[OSGeo-Discuss] Reaching out to folks related to OSGEO+energy sector

2024-01-24 Thread Andrea Giacomelli via Discuss

With the pibinko.org network we are mustering an intercontinental crew for
what we could define as a "situational" event on Feb. 16.

This will be our participation to the twentieth Italian National Day of
Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles.
On its 20th edition, this initiative has obtained institutional recognition
in Italy, and is aiming to connect to people around the world..

If in your capacity as an OSGEO person you are to some extent involved in
energy-related issues, you might be interested to be part of this

Please see:

Many thanks for your attention, and best regards!

Andrea Giacomelli
http://www.pibinko.org Cultura, ambiente, innovazione libera...
http://www.jugbandcm.it ...e musica
+39 3791680739 - voce
+39 3317539228 - whatsapp
PIVA 01582480537
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] [off topic] (mainly) for those of you who were in Florence in 2023

2024-01-10 Thread Andrea Giacomelli via Discuss
Hello -

*[Disclaimer: Working on interdisciplinary projects is always complicated
because the level of interdisciplinarity of mailing lists and social media
tends to be lower of the level of interdisciplinarity of certain projects,
so I apologize if this sounds "far out" to some...I apologize in advance
for this]*

For those of you who attended the FOSS4G conference in Florence: if you
liked the Jug Band Colline Metallifere event during the icebreaker evening (see
refresher link
you might be interested in this call for twist dancers
to a musical video on a song about the relationships between city dwellers
and cool rural places (using Tuscany as an example, but other territories
work the same).

If you were not in Florence...you might still be interested in the call.

Thinking of connections of this invitation with the FOSS4G domain...I can
say that the author of the lyrics is also credited as a contributor to
Shapelib, and that the same "factory" produced back in late 2007 a video
promoting FOSS4G which several people from this community liked a lot at
the time (see another refresher link

Last but not least: for those of you in Vienna or in the
Stuttgart/Ludwigsburg area, there will be opportunities to meet between
Spring and the beginning of the Summer (please contact us directly to avoid
more "off-topicing").

TIA for your attention, and best regards!

Andrea Giacomelli
http://www.pibinko.org Cultura, ambiente, innovazione libera...
http://www.jugbandcm.it ...e musica
+39 3791680739 - voce
+39 3317539228 - whatsapp
PIVA 01582480537
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] [off-topic] For those of you in the Stuttgart area (following the FOSS4G in Florence)

2023-06-26 Thread Andrea Giacomelli via Discuss

If you attended last year's FOSS4G in Florence and liked the icebreaker
event [1], please be informed that with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere we
will be having a mini-tour in the Stuttgart area from July 5 to July 10.

If you were not in Florence, but are based in the Stuttgart area, the
invitation is still valid ;)

The inspiration for our project is that of combining music and various
interdisciplinary threads, including Free/open-source mapping [2] (namely,
we will be bringing various community maps we created over the past years
in Southern Tuscany).

More details on the "2023 Brezel Tour" are here:

Thank you for your attention, and best regards!

Andrea Giacomelli


[2] https://www.pibinko.org/jugbandcollinemetallifere/concerpts/
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Highlights from the FOSS4G Icebreaker event (Aug 24, 2022)

2022-08-31 Thread Andrea Giacomelli via Discuss

I am glad to share some coverage from our "icebreaker event" last week,
provided by our road manager, Pietro Barbieri:



We hope you like them, and best regards from the Metalliferous Hills
(Southern Tuscany), at work on the preparation of our next "concerPTs

Andrea Giacomelli
Culture, environment, open innovation, and music
http//www.pibinko.org - http://www.jugbandcm.it
+39 331 7539 228
P.IVA IT01582480537
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] avoiding email filters- Poll: Change FOSS4G structure to have some continuity of organization and management

2022-02-19 Thread Andrea Giacomelli via Discuss
Dear Paul,

In my experience in the volunteer/activist work (since 2002), considering
either causes I have served for with steering committee roles (including
the Italian language OSGEO Chapter in 2007-2010), and having analyzed cases
of other organizations on national scales (e.g. large environment-related
NGOs in Europe)...

My opinion is that any community growing will lead to steps which can imply
"quantum shifts".

To keep the cause growing, these shifts need to handled with adjustments
and measures in the organizational model, in the scale of budgets and time
required etc., in validating people's expectations and priorities in time -
I have followed national environmental festival and exhibition for years,
and you can see how a cause can be more or less promoted on  different
scales. etc. how an thematic event can be professionally organized, but
become substantially de-voided of the intentions of the founding fathers of
the community focused on the same theme, etc...

Since 2010 I have been out of any operational role in OSGEO, GFOSS.it or
other similar organizations, but I keep a line of promoting free/open
source technologies, and open knolwedge. As far as I know, I think that any
model is ok, as long as the cause keeps growing, while there are cases
where the energy required to elaborate the vehicle to promote it (in this
case a conference) becomes more than the energy actually used to work...
(this is a sort of revamping of Northcote Parkinson's Law

In these cases, I also find it helpful to re-re-re-read this article
from 2010. Centralization and de-centralization, or federation (remember
CORBA?), or "grid conferencing" (rember grid computing?)we as
communities keep shifting between these paradigms...but at the end of the
day what is the difference?

Hope to see you in Florence, in person if you will be there because it is
socioeconomically sustainable for you, or via some form of connection (not
necessarily TCP/IP or HTTP based), and best regards from Southern Tuscany.

Andrea Giacomelli
Culture, environment, open innovation, and music: Molto Bello!
http//www.pibinko.org - http://www.jugbandcm.it - http://www.moltobello.info
+39 331 7539 228
P.IVA IT01582480537

Il giorno ven 18 feb 2022 alle ore 19:50 Paul Ramsey via Discuss <
discuss@lists.osgeo.org> ha scritto:

> I am, naturally of two minds about this.
> As Sanghee says, the act of pulling together a local conference can be one
> that draws together people from multiple parts of the local geo ecosystem,
> makes new connections that might never be made. Gathering up public,
> private, and NGO sponsors in your local area, and having them all
> experience the FOSS4G thing, something they might not have otherwise gotten
> to be a part of... it requires a local commitment, and local connections,
> to make it happen.
> Moving to a centralized system, where the locale is primarily a source of
> a venue, an interesting city and some novel culinary options, loses a lot
> of that. I appreciated the turn-key aspect of FOSS4G-NA when LocationTech
> was carrying the organizing load, but the event itself became denatured
> somehow. It lacked the organic connections it had when it was (earlier) in
> Minnesota or (later) in San Diego.
> There will be a loss.
> On the other hand (of course), this doesn't come for free. The very
> uniqueness and organicness flows from the "figuring things out on the fly
> and making the connections needed" that local organizers go through. The
> very thing that provides the magic spark, burns them down to the ground.
> And the supply of those people, is finite. We've gotten on a long time (at
> least 5 years longer than I would predicted!) with people continuing to
> step up and volunteer for the load. It may be that Covid and the "virtual
> conference" has been what finally killed the supply of enthusiasm. I know
> myself that part of the "fun" of volunteering for the grind was knowing the
> world was going to come to town. When the world is just "dialing in", the
> sense of reward is (I think) a lot lower for organizers. One of the
> ego-gratifying aspects of organizing the conference is being able to see
> your local contacts go "whoa, this is really real, I thought you were
> always just blowing smoke" as they wander through a hall full of 1000 open
> source geospatial advocates.
> Anyways, lots of words to no great conclusion. I think a central
> organization would be more "sustainable" but potentially deterimental to
> the ethos of the thing. Also, very 

[OSGeo-Discuss] Heads up: Sat. Feb 19, the Second Jugcast dalle Colline Metallifere, on Open Innovation

2022-02-18 Thread Andrea Giacomelli via Discuss
Dear all:


Regards from Southern Tuscany!

Andrea Giacomelli
Cultura, ambiente, innovazione libera e musica: Molto Bello!
http//www.pibinko.org - http://www.jugbandcm.it - http://www.moltobello.info
+39 331 7539 228
P.IVA IT01582480537
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Call for Issues on Ethics in Open Science Research

2022-02-14 Thread Andrea Giacomelli via Discuss
Dear all, I hope you are well and apologies for duplicate postings.

I am writing following interactions in the past years to promote this call,
in case it has not reached you earlier:


Many thanks for your attention, and best regards from Southern Tuscany!

Andrea Giacomelli
Culture, environment, open innovation and music: Molto Bello!
http//www.pibinko.org - http://www.jugbandcm.it - http://www.moltobello.info
+39 331 7539 228
VAT code IT01582480537
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: From pibinko.org: save the date for June 26 and the London Festival of Architecture

2020-06-04 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Hello, I hope you are well.

I am pleased to invite you Friday June 26, 2020 for the online version of
the London Festival of Architecture. With the pibinko.org network (and
its geomusical
branch ) we will
present a new participatory mapping exercise in collaboration with the
University of Brescia.

Participation to this event is free, but you should please register
according to the indications provided in the presentation article:

Regards from pibinko  & friends
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] a poll by pibinko.org: Do you feel more like a scientician or a politicist?

2020-06-02 Thread Andrea Giacomelli

I am circulating to various lists and other folks this poll:


the deadline for responses is Sep. 3, 2020

Many thanks for your attention, and best regards from Southern Tuscany

Andrea Giacomelli
Cultura, Ambiente, Innovazione Libera
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] An alternative May Day celebration involving also open source mapping tools

2020-05-01 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
All explained here


Best regards from Southern Tuscany!

Andrea Giacomelli
Cultura, Ambiente, Innovazione Libera
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] FYI - The new map of Participatory Lithology is online

2020-04-24 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Dear all,

Further to the call for expressions of interest issued a couple of weeks
ago, I am glad to announce that our "little participatory lithology
exercise"  now has a proper web map.

Kudos to Francesco Marucci from Bologna, Italy, who kindly developed it:


For those of you interested to learn more about the project from a
different angle, on Apr. 12 there was an article on the Science Connected
webzine which you can read (click here

Best regards from Southern Tuscany!

Andrea Giacomelli
Cultura, Ambiente, Innovazione Libera
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537

-- Forwarded message -
Da: Andrea Giacomelli 
Date: mer 8 apr 2020 alle ore 08:58
Subject: The map of Participatory Lithology, and a call for expressions of
To: OSGeo Discussions 
Cc: , Rocco Colangelo 

*[This is the adaptation of an e-mail I sent earlier to the Italian list,
so I don't know if it will qualify as a cross-posting for readers of
gfoss-it... anyway: apologies in this case]*

Hello, I hope you are well

On March 21 we (pibinko.org network <http://www.pibinko.org> and Metalliferous
Hills Jug Band <http://www.pibinko.org/jugbandcollinemetallifere>) started
what we may qualify as a small resilience project.
This combines some very local aspects (helping families of a tiny Southern
Tuscan village to classify a series of domestic mineral collections), with
the experience we have since 2007 in working in international communities
to do things that some folks consider "beyond Jodorowski", and other
consider interesting and productive, with lots of nuances in between. From
the pibinko.org site you can get some hints about this context.

To learn about the Participatory Lithology project in a "linear" way you
can go for this page <http://www.pibinko.org/participatorylithology/>, or
if you want a less informal approach and you like music, you should start
from here

Once you have learned a bit more about the story, you can check out the
first version of the project map:


We are interested in finding people who might support Participatory
Lithology by helping to create a map which is a little more dynamic than
exporting images from QGIS.
This contribution to the project would be assimilated to a level 2b
sponsorship (see this page
<http://www.pibinko.org/participatory-lithology-options-for-sponsors/> for
an explanation)...or it might drift to the category of "other forms of
entertainment" (see this other page
depending on the type of visualization that we may come up with.

Please write to  micalosap...@pibinko.org if you are interested.

Thank you for your attention, and best regards from Southern Tuscany

Andrea Giacomelli
Culture, Environment, Open Innovation
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Apr. 10, 2011..."free/open source geomatics" lyrics, nine years after

2020-04-10 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Dear all,

As many folks are doing, in this lockdown period I am putting a little time
to tidy up things etc.

...an exercise I set up (with a script) out of curiosity is checking what
has been documented in my blog on any given day in the past years...I have
over 1700 posts since 2007, so several stories I don't have off the top of
my head, and things surface here and there.

anyway: the script helped me remember that on Apr. 10, 2011 I wrote this


for non Italian folks, the reference to (G)FOSS is how we called here
geographic free/open-source software.

Once thing I am noticing today, is that the song starts with a reference to
being "locked in" ... this sound a bit literal today...but back then it was
referred to licensing... anyway...

...if you like the genre, you might also want to check how these ideas
developed: our latest release, just a few days ago, has called in a T-Rex
and a slide guitarist with long curly hair
on a set where community maps we created in the past years in participatory
mapping projects are used as carpets.

Until the next osgeo-song..

Best regards!

Andrea Giacomelli
Cultura, Ambiente, Innovazione Libera
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] The map of Participatory Lithology, and a call for expressions of interest

2020-04-07 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
*[This is the adaptation of an e-mail I sent earlier to the Italian list,
so I don't know if it will qualify as a cross-posting for readers of
gfoss-it... anyway: apologies in this case]*

Hello, I hope you are well

On March 21 we (pibinko.org network <http://www.pibinko.org> and Metalliferous
Hills Jug Band <http://www.pibinko.org/jugbandcollinemetallifere>) started
what we may qualify as a small resilience project.
This combines some very local aspects (helping families of a tiny Southern
Tuscan village to classify a series of domestic mineral collections), with
the experience we have since 2007 in working in international communities
to do things that some folks consider "beyond Jodorowski", and other
consider interesting and productive, with lots of nuances in between. From
the pibinko.org site you can get some hints about this context.

To learn about the Participatory Lithology project in a "linear" way you
can go for this page <http://www.pibinko.org/participatorylithology/>, or
if you want a less informal approach and you like music, you should start
from here

Once you have learned a bit more about the story, you can check out the
first version of the project map:


We are interested in finding people who might support Participatory
Lithology by helping to create a map which is a little more dynamic than
exporting images from QGIS.
This contribution to the project would be assimilated to a level 2b
sponsorship (see this page
<http://www.pibinko.org/participatory-lithology-options-for-sponsors/> for
an explanation)...or it might drift to the category of "other forms of
entertainment" (see this other page
depending on the type of visualization that we may come up with.

Please write to  micalosap...@pibinko.org if you are interested.

Thank you for your attention, and best regards from Southern Tuscany

Andrea Giacomelli
Culture, Environment, Open Innovation
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] save the date- May 22 in Brussels, for a presentation of the pibinko.org network

2019-05-07 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Dear all, please see below:


this is not the first presentation about the pibinko.org network abroad,
but it comes in very peculiar phase of our activities, as you may sense
from the presentation and the events listed in
http://www.pibinko.org/calendar, http://www.pibinko.org/news, and

Should you be in the Brussels area, this may be an opportunity to meet (and
maybe write the script for episode 2 of this video

Best regards

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Code of Conduct... followup to avoid lobbies

2018-12-18 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Hi -

I have been following this discussion with interest...however lately I
don't always follow OSGEO Discuss in a timely manner, so I don't have all
the elements fresh with me and I apologise.

