Re: Correu gratuït i lliure

2012-05-13 Thread Marc Poch
Aquí com configurar-ho:

2012/5/13 xavi

 després de llegir-me les polítiques de Google m'estic plantejant de buscar
 alguna alternativa gratuïta correu.
 Coneixeu algun servidor de correu gratuït amb el qual pugui estar tranquil
 pel que fa la privacitat?

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 Linux user number #432293  --

Re: Correu gratuït i lliure

2012-05-13 Thread

2012/5/13 xavi
 després de llegir-me les polítiques de Google m'estic plantejant de buscar
 alguna alternativa gratuïta correu.
 Coneixeu algun servidor de correu gratuït amb el qual pugui estar tranquil
 pel que fa la privacitat?

Què et preocupa exactament?
Saps que hi ha maneres de xifrar els missatges?


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Re: Correu gratuït i lliure

2012-05-13 Thread xavi

més que una preocupació és la curiositat de saber si existeix algun 
proveïdor alternatiu a Gmail que sigui gratuït i que usi programari lliure.

Sóc conscient que qualsevol informació emmagatzemada en un servidor que 
no controli jo mateix, o persones de confiança, sempre està sota un 
determinat risc.



Al 14/05/12 00:21, En/na ha escrit:



després de llegir-me les polítiques de Google m'estic plantejant de buscar
alguna alternativa gratuïta correu.
Coneixeu algun servidor de correu gratuït amb el qual pugui estar tranquil
pel que fa la privacitat?

Què et preocupa exactament?
Saps que hi ha maneres de xifrar els missatges?


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firestarter nouvelle demande

2012-05-13 Thread JB2
en piochant, j'ai les remarques suivantes:

root@alpha30:/etc/init.d# ./firestarter restart
[ ok ] Stopping the Firestarter firewall
[ ok ] Starting the Firestarter firewall
root@alpha30:/etc/init.d# ./firestarter status
[warn] Firestarter is running... ... (warning).

j'ai mis la ligne  [warm dans google
je n'ai pas compris les réponses

j'ai remarqué que dans /etc/rc5.d je n'ai aucune référence à firestarter
comme Sxyfirestarter,
il en est de même pour rc6.d pas de Kyxfirestarter
un coup de main serait le bien venu

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Re: Bash : quelques petites questions...

2012-05-13 Thread Denis Mugnier


Le 04/05/2012 18:10, David BERCOT a écrit :

Le Fri, 4 May 2012 18:05:19 +0200,
JF  a écrit :

Alors, voici un script que j'exécute directement sur l'ESX :
monpath=/vmfs/volumes/4f33a50e-0762c7f9-9763-001a6436484a/s47z038 -
Test d'installation De

Un truc bête, mais pour jouer avec IFS comme tu le fais, je crois qu'il 
faut être dans bash et pas dans sh ;o)

donc remplaçer




voila mes 2 cents...


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logwatch et df -h ne disent pas pareil

2012-05-13 Thread andre_debian
Bonjour à tous,

Je reçois ce logwatch de mon serveur chez online :

- Disk Space Begin  
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 190M   40M  141M  22% /boot
/dev/sda2 146G  143G 0 100% /

Il m'informe que la partition principale sda2 est pleine.

Or, si je tape  df -h :
sys. de fichiers  Tail. Occ.Disp.%Occ. 
/dev/sda2  146G   95G 45G 69%  /

Ici, la partition sda2 n'est occupée qu'à 69%

Pourquoi le logwatch et df -h ne disent pas pareil ?

Merci et bon dimanche.


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Re: Problèmes d'impression sur Minolta (et autres ?)

2012-05-13 Thread David BERCOT
Le Sat, 12 May 2012 07:25:20 -0700 (PDT),
O.G. a écrit :
On 12 mai, 14:30, Jérôme wrote:
 Le jeudi 10 mai 2012 à 13:55 +0200, David BERCOT a écrit :
  Ben non, c'est pas sûr !!!
  Un test que je viens de faire à l'instant :
  - impression d'un document Writer - freeze de l'imprimante
  - export du document en pdf et impression à partir de Adobe Reader
  9 -
    aucun souci !

 Ça sent le rapport de bug, mais pour le document writer, regarde donc
 dans le menu fichier exporter au format PDF si différents
 réglages pourraient modifier le comportement.


Je suis d'accord avec le rapport de bug. Je suis nouvellement inscrit
la liste (après l'avoir été il y a une dizaine d'années).
Mon Pc fixe est sous Siduction et le portable Semplice (des Sid)
J'ai donné d'autres détails sur sid+cups+KonicaMinolta dans un nouveau
fil (je n'avais pas vu celui-ci).
Depuis plus d'un mois j'ai ce problème et je me débrouille avec
ou Acroread. Comme je n'avais pas trop le temps de faire un suivi
je ne me suis pas lancé dans un rapport de bug (à qui et comment).
Il y a un mois une recherche avec Google ne donnait pas grand chose.

Je pense que le pb est plutôt lié à cups-filter, apparu récemment
depuis la
réorganisation de cups. Il y a d'ailleurs un fil sur ubuntu-bug-machin
sur cups-filter et les kyocera (une directive spécifique a été incluse
après un échange de Till Kamppeter et un utilisateur).

As-tu essayé de revenir en arrière ?
En ce qui me concerne, j'ai forcé le retour à cups en version 1.5.2-5
et, apparemment, tout fonctionne correctement.

Il faut que je valide ça sur la durée, mais, au moins, ça permet
d'imprimer correctement ;-)


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Re: firestarter nouvelle demande

2012-05-13 Thread JB2
Le dimanche 13 mai 2012 à 09:15 +0200, JB2 a écrit :
 en piochant, j'ai les remarques suivantes:
 root@alpha30:/etc/init.d# ./firestarter restart
 [ ok ] Stopping the Firestarter firewall
 [ ok ] Starting the Firestarter firewall
 root@alpha30:/etc/init.d# ./firestarter status
 [warn] Firestarter is running... ... (warning).
 j'ai mis la ligne  [warm dans google
 je n'ai pas compris les réponses
 j'ai remarqué que dans /etc/rc5.d je n'ai aucune référence à firestarter
 comme Sxyfirestarter,
 il en est de même pour rc6.d pas de Kyxfirestarter
 un coup de main serait le bien venu
Sous réserve, je crois que j'ai trouvé:
rappel pas de display dans Connexions actives  Evénements
j'ai fait un essai avec la version kernel précédente, cela fonctionne
donc avec:
Linux 3.2.0-rc1 #1 SMP Mon Nov 21 12:00:10 CET 2011
x86_64 GNU/Linux c'est OK,
j'ai migré mon noyau avec le fichier Config mais je suis incapable de
dire quel(s) paramètre(s) sont manquant dans kernel 3.4.0-rc3
bon aprés-midi

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II Zlot Podcasterow.

2012-05-13 Thread kzubik
Pragne sie podzielic nowa wiadomoscia o kolejnej ciekawej imprezce.
Bedzie nia II Zlot Podcasterow. Jest co nieco linuxowych narzedzi
do tworzenia podcastow, muzyki i radiofonii internetowej. Mam na mysli
Icecast, Muse,
MusiXTeX i Lilypond. O tych dwoch ostatnich mielismy ciekawe prezentacje
Jean-Michela Hufflena
na tegorocznym i zeszlorocznym Bachotku.

Konkretyzujac co najwazniejsze o II Zlocie Podcasterow.
Witryna pod
Miejsce: Ośrodek Harcerski Wilczysko, ul. Harcerska 2, Wilkowice koło
Termin: 29 czerwca 2012 #8211; 1 lipca 2012 t.j. od piatku do niedzieli.
cennik [zł]:
Termin wpłaty do 31 maja   75 domek, 35 namiot (we własnym zakresie.)
Termin wpłaty od 1 czerwca 84 domek, 40 namiot (we własnym zakresie.)
W programie: nagrywanie podcastów ;-D, poznawanie się w luźnej atmosferze,
gry ruchowe i inne, popisy, prezentacje, ciekawi goście, obcowanie z naturą.
Mnier sie wydaje ,ze i tutaj bedzie tez mozna milo pogadac i o Linuksie.
Wiecej w powyzszej witrynie i witrynie na Facebooku

Proponuje nastepujaca podroz z 3-miasta (w miedzyczasie moga byc zmiany w

Gdansk-Glowny -- Wilkowice-Bystra.
Wyjazd 28 czerwca. Czwartek.

Gdansk-Glowny godz. 16 :04 -- Poznan-Glowny godz. 20 : 20
TLK. 56100 (rel. Gdynia -- Wroclaw.)

Poznan-Glowny godz. 22 : 25 -- Katowice godz. 4 : 22
TLK. 83512 (rel. Swinoujscie -- Przemysl.)

Katowice godz. 5 : 02 - Wilkowice-Bystra godz. 6 : 42
REGIO 413 (rel. Katowice -- Zwardon.) Bilet norm. kl. 2 w jedna strone 83
zl. 50 gr.

Do osrodka dojscie droga na wschod kilka km. Mijajac przyst. aut.
Wilkowice-Gorne ponownie skrecic w lewo i idac kawalek na polnoc pod gore
dochodzimy do Harcerskiego Osrodka Wilczysko (tak przynajmniej
doczytalem sie z mapy i dowiedzialem sie.)

Powrot. 1 lipca. Niedziela.

Wilkowice-Bystra godz. 13 : 50 -- Bielsko-Biala godz. 14 : 06
REGIO 720 (rel. Zywiec -- Katowice.)

Bielsko-Biala godz. 16 : 23 -- Gdansk-Glowny godz. 3 : 52
TLK. 45500 (rel. Bielsko-Biala -- Hel.)

Jak zwykle postaram sie miec obok siebie TUX-a i zajmowac
miejsce jak najblizej poczatku pociagu. Czy i kto mialby
ochote towarzyszyc w kolejnej opensourowej podrozy?

Open Source jest dziś największym i najważniejszym nurtem w sektorze IT -
albo dasz się ponieść na fali, albo utoniesz próbując płynąć pod prąd...
Konczac Pozdrawiam. Krzysztof.

Registered Linux User: 253243
Powered by Aurox 11.0, Ubuntu Studio 8.04 i Fedora 9.0
Krzysztof Zubik. ||
GaduGadu. 1208376 | Jabber. | Skype. kzubik

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Re: Spanglish [Era: totalmente nueva]

2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 12 May 2012 15:49:39 -0400, yordanis escribió:

 El 12/05/12 13:31, Camaleón escribió:


 Personalmente intento evitar el uso de anglicismos siempre que puedo y
 hardware es uno de los términos que, dependiendo de dónde aparezcan y
 debido a su naturaleza generalista, resulta fácilmente sustituible
 (componente o dispositivo por ejemplo, son buenos candidatos cuando
 se trata de una traducción relacionada con un contexto informático).

 En cambio, otros términos (como p. ej., bluetooth o Internet)
 resultan prácticamente intraducibles, son casi como nombres propios y
 se mantiene su acepción inglesa :-)

 Todas esas palabras reciben el nombre de anglicismos en el idioma

¿No me digas? X-)



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Re: Spanglish [Era: totalmente nueva]

2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 12 May 2012 22:02:48 -0300, Javier Argentina escribió:

Se te ha descuajeringado el correo.

 El 12/05/12, Camaleón escribió:


 En cambio, otros términos (como p. ej., bluetooth o Internet)
 resultan prácticamente intraducibles, son casi como nombres propios y
 se mantiene su acepción inglesa :-)

 Pronunciation: /ˈhärdˌwe(ə)r/
 tools, machinery, and other durable equipment: tanks and other
 military hardware
 the machines, wiring, and other physical components of a computer
 or other electronic system. Compare with software.
 tools, implements, and other items used in home life and
 activities such as gardening.

Cuando estás traduciendo una cadena de texto en un contexto informático, 
tienes que usar un diccionario informático, junto con otro generalista, 
pero además, de las dos parejas de idiomas que uses, es decir, de inglés 
y de español. 

Es un error muy común que los traductores novatillos (que aún no tienen 
experiencia) o los más vaguetes (que quieren terminar rápido) sólo usen 
uno generalista y claro, ahí te das cuenta de que algo no está bien. Es 
lo que distingue una buena traducción de otra mediocre.

Por ejemplo, este es un diccionario inglés, que además de los genéricos, 
incluye uno informático:

Personalmente uso el Diccionario Oxford de Informática (en papel), que 
aunque se ha quedado un poco antiguo, sigue siendo muy bueno por la 
cantidad de términos que registra.

 Como se ve, hardware no define específicamente un equipo de cómputos,
 digamos que es pura y simplemente eso, equipo.

No, por supuesto. Y el artículo del PHD así lo hace notar muy 
adecuadamente, la verdad.

 Y software es típico de un idioma tan pobre como el inglés, donde las
 palabras salen por analogías que sólo ellos las entienden (soft en
 contraposición de hard), y no de una etimología como la nuestra que es
 bastante más coherente.
 Por software prefiero toda la vida usar la palabra programas.

