Re: miniconf a barcelona

2013-10-08 Thread Adrià
On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 12:32:47AM +0200, Adrià wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 07, 2013 at 11:32:11PM +0200, Mònica Ramírez Arceda wrote:
  On Sun, 2013-10-06 at 18:07 +0200, Adrià wrote: 
   On Sun, Oct 06, 2013 at 01:43:59AM +0200, Simó Albert i Beltran wrote:
 Hi ha un bar _a prop_ de Sgda Família on hi hem anat algun cop un grup
 de +10 persones i ens han deixat un espai per nosaltres (previ 
 on ens hem pogut reunir. No hi ha consumició obligatòria però prendre 
 alguna cosa potser és una bona forma de tornar el favor.
 Podria preguntar-ho si hi hagués prou gent interessada i la gent veiés
 bé un lloc així.

Crec que aquest bar pot estar bé. Adrià, si us plau, ens pots dir
l'adreça exacta?
   No recordo el nom exacte (han obert no fa massa), però està al carrer St 
   Antoni Mª Claret 136, fent cantonada amb Marina.
   De ser aquest el lloc de trobada, ja ho concretaria arribat el moment.
  Jo crec que pot ser un bon lloc. Com que veig que potser quedem aquest
  dissabte 12, amb quant temps has d'avisar per reservar-lo? Estarà obert
  el 12 (que és festiu)? 
 Les vegades que hi hem anat, hem demanat permís al migdia per anar-hi
 la mateixa tarda. En tot cas, intentaré acostar-m'hi, si puc demà, i
 preguntaria si és factible i si obren dissabte.

Doncs he parlat amb ells i no han posat cap pega, així que podem
comptar amb aquest lloc.
A més, aquest dissabte tindran obert.

Les dades del lloc són les següents:

Almina Bar
St Antoni Mª Claret 132-136
Tel: 936241324

Les parades de metro més properes són:

- Joanic (sortida Pi i Maragall), L4
- Alfons X (sortida Lepant), L4.
  Alfons X cau més a prop i a més, a l'anada fa baixada.

- St Pau | Dos de Maig (sortida Cartagena), L5.
- Sgda Família, (sortida Marina), L2, L5.

També hi ha una estació de bicing a la cantonada entre Marina i
Indústria, o Tva de Gràcia amb Marina.
Adrià García-Alzórriz
GPG Key: 09494C14

Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust.

Description: Digital signature

Re: miniconf a barcelona

2013-10-08 Thread Max

   Jo crec que pot ser un bon lloc. Com que veig que potser quedem aquest
   dissabte 12, amb quant temps has d'avisar per reservar-lo? Estarà obert
   el 12 (que és festiu)? 

 Doncs he parlat amb ells i no han posat cap pega, així que podem
 comptar amb aquest lloc.
 A més, aquest dissabte tindran obert.

Fins ara no he seguit molt aquest fil i no sé si podré venir aquest
dissabte però la seguiré i m'agradaria poder ajudar en alguna capacitat
al projecte.


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Re: Monit vs dropbox service does not exist

2013-10-08 Thread Gaël

J'ai une idée. Si tu arrêtais d'utiliser cette belle connerie qu'est
dropbox ?
Je préfère t'ouvrir un compte sur mon OwnCloud plutôt ! (si ça t'intéresse)
Ou alors, fais toi une install d'OwnCloud et hop !

Sinon, pour des backups automatisés, rsync est formidable (j'ai un joli
script si ça t'intéresse)

My 2 cents :)

Le 8 octobre 2013 00:09, Philippe Gras a écrit :


 pour mes backups, j'utilise Dropbox, qui a développé un *système à lui*,
 et par ailleurs *buggé*.

 J'ai résolu le *bug* (il suffit d'utiliser le fichier de configuration de
 l'ancienne version…), mais je
 rencontre un problème avec une règle que j'ai ajoutée dans Monit, parce
 qu'au début, j'avais
 le *démon de Dropbox qui plantait* tout le temps.

 Mais Monit ne reconnaît pas ce service, parce que d'après ce que j'ai pu
 comprendre, son pid
 ne se trouve pas dans /var/run, mais dans la *home* de l'utilisateur…

 Du coup, *c'est Monit qui plante*… à cause de Dropbox !

 Comment puis-je résoudre ce problème ? J'ai pensé faire un lien symbolique
 vers /var/run…

 Qu'en pensez-vous ?

 Ph. Gras

[Résolu]Re: Menu Grub2

2013-10-08 Thread MERLIN Philippe
C'était une fausse alerte, grub2 en migrant de 1.99 à 2.0.19 les menus ont une 
nouvelle disposition et comme le temps du choix était de 5 secondes je n'avais 
pas pu voir et comprendre ce nouvel aménagement.
J'ai augmenté le temps du timeout à 20 secondes et j'ai pu comprendre mon 
Philippe Merlin

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supprimer les info-bulle gnome

2013-10-08 Thread admini

bonjour la liste

comment fait on pour supprimer toutes les info-bulles de gnome (classic) 
sous wheezy?

d'avance merci de vos réponses.

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Re: Démontage nfs problématique.

2013-10-08 Thread Bernardo

Sylvain L. Sauvage a écrit :
 Le dimanche 6 octobre 2013 10:30:46 Bernardo a écrit :

 On peut automatiser le montage/démontage via des scripts dans NM

Marche pas... l'événement déclencheur est que eth0 | wlan0 est tombé, et c'est
déjà trop tard pour démonter un montage nfs...

Il faudrait un événement pre-down qui d'après ce que j'ai compris de n'est pas pour tout de 
je reste donc avec sudo et mon script !

Merci pour ton aide.

Ils parlent avant d'avoir pensé et même s'ils se rendent compte par la
suite que leur assertion est fausse et qu'ils ont tort, il faut
néanmoins que cela semble le contraire.
-+- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) -+-

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Re: Démontage nfs problématique.

2013-10-08 Thread Bernardo
Julien a écrit :
 Le dimanche 06 octobre 2013 à 22:14 +0200, Bernardo a écrit :
 Au passage, j’ai un peu de mal avec l’idée d’un montage NFS fixe sur
 un portable (censé être nomade par nature).
 En fait, c'est un portable utilisé en fixe. (C'est petit chez moi...)
 Dans ce cas tu peux virer le paquet network-manager et configurer ton 
 réseau dans /etc/network/interfaces. Du coup ton réseau sera géré au niveau
 du système et non au niveau utilisateur. Ça devrait régler ton problème.
Je pourrai, mais ça ne résoudrait pas le fait que le montage nfs doit être
démonté _avant_ que eth0 ou wlan0 soit down...
Et en plus je trouve NetworkManager est très pratique pour gérer mes
différents VPN...

Mais merci pour tes suggestions.


Ah les femmes! Ces animaux sans queue ni tête.
-+- Sacha Guitry -+-

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Re: Monit vs dropbox service does not exist

2013-10-08 Thread Gaël
Salut !

 car c'est la seule *solution gratuite* que j'ai trouvée pour héberger mes
 quelques Mo de données.

Oh non, regarde l'échange qu'il y a eu sur la liste, un truc du genre
comment assister un transfert de fichier, il y a quelques alternatives
Sinon, pour une liste des alternatives libres aux
services propriétaires.

 Je n'avais pas remarqué l'existence de OwnCloud lors de mes recherches,
 et il semble au fond que
 ce soit plus *une solution de transport* que de stockage, ce qui ne
 répond pas à mes besoins.

Et bien non, justement !
OwnCloud est bel et bien une alternative à *DropBox*, et s'installe
facilement sur un ordinateur avec Debian. Je l'ai installé sur mon serveur
dédié, et ai donné des accès à des amis/connaissances en ayant besoin.
C'est une sorte de clone de dropbox, opensource, self-hosted...

 Pour le transport, j'utilise backup-manager, qui propose également un
 backup en rsync. *Why not* ?

J'utilisais backup-manager avant aussi, mais j'en ai eu marre d'avoir des
surcouches, alors j'ai décidé d'y aller direct avec rsync. Mais bon, je
crois que j'ai confiance en backup-manager en vrai, et je ne critique
absolument pas son utilisation !

Et n'oublie pas de répondre à la liste uniquement (et pas qu'à moi!),
histoire que tout le monde profite de cet échange public ;)

Et désolé d'être carrément sorti de ta question !!


 Changer ne résout donc pas réellement le problème, ce serait entre
 backup-manager et OwnCloud,
 et non  entre Dropbox et OwnCloud…

 À moins que je n'aie pas tout capté ;-)

 Ph. Gras
 Le 8 oct. 13 à 11:35, Gaël a écrit :


 J'ai une idée. Si tu arrêtais d'utiliser cette belle connerie qu'est
 dropbox ?
 Je préfère t'ouvrir un compte sur mon OwnCloud plutôt ! (si ça t'intéresse)
 Ou alors, fais toi une install d'OwnCloud et hop !

 Sinon, pour des backups automatisés, rsync est formidable (j'ai un joli
 script si ça t'intéresse)

 My 2 cents :)

 Le 8 octobre 2013 00:09, Philippe Gras a écrit :


 pour mes backups, j'utilise Dropbox, qui a développé un *système à lui*,
 et par ailleurs *buggé*.

 J'ai résolu le *bug* (il suffit d'utiliser le fichier de configuration
 de l'ancienne version…), mais je
 rencontre un problème avec une règle que j'ai ajoutée dans Monit, parce
 qu'au début, j'avais
 le *démon de Dropbox qui plantait* tout le temps.

 Mais Monit ne reconnaît pas ce service, parce que d'après ce que j'ai pu
 comprendre, son pid
 ne se trouve pas dans /var/run, mais dans la *home* de l'utilisateur…

 Du coup, *c'est Monit qui plante*… à cause de Dropbox !

 Comment puis-je résoudre ce problème ? J'ai pensé faire un lien
 symbolique du
 vers /var/run…

 Qu'en pensez-vous ?

 Ph. Gras

Re: Démontage nfs problématique.

2013-10-08 Thread BERTRAND Joël

Bernardo wrote:

Julien a écrit :

Le dimanche 06 octobre 2013 à 22:14 +0200, Bernardo a écrit :

Au passage, j’ai un peu de mal avec l’idée d’un montage NFS fixe sur
un portable (censé être nomade par nature).

En fait, c'est un portable utilisé en fixe. (C'est petit chez moi...)

Dans ce cas tu peux virer le paquet network-manager et configurer ton
réseau dans /etc/network/interfaces. Du coup ton réseau sera géré au niveau
du système et non au niveau utilisateur. Ça devrait régler ton problème.

Je pourrai, mais ça ne résoudrait pas le fait que le montage nfs doit être
démonté _avant_ que eth0 ou wlan0 soit down...
Et en plus je trouve NetworkManager est très pratique pour gérer mes
différents VPN...

Mais merci pour tes suggestions.

	Je ne comprends pas bien le problème. Si tu écris un script de 
démontage dans /etc/init.d qui est lancé avant que network-manager soit 
arrêté (donc que eth0 ou wlan0 ne soient démontées), cela devrait 
fonctionner, non ?



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Re: Monit vs dropbox service does not exist

2013-10-08 Thread Philippe Gras


et merci pour cette suggestion. J'utilise Dropbox comme plateforme de  
stockage pour mon backup,
car c'est la seule solution gratuite que j'ai trouvée pour héberger  
mes quelques Mo de données.

Je n'avais pas remarqué l'existence de OwnCloud lors de mes  
recherches, et il semble au fond que
ce soit plus une solution de transport que de stockage, ce qui ne  
répond pas à mes besoins.

Pour le transport, j'utilise backup-manager, qui propose également un  
backup en rsync. Why not ?

Changer ne résout donc pas réellement le problème, ce serait entre  
backup-manager et OwnCloud,

et non  entre Dropbox et OwnCloud…

À moins que je n'aie pas tout capté ;-)

Ph. Gras
Le 8 oct. 13 à 11:35, Gaël a écrit :


J'ai une idée. Si tu arrêtais d'utiliser cette belle connerie  
qu'est dropbox ?
Je préfère t'ouvrir un compte sur mon OwnCloud plutôt ! (si ça  

Ou alors, fais toi une install d'OwnCloud et hop !

Sinon, pour des backups automatisés, rsync est formidable (j'ai un  
joli script si ça t'intéresse)

My 2 cents :)

Le 8 octobre 2013 00:09, Philippe Gras a  
écrit :


pour mes backups, j'utilise Dropbox, qui a développé un système à  
lui, et par ailleurs buggé.

J'ai résolu le bug (il suffit d'utiliser le fichier de  
configuration de l'ancienne version…), mais je
rencontre un problème avec une règle que j'ai ajoutée dans Monit,  
parce qu'au début, j'avais

le démon de Dropbox qui plantait tout le temps.

Mais Monit ne reconnaît pas ce service, parce que d'après ce que  
j'ai pu comprendre, son pid

ne se trouve pas dans /var/run, mais dans la home de l'utilisateur…

Du coup, c'est Monit qui plante… à cause de Dropbox !

Comment puis-je résoudre ce problème ? J'ai pensé faire un lien  
symbolique du

vers /var/run…

Qu'en pensez-vous ?

Ph. Gras

Re: Monit vs dropbox service does not exist

2013-10-08 Thread Philippe Gras

OK  Merci Gaël,

c'est l'occasion pour moi de plonger dans les archives et la doc. sur  
le fonctionnement de cette liste :-)

Ph. Gras
Le 8 oct. 13 à 13:56, Gaël a écrit :

Salut !

car c'est la seule solution gratuite que j'ai trouvée pour héberger  
mes quelques Mo de données.

Oh non, regarde l'échange qu'il y a eu sur la liste, un truc du  
genre comment assister un transfert de fichier, il y a quelques  
alternatives proposées.
Sinon, pour une liste des alternatives libres  
aux services propriétaires.

Je n'avais pas remarqué l'existence de OwnCloud lors de mes  
recherches, et il semble au fond que
ce soit plus une solution de transport que de stockage, ce qui ne  
répond pas à mes besoins.

Et bien non, justement !
OwnCloud est bel et bien une alternative à *DropBox*, et s'installe  
facilement sur un ordinateur avec Debian. Je l'ai installé sur mon  
serveur dédié, et ai donné des accès à des amis/connaissances en  
ayant besoin. C'est une sorte de clone de dropbox, opensource, self- 

Pour le transport, j'utilise backup-manager, qui propose également  
un backup en rsync. Why not ?

J'utilisais backup-manager avant aussi, mais j'en ai eu marre  
d'avoir des surcouches, alors j'ai décidé d'y aller direct avec  
rsync. Mais bon, je crois que j'ai confiance en backup-manager en  
vrai, et je ne critique absolument pas son utilisation !

Et n'oublie pas de répondre à la liste uniquement (et pas qu'à  
moi!), histoire que tout le monde profite de cet échange public ;)

Et désolé d'être carrément sorti de ta question !!


Changer ne résout donc pas réellement le problème, ce serait entre  
backup-manager et OwnCloud,

et non  entre Dropbox et OwnCloud…

À moins que je n'aie pas tout capté ;-)

Ph. Gras
Le 8 oct. 13 à 11:35, Gaël a écrit :


J'ai une idée. Si tu arrêtais d'utiliser cette belle connerie  
qu'est dropbox ?
Je préfère t'ouvrir un compte sur mon OwnCloud plutôt ! (si ça  

Ou alors, fais toi une install d'OwnCloud et hop !

Sinon, pour des backups automatisés, rsync est formidable (j'ai un  
joli script si ça t'intéresse)

My 2 cents :)

Le 8 octobre 2013 00:09, Philippe Gras a  
écrit :


pour mes backups, j'utilise Dropbox, qui a développé un système à  
lui, et par ailleurs buggé.

J'ai résolu le bug (il suffit d'utiliser le fichier de  
configuration de l'ancienne version…), mais je
rencontre un problème avec une règle que j'ai ajoutée dans Monit,  
parce qu'au début, j'avais

le démon de Dropbox qui plantait tout le temps.

