Re: debian server with two public IPs

2023-03-20 Thread Jeremy Ardley

On 20/3/23 16:39, Stanislav Vlasov wrote:

пн, 20 мар. 2023 г. в 12:33, :

I have a networking question that I can't understand for.
I have the Debian 11 host with two ethernet cards.
There is public IP and gateway for each ethernet card.
(they are public IPs from two different net address blocks.)


When clients from outside access eth1 ip (such as HTTP access), they can
reach there.
But, the returned packages from debian server to clients are always
coming from eth0 gw.
I expect the returned package also come from eth1 gw (since clients are
accessing eth1 address). will help you.
In my same setup i was add some 'up ip rule add ...' lines into

I get the impression the problem is to send return traffic back out on 
the interface it came in on.

In that case I image connection tracking would be used but I'm not 
expert enough to suggest an optimal solution.


Re: debian server with two public IPs

2023-03-20 Thread Jeremy Ardley

On 20/3/23 17:21, wrote:

I get the impression the problem is to send return traffic back out on the
interface it came in on.

If this is it, then rp_filter, as I proposed elsewhere in this
thread, seems like exactly made for this.

I'm afraid poking kernel parameters is beyond my pay grade, but I can 
just about do a nat and firewall using iptables.

I was thinking it should be possible to use iptables to do connection 
tracking and return data on the incoming interface, or better, prefer to 
return on that but use the other interface if not possible


Re: Debian et clients legers

2023-03-20 Thread Pmenier

Le 18/03/2023 à 13:59, Alex PADOLY a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,

Que faudrait-il en termes de matériel pour faire fonctionner 3 clients 
légers sous Debian GNU/Linux dans un logement.

Les 3 postes clients seront utilisés pour faire des taches bureautiques, 
de l'Internet classique, écouter de la musique, regarder des vidéos, 
éventuellement des films.

Occasionnellement, ces clients légers pourront faire du petit montage 
vidéo et du graphisme (Blender).

En terme système d'exploitation, existe-t-il des paquets Debian 
spécifiques pour faire cela, connaissez-vous une ressource détaillée sur 
le sujet.



tu as regardé du côté de ltsp ? J'ai déjà installé ce genre de trucs et 
ça fonctionne très bien.

Re: MariaDB Server is not installing on Debian 12

2023-03-20 Thread Dan Ritter
Timothy M Butterworth wrote: 
> I am unable to install MariaDB on debian 12. apt show says the
> mariadb-server is Version: 1:10.11.2-1.
> Failed to stop mariadb.service: Unit mariadb.service not loaded.
> invoke-rc.d: initscript mariadb, action "stop" failed.
> Failed to stop mysql.service: Unit mysql.service not loaded.
> invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "stop" failed.
> Attempt to stop MariaDB/MySQL server returned exitcode 5
> There is a MariaDB/MySQL server running, but we failed in our attempts to
> stop it.
> Stop it yourself and try again!

Have you done that?

> new mariadb-server package pre-installation script subprocess returned
> error exit status 1

If there is no mariadb or mysql server running, but the system
believes that there is, /var/lib/dpkg/info should contain a
mariadb.preinst script which can be examined for what mechanism
it is using to determine that.


Re: debian server with two public IPs

2023-03-20 Thread Tim Woodall

On Mon, 20 Mar 2023, wrote:

Hello list,

I have a networking question that I can't understand for.
I have the Debian 11 host with two ethernet cards.
There is public IP and gateway for each ethernet card.
(they are public IPs from two different net address blocks.)

eth0 ip:  gw:
eth1 ip: gw:

The system's default gw is the first one (eth0).
When clients from outside access eth1 ip (such as HTTP access), they can 
reach there.
But, the returned packages from debian server to clients are always coming 
from eth0 gw.
I expect the returned package also come from eth1 gw (since clients are 
accessing eth1 address).

How can I setup this? Thanks for any hints.

Corey H

I use policy based routing and tag in iptables.

firewall17:~# ip rule show
0:  from all lookup local
1:  from all fwmark 0x2/0x2 lookup T_2_0
2:  from all fwmark 0x1/0x1 lookup T_1_0
32766:  from all lookup main
32767:  from all lookup default

firewall17:~# ip route show table T_2_0
default via dev eth0
firewall17:~# ip route show table T_1_0
default via dev tun2
firewall17:~# ip route show table main
default dev isp scope link
default via dev tun2 metric 2048

Re: More RAID weirdness: external RAID over network

2023-03-20 Thread Nicolas George
Tim Woodall (12023-03-17):
> Yes. It's possible. Took me about 5 minutes to work out the steps. All
> of which are already mentioned upthread.

All of them, except one.

> mdadm --build ${md} --level=raid1 --raid-devices=2 ${d1} missing

Until now, all suggestions with mdadm started with:

mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=mirror --force --raid-devices=1 \
--metadata=1.0 /dev/local_dev missing

You suggest --build rather than --create, and indeed:

   Build  Build  an  array  that  doesn't  have  per-device  metadata (su‐
  perblocks).  For these sorts of arrays, mdadm cannot differenti‐
  ate  between  initial creation and subsequent assembly of an ar‐
  ray.  It also cannot perform any checks that appropriate  compo‐
  nents  have  been  requested.   Because  of this, the Build mode
  should only be used together with a  complete  understanding  of
  what you are doing.

Using --create would have damaged the data; people who suggested this
just had not understood the question.

I had not noticed this feature of mdadm, thanks for letting me know
about it.


  Nicolas George

Re: Salvage live failing server

2023-03-20 Thread tomas
On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 06:33:49PM +, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 07:01:22PM +0100, john doe wrote:
> > Debians,
> > 
> > I'm seeing some alarming MSGs (E.G: ' blk_update_request: I/O error, dev
> > sda, sector N') in my server's log.
> > As it's read-only, I can not install smartmontools to investigate further.


> Run, don't walk, to another computer and order new disks and shut this one 
> down immediately. If the file system has gone read only because of errors, 
> you need to shut it down NOW, maybe, and hope that you can recover data when 
> it boots up.

Basically yes, but that'll depend on what is more valuable. If
it's the data, that's spot-on. The longer the thing runs, the
higher the risk of loss. If it's the uptime, then don't touch
it and don't shut it down for as long as possible.

The data would be less valuable if you have backups which will
be "good enough" to resucitate your set up from.

> Good luck, but it's probably too late.

Crossing fingers.