As a former vice-president and external relations guy for the Italian OSGEO
Chapter, and having before and after been involved in other community-based
organisations (both virtual and with feet-on-the-ground)...

my question is: is it better to invest time and energy to define a code of
conduct to avoid lobbies, or to acknowledge that the behaviour termed by
some Western civilizations as "lobbying" is pretty much human and should
just be factored in a process (while acknowledging that there are also many
individuals and organisations that *do not* use it and have the same right
to play their game)?

I don't see a big issue with lobbies as long as they are declared.

Andrea Giacomelli
Culture, Environment, Open Innovation
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537

Il giorno mar 18 dic 2018 alle ore 21:41 Ben Caradoc-Davies <
b...@transient.nz> ha scritto:

> I support this idea. It would be analogous to academic journals that
> require authors to declare any conflicts of interest.
> We might also adopt a rule, if we do not already have one, that, when
> voting, members should act only to further the goals of OSGeo. While I
> do not expect that it would happen, I would not like to see an member
> vote for a client or employer in exchange for consideration. Adopting an
> explicit rule would, in my view, help members resist external pressure.
> We must also balance the risk of lobbies with the need to support
> members who are promoting OSGeo within their large organisations. Having
> several members in an organisation allows them to support each other in
> what can otherwise be a lonely position. Promotion of OSGeo through
> mentoring and development of new members is one of our most valuable
> forms of corporate outreach. In my view, any new rules should support
> and not discourage these outreach activities. Transparent disclosure may
> be sufficient and better than proscriptive rules.
> Kind regards,
> Ben.
> On 19/12/2018 00:45, Tom Chadwin wrote:
> > Hello all
> >
> > Perhaps if we request a declaration of any relationship (commercial or
> personal) between nominator/seconder and nominee, that would make
> everything transparent, and allow members to judge for themselves whether
> such relationships cast doubt on the validity of the nominee?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Tom
> --
> Ben Caradoc-Davies 
> Director
> Transient Software Limited <https://transient.nz/>
> New Zealand
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Outreach event - Waiting for the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest (in Madrid)

2018-11-29 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
(apologies for cross-postings)

Hello - please see:


The FVWF is becoming the yearly "wrap-up" event for our team in Italy
involved in projects which I periodically advertise on this list
(mainly BuioMetria
Partecipativa <http://www.buiometriapartecipativa.org> for participatory
light pollution monitornig, and the Farma Valley Community map

So: for those of you in the Madrid area...it would be interesting to meet
if you are interested in these projects, or more in general about the
pibinko.org approach to promotion and protection of lesser known assets,
and how free/open-source geomatics help in the process (this was also the
subject of a Geoforall/ASPRS webinar last year

Vice versa, I am interested to learn more about what happens in Spain on
these topics.

Many thanks for your attention, and best regards

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Shapefile to GPX conversion

2017-09-07 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Hi - I initially posted this to qgis-user, but in fact there will be a
broader solution so I am relaying this here.

I need to provide GPX data, derived from some shapefiles, to be used and
edited in the Garmin Basecamp package.

I have tried with the basic export option via "Save as GPX" from QGIS
the resulting GPX is uploaded, but each feature of my initial layer in
interpreted as a separate track, which makes usability on the base camp
side difficult.

I would like to ask if you have encountered the same issue (with that
package or other GPX viewers) and if you have identified a solution, either
with specific flags via the QGIS Save as GPX option, or with a different

TIA for any feedback, and best regards

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] INSPIRE Hack 2017 - Open Data, Volunteered Geographic Information and Citizen Observatories

2017-08-01 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Thanks Suchit!

One quick summertime semantic question: what is the difference between a
mashup event and a hackathon?

I was considering that the word mashup was more used a couple of years ago,
while now I hear more about hackathons and was wondering is others have
some feel about how these words come about...

Best regards from Italy!

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537

2017-07-30 21:36 GMT+02:00 Suchith Anand :

> Dear colleagues,
> You might be interested in  the second edition of the INSPIRE Hack, i.e. a
> hackathon that is part of the INSPIRE Conference 2017. This time, the
> hackathon will start early in July 2017 when hackathon teams will be
> created and will start working on their projects before the INSPIRE
> Conference. The INSPIRE Conference will serve as a platform for presenting
> the hackathon results. All the hackathon teams will present their projects
> during a dedicated workshop at the INSPIRE Conference. The workshop
> including the award ceremony will take place either on 4th or 5th September
> 2017 in Kehl, Germany.
> The INSPIRE Hack supports creativity, innovation, technical capabilities
> and knowledge sharing. The INSPIRE Hack focuses on methods where citizens
> are able to contribute to different environmental and societal issues
> through smart phones and other sensors.
> More details at  http://www.godan.info/events/inspire-hack-2017
> Best wishes,
> Suchith
> This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee
> and may contain confidential information. If you have received this
> message in error, please send it back to me, and immediately delete it.
> Please do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in this
> message or in any attachment.  Any views or opinions expressed by the
> author of this email do not necessarily reflect the views of the
> University of Nottingham.
> This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an
> attachment may still contain software viruses which could damage your
> computer system, you are advised to perform your own checks. Email
> communications with the University of Nottingham may be monitored as
> permitted by UK legislation.
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
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Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Board] Fwd: Official expression of interest forming a European Chapter

2017-07-27 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Hi - in the midst of end-of-month deadlines I missed the first part of this
threadplease feel free to relay to the "eu" or "board" lists.

a) One comment/recommendation, reproposing the one I made in Jan 2007
during the founding meeting of GFOSS.it aka Italian Chapter.
This concerning the composition of the board / steering committee: it would
greatly help if there were a mechanism to insure an equal presence from
different stakeholder groups...namely: academics, (small-medium)
enterprises, public-sector users, and possibly even "just citizens" with
some level of geomatic maturity***.

b) With such a composition, and a minimal level of resources to insure that
the chapter can run a minimal set of activities, there is a starting point
for an action of the chapter which will balance and harmonize different

Without these conditions, there is a possibility that different scenarios
may happen (i.e. the chapter may become a marketing office, or a "pure
research lab", a "mapping party shop", etc...depending on the prevailing
Such evolutions may also be fine, as long as the community is aware of
"paradigm shifts" in the expectations of what a  volunteer-based venture
should produce (...this related to the importance of defining a roadmap, as
indicated by Jachim).

c) Having followed for 20 years now the development of geomatics in
relation to "EU stuff", having consistently advocated FOSS4G principles in
EU-level activities in which I have been involved, and currently being
engaged in EU-centered actitivities, I will be very interested  to see the
development of an OSGEU-EU Chapter.

Ciao -

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537

2017-07-26 9:03 GMT+02:00 Maria Antonia Brovelli :

> Dear Maxi
> Well noted. We'll discuss about that as well. This is a relevant point.
> Thank you for suggesting solutions.
> Are there other comments by other members?
> Best regards
> Maria
> Sent from my Samsung device
>  Original message 
> From: Massimiliano Cannata 
> Date: 25/07/2017 14:13 (GMT+01:00)
> To: Dirk Frigne , OSGeo Discussions <
> discuss@lists.osgeo.org>, e...@lists.osgeo.org, OSGeo Board <
> bo...@lists.osgeo.org>
> Subject: Re: [Board] Fwd: Official expression of interest forming a
> European Chapter
> Dear European charter members and OSGeo board,
> I would like to express my support for an OSGeo continental chapter and
> provide my point of view, that even if often considered uncomfortable, hope
> will bring discussion to improve.
> I hope that before starting the chapter:
> * there is a clear and equitable rule for using the OSGeo name in European
> bids (see h2020 for example) since this may be a competitive advantage.
> It is totally unclear to me how OSGeo-EU would relate to H2020 projects
> for example:
> - Will it participate as a partner in any calls?
> - How the selection of supported project will be done?
> - How, in case of funding, allocated money will be distributed to members?
> * there is a defined and focused coordination with local chapters
> - synergies are needed to avoid duplication of efforts and adoption of a
> common action line.
> - ideally I'd like to see a hierarchical structure from international to
> continental and national level "chapters" but this is a matter for the
> board..
> Here some proposed actions,
> that in my opinion would demonstrate the open principle of the OSGeo
> European Chapter  community:
> * run a democratic election of the board representatives within 6 months
> from the inception
> * include all the OSGeo charter member that express their willing as
> "full" member (was charter member in OSGeo not sure how "full member" is in
> OSGeo-EU)
> Regards,
> Maxi
> Il 24 lug 2017 2:56 PM, "Dirk Frigne"  ha
> scritto:
>> Maria
>> "is a member of a local chapter also a charter
>> > member of Eu Chapter? Or we will have a complex structure where local
>> > chapter members can be not Eu charter members but charter members of
>> > OSGeo as a whole?"
>> No, as Jody and Lucca already mentioned, this is an organisation of
>> volunteers. Everybody who wants to volunteer can become a member, but
>> volunteers can also be 'only' OSGeo members.
>> The "official" OSGeo-Europe members are responsible to guard the correct
>> working of the organisation, as a legal structure. 22 volunteers
>> expressed there interest to become a founding member and have signed the
>> bylaws that we discussed last y

[OSGeo-Discuss] Event involving FOSS4G mapping in Southern Tuscany (Jul 26 PM)

2017-07-21 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
(apologies for cross-postings)


Should you, or your friends or relatives, be in the area (to give you a
quick bearing we are 100 km South of Florence), you may consider this:


to be part of the initative presented on our Apr 7 geoforall-ASPRS webinar
FOSS4G in rural communities.

Best regards from Tuscany

Andrea Giacomelli
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] The future of Geo is Open

2017-07-15 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Hi Suchit -

It is very unlikely that I will make it to FOSS4G-Europe, as we will be
quite busy during the Summer with projects here in Southern Tuscany...but
in relation to the the issue you would like to discuss I would like to ask
if, in addition to openness of Software and data you have been considering
the openness of the people who are in any case part of the system.

With our team we have been monitoring these aspects, and we have oftern
recorded the fact that the bottleneck towards progress in the open
direction comes from people (individuals, even before organizations).

I was hinting to this towards the end of our Apr 7 Geoforall/APSRS webinar

I will be glad to further elaborate on the topic if you think this is of
interest, and I would also be interested to learn if other teams have been
considering this aspect.

Best regards

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537

2017-07-06 10:24 GMT+02:00 Suchith Anand :

> Dear colleagues,
> This is a request for help as I need inputs from the wider community to
> get more ideas for my presentation at FOSS4G-Europe 2017 later this month.
> My keynote presentation will be on *“The future of Geo is Open”* and I
> would like to invite ideas/inputs for this. It is also an good time to
> reflect on the developments in Open Geospatial Science [1],[2],[3] as it is
> over a decade now since we started working on the philosophy of Openness in
> Geospatial Science  and Education.
> I am looking forward to discussing new ideas with you all at FOSS4G-Europe
> 2017.
> Best wishes,
> Suchith
> [1] http://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijgi/special_issues/science-applications
> [2] http://www.springer.com/earth+sciences+and+geography/
> geography/journal/40965
> [3] http://www.geoconnexion.com/uploads/publication_pdfs/uk_
> v15i18-058-059-Op951AF3.pdf
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> Please do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in this
> message or in any attachment.  Any views or opinions expressed by the
> author of this email do not necessarily reflect the views of the
> University of Nottingham.
> This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an
> attachment may still contain software viruses which could damage your
> computer system, you are advised to perform your own checks. Email
> communications with the University of Nottingham may be monitored as
> permitted by UK legislation.
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] BSC '17

2017-06-23 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
(apologies for cross-postings)

Possibly of interest to folks visiting Tuscany during the Summer


Best regards,

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 331 7539228 <+39%20331%20753%209228>
P. IVA: 01582480537
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Save the date: Tue. June 6 in Grosseto (Southern Tuscany) the pibinko.org Summer calendar presented @ Caffé Ricasoli

2017-06-02 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
(apologies for cross-postings)

..should you be in transit in Southern Tuscany next week:


Best regards from Italy!

Andrea Giacomelli
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] The first “hard copy” steps for the Farma Valley (Tuscany) community map

2017-05-03 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Dear Patrick,

Many thanks for your comments and ideas!

My apologies for not answering earlier, in the midst of a bunch of
activities related to the issues I presented.

As an overarching issue: it may help to consider that we are a very small
organization, operating in a rural area.

We have what I would consider -comparing to other organizations I interact
with- a pretty good "glocal" vision of things to do (
http://www.pibinko.org/places) but our current resources are quite limited,
again comparing to other organizations we see doing similar things.

This leads to (a) being extremely cautious to not overcommit and (b)
keeping several ideas which we develop on a side, as we want to avoid
launching ideas when we are not ready to deliver them in projects.
We might have ideas which get sketched to a preliminary design phase, and
then we keep them "warm" until the right conditions develop...this is not
because we are slow...but because we made a point in doing what we do from
an area which is not the typical ICT district, and so we started with a
significant handicap. To give you an idea: in 2012 I worked as a citizen
science coordinator in this area, and I  was navigating at 24 Kb/s from
certain sites where I needed to be, due to the poor mobile coverage. Things
have improved since, but we are far from the level of service other labs
"in town have" (on the other end: we have other "up sides" that our urban
colleagues appreciate a lot when they visit us).

In fact, the community map data set was finalized in the Spring of 2015,
and the project was presented at an international conference in September,
the same year, but we found the right conditions to publish it in December
You can still check out the 2015 version of this on
http://attivarti.org/valledelfarma/welcome/   (among other material, there
are five video interviews which are interesting:

This said...please see below

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 331 7539228 <+39%20331%20753%209228>
P. IVA: 01582480537

2017-04-30 20:52 GMT+02:00 Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX) :

> Andrea,
> This is a brilliant idea! How about putting up a web page that let
> tourists and others know exactly how they can contribute and how precious
> their participation is.

In the past years we have been working on how to encourage contributions of
this type, for example in our BuioMetria Partecipativa project
<http://www.buiometriapartecipativa.org/> (participatory night sky quality

An issue we have encountered with this is that tourists, given the nature
they assume in their time off their life at home, might be enticed by
casual participation, or by an outreach event, but then may not be really
committed to work with us beyond this level, so it not so interesting to
invest in attracting them specifically.
On the other hand, tourists who will visit our surroundings and note our
activities, will expose a direct motivation and we will be very glad of
interacting with them ...this has happened already in several occasions,
with mutual satisfaction.

Concerning "others" we are primarily interested in university students,
plus professionals of specific market segments and we have in fact being
engaging them already, but we are always open to new options in this

for the 2017 "season" of our series, we are planning four events with a
monthly frequency starting in June, in order to refine the map, and with
the tourists arriving we will surely set up something for them as well.