Mais Monit ne reconnaît pas ce service, parce que d'après ce que  
j'ai pu comprendre, son pid

ne se trouve pas dans /var/run, mais dans la home de l'utilisateur…

Du coup, c'est Monit qui plante… à cause de Dropbox !

Comment puis-je résoudre ce problème ? J'ai pensé faire un lien  
symbolique du

vers /var/run…

Qu'en pensez-vous ?

Ph. Gras

Essayez le mailing Papillon

2013-10-08 Thread Magic Flyer
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Re: Démontage nfs problématique.

2013-10-08 Thread Julien
Le mardi 08 octobre 2013 à 13:40 +0200, Bernardo a écrit :
 Julien a écrit :
  Le dimanche 06 octobre 2013 à 22:14 +0200, Bernardo a écrit :
  Au passage, j’ai un peu de mal avec l’idée d’un montage NFS fixe sur
  un portable (censé être nomade par nature).
  En fait, c'est un portable utilisé en fixe. (C'est petit chez moi...)
  Dans ce cas tu peux virer le paquet network-manager et configurer ton 
  réseau dans /etc/network/interfaces. Du coup ton réseau sera géré au niveau
  du système et non au niveau utilisateur. Ça devrait régler ton problème.
 Je pourrai, mais ça ne résoudrait pas le fait que le montage nfs doit être
 démonté _avant_ que eth0 ou wlan0 soit down...

Si tu supprimes network-manager le réseaux sera gérer au niveau du
système et non au niveau de ta session. Actuellement si tu fermes ta
session sans éteindre l'ordinateur tu devrais avoir les même problèmes
avec ton montage NFS. En supprimant network manager le réseau sera
disponible qu'il y ai une session ouverte ou non. Et donc le réseau se
coupera beaucoup plus tard lors de l'extinction.

 Et en plus je trouve NetworkManager est très pratique pour gérer mes
 différents VPN...

effectivement, c'est plus pratique. 

Quel est le contenu de ton fichier /etc/network/interfaces ? est-ce que
tout est commenté ? est-ce qu'en rajoutant : 

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

ça ne règle pas le pb sans supprimer network-manager ?


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Re: Démontage nfs problématique.

2013-10-08 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le mardi 8 octobre 2013 18:26:31 Julien a écrit :
 En supprimant network manager le réseau sera
 disponible qu'il y ai une session ouverte ou non.[…]

  On peut aussi simplement dire à NM que la connexion est 
« système » et non « utilisateur » : on conserve NM mais la 
connexion est établie plus tôt (au boot) et coupée plus tard 
puisqu’elles restent même s’il n’y a plus d’utilisateur.

 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: OFF-TOPIC [Pfsense no soporta el mismo gateway para 2 ips wan staticas del mismo rango]

2013-10-08 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 20 de septiembre de 2013 23:50, C. L. Martinez escribió:
 2013/9/20 Maykel Franco

 El 20/09/2013 23:36, C. L. Martinez escribió:

 2013/9/20 Maykel Franco
  El 20/09/2013 23:25, C. L. Martinez escribió:
  2013/9/20 Maykel Franco
   El 20/09/2013 23:12, C. L. Martinez
   2013/9/20 Maykel Franco
El 20/09/2013 22:46, C. L. Martinez
2013/9/20 Camaleón
 El Thu, 19 Sep 2013 10:33:22 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:


 Bueno el caso, es que compartimos el firewall con unos
 hay por aquí, tenemos el mismo rango de ip publica con el
 proveedor, un ejemplo:

 - Nuestra WAN --
 - La WAN de ellos --
 - Gateway de la WAN proveedor --

 Pfsense sólo te deja definir una gateway por cada wan, esto es
 problema puesto que queremos salir con el mismo gateway.

 Antes de postear, he ido probando cosas e inclusive he buscado
 foro de pfsense con pfsense multiwan same gateway pero de la
 soporte de pfsense dicen que no se puede...


 Eso es lo que comentan, pero también mencionan algo sobre un
 sobre la pasarela para conseguirlo. Aunque supongo que ya lo
 visto, te lo paso por si acaso:

 Same gateway for two WAN interfaces (same isp) problem in

Iba a responder el otro día, pero me contuve ya que parece ser
Maykel ya encontró una solución de su agrado. Pero viendo que no
entendió mi respuesta, procedo a explicarme.
 Lo que plantea Maykel SI se puede hacer con PFSense (o sea PF,
filter) y con linux utilizando iptables+iproute2 ... Nada de
NATs ni cosas por el estilo (de hecho se utiliza una solo regla
 Ahora bien, lo que intenté hacer ver a Maykel el otro día (y no
acabó de pillar me parece) es que a nivel práctico el problema
plantea no es tal, por el sencillo motivo de que no tiene mucho
sentido: ¿para que quieres utilizar dos interfaces con
direccionamiento del mismo segmento de red y mismo default
respuesta simple: para nada. Otra cosa es que se quiera
 y no tiene sentido por el mero hecho de ¿que es lo que gana:
granulidad de administración, políticas de filtering adecuadas?
No ,
nada de esto. Solo obtiene ventajas si utliza bonding ... y otro
es cambiar un PFSense por un ClearOS, ni jarto de cola-cao :))
yo eso ... Pero para gustos los colores :)) Aunque existen
peso para utilizar PFSense por delante de un linux como firewall,
empezando por el stack TCP/IP que implementan los BSD y acabando
la propia potencia de PF, en la que IPTables solo le supera en un
punto técnicamente: Iptables puede utilizar todos los cores de un
servidor equipado con procesadores multi-core, cosa que PF es
... Pero eso cambiará en el momento que sea liberada la versión
estable de FreeBSD 10, en la que PF ya es multi-core.
 No sé si ahora me he conseguido explicar.
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Por lo que veo no te has enterado de nada o bien me explico fatal
tio...y si
tengo 2 redes de 2 empresas y quiero salir por 2 ips publicas del
rango, cada una la suya aunque sea:
- empresa1
- empresa2
Y quiero salir por su gateway Tenemos un isp que nos
varias ips fijas del mismo rango, y tiene su gateway de toda la
dios. Por motivod de que cada uno quiere salir por su ip fija, no
salir a internet con la misma ip fija lo ves un capricho o un
testeocreo que te equivoas y estas configuraciones las hemos
otro firewall. explico fatal...
   Vuelvo a repetirlo: lo entendí perfectamente el otro día y lo vuelvo
   entender ahora. Y te sigo diciendo que el planteamiento no tiene
   ningún sentido. Vamos a ver: ¿que sentido tiene que tu discrimes
   tráfico saliente generado en tus redes internas por una u otra
   interfaz? Ninguno, porque os estais pisando el ancho de 

Re: error en traduccion en paquete awk

2013-10-08 Thread Santiago Vila
Hay un argumento bastante incontestable para justificar bicho y en
general cualquier traducción de esas que nos suenan extrañas por ser
demasiado literales: Si los ingleses dicen bicho en su idioma y es
correcto, ¿por qué tendría que ser incorrecto decir bicho en el
nuestro? Es exactamente lo mismo. Es como si los ingleses tuvieran
licencias para hacer metáforas y nos priváramos nosotros del derecho
de hacerlas también.

Yo abogaba por ese término hace mucho, pero cambié de opinión después
de leer este artículo de Dijkstra:

We could, for instance, begin with cleaning up our language by no
longer calling a bug a bug but by calling it an error. It is much more
honest because it squarely puts the blame where it belongs, viz. with
the programmer who made the error. The animistic metaphor of the bug
that maliciously sneaked in while the programmer was not looking is
intellectually dishonest as it disguises that the error is the
programmer's own creation. The nice thing of this simple change of
vocabulary is that it has such a profound effect: while, before, a
program with only one bug used to be almost correct, afterwards a
program with an error is just wrong (because in error).

Es decir, que eso de llamarlo bug (bicho en inglés) es echar balones

Podemos estar de acuerdo, por tanto, en que el término bicho no es
el mejor posible, pero no por ser una mala traducción, que de hecho
sigo pensando que es la traducción perfecta, sino porque el término
original ya era malo de partida.

Por otro lado, y esto lo dejo para el último lugar:

On Sun, 6 Oct 2013, alexlikerock-Gmail wrote:

 kien es realmente el mantenedor ?
 de cualkier manera le envie el reporte a los 2.


Ejem. Para atreverte a decir lo que es correcto y lo que no en una
traducción estaría bien que cuidaras tu propia ortografía para
empezar. Sin acritud.

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Re: Reports usuarios squid

2013-10-08 Thread Usuario Lista
El día 7 de octubre de 2013 15:53, Camaleón escribió:
 El Sun, 06 Oct 2013 22:16:43 -0300, Ricardo escribió:

 El 5 de octubre de 2013 10:17, Camaleón escribió:


 También podría sugerir¹ que añadieran esta opción en Sarg,
 personalmente la encuentro útil y no creo que sea excesivamente
 compleja de implementar ya que el grueso del trabajo está hecho.


  Alguien tuvo alguna experiencia con alguno de estos:

 Josué te recomendó en este mismo hilo lightsquid :-?


He probado lightsquid y webalizer. y nada. No encuentro la forma
de sacar un informe con lo que el usuario pone en su navegador.

Voy a preguntar en la lista de squid, a ver si alguien sabe si se
puede hacer algo directamente en el squid.conf (que lo dudo).



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Re: [OT] Desconexión de Router y Debian 7

2013-10-08 Thread Gerardo Diez García
El 08/10/13 00:03, escribió:
 Vamos a ver, en algunas instalaciones de Debian en portátiles (y equipos
 de sobremesa) me ha ocurrido que durante la propia instalación he tenido
 acceso a internet pero después de reiniciar el equipo no la tenía... Lo
 de «caerse la conexión al resto de los aparatos» he de decirte que nunca
 me ha pasado.
 El tema de recuperar el acceso a la red lo he solucionado (en todas las
 ocasiones) comentando las dos últimas líneas que muestras del archivo
 /etc/network/interfaces con una almohadilla (#)... o sea, deja el
 archivo  así:
 # The loopback network interface
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback
 # The primary network interface
 # allow-hotplug eth0
 # iface eth0 inet dhcp
 Después guarda, cierra y REINICIA el equipo.
 Si no funciona pues déjalo otra vez como estaba y busca otra solución...
 pero por probar no pierdes nada.

He probado con esta solución y no funciona. Así que toca seguir mirando.
He mirado que significaba exactamente la reason=3 esa[1]. Por lo visto
quiere decir que el router ha dejado de funcionar y por eso te quedas
sin red. Por eso he mirado este equipo que estaba también conectado a la
red y lanza el mismo error. Así que el reason=3 no parece ser el origen
del problema.
He vuelto a mirar los logs del sistema (por cierto, me ha gustado mucho
el visor de mensajes del sistema de KDE) y parece que todo arranca con
estas líneas:

 13:17:01   /USR/SBIN/CRON[5780](root) CMD (   cd /  run-parts 
 13:21:47   wpa_supplicant[3124]wlan0: Michael MIC failure detected
 13:21:47   wpa_supplicant[3124]wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key Request
(error=1 pairwise=0 ptk_set=1 len=99)
 13:21:48   wpa_supplicant[3124]wlan0: Michael MIC failure detected
 13:21:48   wpa_supplicant[3124]wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key Request
(error=1 pairwise=0 ptk_set=1 len=99)
 13:21:48   wpa_supplicant[3124]wlan0: TKIP countermeasures started
 13:21:48   kernel  [ 4428.653013] wlan0: deauthenticating from mac
router by local choice (reason=14)
 13:21:48   wpa_supplicant[3124]wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED
bssid=00:00:00:00:00:00 reason=14
 13:21:48   kernel  [ 4428.687512] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world
regulatory domain
 13:21:48   NetworkManager[2942]info (wlan0): supplicant interface
state: completed - disconnected
 13:21:48   kernel  [ 4428.697882] cfg80211: World regulatory domain 
 13:21:48   kernel  [ 4428.697890] cfg80211: (start_freq - end_freq @
bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
 13:21:48   kernel  [ 4428.697899] cfg80211: (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz
@ 4 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
 13:21:48   kernel  [ 4428.697907] cfg80211: (2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz
@ 2 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
 13:21:48   kernel  [ 4428.697913] cfg80211: (2474000 KHz - 2494000 KHz
@ 2 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
 13:21:48   kernel  [ 4428.697920] cfg80211: (517 KHz - 525 KHz
@ 4 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
 13:21:48   kernel  [ 4428.697926] cfg80211: (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz
@ 4 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
 13:21:48   NetworkManager[2942]info (wlan0): supplicant interface
state: disconnected - scanning
 13:21:52   wpa_supplicant[3124]wlan0: SME: Trying to authenticate with
mac router (SSID='*' freq=2462 MHz)
 13:21:52   NetworkManager[2942]info (wlan0): supplicant interface
state: scanning - authenticating
 13:21:52   kernel  [ 4432.610844] wlan0: authenticate with mac router
(try 1)
 13:21:52   wpa_supplicant[3124]wlan0: Trying to associate with mac
router (SSID='*' freq=2462 MHz)
 13:21:52   kernel  [ 4432.620195] wlan0: authenticated
 13:21:52   kernel  [ 4432.620386] wlan0: associate with mac router (try 

La reason=14 un fallo en el código de integridad del mensaje (MIC).
Empezaré a investigar por aquí


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Re: Hemos pasado a Debian 7.2.

2013-10-08 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 07 Oct 2013 19:19:50 +0200, Eduardo Rios escribió:

 O eso dice mi sistema tras las actualizaciones de hoy, 

Hum... ¿seguro? Yo sigo en la 7.1.

 pero me extraña no ver ninguna noticia de ello:


Y dice que hasta el 12 nada de nada.

   lsb_release -a
 No LSB modules are available.
 Distributor ID:   Debian 
 Description:  Debian GNU/Linux 7.2 (wheezy)
 Release:  7.2 
 Codename: wheezy
 Entre varios paquetes, se me ha actualizado base-files

Huy, huy, huy... muéstranos tu sources.list.



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Re: ¿Es recomendable tener instalados los paquetes lsb-*?

2013-10-08 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 08 Oct 2013 01:00:22 +0200, Eduardo Rios escribió:

 Haciendo un lsb_release -a, veo que a parte de la info de la versión de
 Debian instalada, lo primero que me sale es:
 No LSB modules are available.

A mí también me dice eso pero parece un mensaje informativo, nada más.

 Buscando paquetes con Synaptic, me salen como no instalados:
 lsb-multimedia lsb-security lsb-printing lsb-cxx lsb-languages lsb-core
 lsb-graphics lsb-desktop, etc...
 Todos estos paquetes hacen referencia a la versión 4.1+Debian8+Deb7u1,
 pero sin embargo, si tengo instalado el paquete lsb-release, de la misma

El que te interesaría en este caso sería lsb-core, digo yo... por la 
descripción del paquete.
 ¿Debería tener instalados los demás paquetes mencionados antes? ¿O no
 son necesarios? Salvo el mensaje al hacer lsb_release -a, no he notado
 nada extraño ni fallos en el sistema.

No veo por qué habría que instalarlos salvo que se necesite para algo 
concreto (p. ej., si tuvieras que asegurarte la compatibilidad de los 
paquetes con el estándar LSB).



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2013-10-08 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 08 Oct 2013 02:03:29 -0300, kadabra lineage escribió:

(ese html...)

 Hola a todos, tengo un servidor de juegos online y tengo problemas con
 ataques de tipo Dos y DDOS, que solucion puedo encontrar con Debian ? 
 algun firewall pero que no blokee puertos ya que utilizo muchos para la
 coneccion de usuarios. Espero una respuesta gente un saludo

Dependerá del tipo de ataque DDos que estés sufriendo, apenas das datos. 
Si es muy agresivo y bien ejecutado sólo te queda esperar a que pase el 
temporal e ir capeando de la mejor forma que puedas sus efectos.

Supongo que ya habrás pasado por aquí:

Ataque de denegación de servicio



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[OT] Re: duda storage proxmox

2013-10-08 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 07 Oct 2013 20:52:33 -0400, Jorge Pérez escribió:

(has secuestrado un hilo, abro uno nuevo)

 hola, tengo montado un pequeño cluster con proxmox 3.1 y me ha llegado
 un nuevo hdd (1tb), se que puedo configurarlo para que se monte
 automáticamente y agregarlo como storage con la opción directory,
 ahora, mi duda es si esta forma es la más optima para esto ?? o me
 recomiendan hacerlo de otra forma ??

