Re: Updating 2 derby tables error message interpretation

2017-05-27 Thread Bryan Pendleton
> So my question is: why do I not see the new 54 table2 records that my
> program says have been created?
Perhaps you didn't COMMIT the 54 records in your test program?

Perhaps your test program is using a different Derby database than you're
looking at with NetBeans?

Perhaps your test program uses an in-memory database, and your records were
committed to the in-memory database, then that database was lost when your
program exited from its in-memory configuration?

Perhaps your connection information is slightly different, so you are using
two different SCHEMA settings in the two configurations, so that you have
two different sets of tables, in two different SCHEMA?

There are many possible ways in which one Derby configuration can be
looking at a different set of database tables than another, all of which
are intentional, but which are easy configurations to find yourself in



Re: Updating 2 derby tables error message interpretation

2017-05-26 Thread Bob M
Hi Rick, John, Bryan et al

Things are a *little* clearer now :)

I was a bit premature in stating that all was OK

To try and rectify my problem (without understanding what was wrong)
I changed the index in table2 from a single column (INT) to a 2 column index
(DATE and TIME) exactly as Table1 was setup

I then ran the program on a historical tester platform for a period of 3

The end result was that it seemed to run perfectly - carrying out 54 new
trades in that period
It also told me that the number of records in table2 (TRADES) increased by

BUT, and it is a big *BUT*

when I use Netbeans to view the data in table2 I see just the 4,100 records
that existed when I initialized the setup
i.e. I can not see the 54 new records ?

This explains why, in the past an error concerning duplicate keys came about
- the error was correct but I could not see any new records (and still

I am puzzled by this because to setup table2 I opened Netbeans, connected to
the database I require - where I can see table1 and ran a file which set up
table2 with 4,100 records
Table2 then appeared and I could view the 4,100 records

So my question is: why do I not see the new 54 table2 records that my
program says have been created?

Thank you

Bob M
New Zealand

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Re: Updating 2 derby tables error message interpretation

2017-05-23 Thread Bob M
hello everybody

I looked at the setup of both tables and found that the key in the first,
made up of two fields, had each field NOT NULL

So I applied this to the single field key in table2 - Trade Number

Now - no errors :)

Thanks to all, for such great advice

Bob M

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Re: Updating 2 derby tables error message interpretation

2017-05-23 Thread John English

On 23/05/2017 15:14, Bob M wrote:

The error message(s):

mining routine finished
simulation routine commenced
simulation routine finished
final prediction routine commenced
Prediction_Trend: 0.0
Current Trade Direction:
debug: we get to here(8)
final prediction routine finished
Weka non-initialization successful
Weka finished
No. 2 - Initialize: false
No. 2 - myCanTrade: false
No. 2 - do_not_trade: false
No. 2 - curr_trade_dir:
No. 2 - prev_trade_dir: Down
Inserted newest record:- Trading_Date/Trading_Time: 2017-5-23, 12
Oldest record:- Trading_Date/Trading_Time: 2012-02-06, 6
Deleted oldest record

Once again, none of this is generated by the code you posted...

*Adding a new trade record Number: 4101

Something very similar is generated by you code (but again, it's not 
*exactly* the same)...

- SQLException -
 SQL State: 23505
 Error Code: 2
 Message: The statement was aborted because it would have caused a duplicate
key value in a unique or primary key constraint or unique index identified
by 'SQL170412104646890' defined on 'TRADES'.

- SQLException -
 SQL State: 25001
 Error Code: 2
 Message: Cannot close a connection while a transaction is still active.

And here, you should probably print a stacktrace from the exception and 
look at the line which generates the exception in your code (probably 
the call to executeUpdate() -- but only you have that information).

And now you have two clues:
1) "The statement was aborted because it would have caused a duplicate 
key value in a unique or primary key constraint or unique index 
identified by 'SQL170412104646890' defined on 'TRADES'."

So, which constraint might have been violated? (Hint, again: give names 
to your constraints.) And why might it have happened? (A stacktrace 
might give you a clue, but since you didn't post one, that's something 
you'll have to figure out.)

