Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-05 Thread Mark Young
> I don't find Adobe product o be particularly user friendly,
> but I do find them to be consistent and remarkably efficient

"Remarkably efficient" is very user friendly when the user is a
professional digital content creator.

I think the age of products like Photoshop and Illustrator makes them
seem clunky in some ways - its harder for them to backtrack and take
advantage of new-and-improved interaction ideas.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-05 Thread dave malouf
To be honest, I'm pretty bad at keeping up with long threads like
these. But when I read the question in the subject line, "Can we
make it to[o] easy?" My gut answer is to want to say, "No" for
what I believe to be the same reasons that Andrei is trying to put
out there.

However, I DO believe that there are reasons when "ease" is not the
primary goal of the system. I.e. the clearest example is the addition
of security protocols which are in place often in opposition with
user goals. I think a lot of the discussion so far is attempting to
highlight when user goals and other system goals are in
contradiction. This does happen often and can lead to lack of
"ease" in the system.

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-05 Thread Andrei Herasimchuk

On May 5, 2008, at 12:40 PM, Jared M. Spool wrote:

So, don't get all flustered at me just because these people have  
foolish ideas.

I'm not. Don't worry. We are largely in agreement on this issue, but  
we obviously have different experiences here.

And I also just want to make sure people (not you, just in general)  
don't begin to propagate some myth that products like Photoshop were  
somehow intentionally designed to be complicated when that is about as  
far from the truth as it can get. So my testiness in this thread comes  
from the origins of the discussion, and are not intentionally aimed at  
you. I just want to be emphatically on the record here.

Andrei Herasimchuk

Principal, Involution Studios
innovating the digital world

c. +1 408 306 6422

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-05 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
> I never said these philosophies were (a) popular, (b) showed successful
> long-term results, or (c) I agreed with them. All I said is that I know
> people who had said they thought it was a bad move to reduce complexity
> because it would impact their market share.

I once worked with a CEO of a software company, a leader in its space, that
believed the same thing. Foolish, for sure, but people can be foolish no
matter how smart or successful they are.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-05 Thread Jared M. Spool

On May 5, 2008, at 1:37 PM, Andrei Herasimchuk wrote:

I think you'll be hard pressed to find examples from the last two  
decades, and as you've already stated, it doesn't work.

Hey man, don't get in a lather.

You said that you didn't think *anyone* said those things. I said they  
did. You said you didn't believe me because I didn't cite it. I cited  

I never said these philosophies were (a) popular, (b) showed  
successful long-term results, or (c) I agreed with them. All I said is  
that I know people who had said they thought it was a bad move to  
reduce complexity because it would impact their market share.

I've always been in agreement with you that it was a stupid way for  
them to proceed -- very short sighted and not in the best interest of  
their organization. But people do and say all kinds of crazy things.

So, don't get all flustered at me just because these people have  
foolish ideas.

Hugs & kisses,


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-05 Thread Jared M. Spool

On May 5, 2008, at 2:05 PM, Jason Zietz wrote:

Jared M. Spool wrote:
By the way, a lot of this comes from people who do a surface  
analysis on what makes games popular. In gaming, you can't have it  
be too easy. There is a requirement, for a successful game, for  
select users to have mastery that most users don't. In my  
experience, managers who promote the if-we-make-it-too-easy-we'll- 
erode-our-market philosophy often cite the success of video games  
as a rationale.

I have to strongly disagree with this sentiment.  Look to the  
Nintendo Wii and the recent popularity of casual gaming for examples  
where this notion does not hold.  I have been playing video games  
for an embarrassingly long time and yet my Mom can still give me a  
run for my money when playing Wii Tennis.  That doesn't make it any  
less fun nor does has it made the game unsuccessful.


I'm sure your mom is very good at Wii Tennis. I'm sure she could whoop  
my ass at it. (My confidence in the statement comes from the fact that  
I've been beaten by 60-year-old first time players more than once,  
even though I've been playing for months now.)

In competitive play (person v. person), the challenge comes from  
players who are close. If your mom's skill towers above yours, then  
you won't find it fun to play her (since she whips your ass each time)  
and she won't find it fun to play you (because you provide a wimpy  
challenge). It's only if your skills are close to comparable that  
you'll find long term enjoyment from the game itself. (There may be  
external factors that make it fun, but we're talking about gameplay  

In solo play (person v. computer), the computer has to adjust its  
challenge level to meet yours. It's the same issues: If the computer's  
challenges are too great, they scare starting players off. If they are  
too simple, the player becomes bored. The best games constantly adjust  
the challenges to be slightly more difficult than the player's current  

Andrei very wisely brought of World of Warcraft. Because of the multi- 
player aspect of this game, it has the issues of both solo and  
competitive play. It also is very successful because of its social  
aspects (sort of a new-millennium version of hanging-at-the-mall-with- 
peeps), which adds a dimension of community and camaraderie not  
possible in solo-play games.

But my original point had to do with manager's superficial analysis of  
gaming popularity. As I stated before, this is faulty thinking, but  
it's the origin of a lot of the don't-make-it-too-easy thinking that I  


Jared M. Spool
User Interface Engineering
510 Turnpike St., Suite 102, North Andover, MA 01845
e: [EMAIL PROTECTED] p: +1 978 327 5561  Blog:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-05 Thread Jason Zietz

Jared M. Spool wrote:
By the way, a lot of this comes from people who do a surface analysis 
on what makes games popular. In gaming, you can't have it be too easy. 
There is a requirement, for a successful game, for select users to 
have mastery that most users don't. In my experience, managers who 
promote the if-we-make-it-too-easy-we'll-erode-our-market philosophy 
often cite the success of video games as a rationale.

I have to strongly disagree with this sentiment.  Look to the Nintendo 
Wii and the recent popularity of casual gaming for examples where this 
notion does not hold.  I have been playing video games for an 
embarrassingly long time and yet my Mom can still give me a run for my 
money when playing Wii Tennis.  That doesn't make it any less fun nor 
does has it made the game unsuccessful.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-05 Thread Andrei Herasimchuk

On May 4, 2008, at 6:04 AM, Jared M. Spool wrote:

Sorry to break it to you Andrei,  but just because *you* haven't  
seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. :-)   [...]

