Re: Connectar smartphones i/o tablets amb Debian

2012-05-09 Thread Javier Silva
2012/5/5 Ferran Juanos

 Benvolguts membres de la llista.

 Estic cercant alternatives per a substituir un dispositiu pocket PC (amb 
 Windows mobile 5) el qual no he pogut connectar mai amb Debian.

 La idea seria un smartphone amb pantalla gran (4,2' o més) o un tablet petit 
 (7' o 8' de pantalla) amb sistema Android (No he trobat, o no he sabut trobar 
 dispositius que portin Linux de fàcil accés i compra).

 Però el problema que em temo es que possiblement no el podré connectar a 
 l'ordinador per transferir fitxers.

 M'agradaria saber l'experiència dels membres de la llista amb aquests tipus 
 de dispositiu i les vostres possibles recomanacions

 Pel que he vist sembla que a partir de la versió 3 d'Android han canviat de 
 sistema de transferència de fitxers (fins la versió 2.3 amb “USB mass 
 storage” l'ordinador tractava el dispositiu com un disc dur extern o un 
 llapis USB, i a partir de la versió 3.0, MTP (media transfer protocol) el 
 qual sembla ser que es originari de Microsoft. He mirat i a Squeeze hi ha 
 alguns paquets relacionats amb aquest protocol es tracta dels següents:

 libmtp8 - Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) library
 mtp-tools - Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) library tools
 mtpfs - FUSE filesystem for Media Transfer Protocol devices

 He vist tutorials de gent fent servir ubuntu que connecta diferents 
 smartphones i tablets fins i tot un Blackberry playbook (per cert que hi ha 
 ofertes bastant interessants d'aquest model).

 Agrairia qualsevol informació que em pogués ser útil per prendre la meva 
 decisió de compra.

Hola Ferran,
tinc 2 Androids, el Nexus One amb la versió 2.3.6 i el Nexus S amb la
versió 4.0.4. La versió de Debian que faig servir és Wheezy (testing)
i no tinc problemes amb el reconeixement dels dispositius.

Una instal·lació del Debian amb GNOME, reconeix aquests smartphones i
pots navegar amb el nautilus per modificar el seu contingut,
conectar-lo amb el shotwell per importar les fotos o sincronitzar la
biblioteca de música amb el Rhythmbox. També pots enviar o rebre
arxius per Bluetooth.

Hi ha un programa per mòbils Android , que es diu AirDroid que permet
controlar el smartphone o la tablet per wifi utilitzant una pàgina web
normal, te permet pujar arxius de tot tipus, sense connectar-lo
directament al PC.

Javier Silva.

 Gràcies a tots per avançat.


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Comment déplacer tout un systeme vers un hd plus grand?

2012-05-09 Thread Olivier Pavilla

J'ai un disque où il y a l'OS de crosoft d'installé. JE l'aurais bien
supprimé mais il y a une appli dessus qui fonctionne tellement mal sous
wine ou virtualbox que c'en est un crucifix. Je voudrais faire une image
de ce HD, la mettre sur un HD plus grand. Et récupéré l'espace disque
restant pour Debian. Mon probleme, c'est qu'apparement, il y a 3
partition primaire. Je ne sais pas comment procéder pour pouvoir mes 2
partion minimale nécessaire à deb (/ et swap). Quelqu'un a 2 ou 3
conseils en stock pour m'orienter? Et pourquoi pas un outil idoine à

Olivier Pavilla
Les fautes d'orthographes de mes propos sont sous licence Ane bâté 1.0

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Comment déplacer tout un systeme vers un hd plus grand?

2012-05-09 Thread Bernardo

je l'ai fait il y a 1 mois avec Clonezilla-live, en mode clonage, sans problème.


Olivier Pavilla a écrit :
 J'ai un disque où il y a l'OS de crosoft d'installé. JE l'aurais bien 
 supprimé mais il y a une appli dessus qui fonctionne tellement mal sous 
 wine ou virtualbox que c'en est un crucifix. Je voudrais faire une image de
 ce HD, la mettre sur un HD plus grand. Et récupéré l'espace disque restant
 pour Debian. Mon probleme, c'est qu'apparement, il y a 3 partition
 primaire. Je ne sais pas comment procéder pour pouvoir mes 2 partion
 minimale nécessaire à deb (/ et swap). Quelqu'un a 2 ou 3 conseils en stock
 pour m'orienter? Et pourquoi pas un outil idoine à suggérer?

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Re: Dictionnaires dictd en français

2012-05-09 Thread Jérôme
Le mardi 08 mai 2012 à 22:59 +0200, Edi Stojicevic a écrit :
 J'ai essayé de trouver des infos en ligne sans trop de résultat sur
 l'existence des dictionnaires français au format dictd. On trouve des
 dictionnaires bilingues mais pas de dictionnaires juste français ...
 Quelqu'un aurait-il des infos sur le sujet ?
 Merci par avance,

Il doit au moins y avoir au moins le XMLittré

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Re: Dictionnaires dictd en français

2012-05-09 Thread Edi Stojicevic
* Jérôme [2012-05-09 10:24:09 +0200] wrote :

 Le mardi 08 mai 2012 à 22:59 +0200, Edi Stojicevic a écrit :
  J'ai essayé de trouver des infos en ligne sans trop de résultat sur
  l'existence des dictionnaires français au format dictd. On trouve des
  dictionnaires bilingues mais pas de dictionnaires juste français ...
  Quelqu'un aurait-il des infos sur le sujet ?
  Merci par avance,

Ah merci je ne l'avais pas vu celui-là :) Cependant, il n'est dispo que
pour stardict et j'utilise dictd en ligne de commande avec des aliases
dans rc. Apparemment, il a fait une version dictd mais pas dispo dans
les dépôts Debian. Il serait intéressant d'en créer un. Je vais essayer
de contacter la personne pour voir ...

Merci pour le lien en tout cas :)

 .''`.  Edi Stojicevic
: :'  : Debian GNU/Linux user, admin  developer - 
`. `~'  Debianworld  - 
Disks travel in packs.

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Tomcat 6 sur Debian Squeeze

2012-05-09 Thread Gerald

Bonjour, j'ai un problème avec l'installation de tomcat6.

Le serveur ne veut démarrer à l'installation ou par invocation par 

J'ai changé une option *echo 0  /proc/sys/net/ipv6/bindv6only*

Et je n'ai plus d'erreurs dans les fichiers de logs.

Par contre le serveur démarre tout de même par /etc/init.d/tomcat6 start 
mais en m'affichant un fail.

Montage windows

2012-05-09 Thread Nahliel Steinberg

J'ai changer de machine au travail, et j'ai une squeeze toute neuve.

Petit problème, je n'arrive pas à monter avec un user un répertoire windows xp 

mount.cifs permission denied : no match for blabla in /etc/fstab

J'ai cherché un peu sur le net, j'ai essayé la solution chmod u+s sur 
/usr/bin/mount.cifs  rien changé !
vérifié si mon utilisateur est bien dans les bons groupes rien changé !

Je n'arrive pas à trouvé le delta entre les deux machines, sur l'ancienne le 
montage est possible (je lance un petit script avec 
la commande de montage) le meme sur la nouvelle j'ai cette erreur de permission.

Vous auriez une piste ?

Bien à vous

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Re: Montage windows

2012-05-09 Thread Sébastien NOBILI
Le mercredi 09 mai 2012 à 12:15, Nahliel Steinberg a écrit :



 J'ai cherché un peu sur le net, j'ai essayé la solution chmod u+s sur 
 /usr/bin/mount.cifs  rien changé !
 vérifié si mon utilisateur est bien dans les bons groupes rien changé !

C'est une très mauvaise idée ! Le setuid peut nuire à la sécurité, c'est à
utiliser avec beaucoup de précaution, de plus mieux vaut ne pas modifier (y
compris les permissions) les fichiers installés par le gestionnaire de paquets,
parce que :
- si les fichiers du paquet sont installé comme ça c'est qu'ils fonctionnent
  comme ça,
- la prochaine mise-à-jour va écraser les modifications.


 Vous auriez une piste ?

Comparer les deux entrées du /etc/fstab (ancienne et nouvelle machine), il doit
y avoir une option « users » sur l'ancienne qui n'est pas sur la nouvelle (ou
quelque chose du genre), voire même pas d'entrée du tout sur la nouvelle
machine, vu le « no match for blabla in /etc/fstab ».


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Re: Montage windows

2012-05-09 Thread Nahliel Steinberg
Merci pour ta réponse,

Impossible de trouver ;-(


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Re: Comment déplacer tout un systeme vers un hd plus grand?

2012-05-09 Thread Jérôme
Le mercredi 09 mai 2012 à 08:02 +0200, Olivier Pavilla a écrit :
 J'ai un disque où il y a l'OS de crosoft d'installé.

Pour juste un déplacement, la commande dd fonctionne aussi. L'objectif
étant de faire une copie binaire, Windows n'aimant pas trop être changé
d'endroit sans réinstallation. Bien remettre le même n° de lecteur (c:)
Prévoir un iso du disque de réparation (win7) ou d'install (xp) des fois
que... et pour l'opération ça fonctionne bien en chargeant un liveCD
depuis la machine virtuelle, même avec un boitier externe USB (plus

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Re: Tomcat 6 sur Debian Squeeze

2012-05-09 Thread Nahliel Steinberg

Que te dis catalina.out ?


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Re: Tomcat 6 sur Debian Squeeze

2012-05-09 Thread jerome moliere
Le 9 mai 2012 12:09, Gerald a écrit :
 Bonjour, j'ai un problème avec l'installation de tomcat6.

 Le serveur ne veut démarrer à l'installation ou par invocation par

 J'ai changé une option echo 0  /proc/sys/net/ipv6/bindv6only

 Et je n'ai plus d'erreurs dans les fichiers de logs.

 Par contre le serveur démarre tout de même par /etc/init.d/tomcat6 start
 mais en m'affichant un fail.

bonjour Gerald,
en vrac:
- que dit java -version et verifier vers quel Java pointe le service
(sortie differente possible de celle obtenue avec un compte
utilisateur standard)
- netstat -putan|grep -i TCP |grep -i java donne qqch ?
- ps aux |grep java

le Tomcat vient d'ou ? package debian officiel, officieux ou
installation a partir du tarball?

eventuellement tester le demarrage manuel avec lsof pour voir ce qui
peut coincer?


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Re: Montage windows

2012-05-09 Thread Sébastien NOBILI
Le mercredi 09 mai 2012 à 14:04, Nahliel Steinberg a écrit :
 Merci pour ta réponse,
 Impossible de trouver ;-(

Si tu ne détailles pas plus, ta demande n'ira pas beaucoup plus loi…

Tu évoquais /etc/fstab, il y a quoi dedans ?

Tu évoquais un script perso, il y a quoi dedans ?

Bref, tout ce qui pourrait aider à trouver une solution à ton problème, mais tu
n'es pas obligé…


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SSH - ssh-add est ce normal?

2012-05-09 Thread Hugues MORIN

Je suis en train de creer un tunnel ssh avec un serveur.
J'ai suivi le tuto suivant pour configurer SSH:

J'en suis arriver au paragraphe: Utiliser un agent ssh
Les ssh-add fonctionne bien mais j'ai une entree residuelle qui me
semble bizarre.

si je fait:

root@localhost:/etc# ssh-add -d
Identity removed: /root/.ssh/id_dsa (/root/.ssh/
root@localhost:/etc# ssh-add -l
1024 5d:e3:d8:...4a:f2 hugues@localhost (DSA)

Le retour de ssh-add -l ne devrait-il pas ne rien renvoyer?


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Re: Montage windows

2012-05-09 Thread Nahliel Steinberg
Merci Sebastien, c'est vrai que je n'ai pas beaucoup détaillé.

J'ai opté pour une solution sudo.

Ca marche c'est le principal.