Description: PGP signature

Salvage live failing server

2023-03-20 Thread john doe


I'm seeing some alarming MSGs (E.G: ' blk_update_request: I/O error, dev
sda, sector N') in my server's log.
As it's read-only, I can not install smartmontools to investigate further.

This server is to be used until a new server is ready, is there anything
that I can do to keep it running?

Any other ideas is welcome!

John Doe

Re: Pérdida de datos

2023-03-20 Thread Camaleón
El 2023-03-20 a las 18:42 +0100, Luis Muñoz Fuente escribió:

> Hola a todo el mundo:
> Los portátiles de mi trabajo vienen con Ubuntu 20.04 y a un compañero mío le
> ha pasado una cosa muy rara (pregunto aquí porque creo que lo ocurrido no
> depende de la distribución): estaba trabajando con Filezilla y de repente
> perdió todos los datos (creo que es indiferente que estuviera trabajando con
> Filezilla) de su carpeta personal y ésta apareció como recién instalada. Sin
> embargo el resto del sistema operativo siguió funcionando sin problemas.

Vaya :-/
> Es una persona de la que confío que no haya hecho nada "raro". El portátil
> es un Dell Latitude 3510 Intel i3 con disco 256 GB SSD M.2 PCIe NVMe. Todo
> el sistema está instalado en una única partición.
> Después del desastre recuperé los datos con Photorec y los ordené por
> extensión, pero como se pierden la mayoría de los nombres de archivo la
> solución es parcial. Además, muchos archivos de proyectos, que se encuentran
> en carpetas, se desperdigan por extensión y es muy difícil restaurar esos
> datos.
> Esto es algo que no me había pasado en 20 años de uso intensivo de
> GNU/Linux. Lo entendería con un disco mecánico si hubiera recibido un golpe
> funcionando pero con los SSD no lo entiendo. También le pasé smartmontools y
> no muestra daño en el disco.
> Simplemente es por si alguien tiene alguna idea de qué ha podido pasar.

Sólo se me ocurre que pueda estar relacionado con el sistema de 
archivos (BTRFS permite hacer snapshots y cosas de esas modernitas, 
restauraciones y demás), que la partición esté montada en un sistema en 
red (NFS) y se haya desmontado/desincronizado, que haya alguna rutina 
ejecutándose relacionada con copia de datos y se haya malogrado, que 
Filezilla haya activado alguna opción de borrado de datos local... 

No sé, la pérdida de TODOS los datos de /home parece acotado a algún 
proceso concreto, porque un fallo sistémico del disco duro (físico  
lógico) afectuaría a todo el sistema sin excepción, más aún si no hay 
particiones :-?

Revisa los registros de actividad, quizá veas algo que te dé alguna 
pista de lo sucedido.



Re: (deb-cat) Utilitzar un modem GSM - HP lt4112

2023-03-20 Thread Narcis Garcia

Hi he donat moltes voltes, i no sé per on tirar.
Arreu hi ha gent que diu que amb el mateix dispositiu lt4112 aconsegueix 
funcionar amb GNU/Linux i des de fa anys, i no sembla que haguessin de 
superar la meva mateixa dificultat.

Estic travat amb què connecta, senyalitza el nivell de cobertura, 
adquireix la configuració IP (IP, porta, DNS), però no hi ha comunicació 
més enllà de la IP pública.
Tampoc no es rebutja la comunicació, sinó que no assoleix cap destinació 

Ara ja només se m'acudeix provar amb més i més distribucions de GNU/Linux.

Gràcies als què heu intentat ajudar-me.

El 17/3/23 a les 22:04, Josep Lladonosa ha escrit:

Hola, Narcís,

Quan he parlat de PPP em referia al fet que es fan servir els codis de 
configuració de connexions estil "mòdems". De fet, en principi, el 
NetworkManager no hauria de configurar res (tot i que a algun lloc en 
parlen que podria fer la feina) ja que normalment s'usa el 
"ModemManager" que és qui parla amb l'adaptador USB i configura aquesta 
connexió PPP (els paquets IP anirien dins aquesta). Per això em referia 
que no sigui algun paràmetre de configuració d'aquest enllaç PPP.

He trobat aquest web que llista els adaptadors compatibles amb Linux: 


On Fri, 17 Mar 2023 at 16:13, Narcis Garcia > wrote:

Hola Josep, l'opció de l'encaminador no em convenç per dues raons:
Perquè es fa un altre salt amb comunicació enrutada (LAN) i aèria (la
qual cosa perd latència etc.) i també perquè cal carregar més trastos
apart de l'ordinador. Per això ja em serviria el telèfon mòbil que
té el
mateix paper, i el què tinc em resulta lent.

El dispositiu es detecta en un primer moment com a emmagatzematge
(0685:2000 ZD Incorporated USB Qualcomm Storage), però en uns segons
canvia a modem (12d1:1001 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
E161/E169/E620/E800 HSDPA Modem). Suposo que es tracta d'una correcció
que fa el udev o el què sigui que organitza els dispositius.

1. Utilitzo el NetworkManager. Com s'enumeren les connexions PPP?
És el què dóna «nmcli connection show» o com es distingeixen quan estan
establertes com a PPP?
2. Amb la comanda «netstat -rn» veig que la ruta per defecte està
definida, i al mateix espai d'adreces que el dispositiu modem:

$ ip address show dev wwan0
5: wwan0:  mtu 1500 qdisc
pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
      link/ether 96:75:07:e1:d1:29 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
      inet  brd scope global noprefixroute
         valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

$ ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from : icmp_seq=1
ttl=64 time=0.057 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.057/0.057/0.057/0.000 ms

$ netstat -rn
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window 

Iface         UG        0 0   

wwan0     U         0 0   

wwan0 U         0 0   


$ ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms

El 17/3/23 a les 11:35, Josep Lladonosa ha escrit:
 > Hola, Adrià, Narcís,
 > A la feina ens vam trobar que a partir d'una determinada versió
 > determinats USB 3G van deixar de funcionar.
 > Actualment s'utilitzen "encaminadors" amb bateria (que es
carreguen per
 > USB) que porten la SIM i engegats donen una WiFi a la que diversos
 > equips poden connectar alhora.
 > Si no recordo malament, hi havia temes de reconeixement de
 > com a emmagatzematge (que no seria el teu cas) i altres temes de com
 > s'usa el PPP.
 > Aquests adaptadors 3G/4G no deixen de ser aparells que estableixen
 > connexions a l'estil dels "antics" mòdems. Podria ser que es faci la
 > connexió PPP però a aquesta no se la definís com a ruta per defecte.
 > Estic aportant des de la imaginació i aquest supòsit.
 > Cordialment,
 > Josep
 > On Fri, 17 Mar 2023 at 11:24, Adrià>
 > >> wrote:
 >     Am 16/03/2023 um 14:18 schrieb Narcis Garcia:
 >      > No tinc ni idea de què fer amb Wireshark per a 

