Gestion des dépendances

2012-11-17 Thread tedji

la gestion des dépendances reste mystérieuse. Exemple.

Je veux installer cmake: le paquet libnettle4 doit être installé:

root@debian:/home/thierry# apt-get -s install cmake
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances   
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Les paquets supplémentaires suivants seront installés : 
  libarchive12 libnettle4
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants seront installés :
  cmake libarchive12 libnettle4

Pourtant, quand je regarde les dépendances de cmake, libnettle4 n'y figure pas:

root@debian:/home/thierry# apt-cache depends cmake
  Dépend: libarchive12
  Dépend: libc6
  Dépend: libcurl3-gnutls
  Dépend: libexpat1
  Dépend: libgcc1
  Dépend: libstdc++6
  Dépend: libxmlrpc-core-c3
  Dépend: zlib1g
  Dépend: cmake-data
  Dépend: procps
  Suggère: gcc
  Suggère: make

Alors pourquoi apt force l'installation de ce paquet?

Merci de votre éclairage

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Re: Gestion des dépendances

2012-11-17 Thread Jean-Jacques Doti


Le 17/11/2012 08:58, tedji a écrit :


la gestion des dépendances reste mystérieuse. Exemple.

Je veux installer cmake: le paquet libnettle4 doit être installé:

root@debian:/home/thierry# apt-get -s install cmake
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Les paquets supplémentaires suivants seront installés :
   libarchive12 libnettle4
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants seront installés :
   cmake libarchive12 libnettle4

Pourtant, quand je regarde les dépendances de cmake, libnettle4 n'y figure pas:

root@debian:/home/thierry# apt-cache depends cmake
   Dépend: libarchive12
   Dépend: libc6
   Dépend: libcurl3-gnutls
   Dépend: libexpat1
   Dépend: libgcc1
   Dépend: libstdc++6
   Dépend: libxmlrpc-core-c3
   Dépend: zlib1g
   Dépend: cmake-data
   Dépend: procps
   Suggère: gcc
   Suggère: make

Alors pourquoi apt force l'installation de ce paquet?

Merci de votre éclairage

$ apt-cache depends libarchive12
  Dépend: libacl1
  Dépend: libattr1
  Dépend: libbz2-1.0
  Dépend: libc6
  Dépend: liblzma5
  Dépend: libnettle4
  Dépend: libxml2
  Dépend: zlib1g
  Pré-Dépend: multiarch-support
  Remplace: libarchive12:i386
  Casse: libarchive12:i386

Est-ce que cela répond à ta question ?


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Re: Gestion des dépendances

2012-11-17 Thread tedji

Le 17/11/2012 09:35, Jean-Jacques Doti a écrit :

$ apt-cache depends libarchive12
  Dépend: libacl1
  Dépend: libattr1
  Dépend: libbz2-1.0
  Dépend: libc6
  Dépend: liblzma5
  Dépend: libnettle4
  Dépend: libxml2
  Dépend: zlib1g
  Pré-Dépend: multiarch-support
  Remplace: libarchive12:i386
  Casse: libarchive12:i386

Est-ce que cela répond à ta question ?


Ma question va plus loin.
Au niveau du source original, nettle est une dépendance _optionnelle_ de 
libarchive (cf doc LFS:

Alors pourquoi Debian la rend obligatoire?

Autres exemples plus surréalistes: je ne comprends pas pourquoi 
l'installation de kde (juste la base)  impose l'installation de polices 
thai (libthai0) ou en encore de bibliothèques de gestion d'écran tactile 
(tsconf), pour un banal PC de bureau ! Ce devrait être des dépendances 
suggested et non required.

Re: Gestion des dépendances

2012-11-17 Thread Jean-Jacques Doti

Le 17/11/2012 10:09, tedji a écrit :

Le 17/11/2012 09:35, Jean-Jacques Doti a écrit :

$ apt-cache depends libarchive12
  Dépend: libacl1
  Dépend: libattr1
  Dépend: libbz2-1.0
  Dépend: libc6
  Dépend: liblzma5
  Dépend: libnettle4
  Dépend: libxml2
  Dépend: zlib1g
  Pré-Dépend: multiarch-support
  Remplace: libarchive12:i386
  Casse: libarchive12:i386

Est-ce que cela répond à ta question ?


Ma question va plus loin.
Au niveau du source original, nettle est une dépendance _optionnelle_ 
de libarchive (cf doc LFS:

Alors pourquoi Debian la rend obligatoire?
À mon avis, nettle est une dépendance optionnelle au moment de la 
construction/compilation de libarchive : on peut choisir d'inclure, ou 
pas, la fonctionnalité. En revanche, si libarchive est linké avec 
libnettle à la compilation, libnettle devient obligatoire au moment de 
Le mainteneur Debian du paquet libarchive a fait le choix d'utiliser 
libnettle (la fonctionnalité a pu être demandée par des utilisateurs) et 
libnettle devient donc une dépendance obligatoire. Libre à toi de 
récupérer le paquet source et de compiler ton binaire avec uniquement 
les options qui t'intéressent.

Autres exemples plus surréalistes: je ne comprends pas pourquoi 
l'installation de kde (juste la base)  impose l'installation de 
polices thai (libthai0) ou en encore de bibliothèques de gestion 
d'écran tactile (tsconf), pour un banal PC de bureau ! Ce devrait être 
des dépendances suggested et non required.

Là, le problème est différent. Je ne sais pas de quel paquet kde tu 
parles, mais les paquets du genre kde-standard sont des méta-paquets : 
ils ne contiennent aucun binaire et déclarent uniquement des 
dépendances. Le but de ces méta-paquets est de faciliter l'installation 
d'une suite de logiciels avec des choix standard. Évidemment, le choix 
des logiciels mis en dépendances est forcément arbitraire : il s'agit 
d'offrir quelque chose de fonctionnel au plus grand nombre avec un 
minimum d'efforts (et en évitant certains désagréments : formats de 
fichiers non reconnus, fonctionnalités manquantes, …)
De plus, certains paquets sont simplement indiqués comme recommandés, 
mais dans une installation Debian standard, les paquets recommandés sont 
traités comme des dépendances : ça augmente donc la liste des dépendances.

Encore une fois, libre à toi de :
- ne pas traiter les recommandations comme des dépendances (mais tu vas 
devoir faire attention à installer certaines des ces recommandations 
pour avoir les fonctionnalités que tu attends) ;
- ne pas installer les méta-paquets, mais tu vas devoir choisir toi-même 
les différents paquets faisant partie de l'environnement KDE et tu 
n'auras moins d'assistance au niveau du suivi des évolutions.

En clair, soit tu acceptes de perdre un peu d'espace disque et tu gagnes 
en facilité de maintenance, soit tu veux gérer un maximum de choses, 
mais ça te prendra plus de temps. À toi de voir…

Re: Gestion des dépendances

2012-11-17 Thread tedji

Le 17/11/2012 11:33, Jean-Jacques Doti a écrit :

Le 17/11/2012 10:09, tedji a écrit :

Le 17/11/2012 09:35, Jean-Jacques Doti a écrit :

$ apt-cache depends libarchive12
  Dépend: libacl1
  Dépend: libattr1
  Dépend: libbz2-1.0
  Dépend: libc6
  Dépend: liblzma5
  Dépend: libnettle4
  Dépend: libxml2
  Dépend: zlib1g
  Pré-Dépend: multiarch-support
  Remplace: libarchive12:i386
  Casse: libarchive12:i386

Est-ce que cela répond à ta question ?


Ma question va plus loin.
Au niveau du source original, nettle est une dépendance _optionnelle_ 
de libarchive (cf doc LFS:

Alors pourquoi Debian la rend obligatoire?
À mon avis, nettle est une dépendance optionnelle au moment de la 
construction/compilation de libarchive : on peut choisir d'inclure, ou 
pas, la fonctionnalité. En revanche, si libarchive est linké avec 
libnettle à la compilation, libnettle devient obligatoire au moment de 
Le mainteneur Debian du paquet libarchive a fait le choix d'utiliser 
libnettle (la fonctionnalité a pu être demandée par des utilisateurs) 
et libnettle devient donc une dépendance obligatoire. Libre à toi de 
récupérer le paquet source et de compiler ton binaire avec uniquement 
les options qui t'intéressent.

Autres exemples plus surréalistes: je ne comprends pas pourquoi 
l'installation de kde (juste la base)  impose l'installation de 
polices thai (libthai0) ou en encore de bibliothèques de gestion 
d'écran tactile (tsconf), pour un banal PC de bureau ! Ce devrait 
être des dépendances suggested et non required.

Là, le problème est différent. Je ne sais pas de quel paquet kde tu 
parles, mais les paquets du genre kde-standard sont des méta-paquets : 
ils ne contiennent aucun binaire et déclarent uniquement des 
dépendances. Le but de ces méta-paquets est de faciliter 
l'installation d'une suite de logiciels avec des choix standard. 
Évidemment, le choix des logiciels mis en dépendances est forcément 
arbitraire : il s'agit d'offrir quelque chose de fonctionnel au plus 
grand nombre avec un minimum d'efforts (et en évitant certains 
désagréments : formats de fichiers non reconnus, fonctionnalités 
manquantes, …)
De plus, certains paquets sont simplement indiqués comme 
recommandés, mais dans une installation Debian standard, les paquets 
recommandés sont traités comme des dépendances : ça augmente donc la 
liste des dépendances.

Encore une fois, libre à toi de :
- ne pas traiter les recommandations comme des dépendances (mais tu 
vas devoir faire attention à installer certaines des ces 
recommandations pour avoir les fonctionnalités que tu attends) ;
- ne pas installer les méta-paquets, mais tu vas devoir choisir 
toi-même les différents paquets faisant partie de l'environnement KDE 
et tu n'auras moins d'assistance au niveau du suivi des évolutions.

En clair, soit tu acceptes de perdre un peu d'espace disque et tu 
gagnes en facilité de maintenance, soit tu veux gérer un maximum de 
choses, mais ça te prendra plus de temps. À toi de voir…

C'est un peu ce que je craignais. Je trouve quand même décevant que 
Debian, distro pourtant ouverte et à la carte, rende obligatoire des 
dépendances qui ne le sont pas à l'origine. Pourquoi ne pas les mettre 
en recommandé? Chacun les installe s'il a besoin, et pour celui qui ne 
veut pas se prendre la tête, elles seront de toutes façons installées 
par défaut

Re: Gestion des dépendances

2012-11-17 Thread Denis Mugnier

C'est un peu ce que je craignais. Je trouve quand même décevant que 
Debian, distro pourtant ouverte et à la carte, rende obligatoire des 
dépendances qui ne le sont pas à l'origine. Pourquoi ne pas les mettre 
en recommandé? Chacun les installe s'il a besoin, et pour celui qui 
ne veut pas se prendre la tête, elles seront de toutes façons 
installées par défaut

Non ce n'est pas possible.
La dépendance est facultative à la compilation, mais si tu compiles avec 
l'option, cela veut dire qu'il faut ensuite que le paquet soit installé 
et devient une dépendance obligatoire (explication de Jean-Jacques)
Mais cela veut dire qu'il faudrait faire une compilation sans la 
dépendance, et une compilation avec la dépendance pour répondre à ta 
demande et donc gérer 2 paquets.

Cela n'est pas possible.

Maintenant, tu peux compiler toi même le paquet si tu veux avoir un 
système à la carte... ou aller voir du coté de LFS ;o))

Coordinateur traduction française BLFS

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Re: Gestion des dépendances

2012-11-17 Thread tedji

Le 17/11/2012 14:31, Denis Mugnier a écrit :

C'est un peu ce que je craignais. Je trouve quand même décevant que 
Debian, distro pourtant ouverte et à la carte, rende obligatoire des 
dépendances qui ne le sont pas à l'origine. Pourquoi ne pas les 
mettre en recommandé? Chacun les installe s'il a besoin, et pour 
celui qui ne veut pas se prendre la tête, elles seront de toutes 
façons installées par défaut

Non ce n'est pas possible.
La dépendance est facultative à la compilation, mais si tu compiles 
avec l'option, cela veut dire qu'il faut ensuite que le paquet soit 
installé et devient une dépendance obligatoire (explication de 
Mais cela veut dire qu'il faudrait faire une compilation sans la 
dépendance, et une compilation avec la dépendance pour répondre à ta 
demande et donc gérer 2 paquets.

Cela n'est pas possible.

