Re: [OSM-dev] Restarting the EWG

2020-11-20 Thread Christoph Hormann
Replying to Jochen and Frederik together here for compacting things.

Thanks for the replies, although i would still be very much interested in the 
board's thoughts on the matter these comments already provide some valuable 

Since neither you nor me are pure hobby volunteers in OSM, us discussing how 
convincing your replies to my first question are is pretty academic.  Actual 
hobby volunteers will ultimately have to answer that.

Regarding the second question both of you seem to see no problem with the 
preference for "people whose work we know and enjoy" paradigm regarding money 
spending and personnel selection choices in an organization like the OSMF.  
That is where our views seem to fundamentally differ.  A deeper open discussion 
on the matter within the OSM community would be fundamentally important (and i 
tried to incite such a discussion in the past on several occasions) but this 
list is certainly not the right place for that.

Since Jochen brought the discussion a bit on personal motivation for volunteer 
work a few notes on that from my side - to maybe make it easier for others to 
understand why i choose to engage in certain volunteer activities but not in 
others.  For volunteer contributions in OSM i chose those fields where i can 
make difference through the quality of my work - either craftsmanship in 
practical work or solid analysis, arguments and reasoning in more abstract 
matters.  I deliberately and fairly categorically stay out of matters where i 
would have to negotiate with the interests of others independent of arguments 
and reason w.r.t. the common good.

If that disqualifies me for a leadership position or even fully in having a 
substantial influence on decisions in the prevailing organizational culture of 
the OSMF i am fine with that.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Restarting the EWG

2020-11-19 Thread Christoph Hormann

> Paul Norman via dev  hat am 19.11.2020 17:09 
> geschrieben:
> - managing development to be paid by the OSMF by contracts and grants, and

For better understanding of how the board envisions this to work, could you 

* why i as a pure hobby OSM contributor with experience in the field of 
development should volunteer my time to manage the paid development work of 
others on my own unpaid time.
* how i as someone with a business or professional career interest in the OSM 
context would be able to contribute to this work without universally having a 
massive conflict of interest with every decision of substance that is being 

Please note although these might sound like rhetorical questions they are not, 
i am honestly interested in how the board envisions this to work.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Standardized feature/tag database idea & proposal

2020-11-16 Thread Christoph Hormann

> Simon Poole  hat am 16.11.2020 10:21 geschrieben:
> [...] On the other hand, not just because of the demographics, but also 
> because of the OSMFs involvement, like it or not, the iD presets are the law 
> of the land and anything else is simply irrelevant.

From my experience with OSM-Carto that is not really accurate.  Whenever iD 
presets suggest something different from established practice or community 
consensus the result typically is not the meaning of the tag changing to what 
iD says.  The result tends to be a huge mess of inconsistent uses.

In other words: iD's power over the development tagging and tag meaning in OSM 
is primarily either destructive or affirmative.  iD has the power to wreak 
havoc and destroy a tag or it can affirm and support a trend in already 
predominantly consistent use.  Same is the case with OSM-Carto.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM Carto stylesheet vs Release osm2pgsql 1.3.0

2020-07-29 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 29 July 2020, Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) wrote:
> >
> >   * The pgsql output now looks for lua script relative to the
> >
> > |style.json| file.
> >
> > This is a breaking change. Users might have to change the file
> > names of
> > their lua scripts in the style files.
> Does anyone know if changes need to be made to the OpenStreetMap
> Carto stylesheet or is it already compatible with this breaking
> change?

OSM-Carto has no style.json file, you specify the lua script directly at 
the command line - i think the quoted change applies to the multi/flex 
backends only, though the documentation is not very clear in the 
terminology used ('pgsql output' vs. 'pgsql backend').

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Cartographic: A client-side rendered OpenStreetMap Carto

2020-05-26 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Tuesday 26 May 2020, wrote:
> Rasterization is a data generalization technique too.

No it isn't.  Generalization is the most frequently abused term in 
cartography.  Calling ST_Simplify and way_area filtering on OSM 
landcover polygon data generalization is a bit like calling JPEG 
compression noise reduction.

But we are drifting off topic here.

> Yes, in some 
> cases it leaves no artifacts at all 

Who would say that?  In fact sampling artefacts (a.k.a. aliasing) are 
the mother of all artefacts in computer graphics.

The point is that sampling artefacts are very well understood and it is 
known how to minimize them.

> I've been looking into the code and I couldn't find anything related
> to polygon generalization. Where is it done?

Lossy geometry compression is happening in ST_AsMVTGeom - which is not 
just the inevitable coordinate rounding to the vector tile coordinate 
grid but also the subjective choice of per feature Douglas-Peucker line 
compression.  See

for the well argued suggestion not to do that.  The way_area filtering 
is explicit in the SQL code.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Cartographic: A client-side rendered OpenStreetMap Carto

2020-05-26 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Tuesday 26 May 2020, Tom Hughes via dev wrote:
> More specifically what you are seeing is that it will let you zoom in
> beyond zoom 8 but you are seeing data that was simplified on the
> basis that it would be shown at zoom 8 where those artefacts would
> not be visible.

As said that is not quite true - but of course attributing artefacts, 
noise and rendering distortions that are visible to specific data 
processing steps is not easy.

As Joseph has hinted when it comes to accurate rendering for precise 
mapper feedback without unintentional incentives at the lower zoom 
levels there are other options based on pre-rasterizing the data which 
would still allow using the benefits of client side styling.  I have 
demonstrated that in the past.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Cartographic: A client-side rendered OpenStreetMap Carto

2020-05-25 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Monday 25 May 2020, Paul Norman via dev wrote:

In general this looks like a good approach to evaluate where the 
practical issues are without being bogged down by bloated legacy tools 
(well - except for the client side of course).

> Landuse, vegetation, and other natural features are not rendered
> until zoom 7. This is the scale of OpenStreetMap Carto zoom 8, and
> these features first appear at zoom 5. There are numerous problems
> with unprocessed OpenStreetMap data at these scales. OpenStreetMap
> Carto gets a result that looks acceptable but is poor at conveying
> information by tweaking Mapnik image rasterizing options. I'm looking
> for better options here involving preprocessed data, but haven't
> found any.

Yes, i think this style as is is a good demonstration that the current 
approach used universally in the industry (and that is used in 
ST_AsMVT() as well) of performing per feature lossy vector geometry 
compression (usually in combination with way_area filtering) is a dead 
end.  You can see that nicely if you overzoom the demo map:

This creates a lot more artefacts and noise in the rendering than the 
AGG rendering issues in Mapnik typically do even at the resolution it 
is intended for - including counterproductively adding a lot of high 
frequency noise in many cases.

> Often forgotten is the development requirements. The style needs to
> support multiple developers working on similar areas, git merge
> conflicts while maintaining an easy development workflow. I'm still
> figuring this out. Mapbox GL styles are written in JSON and most of
> the tools overwrite any formatting. This means there's no way to add
> comments to lines of codes. Comments are a requirement for a style
> like this, so I'm investigating minimal pre-processing options. The
> downside to this will make it harder to use with existing GUI editors
> like Fresco or Maputnik.

I think this is a point that cannot be overstated.  Mapbox GL JSON (or 
FWIW JSON in general) in contrast to CartoCSS is a software developer 
centered format and not a cartographer centered format.  Many 
mainstream low sophistication users of client side vector tile 
frameworks focus exclusively on interactive editors and not working on 
the code level - which as you explained is not an option for a 
cooperative community project or for styles with a higher level of 

Just re-casting the JSON data structures in a different format easier to 
edit by hand, suitable for comments and leading to well readable diffs 
is IMO not enough for a truly cartographer centered approach.  But this 
is definitely a hard problem because there are so many in parts 
opposite requirements.

Having a reference renderer that does not build on an extremely complex 
and platform dependent framework (a.k.a. web browser) would be 
important for style development - i think Joseph also hinted in that 
direction.  It would also be important for things like automated tests 

One other thing to keep in mind - OSM-Carto uses polygon fill patterns a 
lot for differentiating different types of polygons.  While it is in 
principle possible to show fill patterns in continuous zooming in an 
ergonomic fashion i have so far never seen maps in the wild doing that.  
This would be something to consider if you want to create a style 
similar in the richness of landcover rendering to OSM-Carto.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Freely accessible aerial imagery tileserver?

2020-02-19 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 19 February 2020, Simon Poole wrote:
> The very short answer, if you are referring to a global "high
> resolution" imagery mosaic, is "no".

Depending on your definition of "global" that answer might also apply to 
any (even non-freely available) imagery services and to a much broader 
understanding of "high resolution". ;-)

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Issue with

2019-04-17 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 17 April 2019, Eric Gorr wrote:
> I am following the instructions at
> and
> got to the part where it wants me to run 'scripts/'.
> The problem is that when the script tries to download:

Seems to be down.  See:

which uses https but is otherwise the same link.

You can find the files as well on:

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] mod_tile in other projections? (2018)

2018-10-26 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 26 October 2018, Eduardo Ramalho wrote:
> Now I am trying to only show a country (Portugal)
> with its specific projection EPSG:3763.
> I changed the "mapnik.xml" to have my target "srs" and specific
> cartesian bounds, also changed renderd.conf to have aspectx=1 and
> aspecty=2,
> and finally removed all cached tiles.
> When I check the request url for /0/0/0.png I get a world view bitmap
> (but very distorced).
> I was expecting to get only the half north of Portugal on zoom level
> 0.

Something like this is to be expected.

Mapnik supports rendering in arbitrary projections but renderd and 
mod_tile are likely hardcoded to Mercator and what you probably get is 
your local coordinate system but rendered with the mercator bounds - 
which of course does not make any sense.

For local coordinate systems there is no natural tile system so what 
tile 0/0/0 shows exactly depends on the projection *and* the configured 
bounds.  The bounds you define in mapnik are just the limits of the 
area mapnik renders.  But mapnik does not know anything about tiling, 
this is done by renderd.

