Re: error servidor de paquets

2013-08-28 Thread Robert Marsellés Fontanet

 Estic intentant actualitzar l'equip i em surt un error de comprovació
 de les fonts (sources).
 Sabeu si ha passat alguna cosa? Ho he provat als servidors de frança i
 de finlàndia:

 Jo vaig intentar actualitzar el rebost de paquets el dilluns i em va
sortir quelcom similar. Uso testing i un servidor francés.

 Personalment m'esperaré a actualitzar el sistema fins que els que en
saben clarifiquin què dimonis passa. A la llista debian-user ningú ha
dit ni piu sobre aquest tema fins ara.

 Salut i peles,


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Re: error servidor de paquets

2013-08-28 Thread Alex Muntada
Això passa quan el servidor de paquets està a mitja actualització del
mirall i els índexs no es corresponen amb els debs.

Passades unes hores com a molt s'hauria de resoldre, sinó prova un altre
mirall diferent.


Re: error servidor de paquets

2013-08-28 Thread Lluís Gras
Si hi ha algun proxy entremig també passa, alguns cops s'arregla més aviat,
emprant el mirror generic enlloc del locals al sources.list
El 28/08/2013 12:44, Alex Muntada escribió:

 Això passa quan el servidor de paquets està a mitja actualització del
 mirall i els índexs no es corresponen amb els debs.

 Passades unes hores com a molt s'hauria de resoldre, sinó prova un altre
 mirall diferent.


Re: error servidor de paquets

2013-08-28 Thread

Doncs ja ha passat. Ja funciona correctament (al menys dona la sensació :)

Deuria de ser això d'actualitzar-se els index.


Mensaje original


Fecha: 28/08/2013 10:57


Asunto: error servidor de paquets


Estic intentant actualitzar l'equip i em surt un error de comprovació de les 
fonts (sources).

Sabeu si ha passat alguna cosa? Ho he provat als servidors de frança i de 

W: No s'ha pogut obtenir 
 La suma resum no concorda
W: No s'ha pogut obtenir 
 La suma resum no concorda
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones 
used instead.
E: No s'ha pogut regenerar la memòria cau de paquets

W: No s'ha pogut obtenir 
 La suma resum no concorda
W: No s'ha pogut obtenir 
 La suma resum no concorda
W: No s'ha pogut obtenir 
 La suma resum no concorda
W: No s'ha pogut obtenir 
 La suma resum no concorda
W: No s'ha pogut obtenir 
 La suma resum no concorda
W: No s'ha pogut obtenir 
 La suma resum no concorda
E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones 
used instead.
E: No s'ha pogut regenerar la memòria cau de paquets

No se, però tal com estan les coses sembla lògic tenir molt de cuidado amb un 
sistema que creiem lliure.

A veure si algú sap alguna explicació.


Re: Installation de owncloud et sécurisation

2013-08-28 Thread julien

Le 2013-08-27 14:37, honeyshell a écrit :

Julien  Je lance une installation de owncloud chez mais avec
lighttpd et postgres. Je peux t'indiquer les phases de sécurisation. 

Pour l'instant je suis en configuration LAMP. Comme je vais avoir du
Wordpress, DokuWiki, et peut être bluemind, je ne souhaite pas coincer
sur des questions de documentation ou de compatibilité avec lighttpd
ou postgres.

Julien  Tu l'installes avec les paquet deb ?
J'avais pour idée d'utiliser le dépôt Owncloud pour être à la page.
Mauvaise idée?

Très bonne idée, j'ai passé la journée d'hier à essayer d'installer 
owncloud sur lighttpd et postgres. Pas moyen, aucun message d'erreur 
(comme d'hab en php). Des erreurs dans la doc, code illisible, 
Apparement, c'est lighttd qui pose problème car il y a un .htaccess 
(non pris en charge par lighttpd) assez compliqué.

Bref, après beaucoup de temps passé dessus j'abandonne.

owncloud c'est de la merde


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Re: Server Cracké

2013-08-28 Thread julien

Le 2013-08-27 17:10, BERTRAND Joël a écrit :

Daniel Caillibaud wrote:

Certes, mais cela oblige aussi de faire confiance à la machine hôte.
Lorsque je suis chez un client, je ne fais pas confiance à sa machine
a priori. Je ne lui donne donc pas ma clef.

Et tu préfères taper ton mot de passe sur son clavier ?


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Re: Server Cracké

2013-08-28 Thread BERTRAND Joël

julien wrote:

Le 2013-08-27 17:10, BERTRAND Joël a écrit :

Daniel Caillibaud wrote:

Certes, mais cela oblige aussi de faire confiance à la machine hôte.
Lorsque je suis chez un client, je ne fais pas confiance à sa machine
a priori. Je ne lui donne donc pas ma clef.

Et tu préfères taper ton mot de passe sur son clavier ?

	Oui, largement. Je ne laisse pas une clef sur une machine peut-être 
compromise. Pour les connexions depuis ce genre de machine, j'ai un 
compte spécial avec un mot de passe qui change à chaque connexion réussie.


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Re: Installation de owncloud et sécurisation

2013-08-28 Thread honeyshell
C'est pour ce genre de conclusion que je reste le plus basique dans mes
installations. Surtout que j'aime bien tester de nouveaux CMS.
Pour tant le couple postgres/lighttpd a de quoi séduire.

Re: Installation de owncloud et sécurisation

2013-08-28 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Le 28/08/2013 11:24, julien a écrit :

Le 2013-08-27 14:37, honeyshell a écrit :

Julien  Je lance une installation de owncloud chez mais avec
lighttpd et postgres. Je peux t'indiquer les phases de sécurisation.

Pour l'instant je suis en configuration LAMP. Comme je vais avoir du
Wordpress, DokuWiki, et peut être bluemind, je ne souhaite pas coincer
sur des questions de documentation ou de compatibilité avec lighttpd
ou postgres.

Julien  Tu l'installes avec les paquet deb ?
J'avais pour idée d'utiliser le dépôt Owncloud pour être à la page.
Mauvaise idée?

Très bonne idée, j'ai passé la journée d'hier à essayer d'installer 
owncloud sur lighttpd et postgres. Pas moyen, aucun message d'erreur 
(comme d'hab en php). Des erreurs dans la doc, code illisible, 
Apparement, c'est lighttd qui pose problème car il y a un .htaccess 
(non pris en charge par lighttpd) assez compliqué.

Bref, après beaucoup de temps passé dessus j'abandonne.

owncloud c'est de la merde

J'utilise owncloud avec lighttpd, l'installation s'est faite sans 
problème et rapidement. J'utilise sqlite3 comme BD et suis parti du 
tar,bz2 (Ver 5.0.7).

Owncloud n'est pas de la merde ;-) si on prend le temps de lire la doc et


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Re: Installation de owncloud et sécurisation

2013-08-28 Thread julien

Le 2013-08-28 12:18, Daniel Huhardeaux a écrit :

owncloud c'est de la merde

J'utilise owncloud avec lighttpd, l'installation s'est faite sans
problème et rapidement. J'utilise sqlite3 comme BD et suis parti du
tar,bz2 (Ver 5.0.7).

Mon problème ne vient apparement pas de postgres : les tables sont 
crées et se remplies

Owncloud n'est pas de la merde ;-)

oui, c'était un peu de provoc :-) mais j'amerais bien l'utiliser !

si on prend le temps de lire la

C'est ce que j'ai fait, j'ai installé les dépendances, configuré la 
base de donnée. Mais je reste bloqué sur la première génération du cache 
des fichiers.

Peux-tu m'envoyer ta config lighttpd et le fichier config.php de 
owncloud ?


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Re: Installation de owncloud et sécurisation

2013-08-28 Thread julien

Le 2013-08-28 12:13, honeyshell a écrit :

C'est pour ce genre de conclusion que je reste le plus basique dans
mes installations. Surtout que j'aime bien tester de nouveaux CMS.
Pour tant le couple postgres/lighttpd a de quoi séduire.

oui ça marche très bien sur mon dédié avec 512 Mo de RAM!

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Re: Installation de owncloud et sécurisation

2013-08-28 Thread julien

Le 2013-08-28 12:18, Daniel Huhardeaux a écrit :

owncloud c'est de la merde

J'utilise owncloud avec lighttpd, l'installation s'est faite sans
problème et rapidement. J'utilise sqlite3 comme BD et suis parti du
tar,bz2 (Ver 5.0.7).

Owncloud n'est pas de la merde ;-) si on prend le temps de lire la

Il y a une erreur sur la partie lighttpd :

$HTTP[url] =^ ^/owncloud/data/ {
 url.access-deny = ()

Il faut utiliser =~ et non =^

J'ai aussi découvert le fichier .htaccess de owncloud. Il contient 
pleins de rewriteRule est-ce que tu as écrit les équivalents en 
lighhtpd ?


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Re: Installation de owncloud et sécurisation

2013-08-28 Thread Erwan David
On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 12:18:04PM CEST, Daniel Huhardeaux 
 Le 28/08/2013 11:24, julien a écrit :
 Le 2013-08-27 14:37, honeyshell a écrit :
 Julien  Je lance une installation de owncloud chez mais avec
 lighttpd et postgres. Je peux t'indiquer les phases de sécurisation.
 Pour l'instant je suis en configuration LAMP. Comme je vais avoir du
 Wordpress, DokuWiki, et peut être bluemind, je ne souhaite pas coincer
 sur des questions de documentation ou de compatibilité avec lighttpd
 ou postgres.
 Julien  Tu l'installes avec les paquet deb ?
 J'avais pour idée d'utiliser le dépôt Owncloud pour être à la page.
 Mauvaise idée?
 Très bonne idée, j'ai passé la journée d'hier à essayer d'installer
 owncloud sur lighttpd et postgres. Pas moyen, aucun message
 d'erreur (comme d'hab en php). Des erreurs dans la doc, code
 Apparement, c'est lighttd qui pose problème car il y a un .htaccess
 (non pris en charge par lighttpd) assez compliqué.
 Bref, après beaucoup de temps passé dessus j'abandonne.
 owncloud c'est de la merde
 J'utilise owncloud avec lighttpd, l'installation s'est faite sans
 problème et rapidement. J'utilise sqlite3 comme BD et suis parti du
 tar,bz2 (Ver 5.0.7).
 Owncloud n'est pas de la merde ;-) si on prend le temps de lire la

Quand j'ai testé le client se bloquait à 100% de cpu en scannat un
répertoire qu'il venait de synchroniser.

J'ai désisnstallé.

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Re: Installation de owncloud et sécurisation

2013-08-28 Thread Daniel Huhardeaux

Le 28/08/2013 12:56, julien a écrit :

Peux-tu m'envoyer ta config lighttpd et le fichier config.php de 
owncloud ?


# ownCloud
$HTTP[url] =~ ^/owncloud/data/ {
 url.access-deny = ()

$HTTP[url] =~ ^/owncloud($|/) {
 dir-listing.activate = disable


$CONFIG = array (
  'instanceid' = 'blabla',
  'passwordsalt' = 'anotherblabla',
  'datadirectory' = '/var/www/daniel/owncloud_data',
  'dbtype' = 'sqlite3',
  'version' = '5.0.12',
  'installed' = true,


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Re: Installation de owncloud et sécurisation

2013-08-28 Thread julien

Le 2013-08-28 13:46, Daniel Huhardeaux a écrit :

Le 28/08/2013 12:56, julien a écrit :

Peux-tu m'envoyer ta config lighttpd et le fichier config.php de 
owncloud ?


# ownCloud
$HTTP[url] =~ ^/owncloud/data/ {
 url.access-deny = ()

$HTTP[url] =~ ^/owncloud($|/) {
 dir-listing.activate = disable


$CONFIG = array (
  'instanceid' = 'blabla',
  'passwordsalt' = 'anotherblabla',
  'datadirectory' = '/var/www/daniel/owncloud_data',
  'dbtype' = 'sqlite3',
  'version' = '5.0.12',
  'installed' = true,

J'ai exactement pareil avec la config postgres ...

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Re: Installation de owncloud et sécurisation

2013-08-28 Thread Grégoire COUTANT

Le 28/08/2013 12:56, julien a écrit :

Owncloud n'est pas de la merde ;-)

oui, c'était un peu de provoc :-) mais j'amerais bien l'utiliser !

Pour revenir sur la question des logs, c'est du simple paramétrage pour 
avoir des logs php très verbeux.

Sinon, owncloud pour l'avoir testé également, comment dire ... très 
Il y a une solution concurrente française pas mal pour ceux qui veulent 
tester :


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Re: ClefAgreg

2013-08-28 Thread François Boisson
Le Thu, 11 Jul 2013 16:53:55 +0200
François Boisson a écrit:

 Bonjour à tous
 Certains le savent peut être mais je gère ClefAgreg actuellement à la version 8.0 également connue sous le nom de clef ISN
 Cette clef sert de support à l'agrégation de Mathématiques (concours externe
 et interne (cf )
 Fondée sur Debian, rien ne s'oppose à ce que cette clef fonctionne également
 sur des Mac Intel. Après m'être bagarrer avec le boot UEFI de Mac, j'ai
 obtenu une clef un qui boute sur les Mac (Mac Book air par exemple)  mais
 n'ayant pas de Mac je ne peux faire de test sérieux. Je suis à la recherche
 de cobayes sous Mac qui pourraient tester la clef (il y a des adaptations
 simples (clavier), moins simples (WIFI surement) et compliquées (??) à
 prévoir) et m'indiquer les soucis.
 Merci aux volontaires.

Actuellement la clef démarre sur les Apple.

* Pour les Apple avec une carte Video NVIDIA, il faut rajouter l'extension

* Pour les Apple avec une carte video ATI, ce serait

mais celle ci ne semble pas nécessaire.

* Le WIFI ncessite pour fonctionner ou (pas toujours clair)

* La WEBCAM des MacBook pro fonctionnerait avec

Il est possible de démrarrer avec un noyau 3.10 plus récent qui peut
éventuellement résoudre quelques pbms. Pour cela il faut
- remplacer les fichiers initrd.img et linuxlive de la clef par et
(supprimer le suffixe -3.10)
- rajouter dans le
répertoire isn.
- Utiliser et au lieu de
extension_nvidia_8.1.sqh et extension_fglrx_8.1.sqh

En cas de soucis, le mieux est de mettre dans le répertoire
isn, de démarrer sur la clef puis de m'envoyer les fichiers syslog, boot.log,
dmesg.log, kern.log et messages qui seront apparus à la racine de la clef.

Toujours un grand merci aux volontaires

François Boisson

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dyndns et actualisation

2013-08-28 Thread François Boisson
Il y avait eu un message sur cette liste à propos de la réactualisation
mensuelle des comptes DYNDNS

Un petit robot facile à faire:

* Dans /etc/aliases, rajout de
traitedyndns: | /usr/local/bin/traitedyndns

* Fichier /usr/local/bin/traitedyndns
export TERM=linux
NOM=S`/bin/date +%s`
/bin/cat  /tmp/$NOM
CMD=/usr/bin/lynx  -term=vt100 -cmd_script=/var/tmp/dyndns 
LIEN=$(/bin/grep -A 1 expir.*visit .*link /tmp/$NOM | /bin/grep https | 
/usr/bin/head -n 1)
$CMD $LIEN  /tmp/log_$NOM 

* Fichier /var/tmp/dyndns
# Command logfile created by Lynx 2.8.7dev.9 (27 Apr 2008)
key o
key a
key o
key q
key o

* Rajout dans le .forward personnel (pour exim)

if $header_from: contains
deliver traitedyndns@localhost
deliver monadre...@personnelle.pour.verificiation

Voilà, avec cela, l'activation mensuelle du compte dyndns se fait 

François Boisson

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Re: Raccoon, StrongSwan ou autre ?

