Re: consultes diverses sobre privacitat

2023-01-10 Thread Narcis Garcia

(comento entre línies)

El 10/1/23 a les 21:57, xavi ha escrit:


Tinc alguns dubtes que no tinc clar que siguin topic de la llista. Com a 
atenuant entenc que anys enrere es discutiren en aquesta llista 
qüestions de privacitat a les xarxes no directament relacionades amb 

Els dubtes són els següents:

. Entenc que diverses operadores espanyoles (com a mínim em sembla que 
Vodafone, Movistar i Orange) fan servir trustpid [*] com a nova 

L'article que refereixes és una mica sensacionalista, i només esmenta 
l'ús de «tokens».
Aquest tipus de recursos unificats ja s'utilitza amb altres com Ticcdn, 
Googletagmanager, Bootstrapcdn, etc. i l'article parteix del fet que 
aquestes empreses demanen que la realitat es legalitzi.
També el projecte estriba en aconseguir una «fidelització» dels usuaris 
als traficants de dades personals, mitjançant un panell de control estil 
Google i demés.

El problema de les galetes i rastrejos és doble:
1. Els dissenyadors web no respecten l'usuari i incorporen components de 
2. Els navegadors no faciliten una aplicació estricta del CSP-SOP a 
voluntat de l'usuari. L'extensió uMatrix és bona però insuficient, i les 
mesures de protecció sempre arriben molt tard.

. Entenc també que això afecta a connexions via router fibra com a 
connexions via mòbil de les operadores afectades.

Crec que el problema és no utilitzar programari lliure. Amb l'ordinador 
és prou fàcil, però al telèfon mòbil hi ha total descontrol del què fa 
el sistema operatiu i algunes aplicacions.

. Via em sembla que pots desactivar el consentiment 
aquesta mena de supercookies del mòbil. Però no veig com podria 
desactivar el consentiment d'aquesta mena de supercookies al router. 
Algú sap com fer-ho?

El problema per a l'usuari parteix de delegar al traficant les seves 
preferències. Al segle XXI els «consentiments» són simbòlics, i la única 
manera d'evitar un abús és IMPEDIR que es pugui produïr: Bloquejar des 
del teu costat.

. Un altre dubte que tinc és si aquesta mena de supercookies 
funcionarien encara amb VPNs o Tor.

Tot igual que amb *cdn, Bootstrapcdn, Adobedtm, Smartadserver, Gstatic, 
Doubleclick, Demdex, etc.

. La pregunta aquesta sí que debianita: pel camí, m'estava plantejant 
que determinats usuaris dels meus linux debian facin servir la connexió 
del router però m'agradaria limitar-la a d'altres usuaris, que hi hagin 
usuaris que no puguin accedir a la xarxa del router.

Segur que si, però:
Caldria conèixer millor l'estructura i col·locació de «els meus linux» 
«determinats usuaris» «altres usuaris» i «xarxa del router».

Salut i bon any a tothom,




Narcis Garcia

I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't 
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator 
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.

quite the end of an era: Re: Bug#931659: transition: rm python2

2023-01-10 Thread songbird
  kudoes to everyone who helped with this in getting it done, finding
bugs, fixing problems, converting code, updating docs and testing.  :)


Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2023 10 Jan 13:38 -0600, wrote:
> It may be argued that I shouldn't do the import this way. However, I
> prefer to have "curses." in front of things imported. It makes the link
> explicit, and serves to remind me of what's actually going on, when I
> revisit the code in five years.

I agree with your reasoning.  I never liked the "from foo import *"
syntax.  OTOH, it does have its use when wanting to import a subset of a
module.  For example, "from foo import bar" that would make the "bar"
name a part of the main namespace..

Then there is the "import fooBarBaz as fBB" syntax which is useful to
shorten long module names, as I understand it (the name after the "as"
can be any legal Python identifier).  There are some modules with
submodules that make the long name prefix onerous.

As I've poked around the Web over the years its clear that some like the
simplicity of "from foo import *".  I think doing that as an example is
a mistake as it hides the classes, methods, variables module prefix.
Just be aware that when you find an example that imports in this manner
that there is an implicit module name prefix but it isn't used since the
import command made the module's namespace a part of the program's main

That's how I understand it, at least.

- Nate

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
GPG fingerprint: 82D6 4F6B 0E67 CD41 F689 BBA6 FB2C 5130 D55A 8819

Description: PGP signature

Re: PowerBook G4 OS

2023-01-10 Thread Bob Crochelt
On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 11:03:42PM +0200, Georgi Naplatanov wrote:
> On 1/10/23 22:45, Bob Crochelt wrote:
> > Good afternoon:
> > I have a Powerbook G4 currently running Debian 8 (Jessie).  Is there a
> > more recent release supported on PPC, and where could I find it please?
> No, there is no release for this architecture. The architecture's state is
> "unofficial" and the only branch is unstable/sid. This branch may or may not
> work. If you want to use Debian unstable/sid just replace "jessie" with
> "sid" in /etc/apt/sources.list and do:
> # apt update
> # apt upgrade
> # apt dist-upgrade
> Kind regards
> Georgi
Thanks to all who replied.  I appreciate the help and advice.  Think I
will just sit tight with the system, as it works fine for what I need:
email, a little (slow surfing) and some note writing.

I imagine you have saved me many hours of frustration.

Bob Crochelt

Re: Problems with host sleeping

2023-01-10 Thread Ximo


Did you checked the hardware?

Best regards,

El 10/01/2023 a las 22:44, Tom Browder escribió:
I just got a new PC and installed Deb 11 (nonfree) and cannot figure out 
how to keep it from powering down after some delay.

For instance, when in the middle of the install process I had to leave 
for "honey dos" and, when I returned, the computer was powered down. 
When I powered on again, I got an unexpected grub shell.

I have to leave for a the evening, but the CPU is AMD, ASUS motherboard, 
Corsair case. The build was from Silent PC. Details to follow, but I 
don't remember ever seeing that behavior before. it sure makes it hard 
to do an install in pieces.

Best regards,


Problems with host sleeping

2023-01-10 Thread Tom Browder
I just got a new PC and installed Deb 11 (nonfree) and cannot figure out
how to keep it from powering down after some delay.

For instance, when in the middle of the install process I had to leave for
"honey dos" and, when I returned, the computer was powered down. When I
powered on again, I got an unexpected grub shell.

I have to leave for a the evening, but the CPU is AMD, ASUS motherboard,
Corsair case. The build was from Silent PC. Details to follow, but I don't
remember ever seeing that behavior before. it sure makes it hard to do an
install in pieces.

Best regards,


Re: PowerBook G4 OS

2023-01-10 Thread Jeffrey Walton
On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 4:04 PM Georgi Naplatanov  wrote:
> On 1/10/23 22:45, Bob Crochelt wrote:
> > Good afternoon:
> > I have a Powerbook G4 currently running Debian 8 (Jessie).  Is there a
> > more recent release supported on PPC, and where could I find it please?
> No, there is no release for this architecture. The architecture's state
> is "unofficial" and the only branch is unstable/sid. This branch may or
> may not work. If you want to use Debian unstable/sid just replace
> "jessie" with "sid" in /etc/apt/sources.list and do:
> # apt update
> # apt upgrade
> # apt dist-upgrade

Also see "How to release upgrade your distribution", .


Re: PowerBook G4 OS

2023-01-10 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2023-01-10 12:45 -0800, Bob Crochelt wrote:

> I have a Powerbook G4 currently running Debian 8 (Jessie).  Is there a
> more recent release supported on PPC, and where could I find it please?