The funny thing is that the tile manager could be completely projection 
agnostic, it would not even need to know what projection the map is in, 
it would just need to know the bounds of tile 0/0/0 in the desired 
projection - and divide these bounds as needed to generate the 
rendering requests for mapnik.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.12.0

2018-06-24 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Saturday 23 June 2018, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> [...]
> I still hope Lucas will write up a few details about the technical
> approach that would enable you to more easily re-implement this in a
> different style.

By the way Lucas has already done so, you can find it here:

Apart from the 2d pattern rendering of lines this also nicely explains 
how the drawing order works in Mapnik/CartoCSS in general.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.12.0

2018-06-24 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Sunday 24 June 2018, Sven Geggus wrote:
> May I mention the fact, that Mapserver is still actively maintained
> and that there even is a carto preprocessor called magnacarto which
> is able to produce mapserver style files.

Yes, Mapserver has some very powerful features - including even the 
ability to code styling logic in javascript:

The problem i have with Mapserver from a designer point of view is that 
it offers a complex high level feature set with many functions clearly 
intended for direct use.  But at the same time the language to 
formulate this in (the mapfiles) is not really suited to write and 
manage more complex stuff directly.  And Magnacarto only supports the 
basic features offered by both Mapserver and Mapnik which does not 
really work for Mapserver in the end since it does not make use of what 
Mapserver can but Mapnik cannot.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.12.0

2018-06-24 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Sunday 24 June 2018, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
> > It is all open source of course so anyone can pick up development
> > but you need to ask yourself if this would be worthwhile of course.
> >  Both the technological and cartographic environment have changed a
> > lot since these programs were originally designed.
> What would you recommend for someone starting a new project?

That's a really tough call.

The only real recommendation i can give is a quite abstract one: Go 
small, concentrate on doing one thing and one thing only and avoid the 
impetus to go broader and then get bogged down by conflicting goals and 
the complexity of the whole thing.

It is interesting you mentioned 3d rendering since i think (and also 
have frequently written in the past) map rendering can learn a lot from 
the historic development of general 3d rendering (which has a much 
longer and more faceted history than digital map production)

For a map design project with similar scope and goals as OSM-Carto the 
situation today is quite impossible indeed.  But you need to keep in 
mind the OSM standard style (combining the old XML style and OSM-Carto 
here) and Mapnik essentially grew up together so to speak.  You can't 
expect today to be able to find a framework that can directly take over 
this role Mapnik essentially grew into over many years.  So the goal 
would be to look for a toolchain that has the potential to grow into 
such a role over time which is both a technical requirement and one 
regarding the developer community.

But it is also possible that what the OSM standard style represents, the 
one size fits all map for OpenStreetMap, will end in the near future - 
as a dinosaur incapable to adjust to a changing world.  And that my 
recommendation to go small and concentrate on doing one thing and one 
thing only not only is to be applied to software development but also 
map design projects.

But i don't see this happening at the moment yet because i don't see the 
open, non-commercial limited scope map design projects flourishing.  
How likely this is to happen in the future depends largely on the 
burden of suffering felt by the OSM community because of OSM-Carto not 
being able to deliver certain things.  And to get back to the original 
subject of this thread - the issue regarding rendering of paved/unpaved 
was open for nearly five years, the desire to have this rendered had 
existed probably already significantly longer (surface tag reached one 
million uses in 2009).  And despite this pressure and the incapability 
of OSM-Carto to deliver on this it has none the less not led to the 
development of a specialized roads map style to fill this gap.  So the 
inertia in the social environment surrounding the OSM standard style is 
immense.  It is quite possible that from this point of view OSM-Carto 
could continue more or less indefinitely and the only contraint would 
be to mitigate the scaling problems (as it is already done with 
aggressive way_area filtering for example).

> Recently Mapzen ecosystem looked interesting for me (though
> making maps good from cartographic design viewpoint was not one of
> its strength), but I picked poor moment to start with Mapzen :)

Well - as i wrote some time ago 
( Mapzen 
did not have any truly revolutionary and innovative ideas in their 
portfolio.  They had the advantage of not being as dominated by 
immediate business needs as some of the other commercial players which 
allowed them to think things through a bit better in some cases and 
make tools a bit more generic which also makes them look more 
attractive to third parties obviously.  Still there is a lot of 'just 
another version of the same thing essentially' in what they did.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.12.0

2018-06-23 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Saturday 23 June 2018, Yves wrote:
> Which is not going to change if everybody scripts its own way :)
> I did not followed the discussion around that change, but it would be
> a good idea to make changes upstream to come up with an equivalent
> style without special code. Yves

The question is how long would you be committed to wait for an upstream 
change to be implemented?  

Fixes for major bugs like here:

can take a year.  Not sure how requests for feature additions fare on 
average.  But i think without an existing implementation being 
submitted as a pull request the chances are relatively small.  It is 
commendable that Mapbox still does some basic maintainance and 
bugfixing there but this is hardly more than keeping the lights on.  
And any feature addition would also need support in Carto which - as 
Daniel already mentioned - is definitely and officially not maintained 
any more.

It is all open source of course so anyone can pick up development but 
you need to ask yourself if this would be worthwhile of course.  Both 
the technological and cartographic environment have changed a lot since 
these programs were originally designed.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.12.0

2018-06-23 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Saturday 23 June 2018, Sven Geggus wrote:
> I'm doing this for German style for more than 2 years now without
> that much of a hassle up till this release.
> This will now kill my ability to keep on doing this at least as
> roads.mss is concerned!

This is to be expected.  You are kind of spoiled because during the last 
year this is about the only larger technologically more sophisticated 
change in the style.

Discussion of this change can be found in:

and discussion leading up to this in:

The reason for the technological complexity of this and the resulting 
mangling of the code is the lack of support to render lines with a 2d 
pattern in Mapnik.

I still hope Lucas will write up a few details about the technical 
approach that would enable you to more easily re-implement this in a 
different style.

Note there have been voices to choose a more conservative approach to 
rendering unpaved roads in OSM-Carto - like yet another form of dashing 
in addition to the various dashing types already used in road 
rendering.  There are very good cartographic reasons not to do that 

All in all this is a good example for OSM-Carto being at a crossroads 
(and having been for quite some time) between staying avant-garde and 
pushing the boundaries of cartographic design and technology or being 
satisfied with shuffling the options offered by the cartographic 
mainstream within the technological framework used - and which, due to 
Mapnik and CartoCSS being essentially unmaintained, becomes more narrow 
and limiting every year.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] GDPR implementation on

2018-06-20 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 20 June 2018, Roland Olbricht wrote:
> [...]
> Taking GDPR serious means every data processor must decide which use
> cases they make simple, which use cases they make hard, and tailor
> the documentation according to that. For example, for that reason
> Overpass API has no feature to track all actions of a single user. I
> have proposed a declaration tailored to Overpass API on the FOSSGIS
> list (the FOSSGIS is sponsoring the server operations), and I would
> prefer to go forward with that one. A central ToU does not help,
> hence having it ticked or not is of no interest to the data
> processor.

Since not everyone knows the draft you suggested in FOSSGIS - the plans 
you sketch there (correct me please if i am wrong) essentially say that 
you intend to continue distributing geodata and timestamps without 
access restrictions but plan to manage restricted access to other data 
(changesets and user identities) using your own mechanism and own 
criteria of approval (which are not completely finalized yet).

As i understand your mail here you think this clashes with the OSMF 
plans because these will require you - for accessing the raw data to 
feed into the Overpass API - to accept the OSMF ToU which likely will 

a) not allow you to distribute data with timestamps without access 
b) require you to implement access restrictions using OAuth

I assume if this is actually the case will depend on the specifics of 
the OSMF ToU.  I would also assume that (b) most likely would not 
require you to use OAuth with every request, you probably could just 
use OAuth when people register with you for an API key.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] GDPR implementation on

2018-06-20 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 20 June 2018, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> In my view, this is not "cargo cult". If someone comes to us, today,
> and complains that their OSM contributions are being used to stalk
> them, then we cannot even point to a rule that says you cannot do
> this. The stalker is, as far as OSMF is concerned, 100% within their
> rightful use of the data. This is something that needs to stop - even
> if, in the future, it only becomes marginally more difficult for the
> stalker to use OSM data, at least we clearly say that (a) this use is
> not allowed, and (b) the stalker knows it.

I am no legal expert on this matter but as i understand it you do not 
need a contractual agreement to restrict what others can do with data 
you give to them.  You simply put this in the terms of use and the data 
user can either use the data under these terms or not at all.  If 
people use or distribute the data for other purposes they are in 
violation of copyright.

According to my layman understanding of the law here a copyright 
violation is much less troublesome to prove in a legal struggle than a 
contract violation (which would require you to prove the existence of a 
valid contract which is likely almost always impossible practically in 
this case).

> Yes. This also requires the delicate distinction that not everything
> in a .osm file is necessarily under ODbL.

Note you can - based on the current contributor terms - only do this if 
you declare the sensitive metadata to not be data contributed by the 
users because for contributed data the OSMF only has the mandate to use 
or sub-license under an open license.  But if you declare the metadata 
not ODbL you run into the problem that if you combine it with ODbL 
geodata you have to consider the share-alike requirements of the ODbL.  
And at least for history data where correct interpretation of the 
geodata depends on the timestamps you will have a hard time 
interpreting this as a collective database.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] GDPR implementation on

2018-06-20 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Tuesday 19 June 2018, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> [...]
> 3b. ensure that everyone who has an OSM account agrees to these
> guidelines one way or the other,

This is the point that looks very fuzzy to me.  Could someone point out 
the legal concept behind this idea for me?

