Re: [IxDA Discuss] Are required field notations really necessary with radio button selections?

2007-11-14 Thread Chauncey Wilson
Radio buttons (or as they are often called, option buttons) in the
early days of GUIs were used to select a choice from a set of items
and early style guides noted that one of the radio buttons had to be
chosen. The selection wasn't really tacit it was explicit. I noticed
in the mid 1990s that there were radio button designs being used in
online questionnaires (before surveymonkey and the like) where none of
the radio buttons was chosen as early style guides had mandated.  I
think that I first saw it on a medical application where the physician
had to check various items about a patient's health.  The underlying
metaphor had changed here from the physical radio set in old cars
where you always had a station selected (unless your buttons broke) to
that of a questionnaire where a person was required to make a choice,
but you didn't want to preselect a choice to bias the task. So, if you
are following the questionnaire model where you don't prefill a
default radio button (to prevent bias), then putting an asterisk
beside the field is reasonable.  If you have radio buttons where there
a default choice is prefilled, then the asterisk does not seem to make


On Nov 13, 2007 7:30 PM, Stephen Dondershine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does one necessarily need to add an asterisk indicating that a selection is
 required for a radio button selection form input?

 It seems to me that one can argue two ways:

 1.)  The fact that some item in the radio button group will always be
 selected tacitly implies that the input is required. It is really impossible
 for the User not to mae a selection, so why bother to indicate that it's a
 required field?

 2.)  Nevertheless, the required field asterisk draws the User's attention to
 the field input itself and the fact that there is potentially a decision to
 be made.  It is therefore worth including.


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[IxDA Discuss] partnerships ( was Re: IxDA's Annual Board Meeting)

2007-11-14 Thread David Malouf
Hi Daniel,

The question of partnerships is an interesting one.
Are you suggesting that IxDA fold into AIGA, or are you suggesting
partnerships on specific initiatives?

-- dave

On Nov 14, 2007 12:50 AM, Daniel Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has the IxDA considered some form of partnership with AIGA? I am
 member of AIGA and have found they are very receptive to user
 experience and interaction design. They sponsored publication of
 Saffer's book, and when i visited the NY hq, Ux/Ix was literally right
 up there on the wall along with all the other fields of design. I
 think they've done a pretty good job in the last decade evangelizing
 design as a whole. Perhaps they could provide some insight on PR

 I had also suggested sponsoring research that would be available to
 all. It would further legitimize the organization and be a resource
 for designers and the press to draw from.


 On Nov 13, 2007, at 6:12 PM, dave malouf wrote:

  Evangelizing the discipline has always been a core mission of the
  organization for sure.
  Petteri, do you have any suggestions on how we can do this? It is a
  really hard piece to knock out of the park considering some of the
  more tactical things we are working on.

David Malouf

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] what are your fundamental tenets of design?

2007-11-14 Thread Richard Banks
Not sure these are tenets, but I like Dieter Rams 10 Commandments...

Good design is...

As little design as possible

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Songza Compare Seeqpod

2007-11-14 Thread pauric
David: I don't think innaccessibility is an issue with these
sites. Especially Songza which is meant as a study in Interaction

One could argue that sites that focus on audio might be on special
interest to the visually impaired.

If Songza was an exercise in interface design then I might agree with
you.  Interaction, no.

Anyway, I believe songza has dont a good job with high contrast. 
Excellent balance of colours with the search results being the only
weak point I can see. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA's Annual Board Meeting

2007-11-14 Thread Lisa deBettencourt

You do have a valid point. Google Groups is working great for us here in
Boston (note: we're only using it to coordinate events and don't yet have it
open to local members, although we certainly could) and I'd be happy to
adopt this solution with local leaders if that was what the IxDA Board
decided was the right thing to do to get us rolling with tools with little

It's a workable solution, and I believe that even some of the functionality
can be shown directly on the site (esp. the calendar). Could be the
path of least resistance...

Anywho, I believe there are a few ideas out there that they'll take under
advisement. =)

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Songza Compare Seeqpod

2007-11-14 Thread Dan Brown
We're doing work for a client who offers similar functionality. Our
initial research offers two possible critiques for Songza (which I
otherwise think is very cool):

1. On the interface side, people think a song will start playing when
you click on it. Exposing the navigation over a song is ingenious, but
a new paradigm for most people, who got used to double-clicking on a
song in iTunes to play it. If you're not used to this approach, you
might not even see the navigation. (On the other hand, this kind of
interface is playful enough where people might grow used to it, and it
is crucial for the song queue feature.)