Re: Salvage live failing server

2023-03-20 Thread Kamil Jońca
"Andrew M.A. Cater"  writes:

> On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 07:01:22PM +0100, john doe wrote:
>> Debians,
>> I'm seeing some alarming MSGs (E.G: ' blk_update_request: I/O error, dev
>> sda, sector N') in my server's log.
>> As it's read-only, I can not install smartmontools to investigate further.
>> This server is to be used until a new server is ready, is there anything
>> that I can do to keep it running?
>> Any other ideas is welcome!
>> --
>> John Doe
> Run, don't walk, to another computer and order new disks and shut this one 
> down immediately. If the file system has gone read only because of errors, 
> you need to shut it down NOW, maybe, and hope that you can recover data when 
> it boots up.
> Good luck, but it's probably too late.

I have some time ago such messages and it WAS too late. (Regardless of
daily backups ...)



Re: New Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Series 3511 sound problem on Debian 11 Stable

2023-03-20 Thread Jeffrey Walton
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 7:55 PM Default User  wrote:
> [...]
> My new machine does not seem to be listed there. Not surprising, since 
> manufactured in 2023-January.

Components used in the machine may be listed.

I got lucky on a HP laptop with an Ice Lake processor
( The device ELAN0712:00
(04F3:30FD Mouse) was not listed in the database, and the vendor is
but it was supported by the kernel.

> I did try a fresh install to the old machine of a Bookworm daily build about 
> a month ago. It almost all the way through the non-graphical, expert-mode 
> install, only to hard fail at refusing to install grub.  More than once.

As a test, you might try a Fedora Live ISO. F37 currently provides the
6.1.18-200 kernel. Fedora is about as recent as you can get, short of
compiling your own kernel.

If you find sound works with Fedora 37, then you may need to look for
a distro that provides a 6.x kernel.


Re: New Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Series 3511 sound problem on Debian 11 Stable

2023-03-20 Thread Timothy M Butterworth
On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 12:07 PM Jeffrey Walton  wrote:

> > On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 7:55 PM Default User 
> wrote:
> > [...]
> > My new machine does not seem to be listed there. Not surprising, since
> manufactured in 2023-January.
> Components used in the machine may be listed.
> I got lucky on a HP laptop with an Ice Lake processor
> ( The device ELAN0712:00
> (04F3:30FD Mouse) was not listed in the database, and the vendor is
> Unknown (
> ),
> but it was supported by the kernel.
> > I did try a fresh install to the old machine of a Bookworm daily build
> about a month ago. It almost all the way through the non-graphical,
> expert-mode install, only to hard fail at refusing to install grub.  More
> than once.
> As a test, you might try a Fedora Live ISO. F37 currently provides the
> 6.1.18-200 kernel. Fedora is about as recent as you can get, short of
> compiling your own kernel.

Debian Bookworm has the 6.1.15 kernel currently.

If you find sound works with Fedora 37, then you may need to look for
> a distro that provides a 6.x kernel.
> Jeff

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: (deb-cat) Utilitzar un modem GSM - HP lt4112

2023-03-20 Thread Josep Lladonosa
Hola, Narcís,

Se'm va passar de comentar-te que aquestes adreces IP que apareixen
(172.19.x.x) són adreces IP privades.
Ho dic perquè comentaves sobre "adreça pública"... Realment obté el teu
aparell una adreça IP pública? Que no sigui el tema d'usuari/contrasenya
del PPP (gestor de mòdem) que depèn del proveïdor de connexió i que, en no
facilitar la correcta, et quedes amb una adreça IP d'enllaç amb el servei
d'autenticació -l'adreça inicial- i prou (la seva "intranet", vaja, com
l'antiga "Infovía" anys enrere en l'ADSL/XDSI de la Telefónica).


On Mon, 20 Mar 2023 at 18:56, Narcis Garcia  wrote:

> Hi he donat moltes voltes, i no sé per on tirar.
> Arreu hi ha gent que diu que amb el mateix dispositiu lt4112 aconsegueix
> funcionar amb GNU/Linux i des de fa anys, i no sembla que haguessin de
> superar la meva mateixa dificultat.
> Estic travat amb què connecta, senyalitza el nivell de cobertura,
> adquireix la configuració IP (IP, porta, DNS), però no hi ha comunicació
> més enllà de la IP pública.
> Tampoc no es rebutja la comunicació, sinó que no assoleix cap destinació
> externa.
> Ara ja només se m'acudeix provar amb més i més distribucions de GNU/Linux.
> Gràcies als què heu intentat ajudar-me.
> El 17/3/23 a les 22:04, Josep Lladonosa ha escrit:
> > Hola, Narcís,
> >
> > Quan he parlat de PPP em referia al fet que es fan servir els codis de
> > configuració de connexions estil "mòdems". De fet, en principi, el
> > NetworkManager no hauria de configurar res (tot i que a algun lloc en
> > parlen que podria fer la feina) ja que normalment s'usa el
> > "ModemManager" que és qui parla amb l'adaptador USB i configura aquesta
> > connexió PPP (els paquets IP anirien dins aquesta). Per això em referia
> > que no sigui algun paràmetre de configuració d'aquest enllaç PPP.
> >
> > He trobat aquest web que llista els adaptadors compatibles amb Linux:
> >
> >
> > <
> >
> > Cordialment,
> > Josep
> >
> >
> >
> > On Fri, 17 Mar 2023 at 16:13, Narcis Garcia  > > wrote:
> >
> > Hola Josep, l'opció de l'encaminador no em convenç per dues raons:
> > Perquè es fa un altre salt amb comunicació enrutada (LAN) i aèria (la
> > qual cosa perd latència etc.) i també perquè cal carregar més trastos
> > apart de l'ordinador. Per això ja em serviria el telèfon mòbil que
> > té el
> > mateix paper, i el què tinc em resulta lent.
> >
> > El dispositiu es detecta en un primer moment com a emmagatzematge
> > (0685:2000 ZD Incorporated USB Qualcomm Storage), però en uns segons
> > canvia a modem (12d1:1001 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
> > E161/E169/E620/E800 HSDPA Modem). Suposo que es tracta d'una
> correcció
> > que fa el udev o el què sigui que organitza els dispositius.
> >
> > 1. Utilitzo el NetworkManager. Com s'enumeren les connexions PPP?
> > És el què dóna «nmcli connection show» o com es distingeixen quan
> estan
> > establertes com a PPP?
> > 2. Amb la comanda «netstat -rn» veig que la ruta per defecte està
> > definida, i al mateix espai d'adreces que el dispositiu modem:
> >
> > $ ip address show dev wwan0
> > 5: wwan0:  mtu 1500 qdisc
> > pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
> >   link/ether 96:75:07:e1:d1:29 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> >   inet  brd
> > scope global noprefixroute
> > wwan0
> >  valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> >
> > $ ping -c 1
> > PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> > 64 bytes from : icmp_seq=1
> > ttl=64 time=0.057 ms
> > --- ping statistics ---
> > 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
> > rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.057/0.057/0.057/0.000 ms
> >
> > $ netstat -rn
> > Kernel IP routing table
> > Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window
> > irtt
> > Iface
> > UG0 0
> >0
> > wwan0
> > U 0 0
> >0
> > wwan0
> > U 0 0
> >0
> > wwan0
> >
> > $ ping -c 1
> > PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> > --- ping statistics ---
> > 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms
> >
> >
> >
> > El 17/3/23 a les 11:35, Josep Lladonosa ha escrit:
> >  > Hola, Adrià, Narcís,
> >  >
> >  > A la feina ens vam trobar que a partir d'una determinada versió
> > Ubuntu
> >  > determinats USB 3G van deixar de funcionar.
> >  > Actualment 

