Re: [FlexJS, MDL] DropDownList component

2017-05-11 Thread OK
Sounds good ;-)


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Re: [FlexJS, MDL] DropDownList component

2017-05-11 Thread OK
piotrz wrote
> As per your request Sir! Hand cursor has been added to default style. :)
> You can check in the next nightly build. 
> Thanks for testing it! :)

Awesome Piotr!!
It will probably take some time until I can check it out...

Thank you,

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Re: [ApacheCon/FlexJSSummit] Just registered...

2017-05-08 Thread OK
When will you arrive in Miami, Piotr?

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[ApacheCon/FlexJSSummit] Just registered...

2017-05-08 Thread OK
Hi guys,
a bit late but I've just registered for ApacheCon.
I'll be in Miami from Monday to Friday, looking forward to seeing you there!
Hope my broken English will be enough to survive... ;-)


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Re: [FlexJS, MDL] DropDownList component

2017-05-08 Thread OK
piotrz wrote
> I just added to MDL library DropDownList component. It utilize existing
> Menu and use material icon MaterialIconType.ARROW_DROP_DOWN as drop down
> arrow.

I've just checked it out, thank you for creating this!
Is it possible with less effort to show the hand cursor while moving over
the component?


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Re: [FlexJS Summit] Preparing the schedule

2017-05-03 Thread OK
I can not found any talk descriptions nor a link to the FlexJS summit
landing page when coming from the ApacheCon schedule site [1]
To get as much attention as possible it might be also helpful to introduce
FlexJS with one or two sentences at each talk description.

Let me know if I can help to fix this...

I'll register this week for ApacheCon, so I'm looking forward to seeing you
in Miami :-)



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Re: [FlexJS][POC] JSFiddle for FlexJS / Compile as-a-service

2017-04-28 Thread OK
Hi again,
I've had some time yesterday evening and improved the POC. 
It is possible now to compile FlexJS code that is coming from the browsers
Textarea. The compiled result is displayed via an Iframe [1].

The current worklfow is like this:
- Enter some code
- Click "Compile and run"
- The POST service is invoked with the code as payload
- A new tmp project dir is created at server side
- A Main.mxml with the passed code is created inside the tmp project dir
- The compiler is invoked
- The service response with the URL to the compiled js project and the
compiler output

I'm using nodejs as server. [2]
Cause I've none at all experience with nodejs the code might be weird ;-)
All in al this is just a quick hack...

Next step would be to pimp the UI and try to integrate the Monaco or Ace
Unfortunately, I've no proper internet connection at home for some days so
this will take some time...

I'd appreciate any feedback if I'm on the right track!



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Re: [FlexJS][POC] JSFiddle for FlexJS / Compile as-a-service

2017-04-28 Thread OK
Greg Dove wrote

Never seen this before, the haxe guys have done a great job and I think
you're right that this is something from which FlexJS could really benefit


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Re: [FlexJS][POC] JSFiddle for FlexJS / Compile as-a-service

2017-04-28 Thread OK
>Do we need a server?  We could use my CI server for now.
Thanks for your offer!
I think we'd definitely need a powerful server that provides the service. I
don't know for now if we'll get the power that would be needed for
productive use for free.

>Do we need a repo to share the code?
If it's ok for all of you I'd like to improve my little POC step by step and
if it's worth to share I'll put it to github repo including a working demo.

>Or should this go in TourDeFlexJS? 
Don't know, I'd like to focus on the compile-as-service feature for now ;-)


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Re: [FlexJS][POC] JSFiddle for FlexJS / Compile as-a-service

2017-04-28 Thread OK
Josh Tynjala wrote
> It has a smaller scope, so you could release
> something more quickly. Something that potential FlexJS users would find
> useful too! Both projects will integrate with the compiler, though, so a
> lot of the code that you'd write for the simpler project could probably be
> reused in the more complex project.

I've got it, Josh! :-))
You're definitely right that this would mean to release faster... but I'm so
curious how a compiler-as-service would work ;-)


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Re: [FlexJS][POC] JSFiddle for FlexJS / Compile as-a-service

2017-04-27 Thread OK
Josh Tynjala wrote
> In this simpler project, the generated code wouldn't even be run (maybe
> that's the part that you missed?)

I think this is the part that I don't understand. Where do you think the
generated code comes from?
I thought if it comes from the compiler it always runs?

Or is the idea to just prepare some pre-compiled examples and display the
MXML/AS3 and HTML/JS side by side?

Sorry, I'm lost ;-)


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Re: [FlexJS][POC] JSFiddle for FlexJS / Compile as-a-service

2017-04-27 Thread OK
Josh Tynjala wrote
> With the dev tools, you need to set up a project and build it first.

Probably I don't understand this.
My approach would be to just pass the compiled HTML/JS code to an iframe and
to offer a link
to be able to open the iframe content in a new window.
I thought this way anybody would able to inspect the source code by just
opening the browsers dev tool?



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Re: [FlexJS] Compiler log "INFORMATION: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.6% typed" isn't always there

2017-04-27 Thread OK
Josh Tynjala wrote
> That's output from the Closure compiler. It only runs on a release build,
> so maybe when it's not there, you're building the debug version only?

Ahh... I thought that I always run the debug build. 
I'll take care of this and keep an eye on the compiler output.

Thank you!


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Re: [FlexJS][POC] JSFiddle for FlexJS / Compile as-a-service

2017-04-27 Thread OK
>Simply let people see the JavaScript that gets produced from 
>ActionScript and MXML with FlexJS.
This might be helpful but on the other side, this is already provided by any
browsers dev tools.

>Maybe provide a couple of sample MXML/AS 
>files alongside an option to write your own code from scratch. 
Yes, I think a combination of pre-compiled samples and the option to compile
is a good idea.

>I think Microsoft's Monaco editor would be good for this sort of thing
WoW, it really seems that Microsoft is transforming itself to a completely
new company!

>but it would be really cool to see IntelliSense/completion 
>working from the browser. 
Definitely! But for now, I'd be happy to be able to build a very simple app
that probably will just provide some text areas, we'll see ... 


