Incident Report - Entrust did not revoke all certificates with underscore characters before the 15 January 2019 dealine

2019-01-21 Thread Bruce via dev-security-policy
On January 18, 2019, Entrust discovered that 9 SSL certificates with underscore 
characters which were issued for more than 30 days were not revoked before 15 
January 2019. All certificates were revoked on 18 January 2019.

Details of the incident report can be found here,

Thanks, Bruce. 
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-31 Thread Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy
On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 8:22 PM Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> I can't speak for Mozilla here, but I tried to lay out some clear
> expectations:
> 1) This is an extension of an existing incident, rather than treating it as
> an exception to some long-standing or new rule
2) This is being treated as part of the remediation (revocation) plan,
> rather than as an intentional violation of some other requirement

This framing is technically correct and quite helpful in this situation,
but I am concerned about what it appears to imply for other ambiguous
requirements. Seeking clarity through a discussion and vote, as happened
here, is more orderly than a sudden declaration that a practice is
forbidden. This particular situation is a bit like a law that is challenged
in court, then upheld by the court and enforced, as opposed to a new law
being retroactively enforced.

> 3) Going forward, "they weren't prepared for revocation" is not really an
> acceptable answer in and of itself, and for this particular incident,
> concrete proposals for how "They weren't prepared for revocation" can be
> addressed or mitigated go a long way to addressing the underlying root
> cause here, and by proxy, demonstrate a healthy awareness of and balancing
> of risk, and ways to concretely mitigate that for the future.
> Yes, this is the desired outcome.

Thanks James, Jeremy, Matt, and Ryan - I really appreciate the ideas that
have come out in this discussion. I'll be looking at ways to use some of
this thinking to improve the Mozilla incident reporting process -
suggestions are welcome.

- Wayne
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy
On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 03:19:19AM +, Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy 
> > I'm not sure I'd call it "leniency", but I think you're definitely asking 
> > for "special treatment" -- pre-judgment on a potential incident so you can 
> > decide whether or not it's worth it (to DigiCert) to deliberately break the 
> > rules.
> I'm not sure there's a policy against asking for special treatment or 
> pre-judgment. Like I said, I feel like this is a weird area where I'm not 
> 100% 
> sure how to proceed.
There's certainly a fuzzy area in the middle between "here is a problem,
what should we do?" and the other extreme of "please let me know in advance
if we'll be OK with doing this bad thing, because I'd like to decide whether
it's worth breaking the rules".  I have to say that several of your messages
have read far more towards the latter than the former.

Of course, the ability to distinguish is muddied by the need for you to
provide specific data about the scope of the problem, which focuses things
on just DigiCert, when there is the distinct possibility that other CAs are
sitting quietly in the wings, having all the data but not wanting to step
into the ring, as it were.

> Like how do you raise when you think obedience to rules 
> is riskier than breaking them? Breaking them then explaining why seems like a 
> really bad idea. The best I could come up with is ask what to do and see if 
> the browsers agree. Acknowledged that this would be very bad in most cases, 
> but I'm not sure where you decide?

I think you've followed the best course open to you.  Talking about issues
is pretty much guaranteed to be better than keeping quiet and hoping for the
best (thanks, CT!).

Certainly, knowingly breaking the rules and then having it turn up later is
terrible -- as Ryan said, that's a quick way to get yourself distrusted.  I
certainly think that if any other CA comes out with an incident report
post-Jan-15 dealing with unrevoked underscore-bearing certificates, the
general reaction is going to be along the lines of, "are you 
*kidding* me?!?".

> > What were the criteria by which DigiCert decided which customers to grant 
> > exceptions to?


> Honestly, it came down to which ones were the most mad at me for telling
> them I am going to revoke their certs.

I can imagine...

> > First off, your customers.  There is a certain amount of exposition in the 
> > pharmacy company bug, however I can't say that what's there so far fills me 
> > with a sense of contentment.  You said in your most recent post, "Security 
> > vulnerabilities are patched based on their rating", and that lacking a CVSS 
> > it is difficult to get recognition of a problem.  Would it be fair to say 
> > that this narrow approach to security is shared by all/most/some/none of 
> > the 
> > other similarly situated customers?
> No, but it's generally how people can get exceptions to the blackout period. 
> More the norm is around how these certs are rolled out. They fall under three 
> camps: a) a third party offering the main companies service that requires a 
> bunch of testing and permissions (probably contractual), b) complicated 
> policies about changes during/around blackout periods and c) certs actually 
> used in software that require code changes and deployment to update.

Those are useful categories to have, thanks.  It's especially handy for CAs
to bear in mind when they're communicating with their customers about the
risks of deeply embedding data which may need to change at short notice.

> > Focusing on the "what about next time?" aspect, which I believe is the most 
> > important, I'd be interested to know what your customers are planning on 
> > changing about their systems and processes, such that if a similar event 
> > happens in the future, the outcome won't be the same.
> After this, I'd like to talk about removing some of the Symantec roots from 
> Mozilla. A lot of these don't need trust in Mozilla and Chrome. The mix is in 
> the OS vs. Web ecosystem. They need trust in OS platforms, but Web is more 
> optional for a lot of the certs.  If we have roots that are only trusted in 
> the two OS platforms (MS and Apple), the risk changes for the web community.

I wonder how well that'll work out, given the dominant server platform
(Linux, in its many and varied incarnations) generally sources its trust
store from Mozilla (for better or worse).  Given the highly variable
timeline that distros have for updating their trust stores, you might be
dealing with the fallout from that one for a *long* time to come.

> > Hence, what is it that DigiCert plans to change, such that an equivalent 
> > result cannot happen in the future, given a similar event?  There was one 
> > rather draconian possibility suggested up-thread, of DigiCert limiting 
> > itself to 100 days validity, and revoking a number of randomly-chosen 
> > certificates periodically.  That would certainly remove any practical 
> > possibility 

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
>> I think Matt provided a pretty clear moral hazard here - of customers 
>> suggesting their CAs didn't do enough (e.g. should have tried harder to 
>> intentionally violated by not revoking). One significant way to mitigating 
>> that risk is to take meaningful steps to ensure that "We couldn't revoke" is 
>> not really a viable or defensible option.


Oh – thanks. I missed that. A lack of knowledge is already not a defensible 
position. Revocation requirements and an agreement to revoke within 24 hours is 
in all our of existing DigiCert contracts. The same language is going into all 
Symantec customer contracts now as customers transition to DigiCert systems. 
All of our documentation, including the CPS, say we can revoke with less than 1 
day notice. 


>From section 4.9.1 of our CPS:


DigiCert will revoke a Certificate within 24 hours if one or more of the 
following occurs: 

1.  The Subscriber requests in writing that DigiCert revoke the 
2.  The Subscriber notifies DigiCert that the original Certificate request 
was not authorized and does not retroactively grant authorization; 

3.DigiCert obtains evidence that the Subscriber’s Private Key corresponding to 
the Public Key in the Certificate suffered aKey Compromise; or 

4. DigiCert obtains evidence that the validation of domain authorization or 
control for any FDQN or IP address in the Certificate should not be relied 


DigiCert may revoke a certificate within 24 hours and will revoke a Certificate 
within 5 days if one or more of  the following occurs: 

1.  The Certificate no longer complies with the requirements of Sections 
6.1.5 and 6.1.6 of the CA/B forum baseline requirements; 
2.  DigiCert obtains evidence that the Certificate was misused; 

 3.The Subscriber or the cross‐certified CA breached a material obligation 
under the CP, this CPS, or the relevant agreement; 

4. DigiCert confirms any circumstance indicating that use of a FQDN or IP 
address in the Certificate is no longer legally permitted (e.g. a court or 
arbitrator has revoked a Domain Name registrant’s right to use the Domain Name, 
a relevant licensing or services agreement between the Domain Name registrant 
and the Applicant has terminated, or the Domain Name registrant has failed to 
renew the Domain Name); 

5. DigiCert confirms that a Wildcard Certificate has been used to authenticate 
a fraudulently misleading subordinate FQDN; 

6. DigiCert confirms a material change in the information contained in the 

7. DigiCert confirms that the Certificate was not issued in accordance with the 
CA/B forum requirements or the DigiCert CP or this CPS; 

8. DigiCert determines or confirms that any of the information appearing in the 
Certificate is inaccurate; 

9. DigiCert’s right to issue Certificates under the CA/B forum requirements 
expires or is revoked or terminated, unless DigiCert has made arrangements to 
continue maintaining the CRL/OCSP  Repository; 



This is why I couch it as we can revoke technically and legally, but I don’t 
think we should. 


>> This doesn't really inspire confidence. If the answer for how to deal with 
>> this is block efforts to remediate issues, then it runs all the risk that 
>> Matt was speaking to. "We knew people couldn't replace in January" is a 
>> problem, for sure, but because fundamentally the risk is always there that 
>> someone would need to revoke in January - or December, or November, or 
>> whenever the sensitive holiday freeze or critical sales or lunar alignment 
>> or personal vacation is - it's not really a mitigation at all for the issue.


>> I tried to give suggestions earlier for meaningful steps - such as making 
>> sure all customers know that certificates may need to be revoked as soon as 
>> 24 hours. This has been a pattern of challenge in the past for DigiCert if I 
>> recall correctly - I believe both Blizzard and GitHub had issues where the 
>> keys were compromised, but these organizations didn't want to revoke the 
>> certs until they could ship new private keys in their software (... ignoring 
>> all the issues in that one). I know you've said you've got the contracts in 
>> place to defensibly revoke these, but how are you helping your users 
>> understand these risks? Do you have documentation on this? Do you recommend 
>> users use automation? I know some of this speaks to business practice, but I 
>> think that's somewhat core to the issue - since revocation may be required, 
>> how is the CA, the party best placed to communicate to the customer, 
>> communicating that necessity?


Sorry – I thought you meant in addition to those things. All customers know we 
can revoke within 24 hours. Note that in both those cases the GitHub case we 
did revoke the cert within 24 hours of notification. We have documentation on 
revocation (eg and talk 
about it a lot. We also recommend 

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 10:00 PM Jeremy Rowley 

> The risk Matt identified is too nebulous of an issue to address, tbh. How
> do you address a moral issue?  The only way I can think of to address the
> moral issue is to say “we promise to be good”. But the weight that carries
> depends on how much you trust the actor. If you trust the actor, then the
> moral issue is addressed. If you don’t trust the actor, moral issue is not
> addressed. If you or Matt can identify a specific threat you’d like me to
> address about the moral issue, I’ll do my best to respond.

I think Matt provided a pretty clear moral hazard here - of customers
suggesting their CAs didn't do enough (e.g. should have tried harder to
intentionally violated by not revoking). One significant way to mitigating
that risk is to take meaningful steps to ensure that "We couldn't revoke"
is not really a viable or defensible option.

>- What happens is that you ask why there is risk of outage to begin
>with and what can be done to improve going forward? Let’s assume you do
>revoke, and it causes an outage - is DigiCert taking steps to ensure no
>customer of theirs is ever faced with that risk? If so, what are those
> Yeah – there are several things we can do to improve going forward:
>1. Communicate better with the customers. The first mistake was
>waiting until we had good data to communicate with the customers. This
>delayed notification. This was unknown to me at the time, or we would have
>sent out communication prior to the ballot passing. That instruction has
>been passed along (no waiting on these critical issues) plus training.
>2. No more skipping CAB Forum meetings for me. This was easily a
>foreseeable issue because we knew people couldn’t replace in January. I
>think it’s been brought up a half dozen times in the forum at least. I’m
>not sure why we didn’t communicate this in Shanghai. But, the real problem
>is I didn’t have direct knowledge of what was going on. I probably need to
>be there in person each time so we can align the company correctly with
>that is going on.
> That... doesn't really inspire confidence. If the answer for how to deal
with this is block efforts to remediate issues, then it runs all the risk
that Matt was speaking to. "We knew people couldn't replace in January" is
a problem, for sure, but because fundamentally the risk is always there
that someone would need to revoke in January - or December, or November, or
whenever the sensitive holiday freeze or critical sales or lunar alignment
or personal vacation is - it's not really a mitigation at all for the issue.

I tried to give suggestions earlier for meaningful steps - such as making
sure all customers know that certificates may need to be revoked as soon as
24 hours. This has been a pattern of challenge in the past for DigiCert if
I recall correctly - I believe both Blizzard and GitHub had issues where
the keys were compromised, but these organizations didn't want to revoke
the certs until they could ship new private keys in their software (...
ignoring all the issues in that one). I know you've said you've got the
contracts in place to defensibly revoke these, but how are you helping your
users understand these risks? Do you have documentation on this? Do you
recommend users use automation? I know some of this speaks to business
practice, but I think that's somewhat core to the issue - since revocation
may be required, how is the CA, the party best placed to communicate to the
customer, communicating that necessity?

As Matt spoke to it somewhat, there's understandably competitive advantage
to being the CA that will try their hardest not to revoke. And while I
don't think this has risen to that level based on the information provided
so far, understanding how that perception is being mitigated is key. There
are other solutions, to be sure. Helping users move from publicly trusted
CAs to managed CAs, for example, can still meet the business needs of these
users w/o the attendant revocation risk.

Things like Heartbleed have shown that rapid revocation can be necessary.
Misissuance or misvalidation by the CA that results in revocation surely
can as well. Understandably, an answer of "Don't ever misissue" is great,
but if it's really pinning all the hopes on one thing. Other CAs have taken
steps like ensuring automation and short-lived certs as a way of ensuring
that the upper-bound of any issue is limited (for example, to 90 days, or
six months), and that automation is the default way of getting certs.

>- And this is the framing that I think is incredibly helpful.
>Understanding why customers can’t change, and what steps are being done to
>ensure they can, is hugely useful. Wayne’s question were to this point - as
>were mine towards understanding the problem from the other side, which are
>steps the CA is taking. As I've repeatedly 

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
> I don't think there's *any* result from all this that everyone would 
> consider desirable -- otherwise we wouldn't need to have this conversation.
+ 1 to that.

> I'm not sure I'd call it "leniency", but I think you're definitely asking 
> for "special treatment" -- pre-judgment on a potential incident so you can 
> decide whether or not it's worth it (to DigiCert) to deliberately break the 
> rules.
I'm not sure there's a policy against asking for special treatment or 
pre-judgment. Like I said, I feel like this is a weird area where I'm not 100% 
sure how to proceed. Like how do you raise when you think obedience to rules 
is riskier than breaking them? Breaking them then explaining why seems like a 
really bad idea. The best I could come up with is ask what to do and see if 
the browsers agree. Acknowledged that this would be very bad in most cases, 
but I'm not sure where you decide?

> What were the criteria by which DigiCert decided which customers to grant 
> exceptions to?  My default assumption is "whichever ones will cost us the 
> most money, on a risk-of-departure-weighted basis, if we revoke their 
> misissued certs", so if DigiCert's criteria was different, I'd be keen to 
> have my assumption changed.
Based on the number of certificates, the reasons the customer identified they 
couldn't make change, and whether revocation would take down a critical site. 
It actually isn't tied to $ at all. The largest issuer of certificates isn't 
on the exception list. Honestly, it came down to which ones were the most mad 
at me for telling them I am going to revoke their certs. I also filed the 
incident reports in that order.

> First off, your customers.  There is a certain amount of exposition in the 
> pharmacy company bug, however I can't say that what's there so far fills me 
> with a sense of contentment.  You said in your most recent post, "Security 
> vulnerabilities are patched based on their rating", and that lacking a CVSS 
> it is difficult to get recognition of a problem.  Would it be fair to say 
> that this narrow approach to security is shared by all/most/some/none of the 
> other similarly situated customers?
No, but it's generally how people can get exceptions to the blackout period. 
More the norm is around how these certs are rolled out. They fall under three 
camps: a) a third party offering the main companies service that requires a 
bunch of testing and permissions (probably contractual), b) complicated 
policies about changes during/around blackout periods and c) certs actually 
used in software that require code changes and deployment to update.

> As an aside, on the subject of "there's no CVSS score for this", let me fix 
> that up, with the official WombleSecure(TM)(R)(Patent Pending) CVSS for 
> "your certs are getting revoked":
7.5 base, 7.2 temporal, and 8.9 environmental.  All those scores are in the 
"high" band.  "Availability" *is* one of the sides of the security triangle, 
after all.
Lol - thanks. I'll be sure to share this with them.

> Focusing on the "what about next time?" aspect, which I believe is the most 
> important, I'd be interested to know what your customers are planning on 
> changing about their systems and processes, such that if a similar event 
> happens in the future, the outcome won't be the same.
After this, I'd like to talk about removing some of the Symantec roots from 
Mozilla. A lot of these don't need trust in Mozilla and Chrome. The mix is in 
the OS vs. Web ecosystem. They need trust in OS platforms, but Web is more 
optional for a lot of the certs.  If we have roots that are only trusted in 
the two OS platforms (MS and Apple), the risk changes for the web community.

> A similar question applies, even more forcefully, to DigiCert itself. 
> Clearly, whatever you've done so far didn't work, because these customers of 
> yours didn't heed whatever warnings and caveats you provided, and built 
> themselves systems and processes that are unable to comply with their 
> agreements to DigiCert (and, by extension, relying parties).
See above. Also see my response to Ryan on the migration from legacy Symantec 

> Hence, what is it that DigiCert plans to change, such that an equivalent 
> result cannot happen in the 

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
not punishment - but understanding how these issues are being addressed. 


The main blocker for all of these is policy, not technology. I don’t know how 
to solve third party policy decisions, which is why I can’t seem to answer the 
questions. The process of planning a change, getting sign-off, rolling the 
change to stage, getting more sign-off, and then rolling to production with 
final testing combined with the blackout periods is making something that 
should be easy very difficult. I run an agile team at DigiCert so none of these 
are concerns when we roll a change internally. It’s the revocation part that is 
getting people up in arms. The consistent message I’ve gotten from customers is 
that changing domains and certificates requires the same process. It’s just as 
fast to roll out a change to both items as change just a certificate. The 
built-in CAB Forum 30 day cert requirement isn’t solving the issue because of 
the way they roll changes, not because the 30 day certs aren’t available. 


*   This seems like a significant improvement from “100% of customers can’t”

Definitely an improvement. I’m hoping to get to 100% by the time we hit Jan 
15th. The four I posted (and one more I got more info from today) probably 
won’t. Even within those customers, we’re asking them identify specifically 
which certificates cannot be replaced in time.


*   I mean, it’s two-fold, right? Any incident can lead to total distrust, 
but it’s also unlikely that a single incident leads to total distrust. The way 
to balance those competing statements is to do what you’re doing - and to be 
transparent. As Matt has highlighted, there’s a huge risk here that this leads 
to a moral hazard - and the best way to mitigate that is to discuss steps being 
taken to reduce that risk going forward, particularly about what a core part of 
the problem statement is - difficulty in revocation.

This isn’t our first incident sadly ☹. It probably won’t be our last. The 
transition from Symantec to DigiCert was….rough.


