Re: Debian non-free-firmware policy making OS misleading and Free Software unfriendly

2024-04-22 Thread Reid
Andrew M.A. Cater  wrote:
> That's probably a bug in Calamares. I checked with one of the live cd 
> maintainers on this. As has been pointed out, the live cd is really
> intended more for checking than for major use but it does need some work.
> If you found the non-free components - where were they - under the /firmware
> directory?

Thank you for the very helpful reply Andrew.

I always use Debian's "Graphical Installer" option.
I'm not sure what Calamares is, but will look into it.

However, I will also re-word what I now believe to be the primary issue
here into a more succinct message, figure out how to add line-wrap, 
and re-submit to a more appropriate list.

Thank you for everyone's helpful replies. Despite what one person 
said about not taking me seriously, I believe there's an important 
problem here, and that fixing it will be a good thing 
for the Debian project.

Re: Debian non-free-firmware policy making OS misleading and Free Software unfriendly

2024-04-22 Thread Reid
- Original message -
From: Curt 
> On Mon, 22 Apr 2024, Curt wrote:
>> How can you be taken seriously when you can't even wrap your lines
>> according to our venerable guidelines?
>> Get a popular setting going, buddy.
>> And, though it's true I extolled Proust recently, being succinct with
>> well-wrapped lines is the height of mailing-list sophistication (unless
>> your Marcel, which you ain't).
>The Debian mailing list guidelines (for our less supple intellects).

1. Disregard important suggestions of newcomers who don't line wrap.
2. Bombastically tell them they don't have supple intellects.
Are those part of the mailing list guidelines, Curt? 

I'm sorry I irked you so much Curt, but you don't have to be rude.
It was the first time I've ever messaged a Debian list, 
and it's been years since I've had to set line-wrap.

"Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; 
they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
― Marcel Proust

Re: Debian non-free-firmware policy making OS misleading and Free Software unfriendly

2024-04-21 Thread Reid
Do you have any suggestion as to which list would be better to contact?


- Original message -
Date: Sunday, April 21, 2024 3:52 PM

do you think the debian gods are listening

On Sun, 21 Apr 2024, Stefan Monnier wrote:

>> If Debian is going to continue promoting itself with those "Our Philosophy"
>> and "Why Debian" pages, there should at least be opt-ins during the
>> installation process of every Debian download, as well as prominent warnings
>> of the new policy on the download pages.
> Agreed.  It should be easy to adjust the installation process with an
> extra step whether to include/install non-free-firmware or not.
> It's also an opportunity to raise awareness of the problem.

Re: Debian non-free-firmware policy making OS misleading and Free Software unfriendly

2024-04-21 Thread Reid
You seem to be suggesting that Debian users now need to read XX pages of 
release notes and guides in order to learn that what they're installing is not 
what the homepage "Why Debian", "Our Philosophy", and "Who We Are / 
What We Do" pages are currently promoting Debian as.

That's not right. Period. If the Installers are not ALL going to give users the 
choice to opt-in or opt-out of non-free components, then those above-mentioned 
promotional pages really need to be updated so as to not be misleading users. 

But BETTER yet, why not just update all the installers to give users that 
choice? That's what I'm strongly suggesting. Something very 
wrong/misleading/deceptive is happening right now.

Regarding "perhaps it could be spelled out more explicitly... that live media 
is primarily for trying out Debian": Using those live image Debian installers 
has been very convenient up through Bullseye because they automatically 
installed a preferred Desktop. But if those installers are now also going 
install 29 non-free packages without clear warning and without opt-in/out 
choices (as they currently are), then there should be a GIANT RED WARNING on 
the live-image download page of that fact. All those live images also contain 
installers, and it's unreasonable to expect that people who are trying Debian 
out would not later use the built-in installer if they like what they've tried. 
But at the moment, it they do use those installers, what they're getting is not 
what's been promoted on Debian homepage "Why Debian", "Our Philosophy" and "Who 
We Are / What We Do" pages.

This is about Doing what's right and/or Telling the truth. Best would be both. 
But what's currently happening is neither.

P.S. Regarding your link to , those 
instructions don't even work on the live images. Worse, they don't say that 
they don't work on the live images. So even if a user reads that entire guide, 
they'll only get instructions that don't even work. That's deceptive.

This is in reply to:

Original post:

Debian non-free-firmware policy making OS misleading and Free Software unfriendly

2024-04-21 Thread Reid
Debian's policy change on non-free-firmware has made much of the 
website very misleading, and some Debian OS installers have become very Free 
Software UNfriendly and deceptive. The following is my experience, and the 
reasons why I believe Debian must re-word their promotional web pages, and 
update all their installers to respect user choice regarding installation of 
non-free-firmware or not:

I'm a 10+ year Debian user, and a longtime Free Software supporter. Two weeks 
ago I was shocked to discover 29 non-free components in the Debian desktop I'd 
been using for the last couple months. There hadn't been any opt-in or even a 
notice about Debian's major policy change during the installation process (I 
use the Debian installer via the Live images), so I was completely unaware.

In my initial attempts to figure out what was going on, I also didn't find any 
prominent announcement of the major policy change on's homepage. 
Moreover, the "Our Philosophy" and "Why Debian" homepage links still give the 
impression that Debian is Free-Software-Friendly. That's extremely misleading 
now (automatically installing 29 non-free components with neither permission 
nor warning is not Free Software friendly).

If Debian is going to continue promoting itself with those "Our Philosophy" and 
"Why Debian" pages, there should at least be opt-ins during the installation 
process of every Debian download, as well as prominent warnings of the new 
policy on the download pages. Until that's done, the "Our Philosophy" and "Why 
Debian" pages (and perhaps others) should be re-worded so as to not be so 

I was disappointed to eventually read of Debian's "vote" on non-free-firmware. 
Though I do understand the desire to make Debian more friendly to new users, 
doing so by misleading and alienating many existing users doesn't make a lot of 
sense IMO:

After reading of this change, I then spent the next week trying to figure out 
how to re-install Debian without the non-free firmware. That's when I 
discovered that Debian has suddenly become very Free-Software-UNfriendly. Even 
when I used the "firmware=never" method on the Debian installer (Live image 
dvd), the 29 non-free components were still installed! Without warning. That 
"firmware=never" method is what itself is recommending (on a rather 
deep link sadly), but it doesn't even work!

So I eventually abandoned that longtime favorite method of installing my 
preferred desktop, and switched to the NON-Live DVD installation... But then 
discovered that using "firmware=never" method there also blocks FREE-firmware 
that used to get installed. So now my Wifi adapter didn't work, whereas it 
always worked with Debian 11/Bullseye and earlier installations.

Ultimately it took me about a week, and about a dozen Debian Bookworm 
re-installations, and even hiring a developer, to get an installation via DVD 
that was similar to what was previously installed by default. I've provided 
some tips below to others who are struggling. However, Debian needs to change 
all it's installers to provide "opt-in" for anything non-free. Even if that 
"opt-in" is checked by default, it should be easy to opt-out. Debian's current 
leadership may have lost sight of their own "Why Debian" and "Our Philosophy" 
and "Who we are and what we do" claims, but Free Software philosophy is still 
important to many people. Actually, it's still important, period. But whether 
the current leader/"voters" agree or understand or not, there should be choice 
for users.

Until the installers are updated, the homepage and "Why Debian" and 
"Our Philosophy" and download pages should all be changed. Keeping them as they 
are is worse than misleading IMO (false advertising? bait-and-switch? 
negligent?). While an attorney could be consulted, why not just be responsible, 
and honest, and inclusive, by adding simple opt-in/out options on all Debian's 

Until the Debian installers are fixed, hopefully the tips below help some Free 
Software supporters who wish to continue using Debian. Note that I'm not a 
developer, so there may be mistakes in these instructions. If you find any 
mistakes, or have suggestions for improvement on these instructions, please 
post your suggestions in a reply:

1) Above all, avoid Debian 12 Bookworm's "Live image" installations. Those will 
install non-free firmware on your system no matter what you do. Even when I 
followed's instructions for adding "firmware=never" before 
installing the OS, I still ended up with 29 non-free components on my system. 
That's exactly the same number as without "firmware=never", which means this 
method of blocking non-free-firmware doesn't work with Debian's live images. 
Therefore, avoid Debian Bookworm's live images completely.

2) If you're a technical person and want to support Free Software, you could 
install from Debian 12's "NON-Live" DVD. Adding "firmware=never" before 

Re: Buster won't boot with Xen hypervisor

2020-02-25 Thread Garrett Reid
Apparently, the similarity in version numbers between Xen and the Linux kernel 
is more coincidental, and they aren’t required to match. How can I start to 
debug a boot configuration that’s not working? I’ve tried regenerating with 
with `update-grub` and `update-initramfs -u`, but no luck.

I’ve also confirmed that the initrd generated by update-initramfs is the one 
used by the xen boot entry in /boot/grub/grub.cfg. I’ve tried rebooting, 
changing my boot options to “debug earlyprintk=efi,keep”. It causes torrents of 
information for the non-xen (successful) boot, but seems to have no impact on 
the xen option. I still just see:
> Loading Xen 4.11-amd64 …
> Loading Linux 4.19.0-8-amd64 …
> Loading initial ramdisk …

How can I begin debugging this?

- Garrett

> On Feb 24, 2020, at 6:34 PM, Garrett Reid  wrote:
> Hey, Debian folks!
> After updating to Buster, my system is unable to boot with the Xen 
> hypervisor. When I try and boot, the screen gets stuck loading the ramdisk:
>> Loading Xen 4.11-amd64 …
>> Loading Linux …
>> Loading initial ramdisk …
> I’m immediately suspicious of the version mismatch, especially since booting 
> “Debian GNU/Linux” instead of “Debian GNU/Linux, with Xen hypervisor” works 
> just fine.
> I still have the appropriate xen package installed:
>> bash# apt install xen-system
>> Reading package lists... Done
>> Building dependency tree   
>> Reading state information... Done
>> Note, selecting 'xen-system-amd64' instead of 'xen-system'
>> xen-system-amd64 is already the newest version 
>> (4.11.3+24-g14b62ab3e5-1~deb10u1).
> And there doesn’t seem to be a 4.11 hypervisor option:
>> bash# apt-cache search xen-hypervisor
>> xen-hypervisor-4.11-amd64 - Xen Hypervisor on AMD64
>> xen-hypervisor-common - Xen Hypervisor - common files
>> xen-hypervisor-4.8-amd64 - Xen Hypervisor on AMD64
> Furthermore, there also aren’t any packages for a 4.11 stock kernel to match 
> the hypervisor:
>> bash# apt-cache search linux-image-4. | fgrep 'amd64 ' | egrep -v 
>> 'headers|cloud|rt'
>> linux-image-4.19.0-8-amd64 - Linux 4.19 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
>> linux-image-4.19.0-6-amd64 - Linux 4.19 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
>> linux-image-4.9.0-11-amd64 - Linux 4.9 for 64-bit PCs
>> linux-image-4.9.0-12-amd64 - Linux 4.9 for 64-bit PCs
>> linux-image-4.9.0-4-amd64 - Linux 4.9 for 64-bit PCs
>> linux-image-4.9.0-8-amd64 - Linux 4.9 for 64-bit PCs
>> linux-image-4.9.0-9-amd64 - Linux 4.9 for 64-bit PCs
> (I also checked what old kernels I had lying around in /boot; only a few 
> varieties of 4.9.0).
> Am I correctly understanding the issue here? If so, is there a way to get a 
> newer xen hypervisor from a repo somewhere? (I can’t find it in backports or 
> proposed-updates). Or, is there a way to find a matching old kernel image?
> And if not, where do I start debugging?
> Thanks for your help,
> - Garrett

Buster won't boot with Xen hypervisor

2020-02-24 Thread Garrett Reid
Hey, Debian folks!

After updating to Buster, my system is unable to boot with the Xen hypervisor. 
When I try and boot, the screen gets stuck loading the ramdisk:
> Loading Xen 4.11-amd64 …
> Loading Linux …
> Loading initial ramdisk …

I’m immediately suspicious of the version mismatch, especially since booting 
“Debian GNU/Linux” instead of “Debian GNU/Linux, with Xen hypervisor” works 
just fine.

I still have the appropriate xen package installed:
> bash# apt install xen-system
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree   
> Reading state information... Done
> Note, selecting 'xen-system-amd64' instead of 'xen-system'
> xen-system-amd64 is already the newest version 
> (4.11.3+24-g14b62ab3e5-1~deb10u1).

And there doesn’t seem to be a 4.11 hypervisor option:
> bash# apt-cache search xen-hypervisor
> xen-hypervisor-4.11-amd64 - Xen Hypervisor on AMD64
> xen-hypervisor-common - Xen Hypervisor - common files
> xen-hypervisor-4.8-amd64 - Xen Hypervisor on AMD64

Furthermore, there also aren’t any packages for a 4.11 stock kernel to match 
the hypervisor:
> bash# apt-cache search linux-image-4. | fgrep 'amd64 ' | egrep -v 
> 'headers|cloud|rt'
> linux-image-4.19.0-8-amd64 - Linux 4.19 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
> linux-image-4.19.0-6-amd64 - Linux 4.19 for 64-bit PCs (signed)
> linux-image-4.9.0-11-amd64 - Linux 4.9 for 64-bit PCs
> linux-image-4.9.0-12-amd64 - Linux 4.9 for 64-bit PCs
> linux-image-4.9.0-4-amd64 - Linux 4.9 for 64-bit PCs
> linux-image-4.9.0-8-amd64 - Linux 4.9 for 64-bit PCs
> linux-image-4.9.0-9-amd64 - Linux 4.9 for 64-bit PCs

(I also checked what old kernels I had lying around in /boot; only a few 
varieties of 4.9.0).

Am I correctly understanding the issue here? If so, is there a way to get a 
newer xen hypervisor from a repo somewhere? (I can’t find it in backports or 
proposed-updates). Or, is there a way to find a matching old kernel image?

And if not, where do I start debugging?

Thanks for your help,
- Garrett

Re: System not booting

2015-06-17 Thread Peter Reid
Thanks Santiago,

Issue fixed, bad record in fstab

Peter Reid

Peter Reid

Mobile: +44 78 5281 8850

On 17 June 2015 at 21:49, Peter Reid wrote:


 Good suggestions, I will try those out.

 However point to note: when I attempt to SSH with any set of credentials
 to the server, connection is being refused. Nmap of the server also
 suggests SSH is not running

 To me this would suggest that the OpenSSH service isn't even running on my

 I'll try the fstab suggestion and get back to you, that might be possible;
 I have edited it since my last reboot.

 Peter Reid

 On 17 June 2015 at 21:21, Santiago Vila wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 02:56:46PM -0400, Gary Dale wrote:
  You can ping but not ssh. This suggests that services are not being
  dmesg confirms this as nothing is showing up after the network is

 Hmm, no. My system has ssh running but there are no traces of ssh in
 dmesg at all. dmesg is only about kernel messages. ssh is userspace
 and it's logged elsewhere (for example, auth.log)

 My crazy ideas about what this could be:

 * A wrong /etc/fstab (systemd is picky about wrong lines in fstab).

 * Trying to use ssh with password with the user root after
   /etc/ssh/sshd_config has been updated to allow only public key.

   If the user is able to boot into rescue mode, adding a suitable
   /root/.ssh/authorized_keys should be easy.

  Since this seems to be a virtual machine, hooking up a monitor won't

 Well, the cloud providers I've tested allow you to use a serial
 console where you can log into the system and use journalctl to see
 what happened, even if eth0 is down. I would try that.