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[FlexJS] Compiler log "INFORMATION: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.6% typed" isn't always there

2017-04-27 Thread OK
does somebody know why the last rows of the compiler log sometimes look like

The project 'EmployeeAdmin' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
18.773474231 seconds

and sometimes like this:

Apr 27, 2017 9:29:58 AM
INFORMATION: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.6% typed
The project 'EmployeeAdmin' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
23.719833567 seconds


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[FlexJS][POC] JSFiddle for FlexJS / Compile as-a-service

2017-04-26 Thread OK
Hi guys,
I remember that there were some discussions that it would be nice to have
something like JSFiddle or CodePen for FlexJS.
I also remember that Alex introduced a POC for live editing a couple of
months ago.
Cause I've no idea if something like this could be achieved as-a-service and
I'm honestly not smart enough to improve this approach I wonder if it would
be an option to just make the compiler available as-a-service and build an
app around it that consumes this service.

Although this approach is far away from live editing and you have to wait
until the compiler is done I  think that FlexJS would benefit a lot from
something like this:

There would be no more entry barrier to get in touch with FlexJS: Just call
the (web) app, code and compile it with one click.
Folks could share useful FlexJS snippets and with the ability to store this
stuff it could automatically grow to an archive of code snippets.
It would be very ergonomic to compile the code with different FlexJS
versions or compiler options.
At least you would have one browser window that contains the code and the
result so I think this could be also a little helpful tool during regular
app development.

So I started a little POC regarding the service: 
I've just installed nodejs express and make Josh's asconfigc available via
an http endpoint.
This is just a few lines of code and it works as expected [1][2].
In the real world, the service would expect some FlexJS code and response
with the compiled code or an URL where the code lives.
Next step would be to build a FlexJS app that implements a CodePen inspired
UI and consumes the service. 

Before starting with this I'd like to ask if you think that this approach is
worth following it or if you expect too many issues (maybe also legal
issues) or if you think it's completely useless.

Of course, it's a long way to making it happen and a powerful backend is
needed and this is probably not for free. I'm not yet familiar enough with
the various cloud services out there but I could imagine that something like
'AWS lamda' would work. Maybe Apache Infra provide something like this?



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Re: [FlexJS] FlexJS Wiki Update

2017-04-24 Thread OK
Thanks Peter!

>I have been ignoring Basic project for now. We should discuss what is to 
>become of it. Personally, I would keep the HTML-specific components in the 
>HTML project and move the others into Basic, replacing what's already 

>From an app developer perspective, I also would expect only pure HTML
components from an HTML package which on JS side are equivalent to the
regular HTML components including its 'browser built-in features/API'.

Just my 2 cents,


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Re: [FlexJS] FlexJS Wiki Update

2017-04-24 Thread OK
Hi Peter,
thanks for this!
I probably not yet understand the whole story but it's a great entry point.

Would be great if you could answer some questions that come to my mind:

Group vs Container:
Does it mean that if we need a scrollable container and would like to target
HTML only it's recommended to use Group instead of Container and if we'd
like to target Flash and HTML we always have to use Container?

Does it make sense to introduce HGroup and VGroup as Express beads?

There are two implementations of e.g. HorizontalLayout (Basic and HTML):

What is the difference and when we have to use the one or the other?

Could we compose/use the container and layout classes with any FlexJS
component set, including MDL?

Thank you!




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Re: [FlexJS] Release cycles

2017-04-18 Thread OK
Christofer Dutz wrote
> Right now, with the Maven SNAPSHOTs I think we reduced the need to release
> often

What are the Maven snapshots and where are they located? Or is just the
latest snapshot available?


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Re: [FlexJS] Release cycles

2017-04-18 Thread OK
>Are you volunteering to be the release manager?
Maybe some day if I understand FlexJS better and know what's necessary to
cut a release...

>Releases have historically been a lot of effort.
It's a bit uncomfortable to speak about effort while contributing nothing by
myself but I also could imagine that more releases are less work at the end.
Is it so much effort cause of so many tasks that has to be done or are there
other reasons?
Maybe there are possibilities to reduce the effort for minor releases?
E.g. IMO there's no need to do all the public relations work for minor
releases which maybe contain just bug fixes.


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Re: [FlexJS] Status of dev branch/nightly build

2017-04-18 Thread OK
Thanks Alex, I've already downloaded it and will report issues... 


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[FlexJS] Release cycles

2017-04-17 Thread OK
I don't know how much effort it is to cut a release but I wonder if it makes
sense to increase the FlexJS release cycles to make changes much more
transparent and to don't overload a release with too much bug fixes and new


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[FlexJS] Status of dev branch/nightly build

2017-04-17 Thread OK
I was on vacation and have not been following the list lately.
I noticed some major changes and would like to ask if it's recommended to
use the nightly build or if some more changes are in the pipeline.


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Re: [FlexJS] How typedefs working? (was Accessing the DOM)

2017-03-24 Thread OK
harbs wrote
> The compiler knows how to read Google Complier extern files. Most of the
> typedefs are created from those.
> There’s actually a two-step process for generating the typedefs. It first
> creates ActionScript stubs, and then generates the swc from that. It
> download the extern files as part of the build process.
> If you are starting from scratch, it’s definitely possible to generate the
> swcs from ActionScript stubs, but since most of the typedefs we need have
> Google extern files, that’s not necessary.
> HTH,
> Harbs

Ok, I got it! Thanks, Harbs!
But I still wonder why the Angular guys don't follow this path? Instead of
extending their own externs lib they introduced the DefinitelyTyped lib?
It seems to me that the closure lib just contains a handful externs while
DefinitelyTyped covers nearly anything.
But isn't it a very tough work to create all the DefinitelyTyped stuff
manually even if it's done by thousands of contributors?
I understand that if the origin JS code uses the "externs JSDoc annotations"
then you get the typedefs for free?


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[FlexJS] How typedefs working? (was Accessing the DOM)

2017-03-24 Thread OK
to be cleaner I've just created this new thread regarding typedefs:

>No. No Adobe involved in that. It’s built by externc.
Ok, maybe I'm confused about how flex-typedef is working:

For instance, each lib inside the TS pendant DefinitelyTyped [1] contains a
file called index.d.ts which contain all the definitions. Without knowledge
of TS I could get an idea of the provided API for each lib.
It's very transparent for me.

Browsing through the flex-typedefs repo I didn't find any AS3 file that is
doing similar things to a index.d.ts file. Moreover, I've no idea how can I
get an information about the provided API of a particular lib.

So reading Alex "BatchScanner" Article again I understand that in FlexJS we
could create typedefs by using externc with externs-formatted JavaScript
files or by creating AS3 files and cross-compile it.
Is that right?

So for the moment, two questions are left for me:

- How could I get an information about the provided API of a collared lib or
where are the externs-formatted JavaScript files located?
- Why does nobody use the AS3 approach for building typedefs?