Maintenant, tu peux compiler toi même le paquet si tu veux avoir un 
système à la carte... ou aller voir du coté de LFS ;o))

Coordinateur traduction française BLFS

J'ai utilisé LFS/BLFS pendant plusieurs années et j'ai fini par 
abandonner devant l'ampleur des mises à jour. Je me suis tourné vers 
Debian récemment, et je reste un peu nostalgique des perfs de mon ancien 
système :'( .

Je vais essayer de trouver la bonne mesure

Merci de vos explications

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Re: Gestion des dépendances

2012-11-17 Thread maderios

On 11/17/2012 01:38 PM, tedji wrote:

C'est un peu ce que je craignais. Je trouve quand même décevant que
Debian, distro pourtant ouverte et à la carte, rende obligatoire des
dépendances qui ne le sont pas à l'origine. Pourquoi ne pas les mettre
en recommandé? Chacun les installe s'il a besoin, et pour celui qui ne
veut pas se prendre la tête, elles seront de toutes façons installées
par défaut

C'est ta Debian qui est mal configurée
Il faut un /etc/apt/apt.conf avec ceci:

APT::Install-Recommends false;
APT::Install-Suggests false;
APT::Default-Release wheezy;

Ensuite, tu inclus les paquets optionnels que tu veux avec Synaptic


Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures.
L'art est fait pour troubler. La science rassure (Georges Braque)

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Re: PC éteint qui consomme[identifié]

2012-11-17 Thread François Boisson
Bonne nouvelle

Une personne sur le forum debian m'a signalé un post dans un forum gentoo
d'une personne ayant contourné le problème.

Faire hwclock --systohc --local avant d'éteindre le portable entraine ce souci.
Il suffit donc de mettre


dans /etc/default/hwclock  pour régler le problème. Mon premier test semble
concluant. Reste que je ne vois absolument pas le rapport. Peut être que la
machine s'éteint trop vite et laisse l'ordinateur dans un  état second si le
changement de l'horloge n'a pu se finir (cela expliquerait pourquoi cela ne
pose souci qu'à l'arrêt). Je vais regarder les sources de hwclock à
l'occasion. Je donnerais des nouvelles. Peut être faut il prévoir que le noyau
attende la fin du processus avant d'éteindre la machine.

François Boisson

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Re: Nom de domaine et FQDN

2012-11-17 Thread mouss
Le 16/11/2012 10:15, Fabien LUCE a écrit :
 Bonjour à tous, 
 puis-je (et est-ce correct) adresser à une des
 machines de mon reseau (un serveur en l'occurence) un nom d'hote
 identique au nom de mon domaine? 

en principe oui, mais c'est pas très logique du coup, il est possible
que certains logiciels ne se comportent pas comme tu le voudrais (à part
des warninges, je ne connais pas de problème que cela poserait, mais on
n'est jamais zalabri).

faut pas se battre contre le système ;-p

 A la maison mon serveur perso se
 nomme car c'est lui qui répond à toutes les demandes de
 l'exterieur (mails, web etc).

il n'y a pas de car qui tienne !
la machine peut très bien s'appeler et répondre à
toute cela et bien plus:

- pour le mel entrant, suffit d'ajouter un MX pour qui pointe
vers (et là: évite un CNAME).

- pour le web, tu peux ajouter des entrées dns pour et et etc etc dans le dns, pour que
l'ip obtenue en les résolvant soit celle de ton serveur. Tu peux aussi
contrôler quels hotes virtuels Apache doit servir et comment.

 Sauf qu'apache par exemple me lance des
 warning car la machine n'est pas fully qualified, ce que je peux

en réalité est FQDN, puisqu'il arrive jusqu'à un tld (top
level domain). [bon, les dns-iens mettent un point à la fin, de la même
façon que les fielsystemistes mettent un / au début d'un chemin absolu).

 De la même façon difficile de faire comprendre à exim4 que
 le hostname du serveur est aussi le domaine concerné. 

en principe, tu devrais pouvoir lui dire ça.

Je ne connais pas exim, mais sous postfix, par défaut, le domaine est
obtenu en virant le premier label du nom d'hote. cela dit, on peut
forcer le nom d'hote (et éviter donc le calcul par défaut). je suppose
que Exim a un truc du même genre.


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Re: PC éteint qui consomme[identifié]

2012-11-17 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 17 Nov 2012 15:58:08 +0100
François Boisson wrote:

 Faire hwclock --systohc --local avant d'éteindre le portable entraine ce
 souci. Il suffit donc de mettre
 dans /etc/default/hwclock  pour régler le problème. Mon premier test semble
 concluant. Reste que je ne vois absolument pas le rapport.

Merci pour le retour, et moi non plus je ne vois pas ce que ça vient
faire dans l'équation, à moins que hwclock ne fasse bcp plus de choses
que l'on ne suppose - le pourquoi du comment sera aussi intéressant:)

Jean Ma chérie, je t'offre ma bie !
Francine Reste à savoir si t'as remplacé le V par un B ou si t'as
   juste oublié un T.

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Re: Nom de domaine et FQDN

2012-11-17 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 17 Nov 2012 16:01:45 +0100
mouss wrote:

 en principe oui, mais c'est pas très logique du coup, il est possible
 que certains logiciels ne se comportent pas comme tu le voudrais (à part
 des warninges, je ne connais pas de problème que cela poserait, mais on
 n'est jamais zalabri).

Pourquoi pas très logique, alors que les recommandations pour le DNS
disent de pointer vers une machine spécifique pour le nom de réseau.
 - pour le mel entrant, suffit d'ajouter un MX pour qui pointe
 vers (et là: évite un CNAME).

C'est même pô à éviter, c'est interdit (et ça ne marche, de toute façon, pas
dans la plupart des cas).
 Je ne connais pas exim, mais sous postfix, par défaut, le domaine est
 obtenu en virant le premier label du nom d'hote. cela dit, on peut
 forcer le nom d'hote (et éviter donc le calcul par défaut). je suppose
 que Exim a un truc du même genre.

Wai, dans postfix tu peux forcer un nom en particulier en le déclarant (FQDN)
dans la variable mydestination.

weshdu92 ta un blem konar?
david non, mais je peux t'en trouver un
weshdu92 koi?
david Christophe avait 9 boîtes de 3 feutres. Il perd 2 feutres.
Combien a-t-il de feutres maintenant ?

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Re: Nom de domaine et FQDN

2012-11-17 Thread mouss
Le 16/11/2012 10:50, Fabien LUCE a écrit :
 En fait dans mes fichiers de zone je ne peux pas pointer vers car j'ai une ip dynamique, c'est un souci malheureusement
 Mais ma question concernen surtout ce qui se passe en interne
 sur le serveur (exim ou apache). 
 Est ce généralement un problème
 d'attribuer à une machine le nom du domaine. Ca doit etre fréquent sur
 la plupart des serveurs qui doivent avoir des noms fqdn mais pourtant
 répondent à un nom de domaine hierarchiquement supérieur? 

comme déjà dit, le nom du serveur et ce à quoi il répond sont deux
choses distinctes.

voici un exemple de ce que tu pourrais faire:

pour le mail: tu mets comme MX:  (et non qui est un CNAME). jette un oeil sur l'erreur qu'on
voit sur

pour le web: tu configures la redirection gandi pour renvoyer vers (ou vers c'est peut-être déjà le

PS. tu dois être conscient qu'une réallocation de ton ip à un serveur
qui accepte tout pourrait avoir comme conséquence l'envoi de tes mails à
un serveur tierce.

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Re: PC éteint qui consomme[identifié]

2012-11-17 Thread andre_debian
On Saturday 17 November 2012 15:58:08 François Boisson wrote:
 Bonne nouvelle
 Une personne sur le forum debian m'a signalé un post dans un forum gentoo
 d'une personne ayant contourné le problème.
 Faire hwclock --systohc --local avant d'éteindre le portable entraine ce
 souci. Il suffit donc de mettre
 dans /etc/default/hwclock  pour régler le problème. 
 François Boisson

Lapplication hwclock existe dans Squeeze,
mais le fichier /etc/default/hwclock n'est pas présent.

Peut-on alors créer ce fichier et y inclure ? :



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Re: PC éteint qui consomme[identifié]

2012-11-17 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 17 Nov 2012 16:49:08 +0100 wrote:

 Lapplication hwclock existe dans Squeeze,
 mais le fichier /etc/default/hwclock n'est pas présent.
 Peut-on alors créer ce fichier et y inclure ? :

Il faut vérifier si le script de start/stop source un tel fichier ou non.

* ZiGGy écoute THE LIBERTINES Up the Baguette (Harry Potter BO)
* Lynx a encore l'esprit mal tourné
* ZiGGy aussi. :)
JS La Braguette n'a jamais été que l'invention musicale de Mozart,
 afin d'avoir une ouverture adéquat pour sa Flute Enchantée

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Re: PC éteint qui consomme[identifié]

2012-11-17 Thread Hervé Grac

Le 17/11/2012 17:05, Bzzz a écrit :

On Sat, 17 Nov 2012 16:49:08 +0100 wrote:

Lapplication hwclock existe dans Squeeze,
mais le fichier /etc/default/hwclock n'est pas présent.

Peut-on alors créer ce fichier et y inclure ? :

Il faut vérifier si le script de start/stop source un tel fichier ou non.

dans /etc/init.d/  il y a :

# These defaults are user-overridable in /etc/default/hwclock

ça devrait marcher


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Re: PC éteint qui consomme[identifié]

2012-11-17 Thread Francois Mescam

On 17/11/2012 17:25, Hervé Grac wrote:

Le 17/11/2012 17:05, Bzzz a écrit :
dans /etc/init.d/ il y a :

# These defaults are user-overridable in /etc/default/hwclock

Avec util-linux 2.20.1-5.2 (testing) j'ai :
# These defaults are user-overridable in /etc/default/hwclock

Ce qui donne une conclusion différente.


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Re: PC éteint qui consomme[identifié]

2012-11-17 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 17 Nov 2012 20:13:35 +0100
Francois Mescam wrote:

 Avec util-linux 2.20.1-5.2 (testing) j'ai :
 # These defaults are user-overridable in /etc/default/hwclock
 Ce qui donne une conclusion différente.

En quoi?  À moins que tu n'appelles le vice du versa le contraire
de l'inverse de la même chose...

Arcturus je suis au fin fond de la dépréssion
myrdin donc tu peux nous faire le point météo ?

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Stop puis start de lightdm

2012-11-17 Thread Francois Mescam
Je viens de passer sous xfce et j'observe avec lightdm un comportement 
que je n'avais pas avec gdm3.

Si je fais depuis une console :
/etc/init.d/lightdm stop
/etc/init.d/lightdm start
alors lightdm ne présente pas la banière de login.

Si je fais init 1 puis CTRL-D à la fin alors lightdm redémarre 
correctement semble-t-il.

Je n'ai pas vu de bug la-dessus.

Dans /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log il y a une erreur car lightdm essaie 
de lancer un autre serveur X que le bon X habituel.

Je suis le seul dans ce cas ?


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Re: PC éteint qui consomme[identifié]

2012-11-17 Thread andre_debian
On Saturday 17 November 2012 20:13:35 Francois Mescam wrote:
 On 17/11/2012 17:25, Hervé Grac wrote:
  Le 17/11/2012 17:05, Bzzz a écrit :
  dans /etc/init.d/ il y a :
  # These defaults are user-overridable in /etc/default/hwclock

Je n'ai pas ces 2 lignes ci-dessus dans le  fichier 

Par contre j'ai :
 ... if [ $HWCLOCKACCESS != no ]; then ...


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Paquet à construire

2012-11-17 Thread Yannick VOYEAUD


Le projet Ancestris (logiciel de généalogie, 
cherche un volontaire pour réaliser dans les règles de l'art le paquet 

Le rythme des MAJ est assez faible pour l'instant. En rythme de 
croisière nous ne pensons pas plus de 1-2 par mois. Si ce rythme semble 
élevé il est parfaitement possible d'en discuter.

Nous souhaiterions pouvoir faire mettre la version 0.8 dans les dépôts 
car ce sera une version majeure dans la mesure où le code de base aura 
été *intégralement* refondu!

Le logiciel est construit en Java (en espérant que cela ne soit pas 
bloquant pour un dépôt Debian).