Re: Salvage live failing server

2023-03-20 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 07:01:22PM +0100, john doe wrote:
> Debians,
> I'm seeing some alarming MSGs (E.G: ' blk_update_request: I/O error, dev
> sda, sector N') in my server's log.
> As it's read-only, I can not install smartmontools to investigate further.
> This server is to be used until a new server is ready, is there anything
> that I can do to keep it running?
> Any other ideas is welcome!
> --
> John Doe

Run, don't walk, to another computer and order new disks and shut this one down 
immediately. If the file system has gone read only because of errors, you need 
to shut it down NOW, maybe, and hope that you can recover data when it boots up.

Good luck, but it's probably too late.

Andy Cater 

Re: How to install virtual keyboard for KDE

2023-03-20 Thread Yvan Masson

Le 19/03/2023 à 19:10, Yvan Masson a écrit :


Using Debian testing with KDE, can someone tell me which package 
provides a virtual keyboard for KDE ? I installed 
qtvirtualkeyboard-plugin but it does not appear in KDE preferences 
(although it works on SDDM).

I already tried Onboard, but it has blocking issues for me.
I have still not found an answer, but there is something interesting 
when I go to KDE preferences:
- If running with Wayland, there is a "Input Devices -> Virtual 
Keyboard" section, but "None" is the only choice.
- If running with X11, there is no "Virtual Keyboard" section inside 
"Input Devices".


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Source code boost.

2023-03-20 Thread David
Yandex contribute substantially.


Pérdida de datos

2023-03-20 Thread Luis Muñoz Fuente

Hola a todo el mundo:
Los portátiles de mi trabajo vienen con Ubuntu 20.04 y a un compañero 
mío le ha pasado una cosa muy rara (pregunto aquí porque creo que lo 
ocurrido no depende de la distribución): estaba trabajando con Filezilla 
y de repente perdió todos los datos (creo que es indiferente que 
estuviera trabajando con Filezilla) de su carpeta personal y ésta 
apareció como recién instalada. Sin embargo el resto del sistema 
operativo siguió funcionando sin problemas.

Es una persona de la que confío que no haya hecho nada "raro". El 
portátil es un Dell Latitude 3510 Intel i3 con disco 256 GB SSD M.2 PCIe 
NVMe. Todo el sistema está instalado en una única partición.

Después del desastre recuperé los datos con Photorec y los ordené por 
extensión, pero como se pierden la mayoría de los nombres de archivo la 
solución es parcial. Además, muchos archivos de proyectos, que se 
encuentran en carpetas, se desperdigan por extensión y es muy difícil 
restaurar esos datos.

Esto es algo que no me había pasado en 20 años de uso intensivo de 
GNU/Linux. Lo entendería con un disco mecánico si hubiera recibido un 
golpe funcionando pero con los SSD no lo entiendo. También le pasé 
smartmontools y no muestra daño en el disco.

Simplemente es por si alguien tiene alguna idea de qué ha podido pasar.

Gracias y saludos

Re: good freedom-respecting computer for running Debian

2023-03-20 Thread Charles Curley
On Tue, 21 Mar 2023 00:02:10 +0100
Lionel Élie Mamane  wrote:

> I also kinda hope for something rather quiet, too,
> I've been developing increasing tinnitus and I already wear
> noise-cancelling headphones when next to my desktop :-|

Take a look at

> It seems the only serious contenders, available new, with a future,
> would be Power and ARM?

Any thoughts on RISC-V?

Does anybody read signatures any more?

Re: good freedom-respecting computer for running Debian

2023-03-20 Thread Stefan Monnier
> Is there any good low-hassle freedom-respecting reasonable price
> reasonable performance computer platform for running Debian these

Define your notion of "reasonable" for price and for performance.

Stefan "who finds a Core2 Duo to offer reasonable performance"

Re: How to install virtual keyboard for KDE

2023-03-20 Thread Timothy M Butterworth
On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 3:42 PM Yvan Masson 

> Le 19/03/2023 à 19:10, Yvan Masson a écrit :
> > Hi,
> >
> > Using Debian testing with KDE, can someone tell me which package
> > provides a virtual keyboard for KDE ? I installed
> > qtvirtualkeyboard-plugin but it does not appear in KDE preferences
> > (although it works on SDDM).
> >
> > I already tried Onboard, but it has blocking issues for me.
> I have still not found an answer, but there is something interesting
> when I go to KDE preferences:
> - If running with Wayland, there is a "Input Devices -> Virtual
> Keyboard" section, but "None" is the only choice.
> - If running with X11, there is no "Virtual Keyboard" section inside
> "Input Devices".
Have you tried squeekboard/testing 1.21.0-1 amd64
 On-screen keyboard for Wayland

xvkbd/testing 4.1-2 amd64
 software virtual keyboard for X11

> >
> > Regards,
> > Yvan

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Memory use (was: good freedom-respecting computer for running Debian)

2023-03-20 Thread Stefan Monnier
> lists only "small" SoC systems , not something that looks like I would
> like to compile something the size of LibreOffice on. In that list the
> highest memory supported seems to be 8GB... Nowadays software seems to
> be _very_ memory hungry, my desktop isn't running anything particular
> (just X11, XFCE, terminals, mutt, emacs, firefox, instant messenging
> stuff, nextcloud desktop) and... "free -m" says 10437 used (I
> understand that's _without_ buffers and cache), Firefox clearly takes
> at least 2GB if not 3B (main process 1GB RES in top and then many
> "Isolate Web Content" processes taking 100MB to 340MB, they add up!),
> Telegram has RES of 600MB plus 465MB swapped (!!!), etc.