2. On the functionality side, the model offered isn't why people go to
the web. The people we spoke to use the web to discover new music (a
la Pandora) not listen to music they already like, which they probably

Still, it's (a) very simple and clever and (b) not Apple-style, and so
very appealing. :-)

-- Dan

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[IxDA Discuss] Diagnosing IX in your operating system

2007-11-14 Thread Chris Borokowski
From /.:

My three pet gripes about GUI software are 1) focus stealers -- you
are typing away in one app and some other app pops up and then you are
typing into some other window that has grabbed focus, 2) Files Save
that makes you start over from the beginning with each program launch
or even each Files Save instead of remembering where you last saved a
file, and 3) programs that lock up the GUI at the least provocation
(yeah you, Adobe -- I dread Web surfing into PDF files, even from a
broadband connection).


This guy nailed the big two (number 3 is a code stability issue), but
I'd like to add that there are others, on Windows, Macintosh, and
various DEs for Linux/BSD. What are your worst peeves, and what's a
better way these operating systems could work?
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] EVENT REMINDER: NYC IxDA - The 7-Minute IxD Soapbox (a.k.a. Pecha Kucha) - Tue, 11/13

2007-11-14 Thread Robert Barlow-Busch
 4. It appears to me that pointy shoes, both men   women, are really
 fashionable as according to this event.

It seems that a few specific hand gestures are fashionable, as well...
reaches out for an invisible ball ;-)

How was the event, BTW? Did people enjoy it? I'm especially curious because
the Waterloo F2F held a similar event last spring and I suspect we could
learn from each other's experience. For instance, we had a few suggestions
that 10 minutes would be better, but I'm not sure about that: we chose 7
minutes because it's enough time to cover almost any idea, but crazy-short
enough that speakers wouldn't be tempted to cover too much ground.

Would love to hear from folks who attended the NYC event.

Robert Barlow-Busch
Director of User Experience
Terapath Inc.

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[IxDA Discuss] Usability for social search

2007-11-14 Thread Jean Graef
Is anyone working on usability related to enterprise social search? Issues that 
come to mind are how to display information from both internal and external 
sources on one screen, where and how to display tags and taggers, whether to 
offer suggestions on the tagging window, etc?


Jean Graef
The Montague Institute

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Songza

2007-11-14 Thread Robert Hoekman, Jr.

 e.g. (not a lot going on with style, but
 the interaction thinking is good)

I wholeheartedly disagree. You can't do anything with the information once
you get it - nothing is clickable. Don't people normally search for flight
info so they can buy a plane ticket?

What should be the most useful thing about the app is non-existent.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Songza

2007-11-14 Thread pauric
Robert: I wholeheartedly disagree. You can't do anything with the
information once you get it - nothing is clickable. Don't people
normally search for flight info so they can buy a plane ticket?

Context.  Why would you click to buy from your phone?  You call
a number.  Understanding the context of the mobile interaction is
I really liked about the kayak moby design.

regards - pauric

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Songza

2007-11-14 Thread Robert Hoekman, Jr.

 Context.  Why would you click to buy from your phone?  You call
 a number.  Understanding the context of the mobile interaction is
 what I really liked about the kayak moby design.

(I guess we're repeating the conversation we just had offlist. :)

Because I own an iPhone and the typing experience is good enough that I
don't need to call a number. :) Same would likely be true for Treo and
Blackberry owners.

I've purchased domains through my iPhone while standing on a street corner.
Why not a plane ticket? Even with slow data connections, it's usually faster
than navigating a VR system to get a real person on the phone at an airline.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] partnerships ( was Re: IxDA's Annual Board Meeting)

2007-11-14 Thread David Malouf
On another note, what other orgs would people like to see he partner  
with and how?

I've been investing a lot into building our relationship with the  
industrial design community, b/c I see great synergy under the banner  
of Product design (which I don't feel from AIGA) and well honestly I'm  
self motivated.

Who do you feel connected to and how can IxDA help to bridge your  

- dave

On Nov 14, 2007, at 1:04 PM, Daniel Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am not suggesting folding into AIGA at all. I was thinking more  
 along the lines of co-sponsoring larger events and working on  
 specific initiatives together. I assume since they've been around  
 for so long that they've learned a thing or two.


 On Nov 14, 2007, at 4:27 AM, David Malouf wrote:

 Hi Daniel,

 The question of partnerships is an interesting one.
 Are you suggesting that IxDA fold into AIGA, or are you suggesting
 partnerships on specific initiatives?