Nul n'a droit au superflu tant que chacun n'a pas son nécessaire
(Camille JOUFFRAY 1841-1924, maire de Vienne)
Créateur CimGenWeb:
Journées du Logiciel Libre:

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Re: problema de impresion Wheezy (solucionado)

2012-11-17 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 17 Nov 2012 03:12:34 +0400, Evgeny M. Zubok escribió:

 Camaleón writes:


 (si te fijas en el pantallazo que hay más abajo el tutorial está
 hablando de CUPS 1.4.4 que es la versión de squeeze, por lo que es
 posible que hayan cambiado esto en wheezy).
 Sí, tengo Squeeze y CUPS con versión 1.4.4.

En tu caso podría ser normal porque estás con una versión anterior pero 
el OP está en wheezy por eso no debería tener problemas y no debería ser 
necesario añadir al usuario a ningún grupo para poder añadir una 
impresora desde la interfaz web de CUPS.
 No sé en qué versión estás, pero a mí eso no me pasa en wheezy cuando
 quiero añadir una impresora (ojo, no tengo configurado sudo por lo
 que CUPS -1.5.3- me pide el usuario/contraseña de root).
 Yo tengo configurado sudo para mi usuario. Pero la interfaz
 administrativa de CUPS no ejecuta el comando sudo para añadir una
 impresora y para otras sus tareas, por eso el nombre/contraseña de
 usuario normal no funciona, incluso si usuario tiene todos los derechos,
 es decir, ALL=(ALL) ALL en el archivo /etc/sudoers.  Alberto me
 respondió (pero al privado, decidí no reenviar a la lista) que el
 nombre/contraseña de root le tampoco funcionó. Es muy raro. El
 nombre/contraseña de root siempre me funciona sin necesidad de estar en
 el grupo lpadmin.

Es que no debería hacer nada en especial para añadir la impresora desde 
CUPS y si hay algún error quiere decir que algo pasa, por eso le dije que 
abriera un informe. Ni root (ni sudo) ni el usuario tiene que pertenecer 
a ningún grupo en concreto y en el caso de que así fuera, la instalación 
predeterminada debería incluirlos automáticamente ene se grupo, no tiene 
sentido que sabiendo que algo es necesario no se configure.

 Sin embargo, para añadir una impresora como *usuario normal* a través de
 interfaz web de CUPS con su nombre/contraseña (no de root) es necesario
 añadir el usuario al grupo lpadmin. 


CUPS se puede configurar manualmente para que cualquier usuario pueda 
realizar las gestiones administrativas pero ese no es el caso, es decir, 
se trata de que de manera predeterminada el usuario con privilegios de 
administrador (root o el usuario con sudo) pueda añadir una impresora en 
el sistema y en este caso parece que no lo hacía.

Habría que ver si desde la utilidad de administración de las impresoras 
del entorno gráfico (GNOME o KDE) se puede añadir la impresora sin 
problemas, obviamente sin necesidad de que el usuario pertenezca al grupo 



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Re: filedecriptor ulimit -n

2012-11-17 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El Fri, 16 Nov 2012 09:25:10 +0100
Trujillo Carmona, Antonio 

 El jue, 15-11-2012 a las 14:40 +, Camaleón escribió:
  El Thu, 15 Nov 2012 14:04:08 +0100, Trujillo Carmona, Antonio escribió:
   Estamos teniendo problemas con el proxy. He encontrado le error:
   Your cache is running out of filedescriptors 
  Me adelanto sólo por si acaso... ¿puede estar relacionado con este otro 
  hilo? (era para squeeze pero quizá pase lo mismo en wheezy)
 Ese hilo lo abrí yo y creía que se había solucionado, pero el hecho es
 que he vuelto a tener problemas, por lo que he podido ver amplié el
 numero de ficheros en el squid, pero no en el SO por lo que hay
 La ampliación en el SO resulta ser por usuario y consigo aplicársela a
 los usuarios genéricos, pero no al usuario proxy que es quien lanza el
 squid, como es un tema del SO y no del squid es por lo que no he
 nombrado al squid en el asunto.

De donde sacaste semejante barvaridad??

man limits.conf
 Es hora de negarse a caminar de puntillas cerca de los que piden
 respeto, consideración, tratamiento especial, basados en que tienen fe
 religiosa, como si fuera noble creer afirmaciones sin base y
 superticiones antiguas. -A. C. Grayling, filósofo Por favor, NO utilice
 formatos de archivo propietarios para el intercambio de documentos, como
 DOC y XLS, sino HTML, RTF, TXT,CSV o cualquier otro que obligue a
 utilizar un programa de un fabricante concreto para tratar la
 información contenida en él. SALUD.
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
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Angel Claudio Alvarez

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Hummingbird SOCKS == tsocks / toxsocks

2012-11-17 Thread En-No
Buenas a tod@s

tengo un problemilla que me esta comiendo la moral (solo un poco), os cuento.

Tengo una maquina Windows usando Hummingbird Connectivity V8.0 y
desearía cepillarme el Windows.
Ya que del Hummingbird uso la parte ... SOCKS Client Configuration ...
es decir el establecimiento de
conexión por SOCKS y no por TCP.

He visto que tenemos ... TSOCKS ... pero también me he topado con ...
TOXSOCKS (pero solo en RH parece ser)
y la verdad es que estoy perdido en cuanto ha este tema.

Haber si me podeis dar información al respecto u orientarme a otro medio.

La idea es migrar y añadir la información / IPs del fichero ...
... que son unas 50 direcciones como estas ..

sockd5 @=

Gracias por todo.

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Re: COnfigurar servidor Edonkey

2012-11-17 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 16 Nov 2012 12:10:40 -0500, Josué Marrero Bermúdez escribió:

 Ando interesado en montar un servidor edonkey para la red empresarial a
 la que pertenezco. 

Según tengo entendido, BitTorrent es el protocolo P2P más utilizado en el 
entorno empresarial y por grandes corporaciones aunque no tiene porqué 
ser la mejor opción para tu entorno de red. 

Convendría analizar antes la infraestructura que tienes y qué es lo que 
quieres mejorar o conseguir con el uso del P2P, pero si tienes una red 
pequeña no te va a merecer la pena montar este tipo de sistema para la 
distribución de los archivos.

 La idea es que los clientes puedan usar las diversas soluciones que
 existen como clientes aemule, emule plus (windows), etc, para
 intercambiar ficheros entre ellos.
 He buscado en la red pero no encuentro mención alguna al programa o
 programas a instalar.
 Alguien que lo haya hecho antes y me de una mano.

Bueno, según indica Wikipedia¹ para montar una red eDonkey necesitarás el 
software del servidor (propietario) y el de los clientes.




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Re: Hummingbird SOCKS == tsocks / toxsocks

2012-11-17 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 17 Nov 2012 15:56:16 +0100, En-No escribió:

 tengo un problemilla que me esta comiendo la moral (solo un poco), os
 Tengo una maquina Windows usando Hummingbird Connectivity V8.0 y
 desearía cepillarme el Windows.
 Ya que del Hummingbird uso la parte ... SOCKS Client Configuration ...
 es decir el establecimiento de
 conexión por SOCKS y no por TCP.
 He visto que tenemos ... TSOCKS ... pero también me he topado con ...
 TOXSOCKS (pero solo en RH parece ser) y la verdad es que estoy perdido
 en cuanto ha este tema.


No conozco Hummingbird pero si buscas un redirector de socks para linux 
además de los que comentas también tienes redsocks.



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Re: problema de impresion Wheezy (solucionado)

2012-11-17 Thread Javier San Román
On Viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012 16:42:03 Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 16 Nov 2012 19:07:33 +0400, Evgeny M. Zubok escribió:
  Camaleón writes:
  Solo tuve que agregar mi usuario a los grupos 'lp' y 'lpadmin'. Con
  eso fue suficiente para que Cups me dejara agregar la impresora y
  Ese paso no debería ser necesario, de hecho mi usuario no pertenece a
  ninguno de esos grupos y puedo añadir impresoras desde la interfaz web
  de CUPS, quizá deberías informar del error :-?
  Esta guía no está de acuerdo contigo:
 Ese es uno de los problemas de las wikis, que se quedan obsoletas en
 seguida ;-)
 (si te fijas en el pantallazo que hay más abajo el tutorial está hablando
 de CUPS 1.4.4 que es la versión de squeeze, por lo que es posible que
 hayan cambiado esto en wheezy).
  Ahora mismo hago 'deluser zubok lpadmin', intento añadir una impresora
  desde localhost:631 y al autenticarme como usuario me da el error
  Unable to add printer: Forbidden.
 No sé en qué versión estás, pero a mí eso no me pasa en wheezy cuando
 quiero añadir una impresora (ojo, no tengo configurado sudo por lo que
 CUPS -1.5.3- me pide el usuario/contraseña de root).

CUPS a través de  localhost:631, con CUPS-1.5.3 y sin sudo, me pide 
usuario/contraseña. Como usuario y como root bien. Si quito al usuario del 
grupo lpadmin no me deja hacer tareas de administración de impresoras como 
usuario pero si como root.

Recuerdo que hubo un tiempo, no se cuanto, en el que podía entrar como 
usuario (estando este en lpadmin) pero no como root. Puede que en alguna 
actualización se solucionara.

Usuario Linux: #156817
Debian Wheezy/Sid - Kernel 3.2.0

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Re: problema de impresion Wheezy (solucionado)

2012-11-17 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 17 Nov 2012 18:15:05 +0100, Javier San Román escribió:

 On Viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012 16:42:03 Camaleón escribió:


  Ahora mismo hago 'deluser zubok lpadmin', intento añadir una
  impresora desde localhost:631 y al autenticarme como usuario me da el
  error Unable to add printer: Forbidden.
 No sé en qué versión estás, pero a mí eso no me pasa en wheezy cuando
 quiero añadir una impresora (ojo, no tengo configurado sudo por lo
 que CUPS -1.5.3- me pide el usuario/contraseña de root).
 CUPS a través de  localhost:631, con CUPS-1.5.3 y sin sudo, me pide

Correcto, es como siempre lo ha hecho.

 Como usuario y como root bien. 

Como usuario a mí no me lo permite, digo, añadir una impresora (mi 
usuario no pertenece al grupo lpadmin).

 Si quito al usuario del grupo lpadmin no me deja hacer tareas de
 administración de impresoras como usuario pero si como root.

Correcto, así es como lo tengo yo y no recuerdo haber hecho nada especial 
(ni modificar los grupos del usuario ni modificar la configuración de 

 Recuerdo que hubo un tiempo, no se cuanto, en el que podía entrar como
 usuario (estando este en lpadmin) pero no como root. Puede que en
 alguna actualización se solucionara.

Yo siempre he usado CUPS como root, jamás como usuario, así que no te 
podría decir. Por ejemplo, esto es desde mi Lenny:

sm01@stt008:~$ id
uid=1000(sm01) gid=1000(sm01) grupos=20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29

Mi usuario no pertenece a lp ni lpadmin y al añadir una impresora 
nueva me pide autentificación de root (si le doy los datos de mi usuario 
no me deja finalizar el asistente y no se añade la impresora).



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Re: Rv: Re: No funcionan su, sudo, ni otros..

2012-11-17 Thread Felix Perez
El 16 de noviembre de 2012 13:34, Aristobulo Pinzon escribió:

Deja de re enviar, debes responder a la lista.
No hagas top posting
No uses html.


usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Localhost phpMyAdmin

2012-11-17 Thread Gökhan Öztürk
Selamlar. apache2, php5, mysql-server paketlerini sorunsuz kurdum.

phpMyAdmin paketini kurarken benden istenilen şifreleri 123456 yaptım ancak 
iceweasel tarayıcımdan localhost/phpmyadmin/ adresinden kullanıcı adımı 
root ve parolamı 

123456 yapıyorum aşağıdaki hatayı veriyor.

#1045 MySQL sunucusuna oturum açılamıyor.

Root olarak kök  etc  mysql  debian.cnf  dosyasının içindeki ;

user = debian-sys-maint
password = pTwuwGpk1haIqzVL

bu bilgilerle phpMyAdmine giriş yapabiliyorum.

debian.cnf içindeki bu satırları ;

user = root
password = 123456 olarak düzelttim ama yine de olmadı.

Re: Localhost phpMyAdmin

2012-11-17 Thread Semetey Coşkun

MySQL'e komut satırından bağlanabiliyor musunuz root kullanıcısı ile?

*$mysql -u root -p*
Komutundan sonra şifrenizi soracak. Buraya 123456 yazdığnızda giriş
yapabiliyor musunuz?

