Re: [IxDA Discuss] Sharing files from iPad to iPad

2010-01-31 Thread Neil Cadsawan
I'm glad others are thinking about these issues as well:

This is a great representation of my thoughts so far.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Why My Mom%u2019s Next Computer Is Going To Be An iPad

2010-01-31 Thread Calum Benson
If it's anything like an iPhone or an iPod Touch, I can guarantee it
will "suddenly forget how to talk to a network", and probably more
than once.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Future of IxD student???

2010-01-31 Thread j. eric townsend

Karl Nieberding wrote:

On that note, any tips on a good resource to learn design sketching

Two answers:

1) Assuming you can't find a local class, I'd go with the Rapid Viz book.

2) Draw every day for 30-60 minutes.  "Drawing tip of the day: It takes 
about 1000 sketches to get pretty good at drawing...okay, go." -- Mark 

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Design, Fabrication, Hacking
design:; hacking:;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] looking for research on using pictures of people or help.

2010-01-31 Thread Dan Zollman
Based on what I've read (which might not have been very extensive),
faces unfortunately do have an effect on users--but I think you can
use that to your advantage in this argument.

Users tend to fixate on pictures of faces. The question is, how will
the design take advantage of this effect?

You probably want users to focus on the main article or the main
message. If that's the case, then putting people in the header will
distract users from the main content. Faces should probably be used
only when the goal is to draw the users' eyes to a particular spot.

Even if the design accounts for this by making the images look more
neutral, I think the images would still compete with the primary

On a side note, I wonder what an eye tracking study would reveal
about writers' pictures in the NY Times...I actually have trouble
reading these articles, especially because of the proximity of the
photo to the article:

(Disclaimer: I'm not an expert, just a student, and I've never done
any research on this type of thing.)


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Why My Mom’s Next Computer Is G oing To Be An iPad

2010-01-31 Thread j. eric townsend

Brandon E. B. Ward wrote:

The biggest problem I have w/ this article is the fact that the iPad has to be 
docked to a home-base machine

It also assumes you have quality wireless inside the home, something not 
all of us can manage.  Thanks to all the noise insulation in my interior 
walls, my base station is basically line-of-sight when it comes to being 
usable.  I get better reception of my neighbor's base station through 
two brick walls than I do of my own through two interior walls.

On the other hand, I am looking forward to running linux or bsd on an 
iPad.  It'll be nice to see what you can do with the platform without 
Apple's permission.

[posted from my Apple Newton]

J. E. 'jet' Townsend, IDSA
Design, Fabrication, Hacking
design:; hacking:;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Future of IxD student???

2010-01-31 Thread dave malouf
This piece by our very own Will Evans (@semanticwill) is a tremendous
piece on the importance and value of sketching.

- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] Nokia, Nintendo, Netflix and E-Ink respond to the iPad

2010-01-31 Thread jtang

 Sent to you by jtang via Google Reader: Nokia, Nintendo, Netflix and
E-Ink respond to the iPad via Engadget by Paul Miller on 1/30/10
We're sure just about every company on the map has an opinion on
Apple's new device, but a few big wigs have taken time out of their
busy schedules to weigh in on the device. These are their stories.

- Nokia's Mark Squires, Head of Social Media, was mainly confused by
Apple's statement that it's the biggest mobile device manufacturer,
surpassing Nokia in combined revenue on media players, phones and
laptops. Mark argues that the accepted definition for "mobile devices"
excludes laptops, and goes on to mention the undisputed fact that
Nokia's still number one when it comes to number of devices sold.
- Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, meanwhile, says that mobile devices aren't
a priority for his company yet. They're fighting the good fight of the
large screen, and once they feel comfortable in their various efforts
there, then they'll move on to small screens. Netflix hasn't done or
submitted an iPhone application, but Hastings did mention that he was
optimistic that if Netflix did get into the game, the app would be
approved for the App Store, and that it would run on both the iPhone
and iPad.
- Satura Iwata, president and CEO of Nintendo, took a much more
directly critical approach to the device, calling it a "bigger iPod
Touch," and that Apple delivered "no surprises." In the same interview
he expressed skepticism as to the value of bringing a high definition
Wii on the market, as well as expressing doubts about 3D glasses-based
gaming. Iwata is clearly a tough man to please.
- Perhaps most threatened by the iPad is Russ Wilcox, CEO of E-Ink. He
says dedicated e-readers will outsell iPads due to "simple economics,"
and that the iPad is "great entertainment device," but it's "not the
world's best reading device." His criticisms, mostly in juxtaposition
to Kindle-style devices, abound, including price, weight, backlight and
so on. He's right on the money about the shortfalls of a
straightforward comparison, but we wonder if consumers will feel the
same? Nothing too salacious, unfortunately, and most of the points
raised are pretty spot-on -- though we do wish Reed Hastings would
rethink his priorities just a smidgen and get Netflix onto mobile
devices sooner than later. We're needy like that.
Nokia, Nintendo, Netflix and E-Ink respond to the iPad originally
appeared on Engadget on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 20:34:00 EST. Please see our
terms for use of feeds.
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Future of IxD student???