Such agreement would not be an agreement to process your own data given 
by individuals to the OSMF (which is the kind of agreement you would 
normally expect in the GDPR context).  You probably mean some kind of 
contractual agreement about what can be done with the data.  But to be 
honest i don't really see the point in that.  People who download the 
data can easily create an ad hoc account every time they download data.  
The OSMF does not verify the identity of who is behind a user account 
created.  So what do you expect to gain from such an agreement?  Is 
there any reason to assume that in a case of such data being released 
in a way that is not according to the legal requirements by a third 
party the agreement can be used to avoid legal responsibility for the 
OSMF it would otherwise need to face?  To me this looks more like cargo 
cult actionism, doing something that communicates being a serious 
measure at the surface but which is a hollow promise at a closer look.

Note these concerns are not about the idea of restricting access to 
sensitive data to logged in users, it is about requiring some kind of 
agreement from these users.

What i can understand is giving people a simple selection option between 

[ ] i want to be safe w.r.t. personal data and not being provided 
potentially sensitive information when logged in.
[ ] i want to have the possibility to access potentially sensitive data 
when logged in.

which would mainly be a service to the user - kind of like the sensitive 
content switch on youtube.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Loc2Vec

2018-06-18 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Monday 18 June 2018, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
> > One interesting thing about this kind of work is the legal side and
> > the question if a process as described there is a derivative work
> > of the training data used.
> I am surprised that somebody may think that it is not a derivative
> work of training dataset.

Given how rarely you see attribution for data sources in the 'big data' 
sector and how widespread attribution requirements are in the open data 
world OTOH it is pretty likely that use as training data in adaptive 
algorithms is widely not considered to be copyright relevant.  If this 
view is correct or not is a whole other story.

The topic is also further complicated because if there is a relevance of 
copyright/database rights here there are still two options:

* The trained algorithm is considered to be a derivative of the training 
data but the output of applying the trained algorithm is not.
* The output of the trained algorithm is considered to be a derivative 
of the training data as well.

I think it is probably possible to create scenarios where all three 
viewpoints (the two above and the 'no copyright issues involved' case) 
are plausible interpretations.  So there are no simple yes/no answer to 
the whole subject - you would need to draw a line somewhere - 
preferably one that, as i phrased it in legal-talk recently, "supports 
desirable and harmless use cases but does not create loopholes against 
the spirit of the license."

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Loc2Vec

2018-06-18 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Saturday 16 June 2018, Michał Brzozowski wrote:
> I'm quite surprised this went past the radar, because it's very
> interesting research and abuses openstreetmap-carto style in a novel
> way:
> [...]

One interesting thing about this kind of work is the legal side and the 
question if a process as described there is a derivative work of the 
training data used.  If you are tempted to answer that with a 'no' you 
should keep in mind that while most work on so called AI methods these 
days concentrates on data processing after training you can equally try 
to use such methods more like a memory device.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Generalisation

2018-05-02 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 02 May 2018, Marco Boeringa wrote:
> "And also it is ultimately: Demo or it didn't happen - at the moment
> the only thing you can get at 1:50k is the old style map:
> This is a serious misunderstanding. This is the a rasterized version
> of the new style 1:50k vector map based on generalization, that just
> happens to look very close to the originally manually generalized
> one: that was the whole target of the effort. They make available the
> rasters for clients, as it is just an easy way to consume the data,
> styled and all.

If that is the result of what you so boldly described as the first fully 
automated generalization workflow of a national mapping organization 
that would be fairly underwhelming - both in terms of "fully automated" 
and "successful".

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Bolder - Starting a new client-side OpenStreetMap style

2018-04-30 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Monday 30 April 2018, Paul Norman wrote:
> I didn't find noticeable differences between the Natural Earth and
> OSM data I'm using at these very low zooms 

I find this kind of hard to believe since the differences are so obvious 
and characteristic.  In most cases when i ask people why they use 
Natural Earth in web maps it is not that they don't think there is a 
visual difference but because of indifference, i.e. people don't care 
about the differences.

Of course most of the differences are in areas 90 percent of mappers and 
map users never consciously look at.  That's the difference between 
noticeable and noticed. ;-)

And of course Natural Earth ocean polygons are not equivalent to OSM 
water polygons definition wise - you need to cut out the Antarctic ice 
shelves for that:

Almost everyone gets this wrong.

> I've been using the same script with my server demoing the new WMF
> style work. It doesn't run automatically there, but i have run it a
> lot. It takes about 30 seconds to load and process the water polygons
> for the coastline on my home server, and that includes clustering and
> index building. It takes longer to download the file.
> The script makes sure to create a table optimised for rendering, with
> the contents clustered, indexes created for a read-only case, and
> some other tweaks. This avoids bloated tables.
> How do you consider this case extreme?

Well - >99 percent of the coastline data stays identical from one day to 
the other typically.  So you are replacing several hundred MB of data 
in the database every day with overwhelmingly exactly the same data.  
In absolute numbers this might not be too significant but relatively 
speaking this is like doing a new full planet import every day.

When creating the regular split coastline polygons for (which are currently only produced in geographic 
coordinates, not in mercator) i contemplated the idea that it would 
actually be nice to create a way for data users to only get those tiles 
where something has changed.  This would be possible but it would be 
quite a bit of work to set up and it would add quite a bit of 
complexity for the data user so it is unlikely many would use this.  
But it would be a much more elegant way to perform coastline updates 
when you have the data in a PostGIS database.
> I've been experimenting with different colour selection methods, and
> have found using a limited colour palette helpful. I want to specify
> colours in LCH, not sRGB, and Tangram scene files, like most style
> files, only allow direct input of the latter.

The problem (apart from a somewhat awkward syntax of color 
specification) is you unnecessarily limit the accuracy at which you can 
specify colors at in a quite severe way (if i saw correctly you have a 
fixed color palette of about 1700 colors).  You probably say you don't 
need more than 1700 distinct colors but if you for example want to 
create a harmonically stepped color sequence for roads those colors 
will usually not contain the ones you would ideally want for such 
purpose.  And in terms of sampling desity of color space 1700 distinct 
colors is very coarse.

I don't know if Tangram allows defining custom color conversion 
functions in some way - i am not even sure how the native color format 
is defined, i.e. if that is sRGB or linear color space as you would 
normally expect with OpenGL:

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Bolder - Starting a new client-side OpenStreetMap style

2018-04-30 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Monday 30 April 2018, Paul Norman wrote:
> I’ve started work on a new client-side style for OpenStreetMap data,
> and feel it’s reached the point where I can release it to the public.

I think that is a good idea - i in particular like that the toolchain 
used seems to be free of NodeJS. ;-)

> The style should still be useful for mapper feedback, and some ways
> will become more useful. Vector tiles can associate OSM feature IDs
> with objects in many cases, helping debugging “where did that label
> come from”.

As you know i doubt serious overall mapper feedback is possible at the 
moment with client side rendered vector tiles but the possibility of 
additional QA functionality based on data in the vector tiles is an 
interesting option.

I have not actually tested it yet but you seem to be using stone age 
Natural Earth data at z0-z5 - which is a big step back from OSM-carto 

Do you have practical experience in deployments with loading external 
data, in particular the coastlines, in PostGIS with regular (daily) 
updates?  Certainly this is possible but it is also kind of and extreme 
case of using PostGIS for something it is not intended for.

In the client style the method to specify colors seems rather odd to 
me - is this some kind of standard in this field or is this just an 
invention of you?

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Generalisation

2018-04-16 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Monday 16 April 2018, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> AFAIK, in the osm-carto style there is no generalization on live data
> for performance reasons (because of continuous data updates via
> minutely diffs). There are some precomputed / extracted data files
> though, some of which contain generalized (simplified) data. These
> are all "external" sources:

I think this requires some clarification.

There are different definitions of what kind of operations and processes 
you call "generalization".  But typically selection is considered a 
generalization operation meaning that most of what is shown at all but 
the highest zoom levels is shown with some level of generalization.  
Most selection is rather primitive - based on fixed zoom level 
thresholds, the dreaded way_area filtering etc.  There are very limited 
attempts at some additional sophistication, like for populated place 
rendering at low to mid zoom levels.

When talking about explicit geometric generalization while specifically 
exclusing lossy vector data compression (which is widely 
mischaracterized as generalization) the Natural Earth boundaries at 
z=1-3 is currently the only case.

Lossy vector data compression in addition is currently/historically used 
in the following places:

* Coastlines at z8-9 - the visual impact of this was rather small but 
visible in some areas (in particular with small islands) if you kept an 
eye on it at the transit from z9 to z10.  This has been the case for a 
long time but is essentially superseded by:
* Coastlines at z0-9 since
* The administrative boundaries at z4+ since

You need to keep in mind that both geometric generalization and lossy 
vector data compression operations are largely incompatible with the 
current goals of OSM-Carto:

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] Nominatim - censorship at github pages

2018-03-26 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Monday 26 March 2018, wrote:
> [...] In my opinion the fact I am not
> liked by the maintainers, shouldnt result in deleting my on
> topic comments. Is there some oversight over moderation? Can I
> somehow repeal the decision? Or at least get some explanation why my
> comment was removed?

I can't comment on the comment deletion without knowing the content of 
the comment in question.

But on a more general note - project maintainers on github are 
autonomous in how they manage discussions and development.  
OpenStreetMap is not a centralized project and there is no overall 
authority that controls software development.

So if you are dissatisfied on a fundamental level with how Nominatim (or 
any other similar project) is run (you write "maintained in a way which 
makes it quite impossible to contribute to") the way to go is to create 
a fork or to develop an alternative from scratch according to your 
ideas.  If this turns out to be better or offer advantages over 
Nominatim you can try to get it integrated into the OSM website in 
addition or instead of Nominatim.  This approach (having alternatives 
and fostering diversity in tools and development goals) is generally 
superior for innovation and progress in general compared to trying to 
be universally inclusive w.r.t. feature and design ideas or 
communication and cooperation styles within projects.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Working with OSM data with less or no metadata

2018-02-14 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 14 February 2018, Darafei "Komяpa" Praliaskouski wrote:
> >
> > While this seems a useful test to do i wonder how the timestamp and
> > version fields are relevant regarding privacy and personal data
> > protection?
> If OSM API were fast enough, it would allow to rather easily group
> changes back to changesets. Number of changesets gets you back number
> of mappers. Classifying a returning mapper by edit pattern would
> allow to get back the geometric median of their edits, which brings
> you to knowing where they live.