El inglés es un idioma práctico, va al punto, lo cual no me parece del 
todo mal. Al fin y al cabo el ~90% de la informática tiene origen inglés 
(por decirlo de alguna manera) así que quien inventa es el encargado de 
poner el nombre a las cosas. Los demás (franceses, alemanes, japoneses, 
españoles...) tenemos que amoldarnos a ello y adecuarlo a nuestro idioma.

 Reconozco que hay algunas palabras difícil de traducir. bit =
 mordisquito y byate = mordiscón, y que deben quedarse como están,

Bueno, bit viene de binary digit, así que podríamos haber mantenido 
la misma idea y dejarlo como dígito binario → dibi que suena has 
chulo y todo :-)

Y el término byte se creó para diferenciarlo del bit (siempre 
atendiendo a los artículos de Wikipedia), así que no pretende represnetar 
nada concreto por lo que se podría mantener tal cual (o siendo 
extremadamente puristas, si usamos dibi para bit, el byte tendría que 
ser una derivación de este, como por ejemplo debi :-P)

 como ya pasó con la Luz Amplificada por Emisión Estimulada de Radiación,
 o de otro modo, laser.

Láser es un acrónimo, como radar. Son cosas distintas.

 Pero eso de usar bacapear, 

Esa no existe :-)

Realizar copia de seguridad o copia de respaldo sería mejor.


Esta sí está admitida.


También es válida.

 o cosas por el estilo, realmente, dividen las aguas entre una choni y
 un ser humano normal.

Quien haya traducido alguna vez sabe que hacer un buen trabajo no es nada 
fácil :-)



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Re: Emparejar dispositivos bluetooth

2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 12 May 2012 21:02:04 +0200, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:

 El día 11 de mayo de 2012 16:02, Camaleón escribió:


 Si tienes un ordenador secundario, podrías conectarte mediante ssh y
 probar a reiniciar el demonio de bluetooth para ver si así el teclado y
 ratón de Apple volvían a la vida. O también puedes conectar un teclado/
 ratón USB y probarlo, a ver qué sucede. Si funciona, pues ya veríamos
 alguna forma de recargar el demonio del BT al inciar.
 ¿En el arranque de linux se puede poner esta orden: hidd --connect
 28:37:37:32:C0:9D?, con esta order se me activa el teclado al instante.

Sí, no veo por qué no, pero tendrás que ponerlo nada más cargar el daemon 
de BT, para que tenga efecto en la pantalla de login (GDM), es decir, 
antes de acceder a la sesión.

Prueba a añadir en /etc/default/bluetooth esta clave:

HIDD_OPTIONS=--connect 28:37:37:32:C0:9D

 Así probaría si esta operativo para la elección de SO.

No creo que sirva de nada en ese estadio :-/



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Re: GRUB y update-intramfs no reconocen particiones[ SOLUCIONADO]

2012-05-13 Thread Julian Daich

El hilo está solucionado. La solución aparece en el correo mío anterior.
Hay un comentario más abajo de todas formas.

Saludos y gracias,

El sáb, 12-05-2012 a las 22:04 -0300, Javier Argentina escribió:
 El 10/05/12, Julian Daich escribió:
  Después de la última actualización del núcleo en Squeeze ni GRUB ni
  update-intramfs reconocen la partición raíz.
  Me sale
  FATAL: module index: unexpected error: EOF
  He montado mi sistema con chroot usando un CD de Xubuntu y me da los
  #update-intramfs -u
  Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-686
  cryptsetup: WARNING: failed to detect canonical device of
  Verifiqué los UUIDs, los cambié por los correspondientes /dev/sda*, ejecuté
  e2fsck -fD, convertí las particiones de ext3 a ext4 y nada sirvió.
  Cualquier ayuda se agradece.
  ¿No habrás convertido las particiones a ext4 sin antes haber pasado
 de grub a grub-pc?
Este no era el caso. Uso grub-pc desde antes.


Julian Daich

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[ Muy OT][Fwd: Buscando coordinadores de traduccion al castellano]

2012-05-13 Thread Julian Daich

Se que está no es una lista de traductores de Software Libre, pero piden
una mano y creo que a alguien le puede interesar.
Respuestas y comentarios solo al contacto, por favor.


- Mensaje reenviado 
Para, el equipo de traducción al castellano necesita más
coordinadores.¿ Quieres hacerlo? Ponte en contacto con

Tienen que leer muy bien el inglés y comprender bien la filosofía
del movimiento software libre.

Julian Daich

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Re: Spanglish [Era: totalmente nueva]

2012-05-13 Thread Emiliano M. Rudenick
El Sat, 12 May 2012 22:02:48 -0300
Javier Argentina escribió:
 El 12/05/12, Camaleón escribió:
  El Sat, 12 May 2012 13:59:49 -0300, Emiliano M. Rudenick escribió:
  El Sat, 12 May 2012 10:00:15 + (UTC) Camaleón escribió:
  El Sat, 12 May 2012 00:26:50 -0500, Carlos Zuniga escribió:
   Pregunta, ya que sacaste el tema, y solo por curiosidad... ¿cómo
   dices hardware en Español?
  Como sugiere la propia RAE:
  (Voz inglesa).
  1. m. Inform. equipo (‖ conjunto de aparatos de una computadora).
  O el Diccionario Panhispánico de Dudas:
  hardware. Voz inglesa que se usa, en informática, para designar el
  conjunto de los componentes que integran la parte material de una
  computadora u ordenador. Puede sustituirse por expresiones
  españolas como equipo (informático), componentes o, en contextos
  muy especializados, soporte físico (en oposición al soporte
  lógico, que son los programas): «Si su ordenador es un 486 o
  inferior [...], es mejor cambiar entero el equipo» (Mundo [Esp.]
  equipo es muy impreciso, me quedo con hardware y creo que todo
  el mundo sabe a lo que me estoy refiriendo. Si le digo equipo
  seguramente ni el que habla español me va entender, salvo que se
  ponga a analizar el contexto.
  Los traductores no podemos elegir :-), tenemos que mantener unas
  normas básicas para dar coherencia al conjunto de los mensajes que
  aparecen en las aplicaciones y Pronunciation: /ˈhärdˌwe(ə)r/
 tools, machinery, and other durable equipment: tanks and other
 military hardware
 the machines, wiring, and other physical components of a computer
 or other electronic system. Compare with software.
 tools, implements, and other items used in home life and
 activities such as gardening. además tenemos que mantener un español
  (evitamos el uso de ordenador y computador, por ejemplo, en
  favor de equipo).
  Personalmente intento evitar el uso de anglicismos siempre que
  puedo y hardware es uno de los términos que, dependiendo de dónde
  aparezcan y debido a su naturaleza generalista, resulta fácilmente
  sustituible (componente o dispositivo por ejemplo, son buenos
  candidatos cuando se trata de una traPronunciation: /ˈhärdˌwe(ə)r/
 tools, machinery, and other durable equipment: tanks and other
 military hardware
 the machines, wiring, and other physical components of a computer
 or other electronic system. Compare with software.
 tools, implements, and other items used in home life and
 activities such as gardening. ducción relacionada con un contexto
  En cambio, otros términos (como p. ej., bluetooth o Internet)
  resultan prácticamente intraducibles, son casi como nombres propios
  y se mantiene su acepción inglesa :-)
 Pronunciation: /ˈhärdˌwe(ə)r/
 tools, machinery, and other durable equipment: tanks and other
 military hardware
 the machines, wiring, and other physical components of a computer
 or other electronic system. Compare with software.
 tools, implements, and other items used in home life and
 activities such as gardening.
 Como se ve, hardware no define específicamente un equipo de
 cómputos, digamos que es pura y simplemente eso, equipo.
 Y software es típico de un idioma tan pobre como el inglés, donde
 las palabras salen por analogías que sólo ellos las entienden (soft
 en contraposición de hard), y no de una etimología como la nuestra
 que es bastante más coherente.
 Por software prefiero toda la vida usar la palabra programas.
 Reconozco que hay algunas palabras difícil de traducir. bit =
 mordisquito y byate = mordiscón, y que deben quedarse como están,
 como ya pasó con la Luz Amplificada por Emisión Estimulada de
 Radiación, o de otro modo, laser.
 Pero eso de usar bacapear, escanear, formatear o cosas por el
 estilo, realmente, dividen las aguas entre una choni y un ser humano

Y por qué no hablamos latín y ya está si nunca vamos a aceptar que los
lenguajes evolucionan y se unifican también? no todo se soluciona
traduciendo o buscando una traducción precisa, mira las vueltas que dan
para buscar una traducción a software o hardware en español. Las
personas en su mayoría ya saben de qué están hablando y sólo las usan.
No tiene nada de malo, salvo que se sea algún fanático y se piense que
fueron inventadas por el Diablo :)
Además, usando esos términos te garantizas de que vas a ser entendido
por todo el mundo.


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Re: Spanglish [Era: totalmente nueva]

2012-05-13 Thread Sergio Bessopeanetto

El 13/05/12 11:52, Emiliano M. Rudenick escribió:

El Sat, 12 May 2012 22:02:48 -0300
Javier  escribió:

El 12/05/12, Camaleó  escribió:

El Sat, 12 May 2012 13:59:49 -0300, Emiliano M. Rudenick escribió:

El Sat, 12 May 2012 10:00:15 + (UTC) Camaleón  escribió:

El Sat, 12 May 2012 00:26:50 -0500, Carlos Zuniga escribió:

Pregunta, ya que sacaste el tema, y solo por curiosidad... ¿cómo
dices hardware en Español?

Como sugiere la propia RAE:

(Voz inglesa).
1. m. Inform. equipo (‖ conjunto de aparatos de una computadora).

O el Diccionario Panhispánico de Dudas:

hardware. Voz inglesa que se usa, en informática, para designar el
conjunto de los componentes que integran la parte material de una
computadora u ordenador. Puede sustituirse por expresiones
españolas como equipo (informático), componentes o, en contextos
muy especializados, soporte físico (en oposición al soporte
lógico, que son los programas): «Si su ordenador es un 486 o
inferior [...], es mejor cambiar entero el equipo» (Mundo [Esp.]

equipo es muy impreciso, me quedo con hardware y creo que todo
el mundo sabe a lo que me estoy refiriendo. Si le digo equipo
seguramente ni el que habla español me va entender, salvo que se
ponga a analizar el contexto.

Los traductores no podemos elegir :-), tenemos que mantener unas
normas básicas para dar coherencia al conjunto de los mensajes que
aparecen en las aplicaciones y Pronunciation: /ˈhärdˌwe(ə)r/


 tools, machinery, and other durable equipment: tanks and other
military hardware
 the machines, wiring, and other physical components of a computer
or other electronic system. Compare with software.
 tools, implements, and other items used in home life and
activities such as gardening. además tenemos que mantener un español

(evitamos el uso de ordenador y computador, por ejemplo, en
favor de equipo).

Personalmente intento evitar el uso de anglicismos siempre que
puedo y hardware es uno de los términos que, dependiendo de dónde
aparezcan y debido a su naturaleza generalista, resulta fácilmente
sustituible (componente o dispositivo por ejemplo, son buenos
candidatos cuando se trata de una traPronunciation: /ˈhärdˌwe(ə)r/


 tools, machinery, and other durable equipment: tanks and other
military hardware
 the machines, wiring, and other physical components of a computer
or other electronic system. Compare with software.
 tools, implements, and other items used in home life and
activities such as gardening. ducción relacionada con un contexto

En cambio, otros términos (como p. ej., bluetooth o Internet)
resultan prácticamente intraducibles, son casi como nombres propios
y se mantiene su acepción inglesa :-)



Pronunciation: /ˈhärdˌwe(ə)r/
 tools, machinery, and other durable equipment: tanks and other
military hardware
 the machines, wiring, and other physical components of a computer
or other electronic system. Compare with software.
 tools, implements, and other items used in home life and
activities such as gardening.

Como se ve, hardware no define específicamente un equipo de
cómputos, digamos que es pura y simplemente eso, equipo.

Y software es típico de un idioma tan pobre como el inglés, donde
las palabras salen por analogías que sólo ellos las entienden (soft
en contraposición de hard), y no de una etimología como la nuestra
que es bastante más coherente.
Por software prefiero toda la vida usar la palabra programas.

Reconozco que hay algunas palabras difícil de traducir. bit =
mordisquito y byate = mordiscón, y que deben quedarse como están,
como ya pasó con la Luz Amplificada por Emisión Estimulada de
Radiación, o de otro modo, laser.

Pero eso de usar bacapear, escanear, formatear o cosas por el
estilo, realmente, dividen las aguas entre una choni y un ser humano


Y por qué no hablamos latín y ya está si nunca vamos a aceptar que los
lenguajes evolucionan y se unifican también? no todo se soluciona
traduciendo o buscando una traducción precisa, mira las vueltas que dan
para buscar una traducción a software o hardware en español. Las
personas en su mayoría ya saben de qué están hablando y sólo las usan.
No tiene nada de malo, salvo que se sea algún fanático y se piense que
fueron inventadas por el Diablo :)
Además, usando esos términos te garantizas de que vas a ser entendido
por todo el mundo.