No sé si ya habrás visto esto:

Extending Local Container Storage

Storage Model



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Re: error en traduccion en paquete awk

2013-10-08 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 08 Oct 2013 12:54:32 +0200, Santiago Vila escribió:

 Hay un argumento bastante incontestable para justificar bicho y en
 general cualquier traducción de esas que nos suenan extrañas por ser
 demasiado literales: Si los ingleses dicen bicho en su idioma y es
 correcto, ¿por qué tendría que ser incorrecto decir bicho en el nuestro?

Para no perpetuar el error.

Digamos que los angloparlantes no son paradigma en cuanto al cuidado del 
idioma ni espejo donde mirarse en cuestiones lingüísticas. Son prácticos, 
aceptado, y eso gusta a la gente (sobre todo a quienes rechazan de plano 
los academicismos y la estricta normativa) pero eso no quita para que le 
den patadas al idioma.

 Es exactamente lo mismo. Es como si los ingleses tuvieran licencias para
 hacer metáforas y nos priváramos nosotros del derecho de hacerlas


No, hombre. Lo que sucede es que a veces endiosamos el idioma inglés 
(ellos inventan, ellos denominan) y no siempre aciertan. Y este (bug) 
es un buen ejemplo.

Por otra parte, bug es un término excesivamente informal y coloquial, 
no creo que se use mucho en publicaciones serias donde la precisión 
terminológica es tan importante como el estudio o informe en sí mismo y 
resulta casi de obligado cumplimiento en determinados ámbitos.



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Re: [OT] Desconexión de Router y Debian 7

2013-10-08 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 08 Oct 2013 14:36:07 +0200, Gerardo Diez García escribió:

 El 08/10/13 00:03, escribió:


 El tema de recuperar el acceso a la red lo he solucionado (en todas las
 ocasiones) comentando las dos últimas líneas que muestras del archivo
 /etc/network/interfaces con una almohadilla (#)... o sea, deja el
 archivo  así:
 # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback
 # The primary network interface # allow-hotplug eth0 # iface eth0 inet
 Después guarda, cierra y REINICIA el equipo.
 Si no funciona pues déjalo otra vez como estaba y busca otra
 solución... pero por probar no pierdes nada.
 He probado con esta solución y no funciona. Así que toca seguir mirando.

Vete descartando cosas, por ejemplo, esto que aparece reiteradamente en 
los foros y listas de correo:

(me refiero a lo de nohwcrypt)

 He mirado que significaba exactamente la reason=3 esa[1]. Por lo visto
 quiere decir que el router ha dejado de funcionar y por eso te quedas
 sin red. Por eso he mirado este equipo que estaba también conectado a la
 red y lanza el mismo error. Así que el reason=3 no parece ser el origen
 del problema.

Salvo que se trate de un error/problema evidente (p. ej., que te falte 
por cargar el firmware o que la versión que uses tenga un fallo 
reconocido) los registros no te van a decir cuál es el origen del 
problema pero sí te dan pistas.

Pero los registros interesantes los vas a ver cuando detengas N-M, abras 
una consola y ejecutes tail -f /var/log/syslog y después inicies de 
nuevo N-M para obtener la secuencia completa de los pasos que sigue la 
conexión, los intentos de reconexión que lleva a cabo y cuándo pierde la 
asociación con el AP.

 He vuelto a mirar los logs del sistema (por cierto, me ha gustado mucho
 el visor de mensajes del sistema de KDE) y parece que todo arranca con
 estas líneas:


  13:21:47 wpa_supplicant[3124]wlan0: Michael MIC failure detected
  13:21:47 wpa_supplicant[3124]wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key Request 
 (error=1 pairwise=0 ptk_set=1 len=99)
  13:21:48 wpa_supplicant[3124]wlan0: Michael MIC failure detected
  13:21:48 wpa_supplicant[3124]wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key Request 
 (error=1 pairwise=0 ptk_set=1 len=99)
  13:21:48 wpa_supplicant[3124]wlan0: TKIP countermeasures started
  13:21:48 kernel  [ 4428.653013] wlan0: deauthenticating from mac 
 router by local choice (reason=14)


 La reason=14 un fallo en el código de integridad del mensaje (MIC).
 Empezaré a investigar por aquí

Por aquí tienes un bug de Ubuntu donde parece que tratan ese mismo fallo:

ath9k module causing MIC challenge failures



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Problema NetworkManager debian testing kde 4.10-5

2013-10-08 Thread Maykel Franco
Hola buenas de momento la migración de opensuse-debian me fué genial,
estoy muy contento. El caso es que network-manager, le puse el managed
a true (managed=true) y hay una conexión de lan que no me deja
eliminar llamada ifupdown, adjunto imagen:

He navegado un poco por /etc/Networkmanager/  y lo único que he visto
ha sido esto:

root@debian-maykel:~# ls -l /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/01ifupdown
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2146 may  8 21:17

No entiendo porque se queda ahí...Además es que no me deja ni borrarlo
y me gustaría usar mi conexión de MO2O-lan...

Alguien le ha pasado este problema?? No me deja borrarlo desde

Cuando lo intento borrar, simplemente no me da error, no hace nada


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Re: [OT] Desconexión de Router y Debian 7

2013-10-08 Thread Ariel
El día 7 de octubre de 2013 08:38, Gerardo Diez García escribió:
 El otro día instalé Debian Wheezy en el portátil. La instalación fue un
 poco accidentada desde una memoria USB. No conseguía conectarse a la
 wifi cuando momentos antes en las pruebas con la distribución en Live
 había funcionado correctamente. Usé un cable y todo correcto. Salvo que
 empezó a caerse la conexión al resto de los aparatos (otro portátil con
 Ubuntu, y un móvil).
 Al usarlo las desconexiones se repiten, pidiéndome que vuelva a
 introducir la contraseña de la red a pesar de que la conoce.
 He mirado la configuración del router y no veo nada extraño.
 He buscado en internet posibles causas y lo único que encuentro es
 achacable a interferencias electromagnéticas, pero esto lo descarto
 porque si reinicio las conexiones estas vuelven a ir correctamente.
 ¿Alguna sugerencia sobre los sitios en los que mirar, o cosas para ir

Vos sabes que a mi me pasa algo símil. Yo no dejo sin internet a los
demás, eso creo porlomenos.

Pero lo que me pasa es que aveces se me desconecta de la red, y para
volver a conectar me pide la contraseña. la cual ya la sabe porque
esta guardada, y nunca se termina de conectar, como te sucede a vos,
la única solución que tengo para esto es reiniciar la notebook y no
siempre se soluciona, aveces debo dejarla unos seg apagadas, pero eso
es por tema de electrónica supongo, que todabia queda guardada alguna
configuración y no fue tiempo suficiente para que se des-energice.

Como dato, dejo que en win esto no sucede para nada.

Mi placa es RTL8188CE y uso debian testing.


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Re: Problema NetworkManager debian testing kde 4.10-5

2013-10-08 Thread Edwin Carrillo
Saludos, a mi me pasaba lo mismo, después de instalar con gnome y al
colocar una ip fija en la instalación, lo que realice fue lo

En otra instalación la complete por dhcp normal, luego de tener X
edite el archivo mencionando a true y luego reinicie y si me dejo
editar la conexión, pero lo que yo hice fue crear una nueva, y tengo
dos interfaces en uso.


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Re: Problema NetworkManager debian testing kde 4.10-5

2013-10-08 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 08 Oct 2013 16:55:50 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Hola buenas de momento la migración de opensuse-debian me fué genial,
 estoy muy contento. El caso es que network-manager, le puse el managed
 a true (managed=true) y hay una conexión de lan que no me deja
 eliminar llamada ifupdown, adjunto imagen:


Es la conexión de red cableada y aparece como conectada. Supongo que 
podrás eliminarla si te desconectas antes :-?

La pregunta es:

¿Quieres que N-M gestione la red cableada? 

Si es así entiendo que te aparecerá siempre esa conexión en el gestor de 
conexiones. Si no quieres que se encargue N-M tendrás que decirle que la 
red cableada la gestionas de otra forma.

Revisa este artículo, si no recuerdo mal ahí explicaban cómo configurar 

Wired Networks are Unmanaged



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Re: Problema NetworkManager debian testing kde 4.10-5

2013-10-08 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 8 de octubre de 2013 17:06, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 08 Oct 2013 16:55:50 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 Hola buenas de momento la migración de opensuse-debian me fué genial,
 estoy muy contento. El caso es que network-manager, le puse el managed
 a true (managed=true) y hay una conexión de lan que no me deja
 eliminar llamada ifupdown, adjunto imagen:


 Es la conexión de red cableada y aparece como conectada. Supongo que
 podrás eliminarla si te desconectas antes :-?

 La pregunta es:

 ¿Quieres que N-M gestione la red cableada?

 Si es así entiendo que te aparecerá siempre esa conexión en el gestor de
 conexiones. Si no quieres que se encargue N-M tendrás que decirle que la
 red cableada la gestionas de otra forma.

 Revisa este artículo, si no recuerdo mal ahí explicaban cómo configurar

 Wired Networks are Unmanaged



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Ummm he comentado esto:

# The primary network interface
#allow-hotplug eth0
#iface eth0 inet dhcp

En /etc/network/interfaces

Será que respeta el /etc/init.d/networking

Le hecho un restart de network-manager y ahora śi:

Gracias Camaleón.


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Re: Returned mail: see transcript for details

2013-10-08 Thread Maykel Franco
2013/10/5 Mail Delivery Subsystem
 The original message was received at Mon, 30 Sep 2013 13:48:45 -0300
 from []

- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -

- Transcript of session follows -
 ... while talking to
  451 4.7.0 Timeout waiting for client input Deferred: 451 4.7.0 Timeout waiting for client 
 Message could not be delivered for 5 days
 Message will be deleted from queue

 Final-Recipient: RFC822;
 Action: failed
 Status: 4.4.7
 Remote-MTA: DNS;
 Last-Attempt-Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2013 14:49:21 -0300

Volviendo al tema de los repositorios, no sé si estarán bien así:

deb testing/updates main
deb-src testing/updates main
deb testing main contrib non-free
deb-src testing main contrib non-free


deb jessie main non-free
deb jessie main non-free

Porque cada vez que intento instalar algun .deb actualizado nada más
que tengo que paquetes rotosy dependencias incumplidas que ni con
apt-get -f install ni nada... ni instalandolo a mano. Por eso me
gustaría asegurarme que tengo los repos correctamente...

Gracias chicos.


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2013-10-08 Thread mmsbarbaro

Seguramente vas a tener que detectar el tipo de ataque que estas sufriendo.
En general, podes encontrar ataques DOS de los siguientes tipos:

ICMP Flood
TCP Syn Flood
UDP Flood

También vas a encontrar algunas variantes de estos. Después de eso podrás
ver de aplicar las reglas en los cortafuegos y equipos servidores.
De manera anticipada te recomendaría que aplicaras las reglas en los
equipos servidores y los cortafuegos. Fijate en la documentación de cada
producto tenes identificada las soluciones de cada tipo de ataque.


El 8 de octubre de 2013 02:03, kadabra lineage l2lad...@hotmail.comescribió:

 Hola a todos, tengo un servidor de juegos online y tengo problemas con
 ataques de tipo Dos y DDOS, que solucion puedo encontrar con Debian ?
 algun firewall pero que no blokee puertos ya que utilizo muchos para la
 coneccion de usuarios. Espero una respuesta gente un saludo

Linux Counter #414115

Re: Repositorios para debian testing

2013-10-08 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 08 Oct 2013 17:42:36 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 2013/10/5 Mail Delivery Subsystem
 The original message was received at Mon, 30 Sep 2013 13:48:45 -0300
 from []


Ya podías haber elegido otro mensaje al que responder X-)

(cambio el asunto)

 Volviendo al tema de los repositorios, no sé si estarán bien así:
 deb testing/updates main 
 deb-src testing/updates main 

Yo también tengo contrib y non-free aquí.

 deb testing main contrib non-free 
 deb-src testing main contrib non-free

Mejor usa un mirror que te pille cerca (España, Alemania...).

 deb jessie main non-free 
 deb jessie main non-free

Aquí creo que te sobra uno (son dos recursos iguales).

Yo este de D-M lo dejaría desactivado. Manías mías.

 Porque cada vez que intento instalar algun .deb actualizado nada más que
 tengo que paquetes rotosy dependencias incumplidas que ni con
 apt-get -f install ni nada... ni instalandolo a mano. Por eso me
 gustaría asegurarme que tengo los repos correctamente...

Mejor si mandas a la lista ese mensaje que recibes de paquetes rotos y 
dependencias incumplidas.



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Re: Repositorios para debian testing

2013-10-08 Thread Maykel Franco
El 08/10/2013 17:53, Camaleón escribió:

 El Tue, 08 Oct 2013 17:42:36 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

  2013/10/5 Mail Delivery Subsystem
  The original message was received at Mon, 30 Sep 2013 13:48:45 -0300
  from []


 Ya podías haber elegido otro mensaje al que responder X-)

 (cambio el asunto)

  Volviendo al tema de los repositorios, no sé si estarán bien así:
  deb testing/updates main
  deb-src testing/updates main

 Yo también tengo contrib y non-free aquí.

  deb testing main contrib non-free
  deb-src testing main contrib non-free

 Mejor usa un mirror que te pille cerca (España, Alemania...).

  deb jessie main non-free
  deb jessie main non-free

 Aquí creo que te sobra uno (son dos recursos iguales).

 Yo este de D-M lo dejaría desactivado. Manías mías.

  Porque cada vez que intento instalar algun .deb actualizado nada más que
  tengo que paquetes rotosy dependencias incumplidas que ni con
  apt-get -f install ni nada... ni instalandolo a mano. Por eso me
  gustaría asegurarme que tengo los repos correctamente...

 Mejor si mandas a la lista ese mensaje que recibes de paquetes rotos y
 dependencias incumplidas.

Umm vale perfecto. Entiendo que no es que me falte ningun repo adicional
ni tampoco sea por la version testing en vez de estable...Con todos mi
respetos amo y me encanta debian, eso es una realidad pero estos problemas
en ubuntu no los he tenido salvo alguna excepcion... Por ejemplo para
instalar crossover, me bajo el .deb y ya tengo dependencias incumplidas,
fuerto con el apt-get -f install y intento instalar los paquetes
que me faltan ...zasss paquetes rotos...entiendo que los paquetes que me
faltan como dependencia de crossover a su vez dependen de otros que no

Y repito, me gusta muchisimo mas debian pero si estuviera un pelin mas
actualizado ainsss...





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Re: Repositorios para debian testing

2013-10-08 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 08 Oct 2013 18:39:47 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

(el html...)

 El 08/10/2013 17:53, Camaleón escribió:


  Porque cada vez que intento instalar algun .deb actualizado nada más
  que tengo que paquetes rotosy dependencias incumplidas que ni con
  apt-get -f install ni nada... ni instalandolo a mano. Por eso me
  gustaría asegurarme que tengo los repos correctamente...

 Mejor si mandas a la lista ese mensaje que recibes de paquetes rotos
 y dependencias incumplidas.
 Umm vale perfecto. Entiendo que no es que me falte ningun repo
 ni tampoco sea por la version testing en vez de estable...

Hombre, puedes tener un problema puntual al tratarse de testing pero 
vamos, nada que no se arregle en pocos días. En testing lo que hago es 
actualizar (apt-get update  apt-get -V dist-upgrade) los fines de 
semana para que en caso de tener problemas pueda tener tiempo para 
resolverlos con tranquilidad o buscar un baipás.

No te falta ningún repo pero también te digo que ese de D-M lo mantendría 
desactivado, es el que más conflictos te puede generar.

 Con todos mi respetos amo y me encanta debian, eso es una realidad pero
 estos problemas en ubuntu no los he tenido salvo alguna excepcion... 