Reminds me: back around the beginning of the 2010s I realized that the
3GB limit on my Thinkpad T60 would be a problem in the long run but most
replacements were either wider (hence not fitting in my backpack) or
shorter (hence losing screen real-estate), so I bought a second hand T61
with the same size and aspect ratio, but with a chipset which could go
up to 8GB.

Nowadays my main laptop is that T61 (with 8GB) and
my office desktop is a Librem mini (with 24GB of RAM).
While Linux manages to make use of all 24GB of that desktop (including
pushing a few hundred MBs to the small swap partition I have
configured), I noticed that my T61 is able to perform the exact same
tasks without swapping either.

Better yet: my T61's right hinge broke recently (for the third time:
there seems to be a weakness there), so for a few weeks I temporarily
used my T60 while waiting for new hinges to arrive.  Much to my
surprise, I didn't suffer from its limited RAM.  Stats show that the
swap is used significantly more, but it never got anywhere
near thrashing: the CPU was always kept busy with useful work.
[ All those machines use SSDs, of course.  ]

So, maybe there's a "good" reason why Apple still configures their
cheapest laptop with only 8GB of RAM: for "normal" work it's still
perfectly sufficient, despite all the best efforts of web site designers
out there.
[ But I would recommend against buying a desktop/laptop with 8GB now
  unless you can easily expand it later.  ]


PS: To give some context, my main tools are a mix of
And I use the `i386` rather than `amd64` version of Debian on those
machines (tho with an `amd64` kernel).

Re: Memory use (was: good freedom-respecting computer for running Debian)

2023-03-20 Thread Jeremy Ardley

On 21/3/23 10:02, Stefan Monnier wrote:

So, maybe there's a "good" reason why Apple still configures their
cheapest laptop with only 8GB of RAM: for "normal" work it's still
perfectly sufficient, despite all the best efforts of web site designers
out there.
[ But I would recommend against buying a desktop/laptop with 8GB now
   unless you can easily expand it later.  ]


On a tangent, I've just set up a Debian 11 Linode LEMP server with 1GB 
RAM and 10GB Disk.

It's not in the least troubled by the limited memory. Also there is no 
swap in the default image - which seem sensible as it's on a SSD and you 
don't want to be exercising a SSD with lots of swaps

Filesystem 1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
udev  482172   0    482172   0% /dev
tmpfs 14 452 99552   1% /run
/dev/sda    25207476 2287196  21619456  10% /
tmpfs 500016   0    500016   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs   5120   0  5120   0% /run/lock
tmpfs 10   0    10   0% /run/user/0


Re: Pérdida de datos

2023-03-20 Thread Gerardo Braica

Me ha pasado. Tengo una portátil Lenovo con Debian 11 que durante un tiempo
borraba automáticamente todo archivo creado por el usuario dentro del 
del usuario, no así los directorios. Si creaba un archivo cualquiera al 
apagar el sistema

lo borraba, pero si creaba un directorio no había problema.
Si creaba un usuario nuevo el problema continuaba.
Solamente pasaba con los directorios de usuario, los de sistema estaban 

Tu ve que crear un directorio para guardar todo lo personal en el.
No encontré solución en ningún foro ni en internet.
Hasta que un día, no puedo decir porque, se normalizó automáticamente.

El 20/3/23 a las 14:42, Luis Muñoz Fuente escribió:

Hola a todo el mundo:
Los portátiles de mi trabajo vienen con Ubuntu 20.04 y a un compañero 
mío le ha pasado una cosa muy rara (pregunto aquí porque creo que lo 
ocurrido no depende de la distribución): estaba trabajando con 
Filezilla y de repente perdió todos los datos (creo que es indiferente 
que estuviera trabajando con Filezilla) de su carpeta personal y ésta 
apareció como recién instalada. Sin embargo el resto del sistema 
operativo siguió funcionando sin problemas.

Es una persona de la que confío que no haya hecho nada "raro". El 
portátil es un Dell Latitude 3510 Intel i3 con disco 256 GB SSD M.2 
PCIe NVMe. Todo el sistema está instalado en una única partición.

Después del desastre recuperé los datos con Photorec y los ordené por 
extensión, pero como se pierden la mayoría de los nombres de archivo 
la solución es parcial. Además, muchos archivos de proyectos, que se 
encuentran en carpetas, se desperdigan por extensión y es muy difícil 
restaurar esos datos.

Esto es algo que no me había pasado en 20 años de uso intensivo de 
GNU/Linux. Lo entendería con un disco mecánico si hubiera recibido un 
golpe funcionando pero con los SSD no lo entiendo. También le pasé 
smartmontools y no muestra daño en el disco.

Simplemente es por si alguien tiene alguna idea de qué ha podido pasar.

Gracias y saludos

*/Gerardo Braica

Re: good freedom-respecting computer for running Debian

2023-03-20 Thread Lionel Élie Mamane
On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 05:23:09PM -0600, Charles Curley wrote:

>> It seems the only serious contenders, available new, with a future,
>> would be Power and ARM?

> Any thoughts on RISC-V?

Not a released Debian architecture/port, which spells trouble for
"just using it". Is it on good path to becoming one? It got
LibreOffice support in upstream in ... 2022, so quite recently.
lists only "small" SoC systems , not something that looks like I would
like to compile something the size of LibreOffice on. In that list the
highest memory supported seems to be 8GB... Nowadays software seems to
be _very_ memory hungry, my desktop isn't running anything particular
(just X11, XFCE, terminals, mutt, emacs, firefox, instant messenging
stuff, nextcloud desktop) and... "free -m" says 10437 used (I
understand that's _without_ buffers and cache), Firefox clearly takes
at least 2GB if not 3B (main process 1GB RES in top and then many
"Isolate Web Content" processes taking 100MB to 340MB, they add up!),
Telegram has RES of 600MB plus 465MB swapped (!!!), etc.

