Nos jugamos la vida el primera dia

2022-05-27 Thread RH-2
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Neue Art des Einkommens - Vozotyl

2020-11-30 Thread lnx . gh . 2

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Dosyrygo Neue Art des Einkommens

2020-11-30 Thread ftv . os . 2

Ich bitte Sie, das folgende Formular auszufüllen:

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Re: openvpn

2017-10-14 Thread mc-2

merci à tous pour vos solutions. Je me remets au travail.

M. Clément

On 13/10/2017 22:54, G2PC wrote:

Le 13/10/2017 à 19:19, a écrit :

Le 13/10/2017 à 18:49, hamster a écrit :

Le 13/10/2017 à 18:01, mc-2 a écrit :

je me remets à vos conseils pour le "how to..."

Le seul tuto VPN que je connaisse c'est celui la, mais il y a peu de
chances qu'il te soit utile parce que ton fournisseur est probablement
pas le meme.


J'ai eu le problème avec un VPN chez OVH il y a pas longtemps.

J'ai utilisé le manager de connexion. avec le fichier client.ovpn
téléchargé du serveur OVH.

Dans le manager choisir Modifications des connexions puis cliquer sur
Ajouter dans la fenêtre Connexions réseaux
Dans la fenêtre Sélectionner un type de réseau sélectionner Importer
une configuration VPN enregistrée et donner le ficher client.ovpn
En fait j'utilise Ubuntu pour donner les titres des commandes donc
rectifier pour Debian.
Si tout se passe bien il y aura juste à saisir user name et le mot de
passe à mettre aussi dans Private key (Le type d'authentification est
pour mon cas Password with Certificate TLS)

VPN, quelques bases utiles :


2017-10-13 Thread mc-2

Bonjour à tous,

J'utilise Debian depuis plusieurs années et maintenant sur 9.2. J'ai 
essayé par tous les moyens de configurer openvpn pour éventuellement le 
relier (si c'est possible,) à mon fournisseur vpn (VPN Tunnel). 
Plusieurs heures de travail en vain je me remets à vos conseils pour le 
"how to..."

merci à tous,

M. Clément

Re: Sei il vero centro dell'attenzione su questo sito Annalisa

2017-07-09 Thread Magnitudo 8 . 2

Ciao mi mandi un selfie... Un bacione 
Inviato da Libero Mail per Android giovedì, 06 luglio 2017, 11:48AM +02:00 da 
Annalisa Jakid :

>Secondo me non vuoi nemmeno iniziare a parlare con me 


Re: Installing Debian on an SSD

2013-01-11 Thread '2+
i didnt fully read the conversation but
when i install debian on my mini9's ssd
i start from expert-install (even tho am not at all ;) )
and at the patitioning stage i choose ext2 and even go to the option menu
to choose the top of of it which seems to be the safe one for ssd

starting from a expert-commandline-install is also nice for building a
minimal system
and in that case i choose dwm for its windowmanager

SaRiGaMa's Oil Vending Orchestra
is podcasting:

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RE: OffTopic: Confirmado: Windows 8 bloqueará uso de Linux em máquinas com arquitetura ARM

2012-01-27 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)
Caro amigo cada um e' livre de ler e assimilar ou nao uma informacao se o 
Rafael comentou e' porq leu caso contrario deverias ter apagado a msg,...logo 
nao estas no direito de impor ninguem suas ideias ou o seu modo de pensar qto a 
este assunto,a lista trata de assuntos relacionados ao debian sim mas nao 
te esquecas q o assunto abordado nesta msg refere se a TI e logo interessa 
sempre a alguem,...


Isto e' apenas minha opiniao.


From: Rafael Bedendo [] 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 2:38 PM
Subject: OffTopic: Confirmado: Windows 8 bloqueará uso de Linux em máquinas com 
arquitetura ARM


E mais uma vez o mago da estratégia de marketing da MS, conseguiu fazer com que 
todos façam a promoção de seus produtos criando polêmica, foi assim quando se 
começou a falar do Long Horn, espalhando-se que não rodaria de forma alguma em 
hardware não homologado ou pirata, isso por que na época a Microsoft precisa 
fazer as pessoas saírem do XP, e ainda tenta, e hoje precisa competir com o 
Android e demais S.Os que estão tomando um mercado que ela não acreditou. 
E como da outra vez a propaganda está sendo feita de forma gratuita justamente 
pelas pessoas que a repelem, e que geralmente ajudam a formar opinião da 
pessoas que vão realmente comprar o SO deles, não seria a hora de paramos de 
fomentar esse assunto?

Isso é apenas minha opinião.

Rafael Bedendo

Em 24-01-2012 10:32, Maiko Takemoto escreveu: 


Há alguns meses, começaram a circular na internet boatos de que a Microsoft 
  a instalação de outros sistemas operacionais (SO) em computadores 
originalmente vendidos com o Windows 8 instalado. 

O bloqueio funcionaria por meio de uma certificação exclusiva durante a 
inicialização do sistema, que usaria uma medida de segurança chamada de UEFI 
secure boot. Isso significa que para instalar um novo SO, o dono do computador 
precisaria ter uma chave para desativar essa função. Conforme a notícia do 
Software Freedom Law Center
 , esse bloqueio foi confirmado para máquinas que usarem arquitetura ARM.

A base para a afirmação é o Certificado de Requerimentos
  de Hardware do Windows. Conforme o documento, a inicialização do Windows 8 
conta com uma opção customizada, em que você pode instalar o sistema que 
desejar, porém, essa regra não se aplica aos dispositivos ARM. Nem isso, nem 
mesmo a possibilidade de desabilitar a função UEFI secure boot estará 
disponível para esse tipo de equipamento.

Por fim, o pessoal do Software Freedom acusa a Microsoft de cinismo, pois a 
confirmação da trava contraria o que foi dito em um blog oficial da empresa, na 
  em que Steve Sinofsky negava as acusações de que a fabricante cercearia a 
liberdade de escolha de seus clientes.

Apesar de a arquitetura ARM ser, majoritariamente, usada apenas em dispositivos 
portáteis, o bloqueio de instalação de outros SOs nesses dispositivos com 
Windows 8 abre precedente para a mesma prática em computadores com 
processadores tradicionais.

Leia mais em:


Analista de Suporte

Rua General Carneiro, 211 
CEP: 18200-024 - Centro - Itapetininga/SP 
Tel + 55 15 3275-9580 - Fax + 55 15 3275-9581 

Visite nosso site: 




Software untuk Toko/Swalayan/Restoran/dll -- Gratis -- Terbatas -- Ayo Cepat Download !!

2010-05-30 Thread PT Asli Indonesia 2
Software AlfaPOS (Point of Sales)

Software AlfaPOS sudah terbukti sukses diimplementasikan diberbagai jenis 
bisnis retail sejak tahun 2006.

Bidang usaha yang wajib menggunakan AlfaPOS :
- Swalayan/Minimarket/Supermarket
- Toko Komputer/HP/Elektronik/Kelontong/ATK/Buku/Fotokopi
- Toko Bangunan/Keramik/Alat Rumah Tangga
- Toko Pakaian/Butik/Distro/Tas/Sepatu/Sandal/Perhiasan/Aksesoris Pria Wanita
- Toko Furniture/Oleh-Oleh/Kue/Merchandise
- Apotek/Bengkel/Dealer Motor/Showroom/Koperasi Karyawan/Cafe/Restoran

Fasilitas dan Keunggulan :
- Front Office : Penjualan Tunai/Kredit, Pembayaran Cicilan Pelanggan, Retur 
Penjualan, Service, dll
- Back Office : Master Data, Pembelian, Inventory, Reporting, Utility Manager, 
- Sistem promosi : 8 macam diskon, voucher belanja, point reward, komisi sales, 
penjadwalan harga jual, dll
- Fasilitas plus : Membership management, multi user, multi cara bayar, AR/AP, 
petty cash
- Sudah teruji sejak tahun 2006 sukses menangani berbagai jenis bisnis
- Layanan support yang baik dari tim yang professional

Alamat Download :

Bagi yang internetnya agak lambat, kami menyediakan paket CD berisi semua 
installer, ebook manual, video panduan, dll.
Untuk order CD via Pos, silahkan transfer ke BCA, atas nama Fatkul Amri, nomor 
rekening 629-014-6303,
sebesar Rp 50 rb (sdh termasuk paket CD + ongkos kirim). File2 dalam CD kurang 
lebih 500MB.
Setelah transfer, kirim SMS ke 0817-9151-359 dengan menyebutkan nama dan alamat 

Jika perlu informasi dan support, silahkan menghubungi :
- Jakarta, Bpk Toni, (021) 30075400, 0856-4855-3477
- Jakarta, Bpk Toha, (021) 30123430, 8297832, 0817-127-823
- Surabaya, Bpk Zubin, (031) 72794177, 83386707, 0857-3110-8601
- Malang, Bpk Wawan, (0341) 402160, 402168, 0856-4641-4385
- Bali, Bpk Doni, (0361) 7875755
- Balikpapan, Bpk Ghimoyo, (0542) 7000100, 8879990, 0811-598-998

Jika ingin jadi distributor/agen, silahkan hubungi 0817-9155-632.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Software untuk Toko/Swalayan/Restoran/dll -- Gratis -- Terbatas -- Ayo Cepat Download !!

