Re: Grauer Rand bei XFree86 4.0

2002-12-12 Thread Karl-Heinz Eischer
Hi Simon,

On Tue, Dec 10, 2002 at 12:16:03AM +0100, Simon Bruenler wrote:

 Hier jetzt noch einmal die XFfree86.0.log. Da ich nicht genau weiß
 worauf es jetzt wirklich ankommt habe ich einfach die ganze Datei
 (Bevor jetzt die Frage kommt, 'Warum nicht als Anhang?'. Anhänge schicke
 ich im Allgemeinen nur auf explizite Anforderung.)
 XFree86 Version 4.2.1 (Debian 4.2.1-2.bunk 20021029140622 bunk@) / X Window System
 (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6600)
 Release Date: 3 September 2002

 (--) PCI: (0:10:0) S3 Trio32/64 rev 84, Mem @ 0xe800/26, BIOS @ 0xeffe/16
 (--) PCI:*(1:5:0) NVidia Riva TNT2 M64 rev 21, Mem @ 0xe600/24, 0xde00/25, 
BIOS @ 0xe7ef/16

 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o
 (II) Module nvidia: vendor=NVIDIA Corporation
   compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.3123
   Module class: XFree86 Video Driver

 und das läuft ?


 (II) Loading sub module fb
 (II) LoadModule: fb
 (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libfb.a
 (II) Module fb: vendor=The XFree86 Project
   compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
   ABI class: XFree86 ANSI C Emulation, version 0.1


 Ich hoffe irgendjemand kann daraus DIE Information ziehen um mir
 zu sagen was ich vergessen habe.

 Wieso wird das Modul fb geladen? Schmeiß das mal aus der XF86Config-4
raus. Bzw schick mir mal als PM deine XF86Config-4.


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Re: Grauer Rand bei XFree86 4.0

2002-12-09 Thread Karl-Heinz Eischer
Hi Simon,

On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 03:33:47AM +0100, Simon Bruenler wrote:
  Simon Bruenler [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 08.12.02 21:24:01:
   Nochmal zur Karte:
 S3 Trio64V+
 Chipsatz: 86c765
 Firmware: V22SD Rev 2
   Ver. 2.01 (11.09.96)

 sollte mit dem s3 Treiber funktionieren (OK, in der Source steht nur
was von Trio64V drin ...)


 Um den Fehler vielleicht noch weiter einzugrenzen:
 Mittlerweile habe ich es so weit geschafft das der XServer wenigstens
 startet. Allerdings bleibt der linke Screen (S3-gesteuert) schwarz. Man
 kann zwar Fenster aufmachen (habe ich geprüft), aber man sieht sie
 Das Arbeiten unter diesen Umständen ist natürlich recht mühsam ;-[
 weshalb ich zur Zeit noch den VESA-Treiber einsetze.
 Fakt ist, das die Ansteuerung erfolgt. Nur scheint irgendeine wichtige
 Option von mir nicht eingebunden zu sein.
 Ich habe es auch schon mit 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86' und
 'X -configure' versucht. Beides null Resultat. dpkg erkennt nicht das
 das System als Dualhead genutzt werden soll, und 'X -configure' bindet
 nur den S3-Treiber ohne irgedwelche Optionen ein.
 Leider scheint es zwar für den 's3virge' eine man-Page zu geben aber
 nicht für den 's3'.

 Was sagt /var/log/XFree86.0.log ?


// In a world without walls and fences who needs Windows and Gates ? //

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Re: Grauer Rand bei XFree86 4.0

2002-12-09 Thread Simon Bruenler

Am Mon, 2002-12-09 um 18.47 schrieb Karl-Heinz Eischer:
 Hi Simon,
 On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 03:33:47AM +0100, Simon Bruenler wrote:
   Simon Bruenler [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 08.12.02 21:24:01:
Nochmal zur Karte:
  S3 Trio64V+
  Chipsatz: 86c765
  Firmware: V22SD Rev 2
Ver. 2.01 (11.09.96)
  Um den Fehler vielleicht noch weiter einzugrenzen:
  Mittlerweile habe ich es so weit geschafft das der XServer wenigstens
  startet. Allerdings bleibt der linke Screen (S3-gesteuert) schwarz. Man
  kann zwar Fenster aufmachen (habe ich geprüft), aber man sieht sie
  Fakt ist, das die Ansteuerung erfolgt. Nur scheint irgendeine wichtige
  Option von mir nicht eingebunden zu sein.
  Was sagt /var/log/XFree86.0.log ?
Hier jetzt noch einmal die XFfree86.0.log. Da ich nicht genau weiß
worauf es jetzt wirklich ankommt habe ich einfach die ganze Datei

(Bevor jetzt die Frage kommt, 'Warum nicht als Anhang?'. Anhänge schicke
ich im Allgemeinen nur auf explizite Anforderung.)

XFree86 Version 4.2.1 (Debian 4.2.1-2.bunk 20021029140622 bunk@) / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6600)
Release Date: 3 September 2002
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
newer than the above date, look for a newer version before
reporting problems.  (See http://www.XFree86.Org/)
Build Operating System: Linux 2.4.20-pre10-ac2 i586 [ELF] 
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
 (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
 (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: /var/log/XFree86.0.log, Time: Mon Dec  9 21:19:36 2002
(==) Using config file: /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
(==) ServerLayout XFree86 Configured
(**) |--Screen Screen_R (0)
(**) |   |--Monitor Monitor_R
(**) |   |--Device Card_R
(**) |--Screen Screen_L (1)
(**) |   |--Monitor Monitor_L
(**) |   |--Device Card_L
(**) |--Input Device Mouse0
(**) |--Input Device Keyboard0
(**) Option XkbRules xfree86
(**) XKB: rules: xfree86
(**) Option XkbModel pc105
(**) XKB: model: pc105
(**) Option XkbLayout de
(**) XKB: layout: de
(**) Option XkbVariant nodeadkeys
(**) XKB: variant: nodeadkeys
(==) Keyboard: CustomKeycode disabled
(WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in 
Entry deleted from font path.
(Run 'mkfontdir' on /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/CID).
(WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in 
Entry deleted from font path.
(Run 'mkfontdir' on /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType).
(WW) The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/ does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(**) FontPath set to 
(**) RgbPath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb
(**) ModulePath set to /usr/X11R6/lib/modules
(**) Option Xinerama on
(**) Xinerama: enabled
(--) using VT number 7

(WW) Open APM failed (/dev/apm_bios) (No such file or directory)
(II) Module ABI versions:
XFree86 ANSI C Emulation: 0.1
XFree86 Video Driver: 0.5
XFree86 XInput driver : 0.3
XFree86 Server Extension : 0.1
XFree86 Font Renderer : 0.3
(II) Loader running on linux
(II) LoadModule: bitmap
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libbitmap.a
(II) Module bitmap: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: XFree86 Font Renderer
ABI class: XFree86 Font Renderer, version 0.3
(II) Loading font Bitmap
(II) LoadModule: pcidata
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libpcidata.a
(II) Module pcidata: vendor=The XFree86 Project
compiled for 4.2.1, module version = 0.1.0
ABI class: XFree86 Video Driver, version 0.5
(II) PCI: Probing config type using method 1
(II) PCI: Config type is 1
(II) PCI: stages = 0x03, oldVal1 = 0x, mode1Res1 = 0x8000
(II) PCI: PCI scan (all values are in hex)
(II) PCI: 00:00:0: chip 1022,7006 card , rev 25 class 06,00,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:01:0: chip 1022,7007 card , rev 01 class 06,04,00 hdr 81
(II) PCI: 00:07:0: chip 1022,7408 card , rev 01 class 06,01,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:07:1: chip 1022,7409 card , rev 07 class 01,01,8a hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:07:3: chip 1022,740b card , rev 03 class 06,80,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:07:4: chip 1022,740c card , rev 06 class 0c,03,10 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:0a:0: chip 5333,8811 card , rev 54 class 03,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:0c:0: chip 10b7,9055 card 10b7,9055 rev 64 class 02,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 01:05:0: chip 10de,002d card 1048,0c3a rev 15 class 03,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: End of PCI scan
(II) LoadModule: scanpci
(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/libscanpci.a
(II) Module scanpci: vendor=The XFree86 

Re: Grauer Rand bei XFree86 4.0

2002-12-08 Thread Simon Bruenler
Hallo, hier bin ich noch mal...

Am Mit, 2002-12-04 um 21.45 schrieb Simon Bruenler:
 ich habe hier zwei Probleme mit meinem Xfree86 4.0.1 (Woody Version).
 1. Kennt irgendjemand einen gescheiten Treiber für die S3 Trio64V+
Grafikkarte ?
(Läuft zwar mit dem vesa-Treiber, aber der ist so toll auch nicht.)
 2. Auf dem Monitor der von der S3-Karte angesteuert wird ist oben immer
ein grauer (gepunkteter) Streifen zu sehen. Wie kriege ich den weg ?
- in den LOG-Files (/var/log/XFree86.0.log) war leider nichts 
  brauchbares drin. Alle Werte im grünen Bereich.
- an der Elsa-Karte tritt das Problem nicht auf
- xvidtune mag nur auf dem Haupt-Monitor starten und steigt auf dem 
  Problemkind mit einer 'Gleitkomma-Ausnahme' aus

Also, das Problem Nr.2 wurde gelöst. Danke Adrian ;-)

Das 1. Problem besteht aber noch immer.

Die Ausgabe von Google hat mir auch nicht wirklich weitergeholfen da
sich die Antworten die es da gibt auf XFree86 3.3 beziehen. Kann
natürlich auch sein daß ich die falschen Fragen gestellt habe. ;-(

Nochmal zur Karte:
  S3 Trio64V+
  Chipsatz: 86c765
  Firmware: V22SD Rev 2
Ver. 2.01 (11.09.96)

Gibt es irgendjemanden da draußen der diese Grafikkarte unter XFree86 4
mit dem S3-Treiber zum Laufen gebracht hat ?
Der Vesa-Treiber funktioniert zwar auch (jedenfalls unter 4.2) aber ist
halt nicht der schnellste.


Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

Re: Grauer Rand bei XFree86 4.0

2002-12-08 Thread Johannes Hirte
Simon Bruenler [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 08.12.02 21:24:01:
 Hallo, hier bin ich noch mal...

Hallo Simon,

 Das 1. Problem besteht aber noch immer.
 Die Ausgabe von Google hat mir auch nicht wirklich weitergeholfen da
 sich die Antworten die es da gibt auf XFree86 3.3 beziehen. Kann
 natürlich auch sein daß ich die falschen Fragen gestellt habe. ;-(
 Nochmal zur Karte:
   S3 Trio64V+
   Chipsatz: 86c765
   Firmware: V22SD Rev 2
 Ver. 2.01 (11.09.96)

wird laut nicht von 4.0.3 unterstützt (also der letzten 4.0er Version).
Bei 4.2.1 steht sie mit dabei, was mich zu dem Schluss führt, du sollltest upgraden.
4.2.1 ist bei testing dabei, so dass du es via apt-pinning zum laufen kriegen solltest.
 Gibt es irgendjemanden da draußen der diese Grafikkarte unter XFree86 4
 mit dem S3-Treiber zum Laufen gebracht hat ?
 Der Vesa-Treiber funktioniert zwar auch (jedenfalls unter 4.2) aber ist
 halt nicht der schnellste.

