Re: Re: i865 based systems

2003-09-08 Thread tony
Neal Lippman wrote:

Has anyone installed a 2.4 series kernel on a system based on the intel
I865 chipset? If so, I am wondering if there are any recommendations re:
motherboards that seem to work well.
From a quick grep through the 2.4.21 source (latest kernel available for

testing) is appears that both i865 support and sATA support are in the
kernel, which are the two major issues with this chipset (since I think
the onboard gigabit LAN became supported in 2.4.19).
As far as I can tell, there is sATA support in 2.4.21, although I cannot
figure out what the device major number or /dev entries for that would
 Hi Neal

 Don't know how much this will help but as you've had no
 other answers, here goes. I'm trying to get an i875P based
 m/c to work but am still having problems, but it sounds
 like you know more about kernels than me. FWIW, my machine
 appears to boot OK in general under 2.4.21 but:
 - I have problems with the network. I haven't yet persuaded
 the network to boot properly. Once the system is up and
 running, I can start it by hand (ifdown eth0; ifup eth0).
 The controller on my board (it's an Intel D875PBZ mobo) is
 apparently different from those supported in previous
 kernels. Once I've fixed it I'll have to come back to the
 - initially there were problems with disk errors and
 unexpected interrupts, so I switched the BIOS to legacy mode
 (the SATA disks appear as PATA but it's not possible to see
 all the devices). That made the problem go away but I'll
 have to come back to it when I've fixed the network.
 There are apparently problems with some other SATA support
 chips and perhaps with specific hard drives so check the
 lists and google carefully before buying.
 People say they have got these boards working but I don't
 remember seeing anybody who claimed to have made native-mode
 SATA work who gave full details.
 Cheers, Dave


Hi Neal,

I've been struggling with an Intel S875WP1-E board for the past month. 
Further to Dave's comments:

- re NIC: same trouble initially, but obtained the E100-2.2.21 source 
from the Intel site and compiled the drivers. This works fine now under 
kernel 2.4.21. Indeed, the alternate E100 module (not the original 
Becker driver) seems to do the trick;

- re onboard SATA: this board was selected as the Promise onboard SATA 
controller (PDC20319) provides the option of RAID 0, 1 or 0+1. My client 
wants hardware mirroring. However, the bios that shipped with the board 
only allowed RAID0. After some to-ing and fro-ing with the very helpful 
Hal and Joe at Intel support, I obtained the P06 bios. Ooops!!! The RAID 
options had disappeared completely from the BIOS setup. Back to Intel: 
obtained the updated SATARAID.exe utility, and at last I could create RAID1;

- next problem was getting the kernel to recognise the controller. After 
a bit of searching the mailing lists, etc., I found out about 
the 2.4.21-atascsi1.patch and Jeff Garzik's libata. After 
patching/re-compiling, the ICH5 controller was recognised and I have a 
kernel that recognises the SATA drives as scsi drives - however, not as 
RAID. Unlike the legacy PATA mode, the drive's entire capacity is 
recognised though.

- On the Intel web site the updated drivers for this controller were 
promised for release in August, but they have yet to appear. The 
existing drivers (available for RedHat and Win2K/XP only) support the 
SATA drives but not as a RAID. Modifying the RH modules is beyond my 
competency, so I asked the Intel support people if the drivers could be 
released as source at least. However, nothing yet.

It's been a disappointing experience, particularly for my client, a 
small magazine publisher, who wanted to move his file and print serving 
from an ageing NT4 box to Debian. He recognises the issue is not really 
a Debian one, so much as an Intel one. (However, we've experienced 
similar Debian-discrimination in moving his previous backup software, 
Arcserve/Brightstor, to Debian: RedHat, Suse, Caldera, etc., installers, 
but CA don't give Debian a real look - only so far as a client agent).

My recommendation, if you were considering buying this board or a board 
with this chipset, I'd wait a couple of months until the drivers, etc., 
have been addressed more adequately.



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Upgrading woody to Gnome2, choosing windows manager

2003-01-13 Thread tony
I upgraded my woody box to gnome2, but I can't find how to adjust my windows
manager. I can't remember exactly how it is done: update-alternatives ?
Thanks for any indication,

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Re: Curious...Are most of you in tech-related careers/schooling?

2003-01-17 Thread tony
Reading the posted messages to this list, all these replies, you come closer
to an understanding of the beauty of life. This mailing list is a poem.
I am a Cuban-Russian-Ukrainian-Canadian-American Mathematics College
professor. I have had technical education, I suppose, since this is what I
do for living. What attracts me to Debian is not the technicality -you can
get that in many other places-, but the underlying ideas beneath the
structure. As humans we should not make the mistake of converting the
thought world into another market place. Equilibrium in life will never be
achieved that way. Many of us intuitively know that: Who hasn't been shaken
after reading "Les miserables"?

- Original Message -
From: "John Hasler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: Curious...Are most of you in tech-related careers/schooling?

> Scott writes:
> > I wonder if all (or most) of you are in similar careers and that is why
> > you are so proficient with compiling and testing and tweaking all of
> > stuff.
> I board and train horses and grow hay for a living.

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"Segmentation fault" installing Debian

1999-02-15 Thread Tony

I have a Compaq Contura 3/25 notebook, 386SL, 6mb RAM, 115mb HD.  I am
trying to install Debian on a second partition created by FIPS.  The first
partition is a 60mb for Dos/Win3.1, the rest for Linux.  However, in the
install routine for Debian, when I try to "partition" the hard disk, the
choice is /dev/hda.  When I hit OK on that, the screen flashes
"segmentationfault" in the lower left and then goes back to the setup prog
like nothing happened.  so I can't install Debian!  =(

How can I get around this?  I can't wait to try it.


Re: "Segmentation fault" installing Debian

1999-02-15 Thread Tony

>This isn't a great workaround, not even a good one, but I'd go to a prompt
>and run fdisk (instead of cfdisk which the install starts for you).  Press
>"m" for help, it's more primitive than cfdisk, but that's why I like it.
>Depending on where cfdisk is segfaulting, fdisk could do the same thing.
>Anyway, after you get a running system, you could try to figure out what's
>going on (ie strace cfdisk) or that sort of thing.

hehehe, thing is, how do I do that?  I am a total newbie to this.  I only
know my stuff about DOS/Win.  How would I get to a prompt?  All I have on
the HD right now is one DOS partition and the other blank one.  I see your
logic perfectly, it is the way I want to do it but I don't know enough to
get it done.  =)  Can you fill me in some more?

So this segmentation fault must be some kind of incompatibility, no?

Thanks a lot,

Boot managers

1999-02-15 Thread Tony
Okay, I'd like to thank everyone who helped me set up Debian after my
"segmentation fault" errors, I finally got to the console and used cfdisk.
Runs great now, I finally got in!

Now, I want to know how I can set up some kind of boot manager to select
between DOS partition and the Linux, so I don't keep having to stick the
floppy in.  I CAN do this right?

I'm still very confused on how to use this Unix thing.  better go borrow
some books from the library.  Is there a "Linux for dummies"?  =)  However,
I am proud to say I am a Linux user!

Thanks again,

help with deselect

1999-02-17 Thread Tony

It's me again, trying desperately to learn Linux...

I am trying to use dselect to install some packages into my new install of
Debian..  but every time I try to start installing, I get the message:

"Packages yet to be unpacked:
 304 in :  vim gnushogi xphoon pwgen tcl8.0 tk8.0 libpaperg...
dpkg-split: unable to read depot directory '/var/lib/dpkg/parts/':  No such
file or directory

installation script returned error exit status 1.
press RETURN to continue"

???  being the traditional Win95 user I know nothing of what is going on!
The machine is a Compaq Contura 3/25, 6mb RAM, 115mb HD.  I'm sure it's just
something I did wrong though.

I need to get this dselect working, so I can install manpages, and then I
can setup Lilo so I do not have to put in the boot disk every time!

Another couple dumb questions while I am at it:

* I accidentaly did not enter a password for root when I set up debian.
what is the command to change that password.
* What do I need to do to use my modem to dial up with a terminal program?
Iguess I need to get dselect to work first, eh? =)

Thanks again, you guys are a great group of people.  thanks for all the
great responses about Lilo!


help with dselect

1999-02-17 Thread Tony

It's me again, trying desperately to learn Linux...

I am trying to use dselect to install some packages into my new install of
Debian..  but every time I try to start installing, I get the message:

"Packages yet to be unpacked:
 304 in :  vim gnushogi xphoon pwgen tcl8.0 tk8.0 libpaperg...
dpkg-split: unable to read depot directory '/var/lib/dpkg/parts/':  No such
file or directory

installation script returned error exit status 1.
press RETURN to continue"

???  being the traditional Win95 user I know nothing of what is going on!
The machine is a Compaq Contura 3/25, 6mb RAM, 115mb HD.  I'm sure it's just
something I did wrong though.

I need to get this dselect working, so I can install manpages, and then I
can setup Lilo so I do not have to put in the boot disk every time!

Another couple dumb questions while I am at it:

* I accidentaly did not enter a password for root when I set up debian.
what is the command to change that password.
* What do I need to do to use my modem to dial up with a terminal program?
Iguess I need to get dselect to work first, eh? =)

Thanks again, you guys are a great group of people.  thanks for all the
great responses about Lilo!


Q:Is there a script to Configure the Network

1998-03-27 Thread Tony

I have physically moved my computer from one office to another, and my IP, 
Gateway addresses etc have changed.

I updated the single file

Everything is working fine except my apache http server.

What is the name of the installation script that sets netwrok variables?

Where does apache find out what the machine's IP address/host name is?

Do you know what files I should be editing?

Thank you


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[no subject]

1998-02-06 Thread Tony

I have installed Debian 1.3.1, but find myself without /dev/cdrom as a block 
device (at the driver selection stage, nothing fitted my Mitsumi 12x, which I 
ad run under an "iso9660" on my previous slakware distribution).

What is a block device, and how to get the cd recognised?

Also - I loaded the packages off the sunsite at imperial college; it turns out 
that the Latex I picked up had a 1 year-old bug in it (\noindent did not work 
inside a quote environment). Is there a way of telling whether that is 
generally a problem with the Debian 1.3.1 distribution, or just that that 
mirror had not been updated in that directory?

Thank you


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[no subject]

1998-02-08 Thread Tony

I had a problem with the teTeX I had installed (or so I was told ...), and so 
de-installed it and re-installed a version from a different site.

This did not work, so I tried again paying more attention. At de-installation, 
dselect told me "Can't delete /x/y/z, not empty". there were some links I had 
put into these directories, so I deleted the directories.

Ever since, _no_ teTeX package will install (essential files, like the 
texmf.cnf and *.fmt files) are simply no longer on the system. Does this mean 
that the texmf directories are populated and created by another package? Does 
anyone know how I might try to put teTeX back together again?

Thank you


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teTeX and \noindent

1998-02-08 Thread Tony
The teTeX version I have (re)installed is 0.4.

LaTeX says "This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (C version 6.1)".

Posting a question about this apparent bug to comp.text.tex, someone replied 

This bug was solved almost a year ago.
(Piet van Oostrum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

The bug is that \noindent does not work inside a quote. This is particularly 
annoying for quotes that open a chapter...

Is there a version of the tetex binaries that solves the problem?


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How do I convert data e-mailed from a mac?

1998-02-09 Thread Tony

I have been sent files of this sort:

This is a application/mac-binhex40

Is there a utility that will convert these? Is it available in a Debian 

Thank you


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latex2rtf - where is it?

1998-02-10 Thread Tony
I seem to to have a manpage for latex2rtf, but nothing that the system can 
find. Does anyone know which package it is in?


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apache .htaccess seem not to be read

1998-02-11 Thread Tony

I have been trying to configure apache to have a few password protected 
directories. I have .htaccess files in the directories that worked with my 
previous installation, but seem not to with the default debian config files. 
Is there an extra directive I should be adding to the /etc/apache/*.conf 's?



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Re: SGML beginners question

2000-06-22 Thread Tony
^"Eric G . Miller" wrote:
^> really slick and well formatted documents.  And for writing something
^> like a thesis, using BibTeX makes it easy to handle citations.
^Latex + bibtex + Emacs + AUCTeX + bib-cite + RefTeX + font-latex
^Good stuff.

Yes, I basically agree with that, but getting the document into html as well 
as ps I have found to be a bore. Lat time I tried latex2html on a 100,000 word 
tex document, it died miserably. Are there better alternatives for producing 
html from complex latex sources?


ELSE / Department of Economics 
University College London
Tony Curzon Price

^Peter Galbraith, research scientist  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
^Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
^P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
^6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - 
^Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

ELSE / Department of Economics 
University College London
Tony Curzon Price

How do I get flexible email headers and sigs?

2000-07-14 Thread Tony

Has anyone figured a nice way of doing the following:

I have several "identities" I'd like my mail to go out under - 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for my academic work, [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the 
start-up I sometimes act for, [EMAIL PROTECTED] for personal stuff etc.

I'd like the From:, Reply-To: fields and the signature to all change depending 
on which identity I'm mailing as. The identity should default to the right one 
if I'm replying, and otherwise should be input in some quick way.

I currently use mh and manually edit things. There must be a better solution??



mailagent configuration problems

2000-05-17 Thread Tony

I've been fighting with mailagent to get it configured. I follow the clear 
instructions in the man-page, and get on to testing.

