Re: Tenacity

2023-02-08 Thread Brandon Nielsen via devel

On 2/8/23 9:30 PM, Reon Beon via devel wrote:

wxGTK should have that...

It should, and they fixed it, but the fix never made it to the 3.1.X 
series as far as I can tell. 3.2.1 in F37 at least builds, but for some 
reason is missing. F38 / Rawhide has some lisp issue 
with the libnyquist stuff.

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Re: Tenacity

2023-02-08 Thread Brandon Nielsen via devel

On 2/8/23 10:59 AM, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:

stan via devel  writes:

As they say in the file,
though, fedora lacks wxWidgets 3.1.5 or greater. That stops the
configuration, cmake -G Ninja -S . -B build when it errors out.

That's odd; as far as I can see, F36 has 3.1.5 and F37 has 3.2.1.

  - J<

Both versions make it through the configure step for me, but a build 
with 3.1.5 will ultimately fail with "fatal error: 
wx/filedlgcustomize.h: No such file or directory", (upstream issue 

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Re: Tenacity

2023-02-07 Thread Brandon Nielsen via devel

On 2/7/23 1:25 PM, Philip Rhoades via devel wrote:


Has there been any discussion about getting a Tenacity RPM going for 
Fedora? - I would prefer that to having to use the AppImage version . .



I have a copr[0]. It has some issues and the current version is old. I 
have been working on updating to the latest beta from the new upstream 
location[1], but $DAY_JOB has been consuming a lot of my time.

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Re: OpenPrinting NEWS from Linux Plumbers 2022 AKA feel free to try driverless printing and printer applications in SNAPs

2022-09-16 Thread Brandon Nielsen via devel

On 9/16/22 8:40 AM, Brandon Nielsen wrote:

On 9/15/22 12:01 PM, Vitaly Zaitsev via devel wrote:

On 15/09/2022 13:35, Zdenek Dohnal wrote:

1. install snapd

No. Thanks.

Please build regular RPMs.

I maintain a copr[0]. Unfortunately a move and a new job have kept me 
from giving them as much love as I would like recently, but they at 
least give an idea of how things should work.

Realize I forgot the reference, derp.

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Re: OpenPrinting NEWS from Linux Plumbers 2022 AKA feel free to try driverless printing and printer applications in SNAPs

2022-09-16 Thread Brandon Nielsen via devel

On 9/15/22 12:01 PM, Vitaly Zaitsev via devel wrote:

On 15/09/2022 13:35, Zdenek Dohnal wrote:

1. install snapd

No. Thanks.

Please build regular RPMs.

I maintain a copr[0]. Unfortunately a move and a new job have kept me 
from giving them as much love as I would like recently, but they at 
least give an idea of how things should work.

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Re: F37 proposal: Mumble 1.4 (Self-Contained Change proposal)

2022-07-18 Thread Brandon Nielsen via devel

On 7/18/22 12:29 PM, Ben Cotton wrote:

This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes
process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive
community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved
by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.

== Summary ==

Update the Mumble voice chat application from 1.3 to 1.4.


* Enable the native PipeWire audio backend
* Rename the Mumble server package from murmur to mumble-server, per
upstream preference
* Relocate Mumble server configuration file from
/etc/murmur/murmur.ini to /etc/murmur.ini, per upstream preference


Excellent, glad to see the changes to follow upstream.
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Re: News from printing world aka PWG May 2022 meetup

2022-06-02 Thread Brandon Nielsen via devel

On 5/19/22 3:27 AM, Zdenek Dohnal wrote:


- Till Kamppeter wrote printer applications which covers all printer 
drivers in Debian distribution - we don't have any additional printer 
driver package in Fedora, so all our driver packages are covered as well

Since there were some questions the last time this came up, see this[0] 
gnome-control-center upstream discussion for how printer applications 
may be integrated into the desktop environment printer configuration.

- printer applications (the solution for driver-only printers how to 
work with IPP-only CUPS) are available as SNAPs in Fedora (feel free to 
try them and leave feedback at the respective OpenPrinting project ), packaging them as 
RPMs is blocked due dependency on cups-filters 2.0, which is not 
released yet (though IIRC someone from Fedora community - maybe Brandon 
Nielsen - has them in copr)

That would be me[1], though I haven't been giving them the attention 
they need lately.


[0] -
[1] -
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Re: grub2 BIOS booting iso and code

2022-04-18 Thread Brandon Nielsen via devel

On 4/15/22 5:06 PM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


Initial test with a CD-R and an HP Compaq 8510w are mixed.
It boots to GRUB, but it spins a long time blinking the HDD light displaying
nothing but "Welcome to GRUB". It eventually spits out "failure reading
sector 0x4f838 from 'hd31'."

'hd31' looks strange for HDD as well as for CD-ROM. Do have that many ?

Looked strange to me as well, I don't think I do...

Anyway, a reburn fixed it. I can now confirm a CD-R and the 
aforementioned HP Compaq 8510w boot fine with the test ISO.

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Re: grub2 BIOS booting iso and code

2022-04-15 Thread Brandon Nielsen via devel

On 4/13/22 6:52 PM, Brian C. Lane wrote:

A huge thanks to Thomas Schmitt for posting xorrisofs arguments :)

Here is a lorax PR switching to grub2 for BIOS and changing the layout
of the iso as described in his post:

And a Fedora 36 iso:

I've tested this with:

- qemu bios -cdrom
- qemu uefi -cdrom
- qemu bios -hda
- qemu uefi -hda
- USB stick on uefi PC hardware with SB off
- USB stick on UEFI PC hardware with SB on
- USB stick on Apple hardware UEFI
   2010 Macbook Air and 2012 Macbook Pro
- Media test works on all of the above

I have not tested it on CD or DVD physical media. I have a stack of
blank discs but apparently have unplugged all my drives to use their
SATA ports for SSDs :)


Initial test with a CD-R and an HP Compaq 8510w are mixed.

It boots to GRUB, but it spins a long time blinking the HDD light 
displaying nothing but "Welcome to GRUB". It eventually spits out 
"failure reading sector 0x4f838 from 'hd31'." and "you need to load the 
kernel first." before finally presenting me the GRUB menu.

Any attempt to launch the installer from the GRUB menu results in the 
same error messages and return to GRUB menu.

The system dual boots Windows 10, if that's meaningful in some way.
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Re: Possible regression in GNOME in Fedora 36 Branched 20220401.n.0

2022-04-03 Thread Brandon Nielsen via devel

On 4/3/22 6:45 PM, Ian Laurie wrote:
I noticed in VirtualBox with GNOME and 20220401.n.0 that if I resized 
the VM window when logged into GNOME it slammed me back to the  greeter, 
apparently without killing my login session.

I still had a VM from a week ago based on the 1.2 cut, but it was fully 
updated about a week ago.  This VM did not exhibit this issue, but after 
running latest updates today, it did.

I don't know how important VirtualBox is in the grand scheme of things, 
and don't have an easy way to test this quickly in QEMU/KVM.  But if 
someone else could check this out and can confirm the same, then we need 
a BZ ticket for it I think.

I logged this as a warning for now: 

I'm pretty sure I have seen the same in Gnome Boxes, but I haven't had a 
chance to look into it. It doesn't seem to happen every time.

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Re: Looking for %{forgemeta} GitHub example

2022-02-24 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 2/22/22 1:56 PM, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:

Brandon Nielsen  writes:

I would like to see the forge macros removed from the guidelines if
development truly has ceased.

I would like to get into them and at least see what needs to change
but... the internal implementation is somewhat baroque and my time is
severely limited.  I think there is good stuff there but I don't know
how much work would be required to salvage it.

One problem is that at least I thought that significant portions of the
Go tooling relied on it, and there's no alternative that has any kind of

  - J<

Looking at this a little more, I'm not really sure we need to be 
discouraging their use. The code[0] doesn't look that bad to me, and 
there are only 2 issues open against it.

The fact nobody is stepping up to at least comment on the two issues is 
a bit of a concern. The first one[1] looks really problematic, and I 
don't see how you can fix it without coordinating with any package using 
the broken behavior. Hopefully it isn't as bad as it looks?

The second one[2] is an RFE, and looks like one I may try to address if 
nobody gets to it before I have some free time.

I do agree with the sentiment elsewhere in this thread that for the 
majority of cases, it's easy enough to just work with the URLs directly. 
Maybe the git forge macro documentation moves somewhere else instead?

[0] -

[1] -
[2] -
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Re: Looking for %{forgemeta} GitHub example

2022-02-22 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 2/22/22 1:19 AM, Mattia Verga via devel wrote:

Il 21/02/22 22:09, Fabio Valentini ha scritto:

I would recommend that you use the standard source handling as
documented on the SourceURL page.
The forge macros are no longer actively maintained or developed, the
last fix / update they received was almost two years ago.
The original author is no longer contributing to Fedora, and nobody
else seems to understand how the lua scripts behind those macros work.

So, shall we remove the reference to %forgemeta macros from the
Packaging Guidelines?

I'd like to have only one recommended way to make things listed in PG.
Having more is confusing for new packagers (and experienced also).