Déclaration de la commande mount,umount,smbmount dans le /etc/sudoers

Montage en sudo scripté pour plus de facilitée mise en shortcuts
Demontage en sudo scripté pour plus de facilitée mise en shortcuts

option de montage file_mode=0664,dir_mode=0775

et ça roule pour les droits d'écritures.

Du coup rien dans le fstab.

Mais je reste dubitatif sur ce que j'avais bien pu faire sur la squeeze 

Bref, j'arrivait pas à monter un dossier xp distant, j'y suis arrivé ;-)


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Re: Tomcat 6 sur Debian Squeeze

2012-05-09 Thread Nahliel Steinberg
Tu veux faire tourner quoi sur ton tomlechat ?


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[Total HS ] Kentsfield vs. Clovertown

2012-05-09 Thread JF Straeten

Salut Chère Liste,

À votre avis, remplacer un Xeon X3230 (Kentsfield, 2.66 Ghz) par un
Xeon E5345 (Clovertown, 2.33 Ghz), ça va se sentir en termes de perf'
de la machine ?

L'histoire se passe sur un serveur d'applications LTSP sous Debian
Wheezy (ben oui, quand même...), donc la fréquence n'est pas sans

L'argument contre, ou la crainte donc, est que les quelques Mhz en
moins ne se ressentent sur la vitesse de lancement des applications.

L'argument pour est de dire « Oui, mais le FSB du Clovertown est à
1333 Mhz, contre 1066 Mhz pour le Kentsfield (ce qui est exact), donc
l'un dans l'autre, et globalement, on ne remarquera pas la
différence. »

Z'avez une opinion ?

Sorry pour le HS, mais --- attention : pommade --- je sais qu'il y a
de vrais ninjas capables d'avoir une (bonne) idée sur cette liste :-)

Alors, à vot' bon cœur...

Et merci d'avance, naturellement.



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Re: [Total HS ] Kentsfield vs. Clovertown

2012-05-09 Thread Bzzz
On Wed, 9 May 2012 23:21:14 +0200
JF Straeten wrote:

 À votre avis, remplacer un Xeon X3230 (Kentsfield, 2.66 Ghz) par un
 Xeon E5345 (Clovertown, 2.33 Ghz), ça va se sentir en termes de
 perf' de la machine ?

 L'histoire se passe sur un serveur d'applications LTSP sous Debian
 Wheezy (ben oui, quand même...), donc la fréquence n'est pas sans

si tu veux plus de patate, installe plutôt un CPU 8 (ou plus) cores
que de jouer sur le même type et vérifie bien que la RAM est
largement suffisante.
dans le cas de LTSP on parle plus de traitements parallèles que de
perfs pures (ou alors tu installes le dernier modèle, mais il troue
la poche plus que le cul:)

 L'argument contre, ou la crainte donc, est que les quelques Mhz en
 moins ne se ressentent sur la vitesse de lancement des
 L'argument pour est de dire « Oui, mais le FSB du Clovertown est à
 1333 Mhz, contre 1066 Mhz pour le Kentsfield (ce qui est exact),
 donc l'un dans l'autre, et globalement, on ne remarquera pas la
 différence. »
 Z'avez une opinion ?

oui: garde ton blé.

In every non-trivial program there is at least one bug.

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Re: [Total HS ] Kentsfield vs. Clovertown

2012-05-09 Thread JF Straeten


On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 12:01:30AM +0200, Bzzz wrote:

 si tu veux plus de patate, installe plutôt un CPU 8 (ou plus) cores

Ça fait partie de la réflexion : le E5345 est DP, donc on pourrait lui
coller un petit frère aucazou.

 dans le cas de LTSP on parle plus de traitements parallèles que de
 perfs pures


 (ou alors tu installes le dernier modèle, mais il troue la poche
 plus que le cul:)

Ça a le mérite d'être clair ;)

  L'argument pour est de dire « Oui, mais le FSB du Clovertown est à
  1333 Mhz, contre 1066 Mhz pour le Kentsfield (ce qui est exact),
  donc l'un dans l'autre, et globalement, on ne remarquera pas la
  différence. »
  Z'avez une opinion ?
 oui: garde ton blé.

On dédouble un setup, donc il faut ;)

Mais le but n'est pas de faire mieux : il faut juste ne pas régresser
pour ceux qui se retrouveraient sur le E5345.

Merci pour la réponse.



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Re: [Total HS ] Kentsfield vs. Clovertown

2012-05-09 Thread Bzzz
On Thu, 10 May 2012 00:18:08 +0200
JF Straeten wrote:

 On dédouble un setup, donc il faut ;)

Grumpf, tu pouvais pas le dire tt de suite??
 Mais le but n'est pas de faire mieux : il faut juste ne pas
 régresser pour ceux qui se retrouveraient sur le E5345.

D'après les specs, ça devrait être à peu près kif.

Every journalist has a novel in him, which is an excellent place for

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Re: [Total HS ] Kentsfield vs. Clovertown

2012-05-09 Thread JF Straeten


On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 12:26:26AM +0200, Bzzz wrote:

  On dédouble un setup, donc il faut ;)
 Grumpf, tu pouvais pas le dire tt de suite??

Si, j'aurais pu, c'est vrai :-)

  Mais le but n'est pas de faire mieux : il faut juste ne pas
  régresser pour ceux qui se retrouveraient sur le E5345.
 D'après les specs, ça devrait être à peu près kif.

Il me semble aussi ; c'est pour dissiper une inquiétude résiduelle.




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Installation Debian

2012-05-09 Thread Yannick VOYEAUD

Y aurait-il un Debianiste près de Vienne (38) pour me faire un cd ou une
clef usb pour faire une installation de Squeeze?

Les cd et clefs que j'ai ne marchent pas et cela commencent à m'énerver.

Je peux me déplacer sur la très proche région seulement pour le moment
(j'ai une patte folle)


Nul n'a droit au superflu tant que chacun n'a pas son nécessaire
(Camille JOUFFRAY 1841-1924, maire de Vienne)
Créateur CimGenWeb:
Journées du Logiciel Libre:

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Script querys, insert, update para mysql

2012-05-09 Thread Maykel Franco Hernández

Hola muy buenas, quería saber si hay alguna herramienta de testeo
para mysql. Tengo implementado mysql-cluster y quería realizar unas
cargas para ver cómo se comporta. He pensado en realizar un script con
un for para que realice consultas, insert y demás pero quería saber si
hay algún software de testeo que me permita hacer esto. 

Saludos y
gracias de antemano. 

Re: Script querys, insert, update para mysql

2012-05-09 Thread Juan Sierra Pons
On May 9, 2012 12:11 PM, Maykel Franco Hernández

 Hola muy buenas, quería saber si hay alguna herramienta de testeo para
mysql. Tengo implementado mysql-cluster y quería realizar unas cargas para
ver cómo se comporta. He pensado en realizar un script con un for para que
realice consultas, insert y demás pero quería saber si hay algún software
de testeo que me permita hacer esto.

 Saludos y gracias de antemano.


Voy a hacer un poco de spam... :-P

Puedes usar el ejemplo del link y modificarlo a tu gusto, poner sentencias
SQL de control, algun time para ver cuanto tiempo tardan las consultas,
etc. Al hacerlo tu mismo las posibilidades son las que tu quieras o las que
tu tiempo te permita. ;-)

Por su puesto, le daria un vistazo al mysqltuner.

Espero que te sirva.


Pd: Que no se te olvide comentarnos al final por que solucion te decantas.

Re: Script querys, insert, update para mysql

2012-05-09 Thread Maykel Franco Hernández

El 09/05/12 12:47, Juan Sierra Pons escribió:

On May 9, 2012 12:11 PM, Maykel Franco Hernández wrote:

 Hola muy buenas, quería saber si hay alguna herramienta de testeo 
para mysql. Tengo implementado mysql-cluster y quería realizar unas 
cargas para ver cómo se comporta. He pensado en realizar un script con 
un for para que realice consultas, insert y demás pero quería saber si 
hay algún software de testeo que me permita hacer esto.

 Saludos y gracias de antemano.


Voy a hacer un poco de spam... :-P

Puedes usar el ejemplo del link y modificarlo a tu gusto, poner 
sentencias SQL de control, algun time para ver cuanto tiempo tardan 
las consultas, etc. Al hacerlo tu mismo las posibilidades son las que 
tu quieras o las que tu tiempo te permita. ;-)

Por su puesto, le daria un vistazo al mysqltuner.

Espero que te sirva.


Pd: Que no se te olvide comentarnos al final por que solucion te decantas.

Muchas gracais Juan. También he encontrado el mysql benchmark por si a 
alguien le interesa.

Saludos y gracias de nuevo, buen script.

Re: Script querys, insert, update para mysql

2012-05-09 Thread Juan Sierra Pons
On May 9, 2012 12:55 PM, Maykel Franco Hernández

 El 09/05/12 12:47, Juan Sierra Pons escribió:

 On May 9, 2012 12:11 PM, Maykel Franco Hernández wrote:
  Hola muy buenas, quería saber si hay alguna herramienta de testeo para
mysql. Tengo implementado mysql-cluster y quería realizar unas cargas para
ver cómo se comporta. He pensado en realizar un script con un for para que
realice consultas, insert y demás pero quería saber si hay algún software
de testeo que me permita hacer esto.
  Saludos y gracias de antemano.


 Voy a hacer un poco de spam... :-P

 Puedes usar el ejemplo del link y modificarlo a tu gusto, poner
sentencias SQL de control, algun time para ver cuanto tiempo tardan las
consultas, etc. Al hacerlo tu mismo las posibilidades son las que tu
quieras o las que tu tiempo te permita. ;-)

 Por su puesto, le daria un vistazo al mysqltuner.

 Espero que te sirva.


 Pd: Que no se te olvide comentarnos al final por que solucion te

 Muchas gracais Juan. También he encontrado el mysql benchmark por si a
alguien le interesa.

 Saludos y gracias de nuevo, buen script.


Cre que me he colado. El mysqltuner se tiene que ejecutar en local, asi que
no se como ira en entornos  cluster.


Re: Quiero saber acerca de como ser Desarrolador debian

2012-05-09 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El día 9 de mayo de 2012 02:28, Ricardo Cruz Navarro escribió:
 Hola a todos,

 hace tiempo he querido colaborar con debian pero por, yo supongo, mi
 decidia, no he podido atraverme a hacer algo para aportar.

 Y es que me he dado a entender que una buena opción es reportar bugs, y sí
 le he encontrado, pero tengo la idea de que para eso debes de reportarlos en
 inglés de preferencia, y yo soy muy flojo para el inglés, si escribo en
 inglés pero muy muy poco. Reportarlos en español, aunque sé que es mejor
 algo a nada, se me hace una grosería. Otro problema es que no le entiendo
 bien como tienen documentados los bugs... etc etc, de hecho esto lo comento
 sólo para aclarar, aunque de manera muy informal, que no me gustaría en lo
 personal ayudar a esto en debian... no es lo mio, siento que hay cosas que
 me agradan más y en las que podría ser de mayor ayuda.

 En particular me gustaría colaborar programando, bueno, aportando
 modificaciones o desarrollando algún software, sin embargo aún estoy en
 proceso de aprendizaje y soy consciente de que es algo que me queda algo
 queda algo grande (desarrollar software)
 así que pienso más conveniente resolver bugs, pero para eso no sé por donde
 empezar (aunque tengo entendido que hay un lugar donde se lleva el registro
 de todos los bugs encontrados).

 La razón por la que me quisiera colaborar con algo de programación es porque
 me fascina hacerlo, aunque estoy en disposición en ayudar en otras cosas...
 como por ejemplo, diseño.

 Bien, entonces, quisiera que me respondieran que alternativas me podrían
 hacer ver y que nivel requiero o que me exige cada una de ellas.

 No sé como medir mis niveles de conocimiento, sin embargo se mover cositas
 en lenguaje c, c++, python, pascal...

 De hecho aunque sé muy poco de lisp, me encantaría aportar con programación
 en lisp, pues me parece un lenguaje super interesante.

