Re: [HS] Bios UEFI : partitions

2012-04-21 Thread didier gaumet
Le Fri, 20 Apr 2012 23:08:47 +0200, a écrit :

 Le BIOS UEFI permet-il de s'affranchir des
 4 partitions primaires maxi ?

Oui, UEFI (pas BIOS UEFI) car il s'appuie sur un schéma de
partitionnement GPT.
Mais si le système d'exploitation le permet (par exemple Debian
Squeeze), c'est aussi possible sans UEFI avec un BIOS classique à
condition que le disque concerné ait une table de partition GPT. 

 Cette possibilité serait liée à GUID Partition Table,
 si oui, y a t-il une manip particulière à faire ?

Je ne sais plus si l'installateur Debian permet de transformer une
table de partition MsDos en table de partition GPT (je ne le pense pas)
lors de l'installation de Debian.
Sinon il est possible de le faire par exemple avec parted via l'option
mklabel gpt (ce qui va faire perdre toutes les données du disque).

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Re: [testing] nautilus recherche

2012-04-21 Thread Jérôme
Le mercredi 18 avril 2012 à 23:25 +0200, Gaëtan PERRIER a écrit : 
 C'est moi qui ne sait pas faire ou bien la recherche dans nautilus ne
 fonctionne pas ?

A priori, c'est toi. Ceci dit, vérifie en manuel que ça marche et qu'il
ne te manque pas un paquet ou une mise à jour. 

Si tu n'es pas écologique, tu peux aussi installer tracker qui peut
aussi être lançé depuis Nautilus. 

Toutefois si la recherche dans les documents et le language
d'interrogation sont intéressants, ça plombe le système au moment de
l'indexation. Ça peut être génial si tu travaille intensivement avec des
documents (je serais avocat ou un truc comme ça je n'hésiterais pas).
C'est préférable de n'indexer que ce qui est utile pour éviter de
bouffer trop de temps d'indexation.

tracker fonctionne sur les medias amovibles, voir avec le compte google
grâce au paquet gnome-documents.

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Re: [HS] Bios UEFI : partitions

2012-04-21 Thread Jérôme
Le vendredi 20 avril 2012 à 23:08 +0200, a
écrit :
 Le BIOS UEFI permet-il de s'affranchir des
 4 partitions primaires maxi ?

C'est même un des grands intérêts pour gérer les disques de grandes

 Cette possibilité serait liée à GUID Partition Table,
 si oui, y a t-il une manip particulière à faire ? 

On change de techno, terminé cette foutu antiquité de BIOS, on passe en
soft et architecture moderne. Donc oui, ça a des implications. Renseigne
toi bien avant de démarrer.

Bonne lecture ;)

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Re: forcer aptitude ipv4

2012-04-21 Thread Jérôme
Le mardi 17 avril 2012 à 12:25 +0200, prego jérémy a écrit : 
 salut liste,
 il en a été question ya quelques temps mais dans toute cette discution 
 j'ai un peu perdu le filpeut-on forcer aptitude a résoudre les ip en ipv4 ?
 merci d'avance
Très en retard, mais aptitude ne résoud rien du tout, en tout cas pas
les noms ni les routes. 

Je ne vois pas trop l'intérêt de ta manœuvre, mais tu dois au moins
pouvoir faire des règles IPtables pour les destinations choisies. Voire
mettre ça dans hosts ou les IP en numérique dans la conf si les IP ne
bougent pas.

Tu peux aussi utiliser ton cache/serveur DNS genre dnsmasq et le régler
comme tu veux.

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Re: [HS] disque dur ssd

2012-04-21 Thread Jérôme
Le vendredi 20 avril 2012 à 13:37 +0200, Thierry Despeyroux a écrit :
 j'aurais pensé qu'il ne fallait pas mettre /run et /var qui bougent
 beaucoup sur le ssd

Les SSD on beaucoup gagné en longévité et fiabilité depuis le début, la
technologie et la gestion des écritures se sont considérablement
améliorées. Tu as des informations sur le sujet un peu partout (en
dehors des données constructeurs toujours entachées de suspicion). La
capacité se réduit un peu si tu grille des cellules, mais ce n'est plus
une obsession et le gain en temps d'accès est très important. Même un
gros truc comme OVH utilisent les SSD ou des solutions hybrides
(plateaux pour le stockage long-terme, ssd en frontal pour la vitesse
de travail).

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restauration disque dur depuis image dd : grub

2012-04-21 Thread Carmelo Ingrao

chaque semaine je fais un backup du disque de mon serveur grâce à une commande 
dd :

dd if=/dev/sda of=image.dd

j'ai testé la restauration de image.dd sur un disque dur, mais au redémarrage, 
il y a un souci avec grub.

Comment faire pour restaurer également le chargeur de démarrage ?


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Re: forcer aptitude ipv4

2012-04-21 Thread prego jérémy

 Message original 
Sujet:  Re: forcer aptitude ipv4
Date :  Sat, 21 Apr 2012 16:56:01 +0200
De :prego jérémy
Pour :  Jérôme

Le 21/04/2012 14:24, Jérôme a écrit :

 Le mardi 17 avril 2012 à 12:25 +0200, prego jérémy a écrit :

 salut liste,

 il en a été question ya quelques temps mais dans toute cette discution
 j'ai un peu perdu le filpeut-on forcer aptitude a résoudre les ip en ipv4 ?

 merci d'avance

 Très en retard, mais aptitude ne résoud rien du tout, en tout cas pas
 les noms ni les routes.

oui j'ai mal poser ma question mais bon

 Je ne vois pas trop l'intérêt de ta manœuvre, mais tu dois au moins
 pouvoir faire des règles IPtables pour les destinations choisies. Voire
 mettre ça dans hosts ou les IP en numérique dans la conf si les IP ne
 bougent pas.

non je pense qu'on parle pas de la même chose

 Tu peux aussi utiliser ton cache/serveur DNS genre dnsmasq et le régler
 comme tu veux.

 rien à voir

ce que je souhaite c'est que aptitude demande une ipv4 et pas de l'ipv6
puisqu'il est moins performant pour de gros paquets
un équivalent de l'option -4 de wget par exemple


Re: restauration disque dur depuis image dd : grub

2012-04-21 Thread Jérôme
Le samedi 21 avril 2012 à 16:42 +0200, Carmelo Ingrao a écrit :
 j'ai testé la restauration de image.dd sur un disque dur, mais au
 redémarrage, il y a un souci avec grub.

Quel genre de soucis ? Un problème d'uuid ? de partition déclarée
bootable ? Il y a un code d'erreur ?

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Re: restauration disque dur depuis image dd : grub

2012-04-21 Thread Carmelo Ingrao

Le 21 avr. 2012 à 17:18, Jérôme a écrit :

 Le samedi 21 avril 2012 à 16:42 +0200, Carmelo Ingrao a écrit :
 j'ai testé la restauration de image.dd sur un disque dur, mais au
 redémarrage, il y a un souci avec grub.
 Quel genre de soucis ? Un problème d'uuid ? de partition déclarée
 bootable ? Il y a un code d'erreur ?

voici le message au démarrage :

error: the symbol 'grub_xputs' not fund
grub rescue

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Re: restauration disque dur depuis image dd : grub

2012-04-21 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 21 Apr 2012 17:33:05 +0200
Carmelo Ingrao wrote:
 error: the symbol 'grub_xputs' not fund
 grub rescue

blurb ne serait pas installé sur une partoche au lieu du MBR?


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Debian Wheezy et Gnome 3

2012-04-21 Thread Hugues Desvaux
Bonjour la liste !

Je me permets de vous écrire pour essayer de résoudre un (plusieurs ?)
problème. Après une semaine de recherche sur Internet, dans notre langue et
celle de Shakespeare, je n'arrive pas à trouver comment installer d'autres
thèmes dans gnome-tweak-tools que celui par défaut.

J'ai essayé plusieurs choses telle l'installation de gnome-theme disponible
dans les dépôts, mais cela semble être pour gnome 2 et le
gnome-extensions-theme m'est interdit, même en passant par les dépôts de
Sid (version unstable) car il me manque trop de dépendances.

Par ailleurs, je travaille en multi-écrans et je me demande si je peux
mettre un fond d'écran différent sur mon écran de présentation que celui
sur mon écran principal ?

Merci d'avance pour tout !
Bon week-end à tous.


Re: Debian Wheezy et Gnome 3

2012-04-21 Thread Goldy
Le 21/04/2012 18:18, Hugues Desvaux a écrit :
 Bonjour la liste !
 Je me permets de vous écrire pour essayer de résoudre un (plusieurs ?)
 problème. Après une semaine de recherche sur Internet, dans notre langue
 et celle de Shakespeare, je n'arrive pas à trouver comment installer
 d'autres thèmes dans gnome-tweak-tools que celui par défaut.
 J'ai essayé plusieurs choses telle l'installation de gnome-theme
 disponible dans les dépôts, mais cela semble être pour gnome 2 et le
 gnome-extensions-theme m'est interdit, même en passant par les dépôts de
 Sid (version unstable) car il me manque trop de dépendances.
 Par ailleurs, je travaille en multi-écrans et je me demande si je peux
 mettre un fond d'écran différent sur mon écran de présentation que celui
 sur mon écran principal ?
 Merci d'avance pour tout !
 Bon week-end à tous.


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Re: restauration disque dur depuis image dd : grub

2012-04-21 Thread Carmelo

Le 21 avr. 2012 à 17:51, Bzzz a écrit :

 blurb ne serait pas installé sur une partoche au lieu du MBR?

Blurb ? 
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Re: restauration disque dur depuis image dd : grub

2012-04-21 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 21 Apr 2012 19:48:26 +0200
Carmelo wrote:

 Le 21 avr. 2012 à 17:51, Bzzz a écrit :
  blurb ne serait pas installé sur une partoche au lieu du MBR?
 Blurb ? 


If you catch a man, throw him back.
-- Woman's Liberation Slogan, c. 1975

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Re: NSTX en Debian

2012-04-21 Thread carlopmart

On 04/20/2012 10:24 PM, Armando Felipe Fuentes Denis wrote:

alguien me puede decir si ha podido hacer la coneccion entre servidor y
cliente mediante nstx

Aquí te lo explican, no parece complicado ...

CL Martinez
carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com

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Re: [OT] Reconocimiento de Linu[sx] en los Nobel de tecnología

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 20 Apr 2012 22:02:53 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió:

 El día 20 de abril de 2012 09:14, Camaleón
 El Fri, 20 Apr 2012 10:27:43 -0300, Francisco Antonio escribió:
 El 20/04/12 10:23, Camaleón escribió:
 El Thu, 19 Apr 2012 13:09:26 -0500, Petronilo Sanchez escribió:
 On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 05:55:36PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 Palabras más palabras menos
 Update: esto lo leí hace poco, fue posteado hoy, y quiero aprovechar en


No es necesario que pongas en enlace entre etiquetas html, los lectores 
de correo se encargan de generarlo automáticamente:

 ¡Enhorabuena, y a seguir mejorando el núcleo del GNU/Linux para seguir
 apoyando al software libre!

Esa noticia es errónea ¿no has seguido el hilo? :-)



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Re: NSTX en Debian

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 20 Apr 2012 20:24:36 +, Armando Felipe Fuentes Denis escribió:

 alguien me puede decir si ha podido hacer la coneccion entre servidor y
 cliente mediante nstx

Prueba mejor con iodine, parece que nstx está obsoleto.