The same applies for %autorelease and %autochangelog. Either recommend
the use of them or not, instead of saying "pick what you like". It seems
to me that these two were adopted in a hurry, but now the development
has almost stopped...


I would like to see the forge macros removed from the guidelines if 
development truly has ceased. I just switched a bunch of stuff I build 
on copr over, and am now moderately annoyed. Out of date documentation 
is often worse than no documentation.

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Re: CVE-2021-4034: why is pkexec still a thing?

2022-01-30 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 1/27/22 10:50 AM, Adam Williamson wrote:

On Thu, 2022-01-27 at 08:30 +0100, Milan Crha wrote:

On Wed, 2022-01-26 at 15:18 -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:

There are still over a dozen packages in the distro that
require it:

the gnome-software also calls pkexec is some occasions, once when
external appstream data is used (not a thing in Fedora, as far as I
know) and when invoking fedora-third-party in some cases. There's no
hard require for it in the .spec file.

Yeah, I actually started looking last night and found a few other
places too :/ gnome-control-center installs a `/usr/libexec/cc-remote-
login-helper` which is run by pkexec, for instance. So I guess we're
stuck with it :(

I have opened an issue upstream[0], as well as prototyped a pkexec free 
approach[1]. If things go well I can look at gnome-software as well. I 
really do think splitting out and eventually dropping pkexec is a 
worthwhile goal.

Feedback welcome!

[0] -
[1] -

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Re: F36 Change: Enable fs-verity in RPM (System-Wide Change proposal)

2022-01-26 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 1/26/22 3:25 AM, Roberto Sassu via devel wrote:


- web servers or other kind of servers where you, as client, would
   like the guarantee that your data is processed only if the software
   running in the server is not compromised

For what it's worth, I, and several people I work with, have been hoping 
for something to enable this kind of functionality for quite some time 
now. Hope to see more about it soon!

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Re: HEADS UP: Update to tesseract-5.0.0 in rawhide

2021-12-17 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 12/17/21 11:22 AM, Sandro Mani wrote:

On 17.12.21 16:55, Sandro Mani wrote:

On 17.12.21 16:13, Michael J Gruber wrote:

On 12/15/21 4:11 AM, Michael J Gruber wrote:

Sorry to pile on but I somehow lost the original e-mail.

"/usr/share/tessconfigs" seems to be missing so output to PDF or txt
fails with "read_params_file: Can't open txt" or "read_params_file:
Can't open pdf". Standard out works. Issue is similar to one mentioned

[0] -

How exactly do you reproduce this problem?

mupdf (mutool) works with the tesseract5 build (tested on F35, 
though), as does PyMuPDF.

It's reproducible via command line, say

tesseract out image.tif PDF

The CMake build scripts are pretty broken, they omit installing lots 
of stuff. I've reverted to autotools, but unfortunately there is some 
brokenness with ARM NEON detection which I'm trying to fix up

Should be good now


Works great, thank you so much!
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Re: HEADS UP: Update to tesseract-5.0.0 in rawhide

2021-12-16 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 12/15/21 4:11 AM, Michael J Gruber wrote:

Are you planning to bring these to F35, as well?
Tesseract-5.0.0  appears to be mostly a bugfix release along with some other 
improvements, so I dunno (and haven't tested so far - the heads up was a few 
hours before the push).

Sorry to pile on but I somehow lost the original e-mail.

"/usr/share/tessconfigs" seems to be missing so output to PDF or txt 
fails with "read_params_file: Can't open txt" or "read_params_file: 
Can't open pdf". Standard out works. Issue is similar to one mentioned 

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Re: F36 Change: Users are administrators by default in the installer GUI. (Self-Contained Change proposal)

2021-12-01 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 11/29/21 1:33 PM, Ben Cotton wrote:

= Users are administrators by default in the installer GUI =

== Summary ==

The Anaconda installer GUI will have the administrative rights
checkbox on the User screen ticked by default.

== Owner ==

* Name: [[User:Vladimirslavik| Vladimir Slavik]]
* Email:

== Detailed Description ==

Currently, the Anaconda installer GUI presents an unticked checkbox
"Make this user administrator" on the user setup screen by default.
This means users have to discover the control, understand its meaning,
and consciously decide to change the value from the default one.


I find this wording confusing, and I've been using Linux for at least 15 
years now. I think if we're making changes to reduce user confusion we 
may want to change the wording as well?

Perhaps a better wording would be "Grant user administrator privileges 
(allow sudo)"? Something to make it clear the resulting user isn't root, 
but can act as root.

I had always assumed the "Make this user administrator" checkbox meant 
the created user would effectively _be_ root, just with a different 

After playing with yesterday's KDE rawhide compose, I boldly decided to 
check the box. Apparently what it really means is the created user is a 
member of the wheel group and can use sudo. This also appears to disable 
the root user spoke in Anaconda. The resulting install fixes one of my 
biggest gripes with the KDE spin. So I say the checking it by default 
part of the change proposal is great! Why was I not checking this all 
along? As mentioned in the change proposal this basically matches what 
happens with the user gnome-initial-setup creates so it's a consistency 
win as well.

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Re: F36 Change: Users are administrators by default in the installer GUI. (Self-Contained Change proposal)

2021-11-29 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 11/29/21 1:33 PM, Ben Cotton wrote:

= Users are administrators by default in the installer GUI =

== Summary ==

The Anaconda installer GUI will have the administrative rights
checkbox on the User screen ticked by default.

== Owner ==

* Name: [[User:Vladimirslavik| Vladimir Slavik]]
* Email:

== Detailed Description ==

Currently, the Anaconda installer GUI presents an unticked checkbox
"Make this user administrator" on the user setup screen by default.
This means users have to discover the control, understand its meaning,
and consciously decide to change the value from the default one.

However, computer usage by individuals is heavily skewed towards
single user machines where the (sole) user has administrative powers
over the machine by invoking `sudo`. This has been always reflected by
the design of the screen, which allows only a single user to be
created. The GNOME first time setup also creates a single user - and
makes them an administrator without asking.

The proposed change merely changes the default GUI state to be in line
with this expectation.

Further, this change of defaults complements the default for root
account. The redesign of root setup screen in Fedora 35 makes it clear
that root should be left locked. This change makes it clear that the
user should be the administrator. Together, these defaults will let
the user satisfy all user account options by filling in nothing more
than the user name and the password (twice to confirm).


== How To Test ==

Start Anaconda installer for the Server variant, open the user setup
screen, "Make this user administrator" is checked = pass.

Should be variant / spin / hardware agnostic, with the caveat that the
presence of user screen is configurable, so in many cases the screen
is not reachable.

Kickstart installs are not affected.


"Detailed Description" section mentions GNOME, "How To Test" describes 
the server variant. Which specific variants does this all apply to?

If I recall correctly, the KDE spin already differs from Workstation in 
this regard.

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Re: Should fedora workstation incude cups by default

2021-10-26 Thread Brandon Nielsen
It has been included as far as I remember (just go to localhost:631 to 
check). It is still included in F35. As far as I know there are no plans 
to remove it for F36, so it still exists in Rawhide.

On 10/25/21 2:52 AM, Felipe Borges wrote:

On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 1:42 AM Reon Beon via devel

I don't know if it did by default on rawhide (gnome). As far as I remember.

Why would we want that? Was there a previous discussion on the
$SUBJECT that I might not be aware of?

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Re: Linux Plumbers Conference - Open Printing Micro Conference

2021-09-26 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 9/23/21 9:01 PM, Brandon Nielsen wrote:

For anyone looking to play with these right now without a snap, I've 
started a copr[0]. I don't have the systemd service working yet, but you 
can start the printer app server manually.

It gives you a good feel for where the project is going.

[0] -

I have the services working as well now for people looking to experiment 
with installing a printer system wide.

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Re: Linux Plumbers Conference - Open Printing Micro Conference

2021-09-26 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 9/25/21 8:55 PM, Solomon Peachy wrote:

On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 09:01:07PM -0500, Brandon Nielsen wrote:

For anyone looking to play with these right now without a snap, I've started
a copr[0]. I don't have the systemd service working yet, but you can start
the printer app server manually.

Can you round out the set with the hplip and gutenprint applications too?

The latter in particular is of considerable interest to me, and I'd
prefer to not have to deal with the snap ecosystem.

  - Solomon


Earlier caveat still applies, I don't have the service working 
correctly. You can start the server manually.

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Re: Linux Plumbers Conference - Open Printing Micro Conference

2021-09-23 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 9/22/21 12:54 AM, Zdenek Dohnal wrote:

On 9/21/21 1:21 PM, Neal Gompa wrote:

On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 5:36 AM Zdenek Dohnal  wrote:

- several other printer applications was implemented by Till
Kamppeter[1][2][3][4] - Till makes it available as Snaps, I'm planning
to package it into Fedora as rpm first, then later as a flatpacks

How would these even work as Flatpaks? They are not graphical
applications or even console applications. These are helper services
for CUPS. I wouldn't expect those to work in Flatpak at all.