¿Ubuntu tiene versiones testing? :-?

 Por ejemplo para instalar crossover, me bajo el .deb y ya tengo
 dependencias incumplidas, fuerto con el apt-get -f install y
 intento instalar los paquetes que me faltan ...zasss paquetes
 rotos...entiendo que los paquetes que me faltan como dependencia de
 crossover a su vez dependen de otros que no estan??

Sin el error en concreto que te aparece no te puedo decir nada.

A ver, instalar paquetes .deb sueltos es un problema en Debian, en 
Ubuntu, en openSUSE, etc... sí o sí, ya que tienes que instalar antes 
todas las dependencias de las dependencias de las dependencias, una a una 
y manualmente.
 Y repito, me gusta muchisimo mas debian pero si estuviera un pelin mas
 actualizado ainsss...

Testing está bastante actualizado (quitando LO y los paquetes de 
Mozilla :-P).



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Re: ¿Es recomendable tener instalados los paquetes lsb-*?

2013-10-08 Thread Eduardo Rios
Gracias a los dos. Pues lo dejaré así entonces. Es que creía que ese 
mensaje salía porque faltaban por instalar esos paquetes, pero si no son 
necesarios... lo dejo así :)


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Re: Hemos pasado a Debian 7.2.

2013-10-08 Thread Eduardo Rios

El 08/10/13 15:26, Camaleón escribió:

El Mon, 07 Oct 2013 19:19:50 +0200, Eduardo Rios escribió:

pero me extraña no ver ninguna noticia de ello:


Y dice que hasta el 12 nada de nada.

Ok :)

Huy, huy, huy... muéstranos tu sources.list.

Oído cocina...


deb wheezy main contrib non-free

# deb experimental main contrib non-free

deb wheezy/updates main contrib non-free
deb wheezy-backports main contrib non-free
# deb-src wheezy-backports main contrib 
deb wheezy-backports iceweasel-release 
deb wheezy-proposed-updates contrib 
non-free main

deb wheezy-updates contrib non-free main
# deb-src wheezy-backports iceweasel-release 


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Re: Hemos pasado a Debian 7.2.

2013-10-08 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 08 Oct 2013 19:14:37 +0200, Eduardo Rios escribió:

 El 08/10/13 15:26, Camaleón escribió:


 Huy, huy, huy... muéstranos tu sources.list.
 Oído cocina...

¿Eso que flota por ahí es un bosón de Higgs? O:-)


 deb wheezy-proposed-updates contrib non-free 


¡Bingo! Ahí está. 

Digamos que vas adelantado con respecto a quienes no tenemos ese repo:



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Re: [OT] Desconexión de Router y Debian 7

2013-10-08 Thread Roberto José Blandino Cisneros

- Mensaje original -
 De: Ariel
 Enviados: Martes, 8 de Octubre 2013 8:50:58
 Asunto: Re: [OT] Desconexión de Router y Debian 7
 El día 7 de octubre de 2013 08:38, Gerardo Diez García escribió:
  El otro día instalé Debian Wheezy en el portátil. La instalación
  fue un
  poco accidentada desde una memoria USB. No conseguía conectarse a
  wifi cuando momentos antes en las pruebas con la distribución en
  había funcionado correctamente. Usé un cable y todo correcto. Salvo
  empezó a caerse la conexión al resto de los aparatos (otro portátil
  Ubuntu, y un móvil).
  Al usarlo las desconexiones se repiten, pidiéndome que vuelva a
  introducir la contraseña de la red a pesar de que la conoce.
  He mirado la configuración del router y no veo nada extraño.
  He buscado en internet posibles causas y lo único que encuentro es
  achacable a interferencias electromagnéticas, pero esto lo descarto
  porque si reinicio las conexiones estas vuelven a ir correctamente.
  ¿Alguna sugerencia sobre los sitios en los que mirar, o cosas para
 Vos sabes que a mi me pasa algo símil. Yo no dejo sin internet a los
 demás, eso creo porlomenos.
 Pero lo que me pasa es que aveces se me desconecta de la red, y para
 volver a conectar me pide la contraseña. la cual ya la sabe porque
 esta guardada, y nunca se termina de conectar, como te sucede a vos,
 la única solución que tengo para esto es reiniciar la notebook y no
 siempre se soluciona, aveces debo dejarla unos seg apagadas, pero eso
 es por tema de electrónica supongo, que todabia queda guardada alguna
 configuración y no fue tiempo suficiente para que se des-energice.
 Como dato, dejo que en win esto no sucede para nada.
 Mi placa es RTL8188CE y uso debian testing.

A mi me pasaba algo parecido mi tarjeta es RTL8167, eso me sucedia con 
debian 6, sin embargo al actualizar a debian 7, estos problemas se me

Cuando instalo debian en mi laptop no me reconoce la tarjeta debo descargar
el firmware-realteak en .deb y al momento de la instalacion instalarlo al
momento de pedir los controladores.

Ahora lo raro es que estas usando wheezy, pero puede ser por tu tarjeta de
red quizas tu versión no trabaja correctamente con el driver.

Si luego de instalar el paquete firmware-realtek de linux no te resuelve el
problema intenta instalar el driver oficial para tu tarjeta:

Descargalo de ahi compilalo y nos cuentas.

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Re: Returned mail: see transcript for details

2013-10-08 Thread Roberto José Blandino Cisneros
- Mensaje original -
 De: Maykel Franco
 Para: debian-user-spanish
 Enviados: Martes, 8 de Octubre 2013 9:42:36
 Asunto: Re: Returned mail: see transcript for details
 Porque cada vez que intento instalar algun .deb actualizado nada más
 que tengo que paquetes rotosy dependencias incumplidas que ni con
 apt-get -f install ni nada... ni instalandolo a mano. Por eso me
 gustaría asegurarme que tengo los repos correctamente...

¿Podrías mostrarnos que te dice con?
Intenta instalar el paquete que deseas instalar con aptitude install
y danos la salida.

verifica si con el aptitude te ofrece alguna solución alterna y si no
te parece dile que no para que te ofrezca otra alternativa, prueba a ver
si alguna de las alternativas te parecen correctas

 Gracias chicos.
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Re: Repositorios para debian testing

2013-10-08 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 8 de octubre de 2013 18:01, Camaleón escribió:
 El Tue, 08 Oct 2013 18:39:47 +0200, Maykel Franco escribió:

 (el html...)

 El 08/10/2013 17:53, Camaleón escribió:


  Porque cada vez que intento instalar algun .deb actualizado nada más
  que tengo que paquetes rotosy dependencias incumplidas que ni con
  apt-get -f install ni nada... ni instalandolo a mano. Por eso me
  gustaría asegurarme que tengo los repos correctamente...

 Mejor si mandas a la lista ese mensaje que recibes de paquetes rotos
 y dependencias incumplidas.

 Umm vale perfecto. Entiendo que no es que me falte ningun repo
 ni tampoco sea por la version testing en vez de estable...

 Hombre, puedes tener un problema puntual al tratarse de testing pero
 vamos, nada que no se arregle en pocos días. En testing lo que hago es
 actualizar (apt-get update  apt-get -V dist-upgrade) los fines de
 semana para que en caso de tener problemas pueda tener tiempo para
 resolverlos con tranquilidad o buscar un baipás.

 No te falta ningún repo pero también te digo que ese de D-M lo mantendría
 desactivado, es el que más conflictos te puede generar.

OK, lo quitaré porque de codec multimedia y reproductores  y demás ya
lo tengo todo.

 Con todos mi respetos amo y me encanta debian, eso es una realidad pero
 estos problemas en ubuntu no los he tenido salvo alguna excepcion...

 ¿Ubuntu tiene versiones testing? :-?

 Por ejemplo para instalar crossover, me bajo el .deb y ya tengo
 dependencias incumplidas, fuerto con el apt-get -f install y
 intento instalar los paquetes que me faltan ...zasss paquetes
 rotos...entiendo que los paquetes que me faltan como dependencia de
 crossover a su vez dependen de otros que no estan??

 Sin el error en concreto que te aparece no te puedo decir nada.

root@debian-maykel:/home/maykel/Descargas# dpkg -i
Seleccionando el paquete ia32-crossover previamente no seleccionado.
(Leyendo la base de datos ... 117502 ficheros o directorios instalados
Desempaquetando ia32-crossover (de ia32-crossover_12.5.0-1_amd64.deb) ...
dpkg: problemas de dependencias impiden la configuración de ia32-crossover:
 ia32-crossover depende de ia32-libs; sin embargo:
  El paquete `ia32-libs' no está instalado.

dpkg: error al procesar ia32-crossover (--install):
 problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar
Se encontraron errores al procesar:
root@debian-maykel:/home/maykel/Descargas# apt-get install ia32-libs
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
Tal vez quiera ejecutar «apt-get -f install» para corregirlo:
Los siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:
 ia32-libs : Depende: ia32-libs-i386
E: Dependencias incumplidas. Intente «apt-get -f install» sin paquetes
(o especifique una solución).
root@debian-maykel:/home/maykel/Descargas# apt-get -f install
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
Corrigiendo dependencias... Listo
Los paquetes indicados a continuación se instalaron de forma
automática y ya no son necesarios.
  cabextract libgail-3-0 libglu1-mesa:i386 libgsm1:i386
libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-0 libmpg123-0:i386 libodbc1:i386
libsamplerate0:i386 libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
  libwebkitgtk-3.0-common libwine:i386 libwine-alsa:i386
libwine-bin:i386 libxcomposite1:i386 libxrandr2:i386 p7zip zenity
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
Los siguientes paquetes se ELIMINARÁN:
0 actualizados, 0 se instalarán, 1 para eliminar y 0 no actualizados.
1 no instalados del todo o eliminados.
Se liberarán 165 MB después de esta operación.
¿Desea continuar? [S/n]
(Leyendo la base de datos ... 119246 ficheros o directorios instalados
Desinstalando ia32-crossover ...

 A ver, instalar paquetes .deb sueltos es un problema en Debian, en
 Ubuntu, en openSUSE, etc... sí o sí, ya que tienes que instalar antes
 todas las dependencias de las dependencias de las dependencias, una a una
 y manualmente.

 Y repito, me gusta muchisimo mas debian pero si estuviera un pelin mas
 actualizado ainsss...

 Testing está bastante actualizado (quitando LO y los paquetes de
 Mozilla :-P).

Si bueno pero sigue con kde 4.10-5, hace ya bastante que salio la
4.11-1 no crees?



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Re: [OT] Desconexión de Router y Debian 7

2013-10-08 Thread Roberto José Blandino Cisneros
Estoy seguro que el problema tiene que ver con el controlador en tu

Ejecuta lspci -k y nos pegas la salida.

El hecho de que te funcione en el livecd es por que contiene la mayoria
de controladores basicos, sin embargo al instalarlo no te los instala.

instala el firmware- correspondiente a tu tarjeta de red:


- Mensaje original -
 De: Gerardo Diez García
 Para: lista-debian
 Enviados: Lunes, 7 de Octubre 2013 5:38:17
 Asunto: [OT] Desconexión de Router y Debian 7
 El otro día instalé Debian Wheezy en el portátil. La instalación fue
 poco accidentada desde una memoria USB. No conseguía conectarse a la
 wifi cuando momentos antes en las pruebas con la distribución en Live
 había funcionado correctamente. Usé un cable y todo correcto. Salvo
 empezó a caerse la conexión al resto de los aparatos (otro portátil
 Ubuntu, y un móvil).
 Al usarlo las desconexiones se repiten, pidiéndome que vuelva a
 introducir la contraseña de la red a pesar de que la conoce.
 He mirado la configuración del router y no veo nada extraño.
 He buscado en internet posibles causas y lo único que encuentro es
 achacable a interferencias electromagnéticas, pero esto lo descarto
 porque si reinicio las conexiones estas vuelven a ir correctamente.
 ¿Alguna sugerencia sobre los sitios en los que mirar, o cosas para ir
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Re: Returned mail: see transcript for details

2013-10-08 Thread Maykel Franco
El día 8 de octubre de 2013 18:49, Roberto José Blandino Cisneros escribió:
 - Mensaje original -
 De: Maykel Franco
 Para: debian-user-spanish
 Enviados: Martes, 8 de Octubre 2013 9:42:36
 Asunto: Re: Returned mail: see transcript for details


 Porque cada vez que intento instalar algun .deb actualizado nada más
 que tengo que paquetes rotosy dependencias incumplidas que ni con
 apt-get -f install ni nada... ni instalandolo a mano. Por eso me
 gustaría asegurarme que tengo los repos correctamente...

 ¿Podrías mostrarnos que te dice con?
 Intenta instalar el paquete que deseas instalar con aptitude install
 y danos la salida.

root@debian-maykel:/home/maykel/Descargas# aptitude install ia32-libs
Se instalarán los siguiente paquetes NUEVOS:
  ia32-libs ia32-libs-i386:i386 libjack-jackd2-0:i386
libopus0:i386{ab} libsamplerate0:i386{a}
Se ELIMINARÁN los siguientes paquetes:
  cabextract{u} libgail-3-0{u} libgsm1:i386{u}
libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-0{u} libwebkitgtk-3.0-0{u}
libwebkitgtk-3.0-common{u} libwine:i386{u} libwine-alsa:i386{u}
  libwine-bin:i386{u} p7zip{u} zenity{u} zenity-common{u}
0 paquetes actualizados, 5 nuevos instalados, 12 para eliminar y 0 sin
Necesito descargar 1.950 kB de ficheros. Después de desempaquetar se
liberarán 146 MB.
No se satisfacen las dependencias de los siguientes paquetes:
 libopus0 : Entra en conflicto: libopus0:i386 pero se va a instalar 1.1~beta-3.
 libopus0:i386 : Entra en conflicto: libopus0 pero está instalado 1.1~beta-3.
Las acciones siguientes resolverán estas dependencias

 Mantener los paquetes siguientes en la versión actual:
1) ia32-libs [Sin instalar]
2) ia32-libs-i386:i386 [Sin instalar]
3) libjack-jackd2-0:i386 [Sin instalar]
4) libopus0:i386 [Sin instalar]

¿Acepta esta solución? [Y/n/q/?]

   Eliminar los paquetes siguientes:
1)   akregator
2)   amarok
3)   ark
4)   avidemux-plugins
5)   avidemux-qt
6)   dolphin
7)   dragonplayer
8)   dvgrab
9)   ffmpeg
10)  gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
11)  gstreamer0.10-plugins-good
12)  gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
13)  gstreamer1.0-plugins-good
14)  gwenview
15)  juk
16)  k3b
17)  k3b-i18n
18)  kaddressbook
19)  kate
20)  kcalc
21)  kde-baseapps
22)  kde-baseapps-bin
23)  kde-config-telepathy-accounts
24)  kde-plasma-desktop
25)  kde-runtime
26)  kde-standard
27)  kde-style-oxygen
28)  kde-telepathy
29)  kde-telepathy-auth-handler
30)  kde-telepathy-call-ui
31)  kde-telepathy-contact-list
32)  kde-telepathy-declarative
33)  kde-telepathy-desktop-applets
34)  kde-telepathy-filetransfer-handler
35)  kde-telepathy-integration-module
36)  kde-telepathy-minimal
37)  kde-telepathy-send-file
38)  kde-telepathy-text-ui
39)  kde-window-manager
40)  kde-workspace
41)  kde-workspace-bin
42)  kdeadmin
43)  kdemultimedia-kio-plugins
44)  kdenlive
45)  kdepasswd
46)  kdepim-runtime
47)  kdeplasma-addons
48)  kdesvn
49)  kdm
50)  kfind
51)  khelpcenter4
52)  kio-audiocd
53)  klipper
54)  kmail
55)  kmix
56)  knotes
57)  kompare
58)  konqueror
59)  konsole
60)  kopete
61)  korganizer
62)  kscreensaver
63)  ksnapshot
64)  ksysguard
65)  ksystemlog
66)  ktorrent
67)  kuser
68)  kwalletmanager
69)  kwrite
70)  libakonadi-contact4
71)  libasound2-plugins
72)  libav-tools
73)  libavcodec54
74)  libavdevice53
75)  libavdevice54
76)  libavfilter2
77)  libavfilter3
78)  libavformat54
79)  libcalendarsupport4
80)  libeventviews4
81)  libfarstream-0.1-0
82)  libfarstream-0.2-2
83)  libincidenceeditorsng4
84)  libjack-jackd2-0
85)  libk3b6
86)  libk3b6-extracodecs
87)  libkateinterfaces4
88)  libkcddb4
89)  libkcompactdisc4
90)  libkdepim4
91)  libkdepimdbusinterfaces4
92)  libkonq-common
93)  libkonq5abi1
94)  libkopete4
95)  libksieveui4
96)  libktpcommoninternalsprivate5
97)  liblavfile-2.0-0
98)  liblavfile-2.1-0
99)  liblavplay-2.0-0
100) liblavplay-2.1-0
101) libmailcommon4
102) libmailimporter4
103) libmessagecomposer4
104) libmessagecore4
105) libmessagelist4
106) libmessageviewer4
107) libmlt++3
108) libmlt6
109) libokularcore2
110) libopus0
111) libpimcommon4
112) libpurple-bin
113) libpurple0
114) libquicktime2
115) libreoffice-kde
116) libtelepathy-farstream3
117) libtelepathy-qt4-farstream2
118) libtemplateparser4
119) melt
120) mjpegtools
121) okular
122) phonon
123) phonon-backend-vlc
124) plasma-dataengines-workspace
125) plasma-desktop
126) plasma-runners-addons

Re: [OT] Software para ticketing / gestión de incidencias.

