Re: [IxDA Discuss] Search against a large, rapidly changing data set?

2009-11-04 Thread Jake Trimble
I think Tom and I share the same thought on this. Have you ever used
MS Outlook 2007's Search? It will return results to you while it
still is searching through your thousands of messages. A UI with a
subroutine that would be constantly searching and updating the
results (or at least letting the user know there are new results)
would be useful in this instance.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] New Redesign! Looking for feedback!

2009-10-20 Thread Jake Trimble
I won't make it long...the site in my opinion is awesome! Not only is
it well designed it is extremely useful. The content is well placed
and robust. I have no wife or kids, but I am going to recommend it to
people that do. In an era where print is dying, this website is going
to go a long way in saving the FamilyFun magazine brand name. I feel
like the user research went a long way and the content is targeted
wonderfully. I would say it's a seasonal website that keeps
in-line with the magazine...which I think is brilliant for many

I have one gripe and one suggestion. The gripe is that for a Disney
site, the accessibility seems to be a little low. The suggestion
would be to do reassess your Share functionality. Not only do you
have to step through to another page to Share, but the only way to
Share is through copy and paste. If possible, I would suggest
expanding the avenues in which a user can Share your content and
also take away the redirection to another page to do so.

Great site on the whole wrt User Experience.

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[IxDA Discuss] An argument for curriculum?

2009-10-14 Thread Jake Trimble
Did anyone else listen to the recent discussion/argument between Don
Norman and Peter Merholz?

I think Don and Peter were both right. Don seemed to be arguing from
the customer client point of view. Meaning that using the word,
Investment is not suitable when trying to persuade clients of the
need for a better design process. Peter on the other hand seemed to be
arguing for how it is plausible to use the term ROI when persuading
management in-house to increase the design budget.

An interesting take away for me was the sidebar discussion about
designers also needing to understand the management language. This
issue is often raised and seems to be at the forefront of many design
discussions, that is, how to implement better design within your
organization, or on another level, how to evangelize better design to
clients and in-house management. In the discussion they talk about the
need for designers to be managed (by MBA's in particular) in order for
designers to be able to prosper and produce, which I fully agree with
and I also agree that a certain level of understanding the management
language is necessary for designers so they can grow and be better at
their profession. But my take away from that part of their discussion
is a question:

Why doesn't there seem to be (at least to me) a greater focus on
implementing the understanding of the design process and the great
need for it into a Business Management curriculum? Why must we
pressure the designers themselves to make management understand?
Wouldn’t it be a better process if the designers only focused on
creating products who’s ROI was self evident, and management had
already been taught that better design would lead to greater ROI and
that proving that to a client is their job?
One of the programs I work on is a grass roots effort to produce more
American born Naval, Ocean, and Marine Engineers. The program focuses
on implementing curriculum at the K-12 level so that students will not
only be exposed to the subject earlier, but that they will understand
engineering processes much earlier and have that instilled in their
thought process as they move forward in whatever career path they may

I’m not saying that we should implement design curriculum at the K-12
level, but my point is that like the program I work on, implementing a
design curriculum at earlier stages and integrating it with broader
subject matters instead of “grandfathering it in”, might be a design
strategy that we could all benefit from in the future.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Critique:

2009-10-07 Thread Jake Trimble
Um...Is this a service or an advertisement? Way too busy for my taste.
Cool idea but chill with the Google Ads please. For instance on my
screen resolution (1280x1024) there were three separate Google Ad
spaces on the left, center, and right before I even began to scroll
and there are 6 total blocks of ads on the homepage alone. I
don't know if there is a study, but I would have to assume that you
can make a lot more money from ad impressions by lessening the amount
of blocks you have on each page. I assume this because most users
see too many ads as a ploy and may not use your site. Whereas less
ads means more pages the user will click through on your site, thus
giving you the number of impressions you want and then some.

I agree with the other comments. I find that users want to explore
and learn themselves instead of reading about the why's and what's.
Having a way too tiny link to Start a list at the very top of the
page is a very bad decision.

Starting a list:
Don't be so intrusive. Let the user create their list and then if
they want to save it tell them they have to join. Having a notice
every several list additions is a way of saying to someone, hey
don't keep going cause your going to have to give us your email
address and sign up. If you let them finish a list then they are
vested in it and a higher percentage will want to join so that they
can save, share, export (what have you) the list that they worked so
diligently on.

All that being said the idea is awesome and I look forward to seeing

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Microsoft Courier ...

2009-09-24 Thread Jake Trimble
Not the end of the world (because it is just a prototype), but why
didn't they include email as one of the apps? The video was so
geared towards doing business, yet they exclude that from the
demo. In my world doing business means having email anytime
anywhere and with instant synchronization like my Blackberry. Note
taking from emails would be just as important for me. That being
said, I really like the concept and interaction and look forward to
seeing more.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Designers, Build your iPhone Apps with Corona

2009-08-21 Thread Jake Trimble
Because you have to explicitly state sarcasm w/ emoticons and junk
:- P :-O.