There were many product managers at WordPerfect, Lotus, and Novell  
that had the if-we-make-it-too-easy-we'll-erode-our-market  
philosophy. I've also met groups at MS and IBM that had a similar  

Ok... All of your examples thus far were when I was in high school  
playing Infocom games. I'm close to breaking 40. Any examples from the  
90s or last decade?

One that stands out in my mind (and which you may be familiar with)  
was MetaCreation's Kai's Power Tools and Bryce. While the designer  
Kai Krause was a fan of hiding complexity, the tools had a huge  
learning curve. There was at least one version that hid  
functionality from users until they proved they could master the  
functions already provided, then it slowly revealed new  
functionality, much like video game.

And Metacreations lasted how long? I used to get into public arguments  
with Kai over that stuff, and I agree the way he did things was  
wrongheaded because he took them to a degree that was out of the  
useful everyday approach. And now?... He no longer does interface  
design and those products haven't lasted the test of time. At the same  
time, there were aspects of his work that were very innovative and one  
should never toss out all of Kai's work for the few mistakes he made.  
A lot of folks might not know, but Phil Clevenger did the interface  
design for Adobe Lightroom. I think Phil and the Lightroom engineers  
did a great job with it, putting in just enough visual flair and  
playfulness to Lightroom while not hiding too much out of the way and  
still keeping the interface useful. I don't think Phil would have gone  
that route had he not worked so closely with Kai all those years, the  
kind of guy who pushed interface approaches for good or for bad.

By the way, a lot of this comes from people who do a surface  
analysis on what makes games popular. In gaming, you can't have it  
be too easy. There is a requirement, for a successful game, for  
select users to have mastery that most users don't. In my  
experience, managers who promote the if-we-make-it-too-easy-we'll- 
erode-our-market philosophy often cite the success of video games as  
a rationale.

The most wildly popular game of all time is World of Warcraft. Why?  
Because it's a game that appeals to casual gamers while still being  
reasonably complex. It's a game that does a real good job of only  
being as complex as it needs to be with how you play it, and yet, for  
those that get really into it, the complexity of it's inner workings  
is partly what makes the game so fascinating.

I don't care what a few people in the industry think. Complexity for  
complexity's sake is bad design. No matter what. And I still contend  
that those few who may push "complexity" as a selling point do so  
because they lack the ability to design elegant software. Nothing more.

If I thought about it harder, I could probably come up with more  
folks I've run into in the last 30 years with this attitude. I've  
never seen the strategy work, but that doesn't keep it from emerging  
from people who are trying to be a little too clever (and avoiding  
the hard work to rethink overly complex designs).

I think you'll be hard pressed to find examples from the last two  
decades, and as you've already stated, it doesn't work. So that means  
we're probably in agreement.

Andrei Herasimchuk

Principal, Involution Studios
innovating the digital world

c. +1 408 306 6422

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-04 Thread Uday Gajendar

On May 4, 2008, at 8:10 PM, Scott Berkun wrote:
The thing missing from this thread is that there are many possible  
why any given design is complex - everyone is right at least some of  


Great summary... Just wanted to add a quick reminder about Maeda's  
Laws of Simplicity, two in particular concerning the inevitability of  

Law #5: Simplicity and complexity need each other

Law #9 Some things can never be made simple

In my view the vast machinery of consulting, training and  
certifications will continue onward regardless of what designers do or  
preach, both in enterprise (Oracle dBA, Cisco, etc.) and consumer  
(Geek Squad or Dummies books). There's tons of money to be made and  
folks clever enough to milk it :-) As designers, we just can't get  
worried about that... There's simply (ha!) too many competing forces  
and players in the ecosystem as Scott indicates; you'd go insane  
sorting it all out! (or the fruitless game of blaming someone)

As designers we must be accountable for delivering what's best for the  
*intended* user base/audience, balancing complexity (power) and simple  
(elegance), however that may be interpreted for the given problem.  
That's why we're paid the big bucks :-)

Uday Gajendar
Sr. Interaction Designer
Voice Technology Group
Cisco | San Jose
+1 408 902 2137

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-04 Thread J. Ambrose Little
On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Jared M. Spool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On May 3, 2008, at 7:49 PM, Andrei Herasimchuk wrote:
> Sorry Jared, unless you cite people who've told you otherwise, I'm not
> > buying it. I've never heard anyone in the software industry ever make the
> > claim they makes things complicated on purpose.
> >
> Sorry to break it to you Andrei,  but just because *you* haven't seen it
> doesn't mean it doesn't exist. :-)
> I'll chime in and say I know a smaller company that builds community
software that follows this model, sort of.  They don't intentionally make
things obscure, they just don't make efforts to make it easy.  It seems to
me that any moderately feature-rich software will inherently evolve towards
complexity, so unless efforts are made to keep it simple and usable, it will
naturally become difficult and arcane.

The thing is, lots of software is built with an engineering mindset, where
complexity is not necessarily seen as a bad thing (or even recognized as
complex).  So lots of software has been built that is complex by default, in
a sense.  And some companies do recognize this and rather than investing in
design and usability, they use it as an opportunity for revenue, sometimes
the only source of revenue.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-04 Thread Scott Berkun
The thing missing from this thread is that there are many possible reasons
why any given design is complex - everyone is right at least some of the

To sum up the points made so far here, software is complex because at least
one of the following occurs:

1. Some users need complex control and the designers decided those were
important users.
2. The makers are lousy designers: they don't know any better.
3. The makers believe they profit from complexity and do it primarily for
that reason.
4. Engineering or business constraints make a simpler design more difficult
than outsiders assume.
5. Makers had poor designs in early versions that users acclimated to and
even though the makers know better now, they're reluctant to force their
die-hard users to relearn things.
6. Complexity is gradually added over time and the otherwise competent
designers don't realize they've lost their way until its too late.