2010-05-25 Thread PT Asli Indonesia 2
Software AlfaPOS (Point of Sales)

Software AlfaPOS sudah terbukti sukses diimplementasikan diberbagai jenis 
bisnis retail sejak tahun 2006.

Bidang usaha yang wajib menggunakan AlfaPOS :
- Swalayan/Minimarket/Supermarket
- Toko Komputer/HP/Elektronik/Kelontong/ATK/Buku/Fotokopi
- Toko Bangunan/Keramik/Alat Rumah Tangga
- Toko Pakaian/Butik/Distro/Tas/Sepatu/Sandal/Perhiasan/Aksesoris Pria Wanita
- Toko Furniture/Oleh-Oleh/Kue/Merchandise
- Apotek/Bengkel/Dealer Motor/Showroom/Koperasi Karyawan/Cafe/Restoran

Fasilitas dan Keunggulan :
- Front Office : Penjualan Tunai/Kredit, Pembayaran Cicilan Pelanggan, Retur 
Penjualan, Service, dll
- Back Office : Master Data, Pembelian, Inventory, Reporting, Utility Manager, 
- Sistem promosi : 8 macam diskon, voucher belanja, point reward, komisi sales, 
penjadwalan harga jual, dll
- Fasilitas plus : Membership management, multi user, multi cara bayar, AR/AP, 
petty cash
- Sudah teruji sejak tahun 2006 sukses menangani berbagai jenis bisnis
- Layanan support yang baik dari tim yang professional

Alamat Download :

Bagi yang internetnya agak lambat, kami menyediakan paket CD berisi semua 
installer, ebook manual, video panduan, dll.
Untuk order CD via Pos, silahkan transfer ke BCA, atas nama Fatkul Amri, nomor 
rekening 629-014-6303,
sebesar Rp 50 rb (sdh termasuk paket CD + ongkos kirim). File2 dalam CD kurang 
lebih 500MB.
Setelah transfer, kirim SMS ke 0817-9151-359 dengan menyebutkan nama dan alamat 

Jika perlu informasi dan support, silahkan menghubungi :
- Jakarta, Bpk Toni, (021) 30075400, 0856-4855-3477
- Jakarta, Bpk Toha, (021) 30123430, 8297832, 0817-127-823
- Surabaya, Bpk Zubin, (031) 72794177, 83386707, 0857-3110-8601
- Malang, Bpk Wawan, (0341) 402160, 402168, 0856-4641-4385
- Bali, Bpk Doni, (0361) 7875755
- Balikpapan, Bpk Ghimoyo, (0542) 7000100, 8879990, 0811-598-998

Jika ingin jadi distributor/agen, silahkan hubungi 0817-9155-632.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
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Re: Sony voice recorder on Lenny

2010-03-03 Thread '2+
i own icd-ux80 so i wonty ensure any for yr machine buh
the flash in it often caused crash within itsdelf
the message fdisk -l gave me weird message
i asked sony if i could fdisk n mkfs.vfat it but they didn't answer
so i simply took the risk and repoartitioned and formatted it on linux
of course cp-ed the apps n dirs that was on it and cp-ed em back
it worked
now 1st partition uses 1G-FAT32 for the files
and the 2nd has 1G-ext2 for lenny-live
it also has lame.deb downloaded from debian-multimedia
so if i  boot sony as debian on someones machine
i can edit the file recorded by sony and save it back to where it was
then play the file with sony

dangerous but good luck 2 u!

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 5:13 PM, Ron Johnson wrote:
 On 2010-03-03 00:33, Girish Kulkarni wrote:

 Is there a way to access Sony voice recorders from a Lenny system?  I
 am using model ICD-PX720; dmesg reports this when I plug that in:
 [ 5732.005617] usb 5-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and
 address 4 [ 5732.136338] usb 5-5: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
 [ 5732.137559] usb 5-5: New USB device found, idVendor=054c,
 idProduct=0387 [ 5732.137559] usb 5-5: New USB device strings: Mfr=1,
 Product=2, SerialNumber=0 [ 5732.137559] usb 5-5: Product: Sony IC Recorder
 (PX) [ 5732.137559] usb 5-5: Manufacturer: Sony

 Not exactly what you want to read, but here are various results from the
 Google search linux sony voice recorder:

 Ron Johnson, Jr.
 Jefferson LA  USA

 I like my women like I like my coffee - purchased at above-market
 rates from eco-friendly organic farming cooperatives in Latin America.

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SaRiGaMa's Oil Vending Orchestra
is podcasting:

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RE: Comunicado importante!

2009-10-11 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)
Nesta lista cada um e' livre de concordar ou nao com as opinioes do outro, se o 
sr. Thiago nao concorda com a minha opiniao, por favor das duas faca uma: apaga 
o e-mail ou fique calado,...aliais eu nao opinei pra o Sr concordar ou discordar
Palhacada e' o seu modo de agir q e' um tanto qto arrogante,.saiba q 
ninguem e' melhor q ninguem

From: Thiago Branco Meurer [] 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 12:54 PM
To: CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)
Cc: comunicacao; Debian
Subject: Re: Comunicado importante!

Quem administra esta lista? pow
acho que aqui não tem advogados não... alguns dicerto...

Que palhaçada.

2009/10/11 CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)

Voces tem mta lata,...qdo querem ser eleitos veem com mto belingue e  
lagrimas de crocodilo pra q todos votem, depois de serem eleito nada fazem 
senao botar o kitadi no bolso. Ja ouvimos conversas do genero centena de vezes 
xega de mandar xaxu

-Original Message-
From: OAB []
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 2:47 AM
Subject: Comunicado importante!
Importance: High

VOTE 11.


Caros Colegas, Advogadas e Advogados.

Foi com muita alegria que recebi a convocação de meu grupo para 
disputar a presidência da OABSP. Sei que é grande a responsabilidade de 
presidir a maior e mais importante OAB do Brasil, principalmente por ser ela 
constituída pela elite da advocacia deste país!

Muitos são os desafios a serem enfrentados, pois como advogado 
militante há mais de uma década, tenho plena consciência de quanto nossa 
profissão está empobrecida e desmerecida. Sofrendo inclusive com a delonga e os 
desmandos do Poder Judiciário.

Nossa meta é a humanização da OABSP. Priorizaremos as pessoas e não a 

Nosso compromisso é com cada Advogada e Advogado de São Paulo, e para 
tanto, já em 2010 efetuaremos  a imediata revisão dos valores da anuidade, bem 
como providenciaremos a Refundação, da Assistência Judiciária, e do IPESP.

Em nossa gestão iremos proceder com um literal CHOQUE DE GESTÃO, com 
novas idéias e com a imediata RACIONALIZAÇÃO DE GASTOS, como por exemplo, os  
gastos com TERCEIRIZAÇÕES que hoje custam  aos nossos cofres quase 
R$30.000.000,00 (trinta milhões de reais) ou mesmo, os gastos com comunicação, 
que são mais de R$8.000.000,00 (oito milhões de reais), ou os absurdos GASTOS 
com Viagens e Locomoções que alçam mais de R$2.000.000,00 (dois milhões de 
reais).  Isso é uma Afronta! É nosso compromisso a revisão de todos os gastos, 
com seus valores postos na Internet, inclusive com salários.

Essa reestruturação possibilitará, agora em 2010 que a anuidade dos 
Advogados seja de R$350,00 (trezentos e cinqüenta reais) e a dos colegas com 
até 5 anos de profissão, seja de R$175,00 (cento e setenta e cinco reais).

Com referência a nossa Assistência Judiciária, nós exigiremos do 
governador do Estado de São Paulo, o imediato pagamento dos valores de acordo 
com a Tabela da OAB.

É compromisso! Em 2010 a tabela da defensoria será a tabela da OABSP!

Iremos além! Vamos exigir que se termine com o absurdo desmando dos 
magistrados ao declararem qual percentual os advogados irão receber. Isso é um 
despautério, que se finda  em nossa Gestão!

Ao que tange ao IPESP iremos salvá-lo! Nossa luta será em prol do 
IMEDIATO RESTABELECIMENTO DO IPESP, algo que por omissão da atual gestão foi 

A inconstitucionalidade da lei que acabou com o IPESP é notória. ESTA 

Pessoalmente NÃO permitirei que isso se transforme no PRECATÓRIO DA 

 Advogadas e Advogados, pelo futuro de nossa ordem e de nossa 
profissão, não podemos permitir que os mesmos voltem ao poder. Devemos renovar. 
Chega de colocar na presidência da ordem o mesmo grupo que a domina há décadas 
e décadas!

Seja o que está na situação, seja o qual se diz ser Oposição! Ambos são 




VOTE 11.

(11) 3857-6464

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RE: Comunicado importante!

2009-10-11 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)
Socorro? Porque O proposito desta lista e' falar da grana por acaso??? 
ou de propagandas eleitorais quer fazer propagandas eleitorais vai a CNN ou 
BBC, nao tamos aqui pra votar nem 11 nem o 12. 
A lista continua ser a mesma apenas pessoas errada postam na hora errada e no 
lugar errado,..that's it. 

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Márcio H. Parreiras
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 10:58 AM
To: Debian
Subject: Re: Comunicado importante!

Ki disgrassa é essa?
O que esta lista se tornou?
Moderadores, socorro

2009/10/11 CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)

Voces tem mta lata,...qdo querem ser eleitos veem com mto belingue e  
lagrimas de crocodilo pra q todos votem, depois de serem eleito nada fazem 
senao botar o kitadi no bolso. Ja ouvimos conversas do genero centena de vezes 
xega de mandar xaxu

-Original Message-
From: OAB []
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 2:47 AM
Subject: Comunicado importante!
Importance: High

VOTE 11.


