Re: [Graph] the future of commons-graph and modularization

2013-05-26 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hi Simone and all,

good to see activity on commons-graph :-)

I am currently using it for a research project in my lab, so hopefully 
I'll be able to come back with more feedback. In the meantime I agree 
with what you guys wrote so far.


On 26/05/2013 20:46, Simone Tripodi wrote:

Hi Rodion,

Might the API look like this?

more or less :) Introducing kind of PathFinder interface, as main
entry point for shortest path algorithms, but keeping the current chin
builders - as you notice, `withEuristhic` makes sense for A* only,
when current fluent interfaces drive users on choosing the right
algorithm, with right inputs, via a state-machine which is clever
than a simple builder pattern.


This would seem like eliminating the need for CommonsGraph -monolith at the
cost of introducing new interfaces/abstract base classes for every type of
algos out there, plus the actual implementation classes implementing the

you got the idea, nice to see we are on the same path!!! :)

I'll prepare a more concrete proposal in a branch, hope to read
reviews from your side! :)

All the best,

On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Rodion Efremov wrote:

Simone Tripodi kirjoitti 26.05.2013 18:35:

Hi all, mates,

after a long while I haven't touched commons-graph, I had the
opportunity to get influenced by some activities at my paid work that
made me think twice on what as been already done in that component,
and would like to bring new experiences in.

So, what I still like about it:

  * graph APIs: the use of generics make the usage of graphes
extensible and adaptable;

  * fluent APIs: this is the most powerful feature IMHO that simplifies
the APIs usage;

What I *don't* like anymore:

  * poor modularization: commons-graph is ATM a big fat monolith;

  * one single entry-point; for each new family of algorithm(s), new
methods have to be added in the main Commons-Graph class.

What I would like to propose to work _in a separated branch_, is
trying to split the big monolith in smaller modules and separate APIs
from related implementation as much as possible.

Questions are:

  * WDYT? :)

Might the API look like this?

public interface PathFinderV, E, W {
 public PathV, E search();
 public PathFinderV, E, W from( V source );
 public PathFinderV, E, W to( V target );
 public PathFinderV, E, W withHeuristic( HeuristicFunctionV, W f );
// for A* search.

... and then we would have, say, A* as follows:

public class AStarFinderV, E, W implements PathFinderV, E, W {
 public PathV, E search() {
 // A* magic here.

 ... implement the rest.

... with usage as follows:

PathV, E path = new AStarFinderV, E, W().withHeuristic( myFunkyHeuristic
).from( source ).to( target ).search();

This would seem like eliminating the need for CommonsGraph -monolith at the
cost of introducing new interfaces/abstract base classes for every type of
algos out there, plus the actual implementation classes implementing the

  * About release process: would it be acceptable, here in commons,
release a single module - the only one that has been changed, I mean -
without releasing the whole project?

  * In case the answer to previous question is no, would it make
sense moving commons-graph to the Incubator (and possibly to TLP)?

TIA, all the best!

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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph] renaming packages

2012-08-04 Thread Claudio Squarcella


On 03/08/2012 15:00, Simone Tripodi wrote:


Also remember that if we ever want to deal with, say, multiplications,
monoids are only going to be in the way (we already touched this topic
before, see [1]). I'm still happy to update and simplify names, only
following a different pattern: e.g. from DoubleWeightBaseOperations to
DoubleOperations. And I'd also replace Monoid with Addition.

yeah thanks of the reminder - I was searching for it in the mail
archives and didn't find it :P

wouldn't Multiplication have exactly the same methods signature of
Addition aka Monoid? I wouldn't replicate stuff just to implement

Addition would have signatures like sum and negate, while 
Multiplication would have multiply and invert.

Anyway I agree that algorithms need specific monoids, such as Dijkstra
that needs Addition - guess it wouldn't work with Subtractions :P

What about having Monoid with package visibility and then
Addition/Multiplication... extends Monoid ?

Then it would become a bit painless if a class had to implement both 
interfaces (the current Integer[...]Operations is an example). I'd 
just have them fully independent from each other, without a common 
ancestor (Monoid).

After thinking a bit I'm also a bit perplexed about renaming builder to
connect, and in general about the name of the method connect(). You
know the meaning of connected in graph theory, while with our method we
could actually create a graph which is not connected (e.g. one with no
edges at all).


So I suggest to look for a less ambiguous alternative:
populate (this gets my vote)? declare? construct? assemble?

+1 to populate (and related class renaming?)

cool. Class name = GraphPopulator? Though it sounds sooo bad to my 
ears... Maybe a mother tongue can help us with the matter :-)


thanks a lot for your feedbacks and enjoy vacations!

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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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[net] parser for MRT (routing information export) file format

2012-04-10 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hi [net]ers,

subject says it all: do you know if there is any open-source Java 
implementation of a parser for MRT file format [1] -- more specifically 
BGP data files (updates and table dumps)? There are implementations in 
other languages [2][3], but after googling a bit I could not find 
anything relevant in Java.

Second question: if the answer to the above is no, do you think it 
would make sense to implement it somewhere in Commons? Would [net] be 
the best place for it?



Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph][discuss] reintegrating branch in trunk

2012-03-25 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hi Simone,

While rearranging stuff to prepare the merge, I noticed that the
NamedExportSelector disappeared in favor of specifying the graph name
inside the usingXXXFormat() method.

I honestly think that in that way it lost part of the expressiveness -
even if it is less verbose.

I am in favor of having it reintegrated before merging back, with his
pros and cons - WDYT?

so if I get it right, now we have:

export( actual ).usingDotNotation( my graph )
.withVertexLabels( new VertexLabelMapper() )
.withEdgeWeights( new EdgeWeightMapper() )
.withEdgeLabels( new EdgeLabelMapper() )
.to( System.out );

which becomes something like:

export( actual ).usingDotNotation().withName( my graph )
.withVertexLabels( new VertexLabelMapper() )
.withEdgeWeights( new EdgeWeightMapper() )
.withEdgeLabels( new EdgeLabelMapper() )
.to( System.out );

and in both cases the name is not required.

If the above is correct I am quite neutral about the matter... how do 
you call it, a +0? :)

spoiler: I am thinking about importers now -- it is not trivial to get 
them right with this new model implementation. I'll start a discussion 
about that when we are done with the merge!


best and TIA,

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 4:16 PM, Simone Tripodi  wrote:

Yup I am aware that they are not completed, anyway I would like to
encourage their development on /trunk because:

  * new algorithms can be implemented using new APIs (and I have an
idea about a new one)
  * code is still in sandbox, no risk to break anything

So I'll merge last Thomas' commit in trunk, then merging back to /trunk.

All the best,

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 3:28 PM, Claudio Squarcella  wrote:


we could merge the branch and open some issues on Jira to track the
exporter problems, so people can contribute to fix them.


Note that the exporters are not complete yet, and there are still
interesting architectural decisions left unanswered.

Let's go for it!

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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[graph] graph importers

2012-03-25 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hi all,

the implementation of importers for [graph] requires a bit of attention, 
in particular with the new model where

 * there are no explicit markers for Vertex and Edge,
 * all properties of Vertices and Edges are now specified with generic

Writing and extending exporters is fine: we first specify the graph, 
then its properties one after the other in a fluent chain. The 
exporter simply forgets about the types of Vertex/Edge and serializes 
the whole input. Importing back a graph from an input source, however, 
is not as simple because:

 * standard file formats give us no indication about Vertex/Edge types;
 * serialized graphs come with a number of properties, some of which we
   know and sometimes need for graph processing (e.g. labels and
   weights), while some others are not (yet?) recognized in the code;
 * the return type of any importer should account for both the graph
   itself and all the properties.

As a first step, these are my suggestions for the design:

 * we need at least default, empty implementations for Vertex and Edge;
   together with that, we could do some black magic to allow the user
   to specify what types should be used to map imported Vertices/Edges
   to actual classes.
 * we need a structure to host both the imported graph and properties.
   And it should be easy for the user to query such a structure for
   specific graph properties, i.e. we need to isolate properties that
   we recognize and use in our algorithms (e.g. weights). Other
   properties could be either ignored or imported with a reference to
   their name in the input format.

One way could be to explicitly ask the user to list all the properties 
that he expects from the input graph, raising exceptions if they are not 
found. Something like:

 * importGraph().asGraphML( graph1.gml
   ).withEdgeWeights().withVertexLabels(); // only two properties
   loaded and explicitly identified
 * importGraph().asGraphML( graph2.gml ).withAllProperties(); // all
   properties are loaded, none is explicitly recognized that was long. What do you [graph]ers think? :)


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph] graph importers

2012-03-25 Thread Claudio Squarcella


On 25/03/2012 17:33, Simone Tripodi wrote:


I honestly felt I little lost - code would speak better than thousands
of words, what about branching once again and make a concrete
proposal? ;)

Sure I'll open a branch for that. But first I would like to validate my 
thoughts (at least partially), that is why I'm writing poems for now :)

An example: I'm very far from understanding how to exactly model the 
return type for importers. It should give access to both the graph and 
its properties, with particular emphasis on the ones that are relevant 
in [graph] like edge weights, vertex labels, etc. Any take on that?