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Re: [FlexJS] Accessing the DOM

2017-03-24 Thread OK
>No. No Adobe involved in that. It’s built by externc.
Ok, maybe I'm confused about how flex-typedef is working:

For instance, each lib inside the TS pendant DefinitelyTyped [1] contains a
file called index.d.ts which contain all the definitions. Without knowledge
of TS I could get an idea of the provided API for each lib.
It's very transparent for me.

Browsing through the flex-typedefs repo I didn't find any AS3 file that is
doing similar things to a index.d.ts file. More over it's very hard for me
to get an information about the provided API of a particular lib.

So reading Alex "BatchScanner" Article again I understand that in FlexJS we
could create typedefs by using externc with externs-formatted JavaScript
files or by creating AS3 files and cross-compile it.
Is that right?

So for the moment, two questions are left for me:

- How could I get the information about the provided API of a collared lib
or where are the externs-formatted JavaScript files located?
- Why does nobody use the AS3 approach for building typedefs?



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Re: [FlexJS] Accessing the DOM

2017-03-24 Thread OK

>I’m using VS Code and Josh’s asconfig, with this asconfig.json file to
output JS: 
This is really helpful!

>The type definitions in js.swc are defined in the flex-typedefs repository. 
I've tried to search for e.g. "HTMLElement" but found nothing.
So I've taken a look into js.swc, extract it and found that it contains a
library.swc with its catalog.html where all the stuff is defined.
Does that mean that the source of that library.swc is still under control by
Adobe or is that library.swc build by some other magic?



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[FlexJS] Accessing the DOM

2017-03-23 Thread OK
FlexJS and Falcon are still some kinds of a black box for me, maybe somebody
could enlighten me again:

Encouraged again by Josh's tutorials I'm playing around with accessing the
DOM by using e.g. 
"document.getElementById('myInput') as HTMLInputElement" which works pretty
My understanding is that this is an AS3 feature and that "js.swc" contains
all the type definitions that make this possible.

To get an idea of how it works I've searched the falcon (and also asjs) repo
with keywords like "HTMLInputElement" but I found nothing relevant.

Moreover, it seems to me that accessing the DOM only works with pure AS3
Or it is possible to build "native AS3/HTML components" and compile it at
the same time with FlexJS components within the same project?


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Re: [FlexJS] Before and After

2017-03-22 Thread OK
If I got it right now the number of containers matches the number of divs,
looks great to me!
Even if I've no idea of what you've done internally I could imagine that it
was a painful way.

Thanks for working on this!


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Re: [FlexJS] Container and Layout Progress

2017-03-22 Thread OK
In case if something is broken for somebody maybe one option is to just check
out a previous revision by using the particular commit hash?


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[spriteflexjs][vscode] Need help with compiler options

2017-03-21 Thread OK
has somebody compiled Lizhis spriteflexjs tests/demos successful using
vscode and could share the tasks.json?


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Re: Pouchdb integration for FlexJS

2017-03-17 Thread OK
Thanks Alex, just read the top.html article, it is well written and very
Looking forward to check it out by myself...


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Re: Pouchdb integration for FlexJS

2017-03-17 Thread OK
Alex it seems to me that this is the wrong link?

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Re: AW: [FlexJS Summit] Accommodation in Miami

2017-03-15 Thread OK
Yes, I've also already used airbnb. I'll do some investigation ;-)


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Re: [FlexJS Summit] Accommodation in Miami

2017-03-15 Thread OK
Thanks Justin.
Sharing a room would be an option.
I am just not willing to pay over 200 dollars per night... no matter if it's
for private purpose or business trip. About 80 dollars would be ok.

If somebody knows if there's an area from which the conference hotel is
easily accessible (or even not) by feet or public transportation that would
be helpful also.
Of course google knows all about this stuff but sometimes it's better to
trust humans ;-)


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Re: [FlexJS Summit] Accommodation in Miami

2017-03-15 Thread OK
After sending this post it just comes in mind that it's probably for several
reasons not a good idea to ask for such recommandations via this list so
please just ignore it ;-)


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[FlexJS Summit] Accommodation in Miami

2017-03-15 Thread OK
I consider attending the conference.
The conference hotel costs too much and I've seen a lot of other much
cheaper accomodations.
I've never been in Miami, does anybody has some tipps for a accomodation.


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Re: I am curious, what do you guys think about Flash Player and Flash Platform's situation today? is it better or worse than expected 5/6 years ago? Re: WebAsm?

2017-03-15 Thread OK
Same here, the situation could be (always) better but it's much better than
I've expected.
We're still using AS3/Flex even for new apps and as long there's at minimum
one runtime environment available I have no concerns with it... Flex is to
powerful to throw it way.

Anyway, I think any kind of software/framework out there has its
dependencies and it's always a good idea to be prepared for some future
scenarios ;-)


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Re: ApacheCon / FlexJS Summit speaker and talk details needed for site

2017-03-15 Thread OK
>I was just updating the FlexJS Summit site and notice we don't have any
descriptions of our talks up on the Linux Conf site.

It seems to me that that neither the ApacheCon nor the FlexJsSummit site
contains any hint of "What is FlexJS?" at all.
Maybe a short explanation/introduction of FlexJS itself inside each
particular talk description and also inside the FlexJsSummit landing page
would be helpful?


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Re: [FlexJS, MDL] Add example "MDLDynamicTabsExample"

2017-03-03 Thread OK
piotrz wrote
> Hi All,
> I just added "MDLDynamicTabsExample" example which illustrate how to
> create "Tab" dynamically in our MDL library. [1]
> [1]
> Piotr

Hi Piotrz,
I've just checked it out and it works like a charme :-)
Thank you for working on this!


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Re: Loading external API in flex application

2017-02-24 Thread OK
Pawan Yadav wrote
> Hi --
> I am trying to load an external api in flex application
> loader.load(new URLRequest("url"));
>  and getting this error
> player error: Error #2035: URL Not Found. URL:
> Any idea, what could be wrong

A complete code example would be helpful.
Maybe this helps [1].
(Take care of of listening to "loader.contentLoaderInfo")

As an alternative you could try HTTPService [2]




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Re: [FlexJS, MDL] Layout Problems

2017-02-16 Thread OK
>If the Basic set has a component that MDL doesn't, MDL doesn't want you to
>that component.  Or am I wrong about that?