2013-08-28 Thread David Cure


Le Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 04:39:21PM +0200, Christophe ecrivait :
 Bizarrement OpenVPN for Android était déjà installé sur mon Nexus,
 avec un semblant de config, pas finie : j'avais du déjà vouloir
 faire des choses avec c'truc la ... mais sans certificats, on va pas
 aller bien loin :) .

c'est sur ;)

 Sais tu si le mode tap (ethernet) fonctionne dans ces conditions ?

désolé je ne ne sais pas, je n'utilise que le mode tun.


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Description: Digital signature

Re: Installation de owncloud et sécurisation

2013-08-28 Thread Fabian Rodriguez
Hash: SHA1

On 2013-08-28 05:24, julien wrote:
 Bref, après beaucoup de temps passé dessus j'abandonne. owncloud
 c'est de la merde

La documentation mentionne pourtant les scénarios possibles avec
d'autres BD et serveurs web:

Avant toute déclaration de merde, j'aurais espéré voir au moins un
lien vers les interactions sur le projet (forums/bug report) qui n'ont
mené à rien (?).

Là, il est peut être trop tard pour vous mais au lieu de passer des
heures il vaut parfois la peine de poser les questions au projet
directement (en plus d'ici), ça laisse aussi des traces que d'autres
suivront, peut importe si elles menent à une solution ou pas.

Parfois arriver à l'impasse rapidement est tout aussi utile!


- -- 
Fabián Rodríguez
Version: GnuPG v1.4.14 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: PGP/Mime available upon request
Comment: Using GnuPG with Icedove -


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Re: Installation de owncloud et sécurisation

2013-08-28 Thread Keldan
Hash: SHA1

Le 27/08/2013 14:37, honeyshell a écrit :
 Julien  Je lance une installation de owncloud chez mais avec lighttpd et
 postgres. Je peux t'indiquer les phases de sécurisation.
 Pour l'instant je suis en configuration LAMP. Comme je vais avoir du
 Wordpress, DokuWiki, et peut être bluemind, je ne souhaite pas coincer sur
 des questions de documentation ou de compatibilité avec lighttpd ou
 Julien  Tu l'installes avec les paquet deb ?
 J'avais pour idée d'utiliser le dépôt Owncloud pour être à la page.
 Mauvaise idée?


si ça peut aider, j'ai eu quelques problèmes sous apache 2 à la première
connexion, au moment du paramétrage de la base et du premier
utilisateur, problème résolus en enlevant php5-xcache.
Peut être que lighttpd gère le cache d'une façon qui gêne owncloud.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


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2013-08-28 Thread nicolas

Ne pas tenir compte de ce message. 

Re: paquet ipheth-utils et utilisation de l'iPhone comme modem 3G

2013-08-28 Thread Dominique Asselineau

Je reviens sur mon problème de connexion à Internet via la 3G d'un
iPhone en utilisant le paquet ipheth-utils.  En fait, je m'en suis
sorti mais un peu par hasard...  Certains disent que parfois le hasard
fait bien les choses mais j'aurais préféré une solution ou du moins
une explication logique.

La config : un netbook Asus R051CX avec Wheezy, et un iPhone 5 avec un
OS à jour.

Après avoir configuré l'iPhone pour autoriser le partage de connexions
et l'avoir branché sur le netbook via l'USB, une interface Ethernet
supplémentaire apparaît sur le netbook et les timeouts se produisent.
J'ai trouvé sur le web qu'en lançant la commande ideviceinfo du
paquet libimobile-utils qui n'est d'ailleurs pas une dépendance de
ipheth-utils, la connexion s'établissait et je pouvais donc faire tout
ce qui est possible sur Internet (HTTP, SSH, etc.).

À part donner de l'info sur la connexion, que fait donc la commande
ideviceinfo pour que les choses s'arrangent ?  N'y aurait-il pas une
commande plus appropriée pour obtenir le même résultat ?

Ceci dit, si la solution ipheth-utils est techniquement acceptable, il
y a un inconvénient notoire avec un netbook : l'iPhone pompe son
énergie sur le netbook, faisant tomber l'autonomie du netbook de façon
significative, de l'ordre de 40% dans mon cas.  Ce n'est pas
rédhibitoire mais il faut simplement le savoir.  Je vais d'ailleurs
tenter de trouver une solution via bluetouth.


Dominique Asselineau wrote on Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 06:57:06PM +0200
 prego jérémy wrote on Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 05:30:05PM +0200
  Le 14/08/2013 17:06, Dominique Asselineau a écrit :
  Je souhaite connecter un netbook avec Wheezy, à Internet via la 3G de
  mon iPhone.  Une solution apparemment simple consisterait à utiliser
  le paquet ipheth-utils.  Après installation du paquet, branchement USB
  et activation du partage de connexion sur l'iPhone, je remarque bien
  une entrée dans /dev, un démon usbmuxd qui tourne sous le compte
  usbmmux et surtout une nouvelle interface Ethernet eth1 mais je ne
  trouve pas le moyen d'aller plus loin.  L'interface Ethernet « fixe »
  et celle via le wifi ne sont pas active.  Dois-je ajouter des lignes
  dans le fichier /etc/network/interfaces ?
  un dhclient sur l'interface nouvellement créé  n'apporte pas d'adresse IP ?
 Ça boucle en timeout.
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Re: Installation de owncloud et sécurisation

2013-08-28 Thread Pierre Malard
Le 28 août 2013 à 11:24, julien a écrit :
 Le 2013-08-27 14:37, honeyshell a écrit :
 Julien  Je lance une installation de owncloud chez mais avec
 lighttpd et postgres. Je peux t'indiquer les phases de sécurisation. 
 Pour l'instant je suis en configuration LAMP. Comme je vais avoir du
 Wordpress, DokuWiki, et peut être bluemind, je ne souhaite pas coincer
 sur des questions de documentation ou de compatibilité avec lighttpd
 ou postgres.
 Julien  Tu l'installes avec les paquet deb ?
 J'avais pour idée d'utiliser le dépôt Owncloud pour être à la page.
 Mauvaise idée?
 Très bonne idée, j'ai passé la journée d'hier à essayer d'installer owncloud 
 sur lighttpd et postgres. Pas moyen, aucun message d'erreur (comme d'hab en 
 php). Des erreurs dans la doc, code illisible, 
 Apparement, c'est lighttd qui pose problème car il y a un .htaccess (non pris 
 en charge par lighttpd) assez compliqué.
 Bref, après beaucoup de temps passé dessus j'abandonne.
 owncloud c'est de la merde

C'est un peu rapide comme conclusion... Tout ça parce que le truc n'utilise pas 
ton serveur HTTP favori qui n'aime pas les .htaccess et que tu veux, en plus 
utiliser un autre SGBD que celui préconisé !!!
Ce genre de modifications est, par essence, compliqué et entraine, forcément, 
des modifications sérieuses dans le code. Si, vraiment, tu cherches un 
gestionnaire tel qu'ownCloud et que tu trouves que lighthttp et postgres sont 
bien meilleurs et indispensables, pourquoi ne pas t'y mettre, relever tes 
manches et donner un coup de main réellement utile en proposant d'adapter 
ownCloud à ces produits ?

As-tu seulement posé ta question sur leur liste ?


Pierre Malard
   |\  _,,,---,,_
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 '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)

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(  `'''-''': '''-3'''2(-/--'''  `-'''\-): 
- -- Ce message n’engage que son auteur --

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: paquet ipheth-utils et utilisation de l'iPhone comme modem 3G

2013-08-28 Thread prego jérémy


que retourne la commande ideviceinfo ?
et une fois que ça fonctionne que retourne un ifconfig de l'interface
concerner ?

Le 28/08/2013 19:55, Dominique Asselineau a écrit :


 Je reviens sur mon problème de connexion à Internet via la 3G d'un
 iPhone en utilisant le paquet ipheth-utils.  En fait, je m'en suis
 sorti mais un peu par hasard...  Certains disent que parfois le hasard
 fait bien les choses mais j'aurais préféré une solution ou du moins
 une explication logique.

 La config : un netbook Asus R051CX avec Wheezy, et un iPhone 5 avec un
 OS à jour.

 Après avoir configuré l'iPhone pour autoriser le partage de connexions
 et l'avoir branché sur le netbook via l'USB, une interface Ethernet
 supplémentaire apparaît sur le netbook et les timeouts se produisent.
 J'ai trouvé sur le web qu'en lançant la commande ideviceinfo du
 paquet libimobile-utils qui n'est d'ailleurs pas une dépendance de
 ipheth-utils, la connexion s'établissait et je pouvais donc faire tout
 ce qui est possible sur Internet (HTTP, SSH, etc.).

 À part donner de l'info sur la connexion, que fait donc la commande
 ideviceinfo pour que les choses s'arrangent ?  N'y aurait-il pas une
 commande plus appropriée pour obtenir le même résultat ?

 Ceci dit, si la solution ipheth-utils est techniquement acceptable, il
 y a un inconvénient notoire avec un netbook : l'iPhone pompe son
 énergie sur le netbook, faisant tomber l'autonomie du netbook de façon
 significative, de l'ordre de 40% dans mon cas.  Ce n'est pas
 rédhibitoire mais il faut simplement le savoir.  Je vais d'ailleurs
 tenter de trouver une solution via bluetouth.


 Dominique Asselineau wrote on Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 06:57:06PM +0200

 prego jérémy wrote on Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 05:30:05PM +0200

 Le 14/08/2013 17:06, Dominique Asselineau a écrit :


 Je souhaite connecter un netbook avec Wheezy, à Internet via la 3G de
 mon iPhone.  Une solution apparemment simple consisterait à utiliser
 le paquet ipheth-utils.  Après installation du paquet, branchement USB
 et activation du partage de connexion sur l'iPhone, je remarque bien
 une entrée dans /dev, un démon usbmuxd qui tourne sous le compte
 usbmmux et surtout une nouvelle interface Ethernet eth1 mais je ne
 trouve pas le moyen d'aller plus loin.  L'interface Ethernet « fixe »
 et celle via le wifi ne sont pas active.  Dois-je ajouter des lignes
 dans le fichier /etc/network/interfaces ?


 un dhclient sur l'interface nouvellement créé  n'apporte pas d'adresse IP ?

 Ça boucle en timeout.


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Problèmes post install squeeze = wheezy

2013-08-28 Thread andre_debian
Bonjour à tous,

J'ai ce problème à la fin de l'upgrade de Squeeze vers Wheezy
(après apt-get dist-upgrade)
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Correction des dépendances... a échoué.
Les paquets suivants contiennent des dépendances non satisfaites :
 consolekit : Dépend: libck-connector0 (= 0.4.5-3.1) mais 0.4.1-4 est installé
  Dépend: libglib2.0-0 (= 2.31.8) mais 2.24.2-1 est installé
 grub2-common : Dépend: grub-common (= 1.99-27+deb7u1) mais 
1.98+20100804-14+squeeze1 est installé
 libgnutlsxx27 : Dépend: libgnutls26 (= 2.12.20-7) mais 2.8.6-1+squeeze2 est 
 libpisock9 : Dépend: libbluetooth3 (= 4.91) mais 4.66-3 est installé
 libvlc5 : Dépend: libvlccore5 (= 2.0.0) mais il n'est pas installé
 vlc-plugin-notify : Dépend: vlc-nox (= 1:2.0.6-dmo1) mais 1.1.3-1squeeze6 est 
 Dépend: libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 (= 2.22.0) mais il n'est pas 
 Dépend: libnotify4 (= 0.7.0) mais il n'est pas installé
 Dépend: libvlccore5 (= 2.0.0) mais il n'est pas installé
 vlc-plugin-pulse : Dépend: vlc-nox (= 1:2.0.6-dmo1) mais 1.1.3-1squeeze6 est 
Dépend: libpulse0 (= 0.99.4) mais 0.9.21-3+squeeze1 est 
Dépend: libvlccore5 (= 2.0.0) mais il n'est pas installé
 zlib1g-dev : Dépend: zlib1g (= 1:1.2.7.dfsg-13) mais 1: est 
E: Erreur, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve a généré des ruptures, ce qui a pu être 
causé par les paquets devant être gardés en l'état.
E: Impossible de corriger les dépendances
Essayez « apt-get -f install

Il y a des paquets squeeze qui subsistent et qui bloquent toutes options :
consolekit, grub2-common, libgnutlsxx27, libpisock9, libvlc5,  
vlc-plugin-pulse et  zlib1g-dev

# apt-get update
# apt-get -f install
et je reçois cette même réponse ci-dessus.

Idem après un reboot

Merci d'avance d'une aide ...


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Re: Problèmes post install squeeze = wheezy

2013-08-28 Thread Johnny B

Le 08/28/2013 11:59 PM, a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,

J'ai ce problème à la fin de l'upgrade de Squeeze vers Wheezy
(après apt-get dist-upgrade)
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Correction des dépendances... a échoué.
Les paquets suivants contiennent des dépendances non satisfaites :
  consolekit : Dépend: libck-connector0 (= 0.4.5-3.1) mais 0.4.1-4 est installé
   Dépend: libglib2.0-0 (= 2.31.8) mais 2.24.2-1 est installé
  grub2-common : Dépend: grub-common (= 1.99-27+deb7u1) mais 
1.98+20100804-14+squeeze1 est installé
  libgnutlsxx27 : Dépend: libgnutls26 (= 2.12.20-7) mais 2.8.6-1+squeeze2 est 
  libpisock9 : Dépend: libbluetooth3 (= 4.91) mais 4.66-3 est installé
  libvlc5 : Dépend: libvlccore5 (= 2.0.0) mais il n'est pas installé
  vlc-plugin-notify : Dépend: vlc-nox (= 1:2.0.6-dmo1) mais 1.1.3-1squeeze6 est 
  Dépend: libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 (= 2.22.0) mais il n'est pas 
  Dépend: libnotify4 (= 0.7.0) mais il n'est pas installé
  Dépend: libvlccore5 (= 2.0.0) mais il n'est pas installé
  vlc-plugin-pulse : Dépend: vlc-nox (= 1:2.0.6-dmo1) mais 1.1.3-1squeeze6 est 
 Dépend: libpulse0 (= 0.99.4) mais 0.9.21-3+squeeze1 est 
 Dépend: libvlccore5 (= 2.0.0) mais il n'est pas installé
  zlib1g-dev : Dépend: zlib1g (= 1:1.2.7.dfsg-13) mais 1: est 
E: Erreur, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve a généré des ruptures, ce qui a pu être 
causé par les paquets devant être gardés en l'état.
E: Impossible de corriger les dépendances
Essayez « apt-get -f install

Il y a des paquets squeeze qui subsistent et qui bloquent toutes options :
consolekit, grub2-common, libgnutlsxx27, libpisock9, libvlc5,  
vlc-plugin-pulse et  zlib1g-dev

# apt-get update
# apt-get -f install
et je reçois cette même réponse ci-dessus.


Dans ton process d'upgrade as tu bien suivi les étapes :

- Modification des dépots squeeze  wheezy (squeeze ne doit plus etre 

Mettre à jour : il faut mettre à jour apt avant l'upgrade pour éviter de 
breaker le gestionnaire de packages

apt-get update  apt-get install apt -y  apt-get upgrade -y  
apt-get dist-upgrade -y

reviens en squeeze et tente d'appliquer à nouveau le process d'upgrade

Idem après un reboot

Merci d'avance d'une aide ...