Having set up my .forward as told, I get this sort of entry in the file which 
takes "error" output from the filter (~/.bak in the setup)

00/05/17 17:22:49 filter[6363]: reading mail
00/05/17 17:22:49 filter[6363]: got mail (875 bytes)
00/05/17 17:30:12 filter[6393]: reading mail
00/05/17 17:30:12 filter[6393]: got mail (875 bytes)
00/05/17 17:30:14 filter[6396]: reading mail
00/05/17 17:30:14 filter[6396]: got mail (1545 bytes)

and I get no trace of anything in the logfile, even with verboseness set to 
20. Even more worryingly, I can't find the mails that have been "read" 

Another possible symptom - If I run mailagent with -f and point it to my unix 
mail directory, I get "insecure configuration" and what looks like a hang.

All suggestions gatefully received,


Re: mailagent configuration problems

2000-05-18 Thread Tony
^Tony writes:
^> Another possible symptom - If I run mailagent with -f and point it to my
^> unix mail directory, I get "insecure configuration" and what looks like a
^> hang.
^I assume that what you mean is that you point it at one of the files in
^your mail directory.  What are the permissions on that file?
^John Hasler
^Dancing Horse Hill
^Elmwood, Wisconsin

Everyone can read/write it. But does this explain the disappearing mail 


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mailagent setup headache

2000-05-19 Thread Tony

I reported a problem setting up mailagent a couple of days ago - I was gettng 
these sorts of errors:

$ mailagent -i -t ./testmail.txt 
mailagent: WARNING waiting for -/var/mailagent/.seq lock since 22 seconds
mailagent: WARNING waiting for -/var/mailagent/perl lock since 22 seconds
mailagent: denied right to process mail
mailagent: queuing mail (fm) for delayed processing
mailagent: preext uses file size (880)
mailagent: pre-extended retaining 0 old bytes

Actually, these errors are from a really dumb source: the "-/" pointer to the 
home directory in .mailagent has to be changed to "~/" for bash-ers. It then 
seems to work fine.


More headaches with mailagent config

2000-05-19 Thread Tony

Here's my next set of problems with setting up mailagent:

When mailagent starts to LEAVE, it wants to "execute" /var/spool/mail/uctpjac 
(my mail file), and in this execution it fails (see log entries below). Can 
someone tell me what this execution is, and what I need to do to get performed 



mailagent: matching summary rule #1: failed
mailagent: NOTICE no match, leaving in mailbox
mailagent: XEQ (LEAVE)
mailagent: starting LEAVE
mailagent: starting SAVE /var/spool/mail/uctpjac
mailagent: HOOKING [testmail1.txt] to /var/spool/mail/uctpjac (program)
mailagent: hook is a plain program
mailagent: can allow exec() of /var/spool/mail/uctpjac
mailagent: symbolic file /bin/sh for interpretor file is secure
mailagent: NOTICE running interpretor /bin/sh actually runs /bin/bash
mailagent: can allow /bin/sh to run /var/spool/mail/uctpjac
mailagent: ERROR execution failed for '/var/spool/mail/uctpjac'
mailagent: SENT output of '/var/spool/mail/uctpjac' to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (207 bytes)
mailagent: WARNING program returned non-zero status
mailagent: ERROR cannot run /var/spool/mail/uctpjac at (eval 157) line 6.
mailagent: ERROR could not save mail in /var/spool/mail/uctpjac
mailagent: DUMPED in /var/spool/mail/uctpjac
mailagent: unlocked ./testmail1.txt
mailagent: FILTERED [testmail1.txt] 872 bytes

How did I break su??

2000-05-22 Thread Tony

When I now su, it says, after I've entered the password:
 su: cannot set groups: Operation not permitted

It used to work just fine, and I just can't think how I've done anything that 
influences su ...

Any thoughts?


X setup with SiS 6236

2000-05-25 Thread Tony

Has anyone had success parametrising X with an SiS 6236 AGP? I can't run 
XF86Setup without the screen hanging before it has found an appropriate 
graphical mode. Is there a script version of XF86Setup?



Re: Decoding BinHex4.0

2000-05-25 Thread Tony
I usually do this (long-winded):
save <>
hexbin -d <>
mv attachment-name


^I have a similar problem with correspondents who use a Macintosh. I
^get BinHex'ed attachments too. If you have success in finding an
^unBinHex-er I'd appreciate your sharing.
^David Teague, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
^Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
^ useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
^On Wed, 24 May 2000, Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:
^> What is the way to decode an email obtain with attachments which say
^> they need to be decoded with BinHEx4.0? This originated from a Mac
^> I am using metamail with elm which does not seem to be able to
^> do it. mimencode -u was also unsuccessful.  Are there any specific
^> programs for this?
^> Thanks.
^> Sebastian Canagaratna
^> Department of Chemistry
^> Ohio Northern University
^> Ada, OH 45810
^> -- 
^> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
^David Teague, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
^Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
^ useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
^ (I hope this is all of the above.)
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Q:Kernel version and insmod refusal

2000-02-04 Thread Tony

I am running/installing a Debian 2.1 distribution that came packaged with the 
O'Reilly book "Learning Debian GNU/Linux". I guess this is Slink.

I have been trying to install the module support for a 3905 3com ethernet 
card. 3Com supply the driver as c code; I compile this and then try to do 
insmod 3905x.0. This command returns:
390x.o was compiled for kernel version 2.0.36 whilst this kernel is 2.2.12.

uname tells me that I am indeed running 2.2.12

When I asked 3com about this, they suggested I recompile my kernel and try 
again. I did this, with exactly the same results.

So where does insmod get the information about the version for which the 
driver was compiled, and how can I change this?

with appreciation,

Tony CP

Re: Q:Kernel version and insmod refusal

2000-02-04 Thread Tony
OK - I've now tried those things, and I get the same old message ... Any more 

^There are a few things you could try:
^- Compile a kernel where you don't add your ethernetcard as a module.


^- Compile a kernel where you select 'Set kernel version on all modules'
^(or something like that, when using make menuconfig it's in the same menu
^as 'Enable modules').


^- Make sure you did both 'make modules' and 'make modules_install'


^- What does modprobe 3905x say??
modprobe can't locate 

insmod still says  that I compile the 2c90x module for the wrong kernel...

^> Hello,
^> I am running/installing a Debian 2.1 distribution that came packaged with 
^> O'Reilly book "Learning Debian GNU/Linux". I guess this is Slink.
^> I have been trying to install the module support for a 3905 3com ethernet 
^> card. 3Com supply the driver as c code; I compile this and then try to do 
^> insmod 3905x.0. This command returns:
^> 390x.o was compiled for kernel version 2.0.36 whilst this kernel is 2.2.12.
^> uname tells me that I am indeed running 2.2.12
^> When I asked 3com about this, they suggested I recompile my kernel and try 
^> again. I did this, with exactly the same results.
^> So where does insmod get the information about the version for which the 
^> driver was compiled, and how can I change this?
^> with appreciation,
^> Tony CP

Fortify-ing ns

1999-12-02 Thread Tony

I've had a really frustrating time trying to upgrade to 128 bit SSL encryption 
on Netscape. I do apt-get install fortify, and fortify claims that my netscape 
is not one that it supports; I look in the database fortify has, and my NS is 
there. I even uninstall my netscape, re-install using netscape4.deb, etc. But 
I keep getting the same messages ... Have any of you been around this loop 
with fortify - how did you get out of it??


Re: X not starting on Intel 845G

2004-05-30 Thread Tony
One thing worth trying in this sort of situation is to try booting
Knoppix and seeing what drivers that uses if successful.
Tony Middleton.
H.A. Sujith wrote:
I have debian 3.0r2 woody. I have an on board graphics controller Intel 
845G/L (Brookdale). X server is not starting on my computer. It gives 
the error "No devices detected". I have tried everything from Modifying 
the XF86Config-4 file to recompiling the kernel(with appropriate 
drivers) to re-installing the system with different boot options (bf24, 
vanilla etc.,) and none of them has worked. I've tried kernels 2.4.28-13 
and 2.4.20. Previously I was using Red Hat 8.0 and everything was fine, 
I was using kernels 2.4.18-14 and 2.4.20. It even worked on a Linux 
distribution based on Fedora core 2.
BTW, I am also not able to play MP3s using mpg123/mpg321. It says unable 
to open any libao drivers for device .(libao is installed). I have an on 
board sound card that came with the 845G chipset -- ICH(?).

Can someone (probably with the same hardware) give me step by step 
instructions on getting X and audio working.

Thanks for any help.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: X not starting on Intel 845G

2004-05-30 Thread Tony
One thing worth trying in this sort of situation is to try booting
Knoppix and seeing what drivers that uses if successful.
Tony Middleton.
H.A. Sujith wrote:
I have debian 3.0r2 woody. I have an on board graphics controller Intel 
845G/L (Brookdale). X server is not starting on my computer. It gives 
the error "No devices detected". I have tried everything from Modifying 
the XF86Config-4 file to recompiling the kernel(with appropriate 
drivers) to re-installing the system with different boot options (bf24, 
vanilla etc.,) and none of them has worked. I've tried kernels 2.4.28-13 
and 2.4.20. Previously I was using Red Hat 8.0 and everything was fine, 
I was using kernels 2.4.18-14 and 2.4.20. It even worked on a Linux 
distribution based on Fedora core 2.
BTW, I am also not able to play MP3s using mpg123/mpg321. It says unable 
to open any libao drivers for device .(libao is installed). I have an on 
board sound card that came with the 845G chipset -- ICH(?).

Can someone (probably with the same hardware) give me step by step 
instructions on getting X and audio working.

Thanks for any help.

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Re: strange DHCP behaviour

2018-10-23 Thread tony
On 23/10/2018 17:14, Martin wrote:
> Shouldn't the host definition be inside the subnet definition?

Thanks for the suggestion, Martin. The sample config file supplied with
the DHCP package shows a host outside the subnet. Anyway, I tried it,
and it made no difference.

Thanks anyway.

Cheers, Tony

Re: strange DHCP behaviour

2018-10-23 Thread tony
On 23/10/2018 16:22, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 03:56:34PM +0200, Tony van der Hoff wrote:
>> So, my question: why is the server handing out .253, when it is
>> configured to provide .199?
>> What is this 'reuse-lease' all about?
>> I've tried 'dhclient -r wlan 0; dhclient -v wlan0' on the laptop, to no
>> avail.
>> Any suggestions, please?
> You don't provide the entirety of your configuration file, so this is a
> stab in the dark, but do you have a stanza that occurs earlier in the
> file that is matching the host in question?
> Regards,
> -Roberto
Thanks for your suggestion, Roberto; in fact I did provide the entire
config, at least the part that's not commented out. so, no, there are no
other stanzas.

Cheers, Tony

Re: strange DHCP behaviour

2018-10-23 Thread tony
On 23/10/2018 18:36, john doe wrote:
> On 10/23/2018 5:14 PM, Martin wrote:
>> Shouldn't the host definition be inside the subnet definition?
>> Am 23.10.18 um 15:56 schrieb Tony van der Hoff:
>>> Hi, I havea laptop running fully up to date Stretch with NetworkManager,
>>> set to use DH|Cp via wireless.
>>> The DHCP server is another Stretch system, with the stanzas
>>> host tony-lt {
>>> hardware ethernet 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f;
>>> fixed-address;
>>> }
>>> subnet netmask
>>> {
>>> range;
>>> option routers;
>>> }
> maybe settingthe the subnet definition before the host definition could
> help.
> In '/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases' removing the lease for the host in
> question could be worth a try.
thanks, John; I tried both those suggestions, to nil effect. It still
insists on grabbing ..253 for itself.

Cheers, Tony

Re: strange DHCP behaviour

2018-10-24 Thread tony
On 23/10/2018 20:06, john doe wrote:
> On 10/23/2018 7:49 PM, john doe wrote:
>> On 10/23/2018 7:39 PM, tony wrote:
>>> On 23/10/2018 18:36, john doe wrote:
>>>> On 10/23/2018 5:14 PM, Martin wrote:
>>>>> Shouldn't the host definition be inside the subnet definition?
>>>>> Am 23.10.18 um 15:56 schrieb Tony van der Hoff:
>>>>>> Hi, I havea laptop running fully up to date Stretch with NetworkManager,
>>>>>> set to use DH|Cp via wireless.
>>>>>> The DHCP server is another Stretch system, with the stanzas
>>>>>> host tony-lt {
>>>>>>  hardware ethernet 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f;
>>>>>>  fixed-address;
>>>>>>  }
>>>>>> subnet netmask
>>>>>>  {
>>>>>> range;
>>>>>> option routers;
>>>>>>  }
>>>> maybe settingthe the subnet definition before the host definition could
>>>> help.
>>>> In '/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases' removing the lease for the host in
>>>> question could be worth a try.
>>> thanks, John; I tried both those suggestions, to nil effect. It still
>>> insists on grabbing ..253 for itself.
>>> Cheers, Tony
>> Can you give us your all dhcpd.conf file?
> I would rather ask for help at:

Yes, that'll be my next port of call. Thanks.
Cheers, Tony

Re: strange DHCP behaviour

2018-10-24 Thread tony
On 23/10/2018 21:03, mick crane wrote:
> On 2018-10-23 14:56, Tony van der Hoff wrote:
>> Hi, I havea laptop running fully up to date Stretch with NetworkManager,
>> set to use DH|Cp via wireless.
>> The DHCP server is another Stretch system, with the stanzas
>> host tony-lt {
>> hardware ethernet 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f;
>> fixed-address;
>> }
>> subnet netmask
>> {
>>     range;
>>     option routers;
>> }
>> That MAC is correct for the laptop.
>> I an expecting to see as the laptop address, but no, if a
>> gives:
>> wlan0:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP
>> group default qlen 1000
>>     link/ether 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
>>     inet brd scope global dynamic wlan0
>>    valid_lft 479sec preferred_lft 479sec
>> Finally, the server shows:
>> Oct 23 14:23:38 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPREQUEST for from
>> 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0
>> Oct 23 14:23:38 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPACK on to
>> 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0
>> Oct 23 14:23:53 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: reuse_lease: lease age 15 (secs)
>> under 25% threshold, reply with unaltered, existing lease for
>> Oct 23 14:23:53 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPREQUEST for from
>> 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0
>> Oct 23 14:23:53 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPACK on to
>> 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0
>> So, my question: why is the server handing out .253, when it is
>> configured to provide .199?
>> What is this 'reuse-lease' all about?
>> I've tried 'dhclient -r wlan 0; dhclient -v wlan0' on the laptop, to no
>> avail.
>> Any suggestions, please?
> bearing in mind that I've no idea what I'm talking about is it possible
> that the laptop connected to the server and got a really long lease on
> .253 before you added
> host tony-lt {
> hardware ethernet 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f;
>  fixed-address;
>  }
> probably there is a command to flush leases ?
I've flushed the lease several times (The dhclient -r command mentioned
above does that), and physically deleted the lease files.  No good!