> I might also suggest getting the word out to High Schools too! Those
> students would love to become part of this communal effort. Maybe with some
> recognition for the school that does the most.

Yes, this makes sense. by the way: "the word" goes out anyway, since we
always advertize the news you occasionally received on OSGEO discuss also
via press releases etc.

The hard part of this is that the closest high schools are 45 km away, and
the teens living in the hamlets are in low numbers on students in or closer
to the main cities tend to stick to initiatives in their neighborhoods.

Still: if a High School would like to "play", we are here.

If there is something you think NASA can do to help, let me know.

you are tempting me...I will share your offer with our steering board and
will let you know

in fact: in 2011 I was invited at a NASA/EU JRC workshop to brainstorm on
"socioeconomic benefits of Earth observation"
I will go back to the presentation I gave there and check if some of the
action items I proposed, which were in the line of things we are doing now,
might be applicable.

> -Patrick
> P.S.: ESA has standardized on Web World Wind.
> So building an interface with that might be fun and easily integrate
> Coper

[OSGeo-Discuss] The first “hard copy” steps for the Farma Valley (Tuscany) community map

2017-04-30 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
(apologies for cross-postings)


As an update following the Apr. 7 ASPRS/GeoforAll webinar
please see:


By the way: if you are planning vacations or business travel in central
Italy (let's say a triangle defined by Florence, Rome and the Tuscan coast)
and are interested to see the "ground truth" part of the project - or
actually become part of it, let me know!

Best regards!

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 331 7539228 <+39%20331%20753%209228>
P. IVA: 01582480537
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Recording of the Apr 7 Geo4All webinar, and more related news from Southern Tuscany

2017-04-18 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
(apologies for cross-postings)

Hello to all,

In case you missed the April 7 webinar on "How Free/Open Source Geomatics
can integrate in Rural Communities to improve Resilience and Quality of
Life", hosted by the Geo4All Network and ASPRS, you may find it, together
with some sidebar information from Southern Tuscany, on


Thank you for your attention, and best regards!

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 331 7539228 <+39%20331%20753%209228>
P. IVA: 01582480537
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Streaming this from Genova (FOSS4G-IT) would have been less fun...

2017-02-09 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Thanks Jeff !

I am sure a lot of official footage and photos will be available at the end
of the conference, plus the Saturday mapping party..

.this blog post was more like a bootleg recording of one specific
presentation, with some very peculiar outreach aspects (as far as I know
attending conferences since 1993, the first time I see components of a rock
band entering a venue as co-authors, and the first time for Dario and
Simone to actually be part of a scientific conference).

I you are aware of similar initatives, please to let me know.

Best regards

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537

2017-02-09 19:43 GMT+01:00 Jeff McKenna :

> I love this Andrea!  I was just thinking to myself that we need more
> pics/videos of the fun this week at FOSS4G-IT and the OSGeo code sprint.
> Well, this is perfect, I can hear and feel the atmosphere (and see familiar
> faces as the camera pans around) thanks for sharing ha! :)
> -jeff
> --
> Jeff McKenna
> President Emeritus, OSGeo Foundation
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Jeff_McKenna
> On 2017-02-09 2:38 PM, Andrea Giacomelli wrote:
>> ...and it would have been more difficult to provide the short explanations
>> http://www.pibinko.org/geomatics-and-music-at-foss4g-it-in-genova-italy/
>> Best regards
>> Andrea Giacomelli
>> http://www.pibinko.org <http://www.pibinko.org/>
>> i...@pibinko.org <mailto:i...@pibinko.org>
>> +39 331 7539228
>> P. IVA: 01582480537
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Streaming this from Genova (FOSS4G-IT) would have been less fun...

2017-02-09 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
...and it would have been more difficult to provide the short explanations


Best regards

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 331 7539228
P. IVA: 01582480537
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Save the date: Milano, March 11: Community maps of Earth, Sea, and Sky in Fa’ la Cosa Giusta

2017-02-07 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
[apologies for future cross-postings for ppgis list readers, if my message
gets moderated positively]

...all detailed on the page:


Thank you for your attention, and best regards

Andrea Giacomelli
http://www <http://www.pibinko.org/>.pibinko.org <http://www.pibinko.org/>
+39 331 7539228 <+39%20331%20753%209228>
P. IVA: 01582480537
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Translation of articles about participatory mapping experiences in the Farma Valley, Southern Tuscany, Italy

2016-12-28 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
[apologies for cross-postings to folks on ppgis]

Dear all,




...these articles were published on one of the two main newspapers in
Tuscany on Dec. 17

b) We needed a few days to get a translation into English (which may still
be improved, so bear with us for any glitches, but we though it was
important to share the news asap).

c) The articles are a nice independent summary of a series of activities
which we (the subjects involved are detailed in the article) started in
2006, involving various elements of participatory mapping.

...some of these activities have already been advertised on this
list...anyway: if you need some backtracking, the sites
http://www.pibinko.org (since 1991) and http://www.attivarti.org (since
2007) carry all the story

d) for comments, questions and enquiries, we will be glad to hear from you

e) if you are interested, you can subscribe to our newsletter (
http://attivarti.org/lists/) to stay posted on upcoming events and
initiatives (Italian and English currently available)..

Many thanks for your attention, and best regards from Italy:

Andrea Giacomelli

p.s. http://www.pibinko.org/20172018-seasons-greetings/
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] FYI - Farma Valley Winter Fest, including community maps (Dec 17-18-19, Southern Tuscany)

2016-12-06 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
*[apologies for the duplicate posting to those also on the ppgis list]*

Hello to all,

On Dec 17-18-19 we are organizing a "Winter Fest" in the *Farma Valley*, a
quasi-off-the-beaten-track site about 100 Km South of Florence (or some 200
Km North of Rome).

The primary focus of the Winter Fest will be on music, but we have a
significant presence of participatory mapping stories...some of these have
been advertised in the past on this list ...you might want to check out
www.pibinko.org and www.attivarti.org for a refresher, or check this short
paper [0].

Back to the upcoming event:

The Evening of Sunday Dec. 18 we will present the Beta version of the *Farma
Valley community map*. This work was initiated in early 2015, when we
decided to run in an international contest on location based games for
environmental education, and was then continued in various steps during the
past months.

We would like to launch the 1.0 version of the map before the end of the
Winter, so now is a good time to share the work in progress.

In the same evening we will also have the handover of some of the *night
sky quality monitoring sensors *we have been lending over the past nine
years to provide ground truthing data to the World atlas of light pollution
and to promote some of the "dark sky" areas in Italy [1].

On Monday, Dec. 19, our crew (with whoever wants to join) will gradually
glide from 442 metres above sea level to 10 metres above sea level
(Grosseto), where we will end our festival with an evening about
photography. Our keynote speaker will be Maurizio Bacci, the first person
in Italy to get an MSc in Environmental Engineering (this course was
created in 1981).

A English version of the flyer for the festival is available at:


The event, which was publicly announced last Sunday, has gained some media
attention: Il Tirreno, one of the two newspapers published in Tuscany,
dedicated almost one full page to the event, in its Grosseto edition, last
Monday [2].

The fact of getting media attention is not news (in 2007, with our first
project we ended up on Comcast Sports News [6]), but what is news is that
the event is being appreciated in its "holistic" approach.

The reporter also dedicated a specific box to the Community Map [3].

The festival will also act as the prelude for the next 12-18 months of
activities for pibinko.org, attivarti.org and the team helping to make
these projects work.

I would figure that most of you will not be able to attend, but I'd still
like to take the opportunity of the Festival to remind you that we are
always interested in establishing collaborations out of our "local site"

Best regards

Andrea Giacomelli

p.s. as an anecdote: Torniella, the main village in the Farma Valley is
also the main location where our first promotional video on GFOSS.it, the
Italian OSGEO Chapter, was shot, back in Dec. 2007...some of the actors you
see there are part of the core team organising the Winter Fest [5]

[0] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/310441845_INTEGRATING_CULTURE_
[1] http://attivarti.org/v2/participatory-night-sky-quality-monitoring/
[2] http://www.pibinko.org/il-tirreno-grosseto-edition-dec-
5-2016-a-winter-festival-to-discover-the-farma-valley/ The article is in
Italian, but you will make some sense of it...or if anybody would like to
translate this to English, I will be glad to credit the translator and
publish it...right now we are heads down on the operational parts of the
event, so keeping everything in two languages is not simple
[3] http://www.pibinko.org/il-tirreno-grosseto-edition-dec-
[4] http://www.pibinko.org/places/
[5] http://www.pibinko.org/riflessioni-sul-tematismo-on-freeopen-source-gis/
[6] http://www.pibinko.org/palla-21-a-chicago-e-ritorno-trailer-2/ ...at
some point
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] FYI - Mapping the affiliation of INSPIRE Annex 2 and 3 Data Specification experts

2015-10-23 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
On a rainy morning in Southern Tuscanyoccasionally we see maps of users
of given packages etcthis is on the same line:


Best regards

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] registrations are open - (was Fwd: announcement: hackathon at the Monza F1 racing circuit on October 29-30, 2015)

2015-09-16 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Dear all,

Further to the first announcement, this is just to let you know that the
registrations for the Connected Automobiles 2015 hackathon opened yesterday.


In case you didn't visit the website, or if you did so a few weeks ago,
please note that content is steadily beeing improved, with indications of
technology partners, mentors, and other organizational aspects.

Best regards from Italy!

Andrea Giacomelli

-- Forwarded message --
From: Andrea Giacomelli 
Date: 2015-08-25 11:00 GMT+02:00
Subject: announcement: hackathon at the Monza F1 racing circuit on October
29-30, 2015
To: OSGeo Discussions 

Hi - please see the link below:


Registrations open on September 15.

b) If you have any questions about the general organization of the event,
you may use the form on the event web page.

If you have questions more specifically related to the geo- aspects of the
event, you can still use the form, but I'd appreciate if you can also write
to me (as I will have to answer those questions anyway ;) ).

Best regards from Italy.

Andrea Giacomelli
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] announcement: hackathon at the Monza F1 racing circuit on October 29-30, 2015

2015-08-25 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Hi - please see the link below:


Registrations open on September 15.

b) If you have any questions about the general organization of the event,
you may use the form on the event web page.

If you have questions more specifically related to the geo- aspects of the
event, you can still use the form, but I'd appreciate if you can also write
to me (as I will have to answer those questions anyway ;) ).

Best regards from Italy.

Andrea Giacomelli
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] We won. It's time for OSGeo 2.0.

2015-08-02 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Michael- thanks for the clarification!

You are mentioning maturity, by referring to a premature stage for the
community to "mutate" into a professional society.

>From my experience in the NGO/activitsm sector, which started in 2002 and
has covered also other themes, such as cultural mediation, ancient seeds,
or live music, the possibility of understanding the level of maturity of a
community is essential.

here is my thought in response to a prompt for issues (suggested
soundtrack: Ravel's Bolero)

a) if OSGeo is able to define over the next 4-5 months its level of
maturity as a community, it will be possible to people to understand where
to go from there.

b) If not, no major damage will be done, but I would figure that
individuals/chapter/project steering committees who feel they have a
different level of maturity or clearer objectives (starting from
*market* objectives) will just "go for it", develop their own
operation, and reduce their level of commitment in a joint effort.

c) I have seen this happening in the Italian scenario actually: this is
my story ;), and I know a couple more from others. so I don't see why
this should not happen at a different level.

We Italians are weltmeisters in individual ventures, and find it hard to
build and maintain coalitions... at the same time, as Depeche Mode used to
say, "People are People" ;)

d) note: this scenario may not be detrimental for the geospatial open
source ecosystem in the end. It's just a matter of perspective.

In Italy there are two sentences we use when commenting the value of

"chi fa da sé, fa per tre": when you do things on your own, the outcome is
like if you had three people

"l'unione fa la forza": strength comes from unity

interestingly, both make sense...it all depends in sensing the context
where you are operating

e)  I hope this can happen for OSGeo over the coming months ;)

With the small NGO I created in 2011 with three other folks (one of which
is Stefano Costa, one of the pillars in the creation of GFOSS.it and one of
the drivers in Italy for the first steps of OKFN in this country) we will
be glad to contribute to this process.

Even though free/open-source is not at the core of our mission, it is an
organic part of initiatives we develop, and in any case I spent three full
years in the communications/marketing think-tank of GFOSS.it, including
liaison to various OSGeo threads.

Last but not least, we have the legal status of an NGO in Italy, but we
operate in fact on a European scale (and for some projects we network in
other continents)

We are planning for November our final event in Italy, after a very lively
year...you may have seen some of my announcements related to m(')appare .

if any of you likes the idea of having Attivarti.org in the picture,
let me knowplease visit the www.attivarti.org and check the "ENGLISH"
section of the site or the English-language entries in the blog to
understand more of what we do and if this may related to whatever you are
doing within OSGeo.

Best regards from Southern Tuscany!

Andrea aka pibinko

2015-08-01 18:03 GMT+02:00 Michael Gerlek :

> Mostly positive -- maybe a little wistful, but not intended to be negative.
> I still see areas where OSGeo does (or could) add value, but I think the
> ideas of becoming a professional society or requiring people to pay dues
> are premature at best, until we can define what OSGeo’s charter and
> activities will be for the coming couple years.
> If nothing else, Vasile’s survey is prompting people to think about this
> issues, and that’s what’s most important.
> -mpg
> On Aug 1, 2015, at 2:44 AM, Andrea Giacomelli  wrote:
> Hi Michael -
> 1) Without knowing you in person, I can't say if your message is to be
> intended as with a "positive" tone, or with a bitter-sweet and slightly
> ironic tone ;)
> Whichever way, I agree that any organization (starting even from small
> groups) periodically needs to stop and consider if its current state is in
> line with the external and internal conditions and -if not- try and
> understand if some form of change should be applied.
> 2) the other consideration I appreciated is the one from  Even Rouault: it
> is true that, as Joni Mitchell used to sing
> "Don't it always seem to go / That you don't know what you've got / ‘Til
> it's gone" (Big Yellow Taxi)
> ...a simple test would be for OSGEO activists (I mean guys who donate at
> least half a day per week  of personal time -not paid time- to this) go on
> a "sabbatical leave" for, say, six months.
> then we see what happens ;)
> best regards from Italy.
> Andrea Giacomelli

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] We won. It's time for OSGeo 2.0.

2015-07-31 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Hi Michael -

1) Without knowing you in person, I can't say if your message is to be
intended as with a "positive" tone, or with a bitter-sweet and slightly
ironic tone ;)

Whichever way, I agree that any organization (starting even from small
groups) periodically needs to stop and consider if its current state is in
line with the external and internal conditions and -if not- try and
understand if some form of change should be applied.