*   In a number of ways, an unintentional violation is worse than an 
intentional violation. Ignorance is not really an excuse when you hold keys to 
the Internet, and being asleep at the wheel is hugely dangerous. So, if I had 
to pick between an intentional violation and an unintentional (and preventable) 
violation, I'd likely pick intentional. But there's also a huge hazard with 
intentional violations - those reveal potentially systemic issues and a lack of 
good faith, especially if they become common-place. We definitely saw CAs 
perform intentional violations and notify after-the-fact, and that's far, far 
worse than those that notify before intentionally violating (I think every 
post-facto notification for intentional incident has, eventually, lead to that 
CAs distrust).

Totally agree. I really don’t want to violate the BRs, and this shouldn’t be 
the norm. I also recognize we don’t want to invite this question for every BR 
change. Maybe better Mozilla guidelines about what’s acceptable requests and 
what’s not? 


*   So somewhere on the scale of things, we're in a better place than most 
every alternative. But to ensure this is in that 'good faith' side of things, 
understanding what the factors are that have been evaluated, and what steps are 
being taken to prevent this, are significant. As I said, I think the principles 
captured in 
and in the discussion about how at least some of us see this (that it's related 
to underscores incident response) suggests that it's not, in fact, the end of 
the world, or the CA, provided that meaningful data behind the decision to not 
revoke is given, meaningful plans and timelines for resolution are given, and 
meaningful steps to prevent this from ever happening again are given. It 
becomes an incident report, and the result is not a stern lecture - but 
concrete and quantifiable steps as to how to improve.

Thanks Ryan. This post was really nice. Appreciate it.


From: Ryan Sleevi  
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 7:15 PM
To: Jeremy Rowley 
Cc: James Burton ; Ryan Sleevi ; 
Subject: Re: Underscore characters




On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 6:56 PM Jeremy Rowley> > wrote:

The risk is primarily outages of major sites across the web, including certs 
used in Google wallet. We’re thinking that is a less than desirable result, but 
we weren’t sure how the Mozilla community would feel/react. 


I don’t think that is a particularly helpful framing, to be honest. The risk 
these organizations face here is self-inflicted; regardless of the feeling of 
underscores, there is unquestionably an issue for organizations that cannot 
respond in the BR timeframes, let alone extended ones that extend for months. 
That's a real ecosystem issue, and regardless of the CA these customers partner 
with, an issue that needs b

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy
On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 11:56:41PM +, Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy 
> The risk is primarily outages of major sites across the web, including
> certs used in Google wallet.  We’re thinking that is a less than desirable
> result, but we weren’t sure how the Mozilla community would feel/react. 

I don't think there's *any* result from all this that everyone would consider
desirable -- otherwise we wouldn't need to have this conversation.

> We’re still considering revoking all of the certs on Jan 15th based on
> these discussions.  I don’t think we’re asking for leniency (maybe we are
> if that’s a factor?)

I'm not sure I'd call it "leniency", but I think you're definitely asking
for "special treatment" -- pre-judgment on a potential incident so you can
decide whether or not it's worth it (to DigiCert) to deliberately break the

> Normally, we would just revoke the certs, but there are a significant
> number of certs in the Alexa top 100.  We’ve told most customers, “No
> exception”.

What were the criteria by which DigiCert decided which customers to grant
exceptions to?  My default assumption is "whichever ones will cost us the
most money, on a risk-of-departure-weighted basis, if we revoke their
misissued certs", so if DigiCert's criteria was different, I'd be keen to
have my assumption changed.

> I also thought it’s better to get the information out there so we can all
> make rational decisions (DigiCert included) if as many facts are known as
> possible.

There are a number of areas that I think could stand to have some more facts

First off, your customers.  There is a certain amount of exposition in the
pharmacy company bug, however I can't say that what's there so far fills me
with a sense of contentment.  You said in your most recent post, "Security
vulnerabilities are patched based on their rating", and that lacking a CVSS
it is difficult to get recognition of a problem.  Would it be fair to say
that this narrow approach to security is shared by all/most/some/none of the
other similarly situated customers?

As an aside, on the subject of "there's no CVSS score for this", let me fix
that up, with the official WombleSecure(TM)(R)(Patent Pending) CVSS for
"your certs are getting revoked":

7.5 base, 7.2 temporal, and 8.9 environmental.  All those scores are in the
"high" band.  "Availability" *is* one of the sides of the security triangle,
after all.

Focusing on the "what about next time?" aspect, which I believe is the most
important, I'd be interested to know what your customers are planning on
changing about their systems and processes, such that if a similar event
happens in the future, the outcome won't be the same.

A similar question applies, even more forcefully, to DigiCert itself. 
Clearly, whatever you've done so far didn't work, because these customers of
yours didn't heed whatever warnings and caveats you provided, and built
themselves systems and processes that are unable to comply with their
agreements to DigiCert (and, by extension, relying parties).

Hence, what is it that DigiCert plans to change, such that an equivalent
result cannot happen in the future, given a similar event?  There was one
rather draconian possibility suggested up-thread, of DigiCert limiting
itself to 100 days validity, and revoking a number of randomly-chosen
certificates periodically.  That would certainly remove any practical
possibility of customers not being able to refresh their certificates
if-and-when, however I can imagine it might be a bit of a shock to the
system for many of them.

Hence, I'd be interested in hearing what DigiCert's actual plans are,
because if it were my call, *that* would be the single biggest factor in
determining the disposition of an event like this.  That errors occur is
regrettable, but it's when they happen repeatedly that it becomes

- Matt

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 6:56 PM Jeremy Rowley 

> The risk is primarily outages of major sites across the web, including
> certs used in Google wallet. We’re thinking that is a less than desirable
> result, but we weren’t sure how the Mozilla community would feel/react.

I don’t think that is a particularly helpful framing, to be honest. The
risk these organizations face here is self-inflicted; regardless of the
feeling of underscores, there is unquestionably an issue for organizations
that cannot respond in the BR timeframes, let alone extended ones that
extend for months. That's a real ecosystem issue, and regardless of the CA
these customers partner with, an issue that needs both better understanding
and, to be honest, better prevention.

Matt has spoken at length to the risk to the community, which doesn’t
really seem like it’s been acknowledged, let alone proposed as to how it
will be mitigated. I have to ask again - what steps is DigiCert taking to
avoid these issues going forward?

 We’re still considering revoking all of the certs on Jan 15th based on
> these discussions.  I don’t think we’re asking for leniency (maybe we are
> if that’s a factor?), but I don’t know what happens if you’re faced with
> causing outages vs. compliance.

What happens is that you ask why there is risk of outage to begin with and
what can be done to improve going forward? Let’s assume you do revoke, and
it causes an outage - is DigiCert taking steps to ensure no customer of
theirs is ever faced with that risk? If so, what are those steps?

I started the conversation because I feel like we should be good netizans
> and make people aware of what’s going on instead of just following policy.
> I’m actually surprised at least one other CA that has issued a large number
> of underscore character certs hasn’t run into the same timing issues.

This seems to suggest that perhaps other CAs have prepared their customers
for revocation. How does this surprise - that no other CA faces this - lead
to tangible changes in the business processes? How would this change, if
another CA did have the same issue? Surely you can see there are real and
fundamental issues that you’re uniquely qualified to help your customers
address in ways that we cannot.

Have you analyzed CT, for example, to see why DigiCert is unique?
Certainly, by sheer volume, it's heavily tilted towards the old Symantec
infrastructure - and the customers that came over to DigiCert. With those
sorts of details, how does this change how things were done, or how they
will be done?

I’m not trying to pick on y’all - I think it is legitimately good that you
provided concrete data. Even if you do revoke on Jan 15, this is still
useful to understand the challenges, but only if this leads to meaningful
changes. What might those look like?

Normally, we would just revoke the certs, but there are a significant
> number of certs in the Alexa top 100. We’ve told most customers, “No
> exception”. I also thought it’s better to get the information out there so
> we can all make rational decisions (DigiCert included) if as many facts are
> known as possible.

And this is the framing that I think is incredibly helpful. Understanding
why customers can’t change, and what steps are being done to ensure they
can, is hugely useful. Wayne’s question were to this point - as were mine
towards understanding the problem from the other side, which are steps the
CA is taking. As I've repeatedly highlighted from , the goal
is not punishment - but understanding how these issues are being addressed.

> We are working with the partners to get the certs revoked before the
> deadline. Most will.

This seems like a significant improvement from “100% of customers can’t”

By January 15th, I hope there won’t be too many certs left. Unfortunately,
> by then it’s also too late to discuss what happens if the cert is not
> revoked. Ie – what are the benefits of revoking (strict compliance) vs
> revoking the larger impact certs as they are migrated (incident report).
> Unfortunately part 2, there’s no guidance on whether an incident report
> means total distrust v. something on your audit and a stern lecture.

I mean, it’s two-fold, right? Any incident can lead to total distrust, but
it’s also unlikely that a single incident leads to total distrust. The way
to balance those competing statements is to do what you’re doing - and to
be transparent. As Matt has highlighted, there’s a huge risk here that this
leads to a moral hazard - and the best way to mitigate that is to discuss
steps being taken to reduce that risk going forward, particularly about
what a core part of the problem statement is - difficulty in revocation.

I’d happily suffer a lecture than take down a top site. Not so willing to
> gamble the whole company. This is why we wanted to have the discussion now,
> despite no violation so far. The response from the browsers 

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
Treading carefully… 


Mozilla is the only browser related to the discussion. Probably sufficient to 
say that the revocation/no-revoke decision is entirely dependent on the results 
of this thread. 


From: James Burton  
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 6:07 PM
To: Jeremy Rowley 
Cc: Matt Palmer ; mozilla-dev-security-policy 

Subject: Re: Underscore characters


I'm not sure if you're allowed to state this publicly. Has Microsoft giving you 
the go ahead?


On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 1:05 AM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy> > wrote:

I disagree that we won't get that. I think we could see a "it's okay to wait
until April 30 for large pharmacy" or "Waiting until April 30 is too long
but March 1 is okay". I don't think Mozilla wants outages either. But... if
Mozilla did say that we should revoke now, that would be great as well. I'd
have a firm answer I can go back with. No risk, but no exception. 

Well except moral risk of course  

-Original Message-
From: dev-security-policy> > On
Behalf Of Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: Underscore characters

On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 12:12:03AM +, Jeremy Rowley via
dev-security-policy wrote:
> This is very helpful. If I had those two options, we'd just revoke all 
> the certs, screw outages. Unfortunately, the options are much broader than
> If I could know what the risk v. benefit is, then you can make a 
> better decision? DigiCert distrusted - all revoked. DigiCert gets some 
> mar on its audit - outages seem worse. Make sense?

Given that Mozilla wants CAs to abide by its policies, which include
adherence to the BRs, and you appear to be saying that you'll adhere to the
BRs if you're threatened with distrust... I'd say the logical response from
Mozilla would be to threaten distrust.  I doubt, especially now, that you'll
get a categorical advance "it's OK to not revoke" from Mozilla.

- Matt

dev-security-policy mailing list 
<> %2Flistinfo%2Fdev-
dev-security-policy mailing list 

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
dev-security-policy mailing list

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
I disagree that we won't get that. I think we could see a "it's okay to wait
until April 30 for large pharmacy" or "Waiting until April 30 is too long
but March 1 is okay". I don't think Mozilla wants outages either. But... if
Mozilla did say that we should revoke now, that would be great as well. I'd
have a firm answer I can go back with. No risk, but no exception. 

Well except moral risk of course  

-Original Message-
From: dev-security-policy  On
Behalf Of Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: Underscore characters

On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 12:12:03AM +, Jeremy Rowley via
dev-security-policy wrote:
> This is very helpful. If I had those two options, we'd just revoke all 
> the certs, screw outages. Unfortunately, the options are much broader than
> If I could know what the risk v. benefit is, then you can make a 
> better decision? DigiCert distrusted - all revoked. DigiCert gets some 
> mar on its audit - outages seem worse. Make sense?

Given that Mozilla wants CAs to abide by its policies, which include
adherence to the BRs, and you appear to be saying that you'll adhere to the
BRs if you're threatened with distrust... I'd say the logical response from
Mozilla would be to threaten distrust.  I doubt, especially now, that you'll
get a categorical advance "it's OK to not revoke" from Mozilla.

- Matt

dev-security-policy mailing list

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
dev-security-policy mailing list

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
The 7 required items under the Mozilla template are:

1.  Timeline of events
2.  Timeline of actions taken
3.  Whether the CA has stopping issuing
4.  Summary of problematic certs
5.  Cert data
6.  How mistakes were made
7.  Remediation plan


The info we’re working on getting a complete list of:

1.  Blackout periods
2.  Where each cert is used in the infrastructure
3.  Why 30 day certs won’t work (on a per cert basis)
4.  Reason the certs are publicly trusted
5.  What risk are associated with the replacement
6.  The date each cert can be revoked


Mostly we’re hearing back general answers. They’re almost all the same answer, 
but I’m really trying to get the level of detail requested.


I see how you could interpret the question that way. I see it more as the CAB 
forum got the date wrong. Could Mozilla please extend this after weighing the 
risks of revoking vs. non-revoking? Maybe two sides of the same question.


The second deadline is coming from the impacted parties. That’s the request 
from them so I’m relaying it on. Everyone is willing to move, just a matter of 
timing. If there’s a better balance of risk vs. risk, then we’d be happy to 
hear that.


>> So the assumption here is that, in all of this discussion, DigiCert's done 
>> everything it can to understand the issue, the

>> timelines, remediation, etc, and has plans to address both each and every 
>> customer and the systemic issues that have

>>  emerged. If that's not the case, then how are we not in one of those two 
>> scenarios above? And if it is the case, isn't that

>> information readily available by now?


The information is readily available for the companies I posted in incident 
reports, particularly the first one. I think we’ve done everything reasonable 
to understand the issue. I haven’t, for example, chartered a flight to sit in 
their data center and examine their infrastructure. We do have daily calls with 
most of them on the issue.  Maybe the amount of information the company has 
provided should be the guiding light? 



From: Ryan Sleevi  
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 1:16 PM
To: Jeremy Rowley 
Cc: mozilla-dev-security-policy 
Subject: Re: Underscore characters


I'm not trying to throw you under the bus here, but I think it's helpful if you 
could highlight what new information you see being required, versus that which 
is already required.


I think, yes, you're right that it's not well received if you go violate the 
BRs and then, after the fact, say "Hey, yeah, we violated, but here's why", and 
finding out that the reasons are met with a lot of skepticism and the math 
being shaky, and you can see that from past incident reports it doesn't go over 


But it's also not well received if it's before, and the statement is "Our 
customer thinks we should violate the BRs. What would happen if we did, and 
what information do you need from us?". That gets into the moral hazard that 
Matt spoke to, and is a huge burden on the community where the expectation is 
that the CA says "Sorry, we can't do that".


So the assumption here is that, in all of this discussion, DigiCert's done 
everything it can to understand the issue, the timelines, remediation, etc, and 
has plans to address both each and every customer and the systemic issues that 
have emerged. If that's not the case, then how are we not in one of those two 
scenarios above? And if it is the case, isn't that information readily 
available by now?


>From the discussions on the incident reports, I feel like that's been the 
>heart of the questions; which is trying to understand what the root cause is 
>and what the remediation plan is. The statement "We'll miss the first 
>deadline, but we'll hit the second", but without any details about how or why, 
>or the steps being taken to ensure no deadlines are missed in the future, 
>doesn't really inspire confidence, and is exactly the same kind of feedback 
>that would be given post-incident.


On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 1:50 PM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy> > wrote:

There's a little bit of a "damned if you do, damned if you don't problem here". 
Wait until you have all the information? That's a paddlin'.  File before you 
have enough information? That's a paddlin'. I'd appreciate better guidance on 
what Mozilla expects from these incident reports timing-wise. 

-Original Message-
From: dev-security-policy> > On Behalf Of Jeremy 
Rowley via dev-security-policy
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 11:47 AM
To: <> 
Subject: RE: Underscore characters

The o

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy
On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 12:12:03AM +, Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy 
> This is very helpful. If I had those two options, we'd just revoke all the
> certs, screw outages. Unfortunately, the options are much broader than that.
> If I could know what the risk v. benefit is, then you can make a better
> decision? DigiCert distrusted - all revoked. DigiCert gets some mar on its
> audit - outages seem worse. Make sense? 

Given that Mozilla wants CAs to abide by its policies, which include
adherence to the BRs, and you appear to be saying that you'll adhere to the
BRs if you're threatened with distrust... I'd say the logical response from
Mozilla would be to threaten distrust.  I doubt, especially now, that you'll
get a categorical advance "it's OK to not revoke" from Mozilla.

- Matt

dev-security-policy mailing list

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
This is very helpful. If I had those two options, we'd just revoke all the
certs, screw outages. Unfortunately, the options are much broader than that.
If I could know what the risk v. benefit is, then you can make a better
decision? DigiCert distrusted - all revoked. DigiCert gets some mar on its
audit - outages seem worse. Make sense? 

-Original Message-
From: dev-security-policy  On
Behalf Of via dev-security-policy
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: Underscore characters

As to why these certificates have to be revoked, you should see this the
other way round: as a very generous service of the community to you and your

Certificates with (pseudo-)hostnames in them are clearly invalid, so a
conforming implementation should not accept them for anything and they
should not pose any security risk. Based on this assessment (no revokation
if no security risk), a CA could very well issue a certificate including any
of the (psuedo-)hostnames "", "",
, "" to the owner of (who, arguably, has the
exact same right to them as the owner of has) and refuse to revoke

As to the consequences (in case this really becomes an incident
report/incident reports): this shows a SEVERE lack of ability to revoke
certificates on DigiCert's side, which must have been known AND ACCEPTED for
a long time (this cannot be the first "blackout period" of (in the best
case) 3.5 months). Thus, it seems to be a good idea to:

1. Henceforth, make NSS only accept certificates by DigiCert with a maximum
validity of 100 days. Let's Encrypt has shown that this is clearly feasible.


2. Henceforth, require DigiCert to revoke a small, randomly (e.g., using RFC
3797) selected subset of their certificates every day (within 7 days). If
this, e.g., for the same reasons as outlined in these incident reports, is
not possible, it will trigger (a incrementally decreasing number of) more
incident reports.

Both proposals would lead to more automation and a better understanding of
the requirement of timely revocation, while pushing the ecosystem in the
right direction. For its easiness, the first proposal would be my favorite
but I would be very interested in hearing other people's thoughts about
these proposals.

dev-security-policy mailing list

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
dev-security-policy mailing list

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
This is accurate. We have the technical capability and policy ability to
revoke the certificates. What we were hoping was a discussion based on
impact of the revocation so we could hear what we should do. Blind obedience
isn't my favorite answer, but it's an option. The guidance so far is file an
incident report now so we can discuss the potential impact. I've filed for
two companies, crossed a couple more off the list, and am still working with
the remainder to get things resolved. Although some have escalated over my
head, I think most are eager to hear what the community has to say. I also
think this is an interesting question for Mozilla's policy -  not sure we've
ever addressed a potential non-compliance like this.  

