Re: Jonathan Blow's presentation

2017-05-08 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 9 May 2017 at 06:10:39 UTC, Patrick Schluter wrote:
equipment. So they made a very good setup. What they discovered 
is that mp3 with 160 kbit/s CBR was already undistinguishable 
from CD for 99% of people for almost all kind of music.

It isn't all that hard to distinguish if you know what to listen 
for. I hear a big difference in music I have mixed down/mastered 
on a good headset.

Re: Fantastic exchange from DConf

2017-05-08 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
On Mon, May 08, 2017 at 06:33:08PM +, Jerry via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> Anything that goes on the internet already has memory safety.

Is that a subtle joke, or are you being serious?

A LOT of code out in the internet, both in infrastructure and as
applications, run C code.  And if you know the typical level of quality
of a large C project written by 50-100 (or more) employees who have a
rather high turnover, you should be peeing your pants right now. A
frightening amount of C code both in infrastructure (by that I mean
stuff like routers, switches, firewalls, core services like DNS, etc.)
and in applications (application-level services like webservers, file
servers, database servers, etc.) are literally riddled with buffer
overflows, null pointer dereference bugs, off-by-1 string manipulations,
and other such savorable things.

Recently I've had the dubious privilege of being part of a department
wide push on the part of my employer to audit our codebases (mostly C,
with a smattering of C++ and other code, all dealing with various levels
of network services and running on hardware expected to be "enterprise"
quality and "secure") and fix security problems and other such bugs,
with the help of some static analysis tools. I have to say that even
given my general skepticism about the quality of so-called "enterprise"
code, I was rather shaken not only to find lots of confirmation of my
gut feeling that there are major issues in our codebase, but even more
by just HOW MANY of them there are.

An unsettlingly large percentage of bugs / problematic code is in the
realm of not handling null pointers correctly.  The simplest is checking
for null correctly at the beginning of the function, but then proceeding
to dereference the possibly-null pointer with wild abandon thereafter.
This may seem like not such a big problem, until you realize that all it
takes is for *one* of these literally *hundreds* of instances of wrong
code to get exposed to a public interface, and you have a DDOS attack
waiting for you in your glorious future.

Another unsettlingly common problem is the off-by-1 error in string
handling.  Actually, the most unsettling thing in this area is the
pervasiveness of strcpy() and strcat() -- even after decades of
experience that these functions are inherently unsafe and should be
avoided if at all possible. Yet they still appear with persistent
frequency, introducing hidden vulnerabilities that people overlook
because, oh well, we trust the guy who wrote it 'cos he's an expert C
coder, so he must have already made sure it's actually OK.
Unfortunately, upon closer inspection, there are actual bugs in a large
percentage of such code.  Next to this is strncpy(), the touted "safe"
variant of strcpy / strcat, except that people keep writing this:

strncpy(buf, src, sizeof(buf));

Quick, without looking: what's wrong with the above line of code?

Not so obvious, huh?  The problem is that strncpy is, in spite of being
the "safe" version of strcpy, badly designed. It does not guarantee
buf is null-terminated if src was too long to fit in buf!  Next thing
you know -- why, hello, unterminated string used to inject shellcode
into your "secure" webserver!

The "obvious" fix, of course, is to leave 1 byte for the \0 terminator:

strncpy(buf, src, sizeof(buf)-1);

Except that this is *still* wrong, because strncpy doesn't write a '\0'
to the end. You have to manually put one there:

strncpy(buf, src, sizeof(buf)-1);
buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';

The second line there has a -1 that lazy/careless C coders often forget,
so you end up *introducing* a buffer overrun in the name of fixing

This single problem area (improper use of strncpy) accounts for a larger
chunk of code I've audited than I dare to admit -- all just timebombs
waiting for somebody to write an exploit for.