Caros Colegas, Advogadas e Advogados.

Foi com muita alegria que recebi a convocação de meu grupo para 
disputar a presidência da OABSP. Sei que é grande a responsabilidade de 
presidir a maior e mais importante OAB do Brasil, principalmente por ser ela 
constituída pela elite da advocacia deste país!

Muitos são os desafios a serem enfrentados, pois como advogado 
militante há mais de uma década, tenho plena consciência de quanto nossa 
profissão está empobrecida e desmerecida. Sofrendo inclusive com a delonga e os 
desmandos do Poder Judiciário.

Nossa meta é a humanização da OABSP. Priorizaremos as pessoas e não a 

Nosso compromisso é com cada Advogada e Advogado de São Paulo, e para 
tanto, já em 2010 efetuaremos  a imediata revisão dos valores da anuidade, bem 
como providenciaremos a Refundação, da Assistência Judiciária, e do IPESP.

Em nossa gestão iremos proceder com um literal CHOQUE DE GESTÃO, com 
novas idéias e com a imediata RACIONALIZAÇÃO DE GASTOS, como por exemplo, os  
gastos com TERCEIRIZAÇÕES que hoje custam  aos nossos cofres quase 
R$30.000.000,00 (trinta milhões de reais) ou mesmo, os gastos com comunicação, 
que são mais de R$8.000.000,00 (oito milhões de reais), ou os absurdos GASTOS 
com Viagens e Locomoções que alçam mais de R$2.000.000,00 (dois milhões de 
reais).  Isso é uma Afronta! É nosso compromisso a revisão de todos os gastos, 
com seus valores postos na Internet, inclusive com salários.

Essa reestruturação possibilitará, agora em 2010 que a anuidade dos 
Advogados seja de R$350,00 (trezentos e cinqüenta reais) e a dos colegas com 
até 5 anos de profissão, seja de R$175,00 (cento e setenta e cinco reais).

Com referência a nossa Assistência Judiciária, nós exigiremos do 
governador do Estado de São Paulo, o imediato pagamento dos valores de acordo 
com a Tabela da OAB.

É compromisso! Em 2010 a tabela da defensoria será a tabela da OABSP!

Iremos além! Vamos exigir que se termine com o absurdo desmando dos 
magistrados ao declararem qual percentual os advogados irão receber. Isso é um 
despautério, que se finda  em nossa Gestão!

Ao que tange ao IPESP iremos salvá-lo! Nossa luta será em prol do 
IMEDIATO RESTABELECIMENTO DO IPESP, algo que por omissão da atual gestão foi 

A inconstitucionalidade da lei que acabou com o IPESP é notória. ESTA 

Pessoalmente NÃO permitirei que isso se transforme no PRECATÓRIO DA 

 Advogadas e Advogados, pelo futuro de nossa ordem e de nossa 
profissão, não podemos permitir que os mesmos voltem ao poder. Devemos renovar. 
Chega de colocar na presidência da ordem o mesmo grupo que a domina há décadas 
e décadas!

Seja o que está na situação, seja o qual se diz ser Oposição! Ambos são 




VOTE 11.

(11) 3857-6464

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To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Márcio H

RE: Comunicado importante!

2009-10-10 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)
Voces tem mta lata,...qdo querem ser eleitos veem com mto belingue e  lagrimas 
de crocodilo pra q todos votem, depois de serem eleito nada fazem senao botar o 
kitadi no bolso. Ja ouvimos conversas do genero centena de vezes xega de mandar 

-Original Message-
From: OAB [] 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 2:47 AM
Subject: Comunicado importante!
Importance: High

VOTE 11.


Caros Colegas, Advogadas e Advogados. 

Foi com muita alegria que recebi a convocação de meu grupo para disputar a 
presidência da OABSP. Sei que é grande a responsabilidade de presidir a maior e 
mais importante OAB do Brasil, principalmente por ser ela constituída pela 
elite da advocacia deste país!

Muitos são os desafios a serem enfrentados, pois como advogado militante há 
mais de uma década, tenho plena consciência de quanto nossa profissão está 
empobrecida e desmerecida. Sofrendo inclusive com a delonga e os desmandos do 
Poder Judiciário.

Nossa meta é a humanização da OABSP. Priorizaremos as pessoas e não a entidade!

Nosso compromisso é com cada Advogada e Advogado de São Paulo, e para tanto, já 
em 2010 efetuaremos  a imediata revisão dos valores da anuidade, bem como 
providenciaremos a Refundação, da Assistência Judiciária, e do IPESP.

Em nossa gestão iremos proceder com um literal CHOQUE DE GESTÃO, com novas 
idéias e com a imediata RACIONALIZAÇÃO DE GASTOS, como por exemplo, os  gastos 
com TERCEIRIZAÇÕES que hoje custam  aos nossos cofres quase R$30.000.000,00 
(trinta milhões de reais) ou mesmo, os gastos com comunicação, que são mais de 
R$8.000.000,00 (oito milhões de reais), ou os absurdos GASTOS com Viagens e 
Locomoções que alçam mais de R$2.000.000,00 (dois milhões de reais).  Isso é 
uma Afronta! É nosso compromisso a revisão de todos os gastos, com seus valores 
postos na Internet, inclusive com salários.

Essa reestruturação possibilitará, agora em 2010 que a anuidade dos Advogados 
seja de R$350,00 (trezentos e cinqüenta reais) e a dos colegas com até 5 anos 
de profissão, seja de R$175,00 (cento e setenta e cinco reais).

Com referência a nossa Assistência Judiciária, nós exigiremos do governador do 
Estado de São Paulo, o imediato pagamento dos valores de acordo com a Tabela da 

É compromisso! Em 2010 a tabela da defensoria será a tabela da OABSP! 

Iremos além! Vamos exigir que se termine com o absurdo desmando dos magistrados 
ao declararem qual percentual os advogados irão receber. Isso é um despautério, 
que se finda  em nossa Gestão!

Ao que tange ao IPESP iremos salvá-lo! Nossa luta será em prol do IMEDIATO 
RESTABELECIMENTO DO IPESP, algo que por omissão da atual gestão foi ANIQUILADO!

A inconstitucionalidade da lei que acabou com o IPESP é notória. ESTA LUTA É 

Pessoalmente NÃO permitirei que isso se transforme no PRECATÓRIO DA ADVOCACIA!

 Advogadas e Advogados, pelo futuro de nossa ordem e de nossa profissão, não 
podemos permitir que os mesmos voltem ao poder. Devemos renovar. Chega de 
colocar na presidência da ordem o mesmo grupo que a domina há décadas e 

Seja o que está na situação, seja o qual se diz ser Oposição! Ambos são IGUAIS.




VOTE 11.

(11) 3857-6464

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RE: Sair da lista

2009-10-07 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)
Nunca rapaz, se entrou na lista a saida so na morte,... 

-Original Message-
From: Gunther Furtado [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: Sair da lista

2009/10/7 Henrique
 Poderiam me excluir da lista? não uso mais este e-mail.

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em

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RE: Sair da lista

2009-10-07 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)
E' mesmo,So depois da morte, porq qdo entrou na lista nao pediu a ninguem, 
e pra sair ja qr ajuda?
Vai ler cara e para de ser preguicoso..
rsrsrsrs kuakuakuakuakuakuakuakuakuakuakuakuakuakuakuakuakuakuakuakua

From: Bruno Gonsalves [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:25 PM
Subject: Res: Sair da lista

Só depois da morte. rsrsr KKK

Muito bom!

De: Rafael Moraes
Para: CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)
Cc:; Debian
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 7 de Outubro de 2009 14:35:44
Assunto: Re: Sair da lista


2009/10/7 CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)

Nunca rapaz, se entrou na lista a saida so na morte,...

-Original Message-
From: Gunther Furtado []
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: Sair da lista

2009/10/7 Henrique
 Poderiam me excluir da lista? não uso mais este e-mail.

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em

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Rafael Moraes
Linux Professional Institute Certified - Level 1
ITIL Foundations Certified

Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! + Buscados: Top 10*  
- Celebridades*
  - Música*
  - Esportes*

RE: Teclado maluco após atualização

2009-09-03 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)
Leva o teclado no ospicio 

-Original Message-
From: Edson Marquezani Filho [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 3:25 PM
To: Tiago Almeida
Subject: Re: Teclado maluco após atualização

2009/9/3 Tiago Almeida

 Eu não creio que seja algo com o kernel, pode até ser. Mas tá com cara 
 de bug do xorg, por isso era importante testar no console, tente além 
 de incluir a opção vga=normal no grub, remover a opção quiet. Melhor, 
 tente assim (no grub):

 kernel /vmlinuzsua versão do kernel noapic noirqdebug irqpool 
 vga=normal ro

Mesmo com esses parâmetros, o console fica preto com um brilho branco no canto 
superior direito. De qualquer forma, desabilitei o GDM e reiniciei, pra cair 
primeiro no console. Nele, o problema não acontece exatamente igual, mas ainda 
assim a digitação fica travando. A vantagem é que não repete uma tecla um monte 
de vezes, como está acontecendo dentro do X, o que está tornando impossível 

 Se funcionar no console, então é bug do Xorg mesmo.

