[slim] Emulating SB3 display and remote on the PC

2006-03-30 Thread ulvi

Is there an application that emulates the Squeezebox3
display on the Windows (XP) desktop in parallel with
the SB3 while the SB3 is playing? (I have the
Softsqueeze app. but it doesn't work simultaneously
with the Squeezebox). And the same question for the
SB3 remote control.

Thanks for any tips...


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Re: [slim] Re: What's a good backup utility?

2006-03-30 Thread Robin Bowes
trebejo wrote:
 Instead of simply re-writing the entire directory branch everytime I
 need to make a full back up, I only delete the obsolete files and
 update or copy the new ones by typing a single line in a terminal:

So, what happens when you realise that you deleted a file just before
you ran rsync that you didn't mean to delete and that you'd really like
to get back?

Sure, rsync is cool, but you're not really making a useful backup using
it like you are.

Have a look at rsnapshot [1] - I think you'll like it.

1. http://www.rsnapshot.org/


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[slim] SMC Wireless Access Point Storage

2006-03-30 Thread georgesabitbol

Has anyone tried slimserver on this device - http://tinyurl.com/pdp7e

Would it work ?
Would it be a fair choice ?


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[slim] Re: Last.fm charts in signature

2006-03-30 Thread TCM

Isn't that related to the fact that [IMG] code is Off?




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[slim] Re: Last.fm charts in signature

2006-03-30 Thread bernt

Ok, who should I be bugging about this?



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[slim] Re: What's a good backup utility?

2006-03-30 Thread bernt

On Windows XP use robocopy and Schedule.

robocopy D:\path C:\path /MIR works for me.



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[slim] Re: What's a good backup utility?

2006-03-30 Thread trebejo

Robin Bowes Wrote: 
 So, what happens when you realise that you deleted a file just before
 you ran rsync that you didn't mean to delete and that you'd really
 to get back? 

I yell like a stuck pig, or I look at the other N,000 albums in my
collection and cope with it.

Your point is well taken of course. I make a big investment in my
alertness at that moment before the enter key is pressed (e.g. no
scotch before that keystroke).

There is also something to be said about the nature of the filesystem.
With scarcely any exceptions, the music files grow monotonically, and
deletions are usually the consequence of having moved something around
or having re-tagged something.

Hence as far as my music collection is concerned, I'm pretty sure I've
made a stable marriage with rsync.

With data of a different nature, my concerns shift, which leads us

 Sure, rsync is cool, but you're not really making a useful backup using
 it like you are.
 Have a look at rsnapshot [1] - I think you'll like it.
 1. http://www.rsnapshot.org/

Thanks! The multi-user flavor of that (root password need not be
involved) makes it pretty suggestive for a multi-user system.

There is a learning curve--hit the next topic tension in modernity
that sometimes forces me to choose something like rsync rather than the
next step up the chain.

Personal on-topic recommendations are the typical stimulant for me to
go ahead and make that next step (which is how I replaced a  ghastly cp
-R whatever command with rsync). And now if your tip bears fruit (it's
in an O'Reilly so we're on our way), then my friend shall hear back
from *me*.

Unix tennis is a lovely game.




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[slim] Of Synchronization, PlayLists, Low Buffers and SoftSqueeze

2006-03-30 Thread Jim Wald

This is my first post here, but I have been very impressed as to how
helpful everyone is.

I am expanding my SqueezeBox network, and I have run into two problems.

I have one SqueezeBox 2 and two SqueezeBox 3’s plus I am trying to run
two instances of SoftSqueeze on different computers. All of my
SqueezeBoxes/SoftSqueezes are run via wired Ethernet from my LinkSys
four-port/wireless A/G router, to four switches in four locations in my
home.  I am running SlimServer 6.2.1-5194 on an Intel server (actual
Intel server MB, case, etc) with dual 3.0 GHz Xeon processors, 4 GB of
Ram and 2 TB (net) of internal Raid 5 storage. The server RARELY hits
even 4% CPU usage and the vast majority of physical ram is free, even
when streaming to all five SqueezeBoxes/SoftSqueezes so I know that
isn’t an issue. I ONLY use WAV files and they are set up in iTunes
Playlists (and I do want to stick with iTunes for my playlists, both
for the sake of my iPods and for the sake of sticking with a standard).
I have SlimServer set up to use iTunes and have rescanned the library a
number of times.

Problem 1:  I wanted to sync two SqueezeBoxes and one SoftSqueeze
together and the other SqueezeBox and SoftSqueeze together.  This
worked fine, except for one little thing: Each SqueezeBox and
SoftSqueeze would play only ONE (complete) song in an iTunes playlist. 
If you hit “Play” after a unit stopped, it would then play the next song
on the playlist.  Obviously, this was not a workable situation, and,
after reading a bunch in the forums here, I solved the
playing-only-one-song problem by un-syncing all the players.  SO: has
anybody come up with a cure for the
synced-units-not-playing-through-playlists yet?  The Sync feature is
very important to me.

Problem 2:  After I had un-synced the SqueezeBoxes and SoftSqueezes, I
found that the SoftSqueeze I was running on one of my downstairs
computers STILL had the playing-only-one-song problem, and, in
addition, the sound was now breaking up.  More reading on the forums
introduced me to the low buffer problem.  And, after turning on the
buffer percentage on the display, I saw that it jumped to 25% for less
than a second as I began a song, and then went to 0% until it stopped
playing at the end of the song and, of course, did not continue to play
the next song on the playlist.  I then installed SoftSqueeze on my other
computer right next to the one having the problem, and it acted in the
same way.  I then installed SoftSqueeze on my wireless 811a (signal
strength: Excellent) laptop, and it too acted in exactly the same way. 
I then moved one of my SqueezeBox 3’s into this location, connected it
to the Ethernet cable from the computer that was originally having the
problem, and the SqueezeBox 3 had no problem, went immediately to 100%
buffer reading, and had no break-ups in the sound.  I put the Ethernet
back on the computer, and the buffer and breakup and not playing the
playlist were all back.  Remember, I am also using SoftSqueeze with the
same settings on a computer upstairs with no problems, and I pretty much
eliminated the Ethernet connection downstairs as being the problem, when
I tested the SqueezeBox 3 on that cable (and, besides, the network
connections and speeds between the upstairs and downstairs machines, as
well as to the internet, are all you could ask for).  SO: why would
three wired SqueezeBoxes and one wired SoftSqueeze have their buffers
at 100% and play playlists with no problems and no drop-outs, while two
wired computers in another location and a wireless computer all have 0%
buffer, drop-outs, and playing only one song on the playlists before
stopping (and not only did the SqueezeBox 3 work at 100% buffer at this
location, this location is the one CLOSEST to the router).