That 8GB memory board has only one HDMI output, not two.

Am I missing any hardware that would be interesting?

Re: good freedom-respecting computer for running Debian

2023-03-20 Thread Timothy M Butterworth
On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 9:34 PM Stefan Monnier 

> > Is there any good low-hassle freedom-respecting reasonable price
> > reasonable performance computer platform for running Debian these
> Define your notion of "reasonable" for price and for performance.
> Stefan "who finds a Core2 Duo to offer reasonable performance"

I'll rock a Core2 Duo: 64 bit 2.6 GHz dual core CPU, 4 GB DDR2 800 MHz RAM,
Intel integrated graphics. The Core2 Duo is the first processor I
considered to be good enough to run until death! The Core2 Duo certainly
does not have anything on my 8 × AMD Ryzen 7 4700U with Radeon Graphics and

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: How to install virtual keyboard for KDE

2023-03-20 Thread Jeffrey Walton
On Sun, Mar 19, 2023 at 2:10 PM Yvan Masson  wrote:
> Using Debian testing with KDE, can someone tell me which package
> provides a virtual keyboard for KDE ? I installed
> qtvirtualkeyboard-plugin but it does not appear in KDE preferences
> (although it works on SDDM).
> I already tried Onboard, but it has blocking issues for me.

In the past [1], I accidentally broke the KDE login manager after a
do-system-upgrade. When trying to fix it, I accidentally installed a
virtual keyboard.

I got the virtual keyboard from gtk3-engines-breeze .



Re: debian server with two public IPs

2023-03-20 Thread fh will help you.
In my same setup i was add some 'up ip rule add ...' lines into

I finally resolved the issue with the helps of your article and this 

Thanks a lot.

Re: Salvage live failing server

2023-03-20 Thread David Christensen

On 3/20/23 11:01, john doe wrote:


I'm seeing some alarming MSGs (E.G: ' blk_update_request: I/O error, dev
sda, sector N') in my server's log.
As it's read-only, I can not install smartmontools to investigate further.

This server is to be used until a new server is ready, is there anything
that I can do to keep it running?

Any other ideas is welcome!

John Doe

I find it very useful to install Debian onto a good quality USB 3.0 
flash drive.  I suggest that you do the same.  Install the tools that 
you need for administration, backup, restore, trouble-shooting, etc..


good freedom-respecting computer for running Debian

2023-03-20 Thread Lionel Élie Mamane
Is there any good low-hassle freedom-respecting reasonable price
reasonable performance computer platform for running Debian these
days? My main computers (desktop and laptop) are due for a planned
refresh (like, for once, not refreshing in urgency because they
broke). The more free-as-in-freedom, the better, but also it has to
_work_ and not get in the way "too much". I don't particularly enjoy
hardware tinkering, I want to concentrate on software, thank you very
much. Let's say the least non-free firmware possible; I suppose at
this point I can't hope for free hardware.

I've got a sour taste with the offering of amd64-based systems; the
Intel-based ones have the Management Engine deeply embedded (efforts
of the likes of and system76 to battle that notwithstanding),
I hear the AMD ones have something similar now. From what I can
gather, there are only out-of-production mainboards, (ASUS KCMA-D8 and
ASUS KGPE-D16), and the CPUs themselves are and... it they are also
out of production.  Even though it is all available "refurbished"
and/or second-hand, this feels like a dead end.

For laptops... refurbished Lenovo machines.

I kinda "know" AMD (ex-ATI) graphic cards are supposed to work better
than NVidia ones with free drivers, but each time I emergency-replaced
my amd64 motherboard, the shop was all "nope, I can get you NVidia in
a few days, but no stock of ATI/AMD at suppliers"... so I've been each
time running the oldest NVidia card I could find, and the nouveau
driver feature matrix is depressing... I
don't really care about most features, but let's say I want
accelerated video, dual head (RandR) to run my two nice monitors at
1440x2560 resolution. Which requires two HDMI (1.3), DisplayPort or
USB-C outputs. Don't care much about 3D really.

I'm willing to pay some price premium for a free platform, but not an
order of magnitude more. I'd like ECC memory... at least on my
desktop? I'd like it to "feel" like an upgrade also in performance to
what I'm running now, hopefully that will be really easy given the age
of my machines, namely a desktop with an Intel Xeon E3-1271 v3
(released in 2014) and a ThinkPad X200s with an Intel Core 2 Duo L9400
(released in 2008). I also kinda hope for something rather quiet, too,
I've been developing increasing tinnitus and I already wear
noise-cancelling headphones when next to my desktop :-|

It seems the only serious contenders, available new, with a future,
would be Power and ARM?

In the Power realm, I'm aware only of the Raptor series, starting with
the "Blackbird" which even seems to be available from a European
seller now, namely On the other hand, I read that Firefox
WebRTC is broken on Power
the Debian package fails to build... for two months now (since
109.0-1). I mean, I don't mind using firefox-esr (that's what I use
anyway), but that could be a hint that my desktop experience will be

Also, I also "see" rumours online that Raptor is not doing going up to
Power10, so it that a dead end in practical terms over the next years?

On the ARM side, ... I don't know anything for desktops. Is something
around?  The Power/Talos afficionados say modern/recent ARM systems
also has freedom problems, but I haven't seen them articulate
what. What about that?

As far as laptops are concerned... Anyone has good recommendations?
The Pinebook Pro order page says "don't order if you are seeking a
substitute for your X86 laptop" (???) and I've recently stumbled upon
the MNT Reform. Thare are the Apple machines, but it looks like
getting GNU/Linux to run on them is a lot of reverse engineering with
no good documentation/support from the manufacturer (I mean, kuddos to
the ones doing it, but if I could avoid supporting that kind of
non-cooperation with my money...), that basic-to-moderate hardware
features are still not ready upstream (much less in Debian
soon-to-be-stable testing out of the box...), and replacing a
Microsoft tax with an Apple tax... not sure that's an improvement?

Thanks in advance for your advice,


Re: Memory use (was: good freedom-respecting computer for running Debian)

2023-03-20 Thread Jeremy Ardley

On 21/3/23 10:20, Jeremy Ardley wrote:
On a tangent, I've just set up a Debian 11 Linode LEMP server with 1GB 
RAM and 10GB Disk.