Mas não tá normal. Simplesmente dando boot com o outro kernel, tudo fica normal.
O que é uma pena, porque o módulo ath5k desse novo kernel funciona com minha 
placa wireless, o que não acontece com o do 2.6.26.

Qual seria a forma de reportar esse bug?

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Vizinho se recusa a devolver o dinheiro que ganhou para...

2009-05-22 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)

 Homem é processado por não conseguir engravidar mulher do vizinho
 Ele ganhou cerca de R$ 5,7 mil para a 'missão', que durou seis meses. 
 Descoberta de que ele é estéril, no entanto, rendeu processo.
 Vizinho se recusa a devolver o dinheiro que ganhou para tentar engravidar 
 Um homem que vive na Alemanha foi processado por não conseguir engravidar a 
 mulher do vizinho, depois de ser contratado por 2 mil euros (cerca de R$ 5,7 
 mil) para isso. Apesar de Frank Maus receber a quantia, descobriu-se depois 
 de seis meses de tentativa que ele é estéril. 
 Demetrius Soupolos e a mulher, Traute, queriam ter uma criança, mas 
 descobriram que Soupolos não poderia ter filhos. Por isso, decidiram 
 contratar Maus, na esperança que o homem casado e com dois filhos pudesse 
 engravidar Traute. A informação foi divulgada pela publicação alemã   
 Bild  . 
 Depois de seis meses e nenhuma gravidez  -  com uma média de tentativas de 
 três vezes por semana --, Soupolos insistiu para que Maus passasse por exames 
 médicos. Os testes mostraram que o vizinho também é estéril. Por isso, a 
 mulher de Maus foi obrigada a admitir que as duas crianças não eram dele. 
 De acordo com o   Bild  , a Justiça de Sttutgart, na Alemanha, ficará 
 responsável pela decisão sobre o caso. Outras agências dizem que, no 
 processo, Soupolos pede seus 2 mil euros de volta. O vizinho, no entanto, não 
 quer devolver a quantia, porque não havia dado garantias de gravidez. 

RE: Fwd: [off topic] Tchau pessoal

2009-05-02 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)
Tens nota 10 bro...

From: Allan Carvalho [] 
Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2009 2:39 PM
To: Pablo Augusto
Subject: Re: Fwd: [off topic] Tchau pessoal

Você fala de facilidade de uso?


O Ubuntu 9.04 faz tanta coisa pro usuário, que dá té raiva.


Quando você tenta escutar um mp3, ele pergunta: Você não tem o codec para 
escutar sua música, deseja que eu instale?, o máximo que você faz é digitar 
sua senha.

Quando você tenta compartilhar um diretório com máquinas Windows, ele pergunta: 
Você não possui o progrma de compartilhamento, deseja que eu instale?, de 
novo basta você digitar sua senha.

Esse lance de linux é dificil de usar por usuarios finais já deixou de 
existir faz tempo, o Ubuntu já esta quase um Desktop perfeito.

A única coisa que eu acho que ainda precisa de um gás, é o OpenOffice, em 
especial o Calc, fora isso...

Minha WebCam, instalou que foi uma maravilha no Ubuntu, impressora Laserjet HP 
1020, de novo o Ubuntu perguntou, Você não tem o driver para esse equipamento, 
deseja que eu instale?, que cara chato heim?

Pra mim, a única coisa que ainda prende o usuário no Windows, é a preguiça do 
cara de querer explorar um SO novo, porque dificuldade, não vejo mais nenhuma.

On Sat, 2 May 2009 01:50:51 -0300, Pablo Augusto wrote:

Concordo com você, mas nesse caso, sua escolha é baseada em seu 
conhecimento (e/ou disponibilidade) técnico
para fazer o SO rodar de acordo com o que precisa.

Imagina alguem que não entenda de computador, e só use ele como 
ferramenta, fica difícil para esse público
escolher liberdade, sendo que ficará preso à ignorância tecnologica. 
O que é por, ficar preso em uma plataforma
cara, com um numero relativamente alto de bugs e vulnerabilidades 
conhecidas (não estou falando pirataria, pois
eu uso linux, mas tenho 2 maquinas com xp original OEM  de fabrica, 
inclusive um Eee PC 1000H) ou ficar
preso a não conseguir ver um vídeo, escutar um som, usar sua webcam  em 
uma plataforma livre?

Sou totalmente a favor do opensource, de se ter toda essa liberdade, 
essa conquista, essa consciência limpa,
mas isso só será uma realidade quando os *nix assim como o windows ou 
mac, forem feitos para usuários burros
que querem ligar e usar o micro. Não querem ter de montar um pendrive 
via código, aliais, nem com uma vídeo-aula
passo a passo narrada em português 90% deles conseguem.

A comunidade opensource tem de ter o foco nesse usuário, no povão, que 
é a grande massa que usa sistema
proprietário. Entrar no site do fabricante, baixar um msi e rodar, ver 
sua webcan funcionando é uma coisa,
agora baixar o source, compilar, perceber que não tem todas as 
dependências, baixar, compilar e instalar as dependências,
(muitas vezes só via código é possível via shell) ai compilar novamente 
o driver ou programa.

Isso não é coisa que usuário povão está disposto a fazer para usar o 
vídeo de seu skype.
Obs, antes de rodar o skype, tem de conseguir se conectar a internet, 
baixando (e/ou compilando) o suporte a
ppoe, ou se tiver 3g então tem de entrar em fóruns, baixar um script, 
aplicar permissões, rodar o setup do script,
depois rodar e torcer para dar certo.

Veja lá se algum usuário vai querer passar por isso pelo simples fato 
de se sentir LIVRE!!??

Quando tivermos pacotes para quase tudo, de forma auto instalável, sem 
complicações ou requisitos
de conhecimento técnico para efetuar coisas básicas como entrar na 
internet, instalar o firefox (que parto que é isso)
ou coisas corriqueiras, aí sim poderemos ter um possibilidade pequena 
de aceitação dos *nix no mercado povão.

Fora isso, apenas nós que temos algum conhecimento e vontade de superar 
desafios e quebrar a cabeça usaremos.

Pregar liberdade usando software livre é fácil quando se tem 
conhecimento suficiente para pelo menos conseguir USAR
o sistema, mas garanto que se qualquer um aqui fosse analfabeto em 
informática não se sentiria confortável em usar linux.

Esse é o principal divisor de águas que deixa os *nix sempre longe e 
mal visto pelos usuários comuns.
A realidade hoje pe que a venda de computadores com linux cresceu 300%, 
porém 95% dessas máquinas são convertidas para windows com menos de uma semana, 
60% no mesmo dia. 
Qual a distro geralmente vem instalada? Uma que mal serve para ligar o 

A única vantagem que a vinda de linux por padrão trouxe foi a queda no 
preço, porém em contrapartida, gerou um aumento significativo no uso de SO 
pirateado após adquiri um sistema com linux. As pessoa optam pelo Linux como 
padrão, para economizar e colocar um xp

RE: [off topic] Tchau pessoal

2009-05-01 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)

 Adios, amigo espero que os freeze, os reboots, os defrags e principalmente os 
teus adoraveis e amaveis virus estejam a tua espera, porq ate agora o bill gate 
so provou q so pode proporcionar o q ja mencionei,..bye bye my friend I 
hope you never come back.

-Original Message-
From: Luciana LCNRJ [] 
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 8:29 AM
Subject: [off topic] Tchau pessoal

  Estou voltando para win.


*Guia não oficial para iniciantes do Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) :
 *Tutorial Multimédia para o Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron:
 *Guia para iniciantes   
 *Linux for Travelers

O Linux é bom, mas ainda tenho o windows!
 Eu mesma. Hahaha

* Gatos nos olham com superioridade. Cachorros nos olham com docilidade. *
*Só os porcos nos olham como iguais W. Churchill *
*   --*
*Linux User:475513* 
*PC1: PCchips A15g - Sempron LE1200 - 1gbram- HD320Gbsata2 -DVDRW banda larga - 
ubuntu 8.04;
PC2: Abit kt7Araid- duron 900mhz - 40Gb- 768Mb Ram - cdrom - Soundblaster mp3 
live -Video S3 Virge -modem isa 33.6- banda larga- Ubuntu 8.04 e windows 95.

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[OT] Perguntas Que Não Se Faz...... ..

2009-03-16 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)

Perguntas Que Não Se Faz

Aqui estão algumas perguntas estúpidas clássicas, e o que os hackers estão 
pensando quando não respondem às mesmas. 

P: Onde eu encontro o programa X?
R: No mesmo lugar em que eu encontrei ele, bobão -- na outra ponta de uma 
pesquisa na web. Deus, ninguém sabe usar o Google ainda? 

P: Estou tendo problemas com minha máquina Windows. Você pode me ajudar?
R: Sim. Jogue fora aquele lixo da Microsoft e instale o Linux. 

P: Estou tendo problemas para instalar o Linux ou o X. Você pode me ajudar?
R: Não. Eu preciso ter acesso à tua máquina para resolver este problema. Vá 
pedir ajuda no teu grupo de usuários Linux local. 

P: Como eu posso crackear o root/roubar privilégios de ops de canais/ler os 
emails de outra pessoa?
R: Você é uma forma de vida inferior por querer fazer este tipo de coisa e um 
debilóide por pedir que um hacker te ajude. 

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[OT] Boas e Más Perguntas...... ......