From: Moritz Muehlenhoff
To: Debian Bug Tracking System
Subject: RM: nstx -- RoQA; orphaned, dead upstream, unused, alternatives exist
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2010 22:00:37 +0200

Severity: normal

Please remove nstx. It's orphaned for two years, dead upstream,
fairly buggy, has minimal popcon and a properly supported
alternative exists in iodine.




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Re: [OT] Re: Oferta laboral en Argentina

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 20 Apr 2012 10:24:50 -0500, petronilo sanchez escribió:

 Yo soy mexicano y me apena que Felipe Calderon haga las declaraciones en
 favor de empresas españolas y rompiendo la tradición de no intervención
 que tiene México.

Tu presi defiende los intereses de sus empresas (PEMEX es accionista de 
Repsol-YPF) y la expropiación les ha hecho pupa.

P.S. Qué poco sentido del humor tenéis en esta lista, carallo.



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Navegar web por e-Mail en móvil.

2012-04-21 Thread Alvaro Eixea

Ahora mismo estoy en una cafetería que tiene la desfachatez de cobrarme 1,20€ 
por un cortado y pretende cobrarme la conexión wifi a parte.

He descubierto que la configuración de la conexión deja mucho que desear.

Tengo conexión pero parece que el puerto 80 esta cerrado. Cual es mi sorpresa 
al descubrir que el correo electrónico funciona sin contratiempos.

Si tuviera mi eeepc cambiaría el puerto de conexión web por el del correo en mi 
ubuntu y a navegar.

El problema es que solo llevo encima el móvil.

Valiente pisapapeles gigante e inútil, resulta que es un iPhone 3Gs. No he 
encontrado la forma de cambiar el numero de puerto web por defecto ni forma de 
redirigir el puerto web al de correo.

¿Alguien sabe si es posible hacerlo?
¿Con algún app quizá?

En fin, gracias por su tiempo.


Enviat des del meu iPhone

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[OT] Re: Navegar web por e-Mail en móvil.

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 21 Apr 2012 11:01:25 +0200, Alvaro Eixea escribió:

 Ahora mismo estoy en una cafetería que tiene la desfachatez de cobrarme
 1,20€ por un cortado y pretende cobrarme la conexión wifi a parte.

¡¡Habráse visto!! :-)

 He descubierto que la configuración de la conexión deja mucho que
 Tengo conexión pero parece que el puerto 80 esta cerrado. Cual es mi
 sorpresa al descubrir que el correo electrónico funciona sin
 Si tuviera mi eeepc cambiaría el puerto de conexión web por el del
 correo en mi ubuntu y a navegar.

¿Navegar por el puerto 25? :-?
 El problema es que solo llevo encima el móvil.
 Valiente pisapapeles gigante e inútil, resulta que es un iPhone 3Gs. 

Con un iPhone en el bolsillo no te puedes quejar del precio del cafelito 

 No he encontrado la forma de cambiar el numero de puerto web por
 defecto ni forma de redirigir el puerto web al de correo.
 ¿Alguien sabe si es posible hacerlo? ¿Con algún app quizá?

No me queda claro lo que quieres hacer.



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Re: [OT] Re: Oferta laboral en Argentina

2012-04-21 Thread Ing Osniel Fariñas Sánchez
 El Fri, 20 Apr 2012 10:24:50 -0500, petronilo sanchez escribió:

 Yo soy mexicano y me apena que Felipe Calderon haga las declaraciones en
 favor de empresas españolas y rompiendo la tradición de no
 que tiene México.

 Tu presi defiende los intereses de sus empresas (PEMEX es accionista de
 Repsol-YPF) y la expropiación les ha hecho pupa.

 P.S. Qué poco sentido del humor tenéis en esta lista, carallo.



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la cosa no era que hay no se quien casando elefantes en no se donde???


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: Navegar web por e-Mail en móvil.

2012-04-21 Thread Carlos Zuniga
2012/4/21 Alvaro Eixea

 Ahora mismo estoy en una cafetería que tiene la desfachatez de cobrarme 1,20€ 
 por un cortado y pretende cobrarme la conexión wifi a parte.

 He descubierto que la configuración de la conexión deja mucho que desear.

 Tengo conexión pero parece que el puerto 80 esta cerrado. Cual es mi sorpresa 
 al descubrir que el correo electrónico funciona sin contratiempos.

 Si tuviera mi eeepc cambiaría el puerto de conexión web por el del correo en 
 mi ubuntu y a navegar.

 El problema es que solo llevo encima el móvil.

 Valiente pisapapeles gigante e inútil, resulta que es un iPhone 3Gs. No he 
 encontrado la forma de cambiar el numero de puerto web por defecto ni forma 
 de redirigir el puerto web al de correo.

 ¿Alguien sabe si es posible hacerlo?
 ¿Con algún app quizá?

 En fin, gracias por su tiempo.

Pero es que tu iPhone corre Debian? sino seria mejor preguntar en una
lista de iPhones.

Fuera de bromas, hay varios servicios de envio de webs por email que
han sido recomendados aca en la lista, especialmente a los amigos
cubanos que cuentan con poco acceso a internet, busca un poco en el

Linux Registered User # 386081
A menudo unas pocas horas de Prueba y error podrán ahorrarte minutos
de leer manuales.

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Re: [OT] Re: Oferta laboral en Argentina

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 21 Apr 2012 09:07:01 -0400, Ing Osniel Fariñas Sánchez escribió:


 P.S. Qué poco sentido del humor tenéis en esta lista, carallo.

 la cosa no era que hay no se quien casando elefantes en no se donde???

Casando y cazando... creo que era un safari polivalente ;-)



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Re: [OT] Re: Oferta laboral en Argentina

2012-04-21 Thread Sergio Sanchez

On 21/04/12 10:21, Camaleón wrote:

El Sat, 21 Apr 2012 09:07:01 -0400, Ing Osniel Fariñas Sánchez escribió:


P.S. Qué poco sentido del humor tenéis en esta lista, carallo.

la cosa no era que hay no se quien casando elefantes en no se donde???

Casando y cazando... creo que era un safari polivalente ;-)


Aca en Argentina el periodismo nos informa que el pueblo Español esta muy
enojado con nosotros, incluso se mostro un cartelito en un bar que dice 
no se

aceptan Argentinos... es asi esto?
No creo que el pueblo Español deba aceptar como propia la causa de una 

multinacional que solamente se ocupa de sus propios intereses
Lo del cazador de elefantes me parece un tema menor del que deberian 

solamente los españoles, los demas ni deberiamos opinar.

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Re: [OT] Re: Oferta laboral en Argentina

2012-04-21 Thread Arele

On 21/04/12 15:39, Sergio Sanchez wrote:

On 21/04/12 10:21, Camaleón wrote:

El Sat, 21 Apr 2012 09:07:01 -0400, Ing Osniel Fariñas Sánchez escribió:


P.S. Qué poco sentido del humor tenéis en esta lista, carallo.

la cosa no era que hay no se quien casando elefantes en no se donde???

Casando y cazando... creo que era un safari polivalente ;-)


Aca en Argentina el periodismo nos informa que el pueblo Español esta muy
enojado con nosotros, incluso se mostro un cartelito en un bar que dice
no se
aceptan Argentinos... es asi esto?
No creo que el pueblo Español deba aceptar como propia la causa de una
multinacional que solamente se ocupa de sus propios intereses
Lo del cazador de elefantes me parece un tema menor del que deberian
solamente los españoles, los demas ni deberiamos opinar.

Sinceramente, las opiniones que puedan tener ciertos personajes que 
crean que lo que hagan los gobiernos significa lo que opinen las 
personas de esos paises no tiene ninguna validez...

La estulticia es un mal generalizado pero tiene cura: leyendo y viajando...

Y me refiero a que, obviamente, es estúpido pensar que los argentinos 
son culpables de lo que se cuece entre gobiernos. Y tampoco los españoles...

O sea, que ni caso a lo que digan u opinen ciertos especímenes humanos...

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Re: [OT] Re: Oferta laboral en Argentina

2012-04-21 Thread Fredy Guio
Le 21 avril 2012 08:39, Sergio Sanchez a écrit :

 On 21/04/12 10:21, Camaleón wrote:

 El Sat, 21 Apr 2012 09:07:01 -0400, Ing Osniel Fariñas Sánchez escribió:


  P.S. Qué poco sentido del humor tenéis en esta lista, carallo.

 la cosa no era que hay no se quien casando elefantes en no se donde???

 Casando y cazando... creo que era un safari polivalente ;-)


  Aca en Argentina el periodismo nos informa que el pueblo Español esta
 enojado con nosotros, incluso se mostro un cartelito en un bar que dice
 no se
 aceptan Argentinos... es asi esto?
 No creo que el pueblo Español deba aceptar como propia la causa de una
 multinacional que solamente se ocupa de sus propios intereses
 Lo del cazador de elefantes me parece un tema menor del que deberian
 solamente los españoles, los demas ni deberiamos opinar.

 Que curioso y también desordenado. Esto empezó con una oferta laboral en
una universidad argentina y se termina hablando de petroleo y elefantes
muertos que cosas. Pero bueno que paso al fin y al cabo con la oferta?. Y
si quieren pueden crear otro off topic con el titulo no se, subyugación de
los pueblos indígenas a través del tiempo o explotación de recursos en
países ajenos o que se yo que cosa.

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Re: [OT] Re: Oferta laboral en Argentina

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 21 Apr 2012 10:39:42 -0300, Sergio Sanchez escribió:

 On 21/04/12 10:21, Camaleón wrote:
 El Sat, 21 Apr 2012 09:07:01 -0400, Ing Osniel Fariñas Sánchez


 P.S. Qué poco sentido del humor tenéis en esta lista, carallo.
 la cosa no era que hay no se quien casando elefantes en no se donde???
 Casando y cazando... creo que era un safari polivalente ;-)

 Aca en Argentina el periodismo nos informa que el pueblo Español esta
 muy enojado con nosotros, incluso se mostro un cartelito en un bar que
 dice no se
 aceptan Argentinos... es asi esto?

Qué va... los españoles ya tenemos demasiados problemas propios como para 
preocuparnos por esas tonterías que ni nos van ni nos vienen. Al fin y al 
cabo todos sabemos que tanto Repsol-YPF como el gobierno argentino sólo 
están tirando para su lado, cada uno interpretando su papel de la mejor 
forma que pueden: a Repsol se le acabó el chollo y a la presidenta 
argentina se le cayó la careta :-)

 No creo que el pueblo Español deba aceptar como propia la causa de una
 multinacional que solamente se ocupa de sus propios intereses Lo del
 cazador de elefantes me parece un tema menor del que deberian ocuparse
 solamente los españoles, los demas ni deberiamos opinar. Saludos

Náaa... ni caso. Siempre hay fanáticos que hacen causa propia de este 
tipo de cosas pero la gente de a pie (la mayoría) está hasta el moño de 
la explotación y el control que ejercen todos, empresas y gobiernos :-/



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Re: Navegar web por e-Mail en móvil.

2012-04-21 Thread Karlos
Me parece que lo mas conveniente en tu caso sería ir a otra cafetería que te 
sirvan rico café a buen 
precio y con conexión a Internet libre y gratuita...