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Re: Grauer Rand bei XFree86 4.0

2002-12-08 Thread Simon Bruenler
Hallo Johannes,

Am Son, 2002-12-08 um 22.14 schrieb Johannes Hirte:
 Simon Bruenler [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 08.12.02 21:24:01:
 Hallo Simon,
  Nochmal zur Karte:
S3 Trio64V+
Chipsatz: 86c765
Firmware: V22SD Rev 2
  Ver. 2.01 (11.09.96)
 wird laut nicht von 4.0.3 unterstützt (also der letzten 4.0er Version).
 Bei 4.2.1 steht sie mit dabei, was mich zu dem Schluss führt, du sollltest upgraden.
 4.2.1 ist bei testing dabei, so dass du es via apt-pinning zum laufen kriegen 

Du wirst lachen aber das habe ich bereits gemacht wie Du bei
aufmerksamem Lesen des unteren Absatzes bemerken wirst. ;-)
Trotz allem funktioniert es aber immer noch nicht.
Ich habe Version 4.2.1 installiert.
  Gibt es irgendjemanden da draußen der diese Grafikkarte unter XFree86 4
  mit dem S3-Treiber zum Laufen gebracht hat ?
  Der Vesa-Treiber funktioniert zwar auch (jedenfalls unter 4.2) aber ist
  halt nicht der schnellste.   

Um den Fehler vielleicht noch weiter einzugrenzen:
Mittlerweile habe ich es so weit geschafft das der XServer wenigstens
startet. Allerdings bleibt der linke Screen (S3-gesteuert) schwarz. Man
kann zwar Fenster aufmachen (habe ich geprüft), aber man sieht sie

Das Arbeiten unter diesen Umständen ist natürlich recht mühsam ;-[
weshalb ich zur Zeit noch den VESA-Treiber einsetze.

Fakt ist, das die Ansteuerung erfolgt. Nur scheint irgendeine wichtige
Option von mir nicht eingebunden zu sein.
Ich habe es auch schon mit 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86' und
'X -configure' versucht. Beides null Resultat. dpkg erkennt nicht das
das System als Dualhead genutzt werden soll, und 'X -configure' bindet
nur den S3-Treiber ohne irgedwelche Optionen ein.
Leider scheint es zwar für den 's3virge' eine man-Page zu geben aber
nicht für den 's3'.

Lösung steht also noch aus ;-(


Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

Grauer Rand bei XFree86 4.0

2002-12-04 Thread Simon Bruenler
Hallo Liste,

ich habe hier zwei Probleme mit meinem Xfree86 4.0.1 (Woody Version).

Erstmal die Konfiguration:
Erste GraKa:Elsa Erazor IIILT
Auflösung:  1024x768
Monitor-HSync:  35-100
Monitor-VSync:  50-90

Zweite GraKa:   S3 Trio64V+
Auflösung:  1024x768
Monitor-HSync:  35-100
Monitor-VSync:  50-90

Dual-Head Konfiguration

1. Kennt irgendjemand einen gescheiten Treiber für die S3 Trio64V+
   Grafikkarte ?
   (Läuft zwar mit dem vesa-Treiber, aber der ist so toll auch nicht.)

2. Auf dem Monitor der von der S3-Karte angesteuert wird ist oben immer
   ein grauer (gepunkteter) Streifen zu sehen. Wie kriege ich den weg ?
   - in den LOG-Files (/var/log/XFree86.0.log) war leider nichts 
 brauchbares drin. Alle Werte im grünen Bereich.
   - an der Elsa-Karte tritt das Problem nicht auf
   - xvidtune mag nur auf dem Haupt-Monitor starten und steigt auf dem 
 Problemkind mit einer 'Gleitkomma-Ausnahme' aus

So, ich hoffe jemand kennt dieses Problem. (Und hat es schon gelöst)

gruß Simon

PS: Falls dieses Problem hier schon behandelt wurde bitte ich jetzt
schon vielmals um Entschuldigung und schäme mich vorbeugend.
Manchmal hat man halt Tomaten auf den Augen ;-( 

Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

Re: Grauer Rand bei XFree86 4.0

2002-12-04 Thread Adrian Bunk
On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 09:45:06PM +0100, Simon Bruenler wrote:

 Hallo Liste,

Hallo Simon,

 ich habe hier zwei Probleme mit meinem Xfree86 4.0.1 (Woody Version).

Bei woody ist 4.1.0 dabei was aber in diesem Fall keinen Unterschied 

 Erstmal die Konfiguration:
 1. Kennt irgendjemand einen gescheiten Treiber für die S3 Trio64V+
Grafikkarte ?
(Läuft zwar mit dem vesa-Treiber, aber der ist so toll auch nicht.)

Die S3 Trio64V+ wird unter XFree86 4 erst ab 4.2.0 unterstuetzt.

Pakete von XFree86 4.2.1 fuer woody findest du z.B. unter

 gruß Simon


   Is there not promise of rain? Ling Tan asked suddenly out
of the darkness. There had been need of rain for many days.
   Only a promise, Lao Er said.
   Pearl S. Buck - Dragon Seed

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Xawtv - again (was: Xawtv and Xfree86 4.0)

2001-09-28 Thread Pedro António Neves

Hi there:

I posted a message on this list about xawtv and Xfree 4.0.
Following some solutions given by people on this list, I've managed
to get xawtv working just fine... except for one thing: the sound.

When I try to change volume (with the A key) it changes the volume from Muted 
to 0%. It seems that the sound channel is working, but with the volume set to 
My PCTV board is connected with my Sound Blaster Live! via external cable to 
Line in.
I used aumix and kmix to have all the sound channels enabled, but it still 
don't work.
When I load xmix I get different sound channels from those I have by default 
on Kmix, so I'm figuring that they're using another dev... (/dev/dsp?)

These are the modules I've got:

Module  Size  Used by
tuner 4176   1  (autoclean)
tvaudio  8128   0  (autoclean) (unused)
msp3400 13488   1  (autoclean)
bttv  53648   1
i2c-algo-bit   7264   1  [bttv]
videodev4704   4  [bttv]
vfat 8816   0  (autoclean)
fat 30656   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
i2c-core   12400   0  (autoclean) [tuner tvaudio msp3400 bttv 
mousedev   4064   0  (unused)
input3168   0  [mousedev]

Thanks in advance:

Pedro Neves

Re: Xawtv - again (was: Xawtv and Xfree86 4.0)

2001-09-28 Thread Matthias Richter
Pedro António Neves wrote on Fri Sep 28, 2001 at 03:18:43PM:
 Following some solutions given by people on this list, I've managed
 to get xawtv working just fine... except for one thing: the sound.
 These are the modules I've got:
 Module  Size  Used by
 tuner 4176   1  (autoclean)
 tvaudio  8128   0  (autoclean) (unused)
 msp3400 13488   1  (autoclean)
 bttv53648   1
 i2c-algo-bit   7264   1  [bttv]
 videodev4704   4  [bttv]
 vfat 8816   0  (autoclean)
 fat 30656   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
 i2c-core   12400   0  (autoclean) [tuner tvaudio msp3400 bttv 
 mousedev   4064   0  (unused)
 input3168   0  [mousedev]

I guess tvmixer is missing... which gives you yet another mixer-tab
(called 'msp3400­c6' here) when using gmix (don't know about the others).

Matthias Richter --+- stud. soz.  inf. -+--
--GPG Public Key:

· Projekt Deutscher Wortschatz: URL:

Description: PGP signature

Re: Xawtv - again (was: Xawtv and Xfree86 4.0)

2001-09-28 Thread Pedro António Neves
On Friday 28 September 2001 15:41, Matthias Richter wrote:

 I guess tvmixer is missing... which gives you yet another mixer-tab
 (called 'msp3400­c6' here) when using gmix (don't know about the others).

I've loaded the module tvmixer and still doesn't work...

Module  Size  Used by
tvmixer 3600   0  (unused)
tuner   4176   1  (autoclean)
tvaudio 8128   0  (autoclean) (unused)
msp340013488   1  (autoclean)
bttv 53648   1
i2c-algo-bit7264   1  [bttv]
videodev4704   4  [bttv]
vfat8816   0  (autoclean)
fat30656   0  (autoclean) [vfat]
i2c-core   12400   0  (autoclean) [tvmixer tuner tvaudio msp3400 
bttv i2c-algo-bit]
mousedev4064   0  (unused)
input   3168   0  [mousedev]

More ideas?

Thanks in advance


Re: Xawtv - again (was: Xawtv and Xfree86 4.0)

2001-09-28 Thread Matthias Richter
Pedro António Neves wrote on Fri Sep 28, 2001 at 03:52:06PM:
 On Friday 28 September 2001 15:41, Matthias Richter wrote:
  I guess tvmixer is missing... which gives you yet another mixer-tab
  (called 'msp3400­c6' here) when using gmix (don't know about the others).
 I've loaded the module tvmixer and still doesn't work...
 More ideas?

(How) did you configure your soundcard? I can't see any sound modules
in your output of lsmod. tvmixer is used by the soundcore-module here:

tv (bt848old):
| tvmixer 3696   0
| tuner   4688   1 (autoclean)
| tvaudio 8352   0 (autoclean) (unused)
| bttv   55952   0
| i2c-algo-bit7296   1 [bttv]
| videodev4896   2 [bttv]
| i2c-core   12960   0 [tvmixer tuner tvaudio bttv msp3400 
i2c-algo-bit eeprom w83781d i2c-proc i2c-isa i2c-piix4]

sound (vibra16x):
| opl3   11200   0 (autoclean) (unused)
| sb  7536   1
| sb_lib 33552   0 [sb]
| uart401 6384   0 [sb_lib]
| sound  56448   1 [opl3 sb_lib uart401]
| soundcore   4144   6 [tvmixer sb_lib sound]

So try to compile sound support as modules.

(don't bother about eeprom w83781d i2c-proc i2c-isa i2c-piix4, these are
modules from lm_sensors)
Matthias Richter --+- stud. soz.  inf. -+--
--GPG Public Key:

· Projekt Deutscher Wortschatz: URL:

Description: PGP signature

Re: Xawtv - again (was: Xawtv and Xfree86 4.0)

2001-09-28 Thread Pedro António Neves
On Friday 28 September 2001 16:39, Matthias Richter wrote:

 (How) did you configure your soundcard? I can't see any sound modules
 in your output of lsmod. tvmixer is used by the soundcore-module here:
It was built in the kernel ...

 So try to compile sound support as modules.