There is a great need for sarcasm font :)

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Q: Persistent header bar from FB and LinkedIn

2009-07-31 Thread Jake Trimble
Josh is spot on. One of the most important reasons I think FB uses the
frames is to reduce bounce rate and increase visitor loyalty. This
is an old technique that has been used since...I would say the very

The code could look like anything (javascript most likely, but I've
done it in C#, VB and JS). The page itself examines the url from the
query string parameter that was passed to it from another page (i.e.
you wall) and then it sets the bottom iframe's url to that
parameter. Obviously this is the simplest example.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] How could I deal with my ex-employer for not releasing the design work I\'d done?

2009-07-20 Thread Jake Trimble
If it was me I would contact a personal friend at the company and ask
for a favor. Hopefully you have made a couple of trusted
connections with people where you used to work.

However, that would be my last resort. You have to understand that
management doesn't always see the forest through the trees. You
should eloquently exhaust all avenues before you go behind their
back. Have you tried HR? You need to explain in your messages that
you don't want material that would allow you to replicate, thus
allowing you to compete against them. I mean we're talking screen
shots here right?

I would concur w/ everyone that this may end up being a tough lesson:
Always back-up your work locally.

And as far as the friend approach, if possible don't correspond
via your former employer's email address. If you have to, keep it
simple and ask them to call you.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer
and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Jake Trimble

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] How could I deal with my ex-employer for not releasing the design work I\'d done?

2009-07-20 Thread Jake Trimble
I said HR because of the need to see the employee contract regarding
the ownership of work. So Anne is right, DO NOT beg any questions
about getting your work back to HR. Just request the employee
contract(s) from them...if it comes to that.

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[IxDA Discuss] The Save Icon rut

2009-03-19 Thread Jake Trimble
Has anyone seen any attempts to replace the standard floppy disk Save
icon? Seeing as most people haven't touched a 3.5 floppy in a decade,
is anyone addressing this archaic icon and how we can replace the
current mental model associated with it?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Aren't we just a little important to democracy?

2009-02-09 Thread Jake Trimble
To Andrei Herasimchuk,
Your rhetoric is infuriating. What was the point of trying to tear
apart my response? Because you thought I was republican? Well I'm
not and I have to say your post was absolutely useless, meaning that
it contributed nothing. Not to mention every point that you were
trying to make against mine was an assumption.

This is a discussion board not a bashing board.

Oh and...

Given how FAST the site was turned around from the
moment Obaba was elected and flipped to on the day Obama started
(approx 2 months), I think its safe to say the team responsible for is not part of the problem.

Please, that site was redesigned and tested well over 2 months ago.


Upon looking at this specific form closer, it seems this was done

You're telling me they purposefully created a problem for the user
when submitting their form? Come on. 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Aren't we just a little important to democracy?

2009-01-27 Thread Jake Trimble
The page is completely coded wrong...period. I
ran multiple tests on it such as going to the text area first and
hitting enter/return and the navigating to a text field and hitting
enter/return, the form then submitted without any validation of form
elements. But when I went to a text field first and hit enter/return
it gave me the validation errors. It is a simple coding error
( form control) that can have huge negative impacts.

I have been working on government websites both internal and external
for almost 8 years and while there is a huge push towards UX
implementation into these applications, the transition is slow.

One word, bureaucracy. Whether it's government employees tired
of seeing their positions lost to contractors or contractors trying
to keep their contracts, tall, thick walls have been erected and the
result of which is filtered collaboration. Meaning that if I give you
AB for example, you may only push through A and part of B,
while completing B on your own terms thus giving you worth as the
process moves forward. It is my opinion that this will never change.

The good news is that there are LOTS of people/companies working on
the implementation of UX and other such methods into the government,
but the slow factor is here to stay.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Microsoft Surface and Windows 7

2009-01-26 Thread Jake Trimble
Thank you to everyone for your input. I have really enjoyed reading
feedback and link suggestions. I look forward to the evolution of
this design process and I applaud those who are working towards
defining best practices for all to learn from and add to.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] URL Guidelines

2009-01-26 Thread Jake Trimble
I like periods ( or But if you choose to use
dashes, keep it consistent.


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[IxDA Discuss] Microsoft Surface and Windows 7

2009-01-07 Thread Jake Trimble
I was just wondering what people thought about the new Microsoft
Surface. Has anyone had a chance to demo it or play with the SDK?
Also, any thoughts on how interaction design will be impacted with MS
Surface technology being used with Windows 7 (due out late 09 early
10)? What preemptive measures can we take to deal with the shift in
how a user interacts (touch screen vs mouse) with applications on
there desktop pc or laptop?