I will be one happy camper when I can get both this sync problem and
buffer problem solved.  Until then, not so much.

I appreciate any help anyone can give me here.


Jim Wald

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[slim] Re: Too many songs reported?

2006-03-30 Thread Heuer

Same here with 6.2.2 although I did change the location of the music
folder to a Qnap. Made sure iTunes is pointing to same but even
re-running scan several times still shows double number of songs
(albums/artists remains correct). Songs are duplicated in slimserver
list but not on the HD. Dupes show new location and old location. How
do I fix?


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[slim] Re: Too many songs reported?

2006-03-30 Thread Heuer

Got it - iTunes folder was still the old assignment!


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[slim] Re: Problems with MusicIP and 'non standard' text

2006-03-30 Thread chris . mason

I believe I have the same problem.
I've never used Music Magic 1.5, I went straight to MusicIP 1.6b2.

I'm using Windows XP with SP2, running SlimServer 6.2.1.
I'm running the MusicMagicService that came with MusicIP (the Slim
Service is set up to be dependant on MusicMagic so it starts in the
right order).

I noticed yesterday that when I have Slim use MusicMagic, the song
count would increase by about 60 tracks.  I also noticed some off
behaviour in that some tracks were being duplicated.

I then trawled all my songs in Slim alphabetically (I only have about
2000), and found all the duplicated tracks - it was easy to see as the
duplicated tracks appeared as one with the M (mixable) mark and one

I found that the duplicates exactly accounted for the extra tracks, and
that all the duplicates had extra non-alphanumeric characters, including
?.  This struck me as being a character encoding issue.  Not only that
but when I checked the tag data on the Mixable tracks (i.e. the ones
passed in from MIP), they appear to have NO tags.

My configuration was that I had the path my music specified both in
Slim Server and MusicIP.   When I removed the path from SlimServer and
re-scanned, as you would expect, the song count dropped by 60 to the
correct number.  I then check the problematic tracks, and again as I
expected, they appeared to have no tags.

Just to check, I disabled MusicMagic integration, and reset the music
path in Slimserver, then re-scanned, and everything was back to how it
should be.

I suspect this is a MusicIP issue not a SlimServer problem.



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[slim] Re: Problems with MusicIP and 'non standard' text

2006-03-30 Thread Siduhe

The problem has been acknowledged by the MusicIP team on their forums
[Search for Unicode] and they have indicated they are working on a fix
(but experience suggests this may take a while).


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[slim] Re: Last.fm charts in signature

2006-03-30 Thread TCM

bernt Wrote: 
 [Even more OT] Rock On! AC/DC -party on friday, hm, it's only a two
 hours drive.
 by the way, dosen't he lives on Gotland?

No, I think he has moved to a place outside Norrköping


Maybe Gotland in the summer...?



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[slim] Re: Problems with MusicIP and 'non standard' text

2006-03-30 Thread TimM

Siduhe Wrote: 
 The problem has been acknowledged by the MusicIP team on their forums
 [Search for Unicode] and they have indicated they are working on a fix
 (but experience suggests this may take a while).

Aha, did'nt spot this, have signed up and hopefully will get to play
with 1.6b3 later.



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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-03-30 Thread ultra238a

Hi Grumpy Git (that has been me over that last two weeks!)

Do you have an always on internet connection? The TS-101 is setup to
get the latest time every hour from an NTP server if the router you are
connected to is connected to the Internet. This should keep the time on
your SB accruate.

I'll ping Qnap though to see if it is a bug they are working on as
SlimServer takes the time from the system clock.


Progressive Consumer Electronics Ltd

Grumpy_Git Wrote: 
 I've been playing with my squeezebox and Qnap and have noticed that the
 Time and date info is incorrect, can anyone tell me where I can change
 this, I'm assuming this info is pulled from the server and hope that
 the blasted password protection will not prevent me from changing
 Hope I'm not just being incredibly dense.
 thanks in advance,


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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-03-30 Thread ultra238a

Ok a couple of things.

1. The OGG update is available for those who want it.

2. The AAC update is making good progress and we hope to have it
available this weekend.

3. A firmware update from Qnap has just landed with me so after some
testing I will make it available.


Progressive Consumer Electronics Ltd


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[slim] Re: Password protecting the server ...

2006-03-30 Thread rme

How can you limit access to mac addresses in slimserver?  

If you set this up, does it eliminate the ability to connect remotely
with software players for receiving hostipaddress:9000/stream.mp3?


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Re: [slim] Did SD change wireless card suppliers?

2006-03-30 Thread Marc Sherman
Mark Lanctot wrote:
 I've been debating posting this for about a month now because I wanted
 to avoid embarassing Slim.  However, this is looking increasingly more
 evident to me...
 Now my SB3 works fine with my new Linksys WRT54G router, so I'm not
 complaining, and I certainly don't want to embarrass SD, but it's just
 making more and more sense.
 I do not want to question Slim's decision to reduce part costs.  
 Given that this forum itself is operated by SD, I feel bad for saying
 this, but it explains a lot I think.  If anyone from Slim feels I have
 unfairly called them out or unjustly accused them of cutting corners
 I will quickly delete this thread, or they may wish to do so - I won't
 be upset, all that I ask is they don't ban me.  
 OK, here we go, pressing Submit New Thread, hopefully the sky doesn't
 fall down and hopefully Sean, Dean, Dan, Chris and the others won't hate
 me.  :-(

You really must have a low opinion of the SD management if you think all
that stuff is necessary.  Your questions about the wireless hardware are
perfectly legitimate*, and shouldn't need these disclaimers and
apologies at all.