 De antemano gracias y disculpen por mi flojera al inglés (programar implica
 saberse palabras en inglés, pero fuera de esas palabras, no me gusta éste
 idioma para comunicarme con otras personas) que es, de hecho, lo que más me
 ha frenado para unirme a colaborar en debian.

 P.D. a la larga me gustaría ser un desarrollador en debian. O bueno, en
 algún proyecto aplicación de software libre (no necesariamente una distro,
 que de hecho, en distros, la que me más me agrada es debian, por eso quiero
 desarrollarme en ella).

fijate aquí, especialmente el primer capítulo tiene enlaces a mas

como extra te diría: agarrá un paquete chiquito que te guste, buscá
que problemas tiene (en ), elegí el mas fácil
de esos problemas.
Resolvelo y mandá el parche. Entonces entrás en contacto con el
mantenedor del paquete, resolvé mas cosas, y volvé al primer capítulo
del manual que te mandé, buscá la parte de 'mentores'

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Re: Quiero saber acerca de como ser Desarrolador debian

2012-05-09 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El día 9 de mayo de 2012 08:50, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:
 El día 9 de mayo de 2012 02:28, Ricardo Cruz Navarro escribió:
 Hola a todos,

 hace tiempo he querido colaborar con debian pero por, yo supongo, mi
 decidia, no he podido atraverme a hacer algo para aportar.

 P.D. a la larga me gustaría ser un desarrollador en debian. O bueno, en
 algún proyecto aplicación de software libre (no necesariamente una distro,
 que de hecho, en distros, la que me más me agrada es debian, por eso quiero
 desarrollarme en ella).

 fijate aquí, especialmente el primer capítulo tiene enlaces a mas

 como extra te diría: agarrá un paquete chiquito que te guste, buscá
 que problemas tiene (en ), elegí el mas fácil
 de esos problemas.
 Resolvelo y mandá el parche. Entonces entrás en contacto con el
 mantenedor del paquete, resolvé mas cosas, y volvé al primer capítulo
 del manual que te mandé, buscá la parte de 'mentores'

pd: el inglés es una especie de lingua franca, especialmente en
informática y con gente repartida por buena parte del mundo... así que
vas a tener que pensarlo como un mal necesario. En todo caso a mi me
molestan mas cosas como esta:
(buildear, que fue eso)

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Agregar una impresora en Debian 6

2012-05-09 Thread luis

Buenos dias a todos, tengo una duda o m,ejor dicho no se como agregar
una impresora para Imprimir desde Debian 6

Alguien sbe como, pues no la detecta automaticamente ni nada

como hacer para agregarla ???

Agradezco a todos la ayuda

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Re: [OT]pido Ayuda a todos con acceso a internet

2012-05-09 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 08 May 2012 19:51:13 +0200, J.Alejandro Martinez Linares escribió:

Alejandro... has vuelto a secuestrar un hilo, lo cual me hace pensar que:

1/ No sabes qué es lo que estás haciendo mal
2/ O es que sencillamente no te importa

Sinceramente, espero que sea la primera opción y espero que pongas un 
poco de parte para que no vuelva a pasar (si no sabes cómo hacerlo algo o 
no sabes qué es lo que haces mal, pregunta en la lista o en privado) :-(

 Hola gente me pueden ayudar con algo, es que necesito un componente o
 codigo para implementar un menú desplegable en prado framework , pero me
 hace falta bajar un comprimido que se llama Navigator.rar que pesa solo
 1.7kb si alguien pudiera bajarlo y enviarmelo a mi mail lo agradeceria
 mucho, gracias de antemano.,7222.0.html

Deberías buscarte alguna persona que te gestione estas cosas :-/



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Re: [OT] jabber/XMPP de america del sur

2012-05-09 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El mié, 09-05-2012 a las 00:58 -0300, Fabián Bonetti escribió: 
 Hola aquí esta la salida oficial al publico
 resumo un poco. Es un servidor Prosody en América del sur, en Argentina... 
 Estuvo años en modo privado, pero al caer el de me dio mucha 
 pena ya que era 
 uno que usaba y estaba en el sur. Por eso libere este.
 Hasta el momento el único servidor jabber/XMPP operativo en la región.

querrás decir el único público, porque yo vi varios jabber operativos en
varias empresas... 
(ot: solo me falta entender quien fue el que corrió la voz -entre
gerentes y tal- que intranet = chat interno, pero es algo muy común en
mi ciudad (salta, argentina, sudamérica, etc...))


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Re: Agregar una impresora en Debian 6

2012-05-09 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El mié, 09-05-2012 a las 08:00 -0400, escribió: 
 Buenos dias a todos, tengo una duda o m,ejor dicho no se como agregar
 una impresora para Imprimir desde Debian 6
 Alguien sbe como, pues no la detecta automaticamente ni nada
 como hacer para agregarla ???
 Agradezco a todos la ayuda

apt-get install cups

y podés encontrar instrucciones específicas para tu impresora en

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Re: Agregar una impresora en Debian 6

2012-05-09 Thread Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco
El 9 de mayo de 2012 08:13, Gonzalo Rivero escribió:

 El mié, 09-05-2012 a las 08:00 -0400, escribió:
  Buenos dias a todos, tengo una duda o m,ejor dicho no se como agregar
  una impresora para Imprimir desde Debian 6
  Alguien sbe como, pues no la detecta automaticamente ni nada
  como hacer para agregarla ???
  Agradezco a todos la ayuda

 apt-get install cups

 y podés encontrar instrucciones específicas para tu impresora en

Hola, para extender un poco mas la respuesta:

En debian como en cualquier otra distro las impresoras son manejadas
a través del servidor CUPS, ¿por qué un servidor? bueno porque así
puedes imprimir en tu máquina desde internet o cualquier otra red como
redes windows y a través de distintos protocolos, es muy poderoso.

Deberás entonces consultar si tu impresora está soportada, esto es en si lo está es probable que tu controlador
o archivo ppd esté en los paquetes de debian, si es una HP con los hplip
seguro tendrás, luego deberás entrar a la dirección local que te dieron antes,
en ese puerto corre la interface web del servidor cups y desde allí configuras
tu impresora, es muy intuitiva así que no creo que tengas problemas.

Estaría bien que nos contaras que impresora tienes, sin embargo creo que con
esta información ya podrías seguir tu mismo, a no ser que tengas una canon
o una epson de las nuevas, esas dan algo de problema.


              Blog de Haldrik

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Re: Quiero saber acerca de como ser Desarrolador debian

2012-05-09 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 09 May 2012 00:28:58 -0500, Ricardo Cruz Navarro escribió:

 Hola a todos,

Hola, evita el uso del html en los mensajes, gracias :-)

 hace tiempo he querido colaborar con debian pero por, yo supongo, mi
 decidia, no he podido atraverme a hacer algo para aportar.
 Y es que me he dado a entender que una buena opción es reportar bugs, y
 sí le he encontrado, pero tengo la idea de que para eso debes de
 reportarlos en inglés de preferencia, y yo soy muy flojo para el inglés,
 si escribo en inglés pero muy muy poco. 

Pues entonces lo vas a pasar muy mal colaborando en proyectos libres, la 
mayoría de las cosas requieren que al menos que tengas un buen nivel de 
compresión del inglés :-(

 Reportarlos en español, aunque sé que es mejor algo a nada, se me hace
 una grosería. Otro problema es que no le entiendo bien como tienen
 documentados los bugs... etc etc, de hecho esto lo comento sólo para
 aclarar, aunque de manera muy informal, que no me gustaría en lo
 personal ayudar a esto en debian... no es lo mio, siento que hay cosas
 que me agradan más y en las que podría ser de mayor ayuda.

Los informes de fallo en español seguramente sean rechazados, 

 En particular me gustaría colaborar programando, bueno, aportando
 modificaciones o desarrollando algún software, sin embargo aún estoy en
 proceso de aprendizaje y soy consciente de que es algo que me queda algo
 queda algo grande (desarrollar software) así que pienso más conveniente
 resolver bugs, pero para eso no sé por donde empezar (aunque tengo
 entendido que hay un lugar donde se lleva el registro de todos los bugs


 P.D. a la larga me gustaría ser un desarrollador en debian. O bueno, en
 algún proyecto aplicación de software libre (no necesariamente una
 distro, que de hecho, en distros, la que me más me agrada es debian, por
 eso quiero desarrollarme en ella).

Puedes empezar por este enlace, creo que está todo bastante bien agrupado:



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Re: Agregar una impresora en Debian 6

2012-05-09 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 09 May 2012 08:00:13 -0400, luis escribió:

 Buenos dias a todos, tengo una duda o m,ejor dicho no se como agregar
 una impresora para Imprimir desde Debian 6
 Alguien sbe como, pues no la detecta automaticamente ni nada
 como hacer para agregarla ???

http://localhost:631 y sigue los pasos del asistente para añadir una 



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[OT] ISC DHCP Server. Ejemplo del uso de option user-class.

2012-05-09 Thread Ramses II
Buenas tardes a todos,

Lo he marcado como OT, por si las...

Estoy montando un DHCP Server y un TFTP Server, mediante el cual se
hace provisioning de las configuraciones de ciertos equipos.

Esto está funcionando, el tema es que quiero que, dependiendo del
Identificador de Usuario, lo que es el option user-class, del ISC
DHCP, u option 77, en otros DHCP Servers, se den unos parámetros u
otros por el ISC DHCP Server, bien un TFTP Server distinto, o el
fichero de arranque distinto (Option 66 y 67)...

¿Ha usado alguien esa opción option user-class en el ISC DHCP Server?

Saludos y gracias,


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Re: [OT] ISC DHCP Server. Ejemplo del uso de option user-class.

2012-05-09 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 09 May 2012 17:36:58 +0200, Ramses II escribió:

 Estoy montando un DHCP Server y un TFTP Server, mediante el cual se hace
 provisioning de las configuraciones de ciertos equipos.
 Esto está funcionando, el tema es que quiero que, dependiendo del
 Identificador de Usuario, lo que es el option user-class, del ISC
 DHCP, u option 77, en otros DHCP Servers, se den unos parámetros u
 otros por el ISC DHCP Server, bien un TFTP Server distinto, o el fichero
 de arranque distinto (Option 66 y 67)...
 ¿Ha usado alguien esa opción option user-class en el ISC DHCP Server?

No lo he tenido que usar pero parece que tienes un ejemplo en el mismo 
manual, man dhcp-options y también en man 5 dhcpd-eval.



