. ]
  Re: Free movies on the Internet -- d  [ Scott Ferguson  
scott.ferguson.debi ]
  Re: Debian and OSS vs vSphere [ Alexey Eromenko  
al4...@gmail.com ]

  Re: Audiobooks[ Bob Proulx b...@proulx.com ]
  Re: Audiobooks[ Julien Claassen  
jul...@mail.upb.de ]

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Re: Postgresql-8.1 Removal Problems

2012-02-29 Thread David Baron
On Tuesday 28 February 2012 21:03:15 debian-user-digest-
requ...@lists.debian.org wrote:
  Package apparently obselete, dependencies no longer installable.
  However, I cannot remove it. 
 How did you remove it? apt-get, aptitude, dpkg, synaptic...
apt-get / dpkg -r/ dpkg -P
I do not use aptitude
  Get error: update-rc.d: warning: postgresql-8.1 stop runlevel arguments
  (0 1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (S 0 1 6)
  How do I get rid of it.
 Despite the above error which I've also seen when you stop/restart/remove 
 may of the init scripts, is the package still installed?
 dpkg -l | grep postgre

It is still there.

Manually stopping the daemon does not produce any error or output and the 
removal error remains.

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Re: Debian and OSS vs vSphere

2012-02-29 Thread Davide Mirtillo
Il 29/02/2012 01:18, Alexey Eromenko ha scritto:
 Basically the idea is this:
 On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 1:50 AM, Gilles Mocellin
 gilles.mocel...@nuagelibre.org wrote:
 Le 28/02/2012 22:11, Alexey Eromenko a écrit :

 Since here are 2 proxmox heads, let me ask:
 1. What's the name of their WUI ? (Web GUI)
 Proxmox VE web interface is the official name.
 2. Does it fit into Debian, by simply packaging their GUI ? (or it
 requires some incompatible changes?)
 According to:
 The package is named proxmox-ve.
 But then again: (about Proxmox WUI)
 1. It is not part of Debian. (they add 3rd party repo to install it on
 Debian, but packages are not in Debian) -- unlike OpenStack and
 phpvirtualbox (latter is pending review).
 2. I was unable to find the source of this Web GUI. What's the license ?
 3. Will it fit into Debian, assuming someone will package it ?
 4. They use custom (non-Debian) kernel, but this is probably not
 needed, because Debian (stable) has OpenVZ kernel.
 All-in-all, if Proxmox WUI could be decoupled from Proxmox-the-distro,
 (and Debianized), it could be a good move. I'm not volunteering to
 package it at this time, but I do volunteer to test it.
 Maybe you could ask them, if they want to become a Debian Pure Blend ?
 (meaning they package all the stuff for Debian, adhering to the Debian
 Policy, and build 100% Debian-based distro, sharing testing 
 maintenance effort with us)

Seems like they are working on a guide to install Proxmox on a plain
Debian Squeeze:


I would feel much, much, *much* safer if Proxmox would be just a package
for Debian and i could get all the software from the Debian repos, but i
guess having an install cd and calling it a distribution can have its
marketing purposes.

I chose to go with the install cd i downloaded off their website since
usually guides like the one i linked always cause issues, but i admit i
did not try the procedure.

Anyway, from what i can see, the 2.0 interface works like a charm and i
had no trouble setting up a couple VMs just to play with: I'm really
impressed! Having something like this on the official Debian repo would
be immensely great for the community and all of the softwares involved.
Davide Mirtillo

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Re: Debian and OSS vs vSphere

2012-02-29 Thread oneman

On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 09:02:56 +0100, Davide Mirtillo wrote:

Il 28/02/2012 20:08, Peter Teunissen ha scritto:

On 28 feb. 2012, at 16:15, Robert Brockway wrote:

On Tue, 28 Feb 2012, Davide Mirtillo wrote:

I was also wondering if any of you had opinions regarding Proxmox.
http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Main_Page [1] It seems like a solid
solution and it also looks it's gonna be something that works out
of the box by just installing it, which is kinda what i was hoping
for - yes, i know, i'm lazy :)

Hi Davide. I was just about to send a reply to your other email
suggesting you try Proxmox :) It offers OpenVZ and KVM so allows 

to enjoy using Linux containers or fully virtualised systems. I've
used OpenVZ a lot over the years and trialed Proxmox a while back 

was quite impressed.

I'd like to add my own positive experience with proxmox in a small
environment. Having experience with openvz on my private servers, I
quickly gravitated towards promox when looking for something 
containers, virtual machines and sporting a GUI even my windows 
fellow team members could understand ;-). I use it to run a server 

supports our development team. It uses containers for java web apps
(confluence and Jira) and network services like DNS and dhcp and
virtual machines running windows to do software upgrade tests, 
software and supply remote users or team members running linux on 
laptops with RDP sessions to the unavoidable set of windows dev 
apps. I

can happily run ±5 containers and ±5 window VM's on a quad core
server with 16GB. The GUI is quite intuitive and provides enough
functionality. Deploying a new VM or container is a breeze. It 
also support live migration between hardware nodes, although i 

test this. Backups are easy to setup either to directly connected
storage of something like NFS. Best of all, it's debian beneath the
GUI, so on the cli, if needed, you'll feel right at home. Peter

Hello Peter, that is some good information right there - i installed
proxmox 2.0 rc1 yesterday afternoon on a workstation computer, for
testing, and i am currently looking at the performance.

Keep in mind that 2.0 is still unstable. For real world use I'd stick 
to 1.9 for now or wait for 2.0 final to be released.

Would you please
be more specific about the configuration of the machine you are 
using? ie

cpu model, disk / controller configuration, installed nics, etc.. A
private reply would be enough!

It's a IBM System x3200 M3 with a Intel Xeon x3430 4-core 2.4ghz, 16GB 
ram, 4x 500GB cold-swap SATA in RAID 10 configuration using IBM 
ServeRAIDBR10iL controller and dual Intel 82574L Gigabit NIC.

The solution i am looking for will
determine the hardware i will be ordering, so i am concerned about it
right now. How should i consider technologies like KVM and openVZ
regarding stability? I'm talking about downtimes and maintenance 

My system has been running over a year now 24/7 and has had one lockup 
that required a  reboot of the HW node. Apart from that, the HW node has 
been maintenance free. Upgrading to a new version is as easy as 
upgrading any Debian system. Keep in mind that my setup is a simple one, 
I don't use multiple nodes or networked storage. So, YMMV. On my private 
servers I use openvz directly on stock debian squeeze and it has never 
failed me. The only issues I had were with live migrating containers 
from one node to another, but that may very well be caused by the 
specific setup I use, where both nodes are on separate subnets. As for 
performance, the most demanding container I have is one running 
Confluence wiki and Jira issue manager (java based) with a postgresql 
DB. I've had that setup running on a (remote, professionally setup and 
maintained) vmware cluster (as a CentOS linux VM) and on my local 
proxmox server (as a openvz debian container). The local proxmox based 
on performed slightly better. I don't have any info on the setup of that 
VMware cluster, so it's just anecdotal 'evidence'.

I heard multiple opinions on xen being a bad thing to work with, both
performance wise and stability wise. I wouldn't want to set this 

cloud up only to discover it's not production ready!

Like I mentioned above, I haven't got experience using proxmox with 
multiple nodes. It seems to support it just fine and I haven't seen big 
issues with it on the proxmox forums [3]. But again, others (the proxmox 
forum [3]?) might be more informative.

I am also wondering
how i will be able to deal with storage and multiple nodes: how does
proxmox behave on the matter? In case the main machine goes down i 

be pretty screwed, wouldn't i?

IIRC Promox does support live migration for networked storage for KVM, 
and AFAIR the upcoming 2.0 will also support it for for containers. 
Check the proxmox wiki [2], there's a page on (HA) storage solutions 
If by 'main machine' you mean the shared storage, then yes, when it 

Re: Debian and OSS vs vSphere

2012-02-29 Thread Jon Dowland

On 29/02/12 00:18, Alexey Eromenko wrote:

1. It is not part of Debian. (they add 3rd party repo to install it on
Debian, but packages are not in Debian) -- unlike OpenStack and
phpvirtualbox (latter is pending review).

Just to be clear to all, phpvirtualbox is not in Debian. It's not in the 
NEW queue, so I guessed pending review here means it's being reviewed 
by a developer with a view to sponsoring a new upload. However I did 
some investigation and unfortunately it's not even that far: it

has been packaged and the maintainer is seeking a debian developer to
review it.

Jon Dowland

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Re: Debian and OSS vs vSphere

2012-02-29 Thread Jon Dowland

On 29/02/12 08:02, Davide Mirtillo wrote:

How should i consider technologies like KVM and openVZ regarding
stability? I'm talking about downtimes and maintenance time. I heard
multiple opinions on xen being a bad thing to work with, both
performance wise and stability wise. I wouldn't want to set this
private cloud up only to discover it's not production ready!

My advice would be to stick to technologies which are widely deployed 
and supported, so ideally things that are in the mainline Kernel, or

are explicitly supported by a commercial distro, e.g. Red Hat.