* Though they are redundant; this has been covered before on this forum

- Marc

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[slim] Re: Too many songs reported?

2006-03-30 Thread Mark Lanctot

EricBergan Wrote: 
 My rescan finished - same thing. Shows twice as many tracks as there
 are, but the correct number of albums. 

What type of rescan did you do - Look for new and changed music or
Clear library and rescan everything?

I find look for new will only add items, it won't remove any,
including any duplicates.

Only clear library will actually remove any items that are either
there in error, or items you've deleted.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: MP3Gain Problem

2006-03-30 Thread Mark Lanctot

ceepan Wrote: 
 Is this a known issue with Slimserver?

No, this is the first time it's ever been mentioned.

 Surely if it has problems with the gain it should set it to 0dB rather
 than 65535db.  Playing these can't be good for the speakers can it?

Well it cannot literally achieve 65535 dB, obviously.  So all it's
doing is completely clipping the signal.  Yes, if you were to play it
loud enough it would damage your speakers, but at lower volumes it'll
just sound bad.

This may not be much help, but you may want to take a look at the files
in a hex editor.  I'm not sure where ReplayGain data is kept - it would
either be at the front or end of the file.  But it sounds like it's
been mistagged somehow.  I'm not sure how you can correct it though.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Problems with MusicIP and 'non standard' text

2006-03-30 Thread chris . mason

Yeah I saw that today.  I shall have a play with it later, but I don't
think I saw anything regarding fixing unicode character encoding in the


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[slim] Re: SMC Wireless Access Point Storage

2006-03-30 Thread Mark Lanctot

Unfortunately I don't think this would work well, for several reasons:

- it's wireless.  It's a bad idea to have a wireless server.  All data
goes through 2 wireless hops, and with a device as server-dependant as
the Squeezebox, this is bad.  You're hamstringing yourself.  Now, some
people do this and it works for them, but if you have any wireless
bottlenecks, they will be made very apparent.

- there is no hacked 3rd party firmware that will operate on it and
allow you to install SlimServer is slim, no pun intended.  It does seem
to run Linux though as it has a Samba server, so in theory the firmware
should be available for others to hack.

- there does not seem to be any data on what type of processor it uses.
If it uses a generic 125 MHz networking processor, it'll be slow as
hell.  You also can't find out how much memory it has, which is even
more crucial to SlimServer.

Frankly the idea of a wireless NAS is a bit confusing to me.  Small,
fanless NAS devices like this, the Linksys NSLU2 and the Buffalo
Linkstation/Kurobox are best located near a router - close enough to be

I don't mean to run down this product if you like it but it seems to
have some very fundamental problems that would make it difficult to be
used as a SlimServer.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Emulating SB3 display and remote on the PC

2006-03-30 Thread fcm4711

Hi ulvi

ShadowPlay can exactly do that for you. It shows you the SB3
display on SoftSqueeze and sends IR commands to your SB3.
You can find it here (near the bottom):




Everyone said: This cannot be done. But one day someone came along who
didn't know about this - and did it. (Source unknown)

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[slim] Re: SMC Wireless Access Point Storage

2006-03-30 Thread slimpy

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
 - it's wireless.  It's a bad idea to have a wireless server.  All data
 goes through 2 wireless hops, and with a device as server-dependant as
 the Squeezebox, this is bad.  You're hamstringing yourself.  Now, some
 people do this and it works for them, but if you have any wireless
 bottlenecks, they will be made very apparent.
I agree with Mark in all but the above point. It is indeed a bad idea
to have a wireless server but in this case the server would also be the
access point and thus eliminating one wireless hop. It would be the same
as running slimserver directly on your wireless router. If you already
have a wireless router you have to turn off its wireless features.
As Mark has pointed out there are currently no hardware specs available
and no hacked firmware. It can only be guessed that it runs some sort of
linux os as it supports fat, ext2 and (read-only) ntfs partitions. 
There won't be any easy way to run third party software on this device
for quite some time.



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[slim] Re: SMC Wireless Access Point Storage

2006-03-30 Thread Mark Lanctot

Ah yes.  slimpy makes a good point.  I failed to notice that it's also
an access point.

This makes the networking configuration the same as any other wireless
Squeezebox arrangement, which probably 85% of us use, myself included.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: MP3Gain Problem

2006-03-30 Thread radish

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
 No, this is the first time it's ever been mentioned.

Actually, I've seen a couple of posts recently from people mentioning
bad distortion until they switched off ReplayGain. May be entirely
unrelated, may be a tag parsing/processing bug surfacing.


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[slim] Re: MP3Gain Problem

2006-03-30 Thread Mark Lanctot

radish Wrote: 
 Actually, I've seen a couple of posts recently from people mentioning
 bad distortion until they switched off ReplayGain. May be entirely
 unrelated, may be a tag parsing/processing bug surfacing.

What I meant was I never heard anyone mentioning SlimServer gain
reporting 65535 dB.

Although those other posts merely mention distortion.  They don't list
what gain was reported, so you could be on to something.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Too many songs reported?

2006-03-30 Thread EricBergan

I had done the clear and rescan, but as suspected above, every track was
duped for an album.

Looking at the particulars, one track was looking at the drive address
on the machine, the other was looking at the full network share address
of the track, because that is how the playlists have each track (since
they are shared across a number of machines in the house.)

Thanks for the pointers, I've changed slimserver to go to the network
share address and started another clear/rescan, and presumably I'll
have the correct number of tracks this time.



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[slim] Re: Execute Script Plugin Question

2006-03-30 Thread jonheal


Everything is working fine, so far. I have one final issue that I
wonder if you would mind helping me with. I would like to listen for
the player/Slimserver stopping. If I issue a command (with a button
press) that stops playback, then Execute.pm traps for the event. If
however, I simply let the song/playlist play through and end, no stop
message is generated.

Can you point me in the direction I should look to figure out how to do
this? I've been looking through the various scripts, and I'm wondering
if there's something in CLI.pm? I'm kind of in the dark here --
especially with my limited perl skills.