And of course in many cases there are competing forces at work within a
single company over the design, and while some designers, marketers or
engineers are working to reduce complexity, others are not. It's always easy
as outsiders to assume there is one single person to blame at some other
company for all that's wrong, or that all the people on a particular project
were homogeneous in mind, despite knowing from our own experiences how rare
that's the case.

As one example, I've seen teams desperately trying to reduce complexity, but
sometimes failing, and a seperate group in the same company responsible for
training on that product profiting from those failures. So yes, I suppose
the training group did in a way hope for more complexity, but the designers
and engineers on the actual product were committed to work against it.


Scott Berkun

- Original Message - 
From: "Jared M. Spool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Andrei Herasimchuk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2008 5:04 AM
Subject: Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

> On May 3, 2008, at 7:49 PM, Andrei Herasimchuk wrote:
> > Sorry Jared, unless you cite people who've told you otherwise, I'm
> > not buying it. I've never heard anyone in the software industry ever
> > make the claim they makes things complicated on purpose.
> Sorry to break it to you Andrei,  but just because *you* haven't seen
> it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. :-)
> Before I started UIE, in the mid-80s, I first encountered this
> attitude at a company called Autographix, which made presentation
> systems (before the days of Harvard Graphics, Aldus Persuasion, and
> long before MS Powerpoint). They sold their software/hardware solution
> practically at cost and made all of their money on training and
> support, particularly on user certification. (Certified users could
> get a 20-30% salary increase because the system was so arcane.)
> I was working on a small skunkworks project to produce a pc-based (DOS/
> CGA) what-you-see-is-what-you-get slide editing system. It worked
> pretty well too. When we presented it to mgmt, we were told that the
> company wasn't set up to sell software that didn't require training.
> After I started UIE, I ran into several clients with this perspective.
> In the early '90s I ran into a typesetting company that was in a
> similar situation. (The name is escaping me right now, but they were
> based out of Wakefield, MA.) They sold to magazines and newsletters
> and made a ton of revenue through their training and support. Their
> users also benefited from the certification by commanding higher
> salaries that non-certified page setters. Certified users produced
> pages faster than the best users of other systems, so the customers
> (newspaper owners) saw the benefit of the ecosystem too. They did
> everything they could to keep certification high.
> At the same time, we did a set of studies for a company in Newton, MA
> that made fire alarm systems for large building complexes. Again, they
> basically gave their systems away without a profit and made all their
> money on support contracts and training. We actually conducted
> usability tests on "layman" doing typical tasks. If the layman
> (without support certification) could complete the tasks, we had to
> *change the design*.
> There were many product managers at WordPerfect, Lotus, and Novell
> that had the if-we-make-it-too-easy-we'll-erode-our-market philosophy.
> I've also met groups at MS and IBM that had a similar attitude.
> One that stands out in my mind (and which you may be familiar with)
> was MetaCreation's Kai's Power Tools and Bryce. While the designer Kai
> Krause was a f

Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-04 Thread Jared M. Spool

On May 3, 2008, at 7:49 PM, Andrei Herasimchuk wrote:

Sorry Jared, unless you cite people who've told you otherwise, I'm  
not buying it. I've never heard anyone in the software industry ever  
make the claim they makes things complicated on purpose.

Sorry to break it to you Andrei,  but just because *you* haven't seen  
it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. :-)

Before I started UIE, in the mid-80s, I first encountered this  
attitude at a company called Autographix, which made presentation  
systems (before the days of Harvard Graphics, Aldus Persuasion, and  
long before MS Powerpoint). They sold their software/hardware solution  
practically at cost and made all of their money on training and  
support, particularly on user certification. (Certified users could  
get a 20-30% salary increase because the system was so arcane.)

I was working on a small skunkworks project to produce a pc-based (DOS/ 
CGA) what-you-see-is-what-you-get slide editing system. It worked  
pretty well too. When we presented it to mgmt, we were told that the  
company wasn't set up to sell software that didn't require training.

After I started UIE, I ran into several clients with this perspective.  
In the early '90s I ran into a typesetting company that was in a  
similar situation. (The name is escaping me right now, but they were  
based out of Wakefield, MA.) They sold to magazines and newsletters  
and made a ton of revenue through their training and support. Their  
users also benefited from the certification by commanding higher  
salaries that non-certified page setters. Certified users produced  
pages faster than the best users of other systems, so the customers  
(newspaper owners) saw the benefit of the ecosystem too. They did  
everything they could to keep certification high.

At the same time, we did a set of studies for a company in Newton, MA  
that made fire alarm systems for large building complexes. Again, they  
basically gave their systems away without a profit and made all their  
money on support contracts and training. We actually conducted  
usability tests on "layman" doing typical tasks. If the layman  
(without support certification) could complete the tasks, we had to  
*change the design*.

There were many product managers at WordPerfect, Lotus, and Novell  
that had the if-we-make-it-too-easy-we'll-erode-our-market philosophy.  
I've also met groups at MS and IBM that had a similar attitude.

One that stands out in my mind (and which you may be familiar with)  
was MetaCreation's Kai's Power Tools and Bryce. While the designer Kai  
Krause was a fan of hiding complexity, the tools had a huge learning  
curve. There was at least one version that hid functionality from  
users until they proved they could master the functions already  
provided, then it slowly revealed new functionality, much like video  

By the way, a lot of this comes from people who do a surface analysis  
on what makes games popular. In gaming, you can't have it be too easy.  
There is a requirement, for a successful game, for select users to  
have mastery that most users don't. In my experience, managers who  
promote the if-we-make-it-too-easy-we'll-erode-our-market philosophy  
often cite the success of video games as a rationale.

If I thought about it harder, I could probably come up with more folks  
I've run into in the last 30 years with this attitude. I've never seen  
the strategy work, but that doesn't keep it from emerging from people  
who are trying to be a little too clever (and avoiding the hard work  
to rethink overly complex designs).


