Re: Bug Squashing Party (BSP) ?

2012-12-15 Thread Simó Albert i Beltran


He estat una mica a l'ombra pendent d'aquest taller de resolució bugs.

Primer de tot dir que compteu amb mi pel que calgui.

Ja m'he apuntat a l'esdeveniment d'StatusNet:

Mònica, per muntar un apt proxy, dos preguntes:

No tindrem massa ample de banda per tant pot ser interessant tenir un 
sistema per optimitzar-ne l'us. Algú hi està treballant?

De totes maneres ja hem omplert les neveres amb cervesa i sucs ;-)

Recordeu a portar lladres de corrent.

Si esteu indecisos, animeu-vos!

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Re: Bug Squashing Party (BSP) ?

2012-12-15 Thread Simó Albert i Beltran

No tindrem massa ample de banda per tant pot ser interessant tenir un
sistema per optimitzar-ne l'us. Algú hi està treballant?

Em disposo doncs a muntar-lo.

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Re: OT: Tablets en català?

2012-12-15 Thread Orestes Mas
A Dissabte, 15 de desembre de 2012 13:57:45, va escriure:
 EL Fri, 14 Dec 2012 12:43:48 +0100
 Eduard Selma escrigué:
  A més d'off-topic, segurament aquesta pregunta us semblarà ingènua.
  Vull comprar-me una tauleta tàctil (tablet) d'entre 7 i 9 polzades i
  voldria assegurar-me que el S. O. estigui en català. He anat a una
  botiga del ram i m'han dit, després de consultar-ho amb un parell de
  subministradors, que d'això res, que ha de ser en castellà (i els hi
  ha semblat una pregunta molt exòtica: ningú els la havia fet abans).
  Sé que en un dispositiu ARM s'hi pot instal·lar una Debian, si cal,
  però de moment ja m'aniria bé amb un Android en català.
  Em podeu donar alguna pista? (s'admet publicitat)
  Bones festes i perdoneu l'OT.
  Eduard Selma.
 A no ser que siguis un super geek treu-te del cap tenir una tablet
 amb linux. Això només està a l'abast de gent amb molts coneixements i
 fins i tot en el cas de poder-lo instalŀlar es possible que no sigui
 funcional en un 100%.

No estic massa d'acord amb aquesta afimació. Jo, per exemple, no estic del tot 
segur de ser un super-geek i tinc una tauleta d'aquestes [1], que vaig 
comprar per internet.


Per tant, és possible.

Ara bé, també et diré que com que sóc un talibà del KDE li vaig treure 
l'ubuntu que venia de sèrie i li vaig posar un altre sistema amb el KDE. 
Primer volia posar-hi el plasma-active, però vaig haver de desistir perquè 
encara està molt verd i hi vaig acabar deixant un KDE normal. Funciona gairebé 
tot excepte alguns problemes amb la pantalla tàctil en presència de plasmoides 
KDE, però això ho atribueixo a una immaduresa del KDE en entorns de pantalles 
tàctils, on el paradigma clàssic del ratolí de 3 botons no es pot aplicar 

En aquest sentit l'unity potser anava millor (vaig provar-lo poc temps) però 
tenia altres problemes.

En resum: possible és, però els escriptoris linux encara estan poc preparats 
per pantalles tàctils. Segur que d'aquí a un temps la cosa millorarà molt.


Orestes Mas.

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Re: Bug Squashing Party (BSP) ?

2012-12-15 Thread alex

A 2012-12-15 15:44, Simó Albert i Beltran escrigué:

No tindrem massa ample de banda per tant pot ser interessant tenir un
sistema per optimitzar-ne l'us. Algú hi està treballant?

Si sabem quins paquets necessitem, els podem ja dur instal.lats de 

Crec que un vei ens deixa accés a la seva xarxa wireless (1MB/s)

Recordeu a portar lladres de corrent.

Jo porto dos lladres de 6 entrades cadasqun. De moment, amb això hi ha 
per 12 portàtils, però segur que caldrà algun lladre de corrent més.

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Re: HS bookmarks iceweasel_firefox dans db mysql

2012-12-15 Thread moi-meme
Le Fri, 14 Dec 2012 16:20:02 +0100, maderios a écrit :

 Parce que mysql est plus rapide que sqlite et demande moins de
 ressouces/accès disque
 Parce que j'ai déjà mysql

pas la peine. La syntaxe entre Mysql et sqlite n'est pas totalement la 

il faut faire un vacuum de toutes les bases de données de sqlite 
(*.sqlite) dans ~/.mozilla.

Ça lui redonne une sacrée vigueur.

Je n'ai plus le fichier mais j'avais trouvé sur Gxxx.

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Re: HS bookmarks iceweasel_firefox dans db mysql

2012-12-15 Thread moi-meme
Le Fri, 14 Dec 2012 16:20:02 +0100, maderios a écrit :

 Parce que mysql est plus rapide que sqlite et demande moins de
 ressouces/accès disque
 Parce que j'ai déjà mysql
 Merci pour toute idée


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Re: HS bookmarks iceweasel_firefox dans db mysql

2012-12-15 Thread maderios

On 12/15/2012 10:42 AM, moi-meme wrote:

Le Fri, 14 Dec 2012 16:20:02 +0100, maderios a écrit :

Parce que mysql est plus rapide que sqlite et demande moins de
ressouces/accès disque
Parce que j'ai déjà mysql

pas la peine. La syntaxe entre Mysql et sqlite n'est pas totalement la
Oui, c'est évident et ce n'est pas du tout ce que je pensais pouvoir 
faire. Je ne veux pas convertir une db sqlite en db mysql mais trouver 
le moyen de me passer de sqlite en utilisant mysql pour les signets de 
firefox. J'ai cherché du coté des plug-ins, rien. Au mieux j'ai trouvé 
du coté des scripts php.

il faut faire un vacuum de toutes les bases de données de sqlite
(*.sqlite) dans ~/.mozilla.

Ça lui redonne une sacrée vigueur.

Je n'ai plus le fichier mais j'avais trouvé sur Gxxx.