Looking forward to read about it!

On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Claudio Squarcella  wrote:

Hi all,

the implementation of importers for [graph] requires a bit of attention, in
particular with the new model where

  * there are no explicit markers for Vertex and Edge,
  * all properties of Vertices and Edges are now specified with generic

Writing and extending exporters is fine: we first specify the graph, then
its properties one after the other in a fluent chain. The exporter simply
forgets about the types of Vertex/Edge and serializes the whole input.
Importing back a graph from an input source, however, is not as simple

  * standard file formats give us no indication about Vertex/Edge types;
  * serialized graphs come with a number of properties, some of which we
   know and sometimes need for graph processing (e.g. labels and
   weights), while some others are not (yet?) recognized in the code;
  * the return type of any importer should account for both the graph
   itself and all the properties.

As a first step, these are my suggestions for the design:

  * we need at least default, empty implementations for Vertex and Edge;
   together with that, we could do some black magic to allow the user
   to specify what types should be used to map imported Vertices/Edges
   to actual classes.
  * we need a structure to host both the imported graph and properties.
   And it should be easy for the user to query such a structure for
   specific graph properties, i.e. we need to isolate properties that
   we recognize and use in our algorithms (e.g. weights). Other
   properties could be either ignored or imported with a reference to
   their name in the input format.

One way could be to explicitly ask the user to list all the properties that
he expects from the input graph, raising exceptions if they are not found.
Something like:

  * importGraph().asGraphML( graph1.gml
   ).withEdgeWeights().withVertexLabels(); // only two properties
   loaded and explicitly identified
  * importGraph().asGraphML( graph2.gml ).withAllProperties(); // all
   properties are loaded, none is explicitly recognized that was long. What do you [graph]ers think? :)


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph][discuss] possible room for improvement for Visit handler APIs

2012-03-25 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hi Simone,

On 25/03/2012 22:46, Simone Tripodi wrote:

Hi Graphers,

I was trying to code the ELO algorithm using a BSF algo and got in
trouble with the boolean return value of the visit handler methods - I
think that we could improve it a little, adopting a similar approach
of the AsyncHttpClient's AsyncHandler[1]: *maybe* having those methods
that return a kind of STATE[2]  enumeration would make APIs a little
more intuitive.

if I get it right you are saying that two values (true/false) are too 
limiting for some of the current methods. Do you have a specific 
example, to get a clearer idea of the improvement?




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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph][discuss] possible room for improvement for Visit handler APIs

2012-03-25 Thread Claudio Squarcella


My proposal is switching to a more expressive values, kind of
VisitState.(ABORT|CONTINUE) enumeration that is free of any
misunderstanding. Thoughts?

ok so something like:

 * if ( handler.finishEdge( prevHead, e, v ).equals( VisitState.ABORT )
   )   ..

Looks good to me, +1 :)


best and thanks,

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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph][discuss] possible room for improvement for Visit handler APIs

2012-03-25 Thread Claudio Squarcella


On 25/03/2012 23:27, Simone Tripodi wrote:

just had an idea of a possible new state: SKIP,that would mean
skipping the children/subtrees... thoughts? :P

Of course we still need to document the whole thing in the javadoc (as 
we did already with boolean values), but the readability of the code is 
a clear advantage.


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph][discuss] possible room for improvement for Visit handler APIs

2012-03-25 Thread Claudio Squarcella


On 25/03/2012 23:45, Simone Tripodi wrote:

just filled SANDBOX-416 and committed the
org.apache.commons.graph.visit.VisitState enum, now I am too sleepy to
continue - feel free to finalize it if you want/can/have spare

I did that, see the comment on SANDBOX-416 :)


all the best and thanks for discussing,

On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 11:36 PM, Claudio Squarcella  wrote:


On 25/03/2012 23:27, Simone Tripodi wrote:

just had an idea of a possible new state: SKIP,that would mean
skipping the children/subtrees... thoughts? :P

Of course we still need to document the whole thing in the javadoc (as we
did already with boolean values), but the readability of the code is a clear


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph][discuss] reintegrating branch in trunk

2012-03-23 Thread Claudio Squarcella


we could merge the branch and open some issues on Jira to track the
exporter problems, so people can contribute to fix them.


Note that the exporters are not complete yet, and there are still 
interesting architectural decisions left unanswered.

Let's go for it!

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: svn commit: r1302930 - in /commons/sandbox/graph/branches/exporters-with-mappers/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/graph/export:

2012-03-21 Thread Claudio Squarcella


yes I think that having the common denominator would help on
avoiding to repeat ourselves in various implementations. Methods in
the AbstractExporter could be even final, no needs to provide same
implementation in the different exporters.

the thing is: even if (for example) edge weights are supported in ALL 
the file formats of the world (which is quite plausible), the actual 
attribute will likely be called in different ways for each format: 
weight, w, value or whatever. So even a unified implementation in 
AbstractExporter should still rely on concrete implementations to 
discover the name of the attribute (see e.g. the static fields 
DotExporter.WEIGHT and DotExporter.LABEL). But it's still fine for me to 
keep at least the abstract common denominator.

Another issue I'm facing: some of the output formats depend on the 
actual type of the printed value. For example in the DOT format, Strings 
(especially those with whitespaces) should be double-quoted while 
numbers (doubles) should not, e.g.:

 * 192 [label=hello world weight=3.4]

So we should also seek a unified way to keep track of attribute types 
when serializing them, so that each exporter can choose the appropriate 
output format for each of them. I saw the 
enlistVerticesProperty/enlistEdgesProperty methods in the code, are 
they supposed to help on this matter?


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: svn commit: r1302930 - in /commons/sandbox/graph/branches/exporters-with-mappers/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/graph/export:

2012-03-20 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hi Simone,

On 20/03/2012 17:35, Simone Tripodi wrote:

OH :( I liked the fact that commons properties were defined just once
in the Abstract impl :(

I did it after realizing that the DOT language does not support weights 
on vertices. Of course I could have kept the others (withEdgeWeights, 
withVertexLabels, etc), but we could face the same problem if later we 
introduce a new format that does not support e.g. labels...

WDIT? do you want me to reintegrate the common denominator for now?


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph] Why the Vertex and Edge interfaces?

2012-03-03 Thread Claudio Squarcella


On 03/03/2012 02:21, Simone Tripodi wrote:

first of all: yes, I will play with this stuff as soon as I find the time :)

this is scaring... go, go! :)

constant), but still there is one more step of indirection. So we would need
to test and compare performances, hopefully with acceptable results.

sounds it would be better if you implement that stuff in a branch to
keep both implementations, IMHO

sure :)

  * with the current approach: one interface for edge-weighted graphs
   (EdgeWeightedGraph, renaming the current WeightedGraph?), one for
   vertex-weighted graphs (VertexWeightedGraph) and maybe even one for
   weights on both edges and vertices (EdgeAndVertexWeightedGraph?) --
   not to talk about their counterparts with labels, etc;
  * with the proposed approach: a Graph would implement
   HasWeightsOnEdges and/or HasWeightsOnVertices -- and maybe also
   HasLabelsOnEdges if needed.

do you remember that we reintroduced the WeightedGraph just for the
type inference issue on fluent APIs in Eclipse, do you? ;) It would
have been worked otherwise as well dropping the WeightedGraph and
expressing types only on Vertex/Edges

that is right. On the other hand with HasWeightedEdges we could drop 
WeightedEdge and so on: one interface in, one out.

Or we could even save both approaches as alternative implementations. 
That is:

 * a set of interfaces: e.g. HasWeightedEdges#getWeight(edge),
   HasWeightedVertices#getWeight(vertex), etc.
 * #1 implementation with external properties: the graph keeps the
   mapping between edge/vertex and weight, so that any type can be used
   for edges/vertices
 * #2 classical implementation: we keep markers like WeightedEdge and
   WeightedVertex but only the graph knows about them. algorithms keep
   asking the graph for weights of edges/vertices, and the graph in
   turn asks the edge/vertex itself (passed as parameter).


I know that this kind of mismatch is not your favourite ;) but would you
really call Operations something which is just an Addition -- or
viceversa DoubleWeightAddition something that might later be expanded with
other operations?

I am confused now: this is what you did in the concrete implementation!

no, trying to be clearer: you propose to rename Monoid into 
WeightOperation, which is like renaming Addition into Operation. Or 
alternatively to call the current *WeightBaseOperations something like 
*WeightMonoid. In both cases I disagree because I would prefer to keep a 
clear distinction between single well-defined properties/operations 
(like Addition or Comparator) and the comprehensive implementation (e.g. 
DoubleWeightBaseOperations) that implements all the operations it can 
implement with Doubles.