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[OT] Venta Portatil

2012-05-09 Thread Diego Fernando Malavera Lopez
Hola Lista

Espero no les moleste este mensaje

A las personas que vivan en colombia,

Estoy vendiendo mi portatil. Tiene instalado Debian GNU/Linux squeeze

Es un lenovo G475

Tiene 2GB de ram
Procesador AMD
Graficos ATI Radeon
320 Disco duro


Linux version 2.6.32-5-686 (Debian 2.6.32-41squeeze2) (
(gcc version 4.3.5 (Debian 4.3.5-4) ) #1 SMP Mon Mar 26 05:20:33 UTC 2012


00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device 1510
00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 9802
00:11.0 SATA controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 SATA Controller
[AHCI mode]
00:12.0 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 USB OHCI0
00:12.2 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 USB EHCI Controller
00:13.0 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 USB OHCI0
00:13.2 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 USB EHCI Controller
00:14.0 SMBus: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 SMBus Controller (rev 42)
00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)
00:14.3 ISA bridge: ATI Technologies Inc SB700/SB800 LPC host controller
(rev 40)
00:14.4 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 PCI to PCI Bridge (rev 40)
00:15.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc Device 43a0
00:15.1 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc Device 43a1
00:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor
Function 0 (rev 43)
00:18.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor
Function 1
00:18.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor
Function 2
00:18.3 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor
Function 3
00:18.4 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor
Function 4
00:18.5 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor
Function 6
00:18.6 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor
Function 5
00:18.7 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 12h/14h Processor
Function 7
02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications AR8152 v2.0 Fast
Ethernet (rev c1)
03:00.0 Network controller: RaLink RT3090 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe


MemTotal:1663516 kB
MemFree:  607108 kB
Buffers:   33088 kB
Cached:   593416 kB
SwapCached:0 kB
Active:   394424 kB
Inactive: 525396 kB
Active(anon): 293476 kB
Inactive(anon):  132 kB
Active(file): 100948 kB
Inactive(file):   525264 kB
Unevictable:   0 kB
Mlocked:   0 kB
HighTotal:777516 kB

HighFree:   1240

LowTotal: 886000

LowFree:  605868 kB
SwapTotal: 0 kB
SwapFree:  0 kB
Dirty:68 kB
Writeback: 0 kB
AnonPages:293308 kB
Mapped:   166192 kB
Shmem:   300 kB
Slab:  21264 kB
SReclaimable:  11056 kB
SUnreclaim:10208 kB
KernelStack:2032 kB
PageTables: 3704 kB
NFS_Unstable:  0 kB
Bounce:0 kB
WritebackTmp:  0 kB
CommitLimit:  831756 kB
Committed_AS:1148244 kB
VmallocTotal: 122880 kB
VmallocUsed:   24976 kB
VmallocChunk:  89532 kB
HardwareCorrupted: 0 kB
HugePages_Total:   0
Hugepagesize:   4096 kB
DirectMap4k:   12280 kB
DirectMap4M:  892928 kB


processor   : 0
vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
cpu family  : 20
model   : 2
model name  : AMD E-300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
stepping: 0
cpu MHz : 1296.719
cache size  : 512 KB
physical id : 0
siblings: 2
core id : 0
cpu cores   : 2
apicid  : 0
initial apicid  : 0
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 6
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca
cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx mmxext fxsr_opt
pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc nonstop_tsc extd_apicid pni monitor ssse3
cx16 popcnt lahf_lm cmp_legacy svm extapic cr8_legacy abm sse4a misalignsse
3dnowprefetch ibs skinit wdt arat
bogomips: 2593.43
clflush size: 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: ts ttp tm stc 100mhzsteps hwpstate

processor   : 1
vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
cpu family  : 20
model   : 2
model name  : AMD E-300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
stepping: 0
cpu MHz : 1296.719
cache size  : 512 KB
physical id : 0
siblings: 2
core id : 1
cpu cores   : 2
apicid  : 1
initial apicid  : 1
fdiv_bug: no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug: no
coma_bug: no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 6
wp  : yes

como instalar los repositorios o mirror en debian

2012-05-09 Thread diego perez
Ayuda por favor necesito  instalar los repositorios o mirror en debian en
mi lapto de forma local

que yo pueda tener todos los paquetes en mi partatil

Re: [OT] Venta Portatil

2012-05-09 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 09 May 2012 11:15:28 -0500, Diego Fernando Malavera Lopez

 Hola Lista
 Espero no les moleste este mensaje
 A las personas que vivan en colombia,
 Estoy vendiendo mi portatil. Tiene instalado Debian GNU/Linux squeeze


¿Precio y años? 

¿Salida de smartctl -A /dev/sda?




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Re: como instalar los repositorios o mirror en debian

2012-05-09 Thread Diego Fernando Malavera Lopez
Hola Instala debmirror

y ejecuta

debmirror --debug --nosource --progress --verbose --method=rsync --dist=squeeze
--section=main,contrib,non-free --ignore-missing-release
--rsync-options=-aIL /path/to/debianmirror


El 9 de mayo de 2012 11:20, diego perez escribió:

 Ayuda por favor necesito  instalar los repositorios o mirror en debian en
 mi lapto de forma local

 que yo pueda tener todos los paquetes en mi partatil

Diego Fernando Malavera Lopez


Re: como instalar los repositorios o mirror en debian

2012-05-09 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 09 May 2012 11:50:44 -0430, diego perez escribió:

(sin html, por favor)

 Ayuda por favor necesito  instalar los repositorios o mirror en debian
 en mi lapto de forma local

Supongo que lo que querrás es crear un mirror local ¿no?

 que yo pueda tener todos los paquetes en mi partatil

Una cosa es tener los paquetes en bruto y otra cosa es crear un mirror 
para que cualquier equipo de la red pueda instalar paquetes desde tu 
ordenador. Si buscas lo segundo:



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Ayuda con Drivers de Audio Intel

2012-05-09 Thread Carlos Carcamo
Un caluroso saludo a toda la comunidad...

Estoy feliz de estar usando debian, soy bastante nuevo en esto y me ha
costado adaptarme pero ya me estoy a costumbrando y lo mejor me gusta

Tengo instalado debian squeeze estable pero he tenido problemas con el
audio, supuestamente alsa esta funcionando (les dejo una captura), pero no
escucho nada, parece que hay algun problema, he buscado en muchos foros
pero nadie da una solución factible, mas aun con lo poco que se de
GNU/LINUX aveces me cuesta entender los comandos que sugieren en los foros,
ya que no tengo una clara idea de su funcion..

Adicionalmente me gustaría que me ayudaran con los divers de internet de
Banda Ancha móvil que mi minilaptop tiene integrada, que igualmente he
buscado y no encuentro como configurarlos y activar el internet 3g.

les dejos los detalles de mi computadora:

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation N10 Family DMI Bridge
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated
Graphics Controller
00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated
Graphics Controller
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition
Audio Controller (rev 02)
00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family PCI Express Port 1
(rev 02)
00:1c.1 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family PCI Express Port 2
(rev 02)
00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB UHCI
Controller #1 (rev 02)
00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB UHCI
Controller #2 (rev 02)
00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB UHCI
Controller #3 (rev 02)
00:1d.3 USB Controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB UHCI
Controller #4 (rev 02)
00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB2 EHCI
Controller (rev 02)
00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev e2)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation NM10 Family LPC Controller (rev 02)
00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH7 Family SATA AHCI
Controller (rev 02)
00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family SMBus Controller (rev 02)
01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 04)
01:00.1 Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device
5288 (rev 01)
02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n
Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)

Les pido de favor que me ayuden a solucionar los problemas anteriores...

De antemano muchas gracias a todos...

Re: offtopic - notebook novo pra uso com debian

2012-05-09 Thread YH7NNUX NITROGEN
 Placa de vídeo
Integrada, com tecnologia Intel® GMA HD
Olha aconselharia você comprar um com uma Nvidia  , porque vai ficar mais
fácil de instalar o driver , o resto ta muito bom.

Re: offtopic - notebook novo pra uso com debian

2012-05-09 Thread Luis Augusto
Sem ser chato mas já sendo: isso não é um ultrabook. :)

Em 8 de maio de 2012 17:55, Bruno Buys escreveu:

 Estou pesquisando um notebook novo pra usar com debian. Estou interessado
 nesse ultrabook samsung (
 Queria saber se alguém tem experiencia de rodar debian nele, ou qualquer
 outra distro? O resto do hardware parece ser intel também, o que pra mim já
 é uma garantia de dor de cabeça mínima. Enfim, só consultando a lista para
 me precaver.


Re: offtopic - notebook novo pra uso com debian

2012-05-09 Thread Listeiro 037
Em Wed, 9 May 2012 15:27:18 -0300
Sem querer ser mais chato ainda, Samsung com AMD presta?
(Realmente a tela está grande prá Ultrabook, para simplificar à
princípio. Costumam aparecer tamanhos menores nas propagandas.)

Luis Augusto escreveu:

 Sem ser chato mas já sendo: isso não é um ultrabook. :)
 Em 8 de maio de 2012 17:55, Bruno Buys
  Estou pesquisando um notebook novo pra usar com debian. Estou
  interessado nesse ultrabook samsung (
  Queria saber se alguém tem experiencia de rodar debian nele, ou
  qualquer outra distro? O resto do hardware parece ser intel também,
  o que pra mim já é uma garantia de dor de cabeça mínima. Enfim, só
  consultando a lista para me precaver.

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics.
Benjamin Disraeli

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Re: debian 6.0.4 grub installation failed.

2012-05-09 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
ok i used the parted command by mklabel gpt i created the partition
but i want it to be linux raid. please help me to convert it to raid
since i can not find option in parted to make it a fd linux raid
type nor i can find anything related to this topic on google. and
fdisk is not supporting the GPT . so i am stuck kindly help!

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 10:17 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Tue, 08 May 2012 16:02:10 +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 i just bought 2TBx2 Harddrives and a computer for making it a
 centralized archiving server. moving forward everything went well but
 during the installation in RAID creating i noticed that i could not
 change the boot flag  to on  it was off and i hit several enters but
 it stays off. so i just continued with off. now when installation
 completed . setup stops at grup installation and throw an error
 grub-install /dev/sda failed its a fatal error 

 any idea why this?

 i never face this type of error before. please help.

 The error (at least the message because the underlying problem can be
 of a different nature) is documented here:

 Check if the suggested steps help (take care of adjusting the commands
 for your GRUB version).

 Besides, if you are using raid 1 don't forget installing GRUB in both
 disks which are part of the array so the system can be automatically
 booted in the event one of them go down.



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Re: gpg/pgp noise

2012-05-09 Thread Frank Lanitz
Am 08.05.2012 13:11, schrieb Indulekha:
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

This is an inline PGP-signature-block. You only can get rid of in case
of your mail client is understanding inline signatures.
This block includes a checksum crypted with the private key of the
sender so you can check, whether someone has e.g. modified the text or
the text is really sent by, in this case it seems to be Phil, by the


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Re: Re: MySQL 4.0 (sarge) -- MySQL 5.0 (etch) -- Please do REPAIR TABLE

2012-05-09 Thread Rajeev tyagi
Dera Tech,

i m not able to see innodb table on mysql database can you pls help me out

Thanks  regards


Re: gpg/pgp noise

2012-05-09 Thread Jon Dowland
On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 12:29:31PM +1000, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 Bob's PGP signature is valid - yours is not
 You waste our time and bandwidth.

In what way? I can verify Mika's signatures just fine.  The signatures
are valid.

 Bob's key validates his identity - yours does not.
 I can verify that Bob is Bob through a chain of trust.

Why does Mikka's not? It's not impossible for someone to have a trust
path to Mikka. Albeit one step removed, since the signing key he uses
has one signature, from another of his keys - but that one has at
least one. (I haven't managed to construct a trust path to Mikka
myself, since most of the public pathfinder servers don't have his

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Re: gpg/pgp noise

2012-05-09 Thread Jon Dowland
On Tue, May 08, 2012 at 04:15:28PM -0400, Celejar wrote:
 I'm no expert in all this, but can you explain and document what you
 mean by the claim that headers ... must be verified? All emails have
 their headers modified en route (e.g., Received: and Delivered-To
 are added, as are all kinds of X-stuff ones). Does PGP/MIME really
 protect all headers (beyond the MIME ones)? It really breaks if *any*
 headers are modified? Please provide documentation.

Writing off the top of my head, you may wish to verify everything I say ☺
PGP/MIME does not verify the headers, but your mail is a multipart/mime mail,
and it does verify the specific MIME headers that define the encoding for the
signed part.  If the message is decoded, or re-encoded, then these headers can
change (either semantically, if the re-encoding is via a different scheme, or
simply syntactically, afaik whitespace changes etc.)  There's a related problem
where you can't get at the original mail (so: web archives of mailing lists
only give you the decoded bits; I think RT is similar, which is why when
someone needs to submit a ticket to the Debian RT queue, they are told to use
inline PGP:

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Re: gpg/pgp noise

2012-05-09 Thread Jon Dowland
On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 08:23:06AM +0200, Frank Lanitz wrote:
 Am 08.05.2012 13:11, schrieb Indulekha:
  Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
  Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
 This is an inline PGP-signature-block. You only can get rid of in case
 of your mail client is understanding inline signatures.

There are other ways to get rid of it, such as the display_filter techniques
for mutt (which yes, can understand/decode PGP, but you may not configure it to
do so - you may not wish it to!)