(here I'm starting to talk based on talks I've seen and how I've 
understood them - I still haven't had time to deeply test them by 
myself, I've only tried briefly lprint last year...)

Actually they are console applications - you can start them by CLI as an 
user or make them start on startup by its service unit. Once you 
configure your device at http://localhost:8000 (web ui for the printer 
application), your device will become available via mDNS and you can 
print without any other configuration (if your mDNS support in Fedora 
works). Or if you don't trust your local network, you can install the 
queue with uri - 

Ad printer apps being in flatpack - as you can see in the github 
issue[1], ps-printer-application and hplip-printer-application are 
available in SNAP repositories (CUPS has its SNAP as well in SNAP 
store). IIUC flatpack is based on the similar technology as snap, so my 
thoughts were the flatpack version is also possible.


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Zdenek Dohnal
Software Engineer
Red Hat Czech - Brno TPB-C

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For anyone looking to play with these right now without a snap, I've 
started a copr[0]. I don't have the systemd service working yet, but you 
can start the printer app server manually.

It gives you a good feel for where the project is going.

[0] -
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Re: PWG virtual meetup 2021

2021-05-07 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 5/7/21 12:01 AM, Zdenek Dohnal wrote:

On 5/6/21 9:36 PM, Brandon Nielsen wrote:

Would you want to see that ported to a "How to debug printing
problems" Quick Doc[0]? Probably under "Usage and customisation"? I
could take a crack at a draft.

[0] -

Hi Brandon!

Thank you for looking into it! IMO it would be nice to have a separate
category (for Printing and then a separate for Scanning) like kernel,
databases or virtualization have - it would be lost in 'Usage and
customisation' group.

It is because the wiki page doesn't cover only 'How to debug printing
problems', but it covers more terminology, tricks, known issues, user
stories and (finally) how to debug and file the report - so it would be
nice to have subcategory for all of those.

And IMHO Fedora Linux's user base is mostly on desktop, it makes sense
to me to have printing and scanning on the main page.

If it is possible and you agree too, please let me know once you have a
time to create a draft :)

Again, thank you very much!


I started on this last night and based on the sheer quantity of 
documentation I agree 100%. It should probably be it's own "Printing and 
scanning" category or categories. I'm converting it as a bunch of 
"partials" so it can be reorganized easily.

You can see the start of my work in pagure[0], I tried to add you as a 
collaborator to the branch, let me know if I did it wrong. I still need 
to clean up a lot of the formatting and intra-document links as well as 
split it out into the categories mentioned above. But all of the text 
should be there.

I also pinged the docs group to see if they have any suggestions[1].

[0] -
[1] -

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Re: PWG virtual meetup 2021

2021-05-06 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 5/6/21 12:18 AM, Zdenek Dohnal wrote:

More terminology and tricks here [1] and here [2].



P.S. I know the page should be rewritten into docs.fedoraproject (I and
Matt even talked together about it once), I have never got a time to do
that. So if someone is willing to rewrite it in docs.fedoraproject, give
me access to edit it and merge the changes, that person is very welcomed :)

Would you want to see that ported to a "How to debug printing problems" 
Quick Doc[0]? Probably under "Usage and customisation"? I could take a 
crack at a draft.

[0] -

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Re: Fedora Account Migration & Production Deployment Update: COMPLETE!

2021-03-29 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 3/29/21 6:02 PM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:

On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 11:02:58PM +0100, Björn Persson wrote:

Kevin Fenzi wrote:

I'd like us to add security query/respond pairs.

Those can very easily weaken security, as the answers are often public
and easy for an attacker to look up, especially when there are only a
few predefined questions to choose from.

I was not advocating predefined questions. :)

If I can enter my own question, then I can come up with some things
that only I and my family know. That requires careful and security-
conscious consideration. Many people would come up with insecure

Well, I always use randomly generated words for mine.
But I agree, some people would make poor choices there.

There's a limited supply of such personal secrets that I can be sure
I'll remember, so I can't do that for too many sites. It also requires
a not too public life. People who publish their entire lives on
Facebook will have trouble coming up with a question that an attacker
can't find the answer to.

Another reason to randomly generate.


But if randomly generating is best practice, why not automate it for the 
user in the form of recovery codes? Take away the temptation to do 
something insecure.

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Re: Fedora Account Migration & Production Deployment Update: COMPLETE!

2021-03-26 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 3/26/21 3:36 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 03:26:53PM -0500, Brandon Nielsen wrote:

This is pretty common in my experience; it seems like password managers
should support this pattern.

I can't say I have ever appended an OTP to a regular password, and I
use 2FA everywhere I can.

Maybe more so on the enterprise-login side than on websites which have added
it as a feature? I guess by "pretty common" I mean: both RH's single-sign-on
and the one for my previous university job worked this way. So, for my sample
size of two, it's very common. :)

Additionally, combining a password manager managed password with an OTP 
has always felt a little bit like working across purposes to me, 
essentially combining both factors behind a single primary password.

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Re: Fedora Account Migration & Production Deployment Update: COMPLETE!

2021-03-26 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 3/26/21 3:24 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 02:48:39PM -0400, Christopher wrote:


* In many places, including, in order to
log in, you have to append the OTP to your password, so it doesn't
really play nice with password managers.

This is pretty common in my experience; it seems like password managers
should support this pattern.

I can't say I have ever appended an OTP to a regular password, and I use 
2FA everywhere I can.

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Re: Building custom kernels

2021-03-01 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 2/28/21 12:00 PM, Julian Sikorski wrote:

W dniu 27.02.2021 o 20:59, Julian Sikorski pisze:


I am trying to test some Renoir s2idle patches [1]. It appears that 
Fedora kernel source is now maintained on gitlab as kernel-ark [2]. 
What I tried is adding the patches to the fedora-5.11 branch and 
running make dist-srpm, but it failed due to config mismatch on 

... Error: Mismatches found in configuration files
Found CONFIG_INIT_STACK_NONE=y after generation, had 
CONFIG_INIT_STACK_NONE=is not set in Source tree

make[1]: *** [Makefile:145: dist-configs-check] Błąd 1

Is this expected? Is there a better way of testing patches on Fedora 
kernels? Thanks for the help in advance.

Best regards,



the same keeps happening if I try to merge os-build into agdf5 tree or 
even if I try to make srpm in the ark-latest branch. Is this normal?

Best regards,

I found the same last week and the documentation[0] feels really unloved.

I eventually resorted to rebuilding from the SRPM and apply patches there.

[0] -


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Re: Fedora 34 Change: Route all Audio to PipeWire (System-Wide Change)

2021-02-20 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 2/19/21 3:47 PM, Tom Seewald wrote:

Well, the idea would be for us to put it into Rawhide and do a series
of test days/weeks to get feedback and close any remaining gaps. If it
doesn't manage to pull through by beta freeze, then we would revert
and push it back to Fedora 35.

Did these test days/weeks ever happen? I don't recall seeing an announcement or 
any talk about their results.

Final preparations are happening now:

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Re: New memory tester application potentially to replace memtest86+: PCMemTest

2021-02-08 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 2/8/21 2:44 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:

On Mon, Feb 8, 2021 at 2:46 AM Vít Ondruch  wrote:

Being devils advocate, but should we have the memtest86 or similar by
default? I have certainly not used this feature in my 10+ yeas with Fedora.

You mean get rid of it (from media and installations)? Because we
install it unconditionally already, even though it's a BIOS only
utility and there isn't a boot entry for it in the bootloader.

It's a bit obscure how to use it, given there's no menu entry for it.

There's also the fact it doesn't seem to work real well with modern 

[0] -
[1] -
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Re: Fedora 34 Change: Route all Audio to PipeWire (System-Wide Change)

2020-11-25 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 11/25/20 8:18 AM, Wim Taymans wrote:

So, the current sentiment is:

* provide an easy way to test in f33, either copr or with regular packages.
- rawhide is a not a good place to get good testing anyway
* encourage people to test. Provide instructions on how to do this and how to
leave feedback.
* Carry this over to f34, probably with just the packages/easier switch.
* propose permanent switch for f35
   - it gets at least full cycle of testing (f34 + part of f33)
* re-evaluate situation for f35 beta freeze to make a default switch.

Although a bit slower than expected, I guess more testing is good. It sounds
like an acceptable plan to me.
I'm not sure how it works, if spinoffs can/want to make an earlier switch?


My intention in stating my wishes this could be tested more widely was 
not to discourage this as a change for F34. I just hoped that since the 
change request states PipeWire is intended to work as a drop-in 
replacement for PulseAudio, that we could find a way to drop it in for 
at least Fedora 33 (copr, whatever), and hopefully maximize the test 
coverage. I figured more, easier, testing would make everybody more 
comfortable with inclusion in F34.

Even if it can't be an easy drop-in, I would at least like to see the 
documentation updated for how to hack it in, since apparently the 
symlink method is no longer the intended method.

No matter what, thank you so much for working so hard to improve the 
state of A/V in Linux!

