duvida idioma opera

2024-02-28 Thread Vitor Hugo

Boa tarde,

Teria como fazer o Opera ficar no idioma português?


Re: Problems with Opera browser

2020-10-12 Thread Sven Hartge
Mick Ab  wrote:

> In the last few days, a couple of problems have arisen with using the
> Opera browser on a Debian Jessie system.

> Firstly, black rectangles appear on many webpages.

> Secondly, it is no longer possible to attach files to an email -
> nothing happens when the Browse button is clicked to find the file
> that is required to be attached to an email.

> Opera version is 64.0.3417.73

Since Opera is not a Debian package but a 3rd-party one, you need to ask
Opera about that.

Also Jessie is out of Long Term Support since June 30th 2020 and you
really shouldn't use it any longer, because there are not security
updates coming any more.

Please update to a supported Debian release to keep your data secure.


Sigmentation fault. Core dumped.

Problems with Opera browser

2020-10-11 Thread Mick Ab
In the last few days, a couple of problems have arisen with using the Opera
browser on a Debian Jessie system.

Firstly, black rectangles appear on many webpages.

Secondly, it is no longer possible to attach files to an email - nothing
happens when the Browse button is clicked to find the file that is required
to be attached to an email.

Opera version is 64.0.3417.73

Flash player for opera browser

2018-03-11 Thread Marc Hodgson
The IP my vpn uses is banned from accessing the Debian Wiki, and I need 
to install a flash player in Opera browser. Does anyone have current 
instructions for Debian Stretch (9.3)?


Opera/Firefox speed, was Re: flash in stretch again

2017-10-12 Thread David Wright
TL;DR perhaps try http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/

On Thu 22 Jun 2017 at 13:00:35 (-0300), Wellington Terumi Uemura wrote:
> I really recommend that you switch up to Opera and forget about
> Chromium and Firefox for a number of reasons. It uses much less
> resources, native AdBlock, embedded free VPN for your privacy
> concerns, it uses chromium engine to render pages, pop up video,
> Speed Dial, etc, etc.
> http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10-things/10-reasons-why-you-should-use-the-opera-browser/
> https://www.windowscentral.com/why-switch-opera-browser
> Your issue is also why I've migrated it and I'm not willing to go
> back, I don't keep track of every single change that happens with
> Debian and Mozilla. Before I used to compile a kernel specific to my
> machine, now I just want to install the thing and use it.
> I just have enough of this, Firefox is out of Debian, now is back
> again, now Firefox stop working with flash and you have to do some
> Voodoo magic to make it work until the next update that will brake
> flash player all over again.

As a result of this recommendation, I decided to try Opera on
this low-powered machine¹. Flash is the least of my problems
as I download those I want to see and am grateful that the rest
*don't* run: it's the rendering speed that is my main concern.
Many web pages completely overload the machine: the screen
clock and even the mouse interrupts can get several tens of
seconds behind and then have to catch up. (Unless you wait,
any mouse clicks will land in the wrong place.)

I found O's usability difficult after using F for years², but
there *were* individual web sites that were faster to render,
so I set up short-cuts to call those up. The two most significant
were the 10-day forecast and the weather radar. Some newspaper
sites too.

O's printing was no better that F (eg missing a line at page
top/bottoms) and it would sometimes produce the correct number
of empty pages. Saving web pages (whichever way) seemed only to
be able to produce a mystery monolithic file, rather than F's
tree of individual images and other scraps, which is a feature
I depend on.

The Google Images interface was far less useful too. (I only rarely
want to visit the pages that the images come from: for me, it's a
search tool, not a navigation one.)

It also appeared that when O started with a number of Tabs from
the previous session, it would attempt to restore them all
straight away, with completely negated any performance gain.
F only opens the Tab you're displaying, and defers restoring
other ones until you select them.

I was happy to see that O could import F's bookmarks, but the
way they were then implemented was poor as it alphabetised
them all. Imagine getting to w-eather: six or seven lists the
height of the page.

With a couple more devices to add to /etc/hosts, I though I'd
try adding in the list of machines at


This has had a much more transforming effect on F than switching
to Opera; so much so that I have reverted my short-cuts for
weather etc. The fan has less work to do too.

(BTW. I'm happy to read comments on where I went wrong.)

¹ 1.50GHz Pentium M, 512MB memory, 1GB swap, fvwm, no DE.

² Opera was, I think, the third browser I used (mid-1990s), after
Mosaic and Netscape, in the days when it had a little orange panel
top-right where it put ads. Fvwm used to put a tiny xterm over it
(set to always-on-top) to avoid the distracting animations.


Re: pepperflashplugin-nonfree para opera

2017-08-11 Thread Dixan Rivas
Si, con el apt-get lo puedes instalar, si te continua fallando puedes
intentar bajar solo binarios y compilarlo en tu ordenador.

El 11 ago. 2017 16:57, "marcelo" <marcelogiord...@gmail.com> escribió:

El 11/08/17 a las 11:59, Dixan Rivas escribió:

apt-get remove --purge $(dpkg --list | grep pepperflashplugin | cut -c5-40)
algo así eliminas el plugin.


El 11 ago. 2017 15:55, "marcelo" <marcelogiord...@gmail.com> escribió:

El 07/08/17 a las 11:31, Cristian Mitchell escribió:

no me pude aguantar lo acabo de resolver

lo primero es que el repositorio de opera para debian esta una versión vieja
bájate la ultima del sitio oficial
el otro problema que me tiro fue con las key
por las dudas desinstálalo si te lo permitió

dpkg -P pepperflashplugin-nonfree

y reinstálalo

apt -i pepperflashplugin-nonfree

Hola amigo al poner dpkg -P pepperflashplugin-nonfree me sale
dpkg: aviso: no se tendrá en cuenta la petición de desinstalar
perpperflashplugin-nonfree porque no está instalado
sera porque lo instale con apt get install???
despues al poner apt install -i pepperflashplugin-nonfree me sale
E: No se conoce la opción de línea de órdenes «i» [de -i].
espero indicaciones gracias

Me funcionó perfecto.
No quiero abusar, pero ahora para instalarlo vasta con
apt get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree

Re: pepperflashplugin-nonfree para opera

2017-08-11 Thread marcelo

El 11/08/17 a las 11:59, Dixan Rivas escribió:
apt-get remove --purge $(dpkg --list | grep pepperflashplugin | cut 
-c5-40) algo así eliminas el plugin.


El 11 ago. 2017 15:55, "marcelo" <marcelogiord...@gmail.com 
<mailto:marcelogiord...@gmail.com>> escribió:

El 07/08/17 a las 11:31, Cristian Mitchell escribió:

no me pude aguantar lo acabo de resolver

lo primero es que el repositorio de opera para debian esta una
versión vieja
bájate la ultima del sitio oficial
el otro problema que me tiro fue con las key
por las dudas desinstálalo si te lo permitió

dpkg -P pepperflashplugin-nonfree

y reinstálalo

apt -i pepperflashplugin-nonfree

Hola amigo al poner dpkg -P pepperflashplugin-nonfree me sale
dpkg: aviso: no se tendrá en cuenta la petición de desinstalar
perpperflashplugin-nonfree porque no está instalado
sera porque lo instale con apt get install???
despues al poner apt install -i pepperflashplugin-nonfree me sale
E: No se conoce la opción de línea de órdenes «i» [de -i].
espero indicaciones gracias

Me funcionó perfecto.
No quiero abusar, pero ahora para instalarlo vasta con
apt get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree

Re: pepperflashplugin-nonfree para opera

2017-08-11 Thread Dixan Rivas
apt-get remove --purge $(dpkg --list | grep pepperflashplugin | cut -c5-40)
algo así eliminas el plugin.


El 11 ago. 2017 15:55, "marcelo" <marcelogiord...@gmail.com> escribió:

El 07/08/17 a las 11:31, Cristian Mitchell escribió:

no me pude aguantar lo acabo de resolver

lo primero es que el repositorio de opera para debian esta una versión vieja
bájate la ultima del sitio oficial
el otro problema que me tiro fue con las key
por las dudas desinstálalo si te lo permitió

dpkg -P pepperflashplugin-nonfree

y reinstálalo

apt -i pepperflashplugin-nonfree

Hola amigo al poner dpkg -P pepperflashplugin-nonfree me sale
dpkg: aviso: no se tendrá en cuenta la petición de desinstalar
perpperflashplugin-nonfree porque no está instalado
sera porque lo instale con apt get install???
despues al poner apt install -i pepperflashplugin-nonfree me sale
E: No se conoce la opción de línea de órdenes «i» [de -i].
espero indicaciones gracias

Re: pepperflashplugin-nonfree para opera

2017-08-11 Thread marcelo

El 07/08/17 a las 11:31, Cristian Mitchell escribió:

no me pude aguantar lo acabo de resolver

lo primero es que el repositorio de opera para debian esta una versión 

bájate la ultima del sitio oficial
el otro problema que me tiro fue con las key
por las dudas desinstálalo si te lo permitió

dpkg -P pepperflashplugin-nonfree

y reinstálalo

apt -i pepperflashplugin-nonfree

Hola amigo al poner dpkg -P pepperflashplugin-nonfree me sale
dpkg: aviso: no se tendrá en cuenta la petición de desinstalar 
perpperflashplugin-nonfree porque no está instalado

sera porque lo instale con apt get install???
despues al poner apt install -i pepperflashplugin-nonfree me sale
E: No se conoce la opción de línea de órdenes «i» [de -i].
espero indicaciones gracias

Re: pepperflashplugin-nonfree para opera

2017-08-07 Thread Cristian Mitchell
El 7 de agosto de 2017, 06:35, Angel Vicente<angel...@wanadoo.es> escribió:

> Hash: SHA256
> El Sun, 6 Aug 2017 19:39:52 -0300
> Cristian Mitchell <mitchell6...@gmail.com> escribió:
> > El 6 de agosto de 2017, 19:16, Marcelo
> > Giordano<contadorgiord...@gmail.com> escribió:
> >
> > > Reitero mi mensaje ya que nadie respondió. Si alguien puede ayudar
> > > se lo voy a agradecer mucho
> > >
> > > Hola amigos.
> > >
> > > Instalé Opera en mi Debian 8 y anda genial. Salvo que no tiene
> > > flash.
> > >
> > >
> > > Lo intento instalar con apt install pepperflashplugin-nonfree y me
> > > da este error
> > > mv: no se puede efectuar `stat' sobre «unpackchrome/opt/
> > > google/chrome/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so»: No existe el
> > > fichero o el directorio
> > > entendí que me pedía tener chrome instalado, por lo cual instale
> > > chrome, desinstale pepperflash instale pepperflash y me da el mismo
> > > error.
> > >
> > > Espero que haya alguna solucion.
> > >
> > > Saludos
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > > Buenas tardes
> > Creo que por mas que reiteres nadie tiene una respuesta
> > yo utilizo opera hace muchos años
> > pero en esta ultima versión no pude instalarle flash ni con el paquete
> > flashplugin-nonfree
> > ni a mano
> > y ni siquiera instalando chrome que lo trae por defaulthaciendole un
> > link simbólico
> A mi me funciona, pero estoy usando testing, en el paquete pepperflash
> tengo la versión 1.8.3+nmu1, también tengo instalado
> browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash.
> A mi pasó antes de la liberación de la versión 9 de Debian, que Opera
> rehusaba la versión instalada de flash, pero el pepperflash que tenía
> informaba de que tenía la última versión; no averigüé mucho más porque
> el Opera no lo uso mucho.
> >
> > saludos
> >
> >
> - --
> Key fingerprint 01DC 0386 2B28 0A02 A270 E243 008B AABF 1822 9851
> UYGFAQCNJfcv7uzkCthUeqnw3CtjdvcZYAu4iXFb603WbM+MnwD+JSinhCEkBtYv
> ZnqvXvUfWYnVk1ahw2Zlfo1fZDqZ/Y0=
> =ISOg

no me pude aguantar lo acabo de resolver

lo primero es que el repositorio de opera para debian esta una versión vieja
bájate la ultima del sitio oficial
el otro problema que me tiro fue con las key
por las dudas desinstálalo si te lo permitió

dpkg -P pepperflashplugin-nonfree

y reinstálalo

apt -i pepperflashplugin-nonfree

Linux user number 412793.