No, there is no more recent release, at least not of Debian.  The
powerpc architecture is still hosted on debian-ports[1], but contains
only the unstable branch of Debian, so packages will contain new and
exciting bugs rather than the boring old ones you get in stable.

Trying to upgrade from Debian 8 will most likely completely break in all
kinds of ways, so if you want to switch to unstable the best way is to
reinstall.  You can find a ~10 months netinst iso at [2].

If you are feeling less adventurous, you could use debootstrap to setup
a chroot first and try the newest software there.

Good luck,


Re: PowerBook G4 OS

2023-01-10 Thread Georgi Naplatanov

On 1/10/23 22:45, Bob Crochelt wrote:

Good afternoon:
I have a Powerbook G4 currently running Debian 8 (Jessie).  Is there a
more recent release supported on PPC, and where could I find it please?

No, there is no release for this architecture. The architecture's state 
is "unofficial" and the only branch is unstable/sid. This branch may or 
may not work. If you want to use Debian unstable/sid just replace 
"jessie" with "sid" in /etc/apt/sources.list and do:

# apt update
# apt upgrade
# apt dist-upgrade

Kind regards

consultes diverses sobre privacitat

2023-01-10 Thread xavi


Tinc alguns dubtes que no tinc clar que siguin topic de la llista. Com a 
atenuant entenc que anys enrere es discutiren en aquesta llista 
qüestions de privacitat a les xarxes no directament relacionades amb debian.

Els dubtes són els següents:

. Entenc que diverses operadores espanyoles (com a mínim em sembla que 
Vodafone, Movistar i Orange) fan servir trustpid [*] com a nova supercookie.

. Entenc també que això afecta a connexions via router fibra com a 
connexions via mòbil de les operadores afectades.

. Via em sembla que pots desactivar el consentiment 
aquesta mena de supercookies del mòbil. Però no veig com podria 
desactivar el consentiment d'aquesta mena de supercookies al router. 
Algú sap com fer-ho?

. Un altre dubte que tinc és si aquesta mena de supercookies 
funcionarien encara amb VPNs o Tor.

. La pregunta aquesta sí que debianita: pel camí, m'estava plantejant 
que determinats usuaris dels meus linux debian facin servir la connexió 
del router però m'agradaria limitar-la a d'altres usuaris, que hi hagin 
usuaris que no puguin accedir a la xarxa del router.

Salut i bon any a tothom,



PowerBook G4 OS

2023-01-10 Thread Bob Crochelt
Good afternoon:
I have a Powerbook G4 currently running Debian 8 (Jessie).  Is there a
more recent release supported on PPC, and where could I find it please?
Thanks to all who have lent support to this list.
Bob Crochelt

Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread paulf
On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 13:17:10 -0600
David Wright  wrote:

> On Tue 10 Jan 2023 at 11:13:55 (-0500), wrote:
> > On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 09:31:26 -0600 > David Wright
> >  wrote:
> > > You keep mentioning "the docs" without saying which docs, so a
> > > reference might be helpful.
> > 
> > Sorry. I'm using the following (and related pages):
> > 
> >
> > 
> > These appear to be the most authoritative.
> Correct.
> > > On Tue 10 Jan 2023 at 09:01:17 (-0500),
> > > wrote:
> > > > On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 08:34:05 -0500 Greg Wooledge
> > > >  wrote:
> > > > > On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 08:24:11AM -0500,
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > What you wrote triggered something. I'd been following the
> > > > > > Python curses docs, which tell you to write, for example,
> > > > > > "A_REVERSE".
> No, they don't.
> > > > > > And Python was throwing exceptions. But based on
> > > > > > what you wrote, I substituted "curses.A_REVERSE", which
> > > > > > works.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Problem solved... for now.
> > > 
> > > Exactly: just for now.
> > > 
> > > > > I'm a Python novice, but I believe what you're seeing is the
> > > > > difference between
> > > > 
> > > > No, here's what happened. I was going along, and I used
> > > > "A_REVERSE" in my code, according to the online docs.
> > > > Exception, didn't recognize the name. That didn't make sense;
> > > > this attribute is basic to curses.
> Exactly, it's an attribute, as shown by the heading of the table
> in which you found A_REVERSE. And that attribute is a part of
> the curses module, and must be qualified with curses.A_REVERSE
> unless you import A_REVERSE (or all, *) into your namespace.

Correct. Actually, this should have been obvious to me if I'd been
thinking clearly. Doing a "import curses" shouldn't make bare library
symbols available in your code. It only makes sense you'd need to
address them with a prefix.

It may be argued that I shouldn't do the import this way. However, I
prefer to have "curses." in front of things imported. It makes the link
explicit, and serves to remind me of what's actually going on, when I
revisit the code in five years.


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
Company Site:
Software Projects:

Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread David Wright
On Tue 10 Jan 2023 at 11:13:55 (-0500), wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 09:31:26 -0600 > David Wright  
> wrote:

> > You keep mentioning "the docs" without saying which docs, so a
> > reference might be helpful.
> Sorry. I'm using the following (and related pages):
> These appear to be the most authoritative.


> > On Tue 10 Jan 2023 at 09:01:17 (-0500), wrote:
> > > On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 08:34:05 -0500 Greg Wooledge  
> > > wrote:
> > > > On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 08:24:11AM -0500, wrote:
> > > > > What you wrote triggered something. I'd been following the
> > > > > Python curses docs, which tell you to write, for example,
> > > > > "A_REVERSE".

No, they don't.

> > > > > And Python was throwing exceptions. But based on
> > > > > what you wrote, I substituted "curses.A_REVERSE", which works.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Problem solved... for now.
> > 
> > Exactly: just for now.
> > 
> > > > I'm a Python novice, but I believe what you're seeing is the
> > > > difference between
> > > 
> > > No, here's what happened. I was going along, and I used "A_REVERSE"
> > > in my code, according to the online docs. Exception, didn't
> > > recognize the name. That didn't make sense; this attribute is basic
> > > to curses.

Exactly, it's an attribute, as shown by the heading of the table
in which you found A_REVERSE. And that attribute is a part of
the curses module, and must be qualified with curses.A_REVERSE
unless you import A_REVERSE (or all, *) into your namespace.

What has misled you is that all the /tables/ in the python
documentation have just the last component's name in column one,
with its interpretation in column two. If you want to see why,
glance at a page like
for example. The first ABC item in the table is "Container",
but the running text below shows:

 ABC for classes that provide the __contains__() method.

The table would be unmanageable if most of its width was taken
up with repetitions of:

  class…   …   …   …
  class…   …   …   …
  class…   …   …   …
  class…   …   …   …
  class…   …   …   …
  class…   …   …   …


Re: Crear paquetes debian

2023-01-10 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia
- Original Message - 
From: "Camaleón" 

Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: Crear paquetes debian

El 2023-01-10 a las 13:18 -0500, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:

Estoy incursionando en la creación de paquetes .deb y tengo una duda que 

he podido solucionar

Cuando instalo el paquete una vez creado tengo que reiniciar la sección
gráfica porque no me refresca los disparadores en la sección que tengo
abierta, alguien me podría explicar como solventar este error?

Por ejemplo uso Mate como escritorio. Al instalar el paquete no me 

el menú con el programa que instale. Y cual debe salir en
Aplicaciones->Programación->Programa Instalado

Una vez reiniciada la sección del usuario si aparece. Pero lo que quiero 

que aparezca sin tener que reiniciar la sección.