2) the other consideration I appreciated is the one from  Even Rouault: it
is true that, as Joni Mitchell used to sing

"Don't it always seem to go / That you don't know what you've got / ‘Til
it's gone" (Big Yellow Taxi)

...a simple test would be for OSGEO activists (I mean guys who donate at
least half a day per week  of personal time -not paid time- to this) go on
a "sabbatical leave" for, say, six months.

then we see what happens ;)

best regards from Italy.

Andrea Giacomelli

2015-07-31 19:49 GMT+02:00 Michael Gerlek :

> I've stayed out of the pre-survey discussions on charter membership and
> whatnot, but after taking the survey yesterday, I’m starting to think that
> OSGeo has accomplished what it set out to do some years ago, and
> as currently construed OSGeo will no longer serve a useful purpose.
> ...
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] reminder for folks in the Milano, Italy, area: the next m(')appare event is coming

2015-07-27 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Hello to all -

this weeks marks the kick-off for the next m(')appare campaign in Milano,
brought to you by Attivarti.org, friends and acquaintances.

The campaign is focused on the upper half of the landscape [0]

After a brief appearance at the World EXPO [1], the key event will be
Thursday evening at the LO-FI Club, in the Rogoredo area [2].

Here we will mix a playlist on environment, wine and food tasting with
stuff we are carrying today from Tuscany to Milano, and -eventually- open
source mapping and awareness raising on the value of night sky.

This event, is also inserted into the calendar of activities for the
International Year of Light [3].

One or two sensors will stay in the Milano area (we are checking out with
our local contacts for the best pick-up points), so that any milanese (or
non-milanese residing in the Milano area) may borrow one and take

During the central part of August, with moon going from waning to new, it
will be easier to collect readings of night sky quality (call it light
pollution, if you will).

Between Sep. 10 and  Sep 21 the core m(')appare team will return to Milano
for another event (details to be announced as soon as we have the "go" from
the hosting organization).

The results of the activities taking place in Milano+surroundings will then
be presented in two international conference which Attivarti.org will
attend (Athens, Florence), and in a "wrap up" event we are organizing
"somewhere not over the rainbow" in November.

All the operation, designed and managed by Attivarti.org, takes place in
liaison with COST Action ES-1204 "Loss of the Night Network" [4], where
Attivarti.org is the main representative body for Italy, together with the
Biometeorology Institute of the National Research Council.

If you, or people you know in the Milano area, are interested to learn more
about the project or to collaborate, please write to mapp...@attivarti.org

Many thanks for your attention, and best regards!

Andrea Giacomelli


[1] http://www.attivarti.org/?p=2290

[2] http://www.attivarti.org/?p=2349


[4] http://www.cost-lonne.eu
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] FYI - 2010 article on "viewpoints on 2007-2013" for geospatial communities in Italy

2015-07-25 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Hi -

In Italian an expression passed from the Romagna dialect to national use
after Federico Fellini made his "Amarcord" movie.

Amarcord is the mis-spelling of "*a m'arcord"* , which means "I
recall"in Italy you will term something "amarcord" when somebody is
re-proposing things that related to past -and generally perceived as
better- times...

So, possibly in the combination of a recent FOSS4G-EU in Italy, and in the
announcement of an upcoming session by GFOSS.it in the next ASITA
conference in Italy (ASITA is the "mother of all GIS conferences" in our
country), I fished out from my memories an article I wrote in 2010, in fact
during my transition phase from GFOSS.it to something new, which one year
later became Attivarti.org.

I thought the article may be of interest to OSGEO historians -I know a
couple- so I provided an English translation...not easy because of some
"word games" in the original version...I did my best


Back in 2010 some of the main actors in the Italian geospatial arena told
me this was an interesting note, so I hope some of you will find it
interesting today.

Personally, it helped me to consider how things have changed compared to a
2010 "baseline", so it was definitely useful.

Best regards from Italy!

Andrea Giacomelli

p.s. by the way: 2015 is much better than 2010, at least for the context I
can see, so this is not maybe so much of an "amarcord" case ;)
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] overall value of market for business based on OSGEO projects?

2015-07-13 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
2015-07-12 17:10 GMT+02:00 Andrea Giacomelli (pibinko) :

> Hello -
> thanks to all who contributed and apologies for not re-entering the
> thread earlier (I was actually drafting a reply on July 9, but a very
> volatile network made me lose it!)...
> anyway: I will respect those who may have a number and prefer not to share
> it ;)
> the methods presented range from "hey, we live in a real world, and
> public business records exist" type (which I would follow for the
> level of analysis I need with my colleague at present), to much
> higher-level overviews.
> I also like the latter, but I fear they might lean on the academic
> exercise side (which I'm not saying is wrong, but it's not what I was
> asking for in this context).
> to wrap up the discussion for now, I'd put it this way: with FOSS4GEU
> approaching, if there will be presentations including related
> information, or public discussions where such data is mentioned, I'll
> be glad if the list will be notified.
> Best regards!
> Andrea Giacomelli
> http://www.pibinko.org
> p.s. ...FYI, the number which was estimated in Italy (and proposed in
> a public discussion at the end of a presentation, so I think it's ok
> to re-propose it here), was 5 MEUR in 2009.
> 2015-07-09 12:46 GMT+02:00, Camille Acey :
> > On Jul 9, 2015 6:42 AM, "Camille Acey"  wrote:
> >
> >> Having worked on the sales side of a fairly important player in the
> >> space,
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] overall value of market for business based on OSGEO projects?

2015-07-08 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Hi Brian, and thanks for the inspirational overview. I totally agree with

But if I go back with this to my colleague (I won't meet him at the cafe
after close-of-business today because I'm travelling, but tomorrow might
well be), he will claim that this is too much of a quasi-philosophical

A simple way of getting the number is simply checking the revenue of the
key  companies involved in the business.

The next "quantum leap" in innovation might be round the corner and
completely change our paradigms for estimating the size of a market, but
until this happens, if we are assigning a value to it, we are making a bet.

The "third level" you mention is what my colleague calls "ecosystem
services". Interestingly, their value can be estimated as well (I have
started to work a few years ago on one of these cases);

but for the time being, I will stick to "level 1", considering the thread
open for a couple of days, should any other folk wish to drop a line.

Thanks also for the "good travels" in Italy...in fact I am an Italian
citizen and a resident, but I travel quite a lot up and down "The boot", as
we call it (today towards the AC/DC gig in Imola...)

Best regards!

Andrea Giacomelli

2015-07-08 21:22 GMT+02:00 Brian M Hamlin :

> Hi Andrea -
>   like so many good questions looking for a simple answer, there is no
> simple answer..
> Let's make a "thought experiment" .. and divide economic acitivity into
> three different groups..
> Each one could be measured in currency, but I wll argue that only one of
> them makes sense..
>  * in the first case, the market is like a physical market . someone has
> eggs to sell, or furniture, or a service like medical service..
> a customer pays in currency, and all transactions are recorded (somehow)..
> the ecomonic value is the sum of all transactions..
> * the second is a market like a legal federation of many marketplaces..
> things are available from multiple sources, so prices go up and down..
> the prices change for a variety of reasons. But, what if someone "gives"
> something essential, for non-market reasons..
> the price may go down.. but what if a machine is invented that make one
> million times more of a good or service?
> does the price go down ? what if the machine makes something that was
> never available before.. is there a price ?
> * the third is the natural world we live in.. a unique collection of clear
> air, clean water, things to eat and places to live and
> make babies.. what is the "price" of clean water ? does it go up or down..
> what is the "price" of a rhinocerous or an elephant,
> that is a living being not in the human market at all .. what if the
> actions of the market kills or poison things that are not in the
> market, to make room for things that are in the market..
>   what if software can be used to understand these relationships outside
> of any market ?
>   what is the "price" of this software ..
> So, in the first and most simple case.. you could take the sum of economic
> activity inside the exchange of currency..
> However, on a larger scale, the second and third measures are very
> important.. I say that the OpenSource Geospatial
> software worlds are very much in all of those.. so any number you count in
> the first one will be a poor measure of the
> others..
>   good travels in Italy
>   Brian M Hamlin
> --
> Brian M Hamlin
> OSGeo California Chapter
> blog.light42.com
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] overall value of market for business based on OSGEO projects?

2015-07-08 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Hi  -

earlier I was at a cafe with a former colleague...a question arose: what
might be in 2015 the overall value, in terms of gross revenue, of the
market related to products listed as OSGEO projects, including incubating

I understand this might be a wild guess, or it might be not, and I don't
recall if there were recent threads in the list about similar topics (I did
a quick search and didn't find any).

A not-so-wild guess on Italy in 2009 was generated over a coffee break,
simply having the CEOs of the main companies in the same spot.
I'm not sure we can do a similar exercise here ...although the FOSS4G
Europe event might provide a nice space for this.

The reason for asking: with my friend we were trying to understand if a
commitment we might make in some of the OSGEO projects is over- or
under-estimated (or maybe: just right).

We don't need breakdowns by geography or by project...just a grand total...

TIA for any indications, and best regards from Italy!

Andrea Giacomelli
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] "Geo for All - Open GIS Mentoring Program" ideas welcome from the geocommunity

2015-07-07 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Dear Suchit,

I am writing you as the President of Attivarti.org.

I am occasionally contributing to this discussion list, mostly to advertize
initiatives we manage in Italy/Europe, and more occasionally commenting on
"policy issues".

a) Attivarti.org is a small non-governmental organization, just for years
old (formally an "associazione di promozione sociale" in Italian
legislation). You may check out www.attivarit.org and its English language
sections for more information (or I can send you separate fact sheets).

b) Now (July 2015) we are starting are first two internships for new
This is happening in the context of MoUs signed with Italian Universities,
and we are also active in a EU COST Action where more tutoring and student
exchange activities are happening.

c) In fact, the association is the current formal status of a team which
has for some members over twenty years of experience in geomatics.

Personally I created and managed what we could define as "geospatial labs"
in 1994-1996 (Politecnico di Milano, Dept. of Hydraulics, being probably
one of the first five people to administer GRASS in Italy), and then in
1997-2002 at CRS4 (a research lab part of the Science and Technology Park
in Sardinia).

please see http://www.pibinko.org for details

d) about geospatial labs:

Between 2002 and 2010 I have been working for the Milan, Italy, branch of a
US corporation, where I was in fact managing the GIS resources for a team
of 25 (and involving also survey work)

In terms of topics, I have been working on GIS / remote sensing / web

e) Since 2007 I have started to develop my independent stream of research.
Key topics include

- capacity building and development in rural areas
- participatory processes
- lean methodologies
- intertwinining of cultural and environmental issues as a social driver

this is on top of international experience in GIS for water resources,
facility management, contaminated site investigations and remediation ec.

f) Our current flagship project is calle "BuioMetria Partecipativa". We
started this in 2008 as a tiny VGI project. We are now just over the
seventh birthday for the project, and have seen a stable growth for it.

g) A peculiarity of our work is that this has -to date- taken place with a
neglectable component of public funding, and with a very limited support by
academia...so, in a way, I could say we have an example of a community
which operates with an independent R&D group.

h) Note that we are not shy, nor do we refrain from constantly seeking
partentships...In almost ten years of "civic hacking" I have met quite a
large number of stakeholders from three continents., and from all levels
(from small local communities to global organization managers), and for
some reason things have proceeded with some stakeholders, and less with

i) now: I'd like to understand if Attivarti.org (or its members in its
"precursor" activities) may

(1) contribute to your initiative with tutorials and, potentially (2) open
a new geospatial lab (to be based in Southern Tuscany).

If this idea is of interest to your initiative, I'll be glad to discuss
this further (probabily on a separate private thread). In any case I
thought it may be of interest also to others to open the discussion with
this message.

Best regards

Andrea Giacomelli

2015-07-05 10:48 GMT+02:00 Suchith Anand :

> Colleagues,
> Last year  at University of Nottingham , i initiated an OpenGIS Mentoring
> Program and funded through the FP7  THE ISSUE  http://www.theissue.eu/ .
> The  mentoring program enabled us to bring in colleagues from other
> organisations to work closely  for short periods at Nottingham for building
> up  collaborations.
> Some examples below:
> · The Integration of GIS, Open Source and Sustainability of the
> Environment - Dr Rossella Nocera (University of Molise, Italy) and  Dr
> Teresa Raventos (University of Leicester)
> · OpenGIS Capacity Building for Local Authorities - Dr Agata
> Ciolkosz-Styk and Pawel Kwiatkowski ((IGiK, Poland) and Fatima Manjra
> (Leicester City Council)
> Both University of Molise (Italy) and IGIK (Poland) have since then
> expanded their research and teaching in Geospatial Science and now working
> for  establishing Open Source Geospatial Labs. .The mentoring program
> helped us to build long term research collaborations in OpenGIS with the
> participating organisations.  These mentoring programs have been also
> useful to build long term research collaborations with organisations for
> H2020 bids etc.
> So i would like all our labs globally to start thinking of this mentoring
> idea to help other universities in your region/country to contact to enable
> mentoring opportu

[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Outreach event, (Milano, July 29) + call to folks attending FOSS4G Europe

2015-06-24 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
[as this is a long message, please tune on an appropriate soundtrack such
as: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GnWRjoP9mQ ]

Dear all,

1) please see below, in relation to an EAANCVGI [1] project which has
already been advertized in the past on this list...

2) While the topic of the July 29 event may seem to focus more on the
thematic aspect of ecology, the team involved into its coordination is in
fact a melting pot of hard-core OSGEO stack architects, with a track record
on INSPIRE and other geomatic assets which should entice the OSGEO

3) the EXPO in Milano is characterizing itself for a bunch of events
happening also outside of the premises of the EXPO itself (the so called
"fuori EXPO"...this would be an equivalent of the "off-Broadway" concept,
if we were performers)

4) as Attivarti.org, we are considering the possibility of arranging a
"fuori EXPO" event, e.g. on July 30.

We do lots of events of this type... this would be a quasi-done deal, were
it not for the fact that around the end of the month we will be in the full
moon phase, which is not ideal to take measurements of night sky quality...

5) howeverJuly 14-17 would be ideal (new moon days), and I understand
that there will be a pow-wow of European folks not far from
Milano...possibly Como?

of course...FOSS4G Europe!

so - here is the proposal from Attivarti.org , to anybody attending FOSS4G
Europe (or, possibly, even not attending it, but planning to be in the
Milano-Como area in mid-July)

6) Attivarti.org will make available a "buiometro" (the Sky Quality Meter)
from our sensor pool.

6.1) One of our local points of contact in Milano will deliver this in the
hands of...

7) ...one or more people interested in taking measurements of
 night sky quality (hence, light pollution) during the FOSS4G event,
sharing them on the buiometriapartecipativa.org database and letting us
know something about their experience [3]

7.1) this would not be the first time the BMP project comes to Como [4]

8) Attivarti.org (now collaborating with the Italian National Research
Council) will share the results of the night sky quality mapping campaign
from mid-July in the end-of-July event, and will use the data as a
preparation for another event which will follow in September.