No, even if the API was infinitely fast limited bandwidth and the 
possibility to append new edits to existing open changesets would make 
this impossible.  

And even if you could identify the changeset a certain feature was last 
modified in that would still not allow you to conclude which changesets 
are created by the same user.

If you practically want to reverse engineer user identities from a 
planet file with user info stripped looking at the data itself and 
mapper specific data charateristics (tag combinations, the way 
geometries are drawn) would likely be more useful than versions and 

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Working with OSM data with less or no metadata

2018-02-14 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 14 February 2018, Michael Reichert wrote:
> All challenges are run four times, one iteration with full metadata,
> one with timestamp and version fields, one with version field only
> and one without any metadata. [...]

While this seems a useful test to do i wonder how the timestamp and 
version fields are relevant regarding privacy and personal data 

I know a possible answer could be that in combination with personal data 
(like user names or ids) it would provide additional information on 
people.  But this argument applies to *any data* including the geometry 
(i.e. coordinates) and tags.

So what is the special thing from a legal standpoint about versions and 
timestamps compared to geometries and tags?

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Extra-large metatiles

2018-01-15 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Monday 15 January 2018, Paul Norman wrote:
> Latency does not matter with a pre-render task, so I've been
> considering using extra-large metatiles. Has anyone tried this
> before?

Not for normal rendering but for raster based data 
pre-processing/generalization tasks i am usually working with 16k 
metatiles.  There are mostly two things that limit the usefulness of 
increasing tile size in this field - which might to some extent also 
apply to normal rendering:

* memory footprint:  Since the processing itself is usually single 
threaded you run several tiles in parallel and the memory demands for 
this must stay within the available memory.
* processing time granularity:  Since different parts of Earth take very 
different times to process it can happen that the slowest processing 
tiles are processed last leading to less than optimal parallelity in 
processing overall (i.e. you have one or two tiles dragging on in the 
end using only part of the ressources available while the rest is 
already finished).

> Based on experience from metatiles 1-8 tiles across, as size
> increases I expect query time and time to render to increase, but
> time per tile to decrease. I don't know at what point this stops
> being true.

I would expect this to happen pretty fast, possibly 8x8 is already at or 
near the top.  But it will likely depend quite a bit on the hardware 
used and the specific rendering task.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] looking for some spline code to adapt

2017-07-02 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Sunday 02 July 2017, Rich Morin wrote:
> I'm generating sets of tactile maps for a blind friend, as follows:
>   OSM export files -(Ruby)-> PostScript -(lpr)-> swell paper
> I'm using straight lines for the roads, using the PostScript moveto
> and lineto operators.  However, I'd like to use the curveto operator:
>   x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 curveto -
>   This operator draws a curve from the current point to the point
> (x3, y3) using points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) as control points. The
> curve is a Bézier cubic curve. In such a curve, the tangent of the
> curve at the current point will be a line segment running from the
> current point to (x1, y1) and the tangent at (x3, y3) is the line
> running from (x3, y3) to (x2, y2).
> [...]

You can certainly do so but you need to expect that your results are 
largely wrong.

The problem is that in OSM we do not record any supplemental information 
on ways regarding if the corners at the nodes are actual corners or if 
they are just approximations for a smooth form of some sort - what you 
would usually do with a kind of tension parameter.  Neither can you 
rely on the fact that when two roads connect this is not a smooth 
transit.  It is not even defined if when a way approximates a smooth 
form the nodes of the way are supposed to be on the curve or if they 
should be placed so the average distance of the way to the curve is 

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v3.3.1

2017-05-25 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Thursday 25 May 2017, Julio Costa Zambelli wrote:
> Dear Matthijs,
> I am seeing the waterway=stream+intermittent=yes ways, as black
> lines. Is this the intended result of this change?

This change has not been rolled out on yet:

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Planet file with preprocessed lines/polygons

2017-05-15 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Monday 15 May 2017, Jochen Topf wrote:
> [...] What about non-multipolygon relations like routes
> and turn restrictions? How to represent them? A general format should
> probably allow different options here. But if you want to make this
> is available for download, which variant will it be?

I would like to emphasize this point.  We currently have a very limited 
set of generally established relation types - essentially only 
multipolygons, routes and turn restrictions.  The hurdles to introduce 
something new here are already high due to the difficulty of getting 
application support even though file formats used at the moment do not 
yet limit this.  If we would have in the future a widely used standard 
format for data users that is fixed to multipolygons and routes that 
would essentially freeze our open relation type data model into the 
currently established subset.

In addition to relations (which are not very popular with many mappers 
anyway) there are also cases where geometry information is encoded in 
tags for which an universal OSM geometry data format might need to 
include support.  Practically the best known case is the 3d buildings.  
This might not be overly relevant for a purely 2d format.  But there 
are also possible uses of this concept in 2d.  I have not seen this 
being used but it would for example be possible to introduce a new 
circle geometry based on nodes (like with tags type=circle and 
radius=x) that would allow mapping circular features more precisely and 
more compact than approximated with a polygon.  Of course this would 
not be lost in a format allowing freely tagged nodes but at least if 
you add indices or would allow such geometries to be part of 
multipolygons you would need explicit support for this.

Ok, at the moment this is all fairly theoretical but i none the less 
wanted to mention this as a suggestion to keep this in mind when 
contemplating ideas on file formats.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Natural Earth

2017-03-29 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 29 March 2017, Sebastian Kürten wrote:
> Can somebody tell me whether the map on still
> relies on Natural Earth data for rendering of lower zoom levels?

Natural Earth data at the moment is used for the lowest zoom level 
boundaries (z1/2/3) and for the builtup areas at z8/9.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Removing functionality and giving just No as answer

2017-02-24 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 24 February 2017, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson wrote:
> As evident in the discussion on issue
> there are several people interested in maintaining functionality that
> existed only a few days ago - being able to view single tiles just as
> easily as before.
> [...]

I think the key here is to have more diversity and not insist on every 
functionality that could be desirable to be present on  Certainly this would seem convenient but it 
ultimately will never be possible and it would be extremely hard to 

I for example really miss a coordinate display for the mouse position 
but there are plenty of other map interfaces that offer this so no big 

When closing the discussion Tom clearly stated what kind of solution he 
considers acceptable:

Everyone is entitled to disagree with that but you'd also have to ask 
yourself why the outlined solution is not acceptable for you.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Carto release v3.0.0

2016-12-22 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Thursday 22 December 2016, Sven Geggus wrote:
> Unfortunately my german style fork is based on a modified
> project.yaml not project.mml (which I always ignored) thus your
> change will now basically kill my fork because I did not maintain a
> forked .mml :(

No, the new project.mml is just a renamed project.yaml.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Turning boundaries to linestrings

2016-12-13 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Tuesday 13 December 2016, Paul Norman wrote:
> Feedback from anyone interested in using this output is welcome, as
> well as any additional information that should be added to the
> linestrings.

You have some conflicting goals here - you want to maintain the OSM 
tagging information on the way level so you need to maintain the 
individual ways - which however limits what you can do in terms of 
rendering - dashing is not consistent for example where a boundary is 
split and you have problems doing geometry processing (like the all 
popular ST_Simplify()).

IMO a process that merges the ways where it is non-ambiguous would be 
more useful.  And most cases where tagging varies in an admin boundary 
without there being a junction that is a tagging error.

The maritime attribute based on tagging is currently of very limited use 
since it is not consistently applied.  On admin_level 2 a better way 
would be to classify this based on topology - i.e. all boundaries that 
are only part of one admin_level 2 relation are maritime boundaries.  
On the higher admin levels this is more complicated of course and not 
easy to solve.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] A PostgreSQL extension for real-time simplification of objects in OSM API database

2016-11-16 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 16 November 2016, RTOSM DOOPAS wrote:
> In short, rtosm is about to extend the OSM API to make it support
> viewing and editing data at any scale directly from database.

The OSM API's main purpose is two way data transfer in small chunks.  
Since you modify the geometry this rules out any editing and 
transferring data back.

For rendering/viewing your concept hinges on the idea that dropping 
nodes is a good way to simplify geometries for rendering purposes which 
is not generally the case.  Or in other words - you assume that your 
error metric accurately describes the perceptual error when viewing the 
rendered geometry (which is evidently not the case).

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Tile usage without proper identification

2016-08-23 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Tuesday 23 August 2016, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> I'm in favour of privacy too but please spend a moment to think what
> would happen if everyone did what you do - we'd never know who uses
> our tiles, at all, and hence we'd be unable to allocate our resources
> for the maximum benefit of all.

The responsible and effective implementation of privacy here would be to 
configure your webbrowser to prevent websites to load external data 
like images.  This is course fairly theoretical since a lot of websites 
would become unusable.

If you turn off referrer transmission w.r.t. tiles the only effect this 
has is it prevents the tile provider from knowing what website you were 
requesting the tiles from.  It does not prevent the tile provider or 
the website operator from learning about your map browsing activity.  
In case of non-free tile providers by the way use of API keys and 
tokens means the website is known to the tile provider even without a 
referrer.  So you'd just punish the free services by withholding them 
information others get despite these measures.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Tile usage without proper identification

2016-08-12 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 12 August 2016, Andy Allan wrote:
> We've always allowed other people to use our spare capacity on the
> tileservers, but recently it's got completely out of hand. Most of
> the use of our tileservers has become developers looking for free
> maps, nothing to do with the rest of the project. Often these are
> commercial companies who are using our tileservers and selling their
> apps. Subsidising commercial companies isn't the best use of
> community donations and volunteer sysadmin time, when there are many
> alternative services (such as those run by CartoDB, Stamen, etc) that
> provide zero-cost map layers based on OSM data anyway.

