Re: A New Era for the D Community

2023-05-03 Thread Don Allen via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 3 May 2023 at 23:24:53 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

This initiative has my full support.

While I have ceased using D because of my concerns about the 
project's future (I discussed my reasons in a previous message 
that don't need to be repeated), I have continued to check this 
forum occasionally, hoping to see the slope turn positive. Mike's 
message and your response are both the kind of thing I was hoping 

While there is no guarantee that the effort Mike describes will 
have the desired outcome, the mere fact that the effort has been 
made and endorsed by you is a significant positive step.

I'm sure I needn't tell you that technical work and project 
management require related but different talents. I did both 
professionally for a very long time and I certainly was not 
equally good at both. You can probably guess which one was the 
laggard. But I have seen it done well, having worked for some 
really great managers.

One who deserves mention is the late Frank Heart. The ARPANet 
(and thus the Internet) would not have existed without Frank's 
unique ability to herd the brilliant cats at BBN 50+ years ago. 
He's in the Internet Hall of Fame, deservedly. See Some of the great 
people in the history of computer science are in the picture on 
that page, including Bob Kahn, who, with Vint Cerf, won the 
Turing Award. Both played absolutely key roles in the development 
of the Internet.

I really hope that this is the start of something good for this 
project. A lot of value has been built here, but the project has 
obviously foundered in an organizational way. Project management 
is difficult, so the trouble is not surprising or unique. The key 
is recognizing that the problems are happening and taking steps 
that have a reasonable probability of improving the situation.

I will watch how this unfolds with great interest.

/Don Allen

Re: More fun with toStringz and the GC

2022-08-06 Thread Don Allen via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 6 August 2022 at 13:40:12 UTC, Don Allen wrote:
On Saturday, 6 August 2022 at 02:14:24 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 8/5/22 8:51 PM, Don Allen wrote:

And this, from Section 32.2 of the Language Reference Manual:

If pointers to D garbage collector allocated memory are 
passed to C functions, it's critical to ensure that the 
memory will not be collected by the garbage collector before 
the C function is done with it. This is accomplished by:

     Making a copy of the data using 
core.stdc.stdlib.malloc() and passing the copy instead.
     -->Leaving a pointer to it on the stack (as a parameter 
or automatic variable), as the garbage collector will scan 
the stack.<--
     Leaving a pointer to it in the static data segment, as 
the garbage collector will scan the static data segment.
     Registering the pointer with the garbage collector with 
the std.gc.addRoot() or std.gc.addRange() calls.

I did what the documentation says and it does not work.

I know, I felt exactly the same way in my post on it:$7v0$

I even issued a PR to remove the problematic recommendation:

But there was pushback to the point where it wasn't worth it. 
So I closed it.

As I said in my previous post, the documentation issue really 
needs to be addressed.

I do realize now that I *assumed* that what I did was going to 
result in a stack reference to the c-string I was trying to 
keep alive.

At the risk of over-doing this, one more thing I want to say in 
the interest of clarity: the incorrect documentation led me right 
into this error: "This is accomplished by . Leaving a pointer 
to it on the stack (as a parameter or automatic variable), as the 
garbage collector will scan

the stack."

I've fixed my code using addRoot/removeRoot and so far it seems 
to work.

Re: More fun with toStringz and the GC

2022-08-06 Thread Don Allen via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 6 August 2022 at 02:14:24 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 8/5/22 8:51 PM, Don Allen wrote:

And this, from Section 32.2 of the Language Reference Manual:

If pointers to D garbage collector allocated memory are passed 
to C functions, it's critical to ensure that the memory will 
not be collected by the garbage collector before the C 
function is done with it. This is accomplished by:

     Making a copy of the data using core.stdc.stdlib.malloc() 
and passing the copy instead.
     -->Leaving a pointer to it on the stack (as a parameter 
or automatic variable), as the garbage collector will scan the 
     Leaving a pointer to it in the static data segment, as 
the garbage collector will scan the static data segment.
     Registering the pointer with the garbage collector with 
the std.gc.addRoot() or std.gc.addRange() calls.

I did what the documentation says and it does not work.

I know, I felt exactly the same way in my post on it:$7v0$

I even issued a PR to remove the problematic recommendation:

But there was pushback to the point where it wasn't worth it. 
So I closed it.

As I said in my previous post, the documentation issue really 
needs to be addressed.

I do realize now that I *assumed* that what I did was going to 
result in a stack reference to the c-string I was trying to keep 
alive. Bad assumption, obviously. But I think the point is that 
there is a simple, reliable mechanism -- addRoot, removeRoot -- 
that works and the documentation should say that and only that. 
Walter said this in his 9/25/21 post: "Use GC.addRoot() to keep a 
reference alive. That's what it's for.
". That's all that's needed. All the rest leads people like me 
who don't think like a compiler to make the mistake I made.

Re: More fun with toStringz and the GC

2022-08-05 Thread Don Allen via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Friday, 5 August 2022 at 23:38:22 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 8/5/22 7:13 PM, jfondren wrote:

On Friday, 5 August 2022 at 22:51:07 UTC, Don Allen wrote:
My theory: because gc_protect2 is never referenced, I'm 
guessing that the compiler is optimizing away the storage of 
the returned pointer, the supporting evidence being what I 
said in the previous paragraph. Anyone have a better idea?

A local variable definitely isn't enough:

This package came of it:

Yes, but I will warn you, the compilers are smart buggers. I 
think someone came up with a case where this still doesn't keep 
it alive (been a while since I made that).

The only true solution is to use `GC.addRoot` on the string and 
`GC.removeRoot` when you are done.

Steve --

Thanks for this.

But this time I *did* read the documentation, specifically this:

Interfacing Garbage Collected Objects With Foreign Code

The garbage collector looks for roots in:

the static data segment
the stacks and register contents of each thread
the TLS (thread-local storage) areas of each thread
any roots added by core.memory.GC.addRoot() or 
If the only pointer to an object is held outside of these areas, 
then the collector will miss it and free the memory.

To avoid this from happening, either

maintain a pointer to the object in an area the collector 
does scan for pointers;
add a root where a pointer to the object is stored using 
core.memory.GC.addRoot() or core.memory.GC.addRange().
reallocate and copy the object using the foreign code's 
storage allocator or using the C runtime library's malloc/free.

And this, from Section 32.2 of the Language Reference Manual:

If pointers to D garbage collector allocated memory are passed to 
C functions, it's critical to ensure that the memory will not be 
collected by the garbage collector before the C function is done 
with it. This is accomplished by:

Making a copy of the data using core.stdc.stdlib.malloc() and 
passing the copy instead.
-->Leaving a pointer to it on the stack (as a parameter or 
automatic variable), as the garbage collector will scan the 
Leaving a pointer to it in the static data segment, as the 
garbage collector will scan the static data segment.
Registering the pointer with the garbage collector with the 
std.gc.addRoot() or std.gc.addRange() calls.

I did what the documentation says and it does not work.

Having a better version of C and C++ with a gc and the ability to 
directly call useful C/C++ libraries is a big D selling point, as 
far as I am concerned. It was a major motivation for the creation 
of Go. But getting the interaction between the GC and foreign 
functions properly documented is essential. Right now, there are 
bits and pieces of advice in the Language Reference, the Feature 
Overview, and the toStringz documentation and none of it tells 
you what you need to know. In fact, it does the opposite, telling 
you to do something (stick a pointer on the stack) that does not 
work, which leads to the "nasty bug" spoken of in the toStringz 
doc. When you waste a lot of a user's time with poor and 
inaccurate documentation, as this did mine, you are not making 
friends. I would advise fixing this asap.


More fun with toStringz and the GC

2022-08-05 Thread Don Allen via Digitalmars-d-announce
Remember all the fun we had last year when I failed to heed the 
warning in the toStringz documentation about retaining a 
reference to a char * passed into C? It took a long time to find 
that one, with a lot of help from Steve Schveighoffer and others.

Well, I've got another one. Consider this:

// Get number of children of the parent account
auto gc_protect = bind_text(n_children_stmt, 1, 
parent.children.length = one_row!(int)(n_children_stmt, 

auto gc_protect2 = bind_text(account_child_stmt, 1, 
for (int i = 0; next_row_available_p(account_child_stmt, 
_reset); i++) {

parent.children[i] = new Account;
parent.children[i].name = 
fromStringz(sqlite3_column_text(account_child_stmt, 0)).idup;
parent.children[i].guid = 
fromStringz(sqlite3_column_text(account_child_stmt, 1)).idup;
parent.children[i].flags = 
sqlite3_column_int(account_child_stmt, 2);
parent.children[i].value = 


bind_text takes a D string, turns it into a C string with 
toStringz, uses that to call sqlite3_bind_text and returns the C 
string, which I store as you can see with the intention of 
protecting it from the gc. The code as written above does not 
work. At some point, I get an index-out-of-bounds error, because 
the loop is seeing too many children. If I turn off the GC, the 
code works correctly and the application completes normally.

With the GC on, if I put a debugging writeln inside the loop, 
right after the 'for', that prints, among other things, the value 
of gc_protect2 (I wanted to convince myself that the GC wasn't 
moving what it points to; yes, I know the documentation says the 
current GC won't do that), the problem goes away. A Heisenbug!

My theory: because gc_protect2 is never referenced, I'm guessing 
that the compiler is optimizing away the storage of the returned 
pointer, the supporting evidence being what I said in the 
previous paragraph. Anyone have a better idea?

By the way, I get the same error compiling this with dmd or ldc.

/Don Allen

Re: Question re specific implicit type coercion

2021-10-18 Thread Don Allen via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 18 October 2021 at 15:58:35 UTC, Don Allen wrote:

On Monday, 18 October 2021 at 15:34:45 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Monday, 18 October 2021 at 15:04:11 UTC, Don Allen wrote:
Section 12.17 of the Language Reference does not indicate any 
circumstance in which a dynamic array, which the literal is, 
is implicitly coerced to a pointer.

This is a special case for string literals, covered in 
[section 10.23.7][1].


Yes. Thank you.

I do think it would be helpful, even essential, to have a link in 
Section 12.17 to the section you cite. The Language Reference is 
just that, a reference, not a tutorial and it should not be a 
requirement to read it from cover to cover. Strings and string 
literals are arrays and 12.17 purports to cover the implicit type 
conversions among the various array types, but currently leaves 
out this special case and should not, in my opinion. I will file 
an issue making this suggestion.

Re: Question re specific implicit type coercion

2021-10-18 Thread Don Allen via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 18 October 2021 at 15:34:45 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

On Monday, 18 October 2021 at 15:04:11 UTC, Don Allen wrote:
Section 12.17 of the Language Reference does not indicate any 
circumstance in which a dynamic array, which the literal is, 
is implicitly coerced to a pointer.

This is a special case for string literals, covered in [section 


Yes. Thank you.

Question re specific implicit type coercion

2021-10-18 Thread Don Allen via Digitalmars-d-learn

I am calling a C function, described in D as

extern (C) GtkWidget* gtk_menu_item_new_with_label 

I call it like this

accounts_menu_item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label("New account 

The type of the string literal in the call is immutable(char)[]. 
The type of the parameter is a pointer to immutable characters.

This setup works.

My question is about the documentation vs. what is really going 
on here.

Section 12.17 of the Language Reference does not indicate any 
circumstance in which a dynamic array, which the literal is, is 
implicitly coerced to a pointer. I realize that this is a special 
case -- the callee is a C function -- that might not be covered 
by this section. So I looked at Section 32.3, Chapter 32 being 
"Interfacing to C". 32.3 contains a table of correspondences 
between D and C types. The entry for the D type T[] indicates no 
correspondence in C.

So at least my reading of the documentation suggests that my code 
should not compile. And yet it does and works, which leads me to 
believe there is a documentation error that ought to be reported.

Before doing so, I decided to send this message so those of you 
who know D a lot better than I do can tell me what I've missed or 
gotten wrong, if that is the case.

Thanks --

Re: Metaprogramming with D

2020-06-06 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 7 June 2020 at 00:45:37 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
False. And again, even if so, that's not because of D, but 
because of humans. Can you imagine a CTO, say, in Silicon 
Valley to have guts to bring D instead of C++? With C++, the 
CTO will never be blamed; but D, he or she can easily be blamed 
upon failure. Not because of the technologies but because of 

In other words, "Nobody ever got fired for choosing [C++]."

Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-30 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 30 January 2019 at 13:58:38 UTC, 12345swordy wrote:
I do not accept gut feeling as a valid objection here. The 
current workarounds is shown to be painful as shown in the dip 
and in the discussions that it currently link. That *the* 
motivation here.

Like I said previously I am on the reviews side and that's it.

By the way I don't like your tone when you say: "I do not accept 
gut feeling as a valid objection here".

I don't think you would like if I say that your opinion is biased 
because you know the author either, so don't go that way, because 
it's not only me against this DIP.

I am familiar with the author here, he is very involved with 
the C++<->D compatibility side of things. He knows the pain 
from first hand experience.

Alright we're talking about a change that have been on hold for 
almost 10 years, if it was simple it would already been done.

In this thread we saw some other concerns been emerged.

Finally I only know the author by his postings in this forum, and 
I don't have anything personally against him.


Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-29 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 30 January 2019 at 03:01:36 UTC, 12345swordy wrote:

On Wednesday, 30 January 2019 at 00:25:17 UTC, Don wrote:
But what I fail to see is why can't the programmer solve this 
themselves instead of relying on a new feature that would 
cause more harm?


...Did you even read the arguments in the dip? This has been 
discuss quite a lot in the forums, it even gives you links to 

Well, I read the DIP and the whole forum discussion back in the 
day, and again I think this will create more harm than benefits 
the way it was proposed.

And starting from the beginning of this DIP - Rationale example:

   "void fun(int x);

fun(10); // <-- this is how users expect to call a typical 

But when ref is present:

void fun(ref int x);

fun(10); // <-- compile error; not an lvalue!!
Necessitating the workaround:

int temp = 10;

This inconvenience extends broadly to every manner of rvalue 
passed to

functions, including:"

So the solution in the way I understood is pretty much a syntax 
sugar, creating temporary variable with destruction.

But the concept is weird, because originally your function 
signature has a "ref parameter" and we're just creating a 
workaround expanding it to handle rvalues.

I would prefer to handle it myself with overloading instead of 
being presented with new language feature creating different 
scenarios for something that's not the case right now.

Otherwise D will be pretty much like C++ and in this case why 
bother with it?


Re: DIP 1016--ref T accepts r-values--Formal Assessment

2019-01-29 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d-announce

I'm on the reviewers side here.

To be honest I never liked this DIP and maybe I'll sound dumb but 
I think this is a case where this could bring more problem than 

The way I see this would be more like a syntax sugar to create 
temporary variable for ref parameters and that's it.

But what I fail to see is why can't the programmer solve this 
themselves instead of relying on a new feature that would cause 
more harm?

With overload some could do:

void f(int i){

void f(ref int i){

void main(){
int i = 0;


The "f" function will work with ref or literal (rvalues).

But this will be controlled by the programmer the way they want 


Re: Java also has chained exceptions, done manually

2018-09-07 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 6 September 2018 at 14:39:12 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

In an earlier post, Don Clugston wrote:

When I originally implemented this, I discovered that the idea 
"chained exceptions" was hopeless naive. The idea was that 
processing one exception, if you encounter a second one, and 

chain them together. Then you get a third, fourth, etc.

The problem is that it's much more complicated than that. Each 
of the
exceptions can be a chain of exceptions themselves. This means 
you don't end up with a chain of exceptions, but rather a tree 
exceptions. That's why there are those really nasty test cases 
in the

test suite.

The examples in the test suite are very difficult to 
understand if

you expect it to be a simple chain!

On the one hand, I was very proud that I was able to work out 

barely-documented behaviour of Windows SEH, and it was really
thorough. In the initial implementation, all the complexity was
covered. It wasn't the bugfix-driven-development which dmd 

operates under .

But on the other hand, once you can see all of the complexity,
exception chaining becomes much less convincing as a concept. 
the full exception tree is available in the final exception 
which you

catch. But, is it of any use? I doubt it very much. It's pretty
clearly a nett loss to the language, it increases complexity 
negligible benefit. Fortunately in this case, the cost isn't 


First off, there's no tree of exceptions simply because... well 
it's not there. There is on field "next", not two fields "left" 
and "right". It's a linear list, not a tree. During 
construction there might be the situation whereby two lists 
need to be merged. But they will be merged by necessity into a 
singly-linked list, not a tree, because we have no structural 
representation of a tree.

That's correct, the *end result* is not a tree of exceptions, but 
the intermediate state is a tree. There can be an arbitrary 
number of exceptions in flight at any given time.

The final exception chain is the result of a depth-first traverse 
of the call stack.

Given an exception chain A->B->C, you don't know if C was thrown 
while processing B, or while processing A.

So the exception chain is inherently ambiguous. My point is that 
this reduces the appeal of the feature.

Note that my message was in response to Walter being confused as 
to why the tests were so complicated.

(As an aside, it does seem we could allow some weird cases 
where people rethrow some exception down the chain, thus 
creating loops. Hopefully that's handled properly.)

A loop is not possible in ordinary operation, any more than a 
loop is possible in a depth-first traverse of a tree. But, what I 
don't know is, what happens if there is a switch to a different 
fiber inside a `finally` clause?

I never considered that.

At Sociomantic we have code to deal with exceptions being thrown 
across context switches. Normally it's a bad idea. However, I 
don't believe we considered that the exception being thrown 
across the context switch, might not be the only exception in 
flight at that moment.

Maybe it's perfectly fine. I just don't know.

Second, it does pay to keep abreast other languages. I had no 
idea (and am quite ashamed of it) that Java also has chained 

This is fascinating.

They implement them manually, i.e. the user who throws a new 
exception would need to pass the existing exception (or 
exception chain) as an argument to the new exception's 
constructor. Otherwise, an exception thrown from a 
catch/finally block obliterates the existing exception and 
replaces it with the new one:

So chaining exceptions in Java is a nice complementary 
mechanism to compensate for that loss in information: when you 
throw, you have the chance to chain the current exception so it 
doesn't get ignored. Because of that, D's chained exceptions 
mechanism can be seen as an automated way of doing "the right 
thing" in Java.

We should study similarities and distinctions with Java's 
mechanism and discuss them in our documentation.


It's implemented, it works, I was quite proud of having figured 
it out. Is it actually useful? Dunno.


Re: D is dead

2018-08-27 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 27 August 2018 at 07:34:37 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 8/23/2018 8:53 PM, David Nadlinger wrote:
On Thursday, 23 August 2018 at 23:27:51 UTC, Walter Bright 
D deals with it via "chained exceptions", which is 
terrifyingly difficult to understand. If you believe it is 
understandable, just try to understand the various devious 
test cases in the test suite.

I don't think that assessment is accurate. Yes, I ported EH to 
a few new targets and wrote the first correct implementation 
of exception chaining for LDC, so I'm probably a couple of 
standard deviations off the average D user in that regard. But 
said average D user doesn't care about most of the nuances of 
this problem, like the details of implementing exception 
chaining without allocating too much,

I find myself unable to explain the rationale of the behavior 
exhibited by the current chaining system. I dared not change 
it, as I presumed somebody surely built a store around it. It 
does not simply chain exceptions.

or which exceptions take precedence in various intentionally 
twisted test cases.

The only documentation for this is the test suite itself, which 
does not have any documentation or rationale either, just tests.

