Re: revtex problem

2001-08-15 Thread Norris Preyer
 Marcelo == Marcelo Chiapparini [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Marcelo Hi!  I need to create a table using revtex, but I
Marcelo can't. Something weird in going on with my installed
Marcelo revtex. I will be very grateful if someone could help me!
Marcelo The file compiles without problems in another machine, so
Marcelo this is a valid tex file.

Marcelo Thanks in advance for the help!

Marcelo Here is the tex file:

Marcelo \documentstyle[aps,preprint,tighten,epsfig]{revtex}
Marcelo \begin{document}

Marcelo \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline \\
Marcelo $g_{DD\rho}^{(M)}(Q^2=0)$ 
Marcelo $g_{DD\rho}^{(M)}(Q^2=-m_M^2)$  $\Lambda_M\, (GeV)$\\
Marcelo \hline\hline $D$ off-shell  3.1  4.4 3.5 \\ $\rho$
Marcelo off-shell  2.5  4.6 1.0 \\ \hline \end{tabular}
Marcelo \end{center}

Marcelo \end{document}

This file worked fine for me...the difference appears to be:

Running `LaTeX' on `test' with ``latex '\nonstopmode\input{test.tex}'''
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1)
LaTeX2e 1999/12/01 patch level 1
Babel v3.6Z and hyphenation patterns for american, nohyphenation, loaded.

Note that my version of latex is a year later than yours, and that
seems to make the difference.  I'm running unstable:

ii  tetex-base 1.0.2+2804 basic teTeX library files
ii  tetex-bin  1.0.7+20001218 teTeX binary files
ii  tetex-doc  1.0.2+2804 teTeX documentation
ii  tetex-eurosym  1.0-3  Euro symbol for LaTeX
ii  tetex-extra1.0.2+2804 extra teTeX library files
ii  revtex 3.1-9  Electronic publishing product of the America 

Marcelo and here is the output I get:


Marcelo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work/papers/qcdsr$ latex table.tex
Marcelo This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1) (table.tex
Marcelo LaTeX2e 1998/12/01 patch level 1 Babel v3.6x and
Marcelo hyphenation patterns for american, french, german,
Marcelo ngerman, n ohyphenation, loaded.
Marcelo (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/latex209.def

Marcelo -- Marcelo Chiapparini DFT-IF/UERJ [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Dr. Norris Preyer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy  (843) 953-7997 (voice)
College of Charleston   (843) 953-4824 (fax)
Charleston, SC  29424

Re: KDE2 problems

2000-11-06 Thread Norris Preyer
 Daniel == Daniel Borgmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 hello!  i installed the kde2 debs and everthing worked fine.
 then i made an update and now i can't start it at all.  the
 output in .xsession-error is: *snip* ksplash: error in loading
 shared libraries: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol:
 getButtonShift__14QPlatinumStyleRiT1 kdeinit: error in loading
 shared libraries: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol:
 getButtonShift__14QPlatinumStyleRiT1 knotify: error in loading
 shared libraries: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol:
 getButtonShift__14QPlatinumStyleRiT1 ksmserver: error in loading
 shared libraries: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol:
 getButtonShift__14QPlatinumStyleRiT1 *snip*

 maybe the packages from are broken?  are
 there any other places where i can get KDE2 packages?  and how
 can i find out in which package is included?

 - Daniel

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This sounds like a problem I had recently--check that libqt2.2 is
properly installed.  That's where this symbol is defined:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/lib/qt2/lib$ strings | grep 


Dr. Norris Preyer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy  (843) 953-7997 (voice)
College of Charleston   (843) 953-4824 (fax)
Charleston, SC  29424

Re: ssh configfile

1999-10-02 Thread Norris Preyer
You might want to edit your /etc/ssh/ssh_config file and add the
forwarding there (by default it is commented out).  My file looks like
# This is ssh client systemwide configuration file.  This file provides 
# defaults for users, and the values can be changed in per-user configuration
# files or on the command line.

# Configuration data is parsed as follows:
#  1. command line options
#  2. user-specific file
#  3. system-wide file
# Any configuration value is only changed the first time it is set.
# Thus, host-specific definitions should be at the beginning of the
# configuration file, and defaults at the end.

# Site-wide defaults for various options

 Host *
   ForwardAgent yes
   ForwardX11 yes
   RhostsAuthentication yes
   RhostsRSAAuthentication yes
   RSAAuthentication yes
   TISAuthentication no
   PasswordAuthentication yes
   FallBackToRsh no
   UseRsh no
   BatchMode no
   StrictHostKeyChecking no
   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/identity
   Port 22
   Cipher idea
   EscapeChar ~
Another possibility is that localhost is not authorized to write
on your screen; does an xhost +localhost help?