2010-01-31 Thread Matthew Thomas
Hi Karl,

I just recently purchased this book:

Some really great tips for sketching UX!

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Sorting buttons... left-to-right, top-to-bottom

2010-01-31 Thread joe
Thanks for the responses.

Sorry for any confusion, I just used placeholder text. I'll try to
clarify a bit. It's for a touch-screen kiosk. The buttons in this
case will be employers or names of companies, sorted alphabetically
across multiple pages using tabs. Users will of course have to select
their employer.

As a point of context, most _menus_ in the application have the
buttons arranged in a vertical format.

Agreed that spacing can contribute to the 'feel' of the layout...
whether it's more natural to be vertical or horizontal.
Configuration as well I think: if the buttons are arranged 10 x 3,
I'd say left-to-right; if they are arranged 3 x 10, top-to-bottom.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Why My Mom’s Next Computer Is G oing To Be An iPad

2010-01-31 Thread Brandon E. B. Ward
The biggest problem I have w/ this article is the fact that the iPad has to be 
docked to a home-base machine just like the iPhone.

The iPhone is crippled w/out a computer running iTunes, an Address Book, iCal 
etc. to synch it up with - the computer where you manage all those wonderful 
bits of stuff your mom wants to play/work with. Maybe this is where the cloud 
comes in, but I'm not dumb-terminal, 100% cloud-based, Chrome OS-browser-as-OS 
kinda guy, so I'm biased.

OK - so thinking about it some more, I think the only thing the iPhone can't do 
on its own is synch/download songs and videos. Am I wrong here?

Perhaps if the iPad was a lot more synch-agnostic I could buy into this line of 
thinking. Still, it offers a glimmer of hope it what, for me as an Apple 
fanboy, was a very disappointing announcment - expected, but disappointing 

Brandon E. B. Ward
UI • UX • Ix Design
Flex • Flash Development

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a 
hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a 
wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act 
alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a 
computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization 
is for insects.
- Robert A. Heinlein

On Jan 31, 2010, at 10:11 AM, jtang wrote:

Sent to you by jtang via Google Reader: Why My Mom’s Next Computer Is
Going To Be An iPad via TechCrunch by Guest Author on 1/31/10

Editor’s note: This is a guest post penned by Ethan Nicholas, developer
of the million-dollar iPhone game iShoot and the newly released Kim
Rhode’s Outdoor Shooting. Before the iPad was even announced, Nicholas
was already conceiving his next game with the tablet device in mind.

The Internet is a funny place. After Apple announced its new iPad, I
cringed at the hate being directed its way on sites such as Slashdot
and Digg. Even the guys at Penny Arcade, whom I normally agree with,
said “that iPad presentation had to be the worst thing I’ve even seen
on on the Apple stage” and that Apple had failed to make a case for the

If you believe them, the iPad is going to be a massive flop.

Well, the unwashed masses on the Internet also predicted that the iPod
would be a failure. They were wrong then, and they are wrong now.

The iPad is a computer for people who don’t like computers. People who
don’t like the idea of upgrading their 3D drivers, or adjusting their
screen resolution, or installing new memory. Who don’t understand why
their computer gets slower and slower the longer they own it, who have
25 icons in their system tray and have to wait ten minutes for their
system to boot up every day.

For what most of these people need a computer for, the iPad is perfect.
It doesn’t do as many things as a “real” computer does, but the things
it does do it does in a way even non-tech-savvy people can figure out,
and there are far fewer ways to screw it up. So if you have managed to
convince yourself that the iPad is a useless, locked-up DRM-laden
failure of a ‘computer’ before even touching one, I have two words for

My mom.