2013-10-08 Thread Roberto José Blandino Cisneros
Request Tracker

- Mensaje original -
De: Ramses
Enviados: Domingo, 6 de Octubre 2013 7:32:39
Asunto: [OT] Software para ticketing / gestión de incidencias.

Buenas tardes,

Estoy buscando un software de ticketing (gestión de incidencias, base de 
conocimientos, apertura de incidencias por usuarios vía mail / web,...).

En alguna ocasión he trabajado con GLPI, pero no sé si habrá, bajo vuestra 
experiencia, algún otro software con más posibilidades, menos administración, 

¿Qué experiencias me pueden contar sobre este tema?.



Enviado desde mi Móvil

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Re: Hemos pasado a Debian 7.2.

2013-10-08 Thread Eduardo Rios

El 08/10/13 19:35, Camaleón escribió:

El Tue, 08 Oct 2013 19:14:37 +0200, Eduardo Rios escribió:



¿Eso que flota por ahí es un bosón de Higgs? O:-)

¿Y eso que es? No sé lo que es un bosón de Higgs :-P

deb wheezy-proposed-updates contrib non-free 



¡Bingo! Ahí está.

Digamos que vas adelantado con respecto a quienes no tenemos ese repo:

De acuerdo. Gracias :)


Registered user #558467
has 1 linux machines

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Re: Hemos pasado a Debian 7.2.

2013-10-08 Thread Javier Silva
2013/10/7 Eduardo Rios
 El 07/10/13 20:16, Javier Silva escribió:

 Tienes activadas el wheezy-proposed-updates?

 Esta misma tarde ha entrado en la lista debian-changes el paquete

 Ah! Pues si. Ha sido eso. :)

 Mi base-files es: 7.1wheezy2 (proposed-updates) - Info de Synaptic.

Ahora ya es oficial:

Programada para el próximo Sábado.

Un saludo,
Javier Silva.

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Re: [OT] Desconexión de Router y Debian 7

2013-10-08 Thread Gerardo Diez García
El 08/10/13 20:05, Roberto José Blandino Cisneros escribió:
 Estoy seguro que el problema tiene que ver con el controlador en tu
 Ejecuta lspci -k y nos pegas la salida.

La salida me indica:

Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9462 Wireless Networ
Adapter (rev 0 1)
Subsystem: Foxconn International, Inc. Device e052
Kernel driver in use: ath9k

A la salida de uname -r:

Por lo que he leído parece que este módulo en concreto necesita pasarle
el parámetro nohwcrypt=1.
Seguiré probando e informando por aquí

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XEN - 4.2 - Snapshots.

2013-10-08 Thread Adiel de Lima Ribeiro
Lista, bom dia.
Tenho o Windows Server 2003 R2 rodando como DomU no XEN 4.2 no NetBSD.
Estou trabalhando com o framework XL.
O disco virtual do Windows está no formato Qcow2, segue a linha de
configuração dele: 
disk = [ 'tap:qcow:/xen/domains/win2k3/win2k3.qcow2,hda,w' ]
Estou tentando fazer um snapshot dele com o seguinte comando:
qemu-img-xen snapshot -c default win2k3.qcow2  
Está correto, é deste jeito mesmo? No NetBSD tenho este erro:
qemu-img: Could not create snapshot 'default': -1 (Operation not
permitted) Como resolver este erro?
No Debian com o mesmo ambiente do NetBSD eu consigo criar o Snapshot com
sucesso, criei um Snapshot com o nome default, mas quando o aplico com o
comando: qemu-img-xen snapshot -a default win2k3.qcow2 
Minha VM com o Windows não volta ao estado que estava quando o Snapshot
foi feito.
O que estou fazendo de errado? 

Adiel de Lima Ribeiro

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Lançamento Centro São Bernardo

2013-10-08 Thread house
Prezado (a),

Segue abaixo para seu conhecimento o mais novo sucesso de
SBC no Centro da Cidade, o Start Jardim Clube SBC.
Aptos. de 1 ou 2 dorms.(42 à 54m) em um condomínio clube
com lazer completo. Mais de 20 iténs de lazer, entre eles: Home
Cinema com Lounge, Espaço Gourmet, Piscina com Biribol, Quadra
Poliesportiva, etc...

Jardim com mais de 4mil metros, com árvores frutíferas
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Upgrade debian 6.0.7 para 7

2013-10-08 Thread Marcio Rufino

alguém poderia passar o caminho das pedras para upgrade do debian 6.0.7
para o 7?


Re: Upgrade debian 6.0.7 para 7

2013-10-08 Thread P. J.
Atualizar para a versão desejada no arquivo dos repostórios, atualizar
o cache, instalar o aptitude do repositório mais novo (o pulo do gato)
e sentar o dedo no upgrade!!!


[  ] 's

Em 8 de outubro de 2013 18:42, Marcio Rufino escreveu:

 alguém poderia passar o caminho das pedras para upgrade do debian 6.0.7 para
 o 7?


|  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
| : :'  :
| `. `'`
|   `-   Je vois tout

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Re: Upgrade debian 6.0.7 para 7

2013-10-08 Thread Thiago Henrique Ferreira Zoroastro

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Depois teria de ver se a sources.list atualizou. Se não, troque de Squeeze
para Wheezy manualmente ou por um comando que nao me recordo. Mas tudo
está por aí, é só ir no oráculo e tirar o coelho da cartola, tudo que você
precisar saber já está respondido em algum lugar, mas às vezes não


 alguém poderia passar o caminho das pedras para upgrade do debian 6.0.7
 para o 7?


coragem é contagiosa

Um desafio está colocado para nós, brasileiros, neste início da era do
capitalismo informacional: aceitar a condição de consumidores de
tecnologias e informações alheias ou nos transformarmos em produtores
autônomos e soberanos das mesmas. Sérgio Luís Bertoni

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Re: Instalar MySQL Server

2013-10-08 Thread Mauricio S. T. Neto
Leandro de primeira daria uma olhada nas permissões do diretório e 
arquivos do mysql.

Caso não seja esse o problema de uma olhada nos log como sugeriu o Henrique

Em 07-10-2013 15:44, Henrique Fagundes escreveu:


Depois de aplicar a solução do colega, e se por acaso o problema 
continuar, procure checar os logs.

tail -f /var/log/mysql*



Henrique Fagundes
Skype: magnata-br-rj
Linux User: 475399
Participe do Grupo Aprendendo Linux

Ou envie um e-mail para:

Fábio Rabelo escreveu:

Boa tarde ... o Sr. já tentou limpar o cahe de pacotes, e remover os
arqwuivos de configuração ?

apt-get   clean

apt-get   autoclean

apt-get --purge remove mysql-server

E então tente reinstalar ...

Fábio Rabelo

Em 7 de outubro de 2013 15:11, Leandro de Lima Camargo escreveu:

Boa tarde Pessoal.
Se for OFF-TOPIC, podem desconsiderar e me desculpe…
Toda vida instalei o MySQL server pelo comando apt-get install 

Porém, agora estou com um debian squeeze e sempre me retorna o erro:

Setting up mysql-server-5.5 (5.5.31+dfsg-0+wheezy1) ...
[ ok ] Stopping MySQL database server: mysqld.
[FAIL] Starting MySQL database server: mysqld . . . . . . . . . . . 
. . . failed!

invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action start failed.
dpkg: error processing mysql-server-5.5 (--configure):
  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit 
status 1

configured to not write apport reports
   Errors were encountered while 


Já pesquisei e nada resolveu o problema.
Para várias pessoas, o problema foi resolvido removendo tudo do 
MySQL e reinstalando o pacote,

Mas como eu sou benzido, pra mim não deu certo.

Alguém têm alguma sugestão?


Leandro de Lima Camargo

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Mauricio S.T. Neto

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Re: Upgrade debian 6.0.7 para 7

2013-10-08 Thread Adriano Rafael Gomes
On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 06:42:41PM -0300, Marcio Rufino wrote:
 alguém poderia passar o caminho das pedras para upgrade do debian 6.0.7
 para o 7?

Veja as Notas de Lançamento:

Leia pelo menos este capítulo (supondo que a arquitetura seja amd64):

Description: Digital signature

Bradesco 2013 - 900ACCDDEE

2013-10-08 Thread Informativo Bradesco


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Re: Upgrade debian 6.0.7 para 7

2013-10-08 Thread Marcio Rufino

obrigado. Vou testar aqui numa VM.

Em 8 de outubro de 2013 21:31, Adriano Rafael Gomes

 On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 06:42:41PM -0300, Marcio Rufino wrote:
  alguém poderia passar o caminho das pedras para upgrade do debian 6.0.7
  para o 7?

 Veja as Notas de Lançamento:

 Leia pelo menos este capítulo (supondo que a arquitetura seja amd64):

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


Natal com Elvis Presley e/ou Frank Sinatra

2013-10-08 Thread Eventos Corporativos Festas Sociais
Caro Amigo e Prezada Amiga, 

Agora você pode apresentar ao vivo em suas festas de confraternização de final 
de ano (tanto de sua empresa como de sua família) um belíssimo pocket-musical: 
Natal com Elvis Presley e/ou Frank Sinatra - Você escolhe!

Natal com Elvis Presley e/ou Frank Sinatra traz as mais belas canções 
natalinas do repertório destes cantores (White Christmas, Silent Nigh (Noite 
Feliz), Jingle Bells, etc), além de seus maiores sucessos (Love Me Tender, My 
Way, Suspicious Minds,  New York New York, etc.), reinterpretadas na voz de um 
dos maiores cantores da atualidade, 

Você fica conhecendo também os causos mais interessantes da vida deste(s) 

É sensacional!!!  O melhor presente que você pode dar para seus companheiros de 
trabalho e/ou familiares é a apresentação deste show ao vivo em sua festa.

Solicite um orçamento-econômico sem compromisso através do

Um grande abraço a todos,

The-Number-One Divulgação de Talentos
(21) 2548--3508, (21) 8881-4565

Ethernet bonding mode 5 only using one Slave adapter.

2013-10-08 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
i am using bond mode balance-alb. and here is my /etc/network/interfaces
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static
address 10.X.X.221

auto bond0

iface bond0 inet static
address 10.5.X.200
newtork 10.5.x.0
gateway 10.5.x.9
slaves eth2 eth3
#bond-mode active-backup
bond-mode balance-alb
bond-miimon 100
bond-downdelay 200

same setting is on other end.

and the problem is only active link is transmitting and on the other node
active link is receiving. no load balancing is performent i am using scp
to transfer 1 5 gb file from two ssh session at the same time but both
sessions are only using one network card. which is active in
/proc/net/bonding/bond0 . here is the output.

Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.5.0 (November 4, 2008)

Bonding Mode: adaptive load balancing
Primary Slave: None
Currently Active Slave: eth2
MII Status: up
MII Polling Interval (ms): 100
Up Delay (ms): 0
Down Delay (ms): 200

Slave Interface: eth2
MII Status: up
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: ea:d9:55:a2:8e:00

Slave Interface: eth3
MII Status: up
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: a6:41:24:50:71:e8

 bwm-ng v0.6 (probing every 0.500s), press 'h' for help
  input: /proc/net/dev type: rate
  - iface   Rx   Tx

   lo:   0.00 KB/s0.00 KB/s0.00
 eth0:   0.88 KB/s1.96 KB/s2.84
 eth2: 107.52 KB/s 4633.14 KB/s 4740.66
 eth3:   0.89 KB/s0.00 KB/s0.89
bond0: 108.40 KB/s 4633.14 KB/s 4741.54

total: 217.69 KB/s 9268.24 KB/s 9485.93

note : as you can see in /proc/net/bonding/bond0 file the active link is
eth2 and the bwm-ng showing transmission is also on eth2. even i use two
session i thought it could work like round robin as in mode 0 but both
sessions are transmitting data from eth2.

what i want to achive is per packet load balancing. if i send two packets
it moves out from both link eth2 and eth3. so i can combine 4x1 LAN card
and achieve 4 GB of transmit rate and redundancy.
i know 4 GB network output achievement depends upon the hardware quality. i
will check on that too. but at least bwm-ng could show me packet activity
on all the links not only active link.

any help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks .


apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-08 Thread Florian Lindner

Since I'm about to setup a new server using current stable wheezy, I want to 
recheck some of debian knowledge.

What is the prefered tool for installing on the CLI? apt-get or aptitude? Last 
time I read about it, it was aptitude, due to better dependency checking. What 
is the current state? apt-get or aptitude? Does it matter? What about using 



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I have an Openoffice question for small business.

2013-10-08 Thread Ezequiel
Hi all:

I am Sysadmin at a small business. We have a complete
mail-web-vpninfrastructure and my boss is happy with it. I guess we
are a successful
case of open software use in the real world

But -of course, there is always an issue- my users keep complaining about
OpenOffice migration to Libre Office. They even complain if I change
OO from3.2 to 3.3. I believe there were major changes in that version.

The question is: Is there any way of freezing OO version indefinetly?

I am currently using oldstable OO but I guess my time is going short. What
will happen when they release the new version of debian? I don't know what
to do...

Thanks in advance for any advices.


PD: My native language is not English, I'm sorry for any mistakes in my

¨Como siempre, los ingenieros hicieron un
escándalo, aunque terminaron la maniobra
en la mitad del tiempo que habían rechazado
como imposible¨

Re: I have an Openoffice question for small business.

2013-10-08 Thread Luis Bandarra


On 08-10-2013 13:10, Ezequiel wrote:

Hi all:

I am Sysadmin at a small business. We have a complete mail-web-vpn 
infrastructure and my boss is happy with it. I guess we are a 
successful case of open software use in the real world

But -of course, there is always an issue- my users keep complaining 
about OpenOffice migration to Libre Office. They even complain if I 
change OO from 3.2 to 3.3. I believe there were major changes in that 

The question is: Is there any way of freezing OO version indefinetly?

I am currently using oldstable OO but I guess my time is going short. 
What will happen when they release the new version of debian? I don't 
know what to do...

Thanks in advance for any advices.

My advice is not the answer to your direct question, someone may help 
more on that!

What i would do is to implement gradually that change, place in one or 
two computers, probably per department, depending on the size of the 
company, and let them see and know the major differences, show how to 
overcome them and see if there is any problems with corporate templates 
and documents. Them following a schedule that the users know, upgrade 
the other computers.

Can't guarantee full satisfaction but might prevent a riot... that's how 
i brought to the light some friends to LibreOffice and Linux.

Sincerely hope it helps!


PD: My native language is not English, I'm sorry for any mistakes in 
my writing.