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Re: ACPI Menagement

2012-05-09 Thread ricccardo

 Run acpi -V and put here the output.

this is the result:

ric@ricmbp:~$ acpi -V
Battery 0: Discharging, 92%, 01:24:54 remaining
Battery 0: design capacity 4721 mAh, last full capacity 3314 mAh = 70%
Adapter 0: off-line
Cooling 0: Processor 0 of 10
Cooling 1: Processor 0 of 10


On Tue, 2012-05-08 at 17:32 +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Tue, 08 May 2012 00:02:40 +0200, ricccardo wrote:
  I'm a newbie of Debian; I use Debian 6 with a macbook pro and I would
  like to improve the durability of the battery. So I installed powertop
  (1.11) but a message says: no ACPI power usage estimate available. How
  can solve this??
 Google suggests that you have to unplug the power cord to get the 
  From synaptic I see I have installed only the following package: acpi;
  acpi-support-base; acpid.
  Which other packages should I install??
 Run acpi -V and put here the output.

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Re: insmod: error inserting /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-486/kernel/drivers/scsi/aacraid/aacraid.ko : -1 File exists

2012-05-09 Thread Curt
On 2012-05-03, Joey L wrote:

 insmod: error inserting
 /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-486/kernel/drivers/scsi/aacraid/aacraid.ko : -1
 File exists

Does it (is it already loaded)?

lsmod | grep aacraid

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Re: gpg/pgp noise

2012-05-09 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 09/05/12 18:56, Jon Dowland wrote:
 On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 12:29:31PM +1000, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 Bob's PGP signature is valid - yours is not
 You waste our time and bandwidth.
 In what way? I can verify Mika's signatures just fine.  The signatures
 are valid.

All his posts?
Is cutting and pasting a hobby?
Do you between some and all?

 Why does Mikka's not? 

Is that a serious question?

Because there's no chain of trust.

 It's not impossible for someone to have a trust
 path to Mikka. 

Either there is a chain of trust, or there isn't.
Care to commit an opinion?


Iceweasel/Firefox/Chrome/Chromium/Iceape/IE extensions for finding
answers to questions about Debian:-

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Only 3.6gb of 64gb RAM recognized by 64bit squeeze

2012-05-09 Thread Seyyed Mohtadin Hashemi

Before anybody starts arguing that I don't have 64-bit, this is uname -r
and uname -m:
root@n03:~# uname -r
root@n03:~# uname -m

As the subject suggest I have a box that does not utilize the available RAM
installed. I noticed that only 3.6gb RAM was recognized when I got
segmentation faults during a simulation.
The funny thing is that when I remove dims so that only 48gb RAM is
available then it works fine, I did a 'lshw -C memory' and it shows all the
dims at the correct spot (the output is attached). BIOS and memtest show
and successfully test all 64gb.

cat /proc/meminfo shows:
# cat /proc/meminfo
MemTotal:3607688 kB
MemFree: 2802508 kB
Buffers:   0 kB
Cached:   704164 kB
SwapCached:0 kB
Active:25724 kB
Inactive: 684068 kB
Active(anon):   5720 kB
Inactive(anon):0 kB
Active(file):  20004 kB
Inactive(file):   684068 kB
Unevictable:   0 kB
Mlocked:   0 kB
SwapTotal: 0 kB
SwapFree:  0 kB
Dirty: 0 kB
Writeback: 0 kB
AnonPages:  5716 kB
Mapped: 4504 kB
Shmem:92 kB
Slab:  49784 kB
SReclaimable:  29840 kB
SUnreclaim:19944 kB
KernelStack:3464 kB
PageTables: 1196 kB
NFS_Unstable:  0 kB
Bounce:0 kB
WritebackTmp:  0 kB
CommitLimit: 1803844 kB
Committed_AS:  37792 kB
VmallocTotal:   34359738367 kB
VmallocUsed:  283296 kB
VmallocChunk:   34359449396 kB
HardwareCorrupted: 0 kB
HugePages_Total:   0
Hugepagesize:   2048 kB
DirectMap4k:5632 kB
DirectMap2M: 1566720 kB
DirectMap1G: 2097152 kB

Hope somebody can help me fix this, I cannot think of anything that could
cause this

Best regards,
   description: BIOS
   vendor: American Megatrends Inc.
   physical id: 0
   version: 2102 (12/29/2011)
   size: 64KiB
   capacity: 1984KiB
   capabilities: isa pci pnp upgrade shadowing escd cdboot bootselect 
socketedrom edd int13floppy1200 int13floppy720 int13floppy2880 int5printscreen 
int9keyboard int14serial int17printer int10video acpi usb ls120boot zipboot 
   description: L1 cache
   physical id: 5
   slot: L1-Cache
   size: 768KiB
   capacity: 768KiB
   clock: 1GHz (1.0ns)
   capabilities: pipeline-burst internal write-back unified
   description: L2 cache
   physical id: 6
   slot: L2-Cache
   size: 16MiB
   capacity: 16MiB
   clock: 1GHz (1.0ns)
   capabilities: pipeline-burst internal write-back unified
   description: L3 cache
   physical id: 7
   slot: L3-Cache
   size: 12MiB
   capacity: 12MiB
   clock: 1GHz (1.0ns)
   capabilities: pipeline-burst internal write-back unified
   description: L1 cache
   physical id: 9
   slot: L1-Cache
   size: 768KiB
   capacity: 768KiB
   clock: 1GHz (1.0ns)
   capabilities: pipeline-burst internal write-back unified
   description: L2 cache
   physical id: a
   slot: L2-Cache
   size: 16MiB
   capacity: 16MiB
   clock: 1GHz (1.0ns)
   capabilities: pipeline-burst internal write-back unified
   description: L3 cache
   physical id: b
   slot: L3-Cache
   size: 12MiB
   capacity: 12MiB
   clock: 1GHz (1.0ns)
   capabilities: pipeline-burst internal write-back unified
   description: System Memory
   physical id: 3f
   slot: System board or motherboard
   size: 64GiB
  description: DIMM Synchronous 1333 MHz (0.8 ns)
  product: ModulePartNumber00
  vendor: Manufacturer00
  physical id: 0
  serial: SerNum00
  slot: DIMM_A1
  size: 4GiB
  width: 64 bits
  clock: 1333MHz (0.8ns)
  description: DIMM Synchronous 1333 MHz (0.8 ns)
  product: ModulePartNumber01
  vendor: Manufacturer01
  physical id: 1
  serial: SerNum01
  slot: DIMM_A2
  size: 4GiB
  width: 64 bits
  clock: 1333MHz (0.8ns)
  description: DIMM Synchronous 1333 MHz (0.8 ns)
  product: ModulePartNumber02
  vendor: Manufacturer02
  physical id: 2
  serial: SerNum02
  slot: DIMM_B1
  size: 4GiB
  width: 64 bits
  clock: 1333MHz (0.8ns)
  description: DIMM Synchronous 1333 MHz (0.8 ns)
  product: ModulePartNumber03
  vendor: Manufacturer03
  physical id: 3
  serial: SerNum03
  slot: DIMM_B2
  size: 4GiB
  width: 64 bits
  clock: 1333MHz (0.8ns)

Re: gpg/pgp noise

2012-05-09 Thread Mika Suomalainen
09.05.2012 11:56, Jon Dowland kirjoitti:
 On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 12:29:31PM +1000, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 Bob's PGP signature is valid - yours is not
 You waste our time and bandwidth.
 In what way? I can verify Mika's signatures just fine.  The signatures
 are valid.
 Bob's key validates his identity - yours does not.
 I can verify that Bob is Bob through a chain of trust.
 Why does Mikka's not? It's not impossible for someone to have a trust
 path to Mikka. Albeit one step removed, since the signing key he uses
 has one signature, from another of his keys - but that one has at
 least one. (I haven't managed to construct a trust path to Mikka
 myself, since most of the public pathfinder servers don't have his

Because nobody else near Kotka, Finland uses PGP and the nearest CAcert
assurers are after 110KMs from me.

PS. I am back to weird long signatures. I won't comment to this thread
anymore nor to anything else which I haven't written in my signature or

[Mika Suomalainen]( ||
[gpg --keyserver --recv-keys
4DB53CFE82A46728]( ||
[Why do I sign my
emails?]( ||
[Please don't send
HTML.]( ||
[Please don't
toppost]( ||
[This signature]( ||

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Only 3.6gb of 64gb RAM recognized by 64bit squeeze

2012-05-09 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 09/05/12 19:19, Seyyed Mohtadin Hashemi wrote:
 Before anybody starts arguing that I don't have 64-bit, this is uname -r
 and uname -m:
 root@n03 mailto:root@n03:~# uname -r
 root@n03 mailto:root@n03:~# uname -m
 As the subject suggest I have a box that does not utilize the available
 RAM installed. I noticed that only 3.6gb RAM was recognized when I got
 segmentation faults during a simulation.
 The funny thing is that when I remove dims so that only 48gb RAM is
 available then it works fine, I did a 'lshw -C memory' and it shows all
 the dims at the correct spot (the output is attached). BIOS and memtest
 show and successfully test all 64gb.


What is the RAM slot arrangement? 8xdouble slots?

What was the arrangement of the sticks when you got 48GB to show?

Did it matter which sticks you used (for the 48GB)?

Did it matter where those sticks were (for the 48GB)?

What is your motherboard?

Is this problem recent - or has it always been like this?


It looks like all the RAM sticks are identical - is that the case?

Kind regards

Iceweasel/Firefox/Chrome/Chromium/Iceape/IE extensions for finding
answers to questions about Debian:-

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Re: gpg/pgp noise

2012-05-09 Thread Jon Dowland
On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 07:20:15PM +1000, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 On 09/05/12 18:56, Jon Dowland wrote:
  In what way? I can verify Mika's signatures just fine.  The signatures
  are valid.
 All his posts?
 Is cutting and pasting a hobby?
 Do you between some and all?

The ones I've bothered to verify, via '|gpg --verify' in mutt. So not all
of them. I haven't done any copy-and-pasting. Or do you mean something else?

 Because there's no chain of trust.

Confirmed? (you've trimmed my initial investigation which indicates he
has at least one signatory.)

  It's not impossible for someone to have a trust
  path to Mikka. 
 Either there is a chain of trust, or there isn't.

Indeed, but

 Care to commit an opinion?

As I think my message made quite clear, I haven't ruled it out as possible
nor seen anyone else do so. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

It's also worth pointing out that, if Mikka manages to strengthen his web
of trust in the future, we can then verify his signed messages in the past.

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Re: Re: backported libreoffice minus its autospellcheck

2012-05-09 Thread Clive Standbridge
 Yes I do have myspell installed ;- ... locate myspell
 From which can be see that I have an english -GB list but no
 dictionary, and searching the web I cant find a specific Gb
 dictionary, do you know of one please?

Apparently the .list and .postrm files in /var/lib/dpkg/info can be
left behind by packages which have been removed - I have examples of
that for other packages.

Looking at your list of files and the links below (and assuming that
your locate database is up to date), I suspect that you may have
installed myspell-en-gb and myspell-en-us and subsequently removed
them, and now have hunspell-en-us installed.

Perhaps you could check that by running

dpkg -l hunspell-en-us myspell-en-gb myspell-en-us

 Yes the autocheck button is ticked, but its still only working
 intermittently, not all the time unfortunately.

Unfortunately nothing above explains intermittent working. If you can
identify a repeatable pattern of behaviour then you could report a bug.


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Re: Only 3.6gb of 64gb RAM recognized by 64bit squeeze

2012-05-09 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-05-09 at 11:19 +0200, Seyyed Mohtadin Hashemi wrote:
 Before anybody starts arguing that I don't have 64-bit, this is uname
 -r and uname -m:
 root@n03:~# uname -r
 root@n03:~# uname -m
 As the subject suggest I have a box that does not utilize the
 available RAM installed. I noticed that only 3.6gb RAM was recognized
 when I got segmentation faults during a simulation. 
 The funny thing is that when I remove dims so that only 48gb RAM is
 available then it works fine, I did a 'lshw -C memory' and it shows
 all the dims at the correct spot (the output is attached). BIOS and
 memtest show and successfully test all 64gb.

