Re: Automating Error-prone Manual Release-related Files By Using Centralized Release Artifact Metadata

2013-10-02 Thread Kay Schenk
On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Herbert Duerr  wrote:

> Rob Weir wrote:
> > Every time we release we need to generate quite a few files related to
> > the release.
> >
> > Here's the list I know of:
> >
> > 1) The ASC/SHA/MD5 hashes and signature files, one for every released
> file
> We're using scripts for these of course. With the more than 400 packages
> we're providing everything else would be insane. The checksums should
> and are created on the machines they are built on to help protect the
> gigabytes of data as early as possible.
> > 2) A CWiki page listing all the built files with hyperlinks to hashes,
> etc.
> >
> >
> >
> > This is used when voting on a Release Candidate.
> Jürgen uses a self written script for that. AFAIK it is not publically
> available yet. If needed it can be rewritten with a few lines of a
> script language.
> > 3) release_matrix.js, used by the download page's logic to decide what
> > file to recommend based on user's locale:
> > [...]
> > 7) The XML files used by the upgrade notification server, one XML file
> > per release:
> Don't know about these. It would be stupid to do all of it manually. I
> suggest the owners of these tasks share their scripts, e.g. in the
> directory.

A good idea...even better if there were some Apache service (server) that
would allow access for cron jobs to do maybe a lot of this...we could
pretty creative. Perl and bash scripts are our friends. :)

> > How close are we to this?  Is any part of this automated already today?
> The parts I'm aware of are automated.
> Herbert
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:


"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged
 to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't."
 -- "Following the Equator", Mark Twain

Re: [FOSDEM-Devrooms] FOSDEM 2014 devroom proposal: Apache OpenOffice

2013-10-02 Thread Philip Paeps
On 2013-09-15 20:53:48 (+0200), Philip Paeps  wrote:
> On 2013-09-15 20:44:30 (+0200), Andrea Pescetti  wrote:
> > (sent on behalf of the Apache OpenOffice PMC: )
> > 
> > * Devroom name:
> > 
> > Apache OpenOffice
> ACK from  Your proposal arrived safely and it looks
> complete.  We'll be in touch in due course to let you know if we accept
> it.

We received a broadly similar proposal to yours from the LibreOffice
crowd and decided to merge both of you into an "open document editors"
developer room, where you can collaborate and share ideas.

We will subscribe you to the devroom-managers mailing list where we'll
post more information in the next couple of days about sending calls for
participation and managing proposals with Pentabarf.

We'll also put you in touch with the LibreOffice crowd.

Best wishes.

Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Ministry of Information

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Re: [download page] experience with updated download page

2013-10-02 Thread Marcus (OOo)

Am 10/02/2013 09:26 PM, schrieb Marcus (OOo):

Am 10/01/2013 09:55 PM, schrieb Marcus (OOo):

Am 10/01/2013 09:22 PM, schrieb Oliver-Rainer Wittmann:


On 01.10.2013 20:52, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


But in another thread I mentioned that on my system (Windows 7 64bit
English) in Internet Explorer 8 the table on is empty.

So, you mean this? --> OK --> not OK


I enabled 'debug mode' (or whatever) in my Internet Explorer 8.
It tells me the following:
At line 96 of download_other.js: "Object does not support this property
or method"
Line 96 is:
if ( PLATFORM.indexOf( "Win_x86" ) > -1 )

That's strange because where is the difference to this?

Line 66 of "download.js":
if ( language.indexOf( "_" ) != -1 )

Normally I would expect that then the "index.html" *and* "other.html"
webpage cannot be shown.

Have a look at

May be this is the problem in my Internet Explorer 8

Thanks a lot for the hint. I'll investigate. :-)

I've done a fix yesterday and was today able to test it. The table is
now shown as it should be:

Please also test on your side as you seen the problem with your MSIE 8.

But of course everybody else can test, too.

I've added the fix also to the main "index.html" file.

So, please test both webpages with your MSIE 8:

Thanks in advance.


Does somebody else experience the same?

No, on my office PC I've Windows 7 64-bit and MSIE 8. But no
problems to
display both webpages. But after the latest changes I'll try again


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Re: [RELEASE 4.0.1][Product Update Notification Service] updated XML feeds for the former versions to be notified about version 4.0.1

2013-10-02 Thread Marcus (OOo)

Am 10/02/2013 11:21 PM, schrieb FR web forum:

So, there is no separate webpage needed. However, there is an additional
webpage to tell the user how to use checksums:

Thanks but this page and followings are not localized.
Difficult for french users to understand the process.
So I think that I will create our own page.

Sure, I would see the main download area as providing a kind of "basic 
service". If you see something larger is missing like translations, then 
it's better to copy & paste the content and to add/modify as needed to 
the localized websites.


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Re: [CWiki] new default access rights active

2013-10-02 Thread Dave Barton
Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>> Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>>> Who needs whitelisting too? Your CWiki username please (and 24 hours of
>>> patience!).
>> I've enabled the following people
> And I've now whitelisted the following too:
> ~janiversen Jan Iversen
> ~vladaeg vladimir stevanovic
> ~smansour Samer Mansour
> Again: if anybody else needs access, just ask here. I will need your
> existing CWiki username, valid for login at
> in order to give
> you editing rights.
> Regards,
>   Andrea.

Username: bmcs


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[HowTo] Video about how to go to the profile of Apache OpenOffice

2013-10-02 Thread Raphael Bircher

Hi at all

I created a Video about how to go to the Apache OpenOffice Profile on mac.

Greetings Raphael

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Re: [RELEASE 4.0.1][Product Update Notification Service] updated XML feeds for the former versions to be notified about version 4.0.1

2013-10-02 Thread FR web forum
>So, there is no separate webpage needed. However, there is an additional 
>webpage to tell the user how to use checksums:
Thanks but this page and followings are not localized.
Difficult for french users to understand the process.
So I think that I will create our own page.

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Re: [Discuss-proposal]Admin mail box for NLs forum

2013-10-02 Thread janI
On 2 October 2013 22:18, Ricardo Berlasso  wrote:

> New forum users with registration problems do not have an easy way to
> communicate their problems to the board. In the past there was an email
> address that sent an automated message to a particular forum thread on the
> private forum area. This system is not working since the move to Apache.
> Until the automated reply is re-activated, a simple mail box for each NL
> forum, accessible to forum admins and moderators will be more than enough,
> something like forum-admin-@aoo.

the automated message looks to be a simple configuration in php2bb, at
least as far as I can see. This could be a good challenge for new admins
(working in line with the proposal dave works on).

jan i.

> Thoughts?
> Regards,
> Ricardo

[Discuss-proposal]Admin mail box for NLs forum

2013-10-02 Thread Ricardo Berlasso
New forum users with registration problems do not have an easy way to
communicate their problems to the board. In the past there was an email
address that sent an automated message to a particular forum thread on the
private forum area. This system is not working since the move to Apache.
Until the automated reply is re-activated, a simple mail box for each NL
forum, accessible to forum admins and moderators will be more than enough,
something like forum-admin-@aoo.