I would appreciate it if you did document what it's supposed to 
do and why, as likely nobody else knows. Maybe if I understood 
why I'd be more forgiving of it :-)

What they do care about is that the fact that an error has 
occurred is propagated sensibly in all cases without requiring 
extra attention, and that information as to the origin is not 
lost (hence chaining rather than just replacement). Heck, the 
fact that we still don't have default backtrace handlers that 
consistently work on all platforms is probably a much bigger 
problem than the minutiae of exception chaining behaviour.

I wish the minutiae was documented somewhere :-( as I care 
about the nuances of it, if only because I'm ultimately 
responsible for keeping it working correctly.

I can explain this, since I did the original implementation.
When I originally implemented this, I discovered that the idea of 
"chained exceptions" was hopeless naive. The idea was that while 
processing one exception, if you encounter a second one, and you 
chain them together. Then you get a third, fourth, etc.

The problem is that it's much more complicated than that. Each of 
the exceptions can be a chain of exceptions themselves. This 
means that you don't end up with a chain of exceptions, but 
rather a tree of exceptions. That's why there are those really 
nasty test cases in the test suite.

The examples in the test suite are very difficult to understand 
if you expect it to be a simple chain!

On the one hand, I was very proud that I was able to work out the 
barely-documented behaviour of Windows SEH, and it was really 
thorough. In the initial implementation, all the complexity was 
covered. It wasn't the bugfix-driven-development which dmd 
usually operates under .

But on the other hand, once you can see all of the complexity, 
exception chaining becomes much less convincing as a concept. 
Sure, the full exception tree is available in the final exception 
which you catch. But, is it of any use? I doubt it very much.
It's pretty clearly a nett loss to the language, it increases 
complexity with negligible benefit. Fortunately in this case, the 
cost isn't really high.


Re: D's SwitchStatement accepts statements with ridiculous semantics

2017-09-29 Thread Don Clugston via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 29 September 2017 at 10:32:02 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 29.09.2017 11:12, Don Clugston wrote:

Guess what this prints

import std.stdio;

void main()
   int i = 0;

   switch (i) for (i = 8; i < 10; ++i)
     case 7:

     default: ;

Why does this even compile? It's because the grammar is:

     switch ( Expression ) ScopeStatement

and ScopeStatement allows almost anything.
I think the only sane grammar is

     switch ( Expression ) BlockStatement

Initially I thought ScopeStatement was accepted in order to 
enable Duff's device, but it isn't necessary for that. It 
might have originally accepted ScopeStatement to support

E e; switch( e ) with (E) {  }

Or it may have just been an accident.

It is very likely that this part of the grammar was 
deliberately copied from C. It's also consistent with how all 
other control flow constructs are parsed.

But regardless of the original motivation, it allows some 
truly dreadful semantics.

I don't see what your proposed grammar change accomplishes:

case 7:

I.e., you seem to have misidentified the culprit. Whether or 
not to the curly braces are required by the parser has nothing 
to do with switch semantics.

That case looks quite different to me.
It's rather more obvious that the `for` statement has been 

The problem I have with the original example is that it looks as 
though the body of the `for` loop is the body of the switch 

Can we disallow this silliness please?

Maybe this specific case can be disallowed during semantic (but 
I don't really see why it helps, it mostly just makes the 
language definition more complex).

I believe it makes it simpler. You cannot avoid the reference to 

Note that:  "A switch statement must have a default statement."

This is only possible only in two situations.

1. Silly degenerate case.
 switch (i) default: ;

2. A statement which contains a BlockStatement.

It accepts unreachable code.

  switch (i) if ( foo() ) {} else { default: ; }

A switch statement followed by anything other than a 
BlockStatement is *always* wrong. Always.

We improved the switch statement a lot by disallowing implicit 
fallthrough. But it still allows other nonsense that was 
presumably inherited from the very early days of K C.

This example just struck me as exceedingly silly, and quite 

D's SwitchStatement accepts statements with ridiculous semantics

2017-09-29 Thread Don Clugston via Digitalmars-d

Guess what this prints

import std.stdio;

void main()
  int i = 0;

  switch (i) for (i = 8; i < 10; ++i)
case 7:

default: ;

Why does this even compile? It's because the grammar is:

switch ( Expression ) ScopeStatement

and ScopeStatement allows almost anything.
I think the only sane grammar is

switch ( Expression ) BlockStatement

Initially I thought ScopeStatement was accepted in order to 
enable Duff's device, but it isn't necessary for that. It might 
have originally accepted ScopeStatement to support

E e; switch( e ) with (E) {  }

Or it may have just been an accident.
But regardless of the original motivation, it allows some truly 
dreadful semantics.

Can we disallow this silliness please?

Re: Exception chaining and collectException

2017-08-18 Thread Don Clugston via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 18 August 2017 at 03:31:38 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Chained exceptions are a good idea, but are more or less a 

1. No other language does chained exceptions

2. Attempting to hammer D chained exceptions into other 
language schemes (such as C++) makes for lots of unfun hours 
attempting to decode undocumented behavior in those other 

3. Makes D exceptions incompatible with other language 
exceptions and their infrastructure

4. Are incomprehensibly implemented (I defy anyone to explain 
how the test cases in the test suite are actually supposed to 

Well, I wrote them, so I can explain that. The problem is that 
the idea that you can form a "chain" of exceptions turns out to 
be naive.

What if a chained exception needs to get chained to another 
chained exception? And that then needs to be chained to another 

It forms a tree! That's why the test cases are so complicated.

So to a large extent, this extremely obscure corner case destroys 
the elegance of the concept.

Secondly, exception handling in windows is practically 
undocumented. Certainly it's not documented in a single place. 
When I began to implement it, I feared it might be impossible. 
There isn't any guarantee that exception chaining can actually be 
implemented on all platforms.

5. Are more or less incompatible with non-GC memory allocation

I'd like to remove them from D.

I recommend *not* designing any program that requires them.

I invested quite a lot personally in implementing chained 
exceptions. But I agree with you.
I was actually quite proud that I worked out the nasty corner 
cases during the initial implementation. As far as I can tell, 
problems with chained exceptions are not because of bugs and 
implementation issues, but because of problems with the concept 

I think it's just a bit too clever.

Re: Battle-plan for CTFE

2016-05-17 Thread Don Clugston via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 15 May 2016 at 12:17:30 UTC, Daniel Murphy wrote:

On 15/05/2016 9:57 PM, Martin Nowak wrote:

On 05/15/2016 01:58 PM, Daniel Murphy wrote:
The biggest advantage of bytecode is not the interpreter 
speed, it's
that by lowering you can substitute VarExps etc with actual 

to memory without modifying the AST.

By working with something lower level than the AST, you 
should end up

with something much less complex and with fewer special cases.

Which is a bad assessment, you can stick variable indexes into
VarDeclaration (we already do that) and thereby access them in 
Converting control flow and references into byte code is far 

trivial, we're talking about another s2ir and e2ir here.


For simple types that's true.  For more complicated reference 

Variable indexes are not enough, you also need heap memory, but 
slices and pointers (and references) can refer to values either 
on the heap or the stack, and you can have a slice of a member 
static array of a class on the stack, etc.  Then there are 

Neither e2ir or s2ir are actually that complex.  A lot of the 
mess there comes from the backend IR interface being rather 
difficult to work with.
 We can already save a big chunk of complexity by not having to 
translate the frontend types.  E.g.  implementing the logic in 
the interpreter to correctly unwind through destructors is 
unlikely to be simpler than lowering to an IR.

Exactly. I think the whole idea of trying to avoid a glue layer 
is a mistake.
CTFE is a backend. It really is. And it should be treated as one. 
A very simple one, of course.
Once you do this, you'll find all sorts of commonalities with the 
existing glue layers.
We should end up with at least 4 backends: DMD, GCD, LDC, and 

Many people here are acting like this is something complicated, 
and making dangerous suggestions like using Phobos inside the 
compiler. (I think everyone who has fixed a compiler bug that was 
discovered in Phobos, will know what a nightmare that would be. 
The last thing compiler development needs is another level of 
complexity in the compiler).

As I've tried to explain, the problems with CTFE historically 
were never with the CTFE engine itself. They were always with the 
interface between CTFE and the remainder of the compiler -- 
finding every case where CTFE can be called, finding all the 
bizarre cases (tuple variables, variables without a stack because 
they are local variables declared in comma expressions in global 
scope, local 'ref' variables, etc), finding all the cases where 
the syntax trees were invalid...

There's no need for grandiose plans, as if there is some 
almost-insurmountable problem to be solved. THIS IS NOT 
DIFFICULT. With the interface cleaned up, it is the well-studied 
problem of creating an interpreter. Everyone knows how to do 
this, it's been done thousands of times. The complete test suite 
is there for you. Someone just needs to do it.

I think I took the approach of using syntax trees about as far as 
it can go. It's possible, but it's really vile. Look at the code 
for doing assignments. Bleagh. The only thing in its favour is 
that originally it was the only implementation that was possible 
at all. Even the first, minimal step towards creating a ctfe 
backend -- introducing a syntax-tree-validation step -- 
simplified parts of the code immensely.

You might imagine that it's easier to work with syntax trees than 
to start from scratch but I'm certain that's not true. I'm pretty 
sure that the simplest approach is to use the simplest possible 
machine-independent bytecode that you can come up with. I had got 
to the point of starting that, but I just couldn't face doing it 
in C++.

TL;DR:  CTFE is actually a backend, so don't be afraid of 
creating a glue layer for it.

Re: Battle-plan for CTFE

2016-05-13 Thread Don Clugston via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 9 May 2016 at 16:57:39 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

Hi Guys,

I have been looking into the DMD now to see what I can do about 

Unfortunately It is a pretty big mess to untangle.
Code responsible for CTFE is in at least 3 files.
[dinterpret.d, ctfeexpr.d, constfold.d]
I was shocked to discover that the PowExpression actually 
depends on phobos! (depending on the exact codePath it may or 
may not compile...)

Yes. This is because of lowering. Walter said in his DConf talk 
that lowering was a success; actually, it's a quick-and-dirty 
hack that inevitably leads to a disaster.

Lowering always needs to be reverted.

which let to me prematurely stating that it worked at ctfe 

My Plan is as follows.

Add a new file for my ctfe-interpreter and update it gradually 
to take more and more of the cases the code in the files 
mentioned above was used for.

Do Dataflow analysis on the code that is to be ctfe'd so we can 
tell beforehand if we need to store state in the ctfe stack or 

You don't need dataflow analysis. The CtfeCompile pass over the 
semantic tree was intended to determine how many variables are 
required by each function.

Or baring proper data-flow analysis: RefCouting the variables 
on the ctfe-stack could also be a solution.

I will post more details as soon as I dive deeper into the code.

The current implementation stores persistent state for every 
ctfe incovation.
While caching nothing. Not even the compiled for of a function 

Because it cannot relax purity.

No. Purity is not why it doesn't save the state. It's because of 

I think I need to explain the history of CTFE.
Originally, we had constant-folding. Then constant-folding was 
extended to do things like slicing a string at compile time. 
Constant folding leaks memory like the Exxon Valdez leaks oil, 
but that's OK because it only ever happens once.
Then, the constant folding was extended to include function 
calls, for loops, etc. All using the existing constant-folding 
code. Now the crappy memory usage is a problem. But it's OK 
because the CTFE code was kind of proof-of-concept thing anyway.

Now, everyone asks, why doesn't it use some kind of byte-code 
interpreter or something?
Well, the reason is, it just wasn't possible. There was actually 
no single CTFE entry point. Instead, it was a complete mess. For 
example, with template arguments, the compiler would first try to 
run CTFE on the argument, with error messages suppressed. If that 
succeeded, it was a template value argument. If it generated 
errors, it would then see if was a type. If that failed as well, 
it assumed it was a template alias argument.
The other big problem was that CTFE was also often called on a 
function which had semantic errors.

So, here is what I did with CTFE:
(1) Implement all the functionality, so that CTFE code can be 
developed. The valuable legacy of this, which I am immensely 
proud of, is the file "interpret3.d" in the test suite. It is 
very comprehensive. If an CTFE implementation passes the test 
suite, it's good to go.
The CTFE implementation itself is practically worthless. It's 
value was to get the test suite developed.

(2) Created a single entry point for CTFE. This involved working 
out rules for every place that CTFE is actually required, 
removing the horrid speculative execution of CTFE.
It made sure that functions had actually been semantically 
analyzed before they were executed (there were really horrific 
cases where the function had its semantic tree modified while it 
was being executed!!)
Getting to this point involved about 60 pull requests and six 
months of nearly full-time work. Finally it was possible to 
consider a byte-code interpreter or JITer.

We reached this point around Nov 2012.

(3) Added a 'ctfeCompile' step which runs over the semantic tree 
the first time the function is executed at compile time. Right 
now it does nothing much except that check that the semantic tree 
is valid. This detected many errors in the rest of the compiler.

We reached this point around March 2013.

My intention was to extend the cfteCompile step to a byte-code 
generator. But then I had to stop working on it and concentrate 
on looking after my family.

Looking at the code without knowing the history, you'll think, 
the obvious way to do this would be with a byte-code generator or 
JITer, and wonder why the implementation is so horrible. But for 
most of the history, that kind of implementation was just not 
People come up with all these elaborate schemes to speed up CTFE. 
It's totally not necessary. All that's needed is a very simple 
bytecode interpreter.

Re: Signed integer overflow undefined behavior or not?

2015-11-13 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 13 November 2015 at 09:37:41 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

On Friday, 13 November 2015 at 09:33:51 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

I don't understand what you think is so complicated about it?

After arithmetic operations f is applied
signed: f(v) = ((v + 2^(n-1)) mod (2^n - 1)) - 2^(n-1)

Complicated in the sense that: when are those semantics useful? 
The answer of course, is, pretty much never. They are very 

It is not that it is complicated, but that signed wraparound is 
almost always a bug. In C/C++, that result in very questionable 
optimizations. But defining the thing as wraparound is also 
preventing it to become an error. On the other hand, detection 
the overflow is expensive on most machines.

I think Don has a point and the spec should say something like :
signed integer overflow is defined as being a runtime error. 
For performance reasons, the compiler may choose to not emit 
error checking code and use wraparound semantic instead.

Or something along these lines.

Oh, I like that! That does seem to be the best of both worlds. 
Then, as a QOI issue, the compiler can try to detect the error. 
If it does not detect the error, it MUST provide the two's 
complement result. It is not allowed to do any weird stuff.

Re: Signed integer overflow undefined behavior or not?

2015-11-13 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 13 November 2015 at 05:47:03 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

Signed overflow are defined as well, as wraparound.

Can we please, please, please not have that as official policy 
without carefully thinking through the implications?

It is undefined behaviour in C and C++, so we are not constrained 
by backwards compatibility with existing code.

I have never seen an example where signed integer overflow 
happened, which was not a bug. In my opinion, making it legal is 
an own goal, an unforced error.

Suppose we made it an error. We'd be in a much better position 
than C. We could easily add a check for integer overflow into 
CTFE. We could allow compilers and static analysis tools to 
implement runtime checks for integer overflow, as well.

Are we certain that we want to disallow this?

At the very least, we should change the terminology on that page. 
The word "overflow" should not be used when referring to both 
signed and unsigned types. On that page, it is describing two 
very different phenomena, and gives the impression that it was 
written by somebody who does not understand what they are talking 

The usage of the word "wraps" is sloppy.

That page should state something like:
For any unsigned integral type T, all arithmetic is performed 
modulo (T.max + 1).

Thus, for example, uint.max + 1 == 0.
There is no reason to mention the highly misleading word 

For a signed integral type T, T.max + 1 is not representable in 
type T.
Then, we have a choice of either declaring it to be an error, as 
C does; or stating that the low bits of the infinitely-precise 
result will be interpreted as a two's complement value. For 
example, T.max + 1 will be negative.

(Note that unlike the unsigned case, there is no simple 
explanation of what happens).

Please let's be precise about this.

Re: DConf 2016, Berlin: Call for Submissions is now open!

2015-10-26 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Friday, 23 October 2015 at 16:37:20 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Typo: "we're grateful to benefit of their hosting" should be 
"we're grateful to get the benefit of their hosting" or "we're 
grateful to benefit from their hosting".

Re: Playing SIMD

2015-10-26 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 25 October 2015 at 19:37:32 UTC, Iakh wrote:
Here is my implementatation of SIMD find. Function returns 
index of ubyte in static 16 byte array with unique values.


You need to be very careful with doing benchmarks on tiny test 
cases, they can be very misleading.

Be aware that the speed of bsf() and bsr() is very very strongly 
processor dependent. On some machines, it is utterly pathetic. eg 
AMD K7, BSR is 23 micro-operations, on original pentium is was up 
to 73 (!), even on AMD Bobcat it is 11 micro-ops, but on recent 
Intel it is one micro-op. This fact of 73 can totally screw up 
your performance comparisons.

Just because it is a single machine instruction does not mean it 
is fast.

Re: opDispatch and compile time parameters

2015-10-21 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 21 October 2015 at 12:32:37 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

On 10/21/2015 07:40 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 10/21/2015 12:55 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 10/19/15 9:49 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Monday, 19 October 2015 at 23:37:09 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

This is the worst part:

class C{
int[] x=[1,2,3];

void main(){
auto mut=new C;
auto imm=new immutable(C);

Oooo. Ouch. Yeah, that pushes it from being a good idea to 
disallow this
in order to avoid bugs to a necessity to disallow it in 
order to avoid

breaking the type system.

Please file, thanks. -- Andrei

(I've filed it in 2013. .)

What should be the expected behaviour?

- Don't allow default initialization with mutable indirections 


- Clone the mutable referenced data for each instance.

- Have different "init" for different mutability.

- ... ?

The quickest way to stop the bleeding is to disallow the code. 
It's incorrect for immutable data and misleading for mutable 
data. (What an user might expect is that each data comes with a 
distinct array.)

I can't believe I didn't know about this huge hole.


Fundamentally the problem is that literals of mutable reference 
types do not make sense. This is why I argued (before TDPL came 
out), that an explicit .dup should be required, rather than 
allowing the compiler to secretly add one automatically. Implicit 
conversion of an array literal to mutable is ridiculous IMHO.

This is just one manifestation of the problem. It could be quite 
difficult to come up with a rule for what should be disallowed.

Re: Implement the "unum" representation in D ?

2015-09-16 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 15 September 2015 at 11:13:59 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:

On Tuesday, 15 September 2015 at 10:38:23 UTC, ponce wrote:
On Tuesday, 15 September 2015 at 09:35:36 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:

That's a pretty convincing case. Who does it :)?

I'm not convinced. I think they are downplaying the hardware 
difficulties. Slide 34:

Disadvantages of the Unum Format
* Non-power-of-two alignment. Needs packing and unpacking, 
garbage collection.

I think that disadvantage is so enormous that it negates most of 
the advantages. Note that in the x86 world, unaligned memory 
loads of SSE values still take longer than aligned loads. And 
that's a trivial case!

The energy savings are achieved by using a primitive form of 
compression. Sure, you can reduce the memory bandwidth required 
by compressing the data. You could do that for *any* form of 
data, not just floating point. But I don't think anyone thinks 
that's worthwhile.