A lot of people do have this issue on different distros. I noticed that
256MB of my 4GB where missing on 64-bit, while for a 32-bit PAE there
where 4GB.
I couldn't find a cause or solution in the Internet.

On my machine I found out, that I'm using a NVIDIA graphics that has
256MB own RAM, but the proprietary settings thingy does show that it has
got 512MB available. Perhaps your framebuffer is 60GB large :D. I've got
no idea why this happened.


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Re: gpg/pgp noise

2012-05-09 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-05-09 at 09:56 +0100, Jon Dowland wrote:
 On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 12:29:31PM +1000, Scott Ferguson wrote:
  Bob's PGP signature is valid - yours is not
  You waste our time and bandwidth.
 In what way? I can verify Mika's signatures just fine.  The signatures
 are valid.
  Bob's key validates his identity - yours does not.
  I can verify that Bob is Bob through a chain of trust.
 Why does Mikka's not? It's not impossible for someone to have a trust
 path to Mikka. Albeit one step removed, since the signing key he uses
 has one signature, from another of his keys - but that one has at
 least one. (I haven't managed to construct a trust path to Mikka
 myself, since most of the public pathfinder servers don't have his

The signature of Tiberius was trusted by Pilatus and Herodes. The
signature of Philippus wasn't trusted by Lysanias or anybody els.

I couldn't find a key on public servers for Hannas and Kaiphas, but
fortunately the key of Johannes is available and the signature is
trusted by Zacharias.

I've got some nice examples for signatures similar to this one:

On Wed, 2012-05-09 at 08:23 +0200, Frank Lanitz wrote:
Am 08.05.2012 13:11, schrieb Indulekha:
  Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
  Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

I'll post my top 100 tomorrow on this list.

Would this be ok for you? If not, would it be ok if I just post my top

Or would it be a good idea t close this thread?


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Re: Graphic problem on Debian testing installed on Dell Optiplex 960

2012-05-09 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Wed, 9 May 2012 14:06:30 +0900, Johan wrote in message

 Under kernel 3.2.0-2, I have:
 *dmesg |grep modeset
 [7.111909] [drm] radeon kernel modesetting enabled.
 [7.112268] [drm] initializing kernel modesetting (RV620
 0x1002:0x95C5 0x1028:0x0342).
 *dmesg |grep radeon
 [7.111909] [drm] radeon kernel modesetting enabled.
 [7.111991] radeon :01:00.0: PCI INT A - GSI 16 (level, low)
 - IRQ 16 [7.111997] radeon :01:00.0: setting latency timer
 to 64 [7.112558] radeon :01:00.0: VRAM: 256M
 0x - 0x0FFF (256M used)
 [7.112561] radeon :01:00.0: GTT: 512M 0x1000 -
 [7.115303] [drm] radeon: 256M of VRAM memory ready
 [7.115304] [drm] radeon: 512M of GTT memory ready.
 [7.115368] radeon :01:00.0: irq 50 for MSI/MSI-X
 [7.115373] radeon :01:00.0: radeon: using MSI.
 [7.115404] [drm] radeon: irq initialized.
 [7.581930] radeon :01:00.0: WB enabled
 [7.613104] [drm] radeon: ib pool ready.
 [7.613633] [drm] radeon: power management initialized
 [7.752123] fbcon: radeondrmfb (fb0) is primary device
 [8.177088] fb0: radeondrmfb frame buffer device
 [8.177095] [drm] Initialized radeon 2.12.0 20080528 for
 :01:00.0 on minor 0
 This looks fine, does it ?

..yup, you have everything working allright now?

 Do you want me to run the same commands on kernel 2.6.32-5 ?

..your problem, your thread, your decision. ;o)

 2012/5/8 Arnt Karlsen
  On Tue, 8 May 2012 13:23:29 +0900, Johan wrote in message
  I installed firmware-linux, firmware-linus-non-free, libdrm2 and
  libdrm-radeon1. I think that radeon is starting with KMS because
  there is a file called radeon-kms.conf in /etc/modprobe.d/ that
  contains options radeon modeset=1.
  ..verify that with e.g. 'dmesg |grep modeset' or 'dmesg |grep
  radeon' or some such search.
  This fixed the problem for kernels 3.2.0-1 and 3.2.0-2.
  There is however still a problem with kernel 2.6.32-5 : rectangle
  of random black and white pixels disappeared but gnome login screen
  doesn't work. I don't know if Debian want to fix this or not. If
  yes, I would be glad to help in terms of testing.
  Thanks a lot for your help.

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: gpg/pgp noise

2012-05-09 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-05-09 at 10:39 +0100, Jon Dowland wrote:
 we can then verify his signed messages in the past

Why should anybody be interested in verifying any mailing list mail?
Somebody might change the content of mails without signature?
So we should ensure that somebody really finished the mail with Cheers
and not with Ciao?

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Re: debian 6.0.4 grub installation failed.

2012-05-09 Thread Darac Marjal
On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 11:15:43AM +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 ok i used the parted command by mklabel gpt i created the partition
 but i want it to be linux raid. please help me to convert it to raid
 since i can not find option in parted to make it a fd linux raid
 type nor i can find anything related to this topic on google. and

Really? I searched for parted raid (without quotes) and the first
result I got was section 7 of the parted manual. That seems quite

 fdisk is not supporting the GPT . so i am stuck kindly help!

Description: Digital signature

Re: Iceweasel 10.0.4 problem

2012-05-09 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Tue, 8 May 2012 17:19:07 -0400, Kjetil wrote in message

 This is wheezy+some sid system, amd64. Yesterday I did update with
 synaptic, and new version of Iceweasel was installed, 10.0.4
 And now the laptop is noising all the time, being unresponsive also.
 top shows firefox-bin at 20-100% cpu usage all the time, even if I am
 not doing anything special in iceweasel. I hav eonly 8 tabs opened. ,
 only reading pages, no loading of new pages, and cpu usage is   from
 20-100% all the time.

..file a bug and use e.g. chromium in the mean while, chromium 
easily handles over 30 tabs, but watch out for flash ads, I
use htop to kill those if chromium's task manager fails.

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: grey/white/grey/white/etc bars

2012-05-09 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Wed, 9 May 2012 05:02:37 +0100, Sharon wrote in message

 On 09/05/2012, Indulekha wrote:
  On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 02:17:46AM +0100, Sharon Kimble wrote:
  Does anyone know how to get rid of the grey/white/grey/white etc
  bars in the
  background of programmes like konqueror, rhythmbox, kmail and
  virtually everything please?  I find them very annoying and they
  make the black text in the
  grey bars almost impossible to read for one of advancing years.
  Any help gratefully accepted :)
  Try using qtconfig.
  ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤
 Thanks, thats made it easier to read the text, but am still playing
 with it seeing what each option does. :)

..may be a bug, url to your screen shots?

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: Only 3.6gb of 64gb RAM recognized by 64bit squeeze

2012-05-09 Thread Darac Marjal
On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 11:19:10AM +0200, Seyyed Mohtadin Hashemi wrote:
Before anybody starts arguing that I don't have 64-bit, this is uname -r
and uname -m:
[1]root@n03:~# uname -r
[2]root@n03:~# uname -m
Hope somebody can help me fix this, I cannot think of anything that could
cause this

This may be an issue with your kernel. Can you post the output of the
following here?

  $ grep CONFIG_HIGHMEM /boot/config-$(uname -r)

If you get # CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G is not set in the list, then you'll
need to look at re-building your kernel to support RAM  64Gb.

Description: Digital signature

Evernote message: Emailed note was not submitted

2012-05-09 Thread no-reply

Evernote was unable to submit your note for the following reason:
The storage limit for this account has been reached.
[Cannot email more than 50 notes to Evernote account per day]

Original message information:
From: Clive Standbridge
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Subject: Re: Re: backported libreoffice minus its autospellcheck
Sent: Wed May 09 02:24:18 PDT 2012

To prevent excessive emails, you may not receive another error reply
for the next 360 minutes.

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OT: +5, was: gpg/pgp noise

2012-05-09 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Wed, 09 May 2012 11:37:23 +0200, Ralf wrote in message 

 Or would it be a good idea t close this thread?

..+5.  ;o)

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: Only 3.6gb of 64gb RAM recognized by 64bit squeeze

2012-05-09 Thread Ralf Mardorf
Did you check settings for the BIOS?

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Re: Evernote message: Emailed note was not submitted

2012-05-09 Thread Mika Suomalainen
09.05.2012 12:42, kirjoitti:
 Evernote was unable to submit your note for the following reason:
 The storage limit for this account has been reached.
 [Cannot email more than 50 notes to Evernote account per day]
 Original message information:
 From: Clive Standbridge
 Delivered to:
 All recipients:; 
 Subject: Re: Re: backported libreoffice minus its autospellcheck
 Sent: Wed May 09 02:24:18 PDT 2012
 To prevent excessive emails, you may not receive another error reply
 for the next 360 minutes.

Why Evernote is spamming this list?

[Mika Suomalainen]( ||
[gpg --keyserver --recv-keys
4DB53CFE82A46728]( ||
[Why do I sign my
emails?]( ||
[Please don't send
HTML.]( ||
[Please don't
toppost]( ||
[This signature]( ||

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: gpg/pgp noise

2012-05-09 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 09/05/12 19:39, Jon Dowland wrote:
 On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 07:20:15PM +1000, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 On 09/05/12 18:56, Jon Dowland wrote:
 In what way? I can verify Mika's signatures just fine.  The signatures
 are valid.

 All his posts?
 Is cutting and pasting a hobby?
 Do you between some and all?
 The ones I've bothered to verify

Most of his original ones did not verify.

, via '|gpg --verify' in mutt. 

So you didn't cut and paste - you just hand processed each post.

I can't match your dedication to validating his posts - nor can I muster
your enthusiasm for defending them. I'll side with the others that find
them an unnecessary annoyance.


 Because there's no chain of trust.

(you've trimmed my initial investigation which indicates he
 has at least one signatory.)



How hard was it to see the key is signed by... the key holder (or
another person called Mika?), using a key that was signed... by (Mika).

That's *not* a chain of trust.

It's not even the issue.
More noise, no signal.


Iceweasel/Firefox/Chrome/Chromium/Iceape/IE extensions for finding
answers to questions about Debian:-

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Re: debian 6.0.4 grub installation failed.

2012-05-09 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
yes i got that , but first i thought. it is related to something LVM
over RAID. which means more complexity thats why i didn't read
thoroughly ,

thanks for the hit.

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 2:59 PM, Darac Marjal wrote:
 On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 11:15:43AM +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 ok i used the parted command by mklabel gpt i created the partition
 but i want it to be linux raid. please help me to convert it to raid
 since i can not find option in parted to make it a fd linux raid
 type nor i can find anything related to this topic on google. and

 Really? I searched for parted raid (without quotes) and the first
 result I got was section 7 of the parted manual. That seems quite

 fdisk is not supporting the GPT . so i am stuck kindly help!

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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Evernote message

2012-05-09 Thread Lisi
Who is it that is landing us with these?

Evernote message: Emailed note was not submitted
Today 06:56:33
  Spam Status: Bogofilter 49.% probability of being spam.

Full report:
Unsure, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.49, version=1.1.7  
Evernote was unable to submit your note for the following reason:
The storage limit for this account has been reached.
[Cannot email more than 50 notes to Evernote account per day]

Original message information:
From: Lisi
Delivered to:
All recipients:; 
Subject: Re: gpg/pgp noise
Sent: Tue May 08 04:20:56 PDT 2012

To prevent excessive emails, you may not receive another error reply
for the next 360 minutes.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to 
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Evernote message

2012-05-09 Thread Mika Suomalainen
09.05.2012 13:23, Lisi kirjoitti:
 Who is it that is landing us with these?
 Evernote message: Emailed note was not submitted
 Today 06:56:33

   Spam Status: Bogofilter 49.% probability of being spam.
 Full report:
 Unsure, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.49, version=1.1.7  
 Evernote was unable to submit your note for the following reason:
 The storage limit for this account has been reached.
 [Cannot email more than 50 notes to Evernote account per day]
 Original message information:
 From: Lisi
 Delivered to:
 All recipients:; 
 Subject: Re: gpg/pgp noise
 Sent: Tue May 08 04:20:56 PDT 2012
 To prevent excessive emails, you may not receive another error reply
 for the next 360 minutes.