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Re: Fedora 34 Change: Route all Audio to PipeWire (System-Wide Change)

2020-11-23 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 11/23/20 11:48 AM, Adam Williamson wrote:

On Mon, 2020-11-23 at 18:20 +0100, Tomasz Torcz wrote:

On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 06:01:18PM +0100, Ralf Corsepius wrote:

On 11/20/20 5:26 PM, Ben Cotton wrote:

The pulseaudio package will be uninstalled and pipewire-pulse will be installed.

pipewire-pulse does not yet implement all the features of pulseaudio
but it is expected that
comparable functionality will be implemented later. Most notable
features that are likely
not going to be available for fedora 34

IMO, this alone disqualifies this plan.

Fedora should be a stable end-user distro and not a testing site for eager
devs to test their immature and incomplete works.

   I think Fedora should establish strong "no regressions" rule when
replacing system software like this.  PulseAudio has had 15 years of
development, features and fixes.  It is hard to believe pipewire is as
capable as a replacement now.

I disagree. This would be incompatible with the "First" foundation.

If we'd had a "no regressions" rule for pre-PA audio, we'd probably
never have landed PA, or not for years. Are things on the whole better
since we did? I'd say yes.

Will our first release with pipewire probably have some bugs that
constitute regressions from the previous audio setup? Almost certainly.
Especially given the sheer amounts of stuff people do - see your config
below - I think we'd find it difficult to have a "no regressions" rule
and still be Fedora. Part of Fedora's job is to adopt new things and
shake some of the initial bugs out of them.

   Of course we would need to start with collecting the use cases, and
this will be different for every user.  For example, I frequently use my
laptop with 3 sound devices present: built-in speakers, speakers
connected to USB-C dock and bluetooth headphones*.  I use pavucontrol to
route applications to proper output/input and I expect this to work the
same with PW.  This is important to me.

Did that all work with the first Fedora with PA in it? I bet not. Would
we have as capable a PA today if Fedora hadn't taken the leap to
include PA? Probably not.



PulseAudio wasn't necessarily purporting to be a drop-in replacement for 
Alsa. It seems like if PipeWire really is going to be swappable like the 
change text notes[0], we should be looking at this as a rare opportunity 
to get really widespread testing with a potentially majorly breaking 
change by offering the ability to easily swap it in and test in already 
released versions. That way we could be "first" and "battle hardened" at 
the same time.

Unfortunately, as noted elsewhere in this thread, there really isn't a 
way to test outside of Rawhide currently[1][2][3]. It seems like the 
packages are there and should work, but might not[4]?

As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm not saying handling changes like this 
should be mandated[5], or even required in this specific case, or 
elsewhere. But I think there would be less pushback to the change if 
this was the course of action.

[0] - "This proposal is to replace the PulseAudio daemon with a 
functionally compatible implementation based on PipeWire. This means 
that all existing clients using the PulseAudio client library will 
continue to work as before, as well as applications shipped as Flatpak."
[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -
[5] -

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Re: Fedora 34 Change: Route all Audio to PipeWire (System-Wide Change)

2020-11-23 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 11/23/20 10:30 AM, Andreas Tunek wrote:

Den lör 21 nov. 2020 kl 15:31 skrev James Szinger <>>:

On Fri, 20 Nov 2020 18:35:19 -0600
    Brandon Nielsen>>
 > If it has changed, it would be really great if pipewire-pulse could
 > make it into the F33 repos so it could be easily tested.

I agree.  I think new software should be available and testable on a
stable Fedora release before it becomes default.  I’m not ready to
have a rawhide install on real hardware to test something that’s not
ready yet.  I am especially wary of a change that requires new
software to be written between now and beta.

I think this is a way too high burden on new features. Testing in 
rawhide should be enough. Something like pipewire is also pretty easy to 
test in a Live system.


Easy to test basic things like sound works, headphones work, output 
device changing works. Much more difficult to test every audio use-case 
I use in a given day, week, month, because needs and uses change so 
much. Am I using my Bluetooth headphones today? A USB audio interface? 
Webcam? HDMI? Plus I work across different systems with almost entirely 
different hardware. I may be willing to run Rawhide on some of these 
systems, but most people probably won't.

I'm not saying this should necessarily be a mandate. But for something 
completely fundamental to how a lot of people use their systems, 
especially now, with such a wide array of hardware and uses, we should 
absolutely be pursuing the widest possible test coverage. And right now, 
the only answers are "it works in rawhide" and "it will be feature 
complete later".

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Re: Fedora 34 Change: Route all Audio to PipeWire (System-Wide Change)

2020-11-21 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 11/21/20 6:00 PM, Brandon Nielsen wrote:

I feel like for something as fundamental to the desktop experience as 
audio a few test days would really expose all of the pain points. At 
least personally my uses of audio vary quite a bit day to day and week 
to week, especially in the current environment.

_Wouldn't_ really expose all the pain points.

I would be a lot happier if there was a documented way to enable this 
for F32 / F33 so the brave could try living with it for a prolonged 
period of time.

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Re: Fedora 34 Change: Route all Audio to PipeWire (System-Wide Change)

2020-11-21 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 11/21/20 4:05 PM, Neal Gompa wrote:

On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 4:57 PM Tom Seewald  wrote:

So has this essentially been decided on by the working group? If not, what 
concerns would be listened to?

Well, the idea would be for us to put it into Rawhide and do a series
of test days/weeks to get feedback and close any remaining gaps. If it
doesn't manage to pull through by beta freeze, then we would revert
and push it back to Fedora 35.

I feel like for something as fundamental to the desktop experience as 
audio a few test days would really expose all of the pain points. At 
least personally my uses of audio vary quite a bit day to day and week 
to week, especially in the current environment.

I would be a lot happier if there was a documented way to enable this 
for F32 / F33 so the brave could try living with it for a prolonged 
period of time.

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Re: Fedora 34 Change: Route all Audio to PipeWire (System-Wide Change)

2020-11-20 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 11/20/20 4:31 PM, Naheem Zaffar wrote:
On Fri, 20 Nov 2020 at 19:47, Brandon Nielsen <>> wrote:

On 11/20/20 1:28 PM, Dominique Martinet wrote:
 > Ben Cotton wrote on Fri, Nov 20, 2020:
l the pipewire-pulse library (which
 >> removes the pulseaudio package).
 > Took me some time to figure out how to test:


Me too.

I think for current F33 / Rawhide you're expected to create some
symlinks manually:

I don't think this is the the correct way any longer. Lib-Pulse was 
AFAIK the initially planned drop-in replacement for pulseaudio. This has 
since been deprecated. Pipewire-Pulse AFAIK provides a separate 
pulseaudio server. I dont think it needs any linking, other than 
software activation.

It would be great however if the change request clarified what needs to 
be done - especially taking into account that very recent online 
instructions now may be wrong.

If it has changed, it would be really great if pipewire-pulse could make 
it into the F33 repos so it could be easily tested.

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Re: Fedora 34 Change: Route all Audio to PipeWire (System-Wide Change)

2020-11-20 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 11/20/20 1:28 PM, Dominique Martinet wrote:

Ben Cotton wrote on Fri, Nov 20, 2020:

== How To Test ==
This change needs to be tested on as many different audio cards as
possible. The same test plan applies here as with PulseAudio.

To test, one needs to install the pipewire-pulse library (which
removes the pulseaudio package).

Took me some time to figure out how to test:


Me too.

I think for current F33 / Rawhide you're expected to create some 
symlinks manually:

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Re: Mock needs more space

2020-11-20 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 11/20/20 2:03 AM, Pavel Raiskup wrote:

On Friday, November 20, 2020 2:42:08 AM CET Brandon Nielsen wrote:

I'm attempting an armhfp build with mock and it insists it needs "At
least 243MB more space needed on the / filesystem."

This seems to be a bug in RPM:

Work-around is to disable bootstrap in that particular chroot.


I have 1.1 TB free on /, so I'm assuming there's some kind of limit set
somehow, but I can't figure out how to adjust it. I don't see anything
that looks promising in the config files, or the manpage. Anybody have a
clue for me?

I can confirm, passing '--no-bootstrap-chroot' works around the issue. 
Thank you so much!

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Mock needs more space

2020-11-19 Thread Brandon Nielsen
I'm attempting an armhfp build with mock and it insists it needs "At 
least 243MB more space needed on the / filesystem."

I have 1.1 TB free on /, so I'm assuming there's some kind of limit set 
somehow, but I can't figure out how to adjust it. I don't see anything 
that looks promising in the config files, or the manpage. Anybody have a 
clue for me?

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Re: GVim issues

2020-10-29 Thread Brandon Nielsen
I have been using it pretty much daily and haven't had any issues. Is 
this only with F33? I have only just updated my "work" machines.

Possibly a misbehaving plugin?

On 10/29/20 11:29 AM, Vít Ondruch wrote:
Does anybody experience issues with GVim? It happens quite often, that 
it stops updating the UI. It seems it does something in background (e.g. 
the mouse cursor is changing and window title updating), but the UI is 
completely stuck. I am not really sure how to analyze this issue and 
where to report it. Is it GVim issue? Or (X)Wayland issue? Clutter? GTK?