Cheers, Tony

Re: strange DHCP behaviour

2018-10-24 Thread tony
On 23/10/2018 21:57, deloptes wrote:
> Tony van der Hoff wrote:
>> Any suggestions, please?
> I would put host declaration after subnet - don't think it makes difference
You're right -- it doesn't!

> also check /etc/hosts for left overs and for the lease take care that your
> computers update time with ntp regularly
Thanks - all those are in order.
Cheers, tony

Re: strange DHCP behaviour

2018-10-24 Thread tony
On 24/10/2018 12:11, mick crane wrote:
> On 2018-10-24 09:40, tony wrote:
>> I've flushed the lease several times (The dhclient -r command mentioned
>> above does that), and physically deleted the lease files.  No good!
> Isn't that on the laptop and you need to get rid of the entry on the
> server ?
> mick
Well, it's the client that's requesting it; the server's just complying.

Cheers, Tony

Re: strange DHCP behaviour

2018-10-24 Thread tony
On 24/10/2018 12:54, mick crane wrote:
> On 2018-10-24 11:39, tony wrote:
>> On 24/10/2018 12:11, mick crane wrote:
>>> On 2018-10-24 09:40, tony wrote:
>>>> I've flushed the lease several times (The dhclient -r command mentioned
>>>> above does that), and physically deleted the lease files.  No good!
>>> Isn't that on the laptop and you need to get rid of the entry on the
>>> server ?
>>> mick
>> Well, it's the client that's requesting it; the server's just complying.
> why would client request a fixed ipaddress from dhcp server ?
> sure it's the server you need to flush.
> I could have a look on mine to see how in terminal but I want to make
> some sausage rolls.

I have no idea, but it complies with the documentation. The client
should request a renewal of its existing lease, which the server will
acknowledge with DHCPACK if OK or a DHCPNAK if not. If the latter, then
the client should do a DHCPDISCOVER.

this is confirmed by the server log:
Oct 24 12:52:04 router-pi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPREQUEST for
from 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0
Oct 24 12:52:04 router-pi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPACK on to
0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f via eth0
Oct 24 12:52:24 router-pi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPREQUEST for
from f4:81:39:82:53:c4 via eth0
Oct 24 12:52:24 router-pi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPACK on to
f4:81:39:82:53:c4 via eth0
Oct 24 12:52:32 router-pi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPREQUEST for
from 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f via eth0
Oct 24 12:52:32 router-pi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPACK on to
0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0
Oct 24 12:52:41 router-pi dhcpd[1068]: reuse_lease: lease age 9 (secs)
under 25% threshold, reply with unaltered, existing lease for
Oct 24 12:52:41 router-pi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPREQUEST for
from 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0
Oct 24 12:52:41 router-pi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPACK on to
0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0

Enjoy your sausage rolls!

Cheers, Tony

Re: strange DHCP behaviour

2018-10-24 Thread tony
On 24/10/2018 08:19, Reco wrote:
>   Hi.
> On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 03:56:34PM +0200, Tony van der Hoff wrote:
>> The DHCP server is another Stretch system, with the stanzas
>> host tony-lt {
>>  hardware ethernet 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f;
>>  fixed-address;
>>  }
>> subnet netmask
>>  {
>> range;
>> option routers;
>>  }
>> That MAC is correct for the laptop.
>> Finally, the server shows:
>> Oct 23 14:23:38 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPREQUEST for from
>> 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0
>> Oct 23 14:23:38 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPACK on to
>> 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0
>> Oct 23 14:23:53 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: reuse_lease: lease age 15 (secs)
>> under 25% threshold, reply with unaltered, existing lease for
>> Oct 23 14:23:53 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPREQUEST for from
>> 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0
>> Oct 23 14:23:53 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPACK on to
>> 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0
>> So, my question: why is the server handing out .253, when it is
>> configured to provide .199?
> Because client specifically asks for .253 address:
>> Oct 23 14:23:38 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPREQUEST for from
>> 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0

Agree fully.

> And, to quote dhcpd.conf:
> There may be a host declaration matching the client’s identification. If
> that host declaration contains a fixed-address declaration that lists an
> IP address that is valid for the network segment to which the client is
> connected. In this case, the DHCP server will never do dynamic address
> allocation. In this case, the client is required to take the address
> specified in the host declaration. If the client sends a DHCPREQUEST for
> some other address, the server will respond with a DHCPNAK.

Yes, agree again.

> When the DHCP server allocates a new address for a client (remember,
> this only happens if the client has sent a DHCPDISCOVER), it first looks
> to see if the client already has a valid lease on an IP address, or if
> there is an old IP address the client had before that hasn’t yet been
> reassigned. In that case, the server will take that address and check it
> to see if the client is still permitted to use it. If the client is no
> longer permitted to use it, the lease is freed if the server thought it
> was still in use - the fact that the client has sent a DHCPDISCOVER
> proves to the server that the client is no longer using the lease.
> You assume that a 'host' entry overrides any previous IP assignment.
> It's not.

No, When a client issues a DHCPREQUEST which the server doesn't like,
the server should issue a DHCPNAK, to which the client will respond with
a DHCPDISCOVER. The server is not sending the NAK. This, I believe to be
the crux of the matter. The 'host' assignment should cause the server to
send a DHCPNAK.

>> What is this 'reuse-lease' all about?
> Your DHCP client renews the leased IP although the lease time is not
> expired. Not relevant to this problem.
>> I've tried 'dhclient -r wlan 0; dhclient -v wlan0' on the laptop, to no
>> avail.
> I'd be really surprised if it did change something. Your DHCP server has
> a problem, client does not.

I agree again, but when one gets desperate, one starts to grasp at straws.

>> Any suggestions, please?
> Clear your DHCP lease file on DHCP server. Bounce the thing. Check
> again.

Yes, I've done that. No change I'm afraid.

Cheers, Tony

Re: strange DHCP behaviour [SOLVED]

2018-10-24 Thread tony
On 24/10/2018 13:34, john doe wrote:
> On 10/24/2018 1:28 PM, tony wrote:
>> On 24/10/2018 08:19, Reco wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 03:56:34PM +0200, Tony van der Hoff wrote:
>>>> The DHCP server is another Stretch system, with the stanzas
>>>> host tony-lt {
>>>>hardware ethernet 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f;
>>>> subnet netmask
>>>> range;
>>>> option routers;
>>>> That MAC is correct for the laptop.
>>>> Finally, the server shows:
>>>> Oct 23 14:23:38 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPREQUEST for from
>>>> 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0
>>>> Oct 23 14:23:38 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPACK on to
>>>> 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0
>>>> Oct 23 14:23:53 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: reuse_lease: lease age 15 (secs)
>>>> under 25% threshold, reply with unaltered, existing lease for
>>>> Oct 23 14:23:53 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPREQUEST for from
>>>> 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0
>>>> Oct 23 14:23:53 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPACK on to
>>>> 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0
>>>> So, my question: why is the server handing out .253, when it is
>>>> configured to provide .199?
>>> Because client specifically asks for .253 address:
>>>> Oct 23 14:23:38 routerpi dhcpd[1068]: DHCPREQUEST for from
>>>> 0c:60:76:6c:e6:6f (tony-lt) via eth0
>> Agree fully.
>>> And, to quote dhcpd.conf:
>>> There may be a host declaration matching the client’s identification. If
>>> that host declaration contains a fixed-address declaration that lists an
>>> IP address that is valid for the network segment to which the client is
>>> connected. In this case, the DHCP server will never do dynamic address
>>> allocation. In this case, the client is required to take the address
>>> specified in the host declaration. If the client sends a DHCPREQUEST for
>>> some other address, the server will respond with a DHCPNAK.
>> Yes, agree again.
>>> When the DHCP server allocates a new address for a client (remember,
>>> this only happens if the client has sent a DHCPDISCOVER), it first looks
>>> to see if the client already has a valid lease on an IP address, or if
>>> there is an old IP address the client had before that hasn’t yet been
>>> reassigned. In that case, the server will take that address and check it
>>> to see if the client is still permitted to use it. If the client is no
>>> longer permitted to use it, the lease is freed if the server thought it
>>> was still in use - the fact that the client has sent a DHCPDISCOVER
>>> proves to the server that the client is no longer using the lease.
>>> You assume that a 'host' entry overrides any previous IP assignment.
>>> It's not.
>> No, When a client issues a DHCPREQUEST which the server doesn't like,
>> the server should issue a DHCPNAK, to which the client will respond with
>> a DHCPDISCOVER. The server is not sending the NAK. This, I believe to be
>> the crux of the matter. The 'host' assignment should cause the server to
>> send a DHCPNAK.
>>>> What is this 'reuse-lease' all about?
>>> Your DHCP client renews the leased IP although the lease time is not
>>> expired. Not relevant to this problem.
>>>> I've tried 'dhclient -r wlan 0; dhclient -v wlan0' on the laptop, to no
>>>> avail.
>>> I'd be really surprised if it did change something. Your DHCP server has
>>> a problem, client does not.
>> I agree again, but when one gets desperate, one starts to grasp at straws.
>>>> Any suggestions, please?
>>> Clear your DHCP lease file on DHCP server. Bounce the thing. Check
>>> again.
>> Yes, I've done that. No change I'm afraid.
> By doing:
> $ systemctl stop isc-dhcp-server
> rm /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases
> $ systemctl start isc-dhcp-server
> Make sure that the client is disconnected before doing the above.

Ew, this time it worked. I wonder why deleting the leases file was
better than clearing it out?

Ah, well; thank you all for your help.

Cheers, Tony

Re: strange DHCP behaviour [SOLVED]

2018-10-25 Thread tony
On 24/10/2018 14:41, wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 02:35:37PM +0200, tony wrote:
> [...]
>> Ew, this time it worked. I wonder why deleting the leases file was
>> better than clearing it out?
> Some things you gotta delete *twice*.
> (Sigh. I guess everyone here knows _that_ feeling... :)
> Glad you found it
> -- t

I submitted my problem to the isc-dhcp mail list, but while waiting for
their reply, I deleted the leases file. They came back with some useful
advice, which I wish I had taken. I admitted to them what I had done.

I think it would be useful ro repeat their caution:

For the benefit of others finding this thread ...
In general it is a very bad idea deleting the leases file. In your case,
not a problem as you have a small network and still at the testing stage.

But in general, with an active network, you have blown away the record
of all the "promises" the server has made to clients. There will be
clients with active leases, but the server will have no record of them.
At the very best, this can result in churn when clients come back (eg a
device that's been switched off is turned on) and their address has been
leased to another device - so they get a new address. But what is likely
to happen is new clients come along and get offered an address that's
already in use - what happens then depends on a number of factors.

If the device already using the address responds to pings, then the
server may detect it with it's "ping before offer" function. The address
will then be marked as abandoned - and not used again unless you
completely run out of free addresses. This results in increased address
churn "forever" as part of your pool is never used unless you clean it
up (or they get recovered if you run out of addresses which shouldn't
happen in a well provisioned network).

If the device doesn't respond to a ping, then the server will offer the
address to the client. The client *should* detect that it's already in
use and reject the offer - but the server will not stop offering the
address to clients, resulting in a lot of "offer-reject" exchanges. If
the client is poorly implemented and just accepts the address then you
now have two devices using the same address and neither will work
properly/at all. Users may or may not (depending on the implementation)
get a warning about the duplicate address.



The correct solution (according to the experts) is:

The client is obviously retaining state of the address it once had, and
is requesting that address. As the address is available for teh client,
it is given it. Some ways to fix it :

Remove the address from the range(s) allowed in the server config. Next
time the client requests the address, it will be refused (DHCP-Nack
message), the client will then be given it's fixed address.

Split out the address to separate range (in a separate pool) and add
"deny booting" to the range. As above, on the next renew the client will
be refused.

Add "deny known clients" to the range. The host statement makes the
laptop a known client, and so the deny known clients statement will mean
that the client is not allowed an address from the range. So as above,
next time the client sends a request, it will be refused.
Note that this would affect other hosts with a host statement.

Similar to above, define a class that matches the client and add "deny
members of " to the range.

Stop the server and edit the leases file. Find the last lease entry for
the host and edit it - change the hardware and/or Client-ID fields so
that the lease now belongs to a different client. Then start the server
again. Next time the client sends a request, it will be denied as the
server now thinks that the address belongs to a different client.
The lease will eventually time out and go into the pot to be re-used. It
won't be reused until every address in the range(s) has already been
used at least once - "never used before" addresses are used before any
previously used address is re-used for a different client.

Cheers, tony

Re: i386 version for chrome

2018-10-27 Thread tony
On 27/10/2018 13:24, Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Oct 2018, Roberto C. S?nchez wrote:
>> Did you try an absolute path?
>> file:///home/user/bookmarks.html
>   I tried it, and also file://~user...