I did, and nothing really changed. See:

Module  Size  Used by 
tvmixer 3600   0  (unused) 
emu10k142928   2 
tuner   4176   1  (autoclean) 
tvaudio 8128   0  (autoclean) (unused) 
msp340013488   1  (autoclean) 
bttv   53648   1  (autoclean) 
i2c-algo-bit7264   1  (autoclean) [bttv] 
i2c-core   12400   0  (autoclean) [tvmixer tuner tvaudio msp3400 
bttv i2c-algo-bit]
videodev4704   4  (autoclean) [bttv] 
mousedev4064   0  (unused) 
input   3168   0  [mousedev] 
soundcore   3792   5  (autoclean) [tvmixer emu10k1]



Re: Xawtv - again (was: Xawtv and Xfree86 4.0)

2001-09-28 Thread Tim Moss
On Fri, 28 Sep 2001 20:54:49 +0100
Pedro Ant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Friday 28 September 2001 16:39, Matthias Richter wrote:
  (How) did you configure your soundcard? I can't see any sound
  in your output of lsmod. tvmixer is used by the soundcore-module
 It was built in the kernel ...
  So try to compile sound support as modules.
 I did, and nothing really changed. See:
 Module  Size  Used by 
 tvmixer 3600   0  (unused) 
 emu10k142928   2 
 tuner   4176   1  (autoclean) 
 tvaudio 8128   0  (autoclean) (unused) 
 msp340013488   1  (autoclean) 
 bttv   53648   1  (autoclean) 
 i2c-algo-bit7264   1  (autoclean) [bttv] 
 i2c-core   12400   0  (autoclean) [tvmixer tuner tvaudio
 bttv i2c-algo-bit]
 videodev4704   4  (autoclean) [bttv] 
 mousedev4064   0  (unused) 
 input   3168   0  [mousedev] 
 soundcore   3792   5  (autoclean) [tvmixer emu10k1]

It might help to try to isolate where the problems lies. Is it with
sound coming out of the TV tuner or going into the soundcard? If you
have a walkman or other device that you know outputs sound properly, try
hooking that to the soundcard input. Depending on whether or not that
works, you should at least have narrowed down which card is at fault.

Re: Xawtv - again (was: Xawtv and Xfree86 4.0)

2001-09-28 Thread Adam McDaniel
On Fri, Sep 28, 2001 at 08:54:49PM +0100, Pedro Ant?nio Neves wrote:
 On Friday 28 September 2001 16:39, Matthias Richter wrote:
  (How) did you configure your soundcard? I can't see any sound modules
  in your output of lsmod. tvmixer is used by the soundcore-module here:
 It was built in the kernel ...

when you run aumix, select Line1 (or equivilant) and make sure there's an
'R' beside it, ofcourse to record from that. Along with that, most
soundcards have an internal auxilary input, perhaps if your tvcard
supports it (like mine, ati tv wonder) you can get a cable to connect
directly from the tv card to the sound card internally.

If you still cant hear anything with the 'R' beside line1, try picking
up some sort of sound recording prog from debian and to see if you can
maybe recoard from the port, then play it back (i assume playing
other things works:)

finally, make sure you're not running anything like esd or alsa while
trying to play. I don't believe xawtv is smart enough to pipe through
an esd port.

Adam McDaniel
Infrastructure Technology Consultant
M-Tech Mercury Information Technology, Inc.

Re: Xawtv - again (was: Xawtv and Xfree86 4.0)

2001-09-28 Thread Pedro António Neves

On Friday 28 September 2001 22:10, you wrote:

 It might help to try to isolate where the problems lies. Is it with
 sound coming out of the TV tuner or going into the soundcard? If you
 have a walkman or other device that you know outputs sound properly, try
 hooking that to the soundcard input. Depending on whether or not that
 works, you should at least have narrowed down which card is at fault.

Sound comes out of PCTV and gets in the soundcard via an external cable 
(connected to SB's line in).

I plugged my discman, to the same channel and no sound comes out. 

This is kind of strange because all channel work properly under Win . I 
also know that
Creative Labs Soundblaster Live! isn't yet fully supported under Linux, but I 
think it's kind of strange that such a basic feature is not supported...

I'll try to see if I can connect the PCTV to my SB via the internal connector.



Re: Xawtv - again (was: Xawtv and Xfree86 4.0)

2001-09-28 Thread Keith Willoughby
Pedro António Neves [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi there:
 I posted a message on this list about xawtv and Xfree 4.0.
 Following some solutions given by people on this list, I've managed
 to get xawtv working just fine... except for one thing: the sound.
 When I try to change volume (with the A key) it changes the volume from Muted 
 to 0%. It seems that the sound channel is working, but with the volume set to 

Excuse me if I'm being silly here - but have you tried increasing the
volume with the '+' key? Without a default volume in .xawtvrc, it
appears to default to 0% volume. (This *may* be a recent change. I'm
using zapping myself, but I used to use xawtv, and I'm sure that at
one point it would default to 100%.)

Keith Willoughby
This isn't TV, he isn't William Shatner

Re: Xawtv and XFree86 4.0

2001-09-18 Thread Adam McDaniel
On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 12:00:52AM +0100, Pedro Ant?nio Neves wrote:
 On Monday 17 September 2001 16:34, Adam McDaniel wrote:
  What kind of tv card do you have? What version of X?
 It's a pinnacle PCTV Studio Pro and I'm running 4.0.3. 

 I managed to write a new XFfree86config, and now everything works, except the 
 I've noticed there's a module named tvaudio, but it's reported unused by 

I have an ATI TV-Wonder, overall it works fairly well, except for me it was a 
quirk to get the sound going. Simply put I had to enable a module called 
msp3400 and
that worked.

I dont know if your card has that chipset though...

Ofcourse, I also had my line-in volume set at 0 :P

Adam McDaniel
Infrastructure Technology Consultant
M-Tech Mercury Information Technology, Inc.

Re: Xawtv and XFree86 4.0

2001-09-17 Thread Adam McDaniel
On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 05:31:20PM +0100, Pedro Ant?nio Neves wrote:
 I'm trying to run xawtv on my woody box, and although the program runs
 I have no sound and the display's only black and white.
 On the xterm window from where I run xawtv I get the following error 
 Xlib:  extension XVideo missing on display :0.0

What kind of tv card do you have? What version of X?

Also, what colour-depth are you running in?

To my knowledge, xawtv doesn't REQUIRE XVideo unless it was having troubles
in displaying in 'overlay' or 'grabimage' mode... one or the other, i cant
remember which :)... To fix this, edit your /etc/X11/XF86Config file and
find where it says:

Section Module

Add the line:

  Load XVideo

into that section and restart X

Adam McDaniel
Infrastructure Technology Consultant
M-Tech Mercury Information Technology, Inc.

Re: Xawtv and XFree86 4.0

2001-09-17 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
Pedro António Neves wrote on Sun Sep 16, 2001 um 05:31:20PM:

 I'm trying to run xawtv on my woody box, and although the program runs

Look in your XF86Config-4 file and search a line containing v4l.
Remove or comment this line out.

Background: if xawtv finds v4l module loaded, it uses it instead of
usuall overlay. Unfortunately, the card driver must be explicitely
modified to use v4l method, and many card drivers in xf4.1.x are still
not ready.

Kleines Lexikon der Computerwerbung:
minderwertige Einzelteile vereint in einem katastrophalem Ganzen

Re: Xawtv and XFree86 4.0

2001-09-17 Thread Pedro António Neves

On Monday 17 September 2001 16:34, Adam McDaniel wrote:

 What kind of tv card do you have? What version of X?

It's a pinnacle PCTV Studio Pro and I'm running 4.0.3. 
 Also, what colour-depth are you running in?

Now I'm running 16 bpp.

 To my knowledge, xawtv doesn't REQUIRE XVideo unless it was having troubles
 in displaying in 'overlay' or 'grabimage' mode... one or the other, i cant
 remember which :)... To fix this, edit your /etc/X11/XF86Config file and
 find where it says:

You're right. It doesn't. 

The problem was that my box was starting XFree at boot time, but instead of 
running Xfree86 4.0.3, it was running Xfree86 3.3.6, so nothing could really 

I managed to write a new XFfree86config, and now everything works, except the 

I've noticed there's a module named tvaudio, but it's reported unused by 

Any ideas?


Pedro Neves

Xawtv and XFree86 4.0

2001-09-16 Thread Pedro António Neves


I'm trying to run xawtv on my woody box, and although the program runs
I have no sound and the display's only black and white.
On the xterm window from where I run xawtv I get the following error 
Xlib:  extension XVideo missing on display :0.0

What can I do to make it work right ?

Thanks in advance


Re: Xawtv and XFree86 4.0

2001-09-16 Thread Ari Pollak
Check /usr/share/doc/xawtv/README.bttv.gz, and make sure bttv is
initialized with the correct card # of your TV card, as well as using
the right TV Norm for your location (NTSC? PAL? NTSC-JP?)

On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 05:31:20PM +0100, Pedro Ant?nio Neves wrote:
 I'm trying to run xawtv on my woody box, and although the program runs
 I have no sound and the display's only black and white.
 On the xterm window from where I run xawtv I get the following error 
 Xlib:  extension XVideo missing on display :0.0
 What can I do to make it work right ?
 Thanks in advance

   ___   ___ 
  / _ | / _ \   Ari Pollak - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 / __ |/ ___/  
/_/ |_/_/ URA Redneck if your truck cost more than your house.

nvidia: downgrade to XFree86 4.0

2001-08-06 Thread Dwayne C. Litzenberger
Does anyone know how to get the nvidia binary-only drivers to work with
XFree86 4.1 (I know I shouldn't use an nVIDIA card, but it came with the

If not, does someone know a procedure for getting and downgrading to
XFree86 4.0?

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Re: nvidia: downgrade to XFree86 4.0

2001-08-06 Thread Stephen J . Thompson
Hash: SHA1

Hello all,

I see this regulary, binary only drivers from nVidia. Where are they? I 
downloaded the source for the drivers from the nVidia site and have regulary 
compiled them against whatever kernel I am using.



On Monday 06 Aug 2001 9:45 am, Dwayne C. Litzenberger wrote:
 Does anyone know how to get the nvidia binary-only drivers to work with
 XFree86 4.1 (I know I shouldn't use an nVIDIA card, but it came with the

 If not, does someone know a procedure for getting and downgrading to
 XFree86 4.0?
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: nvidia: downgrade to XFree86 4.0

2001-08-06 Thread Dwayne C. Litzenberger
On Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 01:34:59PM +0100, Stephen J. Thompson wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Hello all,
 I see this regulary, binary only drivers from nVidia. Where are they? I 
 downloaded the source for the drivers from the nVidia site and have regulary 
 compiled them against whatever kernel I am using.

Where are YOU getting the sources?

apt-get install nvidia-glx-src  # Doesn't actually have sources

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Re: nvidia: downgrade to XFree86 4.0

2001-08-06 Thread Jimmy Richards
Hi Dwanye,

I hope the following will work for you. First, I should let you know
that I use an older version of the Nvidia drivers, because the have been
very stable for me and and UT wigs out when I try to go from full screen
into a windowed mode with it. The latest seem to work fine for a friend
of mine who has an AMD motherboard(different chipset than mine). It
seems every time Nvidia comes out with a newer version it break
compatibilty on one of our chipsets and makes it work on the other. I'm
using NVIDIA_GLX-0.9-769(and kernel of course), fyi(for your
information), unpacked from tarball. I go into the kernel one and do a
make clean, then make. In the glx i just do a make. Then I make sure the
following directories look like below, if you see anything different,
and you probably will, at least in /usr/X11R6/lib, then remove the files
that are not shown in the listing.

c243491-a:/home$ ls -l /usr/lib/libGL*
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   16 Jul 21 22:33 /usr/lib/ -
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   16 Jul 21 22:33 /usr/lib/ -
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root   218388 Jul 21 22:33 
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   21 Jul 21 22:30 /usr/lib/libGLU.a - 
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   13 Jul 21 22:30 /usr/lib/ -
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   13 Jul 21 21:43 /usr/lib/ -
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   26 Jul 21 21:43 /usr/lib/ 
- ../X11R6/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   20 Jul 21 22:33 /usr/lib/ 
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  2075568 Jul 21 22:33 

c243491-a:/home$ ls -l /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL*
-rw-r--r--1 root root   551646 Jul 13 00:31 /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.a
-rw-r--r--1 root root   693832 Jul 13 00:31 /usr/X11R6/lib/libGLU.a
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   13 Jul 21 21:43 
/usr/X11R6/lib/ -
-rw-r--r--1 root root   490796 Jul 13 00:31 
-rw-r--r--1 root root26252 Jul 13 00:31 /usr/X11R6/lib/libGLw.a

(wrapping off on above listing intentionally)

Hope that helps,

Jimmy Richards

On Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 02:45:25AM -0600, Dwayne C. Litzenberger wrote:
 Does anyone know how to get the nvidia binary-only drivers to work with
 XFree86 4.1 (I know I shouldn't use an nVIDIA card, but it came with the
 If not, does someone know a procedure for getting and downgrading to
 XFree86 4.0?
 Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: nvidia: downgrade to XFree86 4.0

2001-08-06 Thread Jimmy Richards

The tarballs are not source either. They just install an already
built binary. You can get the latest .tar.gz of them from


Jim R.

On Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 06:36:38AM -0600, Dwayne C. Litzenberger wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 01:34:59PM +0100, Stephen J. Thompson wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  Hello all,
  I see this regulary, binary only drivers from nVidia. Where are they? I 
  downloaded the source for the drivers from the nVidia site and have 
  compiled them against whatever kernel I am using.
 Where are YOU getting the sources?
 apt-get install nvidia-glx-src  # Doesn't actually have sources
 Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: nvidia: downgrade to XFree86 4.0

2001-08-06 Thread Stephen J . Thompson
Hash: SHA1

Hello all,

Okay, it seems that I am under a slight misaprehension.  The kernel tarball 
contains source, but the GLX doesn't.

Thanks for clearing that up.



On Monday 06 Aug 2001 3:12 pm, Jimmy Richards wrote:

   The tarballs are not source either. They just install an already
 built binary. You can get the latest .tar.gz of them from


   Jim R.

 On Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 06:36:38AM -0600, Dwayne C. Litzenberger wrote:
  On Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 01:34:59PM +0100, Stephen J. Thompson wrote:
   Hash: SHA1
   Hello all,
   I see this regulary, binary only drivers from nVidia. Where are they? I
   downloaded the source for the drivers from the nVidia site and have
   regulary compiled them against whatever kernel I am using.
  Where are YOU getting the sources?
  apt-get install nvidia-glx-src  # Doesn't actually have sources
  Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


turning on X extensions with XFree86 4.0.x

2001-07-23 Thread Joshua N Pritikin
i installed xserver-xfree86_4.0.3-4_i386.deb today, and simple things like
the shaped window extension disappeared.  xdpyinfo reports:

number of extensions:8

However, i see a bunch of other goodies here:


The man pages are not helpful;  i'd prefer not to download the source code
to research this.  Is there some magic way to turn on these extensions?

Get self-realization at ... ?
  Victory to the Divine Mother!!

Re: turning on X extensions with XFree86 4.0.x

2001-07-23 Thread Rich Rudnick
On Sun, 22 Jul 2001 09:46:17 Joshua N Pritikin wrote:
 i installed xserver-xfree86_4.0.3-4_i386.deb today, and simple things like
 the shaped window extension disappeared.  xdpyinfo reports:
 number of extensions:8
 However, i see a bunch of other goodies here:
 The man pages are not helpful;  i'd prefer not to download the source code
 to research this.  Is there some magic way to turn on these extensions?

In /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 you will find a section like the following (copied
from my config):

Section Module
Load  GLcore
Load  dbe
Load  extmod
Load  fbdevhw
Load  pex5
Load  dri
Load  glx
Load  type1
Load  freetype
# Load  xtt
Load  speedo
Load  record
Load  xie

Re: turning on X extensions with XFree86 4.0.x

2001-07-23 Thread Romain Lerallut
Thus spake Joshua N Pritikin on Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 10:16:17PM +0530:
 i installed xserver-xfree86_4.0.3-4_i386.deb today, and simple things like
 the shaped window extension disappeared.  xdpyinfo reports:
 number of extensions:8
 However, i see a bunch of other goodies here:
 The man pages are not helpful;  i'd prefer not to download the source code
 to research this.  Is there some magic way to turn on these extensions?

check out /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
Section Module




He who attacks the fundamentals of the American broadcasting industry
attacks democracy itself.
-- William S. Paley, chairman of CBS

Re: turning on X extensions with XFree86 4.0.x

2001-07-23 Thread Joshua N Pritikin
On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 10:42:32PM -0700, Rich Rudnick wrote:
 In /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 you will find a section like the following (copied
 from my config):

Oh!  From which deb is XF86Config-4 coming from?  i don't have it.

Get self-realization at ... ?
  Victory to the Divine Mother!!

Re: turning on X extensions with XFree86 4.0.x

2001-07-23 Thread Philipp Lehman
On Mon, 23 Jul 2001, Joshua N Pritikin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, Jul 22, 2001 at 10:42:32PM -0700, Rich Rudnick wrote:
 In /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 you will find a section like the following (copied
 from my config):

Oh!  From which deb is XF86Config-4 coming from?  i don't have it.

No package. Try xf86config as usual.

Philipp Lehman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: question about MTRR and XFree86 4.0

2001-07-06 Thread Ilya Martynov

PJS according to /usr/src/linux/Documentation/mtrr.txt...
PJS   A patch is being written for XFree86 which will make this automatic:
PJS   in other words the X server will manipulate /proc/mtrr using the
PJS   ioctl() interface, so users won't have to do anything.

PJS does anybody know if this has been done yet?  it looks like my
PJS mtrr was set:

PJS   reg00: base=0x (   0MB), size= 128MB: write-back, count=1
PJS   reg01: base=0x0800 ( 128MB), size=  64MB: write-back, count=1
PJS   reg02: base=0x0c00 ( 192MB), size=  32MB: write-back, count=1
PJS   reg03: base=0xe800 (3712MB), size=  64MB: write-combining, count=2

PJS but i haven't echo'd anything to /proc/mtrr.

PJS has this patch already been integrated into X 4.0?

I think yes. At least on all video cards I've tried MTRR was enabled
by XFree86 4.xx automatically.

| Ilya Martynov (|
| GnuPG 1024D/323BDEE6 D7F7 561E 4C1D 8A15 8E80  E4AE BE1A 53EB 323B DEE6 |
| AGAVA Software Company (  |

question about MTRR and XFree86 4.0

2001-07-05 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
according to /usr/src/linux/Documentation/mtrr.txt...

  A patch is being written for XFree86 which will make this automatic:
  in other words the X server will manipulate /proc/mtrr using the
  ioctl() interface, so users won't have to do anything.

does anybody know if this has been done yet?  it looks like my mtrr was set:

  reg00: base=0x (   0MB), size= 128MB: write-back, count=1
  reg01: base=0x0800 ( 128MB), size=  64MB: write-back, count=1
  reg02: base=0x0c00 ( 192MB), size=  32MB: write-back, count=1
  reg03: base=0xe800 (3712MB), size=  64MB: write-combining, count=2

but i haven't echo'd anything to /proc/mtrr.

has this patch already been integrated into X 4.0?


The following addresses had permanent fatal errors...  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   -- Mailer Daemon

Re: xfree86 4.0

2001-06-12 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: xfree86 4.0
Date: Mon, Jun 11, 2001 at 11:59:27PM -0300

In reply to:Eduardo Gargiulo

Quoting Eduardo Gargiulo([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Hi all.
 How can I upgrade my potato_r0 to install xfree86 v4.x?

You would have found that question answered if you had look tru the

Add this to your sources.list

# Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 - XFree86 Version 4.0.3
deb xf403_potato/all/
deb xf403_potato/i386/

User n.:
A programmer who will believe anything you tell him.

Re: Re: xfree86 4.0

2001-06-12 Thread MRZ
 In reply to:Eduardo Gargiulo
 Quoting Eduardo Gargiulo([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Hi all.
  How can I upgrade my potato_r0 to install xfree86 v4.x?
 You would have found that question answered if you had look tru the
All these details are 100% in the archives, just look using the keyword xf40.
Hmm... and if you wait long enough for the next digest will likely find all my 
emails outlining what *not* to do for this..


xfree86 4.0

2001-06-11 Thread Eduardo Gargiulo
Hi all.

How can I upgrade my potato_r0 to install xfree86 v4.x?


Re: XFree86 4.0.x tdfx DRI

2001-05-18 Thread Andrea Vettorello
Ian Eure wrote:

 has anyone out there been able to get DRI working properly with XFree86
 4.0.x and a 3dfx board?

 it _seems_ to work, but framerates are low... not at low as with software
 rendering, but low. i also get horrible flicker when polygons are redrawn.

 i was told that installing libglide3 would help - it did, but not
 enough. i still have the same problems. i also tried the debs of cvs
 dri. it did not help at all.

 everything worked perfectly with xfree86 3.3.6, mesag3-glide2 and

 my system is a k6-3 500, 192mb ram, with a voodoo3 2000 16mb agp card.

With XFree86 3.3.6 i used the 3dfx device, and i remeber quite faster than the
actual XFree86 4.0.3 3dfx DRI implementation, correct me if i'm wrong, in the
latter case, OpenGL works as an additional software layer, based upon

I think i've read somewhere it's still possible to use the 3dfx device with
XFree86 4, but can't remember where, so if someone can point me in the right


XFree86 4.0.x tdfx DRI

2001-05-17 Thread Ian Eure
has anyone out there been able to get DRI working properly with XFree86
4.0.x and a 3dfx board?

it _seems_ to work, but framerates are low... not at low as with software
rendering, but low. i also get horrible flicker when polygons are redrawn.

i was told that installing libglide3 would help - it did, but not
enough. i still have the same problems. i also tried the debs of cvs
dri. it did not help at all.

everything worked perfectly with xfree86 3.3.6, mesag3-glide2 and

my system is a k6-3 500, 192mb ram, with a voodoo3 2000 16mb agp card.

not on the list, so please cc any replies to me.

Re: XFree86 4.0.x tdfx DRI

2001-05-17 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 has anyone out there been able to get DRI working properly with XFree86
 4.0.x and a 3dfx board?
 it _seems_ to work, but framerates are low... not at low as with software
 rendering, but low. i also get horrible flicker when polygons are redrawn.
 i was told that installing libglide3 would help - it did, but not
 enough. i still have the same problems. i also tried the debs of cvs
 dri. it did not help at all.
 everything worked perfectly with xfree86 3.3.6, mesag3-glide2 and
 my system is a k6-3 500, 192mb ram, with a voodoo3 2000 16mb agp card.
 not on the list, so please cc any replies to me.

I've pretty much followed the docs on DRI and X site about setting up the
Voodoo3 card. Points of note:
1. You need either the kernel tdfx module, or DRI one.
2. DRI ONLY works in 16bpp, not 24bpp (took me a while to get that one).
3. I use xlibmesa3 and xlibosmesa3 libs.