Re: Una nueva fuente de descargas de software -

2013-10-02 Thread Fernando Cassia
2013/10/2 anita :

La Lista a la que escribiste es una lista en ingles.

> Encontré su sitio web mientras buscaba software, y encontré su sitio web muy
> interesante J

Es un proyecto de software libre. Las descargas se hacen desde los
mirrors de Sourceforge.

> Note que están dando el enlace a  

Esa es la pagina en español del proyecto OpenOffice

>  de la página

Yo no veo ningun enlace alli a portalprogramas.

> Yo formo parte de un proyecto local español que permite incrementar la
> disponibilidad de software en español.

Ah si? como? Ya que Apache Openoffice YA ESTA disponible en español,
me temo que no hay mucho por hacer al respecto.

>Me preguntaba si no le molestaría actualizar el enlace a la página web del

Por que habria Apache OpenOffice enlazar a un sitio de terceros?

Ademas, tu sitio, "emprendedora local" ofrece entre otras descargas
"adobe photoshop" y luego de licencia dice "version completa" (!?) que
no es un tipo de licencia que yo sepa, e intenta descargar un
ejecutable "downloader" de 640k.

Asi que en lo personal DownloadAstro no me inspira NINGUNA CONFIANZA.


During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un
Acto Revolucionario
- George Orwell

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Re: Reporting a problem with the OpenOffice website

2013-10-02 Thread Marcus (OOo)

Am 10/02/2013 06:43 PM, schrieb Kay Schenk:

[ top posting ]

Thank yo so much for this information. It will be a big help in our
troubleshooting. In any case, I hope you were able to download Apache

The information below do not show a problem. The language and platform 
is recognized and the assembled links are displayed. In the lower table 
the fields have all data. This indicates that there is no error.

At the end the assembled download link is working, too:

Do you see any hint in the browser UI (e.g., an icon in the status bar) 
for further information like an error message? Or an error console to 
display logged problems? Maybe here we can go on.

Thanks in advance.


On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 5:44 PM, Ludek Rosendorf  wrote:


Just testes it again and the problem is still there. That is when using
Google Chrome. When I use Safari or Firefox the page displays correctly.

Here it is for your diagnosis (this page displays the download button

*Browser variables**Values*navigator.appCodeNameMozillanavigator.appName
Netscapenavigator.appVersion5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8)
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.76 Safari/537.36
navigator.vendorGoogle Inc.navigator.vendorSubnavigator.languageen-US
(Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Chrome/29.0.1547.76 Safari/537.36*JavaScript 
nameEnglish (US)Language ISO codeen-USLanguage array dataen-US,English
(US),English (US),y,
matrix platform position8Release matrix platform array data
platform nameMac OS 32-bit Intel (DMG)URL platform nameMac_x86_installFile
nameApache_OpenOffice_4.0.1_MacOS_x86_install_en-US.dmgFile extension.dmgFile
size163Download file link
file link (here for MD5)


On 2013/10/02, at 2:31 , Kay Schenk wrote:

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 6:43 AM, Ludek Rosendorf  wrote:


Just to let you know: as of the time of this writing your download page ( has only links do download
extensions, dictionaries and templates, but not the suite itself. Not very
useful :-)

Ludek Rosendorf
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Hello -- your experience is certainly not what is expected.  :/

Are you still having this problem? We were doing some last minute changes

If you are, can you please use the following URL to report your details
back to us:

Just copy and paste results back into a reply.

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Una nueva fuente de descargas de software -

2013-10-02 Thread Ricardo Berlasso

La lista de correo a la que has escrito es en inglés. Puedes o bien repetir
tu pregunta en inglés o utilizar la lista de correo en español:


El 2 de octubre de 2013 18:30, anita  escribió:

> Hola,
> Encontré su sitio web mientras buscaba software, y encontré su sitio web
> muy
> interesante J
> Note que están dando el enlace a  
>  de la página
> Yo formo parte de un proyecto local español que permite incrementar la
> disponibilidad de software en español.
> DownloadAstro es un sitio de descarga de software en español, que incluye
> el
> más grande catálogo de software disponible para personas que hablan
> español.
> Me preguntaba si no le molestaría actualizar el enlace a la página web del
> proyecto  con más de
> 300k en software, juegos, búsquedas profesionales, y calificaciones de los
> usuarios – en español
> Como emprendedora local, apreciaría que lo hiciera, al igual que sus
> usuarios.
> Gracias
>  Anita

Re: [RELEASE 4.0.1][Product Update Notification Service] updated XML feeds for the former versions to be notified about version 4.0.1

2013-10-02 Thread Marcus (OOo)

Am 10/02/2013 03:49 PM, schrieb FR web forum:

Hello list,

Before with v.4.0.0, we have a page dedicated to MD5 checksums.

Is it possible to set up another one for 4.0.1?

While AOO 4.0.0 was the most recent version I've added the checksum 
links to the other download links:

So, there is no separate webpage needed. However, there is an additional 
webpage to tell the user how to use checksums:


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Re: [download page] experience with updated download page

2013-10-02 Thread Marcus (OOo)

Am 10/01/2013 09:55 PM, schrieb Marcus (OOo):

Am 10/01/2013 09:22 PM, schrieb Oliver-Rainer Wittmann:


On 01.10.2013 20:52, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


But in another thread I mentioned that on my system (Windows 7 64bit
English) in Internet Explorer 8 the table on is empty.

So, you mean this? --> OK --> not OK


I enabled 'debug mode' (or whatever) in my Internet Explorer 8.
It tells me the following:
At line 96 of download_other.js: "Object does not support this property
or method"
Line 96 is:
if ( PLATFORM.indexOf( "Win_x86" ) > -1 )

That's strange because where is the difference to this?

Line 66 of "download.js":
if ( language.indexOf( "_" ) != -1 )

Normally I would expect that then the "index.html" *and* "other.html"
webpage cannot be shown.

Have a look at

May be this is the problem in my Internet Explorer 8

Thanks a lot for the hint. I'll investigate. :-)

I've done a fix yesterday and was today able to test it. The table is 
now shown as it should be:

Please also test on your side as you seen the problem with your MSIE 8.

But of course everybody else can test, too.



Does somebody else experience the same?

