Re: Automatiser la configuration initiale de machines physiques

2018-12-13 Thread Florian Blanc

Le mar. 11 déc. 2018 à 22:24, Étienne Mollier 
a écrit :

> Bonjour Olivier,
> TL;DR: Si TFTP est un problème parce que le WAN est très morcelé
>   et cloisonné, alors peut-être que preseed sera plus adapté à
>   votre environnement.  Mais n'ayant pas travaillé avec preseed,
>   je ne me rend pas compte de la charge de travail qu'il
>   représente, en terme de déploiement et maintenance.
> Olivier, au 2018-12-11 :
> > 1. Je trouve preseed extrêmement difficile à maîtriser. FAI
> > simplifie-t-il les choses à cet égard ?
> Étant tombé dans FAI étant petit, je n'ai pas pris le temps de
> m'intéresser à preseed et aurai du mal à répondre.  N'ayant que
> survolé la page de Wiki, je serais à côté de la plaque si je me
> risquait à répondre :
> Le déploiement initial de FAI demande beaucoup de travail avant
> d'arriver à la première installation selon le modèle voulu.  Une
> fois que le système roule, l'ajout de nouvelles configurations
> se fait sans trop de difficultés, pour peu que le résultat voulu
> soit bien défini par le demandeur, et l'ajout de nouvelles
> machines au parc existant est trivial.
> Il est éventuellement possible de maintenir la configuration des
> machines avec fai-update, mais ça sous-entend de respecter le
> caractère idempotent des scripts (si c'est déjà fait, le
> résultat doit être le même), ce qui peut rapidement ne plus être
> le cas, au fur et à mesure que le temps passe.  Une solution
> comme Ansible serait préférable pour maintenir la configuration
> après installation.
> > 2. Est-il exact de penser que FAI est adapté une installation
> > sur un réseau local, pas sur un WAN, à cause de l'utilisation
> > de TFTP ou bien est-ce inexact ?
> S'il n'y a que deux ou trois réseaux à gérer, il y a moyen de se
> rattraper avec des relais.  Mais si le WAN est très morcelé,
> cette configuration devient ingérable.  En effet il faudra
> prévoir un serveur TFTP local par réseau, pour distribuer les
> noyaux, initrd et options de démarrage adéquates.  L'export du
> NFS root aura peut-être besoin d'être revus, ainsi que les
> règles de pare feux.  Avoir un réseau dédié à l'administration
> peut aider dans ce cas.
> Sinon, il est aussi possible de se rattraper avec fai-cd, pour
> produire une ISO à partir de la configuration existante, à
> coller sur une clé USB sur laquelle démarrer, et qui va
> configurer la machine proprement, sans avoir besoin du moindre
> réseau.  L'ajout de nouvelles configurations au serveur FAI va
> nécessiter de régénérer les clés, ce qui rend la solution moins
> souple.  Peut-être qu'à ce stade preseed sera plus simple que de
> gérer la quasi-totalité du parc avec fai-cd.
> Si à cause de la limitation inhérente à TFTP, vous considéreriez
> fai-cd pour l'essentiel de votre parc, alors /peut-être/ que
> votre temps serait mieux investit à l'étude de preseed.
> Si toutefois FAI vous intéresse toujours, la liste de diffusion
> peut être d'un grand secours, quand vous allez buter sur des
> écueils lors du déploiement :
> > PS: Désolé pour le temps mis pour réagir aux messages mais
> > j'ai été happé par d'autres priorités.
> Ce n'est pas bien grave, on a tout notre temps sur la liste des
> utilisateurs de Debian.  :^)
> Amicalement,
> --
> Étienne Mollier 

Re: Serious Hardware problems In multiple distros (grahpical/ethernet)

2018-12-13 Thread Alexander V. Makartsev
On 12.12.2018 23:38, Mask The Truth God wrote:
> Greetings, I have been having problem with my hardware for quite a
> while now and have been trying to figure it out on my own just by
> reading forms and such and I have found a few forms that helped but
> honestly most of them were complete idiots so I decided to make my own
> and explain in depth the problem. (excuse me if I make any grammar
> mistakes as I am Ukrainian.) 
> Warning: I apologize for this but I am going to go overboard with
> detail so If you are not someone that can sit through and read very
> long form then move on please. 
> I Will first start off with my current specifications:
> 1 8 gb ddr3 ram stick
> amd radeon r9 380 asus strix model
> amd fx 6300 6 core processor unlocked
> gigabyte 970a-ud3p
> 500 watt evga Power supply
> The Distrubutions I tried installing that all had the same problems
> were: Debian, Arch, Linux Mint, fedora, openSUES.
> I am using Insigna 1217 Rev.A flat screen Television as my main
> display and it is connected via High-Definition Multimedia Interface
> cable. works fine on windows.
> Ok now that that is settled here is the story:
> I first installed linux mint on this machine and instantly when the
> machine booted up ( I use rufus to create the iso image also good to
> be noted) The mouse and keyboard both did not work. TO fix this
> problem I found that I needed to do the following in the Bios:
> set EHCI_HANDOFF to Enabled
> set Iommu = Enabled
> Then in Grub (applies to every distro I used on this machine) :
> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="amd_iommu=on iommu=pt"
> After I applied these initial fixes the booting speed picked up very
> much and then the keyboard and mouse worked properly.
You don't need to enable IOMMU if you don't intend to use it in VM.
> After this I then ran into the more serious problems that I see lots
> of other people have been having with this combo of graphics card and
> mobo:
> There was screen teaaring inside discord, firefox, and opera but the
> desktop enviornments (I tried both XFCE and KDE Plasma) did not have
> any screen tearing problems. Only if I played game, or used extrernal
> application (something that did not come with the initial installation
> not the file manager applications or things like those) Then there
> were screen tearing problems. so you ask what did i do to try to fix
> these problems:
> - Tried both free and non-free drivers (the non free were not really
> much use i found the free to work slightly better as most people know)
> using command 
> sudo mhwd -a pci nonfree 0300 -f (in arch)
> - tried switching to compbiz and compton compositors (XFCE)
> - Edited sudo leafpad /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-amdgpu.conf
> to use: 
> Section "Device" 
> Identifier "AMD" 
> Driver "amdgpu" 
> Option "TearFree" "true" 
> EndSection
> - added the parameters radeon.cik_support=0 amdgpu.cik_support=1
> amdgpu.dpm=1 amdgpu.dc=1 to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX line in
> /etc/default/grub then ran update-grub and rebooted.
I could be mistaken, but those parameters are for other series of AMD
cards and should not be enabled explicitly for more recent R9 300 series.
> -disabled hardware accelaration in firefox (for browser specific problems)
> - edited the sudo leafpad /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-amdgpu.conf
> yet again to:
> Section "Device"
> Identifier "Radeon"
> Driver "radeon"
> Option "AccelMethod" "glamor"
> Option "DRI" "3"
> Option "TearFree" "on"
> Option "ColorTiling" "on"
> Option "ColorTiling2D" "on"
> EndSection
> and all of those options STILL did nothing and the screen still still
> stuttered and had tearing in browsers and discord. so this i am quite
> confused on as videos play fine and there is no tearing in them.
> Interestingly though, in firefox only, they will not play in full HD
> (in arch specifically)
> The other problem I was having was (again in every distro i used)
> livestreams would stutter and also streaming average not live videos
> from youtube also would stutter (mostly just the sound not the actual
> video) so to try to fix THIS problem i tried the following:
> changed the drivers from free to nonfree and then back again
> and this did nothing, still the glitchy video playback in both opera
> and firefox. 
> I did go on amazon and look up my motherboard model and read a bunch
> of their comments and there were so many people saying that it was a
> terrible mobo for linux support but then there were some that were
> linux users who were quite happy. I am stumped by these problems and
> have not been able to fix them myself. sorry for the overly detailed
> form but it must be done in this situation.
> EDIT: I know this was nothing to do with my internet as I have no
> problems with any of my cables or router or anything of the sort and
> the streaming works fine on windows also my video card is properly
> secured in the mobo. I asked this same question on a fourm and i was