las grandes obras,
las sueñan los santos locos,
las realizan los luchadores natos,
las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

Re: pepperflashplugin-nonfree para opera

2017-08-07 Thread Angel Vicente
Hash: SHA256

El Sun, 6 Aug 2017 19:39:52 -0300
Cristian Mitchell <mitchell6...@gmail.com> escribió:
> El 6 de agosto de 2017, 19:16, Marcelo
> Giordano<contadorgiord...@gmail.com> escribió:
> > Reitero mi mensaje ya que nadie respondió. Si alguien puede ayudar
> > se lo voy a agradecer mucho
> >
> > Hola amigos.
> >
> > Instalé Opera en mi Debian 8 y anda genial. Salvo que no tiene
> > flash.
> >
> >
> > Lo intento instalar con apt install pepperflashplugin-nonfree y me
> > da este error
> > mv: no se puede efectuar `stat' sobre «unpackchrome/opt/
> > google/chrome/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so»: No existe el
> > fichero o el directorio
> > entendí que me pedía tener chrome instalado, por lo cual instale
> > chrome, desinstale pepperflash instale pepperflash y me da el mismo
> > error.
> >
> > Espero que haya alguna solucion.
> >
> > Saludos
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Buenas tardes  
> Creo que por mas que reiteres nadie tiene una respuesta
> yo utilizo opera hace muchos años
> pero en esta ultima versión no pude instalarle flash ni con el paquete
> flashplugin-nonfree
> ni a mano
> y ni siquiera instalando chrome que lo trae por defaulthaciendole un
> link simbólico

A mi me funciona, pero estoy usando testing, en el paquete pepperflash
tengo la versión 1.8.3+nmu1, también tengo instalado

A mi pasó antes de la liberación de la versión 9 de Debian, que Opera
rehusaba la versión instalada de flash, pero el pepperflash que tenía
informaba de que tenía la última versión; no averigüé mucho más porque
el Opera no lo uso mucho.

> saludos

- -- 
Key fingerprint 01DC 0386 2B28 0A02 A270 E243 008B AABF 1822 9851


Re: pepperflashplugin-nonfree para opera

2017-08-06 Thread Cristian Mitchell
El 6 de agosto de 2017, 19:16, Marcelo Giordano<contadorgiord...@gmail.com>

> Reitero mi mensaje ya que nadie respondió. Si alguien puede ayudar se lo
> voy a agradecer mucho
> Hola amigos.
> Instalé Opera en mi Debian 8 y anda genial. Salvo que no tiene flash.
> Lo intento instalar con apt install pepperflashplugin-nonfree y me da este
> error
> mv: no se puede efectuar `stat' sobre «unpackchrome/opt/
> google/chrome/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so»: No existe el fichero o
> el directorio
> entendí que me pedía tener chrome instalado, por lo cual instale chrome, 
> desinstale
> pepperflash instale pepperflash y me da el mismo error.
> Espero que haya alguna solucion.
> Saludos
> --
> Buenas tardes
Creo que por mas que reiteres nadie tiene una respuesta
yo utilizo opera hace muchos años
pero en esta ultima versión no pude instalarle flash ni con el paquete
ni a mano
y ni siquiera instalando chrome que lo trae por defaulthaciendole un link


Linux user number 412793.

las grandes obras,
las sueñan los santos locos,
las realizan los luchadores natos,
las aprovechan los felices cuerdo,
y las critican los inútiles crónicos,

Re: pepperflashplugin-nonfree para opera

2017-08-06 Thread Marcelo Giordano
Reitero mi mensaje ya que nadie respondió. Si alguien puede ayudar se lo 
voy a agradecer mucho

Hola amigos.

Instalé Opera en mi Debian 8 y anda genial. Salvo que no tiene flash.

Lo intento instalar con apt install pepperflashplugin-nonfree y me 
daeste error
mv: no se puede efectuar `stat' 
Noexiste el fichero o el directorio
entendí que me pedía tener chrome instalado, por lo cual instale 
chrome,desinstale pepperflash instale pepperflash y me da el mismo error.

Espero que haya alguna solucion.



pepperflashplugin-nonfree para opera

2017-08-04 Thread marcelo

Hola amigos.

Instalé Opera en mi Debian 8 y anda genial. Salvo que no tiene flash.

Lo intento instalar con apt install pepperflashplugin-nonfree y me da 
este error

mv: no se puede efectuar `stat' sobre 
«unpackchrome/opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so»: No 
existe el fichero o el directorio

entendí que me pedía tener chrome instalado, por lo cual instale chrome, 
desinstale pepperflash instale pepperflash y me da el mismo error.

Espero que haya alguna solucion.


Re: Opera questions (was Re: flash in stretch again)

2017-06-22 Thread The Wanderer
On 2017-06-22 at 12:53, Wellington Terumi Uemura wrote:

> * Who does it? I use 30 tabs max.

Over the course of the past two years (give or take), I've managed to
reduce my open-tab count on my primary computer to a current count of
only 426 - but my peak was 5,190 simultaneous open tabs. I hope to
eventually get it down to a running balance, across all the things I do
with the browser, somewhere in the vicinity of 250; no matter how many
of my pending backlogs I clear away, I don't expect it to ever fall
below around 80.

That's on my desktop. My laptop has a hundred or two open tabs, and my
(two primary) work computers have several dozen each. (Well, normally.
One of them is currently up in the a-few-hundred range, because I've
been following news articles during downtime and there hasn't been
enough downtime to keep up with new ones.)

Different workflows use tabs very differently.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Opera questions (was Re: flash in stretch again)

2017-06-22 Thread Wellington Terumi Uemura

* Who does it? I use 30 tabs max.

* I don't know, I'm a right hand. You can install and figure it out I guess.

* Not that I'm aware of, BUT, instead of recover tabs you can look at 
history and recover from there without using huge amount of resource on 
your HDD to show all the tabs you had open and witch one you want to 
recover from.

* I believe your use is very specific, all your history and data are 
stored in database format on your ~home/.config/opera.

On 22-06-2017 13:10, rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:

I'm not the OP, but because you use and recommend Opera, let me ask a few

   * Have you ever used a really large number of tabs--I mean like 800 or so?

   * Does Opera have, hmm, what to call it--a tab interface on the left hand
side--a thing where the tab labels can be nested and collapsed and such?

   * Does Opera have a means to recover tabs on a crash?

   * Does Opera have a means to backup the history (not in a database, I hope)
from which I can print (or C) a list of the tabs that were open at the time
of a crash?


On Thursday, June 22, 2017 12:00:35 PM Wellington Terumi Uemura wrote:

I really recommend that you switch up to Opera and forget about Chromium
and Firefox for a number of reasons. It uses much less resources, native
AdBlock, embedded free VPN for your privacy concerns, it uses chromium
engine to render pages, pop up video, Speed Dial, etc, etc.
e-opera-browser/ https://www.windowscentral.com/why-switch-opera-browser

Your issue is also why I've migrated it and I'm not willing to go back,
I don't keep track of every single change that happens with Debian and
Mozilla. Before I used to compile a kernel specific to my machine, now I
just want to install the thing and use it.

I just have enough of this, Firefox is out of Debian, now is back again,
now Firefox stop working with flash and you have to do some Voodoo magic
to make it work until the next update that will brake flash player all
over again.

To make flash, h.264 and html5 work on Opera, all you have to do is this.
1. Download the ".tar.gz" version

2. Download the last pre-build nwjs-ffmpeg

3. Install some nice fonts
pt-get install ttf-linux-libertine ttf-freefont ttf-mscorefonts-installer

4. Download and install Opera

5. Open Opera and at the top left cornet, click at the red Opera logo
and go "about opera". Check where it is installed, my is something like
Installed: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera

6. Decompress nwjs-ffmpeg and copy the "libffmpeg.so" to where your
Opera is installed.

Restart Opera, that's it!

Youtube videos, Facebook videos, cnn, and animations should be working,
if you test for html5 on Youtube, all should be blue.

If you still need flash player:

1. Decompress the flashplayer
tar -zxvf flash_player_ppapi_linux.x86_64.tar.gz

2. Create the plugins directory as root or using sudo
mkdir /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/plugins

3. Copy libpepflashplayer.so to plugins directory
cp libpepflashplayer.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/plugins

Restart Opera.

You can use the Debian version:

Please note that you have to update the nwjs-ffmpeg every time a new
Opera version arrives.

On 22-06-2017 02:31, Maureen L Thomas wrote:

I just updated some packages and it upgraded me to stretch.  That is all
fine but I cannot get flash to work yet again.  Is there any help out
there for this program.  I even installed Chromium with pepperflash and
it won't work either.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am running on an AMD A8, Toshiba satellite, with stretch.  Thanks.


Opera questions (was Re: flash in stretch again)

2017-06-22 Thread rhkramer
I'm not the OP, but because you use and recommend Opera, let me ask a few 

   * Have you ever used a really large number of tabs--I mean like 800 or so?  

   * Does Opera have, hmm, what to call it--a tab interface on the left hand 
side--a thing where the tab labels can be nested and collapsed and such?

   * Does Opera have a means to recover tabs on a crash?

   * Does Opera have a means to backup the history (not in a database, I hope) 
from which I can print (or C) a list of the tabs that were open at the time 
of a crash?