First there was Explorer...
Then came Expedition.
This summer
Coming to a street near you..
Ford Exterminator.
Andrei Ivanov

Re: XFree86 4.0.x tdfx DRI

2001-05-17 Thread Ian Eure
On Thu, 17 May 2001, Andrei Ivanov wrote:

 Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 12:05:23 -0500 (CDT)
 From: Andrei Ivanov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: XFree86 4.0.x  tdfx DRI
  has anyone out there been able to get DRI working properly with XFree86
  4.0.x and a 3dfx board?
  it _seems_ to work, but framerates are low... not at low as with software
  rendering, but low. i also get horrible flicker when polygons are redrawn.
  i was told that installing libglide3 would help - it did, but not
  enough. i still have the same problems. i also tried the debs of cvs
  dri. it did not help at all.
  everything worked perfectly with xfree86 3.3.6, mesag3-glide2 and
  my system is a k6-3 500, 192mb ram, with a voodoo3 2000 16mb agp card.
  not on the list, so please cc any replies to me.
 I've pretty much followed the docs on DRI and X site about setting up the
 Voodoo3 card. Points of note:
 1. You need either the kernel tdfx module, or DRI one.
 2. DRI ONLY works in 16bpp, not 24bpp (took me a while to get that one).
 3. I use xlibmesa3 and xlibosmesa3 libs.
irt point 1, i have the agpgart  tdfx modules that came with 2.4.4 loaded
- afaik the dri stuff is all loaded in the x server, not the kernel. am i
wrong on this point?

i'm running in 16bpp, and i have xlib[os]mesa3 installed.

Re: XFree86 4.0.x tdfx DRI

2001-05-17 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 irt point 1, i have the agpgart  tdfx modules that came with 2.4.4 loaded
 - afaik the dri stuff is all loaded in the x server, not the kernel. am i
 wrong on this point?
 i'm running in 16bpp, and i have xlib[os]mesa3 installed.

From what I remember, you can get dri from both kernel source AND
Advantage of kernel being that it's compiled with the kernel together, you
can compile it straight into the kernel, and X wont know the difference.
Advantage of being that you get the latest DRI
version. But the way it works is that X will have to load dri module when
it starts up. But it doesnt matter where it's loaded from: whether it's
already in the kernel, or it's in hte X modules, it'll work the same.

First there was Explorer...
Then came Expedition.
This summer
Coming to a street near you..
Ford Exterminator.
Andrei Ivanov

TrueType no XFree86-4.0.x (x2)

2001-04-15 Thread Adriano Freitas

Ontém eu fiquei caçando informações sobre as fontes truetype no xfree 4
e vi que não existe praticamente documentação alguma sobre isso até
mesmo na própria página da xfree.

Porém, eu achei uma página muito boa que trata com muita clareza o
assunto. Alias, a página tem muito mais informações sobre diversas
outras coisas a respeito de linux.

Para quem se interessou no assunto a página está em É só sigar passo a passo o que
está lá que, apesar do trabalho, o X vai ficar bem melhor. Para os que
ainda usam servidores de fontes truetype no X agora é a hora de
atualizar. A cada dia mais pacotes estão se quebrando com as novas
atualizações do XFree. Na minha opinião, o suporte do XFree 4.0 para
fontes truetype está bem melhor do que usando servidores como o xfstt ou

Boa diversão a quem se interessar.


Re: XFree86-4.0 screen resolution missmatched with monitor viewing area

2001-02-12 Thread David Wright
Quoting John Foster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   The virtual resolution is by default set to the maximum resolution
  for the display (I think).  In the display section add the line:
   Virtual 1024 768
  You might not be able to switch to a larger display, however.  See
  man XF86Config.

  That did it! It is not exactly what I wanted to achieve, but at least
 it puts me back to where I was before the upgrade.

But isn't this all that's happened (where I've used 1152 864 and
a 3.3.6 server):

(**) Mach64: Mode 1280x1024: mode clock = 135.000
(--) Mach64: Resolution 1280x1024 too large for virtual 1152x864
(--) Mach64: Removing mode 1280x1024 from list of valid modes.
(**) Mach64: Mode 1152x864: mode clock = 110.000
(**) Mach64: Mode 1024x768: mode clock =  85.000
(**) Mach64: Virtual resolution: 1152x864
(--) Mach64: Video RAM: 2048k

In other words, you could have merely removed your highest
resolution from the list in /etc/X11/XF86Config, making sure
of course that the resolution you want to first appear is
first in the list.

 Now if I can just
 figure out how to coordinate a change in resolution with a corresponding
 change in virtual screen size. Maybe a virtual display with each
 resolution. Any ideas? BTW I did see the reference in the docs, but
 did not understand how they applied. The examples were not clear.:-(

A reference to your reference would help. I'm not going to plough
through all the X docs on the off chance that I see something that
I think might be what you don't understand!


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: XFree86-4.0 screen resolution missmatched with monitor viewing area

2001-02-08 Thread John Foster
  The virtual resolution is by default set to the maximum resolution
 for the display (I think).  In the display section add the line:
  Virtual 1024 768
 You might not be able to switch to a larger display, however.  See
 man XF86Config.
 That did it! It is not exactly what I wanted to achieve, but at least
it puts me back to where I was before the upgrade. Now if I can just
figure out how to coordinate a change in resolution with a corresponding
change in virtual screen size. Maybe a virtual display with each
resolution. Any ideas? BTW I did see the reference in the docs, but
did not understand how they applied. The examples were not clear.:-(

John Foster

Re: XFree86-4.0 screen resolution missmatched with monitor viewing area

2001-02-08 Thread judd
On  8 Feb, John Foster wrote:
  The virtual resolution is by default set to the maximum resolution
 for the display (I think).  In the display section add the line:
  Virtual 1024 768
 You might not be able to switch to a larger display, however.  See
 man XF86Config.
  That did it! It is not exactly what I wanted to achieve, but at least
 it puts me back to where I was before the upgrade. Now if I can just
 figure out how to coordinate a change in resolution with a corresponding
 change in virtual screen size. Maybe a virtual display with each
 resolution. Any ideas? BTW I did see the reference in the docs, but
 did not understand how they applied. The examples were not clear.:-(

 I haven't got been able to do that, either.  Anyone else know how


|   Christopher Judd, Ph. D.   |
|   Research Scientist |
|   NYS Dept. of Health   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | 
|   Wadsworth Center - ESP |
|   P. O. Box 509518 486-7829  |
|   Albany, NY 12201-0509  |

Re: XFree86-4.0 screen resolution missmatched with monitor viewing area

2001-02-07 Thread Damon Muller
Quoth John Foster, 
 I recently upgraded to a full woody/testing installation. After a few
 hours of reading  experimenting with xf86configure  I got the new
 XFree86 4.0  server to work well. I still have 1 problem. The
 resolutions that are accepted on my monitor are 640x480 800x600
 1024x768 1280x1024 24bpp . When the server runs XF86Config-4; it
 automatically loads the lower resolution first. I then have to manually
 (CTRL+ALT +/-) change the resolutions. The problem is that when I select

While I don't know anything much about X4 modelines, and for myself
using the monitor's onscreen display was enough to fix it up, for your
problem of starting in the wrong resolution there is an easy fix.

Under section `screen', go to the line that represents the colour depth
that you're using (which it probably the number next to `DefaultDepth'
in that same section. Just put the prefered resolution at the start of
the line, and Bob's your uncle.



Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket, | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829 |  - TBMG, Dead

Re: XFree86-4.0 screen resolution missmatched with monitor viewing area

2001-02-07 Thread John Foster
Damon Muller wrote:
 While I don't know anything much about X4 modelines, and for myself
 using the monitor's onscreen display was enough to fix it up, for your
 problem of starting in the wrong resolution there is an easy fix.
 Under section `screen', go to the line that represents the colour depth
 that you're using (which it probably the number next to `DefaultDepth'
 in that same section. Just put the prefered resolution at the start of
 the line, and Bob's your uncle.

Thanks. I already did that. I'm a perfectionist and prefer to use
1024x768 but the virtual screen is larger than the viewing area by about
40%. In 1280x1024 they match but my eyesight is too poor for that
resolution without oversizing everything ...fonts @48, icons @ 120x120.
Other ideas?

John Foster

Re: XFree86-4.0 screen resolution missmatched with monitor viewing area

2001-02-07 Thread David Wright
I think I misunderstood your previous posting where you said In
the past I have been able to correct this so I assumed you were
trying to do something that was possible in V3. In fact, you didn't
correct it, you just lived with it.

 Thanks. I already did that. I'm a perfectionist and prefer to use
 1024x768 but the virtual screen is larger than the viewing area by about
 40%. In 1280x1024 they match but my eyesight is too poor for that
 resolution without oversizing everything ...fonts @48, icons @ 120x120.
 Other ideas?

AFAICT the virtual screen has always been the same size. It slides
around so that you can access all points on it. I don't think that
has changed between V3 and V4.

Viewport just sets the size of the virtual screen, with 0 0 copying
the values from the maximum resolution. Have you tried messing with
those values (e.g. setting them smaller than max res.); not that I'm
saying this works.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: XFree86-4.0 screen resolution missmatched with monitor viewing area

2001-02-07 Thread judd
On  7 Feb, John Foster wrote:
 Damon Muller wrote:
 While I don't know anything much about X4 modelines, and for myself
 using the monitor's onscreen display was enough to fix it up, for your
 problem of starting in the wrong resolution there is an easy fix.
 Under section `screen', go to the line that represents the colour depth
 that you're using (which it probably the number next to `DefaultDepth'
 in that same section. Just put the prefered resolution at the start of
 the line, and Bob's your uncle.
 Thanks. I already did that. I'm a perfectionist and prefer to use
 1024x768 but the virtual screen is larger than the viewing area by about
 40%. In 1280x1024 they match but my eyesight is too poor for that
 resolution without oversizing everything ...fonts @48, icons @ 120x120.
 Other ideas?

 The virtual resolution is by default set to the maximum resolution 
for the display (I think).  In the display section add the line:

 Virtual 1024 768
You might not be able to switch to a larger display, however.  See
man XF86Config.


|   Christopher Judd, Ph. D.   |
|   Research Scientist |
|   NYS Dept. of Health   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | 
|   Wadsworth Center - ESP |
|   P. O. Box 509518 486-7829  |
|   Albany, NY 12201-0509  |

Re: XFree86-4.0 screen resolution missmatched with monitor viewing area

2001-02-06 Thread David Wright
Quoting John Foster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I recently upgraded to a full woody/testing installation. After a few
 hours of reading  experimenting with xf86configure  I got the new
 XFree86 4.0  server to work well. I still have 1 problem. The
 resolutions that are accepted on my monitor are 640x480 800x600
 1024x768 1280x1024 24bpp . When the server runs XF86Config-4; it
 automatically loads the lower resolution first. I then have to manually
 (CTRL+ALT +/-) change the resolutions. The problem is that when I select
 the one I want...the virtual screen/desktop is diffetent that the actual
 edge of the monitor. In fact none of these modes match the screen. In
 the past I have been able to correct this by selecting the startup
 default with XF86Setup and using only that resolution. That does not
 seem to work with xf86config or XFree86 -configure  xf86cfg
 completely craps out. I think there is an option called viewport that
 nees to be set, but the docs do not cover it well enough to try it. Any
 Suggestions. It would be really cool to be able to switch screen
 resolutions  have them all fit the actual 13.7 viewable area. I have
 all of the monitor specs and the video card specs as well.

I suspect that for most people this is a breeze. I just use the
monitor controls to put the picture where I want it for each
resolution. The monitor remembers each setting because it's in
a different mode (i.e. it recognises the scan frequencies and
fishes out the correct settings from an internal table).

With old-fashioned monitors that can't do that, I set the controls
using my preferred resolution, then switch to the other one (this
would be just 800x600 to 640x480) and use xvidtune to scale the
new picture. Then I copy the modeline from xvidtune into the
XF86Config file at the appropriate place. (Thank goodness I no
longer use those old monitors for X).