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kernel calgary dma error

2013-08-28 Thread Rafał Świętochowski
Prosze  o pomoc w informacji czy problem został juz rozwiazany z 
zawieszaniem sie debiana na kerlach innych niż 2.6.32

maszyna IBM x366
debian 7.0 stable
komunikat:kernel:DMA error on Calgary PHB
 komunikat pojawiał sie na niby stabilnym 3.0.2-4 czy problem został 
juz rozwiazany ?

wheezy: mailman+exim4

2013-08-28 Thread latinfo
Alguien administra ordenadores Wheezy con mailman + exim4?

Exim4 esta instalado, Apache tambien + DokuWiki (usuarios: de 3000 a 5000).
IPtables filtra el 25 y 80 DROP lo demas.

Instalo: apt-get install mailman
Me indica que debo copiar los alias y lo hago (probe con y sin). Corro
newaliases. Configuro la pagina. Y hasta alli.

En mainlog.
Con alias dice:
R=system_aliases defer (-30): pipe_transport unset in system_aliases router

Sin alias dice:
Unrouteable address.

No envia mensajes, ni recibe. Mailman no tiene man, asi que me fui por los
docs y google; sin encontrar nada concreto y fiable. Solamente basura.

Quizas aqui hay alguien que administre algo como esto y quiera compartirlo.


Comprendo lo que dicen los mensajes; pero me parese absurdo que no este
claramente documentaod en los Docs, y hay un monton de informacion que no
se aplica a Debian y confunde. dpkg-reconfigure, solamente fija el Idioma.

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Re: OT: Sustituto de Whatsapp con cliente para GNU/Linux

2013-08-28 Thread alfonso gonzalez

El 27 de agosto de 2013 13:05:05 jEsuSdA 8) escribio:

Hola a todos!

Perdonad por el OT, pero creo que el tema tiene relación con nuestro 
sistema operativo, al menos a nivel de aplicaciones.

Soy feliz usuario de varias cuentas de mensajería que manejo de forma 
centralizada y cómoda a través de Pidgin. Sin embargo, cada vez más 
gente ha ido migrando a las aplicaciones móviles con protocolos 
privativos. La mayoría de la gente ha caído presa de la fiebre del 
whatsapp y line desde hace tiempo.

Yo, de momento, me resisto a usar estas aplicaciones por varias 

+ No son abiertas, ni libres, ni gratuitas (si entendemos que pese a 
que cuesten 0€ tienen un coste sobre la privacidad)
+ No tienen clientes para escritorio linux ( lo cual obliga a estar 
pendiente del móvil y escribir a través de él y no es algo con lo que 
me sienta especialmente cómodo)
La función principal de un programa como WHATSAPP es mensajería 
instantánea entre usuarios y funcionar en un dispositivo móvil.
WHATSAPP  es multi plataforma, pero se refiere a las plataformas 
móviles. Tiene versiones en ANDROID, IOS, WINDOWS PHONE ( el que yo 
tengo), Symbian y hasta los viejos sistemas S40 de NOKIA.

Se puede decir que WHATSAPP es un aplicación KILLER sms.
Por lo menos en Argentina, donde yo estoy:

a) Los SMS son caros si lo envías a empresas de comunicaciones, 
diferentes a la tuya.
b) Los SMS solo son texto; si agregas contenido multimedia ( alguna 
foto, música o gif animado) pasa a ser MMS ( multimedia messaging 
system). Cada mensaje MMS sale 3 veces mas caro que uno SMS.

c) Esto es lo que permite WHATSAPP

 1) Enviar SMS a cualquier usuario que esté en tu agenda ( tu 
contacto debe usar WHATSAPP).
2) Enviar contenido multimedia a tus contactos, casi sin coste. 
Esto lo hace usando el plan de datos que el usuario tenga. Yo pago un 
abono de 100 AR$ y por ese precio me brinda 200 megabytes de datos para 
3) WHATSAPP usa ese plan de datos, para enviar los SMS y los 
contenidos multimedias que quieras.

Un saludo!
jEsuSdA 8)

Saludos y espero haber sido útil

Re: OT: Sustituto de Whatsapp con cliente para GNU/Linux

2013-08-28 Thread Leo
De alguna forma, lo que voy buscando es un programa de mensajería que no me
obligue a usar el móvil, sino que me permita usarlo desde mi Debian de
forma cómoda (aunque el resto de contactos sí estén interaccionando desde
su móvil).

 Alguna idea?

Puedes tú usar algún programa de mensajería que soporte XMPP, como Jitsi o
Pidgin, por ejemplo, y tus contactos alguna aplicación para móviles que use
XMPP, como Xabber, que es de código abierto también.

Re: Problema al volver a las X desde la consola

2013-08-28 Thread ciracusa

Gracias Javier, por tu respuesta!

Te respondo entre tus líneas:

On 27/08/13 13:18, Javier Silva wrote:

Con respecto al kernel no puedo ya que estoy usando:

2.6.32-5-openvz-686 #1 SMP


Mira esto otro que he encontrado en y que tal vez te ayude
a tomar alguna decisión a los problemas que tienes con Squeeze, ya que
habla de Wheezy:

For Wheezy (7.0), use the vzctl package included in wheezy, together
with the Wheezy OpenVZ kernels from Alternatively reduced
functionality may be possible using the stock Debian Wheezy kernel
(based on version 3.2) and Vzctl_for_upstream_kernel.

Entiendo que todos los problemas que tienes en la actualidad con el
micro y la gráfica (ya que están dentro del mismo chip), se
solucionarían en el hipotético caso de que OpenVZ corriese en Wheezy,
cosa que parece hacer de manera limitada.

En el mismo wiki aparecen notas recomendando la instalación en RHEL6 e
incluso hay una nota que dice:

The best kernel to use is RHEL6-based. Please see

El mismo kernel al que apunta el repositorio de la distribución wheezy
en sus servidores y que yo francamente no me atrevería a instalar.

Después de todo lo visto en el sitio de openvz, digo que si tanto
necesitas tener en funcionamiento OpenVZ, deberías hacer uso de las
recomendaciones que allí te hacen y cambiar el sistema base que parece
ser el problema o no iniciar el equipo en modo gráfico y utilizarlo
únicamente desde la consola.

Ok. Muchas Gracias por la recomendación!

Has probado a no iniciar el equipo sin el kdm/gdm/ldm y desde allí
iniciar el entorno gráfico?
Si Javier, te había respondido que el comando startx que me habías 
recomendado no funcionaba.

Que opinas?

Un saludo a todos/as.
Javier Silva


Muchas Gracias!


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Re: Negociación eth0 con switch a 100baseTx-FD con gigabit ethernet

2013-08-28 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 26 de julio de 2013 16:28, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 26 Jul 2013 11:57:12 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Hola muy buenas, hace unas 2 semanas vi un post en esta lista de que
 tenía problemas a la hora de cargar bien los módulos, ya que la tarjeta
 de red era de giga y la negociación con el switch la hacía a 100...Es
 exactamente lo que me pasa a mi...Concretamente, es un debian 6 y uso 2
 tarjetas de red gigabit ethernet en bonding...con algoritmo round robin.

 ¿Pero el switch al que están conectadas las tarjetas es 10/100? Si es
 así, las tarjetas deben acomodar la velocidad ¿no? :-?

 Paso el resultado del comando mii-tool:

 ~# mii-tool eth0
 eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok
 ~# mii-tool eth1
 eth1: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok

 Estas dos salidas sí me preocupan... ¿qué te dice dmesg | grep -i eth

 ~# mii-tool bond0
 bond0: 10 Mbit, half duplex, link ok


 Pero aquí ni caso, a mí me dice lo mismo. Si mal no recuerdo es un
 problema reconocido de la herramienta mii-tool, prueba con cat /proc/
 net/bonding/bond0 para ver los valores efectivos de los adaptadores.

Aquí está:

root@owncloud-mo2o:~# cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0
Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.5.0 (November 4, 2008)

Bonding Mode: load balancing (round-robin)
MII Status: up
MII Polling Interval (ms): 100
Up Delay (ms): 0
Down Delay (ms): 100

Slave Interface: eth0
MII Status: up
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: 90:2b:34:c3:95:90

Slave Interface: eth1
MII Status: up
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: a0:f3:c1:00:43:31

 Mi pregunta es, puedo hacer algo para cambiar la negociación y que se
 configure como 1000?

 La normativa gigabit para 1000BASE-T establece que los enlaces y
 conexiones deben configurarse automáticamente, es decir, que deben
 soportar la autogenociación. No deberías forzarlos a usar una velocidad
 determinada salvo por imperiosa necesidad, por lo que si tienes algún
 problema con la velocidad yo atacaría ese problema por otro lado.

La normativa está muy bien, pero está conectado al mismo switch que
otras máquinas que tenemos en prod y las coge a 1000...Es un debian



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Re: Negociación eth0 con switch a 100baseTx-FD con gigabit ethernet

2013-08-28 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 26 de julio de 2013 18:24, Alberto escribió:
 El 26/07/13 11:57, Maykel Franco escribió:
 Hola muy buenas, hace unas 2 semanas vi un post en esta lista de que
 tenía problemas a la hora de cargar bien los módulos, ya que la
 tarjeta de red era de giga y la negociación con el switch la hacía a
 100...Es exactamente lo que me pasa a mi...Concretamente, es un debian
 6 y uso 2 tarjetas de red gigabit ethernet en bonding...con algoritmo
 round robin.

 Paso el resultado del comando mii-tool:

 ~# mii-tool eth0
 eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok
 ~# mii-tool eth1
 eth1: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok

 en primer lugar, descarta mii-tool, no soporta (o al menos no lo hacia
 hace un tiempo) la negociación a Giga. Utiliza ethtool.

Aquí está:

root@owncloud-mo2o:~# ethtool eth0
Settings for eth0:
Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
Supported pause frame use: No
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
Advertised pause frame use: No
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Link partner advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
Link partner advertised pause frame use: No
Link partner advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 100Mb/s
Duplex: Full
Port: MII
Transceiver: internal
Auto-negotiation: on
Supports Wake-on: pumbg
Wake-on: g
Current message level: 0x0033 (51)
   drv probe ifdown ifup
Link detected: yes
root@owncloud-mo2o:~# ethtool eth1
Settings for eth1:
Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
Supported pause frame use: No
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
Advertised pause frame use: No
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Link partner advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
Link partner advertised pause frame use: No
Link partner advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 100Mb/s
Duplex: Full
Port: MII
Transceiver: internal
Auto-negotiation: on
Supports Wake-on: pumbg
Wake-on: g
Current message level: 0x0033 (51)
   drv probe ifdown ifup
Link detected: yes
root@owncloud-mo2o:~# ethtool bond0
Settings for bond0:
Link detected: yes

 ~# mii-tool bond0
 bond0: 10 Mbit, half duplex, link ok

 ~# lspci | grep -i net
 09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
 RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 06)
 0a:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
 RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 06)

 Mi pregunta es, puedo hacer algo para cambiar la negociación y que se
 configure como 1000?

 Uso precisamente en ésa máquina un samba3 compartiendo recursos
 compartidos y demás y la transferencia no pasa de 10M/s, cuando podría
 ir a 25M/s porque son discos duros sata2.

 Podría configurar la negociación manualmente?

 Saludos y gracias.

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Re: Problema al volver a las X desde la consola

2013-08-28 Thread ciracusa

On 27/08/13 17:47, Marcos Delgado wrote:

aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-intel


Marcos, gracias por tu respuesta.

Lo probé pero me dice que ya se encuentra instalada la versión mas nueva!



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Re: Problema al volver a las X desde la consola

2013-08-28 Thread ciracusa

Jose, gracias por tu respuesta, te respondo entre tus líneas:

On 27/08/13 20:10, José Maldonado wrote:

Ciracusa si piensas seguir usando Debian Squeeze para tener OpenVZ en
tu hardware, debes actualizar el kernel y la version del
xserver-xorg-video-intel, dirijite a squeeze-backport y elige un
kernel igual o superior a 2.6.39 de preferecia el actual kernel
estable 3.2 o 3.10 para usar sin problemas tu hardware.

Lo mismo me sugería el compañero Paradix de la lista.

La duda que me surge es si con esos kernels podré utilizar OpenVZ?

Muchas Gracias!


2013/8/27 Marcos

aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-intel

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Re: Plugin check network para nagios en debian

2013-08-28 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 26 de julio de 2013 17:38, Usuario Lista escribió:
 A mi me ocurrió lo mismo, incluso yo monitorizaba la escritura/lectura
 de los discos. Al final opté por utilizar para todo snmp.

 Mírate Te hará la vida más fácil.

 El día 26 de julio de 2013 10:45, Maykel Franco escribió:
 El día 15 de julio de 2013 16:31, Camaleón escribió:
 El Mon, 15 Jul 2013 09:50:16 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Hola muy buenas, tengo monitorizado con nagios unas 33 máquinas usando
 el plugin check_nrpe, que para mí es muy cómodo. El tema es que querí
 aun plugin para monitorizar la red, en plan ancho de banda usado...

 He intentado buscar y he probado plugins:,-Stats-

 Pero parece difícil de comprender, no he conseguido satisfacerme con
 ninguno...La mayoría están hechos en perl y dan errores, y el único que
 me ha funcionado decentemente es el check_ifstatus aunque la gráfica que
 me refleja siempre es la misma, es decir, cuando nagiosgraph grafea me
 dibuja lineas rectas y siempre en el mismo valor(sólo con este plugin).

 ¿Estás seguro de que check_ifstatus sirve para lo que buscas? Parece un
 complemento muy sencillo que sólo monitoriza el estado (up/down) de las
 interfaces de red :-?

 Alguien sabe de alguno para monitorizar el ancho de banda de la

 Si dices que os has probado todos y no te vale ninguno, mala cosa.

 Este parece majete:

 Aunque yo preferiría usar los plugins incluidos en el propio nagios
 siempre que sea posible, serán más estbales y estarán más verificados.

 ¿No te sirve el check_snmp o check_mrtgtraf? Este último es que
 comentan en su manual:

 Monitoring Bandwidth / Traffic Rate



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 El check_snmp es el que me quiero evitar, porque tendría que tener
 corriendo en las VM a monitorizar nagios nrpe y snmp...Con nagios nrpe
 creo que me vale...Voy a probar el check_mrtgraf, pero este último, no
 es sólo para router y switches?? Sólo quiero que monitorice el tráfico
 de la interfaz...

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Gracias por contestar. Centreon lo probé en su día y la verdad es que
no me gustó mucho, es más, en esta lista me aconsejaron usar nagios a
capón editando ficheros y la verdad es que me ha ido muy bien. Suelo
utilizar nrpe pero hay cosillas que sería mejor con snmp...La verdad
es un poco faena puesto que tendría que tener en las máquinas a
monitorizar instalado el snmpd y el nagios nrpe...

Y me gustaría tener una cosa para todo, no me conformo con snmp, hay
cosas que nagios nrpe puede hacer que snmp no puede...Es una realidad.
check nrpe es increíble, me gusta mucho, en realidad lo único que hace
es traerse el resultado de cierto comando ejecutado en la máquina a
monitorizar, con lo cual te da una flexibilidad bastante potente,
incluso de poder crearte tus propios scripts.

Gracias chicos.


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Re: OT: Sustituto de Whatsapp con cliente para GNU/Linux

2013-08-28 Thread Alberto Vicat

El 28/08/2013 5:35, Leo escribió:

De alguna forma, lo que voy buscando es un programa de mensajería que 
no me obligue a usar el móvil, sino que me permita usarlo desde mi 
Debian de forma cómoda (aunque el resto de contactos sí estén 
interaccionando desde su móvil).

Alguna idea?

