DIP 1029---Add throw as Function Attribute---Community Review Round 1 Begins

2020-01-14 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The first round of Community Review for DIP 1029, "Add throw as 
Function Attribute", has begun. To participate, please visit the 
review thread for the details:


*Please leave all feedback in the review thread rather than here!*


Re: books for learning D

2020-01-13 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 13 January 2020 at 11:58:51 UTC, mark wrote:

Both those books are published by Packt who normally have no 
quality control at all as I've discovered to my cost. However

It's hit and miss in my experience. I've picked up some utter 
crap from them, but I've also found some real gems. There's no 
real vetting of the authors they sign, so the writing quality and 
knowledge level vary. Assuming those are up to snuff, much 
depends on feedback from the technical reviewers and the author's 
ability to evaluate the editor's revisions.

Packt's editors follow a rote process where certain words and 
phrases are *always* replaced from a set of alternatives and 
certain phrases are *always* inserted in certain circumstances 
(e.g., to introduce a code snippet) without any regard for the 
surrounding context. Fortunately, they give the author a chance 
to review the edits before publication. In my case, they were 
willing to accept my revision of the revisions (the ones I 
caught, anyway). Sadly, I never had a chance to do the same with 
the two chapters they published online.

I can attest that Adam's and Kai's books are worth the buy. I own 
and have enjoyed both. If either of them were to do a 2nd 
edition, I'd pick it up!

Re: DConf 2020: Double Decker Edition

2020-01-10 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 10 January 2020 at 21:58:27 UTC, Murilo wrote:

On Saturday, 4 January 2020 at 12:23:40 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The announcement is on the blog and dconf.org is up to date. 
Read all about it!


Is it okay if I make many submissions? I have several ideas in 


Re: Win32 Api: How create Open/"Save as" Dialog?

2020-01-10 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 10 January 2020 at 15:06:07 UTC, Marcone wrote:

Very complicated. Can you send me the simple clear code?


Re: On the Blog: Recent D Compiler Releases

2020-01-10 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 8 January 2020 at 18:17:40 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 

With the current GC implementation, it’s illegal to perform any 

operations during finalization.

There are some exceptions, namely addRoot/addRange and 
removeRoot/removeRange and the iterators over roots or ranges.

I guess it might be possible to support some querying functions 
during finalization, too.

I'll replace the "any" with "some". Thanks!

Re: DConf 2020: Double Decker Edition

2020-01-09 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 10 January 2020 at 01:11:44 UTC, Murilo wrote:

On Saturday, 4 January 2020 at 12:23:40 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The announcement is on the blog and dconf.org is up to date. 
Read all about it!


Once I submit a proposal for a talk, how long will it take to 
be reviewed and replied to?

Soon, I'll update the website with all of the deadline dates. 
There will be a submission deadline and a deadline for the 
announcement of selections. Typically, the announcement takes 
place one week after the submission deadline and the submission 
authors are notified by email the day before.

I anticipate the submission deadline will be some time in March.

On the Blog: Recent D Compiler Releases

2020-01-08 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
I've posted an overview of LDC 1.19.0 and DMD 2.090.0 on the 
blog, and a reminder that GDC is available as part of the GCC 9 

The blog:


Re: ssll - simple shared library loader

2020-01-05 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 5 January 2020 at 23:23:48 UTC, Oleg B wrote:

Nice work! One thing I would recommend, though, is that you not 
bake in extern(C). Some libraries require extern(System) (because 
they're stdcall on Windows and cdecl everywhere else).

There's also the issue with the Windows stdcall name-mangling 
scheme in 32-bit libraries, where the symbol name incorporates 
the size of the function parameters. Some stdcall libraries (like 
OpenGL) are configured to compile with the unmangled names, but 
others (like FreeImage) are not and require transforming the 
symbol name into the mangled form.

So to be robust, you'll want to implement support for both into 

It's analog of bindbc, but without need write boilerplate code.
May be bindbc is designed for another cases, but I don't 
understand need writing triple definition for one function 
(pointer, loading, wrap-function).

There are only two declarations required for the dynamic bindings 
in BindBC: an alias and a pointer. And of course the loader is 
separate. The reason is historical. When I was working on the 
earliest version of Derelict back in 2004, we didn't have all the 
fancy compile-time features we have now. I (and a couple of 
contributors) tried doing it by declaring the function pointers 
without aliases, but we ran into a couple of issues and settled 
for taking the alias + pointer approach. (It's been so long that 
I can't recall what the issues were).

In the 4th iteration of Derelict (the bindings in DerelictOrg on 
github), I experimented with UDAs and single function 
declarations that I could generate static and dynamic bindigs 
with. But I was still mixing in the alias and pointer 
declarations for the dynamic bindings and could never figure out 
a way to distinguish between them during introspection. I posted 
about it here on the forums and no one had an answer, so I gave 

So bindbc is implemented the way it is because that's the way 
I've done it for almost 16 years.

Re: DConf 2020: Double Decker Edition

2020-01-05 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 5 January 2020 at 18:08:28 UTC, DanielG wrote:
Is there a deadline for submissions? Not looking to 
inconvenience the evaluation team, just busy with something 
else for the next few weeks and wanting to give a submission 
the attention it deserves.

I’ll update the site with the submission deadline and the 
early-bird & regular registration periods as soon as we get the 
dates sorted. The submission deadline will likely be some time in 

DConf 2020: Double Decker Edition

2020-01-04 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The announcement is on the blog and dconf.org is up to date. Read 
all about it!


DIP 1028---Make @safe the Default---Community Review Round 1 Begins

2020-01-02 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The first round of Community Review for DIP 1028, "Make @safe the 
Default", has begun. To participate, please visit the review 
thread for the details:


*Please leave all feedback in the review thread rather than here!*


DIP 1024---Shared Atomics---Accepted

2020-01-01 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

DIP 1024, "Shared Atomics", was accepted without comment.


Re: Default values in derived class

2019-12-28 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 28 December 2019 at 20:22:51 UTC, JN wrote:

import std.stdio;

class Base
bool b = true;

class Derived : Base
bool b = false;

void main()
// 1
Base b = new Derived();
writeln(b.b); // true
// 2
Derived d = new Derived();
writeln(d.b); // false

Expected behavior or bug? 1) seems like a bug to me.

Expected. Member variables do not override base class variables. 
b is declared as Base, so it knows nothing about Derived’s member 
variable even though you instantiated it with an instance of 
Derived. There’s no vtable for variables. If you want it to print 
false, then you either have to cast b to Derived or provide a 
getter function in Base that Derived can override.

Re: What kind of Editor, IDE you are using and which one do you like for D language?

2019-12-25 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 25 December 2019 at 10:57:45 UTC, Ron Tarrant wrote:

On Tuesday, 24 December 2019 at 16:43:06 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
But now that VS Code's

performance is within my tolerance range

Just curious what you mean by this, Mike.

For a while, typing in VS Code was clunky compared to Sublime. I 
gave it a spin every couple of months to see how it was shaping 
up and eventually I stopped noticing the difference.

Re: What kind of Editor, IDE you are using and which one do you like for D language?

2019-12-24 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 23 December 2019 at 20:45:53 UTC, TheGag96 wrote:

I've loved Sublime for years. I use it for everything, really. 
So pretty, so fast.

