Re: Dia xml format

2019-03-02 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 2 mars 2019 05:25:11 GMT+01:00, Vahid Bashiri via dia-list 
 a écrit :
>Hi all
>And thanks for the information. Just to clarify I am using a language
>than C, so the way I "inspire" by code is I study it  and write my own
>code. I'd be more than happy to release my code knowing that how much I
>to Dia but just I can not because of the proprietary code I am using.
>Actually I was thinking an LGPL version of "libdia" shared library can
>be a
>valuable asset. I can think of number of cases it might be useful in
>programming languages and dynamical system simulation tools.

They either could be Free Software too.

Actually, there is no way to the authors to change the license and that sounds 
to me good news.

"Just let proprietary ecosystem sucking effort because that would be practical" 
"because we don't make (so much) money with it /so tha's harmless/" is *wrong* 
: that's always harmfull, so just save the earth and don't.

Je suis née pour partager, non la haine, mais l'amour.
Sophocle, /Antigone, 442 av. JC
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Re: EDPC - extension

2019-01-26 Thread Thomas Harding
I don't know if "de" doc contains "shape"/sheets documentation, but I ported 
the man page into the english one in 2008 ^^

So, internationalization is done in the " sheet" file, not the "shape" one.

Internationalization works from "C" locale to any language, even en_US.

Look at a "sheet" such as Assorted.sheet , each object shape is linked with 
"name" tag (in english/C), then you'll find a list of  tags, with 
all followings but C with an, eg xml:lang="fr" parameter fixing language 
(that's part of xml 1.1 standard, see xml namespace).

Even if the "name" tag (in "shape" file, repeated as is in the sheet file) 
should contain only ASCII printables characters in order to work (I didn't 
test), that would probably not be a bug (eg, because collation and other C 
locales would be out of scope outside ascii, where DE.utf8 works / that's just 
an expectation).

Hope that will help / sorry for that terrible English


Le 26 janvier 2019 13:12:02 GMT+01:00, Eduard Nicodei via dia-list 
 a écrit :
>Hi Marcus,
>Thanks for sharing!
>I think internationalization works only by translating from English
>other languages?  I doesn't know if it works in the other direction,
>example from German to English, though I might be wrong...
>In any case, I had a quick look at the shapes and they seem good.  I
>an issue on our source repository
> so hopefully we will get
>integrated in our repository once they are translated.
>Best Wishes,
>On Fri, 18 Jan 2019 at 12:14, Marcus Kossatz via dia-list <
>> wrote:
>> Hey folks,
>> I created an event-driven process chain extension with colored
>> and better operators to suit the needs of an edpc. I am a teacher in
>> German school so I named the objects in German. I do not know how
>> internationalization works here. Have a look if you want to include
>> in your shapes and sheets repository.
>> Have a good night!
>> Marcus
>> --
>> Marcus Kossatz
>> Blockhausstraße 6
>> 02826 Görlitz
>> Tel: 0170 4294624
>> E-Mail:
>> ___
>> dia-list mailing list
>> FAQ at
>> Main page at

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Sophocle, /Antigone, 442 av. JC___
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Re: My two cents about DIA

2018-12-08 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 7 décembre 2018 22:16:32 GMT+01:00, Andrey Repin via dia-list 
 a écrit :
>Greetings, Philip Troy!

>> I tried creating multi-page objects like those in the uml page and
>was not
>> able to.  I believe that these were hard coded.  It would be very
>helpful to
>> be able to build one's own custom shapes that are sophisticated.
>These are procedurally generated. Not currently possible by the end

That would involve a "dynamic nodes kit" in custom shapes (more probably 
"custom shapes (dynamic)", which is(would be) a long term hard goal).

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Sophocle, /Antigone, 442 av. JC
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Re: What's wrong with Dia the way it is?

2018-12-05 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 5 décembre 2018 18:32:47 GMT+01:00, Steve Litt  a 
écrit :

>What's wrong with Dia just the way it is? It works. It's exportable
>into Inkscape for conversion to SVG. 

Good point, but that also means to repeatidly rewrites by hand the diagram 
shapes and so on.

An UNIX way would be to implement a "Dia import" plugin for Inkscape.

>Sure, I have a few qualms with the way Dia works, mainly having to do
>with the relationship between text and shapes, but perhaps some good
>workaround documentation would settle that. I'd love to have
>Visio-quality diagram components, and perhaps if somebody writes some
>docs on how to make your own components with the connection points
>*you* want, that will be solved. 

/think the connection points would embed nodes like "special" scripts (as an 
array), next endpoint, former endpoint, (last) relation with endpoint.

We can imagine a typical scripts collection (encoded strings can embed 
anything, such as Python). All scripts would have an id on diagram, but 
moreover a "name" and "version" you can refer, and especially having a "local" 
scheme if customized.

One thing impairing shapes development is that anything dynamic involves C.

I think the used shapes would be embedded as "not visible" in a properties 
then the rendered shapes on diagram would use xml id / path. So, scripts would 
control how to add/delete/modify a node  and its properties, and what to pass 
to parent node. That needs shapes to be rewritten really consistent regarding 

>Plus the fact that if everyone
>authoring new components puts them together in an online hierarchical
>library, perhaps with keyword search, our diagrams could start to rival
>those of visio users.

There were attempts to create shapes libraries (actually, they are), but the 
only way to get a consistent collection would be a branch in Dia git for that, 
with a QA process (such as bug reports).
/plus a document oriented database (json is back in discussion) (because it is 
fast enough), read-only for end-users.

>If some of the libraries used by Dia are in the process of being
>deprecated, then those certainly must be replaced by their successors.
>But other than that, why the emphasis on maintenance? Sometimes
>something's so good it needs no more maintenance (fetchmail is one
>Right now Dia works for people on all sorts of computers. It's very
>DIYable. My experience has been that in many cases, people in a hurry
>to "improve" software end up making it into a buggy, DIY-not-allowed
>monolithic entanglement.
>Steve Litt 
>December 2018 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century
>dia-list mailing list
>FAQ at
>Main page at

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Re: Hello Everyone

2018-12-04 Thread Thomas HARDING

Le 04/12/2018 à 23:24, Alexander Brown a écrit :


I've been interested in seeing Dia move forward for sometime now and
I'm glad others are as well

I don't want to step on anyone's toes but as the current maintainers
are unaccounted for I'm volunteering as acting-maintainer (I have
commit access). I've already reached out to Thomas directly asking them

having "commit access" makes you as a god on this mailing list,

even if not solving QA process (bug reports/patches managment).

to submit some of their patches as MRs to

(unsure whose Thomas it is (Popisek ?))

Whilst I am a member of the GNOME Foundation and would like to see Dia
modernised I recognise the fact Dia is very much a cross platform
application and therefore has a sort of 'special status' within the
GNOME Project and have no intention of breaking KDE/macOS/Windows

That said I would like to see Dia move to modern APIs like Cairo & Gtk3
(or 4) and ideally be built with meson to allow for easier development
and ensure we are not dropped by distributions

(I'm new to mailing lists so constructive feedback is welcome)


At least one offered to be maintainer in the past two weeks,

One key point is effectively "Gnome integration", which must not be 
turned too strong (dependancies has to be optionals, especially loosed 
functionalities from one to other would never impair usage, or be 
replaced "from start" by design). Sometimes portability is a high price 
/at first/, but finally /you gain/ (and, most important, user gains) :-).

That said, "anything you can give will help".

I think something new for years is that most of writers on list talks 
now about what they want to DO, so we can expect for rants and argues 
for a few days as a /normal process/.

That's a good signal for Dia.

(I'm retired)



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Re: Maintaining / Helping out on Dia

2018-12-04 Thread Thomas HARDING

Hi, all !


Le 04/12/2018 à 11:21, Eduard Nicodei via dia-list a écrit :
I don't think we need to argue.  Alejandro's comment however raises an 
important issue: "what are Dia's competitors"?

I think there will always be a need for an offline, open source, 
portable lightweight diagram SW, so I think Dia still has a lot of 
life left in it.  Also it is nice to see that it is still top-search 
result for anything like "diagram open software", "diagram software 
linux" even after so many years.

So, I think that's a good start point : why Dia, an unmaintained 
software, has *no* competitor /on its segment/ ?

=> Dia is a /tool/ : even if produced diagrams looks ugly, their means 
are what we want in *technical* diagrams (most are out from a 
standardisation, such as UML[partly implemented], electricity, 
automatic, and so on)

=> Its GUI is authored in a way any technicial guy/girl can start with 
it in a few minutes [KISS] (moreover, by default on an ISO A0 sheet).

=> there are multiple outputs (graphic formats) but not only, as you can 
even interface with code to process data. With UML diagrams you can even 
get code (DDL, Object structure, ...)

=> you can also feed data and get a draw (you could with, /here, xslt, 
but you can quickly rearrange, graphically).

=> works standalone

=> you can extend symbols collections / libraries of

That are the things to not broke (uncompleted list).

Obviously, Dia could _also_ work networked, in the future, or produce 
fancy views, MS-Visio like, when you need to impress commercials (we can 
imagine a toggle button "turn on fancy"), or at option use/produce other 
data structures such as Json.

But keep in scope to keep the tool simple, stupid and powerfull.



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Re: Afficher une seule page dans DIA

2018-12-01 Thread Thomas Harding
Bonjour Joël,

(French spoker)
/faire tenir le diagramme sur une seule feuille :
/he ask for "how to fit diagram on one page" :

Fichier (file)
Page setup (untranslated)
=> boîte de dialogue
-> en bas, "Échelle" (at bottom, "scale")
-> cocher " faire tenir sur :" n*n feuilles (check "scale to:" n*n pages)


Le 1 décembre 2018 10:39:56 GMT+01:00, Copie Joel via dia-list 
 a écrit :
>Je commence à utiliser Dia, logiciel que je trouve super!!
>Voilà ma problématique : je n'arrive pas à afficher sur mon écran une
>J'aimerais en effet concevoir un schéma sur une seule page.
>Or, quand je lance le logiciel, je me retrouve avec un quadrillage.
>Pour l'instant, je m'en sors en écrivant seulement dans une cellule ce
>je devrais écrire sur une seule page.
>Mais comment n'afficher qu'une seule page?
>D'avance, merci bien,
>Bien cordialement,

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Sophocle, /Antigone, 442 av. JC___
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Re: How to contribute to documentation

2018-11-14 Thread Thomas HARDING

Bonjour Bertrand,

That is. Time to time we redirect volunteers for maintainers to the 
gnome project takeover process, then... no more news.

Especially on manual/French, I done the translation stuff on dia 0.96 an 
era ago, and also on Makefile and some of doc sources to ensure build.

So, I can help you on docbook/documentation build issues.

I would emphase on *not* to switch to Docbook V5 (V4 need a brain, V5 
need a Docbook editor handling xml schema).



Le 14/11/2018 à 07:27, Michael Ross via dia-list a écrit :
This project has been inactive for some years now due death of the 
principal motivating leaders.  There is periodic interest in starting 
up development, but no one has really taken over management.  I think 
part of the issue is there was no succession setup, and the gnomes 
must be appeased before any new work can go on referencing the old. 
You are free to take a branch of the tree and develop it as you see 
fit according to the open source license.

If you look through past emails to this list serve you may be able to 
recruit like minded individuals who want to do further development.

On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 1:07 AM bcag2 > wrote:


I am a  contributor
and I use more and more DIA for job needs (UML, data base… I
appreciate a lot phpmyadmin dia export!) and also personal needs
(raspberry schematics).

I search information on disable compression file in

and didn't find … then finally found in FAQ:

Are there a repository (git?) access and can I update this french
manual to improve it?

Free regards

*Bertrand * (alias bcag2 on the web) 

send from a free OS...under Ubuntu (GNU/Linux) !

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Michael E. Ross
(919) 585-6737 Land
(919) 901-2805 Cell and Text
(919) 576-0824  Tablet, 
Google Phone and Text

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Re: How to share dia files with an embedded image

2018-10-31 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 31 octobre 2018 00:28:28 GMT+01:00, Eduard Nicodei via dia-list 
 a écrit :
>Hi Ritesh,
>I have looked at the history and it seems that "Inline Data" (embedded
>images) is not present on the 0.97.X versions.  Given that the last
>version is 0.97.2, it will not be supported there.  It will only be
>supported on the newer Mac/Linux versions.
>Hope this helps,
>Hi everybody, I've just recently started digging through dia history as
>think it is a great project and hate to see development slowing down on
>and would like (if time permits) to help out.  Please correct me if any
>the above answer is incorrect.  Thanks!

There is no active project maintainer since the sudden die of Stephen, I think 
2011. Regrets.

He done the windows port, and his family 
seeked for a takeover, somewhat as testimony, but nobody does.
See "dia for windows" site, and his blog/personal page which was still active 
last year.

You can contact the "gnome project maintainers" in order to take control of the 
Dia Project (there is a procedure in case maintainers of a project are not 
still active).

There are obviously criterias/capabilities to fullfill in order to enlist as 
maintainer, and development history scrinity is obviously one of the most 
important ones to conduct.

Having no capabilities in C nor in large programming here...

Best regards,

>On Tue, 30 Oct 2018 at 17:14, Ritesh Patel via dia-list
>> Hi,
>> I want to share dia files with Images used in diagram.
>> According to documentation it is possible, Using option "Inline
>data". But
>> for windows installation this option can not be found. So is it
>working on
>> windows, or it is only available for Mac/Linux.
>> Or anything else that I am missing in settings?
>> Thanks.
>> ___
>> dia-list mailing list
>> FAQ at
>> Main page at

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Re: Dia Flowchart

2018-08-23 Thread Thomas Harding
.chm is (has been) native windows "packed html" format for documentation.

If it has been dropped from native installations you should find a convenient 
browser through Microsoft support.

See also pdf formats here :

Le 23 août 2018 12:27:46 GMT+02:00, Benjamin Cooper via dia-list 
 a écrit :
>Dear Sirs,
>I have installed Ver. 0.97.2 on my Windows 10 laptop for evaluation
>purposes. The Help topics are in .chm file format which I cannot open.
>Please advise?
>Thanks and regards,
>Ben Cooper
>Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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Re: Dia Flowchart/UML Animation

2018-08-12 Thread Thomas Harding
Le 9 août 2018 03:15:28 GMT+02:00, "Fazelpour, Alireza" 
 a écrit :
>Hello Support Team,
>First of all, thanks to all people who have developed Dia Diagramming
>tool. I use it in my classes as a flowchart/UML diagramming tool.
>I am looking for animating flowchart and UML diagrams as some students
>are visual learner and prefer diagrams rather than pseudocodes.
>I use jQuery, JavaScript for animating pseudocodes. However, I have had
>some problems animating flowchart and UML diagrams. I am working on it.
>I use bxSlider as an image slider to animate flowcharts. It works fine
>if I take a photo of my flowcharts but when I export flowcharts as jpeg
>files, it does not work. Any help is appreciated.
>But it came to my mind that if Dia can provide features to animate
>diagrams, it could be very beneficial. If you rely this suggestion to
>the development team, I really appreciate.
>Thanks & Regards,
>Alireza Fazelpour, Ph.D.
>Professor III
>Computer Science and Information Technology (MS #49)
>Palm Beach State College
>4200 Congress Avenue
>Lake Worth, FL  33461
>Ph:  561-868-3220|Fax:  561-868-3640
>Please note: Due to Florida's broad open records law, most written
>communication to or from College employees is public record, available
>to the public and the media upon request. Therefore, this e-mail
>communication may be subject to public disclosure.

You could export as svg then use "sozi", which provides transitions between 
Je suis née pour partager, non la haine, mais l'amour.
Sophocle, /Antigone, 442 av. JC___
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Re: Forking and building a new version of dia

2018-07-15 Thread Thomas Harding
Le 10 juillet 2018 18:15:29 GMT+02:00, Marco van Beek  a 
écrit :
>I am a regular user of dia, and am saddened that it is slowly decaying
>as a project.
>I have an idea that might help create a new version with functionality
>not found in any other system.
>I have been documenting a fairly large system and realised how quickly
>the diagrams will go out of date, just because cables get moved, and so
>So it occurred to me that given the xml data format, it should be
>reasonably easy to come up with a client-server version, using an API
>on a standard LAMP/WAMP server.
>With that in mind, I am happy to put some time into the server side,
>using apache to do the authentication, php to send/receive the XML and
>images, and MySQL / MariaDB for the database. There would have to be
>some sort of admin interface, and also an easy way to change, for
>example, that PC21 is now plugged into wall port 65, and so on. Then
>every time you need to issue a diagram, all you have to do is load the
>data from a query, and maybe tweak the layout. 
>This would also make it multiuser, since people patching could be
>adding data without the person doing the diagrams having to stop work,
>or do it all themselves.
>There may be a system already out there we could tap into with just an
>API but I am thinking that this could be really powerful.
>So what do people think? I think we would have to fork the project, but
>if it is dying anyway that is often the easiest way to take control.
>dia-list mailing list
>FAQ at
>Main page at

The better if someone have capability would be to takeover Dia project, as it's 
last maintainer, Steffen Macke, died 4 years ago.