Puedes tú usar algún programa de mensajería que soporte XMPP, como 
Jitsi o Pidgin, por ejemplo, y tus contactos alguna aplicación para 
móviles que use XMPP, como Xabber, que es de código abierto también.


No he seguido el hilo, y quizá lo que sigue ya esté descartado.
Vale solamente si tu conexión a Internet es mediante un modem 
inalámbrico de alguna compañía telefónica, si es de otro tipo no vale la 
pena que sigas leyendo.
Hay programas con los que podés recibir y enviar sms mediante tu PC, 
desde y hacia teléfonos celulares. Los he usado hace un par de años, 
cuando me conectaba mediante uno de esos chirimbolos. Funcionan bien, y 
tienen más funciones que un teléfono para clasificar, almacenar y 
gestionar los mensajes y la lista de contactos.

No es gratis, el costo es el mismo que si lo hicieras desde un celular.
No recuerdo los nombres, pero en los gestores gráficos de paquetes (como 
Synaptic) es fácil encontrarlos.


Re: OT: Sustituto de Whatsapp con cliente para GNU/Linux

2013-08-28 Thread Sergio Soto Núñez
Parece que los chicos de Canonical andan liado con un cliente para su
Ubuntu Touch:

No sé hasta que punto esto llegará al escritorio de Ubuntu, o será un
mero cliente asociado a un dispositivo móvil de su sistema

2013/8/28 Alberto Vicat
 El 28/08/2013 5:35, Leo escribió:

 De alguna forma, lo que voy buscando es un programa de mensajería que no me
 obligue a usar el móvil, sino que me permita usarlo desde mi Debian de forma
 cómoda (aunque el resto de contactos sí estén interaccionando desde su

 Alguna idea?

 Puedes tú usar algún programa de mensajería que soporte XMPP, como Jitsi o
 Pidgin, por ejemplo, y tus contactos alguna aplicación para móviles que use
 XMPP, como Xabber, que es de código abierto también.

 No he seguido el hilo, y quizá lo que sigue ya esté descartado.
 Vale solamente si tu conexión a Internet es mediante un modem inalámbrico de
 alguna compañía telefónica, si es de otro tipo no vale la pena que sigas
 Hay programas con los que podés recibir y enviar sms mediante tu PC, desde y
 hacia teléfonos celulares. Los he usado hace un par de años, cuando me
 conectaba mediante uno de esos chirimbolos. Funcionan bien, y tienen más
 funciones que un teléfono para clasificar, almacenar y gestionar los
 mensajes y la lista de contactos.
 No es gratis, el costo es el mismo que si lo hicieras desde un celular.
 No recuerdo los nombres, pero en los gestores gráficos de paquetes (como
 Synaptic) es fácil encontrarlos.


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Re: Negociación eth0 con switch a 100baseTx-FD con gigabit ethernet

2013-08-28 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 28 Aug 2013 12:14:21 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 26 de julio de 2013 16:28, Camaleón


 Pero aquí ni caso, a mí me dice lo mismo. Si mal no recuerdo es un
 problema reconocido de la herramienta mii-tool, prueba con cat
 /proc/ net/bonding/bond0 para ver los valores efectivos de los
 Aquí está:
 root@owncloud-mo2o:~# cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0 
 Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.5.0 (November 4, 2008)


Pues falta el dato de la velocidad de las interfaces físicas (eth0 y 
eth1) yo sí que lo veo (campo Speed), seguramente debido a la versión 
del driver que tienes instala, que es antigua.

Pues sólo se me ocurre que mires el registros del dmesg como te decía en 
un mensaje anterior para ver la velocidad configurada en los adaptadores.

 Mi pregunta es, puedo hacer algo para cambiar la negociación y que se
 configure como 1000?

 La normativa gigabit para 1000BASE-T establece que los enlaces y
 conexiones deben configurarse automáticamente, es decir, que deben
 soportar la autogenociación. No deberías forzarlos a usar una velocidad
 determinada salvo por imperiosa necesidad, por lo que si tienes algún
 problema con la velocidad yo atacaría ese problema por otro lado.

 La normativa está muy bien, pero está conectado al mismo switch que
 otras máquinas que tenemos en prod y las coge a 1000...Es un debian

La normativa existe por algo y en este caso yo lo traduciría en que 
tienes algún problema localizado con esas interfaces de red, el cableado 
o con el sistema operativo (driver/kernel) dado que el mismo conmutador 
dices que detecta sin problemas el resto de conexiones.

Para descartar un problema en los puertos del conmutador ¿has probado a 
conectar las dos tarjetas en otro par de bocas? 

Para detectar un problema de software/drivers ¿has probado la conexión 
sin el bonding activado?



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Re: Negociación eth0 con switch a 100baseTx-FD con gigabit ethernet

2013-08-28 Thread Ramses

El 28/08/2013, a las 15:29, Camaleón escribió:

 El Wed, 28 Aug 2013 12:14:21 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:
 El día 26 de julio de 2013 16:28, Camaleón
 Pero aquí ni caso, a mí me dice lo mismo. Si mal no recuerdo es un
 problema reconocido de la herramienta mii-tool, prueba con cat
 /proc/ net/bonding/bond0 para ver los valores efectivos de los
 Aquí está:
 root@owncloud-mo2o:~# cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0 
 Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.5.0 (November 4, 2008)
 Pues falta el dato de la velocidad de las interfaces físicas (eth0 y 
 eth1) yo sí que lo veo (campo Speed), seguramente debido a la versión 
 del driver que tienes instala, que es antigua.
 Pues sólo se me ocurre que mires el registros del dmesg como te decía en 
 un mensaje anterior para ver la velocidad configurada en los adaptadores.
 Mi pregunta es, puedo hacer algo para cambiar la negociación y que se
 configure como 1000?
 La normativa gigabit para 1000BASE-T establece que los enlaces y
 conexiones deben configurarse automáticamente, es decir, que deben
 soportar la autogenociación. No deberías forzarlos a usar una velocidad
 determinada salvo por imperiosa necesidad, por lo que si tienes algún
 problema con la velocidad yo atacaría ese problema por otro lado.
 La normativa está muy bien, pero está conectado al mismo switch que
 otras máquinas que tenemos en prod y las coge a 1000...Es un debian
 La normativa existe por algo y en este caso yo lo traduciría en que 
 tienes algún problema localizado con esas interfaces de red, el cableado 
 o con el sistema operativo (driver/kernel) dado que el mismo conmutador 
 dices que detecta sin problemas el resto de conexiones.
 Para descartar un problema en los puertos del conmutador ¿has probado a 
 conectar las dos tarjetas en otro par de bocas? 
 Para detectar un problema de software/drivers ¿has probado la conexión 
 sin el bonding activado?

¿Has probado a forzar los 2 puertos del switch a 1000?. Hay veces que la 
auto-detección no se lleva bien entre algunos equipos...



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Re: Problema al volver a las X desde la consola

2013-08-28 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 28 Aug 2013 06:49:12 -0300, ciracusa escribió:

 On 27/08/13 20:10, José Maldonado wrote:
 Ciracusa si piensas seguir usando Debian Squeeze para tener OpenVZ en
 tu hardware, debes actualizar el kernel y la version del
 xserver-xorg-video-intel, dirijite a squeeze-backport y elige un kernel
 igual o superior a 2.6.39 de preferecia el actual kernel estable 3.2 o
 3.10 para usar sin problemas tu hardware.

El problema es que no hay un kernel con openvz integrado en los 
 Lo mismo me sugería el compañero Paradix de la lista.
 La duda que me surge es si con esos kernels podré utilizar OpenVZ?

No, salvo que descargues el paquete fuente del kernel (que puede ser de 
un kernel de Debian, p. ej. el de los backports) y lo recompiles con 
soporte para openvz como explican aquí:

Compiling the OpenVZ kernel (the Debian way)

Que funcione o que no te dé problemas es otra cosa, pero recuerda que 
siempre puedes mantener el kernel actual con soporte para openvz y añadir 
el otro recompilado, es decir, no vas a perder lo que ya tienes.



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Re: OT: Sustituto de Whatsapp con cliente para GNU/Linux

2013-08-28 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 27 Aug 2013 15:32:18 -0400, Pablo Jiménez escribió:

 On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 02:33:34PM +, Camaleón wrote:
 El Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:24:46 +0200, Jose L Triviño escribió:
 Ojo con Gtalk que -si no lo ha hecho ya- va a dejar de usar XMPP/Jabber
 en breve ;-(
 Aún está usando XMPP. Mi Bitlbee aún logra conectarse con los servidores
 de GTalk.

Supongo que el cambio será cuando anuncien la retirada de Gtalk y lo 
integren en el Hangout ese :-(



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Re: Negociación eth0 con switch a 100baseTx-FD con gigabit ethernet

2013-08-28 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 28 de agosto de 2013 15:39, Ramses escribió:

 El 28/08/2013, a las 15:29, Camaleón escribió:

 El Wed, 28 Aug 2013 12:14:21 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 El día 26 de julio de 2013 16:28, Camaleón


 Pero aquí ni caso, a mí me dice lo mismo. Si mal no recuerdo es un
 problema reconocido de la herramienta mii-tool, prueba con cat
 /proc/ net/bonding/bond0 para ver los valores efectivos de los

 Aquí está:

 root@owncloud-mo2o:~# cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0
 Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.5.0 (November 4, 2008)


 Pues falta el dato de la velocidad de las interfaces físicas (eth0 y
 eth1) yo sí que lo veo (campo Speed), seguramente debido a la versión
 del driver que tienes instala, que es antigua.

 Pues sólo se me ocurre que mires el registros del dmesg como te decía en
 un mensaje anterior para ver la velocidad configurada en los adaptadores.

 Mi pregunta es, puedo hacer algo para cambiar la negociación y que se
 configure como 1000?

 La normativa gigabit para 1000BASE-T establece que los enlaces y
 conexiones deben configurarse automáticamente, es decir, que deben
 soportar la autogenociación. No deberías forzarlos a usar una velocidad
 determinada salvo por imperiosa necesidad, por lo que si tienes algún
 problema con la velocidad yo atacaría ese problema por otro lado.
 La normativa está muy bien, pero está conectado al mismo switch que
 otras máquinas que tenemos en prod y las coge a 1000...Es un debian

 La normativa existe por algo y en este caso yo lo traduciría en que
 tienes algún problema localizado con esas interfaces de red, el cableado
 o con el sistema operativo (driver/kernel) dado que el mismo conmutador
 dices que detecta sin problemas el resto de conexiones.

 Para descartar un problema en los puertos del conmutador ¿has probado a
 conectar las dos tarjetas en otro par de bocas?

 Para detectar un problema de software/drivers ¿has probado la conexión
 sin el bonding activado?

 ¿Has probado a forzar los 2 puertos del switch a 1000?. Hay veces que la 
 auto-detección no se lleva bien entre algunos equipos...



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Os pido perdón, tenéis total razón...Me habían asegurado y asegurado
que iva a giga el switch y resulta que ese swtich va 100 ...Ahora lo
hemos conectado a otro que va a giga y sin problemas...Mis disculpas.

Al final hemos tenido que ir a verlo físicamente porque no era normal...

Gracias a todos...


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Re: OT: Sustituto de Whatsapp con cliente para GNU/Linux

2013-08-28 Thread Cristian Mitchell
Si lo que buscas es un remplazo el problema es que la gente que te
comunicas debe usar el mismo protocolo,
ahi reside el exito de una solucion. cuanta gente la usa
libre libre jabber nadie que conosca la usa
un pocoo menos digamo gtalk yo la uso pero no somos muchos
y no libre whatsapp todos la usan

vos elegis

El 28 de agosto de 2013 10:50, Camaleón escribió:

 El Tue, 27 Aug 2013 15:32:18 -0400, Pablo Jiménez escribió:

  On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 02:33:34PM +, Camaleón wrote:
  El Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:24:46 +0200, Jose L Triviño escribió:
  Ojo con Gtalk que -si no lo ha hecho ya- va a dejar de usar XMPP/Jabber
  en breve ;-(
  Aún está usando XMPP. Mi Bitlbee aún logra conectarse con los servidores
  de GTalk.

 Supongo que el cambio será cuando anuncien la retirada de Gtalk y lo
 integren en el Hangout ese :-(



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Linux user number 412793.

las grandes obras,
las sueñan los santos locos,
las realizan los luchadores natos,
las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

Re: OT: Sustituto de Whatsapp con cliente para GNU/Linux

2013-08-28 Thread Francisco javier
podrías instalar un emulador de android virtualizado en linux, y ahí dentro
instalar whatsapp

El 28 de agosto de 2013 10:53, Cristian Mitchell

 Si lo que buscas es un remplazo el problema es que la gente que te
 comunicas debe usar el mismo protocolo,
 ahi reside el exito de una solucion. cuanta gente la usa
 libre libre jabber nadie que conosca la usa
 un pocoo menos digamo gtalk yo la uso pero no somos muchos
 y no libre whatsapp todos la usan

 vos elegis

 El 28 de agosto de 2013 10:50, Camaleón escribió:

 El Tue, 27 Aug 2013 15:32:18 -0400, Pablo Jiménez escribió:

  On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 02:33:34PM +, Camaleón wrote:
  El Tue, 27 Aug 2013 14:24:46 +0200, Jose L Triviño escribió:
  Ojo con Gtalk que -si no lo ha hecho ya- va a dejar de usar XMPP/Jabber
  en breve ;-(
  Aún está usando XMPP. Mi Bitlbee aún logra conectarse con los servidores
  de GTalk.

 Supongo que el cambio será cuando anuncien la retirada de Gtalk y lo
 integren en el Hangout ese :-(



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 Linux user number 412793.

 las grandes obras,
 las sueñan los santos locos,
 las realizan los luchadores natos,
 las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
 y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

Re: Problema al volver a las X desde la consola

2013-08-28 Thread ciracusa

On 28/08/13 10:43, Camaleón wrote:

El Wed, 28 Aug 2013 06:49:12 -0300, ciracusa escribió:


On 27/08/13 20:10, José Maldonado wrote:

Ciracusa si piensas seguir usando Debian Squeeze para tener OpenVZ en
tu hardware, debes actualizar el kernel y la version del
xserver-xorg-video-intel, dirijite a squeeze-backport y elige un kernel
igual o superior a 2.6.39 de preferecia el actual kernel estable 3.2 o
3.10 para usar sin problemas tu hardware.

El problema es que no hay un kernel con openvz integrado en los


Lo mismo me sugería el compañero Paradix de la lista.

La duda que me surge es si con esos kernels podré utilizar OpenVZ?

No, salvo que descargues el paquete fuente del kernel (que puede ser de
un kernel de Debian, p. ej. el de los backports) y lo recompiles con
soporte para openvz como explican aquí:

Compiling the OpenVZ kernel (the Debian way)

Que funcione o que no te dé problemas es otra cosa, pero recuerda que
siempre puedes mantener el kernel actual con soporte para openvz y añadir
el otro recompilado, es decir, no vas a perder lo que ya tienes.

Camaleon, gracias nuevamente.

No te entendí a que te referías con esto último de podes añadir otro 

Podrías aclararme un poco la situación?

Muchas Gracias!




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Algo extraño al ejecutar un archivo Debian 6

2013-08-28 Thread academia
Hola lista. Me ocurre algo extraño en una estación de trabajo con Debian
6. Resulta que cuando trato de levantar un archivo ejecutable, pues no lo
hace, me muestra los códigos de la misma y no me levanta la interfaz (esto
me pasa con la Enciclopedia Libre Kiwix). NO me sale sale el asistente que
me sugiere si quiero abrir por terminal, ejecutar, entre otros. En las
otras PCs con Debian6 pues se ejecuta de maravillas sin ningún tipo de

Algo interesante, en esta PC cuando doy clic derecho encima del archivo
ejecutable NO me sale la opción Abrir, sin embargo SI está Abrir con,
pero no sé que hacer al repecto.