-Original Message-
From: dev-security-policy  On
Behalf Of Peter Bowen via dev-security-policy
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: Underscore characters

On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 12:53 PM via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> As to why these certificates have to be revoked, you should see this 
> the other way round: as a very generous service of the community to 
> you and your customers!
> Certificates with (pseudo-)hostnames in them are clearly invalid, so a 
> conforming implementation should not accept them for anything and they 
> should not pose any security risk. Based on this assessment (no 
> revokation if no security risk), a CA could very well issue a 
> certificate including any of the (psuedo-)hostnames 
> "", "", "",
";, ""
> to the owner of (who, arguably, has the exact same right 
> to them as the owner of has) and refuse to revoke them.

I'm not clear how you get that the owner of is covered anywhere
here.  Parsed into labels, these all have com as the label closet to the
root and then have 'com_cvs', 'com/cvs', 'com/example', 'com/cvs', and
'com@cvs' as the next label respectively.  None have 'example' as the next

> As to the consequences (in case this really becomes an incident 
> report/incident reports): this shows a SEVERE lack of ability to 
> revoke certificates on DigiCert's side, which must have been known AND 
> ACCEPTED for a long time (this cannot be the first "blackout period" 
> of (in the best
> case) 3.5 months).

I don't see how this follows.  DigiCert has made it clear they are able to
technically revoke these certificates and presumably are contractually able
to revoke them as well.  What is being said is that their customers are
asking them to delay revoking them because the _customers_ have blackout
periods where the customers do not want to make changes to their systems.
DigiCert's customers are saying that they are judging the risk from
revocation is greater than the risk from leaving them unrevoked and asking
DigiCert to not revoke. DigiCert is then presenting this request along to
Mozilla to get feedback from Mozilla.

> Thus, it seems to be a good idea to:
> 1. Henceforth, make NSS only accept certificates by DigiCert with a 
> maximum validity of 100 days. Let's Encrypt has shown that this is 
> clearly feasible.
> or
> 2. Henceforth, require DigiCert to revoke a small, randomly (e.g., 
> using RFC 3797) selected subset of their certificates every day (within 7
> If this, e.g., for the same reasons as outlined in these incident 
> reports, is not possible, it will trigger (a incrementally decreasing 
> number of) more incident reports.
> Both proposals would lead to more automation and a better 
> understanding of the requirement of timely revocation, while pushing 
> the ecosystem in the right direction. For its easiness, the first 
> proposal would be my favorite but I would be very interested in 
> hearing other people's thoughts about these proposals.

I don't agree that demanding all certificate customers have "more
automation" is desirable.  I am very familiar with the Chaos Monkey approach
Netflix has implemented and companies like Gremlin that offer similar
"Failure as a Service" products, but forcing this on customers seems like a
poor idea.

dev-security-policy mailing list

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
dev-security-policy mailing list

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
The risk is primarily outages of major sites across the web, including certs 
used in Google wallet. We’re thinking that is a less than desirable result, but 
we weren’t sure how the Mozilla community would feel/react.  We’re still 
considering revoking all of the certs on Jan 15th based on these discussions.  
I don’t think we’re asking for leniency (maybe we are if that’s a factor?), but 
I don’t know what happens if you’re faced with causing outages vs. compliance. 
I started the conversation because I feel like we should be good netizans and 
make people aware of what’s going on instead of just following policy.  I’m 
actually surprised at least one other CA that has issued a large number of 
underscore character certs hasn’t run into the same timing issues. 


Normally, we would just revoke the certs, but there are a significant number of 
certs in the Alexa top 100. We’ve told most customers, “No exception”. I also 
thought it’s better to get the information out there so we can all make 
rational decisions (DigiCert included) if as many facts are known as possible.  


We are working with the partners to get the certs revoked before the deadline. 
Most will. By January 15th, I hope there won’t be too many certs left. 
Unfortunately, by then it’s also too late to discuss what happens if the cert 
is not revoked. Ie – what are the benefits of revoking (strict compliance) vs 
revoking the larger impact certs as they are migrated (incident report).  
Unfortunately part 2, there’s no guidance on whether an incident report means 
total distrust v. something on your audit and a stern lecture. I’d happily 
suffer a lecture than take down a top site. Not so willing to gamble the whole 
company. This is why we wanted to have the discussion now, despite no violation 
so far. The response from the browsers is public  - that they cannot make that 
determination. Does that mean we have our answer? Revoke is the only acceptable 


From: James Burton  
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 2:24 PM
To: Ryan Sleevi 
Cc: Jeremy Rowley ; mozilla-dev-security-policy 

Subject: Re: Underscore characters




On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 9:00 PM Ryan Sleevi> > wrote:

I'm not really sure I understand this response at all. I'm hoping you can 


On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 3:45 PM James Burton> > wrote:

For a CA to intentionally state that they are going to violate the BR 
requirements means that that CA is under immense pressure to comply with 
demands or face retribution. 


I'm not sure I understand how this flows. Comply with whose demands? Face 
retribution from who, and why?


The CA must be under immense pressure to comply with demands from certain 
customers to determine that they don't have much of a choice but to 
intentionally violate the BR requirements and by telling community and root 
stores early they are hoping for leniency. The retribution by them customers 
could be legal which is outside of this forum but is but it's still relevant to 
them if that is the case. 



The severity inflicted on a CA by intentionally violating the BR requirements 
can be severe. Rolling a dice of chance. Why take the risk?


I'm not sure I understand the question at the end, and suspect there's a point 
to the question I'm missing.


The CA is rolling the dice of chance, they are intentionally risking everything 
by violating the BR requirements and they know that such action can face 
sanctions or distrust in the wrong case. The question I asked is why are they 
taking the risk which leads from the first statement.  



Presumably, a CA stating they're going to violate the BR requirements, knowing 
the risk to trust that it may pose, would have done everything possible to 
gather every piece of information so that they could assess the risk of 
violation is outweighed by whatever other risks (in this case, revocation). If 
that's the case, is it unreasonable to ask how the CA determined that - which 
is the root cause analysis question? And how to mitigate whatever other risk 
(in this case, revocation) poses going forward, so that violating the BRs isn't 
consistently seen as the "best" option? 

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy
On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 01:19:26PM -0800, Peter Bowen via dev-security-policy 
> I don't see how this follows.  DigiCert has made it clear they are able to
> technically revoke these certificates and presumably are contractually able
> to revoke them as well.  What is being said is that their customers are
> asking them to delay revoking them because the _customers_ have blackout
> periods where the customers do not want to make changes to their systems.
> DigiCert's customers are saying that they are judging the risk from
> revocation is greater than the risk from leaving them unrevoked and asking
> DigiCert to not revoke. DigiCert is then presenting this request along to
> Mozilla to get feedback from Mozilla.

It's worth clarifying that "risk" is not a property of the universe, like
magnetic flux density, but rather is assessed relative to specific entities. 
Thus, when talking about risk, it's worth clearly identifying to whom a risk
is associated, as in this variant of part of the above paragraph:

> DigiCert's customers are saying that they are judging the risk *to them*
> from revocation is greather than the risk *to them* from leaving them
> unrevoked

I'm sure you're familiar with all this, Peter.  I just thought it was worth
highlighting for a wider audience, that one entity's assessment of risk to
them doesn't make it a physical constant that applies equally to everyone. 
I find it very helpful when assessing such things to attach explicit
markers, somewhat like ensuring I specify both magnitude *and* direction on
my vectors.

- Matt

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread James Burton via dev-security-policy
On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 9:00 PM Ryan Sleevi  wrote:

> I'm not really sure I understand this response at all. I'm hoping you can
> clarify.
> On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 3:45 PM James Burton  wrote:
>> For a CA to intentionally state that they are going to violate the BR
>> requirements means that that CA is under immense pressure to comply with
>> demands or face retribution.
> I'm not sure I understand how this flows. Comply with whose demands? Face
> retribution from who, and why?

The CA must be under immense pressure to comply with demands from certain
customers to determine that they don't have much of a choice but to
intentionally violate the BR requirements and by telling community and root
stores early they are hoping for leniency. The retribution by them
customers could be legal which is outside of this forum but is but it's
still relevant to them if that is the case.

>> The severity inflicted on a CA by intentionally violating the BR
>> requirements can be severe. Rolling a dice of chance. Why take the risk?
> I'm not sure I understand the question at the end, and suspect there's a
> point to the question I'm missing.

The CA is rolling the dice of chance, they are intentionally risking
everything by violating the BR requirements and they know that such action
can face sanctions or distrust in the wrong case. The question I asked is
why are they taking the risk which leads from the first statement.

> Presumably, a CA stating they're going to violate the BR requirements,
> knowing the risk to trust that it may pose, would have done everything
> possible to gather every piece of information so that they could assess the
> risk of violation is outweighed by whatever other risks (in this case,
> revocation). If that's the case, is it unreasonable to ask how the CA
> determined that - which is the root cause analysis question? And how to
> mitigate whatever other risk (in this case, revocation) poses going
> forward, so that violating the BRs isn't consistently seen as the "best"
> option?
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Peter Bowen via dev-security-policy
On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 12:53 PM via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> As to why these certificates have to be revoked, you should see this the
> other way round: as a very generous service of the community to you and
> your customers!
> Certificates with (pseudo-)hostnames in them are clearly invalid, so a
> conforming implementation should not accept them for anything and they
> should not pose any security risk. Based on this assessment (no revokation
> if no security risk), a CA could very well issue a certificate including
> any of the (psuedo-)hostnames "", "",
> "", ";, ""
> to the owner of (who, arguably, has the exact same right to
> them as the owner of has) and refuse to revoke them.

I'm not clear how you get that the owner of is covered anywhere
here.  Parsed into labels, these all have com as the label closet to the
root and then have 'com_cvs', 'com/cvs', 'com/example', 'com/cvs', and
'com@cvs' as the next label respectively.  None have 'example' as the next

> As to the consequences (in case this really becomes an incident
> report/incident reports): this shows a SEVERE lack of ability to revoke
> certificates on DigiCert's side, which must have been known AND ACCEPTED
> for a long time (this cannot be the first "blackout period" of (in the best
> case) 3.5 months).

I don't see how this follows.  DigiCert has made it clear they are able to
technically revoke these certificates and presumably are contractually able
to revoke them as well.  What is being said is that their customers are
asking them to delay revoking them because the _customers_ have blackout
periods where the customers do not want to make changes to their systems.
DigiCert's customers are saying that they are judging the risk from
revocation is greater than the risk from leaving them unrevoked and asking
DigiCert to not revoke. DigiCert is then presenting this request along to
Mozilla to get feedback from Mozilla.

> Thus, it seems to be a good idea to:
> 1. Henceforth, make NSS only accept certificates by DigiCert with a
> maximum validity of 100 days. Let's Encrypt has shown that this is clearly
> feasible.
> or
> 2. Henceforth, require DigiCert to revoke a small, randomly (e.g., using
> RFC 3797) selected subset of their certificates every day (within 7 days).
> If this, e.g., for the same reasons as outlined in these incident reports,
> is not possible, it will trigger (a incrementally decreasing number of)
> more incident reports.
> Both proposals would lead to more automation and a better understanding of
> the requirement of timely revocation, while pushing the ecosystem in the
> right direction. For its easiness, the first proposal would be my favorite
> but I would be very interested in hearing other people's thoughts about
> these proposals.

I don't agree that demanding all certificate customers have "more
automation" is desirable.  I am very familiar with the Chaos Monkey
approach Netflix has implemented and companies like Gremlin that offer
similar "Failure as a Service" products, but forcing this on customers
seems like a poor idea.

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
I'm not really sure I understand this response at all. I'm hoping you can

On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 3:45 PM James Burton  wrote:

> For a CA to intentionally state that they are going to violate the BR
> requirements means that that CA is under immense pressure to comply with
> demands or face retribution.

I'm not sure I understand how this flows. Comply with whose demands? Face
retribution from who, and why?

> The severity inflicted on a CA by intentionally violating the BR
> requirements can be severe. Rolling a dice of chance. Why take the risk?

I'm not sure I understand the question at the end, and suspect there's a
point to the question I'm missing.

Presumably, a CA stating they're going to violate the BR requirements,
knowing the risk to trust that it may pose, would have done everything
possible to gather every piece of information so that they could assess the
risk of violation is outweighed by whatever other risks (in this case,
revocation). If that's the case, is it unreasonable to ask how the CA
determined that - which is the root cause analysis question? And how to
mitigate whatever other risk (in this case, revocation) poses going
forward, so that violating the BRs isn't consistently seen as the "best"
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread via dev-security-policy

As to why these certificates have to be revoked, you should see this the other 
way round: as a very generous service of the community to you and your 

Certificates with (pseudo-)hostnames in them are clearly invalid, so a 
conforming implementation should not accept them for anything and they should 
not pose any security risk. Based on this assessment (no revokation if no 
security risk), a CA could very well issue a certificate including any of the 
(psuedo-)hostnames "", "", 
"", ";, "" to 
the owner of (who, arguably, has the exact same right to them as 
the owner of has) and refuse to revoke them.

As to the consequences (in case this really becomes an incident report/incident 
reports): this shows a SEVERE lack of ability to revoke certificates on 
DigiCert's side, which must have been known AND ACCEPTED for a long time (this 
cannot be the first "blackout period" of (in the best case) 3.5 months). Thus, 
it seems to be a good idea to:

1. Henceforth, make NSS only accept certificates by DigiCert with a maximum 
validity of 100 days. Let's Encrypt has shown that this is clearly feasible.


2. Henceforth, require DigiCert to revoke a small, randomly (e.g., using RFC 
3797) selected subset of their certificates every day (within 7 days). If this, 
e.g., for the same reasons as outlined in these incident reports, is not 
possible, it will trigger (a incrementally decreasing number of) more incident 

Both proposals would lead to more automation and a better understanding of the 
requirement of timely revocation, while pushing the ecosystem in the right 
direction. For its easiness, the first proposal would be my favorite but I 
would be very interested in hearing other people's thoughts about these 

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread James Burton via dev-security-policy
For a CA to intentionally state that they are going to violate the BR
requirements means that that CA is under immense pressure to comply with
demands or face retribution. The severity inflicted on a CA by
intentionally violating the BR requirements can be severe. Rolling a dice
of chance. Why take the risk?

On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 8:21 PM Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> I'm not trying to throw you under the bus here, but I think it's helpful if
> you could highlight what new information you see being required, versus
> that which is already required.
> I think, yes, you're right that it's not well received if you go violate
> the BRs and then, after the fact, say "Hey, yeah, we violated, but here's
> why", and finding out that the reasons are met with a lot of skepticism and
> the math being shaky, and you can see that from past incident reports it
> doesn't go over well.
> But it's also not well received if it's before, and the statement is "Our
> customer thinks we should violate the BRs. What would happen if we did, and
> what information do you need from us?". That gets into the moral hazard
> that Matt spoke to, and is a huge burden on the community where the
> expectation is that the CA says "Sorry, we can't do that".
> So the assumption here is that, in all of this discussion, DigiCert's done
> everything it can to understand the issue, the timelines, remediation, etc,
> and has plans to address both each and every customer and the systemic
> issues that have emerged. If that's not the case, then how are we not in
> one of those two scenarios above? And if it is the case, isn't that
> information readily available by now?
> From the discussions on the incident reports, I feel like that's been the
> heart of the questions; which is trying to understand what the root cause
> is and what the remediation plan is. The statement "We'll miss the first
> deadline, but we'll hit the second", but without any details about how or
> why, or the steps being taken to ensure no deadlines are missed in the
> future, doesn't really inspire confidence, and is exactly the same kind of
> feedback that would be given post-incident.
> On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 1:50 PM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy <
>> wrote:
> > There's a little bit of a "damned if you do, damned if you don't problem
> > here". Wait until you have all the information? That's a paddlin'.  File
> > before you have enough information? That's a paddlin'. I'd appreciate
> > better guidance on what Mozilla expects from these incident reports
> > timing-wise.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: dev-security-policy  >
> > On Behalf Of Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
> > Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 11:47 AM
> > To:
> > Cc:
> > Subject: RE: Underscore characters
> >
> > The original incident report contained all of the details of the initial
> > filing.  The additional, separated reports are trickling in as I get
> enough
> > info to post something in reply to the updated questions. As the
> questions
> > asked have changed from the original 7 in the Mozilla incident report,
> > getting the info back takes time. Especially during the holiday season.
> > We’re also working to close out as many without an exception as possible.
> > Note that the deadline has not passed yet so all of these incident
> reports
> > are theoretical (and not actually incidents) until Jan 15th. I gave the
> > community the total potential number of certificates impacted and the
> total
> > number of customers so we can have a community discussion on the overall
> > risk and get public comments into the process before the deadline passes.
> > I’m unaware of any policy at Mozilla or Google that provides guidance on
> > how to file expected issues before they happen. If there is, I’d gladly
> > follow that.
> >
> ___
> dev-security-policy mailing list
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
I'm not trying to throw you under the bus here, but I think it's helpful if
you could highlight what new information you see being required, versus
that which is already required.

I think, yes, you're right that it's not well received if you go violate
the BRs and then, after the fact, say "Hey, yeah, we violated, but here's
why", and finding out that the reasons are met with a lot of skepticism and
the math being shaky, and you can see that from past incident reports it
doesn't go over well.

But it's also not well received if it's before, and the statement is "Our
customer thinks we should violate the BRs. What would happen if we did, and
what information do you need from us?". That gets into the moral hazard
that Matt spoke to, and is a huge burden on the community where the
expectation is that the CA says "Sorry, we can't do that".

So the assumption here is that, in all of this discussion, DigiCert's done
everything it can to understand the issue, the timelines, remediation, etc,
and has plans to address both each and every customer and the systemic
issues that have emerged. If that's not the case, then how are we not in
one of those two scenarios above? And if it is the case, isn't that
information readily available by now?

From the discussions on the incident reports, I feel like that's been the
heart of the questions; which is trying to understand what the root cause
is and what the remediation plan is. The statement "We'll miss the first
deadline, but we'll hit the second", but without any details about how or
why, or the steps being taken to ensure no deadlines are missed in the
future, doesn't really inspire confidence, and is exactly the same kind of
feedback that would be given post-incident.

On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 1:50 PM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> There's a little bit of a "damned if you do, damned if you don't problem
> here". Wait until you have all the information? That's a paddlin'.  File
> before you have enough information? That's a paddlin'. I'd appreciate
> better guidance on what Mozilla expects from these incident reports
> timing-wise.
> -Original Message-
> From: dev-security-policy 
> On Behalf Of Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
> Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 11:47 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: Underscore characters
> The original incident report contained all of the details of the initial
> filing.  The additional, separated reports are trickling in as I get enough
> info to post something in reply to the updated questions. As the questions
> asked have changed from the original 7 in the Mozilla incident report,
> getting the info back takes time. Especially during the holiday season.
> We’re also working to close out as many without an exception as possible.
> Note that the deadline has not passed yet so all of these incident reports
> are theoretical (and not actually incidents) until Jan 15th. I gave the
> community the total potential number of certificates impacted and the total
> number of customers so we can have a community discussion on the overall
> risk and get public comments into the process before the deadline passes.
> I’m unaware of any policy at Mozilla or Google that provides guidance on
> how to file expected issues before they happen. If there is, I’d gladly
> follow that.
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-27 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
On Wed, Dec 26, 2018 at 1:03 PM Jeremy Rowley 

> Much better to treat this question as “We know X is going to happen.
> What’s the best way to mitigate the concerns of the community?”  Exception
> was the wrong word in my original post. I should have used “What would you
> like us to do to mitigate when we miss the Jan 15ht deadline?” instead.
> Apologies for the confusion there.