Hoping we'll converge somewhere, maybe asymptotically ;)

time to sleep, cannot reply anymore, read tomorrow


On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 1:37 AM, Claudio Squarcella  wrote:


what if that mapping function becomes a responsibility of WeightedGraph
And more generally, what if any property of vertices and/or edges is
moved to the containing graph?

that would imply that Graph implementations have to implement vertices
and/or edges metadata indexing, that would be anyway less performant
than accessing directly on metadata contained in current node/arc -
just count the number of time you should have to touch the adapted
data structures, of course will be at least one more than the actual.

that is absolutely right. Not asymptotically if the implementation is good
(hashmaps are already good enough with their read time which is basically
constant), but still there is one more step of indirection. So we would need
to test and compare performances, hopefully with acceptable results.

We could externalize all different graph properties to appropriate
interfaces (HasWeightsOnEdges, HasLabelsOnVertices, etc) and then each
algorithm specifies the needed input graph including the subset of
interfaces it needs to implement. We do something like that with weight
operations already.

I am worried that with that approach the number of interfaces would
proliferate like pollen during Spring, users - and devs - would get
easily lost

but that would happen anyway as soon as we implement an algorithm with
weights on vertices, right? Here are the options I see:

  * with the current approach: one interface for edge-weighted graphs
   (EdgeWeightedGraph, renaming the current WeightedGraph?), one for
   vertex-weighted graphs (VertexWeightedGraph) and maybe even one for
   weights on both edges and vertices (EdgeAndVertexWeightedGraph?) --
   not to talk about their counterparts with labels, etc;
  * with the proposed approach: a Graph would implement
   HasWeightsOnEdges and/or HasWeightsOnVertices -- and maybe also
   HasLabelsOnEdges if needed

Re: [graph] Why the Vertex and Edge interfaces?

2012-03-03 Thread Claudio Squarcella


Apologize but I still don't understand what the benefit is on storing
nodes/arcs data in the Graph data structure

back to James' first email: any type could be immediately used as 
edge/vertex without wrappers, while specific data related to the domain 
of graphs (weights, labels) would be handled separately. I actually 
think this is useful: back to my days of DIY Java graphs I implemented 
something similar to what we have now, just to think every time: why 
should I wrap my objects with these markers? I already know my Router is 
a Vertex in the graph...

- sounds to me like a
CollectionInteger  where, to know the int value of its elements, have
to query the data structure, i.e.

CollectionInteger  integerCollection = ...;
for ( Integer ptr : integerCollection )
 int value = integerCollection.getInt( ptr );

It is weird to me even reading it.

When I started modeling Graph, I had collections in mind - above all
to simplify its adoption - I would be more than pleased to drop
Weighted* version of graphs and come back to the previous situation,
but with the annoying  type inference issue fixed.

Here's the way I see it. A GraphV,E implementing HasWeightedEdges 
would have something like this inside:

MapE, W edgeWeights = new HashMapE, W();

[... populate map, other methods, etc ...]

// implementing HasWeightedEdges#getEdgeWeight
public W getEdgeWeight(E edge)
[... check null etc...]
return edgeWeights.get(edge);

no, trying to be clearer: you propose to rename Monoid into WeightOperation,
which is like renaming Addition into Operation. Or alternatively to call the
current *WeightBaseOperations something like *WeightMonoid. In both cases I
disagree because I would prefer to keep a clear distinction between single
well-defined properties/operations (like Addition or Comparator) and the
comprehensive implementation (e.g. DoubleWeightBaseOperations) that
implements all the operations it can implement with Doubles.

OK, concept is clear, I still don't agree on the nomenclature, anyway.
Actually *WeightBaseOperations describe
*WeightAdditionalOrderedMonoid, so *BaseOperations doesn't sound self

then let's find a better name, but why *OrderedMonoid? Assume we replace 
the whole set of current interfaces (see my comment to the next 
paragraph below) with just Addition and Comparable (the latter already 
exists of course). There is no need to create another interface to merge 
the two (ComparableAddition? OrderedAddition?). Then we have:

public class DoubleWeightOperations
implements Addition, Comparator

I would not rename the class to DoubleWeightAddition or even 
DoubleWeightComparableAddition. What if later we need to e.g. add a 
function that normalizes weights by some factor, or returns the 
reciprocal of a weight, etc? With the above code it would suffice to add 
new interfaces:

public class DoubleWeightOperations
implements Addition, Comparator, Normalization, Reciprocal

Moreover, The Zero interface is the *additional* monoid identity
element, if someone has to implement the Multiplication Monoid I
wouldn't expect he implements the One interface wich declares O one()
This is why IMHO in the current algebra model, Zero has to be dropped
and has to be modified in:

That is fine for me. I simply followed pure theory while implementing 
that and used all possible granularity. Now looking at our 
implementations I think it is save enough to even merge Zero, Semigroup 
and Monoid (so that's one step further than your example below) and call 
the result Addition so that its role is clear to everybody. Does that 
sound good? :)


  * semigroup is an algebraic structure consisting of a set together
with an associative binary operation.
interface SemigroupE

 E append( E s1, E s2 );


  * A {@link Monoid} is a {@link Semigroup} with an identity value.
public interface MonoidE
 extends SemigroupM

E identity();

E inverse( E element );


that would continue working for every Monoid specialization. Or not? thoughts?
Thanks and best,

On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Claudio Squarcella  wrote:


On 03/03/2012 02:21, Simone Tripodi wrote:

first of all: yes, I will play with this stuff as soon as I find the time

this is scaring... go, go! :)

constant), but still there is one more step of indirection. So we would
to test and compare performances, hopefully with acceptable results.

sounds it would be better if you implement that stuff in a branch to
keep both implementations, IMHO

sure :)

  * with the current approach: one interface for edge-weighted graphs
   (EdgeWeightedGraph, renaming the current WeightedGraph?), one for
   vertex-weighted graphs (VertexWeightedGraph

Re: [graph] Why the Vertex and Edge interfaces?

2012-03-03 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hi Simone,

answering briefly below:

Vertex is something we can safety drop because we
know its nature at priori, markers are unnecessary.This is fine.


what is the sense, at that point, on keeping the Edge?!! It would be
more than enough to know which is the Head and which is the Tail in
the Edge to get the W!

good observation. My 2 cents: it might still make sense for users to map 
their existing domain (including edges) to the graph (e.g. Routers to 
Vertices and Cables to Edges) and get it back as soon as they are done 
with graph operations (e.g. once they find the shortest path, they 
automatically have the sequence of Cables they need).

maybe because they implement OrderedMonoid? :)
how much would Addition and Multiplication interface differ each other?
that would be fine, what is not clear is that Monoids expose the same
interface, so *Operations class implementation canot declare same
method multiple times

answering all the above: that is another reason why I would like our 
current Monoid to be called Addition (and Addition#sum instead of 
Monoid#append, etc), so that it is semantically clearer and later we can 
introduce Multiplication as a completely independent interface.

enough talk IMHO, time to code and make concrete proposals

I'll play with weights first, because I already know what I want to do.
As for Vertex/Edge markers I still see valuable feedback coming in, so 
I'll wait a bit.

Branching is ok -- especially for the second part which sounds like a 
real earthquake ;)


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph] Why the Vertex and Edge interfaces?

2012-03-02 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hi all,

Claudio is aware also about algorithms where weights are associated to
Vertex - he's preparing his PhD research on graphes - maybe he can
show us a more long-vision roadmap and evaluate benefits on
simplifying the design.

yes there are algorithms with weights on vertices. Of course those with 
weighted edges (like the ones already implemented) are much more 
widespread and frequently used, but still we cannot forget about that. 
Also, although on a secondary level, labels on vertices/edges are kind 
of important in many situations (including testing, debugging) where I 
think it is good to keep them distinct from the standard toString 
method (you might want to represent only a subset of info in the label, 

Matthew Pocock suggested an alternative approach back in the days of 
weight abstraction:

 * the graph itself is extremely simple and naked: no weights/labels on
 * all properties are stored in some external structure, which I
   imagine composed of associative maps (MapEdge, Weight, etc etc).

He motivated the idea with a personal use case: often graphs are used 
and reused with the same structure but different weights (and/or labels, 
etc). Now if James' question becomes a second use case, maybe it's the 
right time to exhume that idea ;)


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph] Why the Vertex and Edge interfaces?

2012-03-02 Thread Claudio Squarcella


The weights can be external, too.  It's only a function from edge to
weight.  Your algorithm can take a function for its weights.  The files
library does it similar to this.

what if that mapping function becomes a responsibility of WeightedGraph 
itself? And more generally, what if any property of vertices and/or 
edges is moved to the containing graph?

We could externalize all different graph properties to appropriate 
interfaces (HasWeightsOnEdges, HasLabelsOnVertices, etc) and then each 
algorithm specifies the needed input graph including the subset of 
interfaces it needs to implement. We do something like that with weight 
operations already.


On Mar 2, 2012 3:08 PM, Ted  wrote:

Having weights on vertices is quite common.  Consider any probability
transition network.  The weight on each node is the probability of being in
that state and the weights on the edges are conditional probabilties.

Page rank is a related example of having weights on nodes.