Ultimately, I'm hoping to add some code to my bastardized Execute.pm
script to listen for the stopped state.

Thanks in advance.


Jon Heal says:
Have a nice day!

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[slim] CNET network media player list

2006-03-30 Thread agentsmith


Shame that Slim did not make to their list.  

How can something so good be such a well kept secret?


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[slim] Re: Thinking of buying/building linux based music server...

2006-03-30 Thread eq72521

JJZolx Wrote: 
 Do some research if you can on the system's motherboard and make sure
 that it can read large hard drives.

I've been wondering about this issue myself as I consider buying some
older hardware to put into use as a server.  Researching the mobos can
be tedious and still not turn up results.  If one *did* get a mobo
whose onboard IDE controller couldn't handle 137GB drives, could that
problem be solved by installing a separate PCI EIDE or SATA controller?
Would large drives installed on that controller work OK?


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[slim] Re: CNET network media player list

2006-03-30 Thread bklaas

that's a sorry omission, esp. when the inferior Roku ranks so high with

Flood 'em with emails, maybe they will add a review. 


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Re: [slim] CNET network media player list

2006-03-30 Thread Peter
On Thu, 30 Mar 2006 07:50:59 -0800, agentsmith
 Shame that Slim did not make to their list.  
 How can something so good be such a well kept secret?

My personal theory is that their nerd-appeal works against them here.
Where it's great for us nerds to read about Perl based 'hackable'
servers and plugins, that makes a normal hifi-consumer uncomfortable.

The Roku is basically the same device but the software page is a lot
less technical ( http://www.rokulabs.com/support/SBSoftwareUpdate.php ).
My advice would be to make the technical stuff a bit less 'in your face'
and hide it a bit more carefully behind a clear consumer oriented
website. The SD team made one important step, the new SB3 looks like
something that could sell big.

BTW, I've often wondered about the relationship between Roku and SD, is
the Roku some kind of clone or spin off?

I do like the looks of the Soundbridge Radio. ;)

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[slim] Re: CNET network media player list

2006-03-30 Thread bklaas

forget emailing that address. it bounced. Nice, that was the contact
email displayed on that network media player page. Well done, CNET.


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[slim] Re: CNET network media player list

2006-03-30 Thread radish

peter Wrote: 
 The Roku is basically the same device 
It really isn't. Sure they have the same basic function, but that's
like saying a Kia and a Porsche are basically the same car.

 BTW, I've often wondered about the relationship between Roku and SD,
 the Roku some kind of clone or spin off?
It's some kind of clone. The crappy knockoff kind. Think Sorny or


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Re: [slim] CNET network media player list

2006-03-30 Thread Michael Herger

BTW, I've often wondered about the relationship between Roku and SD, is
the Roku some kind of clone or spin off?

Oh... search the forums for that device. They aren't related at all except  
maybe the Roku marketing stuff having had a good look at the original.  
And don't miss the announcement of the Dorku device, from almost two years  
ago :-)




Help translate SlimServer by using the
StringEditor Plugin (http://www.herger.net/slim/)
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Re: [slim] Re: CNET network media player list

2006-03-30 Thread Jacob Potter
On 3/30/06, radish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's some kind of clone. The crappy knockoff kind. Think Sorny or


Dean summarized it nicely: The Dorku's innovative software is based
on some really exciting stuff we downloaded from the Internet.

- Jacob
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[slim] Re: CNET network media player list

2006-03-30 Thread kolding

I love reading the reviews those clowns come up with.  For instance, the
Olive Musica, in the negatives they list no video output.   Yeah, and
it doesn't make french fries either.  They're reviewing devices for
features they don't claim to have?  Yet they don't list that as a
negative for the Roku or Sonos devices.  Hmm...



kolding's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=31
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[slim] Re: Thinking of buying/building linux based music server...

2006-03-30 Thread kkitts

This is always a fuzzy area for me. It seems that I've installed hard
drives before that were not supported by the bios by installing Max
Blast for Maxtor hard drives. I think that you can usually break past
the barriers with the right software.

Incidentally, I've installled a Promise ATA100 PCI card that came free
with a Maxtor drive in both a Windows 98 Pentium Pro system (used with
a 200G drive) and I installed the same Promise ATA100 PCI card on a
Pentium II 266 system using SUSE 10 Linux  (with the same 200G drive by
Seagate) and it worked fine in both systems. So, I'd say, yea - if you
can find one of those old cheapy ATA100/ATA133 promise PCI IDE cards
you can probably get it to work. 

I've not really done any timing tests to determine if the ATA100
promise card performs better than the onboard PII ATA66 IDE controller.
I actually have drives attached to both onboard IDE controllers as well
as the Promise ATA100 card on my system. Everything just works under
SUSE 10 linux.



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Re: [slim] Re: CNET network media player list

2006-03-30 Thread Peter

On Thu, 30 Mar 2006 08:18:06 -0800, radish
 peter Wrote: 
  The Roku is basically the same device 
 It really isn't. Sure they have the same basic function, but that's
 like saying a Kia and a Porsche are basically the same car.

Well, they are very similar really... ;)
It's also good to be able to choose between the Porsche and the Kia.
And it could be nice to have a little Kia aside for the wife.
Lastly, it's great if they're compatible. 
Can RS  SB devices run off the same slimserver?

  BTW, I've often wondered about the relationship between Roku and SD,
  the Roku some kind of clone or spin off?
 It's some kind of clone. The crappy knockoff kind. Think Sorny or

Well, apparently they know what it takes to get on the CNET list, so
perhaps there is something that can be learned from them after all.

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[slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread Siduhe

Whilst sincerely hoping that this thread is TFIC [Tongue firmly in
Cheek], have you been following the rash of technology ruined my
relationship stories starting with Firefox (summarised by the Register


Siduhe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=723
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[slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread jonheal

Has anyone else been seeing weird messages scrolling across their SB
displays? Mine's been scrolling Get rid of her ... NOW! And then the
second she walks in the room, it switches to showing the Date and Time.
It's really weird...


Jon Heal says:
Have a nice day!