It would of course also be possible to be more strict in the limits of 
using the tiles in general on websites etc. but care would need to be 
taken to not scare users away from OSM into the arms of Google etc.

By the way currently

does not list any companies that provide drop in replacement services 
for the standard style.  Using the services listed there websites would 
be forced to switch to a different style.  

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM-Carto style, ported to vector tiles!

2016-07-25 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Monday 25 July 2016, Rory McCann wrote:
> > That however would also mean you would need to remove all the
> >
> > way_area > 0.01*!pixel_width!::real*!pixel_height!::real
> >
> > filters from SQL for z14 - otherwise you get missing geometries at
> > the higher zooms (not a real lot - that limit is about one Mercator
> > square meter at z14 - but when this occurs it would be visible and
> > possibly surprising).
> Oops. I will fix that. Do you know of an example of where this
> filtering applies in the normal OSM tileserver? It's helpful to have
> something to compare to?

That filter is primarily for the lower zooms for performance reasons, in 
particular z6-z9.  You should be able to simply remove it for z14 
without negative effects.

> Yes, you can't use SQL to filter different things after z14. You have
> to use CartoCSS filters. A z14 tile needs to have all the data a z19
> tile needs to render.

The problem is not really filtering - this would be simple using 
additional attributes generated from SQL.  The real difficulty is 
geometry processing.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM-Carto style, ported to vector tiles!

2016-07-24 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Sunday 24 July 2016, Rory McCann wrote:
> The problem (correct me if I'm wrong!) is that with vector tiles it's
> common to generate them only down to a certain zoom level (e.g. z14),
> and for lower zoom levels (z15+) to use the z14 tile, and just crop
> out the area you want, i.e. you are using the result of z14 SQL
> queries for z15+.
> The SQL queries are run when generating the .pbf vector tiles, and
> only go down to z14. For generating images, SQL isn't run and instead
> have to use the pregenerated pbf, and hence pregenerated way_pixels
> value. Hence you have to change the style, not the SQL.
> If you don't change it, areas that should appear at z15+ won't, since
> the way_pixels will be wrong for that zoom.

Ok - so you essentially say that use of !pixel_width! and !pixel_height! 
is - in the vector tiles system used - limited to the lower zoom 

That however would also mean you would need to remove all the 

way_area > 0.01*!pixel_width!::real*!pixel_height!::real

filters from SQL for z14 - otherwise you get missing geometries at the 
higher zooms (not a real lot - that limit is about one Mercator square 
meter at z14 - but when this occurs it would be visible and possibly 

And if i understand you correctly this also means you cannot render any 
features differently on z14 and any higher zoom level based on 
processing done in SQL - unless you duplicate them into different 
separate layers for different zoom levels.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM-Carto style, ported to vector tiles!

2016-07-22 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 22 July 2016, Rory McCann wrote:
> Hello all,
> Over the past while, I've been working on porting the
> openstreetmap-carto style to vector tiles. I'm happy to have
> something of beta quality to release to you all:

Looking at your changes a significant part seems to be dealing with 
way_pixels and indicates that the meaning of way_pixels in your version 
is quite different from that in the normal standard style.  Could you 
explain that?  You do not seem to have changed the SQL.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Storing node locations on ways

2016-04-20 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 20 April 2016, Jochen Topf wrote:
> Adding node locations to ways is a pain (and needs more than 32 GB
> RAM these days for a full planet if you want to get it done in
> reasonable time). So I experimented with adding the node locations to
> the ways once and storing it in the OSM files. Works for XML, PBF,
> and OPL. See my blog post at
> for the full story.

From perspective of database design this of course introduces redundancy 
in the data which in turn bears the risk of introducing 
inconsistencies.  For storing data temporarily during processing this 
is not generally a big deal because the processes writing and reading 
this data are well defined but as a general data exchange and storage 
format this would be highly problematic - depending on how a program 
reads the file it will potentially get different results if there are 
inner inconsistencies in the file.

On a more general note: for the purpose of storing the OSM planet data 
in a form that is efficient to use and update wouldn't it make sense to 
store the node locations in a flat file separately from the rest 
instead of storing everything in a dynamically structured format like 
XML or PBF that can essentially only be read sequentially?

Another thing: you say you throw away untagged nodes that are not member 
of any way - don't forget nodes can also be relation members.  I don't 
know any practical case where an untagged node is a relation member but 
in principle this is possible and could make sense.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Upcoming change in files on

2016-02-28 Thread Christoph Hormann

In the processed coastlines available for download on we are planning a change in the files that could 
affect some data users.

Specifically we intend to move the split polygons in EPSG:4326 
projection from the current dynamic splitting to a regular 1x1 degree 
grid.  I described the reasons for this in more detail here:

The new style files are temporarily available on

I assume this change will be an improvement for the majority of users 
but if there are data users for whom this might cause problems please 
let us know.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] changes in coastline are not rendered

2016-02-08 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Monday 08 February 2016, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> It was changed more than 3 days ago and the change is not rendered.
> I understand that coastline ways are special, but that seems too long
> for me.
> Any hints why this takes so long ?

Coastline processing on is stuck for more than a 
month now, mostly because a lot of back and forth with tagging of large 
lakes as coastline.

For information: to avoid major disruptions of map rendering due to data 
errors the coastline is not updated if there are larger changes in the 
geometry compared to the last time it was successfully processed.  Any 
addition or removal of a lake with coastline tag will require manual 
intervention and we do not have the time to manually check the data 
every day because some mapper somewhere wants to scratch an itch and 
decides to tag a lake outline with natural=coastline.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Why is ford=yes not rendered in the default style?

2015-11-26 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Thursday 26 November 2015, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> I know we should not map for the renderer, but why is
> the deprecated and rarely used highway=ford
> rendered with a nice icon on
> while the much more often and documented
> ford=yes is not ?

Because the ford key is currently not in the rendering database.  See:

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Migrating to vectors/Kartotherian

2015-10-31 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Saturday 31 October 2015, Yuri Astrakhan wrote:
> Christoph, re multiple projections - if Mapnik implements vector tile
> merging, we could in theory dynamicaly recombine tiles and change
> projections, would't we? At a performance cost of course.

First of all if you don't use the tiles as tiles but merge them into a 
full data set again there is no point in generating them in the first 
place of course.

Apart from that regarding the abstract possibility: probably no for a 
number of reasons:

- since mercator tiles don't include areas near the poles you will not 
be able to handle any projections that include the poles although 
better display of polar regions is of course one of the primary reasons 
for using other projections.
- in general the tile edges in mercator will not be straight lines in 
other projections.  You would have to specifically take this into 
account when generating and processing the tiled data, otherwise you 
can't reproject the tiles without generating artefacts or invalid 
- you cannot map the zoom levels in one projection to those in another, 
especially not with the strongly variable scale of the mercator 
projection so unless your tiles are not zoom level specific you are 

These points apply to all generic geometry data in the tiles, any data 
specifically generated for rendering like label positions etc. is 
normally projection specific anyway.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Migrating to vectors/Kartotherian

2015-10-30 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 30 October 2015, Jochen Topf wrote:
> This is not a failure of the vector tile approach in general. It
> might be a problem of how the vector tiles are generated today, but
> not a general problem of the vector tile approach. A vector tile can
> contain any data that you need for rendering any kind of style. The
> question is how the data will get into that vector tile. Currently
> the tool chain that does this is not mature enough, I agree. It
> doesn't take into account different sources of data (needed for
> special maps) and doesn't do generalization well enough. But this is
> something we can and should work on.

We need to distinguish a number of different things here:

1. the idea of storing and transporting geometries in a tiled form in 
2. the concept of current vector tile stacks
3. the idea of processing geometry on a level that is not generally 
possible to do on the fly during rendering

I was exclusively talking about 2. here, in particular because in 
contrast to the classical non-vector-tile stacks theys are not suited 
to efficiently deal with the geometric complexity issues without 3.  As 
i have mentioned many times i think 3. is important and grossly 
neglected.  Vector tiles might bring an additional incentive to address 
this of course.

The one important thing speaking against tiled geometry storage and 
transport in general is handling of different map projections.  Any 
such system will require you to select one projection from the very 
beginning and you stay bound to it or need fully separate setups for 
every projection you want to offer.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Migrating to vectors/Kartotherian

2015-10-30 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 30 October 2015, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> >
> > - improved tile serving efficiency
> > - a larger bandwidth of style variations
> > - tighter contraints in basic styling decisions beyond what is
> > already imposed by the OSM data model
> some additional points that come into mind:
> [...]

Note these are issues with client side rendering, not with vector 
tiles - those are ultimately independent things.  That client side 
rendering is often not very efficient if you consider overall costs is 
a given.

Especially when serving different styles from the same infrastructure 
(as most vector tiles map providers do) there is certainly potential 
for energy saving by caching the vector representations on the server 
side.  If the way this is done with current vector tiles stacks is the 
most efficient approach for that is a different matter of course.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Migrating to vectors/Kartotherian

2015-10-30 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 30 October 2015, Yuri Astrakhan wrote:
> Kartotherian <>, the
> Mapnik+Mapbox-based vector service has been implemented and
> trial-launched <> at Wikipedia. The
> service itself is fairly stable, but the styles can use some
> improvements - both the sql->vtile
> <> and
> vtile->image <>.
> Hopefully this work can be used as the basis for the style.
> Once the vtiles are ready, we can easily move to client side WebGL
> rendering.