Gregory T. Norris [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm trying to enable X11 forwarding in ssh, by way of the ~/.ssh/options
 file.  As the file didn't previously exist, I created it with the
 following contents:
  Host *
ForwardX11 yes
 [Note: The Host * is just for testing purposes, and will be replaced
 by the local hostname if/when I can get this to work]
 As near as I can tell from the docs, it looks like that should do it.
 Unfortunately, after running ``ssh -l whoever localhost'' I find that I
 can't successfully start any X11 applications.  However, if I add ``-X''
 to the command X11 forwarding works just fine... I hate to seem overly
 clueless, but I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here.  Any hints would
 be GREATLY appreciated!!!

Dr. Norris Preyer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy  (843) 953-7997 (voice)
College of Charleston   (843) 953-4824 (fax)
Charleston, SC  29424

Re: make slink SMP-clean?

1999-08-10 Thread Norris Preyer
 Eberhard == Eberhard Burr [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hello, I've just installed slink on a dual P3 box, and all went
 smoothly. I then fetched kernel sources and compiled a 2.2 SMP
 kernel and installed that. Still everything smooth (except for
 some minor no-brainers on my side). But now some commands,
 namely top and ps show funny results like negative loads and
 such. Are there precompiled packages somewhere to fix this or do
 I need to recompile the affected programs?

 kind regards, -- Eberhard Burr check for PGP
 Key -- #include stddisc.h -- electric cookie follows Where you
 stand depends on where you sit.  -- Rufus Miles, HEW

I'm using slink with a 2.2.10 SMP kernel, and top (from procps
1:1.2.9-3) works just fine:

 10:36am  up 5 days, 14 min,  1 user,  load average: 2.05, 2.04, 2.01
75 processes: 72 sleeping, 3 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 142.2% user, 57.3% system, 124.1% nice,  0.0% idle
Mem:  257876K av, 244436K used,  13440K free,  47824K shrd,  94092K buff
Swap: 128516K av,   3208K used, 125308K free 67888K cached

 6433 preyern   1944 1944   524 R N  96.1  0.7  1021m slave3
 6432 preyern   1944 1944   524 R N  95.2  0.7  1021m slave3
14667 preyern748  748   572 R 5.7  0.2   0:00 top 

Maybe you need to upgrade your procps package?


Dr. Norris Preyer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy  (843) 953-7997 (voice)
College of Charleston   (843) 953-4824 (fax)
Charleston, SC  29424

Re: Distributed computing

1999-06-23 Thread Norris Preyer
You might want to check out the Beowulf project
and the many links from there.  

There is a *very* useful beowulf maillist: send subscribe beowulf to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  There is also a debian-beowulf list,
but it's pretty inactive, perhaps because there's nothing really
different about setting a Debian cluster (like I have) from setting up
a RedHat cluster (like most clusters are).


 Lazar == Lazar Fleysher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi everyone, Could some one point me to resources available on
 distributed computing.  What it is, how it works and who to make
 it work under linux, etc...

 Thank you,


Dr. Norris Preyer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy  (843) 953-7997 (voice)
College of Charleston   (843) 953-4824 (fax)
Charleston, SC  29424

Re: latex and memory related

1999-05-21 Thread Norris Preyer
Shao Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   I drew a simple box in xfig and used it to generated a latex file.
   Is this normal?? What is the recommanded way to export the stuff from 
 xfig to latex??

I export files from xfig in encapsulated postscript (eps) format, then 
use the graphicx and psfrag packages to load and play with the fonts:


This replaces the letters A and B in the eps file with $A^2$ and
$B_1$, scales the graphic by 150%, and puts it in the document.  Full
docs in 


Dr. Norris Preyer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy  (843) 953-7997 (voice)
College of Charleston   (843) 953-4824 (fax)
Charleston, SC  29424

Re: RPC: Program not registered (mount command)

1999-03-16 Thread Norris Preyer
Ben Frame [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've got a new debian 2.1 install...   and when I try to use 
 the mount command, I get:
 mount:  RPC:  Program not registered
 I've never seen this before and don't know what it means.  
 I've got NFS and IPX installed into the kernel.  If anyone 
 has suggestions I would really appreciate some help.  
 Ben Frame

I had errors like that recently caused by my security; editing
/etc/hosts.allow and restarting both /etc/init.d/netbase and
/etc/init.d/netstd_nfs (I think these are the right two) fixed the

I have a local network of two dual-PII's ( and
that I want to be able to NSF-mount a local mirror of the distribution
and have relaxed security, so relevant parts of my hosts.allow looks like:
# /etc/hosts.allow: list of hosts that are allowed to access the system.
#   See the manual pages hosts_access(5), hosts_options(5)
#   and /usr/doc/netbase/portmapper.txt.gz
# Example:ALL: LOCAL @some_netgroup
# If you're going to protect the portmapper use the name portmap for the
# daemon name. Remember that you can only use the keyword ALL and IP
# addresses (NOT host or domain names) for the portmapper. See portmap(8)
# and /usr/doc/netbase/portmapper.txt.gz for further information.