I think that it was that Linux Mint user who asked support here. It
seems that he/she used some kind of limited email address to suscribe to
this list at Evernote and that causes this.

Someone should probably contact Evernote support or list master should
ban Evernote.

[Mika Suomalainen]( ||
[gpg --keyserver --recv-keys
4DB53CFE82A46728]( ||
[Why do I sign my
emails?]( ||
[Please don't send
HTML.]( ||
[Please don't
toppost]( ||
[This signature]( ||

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Only 3.6gb of 64gb RAM recognized by 64bit squeeze

2012-05-09 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-05-09 at 11:07 +0100, Darac Marjal wrote:
 On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 11:19:10AM +0200, Seyyed Mohtadin Hashemi wrote:
 Before anybody starts arguing that I don't have 64-bit, this is uname -r
 and uname -m:
 [1]root@n03:~# uname -r
 [2]root@n03:~# uname -m
 Hope somebody can help me fix this, I cannot think of anything that could
 cause this
 This may be an issue with your kernel. Can you post the output of the
 following here?
   $ grep CONFIG_HIGHMEM /boot/config-$(uname -r)
 If you get # CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G is not set in the list, then you'll
 need to look at re-building your kernel to support RAM  64Gb.

For a 64-bit kernel, there's no need to run
$ grep CONFIG_HIGHMEM /boot/config-$(uname -r)
this is nonsense. You're referring to 32-bit PAE kernels.

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Re: Only 3.6gb of 64gb RAM recognized by 64bit squeeze

2012-05-09 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Wed, 9 May 2012 11:19:10 +0200, Seyyed wrote in message

 Before anybody starts arguing that I don't have 64-bit, this is uname
 -r and uname -m:
 root@n03:~# uname -r
 root@n03:~# uname -m
 As the subject suggest I have a box that does not utilize the
 available RAM installed. I noticed that only 3.6gb RAM was recognized
 when I got segmentation faults during a simulation.
 The funny thing is that when I remove dims so that only 48gb RAM is
 available then it works fine, I did a 'lshw -C memory' and it shows
 all the dims at the correct spot (the output is attached). BIOS and
 memtest show and successfully test all 64gb. a one core snip of your /proc/cpuinfo, I'm wondering 
if you've hit some 36 bit address space ceiling.  I have ...
root@celsius:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 1
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model   : 15
model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7200  @ 2.00GHz
bogomips: 3989.93
clflush size: 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

root@celsius:~# qalc 2^36bytes to GiBytes
(2^36) * byte = 64 gibibytes

 Hope somebody can help me fix this, I cannot think of anything that
 could cause this
 Best regards,

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: Only 3.6gb of 64gb RAM recognized by 64bit squeeze

2012-05-09 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 09/05/12 20:03, Seyyed Mohtadin Hashemi wrote:
 The motherboard is ASUS KGPED16 fitted with 2xOpteron 6200 series CPUs.
 For the 48gb configuration I just did what the motherboard manual
 suggested (i have attached the table), I have tried to shuffle the ram
 dimms and it works no matter which dimms are installed. The dimms are
 Unfortunately i don't know if the problem was present before or not, I
 have just now discovered that only 3.6gb RAM is recognized. When I was
 building the box I did the customary memtest and it checked so I did not
 check anything else - i have not had any problems with my other boxes
 that use 48gb RAM so i though that this box also worked. I have not had
 time to do more than install OS and the simulation environment on the box.

I suspect you've proved the RAM working - though to be totally sure
you'd have to test each stick individually. If you did test each
individual stick, and you're not running an Intel GPU [*1] then the
problem should be the OS.

I'd test each individual stick, ensure firmware is updated, check BIOS
settings (memory remap) and also try a 3.2x kernel?

[*1] AMD boards, large amounts of RAM, and Intel video have been
problematic in the past.


Kind regards

Iceweasel/Firefox/Chrome/Chromium/Iceape/IE extensions for finding
answers to questions about Debian:-

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Re: debian 6.0.4 grub installation failed.

2012-05-09 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-05-09 at 15:20 +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 yes i got that , but first i thought. it is related to something LVM
 over RAID. which means more complexity thats why i didn't read
 thoroughly ,
 thanks for the hit.
 On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 2:59 PM, Darac Marjal wrote:
  On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 11:15:43AM +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
  ok i used the parted command by mklabel gpt i created the partition
  but i want it to be linux raid. please help me to convert it to raid
  since i can not find option in parted to make it a fd linux raid
  type nor i can find anything related to this topic on google. and
  Really? I searched for parted raid (without quotes) and the first
  result I got was section 7 of the parted manual. That seems quite
  fdisk is not supporting the GPT . so i am stuck kindly help!
  Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)

I can't resist. Top posting + PGP signature :D. Doesn't it look nicer
when it's formated in HTML?

But really, we should stop those kind of discussions. I won't write
anything more regarding to those issues.

Re: grey/white/grey/white/etc bars

2012-05-09 Thread John Anderson
Hash: SHA1

On 09/05/12 02:17, Sharon Kimble uttered these pearls of wisdom::
 Does anyone know how to get rid of the grey/white/grey/white etc bars in the
 background of programmes like konqueror, rhythmbox, kmail and virtually
 everything please?  I find them very annoying and they make the black
 text in the
 grey bars almost impossible to read for one of advancing years.

SystemSettings-Application Appearance-Colors-Colors Tab-Color Set:
View ; and then make Normal Background and Alternate Background the same.

- -- 
John Anderson
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Evernote message

2012-05-09 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-05-09 at 11:23 +0100, Lisi wrote:
 Who is it that is landing us with these?

My first and last mail regarding to this issue.

Spam happens, discussions about junk mail are useless, as long as they
are that rare, as they are at the moment.

I'm subscribed to tons of mailing lists and I handle them by one In and
another sent folder, for Debian only I added a separated folder some
minutes ago, just because of discussions how to write mails to the list.

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Re: Evernote message: Emailed note was not submitted

2012-05-09 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 09/05/12 20:16, Mika Suomalainen wrote:
 09.05.2012 12:42, kirjoitti:

 Evernote was unable to submit your note for the following reason:
 The storage limit for this account has been reached.
 [Cannot email more than 50 notes to Evernote account per day]

 Original message information:
 From: Clive Standbridge
 Delivered to:
 All recipients:; 
 Subject: Re: Re: backported libreoffice minus its autospellcheck
 Sent: Wed May 09 02:24:18 PDT 2012

 To prevent excessive emails, you may not receive another error reply
 for the next 360 minutes.

 Why Evernote is spamming this list?
Not Evernote spamming. They're just allowing their service to be used
for spamming.

Find the person (probably identifies with comic book characters) using
the alias *ledgemem* who signed the list up for spam, and ask them to,
um, please stop because it's annoying you.

And/or send something like this to

I have received a number of unsolicited emails from your service.
Your service is being used to spam others with email using my name
without my permission.

At no stage did I ever subscribe to, agree to receive messages from, or
authorise you to post messages on my behalf.

Kindly desist immediately.

Perhaps send a copy to your local relevant authority. Maybe if enough of
us do that they might cease.

Kind regards.

Iceweasel/Firefox/Chrome/Chromium/Iceape/IE extensions for finding
answers to questions about Debian:-

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: gpg/pgp noise

2012-05-09 Thread Jon Dowland
On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 08:18:56PM +1000, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 (you've trimmed my initial investigation which indicates he
  has at least one signatory.)
 How hard was it to see the key is signed by... the key holder (or
 another person called Mika?), using a key that was signed... by (Mika).
 That's *not* a chain of trust.

I clearly explained that his key was signed by another he owned, which in turn
was signed by *someone else entirely*.  You are committing a more serious
mailing list sin than inline-PGP: failing to properly read the thread before
replying to it.

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Re: Evernote message: Emailed note was not submitted

2012-05-09 Thread Lisi
On Wednesday 09 May 2012 11:44:09 Scott Ferguson wrote:
  Why Evernote is spamming this list?

 Not Evernote spamming. They're just allowing their service to be used
 for spamming.

I thought that it was like an autoresponder, and a setting needed to be 
changed. :-(  Sorry everyone.  It is a very bad idea to reply to spam.


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Re: gpg/pgp noise

2012-05-09 Thread Jon Dowland
On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 11:37:23AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 The signature of Tiberius was trusted by Pilatus and Herodes. The
 signature of Philippus wasn't trusted by Lysanias or anybody els.
 I couldn't find a key on public servers for Hannas and Kaiphas, but
 fortunately the key of Johannes is available and the signature is
 trusted by Zacharias.
 I've got some nice examples for signatures similar to this one:

I don't know what you are trying to demonstrate. Can you please elaborate?

 Or would it be a good idea t close this thread?

You can't close a thread. You are always entirely free to ignore it.

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Re: Only 3.6gb of 64gb RAM recognized by 64bit squeeze

2012-05-09 Thread Seyyed Mohtadin Hashemi
Here you go:
processor   : 31
vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
cpu family  : 21
model   : 1
model name  : AMD Opteron(TM) Processor 6274
stepping: 2
cpu MHz : 2500.286
cache size  : 2048 KB
physical id : 1
siblings: 16
core id : 15
cpu cores   : 16
apicid  : 79
initial apicid  : 47
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 13
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca
cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx mmxext fxsr_opt
pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc nonstop_tsc extd_apicid pni pclmulqdq
monitor ssse3 cx16 sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt aes xsave avx lahf_lm cmp_legacy
svm extapic cr8_legacy abm sse4a misalignsse 3dnowprefetch osvw ibs sse5
skinit wdt
bogomips: 4399.96
TLB size: 1536 4K pages
clflush size: 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 48 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: ts ttp tm 100mhzsteps hwpstate [9]

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 12:32 PM, Arnt Karlsen wrote:

 On Wed, 9 May 2012 11:19:10 +0200, Seyyed wrote in message

  Before anybody starts arguing that I don't have 64-bit, this is uname
  -r and uname -m:
  root@n03:~# uname -r
  root@n03:~# uname -m
  As the subject suggest I have a box that does not utilize the
  available RAM installed. I noticed that only 3.6gb RAM was recognized
  when I got segmentation faults during a simulation.
  The funny thing is that when I remove dims so that only 48gb RAM is
  available then it works fine, I did a 'lshw -C memory' and it shows
  all the dims at the correct spot (the output is attached). BIOS and
  memtest show and successfully test all 64gb. a one core snip of your /proc/cpuinfo, I'm wondering
 if you've hit some 36 bit address space ceiling.  I have ...
 root@celsius:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo
 processor   : 1
 vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
 cpu family  : 6
 model   : 15
 model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7200  @ 2.00GHz
 bogomips: 3989.93
 clflush size: 64
 cache_alignment : 64
 address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
 power management:

 root@celsius:~# qalc 2^36bytes to GiBytes
 (2^36) * byte = 64 gibibytes

  Hope somebody can help me fix this, I cannot think of anything that
  could cause this
  Best regards,

 -- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
 ...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three:
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

De venligste hilsner/I am, yours most sincerely
Seyyed Mohtadin Hashemi

Re: Only 3.6gb of 64gb RAM recognized by 64bit squeeze

2012-05-09 Thread Seyyed Mohtadin Hashemi
Which settings?

I did check the BIOS to see if all the correct CPU settings were set, and
that CPU2 was enabled - all was as it should be, I can't to much to the RAM
other than timings. And i did update the BIOS to the latest version.

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 12:07 PM, Ralf Mardorf ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.netwrote:

 Did you check settings for the BIOS?