¨Como siempre, los ingenieros hicieron un
escándalo, aunque terminaron la maniobra
en la mitad del tiempo que habían rechazado
como imposible¨


LiCo #544119

Enjoy while you can 'cos you'll never know when it'll end

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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-08 Thread Morten Bo Johansen
On 2013-10-08 Florian Lindner wrote:

 What is the prefered tool for installing on the CLI? apt-get or
 aptitude? Last time I read about it, it was aptitude, due to better
 dependency checking. What is the current state? apt-get or aptitude?
 Does it matter? What about using both?

Both use libapt-pkg, so when used from the command line I don't think it
matters which you use.


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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-08 Thread Whit Hansell

On 10/08/2013 08:57 AM, Morten Bo Johansen wrote:

On 2013-10-08 Florian Lindner wrote:

What is the prefered tool for installing on the CLI? apt-get or
aptitude? Last time I read about it, it was aptitude, due to better
dependency checking. What is the current state? apt-get or aptitude?
Does it matter? What about using both?

Both use libapt-pkg, so when used from the command line I don't think it
matters which you use.


I had asked the same question a year ago or so and changed from aptitude 
to apt-get with using dist-upgrade for upgrades on both. On aptitude I 
was getting recommended packages no being installed but they are all 
installed using apt-get.  I had always wondered about the recommends 
being held back and have found no problem having them installed using 

Hope that helps.

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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-08 Thread berenger . morel

Le 08.10.2013 13:33, Florian Lindner a écrit :


Since I'm about to setup a new server using current stable wheezy, I 
want to

recheck some of debian knowledge.

What is the prefered tool for installing on the CLI? apt-get or
aptitude? Last
time I read about it, it was aptitude, due to better dependency
checking. What
is the current state? apt-get or aptitude? Does it matter? What about 




Both are front-end for dpkg, so there will be no real difference on the 
system after using one, the other or both.

I use both without any problem.

The differences between them is that aptitude:
* is slower
* have more built-in features
* have a ncurse interface

The slowness of aptitude should not be noticeable on a fast computer 
like a server, so you can probably forgot about that.
Built-in features aptitude have that apt-get *might* (I am not sure) 
not have *built-in* (but you can add apt-* stuff to add them I think) 
are some tools to support debtags (if installed), research of solutions 
when something is broken, and... I do not know what else :)

The aptitude's ncurse GUI is nice, at least for an end-user like me. On 
a server, where I think you probably know what and why to 
install/update, I doubt it will be.
But for the end user, it allows to quickly search and find a package 
depending on it's name, sorted by either categories or by debtags.

The problem imho of that interface is that:
* if you have any broken package ( by a modification you put, but did 
not validated ) it will be slow as hell ( it will checks solutions at 
each move for nothing )
* debtags are only shown as a tree, there is no really good interface 
to manage them ( but it is better than nothing )
* if you need multiarch, you will have to brows each package multiplied 
by the number of archs you use. Sadly, the interface did not used a way 
like the one used for versions for that...

On a production server, I would use apt-get: faster.
For testing needs, or RD, I would go for aptitude and use it's 
interface to browse packages and find solutions depending on the current 
state of the system ( it is easier to check which dependencies are being 
installed with aptitude's ncurse GUI than on a command line ).

Hope it helps.

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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-08 Thread berenger . morel

Le 08.10.2013 15:28, Whit Hansell a écrit :

On 10/08/2013 08:57 AM, Morten Bo Johansen wrote:

On 2013-10-08 Florian Lindner wrote:

What is the prefered tool for installing on the CLI? apt-get or
aptitude? Last time I read about it, it was aptitude, due to better
dependency checking. What is the current state? apt-get or 

Does it matter? What about using both?
Both use libapt-pkg, so when used from the command line I don't 
think it

matters which you use.


I had asked the same question a year ago or so and changed from
aptitude to apt-get with using dist-upgrade for upgrades on both. On
aptitude I was getting recommended packages no being installed but
they are all installed using apt-get.  I had always wondered about 

recommends being held back and have found no problem having them
installed using apt-get.

Hope that helps.

This only depends on your configuration. Aptitude's default is to 
install recommended packages, as for apt-get I think.
For apt-get, there is a command-line option --no-install-recommends 
which allows you to not install those. Probably aptitude have something 
like this too ( I only know about the GUI's option ) and they probably 
both are able to store that choice in some configuration file.

Installing recommended packages will probably not give you problems, if 
you do not care about your computer performances or the bandwith.
Automatically adding recommended packages will add, and enable, 
services that you could never need, and on a server, adding services 
often means adding risks of bugs, and so of hacks.
On my own computer, where I do not mind about being hacked ( at least, 
not at a point that I want to reinforce everything ) it will cost me 
resources: system and applications will be slower to start, and might 
even saturate my memory ( at least on my netbook with it's 1GB or ram ). 
It can also lead to behavior that I do not want.

But, this will add features you could like, too. I see recommended 
packages as suggestions, and suggested packages as see also. They are 
not evil, they simply need thinking before enabling all of them, if you 
want an efficient system ( lacking some of them will also need to 
inefficient systems ).

Little example from here:
Installing only network-manager-gnome and it's recommended packages 
leads to 345 packages automatically installed, 550MiB to download, and 
193MiB to install (I use a tiling window manager and am as careful as my 
skills allows to avoid useless -for me- stuff, so, no complete DE).
Installing it without recommended packages leads to 20 packages 
automatically installed, 28.2MiB to download, and 14.1MiB to install.
Sounds like a nice hint about what is wrong with automatic installation 
of recommended packages for advanced users ;) ( here, it means 40 min to 
spend in downloads, at least, and it uses Debian's mirrors' bandwidth 
for nothing, too )

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Re: I have an Openoffice question for small business.

2013-10-08 Thread berenger . morel

Le 08.10.2013 14:10, Ezequiel a écrit :

Hi all:

I am Sysadmin at a small business. We have a complete mail-web-vpn
infrastructure and my boss is happy with it. I guess we are a
successful case of open software use in the real world

But -of course, there is always an issue- my users keep complaining
about OpenOffice migration to Libre Office. They even complain if I
change OO from 3.2 to 3.3. I believe there were major changes in that

The question is: Is there any way of freezing OO version indefinetly?

I am currently using oldstable OO but I guess my time is going short.
What will happen when they release the new version of debian? I don't
know what to do...

Thanks in advance for any advices.


PD: My native language is not English, I'm sorry for any mistakes in
my writing.

First, I do want to say that you should follow previous advice to try 
to convince your users :)

But since you did not ask how to convince my users to upgrade, here 
is what you might want:

Use the /etc/apt/preferences file.

I used it some times ago but can not remember the exact syntax, but you 
should be able to quickly find some samples on debian's forums. Search 
for apt-pinning (the name of the technique iirc) and you should find 
nice examples in debian's forums. This technique is more often used to 
only use some packages from testing/unstable/experimental on stable, but 
you should be able to adapt it for your needs easily: simply give very 
low priorities to the packages you want.

But you should know that it also means that OO (or LO) dependencies 
will also need to be frozen, and this might avoid other other updates, 
in turn. Have fun :)

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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-08 Thread Richard Owlett wrote:

Le 08.10.2013 13:33, Florian Lindner a écrit :


Since I'm about to setup a new server using current stable
wheezy, I want to
recheck some of debian knowledge.

What is the prefered tool for installing on the CLI? apt-get or
aptitude? Last
time I read about it, it was aptitude, due to better dependency
checking. What
is the current state? apt-get or aptitude? Does it matter? What
about using



Both are front-end for dpkg, so there will be no real difference
on the system after using one, the other or both.
I use both without any problem.

The differences between them is that aptitude:
* is slower
* have more built-in features
* have a ncurse interface

The slowness of aptitude should not be noticeable on a fast
computer like a server, so you can probably forgot about that.
Built-in features aptitude have that apt-get *might* (I am not
sure) not have *built-in* (but you can add apt-* stuff to add
them I think) are some tools to support debtags (if installed),
research of solutions when something is broken, and... I do not
know what else :)

The aptitude's ncurse GUI is nice, at least for an end-user like
me. On a server, where I think you probably know what and why to
install/update, I doubt it will be.
But for the end user, it allows to quickly search and find a
package depending on it's name, sorted by either categories or by
The problem imho of that interface is that:
* if you have any broken package ( by a modification you put, but
did not validated ) it will be slow as hell ( it will checks
solutions at each move for nothing )
* debtags are only shown as a tree, there is no really good
interface to manage them ( but it is better than nothing )
* if you need multiarch, you will have to brows each package
multiplied by the number of archs you use. Sadly, the interface
did not used a way like the one used for versions for that...

On a production server, I would use apt-get: faster.
For testing needs, or RD, I would go for aptitude and use it's
interface to browse packages and find solutions depending on the
current state of the system ( it is easier to check which
dependencies are being installed with aptitude's ncurse GUI than
on a command line ).

Hope it helps.

Don't know if it helps the OP, but it does help me. Thank you.
I'm experimenting with a very lean idiosyncratic install. It 
sounds as aptitude will be appropriate for me. Off to read man 
pages etc ;)

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Re: I have an Openoffice question for small business.

2013-10-08 Thread berenger . morel

Le 08.10.2013 16:14, a écrit :

Le 08.10.2013 14:10, Ezequiel a écrit :

Hi all:

I am Sysadmin at a small business. We have a complete mail-web-vpn
infrastructure and my boss is happy with it. I guess we are a
successful case of open software use in the real world

But -of course, there is always an issue- my users keep complaining
about OpenOffice migration to Libre Office. They even complain if I
change OO from 3.2 to 3.3. I believe there were major changes in 


The question is: Is there any way of freezing OO version 

I am currently using oldstable OO but I guess my time is going 
What will happen when they release the new version of debian? I 

know what to do...

Thanks in advance for any advices.


PD: My native language is not English, I'm sorry for any mistakes in
my writing.

First, I do want to say that you should follow previous advice to try
to convince your users :)

But since you did not ask how to convince my users to upgrade, here
is what you might want:
Use the /etc/apt/preferences file.

I used it some times ago but can not remember the exact syntax, but
you should be able to quickly find some samples on debian's forums.
Search for apt-pinning (the name of the technique iirc) and you 

find nice examples in debian's forums. This technique is more often
used to only use some packages from testing/unstable/experimental on
stable, but you should be able to adapt it for your needs easily:
simply give very low priorities to the packages you want.

But you should know that it also means that OO (or LO) dependencies
will also need to be frozen, and this might avoid other other 

in turn. Have fun :)

Sorry for my self reply, but I just thought of that:
Another solution, not the easiest one but which would avoid freezing 
dependencies, would be download source of OO and compile it ( not on all 
computers of course, only on yours ) and then distributing the binary 
through a package.
To download source and install libraries needed, you can do something 
aptitude build-dep openoffice ( will install development libraries OO 
will need )

apt-get source openoffice ( will download source code for openoffice )

apt-get source will download an archive with source code, so untar it, 
and then probably do the old ./configure  make.
Next steps is to build a package, but I can not help you on those, 
however a lot of people here can probably.
And the last one is to distribute it. For that, you might want to setup 
a local repository, add your OO package in it, and add that repo to the 
sources.list ( or sources.list.d/local_OO.list, if you prefer ) of the 
That procedure is more complex than the one with file preferences, but 
can survive longer without giving you cascading version problems in 

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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-08 Thread Jonathan Dowland
These days, it's apt-get: aptitude's resolver has some awkward bugs that
haven't been stamped on yet.

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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-08 Thread berenger . morel

Le 08.10.2013 16:15, Richard Owlett a écrit : wrote:

Le 08.10.2013 13:33, Florian Lindner a écrit :


Since I'm about to setup a new server using current stable
wheezy, I want to
recheck some of debian knowledge.

What is the prefered tool for installing on the CLI? apt-get or
aptitude? Last
time I read about it, it was aptitude, due to better dependency
checking. What
is the current state? apt-get or aptitude? Does it matter? What
about using



Both are front-end for dpkg, so there will be no real difference
on the system after using one, the other or both.
I use both without any problem.

The differences between them is that aptitude:
* is slower
* have more built-in features
* have a ncurse interface

The slowness of aptitude should not be noticeable on a fast
computer like a server, so you can probably forgot about that.
Built-in features aptitude have that apt-get *might* (I am not
sure) not have *built-in* (but you can add apt-* stuff to add
them I think) are some tools to support debtags (if installed),
research of solutions when something is broken, and... I do not
know what else :)

The aptitude's ncurse GUI is nice, at least for an end-user like
me. On a server, where I think you probably know what and why to
install/update, I doubt it will be.
But for the end user, it allows to quickly search and find a
package depending on it's name, sorted by either categories or by
The problem imho of that interface is that:
* if you have any broken package ( by a modification you put, but
did not validated ) it will be slow as hell ( it will checks
solutions at each move for nothing )
* debtags are only shown as a tree, there is no really good
interface to manage them ( but it is better than nothing )
* if you need multiarch, you will have to brows each package
multiplied by the number of archs you use. Sadly, the interface
did not used a way like the one used for versions for that...

On a production server, I would use apt-get: faster.
For testing needs, or RD, I would go for aptitude and use it's
interface to browse packages and find solutions depending on the
current state of the system ( it is easier to check which
dependencies are being installed with aptitude's ncurse GUI than
on a command line ).

Hope it helps.

Don't know if it helps the OP, but it does help me. Thank you.

Nice :)

I'm experimenting with a very lean idiosyncratic install. It sounds
as aptitude will be appropriate for me. Off to read man pages etc ;)

Don't copy me! xD
More seriously, without aptitude, I would probably not be with debian ( 
probably I would have stayed with windows, that I known better some 
years ago ), and it is really that tool which allowed me to have fast as 
lighting computers built from low-price hardware ( but no one that I 
know could use any of my systems if I am far away ).

You might also be interested by dselect, I have read about it several 
times, but never took enough time to really discover it.

My first moves when installing a new system: uncheck all ( yes, 
including basic tools ) checkboxes while installing, booting on the new 
system, disabling in aptitude the automatic install of recommended 
stuff, and install only packages that I invoke by myself.

Sometimes I take some fun to also purge all packages ( yes, all of 
them: go to root entry of aptitude and then press '_' ) to add them back 
one by one in the preview, marking all packages I do not remove as 
automatically installed ( so that they'll go away when there will be no 
reason to keep them ). It's nice to see that Debian still install some 
tools which are not really needed when you uncheck everything at install 

Be careful, that way to install a computer is the best one to install 
broken systems :) but I'll bet that you know that ( it's more a 
disclaimer for people who could fall on that mail )

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Re: Debian installer and raid0

2013-10-08 Thread Francesco Pietra
I hope not to bother beyond the limit, but the security of mirror raid is
something of utmost importance, at least in my work of biochemist, with
very limited ability in recovering from disk failures.

I planned to use the double-opteron, two sockets, server, tya 64, as a
victim for the test you suggested. However, the test

root@tya64:/home/francesco# dd bs=512 count=1 if=/dev/sda 2/dev/null |
Hard Disk

root@tya64:/home/francesco# dd bs=512 count=1 if=/dev/sdb 2/dev/null |
Hard Disk

suggested that grub was installed on both disks. Using one disk at a time,
as you suggested, was in accordance.

Then I carried out the pipe test with the recent machine, gig64:

root@gig64:/home/francesco# dd bs=512 count=1 if=/dev/sda 2/dev/null |
Hard Disk

root@gig64:/home/francesco# dd bs=512 count=1 if=/dev/sdb 2/dev/null |

indicating that grub is installed on sda only. Confirmed by using one disk
at a time.

500GB disks on tya64 came from a dismissed doubleOpteron four socket server
that I had assembled several years ago. Probably at that time in my
activity as a biochemist I was left more time to be careful about linux.
With gig64 the two 1000GB disks came recently from the store and the
described failure as to installing grub on sdb was with them. Unless the
problem is different, related to the particular gig64 machine.