On Thursday, June 22, 2017 12:00:35 PM Wellington Terumi Uemura wrote:
> I really recommend that you switch up to Opera and forget about Chromium
> and Firefox for a number of reasons. It uses much less resources, native
> AdBlock, embedded free VPN for your privacy concerns, it uses chromium
> engine to render pages, pop up video, Speed Dial, etc, etc.
> http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10-things/10-reasons-why-you-should-use-th
> e-opera-browser/ https://www.windowscentral.com/why-switch-opera-browser
> Your issue is also why I've migrated it and I'm not willing to go back,
> I don't keep track of every single change that happens with Debian and
> Mozilla. Before I used to compile a kernel specific to my machine, now I
> just want to install the thing and use it.
> I just have enough of this, Firefox is out of Debian, now is back again,
> now Firefox stop working with flash and you have to do some Voodoo magic
> to make it work until the next update that will brake flash player all
> over again.
> To make flash, h.264 and html5 work on Opera, all you have to do is this.
> 1. Download the ".tar.gz" version
> https://get.adobe.com/br/flashplayer/
> 2. Download the last pre-build nwjs-ffmpeg
> https://github.com/iteufel/nwjs-ffmpeg-prebuilt/releases/
> 3. Install some nice fonts
> pt-get install ttf-linux-libertine ttf-freefont ttf-mscorefonts-installer
> 4. Download and install Opera
> http://www.opera.com/
> 5. Open Opera and at the top left cornet, click at the red Opera logo
> and go "about opera". Check where it is installed, my is something like
> this.
> Installed: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera
> 6. Decompress nwjs-ffmpeg and copy the "libffmpeg.so" to where your
> Opera is installed.
> Restart Opera, that's it!
> Youtube videos, Facebook videos, cnn, and animations should be working,
> if you test for html5 on Youtube, all should be blue.
> https://www.youtube.com/html5
> If you still need flash player:
> 1. Decompress the flashplayer
> tar -zxvf flash_player_ppapi_linux.x86_64.tar.gz
> 2. Create the plugins directory as root or using sudo
> mkdir /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/plugins
> 3. Copy libpepflashplayer.so to plugins directory
> cp libpepflashplayer.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/plugins
> Restart Opera.
> You can use the Debian version:
> https://wiki.debian.org/Opera
> Please note that you have to update the nwjs-ffmpeg every time a new
> Opera version arrives.
> On 22-06-2017 02:31, Maureen L Thomas wrote:
> > I just updated some packages and it upgraded me to stretch.  That is all
> > fine but I cannot get flash to work yet again.  Is there any help out
> > there for this program.  I even installed Chromium with pepperflash and
> > it won't work either.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> > 
> > I am running on an AMD A8, Toshiba satellite, with stretch.  Thanks.
> > 
> > Maureen

Re: Opera Won't Run on Wheezy [SOLVED]

2016-05-13 Thread Patrick Bartek
On Fri, 13 May 2016, Lisi Reisz wrote:

> On Friday 13 May 2016 01:39:23 Patrick Bartek wrote:
> > Guess I'm stuck with the unsupported Chrome.  No biggie.
> Because Chrome is unsupported for Wheezy and 32 bit, pepper flash is 
> unsupported for Wheezy and 32 bit.  It makes no difference which of
> the browsers that you use that uses pepper flash, it will still be
> unsupported.
> Lisi

That's what I at first thought, but that can't be it.  The installed
versions of all that's Chrome on my system hasn't changed since support
stopped a month ago, either before or after installing Opera twice. I
had even removed the Chrome repo, too. It looks like if you already have Chrome
installed, unsupported or not, Opera doesn't overwrite those files with
up-to-date ones. It just uses what's already there. So, I still have
old, now unsupported versions of the 4 standard plugins/extensions that
come default with Chrome and, thus, Opera.

The curiosity is that last week when I first installed Opera, and
immediately updated/upgraded, it ran fine.  No problems.  A week later,
it wouldn't.  And as far as I can determined, it hadn't been
upgraded in that week. I also checked dependencies, and Wheezy
generously met them. But something had to have changed.  I just can't
find out what.

Anyway, this is all academic. I won't be using Opera on Wheezy.  It's
been too much a bother.  However, I wonder if other LTS distros have
had this problem?


Re: Opera Won't Run on Wheezy [SOLVED]

2016-05-13 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Friday 13 May 2016 09:44:43 Curt wrote:
> On 2016-05-13, Lisi Reisz  wrote:
> > On Friday 13 May 2016 01:39:23 Patrick Bartek wrote:
> >> Guess I'm stuck with the unsupported Chrome.  No biggie.
> >
> > Because Chrome is unsupported for Wheezy and 32 bit, pepper flash is
> > unsupported for Wheezy and 32 bit.  It makes no difference which of the
> > browsers that you use that uses pepper flash, it will still be
> > unsupported.
> Chrome no longer receives updates in Wheezy period (whether 32 or 64 bit
> flavor).
> When did he say he was using a 32 bit machine btw?

He didn't and I didn't.  The statement, and I made it a general one, applies 
to two things:  Wheezy and 32 bit.  Both.  Separately.  (And together, of 
course.)  What has what the OP is using got to do with it?  It applies to a 
lot of us, and I had been trying to do as you suggested and had clarified the 
above for myself, so it seemed worth passing on.  

And my post was about pepper flash in other browsers, not Chrome.  Pepper 
flash is unsupported in Wheezy and 32 bit, in any or all browsers, because 
Chrome is unsupported in Wheezy and 32 bit.  Note: Wheezy AND 32 bit.  Not 
Wheezy 32 bit.


Re: Opera Won't Run on Wheezy [SOLVED]

2016-05-13 Thread Curt
On 2016-05-13, Lisi Reisz  wrote:
> On Friday 13 May 2016 01:39:23 Patrick Bartek wrote:
>> Guess I'm stuck with the unsupported Chrome.  No biggie.
> Because Chrome is unsupported for Wheezy and 32 bit, pepper flash is 
> unsupported for Wheezy and 32 bit.  It makes no difference which of the 
> browsers that you use that uses pepper flash, it will still be unsupported.

Chrome no longer receives updates in Wheezy period (whether 32 or 64 bit

When did he say he was using a 32 bit machine btw?

> Lisi

Hypertext--or should I say the ideology of hypertext?--is ultrademocratic and
so entirely in harmony with the demagogic appeals to cultural democracy that
accompany (and distract one’s attention from) the ever-tightening grip of 
plutocratic capitalism. - Susan Sontag

Re: Opera Won't Run on Wheezy [SOLVED]

2016-05-13 Thread Lisi Reisz
On Friday 13 May 2016 01:39:23 Patrick Bartek wrote:
> Guess I'm stuck with the unsupported Chrome.  No biggie.

Because Chrome is unsupported for Wheezy and 32 bit, pepper flash is 
unsupported for Wheezy and 32 bit.  It makes no difference which of the 
browsers that you use that uses pepper flash, it will still be unsupported.


Opera Won't Run on Wheezy [SOLVED]

2016-05-12 Thread Patrick Bartek
A couple weeks ago, downloaded deb file for Opera from Opera web site,
and installed.  Ran fine.  Now it won't.  At first, thought is was
my upgrading to openjdk7-jre and icedtea-7-plugin, but found out
one of Chrome's files was the culprit.  Opera uses pepperflash
and the Chrome PDF plugins, one of which (or both) now requires version
2.14 of libc6. Wheezy has 2.13, latest version.  And installing 2.14
was not a safe option: too much a risk of screwing up the system. So,
Opera as a replacement for Chrome is out.

FWIW, as a check, installed Opera on Jessie LXDE desktop (stock
install) that I installed in a VM on this Wheezy system months ago.
Works fine.

Guess I'm stuck with the unsupported Chrome.  No biggie.


Re: Installing new Opera version?

2015-01-10 Thread Siard
Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum about instaling Opera 26.0:
 Is there a way to install this on Debian. Im running Wheezy.

Just wanted to say that Opera 26.0 installed successfully in jessie,
except for a few minor glitches as you can see here:

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Installing new Opera version?

2015-01-10 Thread Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum
Hi, it seems that lst month there was a new stable version of Opera for Linux 
released, but for Ubuntu only. One of the Opera devs has a blog about 
installing it on non-Debian-based distros


 but it doesn't say how to install it on Debian itself. I tried just installing 
the Ubuntu package but that required a version of libc6 more advances than 
what's on Debian without getting from Experimental, and that seems like a bad 
idea anyway. The version from Debian is still 12.16 which is years old.

Is there a way to install this on Debian. Im running Wheezy.



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Re: Installing new Opera version?

2015-01-10 Thread Gary Dale

On 10/01/15 11:54 AM, Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum wrote:

Hi, it seems that lst month there was a new stable version of Opera for Linux 
released, but for Ubuntu only. One of the Opera devs has a blog about 
installing it on non-Debian-based distros


  but it doesn't say how to install it on Debian itself. I tried just 
installing the Ubuntu package but that required a version of libc6 more 
advances than what's on Debian without getting from Experimental, and that 
seems like a bad idea anyway. The version from Debian is still 12.16 which is 
years old.

Is there a way to install this on Debian. Im running Wheezy.



Opera is non-free and apparently no one is maintaining a Debian package 
for it. However I believe that Opera may still have a debian repository. 
Try adding

deb http://deb.opera.com/opera stable non-free

to your /etc/apt/sources.list file, then add the repository key

wget -O - http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | apt-key add -

and do an update. You should then be able to install Opera. Or you may 
run into the same libc6 problem. In this latter case, you can try 
installing libc6 from testing.

If that looks like it may leave you with a lot of broken packages, you 
could simply upgrade to Jessie. Jessie is pretty stable but not quite as 
bulletproof as Wheezy (although I have as many problems with Wheezy as I 
do with Jessie, and I'm not using a GUI on my Wheezy installs).

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Re: Installing new Opera version?

2015-01-10 Thread Gary Dale

On 10/01/15 11:54 AM, Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum wrote:

Hi, it seems that lst month there was a new stable version of Opera for Linux 
released, but for Ubuntu only. One of the Opera devs has a blog about 
installing it on non-Debian-based distros


  but it doesn't say how to install it on Debian itself. I tried just 
installing the Ubuntu package but that required a version of libc6 more 
advances than what's on Debian without getting from Experimental, and that 
seems like a bad idea anyway. The version from Debian is still 12.16 which is 
years old.

Is there a way to install this on Debian. Im running Wheezy.



Opera is non-free and apparently no one is maintaining a Debian package 
for it. However I believe that Opera may still have a debian repository. 
Try adding

deb http://deb.opera.com/opera stable non-free

to your /etc/apt/sources.list file, then add the repository key

wget -O - http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | apt-key add -

and do an update. You should then be able to install Opera. Or you may 
run into the same libc6 problem. In this latter case, you can try 
installing libc6 from testing.

If that looks like it may leave you with a lot of broken packages, you 
could simply upgrade to Jessie. Jessie is pretty stable but not quite as 
bulletproof as Wheezy (although I have as many problems with Wheezy as I 
do with Jessie, and I'm not using a GUI on my Wheezy installs).

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Re: Installing new Opera version?

2015-01-10 Thread Gary Dale

On 10/01/15 12:19 PM, Siard wrote:

Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum about instaling Opera 26.0:

Is there a way to install this on Debian. Im running Wheezy.

Just wanted to say that Opera 26.0 installed successfully in jessie,
except for a few minor glitches as you can see here:
I noted that the libc6 version the OP was having a problem with is the 
same in Jessie and Sid.

The main glitches I saw in your link were the unknown media types. This 
seems to be endemic to Jessie. I don't run Opera but saw the messages in 
a recent update anyway.

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Opera (was Re: Good news on claws-mail)

2014-10-30 Thread Jonathan Dowland
On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 05:56:25PM +0100, Siard wrote:
 I just installed the x86_64 version in my new PC (amd64) with 'dpkg -i'.
 After trying to 'apt-get install' the 3 gstreamer*-dependencies,
 I followed apt's advice to try 'apt-get -f install' (without packages)
 and voilà: all dependencies were neatly solved.

If you want to continue to discuss Opera, please change the subject line,
as this discussion has nothing to do anymore with claws-mail.


Jonathan Dowland

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Re: Opera (was Re: Good news on claws-mail)

2014-10-30 Thread Bret Busby
On 30/10/2014, Jonathan Dowland j...@debian.org wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 05:56:25PM +0100, Siard wrote:
 I just installed the x86_64 version in my new PC (amd64) with 'dpkg -i'.
 After trying to 'apt-get install' the 3 gstreamer*-dependencies,
 I followed apt's advice to try 'apt-get -f install' (without packages)
 and voilà: all dependencies were neatly solved.

 If you want to continue to discuss Opera, please change the subject line,
 as this discussion has nothing to do anymore with claws-mail.


 Jonathan Dowland

I have not had any problems installing Opera; from memory, I download
the [package from the Opera web site, and install it using gdebi,
which takes care of everything.

Bret Busby
West Australia

So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means.
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts,
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992

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Opera cuelga Gnome-Shell en Debian 7.1 Wheezy

2013-06-27 Thread Sergio Vernis

Les comento a titulo informativo que Opera cuelga Gnome-Shell en
Debian 7.1 Wheezy.

Ya reporte el error a la gente de Opera.