The energy comparisons are plain dishonest. The power required 
for accessing from DRAM is the energy consumption of a *cache 
miss* !! What's the energy consumption of a load from cache? That 
would show you what the real gains are, and my guess is they are 

* I don't believe the energy savings are real.
* There is no guarantee that it would be possible to implement it 
in hardware without a speed penalty, regardless of how many 
transistors you throw at it (hardware analogue of Amdahl's Law)

* but the error bound stuff is cool.

Re: formal review

2015-07-29 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 28 July 2015 at 22:29:01 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/28/2015 7:07 AM, Atila Neves wrote:

Start of the two week process, folks.

Thank you very much, Sönke, for taking this on. Thank you, 
Atila, for taking on the thankless job of being review manager.

Just looking at the documentation only, some general notes:

1. Not sure that 'JSON' needs to be embedded in the public 
names. 'parseJSONStream' should just be 'parseStream', etc. 
Name disambiguation, if needed, should be ably taken care of by 
a number of D features for that purpose. Additionally, I 
presume that the package implies a number of 
different formats. These formats should all use the same names 
with as similar as possible APIs - this won't work too well if 
JSON is embedded in the APIs.

2. JSON is a trivial format, But I count 6 
files and 30 names in the public API.

3. Stepping back a bit, when I think of parsing JSON data, I 

auto ast = inputrange.toJSON();

where toJSON() accepts an input range and produces a container, 
the ast. The ast is just a JSON value. Then, I can just query 
the ast to see what kind of value it is (using overloading), 
and walk it as necessary. To create output:

auto r = ast.toChars();  // r is an InputRange of characters

So, we'll need:

The possible JSON values are:
object (associative arrays)

Since these are D builtin types, they can actually be a simple 
union of D builtin types.

Related to this: it should not be importing std.bigint. Note that 
if std.bigint were fully implemented, it would be very 
heavyweight (optimal multiplication of enormous integers involves 
fast fourier transforms and all kinds of odd stuff, that's really 
bizarre to pull in if you're just parsing a trivial little JSON 
config file).

Although it is possible for JSON to contain numbers which are 
larger than can fit into long or ulong, it's an abnormal case. 
Many apps (probably, almost all) will want to reject such numbers 
immediately. BigInt should be opt-in.

And, it is also possible to have floating point numbers that are 
not representable in double or real. BigInt doesn't solve that 

It might be adequate to simply present it as a raw number (an 
unconverted string) if it isn't a built-in type. Parse it for 
validity, but don't actually convert it.

Re: Enhancement: issue error on all public functions that are missing ddoc sections

2015-03-19 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 18 March 2015 at 22:05:18 UTC, Brian Schott wrote:
On Wednesday, 18 March 2015 at 18:48:53 UTC, Walter Bright 
I'm fed up with this problem. It is actively hurting us every 

Anyone want to take this on? Shouldn't be particularly 

D-Scanner has had this feature for a while. Here's the list for 

That's a very interesting list. Things like this:

std/regex/package.d(320:13)[warn]: Public declaration 'regexImpl' 
is undocumented.

appear to be public only as an workaround (necessary for mixins 
or something). Perhaps such things shouldn't actually be 
documented. But we don't have a mechanism for that.

Re: Post increment and decrement

2015-03-12 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 12 March 2015 at 04:06:14 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 12/03/2015 1:50 p.m., Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 3/11/15 10:23 AM, welkam wrote:

Observation Nr. 1
People prefer to write var++ instead of ++var.

Observation Nr. 2
Because of observation Nr. 1 and other reasons compilers 
became good at
removing code that is not needed making var++ and ++var to 
produce the

same code if returned value is not used.

Observation Nr. 3
Because of observation Nr. 2 more people use var++ in place 
where they

really only need ++var.

Observation Nr. 4
Because of observation Nr. 3 people learning to program may 
learn that var++ is just incrementing. (I am included in that 

Observation Nr. 5
Because of observation Nr. 4 people can write slower than 
necessary code

for classes with overloaded operator or even get bugs.

Because of all this why not make only one increment/decrement 
and have post increment/decrement to be called by template 
name, because

it is a template?

template post_inc(T) {
auto tmp = T;
return tmp;

Observation Nr. 6
Somebody didn't Read The Fine Manual. Page 369:

If the result of a++ is not needed, the rewrite is ++a, which 

subsequently rewritten to a.opUnary!++().


Compiler should work for you. This is one of those things it 
can rewrite to preference. During optimization.

It doesn't even rely on the optimizer. This happens in the 
front-end, in the semantic pass.

Re: C++ to catch up?

2015-02-04 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 4 February 2015 at 03:52:26 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 
Excellent post. This situation is very obvious to us at 
Sociomantic, as we're at the forefront of a massive disruption 
that is happening in the advertising industry. D has far 
better prospects in disruptive technology, rather than trying 
to compete with incumbents in the rapidly disappearing 
traditional desktop market.

Thanks, Don.  I am honoured that you took the time to read 
through all of this, and appreciate the feedback.  Every now 
and then I question whether I am headed in the right direction 
to use D (not because of anything lacking in D, but because it 
is less conventional, and because I have been away from the 
pulse of technology for a very long time).  Your industry is a 
little different, and my needs for the time being are not even 
soft real-time (although that could easily change).  But from 
listening to your talk, I am pretty sure you know what you are 
doing, and wanting high productivity when dealing with 
potentially quite respectably sized data sets is one shared 
aspect - so that is a source of comfort.

Thanks! Yes, I think that larger data sets are not well served by 
existing languages. And ease of handling large data is actually 
more significant than raw performance. Domains like ours are at 
least as much I/O bound as CPU-bound, and ability to adapt 
rapidly is very important.

Could I ask you one thing, not directly relating to D?  Why did 
you pick Berlin to launch your startup?  (You in the corporate 
sense, I mean).

Perhaps Berlin chose the company, rather than the other way 
around :)
The companies' founders all grew up in East Germany, I think they 
were just living in Berlin.
But, there are a huge number of startups in Berlin. It's a place 
with great infrastructure, low costs, and available talent. So 
it's certainly an attractive place to launch a startup.

First published in 1997, Christensen's book suggests that 
successful companies can put too much emphasis on customers' 
current needs, and fail to adopt new technology or business 
models that will meet their customers' unstated or future 
needs --

I thought: they put too much emphasis on backwards 
compatibility ...

Haha - I know you have been one of the proponents of breaking 
changes.  I think that is a distinct question from the other 
stuff, and guess it is not easy for the language leaders to 
balance the different demands - impossible not to make one 
group unhappy.  Someone cynical might say it is easier for you 
take that position if you are still mostly on D1, and so don't 
pay the same price others would.

Yes, that's true, and so my opinions should be slightly weighted 
downwards. But even so, the reality is that bugfixes cause 
breakages anyway. Most code that isn't actively being maintained, 
is broken already. If you're an early adopter, you expect to have 
a lot of breakage pain.

The thing that is frustrating is when decisions are made as if we 
were much further along the adoption/disruption cycle, than where 
we actually are.
We don't yet have huge, inflexible users that demand stability at 
all costs.
There was widespread agreement on this, from all of the eight 
companies at DConf who were using D commercially.

Breaking changes aside, one can't say there isn't a sustained 
dynamism to the development of D.

Yes. Though I wonder if we are putting too much emphasis on being 
a replacement for C++; I fear that the better we become at 
replacing it, the more we will duplicate its problems. But that's 
just a niggling doubt rather than a well-reasoned belief.

Re: C++ to catch up?

2015-02-03 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 1 February 2015 at 23:20:15 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
On Monday, 5 November 2012 at 18:20:23 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

The closer that C++ gets to D, the less interested that many 
people will be in adopting it, particularly because of the 
large user base and the large amount of code out there that 
already uses C++. Programmers have to be convinced to  move to 
D, and for many C++ programmers, the improvements to C++11 are 
enough  to make a move to D not worth it, even if D is a 
better language.

(He goes on to point out that nonetheless D will always have 
the edge because legacy and installed base).

One should be careful about superficial translation of 
instances from the purely commercial world to the world of 
languages, but it strikes me that Clayton Christensen's 
Innovator's Dilemma does apply somewhat to the case of D vs its 
peer languages.  His central point is that in the beginning 
disruptive innovation very often tends to commence as a niche 
thing that may well be globally inferior - he uses the example 
of Honda motorbikes that allowed them to gain a foothold, and 
that once they dominated this niche and gained succour from it 
were able to use to expand their footprint to the extent that 
they posed a serious threat to the established dominant 
players.  But for many years, these (and later the cars) were 
seen as products of clearly inferior quality that had the 
advantage of being cheap.

The interesting thing is the emotional aspect of perception - 
nobody would have taken you seriously had you predicted in the 
early stages that Japanese auto makers would become what they 
subsequently became.  And one could have pointed out some 
decades after the war ended that they had been in the business 
for years, and why should anything change.  This is exactly 
what people say about D - it's been around forever and hasn't 
taken off, so why bother.  (see recent Slashdot thread for an 
example of this).

It is a basic insight of gestalt psychology that perception is 
shaped by emotion (really it's affect, which goes much deeper - 
emotion is the tip of the affect iceberg), and one way to know 
when this is occurring (my background is as an investor and 
speculator, so I have devoted a couple of decades to applying 
this in a practical way) is that on the one hand you have an 
emotional intensity out of proportion to the importance of the 
topic, and on the other the reasons people put forward to 
justify how they feel are observably not in accordance with the 
facts.  See the Slashdot thread...

So in any case, D is not competing on price, but has other 
strengths that are of very high appeal to a certain group (if 
you want to write native code in a productive way) even though 
one must honestly acknowledge its imperfections in a global 
sense - reading back through the forums a dozen years, this 
seems to occur quite regularly in waves.  When is D going to 
be finished? even a decade back.  To be upset by the 
imperfections is missing the point, because languages - even 
programming languages - have a certain innate pattern of 
development (that resembles Goethe's observations about the 
metamorphosis of plants) that can't be forced, no matter how 
much one grumbles or stamps one's feet.

Furthermore, people tend to extrapolate superficial trends even 
though history tells us this is a poor guide to the future.  
Japanese cars really took off once crude exploded in the early 
70s (and again towards the end), and auto-makers were slow to 
respond.  Perhaps they did not organize their business on the 
basis of a prediction abuot energy prices, but the point is 
they were ready to take advantage of this shift when it 

I do not want to attempt to be a pundit, but it is interesting 
that the notable use cases of D - at Sociomantic, Adroll, and 
Facebook are all aligned with certain salient and very powerful 
underlying technological drivers and trends.  It's no longer 
true in many applications that programmer time is expensive 
compared to machine time, and large data sets encountering the 
challenges of memory vs CPU trajectories create new challenges 
and require new approaches.  And it is a positive for D that 
some of its competition does not take D seriously at this stage 
- one thinks for example of Guido and his insistence that 
execution speed ought not to be a factor given work is I/O + 
network bound, even though this is less true for numerical 
computing and some kinds of data crunching.  (Not that D is 
mature here, but there is much that can be done within the 
existing framework).

In any case, dissatisfaction channeled in a constructive 
direction is a positive thing, because it is the opposite of 
complacency and is the edge of the challenger.  The point isn't 
how people feel, but how they respond to the challenges in 
front of them.

As a newcomer, it is very satisfying to see the progress made 
on documentation, ecosystem, and C++ 

Sociomantic: We're looking for a Linux Systems Admin!

2015-01-08 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d-announce
It is probably not obvious why our HR department posted this job 
ad to this newsgroup, particularly to anyone who doesn't know 
Sociomantic's relationship to the D community.

Most of the apps running on our servers, are written in D. The 
role doesn't involve D programming, and the job ad doesn't even 
mention D, but it will involve working very closely with our D 
developers, in supporting the deployment and operation of D code.

You can also review the job ad on our company website:

- Don.

Re: CTFE pow()

2015-01-02 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 2 January 2015 at 08:52:47 UTC, Daniel Murphy wrote:
Xinok  wrote in message

I'm wondering if there's any added benefit to implementing 
these as intrinsic functions instead? In this way, 
implementing them in CTFE should be trivial and the extra 
knowledge given to the compiler could enable extra 
optimizations that wouldn't be possible otherwise. For 
example, the compiler understands multiplication and division 
so, in certain cases, it can replace these operations with 
bit-shifting which is faster.

I was just about to suggest this.  Another easy way might be to 
just add get/set mantissa/exponent intrinsics and use those in 
the ctfe versions.

Right. The problem with allowing casts between integers and 
floating point, is that then someone can create a pointer to some 
of the bits of the float. And that's a can of worms. It enables 
behaviour that is both complicated, and useless.

BTW in the existing CTFE you can cast int - float and long - 

So you can implement pow for 64 bit floats already. It's only 
80-bit reals that are a problem, because there is no integer type 
that is large enough. So it's really an X86-specific problem.

I did suggest allowing the specific casts for getting and setting 
the exponent and significand, eg:

ushort exponent = (cast(ushort *)cast(void*)f)[4];
ulong significand = *(cast(ulong *)cast(void *)f);

which would give you everything you need. It's really an 
intrinsic with very very ugly syntax.
But Iain was pretty unhappy with that idea, IIRC. I think 
treatment of real is very difficult for GDC already.

Re: Sargon component library now on Dub

2014-12-17 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 14 December 2014 at 03:26:56 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

These two modules failed to generate much interest in 
incorporating them into Phobos, but I'm still rather proud of 
them :-)

So am I, the halffloat is much faster than any other 
implementation I've seen. The fast path for the conversion 
functions involves only a few machine instructions.

I had an extra speedup for it that made it optimal, but it 
requires a language primitive to dump excess hidden precision. We 
still need this, it is a fundamental operation (C tries to do it 
implicitly using sequence points, but they don't actually work 

Here they are:

◦sargon.lz77 - algorithms to compress and expand with LZ77 
compression algorithm

◦sargon.halffloat - IEEE 754 half-precision binary floating 
point format binary16

I'll be adding more in the future.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-25 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 21:34:19 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/24/2014 2:20 AM, Don wrote:
I believe I do understand the problem. As a practical matter, 
overflow checks

are not going to be added for performance reasons.

The performance overhead would be practically zero. All we 
would need to do, is
restrict array slices such that the length cannot exceed 

This can only happen in the case where the element type has a 
size of 1, and
only in the case of slicing a pointer, concatenation, and 
memory allocation.

(length1 + length2) / 2

That's not an issue with length, that's an issue with doing a 
calculation with an insufficient bit width. Unsigned doesn't 
actually help, it's still wrong.

For unsigned values, if length1 = length2 = 0x8000_, that 
gives an answer of 0.

In exchange, 99% of uses of unsigned would disappear from D 
code, and with it, a

whole category of bugs.

You're not proposing changing size_t, so I believe this 
statement is incorrect.

From the D code that I've seen, almost all uses of size_t come 
directly from the use of .length. But I concede (see below) that 
many of them come from .sizeof.

Also, in principle, uint-uint can generate a runtime check 
for underflow (i.e.

the carry flag).

No it cannot. The compiler does not have enough information to 
know if the value
is intended to be positive integer, or an unsigned. That 
information is lost

from the type system.

Eg from C, wrapping of an unsigned type is not an error. It is 
perfectly defined

behaviour. With signed types, it's undefined behaviour.

I know it's not an error. It can be defined to be an error, and 
the compiler can insert a runtime check. (I'm not proposing 
this, just saying it can be done.)

But it can't do that, without turning unsigned into a different 
You'd be turning unsigned into a 'non-negative' which is a 
completely different type. This is my whole point.

unsigned has no sign, you just get the raw bit pattern with no 

This can mean several things, for example:
1. extended_non_negative is where you are using it for the 
positive range 0.. +0x_

  Then, overflow and underflow are errors.
2. a value where the highest bit is always 0. This can be safely 
used as int or uint.
3. Or, it can be modulo 2^^32 arithmetic, where wrapping is 
4. It can be part of extended precision arithmetic, where you 
want the carry flag.

5. It can be just a raw bit pattern.
6. The high bit can be a sign bit. This is a signed type, cast to 

If the sign bit ever flips because of a carry, that's an error.

The type system doesn't specify a meaning for the bit pattern. 
We've got a special type for case 6, but not for the others.

The problem with unsigned is that since it can mean so many 
things, as if it were a union of these possibilities. So it's not 
strictly typed -- you need to careful, requiring some element of 
faith-based programming.

And signed-unsigned mismatch is really where you are implicitly 
assuming that the unsigned value is case 2 or 6.  But, if it is 
one of the other cases, you get nonsense.

But those signed unsigned mismatch errors only catch some of 
the possible cases where you may forget which interpretation you 
are using, and act as if it were another one.

To make this clear: I am not proposing that size_t should be 
I am proposing that for .length returns a signed type, that 
for array slices is

guaranteed to never be negative.

There'll be mass confusion if .length is not the same type as 

Ah, that is a good point. .sizeof is another source of unsigned.
Again, quite unnecessarily, can a single type ever actually use 
up half of the memory space? (It was possible in the 8 and 16 bit 
days, but it's hard to imagine today). Even sillier, it is nearly 
always known at compile time!

But still, .sizeof is low-level in a way that .length is not.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-25 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 15:56:44 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 11/24/14 4:54 AM, Don wrote:
In D,  1u - 2u  0u. This is defined behaviour, not an 

I think I get what you mean, but overflow is also defined 
behavior (in D at least). -- Andrei

Aargh! You're right. That's new, and dreadful. It didn't used to 

The offending commit is

alexrp  2012-05-15 15:37:24

which only provides an unsigned example.

Why are defining behaviour that is always a bug? Java makes it 
defined, but it has to because it doesn't have unsigned types.
I think the intention probably was to improve on the C situation, 
where there is undefined behaviour that really should be defined.

But do we really want to preclude ever having overflow checking 
for integers?

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 21 November 2014 at 20:17:12 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/21/2014 7:36 AM, Don wrote:
On Friday, 21 November 2014 at 04:53:38 UTC, Walter Bright 
0 crossing bugs tend to show up much sooner, and often 

You're missing the point here. The problem is that people are 
using 'uint' as if

it were a positive integer type.

Suppose  D had a type 'natint', which could hold natural 
numbers in the range
0..uint.max.  Sounds like 'uint', right? People make the 
mistake of thinking

that is what uint is. But it is not.

How would natint behave, in the type system?

typeof (natint - natint)  ==  int NOT natint  !!!

This would of course overflow if the result is too big to fit 
in an int. But the

type would be correct.  1 - 2 == -1.


typeof (uint - uint ) == uint.

The bit pattern is identical to the other case. But the type 
is wrong.

It is for this reason that uint is not appropriate as a model 
for positive
integers. Having warnings about mixing int and uint operations 
in relational
operators is a bit misleading, because mixing signed and 
unsigned is not usually
the real problem. Instead, those warnings a symptom of a type 
system mistake.

You are quite right in saying that with a signed length, 
overflows can still
occur. But, those are in principle detectable. The compiler 
could add runtime
overflow checks for them, for example. But the situation for 
unsigned is not

fixable, because it is a problem with the type system.

By making .length unsigned, we are telling people that if 
.length is

used in a subtraction expression, the type will be wrong.

It is the incorrect use of the type system that is the 
underlying problem.

I believe I do understand the problem. As a practical matter, 
overflow checks are not going to be added for performance 

The performance overhead would be practically zero. All we would 
need to do, is restrict array slices such that the length cannot 
exceed ssize_t.max.