2009-03-16 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)

Boas e Más Perguntas
Por fim, vou ilustrar como fazer perguntas de uma forma inteligente por 
exemplo. Pares de questões sobre o mesmo problema, uma pergunta feita de forma 
estúpida, e outra de forma inteligente. 
Estúpida: Onde eu posso encontrar alguma informação sobre o Foonly Flubarmatic? 
*   Esta pergunta está implorando por um STFW como resposta. 
Inteligente: Eu usei o Google para pesquisar por Foonly Flubarmatic 2600 na 
Web, mas não consegui nenhum link útil. Alguém sabe onde eu posso encontrar 
alguma informação sobre a programação deste dispositivo? 
*   Este usuário já SFTW ou, e parece que ele tem um problema real. 
Estúpida: Não consigo compilar o projeto foo. Por quê ele está com erros? 
*   Ele está assumindo que todo mundo está errado. Arrogância da parte 
Inteligente: O código do projeto foo não compila no Nulix versão 6.2. Eu li o 
FAQ, mas não tem nada sobre problemas relacionados ao Nulix. Aqui tem uma 
transcrição de minhas tentativas de compilar o mesmo, é algo que eu fiz errado? 
*   Ele especificou o ambiente, ele leu o FAQ, ele está mostrando o erro, e 
ele não está assumindo que seu problema é por causa do erro de outra pessoa. 
Este cara merece alguma atenção. 
Estúpida: Estou tendo problemas com minha motherboard. Alguém pode me ajudar? 
*   A resposta de J. Random Hacker é provavelmente Certo. Precisa arrotar 
e trocar as fraldas também? seguido pelo pressionar da tecla delete. 
Inteligente: Eu tentei X, Y e Z na motherboard S2464. Quando isto não 
funcionou, eu tentei A, B e C. Note o sintoma curioso quando tentei C. 
Obviamente o florbish está gromicando, mas os resultados não são os esperados. 
Quais são as causas usuais de gromicamento em motherboards MP? Alguém tem 
idéias de testes que eu possa fazer para descobrir o problema? 
*   Esta pessoa, por outro lado, parece que vale a pena responder. Ela 
exibiu inteligência para resolver problemas ao invés de ficar esperando que uma 
solução caísse do céu. 
Na última questão, note a sutil mas importante diferença entre 
Me dê uma resposta e por favor me ajude a descobrir que diagnósticos 
adicionais posso tentar para descobrir o problema. 
De fato, a forma da última questão é baseada em um incidente 
real que aconteceu em agosto de 2001 na lista de correio linux-kernel. Eu era 
quem estava fazendo a pergunta aquela vez. Eu estava observando misteriosos 
travamentos em uma motherboard Tyan S2464. Os membros da lista forneceram as 
informações que eu precisava para resolver o problema. 
Fazendo a pergunta do jeito que eu fiz, eu dei algo para que as 
pessoas mastigassem, eu tornei fácil e atrativo o envolvimento. Eu demonstrei 
respeito pela habilidade de meus colegas e convidei eles a me consultarem como 
a um igual. Eu demonstrei respeito pelo tempo deles informando quais as ruas 
escuras que eu já havia tomado. 
Mais tarde, quando agradeci a todos e destaquei como o processo 
funcionou bem, um membro da lkml apontou que ele pensava que o processo 
funcionou não por que eu era um nome naquela lista, mas por que eu fiz a 
pergunta de forma apropriada. 
Nós, hackers, estamos, de certa forma, em uma rude 
meritocracia: estou certo que ele está correto, e seu eu tivesse agido como uma 
esponja eu teria recebido flames ou seria ignorado, não importando quem eu era. 
Sua sugestão que eu escrevesse sobre o incidente como uma instrução para outros 
foi o que me inspirou a compor este guia. 

RE: [OT] Boas e Más Perguntas... .........

2009-03-16 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)

O autor deste texto e' o Carlos E. Morimoto

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf 
Of PEdroArthur_JEdi
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2:02 AM
To: CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)
Subject: Re: [OT] Boas e Más Perguntas

2009/3/16 CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)

 Boas e Más Perguntas
 Por fim, vou ilustrar como fazer perguntas de uma forma inteligente 
 por exemplo. Pares de questões sobre o mesmo problema, uma pergunta 
 feita de forma estúpida, e outra de forma inteligente.

Off-topic mesmo... mas isso não tira o direito do autor original de ser 
referenciado... Acredito que esse texto é uma tradução de algo do Eric Raymond, 
né isso?


Nunca acredite num sistema que você não conhece o código fonte!
Never trust a system you don't have sources for!

A unica condição na qual a inteligência, a dignidade e a felicidade podem se 
desenvolver é na liberdade.

-- Mikhail Bakunin

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RE: [OT] Boas e Más Perguntas... .........

2009-03-16 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)

 Acredito q sim,you got it

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf 
Of PEdroArthur_JEdi
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 5:07 AM
To: CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)
Subject: Re: [OT] Boas e Más Perguntas

2009/3/17 CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)

 O autor deste texto e' o Carlos E. Morimoto

Deve ter traduzido do seguinte link:

* Stupid: Where can I find out stuff about the Foonly Flurbamatic?

-- This question just begs for STFW as a reply.

* Smart: I used Google to try to find Foonly Flurbamatic 2600 on the Web, but 
I got no useful hits. Can I get a pointer to programming information on this 

-- This one has already STFWed, and sounds like he might have a real problem.


Nunca acredite num sistema que você não conhece o código fonte!
Never trust a system you don't have sources for!

A unica condição na qual a inteligência, a dignidade e a felicidade podem se 
desenvolver é na liberdade.

-- Mikhail Bakunin

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all config files need .conf

2009-03-05 Thread '2+
am running sid upgraded from etch always as root
now it when booting ... it brings out a lot of
all config files need .confs ..
it says that things will be ignored in the future ..
my system  is a very simple one
then re-installing from the stable-lenny will be the casual way to
solve this problem?
or would it say the same thing anyway?

my sid is on mini9
so ... /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base should not be ignored to bring out the sound

SaRiGaMa's Oil Vending Orchestra
is podcasting:
and supplying for free:

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FW: Bronca com a conexão

2008-05-17 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 2 (akilo2)
Cara e' bom ir esquecendo porq solucoes ninguem vai lhe dar, tao e' rindo com a 
tua cara bro, e se alguem lhe der algo vai e' lhe dar a cana de 

From: JacirVP * [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 5:38 AM
To: Eddie
Subject: Re: Bronca com a conexão

Estou a pouco tempo nessa comunidade, postei alguns casos que a mim foram 
oferecidos pelo nosso querido Debian em minha primeira instalação, mas vejo que 
as soluções estão escondidas, e somente dúvidas estão sendo descritas, ou seja, 
ninguém descobre algo, ninguém pode oferecer soluções, acho que esta comunidade 
teria como primeiro mostrar as descobertas e em segundo e último plano resolver 

2008/5/16 Eddie [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Sim a permissão para se conectar é com root, no sarge acho até um 
tempo vinha como dip, dialout, mas mudou nele se não me engano.

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Re: Re: Hardware hassles: Linu

2008-02-09 Thread y-h-m . wi_spend_ti_here . 2-9-2
I am going only at the age of 23 in whom it lives in Japan.
It lived in this Guam of being able the dance.It met black's person, and then, 
it was terrible and good-looking.
It was sad not to fall behind though it was mail address phlegm.
Serviceman's friend wants it by all means.
Moreover, the person who cuts it with my address and mail is waiting because it 
thinks going to foreign countries.

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[HP S7530] sous Debian

2006-09-11 Thread Serge Algarotti (imap-2)


quelqu'un a t'il essayé d'installer un Debian sur cette machine HP S7530 
(ou un autre linux):

C'est une petite machine (11 cm * 32 cm * 24 cm):
Turion 64 ML 37
1 Go
1 disque de 250 Go SATA 7200 t/m

Tout cela  dans un tout petit boitier, ceci devrait permettre de faire 
un petit serveur pas trop bruyant.

Ces machines sont actuellement visibles dans les magasins Auchan mais 
les vendeurs ne veulent pas booter sur un CD Live Linux ;-)

D'après le site HP, la carte mère est une ASUS K8AE-LM mais elle n'est 
pas référencée chez Asus, donc impossible de connaitre par exemple le 
chipset wifi.

ps: j'ai posé la question à HP, je posterai la réponse.