Me parece que este hilo se desvió mucho del original pero bienvenido sea 
el debate sobre traducciones.
Las lenguas vivas siempre han tenido influencias y se enriquecieron de 
fonemas de otras lenguas que han mutado a la configuración lingüística 
de la comunidad de hablantes receptores. Es así como el latín ha tenido 
fuertes influencias de todas las lenguas de todos los territorios que 
conquistaron los romanos. 

Re: Emparejar dispositivos bluetooth

2012-05-13 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
El día 13 de mayo de 2012 10:05, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 12 May 2012 21:02:04 +0200, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:

 El día 11 de mayo de 2012 16:02, Camaleón escribió:


 Si tienes un ordenador secundario, podrías conectarte mediante ssh y
 probar a reiniciar el demonio de bluetooth para ver si así el teclado y
 ratón de Apple volvían a la vida. O también puedes conectar un teclado/
 ratón USB y probarlo, a ver qué sucede. Si funciona, pues ya veríamos
 alguna forma de recargar el demonio del BT al inciar.

 ¿En el arranque de linux se puede poner esta orden: hidd --connect
 28:37:37:32:C0:9D?, con esta order se me activa el teclado al instante.

 Sí, no veo por qué no, pero tendrás que ponerlo nada más cargar el daemon
 de BT, para que tenga efecto en la pantalla de login (GDM), es decir,
 antes de acceder a la sesión.

 Prueba a añadir en /etc/default/bluetooth esta clave:

 HIDD_OPTIONS=--connect 28:37:37:32:C0:9D

 Así probaría si esta operativo para la elección de SO.

 No creo que sirva de nada en ese estadio :-/

Es que para la elección de SO y Grub2 no tengo problema, el teclado
funciona si previamente está emparejado con Mac. Se pierde la conexión
despues del Grub2, llegando al gdm3 inhabilitado, con lo cual no se
puede elegir el usuario y poner la contraseña para que carge el
Voy a probar con el HIDD_OPTIONS

Un saludo

Octavio Ávalos

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Re: Ayuda con Drivers de Audio Intel

2012-05-13 Thread Fabián Bonetti
On Thu, 10 May 2012 13:02:49 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:

Proba en una terminal:.

$su [seguido de enter ]


#modprobe snd_hda_intel [seguido de enter ]


#alsa force-reload [seguido de enter ]

luego si sigues sin escuchar entra al mixer en terminal

$alsamixer [seguido de enter ]

veremos como sigue el asunto pero para ir descartando haremos esto.


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MamaLibre, Casa en Lincoln, Ituzaingo 1085 CP6070, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Re: OT: consulta sobre alpine

2012-05-13 Thread C. L. Martinez
2012/5/10 Camaleón
 El Thu, 10 May 2012 15:42:27 +0200, C. L. Martinez escribió:

 2012/5/10 Camaleón
 El Thu, 10 May 2012 08:04:36 +0200, C. L. Martinez escribió:

  Acabo de configurar un cliente alpine en una Debian 6.0.4 para
 recoger, leer, enviar correos etc conectado a un servidor Microsoft
 Exchange. Todo va de perlas, a excepción de cuando respondo correos:
 tanto el campo To: como el CC: se quedan siempre en blanco cuando
 intento responder un email.

  ¿Alguien sabe por qué? ¿no hay forma de que lo autocomplete?

 Mmm... pregunta tontuna: ¿existen los campos From:/Reply-To: y CC:
 en la cabecera del mensaje original?

 Si. El problema me viene cuando respondo a un email con los campos To: y
 CC: completados ...

 Que yo sepa, el campo To: no se usa para generar una respuesta, el
 cliente de correo usa el From: o el Reply-To:, por eso te lo comentaba.
 Si esos campos están presentes en la cabecera del mensaje al que
 respondes, entonces el problema va por otro lado.

 Otra cosa, al menos en Mutt para responder a todos los remitentes (tecla
 g) hay que usar una combinación distinta a la de responder (tecla r).
 Asegúrate de estar usando la correcta si fuera el caso.



Bueno finalmente encontré el problema. Parece ser que alpine tiene
algún problema cuando accede a carpetas IMAP a través de Davmail, no
se entregan de forma correcta las cabeceras. Pero es curioso: cuando
el correo llega desde fuera del dominio Exchange, funciona
correctamente, pero en cambio si es un email interno, no. En cambio
con mutt, no hay ningún problema.


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Setup dialog igen ...?

2012-05-13 Thread Flemming Bjerke
Jeg prøvede lige at installere egroupware. Den anbefalede metode er at 
man tilføjer et repository og så installerer med apt-get. Under 
installationen dukker der så nogle 'dialogsider' op hvor man skal 
indtaste diverse oplysninger, bl.a. om mysql hvor jeg fik lavet en fejl.

Det skulle jo være til at rette op på, skulle man mene. Det var bare 
ikke så let. Jeg har purged egroupware og located det som ikke var 
fjernet ved purge. Alligevel må mine oplysninger ligge et eller andet 
sted, og jeg får ikke lov til at genindtaste i de der grå dialogsider 
(dpkg -re-configure hjælper ikke).

Hvor ligger de oplysninger så?

dpkg-reconfigure egroupware
PHP Warning:  mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 
'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in 
on line 349
/usr/bin/php -d memory_limit=256M 
/usr/share/egroupware/setup/setup-cli.php --setup-cmd-database 
sub_command=create_db 'domain=default' 'db_type=mysql' 
'db_host=localhost' 'db_port=3306' 'db_name=egroupware' 
'db_user=egroupware' 'db_pass=' 'db_root=root' 'db_root_pw=' 
Can not connect to mysql database mysql on host localhost:3306 using 
user root! (ADOdb::Connect(localhost:3306, root, $Password, mysql) 

Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO))

Installation failed -- exiting!

Bemærk /usr/share/egroupware/ har været slettet så det er ikke der 
oplysningerne ligger.


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Re: Setup dialog igen ...?

2012-05-13 Thread Jonas Smedegaard
On 12-05-13 at 07:48am, Flemming Bjerke wrote:
 Jeg prøvede lige at installere egroupware. Den anbefalede metode er
 at man tilføjer et repository og så installerer med apt-get.

Officielle Debian pakker kræver ikke tilretning af APT for at kunne 
installeres. Lyder til at du har installeret uoficielle pakker.

 Det skulle jo være til at rette op på, skulle man mene. Det var bare 
 ikke så let. Jeg har purged egroupware og located det som ikke var 
 fjernet ved purge. Alligevel må mine oplysninger ligge et eller andet 
 sted, og jeg får ikke lov til at genindtaste i de der grå dialogsider 
 (dpkg -re-configure hjælper ikke).
 Hvor ligger de oplysninger så?

Godt spørgsmål. Lyder til at pakkerne ikke overholder Debian Policy som 
bl.a. sikrer at du kan have disse høje forventninger til kvaliteten af 
pakker. Jeg vil anbefale at du fejlmelder pakkerne det sted du har dem 
fra (dvs. du skal ikke fejlmelde til Debian hvis ikke det er dér du har 
installeret dem fra).

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist  Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

 [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private

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jfSFdg《 代 》076825《 开 》zmjxByUj《 税 》6742501693《 票 》

2012-05-13 Thread mtoyvbxhcowo

All chucks friends use em too, i saw stephen shoot up heroin near bear valley too

2012-05-13 Thread Sam
drinkin and drivin is shit you all do, and lying and stabbing you know of
is true
kidnapping and covering and perjury too
please you wanna talk about crimes or are you the problem entirely or a
part of it too?

seriously what is it i am suppoesd to do ? the court date approaches and no
property or lawyer too, all you can see is 'drugs drugs drugs' i do, you
use them too entirely too, but you ain't getting attacked and tortured and
that is why too

who else you all know that i know uses drugs too?
or are you nothing but liars since you claimt to not smoke marijauna to me
often too?

You never responded so here's what i do, usin the blank not the b because
you know now too, how about an actual discussion or debate one time too,
since i get no trials but hey they are faggotry and treasons too , no laws
are here now as far as i knew, the laws are bullshit entirely too

Re: gpg/pgp noise

2012-05-13 Thread Andrei POPESCU
Hopefully not reigniting this...

On Ma, 08 mai 12, 05:43:17, Indulekha wrote:
 I'm getting this with most gog/pgp-signed mails received 
 from this list (using mutt):

This part has been solved, but since it is highly unlikely for you to 
have a trust path to my key you'll still get a block of 5 or so lines 
telling you that the message is properly signed, but there is no 
indication that the key belongs to the user (i.e. no trust path).

Sorry, I'm trying to get my key in the Debian web-of-trust soonish, but 
I understand you already have filters for that.
I have a few other technical remarks that I'm adding here instead of 
digging a specific message to reply:

@Indulekha and other squeeze+mutt users:
beware of a bug where mutt incorrectly sends GPG/MIME signatures with 

This is not a problem for mutt itself, but for example Gmail will 
(correctly) quote the entire GPG signature on reply to such messages. 
Fixed in 1.5.21 (available from squeeze-backports).

At least in my experience Mailman is NOT breaking GPG/MIME. I know of at 
least 4 different Mailman installations (including that work fine.

Assuming the issues with Mailman + GPG/MIME are not at your end[1], did 
you consider signing inline only to those specific lists? I'd be amazed 
if Thunderbird/Icedove can't do this (for mutt it's trivial with a send- 
or a folder-hook).

[1] You could BCC yourself and compare the message with the one received 
from the mailing list. Also consider any mail server on the way, I've 
read rumors of Microsoft Exchange messing with messages (especially 

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Evernote message: Emailed note was not submitted

2012-05-13 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 11 mai 12, 07:51:16, Indulekha wrote:
 Gmail does have some issues (many of
 which are mitigated by using mutt and accessing via imap), but spam
 is one thing they handle very nicely.

Mostly agree with you, but do check the spam folder, I've seen false 
positives more than once.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: mounting local filesystem ..... FAILED

2012-05-13 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 12 May 2012 16:56:04 +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:


 What that none means here? :-?

 hope this can explain you better. because i also dont know why its
 showing none


 Nope, sorry, I'm afraid the above outputs add no more useful information.

 Are you missing something, for example, an external USB disk that
 should be recognized but it's not present?

 BTW , i am using Proxmox a KVM base virtual environment. so i am not
 sure about it however i think virtually they are mounting CD drive on
 USB as
 this log shows note the resume from disk failed msg

 [    1.012097] usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and  
 address 2
 [    1.168454] PM: Starting manual resume from disk
 [    1.168457] PM: Resume from partition 8:5
 [    1.168458] PM: Checking hibernation image.
 [    1.168856] PM: Error -22 checking image file
 [    1.168858] PM: Resume from disk failed.


 Wait, wait... was the error coming up after resuming or from a cold

it is on boot,

 And do you have any additional storage volume that you usually mount
 under /dev? It seems something pointing to /dev but I can't guess what.

no only one virtual drive 32 gb. thats all.
ok next working day ill delete the CDrom from VM and then ill check.
and let you know the update



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Re: mounting local filesystem ..... FAILED

2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 13 May 2012 13:04:12 +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 Wait, wait... was the error coming up after resuming or from a cold
 it is on boot,

Okay, then the resuming message could be unrelated to the problem but is 
still something you should check. 

 And do you have any additional storage volume that you usually mount
 under /dev? It seems something pointing to /dev but I can't guess

 no only one virtual drive 32 gb. thats all. ok next working day ill
 delete the CDrom from VM and then ill check. and let you know the update

What's a virtual drive? Ah, you mean the system is running on a 
virtualized environment, okay.

Anyway, is the mounting error message coming always on every boot or from 
time to time? If it happens sporadically, you could compare both dmesg 
outputs and check for any difference. 



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2012-05-13 Thread Alex Padoly

Which GNU package I can installed on DEBIAN WORKSTATION to work as



Change video Card

2012-05-13 Thread Alex Padoly

On a DEBIAN WORKSTATION (latest stable version) I must change my video
card, what is the procedure:

1: ?
2: turn off my computer
3: replace a video card
4: tir on my computer



Re: Php update killed my wiki site.

2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 12 May 2012 18:32:20 -0500, John W. Foster wrote:

 For a couple of years I have used this type of link to bring content
 into my mediawiki:
 {{Offsite Disclaimer}}
 {{wikipedia::Inductive reasoning}}
 And it has always worked well.
 I recently upgraded my Debian Linux Php to: PHP Version 5.3.3-7+squeeze9
 Since then This link does not work, nor do any of the others that are
 formatted to this style.

It's very uncommon to see a security update breaking things but if you 
are completely sure the format you were using for the mediakiki links was 
working fine a day before the update and no other changes have been made, 
you can consider in opening a bug report in Debian BTS.
 The exact error message issues by the browser is:
 [Template fetch failed for]

Mmm... that tells little about the source of the error. How about the 
apache logs? PHP parsing errors fall there.



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2012-05-13 Thread computer.enthusiastic
2012/5/13 Alex Padoly
 Which GNU package I can installed on DEBIAN WORKSTATION to work as

The GNU project does not provides this software.

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Re: Php update killed my wiki site.

2012-05-13 Thread Jon Dowland
On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 06:32:20PM -0500, John W. Foster wrote:
 For a couple of years I have used this type of link to bring content
 into my mediawiki:

Are you using the mediawiki Debian package?