Jared M. Spool
User Interface Engineering
510 Turnpike St., Suite 102, North Andover, MA 01845
e: [EMAIL PROTECTED] p: +1 978 327 5561  Blog:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-04 Thread James Nick Sears
On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 8:10 PM, dave malouf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know anything about flight control panels, but UNIX
>  (including Linux) has had a design akin to fraternity hazing from the
>  beginning. There was always a right of passage associated with
>  learning VI and EMACS for anyone who dared. I'm sure that has
>  changed recently as GUI is a lot more common in UNIX systems. But
>  back in the 80's when I started on computers in college on Sparcs &
>  SunOS, it was common to see people flaunt w/ bravado their knowledge
>  of VI and EMACS command line codes.

I'd argue that even this is not a case of intentional obfuscation, but
instead an extremely capable design implemented within the constraints
of very limited resources (no mouse, usability over remote terminal
connections).  After using GUI editors for a decade, sure, vi seems
almost humorously arcane, but in the recent past I've started to pick
up a few commands here and there, and compared to other command line
editors, it's extraordinarily powerful and reasonably well designed,
at least for a set of users who are used to the command line,
keyboard-only paradigm (again, user-friendly => who is the user, and
what is friendly to them?).

I'd also make similar arguments for the architecture of console
UNIX/LINUX as a whole.  The concept of modular command line apps
piping data from one to another is extraordinarily powerful and quite
user friendly for the user base at which it was aimed.  In fact there
are plenty of tasks still today that send me straight to iTerm on my
Mac.  And when you consider how well it all works and how powerful it
all is within the pre-GUI constraints, it's pure genius.

And finally, a set of users flaunting w/ bravado is not equivalent to
an intentionally complex design.  If you look hard enough, you will
find users of any app of meaningful complexity, from Photoshop to MS
Word to Mac OSX, flaunting their prowess with bravado.  This does not
mean that they are intentionally complicated or poorly designed.  It
simply means that their users are human and have egos in need of
stroking.  Perhaps for this reason, the users like a bit of complexity
with the app, but that still doesn't mean that complexity was a design


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-03 Thread Daniel Szuc
We have seen cases where people are rewarded on product teams by
adding more features, more functions as a way to justify their
existence and to make themselves or to be seen as smarter. 

Simplicity is not rewarded - because its, well, too simple. 

Some of this translates to how well the team gels and if there  are
common design goals to shoot for. Add to this, out of the box vendor
solutions that have their own personalities and you can end up with a
nice soup.

Then the product is put in front of users and the business comes to
realize that they need to change the product if they want to the
product to fly in the field.

And round and round we go :)

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-03 Thread Kontra
Andrei Herasimchuk:

>  99% of the time, complex products are built poorly because the team
> building them lacked people who knew how to design software more elegantly.

Yes, but that's like saying McDonald's hamburger is not the best meat
dish you ever had. It wasn't designed to serve you one, it's a
fast-food franchise. Apple, on the other hand, tries -- at every turn
-- to tame technology and its complexities. The entire company has
been organized to deliver that end-to-end, as a mission. It's not an
accident that J. Ive is not working for Argos, Creative or Moto.
Complexity merchants like IBM, Microsoft, SAP, etc just have a
different business model, as reflected in their non-strategic design


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-03 Thread Andrei Herasimchuk

On May 3, 2008, at 5:41 PM, Kontra wrote:

They don't need to *claim* that they make it so, but if, for example,
you observe that the vendors of expensive enterprise software (in the
high six, seven figures) get a very significant portion of their
revenue from product-specific training, coaching, certification,
installation, etc., and that the very low priority they place on the
obvious simplification of their products, you can hardly avoid the
conclusion that it's not in their business interest to de-complicate.

99% of the time, complex products are built poorly because the team  
building them lacked people who knew how to design software more  
elegantly. Nothing else. All that other stuff you just laid out there  
doesn't go away because a product is complex or easy. It's just part  
of the domain that software lives in due to a lot of other factors.

Whether people in our industry want to hear it or not... when software  
is designed badly and excessively more complex than it has to be, its  
because one of us did it or the team building the software lacked a  
competent design team. Period. Don't go around blaming engineers,  
don't go around blaming the executives or marketing or whatever else  
you want to do. It's just not true.

As for the UNIX example cited by Dave: The bottom line is that once  
you learn those arcane commands, it's actually EASIER... Yes...  
EASIER... to use UNIX especially by those how know how to type  
quickly. I understand people don't enjoy learning arcane commands, but  
UNIX was built by engineers for engineers, so its just too bad. If you  
want to play in their world, you'll play by their rules. When  
engineers want to play in my world, I make them learn my rules (like  
paying attention to typography, color and behavioral details), so I  
consider it a fair deal.

And FWIW, I don't know UNIX very well and prefer a GUI over a command  
line, but even I can watch a programmer fly through doing a whole slew  
of actions that with a GUI would have taken them 5 times longer and  
realize that for them, it's actually easier to do it their way.

By many standards from people I hear in the software design industry,  
I think more than a few would consider the piano the most obtuse  
instrument on the planet. I mean... my word! Not only does one have to  
learn scales and music and all that, then you have to learn how to  
play the damn thing with all of those keys! And the keys aren't even  
labeled. The nerve!

Andrei Herasimchuk

Principal, Involution Studios
innovating the digital world

c. +1 408 306 6422

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-03 Thread Kontra
Andrei Herasimchuk:
> I've never heard anyone in the software
> industry ever make the claim they makes things complicated on purpose.

They don't need to *claim* that they make it so, but if, for example,
you observe that the vendors of expensive enterprise software (in the
high six, seven figures) get a very significant portion of their
revenue from product-specific training, coaching, certification,
installation, etc., and that the very low priority they place on the
obvious simplification of their products, you can hardly avoid the
conclusion that it's not in their business interest to de-complicate.
(The degree of complication/obfuscation is very often decoupled from
domain-specific requirements.)