That rules in KVM but rules out OpenVZ.

There is an argument that virtualisation technologies (Xen, KVM) are
more heavyweight than container technologies (linux vserver, OpenVZ,
lxc).  However in my experience and especially with modern hardware,
this is rarely an issue: for example I run ~100 KVM VMs on top of 5 year 
old hosts. I'd suggest going for a virtualisation technology,

and I'd suggest KVM - unless your management software layer (proxmox
or whatever) dictates another e.g. Xen in which case the management
layer is a more important decision.

Jon Dowland

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Re: Checking SHA256SUMS against SHA256SUMS.sign .

2012-02-29 Thread Jon Dowland

On 28/02/12 19:29, Sthu Deus wrote:

I try to check live CDs SHA256SUMS against SHA256SUMS.sign:

under normal user:
gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.sign SHA256SUMS

Wrong tool! GPG is for verifying signatures, not hash sums. Try 
'sha256sum' from coreutils.

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Re: Debian and OSS vs vSphere

2012-02-29 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby

On 02/29/2012 12:33 PM, Jon Dowland wrote:

That rules in KVM but rules out OpenVZ.

But I would add: depending on the needs, hve a look at LXC.


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How to make curl print only html content?

2012-02-29 Thread 斟酌鵬兄
I wanna make curl in a cronjob like this
FILE=$(curl http://www.examples.com)

But when I did this cron sent me an email with curl's output :

% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload 
Total Spent Left Speed

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 13 0 13 0 0 18 0 --:--:-- 
--:--:-- --:--:-- 60

How do I make it silent?

with -silent option I get its headers assigned in $FILE too
How do I get rid of it?


Re: Postgresql-8.1 Removal Problems

2012-02-29 Thread Keith McKenzie

On 29/02/12 08:16, David Baron wrote:

It is still there.

Manually stopping the daemon does not produce any error or output and the
removal error remains.


Maybe 'deborphan' could help; no harm in trying.

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Re: Free movies on the Internet -- download scams [OT]

2012-02-29 Thread nepal
On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 11:13:39 +1100
Scott Ferguson scott.ferguson.debian.u...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 28/02/12 21:20, nepal wrote:
  On Mon, 27 Feb 2012 22:53:54 +
  Sian Mountbatten poenik...@fastmail.co.uk wrote:
  Hi All!
  It occurred to me that there might be free movies to download. So I
  did a web search with Google and got lots of sites;
  So no movies for free.
  Anybody else had this experience? And what can be done about it?
  There is a distributed torrent client available now that does
  overcome some of the problems with torrents and tracking
 Some ain't *all*.
 eg. if you use tribler to download copyrighted material you can still
 be prosecuted. Have you ever considered how long records are kept
 for? Or whether it might affect some peoples careers?
 Anyone can join tribler - the files are fingerprinted (hashed) -
 that's how the system works. Having obtained the hashes of files it
 takes seconds for Cisco and other DPI vendors (including many ISPs) to
 distribute the list of illegal file hashes across the globe to their
 clients. Had you considered that before advising others to try it?
 The road to hell is paved with good/enthusiastic(?) intentions, and
 signposted with ignorance. :-(
 It's a capitalist society, if you don't like Hollywood (and Rupert
 Murdoch) vote with your wallet. Flattr free music and movie
 - that's free as in Debian is free, not gratis.
 Kind regards

well I didn't ask for your moral guidance did I?

that's because it was not required. Fuck you and your values and your
fucking insane world.

This email has been scanned by Westcoastcloud.

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Re: Audiobooks

2012-02-29 Thread Julien Claassen

  Does youtube support upload in aa-format?
  This would be cool, since you might use youtube-dl (a python script) to 
download it again and then you can use mplayer to transcode it:
mplayer -vo null -vc null -ao pcm:file=my_name.wav 

  then you could easily convert it to mp3 or ogg.
  Warm regards

Such Is Life: Very Intensely Adorable;
Free And Jubilating Amazement Revels, Dancing On - FLOWERS!

==  Find my music at  ==
If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day,
so I never have to live without you. (Winnie the Pooh)

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Re: Checking SHA256SUMS against SHA256SUMS.sign .

2012-02-29 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Jon.

Thank You for Your time and answer.
You worte:

 I try to check live CDs SHA256SUMS against SHA256SUMS.sign:

 under normal user:
 gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.sign SHA256SUMS

Wrong tool! GPG is for verifying signatures, not hash sums. Try 
'sha256sum' from coreutils.

And that's what I need - to check if the sums the SHA256SUMS contains
are from trusted source.


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Re: How to make curl print only html content?

2012-02-29 Thread Double Dark
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 05:30:43PM +0800, 斟酌鵬兄 wrote:
Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 17:30:43 +0800
From: 斟酌鵬兄 tgc...@gmail.com
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: How to make curl print only html content?

I wanna make curl in a cronjob like this
FILE=$(curl http://www.examples.com)

But when I did this cron sent me an email with curl's output :

% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload 
Total Spent Left Speed

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 100 13 0 13 0 0 18 0 --:--:-- 
--:--:-- --:--:-- 60

How do I make it silent?

with -silent option I get its headers assigned in $FILE too
How do I get rid of it?


The curl's output above is stderr.  You can execute like this:
=$(curl http://www.examples.com 2/dev/null)

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Re: NFS trouble

2012-02-29 Thread Raffaele Morelli
2012/2/27 Tom H tomh0...@gmail.com

  You have to use static ports for statd, mountd, and lockd if you're
  not using nfsv4. (You don't have to use the same static assignments
  used below.)
  - Set
  STATDOPTS=--port 4003 --outgoing-port 4004
  in /etc/default/nfs-common
  - Set
  in /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server
  - Set
  options lockd nlm_udpport=4001 nlm_tcpport=4001
  in /etc/modprobe.d/lockd.conf
  - Open the relevant ports with iptables
  Ok, so I guess I should ask my net admin to open all relevant ports for
  mountd, nlockmgr and status as showed in `rpcinfo -p` OR whatever port I
  would like to use for STATDOPTS, RPCMOUNTDOPTS and lockd.
  Is it right?

 Yes, but you have to fix the port numbers by editing the files above
 because they'll be variable otherwise.

That did it, thank you.


*L'unica speranza di catarsi, ammesso che ne esista una, resta affidata
all'istinto di ribellione, alla rivolta non isterilita in progetti, alla
protesta violenta e viscerale.*

Re: How to direct output into the LibreOffice Calc

2012-02-29 Thread Darac Marjal
On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:06:48PM +0800, lina wrote:
 I wonder:
 can the output like:
 direct it into the LibreOffice directly. without copy and paste.

Directly, no. However, LibreOffice has an extensive API[1]. In theory,
you could create a script (there is a python example) that accepts
input, starts LibreOffice and then pastes the lines into cells (I'm
assuming you want the numbers in a spreadsheet). If you have ever
programmed Excel, LibreOffice shouldn't present much of a learning

[1] http://api.libreoffice.org/

Darac Marjal

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Re: Audiobooks

2012-02-29 Thread Lorenzo Sutton
Meanwhile I added explicitly Linux incompatibility, which seems to be 
widely reported, to the Wikipedia page, in case people hit it searching 
for the format ;)


On 29/02/12 11:07, Julien Claassen wrote:

  Does youtube support upload in aa-format?
  This would be cool, since you might use youtube-dl (a python script) 
to download it again and then you can use mplayer to transcode it:
mplayer -vo null -vc null -ao pcm:file=my_name.wav 

  then you could easily convert it to mp3 or ogg.
  Warm regards

Such Is Life: Very Intensely Adorable;
Free And Jubilating Amazement Revels, Dancing On - FLOWERS!

==  Find my music at  ==
If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day,
so I never have to live without you. (Winnie the Pooh)

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Re: Checking SHA256SUMS against SHA256SUMS.sign .

2012-02-29 Thread Darac Marjal
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 02:29:33AM +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
 Good time of the day.
 I try to check live CDs SHA256SUMS against SHA256SUMS.sign:
 under normal user:
 gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.sign SHA256SUMS
 gpg: directory `/home/__/gue/.gnupg' created
 gpg: new configuration file `/home/__/gue/.gnupg/gpg.conf' created
 gpg: WARNING: options in `/home/__/gue/.gnupg/gpg.conf' are not yet
 active during this run gpg: keyring `/home/__/gue/.gnupg/pubring.gpg'
 created gpg: Signature made Mon 17 Oct 2011 07:55:55 PM GMT-7 using RSA
 key ID 6CA7B5A6 gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found
 then by root user:
 # gpg --recv-key --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net 6CA7B5A6  gpg
 --verify ./SHA256SUMS.sign gpg: requesting key 6CA7B5A6 from hkp server
 subkeys.pgp.net gpg: key 6CA7B5A6: Debian Live Signing Key
 debian-l...@lists.debian.org not changed gpg: Total number
 processed: 1 gpg:  unchanged: 1
 gpg: no signed data
 gpg: can't hash datafile: file open error
 Now, under normal user:
 $ gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.sign SHA256SUMS
 gpg: Signature made Mon 17 Oct 2011 07:55:55 PM GMT-7 using RSA key ID
 6CA7B5A6 gpg: Good signature from Debian Live Signing Key
 debian-l...@lists.debian.org gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified
 with a trusted signature! gpg:  There is no indication that the
 signature belongs to the owner. Primary key fingerprint: 696F 95F0 88E4
 D359 947F  7AEB 6F95 B499 6CA7 B5A6
 So, how I can fix these 2 errors:
 gpg: no signed data
 gpg: can't hash datafile: file open error

Apparently, you've told GPG where to find the signature, but not which
file to verify.