As I tried to highlight several times during early discussions, it's not
really ideal to have each of these trickle in over time.

DigiCert has apparently decided that for 14-15 customers it has sufficient
information to know that X is going to happen, based on their risk
analysis. Why are we seeing bugs trickle in, such as ?

It would seem uncontroversial to suggest that, as part of the risk analysis
that DigiCert is claiming has already been done, that it has all the
information for an incident report for all of the customers it expects to
not revoke certificates for. If it doesn't, then it suggests that the risk
analysis is not being done responsibly, and being outsourced to the
community to perform.

Should we expect another 12 bugs to be filed? If so, when? If not, why?

As mentioned, if treating this as part of a "Responding to underscores"
incident, then this has the effect of being a slow trickle of an incomplete
incident report overall, and incomplete remediation plan, and those tend
not to bode well. I don't think it'd really be engaging with mitigating to,
say, file a bug on Jan 14th - so how do we move the discussion forward and
make sure the facts are available?
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-26 Thread Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy
On Wed, Dec 26, 2018 at 04:13:40PM +, Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy 
> The trust stores are always free to ignore the CAB Forum mandates and make
> their own rules.  Mozilla has in the past (see the Mozilla audit
> criteria).

Whilst the trust stores *can* make their own rules, my observation is that
they generally don't do that except as a last resort, or in exigent
circumstances.  Whilst I wasn't around when it was created, my understanding
is that part of the reason the CA/B forum was created was to try and
harmonise trust stores' requirements for CAs, so that CAs could work to a
single set of requirements.

>From that perspective, I can't imagine it would be in the interests of CAs
to encourage trust stores to each do their own thing, in general.

> The browsers always decide the risk they want to bear and when that risk
> becomes unacceptable.  The root question is definitely whether this
> particular mis-revocation provision would amount to unacceptable risk to
> the browsers.

Well, *any* amount of risk is "unacceptable" if there is no corresponding
reward to be gained from taking that risk.

> I don't think we're asking browsers to take on any risk.

You disagree with my suggestion that there is a risk that CAs (as a class;
I'm not thinking of DigiCert specifically here) will be less likely to
engage in a rigorous analysis of the relevant specifications in the future,
if not doing so does not result in any harm to them?  You don't think there
is any risk to trust stores' reputations from the appearance of giving a
free pass to CAs which did not follow the rules?  There is no risk of
appearing to favour certain CAs over others, by effectively punishing those
CAs which *did* play by the rules?

Let me pose to you a hypothetical.  Imagine, for a moment, that DigiCert
holds the line, and revokes on January 15.  This is certainly going to make
your customers annoyed, I certainly get that.  But you do the right thing by
the web PKI, for which relying parties thank you.

Now, one of your competitors, who has all the scruples of an alley tomcat,
can easily find out who those companies are -- even before you revoke, just
by searching for certs issued by DigiCert / Symantec with an
underscore in them.

They decide to pull a swift one, and put all their more persuasive
salespeople on a blitzkrieg campaign to contact those companies and say
"hey, I understand DigiCert's done the dirty on you, and they're making you
replace all your certificates and rename all your machines.  That's gotta be
tough.  If you switch all your certificate issuance to us, we'll give you
two year certs for the existing names, and you don't have to take the risk
of renaming everything and breaking your critical systems."

There's a decent chance that at least one of your customers would leap at
that chance, because whilst it might be risky to change certs, it's a *lot*
less risky than changing certs *and* renaming everything, and they have to
change their certs anyway.

Having lost a customer to a competitor who has gotten that business by
offering them something they really should be offering, would you feel a
little miffed if Mozilla, when presented with clear evidence that the rules
were being violated, decided to give your shady competitor a pass?  I fully
expect you would be, and you'd be entirely right to feel that way.  I'd be
right next to you getting miffed, too.

Now, do you think there are any CAs out there which have previously issued
underscore-containing certificates, who have already told all their
customers, flat-out, that they're getting revoked, and they just need to get
on with replacing them?  Is there any chance that those CAs have lost a
customer as a result of that?  Do you think there's any chance that they're
watching what is happening at the moment *very* closely, and getting ready
to be rather miffed if DigiCert gets a pass on the Janusary 15 deadline,
when *they* did the hard yards of telling all their customers their certs
were getting revoked, and *they* took the business risk of potentially
losing customers?

> In fact the opposite.  The risk of revocation is a browser outage for that
> website.

The impacts of *that* risk only effect the trust stores to the degree that
users may cease to use the associated browser, for another.  It has a far
greater impact on the organisation, which is as it should be, as it was the
organisation's decision to deploy non-conforming names, and an
infrastructure that isn't capable of adhering to the agreements that the
organisation made with their CA.

> A delay in revocation gives the operator for specifically issued
> certificates gives them more time to avoid an outage.  Thus, risk is
> mitigated.

Risk is mitigated for one party, (or two), at the cost of increased risk to
another party (trust stores).  Typically, in a risk transfer transaction,
there is some consideration that goes along with agreeing to take on that

Of course, if you 

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-26 Thread Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy
On Wed, Dec 26, 2018 at 06:02:57PM +, Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy 
> Much better to treat this question as “We know X is going to happen. 
> What’s the best way to mitigate the concerns of the community?”  Exception
> was the wrong word in my original post.  I should have used “What would
> you like us to do to mitigate when we miss the Jan 15ht deadline?”
> instead.  Apologies for the confusion there.

I think that *could* be a productive discussion to have, assuming that (a)
it isn't a hypothetical (as in, "tell us what we'd have to do, and we'll
decide if that's more pain than just following the rules in the first
place") and (b) that there *is* something meaningful that can be done,
*before* the deadline would otherwise expire.

Insofar as DigiCert has been reasonably upfront about the issues they're
facing, and willing to engage in discussion, that isn't a bad thing. 
Certainly, it's better than the alternative.  Apart from that, though, I'm
not coming up with anything that *has* to be done before the deadline, that
would help to mitigate the problems associated with this incident.

One thing that I think *would* be useful would be to know, in sufficient
detail that the community can see that it *would* work, how DigiCert is
planning to change their practices and processes such that a similar kind of
incident cannot happen again in the future.  Now that it is absolutely and
blindingly obvious that certificates may need to be replaced at any time due
to circumstances outside the CA's control, what does DigiCert intend to
change in order to ensure that their subscribers will *always* be prepared
to replace their certificates at short (ideally, five days, as per the
recent BR changes) notice?

If DigiCert had a plan to ensure that, and executed on it in a reasonable
timeframe, it would go a long way to assuaging my worries, at least, that
we're all going to be in this exact same position at some point in the
not-too-distant future.

- Matt

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-26 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
On Wed, Dec 26, 2018 at 1:03 PM Jeremy Rowley 

> I don’t think I’m arguing that CAs should ever ignore the BRs. I’m arguing
> that deciding the consequences of failing to follow the BRs falls in the
> hands of the browsers.  But I think you definitely highlighted why this
> discussion is confusing. I think all agree on the following:
>1. Failure to revoke by Jan 15th is a non-compliance with the BRs.
>2. Non-compliances require an incident report
>3. The incident should appear on the audit report. Side note – there
>won’t be audit criteria around this particular issue by the time all certs
>are revoked. We’re planning to inform our auditor of course (already have
>in fact), but without audit criteria any delay in issuance essentially goes
>undetected unless someone in this community notices. Because the audit
>criteria won’t be updated until well after our audit report, if we were a
>bad acting CA, the incident would just never show up.
> I think the only thing we disagree on is:
>1. Can the browser say what happens for a failure to comply with the
>BRs before the failure happens.
> Right, and I think this is where Matt was getting into the moral hazard
side of things, because I think this gets to the heart of the "ignore the

If this is the question being answered, then it should be that every CA who
had a customer with some need would, rather than tell that customer no,
tell them "Go talk to the browsers". I think that's actively harmful and
unacceptable. It's unacceptable, because if shifts the burden wholly on to
the browsers to ensure the CAs compliance, and it sets a dangerous
precedent that all BRs are up for negotiation, so long as it's before the
failure happens. Further, if the CA doesn't like the answer, then they can
say no - but all of the cost is borne by the community, in discussing and
evaluating, not by the CA, who might decide it's not worth an incident.

That's why I posed it as a separate thing - it's not about discussing what
happens before the failure happens - but that this specific discussion
we're having is about a remediation plan for underscores. This is similar
to discussions for remediations for other incidents, such as sub-CAs that
aren't following the BRs, metadata in OUs, and other forms of invalid
domain names. The 'standard' expectation is 24 hours. SC12 extended that
substantially. And we're discussing why some feel that even SC12's proposed
remediation plan is problematic, and needing concrete details.

> Is that a fair assessment?  I see why you wouldn’t want to engage in the
> question you asked (“Hypothetically, what would happen if we did (Bad
> Thing X)". That would be terrible. Much better to treat this question as
> “We know X is going to happen. What’s the best way to mitigate the concerns
> of the community?”  Exception was the wrong word in my original post. I
> should have used “What would you like us to do to mitigate when we miss the
> Jan 15ht deadline?” instead. Apologies for the confusion there.

While I think "We know X is going to happen" is still problematic
(especially since DigiCert hasn't committed to actually having X happen), I
think you're correct that we're discussing about "How do we best remedy
this issue in a timely fashion", which is consistent with
dev-security-policy mailing list

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-26 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
I don’t think I’m arguing that CAs should ever ignore the BRs. I’m arguing that 
deciding the consequences of failing to follow the BRs falls in the hands of 
the browsers.  But I think you definitely highlighted why this discussion is 
confusing. I think all agree on the following:

1.  Failure to revoke by Jan 15th is a non-compliance with the BRs. 
2.  Non-compliances require an incident report
3.  The incident should appear on the audit report. Side note – there won’t 
be audit criteria around this particular issue by the time all certs are 
revoked. We’re planning to inform our auditor of course (already have in fact), 
but without audit criteria any delay in issuance essentially goes undetected 
unless someone in this community notices. Because the audit criteria won’t be 
updated until well after our audit report, if we were a bad acting CA, the 
incident would just never show up.


I think the only thing we disagree on is:

4.  Can the browser say what happens for a failure to comply with the BRs 
before the failure happens. 


Is that a fair assessment?  I see why you wouldn’t want to engage in the 
question you asked (“Hypothetically, what would happen if we did (Bad Thing 
X)". That would be terrible. Much better to treat this question as “We know X 
is going to happen. What’s the best way to mitigate the concerns of the 
community?”  Exception was the wrong word in my original post. I should have 
used “What would you like us to do to mitigate when we miss the Jan 15ht 
deadline?” instead. Apologies for the confusion there. 




From: Ryan Sleevi  
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 10:00 AM
To: Jeremy Rowley 
Subject: Re: Underscore characters




On Wed, Dec 26, 2018 at 11:13 AM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy> > wrote:

Hey Matt, 

The trust stores are always free to ignore the CAB Forum mandates and make 
their own rules. Mozilla has in the past (see the Mozilla audit criteria 
exception for other audits outside of Webtrust and ETSI). The root stores are 
also the entities that determine what happens if the rules are violated. Thus, 
we're asking what the violation of this revocation timeline results in and 
whether Mozilla is enforcing the CAB Forum requirement. The browsers always 
decide the risk they want to bear and when that risk becomes unacceptable. The 
question we're asking is whether this particular mis-revocation provision would 
amount to unacceptable risk to the browsers.  

I don't think we're asking browsers to take on any risk. In fact the opposite. 
The risk of revocation is a browser outage for that website. A delay in 
revocation gives the operator for specifically issued certificates gives them 
more time to avoid an outage. Thus, risk is mitigated. A poor explanation, but 
I think we have to identify what the risk is before browsers can say they are 
taking on anything additional. The "CAs may be doing bad things in the dark" 
allegation can't be responded to because it's too vague. I'm also troubled to 
think that might be a concern as our policy is to over-report issues. Plus, 
that risk is pretty hard to sell to management as an immediate threat requiring 
replacement of their certificates. This lack of definition on the problem is 
also the main difference between this event and a compromised key. Explaining 
key compromise to executive management for an emergency exception to a blackout 
period is a lot different than explaining why hundreds of certificates require 
replacement because they contain underscores. I think everyone would benefit 
(myself included) if I could get more information about why underscore 
characters themselves present an actual risk. If we could get a statement on 
that, you'd see a lot less confusion.





While I can't speak for Wayne, I tried to highlight how dangerous and 
problematic this thinking is and framing. By framing it as you have, it makes 
it much more difficult to see this as a productive discussion about handling 
revocation following an incident, and instead about a CA arguing that they 
should be able to ignore the BRs at will. I'm sure you can see how that latter 
framing is especially problematic, and I think arguments that try to present it 
as such have a chance at steering the conversation very negatively.


You've heard from two browsers at least (Mozilla and Google) that they expect 
an incident report, which means that they are enforcing the Baseline 
Requirements and do view this as non-compliance by a CA. There is no exception 
being granted - it's non-compliance. Further, the discussion you're looking to 
have is seemingly not about whether this particular incident is problematic 
in-and-of-itself, even though you've framed it as such here, but instead 
whether the pattern and set of incidents represents a concern about the ongoing 

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-26 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
On Wed, Dec 26, 2018 at 11:13 AM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> Hey Matt,
> The trust stores are always free to ignore the CAB Forum mandates and make
> their own rules. Mozilla has in the past (see the Mozilla audit criteria
> exception for other audits outside of Webtrust and ETSI). The root stores
> are also the entities that determine what happens if the rules are
> violated. Thus, we're asking what the violation of this revocation timeline
> results in and whether Mozilla is enforcing the CAB Forum requirement. The
> browsers always decide the risk they want to bear and when that risk
> becomes unacceptable. The question we're asking is whether this particular
> mis-revocation provision would amount to unacceptable risk to the
> browsers.
> I don't think we're asking browsers to take on any risk. In fact the
> opposite. The risk of revocation is a browser outage for that website. A
> delay in revocation gives the operator for specifically issued certificates
> gives them more time to avoid an outage. Thus, risk is mitigated. A poor
> explanation, but I think we have to identify what the risk is before
> browsers can say they are taking on anything additional. The "CAs may be
> doing bad things in the dark" allegation can't be responded to because it's
> too vague. I'm also troubled to think that might be a concern as our policy
> is to over-report issues. Plus, that risk is pretty hard to sell to
> management as an immediate threat requiring replacement of their
> certificates. This lack of definition on the problem is also the main
> difference between this event and a compromised key. Explaining key
> compromise to executive management for an emergency exception to a blackout
> period is a lot different than explaining why hundreds of certificates
> require replacement because they contain underscores. I think everyone
> would benefit (myself included) if I could get more information about why
> underscore characters themselves present an actual risk. If we could get a
> statement on that, you'd see a lot less confusion.
> Jeremy


While I can't speak for Wayne, I tried to highlight how dangerous and
problematic this thinking is and framing. By framing it as you have, it
makes it much more difficult to see this as a productive discussion about
handling revocation following an incident, and instead about a CA arguing
that they should be able to ignore the BRs at will. I'm sure you can see
how that latter framing is especially problematic, and I think arguments
that try to present it as such have a chance at steering the conversation
very negatively.

You've heard from two browsers at least (Mozilla and Google) that they
expect an incident report, which means that they are enforcing the Baseline
Requirements and do view this as non-compliance by a CA. There is no
exception being granted - it's non-compliance. Further, the discussion
you're looking to have is seemingly not about whether this particular
incident is problematic in-and-of-itself, even though you've framed it as
such here, but instead whether the pattern and set of incidents represents
a concern about the ongoing risk posed by continued trust. A poor analogy,
but one that hopefully highlights the flaws in the argument you're making,
is a bit like asking "What's so bad about stealing a candy bar from the
shop", while trying to ignore whether you robbed the till the day previous
or have been stealing every day the past week.

The framing that seems to have resonated is that we are NOT talking about
whether or not stealing candy bars is OK and acceptable. We've seemingly
agreed it's bad, and thus (in the CA space) are expecting an incident
report and treating it as an incident. It would be extremely risky to
suggest that stealing is sometimes OK, both in the immediate and long-term.
The question being discussed is what to do if (or, in this case, when)
you're caught stealing, and what it would look like.

Matt's moral hazard is absolutely correct with respect to legitimizing
things - especially treating them as non-incidents. Similarly, I have
concerns with the ideas that CAs can or should ask the community
"Hypothetically, what would happen if we did (Bad Thing X)" - I think that
demonstrates less than stellar trust. That's why I suggested that this is a
continuation of the discussion about underscores - "So, a CA did bad thing
X, how do we get the ecosystem whole without causing unnecessary
challenges" - rather than being on trying to segment out the hierarchy into
compromise vs CA negligence.
dev-security-policy mailing list

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-26 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
Hey Matt, 

The trust stores are always free to ignore the CAB Forum mandates and make 
their own rules. Mozilla has in the past (see the Mozilla audit criteria 
exception for other audits outside of Webtrust and ETSI). The root stores are 
also the entities that determine what happens if the rules are violated. Thus, 
we're asking what the violation of this revocation timeline results in and 
whether Mozilla is enforcing the CAB Forum requirement. The browsers always 
decide the risk they want to bear and when that risk becomes unacceptable. The 
question we're asking is whether this particular mis-revocation provision would 
amount to unacceptable risk to the browsers.  

I don't think we're asking browsers to take on any risk. In fact the opposite. 
The risk of revocation is a browser outage for that website. A delay in 
revocation gives the operator for specifically issued certificates gives them 
more time to avoid an outage. Thus, risk is mitigated. A poor explanation, but 
I think we have to identify what the risk is before browsers can say they are 
taking on anything additional. The "CAs may be doing bad things in the dark" 
allegation can't be responded to because it's too vague. I'm also troubled to 
think that might be a concern as our policy is to over-report issues. Plus, 
that risk is pretty hard to sell to management as an immediate threat requiring 
replacement of their certificates. This lack of definition on the problem is 
also the main difference between this event and a compromised key. Explaining 
key compromise to executive management for an emergency exception to a blackout 
period is a lot different than explaining why hundreds of certificates require 
replacement because they contain underscores. I think everyone would benefit 
(myself included) if I could get more information about why underscore 
characters themselves present an actual risk. If we could get a statement on 
that, you'd see a lot less confusion.


-Original Message-
From: dev-security-policy  On 
Behalf Of Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: Underscore characters

On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 10:34:21PM +, Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy 
> Here’s the first of the companies. Figured I’d do one and see if it has the 
> information you want. 
> CMFAxstM=?d=I3ucqXub-yr0TW9Ocbs-YTBkM2F0beNtptvGgqlq3YEDH6Fzq26eV5Vign
> YLpVcHu_P3Gdnnz-qiPqcKis3N25Fp-2RGfSxyMcVFVUNXL4_EQlFrw0BYTZpuPCQdk5mm
> -nSlrDH6uc4OgNw1QYDQACt6RPMqV8qWIioLa1QehqMa3nJlcGcR8b3abEqcOYnxwAZBxE
> lxsBIDqHumeVxhaczrPgjNCOobWmoaqVYwIp9ZGyEADoOrpFVhL_p7uYKkSi1JVOAePuQg
> WB8Xu_QHkdm22N_ZkxRxbBdD1Jc0xy4YuXr58Tfv96bX0LGUeM69JWT8_jRwCLwOPgMJXW
> pRNZec6GRDumz3V2itO4ujx1MRsegZuKhuwUOxc3M0QrEHr734ym37mw%3D%3D=https

Complete side-note: when the customer said you couldn't identify them by name, 
did they know you were going to be linking to a whole pile of certificates with 
their organizationName in them?  