Furthermore, the outcome of this "twinning scheme" will be advertised in
upcoming meetings we will have in the framework of the "Loss of the Night
Network", for which Attivarti.org is the primary point of contact in
Italy...so who knows, if we find interested parties, other
collaborations may flow from this pilot experience.

Thanks for your attention on a long message, and best regards

Andrea Giacomelli
Attivarti.org, President

[1] Empowered And Active Not Casual Volunteer Geographic Information
[2] http://www.buiometriapartecipativa.org
[3] http://www.pibinko.org/bmp2/?p=2265
[4]  http://www.pibinko.org/pib/?p=3855

------ Forwarded message --
From: Andrea Giacomelli 
Date: 2015-06-23 18:33 GMT+02:00

[Apologies for cross-postings]

On behalf of Attivarti.org I am glad to announce that the BuioMetria
Partecipativa project (which started in 2008 with two hand-held SQMs, two
environmental engineers and one idea on developing culture about light
pollution in Italy) is invited to the World Expo in Milano, Italy.

More interestingly, the invitation comes not for the project on its own,
but because some institutes of the Italian National Research Council became
interested in our work in late 2014, and in six months this initial
interest took the form of a borrowing our SQMs (which we call "buiometri"
for the Italian audience), and will be using them during the Summer in one
of their dissemination projects.

You may find all the details of the event at :

If you happen to be in Milano around July 29, and would like to meet
(inside or outside of the EXPO), do let us know, and we'll see how this may
be arranged.

Best regards from Italy

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 347 15 33 857
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] mapp(ear)ing the upper half of the landscape at the Toscana Foto Festival 2015: an exhibition and a talk

2015-06-07 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
[apologies for cross-postings]

Hello - news from Attivarti.org on our participatory mapping initiatives
currently proposed as "m(')appare"...

1) For a taste of our outreach initiatives for July (starting on July 13)


2) Also, if you happen to be somewhere in Southern Tuscany during the next
week end, come meet us at our next dissemination event in Scalvaia, a tiny
hamlet about 45 minutes drive from Siena.

Sunday, June 14th, from 11AM to 12.30PM.
We can provide lunch suggestions for typical Tuscan food (& beverage) in
the area.

See the flyer here: http://www.attivarti.org/?p=2258 and check the
presentation of our previous event at Politecnico di Milano ...we are
basically sticking to a format, and adapting it to different locations and
audience types.

Best regards from Italy

Andrea Giacomelli
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] on the outreach side of things...."vintage" songs on geographic open source

2015-06-07 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
[apologies for any cross-postings]

Dear all, assuming that in ICT aging tems five something five years old can
be considered vintage...

tidying up some very loosely organized part of my hard drives I found some
songs I wrote a few years afo, and decided to republish them.

One of them is in English, and two are in Italian...maybe we can contact
Eros Ramazzotti or Laura Pausini and see if they are interested in a duet
for upcoming outreach events by Attivarti.org (or other organizations who
might be interested in collaborating).




best regards from Italy!

Andrea Giacomelli
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] report from the world premiere...the first think-thank + crowdsorsing event: May 25, 2015, Politecnico di Milano, Italy: a talk on Mapp(ear)ing the upper half of the landscape

2015-06-01 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
[apologies for cross-postings/apologie per croce-messaggiandi]

1) for those of you who were enticed by last week's announcement, a report
of what happend last Monday is here: http://www.attivarti.org/?p=2241

2) FYI - the next rendez-vous will be tomorrow, in Lari.
Not far from Pisa, Italy (you know, the leaning tower, Galileo Galilei, ICT
centre of excellence, and former maritime republic,  now low-cost flight
hub): see http://www.attivarti.org/?p=2237 ...the event will be focused
this time on ancient hand ball games, but surely we will bring forward the
environment and open innovation threads of the Attivarti.org story at some

Thanks for your attention, and best regards

Andrea Giacomelli aka pibinko

-- Forwarded message --
From: Andrea Giacomelli 
Date: 2015-05-24 7:45 GMT+02:00
Subject: invitation for a world premiere...the first think-thank +
crowdsorsing event: May 25, 2015, Politecnico di Milano, Italy: a talk on
Mapp(ear)ing the upper half of the landscape
To: OSGeo Discussions , Open Forum on
Participatory Geographic Information Systems and Technologies <
pp...@dgroups.org>, "GFOSS.it" ,
Cc: segreteria , mapp...@attivarti.org

[apologies for any cross-postings]

Hello to all,

*if you happen to be in the Milano, Italy, area tomorrow, May 25, *

please consider joining Attivarti.org at an event at the Politecnico di

Where we will be talking about

Mapp(ear)ing the upper half of the landscape:
integration of technologies and participatory methods for protection and
promotion of our landA flier and an extended abstract of the talk is on:

*If you can't make it to Milano between 5PM and 6.30PM, May 25, 2015*

please consider the options below  (and write to i...@pibinko.org if

1) We will be in the Milano area from Monday  (9AM) through Thursday
(roughly mid-PM), so there may be other slots for the think-thank and the

2) we might find other slots, considering at least one event per month by
Attivarti.org from June 2 to mid-november (mostly in Italy, but not
only...the calendar will be presented tomorrow).

Last but not least: stay tuned on Radio Popolare Milano between 10.35 and
11.30AM CET...there may be some preview talk about the afternoon event
(note for the potential Italian-speaking audience: please be ready to note
when the 'appare passwords will be aired).

Many thanks for your attention, and best regards from Italy!

Andrea Giacomelli aka pibinko
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] invitation for a world premiere...the first think-thank + crowdsorsing event: May 25, 2015, Politecnico di Milano, Italy: a talk on Mapp(ear)ing the upper half of the landscape

2015-05-23 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
[apologies for any cross-postings]

Hello to all,

*if you happen to be in the Milano, Italy, area tomorrow, May 25, *

please consider joining Attivarti.org at an event at the Politecnico di

Where we will be talking about

Mapp(ear)ing the upper half of the landscape:
integration of technologies and participatory methods for protection and
promotion of our landA flier and an extended abstract of the talk is on:

*If you can't make it to Milano between 5PM and 6.30PM, May 25, 2015*

please consider the options below  (and write to i...@pibinko.org if

1) We will be in the Milano area from Monday  (9AM) through Thursday
(roughly mid-PM), so there may be other slots for the think-thank and the

2) we might find other slots, considering at least one event per month by
Attivarti.org from June 2 to mid-november (mostly in Italy, but not
only...the calendar will be presented tomorrow).

Last but not least: stay tuned on Radio Popolare Milano between 10.35 and
11.30AM CET...there may be some preview talk about the afternoon event
(note for the potential Italian-speaking audience: please be ready to note
when the 'appare passwords will be aired).

Many thanks for your attention, and best regards from Italy!

Andrea Giacomelli aka pibinko
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Gender bias in nominations

2014-07-24 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
right...I said "for instance" to identify a "population" - does OSGEO have
a feel -or even better a number- of the gender proportion in the "OSGEO

in the 2007-2010 times for GFOSS.it we used to ask about gender (or rather:
it was easier to detect the information for members of the Italian
chapter), and we used to present these statistics in events etc. so as to
give different angles on our communitiy, together with age ranges, and
other simple "census parameters", and this type of view was appreciated.

Not sure if this practice is still going on...

I was just considering that if we don't know what it the actual gender
proportion in the whole OSGEO community, the gender proportion in
nominations for Charter members may be interpreted more subjectively.



2014-07-24 17:47 GMT+02:00 Margherita Di Leo :

> Ciao Andrea,
> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 5:43 PM, Andrea Giacomelli 
> wrote:
>> quick question: does OSGEO have a feel -or even better a number- of the
>> gender proportion in the "OSGEO population"? (take for instance this
>> mailing list as a proxy).
> When you subscribe this ML you're not (hopefully) asked about your gender
> ...
> cheers,
> madi
>> best
>> Andrea
>> http://www.pibinko.org
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Gender bias in nominations

2014-07-24 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
quick question: does OSGEO have a feel -or even better a number- of the
gender proportion in the "OSGEO population"? (take for instance this
mailing list as a proxy).



2014-07-24 17:16 GMT+02:00 Margherita Di Leo :

> Hi,
> thank you Jeff for having raised this matter, I find it really interesting
> for the sake of pure data analysis and discussion. I agree with Maria
> except one single point: is it really important? I think it is. As Maria
> points out, I agree it is not from OSGeo side that the problem should be
> addressed, because i don't see any barriers for women approaching OSGeo. On
> the contrary, it is one of the kindest and welcoming environment. But I
> think that it would be very interesting to analyse the real causes why
> women apparently seem not to be attracted by these subjects. I think that
> there are deeper sociological and practical reasons behind. It would be an
> interesting exercise to explore the correlation between number of females
> in open source/technology/science with some drivers such as the perspective
> of working stability offered by different countries, the facilities for
> working mothers offered by private and public sectors and so on. I think
> that exploring such reasons in detail would really help to improve society
> and to offer real "equal" opportunities to every citizen.
> Best,
> madi
> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 4:55 PM, María Arias de Reyna <
> delawen+os...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Jeff McKenna <
>> jmcke...@gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:
>>> It has been reported to me directly that there are not enough female
>>> nominations for Charter members.  I just want to bring this to the
>>> attention of the whole community.
>>> Thanks all,
>>> -jeff
>> Agreed.
>> On the other hand, no one should be nominated just because of their
>> gender. In the long run, it doesn't help increasing female numbers. (It
>> won't be the first time someone thinks I am where I am just because I am
>> female and not because I worked hard.)
>> I'm sorry if I am bothering someone, but I am very picky with all this
>> stuff. It is the eternal discussion about not having enough female in tech
>> organizations. If we want to have more female on OsGeo, we should go to
>> school now to have them in OsGeo in a few years :)
>> Until then, does it really matter? Are we doing things different? I know
>> it looks very cool to have half and half but, is it really important?
>> Regards,
>> María.
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
>> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
> --
> Best regards,
> Dr. Margherita DI LEO
> Scientific / technical project officer
> European Commission - DG JRC
> Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES)
> Via Fermi, 2749
> I-21027 Ispra (VA) - Italy - TP 261
> Tel. +39 0332 78 3600
> margherita.di-...@jrc.ec.europa.eu
> Disclaimer: The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not
> in any circumstance be regarded as stating an official position of the
> European Commission.
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Local Chapter Guidance

2014-04-23 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Hi Phil -

If it's not classified information...in which part of the world would this
to-be Chapter be located?

best regards


2014-04-23 15:10 GMT+02:00 Phil Nugent :

> Thanks for the feedback Jeff.  Like I told MPG, there seem to be alot of
> people here interested in areas that align with OSGeo's mission and beyond
> and it would just be nice to have informal meetings offline and aside from
> work, so that's how I'll approach it.  Thanks again for your input!
> On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 7:16 AM, Jeff McKenna <
> jmcke...@gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:
>> All of your initial thoughts are correct Phil, follow MPG's advice and
>> get something going: informal, wiki page (copy another chapter's
>> structure), and mailing list (file a ticket on Trac), and start meeting
>> once a month after work.
>> I do see formal Chapters in OSGeo (I notice the Japan chapter just had a
>> call for renewing their paid memberships), but it is really up to you
>> and your local community, how formal you want to get.
>> Most important: get together and share and have fun! :)
>> -jeff
>> On 2014-04-22, 11:00 PM, Phil Nugent wrote:
>> > Thanks for sharing your perspective and experience Michael.  I've been
>> > thinking along the same lines for getting started by having an informal,
>> > "after hours" meeting with a talk and general discussionand food and
>> > beer never hurts. ;)  I'm encouraged that I'm thinking along the same
>> > lines as someone who's been through it.
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
>> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] One week to go for the public consultation on the INSPIRE Directive

2014-02-17 Thread Andrea Giacomelli
Hello to all,

A previous message on the same topic was circulated about a month ago.

In case you have not already considered providing your feedback:


best regards

Andrea Giacomelli
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Bringing together experiences on culture, environment, and open innovation: two upcoming events in Southern Tuscany, Italy

2012-11-17 Thread andrea giacomelli
[apologies for cross-postings]

Dear all,

I am writing to inform you of two events that the Attivarti.org association
will be holding in the next two days (Monday and Tuesday) in Southern
Tuscany, Italy.

The events are all about "Bringing together experiences on culture,
environment, and open innovation"

You can read more about this from the Attivarti.org blog:

We have not announced these events earlier through international mailing
lists, since we were not planning for an international audience for these
specific occasions.

Still, we are glad to let you have the news, as several of the projects we
will be telling about have in the past been presented through one or more
of the mailing lists receiving this announcement.

Finally: if you happen to be in the surroundings of Southern Tuscany, and
are curious...we'll be glad to greet you and provide some instant
translation service...just please let us know (i...@attivarti.org).

Best regards,

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 347 15 33 857
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] FW - Towards harmonised environmental information in Europe: have your say on standards that will affect everybody's life

2011-07-07 Thread andrea giacomelli
Hello - two things:

1) In case you missed this, it is a press release date June 29
(available in the 22 languages used in the Union)... I don't think it
was already posted to the mailing list:


2) Since I am also acting as the Facilitator for one of the INSPIRE
data specification working groups, I'd be glad to know if anybody in
this list plans to commit some time to the consultation (or -vice
versa- if not)... feel free to answer on the list or directly to me,
and then I will summarize whatever feedback may come.

Best regards from Italy -

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 347 15 33 857
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] a report on the "mashup" event in Edimburgh, Scotland, during the next INSPIRE Conference

2011-07-04 Thread andrea giacomelli

 as a follow up to the announcement from a few weeks ago...

1) on the INSPIRE forum and on the Attivarti.org blog you may find various
insights on the recent "mashup" event, coupled with the M(')appare Edimburgo




<http://inspire-forum.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pg/groups/forum/42051/>2) Also, on
Saturday July 2, the show "L'Altra Europa" on Radio 24 (the main "news and
talk" radio in Italy) covered the event with a live interview... this should
be available in a few days on the radio's podcast section (

I thank again all those who made the event possible (and, in particular,
those who signed up to play)  - best regards

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 347 15 33 857

-- Forwarded message --
From: andrea giacomelli 
Date: 2011/6/16
Subject: upcoming "mashup" event in Edimburgh, Scotland, during the next
INSPIRE Conference
To: OSGeo Discussions 


Some of you may remember last year's mashup event related to the
Krakow INSPIRE Conference - if you would like a refresher, all the
story is available [1]

This year there is a new mashup coming up, with a slightly different
approach -

Attivarti.org proposed organising a football (or soccer, depending on
which side of the pond you are in) tournament.

A presentation of the event is available here:

The game is scheduled for June 27, at the end of Day 1 of the next
INSPIRE Conference in Edimburgh, Scotland (June 27 - July 1).