On Sábado 21 Abril 2012 06:01:25 Alvaro Eixea escribió:
 Ahora mismo estoy en una cafetería que tiene la desfachatez de cobrarme
 1,20€ por un cortado y pretende cobrarme la conexión wifi a parte.
 He descubierto que la configuración de la conexión deja mucho que desear.
 Tengo conexión pero parece que el puerto 80 esta cerrado. Cual es mi
 sorpresa al descubrir que el correo electrónico funciona sin
 Si tuviera mi eeepc cambiaría el puerto de conexión web por el del correo
 en mi ubuntu y a navegar.
 El problema es que solo llevo encima el móvil.
 Valiente pisapapeles gigante e inútil, resulta que es un iPhone 3Gs. No he
 encontrado la forma de cambiar el numero de puerto web por defecto ni
 forma de redirigir el puerto web al de correo.
 ¿Alguien sabe si es posible hacerlo?
 ¿Con algún app quizá?
 En fin, gracias por su tiempo.
 Enviat des del meu iPhone

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Re: [OT] Re: Oferta laboral en Argentina

2012-04-21 Thread Sergio Bessopeanetto

El 21/04/12 11:11, Camaleón escribió:

El Sat, 21 Apr 2012 10:39:42 -0300, Sergio Sanchez escribió:

On 21/04/12 10:21, Camaleón wrote:

El Sat, 21 Apr 2012 09:07:01 -0400, Ing Osniel Fariñas Sánchez


P.S. Qué poco sentido del humor tenéis en esta lista, carallo.

la cosa no era que hay no se quien casando elefantes en no se donde???

Casando y cazando... creo que era un safari polivalente ;-)

Aca en Argentina el periodismo nos informa que el pueblo Español esta
muy enojado con nosotros, incluso se mostro un cartelito en un bar que
dice no se
aceptan Argentinos... es asi esto?

Qué va... los españoles ya tenemos demasiados problemas propios como para
preocuparnos por esas tonterías que ni nos van ni nos vienen. Al fin y al
cabo todos sabemos que tanto Repsol-YPF como el gobierno argentino sólo
están tirando para su lado, cada uno interpretando su papel de la mejor
forma que pueden: a Repsol se le acabó el chollo y a la presidenta
argentina se le cayó la careta :-)

Camaleonm No sé a qué careta te referís. Nuestra presidenta ejerce el 
derecho soberano de decidir sobre las reservas naturales como creo que 
lo haría cualquier país. Está en su plataforma política desde 2003 
cuando era presidente su difunto esposo el Dr. Néstor Kirchner. Pero las 
cosas se hacen a su tiempo, y este es el momento en que la 
nacionalización del petróleo y la expropiación de las acciones que la 
empresa Repsol tiene en YPF se hagan y bien como se están haciendo.
No tenemos nada contra el pueblo español, pero sí contra los intereses 
corporativos que arrastran a la opinión pública exfolian los recursos 
naturales cuya rentabilidad se esfuma y no se reinvierte en el país que 
les dio todo para que produzcan más. Los medios de comunicación que 
tienen intereses en varios negocios, entre ellos la soja y los 
petronegocios, están del lado de las empresas poniéndolas como pobres 
víctimas y no del lado de la gente común.

No creo que el pueblo Español deba aceptar como propia la causa de una
multinacional que solamente se ocupa de sus propios intereses Lo del
cazador de elefantes me parece un tema menor del que deberian ocuparse
solamente los españoles, los demas ni deberiamos opinar. Saludos

Náaa... ni caso. Siempre hay fanáticos que hacen causa propia de este
tipo de cosas pero la gente de a pie (la mayoría) está hasta el moño de
la explotación y el control que ejercen todos, empresas y gobiernos :-/



Sergio Bessopeanetto
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Skype: sergio.bess

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Re: Navegar web por e-Mail en móvil.

2012-04-21 Thread Fabián Bonetti
On Sat, 21 Apr 2012 12:36:38 -0300
Karlos wrote: es un sitio web que nos propone que usemos los buzones de entrada 
y salida de nuestro cliente de correo electrónico para más que solo enviar y 
recibir mensajes. La gente de Flexamail, nos propone que naveguemos por la web 
usando nuestro correo electrónico. ¿Cómo?

Fuente: Flexamail – Navega por la web desde tu correo electrónico

Espero te sirva

Voip Mumble (soft libre) :.
Web Hosting :.
Red Social :.
MamaLibre, Casa en Lincoln, Ituzaingo 1085 CP6070, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Re: Oferta laboral en Argentina

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 21 Apr 2012 14:06:41 -0300, Sergio Bessopeanetto escribió:

 El 21/04/12 11:11, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 21 Apr 2012 10:39:42 -0300, Sergio Sanchez escribió:


 Aca en Argentina el periodismo nos informa que el pueblo Español
 esta muy enojado con nosotros, incluso se mostro un cartelito en un
 bar que dice no se
 aceptan Argentinos... es asi esto?
 Qué va... los españoles ya tenemos demasiados problemas propios como
 para preocuparnos por esas tonterías que ni nos van ni nos vienen. Al
 fin y al cabo todos sabemos que tanto Repsol-YPF como el gobierno
 argentino sólo están tirando para su lado, cada uno interpretando su
 papel de la mejor forma que pueden: a Repsol se le acabó el chollo y a
 la presidenta argentina se le cayó la careta :-)
 Camaleonm No sé a qué careta te referís. 


Pero qué susceptibles estáis con este tema.

Me refiero a que por fin ha puesto las cartas sobre la mesa y ha dado el 
paso que no se había atrevido a dar. Cuando se dice de uno que se quita 
la careta se quiere dar a entender que ha desvelado sus verdaderas 
intenciones, que es lo que ha pasado.



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Re: [OT] Reconocimiento de Linu[sx] en los Nobel de tecnología

2012-04-21 Thread Miguel Matos
Sí es verdad. Apenas la recibí en el boletín diario de RedUsers ayer y
no me percaté de que decía 19/4 hasta que la ví de nuevo. Aunque el
sitio oficial no menciona nada sobre algunos nominados, sino que los
dos antes mencionados (Linus Torvalds y Shinya Yamanaka) recibirán su
premio. Del mismo portal en el que compartiste la info, pero en otra
ubicación distinta
Aunque la traducción automática del blog compartido dice que los dos
son los galardonados, no nominados, pero que se escogerán al ganador,
uno o los dos. Habrá que esperar hasta la elección final.

Y respecto a lo de los enlaces. ¿No debería inhabilitarse el HTML al
quitarlo de la edición del correo? Por algo lo había indicado con
Buen uso de las listas (como se ven en Debian):
Ayuda para hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Navegar web por e-Mail

2012-04-21 Thread J.Alejandro Martinez Linares

Mira aca les dejo el que me han dicho que funciona pero nunca lo he 
probado, los que ya conozcan alguno que lo anexena este hilo,

y en el asunto ponen


y te devuelve un .zip con la pagina pero solo es para eso no usar ni 
llenar formularios es para usos educativos.


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Re: [OT] Re: Oferta laboral en Argentina

2012-04-21 Thread Paradix ;)

El 21/04/2012 9:21, Camaleón escribió:

El Sat, 21 Apr 2012 09:07:01 -0400, Ing Osniel Fariñas Sánchez escribió:


P.S. Qué poco sentido del humor tenéis en esta lista, carallo.

la cosa no era que hay no se quien casando elefantes en no se donde???

Casando y cazando... creo que era un safari polivalente ;-)


Cierto ... pero Juan Carlos pidio disculpas y con la griteria lastimosa 
que ha formado Rajoy no pienso que le tomen eso en cuenta por mucho 
tiempo, dado que lo ha hecho la Cristi es casi equiparable a invadir 
España ocupando Cadiz :D

Imagino que esto tendrá mas repercusiones a largo plazo, vamos a ver si 
no afecta las inversiones de Repsol en nuestra islita

Paradix ;)

Haciendo abogacía por el Software Libre adonde voy


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas


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Servidor se apaga solo

2012-04-21 Thread Alvaro GL
Hola lista

Tengo un servidor montado en mi universidad, con debian  squeeze que uso
para practicas de la carrera y he apreciado que a intervalos regulares
(pueden pasarse días o semanas) se apaga solo. Llego a la conclusión, o de
que me están trolleando y alguien lo apaga y me lo niega, o hay un fallo de
hardware. Pero observando los logs veo esto:

Apr 20 06:25:02 dev rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd swVersion=4.6.4
x-pid=857 x-info=;] rsyslogd was HUPed, type
Apr 20 14:26:24 dev kernel: [588132.420984] [drm] nouveau :01:00.0:
Setting dpms mode 0 on vga encoder (output 0)
Apr 20 14:26:24 dev shutdown[13504]: shutting down for system halt
Apr 20 14:26:31 dev kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped.
Apr 20 14:26:31 dev rsyslogd: [origin software=rsyslogd swVersion=4.6.4
x-pid=857 x-info=;] exiting on signal 15.
Apr 20 18:04:05 dev kernel: imklog 4.6.4, log source = /proc/kmsg started.

El servidor se apago el viernes a las 14:26 y hasta las 18:00 que no puede
mandar a alguien no se encendió. Lo gracioso es que el servidor se apaga
correctamente, en el resto de logs se ve como todos los programas reciben
la señal de apagado y se cierran pasando al runlevel 0
Después de esto, descarto el fallo hardware, y o tengo una instrusion, o
mis compañeros me engañan, (o la bedel o la señora de la limpieza lo apagan
pero es una hora rara para esto).

Como podría saber si el apagado se produce por software (alguien logado con
permisos ejecuta el shutdown o un halt) o es porque alguien pulso el botón
de apagado?

Gracias y un saludo a todos!
Alvaro Guzmán

Re: Servidor se apaga solo

2012-04-21 Thread Fabián Bonetti
On Sat, 21 Apr 2012 23:12:13 +0200
Alvaro GL wrote:

Y mirate este archivo /var/log/auth.log

a ver que dice.


Voip Mumble (soft libre) :.
Web Hosting :.
Red Social :.
MamaLibre, Casa en Lincoln, Ituzaingo 1085 CP6070, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Description: PGP signature

Re: Servidor se apaga solo

2012-04-21 Thread Alvaro GL
El 21 de abril de 2012 23:44, Fabián Bonetti escribió:

 On Sat, 21 Apr 2012 23:12:13 +0200
 Alvaro GL wrote:

 Y mirate este archivo /var/log/auth.log

 a ver que dice.

 Voip Mumble (soft libre) :.
 Web Hosting :.
 Red Social :.
 MamaLibre, Casa en Lincoln, Ituzaingo 1085 CP6070, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Según esto me conecte a las 13:14 (mi ip es 95.61.X.X) y me desconecte a 13:18

Apr 20 13:14:10 dev sshd[13298]: Accepted password for root from
95.61.XXX.XXX port 52016 ssh2
Apr 20 13:14:10 dev sshd[13298]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
opened for user root by (uid=0)
Apr 20 13:17:01 dev CRON[13456]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
opened for user root by (uid=0)
Apr 20 13:17:01 dev CRON[13456]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
closed for user root
Apr 20 13:18:41 dev sshd[13298]: Received disconnect from
95.61.XXX.XXX: 11: disconnected by user
Apr 20 13:18:41 dev sshd[13298]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
closed for user root
Apr 20 13:39:01 dev CRON[13469]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
opened for user root by (uid=0)
Apr 20 13:39:01 dev CRON[13469]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
closed for user root
Apr 20 14:09:01 dev CRON[13481]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
opened for user root by (uid=0)
Apr 20 14:09:01 dev CRON[13481]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
closed for user root
Apr 20 14:17:02 dev CRON[13489]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
opened for user root by (uid=0)
Apr 20 14:17:02 dev CRON[13489]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
closed for user root
Apr 20 14:26:31 dev sshd[1181]: Received signal 15; terminating.