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Re: multicast routing daemon vs. igmp v3

2006-05-17 Thread Marc Mueller 2

hmm, das googlen in diese richtung führt auch nur immer wieder zu
mrouted, was mir für meinen zweck untauglich scheint. ausserdem ist es
im 2.6er kernel nicht mehr drin, oder?

habe mir aber jetzt mit nem statischem multicast routing (smcroute)
geholfen. das einzigste was ich jetzt noch benötige ist ein igmp proxy.
kennt jemand dazu eine linux implemtierung?

thx marc

Alexander Koch wrote:
 On Sat, 13 May 2006 11:19:53 +0200, Marc Mueller 2 wrote:

 hat wirklich niemand einen hinweis auf implementierungen die es sich
 lohnt anzuschauen? oder lesen die netzwerkprofies hier nicht mit? sollte
 ich mit meiner frage besser an eine andere liste wenden? wenn ja, an welche?

 thx marc
 igmpv3? es gab da mal was von sprint (google), aber das ist
 uralt, wenn du mich fragst. sorry, mehr fällt mir auch nicht
 ein. wir hatten ne 7206 über, und das teil macht multicast
 bei uns im office, inklusive rp. mei, tut auch. ;-)

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Re: multicast routing daemon vs. igmp v3

2006-05-13 Thread Marc Mueller 2

hat wirklich niemand einen hinweis auf implementierungen die es sich
lohnt anzuschauen? oder lesen die netzwerkprofies hier nicht mit? sollte
ich mit meiner frage besser an eine andere liste wenden? wenn ja, an welche?

thx marc

Marc Mueller 2 wrote:
 hat jemand hier erfahrung mit dem routen von multicast traffic?
 ich bin auf der suche nach einem routing daemon ala pimd der allerdings
 igmp v3 spricht. ist jemanden so was in frei laufbahn schon mal
 untergekommen? soll heißen, unter opensource lizenz bzw. zumindest
 kostenfrei verwendbar. es geht hier einzig und allein um ein testlabor
 und nicht um eine produktivumgebung.
 dank euch

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multicast routing daemon vs. igmp v3

2006-05-10 Thread Marc Mueller 2

hat jemand hier erfahrung mit dem routen von multicast traffic?
ich bin auf der suche nach einem routing daemon ala pimd der allerdings
igmp v3 spricht. ist jemanden so was in frei laufbahn schon mal
untergekommen? soll heißen, unter opensource lizenz bzw. zumindest
kostenfrei verwendbar. es geht hier einzig und allein um ein testlabor
und nicht um eine produktivumgebung.

dank euch


Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

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Re: RE: Problem with Promise Ultra 133TX2

2005-07-29 Thread Maisriemler Ferdinand (extern) Com MD PD SWC 22 MCH 2
I had the same problem and got the solution from Svend.

The problem is that debian is only fittet with about 8 devices form hda to hdg 
or something like that.
MAKEDEV /dev/hdx where x marks the location of your missing drive.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: gnome-panel .. gone .. #@!!!!

2005-06-09 Thread Lech Karol =?iso-8859-2?q?Paw=B3aszek?=
On Thursday 09 of June 2005 18:19, Mike Ward wrote:
 If there was ever a thing that taught me to not get relaxed and take
 it for granted that apt-get would handle everything nicely for me,
 this is it.

 /me grumbles and goes back to his panel-less desktop.

 Additionally, I've noticed my apt source is
 returning 404's on updating. I haven't looked at it yet, though,
 because the panel thing is a bit more pressing. Any idea if the two
 things might be related, as I haven't touched my apt.sources in ages?

First of all - know that you're using UNSTABLE branch. Don't cry because it's 
broken. After sarge has been released it was supposed to be broken.

And second of all - non-us since sarge release is... hm... obsolete. It is no 
longer in use. Which was well know a long before it happened.


Lech Karol Pawaszek ike
You will never see me fall from grace... [KoRn]

Re: Top posting

2005-06-09 Thread Lech Karol =?iso-8859-2?q?Paw=B3aszek?=
On Thursday 09 of June 2005 23:06, Graham Smith wrote:
 I understand the reasons why bottom posting is supposed to be better but
 if I am following the thread, which is normally the case if I'm actually
 reading it, then I find it quicker to read just the top section of each
 post rather than having to scroll down past everything I've already
 read. There isn't a problem with context because I can remember that

That's why people also should cut unnecessary pieces. And not everybody have 
to remember what the thread was about. Or reads every mail in thread. It's 
easier to catch-up the subject when you have all needed information in 

I saw few situations where topposting wasn't so bad (like when boss mails to 
you 'one-way message' such as FIX THIS! NOW!!!), but it was never better 
solution than bottom posting. It was only more simple (to click reply in 
Outlook is more simple than to click reply in Outlook and go to the bottom of 
the mail).

 PS Have you noticed that there aren't many people who are top posting
 zealots? I wonder why. Maybe tops posters are just more relaxed and
 chilled out people. :o)

Dunno. ;-) maybe they don't see any difference.

And remember: 

A: Like that.
Q: How?
A: Because it reverses the usual way we read information.
Q: Why topposting is bad?


Lech Karol Pawaszek ike
You will never see me fall from grace... [KoRn]

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2004-04-07 Thread PayPal Customer Service 2
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a crazy doc about you

Re: Upgraded to 2.6.0 Kernel, Lost Keyboard and Mouse

2003-12-30 Thread e=mc^2

i think it is connected to the new sysfs that you have to mount in fstab. Also
you seem to need the sysfs-tools (apt-get install ...). 

But as i'm at the moment fighting with the 2.6 update myself i can be wrong
here. but with sysfs mounted and the sysfs utils installed my X at least comes
up and does not crash with a core pointer missing device not found msg. 


On Mon, 29 Dec 2003 20:36:08 +
Andrew Neillans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have posted this to the Debian Laptop group, but have just thought it would 
 have been better placed here (number of eyes, etc ;)).
 --  Original Message  --
 Hardware: NEC Versa M300 Laptop
 Release: Woody, upgraded to Testing.
 2.6.0 stable source from
 .config and kern.log attached.
 Compiled 'the Debian way', using make-kpkg.
 Stock 2.2.5 works normally.
 kernel-image-2.4.22-1-686 works normally. (Installed via apt-get)
 The compiled 2.6.0 kernel boots correctly, but when X starts I have no
 keyboard or mouse. If I try booting with linux single, I have no keyboard
 or mouse.
 Any suggestions?

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Ayuda Knoppyx

2003-10-16 Thread osvi 2
Hola, he  instalado knoppix en un portatil, que no tiene targeta eth, sí tiene 
una pcmia, creo que es así como se escribe, pero yo me conecto con un cable 
modem motorola de menta, y lo conecté al puerto usb durante la instalación, 
instalé los módulos usb(basicos) y además el  CDCEther y ACM, , pppoe y aún 
así no me detecta nada, he leído que a algunos se lo ha detectado como una 
interfaz, pero no me sucede a mí, con ifconfig sólo me sale el loopback, y en 
/etc/network/interfaces lo mismo, como ó que debo hacer para conectarme, 
alguna sugeencia por favor??, hay alguna forma ó truco?, es necesario anular 
el modem interno ó algo así??, necesito bajarme algunas cosas para unos 
trabajos de la universidad, muchas gracias.

ayuda Internet (coneccin)

2003-09-29 Thread osvi 2

Hola, necesito ayuda, no consigo conectarme a internet con mi debian(woody), 
me explico, el
 sistema me reconoce la eth0, y tengo el dhclient corriendo,  pero en
/etc/resolv.conf, a pesar de que pone:
search  (Menta es mi isp)
me pone un name server que yo sé que no es de menta,pues tengo otro ordenador
con un SuSE, que es desde el que les escribo ahora, que tiene otros
nameservers, los he puesto a mano en el debian, en el mencionado archivo y al
poco rato me los borra, cosa que es normal creo, pues el dhclient está
corriendo, pero ni la ip que me sale con ifconfig, ni lo que me sale con
route coincide con los rangos que tiene menta, hice in ifup eth0, y me dice 
que ya está levantada la interfaz, mi modem-cable es un
motorola(surfboard SB4200), y lo que hago es desconectarlo de la targeta del
SuSE y lo conecto a la del debian, pues  los tenía conectados, y con el squid
configurado y no podía actualizar(debian), aunque sí navegar, sé que es por 
las reglas de iptables que no consigo dejar pasar lo que realmente necesito, 
pero eso es otra historia, ,esto lo he
intentado, para actualizar mi woody y poder bajarme algunas cosas que
necesito, y poder eliminar el SuSE y poner debian en los dos, pero no consigo
avanzar y mucho menos conectarme.Muchas gracias por adelantado.


ayuda Internet(coneccin)

2003-09-28 Thread osvi 2
Hola, necesito ayuda, no consigo conectarme a internet, me explico, el sistema 
me reconoce la eth0, y tengo el dhclient corriendo,  pero en 
/etc/resolv.conf, a pesar de que pone:
search  (Menta es mi isp)
me pone un name server que yo sé que no es de menta,pues tengo otro ordenador 
con un SuSE, que es desde el que les escribo ahora, que tiene otros 
nameservers, los he puesto a mano en el debian, en el mencionado archivo y al 
poco rato me los borra, cosa que es normal creo, pues el dhclient está 
corriendo, pero ni la ip que me sale con ifconfig, ni lo que me sale con 
route coincide con los rangos que tiene menta, mi modem-cable es un 
motorola(surfboard SB4200), y lo que hago es desconectarlo de la targeta del 
SuSE y lo conecto a la del debian, pues  los tenía conectados, y con el squid 
configurado y no podía actualizar(debian), aunque sí navegar, esto lo he 
intentado, para actualizar mi woody y poder bajarme algunas cosas que 
necesito, y poder eliminar el SuSE y poner debian en los dos, pero no consigo 
avanzar y mucho menos conectarme.Muchas gracias por adelantado.


2003-09-21 Thread osvi 2
Hola, no sé que es lo que está pasando, pero me acabo de bajar 25 megas de 
virus, sí cierto que debo reconfigurar los filtros, pero creo que se debe 
hacer algo, pues no se puede decir que todos son virus que se auto reenvian, 
pues esto no sucede en linux así de fácil, las direcciones las están tomando 
de algún lugar y esto es una lista bastante seria, así que hemos de tomar 
medidas en contra de esto, con el poco tiempo que tengo, ya casi no puedo ni 
dedicarlo a leerme el correo de la lista y lo mismo me pasa con el privado, 
pues tengo que estar un buen rato borrando, ó poniendo nuevos filtros.