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Re: Orphaned packages (including pdc-client) looking for new maintainers

2020-10-20 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 10/20/20 2:14 PM, Neal Gompa wrote:

On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 3:11 PM Miro Hrončok  wrote:

On 10/20/20 9:08 PM, Brandon Nielsen wrote:

I would be interested in taking celt071 if nobody else wants it. I use Mumble

See also

I adopted it before seeing this comment, and then orphaned it again
afterward. Whoops!

Fair enough, I retract my interest!
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Re: Orphaned packages (including pdc-client) looking for new maintainers

2020-10-20 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 10/19/20 4:55 AM, Miro Hrončok wrote:

The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for 

that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:


I would be interested in taking celt071 if nobody else wants it. I use 
Mumble regularly. The only wrinkle is I'm not currently a packager, 
though I do have a package in review[0] that I grossly underestimated 
the complexity of.

I was hoping to get rnnoise[1] included in Fedora and enabled in Mumble. 
I already have it packaged[2] and was hoping to submit it after the 
hundred years war with my first package reached its conclusion, but 
perhaps I should submit it for review now in the hopes of being able to 
adopt celt071?

[0] -
[1] -
[2] -

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Re: F33 Workstation/btrfs: Can't reinstall while preserving /home

2020-10-09 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 10/9/20 12:02 PM, Christopher Engelhard wrote:

I just tried to reinstall a Fedora 33 Workstation system that uses the
F33 default btrfs partitioning (i.e. subvolumes for / and /home). I
can't seem to find an option to install to / while preserving the /home
subvolume, Anaconda insists on a reformatted partition for root - which
would of course wipe /home as well.

Am I missing something?


It's certainly a little different. See if an answer in this thread works 
for you:

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Re: Thunderbird - Unpleasant Surprise

2020-10-06 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 10/6/20 3:14 PM, Vitaly Zaitsev via devel wrote:

On 06.10.2020 22:11, Brandon Nielsen wrote:

That link shows security fixes for 68.x from only a week ago.

August 25, 2020 (68.12) vs. September 22, 2020 (78.3).

But still, the last 68. release was 5 days ago[0], hardly seems unsupported.

Sorry for all the spam.

[0] -
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Re: Thunderbird - Unpleasant Surprise

2020-10-06 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 10/6/20 3:11 PM, Brandon Nielsen wrote:

On 10/6/20 3:03 PM, Vitaly Zaitsev via devel wrote:

On 06.10.2020 21:48, Brandon Nielsen wrote:
Yes, but they clearly don't expect updates to work given the changes 
mentioned later in this thread and the release notes, and Fedora has 
users that will be updating that need to be considered.

78.3.1 includes security fixes[1]. 68.x has reached its EOL and will 
no longer receive updates and fixes.


That link shows security fixes for 68.x from only a week ago.

I lied, no it doesn't. Their advisory numbers don't work how I thought.

So really, this is a no win no matter what the ultimate decision is.
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Re: Thunderbird - Unpleasant Surprise

2020-10-06 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 10/6/20 3:03 PM, Vitaly Zaitsev via devel wrote:

On 06.10.2020 21:48, Brandon Nielsen wrote:
Yes, but they clearly don't expect updates to work given the changes 
mentioned later in this thread and the release notes, and Fedora has 
users that will be updating that need to be considered.

78.3.1 includes security fixes[1]. 68.x has reached its EOL and will no 
longer receive updates and fixes.


That link shows security fixes for 68.x from only a week ago.
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Re: Thunderbird - Unpleasant Surprise

2020-10-06 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 10/6/20 2:45 PM, Vitaly Zaitsev via devel wrote:

On 06.10.2020 21:24, Brandon Nielsen wrote:
Sounds to me they don't expect 78.2.1 to be entirely compatible with 
profiles from the previous version.

$ rpm -qa thunderbird

Version 78.3.1 is production ready. Mozilla has made it available to all 
Thunderbird users on all supported platforms.

$ rpm -qa thunderbird

Yes, but they clearly don't expect updates to work given the changes 
mentioned later in this thread and the release notes, and Fedora has 
users that will be updating that need to be considered.

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Re: Thunderbird - Unpleasant Surprise

2020-10-06 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 10/6/20 2:22 PM, Vitaly Zaitsev via devel wrote:

On 06.10.2020 21:08, Gordon Messmer wrote:
I definitely think this should be rolled back.  We're past the beta 
freeze, and IMO, this violates the updates policy which states 
"Package maintainers MUST:   Avoid Major version updates, ABI 
breakage, or API changes if at all possible."

Thunderbird's update is not broken, it has no API/ABI breakages. 
Everything works just fine.

Personally, I think this change warrants its own self-contained change 
proposal in the next release of Fedora, even though Thunderbird 68 
will not receive updates after Sep 2020

OpenPGP is now build-in into Thunderbird core. No third party addons 

One way or another, I need to roll back until SOGo has time to finish 
porting their extension to the new API.  After rolled back, the 
Lightning extension isn't enabled or even visible in Add-ons, so I 
have to figure out how to fix that. 

Fedora is a bleeding edge distribution. If you need a legacy version of 
any package, you can always build it in COPR. I want to use the most 
recent version.

While I agree with wanting the latest version, and it doesn't break 
anything I use, from the release notes linked above:

"Thunderbird version 78.2.1 is only offered as direct download from and not as an upgrade from Thunderbird version 68 or 
earlier. A future release will provide updates from earlier versions. 
Automatic updates are available for users already running version 78.0 
or higher."

Sounds to me they don't expect 78.2.1 to be entirely compatible with 
profiles from the previous version.

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Re: Fedora 33 blocker status , with CALL FOR TESTING on abrt/libreport

2020-09-12 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 9/12/20 5:10 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:

This is pending for 3 days, so --advisory doesn't work since it's
still not in u-t.

Instead I did
bodi updates download --updateid=FEDORA-2020-fd3d0e6879
dnf update *rpm

And it skips a bunch of rpms that get downloaded as part of that
update, but aren't already installed. Here's what I discovered
following that:

Thanks for that!

I get bug 1873029[0].

[0] -
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Re: Fedora 33 blocker status , with CALL FOR TESTING on abrt/libreport

2020-09-12 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 9/11/20 3:44 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:

On Fri, 2020-09-11 at 15:50 -0400, Ben Cotton wrote:

Accepted blockers
1. libreport — — ON_QA
abrt-server errors when processing zstd compressed core dumps produced
by systemd-246~rc1-1.fc33

FEDORA-2020-59e144acee contains a potential fix, but appears to
introduce a new blocker (BZ 1873029). It may be moot until the retrace
server is brought back online. The infra team has provisioned a basic
instance, which msuchy is working to get ready for use.

So yeah: it would really help if other folks could try installing the
update and see if they are able to successfully file a crash bug or
not. Please report your findings to the bug report(s).

Is there an easy way to install the update? It's been "unpushed", so the 
command to install (`sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=updates-testing 
--advisory=FEDORA-2020-59e144acee`) it doesn't seem to work.

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Re: Btrfs by default status updates, 2020-08-23

2020-08-24 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 8/24/20 1:29 PM, Brandon Nielsen wrote:

On 8/23/20 10:24 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:



+ Fedora Magazine article "Btrfs Coming to Fedora 33" will be
published Monday, 24 August.


+ A partial list of docs needing updates 

Assistance in updating is appreciated, but in particular it'd be most
helpful to find additional weak spots that have not yet been

Will either of the above cover preserving home directories between 

[0] - 

Sorry, wrong link, I meant this:

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Re: Btrfs by default status updates, 2020-08-23

2020-08-24 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 8/23/20 10:24 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:



+ Fedora Magazine article "Btrfs Coming to Fedora 33" will be
published Monday, 24 August.


+ A partial list of docs needing updates

Assistance in updating is appreciated, but in particular it'd be most
helpful to find additional weak spots that have not yet been

Will either of the above cover preserving home directories between 

[0] -

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Advice for packaging a TI msp430 cross compiler

2020-08-13 Thread Brandon Nielsen
I have been working toward getting a "modern" cross compiling toolchain 
included in Fedora[0] ever since mspgcc stopped working[1] 4 years ago. 
Up until recently, my efforts have been almost entirely centered around 
packaging TI / Mitto Systems' somewhat bespoke branch of GCC[2].

It has been suggested[3] that my efforts may be better focused on having 
msp430-none-elf (and possibly msp430-none-elf-bare) added as an arch to 
the cross-gcc / cross-binutils packages. This would require building a 
msp430-none-elf-newlib package as well.

I have managed to build modified cross-gcc and cross-binutils packages 
with a matching newlib package. Code compiles and links, but the 
resulting binary does not actually work on the micro. I suspect the 
correct linker script is not being used, but I have not had time to 
investigate further and am somewhat over my head in building and 
troubleshooting cross compilers.

Which path forward is recommended? Option one, the bespoke branch, 
already produces a working toolchain[4]. Option two, modified cross-gcc 
/ cross-binutils has a lot more appeal being 'vanilla' upstream, and 
adds the possibility of supporting the 'bare' msp430 target, but I'm a 
bit lost in how to get the parts to produce a functional binary.