On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 12:40 AM, Claudio Squarcella  wrote:

Hi all,

  Claudio is aware also about algorithms where weights are associated to

Vertex - he's preparing his PhD research on graphes - maybe he can
show us a more long-vision roadmap and evaluate benefits on
simplifying the design.

yes there are algorithms with weights on vertices. Of course those with
weighted edges (like the ones already implemented) are much more


and frequently used, but still we cannot forget about that. Also,


on a secondary level, labels on vertices/edges are kind of important in
many situations (including testing, debugging) where I think it is good


keep them distinct from the standard toString method (you might want to
represent only a subset of info in the label, etc).

Matthew Pocock suggested an alternative approach back in the days of
weight abstraction:

  * the graph itself is extremely simple and naked: no weights/labels on
  * all properties are stored in some external structure, which I
   imagine composed of associative maps (MapEdge, Weight, etc etc).

He motivated the idea with a personal use case: often graphs are used
and reused with the same structure but different weights (and/or labels,
etc). Now if James' question becomes a second use case, maybe it's the
right time to exhume that idea ;)


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University**squarcel

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Re: [graph] Doubts on DFS algorithm implementation

2012-03-01 Thread Claudio Squarcella


Added an extra check to prevent
discovering multiple edges that lead to the same (already visited) vertex.

cool stuff, thanks for turning human words into computer words :)
I spent a couple minutes running the tests on max-flow algos with 
breakpoints and stuff, and apparently they keep avoiding zero-capacity 
links during graph visit. Excellent!


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph] Doubts on DFS algorithm implementation

2012-02-27 Thread Claudio Squarcella


[...] Also, I don't know if we have an abstraction for
this, but the order in which you add your connected vertices can be
important, too (might want to do a greedy bfs/dfs).

So far the algorithm has no control over that, as it simply scans an 
IteratorV of adjacent vertices.

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph] Doubts on DFS algorithm implementation

2012-02-27 Thread Claudio Squarcella


the method discoveryEdge currently tells whether or not the algorithm should explore a 
subtree/branch and add related vertices to the stack/queue. So I see no conflict in the implementation. Maybe 
you are saying that the edge should be explored *right before* the vertex it leads to -- but why? AFAIK a 
standard graph search is only concerned with *vertices*. In that sense finishEdge becomes 
useless, as the responsibility for returning prematurely is entirely covered by finishVertex. Am 
I raving mad? :-)

yes you are right, the visit should be only concerned the vertices, but in our 
implementation we added also the discoveryEdge that in a dfs has invoked like a 
BFS. This in my opinion can be frustrating for the user because the edge is not 
visit in depth but in breadth.
So IMHO we should visit also the edge in depth, (only in a dfs of course) or 
remove the invocation of discover/finish edge that can get confused the user.

if you want to postpone the edge visit to the right time (i.e. when the 
corresponding tail vertex is removed from the waiting list) then I 
guess the waiting list itself should also keep track of the edge and/or 
the predecessor (vertex). The class PredecessorsList probably does that 
job fairly well.

Rephrasing a bit: we are seeking a unified implementation for both 
standard graph searches (only concerned with vertices) and more 
general graph visits (e.g. the one needed for max flow algorithms). So 
yeah, let's use our brains for something cool :)

P.S. I would not remove discoverEdge anyway because, as I said before, 
it can help pruning the graph and avoiding to explore dead ends (e.g. 
for max flow, there is no point in traversing edges with no residual 
flow capacity).


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph] Doubts on DFS algorithm implementation

2012-02-26 Thread Claudio Squarcella


Simo you are right, the vertices have visited in the right way, but the edge 
handler has called in the wrong way.  IMHO we have to modify the code in order 
to fire the edge handler in the right way to avoid any error for the user.

the method discoveryEdge currently tells whether or not the algorithm 
should explore a subtree/branch and add related vertices to the 
stack/queue. So I see no conflict in the implementation. Maybe you are 
saying that the edge should be explored *right before* the vertex it 
leads to -- but why? AFAIK a standard graph search is only concerned 
with *vertices*. In that sense finishEdge becomes useless, as the 
responsibility for returning prematurely is entirely covered by 
finishVertex. Am I raving mad? :-)

It's a good idea, Now we have implemented two separate methods that visit the 
graph for dfs and bfs. We should do a little refactoring and implement a unique 
method that switches between dfs and bfs simply changing the the type of 
visitedVertex. WDYT?

Yes! James' idea sounds good to me.


I think visitedVertices should rather be called seenVertices, as it is only 
needed to avoid adding vertices more than once to the stack/queue. Marco (and all), please see if 
the implementations look nicer with that change in mind (looks good to me).


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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[math] computational geometry = math + graph ?

2012-02-22 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hi all,

after reading the issue MATH-751[1] about computational geometry 
algorithms I realized it could make sense to look at what we already did 
in [graph], especially in terms of data structures. Things like 
triangulations, Voronoi diagrams, etc. would need graph representations 
anyway -- IMHO [math]ers should avoid to reinvent the wheel and/or 
create a different representation for graphs.

Of course the downside is that [graph] in currently in Sandbox without a 
Release. Still, if we agree that it would make sense to link the two, 
maybe it is worth to wait a bit more for MATH-751 until [graph] is ready 
(we're working on that!).

Looking forward to comments!


Claudio Squarcella
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Re: svn commit: r1292272 [1/2] - in /commons/sandbox/graph/trunk/src: changes/ main/java/org/apache/commons/graph/flow/ main/java/org/apache/commons/graph/model/ main/java/org/apache/commons/graph/sho

2012-02-22 Thread Claudio Squarcella

On 22/02/2012 15:08, Simone Tripodi wrote:

hi Claudio,

it is a good practice putting, in the commit message log, the related
issue key, if any.
I suppose this commit is related to [SANDBOX-395].

oops... newbie spotted! :)
I changed that with svn propset, thanks for pointing it out.

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph] renaming weight operations

2012-02-20 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hi Simone and all,

On 19/02/2012 22:12, Simone Tripodi wrote:

Hi (and sorry for the late)

I personally don't see the reason to be open to *Operations until
*Monoid (actually, wrongly, *Weight) until there is the real need of.

Anyway, please share a patch in the issue you filled - code talks much
better, I could finally see what I am currently missing ;)

I uploaded a patch on JIRA[1] as requested. I hope that helps convincing 
you ;)



looking forward to it!

On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 5:05 PM, Claudio Squarcella  wrote:


  * Doubles can also be multiplied, but so far we did not need to
   include that in our stack of operations and properties. If we ever
   need to do so, it will be enough to create another interface
   extending OrderedMonoid and change the implemented interface in

isn't it a different monoid? I mean, multiplier operator, the 1
identifier and real numbers are a monoid, or my math became terribly
bad? :P

you're right! Your math is cool don't worry :)

But see, maybe we could let it implement both an addiction monoid and a
multiplication monoid. We could even create Addition (and later maybe
Multiplication?) as interface extending Monoid, so that we also solve the
other aspect pointed out by Axel days ago: the Monoid would offer a generic
applyOperation, while Addition would wrap it as sum (and Multiplication
as multiply). Cool?

  * Also, there might be properties and/or operations that are unrelated
   to each other, hence DoubleWeightOperations might implement more
   than one interface in the future.

that sounds good, anyway before to apply any potential improvement
because users may need of XXX I'd want to make sure that custom
behaviors can be applied to our APIs just estending existing
component, rather than blindly provide potential features we don't

I mean... if we do have the real need of having more operations than
the OrderedMonoid already provides, so go for it; otherwise, users
shall be able to define their on *Operator by extending ours and
implementing their custom interface.

then we could use the pattern *WeightBaseOperations (e.g.
DoubleWeightBaseOperations): so that we developers are free to extend it
with more properties over time, as well as the users in their
implementations -- and the name is IMHO self-explanatory and unambiguous.

In other words: Doubles (as well as the other types) are not *only* monoids.
So I feel we would be much more blind sticking to the term monoid in the
implementation: we need more flexibility, and I hope the above
*WeightBaseOperations sound good as a candidate.

Thank you for the discussion, waiting for further input!

I would be to support the minimum extensible set of features rather
than supporting all the potential cases, unless we really have the
practical need of them to implement new algos.


On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 2:59 PM, Claudio Squarcella

Hello Simone,

It would be much more naturally to my hears hearing it as
BigDecimalOrderedMonoid, doesn't it?

you have a valid point. However my intention is to decouple
from underlying interfaces, because they might evolve and grow over time.

Let me give you two examples:

  * Doubles can also be multiplied, but so far we did not need to
   include that in our stack of operations and properties. If we ever
   need to do so, it will be enough to create another interface
   extending OrderedMonoid and change the implemented interface in
  * Also, there might be properties and/or operations that are unrelated
   to each other, hence DoubleWeightOperations might implement more
   than one interface in the future.

How does that sound?


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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[graph] renaming weight operations

2012-02-19 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hi all,

following previous discussion on ML I opened a JIRA issue to rename 
classes/variables related to operations on weights:

I will soon work on it. If there is any last minute suggestion I will be 
happy to hear that.


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph] renaming weight operations

2012-02-19 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hello Simone,

It would be much more naturally to my hears hearing it as
BigDecimalOrderedMonoid, doesn't it?

you have a valid point. However my intention is to decouple 
implementations from underlying interfaces, because they might evolve 
and grow over time.