Merci, je vais tester en attendant une solution mysql

Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures.
L'art est fait pour troubler. La science rassure (Georges Braque)

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Re: Petit soucis avec la commande tbl-dctrl

2012-12-15 Thread David Prévot

Le 13/12/2012 07:25, stephane.gargoly a écrit :

 Seulement quand j'ai fait :
 tbl-dctrl -c 'Package=Package' -c 'Architecture=Architecture' -d ; Packages 
 - un message de type tbl-dctrl: Packages:3246: deux-points (« : ») attendus

Ça signifie simplement que le fichier Packages que tu as fourni contient
une erreur à la ligne 3246, le message t'explique même qu'il manque un



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Re: wicd: reconnection impossible après hibernation

2012-12-15 Thread Jérôme
Le vendredi 14 décembre 2012 à 12:29 +0100, Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
 Au passage, j’ai récemment appris l’existence de la commande 
 « service » :
 service daemon stop
 qui doit revenir à
 invoke-rc.d daemon stop
 donc à
 /etc/init.d/daemon stop
   On n’arrête pas le progrès…

Il y a des nuances concernant l'environnement :

 invoke-rc.d est une interface générique pour exécuter des actions de
scripts d'initialisation etc/init.d/nom de type Système V, obéissant aux
contraintes des niveaux d'exécution et aux politiques locales définies
par l'administrateur

service  exécute  un script d'initialisation Système V dans un
environnement aussi prévisible que possible, en supprimant la plupart
des variables d'environnement et en utilisant / comme répertoire de

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Youtube ?

2012-12-15 Thread Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez
Hola buenas madrugadas. tengo una duda a ver quien puede ayudarme. 

en el servidor proxy esta bloqueado Youtube ok todo bien no entran ni se ven 
los vídeos ni nada. pero en los celulares que tienen la aplicación oficial de 
youtube si se ven como evito esto ? 

otra duda como puedo hacer para que el servidor proxy redireccione un link a 
una ip ? por ejemplo que ponga y me redireccione a una ip de jn 
server por ejemplo ? como hago esto 

Re: Youtube ?

2012-12-15 Thread Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
Estudiante Ingeniería en Sistemas y Computación
Universidad de Caldas
El 15/12/2012 05:01, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez

 Hola buenas madrugadas. tengo una duda a ver quien puede ayudarme.


 en el servidor proxy esta bloqueado Youtube ok todo bien no entran ni se
ven los vídeos ni nada. pero en los celulares que tienen la aplicación
oficial de youtube si se ven como evito esto ?

 otra duda como puedo hacer para que el servidor proxy redireccione un
link a una ip ? por ejemplo que ponga y me redireccione a
una ip de jn server por ejemplo ? como hago esto

Lo segundo se puede hacer configurando un servidor DNS en tu red no?


[OT] Re: Impresiones de Zentyal

2012-12-15 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 14 Dec 2012 23:25:03 +0100, Jose Daniel vaño escribió:

(ese html y ese top-posting...)

 El 14 de diciembre de 2012 19:22, Josué Marrero Bermúdez escribió:
 Hablando con un amigo hace unos dias surgio el tema de Zentyal, me
 comentaba lo factible de su utilizacion en un entorno empresarial..y el
 entorno amigable para la configuracion de los servicios.

 Me gustaria que algunos de los que lo hayan utilizado me comentaran
 algo de su funcionamiento, consumo de se..lo que estimen
 necesario comentar

 La verdad que está muy bien. No he trabajado profesionalmenet con el,
 pero lo conozco desde hace años (ebox). En septiembre salió la versión 3
 y es una autentica pasada, si lo que quieres es pegarle una patada a tu
 servidor windows y sustituirlo, puedes hacerlo perfectamente, ya que
 desde la versión 3, se implementa completamente, por lo que tengo
 probado de momento el AD de Windows 2008 Server.


 Resumiendo, una autentica maravilla.

La gente suele hablar bien de Zentyal sobre todo por su sencillez, pero 
te pregunto lo siguiente, ya que lo has utilizado ¿cómo funciona en 
cuento a mantenimiento? Es decir, si quieres instalar, p. ej., samba4 
(que por cierto, ya ha salido como estable) en una versión de Zentyal 
antigua que incluye samba3 ¿puedes instalar/actualizar sólo ese servicio 
o necesitas instalar/actualizar el sistema completo? Quien dice samba4 
dice un kernel superior o cualquier otro paquete...

Uséase, ¿es Zentyal modular?



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Re: Shorewal + 2 isp en misma placa de red.

2012-12-15 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 14 Dec 2012 19:40:05 -0300, Ariel Nardelli escribió:

 Hasta hace una semana tenia montado un servidor debian 6 con 3 placas de
 red de esta manera.
 eth0  RED LOCAL
 eth1  1 Provedor de internet (arnet)
 eth2  1 proveedor de internet (cablemodem)
 Con Shorewall tenia funcionando el balanceo de carga y todo lo demas
 como tenemos creo la mayoria de los que hacemos balanceo.
 Mi problema se presenta el fin de semana cuando cae un rayo y quemo
 routers, modems  y varias cosas mas y entre las cosas que se queman es
 la placa de red eth2 que era la placa de red integrada que tenia el
 equipo, ahora solo me quedan 2 placas de red y no puedo agregar ninguna
 otra placa porque el hard no tiene ningun otro puerto libre para agregar
 otra placa, pero debo seguir haciendo balanceo de carga entre los 2 isp
 con mi red local ya que las velocidades de los adsl son lentas.

Hombre, para un equipo que necesita hacer balanceo deberías asegurarte la 
disponibilidad de los adaptadores de red (recuerda que existen tarjetas 
de red USB).


 En el debian configure la placa de red eth1 ( y esta
 funcionando bien pero cuando le agrego un alias ( para poder
 manejar todo atravez de eth1:1 ahi me topo con el problema que iptables
 NO maneja aliases por ende tampoco lo maneja shorewal.

Sólo un apunte con respecto a iptables y el uso de alias:

Mira a ver si te sirve en tu caso.


 Desde ya, Gracias!! a quien pueda tirarme una luz!.

Luz poca, pero un tirón de orejas sí te llevas por el html ;-)



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Re: mini servidor multimedia para mi hogar

2012-12-15 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 15 Dec 2012 01:03:48 +0100, Alfonso Pinto escribió:

 El 13/12/2012, a las 16:35, Camaleón escribió:


 En miniitx tienes doble nucleo, multihilo, Sata, Raid.  ha y si no
 se calientan mucho no hay mucho que disipar. En verano, con 35ºC le
 conecto un ventilador de 8cm a 1200 rpm por el disco duro mas que
 nada. Si utilizas nand-flash olvidate de los ventilidadores.
 Sip, pero para hacer streaming multimedia hace falta espacio en
 disco... y mucho. No sé, las soluciones estas de tipo Raspberry y
 similares se me antojan idóneas para montar servicios de ejecución
 (servidor web, servidor de correo, proxy, cortafuegos, servicios de
 monitorización y alerta de eventos...) más que para almacenamiento de
 Si la preocupación es el espacio en disco, siempre puedes optar por esta
 Te permite conectar directamente un disco SATA. Si ya tienes un pequeño
 NAS, algo como esto puede ir a las mil maravillas y el precio es

No lo pillo.

¿Cómo solucionas el espacio en disco con esa placa? ¿Lo dejas colgando 
como si fuera un adorno navideño? :-)



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Re: Youtube ?