Re: Debian on Phone as webserver

2018-12-13 Thread Marek Mosiewicz
W dniu 13.12.2018, czw o godzinie 20∶55 +, użytkownik André Rodier
> On 2018-12-13 17:31, Marek Mosiewicz wrote:
> > I'm just about having static IP for my LTE connection.
> > 
> > That brings me to some idea. What about having install Debian on
> > ARM
> > old phone to have it as web server. They have quite modern hardware
> > and
> > this is of course depending on web application, but I suspect that
> > ordinary PHP website could be served quite easily.
> > 
> > It can be connected to web as LTE or be bounded to router location
> > via
> > WiFi or USB cable (that is for sure can be done)
> > 
> > Battery means that it can monitor easily possible shutdown of
> > system.
> > 
> > Are there any experiences with installing Debian on phones ?
> Hello Marek,
> Interesting, thanks for the feedback.
> - In which country you are ?
> - Is the static IP address is IPv4 or IPv6 ?
I have dynamic IP4 address 
> - Are the ports 25 and 587 are open, or there are restrictions?
I have mail server on OVH server. I bought there VPS (I had is sometime
before, even root server time ago). But realizing how much RAM requires
java CMS I liked I just thought maybe there is something different.
On my machine ports are closed. Router should also have no this port
By the way such phone server could also hold mailbox. Just have some
good backup tool 
> - Do you have access to reverse DNS
There is no reverse DNS set. Actually I have no experience with reverse
DNS. How it is set if there is many web virtual hosts on same machine.
> - How much you pay per month
I pay about $30 a year for mail hosting. $15 monthly for VPS and $10
and $15 monthly for LTE
> Thanks for your answer.
> Kind regards,
> André

Re: printers

2018-12-13 Thread Brian
On Thu 13 Dec 2018 at 20:32:14 +, Brian wrote:

> On Thu 13 Dec 2018 at 19:44:29 +, mick crane wrote:
> > I typed
> > "lpadmin -U mick -h -d HP_LaserJet_4000_series"
> > hoping it might do something but says
> > "Unable to connect to server: No such file or directory"
> Seems clear enough as an error message.

-U is of no great imortance. Now read the manual carefully and look what
you wrote.


Re: Debian on Phone as webserver

2018-12-13 Thread deloptes
arne wrote:

> I am sorry, it is called raspbian, not debian, for a reason.

I don't know about you, but I have native debian running on Raspberry. The
trick is to make it boot properly - and there are docs therefor.

I ended up putting the boot loader and firmware on an old 215MB SD card and
doing root over NFS, cause it is much easier for testing ;-). It was many
moons ago before RPI3 came out when jessie ruled the world, so memories are
scared, but notes are still around.

$ cat /opt/remote/nfsroot/raspberry/etc/debian_version

# du -sh /opt/remote/nfsroot/raspberry/

So I was definitely talking about debian.


Re: printers

2018-12-13 Thread Michael Stone

On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 09:35:49PM +, mick crane wrote:

yes cups server 107

:~$ ss -tulpen | grep 631
udpUNCONN   00*  ino:17297 sk:1 <->
tcpLISTEN   05*  ino:17288 sk:c <->
tcpLISTEN   05   [::1]:631   
[::]:*  ino:17287 sk:13 v6only:1 <->

If that's on the cups server then go back and look at the windows 
machines again to see how they're printing--it's not through here. (This 
system is only listening to connections from the local host.)

Re: printers

2018-12-13 Thread Michael Stone

On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 09:43:22PM +0100, basti wrote:

I attempted to use the GUI from the desktop System/Print Settings where
I hoped I could put in sensible values but it says it is locked and ask
for authentication.
I put in the root password but it won't do anything
why might that be then ?

is root in the lpamin group?

It doesn't need to be.

Re: printers

2018-12-13 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 13 December 2018 15:43:22 basti wrote:

> On 13.12.18 20:44, mick crane wrote:
> > I think I must be getting elderly
> > I have a debian buster PC that works as a print server. I can send
> > files to it from windows and I can print from it by typing
> > "lpr filename"
> > I think I set it up with the cups web interface.
> >
> > I have another debian buster PC that I sometimes fiddle about on and
> > I'd like to type on that.
> > "lpr filename"
> > I don't want the cups sever on it just to print
> is the cups server runing on IP ?
> what does "ss -tulpen | grep 631" say?
> > I typed
> > "lpadmin -U mick -h -d
> > HP_LaserJet_4000_series" hoping it might do something but says
> > "Unable to connect to server: No such file or directory"
> you can install cups-client on this machine an then create a file
> /etc/cups/client.conf like:
> ServerName
> > I attempted to use the GUI from the desktop System/Print Settings
> > where I hoped I could put in sensible values but it says it is
> > locked and ask for authentication.
> > I put in the root password but it won't do anything
> > why might that be then ?
> is root in the lpamin group?