Let me give you two examples:

 * Doubles can also be multiplied, but so far we did not need to
   include that in our stack of operations and properties. If we ever
   need to do so, it will be enough to create another interface
   extending OrderedMonoid and change the implemented interface in
 * Also, there might be properties and/or operations that are unrelated
   to each other, hence DoubleWeightOperations might implement more
   than one interface in the future.

How does that sound?


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph] renaming weight operations

2012-02-19 Thread Claudio Squarcella


  * Doubles can also be multiplied, but so far we did not need to
   include that in our stack of operations and properties. If we ever
   need to do so, it will be enough to create another interface
   extending OrderedMonoid and change the implemented interface in

isn't it a different monoid? I mean, multiplier operator, the 1
identifier and real numbers are a monoid, or my math became terribly
bad? :P

you're right! Your math is cool don't worry :)

But see, maybe we could let it implement both an addiction monoid and 
a multiplication monoid. We could even create Addition (and later 
maybe Multiplication?) as interface extending Monoid, so that we also 
solve the other aspect pointed out by Axel days ago: the Monoid would 
offer a generic applyOperation, while Addition would wrap it as sum 
(and Multiplication as multiply). Cool?

  * Also, there might be properties and/or operations that are unrelated
   to each other, hence DoubleWeightOperations might implement more
   than one interface in the future.

that sounds good, anyway before to apply any potential improvement
because users may need of XXX I'd want to make sure that custom
behaviors can be applied to our APIs just estending existing
component, rather than blindly provide potential features we don't

I mean... if we do have the real need of having more operations than
the OrderedMonoid already provides, so go for it; otherwise, users
shall be able to define their on *Operator by extending ours and
implementing their custom interface.

then we could use the pattern *WeightBaseOperations (e.g. 
DoubleWeightBaseOperations): so that we developers are free to extend it 
with more properties over time, as well as the users in their 
implementations -- and the name is IMHO self-explanatory and unambiguous.

In other words: Doubles (as well as the other types) are not *only* 
monoids. So I feel we would be much more blind sticking to the term 
monoid in the implementation: we need more flexibility, and I hope the 
above *WeightBaseOperations sound good as a candidate.

Thank you for the discussion, waiting for further input!

I would be to support the minimum extensible set of features rather
than supporting all the potential cases, unless we really have the
practical need of them to implement new algos.


On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 2:59 PM, Claudio Squarcella  wrote:

Hello Simone,

It would be much more naturally to my hears hearing it as
BigDecimalOrderedMonoid, doesn't it?

you have a valid point. However my intention is to decouple implementations
from underlying interfaces, because they might evolve and grow over time.

Let me give you two examples:

  * Doubles can also be multiplied, but so far we did not need to
   include that in our stack of operations and properties. If we ever
   need to do so, it will be enough to create another interface
   extending OrderedMonoid and change the implemented interface in
  * Also, there might be properties and/or operations that are unrelated
   to each other, hence DoubleWeightOperations might implement more
   than one interface in the future.

How does that sound?


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [Graph] On graph weight type(s)

2012-02-12 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hello Marco,

I understand and agree with you about your doubts - I don't have a
strong idea, anyway I wouldn't take the *Handler as first choice,
since it does not drive users to an event-handler alike programming
model, rather *Operations makes more sense...


c00l :)

Furthermore I think that name of classes are congruent. In my opinion 
Monoid, OrderMonoid and Semigroup are the right names

I agree.

findMaxFlow( graph ).from( a ).to( g 
).applyingEdmondsKarp.withWeightOperation( new IntegerOperation() ) or 
something like that.

I would be more radical (chic) and add one shortcut for each primitive 
weight type allowed, e.g:
findMaxFlow( graph ).from( a ).to( g 
findMaxFlow( graph ).from( a ).to( g 


I know it's damn redundant. It would be nice to have a better shortcut 
to automagically use primitive weight operations when available and 
require an explicit *Operations otherwise, but it's not an easy task 
(not for me at least).

Note also that some algorithms may impose limits on the actual types 
(e.g. Ford-Fulkerson may not terminate with irrational numbers... 
although with floating point representation I guess we never face that 
risk), so creating explicit shortcuts could also reflect such constraints.

Would it be so terrible to maintain such redundancy?

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [Graph] On graph weight type(s)

2012-02-12 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hi Simone,

Would it be so terrible to maintain such redundancy?

IMHO, yes, because:

  * it has to be applied in each class of algorithms we support;

  * switching to proposed APIs, would proliferate that APIs in each algorithm;

  * weight types are driven by generics, so users cannot bind wrong
weight monoid already at compile time.

more proposals? :)

ok fair enough, you were quite convincing :)

Before giving up, one more alternative:

 * the mapping between primitive types and their respective default
   *Operations is known and kept somewhere (abstract class, etc);
 * each algorithm specifies only once the set of primitive types that
   it accepts;
 * with a bit of magic (?) we combine the above to provide shortcuts to
   the user.

Note: I don't want to over-engineer, I would just like the user not to 
specify default *Operations, because that is also redundant from his/her 
point of view.

Ciao and thanks,

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [Graph] On graph weight type(s)

2012-02-12 Thread Claudio Squarcella


* the mapping between primitive types and their respective default
   *Operations is known and kept somewhere (abstract class, etc);
* each algorithm specifies only once the set of primitive types that
   it accepts;
* with a bit of magic (?) we combine the above to provide shortcuts to
   the user.


I think that a mapper can be useful.
we can create a default mapper between primitives and *Operations and add a 
void API like that
findMaxFlow( graph ).from( a ).to( g ).applyingAlgorithm( void ).
we can choose the correct Operation mappimng directly on the default 
constructor using our mapper.

so for the primitives Integer, Double etc, the user doesn't  have to specify 

I thought about something similar. But I finally see two downsides:

 * we would need to use reflection for generics or some better
   alternative to actually understand the generic type of weight and
   map it to the appropriate *Operations,
 * we should throw an exception when non-primitive weights are
   incorrectly passed without a handler.

Now that I have a clearer picture in mind I'm almost convinced to give up...

Anyway, expect a patch soon from me that at least incorporates 
suggestions on new names for primitive implementations and variable names ;)


Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [Graph] On graph weight type(s)

2012-02-12 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hi Simone,

the patch you mentioned was something I would have asked you, before or later :P

I know I can read your mind :)

Since we are on topic: is there any particular reason why
can not be part of Semigroup interface? Or better: is there any
benefit we can get from keeping Zero and Semigroup separated?

basically the answer is in the following equation:
Monoid = Semigroup + Zero
And also:
OrderedMonoid = Semigroup + Zero + Comparator

The reason why we built all the stack was to allow fine granularity when 
defining properties of weights. E.g. it might happen for some reason 
that we need to sum weights without needing to know their zero value, 
or viceversa. In our current implementations OrderedMonoid takes most of 
the space (as expected), but also Zero and Monoid are explicitly used.


Claudio Squarcella
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Re: [Graph] On graph weight type(s)

2012-02-11 Thread Claudio Squarcella


Maybe one last effort can be made to come up with more understandable 
names (e.g. for a user that does not know what a Semigroup or Monoid 
is). Suggestions are welcome.

I exhume this thread because I am still convinced that the weight 
architecture would benefit from a bit of renaming. It is probably not 
the case to touch mathematical concepts (Semigroup, Monoid), but rather 
the actual implementations and/or variable names. Consider that with the 
current fluent API the user has to deal with this stuff explicitly, 
specifying the appropriate handler for weights.

So for example all primitive implementations[1] would change their name 
from FooWeight to something like FooWeightHandler, or 
FooWeightOperations, or something like that. Variable names (like in 
[2]) would change from e.g. orderedMonoid to weightHandler, 
weightOperations, etc.

Any preference?


[2] line 64:

Claudio Squarcella
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Re: [Graph] On graph weight type(s)

2012-02-11 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hello Axel,

Wouldn't it be better to use the same method signatures like in
commons-math FieldElement?

reciprocal instead of inverse and
add instead of append?

yes that would work (inverse should be replaced with negate, not 
reciprocal). We actually thought of commons-math before: it would feel 
like home for our little stack of interfaces (Semigroup, Monoid, etc).

However my question was more on the semantics for class and variable 
names. Any idea?

Thank you :)

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University

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Re: [graph] BST?

2012-02-03 Thread Claudio Squarcella


On 01/02/2012 17:39, Simone Tripodi wrote:

Hi Gary!!! :)

I don't see any issue on adding the BST algorithms you need in
[graph], even if you have to reuse the minimum amount of codebase,
packages don't usually interact each other very much, unless some
DFS/BFS or shortest path is needed in other algo.

I have the plan of adding KDTree searches as well.

My personal vision of [graph] is realizing a graph-pedia of
graph-related algorithms implementation, so every addition is more
than welcome!!!

I completely agree with Simone. I see [graph] as the right place not 
only for well-known algorithms but also for state-of-the-art results, 
where graphs are either support structures for computation or actual 
main data structures fitting the user domain.