I really like Sublime, too. Paid for it. But now that VS Code's 
performance is within my tolerance range, the built-in console 
makes the difference. I've got the Terminal plugin for Sublime 
that allows you to press ctrl-shift-alt-t to open the terminal in 
the project folder, but it just isn't the same experience.

I still use Sublime when I just need a quick edit or single file. 
Otherwise, VS Code has become my goto editor for any multi-file 
D, Markdown, HTML, etc., project.

Re: array of functions/delegates

2019-12-24 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 24 December 2019 at 13:13:12 UTC, MoonlightSentinel 

On Tuesday, 24 December 2019 at 10:40:16 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

struct S {}
void f1(S s) {}
void f2(S s) {}

alias Func = immutable(void function());

immutable Func[2] funcs = [cast(Func), cast(Func)];

Though, it's not clear to me wy the one requires casting the 
pointer type and the other doesn't.

Because typeof() == void function(S)

Right. I didn't modify the alias declaration when I took the 
functions out of the struct. I saw the immutable in the error 
message and thought that was the problem.

alias Func = void function(S);

Re: Static linking, specifying binary and test-library folder

2019-12-24 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 24 December 2019 at 05:51:37 UTC, Adnan wrote:

Hello, how does one:

1. Force static linking (build with `-defaultlib` flag)

Generally, when you don't see a buildOption in the docs for the 
compiler flag you want, use dflags.


2. Specify binary file generated by the `dub buid` command

targetPath, described under Build Settings in the docs.

3. Specify binary file generated by the `dub test` command

You can override some of the settings for the build types (like 
the unittest build type), but targetPath is not one of them.


I would try to do it using a configuration. Name it whatever you 
want (perhaps "testing"). Set the targetPath in the configuration 
block, then run:

dub -ctesting test


Re: array of functions/delegates

2019-12-24 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 24 December 2019 at 07:37:02 UTC, Rumbu wrote:

I am trying to create an array of functions inside a struct.

struct S {
  void f1() {}
  void f2() {}

  alias Func = void function();

 immutable Func[2] = [, ]


What I got: Error: non-constant expression ''

Tried also with delegates (since I am in a struct context but I 
got: no `this` to create delegate `f1`.

So, is there any way to have an array of functions without 
adding them at runtime?

This isn't an array of functions you're creating here. A pointer 
to a member function is *always* a delegate, unless the function 
is static. Pointers to functions can be known at compile time, so 
this works:

struct S () {
static void f1() {}
static void f2() {}

alias Func = void function();

immutable Func[2] funcs = [, ];


As does this:

struct S {}
void f1(S s) {}
void f2(S s) {}

alias Func = immutable(void function());

immutable Func[2] funcs = [cast(Func), cast(Func)];

Though, it's not clear to me wy the one requires casting the 
pointer type and the other doesn't.

Re: Beta 2.090.0

2019-12-22 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 22 December 2019 at 18:51:45 UTC, berni44 wrote:

On Sunday, 22 December 2019 at 15:23:32 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
Glad to announce the first beta for the 2.090.0 release, ♥ to 
the 48 contributors.

I'm wondering, why I'm listed twice there (as Bernhard 
Seckinger and as berni44). IMHO berni44 should not have been 
listed there... Do I have to change something in my git 
settings to get this right?

You can submit a PR to add a mapping to tools/.mailmap:


Re: Beta 2.090.0

2019-12-22 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Sunday, 22 December 2019 at 15:27:15 UTC, rikki cattermole 

On 23/12/2019 4:23 AM, Martin Nowak wrote:
Glad to announce the first beta for the 2.090.0 release, ♥ to 
the 48 contributors.


As usual please report any bugs at



The changelog, that is.

Re: unicode characters are not printed correctly on the windows command line?

2019-12-22 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 22 December 2019 at 06:25:42 UTC, rikki cattermole 

On 22/12/2019 7:11 PM, moth wrote:

is there any function i can call or setting i can adjust to 
get D to do the same, or do i have to wait for something to be 
fixed in the language / compiler itself?

Not a bug. This is a known issue on the Windows side for people 
new to developing natively for it.

Yes, and it's not just D programs. And setting the code page 
isn't always perfect, as it matters which font cmd is configured 
to use. Google for "windows command prompt unicode output".

MS has updated the command prompt to support Unicode, but I don't 
know how to use it:


If you're on Windows 10, there's also Windows Terminal, which was 
released on the app store in June:


DIP 1027---String Interpolation---Community Review Round 1 Begins

2019-12-11 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The first round of Community Review for DIP 1027, "String 
Interpolation", has begun. To participate, please visit the 
review thread for the details:


*Please leave all feedback in the review thread rather than here!*


Goings-on in DLand

2019-12-10 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
My latest post on the D Blog is an update on some current and 
upcoming events, a thank you note to all of our contributors, and 
a plea to help us fill our ongoing need for contributions.

Re: Goings-on in DLand

2019-12-10 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 10 December 2019 at 10:09:22 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
My latest post on the D Blog is an update on some current and 
upcoming events, a thank you note to all of our contributors, 
and a plea to help us fill our ongoing need for contributions.


DIP 1023--Resolution of Template Alias Formal Parameters in Template Functions--Postponed

2019-12-09 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
DIP 1023, "Resolution of Template Alias Formal Parameters in 
Template Functions", has been postponed at the request of the DIP 


DIP 1024---Shared Atomics---Final Review Begins

2019-12-08 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The Final Review for DIP 1024, "Shared Atomics", is now underway. 
Please do not leave any feedback in this thread, but rather in 
the review thread in the General forum:


DIP 1026---Deprecate Context-Sensitive String Literals---Withdrawn

2019-12-08 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
As a result of the feedback in the Community Review Round 1 
discussion thread at


the DIP author has withdrawn the DIP from the review process.


Re: How to create a custom max() function without the ambiguity error.

2019-12-06 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 6 December 2019 at 21:02:53 UTC, realhet wrote:

Here's my latest attempt on EXTENDING std.algorithm.max's 
functionality with a max operation on a custom type.
The type is the GLSL vec2 type which does the max operation 
The D std implementation uses the < operator, but with 
overriding that for my custom type it is impossible to realise. 
-> max(vec2(1, 2), vec2(2,1)) == vec2(2,2)

The reason you're having so much trouble with this is that you're 
violating the contract of max. It's a template, so it's already 
set up to work with custom types without any need to write a 
custom max function, as long as the types adhere to the contract.

Consider other functions in std.algorithm, such as sort or equal, 
that allow you to pass a custom predicate. max doesn't have that 
because, by defintion, there is only one comparison for it to do: 
>. Any type that doesn't support that isn't going to work with 

Moreover, your return value violates the function's contract:

"Iterates the passed arguments and return the maximum value."

You aren't returning the maximum value. You're returning a new 
value constructed from the maximum components of the two 
parameters. That is not the same behavior as max(1, 3).

Given that your function has a different contract, it should also 
have a different name.

Re: Unexpectedly nice case of auto return type

2019-12-03 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 3 December 2019 at 10:06:22 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Tuesday, 3 December 2019 at 10:03:22 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

That's interesting details of D developement. Since you reply 
to the first message I think you have not followed but in the 
last reply I told that maybe we should be able to name the 
type of null. I think this relates to TBottom too a bit.