Did you mean the lpadmin group?
> > mick

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Re: printers

2018-12-13 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-13 20:43, basti wrote:

On 13.12.18 20:44, mick crane wrote:

I think I must be getting elderly
I have a debian buster PC that works as a print server. I can send 

to it from windows and I can print from it by typing
"lpr filename"
I think I set it up with the cups web interface.

I have another debian buster PC that I sometimes fiddle about on and 

like to type on that.
"lpr filename"
I don't want the cups sever on it just to print

is the cups server runing on IP ?
what does "ss -tulpen | grep 631" say?

yes cups server 107

:~$ ss -tulpen | grep 631
udpUNCONN   00*  ino:17297 sk:1 <->
tcpLISTEN   05*  ino:17288 sk:c <->
tcpLISTEN   05   [::1]:631   
[::]:*  ino:17287 sk:13 v6only:1 <->

I typed
"lpadmin -U mick -h -d HP_LaserJet_4000_series"
hoping it might do something but says
"Unable to connect to server: No such file or directory"

you can install cups-client on this machine an then create a file
/etc/cups/client.conf like:


cups is there likely I haven't set anything up

I attempted to use the GUI from the desktop System/Print Settings 
I hoped I could put in sensible values but it says it is locked and 

for authentication.
I put in the root password but it won't do anything
why might that be then ?

is root in the lpamin group?

this was really my question, sometimes I just don't get these 
permissions. I thought root was access everywhere.



what to do with gtk-2/gtk-3 clash?

2018-12-13 Thread Felmon Davis

trying to start Firefox (from Mozilla), Pan, Google-Chrome-Stable 

TK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same 
process is not supported

(I use Trinity-Desktop which extends KDE3.)

I first noticed the problem after upgrading Firefox from Mozilla's 
site. it came up without vertical scrollbars. I tried to sort this out 
by changing themes and their properties. that is likely the source of 
the issue.

the stuff I find online offers nothing useful if you are not 
developing code.

guidance sought.


Felmon Davis

Re: printers

2018-12-13 Thread Michael Stone

On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 09:03:45PM +, mick crane wrote:
Ok Is no samba, I look cups-client conf, mostly was preamble. Question 
was curious why can't authenticate with xfce GUI System|Print settings

If you are in a client-only configuration you can't set things on the 
client side--you're actually trying to change the server settings. So 
lpq should work, but lpadmin won't. (Unless you additionally configure 
cups to allow remote administration, which is by default (I think--it's 
been a long time since I had a default config) tighter than just being 
able to print.)

Re: printers

2018-12-13 Thread basti

On 13.12.18 20:44, mick crane wrote:
> I think I must be getting elderly
> I have a debian buster PC that works as a print server. I can send files
> to it from windows and I can print from it by typing
> "lpr filename"
> I think I set it up with the cups web interface.
> I have another debian buster PC that I sometimes fiddle about on and I'd
> like to type on that.
> "lpr filename"
> I don't want the cups sever on it just to print
is the cups server runing on IP ?
what does "ss -tulpen | grep 631" say?

> I typed
> "lpadmin -U mick -h -d HP_LaserJet_4000_series"
> hoping it might do something but says
> "Unable to connect to server: No such file or directory"

you can install cups-client on this machine an then create a file
/etc/cups/client.conf like:


> I attempted to use the GUI from the desktop System/Print Settings where
> I hoped I could put in sensible values but it says it is locked and ask
> for authentication.
> I put in the root password but it won't do anything
> why might that be then ?

is root in the lpamin group?

> mick

Re: Transferência de arquivos

2018-12-13 Thread Gustavo Soares de Lima
acho que você está precisando de um gigolo...

Em sáb, 8 de dez de 2018 às 22:40, gvillela7  escreveu:

> Fala Leandro,
> Procura por rsync com ssh.
> Abraço.
> Enviado do meu smartphone Samsung Galaxy.
>  Mensagem original 
> De : Leonardo Rocha 
> Data: 08/12/2018 20:10 (GMT-03:00)
> Para: debian-user-portuguese 
> Assunto: Transferência de arquivos
> Olá pessoal, alguém poderia sugerir algum programa pra transferência de
> arquivo de modo seguro pela internet que seja software livre? lembro de
> ter lido recentemente sobre algo nesse sentido mas não encontro onde li
> e nem lembro o nome do programa.
> Agradeço.
> Leonardo Rocha.

Re: printers

2018-12-13 Thread mick crane

On 2018-12-13 20:42, Michael Stone wrote:

On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 07:44:29PM +, mick crane wrote:
I have a debian buster PC that works as a print server. I can send 
files to it from windows

How? Do you have samba and the windows machines print via smb, or are
they printing via ipp?

I have another debian buster PC that I sometimes fiddle about on and 
I'd like to type on that.

"lpr filename"
I don't want the cups sever on it just to print.

You should be able to do that with just the cups-client package and
setting /etc/cups/client.conf to contain "ServerName whatever" where
"whatever" is the hostname or IP of your print server. If that doesn't
work it's likely that the print server isn't set to accept remote
connections (the windows machines wouldn't need that if they're
printing via smb).

It's also possible to make this all magically work via network
broadcasts, but I find it simpler & more reliable to just configure
client.conf in a single print server situaton.

Ok Is no samba, I look cups-client conf, mostly was preamble. Question 
was curious why can't authenticate with xfce GUI System|Print settings


Re: Debian on Phone as webserver

2018-12-13 Thread arne
On Thu, 13 Dec 2018 20:45:26 +0100
deloptes  wrote:

> it runs debian just fine

I am sorry, it is called raspbian, not debian, for a reason.

Re: printers

2018-12-13 Thread Michael Stone

On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 07:44:29PM +, mick crane wrote:
I have a debian buster PC that works as a print server. I can send 
files to it from windows 

How? Do you have samba and the windows machines print via smb, or are 
they printing via ipp?