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[slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread snarlydwarf

jonheal Wrote: 
 Has anyone else been seeing weird messages scrolling across their SB

Hrrm, sounds like you need a faster connection.  Those messages are
supposed to be displayed for only a 1/60th of a second.


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread Siduhe

Although, as one of the few [?] girls that seems to hang out here, I do
find some of the pat her on the head, it's technology type posts that
(occasionally) come up here as fundamentally depressing.  

[Not referring to Skunk's post here - but the Kia for the wife post a
couple below is a good example].  

Hardly a card-carrying feminist, but IMHO *people* are either into
technology or not, geeky or not, prone to pulling stuff apart or not. 
It's just that us girls know better than to impugn our husbands'
prowess with a screwdriver on a public message board...[TIFC for the
avoidance of all doubt]


Siduhe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=723
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Re: [slim] Re: CNET network media player list

2006-03-30 Thread Jacob Potter
On 3/30/06, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Lastly, it's great if they're compatible.
 Can RS  SB devices run off the same slimserver?

Sort of. It can be done, provided that the server version and the
phase of the moon is right, but nobody will help you with it - Roku
won't, because it's not their software, and Slim Devices certainly
won't, because it's not their hardware.

- Jacob
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Re: [slim] Re: If you store lyrics in your tags

2006-03-30 Thread ron thigpen

kbeast wrote:

That is the major downfall to that plugin that it doesn't utilize
timestamps-- that would be sweet.

and a resounding chorus of Patches Welcome!!! echoed throughout the 
hills and valleys of that great land...

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Re: [slim] Re: Execute Script Plugin Question

2006-03-30 Thread kdf

On 30-Mar-06, at 7:49 AM, jonheal wrote:

Can you point me in the direction I should look to figure out how to do
I'll have to think about this one.  Nothing springs to mind, and I work 
mostly with 6.5 and developer branches, so I've got the new cli in my 


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Re: [slim] Re: What's a good backup utility?

2006-03-30 Thread ron thigpen

bernt wrote:

On Windows XP use robocopy and Schedule.

robocopy D:\path C:\path /MIR works for me.

Better yet, schedule this:

robocopy D:\srcpath E:\destpath /E /B

This will copy over any new or modified files to your backup but _not_ 
delete any files/dirs that are in the destpath but not in the srcpath. 
This practice protects against a lost/deleted source being automatically 
synchronized over to your backup.

And run this only when you are sure of the state of the source files:

robocopy D:\srcpath E:\destpath /MIR

This will delete files/dirs which have been removed from the source, 
freeing up space on your backup device.

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[slim] Re: Alien BBC Plugin.

2006-03-30 Thread Neil Sleightholm

Richard - thanks for the comments, it is nice to see our hard work
appreciated. If you have any tips for Mac users I'm sure they would
appreciate it (if you know how to write an install routine that would
be even better!). There is a version of mplayer for the Mac on the
AlienBBC site if that helps.

Neil (one of the AlienBBC devs)

Neil Sleightholm

Neil Sleightholm's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=131
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[slim] Re: Execute Script Plugin Question

2006-03-30 Thread jonheal

kdf Wrote: 
 On 30-Mar-06, at 7:49 AM, jonheal wrote:
  Can you point me in the direction I should look to figure out how to
 I'll have to think about this one.  Nothing springs to mind, and I work
 mostly with 6.5 and developer branches, so I've got the new cli in my 
I'm figuring that there must be something that generates the stopped
message because the word STOP in the web UI player frame highlights
when a playlist (and I guess anything and everything you play is
technically a playlist) ends. Something must be forcing that frame to
reload. But maybe that message is coming from the firmware.


Jon Heal says:
Have a nice day!

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Re: [slim] Of Synchronization, PlayLists, Low Buffers and SoftSqueeze

2006-03-30 Thread Jack Coates

Jim Wald wrote:

This is my first post here, but I have been very impressed as to how
helpful everyone is.

I am expanding my SqueezeBox network, and I have run into two problems.


Clearly your hardware is underpowered :) Just kidding.

Anyway, I don't know anything about the iTunes integration, but I can 
say that many people have seen performance improvements by switching the 
database from the built-in SQLLite to MySQL. This is easy to do on any 
of the supported OS platforms and is one of the development goals for 
the future of Slimserver.

I'd also consider switching to a 6.2.2 nightly, as there are performance 
fixes and I think some iTunes changes. Since you're running wired, you 
don't need to worry about the wireless firmware issues that are 
currently holding up the release.

Jack at Monkeynoodle dot Org: It's a Scientific Venture...
Riding the Emergency Third Rail Power Trip Since 1996

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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-03-30 Thread happyfishman

ultra238a Wrote: 
 The OGG update is available for those who want it.


Where do we get it from? Is there a download page somewhere?


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[slim] Help with squeeze3 network issue

2006-03-30 Thread Scott

OS X  Mac Mini 512MB RAM
slimserver 6.2.2

For the last several days, I cannot get my squeezebox buffer to stay
anywhere above 10%, and I am getting many dropouts.  I have, for years,
been using etherfast homeplug adapters from my linksys router... and
they have forever worked fine.  

Because they have stopped working well lately, I tried wireless to my
squeeze3.  I got over 60% signal strength (its not that far away). 
Yet, even with this setup, my buffer rarely fills above 10%.

I need help troubleshooting!

Thanks, in advance,



Scott's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=229
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[slim] Re: Last.fm charts in signature

2006-03-30 Thread TCM

TCM Wrote: 
 Isn't that related to the fact that [IMG] code is Off?
bernt Wrote: 
 Ok, who should I be bugging about this?



but it's not really a bug, it's rather a choice that the forum admin



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[slim] Re: Help with squeeze3 network issue

2006-03-30 Thread abdomen

Signal strength does not address interference; much less data is getting
through successfully than the 60% indicates. You can use the NetTest
plugin to confirm this, if you like...