My mother is a lovely lady in her sixties who is… well, “not computer
savvy” is probably a good way to put it. I regularly have to figure out
why her computer is running incredibly slowly, or why it won’t print,
or any of the million other random things that happen when people who
don’t live and breathe computers sit down at one daily.

The iPad is perfect for her. It does exactly what she needs. It will
let her watch movies and listen to music and read books on long
flights. It will make using a computer fun instead of an annoying chore.

But it also won’t allow her to install umpteen news and weather gadgets
that start up on boot and slow her computer to a crawl. It won’t
suddenly forget how to talk to a network, or get so confused by all of
the software installs and uninstalls that you finally have to break
down and reinstall the system from scratch. In other words, my mother’s
next computer is going to be an iPad, and I dream of the day when I can
finally throw off the oppressive chains of being the one guy in the
family who knows how to actually keep a computer working.

And you know what? There are millions upon millions of people just like
her out there. They outnumber us. And they finally have a chance to
become productive, self-sufficient computer users instead of constantly
asking family members to fix their computers or, even worse, keeping
the Geek Squad in business.

No, the iPad isn’t for everyone. But I’m going to go on record as
saying that, for non-computer-geeks everywhere, the iPad is going to
redefine computing.

(Image courtesy of Flickr/Scott Chang)

CrunchBase Information iPad Information provided by C

[IxDA Discuss] Why My Mom’s Next Computer Is Go ing To Be An iPad

2010-01-31 Thread jtang

 Sent to you by jtang via Google Reader: Why My Mom’s Next Computer Is
Going To Be An iPad via TechCrunch by Guest Author on 1/31/10

Editor’s note: This is a guest post penned by Ethan Nicholas, developer
of the million-dollar iPhone game iShoot and the newly released Kim
Rhode’s Outdoor Shooting. Before the iPad was even announced, Nicholas
was already conceiving his next game with the tablet device in mind.

The Internet is a funny place. After Apple announced its new iPad, I
cringed at the hate being directed its way on sites such as Slashdot
and Digg. Even the guys at Penny Arcade, whom I normally agree with,
said “that iPad presentation had to be the worst thing I’ve even seen
on on the Apple stage” and that Apple had failed to make a case for the

If you believe them, the iPad is going to be a massive flop.

Well, the unwashed masses on the Internet also predicted that the iPod
would be a failure. They were wrong then, and they are wrong now.

The iPad is a computer for people who don’t like computers. People who
don’t like the idea of upgrading their 3D drivers, or adjusting their
screen resolution, or installing new memory. Who don’t understand why
their computer gets slower and slower the longer they own it, who have
25 icons in their system tray and have to wait ten minutes for their
system to boot up every day.

For what most of these people need a computer for, the iPad is perfect.
It doesn’t do as many things as a “real” computer does, but the things
it does do it does in a way even non-tech-savvy people can figure out,
and there are far fewer ways to screw it up. So if you have managed to
convince yourself that the iPad is a useless, locked-up DRM-laden
failure of a ‘computer’ before even touching one, I have two words for

My mom.

My mother is a lovely lady in her sixties who is… well, “not computer
savvy” is probably a good way to put it. I regularly have to figure out
why her computer is running incredibly slowly, or why it won’t print,
or any of the million other random things that happen when people who
don’t live and breathe computers sit down at one daily.

The iPad is perfect for her. It does exactly what she needs. It will
let her watch movies and listen to music and read books on long
flights. It will make using a computer fun instead of an annoying chore.

But it also won’t allow her to install umpteen news and weather gadgets
that start up on boot and slow her computer to a crawl. It won’t
suddenly forget how to talk to a network, or get so confused by all of
the software installs and uninstalls that you finally have to break
down and reinstall the system from scratch. In other words, my mother’s
next computer is going to be an iPad, and I dream of the day when I can
finally throw off the oppressive chains of being the one guy in the
family who knows how to actually keep a computer working.

And you know what? There are millions upon millions of people just like
her out there. They outnumber us. And they finally have a chance to
become productive, self-sufficient computer users instead of constantly
asking family members to fix their computers or, even worse, keeping
the Geek Squad in business.

No, the iPad isn’t for everyone. But I’m going to go on record as
saying that, for non-computer-geeks everywhere, the iPad is going to
redefine computing.

(Image courtesy of Flickr/Scott Chang)

CrunchBase Information iPad Information provided by CrunchBase

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Future of IxD student???