2012-12-15 Thread Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez

El 15/12/2012, a las 07:15, Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda escribió:

 Juan Pablo Jaramillo Pineda
 Estudiante Ingeniería en Sistemas y Computación
 Universidad de Caldas
 El 15/12/2012 05:01, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez 
  Hola buenas madrugadas. tengo una duda a ver quien puede ayudarme.
  en el servidor proxy esta bloqueado Youtube ok todo bien no entran ni se 
  ven los vídeos ni nada. pero en los celulares que tienen la aplicación 
  oficial de youtube si se ven como evito esto ?
  otra duda como puedo hacer para que el servidor proxy redireccione un link 
  a una ip ? por ejemplo que ponga y me redireccione a 
 una ip de jn server por ejemplo ? como hago esto
 Lo segundo se puede hacer configurando un servidor DNS en tu red no?

Ok lo intentare y comento. 

Re: Youtube ?

2012-12-15 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 15 Dec 2012 04:01:04 -0600, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez

 Hola buenas madrugadas. tengo una duda a ver quien puede ayudarme.
 en el servidor proxy esta bloqueado Youtube ok todo bien no entran ni se
 ven los vídeos ni nada. pero en los celulares que tienen la aplicación
 oficial de youtube si se ven como evito esto ?

¿Y cómo lo bloqueas actualmente? ¿Por URI, por tipo de contenido 

 otra duda como puedo hacer para que el servidor proxy redireccione un
 link a una ip ? por ejemplo que ponga y me redireccione a una
 ip de jn server por ejemplo ? como hago esto

No dices el servidor proxy que usas pero quizá esto te sirva:



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Re: Youtube ?

2012-12-15 Thread Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez

El 15/12/2012, a las 10:00, Camaleón escribió:

 El Sat, 15 Dec 2012 04:01:04 -0600, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez
 Hola buenas madrugadas. tengo una duda a ver quien puede ayudarme.
 en el servidor proxy esta bloqueado Youtube ok todo bien no entran ni se
 ven los vídeos ni nada. pero en los celulares que tienen la aplicación
 oficial de youtube si se ven como evito esto ?
 ¿Y cómo lo bloqueas actualmente? ¿Por URI, por tipo de contenido 

bloque creando un lista de palabras y url a bloquear. 

 otra duda como puedo hacer para que el servidor proxy redireccione un
 link a una ip ? por ejemplo que ponga y me redireccione a una
 ip de jn server por ejemplo ? como hago esto
 No dices el servidor proxy que usas pero quizá esto te sirva:

el server es squid3. ok leo y comento saludos 

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Re: [OT] Re: Impresiones de Zentyal

2012-12-15 Thread Juaqui
El sáb, 15-12-2012 a las 15:36 +, Camaleón escribió:

 La gente suele hablar bien de Zentyal sobre todo por su sencillez, pero 
 te pregunto lo siguiente, ya que lo has utilizado ¿cómo funciona en 
 cuento a mantenimiento? Es decir, si quieres instalar, p. ej., samba4 
 (que por cierto, ya ha salido como estable) en una versión de Zentyal 
 antigua que incluye samba3 ¿puedes instalar/actualizar sólo ese servicio 
 o necesitas instalar/actualizar el sistema completo? Quien dice samba4 
 dice un kernel superior o cualquier otro paquete...
 Uséase, ¿es Zentyal modular?

Buenas, se actualiza con los repositorios de ubuntu, ya que está basado
en esta distribución, es más, incluso puedes instalar los paquetes
zentyal directamente sobre Ubuntu 12.04. 

Un Saludo.

Re: mini servidor multimedia para mi hogar

2012-12-15 Thread Alfonso Pinto

El 15/12/2012, a las 16:50, Camaleón escribió:

 El Sat, 15 Dec 2012 01:03:48 +0100, Alfonso Pinto escribió:
 El 13/12/2012, a las 16:35, Camaleón escribió:
 En miniitx tienes doble nucleo, multihilo, Sata, Raid.  ha y si no
 se calientan mucho no hay mucho que disipar. En verano, con 35ºC le
 conecto un ventilador de 8cm a 1200 rpm por el disco duro mas que
 nada. Si utilizas nand-flash olvidate de los ventilidadores.
 Sip, pero para hacer streaming multimedia hace falta espacio en
 disco... y mucho. No sé, las soluciones estas de tipo Raspberry y
 similares se me antojan idóneas para montar servicios de ejecución
 (servidor web, servidor de correo, proxy, cortafuegos, servicios de
 monitorización y alerta de eventos...) más que para almacenamiento de
 Si la preocupación es el espacio en disco, siempre puedes optar por esta
 Te permite conectar directamente un disco SATA. Si ya tienes un pequeño
 NAS, algo como esto puede ir a las mil maravillas y el precio es
 No lo pillo.
 ¿Cómo solucionas el espacio en disco con esa placa? ¿Lo dejas colgando 
 como si fuera un adorno navideño? :-)

:D, no lo colocas encima o debajo de la caja (mini) de la placa. O le añades 
una caja de esas ultraplanas y tienes 2 mini cajitas. No lo veo tan aparatoso.
Pero para gustos, los colores ;)

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Re: [OT] Re: Impresiones de Zentyal

2012-12-15 Thread Orlando Nuñez
El 15 de diciembre de 2012 11:06, Camaleón escribió:

 El Fri, 14 Dec 2012 23:25:03 +0100, Jose Daniel vaño escribió:

 (ese html y ese top-posting...)

  El 14 de diciembre de 2012 19:22, Josué Marrero Bermúdez escribió:
  Hablando con un amigo hace unos dias surgio el tema de Zentyal, me
  comentaba lo factible de su utilizacion en un entorno empresarial..y el
  entorno amigable para la configuracion de los servicios.
  Me gustaria que algunos de los que lo hayan utilizado me comentaran
  algo de su funcionamiento, consumo de se..lo que estimen
  necesario comentar

  La verdad que está muy bien. No he trabajado profesionalmenet con el,
  pero lo conozco desde hace años (ebox). En septiembre salió la versión 3
  y es una autentica pasada, si lo que quieres es pegarle una patada a tu
  servidor windows y sustituirlo, puedes hacerlo perfectamente, ya que
  desde la versión 3, se implementa completamente, por lo que tengo
  probado de momento el AD de Windows 2008 Server.


  Resumiendo, una autentica maravilla.

 La gente suele hablar bien de Zentyal sobre todo por su sencillez, pero
 te pregunto lo siguiente, ya que lo has utilizado ¿cómo funciona en
 cuento a mantenimiento? Es decir, si quieres instalar, p. ej., samba4
 (que por cierto, ya ha salido como estable) en una versión de Zentyal
 antigua que incluye samba3 ¿puedes instalar/actualizar sólo ese servicio
 o necesitas instalar/actualizar el sistema completo? Quien dice samba4
 dice un kernel superior o cualquier otro paquete...