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System not booting

2015-06-17 Thread Peter Reid

I recently rebooted my Debian 8 (Jessie) system, which I upgraded from
Wheezy upon the release of Debian 8. I shutdown my system and restarted it,
and the system does not appear to be 'booting'.

The system boots and responds to ping on both IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces,
however no network facing services are starting (source: nmap); hence I
cannot SSH into the server.

*Current Attempts to fix:*
I attempted to reboot once more (hard reboot from host control panel), that
did not solve the issue. I have since rebooted into my provider's
(SoYouStart by OVH) rescue mode, and have found some info in the logs that
may be of use

*System information:*
Debian 8 ( had latest packages installed) - previously Debian 7
Processor: Intel Xeon(R) CPU W3520 @ 2.67GHz
RAM: 16096MB
HDD: 2 x 2000 GB in mdraid - RAID 1
MOBO: SuperMicro x8STI

I'm really stuck with this issue, the only log I can think to provide is
dmesg, the last few lines are as follows:

[   17.322135] Adding 523260k swap on /dev/sda4.  Priority:-1 extents:1
[   17.323280] Adding 523260k swap on /dev/sdb4.  Priority:-2 extents:1
[   17.360803] EXT4-fs (md2): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
[   17.589138] EXT4-fs (md2): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro
[   17.661897] loop: module loaded
[   20.080560] EXT4-fs (md3): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
Opts: (null)
[   25.899123] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
[   29.069613] e1000e: eth0 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow
Control: None
[   29.071646] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready

*Moving forward*
If any of you can be of assistance I would greatly appreciate it, I can
provide log files upon request also.
I would really like to get my system back on line as soon as possible, as I
need it for my work next week.

Peter Reid

Re: System not booting

2015-06-17 Thread Peter Reid

Good suggestions, I will try those out.

However point to note: when I attempt to SSH with any set of credentials to
the server, connection is being refused. Nmap of the server also suggests
SSH is not running

To me this would suggest that the OpenSSH service isn't even running on my

I'll try the fstab suggestion and get back to you, that might be possible;
I have edited it since my last reboot.

Peter Reid

On 17 June 2015 at 21:21, Santiago Vila wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 02:56:46PM -0400, Gary Dale wrote:
  You can ping but not ssh. This suggests that services are not being
  dmesg confirms this as nothing is showing up after the network is brought

 Hmm, no. My system has ssh running but there are no traces of ssh in
 dmesg at all. dmesg is only about kernel messages. ssh is userspace
 and it's logged elsewhere (for example, auth.log)

 My crazy ideas about what this could be:

 * A wrong /etc/fstab (systemd is picky about wrong lines in fstab).

 * Trying to use ssh with password with the user root after
   /etc/ssh/sshd_config has been updated to allow only public key.

   If the user is able to boot into rescue mode, adding a suitable
   /root/.ssh/authorized_keys should be easy.

  Since this seems to be a virtual machine, hooking up a monitor won't

 Well, the cloud providers I've tested allow you to use a serial
 console where you can log into the system and use journalctl to see
 what happened, even if eth0 is down. I would try that.

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Re: Wheezy and Sun-Java

2012-08-14 Thread Andrew Reid
 Dear linuxers,
 According to this blog (
 moved_from_debian_u )
 from Sylvestre, responsible for maintaining sun-java*, Java did not
 renew it's license, and so, sun-java6-jre and sun-java-plugin will not
 be available on Wheezy.
 The author suggests:
 apt-get --purge remove sun-java6-jre  apt-get install openjdk-7-jre
 in another (more recent) post.

  Several folks have recommended the icedtea plug-in, that's a good one.

  What I have done on my (squeeze) systems is, get the Sun Java tgz,
and unpack it into /usr/local/stow/jre1.7.0_05 (or whatever, the
tgz will create the directory), and then push it into /usr/local
with stow.  The browser plug-in will then be in
/usr/local/lib/amd64/, you can sym-link to it from
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, and it will then be preserved across
versions if you un-stow an old one and re-stow a new one, and 
almost all browsers will find it there.  (Konqueror won't, but
Konqueror's java set-up is different anyways).

  I did this because I had a few things that absolutely insisted
on havnig Sun Java -- it's a bit fiddly to set up (and you may have
to learn about stow, but this is time well spent...), but it's 
reasonably robust.

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: java plugin, is does it have any security vulnerabilities ?

2012-07-14 Thread Andrew Reid
 Hi All,
 i am running Debian stable (squeeze) and have java installed
 6.26-osqueeze1 as a package.
 Firefox uses this package but when I asked it to check if plugins are
 up to date it says nope, need version 7...
 So am I right in thinking that v6.26 is old (and thus the advice to
 upgrade to 7) but does not have any known security vulnerabilities
 because it is part of stable ?

  Are you using the Debian-provided sun-java6-plugin package?

  My understanding is that this package is no longer updated by Debian, 
because of licensing restrictions introduced by Oracle affecting
redistribution.  There is no Debian-packaged Sun Java VM newer than 6u26.

  You can switch to OpenJDK, or remove your sun-java6 packages and install
the JRE from the Oracle-provided binaries.

 -- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: Unreversable dimmiing of display

2012-07-07 Thread Andrew Reid
 I have Debian Squeeze installed on an ASUS EeePC 901, using the i915
 video drivers and linux-image-3.2.0-0.bpo.2-686-pae from squeeze-
 If I dim the display using the KDE power gadget a lot, or allow it to dim
 automatically due to low battery, it dim suddenly to a barely perceivable
 level and I can not restore the display to full brightness without
 rebooting except for a brief flicker when the display is switched off.

  I had an older ThinkPad that used to do this, and I never solved it,
but I did find a work-around -- if I did ctrl-alt-F1 to switch
to a text console, the keyboard brightness controls would work, and
then when I did ctrl-alt-F7 to switch back to the X-window system,
the brightness would be preserved.

   -- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: UDEV identical devices. How to?

2012-07-03 Thread Andrew Reid

  If you're set on using udev, it should be possible to find the 
devices under /sys somewhere (/sys/bus/pci/...), and query them
for udev-sensitive attributes using udevinfo (or the appropriate
udevadm commands), until you find something that differs between
the two.  Udev certainly can create device nodes, but I am not
an expert on that part.

  But, you may find it simpler to just create static devices.  It used
to be possible to create static devices in /lib/udev/devices -- at
boot-time, the device tree at that location gets copied over to
/dev, and after that, udev runs and does all the magic to create
the dynamic devices.  If you know the right major and minor numbers,
and if they're consistent across reboots, and if there are no
conflicting udev devices, then the right mkdev should work.
It won't appear in /dev until reboot, but the /lib/udev/devices
entries will persist across reboots.

  This is still true in the 2.6.32 kernels (squeeze), but 
may not be true in the 3.0 series.

 Good day to all
 I am not sure which list this quistions should be send to so some
 overkill maybe.
 We have Debian 2.6.32 and DVB cards with two/four tunners on the each
 card. We want to assign specific number in /dev/dvb/ tree for each tuner.
 The problems is that from udev point of view those devices(tuners) are
 absolutely equal(udefinfo gives absolutely identical output), because
 tuners are placed in one dvb card.
 We'v googled and found that theoretically we can assign numbers in
 specific order with using ENV options in udev rules.
 Here is a working example which creates symlinks:
 # Create a symlinks for both tuners of Kworld device
 SUBSYSTEM==dvb, ATTRS{idVendor}==1b80, ATTRS{idProduct}==e399,
 ENV{kworld}!=two, ENV{kworld}=two, PROGRAM=/bin/sh -c 'K=%k;
 K=$${K#dvb}; printf dvb/adapter_kw1/%%s $${K#*.}', SYMLINK+=%c
 SUBSYSTEM==dvb, ATTRS{idVendor}==1b80, ATTRS{idProduct}==e399,
 ENV{kworld}==two, ENV{kworld}=one, PROGRAM=/bin/sh -c 'K=%k;
 K=$${K#dvb}; printf dvb/adapter_kw2/%%s $${K#*.}', SYMLINK+=%c
 But we do want devices instead of symlinks, like e.g. /dev/dvb/adapterX
 We'v tried such rules, but has no luck:
 SUBSYSTEM==dvb, KERNELS==:04:00.0, ENV{kworld}!=two,
 ENV{kworld}=one, PROGRAM=/bin/sh -c 'K=%k; K=$${K#dvb}; printf
 dvb/adapter1/%%s $${K#*.}', NAME=%c, GROUP=video
 SUBSYSTEM==dvb, KERNELS==:04:00.0, ENV{kworld}==two,
 ENV{kworld}=one, PROGRAM=/bin/sh -c 'K=%k; K=$${K#dvb}; printf
 dvb/adapter2/%%s $${K#*.}', NAME=%c, GROUP=video
 Can someone give an advice how to properly construct rules to assign
 devices. It woul be great with an example string :)
 Mb we missing some global udev option to enable such constructions?
 Tnx in advance.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: [1/2 OT] How to find the desktop near me?

2012-07-01 Thread Andrew Reid
 The desktop installed the Sid (seems not so relevant here.)  Now the
 monitor/screen not work; other things are totally fine.
 I used to login desktop first and then ssh from laptop,
 Now since not be able to log in, how can I find its ip ? so I can
 connect from laptop.
 shall I just find other monitor and connect?

  If it's on the same subnet as your laptop, you may be able to 
find it via the laptop's ARP cache -- this is the mechanism the
kernel uses to map controller MAC addresses to IP addresses.

  Alternatively, if it's gotten a DHCP assignment from your
home router, you can probably go in to the router's set-up
interface, and find the table of DHCP assignments it has handed
out, and see if there's one you don't recognize.

  If all that fails, if it's a small address space (like 192.168.1.*),
it s a simple matter to just ping every address in the space and see
if there's a live one you didn't know about.  If the machine doesn't
answer ping requests, a more complicated way would be to run a 
port-scanner from the laptop, and see what it finds.

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: Reports of (Debian?) Linux kernel 2.6.32 livelocking when notified of leap second

2012-06-30 Thread Andrew Reid
 Has anyone been seeing this sort of thing in the last 22-ish hours?

  I saw the buzz about this on Slashdot, but as far as I can tell 
none of my systems are having any problems.  I have several 
Debian squeeze 2.6.32 64-bit systems, a mix of file servers,
cluster nodes, and desktop workstation systems.  I'm off-site,
it being the weekend, but there's no evidence of trouble.

  I did see a lot of log traffic at 23:59:60 UTC, so the kernels
have the info.  If they're going to lock up at local midnight,
well, I guess I'll find out in half an hour.

   -- A.
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[SOLVED!!!] Weird Wifi problem -- WPA-EAP TTLS fails

2012-02-22 Thread Andrew Reid

  There's a bit of acronym-soup here, for context check out the
list archives from May 2011. 

  I had this weird WPA-EAP TTLS problem at that time, and have 
now finally gotten it resolved.

  The key was to finally run a packet sniffer on the wireless port and
watch the authentication as it went by.  It turns out that the access 
point is asking for PEAP, not TTLS, so the EAP method-negotiation process 
was just failing, since the instructions I had were very clear about 
setting up the EAP to be TTLS-only.

  It's now clear that the instructions were simply wrong.

  The reason for mentioning this on-list is that the symptoms
of client misconfiguration included, in the verbose wpa_supplicant
output, a bit about ...disconnected by local choice (reason=3)...,
and googling that message gets you a lot of hits, which turned out
to be completely irrelevant to my issue, and I spent a lot of time
on irrelevant details.  

  Lesson 1: The local choice message can arise from a trivially
misconfigured client, it's not necessarily a symptom of all the 
scary stuff that's out there.

  Lesson 2: Wireshark is awesome.  I should have used it much 

 -- A.
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Re: Nepomuk

2012-02-22 Thread Andrew Reid
 I didn't ask for it and I don't want it. So why do we have to have it? It
 hogs the CPU and has an enormous database. I certainly do not have enough
 file to justify a 60Mb database.
 Is it possible to stop it from working in KDE? And what about nepomuk?
 I'd like to stop that too. Do I have to exit from KDE and use another

  You can kill nepomuk. 

  To do this for one account, go to:
  K - System Settings - Advanced - Service Manager, 
and in the list of start-up services, uncheck Nepomuk Search Module.
I also uncheck Update Notifier, Free Space Notifier, and 
Network Status Daemon.

  Then, in K - System Settings - Advanced - Desktop Search, 
turn everything off in the Basic Settings tab. 

  You may have to log out and log back in to have it all take 
effect, and of course this won't remove the database, it will just
shut off the services.

  If you want to do it programattically, the files you want are
all in ~/.kde/share/config.  You want kdedrc, nepomukserverrc,
and nepomukstrigirc, they're ini-format files with square-bracketed
headers and key-value pairs, you turn stuff off by setting it to
false, of course.

  Where I work, we have a bunch of Debian/KDE workstations which
NFS-mount user home directories -- desktop search is a network
traffic disaster on the NFS server, so shutting this off is a 
pretty high priority for us.  
  What we actually do is, all the clients have KDEDIRS set in 
/etc/profile, pointing to /usr/local/etc/kde, and in there, there's 
a $KDEDIRS/share/config directory with kdedrc, nepomukserverrc,
and nepomukstrigirc with just enough settings to shut it off.
  In the KDE scheme, KDEDIRS entries override user settings, and
the KDEDIRS is root-owned, so it's difficult for users to turn it
back on.  I think it's actually possible, though, if the users 
undefine KDEDIRS in their user-specific profiles, that might 
get around it.  But, users also enjoy having the NFS server
actually work, so we've been OK so far.

 Algol 68 specialist

  This is why I mentioned the config-file and system-wide ways
to do it...

  -- A.

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Re: duplicity backups are unidirectional? : local_directory - remote_host

2012-01-25 Thread Andrew Reid

[About remote back-ups w/ duplicity vs. rdiff-backup]

  I am unfamiliar with duplicity, but use rdiff-backup regularly,
as well an rsync/rsnapshot combination.

  One thing that I like to do is to separate the remote transport
from the actual back-up process -- there can be performance penalties
for this, but it gives you better control.

  For instance, since you mentioned encryption, for your first
scenario, you could make an sshfs mount of the remote filesystem 
on the back-up host, and then run duplicity (or another tool) in
local-to-local mode.
  The performance penalty arises because the back-up tool now
has to scan the source file system for changes over the 
network link, rather than running a daemon at the far end
to scan it locally.  Depending on the speed of your link
and the size of your filesystem, this may or may not be
a problem. 

  I do this in production (with rdiff-backup, not duplicity) with 
a machine that actually backs up from a remote to a different 
remote -- the source remote is a read-only NFS mount, which
therefore appears local, and the target remote is an iSCSI 
target on a storage appliance, which also appears local.  
The performance penalty is real, but it works for me.

-- A.
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OT: Grepping style (was Re: Re (2): Laptop with external display running X11.)

2011-12-01 Thread Andrew Reid
 On Fri, 02 Dec 2011 01:25:16 +0100, deloptes wrote:
  cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE
 What's the purpose of this superfluous cat (and the pipe)?
 grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log

  I noticed that too -- I actually do this all the time, and I'm 
not 100% sure why.  It's true that sometimes the input to grep is
not a file, but the output of some script.