No, on my office PC I've Windows 7 64-bit and MSIE 8. But no
problems to
display both webpages. But after the latest changes I'll try again


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Re: [CWiki] new default access rights active

2013-10-02 Thread Marcus (OOo)

Am 10/02/2013 01:15 PM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:

Andrea Pescetti wrote:

Who needs whitelisting too? Your CWiki username please (and 24 hours of

I've enabled the following people who edited the English Release Notes
page and people who asked for access:
ChriStef ~christef (this is Christos Stefanidis)
Keith N. McKenna
Pedro Albuquerque ~pmralbuquerque
Tal Daniel ~tal (note: it's tal not talchu)

I've also enabled the following people (criteria: username and full name
match the PMC roster, so if I saw "pescetti - Andrea Pescetti" listed at and
the same username and full name in CWiki, I enabled it):

af Andre Fischer (note: it's "af" not "andre")
alg Armin Le Grand
arielch Ariel Constenla-Haile
arist Andrew Rist
dpharbison Donald P. Harbison
hdu Herbert Dürr (as requested)
ingotian Ian Lynch
jsc Jürgen Schmidt
khirano Kazunari Hirano
kschenk Kay Schenk
mayongl Yong Lin Ma
orw Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
pescetti Andrea Pescetti
rbircher Raphael Bircher
regina Regina Henschel
rgb-es RGB.ES
robweir Rob Weir
wave David Fisher

The following 3 are pending since they have no real name in CWiki. Just
confirm you use this username and I'll enable you.

imacat Yang Shih-Ching
jim Jim Jagielski
marcus Marcus Lange

My username in the CWiki is "mla".

"marcus" is *not* me but someone else.

FYI - I've no problems with the [Edit] button but you can add me to the 
whitelist nevertheless.


The following 5 are the ones that I couldn't find (either you don't have
a CWiki username, and there is nothing to do now; or just provide your
CWiki username and I'll enable it).
atjensen Drew Jensen
galoppini Roberto Galoppini
jani Jan Iversen
louis Louis Suarez-Potts
pj Peter Junge (there is a pj, but name does not match)

And of course, if anybody else need access please provide your existing
CWiki username, valid for login at and I will give
you editing rights.


To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [CWiki] new default access rights active

2013-10-02 Thread Andrea Pescetti

Andrea Pescetti wrote:

Andrea Pescetti wrote:

Who needs whitelisting too? Your CWiki username please (and 24 hours of

I've enabled the following people

And I've now whitelisted the following too:

~janiversen Jan Iversen

~vladaeg vladimir stevanovic

~smansour Samer Mansour

Again: if anybody else needs access, just ask here. I will need your 
existing CWiki username, valid for login at in order to give 
you editing rights.


To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [CWiki] new default access rights active

2013-10-02 Thread janI
On 2 October 2013 19:07, Kay Schenk  wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 4:15 AM, Andrea Pescetti 
> wrote:
> > Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> >
> >> Who needs whitelisting too? Your CWiki username please (and 24 hours of
> >> patience!).
> >>
> >
> > I've enabled the following people who edited the English Release Notes
> > page and people who asked for access:
> > ChriStef ~christef (this is Christos Stefanidis)
> > Keith N. McKenna
> > Pedro Albuquerque ~pmralbuquerque
> > Tal Daniel ~tal (note: it's tal not talchu)
> >
> > I've also enabled the following people (criteria: username and full name
> > match the PMC roster, so if I saw "pescetti - Andrea Pescetti" listed at
> >**committers-by-project.html#**openoffice-pmc<
> the same username and full name in CWiki, I enabled it):
> >
> > af  Andre Fischer (note: it's "af" not "andre")
> > alg Armin Le Grand
> > arielch Ariel Constenla-Haile
> > arist   Andrew Rist
> > dpharbison  Donald P. Harbison
> > hdu Herbert Dürr (as requested)
> > ingotianIan Lynch
> > jsc Jürgen Schmidt
> > khirano Kazunari Hirano
> > kschenk Kay Schenk
> > mayongl Yong Lin Ma
> > orw Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
> > pescettiAndrea Pescetti
> > rbircherRaphael Bircher
> > regina  Regina Henschel
> > rgb-es  RGB.ES
> > robweir Rob Weir
> > waveDavid Fisher
> >
> > The following 3 are pending since they have no real name in CWiki. Just
> > confirm you use this username and I'll enable you.
> >
> > imacat  Yang Shih-Ching
> > jim Jim Jagielski
> > marcus  Marcus Lange
> >
> > The following 5 are the ones that I couldn't find (either you don't have
> a
> > CWiki username, and there is nothing to do now; or just provide your
> CWiki
> > username and I'll enable it).
> > atjensenDrew Jensen
> > galoppini   Roberto Galoppini
> > janiJan Iversen
 Full Name jan iversen

jan I.

> > louis   Louis Suarez-Potts
> > pj  Peter Junge (there is a pj, but name does not match)
> >
> > And of course, if anybody else need access please provide your existing
> > CWiki username, valid for login at**
> > confluence/display/OOOUSERS/<
>>and I will give you
> editing rights.
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >   Andrea.
> >
> > --**--**-
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscribe@openoffice.**<
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
> >
> Thanks for whitelisting me. Hopefully we can find a solution soon.
> --
> -
> MzK
> "Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged
>  to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't."
>  -- "Following the Equator", Mark Twain

Re: [CWiki] new default access rights active

2013-10-02 Thread Kay Schenk
On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 4:15 AM, Andrea Pescetti  wrote:

> Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>> Who needs whitelisting too? Your CWiki username please (and 24 hours of
>> patience!).
> I've enabled the following people who edited the English Release Notes
> page and people who asked for access:
> ChriStef ~christef (this is Christos Stefanidis)
> Keith N. McKenna
> Pedro Albuquerque ~pmralbuquerque
> Tal Daniel ~tal (note: it's tal not talchu)
> I've also enabled the following people (criteria: username and full name
> match the PMC roster, so if I saw "pescetti - Andrea Pescetti" listed at
>  the same username and full name in CWiki, I enabled it):
> af  Andre Fischer (note: it's "af" not "andre")
> alg Armin Le Grand
> arielch Ariel Constenla-Haile
> arist   Andrew Rist
> dpharbison  Donald P. Harbison
> hdu Herbert Dürr (as requested)
> ingotianIan Lynch
> jsc Jürgen Schmidt
> khirano Kazunari Hirano
> kschenk Kay Schenk
> mayongl Yong Lin Ma
> orw Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
> pescettiAndrea Pescetti
> rbircherRaphael Bircher
> regina  Regina Henschel
> rgb-es  RGB.ES
> robweir Rob Weir
> waveDavid Fisher
> The following 3 are pending since they have no real name in CWiki. Just
> confirm you use this username and I'll enable you.
> imacat  Yang Shih-Ching
> jim Jim Jagielski
> marcus  Marcus Lange
> The following 5 are the ones that I couldn't find (either you don't have a
> CWiki username, and there is nothing to do now; or just provide your CWiki
> username and I'll enable it).
> atjensenDrew Jensen
> galoppini   Roberto Galoppini
> janiJan Iversen
> louis   Louis Suarez-Potts
> pj  Peter Junge (there is a pj, but name does not match)
> And of course, if anybody else need access please provide your existing
> CWiki username, valid for login at**
> confluence/display/OOOUSERS/and
>  I will give you editing rights.
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
> --**--**-
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
> dev-unsubscribe@openoffice.**
> For additional commands, e-mail:
Thanks for whitelisting me. Hopefully we can find a solution soon.