This can only happen in the case where the element type has a 
size of 1, and only in the case of slicing a pointer, 
concatenation, and memory allocation.

Making this restriction would have been unreasonable in the 8 and 
16 bit days, but D doesn't support those.  For 32 bits, this is 
an extreme corner case. For 64 bit, this condition never happens 
at all.

In exchange, 99% of uses of unsigned would disappear from D code, 
and with it, a whole category of bugs.

Also, in principle, uint-uint can generate a runtime check for 
underflow (i.e. the carry flag).

No it cannot. The compiler does not have enough information to 
know if the value is intended to be positive integer, or an 
unsigned. That information is lost from the type system.

Eg from C, wrapping of an unsigned type is not an error. It is 
perfectly defined behaviour. With signed types, it's undefined 

To make this clear: I am not proposing that size_t should be 
I am proposing that for .length returns a signed type, that for 
array slices is guaranteed to never be negative.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 21 November 2014 at 17:23:51 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Am Thu, 20 Nov 2014 08:18:23 +
schrieb Don

It's particularly challenging in D because of the widespread 
use of 'auto':

auto x = foo();
auto y = bar();
auto z = baz();

if (x - y  z) { ... }

This might be a bug, if one of these functions returns an 
unsigned type.  Good luck finding that. Note that if all 
functions return unsigned, there isn't even any 
signed-unsigned mismatch.

With those function names I cannot write code.

ℕ x = length();
ℕ y = index();
ℕ z = requiredRange();

if (x - y  z) { ... }

Ah, now we're getting somewhere. Yes the code is obviously
correct. You need to be aware of the value ranges of your
variables and write subtractions in a way that the result can
only be = 0. If you realize that you cannot guarantee that
for some case, you just found a logic bug. An invalid program
state that you need to assert/if-else/throw.

Yup. And that is not captured in the type system.

I don't get why so many APIs return ints. Must be to support
Java or something where proper unsigned types aren't available.

 D and C do not have suitable types either.

unsigned !=  ℕ.

In D,  1u - 2u  0u. This is defined behaviour, not an overflow.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 21 November 2014 at 08:46:20 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/21/2014 12:10 AM, bearophile wrote:

Walter Bright:

All you're doing is trading 0 crossing for 0x7FFF 
crossing issues, and

pretending the problems have gone away.

I'm not pretending anything. I am asking in practical 
programming what of the
two solutions leads to leas problems/bugs. So far I've seen 
the unsigned

solution and I've seen it's highly bug-prone.

I'm suggesting that having a bug and detecting the bug are two 
different things. The 0-crossing bug is easier to detect, but 
that doesn't mean that shifting the problem to 0x7FFF 
crossing bugs is making the bug count less.

BTW, granted the 0x7FFF problems exhibit the bugs less 
often, but
paradoxically this can make the bug worse, because then it 
only gets found

much, much later in supposedly tested  robust code.

Is this true? Do you have some examples of buggy code?

Changing signed to unsigned in that example does NOT fix the bug.
It just means it fails with length = 2^^31 instead of length = 

uint a = 0x8000_u;
uint b = 0x8000_0002u;
assert( (a + b) /2 == 0);

But actually I don't understand that article.
The arrays are int, not char. Since length fits into 32 bits, the 
largest possible value is 2^^32-1. Therefore, for an int array, 
with 4 byte elements, the largest possible value is 2^^30-1.

So I think the article is wrong. I don't think there is a bug in 
the code.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 16:00:53 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Mon, 24 Nov 2014 12:54:58 +
Don via Digitalmars-d wrote:

In D,  1u - 2u  0u. This is defined behaviour, not an 

this *is* overflow. D just has overflow result defined.

No, that is not overflow. That is a carry. Overflow is when the 
sign bit changes.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-21 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 21 November 2014 at 04:53:38 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/20/2014 7:11 PM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/20/2014 3:25 PM, bearophile wrote:

Walter Bright:

If that is changed to a signed type, then you'll have a 

set of subtle bugs,

This is possible. Can you show some of the bugs, we can 
discuss them, and see if

they are actually worse than the current situation.

All you're doing is trading 0 crossing for 0x7FFF crossing 
issues, and

pretending the problems have gone away.

BTW, granted the 0x7FFF problems exhibit the bugs less 
often, but paradoxically this can make the bug worse, because 
then it only gets found much, much later in supposedly tested  
robust code.

0 crossing bugs tend to show up much sooner, and often 

You're missing the point here. The problem is that people are 
using 'uint' as if it were a positive integer type.

Suppose  D had a type 'natint', which could hold natural numbers 
in the range 0..uint.max.  Sounds like 'uint', right? People make 
the mistake of thinking that is what uint is. But it is not.

How would natint behave, in the type system?

typeof (natint - natint)  ==  int NOT natint  !!!

This would of course overflow if the result is too big to fit in 
an int. But the type would be correct.  1 - 2 == -1.


typeof (uint - uint ) == uint.

The bit pattern is identical to the other case. But the type is 

It is for this reason that uint is not appropriate as a model for 
positive integers. Having warnings about mixing int and uint 
operations in relational operators is a bit misleading, because 
mixing signed and unsigned is not usually the real problem. 
Instead, those warnings a symptom of a type system mistake.

You are quite right in saying that with a signed length, 
overflows can still occur. But, those are in principle 
detectable. The compiler could add runtime overflow checks for 
them, for example. But the situation for unsigned is not fixable, 
because it is a problem with the type system.

By making .length unsigned, we are telling people that if .length 

used in a subtraction expression, the type will be wrong.

It is the incorrect use of the type system that is the underlying 

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-21 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 21 November 2014 at 15:50:05 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 03:36:01PM +, Don via Digitalmars-d 

Suppose  D had a type 'natint', which could hold natural 
numbers in
the range 0..uint.max.  Sounds like 'uint', right? People make 

mistake of thinking that is what uint is. But it is not.

How would natint behave, in the type system?

typeof (natint - natint)  ==  int NOT natint  !!!

Wrong. (uint.max - 0) == uint.max, which is of type uint.

It is not uint.max. It is natint.max. And yes, that's an overflow 

Exactly the same as when you do int.max + int.max.

If you
interpret it as int, you get a negative number, which is wrong. 
So your
proposal breaks uint in even worse ways, in that now 
subtracting a
smaller number from a larger number may overflow, whereas it 

before. So that fixes nothing, you're just shifting the problem
somewhere else.


This is not a proposal I am just illustrating the difference 
between what people *think* uint does, vs what it actually does.

The type that I think would be useful, would be a number in the 

It has no risk of underflow.

To put it another way:

natural numbers are a subset of mathematical integers.
  (the range 0..infinity)

signed types are a subset of mathematical integers
  (the range -int.max .. int.max).

unsigned types are not a subset of mathematical integers.

They do not just have a restricted range. They have different 

The question of what happens when a range is exceeded, is a 
different question.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-20 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 19 November 2014 at 17:55:26 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

On 11/19/14 6:04 AM, Don wrote:
Almost everybody seems to think that unsigned means positive. 
It does not.

That's an exaggeration. With only a bit of care one can use D's 
unsigned types for positive numbers. Please let's not reduce 
the matter to black and white.


Even in the responses in this thread indicate that about half of 
the people here don't understand unsigned.

unsigned means I want to use modulo 2^^n arithmetic. It does 
not mean, this is an integer which cannot be negative.

Using modulo 2^^n arithmetic is *weird*. If you are using 
uint/ulong to represent a non-negative integer, you are using the 
incorrect type.

With only a bit of care one can use D's unsigned types for 
positive numbers.

I do not believe that that statement to be true. I believe that 
bugs caused by unsigned calculations are subtle and require an 
extraordinary level of diligence. I showed an example at DConf, 
that I had found in production code.

It's particularly challenging in D because of the widespread use 
of 'auto':

auto x = foo();
auto y = bar();
auto z = baz();

if (x - y  z) { ... }

This might be a bug, if one of these functions returns an 
unsigned type.  Good luck finding that. Note that if all 
functions return unsigned, there isn't even any signed-unsigned 

I believe the correct statement, is With only a bit of care one 
can use D's unsigned types for positive numbers and believe that 
one's code is correct, even though it contains subtle bugs.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-19 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 18 November 2014 at 18:23:52 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Am Tue, 18 Nov 2014 15:01:25 +
schrieb Frank Like

 but now ,'int' is enough for use,not huge and not small,only 

 'int' is easy to write,and most people are used to it.
 Most importantly easier to migrate code,if  'length''s return
value type is 'int'.

How about your idea?

I get the idea of a broken record right now...
Clearly size_t (which I tend to alias with ℕ in my code for
brevity and coolness) can express more than 2^31-1 items, which
is appropriate to reflect the increase in usable memory per
application on 64-bit platforms. Yes, the 64-bit version of a
program or library can handle larger data sets. Just like it
was when people transitioned from 16-bit to 32-bit. I wont use
`int` just because the technically correct thing is `size_t`,
even it it is a little harder to type.

This is difficult. Having arr.length return an unsigned type, is 
a dreadful language mistake.

Aside from the size factor, I personally prefer unsigned types
for countable stuff like array lengths. Mixed arithmetics
decay to unsinged anyways and you don't need checks like
`assert(idx = 0)`. It is a matter of taste though and others
prefer languages with no unsigned types at all.

No! No! No!  This is completely wrong. Unsigned does not mean 
positive. It means no sign, and therefore wrapping 

eg length - 4  0, if length is 2.

Weird consequence: using subtraction with an unsigned type is 
nearly always a bug.

I wish D hadn't called unsigned integers 'uint'. They should have 
been called '__uint' or something. They should look ugly. You 
need a very, very good reason to use an unsigned type.

We have a builtin type that is deadly but seductive.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-19 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 19 November 2014 at 11:43:38 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Wednesday, 19 November 2014 at 11:04:05 UTC, Matthias 
Bentrup wrote:

On Wednesday, 19 November 2014 at 10:03:35 UTC, Don wrote:
On Tuesday, 18 November 2014 at 18:23:52 UTC, Marco Leise 

Am Tue, 18 Nov 2014 15:01:25 +
schrieb Frank Like

 but now ,'int' is enough for use,not huge and not 
 small,only enough.

 'int' is easy to write,and most people are used to it.
 Most importantly easier to migrate code,if  'length''s 

value type is 'int'.

How about your idea?

I get the idea of a broken record right now...
Clearly size_t (which I tend to alias with ℕ in my code for
brevity and coolness) can express more than 2^31-1 items, 

is appropriate to reflect the increase in usable memory per
application on 64-bit platforms. Yes, the 64-bit version of a
program or library can handle larger data sets. Just like it
was when people transitioned from 16-bit to 32-bit. I wont 

`int` just because the technically correct thing is `size_t`,
even it it is a little harder to type.

This is difficult. Having arr.length return an unsigned type, 
is a dreadful language mistake.

Aside from the size factor, I personally prefer unsigned 

for countable stuff like array lengths. Mixed arithmetics
decay to unsinged anyways and you don't need checks like
`assert(idx = 0)`. It is a matter of taste though and others
prefer languages with no unsigned types at all.

No! No! No!  This is completely wrong. Unsigned does not mean 
positive. It means no sign, and therefore wrapping 

eg length - 4  0, if length is 2.

Weird consequence: using subtraction with an unsigned type is 
nearly always a bug.

I wish D hadn't called unsigned integers 'uint'. They should 
have been called '__uint' or something. They should look 
ugly. You need a very, very good reason to use an unsigned 

We have a builtin type that is deadly but seductive.

int has wrapping the same semantics too, only it wraps to 
negative numbers instead of zero.

No. Signed types do not *wrap*. They *overflow* if their range is 

This is not the same thing. Overflow is always an error.
And the compiler could insert checks to detect this.

That's not possible for unsigned types. With an unsigned type, 
wrapping is part of the semantics.

Moreover, hitting an overflow with a signed type is an 
exceptional situation. Wrapping with an unsigned type is entirely 
normal, and happens with things like 2u - 1u.

If you insist on

non-wrapping length, it should return double or long double.

Which would be totally wrong for different reasons.

Short of BigInts or overflow-checking, there is no perfect 

An overflow-checked type that could be reasonably well 
optimised would be nice, as mentioned by bearophile many times.

I don't think we need to worry about the pathological cases. The 
problem with unsigned size_t is that it introduces inappropriate 
semantics everywhere for the sake of the pathological cases.

IMHO the correct solution is to say that the length of a slice 
cannot exceed half of the memory space, otherwise a runtime error 
will occur. And then make size_t a positive integer.

Then let typeof(size_t - size_t) == int, instead of uint. All 
other operations stay as size_t.

Perhaps we can get most of the way, by improving range 

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-19 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 18 November 2014 at 18:03:35 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Tue, 18 Nov 2014 17:59:04 +
David Eagen via Digitalmars-d 

Isn't the purpose of size_t is to be large enough to address 
all available memory? A negative value is not only too small 
but doesn't make sense when discussing lengths.

Correctness requires using size_t.
yes. besides, there is no such thing as negative length, so 

somewhat... weird to use signed integer for length.

A length can certainly be negative. Just as a bank balance can be 
negative. It's just a number.

If I have two pencils of length 10 cm and 15 cm, then the first 
one is -5 cm longer than the other.

Of course any physical pencil is always of positive length, but 
that doesn't mean that typeof(pencil.length) can never be 

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-19 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 19 November 2014 at 13:47:31 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Wed, 19 Nov 2014 13:33:21 +
Don via Digitalmars-d wrote:

No. Signed types do not *wrap*. They *overflow* if their range 
is exceeded.

same for unsigned ints.

This is not the same thing. Overflow is always an error.
And the compiler could insert checks to detect this.
and for unsigned ints. i want compilers to has special code for 
something like `checkedInt(...)`. and this must be built-in, 
checking carry flag is cheap, but can be done only on machine 

I don't know what you mean. For unsigned ints, carry is not an 
error. That's the whole point of unsigned!

That's not possible for unsigned types. With an unsigned type,

wrapping is part of the semantics.

see above.

Moreover, hitting an overflow with a signed type is an 
exceptional situation. Wrapping with an unsigned type is 
entirely normal, and happens with things like 2u - 1u.
having results of unsigned int wrapping defined doesn't mean 
that it's

normal. it's just *defined*, so you can check for it without
triggering UB.

IMHO the correct solution is to say that the length of a slice 
cannot exceed half of the memory space, otherwise a runtime 
error will occur. And then make size_t a positive integer.
but why? maybe 1/3 of address space fits better? or 256 bytes, 

really avoid overflows and wrapping?

No. The point is to get correct semantics. Unsigned types do not 
have the correct semantics. Signed types do.

Then let typeof(size_t - size_t) == int, instead of uint. All 
other operations stay as size_t.
check and cast. you can check length and then safely cast it to 
int, no


This is the job of the compiler, not the programmer. The compiler 
should do this at all possible places where a slice could exceed 
the int.max / long.max. That's cheap because there are hardly any 
places it could happen (for example, for array slices it can only 
happen with 1-byte types).

Almost everybody seems to think that unsigned means positive. It 
does not.


Re: convert static arrays to dynamic arrays and return, have wrong data.

2014-11-10 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 9 November 2014 at 15:09:10 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Sun, Nov 09, 2014 at 08:29:58AM +, AlanThinker via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

It seems that, D's array is strange,
It can implicit convert static arrays to dynamic arrays no 
error and

no warning.
But when I return the converted arrays out the function.
Outside function will get some wrong data.

It may very easily cause some bug because no error when 
convert static

arrays to dynamic arrays.


Yes, this is a known problem. There may even be an issue filed 
bugzilla about it (if not, please file one!). The problem is 
that local
static arrays are allocated on the stack, and the implicit 
conversion to
dynamic array is simply taking a slice of the stack-allocated 
array. As
a result, after the function returns, the slice is now pointing 
at stack

memory that has gone out of scope.

I'm not sure if the current compiler issues a warning / error 
if you do
this in @safe code, but IMO it should do this even in @system 
code since

the implicit conversion is almost never correct.


The problem is, that you need to be able to take a slice of a 
stack-allocked array (otherwise stack allocated arrays are 
useless). Eg you should be able to pass a slice of a stack array 
to writefln().

Detecting if the slice is returned, requires flow analysis. 
Currently the front-end doesn't do any flow analysis at all, 
except for a couple of special cases like closures and super() 

Re: UFCS in C++

2014-10-14 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 14 October 2014 at 06:29:01 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 14/10/14 03:55, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

The concept is in D1 for arrays since as long as I've ever 
used D.

As far as I recall, it was an accidental feature of arrays and 
perhaps associative arrays. Might be a bit hard to track down 

It wasn't accidental. It was one of the classic D easter eggs. It 
was commented in the source, but wasn't documented anywhere or 
mentioned when it was released.

It wasn't documented for at least a year after it was implemented.

BTW the greatest easter egg of them all was the template syntax, 
class Bar(T) {..}
Previously you had to write template(T) { class Bar {} }, someone 
discovered it and then Walter confessed to having done it. Those 
were the days...

Re: Make const, immutable, inout, and shared illegal as function attributes on the left-hand side of a function

2014-10-10 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 10 October 2014 at 02:38:42 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 10/9/2014 1:50 AM, Martin Nowak wrote:
Kenji just proposed a slightly controversial pull request so I 
want to reach out

for more people to discuss it's tradeoffs.
It's about deprecating function qualifiers on the left hand 
side of a function.

This has come up before, and has been debated at length.

const is used both as a storage class and as a type 
constructor, and is distinguished by the grammar:

   const(T) v; // type constructor, it affects the type T

   const T v;  // storage class, affects the symbol v and the 
type of v

In particular,

   const T *v;

does not mean:

   const(T)* v;

For functions, const-as-storage-class applies to the function 
symbol. And if it is misused, the compiler will very likely 
complain about a mismatched type.
Breaking this adds a special case inconsistency, besides 
breaking existing code.

(I understand that there's a lot of advocacy lately about 
break my code, but I'm the one who bears the brunt of you 
guys broke my code again, even though the code was correct and 
worked perfectly well! D sux., besides, of course, those poor 
souls who have to go fix their code base, and I hear again 
about how D is unstable, another Reddit flame-fest about D 
being unsuitable because the designers can't make up their 
mind, etc.)

None of those professional complainers matter though. They'll 
always find *something* to complain about.

This is an excellent example of a breaking change that pays for 
itself within weeks. A large codebase can be converted over very 
quickly, without any thought required.
It has the *immediate* benefit that the coding style improves. It 
has the longer term benefit of removing a lot of confusion.

This endless search for the ideal syntax is consuming our time 
while we aren't working on issues that matter. (And this change 
will consume users' time, too, not just ours.)

If we're going to break things, it needs to be for something 
that matters. This doesn't make the cut.

No. It's a removal of one of those little friction points, that 
hurts everyone very slightly, all the time. One less thing to 
worry about, one less thing to explain, one less thing to be 
confused by.
If you have an organisation with 50 people, every one of them 
benefits slightly. In aggregate, that's a big deal.

Re: What are the worst parts of D?

2014-10-09 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 8 October 2014 at 21:07:24 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 10/6/2014 11:13 AM, Dicebot wrote:

Especially because
you have stated that previous proposal (range-fication) which 
did fix the issue

_for me_ is not on the table anymore.

I think it's more stalled because of the setExtension 

How about someone starts paying attention to what Don posts? 
That could be an

incredible start.

I don't always agree with Don, but he's almost always right and 
his last post was almost entirely implemented.