Como lograr esto?

No tengo experiencia con la creación de paquetes, pero cuando instalas
alguno o actualizas el sistema, se pueden leer mensajes del tipo «Debian
pkg triggering...» que siempre me he preguntando por qué no estarán
traducidos el español, pero bueno, eso es otro tema :-P

En cuanto a tu pregunta, te puede interesar esto, concretamente



Gracias por el enlace.

Revisaré y veremos si encuentro como realizarlo. Al final comento 


Crear paquetes debian

2023-01-10 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia
Estoy incursionando en la creación de paquetes .deb y tengo una duda que no 
he podido solucionar

Cuando instalo el paquete una vez creado tengo que reiniciar la sección 
gráfica porque no me refresca los disparadores en la sección que tengo 
abierta, alguien me podría explicar como solventar este error?

Por ejemplo uso Mate como escritorio. Al instalar el paquete no me actualiza 
el menú con el programa que instale. Y cual debe salir en 
Aplicaciones->Programación->Programa Instalado

Una vez reiniciada la sección del usuario si aparece. Pero lo que quiero es 
que aparezca sin tener que reiniciar la sección.

Como lograr esto?

Toda ayuda será bien venida.

Saludos Cordiales

Libvirt dnsmasq oddity

2023-01-10 Thread Charles Curley
I seem to have hit an oddity in how dnsmasq operates for libvirt.

I have two host machines each with several guests. One of those is also
the local samba server. Guests on the non-samba server can resolve the
samba server's host name correctly, so far without fail.

Guests on the samba server sometimes get the correct IP address for the
samba server, and other times get an IP address for the samba server of That is the IP address provided in the host's /etc/hosts.

I have a workaround of hard coding the IP address in the fstab entry,
but that's tacky. Is there a better way to handle this?

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: Recherche carte vidéo bien adaptée à Debian Bullseye

2023-01-10 Thread ajh-valmer
On Tuesday 10 January 2023 12:32:28 benoit wrote:
> Le lundi 9 janvier 2023 à 19:18, ajh-valmer  a écrit :
> > Je recherche une carte vidéo bien reconnue par Debian Bullseye,
> > pour réhabiliter un ordinateur, pas besoin de haut de gamme,
> > sans ventilo, préférence pour Nvidia, prix inférieur à 100€.

> Vu que je me pose la question des processeurs graphiques compatibles avec 
> Debian,
> je me joins à la conversation pour m'informer en même temps, du coup dites 
> moi si je me trompe. 
> Si tu as une préférence pour Nvidia, tu devras soit :
> - utiliser les pilotes Nouveau développés par rétro-ingénierie, car Nvidia 
> n'aide pas au
> développement de pilote libres; 
> - soit utiliser le pilote propriétaire de Nvidia.
> Dans ce cas, tu as la liste (supported devices) sur la page ci-dessus.
> En effet, en neuf avec tes 3 critères :
> - sans ventilo;
> - moins de 100€;
> Ça remplit d'office ta préférence Nvidia, je n'en ai pas trouvé chez AMD qui 
> remplit ces
> conditions. 
> Ici sans ventilo, ça commence à 56.90 €
> Ici sans ventilo ET <= 100€
> En fait comme dit précédemment, il semblerait que seul les GPU GT 710 ou GT 
> 730 remplissent tes
> conditions (prix/fanless). 

Merci :
Bien que je sois à fond pour les solutions Libres et Opensource,
j'apprécie d'installer les cartes vidéos Nvidia avec un pilote du même nom,
qui fonctionne bien sous Debian.
En plus, on a un nvidia-settings graphique fenêtré permettant 
d'affiner de nombeux réglages qui améliorent le rendu graphique.

Bonne soirée.

Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread Curt
On 2023-01-10,   wrote:
> Follow-up question, in case you know this too: apparently, when you
> purchase a Kindle book and read it via the Kindle app on your Android
> phone, the document doesn't exist on the phone itself. I've

Just one of the multiple if not myriad pages available on the subject
via a search engine.

Re: CPU Microcode - Debian Wiki

2023-01-10 Thread Georgi Naplatanov

On 1/10/23 13:12, Dan Ritter wrote:

Georgi Naplatanov wrote:

Hi all!

I've just read Debian's Wiki page about CPU Microcode and there are
mentioned Intel's and AMD's processors for AMD64 architecture.

What is the situation with processors from other architectures
(arm64/AArch64 for example)?

  - do they have microcode?
  - can microcode be updated for these processors (from different
architectures) by Linux kernel? Is this supported by Debian GNU/Linux?

Microcode is run by a CPU to translate the nominal instruction
set (some variant on x86-64, for example) to the actually
implemented instruction set.

The majority of RISC-style CPUs don't have a microcode layer
because the point of RISC is that the CPU's native instruction
set is minimized -- the opinion is that compilers should do more

What all CPUs have is errata -- mistakes that were made and
caught. If they are fixable, they are fixed in microcode for
machines that have that, or in the kernel for machines that

If you search for ARM_ERRATA in
you will see a number of situations in which the kernel is
fixing things that would otherwise be fixed in microcode.

So, upgrading the kernel is your best bet for those devices.


Thank you, Dan Ritter!

Kind regards

Re: Instalacion Entornos de escritorio

2023-01-10 Thread Deiby Herrera
Buenas en lo personal a mi gedebi no me funciona de manera gráfica solo
cuando lo ejecutó desde la terminal, e instale debian 11.6 y me está dando
demasiados errores con el kernel más actual tuve que volver a uno
anteriorno me instala algunos otros paquetes uso cinnamon y me dió
error y debí volver a gnine-shell creo que hay un conflicto en alguna

El mar., 10 de enero de 2023 10:57 a. m., Daniel Rodríguez <> escribió:

> Aquí volviendo sobre el tema. Tuve claramente la confirmación de que no
> podía usar en plenitud el entorno Xfce por una cuestión de privilegios de
> usuario, pero no lo pude solucionar. Decidí desinstalar el entorno Xfce por
> terminal, para que no quede nada. Pero instale el entorno Mate, que
> funciona perfecto, pudiendo hacer todo lo que se hace con Gnome y que con
> Xfce era imposible(montar particiones o discos de windows, hacer funcionar
> el Gdebi, Synaptic, etc.) Seguire investigando, estoy convencido que Debian
> es lo mejor que le puede pasar a mi equipo, y a mi también. Gracias
> Daniel Rodriguez
> El sáb, 7 ene 2023 a las 15:10, Daniel Rodríguez (<
>>) escribió:
>> Gracias javierDebian, voy a investigar lo que me sugieres y volveré para
>> explicar el resultado porque quizas a alguien le sirva
>> Daniel Rodriguez
>> El sáb, 7 ene 2023 a las 14:32, JavierDebian (<
>>>) escribió:
>>> El 7/1/23 a las 14:18, Camaleón escribió:
>>> > El 2023-01-07 a las 13:46 -0300, Daniel Rodríguez escribió:
>>> >
>>> >> Hola, me pasa algo curioso. Instale Debian 11.6 con Gnome y entorno
>>> Xfce.
>>> >> Inicie el sistema por primera vez con entorno Xfce, note que Gdebi no
>>> >> funcionaba o al menos no instalaba archivos .deb y tampoco funcionaba
>>> bien
>>> >> Synaptic. Reinicie la maquina e inicie el sistema con el entorno Gnome
>>> >> Clásico. El Gdebi me instalo todo los paquetes .deb y el Synaptic
>>> funcionó
>>> >> de maravillas. Que es lo que me impide que todo lo que se hace en
>>> Gnome no
>>> >> se pueda hacer por Xfce.?? Si alguien lo sabe lo escuchó con mucha
>>> >> atención. Gracias
>>> >
>>> > El problema con gdebi lo desconozco porque no lo uso, aunque
>>> > seguramente esté relacionado con el tema de Synaptic.
>>> >
>>> > Con relación a Synaptic, el problema que me daba a mí (desde hace
>>> > años) es que en XFCE no se inicia al ejecutarlo desde el menú, y si
>>> > no recuerdo mal, se debía a un problema de autentificación (polkit).
>>> >
>>> > Si ese es tu problema, asegúrate de que tienes activado y se inicia el
>>> > demonio de policykit. Si tu problema es otro, especifica qué te sucede
>>> > exactamente :-)
>>> >
>>> > P.S. Cuando te dé problemas alguna aplicación, ejecútala desde una
>>> > consola para ver si te saca algún error que te dé alguna pista.
>>> >
>>> > Saludos,
>>> >
>>> Además de eso, asegurate que las variables de entorno de Xfce contengan
>>> el "path" completo a los ejecutables.
>>> JAP