> I think this answers all of your questions (except Ryan’s question 
> about remediation).  Could you let me know if more detail is required 
> or if you’d like additional info included?

The question that comes to my mind most of all is tangentially related to 
Ryan's question around long-term remediation, but I'll ask it anyway as it's at 
least somewhat independent.

You state in the bug you linked that "[The certificates] can't be replaced 
before [April 30, 2019] because of the code freeze and the risk of an outage".  
That is an absolute statement, which I take to mean that there is
*no* possibility of certificates being replaced in the freeze period (Oct 
15-Feb 1).

So, my question is: what would this organization do if they had suffered a key 
compromise (to take one possible reason for immediate revocation, which happens 
to be forefront in my mind) on Oct 16?  Would this organization continue to use 
a certificate which uses a known-compromised key until possibly as late as 
April 30 -- which, if my counting-on-fingers is correct, is approximately six 
and a half months?  Would DigiCert consider not revoking the certificate with a 
compromised key for that long, if the customer asked them to?  Would DigiCert 
expect trust stores to bless that decision?

If the answer to the above questions is "no, of course not!" (as I would 
sincerely hope they would be), then your absolute statement that the 
certificates "*can't* be replaced" should probably read something more like 
"the organization would prefer not to replace the certificates before then, 
because it is a lot of work and entails some degree of risk".  Which takes us 
back to the calculus of options:

1. DigiCert revokes, organizati

Re: Statement on the Sunset of Underscore Characters

2018-12-21 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 4:43 PM Jeremy Rowley 

> But this part isn't true "Browsers are not capable of granting
> 'exceptions' to the Baseline Requirements", at least for Mozilla. See the
> Mozilla auditor requirements for example.  Perhaps better stated that they
> don't have to implement the standards they don't like?

I mean, we can get pedantic if you want to get pedantic, but I don't think
it really conflicts with any of the discussion here.

I'll use WebTrust as an example here:
- When a CA engages with an auditor, they specify the criteria to be used
(i.e. ).
- If we assume a US-based auditor, then we're talking an auditor bound to
AICPA with regards to attestation engagements against those criteria
- The auditor may consider the perspective of Google and Mozilla in some
regards, but those are secondary sources for them, and the auditor has
professional obligations captured within AICPA's various codes that express
what their expectations and interpretations are, as well as what they
communicate, and no browser can override those
- As a result, we can't tell you "You won't get a qualified audit" on that,
because that's up to the auditor.

Now, it's true that there are ways to change that calculus, by redefining
the audit expectations
- For example, if Mozilla or Google engaged the auditor, to audit a
third-party (the CA), then Mozilla or Google could develop the criteria for
that assessment in collaboration with the auditor (Agreed Upon Procedures),
for which the auditor would then report on
- But then you're no longer using those WebTrust criteria (or you may, with
modified interpretations), and I'm sure if Don or Jeff from the WebTrust TF
are lurking here, they'd probably chime in with a whole host of

Now, the point of a CA getting audited is so that they can submit it to the
Root Program that expects such audits. Such Root Programs can define
whatever expectations they want - such as allowing anyone to perform the
audit - with whatever the risks or tradeoffs that may come with. In the
case of most root programs, you already see the acceptance of two audit
criteria (WebTrust and ETSI), with sets of licensed auditors managed
independently by those programs. Mozilla's policy, as the example you
called out, specifically allows it to extend or reduce the set of auditors,
but without respect to the criteria.

Certainly, a root program can, upon receipt of a qualified audit, determine
that no further action is warranted, or that the qualification is not a
concern. But that does not absolve the auditor of their own duties (modulo
if Mozilla were to appoint a random auditor or to directly negotiate the
criteria, procedures, or reporting)

The point being is that, short of directly developing the audit criteria or
engaging directly with the auditor with respect to third-party audits using
agreed-upon procedures, Root Programs - such as those operated by Google or
Mozilla - don't really say whether or not something is or is not a
qualification/non-conformity. That's the auditor, using fixed criteria,
expressing their opinion based on the material facts. We do consider the
auditor's opinion and expression of those facts, and they are relevant to
Root Programs, but they don't somehow cause the auditor to say "Oh, my
opinion doesn't matter, I'll do whatever they say" (Unless, again, that's
what the engagement agreed to)

This is all pedantry lost in the woods, because I don't think any CA can or
should reasonably expect that the view of one browser (which is merely a
consumer of the report, not the initiator) could declare something
not-a-qualification. They might declare it not-relevant for their program,
but that's an entirely different thing - that's part of the incident
response process I described, which is fairly consistent among all programs.
dev-security-policy mailing list

RE: Statement on the Sunset of Underscore Characters

2018-12-21 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
But this part isn't true "Browsers are not capable of granting 'exceptions' to 
the Baseline Requirements", at least for Mozilla. See the Mozilla auditor 
requirements for example.  Perhaps better stated that they don't have to 
implement the standards they don't like?

-Original Message-
From: dev-security-policy  On 
Behalf Of Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2018 2:22 PM
To: Wayne Thayer 
Cc: mozilla-dev-security-policy 
Subject: Re: Statement on the Sunset of Underscore Characters

On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 1:54 PM Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> Since a number of questions and concerns have been raised regarding 
> the sunset of underscore characters in dNSNames, I would like to 
> summarize Mozilla’s position on the issue as follows:
> In early November, the CA/Browser Forum passed ballot SC12 [1], 
> creating a sunset period aimed at ending the practice of placing 
> underscore characters
> (“_”) in the subjectAlternativeName (SAN) attribute of 
> publicly-trusted TLS certificates. The ballot requires revocation of 
> most existing certificates with underscore characters in SANs before 
> 15-Jan 2019, but allows continued use of these certificates through 
> April 2019 if they are valid for less than 30 days.
> A thorough review of RFC 5280 and its references shows that underscore 
> characters have never been permitted in dNSNames in the SAN of 
> compliant certificates. However, for many years this was a commonly 
> accepted practice, and all major browsers currently ignore this requirement.
> In 2017, a ballot that attempted (among other things) to create an 
> exception to RFC 5280 for these certificates [2] in the CA/Browser 
> Forum Baseline Requirements was rejected [3], in-part due to 
> objections to this exception. At that time, some CAs decided to stop 
> issuing these certificates, while others continued. When the situation 
> resurfaced earlier this year, there was spirited debate about how best 
> to resolve the problem, and the compromise defined in ballot SC12 
> eventually emerged as the most viable approach.
> Mozilla has been asked by users of these certificates - primarily in 
> the financial services industry - and their CAs to make exceptions to 
> extend the revocation deadline until their systems can be updated. We 
> don’t have the power to unilaterally change the Baseline Requirements 
> (only the CA/Browser Forum can do that), but Mozilla can take a 
> position on our plans to enforce them. However, simply granting CAs a 
> “free pass” to ignore the revocation requirement is, we believe, not 
> in the best interest of our users, fundamentally because it sets the 
> expectation that the Baseline Requirements are negotiable. It is also:
> * unfair to CAs who voted in favor of ballot SC12 under the assumption 
> that it would be enforced
> * unfair to the CAs who avoided this situation by ending this practice 
> last year
> * unfair to the CAs (and their impacted customers) who will revoke all 
> these certificates on time
> This doesn’t mean that we are insensitive to the potential disruption 
> caused by the revocation of this type of certificate.
> We sincerely hope that affected organizations make every effort to 
> meet the revocation deadline. If that is not possible for each and 
> every certificate containing an underscore in the SAN, our expectation 
> is for CAs to treat any failure to adhere to ballot SC12 as a policy 
> violation. Should a CA choose not to revoke certificates with 
> underscores in a SAN prior to 15-January 2019, we expect the 
> individual circumstances that led to the decision for each Subscriber 
> organization to be provided in a detailed incident report.[4] For this 
> situation, we prefer for the incident report to be submitted 
> immediately so that the Mozilla community can make our best effort to 
> evaluate the information and identify any gaps or unmet expectations 
> before the 15-January revocation deadline. We believe that this 
> approach creates the best incentives to balance the various risks and 
> to maximize disclosure, and in so doing helps us to improve the 
> trustworthiness of the web PKI.

(In a Chrome capacity)

Thanks for sharing this, Wayne.

On behalf of Chrome, we want to echo our support for this statement and the 
expectations, and believe it is consistent with our expectations on the matter.

To emphasize a few specific points here: Browsers are not capable of granting 
"exceptions" to the Baseline Requirements. We, Chrome, expect any violations 
identified by CA management or their auditors to be disclosed within their 
audit reports, management letters, and to the broader community, the principles

Re: Statement on the Sunset of Underscore Characters

2018-12-21 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 1:54 PM Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> Since a number of questions and concerns have been raised regarding the
> sunset of underscore characters in dNSNames, I would like to summarize
> Mozilla’s position on the issue as follows:
> In early November, the CA/Browser Forum passed ballot SC12 [1], creating a
> sunset period aimed at ending the practice of placing underscore characters
> (“_”) in the subjectAlternativeName (SAN) attribute of publicly-trusted TLS
> certificates. The ballot requires revocation of most existing certificates
> with underscore characters in SANs before 15-Jan 2019, but allows continued
> use of these certificates through April 2019 if they are valid for less
> than 30 days.
> A thorough review of RFC 5280 and its references shows that underscore
> characters have never been permitted in dNSNames in the SAN of compliant
> certificates. However, for many years this was a commonly accepted
> practice, and all major browsers currently ignore this requirement.
> In 2017, a ballot that attempted (among other things) to create an
> exception to RFC 5280 for these certificates [2] in the CA/Browser Forum
> Baseline Requirements was rejected [3], in-part due to objections to this
> exception. At that time, some CAs decided to stop issuing these
> certificates, while others continued. When the situation resurfaced earlier
> this year, there was spirited debate about how best to resolve the problem,
> and the compromise defined in ballot SC12 eventually emerged as the most
> viable approach.
> Mozilla has been asked by users of these certificates - primarily in the
> financial services industry - and their CAs to make exceptions to extend
> the revocation deadline until their systems can be updated. We don’t have
> the power to unilaterally change the Baseline Requirements (only the
> CA/Browser Forum can do that), but Mozilla can take a position on our plans
> to enforce them. However, simply granting CAs a “free pass” to ignore the
> revocation requirement is, we believe, not in the best interest of our
> users, fundamentally because it sets the expectation that the Baseline
> Requirements are negotiable. It is also:
> * unfair to CAs who voted in favor of ballot SC12 under the assumption that
> it would be enforced
> * unfair to the CAs who avoided this situation by ending this practice last
> year
> * unfair to the CAs (and their impacted customers) who will revoke all
> these certificates on time
> This doesn’t mean that we are insensitive to the potential disruption
> caused by the revocation of this type of certificate.
> We sincerely hope that affected organizations make every effort to meet the
> revocation deadline. If that is not possible for each and every certificate
> containing an underscore in the SAN, our expectation is for CAs to treat
> any failure to adhere to ballot SC12 as a policy violation. Should a CA
> choose not to revoke certificates with underscores in a SAN prior to
> 15-January 2019, we expect the individual circumstances that led to the
> decision for each Subscriber organization to be provided in a detailed
> incident report.[4] For this situation, we prefer for the incident report
> to be submitted immediately so that the Mozilla community can make our best
> effort to evaluate the information and identify any gaps or unmet
> expectations before the 15-January revocation deadline. We believe that
> this approach creates the best incentives to balance the various risks and
> to maximize disclosure, and in so doing helps us to improve the
> trustworthiness of the web PKI.

(In a Chrome capacity)

Thanks for sharing this, Wayne.

On behalf of Chrome, we want to echo our support for this statement and the
expectations, and believe it is consistent with our expectations on the

To emphasize a few specific points here: Browsers are not capable of
granting "exceptions" to the Baseline Requirements. We, Chrome, expect any
violations identified by CA management or their auditors to be disclosed
within their audit reports, management letters, and to the broader
community, the principles of which are captured in our Root Certificate
Policy [A]. We expect there to be a public incident report and discussion,
to ensure that the information necessary to ensure that the scope of the
issue has been identified, the cause of the issues, and that the plans for
remediation are consistently executed upon and meaningfully address the
causes. In all of this, we welcome public participation and transparency,
and expect the CA, which is ultimately responsible for any incident, to be
the primary party engaging on the incident. Similarly, we expect any
information expected to be considered 

Statement on the Sunset of Underscore Characters

2018-12-21 Thread Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy
Since a number of questions and concerns have been raised regarding the
sunset of underscore characters in dNSNames, I would like to summarize
Mozilla’s position on the issue as follows:

In early November, the CA/Browser Forum passed ballot SC12 [1], creating a
sunset period aimed at ending the practice of placing underscore characters
(“_”) in the subjectAlternativeName (SAN) attribute of publicly-trusted TLS
certificates. The ballot requires revocation of most existing certificates
with underscore characters in SANs before 15-Jan 2019, but allows continued
use of these certificates through April 2019 if they are valid for less
than 30 days.

A thorough review of RFC 5280 and its references shows that underscore
characters have never been permitted in dNSNames in the SAN of compliant
certificates. However, for many years this was a commonly accepted
practice, and all major browsers currently ignore this requirement.

In 2017, a ballot that attempted (among other things) to create an
exception to RFC 5280 for these certificates [2] in the CA/Browser Forum
Baseline Requirements was rejected [3], in-part due to objections to this
exception. At that time, some CAs decided to stop issuing these
certificates, while others continued. When the situation resurfaced earlier
this year, there was spirited debate about how best to resolve the problem,
and the compromise defined in ballot SC12 eventually emerged as the most
viable approach.

Mozilla has been asked by users of these certificates - primarily in the
financial services industry - and their CAs to make exceptions to extend
the revocation deadline until their systems can be updated. We don’t have
the power to unilaterally change the Baseline Requirements (only the
CA/Browser Forum can do that), but Mozilla can take a position on our plans
to enforce them. However, simply granting CAs a “free pass” to ignore the
revocation requirement is, we believe, not in the best interest of our
users, fundamentally because it sets the expectation that the Baseline
Requirements are negotiable. It is also:
* unfair to CAs who voted in favor of ballot SC12 under the assumption that
it would be enforced
* unfair to the CAs who avoided this situation by ending this practice last
* unfair to the CAs (and their impacted customers) who will revoke all
these certificates on time

This doesn’t mean that we are insensitive to the potential disruption
caused by the revocation of this type of certificate.

We sincerely hope that affected organizations make every effort to meet the
revocation deadline. If that is not possible for each and every certificate
containing an underscore in the SAN, our expectation is for CAs to treat
any failure to adhere to ballot SC12 as a policy violation. Should a CA
choose not to revoke certificates with underscores in a SAN prior to
15-January 2019, we expect the individual circumstances that led to the
decision for each Subscriber organization to be provided in a detailed
incident report.[4] For this situation, we prefer for the incident report
to be submitted immediately so that the Mozilla community can make our best
effort to evaluate the information and identify any gaps or unmet
expectations before the 15-January revocation deadline. We believe that
this approach creates the best incentives to balance the various risks and
to maximize disclosure, and in so doing helps us to improve the
trustworthiness of the web PKI.

- Wayne

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-20 Thread Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy
On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 4:54 PM Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 10:34:21PM +, Jeremy Rowley via
> dev-security-policy wrote:
> > Here’s the first of the companies. Figured I’d do one and see if it has
> the information you want.
> >
> >
> Complete side-note: when the customer said you couldn't identify them by
> name, did they know you were going to be linking to a whole pile of
> certificates with their organizationName in them?  
> > I think this answers all of your questions (except Ryan’s question about
> > remediation).  Could you let me know if more detail is required or if
> > you’d like additional info included?
> The question that comes to my mind most of all is tangentially related to
> Ryan's question around long-term remediation, but I'll ask it anyway as
> it's
> at least somewhat independent.
> You state in the bug you linked that "[The certificates] can't be replaced
> before [April 30, 2019] because of the code freeze and the risk of an
> outage".  That is an absolute statement, which I take to mean that there is
> *no* possibility of certificates being replaced in the freeze period (Oct
> 15-Feb 1).
> So, my question is: what would this organization do if they had suffered a
> key compromise (to take one possible reason for immediate revocation, which
> happens to be forefront in my mind) on Oct 16?  Would this organization
> continue to use a certificate which uses a known-compromised key until
> possibly as late as April 30 -- which, if my counting-on-fingers is
> correct,
> is approximately six and a half months?  Would DigiCert consider not
> revoking the certificate with a compromised key for that long, if the
> customer asked them to?  Would DigiCert expect trust stores to bless that
> decision?
> I agree that more information is needed here. My hypothetical is that of a
critical vulnerability in one of Organization One's systems being
discovered on 16-Oct. Does Organization One hold off on patching until Feb?
If not, what makes these certificates different? Why is so much
coordination required if they are just used in browsers? Was a risk
assessment performed to evaluate the possibility of replacing them during
the freeze? Are routine changes permitted during the change? If so, why is
a certificate replacement not a routine change?

If the answer to the above questions is "no, of course not!" (as I would
> sincerely hope they would be), then your absolute statement that the
> certificates "*can't* be replaced" should probably read something more like
> "the organization would prefer not to replace the certificates before then,
> because it is a lot of work and entails some degree of risk".  Which takes
> us back to the calculus of options:
> 1. DigiCert revokes, organization changes domain names and certs: the
>organization does lots of work, and takes the risk of Things Going Very
>Wrong because of domain name and cert changes.
> 2. DigiCert revokes, organization switches to 30 day certs: the
> organization
>does lots of work, and takes the risk of Things Going Very Wrong because
> of cert changes.
> 3. DigiCert revokes, organization doesn't swap certs: the organization does
>lots of work, and takes the risk of Things Going Very Wrong because of
>revocation checking.
> 4. DigiCert doesn't revoke, on its own behest: the organization does no
>work, takes no risk, while DigiCert takes the risk of consequences from
>trust stores of failing to follow the BRs.
> 5. DigiCert doesn't revoke, trust stores bless this decision: the
>organization does no work and takes no risk, DigiCert takes no risk,
>while trust stores take the risk that CAs' future behaviour is
> influenced
>by the appearance that deliberately failing to adhere to the BRs carries
>little-to-no consequences.
> Given that the entities which made the decisions which led to the current
> situation are DigiCert (for allowing issuance of invalid certificates) and
> this organization (which failed to heed their subscriber agreement and
> decided to build an infrastructure which cannot be adjusted on the
> timeframe
> required under their subscriber agreement), can you explain why it is
> reasonable for the trust stores -- which appear to have done nothing
> inappropriate to cause the current state of affairs -- to be the ones
> taking
> on *any* of the risk here?
> Please don't think that I'm not sympathetic to the situation this "Major
> Pharmacy Benefits Manager" and DigiCert are in -- my day job is keeping
> production systems up and running, and the idea of having to make fast
> changes isn't one I enjoy.  Running a commercial entity is never made any
> easier when you have to cause problems for your customers.  SC12 is not the
> phase-out plan *I* would have chosen, were I Benevolent Dictator of the
> Internet.  However, 

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-20 Thread Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy
On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 10:34:21PM +, Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy 
> Here’s the first of the companies. Figured I’d do one and see if it has the 
> information you want. 