# Allow np1 and np2 to NFS mount files and rsh in here
rpc.mountd: 192.168.1.
rpc.nfsd: 192.168.1.
in.rshd: 192.168.1.
in.rlogind: 192.168.1.
in.ugidd: 192.168.1.
I'm not sure I need to allow ugidd, and rsh/rlogin is for pvm and mpi,
but the others are needed.

Hope this helps, and comments from someone who knows more are
gratefully accepted.


Dr. Norris Preyer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy  (843) 953-7997 (voice)
College of Charleston   (843) 953-4824 (fax)
Charleston, SC  29424

Re: beowulf clusters?

1999-03-08 Thread Norris Preyer
Paul Nathan Puri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Do nodes in a beowulf cluster all have to have the same hw configuration?
 or can different types of intel based configurations work?

There is no reason for the nodes to have the same hardware, or even
the same kind of hardware--lots of people run with intel, alphas, and
sparcs simultaneously.  The node-node communication software (pvm,
mpi, etc) handles big/little-endian translations transparently.
System administration-type issues are obviously simpler with uniform
hardware, but most people use whatever hardware they can scrounge up.

BTW, these sorts of questions will find more knowledgeable readers in
the beowulf mail-list.

 Certified Law Student
  Debian GNU/Linux Monk
 McGeorge School of Law


Dr. Norris Preyer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy  (843) 953-7997 (voice)
College of Charleston   (843) 953-4824 (fax)
Charleston, SC  29424

Re: + deselect broke emacs

1998-07-08 Thread Norris Preyer
Young, Ed [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Ok, I'm still confused...
 Emacs? Not part of the current distribution? This is alarming. 

There are now *four* emacsen in hamm: emacs-19.34, emacs-20.2,
xemacs-19.16, and xemacs-20.4, and you need to choose which you want.
The emacs package is obsolete because of the greater variety
provided in hamm.  And yes, you do need up upgrade to use the new
libc6-based programs.

 I'm not sure what you mean by not to worry since the upgrade has broken
 Emacs and now it is catagorized as obsolete meaning it is not part of the
 current distrubution. 
 I'm certain that there must be a way to fix emacs in hamm. Is it by using
 Deselect, and just selecting it for upgrade? (a loathsome download

On a 28.8k modem it doesn't take *that* long, just two or three hours :)

 Perhaps I should get a clue on the use of dpkg or apt since it seems most on
 this list avoid deselect in favor of dpkg if only one package is to be
 installed, emacs in this case. 

No, I think many debian-users use the apt method *inside* deslect: it
handles dependency ordering correctly, so you don't need multiple passes
of install/configure which the vanilla dselect sometimes requires.  But
dselect will do just fine here.

 Ed Young   (303)706-5425
 Software Engineering
 Echostar Technology Corporation
 Denver, Colorado


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850

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Re: + deselect broke emacs

1998-07-08 Thread Norris Preyer
Young, Ed [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Thanx for the fast replies. 
 I'd like to have two emacsen if possible or one that will fit the bill for
 both purposes. The machine I'm working on upgrading is going to be an
 experimental Amateur radio packet machine and is somewhat minimalist. (486
 dx66 w 8Megs, ~600Megs HD) I want to be able to run emacs from the console
 occasionaly and from X normaly. I've never used Xemacs but I doubt it will
 run from the console, but I've heard good things about it. Currently, X
 isn't working and until I get X working on this machine (a whole nother
 thread) I'd like to try it as long as it will coexist with GNU Emacs. 
 Any comments or caveats or experiences here? 

Both emacs and xemacs run fine on both the console and under X-windows.
Xemacs is somewhat spiffier under X, and comes with more packages pre-
installed than emacs.  All four of the emacsen packages can be installed
simultaneously, thanks to the hard work of several Debian developers.



Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850

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Re: 'LaTeX' mode in xemacs

1998-02-25 Thread Norris Preyer
Paul Rightley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Sorry if this is not specifically Debian related (but this seems
 to be a wholely polite mail-list - a rarity lately).  I have an
 up-to-date hamm installation.  I sometimes work on a RedHat machine
 (through an 'X-terminal' Sun running Sparc linux).  When I edit
 a LaTeX file on this RedHat machine with xemacs, I get a LaTeX
 menu when I right-click. Also, xemacs has  'command' and 'LaTeX'
 pull-down menus in this situation. On my hamm machine (in my office
 and at home), I get no such menu when editing a LaTeX file.  How do
 I go about changing this?
 (I tend to use debian as a turn-key system and still am not a big
 fan of 'info'.)
 Thanks for any assistance,
 Paul Rightley