Re: Instalacion Entornos de escritorio

2023-01-10 Thread Daniel Rodríguez
Camaleon, aquí volviendo sobre el tema. Tuve claramente la confirmación de
que no podía usar en plenitud el entorno Xfce por una cuestión de
privilegios de usuario, pero no lo pude solucionar. Decidí desinstalar el
entorno Xfce por terminal, para que no quede nada. Pero instale el entorno
Mate, que funciona perfecto, pudiendo hacer todo lo que se hace con Gnome y
que con Xfce era imposible(montar particiones o discos de windows, hacer
funcionar el Gdebi, Synaptic, etc.) Seguire investigando, estoy convencido
que Debian es lo mejor que le puede pasar a mi equipo, y a mi también.

Daniel Rodriguez

El sáb, 7 ene 2023 a las 15:07, Daniel Rodríguez (<>) escribió:

> Gracias Camaleon, buscare lo que me indicas y volvere para explicar los
> resultados
> Daniel Rodriguez
> El sáb, 7 ene 2023 a las 14:18, Camaleón () escribió:
>> El 2023-01-07 a las 13:46 -0300, Daniel Rodríguez escribió:
>> > Hola, me pasa algo curioso. Instale Debian 11.6 con Gnome y entorno
>> Xfce.
>> > Inicie el sistema por primera vez con entorno Xfce, note que Gdebi no
>> > funcionaba o al menos no instalaba archivos .deb y tampoco funcionaba
>> bien
>> > Synaptic. Reinicie la maquina e inicie el sistema con el entorno Gnome
>> > Clásico. El Gdebi me instalo todo los paquetes .deb y el Synaptic
>> funcionó
>> > de maravillas. Que es lo que me impide que todo lo que se hace en Gnome
>> no
>> > se pueda hacer por Xfce.?? Si alguien lo sabe lo escuchó con mucha
>> > atención. Gracias
>> El problema con gdebi lo desconozco porque no lo uso, aunque
>> seguramente esté relacionado con el tema de Synaptic.
>> Con relación a Synaptic, el problema que me daba a mí (desde hace
>> años) es que en XFCE no se inicia al ejecutarlo desde el menú, y si
>> no recuerdo mal, se debía a un problema de autentificación (polkit).
>> Si ese es tu problema, asegúrate de que tienes activado y se inicia el
>> demonio de policykit. Si tu problema es otro, especifica qué te sucede
>> exactamente :-)
>> P.S. Cuando te dé problemas alguna aplicación, ejecútala desde una
>> consola para ver si te saca algún error que te dé alguna pista.
>> Saludos,
>> --
>> Camaleón

Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread paulf
On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 09:31:26 -0600
David Wright  wrote:

> On Tue 10 Jan 2023 at 09:01:17 (-0500), wrote:
> > On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 08:34:05 -0500 Greg Wooledge
> >  wrote:
> > > On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 08:24:11AM -0500,
> > > wrote:
> > > > What you wrote triggered something. I'd been following the
> > > > Python curses docs, which tell you to write, for example,
> > > > "A_REVERSE". And Python was throwing exceptions. But based on
> > > > what you wrote, I substituted "curses.A_REVERSE", which works.
> > > > 
> > > > Problem solved... for now.
> Exactly: just for now.
> > > I'm a Python novice, but I believe what you're seeing is the
> > > difference between
> > 
> > No, here's what happened. I was going along, and I used "A_REVERSE"
> > in my code, according to the online docs. Exception, didn't
> > recognize the name. That didn't make sense; this attribute is basic
> > to curses. So I started investigated versions of Python, ncurses,
> > Python curses, etc.
> > 
> > But as it turns out, instead of typing "A_REVERSE", I should have
> > ignored the docs and typed "curses.A_REVERSE". That worked, and
> > obviated the whole versioning problem.
> You keep mentioning "the docs" without saying which docs, so a
> reference might be helpful.

Sorry. I'm using the following (and related pages):

These appear to be the most authoritative.


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
Company Site:
Software Projects:

Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread Dan Ritter wrote: 
> On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 08:11:28 -0500
> Dan Ritter  wrote:
> > The Debian package calibre contains:
> > 
> > - an X11 application which is an all-singing, all-dancing
> > library manager and ebook reader
> > 
> > - a set of CLI-usable conversion utilities, most importantly
> > 'ebook-convert', which figures out the input format
> > automatically and exports to a large number of output formats,
> > most usefully EPUB and PDF.
> > 
> Follow-up question, in case you know this too: apparently, when you
> purchase a Kindle book and read it via the Kindle app on your Android
> phone, the document doesn't exist on the phone itself. I've
> plugged my phone into my PC and examined every directory under Android
> and the SIM card, and I can't find a trace of the Kindle book I
> purchased.
> I've installed Calibre, but without having the Kindle file in hand, I
> can't convert it. So... any idea how to actually pry the Kindle file
> out of Amazon's greedy hands, so I can point Calibre at it?

appears to be up-to-date. I don't actually use Amazon for media
purchases/rentals, myself.


Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread David Wright
On Tue 10 Jan 2023 at 09:01:17 (-0500), wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 08:34:05 -0500 Greg Wooledge  wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 08:24:11AM -0500, wrote:
> > > What you wrote triggered something. I'd been following the Python
> > > curses docs, which tell you to write, for example, "A_REVERSE". And
> > > Python was throwing exceptions. But based on what you wrote, I
> > > substituted "curses.A_REVERSE", which works.
> > > 
> > > Problem solved... for now.

Exactly: just for now.

> > I'm a Python novice, but I believe what you're seeing is the
> > difference between
> No, here's what happened. I was going along, and I used "A_REVERSE" in
> my code, according to the online docs. Exception, didn't recognize the
> name. That didn't make sense; this attribute is basic to curses. So I
> started investigated versions of Python, ncurses, Python curses, etc.
> But as it turns out, instead of typing "A_REVERSE", I should have
> ignored the docs and typed "curses.A_REVERSE". That worked, and
> obviated the whole versioning problem.