 -- dave

 On Nov 14, 2007 12:50 AM, Daniel Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has the IxDA considered some form of partnership with AIGA? I am
 member of AIGA and have found they are very receptive to user
 experience and interaction design. They sponsored publication of
 Saffer's book, and when i visited the NY hq, Ux/Ix was literally  
 up there on the wall along with all the other fields of design. I
 think they've done a pretty good job in the last decade evangelizing
 design as a whole. Perhaps they could provide some insight on PR

 I had also suggested sponsoring research that would be available to
 all. It would further legitimize the organization and be a resource
 for designers and the press to draw from.


 On Nov 13, 2007, at 6:12 PM, dave malouf wrote:

 Evangelizing the discipline has always been a core mission of the
 organization for sure.

 Petteri, do you have any suggestions on how we can do this? It is a
 really hard piece to knock out of the park considering some of the
 more tactical things we are working on.

 David Malouf

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] partnerships ( was Re: IxDA's Annual Board Meeting)

2007-11-14 Thread Daniel Yang

I am not suggesting folding into AIGA at all. I was thinking more  
along the lines of co-sponsoring larger events and working on specific  
initiatives together. I assume since they've been around for so long  
that they've learned a thing or two.


On Nov 14, 2007, at 4:27 AM, David Malouf wrote:

 Hi Daniel,

 The question of partnerships is an interesting one.
 Are you suggesting that IxDA fold into AIGA, or are you suggesting
 partnerships on specific initiatives?

 -- dave

 On Nov 14, 2007 12:50 AM, Daniel Yang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has the IxDA considered some form of partnership with AIGA? I am
 member of AIGA and have found they are very receptive to user
 experience and interaction design. They sponsored publication of
 Saffer's book, and when i visited the NY hq, Ux/Ix was literally  
 up there on the wall along with all the other fields of design. I
 think they've done a pretty good job in the last decade evangelizing
 design as a whole. Perhaps they could provide some insight on PR

 I had also suggested sponsoring research that would be available to
 all. It would further legitimize the organization and be a resource
 for designers and the press to draw from.


 On Nov 13, 2007, at 6:12 PM, dave malouf wrote:

 Evangelizing the discipline has always been a core mission of the
 organization for sure.

 Petteri, do you have any suggestions on how we can do this? It is a
 really hard piece to knock out of the park considering some of the
 more tactical things we are working on.

 David Malouf

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Examples where personas are *not* useful

2007-11-14 Thread Joshua Kaufman
Jason Fried of 37signals wrote this biased but worthwhile critique of  
personas not too long ago:

On Nov 13, 2007, at 12:19 PM, oliver green wrote:

 So, can you give me examples where using personas would not
 be advisable/helpful?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Examples where personas are *not* useful

2007-11-14 Thread Robert Hoekman, Jr.

 I'm not sure how informed Jason Fried is of what a persona really is.

I can't find a URL, but I swear he said once that he used to use them and
eventually turned against them.

They're [personas are] artificial, abstract, and fictitious.

 Which is incorrect.  Personas are based on a real person and real
 data.  If
 they are not, then they are not personas.

They're not based on a real person, they're based on real *people*. They're
a hybrid, archetypal representation of many people. That, by definition,
makes them artificial and fictitious, does it not?

More semantic debates, I suppose, but worth pointing out, I think.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Examples where personas are *not* useful

2007-11-14 Thread Sara Summers
Jason touched on that during his opening remarks at sxsw interactive 2006.
Which I can't seem to find the podcast for either...
He said that instead, they made Basecamp with simple features, then launched
and opened the discussion to the community, the same model that Mozilla 

I enjoy this process more myself, as it seems to invoke interest, personal 
ownership, and community synergy.

Sara Summers
visual | interaction design

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Hoekman, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Celeste 'seele' Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: [IxDA Discuss] Examples where personas are *not* useful

 I'm not sure how informed Jason Fried is of what a persona really is.

 I can't find a URL, but I swear he said once that he used to use them and
 eventually turned against them.

 They're [personas are] artificial, abstract, and fictitious.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Examples where personas are *not* useful

2007-11-14 Thread Sara Summers
Jason touched on that during his opening remarks at sxsw interactive 2006.
Which I can't seem to find the podcast for either...
He said that instead, they made Basecamp with simple features, then launched
and opened the discussion to the community, the same model that Mozilla 

I enjoy this process more myself, as it seems to invoke interest, personal 
ownership, and community synergy.