Complete side-note: when the customer said you couldn't identify them by
name, did they know you were going to be linking to a whole pile of
certificates with their organizationName in them?  

> I think this answers all of your questions (except Ryan’s question about
> remediation).  Could you let me know if more detail is required or if
> you’d like additional info included?

The question that comes to my mind most of all is tangentially related to
Ryan's question around long-term remediation, but I'll ask it anyway as it's
at least somewhat independent.

You state in the bug you linked that "[The certificates] can't be replaced
before [April 30, 2019] because of the code freeze and the risk of an
outage".  That is an absolute statement, which I take to mean that there is
*no* possibility of certificates being replaced in the freeze period (Oct
15-Feb 1).

So, my question is: what would this organization do if they had suffered a
key compromise (to take one possible reason for immediate revocation, which
happens to be forefront in my mind) on Oct 16?  Would this organization
continue to use a certificate which uses a known-compromised key until
possibly as late as April 30 -- which, if my counting-on-fingers is correct,
is approximately six and a half months?  Would DigiCert consider not
revoking the certificate with a compromised key for that long, if the
customer asked them to?  Would DigiCert expect trust stores to bless that

If the answer to the above questions is "no, of course not!" (as I would
sincerely hope they would be), then your absolute statement that the
certificates "*can't* be replaced" should probably read something more like
"the organization would prefer not to replace the certificates before then,
because it is a lot of work and entails some degree of risk".  Which takes
us back to the calculus of options:

1. DigiCert revokes, organization changes domain names and certs: the
   organization does lots of work, and takes the risk of Things Going Very
   Wrong because of domain name and cert changes.

2. DigiCert revokes, organization switches to 30 day certs: the organization
   does lots of work, and takes the risk of Things Going Very Wrong because
of cert changes.

3. DigiCert revokes, organization doesn't swap certs: the organization does
   lots of work, and takes the risk of Things Going Very Wrong because of
   revocation checking.

4. DigiCert doesn't revoke, on its own behest: the organization does no
   work, takes no risk, while DigiCert takes the risk of consequences from
   trust stores of failing to follow the BRs.

5. DigiCert doesn't revoke, trust stores bless this decision: the
   organization does no work and takes no risk, DigiCert takes no risk,
   while trust stores take the risk that CAs' future behaviour is influenced
   by the appearance that deliberately failing to adhere to the BRs carries
   little-to-no consequences.

Given that the entities which made the decisions which led to the current
situation are DigiCert (for allowing issuance of invalid certificates) and
this organization (which failed to heed their subscriber agreement and
decided to build an infrastructure which cannot be adjusted on the timeframe
required under their subscriber agreement), can you explain why it is
reasonable for the trust stores -- which appear to have done nothing
inappropriate to cause the current state of affairs -- to be the ones taking
on *any* of the risk here?

Please don't think that I'm not sympathetic to the situation this "Major
Pharmacy Benefits Manager" and DigiCert are in -- my day job is keeping
production systems up and running, and the idea of having to make fast
changes isn't one I enjoy.  Running a commercial entity is never made any
easier when you have to cause problems for your customers.  SC12 is not the
phase-out plan *I* would have chosen, were I Benevolent Dictator of the
Internet.  However, now that it is the plan which has been put in place,
following the rules of the game trust stores and CAs have agreed to play by,
I find it disconcerting that DigiCert and Organization One want to shift the
risk for their decisions onto trust stores.  What is the *benefit* to trust
stores in taking on that risk, to the undeniable benefit to DigiCert and
Organization One?

Perhaps, at the end of the day, *that* is the real question to be answered.

- Matt

dev-security-policy mailing list

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-20 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
Hey all, 


Here’s the first of the companies. Figured I’d do one and see if it has the 
information you want.


I think this answers all of your questions (except Ryan’s question about 
remediation). Could you let me know if more detail is required or if you’d like 
additional info included?






From: Wayne Thayer  
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 12:25 PM
To: Ryan Sleevi 
Cc: Jeremy Rowley ; mozilla-dev-security-policy 

Subject: Re: Underscore characters




It's good to hear that you do believe you can provide the necessary level of 
information prior to 15-Jan. Given that, I'm now thinking of this as if it were 
a normal incident except that we're moving the reporting prior to the incident 
actually occurring. With 15 affected customers, and perhaps many more 
deployment scenarios, I would ask you to break this into separate incident 
reports per customer as Ryan has previously suggested/requested. I can 
understand the desire to not have 15 separate compliance bugs filed under 
DigiCert for what is arguably the same issue, but I think that reporting 
separately per customer will help to ensure that we receive the level of detail 
needed to assess the hypothetical incident.


I'm also not a fan of the proposed 30-April exceptional revocation deadline. 
This provides zero opportunity to employ the 30-day cert option if something is 
missed, and it seems to be an arbitrary date rather than an evaluation of the 
earliest date by which each customer can safely replace their non-compliant 


- Wayne


On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 11:16 AM Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy> > wrote:

Thanks for filing this, Jeremy.

If I understand correctly, the request DigiCert is asking is: "If we
submitted this as an incident report, would it be likely that conversations
about distrusting DigiCert would begin?", and that's what you're trying to
gauge from the community?

I think Wayne's already captured the "We need more information", but I
think it may be helpful to explain the reasoning and thinking here.

The Baseline Requirements and Root Program policies exist for a purpose: To
provide a consistent set of expectations for CAs, which meet the security
needs of the products using or operating those policies. As these policies
tend to call out, a CA may be removed (distrusted) for any reason or no
reason at all - it's entirely at the Program discretion. That said, history
tends to largely see removals for patterns of issues that, in aggregate,
demonstrate an ongoing and significant risk to users and the Internet at
large, although there have been CAs removed for single incidents in the
past - such as key compromise or issuing MITM certificates.

As a CA, the risk is that any and every incident may lead to the CA's
removal, and thus the best path to avoid that is to not have incidents in
the first place. Further, a CA with a pattern of incidents is not wrong to
be even more careful when it comes to presenting new incidents, especially
if they realize that they share similar root causes or further demonstrate
problematic patterns. That's not to say that if you only had a single
incident, you wouldn't be removed - as the policies capture, any reason and
no reason - but on the balance, it has historically tended to be
less-likely that first-time incidents lead to removal.

When incidents happen, it becomes necessary for Root Programs and the
communities they represent or collaborate with to evaluate the details of
the incident, as part of making a determination about what next steps are
appropriate. This involves investigating what the underlying root causes
are, to both ensure that the current CA with the incident understands the
significance, the severity, and the steps to remediate it, as well as to
help the industry at large develop and learn best practices, to prevent
future incidents. We're not the only industry to do this - in many ways,
it's borrowed from the aviation industry, that recognizes that critical
safety functions deserve thoughtful and detailed analysis to prevent harm
coming to those that trust in them.

Incident reports also serve to triage the issues - to work and identify the
risks and make sure they're being mitigated in a timely fashion. Sometimes,
the mitigation of risk may be to remove trust in the CA, other times, there
may be less significant steps that can be taken to address both the
immediate problem and the underlying issues.

DigiCert is now in a precarious position. As a CA, it knows that every one
of its Subscribers have agreed, in some legally binding form, that if the
CA has misissued a certificate, that it MUST be revoked within 24 hours
(or, very recently, and only in some cases, 5 days). The CA has a duty and
obligation to their customers, the Subscribers, to make sure that they

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-20 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
I can break down the date by customer. April 30 was the last date for all 
customers. The actual revocation occurs sometime between Jan 15th and April 
30th (still working on a per cert basis to determine this). Note that we 
actually have the 30 day option available and are recommending it as a 
remediation instead of an exception. We’d prefer customers to move to the 30 
day cert sooner if they can replace the cert but not change the domain name.  
I’ll file a separate incident report per company.





From: Wayne Thayer  
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 12:25 PM
To: Ryan Sleevi 
Cc: Jeremy Rowley ; mozilla-dev-security-policy 

Subject: Re: Underscore characters




It's good to hear that you do believe you can provide the necessary level of 
information prior to 15-Jan. Given that, I'm now thinking of this as if it were 
a normal incident except that we're moving the reporting prior to the incident 
actually occurring. With 15 affected customers, and perhaps many more 
deployment scenarios, I would ask you to break this into separate incident 
reports per customer as Ryan has previously suggested/requested. I can 
understand the desire to not have 15 separate compliance bugs filed under 
DigiCert for what is arguably the same issue, but I think that reporting 
separately per customer will help to ensure that we receive the level of detail 
needed to assess the hypothetical incident.


I'm also not a fan of the proposed 30-April exceptional revocation deadline. 
This provides zero opportunity to employ the 30-day cert option if something is 
missed, and it seems to be an arbitrary date rather than an evaluation of the 
earliest date by which each customer can safely replace their non-compliant 


- Wayne


On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 11:16 AM Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy> > wrote:

Thanks for filing this, Jeremy.

If I understand correctly, the request DigiCert is asking is: "If we
submitted this as an incident report, would it be likely that conversations
about distrusting DigiCert would begin?", and that's what you're trying to
gauge from the community?

I think Wayne's already captured the "We need more information", but I
think it may be helpful to explain the reasoning and thinking here.

The Baseline Requirements and Root Program policies exist for a purpose: To
provide a consistent set of expectations for CAs, which meet the security
needs of the products using or operating those policies. As these policies
tend to call out, a CA may be removed (distrusted) for any reason or no
reason at all - it's entirely at the Program discretion. That said, history
tends to largely see removals for patterns of issues that, in aggregate,
demonstrate an ongoing and significant risk to users and the Internet at
large, although there have been CAs removed for single incidents in the
past - such as key compromise or issuing MITM certificates.

As a CA, the risk is that any and every incident may lead to the CA's
removal, and thus the best path to avoid that is to not have incidents in
the first place. Further, a CA with a pattern of incidents is not wrong to
be even more careful when it comes to presenting new incidents, especially
if they realize that they share similar root causes or further demonstrate
problematic patterns. That's not to say that if you only had a single
incident, you wouldn't be removed - as the policies capture, any reason and
no reason - but on the balance, it has historically tended to be
less-likely that first-time incidents lead to removal.

When incidents happen, it becomes necessary for Root Programs and the
communities they represent or collaborate with to evaluate the details of
the incident, as part of making a determination about what next steps are
appropriate. This involves investigating what the underlying root causes
are, to both ensure that the current CA with the incident understands the
significance, the severity, and the steps to remediate it, as well as to
help the industry at large develop and learn best practices, to prevent
future incidents. We're not the only industry to do this - in many ways,
it's borrowed from the aviation industry, that recognizes that critical
safety functions deserve thoughtful and detailed analysis to prevent harm
coming to those that trust in them.

Incident reports also serve to triage the issues - to work and identify the
risks and make sure they're being mitigated in a timely fashion. Sometimes,
the mitigation of risk may be to remove trust in the CA, other times, there
may be less significant steps that can be taken to address both the
immediate problem and the underlying issues.

DigiCert is now in a precarious position. As a CA, it knows that every one
of its Subscribers have agreed, in some legally binding form, that if the
CA has misissued a certificate, that it MUST be revoked within 24 hours
(or, very recent

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-20 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
Thanks for filing this, Jeremy.

If I understand correctly, the request DigiCert is asking is: "If we
submitted this as an incident report, would it be likely that conversations
about distrusting DigiCert would begin?", and that's what you're trying to
gauge from the community?

I think Wayne's already captured the "We need more information", but I
think it may be helpful to explain the reasoning and thinking here.

The Baseline Requirements and Root Program policies exist for a purpose: To
provide a consistent set of expectations for CAs, which meet the security
needs of the products using or operating those policies. As these policies
tend to call out, a CA may be removed (distrusted) for any reason or no
reason at all - it's entirely at the Program discretion. That said, history
tends to largely see removals for patterns of issues that, in aggregate,
demonstrate an ongoing and significant risk to users and the Internet at
large, although there have been CAs removed for single incidents in the
past - such as key compromise or issuing MITM certificates.

As a CA, the risk is that any and every incident may lead to the CA's
removal, and thus the best path to avoid that is to not have incidents in
the first place. Further, a CA with a pattern of incidents is not wrong to
be even more careful when it comes to presenting new incidents, especially
if they realize that they share similar root causes or further demonstrate
problematic patterns. That's not to say that if you only had a single
incident, you wouldn't be removed - as the policies capture, any reason and
no reason - but on the balance, it has historically tended to be
less-likely that first-time incidents lead to removal.

When incidents happen, it becomes necessary for Root Programs and the
communities they represent or collaborate with to evaluate the details of
the incident, as part of making a determination about what next steps are
appropriate. This involves investigating what the underlying root causes
are, to both ensure that the current CA with the incident understands the
significance, the severity, and the steps to remediate it, as well as to
help the industry at large develop and learn best practices, to prevent
future incidents. We're not the only industry to do this - in many ways,
it's borrowed from the aviation industry, that recognizes that critical
safety functions deserve thoughtful and detailed analysis to prevent harm
coming to those that trust in them.

Incident reports also serve to triage the issues - to work and identify the
risks and make sure they're being mitigated in a timely fashion. Sometimes,
the mitigation of risk may be to remove trust in the CA, other times, there
may be less significant steps that can be taken to address both the
immediate problem and the underlying issues.

DigiCert is now in a precarious position. As a CA, it knows that every one
of its Subscribers have agreed, in some legally binding form, that if the
CA has misissued a certificate, that it MUST be revoked within 24 hours
(or, very recently, and only in some cases, 5 days). The CA has a duty and
obligation to their customers, the Subscribers, to make sure that they
understand this. This is not about a punitive measure or punishing those
users for something their CA did - it's because the fundamental and
inherent risk is that there are incidents where certificates will need to
be replaced in as little as 24 hours, up to and including trust in the CA
being removed. To go back to that aviation analogy, the reason planes have
maintenance schedules is not because they're going to completely come
unglued and fall apart if you miss that maintenance schedule by a day - but
because of the severe and significant harm that comes about from having no
maintenance schedule at all, or even simply one that just isn't suitable
for the risks (to life, property, and safety). Matt Palmer's reply earlier
in this thread further expands on some of the other risks here and the
hazards that come with.

At the same time, DigiCert is, on behalf of their customers, saying that
even though both DigiCert and their customers agreed to the 24-hour
revocation rule, there are circumstances and situations that make that
risky. Despite being an industry standard (as captured in the Baseline
Requirements), and despite these agreements, DigiCert is concerned that
there are consequences for these customers that did not take adequate
precautions to meet the expectations they agreed to, and is trying to
perform a risk analysis. Further, they're looking for feedback from the
community to make sure that their analysis of the risk - the disruption to
their customers - is significant enough that it warrants both the immediate
risk of not revoking, the business risk to DigiCert, and the lasting risk
to the ecosystem, in intentionally violating the BRs.

It's not my intent to sound harsh, but to make sure it's clearly and
unambiguously stated as to what's happening. The reason for doing this 

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-20 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
Thanks Wayne. Happy to update with that information. We’ll try to provide it 
all be end of the year, definitely before Jan 12. I can answer two of these 
generally now:


* Reason that publicly-trusted certificates are in use

- They are used on websites and infrastructure accessed through browsers. There 
are some that don’t need to be publicly trusted certificates, but the systems 
still check revocation. If Mozilla blocked the certs, the impact is minimal. If 
the certificates are revoke, the infrastructure goes down. Would you like me to 
identify which ones could be blocked by Mozilla vs. revoked?


* Reason that the provision for 30-day certificates isn't helpful

- The blackout periods don’t allow any change in infrastructure so replacing 
the certificates is just as difficult as changing the domain names. Even large 
non-tech companies don’t have a ton of automation so it’s not surprising that 
they’ll need more days to replace the certs if their blackout period ends the 


Of course, I’ll provide further information in the incident report as more 
specific information comes in.


From: Wayne Thayer  
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 9:04 AM
To: Jeremy Rowley 
Cc:; mozilla-dev-security-policy 

Subject: Re: Underscore characters




On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 10:55 PM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy> > wrote:


Thanks for submitting this. 

It ended up being about 1200 certs total that we are hearing can’t be replaced 
because of blackout periods.

These 1200 are only the ones that can't be replaced by Jan 15th and will cause 
outages if revoked then?


I don't think the information you've supplied is anywhere close to what Ryan 
asked for or what the community needs in order to make the decision you're 
asking for. I'm looking for specifics on why every cohort (i.e. every 
deployment scenario for every customer requesting an extension) of these 
certificates can't be revoked, such as:

* Specific per-customer change freeze dates and the rationale for them

* Explanations of the effort and risk involved in replacing them

* Reason that publicly-trusted certificates are in use

* Reason that the provision for 30-day certificates isn't helpful


Only with this information can we have some assurance that any exceptions are 
limited to the bare minimum and that we're able to learn and improve.


Without this information, we're still in the situation of blindly trusting 
DigiCert to do the right thing, which is no different than having a CA report 
an incident after the fact.


Is it realistic to expect that you can provide the level of detail that Ryan 
and I are requesting prior to 15-Jan?


From: Ryan Sleevi> > 
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 11:05 AM
To: Jeremy Rowley> >
Cc: <> ; mozilla-dev-security-policy> >
Subject: Re: Underscore characters

Look forward to seeing and discussing once the full scope of the request is 

On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 12:21 PM Jeremy Rowley>  < 
<> > > wrote:

We will post the full list of exceptions today. 

One of the big factors should be the risk to the industry/community if the 
certificates aren’t revoked. Perhaps we can identify what the risk to the 
community is in revocation delays first? There’s no need to know the exact 
certs to talk about what the risk associated with underscore characters is. 
Could you please explain the risk to the community in a revocation delay as the 
“unreasonable” argument isn’t really supported without that understanding. 

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-20 Thread Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy

On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 10:55 PM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> Done:
> Thanks for submitting this.

> It ended up being about 1200 certs total that we are hearing can’t be
> replaced because of blackout periods.
> These 1200 are only the ones that can't be replaced by Jan 15th and will
cause outages if revoked then?

I don't think the information you've supplied is anywhere close to what
Ryan asked for or what the community needs in order to make the decision
you're asking for. I'm looking for specifics on why every cohort (i.e.
every deployment scenario for every customer requesting an extension) of
these certificates can't be revoked, such as:
* Specific per-customer change freeze dates and the rationale for them
* Explanations of the effort and risk involved in replacing them
* Reason that publicly-trusted certificates are in use
* Reason that the provision for 30-day certificates isn't helpful

Only with this information can we have some assurance that any exceptions
are limited to the bare minimum and that we're able to learn and improve.