From my perspective this, i.e. imposing a certain technological 
framework on designers based on technological considerations, is the 
wrong approach.  I wrote about this on my blog recently from a slightly 
different angle[1].  For a high quality style, design development has 
to mandate the technological framework, not the other way round.

If you look at design problems recently discussed in the osm-carto style 
development[2] you will see most of them have nothing to do with vector 
tiles, they would not be made any easier to address with such an 
approach.  On the other hand there are a multitude of things the 
current style handles fairly gracefully, especially the problem of 
reducing geometric complexity, that would be much harder to deal with 
in a vector tiles system[3].

In general it seems to me vector tiles are today often carried as some 
kind of religious mantra promising to be the solution of all problems 
while in reality they certainly are not.  It is better to look for and 
identify actual design problems and see what technological means are 
available to solve them.  So far use of vector tiles seem to primarily 
have lead to the following effects:

- improved tile serving efficiency
- a larger bandwidth of style variations
- tighter contraints in basic styling decisions beyond what is already 
imposed by the OSM data model

In short: from a design perspective vector tiles so far brought more 
variety in map styles but they ultimately all look very similar beyond 
superficial aspects.  Nearly all of the more unusual maps that 
currently exist are not vector tile based.

[3] For another example of where wikimedia maps fails miserably here 

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] SRTM GL1 contour and hillshade available

2015-09-21 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Monday 21 September 2015, Gmail wrote:
> Due to the use of ASTER and CGIAR, for non commercial use, of course.

ASTER is not limited to non-commercial.  Your use of the CGIAR data 
seems limited to areas with neither ASTER nor SRTM data so you could 
get rid of it quite easily without significant losses.

Your method by the way simply overlays the different data sets which 
will lead to significant steps at the edges due to differences in 
height calibration.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Extracting data for testing low scale rendering

2015-07-13 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Monday 13 July 2015, Daniel Koć wrote:

 I'd like to know how to extract from planet.osm only the features
 visible on 1-6 or even 1-7 levels in osm-carto (default OSM style).
 Mateusz Konieczny has already tried to do something like this, but
 hit the wall at the moment:

 If anyone can help us with it in any way, we would appreciate it a
 lot. It would be very useful for massive testing of proposed highway
 rendering changes and general low scale rendering problems.

With the default style for z=1-5 this should be fairly easy, for z=6 and 
above the volume of data required will increase massively since you 
need all water areas.

Filtering for the following will probably get you all you need for z=1-5 
and will not get you too much you do not need:

highway=motorway, highway=trunk
place=city, capital=*

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM for Retina and high-pixel density devices

2015-01-28 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 28 January 2015, Michael Meier wrote:

 However, in addition to the problem of limited resources, I don't
 think the style is ready yet. Though there has been a lot of progress
 lately, the openstreetmap-carto-style has many symbols, and many
 still aren't SVG and thus are not HD ready - they look really ugly
 in HD tiles.

Non-scalable elements in the style are only part of the problem.  In 
general nearly all maps rely on the rasterization to perform necessary 
spatial frequency filtering or in other words: they cannot change 
output resolution independent from the level of detail.

If you for example compare



You can see that apart from the styling differences between the zoom 
levels and the differences in label sizes these look identical.  But 
for good readability on high resolution devices you do not want the 
additional details which are too small to be properly read leading to 
mushy results, you want better acuity with the same amount of detail.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OSM based replacement for Natural Earth national boundaries

2014-12-15 Thread Christoph Hormann

Most OpenStreetMap maps use the Natural Earth boundary data for showing 
national boundaries at the lowest zoom levels. On

you can now find a replacement for that based on OSM data and simplified 
specifically for the common web map zoom levels.  Also the maritime 
boundaries are trimmed to where they are actually useful.

Some more background information is available on

and a simple map showing the data on

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.25.0

2014-12-12 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Thursday 11 December 2014, Andy Allan wrote:

 From that it would be a reasonable conclusion to think that I'm

 a bottleneck on the development - well, perhaps I am.

I don't think there is a serious bottleneck in the merging of changes to 
go active in the main map.  The problem is not bandwidth but latency.

This might be to some part due to the order in which you work through 
changes.  You could try doing it the opposite way, working on the 
oldest changes first.  This would ensure things do not get stuck at the 
bottom of the pile for a long time (there are quite a few pull requests 
active at the moment for example that have been waiting for at least 
the past three releases).

 So I pose a question that's most pressing on my mind - should the
 other maintainers be merging PRs without me reviewing them first?
 Will this lead to a better result?

Well - the job of the gatekeeper of the rolled out style is essentially 
an administrative task and having an own opinion on styling is probaly 
more a disadvantage for this. ;-)

Another side of the matter i already pointed out occasionally is that 
everyone has specific priorities and no matter how well meaning you are 
these go into decisions when making judgements about merging a change 
or not.  No matter how you put it the style still has a strong European 
and even British focus which is an issue with OSM being an 
international project IMO. 

Mainly for these reasons i would much support opening up the active 
style for more people to immediately commit to although i also see the 
risk of a significant loss in style coherence and ultimately map 
quality over time with that approach.  The dominance of technical 
considerations over design aspects and cartographical arguments is also 
likely an issue. Having a two stage process with a separate map for 
testing before deployment in the main map would really help here i 

The lack of a central test environment could be mitigated by trying to 
get a larger number of people from different regions to test changes in 
their local test environment on areas they are familiar with and weigh 
in with their assessment of the changes.  But people will only be 
motivated to do this if they see their contributions have an effect.

And i would like to emphasize again the need for a more systematic 
followup on rolled out changes - quite independent from the exact mode 
of operation.  For a developer it is always more interesting to work on 
something new but it would be good to establish that the work on a 
style change does not end with it being deployed.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.25.0

2014-12-12 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Thursday 11 December 2014, Matthijs Melissen wrote:

 Andy mentions that he thinks that the pull requests he has merged are
 not the most important ones. [...]

I think Andy's point was more that considering the amount of work that 
went into it the overall state of the style is not really that much 
better than it was two years ago.  Some things are improved but these 
improvements also introduced a lot of new issues.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.25.0

2014-12-11 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 10 December 2014, Matthijs Melissen wrote:

 Today, v2.25.0 of the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet has been
 released [...]

First of all these remarks don't have much to do with the changes of 
this release in particular, it is mostly that this has confirmed a 
number of observations i have made in the last months.

It seems to me that with the more active development of the style in the 
past year or so with frequent changes with high visual impact the mode 
of development of the style as it is currently practiced has reached a 
limit where it becomes very difficult to develop well composed changes 
to the style at all.

I am somewhat reluctant to bring up this problem since i think the more 
active development is a good thing in total and i don't want to 
badmouth this.

I have not done a precise statistical analysis but the time for a change 
from being designed to actually being deployed is fairly long, usually 
there are at least 1-2 releases in between, often several months.  This 
does not only mean changes need to be adapted to a changed codebase, it 
also means that the basis in terms of visual design is often changing 
significantly while a change is waiting to be merged.

As a result most changes which are deployed in recent releases are not 
really very well aimed.  They are meant to address certain issues but 
usually introduce at least as many new issues.  Other changes are then 
made later to address some of these with a similar result.  To some 
extent this is inevitable due to the complex interactions within the 
style but it is also largely a result of 'shooting at a moving target'.

I don't have a real solution for this problem but there are a number of 
things that IMO could much improve the situation:

(1) Systematic followups on the success and side effects of changes.  
The only case where i remember this happening is with the landcover 
labeling [1] but note that the majority of the issues pointed out there 
are not yet addressed now, two month later.  IMO development ressources 
should in most cases focus on bringing a change to a satisfying overall 
conclusion before working on new changes.  For most of the recent high 
impact changes this is not the case.

(2) Stricter queuing of changes for deployment.  The manner in which 
pull requests deemed ready for merging are selected for deployment 
seems quite random at least to the casual observer.  Some are merged 
within days, others take several months (the oldest one currently seems 
to be from July [2]) Followups on previous changes should probably be 
given priority.

(3) A test environment with worldwide data.  I know this is not a new 
suggestion and mostly a problem of ressources.  What would already 
help, especially for systematic followups on changes and would probably 
require much less ressources is a frozen tile cache that allows better 
before-after comparisons for changes already deployed.


Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Nominatim 2.3 release announcement

2014-10-05 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Sunday 05 October 2014, Sarah Hoffmann wrote:

 There are two new features that are most notable for users of the
 search engine: there is now support for waterway relations, which
 improves searching for rivers, [...]


It seems though they are reported in the same way in the results lists 
as river lines with 'River' which makes them hard to identify.  In 
principle i would have four major classes for water features:

* standing water areas (natural=water + water!=river/channel)
* flowing water areas (waterway=riverbank or natural=water + 
* waterways (waterway tag but not waterway=riverbank)
* waterway relations

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Nominatim 2.3 release announcement

2014-10-05 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Sunday 05 October 2014, Sarah Hoffmann wrote:
  I figured that intention from the results i saw for various rivers.
  Still it would be good i think to distinguish between waterway
  relations and ways in the results.  For larger rivers there are
  very often individual ways missing in the relation, most frequently
  side streams of course, so you rarely only get a sigle result with

 These are mapping errors, aren't they? As a rule, Nominatim does not
 try to cover such errors, precisely so that mappers can easily spot
 them and fix them.

That is exactly my point, if you can distinguish between the waterway 
relation and such stray individual waterways this is much easier.  But 
of course if the relation turns up reliably at the first place in the 
list this is much less critical.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Simplifying glacier rendering in Antarctica

2014-09-29 Thread Christoph Hormann

Since hardly any OSM map correctly renders glaciers in Antarctica at the 
moment despite the current tagging scheme [1] being used for more than 
a year now i have put together a processing script to simplify this for 
map developers.  It allows you to render the Antarctic ice the same way 
as normal glaciers despite the fact it is mapped differently.