¿La última linea quiere decir que el shutdown vino a traves de SSH o
que el servidor ssh recibió la señal de apago y registro que se
En otros logs se ve por ejemplo, mysql a la misma hora cerrandose..
¿pude haber desencadenado yo el apagado? aunque es raro porque hay una
hora de diferencia

Gracias, un saludo
Alvaro Guzmán

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Re: [OT] Re: Oferta laboral en Argentina

2012-04-21 Thread Sergio Bessopeanetto

El 21/04/12 14:42, Camaleón escribió:

El Sat, 21 Apr 2012 14:06:41 -0300, Sergio Bessopeanetto escribió:

El 21/04/12 11:11, Camaleón escribió:

El Sat, 21 Apr 2012 10:39:42 -0300, Sergio Sanchez escribió:


Aca en Argentina el periodismo nos informa que el pueblo Español
esta muy enojado con nosotros, incluso se mostro un cartelito en un
bar que dice no se
aceptan Argentinos... es asi esto?

Qué va... los españoles ya tenemos demasiados problemas propios como
para preocuparnos por esas tonterías que ni nos van ni nos vienen. Al
fin y al cabo todos sabemos que tanto Repsol-YPF como el gobierno
argentino sólo están tirando para su lado, cada uno interpretando su
papel de la mejor forma que pueden: a Repsol se le acabó el chollo y a
la presidenta argentina se le cayó la careta :-)

Camaleonm No sé a qué careta te referís.


Pero qué susceptibles estáis con este tema.

Me refiero a que por fin ha puesto las cartas sobre la mesa y ha dado el
paso que no se había atrevido a dar. Cuando se dice de uno que se quita
la careta se quiere dar a entender que ha desvelado sus verdaderas
intenciones, que es lo que ha pasado.


Disculpá Camaleon, es que acá tiene otra acepción decir quitarse la 
careta, es como decir que antes eras una cosa y ahora sos otra, no es 
susceptibilidad sino querer aclarar más el tema para quien lea este hilo 
se informe bien de lo que realmente pasa.

Sergio Bessopeanetto
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Skype: sergio.bess

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Servidor se apaga solo

2012-04-21 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El dom, 22-04-2012 a las 00:07 +0200, Alvaro GL escribió:
 El 21 de abril de 2012 23:44, Fabián Bonetti escribió:
  On Sat, 21 Apr 2012 23:12:13 +0200
  Alvaro GL wrote:
  Y mirate este archivo /var/log/auth.log
  a ver que dice.
  Voip Mumble (soft libre) :.
  Web Hosting :.
  Red Social :.
  MamaLibre, Casa en Lincoln, Ituzaingo 1085 CP6070, Buenos Aires, Argentina
 Según esto me conecte a las 13:14 (mi ip es 95.61.X.X) y me desconecte a 13:18
 Apr 20 13:14:10 dev sshd[13298]: Accepted password for root from
 95.61.XXX.XXX port 52016 ssh2
 Apr 20 13:14:10 dev sshd[13298]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
 opened for user root by (uid=0)
 Apr 20 13:17:01 dev CRON[13456]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
 opened for user root by (uid=0)
 Apr 20 13:17:01 dev CRON[13456]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
 closed for user root
 Apr 20 13:18:41 dev sshd[13298]: Received disconnect from
 95.61.XXX.XXX: 11: disconnected by user
 Apr 20 13:18:41 dev sshd[13298]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
 closed for user root
 Apr 20 13:39:01 dev CRON[13469]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
 opened for user root by (uid=0)
 Apr 20 13:39:01 dev CRON[13469]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
 closed for user root
 Apr 20 14:09:01 dev CRON[13481]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
 opened for user root by (uid=0)
 Apr 20 14:09:01 dev CRON[13481]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
 closed for user root
 Apr 20 14:17:02 dev CRON[13489]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
 opened for user root by (uid=0)
 Apr 20 14:17:02 dev CRON[13489]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
 closed for user root
 Apr 20 14:26:31 dev sshd[1181]: Received signal 15; terminating.
 ¿La última linea quiere decir que el shutdown vino a traves de SSH o
 que el servidor ssh recibió la señal de apago y registro que se
 En otros logs se ve por ejemplo, mysql a la misma hora cerrandose..
 ¿pude haber desencadenado yo el apagado? aunque es raro porque hay una
 hora de diferencia

que dice last reboot ??

 Gracias, un saludo
 Alvaro Guzmán

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Re: Servidor se apaga solo

2012-04-21 Thread Eduardo Diaz - Gmail
Quizas es alguien que pulsa el boton de apagado..

Nunca asocies a la maldad algo que puedas asociar a la estupidez

2012/4/22 Angel Claudio Alvarez

 El dom, 22-04-2012 a las 00:07 +0200, Alvaro GL escribió:
  El 21 de abril de 2012 23:44, Fabián Bonetti escribió:
   On Sat, 21 Apr 2012 23:12:13 +0200
   Alvaro GL wrote:
   Y mirate este archivo /var/log/auth.log
   a ver que dice.
   Voip Mumble (soft libre) :.
   Web Hosting :.
   Red Social :.
   MamaLibre, Casa en Lincoln, Ituzaingo 1085 CP6070, Buenos Aires,
  Según esto me conecte a las 13:14 (mi ip es 95.61.X.X) y me desconecte a
  Apr 20 13:14:10 dev sshd[13298]: Accepted password for root from
  95.61.XXX.XXX port 52016 ssh2
  Apr 20 13:14:10 dev sshd[13298]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
  opened for user root by (uid=0)
  Apr 20 13:17:01 dev CRON[13456]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
  opened for user root by (uid=0)
  Apr 20 13:17:01 dev CRON[13456]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
  closed for user root
  Apr 20 13:18:41 dev sshd[13298]: Received disconnect from
  95.61.XXX.XXX: 11: disconnected by user
  Apr 20 13:18:41 dev sshd[13298]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
  closed for user root
  Apr 20 13:39:01 dev CRON[13469]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
  opened for user root by (uid=0)
  Apr 20 13:39:01 dev CRON[13469]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
  closed for user root
  Apr 20 14:09:01 dev CRON[13481]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
  opened for user root by (uid=0)
  Apr 20 14:09:01 dev CRON[13481]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
  closed for user root
  Apr 20 14:17:02 dev CRON[13489]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
  opened for user root by (uid=0)
  Apr 20 14:17:02 dev CRON[13489]: pam_unix(cron:session): session
  closed for user root
  Apr 20 14:26:31 dev sshd[1181]: Received signal 15; terminating.
  ¿La última linea quiere decir que el shutdown vino a traves de SSH o
  que el servidor ssh recibió la señal de apago y registro que se
  En otros logs se ve por ejemplo, mysql a la misma hora cerrandose..
  ¿pude haber desencadenado yo el apagado? aunque es raro porque hay una
  hora de diferencia

 que dice last reboot ??

  Gracias, un saludo
  Alvaro Guzmán

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: OT: Armar una red Segura

2012-04-21 Thread Eduardo Diaz - Gmail
Creo que aqui puedes enconrar todo lo que necesitas.


2012/4/22 Juan

 Hola a todos, este tema por el que consulto excede a Debian, pero como
 es el sistema operativo que uso, y confio en ustedes en virtud de las
 respuestas que suelen dar, es que me permito consultarles lo

 Tengo conexión de internet de banda ancha, y el proveedor me da un
 modem router wifi Huawei HG520C. Yo tengo un switch genérico y quiero
 agregar un Router Nexxt NW 230, que tambien tiene salida WiFi.

 El tema es que hace unos das consulte sobre el tema de la navegacion
 anonima. Y por eso es que estaba tratando de armar algo relacionado
 con eso.

 Tengo en ese lugar cinco computadoras, mi desktop principal con
 Debian, la de otras dos personas, con Ubuntu, una Notebook con Debian
 y un Servidor Debian donde tengo los datos de todos los usuarios.

 Dispongo además de cierto stock de hardware, con lo que puedo armar
 otras tres computadoras para poner un firewall / proxy / etc.

 Lo que quisiera saber es como armar esto para que una parte de la red
 quede asegurada para que se pueda trabajar de manera anonima y el
 resto sea de so normal, no se si queda clara la idea, pero quiero
 tener una parte de la red para uso experimental a fin de poder hacer
 pruebas, sin que queden demasiados rastros, y que el resto de la red
 tenga un uso normal.

 Si me pueden recomendar ideas de como organizar la red, despues sera
 momento de leer documentacion para llevarlas a cabo

 Gracias por leerme,


 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: OT: Armar una red Segura

2012-04-21 Thread Fabián Bonetti
On Sat, 21 Apr 2012 21:04:34 -0300
Juan wrote:

Podes usar un proxy o la red tor.


Voip Mumble (soft libre) :.
Web Hosting :.
Red Social :.
MamaLibre, Casa en Lincoln, Ituzaingo 1085 CP6070, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: Armar una red Segura

2012-04-21 Thread Eduardo Diaz - Gmail
Hay que tener unas pelotas tremendas para pensar que podemos/tenemos que
aclararte las dudas en vez de buscar 5 minutos en internet...

Si crees que insultándome te quedas mas a gusto... procede..

2012/4/22 Juan

 Hola a todos, este tema por el que consulto excede a Debian, pero como
 es el sistema operativo que uso, y confio en ustedes en virtud de las
 respuestas que suelen dar, es que me permito consultarles lo

 Tengo conexión de internet de banda ancha, y el proveedor me da un
 modem router wifi Huawei HG520C. Yo tengo un switch genérico y quiero
 agregar un Router Nexxt NW 230, que tambien tiene salida WiFi.

 El tema es que hace unos das consulte sobre el tema de la navegacion
 anonima. Y por eso es que estaba tratando de armar algo relacionado
 con eso.

 Tengo en ese lugar cinco computadoras, mi desktop principal con
 Debian, la de otras dos personas, con Ubuntu, una Notebook con Debian
 y un Servidor Debian donde tengo los datos de todos los usuarios.

 Dispongo además de cierto stock de hardware, con lo que puedo armar
 otras tres computadoras para poner un firewall / proxy / etc.

 Lo que quisiera saber es como armar esto para que una parte de la red
 quede asegurada para que se pueda trabajar de manera anonima y el
 resto sea de so normal, no se si queda clara la idea, pero quiero
 tener una parte de la red para uso experimental a fin de poder hacer
 pruebas, sin que queden demasiados rastros, y que el resto de la red
 tenga un uso normal.

 Si me pueden recomendar ideas de como organizar la red, despues sera
 momento de leer documentacion para llevarlas a cabo

 Gracias por leerme,


 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

grupo de usuarios

2012-04-21 Thread Mikael.Redes
quero participar do grupo de usuários linux.
sou Mikael


Yan: Uyku Modu

2012-04-21 Thread Gökhan Öztürk

Bilgisayarımda 3 GB RAM var. Takas alanım 5 GB. 


SWAP alanının en az RAM miktarı kadar olması lazım veya daha fazla. SWAP 
alanının mevcut RAM miktarından az olması durumunda karşılaşılan bir durum.

Misal benim netbook'da 2GB Ram var ve ben 4GB Swap alanı kullanıyorum sleep, 
hibernate gibi modlarda bir sıkıntı çıkarmıyor. SWAP alanım 2GB'den düşük 
olduğunda buna benzer sorunlarla karşılaşıyordum.

