Re: Adding enums?

2009-09-23 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Yeah, I never use it at all.

On Sep 23, 2009, at 5:44 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

BTW, I'm a little iffy on the static import stuff.  It seems less
explicit and somewhat cheating to me, but I'm just tossing the idea
out for feedback.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Michael Gentry > wrote:

If wanting to keep things shorter, couldn't you do a static import?
I'm a little rusty on the syntax, but wouldn't it be something like:

import static ...query.QueryDirection.*;

Ordering ordering = new Ordering("artistName", ASCENDING);

Hmm, or maybe that only works for static constants and not enums.   

have to test that.


On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:34 AM, Andrus Adamchik


If we can do clean gradual deprecation of the old API. Also I like  
us using

ASCENDING instead of ASC, as you proposed, but wonder if we can call
OrderingDirection something shorter, just to keep things tight.

Another candidate for such refactoring is PersistenceState. Maybe  
create a

"State" enum or "PersistentState"?


On Sep 23, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

Should we add more enums to the code?  For example, in,

there are these constants:

public static final boolean ASC = true;
public static final boolean DESC = false;

However, there is no enum to represent the options.  The  
constructors look


public Ordering(String sortPathSpec, boolean ascending) ...

There is nothing to encourage/enforce the usage of the constants,  

you tend to see "true" and "false" being used.  Even in our

query.addOrdering("artistName", true);
Ordering ordering = new Ordering("artistName", true);

To the new (or even experienced) user, seeing "true" there tends to
have no meaning.  I (and some of the people I've been showing  

to here) would rather see something like:

Ordering ordering = new Ordering("artistName",

One guy even suggested something like:

Ordering ordering = new AscendingOrdering("artistName");

That is more concise and still explicit, but would obviously  

even more code changes (probably).  Especially when adding the case
insensitive stuff.




Re: Adding enums?

2009-09-23 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Sep 23, 2009, at 6:09 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

#1: Call the enum class Order.  I think Order.ASCENDING would be
readable and intuitive.


#2: Keep it something more descriptive like OrderingDirection, but in
the Ordering class have a "public static final OrderingDirection
ASCENDING = OrderingDirection.ASCENDING;".  Then you could reference
Ordering.ASCENDING (kind of like Ordering.ASC).  This seems awkward,
though, but makes it similar to what is already there.

Don't understand this one. Why the new Order enum is not sufficient?


Re: Making sense of callbacks

2009-09-23 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Hi Andrey,

Thanks for your comments. This made me tweak my initial suggestion,  
resulting in something that hopefully makes more sense. So here is an  
attempt to show the full callback picture with suggested changes  
(grouping things by the object pre-commit state):


   prePersist (called after registration in context)
   preInsert  (POTENTIAL NEW CALLBACK; called before commit) [1]
   postPersist (called after commit)

   preUpdate (called before commit)
   postUpdate (called after commit)

   preRemove (called before deleting in context, and before delete  
rules are evaluated)

   preUpdate (POTENTIAL REMOVED CALLBACK; called before commit) [2]
   postRemove (called after commit)
   postUpdate (POTENTIAL REMOVED CALLBACK; called after commit) [3]

[1] We definitely need this callback here for the new objects right  
before commit. My suggestion of reusing "preUpdate" here was based on  
the fact that all my pre-commit code for NEW and MODIFIED objects is  
exactly the same, so it seems that from implementation standpoint the  
event is almost identical. On the other hand, "postUpdate" is indeed  
redundant for NEW objects. So using pre/postUpdate for NEW does break  
the symmetry...

[2] While there's no overlap with a real "preUpdate" in possible  
callback functionality here, and we need to remove this one, this  
leaves a gap (just like with NEW objects) that needs to be filled with  
some "preCommitDeleted" callback.

[3] Definitely needs to be removed. It is being passed TRANSIENT  
objects and is really out of place (though still JPA compatible :-)).

I guess completely renaming callbacks to be aligned with Cayenne  
(rather than JPA) lifecycle could be a good thing (persist -> insert| 
create, remove -> delete, etc.), and may go a long way in clarifying  
what is called and when. It is the end of a long day here, so I am not  
ready to suggest any better naming right away, but regardless of the  
naming, if we just make the changes above, I think we can provide the  
existing users a clear set of instructions on how to migrate existing  
callbacks to the new set. FWIW I'll be able to try it myself on a  
large application without waiting for the B1 release.


On Sep 23, 2009, at 8:53 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

Hi Andrus,

I also suffered missing "preInsert" listener a number of times. But,  
I think

the moment of when listeners are called (and which of them are called)
should be easily guessed by what is happening to the object.

1. call pre/postUpdate for new objects. So new objects will have
pre/postPersist as well as pre/postUpdate callbacks. Of course the  
motivation is that preUpdate is called before save, not after  

insert, so all the relationships are in place.

So there will be four calls in total at object creation. I don't  
think it is
transparent that pre- and postUpdate will be called - after all, no  

are ever made!

2. stop calling pre/postUpdate for removed objects. This is causing  

when we need to access relationships of a deleted object.

I'm confused. Are pre/postUpdate methods really called for deleted  
If this is so, it definitely must be stopped I think. Only pre/ 

should be called..

What will be wrong if we just add new type of event - preInsert? Users
aren't obligated to implement any listener class, after all. I'm  
afraid the

changes you suggest will break a lot of existing code


Re: Making sense of callbacks

2009-09-24 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Actually EntityManager.persist is the same as  
DataContext.registerObject. It does not commit to DB until "flush" is  
called or external transaction is committed. But the rest of the  
analysis is correct. So I am +1 on the following, even though there  
we'll end up with mismatch against JPA (Cayenne.postRegister ==  
JPA.prePersist; Cayenne.prePersist != JPA.prePersist) :

postRegister <- called when a non-persisted object is registered  
with a data context. You could even have a preRegister, but that's  
probably overkill.

prePersist <- just before DB insert
postPersist <- just after DB insert
preUpdate < - just before DB update of existing object
postUpdate <- just after DB update
postLoad <- just after a committed obj. is fetched from the DB.

Now wonder what we should do with "remove":

preRemove <- just before DB delete
postRemove <-just after DB delete

There are 3 similar lifecycle points: (1) after object is deleted in  
context, (2) before deleted object is committed, (3) after deleted  
object is committed. Right now "preRemove" is called at (1). For  
symmetry we can call it at (2). But then we need another callback for  
(1). I just checked some of my use cases, and (1) is sort of an  
important place - you can make some assertions about the object before  
it is disassociated from its relationships via delete rules. I think I  
already figured out how to deal with my case, not sure how such  
removal of functionality would affect others?

BTW, if all we do is callback renaming/adding new callbacks, we can  
provide DataMap migration ability via the Modeler.


On Sep 24, 2009, at 6:08 AM, Robert Zeigler wrote:

Hm. Apologies, I haven't been following this thread very closely.   
Preface: I realize JPA compatibility isn't necessarily a current  
goal, but hear me out. :)
The way I read the JPA spec is that @PrePersist is supposed to be  
called immediately before database insert.
The problem seems to be a mismatch between the "cayenne way" and the  
"JPA" way.  In cayenne, you register your object, then make your  
changes (especially relationships), then commit to the DB.  In JPA,  
you would setup the entire bean structure (including relationships)  
before calling EntityManager.persist, which results directly in a DB  
commit.  Ie, persist is like context.registerNewObject() +  
context.commitChanges() rolled into one, except the scope is limited  
a single object and associated changes.
I don't have any qualms about adding additional lifecycle listeners  
to make cayenne more useful in general and/or to address the  
impedence with JPA, but if we're going to keep lifecycle listeners  
with the same names as the JPA ones, we should also keep the same  
semantics, which means calling PrePersist immediately before  
insert.  Otherwise, we'll confuse users new to cayenne but familiar  
with JPA. So, I would propose something more like:

postRegister <- called when a non-persisted object is registered  
with a data context. You could even have a preRegister, but that's  
probably overkill.

prePersist <- just before DB insert
postPersist <- just after DB insert
preUpdate < - just before DB update of existing object
postUpdate <- just after DB update
preRemove <- just before DB delete
postRemove <-just after DB delete
postLoad <- just after a committed obj. is fetched from the DB.

Alternatively, as mentioned below we could rename all callbacks to  
align with the "cayenne way".  But, again, if we're going to keep  
the JPA names, we should keep the behavior as JPA-like as possible.


Re: Broken Mailing List Link

2009-09-25 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Thanks. Fixed.

On Sep 25, 2009, at 12:01 PM, Dave Dombrosky wrote:

There is a broken link on  The link should be
changed to


Re: Adding enums?

2009-09-25 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Sep 25, 2009, at 5:27 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

I've started looking into this.  How about calling the sorting
direction enum Direction or SortOrder instead of Order?  (I can see
people using an ORM having an Order class already, which might be a
bit confusing ... sorting your Orders by an Order ...)  With the
change, you'd end up with a constructor something like:

public Ordering(String sortPathSpec, Direction/SortOrder  
sortingDirection) {...}

I guess any of the above can potentially be an entity name, but I am  
fine with either of the 3.

I think we should fix the case sensitive flag while we are at it.
Thoughts on the name for that one?  Here is the constructor ...

public Ordering(String sortPathSpec, Direction/SortOrder
sortingDirection, boolean caseInsensitive) {...}

One option is to make the Direction/SortOrder enum look something  

public enum Direction/SortOrder {


Then you don't need the third parameter.

Good idea.


Re: Cayenne-trunk - Build # 465 - Still Failing

2009-09-27 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Seems the hudson install is still broken. All tests succeed on my  
machine. Hudson output is this:

Parsing POMs
ERROR: No classworlds*.jar found in /home/hudson/tools/maven/latest2  
-- Is this a valid maven2 directory?

Email was triggered for: Failure
There are 1 triggered emails.
Sending email for trigger: Failure


On Sep 27, 2009, at 4:27 PM, Apache Hudson Server wrote:

The Apache Hudson build system has built Cayenne-trunk (build #465)

Status: Still Failing

Check console output at 
 to view the results.

Re: Changed PK Typecasting?

2009-09-27 Thread Andrus Adamchik
I don't recall an intentional change to disable automated type  
conversion. It was not supported before, so I guess it was purely  
coincidental that it worked on a particular database with a particular  


On Sep 25, 2009, at 11:46 AM, Dave Dombrosky wrote:

Trying to use the latest trunk code, I came across some behavior that
has changed.  I used to be able to pass DataObjectUtils.objectForPK a
primary key that was a String, and Cayenne would automatically
typecast this to the real PK type (such as String -> Integer).  Now it
seems like the typecasting does not occur, causing an exception on the
query with my database.

Was this change intentional?  If not, I'll open a bug report with  
more detail.


Re: Making sense of callbacks

2009-09-27 Thread Andrus Adamchik

I am +1 on:

* Radical renaming if that helps us with consistency.
* The observation that pre/postCommit for NEW and MODIFIED objects are  
often identical (in my use cases they are always identical). Wonder in  
what case it is important to distinguish in postCommit whether the  
object was new or modified before commit?

I am -1 on:

* Keeping two parallel sets of callbacks. The only purpose it serves  
is compatibility with 3.0MN releases (N <= 6), and the need to  
maintain it going forward outweighs it in my mind. Also triggering  
callbacks is not free performance-wise, even for those events that  
have no registered listeners, so extra callback types will  
(marginally) slow things down. This will also allow us to use "pre/ 
post" prefixes for the names, as there won't parallel conflicting set  
of callbacks.

* Mixing pre/postCommit for DELETED with NEW/MODIFIED. The object  
state at the end of the commit is different (TRANSIENT for DELETED,  
COMMITTED for NEW/MODIFIED), so callbacks are almost never the same.

I am +/-0 on:

* Callbacks on contexts. Could be a good idea to have listeners  
attached to a context (although I don't see any use for context's own  
callback methods). I suggest we keep that in mind, but push it to the  
future releases to avoid adding new concepts to 3.0 at this point.


So mixing Ari's idea with my points above, we have something like that:

* postLoad

* postAdd   ("post" as it is invoked after object is added to the  
* preDelete ("pre" as it is invoked before delete rules are processed  
and before the object state is changed)

* preCommit
* preCommitDeleted
* postCommit
* postCommitDeleted

... or we can go completely the Cayenne way and change the callback  
signatures to take an enum characterizing the event nature, or even  
some sort of an event object.

And another idea. Once we settle on the nature of the change on this  
list, we write a migration guide draft for the users and take this  
discussion to the user@ list to see if the wider community can uncover  
any holes in the new design, or if there are other use cases that we  
haven't thought of.


On Sep 24, 2009, at 12:54 PM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

On 24/09/09 6:08 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

So I am +1 on the following, even though there we'll end up with
mismatch against JPA (Cayenne.postRegister ==
JPA.prePersist; Cayenne.prePersist != JPA.prePersist)

Or, to take Robert's suggestion, we leave the existing callbacks in  
place and don't touch them since they are the JPA terms. New stuff  
can have brand new names.

To make a much more radical suggestion:

Working within the context:
onAddToContext  [postRegister at the moment]
onRemoveFromContext   [doesn't exist now, but seems symmetrical]

onDelete  [deleted in context]

beforeCommit  [preRemove, prePersist and preUpdate together]
afterCommit  [postRemove, postPersist and postUpdate together]

onFetch   [postLoad at the moment]

If we use words (like "commit") which already have meaning to  
Cayenne users, then it is very clear what is going on and it  
separates them from the JPA words. Then our docs have a little table  
with two columns, showing where our terms match the JPA terms  
exactly and where they differ. Avoiding "pre" and "post" completely  
keeps our terms quite separate. Then we don't even need to deprecate  
the JPA terms at all, just keep them as an 'alias' to Cayenne terms  
where appropriate.