Depending on the number of players, we will define the type of
tournament to hold. The event was published on Monday...at the time of
writing, we already have some 5-6 people enrolled, and more
expressions of interest are flowing in day by day.

If you are planning to attend the INSPIRE Conference, or are in
contact with people who will be attending, please consider the
invitation, or pass it on, for all the others, see you next time!

please note: For real INSPIRE fans, a dedicated group has been set up
on the INSPIRE forum [2] to see how the tournament  develops.

Best regards,

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 347 15 33 857

[2] :
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] upcoming "mashup" event in Edimburgh, Scotland, during the next INSPIRE Conference

2011-06-16 Thread andrea giacomelli

Some of you may remember last year's mashup event related to the
Krakow INSPIRE Conference - if you would like a refresher, all the
story is available [1]

This year there is a new mashup coming up, with a slightly different approach -

Attivarti.org proposed organising a football (or soccer, depending on
which side of the pond you are in) tournament.

A presentation of the event is available here: http://www.attivarti.org/?p=89

The game is scheduled for June 27, at the end of Day 1 of the next
INSPIRE Conference in Edimburgh, Scotland (June 27 - July 1).

Depending on the number of players, we will define the type of
tournament to hold. The event was published on Monday...at the time of
writing, we already have some 5-6 people enrolled, and more
expressions of interest are flowing in day by day.

If you are planning to attend the INSPIRE Conference, or are in
contact with people who will be attending, please consider the
invitation, or pass it on, for all the others, see you next time!

please note: For real INSPIRE fans, a dedicated group has been set up
on the INSPIRE forum [2] to see how the tournament  develops.

Best regards,

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 347 15 33 857

[2] : 
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open "StreamMap"?

2011-05-28 Thread andrea giacomelli
Dear Charlie,

The idea is interesting, but I concur with Robert that -in order to provide
some more educated feedback, it would be also interesting to know a little
more about your initial "driver".

I have worked in the past in surface hydrology and water resources
management, and more recently I have been heavily involved in awareness
raising on "thematic crowdsourcing", so I could think of a couple of ways to
start this...

However, I think it would be important to understand a little more the
invasive "plant species effort" part of your idea in order to elaborate on
your request.


Andrea Giacomelli
+39 347 15 33 857

2011/5/28 Charlie Schweik 

> Hi,
> I find myself wondering if there is a possibility of starting an "open
> stream map" project in a similar way to open street map? With the idea that
> this might be connected to an invasive plant species effort too...
> It is an interesting idea -- roads are relatively stable. Streams have
> additional attributes, like water levels.
> Any reactions or ideas on how this might be started?
> Cheers
> Charlie Schweik
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
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Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] use of GFOSS in regional/local governments

2011-05-23 Thread andrea giacomelli
Hello Dimitris,

A non-exhaustive but still quite comprehensive list for Italian local
governments (not only regions and municipalities) is available here:


a first version of this list was generated in late 2007, and fully
reviewed in 2009... right now I see there have been some updates, so
it should be ok.

Best regards,

Andrea Giacomelli
+39 347 15 33 857
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] displaying complex GML in web-based enviroment ?

2010-06-15 Thread andrea giacomelli
Hi - I received a request from a team who is not (yet) on the discussion list

...We are looking for free/open source package which can display
complex GML 3.1.1 features in a web based environment, and supports
both WFS and WMS

TIA for any feedback

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Start warming up for the first INSPIRE mash-up event

2010-04-28 Thread andrea giacomelli
[apologies for cross-postings]

Hello to all -

1) Please check out the announcement below for information on the first
INSPIRE mash-up event:


2) More information will be posted to the INSPIRE Forum as we progress
towards the final phase of the event (June 22-25, in Krakow, Poland, during
the upcoming INSPIRE conference).

3)  You may also write to inspire-mas...@jrc.ec.europa.eu  for specific

4) Last but not least: please circulate also to others you think may be
interested, both in the geomatics and biodiversity domains.

Best regards!

Andrea Giacomelli
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] do you already feel as an ambassador for FOSS4G?!?

2010-03-29 Thread andrea giacomelli
Hi Lorenzo -

personally -and up to  Feb 2010 within the GFOSS.it association- I
have been promoting the Barcelona event since the location was

the official pitch (which was used also during the GFOSS day in
Bolzano) is something like: "if you can go to Barcelona, go...if you
can't talk to somebody who can!"

in particular, I am interested in seeing the convergence of a well
represented community from EU countries (and EU accession countries),
Mediterranean area etc. ...with INSPIRE rolling and other important
European issues, the Barcelona event seems like a natural place to try
and meet, and possibly further consolidate a common basis for action


Andrea Giacomelli

2010/3/14 Lorenzo Becchi :
> I'm sure I don't need long sentences to convince you:
> - FOSS4G is fundamental to OSGeo.
> - 50% of attendees at FOSS4G have heard of it through a friend or a
> colleague.
> - the conference in Barcelona will be amazing for size, interest, contents,
> fun, ...
> - we all want this conference to be cool
> let's keep the informal networking alive, think about who can be interest in
> it and feel free to promote it the way you like.
> Contact your communities, your geospatial-friends, your colleagues and
> explain why going to Barcelona worth to you.
> be creative and inspired, Barcelona is the town of eclectic artists! [1] [2]
> [3] [4]

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Gov't adopting open source ?

2010-01-14 Thread andrea giacomelli
Hi Tyler

2010/1/14 Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) :
> I'm just starting to dig into this question myself, but thought I'd ask if
> anyone else knows of a resource/document/site, etc. that shows which
> governments (nationally, regional or municipal) have committed to open
> source software?

1) in Europe, there is OSOR, which is the Open Source observatory. www.osor.eu

This can be a good source.

2) Most countries I am familiar with have a similar national service
(in Italy this is run by CNIPA)

3) Focusing on geospatial, from GFOSS.it we have been compiling since
Fall 2007 an inventory of FOSS web sites.
These are mostly related to public sector bodies.

You can find the list, in Italian, here:


Most sites should be active. The list is not refreshed every
fortnight, but I took care of verifying the URLs after the first round
of survey.

The list is categorized by type of "body" (Region, Province, River
management authorities, and other strange administrative units we use
in our neighbourhood...)

Regards from Italy

Andrea Giacomelli

> Seems the list grows each month in my head, but I'm sure there are many more
> than I know.
> Tyler

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Volunteers needed to record FOSS4G for prosperity

2009-10-19 Thread andrea giacomelli
"prosperity of the posterity" would be great..

unfortunately I am not in Sidneyotherwise I'd be glad to help (given our
previous and ongoing efforts related to FOSSG and video [1] )

Regards from Italy


[1] for those of you who didn't see our Jan 2008 video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZOQSn5tyqQ is for me the flagship... this
can be a good opportunity to catch up.

... and then

2009/10/17 Alex Mandel 

> Cameron Shorter wrote:
> >
> I think you meant posterity.
> Alex
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Remote routing solutions

2009-10-12 Thread andrea giacomelli
Interesting list of sites...

could anybody confirm if these are also handling multi-point routing,
or if there are other FOSS solutions which handle multi-point routing



2009/10/8 Miguel Montesinos :
> Hi,
> As an example, we built a routing service for tourism pruposes using
> only FOSS. Components were these:
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] top 3 accomplishments for 2009 for FOSS "infomobility" solutions/applications.... ?

2009-10-05 Thread andrea giacomelli
Hi -

next week we (Italian local chapter) will be providing a short presentation
on free geographic information at a major conference on (FYI this is

the aim of our presentation is to provide some grassroots ideas on free
(geographic) software and datathere's never enough of that, once you
wade out of these mailing lists...

we have been providing a similar presentation in the previous editions of
the event.

for this year's edition, I would like to run a quick poll: what would you
say are the top 3 accomplishments for 2009 in the field of positioning
systems, location-based applications, applications for logistics, road and
transportation data, routing algorithms, and the like (anything under the
"infomobility" hat)

I'd be curious to learn about impressions by the list, which we can then use
for anecdotical purposes.

TIA for your feedback, and regards

Andrea Giacomelli

NB: I am not counting OpenStreetMap and the growth of the OMS planet in this
picture: the growth of OSM is as big and as cool as it can be - and we're
keeping a special slot for thathowever if you see OUTSTANDING
applications built on top of OSM, that might still be of interest.
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: [Gfoss] Geospatial Revolution Project

2009-04-17 Thread andrea giacomelli

Luca is flagging out an interesting URL to the Italian community - I though
it is interesting to seek feedback at the international level, especially
from folks in the US (the program is related to the US Public Broadcasting


...is this something OSGEO could interact with and/or provide content ?



-- Messaggio inoltrato --
Da: Luca Delucchi 
Date: 16 aprile 2009 9.42
A: lista gfoss 


Qualcuno ne sa qualcosa di più?

Iscriviti all'associazione GFOSS.it: http://www.gfoss.it/drupal/iscrizione
Questa e' una lista di discussione pubblica aperta a tutti.
I messaggi di questa lista non rispecchiano necessariamente
le posizioni dell'Associazione GFOSS.it.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] List of FOSS GIS Implementations

2009-04-04 Thread andrea giacomelli

a non-exhaustive list of applications in Italy is at:


We are currently maintaining this as a very basic survey, spanning
from national authorities to small municipalities.
Some of these cases may eventually float, with more extended
documentation, to the OSGEO pages.


Andrea Giacomelli

>>>> "Landon Blake"  04/03/09 3:51 PM >>>
> I was thinking of starting my own list of FOSS GIS software being used
> in the real world. Several examples have been cited in this mailing list
> over the last couple of weeks. This list would be my ammunition in the
> "nobody uses that stuff" gun battle.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] End of life for Community Mapbuilder

2008-07-28 Thread andrea giacomelli
Cameron - this is indeed an extremely interesting message.

I need to thank you (and your team) for drafting a communication that
may be of interest for many.

Just a sidebar note, below, as the concept of a "retired application"
made me smile...(see below)

2008/7/28 Cameron Shorter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> End of life for Community Mapbuilder
> We, the Mapbuilder Project Steering Committee, have agreed that the time has
> come for the Community Mapbuilder project to gracefully retire. ..
> I suggest a new "retired" category be created which keeps track of retired
> projects.

to expand on these lines...

...If the retired project belongs more to US, may I recommend it
spends some time on a server located in the Florida Keys.

...If it belongs more to Europe, maybe Provence or Tuscany or other
similar spots may be a good place for retired Mapbuilder to sit...

...If it feels like an Asian project, or from other regions of the
world, I would like to know where Asians, Africans etc - would like to
see it end its days.

no puns intended - I think we are going to investigate more and more
on the full life cycle of geospatial software (as more of these
dynamics should be expected in the future), and I will keep your
initial posting on Mapbuilder as a reference in this respect.


Andrea Giacomelli, aka pibinko
vicepresident and media relations manager - GFOSS.it - Italian OSGeo Chapter
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] GFOSS.it - Italian local chapter Summer activities (in Italy). Don't come if you are not already visiting the country and the area ; )

2008-07-23 Thread andrea giacomelli

we launched this morning the GFOSS.it "Summer of
you-name-it-as-long-as-it's-free as freedom/open source applied to the
geospatial domain": http://www.gfoss.it/ce08

there will be a group (some eight) from GFOSS.it hovering in Southern
Tuscany between August 8th and 17th.

we will be there as we will have a stand in an event called
Festambiente: this is the national yearly venue for an
environmentalist association calle Legambiente
for a brief description of the event in English).

In parallel/in addition to the awareness raising activities we will be
conducting at the stand (in the late afternoon, and until the sun has
set and live music starts spreading from the theatre in the
Festambiente venue), we will be running some random activities in the
surroundings of the feast (meaning an area approximately 50km around
the venue itself).

This is a general framework for things to happen: we have a general

- doing some free mapping (not solely streetmapping)
- doing some coding
- doing some other geospatially-related type of events
- taking time to rest

... as in many TV serials produced in Italy, the final script will be
defined day by day, and we will adapt our activities to people showing
up etc. this does not mean improvisation: this is all spawning
from some grassroots activity during the Winter, gradually developed
in Spring.

The message is

1- it is important for the general OSGeo community to  be aware of this

2- if you (or somebody related to you) will be visiting Southern
Tuscany in that period, this might be an opportunity to meet with part
of the Italian community.

2.1- if you did not already plan to visit Southern Tuscany in that
period: don't come on purpose...it is high season...not the best time
to add more people...;)
you will still get a summary of what happened via web, and we will be
glad to elaborate on other similar opportunities in the future (not
necessarily in the same place ;) ).

3- comments are welcome on the list for the initiative in general; for
actual expressions of interest/ideas for people who may actually show
up, you are invited to write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so we may
discuss the details.

thank you for your attention, and regards

Andrea Giacomelli, aka pibinko
vice president and media relations manager, GFOSS.it
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: quick survey -

2008-07-23 Thread andrea giacomelli
Hello -

I had one busy week, but also thanks to the replies I had in and out
of the list I am able to take step 2 on this...

I haven't yet had time to check some of the sources I was referred to
(blogs etc)...I will try to do so at some point

1) the first question of the survey was actually self-contained in the
first mail: how many people from the OSGeo community participated to
the event in Limerick.

2) topic #2 is: for those who participated.

from 0 to 10, how would you rank the level of "adversity" of a "pure
OpenStreetMapper" to "pure GIS technology" ?

take 0 as: "OpenStreetMap technology = GIS technology...there is
simply a distinction in OSM being a project"

take 10 as "GIS is history: OpenStreetMap is here"

3) I am not posing such questions as a form of casual conversation
nor, with a formal role in a local OSGeo chapter, am I rushing to
conclusion that "GIS is better than OSM"

I am seeing, however, at the national level that there is not (yet) a
consensus on the relationship between "OSM and GIS", so I would like
to think what the OSGeo community thinks about this, as food for

4) let me know if this sounds like an over-sophistication of an issue,
or if you don't even see it as an issue.

5) as things are taking shape for our association at the national
level, I trust that we will be gradually  able to cover more directly
"international" aspects, and may have a more direct view of such
issues. in the meantime: please bear with our "user survey" postings


Andrea Giacomelli aka pibinko
vice president and media relations manager - GFOSS.it - Italian OSGeo Chapter

2008/7/16 andrea giacomelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi all - I was about to pose my request on the IRC channel, but I
> figured I prefer e-mail.
> I'd like to run a quick survey: did anybody from this list attend the
> State of the Map event in Limerick, last week-end ?
> regards
> Andrea, aka pibinko
Discuss mailing list

Re: [Geowanking] [OSGeo-Discuss] quick survey -

2008-07-22 Thread andrea giacomelli
Hello Stefan -

I'll be taking up the leads provided by some of you ...and I did look
at the funny Italian video...