 I recently upgraded my Debian Linux Php to:
 PHP Version 5.3.3-7+squeeze9

If you can find out what you upgraded it from, too, you can then narrow
down what has changed in that window by inspecting the changelog:

 The exact error message issues by the browser is:
 [Template fetch failed for]
 Any Tips please!!

It sounds like the mediawiki code for fetching an external site has been 
Look in the changelog window for anything which sounds like it might relate to 

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Re: Change video Card

2012-05-13 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sun, 13 May 2012 10:48:22 +0200
Alex Padoly wrote:

Hello Alex,

 1: ?

Make sure you have the right driver installed for the new card.  The
default is is for Xorg to install all drivers, IIRC.  So, if you haven't
removed any, you /should/ be okay.  With the proviso that, if your new
card uses a non-free driver, you'll have to install that using whatever
method you prefer; apt, aptitude, Synaptic

Also, if it exists, rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf, as the required settings
are usually detected correctly.

 2: turn off my computer
 3: replace a video card
 4: tir on my computer

5: Cross fingers.   :-)

6:  If all is well, you can delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
You only see me for the clothes that I wear
Public Image - Public Image Ltd

Description: PGP signature


2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 13 May 2012 10:44:33 +0200, Alex Padoly wrote:

 Which GNU package I can installed on DEBIAN WORKSTATION to work as

There are alternatives... and a good table to check here:,_engineering_and_construction



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Re: Change video Card

2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 13 May 2012 10:48:22 +0200, Alex Padoly wrote:

 On a DEBIAN WORKSTATION (latest stable version) I must change my video
 card, what is the procedure:
 1: ?

- List the current card and driver in use.
- List the new card and driver you plan to use.
- Hope for the best...

 2: turn off my computer


 3: replace a video card


 4: tir on my computer

Yes, but depending on the change, I would recommend booting in rescue 
mode and install, setup and configure the card from there.



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Re: multiboot problem in squeeze

2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 12 May 2012 20:05:44 -0400, Long Wind wrote:

 my hard disk looks like this:
 sda1: Win XP
 sda3: Mandrake 9.2
 sda4: lenny

And you were booting from lenny, right?

 now I install squeeze at sda4
 (lenny erased)

And GRUB2 comes to place.

 XP boots OK
 but Mandrake 9.2 can't boot
 (After I select Mandrade in grub menu, it reboots)
 I attach grub.cfg

# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for an existing
# linux installation on /dev/sda3.
menuentry Mandrake Linux release 9.2 (FiveStar) for i586 (on /dev/sda3) {
set root=(hd0,msdos3)
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 0f25beee-f0b9-11e0-97a1-d11beb0186be
linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.22-10mdk root=/dev/sda3 
initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.22-10mdk.img

Wow... that's a very old Mandrake release (kernel 2.4.22), and from the 
above line, it seems that you are not using chainloading but directly 
booting your old Mandrake from GRUB2. If yes, then it can be that you 
(well, not you but the os-prober) missed something at the boot entry, 
I would try to manually boot Mandrake from GRUB2 command line, test some 
combos and when you finally get it, edit the corresponding menu file 
from (/etc/grub.d/*) accordingly.



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Re: Files and directories showing in CLI but not in GUI

2012-05-13 Thread Raf Czlonka
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 01:42:05AM BST, Marc Shapiro wrote:
 As I mentioned above and in the listed previous threads, this was a
 new install, but the home partition that is acting strangely s from a
 previous install.

That sounds simply like a permissions issue.
To rule it our mound the filesystem rw and change the permissions
on files and directories to 666 and 777 respectively (start with the
full patch as the GUI file manager might need to have access to read
those all the way from / up.


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Re: desktop notification gone

2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 12 May 2012 21:41:44 +0200, Tom wrote:

 On 05/12/2012 06:02 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 Check whether the notification-daemon is started after you login.
 It is, I re-checked this afternoon for Michael already (and besides,
 notify-send does okay, which I guess it wouldn't without the daemon).
 When running Gnome everything's fine.

 What GNOME? Fallback or shell? :-)
 That'd be shell. I'm not sure what kind of smiley it really deserves
 though. :)


Then, when login with gnome-shell the notifications are coming from 
inside, I mean, libnotify and the gnome-shell itself (I have no 
notification-daemon process running when I'm inside a gnome-shell 

 You can also try the usual thing: create a new user, login and check if
 the notifications are working
 Nothing's different for the new user: everything notifies properly in
 Gnome, but only once in Openbox.
 Now, eh, I generally roll eyes when somebody starts answering to their
 own questions, but I couldn't help it. After quite a detour I learned
 it's likely/probably about the message queue not being flushed, but I
 didn't find a solution for that. Statnot [1] was referred to in the Arch
 forums because it has a QUEUE_NOTIFICATIONS config option. For
 notify-OSD and notification-daemon however the only advice I found was
 to kill it.

Yes, kill it and re-launch it again to see what happens. If things start 
working as they should and notifications pop-up again, then your theory 
of the notifying queue is not being fushed will earn extra points and 
you can consider in opening a bug report :-)
 The notification specification [2] mentions expire_timeout. If that is
 set to -1, the decision is left to the notification server. Since my
 music player does just that, I suppose notification-daemon is to blame.
 Sadly it isn't very configurable (not at all, as far as I'm aware).


Users shouldn't need to care about that queue thingies. If the daemon is 
up and running and notifications only come up once, something is wrong 
with it and as you are running sid, the possibilities of hitting some 
sort of bug increase. Anyway, you can also review your logs, just in case.



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Re: Files and directories showing in CLI but not in GUI

2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 12 May 2012 23:43:43 +, Marc Shapiro wrote:


 Document file '' is locked for editing by: xxx 
 ( 06.05.2012 15:49)
 Open the document read-only or open a copy of the document for editing.
 The x's above were the file name that I was trying to open and my login
 on the old system.  If I select Open Read-Only the file opens right up. 
 Other files open without the warning.  I probably had that particular
 file open when the system went wonky (it is almost always open) and that
 is the reason for the warning dialog.

Run mount and put here the output.

 So my question is: Why do some of my files and directories show in GUI
 apps, but not all of them, while all of them seem to show up just fine
 from the command line?

By defaul, Nautilus does not show hidden directories (.my_dir) nor files 
(.my_file), but I suppose this is not the problem here, right?
 Does anyone have any ideas on this?  If all of my files are actually on
 the disk, in good order, why can I only see them from the command line? 

Who knows... GUIs are very useful but they can also be a headache to 
debug serious problems because they pretend to be more clever that the 
user, which usually works but not for all situations.

 Is there something that I can do to make all of the files and
 directories visible in GUI apps, as well?  This would make my life a
 whole lot easier.

What I would do is:

1/ Copy the whole disk content data into another device/volume/hard disk
2/ Check the copied data is okay and all the files opens fine from 
different systems
3/ Then run the disk manufacturer's verification utilities to ensure the 
hard disk is still in good shape and thus, usuable
4/ Format the disk and create the required partitions
5/ Copy back the data
6/ Have a cup of coffee/tea while remember yourself for the needing of 
doing regular backups :-)



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Re: How to merge files

2012-05-13 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 09 mai 12, 22:40:15, Benjamí Villoslada wrote:
 I can't see how to merge two files. There are two SPIP CMS translation files:

Oh no, another translation format.
 A) ca.php with catalan translation from a old version.
 B) fr.php with the original and last version (french).
 The goal is to put B new lines into A, but without removing the previously 
 translated lines in A.

See if you can get them converted to gettext catalogs (.po), the 
operation above is routine for the gettext tools.

Kind regards,
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Re: desktop notification gone

2012-05-13 Thread Tom

Hey Adrian,

To anybody else reading this and not using Gnome or KDE, how does
notification work for you?

I use xfce4-notifyd from XFCE ..  It also has a nice configuration
utility: xfce4-notifyd-config. Works great so far (for at least 2
months); couldn't be happier.

Works like a charm indeed. Thanks a bunch for returning my bubbles! :)


np: Les Joyaux de la Princesse - La Retardée I

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Re: desktop notification gone

2012-05-13 Thread Tom

Hey Camaleón,

First off, to my delight it is worked around by using XFCE's
daemon, cf. Adrian's message.

After quite a detour I learned it's likely/probably about
the message queue not being flushed .. For notify-OSD
and notification-daemon however the only advice I found
was to kill it.

Yes, kill it and re-launch it again to see what happens.

Well, exactly what was to be expected -- one notification per
application, nothing after that.

Users shouldn't need to care about that queue thingies. If
the daemon is up and running and notifications only come up
once, something is wrong with it and as you are running sid,
the possibilities of hitting some sort of bug increase.

Hm. Judging from what I read yesterday, I'm not sure if it's
actually a bug and not just notification-daemon's fault for
depending on another application to manage the queue. In that
case, wouldn't a bug report in Debian's bts be useless, i.e.
just forwarded upstream?

Anyway, you can also review your logs, just in case.

What logs are those? .xsession-errors (nothing in there)?

Thanks for your help,

np: Les Joyaux de la Princesse - Cantate de Travailleurs

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Re: Files and directories showing in CLI but not in GUI

2012-05-13 Thread Indulekha
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 11:09:48AM +0100, Raf Czlonka wrote:
 On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 01:42:05AM BST, Marc Shapiro wrote:
  As I mentioned above and in the listed previous threads, this was a
  new install, but the home partition that is acting strangely s from a
  previous install.
 That sounds simply like a permissions issue.
 To rule it our mound the filesystem rw and change the permissions
 on files and directories to 666 and 777 respectively (start with the
 full patch as the GUI file manager might need to have access to read
 those all the way from / up.

Almost certainly a permissiopns issue, espcially as he mentioned it was
a fresh install mounting an old /home.
I'd be wary of chmodding everything 666 and 777 personally, as certain
things might need other perms. Besides, 644 and 755 are more secure.

@Mark: open a terminal, become root, type 'ls -la'. Should reveal the
problem if it's a permissions issue. Perhaps your UID is different in 
the new system from the previous one, in which case a simple 'chown -R' 
should fix it.

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Re: OT: More about GPG signing

2012-05-13 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 11 mai 12, 17:49:30, Phil Dobbin wrote:
  on the strength of that message, Slavko, it gave me great pleasure to
 import  sign your key :-)

Don't sign other keys unless you have met the owner in person.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: OT: More about GPG signing

2012-05-13 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 12 mai 12, 09:25:44, Slavko wrote:

 * It was a lot of searching for me to get MUA for   Windows with GPG
   support (early mentioned Thunderbird and Enigmail) and i see no others
   equivalents exists (or only very old or commercial).

Claws Mail and Sylpheed will do it.

+1 on everything else you said :)

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: desktop notification gone

2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 13 May 2012 12:51:04 +0200, Tom wrote:

 Hey Camaleón,
 First off, to my delight it is worked around by using XFCE's daemon, cf.
 Adrian's message.

Yup, I already read that message :-)
 After quite a detour I learned it's likely/probably about the message
 queue not being flushed .. For notify-OSD and notification-daemon
 however the only advice I found was to kill it.

 Yes, kill it and re-launch it again to see what happens.
 Well, exactly what was to be expected -- one notification per
 application, nothing after that.

Well, I get different notifications coming from aplications every time 
they need to tell me something not just one pop-up and nothing 
afterwards. At least this is the usual for GNOME.

 Users shouldn't need to care about that queue thingies. If the daemon
 is up and running and notifications only come up once, something is
 wrong with it and as you are running sid, the possibilities of hitting
 some sort of bug increase.
 Hm. Judging from what I read yesterday, I'm not sure if it's actually a
 bug and not just notification-daemon's fault for depending on another
 application to manage the queue. In that case, wouldn't a bug report in
 Debian's bts be useless, i.e. just forwarded upstream?

In you're still interested on this, I'd first report it in Debian BTS, if 
it needs to be forwarded upstream, you will be told to do it so.

 Anyway, you can also review your logs, just in case.
 What logs are those? .xsession-errors (nothing in there)?

Where the usual dbus and freedesktop logs usually go, i.e., /var/log/
daemon.log and /var/log/syslog are the ones I'd look at :-?



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Re: OT: More about GPG signing

2012-05-13 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 12 mai 12, 01:45:37, Jochen Spieker wrote:



Kind regards,
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Re: a balance: hi speed internet vs. remoteness

2012-05-13 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 12 mai 12, 03:23:53, Indulekha wrote:
 On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 11:50:31PM -0700, Sam wrote:
 weirdness snipped
 Celebrating something, Sam?

Looks like the kind of spam used for confusing spam filters, and you 
just replied to it :(

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: OT: More about GPG signing

2012-05-13 Thread Mika Suomalainen
11.05.2012 19:53, Chris Bannister kirjoitti:
 On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 03:18:02PM +0100, Brad Rogers wrote:
 Whilst the above is true, it's also true that inline signing isn't
 going away soon because of certain companies reticence about
 implementing it correctly or at all.
 Where it refers to the PGP/MIME standard, of course.
 Even if Enigmail made PGP/MIME the default, or even better remove inline
 signing completely?

Enigmail uses mailing list software which makes PGP/MIME unverfiable,
because of headers.