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Microsoft Surface and Windows 7

2009-01-07 Thread Jake Trimble
Thanks for your input Steve, but I think you are mistaken about the
Windows 7 touch capabilities.

Also, this will immediately go beyond 'interactive notice boards'
(well suited for use in information kiosks) as you said.
Restaurants, game centers, etc...the sky is the limit. I have seen
the SDK in action and it is very easy to code with. Any
semi-experienced designer can create applications with ease. Thus
making the Surface's uses boundless.

BTW...Dan, Thank you so much for your post! That was the type of
response I was trying to incite. I would love to see your paper if
you ever are able to write it.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Forms - selecting a country

2008-12-30 Thread Jake Trimble
Using a user's IP address to tell you where they are is NOT a good
idea. The proxy will fool you too often.

For accessibility and language issues I would use a graphical map
approach just like Jack suggested. This way even if the language is
different, the user still knows where their country is on a map and
will be able to select it.

You can tie into Google's API...this is an old file I found
(, but you can see how
you can use the coordinates to create polygons to outline countries.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] determining reasons for user dropout

2008-12-18 Thread Jake Trimble
If your site is configured for it, look at their activity before they
dropped off. You can also compare their actions to other active

You should be able to determine quite a bit about why a user might
have stopped visiting your site from their action history.

To understand the why, you need to already know the what, when, and
where. This means configuring your application to track clicks, and
other actions that will help determine a whole plethora of why's.

I also agree with Jared and Diana. You should use this method
especially if you have no action history configured in your

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Public Transportation Experiences

2008-12-05 Thread Jake Trimble

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Google by default

2008-12-03 Thread Jake Trimble
hmm...sorry about that I guess it stripped some stuff from my
suggestions. Let me try it this way.

Number 1 should have read:

Site (plus) Term = Perfection

Just wanted to clear that up :)

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] How to cue people for drag and drop

2008-12-03 Thread Jake Trimble
Dragging and dropping can be tricky. Users screen size and res can
have a huge impact. Also, you don't know how many times I have heard
people say, Sorry, I'm not used to mouse pads.

Anyway, my suggestion would be to create a drop-down column that
would allow users to add a row to a target. You could also add this
feature in concert with drag and drop and see which one gets used

For a solution to your drag and drop...From your description I would
suggest that your css invokes an arrowed cross-hair cursor and
when it scrolls over an editable area it changes back. Make sure the
cells have enough padding to allow the user to notice the change in

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Google by default

2008-12-02 Thread Jake Trimble
First off, the examples given above are mostly cases where people
don't have a domain. Maybe they don't want to go through the whole
rigmarole of creating a website just for the purposes of showing a
trailer. In the first and second examples, after actually searching
Google for the content, I found that those advertisements had no DNS
specific name for their content. Rather they were relying on several
sites (i.e. youtube, aol, flickr, myspace, facebook) to display their
content for them.

Secondly, Morten, I agree with you about the domain industry cooling
down. Today more and more we see users relying on big name domains to
supply the space for their content (i.e. Online stores, pics, videos,
etc). We can also see websites (Mark's example: Craigslist) lack of
willingness to expand certain search capabilities because they know
that Google or some other search engine will or already does do it
for them. Unfortunately this practice, in my opinion, is ultimately
bad for users. If we continue to rely on monster search engines to
aggregate our wants and needs, the highest bidding advertiser will
dictate those wants and needs to us.

Lastly, a name for the behavior. One may already exist, but I have
not found or heard of it. If I can be so bold I would like to submit
my own suggestions...

1. Site   Term = Perfection (STEP). For example, you could have a
G-STEP (i.e. Google   Wikipedia   Rome = Perfection)  and a
Y-STEP. Have you G-STEPped it yet? No, but I have been

2. Advertisement Sponsored Redirect (ASR)

3. Or my favorite...Searching...okay not original, but if you
don't want to complicate the term of the behavior that's what I
would go with :)

2cents from Jake

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Any thoughts on placement of company contact information?

2008-11-19 Thread Jake Trimble
I agree with Katie's comments. Especially for companies who may not
have a wealth of contact options.

In cases where creating a contact page might not be founded, ensure
that ALL the other pages have the contact information on it (standard
header/footer), don't just rely on the homepage for contact

For instances as such I usually try to break up the contact
information (some on top and some on bottom).

I usually put the phone on top and an email address (if needed) in
clear text. Meaning not just a hyperlink saying contact us, but

The bottom of the page is where it is easy to put an address and
other archaic forms of communication such as fax (come on people
it's still good and useful technology). One recommendation I would
have for the address is to make sure that it is highlight-able so
that users can utilize their widgets. Unless of course the site is
partnered with someone and they want to display their own map on the
site. But in your situation this doesn't seem to be the case.