Ah, well. I meant to post the link to the PR:


Re: Unexpectedly nice case of auto return type

2019-12-03 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 3 December 2019 at 10:03:22 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

That's interesting details of D developement. Since you reply 
to the first message I think you have not followed but in the 
last reply I told that maybe we should be able to name the type 
of null. I think this relates to TBottom too a bit.


DIP 1026---Deprecate Context-Sensitive String Literals---Community Review Round 1 Begins

2019-12-03 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The first round of Community Review for DIP 1026, "Deprecate 
Context-Sensitive String Literals", has begun. To participate, 
please visit the review thread for the details:


*Please leave all feedback in the review thread rather than here!*


Re: Exceptions on Windows being "swallowed"

2019-11-26 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 November 2019 at 05:15:10 UTC, cartland wrote:

No MS installed. Just using DMD.
dub -a x86_mscoff --force -v

So please try it without dub

dmd -m32mscoff x.d

If that works, add some debug flags like dub does:

dmd -m32mscoff -debug -g x.d

And see what happens.

Re: Exceptions on Windows being "swallowed"

2019-11-26 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 November 2019 at 02:48:53 UTC, cartland wrote:
Trying out exception handling. When an exception occurs, 
program seems to just exit.

dub -a x86_mscoff

I compiled it with dmd and ran it directly from the command line 
and it worked fine:

catch %sfirst

Did you try that? And do you have the MS linker installed or are 
you using the lld that ships with DMD?

Two things regarding your code:

writeln does no formatting. You want writefln for that. But with 
writeln, you can provide multiple string arguments and they will 
be concatenated into the final output, like this:

writeln("catch ", e.msg);

Also, you don't need the `int main` signature if you don't 
actually need the return value to signify anyting:

void main() { }}

is just fine.

DIP 1022---foreach auto ref---Final Review Begins

2019-11-26 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The Final Review for DIP 1022, "foreach auto ref", is now 
underway. Please do not leave any feedback in this thread, but 
rather in the review thread in the General forum:


Re: how to implement a function in a different D source file

2019-11-25 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 26 November 2019 at 03:55:24 UTC, mipri wrote:

On Tuesday, 26 November 2019 at 03:06:52 UTC, Omar wrote:

the page here https://dlang.org/spec/function.html
suggests you can implement a function in a different file

mentioned the endeavour of no-bodied-functions as a way of 
presenting a black-box type of interface.

oh, that's what you were asking.


  $ cat interface/references.d
  module references;

  string greeting();

  $ cat implementation/references.d
  module references;

  string greeting() {
  return "Hello, Dave";

  $ cat main.d
  import references;

  void main() {
  import std.stdio: writeln;

And trying to build it:

  $ dmd -c implementation/references.d
  $ dmd -Iinterface -c main.d
  $ dmd main.o references.o
  $ ./main
  Hello, Dave

The idiomatic way to do that is to put the interface in a "D 
interface" file (.di) and the implementation in a .d file:


Then, when importing foo.bar, the compiler will pick up the .di 
file automatically.

And you can actually have the compiler generate the interface 
file for you from a source file with the -H option.

Re: How to simulate Window's "Press any key to continue..."

2019-11-21 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 22 November 2019 at 04:45:21 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Friday, 22 November 2019 at 04:22:07 UTC, 
FireController#1847 wrote:

Right, but readln will only wait until the user presses the 
delimiter (by default Enter/Return). I want it to wait until 
ANY key is pressed, not a specific key

The documentation for std.stdio.File shows two functions for 
reading input: readln and readf. If readln isn't what you want, 
then readf probably is:


Also, there's a freely available book online to help get you up 
to speed: Programming in D. Here's the section on reading from 
stdin with readf:


Sorry, I just noticed the book doesn't cover how to do what you 
want and it's probably not obvious. You need to call readf with a 
character format string (%c):

import std.stdio;
void main()
writeln("Press any key to continue...");

char c;
readf("%c", );

Re: How to simulate Window's "Press any key to continue..."

2019-11-21 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 22 November 2019 at 04:22:07 UTC, FireController#1847 

Right, but readln will only wait until the user presses the 
delimiter (by default Enter/Return). I want it to wait until 
ANY key is pressed, not a specific key

The documentation for std.stdio.File shows two functions for 
reading input: readln and readf. If readln isn't what you want, 
then readf probably is:


Also, there's a freely available book online to help get you up 
to speed: Programming in D. Here's the section on reading from 
stdin with readf:


Re: csvReader & specifying separator problems...

2019-11-14 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 14 November 2019 at 12:25:30 UTC, Robert M. Münch 

From the docs, which I find extremly hard to understand:

auto csvReader(Contents = string, Malformed ErrorLevel = 
Malformed.throwException, Range, Separator = char)(Range input, 
Separator delimiter = ',', Separator quote = '"')

Contents, ErrorLevel, Range, and Separator are template (i.e. 
compile-time) parameters. Input, delimiter, and quote are 
function (i.e. runtime) parameters.

So, let's see if I can decyphre this, step-by-step by trying 

csv_records = csv_data.csvReader();

Here, you aren't providing any template parameters and only the 
first function parameter, so it's the equivalent to calling the 
function like so:

csvReader!(string, Malformed.throwException, typeof(csv_data), 
char)(csv_data, ',', '"');

Which indicates some problem because not all fields are set in 
my CSV data. So let's ignore any error by specifying 

csv_records = csv_data.csvReader(Malformed.ignore);

csv_records = csv_data.csvReader!(string, Malformed.ignore)();

The docs state Malformed as 2nd parameter, since I use UFCS I 
assume that this becomes the first parameter. I don't

Malformed is the 2nd template parameter, your UFCS value is the 
first function parameter.

understand what the 3rd parameter (Range) is about.

Range is the type of the first parameter. It's common outside of 
Phobos use T and U for template types, but any valid symbol name 
can be used. This template has three type parameters which are 
named according to their purpose (Contents, Range, and 
Separator). Since Range is also the type of the first function 
parameter, the compiler will infer the type if you don't specify 

4th parameter is my separator, which I need to set to ';' 

The fourth _template_ parameter is the _type_ of your separator 
(and is set to default to char) not the actual separator. You 
want to set the delimiter, which is the second _function_ 

csv_records = csv_data.csvReader!(string, Malformed.ignore)(';');

DIP 1025--Dynamic Arrays Only Shrink, Never Grow--Withdrawn from Consideration

2019-11-13 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The author of DIP 1025, "Dynamic Arrays Only Shrink, Never Grow", 
has withdrawn the DIP from consideration. The current round of 
review has been terminated and the DIP has been removed from the 
review queue.