[Mika Suomalainen]( ||
[gpg --keyserver --recv-keys
4DB53CFE82A46728]( ||
[Why do I sign my
emails?]( ||
[Please don't send
HTML.]( ||
[Please don't
toppost]( ||
[This signature]( ||

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: a balance: hi speed internet vs. remoteness

2012-05-13 Thread Indulekha
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 02:50:12PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Sb, 12 mai 12, 03:23:53, Indulekha wrote:
  On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 11:50:31PM -0700, Sam wrote:
  weirdness snipped
  Celebrating something, Sam?
 Looks like the kind of spam used for confusing spam filters, and you 
 just replied to it :(

No actually, I replied to the list.

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Re: desktop notification gone

2012-05-13 Thread Indulekha
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 12:51:01PM +0200, Tom wrote:
 Hey Adrian,
 To anybody else reading this and not using Gnome or KDE, how does
 notification work for you?
 I use xfce4-notifyd from XFCE ..  It also has a nice configuration
 utility: xfce4-notifyd-config. Works great so far (for at least 2
 months); couldn't be happier.
 Works like a charm indeed. Thanks a bunch for returning my bubbles! :)

I had no trouble with plain, old notify-osd in fvwm, but out of
curiosity tried xfce4-notifyd anyway. Love that I can theme it and no
longer have to strain to read black-on-white bubbles with a fixed size
and typeface. It's a nice improvement. :)

❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤   

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Re: Files and directories showing in CLI but not in GUI

2012-05-13 Thread rjc
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 12:04:16PM BST, Indulekha wrote:
 Almost certainly a permissiopns issue, espcially as he mentioned it was
 a fresh install mounting an old /home.
 I'd be wary of chmodding everything 666 and 777 personally, as certain
 things might need other perms. Besides, 644 and 755 are more secure.

I never suggested chmod everything from / up, only the files' and
directories' affected full path STARTING from / which in this
example is /home mounted somewhere in /target, /media, /mnt, etc.
And yes, 644 and 755 are enough to view the files but if the file
manager is running as a different user he might not be able to change
anything using GUI, that might be the reason why he can see the files
on in the terminal and not in the GUI file manger in the first place -
I don't know how this particular Live CD work.
Then chmod go-rwx or g-w and o-rwx will be enough to get /home back
to desired permissions.


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Re: Files and directories showing in CLI but not in GUI

2012-05-13 Thread Indulekha
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 01:09:26PM +0100, rjc wrote:
 On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 12:04:16PM BST, Indulekha wrote:
  Almost certainly a permissiopns issue, espcially as he mentioned it was
  a fresh install mounting an old /home.
  I'd be wary of chmodding everything 666 and 777 personally, as certain
  things might need other perms. Besides, 644 and 755 are more secure.
 I never suggested chmod everything from / up

I never even thought that you did, much less said such a thing.
Sorry if I was unclear.
There are files in my home directory which do not need to be 666, 
and directories in the same location which do not need to be 777.

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Re: OT: More about GPG signing

2012-05-13 Thread Lisi
On Saturday 12 May 2012 08:25:44 Slavko wrote:

I will accept that some (many???) people may htink that the presence of 
Slavko's name fulfils no useful purpose other than supplying an ego-trip for 

But for me it had a use.  I know (of?) Slavko from another list.  I would 
certainly not have recognised his email address.  I am partially sighted and 
skip long text strings that I see no value in decoding.

But I recognised his name.  And because I have always found his postings 
useful, and indeed extremely helpful, in both attitude and content, I read 
his email, which was long-ish and therefore marginally difficult. 

So, Slavko, your putting your name in the header helped me, even if it helped 
no-one else.  So I am glad that you were lazy. ;-)


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To the list admins: Call for Ban on this SPAM

2012-05-13 Thread John W. Foster
I don't know about the rest of you but this is pure nonsense and should
be banned from the mailing list and all entries purged from the
archives. The mailer is:


Can those of you with admin authority do something. I doubt this is
actually a real person. Looks like machine generated scripting to get
emiail addresses from any who reply.

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Re: OT: 各類廠商存貨 貨辦 倉底貨 碼頭櫃貨 退港貨等

2012-05-13 Thread Terence

 ..I still see no rallies on Fox, CNN or Al-Jaseera pleading
 for mercy for you?  And, there's still a market for tiled
 ground zero glazing. ;o)

I must be doing something wrong, right, and very right! : -)

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Re: To the list admins: Call for Ban on this SPAM

2012-05-13 Thread rjc
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 12:34:36PM BST, John W. Foster wrote:
 I don't know about the rest of you but this is pure nonsense and should
 be banned from the mailing list and all entries purged from the
 archives. The mailer is:
 Can those of you with admin authority do something. I doubt this is
 actually a real person. Looks like machine generated scripting to get
 emiail addresses from any who reply.

You can report SPAM using list's web archive interface.


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Re: multiboot problem in squeeze

2012-05-13 Thread Long Wind
On 5/13/12, Camaleón wrote:

 Wow... that's a very old Mandrake release (kernel 2.4.22), and from the
 above line, it seems that you are not using chainloading but directly
 booting your old Mandrake from GRUB2. If yes, then it can be that you
 (well, not you but the os-prober) missed something at the boot entry,
 I would try to manually boot Mandrake from GRUB2 command line, test some
 combos and when you finally get it, edit the corresponding menu file
 from (/etc/grub.d/*) accordingly.



Thank Camaleón!
I have used multiboot in early debian distro
this time it seems very hard
I don't know how to manually boot Mandrake from GRUB2 command line

Maybe I shall give up

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Re: a balance: hi speed internet vs. remoteness

2012-05-13 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Du, 13 mai 12, 07:03:19, Indulekha wrote:
 On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 02:50:12PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  Looks like the kind of spam used for confusing spam filters, and you 
  just replied to it :(
 No actually, I replied to the list.

It doesn't matter:
- Gmail might give it a lower spam score because it sees your reply 
  instead of marking it as spam
- it can not be removed from Debian archives anymore

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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2012-05-13 Thread Csanyi Pal
Camaleón writes:

 On Sun, 13 May 2012 10:44:33 +0200, Alex Padoly wrote:

 Which GNU package I can installed on DEBIAN WORKSTATION to work as

 There are alternatives... and a good table to check here:,_engineering_and_construction

Such as BRL-CAD, FreeCAD, ...
FreeCAD can be installed on Debian system from debian repository,
BRL-CAD can be installed from source.

Regards from Pal

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Re: multiboot problem in squeeze

2012-05-13 Thread Indulekha
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 09:01:21AM -0400, Long Wind wrote:
 On 5/13/12, Camaleón wrote:
  Wow... that's a very old Mandrake release (kernel 2.4.22), and from the
  above line, it seems that you are not using chainloading but directly
  booting your old Mandrake from GRUB2. If yes, then it can be that you
  (well, not you but the os-prober) missed something at the boot entry,
  I would try to manually boot Mandrake from GRUB2 command line, test some
  combos and when you finally get it, edit the corresponding menu file
  from (/etc/grub.d/*) accordingly.
 Thank Camaleón!
 I have used multiboot in early debian distro
 this time it seems very hard
 I don't know how to manually boot Mandrake from GRUB2 command line
 Maybe I shall give up

If you still have your Mandrake 9.2 installer disk, you could use it to
boot your installation on the hdd, then run grub-install to install it
on the root partition, rather than on the mbr. Then it's a simple matter
of editing  /etc/grub.d/40_custom to add the chainloader Mandrake entry, 
and run update-grub.

If you don't have the Mandrake installer anymore, any good live linux cd 
with a 2.4 kernel option should let you chroot in.

❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤   

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Re: [Feedback needed] Support for ISDN passive fax cards

2012-05-13 Thread Mirko Parthey
On Tue, May 08, 2012 at 05:56:49PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 I am considering in adding a couple of PCI based Eicon Diva 2.02 
 passive cards on a system running hylafax server. The fax server is now 
 using a couple of external RS-232 modems that work like a charm but as I 
 have a pair of unused ISDN cards I'm consider in adding them to the 
 current setup to enhance the installation.

Please ask yourself which aspect of your installation you expect to
improve by doing this. Fax with passive ISDN cards will be harder to
set up than with analog modems.

 But now I see that HiSax has been deprecated in favor of mISDN and I 
 wonder what's the current status of this driver in Debian, what kind of 
 devices are supported and what are your average experience in using ISDN 
 passive cards with Hylafax.

Check out this announcement:
You need very recent sofware to use it, but this seems to be the way

You may want to ask on this mailing list yourself. Despite its name, it
mostly deals with misdn nowadays.
(you have to subscribe to be able to post)

The documentation on is a bit outdated, but may still be
partially helpful. Look for misdn v2, and ignore misdn v1.

Sorry, I cannot help you with first-hand experience concerning fax support.


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Re: a balance: hi speed internet vs. remoteness

2012-05-13 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sun, 2012-05-13 at 16:02 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Du, 13 mai 12, 07:03:19, Indulekha wrote:
  On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 02:50:12PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
   Looks like the kind of spam used for confusing spam filters, and you 
   just replied to it :(
  No actually, I replied to the list.
 It doesn't matter:
 - Gmail might give it a lower spam score because it sees your reply 
   instead of marking it as spam
 - it can not be removed from Debian archives anymore
 Kind regards,

We got 3 times spam from this sender and there was one reply, who cares?
This spam was send to nearly ever email address on this planet and
neighbor galaxies ;), it will become a top 10 score soon.

 - Ralf

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2012-05-13 Thread Rob Owens
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 03:08:44PM +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:
 Camaleón writes:
  On Sun, 13 May 2012 10:44:33 +0200, Alex Padoly wrote:
  Which GNU package I can installed on DEBIAN WORKSTATION to work as
  There are alternatives... and a good table to check here:,_engineering_and_construction
 Such as BRL-CAD, FreeCAD, ...
 FreeCAD can be installed on Debian system from debian repository,
 BRL-CAD can be installed from source.
I haven't found anything on Linux that's really comparable to
Solidworks, but FreeCAD looks to have the most promise of anything I've
seen so far.  You can check out a distro called CAELinux and see what
software they include. 


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OT: Re: a balance: hi speed internet vs. remoteness

2012-05-13 Thread Indulekha
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 04:02:47PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Du, 13 mai 12, 07:03:19, Indulekha wrote:
  On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 02:50:12PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
   Looks like the kind of spam used for confusing spam filters, and you 
   just replied to it :(
  No actually, I replied to the list.
 It doesn't matter:
 - Gmail might give it a lower spam score because it sees your reply 
   instead of marking it as spam
 - it can not be removed from Debian archives anymore

I marked it as spam in gmail afterward, so apparently I took away with 
one hand and gave back with the other. It was early and I wasn't firing 
on all 12 yet, so didn't immediately recognize it as spam. Done is done, 
all the griping in the world will not undo it...

❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤   

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Corrupted windows in KDE after last upgrade in debian/testing

2012-05-13 Thread wzab


After last upgrade of my machines, one of them shows strange windows 
layout in KDE sessions. I attach the photograph (unfortunately in the 
screen dump performed with import utility the effect was not visible,

but import complained about too much input data).
What's interesting, problem does not occur in the LXDE session, and it 
appears only in one of my machines - the one which uses the VGA 
compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics 
Controller (rev 02)

Other machines - with newer Intel graphics chipsets work normally.
Whet can be the reason and cure for this problem?
TIA  Regards,

attachment: corrupted_windows.jpg


2012-05-13 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Csanyi Pal wrote:
 Such as BRL-CAD, FreeCAD, ...
 FreeCAD can be installed on Debian system from debian repository,

Yes, freecad aims to be an alternative to solidworks or inventor. The
project was started a few years ago and it makes good progress. But 
there is still a very long way to go until its goal can be remotely 
regarded as fullfilled .

 BRL-CAD can be installed from source.

brlcad is ancient software. Its interface was designed in the 1980s.
That is, it preceeds the invention of 3D mechanical CAD as we know it.
The UI implicitely assumes a text terminal and a plotter. There are 
elements of a modern GUI but they don't quite blend with the general
cancept. The interface has a severe tendency to make simple tasks 
complicated. I tried brlcad when I needed a 3D CAD application for 
a straight-up real world design. However, it took me more than an 
afternoon to put a cube on top of a sphere. 

In the end, I settled for varicad. This is a commercial 3D CAD application
that was developed on/for linux. Its list of features is moderately 
comprehensive. There is no much support for parametric design, though.
But the interface is quite intuitive.

Kai-Martin Knaak
Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

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Re: Corrupted windows in KDE after last upgrade in debian/testing

2012-05-13 Thread Roman V.Leon.

On 13.05.2012 17:23, wzab wrote:


After last upgrade of my machines, one of them shows strange windows
layout in KDE sessions. I attach the photograph (unfortunately in the
screen dump performed with import utility the effect was not visible,
but import complained about too much input data).
What's interesting, problem does not occur in the LXDE session, and it
appears only in one of my machines - the one which uses the VGA
compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics
Controller (rev 02)

Other machines - with newer Intel graphics chipsets work normally.
Whet can be the reason and cure for this problem?