2012/4/21 Gökhan Öztürk

Selamlar. Bilgisayarım disk kullanarak ve bellek kullanarak uyku moduna 
alınmmıyor. Uyku moduna geçtiğimde ekran siyah oluyor ve sol üst köşede imleç 
yanıp sönüyor. Bilgisayarı mebur güç düğmesinden kapatmak zorunda kalıyorum. 
Windows kullanırken de Nvidia ve intel grafik sürücüsünü yüklemedende uyku 
moduna geçemiyordum. Bu konuda bilgisi olanlar var mı ?

Re: how to change bubble size ?

2012-04-21 Thread J. Bakshi
On Sat, 21 Apr 2012 01:45:50 -0300
Iuri Guilherme dos Santos Martins wrote:

  exactly... it is notification-daemon available in debian But the
  bubble is too big and I want to minimize its size as well as it's font
 To me it looks like notification-daemon is not a good thing if you want 
 to edit it.
 Also googling I found people talking about alternatives to it:
 On the crunchbang and archs forums you find a lot of stuff regarding 
 openbox, icewm, 9wm, etc.
I am interested in openbox too. But have not found the time to
educate myself using it.

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Bash script problem [OT?]

2012-04-21 Thread Soare Catalin
Hello fellow Linux supporters!

I apologise if this specific thread is off topic to this mailing list.

I've been having problems with a backup script and am not sure how to make
this work.
So far, Mr. Google hasn't helped me much -- maybe my search terms have been
as dumb as I'm feeling right now.

The script will take files or dirs as parameters and will back them up in a
presefined location, using tar. Problems arise when it will encounter files
or directories which contain spaces in their names.
Would anyone be kind enough to tell me where I went wrong with my approach?

Script is below:


#Init stuff DATETIME=`date +%Y_%m_%d.%H_%M` BK_LOCATION=/mnt/work/backup/

#Test parameters. If dirs and files do exist, add them to a list # that
will be used as parameters for the tar command.
for PARAM in $@;
if [ -d $PARAM ];
then #is it an existing directory?
if [ -f $PARAM ]; then #is it an existing file?

if [ ! -n $BK_LIST ];
exit 0
else #this else branch exists for debugging purposes
echo You have chosen to backup: $BK_LIST



Sent from my Brick (TM)

Re: wheezy: / mounts readonly at boot, I can't figure out why

2012-04-21 Thread Roger Leigh
On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 06:26:44PM -0700, Mike Linksvayer wrote:
 I'm also curious what actually does determine boot order as of wheezy
 currently. I see the dependency annotations in /etc/init.d scripts,
 and what I guess is a rendering of those in /etc/init.d/.depend.* (and
 those files were also recently updated; does insserv do that? I ran it
 thinking it'd give me command line options), but also the /etc/rc*

Yes, insserv is responsible for managing the link ordering and
creating the .depend files.  I've not tested this, but my understanding
is that if you remove the link, insserv will not recreate it--it will
assume that you do not want to run the service.  So if it got
deleted for some reason, that would explain why you were experiencing
this problem.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
   `-GPG Public Key  F33D 281D 470A B443 6756 147C 07B3 C8BC 4083 E800

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Re: Apache2 and Debian

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
On Mon, 16 Apr 2012 18:14:22 -0700, charles chambers wrote:


 Now I'm trying to move the default document root to /var/www/website,
 and that's where the problem is coming in. I can read/display the
 index.html file from http://localhost/ , but I cannot read/display *.php
 from it. All I'm getting from any php files is the HTML; the php appears
 to not be executing. PHP is loaded properly, or phpmyadmin, phpmyedit,
 mediawiki, and phpbb3 wouldn't work, and they do.
 So it's a configuration problem.

When you get an error coming from Apache web server, it is usually a good 
idea to check out the logs :-)
 Anyone care to walk me through checking permissions and configuration
 files, starting with a default document root of /var/www/website and
 intending to serve out html and process PHP files from all folders below

Maybe is that you just missed the AddType/AddHandler directive for 
managing the .php files.



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Re: Debian Squeeze system crashing

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 20 Apr 2012 12:17:02 -0700, John Kelley wrote:

 I have a system going into reboot periodically, 

You mean your system automatically reboots when you're working on it?

 I installed kerneloops and got the output below, any idea what the
 problem might be or what package I need to report it for: 


What a mess.

Please, for the next time try to use text based formatted messages when 
posting to the mailing list and upload (or attach) the full kernel oops/
trace, don't cut in between.



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Re: Bash script problem [OT?]

2012-04-21 Thread emmanuel segura

Il giorno 21 aprile 2012 10:07, Soare Catalin ha

 Hello fellow Linux supporters!

 I apologise if this specific thread is off topic to this mailing list.

 I've been having problems with a backup script and am not sure how to make
 this work.
 So far, Mr. Google hasn't helped me much -- maybe my search terms have
 been as dumb as I'm feeling right now.

 The script will take files or dirs as parameters and will back them up in
 a presefined location, using tar. Problems arise when it will encounter
 files or directories which contain spaces in their names.
 Would anyone be kind enough to tell me where I went wrong with my approach?

 Script is below:


 #Init stuff DATETIME=`date +%Y_%m_%d.%H_%M` BK_LOCATION=/mnt/work/backup/

 #Test parameters. If dirs and files do exist, add them to a list # that
 will be used as parameters for the tar command.
 for PARAM in $@;
 if [ -d $PARAM ];
 then #is it an existing directory?
 if [ -f $PARAM ]; then #is it an existing file?

 if [ ! -n $BK_LIST ];
 exit 0
 else #this else branch exists for debugging purposes
 echo You have chosen to backup: $BK_LIST



 Sent from my Brick (TM)

esta es mi vida e me la vivo hasta que dios quiera

Re: siduction distribution - KDE4 desktop - Default browser problem - SOLVED

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 20 Apr 2012 20:20:25 +0100, Sian Mountbatten wrote:

 On 20/04/12 17:50, Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 20 Apr 2012 17:05:43 +0100, Sian Mountbatten wrote:

 On 20/04/12 16:50, Camaleón wrote:
 Try with update-alternatives but remember the leading x.

 I found that I could tell icedove to Use firefox for http and https
 links and that solved the problem.

 But what happens when you open a link from an application other than
 The only applications I use which have links are firefox, which is, of
 course, a browser, and icedove which is an email/news client (reader).
 The other applications I use don't usually have links. Sometimes the
 Help-About window has a link which, if clicked, runs firefox. I've
 noticed that before and wondered whether that's a standard KDE function.

Links are also displayed in console terminals and many other GUI based 
apps (like IM, SIP, RSS...). In addition, you can find yourself in a 
situation where you have to open plain *.html files located in your 
desktop and not just links.

Anyway, if the About window link of KDE apps opens Firefox is because 
Firefox is set as the default browser for your DE.



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Re: Bash script problem [OT?]

2012-04-21 Thread emmanuel segura
Scusa ho svagliato


Il giorno 21 aprile 2012 10:07, Soare Catalin ha

 Hello fellow Linux supporters!

 I apologise if this specific thread is off topic to this mailing list.

 I've been having problems with a backup script and am not sure how to make
 this work.
 So far, Mr. Google hasn't helped me much -- maybe my search terms have
 been as dumb as I'm feeling right now.

 The script will take files or dirs as parameters and will back them up in
 a presefined location, using tar. Problems arise when it will encounter
 files or directories which contain spaces in their names.
 Would anyone be kind enough to tell me where I went wrong with my approach?

 Script is below:


 #Init stuff DATETIME=`date +%Y_%m_%d.%H_%M` BK_LOCATION=/mnt/work/backup/

 #Test parameters. If dirs and files do exist, add them to a list # that
 will be used as parameters for the tar command.
 for PARAM in $@;
 if [ -d $PARAM ];
 then #is it an existing directory?
 if [ -f $PARAM ]; then #is it an existing file?

 if [ ! -n $BK_LIST ];
 exit 0
 else #this else branch exists for debugging purposes
 echo You have chosen to backup: $BK_LIST



 Sent from my Brick (TM)

esta es mi vida e me la vivo hasta que dios quiera

Re: X problem (?) after fresh install on old laptop

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 20 Apr 2012 19:56:25 -0700, Potato Jim wrote:

Potato Jim, please adjust your MUA to don't posting on the top, get right 
quoting (you forced me to delete the full message reference because it 
was poorly formatted ;-( ) and there's no need to send me a copy of the 
message, I read the list.

 Thank you Camaleón,
 The suggestions on that page about blacklisting nouveau to disable KMS
 did not work.

What exactly did you try and what exactly did you get? Precision does 

 However, I noticed that if I comment out the blacklist nvidiafb line
 from /etc/modeprobe.d/fbdev-blacklist.conf,  X/Gnome does sort of work
 again.  I can see the contents of windows, but now the entire screen is
 a little wavy and shimmery (for lack of a better description).

You mean that blacklisting nvidiafb (nvidia framebuffer driver) helps?
 Does this help identify my problem?  Is there any command or log file
 output I can provide, or any other information?

Xorg log can be of help, yes. It is located in /var/log/Xorg.0.log, you 
can upload the whole file to so we can review it.

As you're in Squeeze, there's a set of VGA drivers you can use:

- Nouveau
- NV
- Nvidia legacy

But I'd like to see first the Xorg log :-)



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Re: Installing python-django 1.4 on squeeze

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 20 Apr 2012 22:26:43 +0200, Aves wrote:


Hi. Please, no hmtl posts, thanks.

 I'd like to install django 1.4 on squeeze. 


Just a quick notes on this (others will comment on the pinning issue) :-)

There is django 1.3 available in backports, just in case it servers your 

And a side note... I don't know about Django requirements/dependencies 
but being pure python web based framework, have you considered to install 
it directly from the upstream project? :-?



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Re: X problem (?) after fresh install on old laptop

2012-04-21 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2012-04-21 11:59 +0200, Camaleón wrote:

 On Fri, 20 Apr 2012 19:56:25 -0700, Potato Jim wrote:
 The suggestions on that page about blacklisting nouveau to disable KMS
 did not work.

 What exactly did you try and what exactly did you get? Precision does 

It seems he tried to blacklist nouveau, but this does not actually help
if there is no xorg.conf.  I have updated the Wiki accordingly.

 However, I noticed that if I comment out the blacklist nvidiafb line
 from /etc/modeprobe.d/fbdev-blacklist.conf,  X/Gnome does sort of work
 again.  I can see the contents of windows, but now the entire screen is
 a little wavy and shimmery (for lack of a better description).

 You mean that blacklisting nvidiafb (nvidia framebuffer driver) helps?

No, *un*blacklisting helped.  With nvidiafb loaded, nouveau will not
load, and X should use the fbdev driver then.

 As you're in Squeeze, there's a set of VGA drivers you can use:

 - Nouveau
 - NV
 - Nvidia legacy

Using one of the latter two is probably the best in Squeeze, but nv is
abandoned, and Nvidia has not published a 96xx legacy driver that works
with X servers  1.10, neither of them will work after an upgrade to

 But I'd like to see first the Xorg log :-)

Me too.