  I can rationalize that (thing-which-generates-data) | grep (pattern) 
will *always* work, and is thus preferred to grep (pattern) (thing),
which only works on files, but I don't really know if that's the

   -- A.
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Re: Full Disk Encryption

2011-11-26 Thread Andrew Reid
 I am always interested in Full disk encryption for my laptop ( i5 + 3 GB ),
 but what makes me stop is the thinking of performance lag. Recently I have
 seen an ububtu laptop ( i5 + 4 GB ) with full disk encryption and it is
 performing normal, haven't found any lag...
 So I am interested to give the FUD a try on my own laptop. How can I
 proceed ? My laptop is debian wheezy with lots of important data.. so
 backup is must.. but what next ? What configuration will give me a better
 performance , LVM based or simple partition based ? Presently excluding
 swap I have 3 reiserfs partition for / ; /home and /movie ... no LVM. Like
 to hear some feedback from you guys..

  I've had an LVM/luks-encrypted root partition (includes everything 
except /boot, on various logical volumes) for several years on two
different Lenovo Thinkpads, and while I've never done any benchmarks,
I haven't noticed any performance degradation at all.

-- A.
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Re: Latest iceweasel - package kept back

2011-11-23 Thread Andrew Reid
 Dear All,

 An attempt to reinstall iceweasel produces:
 # apt-get --reinstall install iceweasel
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
 requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
 distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
 or been moved out of Incoming.
 The following information may help to resolve the situation:
 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  iceweasel : Depends: xulrunner-8.0 (= 8.0-3~bpo60+1) but it is not
 going to be installed
 E: Broken packages
 So it appears that a new version of xulrunner needs to be installed.
 Where can I get this?  Why is it not picked up automatically as a
 dependency?  Any help will be appreciated.  The relevant apt
 sources.list entries are:

  You need to specify the backport repo in order to get the
dependencies to work, I think. 

  Try apt-get install -t squeeze-backports iceweasel, which 
is very likely how you got it in the first place.

  -- A.
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Re: Wifi with squeeze on Lenovo X61s laptop - difficulties

2011-11-01 Thread Andrew Reid
 I've repacked linux-image-3.0.0-2-generic, wireless-crda and udev and
 have now
 discovered that I cannot install the udev package because it breaks
 package linux-base.
 So I cannot install the later kernel.
 It looks as though I shall have to forget using wifi on Debian
 Has anybody got any ideas?

  There is a 2.6.39 kernel packaged in squeeze-backports, maybe it has
a non-broken driver?

 -- A.
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Re: Hardware asset information

2011-10-03 Thread Andrew Reid
 Is there a way to find total numbers of Hard disk attached or mounted
 on remote servers totaling around 200 Servers running debian Linux
 Server and also the number of RAM Chips attached to the system. Any
 utility or some gui tool from client desktop ?

  Hard drives are a bit tricky, because the system treats device-mapper
devices and physical devices similarly in many contexts.  I'd suggest
scanning /proc/partitions for the devices that look like /dev/sdx
(with no numerical suffix) or /dev/hdx, where x is a letter.

  For memory chips, you can do dmidecode and count up the 
populated type 17 entries, but beware, I believe it will
also report un-populated DIMM slots.

  As for a desktop GUI tool, I have no idea.  Probably there
is, but that's not really my world.

 -- A.

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Re: daft newbie questions

2011-10-01 Thread Andrew Reid
 I've taken refuge from Kernel 3.0 and gnome3.
 can someone point me to where I can find libdvdcss and the w32/mpeg4
 codecs.I can find reference to 32bit, but not amd64

  I get these from

 And is firefox in a repo somewhere ?, ice weasle hasn't so opened as the
 lock file is set, is that in .mozilla ???

  You don't need a new browser, you just need to clear the lock 
file.  Look in your profile, in $HOME/.mozilla/firefox.  Delete
everything with lock in the name, but be careful, your bookmarks
and browser state are in here too.  If you don't value your bookmarks,
you can just trash this whole directory and start over, but that's
rather extreme, of course.

  For newer iceweasels, there are packages at, although
a word of warning, I am currently having a minor issue with the flash
plug-in on iceweasel 6.0.2 on 64-bit squeeze -- occasional random crashes,
it's usable, but annoying.

-- A.
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Re: Worst Admin Mistake? was -- Re: /usr broken, will the machine reboot ?

2011-09-14 Thread Andrew Reid
 I had a case where it had snowed, and instead of driving 50 miles in snow
 and ice with dodgy DC drivers, I'd work from home. Had my laptop, was doing
 work. Well, they scheduled a meeting for that afternoon (at about lunch
 time), so I got ready and headed in to the office. I typed halt in a window
 on my machine, and went to get my stuff together. Came back a few minutes
 later and found the laptop was still up. Had inadvertantly (I blame
 focus-follows-mouse) shut down a remote box, our production webserver...

  You can use molly-guard to protect against this -- installed on the
remote system, it prompts for confirmation if a shutdown, reboot, halt, 
or poweroff command is entered in a remote shell.

  There's a legend that the name comes from an actual little girl named
Molly, who was visiting the workplace and tried out the shiny red button.

-- A.
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Re: Worst Admin Mistake? was -- Re: /usr broken, will the machine reboot ?

2011-09-13 Thread Andrew Reid
 On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
  jacques wrote:
  by error most of the binaries in /usr are erased (killing rm :-(
  Everyone has made that mistake at some point.  I know I have!
 Not me!  Though I did chmod -R /usr once.  I noticed it immediately
 and cancelled.  Most of the commands were broken, though luckily tar
 and scp still worked, so I copied over a backup and untarred it.  This
 anecdote is brought up whenever anyone suggests skipping /usr /bin in
 backups is a good idea because the data doesn't change and would be
 recovered by OS reinstall anyway (yes I've heard that argument).
 Which brings me to another fun question.  What's your worst
 administration mistake and how did you recover?

  I once tried to change the ownership of all the files in a user 
directory by doing something like chown -R newuser .* from within 
the directory -- I've forgotten what exactly I typed, but my motive was
to get all the . files included in the scope of the command.

  Unfortunately, .* includes .., so the chown command hopped 
up to /home, and started switching the whole file system over 
to be owned by the new user.

  I caught it after it was taking a suspiciously long time, and
after a minute or two, I figured out what had happened.  

  Nothing focusses the mind quite like screwing up a live
server.  After a brief but intense look at the man-page, I figured 
out that what I wanted was chown -hR newuser path/to/target, 
and did that for both my initial task, and to fix the user directories 
that had been messed up.

  These days, I almost always use verbose options of commands,
if they exist, so I can verify that they're operating in the
expected scope.

 -- A.
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Re: System powers off randomly

2011-09-11 Thread Andrew Reid
 Hello List,
 I'm running a Xen Host on Debian Stable. The architecture is amd64 and
 I'm using the standard Xen amd64 Kernel.
 The system is running on an Asrock E350M1 with the AMD e350 processor
 (dualcore, 1,6GHz) and two memory modules with 4GB each.
 The system was installed in April an was running fine. Then about two
 month ago from today a Kernel update was released, which I installed and
 rebooted the machine. From this point on the system crashes every now
 and than.

  This is almost certainly a hardware fault of some kind.

  One simple test you may be able to try, if your security policy
permits it, is to revert to the kernel you were using earlier, and see
if the problem goes away.  My guess is that you will find the random
shut-downs will continue, but there is no substitute for trying it.

-- A.
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Re: kernel oops with Google Chrome after recent security update (2.6.32-35squeeze1)

2011-09-10 Thread Andrew Reid
 On 2011-09-10, Camaleón wrote:
  On Sat, 10 Sep 2011 09:19:52 +, Curt wrote:
  After installing a kernel security update yesterday, I'm getting random
  kernel oops when using Google Chrome. Anybody else seeing this
  Yes, a couple of users in the Spanish mailing list are also reporting
  Can you explain what is the current issue? I mean, does the oops happen
  when launching the browser? What's the content of the oops? I could not
 No, thus the word random. Appears to happen randomly (without
 predicability) while surfing, effectively crashing the browser.

  I am also seeing this, with Google Chrome Beta 14.0.835.159-r100066,
and the most recent kernel update, 2.6.32-35squeeze1, on 32-bit.

  I am running some fairly flash-heavy stuff, and weirdly in one 
instance, the browser reported that a page had become unresponsive
when the flash content on that page was still fine -- then the
browser exited, and I saw the kernel messages.

  My kern.log entries are similar to those below, they begin with
unable to handle kernel paging request at fff3 (I am on a 32-bit 

  Anecdotally, it seems that it doesn't happen if the browser is
the only thing running on the desktop, but I don't have a lot of data
on that, I only did the kernel update a few hours ago.

-- A.

 Sep  9 17:40:12 einstein kernel: [22866.749031] BUG: unable to handle
 kernel paging request at fff 3
 Sep  9 17:40:12 einstein kernel: [22866.749043] IP: [8112f98d]
 m_stop+0x15/0x4c Sep  9 17:40:12 einstein kernel: [22866.749060] PGD
 1003067 PUD 1004067 PMD 0 Sep  9 17:40:12 einstein kernel: [22866.749070]
 Oops:  [#1] SMP Sep  9 17:40:12 einstein kernel: [22866.749076] last
 sysfs file: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scal ing_cur_freq
 Sep  9 17:40:12 einstein kernel: [22866.749083] CPU 0
 Sep  9 17:40:12 einstein kernel: [22866.749087] Modules linked in:
 powernow_k8 cpufreq_conservative cpufre q_stats cpufreq_powersave
 cpufreq_userspace parport_pc ppdev lp parport binfmt_misc fuse
 firewire_sbp2 loo p snd_hda_codec_realtek snd_hda_intel snd_hda_codec
 snd_hwdep snd_pcm_oss snd_mixer_oss snd_pcm snd_seq_mi di snd_rawmidi
 snd_seq_midi_event snd_seq snd_timer snd_seq_device acer_wmi snd rfkill
 led_class soundcore wmi psmouse i2c_nforce2 nvidia(P) k10temp pcspkr
 i2c_core edac_core evdev snd_page_alloc edac_mce_amd ser io_raw video
 output button processor ext3 jbd mbcache sg sd_mod sr_mod cdrom crc_t10dif
 usbhid ata_generic usb_storage hid ohci_hcd pata_amd ahci firewire_ohci
 firewire_core fan crc_itu_t libata ehci_hcd scsi_mod thermal thermal_sys
 forcedeth usbcore nls_base [last unloaded: scsi_wait_scan] Sep  9 17:40:12
 einstein kernel: [22866.749200] Pid: 2413, comm: chrome Tainted: P
   2.6.32-5-amd6 4 #1 Aspire X1301
  This can be related:
  Which fianlly points to this:
 That's it.  I guess the kernel team is working on it, God bless 'em.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: kernel oops with Google Chrome after recent security update (2.6.32-35squeeze1)

2011-09-10 Thread Andrew Reid
 On 2011-09-10, Stephen Allen wrote:
  On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 09:19:52AM +, Curt wrote:
  After installing a kernel security update yesterday, I'm getting random
  kernel oops when using Google Chrome. Anybody else seeing this
  ---end quoted text---
  No all is fine here on Wheezy 3.0.01 kernel latest Chrome Developer vs
  for Linux.
 I'm talking about the recent kernel security update in stable to:

  Just FYI, I checked the repo, and 2.6.32-25squeeze2 is now available.
I'm installing it now, I don't know yet if it fixes the issue, but judging
from the bug report referenced upthread, I think it's likely to be a fix.

 -- A.
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Re: Encrypted LVM container spanning drives?

2011-07-29 Thread Andrew Reid
 I've never successfully set this up. Is there a way to encrypt two (or
 more) drives on a machine, then span it with LVM? I end up having to
 create one encrypted container per drive and having separate volume groups
 on each. I suspect I am looking at it wrong and that there is a way to do
 Its been a while since I've tried it, but what happens is that the first
 drive gets decrypted, but the second one doesn't, so the kernel panics
 because it can't find the volume group.

  Well, I've never actually tried it, but it seems to me that 
once you have your logical volume set up, there's nothing stopping you
from doing luksFormat /dev/mapper/vgx-y and encrypting the 

  The underlying geometry of the LV shouldn't matter.

  The /etc/crypttab (and by extension the initramfs) should refer
to the device by UUID, so as long as all the LVM stuff is in the 
initramfs, the kernel should be able to find it at boot-time.

 -- A.
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Re: clamav 0.97.1 not coming to squeeze-updates ?

2011-06-27 Thread Andrew Reid
 On Mon, 27 Jun 2011 12:07:28 -0300, D G Teed wrote:
  On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Camaleón wrote:

 Of course, squeeze-updates is the new volatile, nothing has changed.
  Our expectations for squeeze-updates to release clamav ahead of stable
  merely to be current are correct.
 Then it has to be a new policy. IIRC, not all of the clamav package
 updates reached the stable branch via volatile (now squeeze-updates),
 only those that closed security bugfixes. And I say this because I asked
 this same question here, months ago, and I was told so ;-)

  I don't know about policy, but my experience with clamav from
lenny-volatile was that the engine itself actually did update,
typically within a few weeks after it started squawking.  

  My understanding for squeeze-updates was that it was intended
to serve the same role for squeeze, i.e. that time-critical new 
versions which were not necessarily security-related would come
through this pipe.  

  ClamAV is the archetypical example for this, but given the recent
announcements, I wonder if iceweasel might find itself in this
channel also

-- A.
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Re: HELP: Number of CPU cores is not right

2011-06-17 Thread Andrew Reid
 Hi all,
 Now I have one more problem is that the OS cannot recognize the right
 number of CPU Cores. The OS is Debian_5.0.8_amd64.
 The computer OS running has 48-core CPU, but the OS now only can recognize
 32-core of CPU.
 The kernel version is 2.6.26-2-amd64.
 I tried to update the version of the kernel, but failed.

  Not sure what you mean here, but if you upgrade the whole
business to squeeze, you will solve your problem.

  The issue is that the Debian stock kernel is compiled
with a maximum CPU number of 32 in lenny, but 512  
in 64-bit squeeze.

  Alternatively, you can rebuild your own kernel, starting
with the default config file but changing CONFIG_NR_CPUS 
to 48 or more.

-- A.
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Re: Weird Wifi problem -- WPA-EAP TTLS fails

2011-05-21 Thread Andrew Reid
 On Fri, 20 May 2011 20:47:21 -0400
 Andrew Reid wrote:
So, apologies for the long-windedness, but what can cause EAP to
  fail?  Do I need to add some libraries with more authentication
  schemes in them somehow?  Obviously I have all the dependencies of
  wpa_supplicant, but is there something else?
 I don't know if I can be of much help, as I'm running EAP-TLS with
 FreeRADIUS, but you don't have any other takers yet. And all I can
 suggest is that you probably won't solve this without seeing the RADIUS
 logs, on what I assume is a Windows server, and I've no idea what they
 call RADIUS these days. It used to be IAS on Server 2003, and I've
 never had anything to do with that.

  The WAP itself is part of a Cisco Enterprise system. I'm not
sure what the back-end authentication is, our workplace duplicates
enterprise passwords across many authentication engines (to reduce
password proliferation, a goal I heartily endorse).  I do know that
the Mac I used was not any kind of Windows domain member, and the
Debian laptop also is not.

  I've put in a support query for the server-side logs, but
the first-line support's response is it works on the Mac, our
system is fine, Linux is not supported, and I have to admit that
for a support team with scarce resources, that's not an absurd
answer.  I have asked them specifically for the authentication
logs (and given them a precise time of the failed attempt and
the originating MAC address), but haven't heard back on that yet.

  I've googled around a bit more since my initial post, and I'm
starting to think I might actually be able to parse the wpa_supplicant
logs, and maybe sharpen my question, possibly by figuring where in
the EAP framework it's coming undone.

  What I suspect has happened is that the squeeze wpa_supplicant has
some kind of new default that's breaking the process, and if I can just
figure out what it is and set it to work like lenny did, I'll be
fine.  But, wpa_supplicant's option space is pretty big.