I set my home page to http://localhost/index.shtml

Cheers, Tony

openvpn over ipv6 /65

2018-11-23 Thread tony

I have a Stretch VPServer with a /64 netbloch, of which only the first 2
addresses are used. I've been struggling for some time to get the right
stanza to split that into two /65s, using the upper half for openvpn.

There are many 'quick config' tutorials on the web, but none seem to
suit my objectives, the most enlightened being, but I'm tripping over
the stanza:

### check this on your OS!
# ifconfig igb0 inet6 2001:db8:0:123::/64 -alias
# ifconfig igb0 inet6 2001:db8:0:123::/65
### re-assign the other aliases previously set under the /64 block
# ifconfig igb0 inet6 2001:db8:0:123::dead/128 alias
# ifconfig igb0 inet6 2001:db8:0:123::ea:beef/128 alias
# ...

which seems to apply to FreeBSD.

Could some knowledgeable person please give me the equivalent contents
and where to put them for Debian Linux.

TIA, Tony

Re: openvpn over ipv6 /65

2018-11-23 Thread tony
Thanks for your quick response, Reco,

On 23/11/2018 13:33, Reco wrote:
>   Hi.
> On Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 01:18:45PM +0100, tony wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a Stretch VPServer with a /64 netbloch, of which only the first 2
>> addresses are used. I've been struggling for some time to get the right
>> stanza to split that into two /65s, using the upper half for openvpn.
> I'd check first that some other addresses from this /64 range are routed
> by your VPS provider.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean. As far as I'm aware, my VPS
provider furnishes a full native /64 netblock for my exclusive use.
They'll provide more, at a cost, but I see no point in that.

> Ad-hoc configuration:
> ### check this on your OS!
> # ip a d igb0 2001:db8:0:123::/64
> # ip a a igb0 2001:db8:0:123::/65
> ###
> ### re-assign the other aliases previously set under the /64 block
> # ip a a igb0 2001:db8:0:123::dead/128
> # ip a a igb0 2001:db8:0:123::ea:beef/128
I'm not using any addresses other than the ::1 and ::2 in the /64 block,
so presumably the last two lines are redundant.

> As for the persistent configuration, that depends on the contents of
> /etc/network/interfaces. Can be static (it's straightforward then),
> DHCPv6 (you won't be able to do the split) or RA (ditto).
No, it's all static:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

iface eth0 inet6 static
   address 2a03:9800:10:54::2
   netmask 64
   gateway 2a03:9800:10:54::1

So what is igb0? What do you mean by ad-hoc and persistent configuration?

Thanks again, Tony

Fwd: openvpn over ipv6 /65

2018-11-26 Thread tony
Sorry, hit the wrong button!

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Re: openvpn over ipv6 /65
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2018 11:25:09 +0100
From: tony 
To: Reco 

On 23/11/2018 15:24, Reco wrote:
>   HI.
> On Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 03:07:01PM +0100, tony wrote:
>> Thanks for your quick response, Reco,
>> On 23/11/2018 13:33, Reco wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> On Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 01:18:45PM +0100, tony wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have a Stretch VPServer with a /64 netbloch, of which only the first 2
>>>> addresses are used. I've been struggling for some time to get the right
>>>> stanza to split that into two /65s, using the upper half for openvpn.
>>> I'd check first that some other addresses from this /64 range are routed
>>> by your VPS provider.
>> I'm not sure I understand what you mean. As far as I'm aware, my VPS
>> provider furnishes a full native /64 netblock for my exclusive use.
>> They'll provide more, at a cost, but I see no point in that.
>> [snip]
> Assign some other IPv6 address from your range to your VPS.
> Ensure that it's reachable from the outside world.
> For instance, I do not get any response from your gateway while I'm
> pinging 2a03:9800:10:54::dead (which you do not have), and get a reply
> from 2a03:9800:10:54::2 (which belongs to your VPS).
>>> Ad-hoc configuration:
>>> ### check this on your OS!
>>> # ip a d igb0 2001:db8:0:123::/64
>>> # ip a a igb0 2001:db8:0:123::/65
>>> ###
>>> ### re-assign the other aliases previously set under the /64 block
>>> # ip a a igb0 2001:db8:0:123::dead/128
>>> # ip a a igb0 2001:db8:0:123::ea:beef/128
>> I'm not using any addresses other than the ::1 and ::2 in the /64 block,
>> so presumably the last two lines are redundant.
> Yes, you do not need them.
>>> As for the persistent configuration, that depends on the contents of
>>> /etc/network/interfaces. Can be static (it's straightforward then),
>>> DHCPv6 (you won't be able to do the split) or RA (ditto).
>> No, it's all static:
> That simplifies things greatly.
> Replace this:
> iface eth0 inet6 static
>address 2a03:9800:10:54::2
>netmask 64
>gateway 2a03:9800:10:54::1
> with this:
> iface eth0 inet6 static
>address 2a03:9800:10:54::2
>netmask 65
>gateway 2a03:9800:10:54::1
> Leave all the other entries intact.
> Then invoke this as root (one-time only):
> ip a d dev eth0 2a03:9800:10:54::2/64
> ip a a dev eth0 2a03:9800:10:54::2/65
> ip ro d default via 2a03:9800:10:54::1
>> So what is igb0?
> A name of interface that's used in OpenVPN documentation. Yours is called 
> eth0.
>> What do you mean by ad-hoc and persistent configuration?
> ad-hoc means that you're using certain OS binaries (in this case - ip)
> to create a network configuration that does not survive the reboot.
> persistent means the opposite - you're trying to create a configuration
> that should reproduce itself after the reboot (in this case - e/n/i).
> Reco

Thanks so much, Reco. This has got me well on the way to setting up a
IPv6 VPN. It has also greatly enhanced my unserstanding of OpenVPN.

So, I've assigned 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65 to the VPN, and this appears
to work. The logs are showing the tunnel having been established.
However, I can't get any IPv6 connectivity to the internet unless I stop
OpenVPN. Have you any further suggestions as to what I might try?

Cheers, Tony

Re: Fwd: openvpn over ipv6 /65

2018-11-26 Thread tony
On 26/11/2018 12:48, Reco wrote:
>   Hi.
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 11:49:13AM +0100, tony wrote:
>>>>> As for the persistent configuration, that depends on the contents of
>>>>> /etc/network/interfaces. Can be static (it's straightforward then),
>>>>> DHCPv6 (you won't be able to do the split) or RA (ditto).
>>>> No, it's all static:
>>> That simplifies things greatly.
>>> Replace this:
>>> iface eth0 inet6 static
>>>address 2a03:9800:10:54::2
>>>netmask 64
>>>gateway 2a03:9800:10:54::1
>>> with this:
>>> iface eth0 inet6 static
>>>address 2a03:9800:10:54::2
>>>netmask 65
>>>gateway 2a03:9800:10:54::1
>>> Leave all the other entries intact.
>>> Then invoke this as root (one-time only):
>>> ip a d dev eth0 2a03:9800:10:54::2/64
>>> ip a a dev eth0 2a03:9800:10:54::2/65
>>> ip ro d default via 2a03:9800:10:54::1
>> Thanks so much, Reco. This has got me well on the way to setting up a
>> IPv6 VPN. It has also greatly enhanced my unserstanding of OpenVPN.
>> So, I've assigned 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65 to the VPN, and this appears
>> to work. The logs are showing the tunnel having been established.
> That's great.
>> However, I can't get any IPv6 connectivity to the internet unless I stop
>> OpenVPN.
> You mean, you lose IPv6 connectivity on the VPS?
> Or your host where OpenVPN client is has some other means of connecting
> via IPv6, and this other host loses IPv6 connectivity once OpenVPN's
> tunnel is up?
Yes, I have here in France an IPv6 connection to the outside world. over
which I successfully run a IPv4 tunnel to my server in the UK. I am
trying to set up a IPV6 VPN tunnel, to avoid various geolocation
hassles. When I activatre OpenVpn, I lose all IPv6 connectivity,
including the native one.
>> Have you any further suggestions as to what I might try?
> I'd like to see your IPv6 routing tables from your VPS and the OpenVPN client.
> Two simple 'ip -6 ro l' will do.
> And, for the sake of the completeness, the same 'ip -6 ro l' once OpenVPN is 
> down.
Thank you.

With the VPN up:
On the host:
13:07:11 tony@tony-fr:~$ ip -6 ro l
2a01:cb19:851f:ea00::/64 dev enp3s0 proto ra metric 100  pref medium

2a03:9800:10:54::2 via fe80::a63e:51ff:fe32:f85d dev enp3s0 metric 1
pref medium
2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65 dev tun0 proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65 dev tun0 metric 1024  pref medium
2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65 dev tun0 metric 1029  pref medium
2000::/3 dev tun0 metric 1024  pref medium
2000::/3 dev tun0 metric 1028  pref medium
fe80::a63e:51ff:fe32:f85d dev enp3s0 proto static metric 100  pref medium
fe80::/64 dev enp3s0 proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
fe80::/64 dev tun0 proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
default via fe80::a63e:51ff:fe32:f85d dev enp3s0 proto static metric 100
 pref medium

on the server:
root@shell:~# ip -6 ro l
2a03:9800:10:54::/65 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65 dev tun0 proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
fe80::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
fe80::/64 dev tun0 proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
default via 2a03:9800:10:54::1 dev eth0 metric 1024  pref medium

Now with OpenVPN down:
on the host:
root@tony-fr:~# ip -6 ro l
2a01:cb19:851f:ea00::/64 dev enp3s0 proto ra metric 100  pref medium
fe80::a63e:51ff:fe32:f85d dev enp3s0 proto static metric 100  pref medium
fe80::/64 dev enp3s0 proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
default via fe80::a63e:51ff:fe32:f85d dev enp3s0 proto static metric 100
 pref medium

On the server:
root@shell:~# ip -6 ro l
2a03:9800:10:54::/65 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
fe80::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
default via 2a03:9800:10:54::1 dev eth0 metric 1024  pref medium

I hope that is sufficient information

Cheers, Tony

Re: Fwd: openvpn over ipv6 /65

2018-11-26 Thread tony
On 26/11/2018 16:55, Reco wrote:
>   Hi.
> It's been a long and an eventful day. But, 
Sorry to ruin your day. I'm truly grateful for your help.

> On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 01:40:22PM +0100, tony wrote:
>>>> Have you any further suggestions as to what I might try?
>>> I'd like to see your IPv6 routing tables from your VPS and the OpenVPN 
>>> client.
>>> Two simple 'ip -6 ro l' will do.
>>> And, for the sake of the completeness, the same 'ip -6 ro l' once OpenVPN 
>>> is down.
> That's weird:
>> With the VPN up:
>> On the host:
>> 13:07:11 tony@tony-fr:~$ ip -6 ro l
> ...
>> 2a03:9800:10:54::2 via fe80::a63e:51ff:fe32:f85d dev enp3s0 metric 1 pref 
>> medium
> I understand why this route is here (openvpn needs it for its own
> traffic), but routing public IPv6 through the link-local does not seem
> right.
>> 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65 dev tun0 proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
>> 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65 dev tun0 metric 1024  pref medium
>> 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65 dev tun0 metric 1029  pref medium
> A simple route here would be enough. It seems that you're announcing
> your /65 prefix through the openvpn, but at the same time you're
> allocating IPv6 with full /65 mask to each openvpn client. That's
> redundant.
>> 2000::/3 dev tun0 metric 1024  pref medium
>> 2000::/3 dev tun0 metric 1028  pref medium
> Er, wat? Exterminate this travesty, you should never announce things
> like these through openvpn even once, let alone twice. If you really
> need to do things like GeoIP spoofing, you should announce an IPv6
> default gateway with low metric.
I did wonder about that. I have cobbled together stanzas from many
'tutorials' on the web. the 2000::/3 stanza came from one of those.
Someone seemed to think it was a good idea.
>> default via fe80::a63e:51ff:fe32:f85d dev enp3s0 proto static metric 100
>>  pref medium
> And add 'less than 100 metric' to the previous sentence.
>> I hope that is sufficient information
> More or less. Server's routing table is good, assuming that you have
> net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding set to 1 there.
I assume that's in /etc/sysctl.conf. And no, it's commented out, so
presumably 0.