... or skip to the fixing. I would start by disabling any turbo mode on
your wireless router/AP and trying various channels. Good luck, and note
that you can poke around previous posts for lots more suggestions.


abdomen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1205
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[slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread Skunk

Siduhe Wrote: 
 Hardly a card-carrying feminist, but IMHO *people* are either into
 technology or not, geeky or not, prone to pulling stuff apart or not. 
 It's just that us girls know better than to impugn our husbands'
 prowess with a screwdriver on a public message board...[TIFC for the
 avoidance of all doubt]

I'll agree with that for the most part. Although I think if such a
message board [screwdriver follies] existed, women would be all over
it. For example, reference the success of the sitcom 'Home
Improvement'. It's funny to lampoon those addicted to the screwdriver.
Notice however, the show never once lampooned the wifes inability to
fix anything mechanical. Her job was to fix the family. I would have
preferred equal opportunity lampooning.

Sexist? Hardly. They taught us in psych 101 that males are better at
math and logic, while females excel in language and nurturing. Who's to
say which is more important? My favorite quote on Jon Heal's Web site is
'Jack of both sides of the brain, master of none' (You're brilliant if
you came up w/ that yourself Jon!). It's important to balance the yang
with a little yin for males, and should be so for females as well.

I wish more girls were into jacking around in the other side of the
brain. Supposedly thier hearing ability is superior to males, and I bet
they could come up with some great sounding hi fi kit.


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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[slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread Fifer

Siduhe Wrote: 
 It's just that us girls know better than to impugn our husbands' prowess
 with a screwdriver on a public message board.
Yes, it's always much more subtle to just imply things ... ;)


Fifer's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=639
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Re: [slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread Jim Dibb
The link as formatted seems to have an extra ) in it (at least in the gmail email client).On 3/30/06, Siduhe 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Whilst sincerely hoping that this thread is TFIC [Tongue firmly in
Cheek], have you been following the rash of technology ruined myrelationship stories starting with Firefox (summarised by the Register'here'(
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Re: [slim] CNET network media player list

2006-03-30 Thread ron thigpen

Peter wrote:

I do like the looks of the Soundbridge Radio. ;)

But it is but vapor so far.

Nice how the Buy Now button links to the page with the Shipping Soon 

Soon  Now

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[slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread snarlydwarf

Skunk Wrote: 
 For example, reference the success of the sitcom 'Home Improvement'.
 It's funny to lampoon those addicted to the screwdriver. Notice
 however, the show never once lampooned the wifes inability to fix
 anything mechanical. Her job was to fix the family. I would have
 preferred equal opportunity lampooning.

Actually, she did better with tools than her husband ever did

But then we're going to cross into my view of why Sitcoms are Better
Than Reality: in a sitcom, everyone's quirks make them lovable and
interesting.  It would be a boring show if Tim Taylor could actually
fix anything.

TV sitcoms often seem sexist to me: the flaws in the males are often
more pronounced than the flaws in women who are almost always the
bastion of sanity amongst the lunatic men.

In reality, we're all nuts.


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[slim] Re: Help with squeeze3 network issue

2006-03-30 Thread Scott

okay, i downloaded the plugin... i get 100% for all tests.

again, when i go to play the music, the buffer doesnt fill.



Scott's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=229
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[slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread Skunk

jimdibb Wrote: 
 The link as formatted seems to have an extra ) in it 

Be a man and delete the extra )


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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[slim] Re: CNET network media player list

2006-03-30 Thread Mark Lanctot

Bah, CNET is useless for pretty much everything.

Their reviews are too brief to give any weight to them at all, they
reach head-scratching conclusions about what ranks best, their
technical articles are simplistic to the extreme.

They are not only the worst review site out there, they are the worst
tech info site out there too.  It's amazing they are so big.  I assume
it's because everything is dumbed-down.

Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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[slim] Re: Emulating SB3 display and remote on the PC

2006-03-30 Thread ulvi

)p( Wrote: 
 Did you set the softsqueeze player settings in slimserver to synchronize
 with your real sb?
 (I have squeezeslave running as a service on my desktop pc.
 Squeezeslave is set to synchronize in slimserver with my real sb.
 Anything I select and play on my real sb is automatically mirrored on
 my desktop. Works great!)

Thanks Peter. That's exactly what I was looking
for; didn't know about the synchronize option.



ulvi's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4763
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[slim] Squeezebox 3 slow to respond to remote control

2006-03-30 Thread kkken


I have a squeezebox 3 and i'm running 
SlimServer Version: 6.2.1 - 5194 - Mac OS X 10.4.5 (8H14) - EN - utf8
on a Mac Mini 1.42Gz with 1G of Ram.

What i have noticed and sometimes it gets more than a little annoying
is that i walk over to the Sqb3 and try and change what is playing with
the remote. The screen does not move, so i press some more keys, and
then all at once the commands all whip past on the display. It's almost
like the thing has been buffering up all the commands and then either
once it has enough free CPU it runs through them all at once. 

What happens to the commands are they run just within the Sqb3 or are
they all passed back to the server ?


kkken's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=301
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Re: [slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread Jim Dibb
On 3/30/06, Skunk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
jimdibb Wrote: The link as formatted seems to have an extra ) in it
Be a man and delete the extra )I can't. I replaced the delete key on my keyboard with one that enters Shut the F*** up 
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[slim] Re: MP3Gain Problem

2006-03-30 Thread ceepan

Should this be raised as a bug?  If so what do I need to do to raise a
bug?  Can I do anything that will log the issue?


ceepan's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3162
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[slim] Re: how can squeezebox turn on a pc

2006-03-30 Thread strapats

thank you very much for replying, i appreciate the suggestions. i don't
have a second network card, just an onboard nic. i'll have another look
in my motherboard's manual. if that doesn't help, perhaps i'll have a go
at updating the bios. though that isn't something i trust myself with.

btw, i should have mentioned that i think the squeezebox is a superior
device, considering it was my first post. so there you go.


strapats's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4759
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[slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread Skunk

jimdibb Wrote: 
 I can't.  I replaced the delete key on my keyboard with one that 
 Shut the F*** up

This aggression will not stand, man. [the Dude]


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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Re: [slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread Jim Dibb
:)On 3/30/06, Skunk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
jimdibb Wrote: I can't.I replaced the delete key on my keyboard with one that
 enters Shut the F*** upThis aggression will not stand, man. [the Dude]--Skunk
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[slim] Re: Help with squeeze3 network issue

2006-03-30 Thread ChrisOwens

Hi Scott,

Are you using firmware 35 or 36 or something lower?