2012/11/17 Gökhan Öztürk

 Selamlar. apache2, php5, mysql-server paketlerini sorunsuz kurdum.

 phpMyAdmin paketini kurarken benden istenilen şifreleri 123456 yaptım
 ancak iceweasel tarayıcımdan localhost/phpmyadmin/ adresinden kullanıcı
 adımı root ve parolamı

 123456 yapıyorum aşağıdaki hatayı veriyor.

 #1045 MySQL sunucusuna oturum açılamıyor.

 Root olarak kök  etc  mysql  debian.cnf  dosyasının içindeki ;

 user = debian-sys-maint
 password = pTwuwGpk1haIqzVL

 bu bilgilerle phpMyAdmine giriş yapabiliyorum.

 debian.cnf içindeki bu satırları ;

 user = root
 password = 123456 olarak düzelttim ama yine de olmadı.

Semetey COŞKUN

Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

2012-11-17 Thread Gökhan Öztürk
mysql -u root -p komutunu normal kullanıcı olarak yazdım. 123456 ile 
bağlanamadım ama boş şifre girdiğimde bağlanabildim.

Ama boş şifre ile bağlandığıma tam emin değilim aşağıdaki satırlar geldi.

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 14
Server version: 5.5.24-9 (Debian)

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Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


 Kimden: Semetey Coşkun
Kime: Gökhan Öztürk 
Gönderildiği Tarih: 17 Kasım 2012 10:27 Cumartesi
Konu: Re: Localhost phpMyAdmin


MySQL'e komut satırından bağlanabiliyor musunuz root kullanıcısı ile?

$mysql -u root -p

Komutundan sonra şifrenizi soracak. Buraya 123456 yazdığnızda giriş 
yapabiliyor musunuz?

2012/11/17 Gökhan Öztürk

Selamlar. apache2, php5, mysql-server paketlerini sorunsuz kurdum.

phpMyAdmin paketini kurarken benden istenilen şifreleri 123456 yaptım ancak 
iceweasel tarayıcımdan localhost/phpmyadmin/ adresinden kullanıcı adımı 
root ve parolamı 

123456 yapıyorum aşağıdaki hatayı veriyor.

#1045 MySQL sunucusuna oturum açılamıyor.

Root olarak kök  etc  mysql  debian.cnf  dosyasının içindeki ;

user = debian-sys-maint
password = pTwuwGpk1haIqzVL

bu bilgilerle phpMyAdmine giriş yapabiliyorum.

debian.cnf içindeki bu satırları ;

user = root
password = 123456 olarak düzelttim ama yine de olmadı.

Semetey COŞKUN

Re: Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

2012-11-17 Thread Semetey Coşkun
Yani ;

*mysql -u root*
dediğinizde doğrudan bağlanabiliyorsunuz bu durumda anladığım kadarı ile.

Bildiğim kadarı ilen PHPMyAdmin'deki hiç bir aracın kendi şifresi yok...
 Sorulan kullanıcı adı ve şifre veri tabanına bağlantı yapabilmek için.

Bu durumda uçbirimden bağlanabildiğiniz şekilde yani uçbirimden
kullandığınız kullanıcı adı ve şifre ile  PHPMyAdmin'e de bağlanabiliyor
olmanız gerekli? Bu şekilde bağlanabiliyor musunuz?

2012/11/17 Gökhan Öztürk

 *mysql -u root -p *komutunu normal kullanıcı olarak yazdım. 123456 ile
 bağlanamadım ama boş şifre girdiğimde bağlanabildim.

 Ama boş şifre ile bağlandığıma tam emin değilim aşağıdaki satırlar geldi.

 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 14
 Server version: 5.5.24-9 (Debian)

 Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights

 Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
 affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input

 *Kimden:* Semetey Coşkun
 *Kime:* Gökhan Öztürk
 *Gönderildiği Tarih:* 17 Kasım 2012 10:27 Cumartesi
 *Konu:* Re: Localhost phpMyAdmin


 MySQL'e komut satırından bağlanabiliyor musunuz root kullanıcısı ile?

 *$mysql -u root -p*
 Komutundan sonra şifrenizi soracak. Buraya 123456 yazdığnızda giriş
 yapabiliyor musunuz?

 2012/11/17 Gökhan Öztürk

 Selamlar. apache2, php5, mysql-server paketlerini sorunsuz kurdum.

 phpMyAdmin paketini kurarken benden istenilen şifreleri 123456 yaptım
 ancak iceweasel tarayıcımdan localhost/phpmyadmin/ adresinden kullanıcı
 adımı root ve parolamı

 123456 yapıyorum aşağıdaki hatayı veriyor.

 #1045 MySQL sunucusuna oturum açılamıyor.

 Root olarak kök  etc  mysql  debian.cnf  dosyasının içindeki ;

 user = debian-sys-maint
 password = pTwuwGpk1haIqzVL

 bu bilgilerle phpMyAdmine giriş yapabiliyorum.

 debian.cnf içindeki bu satırları ;

 user = root
 password = 123456 olarak düzelttim ama yine de olmadı.

 Semetey COŞKUN

Semetey COŞKUN

Yan: Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

2012-11-17 Thread Gökhan Öztürk
Konsole ekranından şife yazmadan bağlanabildim ama web tarayıcısından 

 Kimden: Semetey Coşkun
Kime: Gökhan Öztürk 
Gönderildiği Tarih: 17 Kasım 2012 11:59 Cumartesi
Konu: Re: Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

Yani ;

mysql -u root

dediğinizde doğrudan bağlanabiliyorsunuz bu durumda anladığım kadarı ile.

Bildiğim kadarı ilen PHPMyAdmin'deki hiç bir aracın kendi şifresi yok...  
Sorulan kullanıcı adı ve şifre veri tabanına bağlantı yapabilmek için.

Bu durumda uçbirimden bağlanabildiğiniz şekilde yani uçbirimden kullandığınız 
kullanıcı adı ve şifre ile  PHPMyAdmin'e de bağlanabiliyor olmanız gerekli? Bu 
şekilde bağlanabiliyor musunuz?

2012/11/17 Gökhan Öztürk

mysql -u root -p komutunu normal kullanıcı olarak yazdım. 123456 ile 
bağlanamadım ama boş şifre girdiğimde bağlanabildim.

Ama boş şifre ile bağlandığıma tam emin değilim aşağıdaki satırlar geldi.

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 14
Server version: 5.5.24-9 (Debian)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


 Kimden: Semetey Coşkun
Kime: Gökhan Öztürk 
Gönderildiği Tarih: 17 Kasım 2012 10:27 Cumartesi
Konu: Re: Localhost phpMyAdmin


MySQL'e komut satırından bağlanabiliyor musunuz root kullanıcısı ile?

$mysql -u root -p

Komutundan sonra şifrenizi soracak. Buraya 123456 yazdığnızda giriş 
yapabiliyor musunuz?

2012/11/17 Gökhan Öztürk

Selamlar. apache2, php5, mysql-server paketlerini sorunsuz kurdum.

phpMyAdmin paketini kurarken benden istenilen şifreleri 123456 yaptım ancak 
iceweasel tarayıcımdan localhost/phpmyadmin/ adresinden kullanıcı adımı 
root ve parolamı 

123456 yapıyorum aşağıdaki hatayı veriyor.

#1045 MySQL sunucusuna oturum açılamıyor.

Root olarak kök  etc  mysql  debian.cnf  dosyasının içindeki ;

user = debian-sys-maint
password = pTwuwGpk1haIqzVL

bu bilgilerle phpMyAdmine giriş yapabiliyorum.

debian.cnf içindeki bu satırları ;

user = root
password = 123456 olarak düzelttim ama yine de olmadı.

Semetey COŞKUN

Semetey COŞKUN

Re: Yan: Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

2012-11-17 Thread Semetey Coşkun
Aşağıdaki iki komutun çıktısını gönderebilir misiniz?
*$telnet localhost 3306*

*$lsof -i | grep mysql*

Bağlanamadınızda verilen hatayı da tam olarak geçebilir misiniz?

2012/11/17 Gökhan Öztürk

 Konsole ekranından şife yazmadan bağlanabildim ama web tarayıcısından
 *Kimden:* Semetey Coşkun
 *Kime:* Gökhan Öztürk
 *Gönderildiği Tarih:* 17 Kasım 2012 11:59 Cumartesi
 *Konu:* Re: Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

 Yani ;

 *mysql -u root*
 dediğinizde doğrudan bağlanabiliyorsunuz bu durumda anladığım kadarı ile.

 Bildiğim kadarı ilen PHPMyAdmin'deki hiç bir aracın kendi şifresi yok...
  Sorulan kullanıcı adı ve şifre veri tabanına bağlantı yapabilmek için.

 Bu durumda uçbirimden bağlanabildiğiniz şekilde yani uçbirimden
 kullandığınız kullanıcı adı ve şifre ile  PHPMyAdmin'e de bağlanabiliyor
 olmanız gerekli? Bu şekilde bağlanabiliyor musunuz?

 2012/11/17 Gökhan Öztürk

 *mysql -u root -p *komutunu normal kullanıcı olarak yazdım. 123456 ile
 bağlanamadım ama boş şifre girdiğimde bağlanabildim.

 Ama boş şifre ile bağlandığıma tam emin değilim aşağıdaki satırlar geldi.

 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 14
 Server version: 5.5.24-9 (Debian)

 Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights

 Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
 affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input

 *Kimden:* Semetey Coşkun
 *Kime:* Gökhan Öztürk
 *Gönderildiği Tarih:* 17 Kasım 2012 10:27 Cumartesi
 *Konu:* Re: Localhost phpMyAdmin


 MySQL'e komut satırından bağlanabiliyor musunuz root kullanıcısı ile?

 *$mysql -u root -p*
 Komutundan sonra şifrenizi soracak. Buraya 123456 yazdığnızda giriş
 yapabiliyor musunuz?

 2012/11/17 Gökhan Öztürk

 Selamlar. apache2, php5, mysql-server paketlerini sorunsuz kurdum.

 phpMyAdmin paketini kurarken benden istenilen şifreleri 123456 yaptım
 ancak iceweasel tarayıcımdan localhost/phpmyadmin/ adresinden kullanıcı
 adımı root ve parolamı

 123456 yapıyorum aşağıdaki hatayı veriyor.

 #1045 MySQL sunucusuna oturum açılamıyor.

 Root olarak kök  etc  mysql  debian.cnf  dosyasının içindeki ;

 user = debian-sys-maint
 password = pTwuwGpk1haIqzVL

 bu bilgilerle phpMyAdmine giriş yapabiliyorum.

 debian.cnf içindeki bu satırları ;

 user = root
 password = 123456 olarak düzelttim ama yine de olmadı.

 Semetey COŞKUN

 Semetey COŞKUN

Semetey COŞKUN

Re: Yan: Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

2012-11-17 Thread Semetey Coşkun
Ek olarak MySQL'e komut satırından bağlandıktan sonra aşağıdaki komut ne

*mysql show grants*

2012/11/17 Gökhan Öztürk

 Konsole ekranından şife yazmadan bağlanabildim ama web tarayıcısından
 *Kimden:* Semetey Coşkun
 *Kime:* Gökhan Öztürk
 *Gönderildiği Tarih:* 17 Kasım 2012 11:59 Cumartesi
 *Konu:* Re: Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

 Yani ;

 *mysql -u root*
 dediğinizde doğrudan bağlanabiliyorsunuz bu durumda anladığım kadarı ile.

 Bildiğim kadarı ilen PHPMyAdmin'deki hiç bir aracın kendi şifresi yok...
  Sorulan kullanıcı adı ve şifre veri tabanına bağlantı yapabilmek için.

 Bu durumda uçbirimden bağlanabildiğiniz şekilde yani uçbirimden
 kullandığınız kullanıcı adı ve şifre ile  PHPMyAdmin'e de bağlanabiliyor
 olmanız gerekli? Bu şekilde bağlanabiliyor musunuz?

 2012/11/17 Gökhan Öztürk

 *mysql -u root -p *komutunu normal kullanıcı olarak yazdım. 123456 ile
 bağlanamadım ama boş şifre girdiğimde bağlanabildim.

 Ama boş şifre ile bağlandığıma tam emin değilim aşağıdaki satırlar geldi.