The only problem is: I don't know how XFree86 4 does modelines.
It may be different from 3.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

XFree86 4.0 and the testing distribution

2000-12-21 Thread hawk

Gee, the testing distribution was announced later in the day when I 
decided that a lagged unstable was what was really needed . . . :)

Anyway, I've tried toinstall it on the kids machine with mixed success.
As near as I can tell, the dependencies between XFree 3.3 and 4.0 cross 
over.  When I select the Xfree tasks, I end up with parts of 3.3 and 
nothing working.  I don't see anything in the archives for the last 
month or so, so could someone kindly pass me a clue?


hawk, who actually downloaded it all over a 28k modem

Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.   Smeal 178(814) 375-4700
These opinions will not be those of Penn State until it pays my retainer.

Re: XFree86 4.0 and the testing distribution

2000-12-21 Thread Rob VanFleet
Xfree86 4.x isn't included in the testing tree yet.  The way I understand it,
it will be added eventually.  I *think* that woody is now the same as the
testing tree, but the less stable packages in woody got bumped into the new
unstable.  People who were running woody before the testing tree came about
have X 4, but those of us who just migrated to testing don't.

If anyone has a better explanation of this, or sees something wrong with my
logic, please chime in, as information about testing seems to be lacking.


On Thu, Dec 21, 2000 at 12:09:35PM -0500, hawk wrote:
 Gee, the testing distribution was announced later in the day when I 
 decided that a lagged unstable was what was really needed . . . :)
 Anyway, I've tried toinstall it on the kids machine with mixed success.
 As near as I can tell, the dependencies between XFree 3.3 and 4.0 cross 
 over.  When I select the Xfree tasks, I end up with parts of 3.3 and 
 nothing working.  I don't see anything in the archives for the last 
 month or so, so could someone kindly pass me a clue?
 hawk, who actually downloaded it all over a 28k modem
 Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.   Smeal 178(814) 375-4700
 These opinions will not be those of Penn State until it pays my retainer.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: XFree86 4.0

2000-11-28 Thread Martin Fluch
On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Jeffrey A Schoolcraft wrote:

 * Martin Fluch ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 apt-get install xserver-xfree86
  (this will update not all of your system, but only the part needed by the
  Then fidle around until you get it running, you might need to update some
  other X related packages.
 after I did this, I got an error, couldn't load default font 'fixed'.  
 Been looking to see how I can install this font.  Any ideas?

Perhaps you might look at this mail (and it follow-ups) in the
mailinglist archive:


PS: This ( seems

Yes, some package that I upgraded forgot to run update-fonts-alias in
misc.  So, what you need to do as root is:

cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts
update-fonts-alias misc

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In a quiet night,
you can hear Windows

For public GnuPG-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: XFree86 4.0

2000-11-28 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
hi martin,

if i don't upgrade to woody, would it be better to do this from source

i'm wondering if X will be linked against woody libraries...


To err is human, to forgive is divine.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] _
To oink is porcine, to meow is feline.
To neigh is equine to howl is lupine,   /v\
To moo is bovine to bleat is ovine.// \\
   ^^ ^^
  The best way to accelerate a win95 system is at 9.81 m/s^2   rules

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Martin Fluch wrote:

 Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 01:20:00 +0200 (EET)
 From: Martin Fluch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Peter Jay Salzman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Debian user mailing list
 Subject: Re: XFree86 4.0
 I think you want to stick to the package system.
 If you use apt-get, change the /etc/apt/sources.list so that it points to
 unstable, then make an 
apt-get update
 then a 
apt-get install xserver-xfree86
 (this will update not all of your system, but only the part needed by the
 Then fidle around until you get it running, you might need to update some
 other X related packages.
 Afterwards restor the old sources.list and make an
apt-get update
 again to get the old package informations back.
 This should be easier than tarballs...
 On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
  I'd like to upgrade to XFree86 4.0.   The way I see it, there's 2 options:
  1- package
  2- tarball
  I'm running Potato, and don't really want to upgrade to Woody.  Based on
  that alone, I think tarball is my only option, but I want to make sure of
  Which is the better way for me to upgrade X?
 This is Linux Country.
 In a quiet night,
 you can hear Windows

Re: XFree86 4.0

2000-11-28 Thread Martin Fluch
On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

 if i don't upgrade to woody, would it be better to do this from source
 i'm wondering if X will be linked against woody libraries...

In my opinion it should be much more less truble to upgrade only some
packages to woody. Then at least the package management system knows about
what is going on, and the xserver packages would be better integrated into
the whole Debian system.

A friend of mine has a potato box which has some unstable packages
installed (it would take about 140MB download to upgrade it completely to
to a most recent woody system), and it worked well. Recently it happende
to him, that while he installed the woody version of gnucash, that also
the xserver was updated. This caused some minor breakage, but after
updating some more packages (mostly some X packages which weren't
automaticaly updated by apt-get automaticaly, and the sawfish package) and
fixing some bugs manualy (something like to change the
DisplayManager.randomFile in /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config from
/dev/urandom to /dev/mem, or to correct a symbolic link here ... so
no real _big_ bugs) the whole system worked well and stable again, no
further problems.

I guess to fix these small things is much less trouble then compiling and
installing XFree from tarbals and get it then smothly running. Branden did
in my opinion a very, very well job, and apt-get/dpkg does its own job
also _very_ well... 


This is Linux Country.
In a quiet night,
you can hear Windows

For public GnuPG-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

XFree86 4.0

2000-11-27 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
I'd like to upgrade to XFree86 4.0.   The way I see it, there's 2 options:

1- package
2- tarball

I'm running Potato, and don't really want to upgrade to Woody.  Based on
that alone, I think tarball is my only option, but I want to make sure of

Which is the better way for me to upgrade X?


Re: XFree86 4.0

2000-11-27 Thread Martin Fluch

I think you want to stick to the package system.

If you use apt-get, change the /etc/apt/sources.list so that it points to
unstable, then make an 

   apt-get update

then a 

   apt-get install xserver-xfree86

(this will update not all of your system, but only the part needed by the

Then fidle around until you get it running, you might need to update some
other X related packages.

Afterwards restor the old sources.list and make an

   apt-get update

again to get the old package informations back.

This should be easier than tarballs...


On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

 I'd like to upgrade to XFree86 4.0.   The way I see it, there's 2 options:
 1- package
 2- tarball
 I'm running Potato, and don't really want to upgrade to Woody.  Based on
 that alone, I think tarball is my only option, but I want to make sure of
 Which is the better way for me to upgrade X?

This is Linux Country.
In a quiet night,
you can hear Windows

For public GnuPG-key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: XFree86 4.0

2000-11-27 Thread Jeffrey A Schoolcraft
* Martin Fluch ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
apt-get install xserver-xfree86
 (this will update not all of your system, but only the part needed by the
 Then fidle around until you get it running, you might need to update some
 other X related packages.

after I did this, I got an error, couldn't load default font 'fixed'.  Been 
looking to see how I can install this font.  Any ideas?

True Type Support of Xfree86 4.0

2000-06-11 Thread Alex Kwan
I have seen the release notes of XFree86 4.0 said that
it will supported the True Type Fonts. 
Is it mean that if I have installed the 4.0R and I don't need to 
install the xfs or xtt server to support true type fonts any more?

Re: True Type Support of Xfree86 4.0

2000-06-11 Thread kmself
On Sun, Jun 11, 2000 at 10:13:34PM +0800, Alex Kwan wrote:
 I have seen the release notes of XFree86 4.0 said that
 it will supported the True Type Fonts. 
 Is it mean that if I have installed the 4.0R and I don't need to 
 install the xfs or xtt server to support true type fonts any more?

That's the theory.  I haven't installed XF86 4.0 myself.

Karsten M. Self
  Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.
   What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  Debian GNU/Linux rocks!  K5:
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Re: True Type Support of Xfree86 4.0

2000-06-11 Thread Marek Habersack
** On Jun 11, scribbled:
 On Sun, Jun 11, 2000 at 10:13:34PM +0800, Alex Kwan wrote:
  I have seen the release notes of XFree86 4.0 said that
  it will supported the True Type Fonts. 
  Is it mean that if I have installed the 4.0R and I don't need to 
  install the xfs or xtt server to support true type fonts any more?
 That's the theory.  I haven't installed XF86 4.0 myself.
It's practice. YOu just have to enable an appropriate driver for the font
format. Works like a charm. One doesn't need xtt anymore.


Description: PGP signature

Re: XFree86 4.0 debs ?

2000-05-31 Thread M. Tavasti
Ron Rademaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 PS. Make sure to keep the old 3, just in case anything goes wrong, I
 didn't the first time, something went wrong, so I tried to fix it and
 messed up my system even more. At the end I decided to reinstall the
 system, because it was the fastest way of fixing ;)

In file xc/config/cf/site.def, change ProjectRoot, for example:

#define ProjectRoot /usr/local/X11R6

Remove comments around 

#ifndef HasGcc2
#define HasGcc2 YES

Then just make world; make install. XF86Config should be changed,
/etc/X11/Xserver edited, and that's it. You don't have to remove any
debian packages. 

M. Tavasti /  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /   +358-40-5078254
 Poista sähköpostiosoitteesta molemmat x-kirjaimet
 Remove x-letters from my e-mail address

XFree86 4.0 debs ?

2000-05-23 Thread James Sleeman
I would like to install XFree 4.0 on my potato machine, are there debs
available yet, or not too far off ?  I couldn't even see 4.0 ones in Woody.

James Sleeman

Re: XFree86 4.0 debs ?

2000-05-23 Thread Ron Rademaker
There aren't any deb (yet), but you can compile the sources yourself,
works fine here!

Ron Rademaker

PS. Make sure to keep the old 3, just in case anything goes wrong, I
didn't the first time, something went wrong, so I tried to fix it and
messed up my system even more. At the end I decided to reinstall the
system, because it was the fastest way of fixing ;)

On Tue, 23 May 2000, James Sleeman wrote:

 I would like to install XFree 4.0 on my potato machine, are there debs
 available yet, or not too far off ?  I couldn't even see 4.0 ones in Woody.
 James Sleeman
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

gs, wmaker debs? (was: Re: XFree86 4.0 debs ?)

2000-05-23 Thread Philip Lehman
On Tue, 23 May 2000, James Sleeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to install XFree 4.0 on my potato machine, are there debs
available yet, or not too far off ?  I couldn't even see 4.0 ones in Woody.

Take a look at It seems like
the move to the new architecture is non-trivial (haven't tried it

A similar question: I've been looking for debs of gs 6.0 and wmaker
0.62. Both are out for quite some time now, but they're not even in
woody. Is this because all maintainers are busy getting potato out?
I've built wmaker and libproplist myself and it works right out of the
box on potato. Merely a matter of half an hour (not flaming or
anything, I'm just curious).


XFree86 4.0 deb

2000-05-17 Thread Michael O'Brien

Anyone know of the location of an xfree86 4.0 deb file?


Re: XFree86 4.0 deb

2000-05-17 Thread SCOTT FENTON
They don't exist yet.

Michael O'Brien wrote:
 Anyone know of the location of an xfree86 4.0 deb file?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

XFree86 4.0

2000-05-07 Thread Parrish M Myers
I finally got up enough courage to install the new X win on my potato
box.  All I can say is wow!  Not perfect but a definate impovement.  X
no longer feels clunky (seeing as how I have a AMD 200 and I am runing
Gnome... it tended to be a bit slow).  I can't wait for the .debs now!