En TODAS las demás PCs he logrado ponerlo como Elemento nuevo en el Menú
Principal y funciona perfecto, así lo tengo:

Ej. Menú Principal + Aplicaciones + Educación + Enciclopedia Libre Kiwix

¿Alguna solución?

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Re: Algo extraño al ejecutar un archivo Debian 6

2013-08-28 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El mié, 28-08-2013 a las 18:28 -0400,
 Hola lista. Me ocurre algo extraño en una estación de trabajo con Debian
 6. Resulta que cuando trato de levantar un archivo ejecutable, pues no lo
 hace, me muestra los códigos de la misma y no me levanta la interfaz (esto
 me pasa con la Enciclopedia Libre Kiwix). NO me sale sale el asistente que
 me sugiere si quiero abrir por terminal, ejecutar, entre otros. En las
 otras PCs con Debian6 pues se ejecuta de maravillas sin ningún tipo de
 Algo interesante, en esta PC cuando doy clic derecho encima del archivo
 ejecutable NO me sale la opción Abrir, sin embargo SI está Abrir con,
 pero no sé que hacer al repecto.
 En TODAS las demás PCs he logrado ponerlo como Elemento nuevo en el Menú
 Principal y funciona perfecto, así lo tengo:
 Ej. Menú Principal + Aplicaciones + Educación + Enciclopedia Libre Kiwix
 ¿Alguna solución?
darle permisos de ejecución puede ser un buen comienzo. Pero antes, ¿que
pone la primera línea cuando te muestra los códigos de la misma y no
levanta la interfaz ?

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escritorio debian 7.1 no me permite colocar enlaces

2013-08-28 Thread Aristobulop
Hola señores de la lista.
El escritorio gnome en debian 7.1 no me permite colocar enlaces,
ni funcionan los botones centro y derecho del ratón
sera que me falta algo por instalar, o me ha quedado mal la instalación?
En google aun no encuentro nada sobre eso...
Muchas gracias.

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Re: escritorio debian 7.1 no me permite colocar enlaces

2013-08-28 Thread Francisco javier
en configuración avanzada puedes cambiar ese comportamiento del escritorio,

El 28 de agosto de 2013 21:46, Aristobulop aristobulopin...@yahoo.comescribió:

 Hola señores de la lista.
 El escritorio gnome en debian 7.1 no me permite colocar enlaces,
 ni funcionan los botones centro y derecho del ratón
 sera que me falta algo por instalar, o me ha quedado mal la instalación?
 En google aun no encuentro nada sobre eso...
 Muchas gracias.

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Re: escritorio debian 7.1 no me permite colocar enlaces

2013-08-28 Thread alexlikerock-Gmail

On 08/28/13 19:46, Aristobulop wrote:

Hola señores de la lista.
El escritorio gnome en debian 7.1 no me permite colocar enlaces,
ni funcionan los botones centro y derecho del ratón
sera que me falta algo por instalar, o me ha quedado mal la instalación?
En google aun no encuentro nada sobre eso...
Muchas gracias.

en caso de no tenerlo instala gnome-tweak-tool

despues  busca configuración avanzada  (como menciono francisco)

seleccionas el primer menu ESCRITORIO, en el lateral izquierdo,

y en la derecha activas  la primera obcion

en foto aparece have file manager handle the desktop

software libre no significa gratis: richard m. stallman

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Re: nautilus en debian 7

2013-08-28 Thread alexlikerock-Gmail

He buscado la opción de comprimir y/o descomprimir en nautilus para debian
7 no la encuentro

Cual es el paquete para activar el mismo???

Necesitas instalar file-roller


tambien recomiendo  file-roller,
pero el nesesita unrar (non-free version )
para  trabajar con los rar nuevos que estan saliendo

en otras palabras   filer-roller + unrar

software libre no significa gratis: richard m. stallman

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Re: Problemas com clientes Twitter

2013-08-28 Thread China
É tudo verdade, a API do Twitter está mudando e alguns developers
acham que eles querem matar os clientes alternativos. Também era fã do
Hotot e ele parou de funcionar aqui.
No Desktop estou usando uma extensão do Crhome, o SIlver Bird.

Em 27 de agosto de 2013 18:24, Mauricio S. T. Neto escreveu:
 Amigos boa noite.
 Alguém mais esta com problemas para usar o Turpial ou Hotot no Wheezy?

 Usava os dois e agora que troquei minha versão para wheezy não funcionam.
 fazendo algumas pesquisas encontrei alguns artigos informando que o Twitter
 modificou sua api de acesso e alguns clientes deixaram de funcionar. Isso

 Alguma sugestão sobre clientes para Debian/Gnome?


 Mauricio S.T. Neto

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Re: Problemas com clientes Twitter

2013-08-28 Thread Helio Loureiro
Sim, a API mudou, e muito.  Eu usava o choqok, mas também fiquei orfão.

Atualmente estou usando o tweetdeck plugin de chrome.  Funciona a contento.

Antigamente, bastava mandar uma url com a informação que queria enviar, e
pronto, tava feito o post.

Agora é preciso mandar informações extras via REST usando json.  E todas as
requests são autenticadas.  Então tem de reescrever praticamente tudo.
Isso deve ter baixado o tráfego nos servidores, já que programas que pediam
apenas seu id pra fazer queries foram chutados, mas criou uma baita dor de

Consta que o polly é um bom cliente de twitter, escrito por um brasileiro.
Eu tentei usar, mas ele é *gnomed* e dá problemas tanto no meu kde quanto
na rede da empresa, que usa proxy.  Abri bug report mas o desenvolvedor
pediu o penico.

Helio Loureiro

Em 28 de agosto de 2013 08:43, China escreveu:

 É tudo verdade, a API do Twitter está mudando e alguns developers
 acham que eles querem matar os clientes alternativos. Também era fã do
 Hotot e ele parou de funcionar aqui.
 No Desktop estou usando uma extensão do Crhome, o SIlver Bird.

 Em 27 de agosto de 2013 18:24, Mauricio S. T. Neto
  Amigos boa noite.
  Alguém mais esta com problemas para usar o Turpial ou Hotot no Wheezy?
  Usava os dois e agora que troquei minha versão para wheezy não funcionam.
  fazendo algumas pesquisas encontrei alguns artigos informando que o
  modificou sua api de acesso e alguns clientes deixaram de funcionar. Isso
  Alguma sugestão sobre clientes para Debian/Gnome?
  Mauricio S.T. Neto
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Re: Problemas com clientes Twitter

2013-08-28 Thread Mauricio S. T. Neto

Amigos Helio e China obrigado pelas explicações.

Não entendo o que a galera do Twitter esta querendo dificultando desta 
forma o acesso. Querem manter apenas o Tweetdeck como cliente?

Eu uso o Twitter basicamente para acompanhar noticias e mercado 
financeiro então estes clientes simples eram o que me bastavam


Em 28-08-2013 12:59, Helio Loureiro escreveu:

Sim, a API mudou, e muito.  Eu usava o choqok, mas também fiquei orfão.

Atualmente estou usando o tweetdeck plugin de chrome. Funciona a contento.

Antigamente, bastava mandar uma url com a informação que queria 
enviar, e pronto, tava feito o post.

Agora é preciso mandar informações extras via REST usando json.  E 
todas as requests são autenticadas.  Então tem de reescrever 
praticamente tudo.  Isso deve ter baixado o tráfego nos servidores, já 
que programas que pediam apenas seu id pra fazer queries foram 
chutados, mas criou uma baita dor de cabeça.

Consta que o polly é um bom cliente de twitter, escrito por um 
brasileiro.  Eu tentei usar, mas ele é *gnomed* e dá problemas tanto 
no meu kde quanto na rede da empresa, que usa proxy.  Abri bug report 
mas o desenvolvedor pediu o penico.

Helio Loureiro

Em 28 de agosto de 2013 08:43, China escreveu:

É tudo verdade, a API do Twitter está mudando e alguns developers
acham que eles querem matar os clientes alternativos. Também era fã do
Hotot e ele parou de funcionar aqui.
No Desktop estou usando uma extensão do Crhome, o SIlver Bird.

Em 27 de agosto de 2013 18:24, Mauricio S. T. Neto escreveu:
 Amigos boa noite.
 Alguém mais esta com problemas para usar o Turpial ou Hotot no

 Usava os dois e agora que troquei minha versão para wheezy não
 fazendo algumas pesquisas encontrei alguns artigos informando
que o Twitter
 modificou sua api de acesso e alguns clientes deixaram de
funcionar. Isso

 Alguma sugestão sobre clientes para Debian/Gnome?


 Mauricio S.T. Neto

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Mauricio S.T. Neto

Re: Problemas com clientes Twitter

2013-08-28 Thread China
Sim, parece que eles querem fazer com que só o cliente oficial
sobreviva. Deve ser alguma estratégia comercial ...

Em 28 de agosto de 2013 13:45, Mauricio S. T. Neto escreveu:
 Amigos Helio e China obrigado pelas explicações.

 Não entendo o que a galera do Twitter esta querendo dificultando desta forma
 o acesso. Querem manter apenas o Tweetdeck como cliente?

 Eu uso o Twitter basicamente para acompanhar noticias e mercado financeiro
 então estes clientes simples eram o que me bastavam


 Em 28-08-2013 12:59, Helio Loureiro escreveu:

 Sim, a API mudou, e muito.  Eu usava o choqok, mas também fiquei orfão.

 Atualmente estou usando o tweetdeck plugin de chrome.  Funciona a contento.

 Antigamente, bastava mandar uma url com a informação que queria enviar, e
 pronto, tava feito o post.

 Agora é preciso mandar informações extras via REST usando json.  E todas as
 requests são autenticadas.  Então tem de reescrever praticamente tudo.  Isso
 deve ter baixado o tráfego nos servidores, já que programas que pediam
 apenas seu id pra fazer queries foram chutados, mas criou uma baita dor de

 Consta que o polly é um bom cliente de twitter, escrito por um brasileiro.
 Eu tentei usar, mas ele é *gnomed* e dá problemas tanto no meu kde quanto na
 rede da empresa, que usa proxy.  Abri bug report mas o desenvolvedor pediu o

 Helio Loureiro

 Em 28 de agosto de 2013 08:43, China escreveu:

 É tudo verdade, a API do Twitter está mudando e alguns developers
 acham que eles querem matar os clientes alternativos. Também era fã do
 Hotot e ele parou de funcionar aqui.
 No Desktop estou usando uma extensão do Crhome, o SIlver Bird.

 Em 27 de agosto de 2013 18:24, Mauricio S. T. Neto
  Amigos boa noite.
  Alguém mais esta com problemas para usar o Turpial ou Hotot no Wheezy?
  Usava os dois e agora que troquei minha versão para wheezy não
  fazendo algumas pesquisas encontrei alguns artigos informando que o
  modificou sua api de acesso e alguns clientes deixaram de funcionar.
  Alguma sugestão sobre clientes para Debian/Gnome?
  Mauricio S.T. Neto
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

 Mauricio S.T. Neto


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Re: Problemas com clientes Twitter

2013-08-28 Thread Fabricio Cannini

Em 28-08-2013 13:49, China escreveu:

Sim, parece que eles querem fazer com que só o cliente oficial
sobreviva. Deve ser alguma estratégia comercial ...

Em 28 de agosto de 2013 13:45, Mauricio S. T. Neto escreveu:

Amigos Helio e China obrigado pelas explicações.

Não entendo o que a galera do Twitter esta querendo dificultando desta forma
o acesso. Querem manter apenas o Tweetdeck como cliente?

Eu uso o Twitter basicamente para acompanhar noticias e mercado financeiro
então estes clientes simples eram o que me bastavam


O choqok realmente morreu, por causa das mudanças da api do twitter e 
porque o pai da criança encheu o saco.
Quanto ao hotot é estranho, pois estou usando ele sem problemas. 
Tentaste resetar as configurações de autenticação ?

[ ]'s

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Re: Problemas com clientes Twitter

2013-08-28 Thread Helio Loureiro

 O choqok realmente morreu, por causa das mudanças da api do twitter e
 porque o pai da criança encheu o saco.
 Quanto ao hotot é estranho, pois estou usando ele sem problemas. Tentaste
 resetar as configurações de autenticação ?

Eu pensei em reviver o choqok.  Baixei o código fonte, sincronizei o
repositório e... desisti.  O código é uma baita bagunça.

Tem link enfiando em hardcode por todo lado, fora toneladas de callbacks
que não sei bem pra que servem.  É o típico projeto de uma pessoa só: sem
documentação e só ele sabe o motivo de existir daquele header.

Sai mais fácil criar um novo.

Helio Loureiro

Re: Problemas com clientes Twitter

2013-08-28 Thread Mauricio S. T. Neto

Helio, boa noite

seguindo sua recomendação limpei o token para ver o que aconteceria e 
percebi algo estranho.

Meu usuário no twitter é mnetorj@twitter, sendo que sempre me logo com o 
email (

Como percebi que o Hotot usa como login o nome da conta, no meu caso 
mnetorj@twitter, tentei conectar com essa conta direto no site do 
Twitter e para minha surpresa recebo o erro de Combinação errada de 
Nome de Usuário/E-mail e senha. , mas ao usar meu email consigo conectar normalmente.

Veja que isso demonstra não ser problema com o cliente Hotot, mas 
provavelmente entre o teclado e a cadeira portanto o assunto passa a ser 
off-topic :-)

Vou pesquisar essa questão de não conseguir acesso usando meu nome de 

caso alguém tenha alguma luz sobre a questão agradeço


Em 28-08-2013 17:30, Helio Loureiro escreveu:

O choqok realmente morreu, por causa das mudanças da api do
twitter e porque o pai da criança encheu o saco.
Quanto ao hotot é estranho, pois estou usando ele sem problemas.
Tentaste resetar as configurações de autenticação ?

Eu pensei em reviver o choqok.  Baixei o código fonte, sincronizei o 
repositório e... desisti.  O código é uma baita bagunça.

Tem link enfiando em hardcode por todo lado, fora toneladas de 
callbacks que não sei bem pra que servem.  É o típico projeto de uma 
pessoa só: sem documentação e só ele sabe o motivo de existir daquele 

Sai mais fácil criar um novo.

Helio Loureiro

Mauricio S.T. Neto

Re: Problemas com clientes Twitter

2013-08-28 Thread Leandro Henrique Stein

O nome de usuário para conexão,  via site,  não necessita do @twitter. Por
exemplo, no meu caso, usuário: leandrohstein senha: 

Tente aí talvez resolva.

Leandro Henrique Stein
Analista de Informática
Claro: (41) 9935-9960
Skype: leandro.h.stein
Twitter: @leandrohstein

Desculpar-se é um sinal de fraqueza. Exceto entre amigos - Leroy Jethro

Enviado via Android
Em 28/08/2013 18:53, Mauricio S. T. Neto escreveu:

  Helio, boa noite

 seguindo sua recomendação limpei o token para ver o que aconteceria e
 percebi algo estranho.

 Meu usuário no twitter é mnetorj@twitter, sendo que sempre me logo com o
 email (

 Como percebi que o Hotot usa como login o nome da conta, no meu caso
 mnetorj@twitter, tentei conectar com essa conta direto no site do Twitter
 e para minha surpresa recebo o erro de Combinação errada de Nome de
 Usuário/E-mail e senha. , mas ao usar meu email mstneto@gmail.comconsigo 
 conectar normalmente.