The problem is that MDL doesn't implement the complete Material Design spec.
There's a lack of e.g. DropDown, DatePicker and maybe something other...
If MDL would represent the complete spec I think there're would be no need
to mix components.


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Re: [VSCode, NextGenAS] Issues with IntelliSense, Goto Definition (Ctrl+Click) and auto imports

2017-02-16 Thread OK
Hi Josh,

>One thing worth mentioning is that you cannot go to classes that come from
SWC files (including >framework classes in the SDK).
Could you give me an example of such a framework class SWC?

>If a class is on the source-path, it should resolve for goto definition.
What is your understanding of 'source-path' in this case?

Thank you!


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[VSCode, NextGenAS] Issues with IntelliSense, Goto Definition (Ctrl+Click) and auto imports

2017-02-16 Thread OK
I wonder if I'm doing something wrong or if I'm gettting something wrong.
I've read the feature list and the ChangeLog [1] of the NextGenAS Extension
and thought that it works similar to FlashBuilder regarding IntelliSense and
the auto additons of "imports".

But for me it seems that IntelliSense and Goto does not work properly.
Sporadically sometimes it works and sometimes not... I have to test it a bit
more to get some more details.
Moreover it seems to me that it never adds the imports automatically.

I'm able to compile all the AS3/mxml stuff sucessfully and the compiled test
apps works like a charme but at the same time VSCode doesn't recognize some
classes or components.

Do I miss something?


"IntelliSense completion of classes in ActionScript and  blocks
now automatically adds imports.
IntelliSense completion of classes in MXML now automatically adds xmlns

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Re: [FlexJS, MDL] Layout Problems

2017-02-16 Thread OK
>That's why I can provide some beads. If you wanted to use you will if not
the core implementation won't >be touched.

Yes sorry, this probably makes sens ;-)

Thanks for working on MDL!


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Re: [FlexJS, MDL] Layout Problems

2017-02-16 Thread OK
>I will try to create some beads which handle some mentioned cases above.

>From the FlexJS perspective folks of course could wondering why they can't
remove this style but maybe from MDL perspective (including Material Design
specs) this maybe makes sense [1].

What I would like so say is that on the one hand we say "Use FlexJS MDL not
the FlexJS way but the MDL way" and on the other hand we alyways want to mix
components and different layout approaches.
Don't know if this a bit inconsistent and confusing...

As Harbs said if the issues could be solved I would leave the origin margin
as it is and let the app developer decide what he would like to do.



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Re: [FlexJS, MDL] Layout Problems

2017-02-16 Thread OK
>Can you exact specify what is the class of this container? 

There's a div that applies the class "mdl-slider__container" which sets the
height to 18px [1].
After removing this the vertical gap goes away.

The horizontal gap comes as Harbs said from MDL itself,  this is not nice
but not a FlexJS issue.



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Re: [FlexJS, MDL] Layout Problems

2017-02-15 Thread OK
Hi Yishayw,

yishayw wrote
> Carols, Piotrz, if you have time to have a look at this [1] it would be
> helpful. We spent some time trying to figure this out, but ended up just
> overriding some css attributes with !important, which doesn't seem robust.
> [1]

It seems to me that at least the horizontal gap is also there by using
"native" MDL [1],[2] (Maybe cause of some margins)



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Re: MXML Azzurro

2017-02-13 Thread OK
Cool, thanks for working on this!

It seems to me that the mxml editor at the bottom is not working under
Windows 7 with IE11 [1].
Firefox and Chrome works for me...



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Re: [FlexJS] Injection library

2017-02-10 Thread OK
>If you want injection and PureMVC maybe you should check fabrication [1]

This probably also need some refactoring to remove the mx/flash


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Re: [FlexJS] Injection library

2017-02-10 Thread OK
Hi ,
I don't want to start a framework discussion here but I'm loving PureMVC and
would like to describe my point of view:

I'm using PureMVC for years and these days it turns out that is more
powerful than ever for me.

I remember a lot of discussions regarding AS3 framework benchmarks and their
particular features a few years ago. And I also remember that Cliff Hall
(the author of PureMVC) was never tired to explain why PureMVC is like it is
and why it doesn't implement the "hottest shit" [1].

Years later I understand Cliffs ideas behind PureMVC more and more. Today we
can just grab a copy of PureMVC and compile it to JavaScript... it works
with FlexJS out of the box!

The other big advantage of PureMVC is that it was ported to nearly any
relevant programming language.
And if there's no port for your favorite language available you've a fair
chance to implement it by yourself cause PureMVC consist of just a few
classes and interfaces.
At the end this means that you've a faire chance to port your complete
business logic of of your valuable apps to any other programming language.
Maybe this will be never happen but to know that it would be possible calmed
down ;-)


[1] Quote of
While the "release early, release often" development philosophy can help a
team learn what their product should do, if that product is a framework,
adopters often tire of trying to hit a moving target. With PureMVC, we
nailed down the scope early on, fixed the bugs, and let it be.

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Re: [FlexJS] Need help with compiling MDL examples

2017-02-02 Thread OK
The MDL example app is working now for me!

Carlos and Piotr you've done a great job, absolutely awesome!
I hope to find some time to dive deeper into it, looking forward to it.


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Re: [FlexJS] Need help with compiling MDL examples

2017-02-02 Thread OK

Thanks for fixing it, I'll check it out tonight!

Your workflow description is really helpful!

Please don't get me wrong:
I have no concerns regarding maven. I remember a WoW Effect as I've tested
the maven builds
a few months ago the first time. Thanks to Chris effort the usage is pretty
I just had a understanding problem regarding the benefit to build the
examples using maven.

In summary my understanding is still that for framework development the
usage of maven has a a lot of benefits and thats perfectly ok for me.
But for application development there's no benefit with using maven. It is
maybe even to much. For somebody who comes from Flex and would like to start
with FlexJS there're probably enough pitfalls.

Hope I got it ;-)

Thank you!


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Re: [FlexJS] Need help with compiling MDL examples

2017-02-01 Thread OK
thanks to all for help.
asconfigc compiles successfully with 0 errors and 2 warnings.
But the output seems to me that there'e some styles missing [1].

However, probably I'm annoying you with this topic but I still don't
understand the benefit of using a build tool to compile the examples. Maybe
I'm a fool or to old for this stuff.
I understand that this maybe makes sense if somebody would like to build the
examples without using an IDE.
But in case of the MDL examples the tasks.json is included in the .vscode
And for me that implies that you have a working VSCode IDE with a working
(already build) SDK.
So in this case you just could call asconfigc without the need to download
and re-build the whole stuff.