Let's start from the top. Firstly, you shouldn't need root permissions
for any of this. By changing to root, you'll be adding the key to root's
keyring not your own.

OK. Start by issuing  gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.sign SHA256SUMS. You get
some warnings and then Can't check signature: public key not found.
This is fine.

Next, gpg --recv-key --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net 6CA7B5A6. This
fetches a key matching the signing key's fingerprint from a server.
Again, do this as yourself so that it's in YOUR keyring.

Finally, gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.sign SHA256SUMS will verify the
signature. As you saw, you get Good Signature from  This means
that SHA256SUMS is identical in content to when it was signed; the file
has not been tampered with. However, as you don't trust the key you just
downloaded, you don't know who signed the file.

 gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified
 with a trusted signature! gpg:  There is no indication that the
 signature belongs to the owner.

To trust a key, the following algorithm is used (by default):
 1. You have signed the key
 2. The key has been signed by one fully trusted key
 3. The key has been signed by three marginally trusted keys.

This is known as the Web of Trust. You don't have to directly trust
every key you use, but you can rely on the fidelity of other users.

The easiest way to to this is, clearly, then, to sign the key you just
downloaded. To do this:
 1. Arrange a meeting with the owner of they key. Bring at least one
photo ID and a printed fingerprint of your own Key.
 2. Meet the key's owner face-to-face and, after verifying their
identity, exchange fingerprints.
 3. Sign their key.
 gpg --sign-key 6CA7B5A6
 4. Upload the key back to the keyserver (so that other people how trust
you can now trust that key)
gpg --send-keys --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net 6CA7B5A6

Now, re-verifying the signature should confirm that you trust the

(Alternatively, if meeting up with the owner of the key is difficult,
you may find members of your local LUG have already signed the key and
you can use the marginal trust noted above).

Darac Marjal

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Re: Question about APT's config on Debian (not an actual issue)

2012-02-29 Thread Chris Bannister
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 01:00:43AM +0100, Claudius Hubig wrote:
 Christofer C. Bell christofer.c.b...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm wondering how the following Ubuntu-isms made it into Debian's APT
 cbell@circe:~$ apt-config dump | egrep 'verse|ubuntu'
 APT::NeverAutoRemove:: ^linux-ubuntu-modules-.*;
 APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections:: universe/metapackages;
 APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections:: multiverse/metapackages;
 APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections:: universe/oldlibs;
 APT::Never-MarkAuto-Sections:: multiverse/oldlibs;
 Are these really necessary?
 I can imagine that in case you have a Ubuntu repository or PPA in
 your sources.list, you might want to have these. This might be
 especially the case with the first line, as it is possible that a
 specific driver/module is only available from such sources.
 And is it worth filing a bug for their removal?
 Do you think these are harmful in any way? If so, how? And if they
 are harmful, does this ‘harm’ make up for the potential benefit they
 have for users either mixing Ubuntu and Debian or wanting to use one
 to install the other?

Ubuntu is not the *only* Debian derivative.

Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: wheezy without gui

2012-02-29 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 28 Feb 2012 20:06:26 +0100, abdelkader belahcene wrote:

(please, no html formatted messages, thanks)

 I tryed the testing cd (20 feb).
 The installation is done but no graphical interface no gnome, no gdm
 I hope that for the final release, we  get the GUI (gnome ) in the first

Usually you have to instruct the installer to install GNOME or additional 
packages. True is that is not very user-friendly (I also installed the 
first CD of wheezy recently and there as no additional screen asking for 
more packages). My guess is that you have to select use additional 
repos so you're enable to get additional patterns for the tasksel.



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Re: KDE Probleme - deutsche Kommunikation gesucht

2012-02-29 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Mittwoch, 29. Februar 2012 schrieb Manfred Rebentisch:
 Hallo Martin,
 Am 29.02.2012 11:27, schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
  Am Mittwoch, 29. Februar 2012 schrieb Manfred Rebentisch:
  Hallo Manfred!
  dies hier ist ja die Debian-Liste. Als Debian-Nutzer (und neuerdings
  auch Kubuntu-User) habe ich auch viele Fragen zu KDE 4, die hier
  hergehören. Gibt es ein deutsches Forum oder eine deutsche
  mit kompetenter Kommunikation? Welche Empfehlung habt ihr für mich?
  Hast Du Dir die offiziellen Anlaufstellen wie z.B. die Mailingliste
  angeschaut? Das Verwenden der Suchmaschine Deiner Wahl überlasse ich
 Naja, ich komme mir etwas blöd vor, diese Frage gestellt zu haben.
 Aber ich hatte die hier kompetenten Leser und Schreiber nach einer
 Meinung gefragt.

Hey, ist schon okay. Ich wollt nur wissen, ob Du Dir die offiziellen 
Angebote schon angeschaut hast. Und ich hab mir vorgenommen, mir nicht 
mehr die Arbeit mit $SUCHMASCHINE zu machen, wenn ich es für sehr leicht 
halte, die entsprechenden Stellen zu finden.

 Und letztlich hast Du recht: www.kde.de und die dort genannten Foren
 und Listen sind das, was ich suchte. Zufällig stieß ich immer auf die
 englischsprachigen Seiten und war etwas genervt.

Englischsprachig gibts halt noch debian-kde.

Und ich denke, KDE ist hier nicht unbedingt off topic. Debian bringt nunmal 
KDE und GNOME mit und ich denke mal, das Thema hier so einzuschränken, 
dass nur debian-spezifische Aspekte der in Debian paketierten Software on 
topic sind, engt den Themenkreis doch etwas arg ein. Manchmal ist ja nicht 
mal ganz klar, ob etwas ein debian-spezifisches Problem ist oder nicht.

Wir hatten hier durchaus schon KDE-Themen und ich finde das durchaus auch 
angemessen - auch da es ja kein debian-kde-de gibt ;). Wenn es halt echt 
spezifisch ist, sind KDE-Foren eventuell besser geeignet.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: Networking problem on Shuttle XS35GTV2

2012-02-29 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 28 Feb 2012 20:32:07 +, Ramon Hofer wrote:

 On Tue, 28 Feb 2012 16:44:05 +, Camaleón wrote:

 Mmm, if your problem is a missing kernel module (jme.ko), the file is
 located here:
 Which is available in the first of the CD sets and thus you should also
 have it on your system so I wonder what can be wrong here.
 I'm wondering too!
 It's really strange because I was using OpenELEC for some time and
 probably with an update it stopped working.
 Also I have installed Debian Squeeze before on this box and the network
 was working.
 With Windows it's still working so the hardware should be ok...

Check if the module is already loaded or just force a reload (modprobe 
jme) and check the output.

 A different issue would be that the current jme.ko driver (the one you
 already have installed) cannot detect your ethernet controller (in line
 with post #6 findings).
 If this is your case, an updated kernel from backports or fetching and
 compiling the latest driver version from JMicron (as stated in #6) may
 solve the issue.
 Yes, but for a noob like me it's hard to update the kernel without
 internet connection :-(

Maybe you can just grab the deb file from another computer and then 
perform a manual install with dpkg -i :-?

 But now you have an additional problem with the ISO image, that is not
 recognized :-)
 How does your /etc/apt/sources.list look like? Also, run mount and
 put here the ouput.
 I have played with sources.list and it contained only the cdrom image,
 nothing at all or the cdrom image and the security updates lines. I will
 post the exact listings tomorrow. I have to get up very early

Okay, it is important to use the right syntax for the CD to be properly 



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Re: Postgresql-8.1 Removal Problems

2012-02-29 Thread David Baron
On Wednesday 29 February 2012 14:01:03 debian-user-digest-
requ...@lists.debian.org wrote:
  It is still there.
  Manually stopping the daemon does not produce any error or output and the
  removal error remains.
 Maybe 'deborphan' could help; no harm in trying.

apt and deborphan are crippled by this error.

. Get error: update-rc.d: warning: postgresql-8.1 stop runlevel arguments (0 
1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (S 0 1 6)

I tried using update-rc.d to place the stop scripts in S 0 1 6. Simple enough.

However, the error is still flagged.

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Re: Postgresql-8.1 Removal Problems

2012-02-29 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 10:16:08 +0200, David Baron wrote:

 On Tuesday 28 February 2012 21:03:15 debian-user-digest-
 requ...@lists.debian.org wrote:
  Package apparently obselete, dependencies no longer installable.
  However, I cannot remove it.
 How did you remove it? apt-get, aptitude, dpkg, synaptic...
 apt-get / dpkg -r/ dpkg -P
 I do not use aptitude

And what's the full output for that commands?