I have another debian buster PC that I sometimes fiddle about on and 
I'd like to type on that.

"lpr filename"
I don't want the cups sever on it just to print.

You should be able to do that with just the cups-client package and 
setting /etc/cups/client.conf to contain "ServerName whatever" where 
"whatever" is the hostname or IP of your print server. If that doesn't 
work it's likely that the print server isn't set to accept remote 
connections (the windows machines wouldn't need that if they're printing 
via smb).

It's also possible to make this all magically work via network 
broadcasts, but I find it simpler & more reliable to just configure 
client.conf in a single print server situaton.

Re: printers

2018-12-13 Thread Brian
On Thu 13 Dec 2018 at 19:44:29 +, mick crane wrote:

> I think I must be getting elderly
> I have a debian buster PC that works as a print server. I can send files to
> it from windows and I can print from it by typing
> "lpr filename"
> I think I set it up with the cups web interface.
> I have another debian buster PC that I sometimes fiddle about on and I'd
> like to type on that.
> "lpr filename"
> I don't want the cups sever on it just to print.

What else do you want the server to do? Play the USA national anthem?

> I typed
> "lpadmin -U mick -h -d HP_LaserJet_4000_series"
> hoping it might do something but says
> "Unable to connect to server: No such file or directory"

Seems clear enough as an error message.
> I attempted to use the GUI from the desktop System/Print Settings where I
> hoped I could put in sensible values but it says it is locked and ask for
> authentication.

Which GUI? Which program?

> I put in the root password but it won't do anything
> why might that be then ?

How is this connected with your first stated problem? What you are
attempting to do in all of this?


Re: Recommended debootsrap tutorials

2018-12-13 Thread deloptes
Richard Owlett wrote:

> On 12/12/2018 12:47 PM, songbird wrote:
>> Richard Owlett wrote:
>> ...
>>> My interest has been rekindled. I wish to understand debootstrap. To
>>> that end I do a minimalist bootable Debian installation.
>> have you looked at the source code ?
> No.
>> it is written in sh.  which isn't too obscure a language...
> Having assumed [erroneously] that it was written in a compiled language,
> I hadn't looked for source.
> As to obscurity/opaqueness of sh. *It ain't* ;/
> Especially to one introduced [in early 60's] to programming via
> CORC/CUPL {predecessor *NOT* precursor of Dartmouth BASIC}.
> That code is not an answer to my stated question. But it demonstrates
> that some personal goals are feasible.

So why not install minimal debian and try removing what you won't need.
I get around 100MBs to be able to do something useful with it.
There is i.e. Slax (with minimal TDE inkl. GUI) and is about 350MB image.
You can boot your PC and do something useful.

So what is the goal of your exercise? Personal?


Re: Debian on Phone as webserver

2018-12-13 Thread deloptes
Marek Mosiewicz wrote:

> In fact there is no need for GUI software as it will bloat RAM. SSH
> access is enough. Ok you can have fancy GUI for traffic analytics and
> system status monitoring just on your "server".

Come on, you again with brilliant ideas :)
I can not give you a few lines introduction to the complexity hidden in your
idea. But let me try to put it short. To run somethign on a hardware, you
need drivers. Most of the OEMs (still) do not provide sufficient
information or right to develop drivers ... so you see - you can not just
run debian on something that does not work with linux.

I give you some homework: Do some research on this topic including nokia N9
and the mer project and other projects from the past (i.e. ubuntu and
mozilla). All of them tried to do OS for a phone and were killed -
basically failed miserably and no one wanted to use those devices.

There are many community efforts to run FSOS on some phones. I am aware of
couple of such from the Mer project (Sailfish).

Please do some research and try to build up background on the topic. I read
exciting discussion with pleasure.

So why don't you get yourself a Raspberry with whatever extention you want
(i.e. WiFi) and your idea becomes reality with very little effort. You can
even have a gui on it - it runs debian just fine.

PLS, don't take it personal. I am trying to move you to start
reading/researching by yourself before you start asking, well let me say it
politely, rhetoric questions.

kind regards


2018-12-13 Thread mick crane

I think I must be getting elderly
I have a debian buster PC that works as a print server. I can send files 
to it from windows and I can print from it by typing

"lpr filename"
I think I set it up with the cups web interface.

I have another debian buster PC that I sometimes fiddle about on and I'd 
like to type on that.

"lpr filename"
I don't want the cups sever on it just to print.

I typed
"lpadmin -U mick -h -d HP_LaserJet_4000_series"
hoping it might do something but says
"Unable to connect to server: No such file or directory"

I attempted to use the GUI from the desktop System/Print Settings where 
I hoped I could put in sensible values but it says it is locked and ask 
for authentication.

I put in the root password but it won't do anything
why might that be then ?



Re: Low-Cost Tablet PC suitable for Debian

2018-12-13 Thread deloptes
Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:

> So... what about a simple, square homemade wood framed screen
> contraction that would capture *some* of the dust?  Making one that
> was two-layered would *hopefully* *theoretically* *potentially* catch
> more dust, etc., as the catchables bounce around between the layers.

Clean your home and computer regularly! What do you say? For the computer it
is like 1x/year


Re: Cachear JS nginx menos un JS específico

2018-12-13 Thread qorg11
On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 05:39:26PM +0100, Gonzalo Garcia Dominguez wrote:
> Buenas tardes,
> Me pregunto si hay alguna forma de cachear en nginx todos los js
> exceptuando un archivo js en concreto.

¿Esto no iria en una mailing list de nginx?

Dudo que eso sea posible

Re: Debian on Phone as webserver

2018-12-13 Thread Marek Mosiewicz
W dniu 13.12.2018, czw o godzinie 19∶28 +0100, użytkownik arne napisał:
> On Thu, 13 Dec 2018 18:31:16 +0100
> Marek Mosiewicz  wrote:
> > I'm just about having static IP for my LTE connection.
> > 
> > That brings me to some idea. What about having install Debian on
> > ARM
> > old phone to have it as web server. They have quite modern hardware
> > and this is of course depending on web application, but I suspect
> > that
> > ordinary PHP website could be served quite easily.
> > 
> > It can be connected to web as LTE or be bounded to router location
> > via
> > WiFi or USB cable (that is for sure can be done)
> > 
> > Battery means that it can monitor easily possible shutdown of
> > system.
> > 
> > Are there any experiences with installing Debian on phones ?
> > 
> > 
> The Gemini phone from Planet Computers runs debian and kali.
> (Also android, lineageOS on its way, and sailfish).
> hope this helps.
In fact there is no need for GUI software as it will bloat RAM. SSH
access is enough. Ok you can have fancy GUI for traffic analytics and
system status monitoring just on your "server".