The canonical example of this is the Allchin's Windows Tax whereby
even the simplest utilities got overly complicated in order to hook
into and perpetuate the Windows money machine.

That said, there's a thin line between intent and ability (to make
things simpler).


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-03 Thread dave malouf
I don't know anything about flight control panels, but UNIX
(including Linux) has had a design akin to fraternity hazing from the
beginning. There was always a right of passage associated with
learning VI and EMACS for anyone who dared. I'm sure that has
changed recently as GUI is a lot more common in UNIX systems. But
back in the 80's when I started on computers in college on Sparcs &
SunOS, it was common to see people flaunt w/ bravado their knowledge
of VI and EMACS command line codes.

There are other examples though "in the wild" where we make things
complicated, not so much as right of passage, or earning cred, but
b/c of security reasons. We want to make something hard to learn so
that not just anyone can do it. I've worked on a few projects in the
financial community where this was the case.

I've heard from stakeholders the exact quote, "Let's not make it
too easy for them." I'm serious! No eTrade baby here, that's for

-- dave

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-03 Thread Andrei Herasimchuk

On May 3, 2008, at 8:44 AM, Gloria Petron wrote:

Unfortunately, the logic that overly complex systems are perhaps  
best kept
that way in order to promote exclusivity amongst a superintelligent  
few is
small comfort to those passengers on board airplanes that have been  
into the sides of mountains. All the prestige of being a pilot goes  
out the

window when in the end, the FAA blames human error.

Airline control panels are complex because pilots need immediate  
access to every single control possible in cases of emergencies and  
because it's generally easier to fly a plane when everything is at  
your fingertips versus mucking with the panel to configure it while  
one is flying at the same time. Further, airplanes are amazingly  
complex pieces of machinery.

I have no idea where the concept that airline control panels are  
complex to keep it an elitist activity came from and how that gets  
meshed with the idea some things are designed to be complex to be  
elitist and exclusionary, but it's just absurd. (Sorry Jared, unless  
you cite people who've told you otherwise, I'm not buying it. I've  
never heard anyone in the software industry ever make the claim they  
makes things complicated on purpose.)

To propagate this sort of myth in a field with a bunch of designers  
makes us al look bad. Please stop.

Andrei Herasimchuk

Principal, Involution Studios
innovating the digital world

c. +1 408 306 6422

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-03 Thread Gloria Petron
> Airplane consoles are hideously complex.  Would simplifying them make it
> easier for more people to become commercial pilots?  Would it serve the
> passengers and cargo well if some of the gauges were removed and the more
> powerful switches made harder to get at in order to have a "friendlier"
> interface?  Or are they just kept complex to ensure that existing pilots
> keep their job seniority?  (God, I hope not!)

Unfortunately, the logic that overly complex systems are perhaps best kept
that way in order to promote exclusivity amongst a superintelligent few is
small comfort to those passengers on board airplanes that have been flown
into the sides of mountains. All the prestige of being a pilot goes out the
window when in the end, the FAA blames human error.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-03 Thread pauric
 1 on Jared's post.  He's hit the nail on the head in my view.

One thing to add to that.  My current domain, computer networks, is
facing significant pressure from product commoditisation in the low
cost segments from Taiwanese vendors producing me-too products.  My
challenge is to differentiate our products on marketable 'ease of

The difficulty of the task is compounded with the usual Marketing
driven push to cram more high end features in to the devices destined
for the low end of the market.  Make it more complex, make it
easier... more of everything is better!

Nothing new there, however I make a counter argument for avoiding
'too easy' on all features as lowering the barrier to those without
domain expertise will eventually result in support calls.  Its a
balancing act and a moving target.  As networks become more
pervasive, baseline domain expertise increases and the once 'do not
touch on pain of death' features become easified.  I do not see this
as a phenomenon specific to my domain. 

Jared also talked about the reduction in domain complexity making
craftspersons redundant... 

At the high end of the market we have craftspeople with Cisco
Certifications who command very healthy salaries. There is absolutely
no pressure from that userbase to make the interfaces easier, it
erodes their value-add among a number of other factors.

However, this is where the beauty of the Market comes in to play,
where there is cost.. there is opportunity to reduce it. I know of a
couple of startups who are working on intelligent platforms that will
actively manage networks.  Leading to a deflation in the cisco
certified job market.

Point being, a lack of development in ease of use in a specific
interface, be that networks or Photoshop, will not hinder market
forces which seek to erode the margins commanded by craftspersons.

Typical bell curve - long tail stuff.  YMMV

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-02 Thread mark schraad
Certainly the reduction of complexity and commoditization of function  
pushes the differentiation (for the pro) to the what to do, and not  
the 'how to do' - as exemplified by the scores of pixel pushers  
editing frame-by-frame film effects (think ILM). And that is not  
necessarily a bad thing for some professions.

My point was more to the influence of marketing and position as it  
effects the user interface.

It certainly has not hurt the adobe suite of products. As distasteful  
as this may be to many idealogs in the UI world, the sustainability  
of a product, and its positioning amongst lead users (most often the  
professional users) is an important consideration. After all -  
continued improvement to the product should not, but sometimes does,  
shorten the adoption and longevity of that product.