Then there's the annoyingly common matter of checking for return codes.
Walter has said this before, and he's spot on: 90% of C code out there
ignore error codes where they shouldn't, so as soon as a
normally-working syscall fails for whatever reason, the code cascades
down a chain of unexpected control flow changes and ends in catastrophe.
Or rather, in silent corruption of internal data because any signs that
something has gone wrong was conveniently ignored by the caller, of
course. And even when you *do* meticulously check for every single darn
error code evah, it's so ridiculously easy to make a blunder:

int my_func(mytype_t *input, outbuf_t *output_buf,
char *buffer, int size)
/* Typical lazy way of null-checking (that will blow up
 * later) */
myhandle_t *h = input ? input->handle : 0;
writer_t *w = output_buf ? output_buf->writer : 0;
char *block = (char *)malloc(size);
FILE *fp;
int i;

if (!buffer)
return -1; /

Re: Static foreach pull request

2017-05-08 Thread rikki cattermole via Digitalmars-d

On 09/05/2017 7:10 AM, Jack Stouffer wrote:

On Tuesday, 9 May 2017 at 03:06:37 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:


I'm going to save you some time and tell you that Andrei and Walter are
going to require a DIP for this.$lds$

Re: Static foreach pull request

2017-05-08 Thread Jack Stouffer via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 9 May 2017 at 03:06:37 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:


I'm going to save you some time and tell you that Andrei and 
Walter are going to require a DIP for this.

Re: Jonathan Blow's presentation

2017-05-08 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 9 May 2017 at 02:13:19 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
(Abscissa) wrote:

On 05/08/2017 03:28 PM, Jack Stouffer wrote:

Uncompressed? Seriously? I assume that really means FLAC or 
something rather than truly uncompressed, but even 
still...sounds more like a bullet-list 
pandering^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hselling point to the same 
suckers^H^H^H^H^H^H^H"classy folk" who buy Monster-brand cables 
for digital signals than a legit quality enhancement. Take a 
top-of-the-line  audio system, set down a room full of 
audiophiles, and compare lossless vs 320kbps a true 
double-blind, no WAY they'd be able to consistently spot the 
difference even if they try. Let alone while being detracted by 
all the fun of causing mass mayhem and carnage. Unless maybe 
you just happen to stumble upon some kind of audio savant.

Don't need to go that high. c't did a double blind study some 
years ago with the help of her sister magazine for audio 
equipment. So they made a very good setup. What they discovered 
is that mp3 with 160 kbit/s CBR was already undistinguishable 
from CD for 99% of people for almost all kind of music. mp3 is 
much better than its reputation, due to really bad encoders at 
the beginning (Xing was awful and was the widest used at the 
beginning, Fraunhofer was excellent but not free, lame took years 
before it was any good) people thought that the crap they heard 
was inherent to the mp3 format but very often it was bad 
grabbing, over eager lo-pass filtering and crappy psycho-acoustic 
models (Xing). So you make a good point that uncompressed audio 
for a game is completely nuts.

Re: What are we going to do about mobile?

2017-05-08 Thread Jerry via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 6 April 2017 at 05:24:07 UTC, Joakim wrote:
That means this tidal wave of mobile swamping PCs is only going 
to get worse:

D is currently built and optimized for that dying PC platform.  
There are only two devs working on mobile, Dan and me, I don't 
think anybody on the core team has even tried our work.

"dying". Just cause there aren't a lot of new devices being sold 
doesn't mean it is dying. There's the used market to consider, 
and PCs have a long lifespan. I have a 7 year old desktop that 
still runs perfectly fine and does all the tasks and computing I 
need to be done. I'll probably be using it for another few years, 
maybe when zen+ comes out or there's actually a reason to buy a 
new computer. Even then I won't be buying a prebuilt, not sure if 
those sales figures includes sales of PC parts. Even though new 
PC sales are declining, GPU sales are seeing a major increase in 

DConf 2017 Hackathon report

2017-05-08 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d
Please list what we've achieved during the hackathon, including what is 
started but is likely to be finished in the coming days or months.

For me:

- Finished updating "Programming in D" to 2.074.0 (the HTML is now up to 
date but I could not get to the still manual work of preparing the ebooks)

- Contributed to the logo and branding discussions

- Opened two bugs

- Ate German cookies :)


Re: Static foreach pull request

2017-05-08 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 09.05.2017 05:06, Timon Gehr wrote:


Some examples:

Better link:

Re: Fantastic exchange from DConf

2017-05-08 Thread Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) via Digitalmars-d

On 05/08/2017 08:42 PM, John Carter wrote:

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 20:55:02 UTC, John Carter wrote:

C/C++ has been granted an extension of life by the likes of valgrind
and purify and *-sanitizer.