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Re: possible screw-up installing HP printer

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
El 2012-04-20 a las 18:02 -0400, John Lindsay escribió:

(resending to the list)

 On 19/04/12 12:38 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Apr 2012 19:32:45 -0400, John Lindsay wrote:

 I just installed an HP Laserjet P1102w. I have the Hp status icon
 showing in the upper RH side of my toolbar. The printer icon shows up
 whenever I print something BUT I have the following folders and files
 residing in my Downloads folder and I want to know if I can just delete
 them or did I really screw up the installation of this printer by
 causing it to be installed in my Downloads folder?

 Some of the folder names are
 'base','copier','data','fax','hplip-3.12.2', which shows a locked file
 and root only viewing, And even more files like,,, hpijs etc and a lot of libapdk_la files. Its only 65meg of
 files and folders but it is very messy and I would like to clean it up.
 How did you install the printer? Those files seem to come from the untar-
 ed hplip package :-?

 Just a quick note: unless you need the hplip package for some specific
 reason your printer can be configured from CUPS web interface (http://
 localhost:631) using foo2zjs drivers, meaning that you don't need hplip
 at all.

 Hi Camaleon

 Yes, I inserted the cd and followed the instructions from the HP site. 

The CD? What CD? You mean the printer came with a CD for Linux? Wow! 
This is new to me, but kudos to HP is that's so :-)

 I  will look into the 'http://localhost:631' and see what this 'foo2zjs' is  
 all about. Had a Brother printer that had issues with installing from  
 localhost so that’s why I followed the HP site. Thank you for all your 

Using CUPS web interface is usually the easiest way to install a 
printer when the driver is included in Ghostscript and the printer is 
detected correctly. HPLIP adds some nice features for multi-function 
devices (print-scan-copy-fax) though, but that's not your case, I guess.

 Just an aside   how do you get the 'o' with the mark above it?


You mean the accented ó in my name? If you're using a US keymap that 
comes from the Compose key, usually set to Right Ctrl. You have to 
press R-Ctrl, then ' and the letter you want to accentuate, e.g., 
o → ó.

For people who usually have to write diacritics on a US keyboard it's 
usually better to add a secondary keyboard layout (us-intl).



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Re: Bacula scripts are missing

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 20 Apr 2012 13:49:30 -0400, Gary Dale wrote:


 Does anyone know how to get the scripts folder populated with the
 standard scripts?

I've already seen you solved this by your own, so just adding another 
option to get the job done which works for any package.

The file you were looking for ( is provided by 
tree different packages¹, depending on the database backend you're using.

So as you installed SQLite3, you can manually download the corresponding 
bacula-director-sqlite3 file for your architecture and extract the needed
file by simply browsing -no need to (re)install- the deb package (e.g., 
using Midnight Commander) and copying the file back to your local
/etc/bacula/scripts path.




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Issues with fresh debian wheezy with libvirt/kvm :- help please

2012-04-21 Thread Bhasker C V
Hi all

 I did a fresh installation of debian wheezy
 After installing, I have installed virt-manager which as a part of
dependency installed libvirt, virt-viewer and kvm and all necessary stuff

 I am able to boot from cdrom giving the virtual machine a SCSI disk to
install. The installation goes fine but after the installation, the
machine does not boot from SCSI disk.

The install command was:

virt-install  --name BHASKER_debian --ram 1024 --cdrom
/tmp/debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso --disk
path=/VIRT/disks/DEBIAN,bus=scsi --network bridge=virt,model=e1000 --cpu
core2duo --vcpus 2 --cpuset=1,2 --graphics vnc

Running the qemu command seperately like this

kvm -drive file=/VIRT/disks/DEBIAN,if=scsi,boot=on works perfectly well
but under libvirt the machine goes to network boot and then fails booting.

Is someone facing this issue or is it just me ? Am I doing anything
wrong here ? Can someone help me here please ?

I have tried to capture as much information with this mail but in case I
miss anything can you please get back to me.

root@virt:~# virsh version
Compiled against library: libvir 0.9.9
Using library: libvir 0.9.9
Using API: QEMU 0.9.9
Running hypervisor: QEMU 1.0.0

root@virt:~# kvm --version
QEMU emulator version 1.0 (Debian qemu-kvm 1.0+dfsg-9), Copyright (c)
2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard
root@virt:~# virsh --version
root@virt:~# which kvm
root@virt:~# virsh capabilities

  topology sockets='1' cores='4' threads='2'/
  feature name='rdtscp'/
  feature name='pdpe1gb'/
  feature name='dca'/
  feature name='pdcm'/
  feature name='xtpr'/
  feature name='tm2'/
  feature name='est'/
  feature name='smx'/
  feature name='vmx'/
  feature name='ds_cpl'/
  feature name='monitor'/
  feature name='dtes64'/
  feature name='pclmuldq'/
  feature name='pbe'/
  feature name='tm'/
  feature name='ht'/
  feature name='ss'/
  feature name='acpi'/
  feature name='ds'/
  feature name='vme'/
  cells num='2'
cell id='0'
  cpus num='8'
cpu id='0'/
cpu id='2'/
cpu id='4'/
cpu id='6'/
cpu id='8'/
cpu id='10'/
cpu id='12'/
cpu id='14'/
cell id='1'
  cpus num='8'
cpu id='1'/
cpu id='3'/
cpu id='5'/
cpu id='7'/
cpu id='9'/
cpu id='11'/
cpu id='13'/
cpu id='15'/

arch name='i686'
  machine canonical='pc-1.0'pc/machine
  domain type='qemu'
  domain type='kvm'
machine canonical='pc-1.0'pc/machine
  acpi default='on' toggle='yes'/
  apic default='on' toggle='no'/

arch name='x86_64'
  machine canonical='pc-1.0'pc/machine
  domain type='qemu'
  domain type='kvm'
machine canonical='pc-1.0'pc/machine

Re: [Apache] Deny directives silently ignored in config files

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 19 Apr 2012 17:51:01 +0200, Matthieu Moy wrote:

 I have a server running Apache HTTPD 2.2.16, installed as Debian package
 (Debian Squeeze).
 Some time ago, Deny from XXX directives were correctly taken into
 account, both in .htaccess files and in system-wide configuration files
 (/etc/apache2/*). I noticed recently that it is no longer the case. I
 suspect that this breakage occured when migrating the server from Debian
 Lenny to Debian Squeeze, but I'm not sure.


I'd would run a couple of basic tests:

- First, as you're on a production server, don't touch the configuration 
that is currently working and prevent users accessing the /tmp 
location, just create an additional Location block that points to a 
test folder with no relevant data on it and check if you get the same 
behaviour with this.

- If the problem persists, instead using Location try with Directory 
and see if there's any difference.

 (please, keep me Cc-ed, I'm not subscribed)

Sorry, I can't, hope you can read the mailing list archives :-(



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Re: Apache2 double free or corruption error on PHP pages

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 18 Apr 2012 14:45:53 +0200, Günter Ladwig wrote:

 we have just upgraded a server from lenny to squeeze and we're now
 having problems with Apache and PHP (presumably). We have a MediaWiki
 1.18 installation (not from a Debian package) on this server. The usual
 pages work fine, however as soon as I navigate to a history view or
 special page, I get a connection reset error in the browser.
 I had a look at Apache's error.log and discovered this (full backtrace
 is at the end of this mail):
 *** glibc detected *** /usr/sbin/apache2: double free or corruption (!prev): 
 0xb956ec08 *** 


Is there something logged before the above line?

 I have found several instances of similar double free bugs on Google,
 but usually a few years old and with no helpful suggestions. Any ideas
 on how I should go about diagnosing this problem?

Is the backtrace fully reproducible when you specifically load Mediawiki 
pages or this also happens when you get an arbitrary (self-made) PHP page?

There's a debug package for apache2 (apache2-dbg) but before installing 
nothing I would first report it in Debian BTS.



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Re: Installing python-django 1.4 on squeeze

2012-04-21 Thread Aves
Sorry for HTML,

You're right, the best way to figure it out is probably to download
django from upstream. But I think django 1.4 needs python  2.6.6 (which
is unfortunately the latest available version on Squeeze I believe).

I'm gonna check all of this.

On Sat, 2012-04-21 at 10:23 +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 20 Apr 2012 22:26:43 +0200, Aves wrote:
 Hi. Please, no hmtl posts, thanks.
  I'd like to install django 1.4 on squeeze. 
 Just a quick notes on this (others will comment on the pinning issue) :-)
 There is django 1.3 available in backports, just in case it servers your 
 And a side note... I don't know about Django requirements/dependencies 
 but being pure python web based framework, have you considered to install 
 it directly from the upstream project? :-?

FSF Associate Member
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Re: Installing python-django 1.4 on squeeze

2012-04-21 Thread Aves
Indeed, it was much easier to install django from upstream :

# cd /tmp
# wget
# tar zxvf Django-1.4.tar.gz
# cd Django-1.4
# python install

On Sat, 2012-04-21 at 15:18 +0200, Aves wrote:
 Sorry for HTML,
 You're right, the best way to figure it out is probably to download
 django from upstream. But I think django 1.4 needs python  2.6.6 (which
 is unfortunately the latest available version on Squeeze I believe).
 I'm gonna check all of this.
 On Sat, 2012-04-21 at 10:23 +, Camaleón wrote:
  On Fri, 20 Apr 2012 22:26:43 +0200, Aves wrote:
  Hi. Please, no hmtl posts, thanks.
   I'd like to install django 1.4 on squeeze. 
  Just a quick notes on this (others will comment on the pinning issue) :-)
  There is django 1.3 available in backports, just in case it servers your 
  And a side note... I don't know about Django requirements/dependencies 
  but being pure python web based framework, have you considered to install 
  it directly from the upstream project? :-?

FSF Associate Member
Please encrypt your messages with PGP

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

boinccmd questions

2012-04-21 Thread Jude DaShiell
How do I clear the problem when initializing the boinc client of dir open 
can't open 'slots' message on initialization?  I can only use the boinccmd 
command along with update-boinc-applinks since I don't do g.u.i. over 

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Prompting for settings on first boot of a pre-installed image.

2012-04-21 Thread peter green
Sometimes it is desirable for a system to be shipped in a pre-installed 
form. This may be pre-installed on hardware or it may be in the form of 
an image. In such cases there are a number of questions (language, 
keyboard layout, hostname, network settings, timezone etc) that will be 
known to the end user but will not be known to the person doing the 
installation. There are also certain security settings that should be 
reset under such scenarios.

The obvious soloution is to set things up so that the user is asked 
these questions when they first boot thier system. I could probablly 
roll my own scripts to do this if I had to but i'm wondering if this is 
an already solved problem and if so whether someone could point me in 
the direction of the soloution.

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Re: boinccmd questions

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 21 Apr 2012 10:15:54 -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:

 How do I clear the problem when initializing the boinc client of dir
 open can't open 'slots' message on initialization?  I can only use the
 boinccmd command along with update-boinc-applinks since I don't do
 g.u.i. over here.

There are instructions for the location of BOINC data files in the usual 
path (/usr/share/doc/boinc-client/README.Debian), not sure if this will 
be of any help in your case.



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Re: Prompting for settings on first boot of a pre-installed image.

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 21 Apr 2012 15:06:30 +0100, peter green wrote:

 Sometimes it is desirable for a system to be shipped in a pre-installed
 form. This may be pre-installed on hardware or it may be in the form of
 an image. In such cases there are a number of questions (language,
 keyboard layout, hostname, network settings, timezone etc) that will be
 known to the end user but will not be known to the person doing the
 installation. There are also certain security settings that should be
 reset under such scenarios.