"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged
 to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't."
 -- "Following the Equator", Mark Twain

Re: Reporting a problem with the OpenOffice website

2013-10-02 Thread Kay Schenk
[ top posting ]

Thank yo so much for this information. It will be a big help in our
troubleshooting. In any case, I hope you were able to download Apache

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 5:44 PM, Ludek Rosendorf  wrote:

> Hi,
> Just testes it again and the problem is still there. That is when using
> Google Chrome. When I use Safari or Firefox the page displays correctly.
> Here it is for your diagnosis (this page displays the download button
> okay):
> *Browser variables**Values*navigator.appCodeNameMozillanavigator.appName
> Netscapenavigator.appVersion5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8)
> AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.76 Safari/537.36
> navigator.platformMacIntelnavigator.oscpuundefinednavigator.cpuClass
> undefinednavigator.productGeckonavigator.productSub20030107
> navigator.vendorGoogle Inc.navigator.vendorSubnavigator.languageen-US
> navigator.browserLanguageundefinednavigator.userLanguageundefined
> navigator.systemLanguageundefinednavigator.userAgentMozilla/5.0
> (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
> Chrome/29.0.1547.76 Safari/537.36*JavaScript 
> functions/variables**Values*Language
> nameEnglish (US)Language ISO codeen-USLanguage array dataen-US,English
> (US),English (US),y,
> matrix platform position8Release matrix platform array data
> Mac_x86_install,y,163,Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.1_MacOS_x86_install_en-US.dmgUI
> platform nameMac OS 32-bit Intel (DMG)URL platform nameMac_x86_installFile
> nameApache_OpenOffice_4.0.1_MacOS_x86_install_en-US.dmgFile extension.dmgFile
> size163Download file link
> file link (here for MD5)
> hasMirrorLink()truegetLink()
> errorfalse
> Cheers,
> Ludek
> On 2013/10/02, at 2:31 , Kay Schenk wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 6:43 AM, Ludek Rosendorf  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just to let you know: as of the time of this writing your download page (
>> has only links do download
>> extensions, dictionaries and templates, but not the suite itself. Not very
>> useful :-)
>> Cheers,
>> Ludek Rosendorf
>> Australia
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> Hello -- your experience is certainly not what is expected.  :/
> Are you still having this problem? We were doing some last minute changes
> earlier.
> If you are, can you please use the following URL to report your details
> back to us:
> Just copy and paste results back into a reply.
> --
> -
> MzK
> "Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged
>  to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't."
>  -- "Following the Equator", Mark Twain


"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged
 to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't."
 -- "Following the Equator", Mark Twain

Una nueva fuente de descargas de software -

2013-10-02 Thread anita

Encontré su sitio web mientras buscaba software, y encontré su sitio web muy
interesante J

Note que están dando el enlace a  de la página

Yo formo parte de un proyecto local español que permite incrementar la
disponibilidad de software en español.

DownloadAstro es un sitio de descarga de software en español, que incluye el
más grande catálogo de software disponible para personas que hablan español.

Me preguntaba si no le molestaría actualizar el enlace a la página web del
proyecto  con más de
300k en software, juegos, búsquedas profesionales, y calificaciones de los
usuarios – en español 

Como emprendedora local, apreciaría que lo hiciera, al igual que sus







Re: [CWiki] new default access rights active

2013-10-02 Thread Samer Mansour
I also use the CWiki to document marketing activities.
Username is smansour


On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 9:03 AM, Vladislav Stevanovic <> wrote:

> Hello,
> About permission for translating and editing cwiki on Serbia, I am
> interesting for that too.
> Regards,
> Stevanovic Vladislav - Wlada

Re: Some annoying building issues on Win7 (AOO 4.0.0)

2013-10-02 Thread Oliver-Rainer Wittmann


On 02.10.2013 17:29, Yuri Myasoedov wrote:

02.10.2013, 19:22, "Oliver-Rainer Wittmann"

Ok. I will give it a try to do it via the source tarball. May be I
am able to reproduce the problems you are facing.

I always used "svn checkout" in a cygwin shell.

Thanks. I have just one request -- when you will be trying, please
remove subversion tool from cygwin environment (and may be also from
windows environment). I have a suspicion that it also can be a source
of some problems.

I am sorry, I need the subversion tool in cygwin for my daily work. 
Thus, I can not fulfill this request.

BTW, how should the existence of tool which is not used causes trouble 
with file access permissions?

Best regards, Oliver.

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Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-10-02 Thread Herbert Duerr

Hi Raymond,

On 02.10.2013 17:26, Steele, Raymond wrote:

I have hit a stop work on the Solaris 10 port for now. We are in the process of 
moving over to Solaris 11. I will probably need to port OpenOffice to Solaris 
11 soon.

Thanks for the update! With the newer build environment there things 
should be easier... Hope springs eternal ;-)


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Re: Some annoying building issues on Win7 (AOO 4.0.0)

2013-10-02 Thread Oliver-Rainer Wittmann


On 02.10.2013 17:16, Yuri Myasoedov wrote:

02.10.2013, 19:09, "Oliver-Rainer Wittmann" :


On 01.10.2013 11:20, Yuri Myasoedov wrote:


  I've found some annoying issues while building AOO (4.0.0) on Win7

  1. Some modules are built with wrong permissions. I have to fix it
  manually with chmod. Some directories doesn't have x bit for
  execution, some files don't have any permission bits (i.e. 000). 2.
  Many modules have source code that should include *comphelper*
  headers. And I often get errors like this:

  Making:all_configmgr.dpslo Compiling:
  configmgr/ Compiling:
  C:/aoo/main/configmgr/source/access.cxx(75) : fatal error C1083:
  Cannot open include file: 'comphelper/sequenceasvector.hxx': No such
  file or directory dmake:  Error code 2, while making

  i.e. these modules can't find *comphelper* header files.

  Is there known solutions for such issues?

I never faced problems due to wrong file access permissions on the
several Windows build environment I have setup.

How did you got the source code?
- via "svn checkout" in cygwin shell?
- via another Windows SVN tool?
- via download and unpack of source tarball?
- ...

Via source tarball (zip archive) [1].


Further question:
Which tool did you use to unpack it?

Additional suggestion:
Are you able to give the "svn checkout" a try?

Best regards, Oliver.

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Re: Some annoying building issues on Win7 (AOO 4.0.0)

2013-10-02 Thread Yuri Myasoedov
02.10.2013, 19:22, "Oliver-Rainer Wittmann" :
> Ok.
> I will give it a try to do it via the source tarball. May be I am able
> to reproduce the problems you are facing.
> I always used "svn checkout" in a cygwin shell.

Thanks. I have just one request -- when you will be trying, please remove 
subversion tool from cygwin environment
(and may be also from windows environment). I have a suspicion that it also can 
be a source of some problems.