Google makes my point for me

That reminds me, I've been thinking for awhile: We need a dead-simple 
D/dub-ified tool to fuzz-test our D projects. Even if it's just a 
trivial wrapper and DUB package for an existing fuzz tester (heck, 
probably that's the right way to go anyway) we really should make fuzz 
testing just as common & easy a thing for D projects as doc-generation 
and unittests.

Re: Fantastic exchange from DConf

2017-05-08 Thread Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) via Digitalmars-d

On 05/08/2017 04:55 PM, John Carter wrote:

On Saturday, 6 May 2017 at 06:26:29 UTC, Joakim wrote:

Walter: I believe memory safety will kill C.

C/C++ has been granted an extension of life by the likes of valgrind and
purify and *-sanitizer.

I think you will find everything that really matters and is internet
facing has been run up under a tool like that.

Like Cloudflare and OpenSSL?

Static foreach pull request

2017-05-08 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d


Some examples:

This is a complete proof-of-concept implementation of "static foreach". 
The semantics of the construct are given by merging the ones of static 
if and runtime foreach. This allows declarations to be generated using 
an imperative loop.

If you are interested in static foreach making it into the language, 
please play with the implementation and tell me how to break it. It 
would also be nice to get some code reviews (the implementation is the 
result of two days of exhausting trial-and-error figuring out how the 
DMD frontend works).

Re: Jonathan Blow's presentation

2017-05-08 Thread Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) via Digitalmars-d

On 05/08/2017 09:21 AM, Rel wrote:

What do you guys think of the points explained here:

Watched the first 15-20 min of it. Definitely want to watch the rest. far it's a good example of the *one* little thing 
that kinda bugs me about Johnathan Blow:

I keep hearing him say the same things I've been saying for years, but 
because he wrote Braid, he can sometimes get people to actually listen 
instead of blindly dismissing everything. :/ (Granted that's not a fault 
of Blow's. But it still bugs me!)

1) The compile times seems very fast in comparison
with other modern programming languages, I'm wondering
how he managed to do it?

By being a game (and engine) developer and knowing the basics of writing 
efficient code, unlike the majority of the software industry.

(Seriously, if other circles of dev would pull their * out of their 
* long enough recognize all of what game programming obviously 
involves (ex: It's more than the glorified calculators that the upptity 
banking software is, and don't get me started on "enterprise" in 
general), then they could finally start learning how to write grown-up 
code and software today wouldn't suck so f** badly.)

Also, not using header files.

2) Compile-time execution is not limited, the build
system is interestingly enough built into the language.

Nemerle had that years ago (although I'm guessing/hoping that unlike 
Nemerle, Blow's implementation probably doesn't require manually 
compiling to a DLL before being able to use given code at compile-time).

My inclination is that it's the right approach, and is one thing that 
makes D look clunky and awkward by comparison. I never bought D's 
argument that compiling source shouldn't be allowed to do arbitrary code 
execution or I/O because, come on, "build scripts" and "build systems". 
That "no arbitrary code execution" ship sailed ages ago: Who in hell 
compiles software from source without using the provided buildscript or 
buildsystem configuration (all of which, by necessity, allow arbitrary 
code execution and IO)? Nobody who isn't searcing for their own little 
corner of hell, that's who.

The *one* thing that does give me a little pause though is the 
possibility that order of compilation could change the results of 
generated code. I think it'll be interesting to see how that plays out 
in practice. "Don't do that" sounds nice, but the question remains: "Is 
it something that will happen without the author knowing he's doing it? 
If so, will it be a problem?"

Re: Jonathan Blow's presentation

2017-05-08 Thread Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) via Digitalmars-d

On 05/08/2017 09:57 PM, Meta wrote:

Ok, fair point. Let's look at Final Fantasy XIII (linear, non-open world
console RPG released in 2009 on X360 and PS3, recently ported to PC) and
The Witcher 3 (huge open world PC RPG released in 2015). FFXIII's size
on disk is 60(!) GB, while The Witcher 3 is 40 GB. This isn't true all
the time, but a lot of console games ported to PC take a surprisingly
large amount of space. It's like they just unpacked the disk image, did
an x86 build, then uploaded the whole thing to Steam with uncompressed
assets and called it good enough.

I don't know anything about Witcher, but FF13 *does* have a fair amount 
of pre-rendered video, FWIW. And maybe Witcher uses better compression 
than FF13?