Sara Summers
visual | interaction design

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Hoekman, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Celeste 'seele' Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: [IxDA Discuss] Examples where personas are *not* useful

 I'm not sure how informed Jason Fried is of what a persona really is.

 I can't find a URL, but I swear he said once that he used to use them and
 eventually turned against them.

 They're [personas are] artificial, abstract, and fictitious.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Songza

2007-11-14 Thread Lisa deBettencourt
AHA! Fitts' Law at its finest! :-) Great stuff. Definitely one of those
things where you go DOH! Of COURSE!. Love that they could pull it off in a
web app.

So, I typed in Metallica and got a relatively short list of songs (yes, my
favorite band of all time). I then noticed the one thing missing from the
returned list was the album name. The songs I got back weren't either sorted
by album or had the album name in them. Hmmm... so is the song I'm clicking
on from the original album or from a remake? Live or studio?


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Examples where personas are *not* useful

2007-11-14 Thread Celeste 'seele' Paul
On Wednesday 14 November 2007 13:24:12 Joshua Kaufman wrote:
 Jason Fried of 37signals wrote this biased but worthwhile critique of
 personas not too long ago:

I'm not sure how informed Jason Fried is of what a persona really is.  He 

They’re [personas are] artificial, abstract, and fictitious.

Which is incorrect.  Personas are based on a real person and real data.  If 
they are not, then they are not personas.  This seems to be a common 
misunderstanding when it comes to using and contructing them.

Sure, there is a danger in relying in personas too much to understand who you 
are designing for, but 

A) that danger exists for any artifact of user research 
B) theyre better than nothing

I think Fried's suggestion of hyper focusing on a single person you know is 
more dangerous than relying on fuzzy user research.

 On Nov 13, 2007, at 12:19 PM, oliver green wrote:
  So, can you give me examples where using personas would not
  be advisable/helpful?

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Celeste 'seele' Paul

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Examples where personas are *not* useful

2007-11-14 Thread Mark Schraad
OK - this discussion has gotten more than a bit silly. 

If you are the target group that you are developing for (as in 37signals), of 
course you do not need personas. You essentially ARE the persona... only 
better! This should not be taken as advice unless you (the design and 
development team) are the target audience for the product.

Further, personas ARE fictional. But they should be based upon research with 
real users and then validated.

On Wednesday, November 14, 2007, at 01:27PM, Joshua Kaufman [EMAIL 
Jason Fried of 37signals wrote this biased but worthwhile critique of  
personas not too long ago:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Examples where personas are *not* useful

2007-11-14 Thread Dan Brown
I *could* argue that 37Signals *does* use personas, though it would be
a semantic argument. Jason refers to our problems, which suggests to
me a summary of a collection of users. He just happens to know all the
users who make up that summary representation. Maybe he doesn't like
to call that a persona because to call it such wouldn't be

The bottom line is that he visualizes users, makes decisions based on
information about users, and prioritizes decisions based on that

Designers in other contexts (larger organizations, complex
applications, etc.) may not have the luxury of personally knowing
representatives of the target audience.

-- Dan

On 11/14/07, Sara Summers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jason touched on that during his opening remarks at sxsw interactive 2006.
 Which I can't seem to find the podcast for either...
 He said that instead, they made Basecamp with simple features, then launched
 and opened the discussion to the community, the same model that Mozilla

 I enjoy this process more myself, as it seems to invoke interest, personal
 ownership, and community synergy.

 Sara Summers
 visual | interaction design

 - Original Message -
 From: Robert Hoekman, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Celeste 'seele' Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 12:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [IxDA Discuss] Examples where personas are *not* useful

  I'm not sure how informed Jason Fried is of what a persona really is.
  I can't find a URL, but I swear he said once that he used to use them and
  eventually turned against them.
  They're [personas are] artificial, abstract, and fictitious.

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 February 8-10, 2008 in Savannah, GA, USA
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Songza

2007-11-14 Thread pauric
Lisa: Hmmm... so is the song I'm clicking on from the original
album or from a remake? Live or studio?

I would imagine that they are circumventing any potential copyright
infringement by simply being a search engine for existing sources of
content.  I'll guess they're pulling the audio of flash video files
on gootube and the likes. Thats why you're going to see spotty

Note that Pandora, which has its own library, will not allow you to
play a specific song due to its license.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] EVENT REMINDER: NYC IxDA - The 7-Minute IxD Soapbox (a.k.a. Pecha Kucha) - Tue, 11/13

2007-11-14 Thread Prachi Sakhardande
This was the first IXDA-NY event I've attended and I'm glad I did! The
turnout was great and the enthusiasm of the speakers and organisers,
infectious! Kudos to the organisers for putting together a great event
- thanks to you guys, I have a few ideas that I am taking back home to
the 'still nascent'  IXDA Mumbai Group.