I would be thrilled to see more and more of these expansions in the 
future: e.g. the huge field of algorithms that rely on preprocessed or 
partially known graphs (see shortest paths for road networks  co).

Looking forward,

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
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Re: [graph] BST?

2012-02-03 Thread Claudio Squarcella

I completely agree with Simone. I see [graph] as the right place not 
only for well-known algorithms but also for state-of-the-art results, 
where graphs are either support structures for computation or actual 
main data structures fitting the user domain.

P.S.: with this I am not saying that BSTs are state-of-the-art, they are 
way older than me! ;)

Claudio Squarcella
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Re: [Graph] Graph connectivity algo

2012-01-27 Thread Claudio Squarcella


On 27/01/2012 12:35, Marco Speranza wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to implement the Boruvka's algorithm and I need to know is a
grah is connected or not.
So I'd like to propose a simple algorithm to do that.
A simple way to implement that is run a depth-first or breadth-first search
starting from an arbitrary vertex. If the number of the vertices touched
are the same of the origina graph, the graph is connected.

cool, go for it :-)

Moreover the algorithm could count the number of che connected componet (

well you get that number if you actually map each vertex to a connected 
component, which means you could need to run the search algorithm more 
than once.

As a unified solution maybe we could go for an algorithm that returns 
the connected components as a collection of graphs, and then in your 
case you just check that there is only one connected component.


what do you think about that?



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Claudio Squarcella
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Re: [Graph] Graph connectivity algo

2012-01-27 Thread Claudio Squarcella

On 27/01/2012 12:47, Claudio Squarcella wrote:


On 27/01/2012 12:35, Marco Speranza wrote:

Hi all,

I'm trying to implement the Boruvka's algorithm and I need to know is a
grah is connected or not.
So I'd like to propose a simple algorithm to do that.
A simple way to implement that is run a depth-first or breadth-first 

starting from an arbitrary vertex. If the number of the vertices touched
are the same of the origina graph, the graph is connected.

cool, go for it :-)

Moreover the algorithm could count the number of che connected 
componet (

well you get that number if you actually map each vertex to a 
connected component, which means you could need to run the search 
algorithm more than once.

As a unified solution maybe we could go for an algorithm that returns 
the connected components as a collection of graphs, and then in your 
case you just check that there is only one connected component.

...and of course also the simplified version give me the connected 
component containing the input vertex, which suits your case better and 
does not waste resources.



what do you think about that?



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Claudio Squarcella
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[SANDBOX][GRAPH] Eclipse vs. latest version

2012-01-26 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hi all,

I am experiencing a rather annoying issue with the latest version of 
commons-graph on Eclipse. Compiling with javac (maven, command line) it 
works fine, but the editor still complains: e.g. line 72 of the new 
FordFulkersonTestCase[1] gives a list of errors[2].

Now, I know from googling that Eclipse is not new to strange behavior, 
but I wanted to know if anyone on the ML has a nice answer, solution or 
workaround (other than standard answers like use another IDE), or at 
least experiences the same issue with the code.

Thank you,



[2] Multiple markers at this line
- Bound mismatch: The generic method applyingFordFulkerson(OM) of 
type MaxFlowAlgorithmSelectorV,W,WE,G is not applicable for the 
arguments (IntegerWeight). The
 inferred type IntegerWeight is not a valid substitute for the 
bounded parameter OM extends OrderedMonoidObject

- Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to Integer
- Bound mismatch: The generic method findMaxFlow(G) of type 
CommonsGraphV,E,G is not applicable for the arguments

 (DirectedMutableWeightedGraphBaseLabeledVertex,BaseLabeledWeightedEdgeInteger,Integer). The inferred type BaseLabeledWeightedEdgeInteger is not a valid substitute

 for the bounded parameter WE extends WeightedEdgeW

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
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Re: [SANDBOX][GRAPH] Eclipse vs. latest version

2012-01-26 Thread Claudio Squarcella

P.S. for completeness:

Eclipse version: Indigo Service Release 1
Build id: 20110916-0149
OS: Mac OS X Lion


On 26/01/2012 15:30, Claudio Squarcella wrote:

Hi all,

I am experiencing a rather annoying issue with the latest version of 
commons-graph on Eclipse. Compiling with javac (maven, command line) 
it works fine, but the editor still complains: e.g. line 72 of the new 
FordFulkersonTestCase[1] gives a list of errors[2].

Now, I know from googling that Eclipse is not new to strange behavior, 
but I wanted to know if anyone on the ML has a nice answer, solution 
or workaround (other than standard answers like use another IDE), or 
at least experiences the same issue with the code.

Thank you,



[2] Multiple markers at this line
- Bound mismatch: The generic method applyingFordFulkerson(OM) of 
type MaxFlowAlgorithmSelectorV,W,WE,G is not applicable for the 
arguments (IntegerWeight). The
 inferred type IntegerWeight is not a valid substitute for the 
bounded parameter OM extends OrderedMonoidObject

- Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to Integer
- Bound mismatch: The generic method findMaxFlow(G) of type 
CommonsGraphV,E,G is not applicable for the arguments

The inferred type BaseLabeledWeightedEdgeInteger is not a valid 

 for the bounded parameter WE extends WeightedEdgeW

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
E-mail address:
Phone: +39-06-57333215
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Re: [SANDBOX][GRAPH] Eclipse vs. latest version

2012-01-26 Thread Claudio Squarcella

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Claudio Squarcella  wrote:

P.S. for completeness:

Eclipse version: Indigo Service Release 1
Build id: 20110916-0149
OS: Mac OS X Lion


On 26/01/2012 15:30, Claudio Squarcella wrote:

Hi all,

I am experiencing a rather annoying issue with the latest version of
commons-graph on Eclipse. Compiling with javac (maven, command line) it
works fine, but the editor still complains: e.g. line 72 of the new
FordFulkersonTestCase[1] gives a list of errors[2].

Now, I know from googling that Eclipse is not new to strange behavior, but
I wanted to know if anyone on the ML has a nice answer, solution or
workaround (other than standard answers like use another IDE), or at least
experiences the same issue with the code.

Thank you,


[2] Multiple markers at this line
- Bound mismatch: The generic method applyingFordFulkerson(OM) of type
MaxFlowAlgorithmSelectorV,W,WE,G  is not applicable for the arguments
(IntegerWeight). The
 inferred type IntegerWeight is not a valid substitute for the bounded
parameterOM extends OrderedMonoidObject
- Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to Integer
- Bound mismatch: The generic method findMaxFlow(G) of type
CommonsGraphV,E,G  is not applicable for the arguments

The inferred type BaseLabeledWeightedEdgeInteger  is not a valid substitute
 for the bounded parameterWE extends WeightedEdgeW

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
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Phone: +39-06-57333215
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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
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Re: [Graph] On graph weight type(s)

2012-01-12 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hi all,

the generic implementation of weights is finally completed, at least for 
currently implemented algorithms requiring weights. Check out the latest 
version of [graph] for details, and the related issue for description of 

Maybe one last effort can be made to come up with more understandable 
names (e.g. for a user that does not know what a Semigroup or Monoid 
is). Suggestions are welcome.

Thank you,

On 08/01/2012 18:43, Simone Tripodi wrote:

Hola Claudio,

I just saw the issue - flawless report! - just give me the time to
process it and I'll let you know!


On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 6:38 PM, Claudio Squarcella  wrote:


On 26/12/2011 22:09, Simone Tripodi wrote:

Hi Claudio!

just make your proposal and attach it to a jira Issue :)

it took a while (you know, Xmas and stuff) but here it is, with description:

I hope it looks good -- quite a big patch, so of course all comments are


Hope to hear from you soon, all the best!

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
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Phone: +39-06-57333215
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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
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Re: [Graph] On graph weight type(s)

2011-12-22 Thread Claudio Squarcella


I highly appreciated the last contributions (thanks guys!) but I also 
agree on this point, so let's start from the end.
I think that, no matter what underlying structure we come up with, the 
user should be able to specify e.g. a weighted edge with something like

public class MyEdge implements Edge, WeightedDouble { ... }

and be able to immediately use it as an input for all the algorithms, 
without extra steps required. So the average user is happy, while 
graph geeks can dig into advanced capabilities and forge their 
personalized weights :)

I hope we all agree on this as a first step. Complexity comes after.

I'll take my time as well to re-think.

I did think and code a bit more. First of all please take a look at the 
updated code: WeightedW is an interface (weight W can be any type) and 
all the algorithms require edges to implement WeightedDouble for now 
-- we did not break it that much ;)

About the HasProperty-vs-Property question (as in Comparable vs 
Comparator, MonoidElement vs Monoid, etc) I would go for the second one 
only. That is, external classes handle all operations on weights. 
Downside: the # of method parameters would increase linearly with the 
number of properties, but I can live with that (how many properties 
would weights have anyway?). On the other hand we have a neat interface 
for each property/class (Zero, Semigroup, Monoid, Ordering or 
Comparator, etc) and one clean, generic implementation for each 
algorithm. Dijkstra's signature becomes something like:

public static V extends Vertex, W, WE extends WeightedEdgeW, G 
extends DirectedGraphV, WE WeightedPathV, WE, W findShortestPath( G 
graph, V source, V target, MonoidW weightMonoid, ComparatorW 
weightComparator )

Scary uh? But wait, default implementations for Double, Integer, etc. 
are way easier. E.g. Dijkstra's shortcut for Double:

public static V extends Vertex, WE extends WeightedEdgeDouble, G 
extends DirectedGraphV, WE WeightedPathV, WE, Double 
findShortestPath( G graph, V source, V target )

return findShortestPath(graph, source, target, new DoubleMonoid(), 
new DoubleComparator());


where DoubleMonoid and DoubleComparator are part of the library.