Could somebody enlighten me?



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Re: [FlexJS] Need help with compiling MDL examples

2017-02-01 Thread OK
Hi Piotr,

>3) In order to build example without reconfiguring anything you need to
instal Maven.
This is the only one of our hints that I don't understand.
What do you mean with "reconfiguring" regarding the example?


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Re: [FlexJS] Need help with compiling MDL examples

2017-02-01 Thread OK
Hi Chris,

Christofer Dutz wrote
> Unfortunately I couldn’t find the tasks.json file you are talking about,
> so I couldn’t confirm my assumption.

I think this is the tasks.json file [1].
However, maybe you remember I've already tested the maven build a lot in the
past and the pure maven build works like a charme and I've also got a
working build for FlashBuilder.
But it seems to me that I've still not understand the big picture
So I'll continue to investigate this stuff ;-)



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Re: [FlexJS] Need help with compiling MDL examples

2017-01-31 Thread OK
Hi, I will take a look at it later.
But maybe I have a understanding Problem:
Why do I Need the Maven Build including a couple of downloads here?
I've already a working SDK.
I tought I the Examples are just a couple of as3/mxml Files that could be
just compiled.


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[FlexJS] Need help with compiling MDL examples

2017-01-31 Thread OK
I've started to investigate the MDL component set and tried to compile the
examples using VSCode.
I've opened the MDL example folder in VSCode, selected the App.mxml and
started compiling using CTRL+SHIFT+B.
By whatever magic a maven build starts but failed at the end [1].

Honestly I don't know what I'm doing here, could somebody point me to the
right directon?

I've used the FlexJS nightly build. (While compiling a js component as
simple test, I've got a circular dependency issue, maybe there's a bug in
the build ? [2])



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Re: [FlexJS] MDL requires JS:Container type of component

2017-01-31 Thread OK
>as I just explained in other thread
I'm interested in this but can't find the thread, could you please post a
link to it?

>you're trying to mix things (sets of components) that are not intended to
work together. 
Do you mean that we can't mix the js:container and layout beads with mdl or
do you just mean that the mix of different components (e.g. js:Label with
mdl:TextField) does not work?



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Re: [FlexJS] "MDL + VS Code" ready to go?

2017-01-31 Thread OK
Got it ;-) Thanks Carlos!

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RE: [FlexJS] "MDL + VS Code" ready to go?

2017-01-31 Thread OK
Thanks, I'll give it a try next days, looking forwadr to it!

>I recomendaciones you to use not only MDL and VSCode but Maven building as

Only for my understanding: 
Is the maven build required for application development using MDL or could I
also just grab the nightly build?


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[FlexJS] "MDL + VS Code" ready to go?

2017-01-30 Thread OK
Hi guys,
first thanks again to all of you for all the efforts to push FlexJS in the
right direction!

For an upcoming simple project I maybe have the chance to choose FlexJS.
Going with FlexJS would be great cause the best way to legitimate any kind
of effort regarding the FlexJS framework within the scope of my daily job is
to have at least an FlexJS app in production.

The main purpose of the upcoming project/app is to just to collect some data
by providing some material design based forms. My Idea is to build the
"consumer UI" with FlexJS and the probably more complex "admin UI" with the
standard Flex SDK.

Cause I've not followed the complete discusson here in the past I wonder if
the current code base is stable and complete enough to realize such an app
with FlexJS.
I understand 1.0 is not reality yet and I don't expect a perfect working
framework but if I suggest FlexJS as a potential candiate for us I'd like to
make sure not to spend too much time with framework issues.

Could anybody share his expericance?


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Re: Happy New Year 2017

2017-01-01 Thread OK
Happy new year to all of you!
Great progress on MDL, I'm looking forward to check it out. Thank you all
again for working on it!


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Re: [FlexJS] Preparing an article on FlexJS ...

2017-01-01 Thread OK
Christofer Dutz wrote
> Hi guys,
> Last year I volunteered for creating an article on FlexJS for our
> company’s newspaper: Softwerker
> (
> It has about 6000 printed editions and even ore electronic ones. Being a
> German company the article will be in German too.
> Are any people here on the team with decent German capabilities to
> eventually proof read the article?
> Chris

I could offer to proofread it regarding typos, don't know if my FlexJS
skills are enough to review the content.


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Re: [FlexJS]Promises

2016-11-16 Thread OK
If you overlook this maybe this is helpful [1]



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Re: 4.16 SDK release

2016-11-07 Thread OK
I've just committed the FontAwesome 4.7 update, hope I've done it all right.


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Re: [github] Authentication failed

2016-11-07 Thread OK
I'm such an idiot... always the same, if there're any pitfalls I'm sure to
stumble over all of it ;-)

Thanks Josh!

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[github] Authentication failed

2016-11-06 Thread OK
I've tried to push the FontAwesome update to the release4.16.0 branch but I
end up with a auth/403 error.
I remember that I was able to commit a test-commit a few months ago but it
seems that my head is completely resetted. I've no idea how I achvieved this
in those days.

What I've done so far using git bash:
- git clone ...
- checkout release4.16.0 branch
- git add ...
- git commit -m"FLEX-35122: Update to FontAwesome 4.7"
- git push origin release4.16.0

->remote: Invalid username or password.
->fatal: Authentication failed for ''

I tried it with my apache-id and my github acccount.
While I'm writing this the SVN stuff comes into my mind, could it be that I
have to use SVN only to commit something?


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Re: [FlexJS] How to change a node at runtime

2016-11-04 Thread OK
Hi Carlos,
would it be an option to implement the Badge component as pure Badge without
any build-in options to use it with a, div or span?
Doing it this way the pure Badge maybe could be composed with any other
FlexJS component.
E.g. to emulate a MDL span badge (text + badge) we could compose a
 with  using MXML and anyone could position the badge
relative to the Label as he wants.

Just some thoughts... ;-)


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Re: New Flex SDK release

2016-11-03 Thread OK
Justin Mclean wrote
> I’m not a lawyer but looking at the file I’d use the MIT header only.

This is the modified [1] which includes the update to
FontAwesome 4.7 and the MIT licence header that replaces the Apache license
If this is ok I'll commit it to the origin Flex repo soon (including the
Should I commit it to the 4.16.0 branch?



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Re: New Flex SDK release

2016-11-03 Thread OK

>Yes that an option (and given as one on legal discuss).
Great! One last question:
Should I replace the Apache license header by the MIT one or should I add
the MIT header under the Apache license header?