You can also give aptitude a chance, sometimes it renders very useful 
when dealing with broken packages or conflictive situations. At least it 
uses to be more verbose.

  Get error: update-rc.d: warning: postgresql-8.1 stop runlevel
  arguments (0 1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (S 0 1 6)
  How do I get rid of it.
 Despite the above error which I've also seen when you
 stop/restart/remove may of the init scripts, is the package still
 dpkg -l | grep postgre
 It is still there.

Better if you can send the output for the commands you run.

 Manually stopping the daemon does not produce any error or output and
 the removal error remains.

Manually stopping or starting the daemon returns the expected behaviour? 
I mean, is the daemon stopped/started accordingly?



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Re: Open bug in Kino

2012-02-29 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 08:22:43 +0100, Friedhelm Mehnert wrote:

 There is a long standing bug in the version of Kino which shipes with
 Debian Squeeze.
 Kino seg faults and dies when creating video segment in FX tab Bug
 #567588. It was reported first in 2010. And google is full of complaints
 from frustated users who have upgraded from lenny (where it was working
 fine) to sqeeze.

Sadly that's the norm for stable and time based releases, not just 
Debian ;-(

 I have found out what the problem is. It's very simple. The binary i386
 deb version 1.3.4-1+b1 that is distributed with sqeeze is broken.
 The source packet is ok!!
 So the problem can be fixed by getting the source and rebuild the

For that same reason is so important watching for bugs before a 
distribution is released.
 I have filed two bug reports AND emailed the maintainer about the issue,
 but that guy must to be dead, since I haven't heard a single word from

It seems to be activity at least for the package, you can ask another 
people of the team to do the rebuild and triy to get an update:


 So I have put an inofficial deb online, if you're to lazy to build it
 yourself from source, just get the packet and intall it over the broken
 version. It's at www.friedhelms.net/debian/kino .

Thanks for sharing.



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Re: Audiobooks

2012-02-29 Thread lina
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 6:07 PM, Julien Claassen jul...@mail.upb.de wrote:
  Does youtube support upload in aa-format?

Here I need apologize. I have never met the aa-format.

Last time I saw this post, just that thought came to my mind. so I
just posted it and thought the OP can get another options to try.

  This would be cool, since you might use youtube-dl (a python script) to
 download it again and then you can use mplayer to transcode it:
 mplayer -vo null -vc null -ao pcm:file=my_name.wav
If I remember correctly, you once told me this command on one of the
questions I asked months ago,
  then you could easily convert it to mp3 or ogg.
  Warm regards


 Such Is Life: Very Intensely Adorable;
 Free And Jubilating Amazement Revels, Dancing On - FLOWERS!

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 so I never have to live without you. (Winnie the Pooh)

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Re: How to direct output into the LibreOffice Calc

2012-02-29 Thread lina
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 7:16 PM, Darac Marjal mailingl...@darac.org.uk wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:06:48PM +0800, lina wrote:

 I wonder:


 can the output like:


 direct it into the LibreOffice directly. without copy and paste.

 Directly, no. However, LibreOffice has an extensive API[1]. In theory,
 you could create a script (there is a python example) that accepts
 input, starts LibreOffice and then pastes the lines into cells (I'm
Thanks, the python example is far more complicate than I could
simply copy from terminal, open the Excel and paste.
 assuming you want the numbers in a spreadsheet). If you have ever
 programmed Excel, LibreOffice shouldn't present much of a learning
I don't have much experience in programming in Excel, only know some
very basic functions.

 [1] http://api.libreoffice.org/

Thanks again for your time,

Best regards,

 Darac Marjal

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Re: XKBOPTIONS:ctrl:nocaps is not working with console-cyrillic

2012-02-29 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 05:31:19 +0300, Stayvoid wrote:

 I have no idea how to make it work.
 ctrl:nocaps works fine if console-cyrillic is disabled. Maybe
 console-cyrillic blocks /etc/default/keyboard...

Does it work when you're on a tty?



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Re: CUPS and Brother HL-5340D dual whammy

2012-02-29 Thread Brian
On Tue 28 Feb 2012 at 12:05:08 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:

 After a recent sid dist-upgrade, I'm having problems
 The CUPS test page prints a border with this text only:
 Brother HL-5340D Series
 3010.106 5
 That is using the 5240 driver. 
 I tried a couple other Brother HL-* drivers, but no success.

There are also drivers in Generic you could try.

 Now, I've got a PPD file for HL-5340D, but when I try to select
 it I get this error:
 unable to copy interface script: no such file or directory
 Any ideas what I can do with this?

It might be particular to the ppd you have. Tell CUPS to use one in
/usr/share/ppd. Still the same error?.

Creating /etc/cups/interfaces might be a way round the issue.

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Re: [Feedback needed] Setting the right size for /tmp

2012-02-29 Thread Chris Bannister
On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 08:59:38AM +, Dom wrote:
 I think it would have been nice to have a warning of this change of
 behaviour. I have apt-listchanges installed and I'm sure it didn't
 notify me of any changes.

True, but there was a discussion on debian-devel titled:

  /tmp as tmpfs and consequence for imaging software


Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
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Re: Open bug in Kino

2012-02-29 Thread Jon Dowland

The situation you are describing can be solved by a binNMU (Binary
Non-Maintainer Upload). There's a description of the process here:

If you have the time to invest, it would be great if you could see
that process through.

Jon Dowland

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Re: [Feedback needed] Setting the right size for /tmp

2012-02-29 Thread Chris Bannister
On Thu, Mar 01, 2012 at 02:54:30AM +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 08:59:38AM +, Dom wrote:
  I think it would have been nice to have a warning of this change of
  behaviour. I have apt-listchanges installed and I'm sure it didn't
  notify me of any changes.
 True, but there was a discussion on debian-devel titled:
   /tmp as tmpfs and consequence for imaging software

Agh!!! sorry, should read whole thread first before replying.

Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: KDE Probleme - deutsche Kommunikation gesucht

2012-02-29 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Mittwoch, 29. Februar 2012 schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
 Am Mittwoch, 29. Februar 2012 schrieb Manfred Rebentisch:
  Hallo Martin,
  Am 29.02.2012 11:27, schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
   Am Mittwoch, 29. Februar 2012 schrieb Manfred Rebentisch:
   Hallo Manfred!
   dies hier ist ja die Debian-Liste. Als Debian-Nutzer (und


Please disregard this. It was meant to go to debian-user-german.

I answered to a mail with reply-to set and used the wrong alternative from 
the auto-completion.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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Re: CUPS and Brother HL-5340D dual whammy

2012-02-29 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 28 Feb 2012 12:05:08 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:

 After a recent sid dist-upgrade, I'm having problems printing.
 The CUPS test page prints a border with this text only:
 Brother HL-5340D Series
 3010.106 5
 That is using the 5240 driver.

If the printer also supports PCL5/6, you can also try with the generic 
 I tried a couple other Brother HL-* drivers, but no success.
 Now, I've got a PPD file for HL-5340D, 

You got it from here, right?


 but when I try to select it I get this error:
 unable to copy interface script: no such file or directory

 Any ideas what I can do with this?

You can try to install the PPD by following Brother instructions (step 4), 
that is, manually, and then proceed as usual:

Install a ppd file



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Re: Audiobooks

2012-02-29 Thread Lisi
On Tuesday 28 February 2012 23:45:18 Julien Claassen wrote:
 you are looking for a nice collection of free and copyleft ones have a look
 at http://librivox.org

Thanks, Julien. :-)  I have added this to my audiobook bookmarks.


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Re: Networking problem on Shuttle XS35GTV2

2012-02-29 Thread Chris Bannister
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 12:32:44PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 Okay, it is important to use the right syntax for the CD to be properly 

You should never try and manually enter the CDROM into your
sources.list, always use apt-cdrom. Although, the installer usually
handles that for you.

Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
   -- Napoleon Bonaparte

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Re: How to direct output into the LibreOffice Calc

2012-02-29 Thread Christopher Judd
On Wednesday 29 February 2012 08:40:12 lina wrote:
 On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 7:16 PM, Darac Marjal mailingl...@darac.org.uk 
  On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:06:48PM +0800, lina wrote:
  I wonder:
  can the output like:
  direct it into the LibreOffice directly. without copy and paste.
  Directly, no. However, LibreOffice has an extensive API[1]. In theory,
  you could create a script (there is a python example) that accepts
  input, starts LibreOffice and then pastes the lines into cells (I'm

Actually (Ijust figured out), you can do something like:

somescript tempfile ; localc --calc -o tempfile ; rm tempfile

without learning to use the API.