 Veja que isso demonstra não ser problema com o cliente Hotot, mas
 provavelmente entre o teclado e a cadeira portanto o assunto passa a ser
 off-topic :-)

 Vou pesquisar essa questão de não conseguir acesso usando meu nome de

 caso alguém tenha alguma luz sobre a questão agradeço


 Em 28-08-2013 17:30, Helio Loureiro escreveu:

  O choqok realmente morreu, por causa das mudanças da api do twitter e
 porque o pai da criança encheu o saco.
 Quanto ao hotot é estranho, pois estou usando ele sem problemas. Tentaste
 resetar as configurações de autenticação ?

  Eu pensei em reviver o choqok.  Baixei o código fonte, sincronizei o
 repositório e... desisti.  O código é uma baita bagunça.

  Tem link enfiando em hardcode por todo lado, fora toneladas de callbacks
 que não sei bem pra que servem.  É o típico projeto de uma pessoa só: sem
 documentação e só ele sabe o motivo de existir daquele header.

  Sai mais fácil criar um novo.

 Helio Loureiro

 Mauricio S.T. Neto

Re: Wheezy + Windows8 Dual Boot sem a ESP do W8

2013-08-28 Thread Samuel Henrique
Gostaria de atualizar a discussão com a minha experiência.

No modo UEFI, para instalar mais de um sistema, o recomendado é ter APENAS
uma partição de boot (ESP), o que não quer dizer que é impossível ter mais
de uma.

No meu caso, em que eu queria fazer dual boot com outro sistema (de código
fechado), eu tinha que, durante a instalação do Debian, especificar a
partição ESP do outro sistema como partição de boot, mas tomando o cuidado
de não marcá-la para formatação.

Após isso, os dois sistemas dividiram a mesma partição de* boot,* bastando
apenas usar o *Setup* do *Bios* para alterar  o* bootloader* padrão.

Resumindo: É perfeitamente possível instalar o Debian junto com outros
sistemas operacionais no modo UEFI.

A versão que eu usei para instalação foi a *Wheezy (Stable)*, mas a *Jessie
(Testing)* também funciona.

Em 14 de junho de 2013 15:02, Theotonio Pauliquevis

 Quando instalei o dual boot, tive que entrar na BIOS e mudar a opção para
 NÃO inicializar pelo modo UEFI e, então, mudar a ordem de boot.

 Só fazendo dessa forma vc consegue fazer as coisas como antigamente,
 istoé, do modo anterior a existência do UEFI, em que o Linux sendo
 instalado em uma máquina já com Windows permite o dual boot colocando o

 Se você instalar o linux sem fazer isso, o que li em todos os fóruns é que
 você não consegue mais inicializar a máquina no Windows. Só linux.

 Por outro lado, você pode acessar todos os arquivos da partição windows a
 partir do linux montando o disco no /media. Com essa solução, passei a
 quase nunca precisar do windows.


 Em 14 de junho de 2013 00:17, Samuel Henrique samuel...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Não entendi, você está dizendo que eu devo reformatar o disco inteiro?
 Acredito que não seja a solução mais viável.

 O disco já está como GPT.

 Alguém da lista tem um bom entendimento do funcionamento do DualBoot em

 Em 11 de junho de 2013 22:02, Samuel Henrique samuel...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Boa noite pessoal!

 Recentemente resolvi formatar o meu disco como GPT, e instalar os
 sistemas operacionais com UEFI, ao invés do BIOS, mas estou com um problema.

 Durante a instalação do Debian, eu não consegui instalar o Gerenciador
 de inicialização sem remover a partição ESP (do Windows) e recriá-la,
 marcando a partição com a flag boot. Ou seja, o Debian instalou o Grub
 nesta partição, mas não está detectando o W8.

 A minha dúvida é, o grub deveria achar o WIndows 8, mesmo ele não tendo
 a sua partição ESP? Ou o comportamento da ESP é diferente da MBR, no ponto
 em que os 2 sistemas operacionais devem manter os seus bootloaders na ESP,
 para que um detecte o outro?

 Terei que restaurar a partição ESP do Windows, para depois reinstalar a
 do Debian, para poder desfrutar do DualBoot, ou o grub deveria ter
 reconhecido o w8 (mesmo ele sem a ESP) e eu terei que achar algum jeito de
 manualmente criar a entrada para o sistema no grub?

 Alguém com algum caso de uso semelhante poderia dar algum parecer?

Samuel Henrique O. P. [samueloph]
Técnico em Informática - UTFPR [2012].
Estudante de Engenharia de Computação - UTFPR.

Re: Problemas com clientes Twitter

2013-08-28 Thread Mauricio S. T. Neto

Muito obrigado, como desconfiava o problema era entre a cadeira e o 
teclado. :-)

Continuando minha pesquisa, eu fiz o seguinte teste:
Na tela de login do Hotot entrei na aba preferências/avançado, então 
troquei a URL base da API de


Deixei a caixa A mesma API base de autenticação  marcada. Percebi que 
mesmo fazendo isso ele não muda a string abaixo da caixa em questão, mas 
entra no Twitter dizendo que a URL não existe. Mas funciona normalmente 
(ate onde eu testei pelo menos). Não sei se o bug é funcionar ou a 
mensagem de erro :-)

Continuarei minha pesquisa para saber o porque desta mensagem de erro.


Em 28-08-2013 19:28, Leandro Henrique Stein escreveu:


O nome de usuário para conexão,  via site,  não necessita do @twitter. 
Por exemplo, no meu caso, usuário: leandrohstein senha: 

Tente aí talvez resolva.

Leandro Henrique Stein
Analista de Informática
Claro: (41) 9935-9960
Skype: leandro.h.stein
Twitter: @leandrohstein

Desculpar-se é um sinal de fraqueza. Exceto entre amigos - Leroy 
Jethro Gibbs

Enviado via Android

Em 28/08/2013 18:53, Mauricio S. T. Neto escreveu:

Helio, boa noite

seguindo sua recomendação limpei o token para ver o que
aconteceria e percebi algo estranho.

Meu usuário no twitter é mnetorj@twitter, sendo que sempre me logo
com o email (

Como percebi que o Hotot usa como login o nome da conta, no meu
caso mnetorj@twitter, tentei conectar com essa conta direto no
site do Twitter e para minha surpresa recebo o erro de Combinação
errada de Nome de Usuário/E-mail e senha. , mas ao usar meu email consigo conectar

Veja que isso demonstra não ser problema com o cliente Hotot, mas
provavelmente entre o teclado e a cadeira portanto o assunto passa
a ser off-topic :-)

Vou pesquisar essa questão de não conseguir acesso usando meu nome
de usuário.

caso alguém tenha alguma luz sobre a questão agradeço


Em 28-08-2013 17:30, Helio Loureiro escreveu:

O choqok realmente morreu, por causa das mudanças da api do
twitter e porque o pai da criança encheu o saco.
Quanto ao hotot é estranho, pois estou usando ele sem
problemas. Tentaste resetar as configurações de autenticação ?

Eu pensei em reviver o choqok.  Baixei o código fonte,
sincronizei o repositório e... desisti.  O código é uma baita

Tem link enfiando em hardcode por todo lado, fora toneladas de
callbacks que não sei bem pra que servem.  É o típico projeto de
uma pessoa só: sem documentação e só ele sabe o motivo de existir
daquele header.

Sai mais fácil criar um novo.

Helio Loureiro

Mauricio S.T. Neto

Mauricio S.T. Neto

Re: oh no something is definitly wrong adieu debian.

2013-08-28 Thread Chris Bannister
On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 01:29:58PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 I explained that you can't do that, if you experience a dependency hell
 or an unstable environment. To contribute that way users and developers
 need stable up-to-date releases of software + sometimes newer releases
 than the current stable releases. Debian doesn't provide a stable branch
 that is up-to-date, in sync with stable releases from upstream, even the
 unstable branches of Debian don't provide this.

Your confusion over the words stable and unstable certainly doesn't
help here. Does that paragraph really make sense to you?

Hint: unstable does not mean buggy.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: losetup at boot

2013-08-28 Thread basti
what have you done until now?
I had a similar problem with postgres + shmmax the simple solution for
me was to edit the init script and set shmmax there.


On 27.08.2013 22:59, Erick Ocrospoma wrote:

 I'm trying to do the same as here
 with no success, basically I've setup a block device attached to a
 loop device, what I need is to load this one at boot.

 Not really sure if Upstart is fully supported, AFAIK there's also some
 sysvinit scripts. Does anybody knows any other or functional way to
 make it setup on boot?

 Not really sure, but running from /etc/rc.local could be not the
 answer, I will use this loop device for DRBD, so I need it to be set
 before DRBD starts, that's why I focused on using Upstart.

 Thanks in advance!

 ~ Happy install !

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apt-get upgrade problem with libenchant1c2a

2013-08-28 Thread David Goodenough
I have a sacrificial machine that I keep upto date with sid every 
morning.  Yesterday and today I get an error:-

Calculating upgrade... Failed
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libenchant1c2a : Depends: aspell-en but it is not going to be installed or
   myspell-dictionary or
   aspell-dictionary or
   ispell-dictionary or
  Recommends: enchant but it is not going to be installed
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by 
held packages.
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree 

But apt-cache policy libenchant1c2a says:-

  Installed: 1.6.0-10
  Candidate: 1.6.0-10

so it should not need upgrading at all.

Also aspell-en is installed.

Is this related to Ubuntu bug  #1096669?  There is nothing in
that seems to fit the bill.

Any ideas?


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Choose a reliable suppier for aluminum

2013-08-28 Thread Tom Tang
Good day Sir/Madam:
How to be the leader of the aluminum  market?
Choose a reliable suppier!
Therefore ,I suggest you should consider import  aluminum 
profiles from us:
1. We Are the well-known brand in China and produce
   more than 10 tons of aluminum profiles each year. 
2. We can provide you with competitive prices, excellent quality,
good service, financial support to be the leader of the market.
Please kindly give me a reply.

Best Regards
Tom Tang
 Foshan YaoYinShan Aluminum Co., Ltd
 Add: No. 33, 35 Chang Gang Rd. GengHe Town
GaoMing District Foshan,
   Guangdong Province, China

 Tel: +86-757-86302683
 Mob: +86-18988643298


2013-08-28 Thread Ionel Mugurel Ciobîcă

After squeeze = wheezy upgrade I can't login at kdm. After I type
the password I am logged out. I try several wm, it is the same. I
commented out most of the things in .xsession, everything is executed
before the wm call.

I can't find errors in .xsession-errors and also not in Xorg.0.log. In
kdm.log I found this:

| klauncher(16137) kdemain: No DBUS session-bus found. Check if you have 
started the DBUS server.
| kdeinit4: Communication error with launcher. Exiting!
| kdmgreet(16130)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*): KSystemTimeZones: ktimezoned 
initialize() D-Bus call failed:  Not connected to D-Bus server
| kdmgreet(16130)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*): No time zone information obtained from 

There are no (EE) errors in kdm.log.

dbus is running just fine. I restarted it with no help.

I reinstalled nvidia (both debian way and nvidia way). I also
reinstalled dbus (dbus-x11, dbus and libdbus-1-3). Nothing helps.

All users have this issue, even root. Even when I login at the console
and type startx I am still logged out.

I renamed .Xauthority, still no help.

I spend few hours googling out the kdeinit4 and dbus error. I could
not find anything that come close to my situation.

I am out of ideas. Anyone?

Thank you for any hint.


Dr. Ionel Mugurel  Ciobîcă                Phone:   + 31 (0)40 2473008
Principal Scientist                       Fax:     + 31 (0)40 2455054
Sasol Technology Netherlands BV           e-mail:
Eindhoven University of Technology        or:
IMC, Helix W 4.46, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB  Eindhoven,  The Netherlands

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Re: dbus

2013-08-28 Thread Diogene Laerce


I had this issue on time if I'm remember well, I had to remove the 
.config directory

I think.



On 08/28/2013 06:52 PM, Ionel Mugurel Ciobîcă wrote:


After squeeze =  wheezy upgrade I can't login at kdm. After I type
the password I am logged out. I try several wm, it is the same. I
commented out most of the things in .xsession, everything is executed
before the wm call.

I can't find errors in .xsession-errors and also not in Xorg.0.log. In
kdm.log I found this:

| klauncher(16137) kdemain: No DBUS session-bus found. Check if you have 
started the DBUS server.
| kdeinit4: Communication error with launcher. Exiting!
| kdmgreet(16130)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*): KSystemTimeZones: ktimezoned initialize() D-Bus 
call failed:  Not connected to D-Bus server
| kdmgreet(16130)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*): No time zone information obtained from 

There are no (EE) errors in kdm.log.

dbus is running just fine. I restarted it with no help.

I reinstalled nvidia (both debian way and nvidia way). I also
reinstalled dbus (dbus-x11, dbus and libdbus-1-3). Nothing helps.

All users have this issue, even root. Even when I login at the console
and type startx I am still logged out.

I renamed .Xauthority, still no help.

I spend few hours googling out the kdeinit4 and dbus error. I could
not find anything that come close to my situation.

I am out of ideas. Anyone?

Thank you for any hint.



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Re: oh no something is definitely wrong adieu debian.

2013-08-28 Thread Chris Bannister
On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 11:09:48AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  Wow, thank you for the link. Than Ubuntu in the future will cause much
  more issues, when you talk to upstream, than they already do by their
 Ubuntu and Debian
  disgusting policy to split packages nowadays. 

It's not disgusting! 

 Reminds me to the running gag with the very often broken libjackd link 
 in the past years.

If you find a bug and don't report it, then it is not fair to moan and
groan about it.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: oh no something is definitly wrong adieu debian.

2013-08-28 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2013-08-28 at 21:04 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 01:29:58PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  I explained that you can't do that, if you experience a dependency hell
  or an unstable environment. To contribute that way users and developers
  need stable up-to-date releases of software + sometimes newer releases
  than the current stable releases. Debian doesn't provide a stable branch
  that is up-to-date, in sync with stable releases from upstream, even the
  unstable branches of Debian don't provide this.
 Your confusion over the words stable and unstable certainly doesn't
 help here. Does that paragraph really make sense to you?
 Hint: unstable does not mean buggy.

This isn't about Debian stable and Debian unstable, it's about the
need to have an environment that has got the needed stable releases from
upstream installed. You need this, when you e.g. want to contribute to
large projects such as GNOME or some other projects that depends on tons
of libraries.

As I already explained, even Debian experimental does not comes with
the current stable branches from upstream.

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Re: oh no something is definitely wrong adieu debian.

2013-08-28 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Thu, 2013-08-29 at 00:11 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 11:09:48AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
   Wow, thank you for the link. Than Ubuntu in the future will cause much
   more issues, when you talk to upstream, than they already do by their
  Ubuntu and Debian
   disgusting policy to split packages nowadays. 
 It's not disgusting! 
  Reminds me to the running gag with the very often broken libjackd link 
  in the past years.
 If you find a bug and don't report it, then it is not fair to moan and
 groan about it.

Join the jackd devel mailing list archive. It's not that I had issues
with a broken Debian package, since I build my own packages, it's about
breaking something that does work when build from upstream, but not when
maintainers split it to packages and confuse how to link libs. In the
last years I guess Debian packages for jackd are ok, it's an example why
split packages is disgusting. And I already pointed out, that it also
has an advantage to split packages. My intend was to explain that Debian
is a good distro, but no distro is the best distro, since it depends to
the usage.

However, I HAVE NOTHING MORE TO SAY. When you think that there is a best
distro and all other distros are crap and if you think everything Debian
does is even better than what upstream does, than you're free to believe
this, it just not true.