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Re: New Flex SDK release

2016-11-03 Thread OK
I'm also not a layer and I don't want to trigger another license disucssion
here but is it not enough to just add the MIT license text as additional
header to the affected files including the required copyright info?

MIT license:
"The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software."

Additionaly a license summary file that lists affected files where we can't
place a license text (e.g. FontAwesome.otf) makes sense.



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Re: New Flex SDK release

2016-11-03 Thread OK
Justin Mclean wrote
> I assume we are only using the font files?

I think we use the .otf font [1] and variables.less [2]. But latter only as
template to create the AS3 constants file [3].
I understand that 4.7 font and code is compatible with Apache so we're
probably fine but just out of curiosity:
Should we also take care of license issues cause we grab [2] and create a
new file of it [3]?



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Re: New Flex SDK release

2016-11-03 Thread OK
Justin Mclean wrote
> Hi,
>> I would update FontAwesome to the latest release so we have one more
>> minor
>> change…
> You want to take care of [1]. I also noticed this the other week [2] which
> has raised almost $500,000! Sadly the license isn’t likely to be
> compatible with Apache.
> Thanks,
> Justin
> 1.
> 2.

Thanks for the reminder regarding the open jira.
My understanding is that the kickstarter Projekt targets 5.0 which will be
available in May 2017.
I would update to 4.7.
There will be still a community Version... Is this also incompatible with

Anyway, unbelivable and awesome what great support the FontAwesome guys got
by its community. They got the money for the origin target in a few minutes! 


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Re: New Flex SDK release

2016-11-02 Thread OK
Justin Mclean wrote
> Hi,
> It’s been quite a while (10 months!) since we’ve made a new Flex SDK
> release, and there's a number of changes and fixes that have been made in
> develop.
> If no-one else want to be the release manager I’ll put my hand up for the
> role.
> Thanks,
> Justin

>From my point of view it would be great to have a new release even if it'll
be shipped with just minor changes.
I would update FontAwesome to the latest release so we have one more minor
Thanks for beeing the release manager!


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Re: Problems with the Installer

2016-10-27 Thread OK
Alex Harui wrote
> OK, pushed a fix.  New nightly build should be available in about 45
> minutes.

Works, thanks Alex!


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Re: AMFPHP support for FlexJS

2016-10-27 Thread OK
Hey Carlos,

Carlos Rovira wrote
> Hi Olaf, I think is more about efficiency and optimization. AMF is binary,
> more compacted and faster that any other method I known out there. 

Yes, Flex/AMF is definately faster and I remember the discussions years ago
about AMF regarding performance. But even if it's faster I'm not sure if you
really notice it cause often there're other bottle necks that slow down
More over I think it depends on the use case to be really profit by the
performance lead of AMF.

Don't get me wrong, it would be great if FlexJS will support AMF but I'd
also like to say that the current lack of AMF support is no show stopper
that makes it impossible to use FlexJS.
In best case people maybe could just add a facade on top of their current
backend to be able to speak JSON over http.

Anyway, you are my MDL super hero, thanks again for working on it !!! ;-)


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Re: AMFPHP support for FlexJS

2016-10-27 Thread OK
There's a thread in the users list which might anser some your questions [1].

>From my perception REST with JSON is become some kind of de facto standard
these days.
Even if AMF is maybe technically the better choice, in times of API driven
design it might be also important 
to provide reusable APIs that could be shared or consumed by anyone and

Creating a RESTful API is not so hard. In the PHP world one option to achive
it with less effort is SLIM3 [2].
Maybe you could "restify" yor current backend with reasonable effort.




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Re: MDL Tweet

2016-10-27 Thread OK
Great progress Carlos, thanks to make it happen!!!


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Re: Problems with the Installer

2016-10-26 Thread OK
Same issue for me: I tried to install the Flexjs nightly 3 times a few hours


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Re: [FlexJS] enabled property

2016-10-18 Thread OK
Carlos Rovira wrote
> I could make my own DisabledBead, I only need to know how I can write
> "disabled" in
> the code at runtime. Do you know the way to do this in FlexJS?

If I understand you right this [1] is a similar discussion, maybe it helps a



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Re: [Discuss] What's keeping the others from participating?

2016-10-16 Thread OK
Hi Chris,
I hope that you don't really think that your effort is waste of time!!!
Like others I've also not so much time and I've spend most of this time with
testing the maven build in the past.

I think FlexJS is on a good way but we should care to not raise false
During my FlexJS journey I stumbled and still stumble over some issues. Of
course issues are expected but  any issue cost time: E.g. it cost time to
check if it's my fault or if it could be a bug.
In the case of a bug it's not always so easy for me to isolate it and to
create a reproducible test case.
And to fix the bug by myself by commiting some clever code is a complete
other story.
But I'm still optimistic that I'll able to commit something useful in the

>From my point of view what is really needed for 1.0 is a complete componet
set that works including some docs and code snipptes.

Just my 2 cents,

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Re: [FlexJS]databinding using 'curly braces {} syntax' is broken in 0.7

2016-10-12 Thread OK
Do you have already add a proper binding bead? 

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Re: [FlexJS] Translation from framework to JS

2016-10-11 Thread OK
Carlos Rovira wrote
> regarding Flat.swc you mentioned, I was not aware of it. I check the
> library, but don't know if there's some project using it as an example. Is
> there some of it?




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Re: [FlexJS]variable's default access control is not complied correctly in javascript mode

2016-10-10 Thread OK
Alex Harui wrote
> IMO, it is a bug if you have to add a 'this' that isn't required in
> ActionScript.  I think I fixed this particular scenario.  Let us know what
> else you f ind.

Yes you're right it should classified as  a bug but I've not take the time
to figure out in which cases it happens and to build a simplified test case.
Probably it's better to immedeately create a JIRA in future instead of
collecting these kind of issues by myself until I find time to track it ;-)


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Re: [FlexJS] Translation from framework to JS

2016-10-10 Thread OK
Carlos Rovira-3 wrote
> As I get more knowledge on this, I think w could discuss, if we could get
> a
> MDL library to expose MDL look'n feel directly on FlexJS
> Or I you think there's a better approach.
> I think this is one of the main things we need, to start spreading the
> word
> of FlexJS in a more engaging way, since visuals is what people first look
> to choose us
> (then comes the technology behind, but if and amazing technology doesn't
> look at first glance attractiveis difficult to bring people on board)

Hi Carlos,
I'm also still pretty sure that the need of a modern look and feel is
crucial for FlexJS.
I saw that Peter already done a great job with introducing the flat
component set.
I'm hopefully getting more and more familar with FlexJS while porting a
little PureMVC demo to FlexJS.
As soon as I'm finished this first FlexJS journey I'm willing to help with
completing existing component sets and adding a MDL component set.
But I'm also pretty sure that I'll have to take some more hurdles to get
familar with asjs...