It seems the way is to contact the Gnome project's maintainers.

Note he also helded up the MS Windows build and site.

IMHO, keeping alive the upstream project is the fair way where fork is 

But obviously that's up to who wants to work on it.

(you could also take a look at GNU Affero-GPL regarding client-server effort, 
in order to keep your future stuff free from companies)

Best regards,
Je suis née pour partager, non la haine, mais l'amour.
Sophocle, /Antigone, 442 av. JC
dia-list mailing list
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Main page at

Re: Doing some work on Dia

2018-06-03 Thread Thomas Harding
Le 3 juin 2018 19:03:39 GMT+02:00, Michael Ross  a 
écrit :
>There are probably authors out there to discuss Dia with:
>Steffen is still out there:
>I personally think Dia continues to be a worthwhile program.  I still
>it. But I am not a coder, and I am happy using it as is.  I will be
>disappointed when it falls out of OS support. It still runs what i want
>under Win10.
>On Sun, Jun 3, 2018 at 8:47 AM, Thomas Harding
>> Le 3 juin 2018 12:00:45 GMT+02:00, Tomas Pospisek
> a
>> écrit :
>> >Hello everybody,
>> >
>> >Am 11.02.2018 um 19:03 schrieb Tomas Pospisek:
>> >
>> >> Also wondering a bit about the health of Dia [...]
>> >
>> >So I'm very slowly doing some work on dia [0]. I'm trying to
>> >everything I do via Dia's bug trackers [1] (new) [2] (legacy).
>> >
>> >Also I have asked here and also in Gnome developper's IRC channel
>> >to
>> >get fixes and work upstream, but haven't had anybody yet to take up
>> >responsibility to either guide patches und work upstream or to let
>> >do
>> >the work upstream. If anybody'd know how to proceed here, then I'd
>> >very happy to know.
>> >
>> >Anyway, if anybody wants to help:
>> >
>> >* triaging bugs
>> >* providing patches or testing patch
>> >* going through dia forks [3] and extracting useful things
>> >
>> >then you're very welcome :-)! I'll also gladly take pull requests
>> >[4]
>> >
>> >Greetings!
>> >*t
>> >
>> >[0]
>> >[1]
>> >[2]
>> >
>> status=REOPENED_status=NEEDINFO_id=313412&
>> product=dia_format=advanced
>> >[3]
>> >[4]
>> >___
>> >dia-list mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >FAQ at
>> >Main page at
>> It seems no one can get in in touch with dia maintainers for years.
>> I expect that happened after SO complained "here" for a commercial
>> distribution of dia, presented as a MS Visio clone (as I remain, a
>> thread tittled "Dia is a ripp-off").
>> If anyone wants to enlist as maintainer, I guess the only way is to
>> writing to , hoping they'll allow a new one.
>> See that page :
>> --
>> Je suis née pour partager, non la haine, mais l'amour.
>> Sophocle, /Antigone, 442 av. JC
>> ___
>> dia-list mailing list
>> FAQ at
>> Main page at
>Michael E. Ross
>(919) 585-6737 Land
>(919) 901-2805 Cell and Text
>(919) 576-0824 <> Tablet,
>Google Phone and Text

Steffen didn't have any activity on any channels I checked since 2014. Even 
more, all provided pointers on that page points to cybersquatting or 404.

Something has happened.
Je suis née pour partager, non la haine, mais l'amour.
Sophocle, /Antigone, 442 av. JC___
dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

Re: Doing some work on Dia

2018-06-03 Thread Thomas Harding
Le 3 juin 2018 12:00:45 GMT+02:00, Tomas Pospisek  a écrit :
>Hello everybody,
>Am 11.02.2018 um 19:03 schrieb Tomas Pospisek:
>> Also wondering a bit about the health of Dia [...]
>So I'm very slowly doing some work on dia [0]. I'm trying to document
>everything I do via Dia's bug trackers [1] (new) [2] (legacy).
>Also I have asked here and also in Gnome developper's IRC channel how
>get fixes and work upstream, but haven't had anybody yet to take up
>responsibility to either guide patches und work upstream or to let me
>the work upstream. If anybody'd know how to proceed here, then I'd be
>very happy to know.
>Anyway, if anybody wants to help:
>* triaging bugs
>* providing patches or testing patch
>* going through dia forks [3] and extracting useful things
>then you're very welcome :-)! I'll also gladly take pull requests :-)
>dia-list mailing list
>FAQ at
>Main page at

It seems no one can get in in touch with dia maintainers for years.

I expect that happened after SO complained "here" for a commercial distribution 
of dia, presented as a MS Visio clone (as I remain, a long thread tittled "Dia 
is a ripp-off").

If anyone wants to enlist as maintainer, I guess the only way is to writing to , hoping they'll allow a new one.

See that page :
Je suis née pour partager, non la haine, mais l'amour.
Sophocle, /Antigone, 442 av. JC
dia-list mailing list
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Seeking for Dia maintainerd [Was: Re: Print to large format printers]

2018-04-23 Thread Thomas Harding
Le 19 avril 2018 09:44:25 GMT+02:00, Michael Ross  a 
écrit :
>I have no experience with large format printers. Pen plotter for large
>formats, not printers. I have never sent Dia to a pen plotter.

Hello Michael,

I know you for a Dia old'timer, and It seems there is no activity on Dia from 
it's maintainers for years.

Did you heard of at least one of them is "alive" ?

Someone is currently taking over and contacted me today by mail, seeking for a 
new team (and I have no capabilities in C/C++ coding).

>Good luck!
>Michael E. Ross
>(919) 585-6737 Land
>(919) 901-2805 Cell and Text
>(919) 576-0824  Tablet,
>Google Phone and Text

Je suis née pour partager, non la haine, mais l'amour.
Sophocle, /Antigone, 442 av. JC
dia-list mailing list
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Re: Finding a solution for printing a dia diagram on large format printers

2018-04-22 Thread Thomas Harding
Le 21 avril 2018 19:02:01 GMT+02:00, basaburu  a écrit :
>I need to print a planning map several meters long on a large format
>The largest format offered in "dia" is an A0
>I need to print 1m vertically and horizontally indefinitely

The better to do is to "fit page" in Dia, then export as PDF, then edit the PDF 
file to fit the 1 meter dimension by using tools such as "pdfjam".

Note ipp (lp) options exists too, or options from numerous pdf readers on the 
shelf which could allow large prints. But that would be somewhat manual.

>How can I get this?
>Is it possible to tell "dia" that the page formatting is like this?
>Thank you very much
>dia-list mailing list
>FAQ at
>Main page at

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Sophocle, /Antigone, 442 av. JC
dia-list mailing list
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Re: Can one easily add connection points to shapes?

2018-01-14 Thread Thomas Harding
Le 14 janvier 2018 04:39:53 GMT+01:00, Andrey Repin  a 
écrit :
>Greetings, Chris Green!
>> Can one add connection points to shapes using the GUI or does one
>> to edit the shape to do it?  I want a rectangle with more than one
>> connection point on each side.

Shape is "a rectangle"

>It needs manual edition of the shape, but it's not hard enough to be
>If you show us a shape and explain connection points you want to add,
>we can
>show you a step-by-step example so you can do it yourself for other

That works with "custom shapes", which are defined by a xml "dia" file format 
(which encapsulate a subset of svg 1.1 xml - scalable vector graphics).

"Dynamic" shapes are defined programmatically, and that's the case of "standard 

So, for that purpose, you should stat from "Assorted forms / perfect square" 
where you'll change "aspectratio" element "type" attribute from "fixed" to 
(copy from /usr/share/dia/shapes/Assorted/ the .shape file, note the png file 
is for ui and could mess you).

IMHO that's definitely not practical.

If you are nessed up with mathematics, you could also " snap to grid " a 
polyline, with convenient connection points as "physical" ones, then export it 
as something.shape.

That's an heavy process too.

In both case use File / shape & sheets menu to record it (create a sheet 
first). Everything will be recorded in your $HOME/.dia.

That would be great to have a "shape" design mode, but any advanced user with C 
capability have already his own workarounds ^^

Je suis née pour partager, non la haine, mais l'amour.
 Sophocle, Antigone, 442 av. J.C.
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Re: Servers CISCO

2017-11-29 Thread Thomas Harding
You can record a dia file as shape with dia GUI.

You can also author a SVG file by hand, or use a SVG drawing program, such as 
Inkscape, while only a subset of SVG 1.1 is used, flat it (groups, viewports), 
then embed it in a dia ".shape" file with connexion points.

 (see Dia [English] documentation for dia shape and sheet formats and GUI)

See also

for other dia sheets, as dia is huge enough to not distribute dozens of 
non-programmatics shapes systematically.

I think a good effort for dia future would be to improve ".shape" format to 
handle shape programmatic modification : the shape "base" in the SVG namespace 
as it is done today, and "repeatable/modifiable dia element in dia namespace " 
attributes and connexion points placeholders, where it could use viewports.

Think of how UML is done today /in/ dia and how it could be done /with/ dia :-) 

Best Regards,

Le 29 novembre 2017 01:00:43 GMT+01:00, Andrey Repin  a 
écrit :
>Greetings, Andrew Zagorski!
>> Where is there a symbol for different types of Servers in DIA? I want
>> to put a file server, a web server, ISS Server, and an SBS server in
>> my diagram. I am able to find the symbol for file server and label
>> However I wish there was a way to delinate the different types with
>> symbols.
>There's five different Cisco categories in Dia.
>Check them all.
>If anything is missing, you can easily draw something yourself.
>With best regards,
>Andrey Repin
>Wednesday, November 29, 2017 02:55:31
>Sorry for my terrible english...
>dia-list mailing list
>FAQ at
>Main page at

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Re: dead?

2017-11-09 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 9 novembre 2017 03:38:21 GMT+01:00, Alejandro Imass  a 
écrit :
>Problem is "eye candy". If a project is stable and good then it's
>dead. Quite the contrary, I think A LOT of people use DIA from their
>Linux distros and don't even know about this list 'cause it just
>So sad that we have this mentality that if it's not shiny and new then
>is shit or "is dead". Consumerism and Edward Louis James Bernays at
>he's best.

I think releases are stable, but the latches between messages on dia ml seemed 
not so long to me. Dia is a quite large software and each step for improvement 
takes now a while (including testing).

Those who are geedy about new functions can ever slurp from svn or git and use 
at their own risks. Or improve and solve bugs in order to allow the next 
release ^^

>On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 5:07 PM, Rob Wortham 
>> There have certainly been emails since 2013. I use Dia and develop
>Python scripts for it too.
>> Rob
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 8 Nov 2017, at 16:44, Ulli Horlacher
> wrote:
>>> Is dia (and this mailing list) dead?
>>> I have subscribed in july and have not seen any mails so far.
>>> The newest entry on
>>> is from 2013!
>>> On
>>> I read:
>>> "Rotation support in the upcoming Dia version 0.98"
>>> When will 0.98 be released? After GNU Hurd? :-}

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Re: vsd2svg - won't conmpile or install rpm?

2017-01-02 Thread Thomas Harding
rpm -ql libvisio-devel
Will give you files path where to prefix in order to get that library headers 
if not in common places (try .configure --help to figure which parameter you'll 
have to pass)

Le 2 janvier 2017 21:22:38 GMT+01:00, Morgan Read  a écrit :
>Hi Valek
>Thanks for getting back - but, unfortunately:
>[*@* tmp]$ sudo dnf install libvisio-devel
>[sudo] password for morgan:
>Last metadata expiration check: 2:12:41 ago on Mon Jan  2 17:59:13
>Package libvisio-devel-0.1.5-3.fc24.x86_64 is already installed,
>Dependencies resolved.
>Nothing to do.
>[*@* tmp]$
>I figured it was something to do with libviso udates and linking?  Or,
>at least some other incompatability between versions of libvisio?
>Many thanks.
>On 27/12/16 18:40, Valek Filippov wrote:
>> Hej Morgan,
>> You likely need "libvisio-devel".
>> -- 
>> Cheers,
>> V.
>> On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Morgan Read > > wrote:
>> Hello folks
>> I'm trying to install/ compile vsd2svg for fedora 24 and I've
>come to a
>> dead end...
>> First up:
>> # dnf list libvisio
>> Last metadata expiration check: 0:17:03 ago on Tue Dec 27
>07:55:53 2016.
>> Installed Packages
>> libvisio.x86_64  
>> @fedora
>> Available Packages
>> libvisio.i686
>> fedora
>> # rpm -q libvisio
>> libvisio-0.1.5-3.fc24.x86_64
>> Trying make, I get:
>> # ./configure
>> checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
>> ... ... ...
>> checking for libvisio... no
>> configure: error: Package requirements (libvisio-0.0) were not
>> No package 'libvisio-0.0' found
>> Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if
>> installed software in a non-standard prefix.
>> Alternatively, you may set the environment variables
>> and libvisio_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
>> See the pkg-config man page for more details.
>> Trying to install the rpm and various permutations of what's at
>> /usr/lib64/libvisio*, I get:
>> [*@* tmp]$ sudo dnf install vsd2svg-0.1.0-5.1.x86_64.rpm
>> Last metadata expiration check: 0:05:13 ago on Mon Dec 26
>16:33:19 2016.
>> Error: nothing provides needed by
>> vsd2svg-0.1.0-5.1.x86_64
>> (try to add '--allowerasing' to command line to replace
>> packages)
>> [*@* tmp]$ ls -al /usr/lib64/libvisio*
>> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 21 Feb  4  2016
>> ->
>> -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 655296 Feb  4  2016
>> /usr/lib64/
>> [*@* tmp]$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/
>> /usr/local/lib64/
>> [sudo] password for morgan:
>> [*@* tmp]$ sudo dnf install vsd2svg-0.1.0-5.1.x86_64.rpm
>> Last metadata expiration check: 0:49:38 ago on Mon Dec 26
>16:33:19 2016.
>> Error: nothing provides needed by
>> vsd2svg-0.1.0-5.1.x86_64
>> (try to add '--allowerasing' to command line to replace
>> packages)
>> [*@* tmp]$ cd /usr/lib64/
>> [*@* lib64]$ ls -al /usr/lib64/libvisio*
>> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 28 Dec 26 17:23
>> -> /usr/lib64/
>> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 21 Feb  4  2016
>> ->
>> -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 655296 Feb  4  2016
>> /usr/lib64/
>> [*@* lib64]$ sudo rm ./
>> [*@* lib64]$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/
>> ./
>> [*@* lib64]$ ls -al /usr/lib64/libvisio*
>> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 32 Dec 26 17:35
>> -> /usr/lib64/
>> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 21 Feb  4  2016
>> ->
>> -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 655296 Feb  4  2016
>> /usr/lib64/
>> [*@* lib64]$ cd /tmp
>> [*@* tmp]$ sudo dnf install vsd2svg-0.1.0-5.1.x86_64.rpm
>> [sudo] password for morgan:
>> Last metadata expiration check: 1:11:31 ago on Mon Dec 26
>16:33:19 2016.
>> Error: nothing provides needed by
>> vsd2svg-0.1.0-5.1.x86_64
>> (try to add '--allowerasing' to command line to replace
>> packages)
>> [*@* tmp]$ sudo dnf --allowerasing install
>> Last metadata expiration check: 1:11:49 ago on Mon Dec 26
>16:33:19 2016.
>> Error: nothing 

Re: background of DIA diagram

2014-11-16 Thread Thomas HARDING

On 16/11/2014 16:02, Michael Ross wrote:
By definition a transparent background makes no sense - you would 
never know it is transparent because it is behind everything else - so 
I probably don't under stand what you are after.

There is nothing in the current version of Dia that has transparency - 
I think it is coming and me be part of the unreleased stuff.

svg color models has an alpha channel. This is not tranparency: this is 
opacity, default to 1. I know Dia for an xml
superset/subset of svg. Obviously, it should be simpler to act on custom 
shapes than programmatic ones, in such case use an embedding group 
will help after export.

A workaround after exort to svg:

So, simply embed your background elements with a g by hand, then set 
opacity and fill-opacity properties on that group (from 0. to 1).

Same for foregrounds elements.

On occasions when I wanted something to be transparent in front of 
another - I have used Inkscape to create it and sometimes GIMP, than 
made an image of it and placed into DIA as a image.  You can expand 
and contract that image and layer it to be behind whatever else you 
are diagramming.

On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 5:26 AM, Vedran Vucic wrote:


I found how can I change color of DIA diagram background. But,  how to
make it transparent?

Best wishes,

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Re: Margins for A4 sheet

2014-06-12 Thread Thomas Harding
Badly quoted below :

 info on current printed area in centimeters or inches would be useful to 
figure out paging 

(beware that ms-foo print servers makes regularly jokes, especially with 
anything but A4. Which will unlikely be splitted on A4 (an empty or locked' 
tray is sufficient) )

Find the bleeding edges, Luke :p

BTW, I never looked at an ''auto print crop marks'' option (i'm not a tree 

Also associated with something like sozi Inkscape plugin (with direct view in 
a dia XML markeup extention, then JS/viewports for svg or wathever at export), 

It would be a killer feature!