Btw. it's hard to file a bug to upstream when Debian is years behind
stable releases from upstream, you only can ask the package maintainers
to correct something, but AGAIN, 'm talking about something completely

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Re: oh no something is definitely wrong adieu debian.

2013-08-28 Thread Carroll Grigsby
On Wed, 28 Aug 2013 14:31:14 +0200
Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 (snip again)

Thank you, thank you, thank you...

-- cmg

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Re: oh no something is definitely wrong adieu debian.

2013-08-28 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2013-08-28 at 08:59 -0400, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
 On Wed, 28 Aug 2013 14:31:14 +0200
 Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  (snip again)
 Thank you, thank you, thank you...

Did you contribute to help the OP to stay with Debian? Did you
contribute for other topics much? No you didn't! I did help a little bit
more than you did. Your comment is inappropriate.

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Re: xfce4 and CD/DVD

2013-08-28 Thread Curt
On 2013-08-27, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Tue, 2013-08-27 at 17:55 +0200, François Patte wrote:
 Why not windows?

 I at least have to use XP as guest in VBox on a Linux install :D or I
 couldn't use an iPad I one and the iPad is very useful for me to avoid
 to buy ink for the printer and I can write a shell script for my Linux
 PC without the need to sit im my music room.

Yes but the op's quite whiny I feel these days and this being open
source I'm surprised no one has piped up to suggest he fix the software
quirks he keeps discovering himself, as he seems to have the credentials
to do so, if maybe not the time, although from what I've heard about the
CNRS ...


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Re: Problems with nVidia proprietary driver

2013-08-28 Thread Curt
On 2013-08-26, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 I read the postings fairly recently on this list, then Googled and found:

 I decided to follow that.  I also followed the trouble-shooting recommended.

 I have checked and as a result of what I did, the following package is 
 definitely installed.  (It is recommended.)

So you installed the kernel headers for the running kernel,
the nvidia-kernel-dkms package, the nvidia-glx package, ran
'update-initramfs -u' to update the ramdisk to include the blacklisted
nouveau module, created an xorg.conf file with the appropriate content, and
rebooted the machine?

 At present I have been offered a CLI login and have logged in as root.

 I was able to:

 cat /var/log//Xorg.0.log

 but I could not pipe to less (or more!) because I couldn't find the pipe.  
 Googling seemed to suggest that the American pipe was on a key in a position 
 that does not exist on my keyboards, which wasn't very helpful.

You don't need cat:

less /var/log/Xorg.0.log

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Re: oh no something is definitly wrong adieu debian.

2013-08-28 Thread Tom H

On Tue, 27 Aug 2013 11:05:34 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Tue, 2013-08-27 at 11:56 +0300, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:

 Wow, thank you for the link. Than Ubuntu in the future will cause much
 more issues, when you talk to upstream, than they already do by their
 disgusting policy to split packages nowadays.

You should read the Colin Watson post (linked to on Slashdot) rather 
than simply going by the sensationalist headline and paragraph.

The last line of the Slashdot post even points out that Ubuntu doesn't 
intend this package installer to replace dpkg and apt.

If you read the ubuntu-devel post you'll see the priority for this 
system at present is for Ubuntu phone/tablet app packages.

Imagine that I have Ubuntu on my phone and that you have a music 
application that you want to install. Do you really think that I'd want 
you to sprinkle files all over my filesystem or would I want you to 
install to /apps/ralph/music-app/{bin,lib,...}?

Ubuntu splits packages because Debian does. And Debian splits packages 
for various reasons.

In the case of nfs, Debian splits upstream's nfs-utils into nfs-common 
and nfs-kernel-server. The reason for this is that Debian's policy is to 
start a daemon automatically if it's installed. So you install 
nfs-common is you just want an nfs client and you install both if you 
want an nfs server. On RHEL/Fedora, you install nfs-utils and if you 
want to use the nfs server you run chkconfig and service or systemctl to 
enable and start it.

In the case of grub, Debian splits uptream's grub into many packages.

On my EFI laptop:

# dpkg-query -W -f '${Status}\t${Package}\n' grub* | grep ^install
install ok installedgrub-common
install ok installedgrub-efi
install ok installedgrub-efi-amd64
install ok installedgrub-efi-amd64-bin
install ok installedgrub2-common

Had I had a BIOS laptop, I would've had grub-pc rather than three 
grub-efi packages.

grub-common is a dependency of both grub1 and grub2 (bizarrely in the 
case of grub1 since it seems to install grub2 files).

grub2-common is a dependency of grub-efi-amd4, grub-efi-ia32, and grub-pc.

grub-efi is a dummy package.

I'm not sure why grub-efi-amd64 and grub-efi-amd64-bin are separate 
packages, probably because grub-efi-amd64-bin installs grub modules only.

When you choose a distro, you implicitly accept its policies...

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Re: xfce4 and CD/DVD

2013-08-28 Thread François Patte
Le 28/08/2013 16:03, Curt a écrit :
 On 2013-08-27, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Tue, 2013-08-27 at 17:55 +0200, François Patte wrote:
 Why not windows?

 I at least have to use XP as guest in VBox on a Linux install :D or I
 couldn't use an iPad I one and the iPad is very useful for me to avoid
 to buy ink for the printer and I can write a shell script for my Linux
 PC without the need to sit im my music room.
 Yes but the op's quite whiny I feel these days and this being open
 source I'm surprised no one has piped up to suggest he fix the software
 quirks he keeps discovering himself, as he seems to have the credentials
 to do so, if maybe not the time, although from what I've heard about the
 CNRS ...

CNRS deals with various research fields, including computer sciences,
but I am only a mathematician, and a sanskritist, and I cannot fix this
unless some people give me some clues...

What I don't understand is why I can read questions about this bug since
2009/10 and no solution has been found up to now... As Ralph says,
problem is solved for kde and even gnome (gvfs used by thunar comes from
gnome stuff, no?) and not for xfce... I don't want to install kde or
gnome, it is too expensive for such a problem (irritating though).

François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Laboratoire CNRS MAP5, UMR 8145
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 8394 5849

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: oh no something is definitly wrong adieu debian.

2013-08-28 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2013-08-28 at 11:19 -0400, Tom H wrote:
 You should read the Colin Watson post (linked to on Slashdot) rather 
 than simply going by the sensationalist headline and paragraph.

I did read it.

I accept the policies of Debian and Ubuntu ;). I'm aware about their
advantages and their drawbacks and I'm aware about the advantages and
drawbacks of distros with other policies.

Ok, I understand that my opinion that Debian only is a good distro, but
that there is no best distro is unwanted.

I agree with all of you, Debian is the best distro and regarding to the
above quote, yes including this to Ubuntu and seemingly the same idea
Lennert has got, is very good. I'm completely mistaken. Debian is the
best distro! Nothing can compare to Debian!

Desktop environments and package managements should take more care about
tablet PC and less about real production environments.

Anything else I should say to satisfy Debian users mailing list?

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Re: oh no something is definitly wrong adieu debian.

2013-08-28 Thread Tom H

On Tue, 27 Aug 2013 20:30:07 +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

 Fedora/RedHat has strict libre adherence for since forever. Debian has
 social contract forever.

 These advantages are definitive!

 These distributions are therefore superior! They are definitively better!

 Debian has 40,000 software packages, more than any other, and makes
 Debian definitively better than other distros. So even on utility
 metric, Debian is better!

 Debian runs on 12 architectures. Definitively better!

 Pick your metric Ralph!

Ralph might have different metrics than you do. I certainly have.

For example, for my parents' laptops, I couldn't care less about strict 
libre adherence, Debian's social contract, 40k packages, or non-x86 
architectures. All that I care about is that I can install a distro and 
set it up as quickly and easily as possible (including any needed 
proprietary software), so I use Ubuntu.

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Re: oh no something is definitely wrong adieu debian.

2013-08-28 Thread Tom H

On Wed, 28 Aug 2013 14:31:14 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 Join the jackd devel mailing list archive. It's not that I had issues
 with a broken Debian package, since I build my own packages, it's about
 breaking something that does work when build from upstream, but not when
 maintainers split it to packages and confuse how to link libs.

If you want to replace a Debian repo package with a package from 
upstream sources, you can find out what packages are derived from the 
uptream tarball with 'aptitude search 
?source-package(source_package_name)' and pin them to -1.

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Re: xfce4 and CD/DVD

2013-08-28 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2013-08-28 at 17:21 +0200, François Patte wrote:
 As Ralph says, problem is solved for kde and even gnome (gvfs used by thunar 
 comes from
 gnome stuff, no?) and not for xfce... I don't want to install kde or
 gnome, it is too expensive for such a problem

Here we experience one of the great Debian advantages, split packages,

The package that has to be installed is named gvfs-daemons.

If you want to know what gvfsd did or didn't, run

strace /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd

after you inserted a DVD.

strace is available by a package named strace, regarding to

Perhaps it isn't gvfsd but something else ;) and even if the issue
should be caused by gvfsd, at least I do understand less of a strace
output, that's why I got help by another user, to find out what by gvfs
does kill external green drives. FWIW neither the expert who helps me
nor I use gvfs ourself.

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Re: apt-get upgrade problem with libenchant1c2a

2013-08-28 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

David Goodenough wrote:
I have a sacrificial machine that I keep upto date with sid every 
morning.  Yesterday and today I get an error:-

Calculating upgrade... Failed
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libenchant1c2a : Depends: aspell-en but it is not going to be installed or
   myspell-dictionary or
   aspell-dictionary or
   ispell-dictionary or
  Recommends: enchant but it is not going to be installed
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by 
held packages.

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree 

But apt-cache policy libenchant1c2a says:-

  Installed: 1.6.0-10
  Candidate: 1.6.0-10

so it should not need upgrading at all.

Also aspell-en is installed.

Is this related to Ubuntu bug  #1096669?  There is nothing in
that seems to fit the bill.

Any ideas?

I get that with dist-upgrade and not with upgrade. Googling the error it 
seems that doing upgrade will resolve that. But I haven't tried that!


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Re: Re: oh no something is definitly wrong adieu debian.

2013-08-28 Thread Balamurugan

Dear Conrad,

Regarding the Debian's advantage and disadvantage, any one can point but 
comparing two persons, their ideology is not that simple.

Richard stall man stood for a nobel cause. If he hasn't taken such a 
project called GNU, we may have used only freeBSD and its kernel and may 
not be Linux. This is because Linux is just a kernel. Kernel may be 
compared to brain of a OS but it is definitely useless without the other 
parts of the system.

GNU can use BSD/hurd/Linux kernel and is working with all the three. 
Currently Debian is supplying all the three. I agree, Linux gained more 
fame but that doesn't mean, you can very well go and disrespect others.

Richard just stresses the point, we will not be in a position to know 
what is being done by the proprietary software in your system. If you 
are willing to go with it, no body stops you.

I would say better than skills, we should value other's ideology and 
their noble contributions. I am in no way arguing that Linus have done 
less. All good for the IT world.

Balamurugan R

On 08/27/2013 08:37 PM, Conrad Nelson wrote:

On 08/27/2013 07:22 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

On Tue, 2013-08-27 at 11:55 +, Curt wrote:

What a traitor (or not)!

arch traitor ;) since I prefer Arch Linux and my explanations might be
a traitor's kiss, since I referred to the KISS principle.

I am still a big Arch fan myself. But after a couple years I found 
myself drawn to Debian Testing as the Arch developers (ESPECIALLY 
Allan McRae, the current maintainer for Pacman.) have begun to take a 
fiercely arrogant attitude and a we know better than you, so shut up 
tone toward anyone who would question some of their decisions.

The last couple major changes in Arch seemed like changes for changes 
sake as well (systemd, while I really do love it a lot, just doesn't 
seem to fit with how I understood Arch was supposed to work. And I 
still believe to this day that the old BSD-like sysv setup they had 
before was loads simpler to configure.) And I still don't understand 
the point of the lib/bin merges they are doing, aside from the fact 
it's a blatant violation of FHS.

I used Gentoo for a bit, but its problem is the opposite of Arch: 
Whereas Arch is making pointless, unnecessary changes, Gentoo seems to 
be pretty stagnant and stuck in its ways. Gentoo actually is a 
distribution I actually think would benefit very well with systemd. 
OpenRC, though its goals are laudable, I've only ever seen it 
basically just become a sysv-init clone that accomplishes next to 
nothing new. My other gripe about Gentoo was it just got to be just 
too much work just for basic system upkeep. The USE flags were 
incredibly useful and powerful for customizing my packages and how my 
system would globally work, but all too often setting them globally 
would just result in Portage griping and refusing to install software, 
and setting USE flags individually per hundreds of packages is way too 
much work, effectively meaning Portage ended up getting in the way of 
what was supposed to be its own most powerful feature.

I think Debian works pretty well. It's not as flexible or powerful as 
Arch or Gentoo, perhaps, but it's definitely better for servers than 
Arch or Gentoo. But it's not without its flaws. I think Debian's 
obsession with free software conformity is, indeed, a weakness. Before 
you blast me, I'm just going to point out I subscribe more to the 
Torvalds school of thought on open source, NOT the Stallman school. 
Richard Stallman over-politicizes/idealizes the idea of open source, 
tries to make it almost a moral/spiritual thing in a context and 
industry where moral/spiritual choice is as a whole, irrelevant and 
actually pretty counterproductive. For a long time (Until recently, in 
fact.), Debian desktop users had to use third party repositories just 
to get decent multimedia support into Debian. Why? Because Debian 
developers questioned whether over half of the codecs most people 
needed were free enough.

I think my opinion is made worse by the fact I just plain do not like 
Richard Stallman both as a person or as a representative of the FOSS 
world. And despite all of Debian's good faith efforts to try to 
conform with Richard's idea of what free means he still basically 
regards Debian (And pretty much all Linux.) with contempt. This is 
probably less to do with whether or not Debian complies with his 
free ideas and more for the fact the guy is pedal-to-the-metal 
bitter and oh-so-very jealous that Linux succeeded in every place GNU 
failed (Such as actually being an operating system.), which is why he 
insists on the GNU/Linux moniker, which is utter nonsense (Using the 
GNU toolchain doesn't magically make Linux GNU, and he uses some of 
the most insane logic to try and justify a pretty transparent attempt 
to take credit for Linux's success from those who actually DID make 
Linux a success. It is a crying shame the Debian people, in their 

Re: oh no something is definitly wrong adieu debian.

2013-08-28 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2013-08-28 at 11:46 -0400, Tom H wrote:
 I use Ubuntu

:) then you likely will run into the same issue like me and better
pretend that you don not use the best distro for your needs, since
Debian is the best distro for everybody.

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Re: apt-get upgrade problem with libenchant1c2a

2013-08-28 Thread David Goodenough
On Wednesday 28 Aug 2013, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
 David Goodenough wrote:
  I have a sacrificial machine that I keep upto date with sid every
  morning.  Yesterday and today I get an error:-
  Calculating upgrade... Failed
  The following packages have unmet dependencies:
   libenchant1c2a : Depends: aspell-en but it is not going to be installed
 myspell-dictionary or
 aspell-dictionary or
 ispell-dictionary or

Recommends: enchant but it is not going to be installed
  E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be
  caused by held packages.
  Reading package lists... Done
  Building dependency tree
  But apt-cache policy libenchant1c2a says:-
Installed: 1.6.0-10
Candidate: 1.6.0-10
  so it should not need upgrading at all.
  Also aspell-en is installed.
  Is this related to Ubuntu bug  #1096669?  There is nothing in that seems to fit the bill.
  Any ideas?
 I get that with dist-upgrade and not with upgrade. Googling the error it
 seems that doing upgrade will resolve that. But I haven't tried that!
Well the script I run every morning does update then upgrade then dist-upgrade
then auto-remove, so if it is the dist-upgrade then it has just done an 
upgrade, so I do not think that is going to help.  