> Client's routing table is a mess. What you should get with openvpn
> stared is (order may be different):
> 2a03:9800:10:54::2 via fe80::a63e:51ff:fe32:f85d dev enp3s0 metric 1 pref 
> medium
> 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65 dev tun0 proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
> 2a01:cb19:851f:ea00::/64 dev enp3s0 proto ra metric 100  pref medium
> fe80::a63e:51ff:fe32:f85d dev enp3s0 proto static metric 100  pref medium
> fe80::/64 dev tun0 proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
> fe80::/64 dev enp3s0 proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
> default via fe80::a63e:51ff:fe32:f85d dev enp3s0 proto static metric 100 pref 
> medium
> default via tun0 metric 99
> And that means that it's time to see your openvpn's server configuration
> file. Can I see one, please?


script-security 2
port 1194
proto udp
proto udp6
dev tun
ca /etc/openvpn/ca.crt
cert /etc/openvpn/server.crt
key /etc/openvpn/server.key  # This file should be kept secret
dh /etc/openvpn/dh1024.pem

server-ipv6 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65

ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt
push "route-ipv6 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65"
push "route-ipv6 2000::/3"

push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"

push "dhcp-option DNS"

# DNS servers provided by
push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "dhcp-option DNS"

keepalive 10 120

max-clients 10

user nobody
group nogroup


status /var/log/openvpn-status.log

log /var/log/openvpn.log

verb 4

I have cut out a load of useless commentary in that file

Fwd: openvpn over ipv6 /65

2018-11-27 Thread tony
On 26/11/2018 18:13, Reco wrote:
>   Hi.
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 05:53:27PM +0100, tony wrote:
>>>> 2000::/3 dev tun0 metric 1024  pref medium
>>>> 2000::/3 dev tun0 metric 1028  pref medium
>>> Er, wat? Exterminate this travesty, you should never announce things
>>> like these through openvpn even once, let alone twice. If you really
>>> need to do things like GeoIP spoofing, you should announce an IPv6
>>> default gateway with low metric.
>> I did wonder about that. I have cobbled together stanzas from many
>> 'tutorials' on the web. the 2000::/3 stanza came from one of those.
>> Someone seemed to think it was a good idea.
> Either that someone solved their own specific task, or did not give it
> much thought. A bad idea.
It actually came from, a
site one would expect to be trustworthy. In fairness it doesn't actually
require this, but in my confusion it just slipped in. Gone now ;)
>>>> I hope that is sufficient information
>>> More or less. Server's routing table is good, assuming that you have
>>> net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding set to 1 there.
>> I assume that's in /etc/sysctl.conf.
> "sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding" to check it, and yes,
> /etc/sysctl.conf to implement it.
>> And no, it's commented out, so presumably 0.
> This ain't right. You need your openvpn server to route IPv6 from and to
> you, so set it to 1.
>>> Client's routing table is a mess. What you should get with openvpn
>>> stared is (order may be different):
> ...
>>> And that means that it's time to see your openvpn's server configuration
>>> file. Can I see one, please?
>> Certainly:
> So, without further ado,
>> proto udp
>> proto udp6
> Choose one here. Either you connect to your openvpn server via IPv4, or
> you do it via IPv6.
> Whatever protocol you encapsulate into openvpn tunnel isn't relevant
> here.
>> dev tun
> L3 tunnel, eh? A good choice, if you ask me.
>> push "route-ipv6 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65"
>> push "route-ipv6 2000::/3"
>> push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"
> Remove these. Use this instead:
> push "redirect-gateway def1"
> push "route-ipv6 ::/0 metric 99"

Well, there's an improvement: I'm now able to resolve v6 addresses with
the VPN up, presumably because IPv6 forwarding now being enabled, BUT,
the remote end is still seeing the native V6 address.

I'm seeing this in my host's OVPN log:
Tue Nov 27 10:24:58 2018 us=429309 PUSH: Received control message:
'PUSH_REPLY,redirect-gateway def1,route-ipv6 ::/0 metric
99,redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS,tun-ipv6,route,topology net30,ping 10,ping-restart
120,ifconfig-ipv6 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::1000/65
2a03:9800:10:54:8000::1,ifconfig,peer-id 2,cipher
Tue Nov 27 10:24:58 2018 us=429418 Options error: route-ipv6 parameter
gateway 'metric' must be a valid address
Tue Nov 27 10:24:58 2018 us=429472 Note: option tun-ipv6 is ignored
because modern operating systems do not need special IPv6 tun handling

I'm assuming it doesn't like the ::/0 address, nor do I understand that.

Please indulge my ignorance a little longer; I feel we're getting there.

Cheers, Tony

Re: Fwd: openvpn over ipv6 /65

2018-11-27 Thread tony
On 27/11/2018 11:43, Reco wrote:
>   Hi.
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 11:19:12AM +0100, tony wrote:
>>>> push "route-ipv6 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65"
>>>> push "route-ipv6 2000::/3"
>>>> push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"
>>> Remove these. Use this instead:
>>> push "redirect-gateway def1"
>>> push "route-ipv6 ::/0 metric 99"
>> Well, there's an improvement: I'm now able to resolve v6 addresses with
>> the VPN up, presumably because IPv6 forwarding now being enabled, BUT,
>> the remote end is still seeing the native V6 address.
>> I'm seeing this in my host's OVPN log:
>> Tue Nov 27 10:24:58 2018 us=429309 PUSH: Received control message:
>> 'PUSH_REPLY,redirect-gateway def1,route-ipv6 ::/0 metric
>> 99,redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp,dhcp-option DNS
>>,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS
>>,tun-ipv6,route,topology net30,ping 10,ping-restart
>> 120,ifconfig-ipv6 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::1000/65
>> 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::1,ifconfig,peer-id 2,cipher
>> AES-256-GCM'
>> Tue Nov 27 10:24:58 2018 us=429418 Options error: route-ipv6 parameter
>> gateway 'metric' must be a valid address
>> Tue Nov 27 10:24:58 2018 us=429472 Note: option tun-ipv6 is ignored
>> because modern operating systems do not need special IPv6 tun handling
>> anymore.
>> I'm assuming it doesn't like the ::/0 address, nor do I understand that.
> Nah, it does not like "metric" part, which is crucial here.
> But try this:
> push "redirect-gateway def1 ipv6"

Tue Nov 27 11:48:03 2018 us=205080 PUSH: Received control message:
'PUSH_REPLY,redirect-gateway def1 ipv6,route-ipv6 ::/0 metric
99,redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS,tun-ipv6,route,topology net30,ping 10,ping-restart
120,ifconfig-ipv6 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::1000/65
2a03:9800:10:54:8000::1,ifconfig,peer-id 0,cipher
Tue Nov 27 11:48:03 2018 us=205203 Options error: route-ipv6 parameter
gateway 'metric' must be a valid address


Re: Fwd: openvpn over ipv6 /65

2018-11-27 Thread tony
On 27/11/2018 11:55, Reco wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 11:53:07AM +0100, tony wrote:
>> On 27/11/2018 11:43, Reco wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 11:19:12AM +0100, tony wrote:
>>>>>> push "route-ipv6 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65"
>>>>>> push "route-ipv6 2000::/3"
>>>>>> push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"
>>>>> Remove these. Use this instead:
>>>>> push "redirect-gateway def1"
>>>>> push "route-ipv6 ::/0 metric 99"
>>>> Well, there's an improvement: I'm now able to resolve v6 addresses with
>>>> the VPN up, presumably because IPv6 forwarding now being enabled, BUT,
>>>> the remote end is still seeing the native V6 address.
>>>> I'm seeing this in my host's OVPN log:
>>>> Tue Nov 27 10:24:58 2018 us=429309 PUSH: Received control message:
>>>> 'PUSH_REPLY,redirect-gateway def1,route-ipv6 ::/0 metric
>>>> 99,redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp,dhcp-option DNS
>>>>,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS
>>>>,tun-ipv6,route,topology net30,ping 10,ping-restart
>>>> 120,ifconfig-ipv6 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::1000/65
>>>> 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::1,ifconfig,peer-id 2,cipher
>>>> AES-256-GCM'
>>>> Tue Nov 27 10:24:58 2018 us=429418 Options error: route-ipv6 parameter
>>>> gateway 'metric' must be a valid address
>>>> Tue Nov 27 10:24:58 2018 us=429472 Note: option tun-ipv6 is ignored
>>>> because modern operating systems do not need special IPv6 tun handling
>>>> anymore.
>>>> I'm assuming it doesn't like the ::/0 address, nor do I understand that.
>>> Nah, it does not like "metric" part, which is crucial here.
>>> But try this:
>>> push "redirect-gateway def1 ipv6"
>> Nope:
> Ok, keep 
> push "redirect-gateway def1"
> but remove 
> push "route-ipv6 ::/0 metric 99"
> Reco

OK, that fixed it, thanks. Almost there. I had expected the host's
openVPN ip (2a03:9800:10:54:8000::1000) to propagate, but I'm seeing my
server's address:

tony@tony-fr:~$ dig +short any

Is that fixable?

Cheers, Tony

Re: Fwd: openvpn over ipv6 /65

2018-11-27 Thread tony
On 27/11/2018 12:44, Reco wrote:
>   Hi.
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 12:26:03PM +0100, tony wrote:
>> OK, that fixed it, thanks. Almost there. I had expected the host's
>> openVPN ip (2a03:9800:10:54:8000::1000) to propagate, but I'm seeing my
>> server's address:
>> tony@tony-fr:~$ dig +short any
>> 2a03:9800:10:54::2
>> Is that fixable?
> Probably. My suspicion is that openvpn has configured NAT66 for you,
> along with the routing.
> Can I see the result of "ip6tables-save" from your openvpn server?

root@shell:~# ip6tables-save
# Generated by ip6tables-save v1.6.0 on Tue Nov 27 11:50:18 2018
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [12346:1595144]
:INPUT ACCEPT [1726:141923]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [743:66648]
-A POSTROUTING -s 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65 -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source
# Completed on Tue Nov 27 11:50:18 2018
# Generated by ip6tables-save v1.6.0 on Tue Nov 27 11:50:18 2018
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [2472612:400710422]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [3139829:2958344820]
# Completed on Tue Nov 27 11:50:18 2018
# Generated by ip6tables-save v1.6.0 on Tue Nov 27 11:50:18 2018
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [2472612:400710422]
:INPUT ACCEPT [2456362:396255430]
:FORWARD ACCEPT [5708:3070874]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [3139831:2958345100]
:POSTROUTING ACCEPT [3145539:2961415974]
# Completed on Tue Nov 27 11:50:18 2018
# Generated by ip6tables-save v1.6.0 on Tue Nov 27 11:50:18 2018
:FORWARD ACCEPT [165:76753]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [3135467:2956504072]
-A INPUT -i tun+ -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 4000 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s 2001:8b0:ff60:6a91::/64 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 1194 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 53 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p udp -m udp --sport 53 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -s ::1/128 -d ::1/128 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p ipv6-icmp -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m limit --limit 5/min -j LOG --log-prefix "ip6tables denied: "
--log-level 7
-A INPUT -p ipv6-icmp -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -i eth0 -o tun+ -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -i tun+ -o eth0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -s 2a03:9800:10:54::/64 -i tap0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -p ipv6-icmp -j ACCEPT
# Completed on Tue Nov 27 11:50:18 2018

If I remove the line
-A POSTROUTING -s 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65 -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source
I lose any ipv6 routing

Re: Fwd: openvpn over ipv6 /65

2018-11-27 Thread tony
On 27/11/2018 13:34, Reco wrote:
>   Hi.
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 01:20:25PM +0100, tony wrote:
>> On 27/11/2018 12:44, Reco wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 12:26:03PM +0100, tony wrote:
>>>> OK, that fixed it, thanks. Almost there. I had expected the host's
>>>> openVPN ip (2a03:9800:10:54:8000::1000) to propagate, but I'm seeing my
>>>> server's address:
>>>> tony@tony-fr:~$ dig +short any
>>>> 2a03:9800:10:54::2
>>>> Is that fixable?
>>> Probably. My suspicion is that openvpn has configured NAT66 for you,
>>> along with the routing.
>>> Can I see the result of "ip6tables-save" from your openvpn server?
>> OK:
>> root@shell:~# ip6tables-save
>> # Generated by ip6tables-save v1.6.0 on Tue Nov 27 11:50:18 2018
>> *nat
>> :PREROUTING ACCEPT [12346:1595144]
>> :INPUT ACCEPT [1726:141923]
>> :OUTPUT ACCEPT [743:66648]
>> :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [743:66648]
>> -A POSTROUTING -s 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65 -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source
>> 2a03:9800:10:54::2
> Yep. Good old NAT, in this case in IPv6 form. What they call NAT66.
>> If I remove the line
>> -A POSTROUTING -s 2a03:9800:10:54:8000::/65 -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source
>> 2a03:9800:10:54::2
>> I lose any ipv6 routing
> Strictly speaking, that's expected. Outside world does not know about
> your network topology. What is does know is to send packets to
> 2a03:9800:10:54::1 (*not* :2) in hope of reaching your :8000::/65.
> The problem is - how your IPv6 gateway (54::1) can possibly know that
> your custom subnet (:8000::/65) is reachable if you have not announced a
> route?
> That's something that I need to think about.

thanks very much for spending so much time on my problem.

[SOLVED]: openvpn over ipv6 /65

2018-11-27 Thread tony
On 27/11/2018 15:03, Reco wrote:

> In conclusion, your current NAT66 setup is probably the best you can
> achieve without a risk to your VPS or your sanity ;)
OK Reco, that's great. I'm announcing a valid IPv6 address, so it's
achieving its objective. I can route traffic from any of my IOT boxes
over IPv6 to any other box. I can include a marker in any message to
indicate its origin. I can then communicate with them via their native
IPv6 addresses. I don't think I can want for any more, so I've marked
this as [SOLVED].

My next task is to write this all up, and try to understand what we've
been doing.

Thanks a million for your assistance, without which I'd still be

Cheers, Tony.

Mount NFS hangs

2022-10-04 Thread tony


I need to mount a directory from a debian 11 server to a debian 10 client.

I can successfully do (pls ignore spurious line break):

mount -t nfs -o _netdev tony-fr:/mnt/sharedfolder

but the user id is incorrect. If I now try:

mount -t nfs -o _netdev,uid=1002 tony-fr:/mnt/sharedfolder 

the command hangs in terminal. Uid 1002 is valid in the /etc/passwd file 
on both machines.

Any suggestion on how to fix this please?

cheers, Tony

get my ip address

2019-02-15 Thread tony
Hi all,

Debian 9. I need to read my IPv6 address into a python script.

I am aware that I can call ip a and parse the result. The parsing,
whilst quite achievable, is slightly tricky, but I can manage the RE, so
 that's not my question.

Is there any other way to obtain this data, maybe from /sys?

Cheers, Tony.