You keep mentioning "the docs" without saying which docs, so a
reference might be helpful. I'm finding that most online docs
I hit by googling   python curses docs   use examples that:

  import curses

thereby only importing the module's name into the local namespace,
or else import just a selection of attributes into the local
namespace, as in:

  from curses import wrapper

To fully answer your question, we need to see how your docs had
imported curses before using its attributes without qualification.

It's difficult to conceive of doing much python programming without
understanding the distinction being made here by Greg and tomas.
You should read "The import statement" section in the Python
Language Reference:

BTW in the many years I used python seriously as part of my job,
I never used "from mod import *" except where I'd written the
module concerned, and had total control over the few, unique,
attribute names that it defined.


Re: heu provat programari de conversió d'àudio a text?

2023-01-10 Thread Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda

El 10/1/23 a les 15:04, Josep M. Ferrer ha escrit:

També hi ha oTranscribe en format d'eina web: que té 
llicència MIT.

Però el resultats seran millors o pitjors en funció de la qualitat de l'àudio 
(soroll o música de fons, veus simultànies, quequeig, etc.). Gairebé segur que 
cal postedició.

Funciona força bé.

Gràcies per recomanar-la.

Linux User 152692 GPG: 05F4A7A949A2D9AA
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread tomas
On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 02:48:26PM +, Tixy wrote:


> I doubt that's possible because I assume these things are protected
> with DRM to stop people from copying them, or escaping the clutches of
> Big Corp who want to monitor what you do in order to sell you more
> stuff.

I have yet to see a DRM which can't be circumvented. Granted, with
"trusted computing" we are inching closer, but that thing is still
full of holes.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread Tixy
On Tue, 2023-01-10 at 09:18 -0500, wrote:
> Follow-up question, in case you know this too: apparently, when you
> purchase a Kindle book and read it via the Kindle app on your Android
> phone, the document doesn't exist on the phone itself. I've
> plugged my phone into my PC and examined every directory under Android
> and the SIM card, and I can't find a trace of the Kindle book I
> purchased.

Because you didn't purchase it. You paid for the right to read it
whenever you want, until such time as Amazon decided to shut down the
Kindle service that is. Or it decides you shouldn't have been sold it
and deletes it. [1] That's how digital 'purchases' work.

> I've installed Calibre, but without having the Kindle file in hand, I
> can't convert it. So... any idea how to actually pry the Kindle file
> out of Amazon's greedy hands, so I can point Calibre at it?

I doubt that's possible because I assume these things are protected
with DRM to stop people from copying them, or escaping the clutches of
Big Corp who want to monitor what you do in order to sell you more



Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread paulf
On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 08:11:28 -0500
Dan Ritter  wrote:

> wrote: 
> > On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 21:29:31 +1100
> > David  wrote:
> > 
> > > On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 at 15:04,  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I'm trying to write some code in Python's curses module.
> > > 
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > This kindle/paperback book [1][2] might also be of interest.
> > > 
> > 
> > Don't like Amazon's vendor lock with Kindle. Do you know of a
> > simple, accessible way of converting a Kindle book to something I
> > can read on my PC?
> The Debian package calibre contains:
> - an X11 application which is an all-singing, all-dancing
> library manager and ebook reader
> - a set of CLI-usable conversion utilities, most importantly
> 'ebook-convert', which figures out the input format
> automatically and exports to a large number of output formats,
> most usefully EPUB and PDF.

Follow-up question, in case you know this too: apparently, when you
purchase a Kindle book and read it via the Kindle app on your Android
phone, the document doesn't exist on the phone itself. I've
plugged my phone into my PC and examined every directory under Android
and the SIM card, and I can't find a trace of the Kindle book I

I've installed Calibre, but without having the Kindle file in hand, I
can't convert it. So... any idea how to actually pry the Kindle file
out of Amazon's greedy hands, so I can point Calibre at it?


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
Company Site:
Software Projects:

Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread tomas
On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 09:01:17AM -0500, wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 08:34:05 -0500
> Greg Wooledge  wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 08:24:11AM -0500,
> > wrote:
> > > What you wrote triggered something. I'd been following the Python
> > > curses docs, which tell you to write, for example, "A_REVERSE". And
> > > Python was throwing exceptions. But based on what you wrote, I
> > > substituted "curses.A_REVERSE", which works.
> > > 
> > > Problem solved... for now.
> > 
> > I'm a Python novice, but I believe what you're seeing is the
> > difference between
> No, here's what happened. I was going along, and I used "A_REVERSE" in
> my code, according to the online docs. Exception, didn't recognize the
> name. That didn't make sense; this attribute is basic to curses. So I
> started investigated versions of Python, ncurses, Python curses, etc.
> But as it turns out, instead of typing "A_REVERSE", I should have
> ignored the docs and typed "curses.A_REVERSE". That worked, and
> obviated the whole versioning problem.

Greg is still right, though:

If you say "import curses", then you have to say "curses.A_REVERSE"
later on. If you say "from curses import *", then it's "A_REVERSE".

The difference between importing a package and importing all of
the packages's symbols.

What you want to do depends on preferences, taste, name collissions
and things.


Description: PGP signature

Re: heu provat programari de conversió d'àudio a text?

2023-01-10 Thread Josep M. Ferrer

El 9/1/23 a les 14:47, Àlex ha escrit:

Bon any nou,

Us volia fer una pregunta per si algú de vosaltres ha fet servir 
programari de conversió d'àudio a text.

Tinc un amic que ha de transcriure multituds d'entrevistes en 
castellà, i no té temps.

Li vaig ensenyar a instal.lar-se Linux Mint (-sí, he pecat, ja sé que 
no és Debian-), que és el sistema que ara té.

Ell ha trobat com a eina ParlaType , però sembla que no és una eina de 
conversió, sinó que és un reproductor molt adaptat a fer transcripcions:

Jo li he trobat eines online, però no he provat cap:

Vosaltres heu fet servir alguna eina a Debian per conversió d'àudio a 
text que podeu recomanar?



També hi ha oTranscribe en format d'eina web: que té llicència MIT.

Però el resultats seran millors o pitjors en funció de la qualitat de 
l'àudio (soroll o música de fons, veus simultànies, quequeig, etc.). 
Gairebé segur que cal postedició.


Josep M. Ferrer

Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread paulf
On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 08:34:05 -0500
Greg Wooledge  wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 08:24:11AM -0500,
> wrote:
> > What you wrote triggered something. I'd been following the Python
> > curses docs, which tell you to write, for example, "A_REVERSE". And
> > Python was throwing exceptions. But based on what you wrote, I
> > substituted "curses.A_REVERSE", which works.
> > 
> > Problem solved... for now.
> I'm a Python novice, but I believe what you're seeing is the
> difference between

No, here's what happened. I was going along, and I used "A_REVERSE" in
my code, according to the online docs. Exception, didn't recognize the
name. That didn't make sense; this attribute is basic to curses. So I
started investigated versions of Python, ncurses, Python curses, etc.

But as it turns out, instead of typing "A_REVERSE", I should have
ignored the docs and typed "curses.A_REVERSE". That worked, and
obviated the whole versioning problem.


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
Company Site:
Software Projects:

Re: heu provat programari de conversió d'àudio a text?

2023-01-10 Thread Narcis Garcia

He provat sense èxit a Debian 11 (Stable):

$ pip3 install vosk
Successfully installed srt-3.5.2 tqdm-4.64.1 vosk-0.3.45

$ vosk-transcriber --list-languages
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/vosk-transcriber", line 5, in 
from vosk.transcriber.cli import main
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'vosk.transcriber'

...això em fa recordar el perquè sempre busco en primer lloc els paquets 
de repositori de Debian o per a Debian.