Wow, thanks, Walter! I'm wrong pretty regularly, though. A 
reasonable rule of thumb is to ask Daniel Murphy, aka yebblies. 
If he disagrees with me, and I can't change his mind within 30 
minutes, you can be certain that I'm wrong. g

Re: What are the worst parts of D?

2014-10-08 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 6 October 2014 at 19:07:40 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 10/6/14, 11:55 AM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Mon, Oct 06, 2014 at 06:13:41PM +, Dicebot via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Monday, 6 October 2014 at 16:06:04 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

It would be terrific if Sociomantic would improve its 
with the community about their experience with D and their 

going forward.

How about someone starts paying attention to what Don posts? 
could be an incredible start. I spend great deal of time both 
this NG (to be aware of what comes next) and writing (to 
express both
personal and Sociomantic concerns) and have literally no idea 
what can

be done to make communication more clear.

I don't remember who it was, but I'm pretty sure *somebody* at
Sociomantic has stated clearly their request recently: Please 
break our
code *now*, if it helps to fix language design issues, rather 


More particulars would be definitely welcome. I should add that 
Sociomantic has an interesting position: it's a 100% D shop so 
interoperability is not a concern for them, and they did their 
own GC so GC-related improvements are unlikely to make a large 
difference for them. So C++ and GC is likely not to be high 
priority for them. -- Andrei

Exactly. C++ support is of no interest at all, and GC is 
something we contribute to, rather than something we expect from 
the community.
Interestingly we don't even care much about libraries, we've done 
everything ourselves.

So what do we care about? Mainly, we care about improving the 
core product.

In general I think that in D we have always suffered from 
spreading ourselves too thin. We've always had a bunch of cool 
new features that don't actually work properly. Always, the focus 
shifts to something else, before the previous feature was 

At Sociomantic, we've been successful in our industry using only 
the features of D1. We're restricted to using D's features from 
2007!! Feature-wise, practically nothing from the last seven 
years has helped us!

With something like C++ support, it's only going to win companies 
over when it is essentially complete. That means that working on 
it is a huge investment that doesn't start to pay for itself for 
a very long time. So although it's a great goal, with a huge 
potential payoff, I don't think that it should be consuming a 
whole lot of energy right now.

And personally, I doubt that many companies would use D, even if 
with perfect C++ interop, if the toolchain stayed at the current 

As I said in my Dconf 2013 talk -- I advocate a focus on Return 
On Investment.

I'd love to see us chasing the easy wins.

Re: What are the worst parts of D?

2014-09-25 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 25 September 2014 at 00:52:25 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 9/24/2014 7:56 AM, Don wrote:
For example: We agreed *years* ago to remove the NCEG 
operators. Why haven't

they been removed yet?

They do generate a warning if compiled with -w.

They should be gone completely. So should built-in sort.
I think there's something important that you haven't grasped yet. 
It was something I didn't really appreciate before working here.

 ** Keeping deprecated features alive is expensive. **

As long as deprecated features still exist, they impose a cost. 
Not just on the language maintainers, but also on the users. On 
anyone writing a language parser - so for example on text 
editors. On anyone training new employees.

And there's a little cognitive burden on all language users.

What change in particular?
I've got a nasty feeling that you misread what he wrote. Every 
time we say,
breaking changes are good, you seem to hear breaking 
changes are bad!

It would be helpful having a list of what breaking changes you 
had in mind.

C-style declarations. Builtin sort and reverse. NCEG operators. 
Built-in complex types. float.min. @property.

Basically, anything where it has been decided that it should be 
removed. Some of these things have been hanging around for six 

I'd also like to see us getting rid of those warts like 
assert(float.nan) being true. And adding a @ in front of pure, 

Ask yourself, if D had no users other than you, so that you break 
*anything*, what would you remove? Make a wishlist, and then find 
out what's possible. Remember, when you did that before, we 
successfully got rid of 'bit', and there was practically no 

Any breaking change where it fails to compile, and where there's 
an essentially mechanical solution, are really not a problem. 
Subtle changes in semantics are the ones that are disastrous.

We want to pay the one-off cost of fixing our code, so that we 
can get the long term return-on-investment of a cleaner language.

Re: Library Typedefs are fundamentally broken

2014-09-24 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 16:01:35 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

On 9/23/14, 7:43 AM, Don wrote:
On Monday, 22 September 2014 at 14:56:26 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

On 9/22/14, 2:39 AM, Don wrote:

Yes, but you're advocating a hack.

Oh but I very much disagree.

Now you are scaring me. It worries me that this kind of 
solution can
be viewed as acceptable. It's the kind of hacky code I left 
C++ to

escape from.

Hmm... doesn't strike me as similar to C++-specific hacks, but 
I understand the sentiment.

People in this thread said it was ugly and you dismissed 

Nononononono. I totally agree some may find it ugly! It's 
unusable I have a problem with.

I think that unusable has been used with two meanings in this 

That's why I've been using the word hack.

this isn't just a matter of personal aesthetics.
If you want something objective, it's not DRY, and it's 
verbose in a

non-trivial way. The hacky design leads to error-prone code.
eg you can easily get a copy-paste bug because it's not DRY.

alias HMENU = Typedef!(void*, __MODULE__ ~ .HMENU);
alias HFONT = Typedef!(void*, __MODULE__ ~ .HMENU); // oops

mixin(makeTypedef!(HMENU, void*));
mixin(makeTypedef!(HFONT, void*));

I said and I repeat: I do agree it's less convenient than a 
baked-in facility. Even with the proper default arguments and 
all. But I stand by Typedef as an adequate abstraction.

You need a very, very good reason to require a string mixin in 
user code. I'm not seeing that here. The cure is worse than the 

How many libraries did you use that came with no idioms for 
their usage?

Describing this as an idiom is extremely generous. My 
standards are


Well extremely generous is not deluded so I'll take that 

And it does seem to me, that because it isn't possible to do 
a proper
library typedef, you've attempted to redefine what a Typedef 
is supposed
to do. And sure, it you remove the requirement to create a 
unique type,

Typedef isn't broken.

You're two paragraphs away from library Typedefs are 

broken. Now which one is it?

Phobos' Typedef is fundamentally broken, and that your claim 
that it is

not, relies on moving the goalposts.

I disagree. I'm not one to dismiss good arguments. But there 
aren't many here. There's gotta be a point at which you'll 
agree the whole argument against Typedef has no legs. It's 
working as designed (I forgot who designed it),
the design fits the purpose, the semantics never surprised me, 
and when people
now come with the pitchforks that it's broken, all I can do is 
send them to the manual. IT WORKS.

The argument is that if you use Typedef for real-world use cases, 
your code is broken unless you use an unintuitive hack. The OP 
was proof that this is actually happening.

I think your starting point is wrong. The design does *not* fit 
the purpose. We got Typedef to appease objections to 'typedef' 
being removed from the language. And it did had the effect of 
silencing the critics. We all expected Typedef to be a drop-in 
replacement for typedef, not something with dangerously different 

Now, if, right from the beginning, you never expected Typedef to 
replace typedef, then I can see why you think that Typedef is not 
broken. (But in that case I have no idea what you thought Typedef 
would be used for). Typedef solves the wrong problem, and solves 
it well. But when you try to use it to solve the right problem, 
you have to use an unintuitive hack.

But then it isn't very useful, either. You can't,
for example, use it to define the various Windows HANDLEs 
(HMENU, etc),
which was one of the most successful use cases for D1's 

alias HMENU = Typedef!(void*, __MODULE__ ~ .HMENU);

So please s/can't/can't the same exact way built-in typedef 
would have

done it/.

No. You can hammer nails in using a rock, but I'm not prepared 
to accept
a rock as a kind of hammer. It's not a tool that belongs in 
any toolbox.

My assertion is, there are no use cases for Phobos's Typedef.
You're always better off doing something else.

But your evidence destroys your own assertion. Let me explain.

You bring the typo example as the smoking gun. So I take it 
it's a biggie that, if fixed, would make you happy.

Not really. I showed that example simply to illustrate that the 
complaint this is ugly is more than an personal preference. 
It's ugly because it's a hack.

But there are a number of trivial fixes to it, such as my 
defineTypedef above. So it looks like (a) Typedef can be used 
as long as you are careful to not type the wrong name, (b) with 
only trivial work, Typedef can be used without even the 
slightest repetition.

So how come Typedef is unusable when it's usable by your own 

I have never said it couldn't be used. I said that it's usable, 
in the same way that a rock is usable as a hammer. As a 
substitute for a built-in typedef, it's not a library solution, 

Re: What are the worst parts of D?

2014-09-24 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 07:43:49 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 9/23/2014 11:28 PM, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
1. Constant rejection of improvements because OMG breaking 
Meanwhile, D has been breaking my code on practically every 
for years. I don't get this, reject changes that are 
breaking changes which would make significant improvements, 
but allow
breaking changes anyway because they are bug fixes? If the 
breaks code, then accept that fact and make some real proper 
changes that make D substantially better! It is my opinion 
that D
adopters don't adopt D because it's perfect just how it is and 
don't want it to improve with time, they adopt D *because they 
want it
to improve with time*! That implies an acceptance (even a 

of breaking changes.

I agree completely. I would say that the #1 problem in D is the 
paranoid fear of breaking backwards compatibility. I said that in 
my 2013 talk. It is still true today.

Sociomantic says, PLEASE BREAK OUR CODE! Get rid of the old 
design bugs while we still can.

For example: We agreed *years* ago to remove the NCEG operators. 
Why haven't they been removed yet?

As I said earlier in the year, one of the biggest ever breaking 
changes was the fix for array stomping, but it wasn't even 
recognized as a breaking change!
Breaking changes happen all the time, and the ones that break 
noisily are really not a problem.

Most D code is yet to be written.

What change in particular?

I've got a nasty feeling that you misread what he wrote. Every 
time we say, breaking changes are good, you seem to hear 
breaking changes are bad!

The existing D corporate users are still sympathetic to breaking 
changes. We are giving the language an extraordinary opportunity. 
And it's incredibly frustrating to watch that opportunity being 
wasted due to paranoia.

We are holding the door open. But we can't hold it open forever, 
the more corporate users we get, the harder it becomes.

Break our code TODAY.

Most D code is yet to be written.

Re: Library Typedefs are fundamentally broken

2014-09-23 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 22 September 2014 at 14:56:26 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 9/22/14, 2:39 AM, Don wrote:
On Sunday, 21 September 2014 at 18:09:26 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

On 9/21/14, 8:29 AM, ketmar via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Sun, 21 Sep 2014 08:15:29 -0700
Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d


alias Int1 = Typedef!(int, a.Int1);
alias Int2 = Typedef!(int, b.Int2);
ah, now that's cool. module system? wut? screw it, we have 

manual prefixing!

Use __MODULE__. -- Andrei

Yes, but you're advocating a hack.

Oh but I very much disagree.

Now you are scaring me. It worries me that this kind of 
solution can be viewed as acceptable. It's the kind of hacky 
code I left C++ to escape from.

People in this thread said it was ugly and you dismissed that. 
But this isn't just a matter of personal aesthetics.
If you want something objective, it's not DRY, and it's verbose 
in a non-trivial way. The hacky design leads to error-prone code.

eg you can easily get a copy-paste bug because it's not DRY.

alias HMENU = Typedef!(void*, __MODULE__ ~ .HMENU);
alias HFONT = Typedef!(void*, __MODULE__ ~ .HMENU); // oops

The original premise does seem to be
correct: library Typedefs are fundamentally broken. The 
semantics of
templates does not match what one expects from a typedef: ie, 

a new, unique type.

If you have to pass __MODULE__ in, it's not really a library 
The user code needs to pass in a nasty implementation detail 
in order to

get a unique type.

How many libraries did you use that came with no idioms for 
their usage?

Describing this as an idiom is extremely generous. My standards 
are higher.

And it does seem to me, that because it isn't possible to do a 
library typedef, you've attempted to redefine what a Typedef 
is supposed
to do. And sure, it you remove the requirement to create a 
unique type,

Typedef isn't broken.

You're two paragraphs away from library Typedefs are 
fundamentally broken. Now which one is it?

Phobos' Typedef is fundamentally broken, and that your claim that 
it is not, relies on moving the goalposts.

But then it isn't very useful, either. You can't,
for example, use it to define the various Windows HANDLEs 
(HMENU, etc),
which was one of the most successful use cases for D1's 

alias HMENU = Typedef!(void*, __MODULE__ ~ .HMENU);

So please s/can't/can't the same exact way built-in typedef 
would have done it/.

No. You can hammer nails in using a rock, but I'm not prepared to 
accept a rock as a kind of hammer. It's not a tool that belongs 
in any toolbox.

My assertion is, there are no use cases for Phobos's Typedef.
You're always better off doing something else.

Re: Library Typedefs are fundamentally broken

2014-09-22 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 21 September 2014 at 18:09:26 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 9/21/14, 8:29 AM, ketmar via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Sun, 21 Sep 2014 08:15:29 -0700
Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d


alias Int1 = Typedef!(int, a.Int1);
alias Int2 = Typedef!(int, b.Int2);
ah, now that's cool. module system? wut? screw it, we have 

manual prefixing!

Use __MODULE__. -- Andrei

Yes, but you're advocating a hack. The original premise does seem 
to be correct: library Typedefs are fundamentally broken. The 
semantics of templates does not match what one expects from a 
typedef: ie, declaring a new, unique type.

If you have to pass __MODULE__ in, it's not really a library 
solution. The user code needs to pass in a nasty implementation 
detail in order to get a unique type.

And it does seem to me, that because it isn't possible to do a 
proper library typedef, you've attempted to redefine what a 
Typedef is supposed to do. And sure, it you remove the 
requirement to create a unique type, Typedef isn't broken. But 
then it isn't very useful, either. You can't, for example, use it 
to define the various Windows HANDLEs (HMENU, etc), which was one 
of the most successful use cases for D1's typedef.

Having said that, though, the success of 'alias this' does raise 
some interesting questions about how useful the concept of a 
typedef is. Certainly it's much less useful than when Typedef was 

My feeling is that almost every time when you want to create a 
new type from an existing one, you actually want to restrict the 
operations which can be performed on it. (Eg if you have  typedef 
money = double; then money*money doesn't make much sense). For 
most typedefs I think you're better off with 'alias this'.

Re: 438-byte Hello, world Win32 EXE in D

2014-09-11 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 13:53:32 UTC, Marco Leise 

Am Tue, 09 Sep 2014 10:20:43 +
schrieb Don

On Monday, 8 September 2014 at 08:18:32 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:

 On Monday, 8 September 2014 at 08:08:23 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
 But that downloaded file is bloatware, because it has to 
 implement functionality, which is not provided by the 
 system. That tiny pe file doesn't download anything, it's 
 completely done by the system.


My personal best --

At my first job, a customer once made a request for a very 
simple DOS utility. They did mention that they didn't have 
much disk space on their machine, so they asked me to try to 
make the program small.
That was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Naturally, I wrote 
it in asm.

The final executable size was 15 bytes. g
The customer loved it.

Vladimir: Good job!
Don: Nice story. What did it do?

It blanked the screen in a particular way. It was purely for 
aesthetic reasons.

During my time at a vocation school I wrote some stuff like a
tiny Windows media player with some of the ASM in the DOS/PE
header area. And an animated GIF player in ASM as a .com
executable with the GIF included in it. (Easy since GIF
algorithms are 16-bit and they use 8-bit color palettes)

That was the only time I ever made a commercial release that was 
entirely in asm. It only took me about ten minutes to write. It 
would have been far more difficult in another language.

On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 at 14:17:25 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On Wed, 10 Sep 2014 16:02:01 +0200
Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

 The final executable size was 15 bytes. g
 The customer loved it.
and they never knows that it took at least 512 bytes anyway. or 

more, depending of claster size. heh.

Yeah. Plus the filename took up almost as much space as the 
executable code. But when they said they wanted it to be small, 
they actually meant less than 2 megabytes. When our sales guy 
saw it, he said, You got it down to 15kb? That's incredible!

But I won't pollute D.announce any more. :)

Re: 438-byte Hello, world Win32 EXE in D

2014-09-09 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 8 September 2014 at 08:18:32 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Monday, 8 September 2014 at 08:08:23 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
But that downloaded file is bloatware, because it has to 
implement functionality, which is not provided by the system. 
That tiny pe file doesn't download anything, it's completely 
done by the system.


My personal best --

At my first job, a customer once made a request for a very simple 
DOS utility. They did mention that they didn't have much disk 
space on their machine, so they asked me to try to make the 
program small.
That was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Naturally, I wrote it 
in asm.

The final executable size was 15 bytes. g
The customer loved it.

Re: RFC: std.json sucessor

2014-08-28 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 27 August 2014 at 23:51:54 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 8/26/2014 12:24 AM, Don wrote:

On Monday, 25 August 2014 at 23:29:21 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 8/25/2014 4:15 PM, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
On Monday, 25 August 2014 at 21:24:11 UTC, Walter Bright 
I didn't know that. But recall I did implement it in DMC++, 
and it turned out
to simply not be useful. I'd be surprised if the new C++ 
support for it does

anything worthwhile.

Well, one should initialize with signaling NaN. Then you get 
an exception if you

try to compute using uninitialized values.

That's the theory. The practice doesn't work out so well.

To be more concrete:

Processors from AMD have signalling NaN behaviour which is 
different from

processors from Intel.

And the situation is worst on most other architectures. It's a 
lost cause, I think.

The other issues were just when the snan = qnan conversion 
took place. This is quite unclear given the extensive constant 
folding, CTFE, etc., that D does.

It was also affected by how dmd generates code. Some code gen 
on floating point doesn't need the FPU, such as toggling the 
sign bit. But then what happens with snan = qnan?

The whole thing is an undefined, unmanageable mess.

I think the way to think of it is, to the programmer, there is 
*no such thing* as an snan value. It's an implementation detail 
that should be invisible.
Semantically, a signalling nan is a qnan value with a hardware 
breakpoint on it.

An SNAN should never enter the CPU. The CPU always converts them 
to QNAN if you try. You're kind of not supposed to know that SNAN 

Because of this, I think SNAN only ever makes sense for static 
variables. Setting local variables to snan doesn't make sense. 
since the snan has to enter the CPU. Making that work without 
triggering the snan is very painful. Making it trigger the snan 
on all forms of access is even worse.

If float.init exists, it cannot be an snan, since you are allowed 
to use float.init.

Re: RFC: std.json sucessor

2014-08-28 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 28 August 2014 at 12:10:58 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

Or to be more explicit:

If have SNAN then there is no point in trying to recompute the 
expression using a different algorithm.

If have QNAN then you might want to recompute the expression 
using a different algorithm (e.g. complex numbers or 


No. Once you load an SNAN, it isn't an SNAN any more! It is a 
You cannot have an SNAN in a floating-point register (unless you 
do a nasty hack to pass it in). It gets converted during loading.

const float x = snan;
x = x;

// x is now a qnan.

Re: RFC: std.json sucessor

2014-08-26 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 25 August 2014 at 23:29:21 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 8/25/2014 4:15 PM, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

On Monday, 25 August 2014 at 21:24:11 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
I didn't know that. But recall I did implement it in DMC++, 
and it turned out
to simply not be useful. I'd be surprised if the new C++ 
support for it does

anything worthwhile.

Well, one should initialize with signaling NaN. Then you get 
an exception if you

try to compute using uninitialized values.