For whose don't know, effect is spotting/clipping on (rotateds as needed) 
rectangles (viewports are for svg what bounding boxes are  in PostScript).

Not a troll: currently I need to export to svg, then half blind inkscape/sozi 
edit.  also I never tried a PDF export of Sozi ''animations'', and expect PDF 
1.n scripting is out of scope).

Sozi is especially good on schematics presentations (teaching, ...)

And thats keeps intact ''unfinite area''... 

B Regards,


Hans Breuer a écrit :
At 10.06.2014 12:35, Dumitru Ursu wrote:
 On 06/10/2014 12:29 PM, Dumitru Ursu wrote:

Actually I have given some thoughts on an optional, more page oriented
but it goes more along the line of multi page programs like Keynote, 
Powerpoint etc.
And your problem at hand would not magically vanish with this, because 
still the user needs to decide how many objects should fit to one page.

 Having one A4 sheet by default is the way people are acustomed to
If you are not willing to adapt do Dia's approach, it's probably best
switch to a program which fits better to you and your needs. Or read
understand Michael's response:

 Or maybe some watermarking at each grid intersection: This is page
I dont understand why page size should be reflected in pixels. Almost
of Dia's shapes are fully scaleable without any information loss.

Not so bad idea from him, even wrong : a watetmark of current printed area #n 
on m, expressed in centimeters or inches - accorded to current page setup (so 
you can figure current scale, estimate how it will look like, eg on paper or on 
screen projection.

I think notably about the ''Sozi'' plugin from ''Inkscape'' (which 
unfortunately need to open the file simutaneously in a web browser, or having a 
clock and a rotate fonctions brain enableds. A task where MS-Windows sucks with 
it's fuckin file locking behavior).

Sozi is based on viewports and something like smil JavaScript enabled.


We could poll on polls usability !

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Re: Margins for A4 sheet

2014-06-11 Thread Thomas Harding
Sorry for long quote : tht's tedious with a cellphone to wipe :)

So, your method is the right one: starting from templates where needed.

And fortunately it would be easy to code, with almost no impact on ui: ''new 
diagram'' ''pause'' ''from template'' ''templates menu'' ;

 keeping ''new diagram'' short click as usual. 

Ability to add templates would be great, keeping settings into (sheets, 
colors), would be a must... (long future).

I have not even an hour to code that. But I'm tired of that regular flamewar 
subject on Dia list!

Any volunteer 0:=


Michael Ross a écrit :
I have a Dia called Start Dia File that has all the settings I like,
size, scale some layers, margins, and so on.  It is completely
for me to expect Dia to have exactly what I want as a default, but this
simple solution does provide that:

When I start up, my Start Dia File is in the list of recently used
and I pick it, then save as another name and move along.  Or in the
inevitable case where some of those those defaults don't fit what I am
doing at the moment, I change the settings.

Don't get me wrong, I have wished for a more conventional way to set
defaults on start up.  But this is what we get unless we learn to write
code.  I seem to recall there was some difficulty providing the change,
it required a lot more work than you might think.  More work than those
doing it were willing to undertake when a simple workflow change solves

This is a common occurrence - a new user has a bunch of suggestions
are often repeats of previous ones from years past) that are not
by experience with the program, how open source work gets done, and an
unwillingness to adapt to what is given.  I have had the same reaction
myself.  If someone points out a functional work around - it may be the
path of least resistance to use it.  We do not understand the inner
workings of SVG, the basis of Dia, and over which the Dia developers do
have any more control over than we do over Dia.

I have been using Dia for more than ten years now.  I have looked
and tried other programs, but I have returned to Dia a number of times,
because it is very utilitarian.  There is actually a community of users
that are promptly helpful (as opposed to a number of other open source
programs I use), and the program is very adaptable - by the user,
intervention of the development group.  In conjunction with Inkscape

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Re: thanks for nothing

2014-02-01 Thread Thomas HARDING

On 31/01/2014 09:41, somebody who carez wrote:

Dia is a very useful tool. Thanks for everything!

The listed contributors do the real job.I have nothing to do with that: 
I just sent a patch years ago.

Free Software don't needs for complains or thanks: it needs for patches, 
traces, and reporting. Slavko has done a good reporting below. And I 
said changes are simple to author.

It's simple to take care :)


On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Thomas HARDING wrote:

On 30/01/2014 20:39, Slavko wrote:

My description was verbose with the demonstration at once. It
was very
simple, e.g.:

+ take look into shape lists and select appropriate one
+ click on shape and click to workplace to add it
+ select proper line type
+ find the connection point (by change the shape color)
+ select text tool
+ add descriptive name
+ here you can enable snap to grid
+ snapping is as this
+ etc

My students are lazy to read anything (except the facebook ;-)
), they
have a problem to understand the written description at all.
Not, they
have not a mental problems (i am not sure with this English term),
but they are modern young people (cca 17-18 years old)...

[I should improve my English too]
Maybe you could upload that description with (localized) captures
on Facebook, or, incredibly more fun, by authoring a video (with
beer and pizza) you'll upload tu Youtube -- screen recording
sucks, but if you has an old 14 cathodic monitor and, more, you
film yourself handi webcam /with bearb/, that could rocks ;)

I am not sure now, is somewhere the tutorial in Get started

No, at least in furbished manuals not in the training course step
by step way.

Actually there is the Dia manual, Chapter 2, entitled Quickstart
(Dia manual is on help button), where Chapter 5 would be more
relevant to actually quickstart the sketch itself.

Unfortunately Chapter 2 is mostly a text synopsis (1 capture
only?), notably linked back once to another section. Also the
Manual  nodes are sliced to subsections level and that breaks too
much the reading flow on most section: sometimes nodes are shorter
than that paragraph -- while some nodes would be /really/ too
verbose once section level sliced.

That is easily tunable on xsl transformation (from Dia sources) as
it is Docbook (I don't remain if done a switch in the Makefile,
but I remain Docbook version is 4/xml, so the light combination
xmllint/xsltproc programs will do the drill -- V5 has only xsl
shema and xsltproc would fail to valid).

Even not fluent in English, don't use the Dia manual/Polish
version at all as it is really outdated. Even English version has
been last revised 2011.

BTW it is really simple to technically author/compile that bloody
doc for years. It just need authors :p

Best Regards,

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Re: thanks for nothing

2014-01-30 Thread Thomas HARDING

On 30/01/2014 20:39, Slavko wrote:

My description was verbose with the demonstration at once. It was very
simple, e.g.:

+ take look into shape lists and select appropriate one
+ click on shape and click to workplace to add it
+ select proper line type
+ find the connection point (by change the shape color)
+ select text tool
+ add descriptive name
+ here you can enable snap to grid
+ snapping is as this
+ etc

My students are lazy to read anything (except the facebook ;-) ), they
have a problem to understand the written description at all. Not, they
have not a mental problems (i am not sure with this English term),
but they are modern young people (cca 17-18 years old)...

[I should improve my English too]
Maybe you could upload that description with (localized) captures on 
Facebook, or, incredibly more fun, by authoring a video (with beer and 
pizza) you'll upload tu Youtube -- screen recording sucks, but if you 
has an old 14 cathodic monitor and, more, you film yourself handi 
webcam /with bearb/, that could rocks ;)


I am not sure now, is somewhere the tutorial in Get started style?
No, at least in furbished manuals not in the training course step by 
step way.

Actually there is the Dia manual, Chapter 2, entitled Quickstart (Dia 
manual is on help button), where Chapter 5 would be more relevant to 
actually quickstart the sketch itself.

Unfortunately Chapter 2 is mostly a text synopsis (1 capture only?), 
notably linked back once to another section. Also the Manual  nodes are 
sliced to subsections level and that breaks too much the reading flow on 
most section: sometimes nodes are shorter than that paragraph -- while 
some nodes would be /really/ too verbose once section level sliced.

That is easily tunable on xsl transformation (from Dia sources) as it is 
Docbook (I don't remain if done a switch in the Makefile, but I remain 
Docbook version is 4/xml, so the light combination xmllint/xsltproc 
programs will do the drill -- V5 has only xsl shema and xsltproc would 
fail to valid).

Even not fluent in English, don't use the Dia manual/Polish version at 
all as it is really outdated. Even English version has been last revised 

BTW it is really simple to technically author/compile that bloody doc 
for years. It just need authors :p

Best Regards,
dia-list mailing list
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Re: thanks for nothing

2014-01-29 Thread Thomas HARDING

On 29/01/2014 21:35, Octavio Alvarez wrote:

On 01/29/2014 12:27 PM, Beatrice Nilsson wrote:

I don't know which version of Dia I tried to use, I just clicked
download on your webpage yesterday, 28/1. I use Windows 7, 64-bit
Professional edition.
To complete on usability: Dia goal is to design general logical draws 
such as diagrams and charts (there are other programs if you need a 
specific diagram task, such as UML design, but Dia offers flexibility 
and programatic I/O you can extend yourself). Dia has nothing to do with 
a general drawing program. Take a look on its homepage and online 

More generally, the only good way to find a program which fit your needs 
is to take a look at its homepage and documentation (with except for: 
you benefits a software package system with convenient metadata, index 
and search engine, what you find for years on most GNU/Linux general 
purpose distributions).

I know there are plently of bulk download sites, plently of freeware, 
adware and footware, and they generally sucks on any side but display 
ads. Don't blame a program [making bananas perfectly]: shame is on 
download site [claiming dishonestly that program did the strawberries 
you want].


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Re: DIA - Problem with printing

2013-12-20 Thread Thomas HARDING

[I expect no traffic from maintainers on that day's]

Not at all: by default, setup is done to print several pages -- because 
it assumes you'll draw large diagrams. So: do the setup on diagram 
preferences to fit one page on printing (fine blue lines will enclose 
your diagram and that area will increase together with)

There is no fee licensed version of Dia, at least in mainstream (and 
any fork of will have same license -- GPL, with source code as no extra 
cost -- or, at option, will be illegal).


On 17/12/2013 22:04, Lorenz Bachmeier wrote:


I’m using your program to picture a process. If I print this page, 
only half of the page is printed: The forms are visible, the 
inscription disappear down the middle. What’s the reason for? Is it 
due to the license?

Thank you very much!

Kind regards,


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Re: Electrical project

2013-07-26 Thread Thomas HARDING
Hello / bonjour

the custom shapes section of Dia manual will help. There are
limitations to the SVG1/1 specs (only a subset is implemented -- think
no gradients nor splines, but this is given in the manual).

le chapitre custom shapes du manuel de Dia devrait fournir la réponse.
Les spécifications SVG 1/1 ne sont pas implémentées à 100%, et les
balises utilisables sont données par le manuel.

you can also import a svg file (if in the svg subset), then save it as a
dia shape. There is also an interface to build sheets (collections of

En important un fichier svg compatible, on peut également le sauver
comme une forme dia. Il existe une interface graphique pour construire
des collections ou feuilles (sheets) de formes (shapes).

IMHO, it is preferable to hand-writing the SVG code, even only for cleanup.


Le 25/07/2013 21:39, christophe cabrera a écrit :
 Hi all,
 Sorry for my english, but i’m french ...
 Since fewyears, i made (modified) an web application LogEleec(based on
 I make a important librairie with Inkscape.
 Application link :
 Forum link :
 Actually, a lot of people asked us to make a offline version.
 I find DIA, i tryed to import all my librairie (SVG) but idon’t find
 how can i do.
 If someone can help me,you would be welcome.
 Thanks alot for your help.

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Re: license

2013-07-13 Thread Thomas Harding
(In short: Dia is GPL licensed)

Aucun problème concernant l'installation et l'utilisation, et ce quel
qu'en soit l'usage :

Dia est un Logiciel Libre, sous Licence Publique Générale GNU version 2.

En revanche, la redistribution du logiciel, qu'il soit modifié ou non,
doit également être effectuée sous le seing de ce contrat de licence (cf

Le 10/07/2013 15:30, a écrit :
 Hi I woul like to install DiA on my destop

 I am a employe of the city of montreal

 can i install for free the sofware DIA on my computer

 Thanks in advance

 René Lachance
 Inspecteur en bâtiment.

 Division de la voirie, de l'ingénierie et du développement du domaine
 Direction des travaux publics

 Arrondissement de Villeray—Saint-Michel—Parc-Extension
 7501 François-Perrault, bureau 122
 Montréal, Qc, H2A 1M1

 Tél. : (514) 872-6590
 Téléc. : (514) 868-4067

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Re: Dia shapes - Belgian domestic electricity

2013-02-24 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 23/02/2013 23:38, Killian De Volder a écrit :
For the bounding box: putted a invisible X in the image to grantee 
the grid snapping.

(Also makes calculating the default with and height a breeze :).

Few more questions:
 - Can I add a thing in the file that gives it properties to modify 
the object ?
   (I have some icons that will looks very similar, so a object 
properties to toggle some extra lines on or off would be nice.)

   Or do I have to make 1 shape per deviation ? (Preferred ?)
 - Where can I set the default font-size for a shape ?
   (Before the user specifies the preferred font size.)
 - What license should I put these files under ? :p
   (BSD, LGPL, GPL ?)

[note: your post is the better mean to launch a flamewar on any Free 
Software mailing list]

The simpler is to choose Dia license itself, which is GPLv2.

Among other compatible licenses for distribution together with Dia, 
you'll find /modified BSD/ and LGPLv2.

Drawback is : there is no copyleft at all for the first (you can sell it 
together with proprietary software [fr: un logiciel privateur] eg. with 
modifications /and/ in an unreadable format), and it is lesser strong 
for the second (you still need to give also a readable format).

*Depending on your wishes*, this can be for you a drawback or not :)


 * Nowadays LGPL can be left back in favor of GPL, as GPL software has 
been spread enough and it is not needed proprietary software benefits 
longer on Libre one... (and in my opinion proprietary software can be 
safely dropped out).

 * Your work is a technical one... For an artistic work (such as 
fancy icons) I'll choose CC-By-SA-3.0 unported, because Free Artistic 
Work is not widely spread /and/ publicity is still needed to kill the 
Piracy word which in contrary is, in interest of companies... but not 
authors :).

Best regards,
dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

Re: DIA: improving existing and developing new templates

2013-02-07 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 07/02/2013 16:59, darrrylctx a écrit :
I would like to change/add functionality to some existing DIA 
templates and possible create some new ones.

How is this done, and what is the best resource for learning how to do it?

Dia format uses a subset of svg 1.1 specification from W3C.

For the static ones you would author by hand or in an svg editor,  the 
easiest way is to follow the custom shapes chapter provided by the 
manual :)

In short, custom shapes are an svg 1.1 xml subset, which is embedded 
in a shape xml tag with, at option, one text tag.

For dynamic ones (what you have eg with lines or UML), the current way 
is C programming.

Any shapes set can be ~sorted in sheets, which are also xml.

There are also a menu item in save as to export a diagram as a shape, 
and a button opening a toolbox to edit sheets.

This last method is limited to your home directory, especially for 

Best Regards, and good authoring,
dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

Re: @ Tom Harding - enhance misc:tree

2013-01-24 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 24/01/2013 02:34, Jeremy S a écrit :


(my first post here: I _like_ Dia... a lot!)

I'm looking to use the dynamic 'tree' shape/object in a plumbing 
schematic but would welcome a bit more control over its properties. At 
the moment the only configurable property is the line colour, and I'd 
like to set (at least) the line width - so I've been reading through 
your C code (tree.c) and trying to see if I can spot where I would 
need to add some code.

I'm not too hot at C, but am prepared to give it a go - before I 
start, I was wondering if would you be able to make an estimate of 
whether it's a relatively small bit of work (30 lines of code)?

All my apologizes : I'm not an exeperienced C programer and misc/tree is 
just a hack from network/ethernet bus !

However some scalable nodes (.., .,/.directory, /directory 
(including / for last)) should be added too to complete a true 
filesystems sheet.

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Re: For Windows platform: which Dia plugin or App to simplify design and documentation of small Database Applications ?

2012-10-28 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 28/10/2012 09:18, Edzo A. Botjes a écrit :

Hi All,

I have not followed this thread with great detail,
but for the question open-source light weigh database incl interface
Try sqlite (
via a firefox plugin you can create and manage the database:
if the plugin does not work for you, here is the sqllite list they 
created themselfs:

I used this for a few small projects, and works perfectly for that.

That's the name I forgotten while talking about lightweight solutions 

I don't know of current status, but a few years ago nor types nor 
foreign keys[1] were /on the goal/, so it was needed you to handle that 
in your appliance.

However, is a perl script (that page lists 
dependencies), and seems 
giving a good enough tutorial to

author a convenient Dia file.

as stated here:
It is (the tutorial) still available for parsediasql (debian: 

the last can generate statements for  numerous databases, such as IBM 
DB2, Informix,
Ingres, MySQL (InnoDB, MyISAM), Oracle, Postgres, SQLite version 3 
([1]/with foreign key support/, so it could be on for both now ;), Sas, 


I searched, have been read the tutorial, writing also this : I'm awake 
since 10.15AM,

it is 11.11AM :)

I can author a Dia sample, then test it and send both diagram and 
result. I think it will took
half an hour more (I'm puzzled by GUIs: I learned to read and write, not 
to draw)


And, yes, things has changed since I used for dia2sql :)
dia-list mailing list
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Re: For Windows platform: which Dia plugin or App to simplify design and documentation of small Database Applications ?