One easy example is Dell's site. Of course they have layers of
communication avenues but when you hit the site, you instantly have a
contact number.

Just remember...If you aren't going to have a contact page, ensure
that the contact information (wherever you put it) is 1) easily
noticed and 2) redundant throughout the site.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Dialog Position

2008-11-17 Thread Jake Trimble
I agree with Danny (Option B). Facebook is a good example.

Also not having a some sort of dialog as Sasha suggests can be
confusing for users that are either expecting one or don't notice
the change in options. The more important the confirmation of a
deletion is the more the confirmation should be at the user's center
of attention. Consider a modal dialog with a opacity filter on the
main screen behind it to ensure the user's maximum attention.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] perceived problems with personas

2008-11-17 Thread Jake Trimble
Liz finishes this precisely...

And it's essential to remember that no design process stops with

And Will's stance in my opinion is spot on in suggesting that
personas are essential when you are...sorry for the quote..going to
the mattresses :)

Personas are to me the foundation of a building. A building in which
the lobby and the second floor are almost never the same.

In the same way that Mike scrutinizes personas so can one question
only focusing on the bits and pieces as he puts it. Bits and
pieces are exactly that. They are meant to form a whole. It is our
job to put those pieces together. Personas become even more important
when the data sets themselves are not representative to the whole

It is important to understand that it is not a fictional
character. You are building a real base, a solid foundation that
will propel your workflow from start to finish.

- 2cents from Jake

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Dialog Position

2008-11-17 Thread Jake Trimble
Looks great! Thanks for the Thanks :)


On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 2:15 PM, Maxim Soloviev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you all for answers, I'll go with option B.

 Here is how it looks right now, I position it on the left of delete
 icon and use overlay to attract user attention.

 Thanks again, you guys are awesome :)
 Maxim Soloviev
 Director of Product Development

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Why are password fields asterisked on join-up forms?

2008-10-06 Thread Jake Trimble
So sorry for the delayed response. Your tech guys are exactly right
that no encryption occurs with an input set to type='password'.
Only the type of connection (i.e. SSL) can encrypt that data. That's
what I meant by way beyond. I also was referring to the
physiology behind an asterisked field and how users respond to it.
Meaning that most users have absolutely no clue about how encryption
works, but the secure feeling that an asterisked field gives them
makes them think they do. 

Think about viewing a distasteful email on line in your office. Of
course no one is around to see that email, but you still have that
feeling in the back of your mind that someone could burst in your
office and you wouldn't be able to minimize in time. Well what if
all that information was asterisked but only you could understand it?
Not possible I know, but hopefully you get the idea. It's about
giving the user a sense of security, however false it may be.

Ok, multiple input. You gave the example of multiple input for
emails. Have you ever noticed that when signing up for most sites you
are almost never asked to input your Desired User Name twice? This
is because when it comes to data validation programmers could care
less about that because the user can retrieve it by entering their
email address. That is why it is more important to validate the email
address. As far as a power user, you would assume that by virtue
of their status they would have copied the correct email. Now if you
aren't creating a user name I personally feel that the duplicate
input of an email is useless. I also feel that many developers just
add in the extra field because they have seen it done so many other
places that it just makes sense to incorporate a standard that users
are accustom to.

All in all it is my opinion that password fields should always be
masked and validated by a duplicate entry. It's about making a
statement to the user. As far as duplicate email and other types of
clear text, it totally depends on the user environment and the way in
which you harvest data.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Usability lab...

2008-09-02 Thread Jake Trimble

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Web interactions and the old brain

2008-08-06 Thread Jake Trimble
Nicely put Santiago!

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Web interactions and the old brain

2008-08-04 Thread Jake Trimble
I find it quite contrite that someone would assume that we have
all trained our brains to see beyond advertisements and put them in
our peripheral vision. I think that the reaction to
advertisements is totally dependent on the user as well as how they
identify one.

That being said I do agree that over time a large amount of users
have adapted to the web we live in and that adaptation has
inexplicably led to us relying on our old brain psychology in a
new environment. Thus the tiger.

Here is a not so new article but definitely worth reading:


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Cuil

2008-07-28 Thread Jake Trimble
Needs a lot of work (image display prefs, spell check, column prefs,
etc). Might work though. Site is running slow and quirky.

I agree with Andri that scan ability might be an issue when trying to
reach users already accustomed to the single column display. Again,
easy fix with added preferences.

Andy, it makes the ad placement tricker. Not necessarily. For
instance, preferential websites would now be somewhat masked to the
searcher, thus resulting in more clicks. Where Google exuberantly
exclaims a preferential website with different colors and directly
above the search results.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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