 Thanks, the python example is far more complicate than I could
 simply copy from terminal, open the Excel and paste.
  assuming you want the numbers in a spreadsheet). If you have ever
  programmed Excel, LibreOffice shouldn't present much of a learning
 I don't have much experience in programming in Excel, only know some
 very basic functions.
  [1] http://api.libreoffice.org/
 Thanks again for your time,
 Best regards,
  Darac Marjal
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-requ...@lists.debian.org
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|   Christopher Judd, Ph. D.   |
|   Research Scientist III |
|   NYS Dept. of Health   j...@wadsworth.org   | 
|   Wadsworth Center - ESP |
|   P. O. Box 509518 486-7829  |
|   Albany, NY 12201-0509  |

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Re: Audiobooks

2012-02-29 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 28 Feb 2012 23:14:28 +, Sian Mountbatten wrote:

 I received a DVD from Amazon which came with a slip of paper saying
 I went to the site, signed up for 30 days free membership, selected a
 book and downloaded two files of type .aa. I noticed that the only
 software available was for Windoze or MacOS. So is there a package which
 will play an audiobook. A search with apt-cache gives yatm, but, after
 installing it, I tried it one of the files and it merely produced
 horrible sounds. Certainly nothing intelligible.
 So are audiobooks only for Windoze or MacOS? Has anybody any




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Re: How to direct output into the LibreOffice Calc

2012-02-29 Thread lina
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 10:47 PM, Christopher Judd j...@wadsworth.org wrote:
 On Wednesday 29 February 2012 08:40:12 lina wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 7:16 PM, Darac Marjal mailingl...@darac.org.uk

  On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:06:48PM +0800, lina wrote:



  I wonder:




  can the output like:








  direct it into the LibreOffice directly. without copy and paste.


  Directly, no. However, LibreOffice has an extensive API[1]. In theory,

  you could create a script (there is a python example) that accepts

  input, starts LibreOffice and then pastes the lines into cells (I'm

 Actually (Ijust figured out), you can do something like:

 somescript tempfile ; localc --calc -o tempfile ; rm tempfile

Thanks, a bit impressed by the localc --calc

If someone has interest, really welcome refine below commands

just tried to calculate the occurance. of those numbers,

(I don't have much CS background except 11 years ago took one course,
seems fundamental knowledge of computer and one semester of C
language. I finished that C without writing a serious program. sorry I
am a bit interested how people think in solving problems, just please
feel free to comment.)

$ more pathway_data.txt | sed 's/[^0-9 ]//g' | tr   \n | sed
'/^$/d' | sort | uniq -c  | sed -re 's/^ +//g' | sort -n -r  tempfile
; localc --calc -o tempfile ; rm tempfile

$ head pathway_data.txt
[['5', '4', '5'], ['19', '5', '4', '5']]
[['47', '46', '47']]
[['76', '46', '76'], ['76', '34', '76', '34'], ['62', '60', '62', '60', '46']]
[['76', '46', '76'], ['46', '48', '46', '34']]
[['46', '44', '46']]
[['19', '39', '19'], ['19', '5', '4', '5']]

Since thanks for all the help and suggestions,

Best regards,

 without learning to use the API.


 Thanks, the python example is far more complicate than I could

 simply copy from terminal, open the Excel and paste.

  assuming you want the numbers in a spreadsheet). If you have ever

  programmed Excel, LibreOffice shouldn't present much of a learning

 I don't have much experience in programming in Excel, only know some

 very basic functions.



  [1] http://api.libreoffice.org/

 Thanks again for your time,

 Best regards,


  Darac Marjal




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Re: when an xterm starts, it always starts in ~/Documents

2012-02-29 Thread Rares Aioanei

On 02/26/2012 10:53 PM, Sian Mountbatten wrote:

On 26/02/12 17:30, Camaleón wrote:

On Sat, 25 Feb 2012 01:59:16 +, Sian Mountbatten wrote:

Whenever I start an xterm, I notice that it starts in ~/Documents 

than in the home directory. Why is that? Where is it set?

And can it be set to the HOME directory?

System Settings - Account Details - Paths - change Documents Path 
to $HOME (the absolute address, like /home/user/)

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Re: Free movies on the Internet -- download scams [OT]

2012-02-29 Thread Curt
On 2012-02-29, nepal nepal.ro...@mypostoffice.co.uk wrote:

 well I didn't ask for your moral guidance did I?

Giving advice is a safe activity, seeing that hardly anyone ever takes

--Jung (Carl Gustav)

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Re: Postgresql-8.1 Removal Problems

2012-02-29 Thread David Baron
On Wednesday 29 February 2012 16:50:26 debian-user-digest-
requ...@lists.debian.org wrote:
   Package apparently obselete, dependencies no longer installable.
   However, I cannot remove it.
  How did you remove it? apt-get, aptitude, dpkg, synaptic...
  apt-get / dpkg -r/ dpkg -P
  I do not use aptitude
 And what's the full output for that commands?
~$ sudo dpkg -P postgresql-8.1
(Reading database ... 546325 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing postgresql-8.1 ...
find: `/usr/share/postgresql/8.1/tsearch_data': No such file or directory
dpkg: error processing postgresql-8.1 (--purge):
 subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
update-rc.d: warning: postgresql-8.1 stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not 
match LSB Default-Stop values (S 0 1 6)
Errors were encountered while processing:

Note that the find: error is new.
I have the init.d script doing nothing. The daemon is not running.

 You can also give aptitude a chance, sometimes it renders very useful 
 when dealing with broken packages or conflictive situations. At least it 
 uses to be more verbose.

Also show error, no so verbose in its UI.

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Re: NFS trouble

2012-02-29 Thread Tom H
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 5:44 AM, Raffaele Morelli
raffaele.more...@gmail.com wrote:
 2012/2/27 Tom H tomh0...@gmail.com

  You have to use static ports for statd, mountd, and lockd if you're
  not using nfsv4. (You don't have to use the same static assignments
  used below.)
  - Set
  STATDOPTS=--port 4003 --outgoing-port 4004
  in /etc/default/nfs-common
  - Set
  in /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server
  - Set
  options lockd nlm_udpport=4001 nlm_tcpport=4001
  in /etc/modprobe.d/lockd.conf
  - Open the relevant ports with iptables
  Ok, so I guess I should ask my net admin to open all relevant ports for
  mountd, nlockmgr and status as showed in `rpcinfo -p` OR whatever port I
  would like to use for STATDOPTS, RPCMOUNTDOPTS and lockd.
  Is it right?

 Yes, but you have to fix the port numbers by editing the files above
 because they'll be variable otherwise.

 That did it, thank you.

You're welcome.

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Re: Audiobooks

2012-02-29 Thread Julien Claassen

Hi Lina!
  Could be, that I gave you the same youtube or mplayer advise, because to me 
it has always been a sane and helpful one. :-)

  Kind regards

Such Is Life: Very Intensely Adorable;
Free And Jubilating Amazement Revels, Dancing On - FLOWERS!

==  Find my music at  ==
If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day,
so I never have to live without you. (Winnie the Pooh)

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/etc/alternatives contains files

2012-02-29 Thread Bob Brewer

Some packages failed to upgrade in my lenny to squeeze update because 
updare-alternatives encountered a file rather than a symbolic link. An 
example of this was fakeroot which produced the error:

update-alternatives: error: readlink(/etc/alternatives/fakeroot) 
failed: Invalid argument

The file (/etc/alternatives/fakeroot) contains a shell script which has 
the comment:

# This script first starts faked (the daemon), and then it will run
# the requested program with fake root privileges.

After I moved this file out of the way I was able to upgrade the package 
fakeroot and new symbolic links were generated.

There are over 100 of these files in the /etc/alternatives directory all 
dating from the same date in 2008 and presumably left over from a 
previous upgrade.

Would it be safe to delete these files and run update-alternatives to 
generate new symbolic links.


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[OT] Oddities in network information

2012-02-29 Thread Brad Alexander

I have a number of Debian boxes connected into a Foundry FastIron II
switch. This switch has a bunch of 100BaseT ports and 8 1000BaseT
ports. I have several servers with GigE NICs plugged into the gig
ports on the switch, but when I look at mii-tool, it shows:

# mii-tool
eth0: negotiated flow-control, link ok

However, hosts plugged into the 100BaseT ports show

# mii-tool
eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD flow-control, link ok

The reason for my concern is that I just changed my backuppc box. The
old box had 100BaseT interfaces, a P4 processor, and 2G of RAM. The
new box has Gig interfaces, a dual-core Xeon, and 8G of RAM. I have
been checking backup speeds, and they are not significantly different.
On a representative host (I have been spot-checking), a full backup
took about 10 minutes. On the new hardware, backups are taking about 8
minutes. I'm not a network engineer, but using a transport that is a
full order of magnitude faster *should* give more than a 20% decrease
in backup times...Am I wrong here? I guess the Gig-E mii-tool saying
negotiated rather than saying 1000BaseT or something just adds to my


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Re: Postgresql-8.1 Removal Problems

2012-02-29 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 17:54:10 +0200, David Baron wrote:

  How did you remove it? apt-get, aptitude, dpkg, synaptic...
  apt-get / dpkg -r/ dpkg -P
  I do not use aptitude
 And what's the full output for that commands?
 ~$ sudo dpkg -P postgresql-8.1
 (Reading database ... 546325 files and directories currently installed.)
 Removing postgresql-8.1 ...
 find: `/usr/share/postgresql/8.1/tsearch_data': No such file or
 directory dpkg: error processing postgresql-8.1 (--purge):
  subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
 update-rc.d: warning: postgresql-8.1 stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do
 not match LSB Default-Stop values (S 0 1 6) Errors were encountered
 while processing:
 Note that the find: error is new.