If you guys are fine with this, I'm ready to try and patch [graph] with 
a Christmas gift :)


Claudio Squarcella
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Re: [Graph] On graph weight type(s)

2011-12-15 Thread Claudio Squarcella


On 15/12/2011 14:20, James Carman wrote:

We may be modeling the domain properly with all of this terminology, but is
this going to be understandable to the common user?

I highly appreciated the last contributions (thanks guys!) but I also 
agree on this point, so let's start from the end.
I think that, no matter what underlying structure we come up with, the 
user should be able to specify e.g. a weighted edge with something like

public class MyEdge implements Edge, WeightedDouble { ... }

and be able to immediately use it as an input for all the algorithms, 
without extra steps required. So the average user is happy, while graph 
geeks can dig into advanced capabilities and forge their personalized 
weights :)

I hope we all agree on this as a first step. Complexity comes after.

I'll take my time as well to re-think.

On Dec 15, 2011 7:38 AM, Matthew


On 15 December 2011 11:35, James

public interface BinaryOperationT
  public T execute(T operand1, T operand2);

Perhaps we can come up with an interface that combines the two
aspects.  I'm trying to think of mathematically what that would be
called.  By the way, what do you need to know HasZero?  A sum
operation has to have a zero, doesn't it?

The mathematical hierarchy goes: semigroup -  monoid.

You don't need a full group here as you are only interested in a single
operation, not a pair of interacting operations. There are several
JVM-hosted libraries that model this hierarchy to a greater or lesser
degree. scalaz uses:

trait Semigroup[S] {
  def append(s1: S


s2: =  S): S

trait Zero[Z] {
  val zero: Z

trait Monoid[M] extends Zero


with Semigroup


If you're not used to reading scala, here's the essentially equivalent
definitions in Java:

public interface SemigroupS  {
  public S append(S s1, S s2);

public interface ZeroZ  {

  public Z zero();

public interface MonoidM  extends



So, given that you have OrderingO  already (or is that ComparatorC?),
I'd say that Weight is defined as:

// insert comments here about the consistency of append and compare
public interface WeightW  extends MonoidW, OrderedW

Of course, a sensible default implementation of Weight would delegate to
Monoid and Ordered instances and you can then pray to the gods of hotspot
to inline this all away.

publicW  WeightW  weight(MonoidW  m, OrderedW  o) {
  new WeightW() {
public W zero() { return; }


Dr Matthew Pocock
Integrative Bioinformatics Group, School of Computing Science, Newcastle
msn: drdozer
skype: matthew.pocock
tel: (0191) 2566550
mob: +447535664143

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
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Re: [Graph] On graph weight type(s)

2011-12-14 Thread Claudio Squarcella


trying to put it all together (thanks James, Matthew):

  * WeightedW  is fully generic without restrictions on the type of
   weight W
  * different properties of weights are specified with interfaces: e.g.
   Summable, HasZero, Comparable...
  * each algorithm requires the weights to implement one or more of the
   above interfaces based on needs, and only works with related methods
   abstracting from the actual type of weight. For example sum(W
   weight) for Summable.

this is interesting - at a first read looked like an over engineered
layer, but it perfectly model the weight domain... can you provide a
patch containing such classes and see them in action in current
implemented algos?

of course I can, hopefully later this week.
And you're right, it sounds over-engineered. But it also gives much more 
freedom to the end user, so maybe in the future someone could say 
thanks ;)

Now, IFF you like that... what shall we do with Double, Integer, etc?

uhm I think we can get rid of them, this is something depending on the
domain in which algorithms are applied.

Well, ideally the user should be able to use seamlessly all the wrappers 
for primitive number types: i.e., a graph with edges that implement 
WeightedDouble should just work the way it is as an input for 
Dijkstra. But of course Double  co are legacy that have nothing to do 
with our fresh interfaces (Summable  co). So there are at least two 

 * The user has to wrap primitive types into classes that implement the
   appropriate interfaces, in order to speak the same language of the
   algorithm implementations. Some of these classes could of course be
   provided in the library (e.g. DoubleWeight, IntegerWeight).
 * The algorithms offer additional signatures for the same method that
   are legacy-compatible to some extent (e.g. only for Double and
   Integer), and then take care of the conversion internally.

I would go for the second one, because 'ignorance is bliss' for the user :)



Looking forward to hear from you soon!

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Claudio Squarcella
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Re: [Graph] On graph weight type(s)

2011-12-14 Thread Claudio Squarcella


On 14/12/2011 12:34, James Carman wrote:

I don't like the idea of pushing the adding, comparing, etc. into the
weights.  I like the idea of having operations external to the weights
that take care of that stuff.

I would be happy with non-polluted weights, so I am with you. But I am 
not quite sure how to translate that into a good implementation. Do you 
have an idea to share?


Claudio Squarcella
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Re: [Graph] On graph weight type(s)

2011-12-13 Thread Claudio Squarcella
, provided that it meets the
   requirements of the domain.

So here is a high-level view of what I propose:

  * the basic weight is nothing more than a {{Comparable}}, which is
   hopefully generic enough;
  * where needed, algorithms define more specific constraints on the
   input graph in their signature (e.g. Dijkstra can use {{Double}}).

Looking forward for comments,

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
E-mail address:
Phone: +39-06-57333215
Fax: +39-06-57333612**squarcel

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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
E-mail address:
Phone: +39-06-57333215
Fax: +39-06-57333612**squarcel

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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
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Re: [Graph] On graph weight type(s)

2011-12-12 Thread Claudio Squarcella


On 12/12/2011 05:39, James Carman wrote:

Sorry, I was on my phone before when I sent that.  Let me elaborate a
bit more.  I would just allow the weights to be of any type.  However,
you can create two different types of scenarios where you either use a
Comparable derivative or you use whatever you want, but you have to
supply a custom Comparator.

ok it definitely makes sense, thanks :)

The thing is: in case the weight is actually a number I would really 
like to keep it simple on the user side, i.e. it should be usable with 
something like {{WeightedDouble}}, or {{WeightedInteger}}, etc. On 
the other hand, some of the implemented algorithms would need to expose 
one method per number type: e.g. Dijkstra (which also sums weights, so 
it needs numbers) would need a method for Doubles, one for Integers, 
etc. Alternatively one could use the abstract class {{Number}} once for 
all -- but that would not make things easier, because there is no way to 
do maths directly with it (see e.g.

Summing up:

 * {{public interface WeightedW}} with method {{public W getWeight()}}
 * weighted things ({{Edge}}, {{Vertex}}, {{Graph}}, etc) need to
   implement it, e.g. {{public interface WeightedEdgeE,W extends
   EdgeE, WeightedW}}
 * each algorithm specifies the type of weight needed. E.g. Prim would
   only require edges to have {{Comparable}} weights or a
   {{Comparator}}, while Dijkstra needs edges with weights as real
   numbers (maybe just {{Double}} for now), etc.

How does that sound?


On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 8:01 PM, James Carman  wrote:

I wouldn't restrict the weight to Comparable.  What if the user wanted to
provide their own Comparator?

On Dec 11, 2011 7:07 PM, Claudio

Hi all,

I explored a bit more the (rather philosophical) dilemma that came from a
thread from last week, quoted below

One step further. A weight is not necessarily a double: in some cases not
even a number, but rather a comparable of some sort. So I would suggest to
make use of generics in some way, possibly the smartest. Suggestions are
welcome :-)

The question is: *what do we mean by weight when dealing with graphs?*

Real number is a standard answer in graph theory: see, e.g., (pag. 15).
What we have now in the code is a {{getWeight()}} method that returns a
double. That serves well for all the algorithms currently implemented, and
probably for many more to come. However it is also true that:

  * some domains of interest and/or algorithms might be more restrictive
   on the type and sign of real number for the weights: integers,
   non-negative rationals, etc.
  * strictly speaking, the basic operations associated with weights are
   usually just a few. Comparison and sum are enough at least for the
   algorithms implemented so far in the project (please correct me if I
   am wrong). Maybe scaling? Additive inverse?
  * each algorithm is aware of the subset of required operations. E.g.
   Prim's algorithm for minimum spanning trees only requires edge
   weights to be comparable, so they could even be Strings or whatever...
  * some very abstract user might want to use a new class (not
   necessarily a number) as a weight, provided that it meets the
   requirements of the domain.