Let me explain my rationale for merging remove, persist and update.  
It is easily possible within the callback itself to determine the  
state of the object, so the user can write code which branches  
appropriately. We find ourselves needing to link both persist and  
update together anyway, because it is likely that the same code will  
run for both. Next, the user action which caused the callback to  
happen was commit(), so it just makes logical sense. Finally, it  
means that the context itself can have its own beforeCommit and  
afterCommit callbacks (with the same names so it all makes  
consistent sense!):

beforeCommit -> object A
beforeCommit -> object B
beforeCommit -> context
...DB activity...
afterCommit -> object A
afterCommit -> object B
afterCommit -> context

This is a bit more work in the modeller to keep both JPA and Cayenne  
callbacks clear, but the end result might be more understandable,  
even if we end up with beforeCommitDelete, beforeCommitInsert,  



Aristedes Maniatis
GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C  5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A

Re: Making sense of callbacks

2009-09-27 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Sep 28, 2009, at 4:08 AM, Lachlan Deck wrote:

So from what I can see the only two changes required were  
'postInsert' and adjusting the meaning of prePersist

I also tend to think that less is better. This discussion thread was a  
nice brainstorming on the callbacks use patterns. So we've played with  
a few things and now I am fine if we go a full circle to the minimal  
change suggested earlier, and don't worry about JPA users, extra  
delete callbacks, or symmetry between callback types (in many respects  
there's little symmetry if you look at the object lifecycle - 

So here is the change I am going to make:

1. Call "prePersist" before commit
2. Introduce "postAdd" instead of current "prePersist".

This change is minimal and is not incompatible with other ideas.  


Re: Passing null values in parameters, part 2 )

2009-09-28 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Yeah, seems like a JDBC driver issue having hard time guessing the  
type of the result (which Cayenne takes from ResultSetMetadata). So  
just to doublecheck, if you do #bind($MyNumericColumn 'int'), it  
doesn't make a difference?

As for the solution if nothing works, Cayenne 3.0 has an ability to  
set explicit result mapping via API:

Not sure 100% if it solves this problem, but let's check things one  
step at a time...


On Sep 28, 2009, at 5:58 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:

Hello to everyone!

After previous fix I can pass null values in parameters to  

It's working and it's cool!

Now I have one more issue... :

Here is query (very simple.. to focus on this issue, that I can't
avoid by changing SQL or add directives like #bind or #result)

SELECT isnull(#bind($MyNumericColumn), AnotherNumericColumn) AS
MyColumn FROM MyTable

If I pass some not null Decimal value it's working properly and
returns BigDecimal value.

But if I pass null or not pass anything.. it's still working! but
return type is java.lang.String .. course null now has special JDBC
type for it and JDBC converts my Numeric to String.

I have only one idea: pass JDBC type with my null in parameters
(like special class "JDBCTypedNull" with constructor and pass there
JDBC type or value type and map it to JDBC).

Any other suggestions?

Best regards,
Evgeny Ryabitskiy.

Re: CM Bug?

2009-09-28 Thread Andrus Adamchik
This could be due to the long standing preferences stability bug.  
Check ~/.cayenne/prefs/1.2 directory. If you see a bunch of db1.XXX,  
db2.XXX files, it means the prefs db is in a bad state. In this case  
my suggestion is to stop the Modeler and rm -rf the entire ~/.cayenne/ 
prefs/1.2 folder.

I hope Olga may have some time to look at Modeler preferences rework  
for 3.0 to use built-in Java preferences API instead of relying on the  
embeddable DB's.


On Sep 28, 2009, at 10:28 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:
Can anyone else confirm this?  It has happened to me twice today so  

I have a local data source defined (in CM preferences).  If I change
models, the local data source goes away.  Permanently.  It isn't even
there if I open up the original model I had been using where I know I
had the data source.  Also, the ClassPath setting in CM preferences
gets nuked, too.  Maybe more.

Re: CM Bug?

2009-09-29 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Sep 29, 2009, at 10:23 AM, Adrian A. wrote:

Wouldn't simply replacing HSQLDB with H2 (http:// solve the problem with far less effort?

Possibly. H2 option had been discussed, but I guess nobody ever tried  
it. Thanks for the hint.


Re: Passing null values in parameters, part 2 )

2009-09-29 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Sep 28, 2009, at 11:09 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:

If I explicitly set JDBC type in bind directive, I get right type  
(the one

that I have set explicitly).

Good to know.

Set whole result is a solution but also not so flexible. If I have  
from 10 columns and want change type of only one column I should  
pass all 10

types (where 9 is same that returns by default).

Agree, this is painful, done for purely implementation reasons and is  
something we should handle better.

I wish to have ability to optionally set result type for several  

from API.
I have very simple idea: To have standard Object-wrapper (name like
"BindValue" or something like that) that contains reference to  
Object (or

null) and it's JDBC type and precision.
After we touch BindDirective to work with this "BindValue", we can  

pass BindValue and explicitly set JDBC type through API.

I like the idea, but maybe we can take this even further, and provide  
an API substitute for the entire directive, e.g. instead of


we'd have


i.e. from the user standpoint, extra #bind(..) wrapper seems  
redundant. Now wonder if we can extend that to other directives, such  
as #result?

What do you think?


Re: Passing null values in parameters, part 2 )

2009-09-29 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Sep 29, 2009, at 12:43 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:

I create CAY-1280 and attached draft patch. Maybe I should export  
this mail conversion there?

Yeah I saw that. I suggest we keep the discussion on the list for now,  
until we come to some conclusion. Then we can simply add a thread  
archive URL to the Jira for reference.

in theory we can do
intelligent analyze of SQL query and parameter to determine if we
should do bind or put it in template (like table name) but it's not

Yes, this is what I had in mind. E.g. making special parameters to  
implement "Directive" interface of some sort. Why do you think this is  
a bad idea?

It will work exactly like #bind directive if the parameter is  
BindDirective, as #result if a parameter is a ResultDirective, etc. It  
seems to be equally counterintuitive to pass a special wrapper object  
in a variable inside of #bind, as it is in a standalone variable :-)  
But in the later case we get a more concise syntax that can help in  
case of large queries.


Re: CM Bug?

2009-09-29 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Some preferences are indeed per project, with the key tied to the  
absolute filesystem path.


On Sep 29, 2009, at 4:48 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

H2 might be worth trying, but it seems to me that CM resets the
preferences when you open or create a new model.  I'd have to dig in
the code a bit, but it sure felt that way the past few days ...

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 3:29 AM, Andrus Adamchik > wrote:

On Sep 29, 2009, at 10:23 AM, Adrian A. wrote:

Wouldn't simply replacing HSQLDB with H2 (http://

solve the problem with far less effort?

Possibly. H2 option had been discussed, but I guess nobody ever  
tried it.

Thanks for the hint.


Re: Passing null values in parameters, part 2 )

2009-09-30 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Sep 29, 2009, at 5:42 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:

1) When we don't have bind in template:

SELECT * FROM Table1 where PersonName = $MyParamName

2) When we have #bind in template but wish to overwrite it's
parameters (JDBC type and precision) via API.

SELECT * FROM Table1 where PersonID = @bind($MyParamName 'NUMERIC' 2)
/* pass BindDirective with precision 0 here */

Trying to understand whether the second option is redundant. Do you  
feel like option #1 won't be sufficient and we need to mix  
BindDirective with #bind? Maybe you have a good example why this is  

About ResultDirective... it is used for SQL return... so we can pass
name, jdbc type and precision (no value) to parameters and use it's as
hints while mapping to return values.

Yeah, the idea here is to fully emulate #result() directive behavior,  
so the properties will be the same as the #result() parameters.

BTW if we can come up with a sensible implementation of CAY-1282 that  
you just opened, it will be great. This will require some smart  
matching of column names obtained from ResultSetMetadata with  
explicitly mapped columns. Not impossible I guess.

P.S. Sorry for so slow answering, GMail page is banned at my work  
proxy :/

No worries. People here are used to asynchronous communication.


Re: Adding enums?

2009-09-30 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Sep 30, 2009, at 6:13 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

I've got a first cut of this ready to check-in after I create a ticket
(which I'll have to do at home).


 For now, I'm using SortOrder, but
I'm sure that can change (be refactored) before 3.0 goes final if a
better name is desired.

That has to be "before 3.0 goes Beta", as our beta promise is no API  
changes, unless absolutely required to fix a bug.


Re: Passing null values in parameters, part 2 )

2009-09-30 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Sep 30, 2009, at 6:21 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:

P.S. Patch was for CAY-1282 ready in the morning (hours ago) but... I
couldn't login to Apache JIRA :

I can confirm that the problem was on Apache side.


Fwd: SvnPubSub websites -- need more volunteers

2009-10-01 Thread Andrus Adamchik

FYI: I think this is something we can take advantage of.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Paul Querna 
Date: October 1, 2009 9:46:17 AM GMT+03:00
Subject: SvnPubSub websites -- need more volunteers

Hi, is now managed by SvnPubSub.

I think we are ready to add more.

Any volunteer TLPs?

Once its done, any commit to your SVN repo for your site will be
automatically propagated to the live servers within seconds.

Things i need to know:
- Path to Website Checkout
- If applicable, do you need a dev/dist directory
- Do you want a $ (Just maps to another SVN
url, like $tlp/site/branche/staging)

Notes to self current process:
- Add new paths to /etc/svnwcsub.conf
- Checkout svn paths to /x1/tmp
- mv /x1/www/$tlp  old-site && mv /x1/tmp/$tlp /x1/www/$tlp
- chown -R svnwc /x1/www/$tlp
- /etc/init.d/svnwcsub restart

Re: [jira] Updated: (CAY-1284) Update Cayenne Modeler to use the AWT file dialog on OS X.

2009-10-01 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Hi Michael,

Update CM to conditionally check which OS and display the  
appropriate dialog for OS X.

I mentioned that before in the discussion about OS X menus  
customizations, and let me bring it up again. If possible let's avoid  
OS checking in the core Modeler code, and implement any OS-specific  
extensions as overrides in the corresponding OS specific modules, in  
this case "org.apache.cayenne:cayenne-modeler-mac-ext". Let's keep our  
code clean.


On Oct 1, 2009, at 3:05 PM, Michael Gentry (JIRA) wrote:


Michael Gentry updated CAY-1284:

  Assignee: (was: Michael Gentry)
On OS X, the AWT file dialog is mapped to the standard system dialog  
by Apple.  The Swing file dialog is a much less usable (and foreign)  
version.  Update CM to conditionally check which OS and display the  
appropriate dialog for OS X.

The Ordering class currently takes booleans to indicate ascending/ 
descending and case sensitive/insensitive.  When reading the code,  
it is impossible to know what "true" and "false" actually mean  
unless you are familiar with the API.  Update the class to use  
descriptive enums instead of boolean flags.

   Environment: OS X  (was: All.)
   Summary: Update Cayenne Modeler to use the AWT file dialog on  
OS X.  (was: Update Ordering to take enums instead of boolean flags.)

Update Cayenne Modeler to use the AWT file dialog on OS X.

   Key: CAY-1284
   Project: Cayenne
Issue Type: Improvement
Components: CayenneModeler GUI
  Affects Versions: 3.0M6
   Environment: OS X
  Reporter: Michael Gentry
  Priority: Minor
   Fix For: Short term future

On OS X, the AWT file dialog is mapped to the standard system  
dialog by Apple.  The Swing file dialog is a much less usable (and  
foreign) version.  Update CM to conditionally check which OS and  
display the appropriate dialog for OS X.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

Re: SvnPubSub websites -- need more volunteers

2009-10-01 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Ah right. We don't check in docs to SVN like we used to before  
Confluence. Then it is of no use to us. Sorry for the noise.


On Oct 2, 2009, at 2:37 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

On 1/10/09 5:07 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

FYI: I think this is something we can take advantage of.

I'm a bit confused about how we would use it. Here's what I know of  
in our publishing process:

1. Confluence -> autoexport -> disk -> rsync -> web server (/)
2. Javadoc maven build (p.a.o/~amaniatis) -> disk -> rsync -> webs  
server (/doc/api)

3. maven script run just before release -> docs commit to svn

Are you thinking about step 3 for this tool?



Aristedes Maniatis
GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C  5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A

Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-1287) SQLTemplate for not-mapping (DataRow) queries

2009-10-02 Thread Andrus Adamchik

I am taking this to dev, as Jira is a poor medium for discussion.

On Oct 2, 2009, at 2:33 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy (JIRA) wrote:
But it's also very confusing to developer course he don't know which  
Map to Use and User Guide have nothing about it.

How come you don't know which DataMap to use, but know which DataNode  
to use? I would think that if you know the later, you'd definitely  
know the former. Unless you have projects that are just DataNodes  
without any DataMaps?

We should write about it there!

I have simple solution for it.. At least it's not confusing to new  
developer :

// new constructor using only DataNode
public SQLTemplate(DataNode dataNode, String defaultTemplate) {
//use any DomainMap course there is no metter...
this(dataNode.getDomainMaps.iterator().next(), defaultTemplate);

I explained why this is not going to work in Jira. Let me reiterate.  
Referencing DataNode in the user code is prohibited by design. Queries  
are designed to be run via an ObjectContext that can map to multiple  
nodes, and can be executed from remote layers with no access to  
DataNode. So Cayenne general purpose queries must not have API  
dependency on the DataNode. There's a level of indirection that I  
think is not that hard for the end user to use.

I can agree about better documentation, but now that I described how  
it works, does it make sense? It is easier to create missing  
documentation instead of changing the main framework assumptions.


Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-1287) SQLTemplate for not-mapping (DataRow) queries

2009-10-02 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 2, 2009, at 3:28 PM, Рябицкий Евгений wrote:

DataMap doesn't belong to DataNode?

It does not "belong", but is rather "linked to" a single DataNode.

Still think that we can improve Cayenne query engine ;)

I don't disagree with such statement in general. There's lots of  
legacy API that we should clean up. I explained why this specific  
suggestion won't be a good idea though.

P.S. Don't want to be annoying... but still looking forward to you  
answers to my other issues... :)

Sure. Could you please send those as an email to this or the user  
list. I may not be able to answer right away (busy with work), but  
others may have answers faster. Having it on the list instead of Jira  
provides a better chance it gets noticed.


Re: Passing null values in parameters, part 2 )

2009-10-03 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Sep 30, 2009, at 6:21 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:

Without this option I have to variants:
1) Change #bind($) to $... everywhere and every time pass our
special mapping objects to parameters (I will die/be killed by
colleges early...).

So this argument is based on the fact that people are using #bind()  
already. With the new approach they'd just need to optionally change  
the Java parameter code, and the alternative would be to change both  
template code as well as Java code. I am still not convinced that the  
second option is any harder or more confusing. To me the first option  
is confusing actually - when I pass a binding object, and the  
directive already has some properties, it is not immediately obvious  
which set of properties will take effect.

2) Use not general style in SQLTemplate, somewhere with #bind,
somewhere not... Firstly it's confusing... Second Is potential errors
when I forget where I should pass simple Object and where is special
bind object.

Our current approach with Velocity templates is by definition error- 
prone, as there's no parameter type checking anywhere. IMO adding the  
new option won't make it better or worse in this respect.

Just like you in this case, I always look at the new API from the  
point of view of whether it is internally consistent and easy to  
explain to the end users. In this case I think having  
"$xyzSpecialObject" as an alternative to an "#XYZ" directive seems  
like a straightforward symmetrical replacement. At the same time using  
"#XYZ($xyzSpecialObject $p1 $p2 $p3)" as a way to override some  
parameters appears indeterministic to an uninitiated person.


Re: Making sense of callbacks

2009-10-03 Thread Andrus Adamchik
I finished this per CAY-1281. Project upgrade is performed on opening  
it in the Modeler, so migration for the existing callback users is  

Haven't checked whether that works for ROP. I would appreciate if  
somebody could help me with that.


On Sep 28, 2009, at 9:53 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

On Sep 28, 2009, at 4:08 AM, Lachlan Deck wrote:

So from what I can see the only two changes required were  
'postInsert' and adjusting the meaning of prePersist

I also tend to think that less is better. This discussion thread was  
a nice brainstorming on the callbacks use patterns. So we've played  
with a few things and now I am fine if we go a full circle to the  
minimal change suggested earlier, and don't worry about JPA users,  
extra delete callbacks, or symmetry between callback types (in many  
respects there's little symmetry if you look at the object lifecycle  

So here is the change I am going to make:

1. Call "prePersist" before commit
2. Introduce "postAdd" instead of current "prePersist".

This change is minimal and is not incompatible with other ideas.  


Re: Passing null values in parameters, part 2 )

2009-10-05 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Hi Evgeny,

Thanks for explaining it in detail. I think now I am clear on the  
proposed scope of the feature and the motivation behind it. While this  
didn't change my initial assessment of the redundancy of the  
#bind($bind) option, still I see no harm in the extra functionality of  
the #bind directive, especially considering that you will be  
submitting a patch for it (so I agree to disagree :-)). So let's go  
for it.

I suggest that we don't limit it to just #bind($bind), but support it  
for all flavors of the bind directive. Also like CAY-1282, this is  
something that will go to 3.0 only. As we've contemplated doing a 3.0  
beta release soon, keep us posted on the progress, as beta would also  
mean a complete feature freeze for 3.0. And on the upside, it may mean  
that your company can start using 3.0 as an API-stable release in your  


On Oct 4, 2009, at 6:56 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:

So this argument is based on the fact that people are using #bind()  

With the new approach they'd just need to optionally change the Java
parameter code, and the alternative would be to change both  
template code as

well as Java code.

Yes! My argument is based on that people are using #bind already in
our NamedQueries in our xml files... And no one want to change
something that was written once and still working...
Maybe one thing that I forgot to tell... Any our NamedQuery can be
used in lot's of places... Yeah... huge bank systems
And I can't change it one place from Java and one from queries. I
should find every use of this query in Java and change it to use
BindObject it's too painful!
So that is why Queries should be independent from Java-code, that is
why I need queries in one stile and can't just delete somewhere #bind
and somewhere not.
So again I have only 2 options.. no compromises: 1)everywhere #bind;
2) nowhere #bind and special BindObject everywhere in Java Code.

I am not going to choose second option... :) So without overwriting
this API tool is useless for us.
I know Cayenne is not just for me and my project (even my project is
great!)... but I also don't think that my case is so unic.
I'm not along who wish to have queries in one style!

I am still not convinced that the second option is any
harder or more confusing. To me the first option is confusing  
actually -
when I pass a binding object, and the directive already has some  
it is not immediately obvious which set of properties will take  

For me and my team it's absolutely not confusing. Look.. we have some
NamedQuery.. it's used in several places.
So in one place we are passing null and I wish to pass type with this
null to do some hint for JDBC driver to use right type mapping.
So I am overwriting default mapping from #bind($..) by BindValue
object and... few lines later.. I am expecting right type mapping in
result. Don't think it should be confusing to developer.

Just like you in this case, I always look at the new API from the  
point of
view of whether it is internally consistent and easy to explain to  
the end
users. In this case I think having "$xyzSpecialObject" as an  
alternative to
an "#XYZ" directive seems like a straightforward symmetrical  
replacement. At

the same time using "#XYZ($xyzSpecialObject $p1 $p2 $p3)" as a way to
override some parameters appears indeterministic to an uninitiated  

When I was talking about overwriting I had in mind just #bind($...)
directive, without explicit set of JDBC type.
The point of "my" overwriting is to control implicit binding (where is
no JDBC type parameter in SQLTemplate).
So maybe in case of #bind($param 'VARCHAR') it can be confusing to
overwrite type from API.

So... I can suggest one more compromise to overwrite #bind($..) only
where is no explicit JDBC type. Less confusing... more safe from
developer point

Evgeny Ryabitskiy.

Beta 1 ?

2009-10-08 Thread Andrus Adamchik
I suggest that we consider wrapping up the current release cycle,  
release 3.0B1 and go into a runtime new feature freeze associated with  
the Beta part of the cycle.

We had a burst of new development activity in the past couple of  
weeks, which is awesome, and I don't want to get in its way with the  
feature freeze, but let's see what issues we have left, and see which  
ones are actually being worked on:

CAY-1282: I think this is close to completion by Evgeny, and is a very  
nice addition that I'd love to see in Cayenne.
CAY-1287: IMO the only thing that is needed there is docs improvement,  
so not a subject to code freeze.

CAY-1283: In progress (or is it finished?)
CAY-1280: An idea of overrides for SQLTemplates. I think Evgeny is  
also planning to work on it in the near term.
CAY-1284, CAY-1288: Not sure if Michael plans an immediate action on  

So unless Michael and Evgeny ask for more time to finish CAY-1280,  
CAY-1284, CAY-1288, I suggest that we have a preliminary B1 tag date  
set to 2 weeks from now - October 22. By then we'll see how we are  
doing with the remaining tasks, and make a decision.

Finally, I think Beta should go into a stable branch, and then trunk  
can be immediately open for 3.1 commits without affecting the Beta.  
But then of course we need to keep trunk in sync with Beta bug fixes  
and Modeler changes, which IMO not a big deal, just something to keep  
in mind.


Re: Beta 1 ?

2009-10-08 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 8, 2009, at 2:38 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

It shows CAY-1239

I am ready to sacrifice this one.

CAY-1276 on the way to Beta1. And, we'll have to

Yeah, need to finish that. I will chat Olga - hopefully we can do it.

finish CAY-1191 which is Undo/Redo to be able to release 3.0B1.

Traditionally we don't freeze the Modeler in Beta, as officially  
Modeler code is a black box to the users. It is frozen for stability  
reasons at the next stage - RC (release candidate), so this one won't  
get in the way. CAY-1260 is another Modeler issue that I just  
reclassified as 3.0, since it is almost done, but may not be finished  
by B1.


Re: svn commit: r822698 - /cayenne/main/trunk/framework/cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished/src/main/java/org/apache/cayenne/reflect/

2009-10-08 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Nah, just overlooked it during refactoring I guess. Good catch. Thanks  
for fixing it.


On Oct 8, 2009, at 4:45 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

Hi Andrus,

Was removing prePersist from Lifecycle listener done intentionally?


Author: andrey
Date: Wed Oct  7 12:42:39 2009
New Revision: 822698

fixing problem with default listeners in new callback model








Wed Oct  7 12:42:39 2009
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
   public void addDefaultListener(LifecycleListener listener) {
   addDefaultListener(LifecycleEvent.POST_ADD, listener,  

+addDefaultListener(LifecycleEvent.PRE_PERSIST, listener,
   addDefaultListener(LifecycleEvent.POST_PERSIST, listener,
   addDefaultListener(LifecycleEvent.PRE_REMOVE, listener,
   addDefaultListener(LifecycleEvent.POST_REMOVE, listener,


Re: Beta 1 ?

2009-10-08 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 8, 2009, at 4:51 PM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

 Can I suggest that all tasks be moved out of 3.0 and into 3.0 beta  
1 or into 3.1 as appropriate.


Ideally 3.0 is reserved for tasks which are bugs found in beta 1.

Also unfinished Modeler tasks that are not bugs.


Re: Cayenne-trunk - Build # 477 - Failure

2009-10-08 Thread Andrus Adamchik

This is something related to the latest Andrey's commit:



[INFO] Compilation failure

framework/cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished/src/test/java/org/apache/cayenne/[197,28] org.apache.cayenne.CayenneContextWithDataContextTest$1> is not  
abstract and does not override abstract method  
prePersist(java.lang.Object) in org.apache.cayenne.LifecycleListener

framework/cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished/src/test/java/org/apache/cayenne/[298,28] org.apache.cayenne.CayenneContextWithDataContextTest$2> is not  
abstract and does not override abstract method  
prePersist(java.lang.Object) in org.apache.cayenne.LifecycleListener

framework/cayenne-jdk1.5-unpublished/src/test/java/org/apache/cayenne/[354,28] org.apache.cayenne.CayenneContextWithDataContextTest$3> is not  
abstract and does not override abstract method  
prePersist(java.lang.Object) in org.apache.cayenne.LifecycleListener

On Oct 8, 2009, at 5:29 PM, Apache Hudson Server wrote:

The Apache Hudson build system has built Cayenne-trunk (build #477)

Status: Failure

Check console output at 
 to view the results.

Re: ObjectContext Questions

2009-10-08 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 8, 2009, at 7:09 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

Does it make sense to use  here?  After all,
deleteObject() doesn't use it:

   void deleteObject(Object object) throws DeleteDenyException;

Good question... Using Object instead of Persistent was a move towards  
POJO persistent objects, which only happened half way in 3.0... I am  
ok if we do not parameterize the collection here.

Also, I noticed this added to 3.0:

   void prepareForAccess(Persistent object, String property, boolean

Seems like that boolean would be another good place to have an enum  

Actually no. To me it looks like a case when boolean is just that - a  


Re: Beta 1 ?

2009-10-08 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Milestone releases had lots of unfinished *new* functionality, as we  
only guaranteed that the *existing* functionality is working. Same  
thing here, only the scope of unfinished functionality is limited to  
the Modeler. We define what Milestone vs. Beta vs. RC means, and  
historically the meaning has been what I just mentioned. Don't see any  
problem with this approach going forward, as long as we explain the  
rules to the users.

Also the downside of NOT declaring Beta until we reach some ideal  
state throughout the board, is that the feature creep will continue,  
and it will be hard to stop it.


On Oct 8, 2009, at 9:39 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
Traditionally we don't freeze the Modeler in Beta, as officially  
code is a black box to the users. It is frozen for stability  
reasons at the
next stage - RC (release candidate), so this one won't get in the  

Yes but release is sort of product, so I'd prefer it would not have
half-finished functionality. There's not that much to finish anyways

Re: Test results

2009-10-09 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 9, 2009, at 2:33 PM, Ольга Ткачева wrote:

I will try to find reasons this.

Hi Olga,

Yeah, looks like a few things have changed since M6. Thanks for doing  
all this regression testing and working on fixing it. Hopefully this  
is just a few problems that affected the variety of test conditions.


Re: ObjectContext Questions

2009-10-09 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 8, 2009, at 10:40 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

It just seems like it is caught in 3 different lands: pre-generics,
generics, and POJO.

That's one of my biggest headaches. You'd be experimenting with new  
things, going through trial and error cycles, learning, gathering  
feedback, and then somewhere along that way your unfinished designs  
become public API and you can't change it anymore. This is why JPA was  
so attractive at first - it has a very thin layer of public API, and  
85% of the framework is private. And this is why I brought up  
dependency injection (and implicitly, coding to interfaces) as a  
prospective future direction.

Hmmm... sometimes I feel like attacking that the Tapestry (or Log4J/ 
SLF4J) way - rewriting things from scratch to have a fresh and fully  
consistent framework. But then I realize that I won't be able to spend  
the next 2-3 years of my life to create something that is already  
available and works, and lose the entire community in the process.