Re: get my ip address

2019-02-16 Thread tony
On 15/02/2019 16:52, David Wright wrote:
> On Fri 15 Feb 2019 at 12:02:20 (+0100), Markus Schönhaber wrote:
>> Tony, 15.2.2019, 11:11:29 +0100:
>>> Debian 9. I need to read my IPv6 address into a python script.
>>> I am aware that I can call ip a and parse the result. The parsing,
>>> whilst quite achievable, is slightly tricky, but I can manage the RE, so
>>>  that's not my question.
>>> Is there any other way to obtain this data, maybe from /sys?
>> Take a look at this:
>> This is packaged on stretch as python[3]-netifaces
> That's probably best if your destination is a Python program.
> Otherwise, for scripting, it's easy to overlook   ip -o a
> which makes parsing much easier. But note that you may then
> need to be more specific, eg compare
> $ ip a
> with
> $ ip -o l
> $ ip -o a

Thanks to all who replied, I hadn't expected pointers to the various
python libraries, for which I am very grateful. All I asked for was a
simple way of directly accessing the hardware, but that does not seem to
be available.

Failing that, I had indeed overlooked the -o flag oo ip a, which indeed
makes parsing easier. However, it does appear that netifaces offers  the
most usable solution, so a cigar to David Wright for this suggestion.

Cheers, Tony

lost dig

2019-02-19 Thread tony
In my fiddling with DNS, I installed (as su) a python package from pypi
called 'dig'. It turned out to not be what I expected, so I abandoned it.

However, now when I enter 'dig' on the command line, it runs this python
thing. So I uninstalled dig from python, using 'pip3 uninstall dig'.
That seemed to work fine, but now when I type 'dig' at the terminal, I
get bash: /usr/local/bin/dig: No such file or directory. Well, that's OK
because dig - the proper one - is at /usr/bin/dig.

'which dig' gives me '/usr/bin/dig/

So, how do I now get the alias (if that's what it is) to point at the
right file?

Thanks, Tony

Re: lost dig

2019-02-19 Thread tony
On 19/02/2019 12:22, john doe wrote:
> On 2/19/2019 12:10 PM, tony wrote:
>> In my fiddling with DNS, I installed (as su) a python package from pypi
>> called 'dig'. It turned out to not be what I expected, so I abandoned it.
>> However, now when I enter 'dig' on the command line, it runs this python
>> thing. So I uninstalled dig from python, using 'pip3 uninstall dig'.
>> That seemed to work fine, but now when I type 'dig' at the terminal, I
>> get bash: /usr/local/bin/dig: No such file or directory. Well, that's OK
>> because dig - the proper one - is at /usr/bin/dig.
>> 'which dig' gives me '/usr/bin/dig/
>> So, how do I now get the alias (if that's what it is) to point at the
>> right file?
> Isn't the alias defined in '~/.bashrc' or '~/.bash_aliases'?

Re: lost dig

2019-02-19 Thread tony
On 19/02/2019 12:53, Claudio Kuenzler wrote:
> On 2/19/2019 12:10 PM, tony wrote:
> > In my fiddling with DNS, I installed (as su) a python package from
> pypi
> > called 'dig'. It turned out to not be what I expected, so I
> abandoned it.
> >
> > However, now when I enter 'dig' on the command line, it runs this
> python
> > thing. So I uninstalled dig from python, using 'pip3 uninstall dig'.
> > That seemed to work fine, but now when I type 'dig' at the terminal, I
> > get bash: /usr/local/bin/dig: No such file or directory. Well,
> that's OK
> > because dig - the proper one - is at /usr/bin/dig.
> >
> > 'which dig' gives me '/usr/bin/dig/
> >
> > So, how do I now get the alias (if that's what it is) to point at the
> > right file?
> First check with "alias" if there is really still some alias defined
> which points to /usr/local/bin/dig.

No alias.

> You might also have to logout and login again to clear your environment.
Woo, yes, of course. That works fine. Many thanks!

Re: get my ip address

2019-02-19 Thread tony
On 19/02/2019 16:10, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 11:11:29AM +0100, tony wrote:
>> Debian 9. I need to read my IPv6 address into a python script.
> Why?
> <> may offer some insight.

Well, I'm sure you don't really want to know, and I don't think your
blog covers my use case. Correct me if I'm wrong on either count.

I have a network of IoTs consisting of 5 (I think) Paspberry Pis,
monitoring various things, and periodically sending the data to my VPS.
I need access to these hosts to manage them.

The network supplier is Orange France (spit!) who supply a dynamic DNS
on both IPv4 and IPv6. I need to access any of them. For some years, I
have been using NAT over IPv4 with some success. I simply collect the
router's address from the server using curl, compare it with the current
DNS setting, and run nsupdate if different.

Now, Orange (spit!) have recently discovered. IPv6, which makes
management much easier, so I'm in the process of changing over to that
protocol. Sadly the prefix is dynamic; ${deity} knows why. Each host
address is set up from router advertisement, so I figure I only need to
catch the host's current address, and set up the DNS accordingly. I'm
successfully doing that manually, but, of course, that's not very

See - I told you it wasn't worth knowing!

Cheers, Tony

Re: get my ip address

2019-02-19 Thread tony
On 19/02/2019 17:36, Dan Ritter wrote:
> tony wrote: 
>> On 19/02/2019 16:10, Greg Wooledge wrote:
>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 11:11:29AM +0100, tony wrote:
>>>> Debian 9. I need to read my IPv6 address into a python script.
>>> Why?
>>> <> may offer some insight.
>> Well, I'm sure you don't really want to know, and I don't think your
>> blog covers my use case. Correct me if I'm wrong on either count.
>> I have a network of IoTs consisting of 5 (I think) Paspberry Pis,
>> monitoring various things, and periodically sending the data to my VPS.
>> I need access to these hosts to manage them.
>> The network supplier is Orange France (spit!) who supply a dynamic DNS
>> on both IPv4 and IPv6. I need to access any of them. For some years, I
>> have been using NAT over IPv4 with some success. I simply collect the
>> router's address from the server using curl, compare it with the current
>> DNS setting, and run nsupdate if different.
>> Now, Orange (spit!) have recently discovered. IPv6, which makes
>> management much easier, so I'm in the process of changing over to that
>> protocol. Sadly the prefix is dynamic; ${deity} knows why. Each host
>> address is set up from router advertisement, so I figure I only need to
>> catch the host's current address, and set up the DNS accordingly. I'm
>> successfully doing that manually, but, of course, that's not very
>> satisfactory.
> That sounds like a job for a dynamic dns client.
> existing Debian packages:
> ddclient (multiple backend services supported)
> ddupdate (also supports multiple services, more plugin-oriented)
> dyfi  (Finnish users only)
> dyndns   (multiple services)
> ez-ipupdate (multiple services)
> ipcheck (dyndns protocol specific, but many services use it)
> isc-dhcp-client-ddns  (adds dynamic dns to DHCP)
> Don't reinvent the wheel, when it looks like it already has
> seven versions already.
> -dsr-

Thanks, I'll take a look.

Cheers, Tony

Re: get my ip address

2019-02-20 Thread tony
On 19/02/2019 17:36, Dan Ritter wrote:
> tony wrote: 
>> On 19/02/2019 16:10, Greg Wooledge wrote:
>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 11:11:29AM +0100, tony wrote:
>>>> Debian 9. I need to read my IPv6 address into a python script.
>>> Why?
>>> <> may offer some insight.

> That sounds like a job for a dynamic dns client.
> existing Debian packages:
> ddclient (multiple backend services supported)
> ddupdate (also supports multiple services, more plugin-oriented)
> dyfi  (Finnish users only)
> dyndns   (multiple services)
> ez-ipupdate (multiple services)
> ipcheck (dyndns protocol specific, but many services use it)
> isc-dhcp-client-ddns  (adds dynamic dns to DHCP)
> Don't reinvent the wheel, when it looks like it already has
> seven versions already.

Right, I've had a (brief) look at some of those, and it seems to me that
none offer a better solution than what I've already got.

This thread has now drifted from my asking whether there was any way of
interrogating the hardware to obtain the current IP6 address of host -
apparently not - via an outburst of pedantry, to recommendations on some
off the shelf libraries to update a DNS. I have no problem; I was simply
investigating alternatives to obtaining the current IP6 address, and
thanks to an early reply came up with netifaces, which does a fine job.

As I previously mentioned, I have a well-tried program for keeping my
DNS updated - albeit for IP4 only, and all I want is to extend that for
IP6. Re-inventing the wheel? No, just a natural evolution. I'd be
re-inventing the wheel if I scrapped what I've got, simply to use a
general-purpose library.

If I were starting from scratch, I may well consider a ready-made
client. One drawback that is immediately apparent, and may well be a
misunderstanding on my part, is that any of the clients mentioned
require to be configured with a particular (proprietary) protocol, to
communicate with a (proprietary) dynamic DNS server (DynDNS seems to be
the favourite). Nowhere have I seen NSUpdate mentioned. Maybe there's a
reason for that, but I'm quite happy with NSUpdate.

So, whilst I appreciate all your attempts to help, I think I'll stick
with what I've got.

Thanks all.

Cheers, Tony

Re: get my ip address

2019-02-20 Thread tony
On 20/02/2019 13:24, Dan Ritter wrote:
> tony wrote: 
>> This thread has now drifted from my asking whether there was any way of
>> interrogating the hardware to obtain the current IP6 address of host -
>> apparently not 
> The hardware doesn't know IP addresses. The kernel knows those.
> $ ip -6 a show eth0
> 2: eth0:  mtu 1500 state UP
> qlen 1000
> inet6 2001:470:1e07:ff7:d63d:7eff:fe93:e318/64 scope global
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> inet6 fe80::d63d:7eff:fe93:e318/64 scope link
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> $ ip -6 r show | grep eth0
> 2001:470:1e07:ff7::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256  pref
> medium
> fe80::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
> Tra-la.
> Didn't you get this answer before?
> -dsr-

Many times.

Re: alternatives to gmail?

2019-11-19 Thread tony
On 19/11/2019 14:00, Mark Rousell wrote:
> On 19/11/2019 06:55, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>> why?  after I have stated my goal is reading using a web interface
>> comparative  to  what one finds with gmail?
> It seems that the key issue you have is that you want to access your
> email via webmail (in other words, using a graphical environment which
> is increasingly dependent on Javascript) via a text-only shell account.
> This is a niche usage pattern that will only get harder over time to
> operate successfully (although I fully recognise that you're stuck with it).
> However, I'm sure it is still possible to work this way for now. It just
> requires the right webmail client.
> As others have mentioned, there are plenty of open source webmail
> clients. I'd have thought that some of these can be configured to
> operate without resorting to Javascript. In addition to the link that
> Didier provided here is another handy list of open source webmail
> clients:
> In particular, SquirrelMail gets a mention on this list. SquirrelMail
> has seen little development in the last few years and, for that reason,
> probably doesn't rely much on Javascript (although I cannot be certain
> as I've not tested it). On the other hand, it may suffer from unpatched
> security vulnerabilities.
> Beyond that, I don't have enough experience of webmail clients to know
> which ones can be configured to not be dependent on Javascript.
> Nevertheless, these lists might be a step forward for you.
> You'll either need to find an ISP who runs one of webmail clients that
> you can use or you will need to get a web hosting account that allows
> you to run one of them privately.

SquirrelMail has not been supported by Debian since Jessie. RoundCube is
now the preferred webmail client.

Re: Back to systemd [was: Re: New list for Raspbian? (was: Re: systemdq)]

2019-12-31 Thread tony
On 31/12/2019 15:34, Sven Hartge wrote:
> Kenneth Parker  wrote:
>> +1 for information, on where System Files are stored on Debian, as well as
>> for the reminder of the "/usr Merge" that might hit a fan someday.
> The usr-merge is already here, if you install Debian Buster. The
> installer creates a usr-merged filesystem and you, short of remastering
> the Installer image to remove the option, have no way of configuring
> this.
> Grüße,
> Sven.
Well, a while ago, I upgrade my stretch to buster, but I see no evidence
of symlinks to /usr in my root fs. How come?

Cheers, Tony

I would like to trade links with you to my Mustang Sites

2008-02-06 Thread Tony
Hi Administrator, my name is Tony Norella and I own 2 very 
successful Ford Mustang sites: and

I was searching on Google today for possible link partners and found your site 
to be interesting and something that would be of interest to our visitors.

If you would like to exchange links, please let me know.  If not, this is a one 
time email and I apologize for intruding and won't bother you again.

My link info is:

Link Text - Mustangs for Sale
Description - Buy and Sell Used and Classic Ford Mustangs

Link Text - Mustang Auctions
Description - Buy and Sell Used and Classic Ford Mustangs at Auction

Simple and to the point.  :)



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Re: Re: DISPLAY variable not set in ssh session

2008-03-18 Thread tony
xauth is need on the server

I'm on debian and it's part of the package xbase-clients.


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Re: disk temp monitoring - critical temperature reached

2007-06-17 Thread Tony

pol wrote:

pol wrote:

After  ms-windows xp has been running for hours, the lapto  is mildly warm
on the lower side, so the overheating issue seems to rise only when linux
is running.
I have updated the bios and now things are getting better with linux.
Until my laptop is plugged in, it is almost cold when touching the lower
side, even colder that when ms-windows is running.

Update: overheating still happens, even the bios new version, although less
often. Auto-shutting down of my hp tc4200 laptop due to critical
temperature reached happended yesterday. 
I cannot say the reason. Low cpu load. I am running kernel 2.6.20 / kubuntu 

(since ubuntu is not debian, i am forwarding also to the ubuntu mailing

Any ideas?

thank you 



Try cleaning it Ive had this problem here is your service manual.. 

You can all so use a small flexible rubber hose tapped to a vacuum and 
carefully suck out any dust followed with a good blast with canned air 
if your not comfortable with taking it apart.

One of my laptops a T-60 always runs hot regardless of what OS its 
running so I use a little folding stand to let air flow underneath, this 
lowers temps considerably as a bonus it tips the key pad forward a 
little and makes typing more comfortable..