El 10/1/23 a les 14:31, ha escrit:

Jo he fet servir VOSK amb bons resultats en català i castellà


On 1/9/23 11:03 PM, j  wrote:


gràcies per la resposta Narcís.

Àlex si no et fa res compartir amb mi el que trobis t'ho agrairia (per 
privat o no). I tot el que estigui relacionat amb inclusiva. Al menys 
per una any he canviat de treball i tot el que pugui tenir relació amb 
inclusivitat i programari lliure m'interessa.

Vagi bé

El 2023-01-09 15:05, Narcis Garcia va escriure:

> Varies vegades he cercat programari per aquest tema, però no hi ha > 
gaire cosa adaptada a l'usuari inexpert.
> Tot el què he trobat en programari lliure són components per a > 
programació (llibreries, API, etc.) que semblen bons però no tant > 
fàcils d'utilitzar com el ffmpeg o una aplicació gràfica:

> > 

> > 

> Al repositori de Debian hi trobo:
> python3-sphinxbase
> Salut.
> El 9/1/23 a les 14:47, Àlex ha escrit:
>> Bon any nou,
>> Us volia fer una pregunta per si algú de vosaltres ha fet servir >> 
programari de conversió d'àudio a text.

>> Tinc un amic que ha de transcriure multituds d'entrevistes en >> 
castellà, i no té temps.

>> Li vaig ensenyar a instal.lar-se Linux Mint (-sí, he pecat, ja sé 
que >> no és Debian-), que és el sistema que ara té.

>> Ell ha trobat com a eina ParlaType , però sembla que no és una eina 
>> de conversió, sinó que és un reproductor molt adaptat a fer >> 

>> Jo li he trobat eines online, però no he provat cap:
>> >> 

>> Vosaltres heu fet servir alguna eina a Debian per conversió d'àudio 
a >> text que podeu recomanar?

>> Gràcies
>>   Àlex


El 2003 el català era la llengua habitual del 46 % dels catalans. Al 
2018 només del 36 %. Si els castellanoparlants no actuem, desapareixerà.

El 3 de novembre representa el moment de l'any en el que les dones 
deixen de cobrar en comparació amb els homes. Hem d’ajudar a les dones 
a eliminar aquesta data.

L’administració pública cada any es gasta milions d’euros en 
llicències de programari privatiu. Utilitzant programari lliure 
estalviem costos i incentivem l’economia local.

/La neutralitat davant les desigualtats acaba accentuant-les./


Narcis Garcia

I'm using this dedicated address because personal addresses aren't 
masked enough at this mail public archive. Public archive administrator 
should fix this against automated addresses collectors.

Re: heu provat programari de conversió d'àudio a text?

2023-01-10 Thread david

Jo he fet servir VOSK amb bons resultats en català i castellà


On 1/9/23 11:03 PM, j  wrote:


gràcies per la resposta Narcís.

Àlex si no et fa res compartir amb mi el que trobis t'ho agrairia (per 
privat o no). I tot el que estigui relacionat amb inclusiva. Al menys 
per una any he canviat de treball i tot el que pugui tenir relació amb 
inclusivitat i programari lliure m'interessa.

Vagi bé

El 2023-01-09 15:05, Narcis Garcia va escriure:

> Varies vegades he cercat programari per aquest tema, però no hi ha 
> gaire cosa adaptada a l'usuari inexpert.
> Tot el què he trobat en programari lliure són components per a 
> programació (llibreries, API, etc.) que semblen bons però no tant 
> fàcils d'utilitzar com el ffmpeg o una aplicació gràfica:


> Al repositori de Debian hi trobo:
> python3-sphinxbase
> Salut.
> El 9/1/23 a les 14:47, Àlex ha escrit:
>> Bon any nou,
>> Us volia fer una pregunta per si algú de vosaltres ha fet servir 
>> programari de conversió d'àudio a text.

>> Tinc un amic que ha de transcriure multituds d'entrevistes en 
>> castellà, i no té temps.

>> Li vaig ensenyar a instal.lar-se Linux Mint (-sí, he pecat, ja sé que 
>> no és Debian-), que és el sistema que ara té.

>> Ell ha trobat com a eina ParlaType , però sembla que no és una eina 
>> de conversió, sinó que és un reproductor molt adaptat a fer 
>> transcripcions:

>> Jo li he trobat eines online, però no he provat cap:

>> Vosaltres heu fet servir alguna eina a Debian per conversió d'àudio a 
>> text que podeu recomanar?

>> Gràcies
>>   Àlex


El 2003 el català era la llengua habitual del 46 % dels catalans. Al 
2018 només del 36 %. Si els castellanoparlants no actuem, desapareixerà.

El 3 de novembre representa el moment de l'any en el que les dones 
deixen de cobrar en comparació amb els homes. Hem d’ajudar a les dones a 
eliminar aquesta data.

L’administració pública cada any es gasta milions d’euros en llicències 
de programari privatiu. Utilitzant programari lliure estalviem costos i 
incentivem l’economia local.

/La neutralitat davant les desigualtats acaba accentuant-les./

Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 08:24:11AM -0500, wrote:
> What you wrote triggered something. I'd been following the Python
> curses docs, which tell you to write, for example, "A_REVERSE". And
> Python was throwing exceptions. But based on what you wrote, I
> substituted "curses.A_REVERSE", which works.
> Problem solved... for now.

I'm a Python novice, but I believe what you're seeing is the difference

import curses


from curses import *

Compare and contrast:

unicorn:~$ python3
Python 3.9.2 (default, Feb 28 2021, 17:03:44) 
[GCC 10.2.1 20210110] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import re
>>> re.sub('a*', '', 'aardvark')

unicorn:~$ python3
Python 3.9.2 (default, Feb 28 2021, 17:03:44) 
[GCC 10.2.1 20210110] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from re import *
>>> sub('a*', '', 'aardvark')

Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread Dan Ritter wrote: 
> On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 21:29:31 +1100
> David  wrote:
> > On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 at 15:04,  wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm trying to write some code in Python's curses module.
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > This kindle/paperback book [1][2] might also be of interest.
> > 
> Don't like Amazon's vendor lock with Kindle. Do you know of a simple,
> accessible way of converting a Kindle book to something I can read on
> my PC?

The Debian package calibre contains:

- an X11 application which is an all-singing, all-dancing
library manager and ebook reader

- a set of CLI-usable conversion utilities, most importantly
'ebook-convert', which figures out the input format
automatically and exports to a large number of output formats,
most usefully EPUB and PDF.


Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread paulf
On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 03:21:11 -0600
Nate Bargmann  wrote:

> * On 2023 09 Jan 22:05 -0600, wrote:
> > Folks:
> I'm not python curses expert, but is what I found.
> > I'm trying to write some code in Python's curses module. I've run
> > into common curses items like A_NORMAL which don't exist. When I do
> > a print(curses.version), it shows "b 2.2". This tells me that the
> > Debian (testing) version of python curses is version 2.2. The
> > documentation for python curses at mentions
> > versions up to 3.10.
> Presumably you're running Bullseye as am I.  Here is what I show:

I'm actually on testing. The Python version is 3.10.x

> Python 3.9.2 (default, Feb 28 2021, 17:03:44) 
> [GCC 10.2.1 20210110] on linux
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import curses
> >>> print(curses.version)
> b'2.2'
> >>> dir()
> ['__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__loader__',
> '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'curses']
> >>> dir(curses)
> [...(snip lots of stuff), 'A_NORMAL', (snip even more stuff)]
> >>> curses.A_NORMAL
> 0
> >>> curses.A_PROTECT
> 16777216
> >>> curses.A_BOLD
> 2097152
> >>> curses.A_COLOR
> 65280
> Do you get similar values for those constants?