2010-01-31 Thread Karl Nieberding
On that note, any tips on a good resource to learn design sketching

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Well designed e-government web forms -- examples from different countries

2010-01-31 Thread Caroline Jarrett
Miriam L. Gerver
> I am doing a presentation at a conference this year on e-government
> web forms, and would like to include examples of well-designed forms
> from different countries. I have some examples, but could use a few
> more.

Here are some examples that have some good design features. No doubt you'll
be able to suggest design improvements to them - in my experience, the
complexity and constraints of government make it really difficult to achieve
designs that are perfect.

Have a look at the Washington State case study presented by Anthro-tech.
It's a .pdf available from their home page:

Washington State has had a massive commitment to the 'Plain Talk' program
for several years now, and has done a lot of user-centred design improvement
to tough challenges like the language of its health and safety laws.

In the UK, I've been impressed with the design of Money Claim Online. This
allows you to sue someone for an amount less than £100,000 (approx US$

HM Revenue and Customs (our tax authorities) has a superbly easy-to-use form
that allows an employer to tell the tax authority that no PAYE tax is due
this quarter. (Translation: PAYE is our term for deducting two taxes, income
tax and national insurance plus a few other possible things from employees'
pay. A very small employer, typically a one-person business, might not be
able to pay salary one quarter or pay at a low enough rate that no tax is
due). This form may not look all that easy but all you need to complete it
is a single reference number which any employer would easily be able to copy
from the highly distinctive 'payslip booklet' as described on the form. This
form is so simple it's even slightly disconcerting.

I worked with the Financial Services Authority on the design of their
Application Packs. These are highly complex forms that they use to assess
whether an organisation or individual is 'fit and proper' to conduct various
types of financial business in the UK. The minimum, non-returnable fee is
£2000. The e-Government part of this process is the bit that allows an
applicant to select the right forms for completing offline. For example:

It's easier to come up with forms that offer huge scope for improvement. 

To give just one ironic example, the UK government has recently released an
online forms tool that allows government departments to self-assess the
difficulty of their paper forms. The fearsome preamble hints at the
complexity to come:

Caroline Jarrett

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Sorting buttons... left-to-right, top-to-bottom

2010-01-31 Thread Uladzimir Palkhouski
It depends on culture and region, however horizontal arrangement is
more natural.

There are also several alternative views. Why don't you want to:
1) Copy from QWERTY keyboard? Many users are experienced with it.
2) Copy from mobile phone keyboard ? The same as with QWERTY
keyboard, but the list of already experienced users is larger.

In general your solution should depend on who are your users what
kind of soft is that. But having something new without clear
argumentation is risky. 
Good luck!

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] TV production room interaction design?

2010-01-31 Thread Tammy Rose
Having spent many years as both an operator and layout designer of
control booths, I would advise getting to know each of the roles. Be
careful to observe how much light they have to work with under
working conditions, what workarounds they currently have in place and
especially, the moments when they need more than two hands. Find out
the best and worst stories: what causes a train wreck and what
careful choreography they pride themselves on when the time pressure
is on.  
I've seen things like main power switches near people's feet, one
person asking another across the room to hit a button and audio
boards used as snack surfaces. 
Don't assume that it's only about the displays.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Future of IxD student???

2010-01-31 Thread Matthew Thomas

I'd like to reinforce Dave's comments. I started my career in
interactive a little over 2 years ago (after undergrad). Since then
I've had the benefit of getting experience as an interactive
developer and designer. My philosophy was that if you get experience
in each of the different interactive disciplines, it will make you a
more dangerous professional in whichever discipline you choose to
become an expert -- and I was right. 

However, you can't let that go on too long. You have to eventually
make a decision about which discipline you'd like to master.
Because, ultimately, it's the subject-matter experts that are the
most successful professionally.

So though I agree with Dave, I also think that during your studies
it's okay to explore all facets of interactive and gain a little
knowledge from each. It will help you make an informed decision about
what you really want to do.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Why The Apple iPad Will Disappoint (The Obama Effect)

2010-01-31 Thread Richie Lau
It's going to be very hard to put the giagnormic screen protectors on, and 
still get all the air bubbles out.