 Uséase, ¿es Zentyal modular?



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Hice pruebas con Zentyal, me funciono perfectamente, quería implementar un
servidor con asterisk, pero nunca pude levantar uno, intente con Debian,
Ubuntu y nada, de verdad tenia muy poco tiempo, una vez probé con Zentyal y
todo funciono a la primera, tiene una interfaz web muy fácil de utilizar,
algo como phpmyadmin pero totalmente integrada con todo, muy fácil de

TSU Orlando Nuñez
Teléfono: 04263609858
Correo alternativo:

Re: [OT] Re: Impresiones de Zentyal

2012-12-15 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 15 Dec 2012 18:00:53 +0100, Juaqui escribió:

 El sáb, 15-12-2012 a las 15:36 +, Camaleón escribió:
 La gente suele hablar bien de Zentyal sobre todo por su sencillez, pero
 te pregunto lo siguiente, ya que lo has utilizado ¿cómo funciona en
 cuento a mantenimiento? Es decir, si quieres instalar, p. ej., samba4
 (que por cierto, ya ha salido como estable) en una versión de Zentyal
 antigua que incluye samba3 ¿puedes instalar/actualizar sólo ese
 servicio o necesitas instalar/actualizar el sistema completo? Quien
 dice samba4 dice un kernel superior o cualquier otro paquete...
 Uséase, ¿es Zentyal modular?
 Buenas, se actualiza con los repositorios de ubuntu, ya que está basado
 en esta distribución, es más, incluso puedes instalar los paquetes
 zentyal directamente sobre Ubuntu 12.04.
 Un Saludo.

Hum... no está mal. Se podrán actualizar algunas cosillas siempre y 
cuando estén disponibles en los repos de Ubuntu (¿Ubuntu tiene 
backports? :-?), al menos mientras dure el soporte que si no me equivoco 
es de 5 años para la versión LTS.



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Re: Youtube ?

2012-12-15 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 15 Dec 2012 10:22:06 -0600, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez

 El 15/12/2012, a las 10:00, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 15 Dec 2012 04:01:04 -0600, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio
 Dominguez escribió:
 Hola buenas madrugadas. tengo una duda a ver quien puede ayudarme.
 en el servidor proxy esta bloqueado Youtube ok todo bien no entran ni
 se ven los vídeos ni nada. pero en los celulares que tienen la
 aplicación oficial de youtube si se ven como evito esto ?
 ¿Y cómo lo bloqueas actualmente? ¿Por URI, por tipo de contenido
 bloque creando un lista de palabras y url a bloquear.


Entonces puedes intentar el bloqueo por contenido:



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Re: Youtube ? [SOLUCIONADO]

2012-12-15 Thread Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez
El 15/12/2012, a las 12:21, Camaleón escribió:

 El Sat, 15 Dec 2012 10:22:06 -0600, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio Dominguez
 El 15/12/2012, a las 10:00, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sat, 15 Dec 2012 04:01:04 -0600, Francisco Eduardo Ascencio
 Dominguez escribió:
 Hola buenas madrugadas. tengo una duda a ver quien puede ayudarme.
 en el servidor proxy esta bloqueado Youtube ok todo bien no entran ni
 se ven los vídeos ni nada. pero en los celulares que tienen la
 aplicación oficial de youtube si se ven como evito esto ?
 ¿Y cómo lo bloqueas actualmente? ¿Por URI, por tipo de contenido
 bloque creando un lista de palabras y url a bloquear.
 Entonces puedes intentar el bloqueo por contenido:
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Geneal gracias me ha funcionado. :D

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Re: OT: LibreOffice e imágenes

2012-12-15 Thread Fabián Bonetti
On Sat, 15 Dec 2012 22:37:17 -0300
Javier ArgentinaBBAR wrote:

Podrías editar el archivo .odt con otro editor y buscar el nombre de la imagen.

Luego removerla de todo el documento.


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Re: Arquivo de Log

2012-12-15 Thread Linux - Junior Polegato

Em 13-12-2012 09:18, Fábio de Sousa escreveu:

Um salve a todos!
Preciso verificar se está sendo alterado a hora de uma máquina com o 
debian 6.0!
Porém está alteração não é feita no prompt, se está sendo feita, é 
feita através de um aplicativo que é usado na máquina!
Alguém sabe me dizer se o sistema faz log deste tipo de alteração? no 
caso horário tá sendo adiantado e depois atrasado!
Se o sistema faz log deste tipo de alteração, em qual arquivo devo 
Só lembrando que a máquina não está em rede, então não está sendo 
usado a opção de sincronizar o com o servidor NTP!

Olá Fábio!

Cara, já passei por isso...

Tive que fazer um shell script para ficar monitorando.

Para verificar se está sendo logado esta alteração, monitor com 
tail mais ou menos assim:

tail -n 0 -f `find /var/log ! -name *gz -a ! -name *old -a ! -name 
*1 -a ! -type d`

Aí altera o horário e veja se aparece algum log, se não 
aparecer, vai ter que colocar um script para rodar em segundo plano e 
fazer log caso encontre uma alteração de horário.

Uma ideia seria usar o horário do RTC no boot da máquina, via 
dmesg, e somar o uptime para saber o horário atual que deveria ser, aí 
se tiver diferença entre esse resultado e o horário atual, loga esta 
informação num arquivo.

Fica aqui um script-ideia que pode colocar no /etc/rc.local:

RTC=`dmesg|grep 'rtc.*setting system clock to'|grep -oP '(?=\()[0-9]+'`
while true; do
UPTIME=`cat /proc/uptime|egrep -o '^[0-9]+'`
NOW=`date +%s`
DIF_RTC=`expr $NOW \- $RTC \- $UPTIME`
DIF=`expr $DIF_RTC \- $LAST_DIF`
if [ $DIF -gt 1 -o $DIF -lt -1 ]; then # erro de +/- 1s
echo [`date --rfc-3339=seconds`] $DIF_RTC segundos em relação 
ao RTC  /var/log/date_modification.log

sleep 1

  Junior Polegato

Re: multiarch - please do not force users to change a running system!

2012-12-15 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 14 dec 12, 16:55:31, Brad Rogers wrote:
 Eventually there will be no other option, I suspect.  As soon as it's
 possible, I think that the ia32* packages will get pulled from Sid.
 Whether that will be in time for Wheezy to go stable, I have no idea as
 I don't follow the relevant lists, or read the news often enough to know.