Usaba Opera porque se mantiene más actualizado que el Ice Weasel  y a
que uso una conexión de Dial-Up, para lo cual es bastante bueno.

Ahora volví a usar Ice Weasel 17 ESR, ya que aun es mantenido por la
gente de Mozilla, después veré.

Espero que les sirva la info.

Saludos cordiales.

   Yo uso software libre - I use freedom-based software

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Re: Opera cuelga Gnome-Shell en Debian 7.1 Wheezy

2013-06-27 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 27 Jun 2013 08:56:07 -0300, Sergio Vernis escribió:

 Les comento a titulo informativo que Opera cuelga Gnome-Shell en Debian
 7.1 Wheezy.

 Ya reporte el error a la gente de Opera.

¿Algún enlace que podamos consultar?

 Usaba Opera porque se mantiene más actualizado que el Ice Weasel  y a
 que uso una conexión de Dial-Up, para lo cual es bastante bueno.

Puedes instalar Firefox que se actualiza también cada poco tiempo (ayer 

 Ahora volví a usar Ice Weasel 17 ESR, ya que aun es mantenido por la
 gente de Mozilla, después veré.

Iceweasel no lo mantiene Mozilla sino Debian.

 Espero que les sirva la info.

Pues mira, hoy mismo leía una noticia de seguridad sobre Opera:

Roban un certificado a Opera y publican una actualización maliciosa para 
su navegador 

Opera ha anunciado que el pasado 19 de junio sufrió un ataque dirigido 
sobre su red interna, resultado: robo de un antiguo certificado empleado 
para firmar código. La compañía reconoce que ha sido usado para firmar 
malware y que incluso miles de usuarios del navegador (durante un periodo 
de algo más de media hora) han podido recibir una actualización maliciosa 
de forma automática.

Y también leía no hace mucho que están pensando en claudicar y usar el 
mismo motor de renderizado que Chrome (webkit y más adelante blink).



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Re: Icedove opens Opera from Icedove e-mail links

2012-08-05 Thread Ralf Mardorf
Firefox/Iceweasel  Edit  Preferences  Advanced 
[x] Always check to see if Firefox is the default browser on startup

Opera  [???] 
Ensure that it isn't set up as the default browser
Dunno, but perhaps this will work for you.


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Re: Icedove opens Opera from Icedove e-mail links

2012-08-01 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 01 Aug 2012 03:05:57 +0200, Mark Panen wrote:

 Using Squeeze amd64 6.0.5
 Using Icedove 10.0.3
 My preferencesAttachments is empty.
 PreferencesadvancedConfig Editor does not help when I change the
 string to /usr/bin/iceweasel still opens the Icedove e-mail links in
 Any help on this one please, i want to open my links in Iceweasel?

Try with the suggested step listed here:

Default for foreign programs (system-wide)



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Re: Icedove opens Opera from Icedove e-mail links

2012-08-01 Thread Mark Panen

On 01/08/2012 16:53, Camaleón wrote:

On Wed, 01 Aug 2012 03:05:57 +0200, Mark Panen wrote:

Using Squeeze amd64 6.0.5

Using Icedove 10.0.3

My preferencesAttachments is empty.

PreferencesadvancedConfig Editor does not help when I change the
string to /usr/bin/iceweasel still opens the Icedove e-mail links in


Any help on this one please, i want to open my links in Iceweasel?

Try with the suggested step listed here:

Default for foreign programs (system-wide)


cool thanks, it works 100's


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Icedove opens Opera from Icedove e-mail links

2012-07-31 Thread Mark Panen


Using Squeeze amd64 6.0.5

Using Icedove 10.0.3

My preferencesAttachments is empty.

PreferencesadvancedConfig Editor does not help when I change the 
string to /usr/bin/iceweasel still opens the Icedove e-mail links in Opera.


Any help on this one please, i want to open my links in Iceweasel?


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Re: opera copy/paste

2011-02-03 Thread Camaleón
El 2011-02-02 a las 15:23 -0500, Paul Cartwright escribió:

(resending to the list)

 On 02/02/2011 01:53 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 BTW, I just have installed today (in Squeeze+GNOME) all major browsers,
 that is: Firefox 4 (beta), Google Chrome and Opera (as part of my web
 developer tasks I need to check the lookfeelrun of the websites) and I
 did not experience your error within Opera :-?

 well, 2 things.
 1. On my current gnome login session I seem to have a number  
 of...issues, including the opera copy issue AND another problem that I  
 do not understand either.
 2. the 2nd problem in my gnome session is dotted lines ( artifacts?) in  
 my chrome browser  sometimes email messages.  Also glxgears failed to 

 I thought it might be my old version of the NVIDIA driver, so I  
 downloaded  installed the newest vesion. Now glxgears runs! but I was  
 still having the artifact problem in gnome, so I logged out  logged  
 into an LXDE session. SNAP ! the screens just seem to POP out at me,  
 there is a big difference ( perception) in screen clarity, and no more  
 artifacts  Opera cuts  pastes..

 I'm thinking I may have to  move my .gnome folder  start over with a  
 fresh desktop/login profile...
 I may just stay with LXDE:) I kinda LIKE it !!!

Yep, I would create a new user and then login with it inside a GNOME 
session. If all the problems go away with the new user, just rename your
current user's .gnome folder to start from scratch (you will have to 
customize the environment again but the prize to pay is not that high 
if that solves the two problems :-)



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Re: opera copy/paste

2011-02-02 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 01 Feb 2011 06:55:07 -0500, Paul Cartwright wrote:

 I have a problem with Chrome not working right. I click on a link  it
 does nothing( something about  a plugin missing). So I started up Opera
 11.01 build 1190. when I get to the page I want, I tried to COPY the URL
  PASTE into an email. Didn't paste. nada,zip, empty. Tried it a few
 times, nothing. Tried to copy the URL from the Opera bar to Chrome,
 nothing. Started up gedit, copied the URL in opera, pasted to gedit,
 THERE IT IS! copied that ( yes, a fresh CTRL-C ) and did a CTRL-V into
 email and there it is.. So why/how can opera copy/paste be this weird? I
 tried CTRL-C/V and also tried the menus ( right-click-copy)


It only happens within Opera? Try to launch it with another user that has 
a clean .opera profile (gksu opera will open Opera as root) and check 
if the copy/paste weird behaviour remains.



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Re: opera copy/paste

2011-02-02 Thread Paul Cartwright

On 02/02/2011 09:33 AM, Camaleón wrote:

It only happens within Opera? Try to launch it with another user that has
a clean .opera profile (gksu opera will open Opera as root) and check
if the copy/paste weird behaviour remains.

no it does not happen under KDE with my wifes' account. With hers I 
started up opera, copied the URL  pasted it right into Chrome.. yuck, 
what does that mean?

Paul Cartwright

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Re: opera copy/paste

2011-02-02 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 02 Feb 2011 13:33:33 -0500, Paul Cartwright wrote:

 On 02/02/2011 09:33 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 It only happens within Opera? Try to launch it with another user that
 has a clean .opera profile (gksu opera will open Opera as root) and
 check if the copy/paste weird behaviour remains.

 no it does not happen under KDE with my wifes' account. With hers I
 started up opera, copied the URL  pasted it right into Chrome.. yuck,
 what does that mean?

Try with another account that uses GNOME, to discard a problem with a 
concrete DE or a problem localized in your user's profile.

BTW, I just have installed today (in Squeeze+GNOME) all major browsers, 
that is: Firefox 4 (beta), Google Chrome and Opera (as part of my web 
developer tasks I need to check the lookfeelrun of the websites) and I 
did not experience your error within Opera :-?



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opera copy/paste

2011-02-01 Thread Paul Cartwright
I have a problem with Chrome not working right. I click on a link  it 
does nothing( something about  a plugin missing). So I started up Opera 
11.01 build 1190. when I get to the page I want, I tried to COPY the URL 
 PASTE into an email. Didn't paste. nada,zip, empty. Tried it a few 
times, nothing. Tried to copy the URL from the Opera
bar to Chrome, nothing. Started up gedit, copied the URL in opera, 
pasted to gedit, THERE IT IS! copied that ( yes, a fresh CTRL-C ) and 
did a CTRL-V into email and there it is.. So why/how can opera 
copy/paste be this weird? I tried CTRL-C/V and also tried the menus ( 

ii  opera   
11.01.1190   A fast and secure web browser and 
Internet suite
ii  google-chrome-stable
8.0.552.237-r70801   The web browser from Google

ii  gedit   
2.22.3-1+lenny1  official text editor of the GNOME 
desktop environment

yes, running gnome on lenny.

Paul Cartwright

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travamento ao executar o opera

2010-11-30 Thread Márcio Pedroso
tudo bem,
eu uso o debian squeeze, e utilizava o opera para fazer os downloads de
torrents. de uns tempos pra ca, ao abrir o opera, ele trava todo o pc, nao
consigo nem ver o log de erro. alguem poderia me dar uma ideia no que fazer?
ja desinstalei e reinstalei.

linux user nº 432194

Eu sou livre e você?


2010-08-16 Thread Sjoerd Hiemstra
Nou eens geen probleem, maar ik kwam iets geks tegen.
Bij de laatste update  safe-upgrade in Squeeze werd ook de Opera
browser ge-update, van 10.60 naar 10.61.

Huh? Ik had hem ooit van www.opera.com gedownload en met 'dpkg -i'
geïnstalleerd. Opera heeft wel een repository voor Debian, maar die
staat niet in mijn sources.list. Hoe kan hij dan ge-update zijn?

Heb het opgezocht op www.debian.org/distrib/packages bij 'Search
package directories'. Distribution: any. Section: any. Maar: 
'You have searched for packages that names contain opera in all suites,
all sections, and all architectures.
Sorry, your search gave no results.'

Onlangs toegevoegd aan Multimedia misschien? Maar waaraan kun je zien
of het daar vandaan komt?

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Re: Opera

2010-08-16 Thread Gijs Hillenius
On 16 Aug 2010, Sjoerd Hiemstra wrote:

 Onlangs toegevoegd aan Multimedia misschien? Maar waaraan kun je zien
 of het daar vandaan komt?

bestudeer je /var/log/aptitude eens?

 Marge: I'm very concerned.  Mr. Burns has stolen our son and he won't
give him back!
Wiggum: Oh, for gosh g -- can't you people solve these problems
yourselves?  I mean, we can't be, er, policing the whole city.
-- Burns' Heir

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Re: Opera

2010-08-16 Thread Martijn Grendelman
Gijs Hillenius schreef:
 On 16 Aug 2010, Sjoerd Hiemstra wrote:
 Onlangs toegevoegd aan Multimedia misschien? Maar waaraan kun je zien
 of het daar vandaan komt?
 bestudeer je /var/log/aptitude eens?


apt-cache policy opera


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Iceweasel nor Epiphany open google.com.br, but Opera do that.

2010-05-02 Thread Marcelo Laia

Iceweasel nor Epiphany open google.com.br, but Opera do that in the
same time. What is wrong?

Thank you

Marcelo Luiz de Laia
Lages - SC - Brasil (Brazil)
Linux user number 487797

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Re: Iceweasel nor Epiphany open google.com.br, but Opera do that.

2010-05-02 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 02 May 2010 10:06:21 -0300, Marcelo Laia wrote:

 Iceweasel nor Epiphany open google.com.br, but Opera do that in the same
 time. What is wrong?

Sounds like a browser conspiracy :-P

No, now seriously, google.com.br opens fine here from iceweasel and 
epiphany and I suppose your network settings are the same regardless the 
browser used, so...

- It happens only with just one site?

- Have you tried to open the site behing a proxy (i.e., http://www.the-

- Try cleaning history, cookies, cache... from icewasel/epiphany.