While the auctex package is part of xemacs, it is not automatically
invoked.  Try putting this in your .emacs:

;;; AucTeX stuff
(require 'tex-site)
(setq-default TeX-master nil) ; Query for master file
(setq TeX-parse-self t)   ; Enable parse on load
(setq TeX-auto-save t); Enable parse on save
(setq outline-minor-mode-prefix \C-c\C-o)
;(setq TeX-auto-private /home/npreyer/auto/)
(setq TeX-auto-global /usr/lib/xemacs/site-lisp/auctex/auto/)
(setq font-lock-maximum-decoration t)
(require 'font-latex)

I'm also using the auto-save package, but I've commented out that line
above (you probably will want to change the npreyer up there to
something more appropriate).  You may not want such fancy font
coloring, but I like it.

You really do need to Read The Fine Info page about installing auctex,
however, to learn how to make it scan your latex packages for
environments, commands, etc., to make it even more useful.


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key

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Re: Debian on IBM Thinkpad 380ED (2635-5AU)

1998-02-20 Thread Norris Preyer
Nebu John Mathai [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Has anyone installed Debian on an IBM ThinkPad 380ED?
 When I boot off the Rescue disk my machine just reboots and reboots. It
 doesn't get past the boot: prompt.
 Any suggestions would be appreciated! (Slackware works but I don't like
 the way Slackware installs itself).

You need to use the tecra boot disk (in the special directory of
disks-i386); the thinkpads have a funny sensor on the floppy that
screws up the regular boot sequence.


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key

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Mdutils boot problem

1998-02-17 Thread Norris Preyer
Hi all,
  I seem to have a mis-configured mdutils package (version 0.35-14
running on an up-to-date hamm system) and hope someone can help. 
I have a single entry in /etc/mdtab created by mdcreate:
  /dev/md0 linear,4k,0,8fd9453a /dev/hdb1 /dev/hdc1 /dev/hdc2 /dev/hdc3 
/dev/hdc5 /dev/hdc6 
and an entry in /dev/fstab:
  /dev/md0 /share1 ext2 defaults 1 0

During boot-up the system complains that it can't fsck /dev/md0 and
asks for a root-password to fix the problem manually.  What seems to
be happening is that mdadd and mdrun are executed, but not in time for
the mount step.  This may be related to a dangling symlink in /etc/rsS.d: - /etc/init.d/ - ../init.d/
   S20modutils - ../init.d/modutils
- - ../init.d/ - ../init.d/ - ../init.d/ - ../init.d/
   S40network - ../init.d/network - ../init.d/ - ../init.d/
- S50raid - ../init.d/mdutils - ../init.d/
   S55urandom - ../init.d/urandom

I don't have a /etc/init.d/
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/# ls /etc/init.d   netstd_misc   sysklogd
  apachekerneld   netstd_nfsumountfs
  atd   logoutd   network   urandom
  boot.OLD  lpd   rcurandom.dpkg-old   mdutils   rcS   xdm
  checkfs.shmodules   rebootxdm.dpkg-old  modutils  rmnologin xfs
  cron   sendsigs  xntp3
  functions   singlexntp3.dpkg-dist
  halt  netatalk  skeleton   netbase   smail
  hwclock.shnetstd_init   ssh

Should I change S25mdutils to point to /etc/init.d/mdutils and remove
the S50raid entry?  Is this a bug in the package, or something wierd
with my setup?


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key

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Xemacs and missing /usr/spool link

1998-02-10 Thread Norris Preyer
Hi all,
  I finally tracked down a problem with Xemacs19 and gnus, and hope
this can help someone else.  I'm tracking unstable, and generally
having very few problems (thanks!).  The past few days, however,
xemacs has refused to recognize that I have mail in my mailbox, and
gnus doesn't see it either.

Xemacs, gnus, and some other packages (efs, prim, reportmail, rmail,
crontab, and vm), all look for mail in /usr/spool/mail/user.  On
Debian systems, this is a symlink to /var/spool/mail/user, so all is
well.  This symlink seems to have been removed by some package
recently, however, and problems began developing.

Was this a deliberate policy decision?  I seem to have missed
discussion of it.  I currently have added a line to my .emacs (so
display-time will show the status of the mailbox):
  (setq rmail-spool-directory /var/spool/mail/)
and one to my .gnus:
  (setq nnmail-spool-file /var/spool/mail/npreyer)
and this works.  Or I could replace the /usr/spool link.  What's the
best way to handle this?

xemacs 19.16-1


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Dselect with floppy

1998-02-10 Thread Norris Preyer
On Tue, 10 Feb 1998, Stefan Palm wrote:
 I've just installed debian (kernel 2.0.29) on an IBM ThinkPad 360 which
 neither has a CD-ROM nor a network connection (yet).
 Therefore I wanted to use dselect with the floppy drive (/dev/fd0 -
 msdos), but when I try to install new *.deb-files I get the following error
 end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00 sector 0
 mount: /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device
 Does anybody what's going wrong here?