It seems the post-script routine is in a very bad shape. Have you tried 
by appending --force-remove-reinstreq?

remove-reinstreq:  Remove  a  package, even if it’s broken and
marked to require reinstallation. This may, for example, cause
parts  of the package to remain on the system, which will then
be forgotten by dpkg.

So, dpkg -P --force-remove-reinstreq postgresql-8.1.

 I have the init.d script doing nothing. The daemon is not running.

You can be also hitting this issue:


A quick Google search finds many problems for postgresql removing/
upgrading scripts.



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Re: ext browsers

2012-02-29 Thread Julien Claassen

Hello Keith and Johann!
  Links2 in the current version no longer supports javascript. As far as I 
remember, they removed it due to neglected maintenance or they wanted to 
change something, which never came of. It was some sort of development reason. 
Older version do handle a bit of javascript though. That is older versins of 
links2 not the links 1.x branch.

  Best wishes

Such Is Life: Very Intensely Adorable;
Free And Jubilating Amazement Revels, Dancing On - FLOWERS!

==  Find my music at  ==
If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day,
so I never have to live without you. (Winnie the Pooh)

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Re: text browsers

2012-02-29 Thread Julien Claassen

Hi Weaver!
  I have tried lynx, links, links2, elinks and w3m. I work with those 
exclusively. I still mostly stick by lynx, but that is just laziness, since it 
really doesn't do a few things.
  I have found, that from the above collection elinks is the best. It can be 
customised to meet almost all your needs. I don't get it to play 
youtube-videos (as audio) directly yet and I suppose, that might be out of the 
  These browsers are all rather comfortable, once you get to know them and 
they all have a lot of similarities, which is good, as consistency always is. 
I have only heard about edbrowse, but I think it is really the best solution, 
if you think, you might encounter a lot of NECESSARY javascript. Necessary 
opposd to beautifying or slightly helpful javascript.

  Kind regards

Such Is Life: Very Intensely Adorable;
Free And Jubilating Amazement Revels, Dancing On - FLOWERS!

==  Find my music at  ==
If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day,
so I never have to live without you. (Winnie the Pooh)

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Re: Open bug in Kino

2012-02-29 Thread Friedhelm Mehnert
In article izrs5-4w...@gated-at.bofh.it you wrote:
 It seems to be activity at least for the package, you can ask another 
 people of the team to do the rebuild and triy to get an update:

Meanwhile I have heard from the maintainer. Hope it will be taken care
of the bug soon. :-)

Regards Friedhelm

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not in X. man command does not respect set bell-style visible

2012-02-29 Thread Mitchell Laks
Dear Gurus,

I like silence. 

While running a tty console 
(no X running)
I include in .inputrc
the line 
set bell-style visible

this is clearly respected by say the 
tab command on an empty line (no beep, just a flash)
when i do 
man anything
say man bash
and then reach the end of the buffer and then space bar through the buffer
then hitting space at the  end of the buffer gives me a beep

how to get rid of this?


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Re: [Ubuntu-hams] Contest logging project

2012-02-29 Thread Paula Keezer
Nate,  I thought I would share some thoughts with you on the logistics of 
building a logging program, contest or or otherwise.  

As the author of the very first windows based logging program back in 1989 
(logview, rigview, hamview and packview) I can tell you that developing and 
keeping a logging program alive is a daunting task.  I was able to maintain it 
until 1997 when y2k became an issue and the amount of effort for one individual 
to keep up with the changing demands of the community was simply to much.  It 
was written in C and was one of the better offerings for both general logging 
and contest logging for its time.  

Over the years I've looked at a number of contemporary programs that are 
feature rich to see if I could contribute and provide some of my expertise 
gained with 8 years of log program experience.  Unfortunately, they all use 
rather difficult or under powered development environments.  N1MM for instance, 
is a dedicated Win platform and to work on that code one would have to make a 
heavy investment in the latest win dev platform.

I've thought at length about how an open source solution might be constructed 
that could attract a large number of Hamix developers.  As Martin, AA6E pointed 
out, it would be very important to split the effort into two projects:  A 
frontend project and a backend project.  Ideally, the frontend project would 
welcome anyone who wished to make a logging/shackcontrol/cluster user interface 
to participate using the language/development and perhaps even computing 
platform of their choice.  The backend for logging/dxcc/prefix/callpartial 
databases, rigcontrol/rotatorcontrol/antennaswitch and 
cluster/telnet/packet/web should be in the form of services, preferably 
communicated  through tcpip sockets or even better, a web api.  Ideally this 
code should be fast, but if a standard socket or web api were used, it could be 
built in virtually any language and on top of any db platform and still be 

I think an open source effort like this, where new comers can easily 
participate and add value to a growing body of code, would be an long term 

I think the challenge is in defining the back end services so that all the 
features and functions could be easily extended while preserving backward 
compatibility and keeping it open so new developers can step in and fill in 
gags as time moves forward.
The front end becomes an open field where anyone with a little programming 
knowledge and access to open source tools can build a new look and feel for the 

Just my .02!

Paula, NX1P

 From: Nate Bargmann n...@n0nb.us
To: Debian Users debian-user@lists.debian.org; Ubuntu Hams Group 
ubuntu-h...@lists.launchpad.net; Linux Hams linux-h...@vger.kernel.org 
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 3:25 PM
Subject: [Ubuntu-hams] Contest logging project
Hi all.

I've starting hacking on a contest logger.  I am writing it in C++ and
wxWidgets and primarily targeting Linux at this time.  I've been working
on this on and off for about six weeks and have reached a point where I
am running up against my inexperience in both C++ and application

I am looking for whomever may be interested in helping to develop this
thing into something that actually works!  I am looking specifically for
persons with knowledge of C++ and wxWidgets and who are interested in a
contest logger with a logging UI based on the classic CT.

My motivation is to be able to use the UI I and many others are
comfortable with.  TR and N1MM's ESM UI are just not comfortable to me.
Beyond that requirement the only other requirement is data integrity
using some sort of database container.

At this point the program is nothing more than a few windows that are a
sort of prototype of where I want to go.  The program does not accept
nor store data at this time and such niceties as duping and country
verification are far off as is rig control, et. al.

Given sufficient interest in the project I will push it up to Github and
look into starting a development mailing list.  At this time it is not
useful so potential users will be disappointed.

Please reply to me direct if interested.

73, de Nate, NØNB 


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more: http://www.n0nb.us

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Re: [OT] Oddities in network information

2012-02-29 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 12:19:30 -0500, Brad Alexander wrote:

 I have a number of Debian boxes connected into a Foundry FastIron II
 switch. This switch has a bunch of 100BaseT ports and 8 1000BaseT ports.
 I have several servers with GigE NICs plugged into the gig ports on the
 switch, but when I look at mii-tool, it shows:
 # mii-tool
 eth0: negotiated flow-control, link ok
 However, hosts plugged into the 100BaseT ports show
 # mii-tool
 eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD flow-control, link ok

Compare the results of mii-tool with those from ethtool, IIRC the 
former is a bit outdated.

Anyway, here's my output:

stt008:~# mii-tool -v eth0
SIOCGMIIREG on eth0 failed: Input/output error
SIOCGMIIREG on eth0 failed: Input/output error
eth0: negotiated 1000baseT-FD flow-control, link ok
  product info: vendor 00:aa:00, model 57 rev 0
  basic mode:   autonegotiation enabled
  basic status: autonegotiation complete, link ok
  capabilities: 1000baseT-FD 100baseTx-FD 100baseTx-HD 10baseT-FD 10baseT-HD
  advertising:  1000baseT-HD 1000baseT-FD 100baseTx-FD 100baseTx-HD 10baseT-FD 
10baseT-HD flow-control
  link partner: 1000baseT-FD 100baseTx-FD 100baseTx-HD 10baseT-FD 10baseT-HD 

 The reason for my concern is that I just changed my backuppc box. The
 old box had 100BaseT interfaces, a P4 processor, and 2G of RAM. The new
 box has Gig interfaces, a dual-core Xeon, and 8G of RAM. I have been
 checking backup speeds, and they are not significantly different. On a
 representative host (I have been spot-checking), a full backup took
 about 10 minutes. On the new hardware, backups are taking about 8
 minutes. I'm not a network engineer, but using a transport that is a
 full order of magnitude faster *should* give more than a 20% decrease in
 backup times...Am I wrong here? I guess the Gig-E mii-tool saying
 negotiated rather than saying 1000BaseT or something just adds to my

Gigabit is not as fast as we think (with 125 MB/s of max. theorical speed 
and can be a real pain when transferring a bunch of gibibytes of data). Also, 
the physical transport layer is just another variable of the chain... well, 
ensure your card settings are properly set and detected (dmesg|grep -i eth 
will help).