As far as I understand ia32-libs as is now in wheezy is only meant to 
help the upgrade from squeeze to wheezy, so it will definitely be in 
wheezy. Most probably it will be removed from sid and jenny ASAP after 
the release.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: NFS automount not happening [solution confirmed]

2012-12-15 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 14 dec 12, 22:23:21, Bob Proulx wrote:
  Some things which need addressing:
  - use of tmpfses for non-writable locations like /media: we should
be doing this by default; introducing /run/media on the /run
tmpfs was one thing looked at for wheezy; but it didn't get done
for reasons I can't recall offhand.  Something to revisit for
jessie.  This not just specific to nfsroot, r/o root also needs it.
 I am not sure it is good to always include that as a ram file system.
 I have often and I am sure others have too made custom directories
 there and custom entries in /etc/fstab.  

I don't think it would be too hard to have the system init create the 
mountpoints based on /etc/fstab entries, possibly looking for a new 
option like 'mountpoint' or so.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: 404 errors with Squeeze security

2012-12-15 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 14 dec 12, 11:56:59, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 Sorry, I failed to see the space.
 With the space, it throws errors.  Without the space it functions correctly.  
 I shall therefore use the version without the space until it too starts to 
 throw errors.

This is very strange. On wheezy I get errors without the space. Could 
you please attach (not include or copy-paste) your sources.list?

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Proofreading of Debian documentation - was [Re: Preseeding - keyboard-configuration issue]

2012-12-15 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 14 dec 12, 07:50:29, Richard Owlett wrote:
 If by raising the issue you mean do the proof-reading yourself and
 then report problems, by all means, just go ahead. Or, even better, you
 could submit patches.
 I see a bug report as treating an individual symptom rather than
 solving the underlying problem.

But the underlying problem is lack of manpower. How do you[1] expect to 
solve it without getting involved?

[1] and I mean you personally, the Debian Project is already trying to 
attract more contributors. See for example the General Resolution to 
welcome non-packaging contributors

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

centralized monitoring

2012-12-15 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
is there any centralized utility  which can help me to monitor all
Debian base systems via web console and GUI graphs.  which can provide
me a quick glance of Processor utilization. free space on hard drive.
RAM utilization. services status. on per machine bases etc.


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Re: Gnome3 probe

2012-12-15 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Vi, 14 dec 12, 22:32:20, Marc Shapiro wrote:
 I have been
 running lxde on my laptop and I installed it on the desktop when I
 replaced my old box.  I haven't had any complaints from my daughter,
 so it is staying that way.

+1 for LXDE

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: centralized monitoring

2012-12-15 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 15 dec 12, 14:54:41, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 is there any centralized utility  which can help me to monitor all
 Debian base systems via web console and GUI graphs.  which can provide
 me a quick glance of Processor utilization. free space on hard drive.
 RAM utilization. services status. on per machine bases etc.

I know of nagios and munin, both available as Debian packages.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Idle TCP connections freeze

2012-12-15 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Nikolaus Rath a écrit :
 I'm having trouble with an internet connection that seems to randomly
 freeze arbitrary tcp connections when they have not been used for a
 while. The connections stay established, but no data is coming through.

How long is a while, at a minimum ?

 When this happens, netstat still shows the connection status as
 `ESTABLISHED` on both the local computer:
 Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address State 
   PID/Program name Timer
 tcp0 53 
 ESTABLISHED 8219/gnutls-cli  on (79.31/13/0)
 ..and the remote server:
 Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address State 
   PID/Program name Timer
 tcp0  0   
 ESTABLISHED 5303/imapd   off (0.00/0/0)

It appears that the client has a private addresse and the server has a
public address. So I guess that there is a NAT device between them, and
its stateful NAT engine may be the cause of the problem, by deleting
connections from its translation table after a delay of inactivity.

 When I look at a packet capture of this connection on the client side,
 there is a long (expected) period of inactivity that seems to trigger
 the problem, then the local end tries to transmit some data again but
 never receives an ACK. Instead, 15 TCP Retransmissions go out, with
 intervals increasing from 0.3 seconds to 120 seconds. No activity is
 captured after that.

Can you do a packet capture on the server side well ?

 Does anyone have a suggestion of how I could debug this further to find
 out where the problem lies and how to fix it?
 Also, is is there some way to globally reduce the timeout on client
 and/or server to reduce the time before the local application aborts?

The Linux kernel supports system-wide TCP keepalive. However the
application must enable it on a per-socket basis, and the minimum
recommended value of 2 hours (which is the default in Linux) is quite
high, the inactivity timeout in your NAT device may be shorter. The best
workaround for this is to generate traffic with some kind of
application-level keepalive, either defined in the application protocol
such as in SSH, of by periodically sending dummy commands or data.

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Re: multiarch - please do not force users to change a running system!

2012-12-15 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sat, 15 Dec 2012 11:25:28 +0200
Andrei POPESCU wrote:

Hello Andrei,

As far as I understand ia32-libs as is now in wheezy is only meant to 
help the upgrade from squeeze to wheezy, so it will definitely be in 
wheezy. Most probably it will be removed from sid and jenny ASAP after 
the release.

Thanks for the info, Andrei.

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent
I ain't got no time for intellectual music, e.g. Hergest Ridge
Heads Down No Nonsense Mindless Boogie - Alberto y Lost Trios Paranoias

Description: PGP signature

Re: Gnome3 probe

2012-12-15 Thread phi debian
Jeez, welcome lxde, adieu gnome3 !!!

I installed a fresh debian in a guest as server, then apt-get install lxde.

In a matter of minute I got a theme, with solid backgroud, my panel on the
right, some usual goodies like synaptic, update-manager-gnome,

So I know I will be able to move to this.

Just a quick remaining question then, though I guess I'd better register
and ask it to an lxde mailing list.

Is there a way to 'add to pannel' an application launcher, I need to have
in my pannel a few button that basically spawn remote conexion to well
known servers. ?

So for I can only add to the lxde pannel some predifined applet, but I
can't really make a button than run something (either in a term or as an

Thanx for the good suggestions, debian will survive the new eratic wm era,
where the want our display look like smart phone.


Re: centralized monitoring

2012-12-15 Thread Thore

Hello muhammad,
I think it works with munin,
at the moment I'm trying it by myself (it isn't really working) but in 
munin-node you can allow other systems to ask for the data.
I use an vps for it there I'm running munin. Here I had configuered the 
hosts as systems to ask for the data.

In therory it has to work at the momen t it doesn't
Can somebody help me?
Or know a good web tutorial for wheezy (I only found one for Etch) I 
doesn't think that there is a gerat difference but at the moment the 
monitoring isn't working whyever.


Am 15.12.2012 10:54, schrieb Muhammad Yohusuf Khan:

is there any centralized utility  which can help me to monitor all
Debian base systems via web console and GUI graphs.  which can provide
me a quick glance of Processor utilization. free space on hard drive.
RAM utilization. services status. on per machine bases etc.