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RE: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-10-02 Thread Steele, Raymond

I have hit a stop work on the Solaris 10 port for now. We are in the process of 
moving over to Solaris 11. I will probably need to port OpenOffice to Solaris 
11 soon.

-Original Message-
From: Herbert Duerr [] 
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 11:58 AM
Cc: Steele, Raymond
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

Hi Raymond,

On 20.09.2013 19:52, Steele, Raymond wrote:
> No problems on the delay. I am very greatful for your assistance!!
> Here is my compiler command and below are locations of my utility file. 
> Hopefully this may help. I added utility to the include path, but still no 
> luck.
> bash-3.2# /opt/solarisstudio12.3/bin/CC  -c -temp=/tmp -xarch=generic -xO3 
> -I../../ -I.. /inc -I../../inc/pch -I../../inc 
> -I../../unx/inc -I../../ -I. 
> -I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/solver/400/ 
> -I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/solver/400/ l 
> -I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/solver/400/ 
> -I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/solenv/unxsoli4/inc -I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/solenv/inc 
> -I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/res -I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/solver/400/unx 
> -I/opt/solarisstudio12.3/include 
> -I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/solenv/inc/Xp31 -I/usr/jdk/latest/include 
> -I/usr/jdk/latest/include/solaris -I/usr/jdk/latest/include/native_threads 
> /include: -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include/rasqal 
> -I/usr/include/stdcxx4 -I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/stlport/systemstl/: 
> -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/i nclude/rasqal 
> -I/usr/include/stdcxx4 -I/opt/a
oo-4.0.0/main/stlport/systemstl/: -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include 
-I/usr/local/inclue/rasqal -I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/stlport/systemstl/ -I/opt 
-I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/solver/400/ -I. -I../../res -I. 
-features=no%altspell "-features=rvalueref" +w2 -erroff=doubunder,ident 
./../ /opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/sal/osl/all/debugbase.cxx
> "/usr/local/include/boost/tr1/detail/config_all.hpp", line 161: Error: Could 
> not open include file<../include/utility>.
> [...]
> /usr/include/stdcxx4/utility
> [...]
> /opt/solarisstudio12.3/prod/include/CC/Cstd/utility

I think one of these two header files is the one we are looking for.
Boost is using the "relative include path" trick with its
BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER() macro because the neat "include_next" extension is not 
supported in the solaris compiler.

One of the BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER defines in config_all.hpp is looking for the 
stdcxx4 path. I wonder why it isn't picked up. Either 1. one of the defines is 
___RWSTD_VER) or boost erroneously doesn't pick it up 2. the 
-I/opt/solarisstudio12.3/prod/include/CC/Cstd/ part of the compile options 
should be changed to find /usr/include/stdcxx4/ instead 3. the 
BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER define should be changed to "../Cstd/"

Which of the alternatives 2. or 3. is better depends on which of both STL 
header sets better implements C++'s std templates as defined in TR1. 
 From the name I'd guess the Cstd one is better.

> /opt/solarisstudio12.3/prod/include/CC/stlport4/utility
> I found this about Solaris 11, but the fix appears to be included in boost 
> version 1_48 (Mine is attached).

Interesting. Maybe the above and this are related.

Hope that helps. Have a nice weekend!

(about to upload AOO401rc3 to the snapshot page)

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Re: Some annoying building issues on Win7 (AOO 4.0.0)

2013-10-02 Thread Oliver-Rainer Wittmann


On 02.10.2013 17:16, Yuri Myasoedov wrote:

02.10.2013, 19:09, "Oliver-Rainer Wittmann" :


On 01.10.2013 11:20, Yuri Myasoedov wrote:


  I've found some annoying issues while building AOO (4.0.0) on Win7

  1. Some modules are built with wrong permissions. I have to fix it
  manually with chmod. Some directories doesn't have x bit for
  execution, some files don't have any permission bits (i.e. 000). 2.
  Many modules have source code that should include *comphelper*
  headers. And I often get errors like this:

  Making:all_configmgr.dpslo Compiling:
  configmgr/ Compiling:
  C:/aoo/main/configmgr/source/access.cxx(75) : fatal error C1083:
  Cannot open include file: 'comphelper/sequenceasvector.hxx': No such
  file or directory dmake:  Error code 2, while making

  i.e. these modules can't find *comphelper* header files.

  Is there known solutions for such issues?

I never faced problems due to wrong file access permissions on the
several Windows build environment I have setup.

How did you got the source code?
- via "svn checkout" in cygwin shell?
- via another Windows SVN tool?
- via download and unpack of source tarball?
- ...

Via source tarball (zip archive) [1].


I will give it a try to do it via the source tarball. May be I am able 
to reproduce the problems you are facing.

I always used "svn checkout" in a cygwin shell.

Best regards, Oliver.

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Re: Some annoying building issues on Win7 (AOO 4.0.0)

2013-10-02 Thread Yuri Myasoedov
02.10.2013, 19:09, "Oliver-Rainer Wittmann" :
> Hi,
> On 01.10.2013 11:20, Yuri Myasoedov wrote:
>>  Hi!
>>  I've found some annoying issues while building AOO (4.0.0) on Win7
>>  (32-bit).
>>  1. Some modules are built with wrong permissions. I have to fix it
>>  manually with chmod. Some directories doesn't have x bit for
>>  execution, some files don't have any permission bits (i.e. 000). 2.
>>  Many modules have source code that should include *comphelper*
>>  headers. And I often get errors like this:
>>  Making:    all_configmgr.dpslo Compiling:
>>  configmgr/ Compiling:
>>  configmgr/source/access.cxx
>>  C:/aoo/main/configmgr/source/access.cxx(75) : fatal error C1083:
>>  Cannot open include file: 'comphelper/sequenceasvector.hxx': No such
>>  file or directory dmake:  Error code 2, while making
>>  '../'
>>  i.e. these modules can't find *comphelper* header files.
>>  Is there known solutions for such issues?
> I never faced problems due to wrong file access permissions on the
> several Windows build environment I have setup.
> How did you got the source code?
> - via "svn checkout" in cygwin shell?
> - via another Windows SVN tool?
> - via download and unpack of source tarball?
> - ...

Via source tarball (zip archive) [1].


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Re: Some annoying building issues on Win7 (AOO 4.0.0)

2013-10-02 Thread Oliver-Rainer Wittmann


On 01.10.2013 11:20, Yuri Myasoedov wrote:


I've found some annoying issues while building AOO (4.0.0) on Win7

1. Some modules are built with wrong permissions. I have to fix it
manually with chmod. Some directories doesn't have x bit for
execution, some files don't have any permission bits (i.e. 000). 2.
Many modules have source code that should include *comphelper*
headers. And I often get errors like this:

Making:all_configmgr.dpslo Compiling:
configmgr/ Compiling:
C:/aoo/main/configmgr/source/access.cxx(75) : fatal error C1083:
Cannot open include file: 'comphelper/sequenceasvector.hxx': No such
file or directory dmake:  Error code 2, while making

i.e. these modules can't find *comphelper* header files.