DIP 1025--Dynamic Arrays Only Shrink, Never Grow--Community Review Round 1 Begins

2019-11-11 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The first round of Community Review for DIP 1025, "Dynamic Arrays 
Only Shrink, Never Grow", has begun. To participate, please visit 
the review thread for the details:


*Please leave all feedback in the review thread rather than here!*


Re: How to import & export modules

2019-11-10 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 November 2019 at 01:28:54 UTC, userTY wrote:

import all; // can see App, Form and Button exported (public) 


The approach of using an "all" module is an old hack that is no 
longer necessary. Today, the way to approach is to use a "package 


Given a package "mylib" containing multiple modules, create a 
file "mylib/package.d". Use the package name as the module name 
and follow it with your public imports:

module mylib;

public import mylib.foo, mylib.bar, mylib.baz;

Then users of the package can simply:

import mylib;

Re: Release D 2.089.0

2019-11-06 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 3 November 2019 at 13:35:36 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Glad to announce D 2.089.0, ♥ to the 44 contributors.

The Blog:


Re: Release D 2.089.0

2019-11-06 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 6 November 2019 at 13:49:16 UTC, Ron Tarrant wrote:

On the one hand, it's nice to get a shiny, new version (thanks 
to all involved), but is there any way the installer can be 
more selective about what it tosses out so I don't have to 
reconfigure GtkD libs, etc. in its aftermath?

Are you putting libs in the compiler's directory tree? Or are you 
editing sc.ini/dmd.conf? You really shouldn't be doing the former.

Re: A question about postblit constructor

2019-11-05 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 5 November 2019 at 10:32:03 UTC, Ferhat Kurtulmuş 
On Tuesday, 5 November 2019 at 10:31:05 UTC, Ferhat Kurtulmuş 

On Tuesday, 5 November 2019 at 10:13:59 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


Yep, it is obvious that my code is wrong. s1 and s2 point to 
the same memory address. I could obtain my desired behavior 
with copy constructor. The documentation also say "WARNING: 
The postblit is considered legacy and is not recommended for 
new code. Code should use copy constructors defined in the 
previous section".

I meant the example as an answer to your statement, "I wonder how 
new memory is allocated without an explicit malloc here". The 
postblit was intended as a chance to "fixup" everything when you 
needed a deep copy. The new struct is initialized as a shallow 
copy, so when you enter into the postblit, the pointer is already 
pointing at the original location. Without assigning it a new 
malloc'ed address, your memcpy was essentially overwriting the 
original location with its own data.

Re: A question about postblit constructor

2019-11-05 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 5 November 2019 at 08:47:05 UTC, Ferhat Kurtulmuş 

value of int which is 0. I wonder how new memory is allocated 
without an explicit malloc here. Sorry for this noob question 
in advance, I could not find any doc mentioning a similar case.

int* vals = cast(int*)malloc(len * S.sizeof);
vals[0] = 4;
vals[1] = 5;

S s1 = S(vals, len);

S s2 = s1;





Re: When will you announce DConf 2020?

2019-11-04 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 5 November 2019 at 03:04:30 UTC, Murilo wrote:

Oh, so they cover the costs if I can give an interesting talk? 
I already had several ideas in mind to speak during DConf but I 
never imagined that could get my costs covered.

If you submit a talk proposal and it's accepted, then you are 
eligible after the conference to have your travel and 
accommodation expenses reimbursed. As long as they're reasonable 
(e.g. no first-class plane tickets or 5-star hotels, etc.).

Re: Which is the active fork in DFL gui library ?

2019-11-03 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 2 November 2019 at 20:01:27 UTC, Vinod K Chandran 

Hi all,
I just found that DFL gui library very interesting. But after 
some searching, i can see that DFL is inactive and there is few 
other forks for it. So this is my question - Which fork is good 
for a gui development in windows platform.

DFL is a long, long dead library. It was created with D1. I'm 
unaware of any active fork.

BTW, i just tested the gtkD and successfully compiled a hello 
app. How do i avoid the console window when compiling gtkD app ?

Thanks in advance.

Any Windows executable compiled with a main function is by 
default considered a "console subsystem" application. You can 
specify to the linker that it should be a "windows subsystem" 
application (for which a console window will not be created) with 
a linker command line switch.

Assuming you're using DMD, when you're using the OPTLINK linker 
(which is the default when invoking DMD directly or when passing 
-m32, or the DUB switch -ax86), the switch is /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS. 
You can pass it on the DMD command line with -L, as in:


With the Microsoft linker (-m32mscoff or -m64 on the dmd command 
line, -ax86mscoff or -x86_64 with dub, or the default with recent 
64-bit dub versions), it's the same switch. But you also need to 
specify the entry point as being main and not WinMain, so:


When using dub, you can put the appropriate flags in a "dflags" 
entry in your dub.json or dub.sdl.

Here's an example, winhello.d, that should work with all of the 
following command lines:

dub -ax86 --single winhello.d
dub -ax86_mscoff --single winhello.d
dub -ax86_64 --single winhello.d

dmd -L/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS winhello.d
dmd -L/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS -L/ENTRY:mainCRTstartup -m32mscoff 

dmd -L/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS -L/ENTRY:mainCRTstartup -m64 winhello.d

If you don't have the Microsoft build tools installed, -m32mscoff 
and -m64 will use the lld linker that ships with DMD (if you 
chose to install it when you installed dmd). In that case, I'm 
not sure if the switches are the same. I've never used it and 
don't have it installed.

Re: Which is the active fork in DFL gui library ?

2019-11-03 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 3 November 2019 at 07:06:12 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Here's an example, winhello.d, that should work with all of the 
following command lines:

Sorry, here's the example:

== winhello.d

/+ dub.sdl:
name "entry"
dflags "-L/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS" "-L/ENTRY:mainCRTStartup" 


import core.sys.windows.windows;
pragma(lib, "user32");

void main() {
MessageBoxA(null, "Hello", "Hello", MB_OK);

Re: When will you announce DConf 2020?

2019-11-03 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 3 November 2019 at 00:51:38 UTC, Murilo wrote:
Hi guys. I'm eager to attend the next DConf, which is why I'm 
already planning everything about how I will travel from Brazil 
to the UK(or maybe Germany). When will you announce the place 
and date of the next DConf?

When our plans are finalized.

DLang Tour Now Supports Korean

2019-11-01 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
BOSKorea has a few Korean programmers who had never used D before 
joining the company. Now future hires can take the DLang Tour in 
Korean. Thanks to Mathias Lang for initiating the translation 


DIP 1024---Shared Atomics---Community Review Round 2---Begins

2019-10-27 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The second round of Community Review for DIP 1024, "Shared 
Atomics", has begun. To participate, please visit the review 
thread for the details:


*Please leave all feedback in the review thread rather than here!*


Re: DIP 1021--Argument Ownership and Function Calls--Formal Assessment

2019-10-22 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 23 October 2019 at 04:20:19 UTC, Exil wrote:

it's a bad idea. Why have two community reviews? Those are made 
with the assumption that the DIP will actually change between 
the reviews.