2) "Cannot close a connection while a transaction is still active."

Which connection is being closed, and why is there a transaction still 
active at the time? (Again, a stacktrace might help to figure out where 
and why this is happening.)

I'm sorry, but I can't spend any more time trying to understand your 
problem until you make some more effort to understand your own problem. 
What you've posted so far is certainly not enough for me to help any 
further than I already have, but hopefully you'll be able to work it out 
from the exception messages and the clues you've been given already.

John English

Re: Updating 2 derby tables error message interpretation

2017-05-23 Thread Bob M

My program runs every six hours.
Two independent tables are setup - each with 4,100 records
On the first run a trade is opened and table 1 has a new record added and
the oldest one is deleted - all OK
On the second run, I am expecting the TRADES table to have a new record
The subroutine to add a new record is triggered by the boolean variable
'trade' which is true
The program prints out the correct trade number as 4,101

The code:

// Adding a new record (if required) to the Derby database TRADES table
// [b] add a new record to the table TRADES  
if (trade) {
// parameter 1 is Trade_No (int), 
// parameter 2 is Class1_predicted (varchar), parameter 3 is
Class2_predicted (varchar)
// parameter 4 is Class3_predicted (varchar), parameter 5 is
Class4_predicted (varchar)
// parameter 6 is Class5_predicted (varchar), parameter 7 is
Class6_predicted (varchar)
// parameter 8 is Class7_predicted (varchar), parameter 9 is
Ensemble_predicted (varchar)
// parameter 10 is Profit/Loss (dec)

fw.writetoFile(("Adding a new trade record Number: " + trade_no),
psInsert = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO TRADES VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");

psInsert.setInt(1, trade_no);
psInsert.setString(2, curr_class1_predicted);
psInsert.setString(3, curr_class2_predicted);
psInsert.setString(4, curr_class3_predicted);
psInsert.setString(5, curr_class4_predicted);
psInsert.setString(6, curr_class5_predicted);
psInsert.setString(7, curr_class6_predicted);
psInsert.setString(8, curr_class7_predicted);
psInsert.setString(9, curr_ensemble_predicted);
psInsert.setNull(10, java.sql.Types.DECIMAL);


myConsole.getOut().println("Inserted newest record:- Trade Number: " +
fw.writetoFile(("Inserted newest record:- Trade Number: " + trade_no),
trade = false;

// commit the above transactions

// retrieve and output trade number of latest record from the table TRADES
int trade_no_temp3 = rs.getInt("Trade_No");

fw.writetoFile(("Latest trade record:- Trade Number: " + trade_no_temp3),

} // end of adding new trade record to database table TRADES

The error message(s):

mining routine finished
simulation routine commenced
simulation routine finished
final prediction routine commenced
Prediction_Trend: 0.0
Current Trade Direction: 
debug: we get to here(8)
final prediction routine finished
Weka non-initialization successful
Weka finished
No. 2 - Initialize: false
No. 2 - myCanTrade: false
No. 2 - do_not_trade: false
No. 2 - curr_trade_dir: 
No. 2 - prev_trade_dir: Down
Inserted newest record:- Trading_Date/Trading_Time: 2017-5-23, 12
Oldest record:- Trading_Date/Trading_Time: 2012-02-06, 6
Deleted oldest record
*Adding a new trade record Number: 4101
- SQLException -
 SQL State: 23505
 Error Code: 2
 Message: The statement was aborted because it would have caused a duplicate
key value in a unique or primary key constraint or unique index identified
by 'SQL170412104646890' defined on 'TRADES'.

- SQLException -
 SQL State: 25001
 Error Code: 2
 Message: Cannot close a connection while a transaction is still active.
Derby finished
Label: USDJPY_2352017_6
Currency Pair: USDJPY
Closed Trade: USDJPY_2352017_64101 | P/L: -15.5 pips
PL_updates = 1.0

Many thanks

Bob M
New Zealand

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Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-22 Thread Bryan Pendleton
> Exactly what would you wish me to post?
> Bob M
Here are some useful guidelines for how to ask a question in a way that
helps others help you:



Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-22 Thread Bob M
OK John

I have reinitialized the data in table1, table 2 remains static.