I have just tried running an upgrade on its own, and it had nothing to do, and 
then a dist-upgrade which failed.  So doing an upgrade does not help.


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Re: apt-get upgrade problem with libenchant1c2a

2013-08-28 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

David Goodenough wrote:
I have a sacrificial machine that I keep upto date with sid every 
morning.  Yesterday and today I get an error:-

Calculating upgrade... Failed
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libenchant1c2a : Depends: aspell-en but it is not going to be 
installed or

   myspell-dictionary or
   aspell-dictionary or
   ispell-dictionary or
  Recommends: enchant but it is not going to be installed
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be 
caused by held packages.

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
But apt-cache policy libenchant1c2a says:-

  Installed: 1.6.0-10
  Candidate: 1.6.0-10

so it should not need upgrading at all.

Also aspell-en is installed.

Is this related to Ubuntu bug  #1096669?  There is nothing in

that seems to fit the bill.

Any ideas?

I get that with dist-upgrade and not with upgrade. Googling the error it 
seems that doing upgrade will resolve that. But I haven't tried that!

when I do 'aptitude why' on that file, I get that it is a dependency of 
k3b, which is part of the upgrade. What happens if you do 'why'?


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Re: apt-get upgrade problem with libenchant1c2a

2013-08-28 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

David Goodenough wrote:

On Wednesday 28 Aug 2013, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

David Goodenough wrote:

I have a sacrificial machine that I keep upto date with sid every
morning.  Yesterday and today I get an error:-

Calculating upgrade... Failed

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libenchant1c2a : Depends: aspell-en but it is not going to be installed
   myspell-dictionary or

   aspell-dictionary or
   ispell-dictionary or
  Recommends: enchant but it is not going to be installed

E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be
caused by held packages.
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree

But apt-cache policy libenchant1c2a says:-

  Installed: 1.6.0-10
  Candidate: 1.6.0-10

so it should not need upgrading at all.

Also aspell-en is installed.

Is this related to Ubuntu bug  #1096669?  There is nothing in that seems to fit the bill.

Any ideas?

I get that with dist-upgrade and not with upgrade. Googling the error it
seems that doing upgrade will resolve that. But I haven't tried that!


Well the script I run every morning does update then upgrade then dist-upgrade
then auto-remove, so if it is the dist-upgrade then it has just done an 
upgrade, so I do not think that is going to help.  

I have just tried running an upgrade on its own, and it had nothing to do, and 
then a dist-upgrade which failed.  So doing an upgrade does not help.

Sorry for the false clue. And what when you do 'why'?


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Re: apt-get upgrade problem with libenchant1c2a

2013-08-28 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

David Goodenough wrote:
I have a sacrificial machine that I keep upto date with sid every 
morning.  Yesterday and today I get an error:-

Calculating upgrade... Failed
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libenchant1c2a : Depends: aspell-en but it is not going to be 
installed or

   myspell-dictionary or
   aspell-dictionary or
   ispell-dictionary or
  Recommends: enchant but it is not going to be 
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be 
caused by held packages.

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency treeBut apt-cache policy libenchant1c2a says:-

  Installed: 1.6.0-10
  Candidate: 1.6.0-10

so it should not need upgrading at all.

Also aspell-en is installed.

Is this related to Ubuntu bug  #1096669?  There is nothing in

that seems to fit the bill.

Any ideas?

I get that with dist-upgrade and not with upgrade. Googling the error 
it seems that doing upgrade will resolve that. But I haven't tried that!

when I do 'aptitude why' on that file, I get that it is a dependency of 
k3b, which is part of the upgrade. What happens if you do 'why'?



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Re: losetup at boot

2013-08-28 Thread Erick Ocrospoma

~ Happy install !

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On 28 August 2013 04:25, basti wrote:

 what have you done until now?
 I had a similar problem with postgres + shmmax the simple solution for me
 was to edit the init script and set shmmax there.

 Me too. I had to edit DRBD's init script. What do you do for
poweroff/reboot process? Do you know if it's safely unmounted or there's
something to do before shuting down. Something like losetup -d


  On 27.08.2013 22:59, Erick Ocrospoma wrote:


  I'm trying to do the same as here
  no success, basically I've setup a block device attached to a loop
 device, what I need is to load this one at boot.

  Not really sure if Upstart is fully supported, AFAIK there's also some
 sysvinit scripts. Does anybody knows any other or functional way to make it
 setup on boot?

  Not really sure, but running from /etc/rc.local could be not the answer,
 I will use this loop device for DRBD, so I need it to be set before DRBD
 starts, that's why I focused on using Upstart.

  Thanks in advance!

  ~ Happy install !

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Re: dbus

2013-08-28 Thread Ionel Mugurel Ciobîcă
Thank you, renaming .config doesn't change anything. The folder is not
even re-created. I was not aware of the existance of this .config
folder. There are not new files in there...


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Re: apt-get upgrade problem with libenchant1c2a

2013-08-28 Thread David Goodenough
On Wednesday 28 Aug 2013, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
 Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
  Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
  David Goodenough wrote:
  I have a sacrificial machine that I keep upto date with sid every
  morning.  Yesterday and today I get an error:-
  Calculating upgrade... Failed
  The following packages have unmet dependencies:
   libenchant1c2a : Depends: aspell-en but it is not going to be
  installed or
 myspell-dictionary or
 aspell-dictionary or
 ispell-dictionary or

Recommends: enchant but it is not going to be
  E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be
  caused by held packages.
  Reading package lists... Done
  Building dependency treeBut apt-cache policy libenchant1c2a says:-
Installed: 1.6.0-10
Candidate: 1.6.0-10
  so it should not need upgrading at all.
  Also aspell-en is installed.
  Is this related to Ubuntu bug  #1096669?  There is nothing in
  that seems to fit the bill.
  Any ideas?
  I get that with dist-upgrade and not with upgrade. Googling the error
  it seems that doing upgrade will resolve that. But I haven't tried that!
  when I do 'aptitude why' on that file, I get that it is a dependency of
  k3b, which is part of the upgrade. What happens if you do 'why'?
I am using apt-get not aptitude, and I don't think apt-get has a why option.
But I will follow the bug with interest.



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Re: oh no something is definitly wrong adieu debian.

2013-08-28 Thread Joe
On Wed, 28 Aug 2013 21:04:40 +1200
Chris Bannister wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 01:29:58PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  I explained that you can't do that, if you experience a dependency
  hell or an unstable environment. To contribute that way users and
  developers need stable up-to-date releases of software + sometimes
  newer releases than the current stable releases. Debian doesn't
  provide a stable branch that is up-to-date, in sync with stable
  releases from upstream, even the unstable branches of Debian don't
  provide this.
 Your confusion over the words stable and unstable certainly
 doesn't help here. Does that paragraph really make sense to you?
 Hint: unstable does not mean buggy.

In theory.

LXDE has been uninstallable for weeks after being broken by an update
and the Iceweasel in the repository has four grave bugs. There's a bug
somewhere systemy, I think in GTK, which makes a number of scroll bars
misbehave. Synaptic has been occasionally freezing, sometimes taking
the whole X display with it, for some weeks.

And they're just the ones I'm aware of at the moment... no real
showstoppers, but definitely buggy.


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Re: apt-get upgrade problem with libenchant1c2a

2013-08-28 Thread Sharon Kimble
On Wed, 28 Aug 2013 12:17:15 -0500
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
  Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
  David Goodenough wrote:
  I have a sacrificial machine that I keep upto date with sid every
   morning.  Yesterday and today I get an error:-
  Calculating upgrade... Failed
  The following packages have unmet dependencies:
   libenchant1c2a : Depends: aspell-en but it is not going to be
   installed or myspell-dictionary or
 aspell-dictionary or
 ispell-dictionary or
Recommends: enchant but it is not going to be
   installed E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated
   breaks, this may be  caused by held packages.
  Reading package lists... Done
  Building dependency treeBut apt-cache policy libenchant1c2a
Installed: 1.6.0-10
Candidate: 1.6.0-10
  so it should not need upgrading at all.
  Also aspell-en is installed.
  Is this related to Ubuntu bug  #1096669?  There is nothing in that seems to fit the bill.
  Any ideas?
  I get that with dist-upgrade and not with upgrade. Googling the
  error  it seems that doing upgrade will resolve that. But I
  haven't tried that!
   when I do 'aptitude why' on that file, I get that it is a
   dependency of  k3b, which is part of the upgrade. What happens
   if you do 'why'?
Please adjust you're posting style as it is impossible to read what
you're saying as its indistinguishable from the rest of the
conversation. It just appears that you're signing the email without any
content, which cant be true!

A taste of linux =
efever =
efever =
Debian testing, Fluxbox 1.3.5, LibreOffice
Registered Linux user 334501 

Description: PGP signature

Re: What's the easiest and/or simplest part of Linux Kernel?

2013-08-28 Thread berenger . morel

Le 28.08.2013 03:36, guojzzz a écrit :

The reason why I choose some *formal* projects is that I think codes
are clear and there are less bugs.
I will see on Github and some other projects.

The assumption that clean code is bug-free is wrong. Try to read any 
source code of any program you think bug-free. It may be clean, or it 
may be a damned unreadable mess, especially if the project is old.

And if the project is recent, it will not have a long history of bugs 
and fixes, and so may have tons of bugs, known or not by the users or 
authors, but, since the project is young, it will have less zombi code, 
coding style will be more unified, and modern programming techniques are 
more likely to be used, like OOP*.

Another problem with code probably written by gurus, or which run in 
environments were high speed and stability is required, is that the code 
will be highly optimized, maybe with non-standard features, probably 
with lot of compilation options, etc etc. All of those things makes code 
more efficient, but harder to understand. Like macros, that most C 
programmers tend to avoid. And because I have learn C as my first 
language, I can tell you, that they are true to avoid them, they makes 
things hard to read and maintain. But they makes things fast, so I would 
not be surprised if there were a lot of them. And not childish ones 
like the one I made.

So, either start your project, or contribute to small projects first, 
if you want to learn. Something that you can understand in less than 2 
weeks, and start to hack.

* which is doable in C. People saying that C can not do OOP are 
incompetent or lie. I do not really like C programming, but paradigm 
have nothing related to syntax, only with writer's minds.
Some people may not like OOP, and they will be true, it is not always 
good to use it.

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Re: apt-get upgrade problem with libenchant1c2a

2013-08-28 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Sharon Kimble wrote:

On Wed, 28 Aug 2013 12:17:15 -0500
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

David Goodenough wrote:

I have a sacrificial machine that I keep upto date with sid every

morning.  Yesterday and today I get an error:-

Calculating upgrade... Failed
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libenchant1c2a : Depends: aspell-en but it is not going to be

installed or myspell-dictionary or

   aspell-dictionary or
   ispell-dictionary or
  Recommends: enchant but it is not going to be

installed E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated
breaks, this may be  caused by held packages.

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency treeBut apt-cache policy libenchant1c2a

  Installed: 1.6.0-10
  Candidate: 1.6.0-10

so it should not need upgrading at all.

Also aspell-en is installed.

Is this related to Ubuntu bug  #1096669?  There is nothing in that seems to fit the bill.

Any ideas?

I get that with dist-upgrade and not with upgrade. Googling the
error  it seems that doing upgrade will resolve that. But I
haven't tried that!

when I do 'aptitude why' on that file, I get that it is a
dependency of  k3b, which is part of the upgrade. What happens
if you do 'why'?



Please adjust you're posting style as it is impossible to read what
you're saying as its indistinguishable from the rest of the
conversation. It just appears that you're signing the email without any
content, which cant be true!

sorry about that! I post through tbird + this is what I see:
and this is what I see through gmane:
so I see no problems :-(


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Re: oh no something is definitly wrong adieu debian.

2013-08-28 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2013-08-28 at 19:18 +0100, Joe wrote:
 I think in GTK, which makes a number of scroll bars

There is a bug still present for current stable releases from
upstream. Again, I use the term stable here for the official stable
releases from _upstream_, not for Debian stable. Debian, even Debians
experimental usually is behind official stable releases from upstream.
However, the known bug is, that sometimes the mouse wheel doesn't work,
when the cursor isn't above a scrollbar, but e.g. inside a window.

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Re: What's the easiest and/or simplest part of Linux Kernel?

2013-08-28 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 8/28/2013 2:44 PM, wrote:

Another problem with code probably written by gurus, or which run in
environments were high speed and stability is required, is that the code
will be highly optimized, maybe with non-standard features, probably
with lot of compilation options, etc etc. All of those things makes code
more efficient, but harder to understand. Like macros, that most C
programmers tend to avoid. And because I have learn C as my first
language, I can tell you, that they are true to avoid them, they makes
things hard to read and maintain. But they makes things fast, so I would
not be surprised if there were a lot of them. And not childish ones
like the one I made.

While I agree with much of what you said, I definitely disagree with 
your comments on macros.  C was probably the 10th or so language I 
learned, close to 30 years ago.  I found macros, when PROPERLY used, can 
be quite helpful in making code clearer and more understandable.  The 
trick is to know when to use them and when not, to document them well, 
and most important, pick good names for the macros.  Also, the 
convention of using all caps for macro names is good; it tells the 
reader this is a macro being used, and not a function call.


* which is doable in C. People saying that C can not do OOP are
incompetent or lie. I do not really like C programming, but paradigm
have nothing related to syntax, only with writer's minds.
Some people may not like OOP, and they will be true, it is not always
good to use it.

Definitely NOT doable in C - you just don't have the tools.  While you 
can do some parts of object based programming like message passing (i.e. 
calling functions to operate on structure members instead of accessing 
them yourself), and can even use tricks to hide structure members 
(i.e. the known interface is just a dummy char[appropriate_size] while 
the real structure is hidden), this can be sensitive to compilers and in 
some cases even compiler options.

You can't even define constructors and destructors for structures in C, 
and have to take extra steps to ensure structures are constructed and 
destroyed properly.

And there is no way you can do inheritance or polymorphism in C.

But I also agree OOP is not always the best choice.  Even though I've 
been doing C++ for around 25 years, I still do a lot of stuff in C where 


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Re: What's the easiest and/or simplest part of Linux Kernel?

2013-08-28 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 28 Aug 2013 22:49:29 +0200, Jerry Stuckle  
While I agree with much of what you said, I definitely disagree with  
your comments on macros.  C was probably the 10th or so language I  
learned, close to 30 years ago.  I found macros, when PROPERLY used, can  
be quite helpful in making code clearer and more understandable.  The  
trick is to know when to use them and when not, to document them well,  
and most important, pick good names for the macros.  Also, the  
convention of using all caps for macro names is good; it tells the  
reader this is a macro being used, and not a function call.


I programmed 65xx Assembler with and without macro editor and I suspect  
that somebody who know what (s)he does when programming in C, can use  
macros to optimize C code, while for Assembler, it simply is less to type,  
less to think about, when using macros, Assembler always is optimized code.

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Solved, sort of. was Re: Problems with nVidia proprietary driver

2013-08-28 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Monday 26 August 2013 23:07:29 Lisi Reisz wrote:

 I don't want to reinstall and put up with
 nouveau if I can avoid it. :-(

I was running out of time, so I had to scrap what I was doing and do a fresh 
install of Wheezy.  The default nVidia driver that has been loaded 
automatically seems quite live-with-able, so for now I am satisfied.

Thanks for all the help.  Much appreciated.


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