Alas, we are stuck in the imperfect world, and will have to make  
incremental changes :-/


Re: ObjectContext Questions

2009-10-09 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Yeah, I wasn't making an excuse, just sharing my perception of  
reality :-)


On Oct 9, 2009, at 4:23 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

I'm quite OK with incremental changes.  I was just pointing out that
when you look at that one class (which is pretty core) it is a bit of
a head-scratcher.  No worries, though.  And no one expects you to be
Howard.  One of Cayenne's strengths is the stability it has had.



On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 7:42 AM, Andrus Adamchik > wrote:

On Oct 8, 2009, at 10:40 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

It just seems like it is caught in 3 different lands: pre-generics,
generics, and POJO.

That's one of my biggest headaches. You'd be experimenting with new  
going through trial and error cycles, learning, gathering feedback,  
and then
somewhere along that way your unfinished designs become public API  
and you
can't change it anymore. This is why JPA was so attractive at first  
- it has
a very thin layer of public API, and 85% of the framework is  
private. And
this is why I brought up dependency injection (and implicitly,  
coding to

interfaces) as a prospective future direction.

Hmmm... sometimes I feel like attacking that the Tapestry (or Log4J/ 
way - rewriting things from scratch to have a fresh and fully  
framework. But then I realize that I won't be able to spend the  
next 2-3
years of my life to create something that is already available and  

and lose the entire community in the process.

Alas, we are stuck in the imperfect world, and will have to make  

changes :-/


Re: [jira] Resolved: (CAY-1288) Add deleteObjects() to ObjectContext

2009-10-09 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 9, 2009, at 10:13 PM, Michael Gentry (JIRA) wrote:

Fix Version/s: (was: 3.0)

I think this should be 3.0-beta1.

Re: [jira] Resolved: (CAY-1288) Add deleteObjects() to ObjectContext

2009-10-09 Thread Andrus Adamchik


On Oct 9, 2009, at 10:20 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

So it should be the release targeted and not the code baseline it was
fixed from?

On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Andrus Adamchik > wrote:

On Oct 9, 2009, at 10:13 PM, Michael Gentry (JIRA) wrote:

Fix Version/s: (was: 3.0)

I think this should be 3.0-beta1.

Re: svn commit: r824078 - /cayenne/main/trunk/pom.xml

2009-10-11 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Wonder if that's such a good idea?

The last time we had dependencies from snapshot repository on, we had a major problem when it got wiped out  
without warning one day. Maybe worth checking with either infra, or  
the maven dev list whether they promise any kind of stability on, and what is their snapshot pruning policy.

I dread the return of the days of broken Maven builds from the not so  
distant past.


On Oct 11, 2009, at 4:59 PM, wrote:

Author: andrey
Date: Sun Oct 11 13:59:36 2009
New Revision: 824078

changing surefire version


Modified: cayenne/main/trunk/pom.xml

--- cayenne/main/trunk/pom.xml (original)
+++ cayenne/main/trunk/pom.xml Sun Oct 11 13:59:36 2009
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@


@@ -546,6 +546,20 @@

+   plugin-snapshots
+   Apache Snapshots Repository
+   default
+   true
+   weekly
+   ignore
+   false

@@ -553,6 +567,7 @@

+   2.5-SNAPSHOT

		-Dcayenne.test.connection=${cayenne.test.connection} -

Re: [jira] Updated: (CAY-1282) Use #result as optional directive for only few columns (not all)

2009-10-11 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Hi Evgeny,

As always, thanks for the patch. A few comments:

1. A refactoring suggestion: move the new static methods introduced in  
ColumnDescriptor to non-static methods of RowDescriptorBuilder.
2. In 3.0 unit test classes are using *Test suffix instead of *Tst,  
and also we no longer put @author tags in the code.

Both items above are minor, and I can change them myself. Here is one  
potentially bigger issue with the patch though:

3. The patch merges 2 strategies for creation of columns descriptor  
into one, that requires access to ResultSetMetadata. I am not sure  
that ResultSet.getMetaData() is a trivial operation for all JDBC  
drivers that we support. I suspect there may be overhead accessing  
this data at least on some DBs. While we can verify this theory, I am  
wondering if we should, as in most cases we control the query syntax  
and don't need to consult ResultSetMetadata at all.

So maybe preserve the flow in RowDescriptorBuilder, and use your  
strategy merging explicit and implicit column descriptors *only* when  
an optional metadata object is initialized?


On Oct 9, 2009, at 2:08 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy (JIRA) wrote:


Evgeny Ryabitskiy updated CAY-1282:

   Attachment: CAY-1282-3.patch


Use #result as optional directive for only few columns (not all)

   Key: CAY-1282
   Project: Cayenne
Issue Type: Improvement
Components: Cayenne Core Library
  Affects Versions: 1.2.5, 2.0.5, 3.0
  Reporter: Evgeny Ryabitskiy
  Assignee: Andrus Adamchik
   Fix For: 3.0 beta 1

   Attachments: CAY-1282-3.patch, CAY-1282-3.patch,  
CAY-1282-3.patch, CAY-1282-3.patch, CAY-1282-3.patch, CAY-1282.patch

Here is few queries to show the problem:
- working properly
SELECT #result('ARTIST_ID' 'java.lang.Integer'),  
#result('ARTIST_NAME' 'java.lang.String') FROM ARTIST

- also working properly
SELECT ARTIST_ID,  #result('ARTIST_NAME' 'java.lang.String') FROM  

- first column is returned as null!!! Not nice...

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

Re: svn commit: r824078 - /cayenne/main/trunk/pom.xml

2009-10-11 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 11, 2009, at 5:14 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

Well, as already mentioned, we need surefire-2.5, which is in that  

It's not much help if that snapshot gets deleted from there tomorrow  
without telling us, which is a real possibility, as it happened before.

 I'm afraid I don't know whom to ask about stability of the repo.

You may start with infrastruct...@a.o


Re: svn commit: r824078 - /cayenne/main/trunk/pom.xml

2009-10-11 Thread Andrus Adamchik
BTW, as a backup plan I can import all needed snapshots to 
 which is already referenced from Cayenne POMs. Just give me a list  
of artifacts.


On Oct 11, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

On Oct 11, 2009, at 5:14 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

Well, as already mentioned, we need surefire-2.5, which is in that  

It's not much help if that snapshot gets deleted from there tomorrow  
without telling us, which is a real possibility, as it happened  

I'm afraid I don't know whom to ask about stability of the repo.

You may start with infrastruct...@a.o


Re: [jira] Updated: (CAY-1282) Use #result as optional directive for only few columns (not all)

2009-10-12 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 12, 2009, at 12:38 AM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:

If we talking about re-factor... I really wish to rewrite there
everything to use some Collection.. like ArrayList... or maybe even
In that case I can use just really fast hashed contains() method
instead going through all array of columns.
So.. collections is more safe, is much more flexible in code. And in
some cases even faster.  I think usage of simple arrays is deprecated
since Java 1.5
But it's huge patch.. to change every ColumnDescriptor[] on some
Collection. So.. what do you think?

It doesn't matter how this represented *inside* the builder class, as  
builder is used only once per query. On the other hand, coming out of  
the builder it must be optimized, as access to the column descriptors  
array is performed N*M times during each result set processing, where  
N is the width of the result set, and M is its length. I.e. it can be  
a very large number (up to tens or hundreds of millions calls). Every  
small optimization matters here.

I think usage of simple arrays is deprecated since Java 1.5

This is most certainly NOT true.

3. The patch merges 2 strategies for creation of columns descriptor  

one, that requires access to ResultSetMetadata. I am not sure that
ResultSet.getMetaData() is a trivial operation for all JDBC drivers  
that we
support. I suspect there may be overhead accessing this data at  
least on

some DBs. While we can verify this theory.

Yeah.. we should verify it, but I think ResultSetMetadata is formed
when result is returned.. anyway.. It's just a getter... do you think
ResultSetMetadata is "lazy" initialized?

This is something I don't know. We need to check about a dozen of  
drivers from different vendors that we support to verify that. This is  
just a getter in the interface. Implementors could've made it anything.

So maybe preserve the flow in RowDescriptorBuilder, and use your  
merging explicit and implicit column descriptors *only* when an  

metadata object is initialized?

The problem that if we don't set ResultSetMetadata like in current
(trunk) version, without ResultSetMetadata  we don't know all

Not true. We don't know all the columns for SQLTemplate queries. For  
all other types of queries we DO know all the columns, as Cayenne  
generates SQL from scratch for those queries. I think this one place  
is where we have the biggest mismatch in our views of the  


Re: [jira] Updated: (CAY-1282) Use #result as optional directive for only few columns (not all)

2009-10-12 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 12, 2009, at 10:30 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

Yeah.. we should verify it, but I think ResultSetMetadata is formed
when result is returned.. anyway.. It's just a getter... do you think
ResultSetMetadata is "lazy" initialized?

This is something I don't know. We need to check about a dozen of  
drivers from different vendors that we support to verify that. This  
is just a getter in the interface. Implementors could've made it  

Another thing to check here is actually reading column data from  
returned ResultSetMetadata, as lazy resolving of it can be postponed a  
step further.


Re: [jira] Updated: (CAY-1282) Use #result as optional directive for only few columns (not all)

2009-10-12 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Excellent. Looks like we are on the same page now.

Re: HashSet (HashMap?) vs. []. The map is definitely performing better  
when you are looking up a value by its key. This may be the case when  
we are assembling column descriptors inside the builder. This  
operation is done 1 time (ok maybe it is done N times, where N is the  
number of columns).

However processing the ResultSet is a different story. There's no  
lookup by key. For each ResultSet row we need to apply ALL column  
descriptors one by one to get the values out. So with a HashSet/ 
HashMap we'd have this:

   Iterator it = map.values().iterator();
   while(it.hasNext()) {
   ColumnDescriptor column =;

With a ColumnDescriptor[] we have this:

  for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
   column = columns[i];

Both loops are done M times, where M is the number of rows in the  
ResultSet. In the worst case scenario, M is much larger than N. In the  
first case, we call three extra methods (iterator, hasNext, next) and  
create at least one extra object (Iterator). So the secon case is  
marginally faster. Now if you multiply that nanosecond or whatever  
difference by a few millions, it can become more significant.

So essentially when talking about this refactoring we need to separate  
the first step of preparing the columns, and the second step of using  


On Oct 12, 2009, at 12:38 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:

It doesn't matter how this represented *inside* the builder class, as
builder is used only once per query. On the other hand, coming out  
of the
builder it must be optimized, as access to the column descriptors  
array is
performed N*M times during each result set processing, where N is  
the width
of the result set, and M is its length. I.e. it can be a very large  
(up to tens or hundreds of millions calls). Every small  
optimization matters


So.. I was talking exactly about optimization... HashedSet array can
be faster cause we perform several scans over whole array of
ColumnDescriptors. And safety cause we don't get duplicates for
Columns. And.. I didn't get you position about this idea

This is something I don't know. We need to check about a dozen of  
from different vendors that we support to verify that. This is just  
a getter

in the interface. Implementors could've made it anything.

I have looked through JTDS drivers (not a dozen but a least one).
ResultSet has all information about columns (just  private final
ColInfo[] columns).
When getMetaData performed - constructs new Object that has reference
to array of columns from ResultSet .
Looks like there is no problem with JTDS.

The problem that if we don't set ResultSetMetadata like in current
(trunk) version, without ResultSetMetadata  we don't know all

Not true. We don't know all the columns for SQLTemplate queries.  
For all
other types of queries we DO know all the columns, as Cayenne  
generates SQL
from scratch for those queries. I think this one place is where we  
have the

biggest mismatch in our views of the implementation.

ah... now I see. You are right that was a mismatch in our views. I
will work on it in the evening.

Another thing to check here is actually reading column data from  
returned ResultSetMetadata, as lazy

resolving of it can be  postponed a step further.

Again in JTDS it's just a array of ColInfo (like our
ColumnDescriptor), it's passed to RowSet through constructor from
protocol implementation.

Evgeny Ryabitskiy.

Re: [jira] Updated: (CAY-1282) Use #result as optional directive for only few columns (not all)

2009-10-15 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Hi Evgeny,

First of all, thanks for your work on this patch. This closes arguably  
the biggest usability hole in SQLTemplate.

I Just committed the patch, with the only change being removal of the  
public case transform method from ColumnDescriptor and inlining it  
into the builder class. Also added this comment to the builder code:

// TODO: andrus, 10/14/2009 - 'equalsIgnoreCase' check can result in
// subtle bugs in DBs with case-sensitive column names (or when quotes  
// used to force case sensitivity). Alternatively using 'equals' may  

// columns in case-insensitive situations.

In a couple of days we'd see if this problem pops up during the tests  
with DBs other than HSQLDB. Hopefully not.

2. Also with this and CAY-1293 patch by Olga, we are very close to  
freezing the code for the 3.0 Beta. Are you planning to work on a  
patch for CAY-1280 in the nearest future, or are you ok to postpone it  
till 3.1 release (In practical terms, 3.1 choice means that if you'd  
like to use this in your work, you'd have to start using trunk builds  
with your apps, or maintain the internal patched version of 3.0).


Re: Test results

2009-10-15 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Thanks Olga. Aside from my comments on CAY-1293 Jira, looks like we  
are in a good shape. Although we'll need at least one more cross-DB  
regression to check CAY-1282 (and possibly yet uncommitted CAY-1280)  


On Oct 15, 2009, at 7:02 PM, Ольга Ткачева wrote:

I added patch in *CAY-1293 < 
It fix some tests. As a result, on databases postgres, oracle, h2,  

tests are successful.

I have not fix 2 failed tests in sqlserver and db2. And i didn't look

In sqlserver:

Failed tests:


In db2:

 Failed tests:


In mysql were 2 tests with errors. They were before, in last release.