IBM Thinkpads have some kind of weird floppy controller and you need
to add floppy=thinkpad to your lilo or loadlin command.  At least,
that's what people have doesn't seem to help on my 380ED.


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Using hamm? READ THIS about /usr/spool and related links...

1998-02-10 Thread Norris Preyer
Santiago Vila Doncel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This mail is intended for the user who is running the current Debian
 unstable distribution (a.k.a. hamm).
 I'm the Debian maintainer who removed the /usr/spool symlink and some
 other symlinks that were part of the `base-files' package...

Ahh, that's the package!  I grepped /var/lib/dpkg/info/* for
/usr/spool, but didn't find anything.  I shoulda tried harder.

 Not only the FHS but also the old FSSTND says that the mail spool is
 /var/spool/mail, so every program should look for mail there, not
 in /usr/spool/mail.

 So if a program breaks because it uses /usr/spool, *that* is a bug.

 If you want to help us on this, you may report all those bugs through the
 Debian bug tracking system, see /usr/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt or
 [ Of course, if you want to help us even more, you may take a look at
 the bug database first to make sure that the bug is not already reported ].
 As it is often said: I apologize for the inconvenience, etc. etc.

All this is cool, I just couldn't figure out which package removed
the link, so I wasn't sure which package to file a bug against.



Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: exmh questions

1998-01-06 Thread Norris Preyer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lee Bradshaw) writes:

 I'm considering using exmh for my mail reader.  I want to filter mail
 into different folders and be able to see which folders have messages in
 them.  Suggestions of other mail readers with this feature would be

I don't know anything about exmh, but there are some alternatives.  
I use gnus (part of emacs/xemacs) to filter and read both e-mail and
netnews.  My e-mail box currently looks like (the entries with ... 
following them mean that entry is collapsed):

[ Gnus -- 51 ]
   1: nnml:jcl
   8: nnml:inbox
   0: nnml:dean
   3: nnml:talk
   0: nnml:comap-advisors
   0: nnml:comap-l
   0: nnml:duplicates
  [ Debian -- 18 ]
 0: nnml:announce
 4: nnml:user
 7: nnml:devel
 2: nnml:testing
 1: nnml:doc
 4: nnml:mentors
  [ EOU -- 11 ]...
  [ Lists -- 0 ]...
  [ News -- 0 ]...
  [ Friends -- 10 ]...
  [ Students -- 0 ]...
  [ old -- 0 ]

If you use (x)emacs, this might be a good choice.  


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: SCSI Errors and Resetting

1997-12-04 Thread Norris Preyer
William D. Rendahl [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 First off: _very_ cool list!  Lurking here has been exceedingly helpful.
 We're running Debian 1.3.1 (bo, kernel 2.0.30) on an Intel Premier
 PCI II motherboard, with a 90MHz Penti, 32MB, BusLogic BT-948, and
 Quantum Fireball Drive.  Several times a day we get messages on the
 console describing a SCSI error, the system is momentarily frozen, 
 and then everything is fine . . .

I recently had this identical problem with the same BusLogic
controller, and eventually tracked it down to incorrect SCSI
termination (a new drive was inserted in the middle of the SCSI chain
but the clown^H^H^H^H^Hinstaller left the termination on).  Errors and
freezes occured only when the system tried to access devices beyond
the termination.  Check and make sure only the *last* SCSI drive is
terminated and see if this helps.


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: SCSI Errors and Resetting

1997-12-04 Thread Norris Preyer
William D. Rendahl [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 First off: _very_ cool list!  Lurking here has been exceedingly helpful.

 We're running Debian 1.3.1 (bo, kernel 2.0.30) on an Intel Premier
 PCI II motherboard, with a 90MHz Penti, 32MB, BusLogic BT-948, and
 Quantum Fireball Drive.  Several times a day we get messages on the
 console describing a SCSI error, the system is momentarily frozen,
 and then everything is fine . . .

I recently had this identical problem with the same BusLogic
controller, and eventually tracked it down to incorrect SCSI
termination (a new drive was inserted in the middle of the SCSI chain
but the clown^H^H^H^H^Hinstaller left the termination on).  Errors and
freezes occured only when the system tried to access devices beyond
the termination.  Check and make sure only the *last* SCSI drive is
terminated and see if this helps.