Is there known solutions for such issues?

I never faced problems due to wrong file access permissions on the 
several Windows build environment I have setup.

How did you got the source code?
- via "svn checkout" in cygwin shell?
- via another Windows SVN tool?
- via download and unpack of source tarball?
- ...

Best regards, Oliver.

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Re: [RELEASE 4.0.1][Product Update Notification Service] updated XML feeds for the former versions to be notified about version 4.0.1

2013-10-02 Thread Oliver-Rainer Wittmann


update notification of AOO 4.0.1 for OOo 3.2, OOo 3.2.1, OOo 3.3.0, AOO 
3.4.1 and AOO 4.0.0 instances is active.

Please report, if you observe any misfunction - Thanks in advance.

Best regards, Oliver.

On 20.09.2013 14:03, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


forgive me for writing in English, but this post goes to several native
language mailing lists and to dev@o.a.o and l10n@o.a.o.

I am currently preparing the update of the XML feeds for our product
update notification service for former OpenOffice versions (3.2.0,
3.2.1, 3.3.0, 3.4.0, 3.4.1, 4.0.0) in order to enable the notification
about new version 4.0.1

For most of the languages the user is directed by the update
notification to our main download side [1].
For the following languages the user is directed to the corresponding
native languages page:
- Chinese (simplified)
- Chinese (traditional)
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Slovak
- Spanish

Please drop me a short note, when the corresponding native langauge
pages has been updated after version 4.0.1 has been released
drop me a short note, when no update to the native language page is needed.

When I have collected the replies for all the above mentioned languages
I will enable the product update notification for version 4.0.1

BTW, if for your languages the user shall also be directed to a
corresponding native languages pages, then let me know this page. I will
include it in the update XML feeds.


Thanks in advance for your replies and help.

Best regards, Oliver.

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Re: AOO 4 unusable under Linux64?

2013-10-02 Thread Oliver-Rainer Wittmann


On 30.09.2013 17:17, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


On 29.09.2013 07:30, Rainer Bielefeld wrote:

Hi all,

Edwin Sharp and some other users found several bugs [1] under Linux64,
in summary the conclusion seems to be that AOO currently is more or less
unusable with Linux 64.

Can some developers please have a look?

I will have a closer look at these issues in my Ubuntu 64bit 10.04 VM.
On this VM I have snapshots with different OpenOffice versions - namely
OOo 3.3.0, AOO 3.4.0 and AOO401RC2. Thus, I can check, if the defects
are newly introduced or already present in a former version.

I will also check on my Windows 7 64bit, if the defects are also
reproducible on this platform.

My intermediate report.
I had a look at about half of the initial 28 reported issues. Due to my 
investigations the below given buglist now only shows 22 issues.

- 121322 - not my area of expertise - no investigations from my side
- 121694 - platform-independent and most likely not a bug
- 122278 - duplicate of 122279 which is platform-independent
- 122281 - platform-independent, broken since OOo 3.4Beta
- 122333 - still unclear and unconfirmed
- 122480 - until now not reproducible - it is still unconfirmed
- 122715 - still unconfirmed and reporter's feedback pending
- 122726 - still under investigation by others --> no investigation from 
my side
- 123348 - already known and depending other software installed on the 
system; also reporter answers pending
- 121290 - related to build environment - users are not affected; 
workaround available

- 121312 - not my area of expertise - no investigations from my side
- 122014 - seems to be fixed in AOO 4.0.1
- 122737 - platform-independent

Best regards, Oliver.

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Re: [RELEASE 4.0.1][Product Update Notification Service] updated XML feeds for the former versions to be notified about version 4.0.1

2013-10-02 Thread FR web forum
Hello list,

Before with v.4.0.0, we have a page dedicated to MD5 checksums.

Is it possible to set up another one for 4.0.1?

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Re: [CWiki] new default access rights active

2013-10-02 Thread Vladislav Stevanovic
About permission for translating and editing cwiki on Serbia, I am
interesting for that too.

Stevanovic Vladislav - Wlada

Re: [RELEASE 4.0.1][Product Update Notification Service] updated XML feeds for the former versions to be notified about version 4.0.1

2013-10-02 Thread Oliver-Rainer Wittmann


the next last status update ;-)

I could notice that native language landing page for Portuguese 
(European) - namely - is also available.

Thus, I will integrate it.

Best regards, Oliver.

On 02.10.2013 14:06, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


last status update before going live in about 2-3 hours.

Native language landing pages for update notification according to the
given feedback will be:
- Czech
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Spanish
- Slovak

As I got not feedback for:
- Chinese (simplified)
- Chinese (traditional)
I will switch back to the default download site for these two.

Whenever a native language landing page for the update notification
becomes available, we integrate it into the update notification XML feeds.
Thus, just send a post to dev@o.a.o and I (or somebody else) perform the

Best regards, Oliver.

On 30.09.2013 14:59, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


Status update and open questions!!!

Got feedback for
- Dutch
- German
- Italian
- Spanish
- Slovak

German, Italian and Spanish landing pages will be fine as I am being

Dutch landing page links to the default download page, but it talks
about version 4.0.0.
Will this be changed for AOO 4.0.1 release?

Slovak landing page rework landing page is in progress.
Will it be finished right after the AOO 4.0.1 release?

Missing feedback for
- Chinese (simplified)
- Chinese (traditional)
- French
- Japanese

Chinese (simplified) landing page looks ok, but links to download page
which does not show a download link at least in my environment (Win 7
64bit, English, Firefox)
Are there changes needed for AOO 4.0.1 release?

Chinese (traditional) landing page looks ok, but links to for the download as
far as I can see.
Is there a change in progress for AOO 4.0.1 release?

I have given the wrong link for the French landing page - it is
French landing page links to AOO 4.0.0 packages.
Is there a change in progress for AOO 4.0.1 release?
My posts still did not reach users-fr@o.a.o - I do not see them in the
mailing archive.

Japanese landing page links to sub page with links to AOO 4.0.0 packages.
Is there a change in progress for AOO 4.0.1 release?

Please provide feedback - Thanks in advance.

Best regards, Oliver.

On 27.09.2013 10:27, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


On 20.09.2013 14:03, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


forgive me for writing in English, but this post goes to several native
language mailing lists and to dev@o.a.o and l10n@o.a.o.

I am currently preparing the update of the XML feeds for our product
update notification service for former OpenOffice versions (3.2.0,
3.2.1, 3.3.0, 3.4.0, 3.4.1, 4.0.0) in order to enable the notification
about new version 4.0.1

For most of the languages the user is directed by the update
notification to our main download side [1].
For the following languages the user is directed to the corresponding
native languages page:
- Chinese (simplified)
- Chinese (traditional)
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Slovak
- Spanish

Please drop me a short note, when the corresponding native langauge
pages has been updated after version 4.0.1 has been released
drop me a short note, when no update to the native language page is

So far, I got feedback for
- German
- Spanish

Looking at the mail archives of general-ja@o.a.o, progetto-it@o.a.o and
users-fr@o.a.o reveals that my post did not reach the corresponding
mailing list.
Request to the corresponding mailing list moderators/admins: Could you
please check, why my post did not reach the mailing list.