On Jan 30, 2010, at 10:02 AM, yulius wrote:

> I think iPad will change or shift computers line up. Desktop computers
> slowly will disappear from our desk, it moved to a remote place and
> become server... and we starting to use laptop as workstation, while
> iPad will replace the role of laptop today. iPad is a perfect mobile
> computing device to replace laptop role, because it's simpler and
> easier to cary and use than a laptop.
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Sorting buttons... left-to-right, top-to-bottom

2010-01-31 Thread Anthony Zeoli
At first glance, kind of hard for me to give an opinion without knowing what
content would live in the tabs and buttons. What content is the user being
asked to click on and why?

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 8:26 AM, joe  wrote:

> Thought I'd get a few good opinions here on the matter...
> Which would you consider more effective for a user? I thought there
> was a natural choice, but it seems I've received differing thoughts,
> so I figured I'd put it out to the group.
> vs.
> My thought was to go with #2 as these are *lists* of items, but
> proponents of #1 seem to go with 'users read left-to-right'.
> What do you think?
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wait... LD:
wait...  I: wait... wait...  Rank:
wait...  Traffic: wait...  Price:
wait... C:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Sorting buttons... left-to-right, top-to-bottom

2010-01-31 Thread ania
It will depend on personal preferences, for example if part of your
target is used to another interface where one of these orders is
used, they may expect this one to be similar.

If the list will be actual text (justified to the left), people will
most likely choose the vertical order.

If you want them to follow specific order when items are the same
size, arrange it the way whic suggests it:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] History of the undo command FYI

2010-01-31 Thread Fredrik Matheson
Thanks for creating CTRL-Z, John!

Is your article ( available via
open access somewhere?

- Fredrik

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Future of IxD student???

2010-01-31 Thread Ali Dehghanpour
Dear Dave...

Seeing my problem as design point of view will really help me a
lot...I'll Focus on that and I'll come back with more questions

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Cooper's reprise to the Insurgency of Quality (this time to developers)

2010-01-31 Thread live

Here's a good Buxton video on 'Design Thinking: Action and Ecosystem'  

On Jan 29, 2010, at 8:56 AM, ScottL wrote:

Hi Dave

Do you have the links to the talks by Bill Buxton where he talks
about this as I would be very interested in listening to them too.

And a comment, as the work by Donald Schon about reflective
practitioners stands out as being more applicable to both disciplines
even more. As software developers and interaction designers must take
on the right responsibilities for learning how to work in these teams

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Well designed e-government web forms -- examples from different countries

2010-01-31 Thread Philip Seyfi
Well... I don't know of any really good forms on gov web sites but
here are some that are more or less OK:

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[IxDA Discuss] UX Brighton event: Finding your way in wayfinding

2010-01-31 Thread Danny Hope
(cross posted)

What: an opportunity to learn about various aspects of wayfinding
Where: Brighton, UK
When: Tuesday, February 9th, 2010, 6:30pm (talks start at 7:00)
Cost: free

For more info and to *book your place*, go to

We have 3 talks so far (with 1 to be confirmed)
* Malcolm Barclay – iPhone Travel Apps UX Challenges
* Ben Sauer – How usability testing wins contracts
* Peter Stoner – Opening-up the UK’s public transport data

We’ve been listening to your feedback, and in the spirit of iterative
design, this event will consist of a series of short “bite sized”
talks with more time for Q&A.

Be quick – 3 5ths of places are booked.

Danny Hope
User Experience Design, Brighton UK
+44 (0)7595 226 792

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Sorting buttons... left-to-right, top-to-bottom

2010-01-31 Thread yulius
I find that this is really depending on the target audience
demographic or culture. But generally I prefer #2 because as you've
mentioned that these are list of items, which people will normally
see it in vertical order.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Sorting buttons... left-to-right, top-to-bottom

2010-01-31 Thread Philip Seyfi
IMHO it's more about the spacing between the buttons than about the
arrangement. I would probably prefer the left-to-right version, but
in both cases you should have more space between the columns or rows
depending on which arrangement you choose.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Usability List on Twitter

2010-01-31 Thread Elizabeth Buie
I've moved my list to the main part of my site:
Elizabeth Buie
Luminanze Consulting, LLC
tel: +1.301.943.4168

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] iPad.

2010-01-31 Thread Karl Nieberding
I think Apple was really smart to leverage everything they created
with the iPhone. Especially the App Store. I think it will be huge.

I think the simple change in form factor and screen size will create
a whole new use case that doesn't exist yet: casual computing. You
CAN put a laptop in your lap as you lean back, but it's really
awkward and looks stupid. Not to mention burns your lap and runs out
of batteries in 2 hours.