Tests in error:



In derby were 2 tests with errors. They also were before. (derby don't
support DISTINCT in Subquerys)

 Tests in error:



9 октября 2009 г. 14:38 пользователь Andrus Adamchik 

On Oct 9, 2009, at 2:33 PM, Ольга Ткачева wrote:

I will try to find reasons this.

Hi Olga,

Yeah, looks like a few things have changed since M6. Thanks for  
doing all
this regression testing and working on fixing it. Hopefully this is  
just a

few problems that affected the variety of test conditions.



Re: [jira] Updated: (CAY-1282) Use #result as optional directive for only few columns (not all)

2009-10-16 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 16, 2009, at 12:44 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:

Yeah.. good idea. We should think about how we can get information
about "case-sensibility" of DB.
If you can give me some hint about it, I can just parametrize this
comparing for 2 columns.

Auto-guessing column capitalization has been challenging for us so  
far. Till now we sort of pushed that on the users (e.g. see a second  
patch for CAY-1293). Something to check is whether  
ResultSetMetaData.html.isCaseSensitive(..) works reliably across the  
board. Factors that can affect that (and that need to be tested) are:

* the type of the DB
* the way tables are created in that DB and other DB-specific  
configuration parameters that may affect case sensitivity
* whether Cayenne is configured to quote column names or not (this can  
be done in the Modeler since 3.0)

2. Also with this and CAY-1293 patch by Olga, we are very close to  
the code for the 3.0 Beta. Are you planning to work on a patch for  
in the nearest future, or are you ok to postpone it till 3.1  
release (In
practical terms, 3.1 choice means that if you'd like to use this in  
work, you'd have to start using trunk builds with your apps, or  
maintain the

internal patched version of 3.0).

Yes, I'm going to work on it on weekends.When we are going to freeze  
3.0 Beta?

Cool. A decision when to create a beta release tag will be a result of  
an informal consensus among Cayenne developers. IMO, the only thing  
left to finish is CAY-1280, so I am asking whether this is going to  
happen soon.


Re: [jira] Updated: (CAY-1282) Use #result as optional directive for only few columns (not all)

2009-10-16 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 16, 2009, at 8:04 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

Actually, as already mentioned, we need to do something around CAY-942
(query generics). This is very critical and desired API change

Not sure if we have another more precise Jira (since generics in  
relationships mentioned in this Jira have already been added).

Anyways, if we are talking about query generics, I did some research  
and prototyping of that in the past. My conclusion is that to do it  
right it has to be a rather dramatic change in Cayenne, affecting not  
simply the code, but a number design concepts. Essentially we have too  
many variables to squeeze into a rather rigid Java generics engine. To  
start, here is possible query result types:

 ? extends Persistent
 ? extends Object (unfinished POJO implementation)
 CayenneDataObject (as in "generic persistence" [1])
 Object[] (a mix of scalars and any of the above)

I don't see how we can easily parameterize that in a meaningful way.

So my vote is to postpone this till 3.1 and make it a 3.1 priority to  
create an appropriate generics based query design, and maybe reduce  
the number of options. I don't think significantly delaying and  
radically changing 3.0 (that has been de-facto stable for some time)  
is a good idea.



Re: [jira] Updated: (CAY-1282) Use #result as optional directive for only few columns (not all)

2009-10-18 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 16, 2009, at 6:17 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:

If I'm the only person who is blocking release then let's delay my
CAY-1280 till 3.1
We found some solution to handle our problems without this issue, so
we can wait.

Great, we'll go ahead with the release then.

But it's still very useful thing :)



release countdown

2009-10-21 Thread Andrus Adamchik
One more task left to do - update the user guide with things that  
changed from M6 and sync it to SVN. I will hopefully do that over the  
weekend and then assemble artifacts for a vote.


Re: release countdown

2009-10-22 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Thanks for brining it up. I completely forgot about this one. I  
suggest rescheduling CAY-400 to 3.1, as I suspect it will require a  
non-trivial time investment by a committer, and very likely will cause  
more API discussion.


On Oct 22, 2009, at 9:19 AM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

aren't we going to commit CAY-400? I think it was finished some time  

2009/10/22 Aristedes Maniatis 

On 21/10/09 6:32 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

One more task left to do - update the user guide with things that
changed from M6 and sync it to SVN. I will hopefully do that over  

weekend and then assemble artifacts for a vote.


What are we going to do with 

Also is CAY-1260 done?

It would be great to move everything in Jira to the right versions  
so it is

clear exactly what is left to do.



Aristedes Maniatis
GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C  5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A


Re: release countdown

2009-10-22 Thread Andrus Adamchik
* CAY-1067: changed issue to type to "Bug" (which it is), so we can  
work on it while in Beta.

* CAY-1141: related to inheritance, rescheduled.
* CAY-1152: may fix while in Beta, or may reschedule
* CAY-1162: closed as "Won't Fix". This was related to inheritance  
work that got postponed.
* CAY-1165: changed fix version to "Unknown". This is really low  
* CAY-1191: partially done. Per Andrey there are still some problems.  
Will hopefully fix them while in Beta.

* CAY-1239: rescheduled to 3.1
* CAY-1260: Mostly done, but still some rough spots remain. Planning  
to finish it while in Beta.
* CAY-1280: rescheduled to 3.1 per our conversation with Evgeny on  
this list

* CAY-1287: this is a documentation issue


On Oct 22, 2009, at 2:36 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

On 21/10/09 6:32 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

One more task left to do - update the user guide with things that
changed from M6 and sync it to SVN. I will hopefully do that over the
weekend and then assemble artifacts for a vote.


What are we going to do with 

Also is CAY-1260 done?

It would be great to move everything in Jira to the right versions  
so it is clear exactly what is left to do.



Aristedes Maniatis
GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C  5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A

Re: release countdown

2009-10-22 Thread Andrus Adamchik

So we are down to 5 Jiras in 3.0 list and 0 Jiras in B1 list.


On Oct 22, 2009, at 11:04 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

* CAY-1067: changed issue to type to "Bug" (which it is), so we can  
work on it while in Beta.

* CAY-1141: related to inheritance, rescheduled.
* CAY-1152: may fix while in Beta, or may reschedule
* CAY-1162: closed as "Won't Fix". This was related to inheritance  
work that got postponed.
* CAY-1165: changed fix version to "Unknown". This is really low  
* CAY-1191: partially done. Per Andrey there are still some  
problems. Will hopefully fix them while in Beta.

* CAY-1239: rescheduled to 3.1
* CAY-1260: Mostly done, but still some rough spots remain. Planning  
to finish it while in Beta.
* CAY-1280: rescheduled to 3.1 per our conversation with Evgeny on  
this list

* CAY-1287: this is a documentation issue


On Oct 22, 2009, at 2:36 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

On 21/10/09 6:32 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

One more task left to do - update the user guide with things that
changed from M6 and sync it to SVN. I will hopefully do that over  

weekend and then assemble artifacts for a vote.


What are we going to do with 

Also is CAY-1260 done?

It would be great to move everything in Jira to the right versions  
so it is clear exactly what is left to do.



Aristedes Maniatis
GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C  5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A

Re: Aggregated cayenne.xml from several modules (projects)

2009-10-22 Thread Andrus Adamchik
I was working on this exact problem, but due to the lack of time and  
some other priorities it got postponed till after 3.0. This Jira  
contains links to the design that I had in mind:

For 3.1 I actually have more radical ideas, so it may look different  
at the end. Anyways, all the complexity of this task is due to the  
need to handle a general case of merging multiple descriptors and  
resolve arising conflicts. If you know that your configuration does  
not have any such conflicts, it should be reasonably simple to merge  
things by hand. Here is a rough example (this is for 3.0, some things  
may be different in 2.0):

Configuration myConfig = new Configuration() {
   // override all abstract methods to do nothing

ClassLoader cl = .. // get a thread class loader

// assuming all Cayenne projects are at the root of the classpath:
Enumeration projectURLs = cl.indResources("cayenne.xml");
while(projectURLs.hasMoreElements()) {
   URL baseURL = projectURLs.nextElement();

   ResourceLocator resourceLocator = new ResourceLocator() {
// override locator methods as appropriate... e.g.:
public URL getResource(String name) {
  if(name.equals("cayenne.xml") {
return baseURL;

  // assuming there's no conflciting DataMap names
  return super.getResource(name);

   } ;
   Configuration scratchConfig = new  
DefaultConfiguration("cayenne.xml", resourceLocator);

   // move all DataMaps from scratchConfig to myConfig
   // move all DataNodes from scratchConfig to myConfig



On Oct 21, 2009, at 7:12 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:

Hello to everyone!

I wonder if our cayenne is able to aggregate it's configuration from
several projects?

Like in my case I have several modules, each has it's configuration
like module1-cayenne.xml
So now root project need to get aggregated configuration from all  

So I'm trying to use DefaultConfiguration for each module.
The problem that after initialization configuration rewrites previous
and become singleton configuration (I need them all!)

Maybe I do something wrong or there no such feature?

Evgeny Ryabitskiy.

Re: release countdown

2009-10-22 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Exactly. This is why I am suggesting to reschedule all things that  
have a potential of delaying 3.0.

A final release till the end of the year will depend on how many bug  
reports we get. It is definitely doable with the current task queue,  
but we don't know what else will show up during Beta. Assuming with  
the best case scenario, I feel like we still need to have at least 2  
releases before the final - B1 and RC1.


On Oct 22, 2009, at 12:09 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

I suggest we release final 3.0 until the end of the year. It was a  
long time

since last official release, after all

2009/10/22 Andrus Adamchik 

So we are down to 5 Jiras in 3.0 list and 0 Jiras in B1 list.


On Oct 22, 2009, at 11:04 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

* CAY-1067: changed issue to type to "Bug" (which it is), so we can  

on it while in Beta.
* CAY-1141: related to inheritance, rescheduled.
* CAY-1152: may fix while in Beta, or may reschedule
* CAY-1162: closed as "Won't Fix". This was related to inheritance  

that got postponed.
* CAY-1165: changed fix version to "Unknown". This is really low  
* CAY-1191: partially done. Per Andrey there are still some  
problems. Will

hopefully fix them while in Beta.
* CAY-1239: rescheduled to 3.1
* CAY-1260: Mostly done, but still some rough spots remain.  
Planning to

finish it while in Beta.
* CAY-1280: rescheduled to 3.1 per our conversation with Evgeny on  

* CAY-1287: this is a documentation issue


On Oct 22, 2009, at 2:36 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

On 21/10/09 6:32 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

One more task left to do - update the user guide with things that
changed from M6 and sync it to SVN. I will hopefully do that  
over the

weekend and then assemble artifacts for a vote.


What are we going to do with 

Also is CAY-1260 done?

It would be great to move everything in Jira to the right  
versions so it

is clear exactly what is left to do.



Aristedes Maniatis
GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C  5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A


Re: release countdown

2009-10-22 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Hi Malcolm,

Record it under docs/doc/src/main/resources/RELEASE-NOTES.txt and  
close it in Jira with B1 fix version. That should be it.


On Oct 22, 2009, at 1:02 PM, Malcolm Edgar wrote:

Hi Guys,

Sorry for being a bit tardy on this one (SQL Server TOP fetch limit):

This patch has been applied, what else do I need to do to complete  

regards Malcolm Edgar

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 8:41 PM, Andrus Adamchik > wrote:
Exactly. This is why I am suggesting to reschedule all things that  
have a

potential of delaying 3.0.

A final release till the end of the year will depend on how many  
bug reports
we get. It is definitely doable with the current task queue, but we  

know what else will show up during Beta. Assuming with the best case
scenario, I feel like we still need to have at least 2 releases  
before the

final - B1 and RC1.


On Oct 22, 2009, at 12:09 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

I suggest we release final 3.0 until the end of the year. It was a  

since last official release, after all

2009/10/22 Andrus Adamchik 

So we are down to 5 Jiras in 3.0 list and 0 Jiras in B1 list.


On Oct 22, 2009, at 11:04 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

* CAY-1067: changed issue to type to "Bug" (which it is), so we  
can work

on it while in Beta.
* CAY-1141: related to inheritance, rescheduled.
* CAY-1152: may fix while in Beta, or may reschedule
* CAY-1162: closed as "Won't Fix". This was related to  
inheritance work

that got postponed.
* CAY-1165: changed fix version to "Unknown". This is really low
* CAY-1191: partially done. Per Andrey there are still some  

hopefully fix them while in Beta.
* CAY-1239: rescheduled to 3.1
* CAY-1260: Mostly done, but still some rough spots remain.  
Planning to

finish it while in Beta.
* CAY-1280: rescheduled to 3.1 per our conversation with Evgeny  
on this

* CAY-1287: this is a documentation issue


On Oct 22, 2009, at 2:36 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

On 21/10/09 6:32 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

One more task left to do - update the user guide with things  
changed from M6 and sync it to SVN. I will hopefully do that  
over the

weekend and then assemble artifacts for a vote.


What are we going to do with 

Also is CAY-1260 done?

It would be great to move everything in Jira to the right  
versions so

is clear exactly what is left to do.



Aristedes Maniatis
GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C  5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49  


Branches, tags

2009-10-25 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Just created a 3.0 STABLE branch, and 3.0B1 release tag. So update  
your local checkouts accordingly:

SVN trunk now corresponds to the future 3.1 release.

SVN "STABLE-3.0" branch now corresponds to the 3.0 release. All the  
Modeler improvements as well as bug fixes should go on this branch.  
Otherwise it is now in the core code freeze mode, so no new  
development of the Cayenne core is allowed here. Also, don't forget to  
update the trunk with anything you check in here.

Beta 1 release tag. Ideally no commits (except for pom changes) should  
go in here... unless we find serious bugs during the release vote.

Release artifacts will be posted shortly.