That said:
1. Isnt pecha-kucha limited to 20-seconds per slide? That would have
kept the presenters on their toes, and made sure we got through the
slide show...
2. Is there a follow-up to the 7-min presentations? Like Joe and Leah
for example, had a whole load of interesting stuff, and after the
7-mins sneak preview, can we get access to the full presentations?
3. Probably, i missed it in the start, but it would've been great to
have a quick round of introductions, just to break the ice, i guess...

These are just extremely minor comments, i guess its just our second
nature to question and improve:) However, the event was great, and I
was hoping there would be a couple more before I leave back for
India...Thanks again for having me over!

On Nov 14, 2007 11:33 AM, Robert Barlow-Busch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  4. It appears to me that pointy shoes, both men   women, are really
  fashionable as according to this event.

 It seems that a few specific hand gestures are fashionable, as well...
 reaches out for an invisible ball ;-)

 How was the event, BTW? Did people enjoy it? I'm especially curious because
 the Waterloo F2F held a similar event last spring and I suspect we could
 learn from each other's experience. For instance, we had a few suggestions
 that 10 minutes would be better, but I'm not sure about that: we chose 7
 minutes because it's enough time to cover almost any idea, but crazy-short
 enough that speakers wouldn't be tempted to cover too much ground.

 Would love to hear from folks who attended the NYC event.

 Robert Barlow-Busch
 Director of User Experience
 Terapath Inc.

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Prachi Sakhardande
Information Architect
MphasiS, an  EDS Company
Mumbai, India

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD Ethics: Business vs. User

2007-11-14 Thread Christopher Fahey
 I am going to take a bit of an issue with the premis here. Unless  
 they are showing a measurement that is specific (absolute numbers  
 or percentage) and are distorting those numbers they are hardly out  
 and out telling a lie.

You're right that systems can be inaccurate due to technology  
idiosyncrasies, but the specific story (or rumor) is that the mobile  
carriers do it deliberately for the purpose of driving up minutes. In  
which case, it's a lie.

The premise of the question, really, is that we designers can be  
asked by our bosses to design deceptive systems in order to increase  
company profits.


Christopher Fahey


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] EVENT REMINDER: NYC IxDA - The 7-Minute IxD Soapbox (a.k.a. Pecha Kucha) - Tue, 11/13

2007-11-14 Thread Patrick Grizzard
We were working on an IxDA version of the Rumsfeld Fighting Technique:

On Nov 14, 2007, at 11:33 AM, Robert Barlow-Busch wrote:

 4. It appears to me that pointy shoes, both men   women, are really
 fashionable as according to this event.

 It seems that a few specific hand gestures are fashionable, as well...
 reaches out for an invisible ball ;-)

 How was the event, BTW? Did people enjoy it? I'm especially curious  
 the Waterloo F2F held a similar event last spring and I suspect we  
 learn from each other's experience. For instance, we had a few  
 that 10 minutes would be better, but I'm not sure about that: we  
 chose 7
 minutes because it's enough time to cover almost any idea, but  
 enough that speakers wouldn't be tempted to cover too much ground.

 Would love to hear from folks who attended the NYC event.

 Robert Barlow-Busch
 Director of User Experience
 Terapath Inc.

 *Come to IxDA Interaction08 | Savannah*
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxDA's Annual Board Meeting

2007-11-14 Thread Petteri Hiisilä
dave malouf kirjoitti 13.11.2007 kello 18:12:

 Evangelizing the discipline has always been a core mission of the
 organization for sure.

 Petteri, do you have any suggestions on how we can do this? It is a
 really hard piece to knock out of the park considering some of the
 more tactical things we are working on.

Fair question - I've thought this since yesterday and three things  
come into mind. (Don't ask what to association can do for you, ask  
what you can ...)

1) Expand and polish the Wikipedia entries (as you mentioned earlier,  
didn't you?). This is mainly a community effort, but the association  
can encourage and remind us to do so. These articles can be improved,  
IMHO:, which should be  
linked to:
... / Framework Definition (doesn't exist or isn't linked)
... / Design Refinement
... / Development Support

(I guess someone should discuss about the IA and semantics of those  
terms/articles, but I'm not going to contribute to that part of the  
effort. I don't care if a paper prototype is a paper, a prototype or  
both. Just gimme the URL.)