This is as simple as holding a newspaper. I think it will make all
the difference. As a platform, it has huge potential that is hard to
visualize because it's so new to us, and we try and fit our previous
experiences into it instead.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Could use some eyes on this chart

2010-01-31 Thread oliamwright
I left some comments about it here

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[IxDA Discuss] Invitation to workshop/ Experimental Objects / Lancaster/ 18-19 February 2010

2010-01-31 Thread Monika Buscher



*Experimental Objects*

*18-19 February 2010*

*Venue: Storey Creative Industries Centre, **Meeting House Lane,
Lancaster LA1 1TH*

Pre-programme 17th and 18th, please see

Subject to human manipulation, objects can seem to be exposed to human
curiosity and imagination, controlled through processes such as
experimentation (Rheinberger 1997) and design (Latour 2008). But the
purpose in both contexts is often to 'tickle' objects, to make matter
'speak' (Latour 2004). Experiments can reveal that, far from being mere
things 'out there', indifferent to human attention until addressed,
neatly bounded, predictable and knowable, objects are secretly lively:
elusive or responsive, recalcitrant or changeable (Barad 2007). These
aspects become palpable in different forms of experimental engagement,
from child's play to art, from design to science (Bourriaud 2002,
Suchman 1987, Pickstone 2000).

This interdisciplinary workshop is the fourth workshop of the
Experimentality programme, and is organised by the Institute for
Advanced Studies, Lancaster University, in collaboration with the Storey
Gallery, Lancaster, and the Centre for the History of Science,
Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester.


In interaction with a new exhibition at the Storey Gallery,  'What
happens if ... ?' (30 January -- 3 April 2010 - ), workshop
participants will explore object-becoming performed in and through
experimentation in science and design.


The workshop will feature presentations by an international,
interdisciplinary group of designers and historians and sociologists of
science, who with the other participants will explore, formulate, shape
and debate the possibilities and dangers of experimental objects:

· Gail Davies (Geography, University College London)

· Dieter Daniels (Academy of Visual Arts (HGB), Leipzig)

· Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino (!, London)

· Daria Loi (Intel Corporation, USA)

· Ilana Lowy (Centre de Recherche Medicine, Science Santé et
Societé, CNRS, Paris)

· John Pickstone (CHSTM, University of Manchester)

· Hans-Jorg Rheinberger (Max Planck Institute for the History of
Science, Berlin)

· Bruno Strasser (History, Yale University)

· Lucy Suchman (Sociology, Lancaster University)

· Stuart Walker (Design, Lancaster University)


The workshop will start at lunchtime on 18 February, and end at 17.00 on
19 February.

*Storey Creative Industries Centre *

Admittance to the workshop is by registration only, as space is limited.

The workshop is free to attend for Lancaster University staff and for
full-time students. For others the fees are as follows:

· First (half) day including lunch (18 February): £20

· Second day including lunch (19 February): £25

· Both days (18 and 19 February): £40

Optional evening meal (self pay) in Lancaster on 18 February.

For suggestions for nearby overnight accommodation, see .

To register, please copy and paste the below information into an email,
fill in your details and send to Anne-Marie Mumford


   Affiliation & status (staff/student etc):

   Email address:

   Days attending: 18/19/both days

   Dinner on 18 (self-pay): Yes/No

   Special Requirements (eg access, dietary):

For further event details, go to:

PERIMENTALITY*/Experimentality/* is the 2009-2010 Annual Research
Programme of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Lancaster University,
and consists of a linked series of workshops and arts events, and a
final conference.  It is being delivered in collaboration with the
School of Arts, Histories and Cultures, University of Manchester; the
ESRC Centre for the Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics, Lancaster
University; FutureEverything; the Centre for the History of Science,
Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester; the Max Planck
Institute for the History of Science, Berlin; the AHRC Research Centre
for Studies of Surrealism and its Legacies, University of Manchester;
The Centre for Mobilities Research, Lancaster University; The Nuffield
Theatre, Lancaster; The Lancaster International Concert Series; The
Peter Scott Gallery, Lancaster; Storey Gallery, Lancaster; Lancaster
Literature Festival; and CUBE, Manchester.

 For details of the Experimentality programme, including
interdisciplinary workshops, arts events and the final conference, go to

Dr Monika Buscher
Part I Director
Co-Director Mobilities Lab
Department of Sociology
B14, Bowland North

[IxDA Discuss] looking for research on using pictures of people or help.