[0] -
[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
[4] -

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Re: Fedora 32 aarch64 build failures on copr

2020-07-29 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 7/29/20 6:09 PM, Jeff Law wrote:

On Wed, 2020-07-29 at 17:14 -0500, Brandon Nielsen wrote:

On 7/29/20 4:40 PM, Jeff Law wrote:

ACK.  I don't see msp430-development-tools in the standard fedora repos.  So 
leave it to you to fix the package in whatever repo it lives in.

Also note, you may ultimately be better off getting msp430 added to the cross-
{binutils,gcc} packages rather than creating a new package.


It's a work in progress[0].

As for cross-gcc and friends, the description notes those are for
building kernels only, is that not the case?

It shouldn't matter for cross-binutils and cross-gcc.

There's also some vanilla upstream / TI upstream compatibility weirdness
to consider...

That issue should be resolved by getting those patches upstreamed to the GCC
project.  Your best contact point for that would be Jozef Lawrynowicz <>


Great! I'll look into it, thanks!
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Re: Fedora 32 aarch64 build failures on copr

2020-07-29 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 7/29/20 4:40 PM, Jeff Law wrote:

ACK.  I don't see msp430-development-tools in the standard fedora repos.  So 
leave it to you to fix the package in whatever repo it lives in.

Also note, you may ultimately be better off getting msp430 added to the cross-
{binutils,gcc} packages rather than creating a new package.


It's a work in progress[0].

As for cross-gcc and friends, the description notes those are for 
building kernels only, is that not the case?

There's also some vanilla upstream / TI upstream compatibility weirdness 
to consider...

[0] -
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Re: Fedora 32 aarch64 build failures on copr

2020-07-29 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 7/28/20 4:39 PM, Jeff Law wrote:

On Tue, 2020-07-28 at 15:29 -0500, Michael Catanzaro wrote:

On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 2:01 pm, Jeff Law  wrote:

If this is a new failure (say in the last week), it could be an out
of memory
scenario.  Try disabling LTO.  The standard way to do that is

%define _lto_cflags %{nil}

In your %build stanza in the spec file.


I agree, it's almost certainly OOM because it says "fatal error:
Killed." I've never seen that happen for any reason other than OOM.

I've seen it happen for a variety of reasons.  Please test with LTO disabled and
let me know if that helps.


Disabling LTO with '%define _lto_cflags %{nil}' fixed it.

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Re: Help with reviewing a compiler toolchain

2020-07-28 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 7/28/20 3:46 PM, Andy Mender wrote:

Dear Fedorians,

I really need some help with a review of a GCC toolchain variant I've 
started recently:

A Koji build of the most recent SRPM:

Some minor issues have been fixed already, but the toolchain seems quite 
complicated and frankly it went over my head :(.

I'd be more than happy to review someone else's package(s) in exchange.


Oh hey, it's my review request. Sorry I'm so clueless.
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Fedora 32 aarch64 build failures on copr

2020-07-28 Thread Brandon Nielsen
I've been seeing build failures for Fedora 32[0][1][2], always the same 
failure: "xgcc: fatal error: Killed signal terminated program cc1plus"

I can't find any more detail than that. These builds succeed locally 
with mock. The copr failures are reproducible so I'm sure I'm doing 
something wrong, but I can't figure out what. Any ideas?

[0] -
[1] -
[2] -

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Re: Enable EarlyOOM on Fedora KDE - Fedora 33 Self-Contained Change proposal

2020-07-18 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 7/18/20 5:09 PM, John M. Harris Jr wrote:

On Saturday, July 18, 2020 3:25:35 AM MST Benjamin Berg wrote:

But thrashing scenarios are exactly that, *technically* running but
*practically* dead.

Thrashing doesn't mean the system is unusable, or anything of the sort. It's
only an issue if you're thrashing for too long.

I think it only makes sense to continue a discussion if you acknowledge
the existence and really understand the scenario described here:

I've linked to that very thread several times in this thread. The bug here is
in the web browsers that cause that behavior. The solution is to either fix
the web browsers or limit the amount of memory they can run away with.

What about the case of the developer whose code accidentally does 
something that blows through all available memory, leading to swap 
thrashing. I've been there. The system is very much unusable, to the 
point where a user without the knowledge of the magic sysrq key will 
almost certainly be reaching for the power button.

Or when a compile takes more memory than you expect, leading to the 
same? Again, I've been there. The system is absolutely unusable for any 
regular user use-case I can think of.

Decompression "bomb" (malicious or otherwise) on a memory taxed system? 
Again, definitely unusable.

Web browsers are definitely not the only way thrashing can be 
encountered. While I agree resource limits via cgroups or other method 
are needed, an EarlyOOM emergency brake is definitely welcome as well. 
The kernel OOM killer is certainly not adequate for an interactive user 
session in my experience.

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Re: memory testing

2020-07-15 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 7/15/20 12:11 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:


While bad RAM is uncommon, it comes up with some regularity to cause
folks a lot of grief. I'm wondering if there's a way to make it easier
to get bad news :-\ In particular there are cases where RAM defects
just don't show up with a few hours of memtest86+, it can take days of
contiguous testing, which is so inconvenient the test itself seems

Here's what I've got so far:

1. Fedora includes /boot/memtest86+-5.01 on every installation. But
this is a legacy/BIOS program. The idea of recommending folks enable
CSM/legacy BIOS just to test their RAM is questionable because it
means disabling UEFI Secure Boot to do it. Lie in wait malware is
perhaps rare but plausible.  UEFI native memtest86+ is not free so it
can't be included. I kinda wonder if including this should be

While I consider the effort to keep Memtest86+ working in Fedora pretty 
heroic, and I've never had it fail to detect bad memory for me, I feel 
like shipping a tool that spuriously fails on modern hardware when 
attempting to detect spurious hardware failures[0][1] is more of a 
negative than a positive. While it seems fixed in Rawhide, with a dead 
upstream I'm sure it's just a matter of time until it happens again 
(likely when the necessary GCC compat package gets dropped).

0 -

1 -
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Re: Enable EarlyOOM on Fedora KDE - Fedora 33 Self-Contained Change proposal

2020-07-09 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 7/9/20 12:24 PM, Alexey A. wrote:

I agree. I think that 4GB cap is too small and 4 GB may be used quickly.

Since the values being used seem to have been determined somewhat 
heuristically for both EarlyOOM and SwapOnZRAM, I was wondering if there 
was any prediction for how the values might change if one, the other, or 
both get switched on for Server builds?

SwapOnZRAM in particular is of interest to me. I have one system with a 
workload that's bursty on memory use, and when it starts using the swap 
the system becomes unresponsive, even using active SSH sessions is not 
guaranteed until the contention clears. The last time it happened I 
found myself wondering if SwapOnZRAM would make things more pleasant. It 
certainly does on my workstation machines, especially memory limited ones.

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Re: The future of legacy BIOS support in Fedora.

2020-07-08 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 7/8/20 10:47 AM, John M. Harris Jr wrote:

On Tuesday, July 7, 2020 3:17:16 AM MST Gerd Hoffmann wrote:

On Mon, Jul 06, 2020 at 01:26:31PM -0700, John M. Harris Jr wrote:

Well, if that is your concern the answer is secure boot.  That will not
only prevent tampering with /boot files, but also prevent tampering with
the bootloader itself.

No, Secure Boot doesn't solve that problem. Secure Boot, in Fedora anyway,
needlessly disables a lot of kernel functionality, which makes it completely
unusable. You cannot load kernel modules you've built, hibernate your system,
etc. Additionally, Secure Boot does not prevent tampering with /boot files.
You can still change grub.cfg as you like.

Yet here I am, happily using it, across multiple systems...
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Swap on ZRAM thank you

2020-07-06 Thread Brandon Nielsen
I have been playing with swap on ZRAM some in the past days, and more 
formally running it through it's paces during today's test day[0], and I 
just want to say thank you to everyone involved in getting it ready for 
release. It has made a marked difference in desktop responsiveness when 
doing memory intensive tasks on memory constrained systems. It really 
does feel like magic. Thanks again!

0 -
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Re: The future of legacy BIOS support in Fedora.

2020-07-02 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 7/2/20 3:42 PM, John M. Harris Jr wrote:

GRUB2, which is a UEFI bootloader as well, is a far superior bootloader to
systemd-bloat, and it supports usecases that are supported by Anaconda (the
Fedora installer framework) that systemd-bloat doesn't, as addressed elsewhere
in this thread by myself and several others. There is no way that supporting
BIOS can be a cause for UEFI feature development being "held back". It's got
nothing to do with UEFI stuff.

Again with "systemd-bloat"... I guess I don't see how something that is 
responsible for booting the system, taking on more responsibility for 
booting the system, could ever be argued to be bloat?

How is GRUB2 superior? I would like to see a list of pros, or 
alternatively, a list of things systemd-boot doesn't do. I see plenty of 
discussion in this thread about things not supporting UEFI, but not 
things that only GRUB2 can do (except boot both UEFI and BIOS machines).

