Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD in government

2008-10-14 Thread William Brall
Ironically,  we over at are putting a greater focus on UX, if
taking a non-optimal approach.

They know they need better usability but they are weary about where
to get it. Tomorrow, I will be giving a demo/presentation on IxD in
specific to our parent company. I'll be doing the classic ATM
example design as a way to show them the power of IxD.

I'm also going to preface that demo with a presentation about where
IxD should fit into the plan and why. Using House/Sky Scraper
construction as a metaphor. IE, That you can get away with not having
a dedicated architect or any at all and still have a working house. It
would be better with an architect but it still would work. Meanwhile,
you can't build a sky scraper without an architect, without a team
of them, or it will fail at best and fall down at worst.

The Developers are the builders, masons, carpenters, and
electricians. The graphic designers are the interior decorators, and
landscapers. But the missing piece in most software is the IxD, who
is the architect.

I'll also delve into the difference between Goals and Tasks/Features
some as well.

Anyway, If you, Matt, would like to talk to me more about what we are
attempting to do, I'd be glad to. But I'll be a lot more free to
talk details sometime next year. 

That said, we ARE looking for a UI designer. He would be making
buttons and creating JS widgets, not an IxD. But if that job were
filled with someone who was prepared to advocate IxD... Just Imagine.

I can get details for anyone interested in that.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD in government

2008-10-14 Thread Matthew Loff
>From my experience in the defense industry:

The relative newness of IxD really works against the recruiting
efforts in defense. There's rarely a top-down focus on usability
from government and corporate leadership, so positions rarely target
those skill sets specifically. 

I've found that the best way to introduce IxD into defense projects
is through grassroots-style effort (further validating Dan's point).
The engineers have to want good UX badly enough to focus energy on it
while also trying to meet fairly strict capability deadlines. 

Ask a project lead in the defense industry which is more important--
great UX or more capabilities-- and you'll get the latter as your
answer at least 95% of the time. Unfortunately, when it comes time to
deliver, you'll hear plenty of criticism about usability if you
haven't put anything into it.

However, there is certainly (in my experience) a silver lining. Focus
energy on UX, and it WILL be noticed. The government folks paid for
the software, have to use the software, and do appreciate attention
to detail (although its never asked for ahead of time). 

These types of pleasantly-surprised responses from our clients are
the most rewarding part of being in the industry, and what Jack said
absolutely rings true: it sets you apart.

On that note-- if anyone knows of efforts within DoD or the IC to
place more emphasis on UX/IxD, I'm tremendously interested to hear
from them.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD in government

2008-10-13 Thread William Brall
I hear what you guys are saying. NASA is somewhat of a duality. When
it comes to real science, they have the best in the world at their
disposal. Unfortunately, when you are a web developer for something
like Code 300 at Goddard, you spend all your time making databases
and static websites.

True, that those databases are there for have massive potential, but
they look at you like you're crazy when you suggest how to unlock
that potential.

Doesn't help when the civil servant in charge of your team didn't
know what PHP was when he first came to the team and thinks static
websites are all the web is good for.

Where I am now, at, because if its PR focus and the group of
people involved, along with their specific needs, has created a much
better climate for change.

NASA having bad websites is like when schools that teach web related
courses have bad websites.

Have you seen ?


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD in government

2008-10-12 Thread dnp607

Hi William,

I work as a contractor at NASA and have also spent some years on DHS  
projects in the past. As far as I know, it's quite rare to find  
positions marked with this specific career goal.

At NASA it's not titled "Interaction Design" per se, rather, Human  
Factors. NASA has done a tremendous amount of work researching how  
humans interact with machines since it's inception as an organization  
- and since the digital age (which they helped to create) has  
overtaken analog, I would agree they are behind industry, but not  
behind the curve. They employ many traditional methods of IxD and I  
if given the right financial climate, are poised to have a  
renaissance in this area. Much of Human Factors has been based in the  
psychology study area, but more and more we are impressing the bigger  
picture of interaction.