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Re: OT-Navegador Opera (solucionado)

2010-04-15 Thread Liuber Hernández Leyva

* El mié, 14-04-2010 a las 11:57 -0400, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:
* Hola lista,
* Donde puedo bajar una version del navegador opera para mi debian lenny,
* Pues de la página de sus creadores:
* http://www.opera.com/browser/download/
* Eliges la distribución y ya está.
* Un saludo
* JulHer
Ok, gracias amigo por su ayuda, logre instalar la v 10.52 la pruebo en
estos momento.



Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas

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OT-Navegador Opera

2010-04-14 Thread Liuber Hernández Leyva
Hola lista,
Donde puedo bajar una version del navegador opera para mi debian lenny,
alguna vx reciente y por favor, no tengo un medio para pagar, Esta versión
actual en la que trabajo, en algunas paguina me da un error (sin
comentario para no dilatar) que no pasa con iceweasel pero ademas no me
deja cargar bien los pdf en BD EBSCO.
gracias de antemano por la ayuda,



Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas

Infomed: http://www.sld.cu/

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Re: OT-Navegador Opera

2010-04-14 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 14 Apr 2010 11:57:32 -0400, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:

 Donde puedo bajar una version del navegador opera para mi debian lenny,
 alguna vx reciente y por favor, no tengo un medio para pagar, 

¿Pagar? ¿A quién, por qué? :-?

Opera tiene disponibles en su página web los paquetes binarios para casi 
todas las distribuciones. Van por la versión 10.10.

Recuerdo que lo instalé une vez en una openSUSE desde el rpm descargado 
de su página y funcionó perfectamente. Será software propietario pero 
esta gente sabe empaquetar :-P

 versión actual en la que trabajo, en algunas paguina me da un error (sin
 comentario para no dilatar) que no pasa con iceweasel pero ademas no me
 deja cargar bien los pdf en BD EBSCO. gracias de antemano por la ayuda,

Es posible que el error que tienes ahora se produzca también en la nueva 
versión. ¿Cuál es el problema, exactamente? ¿Has buscado por la web a ver 
si a alguien más le pasa lo mismo?



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Re: OT-Navegador Opera

2010-04-14 Thread Julio
El mié, 14-04-2010 a las 11:57 -0400, Liuber Hernández Leyva escribió:
 Hola lista,
 Donde puedo bajar una version del navegador opera para mi debian lenny,

Pues de la página de sus creadores:


Eliges la distribución y ya está.

Un saludo


Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada	digitalmente

Re: OT-Navegador Opera

2010-04-14 Thread Felix Perez
El día 14 de abril de 2010 11:57, Liuber Hernández Leyva
hliu...@iscm.vcl.sld.cu escribió:
 Hola lista,
 Donde puedo bajar una version del navegador opera para mi debian lenny,
 alguna vx reciente y por favor, no tengo un medio para pagar, Esta versión
 actual en la que trabajo, en algunas paguina me da un error (sin
 comentario para no dilatar) que no pasa con iceweasel pero ademas no me
 deja cargar bien los pdf en BD EBSCO.
 gracias de antemano por la ayuda,

Poco te entiendo amigo, pero para comenzar en general el mismo
software en la pestaña de ayuda te da acceso a buscar actualizaciones,
acceso al sitio web, Faqs, soporte, etc.

¿a que te refieres con pagar? ¿quisiste decir bajar?  por favor re lee
lo que enviaste y aclara.


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[OT] Dúvida Opera

2009-06-13 Thread Ricardo Esdra
Alguém sabe me dizer se no opera tem aquela função do firefox de
limpar cache, cookies, histórico, etc toda vez que se fecha o browser?
pois procurei nele e não consegui achar.
desde já agradeço a todos.

#  Ricardo Esdra #
#  linux user n° 446011  #

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Re: [OT] Dúvida Opera

2009-06-13 Thread César Sequeira
Tools  Preferences  Advanced  History  Empty on exit



2009/6/13 Ricardo Esdra ries...@gmail.com

 Alguém sabe me dizer se no opera tem aquela função do firefox de
 limpar cache, cookies, histórico, etc toda vez que se fecha o browser?
 pois procurei nele e não consegui achar.
 desde já agradeço a todos.

 #  Ricardo Esdra #
 #  linux user n° 446011  #

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.org
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Bloco de Notas:


Re: no flash in opera after upgrade

2008-05-17 Thread Angus Auld

--- Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 15 May 2008 23:03:51 +0200
 Dexter Filmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Today I preferenced etch-backports and did a huge
 upgrade, so far all
  fine but one thing: Opera 9.27 won't play flash
  Iceweasel does, so th eplugin seems fine. Pathes
 and all appear
  correct to me. Ran strace on Opera and searched
 the output for open
  calls on flash, but nothing.
 Yeah, it's a problem with Opera 9.27 and Adobe's
 latest Flash, which
 won't be resolved in the 9.2 versions of Opera.
 You'll have to do what
 I ended up doing, and move onto the betas of 9.5.
 Opera 9.5b2 is quite
 good and stable for me, and Flash works with it,
 You'll find more info about this issue using the
 link below:

 You can find the 9.5b2 version here:
If you would rather continue using Opera 9.27, you can
get archived flashplayers here:

Use the 9r48 version. I have found the easiest way to
do this is to ceate a ~/plugins folder and put
flashplayer there for Opera. Opera will usually find
it, but you will want to remove the pluginpath for the
newer version from Operas pluginpaths.

I am personally using Opera 9.50b2, and find it quite
acceptably stable, and latest flashplayer works ok

Best regards.


All churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Muslim, appear 
to me no other than human inventions, setup to terrify and 
enslave mankind - and to monopolize power and profit.
Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

##Laptop powered by Linux##
##Reg. Linux User #278931##


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: no flash in opera after upgrade - someone got an old version?

2008-05-16 Thread Dexter Filmore

 Yeah, it's a problem with Opera 9.27 and Adobe's latest Flash, which
 won't be resolved in the 9.2 versions of Opera. You'll have to do what
 I ended up doing, and move onto the betas of 9.5. Opera 9.5b2 is quite
 good and stable for me, and Flash works with it, too.

Thanks for the info

Can't dig up the last working version, can someone please mail it or provide a 

Version: 3.12
GCS d--(+)@ s-:+ a- C UL++ P+++ L+++ E-- W++ N o? K-
w--(---) !O M+ V- PS+ PE Y++ PGP t++(---)@ 5 X+(++) R+(++) tv--(+)@ 
b++(+++) DI+++ D- G++ e* h++ r* y?


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Re: no flash in opera after upgrade - someone got an old version?

2008-05-16 Thread Graham
On Fri, 16 May 2008 19:51:02 +0200
Dexter Filmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the info
 Can't dig up the last working version, can someone please mail it or
 provide a link?

Be aware that old versions of Opera will come with security risks, but
if you want to risk it, then you'll find older versions here:

I'd still advise you to move onto 9.5b2, which will fix your problem.
This version isn't, for me, unstable and works fine, and at least
doesn't come with the security issues that pre-9.27 versions come with.

Another thing is to get the previous version of Flash, which will work
with 9.27... but that comes with a security risk, too.

Time to move on, I think. ;)


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no flash in opera after upgrade

2008-05-15 Thread Dexter Filmore
Today I preferenced etch-backports and did a huge upgrade, so far all fine but 
one thing: Opera 9.27 won't play flash anymore.
Iceweasel does, so th eplugin seems fine. Pathes and all appear correct to me.
Ran strace on Opera and searched the output for open calls on flash, but 



Version: 3.12
GCS d--(+)@ s-:+ a- C UL++ P+++ L+++ E-- W++ N o? K-
w--(---) !O M+ V- PS+ PE Y++ PGP t++(---)@ 5 X+(++) R+(++) tv--(+)@ 
b++(+++) DI+++ D- G++ e* h++ r* y?


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Re: no flash in opera after upgrade

2008-05-15 Thread Graham
On Thu, 15 May 2008 23:03:51 +0200
Dexter Filmore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Today I preferenced etch-backports and did a huge upgrade, so far all
 fine but one thing: Opera 9.27 won't play flash anymore.
 Iceweasel does, so th eplugin seems fine. Pathes and all appear
 correct to me. Ran strace on Opera and searched the output for open
 calls on flash, but nothing.

Yeah, it's a problem with Opera 9.27 and Adobe's latest Flash, which
won't be resolved in the 9.2 versions of Opera. You'll have to do what
I ended up doing, and move onto the betas of 9.5. Opera 9.5b2 is quite
good and stable for me, and Flash works with it, too.

You'll find more info about this issue using the link below:


You can find the 9.5b2 version here:



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[OT] Problema con flash player y opera

2008-03-22 Thread Jonay Domingo Ruiz

Hola lista!!

Les escribo para consultar a ver si alguno usa Opera y ha podido 
solucionar el problema que me ocurre.

El caso es que no funciona correctamente el pluggin de Flash Player en 
Opera. He estado mirando por google y parece ser que no hay solución 
para la actual release de Opera aunque sí parece haberla en la la 
versión beta que es la 9.50.

He probado a instalar la 9.50 y no me funciona a la primera, además no 
tiene soporte en castellano aún y no me hace mucha gracia instalarme una 
beta para usar como navegador todos los días.

Otra opción que he leído es instalar la versión 8 del pluggin Flash 
Player (está opción estoy casi 100% seguro que funciona) pero es que soy 
incapaz de encontrar esa versión para Linux. En la página de Adobe sólo 
están disponibles las versiones anteriores para Windows y Mac.

No es una cosa grave pero me jode un poco tener que cambiar de opera a 
iceweasel cuando quiero ver cualquier vídeo de youtube por ejemplo.

Si alguien sabe de donde puedo conseguir la versión 8 de Flash Player se 
lo agradecería.

Un saludo.

Re: (OT) Flashplayer observations w/Opera etc.

2008-02-28 Thread Jean-Louis Crouzet

komodo wrote:

On Wednesday 27 of February 2008 20:57:22 Angus Auld wrote:

--- Jean-Louis Crouzet [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Angus Auld wrote:

This are just my observations and experiences with
Flash-player and Linux of late.
I use my browsers to view a lot of Flash vids, and


fact that many websites are using (over-using?)


animations, etc. makes it quite important, at

least to

me, that my browser be Flash-friendly.
Adobe, in their wisdom, decided to only support


browsers in their latest release, so that has left
Opera (my browser of choice), pretty much out in


cold, at least for Opera 9.2x versions and


Opera is trying to work around this in their


soon to be released.
However, I have noted, the latest version of
Flash-player does not seem to be playing well with
Iceweasel either.
It consistently causes Iceweasel to consume 80%+


cycles when viewing Flash vids...sometimes upwards


To me this is unacceptable. I have downgraded to


earlier version of the plugin (9.0 r48), and


are a bit better in terms of cpu usage and
view-ability of videos.

Anyone else noting this may want to consider
downgrading Flash-player as well.
I have tried various installations of the plugin


Adobe's tar.gz, and binary .deb installs, without



Best regards.

You might have seen my memo with subject Flash
Player 9 (9,0,115,0)
with Iceweasel or Firefox ( even konqueror) a bit
above and also I
noticed the same type of CPU usage


Yes Jean, we seem to be experiencing similar problems
with Flash Player 9,0,115,0.
I too have had lock-ups where killing Opera or
Iceweasel has been the only option. I am using
Dreamlinux, a Debian Etch based distro with xfce4
As far as I'm concerned, on my system, Flash Player 9
in its latest version, is unusable.
I thought I would give Opera 9.50 Beta a go, and check
the performance of the latest Flash Player. Opera is
working to try to get around the gtk browsers only
support in there latest version. Well, it was not any
better...high cpu consumption and occasional browser
This is disappointing. Disabling Flash would really
put a damper on my internet experience. :(

Using the older FP 9.0 r48 is getting me by, for the
time being at least.