Academia is a little like child   | Parrish M. Myers
rearing, it provides a chance at  | The Wacked Jester
immortality without the stretch   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
marks  -- (unknown source)|

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XFree86 4.0 and Xterm colors...

2000-05-01 Thread Eric G . Miller
I've installed, and managed to get working, XFree86 4.0.  The only big
problem remaining is that all of the terminal colors are really weird.
I now get pink on magenta and other generally unreadable color
combinations when I run mutt, slrn, etc.  I've been trying to figure
out where these colors got messed up, and I guessed it was in the new
terminfo entries.  Unfortunately, I don't know which ones are mucked up
or how to change them.  Any pointer's would be handy.

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: XFree86 4.0 and Xterm colors...

2000-05-01 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Apr 30, 2000 at 06:02:07PM -0700, Eric G . Miller wrote:
 I've installed, and managed to get working, XFree86 4.0.  The only big
 problem remaining is that all of the terminal colors are really weird.
 I now get pink on magenta and other generally unreadable color
 combinations when I run mutt, slrn, etc.  I've been trying to figure
 out where these colors got messed up, and I guessed it was in the new
 terminfo entries.  Unfortunately, I don't know which ones are mucked up
 or how to change them.  Any pointer's would be handy.

I've gotten around this temporarily by using gnome-terminal instead. 

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

XFree86-4.0 and xauth

2000-04-25 Thread Brian Stults
I upgraded to XFree86-4.0 recently, and now xauth doesn't seem to work. 
I usually use ssh to work on my unix account at work and to do so, I
have a script that looks like this:

ssh REMOTEHOST /usr/openwin/bin/xauth add `grep -e IPADDR
/etc/dhcpc/ | gawk -F = '{print $2}'`:0 . `xauth list
LOCALHOST/unix:0 | gawk '{print $3}'`
xterm -e ssh REMOTEHOST 

This basically gets my current IP address from the dhcpcd info, and uses
ssh to add the xauth code for that IP to my list on the remote host. 
However, since I upgraded to 4.0, this doesn't work.  Even if I do it
manually on the remote host, it still doesn't work.  When I try to
execute a program on the remote host with the display exported to my
localhost, I get this:

Xlib: connection to LOCALHOST:0.0 refused by server
Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
xterm Xt error: Can't open display: LOCALHOST:0

I assume this is because of the upgrade, but I suppose it could be due
to recent updates in the OpenSSH debian packages.  I'm using woody.  Any
suggestions?  In the meantime I'm using xhost to add the remote host,
but I'm not very comfortable doing that since a lot of people use that
server, and I have to go through the extra steps.  I should emphasize,
that this worked fine a couple weeks ago.



Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Sociology
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936

Re: XFree86-4.0 and xauth

2000-04-25 Thread Brad
On Mon, Apr 24, 2000 at 07:10:59PM -0400, Brian Stults wrote:
 I upgraded to XFree86-4.0 recently, and now xauth doesn't seem to work. 

i don't use XFree86-4.0 yet, but here's guess or two.

 I usually use ssh to work on my unix account at work and to do so, I
 have a script that looks like this:
 ssh REMOTEHOST /usr/openwin/bin/xauth add `grep -e IPADDR
 /etc/dhcpc/ | gawk -F = '{print $2}'`:0 . `xauth list
 LOCALHOST/unix:0 | gawk '{print $3}'`

Have you checked that this still generates the right output? i.e. what
is is supposed to generate and what does it actually do? Change the
cookie if you want to post it, no one will know the difference.

For example, in my xauth file i have keys for both MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1
and XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1. If the XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1 would have happened
to come first, it would be using the wrong cookie for your script.

 xterm -e ssh REMOTEHOST 
 This basically gets my current IP address from the dhcpcd info, and uses
 ssh to add the xauth code for that IP to my list on the remote host. 

Just out of curiousity, why don't you just use ssh's X forwarding?
Especially since the long-standing bug that made it fail on some
configurations has been fixed in the latest Debian versions.

 However, since I upgraded to 4.0, this doesn't work.  Even if I do it
 manually on the remote host, it still doesn't work.  When I try to
 execute a program on the remote host with the display exported to my
 localhost, I get this:
 Xlib: connection to LOCALHOST:0.0 refused by server
 Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
 xterm Xt error: Can't open display: LOCALHOST:0

When you say 'manually' do you mean manually ran the script or did
xauth list and copy-pasted the output by hand into the remote session?

Apparently, there's some issue with the key being different... The only
guess i have at the moment is that that script is producing incorrect

  finger for GPG public key.

Description: PGP signature

xfree86 4.0 on neomagic

2000-04-07 Thread pplaw

i run slink on my lapbox, having a neomagic 2097 (magicgraph
128zv+) video card.

xfree86 4.0 gives me these results:
1.  twm default.
a.  how do i get to  icewm?--my fav.

2.  default vga.
a.  how do specify svga?

3.  default screen size of 320x200.
 a.  how do i specify 640x480?

none of my modifications to /etc/X11/XF86Config override the
above defaults.

can xfree86 4.0 be customized?  and if so, how?

(btw, kudos to the project for a smooth install!)

ia, t, as always.
 Bentley Taylor 

...why linux?...the $emperor$ has no clothes.

Install XFree86 4.0 on Potato

2000-04-01 Thread Alex Kwan
Hi! Debian Friends,

Thank you all the help of yours, the ppp dial-out now work!

Now I have another lesson to learn, it's install the XFree86 4.0
(non .deb packages) on Potato.

I have already download the necessary binary files of Free86 4.0
(following to the XFree86's document), but I am afraid that if I
follow the instruction of XFree86 to install (us Xinstall), it will make
the dkpg system confuse (my debian box do not have X Window right
now), which way is the better way to install the XFree86 4.0  on Potato?

Thanks and have a nice weekend!


Re: Install XFree86 4.0 on Potato

2000-04-01 Thread Colin Watson
Alex Kwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Now I have another lesson to learn, it's install the XFree86 4.0
(non .deb packages) on Potato.

I have already download the necessary binary files of Free86 4.0
(following to the XFree86's document), but I am afraid that if I
follow the instruction of XFree86 to install (us Xinstall), it will make
the dkpg system confuse (my debian box do not have X Window right
now), which way is the better way to install the XFree86 4.0  on Potato?

It will probably confuse dpkg somewhat, yes, although perhaps not too
badly if you don't have X installed already. Don't expect dependencies
to work without some fiddling around with the equivs package. You might
be able to build and install it into /usr/local or /usr/local/X11R6 if
you then symlink /usr/bin/X11, /usr/include/X11, and /usr/lib/X11 to the
appropriate places, but at your own risk.

The best way if you don't already know what you're doing is probably to
wait for the Debian XFree86-4.0 packages to be released for woody; at
that stage you'll probably still be able to install woody packages on
potato without too much trouble. See:

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Servidores para XFree86 4.0

2000-03-24 Thread Romón Sánchez, Enver

me he bajado e instalado los binarios de las XFree86 4.0 en una Slink, pero
me faltan los servidores. he estado mirando en el ftp de xfree86, pero no
los encuentro por ningun lado. ¿donde estara mi server? =8-]

Un saludo,

Enver Romon Sanchez
Analista Programador

Dep. I+D Nuevas Tecnologias
Telf: 91.589.44.63
Fax: 91.589.90.49


Adicto a Linux registrado #74692

Y un sonido se elevo de innumerables melodias alternadas,
entretejidas en una armonia que iba mas alla del oido
hasta las profundidades y las alturas,
y al fin la musica y el eco de la musica se desbordaron
volcandose en el Vacio,
y ya no hubo Vacio.

El Silmarillion
J.R.R. Tolkien

Re: Servidores para XFree86 4.0

2000-03-24 Thread Xavier Andrade

On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, [iso-8859-1] Romón Sánchez, Enver wrote:

 me he bajado e instalado los binarios de las XFree86 4.0 en una Slink, pero
 me faltan los servidores. he estado mirando en el ftp de xfree86, pero no
 los encuentro por ningun lado. ¿donde estara mi server? =8-]

Ya no existen los xservers en xfree4


Re: Servidores para XFree86 4.0

2000-03-24 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Romón Sánchez, Enver wrote:
 me he bajado e instalado los binarios de las XFree86 4.0 en una Slink, pero
 me faltan los servidores. he estado mirando en el ftp de xfree86, pero no
 los encuentro por ningun lado. ¿donde estara mi server? =8-]
Yo leí hace mucho tiempo que la principal ventaja de la versión 4.0
iba a ser eliminar la necesidad de diferentes servidores para cada placa
gráfica. Revisa las dependencias de los paquetes que instalaste para ver
si dependen de algún servidor o no.


Re: Servidores para XFree86 4.0

2000-03-24 Thread Jordi
On Sat, Mar 25, 2000 at 08:11:46AM -0400, Xavier Andrade wrote:
  los encuentro por ningun lado. ?donde estara mi server? =8-]
 Ya no existen los xservers en xfree4

No creo que sea del todo cierto. No he leido nada, aparte de lo típico en
Slashdot, etc... pero que yo sepa, hay un servidor, que usa modulos
dependiendo de tu tarjeta, y según le oí a Branden Robinson, hay unos 100

PS: Como se vive en el futuro? ;)
(On Sat, Mar 25, 2000 at 08:11:46AM -0400, ... )


Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || Rediscovering Freedom,
ka Oskuro in RL-MUD || [EMAIL PROTECTED]|| Using Debian GNU/Linux  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Servidores para XFree86 4.0

2000-03-24 Thread Enver Romon

At 14.51 24/3/00 +, Jaime E. Villate wrote:

Romón Sánchez, Enver wrote:
 me he bajado e instalado los binarios de las XFree86 4.0 en una Slink, pero
 me faltan los servidores. he estado mirando en el ftp de xfree86, pero no
 los encuentro por ningun lado. ¿donde estara mi server? =8-]
Yo leí hace mucho tiempo que la principal ventaja de la versión 4.0
iba a ser eliminar la necesidad de diferentes servidores para cada placa
gráfica. Revisa las dependencias de los paquetes que instalaste para ver
si dependen de algún servidor o no.

han cambiado los servidores X de las versiones anteriores y han adoptado un 
esquema de

drivers al estilo de los modulos del kernel.
hay un servidor comun para todos los modelos de tarjetas y este es el que 
carga los drivers


Re: Status of RIVA TNT2 3D Support in XFree86 4.0...?

2000-03-22 Thread Rev GRC Sperry
There's actually something about this on today:

* Steve ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000321 15:22] penned:
 Hello All,
   I have not been able to find a definate answer as to the
 existence of 3D Support in XFree86 4.0 for an NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Card.
 Some stuff that I have read seems to indicate that there is not a 3D
 driver yet...?  Is this true?  Is there 3d support in X4, and if so,
 is it usable at all for things like Q3?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


 They do not apprehend how being at variance it agrees with itself.

RE: Status of RIVA TNT2 3D Support in XFree86 4.0...?

2000-03-22 Thread Bryan Scaringe
There is 3d support, using GLX.  It doesnt use DRI (to wite directly to
the hardware, which means it's not as fast as it could be.  See slashdot
(today's edition, infact) for an excelent discussion on the topic.