For instance, in the arenas of FAA, Aeronautics and Space,  
prototyping and critique of inherently complex software interfaces  
has become a huge time saver. That need has pulled IxD along for the  
ride. The need to visualize before deployment has researchers asking  
an important question: "Can this [software/hardware] look and  
function more effectively?" and "Who knows how to do that?".. San  
Jose State, CMU and others have been offering programs that work with  
NASA for some time.

That said, I honestly don't know of anyone else at NASA or DHS doing  
IxD directly. Industrial Design, Graphic Design, Web Design and the  
like - yes... IxD, no. It's a little lonely at times, but exciting in  
terms of the huge possibility for improvement.

I'd be happy to talk about starting a grass roots effort in this area  
and even creating a proposal. In all honestly, the financial and  
changing political climate makes this a bad time to pitch ideas. Not  
a bad idea to get *ready* to pitch ideas and prepare for a new  
administration though. In my admittedly limited estimation, such an  
effort would require a big commitment, perhaps even a big sacrifice  
to achieve. On the other hand, my parents always told me to be  
careful what I asked for... NASA has been an amazing experience, and  
I've been pleased at the level of progress made in my group(s). In  
this case, your tax dollars are going to a worthy task. :)



Dan Peknik, Industrial/Interaction Design
NASA Ames Research Center * Bay Area, California

On Oct 10, 2008, at 11:42 AM, William Brall wrote:

Howdy everyone,

I've spent my career working through various government agencies -  
NASA, DOD - and one of the most nerve-racking aspects of software  
development in here is how far they lag behind the curve. It is to  
the point where almost all of the people I interact with haven't  
the slightest inkling of what IxD is. Sometimes they don't even ask  
the bad questions like, "Do you mean designing button graphics and  
such?" Software, especially web software in the government sector  
is so remarkably bad that they actually have internal marketing  
campaigns inside an organization to promote new sub-sections of  
their vast web-presences.

Recently, I attended the AUSA conference to help promote  
and the army CMS CORE, and almost everyone who came to our booth  
assumed we were AKO (Army Knowledge Online) which is the Army's  

My question here is two-fold. Are there any other IxDs who work in  
government, as IxDs or stubbornly supporting IxD while under other  
titles, and if there are, what are your thoughts on how to help the  
government at large to embrace IxD?

Perhaps if we can band together, in-government-IxDs and out, we can  
effect some change. Or perhaps my own time working for the  
government (as a contractor) has been unique. I hope it has been, I  
fear it has not.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD in government

2008-10-10 Thread J. Scot Angus

William -

I hear ya. As a designer who cares deeply about experiences, I too  
sought to effect the change you speak of (in fact, for the last 15  
years)... but gave up this past Feb. Glad to hear you're still willing  
to carry the torch because someone needs to carry it.

I can tell you this... SAIC (my old company) has a contract with an  
organization in the Camp Springs / Andrews AFB area of Maryland...  
they're trying to hire an information architect, but the job  
description reads like it was written by someone who isn't as plugged  
into the topic as a candidate would hope. I might consider it as a  
stepping stone to a real job, but... I moved to california back in  

I would start an inter-office, inter-company, inter-agency online  
community (welcoming anyone involved with software development) that's  
purpose is to foster knowledge-sharing. You might even be able to do  
it using DKO - in fact, I'd recommend that as a means to legitimize  
and advertise.  In fact, there might be such a group already.

Best of luck.

On Oct 10, 2008, at 11:42 AM, William Brall wrote:

Howdy everyone,

I've spent my career working through various government agencies -  
NASA, DOD - and one of the most nerve-racking aspects of software  
development in here is how far they lag behind the curve. It is to the  
point where almost all of the people I interact with haven't the  
slightest inkling of what IxD is. Sometimes they don't even ask the  
bad questions like, "Do you mean designing button graphics and such?"  
Software, especially web software in the government sector is so  
remarkably bad that they actually have internal marketing campaigns  
inside an organization to promote new sub-sections of their vast web- 

Recently, I attended the AUSA conference to help promote and  
the army CMS CORE, and almost everyone who came to our booth assumed  
we were AKO (Army Knowledge Online) which is the Army's Intranet.