Re: [jira] Closed: (CAY-1260) (Exerimental) Modeler support for embeddables and embedded attributes

2009-10-25 Thread Andrus Adamchik
This is an ORM concept inspired in Cayenne by the JPA spec (the term  
is taken from JPA as well).

An embeddable is a reusable compound ObjAttribute type that maps to  
multiple DbAttributes. E.g. if you have "person" and "organization"  
tables, that both have address columns in them (address1, address2,  
city, etc.). You can create an embeddable "Address", and then use it  
in both Person and Organization entities as a single attribute, even  
though it maps to multiple columns.

We do need a docs entry on that. Hopefully will catch up during beta.


On Oct 25, 2009, at 3:38 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

Hi Andrus,

Are there any docs about embeddables? I suppose I'm not the only one  

doesn't know what it is :)


2009/10/25 Andrus Adamchik (JIRA) 


Andrus Adamchik closed CAY-1260.

Resolution: Fixed
 Fix Version/s: (was: 3.0)
3.0 beta 1

(Exerimental) Modeler support for embeddables and embedded  


  Key: CAY-1260
  Project: Cayenne
   Issue Type: Task
   Components: CayenneModeler GUI
 Affects Versions: 3.0
 Reporter: Andrus Adamchik
 Assignee: Andrus Adamchik
  Fix For: 3.0 beta 1

  Attachments: 0001-CAY-1260.patch, Embeddable.txt,

Embeddable1.txt, icon-embeddable.gif, icon-new_embeddable.gif,
Inspector1_5.txt, InspectorObjAttrAndEmbAttributes.txt,

Need to implement Modeler support for mapping embeddable objects and

including them in ObjEntities.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.


[VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1

2009-10-25 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Release artifacts are posted here:

Please evaluate and cast your votes.


Re: IOC container

2009-10-25 Thread Andrus Adamchik
I've been pondering on how a Cayenne IoC "bridge" might work. My  
initial idea was something like an inverted "commons-logging". Spring/ 
Guice/Tapestry users would explicitly bind a Cayenne stack to a  
respective container using some "binder" class that we provide,  
specific to each container (unlike commons-logging that tries to guess  
the environment, causing occasional grief). In the absence of an  
external container Cayenne will use a very simple bundled container,  
essentially a map of interfaces vs services loaded from a classpath  

There's also a JSR-330 that aims at standardizing injection annotations:

And I just discovered that both Spring (3.0RC1) and Juice (trunk)  
support the annotations from this JSR. So it could make sense for us  
to use these annotations internally as well. Couldn't dig any info on  
the Tapestry IoC support for this JSR, but they are on the JSR  
"support group", so at least they are watching it.

Anyways, will need to experiment with it a bit and see how easy it is  
to redefine internal Cayenne "services" from the application.


On Jun 3, 2009, at 3:02 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

Right... I envision lots of trouble integrating this into regular  
JEE ecosystem. My current idea is to use built-in container only if  
an app has no other container, and load Cayenne configs via an app  
container otherwise, so that there's only one configuration registry.


On Jun 3, 2009, at 2:42 PM, Malcolm Edgar wrote:

One concern I have about introducing a 3rd party IoC container is
class loader conflicts which may occur with including a popular IoC
container.  As Cayenne may have a dependency on version X but the
application uses version Y.

regards Malcolm Edgar

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 6:03 AM, Andrus Adamchik > wrote:
I have a good opinion about Tapestry IoC approach in general  
(including the

now defunct Hivemind), and I wanted to investigate Guice.

There's some conflicting requirements to address here - we don't  
want to
write/maintain our own IoC container, yet, we don't want to embed  
a huge
third-party engine, of which we'll use only a subset of features.  
I'd like
it to work standalone, as well as be able to integrate (or at  
least play
well) with popular IoC containers (how many containers in one app  
is too
many?). Then there's a matter of modeler support, which is adverse  

annotations, and favors XML or other config files...

All in all, I think assembling a core of Cayenne stack via such a  
should open some interesting possibilities, beyond organizing  



On Jun 2, 2009, at 6:53 PM, Robert Zeigler wrote:

If you're really considering going the 3rd party ioc route, I  

recommend T5IOC.
Note that configuration is (typically) done via code in T5IOC,  
but I find
it extremely flexible & powerful, while still being simple to use  

small! :).
If not that, then guice. I'd even go for pico (though preferably  

Anything but the monster that spring has become. ;)


On Jun 2, 2009, at 6/29:02 AM , Andrus Adamchik wrote:

On Jun 2, 2009, at 4:38 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

Modeler support will be covered by setting class name of  

I am afraid this approach will be rather arbitrary to the end  
user, so I
suggest we discuss it some more before putting it in Cayenne.  
Marking an

entity to use "soft delete" based on some criteria is a clear and
understandable feature. Setting a "delete strategy" is not, and  
contribute to confusion. This is totally be ok as a backend  
extension point,

but I will hate to see that as a general use feature.

In this context let me mention one idea for Cayenne 3.0 + N,  
that I've
been thinking about for some time. I am taking this to a  
separate thread to
avoid distraction from the soft delete discussion, which has  
only tangential


Since we already have a bunch of extension points throughout the  
some exposed via the Modeler (misplaced like cache JGroups  
config, or
justified like Adapter config), and some are available only via  
the code, we
need a way to reign them in. The standard way of doing that is  
via an IoC


No, I don't want to bundle Spring with Cayenne, besides it has to
integrate with the larger app ecosystem, so we still need to  
figure the
technical details. But the point is that we will be able to  
provide a single
place to configure all extension points, separate from the  
mapping. As
unlike the mapping those parameters are often different for the  

project, depending on the environment where it is deployed.

Right now this place is cayenne.xml (and it might as well stay  
this way
in the future), just that unlike say Spring config files, 

Re: [VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1

2009-10-26 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Of course. See my "branches, tags" email from yesterday.

On Oct 26, 2009, at 3:58 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:

Hi Andrus,

Is there a tag for 3.0B1?  I see the branch for ongoing 3.0
development, but I can't find the 3.0B1 tag.


On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Andrus Adamchik

Release artifacts are posted here:

Please evaluate and cast your votes.


Re: [VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1

2009-10-26 Thread Andrus Adamchik

no problem. glad it worked.

On Oct 26, 2009, at 4:12 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:

Hmm . . . and now I do see it in the git repo.   I guess I'm just
having a bad morning.  Again, apologies for the inattention.


On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Kevin Menard   

Argh.  My fault for not clicking the links.  The tag isn't showing up
in the git repo I pulled this morning.  I guess I'll just go back to
using SVN for now.

Sorry for that.


On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Andrus Adamchik

Of course. See my "branches, tags" email from yesterday.

On Oct 26, 2009, at 3:58 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:

Hi Andrus,

Is there a tag for 3.0B1?  I see the branch for ongoing 3.0
development, but I can't find the 3.0B1 tag.


On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Andrus Adamchik

Release artifacts are posted here:

Please evaluate and cast your votes.



2009-10-26 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 26, 2009, at 6:03 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

PS. I'm going to vote for 3.1 that H2 is dumped in CM.  I just had to
use Time Machine to restore my preferences...again.  (Not the B1 CM,
but I don't think it'll be better in that department.)

In fact since I am actively using CM JNDI hack, I'd love us start  
using java standard preferences store. This way I won't have to create  
optional profiles to include cayenne-modeler.jar for local work.


Re: [VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1

2009-10-26 Thread Andrus Adamchik

so you use Java 6 by any chance?

On Oct 26, 2009, at 6:12 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:

I'll have to dig in some more, but I just hit the following test
failure using hsqldb:

Test set: org.apache.cayenne.access.DataContextSharedCacheTest
Tests run: 16, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.846
sec <<< FAILURE!
Time elapsed: 0.008 sec  <<< FAILURE!
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<5> but was:<3>
at junit.framework.Assert.failNotEquals(
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(


On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Andrus Adamchik

Release artifacts are posted here:

Please evaluate and cast your votes.


Re: Run query NOT in transaction

2009-10-27 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Yeah, quite annoying. Here is a workaround:


On Oct 27, 2009, at 5:54 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:

Hello 2 everyone!

I have one problem with transaction policy in Cayenne.
I need to run some query without transaction. Why? I am using
Temporary Tables in T-SQL which can't be created in Transaction.
But Cayenne using transaction for every query.

Here is example:

If I run this Query:

Create Table #MYTempTable (someid int)
Insert Into #MYTempTable (someid) Select 0

I got:
java.sql.SQLException: There was a transaction active when exiting
the stored procedure ''. The temporary table '#MYTempTable' was
dropped in this transaction either explicitly or implicitly. This
transaction has been aborted to prevent database corruption.

After some research I didn't find any ability to  turn off transaction
for query. Maybe it will be nice to add some API parameter to change
this behavior? )

Evgeny Ryabitskiy.

Re: Run query NOT in transaction

2009-10-27 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 27, 2009, at 6:15 PM, Evgeny Ryabitskiy wrote:

The problem that as usual I need to turn it off only in some  
"special cases".

Usual I am using InternalTransaction API.
Using of ProcedureQueries is not a solution in my case, we prefer
common RowQuery. :)

Sure, this is applicable to any type of query though.

It' a solution to replace InternalTransaction by ExternalTransaction
(which actually do nothing) in such "special cases", so it' helps.
I just got this solution in mind. But it's not so intuitive... and
really ugly...

Good to know that the workaround helps you.

I will add issue on 3.1 Transaction mechanism is not a best part of
Cayenne  :(

I both agree and disagree.

I disagree with the general statement. Implicit transaction mechanism  
is actually the best part of Cayenne 99% of the time compared to  
alternatives. I.e. you don't have to manage transaction at all.

I agree that in such edge cases it can and should do better.


Re: [VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1

2009-10-28 Thread Andrus Adamchik
The version update was needed to remap renamed callbacks. So if you  
upgrade a schema with "prePersist" callback, you'll see more changes.

I mentioned this on the list before - since there's generally no  
direct correspondence between Cayenne runtime version and project  
schema version, I figured I'd come up with some numbering scheme that  
can't be mistaken for a Cayenne runtime version. So is pretty  
random based on the fact that we may have 3.0.1 Cayenne release, but  
not a

Also this does not affect the XSD schema version. I simply updated the  
existing schema. I think of the schema as a Java class - during 3.0  
development cycle we are allowed to change it without changing the  

It does look counterintuitive somewhat, but allows us to modify the  
schema and implement automated XML upgrades between the milestone  


On Oct 28, 2009, at 4:03 PM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

On 26/10/09 3:49 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

Release artifacts are posted here:

Please evaluate and cast your votes.

One smallish issue. When it opened my model, it 'upgraded' it from  
version 3.0 to What is the versioning scheme we are using  
here? Why How does that relate to the XSD schema which is  
currently set to version 3.0. Here is the only change made by the  
modeller when opening a model previously saved with M6...";
-  xsi:schemaLocation=" 

-  project-version="3.0">
+  xsi:schemaLocation=" 

+  project-version="">



Aristedes Maniatis
GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C  5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A

Re: [VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1

2009-10-29 Thread Andrus Adamchik
The real problem is that the Modeler tells you that the model is  
being upgraded to "version". Which means nothing to the  
user. Let's just tell the user that the model was updated and leave  
it at that.

 This model you opened was previously saved with an older version of  
Cayenne Modeler and has now been upgraded. You should verify the  
changes and, if necessary, regenerate your Java class files.

Agreed, we should change the message to hide the dummy version number.  
I guess we can make this change during the Beta.

If we need an internal number which increments so that we know how  
to upgrade the schema, right through the development process, then  
it should be internal and not exposed to the user. I'd suggest a  
simple incrementing integer which doesn't look at all like the  
Cayenne version. Let's start at (say) 100 and go from there.

Agreed. Maybe let's implement this approach the next time we need to  
bump the schema.

Ideally this message would only appear if some change was actually  
made to the model.

I sort of wanted it to be very explicit and preempt any attempts to  
work on the model. I guess we can use some mixed approach - show a  
warning on opening the project, but avoid saving the new version right  
away. Just put the project in a dirty state, upgrade it in memory, and  
change the disk files only when the user hits save.


On Oct 29, 2009, at 12:59 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

On 29/10/09 1:18 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

The version update was needed to remap renamed callbacks. So if you
upgrade a schema with "prePersist" callback, you'll see more changes.

Ah, I wasn't paying attention. I remember now. I better regenerate  
our schema docs for the web site.

I mentioned this on the list before - since there's generally no  

correspondence between Cayenne runtime version and project schema
version, I figured I'd come up with some numbering scheme that  
can't be

mistaken for a Cayenne runtime version. So is pretty random
based on the fact that we may have 3.0.1 Cayenne release, but
not a

Yes, but this is a bit confusing. If we need an internal number  
which increments so that we know how to upgrade the schema, right  
through the development process, then it should be internal and not  
exposed to the user. I'd suggest a simple incrementing integer which  
doesn't look at all like the Cayenne version. Let's start at (say)  
100 and go from there.

The real problem is that the Modeler tells you that the model is  
being upgraded to "version". Which means nothing to the  
user. Let's just tell the user that the model was updated and leave  
it at that.

 This model you opened was previously saved with an older version of  
Cayenne Modeler and has now been upgraded. You should verify the  
changes and, if necessary, regenerate your Java class files.

Ideally this message would only appear if some change was actually  
made to the model.



Aristedes Maniatis
GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C  5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A

Re: release folder structure

2009-10-29 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 29, 2009, at 11:11 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

In the OSX dmg I can see several files I don't understand.


This was for class enhancement. Since the POJOs are not really working  
in 3.0, we can remove it from the future betas.


Ant tasks. We don't want them in the main Jar, because they have lots  
of specific dependencies that we don't want to be attached by Maven to  
the user apps.