That's the theory. The practice doesn't work out so well.

To be more concrete:

Processors from AMD have signalling NaN behaviour which is 
different from processors from Intel.

And the situation is worst on most other architectures. It's a 
lost cause, I think.

Re: RFC: std.json sucessor

2014-08-26 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 07:34:05 UTC, Ola Fosheim Gr wrote:

On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 07:24:19 UTC, Don wrote:
Processors from AMD have signalling NaN behaviour which is 
different from processors from Intel.

And the situation is worst on most other architectures. It's a 
lost cause, I think.

I disagree. AFAIK signaling NaN was standardized in IEEE 

So it receives attention.

It was always in IEEE754. The decision in 754-2008 was simply to 
not remove it from the spec (a lot of people wanted to remove 
it). I don't think anything has changed.

The point is, existing hardware does not support it consistently. 
It's not possible at reasonable cost.

real uninitialized_var = real.snan;

void foo()
  real other_var = void;
  asm {
 fld uninitialized_var;
 fstp other_var;

will signal on AMD, but not Intel. I'd love for this to work, but 
the hardware is fighting against us. I think it's useful only for 

Re: RFC: std.json sucessor

2014-08-26 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 12:37:58 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 10:55:20 UTC, Don wrote:
It was always in IEEE754. The decision in 754-2008 was simply 
to not remove it from the spec (a lot of people wanted to 
remove it). I don't think anything has changed.

It was implementation defined before. I think they specified 
the bit in 2008.

fld uninitialized_var;
fstp other_var;

This is not SSE, but I guess MOVSS does not create exceptions 

No, it's more subtle. On the original x87, signalling NaNs are 
triggered for 64 bits loads, but not for 80 bit loads. You have 
to read the fine print to discover this. I don't think the 
behaviour was intentional.

Re: RFC: std.json sucessor

2014-08-26 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 25 August 2014 at 14:04:12 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 25.08.2014 15:07, schrieb Don:
On Thursday, 21 August 2014 at 22:35:18 UTC, Sönke Ludwig 
Following up on the recent std.jgrandson thread [1], I've 
picked up
the work (a lot earlier than anticipated) and finished a 
first version
of a loose blend of said std.jgrandson, and 
changes that I had planned for for a while. 
I'm quite
pleased by the results so far, although without a 

framework it still misses a very important building block.


The new code contains:
- Lazy lexer in the form of a token input range (using slices 
of the

  input if possible)
- Lazy streaming parser (StAX style) in the form of a node 
input range

- Eager DOM style parser returning a JSONValue
- Range based JSON string generator taking either a token 
range, a

  node range, or a JSONValue
- Opt-out location tracking (line/column) for tokens, nodes 
and values
- No opDispatch() for JSONValue - this has shown to do more 
harm than

  good in

The DOM style JSONValue type is based on 
std.variant.Algebraic. This

currently has a few usability issues that can be solved by
upgrading/fixing Algebraic:

- Operator overloading only works sporadically
- No tag enum is supported, so that switch()ing on the type 
of a

  value doesn't work and an if-else cascade is required
- Operations and conversions between different Algebraic 
types is not
  conveniently supported, which gets important when other 

  formats get supported (e.g. BSON)

Assuming that those points are solved, I'd like to get some 
feedback before going for an official review. One open issue 
is how to
handle unescaping of string literals. Currently it always 
immediately, which is more efficient for general input ranges 
when the
unescaped result is needed, but less efficient for string 
inputs when
the unescaped result is not needed. Maybe a flag could be 
used to
conditionally switch behavior depending on the input range 

Destroy away! ;)


One missing feature (which is also missing from the existing 
is support for NaN and Infinity as JSON values. Although they 
are not
part of the formal JSON spec (which is a ridiculous omission, 
argument given for excluding them is fallacious), they do get 
if you use Javascript's toString to create the JSON. Many JSON 
(eg Google's) also generate them, so they are frequently 
encountered in

practice. So a JSON parser should at least be able to lex them.

ie this should be parsable:

{foo: NaN, bar: Infinity, baz: -Infinity}

This would probably best added as another (CT) optional 
feature. I think the default should strictly adhere to the JSON 
specification, though.

Yes, it should be optional, but not a compile-time option.
I think it should parse it, and based on a runtime flag, throw an 
error (perhaps an OutOfRange error or something, and use the same 
thing for values that exceed the representable range).

An app may accept these non-standard values under certain 
circumstances and not others. In real-world code, you see a *lot* 
of these guys.

Part of the reason these are important, is that NaN or Infinity 
generally means some Javascript code just has an uninitialized 
variable. Any other kind of invalid JSON typically means 
something very nasty has happened. It's important to distinguish 

Re: RFC: std.json sucessor

2014-08-26 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 at 14:06:42 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 26.08.2014 15:43, schrieb Don:

On Monday, 25 August 2014 at 14:04:12 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 25.08.2014 15:07, schrieb Don:

ie this should be parsable:

{foo: NaN, bar: Infinity, baz: -Infinity}

This would probably best added as another (CT) optional 
feature. I
think the default should strictly adhere to the JSON 


Yes, it should be optional, but not a compile-time option.
I think it should parse it, and based on a runtime flag, throw 
an error
(perhaps an OutOfRange error or something, and use the same 
thing for

values that exceed the representable range).

An app may accept these non-standard values under certain 
and not others. In real-world code, you see a *lot* of these 

Why not a compile time option?

That sounds to me like such an app should simply enable parsing 
those values and manually test for NaN at places where it 
For all other (the majority) of applications, encountering 
NaN/Infinity will simply mean that there is a bug, so it makes 
sense to not accept those at all by default.

Apart from that I don't think that it's a good idea for the 
lexer in general to accept non-standard input by default.

Please note, I've been talking about the lexer. I'm choosing my 
words very carefully.

Part of the reason these are important, is that NaN or Infinity
generally means some Javascript code just has an uninitialized 
Any other kind of invalid JSON typically means something very 
nasty has

happened. It's important to distinguish these.

As far as I understood, JavaScript will output those special 
values as null (at least when not using external JSON 

No. Javascript generates them directly. Naive JS code generates 
these guys. That's why they're so important.

But even if not, an uninitialized variable can also be very 
nasty, so it's hard to see why that kind of bug should be 
silently supported (by default).

I never said it should accepted by default. I said it is a 
situation which should be *lexed*. Ideally, by default it should 
give a different error from simply 'invalid JSON'. I believe it 
should ALWAYS be lexed, even if an error is ultimately generated.

This is the difference: if you get NaN or Infinity, there's 
probably a straightforward bug in the Javascript code, but your D 
code is fine. Any other kind of JSON parsing error means you've 
got a garbage string that isn't JSON at all. They are very 
different errors.

It's a diagnostics issue.

Re: RFC: std.json sucessor

2014-08-25 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 21 August 2014 at 22:35:18 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
Following up on the recent std.jgrandson thread [1], I've 
picked up the work (a lot earlier than anticipated) and 
finished a first version of a loose blend of said 
std.jgrandson, and some changes that I had 
planned for for a while. I'm quite pleased by 
the results so far, although without a serialization framework 
it still misses a very important building block.


The new code contains:
 - Lazy lexer in the form of a token input range (using slices 
of the

   input if possible)
 - Lazy streaming parser (StAX style) in the form of a node 
input range

 - Eager DOM style parser returning a JSONValue
 - Range based JSON string generator taking either a token 
range, a

   node range, or a JSONValue
 - Opt-out location tracking (line/column) for tokens, nodes 
and values
 - No opDispatch() for JSONValue - this has shown to do more 
harm than

   good in

The DOM style JSONValue type is based on std.variant.Algebraic. 
This currently has a few usability issues that can be solved by 
upgrading/fixing Algebraic:

 - Operator overloading only works sporadically
 - No tag enum is supported, so that switch()ing on the type 
of a

   value doesn't work and an if-else cascade is required
 - Operations and conversions between different Algebraic types 
is not
   conveniently supported, which gets important when other 

   formats get supported (e.g. BSON)

Assuming that those points are solved, I'd like to get some 
early feedback before going for an official review. One open 
issue is how to handle unescaping of string literals. Currently 
it always unescapes immediately, which is more efficient for 
general input ranges when the unescaped result is needed, but 
less efficient for string inputs when the unescaped result is 
not needed. Maybe a flag could be used to conditionally switch 
behavior depending on the input range type.

Destroy away! ;)


One missing feature (which is also missing from the existing 
std.json) is support for NaN and Infinity as JSON values. 
Although they are not part of the formal JSON spec (which is a 
ridiculous omission, the argument given for excluding them is 
fallacious), they do get generated if you use Javascript's 
toString to create the JSON. Many JSON libraries (eg Google's) 
also generate them, so they are frequently encountered in 
practice. So a JSON parser should at least be able to lex them.

ie this should be parsable:

{foo: NaN, bar: Infinity, baz: -Infinity}

You should also put tests in for what happens when you pass NaN 
or infinity to toJSON. It shouldn't silently generate invalid 

Re: Bypassing std.concurrency.exec()

2014-08-07 Thread Don Viszneki via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 7 August 2014 at 05:23:51 UTC, Don Viszneki wrote:

So I am no closer to identifying the problem!

Kapps in #d freenode suggested the problem is in the allocator 
not having registered

This worked!

However, we now have problems when shutting down.

It appears that during garbage collection, a call to 
core.thread.suspend() throws the following exception:

throw new ThreadException( Unable to suspend thread )

Which results in an infinitely recursive loop, where the 
allocator continuously tries to throw exceptions!

I think perhaps I need to give D the opportunity to clean up 
SDL2's audio thread before shutting it down?

Re: Bypassing std.concurrency.exec()

2014-08-07 Thread Don Viszneki via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 7 August 2014 at 05:58:50 UTC, Don Viszneki wrote:
I think perhaps I need to give D the opportunity to clean up 
SDL2's audio thread before shutting it down?

I added a new message that is sent first to my audio thread from 
the main thread when shutting down, and then it is sent from the 
audio thread to the main thread as acknowledgement.

In audio thread:
(MessageShutdownAudio msg)
  send(mainTid, MessageShutdownAudio());

In main thread:
  send(audioTid, MessageShutdownAudio());
  receive((MessageShutdownAudio bye) { /* do nothing */ });

Bypassing std.concurrency.exec()

2014-08-06 Thread Don Viszneki via Digitalmars-d
I am using SDL2 for audio output. SDL2 creates its own thread 
which will periodically invoke my callback when the audio sink 
needs more samples.

I want to use std.concurrency.receiveTimeout() with this thread, 
however I get a segfault when attempting to receive a message:

Upon further investigation, it looks like this function depends 
on the TLS variable std.concurrency.mbox, which is marked 
private. (This is not strictly the same variable as 

I think the problem can be found by examining the private 
function std.concurrency._spawn(), which is the only place where 
std.concurrency.mbox is assigned to, except for in 

My thinking on this is probably wrong, however, as adding a call 
to thisTid() does not fix the problem.

If anyone has any ideas, I'd be happy to hear them.

I'm using a really old DMD but I have compared the 
std.concurrency module from my GDC 4.9.0 with the latest from 
Github Phobos and they look substantially the same with respect 
to my issue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Bypassing std.concurrency.exec()

2014-08-06 Thread Don Viszneki via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 7 August 2014 at 05:16:59 UTC, Don Viszneki wrote:
My thinking on this is probably wrong, however, as adding a 
call to thisTid() does not fix the problem.

Well, I've confirmed using gdb that std.concurrency.mbox is 
properly assigned a new MessageBox in both my main thread and in 
my audio thread before the crash occurs. So I am no closer to 
identifying the problem!

Re: checkedint call removal

2014-08-01 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 1 August 2014 at 09:02:36 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 7/31/2014 11:24 PM, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

On Friday, 1 August 2014 at 02:44:51 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
That entry makes no mention of assert being used as an 
optimization hint.

Saying that a predicate is always true means it's available 
to the optimizer.

An assert does not say that the predicate is always true.

Yes, it does. From Meyers' comprehensive tome on the topic 
Object-Oriented Software Construction (1997) where he writes:

A run-time assertion violation is the manifestation of a bug 
in the software.

-- pg. 346

In fact, Meyers calls it rule (1) of assertions.

I would rephrase it as: An assert says that either the predicate
is always true, or else the program is in an invalid state and 
will not operate correctly.

But I do think this entire argument seems to me to be rather 
misplaced. I think it's really it's about -release, not about 

The arguments presented by Ola et al mostly seem to be arguments 
against the use of the -release switch. Because it is a very 
dangerous flag.

If you're removing all your asserts I'd say you're playing a 
dangerous game already. If an assert would have failed, but 
execution continued anyway, you're in undefined behaviour -- at 
the very least, you're in a condition that the programmer 
believed could never happen.

If you are disabling your asserts, but still believe that they 
may fail, that means you're expecting your program to enter 
undefined behaviour! That seems to be a rather illogical position.

I think very strongly that we should rename the -release 
switch, especially if we do start to make use of asserts. It's 
going to cause no end of confusion and passionate debate.


In one of the 2013 DConf talks a lint tool was discussed that 
disallowed you from you writing a condition that was provably 
impossible based on 'in' contracts.


void foo( int x)
   assert(x  6);
body {
if (x  2)   // ERROR! This is always true!

Which is an interesting approach.

By definition, any optimisations that are performed on the basis 
of an assert() that could affect control flow, are detectable 
with 100% accuracy by a lint tool. And so, if you wanted to 
remove all your asserts but were worried about this issue, it's 
detectable at compile time.

Re: WAT: opCmp and opEquals woes

2014-07-28 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 28 July 2014 at 06:05:03 UTC, Fool wrote:
On Monday, 28 July 2014 at 00:23:36 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 07:04:08PM +, Fool via
Defining opEquals only makes sense if a user wants to replace 

by some equivalence relation (different from equality).

Not necessarily. The user type may be implemented in a way 
member-wise binary comparison is not the correct 
implementation of
equality. For example, it could be a tree structure 
implemented by
integer indices into a backing array of nodes. There is no way 
compiler could know, in general, how to correctly compare two 
of such a structure, since the bit-level representation of two 
objects may be completely different, yet they represent 
trees. You're still implementing equality, but it's equality 
that's not

the same as binary equality.

I think we agree except for a subtle difference in defining 
equality and equivalence. In my personal language there is a 
single equality but there are many equivalences.

The problem with imposing these kinds of restrictions, is that 
they are
generally not enforceable (at least, not without significantly 
legitimate use cases). At some point, we have to stop 
babysitting the
programmer and trust that he's competent enough to not try to 
the language to make it do stuff it wasn't intended to do. As 

once said:

Unix was not designed to stop people from doing stupid things,
because that would also stop them from doing clever things.
-- Doug Gwyn

We're not talking about Unix here, but the same principle 

I agree.

Please excuse my lack of creativity: in presence of opCmp I 
cannot see
a single sensible use case for defining a.opEquals(b) 
different from

a.opCmp(b) == 0.

Floating-point numbers? ;-)

Thank you for pushing me there! It's true.

So D has to separate opEquals and opCmp since otherwise a user 
could not define floating-point 'equality' and 'comparison' 
himself in the same way as it is defined by the language.

I'm convinced know. :-)


Be careful, though. The argument that opCmp() and opEquals() are 
orthogonal is not correct, though. Although they are different 
concepts, they are closely related.

We must have:  a == b  implies  a.opCmp(b) == 0.

The converse does not apply though.

Otherwise you're abusing operator overloading, like when you 
define + to mean reformat hard disk or something.

Suppose we dealt correctly with floating point, including the = 
operators, etc. Then we'd require another overloaded operator.

bool unordered(X other) // return true if !(this  other)  
!(this  other)

Full situation is:

opCmp() == 0   implies  ( a==b || a.unordered(b) )

This applies to the RGB example, too.

If you define opCmp() for a type, then either:
(1) opEquals() is the same as opCmp()==0, OR
(2) opEquals() is weird, and needs to be explicitly defined. What 
you're really doing is distinguishing the unordered case from the 
equal case.

IMHO, the ideal solution would be a really smart compiler that 
can detect violations of (1). At least, it would be fairly simple 
to add a runtime assert that  this.opCmp(this) == 0 for all cases 
where opEquals is synthesised.

Re: Integer overflow and underflow semantics?

2014-07-23 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 21 July 2014 at 21:10:43 UTC, Artur Skawina via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 07/21/14 21:53, via Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Monday, 21 July 2014 at 19:33:32 UTC, Artur Skawina via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
Disallowing integer overflow just at CT is not (sanely) 
in a language with D's CTFE capabilities. (Would result in 

that compiles and works at runtime, but is not ctfe-able)

I'd like to see compile time _constants_ be unbounded rational 
numbers with explicit truncation. It is when you assign it to 
an in-memory location that you need to worry about bounds. The 
same goes for calculations that doesn't do division.

No need to copy the bad parts of C.

Actually, C/C++ could get away with treating overflow during 
folding as an error (or at least emitting a warning) because of 
lack of CTFE (and no templates in C's case). The code will 

compile or it won't.
For D that is not possible -- if an expression is valid at 

then it should be valid at compile-time

Why do you think that? There are many cases where that is not 
true. Comparing pointers to two unrelated objects will work at 
runtime, but causes an error in CTFE. You can read global 
variables at runtime, not in CTFE. Etc.

The converse is true, though -- if it works at CTFE, it must work 
at runtime.

Disallowing integer overflow in CTFE could certainly be 
implemented. It's not a difficult experiment to run. It would be 
interesting to see how many instances of overflow are bugs, and 
how many are intentional.

Re: Integer overflow and underflow semantics?

2014-07-23 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 22 July 2014 at 15:31:22 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
On Tuesday, 22 July 2014 at 11:40:08 UTC, Artur Skawina via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
obey the exact same rules as RT. Would you really like to use 
a language
in which 'enum x = (a+b)/2;' and 'immutable x = (a+b)/2;' 
results in

different values?...

With the exception of hash-functions the result will be wrong 
if you don't predict that the value is wrapping. If you do, I 
think you should make the masking explicit e.g. specifying 
'(a+b)0x' or something similar, which the optimizer 
can reduce to a single addition.

That's how it is in D - the arguments are only about the 
/default/, and in
this case about /using a different default at CT and RT/. 
Using a non-wrapping

default would be a bad idea (perf implications, both direct and

Yes, but there is a difference between saying it is ok that it 
wraps on addition, but it shouldn't overflow before a store 
takes place and it should be masked to N bits or fail on 
overflow even though the end-result is known to be correct. A 
system level language should encourage using the fastest 
opcode, so you shouldn't enforce 32 bit masking when the 
fastest register size is 64 bit etc. It should also encourage 
reordering so you get to use efficient SIMDy instructions.

Not possible (for integers), unless you'd be ok with getting 

results at CT.

You don't get different results at compile time if you are 
explicit about wrapping.


Not sure what you mean here. 'f' is a perfectly fine existing
function, which is used at RT. It needs to be usable at CT as 

D claims to focus generic programming. So it should also 
encourage pure functions that can be specified for floats, ints 
and other numeric types that are subtypes of (true) reals in 
the same clean definition.

I think it's a complete fantasy to think you can write generic 
code that will work for both floats and ints. The algorithms are 
completely different.

One of the simplest examples is that given float f;  int i;

(f + 1) and  (i +  1)  have totally different semantics.