No, that's not the assumption. You're conflating Community Review 
with Final Review. There can be multiple rounds of the former as 
required and only one of the latter. In a perfect scenario, no 
revisions are required between CR and FR. The purpose of the 
Final Review is to provide one final opportunity to catch any 
major issues that might have been missed during the CR round(s) 
and to allow anyone who missed the CR round(s) a final 
opportunity to have their say. Revisions are expected after a CR 
round, but not after the FR. As the documentation explains:


Re: DIP 1021--Argument Ownership and Function Calls--Formal Assessment

2019-10-22 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 23 October 2019 at 04:20:19 UTC, Exil wrote:

Should create a DIPW process then, duck the foundation and any 
formalities. Which stands for DIPWalter, which simply consists 
of a single step where a single topic tries to convince Walter 
it's a bad idea. Why have two community reviews? Those are made 
with the assumption that the DIP will actually change between 
the reviews. What's the point of a "formal review" when there's 
just Walter talking to himself (rip Andrei). Why waste 
everyone's time on formalities when they obviously are 

The formal assessment isn't Walter by himself. Atila took 
Andrei's place in that role. There is no automatic approval. Had 
Atila objected to the DIP, Walter would have had to either 
convince him to come around to his point of view or revise the 
DIP to meet Atila's concerns.

Re: D for sciencetific scripting / rapid protoryping

2019-10-22 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 22 October 2019 at 07:40:01 UTC, Prokop Hapala wrote:

1) I'm not speaking about OpenGL and SDL specifically (that was 
just small example which I tried first)

FYI, the BindBC bindings can be configured as dynamic (in which 
all the of C library functions are declared as function pointers 
and the C shared library must be loaded manually at runtime) or 
static (in which the C library functions become normal function 
declarations with no implementation and there is a link-time 
dependency on the C static or shared library). The exception is 
OpenGL, for which there is no static binding.

The dynamic bindings add the overhead of the function pointer 
declarations when linked. It's insignificant for most of them. 
The biggest bindbc-opengl, depending on how many extensions you 
configure (it's extremely high for DerelictGL3 most of the time, 
as it tends to pull in more extensions).

2) I'm more concerned about how to D compiler links 
dependencies when it compiles simple .d program (with lot of 

When using dub, it depends on the package configuration of each 
dependency. All of the Derelict and BindBC packages, for example, 
are configured to build as static libraries. It didn't (and 
doesn't) make sense to me to compile a binding as a shared 
library. Dub packages can also be configured as shared libraries, 
or simply as "library" (I haven't investigated what that means). 
Some might provide custom subconfigurations to choose static or 

The biggest overhead with DMD output tends to come from the 
standard library. On Windows, the static library the only option. 
IIRC on Linux it's necessary to pass -defaultlib=libphobos2.so to 
DMD to link the shared lib. I don't know how LDC handles it.

DIP 1021--Argument Ownership and Function Calls--Formal Assessment

2019-10-20 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
DIP 1021, "Argument Ownership and Function Calls", has been 
formally accepted with minor revision. It was updated to make 
clear that the proposal is one piece of a bigger plan.


DIP 1022---foreach auto ref---Community Review Round 2 Begins

2019-10-19 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The second round of Community Review for DIP 1022, "foreach auto 
ref", has begun. To participate, please visit the review thread 
for the details:


*Please leave all feedback in the review thread rather than here!*


Re: Any 3D Game or Engine with examples/demos which just work (compile) out of the box on linux ?

2019-10-18 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 19 October 2019 at 00:57:48 UTC, Prokop Hapala wrote:
The dmech/demos also seems to be almost running just it somehow 
cannot find or use my libsdl.so library which it just compiled 
(it is in 'dmech/demos/lib')

Failed to load one or more shared libraries:
./lib/libsdl.so - ./lib/libsdl.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32

The problem is there in the error message. You have a 32-bit 
version of SDL, but you're compiling a 64-bit app. You need the 
64-bit SDL.

Átila's Vision of D's Future

2019-10-15 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
Shortly after DConf, I asked Átila to consider writing a blog 
post once he got settled into his new role as a language 
maintainer. I didn't have a clear idea of what the content should 
be, but about three months ago GreatSam4sure requested in the 
forums that Átila write a post about his vision for D's future. 
That blog post is now live.

The blog:


You'll see that he mentions the items on the list were the result 
of his thoughts during a long walk around Lake Geneva. It wasn't 
a three-month walk. The delay is because this is one of those 
instances where I could use @safe on my long-term memory storage.

Átila would love to have feedback on this. Though you are free to 
post comments on the blog post or in the reddit thread, it would 
be great to keep all community-centric discussion in the forums. 
I've started a thread in the General forum for that purpose.


Re: Blog Post: Beating std::visit Without Really Trying

2019-10-05 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 5 October 2019 at 12:27:06 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Saturday, 5 October 2019 at 02:59:58 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
I was curious how C++17's std::variant compared to the options 
we have in D, like Algebraic and SumType, so I did a simple 
comparison of the generated assembly for each of them. You can 
read about it at the link below. And as you can probably guess 
from the title, D comes out ahead, in the end.


This is my first attempt at sharing something like this, so 
any comment or feedback is very much appreciated!




I missed that someone had already shared it.

Re: Blog Post: Beating std::visit Without Really Trying

2019-10-05 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 5 October 2019 at 02:59:58 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
I was curious how C++17's std::variant compared to the options 
we have in D, like Algebraic and SumType, so I did a simple 
comparison of the generated assembly for each of them. You can 
read about it at the link below. And as you can probably guess 
from the title, D comes out ahead, in the end.


This is my first attempt at sharing something like this, so any 
comment or feedback is very much appreciated!


New Funding Initiatives from the D Language Foundation

2019-10-04 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The latest post on the blog details some new funding initiatives 
from the D Language Foundation. This includes putting some of the 
HR Fund to use and seeding the first two of a set of forthcoming 
Bugzilla bounties.


Re: Struct initialization has no effect or error?

2019-10-02 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 3 October 2019 at 04:57:44 UTC, mipri wrote:

On Thursday, 3 October 2019 at 04:33:26 UTC, Brett wrote:
I was trying to avoid such things since X is quite long in 
name. Not a huge deal... and I do not like the syntax because 
it looks like a constructor call.

It is a constructor call, though. You can define your own as 

Technically it's a struct literal. It's only a constructor if you 
define one, in which case struct literals no longer work. E.g.,

struct Foo {
int x;

this(int a, int b) { x = a + b; }

Without the constructor, the literal Foo(10) would be valid, but 
with the constructor you'll get a compiler error.

Re: Why is it difficult to reference arrays in structs?

2019-10-02 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 3 October 2019 at 04:32:52 UTC, Brett wrote:

Ok, fine!

auto r = 

Now r is a reference, great!

No, r is a pointer, not a reference. D does not have reference 

But now the semantics of using the array completely change and 
errors abound!

Probably because you're trying to use r as if it were of type Y[] 
when it's really of type Y[]*, i.e. if you wanted to append to it 
you would need to first dereference the pointer:

*r ~= Y(10.0);

Normal D pointers tend to act very nice, e.g., we don't have to 
use the C++ -> BS

But with arrays it seems things are all screwed up and do not 
work correctly.

No, they're working as intended.

I can't just use r like I used x.a. I can't even use *r as 
things then get even more screwed up.

Appending to *r works as expected:


What sort of trouble did you encounter?

I want to have a slice of an array that I can append to as a 
sort of temporary and have it append to the main array(the end 
of the slice always is the end of the main array)..

Your issue has nothing to do with structs.