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Re: [FlexJS]variable's default access control is not complied correctly in javascript mode

2016-10-10 Thread OK
pan Li wrote
> package
> {
>   public class SomeClass
>   {
>var field:String = "hello";
>public function doSomething():String
>return field;
>   }
> }

While working with FlexJS I've noticed that sometimes it seems to be crucial
to use the "this" keyword:
E.g.; return this.field;
But I'm not sure if I remember it correctly...

Maybe this helps,

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Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: [FlexJS][Maven] Distribution build failed

2016-10-08 Thread OK
Thanks for this helpful link Josh!

I've already took a quick look at it and compared the maven dist build with
the nightly build.
After doing following steps I've got a working SDK :-)

This is what I've done:
- replace maven flex-sdk-description.xml by nightly one ( has to be
> 4.8.0)
- add frameworks/mxml-manifest.xml 
- add frameworks/rsls
- add frameworks/airmobile-config.xml
- add frameworks/spark-manifest.xml
- add frameworks/locale
- add lib/mxmlc.jar
- rename lib/flex-compiler-oem-0.8.0-20161007.045759-44.jar to 
- rename lib/adt-20.0.jar to adt.jar
- add ide  


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Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: [FlexJS][Maven] Distribution build failed

2016-10-07 Thread OK
Christofer Dutz wrote
> If you have used the normal settings-template.xml you will probably have a
> directory ".m2/repository" in your users home directory. This is where
> maven "downloads the internet" to and this is where stuff is copied when
> running a maven "install".
> If you delete the "com\adobe\air" directory maven will not find it and the
> mavenizer will re-download AIR and create new Artifacts from it. If you
> don't delete it, Maven will re-use the empty zip file and fail again.

Thanks for explanation, it's easy even if you know what you're doing ;-)
But unfortunately I've still no success.

This is what I did:
- remove com\adobe\air
- remove flex-asjs
- clone flex-asjs repo again
- start maven build using [1]
- noticed that AIR was downloaded
- build ends successful
- check "flex dist target folder" [2]
- Try to configure my FlashBuilder with the SDK but still get "Dir does not
contain a Flex SDK"

Do I miss anything?


[1] mvn -U -s settings-template.xml
-DdistributionTargetFolder=/c/local/tmp/FlexJSDist -P build-distribution
clean install

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Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: [FlexJS][Maven] Distribution build failed

2016-10-07 Thread OK
Hi Chris,
no success, please see comments below:

>Please delete the "com/adobe/air" directory in your maven local repo and
try again using the Maven "-U" >switch ... 

I can't find this directory, you mean the asjs build repo?
To make sure that there's nothing old I just removed the complete flex-asjs
folder, cloned and build it again by using the -U param. But still no

Perhaps I have to wait after midnight?


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Re: [FlexJS][Maven] Distribution build doesn't work with FlashBuilder

2016-10-07 Thread OK
>The mavenizer creates an artifact:

>On the mac version this contains content and I needed to add it to make it
a valid FDK. On windows this >archive seems to be empty and I am trying to
investigate today why it is empty. I guess as soon as I >fixed >that we
might be getting closer.

I've searched through the maven build log by using 'air' as keyword and just
find these mac entries only [1] but nothing similar related to win. Mabe
this is helpful...

>But I am really thankful that you are trying this thing out ... as soon as
we produce valid distributions >things will become a lot easier [?] 
Hope so, seems that we're close to this goal ;-)


[1] Maven build log
[WARNING] The following patterns were never triggered in this artifact
inclusion filter:
o  'com.adobe.air.runtime:air:zip:mac'
[WARNING] The following patterns were never triggered in this artifact
inclusion filter:
o  'com.adobe.air.runtime:air-captive:zip:mac'

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Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: [FlexJS][Maven] Distribution build failed

2016-10-06 Thread OK
Hi Chris,
the build ends up successful now and this is great, thanks!
But my FlashBuilder says "Directory does not contain a Flex SDK".
I'll create a new thread with this issue [1].

The maven proxy configuration works now for me.
I've misunderstood the maven guideline and thought the a
${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml would overwrite the settings-template.xml
inside the repo. So I re-read your hint and just update the
settings-template.xml with my proxy settings.


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[FlexJS][Maven] Distribution build doesn't work with FlashBuilder

2016-10-06 Thread OK
the maven distribution build ends up successfully now and I'd like to use
the build with FlashBuilder 4.7.
Unfortunately my FlashBuilder says "Directory does not contain a Flex SDK".
So I compared the maven build [1] with the nightly build [2] and notice some

I tried to copy some missing files from the nightly to the maven build with
no success.
But I have to say that I have no idea what is needed for a valid SDK.

Any ideas?


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Re: AW: AW: AW: [FlexJS][Maven] Distribution build failed

2016-10-06 Thread OK
Hi Chris,
unfortunately still no success [1].
Cause it works for you on your windows VM it seems that I'm doing something
Do you have any additional hints for me?