As for systemd-boot advantages:

1) It is simpler to configure and interact with from a running system 
than GRUB2
2) Supports seeding entropy generation before the Linux boot process 

3) Can integrate easily with Gnome, other DEs
4) Has boot assessment, which could potentially integrate nicely with 
the ability to boot into a read-only recovery type mode that's been 

5) Has hooks for automatically booting a newly installed kernel

systemd-boot disadvantages:

1) No BIOS support
2) Ugly
3) Boot counting support doesn't seem real configurable? It only reverts 
to a previous kernel.

4) Additional testing / maintenance burden until BIOS is dropped completely
5) Limited boot entry templating ability

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Re: The future of legacy BIOS support in Fedora.

2020-07-02 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 7/2/20 3:19 PM, Martin Jackson wrote:

5-10 years? A better estimate would be 15-20 years. People aren't 
going to

throw away perfectly fine systems and jump to new "cloud" platforms just
because the OS they were using dropped BIOS support. They'll just stop
updating, and likely move to something that is still supporting BIOS,  
if they
don't write their own installer and just continue using Fedora, given 

this is an entirely artificial limitation.

While I completely hear you on the fact that people will often sweat 
assets for years longer than accounting schedules suggest they should, 
do you really think they're going to write custom installers??? I think 
it's far more likely that they would move to other distros more amenable 
to supporting the hardware they have.

There are many distros that cater to this kind of market already, some 
by design and some by inclination.?? I don't think we want to drive them 

For what it's worth, I do not think that removing legacy BIOS support 
from Fedora is the right thing to do.?? I don't see significant benefit, 
and I see lots of potential harm.



I don't think removing BIOS support _today_ is the right answer either. 
I have BIOS only hardware kicking around, and quite a bit of my UEFI 
hardware still supports legacy BIOS booting as well (though I don't use it).

However, I'm concerned about UEFI feature development / quality 
assurance being held hostage by BIOS support for, based on above 
comments, 5 to 20 years? Surely as a somewhat leading-edge distribution, 
we need to start thinking about some kind of post-BIOS world.

Perhaps one small step toward that future would be enabling systemd-boot 
on new UEFI installs, relegating GRUB2 to BIOS and upgrade installs 
only? This split configuration could hang around until support for GRUB2 
/ BIOS wanes to the point it can no longer stand under its own weight 
(much like 32bit install media).

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Re: booting successfully with read-only file system

2020-07-02 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 7/2/20 3:10 PM, Christopher Engelhard wrote:

On 02.07.20 17:53, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote:

It would be great if we could fairly reliably boot with a read-only
root file system, all the way to the graphical environment. Obviously,
such a machine will not be fully functional, but for users, debugging a
disk problem when they have the normal environment with windows,
tabbed terminals, graphical editors, and internet is vastly easier.

It also creates an image of robustness. Imagine that instead of being
rudely dropped to a terminal prompt, the user is instead able to log in
as usual and see a popup like

Your home directory is read-only. Do this and that. See https://...

That would be fantastic, and would be miles ahead from any UX I had on
any computer, ever.

I hope we can all cooperate to make read-only boots nicely robust and
functional. Please play with this and report bugs. I'll try to solve any
that relate to systemd. The systemd version with udev.blockdev-read-only
is not released yet, but is available from koji ci builds [11].

Thanks for working on this, I will definitely give it a try myself.


This sounds excellent!

Could we somehow provide a list of links that may be helpful to recover 
from certain common failures? Maybe in a MOTD?

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Re: The future of legacy BIOS support in Fedora.

2020-07-02 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 7/2/20 2:56 PM, John M. Harris Jr wrote:

On Thursday, July 2, 2020 5:08:14 AM MST Brandon Nielsen wrote:

On 7/2/20 12:55 AM, John M. Harris Jr wrote:


We don't need more systemd-bloat just to boot our systems. However your
bootloader works, it doesn't really matter if it's not up to snuff with
GRUB2. When it supports LUKS, LVM, LUKS+LVM, a recovery console and
several filesystems, then it'll be more of a viable option, and I still
wouldn't recommend having yet another systemd component as a core part of
our systems. At what point is systemd large enough that you'll stop
adding more cruft?

Can you please stop calling features of systemd you don't like
"systemd-bloat" at every given opportunity? It is not being respectful
to those who work on the project and doesn't help your argument.

It works well with this one. It's part of systemd, for some reason. It's
bloat. It's one letter off from the actual name of the software.

It doesn't need to be part of systemd to integrate with it. We don't need to
make our system more exclusive to make use of some systemd features, we can
just use the more powerful bootloader, GRUB2, and implement what it needs to
make use of these systemd "features".

If your issue is with the architecture of systemd, I recommend taking an 
objective argument to the systemd development list.

If your issue is with Fedora making use of features already implemented 
in systemd, I recommend making an objective argument detailing why those 
features shouldn't be used. If there are better alternatives that can 
enable Gnome is easily integrate with the bootloader (to enable say, a 
"Reboot to Windows" or "Reboot to UEFI" option), I would love to hear 
about them.

I'm also interested in how further modifying GRUB2 to to enable features 
(that were previously bloat?) that systemd-boot supports today is better 
for the future of Fedora's UEFI support. Especially in regards to 
testing and maintenance burden.

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Re: The future of legacy BIOS support in Fedora.

2020-07-02 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 7/2/20 12:55 AM, John M. Harris Jr wrote:


We don't need more systemd-bloat just to boot our systems. However your
bootloader works, it doesn't really matter if it's not up to snuff with GRUB2.
When it supports LUKS, LVM, LUKS+LVM, a recovery console and several
filesystems, then it'll be more of a viable option, and I still wouldn't
recommend having yet another systemd component as a core part of our systems.
At what point is systemd large enough that you'll stop adding more cruft?

Can you please stop calling features of systemd you don't like 
"systemd-bloat" at every given opportunity? It is not being respectful 
to those who work on the project and doesn't help your argument.

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Re: Previous awesome background images

2020-04-20 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 4/20/20 11:54 AM, James Cassell wrote:

On Mon, Apr 20, 2020, at 12:46 PM, Máirín Duffy wrote:

On 17. 04. 20 16:07, Kamil Paral wrote:

I am sad we haven't followed the pattern. (However I don't know the reasoning
for stopping that.)

That's not true, we didn't stop the pattern. F32 is G for Goffman. F
was Fresnel. E was Elion. So on. If you dig through the tickets you'll
fimd the inspiration.

OMG, Secret Fedora Release Names!

Did not realize it was a thing. Very cool!

James Cassell

Huh, I didn't realize that either.

As for the original intent of this thread, I always loved the wallpaper 
from F15. I still have the SVG in my regular wallpaper rotation.

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Re: Fedora 33 Self-Contained Change proposal: Network Time Security

2020-04-09 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 4/9/20 11:06 AM, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:

On Wed, Apr 08, 2020 at 02:09:01PM -0500, Brandon Nielsen wrote:

On 4/8/20 3:42 AM, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:

What is the issue with using untrusted DNS servers here? An NTS client
is supposed to verify the certificates. Local MITM attackers shouldn't
be able to force the client to synchronize to a different NTP server.
(Of course, they can always disable the synchronization.)

I'm not saying there is necessarily an issue, just a logical inconsistency.
If the DNS servers provided by DHCP are trusted, why would any plain NTP
servers also provided by DHCP not be trusted? I can do nefarious things with

I think it depends on the network. Is it yours or is it a random hotspot?

In general neither should be trusted, but most applications don't rely
on DNS being secure, so using random untrusted DNS servers from DHCP
is usually not a major issue. I'm ignoring privacy issues.

I disagree with saying applications don't rely on DNS being secure, but 
I also concede it has very little to do with this discussion. See my 
off-topic rant in my reply to Björn Persson. I apologize for conflating 
the issue in the first place.


The PEERNTP option will still work. It may just have a different
default and/or have a new setting.

Circling back to my concerns about this proposal from an admin 
standpoint. I have never needed to touch PEERNTP before for DHCP 
provided NTP to work. I'm also not sure from a security standpoint I 
want `PEERNTP=yes` to work if NTS is otherwise enabled? Seems 
potentially confusing. I don't like chrony behavior being dictated by 
non-chrony config.

Additionally, the 'nts' option for 'server' and 'pool' directives, to 
me, does not make it immediately clear that NTS will be required for 
_all_ NTP servers. To me, that option implies that NTS will be enforced 
for that particular pool or server. Especially since I can have 
additional directives without that option set (which admittedly makes 
little sense).

Finally, the suggestion of bootstrapping NTP without using NTS when TLS 
checks fail concerns me. It needs to be clear when such a thing is 
allowed or not.

I would be much happier with some kind of `requireents` option in 
`/etc/chrony.conf`. When set, NTS is an absolute hard requirement, no 
plain NTP servers will be used (from DHCP or otherwise), NTP 
bootstrapping mentioned above would also be forbidden. When not set, NTS 
is still verified for cases where the option is set, but other NTP 
servers still work (bootstrapping allowed?).

Logging would help make clear what's going on, if the `nts` option is 
set on a pool or server with `REQUIREENTS` off, we could log warnings 
when non-NTS servers are used. And with `REQUIREENTS` on, we could log 
warnings about servers that were ignored due to not supporting NTS 
(including the DHCP provided one).