  I think I may be able to scare up another Linux laptop, and may
even be able to get lenny on there, to try to close in on this.

  Anyways, thanks for your reply, mostly just thinking out loud here...

   -- A.
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Weird Wifi problem -- WPA-EAP TTLS fails

2011-05-20 Thread Andrew Reid
  Hi all --

  I'm having a strange problem with my wireless connection, and I'm running
out of ideas.

  I have a ThinkPad T510 laptop, running stock Debian squeeze.  I use
the KDE desktop, but I think that's not an issue, because I've reproduced
the problem without any network managers or anything.
  This machine has the Intel Centrino Wireless-N 1000 system
(PCI ID 8086:0084), which is supported by the stock iwlagn module.

  It worked in lenny, with the backported kernel and drivers.

  I can connect to my WPA-PSK access point at home, and to unencrypted
public Wifi systems, without any difficulties, but at work, we have a
WPA-EAP TTLS set-up, where it doesn't connect.

  I can connect with my credentials on a colleague's Macbook, so my
account is evidently active, and the access point works, it looks like
the problem is on my system somewhere.  Linux is unsupported at my
workplace, so I'm on my own.

  The way I am connecting is in instructions all over the place:

 ifconfig wlan0 up
 wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/work_wpa.conf

  ... which associates with the right SSID, then does this:

 CTRL-EVENT-EAP-STARTED EAP authentication started
  ... then waits for maybe 30 seconds, then

 CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED - Disconnect event - remove keys

  I have generated much more verbose logs with wpa_supplicant -dd etc,
but I really have no idea what I'm looking at.  Some times it looks like it
times out, but I have some traces without timeout messages, which didn't
work.  All of them have a line, EAP: Received EAP-Failure, which is the
thing that most looks like an actual solveable problem.

  It seems that there can be a lot of variability in the log files, 
for a while I was trying different options in the conf file, and seeing
if it looked like it was getting farther in the auth process.  From that,
I did learn that it seems to do more with the right password than with
the wrong one, which suggests that *something* is working, but that's
about as much as I can get out of it.

  My work_wpa.conf file is as recommended by my employer, and looks like:

   ssid=correct SSID, in quotes
   identity=correct username, in quotes
   password=correct password, in quotes

  I have tried explicitly setting a phase2=autheap=MSCHAPV2, and 
some others, and I've read about lots of other parameters.

  I've found several related-looking posts by googling around,
which motivated me to try re-loading the iwlagn module with
swcrypto=1 and/or swcrypto50=1, but this does not change
the behavior.

  So, apologies for the long-windedness, but what can cause EAP to
fail?  Do I need to add some libraries with more authentication schemes
in them somehow?  Obviously I have all the dependencies of wpa_supplicant,
but is there something else?

  Thanks in advance.

-- A.
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Re: Waking from the Dead

2011-05-14 Thread Andrew Reid
 This just got harder.
 I'm trying to just do a reinstall but I only have a macbook to work from.
 And the installation media can only be a USB drive.
 I am having all kinds of trouble getting an ISO image onto the USB that
 will work.
 I can 'cat debian.iso  /dev/disk1s1' well enough.
 And the machine will recognize the disk at start up, but it never sees it
 as a bootable device and just hangs.
 Many of the other instructions are assuming you have a working linux box,
 which I don't.  The files/packages I need to download to build a bootable
 image I don't have and I can not get either -- apt-get is locked up on
 dependencies that I'm unable to resolve.

  Hi --

  The instructions I used don't seem to have that requirement -- you just
need dd, which Macs can do, I think.

  According to my (slightly dated, and possibly fragmentary) notes, 
I got boot.img.gz from:

(NB 32-bit, and probably was Lenny when I did this, but others are
supposed to work...)

  Then, plug in your USB device, do zcat /path/to/boot.img.gz  /dev/sdx
(substitute OS-specific nomenclature for /dev/sdx), mount /dev/sdx (it will
have a bootable FAT32 file-system), and copy the ISO of your choice to the
root of the device.

  Then unmount, and boot your installation target system from it.

  I have a dim recollection that the name of the ISO file mattered,
and had to match a config entry on the USB device somewhere, but my
notes, alas, don't cover that case.

  Also, the ISO can't be too big -- you'll want the net-install ISO
for this.

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: Mystery on my laptop: KDE + nvidia + X + wheezy/sid

2011-05-07 Thread Andrew Reid

[ Lots of good info elided...]
 Any ideas where the problem might lie?

  I have a long shot -- I've had a bit of trouble with the nepomuk
services on KDE4, although not NVidia-related (as far as I know),
and not on experimental, as I generally stick with squeeze.

  Anyways, your traceback has nepomuk stuff in it, so as a first
cut, I suggest disabling all that stuff.  In the KDE gui, you can
do this via System Settings - Advanced - Service Manager,
and disable the Nepomuk Search Module.

  This may fail if the System Settings is one of the KDE apps
that blows up, of course.  In that case, maybe you can do 
something more blunt-instrument-like, like renaming the 
nepomuk executable or something.

  Otherwise, there's the usual is it plugged in stuff:

  I've sometimes had issues when Debian-packaged OpenGL updates
clobber the NVidia-provided OpenGL library files, but have
always been able to clear them by re-running the NVidia 
installer.  Kernel updates can do this too, not sure why.
(Your symtpoms don't really match this profile, but it's easy 
to try...)

  Also, the K desktop is vast and contains multitudes.  If it's
convenient, maybe create a fresh, blank account on the problem
system, log into it in KDE, and let the config wizards do their
thing, and see if the problem still manifests -- if it doesn't,
then you've isolated the problem to one account's desktop 
settings.  It's possible the 4.4 to 4.6 migration isn't as
clean as it could be, and something's getting confused.

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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2011-04-16 Thread Andrew Reid
 Hi to all!
 I searched the web for finding an answer but with no luck.
 Anyone got an idea about how to first make iSCSI see a remote disk, then
 LUKS open the LUKS device and finally the filesystem on LUKS gets mounted.
 The problem now is that first LUKS noearly tries to create the
 /dev/mapper device but iSCSI has not run yet. Then iSCSI runs and the
 system sees the remote disk, and last, fstab tries to mount the
 filesystem, which of course fails because the LUKS /dev/mapper device is
 not there. How can I make the order: iSCSI, LUKS, fstab ?

  Presumably this is an issue for you at boot-time?  

  I suggest mounting everything up and then re-building your
initramfs -- it's pretty good at enabling the current configuration,
and in particular, if you didn't have any crypto disks last time
you built it, it may not have the crypto modules and/or /etc/crypttab
may be set incorrectly.

  That's mostly guesswork though.  

  One other possible catch is that you may want LUKS to refer to the
device by UUID, if it doesn't already do so -- the device name can
change from one iscsiadm log-in to the next, just as with USB and
real SATA drives.

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: Asus A8N-E - debian-amd64 hangs during installation

2011-04-05 Thread Andrew Reid
 I have box  with sid i386 installed on it.
 It has two disks WDC WD1001FALS in raid5 array (md0)
 On md0 exists lvm.
 I tried to install debian-6.0.1a-amd64 but with no success :(

  I can confirm for you that Debian 6.0.1 will indeed run on this
board, I was running it up until this past weekend, when I retired
the system in question. 

  I only ran 6.0 in 32-bit, but in the past, I've run 64-bit lenny
on that board, again, with no issues.

 1. Firstly I tried to install on prepared logical volume - kernel oops
 (dmesg can be seen
 2. Then I tried to use some other spare disks; either sata or pata - no
 success also. Sometimes i can see kernel oops, sometimes I cannot even
 change console from installer.

  The only thing I can think of is pretty unlikely -- I have sometimes
run into a situation where the installer will not run on a system, 
because of missing modules, but the full OS will run just fine.  Since
you apparently have a running sid, you could possibly set up the
new system on a disk via debootstrap, then boot into it, and see
if that works better.

  I think that's pretty unlikely, though -- my experience with this
is that typically it's more common with an older installer and a 
newer motherboard.  The A8N-E is from 2005, I'd expect it to be fully
supported by the installer kernel.

-- A.
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Re: RAID start at boot

2011-02-22 Thread Andrew Reid
 Is there a way to make sure my RAID (level 1) won't be started degraded? On
 boot, one disk is found before the others, and the RAID is started before
 the others are seen. (They are seen at different times because I am
 transitioning from USB to eSATA, and the one eSATA disk is seen before any
 USB disk.) I start my RAID manually anyway (not as part of the boot
 process), so I'd be just as happy if it was never automatically started,
 but I *really* don't want it started with just one disk.

  According to the mdadm.conf man-page, you can specify an array
with the name ignore in that file (and rebuild the initramfs,
presumably), and this will cause mdadm to never automatically 
assemble the array. 

  You could then presumably assemble it by hand specifying 
the name to mdadm -A whatever later on.

  I actually checked the man-page because I was *sure* there
was a --no-degraded option in there somewhere.  There is such 
an option for the mdadm command, but it's not clear if it can
be gotten in to the boot-time environment or not.

  Also, I second the already-mentioned rootdelay idea -- that's
probably better than ignore, but of course, it's your call.

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Mdadm device reassignment

2011-02-17 Thread Garrett Reid
Hi all, I just installed the new stable Squeeze system, and moved over a
raid5 from an older system. For some reason, it now wants to mount as md127
instead of md0. I've been unable to map it back to md0.

Below is all the terminal commands I thought of as relevant, along with my
commentary. I'm downright befuddled, and would love any ideas or

Looking at mdstat shows it happily living as md127:

 root@jupiter:~# cat /proc/mdstat
 Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5]
 [raid4] [raid10]
 md127 : active (auto-read-only) raid5 sde1[0] sdb1[3] sdd1[2] sdc1[1]
   4395407808 blocks level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] []

 unused devices: none

Here's mdadm's output about md127:

 root@jupiter:~# mdadm -D /dev/md127


Version : 0.90

  Creation Time : Fri Oct 30 15:00:52 2009

 Raid Level : raid5

 Array Size : 4395407808 (4191.79 GiB 4500.90 GB)

  Used Dev Size : 1465135936 (1397.26 GiB 1500.30 GB)

   Raid Devices : 4

  Total Devices : 4

Preferred Minor : 127

Persistence : Superblock is persistent

 Update Time : Thu Feb 17 14:07:02 2011

  State : clean

 Active Devices : 4

Working Devices : 4

 Failed Devices : 0

  Spare Devices : 0

  Layout : left-symmetric

 Chunk Size : 64K

UUID : df6df64f:7f3a3af9:e34ba98b:5bc5bc0e

 Events : 0.1030180

 Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State

   0   8   650  active sync   /dev/sde1

   1   8   331  active sync   /dev/sdc1

   2   8   492  active sync   /dev/sdd1

   3   8   173  active sync   /dev/sdb1

However, there's lingering references to md0:

 root@jupiter:~# mdadm -Ds
 ARRAY /dev/md/0_0 metadata=0.90 UUID=df6df64f:7f3a3af9:e34ba98b:5bc5bc0e

The devices themselves have a preferred minor of md0:

 root@jupiter:~# mdadm --examine /dev/sdb1


  Magic : a92b4efc

Version : 0.90.00

   UUID : df6df64f:7f3a3af9:e34ba98b:5bc5bc0e

  Creation Time : Fri Oct 30 15:00:52 2009

 Raid Level : raid5

  Used Dev Size : 1465135936 (1397.26 GiB 1500.30 GB)

 Array Size : 4395407808 (4191.79 GiB 4500.90 GB)

   Raid Devices : 4

  Total Devices : 4

Preferred Minor : 0

 Update Time : Thu Feb 17 14:07:02 2011

  State : clean

 Active Devices : 4

Working Devices : 4

 Failed Devices : 0

  Spare Devices : 0

   Checksum : 36a288b2 - correct

 Events : 1030180

  Layout : left-symmetric

 Chunk Size : 64K

   Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State

this 3   813  active sync   /dev/sda1

0 0   8   490  active sync   /dev/sdd1

   1 1   8   171  active sync   /dev/sdb1

   2 2   8   332  active sync   /dev/sdc1

   3 3   813  active sync   /dev/sda1

 The output for each device is similar... and in each device, it thinks of
itself as a prior device. sdb1 says this is sda1, sdc1 says this is
sdb1, sdd1 says this is sdc1, and sde1 says this is sdd1. I don't know
if this is important, but I definitely think it's worth pointing out.

I've also tried stopping the device and reassembling as md0:

 root@jupiter:~# cat /proc/mdstat
 Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5]
 [raid4] [raid10]
 md127 : active (auto-read-only) raid5 sde1[0] sdb1[3] sdd1[2] sdc1[1]
   4395407808 blocks level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] []

 unused devices: none
 root@jupiter:~# mdadm --stop /dev/md127
 mdadm: stopped /dev/md127
 root@jupiter:~# mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1
 mdadm: /dev/md0 has been started with 4 drives.
 root@jupiter:~# cat /proc/mdstat
 Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5]
 [raid4] [raid10]
 md0 : active (auto-read-only) raid5 sde1[0] sdb1[3] sdd1[2] sdc1[1]
   4395407808 blocks level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] []

 unused devices: none

This works fine, until reboot, at which point we're back to md127. In
/var/log/syslog, I find this little oddity:

 Feb 17 15:33:35 jupiter mdadm[1580]: DeviceDisappeared event detected on md
 device /dev/md0
 Feb 17 15:33:35 jupiter mdadm[1580]: NewArray event detected on md device

The whole thing has me pretty stumped, what am I missing?

Re: Mdadm device reassignment

2011-02-17 Thread Andrew Reid
 Hi all, I just installed the new stable Squeeze system, and moved over a
 raid5 from an older system. For some reason, it now wants to mount as md127
 instead of md0. I've been unable to map it back to md0.

[ Details elided...]

  root@jupiter:~# mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1
  mdadm: /dev/md0 has been started with 4 drives.
  root@jupiter:~# cat /proc/mdstat
  Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5]
  [raid4] [raid10]
  md0 : active (auto-read-only) raid5 sde1[0] sdb1[3] sdd1[2] sdc1[1]
4395407808 blocks level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] []
  unused devices: none
 This works fine, until reboot, at which point we're back to md127. In
 /var/log/syslog, I find this little oddity:
  Feb 17 15:33:35 jupiter mdadm[1580]: DeviceDisappeared event detected on
  md device /dev/md0
  Feb 17 15:33:35 jupiter mdadm[1580]: NewArray event detected on md device
 The whole thing has me pretty stumped, what am I missing?

  I have no explanation for how you got there, but the config getting
re-set at reboot is probably because there's residual weirdness in the

  Next time, after you fix it, try setting /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf to 
reflect the desired config (I usually do this by putting the
output of mdadm --query --detail --scan, leaving out the 
metadata=value bit), re-run update-initramfs, and then reboot.

  This may clear it, whatever it is.

  For the record, I've done a squeeze upgrade on a system with
software RAID, and didn't have any issues, so it's not like it's
doing it to everyone.

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: Mdadm device reassignment

2011-02-17 Thread Garrett Reid
On Feb 17, 2011, at 6:43 PM, Tom H wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 6:40 PM, Garrett Reid wrote:
 Hi all, I just installed the new stable Squeeze system, and moved over a
 raid5 from an older system. For some reason, it now wants to mount as md127
 instead of md0. I've been unable to map it back to md0.
 root@jupiter:~# mdadm --stop /dev/md127
 mdadm: stopped /dev/md127
 root@jupiter:~# mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1
 mdadm: /dev/md0 has been started with 4 drives.
 root@jupiter:~# cat /proc/mdstat
 Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5]
 [raid4] [raid10]
 md0 : active (auto-read-only) raid5 sde1[0] sdb1[3] sdd1[2] sdc1[1]
   4395407808 blocks level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] []
 This works fine, until reboot, at which point we're back to md127. In
 /var/log/syslog, I find this little oddity:
 Feb 17 15:33:35 jupiter mdadm[1580]: DeviceDisappeared event detected on
 md device /dev/md0
 Feb 17 15:33:35 jupiter mdadm[1580]: NewArray event detected on md device
 Does stopping and re-assembling the array with --update=homehost
 make it come back up as md0 after a reboot?