 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 14
 Server version: 5.5.24-9 (Debian)

 Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights

 Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
 affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input

 *Kimden:* Semetey Coşkun
 *Kime:* Gökhan Öztürk
 *Gönderildiği Tarih:* 17 Kasım 2012 10:27 Cumartesi
 *Konu:* Re: Localhost phpMyAdmin


 MySQL'e komut satırından bağlanabiliyor musunuz root kullanıcısı ile?

 *$mysql -u root -p*
 Komutundan sonra şifrenizi soracak. Buraya 123456 yazdığnızda giriş
 yapabiliyor musunuz?

 2012/11/17 Gökhan Öztürk

 Selamlar. apache2, php5, mysql-server paketlerini sorunsuz kurdum.

 phpMyAdmin paketini kurarken benden istenilen şifreleri 123456 yaptım
 ancak iceweasel tarayıcımdan localhost/phpmyadmin/ adresinden kullanıcı
 adımı root ve parolamı

 123456 yapıyorum aşağıdaki hatayı veriyor.

 #1045 MySQL sunucusuna oturum açılamıyor.

 Root olarak kök  etc  mysql  debian.cnf  dosyasının içindeki ;

 user = debian-sys-maint
 password = pTwuwGpk1haIqzVL

 bu bilgilerle phpMyAdmine giriş yapabiliyorum.

 debian.cnf içindeki bu satırları ;

 user = root
 password = 123456 olarak düzelttim ama yine de olmadı.

 Semetey COŞKUN

 Semetey COŞKUN

Semetey COŞKUN


2012-11-17 Thread Semetey Coşkun
mysql show grants;

Noktalı virgül koyduktan sonra giriş (enter) tuşuna basmanız gerekecek.
On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Gökhan Öztürk reveler...@yahoo.comwrote:

 reveler@Asus:~$ telnet localhost 3306

 Trying ::1...
 Connected to localhost.
 Escape character is '^]'.
 5.5.24-91wB~x`Yy�cmy:RoWGBm!mysql_native_passwordConnection closed by
 foreign host.

 reveler@Asus:~$* lsof -i | grep mysql*
 Herhangi bir çıktı yok

 mysql show grants

Semetey COŞKUN

Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

2012-11-17 Thread Gökhan Öztürk
mysql show grants;
| Grants for root@localhost   |
| GRANT PROXY ON ''@'' TO 'root'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION    |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


 Kimden: Semetey Coşkun
Kime: Gökhan Öztürk 
Gönderildiği Tarih: 17 Kasım 2012 12:44 Cumartesi
Konu: Re:

mysql show grants;

Noktalı virgül koyduktan sonra giriş (enter) tuşuna basmanız gerekecek.

On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Gökhan Öztürk wrote:

reveler@Asus:~$ telnet localhost 3306

Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
5.5.24-91wB~x`Yy�cmy:RoWGBm!mysql_native_passwordConnection closed by foreign 

reveler@Asus:~$lsof -i | grep mysql
    Herhangi bir çıktı yok

mysql show grants

Semetey COŞKUN

Re: Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

2012-11-17 Thread Semetey Coşkun
GRANT PROXY ON ''@'' TO 'root'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION

Bu ne için gerekli? Proxy ile ulaşmaya mı çalışıyor acaba? Sorun buradan
kaynaklı olabilir. Proxy kullanıyor musunuz?

On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Gökhan Öztürk reveler...@yahoo.comwrote:

 mysql show grants;
 | Grants for root@localhost   |
 | GRANT PROXY ON ''@'' TO 'root'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION|
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


 *Kimden:* Semetey Coşkun
 *Kime:* Gökhan Öztürk
 *Gönderildiği Tarih:* 17 Kasım 2012 12:44 Cumartesi
 *Konu:* Re:

 mysql show grants;

 Noktalı virgül koyduktan sonra giriş (enter) tuşuna basmanız gerekecek.
 On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Gökhan Öztürk reveler...@yahoo.comwrote:

 reveler@Asus:~$ telnet localhost 3306

 Trying ::1...
 Connected to localhost.
 Escape character is '^]'.
 5.5.24-91wB~x`Yy�cmy:RoWGBm!mysql_native_passwordConnection closed by
 foreign host.

 reveler@Asus:~$* lsof -i | grep mysql*
 Herhangi bir çıktı yok

 mysql show grants

 Semetey COŞKUN

Semetey COŞKUN

Yan: Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

2012-11-17 Thread Gökhan Öztürk
Hayır kullanmıyorum

 Kimden: Semetey Coşkun
Kime: Gökhan Öztürk 
Gönderildiği Tarih: 17 Kasım 2012 12:51 Cumartesi
Konu: Re: Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

GRANT PROXY ON ''@'' TO 'root'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION 

Bu ne için gerekli? Proxy ile ulaşmaya mı çalışıyor acaba? Sorun buradan 
kaynaklı olabilir. Proxy kullanıyor musunuz?

On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Gökhan Öztürk wrote:

mysql show grants;
| Grants for root@localhost   |
| GRANT PROXY ON ''@'' TO 'root'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION    |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


 Kimden: Semetey Coşkun
Kime: Gökhan Öztürk 
Gönderildiği Tarih: 17 Kasım 2012 12:44 Cumartesi
Konu: Re:

mysql show grants;

Noktalı virgül koyduktan sonra giriş (enter) tuşuna basmanız gerekecek.

On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Gökhan Öztürk wrote:

reveler@Asus:~$ telnet localhost 3306

Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
5.5.24-91wB~x`Yy�cmy:RoWGBm!mysql_native_passwordConnection closed by 
foreign host.

reveler@Asus:~$lsof -i | grep mysql
    Herhangi bir çıktı yok

mysql show grants

Semetey COŞKUN

Semetey COŞKUN

Re: Yan: Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

2012-11-17 Thread Semetey Coşkun
Bunu kaldırıp tekrar dener misiniz? Bu ayar ne zaman yapıldı ise farklı
yerlere farklı konfigürasyonlar da yapmış mı emin olmak lazım...

Fakat öncelikle bu proxy iznini silip sonra denemenizi öneririm. Şu an
araştırmaya vaktim olmayacak;

Bu bağlantı işiniza yarayabilir. GRANT ile verilen izni REVOKE ile geri
alabilirsiniz. Bir deneyin derim.

Kolay gelsin.

2012/11/17 Gökhan Öztürk

 Hayır kullanmıyorum

 *Kimden:* Semetey Coşkun
 *Kime:* Gökhan Öztürk
 *Gönderildiği Tarih:* 17 Kasım 2012 12:51 Cumartesi
 *Konu:* Re: Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

 GRANT PROXY ON ''@'' TO 'root'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION

 Bu ne için gerekli? Proxy ile ulaşmaya mı çalışıyor acaba? Sorun buradan
 kaynaklı olabilir. Proxy kullanıyor musunuz?

 On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Gökhan Öztürk reveler...@yahoo.comwrote:

 mysql show grants;
 | Grants for root@localhost   |
 | GRANT PROXY ON ''@'' TO 'root'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION|
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


 *Kimden:* Semetey Coşkun
 *Kime:* Gökhan Öztürk
 *Gönderildiği Tarih:* 17 Kasım 2012 12:44 Cumartesi
 *Konu:* Re:

 mysql show grants;

 Noktalı virgül koyduktan sonra giriş (enter) tuşuna basmanız gerekecek.
 On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Gökhan Öztürk reveler...@yahoo.comwrote:

 reveler@Asus:~$ telnet localhost 3306

 Trying ::1...
 Connected to localhost.
 Escape character is '^]'.
 5.5.24-91wB~x`Yy�cmy:RoWGBm!mysql_native_passwordConnection closed by
 foreign host.

 reveler@Asus:~$* lsof -i | grep mysql*
 Herhangi bir çıktı yok

 mysql show grants

 Semetey COŞKUN

 Semetey COŞKUN

Semetey COŞKUN

Yan: Yan: Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

2012-11-17 Thread Gökhan Öztürk
Tamam yapmaya calışayım tessekür ederim.

 Kimden: Semetey Coşkun
Kime: Gökhan Öztürk 
Gönderildiği Tarih: 17 Kasım 2012 12:57 Cumartesi
Konu: Re: Yan: Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

Bunu kaldırıp tekrar dener misiniz? Bu ayar ne zaman yapıldı ise farklı yerlere 
farklı konfigürasyonlar da yapmış mı emin olmak lazım...

Fakat öncelikle bu proxy iznini silip sonra denemenizi öneririm. Şu an 
araştırmaya vaktim olmayacak;

Bu bağlantı işiniza yarayabilir. GRANT ile verilen izni REVOKE ile geri 
alabilirsiniz. Bir deneyin derim.

Kolay gelsin.

2012/11/17 Gökhan Öztürk

Hayır kullanmıyorum

 Kimden: Semetey Coşkun
Kime: Gökhan Öztürk 
Gönderildiği Tarih: 17 Kasım 2012 12:51 Cumartesi
Konu: Re: Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

GRANT PROXY ON ''@'' TO 'root'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION 

Bu ne için gerekli? Proxy ile ulaşmaya mı çalışıyor acaba? Sorun buradan 
kaynaklı olabilir. Proxy kullanıyor musunuz?

On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Gökhan Öztürk wrote:

mysql show grants;
| Grants for root@localhost   |
| GRANT PROXY ON ''@'' TO 'root'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION    |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


 Kimden: Semetey Coşkun
Kime: Gökhan Öztürk 
Gönderildiği Tarih: 17 Kasım 2012 12:44 Cumartesi
Konu: Re:

mysql show grants;

Noktalı virgül koyduktan sonra giriş (enter) tuşuna basmanız gerekecek.

On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Gökhan Öztürk wrote:

reveler@Asus:~$ telnet localhost 3306

Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
5.5.24-91wB~x`Yy�cmy:RoWGBm!mysql_native_passwordConnection closed by 
foreign host.

reveler@Asus:~$lsof -i | grep mysql
    Herhangi bir çıktı yok

mysql show grants

Semetey COŞKUN

Semetey COŞKUN

Semetey COŞKUN

Re: Yan: Yan: Localhost phpMyAdmin

2012-11-17 Thread Selçuk Mıynat

2012/11/17 Gökhan Öztürk
 Konsole ekranından şife yazmadan bağlanabildim ama web tarayıcısından

phpmyadmin, varsayılan olarak boş parola ile bağlanmanıza izin vermez.

AllowNoPassword (veya eski sürümlerde AllowNoPasswordRoot)
parametresine bakmalısınız:

Selçuk Mıynat

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

debmirror failing to download sources (*.orig.*)

2012-11-17 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Gday, here's my debmirror cmd:

/usr/bin/debmirror --source --i18n --exclude='/Translation-.*\.bz2$'
--include/Translation-(en).*\.bz2$' --exclude-deb-section=games
--exclude-deb-section=debug --exclude-deb-section=news --verbose
--progress --arch=amd64,i386
--dist=wheezy,sid --method=ftp
--root=debian/debian /public/debian/debian

(above should be a single line)

Here is the output (somewhat abbreviated since I deleted
Mirroring to /public/debian/debian from
Arches: amd64,i386
Dists: wheezy,sid
Sections: main,main/debian-installer,contrib,non-free
Including source.
Pdiff mode: use
Will clean up after mirroring.
Attempting to get lock ...
Updating remote trace files (using rsync) ...
iiNet Rsync Server

- Only have one rsync connection Per IP
- No more then two rsync updates of a package per day

Excessive connections may result in your IP being firewalled for 24 hours.

receiving file list ...
rsync: link_stat /debian/. (in debian) failed: No such file or directory (2)
0 files to consider

sent 110 bytes  received 17 bytes  19.54 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous
errors) (code 23) at main.c(1536) [Receiver=3.0.9]
Warning: failed to use rsync to download extra files.
Getting meta files ...
[  0%] Getting: dists/wheezy/Release ###
[  0%] Getting: dists/wheezy/Release.gpg #
gpgv: Signature made Sat 17 Nov 2012 07:18:14 EST using RSA key ID 473041FA
gpgv: Good signature from Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key
[  0%] Getting: dists/sid/Release###
[  0%] Getting: dists/sid/Release.gpg#
gpgv: Signature made Sat 17 Nov 2012 07:18:17 EST using RSA key ID 473041FA
gpgv: Good signature from Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key
[  0%] Getting: dists/sid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz
[ 17%] Getting: dists/sid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz
[ 34%] Getting: dists/sid/main/source/Sources.gz