2010-01-31 Thread Mohammed Mansoor

I'm looking for a research published on the web recently that says
using pictures of people or faces on website does not have an effect
on its users. Users find Websites having pictures to be no different
to websites without them.

Please help me find it. Just to further clarify this is not the
research done with eye tracking where they find the best way to use
pictures of people.

It would be of great value if you could also give your collective
experiences or links to supporting research on this. I'm trying to
convince my client that regular articles and supporting pictures
matter more for an intranet than stale faces on static parts of the
intranet website like header.

Thanks in advance

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[IxDA Discuss] Well designed e-government web forms -- examples from different countries

2010-01-31 Thread Miriam L. Gerver
Hi all,

I am doing a presentation at a conference this year on e-government
web forms, and would like to include examples of well-designed forms
from different countries. I have some examples, but could use a few

Do any of you have screen shots of e-gov web forms that demonstrate
any of the following? Or might you be able to give me access to any
such surveys so that I can take my own screen shots?

--good login instructions or ways to ease login
--good way of asking for a reference period
--pages that fit a lot in, yet look uncluttered
--easily available help (and contact information) that does not get in
the way for expert users
--well-formatted instructions
--text boxes that match expected response length
--section to section navigation for complex surveys
--good placement of "back" and "next" buttons
--good handling and displaying of conditional branching (i.e., skip patterns)
--good and innovative inline validations, calculations, or additions,
that, ideally, allow users to override any automatically inserted
--good placement of error messages
--general progress indicators (i.e., not for every question, just for
general stages of form completion)
--good review screen/error summary
--comprehensive submission confirmation and thank you screen

I would obviously give appropriate credit to whatever I include.

Thank you,
Miriam Gerver

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] History of the undo command FYI

2010-01-31 Thread John Charles Thoms
I'm amazed that someone was willing and able to track down a
reference from pre-web days.  :)   I think the reporter said the
TITLE was drab, not the ARTICLE.  However, language changes so what
seems "drab" today was necessarily (?) academic at the time.  If
only I could retitle it now

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Cooper's reprise to the Insurgency of Quality (this time to developers)

2010-01-31 Thread ScottL
Hi Dave

Do you have the links to the talks by Bill Buxton where he talks
about this as I would be very interested in listening to them too.

And a comment, as the work by Donald Schon about reflective
practitioners stands out as being more applicable to both disciplines
even more. As software developers and interaction designers must take
on the right responsibilities for learning how to work in these teams

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Why The Apple iPad Will Disappoint (The Obama Effect)

2010-01-31 Thread yulius
I think iPad will change or shift computers line up. Desktop computers
slowly will disappear from our desk, it moved to a remote place and
become server... and we starting to use laptop as workstation, while
iPad will replace the role of laptop today. iPad is a perfect mobile
computing device to replace laptop role, because it's simpler and
easier to cary and use than a laptop.

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[IxDA Discuss] Sorting buttons... left-to-right, top-to-bottom

2010-01-31 Thread joe
Thought I'd get a few good opinions here on the matter...

Which would you consider more effective for a user? I thought there
was a natural choice, but it seems I've received differing thoughts,
so I figured I'd put it out to the group.


My thought was to go with #2 as these are *lists* of items, but
proponents of #1 seem to go with 'users read left-to-right'.

What do you think?

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[IxDA Discuss] TV production room interaction design?

2010-01-31 Thread steve
Hi Guys,

I'm wondering of anyone has any experienced with designing
interfaces for tv production room monitor-wall / multiviewer

I'm working on an interface for one at the moment which is made up
of a number of user selected objects such as video tiles, audio
meters, text displays, clocks and timers (all standard TV production
tools) and just wondered if anyone has any experience designing for
this kind of environment that they could share?

Factors that have come up so far in discussions are legibility of
displays, font face and size, colour schemes and contrast ratios... 

any advice or discussion is warmly welcomed,



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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Mac apps for a recent convert ...

2010-01-31 Thread Paul
Acme Holiday Cottages
The firm Acme Holiday Cottages manage the lettings of holiday
cottages. They started in a small way in a popular resort in a
national park, but over the years they have developed the business to
cover the whole region.

The business is managed from an office in Felltown where the two
partners and a team of largely part time assistants answer telephone
calls and email enquiries. The company has a web site but it only
advertises the services provided and does not give up to date
information about the accommodation available nor does it provide any
facility for booking cottages. Customers are invited to telephone or
email for more information.