So here is a high-level view of what I propose:

  * the basic weight is nothing more than a {{Comparable}}, which is
   hopefully generic enough;
  * where needed, algorithms define more specific constraints on the
   input graph in their signature (e.g. Dijkstra can use {{Double}}).

Looking forward for comments,

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
E-mail address:
Phone: +39-06-57333215
Fax: +39-06-57333612

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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
E-mail address:
Phone: +39-06-57333215
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Re: [Graph] On graph weight type(s)

2011-12-12 Thread Claudio Squarcella

On 12/12/2011 15:34, Simone Tripodi wrote:

Terrific feedback Matthew, thanks a lot!
and glad to see researchers here :)

Thank you indeed :)
I'll take that as valuable input.



On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 3:27 PM, Matthew Pocock  wrote:


I have tended to find that edge weights always follow the following laws:

They have a monoid:
  There is a zero (0) constant and a |+| operator for combining two weights.
They have an equivalence and (compatible) ordering relations (, =):
The ordering is compatible with the monoid. For example,
  a |+| 0 = 0
  a |+| b= a
  a |+| b = b |+| a
  a= 0
  a != 0, b != 0 =  a |+| b  a

Taken together, the algorithms for things like shortest-path or
weighted-k-neighbourhood can all be expressed, abstracted away from the
weight datatype, the operations for combining weights, and the operations
for comparing weights.

If you choose your ordering then you can derive the compatible min monoid
where a |+| b = min(a, b). If you use the natural ordering on numbers then
you commonly use the monoids (0, +) or (1, *).

However, I've had cases where the individual weights and accumulated
path-traversal weights are complex structures. This isn't a problem, as
long as there's a zero and |+| for these 'weight' structures, and a
well-behaved ordering over these structures.

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
E-mail address:
Phone: +39-06-57333215
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[Graph] On graph weight type(s)

2011-12-11 Thread Claudio Squarcella

Hi all,

I explored a bit more the (rather philosophical) dilemma that came from 
a thread from last week, quoted below
One step further. A weight is not necessarily a double: in some cases 
not even a number, but rather a comparable of some sort. So I would 
suggest to make use of generics in some way, possibly the smartest. 
Suggestions are welcome :-)

The question is: *what do we mean by weight when dealing with graphs?*

Real number is a standard answer in graph theory: see, e.g., (pag. 
15). What we have now in the code is a {{getWeight()}} method that 
returns a double. That serves well for all the algorithms currently 
implemented, and probably for many more to come. However it is also true 

 * some domains of interest and/or algorithms might be more restrictive
   on the type and sign of real number for the weights: integers,
   non-negative rationals, etc.
 * strictly speaking, the basic operations associated with weights are
   usually just a few. Comparison and sum are enough at least for the
   algorithms implemented so far in the project (please correct me if I
   am wrong). Maybe scaling? Additive inverse?
 * each algorithm is aware of the subset of required operations. E.g.
   Prim's algorithm for minimum spanning trees only requires edge
   weights to be comparable, so they could even be Strings or whatever...
 * some very abstract user might want to use a new class (not
   necessarily a number) as a weight, provided that it meets the
   requirements of the domain.

So here is a high-level view of what I propose:

 * the basic weight is nothing more than a {{Comparable}}, which is
   hopefully generic enough;
 * where needed, algorithms define more specific constraints on the
   input graph in their signature (e.g. Dijkstra can use {{Double}}).

Looking forward for comments,

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
E-mail address:
Phone: +39-06-57333215
Fax: +39-06-57333612

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Re: [Graph] Weighted as an interface

2011-12-06 Thread Claudio Squarcella


Moreover, I start having the feeling the {{WeightedGraph}} is a
useless interface: it is enough marking the vertices/edges as weighted
depending on the problem... or not? At the end of the day,
{{WeightedGraph}} does nothing than having the the edges marked as
weighted, so Dijkstra signature changed as:

V extends Vertex, WE extends WeightedEdge, G extends DirectedGraphV,
WEWeightedPathV, WEfindShortestPath( G graph,  V source, V
target )

still define well the input type, a graph wich relations are directed
edges and edges are weighted... WDYT?

I agree, as long as there are no specific features of the graph that are
independent on its vertices and edges.

quoting myself here: actually I think {{WeightedGraph}} should *not* go 
away if it makes sense to add methods to it later (e.g. to get the total 
weight). But changing the signature of the methods is still a valid 
idea, as it allows for a more fine-grained expressiveness on the input. 


Another advantage: I won't bother
later to add more speficic interfaces like {{EdgeWeightedGraph}} or
{{VertexWeightedGraph}} ;-)

+1, please include that in a separate issue!
All the best, have a nice day!


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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
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Re: [Graph] Weighted as an interface

2011-12-05 Thread Claudio Squarcella


thanks to both for your words! Please find comments below.

On 05/12/2011 10:01, Simone Tripodi wrote:

Hi Claudio,
what a pleasant surprise! :) I was hoping commons-graph would have
caught the interest of researchers on that field, I'm really happy you
would like to contribute!

I agree with your observations, please fill new issues on JIRA[1] and
feel free to provide patches, I'll process them ASAP :)

Alright, I'll find time later this week.

As for my suggestion on types, should I go for {{WeightedN extends 
Note that I am also concerned about domain-specific requirements (e.g. 
all weights must be positive) that I would like to see implemented as 
statically as possible in the code. {{Number}} should give us quite 
enough freedom in that direction (e.g. one could later extend it with 
something like {{PositiveInteger}}).

A more platonic alternative would be to have an abstract type of weight 
which 1. is comparable and 2. can be aggregated in some way (e.g. the 
weight of a path is the sum of weights of its edges). But I am probably 
going too far...

Moreover, I start having the feeling the {{WeightedGraph}} is a
useless interface: it is enough marking the vertices/edges as weighted
depending on the problem... or not? At the end of the day,
{{WeightedGraph}} does nothing than having the the edges marked as
weighted, so Dijkstra signature changed as:

V extends Vertex, WE extends WeightedEdge, G extends DirectedGraphV,
WE  WeightedPathV, WE  findShortestPath( G graph,  V source, V
target )

still define well the input type, a graph wich relations are directed
edges and edges are weighted... WDYT?

I agree, as long as there are no specific features of the graph that are 
independent on its vertices and edges. Another advantage: I won't bother 
later to add more speficic interfaces like {{EdgeWeightedGraph}} or 
{{VertexWeightedGraph}} ;-)


Looking forward for your contributions, can't wait for them! :)


On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 2:00 AM, James  wrote:

Welcome!  Contributions (and the contributor) are always welcome.  In my
past life, I did quite a bit of graph programming to solve business
problems.  We used yfiles, though.  I hope to get around to playing with
[graph] someday too.  Please do submit a patch!
On Dec 4, 2011 6:43 PM, Claudio


I have been reading the source in the past days and I found that the
concept of weight (e.g. weighted edge, graph, etc) could benefit from a
bit of abstraction.

The basic idea would be to have an interface called Weighted with an
obvious method getWeight(). Changes in the code would easily derive from
that. As a side effect it would be easy to implement new stuff like
weighted vertices: not as glorious as weighted edges, but still needed in
some problems (e.g. all-pairs bottleneck paths) and therefore desirable for
a general purpose graph API.

One step further. A weight is not necessarily a double: in some cases not
even a number, but rather a comparable of some sort. So I would suggest
to make use of generics in some way, possibly the smartest. Suggestions are
welcome :-)

If my thoughts meet some interest I will work on a patch.


I am a first-timer here, so what follows is a short introduction.
I am doing a PhD in Graph Drawing and Information Visualization. I always
looked for a standard, unified way to represent and handle graphs when
developing prototypes. So my interest in this project is quite natural, and
I am willing to help and see it become a robust project.

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
E-mail address:
Phone: +39-06-57333215
Fax: +39-06-57333612**squarcel

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Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
E-mail address:
Phone: +39-06-57333215
Fax: +39-06-57333612

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[Graph] Weighted as an interface

2011-12-04 Thread Claudio Squarcella


I have been reading the source in the past days and I found that the 
concept of weight (e.g. weighted edge, graph, etc) could benefit from 
a bit of abstraction.

The basic idea would be to have an interface called Weighted with an 
obvious method getWeight(). Changes in the code would easily derive from 
that. As a side effect it would be easy to implement new stuff like 
weighted vertices: not as glorious as weighted edges, but still needed 
in some problems (e.g. all-pairs bottleneck paths) and therefore 
desirable for a general purpose graph API.

One step further. A weight is not necessarily a double: in some cases 
not even a number, but rather a comparable of some sort. So I would 
suggest to make use of generics in some way, possibly the smartest. 
Suggestions are welcome :-)

If my thoughts meet some interest I will work on a patch.


I am a first-timer here, so what follows is a short introduction.
I am doing a PhD in Graph Drawing and Information Visualization. I 
always looked for a standard, unified way to represent and handle graphs 
when developing prototypes. So my interest in this project is quite 
natural, and I am willing to help and see it become a robust project.

Claudio Squarcella
PhD student at Roma Tre University
E-mail address:
Phone: +39-06-57333215
Fax: +39-06-57333612

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