Re: Debian on Phone as webserver

2018-12-13 Thread arne
On Thu, 13 Dec 2018 18:31:16 +0100
Marek Mosiewicz  wrote:

> I'm just about having static IP for my LTE connection.
> That brings me to some idea. What about having install Debian on ARM
> old phone to have it as web server. They have quite modern hardware
> and this is of course depending on web application, but I suspect that
> ordinary PHP website could be served quite easily.
> It can be connected to web as LTE or be bounded to router location via
> WiFi or USB cable (that is for sure can be done)
> Battery means that it can monitor easily possible shutdown of system.
> Are there any experiences with installing Debian on phones ?

The Gemini phone from Planet Computers runs debian and kali.
(Also android, lineageOS on its way, and sailfish).

hope this helps.

Debian on Phone as webserver

2018-12-13 Thread Marek Mosiewicz
I'm just about having static IP for my LTE connection.

That brings me to some idea. What about having install Debian on ARM
old phone to have it as web server. They have quite modern hardware and
this is of course depending on web application, but I suspect that
ordinary PHP website could be served quite easily.

It can be connected to web as LTE or be bounded to router location via
WiFi or USB cable (that is for sure can be done)

Battery means that it can monitor easily possible shutdown of system.

Are there any experiences with installing Debian on phones ?

Gaining from harming others is stricly prohibited.

Marek Mosiewicz

Debian 8.10 and later on eMac G4 1.25 GHz

2018-12-13 Thread Alex McKeever
I’m stumped as to why Debian 7.11 is the last that works on the eMac G4’s out 
of the box... any reason why compatibility broke between 7.11 and 8.10 (and 
likewise later releases like Buster)? The same issue plagues the Ubuntu 
releases after 12.04 LTS.

Any help would be appreciated as I would like to try a distribution based on 
Buster without this turn-off of an issue.


Sent from my iPad

Cachear JS nginx menos un JS específico

2018-12-13 Thread Gonzalo Garcia Dominguez
Buenas tardes,

Me pregunto si hay alguna forma de cachear en nginx todos los js
exceptuando un archivo js en concreto.

Mil gracias de antemano.

Re: Low-Cost Tablet PC suitable for Debian

2018-12-13 Thread Hans
Am Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2018, 16:34:14 CET schrieb Cindy-Sue Causey:
Hi Cindy,
> SCRATCH THAT.. This few seconds later, I remembered it ALSO... needed
> to potentially be portable...

Yeah, weight is a point.
> And NOW it's coming to mind that touchscreen was also mentioned
> meaning that might be needed for some reason as to why tablet was
> specifically referenced.

Hmpf, ok. Swiping is importatant??? Jeee.
> Not all bad. Maybe somewhere there's a shop that could still make that
> screened contraption for theirs.
> Cindy :)

With the dust protection I meant more, that the cooler wholes for airflow are 
covered with an airfilter, so that dust could not reach the inside of the 
computer, but air can. You can put this yourself into any computer. I suppose, 
you know, what I mean (my bad Engllish). 

I also thought of using a box, but then you need an external screen (think of 
a RaspberryPi i.e.). However, using a RasPi came also in my mind as it needs 
no cooler (passive cooling is enough), should be fast enough and cheap. And it 
is also small and light weighted. And there are touchscreens available for it. 
It is fully debian supported. Mouse and keybpoard can be wireless and easily 
be exchanged when full of dust. As mouse you can aslo use a touchpad (which 
you can protect of scratches with a foil).  

Also thought of a micro mainboard, but these also need an external screen and 
a cooler. So bad idea,

However, you some tablets can still be diassembled, so you can put it into 
your own dustcover. And needs no cooler. 

But please remember: It is no full debian! Although: Some tablets are able to 
run kali-linux (like the Nexus One), which is based on and 99 percent debian.

Just my ideas. Hope this helps.

Best wishes 


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Low-Cost Tablet PC suitable for Debian

2018-12-13 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
SCRATCH THAT.. This few seconds later, I remembered it ALSO... needed
to potentially be portable...

And NOW it's coming to mind that touchscreen was also mentioned
meaning that might be needed for some reason as to why tablet was
specifically referenced.

Not all bad. Maybe somewhere there's a shop that could still make that
screened contraption for theirs.

Cindy :)

On 12/13/18, Cindy-Sue Causey  wrote:
> On 12/12/18, Hans  wrote:
>> For the problem with dust, a toughbook might be the best solution, but it
>> is
>> expensive and heavy.
>> I believe, most users think, that a tablet is the same as a personal
>> computer
>> or a notebook - it is NOT! Fully other architectture (i.e. ARM processor,
>> graphics chip)  and so on.
>> Back tio the dusty problem: Every hardware with coolers and moving parts
>> are
>> bad choices. Dust will scratch the surface! (A foil will inhibit it).
>> Keyboard? Use a water proof keyboard.
>> However, I still believe, a netbook is the best choice, as a keyboard is
>> easy
>> to exchange.
>> - Dust in the netbook can be avoided, by self improved filters.
>> - Everything can easily be exchanged, when it is really defctive.
>> - You have a real harddrive (mine is a standard SSD)
>>   and you do not loose data, when the mainboard dies.
>> - It is fully suppoirted by debian and even Windows
>> - Powersupply is exchangable!
>> - system can be upgraded (more memory. bigger harddrive)
>> - fully standrized ports (usb, vga, IEEE, network)
>> - wlan card with "special" options (monitor mode)
>> - low price
>> - good to handle (typing on a mechanical keyboard)
> I hit "Reply" thinking I'd offer the bright idea of an option that
> would be archaic dust cover "skins" that cover the whole PC-type
> computer. Totally forgot about the *gets hot and so would overheat
> without proper airflow* running parts part. Memory now is about
> putting those on after the computer was shut down at night..
> So... what about a simple, square homemade wood framed screen
> contraction that would capture *some* of the dust?  Making one that
> was two-layered would *hopefully* *theoretically* *potentially* catch
> more dust, etc., as the catchables bounce around between the layers.
> Presumably a simple screened box would be light enough to lift off as
> needed, e.g. to hit the power off button. Simple hinge plus
> hook-and-eye operated trap doors could be added if the computer was
> situated on a shelf that makes it inconvenient to lift a box off
> easily.
> The waterproof keyboard option would help for the part outside the
> box. Never thought about similar for the mouse, but they sure do
> collect their share of gunk inside, too.
> Just offering as a potential temporary solution until something
> perfect comes along.
> Cindy :)
> --
> Cindy-Sue Causey
> Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
> * runs with birdseed *