It's not in the least troubled by the limited memory. Also there is no 
swap in the default image - which seem sensible as it's on a SSD and 
you don't want to be exercising a SSD with lots of swaps

Filesystem 1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
udev  482172   0    482172   0% /dev
tmpfs 14 452 99552   1% /run
/dev/sda    25207476 2287196  21619456  10% /
tmpfs 500016   0    500016   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs   5120   0  5120   0% /run/lock
tmpfs 10   0    10   0% /run/user/0

Oops. 25G HDD. But in other installs I usually use 8-10GB


Re: debian server with two public IPs

2023-03-20 Thread tomas
On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 03:23:15PM +0800, wrote:
> Hello list,
> I have a networking question that I can't understand for.
> I have the Debian 11 host with two ethernet cards.
> There is public IP and gateway for each ethernet card.
> (they are public IPs from two different net address blocks.)
> Say:
> eth0 ip:  gw:
> eth1 ip: gw:
> The system's default gw is the first one (eth0).
> When clients from outside access eth1 ip (such as HTTP access), they can
> reach there.
> But, the returned packages from debian server to clients are always coming
> from eth0 gw.
> I expect the returned package also come from eth1 gw (since clients are
> accessing eth1 address).
> How can I setup this? Thanks for any hints.

Disclaimer: I haven't found the time to wrap my head around
that and actually run some tests. It's on my TODO. So take
this with two fists of salt.

You might want to play with /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter [0] [1].



Description: PGP signature

Re: debian server with two public IPs

2023-03-20 Thread Stanislav Vlasov
пн, 20 мар. 2023 г. в 12:33, :

> I have a networking question that I can't understand for.
> I have the Debian 11 host with two ethernet cards.
> There is public IP and gateway for each ethernet card.
> (they are public IPs from two different net address blocks.)
> When clients from outside access eth1 ip (such as HTTP access), they can
> reach there.
> But, the returned packages from debian server to clients are always
> coming from eth0 gw.
> I expect the returned package also come from eth1 gw (since clients are
> accessing eth1 address).

> How can I setup this? Thanks for any hints.
> will help you.
In my same setup i was add some 'up ip rule add ...' lines into


Re: debian server with two public IPs

2023-03-20 Thread tomas
On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 05:15:57PM +0800, Jeremy Ardley wrote:
> On 20/3/23 16:39, Stanislav Vlasov wrote:
> > пн, 20 мар. 2023 г. в 12:33, :
> > 
> > > I have a networking question that I can't understand for.
> > > I have the Debian 11 host with two ethernet cards.
> > > There is public IP and gateway for each ethernet card.
> > > (they are public IPs from two different net address blocks.)
> > [...]
> > > When clients from outside access eth1 ip (such as HTTP access), they can
> > > reach there.
> > > But, the returned packages from debian server to clients are always
> > > coming from eth0 gw.
> > > I expect the returned package also come from eth1 gw (since clients are
> > > accessing eth1 address).
> > 
> > will help you.
> > Exactly
> > In my same setup i was add some 'up ip rule add ...' lines into
> > /etc/network/interfaces
> I get the impression the problem is to send return traffic back out on the
> interface it came in on.

If this is it, then rp_filter, as I proposed elsewhere in this
thread, seems like exactly made for this.


Description: PGP signature

debian server with two public IPs

2023-03-20 Thread fh

Hello list,

I have a networking question that I can't understand for.
I have the Debian 11 host with two ethernet cards.
There is public IP and gateway for each ethernet card.
(they are public IPs from two different net address blocks.)

eth0 ip:  gw:
eth1 ip: gw:

The system's default gw is the first one (eth0).
When clients from outside access eth1 ip (such as HTTP access), they can 
reach there.
But, the returned packages from debian server to clients are always 
coming from eth0 gw.
I expect the returned package also come from eth1 gw (since clients are 
accessing eth1 address).

How can I setup this? Thanks for any hints.

Corey H

Re: artifiial intelligence (was: Re: question about net address)

2023-03-20 Thread Yassine Chaouche

Le 3/19/23 à 18:51, DdB a écrit :

Great hint there!
I just tested it in a couple of areas and found it to be quite useful,
by far more up-to-date and i did enjoy the experience.
Thank you for sharing it.

Am 19.03.2023 um 12:01 schrieb Yassine Chaouche:

In contrast,
a tool like is an answer-questionning tool.
Is is a search engine.
It cites its sources,
so you can check for yourself whether it's talking crap,
or if it's backed by facts.

Enjoy :)

You may also give chat a try.
when fails to give a satisfying answer,
I turn to chat,
which is another question-answering search engine that cites its sources.

Yassine -- sysadm
57 33

openexr-viewers in Bookworm?

2023-03-20 Thread Harald Dunkel

Hi folks,

I wonder why openexr-viewers hasn't made it into Bookworm, yet?
The bug tracker mentions just an ancient SIGSEGV (opened in 2010).




Re: openexr-viewers in Bookworm?

2023-03-20 Thread Harald Dunkel

Found it, it doesn't build (#1017547). Its been filed against the
source package.


Re: New Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Series 3511 sound problem on Debian 11 Stable

2023-03-20 Thread Default User
On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 11:06 AM Timothy M Butterworth <> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 10:57 AM Jeffrey Walton 
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 7:55 PM Default User 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > I just got a brand new Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Series 3511 laptop.  Came
>> with Windows (ugh!) preinstalled.
>> > My old Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Series 3542 laptop (made in 2014) just
>> died.  So this one should work, right?
>> >
>> > No.
>> Also see . It is a database of supported
>> hardware.
>> I think it includes the minimum kernel version for support of a
>> particular chipset, once you drill in.
>> Jeff
>  If you are missing drivers or firmware then I recommend installing Debian
> 12 Bookworm. You can download the live installer from:
> Debian
> 11 is old and does not work with the latest hardware without installing
> from debian backports which I do not recommend. Debian 12 is already frozen
> for release testing. I have been running Debian 12 for over a year now and
> only ran into one problem yesterday. I was having problems installing
> mariadb-server. I made a work around hack today and got it to install.
> Tim
> --
> ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀
> ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system
> ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀
> ⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀

I did check out
My old machine (now torn apart) was listed there.
My new machine does not seem to be listed there. Not surprising, since
manufactured in 2023-January.