Also, just a side nitpik, but open-world vs non-open-world alone 
shouldn't have any impact on data size - the real factors in a game 
world's data size are overall size and detail of the game world. Whether 
it's open world is just a matter of how all the data in the game world 
is laid out, not how much data there is.

Re: Jonathan Blow's presentation

2017-05-08 Thread Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) via Digitalmars-d

On 05/08/2017 03:28 PM, Jack Stouffer wrote:

Skyrim was that size on release because the console version had to fit
on a DVD for the xbox 360 version, plus they made almost no changes to
the PC version of the game. GTA V however, was released several months
after the console release and had larger textures and uncompressed audio.

Yea. The crazy thing is though, the huge sizes don't even buy as much as 
the numbers suggest. Major case of diminishing returns: Look at PS3 vs 
PS4 GTA5: Something like 25GB on PS3 and double that on PS4, and yea you 
*can* tell a difference, but its *very* slight, and usually you have to 
really look for it. (And then there's other games like Cod Ghosts and 
Destiny, where I honestly couldn't tell any difference whatsoever 
between the systems no matter how closely I looked, aside from a few 
extra particles in the particle systems...although I can't say what the 
size difference is on those games, maybe they just used the same assets 
for both systems on those games.)

> uncompressed audio.

Uncompressed? Seriously? I assume that really means FLAC or something 
rather than truly uncompressed, but even still...sounds more like a 
bullet-list pandering^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hselling point to the same 
suckers^H^H^H^H^H^H^H"classy folk" who buy Monster-brand cables for 
digital signals than a legit quality enhancement. Take a top-of-the-line 
 audio system, set down a room full of audiophiles, and compare 
lossless vs 320kbps a true double-blind, no WAY they'd be 
able to consistently spot the difference even if they try. Let alone 
while being detracted by all the fun of causing mass mayhem and carnage. 
Unless maybe you just happen to stumble upon some kind of audio savant.

D to C# conversion of GPS Data

2017-05-08 Thread Tom via Digitalmars-d

Does anyone know how to convert this D code to C# ?

string[] parse_gps_data(string data, SysTime start_time, SysTime 
end_time) {

// Validate input
string[] gps;
if (!data.length) {
error("Empty GPS file");
return gps;

auto start_timestamp = start_time.toUnixTime();
auto end_timestamp = end_time.toUnixTime();

// Parse every line
foreach (line; splitLines(data)) {
// Detect type of line
auto match = matchFirst(line, GPS_LINE);
if (!match) {
// Unknown format
error("Unknown GPS line: " ~ line);

// Parse time
		auto record_time = SysTime.fromISOExtString(match[1].replace(" 
", "T"));

auto record_timestamp = record_time.toUnixTime();
		if (record_timestamp < start_timestamp || record_timestamp > 
end_timestamp) {

// Skip invalid time interval
"Invalid GPS interval: %d > %d || %d < %d\nLine: 
record_timestamp, start_timestamp, record_timestamp, 


// Parse coordinates
float longitude;
float latitude;

if (to!char(match[2]) == 'N') {
latitude = to!float(match[3]);

if (to!char(match[4]) == 'W') {
longitude = to!float(match[5]) * -1;
else {
longitude = to!float(match[5]);

else if (to!char(match[2]) == 'W') {
longitude = to!float(match[3]) * -1;
latitude = to!float(match[5]);

else if (to!char(match[2]) == 'E') {
longitude = to!float(match[3]);
latitude = to!float(match[5]);

// Prepare gps timestamp
		auto record_interval = (record_time - 
start_time).split!("hours", "minutes", "seconds")();

gps ~= format(
"('%02d:%02d:%02d', '(%f, %f)'::point)::time_point",
			record_interval.hours, record_interval.minutes, 

longitude, latitude

return gps;

I would appreciate if anyone who has both D and C# experience.

So far I have this :

public string[] ParseGPSData (string deviceData, DateTime 
startTime, DateTime endTime)

string[] gps = null;

if (deviceData == string.Empty)
return gps;

var startTimeStamp = startTime.ToUniversalTime ();
var endTimeStamp = endTime.ToUniversalTime ();

foreach (var line in Regex.Split(deviceData, "\r\n 
|\r |\n"))

var match = _rx.Match(line);
if (!match.Success)

var recordTime = match.Groups[1].Value.Replace (' 
', 'T');


return gps;

The constructor for GPS class has this defined :

 public class GPSEngine
private Regex _rx;

public GPSEngine ()
_rx = new Regex 

RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

Re: Jonathan Blow's presentation

2017-05-08 Thread Meta via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 19:28:51 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 19:14:16 UTC, Meta wrote:

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 19:11:03 UTC, Ethan Watson wrote:

You know, unless you want to try making a 45
gigabyte executable for current Playstation/Xbox games.