Well, I do understand the last one, but I don't know why it is there  
since we already ship

This is a CayenneModeler "library" used for JNDI hack:

I hope we can strip the read-JNDI-from-preferences code out of the  
modeler, but this is pending a decision on Modeler preferences format  
in general.

Also, why do we have META-INF inside the src directory?  Let's get  
rid of it.


I'd like to see the 'dotemplates' folder renamed to "entity  
templates" (hey this is 2009 we are allowed to use spaces) and  
placed at the top level.

We are, but we'll probably get punished for it in some unforeseen  
ways :-) We can just call it "templates" going forward.

Finally, let's remove the cayenne-3.0B1 folder. So the results would  
be like this:

- lib
  - cayenne-client-3.0.jar


I sort of like that I can mount a DMG, then drag the Modeler to  
desktop, and drag cayenne-3.0B1 to the folder where I keep other  
similar libraries. Looks very intuitive to me.


Re: [VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1

2009-10-29 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Eclipse also doesn't like it, and breaks on anything EJBQL related.  
But once I build everything with Maven and refresh in Eclipse, things  
start to work again.

I know we need to fix it. Just saying why this hasn't been a priority.


On Oct 29, 2009, at 3:44 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:

My vote is -0.

It seems others are able to build it, but I can't.  I just ran into
another issue where the jjtree generation seems to be duplicating the
package name.  So, I end up with paths like

which don't match the package name.  IDEA does not like this, maven
doesn't seem to mind.  I recall seeing this before, but I thought it
got fixed.

No doubt the test failure is related to my snow leopard upgrade,
because all tests were passing before then.  I'm not sure how long the
parser thing has been like this.  Older versions of IDEA may have been
more tolerant of the bad package name and I've been tracking the EAPs.


On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Tore Halset   


I have tested it with our internal application junit test suite on
PostgreSQL, Derby and MS SQL Server. No problems found.

I have also done some testing of the modeler. As I have used the  
with earlier 3.0 versions, the upgrade-project message was a bit  

"Project needs an upgrade to a newer version. Older Project Version
Detected: "3.0". Upgrade?" "3.0" is not such an old version.. I  
have read

the separate thread regarding this issue.

So, my vote is: +1

 - Tore.

On Oct 25, 2009, at 17:49 , Andrus Adamchik wrote:

Release artifacts are posted here:

Please evaluate and cast your votes.


Re: Making sense of callbacks

2009-10-30 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Andrey do have time to check that? If not I may try investigating it  
over the weekend (although I never used callbacks with ROP, so I am  
not fully sure how they are expected to work). This may warrant a  
release recall.


On Oct 30, 2009, at 4:43 AM, Lachlan Deck wrote:

Hi Andrus,

On 04/10/2009, at 12:37 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

I finished this per CAY-1281. Project upgrade is performed on  
opening it in the Modeler, so migration for the existing callback  
users is straightforward.

Haven't checked whether that works for ROP. I would appreciate if  
somebody could help me with that.

I can confirm that this is broken (unless I've missed something  
obvious) in ROP after updating to 3.0B1

After the update it appears that an entity record is not properly  
initialised when saving from ROP. i.e., server-side validation is  
throwing some NPEs and/or thinking that values haven't been set  
(perhaps a serialisation issue?). However, the validation on the  
client-side would have caught this as, for the most part, the  
validation is the same.

I refactored all our current server-side prePersist methods to  
postAdd and the problem saving from the client continues.

Rolling back the cayenne jar(s) fixes the problem.

Any suggestions?

On Sep 28, 2009, at 9:53 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

On Sep 28, 2009, at 4:08 AM, Lachlan Deck wrote:

So from what I can see the only two changes required were  
'postInsert' and adjusting the meaning of prePersist

I also tend to think that less is better. This discussion thread  
was a nice brainstorming on the callbacks use patterns. So we've  
played with a few things and now I am fine if we go a full circle  
to the minimal change suggested earlier, and don't worry about JPA  
users, extra delete callbacks, or symmetry between callback types  
(in many respects there's little symmetry if you look at the  
object lifecycle - 

So here is the change I am going to make:

1. Call "prePersist" before commit
2. Introduce "postAdd" instead of current "prePersist".

This change is minimal and is not incompatible with other ideas.  


with regards,

Lachlan Deck

Re: Making sense of callbacks

2009-10-30 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 30, 2009, at 10:57 AM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

This is not about callbacks on client-side - as far as I know, we  
don't have

callbacks on ROP.

Ah great. I wasn't sure about the status of that.

If I understand correctly, "prePersist" isn't invoked for
server-side temporary objects when committing from client.
I'll try to do that on the weekend, but I'm not sure

Let me know. I can take a look as well if needed.


Re: Changed PK Typecasting?

2009-10-30 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Hi Dave,

thanks for tracking this down. Now that you've mentioned a specific  
commit, it all makes sense to me know. My take on this though is that  
it is working correctly now, and was working before purely by  
accident. So I guess I'll just add a note to the UPGRADE-NOTES.txt,  
but I don't think we should roll back this behavior.

BTW going through my mailbox, I've seen the exact same PG Exception  
when trying to bind a String to a boolean parameter back in July 2007.  
So we are actually getting more consistent now, with all types working  
the same way.


On Oct 30, 2009, at 12:40 PM, Dave Dombrosky wrote:


I finally looked into this, and I found the problem.  I opened up for the bug.  It's not
a major regression, but it could be annoying for users upgrading from
earlier versions of Cayenne.


On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Andrus Adamchik > wrote:
I don't recall an intentional change to disable automated type  
It was not supported before, so I guess it was purely coincidental  
that it

worked on a particular database with a particular driver.


On Sep 25, 2009, at 11:46 AM, Dave Dombrosky wrote:

Trying to use the latest trunk code, I came across some behavior  
has changed.  I used to be able to pass  
DataObjectUtils.objectForPK a

primary key that was a String, and Cayenne would automatically
typecast this to the real PK type (such as String -> Integer).   
Now it
seems like the typecasting does not occur, causing an exception on  

query with my database.

Was this change intentional?  If not, I'll open a bug report with  



Re: Making sense of callbacks

2009-11-01 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Oct 30, 2009, at 11:21 PM, Lachlan Deck wrote:

I refactored these (after the jar update) to postAdd (when noticing  
that it wasn't working anymore .. and checked the mail archives for  
what Andrus had committed) ... and found that things weren't working  
either way until I rolled back the jar update.

Actually no refactoring should is needed. Just open the model in the  
new CayenneModeler and agree to perform an upgrade. It will remap (in  
the XML) the existing Java method names to the right callbacks. Or do  
you configure callbacks in the code, not the model?


Re: [VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1

2009-11-01 Thread Andrus Adamchik


I will rebuild the release artifacts (maybe even delete the tag, and  
create a fresh tag from STABLE, as it contains substantial bug fixes  
from last week), but let's wait till we come to some conclusion on the  
Lachlan's issue.


On Nov 2, 2009, at 8:59 AM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

Done. Andrus, could you rebuild the artifacts? Sorry for the noise

2 ноября 2009 г. 10:09 пользователь Andrey Razumovsky <> написал:

Found a major regression - sometimes modeler shows an error when  

DbRelationship. Please hold the release until I fix it

30 октября 2009 г. 23:53 пользователь Kevin Menard >написал:

Hi Andrey,

That did the trick.  Thanks.


2009/10/30 Andrey Razumovsky :

Hi Kevin,

I've replaced on line 608 of DataContextSharedCacheTest


Now it seems the test isn't failing for me. Please try this, I'll  


it helps

28 октября 2009 г. 17:48 пользователь Kevin Menard 
Thanks.  This further supports Andrey's theory that it's a
non-specified ordering issue.  I should be able to fix it tonight.


2009/10/28 Ольга Ткачева :

Oh, I use Fedora release 10 (Cambridge)

2009/10/28 Ольга Ткачева 

I run tests on Java 1.6

]$ java -version

java version "1.6.0_16"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_16-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.2-b01, mixed mode)

I don't have errors.

2009/10/26 Kevin Menard 


~/dev/workspaces-java/cayenne(3.0B1) $ java -showversion
java version "1.6.0_15"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_15-b03-219)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.1-b02-90, mixed  

This is on Snow Leopard 10.6.1.


On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Andrus Adamchik

so you use Java 6 by any chance?

On Oct 26, 2009, at 6:12 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:

I'll have to dig in some more, but I just hit the following  

failure using hsqldb:

Test set:  

Tests run: 16, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time  


sec <<< FAILURE!
Time elapsed: 0.008 sec  <<< FAILURE!
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<5> but  

  at junit.framework.Assert.failNotEquals( 

  at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
  at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
  at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(



On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Andrus Adamchik

Release artifacts are posted here:< 



Please evaluate and cast your votes.







Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-1300) Format queries in QueryLogger

2009-11-01 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Agreed - a good idea. This is one of those cases were I feel like we  
need some minimal IoC to be able to manage Cayenne extensions. Until  
we have it, -Dcayenne.query.formatting is the way to go.


On Nov 2, 2009, at 5:36 AM, Andrey Razumovsky (JIRA) wrote:

#action_12772412 ]

Andrey Razumovsky commented on CAY-1300:

The idea is excellent. May I suggest that all JOINs are also  
formatted to be placed on new line? Some sort of QueryFormatter will  
also be fine.  Also using ThreadLocal for setting "isFormatting"  
property forces to make this call at any request to format queries.  
So I think it'll be a good idea to have some static default value  
for "isFormatting", set by a static call or by adding something like  
"-Dcayenne.query.formatting=true" to command line

Format queries in QueryLogger

   Key: CAY-1300
   Project: Cayenne
Issue Type: New Feature
Components: Cayenne Core Library
  Reporter: Evgeny Ryabitskiy
   Fix For: 3.0

   Attachments: CAY-1300.patch

Sometimes it's hard to read queries from Logs when queries are huge.
It will be nice if user can enable nice query formatting for debug  

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

Re: [VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1

2009-11-02 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Same here.

On Nov 2, 2009, at 10:07 AM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

Actually, no. My test shows everything's all right, so some more  
info is


2 ноября 2009 г. 14:01 пользователь Aristedes Maniatis

On 2/11/09 6:52 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

I will rebuild the release artifacts (maybe even delete the tag, and
create a fresh tag from STABLE, as it contains substantial bug fixes
from last week), but let's wait till we come to some conclusion on  

Lachlan's issue.

I'm not sure if Lachlan will be online tonight, but do you have  
information about this issue? Because I'm really busy with other  
things, I
haven't been following along in detail, but I can ask Lachlan to  
spend some
time at work tomorrow (in about 14 hours from now) to help create a  

case. Unless you already have a clear lead on what needs looking at.



Aristedes Maniatis
GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C  5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A


Eclipse vs. Swing (Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-762) ERDiagram for Object Entities in Cayenne Modeler)

2009-11-02 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Here is one of those "big strategy" emails that tend to have negative  
impact on things that we can do here and now, instead of doing the  
"right" thing some time later. So no intent to discourage CAY-762  
implementation, just a somewhat related issue that we may discuss in  

For all its undeniable advantages, IMO the main usability issue with  
CayenneModeler is the fact that it is separate from an IDE. This "gap"  
results in the following problems:

1. Losing work context when switching between the apps:
You have to often jump between the IDE and the Modeler. When  
switching, you lose your work context. E.g. click on a Java class name  
within some code, the class opens... Then you'd like to see its  
Cayenne mapping. To do that, you have to go to a different  
application, type something in a search box, open the entity, then tab  
between attributes/relationships, then look for DbEntity, tab between  
attributes/relationships again. It is too far away from the original  
Java class. I'd like to see Java/XML/Modeler representations of the  
same entity in the same view.

2. Manual Refresh
When the model is saved, you have to refresh files in IDE to pick up  
the change.

3. Class Generation:
You need to generate classes manually on model change, then refresh  
files in the IDE. For Maven/Eclipse users cgen problem is somewhat  
addressed, as you can tie cgen to Maven, and Maven to Eclipse, so  
classes are generated on refresh. Still you have to do refresh, and  
then a second refresh (first refresh for xml, second for the generated  
classes - totally annoying).

The best way to address the gap is to write an IDE plugin replacing  
the Modeler. There's a bunch of advantages and disadvantages to that:


* everything is integrated
* Eclipse environment provides lots of built in services that we can  
take advantage of (most notably it has a built in project model),  
including graph capabilities.


* not everybody's using Eclipse (e.g. Kevin mentioned he's an IDEA  
user). Supporting multiple IDE's is not realistic for us. I guess this  
can be addressed by packaging it into a standalone SWT app.
* we'll have to support multiple versions of Eclipse, and will be  
dependent on Eclipse API evolution.


* the time we invested in the Modeler. Reproducing that in Eclipse  
would be non-trivial.

Or we can go with some hybrid approach of having an Eclipse plugin  
exchanging events with the Modeler. Not sure if we can make the user  
experience as nice, we'll have to support 2 tools instead of 1, and  
we'll have to support an extra messaging layer. But this is probably  
less work overall...

Or we can write an Eclipse plugin in parallel with the Modeler and  
provide both as independent tools... Such internal competition will be  
a resource drain though.

So nothing is free, and these are some hard choices... I am sort of in  
favor of the last one, as even an initial plugin prototype will show  
whether we can have significant usability improvements, without being  
a full Modeler replacement.