On May 2, 2008, at 7:31 PM, Jared M. Spool wrote:

> On May 2, 2008, at 6:26 PM, Andrei Herasimchuk wrote:
>>> The thinking goes... if the process is to easy, then everyone can do
>>> it and it erodes my (the professional user's)
>>> value in the marketplace.
>> I know of no one who has ever said that or thinks like that. Further,
>> I can certainly tell you that no one on the Photoshop team ever
>> thought along those lines.
> Interestingly, I have met product developers who did say that was
> their objective, years ago. They were concerned that their customers,
> all craftspeople who were being threatened by a commoditization of
> their skills, would reject software that didn't have a learning curve
> to it.
> Interestingly, the inevitable simplified software came about and, sure
> enough, the crafts went mostly obsolete. In all the cases I'm aware
> of, the developers are no longer in business.
> Complexity takes two forms: Tool complexity and domain complexity.
> Tool complexity can (and is often) rendered simpler through advances
> in interfaces. Often it's through the elimination of excessive
> features and options, to core functionality. While this does reduce
> the options available to the user, the reduction is often in the form
> of fringe functionality.
> Domain complexity is more difficult. Here is where serious process re-
> engineering needs to take place. The going-back-to-the-blackboard-and-
> rethinking-the-core-processes kind-of approach.
> Reducing tool complexity does open the user to faster productivity,
> but often still requires similar skill levels for the core skill. (A
> simpler drawing tool doesn't help you draw any better, only more
> efficiently.)
> Reducing domain complexity brings new capabilities to users who
> previously couldn't master the skills. Think WYSIWYG database tools
> (ala Access or Filemaker) replacing the previous code-based generation
> (ala DBase or IDMS). Think desktop publishing replacing previous
> typesetting activities.
> Of course, bringing capabilities to people without the formal
> skillsets results a flurry of crude activity, such as the ransom-note
> style publishing we saw in the early '80s. However, this flurry often
> seems to die down once people realize that it does matter what you do.
> Good examples and guidance such as templates help with this.
> I think it's unlikely you can make something too easy. However,
> sometimes making it easier requires serious advances in the design
> approaches.
> Jared
> p

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-02 Thread Jared M. Spool

On May 2, 2008, at 6:26 PM, Andrei Herasimchuk wrote:

>> The thinking goes... if the process is to easy, then everyone can do
>> it and it erodes my (the professional user's)
>> value in the marketplace.
> I know of no one who has ever said that or thinks like that. Further,
> I can certainly tell you that no one on the Photoshop team ever
> thought along those lines.

Interestingly, I have met product developers who did say that was  
their objective, years ago. They were concerned that their customers,  
all craftspeople who were being threatened by a commoditization of  
their skills, would reject software that didn't have a learning curve  
to it.

Interestingly, the inevitable simplified software came about and, sure  
enough, the crafts went mostly obsolete. In all the cases I'm aware  
of, the developers are no longer in business.

Complexity takes two forms: Tool complexity and domain complexity.  
Tool complexity can (and is often) rendered simpler through advances  
in interfaces. Often it's through the elimination of excessive  
features and options, to core functionality. While this does reduce  
the options available to the user, the reduction is often in the form  
of fringe functionality.

Domain complexity is more difficult. Here is where serious process re- 
engineering needs to take place. The going-back-to-the-blackboard-and- 
rethinking-the-core-processes kind-of approach.

Reducing tool complexity does open the user to faster productivity,  
but often still requires similar skill levels for the core skill. (A  
simpler drawing tool doesn't help you draw any better, only more  

Reducing domain complexity brings new capabilities to users who  
previously couldn't master the skills. Think WYSIWYG database tools  
(ala Access or Filemaker) replacing the previous code-based generation  
(ala DBase or IDMS). Think desktop publishing replacing previous  
typesetting activities.

Of course, bringing capabilities to people without the formal  
skillsets results a flurry of crude activity, such as the ransom-note  
style publishing we saw in the early '80s. However, this flurry often  
seems to die down once people realize that it does matter what you do.  
Good examples and guidance such as templates help with this.

I think it's unlikely you can make something too easy. However,  
sometimes making it easier requires serious advances in the design  


Jared M. Spool
User Interface Engineering
510 Turnpike St., Suite 102, North Andover, MA 01845
e: [EMAIL PROTECTED] p: +1 978 327 5561  Blog:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-02 Thread Andrei Herasimchuk

On May 2, 2008, at 5:23 AM, mark schraad wrote:

> I don't find Adobe products to be particularly user friendly

That's certainly a loaded term, isn't it? "User friendly." Which user  
and what constitutes "friendly?"

> I found my self wondering if, for professional tools, there is  
> greater adoption,
> product loyalty and stickiness in leaving a certain amount of  
> difficulty in the UI?

Another loaded way of thinking about it. Be careful. You can't have a  
good discussion approaching it this way.

Photoshop is and never was intentionally made "difficult." And to this  
day, I hate a few aspects of how it does things (and always have, even  
when I was working on it) but overall, it's still a world-class tool  
that has not been surpassed by anyone else trying to solve the same  
problems. To that end, Photoshop is actually pretty easy to a lot of  
things once you have learned how to use it. In fact, Photoshop got its  
start being easier to use than what else was available at the time,  
like Letraset ColorStudio. Over time, as Photoshop became a mission- 
critical production tool for a broad set of industries -- from print  
to the web to film to even NASA research -- it started to add more and  
more complicated features. As with anything that starts simply and  
adds more functionality, keeping it under control can become a  
problem. I personally think Photoshop has done a better job than most  
containing that feature bloat, while acknowledging that is does indeed  
have feature bloat.

But Photoshop was going to add more features like it or not. The  
business demanded it. Users demanded it. And the nature of capitalism  
demands it.

Given that, if anyone thinks they can make a rich, complicated,  
industrial strength tool "easy to use" and if that measuring stick is  
using anyone you may know who is not a professional in the particular  
industry the tool is designed for, I wish you the best of luck on that  
path to insanity. It's just an entirely inappropriate way to approach  
the design problem.

Complicated things will always be complicated, by nature. Your task as  
the designer of such complicated features and tools is to not make  
them more complicated than they already are. But trying to make  
inherently complicated things "easy to use" is really just wishful  
thinking. And making them "user friendly" requires very specific  
metrics on who the "user" is and what they think is "friendly."

> The thinking goes... if the process is to easy, then everyone can do  
> it and it erodes my (the professional user's)
> value in the marketplace.

I know of no one who has ever said that or thinks like that. Further,  
I can certainly tell you that no one on the Photoshop team ever  
thought along those lines.