...it closely reminds me of a video that I scripted, shot, edited,
dubbed, published and announced in four major mailing lists back in

oh: it's my video ;)

just kidding: I am glad that this is occasionally refreshed...but it
seems that nobody reads the end titles ;)

at this point, be aware that we are working on the sequel:

[please try your Barrywhitiest baritonal tone in reading this]

...what will happen with Mario, after he successfully compiled GRASS
thanks to the mailing list ?

cut to: Mario picking up the cards from his pal at the table (reverse angle)

...why is Silvana working with her nephews on OpenLayers, and how much
salt did she use for the vegetables she is cooking ?

cut to: Luigi [Silvana's husband] yelling at her over dinner

...what breed is the dog barking while the lonesome biker pedals along
a dusty roadand is it the same dog walking in the sunset in the
final scene ?

cut to: two cats mewoing at the full moon

all of this in "we were happier when we were picking blackberries, and
not sending e-mail through them"

fade to a group knife-throwing competition.

out in select (and Creative-Commons friendly) theaters soon

ok: I'll tune back to geospatial in the next message...


andrea giacomelli, aka pibinko
vice president and media relations manager GFOSS.it - Italian OSGeo chapter

2008/7/21 Stefan Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ciao Andrea,

> Look especially also at the funny italian(!) Youtube film referred to in the
> blog of http://blog.johnmckerrell.com/
> Yours, Stefan
> 2008/7/17 Arnulf Christl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Creative Commons and Geographic Information - a relationship under develoment

2008-07-20 Thread andrea giacomelli
[apologies for double posting to those who are already on the talk list]
-- Forwarded message --
From: Andrea Giacomelli (pibinko) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2008/7/20
Subject: Creative Commons and Geographic Information - a relationship
under develoment

This is the title of a panel discussion that will take place on
Saturday, July 26, close to Parma (Italy).

The session will be held during the third edition of the Creative
Commons Festival [1]

We will have Niccolò Rigacci, one of the Senior OpenStreetMappers (who
will reach 3 mapped kilometers while coming to attend), Simone
Aliprandi, one of the main national experts in Copyleft and free
licenses, and myself (vice president and media relations manager for
GFOSS. it, the Italian OSGeo chapter), and possibly other members of
the communities.

The discussion will presumably take place in Italian (with a slight
Parmesan accent).

We will be posting a summary after the event.

The venue is not far from the motorways leading from Milano to Bologna
(and the Adriatic coast), and to La Spezia (one of the routes to/from

If you happen to be in transit around that date, you might consider
stopping by and coming to say hello.
Look for folks with orange T-shirts and a large logo saying
"Geospatial Free Open Source Software".
Writing ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to let us know you're coming will be

thanks for your attention, and regards

Andrea Giacomelli, aka pibinko

[1] http://www.sm4x.org/wiki/index.php?title=CC-Festival
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: I: M(')appare Milano follow on: the presentation and the translation in "English".

2008-07-17 Thread andrea giacomelli
>Messaggio originale
>Data: 17/07/2008 16.55
>[I have posted same to the OpenStreetMap discussion list, from a different 
>address - so apologies for cross-postings]
>In Italy we are having a lot of elaboration on the concept of  "sharing", as 
>well as on the
relationship between "local" communities and "local" organisations
with" global" communities and "global" organisations
 [with the term "global" to be intended as it used to be before the
post-modern concept of globalisation was defined].
>In the bulge of activities and projects, I managed to make available online 
>the presentation I gave with a GFOSS.it/Italian OSGeo chapter hat in the 
>closing meeting of the three-month mapping campaign in Milano (code name 
>M(')appare Milano).
>The PDF is available, in Italian, from the "Presentazioni" section on  
>Thinking of the non-Italian reading audience, and trying not to spend a huge 
>load of
time in the translation, I sought assistance from one of the known automated
translation services. And this is what I got:
>I remember trying similar exercises when such services where launched, and 
>having hours of sheer entertainment...I hadn't been trying this for a while, 
>and what I read in computer-aided-
translation-English-with-no-review is *beyond all expectations*.
>I even discovered that one of the GFOSS.it board members is named Steven Coast
(Stefano Costa). I never realised this before today.
>Possibly we have a new character together with the "fake SteveC" ?
>Also "Thankses" is not bad.

>Independently of  the amenity of the pseudo-translation, I'll be glad to 
>follow on or expand on specific points of interest. I think there are some to 
>consider ;)
>Andrea Giacomelli, aka pibinko
>vice president and media relations manager, GFOSS.it
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] quick survey -

2008-07-16 Thread andrea giacomelli
Hi all - I was about to pose my request on the IRC channel, but I
figured I prefer e-mail.

I'd like to run a quick survey: did anybody from this list attend the
State of the Map event in Limerick, last week-end ?


Andrea, aka pibinko
Discuss mailing list

Fwd: [OSGeo-Discuss] Some photos from Bolsena

2008-07-09 Thread andrea giacomelli
Hi all -

now that the multimedia part of the event has been settled: I'd
appreciate feedback from the attendees on what they found as key
results from the event, beyond the substantial wine and food tasting
sessions (which I appreciate, but impress me less as I live in the
same country ;) )

I'm not sure if there is a different mailing list for this topic...

as a user -or as a media relations manager for a local OSGeo Chapter-
I would like to understand what we could tell people about the outcome
of a hacking event, pending the organization of something similar at
our level (stay tuned...)


Andrea Giacomelli
vice president and media relations manager - GFOSS.it

p.s. too bad I couldn't make it for one day...I was also about to book
a dinner with the team...
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Annual General Meeting at FOSS4G

2008-06-27 Thread andrea giacomelli
Hi Tyler -

I did not attend the Annual General Meeting last year, and I am not sure if
I will be able to attend this year, but I have ideas in this respect and I
hope they will still reach the mailing list ;)

With the growth of the community (and of the number of chapters) such a
session will grow in complexity and length. It could get VERY confusing.

Based on similar experiences (last but not least large condominium
meetings), I would recommend providing some guidance on how to present
information and interact.

for example:

a) presentation of each chapter/project/sponsor

- basic statistics (how many people, geographic reach,
- the three best things we did in the past year
- the three most interesting things we planned for the next year
- three lessons learned/areas for improvement

this can be done in more or less  5 minutes per chapter.

b) I would then open the floor to discussion, questions, in relation to
specific points of interest highglighted in part (a), always with a fixed
time to talk, a fixed time to respond, and somebody acting as a moderator.

I have attended a fair amount of workshops, meetings etc, conferences and
one thing I noted is always appreciated is the respect for people's time
(although we as a community are more focused on space ;) ).

all chapters, projects, sponsors have wiki pages, blogs, web pages etc - so
if anybody wants details, they will be available, while the meeting should
really help the community to focus.

If you need assistance to arrange any of this, I should be available.

Hop this hlps!

Andrea Giacomelli - aka pibinko
vice president GFOSS.it - Italian OSGEO Chapter - http://www.gfoss.it
*Se voce quiser vou Ihe mostrar - a nossa Sao Paulo terra da garoa - Se voce
quiser vou Ihe mostrar - Bahia de Caetano nossa gente boa. (Benito de Paula)

2008/6/27 Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi everyone,
> Last year at FOSS4G I ran an Annual General Meeting that lasted a couple
> hours.  Personally, I thought it was great to hear about the interesting mix
> of reports from local chapters, projects and committees.  (I realised at the
> last moment that sponsors would have been great to hear from too!)
> I'd be interested in feedback about the meeting from those of you who were
> in attendance and if you had any more ideas for this year.  Last meeting was
> 90+ minutes which can seem long, but with the great mix of work going on it
> the community - I felt it was worth it.  How about you?  There would seem to
> be no way to shorten it since our communities have only continued to grow -
> projects, sponsors and more.  There's a lot to talk about too - occasionally
> people suggest topics that warrant discussion at such an event.  Perhaps we
> need more time to talk about some ideas or make decisions.
> Would love to hear your ideas.  If you're keen to help, also let me know.
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo4W - Seeking Testers and Contributors

2008-06-23 Thread andrea giacomelli
Hi Frank -

I relayed (and translated) your request to our Italian chapter members
+ general discussion mailing list in Italy.

not all of these readers are subscribers of the OSGEO list, but all of
them are to various extents users of the packages contained in your
distribution, and may see a value in supporting this effort.

let's see what happens!


Andrea Giacomelli - aka pibinko
Vice President GFOSS.it - Italian OSGEO Chapter
All I'm askin' (oo) - Is for a little respect when you come home (just
a little bit)  (Aretha Franklin)

2008/6/23 Frank Warmerdam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Folks,
> For several months several of us have been working on a standard installer
> for a variety of OSGeo4W packages on MS-Windows.  The result of that is
> OSGeo4W.
> It is an installer that understands package dependency, supports upgrading
> individual components in place, and is network based (only downloading the
> packages that are needed).
> OSGeo4W is loosely intended to supercede efforts like MS4W, and FWTools.
> We are seeking windows software users willing to try out OSGeo4W, and
> provide
> feedback.
>  http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w
> We are also looking for software developers and packagers interested in
> helping with packaging.  Currently we have good support for GDAL, MapServer,
> uDig.  We have a proof-of-concept WinGRASS package, but it needs love. We
> would appreciate packagers for additional packages, including QGIS, OSSIM,
> MapGuide, gvSig, and GeoNetwork.
> Best regards,
> --
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Nomination for OSGEO Board election: Paolo Cavallini

2008-06-17 Thread andrea giacomelli

Having made an effort in proposing Paolo as a charter member, it makes sense
to take the process a step forwardlet's see some evidence...thoughts are
numbered, but not ranked ...just a midnight stream of consciousness...

1) Paolo makes a living out of consulting services on free/open source GIS,
with a team. For over ten years now.
This tells me that Paolo can run a business.

2) Paolo has a track record of publications on GIS. This tells me that Paolo
is keen on research and documentation/sharing of results of what he does
with his collaborators

3) Paolo lives in Tuscany, where he is originally from, but has toured for
work and leisure various continents...he recently started  maintaining a
blog with a nickname, from where he tries to explain that Italy should be
annexed by France in order to recover some of its mess.

The combination of these points tells me that Paolo is a global/local guy,
who cares for where he lives, but could take off tomorrow for a different
place (speaking three languages)

4) Paolo has long-established technical skills in free/open source

5) Paolo has proven, in his drive to stimulate the creation of GFOSS.it
(first registered as a legal not for profit entity in Italy, and
subsequently tuned as the Italian chapter for OSGEO), to have a vision to
foster the awareness and development of open source software (and free data)
in Italy, with a well-defined relationship to the broader European and
"global" context.

5.1) Paolo has been confirmed as president of the association in Feb 08, and
is expected to be in this position until February 2010. This is insuring a
stable leadership in an extremely interesting phase of free/open source GIS

6) Paolo is not perfect, and occasionally (working with him a lot in my role
as vice-president for GFOSS.it) I hear the famous Animals song "Don't let me
be misunderstood", typically in the Santa Esmeralda cover version from the
Seventies...but he has shown the capability of working "on the barricades",
as well as on strategic issues, and makes an effort to improve where things
can be improved.

7) Paolo has a team in the Italian local chapter. This means that he will
have the flexibility of balancing his commitments towards OSGEO with the
support that other chapter members will be glad to provide.

I would be very curious of seeing how all of this would work with Paolo on
the Board.

Thanks for your attention, and regards

andrea giacomelli, aka pibinko

p.s. last but not least: with Paolo on the board, the other board members
would have a chance of arranging meetings around lunch at his home close to
Pisa...I know...that may be unfair to mention...and besides: you will still
have this opportunity even he eventually does not make it in the election -
so let's just see what happens ...;)
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Driving licenses for geofoss?

2008-06-13 Thread andrea giacomelli
ciao Silvia - this is to respond to the second part of your mail:

2008/6/13 Silvia Franceschi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Ciao Andrea,
>> Last but not least, I also want to hear feedback from the first person who
>> will get his/her "license" out of our test.
>> Again, this will help in tuning things on other initiatives. While this
>> *may* apparently delay the diffusion of the other packages, this will also
>> help whoever will commit to this to do it better on a second round.
> My point of view was just to have a look at what a GIS should have to be
> used for the ECDL, and eventually organize our (JGrass team) efforts (during
> the next year) also developing the issues needed to begin to think at this.
> I think the requirements should be published and update on the dedicated
> wiky page, just to keep in mind the developers these opportunity.
> What do you think about this?

I think that ECDL is one of the vehicles to promote open source (GIS) as a
concept and a tool.
We also have (and are using) other vehicles, which are on par, or above,
ECDL currently in terms of effectiveness.

As an association (GFOSS.it) we are trying to balance various ideas and
initiatives to keep the process alive and gradually more mature. Clearly,
this requires interaction by different roles: developers, users, etc etc.

To get back to ECDL: surely this will progress (and we need an updated wiki
page to document the status, as the one we have now is outdated). In the
meantime, let's simply keep the communication open: at the end of a joint
evaluation, we may find that JGRASS could spearhead other types of

This is really a late Friday mail, and I'll be off.. we can continue next

Unfortunately I am not sure of making it to Bolsena (as under discussion on
another thread). Stefano Costa will be there on Monday, and I guess this can
be a topic for live discussion with him.

Un saluto e buon fine settimana (=regards, and have a nice week-end)

Andrea aka pibinko
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] The New Board to be and Global representation

2008-06-13 Thread andrea giacomelli
one comment for Jorge, and one for Jeroen - and a "half a suggestion" (food
for thought)...

please see below...

2008/6/13 Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> 2008/6/13 Jeroen Ticheler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hi all,
> ..
> >
> > So my call upon the community: forget about geographical representation
> as a
> > driving factor or political means in discussions or voting! My email gets
> to
> > you if I would send it from Khartoum in the same way it does now that I'm
> > sending it from Rome. Do you care? Or instead do you care about the
> content?
> > Focus on the last when voting; what is the added value of that person as
> a
> > board member to you.
> >
> > Ciao,
> > Jeroen
> >
> ..
> But, from the Spanish Language LC point of view, I wouldn't be happy
> if no one from South America is elected for the PSC (or whatever name
> we decide to the committee) because my wish is that this LC gets
> involved all the Spanish spoken world. But of course if we are not
> able to convince people from South America to participate on the
> community and we don't have people really working with the LC
> activities, is normal that no one would be elected by the majority.

1) Jorge - if I am a Norwegian citizen with a Korean mother and I live in
Egypt and I am elected on the board, I would be capable of doing a lot for
the promotion of FOSS in South America

...This will happen if I relate to South America and I like it (its culture,
its people, its language(s) etc.).

So I can reinforce Jeroen's statement: let's ignore geography in
representation in the "traditional" sense.

Actually: I can confirm that similar dynamics are happening in other
communities I know ;)...it can get confusing at times, but it can work.