As per the documentation:


the initialization of b here creates a slice referencing a:

int[] a = [0, 1, 2];
int[] b = a;

As a slice, b has its own .ptr and .length properties that are 
distinct from those of a. They are initialized with the values of 
a's properties, but they *are not references* to a's properties 
and b is *not a reference* to a.

assert(b.ptr == a.ptr);
assert(b.length == a.length);

Because b.ptr and a.ptr point to the same memory, any updates to 
existing array elements through one will be reflected in the 

a[1] = 3;
writeln(b); // prints [0, 3, 2]

But any changes to the .ptr or .length of one will not be 
reflected in the other:

a ~= 10;
assert(a.length == 4);
assert(b.length == 3);

writeln(a); // prints [0, 3, 2, 10];
writeln(b); // prints [0, 3, 2];

Though at this point, depending on whether or not a reallocation 
took place, they might still be pointing to the same block of 

I've tried assumeSafeAppend but it does nothing to help.

assumeSafeAppend is for telling the runtime that you want to 
reuse an existing memory block backing an array and there's no 
need to reallocate it in append.


The reason is because i have an algorithm that generates data 
and stores it in an array > and it is more efficient and easier 
to code if I can just append data to a "slice" of the 
array(there are no issues with overwriting).

Essentially it just acts as an alias.

By using pointers it would work but it screws up the entire 
syntax of all the code and > then still doesn't work.

Could you adjust the signature of your algorithm to take the 
array by ref?

void myAlgo(ref Y[] arr) {
arr ~= Y(10.2);

Or to take x by ref (or as a pointer) and manipulate the array 

void myAlgo(ref X x) {
x.a ~= Y(10.2);

Re: want to know precise GC benchmarks

2019-10-01 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 1 October 2019 at 16:24:49 UTC, a11e99z wrote:

why I want to know such info?
CodinGame sometimes use time-limit for bot move for example 
100ms, and bot will be disqualified in case no answer

Simple solution: don't allocate every frame. The GC only runs 
when it needs to and it only needs to if an allocation request 
takes it over a certain threshold. If you need to allocate at 
all, do it up front. Or better, do it statically. Then the GC 
won't run at all.

What sort of CodinGame bot would you need to allocate from the GC 
for anyway?

DIP 1024--Shared Atomics--Community Review Round 1 Begins

2019-10-01 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The first round of Community Review for DIP 1024, "Shared 
Atomics", has begun. To participate, please visit the review 
thread for the details:


*Please leave all feedback in the review thread rather than here!*


Re: commonmark-d: A fast CommonMark and Github Flavoured Markdown parser, translation of MD4C

2019-10-01 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 30 September 2019 at 23:06:42 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 


commonmark-d is a D translation of MD4C, a fast SAX-like 
Markdown parser.

Thumbs up!

Saving Money by Switching from PHP to D

2019-09-30 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
Andrea Fontana has contributed a guest post to the D blog about 
his company's experience moving their online magazine from PHP to 
D. Not only did they gain performance, they also saved quite a 
bit of money as a result.

The blog:


Re: Help making a game with transparency

2019-09-28 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 28 September 2019 at 13:41:24 UTC, matheus wrote:
Ok, I took a look over my old projects and I found exactly what 
you want, by the way it's from 2012.

It uses Derelict 2.0 bindings and will draw a PNG image where 
you can move around with cursor keys.

Murilo, if you do decide to use this example as a basis for your 
project, please don't use DerelictSDL2. I'm not maintaining it 
anymore. bindbc-sdl, which I linked in my previous post, is what 
you should prefer. The API to load the library and handle errors 
is different, but the SDL API calls will all be the same.

Re: Help making a game with transparency

2019-09-28 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 27 September 2019 at 22:55:22 UTC, Murilo wrote:

Ahhh, that clears everything up. I will then leave the program 
without the transparency and wait until you get around to 
implement the fixes to it, I am not a developer, I am a 
scientist, I only use libraries, I don't know how to make them 

You might consider using SDL and SDL_image:


D bindings for both are available here:


You don't actually *need* SDL_image, as core SDL can load images 
in the BITMAP format, and you can then use the API to create 
transparency from a specific color. But if you want to load PNG 
files with alpha, you'll want SDL_image.

There are numerous tutorials online for SDL, though if you're 
searching, make sure to look for SDL 2 tutorials and ignore 
anything for SDL 1.x.

The tutorials will all be in either C or C++, but the SDL API 
using the D bindings is the same. The Lazy Foo tutorials are 
often recommended:


But again, these are C++, so you have to consider the differences 
in D and C++ when porting the code over. For example, he uses 
class destructors to free resources. Do that in D and you'll run 
into trouble. So just ignore how he structures his programs and 
focus on the main concepts of using SDL: how to acquire/release 
resources, how to render, etc. You can adapt that to any 
architecture you want. There's no need for classes at all, for 

Some tutorials out there will show you how to use SDL with 
OpenGL. Please ignore those. SDL's 2D Rendering API is what you 
want when you're learning, so focus on tutorials tat show you how 
to use it.

The SDL Wiki has API documentation:


Re: Indexed graphics for retro engine?

2019-09-19 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 19 September 2019 at 18:25:05 UTC, Shadowblitz16 

I wanted to do 4bpp 16 color graphics.
and I didn't want to load anything unnecessary in the image 
like the palette but instead supply it myself as a Color[16];

I see. In that case, I suggest you find some tutorials on 
software rendering in C or C++ and adapt them to D. Most of the 
modern stuff out there is going to be targeting 24-bit or 32-bit 
graphics. You might find some older tutorials on indexed 8-bit 
rendering that you can adapt to 4-bit. Nothing to it but storing 
the palette indices in a byte array.

Re: combining libraries into 1 or 1 for each system?

2019-09-19 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 19 September 2019 at 18:28:25 UTC, Shadowblitz16 

I mean I don't want to have multiple dependency dll's but 
instead just my own dll with the dependencies packed inside.

of course dll is only for windows so I would like this done for 
mac and linux too

Then statically link all your dependencies.

Re: Indexed graphics for retro engine?

2019-09-18 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 19 September 2019 at 03:47:05 UTC, Shadowblitz16 
Is there a way to make a indexed graphics library that can 
handle importing and exporting true color images?

I don't see why not.

I would guess something like this could be simulated with 
pointers and references right?

If you want to, say, take a 24-bit or 32-bit and treat it as an 
8-bit image, you'll probably want to actually do a conversion 
rather than a simulation. In which case you'd probably be better 
off just using an existing C library like FreeImage. You can find 
a binding here:


Otherwise, you'll want to hit up a graphics programming forum for 
resources on image conversion. Two possibilities:



Re: combining libraries into 1 or 1 for each system?

2019-09-18 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 19 September 2019 at 03:44:28 UTC, Shadowblitz16 

let's say I have a project the relies on multiple packages..
is it possible to combine these libraries into a single one (or 
1 per os) for final shipment of a program?

I assume you're referring to dub packages, in which case any 
dependencies you have will usually be configured to compile as 
static libraries. That means they'll be compiled into the 
executable without any extra effort on your part.

If they're configured as dynamic libraries, you'll need to ship 
the dynamic library with your executable or manually edit the 
configurations to compile as static libraries.

If they're bindings to C libraries, you'll need to ship the C 
dynamic libraries unless you statically link them.

If none of this answers your question, please clarify what you 
mean by "multiple packages".