Mmm... You mean something similiar to what Windows pre-built OEM systems 
do, right? When you first power on your brand-new computer, you get a 
guided wizard that allows the user to input his/her basic data and then 
it finishes the setup and configures the desktop.
 The obvious soloution is to set things up so that the user is asked
 these questions when they first boot thier system. I could probablly
 roll my own scripts to do this if I had to but i'm wondering if this is
 an already solved problem and if so whether someone could point me in
 the direction of the soloution.

I don't of any tool to automate this task in linux (it's usually the 
admin who makes this job at install time instead the end user or is the 
user who afterwards configures the system to his/her needs) but it would 
be more than convenient to have such standarized tool at least for 
companies who sell or prepare their own pre-built Debian systems.

I wonder how Canonical, Red Hat or SUSE SLES/SLED (i.e., commercial linux 
distributions) manage this...



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Re: Prompting for settings on first boot of a pre-installed image.

2012-04-21 Thread Mika Suomalainen
21.04.2012 17:57, Camaleón kirjoitti:
 On Sat, 21 Apr 2012 15:06:30 +0100, peter green wrote:
 Sometimes it is desirable for a system to be shipped in a pre-installed
 form. This may be pre-installed on hardware or it may be in the form of
 an image. In such cases there are a number of questions (language,
 keyboard layout, hostname, network settings, timezone etc) that will be
 known to the end user but will not be known to the person doing the
 installation. There are also certain security settings that should be
 reset under such scenarios.
 Mmm... You mean something similiar to what Windows pre-built OEM systems 
 do, right? When you first power on your brand-new computer, you get a 
 guided wizard that allows the user to input his/her basic data and then 
 it finishes the setup and configures the desktop.
 The obvious soloution is to set things up so that the user is asked
 these questions when they first boot thier system. I could probablly
 roll my own scripts to do this if I had to but i'm wondering if this is
 an already solved problem and if so whether someone could point me in
 the direction of the soloution.
 I don't of any tool to automate this task in linux (it's usually the 
 admin who makes this job at install time instead the end user or is the 
 user who afterwards configures the system to his/her needs) but it would 
 be more than convenient to have such standarized tool at least for 
 companies who sell or prepare their own pre-built Debian systems.
 I wonder how Canonical, Red Hat or SUSE SLES/SLED (i.e., commercial linux 
 distributions) manage this...

I can only answer to your latest wondering. Ubuntu has option for OEM
install in LIVE-CD menu or at least it used to have. I think that that
option has moved to alternative (text) install CD.

Mika Suomalainen
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 4DB53CFE82A46728
Key fingerprint = 24BC 1573 B8EE D666 D10A  AA65 4DB5 3CFE 82A4 6728

Description: application/pgp-keys

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

how to retrieve info from a bad disk?

2012-04-21 Thread abdelkader belahcene
I have a disk ( I tera Bytes  it contains important data!!!)  formatted
with nfts,
somebody used it in wind$   a virus  seems destroy something in partition
table  ???

Now no access is possible, although the partition is recognized as
/dev/sdb1  with correct sie, but no possibility to
retive files.
I tried   ntfs-3g/dev/sdb1  t gave   segmentaion fault
I tried  testdiskit   analysed the disk and gathered the data,   I
tried to list the files ,it gave same error as ntfs-3g, I mean
segmentation fault??

Is there  another rescue software ??
thanks for help


Wicd and WPA2 password error: a bizarre fix

2012-04-21 Thread Patrick Wiseman
Hello, all:

I just installed a new testing system (Lenovo ThinkPad L512, recently
Wooted for $500), using the xfce installation option. It uses wicd
instead of network-manager by default, so I decided to try it. My
wired connection worked immediately, but at first wireless wasn't even
turned on. During installation, I had been prompted for a couple of
non-free drivers that I did not have available and so I installed them
after the fact (firmware-iwlwifi and firmware-realtek). Still wireless
was not turned on. For whatever reason (perhaps because wireless was
not functional when I first booted up), /etc/wicd/manager-settings.
conf had nothing in the wireless_interface =  line, so I added
wlan0 and rebooted; wireless was now active.

Now the real fun begins. I try to connect to my wireless network,
which uses WPA Personal (PSK) + AES (so Tomato on my Linksys WRT54GL
tells me). So, in the Wicd Network Manager, I chose WPA 1/2
(Passphrase) for my network and entered the correct passphrase
(although Wicd is calling it a Shared Key). When I try to connect, I
get a Connection Failed: Bad Password error. Much Googling reveals
that this is not a new problem but a persistent one, years old in
fact, and incredibly still not fixed. Apparently the culprit is
wpa_supplicant which wicd uses as a backend. As a last resort, before
dumping wicd and installing network-manager (which I have never had
any troubles with, which I know is not the universal experience with
it) I tried entering my passphrase (which has numbers and upper and
lower case letters in it) using WPA 1/2 Hex ([0-9/A-F]). IT WORKED
Ridiculous, I know, but I am now connected to my wireless network.

I report this in hopes that others might not have to waste all the
time I just wasted getting it to work. Now I'm just hoping that wicd
can handle VPN, which network-manager does flawlessly.


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Network or dhclient troubles on wheezy

2012-04-21 Thread Lars Noodén
The network is frequently cutting out on a wheezy box I am running.  I
am not sure of where the problem lies, if it is on my box or at the ISP.

When it goes down, I am unable to connect:

connect: Network is unreachable

/var/log/daemon.log is filled with a great many unfulfilled
DHCPREQUESTs, dozens at a time.

I can manually reconnect by running dhclient only if I release the DHCP
lease first.

Where should I be looking to find the problem and how should I go about
solving it?


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Re: how to retrieve info from a bad disk?

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 21 Apr 2012 16:22:14 +0100, abdelkader belahcene wrote:


Hi... but please, no html posts, thanks.

 I have a disk ( I tera Bytes  it contains important data!!!)  formatted
 with nfts,
 somebody used it in wind$   a virus  seems destroy something in
 partition table  ???

Being a closed source filesystem, NTFS is something Windows should care 
about, not Linux ;-)

 Now no access is possible, although the partition is recognized as
 /dev/sdb1  with correct sie, but no possibility to retive files.

What does Windows say? Have you tried to attach the disk to a Windows 

 I tried   ntfs-3g/dev/sdb1  t gave   segmentaion fault 

You tried what??

 I tried  testdiskit   analysed the disk and gathered the
 data,   I tried to list the files ,it gave same error as ntfs-3g, I
 mean segmentation fault??

The exact error and the steps you followed are very important.
 Is there  another rescue software ??
 thanks for help

I used to get good results to recover data from a NTFS partition using 
Piriform's Recuva software, for Windows, of course. But better if you 
work with an image of the disk instead the original source to avoid 
moving and so making the recovery process more difficult, if you 
finally erased the data.

Anyway, testdisk is one of the most complete tools to repair broken/lost 
partition tables or data recovery.



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Re: Network or dhclient troubles on wheezy

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 21 Apr 2012 18:40:44 +0300, Lars Noodén wrote:

 The network is frequently cutting out on a wheezy box I am running.  I
 am not sure of where the problem lies, if it is on my box or at the ISP.

Is it wired or wireless? Are you using traditional ifup or 

 When it goes down, I am unable to connect:
   connect: Network is unreachable

When it goes down, run /sbin/ifconfig; ip ro and look if the adapter 
has set the correct data (IP address and gateway).

 /var/log/daemon.log is filled with a great many unfulfilled
 DHCPREQUESTs, dozens at a time.
 I can manually reconnect by running dhclient only if I release the DHCP
 lease first.
 Where should I be looking to find the problem and how should I go about
 solving it?

If you use a dynamic configuration (DHCP) for the network then you rely 
on your modem/router/server or whatever device/source has to fill your 
NIC with the proper data. You will have to investigate why the connection 
is being dropped from time to time (grep -i dhcp /var/log/syslog can 
also help).



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Re: Network or dhclient troubles on wheezy

2012-04-21 Thread abdelkader belahcene
are you using network-manager, in this case the serveur automatically retry
the connexion, and of course if the dhcp doesn't reply in time, you
haven't  address, which explains yournetwork unreachable.

I thin the probleme is in your provider  or  physical connexion.

2TB USB hard drive for backing up

2012-04-21 Thread Sian Mountbatten
I am going to buy a big USB hard drive to backup films, music and 
photos. In fact, I might backup the system (at least, the list of 
packages installed).

Anybody out there tried a 2TB USB hard drive? What did you use as filing 
system. I am intending to use ext4. Any comments?

Sian Mountbatten
ex-Algol 68 specialist

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Re: X problem (?) after fresh install on old laptop

2012-04-21 Thread Potato Jim
I first tried blacklisting nouveau by issuing the following command:
echo blacklist nouveau  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf
...this was per the instructions 

Next, I did as Sven guessed and un-blacklisted nvidiafb by commenting out the 
blacklist nvidiafb line in /etc/modeprobe.d/fbdev-blacklist.conf

And here is the /var/log/Xorg.0.log:


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Re: Re: how to retrieve info from a bad disk?

2012-04-21 Thread abdelkader belahcene
I check ntfs-3g  ( tool on linux  to manage ntfs file system) to fix the

ntfsfix  /dev/sdc1 gives  the output: mft corrupted ... is there a
chance to recover  something ???

Mounting volume... MFT is corrupt, cannot read its unmapped extent record
Note : chkdsk cannot fix this, try ntfsfix
Inode is corrupt (0): Input/output error
Failed to load runlist for $MFT/$DATA.
highest_vcn = 0x3, last_vcn - 1 = 0x1a53f
Failed to load $MFT: Input/output error
Attempting to correct errors... MFT is corrupt, cannot read its unmapped
extent record 280867
Note : chkdsk cannot fix this, try ntfsfix
Inode is corrupt (0): Input/output error
Failed to load runlist for $MFT/$DATA.
highest_vcn = 0x3, last_vcn - 1 = 0x1a53f
Failed to load $MFT: Input/output error
Failed to startup volume: Input/output error
Checking for self-located MFT segment... ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup_warn:
magic: 0xc0468167  size: 1024   usa_ofs: 43309  usa_count:
58159: Invalid argument
MFT is corrupt, cannot read its unmapped extent record 280867
Note : chkdsk cannot fix this, try ntfsfix
Inode is corrupt (0): Input/output error
Failed to load runlist for $MFT/$DATA.
highest_vcn = 0x3, last_vcn - 1 = 0x1a53f
Failed to load $MFT: Input/output error

thanks a lot

Re: 2TB USB hard drive for backing up

2012-04-21 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 21 Apr 2012 17:36:28 +0100, Sian Mountbatten wrote:

 I am going to buy a big USB hard drive to backup films, music and
 photos. In fact, I might backup the system (at least, the list of
 packages installed).

If you're using the disk to make a backup for one machine, USB (better 
3.0) can be convenient and easy but despite the interface, have you 
considered in buying a good external USB enclosure -with external power- 
and a separate hard disk? I find it to be a better solution than those 
ready-made-and-closed external tera-disks.

 Anybody out there tried a 2TB USB hard drive? What did you use as filing
 system. I am intending to use ext4. Any comments?

For home, I use an internal SATA disk (500 GiB) as primary backup (ext3) 
and then a NAS system as a secondary (backup for the backup) level of 
security, also formatted with ext3 which is the best option available for 
the NAS (only ext2, ext3 or FAT32 is allowed ;-) ).

I'm against big partitions (500 GiB is the limit I have auto-imposed to 
my systems) so I would make 4 slices and spread the data over them. 
Anyway, I don't think you are going to have any problem to manage a 
single partition of 2 TiB, even more if you plain to store plain data 
(not a bootable system) there.