After the program has run for 2 times I should have the usual error about a
duplicate key in table2

Exactly what would you wish me to post?

Bob M

p.s. the 2 tables are independent

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Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-22 Thread John English

On 21/05/2017 21:18, Bob M wrote:

I keep feeling that there is something I am not understanding about updating
two different tables in the same dbase

Some reasons an update might fail, off the top of my head:
1) constraint violation in the data inserted into the table (e.g. 
primary key or check constraint error)
2) constraint violation in a dependent table (e.g. foreign key 
constraint error)

3) timeout due to the table being locked by another query
4) rollback of the transaction enclosing the update due to an error 
later in the transaction
5) error in a trigger fired by the update, which rolls back the update 
(another version of case 4, but an easy one to overlook)

Unfortunately, although you've posted a lot of information, it's been 
either inaccurate or missing vital details, so it's hard to know what to 

John English

Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-21 Thread Bob M
Thanks Bryan

Good advice..

I have successfully run the program excluding any ref to the TRADES table -
all OK
so it is in the Trades Table code where I am going wrong..

As I use same code with the other table = it seems perplexing

using a debugger - I would love to but as I need to load a strategy onto the
Dukascopy platform and then run it - I do not understand how to include a
debugger in the loop but I do have Netbeans IDE and can load my program into
it (of course)

I keep feeling that there is something I am not understanding about updating
two different tables in the same dbase


Bob M

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Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-21 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Perhaps you made a change to the code, but forgot to recompile, or forgot
to re-update your JAR files, or made some other simple build mistake.

As a technique for understanding the behavior of your program, commenting
parts of it in and out and re-running the program is a very good technique,
but it is easy to make a simple build mistake and not run the modified
of the program which you think you are running.

Another very good technique for understanding the behavior of your program
is to run it under a Java debugger, and then you can stop and start it and
various points, step through it line by line, look at the values of
at various points, etc.



On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 11:12 PM, Bob M  wrote:

> The situation has deteriorated..
> I have placed  /*  */ around all code which adds new trade records and
> which
> updates trade records
> I was expecting x number of trades to take place and no error messages
> Instead I got the following:-
> Adding a new trade record Number: 4101
> - SQLException -
>  SQL State: 23505
>  Error Code: 2
>  Message: The statement was aborted because it would have caused a
> duplicate
> key value in a unique or primary key constraint or unique index identified
> by 'SQL170412104646890' defined on 'TRADES'.
> I checked the whole program for "adding a new trade record" and found only
> a
> single instance - the code is within the /*  */  so how can I continue to
> get a reference to these words in an error code?
> Bob M
> --
> View this message in context: http://apache-database.10148.
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Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-20 Thread Bob M
The situation has deteriorated..

I have placed  /*  */ around all code which adds new trade records and which
updates trade records

I was expecting x number of trades to take place and no error messages

Instead I got the following:-

Adding a new trade record Number: 4101

- SQLException -
 SQL State: 23505
 Error Code: 2
 Message: The statement was aborted because it would have caused a duplicate
key value in a unique or primary key constraint or unique index identified
by 'SQL170412104646890' defined on 'TRADES'.

I checked the whole program for "adding a new trade record" and found only a
single instance - the code is within the /*  */  so how can I continue to
get a reference to these words in an error code?

Bob M

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Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-20 Thread Bob M
Inserted newest record:- Trading_Date/Trading_Time: 2016-1-11, 12
Oldest record:- Trading_Date/Trading_Time: 2012-02-06, 6
Deleted oldest record
Adding a new trade record Number: 4101

- SQLException -
 SQL State: 23505
 Error Code: 2
 Message: The statement was aborted because it would have caused a duplicate
key value in a unique or primary key constraint or unique index identified
by 'SQL170412104646890' defined on 'TRADES'.