2012-10-28 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 28/10/2012 11:13, Thomas Harding a écrit :

I can author a Dia sample, then test it and send both diagram and 
result. I think it will took
half an hour more (I'm puzzled by GUIs: I learned to read and write, 
not to draw)


And, yes, things has changed since I used for dia2sql :) 

Done *a minimal one*.

It was not so obvious, you can double-click on tables and relation

I still get errors:
tom@salon:~$ parsediasql --db postgres --file Desktop/database.dia  

[INFO] Replaced serial with integer
[INFO] components is an empty ARRAY ref

But it results correct statements.

It's a 2 tables sample (book / authors), books has ISBN, I have no idea 
of authors id, there can be same pen names and any other info is unsure: 
so it is numeric /serial :)

Sample has to be improved (mixed letters case, etc..), and isbn and 
serial are Postgres specific.

Description: application/dia-diagram
attachment: database.svg-- Parse::SQL::Dia  version 0.20  
-- Documentation
-- Environment  Perl 5.014002, /usr/bin/perl  
-- Architecture i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi-64int 
-- Target Database  postgres  
-- Input file   Desktop/database.dia  
-- Generated at Sun Oct 28 12:27:02 2012  
-- Typemap for postgres not found in input file   

-- get_constraints_drop 
alter table book drop constraint fk_author_id ;

-- get_permissions_drop 

-- get_view_drop

-- get_schema_drop
drop table Author;
drop table book;

-- get_smallpackage_pre_sql 

-- get_schema_create
create table Author (
   idserialnot null,
   name  varchar   ,
   surname   varchar   ,
   date_of_birth timestamp ,
   date_of_death timestamp ,
   pen_name  varchar   ,
   constraint pk_Author primary key (id)
)   ;
create table book (
   isbn  isbnnot null,
   title varchar ,
   author_id integer ,
   constraint pk_book primary key (isbn)
)   ;

-- get_view_create

-- get_permissions_create

-- get_inserts

-- get_smallpackage_post_sql

-- get_associations_create
alter table book add constraint fk_author_id 
foreign key (author_id)
references Author (id) ;
dia-list mailing list
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Re: For Windows platform: which Dia plugin or App to simplify design and documentation of small Database Applications ?

2012-10-28 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 28/10/2012 12:38, Thomas Harding a écrit :

Le 28/10/2012 11:13, Thomas Harding a écrit :

I can author a Dia sample, then test it and send both diagram and 
result. I think it will took
half an hour more (I'm puzzled by GUIs: I learned to read and write, 
not to draw)


And, yes, things has changed since I used for dia2sql :) 

Done *a minimal one*.

[see quoted post for attachments]
Dia can helps on design/design to code, while it is not the only tool 
(especially for

Java/MS-Windows you seems to target on... there is Eclipse)

Dia will help you if you need for separate tools (one tool, one function).
dia2code is a good one (for skeleton).

About other question (which RDBMS/DB engine to use) :

It could not be the right question! (really powerful  extensible, 
high scalability) (I'm not aware of extensibility (eg: 
new types), can have small footprint, while needs Java: are you aware of 
the 2GB limit/32bits?) (library, really small footprint, 
but no type coercition -- eg as in Python, more likely as in Perl (you 
fix a preffered type, it can change ; while in python a variable is not 
type-ed, but while fixed needs ~type cast), also: don't expect 
concurrency, eg to use on a (dynamic) web server this is definitely not 

there are also numerous other database models than object-relational 
(and even for last there is not only SQL to query/define):

So, the real question is: what do you want to do? how big is your data? 
do you need for foreign keys, table inheritance, ...? have you special 
types which needs a real coercition more than to be checked by triggers 
(or externally by your appliance)? is your appliance mono or multi-user? 
is your data relational (eg, see Apache CouchDB)?

In fact, to design your appliance on a schematic (UML class diagram is 
one of, especially to design underlying database, but this is not the 
only and you definitely must not forget the other UML ones!) will help 
you to decide.

Whatever you decide, the benchmarks are your matter and you'll need to 
experiment for your case with several prototypes /and/ a fake data set 
suiting your requirements, as possible as large as you'll fill.

My opinion is: excepting for big data, it matters now only for 
embedded and handhelds (if it fails elsewhere, your code is definitely 
badly designed).

Note: on Linux you have memstat if you want check for memory 
consumption... I expect a graphical tool on MS-W$ also exists.

dia-list mailing list
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[OT] Re: For Windows platform: which Dia plugin or App to simplify design and documentation of small Database Applications ?

2012-10-27 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 27/10/2012 02:40, Andrey Repin a écrit :

Greetings, Paul Smith!

@  Andrey
Thank you for your suggestion of MySQL Workbench.  Interesting lead.
With MySQL in the name I had assumed not worth investigating for use with
HSQLDB (when choosing a RDBMS I was looking for one adhering closely to SQL
standards and suitable for a low power platform such as a nettop, so I
rejected MySQL as read it was not very compliant, also the Oracle takeover
sounds bad news for it).
Greetings Paul, this discussion is largely off-topics here, but your 
initial question was how to

design a /simple/ database.

In order to, with Dia you must use for UML sheet, with classes and 
relations between, then specific scripts (I guess they are numerous now) 
in order to generate DDL from Dia file.

I'ts a long time I didn't use and I can't remain the whole, but as far 
as I know properties has 2 parts, and if I remain correctly in the 
second were placed foreign keys and constraints.

You could find convenient information on that docs scripts themselves :)

About SQL servers, hardware requirements depends essentially on how 
large are the data and how complex is the database (also for MySQL you 
can use table which do not handle relational (FK) model at all).

As said, you can tune MySQL and designed databases for a small 
footprint, while you'll loose even relational in some cases.

If databases are fairly large and complex, PostgreSQL is the better 
choice, offering advanced models,  also numerous languages (for stored 
procedures and triggers), and it occupies what it really needs, and 
numerous connectors (including odbc, unsure of jdbc).

MS SQL is a fork from initial Postgres branch (have been given also 
Ingres, which AFAIK turned back Free Software), then... years ago, MS 
SQL main engineer said we failed (about what some queries /should/ 
returns). Hardware requirements are simply huge regarding db contents.

What I know of Oracle it is: you need a database engineer (doing select 
bluk from V$database where... n times with n V$ tables / fields just to 
get schema is stupid, also I heard tablespaces can grows now 
automatically but... this is just a sample of the nightmare what you'll 
get). Last but not least : it is proprietary, there is a restricted 
free beer version, but costs are simply astronomical.

There are also appliances SQL databases engines such as libraries, but 
you'll need to implement anything else by program, and they are intended 
for standalone appliances.

Last, I'm quite surprised how big is a needed machine to run a simple 
server with Windows as OS :)

Best Regards,
dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

Re: Your software Dia

2012-10-27 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 26/10/2012 20:14, a écrit :

Dear developers,

I am writing you regarding your software Dia.

This is Ronny Gey and I am the admin of the website - Social Science Software. I added your software
in our database and would like to inform you with this mail.

Please, see here the details on your software:

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me.

I'm not a Dia  developer, but did given an eye on your software list and 

1) my English is far from perfect, but I can't handle German at all :)

2) you display a screenshot, which is good, but I can't find scope of 
usage, even if

  first line could say diagram authoring.

What could be really interesting would have capabilities listed, 
then usability etc, rated (eg by stars or score n/10)

Your table is a good idea, I suppose there are numerous ones, to scope 
on scientific engineering will reduce public but you'll get an accurate one.

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Re: [long+short] autorouting patch status?

2012-10-17 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 16/10/2012 22:07, Hans Breuer a écrit :

Also AFAIK OGDF is not packaged by standard Linux 
distributions so the build integration is a bit rough at the moment. 
for details.

= agree
tom@salon:~$ apt-cache search ogdf
libogdf-tulip-3.7.0 - Open Graph Drawing Framework shared library, built 
for Tulip

libtulip-ogdf-3.7 - Tulip graph library - OGDF runtime

Seems packaged for tulip only. I will try that at first pass but expect
non standard path / ldconfig.

nevertheless, its obviously preferable to turn DEBUG_FLAGS on...

* Q: are coin and abacus libs also needed regarding ogdf functions used 

ogdf /can/ be linked together with coin and abacus

I just begin, so in doubt I'll begin to link to coin library from 
sources (libcoin60(+ -dev)

is packaged, so it would be a second pass)

also, abacus is not packaged in Debian/wheezy, so I will compile it = 

then same for ogdf (with your Makefile edited accordingly)

(Note I have no capability to a Debian ITP as it needs long term 

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Re: [long+short] autorouting patch status?

2012-10-16 Thread Thomas Harding

Ooops: was auto layout, not autorouting
Threads refs below ;)

Le 16/10/2012 10:43, tpo2 a écrit :

On Sat, 13 Oct 2012 23:26:31 +0200, Thomas Harding wrote:

[I'm French, and English grammar (especially terse) and syntax are
difficult to me while writing]

I wonder of autorouting patch status.

It has been posted here a while ago (3 years?) by someone as a part of
his graduate thesis.

Feature was: shapes was automatically dispatched regularly while line
and connection points
remained attached to them, then you could move the whole just by click
and point one shape
-- and the batch were moved together then re-dispatch, or manually place
one shape same
as Dia habits.

Do you maybe have a link to the mailing list post in case?

Obviously, videos on Google stuff are no longer available ;)

Thread start :
Hans 1st Answer (mainly: not working :)
A working patch attached here :
An answer on some defaults + patch :

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Re: [long+short] autorouting patch status?

2012-10-16 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 16/10/2012 20:57, Hans Breuer a écrit :

At 16.10.2012 18:21, Thomas Harding wrote:

Ooops: was auto layout, not autorouting
For someone interested in autolayout integration with Dia maybe the 
Layout plug-in started 2011 would be a better starting point:


Hi Hans, nice to meet you here again !

It seems you still worked on on September... a secret new feature or 
just an experiment?

I pinned out, will build  this w/e.

All I can do is to track changes on patch time to time then test on 
Debian/wheezy and  strace/ltrace.

Unsure what I could find.

I hope it would build on last release branch :)

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[long+short] autorouting patch status?

2012-10-13 Thread Thomas Harding


[I'm French, and English grammar (especially terse) and syntax are 
difficult to me while writing]

I wonder of autorouting patch status.

It has been posted here a while ago (3 years?) by someone as a part of 
his graduate thesis.

Feature was: shapes was automatically dispatched regularly while line 
and connection points
remained attached to them, then you could move the whole just by click 
and point one shape
-- and the batch were moved together then re-dispatch, or manually place 
one shape same

as Dia habits.

*[in short until end of post: this was a cool option and it would be 
nice if someone would fix it]*

I just played with it once or too, as it was not well optimized (memory, 
speed, response


Such autorouting could be useful, especially when using SQL2dia 
(postgres2Dia ?)
or other code/data to Dia canvases programs: I sometimes used for 
SQL2dia, all objects
were same place and it has been a tedious task to dispatch the shapes 
(then do or redo

all connections, I can't remain if they has been already done by SQL2Dia).

Note I don't know how good SQL2Dia works currently (it was in early 

There are recent posts here which points Dia is a software with a 
volunteers development

model [*]:

I counted in too, years ago, with my little skills, on very little parts 
(French translation
of the manual which nobody have improved yet (Debian Wheezy/Dia v0.97.2 
here), then doc
build tidying and some foreign docs integration to the manual). In fact 
dozens of hours.

I'm still very proud to have done that effort (especially in a phase of 
depression), and was
very surprised to have been especially granted for that in the (0.96?) 
release! ;).

So, here is just an idea:

Depending on what that patch already is and what it should or be planned 
to do, to integrate,
enhance and perfect it /could/ involve heavy mathematics and programming 
knowledge (and

I can ensure you I have not).

So, depending on needed levels, this would be possibly a good challenge 
to an  engineer to
graduate; a Master or PhD thesis part. Likely as a project team 
(eventually Internet

created and linked).

Creating such a team (supervision, design, Q/I, ...) from scratch and 
integrate it to Dia
development would be a good part of that challenge, as it could seems 
quite innovative to a
supervisor and a thesis committee (while it is an habit to /join/ one 
for internships) :P

In such case I just remain VideoLan started from and has been for long a 
scholar project
of via-ECP  (École Centrale de Paris/Central School of Paris), also the 
Cyrus project is still
hosted by Carnegie Melon University, and I expect some parts of Linux 
and other kernels
too (I knew for an engineer having that kind of thing for graduate 

That one, if even started by any interested[1], will obviously be 
largely smaller and short term.

Personally I don't really need that feature: I can spend for one hour or 
two to place manually

shapes next time.

It's just a cool thing I remember: I'm  currently authoring a training 
course for the LUG I belong to,
then used distribute h/v and... Hey! that auto dispatch menu could 
really help someone on

some tasks! :)

Best regards to all list readers,

[1] You, student, who already uses Dia or currently search for a good 
diagrams authoring program!

[*] In fact the guy who posted for selling copies searched for another 
program Dia something:

 Nothing to do with diagrams, dia is a French prefix for ~dual, 
although the word for diagram
 in French is diagramme, and we have also dualité and 

 He would find first last (a proprietary one) program in any 
Internet search engine by typing

 the two words together :D

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Re: Dia is open source

2012-10-12 Thread Thomas Harding


cette liste est consacrée au logiciel libre de créations de diagrammes 
Dia, qui n'a strictement rien à voir avec la comptabilité financière 
ou analytique, à moins qu'il s'agisse de construire un diagramme des 
processus mis en œuvre, ou d'extraire à partir de ce graphe le squelette 
d'un programme, extraire un modèle de données, ... ou encore inversement 
de construire automatiquement un diagramme à partir de données quelconques.

Auquel cas, il ne s'agirait pas tant de vendre ce logiciel que de 
trouver un ou des développeurs, et financer son adaptation au besoin que 
vous exprimez s'il ne correspond pas à votre cahier des charges.

Vous avez du confondre avec un logiciel homonyme, à moins que les 
adaptations citées supra soient vendues par ailleurs, notamment 
accompagnées des sources et du moyen de le reconstruire parmi d'autres 
conditions contraignantes pour le vendeur, et à l'avantage de 
l'acheteur, qu'il serait assez long de vous expliquer ici (cf GNU 
General Public Licence, version 2 et suivantes).

Bien cordialement,

Le 12/10/2012 19:00, Michael Ross a écrit :

Dia is free, no cost.

How to get and use Dis:
Download it, install it, use it, contribute to its growth and progress.

You might get some benefit from telling your customer that it is not 
necessary to buy Dia.

They might prefer to come back to you for other products.

Whereas, if they discover, after paying for DIa, that is was free, 
they might never return to you for other business.

On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 5:58 AM, Toffolon, Fabien wrote:


We are reseller in France of windows software.

Our web site is :

One of my customers wants to buy:

-DIA “Comptabilité” (It is necessary to plan the possibility of
realization of footbridges of the software THALIA (Gestion
Commerciale) towards financial department )


Put this question to yourself: should I use everyone else to attain 
happiness, or should I help others gain happiness?

*Dalai Lama *

To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
Thomas A. Edison

A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.
*Warren Buffet*

Michael E. Ross
(919) 550-2430 Land
(919) 576-0824 Google 

(919) 631-1451 Cell
(919) 513-0418 Desk

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2012-10-12 Thread Thomas Harding

Le plus surprenant est qu'en tapant dia comptabilité dans le champ de 
saisie du premier moteur de recherches Internet venu, ce dernier vous 
pointe le logiciel en question en première ligne.

Je laisse la publicité de votre boîte en intégral, dès fois qu'un client 
potentiel ait l'idée d'y regarder à deux fois.

Which is especially amazing is that typing dia comptabilité in any 
Internet search engine will point you what you search as first link.

[I let anyone translate the last sentence himself]

Le 12/10/2012 11:58, Toffolon, Fabien a écrit :


We are reseller in France of windows software.

Our web site is :

One of my customers wants to buy:

-DIA “Comptabilité” (It is necessary to plan the possibility of 
realization of footbridges of the software THALIA (Gestion 
Commerciale) towards financial department )


Could you give me the price ?

What is our discount as reseller ?

What are the shipment cost to France ?

What is the way to order ?

Can we pay by credit card or bank transfer ?

Thanks for your answer and best regards.

*Assistant commercial*

Ligne directe +33 4 97 21 58 71
Standard +33 4 97 21 58 50
Fax +33 4 97 21 58 51

Description : Description : Description : Comsoft direct logo_CMYK*
Comsoft *| 120 route des Macarons | BP 265 | 06905 Sophia Antipolis 
Cedex |

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Re: Problem creating custom shapes with editable text

2012-10-02 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 02/10/2012 11:41, Martin Wunderlich a écrit :

Thanks a lot, Eric. This helps a bit. I have compared your XML to the code form my 
shape and noticed that thetextbox  node is not included in my shape. Instead, 
it is using an svg:text element, which apparently is not recognised correctly by Dia. 
If I enter the textbox node into my XML, I can enter text into the shape alright, 
except that I don't know how to specify the formatting or the default text.