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key

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Re: Backup with DAT SCSI tapes

1997-09-23 Thread Norris Preyer
Oz Dror [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am having problems using taper as the backup program for my DAT SCSI tape.
 It seems that taper cannot handle the large amount of data.
 it generates very large info files and then crushes. Incremental backup
 is also not working well.
 I have tried the hamm and bo version of taper.
 Is there any other GOOD stable backup program that can work with SCSI DAT

I use dump to backup 2Gb partitions on an HP DAT unit.  It comes
with with a very good man page which describes how to stagger the tape
backups.  Note that the latest versions in unstable don't seem to work
well with the latest e2fsprogs; use the versions in stable:

| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ NameVersionDescription
hi  e2fsprogs   1.10-2 The EXT2 file system utilities.
hi  dump0.3-14 Ported 4.4BSD dump and restore utilities.

 NAME   Oz Dror, Santa Monica, California   
 EMAIL  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux  since 8/15/94
 PHONE  Fax (310) 396-5798


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP key

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

dump error 8-(

1997-07-24 Thread Norris Preyer

 Jorg == =?iso-8859-1?q?J=F6rg Delker?= iso-8859-1 writes:
Jorg Can anybody help on this?  All of the sudden I get a
Jorg mystirious dump error:

Jorg - mfg Joerg Delker/2 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Jorg [EMAIL PROTECTED] (PGP publickey available on
Jorg demand)

Are you using e2fsprogs 1.10-4?  I got weird errors with dump when I
upgraded from 1.10-2, and everything worked again when I downgraded.
A nasty disk corruption bug was reported with 1.10-4, so you probably
shouldn't be using it anyway.

Hope this helps,

Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850
   *** Linux, for those with an IQ above 95 ***

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: just how bad is Fortran?

1997-07-22 Thread Norris Preyer
 Adriano == Adriano Nagelschmidt Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Adriano Sorry, I can't resist ;-) fortran (77) is horrible. Well,
Adriano it _was_ ok, Backus was a pioneer, etc. But we are in the
Adriano end of the '90s (and I thought only *my* profs were
Adriano forcing students to use it!)

Adriano You will be much better writing your code in ANSI C
Adriano (pointers aren't difficult once you get to know them).

Adriano Regards,

Adriano -- Adriano

I agree that Fortran 77 is pretty awful, but there is a Fortran 90
that seems *very* nice.  Is anyone working on a gpl'ed version of


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850
   *** Linux, for those with an IQ above 95 ***

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

xemacs with auctex

1997-06-28 Thread Norris Preyer
 Mario == Mario Olimpio de Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mario Hi,

Mario  I installed xemacs right now. It's nice! But...  I
Mario couldn't get my latex menus with xemacs, and I think it's
Mario because auctex isn't installed. Auctex depends on emacs :(
Mario Is there some other way to get those latex menus with
Mario xemacs? Or is there some way of getting auctex installed
Mario with xemacs? Is this possible?

Mario []s, Mario Menezes mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Mario Nuclear and Energetic Research Institute - IPEN-CNEN/SP
Mario BRAZIL | | - -
Mario |

Xemacs already includes auctex (as well as lots of other packages that
emacs needs installed separately), so that's not really the problem.
I have the following in my .emacs to get auctex loaded and started:

;;; AucTeX stuff
(require 'tex-site)
(setq-default TeX-master nil) ; Query for master file
(setq TeX-parse-self t)   ; Enable parse on load
(setq TeX-auto-save t); Enable parse on save
(setq outline-minor-mode-prefix \C-c\C-o)
(setq TeX-auto-private /home/npreyer/auto/)
(setq TeX-auto-global /usr/lib/xemacs/site-lisp/auctex/auto/)
(require 'font-latex)
(set-face-foreground 'font-lock-keyword-facemidnightblue)
(make-face-bold  'font-lock-keyword-face)
(set-face-foreground 'font-latex-bold-face  #6920ac)
(set-face-foreground 'font-latex-italic-face#6920ac)
(set-face-foreground 'font-latex-math-face  violetred)
(set-face-foreground 'font-latex-sedate-facered2)
(set-face-foreground 'font-latex-string-faceorange4)
(set-face-foreground 'font-latex-warning-face   red)
(set-face-foreground 'font-lock-comment-facebrown)

(require 'bib-cite)
(setq bib-switch-to-buffer-function 'switch-to-buffer-other-frame)

All the set-face lines are optional, of course, as is specifying a
directory for auto files.  Check the paths before trying this!


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850
   *** Linux, for those with an IQ above 95 ***

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Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

xemacs and tex

1997-06-14 Thread Norris Preyer
  I was using xemacs in conjunction with Latex in debian 1.2.
  I recently updated to 1.3 latex was replaced by Tetex distribution and xemacs
  became 19.14.1.
  I have the problem that the tex-modes.el lisp file is now aged of years,
  and do not recognize the latex2e format and display no menu on the menu bar. 
  Do you know if there is an adaptation of the equivalemt emacs file (which
  do not work with xemacs) that is more recent? Or must I try to adapt it ?
 Jean Thierry Lapreste
Xemacs comes with a pretty recent auctex that recognized latex2e just
fine.  Did you separately install auctex?  Try removing your
tex-init.el and see what happens by default.  I'm running Xemacs
19.15p5 (compiled myself, since the debian package crashes on my
machine), and tex.el starts:

;;; tex.el --- Support for TeX documents.