There are no values of i for which i + 1 == i,
but if abs(f)  1/real.epsilon, then f + 1 == f.

Likewise there is no value of i for which i != 0  i+1 == 1,
but for any abs(f)  real.epsilon, f + 1 == 1.

If you express the expression in a clean way to get down to the 
actual (more limited type) then the optimizer sometimes can 
pick an efficient sequence of instructions that might be a very 
fast approximation if you reduce the precision sufficiently in 
the end-result.

To get there you need to differentiate between a truncating 
division and a non-truncating division etc.

Well, it's not a small number of differences. Almost every 
operation is different. Maybe all of them. I can't actually think 
of a single operation where the semantics are the same for 
integers and floating point.

Negation comes close, but even then you have the special cases 
-0.0 and -(-int.max - 1).

The philosophy behind generic programming and the requirements 
for efficient generic programming is quite different from the 
the machine-level hand optimizing philosophy of classic C, IMO.

I think that unfortunately, it's a quest that is doomed to fail. 
Producing generic code that works for both floats and ints is a 
fool's errand.

Re: DConf 2014 Keynote: High Performance Code Using D by Walter Bright

2014-07-22 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 16 July 2014 at 10:22:41 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu:

Despite Walter is used to pipeline programming, so the next 
step is to also handle failures and off-band messages in a 
functional way (without exceptions and global error values) 
with two parallel pipelines, here named Railway-Oriented 
Programming. This is one of the simplest introductions (and he 
can skip the slides 19-53) that I have found of this topic 
(that in the Haskell community is explained on the base of 

In Bugzilla there are already requests for some 
Railway-Oriented Programming:

I think no language extensions are needed for such kind of 
programming, but of course built-in tuple syntax and basic 
forms of pattern matching in switch 
( ) improve 
the syntax and make the code more handy, handy enough to push 
more D programmers in using it.

For some examples of those things in a system language, this 
page shows some little examples of functional syntax for Rust:


I think that approach is more convincing for functional languages 
than for D, especially if you are limited to a single return type.

Why not just follow the use Unix stdout/stderr model, and provide 
an OutputRange for errors to be sent to?

I don't really believe that there are two 'railway tracks' in the 
sense that that presentation implies. Once an error has occurred, 
typically not much more pipeline processing happens. As for Unix, 
stdout from one step is tied to stdin, but stderr is output only. 
There may be further processing of the stderr stream (eg, errors 
may be reported to a database), but the steps are completely 
independent from the main stdin-stdout track. I think you get a 
messy design if you try to combine both into a single pipeline.

I think it could be quite interesting to see which algorithms can 
be created with an Error OutputRange model.

Re: std.math performance (SSE vs. real)

2014-07-08 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 4 July 2014 at 17:05:16 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/4/2014 3:38 AM, Don wrote:
What is the longest type supported by the native hardware? I 
don't know what

that means, and I don't think it even makes sense.

Most of the time, it is quite clear.

For example, Sparc has 128-bit quads, but they only have 
partial support.
Effectively. they are emulated. Why on earth would you want to 
use an emulated

type on some machines, but not on others?

Emulation is not native support.

I think the only difference it makes is performance. But there is 
not very much difference in performance between double-double, 
and implementations using microcode. Eg PowerPC double-doubles 
operations require fewer clock cycles than x87 operations on 286.

Perhaps the intention was the largest precision you can get 
for free, without
sacrificing speed then that's not clearly defined. On x86-32, 
that was indeed
80 bits. But on other systems it doesn't have an obvious 

On x86-64 it's not that simple. Nor on PPC or Sparc.

Yes, there is some degree of subjectivity on some platforms. I 
don't see a good reason for hamstringing the compiler dev with 
legalese for Platform X with legalese that isn't quite the 
right thing to do for X.

I agree. But I think we can achieve the same outcome while 
providing more semantic guarantees to the programmer.

I think the intention of the spec is clear, and the compiler 
implementor can be relied on to exercise good judgement.

The problem is that the developer cannot write code without 
knowing the semantics.
For example, one of the original motivations for having 80-bit 
floats on the x87 was that for many functions, they give you 
correctly-rounded results for 'double' precision. If you don't 
have 80-bit reals, then you need to use far more complicated 
If your code needs to work on a system with only 64 bit reals, 
then you have to do the hard work.

Something I've come to realize, was that William Kahan's work was 
done in a world before generic programming. He had constraints 
that we don't have.
Our metaprogramming system gives us great tools to get the 
highest accuracy and performance out of any processor. We can 
easily cope with the messy reality of real-world systems, we 
don't need to follow Java in pretending they are all the same. 
This is something we're good at!

A 'real' type that has system-dependent semantics is a poor-man's 
Take a look at std.math, and see all the instances of 'static if 
(real.mant_dig == '. Pretty clearly, 'real' is acting as if it 
were a template parameter.

And my experience is that any code which doesn't treat 'real' as 
a template parameter, is probably incorrect. I think we should 
acknowledge this.

Re: std.math performance (SSE vs. real)

2014-07-04 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 3 July 2014 at 00:03:47 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/2/2014 3:15 PM, Sean Kelly wrote:

On Wednesday, 2 July 2014 at 21:44:17 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
C long double == D real for 32 and 64 bit OSX, Linux, and 

And it's 'double double' on PPC and 128 bit quad on SPARC.
Assuming D targets those platforms, what will be the behavior

Per the D spec, 'real' will be the longest type supported by 
the native hardware.

This is the problem. If that is the case, it is USELESS.
We *must* change that definition.

What is the longest type supported by the native hardware? I 
don't know what that means, and I don't think it even makes sense.

For example, Sparc has 128-bit quads, but they only have partial 
support. Effectively. they are emulated. Why on earth would you 
want to use an emulated type on some machines, but not on others?

Perhaps the intention was the largest precision you can get for 
free, without sacrificing speed then that's not clearly defined. 
On x86-32, that was indeed 80 bits. But on other systems it 
doesn't have an obvious answer.

On x86-64 it's not that simple. Nor on PPC or Sparc.

Re: std.math performance (SSE vs. real)

2014-07-02 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 1 July 2014 at 17:00:30 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/1/2014 3:26 AM, Don wrote:
Yes, it's complicated. The interesting thing is that there are 
no 128 bit
registers. The temporaries exist only while the FMA operation 
is in progress.
You cannot even preserve them between consecutive FMA 

An important consequence is that allowing intermediate 
calculations to be
performed at higher precision than the operands, is crucial, 
and applies outside

of x86. This is something we've got right.

But it's not possible to say that the intermediate 
calculations are done at the
precision of 'real'. This is the semantics which I think we 
currently have

wrong. Our model is too simplistic.

On modern x86, calculations on float operands may have 
intermediate calculations
done at only 32 bits (if using straight SSE), 80 bits (if 
using x87), or 64 bits
(if using float FMA). And for double operands, they may be 64 
bits, 80 bits, or

128 bits.
Yet, in the FMA case, non-FMA operations will be performed at 
lower precision.
It's entirely possible for all three intermediate precisions 
to be active at the

same time!

I'm not sure that we need to change anything WRT code 
generation. But I think
our style recommendations aren't quite right. And we have at 
least one missing

primitive operation (discard all excess precision).

What do you recommend?

It needs some thought. But some things are clear.

Definitely, discarding excess precision is a crucial operation. C 
and C++ tried to do it implicitly with sequence points, but 
that kills optimisation possibilities so much that compilers 
don't respect it. I think it's actually quite similar to write 
barriers in multithreaded programming. C got it wrong, but we're 
currently in an even worse situation because it doesn't 
necessarily happen at all.

We need a builtin operation -- and not in std.math, this is as 
crucial as addition, and it's purely a signal to the optimiser. 
It's very similar to a casting operation. I wonder if we can do 
it as an attribute?  .exact_float, .restrict_float, .force_float, 
.spill_float or something similar?

With D's current floating point semantics, it's actually 
impossible to write correct floating-point code. Everything that 
works right now, is technically only working by accident.

But if we get this right, we can have very nice semantics for 
when things like FMA are allowed to happen -- essentially the 
optimiser would have free reign between these explicit 
discard_excess_precision sequence points.

After that, I'm a bit less sure. It does seem to me that we're 
trying to make 'real' do double-duty as meaning both x87 80 bit 
floating-point number and also as something like a storage class 
that is specific to double: compiler, don't discard excess 
precision. Which are both useful concepts, but aren't identical. 
The two concepts did coincide on x86 32-bit, but they're 
different on x86-64. I think we need to distinguish the two.

Ideally, I think we'd have a __real80 type. On x86 32 bit this 
would be the same as 'real', while on x86-64 __real80 would be 
available but probably 'real' would alias to double. But I'm a 
lot less certain about this.

Re: std.math performance (SSE vs. real)

2014-07-01 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 30 June 2014 at 16:54:17 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 6/30/2014 12:20 AM, Don wrote:
What I think is highly likely is that it will only have legacy 
support, with
such awful performance that it never makes sense to use them. 
For example, the
speed of 80-bit and 64-bit calculations in x87 used to be 
identical. But on
recent Intel CPUs, the 80-bit operations run at half the speed 
of the 64 bit

operations. They are already partially microcoded.

For me, a stronger argument is that you can get *higher* 
precision using
doubles, in many cases. The reason is that FMA gives you an 
intermediate value
with 128 bits of precision; it's available in SIMD but not on 

So, if we want to use the highest precision supported by the 
hardware, that does

*not* mean we should always use 80 bits.

I've experienced this in CTFE, where the calculations are 
currently done in 80
bits, I've seen cases where the 64-bit runtime results were 
more accurate,
because of those 128 bit FMA temporaries. 80 bits are not 

I did not know this. It certainly adds another layer of nuance 
- as the higher level of precision will only apply as long as 
one can keep the value in a register.

Yes, it's complicated. The interesting thing is that there are no 
128 bit registers. The temporaries exist only while the FMA 
operation is in progress. You cannot even preserve them between 
consecutive FMA operations.

An important consequence is that allowing intermediate 
calculations to be performed at higher precision than the 
operands, is crucial, and applies outside of x86. This is 
something we've got right.

But it's not possible to say that the intermediate calculations 
are done at the precision of 'real'. This is the semantics which 
I think we currently have wrong. Our model is too simplistic.

On modern x86, calculations on float operands may have 
intermediate calculations done at only 32 bits (if using straight 
SSE), 80 bits (if using x87), or 64 bits (if using float FMA). 
And for double operands, they may be 64 bits, 80 bits, or 128 
Yet, in the FMA case, non-FMA operations will be performed at 
lower precision.
It's entirely possible for all three intermediate precisions to 
be active at the same time!

I'm not sure that we need to change anything WRT code generation. 
But I think our style recommendations aren't quite right. And we 
have at least one missing primitive operation (discard all excess 

Re: std.math performance (SSE vs. real)

2014-06-30 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 30 June 2014 at 04:15:46 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 6/29/2014 8:22 PM, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
Well, here's the thing then. Consider that 'real' is only 

supported on only a single (long deprecated!) architecture.

In x64's case, it is deprecated for over a decade now, and may 
removed from the hardware at some unknown time. The moment 
that x64
processors decide to stop supporting 32bit code, the x87 will 
go away,

and those opcodes will likely be emulated or microcoded.
Interacting real-float/double means register swapping through
memory. It should be treated the same as float-simd; they are
distinct (on most arch's).

Since they are part of the 64 bit C ABI, that would seem to be 
in the category of nevah hoppen.

What I think is highly likely is that it will only have legacy 
support, with such awful performance that it never makes sense to 
use them. For example, the speed of 80-bit and 64-bit 
calculations in x87 used to be identical. But on recent Intel 
CPUs, the 80-bit operations run at half the speed of the 64 bit 
operations. They are already partially microcoded.

For me, a stronger argument is that you can get *higher* 
precision using doubles, in many cases. The reason is that FMA 
gives you an intermediate value with 128 bits of precision; it's 
available in SIMD but not on x87.

So, if we want to use the highest precision supported by the 
hardware, that does *not* mean we should always use 80 bits.

I've experienced this in CTFE, where the calculations are 
currently done in 80 bits, I've seen cases where the 64-bit 
runtime results were more accurate, because of those 128 bit FMA 
temporaries. 80 bits are not enough!!

Re: std.math performance (SSE vs. real)

2014-06-30 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 29 June 2014 at 18:13:59 UTC, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Sun, 2014-06-29 at 07:59 -0700, Andrei Alexandrescu via 


A friend who works at a hedge fund (after making the rounds to 
the NYC large financial companies) told me that's a myth. Any 
nontrivial calculation involving money (interest, fixed 
income, derivatives, ...) needs floating point. He never 
needed more than double.

Very definitely so. Fixed point or integer arithmetic for simple
household finance fair enough, but for finance house 
you generally need 22+ significant denary digits to meet with 


Many people seem to have the bizarre idea that floating point is 
less accurate than integer arithmetic. As if storing a value into 
a double makes it instantly fuzzy, or something.
In fact, providing that the the precision is large enough, every 
operation that is exact in integers, is exact in floating point 
as well.
And if you perform a division using integers, you've silently 
lost precision.
So I'm not sure what benefit you'd gain by eschewing floating 

Re: Bounty Increase on Issue #1325927

2014-06-27 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 26 June 2014 at 21:20:04 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Thursday, 26 June 2014 at 17:52:13 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 

On 6/26/2014 7:02 AM, Shammah Chancellor wrote:
I've increased the bounty on this bug.   Fast CTFE is very 

This is great news, and I'm sure very much appreciated by all.

I can't help being a little concerned over issue ownership, 
though. My understanding is that Don's already done a large 
amount of work towards this issue. I wonder if that could 
actually be holding people back from contributing to the 
issue, for fear of taking whole pot unfairly (ie, swooping in 
and just doing the last little bit, or being perceived as 
attempting that), or fear of stirring up disagreement over 

Don's a senior developer at a company that just got bought for 
$200 million.  I doubt he's stressing over a $400 bounty, ;) 
especially if it takes some work off his plate.

Yes, of course I'm not interested in bounties. But note that that 
issue is not really a bug, it's a project.
I put hundreds of hours of work into this, to get to the point 
where we are now - fixing the compiler structure to the point 
where a JIT is possible. That work was funded by an insolvency 
payout :). Daniel Murphy has done some work on it, as well.

I doubt bounties are effective as a motivation for this kind of 

Re: RFC: Value range propagation for if-else

2014-06-20 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 18 June 2014 at 06:40:21 UTC, Lionello Lunesu wrote:


There, I've also added a __traits(intrange, expression) which 
returns a tuple with the min and max for the given expression.


The compiler uses value range propagation in this {min, max} 
form, but I think that's an implementation detail. It's well 
suited for arithmetic operations, but less suitable for logical 
operations. For example, this code can't overflow, but {min, max} 
range propagation thinks it can.

ubyte foo ( uint a) {
  return (a  0x8081)  0x0FFF;

For these types of expressions, {known_one_bits, known_zero_bits} 
works better.
Now, you can track both types of range propagation 
simultaneously, and I think we probably should improve our 
implementation in that way. It would improve the accuracy in many 

Question: If we had implemented that already, would you still 
want the interface you're proposing here?

Re: Ref counting for CTFE?

2014-06-03 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 29 May 2014 at 18:12:59 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 05/29/2014 06:53 PM, Dylan Knutson wrote:


Is there anything so radically different in D than these other
languages, that prevents the implementation of a 
run-of-the-mill VM to

eval D code?

No. (In fact, I've written a naive but mostly complete byte 
code interpreter in half a week or so last year, as part of an 
ongoing recreational D front end implementation effort.)

It just seems strange to me that it's such a problem when
this is basically solved by all scripting languages. And I'm 
really not
trying to downplay the difficulty in implementing CTFE in D, 
but rather

just figure out why it's so hard to implement in comparison.

CTFE is somewhat intertwined with semantic analysis, which 
makes it a little harder to specify/implement than usual 
interpreters. However, the performance problem is mostly a 
structural issue of the current implementation: DMDs CTFE 
interpreter gradually grew out of its constant folder in some 
kind of best effort fashion as far as I understand.

It is feasible to do everything in the usual fashion and 
occasionally just pause or restart interpretation at 
well-defined points where it needs to interface with semantic 

Exactly. Historically, most of the work I've done on CTFE was in 
fixing up the relationship between CTFE and the rest of the 
compiler, ironing out all of the weird semantic interactions. 
Almost *nothing* has ever been done on the CTFE implementation 
The implementation is the crappiest thing you could imagine, it 
leaks memory like BP leaks oil. It's been hard to fix not because 
doing a JIT is hard, but because of the semantic interaction 
bugs. The good news is that most of those are fixed now.

But, it's worth mentioning that at dconf, CTFE and mixins were 
blamed for many things they aren't responsible for.
For example, Phobos takes forever to compile, but it's nothing to 
do with CTFE.
Phobos is slow to compile because everything imports everything 
else, and it instantiates nearly a million templates.
IE, an infinitely fast CTFE engine would make very little 
difference to Phobos compile times.

Re: D Language Version 3

2014-05-28 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 28 May 2014 at 03:25:28 UTC, Suminda Dharmasena 


D2 has been out for a while. Looking to see what the roadmap is 
like towards D3?


No, it has not been out for a while. I would even say that it's 
not out yet!

It still doesn't exist yet in the same way as D1.

D1 was a clearly defined snapshot of the language at a particular 
moment in time.
The feature list is unchanged since D1.014, except for array 
operations which were finally implemented in D1.034. It reached 
release 1.076 just with bugfixes, ie there were 61 bugfix 

D2 is the ongoing language development, and we still don't have a 
stability branch more recent than the D1 branch. Almost every 
release has contained a new feature, and I can't see that 
stopping anytime soon.

Re: Memory allocation purity

2014-05-15 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 08:14:50 UTC, luka8088 wrote:

On 15.5.2014. 8:58, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Thu, 15 May 2014 05:51:14 +
via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Yep, purity implies memoing.

No, it doesn't. _All_ that it means when a function is pure is 
that it cannot
access global or static variables unless they can't be changed 
after being
initialized (e.g. they're immutable, or they're const value 
types), and it
can't call any other functions which aren't pure. It means 
_nothing_ else. And

it _definitely_ has nothing to do with functional purity.

Now, combined with other information, you _can_ get functional 
purity out it -
e.g. if all the parameters to a function are immutable, then 
it _is_
functionally pure, and optimizations requiring functional 
purity can be done
with that function. But by itself, pure means nothing of the 

So, no, purity does _not_ imply memoization.

- Jonathan M Davis

Um. Yes it does.
functional purity (i.e. the guarantee that the function will 

return the same result for the same arguments)

The fact that it should not be able to effect or be effected by 
global state is not a basis for purity, but rather a 

Even other sources are consistent on this matter, and this is 

purity by definition is.

Please note: D's 'pure' annotation does *not* mean that the 
function is pure. It means that it is statically verified to be 
OK to call it from a pure function.

The compiler determines if a function is pure, the programmer 
never does.

There are two things going on here, and they are quite distinct.

(1) Really the keyword should be something like '@noglobal', 
rather than 'pure'. It's called pure for historical reasons. To 
reduce confusion I'll call D's pure '@noglobal' and the 
functional languages pure '@memoizable'.

But it turns out that @memoizable isn't actually an interesting 
property, whereas '@noglobal' is.

No global state is a deep, transitive property of a function. 
Memoizable is a superficial supersetextra property which the 
compiler can trivially determine from @noglobal.