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De venligste hilsner/I am, yours most sincerely
Seyyed Mohtadin Hashemi

Re: Evernote message: Emailed note was not submitted

2012-05-09 Thread Mat Enders
It is an autoresponder because the users mail box is full. And it is letting 
you know that the message was not delivered because of this. 

Sorry about the top post but BlackBerry will only top post. 
Mat Enders from my BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Lisi
Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 11:58:33 
Subject:  Re: Evernote message: Emailed note was not submitted

On Wednesday 09 May 2012 11:44:09 Scott Ferguson wrote:
  Why Evernote is spamming this list?

 Not Evernote spamming. They're just allowing their service to be used
 for spamming.

I thought that it was like an autoresponder, and a setting needed to be 
changed. :-(  Sorry everyone.  It is a very bad idea to reply to spam.


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Re: ACPI Menagement

2012-05-09 Thread ricccardo
On Tue, 2012-05-08 at 17:32 +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Tue, 08 May 2012 00:02:40 +0200, ricccardo wrote:
  I'm a newbie of Debian; I use Debian 6 with a macbook pro and I would
  like to improve the durability of the battery. So I installed powertop
  (1.11) but a message says: no ACPI power usage estimate available. How
  can solve this??
 Google suggests that you have to unplug the power cord to get the 
  From synaptic I see I have installed only the following package: acpi;
  acpi-support-base; acpid.
  Which other packages should I install??
 Run acpi -V and put here the output.

Hi Camaleón,

 Run acpi -V and put here the output.

this is the result:

ric@ricmbp:~$ acpi -V
Battery 0: Discharging, 92%, 01:24:54 remaining
Battery 0: design capacity 4721 mAh, last full capacity 3314 mAh = 70%
Adapter 0: off-line
Cooling 0: Processor 0 of 10
Cooling 1: Processor 0 of 10


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Re: debian 6.0.4 grub installation failed.

2012-05-09 Thread Christofer C. Bell
On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 5:20 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 yes i got that , but first i thought. it is related to something LVM
 over RAID. which means more complexity thats why i didn't read
 thoroughly ,

There isn't really much complexity to LVM over RAID.  The RAID device
looks like any other disk partition to the LVM manager.  Treat it as
such and you'll be fine.  Meaning, treat /dev/md0 the same way you'd
treat, say, /dev/sda1.


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Things we should know about PGP

2012-05-09 Thread Ralf Mardorf
If this discussion can't be stopped, than perhaps we can make it a
useful thread, by not talking about how to behave or not to behave on a
mailing list, by not talking about if we won't signed emails or not.

When the subject was gpg/pgp noise Jon Dowland wrote: I clearly
explained that his key was signed by another he owned, which in turn was
signed by *someone else entirely*.

A chain of unsigned keys for one and the same person, with one key at
the end of this chain, that is signed by one person only or even enough
persons signing it, is useless. This isn't the correct way to sign a
key, since it's not secure and not handy.

You will handle the key directly by a web of trust, not by a chain of
own keys and not only signed by one person. You can do this by visiting
parties, where this is done.

OTOH, when do you really need signing? More likely is that you will
encrypt mails, e.g. to ensure that if you write to a family with young
children, using the same computer, only the parents can read mails with
contents that aren't good for children. In such a case it's not needed
to ensure that the key is trusted. It's only important that the parents
know how to decrypt and the children don't know it. This anyway prevents
against manipulating the mails content, without signing.

If you really need security, than you need to take care about many
things using PGP. I only use openPGP from time to time, to ensure that
just a special person can read this mail, but not to be completely
secure. I don't need knowledge about how to handle PGP correct and I
don't have got this knowledge.

Seemingly some people have completely wrong perceptions about e.g.
signing a key.

Instead of having something similar to a flame-war, some useful
information belongs to this list.

- Ralf

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Re: debian 6.0.4 grub installation failed.

2012-05-09 Thread Tom H
On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 10:47 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 6:20 PM, wrote:
 De: Muhammad Yousuf Khan
 Envoyé: Mardi 8 Mai 2012 14:08:10
 On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
  i just bought 2TBx2 Harddrives and a computer for making it a
  centralized archiving server. moving forward everything went well
  during the installation in RAID creating i noticed that i could not
  change the boot flag  to on  it was off and i hit several
  but it stays off. so i just continued with off. now when
  completed . setup stops at grup installation and throw an error
  grub-install /dev/sda failed its a fatal error 

 ok i fdisk the the partition via recovery CD clonezilla. but all the
 partitions doesn't reflect in installation it is showing the old
 partition structure however when i go to shell and check things via
 FDISK it showed me the new created parttiion with boot flag on which
 i have create via commandline.

 I had a similar problem recently with a SATA 3, 2 TB harddrive.
 Squeeze installed properly, grub installed properly.
 But when updating to wheezy (with a new grub version), grub
 didn't wanted to install on the MBR.
 Try to make a free partition at the start of the HD.

 by the way when i am creating partition via fdisk on 2TB HD . it
 showed that my starting block is 2048. instead of 1. i dont know why.
 however when i create the partition. via FDISK it gives me an  error
 when i fdisk -l /dev/sda. like Partition does not start on physical
 sector boundary it happens when i create partition via installation
 CD. however when i create via fdisk via clonezilla CD and try to
 installed debian on these partition. installation doest recognize the
 partition. it shows drive is empty.

Please bottom post.

2048 is the new default in order to have the cylinders and sectors match.

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Re: Only 3.6gb of 64gb RAM recognized by 64bit squeeze

2012-05-09 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-05-09 at 13:04 +0200, Seyyed Mohtadin Hashemi wrote:
 Which settings?
 I did check the BIOS to see if all the correct CPU settings were set,
 and that CPU2 was enabled - all was as it should be, I can't to much
 to the RAM other than timings. And i did update the BIOS to the latest
 On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 12:07 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 Did you check settings for the BIOS?

I suspect this was send randomly off-list, so I'll send it to the list.

I don't know. My BIOS don't has relevant settings regarding to this
issue, but some BIOS do have settings about managing the RAM. Here it's
the same, I only can handle stuff like timing.

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Re: debian 6.0.4 grub installation failed.

2012-05-09 Thread Tom H
On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 11:10 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 7:50 PM, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
 On Tue, 8 May 2012 17:08:10 +0500, Muhammad wrote in message
 On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 4:02 PM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 i just bought 2TBx2 Harddrives and a computer for making it a
 centralized archiving server. moving forward everything went well
 but during the installation in RAID creating i noticed that i could
 not change the boot flag  to on  it was off and i hit several
 enters but it stays off. so i just continued with off. now when
 installation completed . setup stops at grup installation and throw
 an error grub-install /dev/sda failed its a fatal error 

 ok i fdisk the the partition via recovery CD clonezilla. but all the
 partitions doesn't reflect in installation it is showing the old
 partition structure however when i go to shell and check things via
 FDISK it showed me the new created parttiion with boot flag on which i
 have create via commandline.

 ..try cfdisk, it gives you eyes.

 cfdisk to 2tb Drive give me this

 Warning!!  Unsupported GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected. Use GNU Parted.

 since things were not booting up with 2TB so i just installed 320 GB
 HD so that things start well however after installation and after
 successful boot. when i cfdisk the primary partition it give me this
 error .

 FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 2: Partition ends in the final partial 
 Press any key to exit cfdisk

Please bottom post.

So you are using GPT. You have to use either parted or gdisk with that label.

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Re: Does anyone care about dialup?

2012-05-09 Thread Tom H
On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 8:12 AM, songbird wrote:
 Paul Zimmerman wrote:

 Why is it so difficult to get dialup to work in Linux?...

  make sure your modem is supported by linux,
 install packages ppp and pppconfig, read a few
 man pages, adjust a few scripts/config files,
 make sure in the right groups, done.

  works well for me, and is certainly not a hog.

  if you have specific questions perhaps we can
 help better...

  for errors with phone line, ISP, compression,
 etc, then you can turn off/on compression with
 the modem, or adjust to suit what the ISP says they
 have running and see what changes.  if it is noise
 on the phone line itself then that is taken care
 of by the phone company or you rerouting/fixing
 your wires.

  as to specifics why gnome-ppp doesn't work and
 bugs that's the usual volunteers do what interests
 them.  if you want it fixed, get the code and fix
 it.  if you want someone else to fix it, pay them.

This is the kind of silly answer (that someone else gave earlier in
this thread) where the assumption is that all Linux users can code...

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Re: Only 3.6gb of 64gb RAM recognized by 64bit squeeze

2012-05-09 Thread Johann Spies
Hallo Seyyed,

 Before anybody starts arguing that I don't have 64-bit, this is uname -r and
 uname -m:
 root@n03:~# uname -r
 root@n03:~# uname -m

I have a similar problem on a computer I bought a few years ago and only
recently found that the cause might be a buggy bios.

I don't have 48Gb ram but only 4Gb and can use about 3.3Gb of it.

Johann SpiesTelefoon: 021-808 4699
Databestuurder /  Data manager

Sentrum vir Navorsing oor Evaluasie, Wetenskap en Tegnologie
Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology 
Universiteit Stellenbosch.

 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast,  
  unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, 
  forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain 
  in the Lord.  I Corinthians 15:58 

Description: Digital signature

Re: debian 6.0.4 grub installation failed.

2012-05-09 Thread Tom H
On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 2:15 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 10:17 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Tue, 08 May 2012 16:02:10 +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 i just bought 2TBx2 Harddrives and a computer for making it a
 centralized archiving server. moving forward everything went well but
 during the installation in RAID creating i noticed that i could not
 change the boot flag  to on  it was off and i hit several enters but
 it stays off. so i just continued with off. now when installation
 completed . setup stops at grup installation and throw an error
 grub-install /dev/sda failed its a fatal error 

 The error (at least the message because the underlying problem can be
 of a different nature) is documented here:

 Check if the suggested steps help (take care of adjusting the commands
 for your GRUB version).

 Besides, if you are using raid 1 don't forget installing GRUB in both
 disks which are part of the array so the system can be automatically
 booted in the event one of them go down.

 ok i used the parted command by mklabel gpt i created the partition
 but i want it to be linux raid. please help me to convert it to raid
 since i can not find option in parted to make it a fd linux raid
 type nor i can find anything related to this topic on google. and
 fdisk is not supporting the GPT . so i am stuck kindly help!

Please bottom post.

You don't need to set your partitions to linux raid because the
default metadata for squeeze doesn't need it.

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Re: gpg/pgp noise

2012-05-09 Thread Tom H
On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 5:20 AM, Mika Suomalainen wrote:
 09.05.2012 11:56, Jon Dowland kirjoitti:
 On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 12:29:31PM +1000, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 Bob's PGP signature is valid - yours is not
 You waste our time and bandwidth.

 In what way? I can verify Mika's signatures just fine.  The signatures
 are valid.

 Bob's key validates his identity - yours does not.
 I can verify that Bob is Bob through a chain of trust.

 Why does Mikka's not? It's not impossible for someone to have a trust
 path to Mikka. Albeit one step removed, since the signing key he uses
 has one signature, from another of his keys - but that one has at
 least one. (I haven't managed to construct a trust path to Mikka
 myself, since most of the public pathfinder servers don't have his

 Because nobody else near Kotka, Finland uses PGP and the nearest CAcert
 assurers are after 110KMs from me.

 PS. I am back to weird long signatures. I won't comment to this thread
 anymore nor to anything else which I haven't written in my signature or

So your reaction to being told that your signature's too long is to
lengthen it. Thanks.

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Re: Evernote message

2012-05-09 Thread Martin McCormick
Lisi writes:
 Who is it that is landing us with these?

I don't know, but an automated message went to me from
whatever this is responding to a message I sent to the list
yesterday and I suspect it is somebody's mailer that is on the
fritz. It could be a full mailbox which was mentioned in this
message but it is definitely misconfigured as mailers should
never send error messages to a mailing list. Mailing list
software is often-times set to recognize error messages and
ignore them, but sometimes one gets through.

Martin McCormick

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