As for a related version of my opinion of this topic, I wrote about a  
long time ago:

Andrei Herasimchuk

Principal, Involution Studios
innovating the digital world

c. +1 408 306 6422

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-02 Thread Jim Drew
I think it's much simpler than that:

With products as big and powerful as many of the Adobe products, the complexity 
and richness of the features leads inexorably to a certain amount of complexity 
in the user experience.  In order to simplify it, you have to 
remove/restrict/dumb down the feature set.  Or streamline parts to be really 
good and you end up with inconsistency throughout the product, with users no 
longer able to leverage knowledge of one piece of the interface to another.

Airplane consoles are hideously complex.  Would simplifying them make it easier 
for more people to become commercial pilots?  Would it serve the passengers and 
cargo well if some of the gauges were removed and the more powerful switches 
made harder to get at in order to have a "friendlier" interface?  Or are they 
just kept complex to ensure that existing pilots keep their job seniority?  
(God, I hope not!)

-- Jim

-Original Message-
>From: mark schraad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I was reading about Microsoft having recruited Adobe's (think  
>photoshop UI and more) Mark Hamburg to work on user experience. I  
>don't find Adobe product o be particularly user friendly, but I do  
>find them to be consistent and remarkably efficient once you get over  
>a learning curve. I appreciate that approach a lot. I found my self  
>wondering if, for professional tools, there is greater adoption,  
>product loyalty and stickiness in leaving a certain amount of  
>difficulty in the UI? The thinking goes... if the process is to easy,  
>then everyone can do it and it erodes my (the professional user's)  
>value in the marketplace. I know most people don't think much about  
>economics and supply and demand on purpose, but self preservation is  
>certainly prevalent at all levels. Thoughts?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-02 Thread Troy Gardner
> In a way, we've seen this "erosion of value" happen before. The first
>  Mac brought desktop publishing to the consumer - and to this day, we
>  are inundated with poorly designed flyers and newsletters.

Any creative area is largely 70% stuff that ends up in the trash, 3%
brilliant. Same thing for websites, print and you tube videos.
Remember the web when Netscape Gold came out? when every other letter
was a different color.  It was horrible, but things got better.

But the web and video are social mediums, so it's not all about the
design, it's about the information they make accessible to the rest of
the world.

I've taught Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver, and generally
the learning curve is really steep, and in some cases beyond some of
the users, so here I want application designers to obsess about what
it is that those users do 80% of the time and adapt the UI for those
workflows, adding the equivalent of design spellchecking
(complimentary colors, layout etc) .   For power users, who supply
their own vision and technique, the raw functions should be exposed to

Since I develop applications for kids these days what I talked with
the Adobe team is treating complicated app traiining like that of a
multi-level game.  Good game design creates value and strategies
incrementally, teaching how to move, fire.   Don't expose more
elements until a user has mastered the basics, unless they ask for it
by name.  The challenge here is then customer support and peer to peer
communication becomes dvorak vrs querty, same elements will appear in
different areas on different user PC.

>  many print designers with strong design backgrounds jumped on the web and
>  made some of the most aesthetically pleasing and completely
>  useless/unusable/inaccessible sites around (this continues now with agencies
>  building flash sites like crack addicts).

Amen.  This is a continual challenge for me working with top notch
designers who work on a page rather than the interactive space.  It's
a blind spot to them and people who develop wireframes.

>  were well paid, and behaved almost like priests in charge of sacred rituals
>  with their mystical ability to create probability curves out of ether
>  through incantations and sacred rituals - they didn't want a protestant
>  reformation of the process - their power gave them comfort.

I understand where they are coming from, but this is sad to me and
short term thinking.  People behind turbo tax on the web require the
same guru skills, they just deliver them to engineering instead of a


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-02 Thread Will Evans
In a way, we've seen this "erosion of value" happen before. The first
Mac brought desktop publishing to the consumer - and to this day, we
are inundated with poorly designed flyers and newsletters.

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Shep McKee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In a way, we've seen this "erosion of value" happen before. The first
> Mac brought desktop publishing to the consumer - and to this day, we
> are inundated with poorly designed flyers and newsletters.

Agreed -  on the other hand - no matter how "easy" desktop publishing/design
tools are - they will never replace a designer with a non-designer. in
things that matter. You either know typography or you don't, and access to
the entire adobe font folio doesn't replace training, education, and years
of critique. When notepad was replaced by wysiwyg, the web proliferated with
web sites -- 99.999% were complete crap. And even in the design community -
many print designers with strong design backgrounds jumped on the web and
made some of the most aesthetically pleasing and completely
useless/unusable/inaccessible sites around (this continues now with agencies
building flash sites like crack addicts).

But to Mark's point - when I was doing extensive user research for a complex
quantitative software package for risk modeling - many of the users did in
fact take mastery of the very complex software package as a point of pride -
and frankly didn't want me there doing contextual inquiry because they were
frightened by the idea of the software becoming easier/simpler to use. The
were well paid, and behaved almost like priests in charge of sacred rituals
with their mystical ability to create probability curves out of ether
through incantations and sacred rituals - they didn't want a protestant
reformation of the process - their power gave them comfort.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-02 Thread Jeff Garbers
On May 2, 2008, at 8:23 AM, mark schraad wrote:
> I found my self wondering if, for professional tools, there is  
> greater adoption, product loyalty and stickiness in leaving a  
> certain amount of difficulty in the UI? The thinking goes... if the  
> process is to easy, then everyone can do it and it erodes my (the  
> professional user's) value in the marketplace.

Maybe everyone can do it, but they can't all do it well!  The  
emergence of easier-to-use "prosumer" cameras certainly hasn't reduced  
the need for professional photographers, and I'd have to imagine that  
there are far more graphic designers working today than in the years  
before desktop publishing and Photoshop.

Certainly, given easy tools offering "professional" functionality, you  
might find that some part of the market no longer needs professional  
help. If all Fred needs is a little Web site for his homeowners'  
association, he can probably get that done himself with iWeb or  
RapidWeaver -- either of which produce what could pass for  
"professional" work -- and he won't be contacting a Web design firm.   
But as the market expands, competitive pressure gives us richer and  
more complex tools as well as simpler and easier ones.  There will  
always be demand for experts who can do remarkable and beautiful  
things with advanced tools. I take plenty of family snapshots, but we  
still go to the professional photographer every year for the Christmas  
card picture.