Suppose you have function f(), which calls function g().

If f does not depend on global state, then g must not depend on 
global state.

BUT if f() can be memoizable even if g() is not memoizable.

This approach used by D enormously increases the number of 
functions which can be statically proven to be pure. The 
nomenclature can create confusion though.

(2) Allowing GC activity inside a @noglobal function does indeed 
weaken our ability to memoize.

The compiler can still perform memoizing operations on most 
functions that return GC-allocated memory, but it's more 
difficult. We don't yet have data on how much of a problem this 

An interesting side-effect of the recent addition of @nogc to the 
language, is that we get this ability back.

Re: Memory allocation purity

2014-05-15 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 10:31:47 UTC, luka8088 wrote:

On 15.5.2014. 11:45, Don wrote:

On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 08:14:50 UTC, luka8088 wrote:

On 15.5.2014. 8:58, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Thu, 15 May 2014 05:51:14 +
via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Yep, purity implies memoing.

No, it doesn't. _All_ that it means when a function is pure 
is that

it cannot
access global or static variables unless they can't be 
changed after

initialized (e.g. they're immutable, or they're const value 

and it
can't call any other functions which aren't pure. It means 

else. And
it _definitely_ has nothing to do with functional purity.

Now, combined with other information, you _can_ get 
functional purity

out it -
e.g. if all the parameters to a function are immutable, then 
it _is_
functionally pure, and optimizations requiring functional 
purity can

be done
with that function. But by itself, pure means nothing of the 

So, no, purity does _not_ imply memoization.

- Jonathan M Davis

Um. Yes it does.
functional purity (i.e. the guarantee that the function will 

return the same result for the same arguments)

The fact that it should not be able to effect or be effected 
by the
global state is not a basis for purity, but rather a 

Even other sources are consistent on this matter, and this is 

purity by definition is.

Please note: D's 'pure' annotation does *not* mean that the 
function is
pure. It means that it is statically verified to be OK to call 
it from a

pure function.

The compiler determines if a function is pure, the programmer 
never does.

There are two things going on here, and they are quite 

(1) Really the keyword should be something like '@noglobal', 
rather than
'pure'. It's called pure for historical reasons. To reduce 
I'll call D's pure '@noglobal' and the functional languages 


But it turns out that @memoizable isn't actually an interesting
property, whereas '@noglobal' is.

No global state is a deep, transitive property of a function.
Memoizable is a superficial supersetextra property which the 

can trivially determine from @noglobal.

Suppose you have function f(), which calls function g().

If f does not depend on global state, then g must not depend 
on global


BUT if f() can be memoizable even if g() is not memoizable.

This approach used by D enormously increases the number of 
which can be statically proven to be pure. The nomenclature 
can create

confusion though.

(2) Allowing GC activity inside a @noglobal function does 
indeed weaken

our ability to memoize.

The compiler can still perform memoizing operations on most 
that return GC-allocated memory, but it's more difficult. We 
don't yet

have data on how much of a problem this is.

An interesting side-effect of the recent addition of @nogc to 

language, is that we get this ability back.

Yeah, I read all about weak/string purity and I do understand 
background. I was talking about strong purity, maybe I should 

that out.

So, to correct myself: As I understood strong purity implies
memoization. Am I correct?

Yes. 'strong pure' means pure in the way that the functional 
language crowd means 'pure'.

'weak pure' just means doesn't use globals.

But note that strong purity isn't an official concept, it was 
just the terminology I used when explain to Walter what I meant. 
I don't like the term because it's rather misleading
-- in reality you could define a whole range of purity strengths 
(more than just two).

The stronger the purity, the more optimizations you can apply.

Re: Memory allocation purity

2014-05-15 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 10:46:21 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 09:45:52 UTC, Don wrote:
But it turns out that @memoizable isn't actually an 
interesting property, whereas '@noglobal' is.

No global state is a deep, transitive property of a 
function. Memoizable is a superficial supersetextra property 
which the compiler can trivially determine from @noglobal.

Uhm. That is a pretty strong assumption. memoizable is very 
useful property when you do multihreading, transactions or 
anything that requires locking.

It's useful, but it's not a deep property, and importantly, it 
isn't transient. The compiler can trivially work it out if it 
knows the function is @noglobal.

And you can still access globals, you just need a guarantee 
that globals don't change until you are done.

Sure, but how can the compiler statically check that? It's a 
tough problem.
(That's not a rhetorical question, BTW. If you have a solution, 
that would be awesome).

Considering that  90% of the functions I write don't do IO or 
globals I'd rather specify the opposite. io, global 
whatever. That is also easy to enforce, i.e. you don't get to 
access IO/globals if you don't annotate the function.

I agree, I'd personally like to have an annotation '@global', and 
put 'pure:' at the top of every module.

Re: DIP60: @nogc attribute

2014-04-22 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 17 April 2014 at 19:51:38 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 4/17/2014 10:41 AM, Dicebot wrote:
On Thursday, 17 April 2014 at 16:57:32 UTC, Walter Bright 
With current limitations @nogc is only useful to verify that 
embedded code which
does not have GC at all does not use any GC-triggering 
language features before
it comes to weird linker errors / rt-asserts. But that does 
not work good either

because of next problem:

Remember that @nogc will be inferred for template functions. 
That means that
whether it is @nogc or not will depend on its arguments being 
@nogc, which is

just what is needed.

No, it looks like I have stated that very wrong because 
everyone understood it
in completely opposite way. What I mean is that `put()` is NOT 
@nogc and it
still should work. Same as weakly pure is kind of pure but 
allowed to mutate its
arguments, proposed weakly @nogc can only call GC via 
functions directly

accessible from its arguments.

I don't see value for this behavior.

It turns out to have enormous value. I will explain this in my 
DConf talk. A little preview:
Almost all of our code at Sociomantic obeys this behaviour, and 
it's probably the most striking feature of our codebase. By 
almost all I mean probably 90% of our code, including all of 
our libraries. Not just the 5% - 10% that could marked as @nogc 
according to your DIP.

The key property it ensures is, if you make N calls to the 
function, the number of GC allocations is in O(1). We don't care 
if makes 0 allocations or 17.

We're not really interested in whether a function uses the GC or 
not, since most interesting functions do need to do some memory 

Ideally, we'd want an attribute which could applied to *all* of 
Phobos, except for some convenience functions. We have no 
interest in library code which doesn't behave in that way.

Re: It's official: Sociomantic Labs has been acquired by dunnhumby Ltd

2014-04-04 Thread Don
On Friday, 4 April 2014 at 02:38:58 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 4/3/14, 7:04 AM, Don wrote:

Congratulations to all involved!

How will this impact the use of D at dunnhumby?


This is going to be very big for D. Our technology will be used 
with their data and analysis (they're not a software company).

Here's what Dunnhumby said in their press release:

For some time we have been watching the work of a Berlin 
internet start-up called Sociomantic. They are a very talented 
group of people who have developed ground-breaking online 
technology, far ahead of what anyone else is doing. We have 
decided to buy the company because the combination of 
Sociomantic’s technological capability and dunnhumby’s insight 
from 430m shoppers worldwide will create a new opportunity to 
make the online experience a lot better, because for the first 
time we will be able to make online content personalised for 
people, based on what they actually like, want and need.   It is 
what we have been doing with loyalty programs and personalised 
offers for years – done with scale and speed in the digital 

And this article gives some broader background:

- Don.

It's official: Sociomantic Labs has been acquired by dunnhumby Ltd

2014-04-03 Thread Don

Re: A division problem

2014-03-24 Thread Don

On Monday, 24 March 2014 at 03:55:41 UTC, bearophile wrote:
This kind of code sometimes is wrong, because you forget to 
cast x to double before the division and you lose precision 
(but here the compiler knows that the result of the division 
will go inside a double):

void main() {
int x = 15;
double y = x / 10;

The cause is that unfortunately in D the integer division uses 
the same operator as the FP division. In Python there is the / 
and // operators. In OcaML there are the / and /., in Delphi 
there are the / and div operators, in Ada the two operands need 
to be of the same type.

Seasoned C/C++/D programmers watch for the types every time 
they perform a division, to avoid that trap. But less 
experienced programmers introduce bugs with divisions. Can D 
help the programmer reduce the frequency of similar bugs? And 
do we want to?


It is indeed a common floating-point bug.

I came up with a solution for this a couple of years ago, never 
got around to doing a pull request, but it's on the newsgroup 
somewhere. It's a little extension to the range propagation 
implementation. You add a boolean flag to the range, which 
indicates 'a fractional part has been discarded'. This flag gets 
set whenever you perform an integer division (or integer 
exponentiation with a negative power), and is cleared whenever 
there is a cast or a bitwise operation.

Then, disallow implicit casting from integer to floating point 
whenever the fractional bit is set. Catches all these kinds of 
bugs, doesn't require any changes to the language.

Re: How to make a global immutable associative array?

2014-03-19 Thread Don

On Wednesday, 19 March 2014 at 09:12:53 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Wednesday, 19 March 2014 at 02:52:23 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Rikki Cattermole:

Is an enum not appropriate? Because it can be used to push 
constants and available at ctfe.

enum int[int] aa = [1: 2, 3: 4];
pragma(msg, aa);

This is bad from an efficiency point of view. I think Don even 
suggested to disallow it.


It still only existing way to define compile-time usable AA 
value, disallowing it without fixing alternatives is not an 

The only thing I've said we should disallow, is creating a 
runtime reference to a value which only exists at compile-time. I 
think it is logically nonsensical.

I don't see any problem at all with creating a compile-time AA, 
and then looking up an index in it at compile time.

Re: Final by default?

2014-03-14 Thread Don
On Thursday, 13 March 2014 at 13:47:13 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
On Thu, 13 Mar 2014 09:37:51 -0400, Dicebot 

On Thursday, 13 March 2014 at 13:16:54 UTC, Daniel Murphy 
Steven Schveighoffer  wrote in message 

 The worst breaking change in D2, by far, is the prevention
array stomping.

What is your use case(s), might I ask? Prevention of array 
stomping, I thought, had a net positive effect on 
performance, because it no longer has to lock the GC for 
thread-local appends.

I would guess they're setting length to zero and appending to 
re-use the memory.

Exactly. So far looks like upon transition to D2 almost all 
arrays used in our code will need to be replaced with some 
variation of Appender!T

I think you might find that it will run considerably faster in 
that case. In the old mechanism of D1, the GC lock was used on 
every append, and if you had multiple threads appending 
simultaneously, they were contending with the single element 
cache to look up block info. Appender only needs to look up GC 
block info when it needs more memory from the GC.

We don't use threads.

Re: Final by default?

2014-03-14 Thread Don

On Thursday, 13 March 2014 at 19:28:59 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/13/2014 1:43 AM, Don wrote:
The worst breaking change in D2, by far, is the prevention of 
array stomping.

After that change, our code still runs, and produces exactly 
the same results,
but it is so slow that it's completely unusable. This one of 
the main reasons

we're still using D1.

I didn't know this. I'd like more details - perhaps I can help 
with how to deal with it.

Our entire codebase assumes that stomping will happen. Simplest 

T[] dupArray(T)(ref T[] dest, T[] src)
dest.length = src.length;
if (src.length) {
dest[] = src[];
return dest;

This is equivalent to dest = src.dup, but if dest was already 
long enough to contain src, no allocation occurs.

Sure, we can add a call to assumeSafeAppend() everywhere. And I 
mean *everywhere*. Every single instance of array creation or 
concatentation, without exception. Almost every array in our 
codebase is affected by this.

Re: Possible change to array runtime?

2014-03-14 Thread Don
On Friday, 14 March 2014 at 14:48:13 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
On Thu, 13 Mar 2014 11:24:01 -0400, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

arr.length = 0;

3. Don's company uses D1 as its language, I highly recommend 
watching Don's Dconf13 presentation (and look forward to his 
Dconf14 one!) to see how effective D code can create 
unbelievable speed, especially where array slices are 
concerned. But to the above line, in D2, they must add the 
following code to get the same behavior:


Just a quick note, buried in same thread that Don mentioned, he 
outlined a more specific case, and this does not involve 
setting length to 0, but to any arbitrary value.

This means my approach does not help them, and although it 
makes sense, the idea that it would help Sociomantic move to D2 
is not correct.


Actually it would help a great deal. In most cases, we do set the 
length to 0. That example code is unusual.

FYI: In D1, this was the most important idiom in the language.
In the first D conference in 2007, a feature T[new] was 
described, specifically to support this idiom in a safe manner. 
Implementation was begun in the compiler. Unfortunately, it 
didn't happen in the end. I'm not sure if it would actually have 
worked or not.

BTW you said somewhere that concatenation always allocates. What 
I actually meant was ~=, not ~. In our code it is always preceded 
by .length = 0 though.
It's important that ~= should not allocate, when the existing 
capacity is large enough.

Re: Final by default?

2014-03-13 Thread Don

On Thursday, 13 March 2014 at 06:02:27 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/12/2014 9:23 PM, Manu wrote:

It's not minor, and it's not achievable by other means though.

class C { final: ... }

does it.

You and Andrei are the only resistance in this thread so far. 
Why don't you ask
'temperamental client' what their opinion is? Give them a 
heads up, perhaps

they'll be more reasonable than you anticipate?

I didn't even know about this client before the breakage. D has 
a lot of users who we don't know about.

Both myself and Don have stated on behalf of industrial 
clients that we embrace
breaking changes that move the language forward, or correct 
clearly identifiable


Breaking changes has been a huge barrier to Don's company being 
able to move from D1 to D2. I still support D1 specifically for 
Don's company.

Yes, but the problem is not the changes which cause compile 
errors and force you to change your code in obvious ways. The 
problem is subtle changes to behaviour.

The worst breaking change in D2, by far, is the prevention of 
array stomping.

After that change, our code still runs, and produces exactly the 
same results, but it is so slow that it's completely unusable. 
This one of the main reasons we're still using D1.

Re: Final by default?

2014-03-13 Thread Don

On Thursday, 13 March 2014 at 05:15:58 UTC, Sean Kelly wrote:
On Wednesday, 12 March 2014 at 22:50:00 UTC, Walter Bright 
The argument for final by default, as eloquently expressed by 
Manu, is a good one. Even Andrei agrees with it (!).

The trouble, however, was illuminated most recently by the 
std.json regression that broke existing code. The breakage 
wasn't even intentional; it was a mistake. The user fix was 
also simple, just a tweak here and there to user code, and the 
compiler pointed out where each change needed to be made.

But we nearly lost a major client over it.

I find this a bit baffling.  Given the investment this customer 
must have in D, I can't imagine them switching to a new 
language over something like this.  I hate to say it, but this 
sounds like the instances you hear of when people call up 
customer service just to have someone to yell at.  Not that the 
code breakage is okay, but I do feel like this may be somewhat 
of an exaggeration.

And std.json is among the worst code I've ever seen. I'm a bit 
shocked that anyone would be using it in production code.

Regarding this virtual by default issue.  I entirely support 
Manu's argument and wholeheartedly agree with it.  I even think 
that I'd be more likely to use D professionally if D worked 
this way, for many of the same reasons Manu has expressed.  
There may even be a window for doing this, but the 
communication around the change would have to be perfect.

Regarding user retention... I've spent the past N months 
beginning the process of selling D at work.  The language and 
library are at a point of maturity where I think it might have 
a chance when evaluated simply on the merits of the language 
itself.  However, what has me really hesitant to put my 
shoulder behind D and really push isn't that changes occur 
sometimes.  Even big changes.  It's how they're handled.  
Issues come up in the newsgroup and are discussed back and 
forth for ages.  Seriously considered.  And then maybe a 
decision is apparently reached (as with this virtual by default 
thing) and so I expect that action will be taken.  And then 
nothing happens.  And other times big changes occur with 
seemingly little warning.  Personally, I don't really require 
perfect compatibility between released, but I do want to see 
things moving decisively in a clearly communicated direction.  
I want to know where we're going and how we're going to get 
there, and if that means that I have to hold on moving to a new 
compiler release for a while while I sort out changes that's 
fine.  But I want to be able to prepare for it.  As things 
stand, I'm worried that if I got a team to move to D we'd have 
stuff breaking unexpectedly and I'd end up feeling like an ass 
for recommending it.  I guess that's probably what prompted the 
almost lost a major client issue you mentioned above.  This 
JSON parser change was more the proverbial straw than a major 
issue in itself.

I agree completely.

Some things that really should be fixed, don't get fixed because 
of a paranoid fear of breaking code. And this tends to happen 
with the issues that can give nice warning messages and are easy 
to fix...

Yet there are still enough bugs that your code breaks every 
release anyway.
We need to lose the fantasy that there is legacy code which still 

Anything more than a year or so old is broken already.

As for the !virtual idea... I hate it.  Please don't add yet 
more ways for people to make their code confusing.

Re: Final by default?

2014-03-13 Thread Don
Some things that really should be fixed, don't get fixed 
because of a
paranoid fear of breaking code. And this tends to happen with 
the issues

that can give nice warning messages and are easy to fix...

Yet there are still enough bugs that your code breaks every 
release anyway.
We need to lose the fantasy that there is legacy code which 
still compiles.

Anything more than a year or so old is broken already.

Backward compatibility is more like a spectrum than a 
threshold. Not having it now is not an argument to cease 
pursuing it.

Exactly, it's a spectrum. But at any given time, the whole 
language and library are not at a single point on the spectrum. 
Some things are frozen, others in practice are not. And the 
problem is that D has historically acted as if everything was the 
same, which just doesn't work.

I think three levels of forwards compatibility are useful to 

1. Frozen. Things that you can absolutely rely on, we will NEVER 
change it under any circumstances. Any bugs in the design will 
never be fixed.

2. Stable. We will attempt to minimize changes, but we don't 
guarantee your code will never break. (It may break in order to 
prevent breakage of things in case 1, for example). We can 
guarantee a deprecation path in most cases.

3. We will avoid gratuitous changes, but it will almost certainly 
change in the future.

And what we want to do, is gradually move as many things as we 
can from category (2) into category (1), and from (3) into (2).

I'd like to see us giving a lot more guarantees, rather than 
trying to keep promises we never actually made.

Re: Close D1 bugs?

2014-02-14 Thread Don
On Tuesday, 11 February 2014 at 19:29:14 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
I noticed Vladimir closed a D1 bug as WORKSFORME, with an 
explanation that it is fixed in the latest version of D2 
phobos, not realizing it was a D1 bug. 

However, it brought up a discussion of what to do with D1 bugs. 
Should they be closed? If so, what should be the reason for 
closing? My impression is if the bug still exists (and I'm not 
advocating we test for it), we should close it as WONTFIX, 
since D1 is deprecated.

Thoughts? I closed the aforementioned bug as WONTFIX. Anyone is 
free to correct that if you feel it's in error :)


I agree with you in this case.

D1 is in heavy commercial use at Sociomantic, and we are still 
submitting patches to DMD, and we frequently search bugzilla for 
open D1 bugs. But AFAIK *nobody* is using D1 Phobos.
The only remaining role of D1 Phobos, AFAIK, is to allow the D1 
test suite to run.

I think that we should close all D1 Phobos bugs as WONTFIX. 
Realistically they are never going to be fixed, and I don't think 
anybody cares.
(Or, if the bug also applied to D2, but is already fixed in D2, I 
think it would be perfectly valid to mark it as FIXED).

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