DIP 1021--Argument Ownership and Function Calls--Final Review Begins

2019-09-16 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The last chance for community feedback on DIP 1021, "Argument 
Ownership and Function Calls", is now underway. Please do not 
leave any feedback in this thread, but rather in the review 
thread in the General forum:


Re: Make executable archive just like Java's .jar archive?

2019-09-12 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 September 2019 at 12:53:27 UTC, BoQsc wrote:

On Thursday, 12 September 2019 at 12:52:48 UTC, BoQsc wrote:
Is there a way to archive multiple .d source code files and 
make that archive executable, or something similar?


A JAR file is just a standard zip file. The Java Virtual Machine 
loads .class files (which are Java bytecode files, not Java 
source) and executes them at runtime. It doesn't matter if 
they're in a jar file or not. Java was designed for this from the 

If you're really talking about loading .d *source* files, that 
means they either have to be interpreted like a scripting 
language, in which case you'll need a D interpreter, or they'll 
need to be compiled at runtime into bytecode (in which case 
you'll need a bytecode interpreter), or compiled at runtime into 
object files, in which case you'll need a mechanism for loading 
object files into a program (there was an object loader library 
around back in the D1 days).

If you want to do what Java does and compile ahead of time to a 
bytecode format and distribute the bytecode in an archive to be 
loaded at runtime, then that requires implementing a bytecode 
compiler, a loader, and a bytecode interpreter.

I know that LLVM can output bytecode, so with LDC that's the 
first step out of the way. Now all you need is for someone to 
implement a loader and bytecode interpreter.

Re: Using CSS Data from Within My Code

2019-09-12 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 September 2019 at 11:40:33 UTC, Ron Tarrant wrote:

string myCSS = "tab { background-color: #f2f2f2; }";

enum will work just as well here and without the need for the 

enum myCSS = "tab { background-color: #f2f2f2; }";

The original error was because q strings have to be valid D, not 
because of the enum.

Re: Blog Post #69: TextView and TextBuffer Basics

2019-09-10 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 10 September 2019 at 08:29:59 UTC, Ron Tarrant wrote:
This morning's discussion covers the basic workings and 
relationship between the TextView and TextBuffer widgets. 
Here's the link: 

Seriously impressed that you're able to keep this up so 
consistently. Keep on trucking!

DIP 1020--Named Parameters--Community Review Round 2 Begins

2019-09-10 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The second round of Community Review for DIP 1020, "Named 
Parameters", has begun. To participate, please visit the review 
thread for the details:


*Please leave all feedback in the review thread rather than here!*


Re: DMD 2.088.0 and Other New Blog Post

2019-09-06 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 6 September 2019 at 14:15:14 UTC, JN wrote:

Minor typo in blog post: getAvaliable.


Could use some more descriptive title on reddit, because no one 
who doesn't know D will click it. Perhaps something like "DMD 
2.088.0 released - comes with std::string and std::vector 

I've found that using "D 2.xxx Released" draws more traffic than 
"DMD 2.xxx Released". Perhaps mentioning the C++ bindings would 
have helped, perhaps not. Too late now though, as it's not 
possible to edit titles.

Re: DMD 2.088.0 and Other New Blog Post

2019-09-06 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 6 September 2019 at 14:32:21 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Friday, 6 September 2019 at 14:15:14 UTC, JN wrote:

Minor typo in blog post: getAvaliable.


Could use some more descriptive title on reddit, because no 
one who doesn't know D will click it. Perhaps something like 
"DMD 2.088.0 released - comes with std::string and std::vector 

I've found that using "D 2.xxx Released" draws more traffic 
than "DMD 2.xxx Released".

I meant to prefix that with "Anecdotally". I've done more of the 
"DMD" form than I have of the "D" form, but will keep up with the 
latter for a few releases to see how it goes.

DMD 2.088.0 and Other New Blog Post

2019-09-06 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
I've just published a new blog post announcing the 2.088.0 
release of DMD and tacked on a few other news items at the end. 
Most of it will not be news to readers of the forums, but please 
keep an eye on the reddit comments if you've got time to spare.



DIP 1023--Resolution of Template Alias Formal Parameters in Template Functions--Community Review Round 1 Begins

2019-09-06 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The first round of Community Review for DIP 1023, "Resolution of 
Template Alias Formal Parameters in Template Functions", has 
begun. To participate, please visit the review thread for the 


*Please leave all feedback in the review thread rather than here!*

In other DIP news, DIP 1020 will begin its second round of 
Community Review next week.


Re: Old code no longer working on any DMD compilers

2019-09-06 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 6 September 2019 at 05:59:30 UTC, Jamie wrote:

time and fmod is called so it breaks. In case 3, with default 
struct arguments, I thought that the constructor I have defined 
was being called, however the default constructor was being 
called (this()) so fmod wasn't being called.

The reason why my old code worked was because it used the 
default arguments and I wasn't actually calling the constructor 
I defined. When I removed the default arguments in the 
constructor and tried case 2 it obviously didn't work.

Am I understanding correctly? Thanks

You're right about case 1 and case 2, and partially correct about 
case 3. Structs don't actually have default constructors. They 
have default *initializers*. In other words, s = S() is the same 
as s = S.init. See item #4 in the documentation for struct 
destructors [1]:

"If the ParameterList is empty, the struct instance is default 

So yes, your constructor is not being called.

1. https://dlang.org/spec/struct.html#struct-constructor

Re: Is there has an pdf document for Phobos.

2019-09-04 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 September 2019 at 12:24:47 UTC, lili wrote:
On Wednesday, 4 September 2019 at 04:21:10 UTC, Mike Parker 

On Wednesday, 4 September 2019 at 03:07:18 UTC, lili wrote:

   For some reason it too slow that some times i visited 
dlang.org, Can admin make a pdf document for download.

Documentation is installed with the compiler.

How to open it?

If you're on Windows, it's located in dmd2/html.

I don't know where it's installed on other platforms and I assume 
it depends on which installation method you used.

Re: Is there has an pdf document for Phobos.

2019-09-03 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 September 2019 at 03:07:18 UTC, lili wrote:

   For some reason it too slow that some times i visited 
dlang.org, Can admin make a pdf document for download.

Documentation is installed with the compiler.

Re: Why is sformat and formattedWrite (appender) allocating GC mem here?

2019-08-31 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 31 August 2019 at 12:07:56 UTC, cc wrote:

And what, if anything, can I do to avoid it?

import core.stdc.stdio : printf;

There are no @nogc versions of the Phobos write* and format 

Re: Input/Output multiple values from function

2019-08-27 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 28 August 2019 at 04:19:49 UTC, Jabari Zakiya wrote:
I have a function (say func1) that takes 1 input value (an 
integer number) and outputs 4 values (2 integers and 2 arrays 
of integers).

Then inside another function (say func2) I provide the 1 input 
to func1 and then want to assign its 4 output values to their 
appropriate final variables that will use them.

Conceptually I want to do below:

func2 { ...; (a, b, c, d) = func1(i) }

I tried using a struct but compiler keeps complaining.

Thanks for help in advance.

A struct should work just fine:


import std.stdio;
struct Results {
int a, b;
int[] aa, ab;

Results func1() {
return Results(1, 2, [0, 1, 2, 3], [10, 11, 12]);

void main()

What is the compiler complaining about?