That did the trick, thanks! :)

I don't think I was entirely clear with my initial email; this was a different 
machine than the last one, not just a squeeze update (so it was a 
moving-raid5-issue, not a squeeze-update-issue)

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Re: checking for changes in file size/permissions since installation?

2011-02-13 Thread Andrew Reid
 Does apt/dpkg keep track of permissions and file sizes of the files which
 belong to a package?  If so, how can this information be retrieved so as
 to compare to existing files on the file system?

  I looked into a similar issue a while ago, and as far as I can
tell, apt does not do this.

  There are several utilities that will continuously monitor your
system, and report changes in file sizes, permissions, etc -- they
are host-based intrusion detection systems.  Where I work, we
use the Beltane/Samhain/Yule suite.  Tripwire is also a good one,
and is packaged for Debian.

rant, severity=minor

  What I actually was looking for was a Debian-aware intrusion
detection system -- I had a problem where, when I did package updates
on all our workstations, the IDS would report all these file changes,
and there didn't seem to be an alternative to manually OK-ing all of
them, which is tedious and potentially error-prone -- if an attack 
occurs on update day, I am likely to miss it in all the spurious IDS
traffic.  It seemed to me that a sensible option would be to have an 
IDS that would notice when files had been changed by apt, and not 
report those changes, just fold them into the database of the system
state.  It's probably sufficient for my purposes to have a rule that
says if the file has changed, but is controlled by a package, and
changed within x seconds of that package being updated, update teh
database to reflect this change, and do not report it.

  Obviously, the down-side of this is that adding any kind of 
do-not-report hook to the IDS is a potential exploit, since
it could presumably be spoofed, but it seemed like a positive
cost-benefit balance to me.

  I never did find such a tool.  Some IDSs have a lot of hooks 
for custom scripts, so it may be possible to roll one's own, but
I didn't get that far with it.


-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: Help! Cannot mount XFS filesystem createt with Ubuntu on Debian

2011-02-11 Thread Andrew Reid
On Wednesday 09 February 2011 17:35:38 Federico Cislaghi wrote:
 Hello everyone,

[ snippage ]

 Here is what I tried under Debian, based on the content of /etc/mtab under

 root@atlantis:~# mount -t xfs -o rw,nosuid,nodev /dev/sda /mnt/multimedia/
 mount: /dev/sda: can't read superblock

 root@atlantis:~# tail /var/log/messages
 Feb  9 23:31:23 atlantis kernel: [ 2290.237187] attempt to access beyond
 end of device
 Feb  9 23:31:23 atlantis kernel: [ 2290.237194] sda: rw=0, want=1953525168,
 Feb  9 23:31:23 atlantis kernel: [ 2290.237278] XFS: size check 2 failed

  The part of this that looks weird is that you said you partitioned
the drive, with gparted, but you are apparently attempting to mount
the device, /dev/sda, and not a particular partition, like /dev/sda1
or similar.  Is this really what the Ubuntu system does?  After the
disk is attached to the Debian system, what's in /proc/partitions?

 What I find a little bit surprising is the output of fdisk:
 root@atlantis:~# fdisk -l /dev/sda
 Disk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000203804160 bytes
 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders
 Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
 Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
 I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
 Disk identifier: 0x
 Disk /dev/sda doesn't contain a valid partition table

  This part makes sense to me -- fdisk can't read gparted-style
partition tables.

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: Build Deb install then move it

2011-02-05 Thread Andrew Reid
On Saturday 05 February 2011 23:01:56 Harry Putnam wrote:

 Once all that is working wouldn't I be able to move the whole thing
 onto the existing linux desktop by doing a network install of debian,
 formatting whatever space then use dd or maybe something more modern
 to plop the fleshed out OS from the virutal machine onto the bare
 install `/' disk.

 Or any other or better way to get this done.

  I don't know about better, but I can offer proven -- 
if you already have a partition on your system, it's pretty 
simple to just copy over a working installation.  I do this
to clone workstations from time to time.

  There are a small number of minor gotchas.
  Firstly, when copying from the working system to the 
destination drive, I use rsync with the --numeric-ids option,
which ensures consistency between the destination's /etc/passwd
and the actual UIDs.  This is important for service accounts
like ntp, which needs to own the /var/lib/ntp.

  Secondly, there are a few files that are sensitive to the 
switchover -- fix them up after you've done the copy.
/etc/hostname and /etc/mailname may be wrong if there's a 
new hostname.  /etc/network/interfaces might need a new static IP.
The private and public host keys in /etc/ssh will be new, if
you want the old ones, copy them over.  If the host is Kerberized,
you'll want to either copy or re-generate /etc/krb5.keytab.
Finally, remove all the entries from
/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, otherwise udev will
notice the changed MAC address and generate a new interface
name for it.
  In your case, the apache configs may need adjustments 
also, particularly ports.conf, which might need a new
IP or hostname.

  When you copy a running system, there are a few messy bits,
/var/run will have wrong data in it, and /var/log will have 
old-system logs, but in practice, I've found these don't matter --
modern init scripts automatically clean up /var/run, and the log
stuff just carries on with the new info.

  The one thing this doesn't take care of is the boot-loader,
you'll want to make sure your new disk has the one you want, and
that the kernel and otehr config files are findable by it.

  Every few months, I also wonder if there's a slicker way to 
accomplish this, but I've never actually gotten around to
figuring it out.  I'll be following the thread to see if anyone
else knows a good way.

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: alternatives for gcc

2011-02-01 Thread Andrew Reid
On Tuesday 01 February 2011 20:11:31 Joe Riel wrote:
 Why are there no alternatives, configurable with update-alternatives,
 for gcc? Seems like I should be able to configure whether /usr/bin/gcc
 is linked to gcc-4.3, gcc-4.4, etc.   Of course I can just set the link
 manually (which I do), but ...

  Can't you set up new alterantives within the update-alternatives 

  I have never done this, but it was one of the options I was
considering a while ago to control which version of an app 
was the default -- as it turned out, I was able to use the
stow mechanism to good effect, because it was a non-packaged
app, so I only got as far as reading the update-alterantives

  The man-page says that the --install option sets up a new
batch of alternatives.
  I don't know if this will interact constructively with the 
package manager.

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: Can't reboot after power failure (RAID problem?)

2011-01-31 Thread Andrew Reid
On Monday 31 January 2011 10:51:04 wrote:
 I posted in a panic and left out a lot of details.  I'm using Squeeze, and
 set up the system about a month ago, so there have been some upgrades.  I
 wonder if maybe the kernel or Grub was upgraded and I neglected to install
 Grub again, but I would expect it to automatically be reinstalled on at
 least the first disk.  If I remove either disk I get the same error

 I did look at /proc/cmdline.  It shows the same uuid for the root device
 as in the menu, so that seems to prove it's an MD device that isn't ready
 since my boot and root partitions are each on MD devices.  /proc/modules
 does show md_mod.

  What about the actual device?  Does /dev/md/0 (or /dev/md0, or whatever)

  If the module is loaded but the device does not exist, then it's possible
there's a problem with your mdadm.conf file, and the initramfs doesn't
have the array info in it, so it wasn't started.

  The easy way out is to boot from a rescue disk, fix the mdadm.conf
file, rebuild the initramfs, and reboot.

  The Real Sysadmin way is to start the array by hand from inside
the initramfs.  You want mdadm -A /dev/md0 (or possibly
mdadm -A -u your-uuid) to start it, and once it's up, ctrl-d out
of the initramfs and hope.  The part I don't remember is whether or
not this creates the symlinks in /dev/disk that your root-fs-finder
is looking for.

  It may be better to boot with break=premount to get into the 
initramfs in a more controlled state, instead of trying to fix it 
in the already-error-ed state, assuming you try the initramfs 
thing at all.

  And further assuming that the mdadm.conf file is the problem,
which was pretty much guesswork on my part...

-- A.  
Andrew Reid /

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Re: module kvm-intel causing virtualbox problems

2011-01-30 Thread Andrew Reid
On Sunday 30 January 2011 18:15:56 wrote:
 I get an error message when I run virtual box and the inter-tubes led
 me to the answer of removing the kvm-intel module.

 I'm trying to figure out how it got loaded in the first place so I can
 keep it from being loaded, but I can't seem to track it down.

 Can some kind soul help me out.

  My intertubes told me that kvm is a virtualization module 
associated with qemu -- it may be that if you have the right sort
of CPU, your kernel thoughtfully loaded it up for you, anticipating
that you'd want the functionality.

  You may be able to prevent this by putting the module name
in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.  The comment at the start of that
file describes the scope of the file, and distinguishes between
hotplug events and autoloading, with this file controlling
the former but not the latter.  I confess I don't really 
understand this distinction.

  Whenever I have wanted to prevent a module from loading, 
adding the module to that file has always done the trick 
for me.

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Squeeze volatile?

2011-01-27 Thread Andrew Reid

  Hi all --
  I'm finally getting around to migrating some systems to squeeze, and
I noticed that as of now there is no squeeze-volatile repository,
although squeeze-backports exists.

  Does anyone know if there are plans for such a thing?  Lenny-volatile
was what allowed me to keep using the clam AV scanner without it
going obsolete, so this is potentially important to me.


-- A. 
Andrew Reid /

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Re: Squeeze volatile?

2011-01-27 Thread Andrew Reid
On Thursday 27 January 2011 15:35:03 Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 02:11:30PM -0500, Andrew Reid wrote:
Hi all --
I'm finally getting around to migrating some systems to squeeze, and
  I noticed that as of now there is no squeeze-volatile repository,
  although squeeze-backports exists.

 I think you'll find there's now a squeeze-updates which supersedes and
 provides much of the functionality of the old volatile.

  Cool, thanks, that's what I was looking/hoping for.

  Also, I'm pleased to report that the lenny-squeeze upgrade went
pretty smoothly.  Looking forward to the release.

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: Weird server mystery: self-reset, mostly

2011-01-24 Thread Andrew Reid
On Monday 24 January 2011 01:47:27 will trillich wrote:
 Never seen this before -- all daemons and all user processes killed. Zap.
 It happened around 23:17 Chicago time (that's when the log-daemons quit
 logging). What would cause this?

[ ... snippage ... ]

 *Anybody got a clue as to what might have happened to kill all daemons and
 user-processes in one swoop? This has been a rock-solid Debian server for

  One thing that can take down a lot of daemons all at once is if
the system thinks it's switching to run-level 1, or even shutting
down -- it runs all those K-symlinks in /etc/rcX.d. 
  Obviously this isn't *exactly* what happened to your system, 
since it showed 6 users from uptime, and your ps list shows
init[2] (it's about 4/5 of the way down in your list), indicating
run-level 2 (I think), but it may be related.

  Also 500+ days is impressive up-time -- you are clearly not
doing kernel patches ...

-- A.
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Re: VirtualBox 4 fails building kernel module (the same with nvidia module)

2011-01-22 Thread Andrew Reid
On Saturday 22 January 2011 13:24:08 MRH wrote:
 Recently I updated VirtualBox from 3.2 to 4.0 (non OSE version). From
 that moment it stopped working, saying that the kernel driver (vboxdrv)
 is not loaded and suggesting to run /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

 This fails:
 Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules:done..
 Uninstalling old VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules:done..
 Trying to register the VirtualBox kernel modules using DKMS:
 Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 2.6.38-rc1.mrh.01
 Consult the make.log in the build directory
 /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.0.2/build/ for more information.

 Failed, trying without DKMS ... failed!
 Recompiling VirtualBox kernel modules:
 Look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out what went wrong ... failed!

 The above is the /var/log/vbox-install.log
 Below /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.0.2/build/make.log
 DKMS make.log for vboxhost-4.0.2 for kernel 2.6.38-rc1.mrh.01 (x86_64)
 Sat Jan 22 18:07:34 GMT 2011
 make: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.6.38-rc1'
LD  /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.0.2/build/built-in.o
LD  /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.0.2/build/vboxdrv/built-in.o
CC [M]  /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.0.2/build/vboxdrv/linux/SUPDrv-linux.o
 In file included from
 error: linux/autoconf.h: No such fil
 e or directory
 make[2]: ***
 [/var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.0.2/build/vboxdrv/linux/SUPDrv-linux.o] Error 1
 make[1]: *** [/var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.0.2/build/vboxdrv] Error 2
 make: *** [_module_/var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.0.2/build] Error 2
 make: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.6.38-rc1'

 I have home-build kernel, I had the same problem on 2.6.32 first, which
 worked nicely with VirtualBox 3.2 but stopped after installing VB 4.0 -
 unfortunately it seems it doesn't help going back to the VB 3.2 version,
 as the kernel driver module has been deleted and it fails building in
 the same way. So it seems there is a problem in building kernel modules.
 I have the same problem with nvidia proprietary driver - fails building.

 I suspect the problem is I build the kernel with --append-to-version:

 make-kpkg --initrd --revision=.mrh.01 --append-to-version=.mrh.01

 but this helps me keeping things tidy.

 Now I have no idea where is the problem, is it a known bug or I do
 something wrong (but it worked to me until recently). And I'm afraid I
 have no idea which package is the culprit.

  For the home-built kernels, you want to also build the 
kernel-headers target, which will create the -headers .deb file,
which you can also install.  Use the same append-to-version as 
for the kernel image target, and it should work without further

  I have some really good notes on this somewhere, but can't find them
just now, but as I recall, the make-kpkg docs are pretty good.

-- A.
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Re: Exim4 : allow relaying for authenticateed users (LDAP,PAM over TLS)

2011-01-09 Thread Andrew Reid
On Sunday 09 January 2011 11:15:25 Frank Lin PIAT wrote:

 Does anyone knows a good howto. I am especially wondering how to
 instruct EXIM to use PAM/LDAP rather than the local /etc/exim4/passwd)

  It has been a long time since I did this, but my recollection
is that Exim is one of those sensible applications that actually
uses the system getent calls to figure out users and so forth,
so as long as your /etc/nsswitch.conf file is set up to 
use the LDAP, Exim will automatically and seamlessly get it right.

  PAM don't enter into it.

-- A.
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Re: set privoxy to rewrite http to https

2011-01-02 Thread Andrew Reid
On Saturday 01 January 2011 06:46:09 S Mathias wrote:
 I use the

 KB SSL Enforcer

 so i could browse the net safer [i mean webserver - me] with using https,
 if available.

  Note that there is an EFF-authored Firefox extension that's supposed 
to have this functionality -- see here:

  It works the same way that your privoxy works, by rewriting 
HTML pages on the fly according to a rule set, with the goal
of putting https links on https-loaded pages, where https links
are known to exist and work.

  You may be able to use this directly, if you're willing to 
switch to firefox, but even if you're not, it may be useful as
a source of rules to apply to the tool you're using.

  I should probably disclaim that I don't actually use this
extension, and that while I am a member of the EFF, I don't work
for them, and am not affiliated with https-everywhere.