Is this documented anywhere? I tried here, but couldn't find anything on the 
required additional options for the textbox element:

If your shape is a custom one, you'll find it:

  On Linux/UNIX:
in your ~/.dia/shapes

if unmodified from main:
  in one of the subdirectories of /usr/share/dia/shapes/, 
depending on sheet it belongs (see Sheets menu, while it can be i-10n).

if found in /usr/share... copy the shape in your ~/.dia/shapes/, You'll 
have to create a convenient sheet (see doc you point above).

then use a simple text editor such as vim, emacs or nano and replace the 
svg:text element by a textbox, according to document format you point in 
your URL.

Unfortunately, I can't help you on other systems.

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Re: Sharp lines - Sub and super -scripts

2012-09-28 Thread Thomas Harding
On 28/09/2012 15:55, Panoutsopoulos, Basile (Computer Electronics and 
Graphics Tech) wrote:


I am sorry, I was not clear. I mean blurred by “not sharp”.

I want to prepare schematic diagrams of electronic circuits and insert 
them into a document.

I just tried it. The *.png format looks better than the jpg.

The *.svg is not imported in a word document. (?)

for word and other M$ stuff, simply use .emf / .wmf export, which 
are vector graphics.

There are also cairo/non cairo choices for both.

emf is more featured, but it seems having diagram size problems while 
importing (Dia v0.97 ? at workplace...).


Is there any future with the superscript and subscript?

Can't answer to that. Anyone else?

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Re: Enquiry diaw.exe for commercial using

2012-07-31 Thread Thomas Harding
There is no restriction in GPL against sales ! What is an obligation is 
to provide source code together or offer it with no extra cost except 
hard-copy/shipping costs to who has buy GPL software.

So, to be honest, as they didn't done any authoring, would be the answer 
this is GPL'ed, has free download repositories for sources, severale 
unices, msWindows...

What service could be charged by an extra company  in case of Dia 
would be quality printed manuals, a source survey and user hotline = 
bug report service (preferably with patches), new ports, improvements, 
or features developpement (shapes, ...). Ideally such a company would 
gave back devel to Dia mainline (according fact Dia is GPL, any of its 
customer would be able to do so)...


On 31/07/2012 17:21, Michael Ross wrote:


You should go to the Dia website and review the license agreement.  I 
personally hope you do not sell it to them and explain to them that is 
is free to use.  No cost.


On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 8:37 AM, Dirk Haller wrote:

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

we got an inquiry from our customer about the following products:

*1 Unit of diaw.exefor commercial using*

Please send a formal quotation with specify terms and conditions
for delivery as well as availability, anticipated delivery time
and delievery
charges/proccesing fees and dealer discounts.
We also need to know which operating system the software supports.
Also we need informations on which language
do you´ll deliever the software. At last let us know on which form
the software will be delievered: Boxproduct or electronicaly

How is the procedure after the first year if our customer buy the
support/maintenance option. Will renewal this automatically and
our customer must cancel this explicit ??
If so we need to know the details about the cancellation procedure.

Please send your quote to my attention at **.

For more informations about our company please have a look on our
homepage ( here you´ll find
an english company profil.

Do you have more questions please sent a short e-mail message,
we´ll answer asap. (No telephone calls please)

Thank you in advance for quick response.

best regards

Dirk Haller
Purchase department

CCP Software, Postfach 520, 35017 Marburg
Tel.: 0049-6421-1701-25
Fax: 0049-6421-1701-10


dia-list mailing list
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Put this question to yourself: should I use everyone else to attain 
happiness, or should I help others gain happiness?

*Dalai Lama *

To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
Thomas A. Edison

A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.
*Warren Buffet*

Michael E. Ross
(919) 550-2430 Land
(919) 576-0824 Google 

(919) 631-1451 Cell
(919) 513-0418 Desk

dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

dia-list mailing list
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Re: Dia covered on my website

2012-06-11 Thread Thomas Harding

On 11/06/2012 16:49, Pat Walsh wrote:
Just a quick line to say 1) thanks very much for producing Dia, its 
excellent and I'm finding it equally good as Visio for producing 
software development diagrams 2) I've covered Dia on my website to 
hopefully spread the word about this excellent package. The link is

Well, Fine, brief.

You could also provide an SVG export (scalar vector graphics, W3 
standard), as it is currently supported by most modern graphic web 
browsers in img tag (not Safari).

Code generation is not covered by your activity, but you could also 
mention it.

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Re: swapping shapes

2012-06-09 Thread Thomas Harding

On 09/06/2012 08:47, vwf wrote:

I installed the Ubuntu packages from the download site but there is a
naming problem with libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0, and libpython2.7 is not
available on Debian stable
You can pin your debian on Wheezy for Dia, but expect a lot of 
unattended upgrades

or, at option add Wheezy as source

in /etc/apt/sources.list
deb-src wheezy main [contrib] [non-free]

 - fr mirror, see mirrors page for your nearest
then simply
# aptitude update
# apt-get install build-essentials
# apt-get build-dep dia
# apt-get source dia
# cd dia_*  dpkg-buildpackage -r fakeroot

In most case this will fit your current debian version for any package, 
for exception the ones needs for new libraries didn't packed yet in your 
current version. Build dependencies are less restrictive on versions.

As a result, I do not have Python with my Dia

As I can see, Python interpreter is a Dia built-in in Wheezy, while I 
didn't make tests.

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Re: Dia in swedish

2012-05-05 Thread Thomas Harding
Le 05/05/2012 00:15, manuk7 a écrit :
 Hi, i take advantage of this discussion to ask how to contribute in
 completing Dia translation in french ? Is there a specific procedure
 or may i edit the last .po and send it by mail on this list ? I didn't
 find any information about it on the site. As it is my first post on
 this list, thanks to all developpers for your great work ! Manu
 ___ dia-list mailing list FAQ
 at Main page at 
While someone given my name on response: I'm not active in Dia
developpement for years --- and was active a few months only :)

What you can do fisrt is to :

 * check for po strings completeness (program strings translaton). this
can be a little bit difficult to handle at first, but fairly simple in fact.
second :

 * there were a major update on dia Manual (C) e few months after I done
the French translation.
   ** I encourage you to learn first xml docbook format / DTD. Check
the current Dia English manual docbook version first,
   especially if docbook version used has increased (even if not
a good idea to use v5 and up, which xsltproc cannot use)
   ** The best way is to full copy English version, then add current
French version sentence to sentence, commenting !-- the
   english sentence -- -- la phrase traduite incorrecte --

= beware on both to set up your file editor as UTF-8, and avoid \cr\lf
(dos line termination).

= follow the patch procedure described on
(bug/patch subission)

hope this helps you to help,
dia-list mailing list
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Re: [PATCH] Highlight color for bright text.

2012-04-16 Thread Thomas Harding
Le Mon, 16 Apr 2012 07:17:22 +0200,
Paul Chavent a écrit :

 I've posted a patch some weeks ago. I'm surprised to had no
 reactions. So, i would like to take a second chance.

Hi Paul,
you should take a look at this page:

Notably the Bugzilla link (after you has been done reading the

You can also mail to Steffen Macke (see credits in about).

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[OT] Re: This software is a rip-off; request a full refund

2012-04-12 Thread Thomas Harding
Le Thu, 12 Apr 2012 00:18:56 +0400,
Andrey Repin a écrit :

 Greetings, Thomas Harding!

Hello! I have been lurking for a long time. Hope I will be silent for a 
long time again :) 

 It could easily be a year's top joke as well.

I agree. April first is a long last tradition in France I also 
noticed in Internet RFC's. (Un)?fortunately, we don't have year's top
tradition, with for except TV mistakes which are merely stupid :)

 But honestly, was it necessary to maintain a full quote of this eBay

Well, apologies: my MUA (Claws Mail) displays as text. My intention
was to full quote the insanity of original content, as the actual
resseler was typed in.

Unfortunately, the poster does not understand irony... nor the fact
English can be also linga franca.

I answered private how unreadable are eye-candy outputs from MS softs
compared to LaTeX, Dia and other third party software combination, and
also given keys on Export.

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Re: This software is a rip-off; request a full refund

2012-04-11 Thread Thomas Harding
Le Tue, 10 Apr 2012 14:26:02 -0400,
Fred Teeboom wrote:

This could be a good stuff for this month's 1sth...

 I ordered your latest version   diaw.exe 0.97, but find your text
 next to impossible to use.  No editing WYSIWYG features

* Unfortunaly, nothing relies Free software authors to a reseller,
  except case you buy it to an author (eg: to implement a feature
  or develop from scratch)!

* It is also permitted to charge without reason, but most likely for
  hard-copying and shipping, and, if so, warranty which is explicitely
  disclaimed in any Free Software licence (so, the re-seller will offer
  separately the warranty as a service). Note you should take a look
  at commercial software licences on warranty, this is a fun.

* A software, incidentally, is a *tool* which is made for an *usage*
  and a *public*. Dia is a diagram software, and if you need to create
  diagrams this is definitely the tool you need. You can also purchase
  MS Visio if you want to marmosets that rotate[1], or ask to GrandMa
  what is a diagram.  

I suggest you turn you back to the reseller, who is the only person
who can offer you a commercial arrangement. Note if he didn't gives you
a way to get the sources you can either sue him. The resseler figures
below on this your mail I left, which is fully accessible to anyone
can read.

Note also you'd better to search before on the ternet before purchasing
what you can obtain *legally* for nothing except a few gigs download.

The other solution is to modify software by yourself then, if you want
to redistribute modified, give the same licence and the software sources
(or an access to them) together.
 It also does not copy to MSWord.

I suggest you a hammer, the best tool to fix anything on a screen.

Most likely, you should read the manual and wonder about what
are png, jpeg, svg, and espacially for the $#*%=+@ Microsoft stuff what
called wmf Windows Meta File and emf Enhanced Meta File.

 Unless you have a better way to use text, I want a full refund.
 Incidentally, this is free software; why did you charge me?
 This software is a rip-off.

No comments.

 From: eBay [] 
 Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2012 6:53 PM
 Subject: Confirmation of your Order of Diagram Technical Drawing MS
 Vision Type Software for Windows 7 PC...
 Thanks for your purchase, teeboom6996!
 S%3A3127 eBay
 html%3FssPageName%3DADME%3AL%3AOC%3AUS%3A3170 Learn more about eBay
 Buyer Protection
 Here's your order confirmation
 Hi teeboom6996,
 Here is a summary of your recent order. You can also view your
 updated order details
 503  in My eBay.
 Thank you for shopping on eBay!
 3 Go to order details
 Order details
 You completed checkout on Mar-31-12 
 Ship to: 
 Payment Details: 
 Fred Teeboom
 24 Cheyenne Dr
 Nashua, NH 03063-3506 US
   Seller: osprojectsoftware_us
 sPageName%3DADME%3AL%3AOC%3AUS%3A1181  ( 1562
 Item Title 
   Shipping Price 
   Item Total 
 Diagram Technical Drawing MS Vision Type Software for Windows 7 PC
 ( 190608993313

Re: Behavior Trees export to json format.

2012-02-07 Thread Thomas Harding
Le Mon, 6 Feb 2012 19:05:56 +0200,
Ekmektsis Dimitris a écrit :
#START import sys, dia
 class BTJSON :def __init__ (self) :
 pass  def begin_render (self, data, filename) :

Well, you should add the python piece code as attachment, with .py as
file extention... (depending on mail reader, its overwise totally

dia-list mailing list
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Re: New LAN icons- question

2011-04-23 Thread Thomas Harding
Le Wed, 20 Apr 2011 20:32:24 +0200,
Slavko a écrit :
 (sorry in Slovak only).

I found on this page a link to your Debian package and source for
these ones, Are all the shapes on this repository 
( from you

Do you plan to integrate them in debian main  ?

Anyway, previews on your web site are beautiful.

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Re: Dia to MediaWiki 1.16

2010-10-19 Thread Thomas Harding
Le 19/10/2010 17:16, Mark Hempelmann (ta.ken) a écrit :
 As flowcharts are widely used in Wikipedia, my humble opinion is that
 not only Dia would profit from such an approach, but the wiki-community
 might find this a great opportunity to discuss and become involved.

IMHO, as Dia exports itself to SVG and PNG, this kind of extension to
MediaWiKi is not needed.

AFAIK, there are PHP functions which can convert SVG to PNG efficiently.

What is done with the quoted Mediawiki extension would be done better if
Dia would be used to export at upload-time to both SVG and PNG, then let
the HTTP server choose what to serve through content-negotiation.

The only problem will be user generated custom-shapes, once more, which
could be solved by custom-shapes inclusion into the Dia file plus viewports.

Best regards,
dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
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Call to gradient shapes, the Free Software way [was: Re: Change length of several lines simultaneously.]

2010-10-15 Thread Thomas Harding

First, thanks to point us on this great article on the list

[to be continue below quoting]

Le 15/10/2010 05:25, Michael Ross a écrit :

Dear Pooya,

In response to the following comment
Nothing related to my demanded task happens.
I am issuing the
You should demand a refund

This is a great article about Free  Open Source Software (FOSS):
you can read Dia almost everywhere in it that it says Linux.  This 
is a very good read and cured me of some bad tendencies helping me to 
understand what I was dealing with and why.

A final comment.  In quite a long time, 5 years maybe, not a single 
person has asked for the function you describe.  I am not able to 
program enhancements to Dia, but I am very grateful for the makers of 
it and their excellent work.   Every now and then I feel compelled to 
defend them - it is the best I can do.  I know with certainty that 
they have limited time to VOLUNTEER to the effort of making Dia better.

I agree on that, except coding is not the only way to contribute to a 
free software, and there are numerous other ways to:

  * integrated user documentation (writing, editing, publishing, 

  * advertising (logos, articles)
  * not integrated user documentation (books, articles)
  * end users help
  * bug reporting (including tests of corrected/improved software or 
  * software design (icons, user interface behavior (command line, 
graphic interface), menu trees, ...) proposal or participation

  * ...

Especially concerning dia, also:
  * shapes/sheets authoring (especially custom xml ones which doesn't 

   programming skills)

Now that gradient shapes are available, we could propose more modern 
styles shapes -- with simplicity, readability and scalability keep 
in mind as for the historical dia shapes ones.

This needs from one to dozens of hours to produce _one_ good shape.

I join here two svg samples, the first orig is a desktop printer, 
which for the shape is calculated then written with vi and colored 
through sodipodi/inkscape. It took me about 5 hours authoring. I add a 
copy with gradients which is nod verified, edited with inkscape. It 
will need vi authoring again. The second is a desktop computer 
station, which was copied from a public domain one, then authored 
through inkscape, then corrected through vi. This last took me about 
20hours authoring, despite the fact it was already designed, because 
scalability was not in mind of the original author. It needs now 
gradient authoring, and there were dozens ones from 
which seems Jean Cartier have been put them on openclipart, which is 
empty for his contributions... I think the design author can be joined 
on his blog.

All this is to show the process which can be conduced on shapes authoring:
 * a good designer, who proposed nice draws, directly or through a 
public clipart repository.

 * a tedious re-writer, who  re-calculates/correct paths.
 * dia integration, through dia-shapes repository.
 * finally, integration to dia mainstream as needed.

?xml version=1.0?
Copyright (C) Thomas Harding, 2008
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors
   may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
   without specific prior written permission.

shape xmlns=; xmlns:svg=;
nameDesktop - Printer/name
aspectratio type=fixed/
   viewBox=0 0 20 20
svg:polygon points=3.5,1 16.5,1 18,6 2,6 style=fill:#cacab7 ; stroke: #00 ; stroke-width:0.1 /
svg:polygon points=4.9,0 15.1,0 17.2,8.5 2.9,8.5

Re: Dia and LibreOffice?

2010-10-13 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 13/10/2010 08:11, Maciej Jaros a écrit :

At 2010-10-13 06:48, Octavio Alvarez wrote:

On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 12:29:11 -0700, wrote:

Has anyone suggested the possibility of Dia becoming a diagramming
tool in LibreOffice?

It would take a lot of work, but Dia could at least provide a starting

Would this be a welcomed opportunity or something to be avoided?

I'm no authority on programming or whatsoever, but, as a user, I'd
prefer ways for both programs to be integrated with one another.

Thinking on making Dia part of LibreOffice implies that every
non-existing tool in LibreOffice that needs to interact with LO in
some way, to become part of the suit (read: Project Manager,
PIM, Mind-mapper...)

I'd rather have all of them integrate with the current desktop, and
have them all interact and share information with a nice,
consistent and integrating interface.

That would probably be hard to do as OOo is more Java oriented and to 
replace Draw more exporting tools should be made. Also I think Draw is 
a bit more user friendly, but then again it doesn't compare with the 
amount of shapes Dia has. Especially with more complicated ones like 
those for UML.