I will now check the landing pages for the following languages. If from
my point of view the page needs to be updated for AOO 4.0.1 release and
if I got no feedback, I will change the download landing page for these
languages to the default download page to avoid user confusion.
- Chinese (simplified)
- Chinese (traditional)
- Dutch
- French
- Italian
- Japanese
- Slovak

Please give feedback.

Best regards, Oliver.

When I have collected the replies for all the above mentioned languages
I will enable the product update notification for version 4.0.1

BTW, if for your languages the user shall also be directed to a
corresponding native languages pages, then let me know this page. I
include it in the update XML feeds.


Thanks in advance for your replies and help.

Best regards, Oliver.

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Re: Some annoying building issues on Win7 (AOO 4.0.0)

2013-10-02 Thread Yuri Myasoedov
01.10.2013, 13:20, "Yuri Myasoedov" :
> 1. Some modules are built with wrong permissions. I have to fix it manually 
> with chmod. Some directories doesn't have x bit for execution, some files 
> don't have any permission bits (i.e. 000).
> 2. Many modules have source code that should include *comphelper* headers. 
> And I often get errors like this:
> Making:    all_configmgr.dpslo
> Compiling: configmgr/
> Compiling: configmgr/source/access.cxx
> C:/aoo/main/configmgr/source/access.cxx(75) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open 
> include file: 'comphelper/sequenceasvector.hxx': No such file or directory
> dmake:  Error code 2, while making '../'
> i.e. these modules can't find *comphelper* header files.

I've solved these issues by changing permissions for all files and directories 
(i.e. it was a problem of wrong permissions). 
But now I faced with *accessibility* module:

Entering /cygdrive/c/aoo-4.0.1/main/accessibility/bridge/source/java

javah -classpath ../../../ -o 
Error: Class could not be found.
dmake:  Error code 1, while making 

I've created bug report

Spent my day trying to find solution, but no success.

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Re: [RELEASE 4.0.1][Product Update Notification Service] updated XML feeds for the former versions to be notified about version 4.0.1

2013-10-02 Thread Oliver-Rainer Wittmann


last status update before going live in about 2-3 hours.

Native language landing pages for update notification according to the 
given feedback will be:

- Czech
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Spanish
- Slovak

As I got not feedback for:
- Chinese (simplified)
- Chinese (traditional)
I will switch back to the default download site for these two.

Whenever a native language landing page for the update notification 
becomes available, we integrate it into the update notification XML feeds.
Thus, just send a post to dev@o.a.o and I (or somebody else) perform the 

Best regards, Oliver.

On 30.09.2013 14:59, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


Status update and open questions!!!

Got feedback for
- Dutch
- German
- Italian
- Spanish
- Slovak

German, Italian and Spanish landing pages will be fine as I am being told.

Dutch landing page links to the default download page, but it talks
about version 4.0.0.
Will this be changed for AOO 4.0.1 release?

Slovak landing page rework landing page is in progress.
Will it be finished right after the AOO 4.0.1 release?

Missing feedback for
- Chinese (simplified)
- Chinese (traditional)
- French
- Japanese

Chinese (simplified) landing page looks ok, but links to download page
which does not show a download link at least in my environment (Win 7
64bit, English, Firefox)
Are there changes needed for AOO 4.0.1 release?

Chinese (traditional) landing page looks ok, but links to for the download as
far as I can see.
Is there a change in progress for AOO 4.0.1 release?

I have given the wrong link for the French landing page - it is
French landing page links to AOO 4.0.0 packages.
Is there a change in progress for AOO 4.0.1 release?
My posts still did not reach users-fr@o.a.o - I do not see them in the
mailing archive.

Japanese landing page links to sub page with links to AOO 4.0.0 packages.
Is there a change in progress for AOO 4.0.1 release?

Please provide feedback - Thanks in advance.

Best regards, Oliver.

On 27.09.2013 10:27, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


On 20.09.2013 14:03, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


forgive me for writing in English, but this post goes to several native
language mailing lists and to dev@o.a.o and l10n@o.a.o.

I am currently preparing the update of the XML feeds for our product
update notification service for former OpenOffice versions (3.2.0,
3.2.1, 3.3.0, 3.4.0, 3.4.1, 4.0.0) in order to enable the notification
about new version 4.0.1

For most of the languages the user is directed by the update
notification to our main download side [1].
For the following languages the user is directed to the corresponding
native languages page:
- Chinese (simplified)
- Chinese (traditional)
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Slovak
- Spanish

Please drop me a short note, when the corresponding native langauge
pages has been updated after version 4.0.1 has been released
drop me a short note, when no update to the native language page is

So far, I got feedback for
- German
- Spanish

Looking at the mail archives of general-ja@o.a.o, progetto-it@o.a.o and
users-fr@o.a.o reveals that my post did not reach the corresponding
mailing list.
Request to the corresponding mailing list moderators/admins: Could you
please check, why my post did not reach the mailing list.

I will now check the landing pages for the following languages. If from
my point of view the page needs to be updated for AOO 4.0.1 release and
if I got no feedback, I will change the download landing page for these
languages to the default download page to avoid user confusion.
- Chinese (simplified)
- Chinese (traditional)
- Dutch
- French
- Italian
- Japanese
- Slovak

Please give feedback.

Best regards, Oliver.

When I have collected the replies for all the above mentioned languages
I will enable the product update notification for version 4.0.1

BTW, if for your languages the user shall also be directed to a
corresponding native languages pages, then let me know this page. I will
include it in the update XML feeds.


Thanks in advance for your replies and help.

Best regards, Oliver.

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Re: Skills, Resources and Mentors

2013-10-02 Thread Rob Weir
On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 5:43 PM, Kay Schenk  wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 8:58 AM, Rob Weir  wrote:
>> This projects depends on volunteer efforts.  We have many routine
>> tasks that need to be performed during a release cycle and even during
>> ordinarily operation of our website and other public-facing services.
>> In many cases a given task is well-understood and many members of the
>> project understand how to do it.  For example, moderating the mailing
>> lists.  In other areas we might only have a single person who really
>> understands how to do a task.   We also have many volunteers, signing
>> up on the mailing list and asking how to help, on nearly a daily
>> basis.
>> There should be a way that we can more clearly identify what the
>> routine tasks are, who knows how to do them, who wants to learn how to
>> do them, and who is willing to mentor or teach others how to get
>> started.
>> So I've started the following wiki page to track some of the most
>> common tasks in the project:
>> Feel free to insert additional tasks, or to add your name as an
>> expert, mentor or someone who wants to learn.
>> (Of course there are many other routine tasks performed by Apache
>> Infra and not listed here.  I'm focused on the tasks that are owned by
>> the AOO project)
>> This might also help is identify areas where we are currently
>> dependent on a single person and want to train a backup, to cover for
>> holidays, etc.
>> Regards,
>> -Rob
>> -
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> I think this is lovely idea but I'm a bit confused over what you mean by
> "Learning Resources" -- are you thinking people, or web resources or ???