What you wrote triggered something. I'd been following the Python
curses docs, which tell you to write, for example, "A_REVERSE". And
Python was throwing exceptions. But based on what you wrote, I
substituted "curses.A_REVERSE", which works.

Problem solved... for now.


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
Company Site:
Software Projects:

Re: why rfkill not list my wifi device

2023-01-10 Thread Charles Curley
On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 19:31:40 +0800
lsg  wrote:

> Thank Alexander! i run lsmod | grep -iE "rfkill", it says
> rfkill 20480  2 cfg80211
> both "modprobe rfkill" and rfkill return nothing

Interesting. Running "modprobe rfkill" wouldn't return anything because
the module is already installed. However, I get a slightly different
result from the lsmod command:

root@jhegaala:~# lsmod | grep rfkill
rfkill 32768  7 bluetooth,thinkpad_acpi,cfg80211

The rfkill module is used by three other modules in my case. The first
two are related to bluetooth. The third, which your listing also shows,
controls network interfaces, including wifi. So I conjecture that you
have all the right modules installed.

However, in my reading I found out that not all wifi drivers support
rfkill. That may be your problem.

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread paulf
On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 21:29:31 +1100
David  wrote:

> On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 at 15:04,  wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to write some code in Python's curses module.
> Hi,
> This kindle/paperback book [1][2] might also be of interest.

Don't like Amazon's vendor lock with Kindle. Do you know of a simple,
accessible way of converting a Kindle book to something I can read on
my PC?

> The author is a moderator of the python-tutor mailing list [4], and
> very helpful on there, so that also might be a good place to ask
> any questions you might have.

Thanks. I'm principally a PHP programmer, and several things about
Python irk me. So that help might be pretty useful.


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
Company Site:
Software Projects:

Re: Re : Recherche carte vidéo bien adaptée à Debian Bullseye

2023-01-10 Thread Dethegeek

Il y a quelques années j'avais 2 NVIDIA gt710, avec un pc sous Debian.

Ça fonctionnait bien, et ça devrait toujours être le cas.

Si tu ne fais pas de multi GPU, tu n'auras aucun souci.

Le mar. 10 janv. 2023 à 13:02, F. Dubois  a écrit :

> Le 10/01/2023 à 12:32, benoit a écrit :
> > Le lundi 9 janvier 2023 à 19:18, ajh-valmer  a
> écrit :
> >
> >
> >> Hello à tous,
> >>
> >> Je recherche une carte vidéo bien reconnue par Debian Bullseye,
> >> pour réhabiliter un ordinateur, pas besoin de haut de gamme,
> >> sans ventilo, préférence pour Nvidia, prix inférieur à 100€.
> >>
> > Vu que je me pose la question des processeurs graphiques compatibles
> avec Debian, je me joins à la conversation pour m'informer en même temps,
> du coup dites moi si je me trompe.
> >
> > Si tu as une préférence pour Nvidia, tu devras soit :
> >
> > - utiliser les pilotes Nouveau développés par rétro-ingénierie, car
> Nvidia n'aide pas au développement de pilote libres;
> >
> >
> >
> > - soit utiliser le pilote propriétaire de Nvidia.
> >
> >
> >
> > Dans ce cas, tu as la liste (supported devices) sur la page ci-dessus.
> >
> >
> >
> > En fait comme dit précédemment, il semblerait que seul les GPU GT 710 ou
> GT 730 remplissent tes conditions (prix/fanless).
> >
> >
> > --
> > Benoît
> >
> >
> >
> Bonjour,
> Pour préciser, avec nouveau j'ai connu des soucis. Aucun avec le pilote
> propriétaire. Il y a des paquets debian qui utilisent dkms. Pour les MAJ
> de noyaux ou de pilotes tout se passe quasiment (bon, pour le noyau 6 ça
> a bugué une petite quinzaine mais tout a été rétabli depuis) de façon
> transparente.
> Salut,
> Fabien

Re: Re : Recherche carte vidéo bien adaptée à Debian Bullseye

2023-01-10 Thread F. Dubois

Le 10/01/2023 à 12:32, benoit a écrit :

Le lundi 9 janvier 2023 à 19:18, ajh-valmer  a écrit :

Hello à tous,

Je recherche une carte vidéo bien reconnue par Debian Bullseye,
pour réhabiliter un ordinateur, pas besoin de haut de gamme,
sans ventilo, préférence pour Nvidia, prix inférieur à 100€.

Vu que je me pose la question des processeurs graphiques compatibles avec 
Debian, je me joins à la conversation pour m'informer en même temps, du coup 
dites moi si je me trompe.

Si tu as une préférence pour Nvidia, tu devras soit :

- utiliser les pilotes Nouveau développés par rétro-ingénierie, car Nvidia 
n'aide pas au développement de pilote libres;

- soit utiliser le pilote propriétaire de Nvidia.

Dans ce cas, tu as la liste (supported devices) sur la page ci-dessus.

En fait comme dit précédemment, il semblerait que seul les GPU GT 710 ou GT 730 
remplissent tes conditions (prix/fanless).



Pour préciser, avec nouveau j'ai connu des soucis. Aucun avec le pilote 
propriétaire. Il y a des paquets debian qui utilisent dkms. Pour les MAJ 
de noyaux ou de pilotes tout se passe quasiment (bon, pour le noyau 6 ça 
a bugué une petite quinzaine mais tout a été rétabli depuis) de façon 



Re: why rfkill not list my wifi device

2023-01-10 Thread lsg

actually i want to use rfkill to block or unblock device

is it possible to do it with wireless-tools?

Re : Recherche carte vidéo bien adaptée à Debian Bullseye

2023-01-10 Thread benoit
Le lundi 9 janvier 2023 à 19:18, ajh-valmer  a écrit :

> Hello à tous,
> Je recherche une carte vidéo bien reconnue par Debian Bullseye,
> pour réhabiliter un ordinateur, pas besoin de haut de gamme,
> sans ventilo, préférence pour Nvidia, prix inférieur à 100€.

Vu que je me pose la question des processeurs graphiques compatibles avec 
Debian, je me joins à la conversation pour m'informer en même temps, du coup 
dites moi si je me trompe.

Si tu as une préférence pour Nvidia, tu devras soit :

- utiliser les pilotes Nouveau développés par rétro-ingénierie, car Nvidia 
n'aide pas au développement de pilote libres;

- soit utiliser le pilote propriétaire de Nvidia.

Dans ce cas, tu as la liste (supported devices) sur la page ci-dessus.

En effet, en neuf avec tes 3 critères :
- sans ventilo;
- moins de 100€;
Ça remplit d'office ta préférence Nvidia, je n'en ai pas trouvé chez AMD qui 
remplit ces conditions.

Ici sans ventilo, ça commence à 56.90 €

Ici sans ventilo ET <= 100€

En fait comme dit précédemment, il semblerait que seul les GPU GT 710 ou GT 730 
remplissent tes conditions (prix/fanless).