What would be the benefit? Well I think the main benefit for users 
would be that they could edit diagrams inside the Writer (if Dia would 
be properly integrated). Plus diagrams could be vector and scale 
better for different uses.


What could be done in OOo is to embed the dia file and it's custom 
shapes and included images, as Ooo (aka

LibreOffice now) uses a zipped archive of files to include it's own data.

A LibreOffice plugin would allow to import (by changing paths inside the 
dia file to allow packing then keep
the original relatives paths as meta-data) then re-export the dia file 
to allow the other persons to edit.

Also, it would be great to dia to include a zip-like format export for 
the same reasons.

So, both the edit diagram plugin in LibreOffice and the future dia 
magic button will unpack the diagram
to allow editing (plus included custom shapes editing and images update) 
unpacked in a filename like directory
or, at user choice and/or by detecting original images/custom shapes 
paths, choose to use the original file paths

then update the original zip archive.

Would it satisfy any ?

dia-list mailing list
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Re: Dia and LibreOffice?

2010-10-13 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 13/10/2010 10:02, Thomas Harding a écrit :

Le 13/10/2010 08:11, Maciej Jaros a écrit :

At 2010-10-13 06:48, Octavio Alvarez wrote:

On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 12:29:11 -0700, wrote:

Has anyone suggested the possibility of Dia becoming a diagramming
tool in LibreOffice?

It would take a lot of work, but Dia could at least provide a starting

Would this be a welcomed opportunity or something to be avoided?

I'm no authority on programming or whatsoever, but, as a user, I'd
prefer ways for both programs to be integrated with one another.

Thinking on making Dia part of LibreOffice implies that every
non-existing tool in LibreOffice that needs to interact with LO in
some way, to become part of the suit (read: Project Manager,
PIM, Mind-mapper...)

I'd rather have all of them integrate with the current desktop, and
have them all interact and share information with a nice,
consistent and integrating interface.

That would probably be hard to do as OOo is more Java oriented and to 
replace Draw more exporting tools should be made. Also I think Draw 
is a bit more user friendly, but then again it doesn't compare with 
the amount of shapes Dia has. Especially with more complicated ones 
like those for UML.

What would be the benefit? Well I think the main benefit for users 
would be that they could edit diagrams inside the Writer (if Dia 
would be properly integrated). Plus diagrams could be vector and 
scale better for different uses.


What could be done in OOo is to embed the dia file and it's custom 
shapes and included images, as Ooo (aka

LibreOffice now) uses a zipped archive of files to include it's own data.

A LibreOffice plugin would allow to import (by changing paths inside 
the dia file to allow packing then keep
the original relatives paths as meta-data) then re-export the dia file 
to allow the other persons to edit.

... obviously, it will also use dia to export the convenient SVG output 
then include it in it's
archive file, as export to SVG is native to dia, both unices and Windows 
version (right click
in Windows to a dia file drops a graphic sub-shell with export 
proposals), if I remain exactly.

All we really need is an import/export plug-in which allows that : we 
definitely do not need
a full integration nor a re-implementation in LibreOffice ; this is not 
the M$ way, this is the

only good way -- the unices tool chain way!

Also, it would be great to dia to include a zip-like format export 
for the same reasons.

So, both the edit diagram plugin in LibreOffice and the future dia 
magic button will unpack the diagram
to allow editing (plus included custom shapes editing and images 
update) unpacked in a filename like directory
or, at user choice and/or by detecting original images/custom shapes 
paths, choose to use the original file paths

then update the original zip archive.

Would it satisfy any ?


dia-list mailing list
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Re: Modify shape (SADT/IDEF)

2010-10-02 Thread Thomas Harding

Modify shape (SADT/IDEF)
Fri, 01 Oct 2010 14:37:44 +0200

   Hello everybody,
I'd like to know if it's possible (and how) to modify a shape.
In particular, I'd like to add background colour function to SADT box shape.
Please, answer on this email address, too.

Depending on the shape design, it can be the C code for the shape itself
(eg UML ones, which are dynamical).

Most of are custom shapes ones, which are xml file defined, handled by
the custom shapes C code.

There is a small subset of keywords for colors, which are documented in
the help for years (Custom Shapes chapter).

So, in this case, simply copy the xml file, then correct the fixed 
background color by

the wanted keyword. Finally, add your own custom shape to the sheet.

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Re: Rulers and object annotations

2010-09-02 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 02/09/2010 07:03, a écrit :

I would like to display the rulers around the diagram surface borders
in inches.  I set File  Preferences  User Interface tab  Length

In what kind of inches?
The O.0254 meters  measure?
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Re: Advantage of Linux distributions (was: Diashapes 0.2.2 released)

2010-08-29 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 29/08/2010 19:21, Ron Wilson a écrit :

I have always assumed that the distro maintainers were too busy with
packaging the distro to deal with anything other than actual package
problems. Unless I am sure it is a packaging issue, I do not file a
bug report with the distro. For application issues, I look at the
app's bug database to see if the issue has already been reported and
only submit a bug if there is not already a report. Sometimes I try to
build the app myself, but more often, I just wait for the distro to
catch up.

For sure not! here is a little sample:

I have reported a bug against xorg geode server 3 or 4 months
ago through debian bug report tool.

This affects a peculiar sold out low cost laptop (e-café) I bought
with a proprietary Linux on I turned 3 days after to debian, 'cause 
integrated Totem asked me 25euros to simply plays Big Buck Bunny!

2 weeks ago, the maintainer sent me a short message through the debian
bug report web/mail integrated tool to ask me if it was solved with last 

In fact I missed another message with precedent version while I was at

Sunday 3AM, I post a long answer (I'm still sick, and apologize shortly
for the delay), then at end ask for more information about current
tools needed to complete with factual ones about material.

Sunday 9.30, the debian maintainer thanks me for my extensive report
then ask me to install the needed tool hwdetect.

At 12.30, I post the hwdetect outputs, with copy to the AMD guy he
also posted (geode is an AMD chipset).

I just verify my mail... OK: he answers me at 12.50, with commentary
about the hwdetect output. The bug report system filled my own answer
a few minutes before: 12.39.

Now I have to prevent him that 1024x600 is in fact displayed on a
9 inches screen with interpolation, so I use a lower resolution...
I will do it tomorrow because of I'm too tired to do a reasonable
research now. Or later if I'm too sick tomorrow.

Is there any place anyone works on Sunday except restaurants and Debian
Ternet virtual locations? OK; in fact a lot with the Nouvel Ordre 
Mondial du Pognon, but a Debian developer have no /charge/ (in the

very old French sense) except what he takes on himself!

So: the debian maintainer is wired to the hardware AMD maker, the xorg
 developers and to *me*, with an integrated debian bug report and
 communication tool. And *I* *cause* the *delay* in the bug
 resolution, even not on my own but my illness.

An important fact missed here is that the debian bug report tool list
you the bug reports against a package while you decide to report, and
that I never mind of what was reported on X itself except in the
distro Changelog, and focused on distro bug reports, because I'm aware
of what a good distro maintainer can do, and I know since I first used
Debian after a long trip along Linux distros, started itself after
loosing a 6 month job and 3 crunched backups on M$fucking system on my
first personal computer, I found through debian the system_s_ and the
maintainers I ever need while it displays me dselect the first time
following the first reboot _during_ installation, I was aware of
_because of the manual_.

Tools have change since the just out Woody I found in my newspaper
seller's shop because of the 56kb/s wire was a little bit thin without
that to load distros, but Debian men not. Even more numerous.

And if a day I have a job and a life which allows me time to give to
debian, I will give time. And I will thanks for that. I know I'm not
a power user and not a good developer, but I will do the best effort
as any most little maintainer of the most little package do to try to
become a good Debian maintainer, and I will pass on all the stuff to a
better or less busy one while necessary if I think I deserve, or if
anyone says with reason I effectively deserve. And I'd be proud to
pass on before doing the mess.

If you don't trust me about the xorg bug, see Debian bug #591364.

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Additional shapes ways of use and distribution [+digest try] [was: Re: Diashapes 0.2.2 released]

2010-08-28 Thread Thomas Harding

[thread renamed as it's not anymore the initial subject concern]

Le 28/08/2010 07:43, Steffen Macke a écrit :

Let's try to assess how many more users this will enable to install
additional shapes:

* It's the difference between the number Debian users that would be able
to copy the contents of a zip file to the right location and the ones
running Debian sid

My guess is that this number is close to zero, because Debian users are

[please forgive my poorly written English]

* sid is not the better way to distribute temporary packages: for that
kind there is a special debian repository I currently don't remain
the name (I used it in the past only for clamav virus database,
which is now an integrated cron job in debian).

* a cron job would be far ever better.

* Compare this to the number of users running Dia on Windows able to
deploy the zip file contents vs. the number of users being able to
operate Diashapes (should match the number of Dia users on Windows).

* at is not cron ;)

In this case my guess is that the number is a high percentage of the
number of Dia users on Windows.

Alternatives: Just write this little tool that plugs Microsoft update
into Debian sid for this purpose :-)

Hope you don't talk MS update(r) but dia shapes updater itself.

To be en par with Diashapes in terms of granularity, of course, you
would have to package every single sheet in it's own package - it that
what you would like to do? If that's the case, I should split up the
dia-additional-shapes package into individual sheets.

Well, this is a complex case :
 * Some debian installations are necessary never plugged to the Ternet,
even never plugged to any network (I know that: I'm in the forces).
 * for Dia itself, Dia installation, even on M$Win, can be restricted
   to   unplugged computers (legal security concerns which needs to be
   addressed a complete security review/tests by internal entitities
   security teams)
 * as said in the thread, Sharing/loading sheets and shapes
   worldwide would be great, but could dramatically increase the number
   of shapes/sheets, with quality concerns
   (I spent ten of hours simply to re-design a modern shape standing
for 'desktop computer' which re-sizes nicely, with a graphical
svg editor (now named Inkscape) plus vi to correct svg
connections then add shape specific stuff
   -- --

 * Initially, Dia Diagrams were mainly used by sys/net admins, and
   a fe

I had been involved in Dia devel for a few months, focusing on
documentation building an it's I10n processes. I also sent a
little few minimal shapes which are now integrated, at least
in debian 0.97.1 Dia version.

I have no capability in C/C++ except shorts hacks (I prefer to let
others do the underlying process then use high-level languages, such
as Python), for example : fix slrn for newsgroups moderation purpose,
change a library call in Python acl library (then send patch and idea
to upstream), propose a try on a tree shape to dia upstream.

I'm proud my little contributions effects to Dia, which takes me months,
had been integrated, then carefully corrected by others, improves Dia
itself at least for my own usage, and usage of Dia by a few un-numerable
persons : I didn't deserve a tool I use sometimes myself, by matter of
need, and both a little bit proud and a little bit annoyed each time
someones says me the thanks for the outdated French doc translation
which continue to figure on the Air French Force free software
repository. I didn't ask to drop out the thanks because they mean for
me : you can improve, and you can share.

And there is also a sheet produced by French forces about physical
security which seems Dia distribution discontinuated. Maybe because
of it's specificity (note I never endorse or participate on that:
I show here a sample of somewhat complex is the process of a sheet

Dia is not a general purpose drawing program, it is a tool addressing
diagrams making purpose. A diagram is a semi-graphical description
of something, which mean a level of an basic and general to a very
specific and precise abstraction, by a combination of what we call
in french logos. Ancient Greek logos means language. A language
involves Babel Tower problem, such as context. Sheets addresses
contexts, multiply the sheets is an addressing of diagram contexts
for an increasing number of purposes.

I read comics since my young. comics are not limited to comics
but can have multiple purposes, from novel to essay, historical, 
technical documentation, comic strips, tracts, and any purpose

someone can draw or write a scenario.

Comics are a media (at least in French end Belgian). Like diagrams.

Dia itself is not only a tool: /Dia is a media creator tool/.

This imply that Dia maintainers cannot guess what purpose any user
can address by using Dia.

In fact, to build then use a good Dia 

Re: Additional shapes ways of use and distribution [+digest try] [was: Re: Diashapes 0.2.2 released]

2010-08-28 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 28/08/2010 18:39, W. Martin Borgert a écrit :

On 2010-08-28 17:35, Thomas Harding wrote:

* sid is not the better way to distribute temporary packages: for that
kind there is a special debian repository I currently don't remain
the name (I used it in the past only for clamav virus database,
which is now an integrated cron job in debian).

It's probably

Volatile as my own memory.

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Re: Diashapes 0.2.2 released

2010-08-27 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 27/08/2010 15:33, Roland Stigge a écrit :

Hi Steffen,

thanks for your thoughts!

On 08/26/2010 08:00 PM, Steffen Macke wrote:

So :
1) a dia-shapes-extra would be great, and a general
/var/lib/dia/{shapes,sheets} (possibly rsynced or foreign host
mounted) path would be greater to share shapes and sheets between users.

I've started to create a dia-additional-shapes package for those Shapes
in the Dia Shape Repository:

My biggest concern is not the way how we distribute the shapes but how
to make sure that additional shapes can manage to keep dia files using
them compatible, i.e. how to use them transparently without people
needing to synchronize with external shape repositories when getting dia
files from friends.

True: the /var/lib/dia quoted from me would be 
enterprise/classroom/whatever level, as diagrams can be very specific to 
an entity.

But the best way not quoted here would be to have freedom to integrate
shapes into dia files then display them through svg viewports.

Freedom means : warning, you geopardize retro-compatibility with
previous dia program version, are you sure? (plus an option to not
display the warning anymore).

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Re: Diashapes 0.2.2 released

2010-08-26 Thread Thomas Harding

Le 26/08/2010 10:24, Roland Stigge a écrit :


On 08/25/2010 10:07 PM, Steffen Macke wrote:

Nice tool - didn't know about that!


Or maybe I should do both (shipping the shapes in the distro and
providing a shape download option).


Any opinions?

1) Usual problem with dia shapes is that they aren't shipped together
with dia output files.

2) Dia upstream usually do not want to oversize dia program/distro

3) Most important, users can create shapes/sheets themselves

So :
1) a dia-shapes-extra would be great, and a general 
/var/lib/dia/{shapes,sheets} (possibly rsynced or foreign host mounted) 
path would be greater to share shapes and sheets between users.

2) adding shapes as svg:g into dia files, then using viewports would
 be farether great (as an option because of compatibility problems).

3) an export used shapes option which would export a tar/zip like
file with same name but extension than dia output would be also great,
provided dia looks for the shapes extension file and offers shapes
and sheets importation together with dia file opening.

other) I apologise about my French doc translation discontinuation.
Would someone to take other for that?

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Re: [UI] Sheets and Objects dialog

2010-08-02 Thread Thomas Harding
Le 01/08/2010 17:27, Arv Evans a écrit :
 There would probably be more users creating custom sheets and custom
 if the process were more intuitive, or documentation were embedded as a
 within dia itself. it a good idea to have embedded sheets and symbols in
 dia...or should
 they all be added in the user's home directory (/$HOME/.dia in Linux)? 
 everything to the user's home directory makes it easier for each user to
 his own custom sheets  symbols.  This is useful in multi-user systems,
 and possibly
 in single-user systems that are used by multiple people.  Having all
 sheets and
 symbols in the user's home directory does add an additional step to the
 but it also makes the system totally customizable for and by each user. 
 This raises
 issues about documentation and gives the possibility of a customized leg
 of dia
 just for making new, or modifying old, sheets  symbol libraries.

I agree on that, while the custom sheets are still not recorded in Dia
files output (or I missed something), as I already said.

It should be an option to keep compatibility, and would be not a so hard
job to implement (simply use svg g and viewports elements should do
the trick, or tar/zip archives format to store (in .diZ extension?)).

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Re: News version of DIA

2010-07-26 Thread Thomas Harding
Le 26/07/2010 02:33, Pauker, Stephen a écrit :
 Dia is great!!!


Is there an updated French version of doc ?
I have eventually time to spend, but wouldn't work from
something outdated, so if English doc is up to date, it is OK for me.

I need also captures identical to English ones, with fr I18n enabled.
(My dia version on debian is 0.97-1), and no time to pack/compile.

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RE: Dia UI text

2010-05-31 Thread Thomas Harding

Sorry for qoting bad while i'm using
the bundled nokia e63 stuff.
By rthe way, what could be a cool
Free software do the mail job 

QIs there anyone know where I can Qdownload Dia UI text ( Chinese).
QI am thinking to add some feature such Qas rotation to Dia. I'd like to work
Qwith both  UI  English and Chinese UI Qtext.
Thanks in advance

Where almost alll impotant keys missing  (azerty kb) ?
Irony is a choose a hardware phone especially with a keyboard 

Thomas Harding
1 rue Raymond Vannier
45000 Orléans, France
l'info libre est responsable

-- msg original --
Sujet: Dia UI text
De: Fan Fu
Date: 2010-05-31 00:31

Is there anyone know where I can download Dia UI text ( Chinese).
I am thinking to add some feature such as rotation to Dia. I'd like to work
with both  UI  English and Chinese UI text.
Thanks in advance

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RE: Use sign within shape

2010-04-12 Thread Thomas Harding
Apolgize i cannot quote you...