-- A.
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Re: upgrade to squeeze fails for NFS-rooted system

2010-11-28 Thread Andrew Reid
On Sunday 28 November 2010 00:50:22 wrote:
 Upgrading lenny to squeeze fails with the following message during
 apt-get upgrade:

 Yes, I do have an NFS mount--my whole filesystem:

 # mount
 /dev/nfs on / type nfs (rw)

 So how do I upgrade?

  One option is to chroot into the exported file system
on the NFS *server*, and manually do this part of the 
upgrade.  You might need to bind-mount /proc to suppress
some complaints.

-- A.
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Re: Configuring RAID-1 boot partition

2010-11-22 Thread Andrew Reid
On Monday 22 November 2010 11:06:32 Peter Tenenbaum wrote:
 I'm running squeeze on my desktop and recently decided to configure it for
 RAID-1 as part of my recovery from a hard drive failure.  I found an
 article online about how to do this: .  I followed the
 article's recipe as best I could, but could not in general do exactly as
 was shown for setting up the boot partition as the instructions seem to
 correspond to GRUB 1 and I am running GRUB 2 (well, 1.98).  When I
 attempted to boot off of my RAID-1 boot partition, I got into grub and then
 got the following message:

 error: file not found!
 Entering rescue mode...
 grub rescue

 At the moment I am booting off of a Debian Live DVD.  Here is the content
 of the grub.cfg file on the RAID boot partition:

 set default=0
 set timeout=5

 menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64' {
 set root=(hd0,1)
 echo'Loading Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 ...'
 linux /vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-amd64 ro root=/dev/md3 quiet
 echo'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
 initrd /initrd.img-2.6.32-5-amd64

  I'm unfamiliar with the details of grub2, so my first wish is that
you please share your results -- Grub 2 is supposed to be able to 
read MD arrays.

 Note that /dev/md3 is the RAID-1 array which is going to be root in the
 fully booted system, and it is made of /dev/sda3 and /dev/sdb3.  The boot
 array is /dev/md1, which is made of /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1.

  I think your set root is wrong, certainly one way, and probably
two.  The first way is, grub counts disks from zero, so the first 
partition of the first drive is (hd0,0), which is what you want, I 
think.  The probable second problem is that what you *really* want is
to point it at the RAID device.  I don't know how grub2 names RAID
devices, but (hd) notation is probably not it.

  Note that, because of the nature of RAID1, setting root=(hd0,0) will
probably allow your system to boot, but it's still not really right.

  You should be able to type in the relevant bits in grub rescue mode,
you don't have to edit the files until after you've booted.

-- A.
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Re: Configuring RAID-1 boot partition

2010-11-22 Thread Andrew Reid
On Monday 22 November 2010 11:06:32 Peter Tenenbaum wrote:
[stuff, then]
 menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64' {
 set root=(hd0,1)
 echo'Loading Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 ...'
 linux /vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-amd64 ro root=/dev/md3 quiet
 echo'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
 initrd /initrd.img-2.6.32-5-amd64

  I withdraw my earlier criticism of (hd0,1) -- it seems that Grub2 *does*
index partitions starting from 1, and not from 0, as legacy grub does.

  Bad assumption on my part, sorry for the noise.

-- A.
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Re: Debian stock kernel config -- CONFIG_NR_CPUS=32?

2010-10-22 Thread Andrew Reid
On Friday 22 October 2010 11:34:19 wrote:

 In fact IIRC the additional overhead follows the square of the number
 of CPUs.  I seem to recall this was called Amdahl's Law after Gene
 Amdahl of IBM (and later his own company)

  Either that's not it, or there's more than one Amdahl's law --
the oen I know is about diminishing returns from increasing effort
to parallelize code.  I don't know it in its pithy form, but
the gist of it is that you can only parallelize *some* of your
code, because all algorithms have a certain amount of set-up
and tear-down overhead that's typically serial.  Even if you
perfectly parallelize the parallelizable part of the code, 
so it runs N times faster, your application as a whole will
run something less than N times faster, and as N gets large,
this serial offset contribution will come to dominate the 
execution time, at which point additional investments in 
parallelization are probably wasted.

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Re: Debian stock kernel config -- CONFIG_NR_CPUS=32?

2010-10-22 Thread Andrew Reid
On Friday 22 October 2010 03:22:02 Sven Joachim wrote:
 On 2010-10-22 03:15 +0200, Andrew Reid wrote:
I recently deployed some new many-core servers at work, with
  48 cores each (4x 12 core AMD 6174s), and ran into an issue where
  the stock Debian kernel is compiled with CONFIG_NR_CPUS=32,
  meaning it will only use the first 32 cores that it sees.

 For the record, CONFIG_NR_CPUS has been increased to 512 (the maximum
 supported upstream) in Squeeze.

  This is good to know.  When I built my own 2.6.26, I also
noticed that the maximum value offered by the configurator
was 256 -- we'll likely be seeing systems with that many cores
within a few years, if current trends continue.

 Basically, 32 is chosen a bit arbitrarily.  But there are some problems
 with high values of CONFIG_NR_CPUS:

 - each supported CPU adds about eight kilobytes to the kernel image,
   wasting memory on most machines.

 - On Linux 2.6.28 (maybe all kernels prior to 2.6.29), module size blows

-- A.
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Debian stock kernel config -- CONFIG_NR_CPUS=32?

2010-10-21 Thread Andrew Reid
  Hi all --

  I recently deployed some new many-core servers at work, with
48 cores each (4x 12 core AMD 6174s), and ran into an issue where
the stock Debian kernel is compiled with CONFIG_NR_CPUS=32,
meaning it will only use the first 32 cores that it sees.

  For old Debian hands like me, this is an easy fix, I just built 
a new kernel configured for more cores, and it works just fine.

  But I'm curious if anyone on the list knows the rationale for
distributing kernels with this set to 32.  Is that just a 
reasonable number that's never been updated?  Or is there some
complication that arises after 32 cores, and should I be more
careful about tuning other parameters?

  I googled around a bit, but didn't find much...

-- A.
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Re: Security policy

2010-10-09 Thread Andrew Reid
On Saturday 09 October 2010 15:34:58 Paweł Ch. wrote:
 I must create security policy for my company.
 Can someone send me example security policy? Especially with division to
 user, administrator and boss.

  There are a number of free public resources available from the 
US National Institute of Standards and Technology.  A former
employer of mine used Special Publication 800-53 as a baseline 
for a security policy.

  Besides providing a list of recommendations, it also has a 
pretty good discussions of the whys behind them, and the
cost-benefit trade-offs that must be made.
  A list of NIST security division's publications is here:

  SP 800-53 itself is here, in PDF format:

-- A.
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Re: video card reccomendation

2010-09-26 Thread Andrew Reid
On Sunday 26 September 2010 10:46:38 Enrico Weigelt wrote:
 * Rick Pasotto schrieb:
  I need to get an agp video card so take the video load off the regular
  bus. Also my new monitor has 1600x900 resolution and the openchrome
  driver doesn't recognize that resolution. I don't play games, so it's
  mostly for text, web, and an occasional video file.

 Don't buy Nvidia. They're totally reluctant against OSS, and their
 binary-only drivers are simply crap (dont want to flame on their
 bad coding practises here ;-o).

 Those companies IMHO don't deserve a single penny.

  I agree that nVidia's attitude towards open source is a problem.
  However, my experience with their binary drivers has been quite
good.  They're reasonably easy to install, and seem to perform
quite well for me.  In particular, they have one of the best 
distribution-agnostic binary-blob installers I've ever run across.

  As a Debian user, when I do have to resort to binary/proprietary
software, having it only available as RPMs just adds salt to the
wound.  (Don't get me started about the older Intel C/C++ compiler

-- A.
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Re: Latest Lenny update: What new hardware is supported?

2010-09-07 Thread Andrew Reid
On Monday 06 September 2010 19:46:00 wrote:
 I'm specifically interested in whether the Verizon USB 760 broadband
 wireless modem is now supported, but in general, when the kernel image is
 upgraded, where can I find a list of the new hardware inclusions without
 asking anyone to lead me by the hand?

  FYI, this device is supported in the backported 2.6.32 kernel. 
I run this on a ThinkPad of mine, for exactly this reason.

  Note that you will probably still have to *activate* the USB thing
(i.e. bind it to a phone number) on a commercial OS, but you
can *use* it in Linux.  

  At least, that was my experience with the Virgin Broadband2Go
service using the same device.

-- A.
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Re: Straw poll: What browser do you use?

2010-09-07 Thread Andrew Reid
On Tuesday 07 September 2010 09:16:26 B. Alexander wrote:
 I'm just wondering, since firefox/iceweasel seems to be getting unusable. I
 have a 2.2GHz C2D box with an nvidia card at home, and a 3.0GHz C2D with a
 (lame) ATI card at work. I find that firefox (or xulrunner-stub) have
 memory leaks, and after a couple of days, it eats up a significant amount
 (10-30%) of memory. The work box has 3GB and the home box has 4GB. It also
 eats up a significant amount of CPU.

  Recently switched to Google Chrome on my netbook, and set up 
the Flashblock add-on -- Flash seems to be getting more common,
and more of a CPU hog.

  The major downside is that the version I have seems unable to work
with the PDF plug-in from Adobe, so I have to open them in an external
app.  It's annoying, but not a deal-breaker.

-- A.
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Re: 802.11 WPA network key prompt despite GNOME keyring

2010-08-14 Thread Andrew Reid
On Saturday 14 August 2010 04:16:47 Stanisław Findeisen wrote:

 I am trying to use a 802.11 wireless network that frequently disconnects
 me (low signal). The network is protected with WPA pre-shared key. The
 problem is I am being prompted for this key every time.

 Well, almost every. When I log in, I do not have to type the key. It is
 stored in the GNOME keyring (I use nm-editor 0.6.6 for that).
 But then, when it disconnects, I have to type it again and again. Why?

 And sometimes it doesn't prompt me, and failes to authenticate also. :-|
 I had to delete the network entry from the GNOME keyring (nm-editor),
 get *prompted* for the key, and *then* I was authenticated. 8-|

 What's wrong??!

  I've had a similar issue, and in my case, it seems to revolve
around the network manager -- I can always clear it by doing
 sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager restart

  In my case, this is actually on Ubuntu 10.04, but the symptoms
are identical.

-- A.
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Re: amd64 does net detect my wired and wireless nic at installation

2010-07-19 Thread Andrew Reid
On Monday 19 July 2010 10:14:54 Paul Cartwright wrote:
 On Mon July 19 2010, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
  On a recent DELL Opteron I had to use a squeeze installer (kernel
  2.6.32) to detect my intel network card.

 I had a similar problem on my Dell laptop.. had to install ipw2200.

  For those following along at home, I recently had a similar
issue with drivers, but solved it differently -- the 2.6.32 
kernel (same version number as Ubuntu 10.04) is in lenny-backports.

  Of course, if the issue is missing SATA or network drivers 
messing up your install, the backport kernel is not as useful, but
still, it's an option.

  There was some talk at the time of the lenny release that a
lennynhalf kernel release might be provided, similar to what
was done for etchnhalf, but I haven't heard anything recently
about that.

-- A.
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Re: Current solution for ia32 on amd64?

2010-06-29 Thread Andrew Reid
On Monday 28 June 2010 12:51:28 wrote:
 I am having trouble figuring out what the right way to install i386
 packages on AMD64 Sid is.  Specifically, I need to install some 32-bit dev
 packages so I can compile Wine.  (for regression testing)  I have ia32-libs
 installed, but it doesn't contain the development packages I need.

 The Wine wiki tells me to use ia32-apt-get.  I do not have ia32-apt-get
 installed, and apt-get tells me there is no installation candidate.  I
 can't find it on

  I'm not sure if it will work for Wine, but I've started using
virtualization for almost all of my 32-bit needs.  There's a 
virtualbox-ose package in Debian lenny, it works, and it's almost
trivial to set up a VM.  

  The one place it doesn't work is for hosting a 32-bit browser on
a 64-bit base system -- or rather, I haven't figured it out, since
the VirtualBox documentation has some discussion of shared files.
(I want my bookmarks preserved, and downloads to go somewhere
where I can find/use them.)

  For regression testing of most things, it would be fine, but Wine
is likely to require low-level access to the hardware, so it might
not be as good for that, hence my earlier hesitation.

-- A.
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Re: New amd64 system needs flash player

2010-06-26 Thread Andrew Reid
On Saturday 26 June 2010 14:32:40 John W Foster wrote:

 Thanks send it  I,ll look at it. I have what is 'supposed' to be a pure
 64 bit that I got from Ubuntu. It will not install. I
 tried just placing the lib in ~/lib64 but that did not work. I welcome
 any possible solutions. If you have it working where did you place the
 lib so that Iceweasel etc. could find it??

/usr/lib/iceweasel/plugins.  I think the browser also searches
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.  My experience is with lenny systems.

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Re: Torrents killing my conection

2010-06-20 Thread Andrew Reid
On Sunday 20 June 2010 18:06:37 ABS Doug wrote:
 Downloading Ubuntu through Iceweasel went fine... thing is it went SO
 fast, I'm not sure it's really a good test.

  FYI, this effectively rules out the MTU issues I suggested earlier,
so it was a useful test for that.

  The multi-OS character would seem to rule out hardware, so at
this point the most likely candidate is network drivers.

  A bit of googling following up on your lspci output
(showing an Atheros AR242x device) turned up this page:

  The upshot there seems to be that the Right Thing is to 
select the proprietary drivers option at Ubuntu-install-time,
and things should work.

  If you didn't do that, you can follow the instructions on the page
there to get recent madwifi drivers.

  If you already *did* select the proprietary drivers at 
Ubuntu-install time, and they're not working, then I suppose
you could try the more recent madwifi drivers anyways...

-- A.
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Re: Torrents killing my connection

2010-06-19 Thread Andrew Reid
On Saturday 19 June 2010 02:02:17 ABS Doug wrote:
 I can't believe I'm still totally unable to figure out what is going
 on here. Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04 was unable to handle downloading
  Is this only true of torrents, or is it also true of large
downloads?  What happens if you try to pull a few megs of 

  I've had problems from time to time with MTU auto-discovery
and TCP frame-size negotiations, and the symptoms are generally
that small-packet, low-bandwidth traffic is fine, but big 
downloads stall out all the time.

  Modern routers (including WRT54Gs) are pretty good about this,
but network drivers play a role too, and they do differ between
the various OSs you've tried.

-- A.
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Re: mdadm doing strange things

2010-06-19 Thread Andrew Reid
On Saturday 19 June 2010 14:20:27 Alan Chandler wrote:

[ Details elided ]

 HOWEVER (the punch line).  When this system booted, it was not the old
 reverted one but how it was before I started this cycle. In other words
 it looked as though the disk which I had failed and removed was being used

 If I did mdadm --detail /dev/md1 (or any of the other devices) it shows
 /dev/sdb as the only device on the raid pair.  To sync up again I am
 having to add in the various /dev/sda partitions.

 SO THE QUESTION IS.  What went wrong.  How does a failed device end up
 being used to build the operational arrays, and the other devices end up
 not being included.

  My understanding of how mdadm re-arranges the array (including for
failures, etc.) is that it writes metadata into the various partitions,
so I agree with you that this is weird -- I would have expected the
RAID array to come up with the sda devices as the only devices present.

  There are two things I can think of, neither quite right, but maybe
they'll motivate someone else to figure it out:

 (1) Device naming can be tricky when you're unplugging drives.  
Maybe the devices now showing up as sdb actually are the original
sda devices.  Can you check UUIDs?  This explanation also requires
that you didn't actually revert the disk, you only thought you did,
but then didn't catch it because the conjectural device-renaming 
convinced you that the RAID was being weird.