Re: Five Projects Selected for SAOC 2019

2019-08-25 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 25 August 2019 at 13:38:24 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The Symmetry Autumn of Code 2019 application selection process 
has come to an end. This year, we've got five projects instead 
of three. Congratulations to everyone who was selected! You can 
read about them and their projects over at the D Blog:



I need to apologize to Laeeth and Manu. I mistakenly attributed 
the stl-containers repository to Suleyman:


That was a major oversight on my part.

Five Projects Selected for SAOC 2019

2019-08-25 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The Symmetry Autumn of Code 2019 application selection process 
has come to an end. This year, we've got five projects instead of 
three. Congratulations to everyone who was selected! You can read 
about them and their projects over at the D Blog:



Re: D1: Trying to update Juno Library to 1.076

2019-08-23 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 23 August 2019 at 16:09:16 UTC, jicman wrote:


That looks like D2 code. I am trying to compile D1 code.  I 
think the linker is not getting something right.

You might try declaring the offending functions as 
extern(Windows) function pointers and then loading them from the 
appropriate DLLs via LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress. I had to do that 
with some Win32 functions I used back before we got support for 
COFF and the Windows SDK because, for whatever reason, they were 
missing from the OMF libs that ship with DMD.

DIP 1019--Named Arguments Lite--Final Review Begins

2019-08-23 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The last chance for community feedback on DIP 1019, "Named 
Arguments Lite", is now underway. Please do not leave any 
feedback in this thread, but rather in the review thread in the 
General forum:


SAOC 2019 Applications Closed

2019-08-19 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
I want to thank everyone who has submitted an application to SAOC 
2019. The application deadline has passed and we are no longer 
accepting new applications.

This year, the SAOC committee consists of the following members:

John Colvin
Mathias Lang
Átila Neves
Robert Schadek
Ethan Watson

They will be reviewing the applications over the next few days 
and will be submitting their selections to me by the end of this 
week. We should be ready to announce the participants on the 25th.

We had a total of 8 applications. At this time, I cannot 
guarantee how many will be selected to participate. At a minimum, 
it will be 3 just like last year, but we may have a little room 
to increase the participant count this year.

Thanks also to everyone who has already agreed to be a mentor. 
Depending on which applicants are selected, we may need to search 
for one or more mentors starting next week. I ask anyone willing 
to act as a mentor to keep an eye out for the announcement Sunday 
in case a project that fits your interests and skill set is in 
need of one.

The New Bug Bounty System

2019-08-17 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
Thanks to BOS Platform Korea, the new Bug Bounty system is live. 
Anyone willing to seed new bounties or increase the existing ones 
is free to do so. We hope to see the number of bounties grow and 
a few folks make some money from it. The details are in the blog 



And for those who want to skip the blog post for now and get 
straight to work (read it later, though!):


I'll see about getting this into the Community menu sometime 

SAOC 2019 Application Deadline

2019-08-16 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The Symmetry Autumn of Code application deadline is this Sunday 
(midnight AoE). If you haven't yet sent your application in, be 
sure to read the SAOC page to make sure you get the details right.


Don't be late!

Re: How should I sort a doubly linked list the D way?

2019-08-13 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 13 August 2019 at 22:12:23 UTC, Mirjam Akkersdijk 

Though, it left me with some semi-offtopic questions unanswered:

(1) Ali, do you mean that from an optimization viewpoint, it's 
better to keep appending like `nodes ~= ...` instead of setting 
the length first? I would like to have some more background on 
that claim.

He's not saying it will be better, but that the cost will be 
negligible. On every append, the GC allocates new memory only if 
the current capacity == 0. When it does allocate, it allocates 
more space than it actually needs based on the current length of 
the array, so you don't actually have an allocation on every 
append. Also, when the adjacent memory block is free and can hold 
the additional elements, the allocation consists of extending the 
array's memory block and no copying is performed, making the cost 
of the allocation even cheaper than it could be.

Anyway, you can use `reserve` when appending rather than setting 
the length. This will allocate enough memory without 
default-initializing anything and you don't have to worry about 
bounds checking.

int[] ints;
foreach(i; 0..100) {
ints ~= i;

See Steve Schveighoffer's array article for details:


Re: Why is this allowed? Inheritance variable shadowing

2019-08-13 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 August 2019 at 04:40:53 UTC, Chris Katko wrote:

You can drop this straight into run.dlang.io:

import std.stdio;

class base{ float x=1;}
class child : base {float x=2;} //shadows base variable!

void main()

base []array;
child c = new child;
array ~= c;

writeln(c.x); //=2
writeln(array[0].x); //=1  //uses BASE's interface, yes,
//but why does the CHILD instance one exist at all?

It appears to be legal C++ as well but I can't imagine a 
situation where you'd want to allow the HUGE risk of 
shadowing/aliasing variables in an child class. Why is 
inheritance shadowing allowed? Especially when in D you have to 
explicitly "override" existing _methods_ but not 

To quote a Stack Overflow comment on C++ having this "It's not 
a compile error, but it's certainly a design one." Is this 
allowed just because "C++ does it" or because it has some sort 
of real world use that justifies the risk?

Personally, I'd love a compile-time warning that I could turn 
on that flags this situation.

Thanks for your help,

I don't know if I'd call that shadowing. This is how it works in 
Java, too. There's no such thing as a vtable for member variables 
-- each class gets its own set and they don't conflict. The only 
time it could be really be called shadowing is when the base 
class member is protected, as then it's accessible in the 
subclass scope.

Also, it's not the same thing as overriding. Overriding means 
that when you call base.foo(), you get sub.foo()'s 
implementation. But when you access base.var, you get base.var 
and not sub.var.

I would find it extremely annoying if it worked the way you're 
expecting it to.

D Summer School Postmortem

2019-08-08 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
Razvan Nitu and Eduard Staniloiu recently announced in the forums 
that they taught a D Summer School at University POLITEHNICA of 
Bucharest. They were kind enough to do a write-up for the D Blog. 
Please give it a read and wish them luck for V2!

The blog:


DIP 1022--foreach auto ref--Community Review Round 1 Begins

2019-08-08 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The first round of Community Review for DIP 1022, "foreach auto 
ref", has begun. To participate, please visit the review thread 
for the details:


*Please leave all feedback in the review thread rather than here!*

In other DIP news, we're still revising DIP 1020. Its second 
round of community review will begin as soon as revision is 

DIP 1019 will begin Final Review next week.


Re: The DLang Swag Emporium is Open For Business!

2019-08-02 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 2 August 2019 at 07:23:28 UTC, JN wrote:

By the way, why call it Digital Mars logo and not just D logo?

Because I think of it as the "Digital Mars D logo" as opposed to 
the "D Rocket logo" or the "Royal D logo". I've renamed those 
items to "Digital Mars D".

Re: The DLang Swag Emporium is Open For Business!

2019-08-01 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 2 August 2019 at 01:13:33 UTC, James Blachly wrote:

Looking great. Can you set up die-cut stickers of the D Rocket 

I've added standard stickers (round & square on the store page, 
though you can select the shape during the order process) and 
die-cut vinyl stickers. It could take up to 24-hours for the 
store page to update with the new items.

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