[ 50%] Getting: dists/sid/contrib/binary-amd64/Packages.gz   #
[ 50%] Getting: dists/sid/contrib/binary-i386/Packages.gz#
[ 51%] Getting: dists/sid/contrib/source/Sources.gz  #
[ 51%] Getting: dists/sid/non-free/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  ##
[ 51%] Getting: dists/sid/non-free/binary-i386/Packages.gz   ##
[ 51%] Getting: dists/sid/non-free/source/Sources.gz ##
[ 51%] Getting:
[ 51%] Getting: dists/wheezy/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz
[ 68%] Getting: dists/wheezy/main/binary-amd64/Release   #
[ 68%] Getting: dists/wheezy/main/binary-i386/Packages.diff/Index#
[ 68%] Getting:
[ 68%] Getting:
[ 68%] Getting: dists/wheezy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz
[ 84%] Getting: dists/wheezy/main/binary-i386/Release#
[ 84%] Getting: dists/wheezy/main/source/Sources.diff/Index  #
[ 84%] Getting:
dists/wheezy/main/source/Sources.diff/2012-10-09-0210.57.gz  #
[ 84%] Getting:
dists/wheezy/main/source/Sources.diff/2012-11-16-1409.40.gz  #
[ 84%] Getting: dists/wheezy/main/source/Sources.gz
[ 99%] Getting: dists/wheezy/main/source/Release #
[ 99%] Getting:
dists/wheezy/main/debian-installer/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  #
[ 99%] Getting: dists/wheezy/main/debian-installer/binary-amd64/Release  #
[ 99%] Getting:
dists/wheezy/main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages.gz   #
[ 99%] Getting: dists/wheezy/main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Release   #
[ 99%] Getting: dists/wheezy/contrib/binary-amd64/Packages.diff/Index#
[ 99%] Getting:
[ 99%] Getting:
[ 99%] Getting: dists/wheezy/contrib/binary-amd64/Packages.gz#
[ 99%] Getting: dists/wheezy/contrib/binary-amd64/Release#
[ 99%] Getting: dists/wheezy/contrib/binary-i386/Packages.diff/Index #
[ 99%] Getting:
[ 99%] Getting:
[ 99%] Getting: dists/wheezy/contrib/binary-i386/Packages.gz #
[ 99%] Getting: 

Re: Squeeze on a EEE PC 901, trackpad problems

2012-11-17 Thread Osamu Aoki

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 09:05:04PM -0600, zxcvbob wrote:
 I just installed Debian with the Xfce desktop on a EEE PC model 901.
 I've got things working pretty well, but I can't enable tap-to-click on
 the trackpad.  I go to Settings-Mouse in the Xfce menu, and there is no
 tab or checkbox for tapping.  I'm guessing I need to enable something in X?

For these questions, use search engine with
   eeepc :-)

This leads you to:

 (I just barely know what I'm talking about) I've run Ubuntu Linux
 before, but that was preconfigured.  I have never tried to set
 everything up myself.

For basic debian operations:

Good luck.


To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to 
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: partitions - primary vs logical and bootability

2012-11-17 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Sonntag, 11. November 2012 schrieb Joe:
 On Sat, 10 Nov 2012 16:09:36 -0600
 Charles Blair wrote:
 I am trying to set up a dual-boot windows 7 / wheezy.
 The installer shows me 3 primary ntfs partitions,
  presumably for windows7.
 I have been able to resize to create freespace.
  As I understand it, / must be bootable, which seems
  to mean it must be a primary partition.  However,
  when I do that, the installer shows the remaining
  free space as unusable, and won't let me create
  logical partitions for swap, /usr, etc.
 I'm sure I'm overlooking something basic.  Thanks
  for your patient help.
 As others have said, up to four primary partitions, OR one extended
 partition and up to three primaries.
 The difference between them is that only four slots are allocated for
 partitions in the table: IBM apparently thought that nobody would ever
 need more than four. The 'extended' partition is an entry in the four
 slot table pointing to another disc area where more partition table
 entries can be placed. There's little agreement on how many are
 'enough' these days, and an OS will often permit more on a SCSI drive
 than an ATA. You can usually bet on at least ten 'logical' partitions
 being available.
 There is no practical difference between primary and logical partition
 usage *except* that Windows (up to and including XP to my knowledge,
 probably later versions also) requires that the first primary partition
 it can recognise (i.e. the partition table says it's FAT or NTFS) must
 be marked with the 'bootable' flag, and must contain a few critical boot
 files. Apart from that, anything can be anywhere, including the Windows
 directory which contains the entire OS apart from the boot files.
 Linux does not make use of the 'bootable' flag, though Linux
 partitioning utilities can set and display it. Linux does not need
 anything to be stored on a primary partition.

Yes. Thats what I thought to be the case as well. I was not completely sure so 
thanks for the confirmation.

So it should be possible to have the last primary partition as extended 
partition going up to the end of the drive, create logical partitions in there 
and have GRUB load Linux from a logical partition.

Personally I would go for:

1) Primary: Windows or recovery or windows data or whatnot
2) Primary: Windows or recovery or windows data or whatnot
3) Primary: Windows or recovery or windows data or whatnot
4) Extended
5) Logical: 200 MB /boot or so
6) Logical: LVM

 Note that the partition table is completely separate from the rest of
 the drive. The first thing you ever do when messing with partitions is
 to write all the numbers down or print it. Then, if you make a complete
 mess of the table, so long as you haven't mounted anything and written
 to it, you can often use a rescue disc to rewrite the partition table
 exactly as it was, and restore things. Just don't bet irreplaceable
 files on that principle, because the one day you are out of luck will
 be that day...

Yeah. Especially with logical partitions as they are more difficult to restore 
with gpart and testdisk.

I suggest using sfdisk to make a backup of the partition table.

I have:

# Partitionierung
echo Sichere Partitionierung...
sfdisk -d /dev/sda  /root/sfdisk.dump
parted -l  /root/parted-l.txt

# LVM-Metadaten
echo Sichere LVM-Metadaten...

in my rsync based backup script. The files are then backed up via rsync 

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: extending LV with JFS online

2012-11-17 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Freitag, 9. November 2012 schrieb Tomáš Hulata:


Hi Tomáš,

 I have question related to extending JFS size to new size
 of LV (using LVM), I found that I have to use  
 mount -o remount,resize
 and also that there were some problems related to older
 kernels and in these cases exact size should be used like 

Where did you found that?

The second case should be needed on shrinking a JFS filesystem, you shrink it, 
before you shrink the logical volume and thus it doesn´t know to what size to 

But on enlarging it can determine the size of the lv cause you enlerge the lv 
before the fs.

Thats at least what I know and how it worked in my tests. As I do not use JFS 
regularily it was a long time since my last test for one of my Linux trainings, 
but that means that it worked this way quite a lot of kernels ago already.

So I think it should be safe, actually safer than manually giving - a possibly 
wrong size - to let JFS detect the new size of the volume on growing.

 So my question is, if there is some
 outage during this procedure, because this filesystem is exported with
 and I need to do it online without any outage. 
 Does anybody have
 some experiences with JFS resizing?

Two ideas:

1) Backup!

2) Try with a test filesystem.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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Re: New Dovecot and Kmail

2012-11-17 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Montag, 12. November 2012 schrieb Darac Marjal:
   On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 10:24:47AM +0200, David Baron wrote:
 Every version upgrade of Dovecot causes config problems (running Sid). I
 hand edited the doveconf -n stuff in after choosing to keep my old .conf
 and not being able to get the choice again. Got it working, finally.
 If you're using dovecot in sid, you should have noticed that it's
 migrated to the conf.d/* style configuration. Put any modifications YOU
 make into a separate file (say, 99-local.conf) and revert the upstream
 files to as shipped. That way, when you upgrade, the conffiles will get
 upgraded cleanly and your configuration will override the debian
 defaults. The hazard of doing that, though, is that if a configuration
 variable is removed or your config becomes invalid, you won't be told.

Ah, finally.

I use a dir include command already cause I never understood why I should merge 
my changes into that gigantic main configuration file on every update.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
GPG: 03B0 0D6C 0040 0710 4AFA  B82F 991B EAAC A599 84C7

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Re: debmirror failing to download sources (*.orig.*)

2012-11-17 Thread Zenaan Harkness
PS, running wheezy.

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Re: jigdo + approx + netinstall -- need for a coherent system

2012-11-17 Thread Osamu Aoki

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 03:38:04PM +, Russell L. Harris wrote:
 Have I missed something?

maybe ... many iso images are there for people without good network

... first think about what you really wish to do.

Let me assume your objective is to install the current testing system to
several machines on your LAN and keep them updated with minimal network
load, ...

 (1) jigdo-lite provides a foolproof and relatively easy method for
 the individual to keep on hand locally an up-to-date copy of one or
 more Debian releases, in the form of ISO images for CD or DVD.  In
 particular, jigdo-lite:

Unless you are testing all ISO images, you do not need to have them all.
All you need is just the 1st CD image (not nessasary the latest one.
netinst image is good enough.) if you have decent network access.

 (2) However, there is no simple and obvious approach to automation of
 a jigdo update of set of images such as the images of the weekly Debian
 testing (Wheezy) update.

You do not need to update it unless your image is broken badly with some

 (3) The netinst technique provides a simple and nearly-universal
 method for the installation of Debian.

 (4) approx provides a simple method for the individual to install
 Debian in one or more machines in the local LAN, while eliminating the
 need to burn a stack of CDs or DVDs and shuffle the stack of disks
 during each installation.
Alternatively, you can run any http proxy server.  I used to use squid.
By setting it properly, your bandwidth is minimized.

Your first attempt to access repository for your jigdo image should be
cased and should be used later for installation if it has not been
changed and required. (This happens, I think, if you download large
CD/DVD image and decide to install via network.)

 (5) Moreover, approx provides the potential of a near-zero-bandwidth

 (6) With the advent of inexpensive flash USB sticks and solid-state
 drives, both CD and DVD today are obsolescent; indeed, it is common to
 see laptops which have no provision for an internal optical drive.

Creating USB image from CD image is documented somewhere like:

 (7) approx-import allows .deb package files to be added to
 the approx cache.

If you accessed repository via approx for whatever need, those should be
cached already.  You usually specify proxy server with environment
variable for this.  Read each manual how to do this for each
application.  The $http_proxy environment variable can be used to
override proxy server setting in the /etc/apt/apt.conf file for apt.

There is no need to manually add them after download.

 In view of the foregoing considerations, it would be nice to see
 development of a procedure whereby jigdo-lite, approx, and
 netinst are transformed into a compatible and coherent system in
 which the logistics are simplified.  
 (1) Perhaps nothing more than a script or two would be necessary.

 (2) It should be possible with a single command to update the weekly
 testing set of ISO images.

yes but why do this.  

 (3) There perhaps should be four sets of .jigdo and .template
 - a set for CD images 
 - a set for DVD images
 - a set for a single netinst image 
 - a set for a single tutti (that is, all together) image

???  Why you need these all ???

 (4) The tutti image, loop-mounted, could be the source for
 all other images.

??? yes but why make it so complicated.  The debs are all available in apt

 (5) With the tutti approach, one could obtain the weekly update of
 Debian testing by jigdo download of only a single file.
 Moreover, download of the single tutti file could be
 accomplished automatically by a script invoked by cron.

 (6) It should be possible to import files directly into the approx
 cache, irrespective of source: 

If you are half-offline, think about apt-zip ... 


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Re: Password problem confirmed as repeatable - was [Re: Newbie password problem(s)]

2012-11-17 Thread Richard Owlett

Osamu Aoki wrote:


On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 01:53:47PM -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:

Terho Uotila wrote:

Unless you want to try very minimal system you probably want shadow

I do not understand.
Going by text displayed during the installation  I had the
impression that shadow passwords were for those overly paranoid
about supposed incremental security advantages. My machines will
effectively be the ultimate in single user systems. I will be the
only one with physical access. They will have only occasional
restricted access to the internet over a dial up connection. It is
very unlikely that there will ever be a LAN among my machines. I do
not see that Debian even claims that shadow passwords *could* be of
any benefit to me ;/

1. Use of shadow is almost standard these days.

2. If your are attacked while you are using user account to access
internet, the use of shadow password gives you one thin but extra
layer of protection to protect your root account after your user
account is hacked.

3. Disabling shadow does not give you much speed or space.  Configuring
system to odd configuration is usually not good idea since it is
tested less.

One does not usually associated the word 
normal/standard/typical with me.