Latex y pdf (Kile)????

2003-09-21 Thread osvi 2
Hola, tengo algunos archivos matemáticos y con algunos textos en los mismo en 
formato pdf con los que necesito trabajar, estoy intentando abrirlos con 
Kile(Latex), pero a pesar de que puedo ver la vista previa cuando os voy a 
abrir, me lo muestra en bianrio u otro formato, sólo son signos raros, 
alguien sabe como hacerlo para poder editar correctamente estos pdf ya sea en 
Latex ó cualquier otro programa q me reconozca los símbolos matemáticos.
Muchas gracias por adelantado.

ayuda archivo raro virus

2003-09-18 Thread osvi 2
Hola, me han mandado un mail, con un adjunto .doc.scr, y el archivo es del 
application/x-msdownload codificado en base 64, casi seguro es un virus de 
windows, pero no lo sé, tal vez sea otra cosa y  me gustaría poder 
investigarlo , como puedo hacer para ver este tipo de cosas, ó para 
descodificar esto del base64, hay algún editor binario?, q me aconsejan??


2003-09-15 Thread osvi 2
El Lun 15 Sep 2003 21:56, Miguel Corbella Martinez escribió:
 Como puedo cambiar en Debian la resolucion y colores, en Suse y Mandrake lo
 tengo claro, pero no lo consigo cambiar y lo tengo a 24 en lugar de 16 y
 puede ser esto lo que no me hacer rular las 3D.

como root haz:
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
así lo reconfiguras .

Re: Cable modem

2003-09-14 Thread osvi 2
El Dom 14 Sep 2003 14:03, Alberto escribi:
 Tengo el cable modem usb de aleta de tiburn de Menta, ahora AunaCable.
 Segn he buscado (no encontrando nada) en internet, y segn me contest
 alguien por aqu, no hay soporte para linux de este modem.

 Alguien sabe algo ms del tema? Si va a salir algn driver... si se puede
 hacer algn apao...?

te refieres al motorola??, poruqe si es as, te aconsejo que pongas una 
targeta de  red, tambin tiene para conectarlo de esta forma, es como yo lo 
tengo con un SusE,pero lo he probado con varios linux y funciona bien, te 
aseguro que de esta forma te lo detectar sin problemas, y slo tendras que 
levantar la eth0, y configurar la red por esta va. 

ayuda acceso internet

2003-09-13 Thread osvi 2
Hola, les escribo, porque no consigo actualizar mi debian woody, antes lo 
tenía en la lan con acceso a travéz de un cortafuegos y Squid, sólo podia 
navegar, nunca bajarme nada ni actualizar, spongo q esto era por el 
cortafuegos q lo tengo bastante restrictivo, porque no domino bien las 
iptables, ahora lo he conectado directamente a internet he intentado 
reconfigurar la red, y ciertamente no sé como lo hice, pero de alguna forma 
llegó el momento en q me preguntó si la conección era por dhcp, le dije q sí, 
y encontró la targeta eth0, pensé q ya estaba listo he intenté hacer un 
apt-get update, pero siempre me dice que algo ha ocurrido al intentar 
conectar con las direcciones q tengo puesta, q por cierto no sé si son las 
correctas, pero he escogido algunas aquí en españa, otras en inglaterra, 
francia, alemania, sólo lo hice por probar a ver si alguna funcionaba y nada, 
ni las ftp ni las http, me pueden decir como configurar bien la conección por 
dhcp, he mirado en el resolv.config, y tiene  los dns correctos, como los 
tengo en la otra máquina q si funciona , cualquier ayuda la agradecería.

Re: Xandros 1.1 Desktop.

2003-09-12 Thread osvi 2
El Jue 11 Sep 2003 16:35, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 Hola a todos, alguien sabe si existen drivers para la HP Deskjet 3320 USB
 para Linux Xandros?.

hola, producto de mi ignorancia no conozco el Xandros, pero  yo tengo 
funcionando la 3325,en un  debian y en un SuSE, el driver me lo bajé de la 
página oficial de HP, y tiene soporte para toda la serie de las 33xx si no me 
equivoco.  Es el hpijs-1.3.1.tar.gz, Espero t sirva, aunque no me preguntes 
como lo hice funcionar, porque soy muy novato y voy probando hasta q 
funciona, pero con el inconveniente de q despues no sé como lo hice :).

Re: Kernel compilado y grub

2003-09-09 Thread osvi 2

 Pues no lo entiendo, si no me equivoco, por defecto se ponen enlaces
 simbólicos en el raíz, apuntando a /boot

 De todos modos, si eso está así, quiere decir que /vmlinuz es la imagen
 del kernel nuevo que compilaste, si no, quiere decir que puede que
 compilaras el kernel pero no lo instalaste. ¿Cómo compilaste el kernel?
 ¿Cómo lo instalaste?

me bajé las fuentes a /usr/src/
desde la consola y como root hice
cd /usr/src
tar jxvf linux-2.4.22.tar.bz2
cd linux-2.4.22

make clean
make mrproper
make menuconfig (escogí todo lo q me parecía apropiado, pues solo era por 
make dep
make bzimage
make modules
make modules_install

  **[[En estos proximos pasos intenté : cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/bzimage  
/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.22   (no funcionó, porque no existían los directorios 
origen, y lo mismo con los q siguen)
mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.4.22.img 2.4.22
cp /usr/src/linux/ /boot/
cp /usr/srclinuxvmlinux /boot/xmlinux-2.4.22  ]]**

por lo q despues del make modules_install, finalmente hice:

make install  .

y esta vez si q funcionó al parecer, pero ya vez q no demasiado bien, dime q 
hice mal, puedo eliminarlo todo y empezar de nuevo?? 

 Corrigiendo, update-grub está en el directorio /sbin, entonces tendrás
 que probar /sbin/update-grub

linux:/home/ale # sbin/update-grub
bash: sbin/update-grub: No existe el fichero o el directorio

linux:/home/ale # /usr/sbin/update-grub
bash: /usr/sbin/update-grub: No existe el fichero o el directorio
linux:/home/ale #

Kernel compilado y grub

2003-09-08 Thread osvi 2
Hola, he compilado el kernel 2.4.22, y al parecer me salió bien, es la primera 
vez q lo hago,  pregunta: que tengo que poner en el grub para poder arrancar 
con cualquiera de los dos??, donde exactamente??, por favor sean detallados, 
porque no me entero. Muchas gracias.

Re: Problemas con servidor X

2003-09-05 Thread osvi 2

 Termino de instalar Debian 3 r1 en un HP con tarjeta TNT2 y monitor HP
 D2813A (Frec. Horiz : 31-49 // Frec. Vert. : 50-100) y configuro con
 xf86config y cuando le doy a : startx me da el siguiente error después
de intentar entrar en modo grafico :

 (I I) Unloading  /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/linux/libfbdevhw.a
(I I) Unloading  /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libvgahw.a
(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuaration

 Fatal error server :
No servers found

 X connection to : 0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown)

 1)   Alguien sabe como solucionar el problema y en que consiste ?

Intenta reconfigurar el sistema gráfico:

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86

 2)   Como puedo leer el fichero XFree86.0.log ? (que ignorante soy)

 yo tambien, pues tampoco lo sé, prueba a buscar *.log

 3)   Desde el modo texto como apago el PC ?

shutdown -h now (apagar)
shutdown -r now (reiniciar) 

 4)   Después de configurar XFree86 he hecho lnconfig, es correcto ? 

 tampoco lo sé. 

 5)   Tengo que configurar la resolucion y color ? Como ?
 sí, tienes q hacerlo, de lo contrario seguramente no funcionará, todo t lo 
preguntará  en la reconfiguración del xserver (arriba , pregunta 1).


 Si conoceis alguna web donde ilustrarme os lo agradecere.
prueba en:

Re: revistas sobre linux

2003-09-03 Thread osvi 2
Hola, yo no soy nada experto, pero he comprado alguna q otra de esas, y si no 
toda la revista, siempre he encontrado algún artículo muy bueno, también 
puedes mirar el LFM(linux free magazine), es de formato pequeño y sale cada 3 
meses, y el  Linux Magazine, tal vez alguna t guste.


2003-09-02 Thread osvi 2
hola, ya me han dicho antes lo q debo hacer con respecto a mi grabadora y os 
juro q lo he hecho todo, pero cuando hago cdrecord -scanbus, me dice q el 
fichero ó directorio no existe, y q no puede abrir el driver SCSI, q puede 
ser, si he creado todos los directorios q me habéis dicho con los permisos 
necesarios, ademas de q hice todo lo q dice en el Como Grabadora, tengo el 
ide-SCSi y el sg cargados, así como q he cambiado la configuración del lilo 
(append), he abierto la torre y la grabadora está en el maestro secundario y 
el cdrom en el mismo como esclavo, pero el cdrom funciona sin problemas. 
os agradecería cualquier información más, ó como eliminar todo lo q he creado 
q es mucho para comezar de nuevo.
 muchas gracias.

ayuda:continuo igual

2003-08-30 Thread osvi 2

   man apt.conf  Donde est este fichero, porque en apt slo 
 el apt.conf.d(que solo tiene una lnea) y las sources.list

segn man apt.conf:

As que si no existe crealo y pon en l lo que necesites.