The above occurs after the program is part way through its second run(it
runs every six hours)
At this stage, a new trade record is required to be added (since a trade was
opened and closed on the first run

The new trade number is correctly stated as 4101
At this stage the trade table has 4,100 records

so why the error message regarding duplicate keys ?
I don't get it !
The key is the trade number

Bob M

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Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-20 Thread Bob M
Hi John

Understanding a bit more now...

I see when I look at the key to table2 it has the identifier
'SQL170412104645890' as stated in the error message

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Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-20 Thread Bob M
Hi John

Hint: it's always a good idea to give names to your constraints and
suchlike, so that the error message will refer to a name that appears in
your DB schema, rather than a system-generated name like
SQL170412104646890. If you can't figure out which is the violated
constraint referred to in the error message, you might have to dig
around in SYS.SYSCONSTRAINTS to identify it. 

You are way above my head here :)

Bob M

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Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-20 Thread Bob M
Hi John

Trade_no_temp2 is a variable

I do not understand why the error message relates this variable to a table?

Bob M

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Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-20 Thread John English

On 19/05/2017 23:13, Bob M wrote:

 Message: Column 'TRADE_NO_TEMP2' is either not in any table in the FROM
list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the
join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY
list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE  statement then 'TRADE_NO_TEMP2' is
not a column in the target table.

Well, that should be easy enough to fix... the error message is pretty 

John English

Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-20 Thread John English

On 20/05/2017 05:07, Bob M wrote:

 Message: The statement was aborted because it would have caused a duplicate
key value in a unique or primary key constraint or unique index identified
by 'SQL170412104646890' defined on 'TRADES'.

Hint: it's always a good idea to give names to your constraints and 
suchlike, so that the error message will refer to a name that appears in 
your DB schema, rather than a system-generated name like 
SQL170412104646890. If you can't figure out which is the violated 
constraint referred to in the error message, you might have to dig 
around in SYS.SYSCONSTRAINTS to identify it.

It's also a good idea to post the actual output so that we can see what 
went wrong, rather than a bunch of source code that doesn't include the 
most important piece of information -- the error message!

John English

Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-19 Thread Bob M
I have reinitialized my system and have run my program on a testing platform

At the first time period, everything goes perfectly and it opens a trade but
there is no requirement to update the second of the two derby tables (the
first table is updated OK)

On the second run, the first derby table is updated OK but then an error
I have never seen the second table having a record added

Inserted newest record:- Trading_Date/Trading_Time: 2016-1-11, 12
Oldest record:- Trading_Date/Trading_Time: 2012-02-06, 6
Deleted oldest record
*the above refers to table1*
Adding a new trade record Number: 4101
*this refers to table2*
- SQLException -
 SQL State: 23505
 Error Code: 2
 Message: The statement was aborted because it would have caused a duplicate
key value in a unique or primary key constraint or unique index identified
by 'SQL170412104646890' defined on 'TRADES'.

- SQLException -
 SQL State: 25001
 Error Code: 2
 Message: Cannot close a connection while a transaction is still active.
Derby finished

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Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-19 Thread Bob M
Sorry Rick

I may have deleted that line :(

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Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-19 Thread Rick Hillegas

On 5/19/17 1:13 PM, Bob M wrote:

hey - we got to here - [b] !!

There is more going on in your code than is apparent from the snippet 
you included. For instance, the output contains the line "hey - we got 
to here - [b] !!" but that line does not appear in the source 
code you provided. I would recommend looking into derby.log for more clues.

Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-19 Thread Bob M
Hi John

As I read it, only Table1 ever gets updated - correctly
The output suggests that Table2 is updated but that is NOT the case


Inserted newest record:- Trading_Date/Trading_Time: 2017-5-18, 18
Oldest record:- Trading_Date/Trading_Time: 2012-02-06, 6
Deleted oldest record
Adding a new trade record Number: 4101
Inserted newest record:- Trade Number: 4101
PL_Updates(penultimate-begin) = 1.0
PL_Updates(latest-begin) = 1.0
hey - we got to here - [b] !!
Successfully retrieved the latest trade record from TABLE2 table: 
Latest trade record:- Trade No: 4102

- SQLException -
 SQL State: 42X04
 Error Code: 2
 Message: Column 'TRADE_NO_TEMP2' is either not in any table in the FROM
list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the
join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY
list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE  statement then 'TRADE_NO_TEMP2' is
not a column in the target table.