Is this why most console games that get ported to PC are 
massive? GTA V on PC, for example, was 100GB, while Skyrim was 
around 8GB.

Skyrim was that size on release because the console version had 
to fit on a DVD for the xbox 360 version, plus they made almost 
no changes to the PC version of the game. GTA V however, was 
released several months after the console release and had 
larger textures and uncompressed audio.

Ok, fair point. Let's look at Final Fantasy XIII (linear, 
non-open world console RPG released in 2009 on X360 and PS3, 
recently ported to PC) and The Witcher 3 (huge open world PC RPG 
released in 2015). FFXIII's size on disk is 60(!) GB, while The 
Witcher 3 is 40 GB. This isn't true all the time, but a lot of 
console games ported to PC take a surprisingly large amount of 
space. It's like they just unpacked the disk image, did an x86 
build, then uploaded the whole thing to Steam with uncompressed 
assets and called it good enough.

Re: Fantastic exchange from DConf

2017-05-08 Thread John Carter via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 20:55:02 UTC, John Carter wrote:

On Saturday, 6 May 2017 at 06:26:29 UTC, Joakim wrote:

Walter: I believe memory safety will kill C.

C/C++ has been granted an extension of life by the likes of 
valgrind and purify and *-sanitizer.

Google makes my point for me

Index out of bounds exceptions are great... but the elements of 
Walter's talk where bugs are banished at compile time are more 

Now if we can get to the point where there is no undefined 
behaviour in any safe code... that would be a major step 

Re: What are we going to do about mobile?

2017-05-08 Thread Dmitry Olshansky via Digitalmars-d

On 5/8/17 9:26 PM, Bienlein wrote:

Let's not forget Kotlin and Swift, things we'd really be competing
against - that is the other NEW stuff.

Kotlin/Native is now in the making and there is already a preview:

All in all Kotlin is a decent language, also since JetBrains has Russian 
roots I kind of sympathize its development :)

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: DLang quarterly EU?

2017-05-08 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 20:45:57 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:
Can we get a cool acronym / name for this thing? Helps when 
talking with people about it. ;-)

DBeers?  That's a diamond name ;-)

Re: DLang quarterly EU?

2017-05-08 Thread jj via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 21:02:22 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 20:45:57 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:

Can we get a cool acronym / name for this thing? Helps when 
talking with people about it. ;-)


how about we get it first to work for everybody.


Re: DLang quarterly EU?

2017-05-08 Thread Moritz Maxeiner via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 20:45:57 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:

Can we get a cool acronym / name for this thing? Helps when 
talking with people about it. ;-)


Re: Fantastic exchange from DConf

2017-05-08 Thread Moritz Maxeiner via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 18:33:08 UTC, Jerry wrote:

Anything that goes on the internet already has memory safety.

Bait [1]?

The things that need it aren't written in C

Except - of course - for virtually all of our entire digital 

there's a lot of programs out there that just don't require it.

Just not anything that may run on a system connected to the 


Re: Fantastic exchange from DConf

2017-05-08 Thread John Carter via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 6 May 2017 at 06:26:29 UTC, Joakim wrote:

Walter: I believe memory safety will kill C.

C/C++ has been granted an extension of life by the likes of 
valgrind and purify and *-sanitizer.

I think you will find everything that really matters and is 
internet facing has been run up under a tool like that.

They are truly wonderfully power tools... with the limitation 
that they are run time.

ie. If you don't run that line of code... they won't tell you if 
you have it wrong.

Index out of bounds exceptions are great... but the elements of 
Walter's talk we bugs are banished at compile time are more 

Now if we can get to the point where there is no undefined 
behaviour in any safe code... that would be a major step forward.

Languages like Ruby are memory safe... but they are written in C 
and hence have a very long catalog of bugs found and fixed in the 
interpretor and supporting libraries.