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Re: /etc/alternatives contains files

2012-02-29 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2012-02-29 17:26 +0100, Bob Brewer wrote:

 Some packages failed to upgrade in my lenny to squeeze update because 
 updare-alternatives encountered a file rather than a symbolic link. An 
 example of this was fakeroot which produced the error:

 update-alternatives: error: readlink(/etc/alternatives/fakeroot) 
 failed: Invalid argument

This is not a particular useful error message, but it seems to have been
fixed in the wheezy dpkg¹.

 The file (/etc/alternatives/fakeroot) contains a shell script which has 
 the comment:

 # This script first starts faked (the daemon), and then it will run
 # the requested program with fake root privileges.

 After I moved this file out of the way I was able to upgrade the package 
 fakeroot and new symbolic links were generated.

 There are over 100 of these files in the /etc/alternatives directory all 
 dating from the same date in 2008 and presumably left over from a 
 previous upgrade.

That was not supposed to happen, but it is probably too late to find out
the reason for the problem.

 Would it be safe to delete these files and run update-alternatives to 
 generate new symbolic links.

This is probably your best choice.  Make backups of the
/etc/alternatives and /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives directories before you
do that, though.



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Re: not in X. man command does not respect set bell-style visible

2012-02-29 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2012-02-29 18:29 +0100, Mitchell Laks wrote:

 I like silence. 

 While running a tty console 
 (no X running)
 I include in .inputrc
 the line 
 set bell-style visible

 this is clearly respected by say the 
 tab command on an empty line (no beep, just a flash)
 when i do 
 man anything
 say man bash
 and then reach the end of the buffer and then space bar through the buffer
 then hitting space at the  end of the buffer gives me a beep

This is because .inputrc is only honored by programs that use readline,
and the standard pager does not use that.

 how to get rid of this?

Make sure that less (the standard pager) is invoked with the -q
option.  E.g. set PAGER=/usr/bin/less -q in the environment.


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Re: not in X. man command does not respect set bell-style visible

2012-02-29 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 12:29:29 -0500, Mitchell Laks wrote:

 Dear Gurus,

Not a guru here, but will try to earn some points, tron.

 I like silence.

+100 :-)
 While running a tty console
 (no X running)
 I include in .inputrc
 the line
 set bell-style visible
 this is clearly respected by say the
 tab command on an empty line (no beep, just a flash) however
 when i do
 man anything
 say man bash
 and then reach the end of the buffer and then space bar through the
 buffer then hitting space at the  end of the buffer gives me a beep
 how to get rid of this?

Try a quick test by issuing setterm -blength 0. 

Should that works, you can add it to your ~/.profile file.



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Re: Postgresql-8.1 Removal Problems

2012-02-29 Thread David Baron
On Wednesday 29 February 2012 20:02:01 debian-user-digest-
requ...@lists.debian.org wrote:
   How did you remove it? apt-get, aptitude, dpkg, synaptic...
   apt-get / dpkg -r/ dpkg -P
   I do not use aptitude
  And what's the full output for that commands?
  ~$ sudo dpkg -P postgresql-8.1
  (Reading database ... 546325 files and directories currently installed.)
  Removing postgresql-8.1 ...
  find: `/usr/share/postgresql/8.1/tsearch_data': No such file or
  directory dpkg: error processing postgresql-8.1 (--purge):
   subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
  update-rc.d: warning: postgresql-8.1 stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do
  not match LSB Default-Stop values (S 0 1 6) Errors were encountered
  while processing:
  Note that the find: error is new.
 It seems the post-script routine is in a very bad shape. Have you tried 
 by appending --force-remove-reinstreq?

I saw that one, tried it. Did not help.

Actually, it is the pre-removal script that is at fault.

(Meanwhile, this cripples apt. I can install/upgrade packages using dpkg 
without the apt-get frontend but this is quite tedious.)

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Re: [Ubuntu-hams] Contest logging project

2012-02-29 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2012 29 Feb 11:30 -0600, Paula Keezer wrote:
 Nate,  I thought I would share some thoughts with you on the logistics
 of building a logging program, contest or or otherwise.  

Hi Paula.

 As the author of the very first windows based logging program back in
 1989 (logview, rigview, hamview and packview) I can tell you that
 developing and keeping a logging program alive is a daunting task.  I
 was able to maintain it until 1997 when y2k became an issue and the
 amount of effort for one individual to keep up with the changing
 demands of the community was simply to much.  It was written in C and
 was one of the better offerings for both general logging and contest
 logging for its time.  

Which is why I'm trying to guage the interest in collaboration before
giving up on this idea completely.

 Over the years I've looked at a number of contemporary programs that
 are feature rich to see if I could contribute and provide some of my
 expertise gained with 8 years of log program experience. 
 Unfortunately, they all use rather difficult or under powered
 development environments.  N1MM for instance, is a dedicated Win
 platform and to work on that code one would have to make a heavy
 investment in the latest win dev platform.

IMO, sticking with GNU tools and wxWidgets means the financial barrier
to entry is $0 and each is available for all popular platforms.  Some
may argue that there exists no IDE for Linux.  Perhaps so (although
there are several that make the claim), but I consider my entire desktop
to be the IDE.  ;-)

 I've thought at length about how an open source solution might be
 constructed that could attract a large number of Hamix developers.  As
 Martin, AA6E pointed out, it would be very important to split the
 effort into two projects:  A frontend project and a backend project. 
 Ideally, the frontend project would welcome anyone who wished to make
 a logging/shackcontrol/cluster user interface to participate using the
 language/development and perhaps even computing platform of their
 choice.  The backend for logging/dxcc/prefix/callpartial databases,
 rigcontrol/rotatorcontrol/antennaswitch and cluster/telnet/packet/web
 should be in the form of services, preferably communicated  through
 tcpip sockets or even better, a web api.  Ideally this code should be
 fast, but if a standard socket or web api were used, it could be built
 in virtually any language and on top of any db platform and still be

Whew!  Rig control is covered by Hamlib.  But really, I didn't plan for
this project to cover any more ground than CT which I'm most familiar
with.  To me that means maintaining a contest log and nothing more than
Cabrillo and ADIF export (let the other apps deal with LoTW/eQSL
uploads/tracking and the like).  Things like cluster/bandmap support and
multiop stuff is long term.

My idea is to specify contests using a definition file for each event
and from that the program configures the entry/display fields and
scoring.  As I see it, if done smartly the program doesn't need much
rewriting as contest rules change.

 I think an open source effort like this, where new comers can easily
 participate and add value to a growing body of code, would be an long
 term winner.
 I think the challenge is in defining the back end services so that all
 the features and functions could be easily extended while preserving
 backward compatibility and keeping it open so new developers can step
 in and fill in gags as time moves forward.  The front end becomes an
 open field where anyone with a little programming knowledge and access
 to open source tools can build a new look and feel for the community.

Perhaps I see that as a bit too heavy of a solution?  There have been a
few false starts of something comprehensive on the various ham
radio+Linux mailing lists over the years that have come to nothing.  I'm
looking more in the direction of do one thing and do it well.

BTW, I now have a mailing list at:


Later I'll upload my personal Git repository where interested parties
can take a look.  The project page is at:


I chose SourceForge as I'm familiar with it and they offer a Media Wiki
and PHP BB, both of which I've enabled.

Thanks for writing.

73, de Nate 


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more: http://www.n0nb.us

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Re: XKBOPTIONS:ctrl:nocaps is not working with console-cyrillic

2012-02-29 Thread Stayvoid
 Does it work when you're on a tty?
I don't really understand why did you mention tty.

What should I do to check it?

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Re: xserver-xorg vs. xserver-xorg-video-nouveau

2012-02-29 Thread Stayvoid
 Earlier you mentioned

 did you check the section that applies to this error?

This guide wasn't helpful. modprobe nouveau outputs nothing and
there is no nouveau module in the output of lsmod. But nouveau
appears in the output of lspci -vv.

 At this point I can only guess there is some mismatch between your
 kernel and Xorg. I would suggest you try to reproduce this on a pure
 Debian install[1][2], but if it works there is not much more we can do.

 [1] you mentioned using gNewSense
 [2] you are of course aware that Debian with only 'main' is free

Kernel: Linux-libre 3.2.4;
Xorg: 1:7.5+8+squeeze1.

I don't know how to check the versions of libdrm and nouveau DRM. And
I have no idea which ones are compatible.

Someone told me that I could check it this way:
$ grep DRICreatePCIBusID /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri*

Here is the output:
Binary file /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri.so matches

I don't know how to reinstall the whole system quickly or how to
install it harmlessly for the main system. (Could you provide a guide
on this?) It took me a lot of time to setup the current system.
And I don't really want to install Debain. [a]

Let's try to fix it in gNewSense. (My version is based on Squeeze.)