Obviously ampersand sign is written 
amp; in any xml

Ampersand and less-than are absolutely reserved internally
Note its a good idea to also not use
More-than to valid xml,
I will also discourage  quote 

So use   
lt; amp; gt; quot;
To type them. 
While you will never use simpl quotes to
Delimit attributes
Thomas Harding
1 rue Raymond Vannier
45000 Orléans, France
l'info libre est responsable

-- msg original --
Sujet: Use  sign within shape
De: Boris Mayer-St-Onge
Date: 2010.04.12 20:04


I would like to create a new shape that need to have the sign  written 
on it (similar to the electrical and gate). Unfortunately, I'm unable 
to add it. Following is a basic example of a shape that works:

?xml version=1.0?

shape xmlns=;
  nameShape - Simple test/name
point x=0 y=0.5/
point x=0 y=1.5/
point x=4 y=1/
  aspectratio type=fixed/
  svg:svg width=4 height=2
svg:line x1=0 y1=0.5 x2=1 y2=0.5/
svg:line x1=0 y1=1.5 x2=1 y2=1.5/
svg:line x1=3 y1=1 x2=4 y2=1/
svg:rect x=1 y=0 width=2 height=2/
svg:text style=font-size: 0.6 x=0.5 y=0.4 
svg:text style=fill: font-size: 0.6 x=0.5 y=1.4 
svg:text style=font-size: 0.6 x=3.25 y=0.9 

If I'm adding the following line, nothing appear when I add the shape to 
my dia diagram:

svg:text style=font-size: 1.5 x=1.65 y=1.5 

I have also try this without success:

svg:text style=fill: #00; font-size: 0.6; text-anchor:start; 
font-family: monospace; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal 
x=1.65 y=1.5 textLength=0.29/svg:text

Is it possible draw the  sign within a shape? I'm using Dia 0.97 on Fedora.


Boris Mayer-St-Onge

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Re: DocBook Graphics: Use complete filename in fileref attribute?

2008-11-19 Thread Thomas Harding
On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 09:29:46PM +0100, Steffen Macke wrote:
  No! The tags includes an attribute with file format,
  and the stylesheets can handle that (default.graphic.files.extension
  param or somethink like). adding file extension will break the ability
  to choose file format as building pdf/ps.
 Shouldn't this be done using the mediaobject?

Good point, while I don't know if dblatex _and_ jw can handle that.

FYI, the command-line used to build html is that one: xsltproc \
--stringparam graphic.default.extension png ../$(htmlstyle) ../$

with /doc/[lang]/html.xsl as htmlstyle and (finally) /doc/[lang]/dia.xml
as target.

I _voluntary_ keeped html.xsl lang defined, to allow translators to
handle locale printing rules settings (eg: formal.title.placement
differs slightly from one lang to other).

Last, GNOME Yelp perfectly handles the absence of graphic extention ;)

One thing I didn't done is the htmlhelp (and makefile.msc) build, which
can be done by the Norman Walsh's docbook stylesheets too, I think with
the same parameters. Mainly because I didn't find any /working/ htmlhelp
archive builder in the Free Software area (and, yes, M$ ones shipped for
free is good enough: I tried it at work), and also because I didn't get
a read of other makefile.msc to get the syntax.

On the other hand, xslt processing is too installation-dependant on
Windows to makes that ;) I written a HOWTO in French for my job I can
publish, but my English expression is so bad I do not want to translate
it myself...

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Re: DocBook Graphics: Use complete filename in fileref attribute?

2008-11-19 Thread Thomas Harding
On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 07:06:45PM +0100, Thomas Harding wrote:
  Shouldn't this be done using the mediaobject?
 Good point, while I don't know if dblatex _and_ jw can handle that.

After further investigations, it seems dblatex can handle
that, and jw too (note the last will not use the role attribute
at all, see

Although file extension is really not needed...

So, do as your will, (and, please, test all cases in real world) :)

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Re: Use URL for DocBook DTD?

2008-11-16 Thread Thomas Harding
On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 01:32:42PM +0100, Steffen Macke wrote:
 I would like to hear your opinion about changing the DocBook DTD reference
 from a relative path to the URL
 Would this break things for you?

I think not, and even it can be easily corrected in the build process.
It will be a good idea for checking (xmllint is available for many
platforms, even on W$, and can handle xml catalogs).

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Re: DocBook Graphics: Use complete filename in fileref attribute?

2008-11-16 Thread Thomas Harding
On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 01:50:06PM +0100, Steffen Macke wrote:
 Currently the graphic fileref attributes in the DocBook files exclude
 the file type extension.
 In Docbook - The Definitive Guide they are included:
 Do you think we can change this?

No! The tags includes an attribute with file format,
and the stylesheets can handle that (default.graphic.files.extension
param or somethink like). adding file extension will break the ability
to choose file format as building pdf/ps.

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Re: dia - shapes with two and more textboxes

2008-10-12 Thread Thomas Harding
On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 06:31:05PM +0200, M. Niedermair wrote:
 i want to create a shape with two or more textboxes.

 How can i solve the problem?

Only one textbox is allowed by the custom-shapes module,
so, you can improve the custom-shapes module ;)

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Re: [custom-shapes] ext_attribute feature, cannot understand.

2008-07-31 Thread Thomas Harding
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 10:01:36PM +0200, Lars Clausen wrote:
 So, what is the purpose of extended attributes?
 Being able to store user data with the object.

So, If an english-natural-language man could precise it in
the custom-shapes /doc file, I'll be glad to him.

As, currently, it seems so obvious to the developpers that
they forgotten to type the purpose, focusing only on how to
make it :

A proposition will be:
Extended attributes allows user data storage along with the object.

Thomas Harding.
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[custom-shapes] ext_attribute feature, cannot understand.

2008-07-29 Thread Thomas Harding

I tried several solutions, but nothing seems work,
except I can fill property in the properties dialogs,
and changes are saved.

Here is the last sample:

aspectratio type=fixed/
  ext_attribute name=ext_border_color type=int /
  ext_attribute name=ext-border-width type=int /
  ext_attribute name=csstyle type=string

 d=M 299.97011,1372.2053 C 396.78331,1440.7114
   457.34331,1488.2979 568.47451,1519.4418
 id=path7572 /

What do I miss?

Thomas Harding.
Dia-list mailing list
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Re: [custom-shapes] ext_attribute feature, cannot understand.

2008-07-29 Thread Thomas Harding
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 08:51:20PM +0200, Hans Breuer wrote:
 A cool idea but it currently can not work because there is no connection 
 between svg interpretation and extended attribute handling.

So, what is the purpose of extended attributes?

Thomas Harding.
La phobie de la connaissance est spécifique à l'informatique.
Curieusement, c'est le seul métier où le néophyte total vous explique
votre boulot dans la minute suivant votre arrivée au chevet du malade.
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Re: name

2008-07-16 Thread Thomas Harding
James McDonald wrote:
 James wrote:
 On Mon, July 14, 2008 4:11 pm, Diego Jacobi wrote:
 2008/7/14, James [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Is the pronunciation dee-a or die-a?
 How do you pronounce dia-gram? :)
 I pronounce it di-a-gram (instead of dee-a-gram).
 A co-worker pronounces it dee-a.
 He pronounces di-a-gram.
 I vote for dee-a

Ah ben \,ca m'arrange (because in French diagram
is pronounced dee-a-gram ;)

Thomas Harding.

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[whish someone will] Add bgcolor_0..9 and fgcolor_0..9 to custom-shapes module?

2008-07-10 Thread Thomas Harding

I'm currently working on something tedious:
 adding 5 color models to the custom-shape desktop computer
 from Jean Cartier.

Note this can also apply to cisco shape set, and other
complex color models sets.

There are currently only a few user-defined colors:
 * background
 * foreground
 * default
 * inverse
 * text
 * none

So, I wonder if it will be better to have the possibiliy in
custom-shapes module to, also:
 * pre-define up to 10 (or 20, if we differentiate bg/fg) 
   colors in the shape file
 * define these colors for fill/rule style along the shape

* This will allow the user to change on his own way the shape's colors.
* This will decrease the shape count if we want to use pretty color
  models, as J.C[1] one.

I think it may also be done in user's pref:
 * if the prefs are not define = use the shape pre-defined colors
 * if they are = use the user's pref colors as default for shapes

[1] obiously, not Jules Cesar nor the guy on the cross :P
Thomas Harding
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Re: About Dia shapes

2008-07-07 Thread Thomas Harding
On Sat, Jul 05, 2008 at 10:51:37PM -0500, Michael Hennebry wrote:
 On Sun, 6 Jul 2008, Thomas Harding wrote:
  Will create the other colors models tomorrow (it's about 2 1/2 AM,
  of desktop computer, obviously. I will
  annnounce work on shape x to avoid work
  duplication betweeen 2 volunteers. I
  encourage any volunteer to do the same.
 Which tomorrow?

Are you impatient? :)
I think Monday 2008-07-06.

Thomas Harding
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Re: About Dia shapes

2008-07-05 Thread Thomas Harding
On Sat, Jul 05, 2008 at 12:56:13PM +0200, Mathieu Bridon (bochecha) wrote:
 Jean just sent me an archive containing a reworked version for the
 This should help as now, the icons are much better cut, thus the only
 problem should be that lines and shapes do not join exactly.

I spent about height hours to reproduce the desktop computer, and was
unable to join exactly the lines :)

 I would like to help, but I have absolutely no idea how to do that, and
 I have never worked with SVG before...

You can use Inkscape or another program to do the job. You can also
write the forms by hand, but only for simple shapes (eg, composed only
from lines, squares and arcs), because hand-writing beziers lines will
give you headashes ;p.

Some tips about dia:
 * It do not supports gradients -- there was gradients in the
   hw_computer.svg you given below.
 * It do not handle transform.

 * create a new svg file with your svg editor, save it
 * edit it, change the viewport to smth more suitable for fine
   grain-tuning (eg: 0 0 400 400)
 * re-open it with the svg editor, draw...
 * do not move or transform grouped elements, or ungroup them
   once it is done (to avoid transform element)

Once you'll have written/edited the svg, edit it by hand. Especially,
change px stroke-width to no unit.

If you have graphcsmagick or imagemagick, you can use display command
to have a fine-grained view (especially if you setted large enough width
and height attribute of the top-level svg element).

Once you are satisfied, copy the svg file to a .shape file extension.

In the shape file, you will change stroke to default
or foreground  -- I forgotten to do that yesderday, and typed it as black.
will correct... -- this will allow users to change it.

* You'll find SVG specifications at
* You'll find shape specifications in chapter 11 of the Dia

 Anyway, here is the new version of the set. Hope it will be useful.

A new resource is /Always/ useful, if correctly exxploited.

Thomas Harding
Dia-list mailing list
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Re: About Dia shapes

2008-07-05 Thread Thomas Harding
On Sat, Jul 05, 2008 at 05:31:06AM +0200, Thomas Harding wrote:
 So, here is a first try for desktop computer.

I think the second will be good enough.

 However, if you set zero-width lines (hair lines), it do not
 fit perfectly.

OK now, while I deleted double paths, and be wise (I hope) to
set line-width to 1pt before to adjust backgrounds...

 While I'm waiting for my domain name to be created (for 1 week!),
 I can only give you the IP address of my web server:

The new address is (I hope it has propagated, now):

Will create the other colors models tomorrow (it's about 2 1/2 AM,

Thomas Harding
Dia-list mailing list
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Re: About Dia shapes

2008-07-04 Thread Thomas Harding
On Thu, Jul 03, 2008 at 09:57:54PM +0200, Thomas Harding wrote:
 I will begin tomorrow with the three desktop computers
 (I'm lazy: only colors changes between them).

My lazyness took me along to 4 O'klock AM :)

So, here is a first try for desktop computer.

I was forced to use an SVG editor (inkscape), because I
have not the mathematics background to calculate
bezier lines by hand (a first try attempt to draw
by measurement on millimetric paper was unsuccessfull).

I deliberatly choozed to draw all corner with filled rules,
so it can be switched to non-filled background.

However, if you set zero-width lines (hair lines), it do not
fit perfectly.

So, feel free to comment, or asking for improvements.

While I'm waiting for my domain name to be created (for 1 week!),
I can only give you the IP address of my web server:

Thomas Harding
Dia-list mailing list
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Re: About Dia shapes

2008-07-03 Thread Thomas Harding
On Thu, Jul 03, 2008 at 05:19:04PM +0100, Ian Redfern wrote:
 Thomas, I'm happy to volunteer to do a few - I think they look
 excellent, but, like the Cisco ones I did, they need tidying up. Do let
 me know if you start working on them.

Your CISCO shapes are excellent :)
Here is a desktop printer I made on your look'n feel.
Can't remember if I let in gradients for future...

I will begin tomorrow with the three desktop computers
(I'm lazy: only colors changes between them).

By the way, I think the better way to coordinate is to keep
list as exchange infos gateway -- preferably in the same
thread to let others filter.

Thomas Harding
?xml version=1.0?
shape xmlns=; 
nameDesktop - Printer/name
aspectratio type=fixed/
   viewBox=0 0 20 20
svg:polygon points=3.5,1 16.5,1 18,6 2,6 style=fill:#cacab7 ; stroke: 
#00 ; stroke-width:0.1 /
svg:polygon points=4.9,0 15.1,0 17.2,8.5 2.9,8.5 style=fill:#ff ; 
stroke: #00 ; stroke-width:0.1 /
svg:path d=M 3,5 L 17,5 C 20,5 20,8 20,8 L 0,8 C 0,5 3,5 3,5 Z 
style=fill:#cacab7 ; stroke: #00; stroke-width:0.1 /
svg:path d=M 0,8 L 20,8 L 20,14 C 20,14.5 19.7,14.5  19.7,14.5 L 0.3,14.5 C  
0.3,14.5 0,14.5  0,14 L 0,8 Z style=fill:#cacab7 ; stroke: #00; 
stroke-width:0.1 /
svg:path d=M 2.3,10 L 17.8,10 C 17.8,10 18,10.3 18,10.3 L 18,11 L 2,11 L 
2,10.3 C 2,10.3 2.3,10 2.3,10 Z style=fill:#62.368 ; stroke: #00; 
stroke-width:0.1 /
svg:polygon points=4,12 16,12 17.2,10 2.8,10 style=fill:#ff ; stroke: 
#00 ; stroke-width:0.1 /
svg:rect x=2 y=11 height=1 width=16 style=fill:#cacab7 ; stroke: 
#00; stroke-width:0.1 /
svg:polygon points=2,12 18,12 17.5,13 2.5,13 style=fill:#636349 ; stroke: 
#00; stroke-width:0.1 /
svg:rect x=0.05 y=13.2 width=19.9 height=0.6  style=fill:#4a4a37 ; 
stroke: 4a4a37; stroke-width:0.1 /
svg:rect x=0.1 y=13.8 height=0.1 width=19.8 style=fill:#edede8 ; 
stroke: #edede8; stroke-width:0.01 /
point y=8 x=0/
point y=8 x=20/
point y=14.2 x=20/
point y=14.2 x=0/
point y=14.5 x=10/
point y=8 x=10 main=yes/
textbox x1=0 x2=20 y1=15 y2=16 resize=no/
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Re: wmf with libemf on debian, that's possible!

2008-06-30 Thread Thomas Harding
On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 11:31:26PM +0200, Hans Breuer wrote:
 The plug-in is called WMF and can write WMF and EMF on windows, also it is
 used for native win32 printing.
 On windows there is the possibility to create plain WMF from the serialized 
 drawing commands, see GetWinMetaFileBits(). This functonality is missing 
 when libEMF is used.
 libwmf on the other hand is a library to *read* WMF/EMF, a facility missing
 for Dia on windows and linux.

When I include an image and choose a .wmf one, out from wvware, I have
an arbitrary resizeable graphic/text element.

However, something is currently broken with my fresh dia 0.96+svn:
(same problem with wmf and emf, I tried commandline because
wmf/emf extensions don't appears in menu. However, dia complains about
the fact she don't know what filter to use...)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dia --nosplash -e Diagramme1.eps Diagramme1.dia

(dia:11661): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_screen_list_visuals: assertion
`GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)' failed
Erreur de segmentation
[Segmentation fault]

May I fill the two bugs?
Thomas Harding
Dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

wmf with libemf on debian, that's possible!

2008-06-29 Thread Thomas Harding

for those who are interested, there are pending libemf packages in

However, regarding

This will not compile on all architectures, and
debian/copyright is uncomplete.

libemf is the dependency required for .wmf (Windows Metafont) on Dia.

Thomas Harding
Dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

Re: wmf with libemf on debian, that's possible!

2008-06-29 Thread Thomas Harding
On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 06:09:25PM -0400, Valek Filippov wrote:
  libemf is the dependency required for .wmf (Windows Metafont) on Dia.
 I'm sorry, but...
 - .wmf is Windows MetaFile, not Windows Metafont;

Maybe, while:
$ file securite_base3.wmf
securite_base3.wmf: ms-windows metafont .wmf

 - WMF is supported by libwmf;
 - libemf doesn't support WMF.