Re: Low-Cost Tablet PC suitable for Debian

2018-12-13 Thread Cindy-Sue Causey
On 12/12/18, Hans  wrote:
> For the problem with dust, a toughbook might be the best solution, but it is
> expensive and heavy.
> I believe, most users think, that a tablet is the same as a personal
> computer
> or a notebook - it is NOT! Fully other architectture (i.e. ARM processor,
> graphics chip)  and so on.
> Back tio the dusty problem: Every hardware with coolers and moving parts are
> bad choices. Dust will scratch the surface! (A foil will inhibit it).
> Keyboard? Use a water proof keyboard.
> However, I still believe, a netbook is the best choice, as a keyboard is
> easy
> to exchange.
> - Dust in the netbook can be avoided, by self improved filters.
> - Everything can easily be exchanged, when it is really defctive.
> - You have a real harddrive (mine is a standard SSD)
>   and you do not loose data, when the mainboard dies.
> - It is fully suppoirted by debian and even Windows
> - Powersupply is exchangable!
> - system can be upgraded (more memory. bigger harddrive)
> - fully standrized ports (usb, vga, IEEE, network)
> - wlan card with "special" options (monitor mode)
> - low price
> - good to handle (typing on a mechanical keyboard)

I hit "Reply" thinking I'd offer the bright idea of an option that
would be archaic dust cover "skins" that cover the whole PC-type
computer. Totally forgot about the *gets hot and so would overheat
without proper airflow* running parts part. Memory now is about
putting those on after the computer was shut down at night..

So... what about a simple, square homemade wood framed screen
contraction that would capture *some* of the dust?  Making one that
was two-layered would *hopefully* *theoretically* *potentially* catch
more dust, etc., as the catchables bounce around between the layers.

Presumably a simple screened box would be light enough to lift off as
needed, e.g. to hit the power off button. Simple hinge plus
hook-and-eye operated trap doors could be added if the computer was
situated on a shelf that makes it inconvenient to lift a box off

The waterproof keyboard option would help for the part outside the
box. Never thought about similar for the mouse, but they sure do
collect their share of gunk inside, too.

Just offering as a potential temporary solution until something
perfect comes along.

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with birdseed *

Re: HURD and Linux on same partition

2018-12-13 Thread Steve McIntyre wrote:
>On Tuesday, December 11, 2018 05:58:51 PM deloptes wrote:
>> Marek Mosiewicz wrote:
>> > |Just asked if it is technically possible. Application do not call
>> > 
>> > kernel directly and they are using glibc library for example. I'm just
>> > curios how many libraries are there for abstracting kernel and if it is
>> > possible in future release to have common libraries which base on this
>> > abstraction. I'm just curios so I ask.
>> obviously you have no idea, so give it up, please!
>Well, I'm not the OP, but I am somewhat interested more out of curiosity than 
>any real intent to try the HURD.
>I suspect the following:
>   * Libraries (and other software) in source form might be valid / work for 
>either kernel, but they have to be compiled for the specific kernel they are 
>be used on, and once in compiled / binary form, they won't work on the other 


>   * Is there any way to have libraries compiled for both kernels on the same 
>partition -- well, I suppose so (different directories, or maybe even named 
>differently?), but the complexity and potential for confusion just wouldn't 
>seem worth it to me -- what would be the reason to do that?

Yes, it should work. With multi-arch in Debian (which moves most
libraries to specific architecture and kernel specific paths), the
*only* thing that might break for most binaries would be the path to
the dynamic loader, For most recent systems they've been
deliberately specified to be different, so you can easily have
co-existing systems installed. See


for an overview of those. Some common examples:

hurd /lib/
i386 /lib/
x86_64   /lib64/

so they're compatible.

As an example of this working, the very machine I'm using to send this
message is arm64 natively, but it's also set up with a small i386
installation on the same rootfs using multi-arch so I can also still
run some i386 binaries using qemu when needed. It used to be an x86
machine, but I've recently migrated to new hardware.

For cross-kernel setups like Linux and Hurd, you might find other
problems like clashing configurations in /etc. But it's not

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge,
"Further comment on how I feel about IBM will appear once I've worked out
 whether they're being malicious or incompetent. Capital letters are forecast."
 Matthew Garrett,

Re: (deb-cat) Programes JNLP

2018-12-13 Thread Eloi
El 13/12/18 a les 11:44, Narcis Garcia ha escrit:
> __
> I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
> masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
> should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
> El 13/12/18 a les 9:05, Alex Muntada ha escrit:
>> Hola Narcis,
>>> Algú sap la manera d'aconseguir que el Java accepti executar un
>>> fitxer.jnlp sense exigir aquest permís?
>> Com ja vaig comentar-te a l'octubre, jo utilitzo el javaws per
>> obrir els fitxers .jnlp:
>> Suposo que hauries de poder associar aquest tipus d'extensió al
>> javaws perquè el navegador els obri, si vols evitar haver-los
>> de descarregar primer.
> Ja tinc el navegador (Icecat 52, Firefox 52) associat a l'aplicació que
> toca (suposo que ha de ser javaws que ja s'estableix amb la instal-lació
> de icedtea-plugin -> icedtea-netx).
> La dificultat que tinc ara és que accepti executar el fitxer .JNLP
> vingut del web sense requerir l'atribut o propietat d'executable.

Has de tenir algun problema de configuració: avui mateix he llençat un
.jnlp amb javaws des de navegador i en cap moment he necessitat fer-lo
executable, m'ha funcionat out-of-the-box (no recordo haver remenat mai
configuracions d'això de forma explícita).