I was thinking of web resources.   So overall the page lists tasks and
skills, and also the resources needed to learn how to perform those
tasks: web resources and experts/mentors in the project.


> Thanks.
> --
> -
> MzK
> "Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged
>  to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't."
>  -- "Following the Equator", Mark Twain

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Re: [CWiki] new default access rights active

2013-10-02 Thread Rob Weir
On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 2:19 AM, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
> Hi,
> ASF infra had to clean up the CWiki due to a lot of spam. Thus, ASF infra
> put in place new default access rights.
> In short: the right to edit CWiki pages needs to be granted
> person-by-person.

OK.  That explains it then.

We have a few pages that the new volunteer orientation pages ask a new
volunteers to edit, as one of their first contributions.  These are
the Directory of Volunteers, as well as specialized pages for QA and
L10 volunteers.   Hopefully we agree that having such lists is a good
idea, so we should decide what we want to do know, and I can adjust
the orientation pages accordingly.

1) Move these pages to the MWiki.   Is spam a problem there?  Can
anyone still sign up there for an account?   Is there any tool that
will convert CWiki to MWiki pages?


2) Is there any way to mark specific pages in CWiki as open-access
pages?   There are only 3 or so such pages that are like this for us.
So it might be acceptable, from a spam perspective, if the default
edit requires special permissions, except for these 3 pages.


3) We change the orientation pages so the new volunteer requests a
wiki permissions as part of their introductory note to the mailing
list.  Looking at the page history, this looks like it would lead to
an average of one request every 2 days.  But if the request is done as
part of the introduction email it would not generate more traffic.
But this would be extra work for wiki admins, so we might want more
volunteers there.

I believe nearly every project contributor will eventually want both
CWiki and MWiki accounts, so we cannot really avoid the account
management side of this.

Any other ideas?


> Best regards, Oliver.
> -
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Re: [CWiki] new default access rights active

2013-10-02 Thread Andrea Pescetti

Andrea Pescetti wrote:

Who needs whitelisting too? Your CWiki username please (and 24 hours of

I've enabled the following people who edited the English Release Notes 
page and people who asked for access:

ChriStef ~christef (this is Christos Stefanidis)
Keith N. McKenna
Pedro Albuquerque ~pmralbuquerque
Tal Daniel ~tal (note: it's tal not talchu)

I've also enabled the following people (criteria: username and full name 
match the PMC roster, so if I saw "pescetti - Andrea Pescetti" listed at and 
the same username and full name in CWiki, I enabled it):

af  Andre Fischer (note: it's "af" not "andre")
alg Armin Le Grand
arielch Ariel Constenla-Haile
arist   Andrew Rist
dpharbison  Donald P. Harbison
hdu Herbert Dürr (as requested)
ingotianIan Lynch
jsc Jürgen Schmidt
khirano Kazunari Hirano
kschenk Kay Schenk
mayongl Yong Lin Ma
orw Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
pescettiAndrea Pescetti
rbircherRaphael Bircher
regina  Regina Henschel
rgb-es  RGB.ES
robweir Rob Weir
waveDavid Fisher

The following 3 are pending since they have no real name in CWiki. Just 
confirm you use this username and I'll enable you.

imacat  Yang Shih-Ching
jim Jim Jagielski
marcus  Marcus Lange

The following 5 are the ones that I couldn't find (either you don't have 
a CWiki username, and there is nothing to do now; or just provide your 
CWiki username and I'll enable it).

atjensenDrew Jensen
galoppini   Roberto Galoppini
janiJan Iversen
louis   Louis Suarez-Potts
pj  Peter Junge (there is a pj, but name does not match)

And of course, if anybody else need access please provide your existing 
CWiki username, valid for login at and I will give 
you editing rights.


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latest opdate

2013-10-02 Thread Alan Lentz
Dear Ladies, Sirs !

Hopefully I can contribute to your work by reporting a few bugs in the latest 
(4.0.0) version Of Apache Open Office.

1.  a document made in an earlier version had it's table of content 
completely messed up. It seemed to have switched to a different font (was 

2.  If the language is set to Dutch (Netherlands) for all the programs, 
OpenOffice Calc does not accept this. The language remains English.

However ... I may be doing things wrong, but after many years, in this case I 
doubt that...

Wishing you all the best and keep up the good work !!


Alan Lentz

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Re: [CWiki] new default access rights active

2013-10-02 Thread Andre Fischer

On 02.10.2013 09:30, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:

We have already everything to whitelist CWiki users for our CWiki space
ooousers and ooodev. Members of ooo-admins group are able to whitelist.

Unfortunately, yes. So I whitelisted orw and rgb-es. Who needs 
whitelisting too? Your CWiki username please (and 24 hours of patience!).

I would also like to be able to edit the CWiki.  User name is (was) 
"andre".  Thanks.


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Re: [CWiki] new default access rights active

2013-10-02 Thread Herbert Duerr

On 02.10.2013 09:30, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:

We have already everything to whitelist CWiki users for our CWiki space
ooousers and ooodev. Members of ooo-admins group are able to whitelist.

Unfortunately, yes. So I whitelisted orw and rgb-es. Who needs
whitelisting too? Your CWiki username please (and 24 hours of patience!).

I'd like to have edit-rights (again):


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Re: [CWiki] new default access rights active

2013-10-02 Thread Andrea Pescetti

Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:

We have already everything to whitelist CWiki users for our CWiki space
ooousers and ooodev. Members of ooo-admins group are able to whitelist.

Unfortunately, yes. So I whitelisted orw and rgb-es. Who needs 
whitelisting too? Your CWiki username please (and 24 hours of patience!).

This model is very bad, since we will easily grow to a table with 
hundreds of records just to allow people to write their name in the 
volunteers page.

Members of ooo-committers group are by default on the "Editing" Whitelist.

Useless. "ooo-committers" is a random set of people that is not linked 
in any way with the group we call the "OpenOffice committers". And I 
can't edit that group.


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Re: [CWiki] new default access rights active

2013-10-02 Thread Oliver-Rainer Wittmann


On 02.10.2013 08:19, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:


ASF infra had to clean up the CWiki due to a lot of spam. Thus, ASF
infra put in place new default access rights.
In short: the right to edit CWiki pages needs to be granted

I just talked to ASF infra on their IRC channel.
We have already everything to whitelist CWiki users for our CWiki space 
ooousers and ooodev. Members of ooo-admins group are able to whitelist. 
Members of ooo-committers group are by default on the "Editing" Whitelist.

Best regards, Oliver.

Best regards, Oliver.

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