My whole goal is to do an install that I know is on the fringe.
That is why I bought a used laptop which will _*NOT*_ be 
connected to the internet for by experiments.

On Thu, 15 Nov 2012 11:04:21 -0600
Richard Owlett wrote:

2. Did not enable shadow passwords
3. Attempted su, neither root nor user password accepted

You may have hit a bug.

Obviously there is a bug.
The question is it me or Debian?

In this context, more likely Debian or its upstream.

I noticed a problem with disabling shadow
passwords some time back and I don't know if anyone has fixed it, as
(ahem) I haven't gotten around to reporting it yet...

For you I have such a deal.
I've submitted a bug [] on which you may
This will be especially useful if the problem has been observed in
something later than version 6.0.5.

I recall (maybe wrongly) figuring out that when shadow passwords were
not enabled, installer still saved root password into shadow before
disabling it, or something on those lines.

I don't know. Though ~3 score and 10, this is my first foray into

Welcome and if you are newbie, stay within safe area :-)

That's no fun.

Do not try to do something complicated before getting system understood.

I'm what once was referred to as a kinesthetic learner. I 
learn by doing.
I've been a computer user since before Mr. Torvalds was 
born. I just never had reason to have contact with *nix. 
Even when working for DEC I was much more into analog than 

I could fix my installation at the time by going into single user mode
and changing root password, after which it worked correctly.

I don't understand that.

I did not know this but passwd package ships command called
shadowconfig.  Use shadowconfig on.

See man shadowconfig and  /usr/share/doc/passwd/README.Debian for more.
(If you installed from CD, you may alternatively reinstall system ...)

By the way, we have some basics for use as:

Thanks for reminding me. I haven't used it as, being on a 
dial-up connection, online manuals are inconvenient. Is it 
available as a PDF or as a single HTML file?

Is there a similar volume of preseeding, especially for 
those of us who insist on installing without the 
availability of an internet connection.

[I'm in rural SW MO on the end of a 56k dial-up connection ;]

Good luck,


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Re: jigdo + approx + netinstall -- need for a coherent system

2012-11-17 Thread Russell L. Harris
* Osamu Aoki [121117 11:09]:
 If you are half-offline, think about apt-zip ... 

I thank you for your observations, Osamu.

I was not aware of apt-zip; I may have use for it.


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Re: Squeeze on a EEE PC 901, trackpad problems

2012-11-17 Thread berenger . morel
You will need the xserver-xorg-input-synaptics package, so you can use 

Just run $synclient will let it show you a list of parameters you can 
change, when you have found the parameter you want, you can adjust it, 
just read the man, it is small enough to be readable.
Of course, this will not be a definitive change, so you will have to 
write the line in a script which will be run at each XFCE startup. IIRC, 
there is a tool in xfce where you can add commands automatically ran at 

I hope I gave you enough details

Le 17.11.2012 04:05, zxcvbob a écrit :

I just installed Debian with the Xfce desktop on a EEE PC model 901.
I've got things working pretty well, but I can't enable tap-to-click 
the trackpad.  I go to Settings-Mouse in the Xfce menu, and there is 
tab or checkbox for tapping.  I'm guessing I need to enable something 
in X?

(I just barely know what I'm talking about) I've run Ubuntu Linux
before, but that was preconfigured.  I have never tried to set
everything up myself.

Thanks, Bob

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Re: Password problem confirmed as repeatable - was [Re: Newbie password problem(s)]

2012-11-17 Thread Osamu Aoki

On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 06:31:50AM -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:
 I've been a computer user since before Mr. Torvalds was born. I
 just never had reason to have contact with *nix. Even when working
 for DEC I was much more into analog than digital.

I see.  I guess you were a VMS or some mainframe user...

As for apt-zip:

It seems somewhat stalled.  You may wish to takeover project to update
it to be compatible with current apt repository.  The last update was

 By the way, we have some basics for use as:
 Thanks for reminding me. I haven't used it as, being on a dial-up
 connection, online manuals are inconvenient. Is it available as a
 PDF or as a single HTML file?

For installation, you should start with Install Manual:
  PDFs are available. 
  If you use 64bit PC, you want amd64 version.
  It is good idea to read this if you really wish to tweak.

It is available as Debian Package.
  apt-get install debian-reference-en
  This is more about Unix shell focused.
  Once you install it, you can see it via browser.

(I know I used to have PDF.  Building PDF for non-English via XML-XeTeX
is still not so easy.  That will be my next project.  Maybe I should
enable just for English and French first which I know is easy.)

  apt-get install debian-handbook
  General guide.

 Is there a similar volume of preseeding, especially for those of us
 who insist on installing without the availability of an internet
 [I'm in rural SW MO on the end of a 56k dial-up connection ;]

I see.  You got no speed limit for automobile but speed limit for
Internet.  56k should be practically impossible for tracking 
testing without apt-zip.

If you have access to fast network somewhere, download DVD-1 at least.
That should give you decent system. (There are 2 more DVDs to be

All you need is few file images.  You do not need network to install DVD
or CD.  (I checked how big archive is, it seems DLBL image is only
one... so guess)

If you do not install large desktop application and keep it just with
consoles, tracking testing may be possible with direct 56k connection.



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Re: which module for NTFS?

2012-11-17 Thread Tom H
On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Oleg Sadov wrote:
 17/11/2012 в 15:56 +0200, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 3:36 PM, Andrew Z wrote:

 root@master:[~]$ yum install ntfs-3g
 Loaded plugins: security
 Setting up Install Process
 No package ntfs-3g available.
 Error: Nothing to do

 root@master:[~]$ yum search ntfs3-g
 Loaded plugins: security
 Warning: No matches found for: ntfs3-g
 No Matches found

 root@master:[~]$ yum provides ntfs-3g
 Loaded plugins: security
 Warning: 3.0.x versions of yum would erroneously match against filenames.
  You can use */ntfs-3g and/or *bin/ntfs-3g to get that behaviour
 No Matches found

 root@master:[~]$ yum provides  */ntfs-3g
 Loaded plugins: security
 No Matches found

 How did you install ntfs-3g on Scientific Linux 6.3?

 You may try to use packages from Scientific Linux Cyrillic Edition

Or use epel or repoforge/rpmforge.

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Re: Password problem confirmed as repeatable - was [Re: Newbie password problem(s)]

2012-11-17 Thread Osamu Aoki
Hi,I thought about different approach ...


On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 12:46:38AM +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 06:31:50AM -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:
  I've been a computer user since before Mr. Torvalds was born. I
  just never had reason to have contact with *nix. Even when working
  for DEC I was much more into analog than digital.
 I see.  I guess you were a VMS or some mainframe user...
 As for apt-zip:
 It seems somewhat stalled.  You may wish to takeover project to update
 it to be compatible with current apt repository.  The last update was

Usually, I recommend not to try to make full archive copy to reduce our
server load.  But if you are careful, this may be a simpler solution
than fixing apt-zip.  You may also avoid some parts of archive.  These
debian package maybe useful to be as efficient as possible to make
partial mirror.

   (This is made by debhelper developer and current)


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Re: debmirror failing to download sources (*.orig.*)

2012-11-17 Thread Osamu Aoki

On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 08:20:57PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
 Gday, here's my debmirror cmd:
 /usr/bin/debmirror --source --i18n --exclude='/Translation-.*\.bz2$'
 --include/Translation-(en).*\.bz2$' --exclude-deb-section=games
 --exclude-deb-section=debug --exclude-deb-section=news --verbose
 --progress --arch=amd64,i386
 --dist=wheezy,sid --method=ftp
 --root=debian/debian /public/debian/debian
 (above should be a single line)
 Here is the output (somewhat abbreviated since I deleted
 Mirroring to /public/debian/debian from
 Arches: amd64,i386
 Dists: wheezy,sid
 Sections: main,main/debian-installer,contrib,non-free
 Including source.
 Pdiff mode: use
 Will clean up after mirroring.
 Attempting to get lock ...
 Updating remote trace files (using rsync) ...
 iiNet Rsync Server

I do not know why but you asked for ftp method but rsync is used.
 - Only have one rsync connection Per IP
 - No more then two rsync updates of a package per day
 Excessive connections may result in your IP being firewalled for 24 hours.

They do not like using rsync this way.

Please check:

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Re: ...

2012-11-17 Thread Tony Baldwin
On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 07:55:53AM +0100, Cosme Domínguez Díaz wrote:
 /etc/apache2/ssl/localcerts/ is only an example directory where you
 can put apache.pem file.
 What matters is that path of SSLCertificateFile should exist in the system.
I would add:
And that apache be told where to find them.
On my main production server I have them in /etc/ssl/localcerts
I think /etc/ssl is a directory created by default on debian systems.
At least, I don't recall putting it there.
But, as indicated above, you can pretty well stick your certs anywhere
you like, so long as apache can access them and your apache configs
tell it where to find them.

all tony, all the time!

Description: Digital signature

need how to for debian 6 with postfix

2012-11-17 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
i am using  debian 6. i need a howto for debian 6 + dovecot +
smtp-auth + maildir feature (never mind if dovecot SASL or traditional

actually when i try google with these words. i found lots and lots of
material and even i tried so many howtos but  so far i can play all
aroundr with relay, maildir every thing working great however one
thing making  my life living hell and that is smtp-auth which doesnot
work for me.

smtp-authenticaltion. what i want is instead of putting my network in
mynetwork i want
every users whether inside user or any one from outside can always
send email but with password authentication. i dont wana restrict user
by subnet or IP but via user authentication.

i have read ispmail but that howto is on mysql and i want maildir. so
please help.

i tried many configs but failed

no matter what i do my clients are not authenticating. they can relay

so i dont wana paste my config but what wanna do is to reconfigure it
one more time with the help of some experience people who can suggest
me a working howto.


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SD card formatting problem

2012-11-17 Thread Gary Roach
I have a 32GB sd card that I have been trying to use as a transfer disk 
for a 19GB file. Each time, the file copies (cp command) to 4GB and 
stops. I tried to reformat to vfat with the same results. The df command 
shows the card has 32GB. I thought that vfat was only good to 4 GB but 
the card came formatted to vfat. Any suggestions? Can the card be 
formatted to ext3? Would that help? Is the card the problem? I am using 
a SanDisk USB card reader, model SDDR-113 which is supposed to handle 
32GB cards. Debian Squeeze and Wheezy systems gave same results.

Gary R.

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Re: SD card formatting problem

2012-11-17 Thread Erwan David
On 17/11/12 20:36, Gary Roach wrote:
 I have a 32GB sd card that I have been trying to use as a transfer
 disk for a 19GB file. Each time, the file copies (cp command) to 4GB
 and stops. I tried to reformat to vfat with the same results. The df
 command shows the card has 32GB. I thought that vfat was only good to
 4 GB but the card came formatted to vfat. Any suggestions? Can the
 card be formatted to ext3? Would that help? Is the card the problem? I
 am using a SanDisk USB card reader, model SDDR-113 which is supposed
 to handle 32GB cards. Debian Squeeze and Wheezy systems gave same

 Gary R.

fat-32 limits file size to 4GB, thus your limit. You may format it in
ext3 if your destination reads ext3.

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Re: SD card formatting problem

2012-11-17 Thread Beco
On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 4:36 PM, Gary Roach wrote:
 I have a 32GB sd card that I have been trying to use as a transfer disk for
 a 19GB file. Each time, the file copies (cp command) to 4GB and stops. I
 tried to reformat to vfat with the same results. The df command shows the
 card has 32GB. I thought that vfat was only good to 4 GB but the card came
 formatted to vfat. Any suggestions? Can the card be formatted to ext3? Would
 that help? Is the card the problem? I am using a SanDisk USB card reader,
 model SDDR-113 which is supposed to handle 32GB cards. Debian Squeeze and
 Wheezy systems gave same results.

 Gary R.

Hi Gary,

fat limits you with 4GiB files. So, if you don't want to format, you
can use split to break the file. Something like:

$tar czpvf - /path/archive | split -d -b 4096M - myfile

The only problem is that you need to cat the files back to extract.