[INFO]  - Finished installing Adobe AIR SDK 20.0

[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Parent  SUCCESS [  3.532
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework  SUCCESS [  0.473
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Fonts . SUCCESS [  3.809
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs .. SUCCESS [  1.053
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Core  SUCCESS [  7.362
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Binding . SUCCESS [  1.399
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Collections . SUCCESS [  1.015
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Graphics  SUCCESS [  2.111
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: HTML  SUCCESS [  8.359
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Charts .. SUCCESS [  3.106
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Effects . SUCCESS [  1.402
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: CreateJS  SUCCESS [  1.658
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: DragDrop  SUCCESS [  0.744
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Flat  SUCCESS [  1.119
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Formatters .. SUCCESS [  0.898
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: GoogleMaps .. SUCCESS [  1.326
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: HTML5 ... SUCCESS [  0.857
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: JQuery .. SUCCESS [  0.832
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Language  SUCCESS [  0.640
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Mobile .. SUCCESS [  1.369
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Network . SUCCESS [  0.940
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Reflection .. SUCCESS [  0.850
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Storage . SUCCESS [  0.827
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: XML . SUCCESS [  1.065
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Archetypes  SUCCESS [  0.058
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Archetypes: Simple FlexJS
Application SUCCESS [  0.431 s]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Archetypes: Library SUCCESS [  0.225
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples . SUCCESS [  0.095
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS . SUCCESS [  0.278
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: ChartExample SUCCESS [01:39
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: CordovaCameraExample SUCCESS
[01:38 min]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: CreateJSExample SUCCESS
[01:38 min]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: DataBindingExample SUCCESS
[01:37 min]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: DataBindingExample_as SUCCESS
[01:34 min]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: DataBindingExample_Flat
SUCCESS [01:35 min]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: DataGridExample SUCCESS
[01:33 min]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: DesktopMap . SUCCESS [01:34
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: FlexJSStore  SUCCESS [01:37
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: FlexJSStore_jquery SUCCESS
[01:37 min]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: FlexWebsiteStatsViewer
SUCCESS [01:34 min]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: HelloWorld . SUCCESS [01:31
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: MapSearch .. SUCCESS [01:34
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: MobileMap .. SUCCESS [01:33
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: MobileTrader SUCCESS [01:37
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: StorageExample SUCCESS [01:32
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: StyleExample SUCCESS [01:36
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: TodoListSampleApp SUCCESS
[01:34 min]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Examples: FlexJS: TreeExample  SUCCESS [01:33
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Distribution . FAILURE [10:28


[INFO] Total time: 41:57 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-10-06T21:19:53+02:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 348M/1586M

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project distribution: Could not resolve
dependencies for project
org.apache.flex.flexjs.framework:distribution:pom:0.8.0-SNAPSHOT: Failure to
find com.adobe.air.compiler:adt:zip:win:20.0 in 

Re: AW: AW: [FlexJS][Maven] Distribution build failed

2016-10-06 Thread OK
Christofer Dutz wrote
> If you are behind a proxy, you will probably need to adjust the
> settings-template.xml
> There is a proxy related block in there, so just comment that in and
> adjust it to suit your needs.

Thanks Chris.
I've already did this by following this guide [1] and creating
${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml with the proxy block inside but it does not
seem to work for me for whatever reason.
I still notice some "Downloading... failed: Connection timed out: connect"
errors in the log.
But no problem, will try it later.



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Re: Moonshine IDE 1.2.1 Windows release

2016-10-06 Thread OK
Alex Harui wrote
> I tried installing on my Windows 10 computer.  I downloaded the .exe but
> when I run it, nothing seems to happen.  Any hints?

I've the same behavour with Windows 7, 64bit. Running the .exe has no
effect. I also can't see any "moonshine" processes in the task manager.


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Re: AW: [FlexJS][Maven] Distribution build failed

2016-10-06 Thread OK
>judging from the attempt to use the win version of adt
What is adt?

>I guess you should provide the distribution target directory windows style
(C:\some\directory) , or >eventually windows java style (C:/some/directory).

I've used "git bash" cause it's always open on my desk. Maybe I also try the
standard command line with different path styles. Cause I'm behind a proxy
now I'll test it at home tonight (I've already configured maven with our
company proxy but the downloads doesn't work)

Do you think there's no issue with the described AIR error log?


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Re: [FlexJS][Maven] Distribution build failed

2016-10-06 Thread OK
>Olaf, what version of Maven are you running? 

Apache Maven 3.3.9


I used the other from the wiki page but it seems to be that same except the
$ mvn -s settings-template.xml
-DdistributionTargetFolder=/c/local/tmp/FlexJSDistribution -P
build-distribution clean install

Maybe I should try other notations for the target folder path cause my
Distribution folder is empty.
Does maven create the passed distribution folder or should it be already
Anyway, as Alex said it seems that there's also an issue with getting the
AIR artifact?:
"Could not find artifact com.adobe.air.compiler:adt:zip:win:20.0"

>So please make sure you are seeing the Flex logo in the build log. 
I'm pretty sure to see it directly after I start the build ;-)

I'm still confused about the different build types. Could somebody explain
me what I could do with a build that doesn't work with an IDE and doesn't
contain the Adobe stuff?
I thought as long as FlexJS will target swf and js the only build that makes
sense to work with is the all-inclusive distribution build?


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Re: [FlexJS][0.8.0] Binding issue on swf side

2016-10-05 Thread OK
Alex Harui wrote
> Update:  The compiler isn't assigning private access getters to the
> Watchers, but it is assigning it to the Bindings, so I made changes to the
> Binding code in FlexJS to deal with it and things seem to be working.

Thanks Alex, I'll test it soon!


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[FlexJS][Maven] Distribution build failed

2016-10-05 Thread OK
I was going to test Alex work on the "binding issue" but the maven
distribution build still fails for me [1].

Any hints?


[1] Errror log:

[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Parent  SUCCESS [  3.929
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework  SUCCESS [  0.458
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Fonts . SUCCESS [  4.272
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs .. SUCCESS [  0.942
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Core  SUCCESS [  6.187
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Binding . SUCCESS [  1.885
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Collections . SUCCESS [  0.950
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Graphics  SUCCESS [  1.806
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: HTML  SUCCESS [  6.211
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Charts .. SUCCESS [  2.556
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Effects . SUCCESS [  0.939
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: CreateJS  SUCCESS [  1.563
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: DragDrop  SUCCESS [  0.752
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Flat  SUCCESS [  1.121
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Formatters .. SUCCESS [  0.909
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: GoogleMaps .. SUCCESS [  1.252
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: HTML5 ... SUCCESS [  0.810
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: JQuery .. SUCCESS [  0.873
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Language  SUCCESS [  0.710
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Mobile .. SUCCESS [  1.432
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Network . SUCCESS [  0.901
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Reflection .. SUCCESS [  1.199
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: Storage . SUCCESS [  1.155
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Libs: XML . SUCCESS [  1.010
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Archetypes  SUCCESS [  0.056
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Archetypes: Simple FlexJS
Application SUCCESS [  0.414 s]
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Framework: Archetypes: Library SUCCESS [  0.174
[INFO] Apache Flex - FlexJS: Distribution . FAILURE [10:56


[INFO] Total time: 11:43 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-10-05T21:21:51+02:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 112M/1492M

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project distribution: Could not resolve
dependencies for project
org.apache.flex.flexjs.framework:distribution:pom:0.8.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not
find artifact com.adobe.air.compiler:adt:zip:win:20.0 in apache-release
( -> [Help 1]

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