It supports Enhanced MetaFile.

While configure says:
checking for CreateEnhMetaFileWithFILEW in -lEMF... yes
WMF plug-in with libEMF:yes

Thomas Harding
Dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

Re: [Bug 465460] anyone has take a look?

2008-06-02 Thread Thomas Harding
On Mon, Jun 02, 2008 at 08:33:31PM +0200, Hans Breuer wrote:
 I get mails about every dia bug change. But that does not mean I can make 
 immediately sense of all of them ;) This particular bug report appeared to 
 me as some improvement and some regression. But I don't really feel 
 qualified to review it. So input from someone who understands more of 
 DocBook than I do would really be appreciated.

I just dropped the entity hack about graphic extention, while
format attribute is good enough for Yelp, and the correct way
is to setup graphic.default.extension in stylesheet to build html.
  Last patch filled addresses several problems about documentation:

* scrollkeeper really works, so xml docs are now accessibles directly
  via yelp.
 Could you comment on your replacements of para/ to simpara/. Does it 
 have to do with producing less pages only containing the headline and a link?

The goal is to let admonitions (note, tip, warning...) and related
text on the same line, as para is block and simpara not. Note I changed
only the first para in admonitions to simpara.

* hardcopies are done for all languages (there are still problems
  with pl, at least on Debian, on ps and pdf outputs, as lll TeX
  macro is defined twice somewhere in the tools used).
 Is this a regression?

No, as there were simply no hardbooks built for pl and eu.

* All documentation processes are done automatically, hardcopies
  are compiled while --with-hardbooks option is given to ./configure
 will check if it work out of the box for me when I have access to my Linux 
 box again.

Yep, note that if you don't have dblatex, pdf and postscripts outputs
will be discarded silently.

  However, I detected a new problem:

* when compiled without gnome support, Dia is not able to open
  and list documentation directory. I filled a short strace 
  output about that.
 THe exact error message given would be interesting. Looking at the code it 
 either includes the path or it dose not. The latter would be an issue with 
 the content of the directory (i.e. missing index.html. The former should 
 include more detailed information _why_ opening the directory failed.

There is no error message, even in a console.

read(3, \1\2\233\27\0\0\0\0`\0\300\1\4\0\0\0(\0\0\0\4\0\0\0p(\34..., 32) = 32
open(/usr/local/share/dia/help, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_LARGEFILE|O_DIRECTORY) 
= 6
fstat64(6, {st_mode=S_IFDIR|S_ISGID|0755, st_size=4096, ...}) = 0
fcntl64(6, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) = 0
getdents64(6, /* 7 entries */, 4096)= 168
getdents64(6, /* 0 entries */, 4096)= 0
close(6)= 0
rt_sigaction(SIGINT, {SIG_IGN}, {0xb7079120, [], 0}, 8) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGQUIT, {SIG_IGN}, {SIG_DFL}, 8) = 0
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [CHLD], [], 8) = 0
clone(child_stack=0, flags=CLONE_PARENT_SETTID|SIGCHLD, 
parent_tidptr=0xbfda5d44) = 5272
waitpid(5272, [{WIFEXITED(s)  WEXITSTATUS(s) == 0}], 0) = 5272
rt_sigaction(SIGINT, {0xb7079120, [], 0}, NULL, 8) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGQUIT, {SIG_DFL}, NULL, 8) = 0
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
--- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---
gettimeofday({1211926549, 660413}, NULL) = 0

7 entries means the 4 languages plus C symlink, . and ..

 BTW: it would be better to have this information in a different bug-report 
 *if* the files are installed in the correct place.

Will fill.

  Again, I would emphasize that documentation is a matter of quality on
 Yeah, but what helps the best documentation if it does not get read ;)

Mmmph :P

Thomas Harding
Dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

[Bug 465460] anyone has take a look?

2008-06-01 Thread Thomas Harding

I updated Bug 465460 a few days ago, but as it is an old one, I don't
know if new maintainers are mailed about.

Last patch filled addresses several problems about documentation:
  * scrollkeeper really works, so xml docs are now accessibles directly
via yelp.
  * hardcopies are done for all languages (there are still problems
with pl, at least on Debian, on ps and pdf outputs, as lll TeX
macro is defined twice somewhere in the tools used).
  * All documentation processes are done automatically, hardcopies
are compiled while --with-hardbooks option is given to ./configure

However, I detected a new problem:
  * when compiled without gnome support, Dia is not able to open
and list documentation directory. I filled a short strace 
output about that.

Again, I would emphasize that documentation is a matter of quality on

Thomas Harding
Dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

Re: svg export -- tricks on font rendering by Firefox

2007-09-02 Thread Thomas Harding
On Sat, Sep 01, 2007 at 07:00:30PM +0200, Lars Clausen wrote:
 On Sat, 2007-09-01 at 15:43 +0200, Thomas Harding wrote:
  I make tests on Firefox, and found appropriates values for text

 I'd be a lot more enthusiastic about improving SVG if a) different

Forgotten the patch !

Thomas Harding
Index: plug-ins/svg/render_svg.c
--- plug-ins/svg/render_svg.c   (révision 3769)
+++ plug-ins/svg/render_svg.c   (copie de travail)
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 #include diagramdata.h
 #include dia_xml_libxml.h
 #include object.h
+#include textline.h
@@ -52,6 +53,9 @@
 #define SVG_RENDERER_CLASS(klass)   (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), 
SVG_TYPE_RENDERER, SvgRendererClass))
SVG_TYPE_RENDERER, SvgRendererClass))
+#define dia_svg_dtostr(buf,d) \
+   g_ascii_formatd(buf,sizeof(buf),%g,d)
 GType svg_renderer_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
@@ -80,7 +84,10 @@
 static void fill_rounded_rect (DiaRenderer *renderer, 
Point *ul_corner, Point *lr_corner,
Color *colour, real rounding);
+static void draw_text_line(DiaRenderer *self, TextLine *text_line,
+   Point *pos, Color *colour);
 static void svg_renderer_class_init (SvgRendererClass *klass);
 static gpointer parent_class = NULL;
@@ -132,6 +139,7 @@
   renderer_class-draw_object = draw_object;
   renderer_class-draw_rounded_rect = draw_rounded_rect;
   renderer_class-fill_rounded_rect = fill_rounded_rect;
+  renderer_class-draw_text_line = draw_text_line;
@@ -278,6 +286,55 @@
 static void
+draw_text_line(DiaRenderer *self, TextLine *text_line,
+  Point *pos, Color *colour)
+  DiaSvgRenderer *renderer = DIA_SVG_RENDERER (self);
+  xmlNodePtr node;
+  char *style, *tmp;
+  real saved_width;
+  gchar d_buf[DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE];
+  DiaFont *font;
+  node = xmlNewChild(renderer-root, renderer-svg_name_space, (const xmlChar 
+(xmlChar *) text_line_get_string(text_line));
+  saved_width = renderer-linewidth;
+  renderer-linewidth = 0.001;
+  style = (const xmlChar *) 
DIA_SVG_RENDERER_GET_CLASS(self)-get_fill_style(renderer, colour);
+  /* return value must not be freed */
+  renderer-linewidth = saved_width;
+  tmp = g_strdup_printf(%s; font-size: %spt, style,
+  style = tmp;
+  tmp = g_strdup_printf(%s; length: %s, style,
+   dia_svg_dtostr(d_buf, text_line_get_width(text_line)));
+  g_free (style);
+  style = tmp;
+  font = text_line_get_font(text_line);
+  tmp = g_strdup_printf(%s; font-family: %s; font-style: %s; 
+   font-weight: %s,style,
+   dia_font_get_family(font),
+   dia_font_get_slant_string(font),
+   dia_font_get_weight_string(font));
+  g_free(style);
+  style = tmp;
+  /* have to do something about fonts here ... */
+  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)style, (xmlChar *) style);
+  g_free(style);
+  dia_svg_dtostr(d_buf, pos-x);
+  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)x, (xmlChar *) d_buf);
+  dia_svg_dtostr(d_buf, pos-y);
+  xmlSetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)y, (xmlChar *) d_buf);
+static void
 export_svg(DiagramData *data, const gchar *filename, 
const gchar *diafilename, void* user_data)
Dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
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Re: svg export -- tricks on font rendering by Firefox

2007-09-02 Thread Thomas Harding
On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 02:28:19PM +0200, Lars Clausen wrote:
 Why are you adding a text_line renderer to the SVG plug-in when there's
 already one in lib/diasvgrenderer.c?

I was not sure about the lib/diasvgrenderer.c role.
However, there are already properties redefinitions in the SVG plug-in
(rounded rectangle).

If you are sure I'll don't break anything else by modifying
lib/diasvgrenderer.c, it is not a problem to move away
the code modification to that file.

Just let me know...

Thomas Harding
Dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

Re: svg export -- tricks on font rendering by Firefox

2007-09-02 Thread Thomas Harding
On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 03:52:34PM +0200, Lars Clausen wrote:
 The SVG plug-in is but an extension of the DiaSvgRenderer, so it'd be
 better to improve the base class.

After further reading of SVG specification, I think the better way is
to specify an arbitrary font size in pt as style of SVG root element,
then simply add em to the font-size properties.

This will fix round problem, and allow user to change globally the
font sizes in an easy way (the factor font size: xxxpt in svg root
element style).

I hope it will also allow us to raise a dialog box which will allow us to
specify the global font size (note I currently have no capabilty on
that, as I'm a complete beginner in C).

It seems, for that purpose, I need to change both plug-in and

Do you agree on that?

Thomas Harding
Dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

Re: svg export -- tricks on font rendering by Firefox

2007-09-02 Thread Thomas Harding
On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 06:03:08PM +0200, Thomas Harding wrote:
 It seems, for that purpose, I need to change both plug-in and

Here is the new patch, based on the above sentence.

Thomas Harding
Index: lib/diasvgrenderer.c
--- lib/diasvgrenderer.c(révision 3769)
+++ lib/diasvgrenderer.c(copie de travail)
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@
   style = (char*)get_fill_style(renderer, colour);
   /* return value must not be freed */
   renderer-linewidth = saved_width;
-  tmp = g_strdup_printf(%s; font-size: %s, style,
+  tmp = g_strdup_printf(%s; font-size: %sem, style,
dia_svg_dtostr(d_buf, text_line_get_height(text_line)));
   style = tmp;
Index: plug-ins/svg/render_svg.c
--- plug-ins/svg/render_svg.c   (révision 3769)
+++ plug-ins/svg/render_svg.c   (copie de travail)
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@
   DiaSvgRenderer *renderer;
   FILE *file;
   gchar buf[512];
+  gchar buf2[512];
   time_t time_now;
   Rectangle *extent;
   const char *name;
@@ -189,6 +190,13 @@
 (int)ceil(extent-bottom - extent-top));
   xmlSetProp(renderer-root, (const xmlChar *)viewBox, (xmlChar *) buf);
   xmlSetProp(renderer-root,(const xmlChar *)xmlns, (const xmlChar 
+  /*
+   * global font-size definition
+   * here may be planned something to replace 0.72 by a user-defined value
+   */
+  g_ascii_formatd(buf2,sizeof(buf2),%f,0.72);
+  g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),font-size: %spx,buf2);
+  xmlSetProp(renderer-root,(const xmlChar *)style, (xmlChar *) buf);
   time_now = time(NULL);
   name = g_get_user_name();
Dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
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Re: svg export -- tricks on font rendering by Firefox

2007-09-02 Thread Thomas Harding
On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 07:34:35PM +0200, Thomas Harding wrote:
 Here is the new patch, based on the above sentence.

It seems the global font-size is not handled by Inkscape :(

So, the following patch uses a fixed size in px for every text element
in the svg output.

The changes actually affects only lib/diasvgrenderer.c, I commented out
the code in svg plugin.

I think it is the definitive version.
Thomas Harding
Index: lib/diasvgrenderer.c
--- lib/diasvgrenderer.c(révision 3769)
+++ lib/diasvgrenderer.c(copie de travail)
@@ -723,8 +723,8 @@
   style = (char*)get_fill_style(renderer, colour);
   /* return value must not be freed */
   renderer-linewidth = saved_width;
-  tmp = g_strdup_printf(%s; font-size: %s, style,
-   dia_svg_dtostr(d_buf, text_line_get_height(text_line)));
+  tmp = g_strdup_printf(%s; font-size: %spx, style,
+   dia_svg_dtostr(d_buf, 
   style = tmp;
   tmp = g_strdup_printf(%s; length: %s, style,
Index: plug-ins/svg/render_svg.c
--- plug-ins/svg/render_svg.c   (révision 3769)
+++ plug-ins/svg/render_svg.c   (copie de travail)
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@
   DiaSvgRenderer *renderer;
   FILE *file;
   gchar buf[512];
+  gchar buf2[512];
   time_t time_now;
   Rectangle *extent;
   const char *name;
@@ -189,6 +190,13 @@
 (int)ceil(extent-bottom - extent-top));
   xmlSetProp(renderer-root, (const xmlChar *)viewBox, (xmlChar *) buf);
   xmlSetProp(renderer-root,(const xmlChar *)xmlns, (const xmlChar 
+  /*
+   * global font-size definition
+   * here may be planned something to replace 0.72 by a user-defined value
+  g_ascii_formatd(buf2,sizeof(buf2),%f,0.72);
+  g_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),font-size: %spx,buf2);
+  xmlSetProp(renderer-root,(const xmlChar *)style, (xmlChar *) buf);
+   */
   time_now = time(NULL);
   name = g_get_user_name();
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FAQ at
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Re: svg export -- tricks on font rendering by Firefox

2007-09-02 Thread Thomas Harding
On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 08:24:48PM +0200, Lars Clausen wrote:
  The changes actually affects only lib/diasvgrenderer.c, I commented out
  the code in svg plugin.
  I think it is the definitive version.
 So in the end, it's just a scaling factor and px in the string?

Yes, that's as simple as that :)

Thomas Harding
Dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

svg export -- tricks on font rendering by Firefox

2007-09-01 Thread Thomas Harding

I make tests on Firefox, and found appropriates values for text
we need to:
  -- divide the font-size value by 53
  -- add mm to the font-size

Thomas Harding
Dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

Re: How to add a shape to Dia, step-by-step

2007-08-21 Thread Thomas Harding
On Tue, Aug 21, 2007 at 07:03:30PM +0200, Steffen Macke wrote:
 I think such information has been added recently to the Dia Manual
 (11.2 Shapes).


 However, this requires quite different skills than the ones in my
 tutorial (XML editing,
 not just clicking around). Of course, it would be good to combine both things.
 It's both DocBook, so it shouldn't be too difficult:

There is information about this at the chapter's end

May you fill a bug report about this, including me as Cc:? I will
make the inclusion as soon as Mark's changes will be merged.

Thomas Harding
Dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

Re: How to add a shape to Dia, step-by-step

2007-08-21 Thread Thomas Harding
On Tue, Aug 21, 2007 at 08:41:11PM +0200, Steffen Macke wrote:
 Merging the tutorial to the Dia Manual? I can do this, if there is a
 general consent. The current Dia Manual is not so much
 step-by-step and not so full of screenshots.

Mark added a lot of screenshots in his changes, just take a look at

Thomas Harding
Dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

Re: Bug 455400

2007-08-10 Thread Thomas Harding
On Fri, Aug 10, 2007 at 09:19:53AM -0700, Mark Dexter wrote:
 Thomas / Lars: I'm trying to create a PDF file on my cygwin system. I think
 I have installed all of the prerequisites except that I cannot find jw for
 cygwin. I think jw is in docbook-utils pacakge, but I can't
 find docbook-utils for cygwin. I'll go ahead and post my DIFF and ZIP
 files later today. I would like to create a PDF file to upload as well. Any
 help appreciated. Thanks. Mark

I just filled a bug on French doc, introducing the use of another tool:

Note dblatex uses python or perl (I can't remain) and pdflatex.

In case you were not able to compile the pdf file, feel free to send me
an email. I will send you back the pdf.
Thomas Harding
Dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

Re: git [was: Bug 455400]

2007-08-01 Thread Thomas Harding
On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 10:43:32AM +0530, Sameer Sahasrabuddhe wrote:
 Hi, I have been following this thread and from what I understand,
 there are two people working on documentation. You are trying to keep
 sync with each other's patches because they have not been merged into
 the dia SVN repository yet. All this would have been easy if dia was
 in a distributed system like git or darcs, where people can directly
 send patches to each other without waiting to commit to the main

That's it

 git-svn actually allows you to maintain your own stuff in git, and
 still work with the main SVN repository. Would you consider using
 git-svn? I am aware the learning curve involved is pretty steep, and
 your focus is on getting documentation done, and not wade through
 software manuals. But do take a look and if you think its worth the
 trouble, you could try it out.

Currently, all my work on the patch is done, so I will take a look on
that later :)

Thomas Harding
Dia-list mailing list
FAQ at
Main page at

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