A card index is held of every person that has made an enquiry, and
the same cards record details of any bookings made. Enquiries from
customers fall into three categories:
%u2022 a request for the current catalogue;
%u2022 a request to book a cottage for a particular date / area;
%u2022 a request to book a particular property.
The firm responds by:
%u2022 sending a copy of the latest catalogue;
%u2022 sending a list of suitable cottages;
%u2022 sending a booking confirmation and invoice.
The firm already has a Sage accounting system and does not want the
new system to deal with chasing and recording payments, though the
system should send copies of any invoices to the accounting system.
The firm runs a recommendation scheme. If an existing customer
recommends a new customer, both customers are entered into a
quarterly draw for a free holiday. Details of the recommending
customer are shown on the new customer%u2019s booking form.
Owners wishing to have their property managed submit details to the
firm. A report on the property is obtained from an estate agency in
the area the property is located. When the report is received it is
given a reference number and brief details entered in the Surveys
Book. The report is considered by one of the partners and a decision
%u2022 Whether to accept or reject the property;
%u2022 the price category (A to E) for the property.
When these decisions have been taken, the owner is notified of the
result and a record card created for the property. (A further report
on the property could be called for if there is a major change in the
When a booking is made, a letter is sent to both customer and owner
confirming the booking and details are entered into the bookings
sheet for that property. 

A new catalogue is produced by the partners in December each year and
a copy is sent to all existing customers. A copy is also sent to
customers (new or existing) who request one. In the past properties
added during the year were included in quarterly supplements. the
partners want the new system to be able to print out an up to date
brochure at any time.


Draw a dialog structure diagram. [5 marks]
(b) Draw a wire frame (or series of wire frames) based on the
structure diagram. 
(c) Write a brief justification ( approx 300 words) of your design. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Future of IxD student???

2010-01-31 Thread Ali Mohamed
Hi Ali,
I think the IxDesigner will get more responsibility to be a creator
not just adjusting usability. The more knowledge you have the more
opportunity you will get. Creativity will be more appreciated in this
profession and even more knowledge about globalization. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Driving users to register...

2010-01-31 Thread Marc B .
Graham, thanks for the feedback and the links... to answer your

1. The login could build a sense of community, yes.
2. Yes, the details will be used for marketing purposes.
3. The motivation will be "premium" content, such as a customized
desktop widget.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Apple Content vs. the rest of the world (was iPad.

2010-01-31 Thread Jodi Henderson

On Jan 30, 2010, at 3:53 PM, Neil Cadsawan wrote:

The larger issue at hand is the way the iPad handles files in general.
It seems there's no way for files to be shared from app to app
without the need to connect to a network file server.

Your point is fine, but it wasn't the point I was making.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Future of IxD student???

2010-01-31 Thread dave malouf
I think you have a design problem. So the first thing you need to do
is reduce. You are aiming too broadly and looking for a simple answer
in an ever complex world.

First, what do you want to be when you grow up? I ask this to all my
students when they are asking me work related questions. Don't worry
about titles? Describe it in terms of activities. What do you like?
What excites you? What motivates you? This can be content, tools,
problem types, contexts, geography, political/social involvement,

Once you narrow that down, THEN you can ask, what skills do I need
other than generic design skills to conquer THAT role. Again, forget
titles and other semantics.

But the main thing is to not to aim yourself at everything at once.
you'll just end up being good for no one and end up settling. It's
the student with focus, passion and drive towards a bulls-eye that I
find does much better in early success.

oh! and learn to sketch. it never hurts to learn to sketch. ;-)

-- dave

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[IxDA Discuss] Future of IxD student???

2010-01-31 Thread Ali Dehghanpour
Hi, I'm Studying IxD.
For this summer I'm looking for Internship around the world in
different companies in different field from Google and Microsoft to
small interactive art and media companies. I realized that the role
of interaction designers may differ very widely regarding the focus
of the companies.. form user interface designer to researcher and
finally to interactive artist. I'm really confused about the my own
future..because in order to get to any of these jobs(for future) one
must learn lots of different tools, approaches, methods.( please
correct me if I'm wrong). Now I have around 1.5 years of my Study in
front of me, I'm wondering what would be the role of an Interaction
designer in market and how can I use this 1.5 year to improve my
skills and what kind of skills would be required? and the most
important thing of all is that " what is the definition of
IxDesigner now and in 1.5 years?

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