Without this information, we're still in the situation of blindly trusting
DigiCert to do the right thing, which is no different than having a CA
report an incident after the fact.

Is it realistic to expect that you can provide the level of detail that
Ryan and I are requesting prior to 15-Jan?

> From: Ryan Sleevi 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 11:05 AM
> To: Jeremy Rowley 
> Cc:; mozilla-dev-security-policy <
> Subject: Re: Underscore characters
> Look forward to seeing and discussing once the full scope of the request
> is shared.
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 12:21 PM Jeremy Rowley  <> > wrote:
> We will post the full list of exceptions today.
> One of the big factors should be the risk to the industry/community if the
> certificates aren’t revoked. Perhaps we can identify what the risk to the
> community is in revocation delays first? There’s no need to know the exact
> certs to talk about what the risk associated with underscore characters is.
> Could you please explain the risk to the community in a revocation delay as
> the “unreasonable” argument isn’t really supported without that
> understanding.
dev-security-policy mailing list

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-19 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy


It ended up being about 1200 certs total that we are hearing can’t be replaced 
because of blackout periods.


From: Ryan Sleevi  
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 11:05 AM
To: Jeremy Rowley 
Cc:; mozilla-dev-security-policy 

Subject: Re: Underscore characters


Look forward to seeing and discussing once the full scope of the request is 


On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 12:21 PM Jeremy Rowley> > wrote:

We will post the full list of exceptions today. 


One of the big factors should be the risk to the industry/community if the 
certificates aren’t revoked. Perhaps we can identify what the risk to the 
community is in revocation delays first? There’s no need to know the exact 
certs to talk about what the risk associated with underscore characters is. 
Could you please explain the risk to the community in a revocation delay as the 
“unreasonable” argument isn’t really supported without that understanding. 


From: Ryan Sleevi> > 
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 7:17 AM
To: Jeremy Rowley> >
Cc: <> ; mozilla-dev-security-policy> >
Subject: Re: Underscore characters


While I appreciate you sharing what you have, as I tried to capture in my 
previous message, I don't believe there can be any discussion or consideration 
in earnest without the full and final information. I don't think it's 
reasonable to drip in information piece meal, given the impact and affect that 
can have - whether incomplete information for the issue or whether additional 
customers being added.


You're making a huge request of the community, arguably one that borderlines 
unreasonable given the set of issues had in the past. I do want to help you 
achieve your goal of understanding what that would look like, but that's only 
possible with full and complete information. You mentioned it's roughly 15 
companies. If you had ten committed, but were waiting on the remaining five to 
give the OK, I think it would be irresponsible to hold up having that 
conversation until you get the OK. Quite simply, if you don't get the OK from 
those five companies, then we shouldn't even be discussing them. Ultimately, 
the ball is in your court as to how you want to address this with your 
customers, but I think that delaying the conversation in order to make sure 
"stragglers" are included is probably not the wisest for your customers that 
have their stuff together.


As such, I don't think the conversation can begin without that (hypothetical) 
incident report, and I look forward to you deciding what that scope will be in 
order to share and commit to it.


On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 9:51 PM Jeremy Rowley> > wrote:

Yeah – I’ll be providing an accurate incident report (working on gathering all 
the information). The incident report assumes we don’t revoke of course. 
Revocation is still on the table. However, I wanted to start the conversation 
with everything I know so far:

1) ~2200 certs 

2) Roughly 15 companies
3) Only one has publicly chimed in so far on the Mozilla thread (still hoping 
more will…)

4) Revocation of all certs will occur by May 1, 2019, depending on how the 
discussion here goes.   
5) The common thread is that the Jan 15th deadline falls in the blackout window 
of most orgs. They generally come off it between Jan 15-Feb 15. They can’t 
replace the cert or change the domain so the 30 day cert option doesn’t help.

6) We provided notice as soon as the ballot passed. We blocked issuance prior 
to that date, but we’d hoped that the certs could remain valid until 
expiration. We had trouble with our BI providing the information so some 
notices went out later than I’d hoped. I’ll find the exact date on when all 
notices were complete.


Ballot 202 failed. I’m not sure how it’s relevant other than to indicate there 
was definite disagreement about whether underscores were permitted or not. As 
previously mentioned, I didn’t consider underscore characters prohibited until 
the ballot was proposed eliminating them in Oct. I know the general Mozilla 
population disagrees but, right or wrong, that’s the root cause of it all. I 
can explain my reasoning again here, but I doubt it materially alters the 
conversation and outcome. 


From: Ryan Sleevi> > 
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 7:35 PM
To: Jeremy Rowley> >
Cc: mozilla-dev-security-policy> >
Subject: Re: Underscore characters




It seems like any answer for what it "might" look like if a CA violated the BRs 
in a particular way is going to be predicated on what th

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-19 Thread Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy
On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 05:20:59PM +, Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy 
> One of the big factors should be the risk to the industry/community if the
> certificates aren’t revoked.  Perhaps we can identify what the risk to the
> community is in revocation delays first?  There’s no need to know the
> exact certs to talk about what the risk associated with underscore
> characters is.  Could you please explain the risk to the community in a
> revocation delay as the “unreasonable” argument isn’t really supported
> without that understanding.

I think an important risk to the community of not revoking as per the CA/B
Forum's accepted ballot timeline is sending the message that the rules of
the game are optional, and there is commercial benefit to be gained in not
following the rules.

I'm sure there are some CAs whose systems were always setup in a
standards-compliant fashion, and refused to issue certificates for invalid
names.  I'm equally sure that at least one of those CAs lost a sale over the
years as a result of that, and that sale went to a competitor which was
*not* adhering to the standards.

Now the issue has been raised, clarification made, and a decision has been
made as to how to move forward.  To provide further benefit (in the form of
a waiver from the agreed-upon rules) to CAs which have failed to follow the
rules in the past does not encourage adherence in the future.  Certainly, if
I were the CEO of a for-profit CA which *had* followed the no-underscores
rule, I might be inclined to gently encourage my developers to play a little
faster and looser with their interpretations in the future, if it would
provide my organisation with a revenue benefit, and it was clear that there
was to be no meaningful negative consequence *to me* as a result.  To do
otherwise would actually be contrary to the stated goals of the

Please don't misunderstand my words to think that I'm saying that any CA
*deliberately* ignored the standards around underscores in order to sell
some more certs.  I'm well aware that the rules around valid hostnames,
domain names, DNS labels, etc are not the clearest, and most people wouldn't
read them even if they were.

It's undeniable, though, that CAs which allowed underscores in places that
are supposed to be valid LDH domain names made a mistake, and to
deliberately misquote Jurassic Park's John Hammond, "I don't blame people
for their mistakes, but I do expect them to take responsibility for them."
To not expect CAs to take responsibility for their mistakes sends a
*terrible* message to the entire ecosystem, one that would have far greater
long-term repurcussions than any isolated harm from the presence of
underscores themselves.

Whilst it's not quite the textbook definition, part of the Wikipedia page on
"Moral Hazard" says, "when a person takes more risks because someone else
bears the cost of those risks".  That's a pretty reasonable expression of
what's going on here.

- Matt

dev-security-policy mailing list

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-19 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
We will post the full list of exceptions today. 


One of the big factors should be the risk to the industry/community if the 
certificates aren’t revoked. Perhaps we can identify what the risk to the 
community is in revocation delays first? There’s no need to know the exact 
certs to talk about what the risk associated with underscore characters is. 
Could you please explain the risk to the community in a revocation delay as the 
“unreasonable” argument isn’t really supported without that understanding. 


From: Ryan Sleevi  
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 7:17 AM
To: Jeremy Rowley 
Cc:; mozilla-dev-security-policy 

Subject: Re: Underscore characters


While I appreciate you sharing what you have, as I tried to capture in my 
previous message, I don't believe there can be any discussion or consideration 
in earnest without the full and final information. I don't think it's 
reasonable to drip in information piece meal, given the impact and affect that 
can have - whether incomplete information for the issue or whether additional 
customers being added.


You're making a huge request of the community, arguably one that borderlines 
unreasonable given the set of issues had in the past. I do want to help you 
achieve your goal of understanding what that would look like, but that's only 
possible with full and complete information. You mentioned it's roughly 15 
companies. If you had ten committed, but were waiting on the remaining five to 
give the OK, I think it would be irresponsible to hold up having that 
conversation until you get the OK. Quite simply, if you don't get the OK from 
those five companies, then we shouldn't even be discussing them. Ultimately, 
the ball is in your court as to how you want to address this with your 
customers, but I think that delaying the conversation in order to make sure 
"stragglers" are included is probably not the wisest for your customers that 
have their stuff together.


As such, I don't think the conversation can begin without that (hypothetical) 
incident report, and I look forward to you deciding what that scope will be in 
order to share and commit to it.


On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 9:51 PM Jeremy Rowley> > wrote:

Yeah – I’ll be providing an accurate incident report (working on gathering all 
the information). The incident report assumes we don’t revoke of course. 
Revocation is still on the table. However, I wanted to start the conversation 
with everything I know so far:

1) ~2200 certs 

2) Roughly 15 companies
3) Only one has publicly chimed in so far on the Mozilla thread (still hoping 
more will…)

4) Revocation of all certs will occur by May 1, 2019, depending on how the 
discussion here goes.   
5) The common thread is that the Jan 15th deadline falls in the blackout window 
of most orgs. They generally come off it between Jan 15-Feb 15. They can’t 
replace the cert or change the domain so the 30 day cert option doesn’t help.

6) We provided notice as soon as the ballot passed. We blocked issuance prior 
to that date, but we’d hoped that the certs could remain valid until 
expiration. We had trouble with our BI providing the information so some 
notices went out later than I’d hoped. I’ll find the exact date on when all 
notices were complete.


Ballot 202 failed. I’m not sure how it’s relevant other than to indicate there 
was definite disagreement about whether underscores were permitted or not. As 
previously mentioned, I didn’t consider underscore characters prohibited until 
the ballot was proposed eliminating them in Oct. I know the general Mozilla 
population disagrees but, right or wrong, that’s the root cause of it all. I 
can explain my reasoning again here, but I doubt it materially alters the 
conversation and outcome. 


From: Ryan Sleevi> > 
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 7:35 PM
To: Jeremy Rowley> >
Cc: mozilla-dev-security-policy> >
Subject: Re: Underscore characters




It seems like any answer for what it "might" look like if a CA violated the BRs 
in a particular way is going to be predicated on what the incident report says. 
In the case of a hypothetical like this, it seems like the hypothetical 
incident report would discuss what is planned or proposed, and should a CA go 
forward with such an intentional violation, the 'actual' incident report would 
equally consider how accurate that was.


Recall that the approach to incident reporting is not punitive - it's to make 
sure that we're addressing systemic gaps and issues, that we've understood the 
issues, and have the available data to assess the impact, risk, and any 
patterns of issues. The incident reporting template is one way to provide that 
data in a structured way and to gather feedback.


I think a minimum next step is to move f

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-19 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
While I appreciate you sharing what you have, as I tried to capture in my
previous message, I don't believe there can be any discussion or
consideration in earnest without the full and final information. I don't
think it's reasonable to drip in information piece meal, given the impact
and affect that can have - whether incomplete information for the issue or
whether additional customers being added.

You're making a huge request of the community, arguably one that
borderlines unreasonable given the set of issues had in the past. I do want
to help you achieve your goal of understanding what that would look like,
but that's only possible with full and complete information. You mentioned
it's roughly 15 companies. If you had ten committed, but were waiting on
the remaining five to give the OK, I think it would be irresponsible to
hold up having that conversation until you get the OK. Quite simply, if you
don't get the OK from those five companies, then we shouldn't even be
discussing them. Ultimately, the ball is in your court as to how you want
to address this with your customers, but I think that delaying the
conversation in order to make sure "stragglers" are included is probably
not the wisest for your customers that have their stuff together.

As such, I don't think the conversation can begin without that
(hypothetical) incident report, and I look forward to you deciding what
that scope will be in order to share and commit to it.

On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 9:51 PM Jeremy Rowley 

> Yeah – I’ll be providing an accurate incident report (working on gathering
> all the information). The incident report assumes we don’t revoke of
> course. Revocation is still on the table. However, I wanted to start the
> conversation with everything I know so far:
> 1) ~2200 certs
> 2) Roughly 15 companies
> 3) Only one has publicly chimed in so far on the Mozilla thread (still
> hoping more will…)
> 4) Revocation of all certs will occur by May 1, 2019, depending on how the
> discussion here goes.
> 5) The common thread is that the Jan 15th deadline falls in the blackout
> window of most orgs. They generally come off it between Jan 15-Feb 15. They
> can’t replace the cert or change the domain so the 30 day cert option
> doesn’t help.
> 6) We provided notice as soon as the ballot passed. We blocked issuance
> prior to that date, but we’d hoped that the certs could remain valid until
> expiration. We had trouble with our BI providing the information so some
> notices went out later than I’d hoped. I’ll find the exact date on when all
> notices were complete.
> Ballot 202 failed. I’m not sure how it’s relevant other than to indicate
> there was definite disagreement about whether underscores were permitted or
> not. As previously mentioned, I didn’t consider underscore characters
> prohibited until the ballot was proposed eliminating them in Oct. I know
> the general Mozilla population disagrees but, right or wrong, that’s the
> root cause of it all. I can explain my reasoning again here, but I doubt it
> materially alters the conversation and outcome.
> *From:* Ryan Sleevi 
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 18, 2018 7:35 PM
> *To:* Jeremy Rowley 
> *Cc:* mozilla-dev-security-policy <
> *Subject:* Re: Underscore characters
> Jeremy,
> It seems like any answer for what it "might" look like if a CA violated
> the BRs in a particular way is going to be predicated on what the incident
> report says. In the case of a hypothetical like this, it seems like the
> hypothetical incident report would discuss what is planned or proposed, and
> should a CA go forward with such an intentional violation, the 'actual'
> incident report would equally consider how accurate that was.
> Recall that the approach to incident reporting is not punitive - it's to
> make sure that we're addressing systemic gaps and issues, that we've
> understood the issues, and have the available data to assess the impact,
> risk, and any patterns of issues. The incident reporting template is one
> way to provide that data in a structured way and to gather feedback.
> I think a minimum next step is to move from the abstract discussion to the
> concrete: imagine you went forward on Jan 15 and had to file an incident
> report. Write the report like that. Include the timeframes, affected
> certificates, impact, root causes, remediation plans, etc. Having a
> complete presentation of what the discussion is about seems critical to
> having that discussion, because it would be unreasonable to expect
> information to trickle in and new customers or use cases added as the
> discussion progresses.
> Thus there's a balance 

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-19 Thread Jakob Bohm via dev-security-policy
On 19/12/2018 04:14, Peter Bowen wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 6:52 PM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy <
>> wrote:
>> Ballot 202 failed. I’m not sure how it’s relevant other than to indicate
>> there was definite disagreement about whether underscores were permitted or
>> not. As previously mentioned, I didn’t consider underscore characters
>> prohibited until the ballot was proposed eliminating them in Oct. I know
>> the general Mozilla population disagrees but, right or wrong, that’s the
>> root cause of it all. I can explain my reasoning again here, but I doubt it
>> materially alters the conversation and outcome.
> I agree that Jeremy that the situation with underscores was unclear prior
> to the ballot in October.  Three years ago when I was writing certlint, my
> very first public commit has the comment:
> # Allow RFC defying '*' and '_'
> I honestly haven't been pay a lot of attention to the CA/Browser Forum
> recently.  Given the rationale for getting rid of underscores is RFC
> compliance, did the ballot also disallow asterisks?  They are also not
> allowed by the "preferred name syntax", as specified by Section 3.5 of
> [RFC1034] <> and as modified
> by Section 2.1 of <>
>   [RFC1123] <>.

The problematic section of RFC5280 contains this paragraph, wedged between 
encoding descriptions (which happen to include a reference to the "preferred 
syntax" of host names) and the corresponding ASN.1 syntax:

   Finally, the semantics of subject alternative names that include
   wildcard characters (e.g., as a placeholder for a set of names) are
   not addressed by this specification.  Applications with specific
   requirements MAY use such names, but they must define the semantics.

A different RFC defines the modern semantics of wildcard certificates, 
thus providing the required definition.


Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S.
Transformervej 29, 2860 Søborg, Denmark.  Direct +45 31 13 16 10
This public discussion message is non-binding and may contain errors.
WiseMo - Remote Service Management for PCs, Phones and Embedded 
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-18 Thread Peter Bowen via dev-security-policy
On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 6:52 PM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> Ballot 202 failed. I’m not sure how it’s relevant other than to indicate
> there was definite disagreement about whether underscores were permitted or
> not. As previously mentioned, I didn’t consider underscore characters
> prohibited until the ballot was proposed eliminating them in Oct. I know
> the general Mozilla population disagrees but, right or wrong, that’s the
> root cause of it all. I can explain my reasoning again here, but I doubt it
> materially alters the conversation and outcome.

I agree that Jeremy that the situation with underscores was unclear prior
to the ballot in October.  Three years ago when I was writing certlint, my
very first public commit has the comment:
# Allow RFC defying '*' and '_'

I honestly haven't been pay a lot of attention to the CA/Browser Forum
recently.  Given the rationale for getting rid of underscores is RFC
compliance, did the ballot also disallow asterisks?  They are also not
allowed by the "preferred name syntax", as specified by Section 3.5 of
[RFC1034] <> and as modified
by Section 2.1 of <>
 [RFC1123] <>.

dev-security-policy mailing list

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-18 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
Yeah – I’ll be providing an accurate incident report (working on gathering all 
the information). The incident report assumes we don’t revoke of course. 
Revocation is still on the table. However, I wanted to start the conversation 
with everything I know so far:

1) ~2200 certs 

2) Roughly 15 companies
3) Only one has publicly chimed in so far on the Mozilla thread (still hoping 
more will…)

4) Revocation of all certs will occur by May 1, 2019, depending on how the 
discussion here goes.   
5) The common thread is that the Jan 15th deadline falls in the blackout window 
of most orgs. They generally come off it between Jan 15-Feb 15. They can’t 
replace the cert or change the domain so the 30 day cert option doesn’t help.

6) We provided notice as soon as the ballot passed. We blocked issuance prior 
to that date, but we’d hoped that the certs could remain valid until 
expiration. We had trouble with our BI providing the information so some 
notices went out later than I’d hoped. I’ll find the exact date on when all 
notices were complete.


Ballot 202 failed. I’m not sure how it’s relevant other than to indicate there 
was definite disagreement about whether underscores were permitted or not. As 
previously mentioned, I didn’t consider underscore characters prohibited until 
the ballot was proposed eliminating them in Oct. I know the general Mozilla 
population disagrees but, right or wrong, that’s the root cause of it all. I 
can explain my reasoning again here, but I doubt it materially alters the 
conversation and outcome. 


From: Ryan Sleevi  
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 7:35 PM
To: Jeremy Rowley 
Cc: mozilla-dev-security-policy 
Subject: Re: Underscore characters




It seems like any answer for what it "might" look like if a CA violated the BRs 
in a particular way is going to be predicated on what the incident report says. 
In the case of a hypothetical like this, it seems like the hypothetical 
incident report would discuss what is planned or proposed, and should a CA go 
forward with such an intentional violation, the 'actual' incident report would 
equally consider how accurate that was.