Some more background information can be found in a blog post [2], the 
script on github [3] and the resulting shapefiles on [4].


Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OSM based replacement for builtup_area.shp in standard style

2014-06-03 Thread Christoph Hormann

Hello Everyone,

it has been pointed out occasionally (see for example [1]) that current 
use of external data sources in the OSM standard style is somewhat 

Back in April i made some tests how to process OSM data to generate 
simplified polygons for urban landuse/builtup areas to be used as 
replacement for builtup_area.shp (which is the most significant outside 
source currently in the standard style).  This has not been mentioned 
here, you can read the details on [2].  I have now improved this 
technique sufficiently to process the whole planet and you can find a 
shapefile for testing on [3].

This is of course a fairly ressource intensive process with all building 
and road data in the database being used as basis.  But in principle it 
would be possible to run this with periodic updates in a similar way as 
currently done for the coastline.

Everyone feel free to try out these polygons in your maps.  I have not 
tried this myself in the standard style yet, it is likely that 
adaptations in either the generalization process or the style (or both) 
are necessary for best results.  Comments and examples on that are 




Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM based replacement for builtup_area.shp in standard style

2014-06-03 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Tuesday 03 June 2014, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

 As a sidenote I wanted to point out that there are currently already
 281547 ways (I suspect most of them to represent areas) tagged with
 place=* (not much compared to a total of 3.1M places in OSM) which
 could serve as an alternative to your (preprocessing intensive)
 process if more mappers could be convinced for this concept of
 mapping settlement extensions.

Note many of those are islands, see:

And the others - like Frederik said - are most likely not really 
describing the actual builtup area.

 The main problems of your approach --- it is still only guessing
 and the derived dataset might have a high probability to identify
 built-up areas but it will not in all cases be able to tell which
 settlement an area belongs to and it is a ressource intensive process
 that reasonably cannot be done on the fly --- could be overcome with
 explicit place polygons. On the downside it will of course take us
 quite some time to manually map all those settlements, and it is not
 even clear if people are interested in general to map this kind of
 feature (in addition to landuse etc.). If the main style picked this
 up and rendered areas with
 place=(city,town,village,hamlet,isolated_dwelling) as built-up-area
 this would surely help promoting the cause ;-)

I think i'd disagree here.  place=city|town|... is simply not a well 
defined area.  You might think you can draw a line around any 
settlement in the world but there is no way to say where exactly this 
line is to be in a verifiable way.  So if you start mapping this 
everyone will draw it differently and nothing is gained in the end.

What i do is essentially defining the builtup area as the area where the 
density of roads and buildings exceeds a certain limit.  This in itself 
is no guesswork at all - the base data is of course very variable and 
there are a lot of subjective choices involved in the process that 
follows.  You might feel inclined to adapt this density measurement as 
a rule for manually mapping areas with place=* but keep in mind 
measuring object density is always specific to the scale you look at 
and there is no natural scale of settlements you can base this on.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Polar Projection question...

2014-04-02 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 02 April 2014, David Van Gilst wrote:
 I'm interested in showing Openstreetmap data in a polar projection
 for use in research near the north and south poles.  The wiki (
 indicates that there was a set of instructions for doing this at and an example at, but both of these links
 seem to be broken.

Links need to be updated:

I you are going to adapt the standard mapnik style you also might want 
to read

Would be great to see more polar maps by the way.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] New OSM Test Data Repository

2014-02-21 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 21 February 2014, Jochen Topf wrote:
 I have started to work on a common OSM test data repository that can
 be used to test all sorts of software that works with OSM data. See
 my blog post at
 for details.


Of course I could not resist creating another test:

where the result would be 'valid but invalid in plate carree or web 

'invalid but valid in plate carree and web mercator' is also possible of 
course, just like all other combinations. ;-)

In case you wonder about the coordinates - that's (50 900) and 
(55 905) in UTM zone 47.  And of course this does not work near 
the equator.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] New OSM Test Data Repository

2014-02-21 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 21 February 2014, you wrote:

 I am not sure yet what exactly the valid and invalid mean and
 whether we need different outcomes. For the moment valid means more
 something like: The data looks good, could exist in a real database,
 and everybody would agree on how to interpret it. While invalid is
 everything else.

I suppose there are many cases where it would make sense to allow an 
assessment somewhere between 'fully valid no matter how hard you look 
at it' and 'invalid beyond any consistent interpretation of the data'.  
It might make sense to say robust programs should be able to deal with 
certain data while data producing progams should avoid generating such 

 I haven't figured out all the details yet, for the moment I am trying
 to get the ball rolling, get started writing test data and tests
 programs that use them. We'll figure out the details along the way.

It will be interesting to see results for multipolygons in various 
programs.  I have long suspected the JOSM validator is fairly 'loose' 
in this regard (which is a bad thing - validation in the editor should 
ideally be the strictest check of all) but never got around to pinning 
this down.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] Assembling imagery: to mosaic or not

2014-01-04 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Friday 03 January 2014, Paul Norman wrote:
 [...] The
 two options are to add a number of discrete sources, or to add a
 layer mosaicking them together, and displaying what the best source
 is at any one point.

I think this is the primary issue you need to consider.  If you are sure 
you know what the 'best source' is at any point (which in the most 
general case requires in depth knowledge of the area and of the image 
data in question) mosaicking might be the best solution (but can be a 
real lot of work).

If on the other hand you plan to just layer the image sources by formal 
quality measures (like resolution and age) to create the mosaic you 
will most likely end up with less than optimal quality in some areas.

In addition there is of course a significant value of having multiple 
images available in itself since it allows the mapper to get an idea on 
how variable images can be.  A frequent mistake in common practice 
armchair mapping is that people regard the image as the truth rather 
than a most likely inaccurate depiction of the truth.  Having several 
images available can help here.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] SotM-EU 2014 - Call for Presentations

2013-12-17 Thread Christoph Hormann

Hello everyone,

i am pleased to announce the Call for Presentations for the SOTM-EU 2014 
in June next year.  Please communicate this to anyone who might might 
be interested in presenting something at the conference.  The full text 
and links can also be found at the conference website 

Call for Presentations

Now as the cold time of the year is approaching many of you are spending 
the long and dark evenings working on some OpenStreetMap related 
projects like some tool, some mapping project or some creative use of 
the OpenStreetMap data. Maybe you think it would be nice to share your 
work with a larger European community next summer? Then we invite you 
to submit a presentation to the State of the Map Europe (SOTM-EU) 
conference in Karlsruhe, Germany in June next year.
Where and when

The SOTM-EU 2014 will take place in Karlsruhe from June 13-15, 2014. The 
conference will be hosted at Hochschule Karlsruhe. On Friday and 
Saturday there will be talks, and Sunday will be a hack day for 
practical work and discussion.
Your presentation

We would like SOTM-EU to be a platform for OpenStreetMap communities 
from across Europe, as well as for geodata professionals, cartographers 
and researchers, for sharing experiences, stories and knowledge around 
the OpenStreetMap project. In case

* you are developing a tool related to OpenStreetMap for mapping, data 
processing, visualization or other applications
* you have some mapping project, ideas on tagging or an innovative 
mapping technique
* you are using OpenStreetMap data in a business project
* you are doing research based on OpenStreetMap data
* you are working on something else related to OpenStreetMap or that 
will be of interest for the community

we invite you to submit a presentation proposal to the SOTM-EU programme 
committee. Are you involved with a local project anywhere in Europe? 
SOTM-EU is a great opportunity to present it to a Europe-wide audience. 
Regular talks will be 20 minutes long with five minutes for discussion. 
In addition we will offer the opportunity for shorter five minute 
lightning talks. You can submit both types of presentation in advance 
on the website. However, for the lightning talks there will also be the 
possibility of spontaneous registration at the conference. The 
conference language is English.

Your submissions will be reviewed by a programme committee consisting of 
OpenStreetMap community members from various parts of Europe as well 
from the Hochschule Karlsruhe.
Talk submission

Talks can be submitted on the SOTM-EU web site 
( where you will also find more 
information and updates on the conference. You should submit by 
February 28.

We're looking forward to seeing you in Karlsruhe in June!

On behalf of the SOTM-EU 2014 program committee,

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Default map style on

2013-08-29 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Thursday 29 August 2013, Kai Krueger wrote:
 [...] It really is a rather powerful reward to see your
 effort being directly incorporated into the in production map
 within minutes which can and _is_ viewed by millions of people.

This i can very much agree with.

My idea of a separate data verification map was not meant as a purely 
technical display without any concern for practical usability.  I could 
also phrase it differently: Having two different but both real time 
updated maps would help communicating to the mapper that the purpose of 
the data is not just to produce a single map.  Seeing how the same 
features and tags affect the result in the two maps in different ways 
could make people more aware of this.  And for this purpose it would 
not matter too much in what ways the two map styles differ.

 Imho, the solution of cleaning up the low zoom tiles
 to look good for general use and then increasing or at least
 maintaining the detail on z18, z19 (and z20) is perhaps the best
 compromise we can achieve.

One problem with having a style with strong differences between zoom 
levels is that the map scale is strongly varying across the map.  z18 
at the equator is the same as z15 in northern Canada.

So when peaks for example get displayed starting with z11 and get labels 
at z13 this works nicely at low to moderate latitudes but is pointless 
at high latitudes (once you see the peak you usually see nothing but 
the peak) meaning the reward of seeing your efforts incorporated into 
the production map is much less in those areas.


Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Default map style on

2013-08-28 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 28 August 2013, Andy Allan wrote:
  I think that being pretty is not the goal of the default map style
  at all. The primary goal of the default style is to expose as much
  of the OSM data as possible.

 That's widely held opinion, but there's an equally sized opinion that
 would heartily disagree.

That's probably to some extent because the main map serves a double 
purpose:  For the user of the map and for the mapper.  Both these uses 
have their own requirements which are not always identical.