D has the interesting promise of being memory safe and the 
compiler and libraries being written in D.

Re: DLang quarterly EU?

2017-05-08 Thread Johan Engelen via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 6 May 2017 at 23:53:45 UTC, Ethan Watson wrote:
Rather than a city meet up monthly, what about a continental 
meet up quarterly?

Can we get a cool acronym / name for this thing? Helps when 
talking with people about it. ;-)


Re: Jonathan Blow's presentation

2017-05-08 Thread bachmeier via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 19:11:03 UTC, Ethan Watson wrote:

unless you want to try making a 45 gigabyte executable for 
current Playstation/Xbox games

Just yesterday I was listening to my son cursing his Xbox as it 
downloaded 72 GB before he could play his game...

Re: Fantastic exchange from DConf

2017-05-08 Thread Jack Stouffer via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 19:37:05 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:


Wrong link

Re: Fantastic exchange from DConf

2017-05-08 Thread Jack Stouffer via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 18:33:08 UTC, Jerry wrote:

Anything that goes on the internet already has memory safety.

BS, a damn buffer overflow bug caused cloudflare to spew its 
memory all over the internet just a couple of months ago. 
Discussed here

These things still happen all the time. Especially when companies 
realize that transitioning from a Python/Ruby backend to a C++ 
one can save tens of thousands in server costs.

Re: Jonathan Blow's presentation

2017-05-08 Thread Jack Stouffer via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 19:14:16 UTC, Meta wrote:

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 19:11:03 UTC, Ethan Watson wrote:

You know, unless you want to try making a 45
gigabyte executable for current Playstation/Xbox games.

Is this why most console games that get ported to PC are 
massive? GTA V on PC, for example, was 100GB, while Skyrim was 
around 8GB.

Skyrim was that size on release because the console version had 
to fit on a DVD for the xbox 360 version, plus they made almost 
no changes to the PC version of the game. GTA V however, was 
released several months after the console release and had larger 
textures and uncompressed audio.

Re: What are we going to do about mobile?

2017-05-08 Thread Bienlein via Digitalmars-d
Let's not forget Kotlin and Swift, things we'd really be 
competing against - that is the other NEW stuff.

Kotlin/Native is now in the making and there is already a preview:

Re: Python : Pythonista / Ruby: Rubyist : / D : ?

2017-05-08 Thread Bienlein via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 21 April 2017 at 17:20:14 UTC, Vasudev Ram wrote:

Hi list,

I hope the question is self-evident from the message subject. 
If not, it means: what are D developers generally called (to 
indicate that they develop in D)? The question occurred to me 
somehow while browsing some D posts on the forums just now.

DLanger? DLangist? D'er? Doer? :)

I tend to favor DLanger, FWIW.

Interested to know, just for fun ...

Here is one for the fun : Dentists 😂

Re: Jonathan Blow's presentation

2017-05-08 Thread Meta via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 19:11:03 UTC, Ethan Watson wrote:

You know, unless you want to try making a 45
gigabyte executable for current Playstation/Xbox games.

Is this why most console games that get ported to PC are massive? 
GTA V on PC, for example, was 100GB, while Skyrim was around 8GB.

Re: Jonathan Blow's presentation

2017-05-08 Thread Ethan Watson via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 16:10:51 UTC, Rel wrote:

I don't know if I ever will need it in my code. For the game
development use case it may be useful, for example to package
all of the game assets at compile time.

It's only useful for very select cases when hardcoded assets are 
required. You know, unless you want to try making a 45 gigabyte 
executable for current Playstation/Xbox games. A talk I watched 
the other year made the point that as far as textures go in video 
games, literally all but 10 you'll ever use are read only so stop 
trying to program that exception as if it's a normal thing. 
Hardcoding a select few assets is also a case of a vast-minority 
exception. There's ways to do it on each platform, and it's not 
really worth thinking about too much until those rare times you 
need one.

Embedding inside the executable is also already a thing you can 
do in D with the import keyword.

Thoughts on some code breakage with 2.074

2017-05-08 Thread Brian Schott via Digitalmars-d
Recently the EMSI data department upgraded the compiler we use to 
build our data processing code to 2.074. This caused several of 
the thousands of processes to die with signal 8 (floating point 
exceptions). This was caused by the fix to issue 17243.

This is a good thing. We need more breaking changes like this.