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Re: Gnome3 probe

2012-12-15 Thread Rob Owens
On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 10:32:20PM -0800, Marc Shapiro wrote:
 On 12/14/2012 05:30 AM, Rob Owens wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 12:40:03PM +, Jon Dowland wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 11:35:59AM +0100, phi debian wrote:
 So my question, does next release of debian will be poluted with gnome3,
 are will we have a choice? Even a dangled gnome2 would be good for me.
 GNOME2 will be gone, GNOME3 will be present, and the fallback mode has
 been renamed GNOME classic and is available as a desktop session (that
 is, you can select it from the login prompt). So, if you can customize
 the fallback/classic mode to your tastes, which may involve writing or
 using extensions, great. If not, you could consider one of the other
 desktop environments in Debian, or you could use the 3rd party MATE
 packages which are a fork of the GNOME2 codebase. There's some chance
 that MATE will be officially packaged in Debian for the release after
 next, but not for wheezy. Finally, there's another effort called
 Cinnamon which tries to give a GNOME2-like experience on top of
 GNOME3 technology, again that is not packaged officially for the next
 release of Debian, but is available third party, and might be in the
 release after next.
 Cinnamon is actually in Sid right now.  I haven't tried it, so I don't
 know how well it works.
 I use Fluxbox, and I like it a lot.  Honestly, I don't know why so many
 people feel like they need to use a full desktop environment.  To go to
 a straight window manager, I had a very short learning curve.  Basically
 all I had to do was learn how to access the menu, and learn how to start
 applications automatically on login (nm-applet, for example).
 I used to use fvwm.  Then I had a hard disk crash.  Fortunately, I
 was able to recover most of my data, but I did need to reinstall on
 a new drive.  That is when I installed gnome2.  It made things
 easier for my wife and daughter.  We were all in agreement, however,
 that we needed to find a replacement before installing Wheezy,
 because gnome3 was just not going to work for us.  I have been
 running lxde on my laptop and I installed it on the desktop when I
 replaced my old box.  I haven't had any complaints from my daughter,
 so it is staying that way.
I agree that a desktop environment is easier to customize.  If your
users can't stop customizing, then they probably won't want a plain
window manager.  But if they just want to do work, a window manager is

I tried gnome 3 shell on Wheezy the other day, as well as gnome classic
on Wheezy.  I didn't think gnome 3 shell was all that bad, although I
won't be using it.  It was too slow on my computer.  I can see how a
compulsive customizer might be annoyed with it, since things have
changed and it seems some functionality has been removed.  But for me it
was ok except for the slowness (probably due to not having 3d
acceleration on my laptop).

Gnome classic, on the other hand, seemed pretty close the gnome 2.  The
only annoyance I saw had to do with adding launchers to the panel.  You
can no longer right-click on an application in the menu, and choose add
to panel.  You have to right-click on the panel, while holding down the
Alt key, and add your launchers that way.  Gnome classic was quite a bit
faster than Gnome 3 shell on my laptop.

I've used LXDE before and it seems pretty good.  I typically install
that for people who have old/slow computers.


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Re: Gnome3 probe

2012-12-15 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 2012-12-15 at 14:03 +0100, phi debian wrote:
 Jeez, welcome lxde, adieu gnome3 !!!
 I installed a fresh debian in a guest as server, then apt-get install
 In a matter of minute I got a theme, with solid backgroud, my panel on
 the right, some usual goodies like synaptic, update-manager-gnome, 
 So I know I will be able to move to this.
 Just a quick remaining question then, though I guess I'd better
 register and ask it to an lxde mailing list.
 Is there a way to 'add to pannel' an application launcher, I need to
 have in my pannel a few button that basically spawn remote conexion to
 well known servers. ?
 So for I can only add to the lxde pannel some predifined applet, but I
 can't really make a button than run something (either in a term or as
 an app).
 Thanx for the good suggestions, debian will survive the new eratic wm
 era, where the want our display look like smart phone.

The default DE for AVLinux (Debian stable) is LXDE (or at least was it,
dunno if it's still LXDE). Xfce4 was close to GNOME 2 and most Xfce
versions still are ok.

You can use LXDE with different WMs (openbox, fvwm, icewm, dwm,
metacity, compiz, etc.) that perhaps provide different features. The
default for my AVLinux LXDE install is Compiz, but I experienced Compiz
as a PITA.

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Re: centralized monitoring

2012-12-15 Thread owens

- Original Message -
From: Muhammad Yousuf Khan 
To: debian
Sent: 12/15/2012 9:54:41 AM
Subject: centralized monitoring

is there any centralized utility which can help me to monitor all 
Debian base systems via web console and GUI graphs. which can provide 
me a quick glance of Processor utilization. free space on hard drive. 
RAM utilization. services status. on per machine bases etc. 


The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) was developed for this purpose.  
There are several applications developed based on this suite.  Some Googling on 
Debian + SNMP should help.


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Problem with the Debian package system...

2012-12-15 Thread Jack Wilborn
Hello,  Not sure where this should go or if it's already there!  I
have an iPhone that I'm trying to use with Debian 6.0.6 on a Mac G5.
I've learned that the ipleth-dkms package associated with the
ipheth-utils packages.  I found both in the packages list, but this
one entry ipheth-dkms — USB tethering driver for the iPhone [DKMS
driver source] gives me an error that says the package does not
exist.  I would consider this a bug, but where to report it evades me.
 Any help would be appreciated.



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Re: Ubuntu and Ham Radio Echolink

2012-12-15 Thread zicopereira


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Re: Problem with the Debian package system...

2012-12-15 Thread Ralf Mardorf
I can't help, but I want to inform that you might get more, or faster
help, if you join a Debian PowerMac list or something similar.

To join the list, send e-mail to with the word subscribe in
the Subject line. List archives are available.; -


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Re: Problem with the Debian package system...

2012-12-15 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2012-12-15 17:44 +0100, Jack Wilborn wrote:

 Hello,  Not sure where this should go or if it's already there!  I
 have an iPhone that I'm trying to use with Debian 6.0.6 on a Mac G5.
 I've learned that the ipleth-dkms package associated with the
 ipheth-utils packages.  I found both in the packages list, but this
 one entry ipheth-dkms — USB tethering driver for the iPhone [DKMS
 driver source] gives me an error that says the package does not

It had been removed as requested in bug 597157¹.

  Any help would be appreciated.

The kernel in Debian 6.0.6 already includes the ipheth module, so you
don't need to build it yourself (which would be what ipheth-dkms was
good for).