Best regards.


All churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Muslim, appear
to me no other than human inventions, setup to terrify and
enslave mankind - and to monopolize power and profit.
Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

##Linux Laptop powered by Debian Linux##
###Reg. Linux User #278931


_ Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.

Hi, i had this problem too. CPU usage 40-80%. But since i changed flash to 
version 9.0 r48, CPU usage is in normal, about 2-3% and when youtube is 
loaded and video is playing then 20-30%, and browser seems to be fast and 

Thanks for hint :-)


To all,

thanks for the advise I'm going to downgrade ASAP Have a nice weekend


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(OT) Flashplayer observations w/Opera etc.

2008-02-27 Thread Angus Auld
This are just my observations and experiences with
Flash-player and Linux of late.
I use my browsers to view a lot of Flash vids, and the
fact that many websites are using (over-using?) Flash
animations, etc. makes it quite important, at least to
me, that my browser be Flash-friendly.
Adobe, in their wisdom, decided to only support gtk
browsers in their latest release, so that has left
Opera (my browser of choice), pretty much out in the
cold, at least for Opera 9.2x versions and earlier. 
Opera is trying to work around this in their 9.50Beta,
soon to be released.
However, I have noted, the latest version of
Flash-player does not seem to be playing well with
Iceweasel either.
It consistently causes Iceweasel to consume 80%+ cpu
cycles when viewing Flash vids...sometimes upwards of
To me this is unacceptable. I have downgraded to an
earlier version of the plugin (9.0 r48), and things
are a bit better in terms of cpu usage and
view-ability of videos.

Anyone else noting this may want to consider
downgrading Flash-player as well.
I have tried various installations of the plugin using
Adobe's tar.gz, and binary .deb installs, without any

Best regards.


All churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Muslim, appear 
to me no other than human inventions, setup to terrify and 
enslave mankind - and to monopolize power and profit.
Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

##Linux Laptop powered by Debian Linux##
###Reg. Linux User #278931


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page. 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: (OT) Flashplayer observations w/Opera etc.

2008-02-27 Thread Jean-Louis Crouzet

Angus Auld wrote:

This are just my observations and experiences with
Flash-player and Linux of late.
I use my browsers to view a lot of Flash vids, and the
fact that many websites are using (over-using?) Flash
animations, etc. makes it quite important, at least to
me, that my browser be Flash-friendly.
Adobe, in their wisdom, decided to only support gtk
browsers in their latest release, so that has left
Opera (my browser of choice), pretty much out in the
cold, at least for Opera 9.2x versions and earlier. 
Opera is trying to work around this in their 9.50Beta,

soon to be released.
However, I have noted, the latest version of
Flash-player does not seem to be playing well with
Iceweasel either.
It consistently causes Iceweasel to consume 80%+ cpu
cycles when viewing Flash vids...sometimes upwards of
To me this is unacceptable. I have downgraded to an
earlier version of the plugin (9.0 r48), and things
are a bit better in terms of cpu usage and
view-ability of videos.

Anyone else noting this may want to consider
downgrading Flash-player as well.
I have tried various installations of the plugin using
Adobe's tar.gz, and binary .deb installs, without any

Best regards.

You might have seen my memo with subject Flash Player 9 (9,0,115,0) 
with Iceweasel or Firefox ( even konqueror) a bit above and also I 
noticed the same type of CPU usage


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: (OT) Flashplayer observations w/Opera etc.

2008-02-27 Thread Angus Auld

--- Jean-Louis Crouzet [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Angus Auld wrote:
  This are just my observations and experiences with
  Flash-player and Linux of late.
  I use my browsers to view a lot of Flash vids, and
  fact that many websites are using (over-using?)
  animations, etc. makes it quite important, at
 least to
  me, that my browser be Flash-friendly.
  Adobe, in their wisdom, decided to only support
  browsers in their latest release, so that has left
  Opera (my browser of choice), pretty much out in
  cold, at least for Opera 9.2x versions and
  Opera is trying to work around this in their
  soon to be released.
  However, I have noted, the latest version of
  Flash-player does not seem to be playing well with
  Iceweasel either.
  It consistently causes Iceweasel to consume 80%+
  cycles when viewing Flash vids...sometimes upwards
  To me this is unacceptable. I have downgraded to
  earlier version of the plugin (9.0 r48), and
  are a bit better in terms of cpu usage and
  view-ability of videos.
  Anyone else noting this may want to consider
  downgrading Flash-player as well.
  I have tried various installations of the plugin
  Adobe's tar.gz, and binary .deb installs, without
  Best regards.
 You might have seen my memo with subject Flash
 Player 9 (9,0,115,0) 
 with Iceweasel or Firefox ( even konqueror) a bit
 above and also I 
 noticed the same type of CPU usage
Yes Jean, we seem to be experiencing similar problems
with Flash Player 9,0,115,0.
I too have had lock-ups where killing Opera or
Iceweasel has been the only option. I am using
Dreamlinux, a Debian Etch based distro with xfce4
As far as I'm concerned, on my system, Flash Player 9
in its latest version, is unusable.
I thought I would give Opera 9.50 Beta a go, and check
the performance of the latest Flash Player. Opera is
working to try to get around the gtk browsers only
support in there latest version. Well, it was not any
better...high cpu consumption and occasional browser
This is disappointing. Disabling Flash would really
put a damper on my internet experience. :(

Using the older FP 9.0 r48 is getting me by, for the
time being at least. 

Best regards.


All churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Muslim, appear 
to me no other than human inventions, setup to terrify and 
enslave mankind - and to monopolize power and profit.
Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

##Linux Laptop powered by Debian Linux##
###Reg. Linux User #278931


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page. 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: (OT) Flashplayer observations w/Opera etc.

2008-02-27 Thread komodo
On Wednesday 27 of February 2008 20:57:22 Angus Auld wrote:
 --- Jean-Louis Crouzet [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Angus Auld wrote:
   This are just my observations and experiences with
   Flash-player and Linux of late.
   I use my browsers to view a lot of Flash vids, and
   fact that many websites are using (over-using?)
   animations, etc. makes it quite important, at
  least to
   me, that my browser be Flash-friendly.
   Adobe, in their wisdom, decided to only support
   browsers in their latest release, so that has left
   Opera (my browser of choice), pretty much out in
   cold, at least for Opera 9.2x versions and
   Opera is trying to work around this in their
   soon to be released.
   However, I have noted, the latest version of
   Flash-player does not seem to be playing well with
   Iceweasel either.
   It consistently causes Iceweasel to consume 80%+
   cycles when viewing Flash vids...sometimes upwards
   To me this is unacceptable. I have downgraded to
   earlier version of the plugin (9.0 r48), and
   are a bit better in terms of cpu usage and
   view-ability of videos.
   Anyone else noting this may want to consider
   downgrading Flash-player as well.
   I have tried various installations of the plugin
   Adobe's tar.gz, and binary .deb installs, without
   Best regards.
  You might have seen my memo with subject Flash
  Player 9 (9,0,115,0)
  with Iceweasel or Firefox ( even konqueror) a bit
  above and also I
  noticed the same type of CPU usage

 Yes Jean, we seem to be experiencing similar problems
 with Flash Player 9,0,115,0.
 I too have had lock-ups where killing Opera or
 Iceweasel has been the only option. I am using
 Dreamlinux, a Debian Etch based distro with xfce4
 As far as I'm concerned, on my system, Flash Player 9
 in its latest version, is unusable.
 I thought I would give Opera 9.50 Beta a go, and check
 the performance of the latest Flash Player. Opera is
 working to try to get around the gtk browsers only
 support in there latest version. Well, it was not any
 better...high cpu consumption and occasional browser
 This is disappointing. Disabling Flash would really
 put a damper on my internet experience. :(

 Using the older FP 9.0 r48 is getting me by, for the
 time being at least.

 Best regards.


 All churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Muslim, appear
 to me no other than human inventions, setup to terrify and
 enslave mankind - and to monopolize power and profit.
 Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

 ##Linux Laptop powered by Debian Linux##
 ###Reg. Linux User #278931

_ Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.

Hi, i had this problem too. CPU usage 40-80%. But since i changed flash to 
version 9.0 r48, CPU usage is in normal, about 2-3% and when youtube is 
loaded and video is playing then 20-30%, and browser seems to be fast and 

Thanks for hint :-)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Opera problem

2008-02-25 Thread hce

I installed Opera 9.26 in debian, but got following errors, how can I fix it?

opera: [java] There seems to be a preloaded version of Xt.
   There is a workaround for this problem in the opera
   startup script.  If that workaround fails, opera will
   most likely crash every time it tries to use Java.
   The workaround seems to have failed.  Java will be disabled.
   Technical explanation:
   There is a problem with the order of loading Xt and
   Java.  If Xt is loaded before libawt (part of Java),
   Java will crash when it tries to access the screen.
   The workaround is based on using LD_PRELOAD to load
   libawt.so first.

opera: [java] Disabling java due to potential problems. If you know
   what you are doing, you can set the environment variable
   OPERA_FORCE_JAVA_ENABLED to '1' to override this.
   The actual problems should be described above.

** Message: plugin_get_value 1 (1)

** Message: plugin_get_value 2 (2)

** Message: plugin_get_value 1 (1)

** Message: plugin_get_value 2 (2)

** Message: plugin_get_value 1 (1)

** Message: plugin_get_value 2 (2)

** Message: plugin_get_value 1 (1)

** Message: plugin_get_value 2 (2)

** Message: plugin_get_value 1 (1)

** Message: plugin_get_value 2 (2)

opera: spellcheck.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Thank you.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: opera browser problem?

2008-01-30 Thread Manon Metten
Hi Jim,

On 1/29/08, hce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does the opera browser has caches when I view the web pages?

Yes, Opera caches web pages. You'll find them here:
Tools/Preferences/Advanced/History. You can also empty the
cache there.
Have you tried to reload a page/frame.

... sometime I could only see partial configuration page with all buttonswere
 missing and the browser was busy to waiting something ...

In my experience, when Opera loads a page and encounters an error,
if you try to reload that page, it keeps busy waiting forever.

Greetings, Manon.

Re: opera browser problem?

2008-01-29 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Mon January 28 2008, hce wrote:
 Does the opera browser has caches when I view the web pages? I am
 using an opera browser in my debian, it works all fine until yesterday
 when I connected the PC to a new purchased one Ethernet port ADSL
 modem. Sometime I could see the whole configuration page of the modem
 by, sometime I could only see partial configuration
 page with all buttons were missing and the browser was busy to waiting
 something. Not sure it was my opera browser problem or my modem

did you try it with konqueror just as a test??

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

opera browser problem?

2008-01-28 Thread hce

Does the opera browser has caches when I view the web pages? I am
using an opera browser in my debian, it works all fine until yesterday
when I connected the PC to a new purchased one Ethernet port ADSL
modem. Sometime I could see the whole configuration page of the modem
by, sometime I could only see partial configuration
page with all buttons were missing and the browser was busy to waiting
something. Not sure it was my opera browser problem or my modem

Thank you.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DVD image download issue Opera, Konqueror, and Firefox/iceweasel

2008-01-15 Thread Paul Cager
On Tue, January 8, 2008 23:46, Steve McIntyre wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 09:22:58AM -0800, joseph lockhart wrote:
i've been trying to download the DVD images from


every attempt had the images giving me an error on the
download after aproximately 24% completion (DVD 1
errors at 24% every time, other images are within a
percentage or two), resuming the download has only
given me an image which does not match the md5 sum.
Downloads attempted through Opera, Konqueror, and
Firefox/iceweasel all on a 5MB cable connection. i
can't wget the images due to a space issue on my end.
need them to go do an install on a computer w/o a good

anyway i was able to get all the cd iso's to download
just fine (and all at one time) so it doesn't seem to
be a bandwidth issue, and i am finding nothing on
google (though i may have missed it skimming through)

 Hmm, that's weird. Exactly how much (in bytes) can you download before
 the download stops? Is it consistent every time?