Tony D

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Zope2 replacement

2010-01-31 Thread Tony
For a few years I have been using Zope2 to host websites with static &
dynamic content,  recently also using Silva CMS that sits on top of
Zope2.  It now appears that Zope2 won't be in Squeeze due to dependency
on old Python versions.

I would be interested in suggestions of Python based alternatives that
let me develop dynamic and static content and are likely to receive
continued support from Debian.


Tony Middleton.

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Re: Realtek r8168 problems with net installer and Intel D945GSEJT motherboard

2010-01-31 Thread Tony
Not sure it helps you but Squeeze installs fine on this motherboard.

Jan Piet Joris en Corneel wrote:
> Dear all,
> For some days I've trying to install Debian Lenny 5.0.3 using an USB
> stick on an intel D945GSEJT motherboard (with Intel Atom N270
> processor, 1 GB RAM and Realtek 8111DL gigabit onboard NIC, new home
> server). I've problems with the NIC because it is not recognised by
> the installer. Thus, the installation cannot continue. I've both tried
> the netinst image and cd image nr 1. I copied them to USB drive with
> UNetbootinst running on Win XP.
> It seems numerous threads exist on this topic on multiple discussion
> platforms, and it all has to do with an unsuitable module in the
> kernel of the installer (and other kernel versions). It is possible to
> install with a different NIC, see
> Some people report module r8169 (..9, not 8) works partly, however
> this seems to differ from installer to installer version. Apparently
> r8169 is not loaded by default with the 5.0.3 installer.
> Also instructions on compiling the module with the Realtek source code
> are readily available and I can manage that.
> The combinations confuses me. I want to run the installer but it halts
> because it cannot recognise the NIC. If I want to install the NIC
> driver, I need a Debian system. Sounds like a chicken and egg problem
> to me.
> Can somebody supply me instructions to get Lenny installed on this
> board? I really want to get it up & running, Debian performed great
> for five years on my previous home server.
> Thanks,
> Corné

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I need some help

2008-01-18 Thread Tony
I have a problem with amule, azureus and vlc
I'm running Debian version 4.0 r1 etch i386
When I try to run this programs from the menu nothing happens and whe
I executed the programs in the terminal I get the following output

Initialising aMule
Checking if there is an instance already running...
No other instances are running.
The program 'amule' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'.
(Details: serial 772 error_code 11 request_code 144 minor_code 5)
(Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)

The program 'SWT' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'.
(Details: serial 310 error_code 11 request_code 144 minor_code 5)
(Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)

VLC media player 0.8.6a Janus
The program '.' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'.
(Details: serial 496 error_code 11 request_code 144 minor_code 5)
(Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)

I updated the system today with the update manager and i noticed that
vlc, amule and azureus didn't run anymore.
Before this update theese programs were working, what can i do make
the to run again.
$ df   shows (in spanish):
S.ficheros Bloques de 1K  Usado   Dispon
Uso% Montado en
/dev/sda3 75858744 549247266512684  8% /
tmpfs   253668 0253668
 0% /lib/init/rw
udev 10240  52   10188
  1%  /dev
tmpfs   253668 0253668
 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1  90297  1402   74078
  14%   /boot

and  with free:
   total   used free
 sharedbuffers cached
Mem:  507340 446984  60356  0
 10656 172456
-/+ buffers/cache: 263872   243468
Swap:   979956  12256967700

I really appreciate your work
Thank you for your time

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SASL borked after upgrade to wheezy

2014-05-14 Thread tony

I recently upgraded my VPS from squeeze to wheezy using the Debian upgrade
instructions. There were a few issues, most of which I've sorted, but this
one's a killer.

The server runs a postfix mail server with dovecot imap, and sasl
authentication via mysql. After the upgrade I am no longer able to log on
to send mail, the error message being:

May 14 10:34:47 vanderhoff postfix/smtpd[6818]: Anonymous TLS connection
established from[]: TLSv1 with cipher
ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
May 14 10:34:47 vanderhoff postfix/smtpd[6818]: warning:[]: SASL PLAIN authentication failed: generic
May 14 10:34:47 vanderhoff postfix/smtpd[6818]: warning:[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: generic

On the server:
root@vanderhoff:/etc/cron.daily# testsaslauthd -u -p
connect() : No such file or directory

I imagine a socket is not created correctly.

Fortunately Squirrelmail still works.

Extensive Googling yields lots of results, but none appear relevant to
this situation.

Does anyone please have any suggestions, please as to how to debug this?

Cheers, Tony

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dpkg error

2017-05-30 Thread tony
I'm trying to upgrade my packages, but am getting:

root@picam1:~# apt-get upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
1 not fully installed or removed.
After this operation, 422 kB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
(Reading database ... 104725 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing uv4l-raspidisp-extras (1.5) ...
insserv: warning: script 'uv4l_uvc' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: There is a loop between service watchdog and uv4l_uvc if stopped
insserv:  loop involving service uv4l_uvc at depth 2
insserv:  loop involving service watchdog at depth 1
insserv: Stopping uv4l_uvc depends on watchdog and therefore on system
facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: exiting now without changing boot order!
update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header
dpkg: error processing package uv4l-raspidisp-extras (--remove):
 subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

How do I get out of this pickle?

Re: dpkg error

2017-05-31 Thread tony
Anyone, please?

On 30/05/17 16:21, tony wrote:
> I'm trying to upgrade my packages, but am getting:
> root@picam1:~# apt-get upgrade
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree   
> Reading state information... Done
> Calculating upgrade... Done
> The following packages will be REMOVED:
>   uv4l-raspidisp-extras
> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
> 1 not fully installed or removed.
> After this operation, 422 kB disk space will be freed.
> Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
> (Reading database ... 104725 files and directories currently installed.)
> Removing uv4l-raspidisp-extras (1.5) ...
> insserv: warning: script 'uv4l_uvc' missing LSB tags and overrides
> insserv: There is a loop between service watchdog and uv4l_uvc if stopped
> insserv:  loop involving service uv4l_uvc at depth 2
> insserv:  loop involving service watchdog at depth 1
> insserv: Stopping uv4l_uvc depends on watchdog and therefore on system
> facility `$all' which can not be true!
> insserv: exiting now without changing boot order!
> update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header
> dpkg: error processing package uv4l-raspidisp-extras (--remove):
>  subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 1
> Errors were encountered while processing:
>  uv4l-raspidisp-extras
> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
> How do I get out of this pickle?

Re: dpkg error

2017-05-31 Thread tony
On 31/05/17 10:46, wrote:
> There is an error in uvl-raspidisp-extra's post-remove script. You
> have several options:
>  - Yell (OK, be gentle and polite: after all they've worked for you
>for free :) at the packagers. Perhaps they have a mailing list?
>  - try "apt-get remove --force-yes --purge uv4l-raspidisp-extras"
>This is somewhat risky, since you don't know what exactly broke
>in the postrm script and whether it has left sharp and/or flammable
>debris behind it.
>  - try to debug the post-remove script. The script itself is located
>in /var/lib/dpkg/info/uv4l-raspidisp-extras.postrm (I'm assuming
>a Debian-ish layout). If you find anything of relevance, you should
>contact the packagers. It seems that the post-remove script is
>stumbling upon an unexpected condition.
>Those scripts are supposed to be idempotent, i.e. calling them
>several times in a row should have the same effect than calling
>them just once. But since the script is freaking out, tread
> Good luck
> -- tomás
Thanks for your reply, Tomas. You are correct, it's not a debian
package; it comes from here:

I tried (2), with no useful effect. I've now done (1), and await a
result.  I don't think I'm up to (3), which is why I'm asking here.

Re: Why does no one care that Brad Spengler of GRSecurity is blatantly violating the intention of the rightsholders to the Linux Kernel?

2017-06-16 Thread tony
On 15/06/17 17:41, wrote:
> Why does no one care that Brad Spengler of GRSecurity is blatantly
> violating the intention of the rightsholders to the Linux Kernel?
> He is also violating the license grant, Courts would not be fooled by
> his scheme to prevent redistribution.
well, what, for example, have *you* done about it?

Radiotray fails in stretch

2018-01-20 Thread tony
I recently upgraded my jessie laptop to stretch, in accordance with the
published instructions.

All seems to have gone well, so far, except for one item: Radiotray will
not run. There is an old bug report against it (814628), which mentions
dependency issues, but the maintainer reckons it's fixed. My symptoms
are identical to those in the bug report.

Does anyone have any suggestions, please?

Re: Radiotray fails in stretch

2018-01-21 Thread tony
On 21/01/18 14:20, Curt wrote:
> On 2018-01-20, Eike Lantzsch  wrote:
>>> looks like a shit program to me - just wondering how it got it into debian
>>> packages.
>>> When I read first this post I was thinking there is an app for controlling
>>> radio receiver but it turns out it is online radio - WTF! online radio is
>>> not a radio like terrestrial broadcast. Each online radio offers nowdays a
>>> HTML5 stream, which can be automatically played by any HTML5 compatible
>>> browser.
>>> correct me if I am wrong
>>> regards
>> No, I think you're right either way.
> Just to be clear this python program is a small utility that sits in
> your system tray and allows you to select and listen to online radio
> streams, as decoded by the gstreamer librairies--the only dependency
> other than some python stuff, it seems.
> Why this is invalid because you can also listen to online radio from an
> HTML5 compatible browser, I am uncertain (this app is ostensibly
> designed to be minimal, whereas HTML5 compatible browsers generally
> have maximal tendencies).
> Of course if the application isn't working that does qualify as a major
> point in its disfavor.
> I just read that 'python-xdg' should be a hard dependency, the installation
> of which has fixed some folks' mortal bugs.
>> kind regards and have a nice day

Well, let's put this to bed. Thanks to those who responded; Eike at
least tried to help, his symptoms precisely match mine, thus confirming
it's a bug, despite the developer being unable to replicate it. Ah, well...

It's NOT a shit program; it's been happily fulfilling my needs for many
years (certainly since Wheezy); it sits unobtrusively in the system
tray, without much overhead. I'm not in the habit of running a
resource-hungry web browser all the time.

However, it no longer works, so must be consigned to the shit-heap.
Thanks, anyway

courier-imap fails

2016-11-15 Thread tony
I've just upgraded my VPS from Wheezy to Jessie.
Most things work fine, but my mail service has died.

The only clue is in /var/log/
imapd-ssl: couriertls: accept: error:14094417:SSL
routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert illegal parameter

It turns out that this was reported in bug #787579, which I think should
have been resolved by now. Googling suggests a work-around: DH_BITS=2048
mkdhparams, but this seems to have little effect. I'm not sure what format
a PEM file should take, but my dhparams.pem is only 201 bytes, which seems
a bit small.

Anyway, can anyone please suggest any remedy, please.

Re: courier-imap fails

2016-11-15 Thread tony
> Tony, Di 15 Nov 2016 18:01:40 CET:
>> The only clue is in /var/log/
>> imapd-ssl: couriertls: accept: error:14094417:SSL
>> routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert illegal parameter
>> It turns out that this was reported in bug #787579, which I think should
>> have been resolved by now. Googling suggests a work-around: DH_BITS=2048
>> mkdhparams, but this seems to have little effect. I'm not sure what
>> format
>> a PEM file should take, but my dhparams.pem is only 201 bytes, which
>> seems
>> a bit small.
> Have you checked that the mkdhparams script really did create a new
> dhparams.pem? Looking at the man page of mkdhparams indicates that it
> does nothing if dhparams.pem exists and is less than 25 days old.

Thank you, Markus; that was indeed the problem. Well spotted!

Debian DeskTop

2015-11-16 Thread Tony


I have just installed Debian 8.2. How do I get the Desk Top to show on the
screen? On boot-up, the green Debian desk Top shows for a few seconds and then 
the Terminal
appears and I cant get to the Desk Top.
Can you please let me know what to do?

Tony Lyons

linux on acer 9100...

2005-12-12 Thread Tony
they could it are to us problems 
of kernel (debian 3.1) compatibility 
whit a notebook acer 9104wlmi?
To the Acer they do not know to say nothing...

Re: linux on acer 9100...

2005-12-12 Thread Tony
I would want to be made excuses for my English bad one...
I would want to only know if the pentium m760
can have problems with the kernel of debian the 3.1
as far as the management of the energetic saving..
particular for the technologies Centrino.
2005/12/12, Clive Menzies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On (12/12/05 16:32), Tony wrote:> they could it are to us problems> of kernel (debian 3.1) compatibility
> whit a notebook acer 9104wlmi?> To the Acer they do not know to say nothing...I'm not sure what you're asking but if it helps we've got two Aspiresrunning Debian (2003WLMi and 1524WLMi); the 2003 is centrino based and
we used the sarge installer without a problem.What exactly is your problem? ..strategies for business
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2006-01-18 Thread Tony

A. E Ringrose  ||
Linux User #406895 ||
Debian GNU/Linux   ||

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distcc problem - Gentoo client - Debian sarge server

2005-09-03 Thread Tony
Hi all,

Attempting to speed up my laptop Pentium II emerges. Set up distcc as
specified in the Gentoo guide:

Installed distcc on the Debian (galaxy) machine and started the daemon.