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Re: centralized monitoring

2012-12-15 Thread Slavko

Dňa Sat, 15 Dec 2012 14:54:41 +0500 Muhammad Yousuf Khan napísal:

 is there any centralized utility  which can help me to monitor all
 Debian base systems via web console and GUI graphs.  which can provide
 me a quick glance of Processor utilization. free space on hard drive.
 RAM utilization. services status. on per machine bases etc.

for, the simplest way is use the Cacti, with SNMP for remote machines.



Description: PGP signature

Re: NFS automount not happening [solution confirmed]

2012-12-15 Thread Michael Biebl
On 10.12.2012 00:09, Roger Leigh wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 09, 2012 at 02:43:36PM -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Ross Boylan wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
 This nfs startup part is a part that seems to have suffered from the
 transition from boot time scripts to event driven scripts.  This kind
 of thing use to work in the previous init script way.  I don't know
 the best design to make this work in the general case for the new
 event driven way.  But at least in my testing it was sufficient to add
 this mount line to /etc/rc.local in order to mount additional nfs
 mount points at boot time.

 Do you think this is something that merits a bug/wish report?  Against
 what package?

 That is the problem.  There isn't really a package associated with nfs
 diskless clients.  It isn't a thing as a configuration.  And so I
 don't know if there is a single canonical owner for it.  It would need
 some discussion to determine the best place for this.  Perhaps others
 will have more insight into this topic.
 This is an area which could use quite a bit of work.  Unfortunately,
 as you point out there isn't a single place to fix things--it
 touches a whole host of packages, from the initramfs to the
 initscripts, to udev and networking.
 Some things which need addressing:
 - use of tmpfses for non-writable locations like /media: we should
   be doing this by default; introducing /run/media on the /run
   tmpfs was one thing looked at for wheezy; but it didn't get done
   for reasons I can't recall offhand.  Something to revisit for
   jessie.  This not just specific to nfsroot, r/o root also needs it.


 - ASYNCMOUNTNFS in /etc/default/rcS (see rcS(5)).  The fact this
   option exists indicates a problem.  The basic NFS mounting at
   boot should Just Work in all situations, without gross hacks
   like this.
 - There are currently two places where NFS filesystem mounting
   can be triggered: /etc/network/if-up.d/mountnfs (triggered by
   ipup/udev) and /etc/init.d/  There should ideally
   be just a single script, which should cater for all cases; the
   other script can just run the other.
 - NetworkManager from what I've observed from other bugs reports
   is hopelessly broken with NFS mounting at boot.

Not really hopelessly broken. What of course doesn't work is mounting
/usr via nfs in combination with NM since NM resides on /usr.

Other than that, NFS volumes are mounted via the usual if-up.d hooks you
mentioned above.
The thing that broke here, is that Andrew added a ADDRFAM check to the
mountnfs hook which clashes with NM uses of ADDRFAM.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: not a valid LUKS device

2012-12-15 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, J.

You wrote:

 I want to luks encrypt and new external usb based hard-disk.
 So I tried with the command, and it failed with the error as
 cryptsetup -y --cipher aes-xts-plain --key-size 512
 luksFormat /dev/sdc
 This will overwrite data on /dev/sdc irrevocably.
 Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES
 Enter LUKS passphrase: 
 Verify passphrase: 
 Device /dev/sdc is not a valid LUKS device.
 Error re-reading LUKS header after update on device /dev/sdc
 Any clue ? this is a completely new disk. I have also tried to create
 partition /dev/sdc1 and executed the command on /dev/sdc1 . same
 error !!!

I have no answer on Your question, but unless You find a solution to
Your problem I think You can try w/

cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdc1



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Re: Preseeding - keyboard-configuration issue

2012-12-15 Thread Brian
On Fri 14 Dec 2012 at 21:43:13 -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Richard Owlett wrote:
  Bob Proulx wrote:
  Richard Owlett wrote:
  d-i console-keymaps-at/keymap select us
  d-i keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap select us
  In Wheezy they changed these to different strings.  It caught me too.
  See Bug#693493.  In Wheezy instead of console-keymaps-at/keymap use
  keymap select us.
 d-i keymap select us
  The documentation for Testing Wheezy is:
  As I indicated in my original post, I'm using Squeeze.
  I tried your suggestion to see if Squeeze had the same bug.
  Evidently not.
 Sorry.  Because you were having problems with this I assumed you were
 using Wheezy.  Because in Squeeze this works fine.  If you are having
 a problem in Squeeze then we need to dig deeper.  Because it
 definitely works fine there.

Is that working fine working fine as in I have my preseed file in the
initrd? Richard may not be doing it that way but, as yet, he has not
revealed what he is doing.

 How are you trying to preseed the keyboard?
 Note that the only two valid places are on the command line as a
 kernel boot parameter and in an initrd file.  The keyboard question is
 asked very early and those are the only two places that are available
 by the time the question needs to be asked.  Putting it in a file to
 be loaded later is too late to be used.

How does 'auto=true' on the kernel command line fit into this picture?
   Setting localization values will only work if you are using initrd
   preseeding. With all other methods the preconfiguration file will
   only be loaded after these questions have been asked.

That is very definite. But is it definitive? I have 'auto=true' in mind.
 Even though it says initrd preseeding I think it works okay using
 command line parameters too.

So it should.

  Are you sure that is an error message and not simply the normal user
  dialog asking the keyboard question.
  Depends on definition of error. It has the same format as screens
  presented during a un-preseeded install.
 Right.  That isn't an error message.  It is the user interaction
 dialog.  The preseed for it isn't happening before it is asked and
 therefore it is still asked.


  To me that meant error as preseeding should eliminate all
 No.  Often preseeding is used to only answer some of the questions.
 Very usefully it can set the mirror to a fast local mirror for
 example.  Or increase a dhcp timeout due to a slow dhcp server.  Just
 setting those would leave all of the other questions available.  There
 isn't any global setting that says that providing one preseed disables
 all interactive dialog.

  I just double checked by running a text mode expert install - that
  screen never appears.
 That does seem like a bug that it would ask it normally but not during
 the expert install.  I haven't tried to recreate it yet myself.

With a straightforward expert install the keyboard question is asked.
Maybe something has been added to the command line.

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Is there an updates mailing list with change logs?

2012-12-15 Thread Philip Ashmore

Hi there.

My current work-flow of running synaptic, reloading, marking upgrades, 
viewing history, cherry-picking updates I'm interested in and viewing 
the changelogs for each, (or if they fail to download, gunzip -c 
xyz/changelog.Debian.gz | less) sucks.

Is there an updates list I can subscribe to so that the updates, 
complete with the changelog entry for the updates, get mailed to me when 
they're available.

I realise it's going to depend on their availability on my local mirror, 
so as an alternative, could it be bundled with the update, or available 
in semantic along side the history entries.

I'm just brainstorming here - feedback welcome.