Does returning to firmware 28 help?


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: Execute Script Plugin Question

2006-03-30 Thread jonheal

In the version of the script for 6.2.x, this appears in the callback

if (($debug == 1)  $::d_stdio) {
print \n;
print |   COMMAND: $slimCommand\n;
foreach my $i (@$paramsRef[1..scalar(@$paramsRef)-1]) {
print |   PARAMS: $i\n;
print \n;

Where does this actually print? I checked d_stdio on the dubug
screen, but it didn't generate any extra output during playback in the


Jon Heal says:
Have a nice day!

jonheal's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2133
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[slim] Re: What's a good backup utility?

2006-03-30 Thread street_samurai

As other posters have mentioned in other threads, for Windows, SyncBack
is the best backup program I've seen. It works across your LAN, works
with Samba... and most importantly of all: it does what it says its
going to do. 

There is a free version I believe. 

I tried several other solutions and none of them worked reliably and as
effectively as SyncBack.



street_samurai's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=199
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[slim] Re: MP3Gain Problem

2006-03-30 Thread Mark Lanctot

Go to http://bugs.slimdevices.com/.  Create an account.

Create a new bug for SlimServer.  Make sure you upload the affected

Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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[slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread Skunk

jimdibb Wrote: 

Glad you caught it ;-)

[if anyone didn't see fifth pic down: 
http://www.lebowskifest.com/achievers_page.asp ]


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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Re: [slim] Re: MP3Gain Problem

2006-03-30 Thread Ben Sandee
On 3/30/06, ceepan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Should this be raised as a bug?If so what do I need to do to raise abug?Can I do anything that will log the issue?
Please do raise it as a bug -- add one of your files in question as an attachment to a new bug. I believe the attachment max size for the slim bugzilla is 10mb so you should be OK unless your mp3 is too big.
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[slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread ezkcdude

Nice thread, Skunk! So, when are we going to see a 12-step program for
this problem, you know, SqueezeBox Owners Anonymous (SBOA)?


SB3-Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC-MIT Terminator 2
interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

ezkcdude's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2545
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[slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread Skunk

ezkcdude Wrote: 
  So, when are we going to see a 12-step program for this problem, you
 know, SqueezeBox Owners Anonymous (SBOA)?

Step One: 'have the power save set to two hours on server so I[t] wont
play all day'. Thanks bernt.


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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[slim] Re: MP3Gain Problem

2006-03-30 Thread ezkcdude

I started a thread the other day about my ReplayGain problems. I decided
MP3Gain is not the right way to go, because it changes more than just
the tag. The proper way (IMHO) is to use Foobar2000 to set the
ReplayGain tags (as suggested in the Wiki).


SB3-Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC-MIT Terminator 2
interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

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[slim] Re: MP3Gain Problem

2006-03-30 Thread Mark Lanctot

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 I started a thread the other day about my ReplayGain problems. I decided
 MP3Gain is not the right way to go, because it changes more than just
 the tag. The proper way (IMHO) is to use Foobar2000 to set the
 ReplayGain tags (as suggested in the Wiki).

Actually if you use just the Analysis option, nothing is changed. 
ceepan's problem is unrelated - it's some sort of error in the way
SlimServer read the tag.

From what I've heard, SlimServer won't read foobar2000 RG tags?

Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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Re: [slim] Re: MP3Gain Problem

2006-03-30 Thread Richie
 From what I've heard, SlimServer won't read foobar2000 RG tags?

I can't comment on other versions but 6.5b1 certainly can now. All my
RG tags were set with foobar on mostly flacs with a few mp3s thown in.

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[slim] Re: MP3Gain Problem

2006-03-30 Thread Mark Lanctot

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 It seems to work fine for me.

I'm wondering if it's the new foobar 0.9.  It definitely didn't work in

Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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[slim] Re: MP3Gain Problem

2006-03-30 Thread ezkcdude

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
 Actually if you use just the Analysis option, nothing is changed. 
 ceepan's problem is unrelated - it's some sort of error in the way
 SlimServer read the tag.
 From what I've heard, SlimServer won't read foobar2000 RG tags?

It seems to work fine for me.


SB3-Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC-MIT Terminator 2
interconnects-Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)-Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier-Speltz anti-cables-DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10 subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.

ezkcdude's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2545
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[slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread Siduhe

jimdibb Wrote: 
 The link as formatted seems to have an extra ) in it (at least in the
 email client).

See ! Women and technology don't mix...;-)


Siduhe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=723
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[slim] Re: Squeezebox too costly

2006-03-30 Thread Skunk

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 I thought Step One is admit you have a problem. Hi, my name is Skunk,
 and damn, I just can't quit you SqueezeBox!

Good observation (not from experience I hope)

Step 1: Admit your guilt.
Step 2: Put a timer on the Slimserver.
Step 3: Keep post count under 3/day. (I'm hovering around 5).
Step 4: Never take SB with you (thanks again bernt).


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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[slim] Re: CNET network media player list

2006-03-30 Thread radish

peter Wrote: 
 It's also good to be able to choose between the Porsche and the Kia.
Sure, choice is good for everyone. But you get what you pay for
usually holds :)  

 Well, apparently they know what it takes to get on the CNET list, so
 perhaps there is something that can be learned from them after all.
Maybe, maybe not. Slim have been around longer than Roku, and show no
signs of doing anything but continue expanding. That's fine by me, I'm
perfectly happy being a customer of a succesful niche manufacturer. I'd
actually rather that than being just another consumer to some huge
faceless megacorp.


radish's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=77
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[slim] Per Player audiodir in slimserver.conf

2006-03-30 Thread elo

My music library is set up like:

/volume/Music/FLAC is where I want my LAN-connected SB2s to play from.
I want my WAN-connected Softsqueeze and SB2s to play from the 
/volume/Music/MP3 dir.