O en su defecto dale valor a la variable de entorno http_proxy o
proxy_http, no recuerdo exactamente. donde se encuentran las
 variables de entorno

las ves con printenv, para darles un valor (o crearlas):
 export proxy_http=valor
hola, ya he hecho lo de la variable de entorno y sigue igual, 
 export proxy_http=, esto fu lo q hice, y con el printenv, 
aparece, pero como les digo no soluciona el problema, pudiera ser a causa del 
cortafuegos, y las reglas de iptables???, sabeeis como se le da salida ftp a 
la lan, as como q me deje pasar paquetes q yo haya pedido hacia la misma:he 
buscado y debera ser algo as, para darle salida
iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp --dport 20:21 -j ACCEPT, pero no me acepta la -l de 
la regla, y para q deje pasar no s tampoco. 
me pueden ayudar, porfa.

ayuda grabadora

2003-08-30 Thread osvi 2
Hola, tengo instalada una grabadora plextor, me he leido el como y he hecho lo 
q allí dice, he puesto las líneas en el lilo referente a la misma 
hdc=ide=scsi, he cargado los módulos scsi y sg, y he instalado el cd record 
con permisos(755), y cuando hago cdrecord -scanbus dice q no existe el 
fichero ó directorio y q no puede abrir el driver scsi, pero todo esto lo 
hago como root, porque como usuario no me deja hacer nada, me podéis decir q 
hacer para q esto funcione por favor.

Re: ayuda grabadora

2003-08-30 Thread osvi 2

  sí, así mismo es, es que he estado mucho tiempo ante el teclado he
  intento ahorrar, y aún así nada me funciona en el debian, tampoco
  funciona el apagado del sistema, ni por el modo gráfico ni por línea
  de comandos, lo más q hace es decirme power down después de desmontar
  todo, pero ahí se queda y no hay forma, tengo q reiniciar y apagarlo
  por el botón antes de q se cargue el sistema, así estoy, volviendome

 Te puedo decir que yo tengo un pentium III a 800 y aun no he sido capaz
 de activar el acpi pero con un 700 que tengo el apm funciona de vicio.

 Por lo de la grabadora lo que tienes que tener que hacer es dar soporte
 a los lectores scsi, activar el sg y y la emulacion con eso te debiera

pues ya lo he hecho todo y nada, es q lo quiero tener listo para cuando 
comienze el curso pues en no tendré tiempo, pero al parecer tendré q esperar 
a q toque la parte de linux para mchacar a los profes a preguntas, d todas 
formas gracias.

Osvaldo Rodriguez Castillo (coco) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ayuda con java en latinchat

2003-08-28 Thread osvi 2
El Mié 27 Ago 2003 12:48, Gasper escribió:
 Bueno amigos tengo un pequeño cybercafe y estoy estudiando mucho acerca
 de linux para migrar todo el cyber a este, pero me he topado con un
 problema tengo instalado en mi mquina linex y este trae instalado el
 j2re de blackdown puedo entrar a varios lugares con java pero en
 latinchat no logro hacerlo funcionar entra y veo toda la lista de
 usuarios y veo los mensajes pero no logro enviar mensajes se congela un
 momento pero no envio mensajes, instale el j2re de sun y me pasa lo
 mismo en que he fallado para hacerlo funcionar o que me hace falta.
 practicamente esto es lo que me haria falta para migrar a debian todas
 las maquinas porque es la pagina que mas visitan mis clientes, porque lo
 del messenger lo solucione con amsn, camara con gnomeeting.
 mil gracias de antemano por su ayuda

Hola, a mí me sucedía algo parecido, he instalé el j2sdk, y todo me funciona 
muy bien, el j2re debería funcionar bien también, porque contiene los 
plug-ins, has enlazado el navegador  a las librerías de java??, 

algo así:
 ln -s /usr/java/j2rex.x.x/plugin/i386/ 

las xxx, son la versión de java y busca exactamente la ubicación de esas 
librerías, no es demasiado duro. Espero ayudarte. 


2003-08-27 Thread osvi 2
Hola, necesito ayuda para poder actualizar mi debian, el sistema está en una
lan, y me conecto a internet(ip dinámica) a través de un SuSE con el
cortafuegos y el Squid corriendo,  y dos ethernets, una para Internet y otra
para la lan, no tengo ningún problema para conectarme a internet con el
sistema debian, pero a pesar de que he cambiado el sources.list, cuando
intento actualizar, me dice q no se puede conectar a los servidores, podrían
con esto, talvez tengo q poner alguna regla específica en iptables para q me
deje conectar y ciertamente no sé como he de hacerlo, muchas gracias.


2003-08-27 Thread osvi 2

Hola, necesito ayuda para poder actualizar mi debian, el sistema está en una
lan, y me conecto a internet(ip dinámica) a través de un SuSE con el
cortafuegos y el Squid corriendo,  y dos ethernets, una para Internet y otra
para la lan, no tengo ningún problema para conectarme a internet con el
sistema debian, pero a pesar de que he cambiado el sources.list, cuando 
intento actualizar, me dice q no se puede conectar a los servidores, podrían 
con esto, talvez tengo q poner alguna regla específica en iptables para q me
deje conectar y ciertamente no sé como he de hacerlo, muchas gracias.

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:biodata.bmp.pif) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:14:19 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: Looking 
for Friendship !) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file (part0001:friendshipbird.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: 
Looking for Friendship !) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:15:05 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:biodata.dat.pif) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:15:50 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:urfriend.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: Funny 
Friendship to see :-)) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:16:38 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (  

attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:18:15 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: Send This 
to everybody u like :-)) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file (part0001:fucker.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: Send This to 
everybody u like :-)) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:19:02 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:checkfriends.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: One 
stuff to watch !) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:19:56 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw:   !) sent 
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file (part0001:friendsgreetings.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw:   
!) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:20:42 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file (part0001:biodata.gif.pif) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:21:27 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:screensaver.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: Romantic 
Love to ur friends !) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:22:14 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:biodata.doc  

attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:23:08 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:biodata.gif.bat) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:24:01 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: New 
Screensaver to ur friends !) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file (part0001:friendshipforu.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: New 
Screensaver to ur friends !) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:24:49 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:friendsearch.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw:) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:26:24 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:friendshipbird.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: 
Interesting Love to ur lovers  ) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:27:32 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw:   !) sent 
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file (part0001:enjoylove.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw:   !) sent 
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:28:47 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:freescreensaver.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: U 
realy Want this  ) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:29:34 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file (part0001:biodata.wav.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:30:21 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file (part0001:biodata.bmp.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:31:07 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: Origin of 
Friendship !) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file (part0001:freescreensaver.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: 
Origin of Friendship !) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:31:52 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file (part0001:biodata.bmp.bat) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:32:38 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:shakingfriendship.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: 
how are you !) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:33:22 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:biodata.mdb.bat) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:34:08 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:biodata.mpg  

attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:34:54 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: powful 
Love to ur friends !) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file (part0001:passion.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: powful Love 
to ur friends !) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:35:41 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: U r the 
person? !!) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file (part0001:screensaver4u.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: U r 
the person? !!) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:37:58 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:biodata.htm.pif) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:38:47 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:friendsearch.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: war 
Againest Loneliness !) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:39:35 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file (part0001:biodata.bmp.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:40:25 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: One stuff 
to ur lovers  ) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file (part0001:shareit.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: One stuff to 
ur lovers  ) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:41:11 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (  

attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:41:56 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: I am For 
u  ) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file (part0001:friendship4u.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: I am 
For u  ) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:43:00 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:greetings.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: Shaking 
Love to check !) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:45:30 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:screensaver4u.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: 
charming Screensaver to ur lovers !!) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:46:16 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:lovefinder.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: Enjoy 
friendship  ) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:47:03 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:lovers.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: Hi  ) sent by 
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:47:55 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:love.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: One Way to Love 
!) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:48:46 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:truelovers.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: searching 
for true Love !) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:49:35 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file ( attached to mail (with subject:Fw: biodata) 
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:50:27 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:friends.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: Dont wait 
for long time :-)) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:51:15 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part0001:passion.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: One 
relations to ur friends  ) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:52:02 -119304547

IBT AntiVirus scan results

2003-08-20 Thread IBT AntiVirus Filter-2

This e-mail is generated by the IBT antivirus server to warn you that the e-mail
sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to is infected 
with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.

Please contact your system administrator for further information.

If you are the sender:
The scanned e-mail has your address in the From header field. Either your
computer is infected or someone's computer having your e-mail address in
the address book has been infected.

(Please note that some viruses are sending e-mails directly from your computer.
Our advise is to check your computer using an up-to-date antivirus product).

If you are the receiver:
Please contact the sender: very probably he/she doesn't know he/she has a 
computer virus.

Actions taken for the infected files:

The infected file was saved to quarantine with name: 
The file (part:)-(IFRAME) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: 
Wonderfool Screensaver to ur lovers !) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: HTML/IFrame_Exploit*.
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.
The file (part0001:bullshitscr.scr) attached to mail (with subject:Fw: 
Wonderfool Screensaver to ur lovers !) sent by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
is infected with virus: Win32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cannot clean this file.
The file was successfully deleted by IBT AntiVirus.

this is a copy of the e-mail header:

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] []
by with NetMail SMTP Agent $Revision:  $ on Novell 
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 13:52:51 -119304547

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