;; Maintainer: Per Abrahamsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
;; Version: 9.7l
;; Keywords: wp
;; X-URL:

Hmm, I don't actually have tex-modes.el anywhere on my machine.  I
think you need a more recent auctex.  I can e-mail you more details if


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850
   *** Linux, for those with an IQ above 95 ***

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Can't get free page while making filesystem ...

1997-06-04 Thread Norris Preyer
Nathan E Norman writes:
  I'm sure I saw a post about this in the past few weeks.  I've got a P-90
  with 24 MB of RAM that I'm trying to make useful ... so I rounded up a
  bunch of SCSI drives to toss in it.  However, when I try to make
  filesystems on the 2 gig drives, it says it can't get a free page, and
  freezes.  When formatting a 1 gig drive, it says it can't get a free
  page, but manages to recover and finish the filesystem (As far as I can
  Let's see, important info ... we're running Debian 1.3, kernel 2.0.30.
  The drives are a mixed bag ... Conner and Quantum for the 2 gigs, IBM
  and HP for the 1 gigs.  There's also a Seagate and a Quantum in the
  machine (yes, it's a junkman's special).  I'm sure I've forgotten some
  pertinent info ...
  Any ideas?
Nathan Norman:Hostmaster CFNI:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key and other stuff
  Key fingerprint = CE 03 10 AF 32 81 18 58  9D 32 C2 AB 93 6D C4 72

This seems to be a problem with the 2.0.30 kernels.  Try using the
2.0.29 kernel in the latest boot-disk set (dated 1997-05-28 or later).
You can also try increasing /proc/sys/vm/freepages values; this
apparently raises the threshold before the paging problems of the '30
kernel surfaces.


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850
*** Linux, for those with an IQ above 95 ***

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Re: /sbin/dump unable to resolve 'ext2_llseek'

1997-05-05 Thread Norris Preyer
Joerg Delker writes:
  Norris Preyer wrote:
   Douglas Bates writes:
 On Tuesday I installed several updated packages from bo.  I noticed
 this morning that file system dumps have been failing since then.

   Downgrading e2fsprogs to 1.06-3 (in stable) fixed dump for me.
  Well, it solved the symbol-problem, but brought me a new error:
  |   DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Sat May  3 00:54:35 1997
  |   DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  |   DUMP: Dumping /dev/hda5 (/home) to standard output
  |   DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  |   DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  |   DUMP: estimated 145102 tape blocks.
  |   DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  |   DUMP: master/slave protocol botched.
  |   DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.
  Any Idea on that?
  | EINSTEIN Joerg Delker, DataBaseAdmin (dbguru) E3.148, Tel.: 3318 |
  |  University of Paderborn, Computer Science   |
  | Bayernweg 64, 33102 Paderborn, Germany, Tel.: +49 5251 480578|

I've not seen the master/slave message before and don't know what it

The lastest packages from unstable seem to work fine now, so you might
want to try upgrading and see if things improve.  This is what I've
been using successfully:

# dpkg -l dump e2fsprogs
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ NameVersionDescription
ii  dump0.3-14 Ported 4.4BSD dump and restore utilities.
ii  e2fsprogs   1.10-2 The EXT2 file system utilities.


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850http://

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/sbin/dump unable to resolve 'ext2_llseek'

1997-05-02 Thread Norris Preyer
Douglas Bates writes:
  On Tuesday I installed several updated packages from bo.  I noticed
  this morning that file system dumps have been failing since then.
  Here is a dummy run of /sbin/dump to show the symptoms.
franz# /sbin/dump 0f /dev/null /spare1
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Thu May  1 17:13:35 1997
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/hda1 (/spare1) to /dev/null
  DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: estimated 41266 tape blocks on 1.06 tape(s).
  DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
/sbin/dump: can't resolve symbol 'ext2_llseek'
/sbin/dump: can't resolve symbol 'ext2_llseek'
/sbin/dump: can't resolve symbol 'ext2_llseek'
  DUMP: Interrupt received.
  DUMP: Do you want to abort dump?: (yes or no) yes
  DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.   
  Any suggestions on what has gotten out of sync?  Even better, any
  suggestions on how to repair the problem?

Downgrading e2fsprogs to 1.06-3 (in stable) fixed dump for me.