Is there a package that does this already?

Philip Ashmore

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Re: Is there an updates mailing list with change logs?

2012-12-15 Thread Steven Ayre
I use apticron (

It runs a daily cronjob that does a apt-get update and then emails you if there 
are any upgrades available. The email includes the recent changeling entries.


On 15 Dec 2012, at 21:28, Philip Ashmore wrote:

 Hi there.
 My current work-flow of running synaptic, reloading, marking upgrades, 
 viewing history, cherry-picking updates I'm interested in and viewing the 
 changelogs for each, (or if they fail to download, gunzip -c 
 xyz/changelog.Debian.gz | less) sucks.
 Is there an updates list I can subscribe to so that the updates, complete 
 with the changelog entry for the updates, get mailed to me when they're 
 I realise it's going to depend on their availability on my local mirror, so 
 as an alternative, could it be bundled with the update, or available in 
 semantic along side the history entries.
 I'm just brainstorming here - feedback welcome.
 Is there a package that does this already?
 Philip Ashmore
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Re: Gnome3 probe

2012-12-15 Thread Marc Shapiro

On 12/15/2012 05:03 AM, phi debian wrote:

Jeez, welcome lxde, adieu gnome3 !!!

I installed a fresh debian in a guest as server, then apt-get install 

In a matter of minute I got a theme, with solid backgroud, my panel on 
the right, some usual goodies like synaptic, update-manager-gnome,

So I know I will be able to move to this.

Just a quick remaining question then, though I guess I'd better 
register and ask it to an lxde mailing list.

Is there a way to 'add to pannel' an application launcher, I need to 
have in my pannel a few button that basically spawn remote conexion to 
well known servers. ?

So for I can only add to the lxde pannel some predifined applet, but I 
can't really make a button than run something (either in a term or as 
an app).

Thanx for the good suggestions, debian will survive the new eratic wm 
era, where the want our display look like smart phone.



One of the applets that you can add to the panel is an application 
launcher.  Once you have the application launcher on the panel you can 
modify its settings to add any application from the menu to the 
launcher.  If you need to add something that is not on the menu (i.e. a 
non-debian application, a script running in a terminal, etc) then you 
will have to make your own .desktop file.  the best place to put that, 
IMHO, is in .local/share/applications in your home directory.  That will 
then show up in the LXDE menu under 'Other' so that you can then add it 
to a launcher on a panel.  I have done this to add launchers for Firefox 
and Thunderbird, which I prefer over Iceweasel and Icedove.

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Re: Is there an updates mailing list with change logs?

2012-12-15 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 09:28:17PM +, Philip Ashmore wrote:
 My current work-flow of running synaptic, reloading, marking
 upgrades, viewing history, cherry-picking updates I'm interested in
 and viewing the changelogs for each, (or if they fail to download,
 gunzip -c xyz/changelog.Debian.gz | less) sucks.
 Is there an updates list I can subscribe to so that the updates,
 complete with the changelog entry for the updates, get mailed to me
 when they're available.
 I realise it's going to depend on their availability on my local
 mirror, so as an alternative, could it be bundled with the update,
 or available in semantic along side the history entries.
 I'm just brainstorming here - feedback welcome.
 Is there a package that does this already?

Are you looking for something like debian-devel-changes¹? It lists
much less than what you want (the latest changelog entry for a
package) and has uploads to all of Debian (not just testing or
unstable etc.).


[In 'Doctor' mode], I spent a good ten minutes telling Emacs what I
thought of it.  (The response was, 'Perhaps you could try to be less
(By Matt Welsh)

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Re: Is there an updates mailing list with change logs?

2012-12-15 Thread Philip Ashmore

On 15/12/12 21:52, Steven Ayre wrote:

I use apticron (

I see one of its dependencies is apt-listchanges.
Its web page ( mentions
When configured as an APT plugin but I web-surfing doesn't tell me if 
this is done on installation.
I'd like synaptic to present me with a window with the packages in bold 
followed by a paragraph about the changes between the new version and 
the one I have installed.

A note indicating what new packages it requires over the previous 
version (or no longer requires) would be useful too.

I'm hoping a package (or package configuration) does this already, 
otherwise it's a feature request on Synaptic.

It runs a daily cronjob that does a apt-get update and then emails you 
if there are any upgrades available. The email includes the recent 
changeling entries.


On 15 Dec 2012, at 21:28, Philip Ashmore wrote:

Hi there.

My current work-flow of running synaptic, reloading, marking 
upgrades, viewing history, cherry-picking updates I'm interested in 
and viewing the changelogs for each, (or if they fail to download, 
gunzip -c xyz/changelog.Debian.gz | less) sucks.

Is there an updates list I can subscribe to so that the updates, 
complete with the changelog entry for the updates, get mailed to me 
when they're available.

I realise it's going to depend on their availability on my local 
mirror, so as an alternative, could it be bundled with the update, or 
available in semantic along side the history entries.

I'm just brainstorming here - feedback welcome.

Is there a package that does this already?

Philip Ashmore

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Philip Ashmore

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Re: Squeeze freeze

2012-12-15 Thread Bill Harris
Bob Proulx writes:

 It is quite safe.  You can always try it now and if it doesn't have
 any success for you then you can remove it without lingering issues of
 having had it installed.  Example:

Thanks, Bob, for the detailed instructions.

Bill Harris  
Facilitated Systems

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Re: How recover from aborted dist-upgrade Stable to Testing (due to apt-listbug bug 585448)

2012-12-15 Thread nv
On Sat, 15 Dec 2012 19:31:52 +1300
Chris Bannister wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 03:12:25PM -0600, nv wrote:
  On Wed, 12 Dec 2012 21:49:53 +0200
  Andrei POPESCU wrote:
   Hope this helps,
  tl;dr:  Is it recommended that I use apt-pinning to upgrade some
  packages to
 Weird, considering yours was the long post and not Andrei's

Eek!  I meant no disrespect! :)  I ALWAYS read the whole reply.'t_read

Interesting.  I was surprised to find my usage not described in that
Wikipedia page.  In some places, particularly,, I have
seen tl;dr used also as a self-summarizing of one's own posting.  Of
course, I see now that I probably should have placed it at the top for
better clarity, or used, tl;dr version:, perhaps.

Most of the time, tl;dr is used to call out another user on the length
of their post. However, in cases of more courteous exchanges and
serious discussions, tl;dr can be self-invoked by the original poster
as a disclaimer to the readers. It is then paired with a brief summary
of the longer original text.

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Debian 7 wheezy should be released by now, don't u think?

2012-12-15 Thread Suttiwit Sukpinit
Hi, This is my first post on the mailing list.
The question is:
Debian 7 wheezy should be released by now because i've tried for several months 
since it released. it all seems stable.

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