Per referència, estic a testing amb Firefox 60 ESR i icedtea-web 1.6.2
però recordo haver fet el mateix amb l'anterior FF ESR abans que entrés
l'actual Firefox a testing: l'última data que em consta haver-ho fet,
per raons laborals, va ser a finals de maig d'enguany.

Re: HURD and Linux on same partition

2018-12-13 Thread John Hasler
I think that the Hurd has to boot from its own partition.  You probably
could share some binaries with Linux, but why?  It would just complicate
maintenance for both systems.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: Low-Cost Tablet PC suitable for Debian

2018-12-13 Thread Stefan Monnier
>> AFAIK the bare install will still call home: every time you connect to
>> a wifi network it performs an HTTP request to a Google server in order to
>> detect whether the local connection gives you access to the internet or
>> not (and if not, it presumes it's a captive portal and offers you to
>> launch a browser to sign in).
> I didn't install google 'services',

Neither did I.  The above description has nothing to do with "google services".


Re: HURD and Linux on same partition

2018-12-13 Thread rhkramer
Hmm, originally sent my reply only to deloptes.

On Tuesday, December 11, 2018 05:58:51 PM deloptes wrote:
> Marek Mosiewicz wrote:
> > |Just asked if it is technically possible. Application do not call
> > 
> > kernel directly and they are using glibc library for example. I'm just
> > curios how many libraries are there for abstracting kernel and if it is
> > possible in future release to have common libraries which base on this
> > abstraction. I'm just curios so I ask.
> obviously you have no idea, so give it up, please!

Well, I'm not the OP, but I am somewhat interested more out of curiosity than 
any real intent to try the HURD.

I suspect the following:

   * Libraries (and other software) in source form might be valid / work for 
either kernel, but they have to be compiled for the specific kernel they are to 
be used on, and once in compiled / binary form, they won't work on the other 

   * Is there any way to have libraries compiled for both kernels on the same 
partition -- well, I suppose so (different directories, or maybe even named 
differently?), but the complexity and potential for confusion just wouldn't 
seem worth it to me -- what would be the reason to do that?

On separate partitions, you could boot to a specific kernel (well,  I hope you 
know what I'm trying to say), and then fstab could be adjusted to mount the 
appropriate partitions with the binaries for that kernel / OS.

If anybody can correct / clarify my suspicions, I would be interested.


Re: wifi with no encryption: No DHCPOFFERS received

2018-12-13 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2018-12-12 10:30:44 -0500, Dan Ritter wrote:
> Yeah, I think you had a link problem, not a DHCP problem.

I've tried today, and the issue is not always reproducible.
But since there are several access points with the same ESSID,
a reason might be that wicd doesn't always try to connect to
the same one, and one of them at least may yield the error.
This could explain why the connection succeeded with Android.

After stopping the wicd daemon (service wicd stop):

root@zira:/home/vinc17# iw dev wlp61s0 link
Not connected.
root@zira:/home/vinc17# iw dev wlp61s0 scan
command failed: Network is down (-100)
root@zira:/home/vinc17# ifconfig wlp61s0 up
root@zira:/home/vinc17# iw dev wlp61s0 link
Not connected.
root@zira:/home/vinc17# iw dev wlp61s0 scan
[a lot of output]

Something interesting is that not all corresponding to "invites"
are equivalent, e.g.

BSS 00:26:cb:11:1a:82(on wlp61s0)
last seen: 63544.369s [boottime]
TSF: 33102324019 usec (0d, 09:11:42)
freq: 2462
beacon interval: 100 TUs
capability: ESS ShortPreamble ShortSlotTime (0x0421)
signal: -73.00 dBm
last seen: 3060 ms ago
Information elements from Probe Response frame:
SSID: invites
Supported rates: 11.0* 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 
DS Parameter set: channel 11
WMM: * Parameter version 1
 * u-APSD
 * BE: CW 15-1023, AIFSN 3
 * BK: CW 15-1023, AIFSN 7
 * VI: CW 7-15, AIFSN 2, TXOP 6016 usec
 * VO: CW 3-7, AIFSN 2, TXOP 3264 usec

BSS 44:ad:d9:bb:d2:42(on wlp61s0)
last seen: 63544.360s [boottime]
TSF: 33118289997 usec (0d, 09:11:58)
freq: 2462
beacon interval: 102 TUs
capability: ESS ShortPreamble ShortSlotTime (0x0421)
signal: -81.00 dBm
last seen: 3068 ms ago
SSID: invites
Supported rates: 11.0* 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 
DS Parameter set: channel 11
HT capabilities:
Capabilities: 0x186e
SM Power Save disabled
Max AMSDU length: 7935 bytes
Maximum RX AMPDU length 65535 bytes (exponent: 0x003)
Minimum RX AMPDU time spacing: 8 usec (0x06)
HT RX MCS rate indexes supported: 0-15
HT TX MCS rate indexes are undefined
HT operation:
 * primary channel: 11
 * secondary channel offset: no secondary
 * STA channel width: 20 MHz
 * RIFS: 0
 * HT protection: non-HT mixed
 * non-GF present: 1
 * OBSS non-GF present: 0
 * dual beacon: 0
 * dual CTS protection: 0
 * STBC beacon: 0
 * L-SIG TXOP Prot: 0
 * PCO active: 0
 * PCO phase: 0
WMM: * Parameter version 1
 * u-APSD
 * BE: CW 15-1023, AIFSN 3
 * BK: CW 15-1023, AIFSN 7
 * VI: CW 7-15, AIFSN 2, TXOP 3008 usec
 * VO: CW 3-7, AIFSN 2, TXOP 1504 usec

root@zira:/home/vinc17# iw dev wlp61s0 connect invites
root@zira:/home/vinc17# iw dev wlp61s0 link
Connected to 00:26:cb:b8:bf:f2 (on wlp61s0)
SSID: invites
freq: 2412
RX: 22122 bytes (117 packets)
TX: 4371 bytes (20 packets)
signal: -76 dBm
tx bitrate: 24.0 MBit/s

bss flags:  short-preamble short-slot-time
dtim period:2
beacon int: 100
root@zira:/home/vinc17# dhclient wlp61s0
ping: Warning: source address might be selected on device other than wlp61s0.

and I get an IP address. This always works, and I can see I get
the link immediately or almost immediately.