Re: why rfkill not list my wifi device

2023-01-10 Thread lsg

On 1/10/23 18:10, Alexander V. Makartsev wrote:

In that case check if "rfkill" kernel module is actually loaded, 
because it is necessary for rfkill utility to function:

    $ lsmod | grep -iE "rfkill"

Use "modprobe" utulity to load it:
    $ sudo modprobe rfkill

It is possible that driver module (your current version) for this 
adapter simply doesn't support "rfkill" subsystem.

With kindest regards, Alexander.

Thank Alexander! i run lsmod | grep -iE "rfkill", it says

rfkill 20480  2 cfg80211

both "modprobe rfkill" and rfkill return nothing

Re: CPU Microcode - Debian Wiki

2023-01-10 Thread Dan Ritter
Georgi Naplatanov wrote: 
> Hi all!
> I've just read Debian's Wiki page about CPU Microcode and there are
> mentioned Intel's and AMD's processors for AMD64 architecture.
> What is the situation with processors from other architectures
> (arm64/AArch64 for example)?
>  - do they have microcode?
>  - can microcode be updated for these processors (from different
> architectures) by Linux kernel? Is this supported by Debian GNU/Linux?

Microcode is run by a CPU to translate the nominal instruction
set (some variant on x86-64, for example) to the actually
implemented instruction set.

The majority of RISC-style CPUs don't have a microcode layer
because the point of RISC is that the CPU's native instruction
set is minimized -- the opinion is that compilers should do more

What all CPUs have is errata -- mistakes that were made and
caught. If they are fixable, they are fixed in microcode for
machines that have that, or in the kernel for machines that

If you search for ARM_ERRATA in
you will see a number of situations in which the kernel is
fixing things that would otherwise be fixed in microcode.

So, upgrading the kernel is your best bet for those devices.


Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread David
On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 at 15:04,  wrote:
> I'm trying to write some code in Python's curses module.


This kindle/paperback book [1][2] might also be of interest.

Don't be discouraged by "" or "book", the price is very low
(showing $1.50 -- $6.00) as explained here [3].

Disclaimer: I have not read it, but if I was going to do anything
in curses with Python then I would start by reading it.

The author is a moderator of the python-tutor mailing list [4], and
very helpful on there, so that also might be a good place to ask
any questions you might have.


Re: why rfkill not list my wifi device

2023-01-10 Thread Alexander V. Makartsev

On 10.01.2023 12:33, lsg wrote:

On 1/10/23 15:26, Alexander V. Makartsev wrote:
For this adapter, according to Wireless Wiki [1], you should use 
universal driver "rtl8xxxu". See if it was loaded:

    $ sudo lsusb -t

Thank Alexander!

actually my usb wifi adapter works well in buster but rfkill doesn't

i want to get rfkill to work

In that case check if "rfkill" kernel module is actually loaded, because 
it is necessary for rfkill utility to function:

    $ lsmod | grep -iE "rfkill"

Use "modprobe" utulity to load it:
    $ sudo modprobe rfkill

It is possible that driver module (your current version) for this 
adapter simply doesn't support "rfkill" subsystem.

With kindest regards, Alexander.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: apt search dotfiles

2023-01-10 Thread Gijs Hillenius
On  9 January 2023 21:34 Geert Stappers, wrote:

> Hoi,
> Wat is zoal jullie favoriete tool om "dotfiles" te beheren?
> Groeten
> Geert Stappers
> |$ apt search dotfiles
> |Bezig met sorteren... Klaar
> |Volledige tekst doorzoeken... Klaar
> |homesick/testing 1.1.6-3 all
> |  keep your dotfiles (configs) in git
> |
> |rcm/testing 1.3.4-1 all
> |  tool to manage rc files (dotfiles)
> |
> |yadm/testing 3.2.1-1 all
> |  Yet Another Dotfiles Manager
> |
> |$ 

Ik heb mijn belangrijkste dotfiles in git

en als ik andere de soep indraai, daar heb ik dan borgbackup voor.

of bedoel je wat anders?

Re: why rfkill not list my wifi device

2023-01-10 Thread Leandro Noferini
Leandro Noferini  writes:

> Now you need to compile the relative module for your adapter.

Sarry, this part of my message remained in my keyboard:

I found this


Re: why rfkill not list my wifi device

2023-01-10 Thread Leandro Noferini
lsg  writes:

> On 1/10/23 14:51, Leandro Noferini wrote:
>> I think for this adapter you need to use the dkms kernel modules: 
>> –
>> Ciao
>> leandro
> Thank Leandro! dkms has been installed

Now you need to compile the relative module for your adapter.


Re: Python curses

2023-01-10 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2023 09 Jan 22:05 -0600, wrote:
> Folks:

I'm not python curses expert, but is what I found.

> I'm trying to write some code in Python's curses module. I've run into
> common curses items like A_NORMAL which don't exist. When I do a
> print(curses.version), it shows "b 2.2". This tells me that the Debian
> (testing) version of python curses is version 2.2. The documentation
> for python curses at mentions versions up to 3.10.

Presumably you're running Bullseye as am I.  Here is what I show:

Python 3.9.2 (default, Feb 28 2021, 17:03:44) 
[GCC 10.2.1 20210110] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import curses
>>> print(curses.version)
>>> dir()
['__annotations__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', 
'__package__', '__spec__', 'curses']
>>> dir(curses)
[...(snip lots of stuff), 'A_NORMAL', (snip even more stuff)]

>>> curses.A_NORMAL
>>> curses.A_PROTECT
>>> curses.A_BOLD
>>> curses.A_COLOR

Do you get similar values for those constants?

> Is it really possible that the latest version of Python in Debian
> testing is linked to (or however it works) the 2.2 version of Python
> curses?

Yes.  I'm not familiar at all with the versioning of such modules.
Perhaps the Python folks have decided to normalize the versions of
modules with the main interpreter version resulting in an apparent
version jump.

The curses module should be a rather old and stable module so I would
expect it to be fully functional and quite well debugged.

> If someone has insights here, I'd be grateful.

Looking at /usr/include/curses.h on Bullseye at line 1059 it can be seen
how ncurses defines A_NORMAL to be 0.

- Nate

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
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CPU Microcode - Debian Wiki

2023-01-10 Thread Georgi Naplatanov

Hi all!

I've just read Debian's Wiki page about CPU Microcode and there are 
mentioned Intel's and AMD's processors for AMD64 architecture.

What is the situation with processors from other architectures 
(arm64/AArch64 for example)?

 - do they have microcode?
 - can microcode be updated for these processors (from different 
architectures) by Linux kernel? Is this supported by Debian GNU/Linux?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards

Re: X11 and hot-plugged keyboards and multiple layouts

2023-01-10 Thread Nicolas George
Anssi Saari (12023-01-09):
> Wow. It's exactly what I need since I've started to use a USB switch in
> my home office. Assuming it works for me of course. I've thought about
> writing a udev rule but haven't gotten around to it.

I hope the program I wrote can help you.

> I've tried to run xmodmap after the keyboard is hot plugged (via telling
> the USB switch to switch) but it's like the xmodmap doesn't take even
> after I added a delay. Although it seems it worked sometimes. Maybe the
> issue is I've tried to run xmodmap from the other computer over ssh, I
> don't know.

Does the xmodmap effect stay if you run it manually after the keyboard
is hot-plugged?

If so, then you probably already something watching for new devices and
applying a layout. Maybe your desktop manager, they have a habit of
ruining simple things.

If not, then you need to get it to work reliably before you can consider
automating it.


  Nicolas George