$cat myfile*  onebigfile


$cat myfile* | tar xzpvf -


Dr Beco
A.I. researcher

-- . --

Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it
everyone you love, everyone you know... (Carl Sagan, 1934-1996)

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Re: SD card formatting problem

2012-11-17 Thread Greg Madden
On Saturday 17 November 2012 10:36:07 you wrote:
 I have a 32GB sd card that I have been trying to use as a transfer
 disk for a 19GB file. Each time, the file copies (cp command) to 4GB
 and stops. I tried to reformat to vfat with the same results. The df
 command shows the card has 32GB. I thought that vfat was only good to
 4 GB but the card came formatted to vfat. Any suggestions? Can the
 card be formatted to ext3? Would that help? Is the card the problem?
 I am using a SanDisk USB card reader, model SDDR-113 which is
 supposed to handle 32GB cards. Debian Squeeze and Wheezy systems gave
 same results.

 Gary R.

Limitations of vfat file system, also does not archive file attributes. 

afaik, you can format with any file system. If compatabiltiy between a 
Windows box is not the issue I would use anything else. I have used 
ext2 for this, no journal.



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cp, but preserve the dest attribute

2012-11-17 Thread T o n g

cp -a, or rsync -a, or cpio normally preserve the source attribute and 
set the destination attribute accordingly. Now my question is, is there 
any way for me to preserve the destination attribute and disregard the 
source attribute. Any way to make it possible, cp/rsync/cpio or something 

If the request seems odd to you, think of when you update your script 
from vbox share folder. 


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IMAP4/POP3 server that supports mbox?

2012-11-17 Thread David Guntner
Yes, I'm one of those fogies who still prefers the main mailbox for
users to be in /var/spool/mail (which is apparently a link to /var/mail
in Debian :-) ).

I need an IMAP4/POP3 server which supports SSL, and while the IMAP
server can access the userspace of the logged-in user to get to files in
their home directories (such as $HOME/Mail for mail folder storage), I
still use /var/spool/mail as the delivery point for the user's inbox.  I
have a small enough userbase for my system that I don't need to worry
about lag times while doing directory lookups in a single mail
directory. :-)

As previously mentioned, I'm a Mandriva refugee. :-)  I've currently got
Debian installed in a VM on my Windows box for testing and to figure out
all the kinks before I actually do the install on the Linux box and
replace the existing OS.  On the box that's going to take the system
when the time comes, all my mailboxes for myself and my users are still
in mbox format, with the main user inbox being in /var/spool/mail/{user}
and their/my own personal mail folders being in $HOME/Mail/ as
separate files there.  And as for myself, I've got a LOT of those
folders in that format.  I don't know Maildir format  don't know if
there's something that lets you convert existing mail from mbox to
Maildir.  I use Postfix with Procmail as the LDA, and that can be
configured to deliver to mbox format.  (At least, I was able to do that
when I set up the Mandriva system; I'm assuming that's still so with
Debian.  It installed Exim by default when I set it up and I haven't
swapped out yet, but *it* is delivering mbox format to /var/spool/mail
when cron sends me mail.)

I've been searching the repositories for IMAP servers, but it seems like
the two big ones (Courier  Cyrus) are both locked into a Maildir
format.  Is there an IMAP4/POP3 server package available that will
support SSL logins ('cause in this day and age, using unencrypted logins
is just paining a bullseye on your system for someone with a sniffer to
hack) and will access my mail system the way I want it to?  Is there a
way to configure Courier or Cyrus to use mbox and /var/spool/mail?  If
not, are any of the other packages I saw listed capable of doing what I
want to do?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: IMAP4/POP3 server that supports mbox?

2012-11-17 Thread Sven Hartge
David Guntner wrote:

 Yes, I'm one of those fogies who still prefers the main mailbox for
 users to be in /var/spool/mail (which is apparently a link to /var/mail
 in Debian :-) ).

 I need an IMAP4/POP3 server which supports SSL, and while the IMAP
 server can access the userspace of the logged-in user to get to files in
 their home directories (such as $HOME/Mail for mail folder storage), I
 still use /var/spool/mail as the delivery point for the user's inbox.

The answer is: Dovecot

Documentation for version 1 included in Debian Squeeze is at


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

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Re: wheezy amd64: google-earth black screen

2012-11-17 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:

Am Freitag, 16. November 2012 schrieb Hugo Vanwoerkom:


I installed google-earth, but on starting it all I get is a black 

Googling this you get 100's of hits, referring to things that I have
Relevant to this I have installed:


with all their dependencies. Yet something is obviously missing :-(
any hints as to what it might be?
Running wheezy amd64 and this seems to be X's only problem...


You must install nvidia-glx from the i386-repöository. Look in the 
wiki or howtos at multiarch. You have to set up a multiarch 

On the other hand you can do as I did (I am lazy). I removed all nvidia-
packages and installed the nvidia-drivers from the nvidia site.

Pay attention, to build the 32-bit part, too.

Hans, I saw your previous post where you say:

For those with the same problem: My workaround for now is just to 
deinstall every nvidia package and use the installer from the nvidia 
site. This let me install 64-bit and 32-bit driver, and googleearth is 
happily running again.

But when I install and then I get a message:

ERROR: this .run file is intended for the
Linux-x86 platform, but you appear to be
running on Linux-x86_64.  Aborting installation.

How did you install both drivers?

Sorry, my mistake: you simply say yes when the nvidia-installer asks 
whether to install the 32-bit openGl libs... :-(


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Re: IMAP4/POP3 server that supports mbox?

2012-11-17 Thread David Guntner
Sven Hartge grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
 David Guntner wrote:
 Yes, I'm one of those fogies who still prefers the main mailbox for
 users to be in /var/spool/mail (which is apparently a link to /var/mail
 in Debian :-) ).
 I need an IMAP4/POP3 server which supports SSL, and while the IMAP
 server can access the userspace of the logged-in user to get to files in
 their home directories (such as $HOME/Mail for mail folder storage), I
 still use /var/spool/mail as the delivery point for the user's inbox.
 The answer is: Dovecot
 Documentation for version 1 included in Debian Squeeze is at

Thanks!  Missed that one while I was doing aptitude searches. :-)  From
the description, it sounds like it does what I want, and I don't see it
declaring a conflict with Postfix or Procmail, so I'll give that a shot.

Thanks again!


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Re: need how to for debian 6 with postfix

2012-11-17 Thread mouss
Le 17/11/2012 18:29, Muhammad Yousuf Khan a écrit :
 i am using  debian 6. i need a howto for debian 6 + dovecot +
 smtp-auth + maildir feature (never mind if dovecot SASL or traditional
 actually when i try google with these words. i found lots and lots of
 material and even i tried so many howtos but  so far i can play all
 aroundr with relay, maildir every thing working great however one
 thing making  my life living hell and that is smtp-auth which doesnot
 work for me.
 smtp-authenticaltion. what i want is instead of putting my network in
 mynetwork i want
 every users whether inside user or any one from outside can always
 send email but with password authentication. i dont wana restrict user
 by subnet or IP but via user authentication.
 i have read ispmail but that howto is on mysql and i want maildir. so
 please help.
 i tried many configs but failed
 no matter what i do my clients are not authenticating. they can relay

smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
smtpd_sasl_authenticated_header = yes

#only localhost can relay via us without authentication
mynetworks =

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
#allow relay for authenticated users:
#allow relay for IPs in mynetworks
# deny relay otherwise

then reload postfix and try

telnet localhost 25
EHLO testme

after the EHLO command, you should see two lines tarting with 220-AUTH

note 1: comment out the submission service in and configure
your mail clients to use port 587 (the standard submission port). this
way you separate submitted mail traffic from the rest.

note 2: the next step for configure TLS and only allow authentication
for TLS protected sessions:
smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes


 so i dont wana paste my config but what wanna do is to reconfigure it
 one more time with the help of some experience people who can suggest
 me a working howto.

you can paste the output of
postconf -n
one pastebin or the like and send the URL. (note the '-n' in the
command: this will show locally modified parameters only).

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Re: IMAP4/POP3 server that supports mbox?

2012-11-17 Thread mouss
Le 18/11/2012 03:54, David Guntner a écrit :
 Sven Hartge grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
 David Guntner wrote:
 Yes, I'm one of those fogies who still prefers the main mailbox
 for users to be in /var/spool/mail (which is apparently a link
 to /var/mail in Debian :-) ).
 I need an IMAP4/POP3 server which supports SSL, and while the
 IMAP server can access the userspace of the logged-in user to
 get to files in
 their home directories (such as $HOME/Mail for mail folder
 storage), I still use /var/spool/mail as the delivery point for
 the user's inbox.
 The answer is: Dovecot
 Documentation for version 1 included in Debian Squeeze is at
 Thanks!  Missed that one while I was doing aptitude searches. :-)
 From the description, it sounds like it does what I want, and I
 don't see it declaring a conflict with Postfix or Procmail, so I'll
 give that a shot.

it actually works well with postfix (dovecot provides a simple
authentication solution for postfix).

dovecot also has Sieve support. with that, you shouldn't need procmail

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Re: IMAP4/POP3 server that supports mbox?

2012-11-17 Thread David Guntner
mouss grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
 Le 18/11/2012 03:54, David Guntner a écrit :
 Sven Hartge grabbed a keyboard and wrote:

 The answer is: Dovecot

 Documentation for version 1 included in Debian Squeeze is at

 Thanks!  Missed that one while I was doing aptitude searches. :-)
 From the description, it sounds like it does what I want, and I
 don't see it declaring a conflict with Postfix or Procmail, so I'll
 give that a shot.
 it actually works well with postfix (dovecot provides a simple
 authentication solution for postfix).

What do you mean by that?

 dovecot also has Sieve support. with that, you shouldn't need procmail

Well, that might be the case, but I'm completely unfamiliar with Sieve,
while I can practically write Procmail recipes in my sleep. :-)  So as
long as it doesn't interfere with Procmail, it's cool. grin



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: IMAP4/POP3 server that supports mbox?

2012-11-17 Thread staticsafe
On 11/18/2012 0:07, David Guntner wrote:
 mouss grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
 Le 18/11/2012 03:54, David Guntner a écrit :
 Sven Hartge grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
 The answer is: Dovecot
 Documentation for version 1 included in Debian Squeeze is at
 Thanks!  Missed that one while I was doing aptitude searches.
 :-) From the description, it sounds like it does what I want,
 and I don't see it declaring a conflict with Postfix or
 Procmail, so I'll give that a shot.
 it actually works well with postfix (dovecot provides a simple 
 authentication solution for postfix).
 What do you mean by that?

He means SASL auth. [1]

 dovecot also has Sieve support. with that, you shouldn't need
 procmail anymore...
 Well, that might be the case, but I'm completely unfamiliar with
 Sieve, while I can practically write Procmail recipes in my sleep.
 :-)  So as long as it doesn't interfere with Procmail, it's cool.

Of course, you can either set the mailbox_command (if you are the only
user)[2] or use a .forward file. Like so:



[1] -
[2] -
O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -
Please don't top post -

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Re: need how to for debian 6 with postfix

2012-11-17 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
sorry, i mistakenly send the last message to your personal account. so
i am sending it again to this list


 smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
 broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
 smtpd_sasl_authenticated_header = yes

 #only localhost can relay via us without authentication
 mynetworks =

 smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
 #allow relay for authenticated users:
 #allow relay for IPs in mynetworks
 # deny relay otherwise

i believe that i already followed what you have written above
but additionally  dovecot setting  mentioned below.

smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot
smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth

what type of packages do i want.

i could not find package postfix-tls

so what i installed is posfix and dovecot-imap
since i am using dovecot SASL i didnt install other packages except
the 2 above and postfix-tls did not found.

 then reload postfix and try

 telnet localhost 25
 EHLO testme

 after the EHLO command, you should see two lines tarting with 220-AUTH

yes i did that and my ehlo shows this
250-SIZE 1024
250 DSN

 note 1: comment out the submission service in and configure
 your mail clients to use port 587 (the standard submission port). this
 way you separate submitted mail traffic from the rest.

what do you mean by submission would you please explain a bit. so help
me understand this.

 note 2: the next step for configure TLS and only allow authentication
 for TLS protected sessions:
 smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes

does it requires postfix-tls package as i saw in old howtos. i can not
find this package in debian 6. even i try to find debian repo. maybe i
am doing some mistake. would you guide me on this please.


 you can paste the output of
 postconf -n
 one pastebin or the like and send the URL. (note the '-n' in the
 command: this will show locally modified parameters only).

ok ill do that as soon as i get to office and configure this.


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Re: need how to for debian 6 with postfix

2012-11-17 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
this is ubuntu's official doc.
i also followed this but no help at all. still i can send messages
with out authentication.

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