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850http://

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Re: Backup procedure

1997-04-02 Thread Norris Preyer
Eloy A. Paris [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I want to know about rotation methods (I've heard about
 Granfather-Father-Son, 10 tape, Hanoi Towers but the information is not
 clear), when to take tapes off-site, Debian backup utilities, etc.
The man page for dump gives details of how to do this.  I use dump, and
with 10 tapes can restore to two months ago, one month ago, any Friday
of this month, or any day of this week.

 Thanks in advance,
 Eloy A. Paris
 Information Technology Department
 Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
 Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9431645 Cel.: +58-16-234700
Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon University   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850http://

Re: Lexmark Printer

1997-03-12 Thread Norris Preyer
We need a lot more info to figure out what's wrong!  I've got an Optra
R+ which works beautifully with Debian.  The problem is much more
likely to be with your setup of lpr/lprng, apsfilter/magicfilter, etc.
Can you give some more details?  Specifically, do you have it attached
to a parallel printer port or do you have the network card in it?
Which flavor print daemon do you use?  Any extra filtering?  And what
happens if you do something like ls  /dev/lp1 (as root)?

The Printing-HOWTO file (/usr/doc/HOWTO/Printing-HOWTO.gz) should give
you enough info to get started debugging your setup, and I'll be glad
to compare settings on the lexmark control panel.

Good luck!

Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon State College[EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850http://

Re: Mathematica [was What is the typical response from i-Connect?]

1997-03-10 Thread Norris Preyer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Zachary) writes:

 Also, has anyone experience with Mathematica 3.0 on Debian? I called and
 chatted to a nice lady at Wolfram who told me that as long as a.out and
 ELF binaries are supported, Mathematica plays nice with Linux. However,
 you never know if there are other 'gotchas' lurking underneath the surface.
I don't know what the bit about a.out is about, for file reports:
Mathematica: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 386, version 1, stripped

Version 3.0 is *very* nice, with the entire 1400 page book available
via on-line help, along with classy typography.  It also takes 116Mb
for a full install, as well as Motif (I don't know if lesstif would
work).  It seems very fast and stable---Wolfram Research took the time
to do this right.

I've not yet experimented with notebook--html pages and the like, but
there's lots of fun stuff to explore.  Is there a Linux (or Debian)
Mathematica group??


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon State College[EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850http://

Re: Netatalk breaking

1997-03-06 Thread Norris Preyer
I'm having to post here because my mail to the maintainer of netatalk
(Klee Dienes [EMAIL PROTECTED]) keeps bouncing...

There was nothing wrong with netatalk at all!  The problems I was
having (all the appletalk daemons dying immediately) came because the
modutils package was missing from my system--the old files when I
upgraded modules, but I didn't realize my system was left broken
without the modutils package.  That package still hasn't made it from
the Incoming directory at, so I was missing those
files.  Installing modutils fixed everything.

Thanks for the support, Klee! (but the lprng support still seems
missing in 1.4b2-3, or did I miss something?)


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon State College[EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850http://

Netatalk breaking

1997-03-05 Thread Norris Preyer
Hi all!
  I hope someone can give me a clue here, for I'm really stumped.  I'm
running the most recent files from the unstable directory (except for
bash--I've still got 1.14.7-2), and am suddenly not able to run the
appletalk printing services.  Printing used to work beautifully, and
now it doesn't (the printer no longer appears in the chooser), and the
owners of the macs who used to use my printer are very unhappy!

During boot, /etc/init.d/netatalk gives the messages:

Mar  3 14:49:03 npreyer papd[185]: restart (1.4b2)
Mar  3 14:49:03 npreyer papd[185]: atp_open: Invalid argument

and from /var/log/daemon.log:
Mar  3 14:49:04 npreyer afpd[187]: main: atp_open: Invalid argument

I have not modified /etc/atalkd.conf (i.e., it is just a commented-out
line).  So far as I can tell, none of the recently updated files
should have any effect on this, but evidently something is.  Any help
would be greatly appreciated!

BTW--papd used to be incompatible with lprng; has that changed??


Norris Preyer   (541) 962-3310 (office)
Physics Program (541) 962-3873 (fax)
Eastern Oregon State College[EMAIL PROTECTED]
La Grande, OR  97850http://

Apple printer + Linux?

1996-06-18 Thread Norris Preyer
I've got a very nice Apple laser printer (PS 4/600) which has just a
localtalk interface.  My Linux box doesn't---can anybody help?  The (brief)
documentation for the netatalk driver seems to indicate that I could print
to such a printer, but I'm not obviouly not very clear on that.  And how do
I wire up a cable to connect them?  I'm running Debian 1.1 with a 2.0.0

Any pointers will be very appreciated!

--Norris Preyer

- Norris W. Preyer --
Dept. of Physics   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Eastern Oregon State College   voice: 541.962.3310
La Grande, OR  97850   fax:   541.962.3873