Hello, Wojtek.
Please try to use vesa driver in your xorg.conf, it will allow you to 
make sure that this is a vga driver issue (and maybe not a hardware 

Roman V.Leon.

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Re: OT: More about GPG signing

2012-05-13 Thread Phil Dobbin
Hash: SHA1

On 13/05/12 12:31, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

 On Vi, 11 mai 12, 17:49:30, Phil Dobbin wrote:
  on the strength of that message, Slavko, it gave me great
 pleasure to import  sign your key :-)
 Don't sign other keys unless you have met the owner in person.

If that was the strategy everybody adopted with PGP, there'd be very
few, if any, keys signed, ever.

Thanks for the advice but I think I'll pass.



- -- 
currently (ab)using
Debian Squeeze, Fedora Verne, OS X Snow Leopard, Ubuntu Oneiric

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: OT: More about GPG signing

2012-05-13 Thread Jon Dowland
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 03:02:02PM +0100, Phil Dobbin wrote:
 If that was the strategy everybody adopted with PGP, there'd be very
 few, if any, keys signed, ever.

This *is* the strategy that most people use for PGP.

 Thanks for the advice but I think I'll pass.

You are entitled to maintain whatever local policy for signing you want: but,
it weakens your position in a web of trust if your signatures are 'weaker' than
other peoples. It means any trust path that flows through a signature of yours
is suspect.

GPG lets you choose a 'trust level' for keys. I'd suggest at least using a
low-level value for keys you haven't validated.

Jon Dowland

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Re: Weird warning from console-kit-daemon

2012-05-13 Thread Sébastien Kalt

2012/5/10 Curt
 On 2012-05-06, Sébastien Kalt wrote:

 Thank you for your answer, but I still think physical hard drive space is
 not the problem.

 How about inodes?

 df -i
$ df -i
Filesystem                                              Inodes  IUsed
 IFree IUse% Mounted on
rootfs                                                 248 707714
9291534    8% /
udev                                                    497175    447
496728    1% /dev
tmpfs                                                   498668    401
498267    1% /run
/dev/disk/by-uuid/d30adeed-998c-4f8b-b25c-185113da1cda 248 707714
9291534    8% /
tmpfs                                                   498668      4
498664    1% /run/lock
tmpfs                                                   498668     37
498631    1% /tmp
tmpfs                                                   498668      5
498663    1% /run/shm

Doesn't seem to be full ;)

Camaleón wrote :
 Yes. Hum, okay, the let's go back to the original idea of enabling them
 and see how it goes (append cgroup_enable=memory to the kernel line) :-)
I tried it, and I have the same messages :

$ dmesg |grep Command line
[    0.00] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-2-amd64
root=UUID=d30adeed-998c-4f8b-b25c-185113da1cda ro quiet

$ cat /proc/cgroups
#subsys_name hierarchy num_cgroups enabled
cpuset 0 1 1
cpu 0 1 1
cpuacct 0 1 1
memory 0 1 1
devices 0 1 1
freezer 0 1 1
net_cls 0 1 1
blkio 0 1 1
perf_event 0 1 1

$ tail /var/log/syslog
May 13 16:00:57 crapaud64 console-kit-daemon[2289]: WARNING: Failed to
add monitor on '/dev/pts/1': No space left on device
May 13 16:01:27 crapaud64 console-kit-daemon[2289]: WARNING: Failed to
add monitor on '/dev/pts/1': No space left on device
May 13 16:01:57 crapaud64 console-kit-daemon[2289]: WARNING: Failed to
add monitor on '/dev/pts/1': No space left on device
May 13 16:02:27 crapaud64 console-kit-daemon[2289]: WARNING: Failed to
add monitor on '/dev/pts/1': No space left on device
May 13 16:02:57 crapaud64 console-kit-daemon[2289]: WARNING: Failed to
add monitor on '/dev/pts/1': No space left on device

So I'll file a bug, as soon as I have enough time ;)

Thank you for your help.


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Re: To the list admins: Call for Ban on this SPAM

2012-05-13 Thread Jon Dowland
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 01:38:08PM +0100, rjc wrote:
 You can report SPAM using list's web archive interface.

And you can contact the listmasters via - no
need to further pollute the list.

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Re: To the list admins: Call for Ban on this SPAM

2012-05-13 Thread John W. Foster
On Sun, 2012-05-13 at 15:06 +0100, Jon Dowland wrote: 
 On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 01:38:08PM +0100, rjc wrote:
  You can report SPAM using list's web archive interface.
 And you can contact the listmasters via - no
 need to further pollute the list.
Thanks I've done so. I did not have that address in my system. I do now.

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Re: OT: More about GPG signing

2012-05-13 Thread Phil Dobbin
Hash: SHA1

On 13/05/12 15:05, Jon Dowland wrote:

 On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 03:02:02PM +0100, Phil Dobbin wrote:
 If that was the strategy everybody adopted with PGP, there'd be
 very few, if any, keys signed, ever.
 This *is* the strategy that most people use for PGP.
 Thanks for the advice but I think I'll pass.
 You are entitled to maintain whatever local policy for signing you
 want: but, it weakens your position in a web of trust if your
 signatures are 'weaker' than other peoples. It means any trust path
 that flows through a signature of yours is suspect.
 GPG lets you choose a 'trust level' for keys. I'd suggest at least
 using a low-level value for keys you haven't validated.

In the case in question I used I will not answer  I don't know as
I do with virtually all the very few keys I sign via a mailing list.

As somebody else posted on this subject some time ago (maybe a week
ago; this thread has been limping on for a long time) it helps one
identify participants on the list whose views seem to lucid, practical
 knowledgeable. I've found it unfortunate that after returning to
this list after several years away, I've actually had to send several
poster's addresses to /dev/null because of their rudeness  downright
bad manners. So any tool to identify genuinely helpful Debian users
who use these lists in a responsible manner is most welcome.



- -- 
currently (ab)using
Debian Squeeze, Fedora Verne, OS X Snow Leopard, Ubuntu Oneiric
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: multiboot problem in squeeze

2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 13 May 2012 09:01:21 -0400, Long Wind wrote:

 On 5/13/12, Camaleón wrote:

 Wow... that's a very old Mandrake release (kernel 2.4.22), and from the
 above line, it seems that you are not using chainloading but directly
 booting your old Mandrake from GRUB2. If yes, then it can be that you
 (well, not you but the os-prober) missed something at the boot entry,
 I would try to manually boot Mandrake from GRUB2 command line, test
 some combos and when you finally get it, edit the corresponding menu
 file from (/etc/grub.d/*) accordingly.

 Thank Camaleón!
 I have used multiboot in early debian distro this time it seems very

You were facing no problems before because the two linux distributions 
you had installed were using GRUB legacy. Now you have add a new player 
(GRUB2) to the booting game and that's why you may need to tweak the menu 
so you can boot Mandrake.

 I don't know how to manually boot Mandrake from GRUB2 command line

Neither do I but I (and you) do know how to search, right? ;-)

Okay, when you are in GRUB2 menu, press the c key to reach the command 
line mode. From there you can start to speak with GRUB2 and run commands, 
for example (this is just for demo purposes with a minimal set of 
options, I don't know if it will work for you as is):

set root=(hd0,3)
linux (hd0,3)/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.22-10mdk 
initrd (hd0,3)/boot/initrd-2.4.22-10mdk.img

Remember to press the Enter key after every command and (very 
important!) watch for the ouput. The goal here is that GRUB2 can find the 
Mandrake root partition and boot the kernel image from it.

 Maybe I shall give up

Oh, come on, this is linux, marine. You've been trained to be prepared to 
survive these kind of situations (and even worst) :-P



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Re: OT: More about GPG signing

2012-05-13 Thread Slavko

Dňa Sun, 13 May 2012 14:35:30 +0300 Andrei POPESCU napísal:

 On Sb, 12 mai 12, 09:25:44, Slavko wrote:
  * It was a lot of searching for me to get MUA for   Windows with GPG
support (early mentioned Thunderbird and Enigmail) and i see no
  others equivalents exists (or only very old or commercial).
 Claws Mail and Sylpheed will do it.

I am translating the Claws Mail and i am using it in Debian, but i has
serious problems in Windows 7 64bit, where it ignores command line options
and then it is unusable for me - for example it was not possible to
compose new mail from webbrowser...

It was some problems under Windows XP too, but was usable.


Description: PGP signature


2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 13 May 2012 09:28:05 -0400, Rob Owens wrote:

 On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 03:08:44PM +0200, Csanyi Pal wrote:
 Camaleón writes:
  On Sun, 13 May 2012 10:44:33 +0200, Alex Padoly wrote:
  Which GNU package I can installed on DEBIAN WORKSTATION to work as
  There are alternatives... and a good table to check here:,_engineering_and_construction
 Such as BRL-CAD, FreeCAD, ...
 FreeCAD can be installed on Debian system from debian repository,
 BRL-CAD can be installed from source.
 I haven't found anything on Linux that's really comparable to
 Solidworks, but FreeCAD looks to have the most promise of anything I've
 seen so far.  You can check out a distro called CAELinux and see what
 software they include.

I have neither found a good/real replacement for AutoCAD :-( but in the 
end, should the application cannot be replaced for whatever reason, we can 
always run it from a virtual machine.



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Re: Files and directories showing in CLI but not in GUI

2012-05-13 Thread Marc Shapiro
On 5/13/12, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 12 May 2012 23:43:43 +, Marc Shapiro wrote:


 Document file '' is locked for editing by: xxx
 ( 06.05.2012 15:49)
 Open the document read-only or open a copy of the document for editing.

 The x's above were the file name that I was trying to open and my login
 on the old system.  If I select Open Read-Only the file opens right up.
 Other files open without the warning.  I probably had that particular
 file open when the system went wonky (it is almost always open) and that
 is the reason for the warning dialog.

 Run mount and put here the output.

$ mount
aufs on / type aufs (rw)
tmpfs on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620)
/dev/sr0 on /live/image type iso9660 (ro,noatime)
tmpfs on /live/cow type tmpfs (rw,noatime,mode=755)
tmpfs on /live type tmpfs (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)
binfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc
/dev/mapper/vg1-home on /mnt type ext3 (rw)

 So my question is: Why do some of my files and directories show in GUI
 apps, but not all of them, while all of them seem to show up just fine
 from the command line?

 By defaul, Nautilus does not show hidden directories (.my_dir) nor files
 (.my_file), but I suppose this is not the problem here, right?

No.  I wouldn't expect hidden files and directories to show.  I don't
see a permissions problem, either.  Here is a listing of the directory
showing only the non-hiddden sub-directories.  I have also left in any
error lines that were generated.  (Remember that this was an LVM
volume that was in a VG spread over three partitions, two of which
were on a dying disk and I did a pvmove to migrate all of the data to
the new drive.  I believe that fsck does show errors on this
filesystem.  Could that cause the GUI to not find files and
directories that the CLI can find?)  I have marked the directories
that DO show up in Nautilus with an asterisk:

$ ls -all
ls: cannot access html: Input/output error
ls: cannot access .pdf: Input/output error
ls: cannot access The Lone Ranger Theme - William Tell Overture.mp3:
Input/output error
total 9528
drwxr-xr-x 112 user user8192 May  7 05:28 .
drwxr-xr-x   7 root root4096 Dec  4 19:06 ..
drwxr-xr-x   3 user user4096 Oct  7  2010 accordion-menus_files
drwxr-xr-x  10 user user4096 Jun 11  2009 bf
drwxr-xr-x   2 user user4096 May  3 04:13 bin
drwxr-xr-x   8 user user4096 Dec  2  2009 blackfin
drwxr-xr-x   3 user user4096 Dec 20  2008 citrix.ICAClient *
drwxr-xr-x   3 user user4096 May 30  2011 Desktop
drwxr-xr-x   2 user user4096 Jun 13  2011 dwhelper   *
drwxr-xr-x   2 user user4096 Aug 16  2007 gotmail*
d?   ? ??  ?? html
drwxr-xr-x   8 user user4096 Sep 26  2011 images
drwx--   2 user user4096 Sep 25  2011 mail  *
drwxr-xr-x   3 user user4096 Jan 27  2010 mc
drwxr-xr-x   4 user user4096 May  7  2011 music
drwxr-xr-x  17 user user8192 May 12 16:35 MyDocs
drwxr-xr-x   5 user user4096 Feb  8  2010 nls
drwxr-xr-x   2 user user4096 Dec  5  2006 omer
-?   ? ??  ?? .pdf
drwxr-xr-x   9 user user4096 Jun 21  2010 Projects   *
drwxr-xr-x   3 user user4096 May 22  2011 public_html
-?   ? ??  ?? The Lone Ranger Theme -
William Tell Overture.mp3
drwxr-xr-x   2 user user4096 May  7  2011 tmp *
drwxr-xr-x   2 user user4096 Dec 16 06:22 VirtualBoxDisks
drwxr-xr-x   2 user user4096 Dec 16 06:49 VirtualBox VMs
lrwxrwxrwx   1 user user   8 Oct  8  2006 .Xsession - .xinitrc

I count 14 directories that DO NOT show up in Nautilus and 6 that DO.

I have not yet checked if there are any FILES that are not showing up,
but I am hoping that whatever gets the directories to show would work
on files, as well.