- SQLException -
 SQL State: 25001
 Error Code: 2
 Message: Cannot close a connection while a transaction is still active.

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Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-19 Thread John English

On 19/05/2017 03:05, Bob M wrote:

More code 

Do the commits succeed? Are any exceptions thrown? Are all the messages 
printed correctly? What changes occur in the affected tables? What do 
you see going wrong?

John English

Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-18 Thread Bob M
More code 

psInsert = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO TABLE1 VALUES (?, ?, ?)");

psInsert.setString(1, );
psInsert.setInt(2, b);
psInsert.setDouble(3, c);


fw.writetoFile(("Inserted newest record:- Trading_Date/Trading_Time: "
+ date_current + ", " + time_current), FILE_NAME);

// retrieve and output date and time of oldest record from the table TABLE1
rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM TABLE1 ORDER BY Trading_Date ASC,"
+ " Trading_Time ASC FETCH FIRST ROW ONLY");;
String Date_temp = rs.getString("Trading_Date");
int Time_temp = rs.getInt("Trading_Time");

fw.writetoFile(("Oldest record:- Trading_Date/Trading_Time: " + Date_temp +
", " + Time_temp), FILE_NAME);

// and now delete this record.
rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT * from TABLE1 WHERE Trading_Date = '"
+ Date_temp + "' AND Trading_Time = " + Time_temp
+ " FOR UPDATE");;

fw.writetoFile(("Deleted oldest record"), FILE_NAME);

// commit the above transactions

// end of adding new record and deleting oldest record from database table

// Adding a new record (if required) to the Derby database TABLE2 table
// [b] add a new record to the table TABLE2  
if (trade) {
fw.writetoFile(("Adding a new trade record Number: " + trade_no),
psInsert = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO TRADES VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)");

psInsert.setInt(1, d);
psInsert.setString(2, e);
psInsert.setString(3, fff);
psInsert.setString(4, g);


fw.writetoFile(("Inserted newest record:- Trade Number: " + trade_no),
trade = false;
// commit the above transactions

// retrieve and output trade number of latest record from the table TABLE2
rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM TABLE2 ORDER BY Trading_No DESC FETCH
int trade_no_temp3 = rs.getInt("Trade_No");

fw.writetoFile(("Latest trade record:- Trade Number: " + trade_no_temp3),

Bob M

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Re: Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-18 Thread Rick Hillegas

Hi Bob,

It is hard to tell what the problem is from the code below, since that 
code only refers to one table. A more complete picture of the code might 
suggest some clues.


On 5/18/17 3:53 PM, Bob M wrote:

Until recently I had just the one single derby database table and could
update it successfully.
I now have two separate tables - the first is updating successfully, the
second is NOT!

I use similar code for both
psInsert = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO x VALUES (?, ?, ?)");

psInsert.setInt(1, );
psInsert.setString(2, b);
psInsert.setString(3, c);


// commit the above transactions

I update the two tables, one after the other.
Is there some missing code or am I not understanding something?

Thanks for any advice / comments :)

Bob M
New Zealand


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Updating 2 derby tables

2017-05-18 Thread Bob M
Until recently I had just the one single derby database table and could
update it successfully.
I now have two separate tables - the first is updating successfully, the
second is NOT!

I use similar code for both
psInsert = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO x VALUES (?, ?, ?)");

psInsert.setInt(1, );
psInsert.setString(2, b);
psInsert.setString(3, c);


// commit the above transactions

I update the two tables, one after the other.
Is there some missing code or am I not understanding something?

Thanks for any advice / comments :)

Bob M
New Zealand


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