Intentionally leaving things harder doesn't seem to be a viable  
strategy in a free market -- the next guy will take advantage of that  

The challenge should be in using the tool *well*, not in using it *at  

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-02 Thread Shep McKee
On May 2, 2008, at 9:35 AM, Will Evans wrote:
> Agreed -  on the other hand - no matter how "easy" desktop  
> publishing/design tools are - they will never replace a designer  
> with a non-designer in things that matter.
Absolutely. I should have said a "PERCEIVED erosion of value" in  
relation to designers of both print and web in the 90s. Everyone  
thought they could do the job just fine, as they now had the tools.  
Why pay a print/web designer?

And on May 2, 2008, at 9:35 AM, Will Evans wrote:
> The were well paid, and behaved almost like priests in charge of  
> sacred rituals with their mystical ability...
Good point, and much like many the behavior in many Windows only IT  
groups. But, is there really a correlation between this "shroud of  
secrecy" and a conscious design decision to protect the value of their  
users? Revisiting and paraphrasing Mark's initial question: Does [...]  
a certain amount of difficulty in the UI influence:
- Product loyalty? Yes.
- Stickiness? Yes.
- Greater adoption? Yes... IF you are the market leader and/or the  
prevailing tool. There's not as much demand for these tools to lower  
the barrier to entry. And any demand has to be balanced against the  
demand for further innovation from your existing user base.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-02 Thread mark schraad
I think there is another thread of logic here which is to measure the
potential and realistic investment of the user as a metric for furthering
'ease of use'. For casual letter writing that the layperson does via live
office or google online, ease of use is critical. For professional users of
financial analysis software, ease of use maybe a trade off for efficiency
once additional competency is achieved. So domain experience, and time
invested in the specific application are two metrics worth noting. A third
would be frequency. I only do my tax return once a year. The application I
use for this as a non tax professional needs to be pretty easy to use...
because next year I can not likely count on remembering the process and the
As for the stickyness/preference issue, I did no mean to imply that we
should be so cunning or cynical as to make it more difficult to use as a
marketing ploy. But early adopters are more likely to be professionals and
willing to invest some learning to achieve efficency. And so compromising
that efficiency for ease-of-use would be a mistake in early diffusion
stages, because those early adopters, well, won't adopt it. Later, as the
product and the function become more mainstream... those efficiencies are
less likely to be realized and the quick in-and-out aspect of the
application becomes more important (- it would seem).

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 9:35 AM, Will Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In a way, we've seen this "erosion of value" happen before. The first
> Mac brought desktop publishing to the consumer - and to this day, we
> are inundated with poorly designed flyers and newsletters.
> On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Shep McKee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In a way, we've seen this "erosion of value" happen before. The first
> > Mac brought desktop publishing to the consumer - and to this day, we
> > are inundated with poorly designed flyers and newsletters.
> >
> Agreed -  on the other hand - no matter how "easy" desktop
> publishing/design tools are - they will never replace a designer with a
> non-designer. in things that matter. You either know typography or you
> don't, and access to the entire adobe font folio doesn't replace training,
> education, and years of critique. When notepad was replaced by wysiwyg, the
> web proliferated with web sites -- 99.999% were complete crap. And even in
> the design community - many print designers with strong design backgrounds
> jumped on the web and made some of the most aesthetically pleasing and
> completely useless/unusable/inaccessible sites around (this continues now
> with agencies building flash sites like crack addicts).
> But to Mark's point - when I was doing extensive user research for a
> complex quantitative software package for risk modeling - many of the users
> did in fact take mastery of the very complex software package as a point of
> pride - and frankly didn't want me there doing contextual inquiry because
> they were frightened by the idea of the software becoming easier/simpler to
> use. The were well paid, and behaved almost like priests in charge of sacred
> rituals with their mystical ability to create probability curves out of
> ether through incantations and sacred rituals - they didn't want a
> protestant reformation of the process - their power gave them comfort.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-02 Thread Shep McKee
In a way, we've seen this "erosion of value" happen before. The first  
Mac brought desktop publishing to the consumer - and to this day, we  
are inundated with poorly designed flyers and newsletters.

A certain amount of difficulty [for beginners] is left in the tools by  
design? I agree, but for different reasons. Given the conflict between  
(a) performance & efficiency (for expert users) vs. (b) support for  
novice users (ie: ease of learning, time to learn, etc.) - performance  
& efficiency is the priority goal.


Can these tools also be made easy to learn, but where this added  
functionality does not interfere with expert use? Sure, but at a  
greater design and engineering expense. Constantine & Lockwood's  
"Instructive Interaction" perhaps?

Regards, Shep McKee

On May 2, 2008, at 8:23 AM, mark schraad wrote:
> I found my self
> wondering if, for professional tools, there is greater adoption,
> product loyalty and stickiness in leaving a certain amount of
> difficulty in the UI? The thinking goes... if the process is to easy,
> then everyone can do it and it erodes my (the professional user's)
> value in the marketplace.

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[IxDA Discuss] can we make it to easy?

2008-05-02 Thread mark schraad
I was reading about Microsoft having recruited Adobe's (think  
photoshop UI and more) Mark Hamburg to work on user experience. I  
don't find Adobe product o be particularly user friendly, but I do  
find them to be consistent and remarkably efficient once you get over  
a learning curve. I appreciate that approach a lot. I found my self  
wondering if, for professional tools, there is greater adoption,  
product loyalty and stickiness in leaving a certain amount of  
difficulty in the UI? The thinking goes... if the process is to easy,  
then everyone can do it and it erodes my (the professional user's)  
value in the marketplace. I know most people don't think much about  
economics and supply and demand on purpose, but self preservation is  
certainly prevalent at all levels. Thoughts?


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