 1/ Copy the whole disk content data into another device/volume/hard disk
 2/ Check the copied data is okay and all the files opens fine from
 different systems
 3/ Then run the disk manufacturer's verification utilities to ensure the
 hard disk is still in good shape and thus, usuable
 4/ Format the disk and create the required partitions
 5/ Copy back the data
 6/ Have a cup of coffee/tea while remember yourself for the needing of
 doing regular backups :-)

I will start copying and testing as soon as I actually get enough free time.


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Re: [Feedback needed] Support for ISDN passive fax cards

2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 13 May 2012 15:06:35 +0200, Mirko Parthey wrote:

 On Tue, May 08, 2012 at 05:56:49PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 I am considering in adding a couple of PCI based Eicon Diva 2.02
 passive cards on a system running hylafax server. The fax server is
 now using a couple of external RS-232 modems that work like a charm but
 as I have a pair of unused ISDN cards I'm consider in adding them to
 the current setup to enhance the installation.
 Please ask yourself which aspect of your installation you expect to
 improve by doing this. Fax with passive ISDN cards will be harder to set
 up than with analog modems.

Yes, I do know very well ;-(

We're a long time ISDN users (we've had digital phone lines since ~12 
years ago) and know very well the problems they can have, mainly when it 
comes to the hardware facilities and faxing.

The fact is that we still maintain a bunch of digital subscriber lines in 
the office to which I have connected the analog modems (we do fax a lot 
here) but I have experienced isolated problems when dialing to another 
ISDN lines over an analog line/device, that is, the call (even a 
telephone call) cannot be placed and our carrier, of course, does not 
know a thing about where the problem can be :-)

The above means that -in such specific cases- faxing from analog modems 
fails (eventhough the modems are connected to an ISDN line!) and I think 
that faxing over an ISDN device could work.

So as I always like to have several options from where to choose, I 
thought in adding the possibility of using this card to provide digital 
faxing so I can handle almost any unexpected situation. And in the event 
the ISDN card works fine with HylaFAX and has no problem at all, I can 
make it the default device to manage the standard input/output fax queue 
and keep the external RS-323 modems as a fallback device.

 But now I see that HiSax has been deprecated in favor of mISDN and I
 wonder what's the current status of this driver in Debian, what kind of
 devices are supported and what are your average experience in using
 ISDN passive cards with Hylafax.
 Check out this announcement:
 You need very recent sofware to use it, but this seems to be the way

Hmmm, thanks. It was a very recent post (from this same year!) so yes, it 
seems that faxing (capi) using the new driver (misdn) is still in a beta 
stage. I'll have to consider that.

 You may want to ask on this mailing list yourself. Despite its name, it
 mostly deals with misdn nowadays. (you have to
 subscribe to be able to post)

Okay, I will for sure take a look at the mailing list archives to see 
what's the status of the project and have a better understanding of the 
current supported features.

 The documentation on is a bit outdated, but may still be
 partially helpful. Look for misdn v2, and ignore misdn v1.
 Sorry, I cannot help you with first-hand experience concerning fax

Thanks for the input :-)



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Re: Files and directories showing in CLI but not in GUI

2012-05-13 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI
On 05/13/2012 12:43 PM, Marc Shapiro wrote:
 d?   ? ??  ?? html

That kind of line is a pretty good sign that your filesystem has errors.
I don't know why it would prevent other directories from appearing in a
GUI, but I wouldn't bother right now. Umount the filesystem, make a copy
of it if you have space (or copy what you can, but mount it readonly),
and fsck it.

There's nothing in the middle of the road but yellow stripes and dead
-- Jim Hightower, Texas Agricultural Commissioner


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2012-05-13 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 11:44 AM, Alex Padoly wrote:

 Which GNU package I can installed on DEBIAN WORKSTATION to work as

The last time that I spoke to a Solidworks rep about Linux support, he
was very excited that I asked and he instructed me to direct my
question here:

He was also a Linux user and he says that the company is just waiting
for critical mass to start working on the project full time. Note that
the company's website already states Linux on the download page, as
some of the lesser products have already been ported. So every letter

I do not know how effective the approach would be for AutoCAD, but it
won't hurt so contact them as well:

Dotan Cohen

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Re: Files and directories showing in CLI but not in GUI

2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 13 May 2012 15:43:50 +, Marc Shapiro wrote:

 On 5/13/12, Camaleón wrote:

 Run mount and put here the output.
 $ mount
 aufs on / type aufs (rw)


Are you still running from a LiveCD media? If yes, why? :-?

 /dev/mapper/vg1-home on /mnt type ext3 (rw)

That has to be the damaged volume. Was it added automatically by the 
system or is that you manually mounted?

 By defaul, Nautilus does not show hidden directories (.my_dir) nor
 files (.my_file), but I suppose this is not the problem here, right?
 No.  I wouldn't expect hidden files and directories to show.  I don't
 see a permissions problem, either.  

Yes, I also think so, I mean, that permissions have no direct relation 
with the problem.

 Here is a listing of the directory showing only the non-hiddden sub
 -directories.  I have also left in any error lines that were
 generated.  (Remember that this was an LVM volume that was in a VG
 spread over three partitions, two of which were on a dying disk and I
 did a pvmove to migrate all of the data to the new drive.  I believe
 that fsck does show errors on this filesystem.  Could that cause the
 GUI to not find files and directories that the CLI can find?)  


Yes, that can be the cause. A corrupted or severe damaged filesystem can 
fool nautilus and prevent from files and folders to be displayed (and 
even more if it was a part of spread LVM volume). Look, even ls is 
having problems (I/O errors) to show them.

You can, however, try with another file browser, just to compare with the 
Nautilus output, but I think that would be irrelevant for the main 

 I count 14 directories that DO NOT show up in Nautilus and 6 that DO.
 I have not yet checked if there are any FILES that are not showing up,
 but I am hoping that whatever gets the directories to show would work on
 files, as well.


I wouldn't bother about that now (given the status and history of the 
data) and start from scratch should the hard disk present no hardware 



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Re: multiboot problem in squeeze

2012-05-13 Thread John W. Foster
On Sun, 2012-05-13 at 14:54 +, Camaleón wrote: 
 On Sun, 13 May 2012 09:01:21 -0400, Long Wind wrote:
  On 5/13/12, Camaleón wrote:
  Wow... that's a very old Mandrake release (kernel 2.4.22), and from the
  above line, it seems that you are not using chainloading but directly
  booting your old Mandrake from GRUB2. If yes, then it can be that you
  (well, not you but the os-prober) missed something at the boot entry,
  I would try to manually boot Mandrake from GRUB2 command line, test
  some combos and when you finally get it, edit the corresponding menu
  file from (/etc/grub.d/*) accordingly.
  Thank Camaleón!
  I have used multiboot in early debian distro this time it seems very
 You were facing no problems before because the two linux distributions 
 you had installed were using GRUB legacy. Now you have add a new player 
 (GRUB2) to the booting game and that's why you may need to tweak the menu 
 so you can boot Mandrake.
  I don't know how to manually boot Mandrake from GRUB2 command line
 Neither do I but I (and you) do know how to search, right? ;-)
 Okay, when you are in GRUB2 menu, press the c key to reach the command 
 line mode. From there you can start to speak with GRUB2 and run commands, 
 for example (this is just for demo purposes with a minimal set of 
 options, I don't know if it will work for you as is):
 set root=(hd0,3)
 linux (hd0,3)/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.22-10mdk 
 initrd (hd0,3)/boot/initrd-2.4.22-10mdk.img
 Remember to press the Enter key after every command and (very 
 important!) watch for the ouput. The goal here is that GRUB2 can find the 
 Mandrake root partition and boot the kernel image from it.
  Maybe I shall give up
 Oh, come on, this is linux, marine. You've been trained to be prepared to 
 survive these kind of situations (and even worst) :-P

Did you install grub2 on the master boot sector of your first boot
Is this a single drive with multiple partitions?

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Keyboard and mouse problem in Debian Sid

2012-05-13 Thread Esteban Monge
Hello I upgraded Sid such as I have always been doing.

But when upgrade Xorg to 1.7.6 Keyboard and Mouse stop working. Only when
I running startx the keyboard and the mouse dead. I can press the poweroff
button and the netbook turn off.

I have one bad Lentovo (Lenovo) X120e.

I saw some threads about but it nothing is clear to follow.

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Re: Questions about Netatalk running on Debian server

2012-05-13 Thread Tom H
On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 10:53 AM, Paul E Condon wrote:
 On 20120509_012529, Tom H wrote:
 On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 5:14 PM, Paul E Condon 
 On 20120506_230937, Paul E Condon wrote:

 I have a long and troubled relation to Netatalk.  I live in a family
 where everyone else loves the Mac, and I have a need to communicate
 with them. I once had netatalk running on Debian back in 2004, I
 think, but lost that ability about the time my daughter bought her
 first MacBook in 2006. I'm revisiting the problem now using an i386
 box running Wheezy.

 I've installed netatalk from a Debian repository and started looking
 at /usr/share/doc/netatalk and the looking for a man page. The
 .../doc/netatalk files all date from 2010 or earlier, which is well
 before the version of netatalk in Wheezy was released. There is not
 'man netatalk', but there is a 'man netatalk.conf', and that page
 begins with:


 But no such file was installed by the netatalk package, and I can find
 no mention of netatalk.conf at .../doc/netatalk/

 According to Aptitude, the version of netatalk that I installed
 is 2.2.2-1. From searching the web, I pick up statements that
 things do work in it that never worked before. But I can't see
 anything different in the documentation. I remember that, when I
 did have it working long ago, I didn't have to do anything in
 order to have it advertise its services and to have it actually
 serve files. My problems then were with serving a printer. Now I
 use CUPS for that. But I don't see my Macs picking up an advert.
 (They do pickup adverts from one of the Macs, so I know that they
 are listening.)

 So, my questions:

 Does anyone have netatalk 2.2.2-1 working under Wheezy?  Can you point
 me to some debugging instructions?  Or, can you lead me through some
 tests to discover what is going wrong?
 I posted this, below, a couple of days ago. I'm hoping to find someone
 who follows this list and who actually has netatalk v. 2.2.2-1
 installed from the Debian package in Wheezy. I would very much like to
 get it working, but ... I can't. All the documentation that I can find
 is two or more years old, and does not pertain to the packaged

 P.S. Thanks Tom, but I need more than the fact that
 /etc/netatalk/netatalk.conf once existed as part of an earlier version
 of the package. It may still be part of a properly configured
 netatalk, but it doesn't seem to be included in this package.

 Please bottom-post.

 You misunderstood. I said that I remember that the config files on
 Debian are /etc/default/netatalk and /etc/netatalk/afpd.conf.
 Perhaps I should've also said that I remember
 /etc/netatalk/netatalk.conf to be the Fedora equivalent of

 Thanks, Tom.

 I certainly did misunderstand, and calling it to my attention is much
 appreciated. I my defense, I note that the package does add to the man
 pages a page for netatalk.conf, and that man page does say it is
 located in /etc/netatalk/, which begs the question, What is a default?
 In other places than Debian, default behavior of a program is the way
 it behaves if there is not a configuration file. Live and learn.

You're welcome.

I was wondering whether a bug should be filed against the man page of
netatalk.conf. Not having netatalk installed and feeling too lazy to
instal it in a spare Vm, I googled the netatalk.conf Debian man page
and landed on the project's original man page [1] and it has the
following text: If netatalk has been configured with --enable-debian,
it is not netatalk.conf but etc/default/netatalk.

I don't quite understand what you mean by default behavior but in
Debian, files in /etc/default are often used to control the behavior
of init daemons. (In RHEL/Fedora, /etc/sysconfig is used so it's
surprising that the maintainer didn't relocate
/etc/netatalk/netatalk.conf to /etc/sysconfig/netatalk. He/she
could even convince upstream to add a --redhat compilation flag and
a explanatory line in the man page!)

AFAIK/AFAIR, it's /etc/netatalk/afpd.conf that's the more important
file and someone posted an example for you so I hope you have netatalk


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Re: Corrupted windows in KDE after last upgrade in debian/testing

2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 13 May 2012 15:23:58 +0200, wzab wrote:

 After last upgrade of my machines, one of them shows strange windows
 layout in KDE sessions. I attach the photograph (unfortunately in the
 screen dump performed with import utility the effect was not visible,
 but import complained about too much input data). What's interesting,
 problem does not occur in the LXDE session, and it appears only in one
 of my machines - the one which uses the VGA compatible controller:
 Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)
 Other machines - with newer Intel graphics chipsets work normally. Whet
 can be the reason and cure for this problem?

Mmm, it could be something coming from KDE itself and window rendering 
(kwin). Have you tried to enable desktop effects? Is just for testing 
purposes, no need to keep them afterwards :-)



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about java and wheezy

2012-05-13 Thread Francesco Pietra

Installation of openjdk-6-jdk in wheezy i386 would lead to deletion of
much gnome, including openoffice, with reinstallation of gnome and
abiword, but not of openoffice/libreoffice, if I understand.
Otherwise, java is often useful.