The PEERNTP option would function as usual, not passing DHCP provided 
NTP servers to chrony if disabled. It would have no additional influence 
over chrony behavior, chrony behavior would remain entirely controlled 
by it's own configuration file.

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Re: Fedora 33 Self-Contained Change proposal: Network Time Security

2020-04-09 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 4/9/20 10:42 AM, Björn Persson wrote:


Fedora's defaults should be chosen to keep users reasonably secure every
way we can. If you as a sysadmin trust the DHCP server and every other
device on the local network – including any device that may be connected
in the future – then you should have the option to configure the system
to trust DHCP-provided NTP and DNS servers.

Björn Persson

That's one part of my complaint (which, admittedly, doesn't have much to 
do with this proposal). We seem to be trending toward some awkward 
one-size-fits-some semi-trust system where parts of the network are 
trusted as provided, and other parts aren't.

What I would love to see take shape instead (and again, I acknowledge 
this has almost nothing at all to to with this proposal) is the ability 
for users to easily mark networks as trusted or untrusted, with trusted 
networks using network provided resources, and the system firewall wide 
open (the current workstation default). On untrusted networks, DNSSEC / 
DoH / DoT (rough order of preference) used for DNS from a trusted 
resolver, NTS, firewall locked down, and maybe even a connection to a 
VPN automatically established if configured by the user.

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Re: Fedora 33 Self-Contained Change proposal: Network Time Security

2020-04-08 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 4/8/20 3:42 AM, Miroslav Lichvar wrote:

On Tue, Apr 07, 2020 at 01:41:48PM -0500, Brandon Nielsen wrote:

It doesn't make much sense to me for this to default to on if we still
"trust" the DNS servers provided over DHCP.

What is the issue with using untrusted DNS servers here? An NTS client
is supposed to verify the certificates. Local MITM attackers shouldn't
be able to force the client to synchronize to a different NTP server.
(Of course, they can always disable the synchronization.)

I'm not saying there is necessarily an issue, just a logical 
inconsistency. If the DNS servers provided by DHCP are trusted, why 
would any plain NTP servers also provided by DHCP not be trusted? I can 
do nefarious things with either.

Generally speaking, on a network I admin, if I've configured DHCP to 
provide things like NTP and DNS servers, it's because I intend client 
devices to use those things. While some devices choose to ignore DHCP 
provided DNS (and NTP), I can still reroute those requests at the edge 
router. Is that also possible with NTS? Even if it gets rerouted to a 
plain NTP server?

Additionally, it's not clear to
me from the proposal what it would take for an NTP server provided over DHCP
to be "trusted", or what a "trusted network" is. Are only NTS-enabled
sources to be trusted?

Generally, yes.

What I meant, if someone for example had at home a stratum 1 server
(e.g. synchronized to GPS) and they trusted everything and everyone in
their local network, it would make sense to still use the server
(without NTS) in addition to any external time servers authenticated
by NTS.

The question is if we need to change the default value of the PEERNTP
option. There could be a new default which adds the servers provided
by DHCP only if chronyd is not using any servers with enabled

That makes sense. But again, if I don't trust everything and everyone in 
my network, why do I trust the provided DNS servers?

I feel like if this is on by default we're basically saying nobody 
trusts any provided NTP server unless it supports NTS. If that's the 
case, do away with the 'trusted network' verbiage and just say that only 
NTS servers provided over DHCP will be used.

Additionally, what about the no-internet case? Will a local, non-NTS NTP 
server be acceptable in that case? I feel like that would be handled by 
the change to PEERNTP you mention above. But then can't attackers 
"disable the synchronization" as you mention above, essentially forcing 
us back to no additional security?

Maybe what we should really have is a REQUIRENTS option for chronyd?

What becomes of the old default

It would still work, even if we didn't use it by default. The name is
just an alias for The servers used in the current
default configuration are not run by Fedora.

Does the alias provide no additional functionality? Does it help with an 
estimate of running Fedora machines in the wild?

Finally, from a purely personal standpoint, I don't like seeing yet more
infrastructure being handed over to a hyperscaler like Cloudflare (see also
DoH in Firefox). I would be less opposed to this being default if found a way to support it.

Yes, that's a valid point, which we need to consider. I don't have a
strong opinion either way.

I'd like to see to support NTS. But I'm not sure if the
trust of not being attacked will be comparable to a single entity
running the servers, even if the pool has a sufficient number of
NTS-enabled servers and implements some mitigations like mixing
servers from different countries.

Will there be some kind of 'canary domain' like there is for DoH 
( Again from a network admin standpoint, if I 
provide a local NTP server without NTS, I want an easy way to tell the 
devices I manage to use it.

From a user standpoint, I like this change and the security it offers. 
But with a network admin hat on, it feels like yet more local 
infrastructure being pushed outside of my control.

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Re: Fedora 33 Self-Contained Change proposal: Network Time Security

2020-04-07 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 4/6/20 4:08 PM, Ben Cotton wrote:


It doesn't make much sense to me for this to default to on if we still 
"trust" the DNS servers provided over DHCP. Additionally, it's not clear 
to me from the proposal what it would take for an NTP server provided 
over DHCP to be "trusted", or what a "trusted network" is. Are only 
NTS-enabled sources to be trusted?

What becomes of the old default

Finally, from a purely personal standpoint, I don't like seeing yet more 
infrastructure being handed over to a hyperscaler like Cloudflare (see 
also DoH in Firefox). I would be less opposed to this being default if found a way to support it.

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Re: Basic graphics mode / 'nomodeset' testing request, round 2

2019-04-12 Thread Brandon Nielsen
Desktop, UEFI, Z87 chipset, Intel Xeon E3-1230 v3, AMD R9 280X GPU - 
Fails, does not show the specified error instead journalctl shows:

gnome-shell[1820]: Failed to create backend: No GPUs found with udev

Which is likely caused by (from dmesg):

[   11.994228] [drm] VGACON disable radeon kernel modesetting.
[   11.994258] [drm:radeon_init [radeon]] *ERROR* No UMS support in 
radeon module!

On 4/8/19 8:02 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:

Hi folks!

A few weeks back we asked for testing of 'basic graphics mode' /
nomodeset booting - the feedback from that was very helpful in
establishing that we had a generic issue which dated back to Fedora 29,
thanks a lot. We have now established more or less what that initial
issue is, and work is ongoing to get it fixed entirely. However, it's
already been fixed *partially*, and that revealed a subsequent bug.

The initial bug is fixed for the case of UEFI native boots (it is not
fixed for BIOS native boots yet). However, in testing, I and others
found that several UEFI test systems still do not boot successfully to
GDM, because they run into a *different* bug later:

This bug can be identified by the presence of the following string in
the journal:

"(EE) Cannot run in framebuffer mode. Please specify busIDsfor
all framebuffer devices"

(yes, with a bunch of spaces - but just the first part of the line is
sufficient to identify the problem, I think).

It would be great if folks with UEFI-capable systems could try booting
a recent Fedora 30 Workstation live image on them, e.g. this one:

ensure you boot in UEFI mode. Please report back whether it works. If
it doesn't work, please check the logs - you should be able to log into
a console on tty3 (ctrl-alt-f3 to get there) as root with no password,
then run 'journalctl -b' to see the logs - and report if that line is
present or not. If it isn't, it'd be useful to know if some other error
message is present.

Thanks a lot, folks!

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Re: Orphaning msp430-binutils, msp430-gcc, msp430-libc, mp430mcu, and mspdebug

2016-07-05 Thread Brandon Nielsen

On 07/04/2016 06:21 PM, Rob Spanton wrote:


Unfortunately I find myself having to orphan these packages:

 * msp430-binutils
 * msp430-gcc
 * msp430-libc
 * msp430mcu
 * mspdebug

When I originally brought them into Fedora, I was doing a fair amount of msp430
firmware development.  Now almost everything I do is Cortex-M based, so I don't
really have any interest in maintaining these any more.



devel mailing list

I've started the process of getting the new TI upstream MSP430 toolchain 
through package review under a new package name [1]. If someone is 
looking to adopt these packages, it would be great if we could work 
together to get them migrated to the new upstream.

1 -

Brandon Nielsen
devel mailing list

Self Introduction: Brandon Nielsen

2016-06-28 Thread Brandon Nielsen
Hi, my name is Brandon Nielsen and I've been a Fedora user since FC5. In 
a past career, I maintained a private yum repository for a Beowulf 
cluster running RHEL.

I currently do some development on the TI MSP430 microcontrollers, 
mostly in a hobby capacity. Awhile ago I started packaging the official 
TI / Red Hat version of the GCC compiler for these micros, which is 
coincidentally a workaround to

Since I volunteered to maintain these packages in some official 
capacity, I have submitted a package review request:

This is my first package, so I am in need of a sponsor. You will notice 
I already screwed up the review request. I'll do better next time! Once 
this package goes through the process, I'll submit the flashing utility 
and the debug stack packages for review as well.

Thank you for your time!

Brandon Nielsen
devel mailing list