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Re: how to retrieve info from a bad disk?

2012-04-21 Thread Hans-J. Ullrich
Am Samstag, 21. April 2012 schrieb abdelkader belahcene:
 I check ntfs-3g  ( tool on linux  to manage ntfs file system) to fix the
 ntfsfix  /dev/sdc1 gives  the output: mft corrupted ... is there a
 chance to recover  something ???
 Mounting volume... MFT is corrupt, cannot read its unmapped extent record
 Note : chkdsk cannot fix this, try ntfsfix
 Inode is corrupt (0): Input/output error
 Failed to load runlist for $MFT/$DATA.
 highest_vcn = 0x3, last_vcn - 1 = 0x1a53f
 Failed to load $MFT: Input/output error
 Attempting to correct errors... MFT is corrupt, cannot read its unmapped
 extent record 280867
 Note : chkdsk cannot fix this, try ntfsfix
 Inode is corrupt (0): Input/output error
 Failed to load runlist for $MFT/$DATA.
 highest_vcn = 0x3, last_vcn - 1 = 0x1a53f
 Failed to load $MFT: Input/output error
 Failed to startup volume: Input/output error
 Checking for self-located MFT segment... ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup_warn:
 magic: 0xc0468167  size: 1024   usa_ofs: 43309  usa_count:
 58159: Invalid argument
 MFT is corrupt, cannot read its unmapped extent record 280867
 Note : chkdsk cannot fix this, try ntfsfix
 Inode is corrupt (0): Input/output error
 Failed to load runlist for $MFT/$DATA.
 highest_vcn = 0x3, last_vcn - 1 = 0x1a53f
 Failed to load $MFT: Input/output error
 thanks a lot

Hi Bela!
You might try UBCD4WIN, this is a livefile CD especially for those purposes.
At boot there is an option, you can choose to start into the recovery console 
of Windows, and there you can try CHKDSK /P /R c:

This might help.

Good luck!


P.S. Sorry, this was not really linux or debioan related. :)

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Evolution and POP3 problem: want to delete from server when moved from Inbox

2012-04-21 Thread Bill Harris
  This is essentially a duplicate of a posting to the Evolution mailiing
  list an hour or two ago.  After posting there, I saw that they
  considered the Squeeze version of Evolution obsolete and recommended
  asking on one's distro mailing list.

I'm a new Evolution user (version 2.30.3) on Debian Squeeze, having
moved from Icedove because it had problems downloading large POP3
messages a few times, and Evolution handled them fine.  So far,
Evolution is working okay, except I have two problems:

1.  I set up Evolution and imported my Icedove folders, and then I
downloaded email for the first time in Evolution.  That gave me
duplicates of everything.  Is there a command or plugin to eliminate
duplicates, as there was on Thunderbird/Icedove, or do I have to do
that manually?

2.  My second issue is much more important to me.  I leave emails on the
server for various reasons.  When I do move some messages from the
inbox to other folders or I delete messages from the inbox, I want
Evolution to remove them from the server, but I can't figure out how
to do that (it seemed easy on Thunderbird / Icedove).  How does one
do this?

Any tips?  I've searched and found a few tantalizing hints that there
might be a solution, but I haven't found the solutions.

I can do the first (removing duplicates) manually, although I'd rather
not (I have a number of emails to sort through, in that case).

I'm open to a number of options on the second:

- If Evolution has the capability built in and I haven't found it,
  advice on how to do it would be great.

- If a newer version of Evolution has it and it's buildable on Squeeze,
  let me know.  I thought I saw that described somewhere, but I can't
  find instructions in the current documentation describing how to set
  it up.

- If people use dovecot or something similar to get email instead of
  Evolution's built-in POP3 software, and if dovecot or similar can
  manage the communications required to do this, can you point me to a
  howto or other documentation?  I've not used dovecot

If none of those work, how do you manage this?  Do you delete or move
emails in Evolution and then also log into webmail and delete the same
messages?  That sounds tedious, and I'd rather not do that.

I've asked a few colleagues, and a common response is to use IMAP.
AFAICT, these servers do not support IMAP.  Besides, at some time, I'd
like to have the emails on my own disk, and my past experience suggests
that's not as easy with IMAP as it is with other approaches.



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Re: how to retrieve info from a bad disk?

2012-04-21 Thread Gary Dale

On 21/04/12 11:22 AM, abdelkader belahcene wrote:

I have a disk ( I tera Bytes  it contains important data!!!)  
formatted with nfts,
somebody used it in wind$   a virus  seems destroy something in 
partition table  ???

Now no access is possible, although the partition is recognized as 
/dev/sdb1  with correct sie, but no possibility to

retive files.
I tried   ntfs-3g/dev/sdb1  t gave   segmentaion fault
I tried  testdiskit   analysed the disk and gathered the 
data,   I tried to list the files ,it gave same error as ntfs-3g, 
I mean  segmentation fault??

Is there  another rescue software ??
thanks for help


Firstly, copy the entire disk to another one of the same or larger size 
by booting from a live distro such as sysrecuecd and using dd (e.g. dd 
if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb).

Secondly, using the copy of the disk, try to rescue the disk using 
testdisk. This may reconstruct the partition table. If it doesn't work, 
you can try photorec to recover files. For photorec, recover the files 
to a third disk, not to the original or copy.

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Re: 2TB USB hard drive for backing up

2012-04-21 Thread

On 21/04/2012 18:36, Sian Mountbatten wrote:

I am going to buy a big USB hard drive to backup films, music and
photos. In fact, I might backup the system (at least, the list of
packages installed).

Anybody out there tried a 2TB USB hard drive? What did you use as filing
system. I am intending to use ext4. Any comments?

Hi, I use seagate's ST2000DL003-9VT1 (it's some kind of eco drive, but 
still fast) for that purpose, in raid1. No complains. I have had 
disastrous experiences with WD 2TB drives (those green monstrosity).

I use gpt partition table, with LUKS and RAID without trouble.

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2012-04-21 Thread 单 芳

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Re: how to retrieve info from a bad disk?

2012-04-21 Thread Brad Alexander
The final, and arguably most important thing is to always back up your
important data...

I know it's a little late in the game, but this is an important lesson
to learn for future reference...

On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Gary Dale wrote:
 On 21/04/12 11:22 AM, abdelkader belahcene wrote:

 I have a disk ( I tera Bytes  it contains important data!!!)  formatted
 with nfts,
 somebody used it in wind$   a virus  seems destroy something in
 partition table  ???

 Now no access is possible, although the partition is recognized as
 /dev/sdb1  with correct sie, but no possibility to
 retive files.
 I tried   ntfs-3g    /dev/sdb1  t         gave   segmentaion fault
 I tried  testdisk        it   analysed the disk and gathered the data,   I
 tried to list the files ,    it gave same error as ntfs-3g, I mean
  segmentation fault??

 Is there  another rescue software ??
 thanks for help


 Firstly, copy the entire disk to another one of the same or larger size by
 booting from a live distro such as sysrecuecd and using dd (e.g. dd
 if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb).

 Secondly, using the copy of the disk, try to rescue the disk using testdisk.
 This may reconstruct the partition table. If it doesn't work, you can try
 photorec to recover files. For photorec, recover the files to a third disk,
 not to the original or copy.

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Re: how to retrieve info from a bad disk?

2012-04-21 Thread Bill Harris
Gary Dale writes:

 On 21/04/12 11:22 AM, abdelkader belahcene wrote:

 Is there  another rescue software ??

 Firstly, copy the entire disk to another one of the same or larger
 size by booting from a live distro such as sysrecuecd and using dd
 (e.g. dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb).

Check out ddrescue as a replacement for dd, too.  I've had luck with it
when some files were partially corrupted, but it's been years since I
used it.


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Alt key problem with MacBookPro

2012-04-21 Thread Riccardo Romoli
Hi to all,
my name is Riccardo, and I'm a newbie of Debian. Using the Debian-Wiky
I was able to install Debian 6 as single boot on my MacBookPro
(v.3.1). The only problem I notice, till now, is about the Alt key
that doesn't work. I tried to configure the keyboard with the
graphical interface but I wasn't able solve my problem. If, for
example I press Alt+Tab,  I was able to switch between the different
windows, but the Alt key doesn't work both in the various text editors
(emacs, gedit...) and in the terminal, to type the extra character
such as tilde, square brackets...

How can I solve this problem? Is there a way to manually map the keyboard??


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Re: Alt key problem with MacBookPro

2012-04-21 Thread Lisi
On Saturday 21 April 2012 22:47:34 Riccardo Romoli wrote:
 but the Alt key doesn't work both in the various text editors
 (emacs, gedit...) and in the terminal, to type the extra character
 such as tilde, square brackets...

 How can I solve this problem? Is there a way to manually map the keyboard??

Which keyboard?  My keyboard (UK) has tilde just a shift away (on the same key 
as #), and square brackets have their own keys.


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Re: X problem (?) after fresh install on old laptop

2012-04-21 Thread Potato Jim

In my last response I had overlooked Sven's comment about having updated the 
wiki.  I have now looked at the updated wiki and the suggested new xorg.conf 
file did the trick -- verbatim even, and I'm now using the NV driver.  More 
precisely, I blacklisted nouveau in a blacklist-nouveau.conf file and created a 
new xorg.conf file, specifying the NV driver (I also re-blacklisted nvidiafb 
in /etc/modeprobe.d/fbdev-blacklist.conf ).

Camaleón and Sven, thank you both for your help!  And thanks for bearing with 
my newbie faux pas. :)

Sven, you mentioned that neither NV nor Nvidia legacy will work whenever I 
eventually upgrade to Wheezy.  Can you suggest what I prepare to do?

Thanks again!

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Re: how to retrieve info from a bad disk?

2012-04-21 Thread Gary Dale

On 21/04/12 04:51 PM, Bill Harris wrote:

Gary  writes:

On 21/04/12 11:22 AM, abdelkader belahcene wrote:

Is there  another rescue software ??

Firstly, copy the entire disk to another one of the same or larger
size by booting from a live distro such as sysrecuecd and using dd
(e.g. dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb).

Check out ddrescue as a replacement for dd, too.  I've had luck with it
when some files were partially corrupted, but it's been years since I
used it.


ddrescue is a good alternative when there are physical problems with the 
disk. However dd is adequate for data corruption cases. With Debian, 
ddrescue seems to be the dd_rescue program, with the real ddrescue 
available as gddrescue. Rather than getting into this long explanation, 
I went for the package that is almost certainly already installed on 
whatever live CD he boots from.

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Re: gnome panel fonts on startup

2012-04-21 Thread songbird
Camaleón wrote:
 Let the updates do their work :-)

  thanks, but no change in the situation with
latest updates.

  and yes, i have tried setting up new user
before and then i did again today to make sure
and the problem remains.

  my guess is that you are right in that it
is probably graphics driver.  i'll look into
that next.

  sorry for being short, this is a quick 
update.  ;)


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USB Boot

2012-04-21 Thread 汗青

I want to look for a software that can make USB Boot Disk of Debian.iso on 
Windows 7 .

Re: USB Boot

2012-04-21 Thread Daniel Koch
Am Sonntag, 22. April 2012, 06:59:16 schrieb 汗青:
 I want to look for a software that can make USB Boot Disk of Debian.iso on
 Windows 7 .

dd or UNetBootIn
Daniel Koch

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