I'd also tried to ask gNewSense guys. [b]


[a] http://www.gnu.org/distros/common-distros.html
[b] http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/gnewsense-users/2012-02/msg00011.html

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Re: Broadcom Corporation BCM43224 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 01) without proprietary firmware

2012-02-29 Thread Stayvoid
 To make the firmware work properly you need at least 2 more files that
 must be extracted from original Broadcom drivers: b0g0bsinitvals5.fw and
Could you provide an installation guide for OpenFWWF?
I want to test it myself. Maybe those guys didn't have a chance to test my card.

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2012-02-29 Thread Ethan Rosenberg

At 11:05 AM 2/24/2012, Brian wrote:

On Thu 23 Feb 2012 at 20:10:11 -0500, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:

 You could completely purge CUPS and all its related packages. Then
 reinstall (with the Recommends:) and install your printer.

 I need instructions how to do it.

Backup /etc/cups first.

   apt-get purge cups

followed by

   apt-get --purge autoremove

Unless you have set up your system not to, you'll get the recommended
packages with

   apt-get install cups

Installing the printer is done from Administration at


There is a CUPS+Gutenprint driver for your Oki, or you could try one of
those under Generic. I'm not a great believer in reinstalling as a cure
for problems, so you could try this last step first.

Brian -


I trioed purging and reinstalling.  No luck.

If this helps...

When I restart the computer, the last job I sent to the printer will print.


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Re: xserver-xorg vs. xserver-xorg-video-nouveau

2012-02-29 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 29 feb 12, 23:48:22, Stayvoid wrote:
 This guide wasn't helpful. modprobe nouveau outputs nothing and
 there is no nouveau module in the output of lsmod. But nouveau
 appears in the output of lspci -vv.
This suggests something is missing from your kernel.

 Let's try to fix it in gNewSense. (My version is based on Squeeze.)

based is the keyword here. Unless there is someone here familiar with 
gNewSense you're out of luck.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Broadcom Corporation BCM43224 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 01) without proprietary firmware

2012-02-29 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 29 feb 12, 23:57:14, Stayvoid wrote:
  To make the firmware work properly you need at least 2 more files that
  must be extracted from original Broadcom drivers: b0g0bsinitvals5.fw and
 Could you provide an installation guide for OpenFWWF?
 I want to test it myself. Maybe those guys didn't have a chance to 
 test my card.

Nope, I just copy-pasted something from the links you mentioned in your 
previous posts. Besides, the only Broadcom hardware here is my trusty 
Asus WL500 gPv2 :p

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

General unstability on wheezy (unstable repository)

2012-02-29 Thread Abou Al Montacir
Hi All,

During the last few months I've been experiencing an increasing
instability on my systems running wheezy. This used to be a good quality
repository and good compromise between stability and new features for a
desktop usage.

However, with the gnome3 transition I started to experience more and
more instabilities.
The first issue was that on 1 of my 2 systems, gnome-shell starts
loosing characters after a few minutes of working. This could results
into unusable desktop (as you can see in screen shot of bug#636874 in
For me this problem should be tagged with severity grave as it renders
package not usable, isn't it?

Also, evolution starts crashing more and more and now I can not have it
running a few hours without it dies. On one on my systems it even
results on segmentation fault upon starting, unless I disable network or
I run it inside gdb otherwise, no mail.

A third issue is that I have an UML machine running sid for years. Now
this UML machin is crashing regularly and when it crashe, al the X
system dies. What is the relationship? I don't see, but the UML starts
in a xterm and runs no X application, only used for compiling
(Lazarus/fpc and other packages I maintain).

I've started suspecting HW issue, but as some of these issues happens
only on 1 systems and others on the second, I don't think it is related
to HW. Also I can see that some of my issues are experienced by other

Can anyone advise on how to proceed? Please keep me on copy of this mail
as I'm not subscribed to this mailing list.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: General unstability on wheezy (unstable repository)

2012-02-29 Thread Walter Hurry
On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 22:59:03 +0100, Abou Al Montacir wrote:

   META HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type CONTENT=text/html; CHARSET=UTF-8
 Hi All,BR
 During the last few months I've been experiencing an increasing
 instability on my systems running wheezy. This used to be a good quality
 repository and good compromise between stability and new features for a
 desktop usage.BR
 However, with the gnome3 transition I started to experience more and
 more instabilities.BR
 The first issue was that on 1 of my 2 systems, gnome-shell starts
 loosing characters after a few minutes of working. This could results
 into unusable desktop (as you can see in screen shot of A
 HREF=mailto:636...@bugs.debian.org;bug#636874/A in A
 For me this problem should be tagged with severity grave as it renders
 package not usable, isn't it?BR
 Also, evolution starts crashing more and more and now I can not have it
 running a few hours without it dies. On one on my systems it even
 results on segmentation fault upon starting, unless I disable network or
 I run it inside gdb otherwise, no mail.BR
 A third issue is that I have an UML machine running sid for years. Now
 this UML machin is crashing regularly and when it crashe, al the X
 system dies. What is the relationship? I don't see, but the UML starts
 in a xterm and runs no X application, only used for compiling
 (Lazarus/fpc and other packages I maintain).BR
 I've started suspecting HW issue, but as some of these issues happens
 only on 1 systems and others on the second, I don't think it is related
 to HW.
 Also I can see that some of my issues are experienced by other
 Can anyone advise on how to proceed? Please keep me on copy of this mail
 as I'm not subscribed to this mailing list.BR
 /HTMLAttachment not shown: MIME type application/pgp-signature;
 filename signature.asc

Please post in plain text.

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2012-02-29 Thread Peter Easthope
I don't see any way to give Icedove the References and In-reply-to 
fields for the

header but they are here.

Bcc: pe...@easthope.ca
References: jifusr$288$4...@dough.gmane.org 
171057435.35607.27295@cantor.invalid jigd87$288$1...@dough.gmane.org

In-reply-to: jigd87$288$1...@dough.gmane.org

*From: Camale#xF3;n noela...@gmail.com
*Message-id: jigd87$288$1...@dough.gmane.org
 Note there's a slightly difference between the URL you send:

I typed carelessly.

 See the above link. There's a list of fonts that seem to have support 

 the said unicode characters.

That's helpful thanks.

All fonts in the system where Iceweasel displays the upper half
brackets are listed here.

All fonts in the system where Firefox lacks the upper half
brackets are listed here.

The difference between the two lists is here.

With present understanding I have two cases.

(1) If there is a way to identify the font which Iceweasel uses
to display an upper half bracket, then I need only install that
font on the Xo system.

(2) Otherwise, I can consider fonts which are in the list given
by the URI from your previous message and are in the Squeeze system.
Install these one by one until the upper half brackets appear.

Given that most of the fonts in the SqueezeFonts list are variants
of DejaVu, DejaVu Serif seems a good first bet.

If anyone can answer (1), good!  Any other ideas are certainly

Thanks,   ... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 639 0202.  bcc: peasthope ... shaw.ca

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Re: Wheezy - aptitude safe-upgrade vs apt-get dist-upgrade

2012-02-29 Thread Whit Hansell
Tom, thank you for the info.  I agree w. sending in bug reports.  It's 
just that there is such a learning curve w.Gnome 3 and KDE4 which I had 
tried before I changed over to Gnome 2.30.x previously.  I have gone 
ahead and done the full apt-get dist-upgrade and played w. the new Gnome 
and found that I could do a Classic so am at that point.  Right now.  
Found the basic Gnome, the new one, is very slow and have seen that that 
is a problem w. it.  But it seems that the classic setup is closer to 
the older one so will be going back and forth between them so I can 
learn the new one while hopefullyG geting things done while using 

Again, Tom, thanks for your reply.  Cheers.

On 02/28/2012 01:03 AM, Tom H wrote:

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 8:25 PM, Whit Hansellskippe...@comcast.net  wrote:

On 02/27/2012 04:26 AM, Monsieur Louk wrote:

I think you'll find every thing you need in the Debian doc:

Quote: The difference between safe-upgrade/upgrade and
full-upgrade/dist-upgrade only appears when new versions of packages
stand in different dependency relationships from old versions of those
packages. The aptitude safe-upgrade command does not install new packages
nor remove installed packages.

Thanks for your reply.  I had done some googling at the debian site and
found info on the differences as you state.  I have to admit I am not sure
which is the best way to update/upgrade my system.  I had read a few years
ago that aptitude was the recommended way as it supposedly handles
dependencies better so have always used it.  But also knew about the
statement about it not removing packages, etc.  Actually I have  seen it do
some of that but they may be non-free and contrib.  I don't know.  I do know
that there are files removed and new ones installed but then that is NOT a
full package as in GNOME going from 2.30.x to Gnome 3.x.

Appreciate the replies.  Have received one comment to personal addy that
Gnome 3 is buggy and not to use it so am going to check around and see what
info I can find about it before I do an apt-get safe-upgrade.

Unless you use issue aptitude safe-upgrade --no-new-installs or have
Aptitude::CmdLine::Safe-Upgrade::No-New-Installs in
/etc/apt/apt.conf, aptitude safe-upgrade will install new packages
to resolve dependencies.

(If GNOME 3's buggy, file a bug or bugs!)

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