Any suggestion about?


francesco pietra

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Re: Keyboard and mouse problem in Debian Sid

2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 13 May 2012 12:09:49 -0500, Esteban Monge wrote:

 Hello I upgraded Sid such as I have always been doing.
 But when upgrade Xorg to 1.7.6 Keyboard and Mouse stop working. Only
 when I running startx the keyboard and the mouse dead. I can press the
 poweroff button and the netbook turn off.

Does an external USB mouse still work?

 I have one bad Lentovo (Lenovo) X120e.

Lentovo? In Spanish that term sounds funny X-)
 I saw some threads about but it nothing is clear to follow.

Can you ssh to the computer and work from there? I'd first start by 
looking at the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file (better if you can upload the  
file to any site so we can review).



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Re: Php update killed my wiki site.SOLVED

2012-05-13 Thread John W. Foster
On Sun, 2012-05-13 at 09:59 +0100, Jon Dowland wrote: 
 On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 06:32:20PM -0500, John W. Foster wrote:
  For a couple of years I have used this type of link to bring content
  into my mediawiki:
 Are you using the mediawiki Debian package?
  I recently upgraded my Debian Linux Php to:
  PHP Version 5.3.3-7+squeeze9
 If you can find out what you upgraded it from, too, you can then narrow
 down what has changed in that window by inspecting the changelog:
  The exact error message issues by the browser is:
  [Template fetch failed for]
  Any Tips please!!
 It sounds like the mediawiki code for fetching an external site has been 
 Look in the changelog window for anything which sounds like it might relate 
 to that.
Thanks for the tips!
I did find several issues in the several log files. Seems Mediawiki
needed to be updated to match the Php5 update that I had done. I did
upgrade to Mediawiki-1.19.0  all is well.

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Re: about java and wheezy

2012-05-13 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 13 May 2012 19:28:57 +0200, Francesco Pietra wrote:

 Installation of openjdk-6-jdk in wheezy i386 would lead to deletion of
 much gnome, including openoffice, 

How can be that? :-?

I just have tested in wheezy and marking openjdk-*-jdk (either 6 or 7) to 
be installed only wants to fetch a bunch of additional packages but does 
not want to make further changes.

 with reinstallation of gnome and abiword, but not of openoffice
/libreoffice, if I understand. Otherwise, java is often useful.
 Any suggestion about?

Yes, please, put here the output you get from apt-get or aptitude 
when you are going to install the said package and also your /etc/apt/



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Re: Corrupted windows in KDE after last upgrade in debian/testing

2012-05-13 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Sun, 13 May 2012 17:50:48 +0400, Roman wrote in message

 On 13.05.2012 17:23, wzab wrote:
  After last upgrade of my machines, one of them shows strange windows
  layout in KDE sessions. I attach the photograph (unfortunately in
  the screen dump performed with import utility the effect was not
  visible, but import complained about too much input data).
  What's interesting, problem does not occur in the LXDE session, and
  it appears only in one of my machines - the one which uses the VGA
  compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics
  Controller (rev 02)

..url to your dmesg?

  Other machines - with newer Intel graphics chipsets work normally.
  Whet can be the reason and cure for this problem?
 Hello, Wojtek.
 Please try to use vesa driver in your xorg.conf, it will allow you
 to make sure that this is a vga driver issue (and maybe not a
 hardware problem).

..note that the vesa driver is only useful for diagnosis and 
in really bad cases of hardware failures, as a stopgap driver
while you get another graphics card airlifted in to whereever 
your are.

..assuming you have an intel card, you need the firmware-linux 
(which hauls in firmware-linux-free and firmware-linux-nonfree),
libdrm2:i386 (or libdrm2:amd64), libdrm-intel1:i386 (or 
libdrm-intel1:amd64) and xserver-xorg-video-intel to get these 
cards working, guys, did I miss anything here?

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: Wheezy USB Harddrive install grub2 issues

2012-05-13 Thread Tom H
On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 6:57 AM, Indulekha wrote:
 On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 03:13:52PM +0800, Bob wrote:

 So I ran an apt-get dist-upgrade today and it broke booting

 gurb-pc wasn't updated (it was last updated on my system on the 2nd
 of march) linux-image-3.2.0-2-amd64 however was updated  it ran
 update-grub as it should.

 When I turn my PC on I end up at the grub prompt  if I folow the
 instructions on the page above  type

 set root=(hd0,1)
 linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro
 initrd /initrd.img

 the system boots. once booted I run one of the commands below  reboot
 grub-install --root-directory=/ /dev/sda
 dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc

 only to end up at the grub prompt again.

 I have nice sata removable hard drive bays so when I'm doing this
 the USB drive is the only drive connected to the system

 root@USBHDebian:~# uname -a
 Linux USBHDebian 3.2.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Apr 30 05:20:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 

 root@USBHDebian:~# update-grub2
 Generating grub.cfg ...
 Found background image: /usr/share/images/desktop-base/desktop-grub.png
 Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-2-amd64
 Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-2-amd64
 Found memtest86 image: /boot/memtest86.bin
 Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin
 Found memtest86+ multiboot image: /boot/memtest86+_multiboot.bin

 root@USBHDebian:~# ls -la /dev/disk/by-id/
 total 0
 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 160 May 10 22:40 .
 drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 120 May 10 22:40 ..
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   9 May 11 02:40 ata-ST1000LM010-9YH146_Z110VXRS - 
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  10 May 11 02:40 
 ata-ST1000LM010-9YH146_Z110VXRS-part1 - ../../sda1
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   9 May 11 02:40 scsi-SSeagatePortable - ../../sda
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  10 May 11 02:40 scsi-SSeagatePortable-part1 - 
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   9 May 11 02:40 wwn-0x5000c500464bb542 - ../../sda
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  10 May 11 02:40 wwn-0x5000c500464bb542-part1 - 
 root@USBHDebian:~# cat /boot/grub/
 (hd0)        /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SSeagatePortable
 root@USBHDebian:~# grub-install --root-directory=/ /dev/sda
 Installation finished. No error reported.

 Probably want to skip that --root-directory option, unless you're
 trying to avoid the mbr for some valid reason...
 Might want to stick with genuine Debian documentation, too, unless
 you're actually running Ubuntu...

In the case of grub, there's absolutely no difference between Ubuntu
and Debian, at least when comparing 10.04 and Squeeze. For 12.04, and
perhaps earlier versions, --root-directory has been replaced by
--boot-directory (by upstream not by Ubunical)...

The --root-directory=/ is superfluous and innocuous because it's the
default. It has nothing to do with the MBR but with the location of

When you install grub, are you installing to the MBR of the USB disk?
Are there any other disks connected when you run grub-install?

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Re: Corrupted windows in KDE after last upgrade in debian/testing

2012-05-13 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2012-05-13 19:42 +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:

 ..assuming you have an intel card, you need the firmware-linux 
 (which hauls in firmware-linux-free and firmware-linux-nonfree),

Erm, no.  Only Radeon cards need that firmware.

 libdrm2:i386 (or libdrm2:amd64), libdrm-intel1:i386 (or 
 libdrm-intel1:amd64) and xserver-xorg-video-intel to get these 
 cards working, guys, did I miss anything here?

Installing xserver-xorg is also necessary, and libgl1-mesa-dri is highly
recommended.  But I guess all these packages are already installed.


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Re: Wheezy USB Harddrive install grub2 issues

2012-05-13 Thread Tom H
On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Indulekha wrote:

 Actually, I just remembered something -- depending on how many usb disks
 you have plugged in at boot, the /dev/sdx assignment may change, and in
 my experience grub is terrible at dealing with that in spite of
 allegedly using uuid... For instance, I have two usb drives, either of
 which may be designated /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc by the system -- if I plug
 both in and try to boot from one of them, it may or may not work as a
 result. If I plug only one in and grub considers it /dev/sdb it will
 always work. I don't know why grub should care about the /dev/sdn designation
 if it has access to the uuid, this strikes me as incredibly stupid and would
 seem to indicate that uuid support in grub is only partially implemented
 (i.e still requires dev/sdn to be correct or uuid search fails). But that's
 the way it seems to work, nonetheless.

 So when you install grub and boot, if possible make sure no other usb
 disks are plugged in and see how that goes.

+1 for the number of disks plugged.

UUIDs aren't of any use when installing grub to the MBR because
they're a property of the filesystem and not the disk. You might be
able to use /dev/disk/by-id/... instead of /dev/sdX, at least in
more recent grub versions.

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Re: about java and wheezy

2012-05-13 Thread Mark Allums

On 5/13/2012 12:28 PM, Francesco Pietra wrote:


Installation of openjdk-6-jdk in wheezy i386 would lead to deletion of
much gnome, including openoffice, with reinstallation of gnome and
abiword, but not of openoffice/libreoffice, if I understand.
Otherwise, java is often useful.

Any suggestion about?


francesco pietra

I have long ago switched fron Sun java to OpenJdk, and had no such 
trouble.  I do recall some dependency hell issues with some other 
packages, but turning off Consider recommended packages as 
dependencies in Synaptic fixed most of those.

I reckon the problem could be OpenOffice anyway; some dependency of some 
bit of it may require both java and a particular version of GNOME.

Some Gnome packages are not strictly necessary, as they are meta 
packages.  Removing some of those will not grossly affect Gnome.

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Re: about java and wheezy

2012-05-13 Thread Gary Dale

On 13/05/12 01:28 PM, Francesco Pietra wrote:


Installation of openjdk-6-jdk in wheezy i386 would lead to deletion of
much gnome, including openoffice, with reinstallation of gnome and
abiword, but not of openoffice/libreoffice, if I understand.
Otherwise, java is often useful.

Any suggestion about?


francesco pietra

OpenOffice is usually not in a modern disto like Wheezy. Instead it uses 
LibreOffice. I have LibreOffice and openjdk working fine in Wheezy with 
or without Gnome (I normally use KDE but installed Gnome to try it out 
and to use when KDE gives me problems in Wheezy).

If openjdk is replacing a different jdk, it could be that the 
removal/reinstallation is really updating the jdk setup and links.

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chroot or virtual machine

2012-05-13 Thread Ramon Hofer
Hi all

I'm planning on setting up my new media server.

So I was thinking of putting mythbackend, logitech media server, 
rtorrent, nfs, samba, etc. into virtual machines.

There's a discussion in the mythtv-users mailing list about virtual 
machines. Especially this post got me thinking:

Is it possible to have a working mythbackend and test a new version. If 
all goes well replace the production backend?

Best regards

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Solved! AWE64 Gold is Easy to Kill

2012-05-13 Thread Martin McCormick
The udev way to have two sound cards is actually much less
trouble than ever before as long as you clean up all the old
configuration files from before the upgrade from lenny to

You can get rid of /etc/soundprobe.conf. That was needed
to try to force the correct device to always be card 0 and the
second sound card to be card 1. It was necessary in this system
under lenny but it helps break the squeeze version of the same
system. One doesn't need that any more.

/etc/modules doesn't need anything related to either of
the two sound cards.

You should also restore /etc/modprobe.d to a squeeze or
wheezy stock version but be careful. I installed the
oss-compat package under lenny which places
oss-compat.conf in /etc/modprobe.d. If you had oss-compat
installed before, you still need this file. Without it, there is
no /dev/dsp or /dev/dsp1 which is built by the oss compatibility

It goes without saying that your mileage will definitely
vary with different sound cards and system hardware but with the
cs4237 which is one of the chip sets that Dell used on their
systems of about ten years ago, and a SoundBlaster SBAWE64 gold
which behaves as a SB16 under linux, udev figures it out very
nicely without any special configuration needed.

On this system when everything works, you get a thump
from the cs4237 and also the SB16 at close to the same time
during the boot.

ls /proc/asound


This agrees with either arecord -l or aplay -l

 List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices 
card 0: S16 [Sound Blaster 16], device 0: SB16 DSP [DSP v4.16]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: CS4237B [CS4237B], device 0: WSS [CS4237B]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

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2012-05-13 Thread Csanyi Pal
Kai-Martin Knaak writes:

 Csanyi Pal wrote:
 Such as BRL-CAD, FreeCAD, ...
 FreeCAD can be installed on Debian system from debian repository,

 Yes, freecad aims to be an alternative to solidworks or inventor. The
 project was started a few years ago and it makes good progress. But 
 there is still a very long way to go until its goal can be remotely 
 regarded as fullfilled .

 BRL-CAD can be installed from source.

I must correct myself: it can be installed as a debian package for 32,
and for 64 bit systems too.

 brlcad is ancient software. Its interface was designed in the 1980s.

There is a new interface, called Archer. Did you tried it?

 However, it took me more than an afternoon to put a cube on top of a

Regards from Pal

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Re: Keyboard and mouse problem in Debian Sid

2012-05-13 Thread Esteban Monge
 Hello I upgraded Sid such as I have always been doing.

 But when upgrade Xorg to 1.7.6 Keyboard and Mouse stop working. Only when
 I running startx the keyboard and the mouse dead. I can press the poweroff
 button and the netbook turn off.

 I have one bad Lentovo (Lenovo) X120e.

 I saw some threads about but it nothing is clear to follow.

I have fixed the problem. I copied /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ to /etc/X11

If you dont have any Wacom compatible device you must remove

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