I did try a fresh install to the old machine of a Bookworm daily build
about a month ago. It almost all the way through the non-graphical,
expert-mode install, only to hard fail at refusing to install grub.  More
than once.

Since I now have a working setup, I think I will just patiently wait  a few
months until soon after the official release of Bookworm Stable, then
either upgrade or fresh install then.

Upgrade to Bookworm upon release, but now using backported kernel on Bullseye

2023-03-20 Thread Default User

I currently run Bullseye Stable using:
linux-image-6.0.0-0.deb11.6-amd64  6.0.12-1~bpo11+1  amd64  Linux 6.0 for
64-bit PCs (signed) kernel.

I plan to upgrade to Bookworm Stable shortly after release. Will I need to
do anything differently?
Any "gotcha's"?

Re: Upgrade to Bookworm upon release, but now using backported kernel on Bullseye

2023-03-20 Thread Brian
On Mon 20 Mar 2023 at 10:37:01 -0400, Default User wrote:

> Hi.
> I currently run Bullseye Stable using:
> linux-image-6.0.0-0.deb11.6-amd64  6.0.12-1~bpo11+1  amd64  Linux 6.0 for
> 64-bit PCs (signed) kernel.
> I plan to upgrade to Bookworm Stable shortly after release. Will I need to
> do anything differently?
> Any "gotcha's"?

Any major gotchas should be in the Release Notes.


Re: New Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Series 3511 sound problem on Debian 11 Stable

2023-03-20 Thread Jeffrey Walton
On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 7:55 PM Default User  wrote:
> I just got a brand new Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Series 3511 laptop.  Came with 
> Windows (ugh!) preinstalled.
> My old Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Series 3542 laptop (made in 2014) just died.  So 
> this one should work, right?
> No.

Also see . It is a database of supported hardware.

I think it includes the minimum kernel version for support of a
particular chipset, once you drill in.


Re: New Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Series 3511 sound problem on Debian 11 Stable

2023-03-20 Thread Timothy M Butterworth
On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 10:57 AM Jeffrey Walton  wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 7:55 PM Default User 
> wrote:
> >
> > I just got a brand new Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Series 3511 laptop.  Came
> with Windows (ugh!) preinstalled.
> > My old Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Series 3542 laptop (made in 2014) just
> died.  So this one should work, right?
> >
> > No.
> Also see . It is a database of supported
> hardware.
> I think it includes the minimum kernel version for support of a
> particular chipset, once you drill in.
> Jeff

 If you are missing drivers or firmware then I recommend installing Debian
12 Bookworm. You can download the live installer from: Debian
11 is old and does not work with the latest hardware without installing
from debian backports which I do not recommend. Debian 12 is already frozen
for release testing. I have been running Debian 12 for over a year now and
only ran into one problem yesterday. I was having problems installing
mariadb-server. I made a work around hack today and got it to install.


⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

[SOLVED] New Dell Inspiron 15 3000 Series 3511 sound problem on Debian 11 Stable

2023-03-20 Thread Default User
On Mon, Feb 13, 2023 at 6:56 AM Anssi Saari  wrote:

> Default User  writes:
> > xserver-xorg-video-cirrus_1.5.3-1+b3_amd64.deb for Debian Stable
> (Bullseye) does seem to be at
> > deb bullseye main
> > but that is not a backport.
> It's also not a Linux kernel and not relevant to your sound HW. Just
> some video support for ancient video hardware. I don't think Cirrus
> Logic has done video HW since the 90s.
> > I hate to sound stupid, but could someone please tell me how to add that
> to the
> > Debian 11.6 "live" usb stick?
> >
> > I know how to enable the bullseye backports repository in
> > /etc/apt/sources.list, but then I dont know how to "get to" and use
> backports; I've never had to do that before.
> Just need to give -t repo option to apt:
> apt install -t bullseye-backports linux-image-amd64
> Although, I don't think you can install a new kernel in a live system
> with apt. Don't know for sure though. That's why I said it'd be easy to
> add to an installed system.
> I don't know if enabling persistence with the live system would allow
> booting with a new kernel, it's been a while since I last played with
> anything live. But that too needs some figuring out as I recall.
> So, install on a USB thing or resize the Windows partition in your
> laptop and install in the newly freed space.
The sound now works on this machine running Debian Stable (Bullseye).

The solution was to install was, as suggested, to do:
install Debian Stable Gnome (Ugh!) 10.0
upgrade to Debian Stable 11.6 (linux-image-5.10.0-21-amd64)
apt install -t bullseye-backports linux-image-amd64,
which installed linux-image-5.10.0-21-amd64.

upgrade to Debian Stable 11.6 (linux-image-5.10.0-21-amd64)
was not sufficient by itself.

Thanks to all for the help!

Fwd: MariaDB Server is not installing on Debian 12

2023-03-20 Thread Timothy M Butterworth
On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 7:49 AM Dan Ritter  wrote:

> Timothy M Butterworth wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 6:25 AM Dan Ritter  wrote:
> >
> > > Timothy M Butterworth wrote:
> > > > I am unable to install MariaDB on debian 12. apt show says the
> > > > mariadb-server is Version: 1:10.11.2-1.
> > > >
> > > > Failed to stop mariadb.service: Unit mariadb.service not loaded.
> > > > invoke-rc.d: initscript mariadb, action "stop" failed.
> > > > Failed to stop mysql.service: Unit mysql.service not loaded.
> > > > invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "stop" failed.
> > > > Attempt to stop MariaDB/MySQL server returned exitcode 5
> > > > There is a MariaDB/MySQL server running, but we failed in our
> attempts to
> > > > stop it.
> > > > Stop it yourself and try again!
> > >
> > > Have you done that?
> > >
> >
> > I do not have any instances of MySQL or MariaDB running. The unit files
> are
> > not even installed.
> The pre-inst script believes that you do.
> > > > new mariadb-server package pre-installation script subprocess
> returned
> > > > error exit status 1
> > >
> > > If there is no mariadb or mysql server running, but the system
> > > believes that there is, /var/lib/dpkg/info should contain a
> > > mariadb.preinst script which can be examined for what mechanism
> > > it is using to determine that.
> ^ That. Go read it, execute it by hand, see what it is mistaken
> about.
> -dsr-


Thanks for the info. I got it to install. I copied the mariadb.service file
and made a soft link from it to mysql.service. I was able to successfully
run `systemctl stop` against both service files. There was nothing to stop
since there was no database installed but I tricked the script into
thinking that it stopped the database. Anyway it was a little hacky but I
got mariadb-server installed.


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