On 21-Mar-2000 Steve wrote:
 Hello All,
   I have not been able to find a definate answer as to the
 existence of 3D Support in XFree86 4.0 for an NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Card.
 Some stuff that I have read seems to indicate that there is not a 3D
 driver yet...?  Is this true?  Is there 3d support in X4, and if so,
 is it usable at all for things like Q3?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Status of RIVA TNT2 3D Support in XFree86 4.0...?

2000-03-21 Thread Steve
Hello All,

  I have not been able to find a definate answer as to the
existence of 3D Support in XFree86 4.0 for an NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Card.
Some stuff that I have read seems to indicate that there is not a 3D
driver yet...?  Is this true?  Is there 3d support in X4, and if so,
is it usable at all for things like Q3?



Re: So, what's up with the XFree86 4.0 .debs?

2000-03-16 Thread Torsten Landschoff
Hi Branden, 

On Sun, Mar 12, 2000 at 10:32:06PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 Hmm.  I am using the following patch, which I got from slashdot of all
 --- xc/config/makedepend/cppsetup.c.origSun Mar 12 15:47:41 2000
 +++ xc/config/makedepend/cppsetup.c Sun Mar 12 15:48:21 2000
 @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
 return 0;
  do {
 var = (*s)-s_value;
 -   if (!isvarfirstletter(*var))
 +   if (!isvarfirstletter(*var) || !strcmp((*s)-s_name, var))
 s = lookup_variable (ip, var, strlen(var));
  } while (s);
 It did seem to fix the problem.  If someone who understands cppsetup.c
 could comment and it turns out that this patch doesn't in fact disable some
 feature of cppsetup, I will submit this patch to XFree86.

This is the code to evaluate the value of a macro. E.g. if you write

#define FOO BAR
#define BAR BAZ

it will lookup FOO and get BAR, then lookup BAR and get BAZ which 
is not a macro. 

Now ANSI-C defines that you can say 

#define FOO FOO

and the preprocessor will handle this without looping. The old code lookup
up FOO, found FOO as value, looked up FOO ad nauseum. The patch just
checks if the macro is defined as itself and breaks the loop in that case.

I think this patch is perfectly valid and should go upstream.



   Debian Developer and Quality Assurance Committee Member

Re: So, what's up with the XFree86 4.0 .debs?

2000-03-13 Thread markm
On Sun, Mar 12, 2000 at 01:16:55PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 [1] The makedepend program gets stuck in an infinite loop when attempting
 to generate dependencies in xc/programs/xterm.  One of Tom Dickey's
 patches, #130 or #131, is probably the culprit since I think these are the
 only two changes that happened to the xterm sources between 3.9.18 and 4.0.


Just a little extra info - this is a mail I was composing before I read
your mail (obviously I realise that this is low priority till woody). 

I have two potato systems [Sys1 hasn't been updated for a while and
seems to have gone a little mouldy ;]

***X builds on Sys1***, but on Sys2 makedepend goes into an infinite 
loop when running in the xc/programs/xterm directory. [as you noted]

You've probably done this your self:

The end of a strace log gives:
[big snippage]
stat(./unctrl.h, 0xb67c)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or[snip]
stat(/usr/local/lib/gcc-include/unctrl.h, 0xb67c) = -1 ENOENT[snip]
stat(/usr/include/unctrl.h, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=2957,...}) = 0
open(/usr/include/unctrl.h, O_RDONLY) = 5
fstat(5, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=2957, ...}) = 0
read(5, /***..., 2957) = 2957
close(5)= 0
--- SIGINT (Interrupt) ---

Obviously, the -1 ENOENT's are fine - makedepend is just searching for
files in various paths. The infinite loop always occurs after unctrl.h.

Here are some diferences between my two systems. Let me know if you
want more info.

libc6   2.1.3-4 2.1.3-7
libc6-dev   2.1.3-4 2.1.3-7
ncurses-base5.0-4   5.0-6
libncurses5-dev 5.0-6*  5.0-6
gcc 2.95.2-62.95.2-7

* yes, there is a reason - I was forcing various -dev versions to see
if I could reproduce the error on Sys1...


Re: So, what's up with the XFree86 4.0 .debs?

2000-03-13 Thread Alex Romosan

 On Sun, Mar 12, 2000 at 01:16:55PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
  [1] The makedepend program gets stuck in an infinite loop when attempting
  to generate dependencies in xc/programs/xterm.  One of Tom Dickey's
  patches, #130 or #131, is probably the culprit since I think these are the
  only two changes that happened to the xterm sources between 3.9.18 and 4.0.
 Just a little extra info - this is a mail I was composing before I read
 your mail (obviously I realise that this is low priority till woody). 
 I have two potato systems [Sys1 hasn't been updated for a while and
 seems to have gone a little mouldy ;]

the problem is with curses.h in libncurses5-dev. it redefines ERR and
as such it conflicts with the definition from the glibc headers. this
was the same problem noticed in dpkg 1.6.10. i just commented out the
redefinition of ERR in /usr/include/curses.h and then the X package
compiled just  fine. i am sure the proper solution is the one used in
dpkg-1.6.11 though.


| I believe the moment is at hand when, by a paranoiac and active |
|  advance of the mind, it will be possible (simultaneously with  |
|  automatism and other passive states) to systematize confusion  |
|  and thus to help to discredit completely the world of reality. |

Re: So, what's up with the XFree86 4.0 .debs?

2000-03-13 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sun, Mar 12, 2000 at 07:06:19PM -0800, Alex Romosan wrote:
 the problem is with curses.h in libncurses5-dev. it redefines ERR and
 as such it conflicts with the definition from the glibc headers. this
 was the same problem noticed in dpkg 1.6.10. i just commented out the
 redefinition of ERR in /usr/include/curses.h and then the X package
 compiled just  fine. i am sure the proper solution is the one used in
 dpkg-1.6.11 though.

Hmm.  I am using the following patch, which I got from slashdot of all

--- xc/config/makedepend/cppsetup.c.origSun Mar 12 15:47:41 2000
+++ xc/config/makedepend/cppsetup.c Sun Mar 12 15:48:21 2000
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
return 0;
 do {
var = (*s)-s_value;
-   if (!isvarfirstletter(*var))
+   if (!isvarfirstletter(*var) || !strcmp((*s)-s_name, var))
s = lookup_variable (ip, var, strlen(var));
 } while (s);

It did seem to fix the problem.  If someone who understands cppsetup.c
could comment and it turns out that this patch doesn't in fact disable some
feature of cppsetup, I will submit this patch to XFree86.

Anyway, XFree86 4.0 built without errors on a potato system and I am
basically deep in the guts of it right now, figuring out how I need to
break it up for packaging.

G. Branden Robinson| I am sorry, but what you have mistaken
Debian GNU/Linux   | for malicious intent is nothing more
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | than sheer incompetence! | -- J. L. Rizzo II

Description: PGP signature

Re: So, what's up with the XFree86 4.0 .debs?

2000-03-13 Thread Sven LUTHER

Nice to hear about the future 4.0 plan. i agree with most of what you propose.

I have a question conerning the 3D stuff.

Glx will be included in XF 4.0, but this is a point that will most assuredly
confuse lots of people.

In fact, (if i understood this issue correctly, which i am still not entirelly
sure) GLx is just some added support of XF 4.0 to be able to run openGL stuff
in a Xfree window.

In particular, this has nothing to do with mesa/accelerated mesa/openGL, in
particular since the accelerated mesa stuff is called utah-glx, this could
cause lots of confusion.

Also there is DRI, which has and has not something to do with this.

But apart from all this, people (end user) will be downloading XFree 4.0
packages (in phase3) and hope 3D accel to work just fine, since it was hyped
as one of the goals of Xfree 4.0, and with SGI giving out OpenGL code and
other such stuff. So best would be to be thinking about it and also include
the mesa maintainer in the reflection about future XFree 4.0 packages, unless
we want people complaining about why quake3 or whatever is not working as
expected for them.



Re: So, what's up with the XFree86 4.0 .debs?

2000-03-13 Thread dan
On Mon, Mar 13, 2000 at 11:18:09AM +0100, Sven LUTHER generated a stream of 1s 
and 0s:
 Nice to hear about the future 4.0 plan. i agree with most of what you propose.
 I have a question conerning the 3D stuff.
 Glx will be included in XF 4.0, but this is a point that will most assuredly
 confuse lots of people.
 In fact, (if i understood this issue correctly, which i am still not entirelly
 sure) GLx is just some added support of XF 4.0 to be able to run openGL stuff
 in a Xfree window.

GLX is already included in XF 4.0. GLX is a glue that holds X and a GL
renderer together. 

 In particular, this has nothing to do with mesa/accelerated mesa/openGL, in
 particular since the accelerated mesa stuff is called utah-glx, this could
 cause lots of confusion.

utah-glx is a bit of a misnomer, since most of the developement work is
done with the low-level hardware rendering drivers, not higher level GLX
server-client stuff. GLX uses Mesa library. Any applications compiled
for use with Mesa can take advantage of using your hardware for
rendering, if supported.  

 Also there is DRI, which has and has not something to do with this.
 But apart from all this, people (end user) will be downloading XFree 4.0
 packages (in phase3) and hope 3D accel to work just fine, since it was hyped
 as one of the goals of Xfree 4.0, and with SGI giving out OpenGL code and
 other such stuff. So best would be to be thinking about it and also include
 the mesa maintainer in the reflection about future XFree 4.0 packages, unless
 we want people complaining about why quake3 or whatever is not working as
 expected for them.

DRI allows bypassing network pipe in X for the data going to your card,
resulting in better performance. So it's something like 
Application-GLX-DRIHardware. Please correct me if I am wrong.

XF86 4.0 only supports 3Dfx for hardware rendering. 4.01 should include
utah-glx which will provide support for Matrox NVIDIA and Rage Pro
cards. You can use utah-glx right now to play Q3 Arena, and it runs very
nice already even on my 4MB Rage Pro card with XF86 3.3.6.

Re: So, what's up with the XFree86 4.0 .debs?

2000-03-12 Thread Branden Robinson
Today's news flash: omitted words can really change the meaning of a sentence.

On Sun, Mar 12, 2000 at 01:16:55PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 They're not available yet, so I am sending this message to apprise Debian
 users my fellow developers of the situation.

...users AND my fellow developers...

 These packages will be highly, HIGHLY experimental, and I will make any
 effort to support smooth upgrades between them.

...and I will NOT make any effort...

Also, in case it was unclear in my previous mail, I have no plans to
support full versions of XFree86 3.3.x and 4.x in the same Debian release.
By the time official 4.0 .debs are ready, it is my hope that the legacy
chipsets currently only supported in 3.3.x will be supported in 4.x as
well.  3.3.x libc5-compatibility libraries will be provided for i386 and
m68k per my previous mail until and unless consensus is reached that this
support should be dropped.

G. Branden Robinson|The errors of great men are venerable
Debian GNU/Linux   |because they are more fruitful than the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |truths of little men. |-- Friedrich Nietzsche

Description: PGP signature

XFree86 4.0

2000-03-10 Thread Gabriel Tabares-Barreiro
   Ultimas noticias... mi instalacion tendra que esperar un poco... la
cosa una vez ?descomprimida? ocupa mas de !!!180 megas!!!, asi que no
tengp espacio para ello (de momento) :( . Supongo que tendre que esperar a
que aparezca ya compilado (o ponerme a quitar directorios como Solaris/BSD
y asi y rezar para que le de la gana funcionar y no necesite nada de
eso). Esto me pasa por no tener mucho disco duro :(

   Espero que esto sirva para algo a alguien.