It always amazes me how much the map style influences the mapping 
practice, not only by obvious tagging for the renderer but also in the 
form of subtle priorities.  Having two separate styles - a 'data 
verification' style and a 'presentation style' would help reducing this 

Another problem is that a consistent and asthetic map design is 
difficult to achieve with a large number of people working on it 
together.  On the other hand with few people making the design 
decisions there is inevitably a bias in decisions what is prominently 
visible and what not (which as said above has a significant influence 
back on the mapping practice).


Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Coastline, lakes, rivers

2013-04-16 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Tuesday 16 April 2013, Pieren wrote:

 I'm not sure that the New tagging of riverbanks has been really
 adopted, excepted by the 16 who approved it on the wiki (is it in
 editors presets ?).

Actually the situation is even worse - current practice in tagging water 
areas is a wild mix of applying waterway=riverbank and/or natural=water 
to multipolygons, member ways and individual ways not part of a 
multipolygon.  I doubt this is going to change as long as the common 
map render style simply renders everything with either of these tags in 
plain blue.  Cases like the linked one are situations where even this 
basic handling fails (mostly due to broken multipolygons or inner rings 
tagged waterway=riverbank)  And that's only for the water areas - i 
will refrain from getting into the water line features here.

My conclusion on this matter is that the only thing you can currently do 
with the OSM water data is to render it - or in other words: treat it 
as mere information 'here is water'.  And even that can be unreliable 
since intermittent=yes/water=intermittent are not consistently applied 
(not astonishing considering they are not rendered either).  All 
information beyond that can - if at all - only be relied on locally if 
consistency has been maintained by local mappers or if most of the data 
is based on a well structured import.



Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Zeroing or Extending a Hillshade-Tiff

2013-03-13 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 13 March 2013, Jochen Topf wrote:

 Another option would be to split up the long straight lines resulting
 from the splitting into shorter pieces. If the pieces are short
 enough, it should be okay. Maybe there is some tool around that can
 do that easily? I don't want to put more and more of these things
 into OSMCoastline, because they are not really related to coastlines,
 but general issues with large objects.

Not quite actually - in case of splitting the problem does not stem from 
the long segments but from the fact that you split one polygon but do 
not split the edge of the adjacent one at the same time.  If you'd do 
that the edges could have any length, they would still fit after the 
reprojection (although you could get intersections between the actual 
coastline and the splitting lines).

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Coastline changes Antarctica

2013-03-12 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Tuesday 12 March 2013, Jochen Topf wrote:

 OSMCoastline first generates the land polygons, them splits them,
 then creates the water polygons as inverse from the lang polygons. If
 the land polygons are broken, so are the water polygons. So I don't
 think you can reduce the chance of breakage that way.

Possibly a better way to prevent large errors in the coastline would be 
to maintain a simplified version known to be free of large errors and 
use it to create bounds for the real up-to-date coastline.  As you said 
the quality of the OSM coastline is quite good these days globally so 
at least on the land side it can be said with very high confidence that 
a few kilometers from the OSM coastline there is only land.  So using a 
correspondingly buffered old and verified land polygon in addition to 
the real one would prevent large errors either by accident or by 
vandalism and would not hamper real improvements of the data.

I don't know how often you discard the new data based on comparison with 
previous day data but the above would be an alternative to that.


Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Coastline changes Antarctica

2013-03-11 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Monday 11 March 2013, Jochen Topf wrote:

 I have described the details in this blog post:
 Have a look at the chapter about Antarctica. (The other stuff might
 be interesting, too, though.)

Concerning the 180-degree-line - for that a solution that would allow to 
process the coastline in a pacific centered coordinate system (or with 
any other cutting meridian) would be best.  And the obvious way for 
that is to simply draw the coastline ways indiscriminately across the 
line.  I think the API and database would have no problem with that but 
OSMCoastline would need to be able to close the coastline in arbitrary 
configurations at the edges and the editors would need to support it.  
I suppose especially the latter means it won't happen but still it 
would be the most elegant solution i think.

Note doing the same also for other geometries would be problematic since 
on a sphere you have no reliable way to decide about inside and outside 
of a (large) polygon without the orientation convention of the 

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Coastline changes Antarctica

2013-03-11 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Monday 11 March 2013, Paul Norman wrote:

 OSM data is in WGS84 and the line going from -180 to +180 goes across
 the entire world in this projection. This is how osm2pgsql interprets
 it and I believe most other tools.

I know - but i was just musing about coastlines in an isolated manner.  
And since coastlines are not rendered from the database but from a 
separate shapefile this would not be an issue.  But of course coastline 
ways can have other tags or be part of relations and then will possibly 
be rendered from the database.  For this to work it would need to be 
ensured that the ways crossing the line are tagged natural=coastline 
only and are not part of a relation.  And rather than enforcing such a 
complex rule it would probably be much easier to simply introduce a new 
type of relation containing the two corresponding nodes on both sides 
or even simpler: have OSMCoastline determine the matching nodes on its 
own and make the connection itself (which is exactly what Jochen did - 
although at the moment only for the special case of the southmost 

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Zeroing or Extending a Hillshade-Tiff

2013-03-07 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Thursday 07 March 2013, Peter Körner wrote:
 b) extend the image with value 181 at the borders to fit the size of
 the image i'm going to render

 My question is:
 what way would you choose and wich tools could be used to go that

for b: 

gdalwarp -dstnodata 181

Note it is usually best to only hillshade the land and not the water so 
if you draw the water above the hillshade you won't have this edge 
problem (it is of course even better to modify the DEM before shading 
to match the coastline but that's quite a bit more complex).

I am currently preparing rendering polar maps myself so if you need 
hillshade images for the lower zoom levels i could provide them - for 
zoom=2 with 6000km map area (i think that's what you are using as 


Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Coastline generalization tool and data

2013-02-19 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Tuesday 19 February 2013, Michal Migurski wrote:
 Christoph, this is so cool. Excellent work!


 I've been hammering away at an OSM generalization effort of my own,
 focused on the global preparation of simplified linework for major
 roads and route relations:

For generalizing roads I think there are four major components:

1. removing smaller roads where there is no room to show them properly
2. summarize dense networks of roads of similar size
3. move roads to be able to distinctly show them without overlap with 
other features or themselves
4. simplify the individual road segments

From your description I have the impression that a major part of your 
effort is in 2. although I could not clearly identify cases of 
summarization in your examples.

From the samples it seems your technique sometimes produces gaps between 
roads which are in fact connected.  Apart from that it looks quite 
good - for curved roads the simplification seems a bit strong unless 
you mean to use some kind of smooth spline rendering.

By the way for the coastlines I also looked into the idea of using 
vector skeletons but I soon realized this would be prohibitively slow 
on a global scale.  From the pure program design point this would still 
be an interesting idea.

 I did find one weird part of your data, around Boston where the
 peninsula appears detached from the mainland.

That's another canal tagged as coastline:

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Coastline generalization tool and data

2013-02-19 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Tuesday 19 February 2013, Michal Migurski wrote:

 No rendering at all. The intent of this work is to provide labeling
 hints, so you'd still render the regular roads from OSM and use this
 dataset to place labels over them. We did this for the US when I
 worked on the Stamen Terrain map, visible here:

So rendering of the roads themselves is based on the original OSM data.

This explains the gaps - for labeling they do not matter.

 So a re-tag would fix this? How long does the data take to re-run?

I added it to the list:

The run for the whole earth takes about 6 hours (just the 
generalization, osmcoastline not included).


Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Coastline generalization tool and data

2013-02-14 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Thursday 14 February 2013, Stefan Ziegler wrote:

 If you look at the island Usedom in the Baltic Sea (Northeast
 Germany, near Poland): it is connected to mainland. Usedom is really
 difficult with small stripes of water between island and mainland.

That's right.  Since it is a raster based process only structures large 
enough to be resolved in the raster will be taken into account.  The 
Peenestrom misses the cutoff by a small distance here.

A possible solution would be to distinctly tag such waterways, in this 

with something like waterway=strait and then consider those in addition 
to the coastline itself during generalization.

Usedom however is currently no real island in OSM anyway since only one 
side is tagged as coastline:

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Coastline generalization tool and data

2013-02-13 Thread Christoph Hormann
 in the demo map.

 In my opinion, it is hard to believe that this tool/technology may
 compete with other similar technologies for creating zoom-levels in
 digital cartography. Yet, it may be of certain value in the field of
 illustrations among many other options.

About the coastlines you use for comparison your write they are created 
using a 'proprietary vector smoothing and data reduction algorithm' - 
it would be important to know what exactly this does of course.  And as 
said, my technique is not about data reduction so the assessment based 
on data sizes is somewhat missing the point here.  

But of course there is much room for improvements with my technique and 
of course generalization is always a lot about subjective choices so it 
is perfectly fine to prefer a different approach.  If you can point out 
disadvantages of my files when compared to alternative techniques in 
actual appearance in rendering that would be very useful.

Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Coastline generalization tool and data

2013-02-11 Thread Christoph Hormann

Hello everyone,

some time ago i introduced a technique to generalize OSM coastline data 
for better readable map rendering [1] on talk-de and i now release the 
tool used for this [2] as well as a set of generalized coastline files 
for zoom levels 1 to 8 [3].  There is also a demo map [4] - this uses a 
slightly different coastline than the one for download (in particular 
Antarctica data is replaced by a different source).

Feedback on both the tool and the files is welcome.  It would be 
interesting to see how use of this would look like in the standard 
mapnik rendering, especially how much mismatch the moving of the 
coastline during generalization causes and how troublesome this is when 
viewing the map.

You might notice various strange forms in the coastline at some places, 
most of them are caused by features being tagged as coastline which in 
fact should probably not be.  I put up a wiki page [5] to collect these 
problems.  If you find more or fix them feel free to edit that.



Christoph Hormann

dev mailing list