Putting semantics and IA aside, I think that #1: fixing Wikipedia  
entries would help our cause during year 2008. Using Wikipedia can  
hardly do harm for the cause, and anybody in this list can fix an  
entry without asking for permission. If you write something that is  
useful for developers and journalists, they'll Google it out and share  
with their colleagues.

2) We need to talk about IxD in some popular podcasts. If anybody is  
friends with Leo Laporte or John C., find an opportunity to get into  
their shows. Seriously. Your mother-in-law maybe doesn't listen to, but hundreds of thousands of geeks and tech journalists do.

3) Is there a trivial way to track how we are doing with Wikipedia?  
For example, can we somehow make a page that displays the latest  
entries _which have something to do with IxD_ ? Maybe the smart masses  
who can code, could solve this for the rest of us?-)


  Petteri Hiisilä
  Senior Interaction Designer
  iXDesign / +358505050123 /

  Simple is better than complex.
   Complex is better than complicated.
   - Tim Peters

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Songza

2007-11-14 Thread Ari Feldman
it's a cool, clean interface no question. however, i had questions about how
they handle large data sets being returned. there are several common
practices and patterns for this but i haven't seen how they implement them.
songs and music-related content by their nature can encompass massive
amounts of data.

On 11/14/07, Lisa deBettencourt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 AHA! Fitts' Law at its finest! :-) Great stuff. Definitely one of those
 things where you go DOH! Of COURSE!. Love that they could pull it off in
 web app.

 So, I typed in Metallica and got a relatively short list of songs (yes,
 favorite band of all time). I then noticed the one thing missing from the
 returned list was the album name. The songs I got back weren't either
 by album or had the album name in them. Hmmm... so is the song I'm
 on from the original album or from a remake? Live or studio?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD Ethics: Business vs. User

2007-11-14 Thread Christine Boese
Actually, I heard a retired phone company exec admit that it is true, about
the voicemail slowness set up deliberately to up the billing from it. I
mean, I heard him admit it in an interview on an PRI news program, and those
news programs vet their sources better than most journalism enterprises
(slippery slope there, I know).

But can I bib cite the exact program date and segment? No. By the nature of
orality (and podcasting temporality), my memory tells me it was either the
APM Marketplace Money segment, or APM Marketplace. I subscribe to both in
iTunes, and I'd say it was in the last six months. That's as good as I can

Yes, it is ethically slimey, but as technologically possible as those people
who work the math for hedge funds to mine and aggregate all the percentages
of a cent that can be skimmed from millions of broker float transactions.


On Nov 14, 2007 4:59 PM, Christopher Fahey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I am going to take a bit of an issue with the premis here. Unless
  they are showing a measurement that is specific (absolute numbers
  or percentage) and are distorting those numbers they are hardly out
  and out telling a lie.

 You're right that systems can be inaccurate due to technology
 idiosyncrasies, but the specific story (or rumor) is that the mobile
 carriers do it deliberately for the purpose of driving up minutes. In
 which case, it's a lie.

 The premise of the question, really, is that we designers can be
 asked by our bosses to design deceptive systems in order to increase
 company profits.


 Christopher Fahey
 *Come to IxDA Interaction08 | Savannah*
 February 8-10, 2008 in Savannah, GA, USA
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Paper is not a prototyping tool

2007-11-14 Thread Chris Borokowski
Actually, I like paper as a prototyping tool, but I do more than one
type of prototype, so flexibility is more essential than visual specificity.
technical writing | consulting | development


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[IxDA Discuss] analyzing qualitative data

2007-11-14 Thread oliver green
Hello all,

I have a background in statistics and it is easy for me to analyze
quantitative data, but I am at a loss when it comes to analyzing
qualitative data. I bought the book Qualitative Data Analysis : An
Expanded Sourcebook by Alan Michael Huberman, but it was difficult to
follow since it did not give examples that I can relate to. I would
really appreciate it if someone could point me to information that
will help me learn more about this topic.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Examples where personas are *not* useful

2007-11-14 Thread Eric Scheid
On 14/11/07 8:10 PM, kswang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 However, personas will not be able to define how the users are going
 to carry out the task or how they are going to approach their goals.

I've distilled observed user behaviour into written personas along these
lines .. one persona might be described as being a playful explorer, another
a methodical and cautious planner, and a third as a smash-n-grab drive-by
visitor type, amongst other approaches.

That's usually enough to make the penny drop and prevent grounding by the


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