 (2) How did you revert the root partition?  If you copied all the 
files, then I have nothing else to add.  If you did dd between the
partitions, however, you may have creamed the md metadata, and caused
the system to think the sdb device was the good one.  This explanation
is unsatisfactory because, even if it's right, it only explains why
that partition should be reversed, not the others, although if you didn't
revert the others, they're copies, and you can't tell them apart anyways.

  Also, what happened to /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf on the reverted root
partition?  Is it nonexistent on the one you're now booting from?  
There's potential for confusion there also, although I think the 
initramfs info will suffice until the next kernel update.

-- A.
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Re: Moving /tmp to a separate partition. Advice?

2010-05-23 Thread Andrew Reid
On Sunday 23 May 2010 04:37:18 Klistvud wrote:
 Howdy, fellow Debianites!
 Given some extra hard drive space, I decided to move my /tmp dir
 (currently located under / ) to a partition of its own. I am looking
 forward to any advice, particularly of the been-there-done-that type:
 * how should I configure my fstab entry? How does Debian installer do

  Watch out for permissions -- /tmp is 1777 (rwxrwxrwt), it has to
be world-writable and have the sticky bit set, which ensures that only
users who create files in there can write to them.  Permissions come
from the mounted FS, not the mount point, so make sure you set these
permissions while it's mounted.

  Because of the world-writability, security conscious admins mount
it nodev and nosuid.  If you're more careful, you can mount it noexec,
too, but that will break some third-party software installers that
work by examining your system, writing a custom config script inside
/tmp somewhere, and then running it.

  So your fstab entry might look like:

 /dev/with/temp/ /tmp ext3 nosuid,nodev 0 2 

 * is there anything Debian-specific to watch for?

  Not that I recall.

 * is it true that setting /tmp permissions to non-executable, while
 hardening your box, prevents apt from working properly?

  Setting /tmp to non-executable by the noexec mount option does break 
things, but as I said above, my recollection is that it mostly breaks 
third-party stuff.  I think the apt scripts are all in /var/lib/dkpg/info,
and are run from there.
  Setting the *directory* noexec seems very bad, since the exec bit
on directories controls the ability to cd to it, and turning that
off would make it largely useless. 

  As to why, on moderately-high-availability multi-user systems, I 
often put /tmp on a separate partition precisely so I can use mount
options to globally control access.  This is more important in a 
truly multi-user system than a home system, of course.

  Misbehaving apps rarely but sometimes blow the lid off of /tmp, and
having it be on its own partition means this doesn't compromise the
system as a whole, and you can easily figure out what's going on by 
seeing the logged errors and looking at df output.  Some folks keep
/var/log on a separate partition for similar reasons.

  Again, all of this is more important in a multi-user production 
environment.  On my home systems, I mostly don't worry about this
sort of thing.

-- A. 
Andrew Reid /

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Re: Moving /tmp to a separate partition. Advice?

2010-05-23 Thread Andrew Reid
On Sunday 23 May 2010 18:46:29 Tom Furie wrote:
 On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 10:38:48AM -0400, Andrew Reid wrote:
Setting the *directory* noexec seems very bad, since the exec bit
  on directories controls the ability to cd to it, and turning that
  off would make it largely useless.

 Just for the sake of argument *why* is setting /tmp rw- a bad thing?
 Surely if you put a file there, you know the full pathname, why would
 you need to list or search /tmp?

  Well, I don't actually know for sure that it's bad, but it seems
to invite broken-ness.

  Recursive Makefiles are notorious for cd-ing all over the place,
but then again, that's usually in the source tree, which may or 
may not be in /tmp, depending where you unpacked it.

  As a theoretical example, I can easily imagine an installer that 
might unpack a set of example configurations into /tmp, and then do
an ls to grep out the one that matches the local output of uname -m
to select it for further architecture-specific processing.  I can easily
imagine myself writing such a thing.

  So, I confess making it largely useless was hyperbolic, but I still
think it's a bad idea.

-- A.
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Re: executable won't execute

2010-05-14 Thread Andrew Reid
On Thursday 13 May 2010 20:36:41 Kent West wrote:
 I'm trying to start a daemon for Maple v 14, but when I try to run it,
 the system complains that the file doesn't exist. What's up?

 wes...@]]:/usr/local/Maple_Network_Tools/FLEXlm/11.7: ls -lh
 total 2.8M
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff6 2010-05-13 16:04 lmcksum - lmutil
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff6 2010-05-13 16:04 lmdiag - lmutil
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff6 2010-05-13 16:04 lmdown - lmutil
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 854K 2010-05-13 16:04 lmgrd
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff6 2010-05-13 16:04 lmhostid - lmutil
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff6 2010-05-13 16:04 lminstall - lmutil
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff6 2010-05-13 16:04 lmremove - lmutil
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff6 2010-05-13 16:04 lmreread - lmutil
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff6 2010-05-13 16:04 lmstat - lmutil
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff6 2010-05-13 16:04 lmswitchr - lmutil
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 979K 2010-05-13 16:04 lmutil
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root staff6 2010-05-13 16:04 lmver - lmutil
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root staff 962K 2010-05-13 16:04 maplelmg

 sudo ./lmgrd
 sudo: unable to execute ./lmgrd: No such file or directory

 wes...@]]:/usr/local/Maple_Network_Tools/FLEXlm/11.7: ldd
 /usr/bin/ldd: line 117: ./lmgrd: No such file or directory

  That ldd can't see it is just weird.

  Is the directory NFS-mounted?  I have sometimes seen NFS mounts get
confused and do stuff like this, with files showing up in some
queries but not others.  Changing the NFS export or mount options
to more careful settings can help (e.g. use sync, turn off caching, etc.)

  Alternatively, I recall that if a file-system is mounted noexec, it
can give confusing messages when you try to run things from it -- I think
it's usually permission denied, but maybe my recollection is faulty?

  Other than that, given the evidence in the rest of the thread, I'm 
going to guess that it's some kind of file-system error.  Check the 
logs (especially /var/log/kern.log) for errors, maybe fsck the 
filesystem, and try again...

-- A.
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Re: no alternatives for firefox/mozilla

2010-05-07 Thread Andrew Reid
On Thursday 06 May 2010 23:20:07 T o n g wrote:

 $ update-alternatives --display firefox
 update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for firefox.

 $ update-alternatives --display mozilla
 update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for mozilla.

  In the alternatives scheme, the browser is x-www-browser, 
so for example on my system:

 $ update-alternatives --display x-www-browser
 x-www-browser - status is manual.
  link currently points to /usr/bin/iceweasel
 /usr/bin/konqueror - priority 100
  slave x-www-browser.1.gz: /usr/share/man/man1/konqueror.1.gz
 /usr/bin/iceweasel - priority 70
  slave x-www-browser.1.gz: /usr/share/man/man1/iceweasel.1.gz
 /usr/bin/google-chrome - priority 35
 Current `best' version is /usr/bin/konqueror.

  The x-www-browser is respected by K desktop apps, and
in my config, they all now use Iceweasel instead of Konqueror
when I click on links.  I don't know what other apps might
or might not respect the x-www-browser setting, but I would
think any desktop app packaged for Debian should do it.

-- A.
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Re: usb raid1 pendrive boot

2010-05-07 Thread Andrew Reid
On Friday 07 May 2010 08:22:00 deloptes wrote:
 Jozsi Vadkan wrote:
  Did anyone managed to boot from RAID1?
  Lenny gives this error message:
  mdadm: no devices found for /dev/md0

 You'll need a small i.e. 20-30MB partition out of raid to boot from with
 i.e. initrd which loads the md driver and your raid device becomes visible.

  Just for the record, it actually *is* possible to boot off a partition
that's in RAID1, but you might have to use grub.  The reason it works
is because grub can read past the md-raid1 metadata without getting
confused -- since the raid is not running when grub is looking at the
disks, it only sees one of the two, but since they're mirrored, and
since grub doesn't *write* to the partition, everything works.

  I have several production systems that do this.

  It's a bit complicated to set up, but generally, it goes
something like:

  - Install a basic system onto one drive, with the correct
      size of partition (call this /dev/sda1).
  - Set up an incomplete RAID1 array, with one device and
      one missing, with the second drive -- this is /dev/md0,
      consisting of /dev/sdb1 and an empty slot.
  - Configure /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf, and re-build your initramfs
      so that it has the md modules and knows about the array.
  - Mount /dev/md0 somewhere and copy all the data off /dev/sda1 to it.
      It's very important to get the *new* initramfs onto the array.
  - Install grub in the bootloader of the 2nd drive. (The installer
      already did this for the first one). This actually isn't
      essential, but you may need it if/when /dev/sda fails.
  - Boot on to the incomplete RAID array -- root=/dev/md0.
  - Add /dev/sda1 to the array, and sync.

  Now you have a bootable software raid-1 system.

  I'm not saying this solves the OP's problem, necessarily,
but it's perfectly possible.  I've never tried it with LILO
or grub2, but I would think it would work.

-- A.
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Re: Password messed up

2010-05-07 Thread Andrew Reid
On Friday 07 May 2010 21:15:17 Don wrote:

 Thanks, and if anyone has more ideas on fixing my password/login
 problem, please help!

  Coming in late to this thread, but if your K desktop is OK,
then you actually have this problem quite well isolated to something
in the KDM log-in process. It's not X, and it's not your desktop

  By the time KDM has switched over to you, it's writing errors
into a file, .xession-errors, in your home directory -- you can
check this for clues to what's going on.

  Another option is to blitz kdm's config files, and re-configure
or re-install the package.  I'm not familiar with how sid 
does this, but you can do dpkg -L kdm, and look for files in
the /etc directory -- for the current Debian stable it's
/etc/kde3/kdm.  I suggest re-naming the analogous directory
(don't delete it, you might want it back), and then doing
apt-get install --reinstall kdm, or whatever the analogous
operation is in aptitude or synaptic, if that's your preference,
which should re-build the configuration section.  That's likely
to fix it, at the cost of un-doing any customizations you've

  If blitzing and re-building the kdm config fails, then it's
probably some kind of interaction between kdm and something else...

-- A.
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Re: xen

2010-04-17 Thread Andrew Reid
On Friday 16 April 2010 22:53:48 Mike Viau wrote:
 Sat, 17 Apr 2010 01:55:32 +0800 wrote:

 Hello there,  Ny name is Ian, from Perth Australia.
 I have a question to be answered please.  I'm a linux user, so I use suse,
 debian, ubuntu and gentoo, and fedora.I'm interested in exploring the
 capabilities of xen and have done so an all the above.I'm in a brand new
 instance of squeeze and have just perused the packages in synaptic for the
 first time.I have recently used karmic lenny including a xen live cd which
 uses lenny as a dom host.This has lead to submitting bug reports because
 the collection of packages that are used to support virt-manager and xen
 are extensive and quite problem ridden.  I am now to try the latest
 packages provided by squeeze. I can't help but notice  THERE IS NO XEN

  I just did a search on for xen, and came up 
with these:

  This appears to be the Xen hypervisor and a Dom0-enabled

-- A.
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Re: NIS user member of plugdev, gnome-mount of flash drive raises error

2010-03-25 Thread Andrew Reid
On Thursday 25 March 2010 18:38:36 Joseph Lenox wrote:
 I'm running lenny (5.0.4); and trying to get USB flash drive mounting in a
 way that doesn't involve hand-adding every user to the plugdev group (we're
 running NIS).

 I tried the pam_group approach, and id says the user is in the plugdev
 group, but I'm still getting a permissions error from DBus. Adding the
 exact user to the plugdev group on the local machine worked as far as the  

  An alternative approach is to open up permissions on the device,
by finding the right MODE=0660 line in /etc/udev/rules.d and changing
it to MODE=0666.   Then the group membership won't matter.

   I don't actually know how to do this, but there are promising-sounding
entries in /etc/udev/rules.d/91-permissions.rules, you might try editing
the usbfs-like devices section there as a starting point.

  It's also possible that the gnome-mount is setting some 
permissions somehow, you may need to edit that also.

  Sorry to be so vague, it's just another approach.

-- A.
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Re: Transferring files over SSH in the console

2010-03-21 Thread Andrew Reid
On Sunday 21 March 2010 18:52:36 Dotan Cohen wrote:
 I am managing a small embedded device that I SSH into over the LAN. To
 run commands, I use KDE Konsole, and to transfer files I use Konqueror
 and SFTP. I understand that SFTP also runs over SSH, so is there a way
 to send files in Konsole as well? I am familiar with the FTP commands
 such as cd, lcd, put, and get. Are there equivalent commands for SSH
 terminal connections?

  As others have commented, you can use scp or sftp.

  However, I can imagine that embedded might not have the
sftp service or the scp executable.  

  If that's your case, you can always do:

# cat file | ssh remote 'cat  destinaton'

  i.e. pipe the file through a simple SSH invocation
of cat on the remote system.

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Re: Transferring files over SSH in the console

2010-03-21 Thread Andrew Reid
On Sunday 21 March 2010 23:14:32 Andrew Reid wrote:
 On Sunday 21 March 2010 18:52:36 Dotan Cohen wrote:
  I am managing a small embedded device that I SSH into over the LAN. To
  run commands, I use KDE Konsole, and to transfer files I use Konqueror
  and SFTP. I understand that SFTP also runs over SSH, so is there a way
  to send files in Konsole as well? I am familiar with the FTP commands
  such as cd, lcd, put, and get. Are there equivalent commands for SSH
  terminal connections?

   As others have commented, you can use scp or sftp.

   However, I can imagine that embedded might not have the
 sftp service or the scp executable.

   If that's your case, you can always do:

 # cat file | ssh remote 'cat  destinaton'

  Pardon my replying to myself, but I've now seen a bunch of the 
rest of the thread, and it seems to me that, if the set of commands
you want to do is repeatable, then maybe what you want is to do 
most of the remote-system operations through SSH commands this way?

  Someone else may have already suggested this, but something

# cat file.tgz | ssh remote 'cat  dest.tgz' (or scp, if available)
# ssh remote 'tar -xf dest.tgz'
# ssh remote 'sh dest/installer' (or whatever)
# ssh remote 'cat dest/install-log'  remote-install-log  (or whatever)

  This way, you still only have the one shell, and/but you
pay the price in having to prefix all the remote operations
with ssh remote.  However, you could script this on the 
local system (which is, I think, why you want a single 
session, right, so you can script it?), and then the extra
typing doesn't really cost you much.

-- A.
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Re: (OT) gnash vs. flash (was Re: Why does installing gnome ...)

2010-03-17 Thread Andrew Reid
On Wednesday 17 March 2010 20:15:51 Neal Hogan wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Ron Johnson wrote:

  Enough DDs are sufficiently practical for there to be a non-free tree,
  and Christian Marillat does yeoman's work with

 no flames intended

 Ok . . . that's fine, but I'm still curious about the number of
 debian-user@ folks who appreciate or abide by or whatever the

 P.S. --  . . . and if I'm lucky, why Stallman might not be relevant to
 the linux project.

  The Stallman-purist position actually has a significant
practical upside -- it's impossible to pirate free-as-in-freedom
software, which means an admin can give users a free hand on the 
systems they work with, and there is almost no danger of my employer 
being embarassed by some kind of license violation if they talk 
about it on their blog or redistribute it or something.  This makes
the sysadmin's job easier.

  Steering around the legal issues in commercial software isn't 
difficult, usually it boils down to don't redistribute, but it 
can be tricky to police. 

  That said, I am not myself such a purist -- I have lots of
non-free packages on my various systems.