Kicked off the emerge, and got the following:

i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I..
-DMAGIC=\"/usr/share/misc/file/magic\" -O3 -march=pentium2
-fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -c softmagic.c -MT softmagic.lo -MD -MP
-MF .deps/softmagic.TPlo  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/softmagic.lo
distccd[1943] (dcc_execvp) ERROR: failed to exec i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc:
such file or directory
distcc[11652] ERROR: compile ascmagic.c on fireball failed with exit
code 110
distccd[5806] (dcc_execvp) ERROR: failed to exec i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc:
such file or directory
distcc[11660] ERROR: compile softmagic.c on galaxy failed with exit
code 110
make[2]: *** [softmagic.lo] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs
make[2]: *** [ascmagic.lo] Error 1
distccd[5807] (dcc_execvp) ERROR: failed to exec i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc:
such file or directory
distcc[11648] ERROR: compile apprentice.c on galaxy failed with exit
code 110
make[2]: *** [apprentice.lo] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/tmp/portage/file-4.13/work/file-4.13'
make: *** [all] Error 2

!!! ERROR: sys-apps/file-4.13 failed.
!!! Function src_compile, Line 53, Exitcode 2
!!! emake failed
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, NOT this status


Been googling for a few days, and came to the (possibly erroneous)
conclusion that I need a cross compiler on the Debian box? Am I right?
I cannot find any relevant Debian package that fits the bill.
Any ideas, answers please?

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linux su pentium M760...mmh..

2005-12-09 Thread Tony
Ho acquistato da poco un Acer Aspire 9104wlmi (M760)
e devo assolutamente installarci una distribuzione Linux..
Ho deciso per la Debian 3.1 (Sarge), ma
ma la mia domanda è:
-e per i driver? 
ma soprattutto:
-il kernel in release supporta in maniera apprezzabile'
le features di questo processore
(in particolare mi riferisco alla gestione del risparmio energetico...faccenda spinosa---)

Ho cercato un po' in giro...
un bel po'...
ma nn ho trovato granchè per la mia situazione...
potreste aiutarmi?


mouse wheel

2024-04-26 Thread tony


Debian 10/KDE.

My mouse wheel seems to have (suddenly) stopped working and will not 
scroll. Anyone come across this? Help much appreciated.

Cheers, Tony

Re: mouse wheel

2024-04-26 Thread tony

On 26/04/2024 12:16, Marco Moock wrote:

Am 26.04.2024 schrieb tony :

Thank you very much. It was indeed the mouse that had failed. I 
'borrowed' a mouse from my laptop, which worked fine. Thanks again.


My mouse wheel seems to have (suddenly) stopped working and will not
scroll. Anyone come across this? Help much appreciated.

Run xev and the scroll the wheel and check the output.

You should see something like this:
ButtonPress event, serial 32, synthetic NO, window 0x2c1,
 root 0x557, subw 0x0, time 45498783, (88,110), root:(400,614),
 state 0x10, button 4, same_screen YES

ButtonRelease event, serial 32, synthetic NO, window 0x2c1,
 root 0x557, subw 0x0, time 45498783, (88,110), root:(400,614),
 state 0x810, button 4, same_screen YES

ButtonPress event, serial 32, synthetic NO, window 0x2c1,
 root 0x557, subw 0x0, time 45500535, (88,110), root:(400,614),
 state 0x10, button 5, same_screen YES

ButtonRelease event, serial 32, synthetic NO, window 0x2c1,
 root 0x557, subw 0x0, time 45500535, (88,110), root:(400,614),
 state 0x1010, button 5, same_screen YES

If that occurs, the mouse itself is working.

mgetty + pppd + Packets being dropped!

2003-03-21 Thread Tony Cooke
Hey all,

I've currently got a server with two ethernet interfaces. One points to the
local LAN ( and one to an ISDN modem (
I've got connection sharing up and running fine for all the clients on the

The problem is, I want to enable a dial-in connection to give remote users
access to the samba shares on this server. I've set up mgetty and pppd to
establish the connection, but once connected, although the server has an IP
of and the client, no packets are being sent or
received. If I ping from the client, the little modem lights
flash to say packets are going out, but I get a "Request timed out" message.

The server is debian, 2.4 kernel I think. The client is windows 2000.

My mgetty login.config has the line:

/AutoPPP/ -  a_ppp/usr/sbin/pppd file /etc/ppp/options.dialup

mgetty is started from inittab with the following line:

S0:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -x 3 ttyS0

My options.dialup file has these options set:

Asyncmap 0

And my options.ttyS0 has this line:

Now, as I say, the connection is established fine, but no packets are being
sent or received at either end. Am I missing something obvious with being a
new player in this game of Linux?

Any suggestions or advice will be greatly appreciated.


Steve Sherlock

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Gnome 2 and window manager selection?

2003-10-15 Thread Tony Godshall
Back when I used to use Gnome, I used it with Sawfish.  It
was the lightest gnome-compliant WM around.

Check your /etc/alternatives/x-window-manager

Of course there may be a typo someplace... you might want to
search /etc/... for 'elightenment' ;-)

According to Todd Pytel,
> On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 22:27:02 -0400
> stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ah, .xsession-errors has a clue. It's trying (and failing) to run
> > /usr/bin/elightenment,a Acording to dselect, this is not installed.
> > Should I install it? If I have a choice, I think I like sawfish, at
> > least from the breif glances I've seen so far.
> Hey, enlightenment was the bomb back in the day... like, 5 years ago. So
> I'd say no. I don't understand what's trying to load it, though. Was
> this basically a fresh install or did you upgrade the box? Probably,
> enlightenment is being loaded from /home/.xinitrc or /home/.xsession.
> I would suggest removing .xinitrc and putting the single line
> exec gnome-session
> in .xsession. If that doesn't work, then there are deeply bizarre things
> happening.
> -- 
> Todd Pytel
> Signature attached
> PGP Key ID 77B1C00C

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Exim weirdness

2003-10-18 Thread Tony Parsons
Hi, I'm using exim3 on sid and I keep getting weird messages like this
popping up in my logs:

failed to open DB file /var/spool/exim/db/wait-remote_smtp: Invalid
failed to open DB file /var/spool/exim/db/retry: Invalid argument

This stops me processing various entries in my queue which have been
stuck there for a while. I've checked my exim.conf and the docs but I
can't see anything that would be any yes there.
The files definitely exist, and I assume have the correct permisions (I
haven't touched them if nothing else).

Is this some kind of weird sid/exim bug or is there something I've missed?


Tony Parsons

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Solved?: Only lilo was able to boot a 2.6-test2 + initrd.

2003-11-01 Thread Tony D'Amato
>> On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 16:48:40 -0700 (PDT), James
Horey wrote: 
>> --- Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > On Sun, 17 Aug 2003 12:58:50 -0700 (PDT), James
>> > Horey wrote:
>> >
>> > > mount: /dev2/root2 is not a valid block device
>> > > mount: /dev2/root2 is not a valid block device
>> > > mount: you must specify the filesystem type
>> > > pivot_root: No such file or directory
>> > > /sbin/init: 196: cannot open dev/console: No
>> > file
>> > > Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init!
>> > >

I got this exact problem with the latest debian 2.4.22
kernel, and I fixed it by making sure that devfsd
actually started at boot time - changing
/etc/default/devfsd to make MOUNT=yes (the default was
MOUNT=no) and rerunning LILO fixed this issue.

Do you Yahoo!?
Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears

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adduser problem

2003-09-24 Thread Tony Leung
Dear All,

I want to create user account with dot between the username, but can't create, what setting should i change? 

test:~# adduser abc.ken
adduser: Please enter a username consisting of a lower case letter
followed by lower case letters and numbers.  Use the `--force-badname'
option to allow underscores, and uppercase.

Hotmail Extra Storage讓你獲得10MB 額外儲存空間,請即申請! 

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Re: /!\ Probleme d IRQ en pcmcia /!\

2003-10-09 Thread Tony Godshall
It looks to me like there's no IRQ available.  Perhaps you
could disable some built-in hardware that you are not
using?  Examples might be: parallel port, serial ports,
build-in audio.  This is done in the BIOS (i.e. at reboot).

According to REBERT Luc,
> Bonjour,
> J'ai un dell latitude C840 et j'ai de gros probleme avec l irq de mes cartes 
> pcmcia, le syst?me n'arrive pas a les attribuer, j'ai une erreur d?s l 
> insertion de mon adapteur compactflash et de ma carte wireless ...
> Si quelqu'un avait une petite idee pour r?soudre ce gros probleme !
> Oct  9 17:26:58 Latitude kernel: ide_cs: ide_register() at 0x100 & 0x10e, irq 
> 0 failed
> Oct  9 17:27:26 Latitude kernel: hde: TOSHIBA THNCF128MMA, CFA DISK drive
> Oct  9 17:27:26 Latitude kernel: hde: IRQ probe failed (0x20f8)
> Oct  9 17:27:26 Latitude kernel: hdf: IRQ probe failed (0x20f8)
> Oct  9 17:27:26 Latitude kernel: hdf: IRQ probe failed (0x20f8)
> Oct  9 17:27:26 Latitude kernel: ide2: DISABLED, NO IRQ
> Oct  9 17:27:40 Latitude kernel: ide_cs: ide_register() at 0x110 & 0x11e, irq 
> 0 failed
> Oct  9 17:27:40 Latitude kernel: Trying to free nonexistent resource 
> <0110-011f>
> Un grand merci d'avance  !
> Burnkey

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Re: SquirrelMail installation difficulties

2002-10-04 Thread Tony Wasson

> So I want to install SquirrelMail on the PowerPC, which has 1.5GiB RAM
> and isn't very stressed out about much of anything. I've installed
> SquirrelMail and pointed it at the UW-IMAP and Postfix servers on the
> Netwinder, but when I try to log in, I start getting the SquirrelMail
> "You must be logged in to view this page" error. Thinking that I might
> be seeing the problems that some people have seen between SquirrelMail
> 1.2.6 and recent versions of PHP, I upgraded SquirrelMail to 1.2.7,
> the version in testing. Same error. Then I fired up Ethereal, and saw
> that SquirrelMail was succesfully logging into the IMAP server and
> then closing the connection before returning the error message. So
> that's not it. And cookies are going back and forth, so that's not the
> problem either. What's going on here?

I ran into a slight dependency problem when I installed SquirrelMail  --
install php4-cgi and you'll be set. Well, except for the new Cross Site
Scripting exploits found

Tony Wasson

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Re: Can't access 1 IP address on Lan - Recap

2002-10-09 Thread Tony Wasson

> By the way, I still can't ping one IP address from a Debian computer
> within my LAN.
> This data (except IP address) is exactly the same as on another Debian
computer, but it
>pings no problem.

I would try running tcpdump and pinging on your working machine.
You should see an ARP packet and the ICMP echo packets. Next, run it from
your 'broken' machine - do you see the ARP? If you don't, try running
tcpdump on and generate your pings from the broken machine. Do you
see the ARP request?

Other things to try on the 'broken' machine -- a different IP address.
Static ARP entry for

Tony Wasson

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Re: utility to get daily NIC input/output total throughput

2002-10-09 Thread Tony Wasson

> > Is there any command line utility to get daily total ethernet
> > inbound/outbound throughput? I'd like to generate a monthly report with
> > shell script. Any suggestion highly appreciated.

Take a look at iog. It's perl, so you can do as you wish with the data...

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Re: Linksys PCMCIA network card - what module to use?

2002-10-15 Thread Tony Wasson

> I have a Linksys 10/100 PC card (PCMCIA), but I cannot figure out what
> the correct driver is for this. Anyone have any information?
> The card is a mode PCMPC100, for what it's worth.

Try removing and re-inserting the card -- then check /var/log/syslog. Your syslog 
ought to give your product info and and tell you some manfid numbers (manufacturer 

Your Linksys 10/100 card should be supported by the axnet_cs driver.

Check the file /etc/pcmcia/config and see how your syslog output is different than 
this driver database. Some cards match by manfid numbers, some match by product info 
strings. My guess is that you have a slightly different card than they have in the 
/etc/pcmcia/config database. You can add your card description to the file 
/etc/pcmcia/config.opts and restart pcmcia (/etc/init.d/pcmcia restart) to activate 
your changes.

Sample card description:

card "National Semiconductor InfoMover 4100 Ethernet"  <- Your name for the card, have 
  version "National Semiconductor", "InfoMover 4100"   <- exact string matches from 
syslog output 
  bind "pcnet_cs"      <- loads pcnet_cs driver 
already defined

Hope this helps!
Tony Wasson

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Re: CHM and WMV files on debian ?

2002-11-12 Thread tony mollica
Hello.  Here is the link to a utility that will extract and display
the .chm files.  I found it by searching for .chm.

Modify the Makefile to use the correct gcc compiler you have installed,
(it uses gcc-3.2 by default) then

make examples
make install

Look through the results for the names of the programs.

tony mollica

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Which X pkgs to hold?

2002-12-18 Thread Tony Crawford
Hi Gang!

I have a woody notebook and put XFree86 4.2.0 on it from the 
tarballs (because of better hdw support than in X v3). Now I 
want to try out some window managers, but apt-get wants to 
install xfree86-common every time I ask it for an X app. 

The Question:

- What packages do I need to mark as "hold" (or better?) to save 

the XFree86 v4 installation from getting damageed? (I took most 
of the options offered in the X installation routine, except 
Japanese fonts etc.)

- Where would I have looked to find this out myself if I were a 
smarter user?

- What's the best way to mark those packages so that I can 
continue life with apt-get?

All kinds of anticipatory gratitude,


-- Tony Crawford
-- +49-3341-30 99 99

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Re: simple exim configuration

2002-12-19 Thread Tony Crawford
Paul Scott wrote (on 18 Dec 2002 at 23:57):

> >fetchmail to get the mail, procmail to sort it, mozilla or mutt to
> >display it, you're all set.
> >
> That sounds great.   Thanks.
> Any ideas why I can't apt-get remove exim without removing mutt?

Because the mutt package expects the system to have some kind of 
MTA, I'd guess. An MTA is a normal part of a typical system.

Options for overriding such dependencies should be covered in the 
man page somewhere.


-- Tony Crawford
-- +49-3341-30 99 99

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