On Oct 22, 2009, at 10:40 AM, Andrey Razumovsky (JIRA) wrote:
#action_12768592 ]

Andrey Razumovsky commented on CAY-762:

JGraph has moved to BSD since 5.13:

I assume this means we can now use it? The library seems to be quite  

ERDiagram for Object Entities in Cayenne Modeler

   Key: CAY-762
   Project: Cayenne
Issue Type: New Feature
Components: CayenneModeler GUI
  Affects Versions: 3.0
  Reporter: Ahmed Mohombe
  Assignee: Andrus Adamchik

Please add an ER Diagram to the Cayenne Modeler. This is the  
feature that I miss the most from WebObjects.
For start it would be even enough to have  an ER Diagram View (so  
no interactive activities) - just display and layout of entities.
I think this would help allot and would increase the productivity  
with CM - most people think visually.
I don't think that it would be complicated to implement, the most  
complicated question to answer is what graph library is allowed to  
use, due to the restrictive "license compatibility" of the Apache  

Thanks in advance,

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

Re: Eclipse vs. Swing (Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-762) ERDiagram for Object Entities in Cayenne Modeler)

2009-11-02 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Nov 2, 2009, at 11:07 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

Well, there already is an ugliness that quite a bit of Modeler  
specific code lives in the main Cayenne jar. So pulling that out  
into a ui-core library is probably the first step. Should the main  
Cayenne jar even know how to *write* the model into an XML file?

Agree. We can have a cayenne-project module (i.e. something not  
belonging to either GUI or runtime).

Is there a possibility to work with the WOlips people on this? And  
they are sure to chip in on the idea of writing a GUI ERDiagram  
tool. But is EOF just too different to make it work?

That would've been ideal, but likely won't work. IIRC Mike from WOLips  
commented on that at one point, saying it is not possible to have a  
single tool for both Cayenne and EOF. I think he looked at the Modeler  
initially (or maybe even used some of the code?) but couldn't keep it  
as a common library due to lots of "small" differences. Still probably  
worth pinging WOLips community to get some feedback on the idea.


Re: Eclipse vs. Swing (Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-762) ERDiagram for Object Entities in Cayenne Modeler)

2009-11-02 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Nov 2, 2009, at 12:17 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

Once again, I'm all for Cayenne-Eclipse plugin, but I'm sceptical  
about its

future in current state of Cayenne community

I agree with this assessment.

On the other hand there is a chance that starting a prototype will  
cause interest in the community and we'll get dedicated participants.  
This is a case of "build it and they'll come". E.g. Apache Click  
project has a simple Cayenne plugin. Maybe we can collaborate with  
them somehow. So there's hope (and there's also Summer of Code next  
year ;-)).

I am no Eclipse platform guru either, and have very little time, but I  
am interested enough to start poking and prototype a plugin that does  
something that Modeler doesn't. So that it will be a nice-to-have  
plugin for Cayenne users, even though it does not substitute the  
Modeler. This may generate some interest (or not).

But yeah, I agree with you, and let's step carefully and try not to  
overcommit ourselves to something that we can't deliver.


Re: Eclipse vs. Swing (Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-762) ERDiagram for Object Entities in Cayenne Modeler)

2009-11-02 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Nov 2, 2009, at 12:53 PM, Bob Schellink wrote:

 Preferences > General > Workspace > Refresh Automatically

Haven't tried it, but looks like something that would cause race  
conditions, conflicting with command line builds, git updates, etc.


Re: Eclipse vs. Swing (Re: [jira] Commented: (CAY-762) ERDiagram for Object Entities in Cayenne Modeler)

2009-11-02 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Nov 2, 2009, at 2:42 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:

 At that point, you'd be much better off
building it as an RCP app and then looking to integrate that with

That's what I was thinking about.


Re: CAY-1249 CM: Top menus disappearing after reverse engineering

2009-11-02 Thread Andrus Adamchik
I don't see it anymore either. So hopefully that was something that  
Apple fixed.


On Nov 2, 2009, at 4:45 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:


I haven't noticed this issue in 3.0B1's modeler (and I've done several
schema generations).  Perhaps the issue got fixed or an OS X Java
update (I'm on Leopard -- 10.5.8) solved it?  I definitely noticed the
issue a while back using the 3.0M6 modeler, as did others here.


java -version
java version "1.5.0_20"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_20- 

Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_20-141, mixed mode, sharing)

Re: CAY-1249 CM: Top menus disappearing after reverse engineering

2009-11-02 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Nov 2, 2009, at 4:51 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

I say we move the issue to resolved/closed unless it pops up again.
Anyone else agree?


In fact I just closed it as "Can't reproduce"


[RECALLED] Re: [VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1

2009-11-02 Thread Andrus Adamchik
So Lachlan just confirmed that there's no issue with callbacks. We are  
cleared to go ahead with the release.

However since there were a few new bugs discovered and fixed in the  
last week, I am recalling this vote, and will tag 3.0-STABLE branch  
one more time and post the new artifacts somewhere between today and  
Thursday morning. Hopefully the second vote will take less time.

Thanks everybody for doing such a thorough evaluation.


On Oct 25, 2009, at 6:49 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

Release artifacts are posted here:

Please evaluate and cast your votes.


Re: [VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1

2009-11-03 Thread Andrus Adamchik


see my RECALL email. I suggest that we include accumulated fixes and  
redo the release.


On Nov 3, 2009, at 11:49 AM, Malcolm Edgar wrote:

+1   preliminary testing we have done indicated no problem with our  

regards Malcolm Edgar

2009/11/3 Aristedes Maniatis :

On 2/11/09 6:52 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

I will rebuild the release artifacts (maybe even delete the tag, and
create a fresh tag from STABLE, as it contains substantial bug fixes
from last week), but let's wait till we come to some conclusion on  

Lachlan's issue.

Lachlan spent some time on this today and identified the cause of the
problem. It was purely within our code and so Cayenne is exonerated  
from the
problem. It was triggered by the change in lifecycle naming, which  
is why it

was evident only with the new release.

Anyhow, onward with the beta release!



Aristedes Maniatis
GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C  5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A

maven-javadoc-plugin slowness

2009-11-03 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Not sure what happened and whether we used a different version of the  
javadoc plugin before, but the last couple of weeks doing a full  
Cayenne build is taking forever, with the following output generated  
for all the modules for which we don't have Javadocs:


[INFO] Building Cayenne Documentation
[INFO]task-segment: [clean, install]

INFO] The goal 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin: 
2.6:javadoc' has not be previously called for the project:  
'org.apache.cayenne.itests:pojo:jar:3.0B1'. Trying to invoke it...
[INFO] The goal 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin: 
2.6:javadoc' has not be previously called for the project:  
'org.apache.cayenne.itests:jpa-chapter2:jar:3.0B1'. Trying to invoke  
[INFO] The goal 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin: 
2.6:javadoc' has not be previously called for the project:  
'org.apache.cayenne.itests:jpa-chapter3:jar:3.0B1'. Trying to invoke  


The actual JavaDocs generation for those modules that actually need it  
is rather fast, but the noop execution above is *extremely* slow.


[VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1 - take 2

2009-11-03 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Just posted fresh artifacts:

Please cast your votes.


Re: [VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1 - take 2

2009-11-05 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Guys, I know it may be too much trouble to evaluate two releases in a  
row, but can we take a look at the new artifacts please?


P.S. Here is my +1

On Nov 3, 2009, at 10:17 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

Just posted fresh artifacts:

Please cast your votes.


Re: [VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1 - take 2

2009-11-06 Thread Andrus Adamchik

On Nov 6, 2009, at 10:15 AM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

When I take an MD5 hash of the client and server jars, I find that  
nothing at all changed between the previous beta and this beta. If  
that is expected, then I'm +1

No, MD5s should not match the first round of B1 jars. First, of course  
there were changes. But even if there was no changes, maven creates  
some metadata files with timestamps in the jars, so just rebuilding a  
jar from the same codebase would result in a different checksum.


Re: [VOTE] Apache Cayenne release 3.0B1 - take 2

2009-11-09 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Ok, the vote has been running for almost 6 days. Thanks everybody for  
taking time to evaluate it for the second time. Here is the tally:

Andrus Adamchik +1
Tore Halset +1
Andrey Razumovsky +1
Aristedes Maniatis +1
Robert Zeigler +1
Michael Gentry +1
Malcolm Edgar +1
Kevin Menard +1

So the release is officially approved. I am going to post the  
artifacts and update the download page.

I assume Ari will do the announcements. (BTW, is the confluence  
autoexport template problem solved, as we'll need to update the  
release status in the site menu?).


On Nov 3, 2009, at 10:17 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

Just posted fresh artifacts:

Please cast your votes.


Maven repo deploy permissions

2009-11-09 Thread Andrus Adamchik


could you please update file permissions on the files that you created  
in the repo per these instructions on


find /www/ ! - 
perm 775 -type d -user kmenard -exec chmod 775 {} \;
find /www/ ! - 
perm 664 -iname "maven-metadata.xml*" -user kmenard -exec chmod 664 {}  
find /www/ ! - 
perm 644 ! -iname "maven-metadata.xml*" -type f -user kmenard -exec  
chmod 644 {} \;

Otherwise I am getting the following error:

[INFO] Error installing artifact's metadata: Error while deploying  
metadata: Error occurred while deploying 'org/apache/cayenne/plugins/ 
maven-cayenne-modeler-plugin/maven-metadata.xml' to remote repository:  
repository: SCP terminated with error: 'scp: /www/ 
cayenne-modeler-plugin/maven-metadata.xml: Permission denied'


Re: Maven repo deploy permissions

2009-11-09 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Sorry, the correct repo path is this in the instructions from the  
previous message:



On Nov 9, 2009, at 12:29 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:


could you please update file permissions on the files that you  
created in the repo per these instructions on


find /www/ ! - 
perm 775 -type d -user kmenard -exec chmod 775 {} \;
find /www/ ! - 
perm 664 -iname "maven-metadata.xml*" -user kmenard -exec chmod 664  
{} \;
find /www/ ! - 
perm 644 ! -iname "maven-metadata.xml*" -type f -user kmenard -exec  
chmod 644 {} \;

Otherwise I am getting the following error:

[INFO] Error installing artifact's metadata: Error while deploying  
metadata: Error occurred while deploying 'org/apache/cayenne/plugins/ 
maven-cayenne-modeler-plugin/maven-metadata.xml' to remote  
repository: scp:// 
ibiblio-rsync-repository: SCP terminated with error: 'scp: /www/ 
Permission denied'


Re: svn commit: r834109 - /cayenne/site/trunk/tlp-site/src/confluence/auto-export-template.txt

2009-11-09 Thread Andrus Adamchik

If I am not mistaken, tinyurl's expire after some time, no?

On Nov 9, 2009, at 5:33 PM, wrote:

-   Wiki

Re: svn commit: r834109 - /cayenne/site/trunk/tlp-site/src/confluence/auto-export-template.txt

2009-11-09 Thread Andrus Adamchik
I think I personally saw a few expired ones, assigned to something  
other than the original content. But I can't dig up those now.


On Nov 9, 2009, at 5:39 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

From ...

"we will create a tiny URL that will not break in email postings and
never expires."

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Andrus Adamchik > wrote:

If I am not mistaken, tinyurl's expire after some time, no?

On Nov 9, 2009, at 5:33 PM, wrote:

-   Wiki

Re: svn commit: r834109 - /cayenne/site/trunk/tlp-site/src/confluence/auto-export-template.txt

2009-11-09 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Like I said, I don't have an example now, so it could be anything,  
including just plain incorrect URL :-)

On Nov 9, 2009, at 5:52 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

Well, I'm not saying they never expire.  I'm just saying they claim
the URLs never expire.  :-)

Are you sure it wasn't a tinyurl pointing to something that no longer
was available?

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Andrus Adamchik > wrote:
I think I personally saw a few expired ones, assigned to something  

than the original content. But I can't dig up those now.


On Nov 9, 2009, at 5:39 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:

From ...

"we will create a tiny URL that will not break in email postings and
never expires."

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Andrus Adamchik >


If I am not mistaken, tinyurl's expire after some time, no?

On Nov 9, 2009, at 5:33 PM, wrote:

-   Wiki

Re: Maven repo deploy permissions

2009-11-09 Thread Andrus Adamchik
Thanks, that worked. The release is now fully deployed and the  
download page updated.

We can do the announcement now.


On Nov 9, 2009, at 3:50 PM, Kevin Menard wrote:

Done.  Sorry about that.

Let me know if you have any more problems.


On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 5:31 AM, Andrus Adamchik > wrote:
Sorry, the correct repo path is this in the instructions from the  




On Nov 9, 2009, at 12:29 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:


could you please update file permissions on the files that you  
created in

the repo per these instructions on


find /www/ 
cayenne ! -perm

775 -type d -user kmenard -exec chmod 775 {} \;
find /www/ 
cayenne ! -perm

664 -iname "maven-metadata.xml*" -user kmenard -exec chmod 664 {} \;
find /www/ 
cayenne ! -perm
644 ! -iname "maven-metadata.xml*" -type f -user kmenard -exec  
chmod 644 {}


Otherwise I am getting the following error:

[INFO] Error installing artifact's metadata: Error while deploying
metadata: Error occurred while deploying

to remote repository:

SCP terminated with error: 'scp:

Permission denied'


Re: Maven repo deploy permissions

2009-11-09 Thread Andrus Adamchik

Looks great. I suggest to change the RELEASE-NOTES link to

(as the target audience may be 2.0 users).

And maybe also mention this:


On Nov 9, 2009, at 11:43 PM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

On 10/11/09 8:36 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

We can do the announcement now.

Please review:

I'm heading out to some meetings now for a big day, but if no one  
wants to add anything to the announcement, I'll send that out to the  
email lists tonight (Sydney time) and then update all the other  
stuff (freshmeat, wikipaedia, etc, etc)



Aristedes Maniatis
GPG fingerprint CBFB 84B4 738D 4E87 5E5C  5EFA EF6A 7D2E 3E49 102A

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