2) Jeroen - having some "homogeneous spread" of representation might still
have a sense for issue like optimisation of travel costs to insure that the
board can be present in specific areas around the globe, or other issues of
this kind

3) ...in this respect, I am taking the opportunity of the message to ask to
people who would be somewhere around Italy between August and September:
would it make sense to have some pre-FOSS4G round-up in Europe

...I could have said Antarctica...but I expect to be in Italy in that

no official-formal-meeting: simply a gathering of those who already
happen to be close in space, at a given moment in time, and with the
possibility of repeating such an event when it is colder

let's say...Southern Tuscany/hills+seaside...mid-September ?


andrea, aka pibinko

> Regards
> --
> Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
> Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía
> http://www.geomaticblog.net
> http://www.prodevelop.es
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Driving licenses for geofoss?

2008-06-12 Thread andrea giacomelli
ciao Silvia - please see below.

2008/6/12 Silvia Franceschi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Andrea,
> thanks for the info.
> We could try to do the same thing of QGIS and GVsig with uDig-JGrass.

If I may, I would suggest that we first wait to close out the test with one
application.  Getting through the process has exposed some interesting steps
that took long in our experience. The same steps may be streamlined once
we/somebody decided to replicate them on other packages.

Last but not least, I also want to hear feedback from the first person who
will get his/her "license" out of our test.

Again, this will help in tuning things on other initiatives. While this
*may* apparently delay the diffusion of the other packages, this will also
help whoever will commit to this to do it better on a second round.

by the way: we can (and should) consider expanding the visibility of
different packages in our "local setting" also through other initiatives.

> Could you send me some material to check what we should have and what are
> the main needs?

the GFOSS.it wiki has some information (look for ECDL). this page is not up
to date, but does give a backgroun.

the "real world" process is actually stewarded  by AICA/Labsita, so you
would need to ask them for the latest updates (but we can provide you the
contact information if needed).

beyond this, we cannot give more detail information on the test: there is
also a non-disclosure agreement which is to be signed by people who are
involved in setting up the tests, and again, this goes through AICA/Labsita.

> We also have some free data released from the public administration of
> Merano last november those we put on the OpenStreetMap... there are DTM,
> ortophoto, shapefiles and dxf...

I remember that. The data would be fine for any use under ECDL and other
purposes (e.g. we used it for our "awareness raising" video ;) ).

...proposing local datasets for ECDL tests to be conducted in different
areas of Italy -in our case- will be yet another opportunity to interact
between the developers (who need to fix bugs/add functions) to make
applications compliant to the standard syllabus, and for users to apply data
which they know better.

I hope this helps -

Andrea, aka pibinko
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] The Germans and The Brazilians...

2008-06-12 Thread andrea giacomelli
Daniel -

1) I can provide my personal opinion (still, built on top of almost 18
months of making an effort within GFOSS.it, and a much longer period in
thinking on how to help raise awareness on GIS and open source).

All of this reasoning spawns from the mission that we see for a local
chapter (http://www.osgeo.org/content/chapters/guidelines.html) and in the
drive to make this happen in Italy.

2) In Italy, even if you don't want to "deal with money", if you don't have
a legal entity, anything you do in the "real world" [1] in order to follow
local chapter guidelines is strongly limited.

Without a registered association you may promote activities as a single
individual, or as a "comitato spontaneo" (meaning a self-made committee).
A list of people on a web page in Italy does not qualify as an Association
or a "chapter".

However a "real" association will have a much greater "role recognition"
than the work of a group of individuals.


REAL CASE 1: An association with a formal presence can obtain "sponsorship"
by a local administration authority, and have free (as in no cost) access to

facilities with broadband access to host any eventa group of individuals
as a "spontaneous committee" may or may not be eligible for the same...a
group of individuals referenced on a wiki page will not.. ;)

REAL CASE 2: An individual or a "spontaneous committee" may be invited for a
seminar by a University Department, but an Association can create a formal
partnership with the same entity, and trigger much more structured
initiatives...etc. etc. etc.

Again: it all depends, possibly, on the peculiarities of a given local
setting, and the combination of the local chapter guidelines as suggested by
OSGEO with the vision of the people acting locally.

4) PLEASE NOTE: In my previous post I did not say that all local chapters in
any region of the globe would require a legal entity to be effective in
their mission - I was possibly stressing the fact that, while creating the
"virtual" presence of a Chapter is easy, this needs to come from an
assessment of the environmet we, as "locals" operate.

5) The other non-secondary aspect of having the "real world" entity is that
people are required to meet to make certain things happen in the operation
of the association itself.
In terms of consolidation of a community, people sitting around a table
(possibly with a bottle of their favorite drink - be it spirits or water),
will help.

6) As a result of the approach we took in Italy, following our first year of
existence, we started from Feb 08 a calendar of activities that is leading
to a substantial awareness raising process (
http://wiki.gfoss.it/index.php/To_Do#Programmazione_eventi for a partial
list...and please bear with us if we don't translate all material targeted
to local activities in English ;))

7) If you live in a country where things are simpler, we'll be glad to make
contact with you... we could set up some "FOSS advocate exchange
program"...you come for one month in Italy, and try our byzantine heritage
environment (but with lots of good food) ...and we try some simpler settings
to raise awareness and to create networking opportunities etc etc.

I hope this mail helped in expanding the picture.
I apologize if I may have taken a kind of  philosophical/post-cyberpunk
angle...and talk to you on our European AM time... ;)

Andrea, aka pibinko

[1] or let's say "off the web"...given the amount of time we spend on the
web we can't really tell which is our main "reference" environment ;) )

2008/6/12 Daniel Morissette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> andrea giacomelli wrote:
>> I encourage ANY new chapter to consider this prior to opening a wiki
>> section on the OSGEO site as a local chapter (whiche does not mean I don't
>> like the OSGEO wiki).
>> I encourage ANY pre-existing local chapter that does not yet have a local
>> "formal entity" to re-consider their approach (and maybe decide that they
>> are fine without a local legal entity ;)...but as a result of a full
>> evaluation of existing options).
> Andrea,
> Could you please elaborate a bit more on the reasons why a "formal entity"
> seems so important to you for a local chapter?
> Your comment is interesting because we are in the process of starting a
> Quebec Chapter of OSGeo *without* a formal entity, exactly to avoid the
> overhead of a legal entity and since our initial goals are networking and
> sharing of expertise (in collaboration with the French Chapter with whom we
> share the French language). We figured that since we have no current plans
> to deal with money we are better build the networ

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] The Germans and The Brazilians...

2008-06-12 Thread andrea giacomelli
Dear "sunburned" Landon ;)

This is a very interesting topic. Two broad comments

1) on the "*vehicle that members from other language groups or nations can
use to accomplish more of their own goals under the OSGeo umbrella*". issue:

This is what happened in Italy.

Back in Fall-Winter 2006/2007 (after the Lausanne FOSS4G) the
geographic/free open source community had a very substantial online
discussion on what to do in order to promote geographic/free open "stuff" in

The result was that we decided first to create a not-for-profit legal entity
in Italy (this can be done with <600 USD at current exchange rates and
operated witha lot less than 5 KUSD/year, as we have from our books).

We (as an association in Italy) were then acknowledged as Italian OSGEO

We (as the majority of people who decided to take an active part in this
process) thought that this was the best way to accomplish more goals at the
local level (as an "association for social promotion" can formally talk to a
local administrative body,  or to a national authority for information
At the same time, we retain the possibility of relating to the global
community within the "OSGEO umbrella".

Localization (ooops...locali-S-ation...I am writing from Europe) is key to
awareness raising. This applies to all aspects of our action.

The only apparent drawback I see in first creating a local organisation
which then becomes a chapter of a global one, is that doing things "locally"
implies a "real life" cost that plain web interaction does not.
You need people to disconnect from a PC and visit government offices,
accounting consultants etc, and this maybe implies being a little less
visible on the global level for some time.

But, after a long 2007 to make this happen, I feel that we are heading out
of this startup phase in Italy, and I trust that on the 2008 FOSS4G (at the
latest) we will be able to explaing what happened, and how we expect being
able to better help the global community through this approach.

I encourage ANY new chapter to consider this prior to opening a wiki section
on the OSGEO site as a local chapter (whiche does not mean I don't like the
OSGEO wiki).

I encourage ANY pre-existing local chapter that does not yet have a local
"formal entity" to re-consider their approach (and maybe decide that they
are fine without a local legal entity ;)...but as a result of a full
evaluation of existing options).

2) *Language:* thiis may be only a relative issue.

 We are now in an era where English has been dominating the scene in terms
of development of operating systems and programming languages, but we have
gvSIG classes being created in  Spanish.

In other technical areas of expertise which have been around for a long time
(e.g. medicine), most of the terms come from Latin and Greek, while terms
from new surgery techniques come from other newer languages...in time our
medical practice is improving independently of posing a "which is the best
language" issue.

so I guess we will see a similar evolution. Getting back on the software
side of things, surely "English language inertia" can be a bottleneck to
community developmentlet's see what can be done by leveraging existing
initiatives (osgeo-edu etc. etc. etc) with a "localisation twist"

I'll be glad to see more thoughts on both topics from other international

Andrea, aka pibinko

2008/6/12 Paulo Marcondes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> 2008/6/12 Landon Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > take. Why couldn't a group in Brazil or Germany form a local chapter of
> the
> > OSGeo that is incorporated in their nation to pursue not only a common
> OSGeo
> As for Brazil, incorporating was ruled out early on, IIRC, mainly
> because of the high cost of running any sort of NGO or company here.
> At least 5k USD/year, just to exist.
> --
> Paulo Marcondes = PU1/PU2PIX
> -22.915 -42.224 = GG86jc
> ___
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> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Driving licenses for geofoss?

2008-06-11 Thread andrea giacomelli
Paolo: thanks for the brief status.

I have actually coordinated the team within GFOSS.it  (with Leonardo Lami
and Massimo di Stefano providing most of the actual preparation work on the
syllabus questions and data customisation).

Here are some opinions having closely followed the process since July 2007
within GFOSS.it (and since a lot earlier in terms of "localisation" of core
GIS curriculum).

- I think the ECDL certification is important (otherwise we would not have
committed a team of volunteers to work on it ;) )

- in terms of actual "accreditation": we expect it to work as other ECDL
"driving licenses" (they exist e.g. for "core office productivity" tools,
and there is an OpenOffice-based "driving license" for this).

- as ANY driving license (for cars, trucks, planes and boats), you need
experience to drive in rough environments, traffic conditions etc etc etc.

- last but not least, the more common "car" driving license will never tell
you: short cuts avoiding toll roads, locations of cozy restaurants on
secondary trails that you would never stop by if you are on a highway, and
how to tune your engine.

For this you a good friend who travels a lot is much better ;)

Switching back to ECDL context:

Our final version of the test developed for Quantum GIS was submitted to
AICA/Labsita (the bodies who cover the "GIS certification endorsed by ECDL

We are working together with AICA/Labsita representatives to iron out some
comments that have been presented. As all this is happening in the context
of a volunteer-based not-for-profit organisation (GFOSS.it), interacting
with very busy people, I would expect that before the August break in Italy
we will have some substantial news.

Last but not least, the interaction with the QGIS development team in the
context of revising some parts of the application in light of needs for the
certification tests, were an excellent case of community-driven bug fixing.

Let's see what happens: in the meantime we have seen (as of last year)
attempts to develop a similar test under gvSIG etc etc etc.

If there are other folks on these list who may be interested to develop the
test on other packages, and would like to take advantage of our experience
with QGIS and setting up a free data set for use in Italy, we will be glad
to "share alike" our efforts...


Andrea, aka pibinko

2008/6/11 Paolo Cavallini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Jeroen Ticheler ha scritto:
> > I'm curious to hear some opinions from people on the European Computer
> > Driving License (see http://www.ecdl.org ) Foundation.
> >
> > There's a specific option to obtain certificates on (proprietary) GIS
> > software. Since we're talking about a Foundation, FOSS4G providers
> > should be able to offer similar certification.
> > http://www.ecdl.org/products/index.jsp?b=0-102&pID=771&nID=772
> GFOSS.it is already involved in the process: we have prepared the test,
> and soon we'll be ready to implement the whole process.
> pc
> --
> Paolo Cavallini, see: * http://www.faunalia.it/pc *
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Case studies for migrating to Geospatial FOSS?

2008-01-29 Thread andrea giacomelli
Hi, not sure about the time zones involved in Gary replying...I think he is
referring to:


Gary, please correct me if I am wrong ;)


Andrea, aka pibinko

2008/1/29, Cameron Shorter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Yes Gary, that would be great.
> Do you know where we can find information about this?
> On Jan 29, 2008 2:07 PM, Gary Watry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Would the U.S. EPA moving from ESRI to Open Source for their Watershed
> model help
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: Cameron Shorter
> > Date: Monday, January 28, 2008 21:39
> > Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Case studies for migrating to Geospatial FOSS?
> > To: OSGeo Discussions
> >
> > > After giving a presentation recently about Geospatial Open Source,
> we> were asked whether there have been any case studies on migration to
> > > Geospatial Open Source.
> > >
> > > The audience were very sympathetic to Open Source, but felt is would
> > > be much easier to sell to upper management if they could draw upon
> > > experiences of other agencies who have done something similar.
> > >
> > > Can anyone point me to reports, or programs which have migrated from
> > > ESRI/Oracle applications (ArcGIS in particular) to Open Source
> > > equivalents?
> > >
> > > --
> > > Cameron Shorter
> > > Geospatial Systems Architect
> > > Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
> > > Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
> > >
> > > Think Globally, Fix Locally
> > > Commercial Support for Geospatial Open Source Solutions
> > > http://www.lisasoft.com/LISAsoft/SupportedProducts.html
> > > ___
> > > Discuss mailing list
> > > Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> > > http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
> > >
> >
> > Gary Watry
> > Applications Developer/Designer
> >
> > Florida State University
> > Office of Telecommunications
> > 644 West Call Street
> > Tallahassee, Fl 32306
> > Phone: 645-6904
> > email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > ___
> > Discuss mailing list
> > Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> > http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
> >
> >
> --
> Cameron Shorter
> Geospatial Systems Architect
> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS GIS Podcasts

2008-01-23 Thread andrea giacomelli
...Hi Landon,

a)  It's not a podcast (but still a ...cast, and it's
fresh...subcribers of the Italian mailing lists, my apologies for


This is a sort of "teaser" video on GIS and the role that awareness
raising organizations may play in promoting FOSS GIS (eventually
talking about GFOSS.it for Italy).

The message is directed to people who are not typical OSGeo discussion
readers ;) , but I'd still appreciate feedback from the list.

Maybe you can find some ideas of use for an introduction...

b) I'd like to have more "episodes" gradually delving into more
substantial topics, such as applications etc...time and resources
I'll be keeping an eye on material you may develop -and other links
which are being flagged out- as they may be a starting point for new


andrea, aka pibinko

2008/1/22, Nick Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> http://www.opengeodata.org/?cat=13  - have some interesting podcasts,..
> > >
> > > Are there other existing FOSS GIS podcasts?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Landon
> > >

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