 (1) If there is any chance that the particular hardware of gig64,
comprising two GPUs (I called gig64 a server, while, unlike the real server
tya64, it is a consumer mainboard GA-X79-UD3 with Intel(R) Core(TM)
i7-3930K CPU @ 3.20GHz and two GTX680 GPUs, leading to very fast number
crunching, NOT overclocked) can interfere with installation of grub on the
second disk, it seems to me that gig64 is the appropriate victim. However,
by replacing the two 1000GB disks with two spare victim disks that I should
have somewhere (amd64 on both, and likely grub too). If anything, linux is
unable to tell anything about the GPUs (and even nvidia-smi tools tell very
little, which my lend suspicion on why the grub installation of the second
disk failed). Fundamentally, it is a game machine, so that no chance to get
mirror raid even mentioned by bloggers of this type of computers.

(2) Is the above pipe test (that grub installed leads to some message when
failure is encountered, while no message means no grub available) always
reliable and equivalent to detaching disks?


On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 10:38 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Francesco Pietra wrote:
  I forgot asking naively how to boot safely to the grub menu.

 Press a key on the keyboard before the 5 second count down timer
 counts all of the way down.  Pressing a key stops the timer and causes
 it to stay on the menu waiting for keyboard input.


Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-08 Thread davidson

On Tue, 8 Oct 2013, Florian Lindner wrote:

Since I'm about to setup a new server using current stable wheezy, I want to
recheck some of debian knowledge.

What is the prefered tool for installing on the CLI? apt-get or aptitude? Last
time I read about it, it was aptitude, due to better dependency checking. What
is the current state? apt-get or aptitude? Does it matter? What about using

you might find this worth a look:


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Brother QL-1060N label printer: unwanted media feed after print job

2013-10-08 Thread Bruno Voigt

is there any body out there using the Brother QL label printer series
under debian/wheezy?

I'm printing labels via CUPS lp command and postscript files
to an QL-1060N with 62mm width continuous roll.

I'm facing the problem that after the print job is finished
and the label is cut as expected,
that the printer driver after a short pause seems to submit an media feed
so that 1 inch (2,54cm) of blank media is advanced
and is sticking in front of the next printed label.

I can only circumvent this by manually pressing
the cut button on the printer  before submitting the next print label job.

I have taken a look on the source of the printer driver

printer-driver-ptouch 1.3-4

but was not yet able to find the code that must be changed
to suppress the media advance.

Same result with v1.3-7 from testing/unstable.

I also tried the driver from brother, which does not advance the media
*afte*r the job,
but unfortunately prints 1,5 inch blank media *before* the actual label

Any hints are greatly appreciated..

  My CUPS printer queue definition:
Queue Name: labelprt62c
Description:Brother QL-1060N 62mm width continuous roll
Driver: Brother QL-550 Foomatic/ptouch (recommended) (grayscale,
2-sided printing)
Connection: socket://mydomain.bla:9100
Defaults:   job-sheets=none, none media=unknown sides=one-sided
Set Default options:
   Page Size: Custom
   Width: 62
   Height: 68  
   Units: Millimeters
   Print Quality: High quality
   Concatenate Pages:  IndividualPages
   Mirror Print:   Normal
   Negative Print: PositivePrint
   Print Density:  Dark
   Roll Fed Media: Continuous roll
   Advance Distance: None
   Advance Media: Do not advance the tape
   Auto Cut: Cut the medium after each label
 Printer Specifics
   Align:  Center aligned
   Bytes Per Line: 90
   Label Preamble: LabelPreamble
   Software Mirror:HardwareMirror


PS: Are there any other recommandable label printers that work under
debian  CUPS ?

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Re: You can have any color you want - as long as it's Gnome?

2013-10-08 Thread Oliver Fairhall

Hi folks,

Good read. Just want to offer my thanks for all the testing and info. 
Really helps a newb.



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apt-pinning, strange behavior

2013-10-08 Thread berenger . morel
Since I had to reinstall from my last kernel error, I decided to stay 
with stable on that computer, but I need some softwares in less outdated 
versions, like development libraries or i3 ( this one is not a need but 
a question of comfort, I admit ), so I want to use apt-pining.

I have set all packages from stable to a priority of 900 and testing 
packages with 500.
But tzdata wants to upgrade, for an unknown reason. Explicitly making 
it to a priority of 900 for stable fixes that, but I can not understand 
why it is needed?

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re: Compatibility of libs for Berkeley DB (libdb5.1-dev or libdb4.8-dev)

2013-10-08 Thread peter green

I cannot install libdb4.8-dev + libdb4.8, because it conflicts with libdb5.1.
This does not seem to be true, the dev packages conflict but afaict the 
libraries themselves (at least the versions from debian squeeze and 
wheezy) do not. So as long as you don't need libdb5.1-dev installed you 
should be fine.

If you need to use other dev packages that depend on the db dev packages 
to build bitcoind then I would suggest building it in a squeeze chroot. 
Once you have built it it should be easy enough to install required 
binary libraries on your wheezy system as unlike dev packages they 
rarely conflict.

Please direct further queries to debian-user.

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Android, ADB, a useful script for copying files

2013-10-08 Thread David Emerson
By request, here is the script I use to copy multiple files from my 
android phone to my debian box, over the usb cable using ADB (Android 
Debug Bridge)

- adb. I am using android 4.1.2, which requires adb 1.0.31
- busybox (I think you need root to install busybox, not sure)
- turn on usb debugging (settings  developer options) ... and make sure 
to turn it off afterwards, as it is a security risk. I recommend 
installing a reminder app for this purpose

First, make sure you can use adb! Run adb shell from your debian box; 
you should get a prompt that looks something like:

shell@android:/ $

Getting adb working is beyond the scope of this email.

Here is the main script I use, which has a few different modes:

shopt -s extglob
[[ $pt = +([0-9]) ]] || pt=
echo Forwarding port $pt 2
adb forward tcp:$pt tcp:$pt
case ${0##*/} in
  Adb-cat)  nc localhost $pt;;
  Adb-tar)  nc localhost $pt | tar  xf -;;
  Adb-ztar) nc localhost $pt | tar zxf -;;
echo tar cf - | nc -l -p $pt 2
adb shell

I hardlinked the script to several different executable names: Adb-cat, 
Adb-tar, Adb-ztar, and Adb-shell

From the first terminal I run Adb-shell, which gives me an android 
prompt, with the port forwarded. Then I run a command on android to send 
the files I want, e.g.

tar cf - some.pdf files.jpg I want to copy.jpg | nc -l -p should sit there waiting.

Then I open a second terminal in debian, and from there, run:
This does the same port forward, and listens on the port for the 
transmission coming from android, then pipes it through tar to extract 
the files.
Alternately, you could run Adb-cat archive.tar to store as an archive 
on the debian side.

Similarly, if you want to compress the files before transmission, add a 
z to the tar params on android, and run Adb-ztar (or Adb-cat 
archive.tgz) Of course this is not such a good idea if sending images, 
videos, or pdfs, as they are already compressed and running them through 
gzip is only going to waste processor time and not actually save bandwidth.

If you want to use a different port, run it like this:
env pt=4800 Adb-shell
env pt=4800 Adb-tar

Hope this helps! Questions welcome


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fips 140 and md5 problem

2013-10-08 Thread ChadDavis
Some software that I use has a functionality to automatically update itself
from the web.  This update process has quit working and is complaining that
MD5 is not a FIPS140 compliant algorithm.

I understand that this might not be a debian issue, but perhaps it is.  Is
there a way to replace the MD5 with a FIPS compliant algorithm?

Re: apt-pinning, strange behavior

2013-10-08 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2013-10-08 19:06 +0200, wrote:

 Since I had to reinstall from my last kernel error, I decided to stay
 with stable on that computer, but I need some softwares in less
 outdated versions, like development libraries or i3 ( this one is not
 a need but a question of comfort, I admit ), so I want to use

 I have set all packages from stable to a priority of 900 and testing
 packages with 500.
 But tzdata wants to upgrade, for an unknown reason. Explicitly making
 it to a priority of 900 for stable fixes that, but I can not
 understand why it is needed?

I don't know either, but apt-cache policy tzdata should explain it.


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RE: Debian wheezy boot problem - Boot sector not identified by board

2013-10-08 Thread Roland RoLaNd
for future reference if anyone faced this issue.disabling EFI in bios 
settings and initiating a clean install does the trick.
Subject: Debian wheezy boot problem - Boot sector not identified by board
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2013 09:54:11 +0200

I have an intel dh77kc board. it previously had windows 7 installed on it.i 
tried installing debian wheezy net install. installation goes perfectly fine up 
untill reboot.once reboot is done, i get  Initializing and establishing link 
and immediately goes into network bootI tried resetting bios settings to 
default, i even upgraded the bios itself. and changed from AHCI to IDEnothing 
is working so far.
Note: i thought it's not debian specific, by installing windows 7 again. and it 
worked fine..
Any hint on what might be going on ?


Re: Reg: gcc option for printing large number (large double)

2013-10-08 Thread Roger Leigh
On Mon, Sep 09, 2013 at 10:11:21AM +0530, Balamurugan wrote:
 I have an issue in printing a large number in a c program. Please
 find below the code snippet :
 #include math.h
 int main()
 double temp = 0.0;
 temp = pow(2, 2000);
 printf(The value of temp is %lf\n, temp);
 return 0;
 I compiled and ran as below:
 [balamurugan@balamurugan C_Programs]$ gcc test.c -o test
 [balamurugan@balamurugan C_Programs]$ ./test
 The value of temp is _inf_
 But for the same expression, I am able to get the value from python,
 [balamurugan@balamurugan C_Programs]$ python
 Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Feb 22 2013, 00:00:18)
 [GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3)] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 I know that in gcc, there is an option for getting this done. Can
 any body help with that option?

This is outside the precision of double-precision floating point.  Have
a look into multi-precision arithmetic libraries such as libgmp
(libgmp-dev).  Or if you also do C++, see Boost.Multiprecision, which
wraps the GMP types nicely so you can use them as regular primitives.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
   `-GPG Public Key  F33D 281D 470A B443 6756 147C 07B3 C8BC 4083 E800

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Re: NFS in schroot/sbuild

2013-10-08 Thread Roger Leigh
On Fri, Sep 06, 2013 at 09:35:58AM +0200, Khaled Blah wrote:
 On 04.09.2013 17:16, Chris Bannister wrote:
  On Wed, Sep 04, 2013 at 02:42:44PM +0200, Khaled Blah wrote:
  Hi all,
  I'd like to mount an NFS mount point into a schroot session. I
  understand I need to edit /etc/schroot/sbuild/fstab on the host to do so
  but all my attempts so far failed. Does anyone here know how it can be 
  IOW, what alterations did you make?
  What did you expect to happen and what actually did happen?
  Please include any error and syslog messages relevant to the problem.
 Hi Chris,
 thanks for your reply. However, there is no error message or log that I
 could provide. What I expect is to see the NFS resource being mounted
 into my schroot environment but what I see is that it is not being
 mounted. There is no error message for this. So, as you can see, I have
 provided as much information as possible at this point. So if somebody
 has hints in regard to my original question, please let me know.

Showing us the change you made to the fstab file would be a good start.
schroot can also be run in verbose mode with -v which will show you
what it's doing when running the setup scripts.  Seeing that output
would also be helpful, or else we're just guessing what you did.

schroot's 10mount setup script just runs the regular mount command; so
there's nothing special about NFS here.  But note that the mountpoint
is inside the chroot; schroot will prepend the chroot mount path to
this.  Other than that, it's just the same as the normal /etc/fstab


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
   `-GPG Public Key  F33D 281D 470A B443 6756 147C 07B3 C8BC 4083 E800

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Re: building from source for different arch

2013-10-08 Thread Roger Leigh
On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 09:03:47PM +0200, Slavko wrote:
 Dňa Wed, 11 Sep 2013 23:00:03 +0400 napísal:
  Unless you intend to do something very strange (i.e. amd64.deb which
  contains i386 binaries), you'll probably better build package for i386
  in a pure i386 chroot (easily made by deboostrap).
 Or in chroot created by the pbuilder, which is intented for packaging.

This will work for 32-bit builds on a 64-bit system for several
architectures.  With sbuild/schroot, it's also now possible to
debootstrap a completely foreign architecture and use qemu to
directly run emulated native builds in the chroot using the
kernel binfmt-misc support.  Maybe pbuilder has also picked up
this as well.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
   `-GPG Public Key  F33D 281D 470A B443 6756 147C 07B3 C8BC 4083 E800

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loop back iptables

2013-10-08 Thread james gray
working with Debian 7.0

working with the examples at

when i write a example for a lo0 table as shown

-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT

and follow procedure of

iptables-restore  file-name

i do receive a message line failed for that line as shown above.

Question: do i need to config a file.

staying in the environment of the istalled Debian 7.0 and doing apropos
loopback shows alsoloop.

doing internet searching shows a lot of info as if a bomb droped from the
sky - but who knows if it is or could be debian 7.0 specific.

any assistance.

thank you

Re: should an end user stick to a kernel with an initrd?

2013-10-08 Thread Roger Leigh
On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 10:28:01PM +0300, Regid Ichira wrote:
 On Fri, Fri, 27 Sep 2013 13:34:56 -0400, Tom H wrote:
  On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 3:12 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
   On Thu, 2013-09-26 at 19:07 -0400, Stephen Powell wrote:
   Traditional device names, such as /dev/sda, /dev/sdb,
   (and therefore the partitions on those devices, such
   as /dev/sda1, /dev/sdb1, etc.) are not assigned in a predictable
   manner anymore.  This device name assignment can change from one boot
   to the next.
   This never happened on my machine.
  This won't happen if you have just one disk. ;)
  On a more serious note, do you really think that all the people
  maintaining distributions thought using sdX is far too simple and
  easy, let's start using human-non-parsable UUIDs?!
 1. Saying traditional disks names not siigned in a predictable manner
seem to contradict the fact that one can write 

You can certainly write that into the fstab, but that won't guarantee
that the device will be hdd3; it might be hdc3, hde3 etc. depending
upon the presence of other devices and the initialisation order.

in the kernel command line, such as in lilo.
 2. I have 2 disks.  It never happened to me.

Try plugging in a USB storage device during early boot.  On some
systems this might end up initialised before the physical HDDs
and then all the hard disks will be renamed and the fstab entries
will be broken.  On most systems the SATA drives will be initialised
first, but this isn't guaranteed--a lot of this is asynchronous now;
what if the HDD takes longer to spin up than normal, so gets
registered later?  You want guaranteed reliability, and UUIDs/LABELs
give you that; the kernel device names might /seem/ stable on a
given system, but that's really only a result of circumstance, not
by design.

 4. I think that the LABEL mechanism of /etc/fstab is different,
predated, and more rigid, from that of a UUID.  Again, it seem to
me supported by some of the comments in

Both are handled by udev today, to give you /dev/disk/by-label
and /dev/disk/by-uuid.  I don't think that labels are handled
specially by the kernel in addition to that, since it can be
potentially quite complex and filesystem-specific, but I could
be wrong.  Maybe they were in the past, or handled specially
prior to udev?


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
   `-GPG Public Key  F33D 281D 470A B443 6756 147C 07B3 C8BC 4083 E800

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Re: apt-pinning, strange behavior

2013-10-08 Thread berenger . morel

Le 08.10.2013 22:42, Sven Joachim a écrit :

On 2013-10-08 19:06 +0200, wrote:

Since I had to reinstall from my last kernel error, I decided to 

with stable on that computer, but I need some softwares in less
outdated versions, like development libraries or i3 ( this one is 

a need but a question of comfort, I admit ), so I want to use

I have set all packages from stable to a priority of 900 and testing
packages with 500.
But tzdata wants to upgrade, for an unknown reason. Explicitly 

it to a priority of 900 for stable fixes that, but I can not
understand why it is needed?

I don't know either, but apt-cache policy tzdata should explain it.


Thanks for the hint, I had forgotten about apt-cache policy.
I finally understood, why the update was on the run:

  Installé : 2013d-0wheezy1
  Candidat : 2013d-1
 Table de version :
 2013d-1 0
500 testing/main amd64 

 *** 2013d-0wheezy1 0
500 stable-updates/main amd64 

100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 2013c-0wheezy1 0
900 stable/main amd64 

Version 2013d-0wheezy1 had the same priority as testing one so testing 
was installed because more recent.
Now, I wonder why I have 3 versions of that package listed when I only 
have 2 sources enabled? Could it be because of stable, stable/updates 
and stable-updates repositories? ( I am not used to stable, so I do not 
have the updates repos usually )
And also why I have a wheezy version with a priority of 500... I can 
not even find the 2013d-0wheezy1 in debian packages...