Now that the floating point exceptions are properly enabled we 
were able to track down some issues that were being silently 

Re: Fantastic exchange from DConf

2017-05-08 Thread Jerry via Digitalmars-d
Anything that goes on the internet already has memory safety. The 
things that need it aren't written in C, there's a lot of 
programs out there that just don't require it. C won't be killed, 
there's too much already written in it. Sure there might be 
nothing new getting written in it but there will still be tons of 
software that needs to be maintained even if nothing new is being 
written in it. D also won't be that far behind it if that's truly 
the reason C gets 'killed'.

Anyways can't watch the discussion as it's private.

Re: Jonathan Blow's presentation

2017-05-08 Thread Rel via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 14:47:36 UTC, Ethan Watson wrote:
I can answer #1, I know a few things there but that's more 
something he should talk about as I don't know how public he's 
made that knowledge.

Well, I know that DMD in particular made a trade off not to
collect garbage during the compilation to improve the speed,
so it is really interesting to look at their compiler sources
to find out what they did to make it compile so quickly.

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 14:47:36 UTC, Ethan Watson wrote:
I also put forward to him a case with regards to compile time 
execution and code generation. Say you've got a global variable 
that you write to, and reading from that changes the kind of 
code you will generate. Thus, your outputted code can be 
entirely different according to whenever the compiler decides 
to schedule that function for execution and compilation. His 
response was, "Just don't do that."

That's essentially the philosophical difference there. Jonathan 
wants a language with no restrictions, and leave it up to the 
programmer to solve problems like the above themselves. Whether 
you agree with that or not, well, that's an entirely different 

At very least it is interesting to have this feature, I don't know
if I ever will need it in my code. For the game development use 

it may be useful, for example to package all of the game assets at
compile time. I've seen similar thing being very popular in 

Haxe-based game frameworks, though Haxe seems to be a bit more
restrictive in this regard.

Re: Jonathan Blow's presentation

2017-05-08 Thread Ethan Watson via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 8 May 2017 at 13:21:07 UTC, Rel wrote:

What do you guys think of the points explained here:

Seems like the language shares a lot of features with
D programming language. However there are several
features that caught my interest:
1) The compile times seems very fast in comparison
with other modern programming languages, I'm wondering
how he managed to do it?
2) Compile-time execution is not limited, the build
system is interestingly enough built into the language.

I was at that talk, and spoke to him quite a bit there. He also 
attended my talk. And yes, there is quite a bit of overlap in 
terms of features. He's well in to design by introspection, for 

I can answer #1, I know a few things there but that's more 
something he should talk about as I don't know how public he's 
made that knowledge.

I also put forward to him a case with regards to compile time 
execution and code generation. Say you've got a global variable 
that you write to, and reading from that changes the kind of code 
you will generate. Thus, your outputted code can be entirely 
different according to whenever the compiler decides to schedule 
that function for execution and compilation. His response was, 
"Just don't do that."

That's essentially the philosophical difference there. Jonathan 
wants a language with no restrictions, and leave it up to the 
programmer to solve problems like the above themselves. Whether 
you agree with that or not, well, that's an entirely different 

Re: reasoning of evaluating code after return in current block (static if return)

2017-05-08 Thread Stefan Koch via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 7 May 2017 at 23:41:00 UTC, bastien penavayre wrote:

On Sunday, 7 May 2017 at 23:20:26 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:


I just realized that I accidentally posted this while editing.
I agree with you on that this is barely different from just 
adding "else".


compile your code with the -vcg-ast switch and look at the .cg 

Jonathan Blow's presentation

2017-05-08 Thread Rel via Digitalmars-d

What do you guys think of the points explained here:

Seems like the language shares a lot of features with
D programming language. However there are several
features that caught my interest:
1) The compile times seems very fast in comparison
with other modern programming languages, I'm wondering
how he managed to do it?
2) Compile-time execution is not limited, the build
system is interestingly enough built into the language.

Re: DIP 1004 Preliminary Review Round 1

2017-05-08 Thread Andrej Mitrovic via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 1 May 2017 at 14:55:28 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

DIP 1004 is titled "Inherited Constructors.

Mike, given the general feedback I've received here, I think the 
next best take of action is to split the implicit inheritance 
proposal into a separate, smaller DIP, and update DIP 1004 with a 
second draft.