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Re: aptitude package filtering

2010-03-14 Thread Andrew Reid
On Sunday 14 March 2010 17:54:25 Freeman wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 05:23:11PM -0400, Yavuz Yetim wrote:
  I would like to list all packages installed from testing. How can I do
  that? First limiting to ~installed and then searching ~archive(testing)
  gives me packages that are...

 I think you'd be better off with something like

  $ apt-show-versions | gerp testing

  I love this list -- I've been mucking about with Debian for
years, and had never run across apt-show-versions.

  I even discovered that there's an update for my lenny-backports
version of OpenOffice.

  On my system, packages show up with the distro name, not the 
distro status (i.e. squeeze and lenny, not testing or stable),
but aside from that it works as described.

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Re: Disabling Swap Activation Message

2010-03-04 Thread Andrew Reid
On Thursday 04 March 2010 22:12:59 Tech Geek wrote:
 I installed Debian Lenny on my PC (/dev/hda1) without any swap partition. I
 recompiled my kernel to boot without using an initrd.

 Now when I boot to my base system, I still see following messages from the
 init scripts on my console:

 Activating swap...Done
 Activating swapfile sawp...Done

 After doing a find it seems that these messages are spitted out by scripts and files in /etc/init.d/ directory.

 My question is what is the best way to disable these messages and the
 associated function with those messages?

 Should I just comment out the relevant swap portition in those two init

  Seems cleaner to me to either boot with a noswap kernel option,
or edit /lib/init/ to always set NOSWAP to yes.  Both
mountall and checkroot seem to check that variable.

  Of course, I haven't actually tried it, so it might not even work.

  If it does, my personal preference would be to change the default 
boot options in the bootloader config -- I use grub, and it's already
customized to have the right root= line, so adding noswap to the
kopt line would be natural, and would be preserved automatically
across kernel updates.

-- A.
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Re: apt-proxy doesn't work

2010-02-21 Thread Andrew Reid
On Sunday 21 February 2010 20:17:56 Gonzalo Gorosito wrote:
 Hi guys,

 I just installed the apt-proxy and I can't get it working. Using the config
 file as it comes here's my log file:

[ Good stuff snipped... ]

 Any clue?
  I recently switched to approx from apt-proxy for this sort 
of thing, I found it much easier to deal with.  

  YMMV, of course -- not sure what I was doing wrong with
apt-proxy, my symptoms varied from yours. 

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Re: Basic Statistical Tool

2010-02-15 Thread Andrew Reid
On Monday 15 February 2010 13:00:36 Ogya Chief wrote:
 Dear All,

 I need a basic statistical tool such as the Data Analysis Add-in in MS
 Excel. I have installed MS Office 2007 on Debian Sid but the add-in
 installation fails. I know Gnumeric has similar functions to Excel's but it
 lacks some features for graphing that I need. For example, in Excel, linear
 regression produces graphs in addition to the table of data. I need this
 feature. Calc does not have data analysis feature at all. I
 have also looked at R but it has a steep learning curve. I need a tool to
 do an assignment this week.

 Are there any tools similar to the Excel Data Analysis tool? What happened
 to KOffice in Sid? apt-cache search koffice does not turn up anything. Any
 help will be very much appreciated.

  I'm unfamiliar with the Excel Data Analysis tool, so I may be 
misunderstanding the requirement, but have you looked at Gnu Octave?

  It's very similar to MatLab in its interface, and has quite 
powerful analysis tools, although I don't know how good the
statistical suite is.  It certainly has a friendlier learning curve
than R.

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Re: unionfs

2010-02-08 Thread Andrew Reid
On Sunday 07 February 2010 17:32:45 Alex Samad wrote:

 I am looking at trying out unionfs, I notice there is onlythe
 unionfs-fuse package - is this the way debian is going with unionfs or
 how do you use the kernel version - can't seem to find any comparisons
 between the 2
  The Debian-packaged kernel overlay file system is aufs, which
seem to be a fork and/or successor of unionfs.  

  I have had some difficulties with overlay file systems in lenny,
I have a diskless cluster where I wanted to overlay two different
NFS-mounted file-systems, and was not able to solve the problem 
within the scope of lenny-packaged tools.  Aufs does work in general,
but not in the case where I wanted it.

  I'm not aware of any comparisons between unionfs and aufs,
but my intuition is that the kernel system should have better

-- A.
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Installing FreeBSD under Xen on Debian Lenny

2010-02-07 Thread Andrew Reid

  Hi all --

  I'm attempting to install a FreeBSD domU HVM under Xen using
the stock Xen packages in Debian lenny (Xen version 3.2), and 
I'm running into a problem trying to boot the FreeBSD install CD 
on the VM.  I'm getting a BTX halted error, which seems
to indicate a misconfigured BIOS, but I'm getting nowhere
beyond that with Google.

  The dom0 is Debian lenny amd64, on an ASUS P5Q Pro
motherboard, which has hardware support for Intel virtualization
tech.  (Enabling this is the most commonly reported solution to
the BTX error I've seen, but it was eanbled out of the box for me.)
The CPU is an Intel Core2 Quad Q9400, which also has the necessary 
hardware support, so I don't think there's a hardware problem.

  The scheme I am trying to use is to have the VM boot off 
an image of the install CD, and then run the installer inside
the VM to get everything set up.  I have done this successfully for 
a Debian HVM domU, although there were some networking issues which 
I think are unrelated.  The FreeBSD CD image I'm using boots 
successfully in VirtualBox, so I know it can at least get that far.

  Has anyone done this successfully?  Can you share your VM config
file and/or provide clues?

  I can of course provide arbitrarily terrifying levels of additional
detail.  Thanks in advance.

-- A.
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Re: USB disk shows up late at boot

2010-01-16 Thread Andrew Reid
On Saturday 16 January 2010 12:33:32 Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 This has been solved by Ben Hutchings and was reported as

 The solution was to put ums-cypress in /etc/initramfs/modules and rerun
 update-initramfs -u for that kernel. Linux debian 2.6.32-trunk-686

  Excellent news.  Also, thanks for posting the solution to the list,
where others can find it.

-- A.
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Re: Slow NFS

2010-01-02 Thread Andrew Reid
On Saturday 02 January 2010 10:55:18 Chris Davies wrote:
 I'm curious whether anyone has good a decent read/write speed using NFS
 (v3 or 4) between a number of Debian testing based systems.

 I've got one box exporting a number of filesystems using NFS v3, and
 three others mounting various combinations of those file systems. I
 see less than 10% disk throughput on the remote boxes that on the local
 one. Switched gigabit LAN throughout.

 I'd expect some hit, but 90% degredation seems awfully high.

  There is a performance-tuning section in the NFS Howto,
with several tips, including simple tests for measuring performance.

  My own experience with NFS on a server with several tens of
clients is that the biggest determiner of performance is the type
of file operations you're doing.  Anything that requires many 
seek operations, like grepping for complicated regular expressions,
or writing data character-by-character, will do very poorly.  
Things that operate sequentially, or in very large chunks, do 
much better.  In general, copying is fast, searching is slow.

  I think NFSv4 is much the same, although it may introduce 
a few more options, and so be more tunable.  I have no direct
experience with it.

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Re: debugging initrd image

2009-12-26 Thread Andrew Reid
On Saturday 26 December 2009 15:11:59 Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 What is the way to debug an initrd file and drop into a shell?

  You can use the break options (detailed in another reply) to
get at it live during the boot, but I have often found it useful
to just unpack the thing on another system and look around.

  The initrd image is a gzipped cpio archive.  man cpio for more
details on how to unpack it.

-- A.
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Re: LAME for Lenny

2009-12-24 Thread Andrew Reid
On Thursday 24 December 2009 14:19:12 Bernard wrote:
 Hi to Everyone,

 On my older Sarge system, I used 'lame' to encode wav files to mp3.
 However I can't find 'lame' for Lenny. Could someone tell me where to
 find the appropriate package ?

  This package is in the debian-multimedia repositories -- a bit
of googling should find you a nearby mirror, which you can add to 
your sources.list.

  It's been a while since I was current on this, but I believe 
they're excluded from the main repos due to patent and/or license
encumbrances.  If you care about such things, you might wish to 
encode to a more open format, like ogg.

-- A.
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Re: USB disk shows up late at boot

2009-12-22 Thread Andrew Reid
On Tuesday 22 December 2009 07:48:05 Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
 Andrew Reid wrote:

It's likely the devices aren't being recognized in the initramfs --
  possibly they require kernel modules which are not present by default.

 But I would think that to be the case of the custom kernel, not the
 Debian kernel. The small custom kernel recognizes both USB drives, the
 Debian kernel recognizes only one of them.

  There's no obvious reason (to me) why it should go one way
or the other.  Both custom kernels and the initramfs want to be
small, so they can both be selective.  I can easily imagine a scenario
where, for convenience, you include all USB mass-storage drivers in 
your custom kernel, but the initramfs decides USB might not be needed
at boot-time, and leaves a few out.

  I don't actually know, one way or the other, I'm really just
guessing at this part.

If you know which modules drive these devices, add them by name
  to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules (one module per line, I think), and
  re-generate your initramfs with update-initramfs.  This should allow
  the udev scan in the initramfs to see the devices, and set them
  up earlier.

 I have no idea, except to compare both initrd images.

  One option is to compare the dmesg lines from the two kernels, 
they generally report what they're doing during the device scan.

  Another option is to query the live device when it's plugged in
to the system, and ask it what module is being used.  I don't actually
know how to do this, but I'm pretty sure it's possible.  There are
lots of udev tools, maybe one of those.

-- A.
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Re: USB disk shows up late at boot

2009-12-21 Thread Andrew Reid
On Monday 21 December 2009 15:52:29 Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

 I have 2 internal ATA HDD's and 2 disks in external USB enclosures.

 When you boot (this is Sid) the 2 USB disks report their presence
 between the messages:

 'Loading, please wait...'
 'Init 2.86 booting'
 in the very beginning of the boot process.

 Now the funny part: in my homegrown kernel both show up together. But
 with recent Debian kernel images only one shows up. I have a delay of 10
 secs. in initramfs-tools but that makes no difference.

 The 2nd USB disk shows up eventually, but after 'Init 2.86 booting' when
 it is too late to be of use by fstab.

 This isn't the first time I've asked this, but nobody seems to have an

  It's likely the devices aren't being recognized in the initramfs --
possibly they require kernel modules which are not present by default.

  If you know which modules drive these devices, add them by name 
to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules (one module per line, I think), and
re-generate your initramfs with update-initramfs.  This should allow
the udev scan in the initramfs to see the devices, and set them
up earlier. 

  Init 2.86 booting is a very important milestone in the boot 
process, it marks the transition from initramfs activity to 
root file-system activity.  Anything you want to do *before* that
has to be in the initramfs.

  Or, as the other responder mentioned, you can just stick with 
a custom kernel.  I used to do that, but I like getting security

-- A.

Andrew Reid /

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Re: Serious clock problem

2009-11-05 Thread Andrew Reid
On Wednesday 04 November 2009 17:53:03 FTALOVER wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm running VMW ESXi 3i (3.5.0) on an 4 CPUs DELL Poweredge 1950.  This
 machine is  hosting 8 virtual machines, 5 running Etch and 3 running
 Lenny. All guests were running fine until I upgraded the kernel to
 linux-image-2.6.26-2-686_2.6.26-19 in the 3 boxes running Lenny.  Now
 those boxes are repeatedly freezing because the system clock seems to
 stall. Forcing the kernel to use acpi_pm as clocksource instead of TSC
 and disabling TSC doesn't seems to help. So, does anybody have any
 suggestion  on how to fix this?

  I've got a Dell Latitude D630 that does this in lenny, I suspect
it's a kernel bug, since the hardware was stable under etch.

  I got some relief by using clocksource=acpi_pm noapic as kernel
arguments at boot-time, but it's done it one time since then -- 
sounds like you tried something similar.

  I can't find the bug-report thread I was looking at just now,
but if you google the error messages, you can find a bit of
mailing-list traffic (mostly Ubuntu), and some discussion 
of work-arounds, mostly involving kernel arguments.

  Sorry this isn't more helpful...

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: Help, the template debian/rules is too simple

2009-11-03 Thread Andrew Reid
On Monday 02 November 2009 23:42:54 waixy zhou wrote:
 I admit what I'm doing is a little beyond my current skill, after all, I'm
 just a user of Debian not a developer. But I think it is better using
 apt/dpkg to manage the software/tools I need in my research than just using
 ./configure  make  make install. I prefer to use the ready-made
 packages if there is any. I googled, but unfortunately I can't find any.

  Do you know about stow?  It's kind of a poor-man's package
management system.  It's pretty sophisticated, but the vanilla
use-case for it is, you build applications inside a directory,
/usr/local/stow/app-name, and the installer creates bin, lib,
share, and so forth inside that directory.

  Then you run stow app-name from /usr/local/stow, and it
creates sym-links so that your software shows up under /usr/local/bin
and /usr/local/lib and so forth, just as if you had built and installed
it with --prefix=/usr/local.

  The beauty of this, of course, is that you can *un*-stow the 
thing, when you upgrade or when you're finished with it, and it 
cleanly removes it without leaving piles of cruft in /usr/local.

  This might be a more appropriate solution to your problem, if
your software doesn't have complicated dependencies.

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: confused?

2009-11-01 Thread Andrew Reid
On Sunday 01 November 2009 05:36:00 Florian Weimer wrote:
 * Andrew Reid:

 This should have been fixed by now.

 During an internal migration, incorrect package metadata was pushed to
 the security mirror network.  Sorry about that.

  Fix confirmed, it works now.


-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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Re: a cautionary tale w/ successful recovery

2009-11-01 Thread Andrew Reid
On Sunday 01 November 2009 17:57:49 Andrew Sackville-West wrote:

 So here is the real success part of the story: my backups worked! I
 had weekly backups of /etc and daily backups of /home. Since I'd not
 done any work of consequence in about 24 hours, I had not lost data!
 Restoring was a simple matter of copying over from the backup server,
 fixing up a couple of permissions and moving on.

 Lessons learned:
 1) don't do risky things in DOS 6.22 when tired... you can't trust
 DOS to behave in a consistent manner (maybe)

 2) keep a copy of the boot sector lying around (on another machine!!)
 3) keep a copy of dpkg --get-selections lying around


  If it were within my power, I'd award you the Order of the Clue,
the one with the *nice* ribbon.
  For the sysems I back up at work, we do the dpkg --get-selections
thing, but I've never kept a copy of the boot sector -- that's an
excellent idea.

-- A. 
Andrew Reid /

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2009-10-31 Thread Andrew Reid
  Hi all --

  I'm having trouble with what seems like it should be a routine
security update on lenny -- I did apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
as per usual, and got this:

 mec:~# apt-get upgrade
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 The following packages will be upgraded:
   libexpat1 libmozjs1d xulrunner-1.9
 3 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
 Need to get 8233kB of archives.
 After this operation, 28.7kB disk space will be freed.
 Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
 Err lenny/updates/main libexpat1 2.0.1-4+lenny1
   404 Not Found [IP: 80]
 Failed to fetch
404 Not Found [IP: 80]
 E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try 
with --fix-missing?

  The elipses conceal the fact that all three files had the
not-found problem.  

  I tried re-updating and --fix-missing, no joy.

  Doing host gets this:

 mec:~# host has address has address has address has IPv6 address 2001:4f8:8:36::6 mail is handled by 10

  The fetch URL looks wrong to me, and manually trying it
in the browser seems to confirm that it's mangled.

  However, I can manually go to, and the stuff
is in there.
  I haven't changed my configuration, but I'm willing to believe
I missed a memo and have drifted out of date.

  Anyone got any clues?

-- A.
Andrew Reid /

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