24% of 4.4Gb is pretty close to 1Gb. Are you sure there's not something
preventing you creating files over 1GB (e.g. ulimit). Or could your ISP be
blocking large downloads?

I'm not sure I understood about the wget problem - would you mind
clarifying it, please?


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Re: DVD image download issue Opera, Konqueror, and Firefox/iceweasel

2008-01-15 Thread Douglas A. Tutty
On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 09:41:37AM -, Paul Cager wrote:
 On Tue, January 8, 2008 23:46, Steve McIntyre wrote:
  On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 09:22:58AM -0800, joseph lockhart wrote:
 i've been trying to download the DVD images from

  Hmm, that's weird. Exactly how much (in bytes) can you download before
  the download stops? Is it consistent every time?
 24% of 4.4Gb is pretty close to 1Gb. Are you sure there's not something
 preventing you creating files over 1GB (e.g. ulimit). Or could your ISP be
 blocking large downloads?
 I'm not sure I understood about the wget problem - would you mind
 clarifying it, please?

Have you tried:

1.  rsync from an rsync mirror?

2.  Resume the download with ftp but then polish the file 
with rsync from an rsync mirror to correct any difficulties?

3.  try creating a file with dd that is over 1 GB so you know that
you can locally.

I'm on dialup and can't tie up the phone long enough for CD images (a
few days) so end up with many breaks.  I use wget with either ftp or
http and often have an MD5 failure.  For this reason, I have switched to
straight rsync whenever possible.

Once, when there was no rsync server for the image I was getting, I
downloaded three defective images and used that gnu tool (I forget the
name of the package) that used a best-two-out-of-three approach for each
block to create the correct file.

Given the error detection at each layer (modem, ppp, IP, ftp), I don't
understand why I end up with a corrupted file, but I do.


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Fwd: Re: DVD image download issue Opera, Konqueror, and Firefox/iceweasel

2008-01-15 Thread joseph lockhart
appolgies, forwarding to the lists

Note: forwarded message attached.


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i'll leave this as a direct reply since that is how it
came to me :)

 24% of 4.4Gb is pretty close to 1Gb. Are you sure
 there's not something
 preventing you creating files over 1GB (e.g.
 ulimit). Or could your ISP be
 blocking large downloads?

fair question but i doubt it as i have previously
downloaded fedora core 8, openSUSE 10.3, and Sabayon
4.3 all of which were DVD images with no problem
 I'm not sure I understood about the wget problem -
 would you mind
 clarifying it, please?

sure, wget i would get up and wonder off and when i
come back my hard drive would be full but if i
download them though my browser (regardless of which
one) i find myself more likely to burn them off as
they are completed (who has ever heard of 20+ cd-iso
files dowloading so that they all were complete at the
same time?)


Registered Linux User #458799
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---End Message---

DVD image download issue Opera, Konqueror, and Firefox/iceweasel

2008-01-08 Thread joseph lockhart
i've been trying to download the DVD images from


every attempt had the images giving me an error on the
download after aproximately 24% completion (DVD 1
errors at 24% every time, other images are within a
percentage or two), resuming the download has only
given me an image which does not match the md5 sum.
Downloads attempted through Opera, Konqueror, and
Firefox/iceweasel all on a 5MB cable connection. i
can't wget the images due to a space issue on my end.
need them to go do an install on a computer w/o a good

anyway i was able to get all the cd iso's to download
just fine (and all at one time) so it doesn't seem to
be a bandwidth issue, and i am finding nothing on
google (though i may have missed it skimming through)


Registered Linux User #458799
Registered Kubuntu User #19678
this user is penguin powered


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Re: DVD image download issue Opera, Konqueror, and Firefox/iceweasel

2008-01-08 Thread Shane D
Maybe you could use bittorrent?

On 1/8/08, joseph lockhart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i've been trying to download the DVD images from


 every attempt had the images giving me an error on the
 download after aproximately 24% completion (DVD 1
 errors at 24% every time, other images are within a
 percentage or two), resuming the download has only
 given me an image which does not match the md5 sum.
 Downloads attempted through Opera, Konqueror, and
 Firefox/iceweasel all on a 5MB cable connection. i
 can't wget the images due to a space issue on my end.
 need them to go do an install on a computer w/o a good

 anyway i was able to get all the cd iso's to download
 just fine (and all at one time) so it doesn't seem to
 be a bandwidth issue, and i am finding nothing on
 google (though i may have missed it skimming through)


 Registered Linux User #458799
 Registered Kubuntu User #19678
 this user is penguin powered

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Re: DVD image download issue Opera, Konqueror, and Firefox/iceweasel

2008-01-08 Thread joseph lockhart

 Maybe you could use bittorrent?

that would be possible, but many isp now make it hard
to download large torrent files (in a supposed attempt
to stop movie piracy) so torrent is out, and i admit i
did not check all the mirrors, though stopping at the
same spot is certianly odd


Registered Linux User #458799
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Re: DVD image download issue Opera, Konqueror, and Firefox/iceweasel

2008-01-08 Thread Chris Howie
On Jan 8, 2008 1:10 PM, joseph lockhart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Maybe you could use bittorrent?

 that would be possible, but many isp now make it hard
 to download large torrent files (in a supposed attempt
 to stop movie piracy) so torrent is out, and i admit i
 did not check all the mirrors, though stopping at the
 same spot is certianly odd


Chris Howie

Re: DVD image download issue Opera, Konqueror, and Firefox/iceweasel

2008-01-08 Thread Douglas A. Tutty
On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 09:22:58AM -0800, joseph lockhart wrote:
 i've been trying to download the DVD images from
 every attempt had the images giving me an error on the
 download after aproximately 24% completion (DVD 1
 errors at 24% every time, other images are within a
 percentage or two), resuming the download has only
 given me an image which does not match the md5 sum.
 Downloads attempted through Opera, Konqueror, and
 Firefox/iceweasel all on a 5MB cable connection. i
 can't wget the images due to a space issue on my end.
 need them to go do an install on a computer w/o a good
 anyway i was able to get all the cd iso's to download
 just fine (and all at one time) so it doesn't seem to
 be a bandwidth issue, and i am finding nothing on
 google (though i may have missed it skimming through)

I don't understand how you could have space on a box to download with a
browser and not with wget.  However, have you tried rsync?


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Re: DVD image download issue Opera, Konqueror, and Firefox/iceweasel

2008-01-08 Thread Steve McIntyre
On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 09:22:58AM -0800, joseph lockhart wrote:
i've been trying to download the DVD images from


every attempt had the images giving me an error on the
download after aproximately 24% completion (DVD 1
errors at 24% every time, other images are within a
percentage or two), resuming the download has only
given me an image which does not match the md5 sum.
Downloads attempted through Opera, Konqueror, and
Firefox/iceweasel all on a 5MB cable connection. i
can't wget the images due to a space issue on my end.
need them to go do an install on a computer w/o a good

anyway i was able to get all the cd iso's to download
just fine (and all at one time) so it doesn't seem to
be a bandwidth issue, and i am finding nothing on
google (though i may have missed it skimming through)

Hmm, that's weird. Exactly how much (in bytes) can you download before
the download stops? Is it consistent every time?

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Who needs computer imagery when you've got Brian Blessed?

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[OT] Yeah for Opera!

2007-12-13 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom



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Re: [OT] Yeah for Opera!

2007-12-13 Thread Angus Auld

--- Hugo Vanwoerkom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


This is great.the bully is being confronted by a
little guy who's 
tired of being pushed around. I love it! ;)
MS users should be on Opera's side in this too. Some
users I have talked to aren't even aware of what a web
browser is, 
they are so locked in to IE. And what a bloated POS IE

Kudos to Opera! I hope they win this.

-- Angus

##Linux Laptop powered by Debian Linux##
###Reg. Linux User #278931###


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Re: Download Opera brower package

2007-12-09 Thread Baz
On Dec 8, 2007 8:04 PM, hce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks Mark.

 That works fine. The only thing when I call the opera from the command
 line, it has following errors although it still works. Should I
 concern that error messages or not?

 ~$ opera
 ~$ ERROR: ld.so: object 'libjvm.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be
 preloaded: ignored.
 ERROR: ld.so: object 'libawt.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
 ** Message: plugin_get_value 1 (1)

 ** Message: plugin_get_value 2 (2)

 Thank you.

 Kind Regards,


 On 12/4/07, Mark Grieveson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon,  3 Dec 2007 11:29:22 + (UTC)
   I tried to install Opera brower packge from the apt-get install, but
   could not find the package? What am I missing?
   Thank you.
  Just add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list, update, and then
  you'll be able to install opera.
  deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ etch non-free
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Yea, I received an error message too, but like you, mine worked.  So I
figured, why ask why.  Sebastian

...heart and soulone will burn.
- Joy Division

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Re: Download Opera brower package

2007-12-09 Thread Angus Auld

--- hce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks Mark.
 That works fine. The only thing when I call the
 opera from the command
 line, it has following errors although it still
 works. Should I
 concern that error messages or not?
 ~$ opera
 ~$ ERROR: ld.so: object 'libjvm.so' from LD_PRELOAD
 cannot be
 preloaded: ignored.
 ERROR: ld.so: object 'libawt.so' from LD_PRELOAD
 cannot be preloaded: ignored.
 ** Message: plugin_get_value 1 (1)
 ** Message: plugin_get_value 2 (2)
 Thank you.
 Kind Regards,
 On 12/4/07, Mark Grieveson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On Mon,  3 Dec 2007 11:29:22 + (UTC)
   I tried to install Opera brower packge from the
 apt-get install, but
   could not find the package? What am I missing?
   Thank you.
  Just add the following to your
 /etc/apt/sources.list, update, and then
  you'll be able to install opera.
  deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ etch non-free

The error is an issue to do with java and preloaded
Xt. Opera has 
a workaround for this. The plugin messages could be
related to 
this, but I am unsure of that.
Try starting Opera with debugjava option (opera
Test your java install here:


If the workaround is indeed working, opera --debugjava
make this apparent, as well as offer a technical
of the issue.


-- Angus

##Linux Laptop powered by Debian Linux##
###Reg. Linux User #278931###


Looking for last minute shopping deals?  
Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.  