My question here is two-fold. Are there any other IxDs who work in  
government, as IxDs or stubbornly supporting IxD while under other  
titles, and if there are, what are your thoughts on how to help the  
government at large to embrace IxD?

Perhaps if we can band together, in-government-IxDs and out, we can  
effect some change. Or perhaps my own time working for the government  
(as a contractor) has been unique. I hope it has been, I fear it has  


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD in government

2008-10-10 Thread William Brall

You make a really fantastic point. It is perhaps rather like the tree
that breaks the rock. Once it gets its roots into a crack it slowly
breaks open the stone. What lasted a million years is shattered in

I'm in a prime location to lead by example. My co-workers have been
receptive and we'll be doing some IxD, or rather I'll be allowed to
do some, for the CORE upgrade. Perhaps it isn't optimal, but it beats
organic, implementation-model design.

Thanks a bunch. :)


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD in government

2008-10-10 Thread Jack Moffett

On Oct 10, 2008, at 2:42 PM, William Brall wrote:

Are there any other IxDs who work in government, as IxDs or  
stubbornly supporting IxD while under other titles, and if there  
are, what are your thoughts on how to help the government at large  
to embrace IxD?


My company does a lot of government contract work. I've been working  
with Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal (JEOD) for eight years. I've  
also worked with the Navy's FA-18 program, Maritime Intercept  
Operations, and others. My company's approach to this work is that IxD  
is part of the process and my involvement is what distinguishes our  
work from our competitors.

You're right, most people don't know what an Interaction Designer  
does, but the military does care about Human-Systems Integration  
(HSI). They can be quite rigorous about performing field trials and  
collecting feedback from the warfighters. I can't speak to affecting  
the government "at large", but I do know that by doing good work, I  
make an impression on those that we work with. After working with me,  
they have some understanding of the value that Interaction Design  
brings to the table. Now, that doesn't always mean they are converted— 
I occasionally get the feeling they feel threatened by somebody who is  
competent—but, overall, my company maintains long-term relationships  
and a degree of respect.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I don't try to make the government  
see the light. I lead by example, educate when given the opportunity,  
and always strive to make the best impression I can. I would say the  
root of your observation is just that there are very few IxDers  
working for government contractors.


Jack L. Moffett
Interaction Designer
412.459.0310 x219

Simplicity is not the goal.
It is the by-product of a good idea
and modest expectations.

- Paul Rand

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[IxDA Discuss] IxD in government

2008-10-10 Thread William Brall
Howdy everyone,

I've spent my career working through various government agencies - NASA, DOD - 
and one of the most nerve-racking aspects of software development in here is 
how far they lag behind the curve. It is to the point where almost all of the 
people I interact with haven't the slightest inkling of what IxD is. Sometimes 
they don't even ask the bad questions like, "Do you mean designing button 
graphics and such?" Software, especially web software in the government sector 
is so remarkably bad that they actually have internal marketing campaigns 
inside an organization to promote new sub-sections of their vast web-presences. 

Recently, I attended the AUSA conference to help promote and the army 
CMS CORE, and almost everyone who came to our booth assumed we were AKO (Army 
Knowledge Online) which is the Army's Intranet.

My question here is two-fold. Are there any other IxDs who work in government, 
as IxDs or stubbornly supporting IxD while under other titles, and if there 
are, what are your thoughts on how to help the government at large to embrace 

Perhaps if we can band together, in-government-IxDs and out, we can effect some 
change. Or perhaps my own time working for the government (as a contractor) has 
been unique. I hope it has been, I fear it has not.


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