However, if I do like what wicd does according to its logs, i.e.

2018/12/11 18:44:15 :: ifconfig wlp61s0 up
2018/12/11 18:44:17 :: enctype is None
2018/12/11 18:44:17 :: ['iwconfig', 'wlp61s0', 'essid', '--', 'invites']
2018/12/11 18:44:17 :: iwconfig wlp61s0 channel 11
2018/12/11 18:44:17 :: iwconfig wlp61s0 ap 00:26:CB:11:1A:82
2018/12/11 18:44:17 :: Running DHCP with NO hostname
2018/12/11 18:44:17 :: /sbin/dhclient -v -cf /var/lib/wicd/dhclient.conf  

this does not work:

root@zira:/home/vinc17# iwconfig wlp61s0 essid -- invites
root@zira:/home/vinc17# iw dev wlp61s0 link
Not connected.
root@zira:/home/vinc17# iwconfig wlp61s0 channel 11
root@zira:/home/vinc17# iwconfig wlp61s0 ap 00:26:CB:11:1A:82
root@zira:/home/vinc17# iw dev wlp61s0 link
Not connected.

(and still no link after several minutes). Note that the BSS is
different, but that's wicd's fault to choose a wrong one, while
iw is always successful.

Possible bug: "safely remove drive" freeze the system

2018-12-13 Thread Daniele Gervasoni

I have the issue in the subject when a right click on a USB drive and click
on "safely remove drive". I am on Debian 9.6 with gnome.
It happen with different drives and different usb ports.
Looking on the www it was an old 2.6 kernel bug.
Below hostnamectl output concerning architecture.
If a patch already exist may you point me there?
Thank you.

:~$ hostnamectl

  Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
Kernel: Linux 4.9.0-8-amd64
  Architecture: x86-64

Re: Recommended debootsrap tutorials

2018-12-13 Thread Richard Owlett

On 12/12/2018 12:47 PM, songbird wrote:

Richard Owlett wrote:


My interest has been rekindled. I wish to understand debootstrap. To
that end I do a minimalist bootable Debian installation.

   have you looked at the source code ?


   it is written in sh.  which isn't too obscure a language...

Having assumed [erroneously] that it was written in a compiled language, 
I hadn't looked for source.

As to obscurity/opaqueness of sh. *It ain't* ;/
Especially to one introduced [in early 60's] to programming via 
CORC/CUPL {predecessor *NOT* precursor of Dartmouth BASIC}.

That code is not an answer to my stated question. But it demonstrates 
that some personal goals are feasible.

Re: (deb-cat) Programes JNLP

2018-12-13 Thread Narcis Garcia
I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.
El 13/12/18 a les 9:05, Alex Muntada ha escrit:
> Hola Narcis,
>> Algú sap la manera d'aconseguir que el Java accepti executar un
>> fitxer.jnlp sense exigir aquest permís?
> Com ja vaig comentar-te a l'octubre, jo utilitzo el javaws per
> obrir els fitxers .jnlp:
> Suposo que hauries de poder associar aquest tipus d'extensió al
> javaws perquè el navegador els obri, si vols evitar haver-los
> de descarregar primer.

Ja tinc el navegador (Icecat 52, Firefox 52) associat a l'aplicació que
toca (suposo que ha de ser javaws que ja s'estableix amb la instal-lació
de icedtea-plugin -> icedtea-netx).
La dificultat que tinc ara és que accepti executar el fitxer .JNLP
vingut del web sense requerir l'atribut o propietat d'executable.

Re: installer debian sans interface graphique

2018-12-13 Thread Samy Mezani

Le 13/12/2018 à 09:09, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :

- Mail original -

De: "Samy Mezani" 
Envoyé: Jeudi 13 Décembre 2018 08:54:53
Objet: Re: installer debian sans interface graphique


Le 12/12/2018 à 04:37, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :> bonjour,

Tu es sans doute confronté à ce problème ?

Sinon qu'entends-tu par "l'install ne se déroule pas correctement ?"


PS : merci Bernard de correspondre via la liste plutôt que par
message privé


c'est exactement le problème que j'ai ...

merci du tuyau


Il te faut donc désactiver le framebuffer dans le système invité... donc 
y accéder avant en mode graphique auparavant :

Bon courage !


Re: installer debian sans interface graphique

2018-12-13 Thread Bernard Schoenacker

- Mail original -
> De: "Samy Mezani" 
> À:
> Envoyé: Jeudi 13 Décembre 2018 08:54:53
> Objet: Re: installer debian sans interface graphique
> Bonjour,
> Le 12/12/2018 à 04:37, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :> bonjour,
> Tu es sans doute confronté à ce problème ?
> Sinon qu'entends-tu par "l'install ne se déroule pas correctement ?"
> Samy
> PS : merci Bernard de correspondre via la liste plutôt que par
> message privé


c'est exactement le problème que j'ai ...

merci du tuyau


Re: Low-Cost Tablet PC suitable for Debian

2018-12-13 Thread Frank Weißer

Stefan Monnier:

it's android without the "I'd like to call home' parts, if you choose the
bare install.

AFAIK the bare install will still call home: every time you connect to
a wifi network it performs an HTTP request to a Google server in order to
detect whether the local connection gives you access to the internet or
not (and if not, it presumes it's a captive portal and offers you to
launch a browser to sign in).

I didn't install google 'services', so there is only some device 
statistics communication with, which can be disabled in 
the privacy menu.

Anyway I doubt, any lineageos powered device would have "2-4 USB ports"
or  "Serial RS232/485 port".


Re: (deb-cat) Programes JNLP

2018-12-13 Thread Alex Muntada
Hola Narcis,

> Algú sap la manera d'aconseguir que el Java accepti executar un
> fitxer.jnlp sense exigir aquest permís?

Com ja vaig comentar-te a l'octubre, jo utilitzo el javaws per
obrir els fitxers .jnlp:

Suposo que hauries de poder associar aquest tipus d'extensió al
javaws perquè el navegador els obri, si vols evitar haver-los
de descarregar primer.


  ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  Alex Muntada 
  ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋   Debian Developer -

Description: PGP signature