Why? I encode both in FLAC for critical listening at home, but MP3-vbr
for iPod. I have no problem pointing my iTunes at the
smb://volume/Music/MP3 so it makes that part easy. But now I want to
get some SB2s and Softsqueeze's to use the MP3vbrs rather then doing
the LAME transcode of the FLACs to XXXmb/s-CBR. The idea being, I can
get better audio quality/mb-per-sec with VBR and save the CPU overhead
of the transcode.

Can this be done? I was hopeing I could edit the /etc/slimserver.conf
file for each player to have different audiodir... but don't see a
player specific entry for this var only one for everything... was just
gonna try it but thought I'd ask...

e9:da:e2:4d:f4:9f-audiodir = /volume/Music/FLAC
e9:da:e2:4a:23:12-audiodir = /volume/Music/MP3

Or am I on the wrong path to achieving this?


elo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=302
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Re: [slim] Free your Music!

2006-03-30 Thread dean blackketter

On Mar 29, 2006, at 11:58 PM, Peter wrote:

What's up with the new slogan? The SD homepage now says:

It's all about the music.

I kinda liked the old one, this one's a bit bland to my taste.
Don't worry Free your music! isn't gone yet.  But we do try to mix  
it up a bit.

It's all about the music. is probably better when we're talking  
about Pandora, which isn't about your music; it's about the music you  
haven't discovered yet.

Marketeers taking over already? ;)

Over my dead body.


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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-03-30 Thread ultra238a


Just PM me and I will send you a link. Nothink cloak or dagger or
anything I just haven't had chance to build a nice looking web page to
put all the links on.

Progressive Consumer Electronics Ltd

happyfishman Wrote: 
 Where do we get it from? Is there a download page somewhere?


ultra238a's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=626
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Re: [slim] Re: MP3Gain Problem

2006-03-30 Thread ron thigpen

Mark Lanctot wrote:

I'm wondering if it's the new foobar 0.9.  It definitely didn't work in

Hmmm.  I've tagged my whole library for RG with Foobar both FLAC and 
MP3.   I'm using 0.9 now, but most of that was done with 0.8.3.  AFAICT, 
the SlimServer has always picked up on the tags just fine.

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Re: [slim] Re: Execute Script Plugin Question

2006-03-30 Thread kdf

Quoting jonheal [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I'm figuring that there must be something that generates the stopped
message because the word STOP in the web UI player frame highlights
when a playlist (and I guess anything and everything you play is
technically a playlist) ends. Something must be forcing that frame to
reload. But maybe that message is coming from the firmware.

that's different.  the server reports the playmode state.  It is the  
event that gets you to that state that is required for the plugin

Where does this actually print? I checked d_stdio on the dubug
screen, but it didn't generate any extra output during playback in the

the print goes to the console.  run the server command-line for debug.  
I haven't bothered to change it to use the server message facility  
becuase it is really just too chatty for recording in the file.   
However, you can just change 'print' to 'Slim::Utils::Misc::msg'  and  
it should then send to the log

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[slim] Re: MP3Gain Problem

2006-03-30 Thread Mark Lanctot

fuzzyT Wrote: 
 Mark Lanctot wrote:
  I'm wondering if it's the new foobar 0.9.  It definitely didn't work
 Hmmm.  I've tagged my whole library for RG with Foobar both FLAC and 
 MP3.   I'm using 0.9 now, but most of that was done with 0.8.3. 
 the SlimServer has always picked up on the tags just fine.

Just me I guess.  As much as I like foobar, foobar doesn't like me.  I
can never get half its features to work.

Mark Lanctot

Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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[slim] Re: Free your Music!

2006-03-30 Thread joncourage

It's all about the music.

eeeww. craptacular.


joncourage's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2837
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[slim] Re: Help with squeeze3 network issue

2006-03-30 Thread Scott

how do i return to a previous firmware without changing the slimserver?



Scott's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=229
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[slim] Re: Free your Music!

2006-03-30 Thread Skunk

joncourage Wrote: 
 It's all about the music.
 eeeww. craptacular.

It's a good music forum slogan. Free Your Music rocks as a trademark,
as does the name Squeezebox itself.

'Mp3 is not a crime' is [less than spec]tacular, however. :-)


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-03-30 Thread funkstar

ultra238a Wrote: 
 5. TS-401T might get unleashed next week - more HDD formatting, I want
 to cry!
Paul, just a side thought for you. How about getting a multi drive
duplicator so you can format one drive of each size and then duplicate
it to N other drives connected to the duplicator.

This is what i found after 30 seconds on google:

May well be too expensive for you, but i thought i would at least try
and help you out :)


funkstar's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2335
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[slim] Re: Help with squeeze3 network issue

2006-03-30 Thread Scott

okay, i switched to firmware 28, slimserver 6.2.1

Buffer fullness: 0
network test 1000kpbs- 100%
1500kpbs 37%
2000kpbs 30%

any thoughts?



Scott's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=229
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[slim] Re: Help with squeeze3 network issue

2006-03-30 Thread Triode

What file format are you streaming and do you have bit rate limiting

This suggests that during the test there was not enough bandwidth to
stream as wav/aiff and flac is marginal.  Hence I would recommend
installing lame and enabling bitrate limiting so that the rate you are
sending at is lower than this.


Triode's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=17
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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-03-30 Thread shawkie

Slightly off-topic but I'm trying to set my qnap up so that other people
on the network can't delete my music collection. I've worked out that I
can make my share writeable only by the administrator group for
instance. However, I can't work out how to then access the share from
Windows XP as one of those administrators.

Any ideas?


shawkie's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3751
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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-03-30 Thread ultra238a

We had thought about a drive duplicator but we are actually only putting
on a small amount of data on the drive in comparison to the size of the
actual drive in the box. I have had a look at the specs. on some of the
devices on the market and to be honest I think the way we are going to
be doing it soon will actually be quicker.

Thanks for the info though anyway.


Progressive Consumer Electronics Ltd

funkstar Wrote: 
 Paul, just a side thought for you. How about getting a multi drive
 duplicator so you can format one drive of each size and then duplicate
 it to N other drives connected to the duplicator.
 This is what i found after 30 seconds on google:
 May well be too expensive for you, but i thought i would at least try
 and help you out :)


ultra238a's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=626
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