Recall that the approach to incident reporting is not punitive - it's to make 
sure that we're addressing systemic gaps and issues, that we've understood the 
issues, and have the available data to assess the impact, risk, and any 
patterns of issues. The incident reporting template is one way to provide that 
data in a structured way and to gather feedback.


I think a minimum next step is to move from the abstract discussion to the 
concrete: imagine you went forward on Jan 15 and had to file an incident 
report. Write the report like that. Include the timeframes, affected 
certificates, impact, root causes, remediation plans, etc. Having a complete 
presentation of what the discussion is about seems critical to having that 
discussion, because it would be unreasonable to expect information to trickle 
in and new customers or use cases added as the discussion progresses.


Thus there's a balance to be struck: Treating each hypothetical as a "separate" 
incident report runs the risk of being considered in isolation, ignoring both 
the systemic gaps and the cumulative risk. At the same time, treating it as a 
"singular" incident report tries to paint all problems in the same stroke, and 
can overlook distinct systemic issues. Both cases run the risk of "scope 
creep", which is constantly adding or expanding the scope, which is as well 
received in legitimate incident reports as it is hypothetical (which is to say: 
not well). Perhaps the best analogy is to that of subordinate CAs: each time a 
subordinate has an issue, that's an incident report, and a pattern of issues at 
distinct subordinates is equally a concerning issue for the parent CA. You 
don't want to loop all distinct subordinates into one issue, but you also don't 
want to lose sight of the systemic issues with the parent.


Beyond that framing and execution, it seems useful to suggest that any timeline 
about underscores should at least acknowledge Ballot 202 in June 2017 and 
any/all steps the CA took leading up to and following SC12. 


None of this is radically new or should be surprising: DigiCert and other CAs 
have already had similar conversations in discussing other matters of BR 
compliance and revocation. All of these have become part of the CA's record of 
incidents. When the CA proposes extending revocation timelines, a discussion of 
the facts, risks, scope, and patterns play a core part in any discussion in 
determining the short term acceptability of the proposal, and unquestionably 
all factor in to any long-term discussions that may later happen.


The one last closing thought is that I think we're in the waning days for when 
such hypothetical issues or concrete delay proposals can or should be 
discussed. Given the many discussions that have be

Re: Underscore characters

2018-12-18 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy

It seems like any answer for what it "might" look like if a CA violated the
BRs in a particular way is going to be predicated on what the incident
report says. In the case of a hypothetical like this, it seems like the
hypothetical incident report would discuss what is planned or proposed, and
should a CA go forward with such an intentional violation, the 'actual'
incident report would equally consider how accurate that was.

Recall that the approach to incident reporting is not punitive - it's to
make sure that we're addressing systemic gaps and issues, that we've
understood the issues, and have the available data to assess the impact,
risk, and any patterns of issues. The incident reporting template is one
way to provide that data in a structured way and to gather feedback.

I think a minimum next step is to move from the abstract discussion to the
concrete: imagine you went forward on Jan 15 and had to file an incident
report. Write the report like that. Include the timeframes, affected
certificates, impact, root causes, remediation plans, etc. Having a
complete presentation of what the discussion is about seems critical to
having that discussion, because it would be unreasonable to expect
information to trickle in and new customers or use cases added as the
discussion progresses.

Thus there's a balance to be struck: Treating each hypothetical as a
"separate" incident report runs the risk of being considered in isolation,
ignoring both the systemic gaps and the cumulative risk. At the same time,
treating it as a "singular" incident report tries to paint all problems in
the same stroke, and can overlook distinct systemic issues. Both cases run
the risk of "scope creep", which is constantly adding or expanding the
scope, which is as well received in legitimate incident reports as it is
hypothetical (which is to say: not well). Perhaps the best analogy is to
that of subordinate CAs: each time a subordinate has an issue, that's an
incident report, and a pattern of issues at distinct subordinates is
equally a concerning issue for the parent CA. You don't want to loop all
distinct subordinates into one issue, but you also don't want to lose sight
of the systemic issues with the parent.

Beyond that framing and execution, it seems useful to suggest that any
timeline about underscores should at least acknowledge Ballot 202 in June
2017 and any/all steps the CA took leading up to and following SC12.

None of this is radically new or should be surprising: DigiCert and other
CAs have already had similar conversations in discussing other matters of
BR compliance and revocation. All of these have become part of the CA's
record of incidents. When the CA proposes extending revocation timelines, a
discussion of the facts, risks, scope, and patterns play a core part in any
discussion in determining the short term acceptability of the proposal, and
unquestionably all factor in to any long-term discussions that may later

The one last closing thought is that I think we're in the waning days for
when such hypothetical issues or concrete delay proposals can or should be
discussed. Given the many discussions that have been had regarding
revocation - regarding technical non-compliance, compromised keys, weak
validation, etc - the argument that "replacing a cert is hard" is not
really going to be acceptable anymore without demonstration about what
steps are being taken by CAs and Subscribers to mitigate that risk (such as
automation) and communicate expectations (such as in Subscriber Agreements
or Terms of Sale). I don't think we want to go through 2019, and certainly
not come out of it, having the same conversations we've been having in
2018. The best way to prevent that is for CAs to take clear steps to work
to resolve these issues with their customers, so that it never becomes an
issue for them, or their CA, in the first place. CAs that aren't able to
demonstrate steps towards that in future discussions are unlikely to be
looked upon too favorably if there are future incident reports.

On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 5:43 PM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> The total number of certs impacted is about 2200. Just more info.
> -Original Message-
> From: dev-security-policy 
> On
> Behalf Of Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
> Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 3:28 PM
> To: mozilla-dev-security-policy
> Subject: Underscore characters
> We're looking at the feasibility of replacing the certificates with
> underscore characters by Jan 15th. Revoking all of the certificates will
> cause pretty bad outages. We're prepared to revoke them but would like to
> discuss (before the date) what should happen if we don't revoke. There are
> about 15 customers (which I can't disclose the names yet but am working on
> the list of certs)

RE: Underscore characters

2018-12-18 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
The total number of certs impacted is about 2200. Just more info.

-Original Message-
From: dev-security-policy  On
Behalf Of Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 3:28 PM
To: mozilla-dev-security-policy

Subject: Underscore characters

We're looking at the feasibility of replacing the certificates with
underscore characters by Jan 15th. Revoking all of the certificates will
cause pretty bad outages. We're prepared to revoke them but would like to
discuss (before the date) what should happen if we don't revoke. There are
about 15 customers (which I can't disclose the names yet but am working on
the list of certs). The number of certificates range between 1700-100
certificates per customer. 


The primary reason for this is every one of these organization are in a
holiday blackout.  The blackout periods end between Jan 12-Feb 15. Can we
start this discussion now on what this means? I'll provide certificate lists
as I have a timeline on when they plan on replacing.




Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters and DigiCert

2018-12-13 Thread Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy
I also don't think removing these roots is a good solution because:

* To Ryan's point, it's too late to actually get them removed on Mozilla's
current release cycle.
* Again echoing Ryan's comments, there are a lot of consumers of NSS and
abruptly yanking these roots to work around the ballot SC12 requirement
could be very disruptive, even if it doesn't affect Firefox. We might not
approve the request, or at least not quickly enough to meet the goal.
* As I understand it, this workaround wouldn't help all DigiCert customers
who are having trouble meeting the SC12 deadline. While the numbers would
be smaller, DigiCert would still be dealing with an incident (I disagree
with Ryan's comments in another thread that each customer for whom
revocation is delayed constitutes a separate incident).

- Wayne

On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 4:16 PM Ryan Sleevi  wrote:

> To expand: You would like to request removal and then it be treated as if
> you’re already removed, correct?
> I think for the reasons Wayne outlined, that would be detrimental to the
> ecosystem as a whole. For example, the request for removal might actually
> be denied (!!!) because of the outsize impact it could have on Mozilla
> Firefox/NSS users.
> 1) Mozilla blocks the roots via OneCRL, disrupting all existing
> whitelisted certificates. I’m sure Apple would be very displeased by this.
> 2) Mozilla removes the roots in a future update. This takes time to
> develop, release, and distribute - and during that time, clients with the
> ongoing trust (including ESR versions) would be impacted. It also suffers
> the Apple problem (for impact), which would need to be addressed.
> 3) Mozilla acknowledges the request but doesn’t take steps to remove -
> this has all the current downsides, but without any expectations of
> DigiCert abiding by the program requirements.
> For that reason, the best answer would seem to be that if DigiCert were to
> make that request, Mozilla would deny it, so that DigiCert would be clear
> as to the continued expectation to abide by the program requirements, until
> such a time as a workable solution was identified, reviewed, developed and
> implemented, and shipped.
> Of course, that no doubt sounds a bit odd, so if denying wasn’t an option
> - that is, if it had to be treated like a compromised root with an
> emergency update of some form - then it seems the answer should also be to
> treat the organization as one that can’t control their root, and treat it
> like an emergency update.
> These are all example responses to your specific request, and a light
> exploration about some of the consequences. I have no doubt that, as a CA,
> it’d be preferable to know exactly what would or could happen in these root
> removal requests. I don’t believe the SHA-1 process for those was at all
> beneficial for the community, and it had seemed like CAs had recognized
> that and would be unlikely to do it again. If we think this is something to
> formalize, then approaches like Microsoft’s - which contractually forbid
> it, add timelines for processing, and set expectations for ongoing audits
> for years after the “removal” in order to protect users, is a better model.
> In the context of Mozilla, which lacks such a contractual lever in its
> policy, I would suggest an approach that treats such requests as:
> 1) Best effort to remove individual roots, with an expectation that audits
> will continue until it is “safe” to stop and all policy obligations met
> 2) If the above is breached/violated, then treat it as removing all of
> that organizations and affiliates roots (that is, treating it like
> organization compromise)
> Hopefully, given the reasons above, that seems like an eminently
> reasonable policy position to take. Deliberately introducing issues like
> that merely externalizes the risks, and so there needs to be appropriate
> balances - whether contractual, financial, or political - to offset those
> externalized costs. Similarly, allowing such actions makes the inclusion of
> a root that much more dangerous, and thus gives further incentive to deny
> organizations that have demonstrated such patterns future roots, given the
> risks.
> On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 5:15 PM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy <
>> wrote:
>> Can we request removal of these roots now? This seems very similar to the
>> SHA1 situation where CAs requested root removal and then treated the root
>> as
>> private, regardless of the trust in older platforms.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: dev-security-policy 
>> On
>> Behalf Of Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy
>> Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2018 3:11 PM
>> To: mozilla-dev-security-policy

Re: Underscore characters and DigiCert

2018-12-13 Thread Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy
To expand: You would like to request removal and then it be treated as if
you’re already removed, correct?

I think for the reasons Wayne outlined, that would be detrimental to the
ecosystem as a whole. For example, the request for removal might actually
be denied (!!!) because of the outsize impact it could have on Mozilla
Firefox/NSS users.

1) Mozilla blocks the roots via OneCRL, disrupting all existing whitelisted
certificates. I’m sure Apple would be very displeased by this.
2) Mozilla removes the roots in a future update. This takes time to
develop, release, and distribute - and during that time, clients with the
ongoing trust (including ESR versions) would be impacted. It also suffers
the Apple problem (for impact), which would need to be addressed.
3) Mozilla acknowledges the request but doesn’t take steps to remove - this
has all the current downsides, but without any expectations of DigiCert
abiding by the program requirements.

For that reason, the best answer would seem to be that if DigiCert were to
make that request, Mozilla would deny it, so that DigiCert would be clear
as to the continued expectation to abide by the program requirements, until
such a time as a workable solution was identified, reviewed, developed and
implemented, and shipped.

Of course, that no doubt sounds a bit odd, so if denying wasn’t an option -
that is, if it had to be treated like a compromised root with an emergency
update of some form - then it seems the answer should also be to treat the
organization as one that can’t control their root, and treat it like an
emergency update.

These are all example responses to your specific request, and a light
exploration about some of the consequences. I have no doubt that, as a CA,
it’d be preferable to know exactly what would or could happen in these root
removal requests. I don’t believe the SHA-1 process for those was at all
beneficial for the community, and it had seemed like CAs had recognized
that and would be unlikely to do it again. If we think this is something to
formalize, then approaches like Microsoft’s - which contractually forbid
it, add timelines for processing, and set expectations for ongoing audits
for years after the “removal” in order to protect users, is a better model.
In the context of Mozilla, which lacks such a contractual lever in its
policy, I would suggest an approach that treats such requests as:
1) Best effort to remove individual roots, with an expectation that audits
will continue until it is “safe” to stop and all policy obligations met
2) If the above is breached/violated, then treat it as removing all of that
organizations and affiliates roots (that is, treating it like organization

Hopefully, given the reasons above, that seems like an eminently reasonable
policy position to take. Deliberately introducing issues like that merely
externalizes the risks, and so there needs to be appropriate balances -
whether contractual, financial, or political - to offset those externalized
costs. Similarly, allowing such actions makes the inclusion of a root that
much more dangerous, and thus gives further incentive to deny organizations
that have demonstrated such patterns future roots, given the risks.

On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 5:15 PM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> Can we request removal of these roots now? This seems very similar to the
> SHA1 situation where CAs requested root removal and then treated the root
> as
> private, regardless of the trust in older platforms.
> -Original Message-
> From: dev-security-policy 
> On
> Behalf Of Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy
> Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2018 3:11 PM
> To: mozilla-dev-security-policy
> Subject: Re: Underscore characters and DigiCert
> There are currently no program requirements for roots that have had their
> websites trust bit turned off or been removed from NSS, but this is an open
> area of concern [1]. When a root is disabled or removed, there is no
> protection for Firefox users who haven't updated to a current version, nor
> for any of the other consumers of our root store until they update.
> However, that doesn't apply here. These roots are still in the Mozilla root
> store and trusted for TLS, and some of them will be for quite a while due
> to
> the whitelisted Apple & Google intermediates [2]. It is clear that Mozilla
> policy, and in-turn the BRs, still apply to these roots.
> Should DigiCert decide not to revoke certificates containing underscores by
> the 15-Jan deadline in SC12, including those chaining to distrusted
> Symantec
> roots, I plan to treat it as an incident. As with any incident, full
> disclosure is the expectation.
> - Wayne
> [1]
> [2]

RE: Underscore characters and DigiCert

2018-12-13 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
Can we request removal of these roots now? This seems very similar to the
SHA1 situation where CAs requested root removal and then treated the root as
private, regardless of the trust in older platforms. 

-Original Message-
From: dev-security-policy  On
Behalf Of Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2018 3:11 PM
To: mozilla-dev-security-policy

Subject: Re: Underscore characters and DigiCert

There are currently no program requirements for roots that have had their
websites trust bit turned off or been removed from NSS, but this is an open
area of concern [1]. When a root is disabled or removed, there is no
protection for Firefox users who haven't updated to a current version, nor
for any of the other consumers of our root store until they update.

However, that doesn't apply here. These roots are still in the Mozilla root
store and trusted for TLS, and some of them will be for quite a while due to
the whitelisted Apple & Google intermediates [2]. It is clear that Mozilla
policy, and in-turn the BRs, still apply to these roots.

Should DigiCert decide not to revoke certificates containing underscores by
the 15-Jan deadline in SC12, including those chaining to distrusted Symantec
roots, I plan to treat it as an incident. As with any incident, full
disclosure is the expectation.

- Wayne


On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 5:54 PM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> Hey all,
> We're working towards revoking certs with underscore characters in the 
> domain name, per SC12, but I had a question about legacy Symantec 
> systems and Mozilla. These particular roots are no longer trusted for 
> TLS certs in Google or Mozilla, which means the applicability of the 
> BRs is dubious. The roots are shortly being removed from Microsoft and 
> Apple, although that's more of an FYI rather than something with 
> direct bearing on the Mozilla community. If the roots are no longer 
> trusted for TLS in Mozilla, is there any requirement to revoke the certs
issued under those roots?
> My initial thought is no as this is similar to what Comodo did with 
> their request to remove a SHA1 root (and what DigiCert did with one of 
> the Verizon roots). Note these are still flagged by zlint because they 
> are trusted in older systems. Because the situation is slightly 
> different with the way distrust was technically implemented, I wanted 
> to see if there were any concerns with the community about treating 
> these as private going forward, similar to the SHA1 roots.  Thoughts?
> Jeremy
dev-security-policy mailing list

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: Underscore characters and DigiCert

2018-12-13 Thread Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy
There are currently no program requirements for roots that have had their
websites trust bit turned off or been removed from NSS, but this is an open
area of concern [1]. When a root is disabled or removed, there is no
protection for Firefox users who haven't updated to a current version, nor
for any of the other consumers of our root store until they update.

However, that doesn't apply here. These roots are still in the Mozilla root
store and trusted for TLS, and some of them will be for quite a while due
to the whitelisted Apple & Google intermediates [2]. It is clear that
Mozilla policy, and in-turn the BRs, still apply to these roots.

Should DigiCert decide not to revoke certificates containing underscores by
the 15-Jan deadline in SC12, including those chaining to distrusted
Symantec roots, I plan to treat it as an incident. As with any incident,
full disclosure is the expectation.

- Wayne


On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 5:54 PM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> Hey all,
> We're working towards revoking certs with underscore characters in the
> domain name, per SC12, but I had a question about legacy Symantec systems
> and Mozilla. These particular roots are no longer trusted for TLS certs in
> Google or Mozilla, which means the applicability of the BRs is dubious. The
> roots are shortly being removed from Microsoft and Apple, although that's
> more of an FYI rather than something with direct bearing on the Mozilla
> community. If the roots are no longer trusted for TLS in Mozilla, is there
> any requirement to revoke the certs issued under those roots?
> My initial thought is no as this is similar to what Comodo did with their
> request to remove a SHA1 root (and what DigiCert did with one of the
> Verizon
> roots). Note these are still flagged by zlint because they are trusted in
> older systems. Because the situation is slightly different with the way
> distrust was technically implemented, I wanted to see if there were any
> concerns with the community about treating these as private going forward,
> similar to the SHA1 roots.  Thoughts?
> Jeremy
dev-security-policy mailing list

Underscore characters and DigiCert

2018-12-12 Thread Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy
Hey all, 


We're working towards revoking certs with underscore characters in the
domain name, per SC12, but I had a question about legacy Symantec systems
and Mozilla. These particular roots are no longer trusted for TLS certs in
Google or Mozilla, which means the applicability of the BRs is dubious. The
roots are shortly being removed from Microsoft and Apple, although that's
more of an FYI rather than something with direct bearing on the Mozilla
community. If the roots are no longer trusted for TLS in Mozilla, is there
any requirement to revoke the certs issued under those roots?  


My initial thought is no as this is similar to what Comodo did with their
request to remove a SHA1 root (and what DigiCert did with one of the Verizon
roots). Note these are still flagged by zlint because they are trusted in
older systems. Because the situation is slightly different with the way
distrust was technically implemented, I wanted to see if there were any
concerns with the community about treating these as private going forward,
similar to the SHA1 roots.  Thoughts?



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