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Re: schroot

2013-10-08 Thread Roger Leigh
On Mon, Oct 07, 2013 at 12:38:04PM -0400, shawn wilson wrote:
 This is at the top of every config file, but I can't find it documented:
 . $SETUP_DATA_DIR/common-data
 . $SETUP_DATA_DIR/common-functions
 . $SETUP_DATA_DIR/common-config
 Where is this being sourced from (ie, where is the 'common-data'
 file?) and (more important) where is this documented?

It's set in the environment which the setup scripts run in.  It
should be documented in schroot-setup(5), but appears to be missing.
Mea culpa.  This probably stems from this historically being an
internal implementation detail; it should probably be considered
part of the public interface at this point.

It's /usr/share/schroot/setup at present on Debian, but this depends
upon how you configure schroot when you build it from source.  This
was added to remove duplicated logic used in each and every setup

If you're looking for where this is coming from in the source, see
session::setup_chroot() in sbuild/ (1.0--1.6)
(lib/sbuild/ on current git master).


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild
   `-GPG Public Key  F33D 281D 470A B443 6756 147C 07B3 C8BC 4083 E800

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Re: loop back iptables

2013-10-08 Thread Dan Ritter
On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 03:04:14PM -0700, james gray wrote:
 working with Debian 7.0
 working with the examples at
 when i write a example for a lo0 table as shown
 -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
 and follow procedure of
 iptables-restore  file-name
 i do receive a message line failed for that line as shown above.
 Question: do i need to config a file.
 staying in the environment of the istalled Debian 7.0 and doing apropos
 loopback shows alsoloop.
 doing internet searching shows a lot of info as if a bomb droped from the
 sky - but who knows if it is or could be debian 7.0 specific.

First, you should probably avoid doing anything to a loopback

Next, you'll need to copy the entirety of the grey area example
to a file, and use that file name in the iptables-restore. It's
a very specific format.

If you want to test individual rules, you could do this at the
command line:

iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT

and then

iptables -L

to see if it took.

There is nothing Debian-specific going on here.


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Re: google-chrome-unstable apparently removes its executable

2013-10-08 Thread Stephen Allen
On Sun, Oct 06, 2013 at 11:42:15AM -0400, Patrick Wiseman wrote:
 Updating two testing systems this morning, I found that my Chrome
 suddenly became unable to find any web pages. Attempting to relaunch,
 it wasn't there!
 'which google-chrome' returned nothing. I tried 'sudo apt-get install
 google-chrome-unstable', but it was already installed. Finally, on
 both systems, I did 'sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable' and
 now have a working Chrome again.
 I guess that's what I get for being willing to live with unstable!

You could have reinstalled it: 'aptitude reinstall google-chrome-unstable'.

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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-08 Thread Stephen Allen
On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 01:33:41PM +0200, Florian Lindner wrote:
 Since I'm about to setup a new server using current stable wheezy, I want to 
 recheck some of debian knowledge.
 What is the prefered tool for installing on the CLI? apt-get or aptitude? 
 time I read about it, it was aptitude, due to better dependency checking. 
 is the current state? apt-get or aptitude? Does it matter? What about using 

My understanding is that apt-get is better at resolving dependencies when a 
large amount of packages are to be installed, ie 'dist-upgrade'. 

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Re: apt-get vs. aptitude

2013-10-08 Thread Stephen Allen
On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 11:35:57AM -0400, wrote:
 On Tue, 8 Oct 2013, Florian Lindner wrote:
 Since I'm about to setup a new server using current stable wheezy, I want to
 recheck some of debian knowledge.
 What is the prefered tool for installing on the CLI? apt-get or aptitude? 
 time I read about it, it was aptitude, due to better dependency checking. 
 is the current state? apt-get or aptitude? Does it matter? What about using
 you might find this worth a look:

Excellent! Thanks for the resource, Wes. 

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Re: What does 'apt' in /etc/cron.daily do?

2013-10-08 Thread Harry Putnam
Bob Proulx writes:

Thanks for the in depth explanations and advice. Very helpful.

 Of course there are other ways, like removing the
 /etc/cron.daily/logrotate script altogether and running logrotate
 from roots' crontab.

 Under the principle of where do you stop I think that is worse.
 Because following that to the logical conclusion it means that you
 should run everything from your own cubbyhole.  Standard is better
 than better.  But as we know if things are very much too customized
 then they become fragile.  Upgrades become a mental memory challenge.
 You have to remember too much about how everything is configured.  I
 wouldn't do it.  But then I wouldn't do the rename either. :-)

You've convinced me to keep it as standard as I can, and since it now
works or at least seems to work in any of several ways, including
original there isn't any reason to left to customize off on my own.

I grabbed the original files that I've been editing (I copied all
originals as I usually do), and have set it back in the original way. 
Seems to work.  So back it is..

I really took your advice to heart about documenting any changes made
in some plainly recognizable way... I've hit the speed bump a few
times, where I look at some edit I made, maybe yrs ago and can't even
imagine what I was trying to do, let alone remember it.  At my age,
that becomes more and more important.

Thanks again.

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which MTA to choose for a simple client?

2013-10-08 Thread berenger . morel

I finally decided myself to install a software to manage my mails.

So, I think I'll go for mutt: it appears quite often on the list ( so I 
might ask if I have problems, before trying another one when everything 
will be ok ) and runs into a terminal, which makes it perfect for me 
since I use a tiling window managers: it will never spawn ugly dialog in 
my face for a reason or another, and for the situations when I simply 
want to run a TTY without X, it will fit perfectly too.

But now, it seems ( says this article 
) that it needs 2 other tools: one to fetch mails from server, and 
another one to send them.
For the fetcher, I am surprised that debian does not seems to recommend 
or suggest using one, so I will not spend time on that -for now at 
least- and will do as the article says, unless I discover something 
interesting in the process.
But for the tool to send mails, things are different: I can count 16 
alternatives. Some are obviously wrong for my use, like lsb-invalid-mta, 
postfix or exim ( those last ones are probably too big for my simple 
usage, they seems designed for big boxes where mailing is an important 
task ), but even after removing some obvious ones, I still have a lot of 

So, here is my question:
What would you use as a MTA on a Debian system made for an end-user?

Of course, I could take one of them at random and try to go with it, 
but I would like to take the occasion to learn basics about that, 
without installing a tool from which I will never use or understand 10% 
of the features...

So, I would like something which:
_ supports IMAP, POP3 and SMTP ( this does not sound excessive I think, 
but if there are other important protocols, I do not even know their 
existences or uses )
_ is not a daemon running constantly: why should I have a daemon 
running to send mail when I am not connected to Internet or not taking 
care of my mails? Something which is started by the client ( MUA it 
seem? ) is good enough for me and does not consume time when starting or 
shutting down my computers.
_ is lightweight, because I always aim to have a system which let all 
possible resources to my compilers, and which respect my batteries. I 
bet that if I can still survive 4H with wifi after 3 years of intensive 
use, it is partly because I do not use heavy softwares.
_ is configured by raw text in the good old UNIX way because I have 
learn so many from Debian's configuration files and their comments, 
which are very useful when you messed everything and can not even access 
Internet :)

Does it even exists? If not, what is, in your opinions, the better to 
fit those goals?


PS: sorry for the long description of my request, but I tried to be as 
complete as possible. Hopefully it makes things I aim for more clear...

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Re: google-chrome-unstable apparently removes its executable

2013-10-08 Thread berenger . morel

Le 09.10.2013 02:43, Stephen Allen a écrit :

On Sun, Oct 06, 2013 at 11:42:15AM -0400, Patrick Wiseman wrote:

Updating two testing systems this morning, I found that my Chrome
suddenly became unable to find any web pages. Attempting to 

it wasn't there!

'which google-chrome' returned nothing. I tried 'sudo apt-get 

google-chrome-unstable', but it was already installed. Finally, on
both systems, I did 'sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable' and
now have a working Chrome again.

I guess that's what I get for being willing to live with unstable!

On the other hand, which will only show you the command with the exact 
name you provided it, right?
You would have better informations if you simply list the content of 
the package and grep it with /usr/bin, so that it would show the 
Something like $apt-file list google-chrome-unstable |grep '/usr/bin' 
should do the trick, and says if the command you are searching from has 
not simply be renamed.

( sorry Stephen to reply to you but it seem I have deleted the OP's 
post )

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Re: Re: Disappearing text in FireFox

2013-10-08 Thread Rivera Valdez
Maybe a nouveau problem?

I'm having this issue on a clean and recent Debian Testing installation, in
any programs (medit, midori, chromium, leafpad, etx).

$ lspci | grep -i vga
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 440
AGP 8x] (rev a2)

Driver: Nouveau

trouble exporting NFS in wheezy

2013-10-08 Thread Ross Boylan
I have a fresh install of wheezy and am attempting to export some
directories.  It's not working, judging from showmount.  I've tried
various things and searched, but haven't found anything.

I have not touched mounts.allow.  Do I need to?  The only access I have
attempted has been direct from the server machine or from a VM running

The only unusual thing I can think of is that I am using bridging; the
local subnet is associated with the bridge.

Any ideas?

Ross Boylan

Current key files:
# I tried --no-nfs-version after failing without it
RPCMOUNTDOPTS=--manage-gids --no-nfs-version 4

--/etc/default/nfs-common -
# enabled statd after failing without it

# switch tho this after failing with /usr/local

root@tempserver:~# mount --bind /usr/local /srv/nfs/local
root@tempserver:~# /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
Stopping NFS kernel daemon: mountd nfsd.
Unexporting directories for NFS kernel daemon
Exporting directories for NFS kernel daemon
Starting NFS kernel daemon: nfsd mountd.
root@tempserver:~# showmount  #my machine
Hosts on

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Re: which MTA to choose for a simple client?

2013-10-08 Thread Jerry Stuckle

On 10/8/2013 9:13 PM, wrote:

I finally decided myself to install a software to manage my mails.

So, I think I'll go for mutt: it appears quite often on the list ( so I
might ask if I have problems, before trying another one when everything
will be ok ) and runs into a terminal, which makes it perfect for me
since I use a tiling window managers: it will never spawn ugly dialog in
my face for a reason or another, and for the situations when I simply
want to run a TTY without X, it will fit perfectly too.

But now, it seems ( says this article
) that it needs 2 other tools: one to fetch mails from server, and
another one to send them.
For the fetcher, I am surprised that debian does not seems to recommend
or suggest using one, so I will not spend time on that -for now at
least- and will do as the article says, unless I discover something
interesting in the process.
But for the tool to send mails, things are different: I can count 16
alternatives. Some are obviously wrong for my use, like lsb-invalid-mta,
postfix or exim ( those last ones are probably too big for my simple
usage, they seems designed for big boxes where mailing is an important
task ), but even after removing some obvious ones, I still have a lot of

So, here is my question:
What would you use as a MTA on a Debian system made for an end-user?

Of course, I could take one of them at random and try to go with it, but
I would like to take the occasion to learn basics about that, without
installing a tool from which I will never use or understand 10% of the
So, I would like something which:
_ supports IMAP, POP3 and SMTP ( this does not sound excessive I think,
but if there are other important protocols, I do not even know their
existences or uses )
_ is not a daemon running constantly: why should I have a daemon running
to send mail when I am not connected to Internet or not taking care of
my mails? Something which is started by the client ( MUA it seem? ) is
good enough for me and does not consume time when starting or shutting
down my computers.
_ is lightweight, because I always aim to have a system which let all
possible resources to my compilers, and which respect my batteries. I
bet that if I can still survive 4H with wifi after 3 years of intensive
use, it is partly because I do not use heavy softwares.
_ is configured by raw text in the good old UNIX way because I have
learn so many from Debian's configuration files and their comments,
which are very useful when you messed everything and can not even access
Internet :)

Does it even exists? If not, what is, in your opinions, the better to
fit those goals?

PS: sorry for the long description of my request, but I tried to be as
complete as possible. Hopefully it makes things I aim for more clear...

I use Exim on my servers - and they don't handle much mail, and have 
ever since I started with Debian.  It can be a real pain to configure 
due to its flexibility, but the default configuration will probably work 
for you.  And SpamAssassin installs nicely into the Exim4 configuration.

I've done a fair amount of custom configuration, especially to keep spam 
down.  But that's also been done over a period of years, not all at one 

One thing you do need to be careful with, no matter which MTA you use. 
Don't make it an open relay - you'll soon become a source of SPAM.  And 
you should take steps to prevent bots from guessing your userid and 
password (I use fail2ban).


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Re: which MTA to choose for a simple client?

2013-10-08 Thread Celejar
On Wed, 09 Oct 2013 03:13:27 +0200 wrote:


 For the fetcher, I am surprised that debian does not seems to recommend 
 or suggest using one, so I will not spend time on that -for now at 
 least- and will do as the article says, unless I discover something 
 interesting in the process.

I recommend getmail.

 But for the tool to send mails, things are different: I can count 16 
 alternatives. Some are obviously wrong for my use, like lsb-invalid-mta, 
 postfix or exim ( those last ones are probably too big for my simple 
 usage, they seems designed for big boxes where mailing is an important 
 task ), but even after removing some obvious ones, I still have a lot of 
 So, here is my question:
 What would you use as a MTA on a Debian system made for an end-user?

I've used Exim, basically because it's (was?) the Debian default.
Configuration can be confusing, but once you have it going, it works


* It's designed for server use, so you'll really need to get used to
certain things, such as inspecting the logs when things go wrong,
instead of communicating with it via some sort of dialog, as with much
desktop software.

* Configuration can be *really* confusing. Additionally, Debian has a
very idiosyncratic configuration system, which upstream can't stand,
and absolutely won't support.

 Of course, I could take one of them at random and try to go with it, 
 but I would like to take the occasion to learn basics about that, 
 without installing a tool from which I will never use or understand 10% 
 of the features...
 So, I would like something which:
 _ supports IMAP, POP3 and SMTP ( this does not sound excessive I think, 

You need to get acquire a better understanding of mail handling in *nix
- pulling mail and sending mail are generally handled by different
tools. We've discussed fetchers (Mail Retrieval Agents) earlier -
they'll handle IMAP and POP3. Outgoing mail will be handled by an MTA,
which will speak SMTP.

 but if there are other important protocols, I do not even know their 
 existences or uses )

Extensions to POP and SMTP, such as SSL support. I think support for
them is pretty standard.

 _ is not a daemon running constantly: why should I have a daemon 
 running to send mail when I am not connected to Internet or not taking 
 care of my mails? Something which is started by the client ( MUA it 
 seem? ) is good enough for me and does not consume time when starting or 
 shutting down my computers.
 _ is lightweight, because I always aim to have a system which let all 

Assuming you're using a smarthost (relay host), you
can use a relay server such as ssmpt, msmtp or nullmailer which I
believe all meet these two conditions.


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can has debian-reference manual (was Re: apt-get vs. aptitude)

2013-10-08 Thread davidson

On Tue, 8 Oct 2013, Stephen Allen wrote:
On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 11:35:57AM -0400, wrote:

On Tue, 8 Oct 2013, Florian Lindner wrote:

Since I'm about to setup a new server using current stable wheezy,
I want to recheck some of debian knowledge.


you might find this worth a look:

Excellent! Thanks for the resource, Wes.

cool, glad it helps.

for the record, the debian-reference manual can be installed locally

 $ sudo apt-get install debian-reference-en

or, if your japanese/french/italian/portuguese is better than your
english, in wheezy you have these alternatives:


or collect them all with

 $ sudo apt-get install debian-reference

after installing any of them, do

 $ debian-reference

to start reading.

the blurb:

[The] Debian Reference is intended to provide a broad overview of
Debian system administration as a post-installation user guide.

The target reader is someone who is willing to learn shell scripts
but who is not ready to read all the C sources to figure out how the
GNU/Linux system works.


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