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Re: Download Opera brower package

2007-12-09 Thread Angus Auld

--- Angus Auld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- hce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks Mark.
  That works fine. The only thing when I call the
  opera from the command
  line, it has following errors although it still
  works. Should I
  concern that error messages or not?
  ~$ opera
  ~$ ERROR: ld.so: object 'libjvm.so' from
  cannot be
  preloaded: ignored.
  ERROR: ld.so: object 'libawt.so' from LD_PRELOAD
  cannot be preloaded: ignored.
  ** Message: plugin_get_value 1 (1)
  ** Message: plugin_get_value 2 (2)
  Thank you.
  Kind Regards,
  On 12/4/07, Mark Grieveson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   On Mon,  3 Dec 2007 11:29:22 + (UTC)
I tried to install Opera brower packge from
  apt-get install, but
could not find the package? What am I missing?
Thank you.
   Just add the following to your
  /etc/apt/sources.list, update, and then
   you'll be able to install opera.
   deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ etch non-free
 The error is an issue to do with java and preloaded
 Xt. Opera has 
 a workaround for this. The plugin messages could be
 related to 
 this, but I am unsure of that.
 Try starting Opera with debugjava option (opera
 Test your java install here:
 If the workaround is indeed working, opera
 make this apparent, as well as offer a technical
 of the issue.
 -- Angus

To elaborate a little, I have been an Opera user for
years, first under M$ and for several years now under 
Linux. I was having so many plugin issues with Opera's

latest releases for Linux (they are working on it),
that I have gone 
back to Opera 9.20 Build 638
qt_en_i386.deb), an archived version, available here:


I am having better results with the older version, but
of course 
Hopefully this issue is to be worked out soon. 
More info can be found at Opera Desktop Team site,


HTH's a little. :)


-- Angus

##Linux Laptop powered by Debian Linux##
###Reg. Linux User #278931###


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Re: Download Opera brower package

2007-12-08 Thread hce
Thanks Mark.

That works fine. The only thing when I call the opera from the command
line, it has following errors although it still works. Should I
concern that error messages or not?

~$ opera
~$ ERROR: ld.so: object 'libjvm.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be
preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object 'libawt.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
** Message: plugin_get_value 1 (1)

** Message: plugin_get_value 2 (2)

Thank you.

Kind Regards,


On 12/4/07, Mark Grieveson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon,  3 Dec 2007 11:29:22 + (UTC)

  I tried to install Opera brower packge from the apt-get install, but
  could not find the package? What am I missing?
  Thank you.

 Just add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list, update, and then
 you'll be able to install opera.

 deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ etch non-free


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Re: Download Opera brower package

2007-12-04 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Mon December 3 2007, Mark Grieveson wrote:
 Just add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list, update, and then
 you'll be able to install opera.

 deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ etch non-free

that doesn't work:
W: GPG error: http://deb.opera.com etch Release: The following signatures 
couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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Re: Download Opera brower package

2007-12-04 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Tue December 4 2007, Paul Cartwright wrote:
  Just add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list, update, and then
  you'll be able to install opera.
  deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ etch non-free

 that doesn't work:
 W: GPG error: http://deb.opera.com etch Release: The following signatures
 couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY
 W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

but if you do a google search and go to deb.opera.org you will see this:
The archive gpg fingerprint

pub   1024D/6A423791 2006-09-26 [expires: 2009-09-25]
  Key fingerprint = CD5A 9776 9F6E F4D9 EBCD  8F92 0334 3153 6A42 3791
  uid  Opera Software Archive Automatic Signing Key 
sub   2048g/BEAEDCB7 2006-09-26 [expires: 2009-09-25]

To install the key on your host, do something like this:
Debian user

wget -O - http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | apt-key add -


gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-key 6A423791
gpg --fingerprint 6A423791
gpg --armor --export  6A423791| apt-key add -

and that does work:)

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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Re: Download Opera brower package

2007-12-04 Thread Mark Grieveson
On Tue,  4 Dec 2007 17:48:09 + (UTC)

 On Mon December 3 2007, Mark Grieveson wrote:
  Just add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list, update, and
  then you'll be able to install opera.
  deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ etch non-free
 that doesn't work:
 W: GPG error: http://deb.opera.com etch Release: The following
 signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not
 available: NO_PUBKEY 033431536A423791
 W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

Nonsense.  It does work.  Just ignore the error, and bravely proceed
or, if the error really bothers you, then run this command
before installing:  

wget -O - http://deb.opera.com/archive.key | apt-key add 

Anyway, just for kicks, I did install it on my system without the
key, and it does work.  First, after adding the repository, update. Here
is the update result (as you pointed out above):

Fetched 30.1kB in 7s (3892B/s)
Reading package lists... Done
W: GPG error: http://deb.opera.com etch Release: The following
signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not
available: NO_PUBKEY 033431536A423791 W: You may want to run apt-get
update to correct these problems 

Then, you do the install, where it will give a bunch of warnings, and,
because you want opera, you'll confidently say yes when it asks if
you really want to install opera (see below):

debian:/home/mark# aptitude install opera Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading extended state information
Initializing package states... Done
Reading task descriptions... Done
Building tag database... Done
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 5655kB of archives. After unpacking 13.1MB will be used.
WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!

Untrusted packages could compromise your system's security.
You should only proceed with the installation if you are certain that
this is what you want to do.


Do you want to ignore this warning and proceed anyway?
To continue, enter Yes; to abort, enter No: Yes
Writing extended state information... Done
Get:1 http://deb.opera.com etch/non-free opera 9.24-20071015.6 [5655kB]


So, it does work.


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RE : Download Opera brower package

2007-12-03 Thread Pendenza Daniele
yes... You should download it directly from the opera company website or try 
ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/linux/ and then follow the links

The latest stable is 9.24.

I also had to fix some issues and found some tips here:




hce [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit : Hi,

I tried to install Opera brower packge from the apt-get install, but
could not find the package? What am I missing?

Thank you.


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 Yahoo! Mail : un mail innovant avec Messenger compatible Windows Live + 
stockage illimité.

Re: Download Opera brower package

2007-12-03 Thread Mark Grieveson
On Mon,  3 Dec 2007 11:29:22 + (UTC)

 I tried to install Opera brower packge from the apt-get install, but
 could not find the package? What am I missing?
 Thank you.

Just add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list, update, and then
you'll be able to install opera.

deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ etch non-free


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Download Opera brower package

2007-12-02 Thread hce

I tried to install Opera brower packge from the apt-get install, but
could not find the package? What am I missing?

Thank you.


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Re: Download Opera brower package

2007-12-02 Thread Tom Rauchenwald
hce [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 I tried to install Opera brower packge from the apt-get install, but
 could not find the package? What am I missing?

It's not available in Debian, you need to download it from opera.com and
install it with dpkg -i for example.

 Thank you.



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Re: Download Opera brower package

2007-12-02 Thread Dave Thayer
On Mon, Dec 03, 2007 at 02:39:18AM +0100, Tom Rauchenwald wrote:
 hce [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I tried to install Opera brower packge from the apt-get install, but
  could not find the package? What am I missing?
 It's not available in Debian, you need to download it from opera.com and
 install it with dpkg -i for example.

You can use apt-get or aptitude if you follow the instructions at


Dave Thayer   | Whenever you read a good book, it's like the 
Denver, Colorado USA  | author is right there, in the room talking to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | you, which is why I don't like to read 
  | good books. - Jack Handey Deep Thoughts

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Re: Opera vs Kmail, Kontact, Konversation

2007-09-05 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Fri, Aug 31, 2007 at 03:49:13PM -0400, Rick wrote:
 Notice, that Opera can do all of this (email, usenet, rss feeds, irc, web 
 surfing, contacts... and more, inside one app, and all at the same time. 
 Now that I said that is anyone running Opera using All of its abilities.? 
 and if so, ANY problems have you notice? (corruption?) loss data ?..etc

I tried to use Opera for mail but:

- no GPG
- no reply-to-list

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Opera vs Kmail, Kontact, Konversation

2007-08-31 Thread Rick
Notice, that Opera can do all of this (email, usenet, rss feeds, irc, web 
surfing, contacts... and more, inside one app, and all at the same time. 
Now that I said that is anyone running Opera using All of its abilities.? 
and if so, ANY problems have you notice? (corruption?) loss data ?..etc

Major Thanks - before I throw the switch

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Re: Opera vs Kmail, Kontact, Konversation

2007-08-31 Thread P Kapat
On 8/31/07, Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Notice, that Opera can do all of this (email, usenet, rss feeds, irc, web
 surfing, contacts... and more, inside one app, and all at the same time.

And also download torrents!!!

 Now that I said that is anyone running Opera using All of its abilities.?
 and if so, ANY problems have you notice? (corruption?) loss data ?..etc

I use Opera for just browsing on windows... One thing that annoys me
is that if you come across a .torrent file on the net, using opera, it
doesn't give you a option to just download the .torrent file or even
better open with another application. I always had to start the
torrent download thru opera then stop it, go hunt the .torrent file
and then open it with another application (say utorrent).

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Re: Opera vs Kmail, Kontact, Konversation

2007-08-31 Thread Mathias Brodala

P Kapat, 01.09.2007 00:29:
 One thing that annoys me
 is that if you come across a .torrent file on the net, using opera, it
 doesn't give you a option to just download the .torrent file or even
 better open with another application.

Never tried to change that behaviour? See Preferences → Advanced → Downloads.

Regards, Mathias


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: FYI: Severe Vulnerability in Opera 9.22

2007-08-17 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Wed, Aug 15, 2007 at 09:25:33PM +, andy wrote:
 Mathias Brodala wrote:
 Hi Manon.

 Manon Metten, 15.08.2007 20:42:
 I just read in the papers that there's a severe vulnerability discovered 
 Opera 9.22, although the article did not say what. It is fixed in 9.23.

 See the changelog[0].

 Regards, Mathias

 [0] http://www.opera.com/docs/changelogs/linux/923/

 Thanks for the note.

 The update isn't yet in Lenny, but is available at the Opera site  a quick 
 dpkg -i and in it goes.

$grep opera /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://deb.opera.com/opera unstable non-free

(replace unstable with testing/lenny etc.)

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Description: Digital signature

Re: FYI: Severe Vulnerability in Opera 9.22

2007-08-17 Thread Mathias Brodala
Hi Andrei.

Andrei Popescu, 17.08.2007 21:35:
 On Wed, Aug 15, 2007 at 09:25:33PM +, andy wrote:
 Mathias Brodala wrote:
 Hi Manon.

 Manon Metten, 15.08.2007 20:42:
 I just read in the papers that there's a severe vulnerability discovered 
 Opera 9.22, although the article did not say what. It is fixed in 9.23.
 See the changelog[0].

 Regards, Mathias

 [0] http://www.opera.com/docs/changelogs/linux/923/

 Thanks for the note.

 The update isn't yet in Lenny, but is available at the Opera site  a quick 
 dpkg -i and in it goes.
 $grep opera /etc/apt/sources.list
 deb http://deb.opera.com/opera unstable non-free
 (replace unstable with testing/lenny etc.)

Unfortunately this repo is slowly managed. The update is at the download section
of opera.com days before the deb reaches their repo. I always get new releases
from ftp.opera.com.

Regards, Mathias


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

FYI: Severe Vulnerability in Opera 9.22

2007-08-15 Thread Manon Metten

I just read in the papers that there's a severe vulnerability discovered in
Opera 9.22, although the article did not say what. It is fixed in 9.23.


Re: FYI: Severe Vulnerability in Opera 9.22

2007-08-15 Thread Mathias Brodala
Hi Manon.

Manon Metten, 15.08.2007 20:42:
 I just read in the papers that there's a severe vulnerability discovered in
 Opera 9.22, although the article did not say what. It is fixed in 9.23.

See the changelog[0].

Regards, Mathias

[0] http://www.opera.com/docs/changelogs/linux/923/


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: FYI: Severe Vulnerability in Opera 9.22

2007-08-15 Thread andy

Mathias Brodala wrote:

Hi Manon.

Manon Metten, 15.08.2007 20:42:

I just read in the papers that there's a severe vulnerability discovered in
Opera 9.22, although the article did not say what. It is fixed in 9.23.

See the changelog[0].

Regards, Mathias

[0] http://www.opera.com/docs/changelogs/linux/923/


Thanks for the note.

The update isn't yet in Lenny, but is available at the Opera site  a 
quick dpkg -i and in it goes.



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